The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 25, 1850, Image 1

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    ..._,f y ~ . ~ .
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IAi,I. 7.1* CO .;
SIWTZ SU% :Dim, min %mitt, W wog TO
TO. oorty•—..--. 3,00 •
•Weekly, aihnouse)— 2,C0 -
, Do. , Cabs, at • Podieed-rats.:. • ..
WIT. CI OT ADV&IIT111111611
• Dattalar les (Infixes of Nonpareil or lesi)__
• resat wertion•--w•-•-••••• —.110.5 0
One Doss rah each additional insartion•• • 141 5
. one weak 1.7 5
- ----. Do. two weeks.—. •34ar
Do. U° •
Do.on. month•—•--.-- -
Do. sonata— TM ,
De- • three tkoints.•., O.DO
Its. Lour months -....--1 15 • 01
•-• sin tRa. •
Do. • mete.
altudiat Card -(5 Wars-or lets.) per ennew•
Ooe Equart.tirangeable atpleseure (per
mai extlanives of the newer.-- .......
For each additional squarv,loseited escrow , mOnits
ass ler each additional wows inserted ander the year.
Iy rate; half price: •
Advertisements exceeding • purer ea. 0 • 1 ever
fMen noes, tO be charged as a flame end a half.
Palgishers ml wee instable for MO
Depart& the mon* eherged theirpahlleation. •
Aanouncing candidate. for office, to be charged the
_ - Mtrea as Other colceittmloesit., ' • • •
Advertisements not warkedws the copy fora speci-
' fed muobek of Invertlensorillbe aoatiaaed till forbid, -
an4p.a7:;itaegarsisd ac
tgee.a. of
and all other spoor.
•• clemeine ne
not penakeiag so their regalar basloese, as
agreed d, to ke paid arra. • . •
All adVecteementa far charitable inaritatlone, fire
amnia. ward.Aaanselldpitod mho'. payable
. - s aa ffra,ta as eluded lieJ flaw e, payable away
• • ,
Marriage sal:ices to be charged DO cane. ,
Math notions swotted without charge, enter. seesaw.
pa . al.d by funeral Inwratiens or obituary notices, ad
. .k. gdsgsk eeepatued to be paid for, . : ..
Deg alaredvenners, and all others vending nowise.
eleations,or reaeiring notices designed to call anew
sHoaw plam,llolteeS, Carle crte, or any pablie enter
pdpmeele,labere charges sue nada for adwittanes—
all doticesiof rattans essociationevery
aimed petal Intention to private onterpascanaicata•
Seder remedied to promote Individual loteMat,&sa
-17 be Inserted with the understanding that the saws
tow be paid for, If intended in beThiserted in the b
eat colansu, the setae will be charged at the rase of
- not law than 10 actin, per line.
. arbor; or Fiat Notices to be charged 'triple price, •
• ' 'Tavern License Yetilsonsi,ll2 each.
•. Legal sad Medical arlyertisemeuts to be charted al
rename. • : •
Real Estate. Aeate , ;and AO ctioniere adrertise
meats not to e c lassed ander yearly rate., bat to be
;snowed ducountot thirty three and one third per went.
from the amount of.billa. . ' ' - • • - •
lam= on TOPNOIaiLI 111 nem ',awn.
Oise Senile, time intertiona • 41 50
Do. cab ndditionel Insertion., '
alwawnamacen u SMUT, PAPA. '
One&aote,llOtin ne resertien•--50 , 141. :
- Do.. each addltional - nwardou••••"4
All insistent advenisementslo be paid in adirance.
WHITE k. CO, Gazelle.
ROST kl.llllDDLE., , Joirnals
JAMES P. DARK A CO., C•rodeta.„
JOS: ENOWDEII, - klannul: . • ' •
• _ .11.11F.S W. BIDDLE, Aalorl.tto•
HlRall CAINE. Evening Tribene.
• Prrrovasa, Dee. 1,1910.
• , . J0111%.41. pAincznaoN.
A •
LDEitAIAN, w t . Ward, Penn went, barren..
Vitals and Walnat. All baarnata antranthl
tended tn. . mut
A TTORNEY AT 41 1 7—Clace, on FonrChillost
41, stave Wood. sr to
ATrovimr AT LAW, iiia Commissloon for
- Pammlranio4 el. Lamle, Mo. . .
All commille.alloao prosiptlransioei*A .
7. P. Stamm
• • 131111 D t STICIIIIZTT.
A7, ll l=ru•rzai.LLl - Fa:Z .4
John Harp Wia C. Friend.
TTORNE.Iit At LAW, Foirrthitreci,neir Drat.
ATTORNEV AT LAVV—OISec os, Fowl]. greet,
between MuthAcid arld Grant: Pinsbursh.
loptIV•ly -- •
betpamin peter,—.-. WilGnm Ilslemell
PATTON iii.nmizwELL,
A7TORNEYS AT LAVIOSide in Tilghman Hall,
Grass eti near the Coast Noss. Mkt
A 0
S il-M—Cil:L-ThTnlngleal,
• .endai Seheel Bookseller. and dealers
In alt kinds of Weider Window ands I;Vrairping F.
per, No. 40 Wood street. between PUMA and DM.
eeond *MM. Nimbler b, Pa. enl7
.A T = l ,4l: 4 l , St fri• lier
" jr.:l3r a
Me, (law riusbant.) • • w ,•
gelereaces. , Pfsiebsrsl. Ppm . onnr S.
ba& 11131tr.11.1 , Candlosa-ildeClani, Joliet E. flake.,
Bisselb .Ir. Semple, McCord Ar-Kimr. lull-1y
- „
Vt. 1. WOOITW/1111,.. ...... ....—„.11.044 , 11111/MALIT.
AGALEir, WOODWARD k CO, Wholu ale On.
litarket v., • Ind,llol. ' •P 4
Pleasharrsh Aileen Werke.
MOIXNETT, BERRY it Co,24asaratts ran or Soda
Adds. Warsboaso No ---,Water erect, below nary.
elg — drWlt Itratur. • - - • • brows Relter.
iRAUN A REITCA, Weolesala .04 Retail Mer
t ,In% comer or Liberty and St. Clair streets, fie.
zoLoamit 110110Yli11,
runtmuumori MERCHATIT,Sock and MU Brat
ez,Ml-1 110 Setond oveet. - ma7l-all
vaquaaas Spilling, Azle. Asti Ire;
; • Ifforka.
C .
HATLMAN & CO, Mannfoontrers •
Coach and Ellsk Spring., Hammond Arlon,
Boring and Plough Bun), Iron. to. Warnitoose - ea
Water and Front menu Pltuborith. • • .
Also, dealers In Conch Trisontinp and Mallenbto
&stints. twill
rfOldfIl&ION MERCHANTS. lir Dalai% In Pro-
V does No ft %ark% avec, Timbale!.
lade . .
Et. Stumm
klo 6ElNNYM.Parmardirtx and C 1113.11•111 11
Merehaata, No % Markel at. Matfett!. apt°
CI A. DIcANULTY CO,Vorintrdlag and en.
N.J. minion Merchant% cane B. Pitt/A..11k,
• tara
CFL GlLAlT,WholesaGrocer, Comm auk awl
Perwanias Metal tat, N. 41 Muer In.,' Nu.
I rilttersodre • Fleming R. K. naming.
lI Infiglirlr, PICKING 'a CO
ousussioN FACII ANTSFor rho man or Do.
wimic,Wp.ten, •nd (C onn - G o o. : Good.; d e g c.o. ortalior. , Trimmings, No 117 Wood si n gib
door from Fifth Pambo Mb.
• Bette nce—glorlra. Wm. A. tuu ti
*lry ' Salsas s. arsaam.
'CINGUSII tBWINSTT, Oates aiads, Ontionnot
MO Co_.) Wholendo GiOCert, (lai d
and• Far.
wards's* Idn.lanln. and dealers in Prodasa assi
bare, )danotonnuns,No. 37 Wood st, between Sitd and.
. ,
11,Tig----OCHlRANuntionon and Forwaidina
geTelund.. No. Woodmen ritudonan lOW
to .
_orphy Lee,) Wo — araia..
Jo, at .t ins . ;Z of
402!II---W..".°T. 7
L. I. =LLD, / n a."
1. C. ni b7OllL.f/INO.
ALI) & lIITOCNOR, Tobacco Conualscian Mov
canna, Norpt - Tratar at, & la Moab Who've*,
• - acr•3o4f
?pro /OHM ts
Co., iecomots to Atotoo o ,
eh..,27,ta) Cuomo town and FOrßaraitl,
StetPdul+ lionartoottod Goal",
• .
• W. P. gAWUA LL ,•
LiPO . R42tetta 0130
le re":ehtul Am ) Ik KU 7
o.ll, l Wiiis and Borders, Wiadow M.;
Pm r..PrAt e intlAZl V lZ i tter:r iA nc ti ril :aWsgsPci
, fa,t3 'own alde,..Yittsbangh, Pa.
.. .
, . •
riffrblibiLoy4, wi „ g ,...i. v u outomd ,11..
.., " , 1 " 1° sftr., Tam., au. Varrtrobor.lko. No
o. "...• ~ ,. .t,oos door 5.01 of Mario:l4d Alley
e,.. . opt.
ria ts.DA. " . MktL-I,t,enia an
• gorolarthaoi desk, 1p Pram.° 4021 PittsblllA
jidilltfattar.s. Na ft Watn.t, Plttskurth. ' ' Kw
ina"lu4"2ll'."Dwx".". • ' O.- ta . lal u s " Orna "" ers. "' reet "4
3: Wald. ri"*".auominesien in ?indite* Nonni
'Water, and le7 fent woes. Piaabarta. nee
1' DILWORTH k CO., wko , and
07; Agents for Hassid rowdel TAy, r m i id
riasberith. •
J U N illi e.ll 3g s et . WYO. itt,Mllit.Do'4l.".l.4l6llikLlAPc4bo7lll":
• will hare seiutainly au haat %wet/ elated es_
• ."..miwt ile best and freshest lwbeines.whieh
fell en the now tweenabte tem& , ,a •
oriono•in vmody ,I„11 1 r
• 7 5. d with ankle§ they =a
yhyreelani e nsuerreseriptiill be esearliteliene
; eimpaie4 [rem them best ntwiel, at any t i .t, o f
be 21 or el Kitt • .
Abe see se* a large Med let huh esit
T. CANFIELD, 'late al Werten, Oftta.,)
acid Yorlaudfag galah. t,wa
baler. %Yuma Refetiro Meese, p.,
rest land Westarn Prodatee renarally. Wince
Ewan, between Smithfield and Waal, Pitlabiaralk.
RTOCETON, Bookseller.. Priottra.
and Paw Alatottaciorets, N 0.44 Matt wee',
j9be Eloyd. Rickard Floyd;
aa},oyD, wbblesals Or ill inn
,11/4. 11.11 d Dealers Ings.'dis ars COrtnn .e, palm
alllbarek • op, irneairiC On Liberty, Wood , d
Ora in
jOnli INkTr,.(illentatOr in Enna suitAm
W'reiruie GROUT aad Coroadssiaa • lioreklas Ptialara and }gasbag% Dlsastastares, - aior•
Vas IstLaeltrard hand streata l talibadata. )911
.inn ga mm a Lena Ilesseestil the lA/Ms.—COG
z_sp gr• earner of. Wars, eed ittgatifieblitsi
. . ~
"- - ; ., :1, - ;' , -,t•,, .!..,_ 3. ,,,,...., 21 ..,..._•„......-, ::: :...... z ...... : _.-- . ..._,..„ : ,-.,•-,2-•-• --,- :,-, .•:- - - ",....-;-:- -- --, •- - _,- ... , _ „........--., - . -- -, ,- 7- 7' . '" - ,r,''-'''''' ' '''' 7- 1 l'''''':''''T`'''7 -I =''' ''''. . 2 . '-'..'`-`,:i.-7 ~,,,...-„,,:-.,12,...„,„...7,,,,,,::.2,,,..r.,
_, _ ,
ir.,4,, , z _ zr4;::,, ,_ , . :. „. v, ..,„„...
.. ,.. ,,iimiL
• - .: , ' ', ' ' ' ' , . 1 ; ' 1 . h. ' --_, - 1.. ,
.. • '... , , , .- 'I . :
.;,,,,, s -.2,: i. , , , ,,,t ,
.. , .
. .
. - .
... . a
f l y ;\ G
• ..
.1860 ; - - ~ -• . - • VOL: - .1 XVIII' N0:' , '2 ,7 3:. : i
__ , , any
jrz.:_L_. , e, 1
i: ... • i ~, , f, , ,,
.r.. 6.
Bt§fdg§ CA R D S .
- A,.„,.rci,
Z.r.f, .61.14,Wik, .617'Ostatualaon Mernhants;
tad kooto of um st. Low 13LeV:1 , f! , V.F RanerT.
101 IN 111. AIELLO& Wholende and Retatt dealer
aglifijaia and Magical 1141 . 0=e:s, Satinet Rocca.
•osver.siona.•Staal Pans. Glallr, Printer. , Cards; and
genetally,No. St Wood ai4Pittaburad.
• trr Itaratnagar or tuba. In tmla: • z.
An. ,
woslto at. Charles ILotel, Mahwah, will so
ataaad promptly to Collections, la Waahloston,Fayeatt
Oree.. tau 44, PRE.
• . FER TO
Blsekttoek, DIU Co,
Church I Quothars,
1.- Pr4.lbuxh.
oe1:14 iv
.ire 00 , A KEIL & CO, Wholesale Dn.earrrrr
..No Q 4 Wood meet, Pinsbenth • Pa
V.IKnIJONFJi tarerarchng aralCornanrsion r
chart*, Dealers in Prodace and Pirlaburgh
illacturedaatielet, Canal Basin, near DI, sr. ap4
KE ; 11 N K s t: ; 11 , I , ' / 0 ? . 11 . 1 4 L:5 ‘ t C il, o 6 4: t n t h aL t
Tlnne and Bauint.. j400.13,_
Vesuvius lives Work•
& CO, Manala clorer• of •1
sista Cat, Shoal, Roller Iron and NMI% of On:
Warehoose, St Water and 1O Fran soot%
Milfer;Ybilsd. C. W. Rlekcison, Pittsburgh.
U[ILLER RICEETSON. Wholesale Grocer., and
1.11. Importers of Rmdion,Wirienand Argon, Nu.
172 and 17.1, emu of laborty and Irwin streets, Pitts
Iron, Nails, 'Genoa Yarns, de. ket., eon.'
on hand. . • api
Join NV& • - June., D. llttitll. Wan. C. Rue!'
MeGILL.9 A ROE, WholGglits Gruel pndconanis- •
sl ilerchnots, No Irberly Et, Pittsburgh
- -
repay• PM. T. QlllO6.
Joarze-a. quiuo,
• IgtANUFACTUSE.ItS of sprint and blister steel,
In plant, steel, steel plough wings, coach, and elip
fespnges„ltsrumered von soles, and deniers In inal •
eeb l el emboss, fire engine lamps, and coarb trimmings
Kutraily,cornet 0nt0... and Front SU., ritt.l
eb 111 . 0.
N. 110LMIN &SON, N 055 hl ~,,, et. second door
arm corner of Foorth, deldere l'ofel=n t d
Dusue•tie Viii. of Exchange, CeruSeates of
Hank Norc and Spect..
Irreoleletlaus made on all the prinsigal elites
• traighout the linked SUM". .p4
lirieK MASTEN, AL.. a...A/awe, Font th
third door .boee fttLitafteld,•ontli eide.:•' •
• Catvey noting of all kinds done with tne precinct
cute and lc •laccaelteY,
Fit es to • eat &tate crammed, tn. ocalaty
1VE11.411 at. 0t5..1
11a O. fT.Market aireeLrittabar gb, Pa . , keepers:iv:wa
ll Iy on Laud, antes alt kind.
Lteutlea, e. Porter and Mineral Water ilotticaaf id•
parlor qatthtp. •
• Panlealu attemlaa paid to Private ti10v.149.
Ildltlieggraphle Establishment,
4"70 . WM. SCl(Utllltddrilsl. Third sy opposite the
Post-Gface, Pittsbo spa, .Udl
heads, Sbowbills, Labeds,_Arcidtecutral atnl Machine
Drasnngs, liminess and Visiting Cards, de., ongtaved
or damn on awns, and printed in colors, Gold, Brame
or 131• Ck, itl the moat apposed • , yls, and at the mom
reasonable prsoes. _ - octissly
Orrick...AWN...l4oomm , &Rao
apIT . • No. 27 Water meet
HA:Ti Lor s. tTli a re w c t ex log
sortouset Jour tha Dry Goals, wloela they
will orator C 13 3, or approvalcredit
Woman Merchant. are invited to eutiaine our
atoela taro
OB IN , ON, LI TT LE it C 0.." a. 1172.L.11;er1y wen
Pivaborah: - Wholesale Grocers, Produce and
Candeission blenilinds,. and dealers In Pin/bared
Idanisfae arta ' .pl 7
roar. Jamul—snot Unit tom. a tosnmox.
POSER? NOORE, Wholeaute Grocer, geitifg log
116 Distiller, dealer in Prodage, Pittsburgh Manning ,
rr an aLL kind,
o of
I Foreig n
T tr ee n :. l ) ;t: " " 4
I V .
large atoll of enricher old Monongahela *Mabry,
- which null be volt.; loge for c NAL. myl
EYIIOI.I/8 8111.11. Forwarding and Cortina.
slon Merehisata, for Ore Allivieny River Trade,
aulers In Groceries, Prisdnee karibargh, Manafae•
rives, and Chloride of .I.lrie.
This highe.t In' crab, .patd at all time. for
coantry rage. Come , Penn lad Irwin sta splB
1COUTIIWI" GALZKLI, It Co., t 4 Irate triocers,
I.llCominirslon alenbantr, dealers In Prods. and
rittsbarsh Manalaentres, Liberty street, l'ittrintna,
Pa. npli3
D Ork HT A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholernla Grocer,
Dealt* In Produce an_ Pittsburgh Manaasetures
N 0.144 Liberty street. nolo_
INUKH. HARTMAN & Sheffield Iron and
10 Saul Works—Mansfselsrers of Am.. B. spying
And Plough 9teeL Aluo—Yorinyth &Ito& Mere, All.
Oilsokt. They icori}o the sorption of roorohantu and
roorsruirs to thalU cork bolote putchstring. else
where: They warrant thdr wildcat° booqtts to any
sushi In thin rovntry or to:parted. - thbll
mw. Ir. WILT S.
lIACKLETT .& WIIR6 rgholetale De..lerm. in
0 Foreign and •DmieslL.: Ilry Goods, Io 99 Wood
P/ustatab. • • apt:
Sad. COMMiStin• , Meltetliage , tio; 117. Water matt,
Ptitgairgh. ap_l7
va mruciges. an= mons, MLITI.IIO
Q eia
ElAsEDEllt. NIIN/L9, Product and General Cum
sa mission blerchuras, No. 17 I.llass7 creo, Pa ,
larch. Poen., Linseed and lard Oils.
If',...VOnl.tllON.lituits_rcCO, Whol,ll. lc to
i'DY•illns In t Prtt:ar " g Lati'a%taricraunr \'‘.:l74';
Produce, bane removed to their new warehert te, (ol d
. Ido: '3o,i:enter or Front arrest and Chancery
East Ind. Diamond, PittsbarsAL.
_as' if
Watanitsa • •11. N. Watersaati.. W. B. Watetos
La a wimmizaAN a soma,
turcHoLmsa..E OaOCERei, Comirtivtion and For
wading. liletehants; dcaleTa in &libido of Pro.
dace A. Plusburgh blowateutred Anieler; au4 Ageott
for ule of iliclanad and Lyuchbarg il.sfulated
Tobueo. • end
Butler, Pa
TITILL also attend to collections and all oilerWW
aeaennttastedtoMmin Bator and AMMOSIg
Maid., Pa *kW to •
• J. & R. Floyd, Uncles st.
W. W. Wallace, do
James Hannan do rittsnelnn
dry Kay & Co., Wood st. I •
B. B. gich.rd.
- 15.' B. 111.18111P111tt.D Oa CO., -
WHOLIinALW: and WWI Main. m Gm.
and Dry flood. and Commission Merchant
N. LI belif rinabarah.•
a CO.
Dantil Daaln, rerui sped. Psttsbure h. a 6
No. at Marker, aid fa Commerce et, Philadelthla
Advanem made, hy.either of the above, oo conrign
meets of Prestoee to either
-CciltervirAz.Learisiv& seIN,
INFOULD leagued.? solicit the consignment of
.. Ilarriabaret treed, from Western Merchants,
as they Me prepared to receive any ernrcirst. Line
sod fOletion Wale manioc night and clay, the freight
will not be detained, ai they will unload each boats at
allhours. feb93.oat
_Harriabargh• Feb.llo,
J. D. ...... . egm
TY Forwarding and eematisslan Merchant., and
dealers Ur Cowart Produce and Pittaburgh Menefee
'Mr., corner of Wood and Fifth streeta,Prosbatet.
Wm. 11. D. Alt Vol.
North gest corner of Wood end Third street.,
Jaal Prrnoraon. A. -
was meets., . /one co•Oansz,
V. a. WanDW•2O. 1.1.211 asestan.
wM. UALIALEY A. CO.,_ Wholesale Grocers; 19
.0 20 Wood street, Pittsburgh. • •917
rot! N. Mill, a.vta
& roVCANDLESS. (aaraewow to L A J. D.
' Wiek,) Wholesale lancer!, Forwarding and
Cinataispion Mardian.; dealer! la Iron, Naas, (flaw,
Cotton Irma, sad Pawn apes Manakc general
ly., coma of Wood and Waker a veers, Fittrbargb•
Vlnrs4k—W-MittliT'Efilsiile Grater.
WV • liteettfying Distiller. and Wine .4 Lill..
Merebaots. Also-Importers or Soda Alt end Bleach.
Ing Peados, No. UM Liberty Went; (opposite Sixth
rimer.) PittsbarSk.
W W. WILMA/Pi, Watehes, Jearelry,Sitser Warn
1111,•artil Military Good. eotner of' Market and
roved( street. l'ituherch, is. N. 11.—Natebes and
Gloat c.efsily repaired. - anl7
W a.,l43tiberty C v , Orsl ers in Leallirr, Video,
c WIC. I'CtrCltWn. eculco
rya au R. M c clrpenr,ONT, WUnlesnle Gro
u dealers In Produce, Don, Nails, Glass, ,
Pitts%lncnVinnufactur• geucrely,ntberty street.
_ _
7-77- J. D. WILLIAMS & CO.,
TVwrsdokp.n..Connols.lon Bintehennt, Denim i
•rad PntalnwO,
art Wood and Finh eteets, Pat..barg
YiSstamb. V.Are_2l?
- 11 . k ANTSCO.
lk/ATTIIEN VITTLSnN, Portrait and Msniature
Mt Fainter. ' floonat, corner or Fon Mee Anti and
Poona street, entrance on Fourth Si, near Market.
11 : 17 37Tar • ••, C061611.i11a
0.41, Old Lave., at, N Orleans. Leta ennotautty on
1.0 . 1 •1•• w sorunent INallthua do fellow.
d . w
s.lichthey elkit for sel ale trews 1013.
Nomad bun Et e ,e,,,BN•lary,..T.Lesintl,•/ Lla
ma tee,Laroeh•lle,/ J rann, Cotnae, del Ahn-
Wan, AI. Bliptille, A de Mender°, J san fte-,
dull:M•a,Aaelterolo,l.l•Tde Az Bpi and WAIN Wine*
tire by John Dar.d
tn•idel Ckaa;•rne Wine and Boma
117- lierg l 7• eadY
'!• - .
' • wasetov.a.u.
k. CO. bite removed 'their
' . - zzekakr. Delo pnonhvlost cora& of wood
kildllo4 arm& • • spa
T lIAVF, takuo VIAL Ca gitonto psztneralno told,
c•r m rie e e nm un b e u r the n
wmhi o ch "Joihlln
ethts date be
Mauch let, 1t O. JOAN PAIIKEIL
Mani CAM
JOUN ricalcar.n £ co.,
nolcs'lla Grown .DealerA in Prodar.,
Wines, L4nors, Old AfinangalnLi '
and maT,...4 Whitley.
,No. G, P.N. T 0 iZi 1101, Litnny Meet,
meinPlUttungh. P
9k5111“11 raialzn. IMOIs 111IR11.
iflaccessoiv to Massey, Ilene. & Col
in Foreign and DM140.1.10 Exchange C.ertificates
of Deposit., Bank Notcr, and Specie —North sliest
corner of Wood and Third streets. Current money
Co received on deposite.—Bight Cheek, for sale, and
llections ntude on nearly nil th e PfloolPui points
the United BMWs.
. .
The highest premium paid for Foreign and Ameriean
Advances made on eenksignmenus of Prodoee.stdp
ped RAM. on liberal tones apiet
W. A. deCtil..l 11..0
Itilti. A. //VOLUM/ S CO..
IVo 216 Liberty arid. adore illoo4
Have always an hand a large awertment of Moire
11rue:erten and Finn Teal; alp°, Foreign Faint. and
Nom Whole..lo and Retail. Dealer. tupplied on the
lawn. term+ want
* roust fßaphltade Shop.
IfTlllAN—hlanarketater of all kinds of got
ad woollen maehiliM Allegheny oity, Pa
works being now In o il and sseeesaral Ae
aso prepared io execute mists with dispatek
all kinds of machinery in ley hoe, nth as willows,
pickers, spreaders, cards, grineardt row:Lines, TaIIIVIIM
drawing frames, speeders, thmeslls, &am& woolen
oards,'double ar single, for ruerebtor or country work,
ninles,Jacks, &e.; slide and handl:alms and tools to gen
eral. All kinds of shafting made_to order, or plans giv
en for gearing factories or mills ak reasonable Hume.
llama ko—Kermedy Childs S. Co., Blneksteek, Bell
& Co., King, Pennock ?. Co., Jas. A. Gray.
He l ' o l z la'
The alio,
kftrimellegketre, [mews Pittsburgh') Pa.
o,iNct, N0....37 W. sI,! heavens ALErla and
f) Wood, Pittaboigh.
klf ILL e onetently keep on bend a rood Watt
mem ot ,W arc of our own inanutacoore, sod
, ,esperiorquelity. Wholesale and coentry Nes
' thaws are respectfully i netted to call codes.
£lOlOO 15, thernscleet, ima we are determined tli gen
chemises thee I before teem °dem% to the pub
Itritr..l% r•iout by moil,•eyompankea by Mecca; or
(.4 tall retme. will be promptly attended lo• otrg
lkAr A. thVIIITE Cth , would respectfully inform
11. L. the .puttlie dist they have erected a shop on
Lernic lc, bet Ween Federal sPdPatulasky stieets• ThaY
are now tailzing and me prepared to receive olden fur
every de...x..4 Piton or athletes, Coacher, Chariot's, lia
routlita, Davies, Phatonr, which from their
lone -app piety, in the manufeetnie of th e atom-weal
enabled I.Se that It they have,they feel conadenn they are
ea t p vidik on the most immutable wroth with
these waitring &Intim. in their late.
Paying parrtewl.r attention to the 'election of mate
rials, and. buying , none but euturtment waihteten, the!
have 110 bMIIIIIIOOO iu warrnuting their work. We
therefore mak the attention of the public to thil matter.
N. B. ICthatring ewe the Lest manner, and cut the
01010 reasonable tem. ie-121(
M. B. odeld usin aelUdsold
Haar.*, •lerrureca•AVoort axe Alkatua, Vtleßidltee,
Ca:ONTO:UIf to ruanufaePpre londs of COPPF.K,
SLIELIT littlN WARS. Ala* : Plafk
math Wo:k.
Pie= 116att built to order.,
treatoriranlis'l Soren
torse:=Gowppeorrir;uld Brae.
TleWare,de. de. Stn. Bebeet Cooklng Stoves,
Portable porces iant, aieea— very eouveuieut *r
ude for ettufalaats, Cahleruia trouts, or rail road
AVe wo e
uld respectfully invite swain beat men. alvl
others to gall and see our algid. at 4 yucca befor•
purehasing el searhere.
W. dic J. GLENS, Desk DX...dent.
Tin: are ettifeugaged hi the above bop, mess, earner
TY of We./ and Third streets, Pltteborgh, where
0 are prepared to .10 any Work in otes lime with les
cb. We
attend to oar work pcnionally,\ and mats
' will be given to regard to its neatneg • and do
sed be \ aVd sub-
Blank !looks ralcal to any pattern -
conkialiy. Bioko ir. nunibet• ovoid books board cafe.
fully or repaint-J. "Names pal on book. tin kilt letter.•
Thine that have Work in oar line are inaltrd 10
Prin. Iwo saylfetf •
Pitt .11aohlvi7i - Vl7orks s,rd liossidx*,
TunN WitIGLITO. Co, are prepared to build Carton
U La.
and Woolen Machinery of veers deseription;.iiark
as Carding klaebines, :Spinning traces, Speer:WM
Drawing Frani., Medway /leads, IYarpenr, on.
Dressing Fowles, Looms, Card Grinder r, dc. Wow 01
-iron Shallirgeorned; all saes of Cast Ira:l,l'ol,i ad
Clingers alike data nuiterne, elide ant 0 MrlA th . ,
and tools of all kinds. Castings of errry deseriptioir
famished on slier: none," l'allerto mule to ordrr for
DIM Gearing. lion Halling, dc- Steam ripe for beat
ing Fliewrina, Coat Iron Window Sank and fanny's:as-
Wogs generally. Order. left at die Warehowseol
Pala. Co Liberty meet, mill kora re.soptio.u.l•
Refer to Meek monk, Dells Co, J. E. Moorchenkl &
CoLi. E. Warner, John tronn & zone,Diusborgh ; 0.
C. &J. 11. Winner, tneubenvillo. 12131 9 •
etA most
TILE nibscriLer offers fro sale a battle and splendid
toillacal of
and and mahogany gland Ae
tna Pianos, with .and without Goleta an% celebrated
rEoll. Anartresent. The above Inellathfentr. atm aral-
ranted to bee t leat to any esanuteetared In -this coon-
try, and will e told tower than any brought from the
E..,.. F. }ILENE, Na
on teood et,
SI door above et,
N. 8.--City ft , lll , will taken at pal . fora few of
he abet e anortruveL aryl • P. It.
— IP/lair; Trurri jj •ria — ra trWßlttn.
TilltiLs to Certify that I Ifilre apt
: t i l n e ' r . t i ge i n ' te nth' i ! or fit ' e'ralXl S reatln Cl' e :
Patent laxplabgna
rill for the eil
basal Pausbargh andrlllea •hetty.
/OEN OIRSONi I *eat,
an Waline hi Gibatatt343.o roadway.
N. T,I
• Oet. 16,104 E.
. We have been alllm amoral the above anleli
m atm tha
once of the NovertylW mks far three ruuntbs, , laMal,
and feel perfectly *lulled that it It stated ur 'matron,
and we take Wentz in rceotaillandiag theta tut It art
fat article to all wrh love pore gatet. Orden ;will La
thankfully recanted and promptly executed. • '
ortl9 LIVING N. ROGGE ti d. On
-- _---.
Steam Urlek Work. for Sato, "
c, rompifaint
Strom Engine, 2 Roden, 0 Mould Machine, napablo of
manammennsmykio Pressed Beret, Mat ordrY
as taken from the bankd per day . ; with three antes o I
land on Me-Allegheny liver, on , which are 4 kilns Oat
sheds,machme and clay sheds,,mheeltmstotws , crocks,.
.be ada& 44 , every Mum Teguivila to corn
menre Operations at an bona IV nine. rrite, including
the patent right to are -rant mat-bine, 07,00n--serwri of
parmeemade easy. Without the lan& ed,ooo- For
partite's., address lEENRV kIERRITT,
No 119 Alottatielalllew.4%_
Watiwswilst wad Cast loom Ralllsact •
Lsubacnbers beg loam to Inform the pubtio that
they have obtained Irons • Me East all We late nod
oahle•dasign• for Row Railing, both for home.
¢lll.l erlittletiall.' Penang sal thing to procure 1.1016.
wme qatteres will please mill and eZarnine, and judge
for thenuolsm. will 1m forMshed at the short
cut notice, and in the best M sneer, at the coiner of
Craig and'ilsbeeenatteeta , legheak
vi A . I.AbIONT & KNOX.
JOAN LX 0111111,
Agerri fur Ciassts and fte.coverg of Property In
Eileam f.
lIAVING spent newly a re•r in the ••flOll4 Re
cord Offices, National'Es beery, ho., during bts
lona stns to England, inrestige flog chows for petrol.
In this country, and hating secured efficient and re.
sponwide Agents in London wad Manchester, he 14
riepared to afford all necessary inforination and atl,
ice to persons who seek to recover their property to
that country.
J• L. keep.* lion of the Bank of Eugland Dividend
Books, whleh ma been mrwd tor bo came, or tot
garb letter of the Alphabot.
Refuences In Horton:
C. D. P. ADAMS, Notary Publirt
r 1 W
nt , Rs,.
111. CORD a. ao.,
A( 8 r• to &Mord 1. stingy CIL
Cornet of Wood and Fifth &reds.
DARTICLTLAR at pald [songr Retell Trade.
1 Gentlemen out rely upon gen and
[Mpg (rem our comblisheirrit of the tint aIIaTIMAIJ and
WoiallaMiltilli of the Lasatt rtra.l3,alad Id the towaur
Country Merchants, purchallng by wholesale, an
respectfully' Invited to call and examine our Stock; ea
We tail gay with confidence that as regards atlm.lll
and muce, it will not auger In Comparison with any
ogee In Plaladeltihnt__-_nobly
DEO9 leave to Inform hlafrleiGi and customer. that
1.1 he iv jaat reeelving his newypring Moot er Goods,
comprising, alt areal, all the nearest and inert fwalon•
able styles of Clutha, Cawdatefea, fancy Vesting, cot
ten mid linen summer atlas, and every artlelissuitabla
for gentlemen's wetr rot/prang andmanttlar. It being
imptimible to the beauty, quality, or quantity
of the Mock, the proprietor hope, all who are
in Wan
W t
. .1, chelsOashtunable, ond well made cl
will give bins a call, as there is no strict this side of
the A Ileghenteu that can caseate with U.
The ready made department to vet y extenave, adop
ted to all tastes.
Rail read eentradlOrt, eaantrp merchants, and all
whip aieloma largely, ore parnealerly in cited Rork
amine the sleek blurt pateraasing, part.r•liir oh.
Walton is paid to the wholeiale Unitesa at this estab
Avery article to the tail Ming line made In order la
the mom fashionable and bust tli!auer. et the *henna
1.2 i A
tgr i tif , . tr i f i e„tr:e, wWlon
ti;yl , I„ c,... firro .
WSW. ft Itrsdlty. 'the burin.. anti bv earned on by
A Bradley, who will settle thre-bssineirs 01 the thin
• -
REMOVAL,—Allesnetv heate.rallsts Voutelly
Wisfshouse froze Noll 2 9.10nd streetoo . No to Wood
Street s eetween•Eltht trnd strtetelo the ware.
hoe. lately y A Been, where to,
keep sonctently on hon. o general scsortmentoffNwir
Itlnt Grates, pt.., Coot leg thetnt. , 11 13
11E attentron ofthe peel. tespectretty e.
hed to
TTpthe following contheelea: • , •
Estors—lleving,testal the
. (Geld
trelithat by yell. Areornacr, lend the rein/I proves
veer instrument correct; and recommend the a •of tt
to those going to Celifonfllow the beet method COT Oh.
Mi ning the real vele. of Nola. Beta Veen,
J. u_siurilxvit,uoul B atm:
Mabergb, IklarehihlA9,
Pherratmun, blunt 7 INA
ML g a ins.-Dear Ho.. IllavinK examaned tht
nium7;nunurofattorml at your rooms, I do not hantata
<ol9lllend it to the 12.0 of theme gentleman ' , An an
about rtmoving tO California in saarelt ;
Ii woo • ClOne apptommation to the opettille jrtVet
ty of metalni mt . mill certainly enable um ad , mans
to metrtaln Wks.n him planar is ' , Withal! Gold.
Ruts • Itpoire, marl, J. R. ht , CLUIS 0171 C.
talon Mutual (Me Inman Company
Aerie or I.ll3ltvel
to 50.000.
JAMFA . CRAIN° h. Co., Agents at Pittststrrght P.
BOA. of 1/11111=ION, at TIMM% Mr
Jaws How, Jr.
Ikr.Sarnia Fish„. P e
e . rdLTA,TP
Jobn A. Wear!,ors,Beeretarl.
Jonathan Fisk, Treas ld ure st !. • -
Comet/Okra New Yoh. lion. Jame. Campboll.
George Wzood. Davidli. White.
Jolts F. Meetle' • Jilevindee
David Dudley Field. W. J. P.:Whiie,
Joseph Hove.
lb. Ear. Gov. limner, Ex-Gov. Venom.
W. L. Dayton,il. S. Sen. issao Wildrlek, M. c.
G. D Wall.Ex U.S. Sen. Wm. iii: Newell, M. C.
Ex - Go v . M. Diekersoa. lion. it. R. Hoodlum..
A. Sidney Doane, M.D. IW. W. Gerhard, M.D. i
MI Warren it., N. V. 301 Walnut at, PP'.
Wet. M'd Blom.. M. D., H. R.-Bell, M.' P
..,• •
Outgo McCook,
I M. TA Allegheny city, ii },
Pittsburgh. Pa
The Agentsof Oils Company, at Pittsbugh. ate u•
rborired to take every first olus risk - on LPG Cl •
auvcrion on swoon-nut cannon. from thknanal
mita of premium, ueharged by other Companies. , • .
1nt...111 , t1t
Amon adlertm of ate, taking a Policy Of lesUnneo
for One Thousand Gallus.
To rundo for one year, pay." Stook) only *9P. il
',ran " " ii, " i
do !Mum, " " " *17 ,10 ii•
And In the some proportion for any surgap 'NI
SPX*, which lathe extent taken on anyone d.
Thin Company commenced operations on Ike lit
October, 1849, and its up loth. lit
October, 1019. shows a progreso lief3Dlll + that Cl
any other Life Company on record. ._ • .'
The first dividend of profits will be dularell tito
assured c.o.d.'s% January, 1240.'
Pamphlets containing the various tablas of Pauli,
and all the necessary Info... Mao. on th. talliaat
subject of Life Assurances will Po buoistie4u POI,-
cation to JAMRS Duroto a CO, Ageh , "
dcl7 - Odeon Ilisildirtge.
SURANCE COIIPANY will mom_ Collate o
Insurance optin.t Lou OF DAyAck by Vlit. upo
Daeoltiop awl Fornituro, Stores, (looas, tsk
opplie own to JAMES DURNO co., kw
del7 Oeon: Itaddlost.
• - -
RANCE COMPANY.-4.111re North Roam of the
Exchange, Third street, Philadelphia. •
Four lemma NCA—Darldings, Merchandise tear/tact
Properly. in Too, and Country, insured against Lou
or damage by fire, at the lowest tam of prep:thou.
Alarms lesueasea,—They also Insure Vessels, Car.
goes-and Freights, foreign or courwise, rollmop:mar
special policies, as Me 'sawed may dame.
bd..= Trfaxamerrassee..—They also Dome Seraph.
iodise transported by Wages., Rail RoadeamiCsnal
Boats and !teem Deals, on rivet. and lease, ell the
morldiberut ten..
DIRECTORS--Jemph It. Seal, Wra
iund A. Seeder,
Jahn C Davis, Robert Dutton, John RPenrforP.Same.
el Palwards,Geo G Leiper, Edward Darlington. lasso
It Beets, Wm Falwell, John Newlin. Dr IL AI Heaton,
inc C fraud, Theophilus Paulding, II lone. Domes,
!berry Sloan, Hugh Craig, tleorge SerrilL Spencer
Charle• Kelly, J Johnsen, Wm Spencer
It Morriss, Jobe Sellers. Wm Eyre, Jr. ,
Heigh 'Craig, Jelin*? Logan.
Rtella. S. Nemirow, Seel.
Qr . Odic@ of the Company, No. 42 News street,
Prusburgh. frautf P. A. MADEIRA. AU.
Alto wad Immealnorito
rritis Aintonl Llfe and Health In nines Camp)'
o . ( Philadelphia, Itreosporated theLeglelatans
of Pesyleanla„ klatch, laid. Ctroner petpettaL
ta , i j or p u er
wen Yan t nine of Life Insurance na r tl o ne following nom •
patina shawl Thu, • pe rs on at tho ago of in
sating for glen for hi.. mot pay In the glinted lisAre-
Pennsylvania, 114,16, Penn alumni, INA; Connate,
113,01; New England, SIX 4 New York Lite, 111,11, Al
bion, Ittert Life oil Health, Ptilladelphla,lll,ot. •
astou.—Soctinel D. (inlet, Charles D. Nall, W.
P. Boone, Rnben P.,liiinn-Ckules Hayes, U. W.
Baldwin, .51.111. Reeve, Id. Chas. 0. B. Campbell,
Lewis Cooper, Sam e, , IC IL Bailor, Litwin
K. Cope. President— D. Orrick; Vine Pmai
dent—Robt. P. liter, Seeretary— Fronts
Applica,. will be rceived,andevery information
given by &OIL. PAUNIiSTVCIL 'Agt,
Often, Commercial Rooms, mimetic(
ocettelly Woottind Thad NU, Pittoliargh
letUlit AND alAßlllilia INEION.ANCIDe
TOll INSURANCE CO. ot Noah America will
make permanent and limited Inzaraneo on pro:
potty thm ouy and icinity, and en olipmente by
Canal, Warta, Le s
od 'by Pea. The properdes ot
Wm Company are wel lmo, l
invo.ll4, and tarnish an avail
ble fond Ice the ample Itolcoiniry of ill permute who
docile to be promoted by Inmranee.
my In Wel. JoN ES, Agent, 41 Wow M.
IikriAI4II..INIIVILANOICs At Pittsburgh.
Tne Spring Carden Lirailk lasnratiteTtr.,
OF' CAPITAL $100,0p0.•
TNSUFIit Males sod Foantss ageism Ma Rtpariso
1 . end Loss presumed by Kamm or .A. 41.14111
aim homed:ate allowance of from gate gayer Weeks
for one, two, three, or four years. . _
The method.of elleetingAls hispltote. ind•lie •
whetter of *scowling the sick allowsbert, aria b tally
expLibied by the Agent.
A penton was forum against Stern e. of lelfhtel9l
.Web arm douthoktiro Irma Lis oolsowly kolinpaiit .
For ono year, by paying 114,.V, add yoceimill3
V. two .•
For three 4 , ' ?,93, 0 6
For four 0 ° °
(le, for pertod of fool years, the awn of 514,40 petit
tuonally, will aerate WS por week oriole act
EVery ueces•ery tofu...moo will be afforded on OW
weneet of forstesr=eitiai, , a
_ .
find* and Karl balularingilea.
ITIHE OFFICK of the laminate Ottrapany of North
Americo, boa been reatoved to No. 111 Front at
east of Wood.
The sabxriber, ascot for the abode old and revolt.
late Comp.', odd Woe Polirtaa blintts and
their etraehte, and on shipments of blerehandtse by
Steam Boats and Mier detAala.
W. r. JONFS.
'rho Posawnylvorago Coiaratiy
Fan liOsananco as Lams Leo Cita:also Arminian
HE first Life insaranco Company in tho U. Hums.
fneorponted id7.7.LACWIti--0111Litil? perpairiai.
Having anthonscile 'scam appli
cations for insurance, on which politics will be leased,
according to their propo.ol and rates, which will be
nude knows , unappliconts at hi. No. !d Wood
" _
11111 E Scosad Session of thii Inintation, under the
fd, rare of W. and Tiro. Genuses, (or the present
dwnic year, will commence on Ale day, Monday,
February 18th, in the safe, buildings, No. 04 Liberty
Arrangements have been wade l.y biqwh they 'Wit
be able to tarnish young ladies fasolitics equal ta any
In the Wot, for olitiuning a thorough English, Clue •
cal, and Ornamental cdoesitien.. A Nil coarse of Phi
ophica: and Chemical Leetares will be delivered
during the winter, Illustrated by apparatus. The de
partments of Vocal and Insuernimuil Music,. Modern
Languages, Drawing and Punting, will each be under
the care of a cossipehent Professor. , lly claw &Madan
so the moral and intellectual iniprevementof their PO.
pile, the YrillGipial• hope to merit o continuation of tha
liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyeiL
woes, see circular in apply to the PrinelPel.
Wllle Flonnels, oil Wool.
Red do do
Nroorn do do
/Cock Satinotht.
Stool oohed do
Moo do
Drab do
Blook Cassltnero.
Fahey do
Easley Tweeds.
Superfleck UMIIIII Cloth.
Super Btovon do
Soper Wren do
khaper Twilled du
Rape flectae k
Raper Drown do
Se fleck do
:Oaklands Illontoto.
Scotia do
Slap do
Drob do
I . l7le UnT jthl '' an al :: at g i n n% r
rpLIE co-pattilershiy heretofore existing between the
subscribe's, in the nine of Constable, Berke &
C 4; tn hit day dissolved by 'untold consent. Messrs.
ttutko & Uamu grill settle the boomers Of the concern,
fot which purpose I/101 are authorised to coo the newt
The andsraigned have this day asinciattd the metres
In the nulls of CORKS,: BARNES. for the purpose,
of Moillke's.. tyll Piro Pena Safes,.Vaol. Down, ad.
SI Ow Llumi of aid late firto b, Ball.:
At7o, where they' ariJi be pleased r e ce ive Ilia patron.
'Ago of the enstoinaha of that house and their friends.
In retilinnirons the arm of Constable, fluke &
I with steeere'pleeeeni recommend Messrs. Burke A
Monet Of the confidence of my (trend. end the publik.
Feb. 0,.P112. coNtrep!..F. 1
AS met returned from the Ill...tern ilium, etas_
„U. removing a Imp venal of n0n 1111,1 . 0 . 3 ' , ""'
stuck he empocafoliy. invites the attention of. mere It
ma, met pellets. No 04 Weird at. It
. P&P3311---W. P. Ilismotau. la conitantly
o tieZe k te=, (role .h the p b
n et g t e o s fe , tog , . e . gy
New genetes, the nemeat and Moatripproved stiles of Pa
per Jlangions, together wPh Beckett? poitd,
Prints, and•llestat Term Fur tale tuna% ood be
tween Fonith at an/ Diamond alley, tauccemor to 3.
13. 111111 ! • ap3
Drug nil
PitINT-11.0 1 3 11, r 1 1 1 / 4 1 P 11111111.
M.& and for into by the hmrel stove pound the
Drug. Peed. and Perfumery Warehomes. eorner of
PIMA end We telutreets. 5 N MICK/0413AM.
• '
aa is atut Prinest. BOOM. &elks •
A g SLUMS it , the above. mlehrlued brand and
4fi4MO in tt, dircelfront th e madafatninsm;
tasks now 50 sho way from New "Ahrteltavtpd en.
paned here Otto week; and 311 will abo y
and A7bay which will be. OM sot ameal,Ellhe
Mutest market porn for sash ere allMtneed tdths ' •.c
& hl 1131TCWWPIRM
- •
RNING. I :g5
!mimic:emit/Ps ,PIASON.
'TORN JI MELLOR, No. 81 Wood street, his
,receivcd, - andeew .opena, acumination wwfwd
ee,'ls new stock o f Ilene Fo rts from the eeleOrated•
manatee tory of J LOielwerinig, Boston. , • '
- 'Thicken -and metier* are reel:morally Invited ho
edown., a very beautilal Dune Man, received with
the above.
HAVING been annoyed oyed for some time by gangs of
letschievoes bays,. lelating • the. iliribliety and
fraib-oecapylng the eon ogs to the eaclasion of more
ptofitatile stattar,lke. Topreventnichfromenterinti
element visitor. will be tarnished wltha betel at
the entrance, for atm:tem:which well be received in
the satoitini for to cents in tetreshmenta. Family Mk
ms for the season trill be furnished by the proprietor.
The Paloons will be, famished 'kith Ice Creamy,
Fruit., and all the delle•me•nt the lessee. .
The garden steamer, Hope No 11, leaves the Pitt st.
lending it the beginning 'of each hour at the daylel arid
111 WARD.
LOST—On Taeoday evening, the Mk instant; on'
the bank of the Canal,ln Grant aroet,or between
that. and Fano atreel, a smell flouting Cased Gold
Wateb, with *dyer dial, and a abort gold <halm The
PGTOOII finding them will be ~stably rewarded on
bringing them, to Mr .J U. McFadden, Mortal street,
or to tke offire of Toe& h. O'Connor, cornet of Penn
and Warms arena. my2o
lareenwood Clardesam. •
now in fall operation, and saPPII9tI with 90 ' 99
ieastes of the xenon. The steamer (lope No 2
nine.. a tarsier paeket from the ally to the Garden—
leasing the foot of Pitt street at 9 &obeli in the more.
leg, =id at the bekintung sleigh hoar, until In at night
—Sendels excepted: Na Intoxicating drinks kept on
the rename. mi. 20
• Esohailg• Bask Sneak.
A. FEW *heres of the stock n( this bulk wanted al
71. the ExeYsege sties of A WILKINS &CO
. .
fllHßhirbut opulEci pnen inuh,wtUbe Pals fo
j. We 341e . fe31 spuls• at Wool. by ,
8 3. 11A1411A8014
• 143 First ua lUl&con4 04
Iludor lb• Sam Ast Plitabsugh 2?
Wlbo. t. opened •bow the er.l9f
utocery 'Tea kitar,,in We C 440.41014
sty O.
The saburibeta hue fined up'a Store at No. E 4
Liberty elf eel, la a styles:Junior to any of the rind in
Pittsburgh, where they will obvert hue a large as.
sortment of - One 43rocenes, MIA .11X11151: Year. to
which way teSpoCtlialiy italic the atteutuso ol Ihepab-
06every .nick, they Will endeavor ,o. keep 11,
beat of kind, and confidently recommend Mel
Tam A. 3 ear vo n au ammo, Jr LQVALLID ieWe ci
Their assattmeol wUI comprise:—Greco and Ellgek
Taaa of all kind., from Mr i cent. tolll o so per pound.
Cones a ( every vide.
Loeenaght Pszam, Loaf, Crushed and Palvettiod;
SW.. Pyrap t SoZM tin.* aAd N.o,lUolassesiChom
Mateo, Porrtgn Fluty and NO% SPit'Ph
lietehops, Essanzes, Sagas Cared limns mod I eel',
KIM doll kinds, Ppm., Lard and Whaltl
bloatd,epartOind Woo Candles, together with many
radii., whish he retofore to had fa Pao.
ba i n , Blld 0
.ted frog o lgt l o oap o ta y teg in
Ma two cities.
•ATV keep constantly on hand or reaka•to order the
best article in their line, at their old stand, No. Id SL
Clair siree4 IRIZO, at NO. Cu Al. kel nreetoseeand may,
entrance in th e Diamond Venni. Sillittell made to
order. and old blinde neatly repaired. epic
filial Partnership hereloioreeximing between Jameri
mar.hatt, Wm. W. Wall see,mod liens) bilker'.
ie dse CM; iron be sines., under the name or Newhall,
Wallace it entree diSUste stilled by mutual consent. on
the lel Jamks bsil O liert tfol
basieg porebasul the ensue telexe ott d of oral. HAto-
Blatt Deotinr,
rea C otton are
offe l red at Factory prices.
Holm Leagae ,
Cheeks sad Stripes, Irecrf
beavy pan.
Tutors' floods.
Red Padding, super do;
Oen padding,
,liaekr •
Tallori , Causiss, being,
Drab Barge, black do,
and wonted;
Black nod Wham Tors'
Blank Twist, Drab do;
Linen Cheeks and Drdl
Smat Vs 6 cord I/11 Cott.
S Linea Tb
superior anlele,
Silk ' , Wank Y,ostlttP;
Black Satin 'do
Drown Holland sat Si
Bottom, Gnats, an., , at.
L Crav
lamas), N 0127 Wood •
J " . ~-
'applied On mo.t renonnahle tenor.
No. 250 Liborty street, abowo Wood.
[a. wurnsva.,
warricarma, sa-.1
The basis.. In Ware will be continued la all Its
Saluda btanehes by the subscribers, ender A. name
,rl4 itivi6 sared Met:ears, Vb. scOlo the
business oft lute Put, sad toy:too all persons In.
de bted are sequence to ogsko ssystent.
Waiebouse, corner of Wood and Ltbetly streets.
dern and Antique Inrnitare.
Jeass W.
EG,Tatan 9,,Pdressoun.
. J. W. W.
Respectfalty informs the
osbilo tha r t ho has eon,
pleted Ids pm/gruel or
FURNITVRIb, the largest and most varied •sernlmeut
over .ope.rod for tale ro this city. compristog cetera/
seta of Rosowoo.o, Malgooang, tad Bur; aVsbnor,
e a r•ni. 0rn.n..1.1 sod plain, unable ier Plairlo.,
Drawing artd lied /Woe., ral of ./deb will ho old at
the lowest priees.
Persona dolling Yaraitare of any deeerip2on, are
"spe us otfolly I nailed to call sod esnoldu Womack, which
braces /leery dooortr.on, from Ole ehaopoal, and.
plants. /0 tbosoroit On.. IPA poly, or WO.h the
following reeeprisee apart:
Tea's tote idofasr Tota • Tea Otran.
Coneersouen Choirs; Elisabothian Coons;
RetOttent - , do Lela XIV do
Hauuton do Veer Europe - .
......Ineere.4. , •....... . '. sTalatTibi.r;
Low. XIV Como-sacra; Mho of Yerle. Couch;
et. !tofu With Mash and Itoir.oloth coversi
to Divans, do dit do;
40 dos MoDogany rector Chairs;
Ilr •• Ro se do do; 1
II '' 1111. Walnat do do;
40 o Cane Fest. do;
4 ° Mahogany Rocking • do;
2 ° do &lotto moots;
Lo Marble Top Cron. Tn..; .
20 do do Wash:hon./at
01 Mahogany Bedstead.
II do Wardrobes;
18 111`k Walnut do; •
t 3 Cheriy do.
. A serf largo asuntonnt of Common Castro and oil/.
sr Famous too tedroas to mouton.
ICT pt.= Bolus tarnished in the shortest pollee.
All 014.1 protapay attended to. I ~••
P. 1.--Q.lanet Mahon can be 'applied 'nth muorts
Of hfithOleaal, Weloal,andataneers, . ionsakiebly
radioed prices. WAS
HS, No II Wood arm.
ff offer hor
pkgs Y. 11. Im. Bleeki
Goupoliffe p r Teas;
1.35 bffs'ffebsero;
ON bap Rio Coffee;
00 DN. N 0 Molaues;
• 73 1N46 N O Rossr;
450 Dozes owned stool
1201111 ms RE R. BsCirita;
100161 baster do;
Z do;
as M
do .
IS casks an la Cusrauts; -
lb bolas R. Wallow;
23 do Ilnail Nuts;
to do Fdbe&Si
100 do Pas Nom •
20 boa .balled Almonds;
20 ass Hoek•Candy; .
It <lssas Islosonet;
10 111.Priecipee & /Legatos
Crarv; .
1000 al Half Spatoshi
S his Cloves;
2 cane tiotuvral; .
3 eetooas Indigo; .
23 eases Lemon Syrup;
XS cams Veppm; Sauce;
10 eases Tomato Catsup;
OrouO&SOices of all kolas.
SO barrel. powde led and
• Loaf Susan
. 9 bads Madder;
12 Oils Whiting;
Window tilsissi
401 as Pipes;
• • • -
MOO lb. Codiab;
Mt lids Tomos' Oil;
20 bas Chocolate .
u .102 Cerdti;
20 cola btsuLlla Roo;
20 SO Spiced Choulsta;
Ityta Al.ples;
SO las Honor s
40 Ws Vinegar.
3u bale l:ls4logriek;
40 b. Stook;
10 toes Ilke;
300 dram Figs;
A. Wall at a general
fklaaafactared utak&
assortment of l'itulAngh
, iaasaud, Pirt•lntret.
t 40eTea bOagbl mwwe
15e Tea boughtelsewa
al Tea !meant enewea
a imparted, we are tel
Bart side of the D
Tant our 400 Tea against
Try our.sooTea opium
Try oar 7.1 a :ha miaow
Tho vory,hcst Blatt To
at 75 cenu pot pound.
Thn very beet (keen Te
at 111 per pound. •
IV@ aro rleeldely opposed
wo respectfully aunest Cora
of Proving who sells the b
• -
way2o • Promo
Imported, we are sating
• mputbes, instead of which
partson,estbe best medeel
en and c beeped Ten..
gee:heel the Tea Market.
tout low,
TUNS NS ICE, to yree z. l i sltn i Vo A t i. faVe & c , kfrp
made Canal Ilasio, Leberty •t.
• Calarad .ad
1 0 0 U.
A nigc lfri. " On :::.11/714t, i alf:rurL f re
price, at the moo afactoreee se arc boom,
11L194Y, FlAttillNu CO,
spW MG Wend st.
FARMING laattl.—A eotoplem aseieritoeniat tite
best uuallty of Casttitael U rus and Cum Scythes,
wl/ranted; Cast Steel 2,3, & tproug Yorke, w mad;
Cast /Steel Bay }Calm;
lad°. do Gooseueck Iloes, solid;
Illdozoommoo do dci, for salo low, at the
UmMeg mid aced Slone of WICKEKISU OJ AN
'Cor N
of Stmh a 1/Vl. .1.
G ROCERIF.--tOdidids BO Sus.
It' , Excite Rio Caen
7t II yfon, various viol.
30 d o Gunpowder slid juv
3.7 do Pouehong
L do Oolong
63 eaddy.bzi Y Imp do O.P
XI bpi 1.105 N, and Ib'x'robaeoa
:15 caddy lA. Unilowt. 54 do •
no boxes Swett
60 bits tr. hi brie &Omaha
Indigo, bladdee, Alum, Ginger, Pepper, Allepl
Nutmeg., and Lamp Ul•ek to kev, lur *WC by
IN %obi
pRICI SELY the same mind of Simons and ROY.
amrottli V. that are retailed lu tee old bonnier
at 4.. d per lb. sad ho obtained for the and 770 per
pound at Ti.. Tsa N.uai, ent aide of the Diaionsid,
.Prtlathargb, or at glom. & Iliosorth's Wine Store,
Fertheal tither, Allegheny: Tins abdea Pea/Winne
Tams, re: veeeree through' oar English Agent, drivel
risen the,
queen . ' lloodod Waraltinnaia; duly ft.,
Wog f:drnpiinacitn. • •
- • ' TEAS ' VICIAI9I ,
yusrovefta, ibs Pittsburgh Family . Citossig
itutrnia Warebusst, the; tollowillg ;Rudiment 'a
Wm.*, , • , • •• • ; •
ORoo long;
.. •
Exua One tloi
Ntogyong dcr.
lets teat envy tO padthe above Teas; ihey *gag
fot,thenagnlggs.../.11 groAsk ug. hat and; and ger lire
cilnfidint Meg rsdl pleuo both la quAltiyand Meg. '
' W M A 111 , C1.11110 ar: CO
11201 dLiben7 st •
Yomir Upon; •
VA., Young do; ;
Extra Ems do do;
townie; •
.Kt Itt WWI Kr • St
Wall Paper pliert;e3 Woad at.
~vnnsliisa suvlz
A .
LLikaragata having camber, pat on their kaues,
eatilaciatit to a rasolintati : at Councils,
plaano•eiall ,at the Roam. of tlia 9airp,of 7 rade; awry, earner at Wood and• Third
for the'saine. ' 3AIItINL'FAIINESTocic
rinaarib, April 9p t lead: sp.2l
. . .
. _
GOODS, &c.
tlartgY A BURCHFIFID base . ii large stile
" of
+l3l, ,, l'asee• and :Imola (ioadi, at
greatly rearmed races, , • • •
parege de, I..algea a lane antortinent of beautify;
Seep:let ard
en t Pem al paling; ,
A splendid
ass of Mark and ranee Hilt lc '.
• tterages, Isamu and Us Leine*, remarkaddr cheap;
Beantlfal Foulard, 0110., at le:g cent. per yard; ,
Tbatitkal Calicoes from et end., and awards:
larqa Vac It of IEOO , II and Bleached Idaalina, die
Perlan3, add aperards, '
!Moneta Parasols,att dread, reddeed price.. - •
CyrthcCasalmeres, and Veat ags.oftho beat
13;1114h*jittb.."..V.%T.`; °P.V:ll7:d'ig:,tll
Pheetings and ,ghirfnga; Isiah Linens; together with
allothee'artietha fa
oar Line, at north east aoruer of
Mouth and fditrket si. • telo
hiV.:&a,:i•Euhr,lNNLV., h aelt:a i rr t ierafn d,
and b,..1 changeable Wks, dr almost anti style
and rinio; super plain and lanai black silts; 'do.
barean lawn dent., nay and hand
saw, sty tesd• near style Ranch, English, and Scotch
Lawns . Fedi saner, and at very low otters;
Plain, %Infra and satin wiped de laine Stall bonds'
and limitable.; linen lawn of all shades and colors;
ginehants, chintzes prints, to., at north cut earner ,
arlb2lltArd Martial streets.
ABARTHER supply of Blaek Saks and fancy not.
bred - fulka Int resolved by sterns this worn.'
in;, at earth ant earner at Fount and Market Ina
MURFHE I BURCHFIELD are setting Ftetnes
and Berne M.D.. Lames at van' low PC.a•
north cant earner of Footth had !davits' als. lad
LACT—"tra wide
. mettiuna 194
rd r 3 g s :(7,, " zitt
ho t,(„,,... e 6 • hiuntliv BuKCIIPIELD
Ooanau mad Homaut. 11.11.M0U1.
I 1 ,11/BPIIY 3 BURCIIrfOLD have rectiard an id-
MI clamant aapply of above goad., Incladlog vorloas
and Coated gip A d i a b6 c an =P Whits tlonoetit
.pd prices. , mat,l7
Maw wanting (acts for Alarming pan...,
to emir vary WI lISIAMI.III4IIII/ recopied, such as
Black tioloboarne.,
ilrOurtruTiolak Alpaccas,
ack kfapac dp Loirun,
a l: l" : Y ratr
Sletlisn Lances, Alava/Ice, Plain
Black am! Punted Imam., Black Eratumdered do,
Boons Rlllbon., Scarf do. Vail., he. may
SMOki.ftft ftrATlN4 , — , Mr pas CoMumerms, &star ud
colonta munt dP , l#l. .1 1°1 ° 'fi t
reed, and mow apc.aing by A A A. k. CO. mlp
smile 5J leaf a: at
SUAWLb—Moperiur lush .tofia Tkibo t
J. Bkohaltt ;annuls:at f:MotsalberiCata. Ptak, Sloe,
0 .. 0 1 ..reorn colarcd, AO mamma per capreu,
and tau day opening id A • MASON B. AO
01 Market
PfIECF Plain ♦
Ulm, Ptak, Gum.. tr . Tif - r
Colored Valetas, reed per Inver., sad rata
o am by atatt7 A A MASON A a.
Dr." "%tik,4%ung so.ct
A". 414'.. PL 11 CP :Ag talLroope..,,,
do, 'lO res 7.1 aneh 46, 6 pc, ne
h d o;
36 ipeb do,
Armes. Ilaudn•rre Meta. .' • , '
400 dos Ladies' Linen Cambric Ildt dr, ell r Ti6e. ;
ltd. do 7 Genie d'i do a°
.' Id 904 No d'd rid odoied rAidersi
ffre4wed rtue day 14 . A A MASON &CO
rartylli . Addle:let sr.
, AAhIkIVZ ['MEN LUSIIII-Ad pas ehanseaLle
V Murree, at Use ex Lreme love priced' 19{e per Tar&
oreylo A A MAtuS Act"
Irish and Brawn Magni. •
pOs 3.4 end 11.10 pc. 44 wimp 4 , 1.44
150 PoGr e y s}, eley', ana Atexande re' superior
s opening by
maylo • 'AA !JASON CO
- tresses Arrival of DryGOoeirl'
WprOi row receiving large addictions toper stock ,
of p pring old Samoa Orl Goode o uslare pre
pared fonder an excellent assorts:Lent at oar areal
low Fies+ for cub, or •pprovild credit. : • ,
The attention of wersent dealers is Orairrliilf e •
gigged us., goods, as we feel• Coafolent V.;.!ttr
opts to opt animal indecetoents 16 retiree bill 'Sidi
ci ar. h a ,t alknower any nue.• • •
• MIIACKL'ETT & wnrrr,
a S - 11 l Weal street.
( (I • 3 AW — `l±l-40 pes mg. • wra pet
4.7 rec and'now selling at• dm ery low prsee
eeels r yisrd, A A AIvASONVA.VO
MIIHNO-* /144t:41P3.--MI,IM Palo etinta.
'UM pat frl " l . 4= =l4 . itrqUeI7.I 4 UIZI P CO r pI: OI2
hut aolopid Muillnivat tic pc r 7.0.....Pui.1 1 by
108 ilayltet Sizost,(aiir
• ihrrolizn AAA IntaiNNl IN
sys, - RlBRopis, Rs,
• , T
-1•1•24DR1L4, Le .
*ROI ._///101111y it•atiOg., •
lIRI•IVANN-An,,gosl LINEN HOKE% s reogral as
, o:clamp% 01 L'A.l:l3, and 0,07 voullty tniunSztga.
g gm" 4,11,AVe mbar taeowerieg every
J large .a fine anorment of Spring and sammer.
Gooda‘ll large portion of which have bore purchased
M a great redaction ham the prices. hreoght by the
daac liatlOng vgala 14P. tarlgg,Ogg of he
rZoir ' oibtit in ;Mont every - kind at Jenne ore will
be enehle to afar !great Ikugates Cembt Boger..
hern We waold respectfellY Melte to ail' at fro 0.5
fdarketat, north wear tomer - of the Dia
• -
MEE Lig & D NCH lELD ate now teeerring
YLStr wean& sagely of Glob for this Spring, and
offertnair friends sod- buyer.: genattal sad
choice .111113Mellt to select hem. ,
(p- Dealer& are jonted to look, n at the Wholemde
towns of IV a 14.mhy, an aiuis ,
ply 'hot alto been teceived, and wawa! :kinds of
goegt can be sold at Lowe r juscet lban nreal. w wll 3
A . CO, et .l:
gnaws, welphlner, te, all at leduced pz.,.11.,_tal
VAST /Altered Lawn. lII@ 1(1...11n. tba low price
...of lake. will be opened by A A MASON tr. tXt
laraystailliza lirouaas 1 - lawde
di/k. illniCHFlELD:kawa . received a lot
di .I.TUttetl Fustin/ Silk., at the low ; plicts of
.27. e per yasd; also. super do. at blither pricey. West/
Wire, nest Wald., at reduced priers; and . lalarge
itOrlient of !...t.REOES AGRENADIN tad Ladles!
of floods generally, Of newesf aryles,st dorth'eut
coiner of Foe nb and narkas lna
• 04101$1,14a•MS•
fkKORPUIt &BORCIiftELDod north eau corner
LVL of Ponrila and Mute% itts, hp* 1.1 rteeiredt
enpplr ofexun fine Irish Lbw:a:Warranted {me Kt
to, which' they Invlta We attehtlon dile...len: Duarte
• Nancy Casalna aaa.:
LIRPII4 & MIRCHFIELD bava jot opetwd an.
13.1. asanttment of Panay Casedniertailidanad for
fraatleinea's somtaat wear—Atso,soper French Woad
cloths; allgl and , Fisalty Vesungs; Linea,rmbrie,
and • tklk Poeta. Handterelnefs• Fancy Cravats: ,
Blanched and Unbleacbcd - Osnosi }loam Itid and;
Ulla (Hayes; allt,Cottoa,& ?Janne Udnersinns; all
at low antes (neonatal . . ' • 116.1 S
• isaakcon DS I. WM. : • • .
9 CASES plain and Spred Harry. de !Ala., upon
tOlOl4, 11,15 L Teethed, sad eelling al very low
N:• *le .• ' tiara'' --A SLiSOS & CO''
CASES fast colored Lawn. received and now
epeniazoelling at the evareme low prier , al 8 eta
par yard -AIW A A A MASON OD '
i s aoloted.Glagharne, recrd, aad
v/ at le to
per yard A A PdAstni CO
..Y2? -01 Market et.
11 1 11ifetTU
Prici.mly the moo kind of very Ydrong end rooKh
flavamitTeas EWA ire sold It We Old Comm). at five
41111d:10w gonad tin be MIAMI °budded*forllAMe Iverrib oNVORTIIf
udaysro • • •••
A , T r A. O I p R 0 d r . 00,0 Ip,deetseleogeippojedftouh:va Olen.
Peel's %gre ' ti n otol: er w r ld reetan f eli e a e
returning them us the owner, Wood street.
(51.33 B rxEn—Ts bb 414 414r1N41,41,,Nit
• 13,141111auTalt,
Agetcy alba Wood tlfett. •
'ORME tot sale. Ojos. uld, gem.. allti
al Mrood btro/n
HALF' pliiastalayeete,Aart and pale;
/d do Pinch, CastilliooLlieillogulae, dalk&pale •
6111 , p ea c o t , t . l . A , lltalr . ll;l l . ag J . k
do dark;
do Pellevolsln 111000. and for sale by •
.i4l 401 IN drV.ll
ClX.l.litliar!lij,Fig fglif . frea r I . 6fsta m
- 0131 , • .1 KilDb te'01:10
Ulult UnAWINts ROOM4s—Dole, thturaole, Puce,
r and Pisto - Wali Paper, teceney.recePted by
WHIR Petri. Manufacturing C,outpany
.1.4 w offer to ,
Uoapablie their Presaions ekconcal Mu. Polish;
and without szaggcrotient, or Nero( contradictioo,by
those-who hay. tested it, pronounce it far superior to
soy miler In Out mat. The eensasnernced havens
apprehensions of soiling Napes. , Ito con.
np vents &Surd from atiaingnsorneo beingP
a ;
rg o yekl7l3 most be doss mrSen tine Wove Is roll
Turnipantity Knotted is **lisle to produce • bros.
oful Pot.. A toying of over bay per cent is insured
to the eonsolocrs. A rooting applied to rporer,Pipcs,
/talythen sod aeroy fur the .sucputer,le .urn pre
ventative oganni rust. Alter hiving bird ft oars;
itf it Is aeruesibloi tie penwn ortll ow any bur the
--1.1.n1X Mouauctutwg COMpilly'S rtanium Chenn.
oat Stu. P.O. k'
It I
\sae by
myll Corner of Sixth .41 Wood streets.
NA nt viva. IfillsiGLVlls
NlA.Ny2t.;l74ll.llitlf 4;;:ritt,tra
Cast Stool les, of Waie; andlias ' lttnni‘h
Itssps, also II a on hand and for sale, stiller at Ms "k:a
ifs:Peel Works," &floraattest, Ilflh Ward, erat in
pealdlha•lron Wore of LIOLLSI Ntl li.nlllll
N, No 4Now 01 Wood street, Pinaborsh. •
Wei;tlteMitierslKoe3i,basitng ?wed,:enth entire eat.
ra:tZ d AVO l rZylrl d tZi b iestruL l
recommending them Si cqyal m totem, to
any WM, Wed by . o.l;Or foreign osamateettare.
_ rittsbacEl4 March 13, MC •
'Clantaraetaretcotlxon sod tiailscrittaborgth, Y. •
. . . 104APP &TOTTEN.
• , ,
and Nachttdau;ritttb o t b.
IdeinisetucersoiSprine, A7ln, Ectrlag Steel and
. Van burf b, ra.
• Entine 1111/41ere encl Machine Cardltlimuracti
ters, Piitcharch,
Dress FolictileeiVillebureb ,
r • ultalf IF LINDSAY tr. 4.11, -
51matentross of Iron 1.11 OS, ritokbarge t tec
I...mtodyi Eng luecandStaprn r a i ttr b i
Marble Afartuttntareic Machtttcandleng'ne Stfild
Pius?vgb, Pa.
—• , •
~ TiNsiac4, 4,4
SIE dam::
• .
• - .
L.tot , Tharaim., smile door to VReimilwrelltra.
111.101.subecrinr would respeetfa ly Inform the
1... sena et Plidsbnigh, Allegheny, 4mia tkl(
hav opened his new and elegurestablivitment tor
the este of Yams, MELQDS.S.• Idretaeb
rmastserts, and every other 'Wel* bads line.
PfANOS—Sale egeney foe Nene& C ard cell.
:braced grand and aquas Pirmosth and without
. COlealtn't Xenon' Atutehment. , 'Them Pieria Tarter
to reel:iced intverallSMlLZlMPMna..t.. Me.
brilliant of tone, and extra.
ordinarily durable natilertbah. .
Alsch T. Gilbert & Co'a (Botonl celebrated Elam
Tame tostremente have a wale
reread reputation, arid
are coraddered among. Rs very.bMst.nestmernotred in
Roden. where they are decided fevorites.
B. Doetutra, N.Y., of thellrm or Stant& Don
km, hes appoinuid the intimate sole agent for the
rile of Lis Plaines In Pittsburgh. Ito irm arStodart.
t h at, Dulaini le one of the °lceland bast Wade country,
and marmfactent for _fables, toil btilliener
tone and bemity of workmanship are seeond to none.
Tito celebrated Concert name of Samedttolf. of
Raman and limber& will alweye, be kept for sale
by the imiseriler. !will make to may; that they are
made am of by all the great Pisan player. at their
Concerts ea the Continent.. •
-Thu aubscriber begs Icepe to direct attention te the
Imponant tut or Ids having genial agents both te
Barops end this country, veto eamfally Mica:end
nett' Piano sent to him, which enables late
to give n written guarantee, with overly Ptrom sold by
him, pledging himself to rented the money in case the
Pisa* be proven hefty ordelicient.• • •
A Intl apply of the newton and mom popular Made
constantly be kept for sale—flantehod by the best
publishing houses of thasum, Philadelphoh and Seni:
more: egeney far Messrs Scbarfenberg t Lam, New ,
York, the mom oitensive importers of foreign mule
in this country.•
See Agency..for Carliarat'a Patera Melodeon and
Melodeon Pianos, m Manufactured and perfeeted by
Meech fe White, Cincinnati, 'vita alagie end double
WWI or rods—r ite but med Snentattente lel lemreled.
A 1.,, GUitaril., VißteS, Ch;Titlel.,lrioliAL Reales, Sax
Tabes, , mid wintry description and variety of
brass instruments from the beet ushers. Strings for
Violins, Gitilan4 and
R7lnetruellon basks for every testmearmt. Selec
tions of tousle made, make books boned, Plums to t
and repaired{ Violate, Aecordeons,' Halters, dn., Co.
paired on Um moot reasonable terms..
THE Work. or Lowiara WiK1 41 ,3 1 ).
nti.einiec • - •
nim.d. Mts Farrar.
riciur Maniral. Hobart.'
TLe Droopel /Mown Adrocare.
ibiethonias Warbler Chalotera
Famly FraT‘ro au.l Ovirczoolary. 'Tkoratorb.
.bL Smarms. •
Conoroximio . o Sermons. For sale by
• • • . JAMES D
F sr
ro ' •
104 ourth
—,..... • M SLAV Allllll3.
TUMT received at the sign of the i3oldett Ham-- •
Tbe Mn, g arena Want, composed and dedicated
to Mrs Dar ld P. Park, by ProressoritabborrN.
Bella Vahan Polka ,eomposed and deareated:to"
Mira Merl Jane Park,'lry
_.;Joraaaor Rohbock , •
1,11 Etnidder Gam Groins w Ronan Night., Ange
line Baker. Shay Summer Breath." Away blown
South. Dolly Day. Oh, Leurel. Sesame; lroltslaga.
&lite Polka. Daley Jon.:
Also, Astbure
.Machreo, by 'Watson.
oh, Thittk:not Leas I Lowe they, (4111¢, Bore. .
Oar CaddltoaPe li p pp, as iodic by Mien Kraft.
rd t, !,16e,,er 1 01/al,wonla by O.P. Shiraz, omen oy
14: Licuot. Ales, a areaivarlety of New lloods,
Polkas, Wallies, Ike. for sale by U KEYSER
AN Historical and Critical Visw of the Spetral.tive
Philotophy of Enrope in the Ilth ;entitle. De J.
D. Morel!, A,61.
Leter. of Coo Rev. anticilitutherflard, Preto...or of
Diiirdly Inithe. University of It. Andrew., with a ,
sketch of 111. ttfe byßev..A. A. Bow, author of lido.
emirs ot R. IL gleal W Web. yes.
lb. Tbenloorks of the late Rev: Daniel
Boyne, D. D. Edited by the 11...50d Frey. Seeond
Ilassela., , Prince of Allywinia. By 'Dr Jelinatan.,
New edition.
tmCitrisnan By ki. %V.Neelibl. A.
The Conlzthoi..o... at .Q. By Jane Taylor.. 11-
!Manned from original d gas, by 'lowland.
The Philoaophy of Unbelief in Morals and Religion,
as discoverable in the Faith aatiCheracter. of Mem
Br Rev. D. Hooker.
Th. Identing of Joy. beinga sequel to the Night of
Wee( By the Rev. H. Bonar Het
The Golden Psalm; bell I f0keL1e " 4 1. E.1. 1{1 ... :
W,and prop'aileiV Bgposition of Pan by.
- The Lighted Vahan or Closing Sr-coex in the Life.
of a Beloved Pater, by Bohms, with aprelkoe by Hay.
Wm. Joy. .
The Commandmeeith remain; by
hither of -
"the Last Day of the W e ek,e Illumoued by Howland,
Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. John WlllisZah
Minionary to POIY.M.
hiemoi.r. Of the Life and Writing. of Dr. CMICIISIN
by his ton in taw, Dr. Minns, in three I.
Aloe,. tree asaortment qt tidy Si. B. Union Pat.
.Brations. • . •
:re 14 A ENGLISH &CO
110 Wood 11'
WANNW.III.'OOKIaI putiluvou'ir.' •
Q .FAIINESTOCK begs lea,' to announce tit the
1.). patrons of biz New Dirretory of the clan of•
Pittsburgh, sod Allegheny, and .bareetthe •biell•
Theater, Birminghow, tee., that the work to now
neatly ;rend, far the press, and will 'be put 19 the
heeds of line . Pointer some W6OlO between the *DO
!and Nth instant.
The tithe. generally, and all who feel anintereat
In Ile production of a complete and perfect Direeteg,
particulaily the who hoes not been colledon, reUl
greatly oblige the publisker,by ascertaining that their
warners ,Owe fen.. and cheered. besinacktel, ere
noted for publication In the Directory.
Al! card. to be inserted, mast be handed an garao
wite, or al the hunt, by the dale above named.
• -
TUST rise is ed. end taw openlei;oaeale6jtntZese =
t.S vroai * octave Alsiodeon Plano, from the ecla
t need essnurneinly of ?dutch & Wens, Msnelresete
The ts's superior Inurement, of fine um,: nd earl
timid eannerslion; ~n so, one fine 4 octave Melodeon,
ELEUER'S Made More,
mayl7 • 111 Tetra meet
AnAlsverEnt m.k..nt And Mediaeval. Hie UAW ,
For the *se of schools and colleges.
L. L. D. Profeeter of Greet and Lade tango: ,
ages in Colombia College, New Volk, . . .
Coo Rirttolfr of F.ngland, from tbalavatain ofJallu;
Casio, to the abdicatton crimes fl, IDG. Or David
Hums, Esq.; a new edition, with the anther , * leaf erot , ,
, fiCaol,ll and improte to ir eaxed I
Mon aceonnt of hie life, me
writ nte; ten brid whiche: Leaf. pol a vol. I
4 tchool Dictionary of Greek .4 RtraUti Andgel,
nee, abridged from' Hortense, dictionary.. :By Was.
Haab. L. L. D.; moth comedians. and improvemeaut
by Charles AnLhon,l. L. D
Memoirs of the We sod iVrillogs of the Ilet.Thes.
Chalmers, MA, by bias= in law, the Bev. William
Hana, L. L. D. in three 'atones. Vol IL
White Jacket, of Life to a Han of War; •By Het.'
man !Eels ille, author of l•Typee °moo? •IlHardio and
The Works of Mn.s Sherwood: being the only mll.l
lona cation ever published la the Honed States. 10,
Fatly. TAre, from, all nations. By Anthony H+
Mental h a, with twenty four Illustrations by IL DnYle
Wallon'llervehittol other tales. By Kw 1 1 / 4 4,1*-•
• The Netional system of Book Beeping, adapted to
in parte of the Hated States. By John tHertiad,
Also, a large Ansette:lea of Anemic. IL B. Union
flooks,.on hand, and for sale by •
Successors to ELLIOTT 8 ENGLISH,
me 14 . 74 Weal stmt.
r v z o l prr CLNADk• By the . who,
- _
1' Cho
• new collecus of
j„ Church Musk- Fatted by George Kingsley, An. ,
Mins of Social Chair, Juvenile Choir, 40,
Sabbath School Gem* of Music .d Poetry, designed
eXpressly for the Sabbath School; by J. t A. Ursik'
shank..Nevs. Treatise on Intstonomyi ess.d the Use of Ns
Otobos, fltwo pans. Ylontalatlng Astronomic* lend
other definitions; mournuissud positions °Jibe ampoent •
and planets; Re tees laws and Theory of Pmts..,
Rant non,Twilight, and Par., Connections, Pe
riod., Distances, Phenomena, an d Magultudiss Of she
Heavenly Bodies composing the Scissile..., ibe-i
also, '*n extensive colleann of the runs pad Prob•
leas on the U. of the Globes. Illustrated by a son.
sble variety of Rumples, iseLl design.. for the Use
f High Schools and nesse... By James Mclntire,
D., Professor of blathematic• .d Autonomy in
the Central High School, of Baltimore,
Mel: sod. Pat, or Incidents of a Cram-lit the U_olted
States Frigate Congress, to Cabfornia; filesca.
of ItioJousinsr Valparaiso, Lima, Bowl OS. snd Man
Erantivo. By nee. Walter Colton, U. S. N.; manor
of Ship and Shore, Me. For sale by
a. ii. Erwusii A co;
Sitcom.» to ELLIOT s BM:MI.IM •
sip N 0.97 Woodatesset..
pliitirt - Vict - TtliCujilla -1--
•, • Lthsessitho, Va., Merck S.
A -- R. R. K. SELLIMS—I have dispoiied of all the
-1.111, Cough Syrsp arml Laves Nibs you want me, dad
Id dos of the Vermlfugs.. j ,•.
I ban used all your - F=llY Medleion so tel
sod kayo also prescribed them in my prae OM I Am
very much planed with them And have found nothing
to eq.l them. Send mo S dos of your. Viannifoge, end
10 doses.. of the Liver Pills and Cough Symp.; 1, - .
Respectfully yours, .1
' 16smact of.Letter.l ~TT. hems..
. Tbo.e bight) , popular medicines may Im trad of Unt.
proprietor, WoOd at, and Mutants .
.generally mim two cities and vicinity, apt
• - -
POLITLIDA4 00/11111r111 , 'VW • N.
Teal ES D LOCKWOOD Das Di ittetsi
poblish thonly—Da Idoriss oft the Di,1116 Otislu
of tiovelairent, osnalste.d from du Festal, by:a. N.
[taker. hl. D.. LtosLon. tlecoral , edition, k. 1,1250.
'."1 8 • •. J.D LOCKWOOD'
Chaumbeta,..CdttentkoMal Itematraa. . '
rli'6ll4liWrfnN7Tte baton : Chow-
tbtt.lXpledirsi r
laud, tit the prepataufwof then -WOOL They 1114
now entered to the nelmola of the eltateajithider
the Atari lean reellion ror N. 1feeeei1 4,13 ,4 1, 4 1 )
lain , nuperimendant of Zeldin schoola, In the Ply too
county of New York. : - • •
I. Chambers , Treasury of RatemimlM i ; -
11. Oath's inswing and PCl.PeCtmr, •
111. Chambern t Elements of Natural IPhtheMpltyr
IV. treld - ik Itainta Chemisuy and Kleetriellyi
V, Ilantilton , a Vegatablo and Azimut Phys.:di:ay;
VII. VI, Chambers' Elements of Zooloiryiwith plate:
Partea Elerneath or Geology, tinertrated- .• •
It is welt knownehat the origmal pablishen of them
worm. (the /imam: Chamber., of Edlowilb) uee *hie
trt etattland . the beat talents in the premirstuanWf their
hooka, and that It he their prantiee to deal faithfully
with the public; Thu. :arise will eel doleOPO,L"' the
feu/woada espeithatona thus excited- Shay
roentary armee, prepared Ly eutitorsth onrYftYay
PALM of dOlnajuttlee to then reapsettleanoP e
and witsitune evidently bnufwed *port them art-:
emery time and labor to adapt thereto Mai: porpeak
We terononind th em m teachers. 04 pigents wiw
toaradence.. The gamed rot ad,
• leather of the younger eitags...."
fend of annionnent
ther, they would commtate a rint 4. e.
yfl. of intelligent children, and i
hrtomiedate—Verslo at
• $•16L12/1 t COlc.
tinny rio.lo WOOd
. . _
.I—eri-1. CASS/Wan& s r;
xf'Nu • red oo constromaq, pa -14. k. es
m E te su rrS' otac:itu " ce s'
• •-•
10dIt l la
K N P w er h*. lr:
~ anindua' .Z
, raanin a n
PM haketliolo, jr d 4l son* Fer
slam&C,notOn an b a co reby takig
hsna! _Ton am tato:ooni being a mina: so
od hat WI don till mama era for
We mend mac I:woofs:4 henna ordmlNll 4 „._ 4 '"
II lan Man Mak sin emaind
ritekdy. - The wannaannacked *oh pan: sill sf
Cram doone, ran for /My acts. get ;eller front
any! erne elonuainted stern.. leant I iraotta
Teti Utlig :tom kootna, Thin Yetrolent Inkto
tode—o conpood, PE lip lot the-omen of lapnin
oo thecato onan, bat air • arlentad by
Ike latter hand of nary, and bobbin:lntro:a the of
of on mother earth In its angina prooyond of
wig...wino:sanity • nasty randy, • tends
lt autdAdes ear other nankin% krre failed
to realer say rad has cared Ithnmenn of long
standing, an Oa' wont in 4 atostpiwal acnesar.
It ha nand Cholera Madan by Mr Or two dean; it
hal canal old cilia of Pankow, In which every
i n
randy ku been On awl. As a ocal remedy in
War and seeds,
la know n l aysical ant•
'nod or othasent We et. It MI care chi!.
lasloa or award ash in • few apPliennon; nodokht•
ed yfataon7 can be firoinca of tkemai contained
is as non Amman el , ealUng oft Damsel M. War,
as in
Iln, tha mak . or either of ae neon.
nron_ of Wood Erect and
Alley:Wafn E.Sellen, 57 Woodatilia, , Dd.& M
ika tc D. AL Curry, Alleglunly city, are the agent.
•PA I • Tir sllleo 1
The tweet thipilarolUill Dlilsolrarlr ea Ile.
aerai—ear.ileamtay for thaill•la
D 4. P-P. BROWN'S celebrated Mater Mud.
can geieedy • tor - lhi` Pan; tres - strearty proved
Itself IA be ttre out/ sere etre ever preersted to the
eablia, &meths discovery of We vuluabletercheine,
end the large number Oreztrene cease with which
Tr. B+liihtliiii..oo4l.o4 llo one hes felled to be entirely
cured.' Unlike the clear healing' bituta arteet, altar
menthe end year or experlscoutelisine, bee too ohm
left the pale= whqre they..tommenAed, Sr ' worse:
but:ener • few day* will decide effectisg
=ts!et:tamei,il shall not Settee into • labored at
tutneut to prove my medic/rm.:l introduce 11upon its
own uterltit. hy Its Glbet I latana It shall gland or fall.
tryon prefer that lotthromo diseata,the PILLS, to the
yeas of d few dollop, 1 rest the'eass ortt=u.
• 7 IA Lloyd meet, llefii.a, N. Y.
&id wltoletala'aid retaUlrt. ~.. s SELLERS
a. 1311218 7101rattDertilta MTh ail= aIoOD
' el Wang ii g ttexoo.. -
1 3n?cd'ala 02 Zing's HMI, Rheenuslan, ObettaaloCma
aeons Enplane, AmpWe/ es us on Cie Fan,
•Illonthes, Citroen So RPM, SI Wen.
, or Teller, Scald Read, Ealtuyemnd an Pat Of
the Bones sad Joints, Budgie= Uhan,'Syphilue
• Symptonsi
or, Lumbages—and dismiss
arising from an inlialelOts ise - of Marcury, -del
' thee or Dropsy, Rgposure or Innmedence to We;
Almi—Churale thastitailoadDisonlen, de.
This tradleine kas acquired story extended led
establithed reputation wherever. It. hoe been 'med.
hared entirely on. Its own merits, wldeh Us imperil.
e Raley has /done eerrated. The afortmate victim
rof bereascreisease, with swollen la decontr. end
eines% and topes half cartons, Wu been restored to
health and vigor. , •• The setoftelon patient, +Covered
with alms, loathsome to himealf amt.
but bee/ ma. witrilit..• Dandled.. of perwas, who
had greened hospeltury for 'oats under caw:moue
lad: glade/Sir =sweets,- okroale •rb enmetism, and
many other complaint. 'pea s ant front ader tirm,
of th e eeoretive organs astd. eltraistion, lave been
caved as II Mara front the rack of disease, and sow, .
with regenerated constitution, gladly testify to the
.Sea cy of this inestimable preparation. •
The &nation of the mnn called to the following
airtoolthing eure,Mkete byUlte. use of Sails' Sane
aTbis is to et SSC bier • coiored wpm. who
he.s been aglimad for the int five ye...with Scrofula,
ead all the remedies I used bad no_ elket in.arreating
the progress of the complaint;' on they votary, she
nustantly grew worth; ad lifter expending between
sod SO with physicians, besides =Sag other
portant terneein without etagere, tilt the =sena had
aura Luray _the ;caning* or bee, rase, made Ite ap
panne* envision pasts of bet body, and bed genie
arenmesecifils vendee In theloot of her ninth
In this dreedfal Manion, with the mespeet o
death staring het en the fan, retated bee case to Dr
tOms•ray,'iloragers for Ranee Sarsaparillllll
beel e NA).;„by I ores etnieedeesese then article;
and my terpriseand that of my nelgatin;ba whom
her stew. taw= oboe tising , fonr and *hall bet.
the she wee restored to perfect health, nod Simla the
pace of Sun tenth and was able tannic an two,
wet= from the Won she enuorteneed taking LL
• ejel witeen of .the trash of ads Matemmd, t, have
tomato armed my name :this lath =trot
1847: ' 'JOSEPH - )leCOTTb6.' J. .
~*ooth of Noose River Craven eo. rt. C.
palm THROAT. ,
The following ie. an ertrael , rmen a letter .received
from Ien.iIeOLOONAO had ham nthiered eemal years
with Sceofalems Ulcers, Dyspepsia, 460.; sod , recently
so lIIISCIIO/1 of the throat and chest— ,
Banarseese Vs., gpc.l3.lStb.
Messrs. A. R. d D. Brenth—Betom T artneseuted
'ear year Canape:ills, my were Meant
•pan d
had a dre k ario i gh, L arthisre P wan'trem=
wean trigetber thel I settle not speak above a whis
per, and besider,the isflaannatien ftomarythreit ex •
troned to ray heed, so that my hasztavorwrery math
innelred. ;After taking the Senaproula &short time,
my health was improved, end my than is now well;
I am as free from cough sod =chums of the chest is
ever I was, and can bear gala distinctly. My throat
has twee well ,anon thine mordbe,the cure of which
haibeita — adaeteir DUDDY hi l l=
parilla. • Ywr triend„ . • MAIL SWAM ,
[climate testimalthl to the vale. M the SaAs
trills, is •frorn the Lather Wright, aged 76 year.,
niregatinnal Losesbrs taling at Warm,
nean, Mn,.., March SO, MIL
"Mews: Sandm.Gentlemen—From what I have ilx
pericaud, and from she intormarioo I have recently
received from a number of person of high respect*.
hilly who have used your Bersamwille, have not
the least debt teat that a is • most valuable =cetera.,
and that th e tamer°. cerilleates yon tan received
oft h e u e gh f its a reput atio n
a a nd m ui n lit & y
a by n ,ri eexnceeand„
sad stand in no need of my hatable eiforteto tnc ream .
them, I went all who ars athietad. by license to be
come anqoatated with the et:Realty - and power of yoar
valaeble mediethe. •
"I am, cembrame, Inure's' and very respeerruity .
.Prepared sad sold, wholesale and retell. by A. D.
_flotirgima and Cheretets, 1M Felton beet,
comer pf Willis= New York. field also by Drug
gist. generally Swingboat the United Stites sad ,Cen
ada Price Ilit per bottle; six bottles for 43.,
For eels by 1.. WILCOX, R. A. WAIINESTOCW.
a co, and hDWARD PENDLRICII, PitMbargh. At.
so. by Dr SL,SMlTH.llriditerater lODA-doodkVl,
nOcalow,t. Alm muscat:lAL oviricia,
No. lige DIAMOND 'ALLEY, a
diem . be or Woad mat, ti
eranla =act . •
: .Mat Wife the
rigularlY admitted ut the medical
. proressien;edul beentor some 6=o
m . general practice, Inier conlince
mtenthre to the trtannent of
• those private and delicate Com
. plelnts for which his opporrannte a
and elperlence peculiarly quality
him. , 14 limn saddle:ally devoted
• .
re atedy /4 treatment of those complairdvithinsmomm
time he bail had morepractice arttl Ites mated more pr.-
Pinta but Ref fan 1D dm let of any private Kee
titionesi ainply qualifies. bun to Oro motarsiteca of
opeedr, Immanent, and caulfectery enrol to all Waisted
artw eigeete diaesees,ll.lll 111 diseases alums there-
from • -
Ur Brown woald WOW' MOO MMatiel - "Mb prisms
diseases which have heeowo <Monte. by ,time or at.
``natal by the we of any of the common nostrums of
the that their e plaints earibecadcally wed Wog
nattily cared; he Awing gleeklAtt cersfal attention to
the treettechtef sueli eases, and enemas-A in hundred.
of hmaances In c edits persons of Intlidunailon of the
heck 'of the bladder,sad kindred diseases which Mum
malt frim these oases where where, have consigned
Own to hopelesil dowels.! Wpahlcalulyensues each
as have peen long and ansameTudefty mowed by whew
to tonna. him, when treencsalisheilas will be Fees
them' and their ewes Heat -W h eareAtlithowMu and
IntelUgest usuiner,poutted eat by • tong expel - Wow,
ifdy,and investlgaronWhlchlt is omposstbte for these
sliged ln`general pasties - of m edic ine to Iva
..ow Gramm... -
Irrlicenla or Itspterts--Dr.Hromn WWI: Miss par
sons Wlllotedwithilorola ISA athefisspald pante;
star attention to Into doom.
- CANCERS also Wired:- " '
Skim disease:is luso U s,rea,e4,sprialy sand
' El.- , Satlents of either pax Ibrineht "distance, by
=Sag therdlseue In writing, greats aU the symp.
warhead obtain medicines with direction for we, by
addracsiog T. - BROWN, 7d.M, Iwo Part, and dada
. et Ne. 44 Di =Wad ably , 0 ;IT
Ricaretawas—Dr.Bwmals needy 111 m o -rend wow.
dy for Ilbedrash
aearit Meer s. f remedy for
! l l= S I
PIZ, Galenist ROcona,No. a t i
t ,, o t ptubargh, Roulter M always a
I hoot.
!s r,. Ise ewer ow Dem.& Ifeto
NEW remedy lately dlermeted its We Vegetable
ARietdow-.a sere and . permanent Cure for all
Itbenstelle Complete ts,, such as c
ludemstory, Chrome. Acta' . AO Itlercenal,
...., . liiiindo;ts:ClinoTsaiis,. - ----
Spinal Areetione,te. - .
Thie =Wilda, ban tong been songlaion ICUs been
said that Altestauttlent eosin Jan be eared; bet there le
• remedy designed by wore lot the ease of every die
' ease iitst the hexane Islam it tobtect to. At hat a re
may has been foetid that eases Ilhabatallata of the
wls form—one of the moss oraleeble treteble o
'deeelpens o r earth—Use greaten andooo g s e t nap:mu pr tt
diseosery at, the age, and a wonderklblessiag to the
hasusesfeauly. It clues without sleireningor dokAlltas
Ling, andleheire inttonnh'enst viger to Ike whale rye.
'NO , . It kall eared, dams Was past Wee Ineethes over
500 caws that were condered focusable,'
omblietnee of the earthen ptopettiestle this meiti.
dm eon be seta by tehlebeaakeitttgata • •
.; Vona refine aisles. put tip r id. au envind label
spots the angute irriijolwri Aped by ilia proriego,
TOHNEII,I4I4IO, r , t.Y. ~ .t
$:- . • - • - -
431,1 , . - "It., mnreal,
- - 1 , - eitartii Third ant lilbialtaret4r i btmh:
TOM UtglajCblekt=l4 '