The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 24, 1850, Image 1
`—'~~ ;: ~ ~'~~:: ~, .is r , , ; .PUBLI9I(6O W H I TE; & C'Ci b. vnrrs, I - ' • ' "' - GAUT= 11111 ZINGS, TURD MIXT, mit now TO 7itMi:.._.., • —*SW per annum. Wee advance);-- ,LPD t0:1.044M.: • CM .OR ADlilinTlllllllol , - - BY C PITT/lEOllOa PEERS! • ._• • - - One Nes re, 1104nea of ?deepen:ler loss) -• eno. , One Nur oe, each addinorat moor& n• •- 0,05 • Do. otte mesh • Pt. ihom werko•-••-.. • ..... Ito. Ile L. - ' • Me elelllM.-..--•-••••••• 702 O.° Dr Dem Do. . form month, IMO Ito . . •hr months.... 4-4- 24° &ending Card la I ouo. tem..) Per eetitit i L llii° One Nunn. eb tomtit* &tolerators - IPa nom) eV of the For each odd - Hine. uptaruinselledoect one month, ena for eaeli additional eq.., ',monaural Movies,. 17 rates, half price. • • ap Advertimmenta clToecLillf : lOW.. to be eltargedes a maul end a bah - . Publishers not acerratilabla .leget shettmttetne• beyond me amount charged gertheirpeblication: A enbrirming cendidste• feendimetebs 0.01 the, Aeorattibentents not muted alba rep! for • spun hod number of inscrtimmorli be eettiti iit e ° tettitar and haymentextemd aedordt'. 4 : • ' • '• - The prorilmtet of yearly advertise," *lithe conined ripdlytettseie regular °Mot 'dyer. thmenents pottrmisilitgverthelr reeler bulimia, al • All eiverammeori Orr eltarltahli iiiktltedmor fire o ; romeddp end Other gablie meMeSS, snt=e, to be !bat hplfritupsyebtestriody le advance. • _ -__Mervingenetimuto be chireedrilleends..„.._____ ,, Death noimeamearted toittniet 011440i:dem eccom. panted by hmetallovitatlens at Willem makes, and when se Moms panted to pti ;Mid for. • Renate edwausetsould aderemoding Nieman 'deadens, or KOKO( midges designed to ealt mien. steers Woe floirees..Contens„ er. rum pattplie =Mr oar:pests. where char g e. ale mule for admittance altrionees of private associations...every mUm de. ached mull encation to private enterprise* catcalls tea or intended to promote individeal Mtn.; clstams . ty be reseriedmith.the andentendieg Met. thlt Pout -brio Us paid Mr. If intended tote inserted ht tbe est i-oieren,ihe wants will Le charged et the tae el Letters then Ifteents pee lb.. • •I : • Illshop or-Fist Notices-to be elmirged tripe prim, "..Trreern License Itetlitona,lld tack. • 4 • 5 Legal and Ildalical adveruscompas a bis charged at tall Real NMI* &mutt' ete'd -Asietbmwertni atayertioc meta. net to be eleeeed.eladat yearly riders, bat :to be elinWod dim•ent of MirtY.threeousd eus third pet es= tram the amount of Ulla-- • •-- Pi:ma ON rat-lOXILLI m *OlOl Oitrle.• Ore ggsere,thece 10 Do. - : • each additional lescnion... . eevintsmailasm .tam roma. , Otto tieuest, &ID/Mead onencertion.-e-50 Do. each addnionel murder,. " All messier:a advenisenteem io ba paid, b lady ortee. INDITE P. CO.Osamm. . „ , .. 4 .'Li ROUEN Post- : . . RORT N. RIDDLE, Joarnel., . ' • SOMA 2: Tuna tr, CO.; Ckronlcilt. ! 'roam ktistarara;Dupadt• • JOS. SNOWDEN, penury.- • .1 AIIF9 W. BIDDI:b., Areericau • HIRAM RAINS, Evening 'rating.. PrrnibtrtriC „ Dee. 1:1919.: • , , • . CARDS. Joni. A-•.s • A LDF.TiM AN: Ward Pena stratt,lostaTea Vliera and Wataat. - All - 7 at. •torArxDra. WATSON, A 7T171117FT AT LAW.-0211ce, on Fourth stret' Wore ITood• rovt9 • • - DAVID Cl t !TUTTLE. • A TrOiINRYI AT , LAW, and dosalaisaloacr for „SOK Penovylv.artia. Sr. Lodz; . • All coOlf4anmationa prenlOy.aziarired.' T. 1.1:101414` ... . ' TIA.III.D ATICILTULTT, A Trort.::£ll3 aml Couraellan at layiFoacia acta....ra Eaaatletd and Grata, Plaalaugh; Pa. Jahn a [.sage- • .... ... ;Wm O. Friend. LA.ROL AA TTORNEIS - AT LAW, founh strut, Deakin= jylfi-tf ,„ • ' ...111.11,4t.16 W. 11.103-4, . • A WORSEN* AT Ifelir—OtE'ea 00, Foul* sutp, baweeri ftuadwa umititata, klustmgh. - - , , bunianlin Patton. - 7- , ,--- , . William liakeweU . • PATTON dlr. BAILICWIELL, TTISIVSEVB AT LAW—Wien in Tile:was TO, 4.11.: prat at, near the Cann -Brno.- - - 14 11-6.40138inc-150.7tarol.wical,,tialw esti n and tilanday School flooke• tier* and &Wert u Ail ki.nd• of Writing, Window and Wrapping Po pit, NO.Wood 'trent. between routib and Pia• inland alley, PAW. , b.' P.. nnl7 30111‘ U. SANK'S.' /1. A TIVINP.Yand 66.6 ellat'at Lavy, itod Cornett.- goon fat the State of PoO.inivo+ol , o3i , PM* No, (Ws .Pin4Otgll.) , References—Piustarthi Fioa. tV. FOTOISIA, tan Yllillrr, IVCaltAltvitt Nzelorz. Jain /Waal.* Semple , . McCord & ouet4-17 • • Ina moot, toss s ee roost. BG4I.I.6Y.WOODWARCe4t ten. Whetstone Gro seers Its •2•21 Market et. PhOlealelphin. - Ats 4 • Plitstiarsas AMA'S Worst. BMorP o r.NNFTT, FAR Y lilso isiefs quirts of Sid. Ash Bleashloir isdors, ke soar Acids. ;Varela:moo No ..siy Stter.g33. isciso,• — Pii , ll;:.:lrk Ern. , ' • • (home ache. "DRA k. Ell , TE11„ Whol nude and .Retati Pmit -1.11 puu, comer of Liberty cad Et. Clair met% tits. 51010110 N SICIIOVER, • • 01.1111ISSION 61ERCIIANT;Stack'and fill Brot• v. Nollto Second *two. Diigtesne !piing, Awl., Meal, *ad Works. .- • . . .. (17 , 1,F.%1A.M, MAILMAN k. CO, Manufacturers of 1,_,, .. eh and Ellpdo .Sensgs, Oarsmen:a' Ail.. Pon-, and Plough Steel. Ingo. te. Warehouse on b. h. ‘ V‘le '4d Tr66lntr"t..M. ' Ings'azd Mallenbla alto dealers is Coach TrP 2.32 , • • . , i,,,q ,ARIIIIIMIONO lc GRAZER, C t dace, Mt Z I p i gi ,1 i s r 1 t ET ANZl i zg;f r .l3l..ora in Prp. man •• , ' . ' — Jahn A - Criut. ! • W. S. Sharer. CRAW kSKINN ER : t ore ad Pinia and Ch. .atodan derchaau, NoVSarsat.tsburg apt; ("t A. Me &NULTY & CO, Forwarding and Cord V. adsvion Merchants,' Canal ' Sam, Iluabargb; P. n 11.GRANT,Whelesalearocer,Coondssion-ind ~, :-• Na.; Forwarding Merchant, rii_. 41 Wmer a., Pius. ....,- burgh. In Re my.-- —• *mimeo ileonds , -. , R. &Fleming .. 110.0.811 fas P41C,110100 £ CO., • - orsi tOSION 0 Eaelk A NTA—For the solo of Do scusertie.Woolen, and COUOR GOOdg also, deem In kleds of Tallkire Th 41011411, No In Wood st, dth door from Fifth, Pittsburgh.. ...: .. Refercimo7Mmars. Wm. A. Dint Co, Manners. Jaen • . on. s IVO LISII,_. LLYILS 1. •KIITIIITT. ENGLIENGLISH le IMltiert, (lea gu . 114, 0.11. e., 4. SH Wholesale °roosts, Commission and For . Ironies literchannond dealers in Produce lUtd Path %ugh Usosizetarqe, No. 37 Wood 14..170.r:01d and , dell Id moon. • -IC;I4TM - gNgR'O !V . . FORWONDINO k. COMMISSION . NENCRONT No NY tocooaki; Plll.l.urgh. • . r ot: INCTC -1.----- i - 1.0 ODCllRANkroaudollan ao4Forwat. 11:Nforebilorldot 7 beet) WOO! Deli• et tad Cavamisdav Blerehast, for Du soli of AIIIMItgan V 2.144 1 1, Libet ty, oppotisa 114 febl? ,was. 4;4444,241u5*Ve• • 4.1. winos,. Piitmta: =num 5t444, • 0. VIVAKIWN. WWI A. yams, WALD 44 DUCKNOR,Tobacto Couuntsdea 414 i, olanss, 41 Honk 'W4A4t . it, 4416 Noil4 Manes, Aa. #12.4,1i.) cilmit'oziWargardi:m „! 14ritnrdegs .fribTatir, Whet , attred " AL L Pm... .111 .n U s L. aiL,) EPORTga . 11.,1et in French-sad American Ps per Fkininigi.nno iiiininr., Window Sli•den Fire d kn lilui—Wriung, hinting and Wrap. , TIINt PIP . I'. N.‘ Sl,Vnadstrell,bersreea F.Uth !in.' a= Ihnen. , 3 •: , n , :. va,t Aldo, Pinsbarth,TlL ' O tfrP ., INCIGT` 4 7Wholes• 0n. 4. " ". 0 • - nr In I,ifr Stilio,,?idna, Ws, Vianoties, tcs, No I° Wood Crt4.n,fiox rook of Diamond iiinW. -Sinsitireli. ' , • l'XClF.SrittgiAnWlnnenisuroceriC o n imism o r • Aikr•ikni,Anid dnilet in Plain, la ritudar Minors - in.". •No 41 dolor. Pituimmti.' - ' -- - - M7W — E": --- vir " • sun? oiccu' - tl DU:ASV k Graces. Oa 1.1 4 ;.!.a Merahaltle: end de.lct• 15 PKOMICO,Nocita Wow., a 1 t r Frnet Arto, flstsbutifi. - n 0•13 oho 7+7,r.. , 7. worm-- •7• • • •—•- Rotpta LC WO T s ,DILONORTII 100., Wholcoole Groom, and cents for til.sard Powder 04., Nat] Wood Sly - - TuEet tTOWN.SEND, Dnuterlet•nen Avothee'erf Na-0a Matt at, three dears above Third rc Phut • herth,*ll have ellnetanint an bead • well selected me: sarapentiif the ben mnirettetritenieines.wkleh he warier en-the *en 're astitutthrterinn PlePlianta sendine4ettereittll be . 'On:upper aitended to, and saga *niece they - Intl tall noon as team.. j Xr.t.r=4,-Prazittsoolis *ill Le socutn y tal=ol t hin day' or ight:* ' • . ' "1.6"" Also ler t•lei"iklatikthilithrfdyreelt and gerAl Po 3 ts • 1.1 • „ -' 4td.latt o rrarttn,Ohlo,l . ti and Fettranlins .Ut.t.ttent, tott dour, 14-Western Iteserri CAW., BatI Z T, Pat and Pact %.* Y, sad Westmtn Pinduee•generalty. Water ouviti;ltetweep !tittitt.t.ela wad Woccvittibure , .• TonNms ar IsTOCICTON, Prin.% iP andliket phutlifichltim N 0.44. biatkit. clay: Inbasßielitrd IVYWYD;Vfralesile'D veers, Coismi*llso • Xecaansti.aad , Dealers' in • f`rfrfire , -llnand anima thtildine., tronrint an Liberty, Weed awl Sixth greets, r hut arra, •• • - * DV' 10114 WATTrn , a' • ad. Lan 1Vh01 , ...10 prom; •rl lnel. au n lattraisa dealer In ftcrptee and Pilrtrosb. Stab:A.:men, ear s.l2f Liberv„ aika Fwl .es--A/4 ISt Gi•DGH 13 W.; Anard toTarr.l,sta eiA and en , Ran Line to Deaver 414. tat lace!.—k)Ses Watitr- and‘sauraos sin, last . - k 4 _ . -,--.,•,. , , . . ..• - „._, _ ....„, , , , N:::::? ...:: r",..1r_1n....1..5t--1-•-_-- ..--t..,4--...-_._... -.'-_:.= :-"*.f. , -.; 1L... - —_-- ---....-......---.4*-.....,............ , - , -.- , --. , *. r.- ...".,'"--.........,"'"'" ""- .^•^•• • . .-, • : . I : ' ' 4. 2 ......, . " - . , . • , . Pik - ii. I • , ..,, [ 6L , G . ~ • , _ . i • 4 ,6 . . , e . 0 . ' :•. 1 . . .' ' ei - .. ' . , , i.,, , F,,, :1 , 4 1 ,,,,,p NIHE i _ ___ _,___,.._ - ,---,,,-T;-,:-_-- -----,--- . --------- _ ___ PITTSBURGH, MONDAY : MORNIN 1 •G: ,- 4 "E ' 24 . 185°- ' ,''- . ' ' ' '''' ' ---:- - -- ' . '. : - : 4 '""'.., ' BVSINESS CARDs li.,llVrinir4; Co.-Laneeenore to he Leyte listehisea t Comoisilon Merchants, end Agents of the St. Losis Steam Seger Refinery. lie. 41 testa god flef.frostitteets, Pttsl?urglt. ant • . 101 IN and Retail dealer indiaritandhlarsesd, lasinsraaritia,Selaasi Pawl: b 11141484.1 Crisis 4.1. u., Painters' Cards, and AIatiNIAITS.UraII.N. et wwa • 11:7" hats Novato nr taken is tradis J. o ppasitebt. Mates Howl, lMtnDatflh, will also atipa lirowsitly p Oolleattaa, LL Wastalaston, Fayettli ... Co.,i , f Slaeltsteek, Bella ~ 1 - - ,' •-•,', Mirth &Cern:Ahem Pat* . , ! . • . DellltY . I ekClloo..htAK.Ell.ft CO 3 -Wholerele. Druggrsts , all ' No 44 Wood street, Pittsburgh.. srt • r • J • Forgrac• Dl • • t •manamon Or. ducts, Dealers la Px 'Wane nad Pill.bargh mina aiaetared.aliklas, Canal floain;oest.Tat - ' 7 "FFirallii -AMC. CLOPITTIIISeeIf. PA. VENNET.DIi, CHILDS CO.; Illlasattetaters of - 11:: very arperlor 4.4 Etnrcirg, Carpet elts4l, Cottlitl Twine sod Usttlol. ..• • SCII• 1 7 • Vesuvius loos' Wanks. T EWI DALZELI. dr. CO, Manafa Cuter: or al JU sans Bart sltee4 Boiler Iron and Nails of the bee, grulity. .Warehoese, 44 Water and Ira Front street W. mato; rhad... Ri;iitcon:rnuitargh. 1111.LER dr; YICIih ' ATIN.AVAoIct,ate Owenand.lapotters of Brandles. - W Wes mod Stgzre • Not, 179 wd 174; tonlet of LAberty wd tivrin meets: burgh, ri Iron, Nalis;Cottou Vat., Itx. matoly so bud.' apt Jobs PAULO. 91 , 6131. Waltsr.a. Hoe I 111)1t, Vl:lislesolettrOessoon44. s stomis .. /11. L also Itlaretiosts, No 194 Lawny 114 Pilisboigb wouitirur - s - Psnit, AND _ AXLE FACTORY. ;4.:a joaaa,,'! ! . . • 4012 7. Q 11 1 77 .1 JOalair.6 .111;41:11610i !!! IUrANUFACTURERS of wing! and talster ingt.l,! 4.1x-plonghatectiateelplonglrataga,rmath_asnl clip 1 onnea. hammered kroa axle outi dealer, tool t !sable calaags,tre copse lamps. tad coach ran minas. IprallY.narllOr of Boas mad Front 01.11, Pittsl,araki :tea ; IT.LLROLhlkaicEON,No. , s3Alatketnt.gcnonoli sOratVflint l llettanse,te=a m le;ONS rpo n Tai,, Book Note. and ID.Ooleletlona made on all Oa inicialpal clues! arrnestiontlinfe United Styes. ! • ! aro ItUOSICIARTER., clqir Aummuatc—Uthee, Founts OIL,' staid doOtabove lot ai d • Conveyancing of All WO done mists 40. /ifeatitst ears and id tooltrisdl. L • Tires to Rem Emma examined, ere. :" oet.IAIT 10011111110=4W Iraeti i Co.. ASEPATIIRERS: OR. GREEN GLASS WARE, NO.X: hlaskst MZOOs. Aitisbnigh; PA, keopeonstant• IT on haid..a4j lute to order all kinds of Vials, Oodles, v.. toner andblinent Wateellotiles of ism pemor —Vastimilasantealon pald to Private Moulds. Ltelitiletiipbtliti 'go tobltahmoat rbr iIe4II.II.IIIMATIN, Third st, opposite the PosbOthoo,Pittabargh.—hlaps,Landmapas, Birk heads, Shosbilla Labe Ls, Visaing and Machine Dateratts, Basins , and Visaing Card., tte.,eti= or down on stone, and printed to eolort,thad, =min the =SI oppreived srpte,; /not at Um most orieta. : . ; • "milk!) , • J. G. PM m iffik,I3,TEA3I.,OCIAT . 03Hwa 'alova ‘ , 11.: IL !loom &Bs., spl7 No. 37 Water sum. • 'taaelienAiL T: W-Wevr DAV-DOODS JODBER9;110.1 0 1 WOOD VAAL . % HAVA.II store, and Still be Conatarely receiving demi; the nason,A 'aro sad well selected es. sermon; of Mania and Fancy Dry Doses, which itiv7 wW aril for cash or vllinwed"cd i t . • Western Merchants ars invitee to examme oar ODIN• ON,LITTLE CO.& !` o. OlLabany lanai Pittabazik Wbaleaalo Omen,. Produce and minion Iderattanu, and dealers is Pitiabanth Itlcastaa arca. - apr 1.02, as 300. - . TEM LITTII ILYL-11. ROE; itcr b10011.r., - Wintestie Grocer, Rectifying de.warlo nodal:Ai Pittobargh Marm4e -1.012e1; Idols of l'orygn StoinestiC Wide' mat Liquor', No. It Liberty street. On band a very tame "toot' of Interior old Albociagraiellaestisiteg, "'loth wilkbesoid low tor : - sayt L. 0. tetSOLDS. UM; thEYNOLDS So MIME. foratardoir sad Commis -111•41Dr1 Merchants, for Ma Allrzacor Tr.slol • caletacia Grotarter,"Produco k•ntsb a fgh, Masada c tasaioacd Calorlde•of : ' • The Elate t Niro, In cash, aid at all licit, for umatry saaa. 'room aria tram ou r WI DOW r •",,1 _frOBEIMD ELL t Co, ylholesato litOttls .1.16 Coladuldallercloto; dalers Prodzwe out, Bittsbanr4 ALansfaaanss Libran sutra, Pituba,nl OBEtill'..V. CUNNING if AN, Wholrasla Grocer 111, Dealer in Prn•lnen _an _PALtabartkliannfiteinTe. No. }44 [Angry etreei • aril) ••—• . „ Tr`= 11'.1p,t'aa and-Plostith Alarc-rsFainits,444csiNiess,:iiint las, kn.. They invite the &Isaiah w merchants end 006/001011 10 tll.ll, *wet berate mud:ming else ,where. " They warrant their articlea ta beige& teeny mane in Doe coming or imported. . re bit • &V e=are...errt Lamas r. e.lms % . l iro atrect.Plusaarin. .1-7.—AraiMo(lll;-"Warater. 0' In Vicar' and Produce generallyourd Forwarding And Cemardasion Iderchazder! No. hh Water Pailtatkijk!,_ n o r; alli4Bl, P1T13110.11. 1001 Ale 0.. 111.T1.41111 QEI.Lr.le3 NlCCL.9.,Prduee and Genera( Com Q . =Lesion March - mei, Na 47 I.,nerty street, Puo burin. 9.pernr, Linsee d arid Irate Oar. api: .P VON ,BONNNUIth r a CO, Wholesale Gio. cos, and Coadaresion'Alerenante, Dealer,io Pairbutgh htantt'aetares and Warier. Predate, Lan nanoved la their new wareboure, (old rmd,) No. 80,Cormrot Franc meet and - Ch ancery Lane. .a 717 KOHHIS TEA AND . WINE , MERCHANTS, • !Au' vide Diamond, PiUabargh. with' 4.B.Wohunian• • IL N. Wats raan. •W.ll. Wate mum. - WATlint.diAlls soNg, WIiOLESALI;GIVOCEFL3, Commission arid Far: warding Merchants; dealers in silk...idea Pro. duce t Filicturgh Mansiactated Ante's,: anti Agents for lisle of Hielunond. and Lynebberg tilmtuftetured lotuses. • ' • • WK. TI OLIN ATTcIitHEY AT LAW, ilia attend to collections sad all other boll. .. 11:17,7 ,a tt 0a.a ut i Biala sod Armstrong w.utk -J. R. Floyd, Llbeni AV, ,do ~ . /semi Marshall .do Pluihnigh. , dl/ • Layls. Co., 'Wood st. • 13. D. Hostile —unary , Elealud• ! • Bo StrilltilieLD da,Go,— , • WHOLEAALE end Retail Deet r to Groceries and Dry Goode, and Commission tderahnors, No. 2 -8) Llbetltranth. • " JOUN MorADMN FORWARDING R. cosimis.sioN ISF.RCIIANTS, Canal Ruin, Penn street, Plusbnreh. mrEl E. DAVIS IA OIL . . PRODUCE 'AND FLOUR FACTORS. • No.ft7 Market, and -54 COmmeree at., PliCadeithig. Manses sonde, by nudist. of the abase, onconsign- ; Melds of Produce to either House. tart FriRW/JI.DING A COMMISSION .MERCHANTS th., • WOULD aspeatfally gollem the consignment of TV Ilartisbugh from - Western Merchants, s a tlg i e . r e r . e gr o e p sZ n u i s .i f eLei gi : , ex;y a. a y eto o u k r 0, 1.413 asiL noSbe detained, as they mill startle garb Imam 0 all boon.fetiMSni frarristonsh" . , task. JAL wird.... —.John Haft: J. O:WILLIAMS t dOsi 110LESALE it RETAIL FAMILY t ROCEIIS, Focarardlng and Commission Merchants;And dealers in Coantry Frahm° and Ptusbargh.blenefac tares entoet ol,Wond and Fifth strew, Flustsugh, Wk.. U. WILLIAINS 11_130., BAITKERS , AND RXCEUANOE BROKERS, North East Cornet Of WOOd Oitd Third Greet!, Perrioodeow. PA. •AoAdtr, JOHN cosoluves. mauls efloAray. 1101T W. A TATATI' //o 6).„Virkarlesele Grocer 12 .‘ll arid 20 Wood lariat, Fiusbarab. - 417 , soIIM D. WWI. I DAM IeCANDI.V. IMrICK t•N•CANDlMlSS,(saseespors to', 6 J. D. Wick,) Waslessda Grocers, Forwannint ..d Commission Olerelants; dialers la loon, Notts, Islam, Cotton Yarns. snd Pittsbnsgb Idannfastares general. ly, corner of Wood and Water sueeti,riUsbureb. spi7 1177. - & — rd. - Matrialrgil, Weeders's Grneem, NT 'a Raoul) •DiStillers, and Wine and' tinier Mete nant....llllo—lamorters ONOlin AUL sad Beach inir Powder, No. too Libeny street, (opposite, tooth '. 'l l / 7 1 “ %Yam .' W. e tlt6ii Nate T',‘ and Millar+ Dead. " , co mer DlLket and FOurtig streets. Pilubstan, Pa- N. D.—Watekes and .Clocks estertall maotrad. so 17 IX}I TOO t. - I JO= . Ifi`CUll It T.!: YOUNG* C 4., Dealers in Itail/el, Illdee; te 11 fa iauy - -wet. Wortarsees, I LOST. 'Marcelo& VAT . & IIL. bIeCUDCHWN, Wholesale -Grocers, VV. deallers.luffmlote,.Doi, Nails, Glass, pad P.U4OVIAL.4.I"S ISP•I'llil/. Llbern. sgreet—' ruatiagt , .- . , .-.- . , . . •, ~....".wri-. vi - Ts..-xi; 'a:rms:was As 00, WIIOLEISag 4040* urryaL GROCERS, Pbn" I o n ttpoSsittion Country produce Ilia! bogb Moloaf•cuue4, co;• cuff bfWeal grid VIM arras, ratabnati, rLa.s_Lor"F.s.ssi__+.3ols4.r.: samosas 11.111TELO. #"EIY'VF, bt"CtlAlin, SlakeMdadiliAimadean cfrinsence. i and Mudsnag Pantel.• Itooms,"dain•r Pa.& Offiee nikinind • Fonnii MTGE 1.65,411inh Bt, OW 'Mutat. -7.7l4.TArda*.Cosamisstes Ste roaming , Na ti l(r i d Ler wt, =Tr, Trarar.r. in t trlAr VAT 'al Ist. rand Lamellae; • / Durand, Copan: Lb. t ac ta") . * Xlin, de Sloodnie • /ten Loni/, •; olio. Amend. Oa, Borden. Steit'sit4 in eask,and leiettra nib rare by JobAUnread. Toi.ttiiiiinn Ctinnime-Winn .nd AtMER, HANN.4•Ih. Co. haya Ef0 43 41 1 / MO!' nank ircit Must of Wchar sad '4OO ao-rsowrigcns IHAVE tsiteri WM. CARE into pormersim mein my iosiness, which wilt from this doe he dirtied on Wider thhommo of ...Who Parker &H." Nardi tot, IS SO. JOHN Phitli ER Jo h n [ham Com • JOIE& YAILICIEIL OV 00s, WArbsal• GiuctTr, path,. in Produce Forngfe WioAt, Lig Iturs, ,OU Meitangdula. Renifiid Whian. . s,Glnsuieclal Row. Liberty street, I turLiti Pittsburgh. I', W541.134il IkLLIIILL MULL L•IWIA. fl. L. ILL • PAL&V.R, 11111 INA & OOy liacereser• to IlOseey, Hanna A. Go.s BANKERI3,I3,KeIIANGE BROKERS, and dealers in Forelgnaind Domestic Rechange, Oertllcates of Deposits. Bank Notes, and Elpecle,North west corner of Wood and Third streets- Current' looney .reeeived on depoaite,-Sight Checks fur sale, and collections made on nearly all lb* 0116 W polars the United Buttes. The highest p resoluta pald (be Foreign and American • Gold. Advances made onconsignmants of , Prodaerr i. ship pod Y.No4 an liberal tense. - wici.:aecyra.a.l • WI.. WWII • *Di. A. lIVOLI7IIO L CO.. 1t0C . E.H.3 .AND. TE'A DEALERS, Nu 256 Lacey stmt. abare WOW, 'Mao alwity`o on tend i ladle a•aertmeut stChOle 2 Graced,. and . rule Tenn • also. Foreign Fruits and Neto.'Whelesale and Mull. Dealeis suppiied on th - ; novel; Prosilaskine sisosh, 111111(r WlGllTAlAN—Alanafattorsr Linda *fool -[la ton and woollen mad:Liners, Allegheny olry R* the above works beingnow in fall and sneeerreal eration; I ant preptred to tauten: mien sena dirpateh for all kinds ofraneldnery in Ay lane, rich as triles, pickers, spresna le, uto, grindeng raullner, corneae's drawing frames, speeders, thralls/la, loaner .. .o l o card., doable or single, for monihintOr tottnill wort, autter,areke,ete-; slide and hand lather end tools in gttt eral:. All endsofahafling made tatrrder, or plans gig en for owing fluent. or mill. nt reasonable Own , . Kassa To—Kennedy, Ckildr & Co.. Blaekstneki Co..ang,rennock Co., as. !A. Cray. BENNETT.... BK,OTHER I . 'QUEENSWASEusNur,scrussas , slrantaspitasn, (moat Plttablarstrel Pa. ; Water at ! istrown ; MOY#I an 4 Wood, Podsktrgh.‘. - IFWiLlsoonstantly keep on hand a goodaiaett mem et Wars; eons. to own-mane nwsoreeod e mp nsa q r ua spet W hllym e t n do mom p K_ ea . 'limn. - for thew dem as ore arenewymitted to sell ehoapar . thin has aver bean town awed la the pub- Er-Order soot by mall, aceoinitinledeby 'telecast sr ood raferenee. will Pm promptly wooded to. tare --- KEW COACH FACTORY • „ A.;WHITE A CO,weralditespectfully. interim J.ll, the , public that they have. etented a shop oh Icoelr, between Federal am/ Sandasky atreem , They -are now making and are prepared to receive orders Mr overy description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, Ha. roaches, 'Marries, PloetonsOre., It., which from their long experience to the manensetare of the above work, and the facilities they have,therfeeleorifidentthey atk enabled to do wort on. Me most reasonable terms with. :those wanting articles In their line . Payleg particular, attentimt to the ogigetteit Asia, and having aorie but competent` workmen, they. 1111111 no hesitation - sn warranting their work. We • 'therefore ask the inflexion of the public MOO matter. , N. B. Ilepairing done M beat twiner, and no the most reascomble terms. Ja..lktf ATICIRROI, Tia aro, strwran "Mon Iductr, Porrogirson, ~PaRNTINUF. Inanonsenna a( COPPER, 1.../ TM AND BURET IRON WARR. Also. Olga. =nth Watt. . • dun= Do-au built to man, •• •Igeblalanantion Fovea to Gleam boat wort. Have on tonna •ina asanrunentarCopper son BMA Kruk., Tin Ware, Zen.ns. StcandanuCoologagaartu , • Da robin Porn, various Mina—a vary coarainent ai. lido tot ataannAnno,Cabisocio Enigmas, d tail road, cane den. NVO aroaldre n Zesfillty limb, &team boat nun anA g ohm to call see oat. aniolaa and price. before I gar:amain/ d grlZ 1-77-Ciirt 6J. Gt.=lf/I. Book , w.S..Ull=6.lMain.the. above ,bnalneva, egitnar at Wood wad Ta i nt amen, Pittabstak tam ' re are 114-awed to do any work in Onr, line own dm i awn_ Wantland to oar work pays:milli, and Wan t tto eye. in input to IIII'ACIIII3.II and dn. 800/Pt:wet' to any pattern and bound sato: .anonar.y. Maks in ntuabcr• oc bt.t. bound ears; inLy or =paired. Nam:snot on Wats ill INIAr 1.}...a Lat. V.* its 0112 One are invited to call. Prices /ow. • ------- - • i, inst. Illachtria . WorZa aiiiir Voisin& r. . rtiesanaall, :ea- _ _; u.s. T . OIIN-WlLltillfr & Co. are pre pat ad to Dada CO _ , ✓ and Woolen ItheLinery at avidly /age taytion, eiirjr alo Garclin,t Machines,. Spinning - , Prairies, Speede rs, Uri mss k tames, Hail rray Beads, Wilma,. ,i Ts.. Ittyruing Frarses,'lwionsa, CattlGtto der., as. A toilet' lz on Shafting wiled; all MCI 0 fCist Iraq P 1211.1 and B to of Me latest prinetts, slats and handl:sties, a d tools (gall kinds. Castings of i every descrirdisin li eit on shaft neitieo i . rattle[2l.l6Saft. to ardor for . 0 Gesxmiltirim,R.tCti. v ir4 . , . I ,;rhyac t y c...- E , • factorin i Cas= ri us, it ‘ii ,Ivi,iiii. ir a.. tl ' . f at e Co., T iabetty aissat i wii4 - asia Puma , .t... - up. -.. , Geer to Illackatilek, Bella C0.,.. 1 d. IC Slaarellea..l St i ki.,G, I. {Varner, Jahn Irwin a t 4 rt., Zuatiarisk; G. ;.&J. 11 Watner;Stenbeaville. • ‘,..._ iatita • ' • ' - . IPIAN 081 ITIII3 aubsierther otre is My sale • lugs and 'splendid uwituuent at rosewood sod ms liogaisy pod At , Lon Pismos, with and without OoleManho ce1 . 0 1 .“ 4 21h.dius attleinntnt The shove titiomtments m swat ted tv ha ...lust to any otansisemit ed to thi. voao. try, and wit! ite sold low. than any brought fate Me F-241. F. BLUME, No.lll wood st. ' sd door shove fith . . N. El-City Senp will be lakes at par tor s few Of ha above 5.20 Mae, roilif il fa - 47 er7 - '; - • 11 id - i air . VILICiii ; • TlllB is to certify that 1 !Ass spy '. 4 41 ranted Ushariton, of gen Ca. rhole Agents Mr the sale Jeaninev , ?meat Ihnprahym Filter, for the rill Lo an of riusbough ethlialleigherty, . JOHN GIBSON, Agent, • • this Walter hl Gibson, 34.9 Broadway, • 11.1: • . 0e1.10,181. We Isis veei iolnli Mu of the above ankles et tha sire of tho Now dm, Works for three months, on Mist, and fool p,kof.l, ftallsfied 1110115 /11 a Useful time:ham, and we take plea mrein reeommendingthem as a oat fat snick to nil • .hil lose ire ser. Orders will lw thwilry nee. , pil and p ro mp tlyx. 042110 LIVINGSTON. ROGGEN & Co —... _____. -su..a Uo l er Worts tor Sale. MEE subscriber offers for male, th e STEAM I WORKS, above Lawrenceville, compristag • Steam Ends., t 13441er5, G Mould blachinc, capable of manufactramg VU,14.0 Pressed Bricks lout of dry day aw taken from the ha nk,) per day; with three atralsj land on the. AllegbelaY moor, cos which utrr 4 sheds. tearhine and elay shed., 'rhea...Wows, tracks, shovel', spades, he., terry thing feepleite m COM* Menet, operations et au boon notice. Price, ineleding the patent right to au said machine, s7,o:atearna of payment Made easy. •Without the land, 050 CM • For pettleOlms, address; HENRY MERRITT, ataglN:dy No 111 blooonpthela Ileum Wroag'ait and Oast Iron RE aalwenlr Cr. beg leave to Inlet at the public thou I they have wbtained from the East all the late and fashionable &lig - . for Iron Railing, 'both for house. and eeteetetitrie .Person swishing to procure hand-, some pattern. mill please call and examine, and Judge for themstive Ruling will be furnished at the abort eat notice...oA Who best manner, or the ealltet ot Craig a Rebecca Erects, Allegheny thy. oopot.dnf LA.hIONT t SNOT. . JOIIN.LYONDs • NO. s FrTATE STREET, BOSTON, Agent for Chums and Breoliery of Property ass • ' - 11414.4. • TITAVINO spent nearly a year in the carton. Ile -1-1: enrol 011 ices, National Library, toe-,.dartog his' late •tsit to England. invesuoting claims for parsons In this coo ritzy, and hawing secured edicient and Tee spoustble,'Agenta in London and Mane heater, he vs prepared to afford all necessary information and ad vice to pc sauna vrho sect to recover thous property In that country. • J. L. ki cps a list of the Dank of England Dividend 'Booty, vir Inch may be examined for SO Cents, or IS for each tern o of the Alphabet. Refer, nea• in Boston: C. IL F. ADAMS, Notary Petite; - JAMISI WELD • Earl; 11 , 0011 D & 00, jt, (Successore to ttl.Cord & sung) NIL taaLloadbla Ilatt•rly • • •, Coiner of Wood anti FijiA •Berseis, DiwricuLAß attention paid gig hetet Trade. 1. ; °cameo can rely. upon heir Haw and Golkettem oar criablishment of the am warsarata and Vir.i.11114.621:17, Of the boner emus, and attar , towkur • . Sralthltillg by as holesale, are tespenit ally armed to call and ezamine ear Stook , ae wa ca - i uy wth conlidenee that atrevards 01/117 , andsits, it will not 'offer In • comparison with any oneeln Philadelphia febt7 . • •• • WILILIAEL •• 110E(19 leave to inform hie friend, and calumets that J) 44 to rut receiving his new spring 'took of Goods, compaising, ol usual; all thelsetwom and midst Widow. able Wieser Cloths, Caesium., fancy 'Vesting., col. ton and linen 11000101 staffs, and over rankle suitable for gmalentaors wear for spring and summer. It being impanel/Ile to describe the beauty, wildity, or quantity of the stuck, the proprietor hopes all who are in wain of goo d,cheap, fashlonablo, cod made clothes, will att. him a call, as there boo exact this side of the Alleghenies that can compare with U. Tito ready made department is very anti:wive, ortiP to teeill Mama. to tut Call road co:l4,May, eeentri ...reheat., end ela who purchase lentely,rme patucnittly invited to ea Inlet the eteck Woe porchestue;•taa porueolot At tennan It palette the whole.elo bustdis to alit owl , Ever y , ankle' ip the toilette' hoe made to older in the Fiat( lAiblopyla ahAtbeot manner, sk.the eholnel .XcaTICIA. ":7, i7= rrrgilaitneribiPberelefore caveat{ letablur tkaliVie ,o( A re C 401O,AillalYols duo Veil by me deeeeee oidar.Claridley. TbeLbeeittenti - brvavve 6 loel .. 'tr A Malley, whavellt . aeatv the Laelemia - itt the lab! RF3IOV/67-I,Elleatuivlaiteava-IXXI Fallacy WasePouse Irma TiottlSeeoMilfo/IAO.NO Wanda trect.betareatcriret Second wove, to the Wale heave lately actuate, by (3 A—Beire36,AllEUtt".o keep 40110.4 pa band a genteel also et, Coal inga Grate.. Ivareee 6soking Stove', tte. ,tert ,Tfial •A11k1i011.111.1%011. e... THE detentin of the petite to resPettally idled 6 6.4 lallourta6 centecatsee . _ _ Ma. 0- P,.leaues—llavbto rated aspeamicy •af Gold weriglaatttey Your Ammeter. I bed the result prove* your tetstenu?en‘ euerveti,arldßeo • Mpfta..l 1/04.0 11 }.0 1 to th aw grepag kollletabrelle, ae tbe best method 10/ Oh!' ho ice; value of Uold. lieeo. yo , ure, _ - 4.-6.-DUNLEVY 7 b ol t{ Usable, Macre, 'Mack WIND. , • ?main:Rom, Mardi MICSIIIINS‘-Deat ihittp3o:: torus, manahe Ili tad at YPUipoaldollbt laaahafa. 14 commend It to the are ~ C , ,A 4410. a.m., wto 00. about removing: Callf4, ItfAelai Go4l. • It /Wu a C,1014 apri.lak. Ilia ppocloo g.rawl ti Mae:all. ands . minty cub* ri untat.r tq saqutsl4',uhutpluu Li itti• _yukra,loP7i 7 ."W.Larl"t".. =/Mail INS'URANCE , , . LIFE .INSU.RAN,QtI-----, ~ , i Trento Milani- Ltle , luitireace Compaq. - '25 ut corr. • ,i,..r:. ". L.,..-41%,,tri1 , .......? lAssa i ibtraNA: Ca., Akents'ai PitudAulb. P. , 4, Aka ow DillaiTioll, al IllerfON, UM Maxi. /Me iliaV, Jr. 1 Josvph C. poll, Preskj BatiJantis 14111, , G. A. Perdles., V. I. john A. {Venn, r4.1,;tAt0z,.1.,,,,,....,i., REFERRES. MAY 101 i. Cocaptioller N4vr York.' Don. 3t H m i rt Ml eatattall. Dews. Wood David H. White- • Jola F MlCltte. • Insander CILMISII2ia. David DiudtriT Pied. W. J. P White, P. M. Joseph Lion. . . .. . . 1 . new' lSllSer. -. I Ills flee. Cray, Haws.Ex.4)n v. Vroom. 1 - W.l.'. Diftaa,U 3.: den. I Date WlLltlek, hi. C. O.D. Wall:Ec 11.9.9411.' Wm. A. Newell, hl: C. . ~ 'Elsa bl,l9eVer•an. Don 9. R. Ilamilton. ; MEDICAL ;X &MINER& • A. 9idney.Donne,M. 1). 417. W. Geresrd,ll. ri, . • 40 war.. sta N.Y. 301 'Walnut it. PMIS; Wm. MC Morgan. M. D., 11. R. 11611,M. D., /Dome McCook, M. D., I Allegheny e;ty, Pa„ , :. i Pittshumb. Pa .., The All,. of this Catnyany, at Pittsbershoste slo. ~ thorired to take every Lot elms risk on Life It alOnctiost k.l. IWlnrl ,l / I VI I I rate cut, Dorn the usual! ' 1 tams of nettle ate, as domed by caber Companies. is • rAttls , '., A man Myron or ear. taking • Polley,o(lnstatAprie ,coe On. Thouvaltel Dollars • ' '. , . ' , , L • To tun lot *ev e nt Pelt. only UN-: do 0 " " *ICAO: . • : - , - • do lifenmse " " " 1157,130:.;,_ „. . i.. i • And In the lame D./Portion' Cot any inialit id' `11.50C0 Ir,hieh is the extant token on any; ono lifer , .. We Company commenced. oponinenti An : On let, October,ls43, and. its monthly inteincom op, to the lei .October, Wk.. Rhona a progives • udcanumeltax ete, ~gother Life Company on toconi. a ion dividend of ;dolts. obit ho declared to Ills 'owed en thil In Sulam, IBS°. . . .. , Pamphlets containing the viulots1•13111 1 or nate; !Ind all thanecessary informatron on the lerporteOl Aubleet ettlfc Anurancee will be Welshed oef•Pla , cation to .11,111121.1.11.1 02.10 is ()IL, Agents, • ‘ dal" . .. .. • . - Odcon Readings. 1 .. . . FIRM lIIIIVEAIIOII I . . : ' Zrtn... . . . . NH TRENTON MOTU et LIFE AND FIRE lli: ' liIIIIANCK. COMPANY will hale Polistei of amens. against Loa or. Dosses br Fin.. span Is and Funguses; %ores, Goode, We ;We., Im o apgleauon w , JkSIINDURNO &00,,Agnos,. 'Odeon Elsildlega; LNOUILARICR. : I mug DF.L AWARE hIUTUAL SAFETY RANCE CX)MPANY.—Ott 8 riOfth Emil% of the Exchange, Third street, Philadelphia.. Fll.llDtavaitseL—thaidlngs; Merchandise aid itehM, property; In Town and Comm, Mardi against lots or darnaim by fire, at the lowan me of premutin.l MAWS ISIMILIa.. —They 054 Mare Vends, cat, gummed Preiyhts, foreign or eoutwisp, ander open (a apeeialpolkelss, ea the aerated may deur& Inane Taanworrarent—They also lento mereh , endive inmsported by Wa6h:4,l4E Rotators, CantO Rasta and Amara Boats, ye :mars SIIIi-lakelleoaellk. MINI liberal ten.. motEcTomi—Jompti JL Seal b Elinand Ehmiteij John*, Darleatobett Barton, Jo It PaarosAbsttos— el Mislaid', Geo 0 Loiter Edward Datilnium. Juan. A DasilL , relwall, John Nowlin...Dr E MIMI/too,' Jae 0 Hand, Theophilas paaldlnAr il Jones. Brootrai Hurry Sloan.: Haab Cra 43eorre Sorel!, f veneer: ' Atellseie. Quite J'o Johosio, Was Hay. Dr 0 Thomas, John Sellers. Wm Arm Jr. DIRECTORS AT erlTSßußati--D Piontlms Nee , Dm& John T WILLIAMMARTIN, RIMEARD Niirlote. Peel. TrOthoe Om Chatittoo.,,No.42. ( 1 / 1 11110 Nor Tiwbufin.lian234l r. MADEIRA, AO: UM and 11111altb Lasuuraneot Hamar Life and Health Inentascs Compaity of Philadelphia, drcotpotate.d hy the Legitlatern o Pennsylvania, Much, Cbartet perpcuin. .Oapltellntle,OP). • • Rana Smuts *AA tore - PU. non— unto tftztattr,, fail 'A pot rent. Inver th an tie anal rates or Life lavarance, as the fattening um parison ahowt.Thissoepeison p 1 ;be ate ern° in- . mins en SUN rot life. man par in Om Girard PenrityiTinni, 36, •• Penn Maul; Fzultabic, 110 4 ; Nen Ettilland,lft3i; NOW York Life' 112,..A'41.. Man, Ste, Lite ani Hubs, Phlledelphia,llll,el. . DaXClVill.—Samtel D. Order, Charles D. Heil, W. F.Boone, KIXIg. Ceuta P:Illes, W. Reeve, Chu O : '8: Campbell, Lewis Cooper, linter, E. H. Roller; }dais; R. Ceps. ftandent—tamael D. Orcici; Vita Prot-, dent — Holii- P. Etelt,inecretary—Pratiela Madame... applications win be reenved. and every tritumaties sismi by ' SANL. PAHNFSTqCIi., Apt, oSce, Commercial Rooms, comer of actin...lly NV944 and Thal Ea, Intabsult PLHRI AND RIAILINE INSUILANCRIt TlOl INSURANCE CO. ot Henn nineties mill, mate pc torannu and limited Inantantve on pro y.nylethissilq and vicinity, e.t.a shipment& hi Cunt, miters, Lair., alai by Sc. Tho properties et • this Compeer ate well instead, and flambe so able fond for the ample Indemnity of all Ipstsons Rho' dutre in to protected by inurance. style WU. P. ONM,' 44 Winn , at. rile 11.13.1111T11 sagvaasom, u Plttalaitrglat 'slhelpriag Gardci fleallb Inmate Co., OF'PHILAVELPEIdr -- CAKTAL stoomp,, qNSIJYFS litata• ma FeI:WM neittr the Eaton, 1 and Lon Oreastoved OP atehrtmr•or Accident, lot' mo immedowt allowance of from 113 to 58 per meek.; tor 04114 Mm three, or form Veen. The menhott of 0100 of tUn lasaranet, mut Me -inmate , of asnirdsegthe net allowance, will be idly , et,plalned by (ho Ag.o - a 11..persoo e•n mum worm Sickness or et, „.., hm en. rm . ordtattrp . harinermert For one. leer, by ow/15, and recent Q• week. For two 3.m, • - .• For three ° 30. 5 . ° For four ' or, for emperrod of four 7r3re, ua tem of 514.4 0 Putt ••- • ere iS per weer mimic rat. .6nmilly, ;Oil Yoare OS Slory orneyYsty lotoonation wdt toroSordca oo tno taViact Of lianyany yonyily, 67 • - JAIME; DUICio X CO, edema, ~.rt.17.16n. • - . . 0,1.21 , Codling. 'Piro and 11:11 - iillso Inn 1 Ann .rattWo4d. The sew.. Ober,ageat art the above old aad respon ible find in fog hipment. et Meta Tolteies on lletlainira ana s taeir ontent.. on s azoan. by o Mon Maw Oliatt • .2{1.1. apt -. • • The Pea ILI.1111r,Oht• Gotta posy • `• roe letneiteium 'Lieu siYir Gesell.. en seirrteie d, 11c*,,,..:000-4. veld • eethereeee Ames n lipseo to.reeeise eltioith for essemece,ith whsel policies lie lensed, ee eereuth th th e ir pro w. ee • eneners, ' , dila will be suede keowa to applleetua toe aka, No. WOW street • GEO. COCIIRAN. _ PITTSBURGH wanes it 111 E Second Session of Min fik ` l . l4o°°, In d " tha Tcare of M. and Dirs. Simms % s v. f. " the .1.". 4 academic year. will commence em deV. boodn i . lebrarry,letko in the same Inslldloss, 4 . . 0 .. 51 /Aber,' • st lei they will Arrangements have been awls by va Doable t 6 famish yerong ladies faculiMea intim Weed, for chumming a U)11,01 Bug. ..1 .als and Ornamental education A fall Ws o f delivered iaoyhinal.and Chemical Lectures will be • during tin winter, illustrated by. apparatne. • T heir.f_ partmeem of Vocal and instmateunal Mehl, . order Langaages, Drawing and Yanolop;. willeaelt Macao, oft competent p r.m By eWae tune. to the avail and intelleetnal imtevernen of then f?" pits, the Ptincipale hope to meta ►camn, nation of . WWII patronage they have khhano e hoY.L rt 4 ton,. see etreMar Sr apply to the-Yetneip Ida kbiewitt FL' .ROM TI IE ESN DIANUPA .Whlto Dianels, all Wool. Red do do Yellow do do Black Balloons. Weal mixed do Dina do Drab Black ,Cassimoro. Fancy do Fancy Tweeds. Sapp . Black Broad Cloth .Soper Broom do Super Greco do . Soper Twilled do - Su tfrfpe r Ui r.l]Ta k b Caaraerca 'Soper Mora ilo o 'Bayer lillatk Cahforida Stadia, do 'Bloc do Drab do (IWO Dliggiodi Drown 11l the blapufacturere Pittsburgh • - Dissolution. WW eoltithersbip heretofore existing between thei JL subsetibets,' in the nem• of Coesuble, Hake it, CO, Is this day dissolved by metelki consent. Messrs. Berke & DIMES wißacttie the business of the concert, for seliteh popose they aro authorized to teethe nethe 0f th e contern. NATHANIEL. CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, Tilt! 139iiI411DIM„ ohe uhdcrsseveJbeve assoeizuhi themselves the name ofBURKE & CARNES. for the l os e of nrunumetutang Free Brae( Safer, \fool. Doom &e. as., at•thrstand of dre late fun of Constsble, Woke h Ce, where they will be pie./ 1,1 tptrtrrcTthepauuo aee of thotuttorricts of that Kruk and theft friends. EDMUND BURKE, • T80X.1.8 BeßriEs. , TetiAring Troth the 11)nedf - Bofislable, Ratite l.wlth *retie pleasure nem:emend Menu; lloefree to the'toadehee Of terrhleh B l l )of the: ItO.hlltri 'Feb. 0, 1819. • • I,l4Tll4thilkilr COMTABIAE. lebi3ALK • • /• • Ct. .111/111113$ o', / . 'UPS On Teton:lid from the , EattetwOrteil *PIP AM: resgmarathig.veatiety al ectiotkabis fjbdt, to which he sespeettally Invites the a ttektlett el ' , titre h atitt - irditiM ati. r>o WW‘ii4 it. •• / , o , •murdint l 7 maraNcit.l4l-CID Ta C rt ilr o2 ikAlide - 1;6114 . and alselsom Fine* see..lo.olts newest and mat altlnrmdi Fleen u' Eadrtli sl,44 9 DLiutond a e 7 •a r d a KM' jl . ,,, k iii" 4141. 1.1fL;134 saki talle butt' sittypsepaa J;4801 Z I T litit'ZlPKlM4lj. "1 13 ‘ N V. W "a ret7Ell5 ." O74 l44 , -7, .ssifsonstsat Sala 0 , •elibracut: Lty04,10,8 464•1741C11. 1 '11V1 gal t L a .0111.111116101Xtrli "o". ' C ti sl' " "111:41 4 1 7 1 , S i gtAir • rfr. ' " • '. ..7,, f r k . 4W ta.C.hesapeake, Asp . 8.1 1 .4 6 1T,tg. -r. ara.1,41/i. 01.4,and'Aitosolihie 4411 La .lowest mulct L.Ob at Hind tag. t - . W/0 MINOS wirasaa, ,, ri 9 ad Wham rt a ct • =M SeRILA N;F:Otf , • k • NEW mac pliibusr.attices ,l•IA!( ToiiN No.• Waco% crept ,),o. lecotte4 stri now opene Ito; cuminsLiu •na st:dohtit of Pito° Vo+ll,•ftook did • istrAt umitoriattry et 1., tlalsketingi Ba.ton.. • , Teachen , sod =Ow; by .o.pcillatly Inv ted TOry.Poanillul fitAtitiPiAnu.rcceiv I+4l, the ahoy., , tsIV:11, GRE t‘IWOOD GARDENS. •• 110TICks &VINO been annoyed for home tine by gangs of sattchlropas bop,. itontiiig Mut stirobbe.y end Ott. Ott. C.FhitVief the swings to the exclusion of mute partial,. Visitors, &tr. To prevent o u eh from cute ring; iratieteed wall furbished tth u ticket at the tairitlee,ftir IS evils, which • will be received iu the automata 15 cents hi teiteslonents. Faintly uck , Ills tot the Scowl will be luttaxtiest by the proprietor. The faunas will be funtsshed with Ice titeutee; Fealts, and all the delicatia• dl the .15113011. • • The gulden inelinscr,llope NAV, !coves the bit IL landing Otto begoining elands hoot at the day and J3l R RE W A RD. • I, Dit . T,On Tuesday the giatie fuming, oil Lie Pia bent deities Canal, inprool rireet,ur bemeen Pitt and Penn Yuen! , • moll Homing 4. iCased .14 Miter dal. andin snore Kota clown. Tbie Krum ending , them lie capably VTwarded ariniimi them lo Mr J fl. MiiVeiden, Market caret, or Vile nifice or 'relearn t elegenriuri corner of Penn Aid Wilde t roif3d . . '• • - thiaTa-iiiad—Oliiiii.. . 1•11121 'VELIMITFUL; 51.1AIKER . UPITREILT is i now La fall operalloii, incl sepplied with ap the ittlleleet.ol the sessoli. line sleepier Italie No 9 .Ipt es; sesidetvigt,fer,or o t t h:Vg to i le t ? e at m dti o n , — .. liTia'ngdTgli begretilits oreseh 6.1.7119911 0 ra sight ,Modaymeicepted..- No ihtasiesalng drinka kept on ale Prentiptittt: . • i _ sity3P • Irak 110a7s. ofA•VibtaxinaNNl4edu. at • WOOL ri wooLs- T R* ' etirtet pnce , ' I n cash, pelf for !matte : des of Wool Yttey • •••'', • • ,dtS Pird, st 11.0 Second at I;OIVIETHING- NEW . Puller the gins or Pittsburgh ; ..vrmr,.; ripened aboai rte tam of May, a Family (irodeery and Tea State,' gee Philadelptilt ft Irg • fibeeriben bawd . fitted up edure al No. Zf , I.4l,ertyvtrset,iti a style ea pi...Lai any sl it be kind in rett elree4ll, wve's. they Wilt alerei• kris lerge , as lon. Ulu f One tiroceOts, .4 superior: Tee.. A, whiz b uoy reepeetfalibi iuylte tar attention of the pub /b. k• ,F , -.13(..rn article, they will euitrapor to keep the best ot its end caortaently ire.ternene their Thai ss4or te u iteleeeeee, n LQUeLt..tO Of, Cl- . L. thieolr;vliiiserucndezt witim.'eee?.e..;rethitemenger..ll3.4r .'c'at"'"v"""44;4( Cnathed and Paleited; L"e r g.' ll "‘' ttoue; sad U. o.l4el.thsee; Ceee lemma trep t - oP , • , a N • Foreico Ftial.. Ilthiettees, Evenees, Cere 4 . ll lees - elan "tins EPt.. 4 " l. hltseeeY Mouth, tperm and Wei. d `l'M".which """ eadmmts. env It and whlet then woold , • • .4ell•threi GO of ) p.n.+ the threteles. Dadan mthpliecl on mot rtzsanahle.Pthth. , %VAL A McCi.U.IO " - P0.253 Llben4 stteet wastansx,a4 • A• WESTERVELT & SON, mur - ELL KNOWN VENtTLAN BLIND IthaKKO.S. • kerOdonstantly on hand or Mate to order the bed anklet:, tasty lute, at their old stand, N0..13 St. Cbds street; also, at No,tql Martyr attest, second story, <drone. In the Dias:toad. Vrn.tian Shatters made to Ordrrond old blinds noway retie 'red., sold yteJLVTZux OP PA • TLs lilwlllllP. Truk: Vulnerably heretofore Titetlos between Jame j. Memeall, Wm. und Henry 11 , Ge arr. in the oat Iran butlneer under roe !Mae orMazlkali, Wallace Co,Ar. disaintand by mutual calumet, On the•latLittP., James hletrhall and Henry Weieere heeler putrbeied the enbro tautest of Wm. W. We heir In sand tine: • The btelotaaja retard will be continued in 'AM sue tratralsbeimehas 06 tabscribera, under thanmeta and enlook hbuahal by l &I kletraary, who wilt aeralp the beahteli at abet late Arm, and to whom all pervada In ' debtadare tebnested talan:a payment. .W•lnkailan tom:col 10..04 and Liberty streets //WKS tiIMIALL, mat • ' HENRI' hIdGEANY Radars infAntiqii — Futiiture , - Jdre,W. wbonwaLL. - • - Tarn Sr., rireiIIIVII.GII. , J. W. W. lespetfulty informs lbe Oft public that he hat ChM , pleted ill wing meg of FLISINTTURF.. the !softening nag:maned aseartatent arts, eafeted for mile su rhi• City. Corolla/44 assets" mitt of BoaiWrso9, alloodone, and Br Lys WALmier, Onrhd, ornaments" anti pink; for Porto., Drawing and But, Rooms. all of what. 'snit ba 101 l at ; TI ntei... • •• , P as dloann• Patiorare of any Jest noon., are steel" widen .btu,. • gesentnion, from dm cheapest owl p ILa lainest to a most lens, , and easily, or ..LirL foltersetor yrims upon: Tete • fete Sofas; Tete a Tete Divan.; Cobtitlattan MlOl4 Elttabethian Coatis'. Steverson do Louis XIV do . Exthillasou do , bade" Lonna.; 4,e . i'gWcotorruor.viViikV.Tt4l4 enloz td Divt WAY thath end Lisa-dug, .n.. 1, os, Ju Jo SO dos shatony Palls( Chi., lU " osesoood da do, i-1 " Ant Walnut du du; one Seal do. 4 " alistargsoy Ratans da, '1 " rm.. bioul., tiTi2ble Top Centre Tatum av uo do Wain Sands; ai Italtairony Ebideteala It do Wardrobes' le 1322Viatoul do; Cherry do. • very large anartroeut of Co amen Chairs and oth. er Forma. idol md,usa to menb on. yr, • Steent "loam prinshed on toe shortest notice. Ail orders Promptly attended in. P. S---Caltheildesters ego be nut tstth sons tes. of Maltugauy, Walnut, and Veneer. w at ron.iderali dth ty mitered 9re . . 'TaNOLISH & Bir&allYrrt 11111OLDIALE GROCERS, No 4l hood street. 11, 'Air tor sale. =Pita Y.U.imp. Matti and Gunpowder Tess: ISS boa Tobacco; la Rio Caere; IWO brls N 0 Molarami; 70 knoll N 0 Sugar; =0 bolt. steam." sires Window Gloss; - Id tars Piper; CR boa Seep; lOU bee Candles; 3UOU lb. at' tfisb; AS Tattafirfellih 20 Cbooolate• SO dna tied Cunli; .20 toga Manilla Rope; .211 bre Soloed chit..onm Id begs Pepper; I bagsAL.pter; 'tibia Ilernam• , , IO bill Vinegar; :YU bales Coodteinek; 41J bag Scarab; 10 trealltee; r 10 btlif Choik; SOO drum Fis; . wa s ll as g a general- essorUnent of Pittsbut,sb filaLaroetittd oracles- ' • - nu Tll2ll STAILIC 14T ' E./ stilt of Mr Mamma, Pictsburgit. fjpos our rue Tea egoism. doe Teo Gotten elsewhere. Tunny SW a g a r s 7k Ted bought elsewners. Tel oar ISe 'Teaes . ; SI Tea bought elsewhere. The very best Blest Too imported, wo are reign' at7s call. per gonad. %Tim levy bast Green Tea imperial. ore ate selling at SI pee extend. . , We ate:2oeidely opporett to paging,utstead of which we IouPerthitly soiled COmpanson, tithe best method bf prnyfarnaa. yells the'best awl cheapest Teo. gIOSIUS HAWORTH pmittetote al the 'fee Nukes N. p. JONES. Ituo,o.9Mb#,A,S, Ni.t1erGi1iA1Chic.1.417.41452,,,: ' sysolsiAket r : : - ' ' Da.' silk' wilr tsmt bT regularly edaeated to dm davits , 1 . profess last•sral. Woofers - atm atrue ' lat gemal prattle.", ttse.coaLhes " ' - '' tut weediest WI QS trefttplent of . l2ltaigratin tttllttin; ' "''' ' l, , ~'" ~I%ll7(=ll=4Ottlej tostridywareattmt 0 thlmeemplalstiskittbdohloal h base he hi s had tat:Tette* and has .tee more It • 041204 z ern elm' troche los of attly private pro, %Wooer) mall' I losl hs , b 1 .,.; :: ,yr oVr r i.'ir ai tV,:i a t ete cc t cuL .r s '"aTkalrdiscaseesinunte 4..4- ' 44l ' h • afflict d-Setttl•prtrate A rile 3 =r c hlt ' t 'lkte r" r o ‘ Q. c c aw adek ir. amt. ar aa -• emoted by the mof aoy the eotarar.r.mtneras d ao, day, that OW 4 1 tutolg."'St t olI s tO ir ellI t ei t O thor l tenably eaed; he hama Omuta' 4.aretal 'attention to thet tosauaent Ot ur.D cescooklut ollteectlied.tri blared. of osmium. to eating persons . of folltaurrallthl.ol tbs. etee& oft he .bladdttotad kindretdleettee,a which often result um those oases where Other.' 'ha,re reiststgoet thartotoprlest despoil. ItapartieultatiyarChttet swb iMprotteen,loal and uMetosafally treall4 by others to corm - alt. low, sr hhn areyy sitiditsibtrarill be PTA I the., and ther mearreatectstocAtefaittiteMo odd 'in244cw tootcr'll'u l Tr' hif--4ifP-Afg.> arody awl toterot , , , v le di . . tome. .e. . • ~ lanciatl i bt V 14141414 Of =atm. to'lsso IJ . 4 1Stav 4 4 .• ;'':' b' yti,, - ,so awl. intirsea par- • Er, (mut as lasolde - r. . , __ . .. u. , hone mitheted re Ithiletaia tr, WI, ta in....V.aP , 414.1rd1,P11.447.1,. . 1 .. 0 ',: • , c CKIR also eat , • ...-. .0 lustalhayltared Blatt dimmest also .1.1 ir,s..?, .7 -- ---- XPILESWV rt . ' / V r—"r4l.--r ' • d.l,ol,ltrg. .. .., ", -, Li- -. .pOlhttl/VA.,,,,u ~m ‘ ~.,,, ta „,,,,, •ea o l .11 411 11 211 „.,,,,,,, e r .y e itbor seillringar distanes, by i lad t 3 pol;l°CitararsisTou ifui Di.i.* ORO. 44 tot e 0 in wrath& en r oll 411, bi1' , 3'.1 . or dotro .l n c i to i alials s„...A ted froat .thiw tho F uz stae.h, oll g. !!., friat,ciettv ,.. 06 .,„ 1id 5, ,v ,0 .,,,14 .. ti ttl i ti 9 e:lad o .l; s t d .u.A , l ' s y: 'l,-51-"Oz".‘i isot.* .3'..501a0. .Z 4.,,,, No ,46 . „ipiipop4 illo . .qppoi, _ ~,T f.e. „,, rill' 4...1ENT.11,0; sE.C.literAttra t t C . taf, o.iittseiEti,Aisvr.,,, boft . f . diko `,: a.d ...,.. -nut '',l,' ,t", T, 9 ,,, 1 T,, A .Vr t 0 ... .orige 4•Lr ut- ay fotal•t•Ktlitt,"` 444 `;-` Lr __ - • • ' 'ri:ltebools of tho Unita" inaisvia wt. a5y5t40 1 1.1,, 4 4,,,, ~!•4 44, y ft 4 144 ,.wryi wo „.. • sAiitUßJETasirlititArY - • „ 1 / 44, 4. RO w ~ for t.:,,,,,,,,,,,,,r.D 3,1. (mp 24-.0 , .., 1.... L.P.- • • 0 op. 0. 1 ... , law 45.e,..0 0. ~ kANUF&CTUNER OF CA.ll' takl....‘,Jad A il.. „, titt.p,5..r....1.1. you .„ . 4 ...L...r . , , . _,, .. ..a rio , ' thi ' d"' IM''' St"' ......* ,L75/. . Comity orrittor ork. ' ... ~,,, l,, ~,4., ~,,,,i.,,.1 .s. • r., ........11 :.• stleaVo..ittla Cw .5 , el l Fdc%."k t,l 4"l rT i sl ll:', jZ t h" "Ec ' I ' " . '` Wc.Trcccc al c g cc pe ci e l ti e T i ' ' ' ' ,21 i" - ni . W-airffk - 113.4 --- fiChr ...e-iir.m.. "Te.;v1r.,"%nx.,4.; , , ~...*, , ,,,, ,z .,";f:v..., AI. ta,..larzt,L.o mr risturii Prat astaphyt , T igt., A t t iE&lcArl.ll.lll4S t i , bl,4lty ct„,,a,s4 v ,y,A m.t.' g oll'c k e A ,I '.. il'''. '"'"P' r '""'''''-'-'-'''' 1, -- - g iy . Beal & Bala'Cheah.stry sod Ottetneall . A .,,hlhlWAytenltstolY i L,T=lll a lg.ttah.lf t i 5.1)"4 , j 1"s0 4,1°01 of 1%90 . 51?7 ,, ,rLn 6 . ,... . _ V•g r uodlolel Ver 4 V o irtrr l 4 l 2 " ,= ' 1 ... 1 „ r: ,,,,,-,... , : —.,-,,,,„ L e z „, , ,,-,„,., , ..„......T.4., . , ...d- -......„.. - fowrzioly,Ctußte, 'toile atikii?ri!titi ' c u ou"l"s- . ' . " 1- •Zi itdozaittat the misted pablisheisof ass: ..-• ~ ftherattat Odle . slingr-Avahi6=.74 - matf-- -, .'.z . ... , 1 , w.,----tivi. , b,•,. : -.7.Pr,.....—.:4 - c= , .4...2,,.... , .-e----1,-:::giv.z:;. , -i i ,, - , ,i-a.5.,,6, , ...t,5..,,f?4; q 11,-,:bioo Greets lutes Blieltrreast- t , ~,,..;i Lik ot.. ,t . _ on , 19.,.. :Lat7 u. '. , t : 1 7 .. a ‘.4.:,,,... U .,Lw i 4 5e t ce'br:r2attolec.criaBiltrclesa,:::asle).T..atloc,q.CaUlthY'rccitoc ji . ,;i k , cc"cc e, :,, ,,, , atill c p c i :tb b..,.. cbc fl7i n t fo l r a t tz hat i : i ;F : r7 l ,..y . ,r,.. , d ' a ,,,, s, „ p t m li t i e th l i tt " , ,, ;, 1 1 .0/ ..2.4....._tr ... 01 th a ,"..__0dut 1 , m , _ ..,* O . ht 4... y _ a 1t ; ' ,1,211, 4_ ,7 _ Iv . .*1 .172 411e . r .: e. iS .. ywn 1 .F.Skia Oat Weirs .. -, - &t it E . a L... - : 1-Ib2 P 4l'". ::::": ,' • :::0 66° ::: . ' ' I; - ", -.i.51;:74,,,rt5at'1't411Ti447101;74:;"0 0 18 7 1 1 1 p CI. 71,41,114.7„.th1.11..Wb2i r:111-• rUp..:711,76"41,411u5i111,14.Z.i4r17:iry1bti1trv11.47,11:1:11110,47:firt..4..i117!: '171. : 4 ",,, T T ., P,,,4 6 7 c1 7 .... , ... , 1 4 . fn int. it 7,.., n bit e :yrn 'h'" ; l l,l 2 :l4, 4,l ll:: ,4 :i '. ..-' ':. tro o p a !..' ' . Chadian Va'cchcc- ._ ', 1 teatol hilsetualm Varoutfk, P.L. 7 fogy, 0.1/j0.40r1.1,41V.1:.,„,war,z, ine.borMite .4. 4 ll . e. ....., : 06 i trns4 u gr -r 2P orli.oll° P.T ' '' n . g % ' 4 ; ""74 *' , l'n., f‘nma?7,4ol.2gtsANAlL.‘liciplaA,i..:Ns,...a ~ .n ., 4 Lce 5 ra10w ,,,,,,,,..,31 ,1,1 ,4 0, 4. 1 n .t r w . ....l l : i iiir st i awda . 110 halid.c.s4 ~4,120,,,t_....;..iiiEirtiF, .it.. t lir lif..ra. ,, : ii , 4 c a= c tb0.',,,,,41,,,r1,, t l i ."1 1 „.., lr t ",, ‘ ,"„„„'" f,:.,.. ~,,., S , A,, , lu'r . '"''' ` P ..., 10‘...0., PauLrgt, Pa. , t ,,echer, or Lisa Y0tar.",.1.7., ,t ud ~..0.,,r , „ .y,,, , 1._... . i , .. ~, ... , , 1 ' '-''-' . ' - c to ut X- IN ij roe L'', - 03 --- •''' - ' ''pa. w At vAttrat. a shonsuble rwa ‘fir:z..2__ _,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a ._ WitIKII 1...,W,651. I_, 4, . III : aao,i i _ , , . 1. ; sasstle Z. " ", , ••• •' . Yen Libertyst .. . , wilder led Machine-Gerdllanliattatt,.... .t I ,,ricetesle Ab a r tr l h r :' , 7 4 - r , , , , , L, c 4 1,, ,, a „,,, a rrAra..4,l o 7 r l , , tr i r; .. ;• , 17 , 1 1, L i,!.; 1 miTA.,../. PAIVV.6 i" - 7:1 - 21 --- teelliiiiriilit la ' . .*Wir , '-' . --- , "."-' A ytti,4ol4, • i2, - ;,,,,,, , x.A7 at eh• 5414,,.„ „.... ~..,;.5_ 6 3 -„tims-sexi.m.l•4 l •••' •_ wi sait#l4teamast label .71,, t w,r .M.ARSHALL'S ' ''' ''' traiiVoinasidlit.tdrailaij es. , ),,..big,..l by t,,0,. Barr i t 1 1;6G, e i.. , i 'is . tr u ho lu ti , MX ett p!rn , ,ltt i fpil , lll.t. J. 4 1 '4;14 - _ l ' '4 1 1 14 . 21 .8. ...1 4 W 'l' 4 - , -.. . I. ' ' - ' Ult&Fr_ta l :"“ ''' C" .tortt' s b X - ;.; . 71: -•• 5 -ram Y 0,4 !1.•• 5 ; isoba.biraipx• 5 5 1.•, - , - 1 - ArNyleszs - -., XXXXXXXX/XXXXIS46 110 WOMB. •• ' • r" . " - '' '••''' ' , 0 ( 4. ! .a Nada, nit. o . ,:ra; . , y 1.N2. c _. ,_,._.,.-_-. -.--- -,- 5h ... 4 , . , .____ ~ a , ; du i . , .. ~,,,t,. ;b. :104Vilsdullrti=AVVVriqtrsTill ' ' twutiv" "• , ;.: -,- 5t r,vv , ,.1,tr,,,,,7 4 1,1. :„ . v -pd, A . ! ,, , ,,,,,=,.........„„„,„„ 1 ,,,,, N0i ,,, ~.: ff „,,, z ,,,..,._..,,,,..._•-.7, ~...... , ...,.. 1 Pao. mat. it the Sams of :As Bum, of 1r..14 ii,duy e 1 , A 0 •^ 1 " -- virsv , - - E. • : ~, .1, 0 ,,,,tia1trt . , nt030 . ,„, - if i.R.“ . .1.;.4 . "' ••••• , ,,4.17•7 ~ • .. , e , 2. 4 XPX3'.:Cgroir ol Weetd and Thts,,d,,,so '.,,'",.„., 4 P . „ l', t:t :. - '.,.. ' tr,latelusastlEople Bolt . , °Tip, , ,-, _• _ ,Ft,..p. 44‘, 5 5 . c . ,55 7- , • !,..4 , -.,. ., _....,3 -, 1 - 55 , .., , i ,55 su , "• ' SAto - laP, YA.m. i••• •""•'` Alublo nuirtii4 r ‘ li . ct , \. : ~CTlVnti t' s 4! , I r'', - , . : r::,;. , tjt , s'' ~ , %,' , -, 1 0 . ', ~,,,,'" 4 •' ,4 i , ~-,%:-:•:,:. + ..!.,11e , - , , "I ". i ‘P r4 FlPoc • , ~,•, ..1, , , , .-,,, -, ... .. Ji - --,-, J...-,1 ; , p.,, 1-., - ' l l 4 -.4 , 4 .; . “airJA , 4 1, • • - • , • , ~,,, a :,. r . .t.. 1.... ~, o ....;,.... ' L ., er • , , P. -Pt, ..,1 ~. - 4 ~,,,e' 410 L:..orttpt ,e 1 -.,t -, U , -L- " i ' '3" '- - ' ' " ,' . •., ° .+0; - ~, 1:441:101i.=;, - /.1.-' , - , k -4- " upor(2 f) .arl 4 ...SU ,It Irt Sr.: . - 1 , - ,, r , -, ,- i• ' 4 ' - ' --' , Diela 1 .4 , :z -.., - kid:ll-v. 4 . 4 Y u% 4 " 4 . v. ''' ' , • , , tigtz.• •;:4 I -,..,..; _I i *- 6;1ca1azi7..i1..........-dlz«. l D.u . . ~ 1....?;1.1.1:1.,L. 4.1 1,..•,.-3,•) 4 - r, L 1 ING RRALE. ' I DRESS, AND /A' EAsr-, DREW PRICLD r e.. Woe eakko: , Farley Cottootdoli , 0 ." °fared atFatiorn strie 6 . nom Lawn Uhl Mt Cheek. and Rlxipes, , . 0 hei = 1 :0oOdl. ' : Red Padding. anper din, Votykddiog,SockoW Taloilaovssilieso ,* Brown Libens,eWo „ Drab Script, block do. a 7." arid worriadt lk W Dna t ilatkr WhiUsTdPei L S i a na i ho and Dads ,• Bt sitei 6 coenrd l Thr end, Coto I; do Lbi a ciperiar article; 51tk flggred Vesting.; Black Stain do Brown Holland Sa'g Ellkst; Buttons, Cravnta, he.. aa. ainliona, No 107 Wood a mud_ . . IC_t 111/14 t /60.ry NS u• In one lot fur sale ebeap .eridNdk. cu sacra Cana/ &We , . Laverty at. Colored *ad VITIiI;i AV 4 ua , ...111* 100 HALES aaputor !Mph taanufacturar, Do aml for rata at ~torero price, at the roanalattat ate N ' lIUSeY • NLEXlfiti &CO, 1.39 . . krAladlaili T001.1—.6 ooropleto duo:Went of Jae bort quality of Cast Steal Grass and Cosa,ltl. , l's, ',rerouted; Cast Stacio.3,lr.4 prong Forka,s , ant'd; Costlsteel Nay Knivosi • . • IQ dos. do yoosentak flocs, solid; . so . aox comma do do, for solo loir, at ibei t' u a r a l n dt.b.. u . dSt • o of "CS Na VIaCIbKAERWS I o I n A ! .; • , -- 04i - dul - ititig3 ar G., 7 ....c5t - i ..... Jai. du. 72 ~..„,, y Hyjou,lVilfiCtlll grab - - • 20 do Gurorourder and Imp :11 , do .Youellope, , • 5 do. Ooloog addy bis 00 :11 oFt issosi - G p ~, 1 / 4 .as l's, Vs,arLdlO's TobAcc, . . . 3. , , , ~. vdy bas Barrow's s's do „,, ~. aw, Surds . , ",;.; r i 7, ~ .h f Mit 501.010 t Ladtga, td..i&r, eh., Ntg”) pepper, Atlsyd , ria‘soaSas and Lamy /kook . '4 q" f" . 1, bl • Cis MUNI. amyl 5 • ' , . •,.. 10.1.17Ttsr at _ . . -7 •• • Aida 11--?110/1.1 talk - 4 '4 ~, • t• ~. .1)51 , Ir'Y Odtaiiiiikind a - L lic.Tu: .%40 1, . 4 . Al.mmitit.i that are rotatled to the . . ..`, , Y,',„, T , a Ila wad eatpat 111Tc&labtaehtained-fos Wear,' 624. pdaidiefd rl'lllraYtaaa alai Or Th° l4 . - . Z.' , Attaborgh, or IL No & Haworth's' •Vi1ed0..... - i.iil Federal 0 dieevalltegheiry. Md- alone Ye , le Tlll&Tlace , teaCIVl. ttltoktML L. aIII,Ep6Uhp A egmt,42ll4 !rota 011 Clamd'Avt4....4 4 4:Wkae4telPear d u n' '''' boleti 10 exportation. , ' OW . DRY GOOOSc.& MUIYItY hiv e it larae of Finley and Staple Dry Iloodsr Bttr te.rliln A d. " 4 , P " "' "l v" t i:e.uure - I.a.nes a—raen. • rg i ljr7Jireonet arid Swiss Muslin.; A .plendid ,a•tortaunt of . .Rlsek and Fan:k i ... a. , Pelages, larrer. and Do /Aloes, remark b L a , Deantifal Foulard Silks, at 37k rent. tr , r Ili.utiut Caliendo, ftr .s ak akat., sad L iarr . al , „ 4 A larr Isaac aco aso . P"' and ooaardr. I dilly rednaed 13""" "d ' ruk. botrotiAlSY. Clotticeassitaerat;andifork ings,o • "7:l3l‘tiboltlririt-a large sine lrtk of g.B. Shirting Cheeks, 0.4. ih 2!!,4 .theetitigs nod Stsirt ag.; 'all olio, article. in oar 10a, at n orth •Foisb and Market irk • • • • _ _ ___------------- AS U {WHY M •IitIIICHFIF-1.4), base Jan .secaived 11 . 1 new style Foulard Slim; verrebiap; Matt, plain t - and figured ehannela l aic and 'silts,brn alti Masa lank silkn liver! s; ail do 4 d and usably; gapes ed b bitrns •nd tte, harems detains; Aim Ind s oma styles; M nMsm)e. littoub,Englishattd SeuMh LIMP% ,in,great •artety, and al Very m prier.; plans. Ggured, end satin sniped Ale htins o f all kinds and quaitlein linen histresof all glades and eOlorn gin,hasos, abitams, prints, Ike., at stank cut_ cdrnel ur kuunb and Illarkm wsso:_________---L.---' A FA RTIIEIt eupplY of Black Silks iltj tklb lm faaey eia4; Aared Bilks, Wit reeltit;d2 , %p . ce nd in%s".." --T4YPY. 4PRc!IFF!•II. Re 'BURCHFIELD w N are IV' and Bangs PI IL Lerma so very, IoWT.. ntuth enst Ft_mUk BLLCIC 1311.pii.ACES—Fstra Nrido, rnedinnl narrow triad:ohm Picea ornery nnairty:,idarieed and (or Slid at Plartaesul corner of' Fourth and Mir , krt stream. Jen MURPHY & BURCIIFICILD n o ,.a.sea pad ilossWei 1i4M 10 9".! - Mil d /41'41;1 . k 11.1.1yR7taftMLD have teeelved en id.. foods,ineliding various styles or Cbin.. Pearl. Alboo., end Glenn Bonnets; White and Colwell Gunp do* .4 Ribbons 0'111mn)171 colors • , {F0:11LNIBTO GOOD& of LUBO,4FaILp invite the attention DI of Mose wanting nVoad fat' humrni,,a poumses, ip mei" emy fall assortennt,just teeeived, mid( as _Blast Bombazines, lagne,,a den ish i. 6ll . ze wi e , as, Me • {ten Wits, - .Panted w BonTissues, Sian' lastten, Albs.. hei r Pinta mad, nno,,inted Laenez,Bleck Embsoldered der Bonus, Ribbons, Reseda, Vells,_&e. mayl7 Lund Catbniereid otterra Mo U' staealriAll, Oriels farrammrea•-ut reed, and now opening by A ill:OLI 1 ,00 faIRIOOP 1411 A % jg C. Lk, no ulk,, t , 111.44V...r , ...f Breen, and (Awn znlni ,4 l "c and WI. day opening by j 1n..430,,, '3Y 1.7 o Hive Piiii7lircen, (11 1 .; ( ;e61 7laniea, redd pct 6.Pra art ow. opening 10 p'ec • A A. "All"gc: do ; pC732.ne1l dO, 6 1• 4 Lech do L marto InPh ‘I• Woken Bas.dkorthl•fa. • 4OLI dos Lodi.' Lap. Cambria Ildlas, all pricer. ibo Gap.' do do do .1S do: do do doASO colomi bordtrs; /Areal ml this day by 4 A bIN Ic° _l: 2 l7lt_. LUSTIII:S7Od V Lustre+, at We /OW puce of I. pe_r C O kikj.i.tAfTt."•l!,.. i4-fl itiste. and . 17ato r tk w Ie urte l.0 , 34 7. 1 . E° P p " ; 4. 1 4 g 1 a d iialCay% Aleundeils Wow, RDw .P t./.1 5,1 isfi t .soN &.c0 =qtr. --------_— ---- Frosii—liiiiirsi at Dr. iiirmits. W_ A E OPir,rl7,lll:l; 4ll' grtor s ar t7" 7_; par... te Goer an einellent ansOrnnen: P at lintr "' l.Ll lOW priers fur lash, of approved credit. i The attention of western deities. Is nut saintly t a. gaoled to nut geode ; as we WI conbdent of bast able to 0000 oar, Inisetinents to make atoll Walt .u. Call and cash' at any rate.- -. . , eitAcKutr t, sillas,., wall 101 Wood street. rt itairlitirLlWTi Pas t ei,Ta-Lawniitrei lf received, and new selling at thy law prier of Ili eta , . n- - - Ard, by ' ' 1, MOT ft CO ___ Pcr ce lirto pc* ttclt rrioted ell qalitlee; piece tut colored Wallas at So per lord, oars . op root A A 24.15A)N CO & etayll) ' • C, YEAGER, • Ue• ElArsot, lunar Labory,,) INFoorm AND InALINA IN AMERICAN, ENGLISH, AND GERMAN LACE Oir GOODS, HOSlElit_ c e, OLOVIS, THREADS , CoMUS, BUTTONS, SUS PENDERS, Ar. • AI., • linsis and Venal Vaaslugi. DLAuL NU yANCY SILK CRAVATS, • BANDANNA, And LINEN DUKTB,A PONCES, sonSUCIII of VANS, xv6l etch xatiely of Umunlngt. • caletaallutivereetivallng aurea U large aaa kilo warmest of Soling and Summer Goods, a lunge portico of which have Jaen purchased ti reat eclaction (rote the •prlees Manta by the same g deiessfoluni of goods i s dte, duly part of tlui aesiton, tau. almost seen kind of goods We will he enabled to oder Great Illargal. to Cook Hoven. ,whoist we would taspoetfully mane to call at No OS 'Maria , at, &falai west cornet A of the Vara. DAy • l ifh. 'L L Y ;Bl. l3 M . . . 4 1e , now a over theta aciondioLply'orCotall for this Spring, wife offer tbns friend. and Layeza generally a latex and 'atone ea to [elect frac. Wl' Deal.* are invited to toot In at the wholeaale moan. of W R /Jambi, us stales, where a treah sup. to hes 10 , 0 been received, and several tints of t idodi can Le sold 'at lotweepttees than usual. fitytil. ii F...MA.S.DMA.Cii;S2 market at ;ins otTar'open• I% log choice Olen Cahlted liaseges, Tissues, Mar• qae•as, Delphittea, Se., all at travaid priers. m 515 - kitir Colored Lawns and hintllns at the low eller r of 11110, will be opened by A A MASON AC4I.. amalgams Isr tremsara /candies w sksh Sllkw IIfFURPHY A. BURCHFIELD have regehredflint ,111. of Printed Foulud Silks,.at the low prieet of Sfic to, e* a lna, re per do. at higher ;trite. Wei. Stith, neat Gds. M reduced prices; and a large as. Dormant Of sAREGI•MAGRENADIFiIHosnd Ladies, I)tets Hoods generally, of newest Myles, at north raft earner of Founts and /darken cos triaylb LIIMISS• SUR rilY A BURCHFIELD, at north rest Corner Lai of Fourth and Market ate, have inn redeiked ' supply of eattn ihelrishLirwas;wararulted poop flax; to which die!..irte:o.t.te.nntita.ofed.ralets. rocrii,.. &if 11111.111" UPar:FIEDILO have joss, opened an DI. assortment of Fahey Cassidieres. adasted for gentlemeressnmaterereai. dispolupor FrenehEreed ohnle; Satin and Fancy Vesungs; Linen, Cumbria; and eak Pocket Ilsodketchiefs Fancy Cravats: •Olcaohed and Unbleached Panne Rid ro d Lisle Gloves;.Stlks Cotton, lc Manna Um:tendonse L t low prices for quality. enara. 1 ' l i r ] b e: IF :a tuu do Pee N•ts; ru bx* +belled A Woods; 51 Ei It Cau•ly; . . .....Liquanci•ti • • lo ro. r,.otiptt 3 1, 1 3112 OW 1131Lf!pantsb; 3 I. Clovec 2 can. PI atomics; 3 teroous Indigo; 23 co.* Lemon 223322 22 repper *met.; au uned TosoaluCw3up; Ground 0431 Sandi. to otrtt,r Powd.4 2 na Lon( Stre2r; 2 hhog 111224er; AlfAiriOnil DIG LiAINS. .3 CASES plain and Blanntlitireirn de Lain.; lawn• Jed nolinioust Teceland, anCielling at .ery ninFt3 ....A A ISA*cni at CO CAff.S fast colored Lalrta m tie lo ty p e r d;:n p d , peg; •P'" r.rjord6"ill at the " 7. A MASON A ill) 3CABER fast colored 611.ghaT t Tenni zep t p , at cents per? ald mare Martel at. 't tO .1411; Mar WUNTH.Y— ri.-14sei.ely the same kind of vary strong and rough . natured Teas that ars seed In the OM Canatry at Ore &trinities per pound can be obtained rot 73e per lb of an Ore. MORRIS IIAAVORTII 10 b;1 . ! 'V;hlOngi -17 oft; • PAIR of Gold etteetneler,.nppoted to have been dropped in Wood wee), in trent .01 Ilakerrall &. . Werehouse. The finder will be rev/noted on ming them to the otorner,lNO.2B Wood etrent.. ' 01;4_ Idt-Tril.:ll,4A ttninnt !del ief`P" vimicrikr.t - 0 ISIA4II-Pyfoflt.ttV.;'ekto!:Zro',ifark&pale IV tip. /..y.trallti4iei le,d.,b; a do (Mud, Dogtay,& Jut; CDdo 9u[ r decks YW‘)ll'..lest Giarkr ton, Cauk Co PVZ !''P' . YID!) & Cil • by raVit st .I);T:i.Ttspott,..r.ttes, •x t " nod iu ,„ W a il Paper, reee , r i .re l e r l it thy da ; je7 oh dAYT-lITOVICPOLISII... Be ett.Nts... stfitsmr. JP l _ the NI Li their p r ,,ctitios ltDrelOteor 110000 .and withal , exaggeration ..rr Foqual.dPaM, thaw-who nave tented exaggeration,- it ill WOr no. to soy other in The market. T,„'n consurstrnead blot t o app 000 dolt.tOnrhr te ;SI 111 emu position proventa a s front 6 .L .ing.7. ol ‘,k e ft plied, which must be done when ‘ 6° Tee quantity required is so Indi Ptooseo 0001 a louvred' Ufol lout., Ass:ling of oast " to the oon , emett. A continfrapplied 0 .00P. rine., when away for the . Prn, agrtast rush After halm{ tltad tiny it ohen 111 ni .1 10 a .iessible) no pertoo sue' bO , l Phoenix Artrcelartartog Company's f`reatt. °4 eat:Roue Polish. For ante by_ - • ' ulcatitimsext i, • Cotner of flit= ailiWood.%.‘. , ,q-' , - - EM=9 ' BOOKS' IttIISIC NEW MUSIC STORE, • .1.61 Veiled ist“ acontslosta IA 111/dithewx ll l ' .. 4 .opeaed his ne w and e eram astablisla mat the sale of ; }Nestor, blvolmois'i Mame Minns 1.1*.; thatinamaned every other article in ids • PlaabilficrSole agencyfociNsiens & Clarke'. "le. heated grand sad route 'Pianos, wi th and 'without . Coleman's Wolian Anschmenv These Pianos hue 18107 , 0 driven several important imyrovemenv, ten- doting, them exceedingly brilliant of tine, and eMni onlinarily datable sad Also, T. Gilbert & Cio's Macon) cekbrated Pillloll. These Instruments hive 0 aide spread repoudiest, arid • rte cob slated among the spwl_wa o t fltaratfaeltired ito rei d l c tt " fig onithiert al ; ham ,boas ppointed the tabsorthAr sole agent for.the, soleof Marianas In Pittsburgh"; The firm of :Modell &Denham le one [dike &demised beet lo th ". coantry. and their rautafacume - for. &NMI sad btilllanor tone and beauty of workmanship ate merind to none. The - cerebrated COOdell Timms of Bassaclited; Of Bremen and MainhargOrili peat-for note l inffiC mu is as e y at . made y the 1:0 ,onethrta oaths varninenci, _ ;Tim sea b e gat tithrect atterifion'to tte . E apt or VC blrting t 1 . 40 . Wi e n , tad arid' this wail catering alert ..- .Wien* Caere Plaza Matt& lam: which. e. - - - ,Meg torso written Muthantith xflikiirelVlAltao.thlil' by cimself 10 settled nth ].ln case rile Ilene Pa panted thalty or derthieel- _A POI sap Ply the wisest Ond will constantly bee lepl.fOr eala—tiimis by th e host 'publishing - hoards 'titMostort - Philadellith end Golth zom &mei for Menu l i iirp&tthe & WA - rime 7 cacti Oft.. live ppriento imeign manic in th e - •• . j i.... • - pay for . Carbartiallateni'ideliiiithnl Ind Melodeon Pianos, as manuntetersit sod terfectml , try March & White, Cinoinned; with - --ilaglix and doable Hits rpedsPlicatree4 intittconealeTethreentepl. Also, Datums, Flame. Cimino% violins, natl., Prix Monts, Tabu, avid even 4eNclipliell la variety yr brass irlefitllltral from Oa _beat ambenc . ;fili‘lthth_run - Violins, Guitars, and— ; - 117•Instrut lion Woks for ovary instnimant.l ., Selee Cons of moue 'made, mode bolas hamd,Litenips &Mad and repaired; Violins, Aletriththithi OrgtarivAna I c . paired oil mositeunnable warn., • . myo . • . .trerrity j4MOPOOIO . frllkit arks Leonnpl.49.ll • .11endlartbtl.eella. ea. Young Lad_ VaPsiand. rang._ • Chritilm mune. flay...sand L.., Surma= - • ' !" Griffin , . Sermons. ' - Cunningham'. Benin]. 'For Wetly • 1 • J 4 I,IIIES , ; 1 , 1 F LO . u C a In . V L OCI . . . , pirr reeelved i? the eigit'of the Oaten J The Nei genius composed.and &sheeted , o f~reell. V. 11.0 Mr a S D T avid EPalrt, br m Othth l e ed l r anded i icated ' o Poltl, cp a s i hbgLi. ZAP ef l%*N My }Dodder Liam; Gwmothltan Nigh Auger Sae 80b... 'Stay Sommer Breath. RtraY.'DOWII 'South. Dolly Day. Oh, Lemuel: SaMmallongings. Soiree Potts. .DoicyJonel; v , • . Also Tt l enrn m t ts ci 1 Lot ' s Our Cluldhcgdie Rome, enilry !dm Kraft.. I' '- My Mother 1 Obey, word& y O. P,Shlres, Marro Or IL pJf Eicher. Alt, great rearoctrof New forigai VOW , Wetthesiihn. far , ELEBER„ lel Tan, al p—COCP-17/131IOATIONfls ' A Dr flisteneel'orid Chilal View/of the Spaeolatlia ofEnrope to Do IPilt eantory. By • P•Alarall,Afbl. • • Leuer. of the Rev.liamitel RuthetfOrd, Proteaseri:4 !Saintly hi the UniversitlS Andrq♦n..l , o 'koala O a t! o b e lfor..R. Weer, eattos Of MO. Ftre7licelogiell•lPTglra of the late Ralr. no 1110,1). D. 'Edited by tho Rev. Saul Frey. Beet & edition. Ramiro, Pease lid•Abywinia. • By. Do idaute, NeW edition Essay en ChristiOrkp rEera. Ely R. vir,Nool,td. The Conurbations of Q. Q. lity donsTallor, Il ia/wood fronaorigloal designs, by !lowland. ~ The Philosophy of Unbelief in Morals and as discoverable in. the Faith sari Chimaera diger,. Dy Rev. if. !looker. ; The Vetoing of Pop, Ithicen le Lei to the Niglit'of Weer ag. Ely the Re.. IL Do nar Kelso. • ." : Golder, Psalm; beteg • ,Preetleal, , Rsllermeen tel,_and P ro phetieal Exposition of. Psalm R. py Rev. T. Dale, 11.?.' Toe Lighted Valley; ror Closing Searles be the Ufa of a Beloved Sister, by. Dolionpwlth spout.* 61 Rill; The Commandmeat With the ',Mho ,o "the Lost Day or me ilitultated Martha& Memoirs of th e Life of the IteV:, Soho iVillnuPs, 24 - neinnarY Yolinetim. ' Aletueits of the Life and Wnlangs Of o.. Obareams; by bls eo n. In I.', 1/1 MVO VOSS.. Vat 11 *l.O, a bilge assonemotos /Yewo'.olo.n. Unton Foob beauties " ENOLLS•Iidr Ulla tar take ry VcrAß_T_ k. Igo —.7—wale, üben.L . - I ttwa wow w P MAn" I g 11. 31 Wood .IlMq 70.1Vc.04 ft% I rot onto by pnuanirairact , s inunoTotii, I'AfiNBSTBBIt tees teses,terannottneath ala patron. of ban Niw Drrecurry pt We tit ter o< Biutbargh anCAlWl'LleCroatol , botßafilte. ef . Al chatter, Birmingham, ac., that' the worn - ii o yr nestly,ready for the - press,.apd wilt pe Poe hig , hmade or 'the printer cre se Whoa , hetweesi the, , and Mithlnstant. ' ' • "' The citicens ognerally, and all arto fool no isturom he the proilattiod of a complete and ?errant/Been:Or. particularly there wholaye• not twenoldled on, alit , greatly oblige the pabligher,by.a.ceneltang4telLanneal aromnioaa mot War_ ea Pi - bulb:tete, An } `n. noted for publielallinin the Directory'. .All card. to be intoned, man to handed In C ob • .ortzti, be it ilha hank' tithapattlyibblavecimacil..4 I[IIiLOPYOItP,PI Asiii. , • • - 1 . ' , 1 Tux' , raiaisid, and iniar oliennag;oneelegantltoao - . CP wood 5 °dive Dlaltulson Piano, from Wee it. 1 salad coanasetory at Alornh:& Whnocetneinn n. ;Pus is a sopaior ,Instroment, of Una tans,and T ry 'sapid enanconlcan 'a so, oaf fined octave Melba n. at :41 1:41511E11 , 0 Maio 151.0 rd, ankyl7 - ... 50('151Sd Meet. . '. -291111 W PUIILIO&TIOAS. rr j .. .1k SYSTEM of Ancient and Medisosal flcograp T. /I. For theohe or seboola and colleges. By Cli ma Mahon, L. L. D. Prorating of Greet and Latirelette. I ages to Columbia College, New York. Phe History of Etigload, from the Insular' of Juan. i `testy, to the abdication of damesll3ll2 ,l l; Bf.Untrid I ,L flume, Lao.; a new ostttoo, with the authoe's last 61,••• teen°. and noprosementa;,lo which is &mitre la .tiOrt account of ntsiire;oraturn by himself: 6 vo l .-., A.Sc boot Dictionary ot Greek. aud Roman An r: tics, abridged Rom the larger eftellonary. Ely A m. tenth, L. L. le; Is om toireadoitalind Imprevernento by Chula Aut&ni,lr.L.l) . ' ,-• ~- I , - .. AI.• . , . erpolta of the Life and Writing s of the Itcv.Thos:' 'Cli aluters,. D. D.; by Ms ion ha lawithe• Bob. WEIL= Harms, L. L.TA :In three T 0113120. ~ Vol 9. - White /salmi; or Life in a Man o f War. f ly Her, Man Me Mlle, atulmeor a Typeo Omoor ohLirdio and Htdbun The Works of Mrs. Rhetwoad; 'being the only' tml. form edition ever published fa the Muted States, !In Gliteint N•0/1112C.• • , -• I - • '• • ' Fairy .Talts, from all nations.. fly Anthony' It. Manitoba; with twenty font Illustrations by Relloyl. Walton . Elatvey,afitimther tales, Vs Min' &Ade , wick. l._ The National Slate rn of look 50,0111", adapted to all parts of tad Untoid States . . Ily John llitnits, ae countant. •Ito, a large 'assertment of lime:lean S. 8: Onion Books, on band, and for aisle by '- • • ',' • - • It 11 ENGLISH & CO. __, .. BM:temp to - ELLIOTT& lINGLIZHi ; 7S 'Wood street. C C.' 17ent Pin p.A.NADA. the'llethinr 01 CASIO- • ' /721.11filatri:IVZ' riOti j llB ST.deit may , ii.ri Church Mosie. — ixited by y Au. thar of Socl Cheir,erenile Choir, &el arr ~• Sabbath Sc Shoolherna of Music and Fowl, eunlinev expressly for the Srdthath .Ilehrthl; by J. 1 Crtuk. S. new Treatise on'Alitronennyi and the Use. Of : be • Globes, in two parte. , Othisining'Aatronotoica+ and other delinitiolun reireou and positions oldie lownoon and planets; Kepler laws Ind Theory of Gravitatthni Ileq•setion,Twilight, and Fartallax,thonnections, Pc. heir, Distances, Phenomena, and Mikgrandes hif the heavenly Undies %reposing tha, Solar 57VA* id.; 'also, an extensive Ileobon of the nowt n.tal Trot.. lOWA On.the Use Mile Glenn ..illastrated try a.satt• side variety of designed for the We of high Sohool a and Arruernien. Ity Jame. Mclntire, M. D., Frofewor *of .bsatheznatie. and , Jastrononay in the Central High School, of haltioante. • • Deck and Port, or Ineidenta 0(0 ellatilhi d Baal therUnited. Stelae Frigate Congress, to Californir, with (Sketches of •Rio Janeiro, Valpanto, Limy llonsittla an Fr.eisto. Itay..Walter Conostv,ll,o.. Manor of Ship and Iditorc,,ars.. For Web, • • A. ILENt4I/3118.C.0,.• . SecOewthr. to Emicrr a:ISNOLLtII,_• I N 0.117 Wood street; • 4 ((AYE FOUND NuTHLINIO•TO EQUALH TEW • • - • iltarrsszna, Va., March . e l r,Pl7ll:l . i_ d vrit . iw td ur a nt; dambole used Medicines tro my family, baul6.'n'Tgit,B3el/SneEtr"Ettiymritgn.lie., y and kar t duc t e d, pescribed thant in hav e tice; i verymaeh fro.,kge4hite'4"Tffeuannge,ah:/, to e i l b eft of the o l t::r P l i t ?li o ar% • (Extract of Letter.) pll~ • yoon • T. T.Jacaties. highly poplar theatieineesst)) be had Cl th e , (loop ot, O. r3ll 4 (44.F.R...i,nrYlopdlt,indAiA gdtterxllY glatit t(es and irlortitY• ' • .1 4 inttotwa,•••••=-, 'Fi,i , :itt,l.l , ..t.A;':: . ; r in_d I idiniy 4 : C alfrnitil•4 ' prate lit beek . or rdtfjointn, tentei . tlintrte . •nlmniarettoothey o entally. uttfne , the . l ., Mama: ' lrectstaaialtiftattLflx , isre o . o ^ , r" Aiisetiwiyamla..., damitsfirigh h as the feceof Inment .neknonnnit, far it has trines wkieh'ert nut edritained., titAnysitiler remedy.. ..late who In racked - with. patit sof. 104 lona disease:einelot neent. - get reliertrota say oldie iota ennui :oersted' above. . - It very li;ne to Make• Wild. 'Ws .P.oltdeoo.:l - pa% tip far the , pd ..bflomoying on this comumnty; tout if tr. elnkyitida by . the touter band bf dutfe. Uri Mtbbleitionetntliebo- Dore of our mother. eitcllol • Purity,••ral'of- Teri to naming l 114114Ght.P hi... eared Pilot' Oar atker, ine then kayo failed to render Car relle..ltdat•eliwill.heunittitionfloug standinGand af the...wont and moat tanandekanneter. III*: etiredOnder•kleibie one Of "rid donee; hu cored old can. pf Diarrhea, wtdeh every recto remedy kasbeen of onnyall...Aes, foga, rnl e d i ,„ bum. led Walds,.ll fa'aearltga .%/I , 4t.dieal eom• pound Or oinurientthatme know 01. cure Cu. Maine or fonsted. : feet, In • few. 3,i;Ereeeke,evernyoltht ed• testisny omfbe,pinf::4of the ugh cootainnt 1.°."111, • eallnienn - Selutiel NI. Kier, n,;tn *men render o of tho 46enn , ;,yeef . McDowell"; corner of Wood street knf . 11.17::x1itrh 4 ,..4; rilitAll l ,l z'iz PAEIIII4 AND.. READ I The moss Itsipeassut 1)11 ea eordt—Satko Homed* Doi She DN. D. P. BROWN'S Cciebreled i Zatimnal Anteri cm Remmii . forAts Plieti.W'Mreadl nmeof itself to be the onto tare core eyes Oriented to m o public. Since the distorts . " of lids ialtabletnediel e, and the larger number of .Cotremozemes with wh ich Dr. Brown kas treated, no one Wind osbc comely cared. - Uttlikethe ideas/ bialins natant, after months and Teener espeftwebtaliting, ban too often left thmpationt.whetc.Lbsto , eonnglincedow wors.; bur. altar a few dsys,Wili dteldo the emit by aketitg =oar Audi hotenter udo 'abored r gument to prove sursuedirdm Llatroduee it upoutta own merits. D Ifyyon prefer l, intraielr, *Lloyd accet, Horsley V, a& • Wltokulan ninieetail , Soki‘or. roirge a rni=a, se , aeons Vantildt*Fanplea no pastalei a:there., ' - ce r ATOltilinlk WciP. ed 'tater, Scald' ea Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Skrbborn irleera BYPhittic s Byhtpthil,!BeillArarwl -lintabagen.--sekt USWn li,LuulTDcindtOinl.f;aske ilter.ll,l4erenry, i lR es be tmp?tt mCe In Lila; rr tatsVP:e7d4u 4N r d L d irti v i ' llts V .A 43 baled ontirbfr on ed ' irbfosertra, Width chpotior i.Ptrltt7ftredr;;TdOlhefweng rg ga l a knew!. arm ' nee a'air enemas,. hiatcheWhhenteimil healdt(sAd The,t.ortgett, Pnrieriii.COantal Fyne.). es., loathsome to _himself. and lus Attendants kat been.mado, whole. .Ilohdreds , petattecnrWLo 1f..0 n4 hoPrkslT 7 lad Adided. ettnUterma and gist:molar' Strardere, ehrorde rhsurantlint," and the ny mt.: complicit. swinging Both dendtgattlent. TitTrefe7 " l l It % 41 :1 1 14m-sis Tined , gratdlonsia T t" gladly ' se - I . 4ink.itao *gushy ofttimilreattegat le erepars4o. „ "TRUTH to STRANGp.ft THAN FICTION:" The attention of callthd td (olOoking astoroskonteme, dentedbrtho.ol•s4 , t4P l ef ... • peril fati eeitlN Wait h tie erilottilkoodimt who WO Wel !allele,/ far.theduid Bus , Ye1.k.44 edid PB.the l'ef."•lick aged had no effect in urresuny the progrem of. Me eon/plater; rei She iontrarr, , she consaudy lrott , Marae:wUQ alter eapeading between gßy and_Bre with phr sleuths, bestdea usoig other Oehler seroairealtherat ateemlltiftstei eiseaSSlnac eatery swtyytke leul Tr rote: her, lteee,,up- Peartcheardteartoutp of her body, and had tali T tonteheneed its drakes erodt. of her tribufb , I " In this dread. st Mahon, yttPli the areepe9l death 'mini her sin. 1900,1 state 4 her easelo Di Disowerdyt the agent' foe Egindst Varsisperitle id Neer bons, N.C., byrw4m Awe* adsktedea one Bust artmle, and to my surprise mid Mot army neighbors, to whom het ekstrwar knew.' alter Vain Ted, add nSalthot • ties Me was restored 10 pekk4ll.o•4 l / 4 1414'1 1 .11 OA. Pitreot a.* weeks, and Isom 410 to work in ew 0, weals Bird the brine Manannimeareil %Wright." - witnesa dal the . trath gsf this atateMent,l pave, hereunto whhist suy name, Jul 19th day of September, kil7, JustiPli AISSOTTIM, J. ? She o r adezeriet Mast letter 140 • 0.4 from hlrs.'Briviare, Who had bean adlietedieseMil years With SesefafonsAlleers, DlkamPkes hitd mg , n o Y an affection of the throat skid cheat* • . . "Battussatrirk,N3C.Deo. -1 . 1,1 E -13, uSlirsre, 4.. L& D.: Yurtlsa,Woret,lestmuteneed pslntf ,Yout itarrupurilths vac taPr. , .bStP tuy Omar wes eomplakety t .hadia - dreilind ereisehj. , and Wm were 'lrteWlalY weeks whether that I rout:ls= speak aimed-. whir yarl_., gna 'sides; thd istlarnattaton 00.01 threkt Os tended to my hem!, ses that telt Isfurin heas yeti russets irepltresl., Aber t/1 .0 Sutra! utile vs ahem thee, my health woe improved, and top throat'is pow well; lam is Beet - min covet mttf tight/lessor the Own no ever>l Was, and eta 111:62 quite dlatMetly. - Wildest has been well snout three Ousuthei the care of Car has b.m.e.rentml , the use of yo Sate.- Yerrr Mend, , LOUISA .1f- LIBYAN" The folloonog testlmoefil the ',nal. Or the :tenh patine, Ls trans the. trey gcnkerWright.agrilltlyears, COngregalionalltlinietet,reslalng et %Violist.: -1 • , • OWe teme,ffisss.i Mardi ne,1815. "Mews. Sand.: GentlernetwwFrom what I. hare ex peslenoed,and. front Me, inkvrmallap. - I,lwee regorinY teemed from a number of persons of . high respect. bllity : who ; have sised your Sarsaparilla,' liarte the leak doubt Ica that Ills a most teluebla mFdleios and that the tanteredn'earildoisted you hardrikeived of imetheney are folly tiaeudoe 4 llTAFPeriltar d altheregh Its reputation awl utility. are very Ise, and mend in no needs! my humble adore to MS ea. them, I win. all whb are ethane&by .sllmam ~ ey be rm= egaamted with the efigapi im.ipprr 9 7 , mr valuable medielne. 1 7°o -..^.. ". and sold.,wholes.lll46n4Eltrall.ittlyi 1.1.170, Drank% and Ottemakek,Uo Fulton ritreet, rn r of William, :New Yale., Sold, *304 by, Doom co., ieemmtaty timplgtout Lye Bolted &atm, and , f ans. Price it perleg stzhcules for 15. For aisle by WILC OX, LC r., /L. FAIIINESTOOK y .l l ? he FENDERICII, iStUtrarelt. Al ni,llr Dr. S. ithlTTlLltrldswater. • 1.19.34-einslOrrT