The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 25, 1850, Image 2

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NHt tB . ~sW-_ ..
CI u. .
MrApirmtisztire rametur rblieditell bfin g tn
rule favors before a b. ft.,' and
oreellesble. Advertirements aoluillercalloMO•speet
ik time will Invariably be cherrod antil6Webd St'
ElTv. 13. Parent , is Agent for...itilibMa; ar.
several agencies 111 New Perim PitibtdelleVos, add.
Dom" alai 11 111111MilM4 to receive anlisectedm.:
and advertisements for es. -
BsesmseszAremstssit.. , -tiubserlytio*sende d. '" i. "
goeats tbis papet received and foram:tied free of
charge from this office. • -
11:7 C...M..11 Demi GAZIMP — Ad ter 4 .ement.
and sebserimiens, fOr tins parse, will be resolved and
crowded from this office.
_ • Ton O.• NO collanTOON l3 .
Oeek• County.
T on MO M°. 01.1nnol.
JOSEPOf ash H.
W G.
ingto E n HNCoun D
non ornlTololllo ll . l .
tl W. sNYDES.,
Of aßnr Canary.
Astianizele and_ Vildg:Noleltiatlons.
/01, rtco. magma.
VII six= Mews, rarrr max comma,
s 131 AU DE
• • iros wers,
• STORCkIi ROBERTSON, Pit . bent,
ic.i4ll,i,L=Tth''' ' '
/OR'S breLoPn
14111 F-S FIFFE, Snowden.Sowe
riosionrinc. Artosm,
EBENEZEIL 110 LE., North rilat..
NV 24. Pi:l'4N, Lower St.-
D.:N. cotursev,
tst.sGßArtitt• NEW.,
untre usr. Gaterrnt —The Engliah Col
"MI loss on this dl -tided "coil membered 34.
.Only tzar were Sayed-. 4 . 1 of the dead bildieshave
been removed; and 13 still missing. ,
• On Thersday, Melee more dead bOdies'were
rued:and es Yndiy, thirty. Amotrg
'tided, was a• Mr. Out, of Idercer, in this Sate.
Tee Oeyelind taemoerat; of Bstesday lut, ape
Visitant y r to thei tercet, round the ectlevia
tram !t dlttenuirebeyeed endemism Amid dame,
many a anal *lilted! We had Doped that this
ill ordeal Dad been escaped; bat no fur a large
JetSpUtion ethos Otitfith ton!erets Passed through
?as .Wald Convvalott.—This,proceedings of
the . Whig State Conventicle, which we have con.
denied from the North American, will be fatted
in our columns to dip. Wo hope their length
will not deter any one from giving, them • careful
peresal. The utmost harmony and good feeling
prevailed thinughoui, and the - Members eiinced
that they were governed by the elevated and bon•
arable principles of the Whig creed, which are
alike - removed from all grovelling and corrupting
tendencies, as from that *elfish ambition which
will caerificd every thing to party.
The rerslutlons adopted will be read with pride
and pleasure. They axpteu la manly and digut•
fled language, the feelings which animate Ate
i. heirts of the entire Whig population of Perinsyls
vania. They were adopted unanimously—with'
out debate, and without dissent, u there is but
ono feeling under the tens of thousands of Whig
votera of this Commonwealth.. Them never was
a treater unanimity of feeling,a mere entire sass
faction with its platform of priecipkv, a neuter
coastiousnesi of right, or a firmer reselation
stood by its chosen mlen, than now exists in the
.Whig party of Pennsylvania. There is no yield
ing here in regard to the' new tanbarks. The
• same Gemiesolve now eiista to oppose the eaten
' sinsion of slavery-over the free soil acquired
- from Mexico, as wan' abolited during this cams
paims of 1645, and the Whig party of Penzultras
nix is. proud to be able to point to the noble,old
, • hero whichlt made President, and any, there Is
roan -who Buie deceived tos or the country. On
this ravel! goestiOn, - as on every other, be has
. reit ty carried out tballettiges be made openly
or imprindly, before the election. Towards him,
and inwards one worthy and able Governor, .the
Vest Whig' bean of this State bests with. reepte
• `'and iyurpaiby. We ask for no batter standard
, , ,bearers, when the nem contest comet.
. , With the gentlemen nominated for . the state
tiolk, we ire unacquainted. We feel the nurnii
confidence, however, that they ern every way
• *MOT of ibe distinguished position in which they
have been phieed. We place their muses at the
heied of our column, and sball give: them la
sincere and hearty support, aud!trust we shall be
able to record, In October nem, their trinmphsto
Tas !Apo/Li:ARP .Slicnahro,' hamis Sloan
—Weare grabbed - to leant ibat itu , •l2 arrangement.
are trove beiog mode by the Directors of the Foitob
- Street Iliad on one aide, and the creditors on the
'Other, " eom p leiien by, plahpicg
frrito the end of the waned portion at the corner.'
po:quei creel—Right of Way Honer--to the
Within igh and Greenebtagb Road, at Point Brea',
•••-liarily Barker's. , This road, we are snored, is
more has a note denier IC.P 4ni Il•et se, then
the old ttWop tie. and mans :eve; when
rished, it reset coven a 'very ',tee .care of Ile
Pleasure and otber travel
Tits N Y Olivier and Eogniter learn, by
joluziaph :tom Wa.toogtoo, that tea l'etaldent
hw 111 , 4efitee the some of Jame. Jahottoa who
had bees n inf . :AMA is Consul at Glasgow. This
was . done Wan onderatandleg with his
Mr. Edam, of North qualms, or Mr. Gables, of
Alabama !oat p. obithly be appointed.
rtutteptnond &atm wu given by tbe Whigs
of PhlllulApbia, on Wednesday evening, to the
members :of the Waig Stets Canvention, : whieh
assembled In that MIT. Admit many good Moate
litre offered, and good .peaches made on thla
oehasion, , but our columns are too =swan& to
do more than not-teethe tam.
to the application to the Court Of Common FinSt
Tort Saturd . ly, (or a rule to show cease whys writ
Mt "qua wartime 'should not be issued agmilnl the
..4.‘aair Street Bridge Company, the following es-
SerstOn was made by the counsel for pinintfr. ,
The 'members of a wealthy noisily—General
Sobinsoo's—bad been for, pars allowid to :walk
and:drive; over the Bridge free of toll, because they .
lad tbrestioed. proceed:sparest the ceraPahy;
mist try.thelr right ;till:My refused. • '
Thefollowingss a. copy of a latter iskieo posses
, .ian the company; which , wtU maldain, the
moventdoepme which General Bobtason'solatri to
pass free of ton his :tluts fee b.s granted to that
aiiikot Chinn to pays over the Bridge heo 01
1 claim it on the ground of n distinct ioa voOia
underst . adding with the board, whin it became ea
muMary in the Construction of the Bridge to place
the abutment and wing wall on and within my
prirnises,;', Toe fences 'lsere ta b oo' down foci the
ImPow, mod the waits placed within several feet.
' When the foundation VMS laid turned digging out
,1 claimed, as n matter Compensation for the ground
that laud my family , should go free. .
In corroboration of the fact, was it an Forearms
Ide stipnlation ? would any one ask' less? and b i
to be supposed it would have hien refused by tn •
'Mani no desire to have controversy with the
company, hut 1 think it alright which I am hound
proteut,ta:l Italie on more than one occasion
tated,my willingness to be qualified to the tinder
s audio; with the Biaird; to withdraw the claim of
exemption now,-Srould be to acknowledge liar I
had made, tut unjust and false demand tl• repeat
again that 1 uoirsider that .I have paid in the'atipo.
latiooa geferbacat9t my tolL And it is hardly tot*
stiprwrid I would take the respocalbilitibf await
fig ilialiticb tangy the tradersautiifig with tlaOkard,
for tbeptior - considendio; Of going over the Bridge
Ibe to refer to a letter to Mr. Morrison on this
sobjeet some years ago, and which be mentioned
to me:, a (etc days .a;o, he had pyteed in the
&ads of one of the °dicers of the company. All of
which is aubmined.
" To Maws. Camaro, Chump, and 4.ndarnon.
's• "'•-
Viliiii-iiiAfiglitiOTtsfil - 1 Mr- Willia.Stettcad of railing Mr.-Pariest. out, ,1
r 4
7: 01
7 r e orals Mrisbaribllaretts- has asked him to "ecee at, the Supreme 0°,3,8 .
wi e ,,,,eg.res, June 20. room. Yrom. lb a restimany ofd witness it ironic,
i fi. ; ;; ,. , ; e - tor
ote .-160-112t thatrildafattivigits3 ll o.s_nre th * , """ ISS,"7" '
tagligiieerrirFqtil IL I r a g. ' ed c° l kl lo .tei road, and assaulted in the ray
-. . 5..... ... le,:yelltgl , . e "! -- * Thelta isitairerless la this cis4ad Mr. Forrest
lir i' Obt. 'tip _ e ll - r,,g/ " ._
..,_-• 4. ,,- wil trfillitarillt a nominal Tardier, en far as cola '
m eik. ,,. tomyieddrid e tsis: : ii . . ._"'"'" "'m in = Is criacibristA but in public, opinion he us' cony
a vs irtigitistridfolc,at;rinialfi c iPlrri' derannA Wised a reehea ri ng.
14 5 . a.%a bale .4.74 1, 1 1 f ?, li_ .. _! l tT e e rt 7 6 - 51 _ i r d Time littow In oar harbor, a iteamer Intended
'14,..."'f.*Ph1-',.*°,ll2#,___ " 644 , ° . ,`" 4 :: ° ... 2:1 - r. kirtriSal"g4i.l trade, bolt on the Genesee ri ver
' be rii'vegueilLimdua..""AP T _ .: __„*" 93 " . ....." ° , ''''"''',.... itt ?Pr- in VMS. iSlhar was arrengtherseAfer sea service at
Arriebit gigillbei4e
. 0 5 ."..." .. "'''''Y 41 " . d Brallkaii double engines,and mode the'persage
from th e white. .4 r ever! l siir the tut oil
i'L.‘ a°4t44 .°. fr '',. ° 7.,, ac t ... d bi l be . ge . .. e r t "iaL I bald ly noun. The Ontario is about 400 tans burtbem,
`".... °w m "`'.' ""." - - ' n- - - N one - ' '.. -e and 100 feet long. Her owner. malarial Reich..
washington papers. have taken any notice at it,
exer, and they intend her far the Peale trade.—
nor hm the delegate, Mr. Smith, any intelligence
She had a rough passage from Quebec to this post
Lndecitig him to believe It. ffiit it pauedthwogh
but proved an excellent ma NNW She is a pro.
here by telegraph for the Nov York press, bora
pellet and can be filed with freights at a rate tit
the New Orleans papers- There seems no res.
Ecent to clear ber.cost in San Francisco.
son to doubt that the "certain Mr. Neighbours ,
Oar Printers Library was open boat "eight, a
stylus himself the Texan Commiuloner," has 30Bmmatray..° will eret „ tea e a pmeaateat
reared Soar Santa.Fe and returned to Tenor, un- ... e.
u and accomplish as much good as the
able to accomplish the purposes of his minion: more ometrte. ,. Act . coneene.: At: early
A f-'
e friend Mamas me that the report receive&
full credence at the White tionse.sna Is not
ported there, being In conformity with orders
heretofore lamed to Col. Monroe, as the alleged
movements of the people have been folly and
particularly advised by the delegate at Washing
ton far the last four months. U the Intelligence
he 'sustained it cannot bet have en important In
thence upon tho dal:inn of the great questions
now belom Congress. In the grantline it is sw.
ierantoty to know that the Elate of Tests is not
' no far. above the ConsUtution and Laws of the
Rohm es she appears to suppme. if her misty
able tromped op claim be not bought out by the
United Suites, as t hops it will not be, she can
cake It to the Supreme Court, to which tribunal
all cso other Boom having disputed claims to ter.
Omits beep :Men compelled to resort. Gen.
A u k t r eat. thet face with popfemptuous
clam it is very proper and nateral that ho should
do so, gat gothice in the Moire in more certain
then that ha rod kia sliaala wnold be laughed out
o f -aort, if they wept there with *rich etatements
aa o ... g e,,egits so be bee brought for them into
the Senate.
We hear it 'toted Mont to.". this morning that
the Senate yesterday Marmon had comid
coition the appointment of James lohnston,brother
of your popular and esteemed Governor, ict be
Consul to Glasgow, to Becaland. Nothing was
elicited, to far as / eau leers, calculated to show
what was likely to be the fate of the naratoation.
Bat the current impressiori appears to be that a
will be defeated. Several nominations to small
Conscashlpa were confirmed.
I The Rouse has foaled away another day with.
lout action. This morning the friends of the bill
for giving away in random and reckless dauntless
to speculators in claims something like ■ hundred
million of acres of lend, succeeded la getting the
previous question upon it, so far as mold he ex
pected by en order to stop defame in Committee
of the Whole upon it. But even this order was
of no avail under the rive minute's oedemata, mul
newly three hours were wasted in desultory
speeches upon amendments, proposed for that
memo only. This bill proposes to give the agme
' bounties in lands to the heirs and representatives'
'of soldiers in the Isar of 1812, Milne Florida war,
and in Gen.Wayue's campaign in 1791 and '95;
as were given to the soldiers oSthe Maximo war.
The'quantity of public land, that will thus he
diverted from the powesslon and proper use of the
goiernment of the United Soc.,, is variotely
estimated at from eighty to one hundred and .
twenty mlilioas of dollar,. A nacre wanton am
of prodigality and uniocountatile extravagance
hat saver been proposed even in the /louse of
Representative., which Is saying n groat deal.—
The bill will almost certainly pan the House, but
• trust will fail in the Senate. looms.'
• Wastmarres, Jane 21. I
Snout the weather is warm, and there Is litlle
to do, and business is pretty well advanced, both
Houses have taken • holitay nail! Wedgy. The
Senate, however, having a pretty good eases° for
a two day'. vacation, in_the nenewity of over•
beating the earpetings and other fernitare of
Chamber. • The Holum yaw sijonmel Gam pare
inability and nodispoeition to ad tat any good par.
pose whatever, from ladateillfg and imptannaY•
It is =tater, doing so MP:canoe tosay rif them
Met this is the • Maw. contamptble CqUigien iMi
stver 'amtunbled. • •
uis peobubla that t h e Compromise sill will pan
the Swale, shout the end of next week, It /.
pleb dist nothing will he done in the HOD= until
after the fate of that measure shall have been des
aided In the other branch. -Should 0 pees there,
of which I have no doubt at all,. Sere shalltie
willimmedittely commence of the mo,i corrupt.
legend distapetablecharacter. Tex.aa Winds
thewbe thenwi upon the Congrevskinal market
to any requited amount, and If not-socces.fal le
producing the desired revolt, will bo'follOweif op
with promises of Southern support on ti tariff bill;
end fa llama! Improvements is the shape*,
libual river and harbor appropriations. It is
I possible that even' then combined ineticementa
will fail, end-in that case the Meese° is to be
ordered up, and the amid are to be 'sanded with
threats of a stoppage of eppri.priations, unless the
Omens Bill Is suffered to go quietly through.
As woman this crowded and lombering vttehle
arrives in the Muse, if it shall have the goo./
Canoe to get th are, e motion will be mode to stop
the furthir pr- gran of the =setae., by IsOng the
till on the table. This, however r will,Probiblp
foil by a close vote. since though, the Northern
Whigs end radical Bareburners among the Demo
tOill vote for it, the Ruckers and dough
flans will unite with the Southern member. in
opposition to it. The latter will vole to keep the
bill still before the House, not from any love for it,
but because they (au that this pernicious scheme,
oat of the. way, Dory's bill, for the sixple admix.
sloe of California, will be taken up and passed.
It Is now apparent to all that nothing but this
miserable thwillnu Gehenna, the offspring of Mr.
Clay's ambition, and of factions hostility to the
present Executive is the sole effectual otitisoles to
the settlement of the existing, protracted, end
dangerous -controversy. Bat for a this, California
-would havalwera admitted, ■ fugitive stare bill,
If any, be really nenessary, would have been pas
sed, and Congress would hare gone about its no
ensnry and legitimate business. The whole story
about the " ire bleeding wounds," is a mere
rhetorical asurish, s striking appeal to the fears
and the Imagination of the public. The Omnibus
bill lea miserable quack msdlaine, likely to drench
the bowels of the patient, nod parse the life oat
of Wm; end that Le the sum Of the whale wager.
MtOat AIM . TOW/.
.- - • Correnionereos of the flaseurgb Gazette.
New Yosx:/tute 2#, Gii.n.
Tbe wootber btu commenced to be warm in
earnest, end tbe noon range of the mercury' is (ail
ninety one, and, as a neutral econequeace, bun.
ness bet iallen'in the samo ratio. Hardly a mace.
mania seen In the streets where our jobber con
gregate, while the Importers WV at a complete
stand: Warm weather bu completely upset
business in Wall street, and with 'the exception
°clinked States size, 10Wer yokes are gladly so
eased. Government sixes e 11668 sell it 116 j;
fur Pennsylvania Ss 93X is offend, and 96 sake?,
Erie Bends bans needed to 97, and Reeding to
44 The price emotive to sheep yet, bat pan
of this must be attribitted to the season. The
iSteamer, yeaterdly, took 11200,000 ,In cola, the
Herman the Gamete day, making an export of
over half a million in doe slays.
1011.21 ; HARPER,
Treasurer a bevy BrAge Co.
lined by the Buyers, from the very eotalroMZl
pea of lie. Lerner. It contain more infartal.
lion upon Ala meat and glowing interest, litan
has bees tronetrally darned kiany on= form, and
'hat" he le the hands of all nil rind people, es.
pemiliy iiiii•sivre. In tehulon to the manage•
mentor feeds It is reenattabli Kklidi. end could
Its plan be adopted, In in perfection ; lee eldrold
hue no more dike want of seconntabilltli
eld qv*. it gives ■ complete method by which
all IN, receipts shall be made to , reach the Iron
any, and the wags be made productive..
Another enspeitteris ist the field f.r the monop.
. 1 1 of ths-Maltim brinfbling tits world, io the alt.
sena of the sun, in thy onion of Dr. 4m,, an
eminent geologist and o`tatitlit of Ina tint„
is to Place mingle, in sdylinder, l ewd .
upon ben( placed in a bested roan, Inimmu l
gas which after alinPly Palling through wner, Is
ready for use, giving a Irosatlfal light at leas Mao
one Wattle expense of commas gay. An apps.
ratan has been put in season' operation, here,
And the invention seems to have paned the ex.
perimentalstage, and taken rant among the prat,•
neables. Mr. Paine persists to remaining very
evict, but ilia said that he will eantinono his lea
hoes maldtdmlndttlkafirlike_-_,
340, the Typographical Society commenced their
Library, and by the hberaiity of their Glenda and
the cablishas of the Unice, the library a few
months sinoo numbered some 2500 volumes.—
The Society then derermmed to extend the ad.
vantages of the library to all Yr:lanceted with the
publishing bltainees, of whatever brwoob. Ad
drones were mode by 51r. Raymund, °lSt* Cone
der and Inquirer, el:ld:other gentemen 011210 press.
Who have pledged their support, which will yield
mach Ossieir
• P,ttabergh eau buys very decent Exchange at
auction in &kw days. The New York Merchant.'
Exchange, which is in debt the stun of 5963,000,
and rents for $30,000, is to be brought to the ham.
met and Its inaineta eland ferthiwith- Its h.P l '
tal 957,000 Is such beyond remedy.
Upon chaigo'butiness relight, andrcongrted h
ample uncles to retail saber, in the absence of the
steamet's newt, now over due.
Ashes-There has been nothing done ebb morn
ing- Elope—Therp to more 41011:1[31 in the mar
bet for common Wanda of State, bet prices are
wlthogt materiel change; 100 Rile Southern cold
at 0,62 the Alexandria. Rye Vreat easier at 2,01
02,675. Corn Ideal dull at previous igures.—
Nobles doing in Wheat. 500 be Rye sold at 82c.
Ow aro zeady, Vulgate:l. Soles of 2000 be Corn
al 60c for heated, sad 020 for
Jersey and Northern yellow. In Provislocis nod,-
tn . doing, excepting in Lard. About 200 brie
prima sold at 7r. Wpithey irr easier; 30 brie Pri
am sold at 20.
The amid convention of delegates elected by
the Whigs of the various districts of the State of
Pennsylvania, assembled on Wednesday morning,
June IJtb, in the tipper saloon of the Chinese
Museum Philadelphia. The attendance
was large, and the bent feeling aphatrye to pre,
At II o'clock, General E. C. Wilson, of Kynnago .
county, coded tktft Ponyention to order, end upon
his motion, David Leech, Es's , or. /I.ranstrunn
county, was called to the chow as teMporary
C. 0. Loomis, of Allegbenymas Men, on
appointed Secretary, but declined.
R. G. jObason, of Cambrin, vv. Own, on motion.
appointed Secretary, and Anino4 2. gly, of: Pnlll
Snort, Assisnint Secretary.
The cameral' the various delegatiorra were then
Bled over, and the membess took their seats. The
names of the Allegheny Nanny . delevate• were as
snotedd, C. O. Loomis,ll. B. Wilkins
—Reprise:raciest—Hiram }bilis, R. E. Ininsran,
.1. sncd-grass, D D. Bruce.
A motion offered by J. J. Clyde, of Dauphin, to
refuse Wass to substitutes ler delegates, unless they
reside in the districts they represent, elicited cow
aistereble.delaile. An amendment was Littered by
E. o.tentnia, Mat the resolution should only ap•
Ply to dittweti - who pet not tiny representatives
presenL On this polar a nips; interesting do
etWS mot place, in which General Wil , CDa
Veniugt., C. O. LOonal.. of Alkgheny. J. Haase.
man, of Wmilington, E. F. Carey, of Mercer,
and othirs partimpated, and some emmisted Speed:l
eo were mass's.
mkgrbo.maim 13. Jobtume, at Erie,
the coosidemtion of the motion amt maradment
ems pokposied, ayes 67, noes not counted. '
On motion of the same gentlemen, all the dole.
game regularly appointed , at district meetings, or
sesalingl,l4 the several. districts, were then admit-
A motion of Hr. C. Q. Leornis, preridedy nudes
and taid co the table,lo appoint . a committee eon.
'listing of ono from eardt Setratonal distinct, to no.
11103121dflicera for the conventectiwaestakno Mt. —
An amendmeni was them oiTeted and arcepted, the(
the delegates ;from each Senatorial distreet ema
nate tbeig member of the committee. Another was
also offened and accepted, that each district have
a. raany.members as at in entitled to Suite Senator..
The motion was then adopted.
The Committee having twenappointed, the Presi
dent raid the following 03M01‘1111C11101.
.To As Delegats to the W1.1.g Staa Coarse:cm:
'GrAltmewt—The Whigs of the city of ithilp
! delphin, through the Committee of Superndendence
de...lrene to express their apiaeci.tion of the honor
which has been done them by the convention be
ing called to 0301.1 in tans why, as well as with a
view to remote that fellowship that should ever
exist am .bnethren of the same ttpolgical 406"
'hate Ins
ted me to tender you the hospitality of
the "W go of Philadelphia," by a dancer in. the
upper '4,loori of the Museum building, to take
place this evening et 7 o'clock, wad to nellsectfullV
ask you tmeeptin ea of the intmer: •
Yfut c Cbed l i
;mt servant,
June A.:6, 1850. ClanimmnEcatomittee.
The invitation wasaccepted, sad dm Cenveution
Then adjpntne4 until 2 o'clock. P. M.
Avrintown 163107 f.
The committee on ulcers reported, the
iowtng ooratoratarlf , which were unanimously
Daniel M. Sensor, of Adams.
• Vl= VIMIDEX73.
Cen,lEdward C: Wilson, Venango.
Jthnll Howell,Faycite.
H. B. Wilkins, Alleghehy. •
.1 B. Salisbury; Susquehanna.
John C. Adenia, Bradford.
Moses Pommel', Lancaster.
John Hausman, Washington.
J. H. Irwin, Lycoming.
J. W. Karr, Dauphin.
0. H. Wheeler, Carbon,
J. B. bfeasmer, Bunks.
Alex. King. Bedford.
B. Hartshorne. Camoria.
W. Peacock, Berks.
C. IL Frick, 'Moos., "
J. M. Crawford; Lawrence.
J. W. Stokes, Philadelphia Co.
•5,14. Ihidiermel, Philadelphia city.
CathCart, Cumberland.
CIP.A4on. Frank! in.
John Mcliullin,Monlgornery,
John Hough, York.
C. W. Burton. Crawford.
T, Wilson, Blair. •
A. I....Ely,Lebacon.
7. IS.. 11.0(..lintock, Perry.
President elect was then conducted to thi ,
abate, and in a short address, replete *lth good
sense end genuine Whig sentiment, resumed bit,
thanks for the honor which had hew , ootderred op
ott bite. He said that herfelt created at the hal:to(
conferred upon bits, cod hoped that the concen
-41 eta would be characterised by a harmony which
would redound to the honor of the Whig pony and
the sdrantage of the State. At the socelosion of
t his reingtlaa they were greeted with loud snoop,.
"fflus resolutioo offered in the warning, relative
t to *bait= delegates not residing in the districts
they represent, was then called op. The echoed.
mefit offered by Mr. Loomia, of Allrgherty, wan
negatived; and the 'resolution was then appro
Mr. ,
A. K. Comps, of. Huntingdon, Moved that
. p committee of 13 be appointed, to prelate° rent
! Wings tesprestaive of , the scutirneut of the Convert.
non. •
An amendment wag ;ben offered by Mr. Gibbon.,
of Philadelphia, making the nwriiiot of do , c'oioir'ii•
tee 33, equal to the number of inembera of the ,-tote
On tell amendment the yea. and nay. mere
el, Irere as follows—ayes 51,• next 50.
The sesolobon was then adopted unanimously,
and the Presuleut was ii.rucl,,ed to appoint the cam.
Mr. W. W. Penrose, of Cumberlandolien — ;In ap•
;opiate terms, announced the demise of Jen!es.
Power, late Canal Commissioner of - Pimairylvante:
He delivered an elorotent anlogium on the dime.
kneed eery= of the aeinease,ll, and °fermi the
(alibiing resolution, griiich wasimaniamnaly adop.
Haste vett, 'That this Convention serionsly lament
therm:4 death of co. James M. Power, late Ca
, nal,Commigalonor. Got dew in the mime of life,
I jg kbe full vigor of his inielke, wad la the albite of
a elrcer already idgnalized"by kapermint ecrviees
to itie Sawn, his boa inn be reit opt only by his
friends, bgtby Fpnedylvania. We mourn for him
as one wtio pcumessen ail the nobler attributes of
mu. We mourn tor him c,a a faithful, lmen!,
high minded public servant, a aealcmg Pentinlva•
else, a disintierened, sell uerificing patriot.
Oa motion of Mr. Dickey, the convention ;then
Wroteeded to moire nominations for the several of:
Loci of Panel Ckitutnimioner, Anditer General, and I
Bortoyca aosono. rano". '
Mr. Dickey, W'PAILat i o lm
Strohm, of Lancaster.
Mr. Baker nominated W. B. Sadler, of Aims:
Mr. South nominated John A. DU/lAN of Hoek. •
Mr. Adam. nominated Sherman 14 ?helps, of
• •
~ Wyoming.
Hew 4- *in; nominated Henry M. Faller. of Let
-2 germ.
Gubbotis nominated alideortd. Ball, orErts.
Mr. Woodward nominated !anis L. peon, of
Idr. Stoke. 120tuiststed Matthew, Cartwright.
At the request of Mr. Ball- ,
elf, who wesptlw
wet, hi* dactieltrWrwithdnorn. -
Mr. Kilnr, solr4. Own aavisetweetwitharets the
name of Rem M. Fuller. .
M. Johnson, atEsio, boininated John Allison,
or 'haver.
Mr. Rough nominated ThOtosa E. Cochran, or
. .
Mr. KiMager nomitated doltew D.,Cartio:
Mr. Neff nominated Major D. Mcidamrie; of
iii;:irtree, nominated David Battey, Cf Lakr
R. A. King nonineed Hon. John Sgolus, of
Laccha from Wean. Sankey and Curtin deck.
clog any nominotios, vete eatmequtuady n:ad,and
the cameo unihdntwa.
11011.11r02 1311313/11.
Mr. Bateman nominated Joseph Henderson
Dr. Luther .• Thomas Baird.
pale. K.linker .' A. B. Ilitsham.
Mr. Hemphill '' 7. Mackey.
Mr. Ken .. Sash 4 Hoffer.
Mr. Campo .` lama Or[swath
Mr. Johnson '
._.. •• Jos. F. Quay.
Clan. Wilson 1 .
i• Richard Irwin.
Mr. Bolder .. H. W. Snyder.
Mr. blehera ' o John M. Pomeroy,
Mr. Headrick& .. John Andaman.
Mr. Jones o Walter Hibbard.
At the conclusion of these comications Gideon
J. Ball was nominated for Auditor Genend,andthn
oomination was received with load applause. , This
brought out Mr. Dail, who, in a abort apceet., de.
alined the nominal:on; saying that, while in otllce,
ha had endeavoredlo melt the approbation of his
fellow citizens, but that be, at prevent, desired to
he only a private in the nnkr, instead Otte elan.
lard bearer. 8, loud outburst in the midst of dna
rental:co reallied the earnest approval of his em.
we.. eouele.• . ..
Abets evert dircussion and tonnetaui mollotut,
the'Conventloa at length, On motion of Mr. Diek.
eV. Ptiroaded m ballot for a candidate for Cacti
Cummissioner, which reaulted as (anomie
Strohm ' I 6
Sadler,.... ... . ... „.... .......... .... n'
&leave, ' . 5
v Phelps 9
Wotan 26
Cartwright. 8
Adam tinuinger, . 2
W. With as,. 1
There !mirk oo choke, .65nber balloting was
pomponed until the oezt day.
Thai Presides.t then appototaid the subjoined cam
mitten on resolutions:
A. R. Coroyn, Chas. thiplo, Charles 0 hbous,
John W.S.okes, John I'. Vence, Andrew Gilmore, ,
Lloyd Imes, A. R. Mclivaine, Joluifl. Mahan* '
Josiah Wet., 0. 3. Dickey. John W. aill'oger,Jotut
Hendricks, A. K. Whomao, C. H. Frick, M. 0
Kum, Samuel R. Wood. 1 .T.Hemphill, Eli Slelf
fer, A Evans Was on,lolm•llough ‘ A. 3 . 0 ate/bout,
N'lli'l ym Bode.. of Froulslns. David Leech, 3 B.
Hostel, John Hausman, C. 0 Loomis, H. B. Wil.
kite,ELdocin I Ball, J. M. Crawford, Edwin C.
Wilson. •
Ths cuusentioulthen adjsunted nail Thitraday
;;;0f13144 1 44 o'clocB. S
' • ~
The emirs ntlon :voted us session OLThomlit
Mr.Helatand, of Lancaster, was about to offer
a Sobs f e i r uv r l n a a l • 17 " b d te g fo r h e
Canal el , go drat
stoner. As the name of Mr. Strohm bad been ver
belly withdrawn tea previous evening. a natation
was made as to receiving a second withdrawal;
wherptpon me paper ayas anthatart ify the Idini
eager delegation:
On motion,
the - Convention then proceeded to a
seundbalkitfor a candidate far Coal Commas.
Saner. The earnests( Adam °Antherand Sher ,
men 11. 'napes's:is withdrnwl.
an fellows: '
JoaWm. It. Sadler, of Adams routs, .
Dunean,of Seeks comity, 07
Viola number of votes cast, 108
Isecemary to a choice. 55
On motion of lone W. ICilliager the stzsgir
nation of Joshes Dumas as tatyfi usolmently
confirmed: The parpinatoh stag recitivhd with
portal applaute. •
Oa mitten of Mr. Como, the convention then
praueded to ballot for a inability for Surveyor
General, which 'malted as follows:
Jacob Criswell, of Huntingdon, 20
Joseph F. Quay, of Clinton,
A.:P.lll l watt, Cl loalutnetti
Samuel Hofer, of Dauphin, 8
Theo. Baird, of Botbe, IC
Riostard briar, of ' , COMP,
I. G. liendemon, of waraitstoa, • 12
Walter MIMI:4d, of Chester,
John M. Pomeroy, of Juniata,
James bin: tcy, o Cumberland,
Hoary W.Seyder, of Union, t
Whole number of rotes, I If
Teeesury choice.
he names too f
A. S. Hibabam, lames Mackay,
Sammie! Hnffer, John N.Pommery,mad Walter Rib.
bud wore then siii,rs-avo,,. No candidate hot.,
• etafeinne Duni or of To ea, the conventiom pro.
cead.rd lot 6C.C.64.6,1 Mato.. ' • •
Jscob Cr4welL t ef ilaptiogdon, 40
ktietkard !new. of Vortang,o 27
Joseph 0 Headorean, of Wallin:4ooos 25
Tama a s of BOAR,
JosephQtiai,9t Cation, ; . 7
Henry W. S•y4cr, 7
Whole number of gotta, l '?„,.. 111
Yecessere io a chive, ' z 513
The assessor Thenssaßileit,Seiepti gait). and
Henry W. Solider Isere tbee . witldrawa, end the
convention proceeded ma third teol, yeah the
following remit:
weib Cestrell, of Hitatieftdon, 31
Itiebrad'lrerie, YellerfoA,. 34
Joseph G. Heuderono, of Washingtoo, 42
John Anderroo, of Schuylkill, 3
Whole oinnbcy of vote, 110
Necessary to it eitok-e. - 5 5
The name nfilazott.Cristrell WIM Glen mitladenen
by Mr. Contyn, and the convect ion then pto.
ceeded to a fate baliot o zwlth the 531104nng cv•
Whole number or votes, 4 ,110
Necerscif to a chnitte,• 56
lit,herd Irwin,cf Veneer', ' 10
3oteph G. Henderson,of Walhingion, 70
On mown 01 Mt. Loonie, thit nomlnstlod of
Joseph G. linntlerroo, as the, candidate lee Bor.
vend Genersl wee thee ottuticooosly cohSrmed•
. 1 0n motion, the Committee' Ih9o Dm-mottled to
ballot fora candidate (or Auditor Gnocchi, with
the frlioeura result
Wm. Wlldsomon, of Chattier. 21
Tendons E.Cxhran,ot 'York,
D. Mehlorute, of linotiogdon, 5
Pool S. Prentoo, of. Wrycet
Henry W. Snyder, or Union, 29
Gen. E C. Wtison, of Venaago, '29
Henry M. Polley of Lnyerne, 3
Joheroxisy, ' ;
Wbole timber of 'voles,
Necessary to a choice,
t Rho tames of Joh° Taney, D. Mchranee, and
Thomas E. C , liroo Were withdrawn..
Oa minion, the Convention proppefledt• • seo•
clad ballot, with the following resort
Was.Wthismann, of Cheatcr„, . . +l{
treaty W. Soyder of Union, 11
Paul S. Preston of Woods, 1
Oen. E C. Wilson of Venango," 19
Whole clamberer votes, 105
Necessary toss plaice, al
The nomination of if turf vv. Series. aa Candi
dire for Auditor °anent!, was then totaled treacly
comfy and by ocelot:adios,
On motion of Mr. King, of Bedford, the Conven
tion ;hen at quarter past 11 o'clock, took • recces
until hall pre 12 o'elook.
At the above time the convention re-assembled.
Mr. B. J. Johcoton moved than the nett State
Convention be held of Hoilidaysborg.
Aa ocoptdrenot woe offered taautnaltati: Lewis.
town rot Hollldoyobartr :
Another amendment wo• effaced to substitute
Lancaster for Hollidaysburg.
Mr. R. L Johnston, of Combrls, wee to favor
of Philadelphia, if the Coovantlon did not moot
In Hollidaysburg. Nowhere hod a' Convention
met with such horpttality as in Philadelphia; hot
if the Conventloa thould recolva ia meet Hie.
where, It coold'not gad soy titans, more appropri
ate than Hollidaysburg; for negt Ipar that win be
the i e rmioch of the greet Central Seibold.
Mr: I. W. Elder made an appeal rot Lewis.
town. The Coavention had twice' met there,
no d gos h time it had defeated the Loookico ticket.
Ur. Adams, of Wattled, hoped that t he Coo
vendee did not meet in Towited}, It old meet
here to Philadelphia. Here we would life those
present who would trot be preempt else ere.
Mr. Johnson, of Erie, paid • glowing ealogiuro
to the hospitality of the Whigs or Philadelphia.
The qaeltiork being taken, lrowlstowa was
lion. A. King then moved to insert Sendai:le,
but the motion woe negatived. • .
lwaeuter Waa thud negatived, and the quell
- being when on a postponemeat, the batter
wom ptippacd far half an hoar, to 'which lime
the Oonventioo took a recess. ,
Hoop the ecorgonisatieu, Mr..lOhtittlp, epie,
moved this the Chairman appoiat a &ate Central
An amendment was offered that thefCommlitee
be elected by the Convention.
Oo motion, the matter was postpeolid,
On 1310(1011 of Ilds—lohncon ' of PaietkOoreraittes
of three, consisting of ,T. B.Jobnsoct . , of grit!, J.
P. lliandenon, of Philadelphia, and_,C. p. Loomis,
of Allegheny, was appointed to inEtraf the nomi
nees of their nomination.
At 3 o'clock P, M. the Coalrefln aljnatood
until 5 o'clock.
ornanoont tonsfricl 0
,:?:/at 5 o'clock the Convention met.,
:-, The Committee on reselanona ' repotted the fol.
!owlets seri. ,
1. Resolved, That this Ponventloni represent
rug those who, IC 1848, gave the - veto of Pena.
ayivania to Zachary Taylor and IAWIam F. John.
*ton, rejoice in the opportunity now 'Monad them
.01 renewing their aspersions of undiminished
'gratldenee and respect: the more namely, aa
Tooaded on the realisation of all theit hope, and
yespoctarlons. The Whigs of Petuerylvanta have
,watched with. deep intereet tame' at the
Attune and National Adminatniions,`eanducted,
is they have been, under uaeseal embarrass
seentr—and tie result la, that they are proudly
content with Bolh
-11.,solved, Thtt to William F. Johnatati,
Grearnor of Pennetivanla, their grantodois ea.
egoist!! due, for his public conical, his steady
ddslity to his friends and hts party, to the isle:nats
or the great Sato he represents, to her relations
in the Union nod the Constitution, to her well
ooslOd gad op randoi loyahy; and old Thohlooed
. ,
opinions on zubjecta of doMestie policy, kormed
cultsylketeVottilikinnud. never Corona moment
abseV-frettilisSabryot Rial to Oar.
4. vea •
LTlkal our thanki ire'pluileularly
due to iersor7iiheaten to "Welting one meas.
mei. - Fidler/int:twin/I untronstinitional kgislatioo,
the dud Apportiounieet Bill of the late wagon of.l
thelegialature, and ihui freeing ail mime puloas
mejornyro raeogniato the obligations of the Cons
stuntion, which all were equally bound to studatn, i
and whose fsesdasirsteteisetyfr grossly violated
by that 'lnk, hrfair and equal' representation, and
no disfranchisement for opinion's sake.
4. Resolved, That to Governor Johnron grafi.
ludo is doe for his anxious dairy, manifested In I
cony word and act of his official hfe, to maintain I
thepobtic credit of the tßate,. and enforce, by the '
accumulation of a sinking fund, the mule and
lavabo( reduction of the publici debt and the pub.
he burthens, so is to release the energies of Feat- I
aylania from the weight sloe bias No long and so I
patiently borne,. and sire bet now capacity to . !
'captors every portion of bet .$0i1; 00134.10 e her
nokuished improve meets, of.
give Lowrey, cone-',
ty of the Commonwealth facilities kir the dkvel.
' optnent of tin resources.
6. .Resolved, Thato e other public servant has
earned oor grunt:We, mid that of every right.
minded man In th e minciiweilth, by Cal - thickly
adminlaterini banning alb% oval, and seconding ,I
thei ecocomieal .viewe of the executive—arid this
Whig Convention would not faithfully ripresemt
Its eanstitnestsof it did dot give interzone of' '
enutiest gratitude, to the late State Treasurer,
Gideon J. flak of Erie, kw all he hes done, aad
all be has 'prevented.
6. Resolved, That, with a view to sustain the
Executive by the assodanou of men—men othigh
character, sound political opinlots, and large cx.:
serial:ire, we have this day 'nominated Joshua
Dungan, Joseph Henderson, and Hoary N. Soy
der • surrounded by-such me., and no longer em
ber:wired by adverse association, the Wing Gov
ernor mu:, without. few or dfllionity, carry lota
I eucceitfol execution all 'illeasurcs necessary for
the public good; tor their election, and with it the
electron of a Legfelativo majority, no importith,t In
I every respect, we invoke qictietiy, harmony sod
fidelity kr the Whig tantey from one end of the
Site to the other.
1. Resolved, That this Convention would ill
discharge its Otis/hot do justice to the Sentiment
-r those who sent them has the Whigs of every,
'of Pr•-•••• - • -. If they were to withheld
port or Peentylvatne t if thee Were to
from the Pte dent or the United Stites and hut
Admhtistratlon, the tribute or ii2CAM approval, at
connecter+ and respect. - I was Pettey-trolls—
the Wale which settles by its vote and lit patriot
lc pretreat!" .11 the prat political contests trite
it unary—which made General Taylor President
cd !be United Silts. It is Pennsylvania and her
honest yeomanry that yet nottain hlm, and' it la
Pe ousylv tufa which does not lightly turn her back
on a brave, an honest and wailful public servant.
8. Resolved, That In electing General Taylor,
we chose him without relent!ce to setioual feel-
rags. whicti.Pennaalwania on all quertiona ender
the Constitution expreanty and eunestly repudi
ater,-bat With thicrerice ro hia national eliaractar
earned imae field of his country's betties, by
loot nie of revere public service u the oasisa of
the whole counter-114 DWI has oar residence
Veen repaid,: gin begir t swain behead mere
lace icAcoco, boa beat high in nelson with the
nudity's teelintri and never fehered in its doves
tine to the Constitution—Me Union—sad the In.
. .
tercets of the whole eonnuy. It is the placid dig
nity and enemy cilia dhareeter, attested la Domes
or trial and: dustier Irs• another apitcre, esteeled
with his suns deininsuarsal MOM meth:al tt'e:•
lags, and his geeerons and constitutional patriota
lam, which sow earth's and 'luau will galena°
,eitmmea ml- faction or tarinkclatl, bit them come
, tom what 4tlltt. "4: Van form they may. It
Ili Nit el nib okdiea bleasinp athenaeums, that
in tenet. hire this, the notion repose. with entire
attnflaenee chianti It President.
9. Resolled, That PewylarA, auks Ms
h nr
am hi. 'Meredith. Sevindids. of the Treasury,
for the rititei•Aqd Osaka and the policy reanui,
;tends rt la Ittaanueal raped to Congmssj
pies which, thringb too often postponed, lutraled
and &bander-ea by one public men, ate yet as dear
to the Industrious massed of ant bony eititens
u they were sixtylnds ego. when ender, the
admintrAisiMin el ktaahmston, they were fine as
-10. 'Remised, That the prostrate condition date
inchrstrial interests ofßenurylecoia,prodseed by tb
repeal of the Tariffol ISIS, and the enactment of our
pnedentrevennesyrdem,is asubjem that &muds tlns
ettiausnadearly mmisidenattonotCongrew. While
our brethren of the South are denouncing dm fops
States of this Union for supposed eggracions Wen
what they claim 'as their consttlamual Sirib3r we,
invite them to comensphoethe minty they tAve
Sided upon dm North, which now threateas, MAT
in some induces, boa already carved the most den
plorabie distress and penmy among large cleating.
our people—a people who are devoted to the Union.
who are elm ready to support the Conetitali on and
Incas of their country, to sustain Ler honor dhecievt
er veailed, dud to shed their blood inkier defence ;
and who are juuty entitled, In return, urtheprotem
tion sire bas aitlictrawri from ahem, and given to the
manufactures, the work shope, and labor of other
countries. The Whigs of Penesyluoin desire to
t the question to the present Congress, whetk
t their upon thy subject tp he wain: led
theot the British is
Atwater, or the vette
of the Northern freeinen of the American Catca
ll,. Resolved, Toot while the Whigs of Pennsyl
vent; are opposed, es they have ever been, to the
extension otslayery, they bed the peoplo of the
Bondi 14% their brethren, in whose prosperity we re
'joke:and whose eNaitittrifoula rights they lee pre
pared to *Cathie and defend. That in the imam of
good neighborbecd; whenever. Abe interests of dif
ferent recUOrts of our glorious Union are supposed
to conflict, th ey are preged now, as they beep
ever treett:th stand Anon grrd of Mir* for
o,ll, l txr, t A. ;- ,
ot,t the peal e!emeist Of its atreogth tube found in
the regard and the affection of the people for reds
12. Itelolved, Tliett this ' Convention cordially ap
prove the recommendation of G.. Taylor for the
admission of California lam the Unioa with Ler
present bounden.; that we hold it to be the duty
of Coors= to reueivo ber with the freePupstatit
tfOo that her eitihens twee formed, Ililfltut rte
Upon theirs cocci ions of roSinPiOnSCK
it being th e inalienable right of the eitiamas every
State to poke such , provision for their security and
welfare ns they may deem expedient, and subject
only to the proaditions and guar.ities .prenly
eel torth In the Constitution of the United States.—
That as tbeaoit of the territory ceded by the trealy .
of Goadalnparitdnlgo was free when it was *mimic
ed from Mex,co, we do solemnlyirotest noun
qqnY PtiPl by he laws O {T worrying with
them Me last tun. of shivery may extend ed over
any pert of it.
13, Besolved, That on all these great questions the
Whigs of Pennsylvarda stand neither on the Balti
more hatform, nor the Nashville Platform, nor say
Wiry focal or temporary footing; but, standing on the
Fret structure of the Cwestitutioenrioli itaelatfonn
strong =meth, brbriitj enottgb`to unpin tiers, thyir
inaUs, 'amp prineipieri 1104 politifou faith.
14. Beta:deed, That Ibis Coovenuon thparates
with renewed confidencithai, by union, hainoriey,
and zealous eouppiaticip,sirict adherence to pruc
pinto, and no abanaonment along cherished opin
ions tryferdiel acipport of theme's iurdirmusures data
, State a njNationet Administrations, and by oblivion
of all personal differences, they • can, in October
next,insure another triumph of the good nose for they have so long contended.
Mr. Jones, of Montgomery, oftered the following
rpnr4utien, which wirm unanimonslyaqopied
Resoivea;Thst this Conveetion,.believing that
the people Welke safest del:limitary-of power, mid
haying full eindidened iii their intelligence and vir
tue, world earnestly recommenato their atipport
the proplised Amendment to the Consttiminn don.
Inctlalltig nerve In them ode of selecturg
, i .
I kP ?q•
The following, offered by Mr. Toputon, of pie,
Winkallio adopted ; •
hatolved, That we return ode heartfelt thrusts to
the Whigs of Philadelphia. for the generous hospi
tality, we al a Convention have received, and espe
cially are our thanks due to the Committee of ar
rangements, for their k iodises* and attention.
Mr. Johnson of Erie, offored the followinE
Resolved, That the President of this Convention
appoint the State Central Committee for the ensuing ,
ye', equal to the number of Senitorial districts in
the State.
The quernoi on the place of meeting not being
I called t% was understood to be refered to the State
Centtel Uotrlth hie,
poi:notion, the Convention then ailtonrned rue
ifffi — ayes 0. noes te
Thu Convent.t.o separated in the hest of feeling,
nod willi.the most enthusiastic determination to do
good service to the Whig cause, anti for the sorer.,
of the Whig ticket. A generous feeliog of Onion,
conciliation and harmony, appeared to govern the
Conyention in thy saoption ten candidate, and
the platform, white cahut put remit le the success
of thelFbig party. • .
Elmolntsay. in.cmcia al!gsTyruTioas
Of Pittsburgia.
C. G. 111.198EY, Paaa4.•••-.--•A. VT. MARES, Sac's.
0111ta..No. U Water street, to the warehouse or C.
t a, ll Y on ' ' Xs:BP:l%7l d e J "l ocd 'i o n
menhandlia to store, and in minim mints, he
An ample gummy Toe the abtlity and integrity et
the Innttitlan. la nprded , ln the ehtlrallier th,e.lh.
aloidienr Si hittrbnlatt. well and
faverabli known tlllthe ea alma olty for their prudence,
Intelligence, and Integrity.
Irmanqu-0. O. Haney, R. ot. Deploy, Wm. Ler
jr., Walter Bryant, Hugh I)..King, Edward
kleitielum, Elneey,• S. a:ballet. 8. hl. Kier.
. •
11:1 - AriAxe. wolx erZCIVC—Tbe Collowirht from
an e6oet, shows the demand which this medicine
crested whercem it W.l ilttllCNCed:
Varyslntrl 4 Wyomitta CO, N. Y.,
c, lath, ISM.
1. no a co —Your travel og agent left with me, last
ammo', a quantity Of Dr irLswes Pill. and Worm
SpteifiCMo ;11 t0710111.1i00. The WOMI Eptettle
la also fold, and I eholtld 4o alai to .procitie mote, as
It sells very readily, sod has a very salutary seen to
arp 0k"..,,,m.. If you CM forward me some, or
scud me an otter to hall 00 Yonr altant to Dural*,
D. Doroolds,)1 think it will meet with • mild late.
ErPar gala by KIDD It CO, No I:0 Wood welt.
T ... Ogee of mi. mud Palm R.R.00, Third st. tt• •
Prrreartase, Jane 16,Inne.
Tao fitoekholders of the Ohlo and Peansylvania
Rail Road Company are hereby notified to pay the
sixth Instalment alive deli..* pot abase, at the erica
or me CotnPanY, at heretofore, on or %WINO thiYanh
day of Jane next, and the raroaining Instalments of
Sr per *hue, on or before the Apth day of @soh see
eeeding usenet, arairthe whole are pald.
lescr.att .41711 S 1.4,111.11424 Jr, Treason:,
flava Jut received large additions to their
• Imported. by .late, parleti (m Fdarope„ and to
-watch they would especially call the attention
of purchasers, believing Cele very exten
sive- "locks and low prices will giu
entire satisfution.
tau; &WWl' •
Welsh and Ouse Mennela,
& 1111PCIIFTELD kelp constantly on
hnnd a supply or *Bove goods, of en approved
mote; aJso, Saxony ill9oell far Worth , swear, at
north east cower of ' , mirth and Market sic jOis
r 4.lfruent ',lt'd., constant', on hand at s lora of
T ARIOLL-5 brio No L reel( for sale by
70 Water of
13ATTING-1 0 bales No t for salo by
ug Orleans; • •
brlo Sar House landing from
steamer lonian, for sale by JAMES DALZ4I..
Je2.l •
EW MACKEREL-IGO bele No 3 n for sale by
champagne •Wijimi.
New Janet' Champagne • •• •• .10 60 quart bottle
Warranted French •—•:—..• 1 00 roans
Prima Quality ••• -••— 1 27 do
do do -- 077 pinta
Tie best brands. .-•_ 177 owns 7'.... ,
do •do --. oOn plus
For sale by 710121110 .7. IIAWOIKTII
ton Teak Wtooffepre, in the Diamond.
nIFI VEBE-33 km, western Rexene, fu gale by
GLASS -6 00 bx• assorra lin e for .ale bi
.1 ,23 S F VON soignsosst & co
CIDER VLNECAR-8 nortrli for We by '
ACON—O casks clear &der
cocks 86 outdo roA. sole,to close co •
rignmen!, by 1 So R FLOYD
j e yy Round Char.
LUTHER—Mt tides N ySole Le a
, for sale by
je23 & FLOYD
OCR POWDER-130 kegs for zula by
tr. R'•
nby I .51
DICE-10 tea landing and Int sale by
las J l VLAWD
0 b;ILT/En T :rs Oil, for t sol b
COFFEL k TEA-100 bays prima Rio coffee:
IN package. Y HkOP Tesc
. in 113.0 , e and for sale by I S R FLOYD
jets '"ED DAGS—dd
"dd J h tz Pt FLOYD
B UCKETS b. TUBS—Lo do= Beaver Hackett;
• 5 dux do • Tub., 'or tale
leTi /kit. FLOYD
WRAPPING PAPER—W(In. wort. 4 for .ale by
: J RR 114,11 R
41 A CASKS Bacon Sides Insid Shoulders, Jut 'red,
4-Sacd fur sale by COLSERTSON
I 4 AMEII£II.-32 tals No t, Ihr oala:by
EiIAIILY FLOUR-10111W. jan feed far de r Jeti • 'A COLBERTS'Oft
ovvrx:-.:4 met • UteetA Rio jail teed ter vale by
TEA -:O hrebests Peat bong, just reel for wale by
, THE Phil ' , mph) of Chrlatianity; or the Gernire
A Chnrtian prosofd to be• the only Real rtgloropher.
lily Philip Dixon Ilardy, N. A., Whet Of .. Thet rlea.
sores of Religion; ter.
An kliturslnor.Of Lsw of Baptista. is it regards
the mode and *abject.. By Morin Hall, D Li
Uinta en lb. Irampretation of Oroishaer. fly M.
B(o4tt, PrOft , Stil to AndoaciTheologl col 'Seminary.
Exposinow of As Sermon on the Mount. drawn
from the Wilting* of et. Aagantine, with obrarratiors
1 by It. D 'Trench, tl. A.
Miscellanies; connoting pribeipally of Oirmona
and Doony.. Sy RV,. 30ht1 Marie. 1). 1:1', aettlior of
'M trivaart,nnite Great Teacher:. de.
if wily Mean intone upon the Meat Doty Sacrament
lof Ma Lore* dapper ,By Caristopber 'Sutton, 11. D r
Protrend of Weauctiaster.
I !Acton., F.visnatory and Proctical,en the Epistle
,of Pool the Awne to the Philippians. Mr the ase of
Parodic, By Marston Posthorn, D. D., Rector of
Ammo:don Church, New York.
it,The Aillieted'a Refuge, sr Proper* armed to
Vlii.oll4 eIICIALSALMCC4 in distrers
The Curate of Linwood, or she real lozenge, of Me
Minion Plialairy
Vert:motor, Pruniplea of Interpretation, translated
I from th e Latin of J. A. Kraeati. with cotta, by M.
, Smart, Protessor in Awl., Seminary.
, The Clairton Lyra;} collection of Hymns and
Tonor adapted for Imolai wordily, proper meetings,
ate. By Jeltua Leavin
The Chtlatian ' ear.Troughts, inverse, for the Son.
dope and Helga fa throughout the ti
On hand, and for 4114 by All MUMS:IIi Es CO
je2.5 PS Woad st
IllesuettlifLuikarlcAas Paultry Hook.
THi: Topiary 13rmkTand Fowl Breeden , _Goias--
Ilan; a treatise co the Dremlins. Raising, and
(Antral Mutagoment of Domestic Fowls, twth no.
camas original deseriptions and Fortran, Iron! L'fe.
131 1=41r B glIVe . f 5l oat i fti to cootstna forester m 00.%
of original , ami other Ulan:tattoo, both proctical•end regard to fowl Breeding, than IS -00.1211Litled
In all other Milf4lo work* together It will be
giustrWed with 'nearly Fifty Portraits .of Out Most
onolee varieties of AlDOrittli told . FOrCirl) Fowls,
rams forty of whirls aro (rota ID, from drawings
tniten especially , for this work, of the v ery pormat
breed. end *cantata Mem front towt recently
hocerteri. '
The putdieltem !minima:ad no orpeess to bring oat
this work ammeter mariner, both in regard to .the
cogiavings, Oh; ;Emits of We work, and the general
ezeca Ilea of Ciery Nat of the look. -And it lit
a that the work will bo found to contain snore nmeti•
nal information on breeding and Manag no Domestic
Fowls, than any work Woad in this country. -
For sale by MS 1) LOCKWOOD. -
' Irl3 bookseller and ." -
Cholas ElulUlla( Logs to AlUgh/lily,
111:: Councils of the City of Allegheny Unsays..
.11 1 pared a. plan of .the property lbyg
oht haat the
eolmtieal Seminary, notl are Pon , prepared to Its.
vine to Isresianal ' , embitters on perpetual
lease Ten property now offered will be found very
desirable for prirs.o residences. The lots ere laid out
with a front of from rg to 25 feet on the West Com
mon, and run hack 110 feet to a 50 feet street
For further nartienlsts, those swishing to,parthato,
wi,l please call oa either of the undersigned.
JA Ai 1
it - O. T LOOMS'. • '
. NVIELOp..O.IiNsaoN,
Jl9_s Ii O
. _
INVO Brick Dwelling Houses, In Seventh Mad, Oa
Centro Avenue or tanmeille Rout Rent ow
Retcones of WATC fr. CO
OFFEE & TEAS bap kltorofeC.,,
73,11CV4u. Yigieg 4 1 "
12" "'" d " 4 (9 " Isom: WATT CO
16, Lei:lN.-0 en's. ClVit WC& . •
9 eseer Haws;
2 cuts Eidtonidero, reeeleed per gee/u
-lnae Newton, and for sale ty
POMBA- 7 posk, atom fine qatliry fur Tandlind•
L for tale by J SCHOONIKAXER aCO
WA di Wood st •
_ .
BACON PAPER—I. few reams lioap n Anfl
eg eh ""'‘" ' .lll‘4 l7Sll " lolgAVEld ' k CO
"ARDWARR PAPER, from 2Ox 40 to 11242 of
iluslitles, for sale by
C AN dV Y TalMlitaceu.&
ilAnort op---aktis foilrraWhiank
rvza luta mitirA fer n Mti. y
F LOV¢,- V:, &I;..A.Vttteeburis
d 4 L P
Water & Punta
BACON- pes bog mood, eiti , smoked, jest 1.01
from smoke house, (or sale by
tans. brs socte.:ei sirr:ll6S4 Mars Tosi
it S.. k SONS
80 ° 1 . 3= frt t! ' b ' y ("*7
4 t g° !" 1 c"?T°°° Corn
obi l. 8 ,WATkRbI'A N it 'SOIII9
!OARS—Mpg good colamoo Odom, to Iwo by
jai • L 13 WATERMAN to SONS
trs .
ke No by
Adjourned SOIll of Ground Itentr.
ON Tnareday morning, June 9711 . , it 10 o`oloer, at
the Enke Rooms, ce ma of Woo.{ and lellth so eM,
will he sad - by erfer of Admintsievor o , tTkonsti
Wilson, Ilk of Elizabeth townetip,Acooarre
Torn several geount.renn amennting m nicety dol
lars per ;woo; pay to on April polymath, le,
suing out of Lot No qu, hums a trout of CO frott on
Fourth moot, between Wood and Praithfield meets,
prend extending back 109 te*.t to Third street, Ina the
operty of Jeoeph 01Irer deceased.
Pete posly.vo Term C l ash—par fonds.
Jeli • e ••
Twentr Dollars Itirwarla.
G OLD WATCH eto:en eel the dealt of Brown nu
c.,PJ Ws ter street, made Ity AL J. Tobias,
London, No. told. Cold Anchor Lever, Gold Dial, and
Hews Cap, la bolo Jewelled 'lke she,. reward Neill
be given for th e thief and =tell, or Ten Collar. for
either. ' BROWN, Plinzirs a. co
A N Faiscoluadon for ono metro principal, and stvon
[l. female %sachets', for the rust Ward of the City of
Prierbungb, bo bold at the tie florae on Ferry
menu on t h e first Monday of July ark; at lb o'clock,
A. M., at wt,itilt applicants are ttosetted•to
Free of Hoard al Direators.
I ARD-40 br • No I Leali
to kegs do; For sal. by
t o
YAPPdt=Ptah sad Firma Satin Wall
Paper, for sale 67 W P
L . : rr•..
natiliiia—A new .apply of Gold - and 'ham
0 Borders, far trimming boll bottom and top of
Wall Paper. . W i MARSHALL
lot/ Ea Wood at
LOU—do bris teceived (ovule by
VO nag gumboot paper 19101;
do do co 111.2311
61 do 110 do ItOZU
140 do news printing, 04137;
luo do du do ILICA
60 do do do 51042;
VA do do 20143
V d
do o
Blue Envelope, 011.u . 55
70 do Yellow do Stlars
50 do Manilla do - 00311 i
23,..d0 do do .itz.;k:
• .
.500 oo assentedwrippfzur pa
paw, in Ears, for sale by JOHN H Nik..W.HL
let el Wood in.
A .. ,C0 3::::: (. 11,1 1 . prime &dee and Shen era in
vinuovir COACIIII..--40 Willow Coaches, ont
o • mould Noperior to ally brought Iwo Ws simian,
for imto low Oy• G YEAGER
1.09 Matti It
. .
THESE IDE.4 )Mting Warleyted Mid bigbly' all - preyed Jul: tithe priecfpat Amps in liter - York
and rbiladelplda, ere nosy offeekto manufacturers, machinists, ship smuts, F.m., with die , 'Apnea cm.
fidence, is the mareperfett article m ater or cnturg screw. •, •
se.Tt - pbprrieritl o'er!. nAp : other D'es be coesims Ihdir coning a smantrr
ir er orng pasictgovii . the iron lobo cut, which require to turirigindr
ow 0 - 2
r pr ord tprrojio7a, - 17 - 1 , he b c;th c e: : threa . ' d out of Am solid 'iron, pisheet rehmeg tt , h, t h e w ee ,
in their ir t , ,,,te,,aqu,bitityi, Tepidity, and 'Perfection of worl,•, and in their sintiplicity arid little liability
ties ander tessapenishuief shes.Deesrmellet. P. W.
Gatele"Patent Lute far emit strew' en male turf
having •been vied inctire ef the large eneasht, sal
(nand to be Ter? 41 . tiancand
Ws:du:trios, etpeall, &i, )
Deaslderkg Palos' Pattatell liorneeptat far mu
tiny senses can:cud le ba • saleable ona,lbasta, by
antherlty et Ma 'Honorable- St Or Ma Nan.,
parebtred of Me litterneys'of PatentratiThm H.
ecomlla, and Eramotl ?dower, Isi,•the *Mtn make
vemartt for the IL B.llam ,
" d 44 - nfkl:2drru chid it
H 8 mew.
• Certificate*,
'PIIMADIT2pI4 10r.17,1.813.
Cenifi dtLt we haw *anima from P.
W. tilati the right of lairs has pattst Diet for Poo
dor bolt*. In our cptclonads Lin IS moot fox,'
Hof lo ah other" ar err tograirted into Ow Me
purpose ocoulorbolu. :
Ptmmonaartai And ,
Having lid P W Glate•PZlMlt Dan* in me to anr
cataMishment tar the last elan: mamba. for cnUI
tyt• cox . fn .rrnr7 rarnact recommend them m
tha allot terms, lut ve bore .1114 all oasis awayi ,
they belpg so fez anacrier-considerlag tbee 73. per
coat. clasper than savAera now n as,
• , EY' I N RC E rIt afriks;in
This If to,ceMlfy that we have yutelmacd thb Tight
to ore, sod adopted In our Niatocas, P W OLin' Pa
toot &Tow Cutler, whiehate highly approve 0i W e
eso do moth 01016.watk,,diod we believe n nal
pals La gegehilicy and precision, as mach as comma*
of labor, any dice known to gm
PtIII.iJ.TALPHUL, Sib month;23:ll day, wad.
• • New Volts, Avg. 10,18%.
Having adopted P. W. (Wes' vratentLizah Lor eut..
tine bolo, eve take plelsorn Inu7me, that Stumm
tnan .rxerr our expeettalore, and have no lead's ,
doe In toeing it ea our opinion, qu ail far ezeelh any
other plea ia present me for co.arg bolts t
1 , 81:COR le CO.l.
Wa have. P. V 7 Gates PatrnC ' Dies" foe tattlig
sere+e, and the ceorkatay of
considarnbla tam are Wok arca as 0-411npensi.
bla to -every'estabustmesq baTirt ant Omit/ o f.
salmi to cut. :• . '
; • hfeCOIMICE, OGDEN. h. CO, .
Catcaao, May 10, 1.849: : .
Osiirsaws Orrsca,,Wasuzeormst- etts
I have purchased of 11. *hostile for the Unitet
puce-soca right :o use to all the arsenate ead.issub,
lARD-70 ken No I. in!. f sale fro'
BACON --+ 11 ° Ihs Shoolaws;
10001131, tor Ws low, to elow conslgn
lomnt. ha rem RIIEY, c111137/lEWS ECO
. - I.4 ° Rtfo s r u e ° 4 — Ag: ', VT Lle e h'l7.:°X.
, e elvelifor ' sAle by " 1 ", JAR A I.II3TCIitSON & CO
..Aftli St LoulsMenna Sugar Reclean'
LAMMED 800 A R-101) brie sn sum• bar We by
R19 ! 7 2 7 . 6 Ts. N "C Itie'Teeglor silo by
ff, INERAL WATER . CORES-7 hides •slioryjnit
/11l iec , d and I.le sato by R E PEGLERd
jeS%Mad et
• . 67
NVINTRRGREF I4— t eau, warrsated qure,
10 , tar rale b R ElivicEas
Oit. ASS6FRA.S . , -1 cans ree . d
, ijeYs
QLOASITS 1101184OINTMENT- 4 S dosfor tb7
s its
is 24
Q1.041 , 1"3 COWL= FARarett-4 a.:
AI calved for sea by R E SELLE.EI3.
LP genuine ardelo—.46 dot for sole 10.ot•dale , and
remit by U. 27 1 R 13 13ELLE
I empoond fat the Nair, In Inage.boules &Mitts,
far sale by 'Dee] R P. SELLERS
Q.ALEHATUS- 6 won ooperiorlik tuts and =As;
on cen.igrimens tartalo by
iett . R A,PATINFororm a CO
TA7IIITING,IOOborreIs aura dry for saldbY
jet 2 • : .121 FAHNESIOCIC aco
C Zfl t '34sllgAigTilittEr4alniar
oh doh L.Th
1:1!...17.4 • E rg &
iI S f°s shie bs ITA B A TINVSTO
1101 U
UC STONE-4 musks far zee bi
jem • • FAIINESIOC6 tc CO
1300115 liVEL
I.lltP/Fir tr. BUEteIiFiELD invite rho &mention. of
IVL'the ladles to their eltensiro assortment ol
Goa for Messes, conslitinu of .
Scotch and So las - pills; „
Figured Emirs d; • !
• Embroidered doi
• • Viefdria 144.20;
Law Priced Barred4ae/totes Tor Morning, dresses;
One softlmithed do; and a lan, assortment ot.Etadm.
Mesitaa with colored embroidery; prlsted Seca duet..
Lamm, Banat*, ke.iat north past 'Omer ofFourth
and Market meets. , • let •
' ? • FLAMM WI:1$8.1p.
PRE amnion's Life, or pernanoivevale a b:gtver
, velment in , our -walk omit God', Dithe anther
of oThe Way !dark o- - • • ff
Belt' ailtiention Reece mended , or Pinto to- , tismakt
feheel- B 7 base gLyior 4 lpziho.r 01 . .` 2 5 0 .. 1
Llinerf et Sotninieste, , de. . v -
The !Wm -Practical Midas. of 'John Keen:.
reed by the Coonvinteceithe Free Chuck °CBl:oda:id.
The intrintelert Chnialen,er the Pine MaineSenres
Szerebed to Dloceno bothc3ood sod oti. Dy Wet.
Ancient Cnriattanitk. my( the Doctrines ofthe
I ( Tree. Callunsted• - "By lace Taylor, aeller
nt Despotism , ' an .
lilemonals or Ibudonoduetletr.or, diethoasts 10 , 4
• E.UkrU. Wee,. ecnoptinoir biegraphientecticeo
°tin preachern, to; , ' _
, Tbecimd the P.llllllo,
by from die. Ger.
mon of Online; li-oedema by My. Soon nautili - et... ,
,A.Syclein Moral Philosophy, or Christie,: Dine%
destgeed for dialectic intintellon,litcriry thy:hetes,
Ica. By W beeely, D. D. '_ _ • _
Principles of:Almada,
for the awe "et
scheela ! By W B Lacey LLD. On hend..tecolle by
ect •'. ,79 Wood et.'
rter,lo4 Fourth wt.
. .
n .l. tr;t i gl i g i o2 " rUSl. ,,E4jt i c,i d b • Pr.l Downing,
author of “gandstepe Ciatdralnie.ii -.Designs far Cot.
tale Resi&neee.","fletim end Emit Trees of AZatili.
V. o 4Car.'
:T nil Dessa alive to the Impioieideas of their
gardens, orchards; er cannily al atii-4o sclendao zed
piactucal -cultivators of the soll—to autumnal and
commercial gardeners, this loarnal, giving the latest
discoveries and improvements, en penmen'', and lie•
eels itions in.liorticolutre;and dioce bran - hes of know •
ledge connected win. It:, will be rimed linaleablit.
ells exter.ded and valaible correiponecnire presents
the eaperience a( the moat tont mdttulors la
America; And the lostedetiao and agreeable
froth tea t oo of the entinc,•ntake It equally weight
What by . eacet)e grOrtalzeuler,thieten din country
iffe Tho "Foreign Nadine' , - -sent a•- unary taw
Tha.Voreija Notices' , Present a surst...._, ;mit
ren Holtieslusral Journals of Europe; tbc
-I,Domestio No/Mus t , ' stud Aeuvress to Cerrespoidents,
furnish copious bite a to Me noelee In pen tie.' culture;
tea .ba oamereuu awl bcamirul I.lleumatlaus—Plane
ter Cousgee,Oeceubouses,tbefllrmestif new Trisha,
Shrubs and Plana, eemlaine to tender this cup; pl e the
ahesrat and mese saluable worts qu War of
Thu Fthit Putnam of tb.o bisetlestlratist ebue
siemee4 Ile 14; .9[ Joals,lB3o. or either. of US;
back syjurffs can be suppbed. • • .
, i'erms—Terielluiluu per you; ',wrap/114 , A1> bu
suede jet adviser ee,upd (leers its be 'op
For i A tt. by . 745AESLOC14Vi'OlfAl
• ' LOS Foultrt at:, •
Nos. amoo,
?;=TrairT. Q tr a ?ls
For p. ,, isalev, 014 ' 4 Na °t. 'll7.
' ferl.l3w- • • •
"BE—'4° bL " C Cili q b l l l 43 BAD; ; T :7—
. 4t Wa* Et
yiatzr ,
72t _
Ig i t: 7 l les tor y
1 - I . e.ll c lt tL lKGS . foll DA No 1 foit ri b zi , LNT ---
( 1..) . $ reeNkfor sJle
ISO WJ441.-11
10 DO; Di Rakers , Ltverareit and Tar, ast.ra
4 , calved and for sale by ' KIDD& CO .
24 DOZ Townsend's SampuillikAide by
111130 d CO
ILISPIKE LAV4N.ll4Bll—ra lbs reed for rata . hy
lerr • - MD*. tX)
yi t 1 . 2 - you genuine foktantik.-co
XTRA ORANGES—Tim Meet landed la Pbli
delphia fat dyearv,to arrive ibie d4y. rot sale b.y.
letlO . , 11:4 tarwir
-Chy Mwmf4ctatedtbni;
Smewberry- d;
' P4reaPanilfv:
Eager . . do: Fona k by
WILD Igreji.X.B AT. 01X161411T1VPOPr
On Friday Erg, Jlnio 41, at SI *Week:,
rßlAPAZTAtTlDttilleWeolinitilyVileil l .:Fll:l l lbe'
Aduallence,l3 eta; children scampi:l.o b r their
Omuta half pries: •,,
. 'The lICORter Slope No" , leaves the stlaadins
tmhe begionhare of each bons. For partlslatlVitre
• NOT/O D .
Tim Annus] Mutant of Steekholders . /A
mantle 1111. Ohio Telegraph Cassese? ._' "f j
hatetaily to Charter, n Thursday, the IOU; o u . ty,
A. Pt
At II o'ciect, A, at the Conquer's 00 7 , M V,L .
Chestnut at, laladslob is, for the novo*.
nine Directors Ito saye for the ett.el4::At i f or .
transact men other business usee7.ei, . .
the meeting. Dy order of the m
lele.dtd • IV Die[ accreted.
oar Prifin‘ rillaw. n
Lectures ow* Ulster, of Elia.:
Henn , Dint , A. AL uteue k.
A Family expositiori of the Pen 7 Hee.
Detu7 0000 4 A tirith notes chiefly en.
Thee oLee,ci.desofietrbt:dtoPrlVath Pch.lrmeets and
7= l l t y Iletreciion, Dr henry J
eel insutete.
in Newt°. , Discourse showing the
No C ..% N0 ‘" / Us Doi Cr of
Nature and Diselelise 7. can a t,...
. , ,
7 'A H & CD..
y 0 l e hand i"m s
Id ' h
N 0.19 Wood street.
FL Laciest'. Ftsilsm! Economy; a mesa. on the
nnnr nt t of crenctmcL its manaecatent; prospect.,P r e nt i en ., ememeretal.fuumebt, and cooial n with
so scrotalon of thopmetleal remits of the laiiways
n p e etton In the Vented Eintioasi In la the Continent,
and In Americo • By Dioryalux Lardner, D. C. L. the.
Tae Dina? et the Confeulanal. , Ely John Hatay
ii ptloh D. D., MOW Of the Diocese of Vermont.
Gmyer's New Edition Cf htlimanh. Gibbon's Do.
cline sod Fall of the Romen'Empire 6 tel.. , •
Lemsrune's Last Ilte Pont, Present,unA Fettle
of the licnnblie. 115Alphimen De Lancetine,* •
cerlyle'S Lets! Day Pamplilet#. No VI. 'finbjeet,
Not of Levet's new Noieb—The Dalton..
. .
G. P. FL /Ones' clew Novels—The Old Oak ChesL
The above veorka reeeived Ibis day, and fat sale by
Clironitle and Poe!, eppi
MEISEL-70 his W Y Mee.; reed for .7:10
Set t r , BIVS-11 casks4willbLwci=o
r r norms a co
ykoM,, - Workt„ Bahian
Realm & Ma4MV, Rotbemem . ,
- Racial fr. Oketeatester;N. It; _
, Norwood & - Cridet,lacanylkDl Canny;
P.M-book: Nem YOtts •-.-••
He my & Dibunitea,olMantx,y. N. yr,
IL Y. Dunham &Co, Now York,; .1
Der mead Ai Co, Wominsant Wotto, Lkatr,
• Von Curen, Rochester, —• :
--Mom & Alma Nem Yotln • • -
Altana W_gaan, do, • ' -
Pomo & ' • • ;
• Weft Point v0an0374 .
Nord. & Rao, Philadelphia f - •
Sal3b4Bit.a..b.Ortb,r•i ' '
WalwMdt & Nason - Boston ma Novi Torki
Lowell Machine 51/4, Lomb,
airomoVaig Co, alanohestor,li It •
• Lyman & somber,
. - .
No iMoth:mita math dies fr.tapi fee to slll.olll=l
Not do 8 - urlirtho..atno
NOS do z 9, • thaiDde)
AN *Wm Oddelated bates.' (Waco,
B. Hosthoo, New Votlr,V..D.:l3loniblal , C , } 11 . 1 .•
dalthla, aDd 11. IL Beemlle Sato. Cade.fg..ot
sod Teps,withoe Withetth soiteblosei frelielaik them, •
will meet with pecnopelittantloo..
Clltheed.**7 .• •
:111 , ItS . RN:E1 T&:.'.:,,
. . , -
LeStell aad . .
'•olsslsl.ssaticau - -• •
Ihtir Circle ind - Pizotue • 50 5055 i. •
Secolut 403011104
.Ifir colored
DO5O , 55 0 0 55t,..00000 , 001 tlie it 0 o , 4otrok.
- •
ID TlENerre. 09 laa..esrgo:
Oa Ticsdtramleis,*iit bbritalaitid '
I . d!Als • r .7-,,traccma
1.0*14,24 ILFS ovr .° P. ,pd r '06.1,41
W.a=an ,. / 34 n•fil ldr , Nick& ' •
PTITEBIIIIIIO , 1191181,11111 . LECTU,SI
spoLim., 84Lt.-iipiravu
DP.Blir DAILY, :trio' 8•Y. N. till 10 P. N.
•Adatisilon to Macon sad foetus Roach= emir,
Sauna seati,•l3ll eenis mfrs.:.
• 1.3
• 1111111(1170111111411111811110,
137 a. IMP , ' Void strwtt, Above 'Fifth.
•It AT w.ald estoblittuttsitt new offered T for
. r .Is adrottably arianged 'kr omens,
hew' Porten:lA imply to
• 1' • ..10131.4 A F172:81510NA,
QUNDEM3-156 groorl6baleboor,.l6ed aims;
22!,=r"irril4;:-: A
. _ 6 CMS &GM ThlCa. (o}lllli.b7
Ckahlat,itreAl. dors osernth street, Valseltlykria
IB central, In the linmediati of the moat
important publie , lnatitutlotterthe , beet!stab moat
faelonable - places of- baldness'-lad 41tet *deaden
public seuereaef the atty. dntheintiSnrinnt
of light and.sentilation, taro principal ,ohleeualmed
at in th, tenant enlargement and thorough tetprose
ment'of Hotta, It is not eyomuted, rserW., by
any establiahmest In America.: To strangenb there
foxe..irs rtositlon Is peculiarly AlmUlthitlA .7114 sato
scriber, Tenants thanks to bye friends saadd tiro public
fm•thn.libolul patronage they hire exisedna to Lim,
not somata them • that ha will nau essei tremmit a
nonlinear.* of theta favors. F3i6485
• BIM BOOK51Bn52,1F..;1100BLB
dT zrozz-42 , -LirsztAir` DEPOT
Tian Saxon impala zba.Pat (ace,
Nonvkp, Baniecn.crolea Frianc,ln nneeppag, a
• Thellacemad 'and' p4 . S . mitiolal ! . "My Alexander
Adecanneo dfdap. - deatar if tauter tate.y.. muury.. By Mope :W. - , Connealsea
thecae Laing Age; BPI'
Wodery pnca An par yea.
• , Graben, ,
Avast4axo' Jesinusl.l/IF•Selvaves;asti AT ON .
C C ° 1112 .7 72,1 %IV r ni 1 7 ' 41 t i 11!:
t. ,• . 114...'rearest C
ta isineervrtliteiteonths,
in • mrstbets . 'erlF kistes,eisti, maltissrlsrelemo
rev= i ;ek pal; es eh wltli-many lllsetistisers). It Is
dement to oddrial utiuka4n.tklncee lextirdb.Arts.
Condom/eel ißeslears .Abstrtetv, , st .Blsmolts aza
Ducey crier IV** FerletratiladieslwNsAlesArf New
PsbUutlativ'e , ad.s.Gerrer*l..ila9ewtsf•l'eSetlglPek'.-
!••slfie eptik*rteirreWM.4llni'
liar +if %Ohio icenkrSl*CttleoV, =es
preeol4.. - Fvbie-i*Enn, 113 alreir; Itilvt.diree. • -
. -I. .V.DI49ILIVOOIN'Asq ,
I . 'l . OO - • 4 • •-• FostOilt • •
torALTs4Er. wasincrireittletimilaime '
1 •;. ;,• tit,g
i'VrV ' efrbr - -JORN.3TeI ," :6Ei dn itir
Jll Firq,l34ek t for saltrby
• , j e 2q - - . „ roux rAnsrf co
11017LNpOW OTASS—e= big Vsttk
a 'erevedsild for i1d.1.1.;;, S'
C1D• 22 E ,402 .
• - ••••••„:fildi:3 DALZELL
IQ ALEUATUSI-73 bzs fa Stliisgfor * 1,4
t, , 1311W1T4 , 49 1 LL
leo . • . nit w
'VIM" sitegv, of the Capital kok *vit',! Wald
x. ern' Tri:oetNiarnM7l!: , llTi i ii ) Imo
8 11:1:?, •
:10 brks Tanners 144 •-•
:12 . easki Aredh.Fkoitlilefi a'saiftleec,
51411N"L lialiV.Zgifjci r
Srirras'iati,i 144 Viotti:la
'los nldiens - idonebesln $
0184 , ud 'lnsidevenifor.SU resent; itasodalr,.
In 1110ettectes, itlonedlalel.lsbons the 70.5.57darins
rniuunrairErra - 1147
p ol tt l.l ... nris,;7atrted imi 6. (Val
coos always , oo batik and , We ,tale,sr...! looms
toonshatory micro. WOolmla
No ft fll5O Montt fo. Po Jy°tvna.
Wholes:Co ; Manorastory. of
HAW., tr.... , Warelooso cOOIIIIO. "
all qokillit% St 10. , fls.
okile Us Nat for .,
letfloltrod "
. • , a tl as gcsool.ll3 t .1
ttIJIIH We and
u.i,, or Oxfordr...sry rd. dt.
First Araertren edlnon.
:Me Golden Mowry' lintwenn. ollo arregarallAng
what la to .be 044nred. - 00 0 !Amstrad, e
which la added,rr Made to the fermi
b q sfry in fletwirnstsi
dereloped. l 4 the ore of the lents, Pead..4.o Life,
GC.11.11Z.Nr.1"461. of 11 qt . 1 . , to N ow
: Vdeerrlto; -.
rho Reeorda of &Goon NSA% Ijii:,.111:1/. chu
orlsla by . ' , & Co.
relit • , .No 70 Waal rreet
-541,101 pri m Foir.!!
o—tirottlVOL4Ssm hbd,
°par 11.421
B L cing..!.s . eubt elly iiII01!ed
tads' • Etdeg z ,
/ :93 WI 13vgarcluentuto.
na`irs - " 44--- mid!zsruszvai
qua a TANNERS. OlL—lab/Is WI ten , Oil;
C TioNtr caul
VATLS6 bit Nol - Ciatii.nal In *tom* Yale by
.0 IVO ., .• - ;:fleollSakHOE
D few thiA tNo t intd aeon at
bi l ler teal cultnt. but
SODA. abitlf—'llo. &tots 'soap:test ereZ:. °l AA alto,
Afteases superior. bit Oleeelt , #!nt7.,/ 1 " • 4' 4
utll be oold.low for close by
- left • • JOIN ItteVADEN &CO
tugs. bon pley
.lel9 ' Ate nni7 Ic
B eCbti—al pen bog votATlVaditg•fersole by
Liberty iamb
rt9nkllt.-1: iris 1447gme....a,
'for i*o4l .,) EIKE:alb) 11:14r(Airtin
IVUMMNIA HA.81 , --1500 pas Vl,ELnikeialed. at
1 apuk. forirUe b 7 / 3E/A ' 3_ !/ WI"' „
1 - 7 ' a., DEFT-10 Otcs Do iftealCil tined 13 o * , _
DL AI4IB i es Miller, 11 , 7:tear1.8..
.1.4 VlT.Zeres - , ao;
time ex:meowed-y."IU r
e trur.
"11 11 3 16: - E12841NICOLS
' "l6
. ' lle rLiltir4G•44l4o . Oil oars arl
WitrAsol*Cevi: RUDISON, rTLKkCO
CoPrtiLLI. 4 VgagN , dins
- Irt fount...6r
CANVASSED 11,1M6-! eutt•la!le__, fdßsila by
Inip 110815
OTASII—II task', pritat atilelo. tor ode by
Lela' anutpos, irri.E t
•Foa ° o: do .
IVO olos cadVo. saws.%
rut raw by Oa/ z,c 1840F11
1 .7; MONO "11114