The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 25, 1850, Image 3

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la ^ar•PUiiiKV.44. TELE:CALA PUILD
al • .
Niw lens, Jane 24:
-The Protectionfits have , held • mettlhe at Liv
ened, which was attended by a large portion of
to country Party. It is 'aud to have been the
mama political display- *aim been witnessed
ie Vegland tor some time.
Prom the sewn, .seteritly presented to Parlia
ment, it - appear► that the largest Itop_ortatioa of
wheat and door, th year, into Great Helton, has
tees &Doi Vertical. The quantity from the United
Sates Is cam pustively small. .
r In Iroland, the aviation for teirant rights of Az.
,tty A. tenure to. agrienttitral. population is last
g•lning frosted. • ? Ministers of every creed, and
polidetans of , every trade are said to hennaed to
forermil the Movement. •
• Ono _hundred :Hungarian :Setogees landed at
Sontbhainpton from Malta. The Connt "red
Countess of Dembeneki were among them •
It was stated In the ,Liverpool papers that the
Pacific encountered Leary head will on her
passage, and th at eho preyed herself in every
respect • Wit, agpmor vesseL Passengers vomit
in the_higtiesr terms of praise of the conduct of
Capt. Nye and' his aulatante..-Site Was 10 Rave
nailed on Wednesday lot, for New Tort. •
The Bishop of lemdott bus made s motion for
a aew Wen Of APPett, iv - eine* 'tor ditoded
doctrine. Tbis lo deemed very important to the
The Electorsl.Lsw Bill paned on the 21rt of
May by - a
'note of An to 24,i. Toe President
sr:mm*ok the bill as Me law of Fiance:ou Mee.
I na pciparatious - of the goverment in , antici
pation of a revolt, have teed: sepeifluoas, as the
appvikkinueemed disposed to Jet the whole. "Vie
pus ever quietly with the%governineule - con.
tomptously and iroaloally caegraullsthilli'thein
a trmmph so niterly , IneffeetnaL •
On the other aide, the primais are urging the
President to.proceed.with'llgor, in' the wotk cf
Coercion.. .
•A connaftflee ot the Assenibly hove node:con
sideration a. propesition for the removal ot the seat
of governmeat Rem Paris. •
M: Thor' le muds be laborteglo effect a re.
conciliatlea between the elder and younger branch•
esof the Hearten foully:: Every altar ir tribe
family of Lcrelt Philippe, except the Duchess of
Orleans, is said tote in favor of a mconeiltanon.
It Is expected that Mons. Thiers possesses solll
cient Isamu,* .witb the Boehmn to overcome
her screplc.s, and he Is • reported to be -about to
visit Eusland for that prunes% '
The &Bowing Is said to be the 'understanding
agreed moo both sides in the negotiation of the
Greek affairs. The English Cableet,.at the ex.
press dectiand..of theFteneh Government, and to
prove Gm value which it snitches to the motto.
mos aril:ldiot relations between the two coon.
trias,itives full liberty to Greece to claim so ape
Outten ofattedt clauses Mile convention eflioa.
doh. as shall appear to, her more favorably than
coriveteending ones of the treaty oflrlth At ro.
A Native of the United .States Henry Waller,
who was accrued eome time ago of high treason at
PlailicioThut relented net of regard to his govern
ment, was arrested clew days Lack at lOiraaborg,
where be paned his, livelihood by giving lessons,
and It was ordered he shoutd be conducted in co,
t= l...h
eG t en a d u • - .. - rtmerie t, to Havre, there to be
. . .
lioarr--The Pope of Rome haspublished his her-
mine* explanation of the etartling events of his I
religton,and corninenung on the ntrairs of the Ito. I
a= Cabal. World, he specially Sliflllatnes the
period:talon of the Att)tt .Ittehop of Tnrin by the
Piedmoolene Governmfet.
Ile expresses los gnef that Catholicism shoold
be menaced 'Lin the kingdom of 'Janina. The
bonen el English residents and °themes, oloaely
searched for tables, not Oven exeeptieg the 13tiosh
Cow testi.The is npldly aenavering
The contest of the Germans for free trade and
unity proceeds with but little proepea of a speedy
or =mental Into. •
Lfrcujors COOO 74.azity.The prevalence of
emanate/1y [lgnorable weather far the growing.
'crops - hss>a deprearaiet effect on the Corn nmicet.
and Indian Corn hisloriber declined ibont one
shinier per quarter, end Is doll. The extreme
price of bast yellow shllliegr, and for white
and coLied3olG33oo Or? gnawer of 450 the.
Fume is held at 220'24s par bbla—doll.
Asuatteas Wnsao , il held at fraSta6±3d per 70
Later -from caufaizaloa-Lerlaral of the
Cressrat City—Teams:id.. Piro at lanai i
frontolaliii,Loas ; 50 0,000 doilars.
New Yost, June 21.
The Steamship Cresent city, Captain Stoddard,
=teed tbm wonting with later and most import,
taut Intelligence from Celli:mtg. The Crew*
Cut attired Wit to Ciotgres to eight sod a half days
from New Yolk. She brirgs 5150,000 gold dent I
in the bands of ptairsegers. •
The Steamer Isthmus bad arrived at 'Panama
Dom San Frupixo am the lath. • She broom
down In pasegogers end 8300,000.
Reports from the mining districts of the coact ry,
both path wad south ootionueno be of the most
-The (costal - atereid heahh - at thit'Placers ler
. , .
• ' .• :•• . San Fmataticer,
potedation Ofl4 'roamed by the cry
e6lirta .*Put Untied States Hotel, on Ported:loath
L'higanrelip . a oh fire, end be the time the people
;peed bed Ind in the entreat:the homes had.
reread tothe - idicintegbuildiegs on other elde.
Tits fob offned to the Ea Dorado on one aide.
- and mDelegmaca'son the other . -Ina *hurl time
the Femmes. , oppesito the -E] 13.3radP, RIM also:
arrrapped fn Sonars; thence *preadult aleng Kear
ney andWashirgtor street% at the same tithe.
the Are was-spreading, with equal for= down
Clay street. oath, fleshy, every bonus but two In
`the whole block lyfig between Clay, Warddneteh,
sod Kearney; streets to Montgomery street were
de l• n the meantime, destrietion was woolly great
and rapid, gong owaLang Kearney street, opposite
the Square. • -;
Finding that the only . method - of stating. the
gamins in thit directton in taking away 'its
' food, every; home en - Dupont street. from
• Waableetort to Jeetoton, was tore down. •In the.
whole block, not a single bedding fi left weeding:
This !dock below ahla, towards the Bay, tared bet
hule better, only seven houses left'en .
• 'Thus it will baleen that the very heart of Sin
:Frew:Moo is 'burned .
Upon the three *avers! blocks mentioned, but
'nine buDdlegs areleft standing.
tease of gold and gnarl: weigharg 50 mends
wee found nose Maraposs, tad sold Or 81,010.
&Yana recent and Important diacoverim have
been. made on the Maketnnthe: Oat brows hole
three, men, In tint. days, took
al 51.000 Some
large lamps have been loond,andnearly wren, man
le making an ounce e, day.
Chagrets and Femme were very . healthy. The
minas hare generally mope well, mad more bullion
I' may be expeeted the comlog six months than has
altogether been received since the commence.
CONGIIE 8105 h
, • - • WeJlalit6ll.ol,,l4Do 21.
Plitata—htfr.•Mintri resented the credential
.; of flobert Burwell, the appointed Senior
froinSagth Carolina, to gg the vacancy occasioned
byi!iks death of Mr. Elmore.' •
r. ,sppeared, And after taking the
oath of ace, took his sent.
e Omnibus bill Iris taken up st ono o'clock,
Mr. Bonier snored 111.-substitote foe that oertion
of the bill relating to the Stale of California: 'The
substitute propood . that the President shall into
hisptoclamatton. decLufng thin Calif:rota be ad
o:dud into the Union as soon as he .bail receive
ssidesee that she hat, in 00D4OlatiOD,Itgoopted to
aeries coediting', among which are her rein.
quishinent of the public domatn, and the restrict.
boa of her Southern limits to the Mlsaouri Cicr,
Flocs.—Me. Carter offered the following mole
lieu. which ~1133 adopted--shat the committee on
commerce hellion:feted to jot:loin , into the espedi
.ocl or pomp.. Saw coropel:iog all craft carrying
M!'"finli And n o elpting the waters of the United
c'''.".%° .with ample and 'suitable re
sources at nape to passengen, in ortftsf accident
by fire. 0, othiriaa ; end, further, t o. inquire into
the • creediencp of making certain custom house
officers inspentors„to carry out law la pnrsoaoce
of the purposni of this resotutiott; and that said com
mittee report by bill,or otherwise: • •
Dlr,inge moved that the Goon revolve itself into
,comnaftlete of the Whole en the sane or the Tinfoil on
the special older—being the Botinte Land Bill and
, • lb. nctertiffabein poi, was decided in die affirms
• -
s en bill was then Women, and large number
of senendmcnn °Nava, and several five minute's
weecbee rank, wh i c h c'lltnitital the Liounfor three
:boons. At length they vs, clip. j
The committee then re's., a call was titer, made
for, adjournment• which was awned 'lira Leon.
gum AND' iccumwr
' - 'OnoiseThert,Jcse 2a.
poring tke fire at Hustles' and Pestet's Nudes
dll,, on &nudes clati, several fireatenerere
$ 0 ,,,d by Inc tennis of • arall—three dangerously,
.and oat not expected to recover:,
Gmarcur, June 24.
' FlowL-Tbe Tonkel is losing round, o duu
er . to day uo 1U Lions to mass fd p.#
good brands.
Wbhdree-.l3ak • 5r2114112e pergallen.
In Provisions and 'Groceries there were few
t r aumatised, nod no atone in prices.
Coarse is doll rt Witte per lb. -
lasd.-Ssles of Pis u 60 per lb.
The river is ratiootryiand the weather warts.
. .
, • PIMADll.llilit, Jane 24.
Flout—The statist is leitctite, with littler or: no
' eq uity for shipertm.. Silas orcommon'and good ,
• bmnds at 0,1E03,25 par , bbl. The demon for
ctly contodmion cootlnnet limited at 83,5003,821
for • common sad extra'
,brands. ,•-• Bales of fancy
Alestuitst Mabee recs.' ' -
4ye lieu/And Cans Meal are held at $3 par
kiodi contintie•setroo, tad ihoin it
m116.1.1%01. ot.• Coen 'Sabot to 41. ;We
nowt Red Meat at 1200121 e. and, Whitt .r
129g1 38 0 pet be.Aere , te wont, eon. c orn _ ti• •
wtoted;wittintirs Oft Yellow - it 631. and °White
a t.. 690 pechm. thein
0 Peng. Onto at 49cr110 per bin
• V7hi4ey—The market Is dull at S3l c, in
Nub istnibbit. •
_Jona '24.
Cottenowitig to the inntermoUf unfairarable
accounts at the growiegcrops at the South, sales
bete been aside at fan prices.
Trade it other articles ofprodoee has been quiet,
Large hoiders ere not disposed to press sailer, but
anther to lield back. to a more fairorMe turn in
Grain—Wheat continues to be bed nun et foil
pritee. Corn is easier, but the. ernectv offered Is
not large. . .
Provision's—Pork is steady, with light /riles.
Beet hams aro to vied, demand. There is no
charge in other ertielesGl provision..
Coffee Ili bed above the views of buyers.
i Begsr is in !air dirmann.but prices, ifapy thfig,
sire somewhat easier.. r
plrrimuullll BOARD OF 'TRLDIL
.. - DNEWtaires. =minas . . •
• °UMRnnGtI..F 11..4111,.—.—.91t0.
pepeacettreor cart Coact Sataluem.—ltserten Wt.
-The following is • reliable table of the soling of the
ilritiao and , North *merle. Royal Mall Bentrorhipa
between Boston and Liverpool, and between N. Yore
had Liverpool, r suing atilalifax to lead rand receive
passengers, for the year ISSO: . . .
. _ _ •
..1509 ravevoor.. . non Tromp Starts
For NewNort, tl Jane,Froler Boston, 19 Jute.
Benton. 15 " New York, 10
" New York, ' " bosun, VG "
DOM. • ID " New York, • 3 July.
York, G " B 0 4.". 10
Boston, " " New York, 17
New York, 23 " Benton, t 4
" Boston, 27" Nevelt. 9, 21 • "
" New York, 3,129. " Dotson; • 7./sug.
Booreen , 10 ; 4 " New Yolk,
" New York, 17 " ," DO M., Xi "
" BostOrs ; 21 " i" Now York, • 78 . °
7 1 . u i y Boston, ; 4 Beet.
Boston. . 7 New York, It
" New York, 14 Sep t. "
Ilostetl, 1R
• 1144100, • 21 " •New Yak, 25
Now York, 28 . 0 • " Demon, - • 20c " 2r.
" Boston 5 OnTr. New York, 0
• Neer York, 12 10 "
4 80 , 100., • 11 0 New York,
" New... York, 21 " Boston,
it Boston, . " New York, Nor.
:Now York, . ;" • Bovgyn, 13 sr .
Bowen. 17 " " New York, 70 " •
." N Wit, ;" " Honors. 27
Bo ew
ston. " • " New York,. 4 Deo.
•• " New York, •• 14 Dee. " Boston, II 4
Boom, • an " Neer York.• 18
drrics, Pursmatan Mums= t
Tuesday morning, Jane /KA , .
The mute yesterday was :Sri:lMM clumge—the
wrath.r was rely warm, and business generally dull.
FLOUliThero Were no'remeipts yesterday worth
noticing. The market conttnnesdoll, with small sales
at our last quotstlems—sty, from first hands, 4.1,Z1P
371, and from stare at tl4 (541D5,Z07., bhL
ORAIN—N °thing spethel hes transpired la the Cr.!
market. We notice the tide& I of consideteble tou •
Corn, with Well tea fek-k.eteet, .t•53a55. IP' h.; axle
of Oats from Artt hand., at 4001le. Of other Grains
very hate is eontir.g in, and we ran report no Wes..
OROCERIESIr.The Grocery market remains steady
at lot quotations. Sales la hid. N 0 Sag., fair quali
ty, at Oft Mta may quote SHAGS no lho Stir rult
ins Bantus for N 0 Su s= and . 34031/035e for N 0
Islotatais in o Y , reas and oat ibis Sales or Loaf So.
Ear at SOIDa p lb. The lam fore;An aaviCea In refer
enee to the Improved•frellng In Coffee, hai not as yet,
materially etiseted toe article in this ontrket. WomaY
quote toOtto •• tha present Image for
PROVISIONS—Wenn:ire n genera I quietness in the
gimlet, with non/Lange in.priceti We now regular
sales or Westeni and eared bacon—piain hams, 710
mint eured canvassed ham!, 91010 e; shoulders,
4105 e; and nide, nal ie. Dried Ilea is seiner, arittu
m pie, ate talon at /Coda, b.
I he market for ill attieles oat quota to the above
reumlea quiet at at quotation,.
:Trod. of the Wabash Volley
Therfollossinx table, of thai tiaviladon of the Wabash
Valley, fa taken freer the repor.a of the:Collostor f
the Wabatib Nov. CO of frelobts,•-boats, Zee, peeved
the lock tho grand Rapids, up to lane 1, COMMCIIC.
log Doi. 3,11303 c,.
Pork, bbt.
- ....... 5D431
. 2,674
COrk: 3;nlt, Witcyn, &i,
Lard lbs. •
Lira II oz. •
Cattle, Sheep,. Itc• • • •
Poulin. dozens
Corn, but. —.—
• 4 big.
Soh. sky.
Mal tuesi bbta
Whiskey • • • -•
•APPI , " • • • ...-
foul-toes, bus-
Lltot,bbli• • • -
(Tay. to ni• •• •
Lumber, ft • --
Itterchmultse.S:rocraies. tco,
• Fuser. ger* •• • . t•z•
F 1 ,11, 1 ,01.. h.. •
—VD:IC.I3es Aatt:e.
.......... aro
2.4 cut
^ • 2. 1 .15 s
-- • 41,5. M...-90
"Y f,3rt
• ,
Plirai+or FLattitAxo,Giate.--The Collo wieg .oae
tarn wllt show Ike' peace of Flour an 2 Gra!n,nt the
pLeee taetalooed oioar latest data,: • • '' •
• • ' • floor. Wiest. Cat,. Oats
Thlted4l We.; 1 5 1 0 • • /00
New yea . , ... 0,75 1123 65 •4e
Itailev , •4••••• • • • 510 133 00 50
Baltimore 155 • 120 et 42
113ebm5nd 0,50 110 52 40
Georgetown • •••• ••• . 125 143 07 33
AlexanGnst • 3,0 110 67 31
11•10.0 5.70' 1)5 50 e 1
Clevelatd---•-•.•1 ..... a,
11. Zr.
a1ar•1114•••• ••• —• • 0.00 1.1 , 0.1 33
• 1 1 12+2 021211. ^ on 129 65
3050 010 5 0 43
Reloster. • ' ,v 5 715 55 401
• 1 1 040 7 • —• ••'• 0,11 153 63 50
:Tax Elmo. AT WU= NG Wbeenog Cozens
tdd inst., (by way,We anppo-e,,of .Cowing the
their bridge is net ori plow:tenon to navigation' Irises
es tie following
"Tie stair Ps'effic.'a very lime. fine boat designed
for thee.t 1,04 ane'Neet °deem , riule, end ceith ire.
riensely molt chinftera, by the way, noticed chose
yerierday. and bar binges not being in perfect working
order, shoat an bear was occupied in lowerieg her
cltioritys la order to pars under the bridge..
We would remark, that at the time of the pules, of
the Pacific otter the bridge, there was only about 0 ft.
water in channel at tilat pttot Yet the Pacific, with
chicane several feet lower- than the Cincinnati, Is
obliged to occupy as hoar fa pasting the obsriacrion.
- Esitterli Stock -Market.
Nom. Yooc, June Y.
Sales or Erie 7'., 1&59. at 994 Okin 7H, 1031 N O C.-
nal bk, b5O, eT; .he Farmer. , Vas", 77. Nt, VI: Yards
Canal 00. 104: Down Ricer R R. 70, Toj:olabßesdin*
V R. 14,441,01. 44 4 4. 45 1; Rorteca R R co, MI, 111,
01, 51; Erie P. ft, 721. fl 731, 74.
• Pcmaxnumna, Jun. 23.
Bsles of-8.3903 PrtteborehlC., nO, 04; Perna R R •he,
43, 451. riaalurtenua cenn Sti 2.; U 45's 6d. lt , ft U
8 90 . 1 1; / 1444 IL R@., 72, 331:2300 Rate V•a, Of f 954,
91 0 Ges co 116; Penne Lk, talt 1 1 / 4 .60,1 NAT 641E64.
64; Sunkist; 1921, 103, 191, Lehigh - Mon, 91; N
t:e. 00,06. •
Borrow Jane 23
foles of Rasta k Prot R, Me; Norfolk pa It R ro
731;30 d sft 'Menem R A 994.- 0011: Northern II IL
67; Vermont R R d 291; Aetna° ft [loch R R It4t
Rant Rome Co 4,14; Adreerorth Oa etc, Col Velment
R die. fiEttNorfolk co R A bonds 624; 06ce00bar6►
to/14401f •
Sile. 0 MIS. ft Kt. do do. 9D. jtabt •/ Dec 901;
blectiontes bt. B al i &Ohio J1,431,63i.d41;8uh
%motel:tuna AR, 19.
i 01/ Market
New Ilrusimu, Jane 17, leso.
Sperm—}7o cbsege; welt • good demand for ma se.
sea, the titles include parcels' amoanting to {GO bets, of
.Whae—tha leaflet licoteyind the trate...loaf of
Me week indicate a sheht decline from prestome we
!omega( e.dsoms Polar at 5.210; feill do do, at 6210
Whale 8000 It d 1111—• Ogle 0111,000,ra Polar, WIC
Mamieaq Jane 2
The market continues brisk, with an sad. deotal
nn the part alike trade. Irks me:nations of dos !leek
are large, the aggregate quionides taken far reeellafP
lien holier re...deaf rrsOlooras-3400 bps Rio at 942
el e, POO op. Rio at 910111 e; 1410 bap Porto Rip and
l•ltaa*Yra•ll4lilie, and lee bp...Maracaibo. at Ire
The Improvement in price. slate the Ist of Jane la le
IP fielders of invoices of prime Pio are finn lo•
day at lecoort none of that description can be bought
for Ina There is an Import of el P) bags of Rio this
The entire stock °Mediae it the Baltimore market,
carefully outdo up to 'noon ads day,.in importers and
speculators bands, la—
Of Rio.—
Of Dlazacalbo, ran. Rico; szd jaivanyr.•
• ,-.•
IIAviNG divided into *embalm Or mantes M fens
TWO and • half to Pa items ah,the meadow
len s of the celebrated Braddoek's Field Farm, sins.
Med in Allegheny county, Fa , on the Menongatiela
Meer, Moe miles from the city of Finn:a:rah, l new
offer the raid sections far sale, on accommodadar
toy ,
location Is admirably milted for conutry gems,
for gardens, or for a manufacturing dthinet The
reentry around It is heallhyiproductive,anashlekly
settled. Abundant aepplles•of leather, brick clay,
liroesnme, coal, and water, are on the plaee, and to
the nelithborhowL 'lto scenery, too:Is lonely: .
Al. .umather. the the atlen Is beautiful and renowned; and
for 'en
v? and combination of adman., to almen
Braddock Field, in a fele Menthe, will t 4, gee*.
Mtge. from Pitisburgli,rer tlimis leading thorough
farm. already, ley
the Monongahela Baser, *mini
Imam alment hourly peal it,rie FOP Ala wharf when
The Poinellyardaltail Boad,whitli is ormr twirl
raded, is located By this mine
it wit ta, reached in twonlrcilthei . " ' l .' 4 ' 6 " th e
The Pittsburgh ami .Braddoekb. Field Plank •
frit arldeb lunaber bee already been con.
gracted,fore, ono of its greets. A drive of on boor
from the oily on this route will lead to It •
1 rumen. wishing to purchase will hod maters.
leery Tueaday, Ttiaraday, and Saturday dolmens.
Sheriff Forsythe alm, who now iseleka Peblie beard"
tog hove It the Jorge brica.mansion, thow the
Mr.rtT at 5 07 time Hans of the grounds. min be
seen at my atice,eorne of Wood nod Fourili - ener-la'
Pittsburgh, arida/so at Braddock'. Field. • •
iffrda • --- •. • JAMES W. BUCHANAN, '
• BIDWEL - & - 00
icinwAlt l3l .o lo ..AE4 o .o 4 z v . r . l !:i
G7argi4, (s.;th.e. Firry Niosm)
flaying lara;so al this 14.aer's ew
and artinnantial Waxes: arp prOPRTO ,t. Pt.
eelen and forward prorardirAtrajl fgrOrnajzi lainyitero
Ind risodofwiad 13os• o r or Ohio
rilawnw, Jana 13.—jeld
U 4 tliWilk:BI:17:11V im
. Cize , ;t4b y r. 9 l ear
„ . -
Fnei.—There were 9 teat 6MC 1.41 in channel lee
evening, erg felling:
raltirt,N' B ee d hl:s, ik ea keth.
Mienle, Parkwoo, Brownville.
Bailie, Jena's, Brownville.
Beaver;Gorden . , Braver •
Camden. Hervincksoo. Mceesort.
Yougedoeny. Chaffee, Glaagow.
Lake Eric. Clunk. Denver. •
Hindoes; ely Cainpnell; St. Louis.
FOrs., Clarinet' •
Jefferson. Johnicin,Lonlaille,
K Gen teuscik
,W Mee in lea , Pi , a L an onirri .
le. .
J eny
Nelson, Moore. Wheeling. •••••
Blieldgen, Brien, Denver.
Camden, Hendrickson, McKeraport.
•FashintS, Puebla, klienber.h.
llalue r Jitabs, Brownsville.
Atlanta, Pariton, inson.Briaruaville.
Beaver, Gord Beaver.
Youghiogheny. . Chaffee, Glasses,.
Lake Ene. Clark. Beaver.
Chian, Gormley, Cincinnati.
Weilaville4Young, Bridgeport.
lonianXincinhouL , •
1100'8 LEAVING TlllO DM.'
BEAVER—Noatillogher7, 3 r.
LOUlSVlLLE—.lcifertan, 10 -IA.
CINCINNATI—American Star, 10 A. M.
Wll£6l..lNG—Cinderell*,l o a. at.
ET. LOUIS- 7 1re smons, 10 L. at.
. -----
The alder:did pawner etette Federal Arch, Yell
to for St Louis Ws day.
The fins sitar Vormoru, will lasso for Bs Loves this
day. Ss. advertisement.
FonWnerttno —The fine light dreoght ermr Rude•
ran, has ruomped her trips to Wheeling, in place of
:the lames Nelson, end will leave this morning, at ten
! It will be seen by eaveralsemeat le another eoloma
that the stmt le oleo, know feening Is a ridular pact
et to •Virbeeling . . . She /s • Hoe •oet, of the lithos
d:ought, itetl wed, silted to the low smelt of littler.
Wseasetua-22 hhds rob, Leech &
cot 53 do do. 1 &Moe; II do 00, Clark & nm; Id do '
do, O'Connor & Alton, 3 sacks scrape; Fahnestock &
3 cks baron; W with
Birmingham. Heel in tow,
AMU, fiso
LOVIBMI.E.-Paa loner nu. wraw• WA .
molasses. 131146e1d & cm 7 opting., n 6 pa steel, Cola ,
Heilman &Cs; : lo2.bbls wit lake!, J Parker; 6160
Bad, Bingham.
Paz Nontecar...l7 bbl. ham, 2 do bee, Sellers. A
Meet., nn sks wool, 67 bas bale, 7 tiltds rob, 2 aka wool,
Clark & Timm; 75 bbla ashiske7 Wm reamer; 25 kkels
bacon, IS olds wklake7, Wmalingbans, 23.6hda baton,
'bade & O'Connor; 23 blds lard od, Jno Grier:6o bbda
bacon, Waterman & Soot 30 bas stone, 6 bp* feenhore,
Leech & co; 5 551.54 id do, Carson k. lileAnleht; 76
bps feathers, PI tads rob, Orel& coi GO tau pig Iron,
Allen & co
• •
. ,
ST. LOWS—Sst llocooo-4t bbls swhiskoy, WLels
meet 60 to hams,. bills redo. Clark & Thaw; 81 S.M.
feathers, teeth lc ea, CS do do, .4 Best; 24 ills wool,W
Barter; bids lard 011,1 Ostend° do 1i05 444404 .4
bOls ego, Dyer,l74 bases soap, J Plunkett; lel bbla
hiskey, Miller a Eicketson; 64 am II his raks,llow,
CINCINNATI—Stu Lowtts-11 bblexotatoes, Aek.
ley; 176 I.ools whiskey, J rester; bb
bacon. Toads,
& O'Connor; 15 dodo. Shistlass; 160 Obis St Genevieve
sand, Molvany & Ledlie; 60 blids too, Cask &now,'
bbls whiskey, it Watson; ea do molasses, hi sodas,
A Lindley.
Ss. Jsmnesott-44 Ithls whiskey, R Moore; DO do
do, It Watson:St Dbl. lard oil, Clerk a Thaw; .1000 d.
bacon, tioloso & blo,• :Oda do, Idler abuts; Snicks
001, STRAD &Amebas; gt do do, Leech & co; 71 bills
flour, Kirkpatrick.
PR] Gantt/L-62 bbls taut,, 76 hbdo shoulders, Sell
ers & lcieolsooo blots whimsey. It Watson; 8 bogs lob.
I DalseLl; 67 ills balr,to Ithdashoolders,Clark &Thaw;
hhdt. er & Jones; 03 tons pig iron, Alen .& co; 70
tonsil*, McCurdy & Loomis.
DEAVER—Poo hltcamor No 2-33 bowel:thecae.
liesseltan; 62 do da, td aka arca Canfield; 7 bble ennv.
end rater, Nicholson; 1 Obl anger, lot bba & ba, MCI
er & Rickets an ,
Pan C.D. Ocxast goats-71 bs cheese, Canfield; 22
do do, St Dalooll & ea; 50 bra, 9 bbl. warms, Saga
Icy & rob 14 rolls leather, J A Canghey.
HOCKINGPORT—Pas Fuar No 2-57 had. lob. D
Leech & co; 31 bls wool, 22 hhda tab, Gaff & co; It alts
001, 4 hhAs lob. Clark 0 Thaw, 113 Oa wool, liter &
Jones; tadslob, Jahaston. 3do do, Mortar,
Wilson & co; 16 do do, 6 6 bla wool: Dilworth & co; bb l
flaxseed, 11 do pea, bas hscon„.Waterman & Seas;
ps idColly; 120 bd. corn, Ale(iills
160 Wash han dles . & co; 20 Ws copana. Fob
Inealock & co; tlo aka asol,liarbwgb.
110 BERT LONVEIT, Proprietor. ,
Paic SquanglioniAwhart,
_GE.ME:,,,A.L,FruteGE..%2V—estTIi osolt"Tir.ord
Stage.leaviss his house, isl73llm
•• 1177
--• 1,4.4
• • WMltost•fe roperty for Males
AGRE.F.A.BLY to the lest will and festatool of
the late WilUau. Trete, deceased. The tub
scriber offers for sale, on 'my accommodating term.,
either the whole Or wpatt Of WI property belonging
to the estate of the said Wm. Teens, sitatte au dor
west sine ,of bin& 111.01, adjoining the Allegheny
Bridge, eanstmise erne...eller) hotes.tWO et them
hearty new, pleasantly situated and In good order. '
Also.foor or Esti Istoof grenadadininlng the abase—
s:old entire or Nivided, as may snit the poschatets
Alto, wdreral bra in the borough of Lawtencevilla:'
As the objec4 of the sale is to moral the proceeds
for the benefit of the fartury of the deceased. the Meter
portion of the, purchase money on be retained fist
• This , propene presents • favorable app.ituati tot
any one wanting • comfortohle home on CUy turn.
rro LET—One *Wm above hoists will be rented to
j. • good tenon , eta Tag low rata
for farther lefiumation. apply to
ft. IVRA:II' Acting ilroeswr
lel ..cyst 8 RESE-A.Drefresst. Linens it.
F Laua-thu brls S rFleur;forwieby
RILEY. MA THE` k. co
jtl9 ::6 :9 th:9 st
- - -
FZIaVED at tee Prutbargb .Fatally Grocery sad
T. WnehiNlC:-
6 Dr ebts go ntuneSoneuto CtutlaßTeas 19 9 oiyapen
6 do el °Rao Poweboog Teasing papers;
6 do ado do do Ica do;
The abases 'celebrated Shot Tens are reeelsee
direct from Rio lespocena and *rill be .old as law so
they otn,bo purchased In the e.t, with the addils.o ,
(relokt,srhole solo or retail, by.
)el9 966 1.09.y.rt
F •
9 rt
d--" xplendid amoment,o( my corn import
la on , comprising every variety, toe` sae. by
fltttli...— W gross Istess styles Caney comb.,
cross do redding do;
- Sdposs do side do,•
10 gross Siamese peeks teornes.for Isle by
late • C 1-11A0ER
PER a WIIALE Ulll,--1403 gals bit.aos
WOO gals f ab. anbleachld do
" • gl;
M al
etal. bleached fall:
GOO gala N. W. caw
Whale Oil, /um ant fa z i l l i cA a
Jen .
. __.
T ., - ,Ni,a. , tiii.—laill gala brown In casks;
40 Ms dcr,
I LS brl. COMlgtin Oil. lascare I •
sale by , 101 l MILLER & AIIUSETSON
O. liltN.S--410 . 1 cSIa, --- 1
eagist gamest far iiiiiiii
V .jelS .• , ...Id I.EIL & RICKETSON
CIODFIBI3-41 dnunalaii reed for sale by
— 4wrwapartalw gad IL►Lor meal 'Syrup
20 keg. Ha rasparilla Soda;
23 bee de do,
20 bores lemon Pynrp, made (romp:an le..= We
Jew levet wed and Cor .ale b
1711[1:- II brio No now ,
)08 W li
Front e CO
VENTRE:RS-20 begs now on band• for tale by
GW4o B IfeW -4.. as O "
I ' S ' A i tre7gY CO
10OACON—Ig casks Hams:
5 casket Nil.;
4 cm!, awned, poor landing. ramie bl
liCatti & CO
i — —f
I/In:STOMA :STOCKTON have junopened for sale
al the largest assortment of Wa Rooky and
Shinevery ever offeredlor sale Popes, ci ty;
In this city; tegothei
"Fah a largo collects:an anew and valuable Works Is
every depanroant of Literature—Mt pabliendens fn
sale at eastote prises. Country . roerehants =D lied
with every article in thia line; oft the =et reesonable
01101051 TEAS.
I,2T.reterven at the Teo Market, Ln the Diamond,
LIU cheat. firm (nobly Oolong Tea. 75
75 per lb
2 de. maperane Nine Vona - 0 do
2 do' Ilneil.ll Pekoe Semobong 075 do
0. do'ANol CionpolvderTaa--- 100 do
Avid' plenty more len of our excellent Black ozd
Orton Teas, at 50 cent. per lb.
Jiat,VtBu(.'°r - u'Nftl2,lrVk!a;V 7
.1 rb Pi 6.`"l° !wre;° 4l / B ' %aleVr AMES A•II4CHIP OI4
11KOLABBRA-1 0 Bris Bt. Jansei sugar house Mo.
VAS leases, for stue b
- .
R 1 1 1.2.51, Mfr2P.T.lrei°° - "" -
' ALS. A st Bt Luau SteAtalogat ReStery.
-- --_ _ .
Bundy, for 'Wool Beam . .
let. .+ Cor Fourth t• Mori__
STiaCllLasVii-Dtiiihrtglas ex litoreb; ._.
IS bin f‘trobe , . doi
• ' ' ' 2.) b.ts-M•Clum arTooolt toy pitteeoiy.ed
gad for sole bylliliallKlN
(11,111.14 C"
%-, .
At:OTUE ite—liesbn.
20 bee pre 1 ~ do;
.„ yo b./121 8.04.135i5N
Jest received and for Bata
}eV MiL&
411.0 niciarrwor
. 01115 W pleu 'vamps; .i. ,
' 22 bran , ens d 0; , •
10 b.kts Bordfacts 011,bleek beuler
Jul received and for sale by. ~ 0
jell , • • b111.4.&1 1 k. RICYL7tIOI4I
loilinvouncidiaritig:chm,. - 7 - miza) - -.llkFta or I
~..._ nisi ear Description 01 me I.lntenhe..... boy ea
W. flankbelds.. Translated by Onie. • 21,0102.M ' 0 1 .
hist reteived far sale by .`•` , '
i. 410 0 I.OOICWOOD
Bookrelle j r 31n former. IDO Feerth It
111i,73:474:1.3• 7 tAlOKlaraw•D
.LII and Tanzania' for male by
• . • Call'irst a. !Afaadat
Ensa-45 aria Steetrial, May cateblaaj l'Ay7i•-
r 18 ti perAng, to mt. r C stale by
an z.
M i t" ,12 1 t Fint - ot • Ana
s bir u.
bis rum, la py.„
Disetietsfeat the Pitiable/its COUntibk
The Select and Comma Councils or the City
of Pittsburgh alai 'tut night.
la the Select Council, Mr. James B. Murrill
toot the Choir. The minutes of the lumeeting
every roaduud adopted. , •
The 'Cldleetor of the Sixth Word'; tact;
Clellao'd. tendered his rerignation,
The Collector of the Etghth Ward, M. Plieintdgl
Morrow, tendered his rerigintion. - Bah rahlgoilri
lions Were !erupted. • .... r
- ketone° made arid carried to go into joint
ballot for the pawpaw the vacancies cc•
visioned these ?celeste:eV ' " • '
?evolution provide* (or the grading and psi.
leg et Mewed Alley between Smithfield and
Groat streets au read and referred to the Crim-
Minim on Grade* and Paving.
The Wine* then proceeded ho tailor (Or Tax
Coltwars. • •
was nobidnated for tax
Mr. Wm. S.Thomplon
collector Of the Sixth Ward. Mr. jT. was mum
measly elected. '
Mr. John A. Sargent was nominated for tax
collector of the Eighth Ward, and was nand.,
moualy elected.
A. number of petitions fro vutoua wards, of no
general Interco, were presented..
A resolottho wee pre/noted that the water cosh
mines he authorized to cover the engine hornet:a
lin water irons with& gate roof. It poised tine,
Common Connell. Non An:mooned in by Select
Coined. Noterted to Water Commlute....
A Willow from Tartans properly holders on
Pine street. praying tor the reconsideration ol tbe
ordinance fixing the grade of that street, was re
ferred to the Comenuee on Street,.
A report from-the City Solicitor relative to the
obstruction of Dognesne Way by the Saint Clair
Street Bridge Company srai read expressive of
the °platen. that the bridge company could oat be
eompelled to remove aaid obstruction by. legal
A' long report of the Street Commitree minden
to the paring and grading of Eighth meet—relative
to building, sewer ,in Carson street—and relative
to having new viewers appointed ; for Mercer and
Webster streets was read and, with the exception
of tbe first clause, passed.
Asew:duties authorising the Canal and Acque
'duct Commidee to build a stone bridge over theca.
ml to Peou street, pv Ilene Wee times mad adop.
A report of the joint committees on seater end
city property was read, recommending the toMmils
to grant to the Cm:and Board of • school "directors
the North east corner of. the city anger hit, fed' the
purpose of building a'poblic schoot for the nee of
colored children of Pittsburgh. On motion, the or
dinance woo ordered to be printed.
A Motion was made that t►e FIXLIBCOOOMIXIiItee
be requested to furntsh the councils with &statement
of the revenue to be derived from the 2 1.2 mill tax
, o he used for street purposes. (le motion, councils
Fns—.Between elevsti and twelve, o'clock' yes
terday morning, the jilt ass discovered to be a.
are in the nelghborhocid of the belfry. An alarm
wai Immediately given, and the gaoler, Mr. Glenn,
together with Mr. John C. Curtiss, a eon of the
Sherd; promoted a number el bitches and sot
the bymanders to work in extingnianita the
!lames. This was not done without ammo MIL.
rutty, It being almost impossible . to reach the seat
of the Are, but It was acionsplisned- baton, the
arrival of the engines.
Bunn= Dzarn.—We understand that a tailor
named Monaghan, fell dead yesterday alleratioa
as he max entering hi. house, neii /Maxis rolling
milt in Allegheny City. Ttto cause of km death
is unknown.
'Daow:az.—A men whom tame we did not
loam was drowned Inat eight near the Old Mies,
-tinny Bridge. lie wan bnihing and was seized
with comp.
Moxawr,. June 2 , 1.
Present, lien Wm. P. McClure, President Judge.
and William Kerr null... Samuel Thum; Associate
After the Court baring been opened, the cone of
the Commonwealth v.. James Gordon, Indicunent,
Burglary—vrus The prisoner was ar
oused of stealing a lot of : boob and shoes loom the
noose of Charles hf,snin,. id thoSielh Wand
Charles l&rtia.. the. prosecutor, - was swam
fie deli:Titled the sttoation of hit house, which wii
adwelliag sad shop connected ioge9ter, sod oceW
-pied by his family. Some persons • ohniMed r -en=
matters throegh•thewic iw + rl .aso l s.ievinfNbA
of boot. and shoes. Officer Fos afterwards arrest;
ed the prisoner with s pan of the stolen goods is hes
possession. A lot of hoots sod shires was exhibited
wane. szd. identified as be isig - hi* Pr'Ver'Y,.
Alfred Pelet, .worn--Gurdon had brought three
pane of boots to his shop on Water street, and sold
diem for two and a half dollars a pair. Witness
produced. n pair of boots which he identified as
being ono of dacisearhich Gordon told to. him. They
had been 'Previously identified by Martin as being
his property.
Charles Jones had seen the boots sold tOPilet.—
Identified them.
Emmet was a boot maker who bad
worked for Charles Martin—dada. tome of the
eaolen boots—illentied nap pair.
Pollee talker Foy swore that ho had found one
of the stolen pairs of hoots in .cordon's house, arid
a pair of the shoes on his vrife's.feet.
The case wag subditted to the jury without ar
gument, and they returned n verdict of "guilty"
A nitantier of recognizance, were forfeited.
Cuatmonwealth vs. George lialteeli—ludietment
Assnhlt and Battery with intent to -Trio. Cook
prosientor. .
Colonel Black to the etarL of Conunenwealtb
John Mullen, moved that'a cod pros.should be
tered,'aid defendant having, with the consent of
the alai:miters, settled 'the ease. Mi. Shanudn
declared that the prosecutor, Mr. Taggart, bad not
itledit. The Court witithitt deciding this'pointweit
on with the trill of Baltzell. • - The are was open
ed by .Quincey A.Broola, Ere. .„
John Cool: watt sworn* and stated that on [Wrath
of lasi February, be wept Into Ilnluell's house In
Temperneceville, with the manager of Wood'.
Bolling Mill to. aka V, 'drink. .They drank:end be
told Hathell's wife that: be would pay for it rhe
next ay. The defendatt came in, anrsTiked bile
, 0 pay]for it. Told him be would nett day. Utili
zed thin came up behind -him and
the bead and on the ahoulderi with an iron bor.',
The iron her was two: feet . lifing, weighing alsoixl
eight or ten pounds: , Prosemew l s arm was himikke
in Iwo places and he had aevr.lmea ableto de atm
work since. Bad mid nothing. digrespeasinkio
wife. 'Had got liquor before end not
paid for it. . Picked up a clutieto defend hirMilf.-
11,sd tiald lialtrell that ho neAqiii home Might go
i.ieveml other wirneeses4o the parrofabC;Com.
mimwealth corroborated Pilird:s statements.. Dr.
Flowers testitled that-theii complainant's arm wee
broken In two "places. ' • '
The defence proved that the prosecutor hed pre .
'slottaireelled rm. articles without paying lor' th emy
" at Halizell's house, and that 'he bad head' Ordered
not tosome there uny more.
~Dr. Gross was ealle.l, and after osaiiiiking the
prosecutor declared that it hod met, been broken.
' MiFtio.oirmod. in this opinion; though be did
Tjd.nstmern himself,inn petnitieel
,The jury returned wy
molt and battery," nnt!
.With. intent to bill. • •
Commonoreahh vs. Hannah Ricliardsi led ictatent
tibtainjeg money undertake pretences 'lotus lien
e'en prosecutor. The &Kendal:re was u very 'Tepee.
able lOoking truly and W . accused-of obtaining
lettllf,(containtra a itvat dolbsr Pore) ndamtod
the wife of Ftreescutor,trOm the sieatit boot 'Messen
ger No. a. TiteCommonsvaalitifailed altogether irc
InalcMg out its Moe, pqd xim Si:mem - doe was sem.
lanced to pay the costs.- t • it:
. commonwealth vs. Liaviaterbon.' lOdiconero,
torceny. Tim evidence of tao ph:sottoet. guilt Was
I ;413jr.. He wisTsuod - do:lity t idecooort4;o threo
moidusimprisonmeat initho County Jail
Ttua ietwatis non:. ni the height of beauty—
Welton dr, Co's" dying horses Wilt: remain a lest
daye,.adordin; fine winteement. Strawberrica are
nest ripe and served up fresh from the vine , . Ice
.oresns and otheCrefreshreents in abbudruice. The
'steamer Hope leaves' the" pits street, lending et the
;he toning of each hoer, from Wad
10 P. M. for 5 cents., Tickets of a &nem= to the
gardens 15 Cents, redeemable for trate fena 5100=1
in amentunmers—free admission tunkiktom wbcy
Itecotopamed by theitt. Id kited par ,
Season tickets ;furnished by aglyirlit to the
proprietor. 'Closed:On Sunday.. • .:Mer.M.S.
0:1717.-kr.N.Mathof Iknrceriijortiiiiired to
mansfutuis and .6( Mom Tura' la wilela *id pw
of tots,- upon doetion of Atrospberie Sig tltlfYistos
TootofilrovinD erVITTIMITtro; IrSitelbill , berro
Mee and roludenhlre-tt00 , 111a11 . 4 1 111.
1747 tree; Fourth street, Fitterwrib.
Ram to—J, f), ll'Addisa; /ire
litluouume. for sale ev
41ScOLORO i 00
• 13 •, . D.
se t, 4 ,..A of P.
oih., preparations ; Cltol.. It
composed of the oluneastherbs knowo to wedlcat
once, to 'realm: and principal been beteg
‘9lllcti ettake,s4l tit opera koOd boat after hut presented
.to the hymen Taintle. • • r
• Num , your visual avocations, You need have ito
rear.ataxpos i s
u p e se EtII4IP.FI
'11A821=4.: ra d routted r a ke intstmee.
tebsliNalle and Fwa at tjtA a eol.44..eke i ntown. •
call of oiinairents and at pemehlet—
ratA tkemendetlettnin Debkenied D'y the hit of br:
Pe= bottte, or 11 howle• he
Fo* lot by. J. tleaconseaket•kti Co- .1, A. /once.
w. Black. B. W Itleaci, M Ale* kt.'newettend,
IN-Jackson; Plttsburalf; D. A. Eittott, Allegheny;
..P ie tre r r i ke . l ;4 l3 t fowL7lll:: 7: it : h i leClettuf ty klag;
oroprltttors, ?'•
nn pd&wi,l h ail, olheinn.d. 0.
. ,
I{eall; of the Veer 'surd &Wale Cruets
rdmErca—l ant desirous of making, known to the
pubic the great e Mosey of - Year PETROLEUM in my
own ease, which was a severe scald of the loot aEif
ankle; upon removing' the Mocking, the skin peeled
aSwilb. it, and left nothing hut the ham surface. I
eigpected to be laid winter from the effects of
.this scald, bet we applied the Petroleum .freely, by
,111.1ittli of a flannel eIA saturated with it; at Dna, the
Was plinfnE ynUo e vary short time the
:pule abated.. I hod no pole in ono hour afterwards
JO - filo daYs,from the time of the eminent'on of the
Perreleate, I was able to go Co work. I take pi
'ln stating these facia for the beneht of other sufferers,
and am 'desirous that they should he made public. I
ineuld alsa.state, that I find iMmedlate relief by the
use of the Petroleum, in borer, ham „which I am s
frequent sufferer owning to my tiredness shout the
engine:, I would retoramend it as the most prompt
and consist remedy for burns I have ever known..
• (Waned.) J R CUE., Engineer,
Pliarpshargh, Allegheny Co.
Pittsburgh, Aprll.lE:o.
:Doe sale by Keyser ffi Mellowed, 140 Wood street;
E SeDerb, 07 Wood OL4 D.. 1 Corer, Adesheor city;
4 - Ellibu t Alle . gbc ay; . .folepb Dauglays, Al!eglAby.
aDo by aria proprietoi, P. 01. KIER, ...
.;b192. Condi Basin,Feverdlt c 6 PlOlOOOOO
Lit. D. EMIT,
• Dentigi.CorxciofFotb
Ltd Detwatt, betwe p et
tarp OF,DI3COU/
Hkehanke Broken, rio.ll
po.jogylv amt. '
Bank ofßittaborin .n.r.144;
1 Bank ..,...1.4 4,
klatch. & Man.. 040,..,
Bki.ofrldladalp ,4 •, ,
littiud Bank. . •• ... •. •
Bank orCerecannarld . , ; 0 t
• ,4
Chester Count)... • Pas
, s. Delano. ...• .P 4
. k muo s , .o4..Par
__., Nona rland..Pn ,
Colambia BridkOCo:-....P1 1 1
Doplestokra Idonk•v•-•par
Faxmarefik. 1ix...4 , 1401.44
Fantars.illt. Banks Co. Pat
Parmors Irk lanaker.paz
Lure tat Co. BC. .. .. P. ,
t0r11k...,--- Pa ,
U. tit el Bank --- —. 40.
Urn odic Bk. ..... -pal /
Wyhtnyton Bk.••••••-• - 1
Ginoiskaalaßk.--- • l a
Sunnelouana Co. Bk..- .-.
1 Lannatorrn..---..:•—• '
, 'llUdideuran ---• ,
Carnal* .
E(1,113t..--...... • 0 I
tkaralera , and Drove&
Bank, Waynesburg- I.
liarnabart --•---
Hannsda4...—.--...• 1
Labzup . 4 • - -.. ........ Sr
w ", : a ug . . .... ,•
Itorkllk.• • ••••••••-• 1 -
West Armtek Bk.
Relief Notes • •••••--
HA MB/. PttlAdo.• "
nerM-Push. CoentYl
Allegheny, I
Awe Ilk . ..en Branches I
nonotYlessunt--••• •• • "
Stsubstrullo---- • • "
St "
New Lisbon- ••••---•
Columbus do -•••••••!, "
Ctielesille---•• • - 1-•-•. "
Zanesville •-••--•
Pommes 1
, 0 1;
-7-7- m - r• -.
WOCIAttI ••••• - • - •• - r,
Gasmen •••• .••••-
Nonsallt , ••• ...... ••• 79:
'Xen.l.ut--••••-•• •••t•• - !" t.
Daytan•--' 4, -,;•,•••-•:"
Western Reestet•-••••
• Fntrul ri TPA "
ChUll eothe " I
Lute Erle• • ••4: ..... ••- I
lA:gusts - • ;
Grantille•• .. -•
Fartu'rallt C . autou—SO
vs ,
I R kkr o ' n ICKE A ::;l 7 k .sut 7 it
m u "7"•: ki :1 1":
•vrEL O? (~s~vo.
ly ee .Dr. Gross.
a verdict of 'lathy of-v
-itt!), of tommit and battery
unnzavvroon a/dOlOlO
imams Us rualais#i
Ally Tamed by ,
6 bONN
Market sue.. near 4ta a
Buts/Pk O.Brar.chos.. 1
itichonge M. of Vt:••
Bk. pith e
Bk. Of Vinr08a..........-
51.& DI. Bt., Martha, i
do dlotgantowo•-•• I
N, IV: Bank Vo^—•••• i
do, Wellsburg. —• • I
Us T Potkerobort - 0 -
enn Tenur.ssec• •• • • I
F. Nerch'ts —
Plan{cf.' —•••• •
Upion " •
Bliate uri .
I 13 %zee Bk o f 311;;;;11.--
North Carolina.
Bk,of Cape Fe 32.•-•• •
31orch's kik.,Nrakerr.•
'Ziote Bank
booth Carollkka.2
------ • 2
1:11, of Chn.rleeton•-• • •
Uoccuristow4 Bk • •••••• 2
Bk. of 6.010A01/11^.-••
!Bk.. Hamburg ..... ••
I:lerchozas -••••• 2
!lamer+ taleonal Bk. 2
rßk. of Booth Wroarta• •
Blaryload. ,
!Blltlolo7o Bko.•••••••••par
jUaltm'e tr.o B Barip •I 0
iCapavland Bk. of Alla.
11 3/: 1 3 , 0 -
F671110711' 11.opkrx,e. IS
Ilk. Frodenck• ••-• • • “
,:figerstown Bk
. f.toosal Bl. 5.
Ptupseo Bk l
Bk.ofWeEmi lo ks toter ••••
Bk. of Bt.' Clan.
Bk. of River Reason—.
blnebigno Co. •• • • 3
Fnr.hßk 3
IWlscoinats Terrify.
id0.,./11 , 1,41A.c.0.5121.00 •
aolvenll3anks..-•• I
pas& of Ent land Notes
altigiEllBso. lll2J ik ' i ,
Two Daily Lloci Exprts Racket Boats,
And Hall goad- Cara,. !
(Exer.uarvziir eon •Peeeteosits,)
Vi. the Central Rail Road and Pane's Canal. ' •
sto mites Sail Road, wct lal9 ant. Vaddl•
Thim-E4 hours Pm-BM through.
Tilt Portage Roll Rem/ n pawed in day Bald
(IN an after Ildadalc a llgabiona,) "ha Central 11.0
~ . b'o33. SALES l,_/ 'load wad run TICD DAILY 'MUDS , itiilltotntall ,
___, , from Horniest!. to Philadelpbtel The curs ou tbe '
IXlllakuk, *Bk . . , Pa'oo , B* 4l.° : iL°'"°°*.d Lou, ''''"• above toad and the Allegheny. ea Uwe Rail Rood
MititillaplOat edbutlinn lot. au Wm moo of /Ingham, 1.D.: .e. all new and of the very beat &script/an an the 1
mkaeaaa Ow , " L 01.4. and 1' ..... **o.°4°B tut toes. • country, •rid vo , :th the inormaed opted on the mono.
ml ' ' i . 4 I anus, parsongers go throat la with &watch.
fat U rTuara hn , :ar; r4lhTimteriah‘geryll•T''mo.6thfhreZrao'; of
I. 0A11,1"...,,1°.‘„8°.*L.4,7,111,1,1°,,°,c,,TY,,,k0*0f01r1l eta °''' l
le F. Flow, Kilt Dowd Cara Wool, •I'°. A." l''' " 1 For Safety, &mod, and Connort, thla reels Is-do
boa and unload a Mandl. .. c , , oidedly dm moot
ag e now la nee to do ELM=
Alm, a Calm Piatory add IG/0 Spiadim, far agnan•od atm, For homage or Inlormationiipply tg ,'
emtaa,iiaa. W MITCH., Wog mangy. Mile;
abo.a•tot of gmad arm whin , b ena4l4 • lace and I
p.,_o. e o r I . o ll frkh:F p.., .C . l b l
, P. ,, C ,,, G , f,C , p, m 0 a ie l 114sith pood
malatantad wolf Walla Hamm Hume. 4 mom and bud,
O'...tod • "o. *°°l* B ook l' ta°°, W**k Hc°°*°°4 Oah e • wall he open to Ho Ildlosbutg l when pmengen al.'
Mama, Frog Tam, Bisorddwl a d'°•• n *.°T d "` .,,..,t ro through in 43 hoots
euuestry rai donee. Also, abau. !sway IM. wall Houses , • 1141 '
of Baia, Fame, aka : meted therson,of greater mad leis I ..........--.......---
. 1
• d ohm, limutafully amide. Alao,ndl bui'd,ag 1.4. I jai 185(1, ,- . . •
of mama sida I •
Mt a tslllitliT lats, mamproved, cod amiable for May,
"01ymiletwiwa to-wash °'* °°k°° . " ..° " f r ' °°°°l°°*. • BIDWELL. dis. sflotmeri.
down. The lame Mills, "Patna Power, L. la, dwell cg- •
./lotramsed Lou am Muted upon the middle fa% of 'lmmo , . .
- (Beamir Polnkh '
n'''''l'°k°°' the MI k ‘......,*/ C 't ° ,, a B ‘l ".. k*B „ . **1 .,..,'" l Ip"dernta for lITIMBLL * S PITTSBURGH AND
a eke Weer . Ad0 , ° 61 . , `",.......r5,.." .° "?.. as ,"""' CLIoVRLA ND 1.1014 ERIE! 'AND AIRADVI" LE
iv shads& toihnikwa wO rd.k.....
abion Came helve Mk Ohio mad Puma Reamed la ,
eauacatian pfabe Puma Rada& from falls to Pius . B . AB!,f,rjrtm_t o ,
_ln e g ,_awl.n . igpit g_epia_ona , Pitts . bLire ,
bwahl p.m Omagh at to Me Inn .4 the far Want,' :....., 9001 01110 L 7 .v.u. , !.: , a41". ~....
, •,,,,,,agh Cm pest Mihail Garner o• the U. A.. aka.). moat i .111F,r,,, , , „ `', 1 ,,
,„„,4„, ,, 0 .... a ird.oo,4eive.d .. ll
...ate. , Baaratr.n. 1.,
_gr.l . V C t. ' F '.,.'," . .1.,, M „i 11 ", plates on the Conti. and Lake% at the loweat tales.
• T 1 '....° °°°' (°°°' °° °°° ''''''' '''° Br O'"*“ .° "" "" ''. Flipp ers will good= , 'RevralPaLide ,
elm a maw int Ames of Lund mama , g dant& of , O .
&seer, adjatoiag ma'am ad al linsl,l , o,a, vimr al thaa ,
Casa) to kr. alai el mbud,and abo of dm asal read. The I ___ . Vil7Wit. Pitt44,fgAi
Ilka• Road ham 'inburgh to asaba& gam throma W.- •ViE6 T B EN INSOILINCE;COSPASI.
I Gam Wag& obaral Viol ander m, very leval ard au
tablo for disallows and Gardna / oil rich and •ell want.- • OF PITTSSUAGH. , ~
ed, anal a main of can hada, Villi be told in wbolo or in
mama& Made poitioners. also, • aut et 450 aeon of ' CAP1T16 , 11100,01.10. —, '.
I Mod, bounded by the pool of th e ma , nn the mat, ~ tool. F.
,____ ~_
_. . . ~. . ,
amine oa the nor cli. ay ayoonoath,a.aLa.anna ..‘na.,-,.riiil"-ag,rasahak
all 0 .1... 10 =g 4 ' !
h, ma T
he dm (lbla Palma Rail Rood, lainit Id
&wad. Thom ate ot, tbislaad a nap aall ho•It two may PIRE AND MARINE.,,,
mom hove, abo a nine story Mow dwellirg . bora ”A A Itaaajad veil he liberally tailgated and ptaioply i
caba,baiid. , ga 'llla !aged put of 'be Met to teal and JUL ~ I
litiill-mareged ti} Direethas who ats
*F" ' and too *`*`" " 1".6", ("jail/ of ''' P"". live Irt the o nit .na lobe are &lamina I
~ apeady mi great Maass in ealm D. ansorplursta an am- we now. C Mda X, . ...
1 to
Pa nsylma. Itis welliapplud with Mbar, ron and ad t b ,, ) , pr h a i T i me e ts b ar .o d . itheraut . j te u magr U,,,:.0
i ',.. " ,! r , o f .. 1''' ...,..d ' tt,, ' V n a , gt " n ,.! ''' ,.. .".,,,,.. 0 1,11.,7 11 ,:a "P ' l; i i;:: ' L' p
ro t ;C . ; olt to Worn who denim I , ;•hetwa U Wl,
'''' --- 4 4 ° 1 . , - '1 . 9 .-° 4 ll - 9 • ' ' p ar w - , . ' '''
Detacutas-lt. Miller, Jr., , Geo. Week, J. W. Aptl. 7
c'wde drologiallel i wll W er po 'd wer jr•rod7Wl tad below it, N. lielraebp., Wto. B. H 011914 Inman, Goa t .
• 414,ita aurballed georapbien podtaon it most Moms. in •Phk,ill VOth , N., LY,na
.. .HI, ,P11_1&111 Paha E- 1
miammet raphily primp. than au' <Abe t pieta nt tatd in +.1=.71,1a..3„...,,a,:,„x..71. jag , : 7 , ri1 . p.4
the Moat. . • •
Ai .,,, , 4 . 2 4 ,,,, o f ip ....d ,i, ~,, . 1., N..f. B r : 4 4m, sa u .1 & co.. on .lainN)Plitabutah... al ... MOH'
I ths amine paah oaths 4 nth and bounded by it, hams eh. THE GREAT BEND ANNUAL ' r
:Naga.. . da
l.. aral kek of lb. mai, ran abate 644 *thane
, thaltallroSALE OF . DRY . GOODS . .
Atl WM propal , b bomb fully sitle: , ..ina . h . a4t i tilr , o,a;• , At the One Priam' Breve of
4t.'sU:r‘Ttherainolbrer so l d l almiliniks . frolt sh
irk Ohio ri A . A . iviAroN.Bl . .co ,
0.4,N.rik..1rm Pattabaraa. Tbe mai w Wu. 11 , ,
Dfi..4.•.....tii.DUD. . I,o t . h. O, , , ~, ... L. J.E. tt . urTIGL COMllierke on Monday, June 3d, 1030 -,
, &la aad Chantal&
de rah o and Fo os. Bad, now V y ,y94,„,4,4444,,,,, ag 0i,,4 4 , 444 , ~,,,,, nit ~,,,4
I•bastaing romapiellm.nd which yams th tam+ of wardpa r dp p,,,ma, will on tials*eation, he thrown
now& hang It!vsiihni an hour or Im Ma 1 Potabtarala s open for Arran, Tans, and all ad their anemia , .
and p.m to ad ih rough it 'he gent good of gun pae stook will be adored ro retalle atehasete, at ad i.count
&mnd marohaadim Gam the Fast mat tat' of km an to 30 per cent. man then mutt pears'
As a adrodke for amaufatamaameahmk. b"tr"... THEIR 41OCK OF aILKS Comprise over rot
for e may rrsidenees far am ,51 tam pms in Otahavah, or
Modred pieces, ad will Pc sold an an &Meese did.
I for ;Monde ilmihillnit et malty, Do platy tow o&rs so ~,,,,,,,,. . . . .
army oulasonsan. , li'lleir assortment of Shaer's, Baretteallesom, Gran
, 'Tema ot ad. adtba reasasable sal alianlattau n , Pa , adages. Foulsal SCU Latent, Aladin, •Saeoneta,
1 eh... V. , I °'°:',,,," 1.°1°,,,0'80• again of ion... Bat° , Cambria., and brat h ood. generally, Will be aloud
. ~.una",...," eat inlmediately at about one half me anal rotes.
e .51'1""; IV. F.l . L ' . " f i ff ,. ..FEr BERM AN, 11 eases Fut 1.7410 red Lawns will be offered at •
Attorneys at Law sad Mal Vaasa dorm, 0 do Dared.,
'aid:4W Na. tug Fourth Streit, iti‘tstyll__ . 44 . m 44 1 ,4 ,y 4 1 , 4 0 ,i , ,
.. . . lec
ILICLIOVAL. Bo color English nod American Callcoesi 10911 e.
300 dolen Linen liandkerahlef& • a& 7e.
O.IHURCII. CAROTITERS & CO. ho v e removed in
,„ A thrice lot of Wrought COllltra, sante as tow as On.
.." No 77 W. ' "' ' ' ' bet."'" W°ba tk Matey I° '''''.- Tozerber with a complete Oarieer et Domestic and
.41.0115 e forracrly,obeenpied thy Har d y, -..e• - ' Nyhifi. Goods, Ribbeint 1101/011 and Gloves Boum,.
--- 'GIDDI);11001[ 11 'POE BAADER& at .
In &Hope of the mactexter.mye nittetimeata 1
' .Tolainaliti-AMethelln FOMlt's FraDDlClOptealt, Ore In the coaany, which will ball naked down to much
Emerion-aTates and Shinba boo . town pane. than at any Orlin& prevlout Anneal
,•BroonbeaTroda of inumieat, Beg' , • bales.
Ilttnact=American Fruit Calturist.taato - VD . The Cairn le:11 be ekted %Mint ... nand.) end
• 'Hoy-A Heide lane Orihard, Itato Yrs lay, May :Ana and Ms; an (ha pitpate of anus-.
ButabAntintly Kitshen andel:oar, nano It g and Coven stool. No valuation an Fab
Minn-The American Bee Keeper, limo ma raynt____ _AALD'APONit a!?
Brown-Ths Anarrienn Poultry hard, Itheo LIFE INBIIIIALIGE.
' hinelaall-The Fernley and Emigrant's Hand Dgok
Allen --The 0 111 , 110• ti Flom Boos, Mao J. Finney. Jr.
Iloama-Frpit and Freda 'l.em of America, 12mo jigrut for thr Penna. Lift .fittgraigl:o. of Ma.
ounit -The Dorm. Poo yFlill; of be Wastern - Immrance. C.meatty HO.
'Bennet,-Ten Poultry Yard, 10mo
... 9, ty nor load. Pittaharph. a • s o d
For salt by • 30511S teo f/ p l o h Edf u 001) 9,,,,a, , ,,,,, , 01 , 1 , ~,, ~4 44. 4 4 . 7 . im,,,,,,,, 4 4 4 , ,
_______,J , __
puy,toki--a eons, meth,* pmna artirle,for aula by 11.,b,,nes eon i!oeaate thew I Millet . the benefit of
„ - 4 KI.D t'Cli their wives and eirildree; rteduots the it.cayt ii,.,i
. . t 0 IYooJ • - -
' no ,DiDilti pinPa of the Cathrpsay' are, dividad
. _ taming the boblere of Life Pollelene - . •
, aten The Gable Meat the put tato yann have been eta h
...1,n . t,, Mr re i. card Vent -. 04 “:. 4 - so‘att
,old it 8 p w icl - • Vaits• 1
t1 , 10.1101<00, —•-• • 3EO
lmenis•-• ••2 150 2 0
Eoglo,old • ••••••• • 10 60
Eagin, neer • • -_, 10 0 0
iDonbloans,Sosnab.lo 00
IDD.Y.tliot.---.. 15 50
1,40.40r411141•-••••••• 4 F 3
•6414 Mag • . - '6 66
17wacriettd`ors•--• 37 60
Tcn Thaters • •• •• 7 FO
tt r.
ATIL 1 0 47 : . :• • • :I:
. w,..k..g.. .
New York •—•-- IP , M
PhD5...10400 •••-- 9 ,0,
11,0.1 mere —••• • Pm
111,711 , IPICTIDT Wks--
• Chum Limns.
MURPHY Ie.I3I.IROIIFIELD'Isave received. It
• supply err/rens Lewes, very cheap; nnst
ream at 111 e: I lard do, in crest va , lety, torYo re her sy.Ys„A ...A,
Also, cm In en:e roc! end mnied Muslin* and/ ackonet t : • • •
01 sleet andnevenstaty Int andlcbsert rnoo Co:quality,
and enriti east !Oren ,. Po , Th end Marker at, •,. F°Rf thall'Prts.ll'4fiC"ltTarlai'''llasibtrjfi'lamicrAP"Phon'isTalet:
r * eceptton °filers theGbllowtcts "titer- ,
-Mt don cord spool tenon; R Floyd, corner Of 111131.ttedl Weed InlietS. I
U ZIOCI dog 3 • ejs Ilaysard; shoe elre, car: U 53 1 .4 3 4 331 ke1"
a,ntlepoePercessithn Cam , . Cedes, gas:6o'l.3d
Learn. Stay Tapes;, ,• . Videoz.Jr.,Ures ;nu IS
, cor Feeith
Wylie. aGe arose Gernase do; . John P Protthrelo.e, nntubr II 1 P!r• WY LI 7 -. ', •
Resells:o per etcvarnars Yliblenala end Beranek, and Telegreph (Abney Chalet Went, '
fonala by • ' • ' • •
• C YEAURFI, • • 1.1 C Kay, VOCtr, Fifth 11, canter onlistitt
Me - ' • •lli & ICB blarnct st i M Weis, stare Poin arm, Vieth Ward.' ' • ,•.;
The Boar Win VW tsetse at-lance deli.
TNIJTOICILETILL :- 0 bandles tec`d for hale br to. orde ts, and the flour. kA•catT , ted Peto ll l. either
j„ t 7, . ° J KIDD 3.03 earrO.n . or i ss c e , ns- t - ,g crpr o tlennlsptere:eltnofbrt • arallY.
RED 011-12 Whop entre, for side by lltb - u - tb trU , So /Y4 i plain ,tbuLT:
I , KIDDk " y!e i go.i7sTn b to re e l ro pe;;:nt " . • I
nes . . oft.
u. 00 boll . eitrive; sule bT "We hope the puolle wlll • be pleasedminh ar
.N.) 14117 • . IKfIJD Is CO, as am Wain endlelayre do
- - -
!17 ruiLoturne. LIME-5 mks, , ~,, nth , br , rool o rs`ilfLlAllLT.__k. riOill.F.
" vi .l . KIDD lc CO • lice. , Vest Pltt,Worke. 100.
1 .
A t KeiNgD isvu%O. -6 ‘1,..11... , •0 1 .6iM r/ At f ; - Comer of . ,olle.ra .0 Eta_ Weirreisi nab . Went !
: Bbf calms do- . -Al ~ Dissolution. , ..... , 1 ~.. 1
S. Les Noe 57 kea 1. 1 , 8 .P.V. aim farm of &asp fr. Totten yees dlsegivettelais SS'
431c1a C. • ~..,, c n " . e " ; ~ i lof opot Isec, by ate tooth of Woe. J. Tonic
Al Dna C. wain...-. v.-- ) omric• Knop, jr.., havlogporthaera'llo Wagon of
4 c , .2 : , Col late Wm.e.f:lotton, bx tbo L ism or pisp, EL - Tokat, -
43 brie . '" erwhed 0 .41 , 4, ,4 ~,d /..,00 .to.pilltillenhll , 6 l l3 tie CilotooriTUal.,
f o carmen,
.121'1: 1- °- . 7,1"v'Aol. . - . i • tri V' " I ''' :l t rit:r.;T,V,Xll de Ulq all
•-, - • ''' CO brie soft onobort a; : r ,A1:46 -- Lk .".i:u, to Igo firm, spa oto. , 11,1;l tAbte Sort 1
inst rstuirtd, sad for r.47 sit m xiourt al I ijgazal airing 1p tto mu' . : r Plat,
_ ell
. •
- S' , , .. , •
• 1
CINCINNATI, t• • •, •
• Caleain WILLt/.31 J. Korlrrz.
Tat. rolendid boat was brilleby the ,
i; - ow arra orthe rteatzter Isaac No icon
an+ for Ike ancbasti
^ • FPtrburgh Parte, trade,. sal! , Ina.
leave every oWeaverday, for Cinalsmatl, - In'plwoo
the New England . , No. it. • • .1 •
For frriatt or paraagn apply on boap!,orto• • 2 •
vorilr • •- .':C 13 lIIIYIRPIBERGERjAIIa
tvjfgaFtiu - 72 — .mF.57"
. 71‘e'pleo.41.1 fie Voribing nearer ,
I.olaB W.. 13. Conceit'
• 0 ..21 Ithrdet; aadiqocie a ther:
°ugh repairj will tan hereafter aa a •
regalrwliaetet brtwaer. Pittabarr.!
and Wheeling, - .lrov)nd flttpriorgli' every Moeda,'
yednerday and FrWay mornings, mg n'aldek.'
freight c r parnage apply on board, or to
lao4 • W.A. WILEELF.IIAtooi-
Only T 3 1111•• Illtaglag•
Ma Brownsville and Cumberland to Blelhaers and
Fans itarmaots---.• • • e...... 1110 CO
Do. P1RLA011.1,111.4.---•---.~ 12 to
morning boat o'clockhe wharf, above the
1. bridge, deny, at 13 precisely: Time to
Baltimore, adi hour ej Um e to Philadelphia Vdt ai tia.
The event ag boat leave. daily, (except a y
eVe " ,Z .' l,gt, ' W ' rc k l'opftl ' O ' if i gli ! I'Y i fgZe o l o 2 tl
day. and thas avoid night travel.
cure year detects at the Mee, tdononfah a
Mate, or St. Charles Hotel
oett4-14 .T. blEftElbr PN, Agent'
" Elia , The but mnning sweater
Cept.D.Young,yeill run ea • rijrular
packet between Pittehuratt, Pi heel.
Ina, Bridgeport, and Barifish,ledrinirPittsbnrgli ever!
Monday afternoon, tor.Wellayilln. BtenVentrille, arid
Bridgeport, and every Tbureday aftertoonlbr Strube..
esPe, Wheeling, Bridgeport, Cantina, .11 Punkah
Itetarnlug, twee Bringer:sin and Sunrsak, every Tuew
day attormoon, and itunifsh every FridaySifternoon.
For freight or palisade, apply on boards nr
avid D NVILEII4O. Agora.
FOR Err. ',OUTS. 't
- .. .
,The naaeolGeeat new steamer,
warier, will into for the
above sind kii interatedlnie landbigr,
this day, at 10 o'eloek, a.. rd. .
Fe- frelehr or 'nearer, anolf on board.' JO' -
The splendid steamer
Hulett., 'Ramey, wilt learo for oho
and intermediate porta iris day,
10 o'clock A. M.
for ficlght or
Tbe Ina light d tioglatateanter,
J. Liston, tastier, walrus frame ,
to the above traee,learlsriFlttebury •
oil° o'clock on. Monday and FridaY.
and 'Wheeling at S O'clock AL, erery" Tuesday
Ta orsday, and Saturday.
For freight or pasaarte.apoly on board. or to
ARMSTRONG tr. CRO • Ear Agin
The ,plead( steamer
Rowle7onaster, will leave fat the
above sad all Interraediate *mu
oa this dal', SID M.
Per "tight or eaatage, a.. 1 •a 1, Se=
REGULAR bouisvgah: P.A.C
. KEL , .
The splendid steamer
•i Iri dohnsten inesteros ill leade for the
_ ebeve end ell Ildenumpete'perul On
ay, es 10 ,
For freidht or passage, Imply on board, er
less W O WHEMER Agent '
kokilLeit tvliLiTMT‘Tu vaxissa. •
The taaselllcat lista &sight steste.'
er CINDERELLA, Captain Hulel;
sill leave for Wheeling Oda morainic
at 10 o'clock, and will , coatis. ha
Dips to thal point dories low *Met, hi place of the
James Neiman. .
For freight or pans e, a lir on Vega. lan
The &co lighidramta. fad Tiara(
steamer CITIZEN
• Cava. Conn Icy wall leave for nbota
I lawn:l:mauve pons RI; day, at 10
deloAk A M
Fat f I St
LEAVES. emrrws 'PER M; ilfri:c.LADOwW
The new and WI draught Amen iYOBGBTOGIM
NY will make dolly nips betwcamPittalrarg4.ll
Glasgow, Mandan! ear epteda leaving Glaagow at 7
A. AI , and PiusLargh.ot 3k. '
7ha Yourblashekty Is bat 16 In
aba. draught. and
can be relied on as • regular packet, thlontbollt . me
I ,asson. Far Galata or pa Luse • WY:. board, ar m
lelB ' • ' BlDWri.r;.r,CG.,•o4.tow. ;
Thu:iugton's (oat glary dlrcili.4oo..
roof, with butt rootbi Ira SZ.OIO. wa °dm Appl7
o jefoitt HENRYWUSI;:qaeonat - Winn W _ .
- • SP. LS?
Tk st 1,4,, • ono „ Nrelling . Hone
an '.4 r,, .0 Lot, on veht. ire pOtt &Ole and
eln.the. Peolert7
lotri rnoTr tL i rreta b ettert of. bln MO 61*.
Kee, ilitunted o*'l9:cbstet *loryirliemtth
street. For tenni, apply .144". 1 4
turbid ae
utl,icgth= i st ireet . t AceNsied
oilas White. is • On
kft traillatHIEDOWL °Waimea Atui,
tint door to Me: MON Makable lllMegt:. This,Toos
stitaWklrttimieiinbam ti
...could be comeailatly arralmell dosildspatis
•"-' L'D.UAZZAtfi
Oftee,Thirid;orer Ikea rait
AA _BRICE BUlLlltNell,.te %Tee Teei, 12,nte anion
1.411, with Engine, ke; 'leveed In Einningheng,
halnednuely.teJaw the Fern.. Ewell, or_
nowiANs k. animism,
Pittebergh Yennetr,
100 three start Thick Warelaiuse;on Water,
1. below Pent react, ranningfrom Water to brust
street, on reasoosto lamas. Posses:don given imme
diately. *Rolm of - F. LOILMIZ.
V „ FOR EIALE.—A Lot of Ground sitcom on Peon
street; between flay and • Marhary streets. 11001111111
the how and let now ocespled by Richard Ildwanls,
having* front of di feet, and In depth ISO feet,enli be
sold on favorable terms. Mlle onexeepponable. PM.
Oro Of 0.0. LOOK#64III ot t neat Wood..
To Southern sand 'Wester* atershassts.
1.1, subscriber respectfully Vises publieroumloa
his extensive met - of Pe marl. poops, sh, n i„,
Cream rte., to which seven Sliver and two Delete
medals hire, within the last M. yeus, been awarded
by the laminate of Neiw York, Horton , and Phila.:,
dolphin, the latter being the, only Golden Medals ever
awarded - far perfumery either in pimps or in this
lloossn's ttharsarao Smythe Cum. (Masend,
Rove and A osbiasistA ;tavern/11 seknoulcdavd to
be e ndeader to any Manna Orem in .this imam or
Orannum Sol Einsynco-Ireentiflairi kluatietreM,
and posseasies hyby. Paponimmus end emilli.. ,
propenter,l3sponseeena Cemposusti Ambrosial Sher.
tog Tallest' Military Shaving gimp, • - • •
Holm Pisiorthiodistuk, k'siehooly,thanitms, Float,
inf e =pitr, oi.we
ee z t Windsor, and =Albin.
Denson de Caroline, Govithittap, Jenny kblotue-
Jeirkey blognolls, Clematile,
lthmt, and imp Other varieties, in all sixty damns
Tome Wsvirn— kids Water, PM de Toilette,
Orange. Plower Water. and • peas natty et Co,
lames and imender Walesa- •
Pawaxallona 701 vas illea—Cinulne Beira Oil s
Antique OP. Madeline, Ears lastrelo, Ctieine,
pound Oa Atakora, Hale Oyes, Mull and In powder,
and Phila.:rm. Manisa, and Jenny. Lied remade*.
ancarikatu Turissamons—Daissardo Irdeir, Rom
, Tooth Poke, Marcell Dente-Ice, °domino, 'Tomb
Puke, tad Tooth rovrdsr. • ,
Comanes-vVegetable Come* Cream, Mondial,
for chapprd_blaPde 40711 07eidantlIcota, Crimes de
Pyramids Nairn, ilesphenTOrears. Be. • •
Depilatory Powders, far removing seperbrions hair,
Pearl Powdealithelgro de now, Adrarmio , Vinegar
Vieunia Usk Componshin, neaten :Bete,: bones
a areal Variety of other armies, too nomema
The tolmeniber hopes so ranaraki. Cui z t e alanalien
which this cotabliatment izaa seketred. . deposing'
sleuthing opt kW rue armies, and will happy to
.whole sale furnh thoseetho may Wish to Valrindita Ida either
ear retaken es reasonable tarts ill any
tablirameat in the United tastes. • - • - -
- Beacom toSinti psiMey SAV
af Ot la Aim
Mut.. tweet:
. ....
Mr. BoxlrOli Pretrial' Is for rade by all **priori
pal Draft/Ins nWe manor. .017.1111
Novi Glenda I I Kew Oftithill r
. , I CLEAR Tie. Tam=) .
New ersng ena,Nesmair - Dry GriF Joe ;
ltit:"1/V LEMAN. Zo'IArSjEEILE, ,1 0
lgalr i sitt a Atft i VET il trO r DT, Marker
arms, Lemma Third am veanb,wsn of the
Dm Din Dos, lam lson emsosended readying
aid opening ono of the - men doh, thlendid,
sed enmesh° f o r
of SpdervandElossmes Thy qoods
Mr offered for eft le ft Western AIM of
these Imported Goode are, fresly thoneaosul received
per the last et,,,,thn - dram Trance ft/ Englend; as
1.11,0 Irish Linens; imported - direct' frols‘BraMM of
grass tiLe . ulesd aed brerntsted the pmt stele, th ose
p u ma f&Piangs, Imp orted bb y y,1=4=11,
Table- Clot., the ver y bee inwinfielare, and Irish
Linen flop& of I,lltledispened direct from Belize
by Om sululoribar, and will be Pond the real Etriamo.
New nyle doh Turk Senna, - au color,, rplend d id
l Vitiek ' al b a IT LIT: fidi e a trs, lain girriado rte ul Ala
kid Wooer, di colors, the best imported; plaid black"
Armuter; per list Franek eteuser; new With painted.
Boreges,[opleadidr goels., 411801.404.2 b. and large'
meek of wide black Mends Lana foransmilng holieol.
dieWIL, TM nongelvjA Plato ' Merle. IS all c/"...
extomely low, beast/dal goodigthlitelo milk Fringe,
nifts ana vices, very ehesrq Trench Lawns, new
dyke, per Ma French' softer, . plain black tile Ds
11 0 °C. high hone, Meth gooft - black Spired Ora
De Reno Brocade, Ora' goode, Leech end English'
Cashmeres, new . itiths, beantlfel geode: rPlebiel
Bathed dwisi goods tor ball dreften rids oftmidered,
Enloe Ilift for evening dreeen Swiss, Edging and
I oreetre..ft best imported, Silt.Ttsicesin all cokes
and molds*. aces myth, phases& efts sulphl black,
Mom; all prices; pruned LIMI211:.211V styles. free
s to th - etcm pergard; llama de left, a new mete
for lather themes. '. Also, a largo and apart. stock of
stew into" Orb* Bonnet /110660.6 ve ry ban 16.,
, 21i1WLS.Sild.W/dio' '[_[_,.
canton crape Shawls, ell colors, Seth nom. me
trot deft; lurk Satin Shaels aphrodki goods, le all
Co t t . te4d ; sr i t . - Ltesmett uo.v be..aatifa i rhulge hi...t an mi le
d er .i s
eylon Craps glosels,sapete goads; green mohnether.
ear Camas crepe - Enswee" ..olde ire/el lip . E
Trench made Fanbrobleted Dube, feast imponaom
TVA, pelatiregOn. nit and spade
ties; lofts , summer Creeds sad ttherfsle_ joinato4
• riety; Frenett workodfteletColieroo 2 Cadya Mthe
Donitinic azto:trroi.x. ilOoDs.
se bales oshlmehed 'threiljtidialla liso to cants per
[ yard; IS saws bleached hdesliniq. Semi 41013 e eeelq"
For yard: It cues Irbh-Livenathmedlel direct Dud
Dense; II Miles Ticking, Dome to - Ss cents per yam;
a moo. blue Drill, tom Bto 11l Mots per yard- bel
suesa foil aseortmented Semmes Cloths. Alio, Car.
demos, Tercels. Sennu . t ,.. sdKeritacky ',lefty
50 cut.; dark Calico; fen - from 2 1.16 mete
pt yard; d cues - Hoyt elt 89116' 4014 Prints,ftst
totpertek 6 bales Dania andllemels rs,extrease.
ly row. -Aft, llorodreeithig , theela of all kindaacry,
ramp; II holes Resta Crasher:me* co the etrem per
yard; beside" a 'largo ouse.k . th Check-ea Ell
Snipe.' law, c..ana Elinnelso ll [ 6l46 end thiltle
' tits,• et. Lew pricer, red, while. 'entl--7e/fer T.themelei
' eery cheap; bleached and aithleschist Drilluft• tel
1 assortmentr ils eases thus iftmonot Calidelii erf
namely Mee black cod eablenehod.Table al/
prices; rEndli eye
_Verthersiall. pikes and q "
vary cheap; edema intradftb- a. fall ifternmenr,
' cheaper than even 3 baths Biz Them Ili to ell col
[ yes yard.' Aloha Lugo stre2 ef TlibleDispare
Mantoftlitiokag- 2 Did _ _ towel Idtell , ":
PAKESOLIII Aw • , st q I ~.
' The LOOK and
Attisall.1111:0011 of Parasol.
[ ever opened by an coo hdaan Is Pinsborgb, Is this
day received, and ore allof Um omen French MI6,
which, for richness sad beauty, tumor a/ edliemet
as we hero elan/sloe of dose Parma% thee will be.
odd cheaper than may abet boom Id the Mil wt' 1 , 1!
/07410 eoliths same qualla u f goods. I. :- -
~....k .
Pintoli;es ttrey . zrfted .1"i
of TEO doh . eii . W
[. Ammo- mesa ft= istportod Roos Earopo.,,,
rsrasola ore a of Ingthalismend mote ac ct
[ co:ignored gro waft* of ft animiles of the ladies.
Al of the 606 geldswill ImitedelEnlTM l / 1 1 fu
[ below toy bow in the any; lard le eider Morro"
ift . eta 4110 public will niessis mill gad price demo
abdomens-to them with Ong other brtheala .
'curds,city,EM Ipeamtvinced Oft tosuortiom .. ,u t,.
I the sebscriberwinad losre is, to Ida misnerodi oar
romentand do publio in genaral,thai theralaroltwe
odor. bee bins eft* thlintateZt, pretend/rm SO
[ aeon wi th .we Big Beslilve, widen elorei lho. 6/1
I celebrated and fax Staried . Dry ontablithment Di
[ Pittfttgh. Ti', Bohai/or would *mama say toad
I putt halere r of Dry Goodaelther t erholesele cw.resaii,
that she Big lice lift., onMeriet Wrest, beteeetiThire
ned Fourth s . now apeoloth the largety ticheit, end
lmost Wendel stock or Bring and stammer Dry Geof f
ever oared for ale In rionergh , - ' ''. .- , ,
' New,Strift en 11132oThe !insetted mesttlishice
, able sure-Kor Odense oath opened IA this city, la last
Venereal at the don of th e Prig Bee Cite. on Illarket
streeq between - Third and Fourth' steles , Dry
Goode of every description am - millet e shim 1
other bean in the City, The peak w' plum I
tale Wee dist there tee two cage bee hive Monis 'Sr I
Market coed , Who Pretend to *meets with the 13Ig [
Doe lift, between Third nod. Fourth streets, whom I
the panne Will had, Mall demi, the largostand now" [
styles of Da Coady lreth *feud. ' -' - --."- " I
Ecr.Plwrei lake MI6, test Use - more Is moron
Ilutd end Fourth lofts, sign' of the DIU BEE HIVE,
where Dry Goods of every description am miluig
courts then at arty other home untie thy."-• • -
aplftnet [ ' W1L124/61, to RD81N22,..'
Fit t nodentenett Comnisithorta, named In the Lot
Torpro.Garteral Assembly of the thnnsnonernalth of
Peramyrients,•paneted-Muell'l7,W. 1049,. hereb7,
ott or= u lso d a for strth 4 4ll: ' l ll ,«Trt
Pittsburgh. nod kteulsehrllltt Bond Company,
and that the aald books will be kept open according
to a law to secure subaertpdons for the sunk P! thO
sold dompany, at the following plums, trim , - •
,At the ExcharkedfiNelibt the cloy of Pittsburgh;
at Ike heath of AlexaenkleCmdliss,th Me village
of Noblestomu,'Allesheny. eounty; az the boom pf
Cradorth on the 'Wage off utyetutomp; and tte
01 8 /c r ydrlngutan, la Ike Maitre citron:lre,
athlorton county, from the brats of A. ablo the
boar of 3 0. st apes Monday, Tuesday. sad Wedsleus
day, the le t.ud, need 34 day OUR)," ISSWorlufelvig
wen thousand shares Mad have ham eabaeribott.. .
'.lolthf DUNCANar.,•
71103:C. NUMMI 7 .
& n. vr
t :22,2% . L 1 T nr
, 32 .!
- n.Z. l 7:7lnOss , rall ar sunOtla n.: Mbt
I AIM novo toseivint InPPe tos t the I
mono.* blgt ten, o boW ft ion ter' win
.0.1 at the !unrest mkt pnce, ear = 4, - of
N. N.. la addition to the above,thry nano saner.!
blailiottnla I* attire, tor ills tall tads., -J.6 . .
. tin vallantd, :Warren nni!l
TN Fern ante of anaolatlon of the Board of Dista
l. tine of the Gartland, Wanes arid i rstatiirali
oatann Conti, tanning the
and eaves to o lie pablinted la the nompapas wont
ea tint; an inhibits( ten financial end slater ads,t el
ibis entrain.' remit the allosine Benrh"
Tye lito of Telteraph Cannoning at th irht'd
tensinaterrat Fatattensti, panne tkroiteniXtiedsa
Fain, Franklin, Newton ail., Warta
and I,arnil, in the Sums of Oslo. and Nor which
Socheer, the Mate at Yttinnleint
points intro larti oteina leaned In gat
tranneniou beentait
The whole long 0 tkd =7,
tock, ore r I,OII S . • — " L Ira
ilernh, dden assent ..n.41.41t0
.. 0 oz
neon tin $ 44 ' "' 4 . froove amotator
1 .
, j` i '
vete .rd 21.0. rd.
yor,thr, or Doril Worstrl •
.I.nrcers find am of O ars.adoi Atm.
am? Laiy rd ray LI CL '
BF4ol24l43l4 l: B l oCrA r tt ie
" 1300 810 "1"Pbt ait13 - 0001,1i i --
Arose••Kink.k..;":o wv.. •
• • •
G uvio r Aiet okVellaw
and F.eirisparAll. •
Cox.. clam:option, 40 , 1 1 1!1, eryri.theilleefueAt
Re., live. ecestplain.,..s.sEd
•Pklll., krep.y. aotbnia,. ,Cutnit !Q<itlow of
tke Imddetand ,kblgeps jaerearial eircesee,
heliterei Tull tiood 10 the Iles
ogee, fa.% come cavil.. Kinezitl.aebiliti, dppep
-ON lona of app,the, hie - dacha: eehl. , c . " 5
i l / 4 14t . .weep, etetio, afccuote..
palpiteLlon of -the. hew., init.', patty lu the µde,
• Jo 1,11 dukcaltes An' ki
Iva re gate sitl6;osf the ill
. the Vegdehie Magdexe;:anin.ll...llleXelne
f:kpoefted plants and hezbe: OUT eorsith,
moan: *eV Adel:attire' hotelue"afdlieeieg andlayth•
I vegetable hiesdesideis the'reteenot man e eAlrell ■
'the init*of ent.f eej,ivin foil:10.1er, to piin. • -
The 8c: .1i peientiSe compeind of th e scat sat
able pl in niuine, :entirely free from deleteiieui
And enervednr nthetaneet,' ar.4 aait expel
idisetee froze ILA eyliieiniicapartiilgerAnzlitrengeek
:An eetraordiatrY new
Serofhlt, Emirates arid U
ten, cared by_the vole oat cif Dr. Onyeen'e Cant
pound Spray, YellearDeek tat Sareaparille: 4 -'
_1 • • n BroottYn. :Nov. 17, MY:
• Di Grimern-an I tender thy sincere thank. , five
the great benefit I' have derived from the me arycoir .
'valuable map. ' hive been tirahled very bed volt
'a' scrofulous sore, which Made its appearance , on m '
:chin I did rat pay mneh Intention Ur it at first. ans.
posing Otto De nothing bat an eloped lent appert
;on person's fee s.. II finally began to intim.. until
',spread to div .ark past or the hend. I applied to a •
physleian, who attended sun all 04 no purpose. 1 had
'tried every thing that crab] be tried. ,• l raw year Syr.
,up of Vettrerldock end Suraparillei, and coucteded
'tuned It,•for I know that Yellow rock wean. of the
moat valuable ankles In the world for the lamb /,
tamattlyons Syrupy and from the, rise of one bonle,l
'could lent great teener, in ray system I continued
'to welt =nil I .was e well man.' lum (col tile It'
;new person; Oki blood Is perfectly 'cleansed and true:
;from altimpurides. Them I. actl.cir.c.tltutbnt.l.l.
: your newly discovered compound Is tar superloy•t
any_ sampsuilla syrup ever veld ' •' •
Thle certificitels at your disposal to publish ItYint
ibe, and oneyourney refer to Mal - shall be hap-
Pt to give' them all the information I tan about nor
• unadiei Temain your obedient tenant,
Gtonan G. JOllee4l.
" • f .11.3. Market sueo.
The best female medicine knoWn. Tee Ertriet or
Yellow Dalt aid Smsaparllns Is a ppitiTe, speedy,
sad posi t ions ono. , "1. 0, Nil:lip:was incident to
lie scald, alieratoos °moues reader It peottlisary.
applicable Is thy slander end delleam constitution at
the female- It Is imeindlod lie elect . upon Wok
dkaenses - as incipient ebusamphon,' knereettua, kw.
arenhomy or whites..irregular monatzunon, laconth:
nenee of tube,' and ienewl prostration slew siramatt,
lees Widely; emutteraela tlast distreatarqg nerve.,
heir and Wino:de sh common:to the 'female frume„
end imparts ye, taco a nd bdoywey so aurprmau nut
they aut trateteL We have welder., on Aid soltieli..
Indwes stranglyas recoratmad .thit maltstrie t o .
mooted people Wh o. have not been blessed Wilk Or
• • •
Pp:URI= Yr' War . riam4 of the vvamb;,i.r 4u.
van! tend by Da Guyadtre Extract W.
' Yellow Dort lied Plokapatinn, ashes every whoa
krawn raMedy had been tried without rallal, • •
• . Waatuneron,-0h1e,"Fe5.,1.9414 -""
Thls 'eartines.istat .wife, wed iZryeara, halt
Deco offering' antler the nteVe complaint for fist.
Yaw—newt/ all or Ihnt tbsie coutturid to We bed. I
hove for four yeaweanstantly maployeilthe bostmee.,,
kW talent that eseld be procured to lbw to ettnn et the
eanntes,althootany breeds .whatioter-, I have Woo-
Parstawed amp inurnmeht -remannstended the _that
ewe ertmeh diestmea 'or,Whieb.! proved werthlesa.
In the owing of 11,1 was Induced by my Mende,
to Pe. w was jes " l. ' turet'a Des
sti 1 3' 1=4
Ilia Wont font wants:awes e'vldent all Mat ohs
was unmet% Ind Wan tide time she improved rap.
Idly,-.?dashed . bleats oud ,atrangt, eatid thy &wows
was y removidiand she Is now.enjorsoo, meal
nacelle:3 all.h. '1 •YaLlldwltinlEY
NYe WO; neighbors of Wm: and pax. Blonart,
kooW that the-Moro slatemew u to the nieknew of
him Meat, and as to the ewe being elected l
Gayson't 'Mow Dockauttl.Sanapiunlo. to be strlati
Weak • ,'; • . FT/I)Y,___ . •
it ' ; ~ BeBAIi
- .
Great: Chmkor . COnsumpatoiel
Mr. Beraati.,-Deir Sir ,Ttt great brutht aan
ItbLsh 1
taw doused frma yaw Ballast of; Yellow DOO O sad
Sartatreuilla,dedaces me, m an act Ofj mice:, to =AA
taa - 00110 'wow miter:NM, .•
.4 ,;• • • a
• •
Ater - wastany for -two Years ft stom deblaro
which- finally termbuted to tem pomal Was Welk
Alp by my friends Mid physicians artjelood the old Of
medicine. • A.' It lea risen, l one loanetd'to• try
your , Extreet, sod baying used but two • bottles, no.
C. 11111111.1 WO directions, 1-'am 'entirely Melt. • I
would Montrose • ...tit recommend .youl-lanepnel
ied Compoand to the afflicted who. Intro a Ocesserfal,
plemato mot We tentedy. Gratefully your Mee). •
• Nona ittauttoo onion putt* to Inge equare Donk;
• eOntelning tart; and the 00,00 of the sr:l:phloem
la the slaw with Me writtml ummotos of 13. F. Bea
' Otto 00 the outside wrapper.,,,,Proce at pa botile,
sty boUtes forte
• It le wide - ) J.D. Part, toMer of ?moth nod ittel
, out sterns Cmcituati,• GUN Gement rotate
804thsod Wes`, to whew altos:lora must tle eddetia;
ford Olin
beta /la
Judson wider.
Clemons," Croisingslllr,'Abel Tune
DUI, Towanda; Ruben Itoy,.Wells.
rielriCulleusburz; 1..1%1ua.,J1... Plus
' Market streaked the I.lLarnond.•.
A:/ • 11M UM 0711= ILLYTLLA is not mot. rcpt',
dwell - awe bil outildbreath, or dark, yeller* 'ettema.
ed teeth. le nom have these It • lethetr even !atilt—
tier clett,fo Two whillinga,llo - we article 'that - will
Inate'thelib yettilt and sweet
hewer I vof the Gains, hearty or lacerated,
end GarthenVeilt h alterltualed, removing the tartar,
tutelllnt-the.leeth.le.thetene,_lo can them..
wino lut the outs qf Aeta., Norsk
• Such, reader; aralte prophetic. oll.loncia 'Agate
Tooth Petatcoutdirerktheat planing teatreel z !small t.
what oloYel bar mud heayeetable gear iaenuno Det
lute, Mr. EAlea,of NewAittrhOdays r • .
• have both used mei analizedtlos heaotifal attain
Yielpalile anielg I.lones , Amber Tooth-Pastea eft
can recoettead tt w e ell
ed for It.”..llender, we out any no more to eenvine
wily the4 . lf you try.thw once yen will be well please I.
It is pater/ Iti hesutifel Eaglith Chink-row, for
etents,,Nold by the Ageet, WALJACM)I , I Ste LiWre
meet.-Tratahartrlt. , : !.. au s
... . .. .. . „ . .
er =opt, cremsee sit aorta/101y assoliqt. •
Me ant me aeutel keeling* of a3B: benie ' p
4a.i.yeVit Dona gem Itemanuive. U, itcy &matt oat
Mord, they pannet theme 10ittly. tetpelmble . Onteel I
to have um% I.t: • • •, . , ~-,• • -
-, r. Geo: llecket, 41 Dm 0, New lrork.l . -
.. Ilri. Matilda N
Reetes,'4lyrne se, Rtootlyn -:'
- ,-.': s '
I t..4ll4Wet.TordpMes, 92 lim=ey ' N ew Yon, • '
, Jllr. Than. Jeekion,Alotnou . litind,nese Mute ti,
—H. E, Callen, Into batbir steamboat S. Alacrici •
And•autrotp6emittatente4 othertxmwtheetti t et
sea settee, itatitnitt roma: the hint 4o grow grow on 4*
tool tini; 0, 1 ,11. W1M1S eT.,Mteuttthce the tr T.,
Sk 4
Li lend amlnanitatitont. the root4 L
_ inns m 5
tee ' : ' .l 47lt ir Xter•tersF.1 halt 11 4 ;nioitt r dar
eoll, k ait : 4 nd
,beasni &Tern vert_long Opia ,
:.'lpU by Meal tent, Wll. InepON, JO tabeilLit
ilisser.aFfi, 69 cr.apharyttaals dant,. „
(17 . 1toartiotke anatkitUA Uissesi.k.oUltl
lax Cbamlail Baty - gasses • a, true puwatti"-•
, the sum was mottles, softens, ant vihluals•ths skin
'Owing U the
rearms and Dewily of an latturt'S. , • •
13Crlariria.1.7 REHM MID SUSS, 41 . 5 took not catty
liesle r but sated by iumisa, bat toast nven: Eby*.
New Yart traw,lrbo inse• rack taus%
sad Ind it unfailing—as al.. In N. •
rinogota,Sie(mmo, Imocomo, or otherst n
Mtn. 'The muter a toured thumb', a no o ehma
mitred mosrome u cem telnt. wlll'prerow 1.M.M 1 own
memos at tem eo peromm eared of
OM lisow,Soza Law oxa Sou. 13rAto...tay tr
and meat, and the reader Jo Algal* assomil woad
mime!) mltlt tot the obems anlasslkanwl: to. ha
wild MM. Those Who am Hollow - • •
• . !Wuxi; OcerowA. COMO Ft. ma, will in thlol e
Maw AVOW oMietwioridi any *Me oboes, It dn.
41cramiAft, will Col 'Mb oil amlown mots(.
hhtto ommetrdsl m •
' ms s, Ibt S ATM ittilipied with Imi
and be wartlysa sok tor..IO.)M.VS Waive enutal
• SWP. , SOId CT W ht. JACKSON. MO Liberty. stem,
I Plush It ancifola.
ie of A• • (IA OVEITA-OiCillyr
81NIJ - E - 016/ONPREP.MIED • .
- Tiro dm nelawaro how 111step:hi Winton *
w tleakinVlKow house; harefougly how shi t
• lawaellow, awl unhealthy the Aerat.. r
peemedesireprepareliehtlkl De.
• • Wee* It is kentioes, ea:ewe-4w •
quote). Of Lead!
We . prepared e , tesuefal vegeehle *retie'
wallah wee el; JONES , SPAIIISILLILY
. . . _
to lirParMellYlsssamillitilnaccuiledlif all dal- in
• eita qaalltids; and it impatti m Me atn, a =Mal,. eat•
lky,:mlabasum, clear,- livins mbitet its,tha Maas
sauna .ax ceigamtie on the stilt( ranletvg
Bald by um Merit, WM. JACK:ARC 210
atilt Pittabinth. , v 5 cam. . •tsiolvtit
11.1 a ULM OWN/La AU V 1tai.1 . 1..ra....•
ri'reS&LlßOClavey, Vonnainstock MeV* ap%
raniaato. City, Catifunalm..l.thertil ad
:roso " : i rlH " iitt2 44s2 cir jru' edto. 4l4' ..7 4 . ' ; 'l- Z ,L i7 " ..,H• 7 • - ,..',7 444" ,, ,
.• asr 141 4 • 2 • trzatiolak.
- -
Ati3O)ll , 4Er
COMMISSIbi4Ert. for taiing DcAa
stilots, Anktworlagrcients of Ikeda, Loa-
.0111,a4-rovink Feet; wove
- • ' • UM • • •
JO IN atitenri feveettally irtift;al36il. I?*
P chizAmik of ritspburigh,,thatbega
AP;erbc pull In lila clty,for tbi purpose erP ,l 4 ,
in 1{1.64141n0 tiuntery;lll¢ll Its rt picas trranet.
Ills ofrwttit V¢ rputth sttcet,Plo.M.. 17211110MCS
• g'7 ilastest: •i• ' ' .ot
*TTORNEY' AX „L;ANV-0419c0 iocitrede , f
Fourth at, :between Ct../ .4t.y
4* sweguansOltY'ror
; M l ttratlV:t l P= l =tt e n . jo h al ";
P!' w° W. l ol 4 l. P allg=frZart
ROWANZONsOdt , ..DT 6, .. - .4 14
Xlsouslxteter Piaa1,134.4
*". • " Company.
~k1,0241i 10141E410a 100t6ia It 6 lec.
,•,74 i „, Alsaacera,p_al Th aasm
to be bold at thn Itheatt of Mari dir Tntderoatte
g air. uger UttAl! RlDEdlaTLOllitg
• gEF:TiNi4 tha Eisatlet.h AgTieulturnlmanlety
tielSeldin too Town tftLrin too gloroogg of
miklaary, County, on toe 4.0 4ay of July
ant, et die toor of 10 o'cloeki A. AL. Tea members
pf do Sankt) , got' nil - otters lesereq, at
• and;akiroet , no meenna. ..The
t oo.d• liormer
Denny Is thereat:magi to be present on oo °comics.
Dusloes , lf iirtereat • Al.'uozsected.. John Ring,
E.q., of Olabettl-Town.ble, bee .made stinnieenesnie,
10 - onet otos of firco•revek‘e Velem Kenoess
present;s.d it 1141 .be • eel in
, °men, it Monte
Cot of to Pottrat: Monger
old Itto 39. hoot . good opted, or see le.eglar
Ist Wall. ore: Ug °rote:
logitga'd TV' SAME.% Fl 3 tIAFFInv
. .
XXCSIOIRS'a / 3 & 1 1; 7 407E 1 44C.
N O ACkeurt4 rum!, nets cbor w tha /lank of Pits
mulaat o4llli utemd.. &id eintalessla tits sum.
:411:frciA1 , AO. tc.P.l94toilv.rect.,
12 r *. . ,r 4 -11 ropers