r~av:►Zuu~vx:~i ? l F!/ TA' 5 !tit/LOH SATURDAY. MORNING, JUNE 22, 1.850„ C:rAnvantrizits are earnestly regnertedtobind in t Reir fayhn Worn 5 r. N., end us eerly in the Coy al prattleable. Adverneerunnts not wetted for st open- fed unto luirtnahly he , parted until ordered eta . • .1 . 10 . V. B. PALIMILis A r un! !or ILim re, at h aasml wades m Near Rork, Philadelphia. 11 Boom,. and Es authorised to receive colueriptio and adronisemen:s for us.. ' itatiniottAlcraresta—tfulcicripliolsaml sdverrise• sisents'ar this paper received and forwarded free of sham front this &Lee. : f)" ffiacraPirsti Darts biarcom—Advertirenienir araeriptions, for this paper, will be received and ~* aided frost this offies. • ElltlaDrlll7l7.Th4o2llf ALlntre.”,•—•AdVenr. , , • Itept•Atndiorn, porriprinnvyn the :.Corth Amen =Mar h " Ptnzannwuci , Coantakeiar , lawr.—Sobteription tab. Valuable paper, will be received and (onward atom this °Ake. illittmasoalc;sad Whig Aranastatlonr • ' fOX =VT XILOND MVO T OP ...Z.VOIEL,T. • 7„ ' • - sot irtiTZ. `IAIkIES CAROTHERS, CP ISTLI.I3II. MORGAN ROBERTSON, Pittsburgh. 'T. BIOHAM, Lasser St • R. C. WLFLElssabeth JOHN Al' A CI,OSREKEY, RObiC4o9. • " JAAIES FIFFE,• Butontea. punicollmoAnolvirr, FRANCIS C. FLANEGIN, Pittsburgh. maatmolam, • . • : • -- LTENEZER BOYLE, Noish Fayette. arnrsaa, . • • NIL FLYNN, Lower St. Cair., eararr aults - rrou, D. N. COURFNEY, Ohio. • • _:,trissu NEXT PAGE 10Et LOCAL nuarEE.- TELTZR.iI . IIICISIESite3:n ‘ . TOOT. idiZISIGII Aat proant oa o Vaal lo El . Tett . ag.i. dirrum.--Despetchea from New Orleartirinnounce that the Govelament of Cabs Mx yielded to the demand of our government, asalAis liberated all the Conley prisoners. Ali danger ofa rupulreovith Spain growing out of the wicked and foolish expedition of Lopez.l there fare at an-end If that adventurer eueceed• in • Inducting other American citizens to embark in a aimtlaraxpedlnan they , will richly deserve to reap the coruieqiegoes of their rasitlolly. The Directors of the New York Hudson River tailread have beim engaged, kilt week or two pitig,la doling contracts fel' the extension of their tood . to Allmity. About three limners of the re . andalag . aectlona betweett Poughkeepsie and At. bony have been placed -under contract, upon very favorable term& to - the =Spiny. -The rentedniag sections will, bo put under. Contract immediately. Thu Wert is to be toothed forwud with, all pine. 'teals speed. The Tribune says the tiork . is in the baud' of men ol great enterprise and of rusuuMes -incomplete_ it, and who will sever look back until the and to reached. The number of passeoger& puling over the road last Monday was 2.er 0. _ The New York and Erie Railroad amapany hss advertised to dipeount afl its outstanding lia - !ditties dricrpreviously to the Ist September, on applicatekt ai the office of the compaoy. About nos kindred and fifty Mourne donua of this 'paper was disconoted on Yuesdaggi Dr. G. ILlettynaut, of Illinois; has haveatcd • 'Machine which converts strorgrrancid butter into as sitirla -as huh .a that just chanted Irons firth steins! , Chia' t'ocluatry this. The Olvernor of Missouri has patdoned Lae', .lowno, convicted of the muider of Howard, in Si. Louis, and sentenced to be executed. The Kepi:Mikan Says: A more decided bow kids, was neversommitted in this or any mher ei y , than that of iehich LansdoWne wit con vir , vd; and now between this - sentence -of the law s fairly end lass partially administered, Gov. King havinterpseed him pardoning power. Be would not eammete ` the punishment from haigriglo iroprissneneot, hot ►u sans..a , mbett an appeal , la.pettdieg from the etliana! to es Supreme Coast. From the the itsrtirbone Talegmah. - •LLitGllllFaitt 1102111VATIO1sS. • in the article in this paper, giving the proceed. Mg* of the. Allegheny guns - cation, prepared for last week7itad then •crowded out. we hrtedynllii. • • - .tied to theme-nomination Of Mr. Miller, a member ,• ~:of the Muse, from Alleltheny, at um lag ...satin. tinder the circumstance., we feel that jostire to n •-•' • faithful member of the Legisintme, nud the Whig • • . rs r*..'l. st l i ‘ t ' oen 'e ts m , re% ni nTes o h n e s a be' m ' ort i' gt e' en i d t ed d ri b l. flee: Faithful and cons'atent Nl'higs are not to • abundant 'in any quarter of the State, as that the 'Whig party con trample upon them. or treat them -•• . with wet:induces, without the whole pony, in the end, feeling the recoil. - We write this article in" a melancholy spirit; not that we do not feel entire woken= in the piaci. . pies of Mr. Miller, or tent any temporary slight will induce him to abandon the great objects of the -. Whig pony—but we found in him, whilelet - was at Marrisburgh, a personal, is well as • political :friend, upon which we could rely. In melt a use, -. our Whig friends in Allegheny mint pardon on for - this allusion their late representative, and whit We ihannot but feel has been this =just trerument of him. - Mr. Miller, when nominated and elected to the . Legislature, in IS•19, was known by his convict, entitle have Leen but little in public life ;and what they expected of him that he did aot accomplish, we are not informed. We must make kiowa to them, and put it upon the• record asst history of the Legislation of last session, with which we were well acquainted no daily reporters of the praceed ings, that Mr. Miller Avast! faithful and unrenaitted iilendaat aeon the duties ortha!llou!r; thus he it IC.,befotrod;t his neat et.:67 . 1 . 3ay wl-I.lle-ihu , eras is session ready and willing to attend to ha, neeplaced in ' his charge by his friends, that heap ( peered solicitous for the interests of his county and comatments; and especially whoa the great mone. • my interests of Pittsburgh were pending, in the matter of their Banks, be did as much to secure the pang° of the bills as any of his colleagues, nod us much as any member could do. Nor was Mr. Miller alone attentive to matters • entreated to him by his immediate constituents— ' Every measure calculated to benefa_the Whig trtLfldhimilanearnesftiend nod supponer. „,we daodthes,4i.and Charybdis of • .Montour County, and the Ap.portioament bill, with as much skill as any member of legislative expe. rience could hare done. Inrum, he was a faith-1 .ful and really efficient member. I But Mr. Miller made nospeeches for Buncombe. nor for the House. Whether such was expected of him when first nominated and elected, we cannot 'I I say. If it was, it shows . as mocha want of as suttee's, at their conduct to hint new. If all the members of the legislature wire to make -- speeches, the tt tt Homes could be filled with gab. Nett, to the delay of the public btisiness and the proloogation of the sessions. " . tr, upon refiect ton, and a better acquaintance with dieficts, the Whigs of Allegheny *hall be satisfied that they bare done tilting*. to life. Miller, it is to img expected that they will remedy it at the firm op. •portuaity that may prefect Itself. •. • The teriret expressed try our friend Of : the Barris. •,- lattirat Telegrapiti rtl ihel'oon-nonstnatten of_Mr. Mt I • . ler, is participated thousatids of his - comfit. • Ott , / in Ibis courtly. originated .in one of, those accidents' Wit elx:will sometimes occur in large ; - .ectettentions;.whthtino foresight can guardngainti. t It was tutiversitly expected and understood; when tine convention asistrdathil, that Mr.fvfiller. would he • ' re-aorniruded;ated jt Tan this cohlidence of illexess_ en much any - thing Ace, led to his the day the,oonveaiiim trittArie new ilia! pop , "idint candidates frocutheeitYpere broughtoul;and • itrintioilet exertions were 'made by their (fiends to aaminate them. Previons...to this,, the ttio gentle.. • -men 110CDizialed from she Tentrairp he'd. secured the asupport of a majority of the Delegates, In the,vutt.- • nexus contest which took. place when datimarknag commenced, and the earnest desiie aid e !, eac h one felt to secure the 'nomination of his Particular • fevende,lthd as it was expected on all hands that Mr. Miller would be reinated of course; he, ...claims were overlooked i n um the struggle, until it we. too late to remedy the naioake. Than,, without de. • men, Mr. hillier was left off the ticket, to the resret oe every person arqrtamted with his unobtrusive worth. We copy with pleasure the testinioni of .our ilartithurg friend, as to (qr. hfiller's faithful!. mess is a - legfilator, and anstite bin') at wiltaire the Whiire of this county pleasure to rectify this pude signed Mynahs., at acme [sullen day At tho, same time, we assure turn, and the Whig party genemtly, atutt.we, never had, In this county, a - stronger legste litive ticket than the present, roi will be teem when the members composing it enter upon thew dunes neatwiaterni Hassisburgh. • Faox Rio Da zai PLATA.—Later eccounts from Buena Aym bring information that Baron lacyb ty, of Brazil, had made another and nuemillnt ere :try into the Argentine territory, and defeated tien:' •Baraando Gomez, and 'Colcnrel Lagnia, - who were ' , :.detached spina him. A. war between Brazil acid the Argentine Ripriblic Great prepanuione were being made for offentire opera. lion in the provinces bordering on the Cordilleras, satid to be intended against the Indians. - Mantel piece+ of marble may bneLrectually clean ,olby tabbing them with • flannel dipped in& weak petition of cuboaate ands. ILE* smirk It All, ROLA Tee inatGteeszabeititt lutehigaiteir, the Whit paper hie a Jong,artir4c. on the 1 - hayfield Ikea! Itsad project, fram which we take the (allot:ice extract.: " Thic P. !ANT emaext,theitown icy w Len we Ih arm them that the people of Greeneborgh were . innocent of the enema, tine end metering of the project, o wore the at ti.tisi emit:qv/ant Rerearetativea et Allegheny enmity! end were ea much verprfaed, although le. flighted, Upon its announeement in the pa. perry than were the Pittaburghera thelneek2s." • • W "It is highly probable, noveitheless, if the stock can be rained, that this read Will be mode within the period limited if, the act. communization from n geniletnee in Wheeling, published in last week'n Anne, speaks favorably of the measure. The Washington county papers excreta thew warm approbation of it; and a meeting, of the citizen. of EJashethtown and vicinity wee held at the boom of Henry Wilson, in that place, em the 17th instant, prepantory to holding w 'general Convention on the subject.. That it would bead. sinntageous to * Greensburgh, if completed, there can he no doubt; but we are far from coinciding with our neighbor 'of the. Argue, in his exalted idea. of, the mine glory of. our quiet little bar. ough,--I that the day Is not far distant when she will .rank - as the first inland city , in the In. all likelihood the . filth:meat of this prophecy wia await the advent of future generation,. Put the in:Tenet:a question, a. to 'who.did it' is to this acme category with the unforldtial who struck Patiertoe."' - Tina. Noon, Boca -Canahi—lttr. William B. Boater, Pr., Chief Engineer of the North Branch Canal, announees dint propmada will be received ht Trite-Ando nod Qiinkhannock until the I.lth and 111th of iuly nest, respectively, for the conairuehon of the ettension of the canal front section No. I, at • Ttwa Ppint, to semoo No. la), at :Le mouth Laekaw;aeon. THE STI,XER liatri;t editor of th. Cleveland Demoernt,'twho• repaired to the teen. of the horrible dinatetof the Gtifith, sny, ~W e left the ground after six o'clock on - the ev ening of the disaster. The number of bodies found vms 1.1. A trench 46feet in length, 6 feet deep and wide, was dug, into which ninety four persons were promiscuously thrown and Furled. The list we have it as follows: Buried in trench, - - - Brought toeleveland - 41 Taken to Buffalo - • -- - Buried buck in the country - io on, 15.1 According to the stateroom of Mr. Parks—which we have no doubt it conect--forty persons were eared. The whole, with the crew, numbered at least MS:— Deed bodies found, • • 1,54 Number of the need - • - 40 191 This kill leave yet lathe water an hundred and :hinny one. • • The Bette° Express :states that the Insurance h 0 Ito Griffith in that city for 527,775, was, an owa tin 'Astor Co, New York, St.i.ooo; North Western, Eti,ooo; Bufl , oo.lunntl, 1.41,000; Balkh, Blerelytott' Minnal $5,000;. Lexington, V...,..5,30; Colurie S 2 275. „ _ - LIND.ENTRM tx Al/NNIZata,—NOEV.-EGL, The tit PAW Chronicle and Register, of the 3d • 'More land has probably been entered ett our Land Office the past week than during tbe whole season Marion, Among numerous others who are now looking at our country, in a deleantionTrom a colony of 2,000 Norweglaus, who are awaiting be low the • action of them sent here in advance.— They are plmwed with what they bare:seen, and will probably induce their people to senle in Min. neocaa eventually, The Norwegians are an iodus- Worm, frugal, and moral people—just the kind of emigrants we denim. We want as many of them at will rime." • Patsies Mtge overf. - A Cambridge (Maas.) correspeadent of the SprintJiefd RepsdAtran gives theiallotiringsccortat orbit. Painn'a mode of generating electricity - for the production of his gas "As Paiee's light it attracttne much ratention at prefeal; it may nVt be umnterestmg to elate that a well knOwn geode:nab of great twieutitle knowl edge recedtly visited Mr. Porno in Worcester, and W. about* a portion of the machinery. He came away, to say the tenet, Wolf tliopoeed to believe in the truth of the alleged discovery thee then he went there. but I enema, add that he it by no melon vonvineed allyet. Mr. I'. appears to have Oaken advantage of* tact which has not, I beheve, 'beedbithdrto remarked open by any con, which to that the power of an eleetric correct is greater at the moment it commences painng than at nay other time; and it is evjdeot, themtore, thst if It could be MO. to pass and then broken offrapidly,- Ili. 'argent thinletermitent.ner.on, be makes nso of a wheel whose eitumuleree ea is composed of alternate pierce of Metal and ivory, and this wheelie made to revolve by a weight with great rapidity. iSne.h is apparently the merles ewe:wadi !bough it is by uo meads certain that even di; prodtice anything like the . effect claimed.— That amentifie men almost Universally believe the whole:affair to be a humbug, mionot be doubt ed, bat wd meal remember two they have a'so opposed alms of the metier discoveries ever made. /trier all, the /Wert way to to aria t,!af.er thentaandi of a certain medical peatierinin, that you don't believe it, but sou can't ray; it may be to, but obit alma Ida% the to give an opinien ; on the whole : ere inclined to tint it is to, but Caret nay; it may be, may be hot. By punning the comae we' aball to etbl4 le either cox, whether It proves to be the diticovery or the humbug 01 the age, to sad, told you so." Noir York Courier and Er, quirer, in an tiOleOn ibe alleged diteovery of Peine, says: "the predacton and the combination of the gas have bola : been carefolly observed by the moot ecitntific men of the country. Every put of the a operates, except the internal structure oldie heli ces and electrodes. bag fovea examined, and no deception in the experiments hes Leen detected, or any mode yet pointed out by which each re -I,lllMenn be produced on any accredited principle of science. An typantus, eapable of supplying - three thousand burners, Is now in operation at Worcester Exchange, and produer_s a light of the purest thritholeady and free from glare, and yet an luminous no to make distinguishable the faintest tints of blue and green. A store is also exhibited Ly the saints _lnc.:, and gluing out all the heat ever, required for domestic purposes. Shrewd practical Men have shown that they know how to ntimate both the professional incredulity of or. eons and the paltry derision of Seiolists by ta hins the most effectual means of subjecting the testify orate discovery to the most rigid tee's, .0 of ate nine the proprietary right at every cost, In case it prove sneensful. We rejoice that this matter Lai Allan been taken up with this earnest truth sacking spirit. la view of the Incalculable resells to the Social destinies of one race, en ens nouneed discovery like this would bo entitled to the most patient and severe investigation, even though to promise -of success were a thousand times weaker. The world has too often greeted its greatest - benefactors with cold derision, sod received their proffered gifts with Wien Indhiler• once. 'flie frequency with which It has had to reverse its elute juZgments, and immortalize those It once contumeliously rejected, by this time ought Poltava tatted It to het a little leas presumptuous ha Its best .00nchisions.n, le. 3. And icf 111fitratrellerfa, Thal whenever enliatmenta no made to, or to me •Ictaity at, the said military pogo, and remote and distant.ata• Cols, •boanty equal to ea:moat to the cost of trans. portion aad substations soldier (rein the pried., pal recruiting depot, la- the hither of New Yarn, 'to the place °facial enlistment, he, and the same Is hereby allowed to each redroit ea ealfiled, to be paid to unequal tastalmen4 at the end el each years's service, so that the actieral macrame shall annually iDefelLllo, and the largest be putt at the LOCOFOCO DEFAULTEII9. I eznirattau of each entiatmeat. ApproVed, Juoe 17 , 1050. _ . Th• Column of Infamy. 74 RoHoru.s Amount riche THE mil: ROBBERY, 35 901 THE WINGATE ROBBERY, 10,959 THE SMITH ROBBERY,. 11,99 THE HOPKINS ROBBERY, ' 12 063 THE PENN AGENT ROBBERY, 13 000 THE SWANTON ROBBERY, 13 961 THE COLLINS ROBBERY, 16 000 THE WARREN ROBBERY, . 16 390 THE MOUNGER ROBBERY, 17,921 THE MORGAN ROBBERY, 21,233 THE BENI. WALL ROBBERY, 22330 THE .BLOODGOOD ROBBERY, . 22 527 THE -CLARK ROBBERY, 27,000 THE DUNCAN ROBBERY, 30,000 THE FITZGERALD ROBBERY, 30,072 THE RGGERSON ROBBERY, 31 '321. ' THE MUSE ROBBERY, 33 240 , THE BUBOURO ROBBERY, 33,931 THR•ELI MOORE ROBBERY, 40000 THE FANNIN ROBBERY, 43 506 THE SCOTT' ROBBERY, 60,000 THE ERW'INE ' ROBBERY, 68937 THE ROBBERY, 71,005 THE BARRET ROBBERY, '.060 -THE BROWN ROBBERY, 107,011 THE RIGIVRD WALL ROBBERY, 111,613 THE DENBY ROBBERY. 155,000 THE HOLMES ROBBERY, ICS 872 THE COCHRAN ROBBERY, 151.817 THE HOYT ROBBERY, 247,500 THE WILLIAMS ROBBERY, 369,149 THE swilanvour ROBBERY, 1,200600 Grad Total, • • . • 53,387,300 M Add to the shove het Iho Gait of omsll, peny 'larceny t hisves about the Past Ogees, Pension Oakes, and lo the various nations Under the Polk dYn.s l l, wild taro shall haves earn GlchOcl from Ike Public. Treasury; ender Locofvo reigo. - exceed. MILLIONS OF DOLLARS-!! A • seanaeloue omen° occurred at St. Data% (Emioupto °bomb, in Ohelases, near Boston, oa Sunday laic. A division in the cherch, as to the fight or two patties to occupy it, hits for some time previlled, athi had bree compromised by agreeing thauneither petty should occupy it until both "tumid consent. lo violation of Me agree. meat, eon; of tho , panics surrcroonsiii obtained. ponseinitin.ofh: and itiaytosn proceeded to read the tendon- The Bnettut prinented himself and claimed. his rights. A strong party of persons auPParted each nide, and a fight would have*l• aued had not Mennen:wand hie friends wilt drawn. They took their tests, and theservices were per formed by 'Um Fiat/Any party: in the' afternoon iheliector; on entering the thatch topetfnrm the evening sorsice, wan brutally availed; movers! violent blows were given him, and his robes were torn of back. -The Sherif interfered and taw• dead the notifies to be cleared! Tbesefacts are stated by a !coivespondent of the Boston Artar.— leOettanga proooodbitilot old tdflosohn. Ptah ' -, • Faun TOR Carestionesuee or the Pilutssi+s s Gazette. New You, Jane IS, . . The . Stocking Demo:merle/a atylit had a tacoom powcrw at Tammany Hall - Ovum the ones, non of • public dinner to Soutar D.citinsonr de nt veloping Deernicy,rat It can only bo done In New York. As the presence - of the unwashed, oamrnfied rink and Wei from the perbetur of the huh ward was not desirable, the Mrketit cif the dinner were placed at Lao dollars eneb, anti. hod the desired erect of making the party select= However, the men in Ware, were not this to be elbowed oft; and ender the chumpionaltiporpapt. Rynders and Nike Walsh anistablcd'al the doors of the dining room, and like a pack of Leman hounds raged for admittance, aid wore only kept ar by a detachment of teethe/headed politico:ma. Tho hangers -art finally adjourned Is s pat Lome and being charged with beer, retained and disper sed, after as useless attempt to induce the Sanator .to speak to the "people." Mr. Edwin.Fortest, yon will have learned, has i / made op his mind to 11.1 g an ho dare speak to proper term. of his attempt to repudiate his wife. Last night, in company with 1 o other b'hoyr, he waylaid Mr. Willis, of, ghetto 'eJour , lii,snidalier felling him,oombided biro, bargiog im sifter. wards, when la the pollee elk , with viej:jedu. cad his wife. The great Tragedian is Ellett dcubt abetter pros tighter than Mr. Willie, of the gen eral impression here; among getniumer, is this, thleatteropt to bully Mr. Willis lon conteasion of judgment, that blr..Willts'i deteuea ot Mrs. For rest was correct. There are various rumors to the effect that Mr. Forrest will be "sailed out" tut ibis will not happen; there is no process by which a man of each low instincts can be elevated to de decency and; he will he left to that mints ro pt be so fully enjoys at preterit. The appearance of the future, In regard to mon ey matters, le apt very favorable tend the time is not &mut %sheathe rate of interest moll advanCi), The rote of Steiling Elichange:has advaccdi. to 1101, arid preparations are making to ship specie 1 ID DoDaidernble extent. The demand for storks 1 to send abroad has measurably ceased, nod had it continued would only have postponed the cell day, not averted it. The precious hurchog, So , woas the tariff of 1846, will won be pt its wollr sod show its beauties. In about nix weeks tb.,, t ,.. rent or Manufactured goods will set th's way, call. log for specie to pay duties with. Specie to pay . for exchange, and an increased currency from the banks wherewith to do the regular trade of the season- The state of anus will seen Chow Its effects on .the money market, end demonstrate to Congress that its nest erosion must sea the re peal of this odious titan. For government stocks no quotation to day. A petltion.ii about ready to start to Washlep ton inking Coogreas to pass the Cornpreiutan fitd of Mr. Clay, or of the Committee of Thirteen rather. It has already thirty thousand saaaturer, which lave. been procured without titan, save the Indi anian Mr. flays friaries foal to have him success• haw been said that the csbtoct hna eagles tad a remonstrance from this Coy, bat such Is out the het. Nor is there in oiGcc boider le the city who would lend tiiviralf to tuck a dirty buticeas. Air. City'. plan is on fezorite here, but the plan cf the President can slut obtain the votes of all the Whigs here, afterlAr. Qay's hes horn tested. A few people who have felt the rebuked Mr. Clay's votes in executive erasion clamor over his plea, but the great coteaof the Whig parry will approve the plan of the Prmident or nay other that gives the country peace. p A great meeting cf hydtoiathio physiclana is to be held to 0:10110‘ , at •&ape thapol, Err the pur pose of organizing a national society. The water cure is very popular here, and with justice Thetr remedies are :iconic, all they insist upon is that their patients shell live temperately, keep theroselvm Meta, and en proper exercise: id adiaLrelan to this pran hes restored thousands, and glorified the bydrppathie phyvicome, who no frank enorph to say that to them is accorded praitc, justly doe to nature sod the patient. Tberoortai r . icy of our Mips lons than last year, throwing out the cholera,' result not produced by the old &hoot Phynicisan. FlourSalca 150.7 bbhs at $3.5131,ft for cam. Ewa to straight State, cod .. 57 ,1 2 015,1E. for puns Gattosar; llo.chaagaka, Other btaaas. Satoh,'" Rya von .5"2,87102,94. La Co, Mon' holt - fag doing. Grata—there has been eoz.clhieg clone in wheat hot particle's* have not OILIMICa. Itye dnil ed 62e. Oats long .4911 bat, arrody at yeattrany's prices. Corn Is lei moderate rrqurat and steady; eater 11.000 bOs. at CO km damaged, 02 k,r Veva mixed Weatenu, 04 tor Wearero,and 651_1. North. era Yellow. Provistous--We have no , chnege to notice gen• orally or sales to report. Whiskey-43 very quie: and kola u '.7.150 with out bayou. BY AUTIJORITY. _ PUBLIC ACTB • Pazlrd during at Fine' Sew. if do nut, Firm Congrcrr. IP 511•7 —No. 91 AN Ad r to incroaao Me.rantic and tile of tLe or my, and to encourage enlistments. . . ii goaded ki or:Sr:we and Houle ef Rey resentatin. of A* Moist( Sbitts of ,d Sartre ra Cop gra, nut miled, That hereafter each company of wintery designated and serving to light artkry, shall danng such service consist of ihe .cornatis smod cifreernas now provided by law, and at fintflleryiCtilif, four corporals, two artificers, two musicians, and ogre four privates, hoc. 2 And be srfertarr enadef, That the P.a. ideat of the Miter/States be, sod he is hereby au. thong.!, by voluntary rename/Jr, to 11.1.10 the number . tof privates is each or any of the corup, nies of the etiattng regiments of the army, nt presto! 'craft:kg, or which may hereafter serve; at the accent! mintary pests on Ito walnut frontier Mud at remote and dialsetlUMOUß. to any pointer not exceeding seventy fur, sod to cense arrenpor• name( the army as may, by law, be ter slug on foot, to be properly equipped sod mounted wimp ever, Is his opinion, the ex.:geniy of the roilAie service map require the tunic:Pr...a, That lbs said caliatme.as Shall be lot the term of 1 . .0 years, nukes sooner discharged. From the New Yore Tribune of 'faraday Evening Catalina, • raTirirx Fortren s o W 11443.- 111, quiet of Wasnisgton Equate was extraordi racily disturbed ymierday afternoon by a most mi. expected el:amulet between two men of exten sive public reputation—Edwin Foirest, the Amer. icon Tragedian, and Nathaniel P. Wens, editor of !be Homo Journal. As near as we can get at the facts, they are these: Air. Willis was tatting through the eqntre, wbeelle wog met or overt.. ken by Mr. Forte,,, Mr. Siovalr, nod anollier; Mr. Wilhs was knocked down, whether by Fan Mil or mouse other poranu, we cannot amy r ard while down, otlattle trying to rise, he was eturk several linumarlib earl of whip or cone made errata poreha. We ur.derataud that aume per , sena endeavored to larerfidre, but wore prevented ' from doing se. Oflcera Nauman end Gonad saw the tranteeiloo, and Inituedistely arrected 'Mr. Forrest, who made no malstence to the law, and teak else Mr. Willis beam Jalaicr Mearrtb, Jefferson Market Police Gault, macre, as Its entered to nuke. A complaint, M. OtEnr , r co. tend the complaint of breaking the peace neatest both Forrest and Widis, and the Justice bold them TO bail to keep the posao far nix months:— Michael Cot was bell for Mr. Enters, and a gem tlenian whose name we did not learn, became surety far Mr. Willie. rho cause of Mils affair a well enough .known to the panne, who have bad the long details of the disagreement between Me. Fermat and his wife bud befoto them. We Nave the reader to rooks his own estimate of the char. atter of the atria}p. A card trout Mr. Willa ep. pears below: A CARD FROM N. P. WILLIS. T. the Editor cf the Trabune: Sit—Aa n clement will douhtice. appear, of an outrage which took place this evening, and ae it may not be a conedone, llow ma to mote u, simply as it happened: While walking In - Worhington Squirm, with no suspicion that any one was nese me. I was and. dotty beached down, and whlb upon the ground, severely beaten. The Brat thing Icould observe, was; that two area, a Mr. Stevens and another, wero struggling to prevent persons from interfer ing; and.' when Imo to my 'feet, I. for the lbw time maw Mr. Edwin Format. He was in the' haeds of police officers, and his twotrlends were eagerly declaring to the crowd theft was the M. docer of Forrest's wife. Thispreptred falsehood and minder of that lady they contained to declare at the pollee Welke, where we were taken:, When I inlbrined the Judge that I hag no com pbdit to make, cr. other reckoning with &Ir. For. wrre, thane:al tio/lwaa required, and I-ten the one. ~ .!Lansifwboliaproveleationto thht ' mainly assault has been en endeavor: to.vhsei• non the honor of the lady. (and of course equally to show that hor husband had not, through her, oozes to dishonor,) public opinion, as far u that . reparation can itik will readily gee the outrage In its true light. Finns, respectfully, Monday N. P. WH249. grad* Jane 17. Ccianoilex , or Dean .datteateua--YesteetTOT .morning; the Jury tont° naie of hale Abtahatent Wad fin recetaing a nonthen of gold oralehea, knoonor lb° enaket.to bay° berustolen,entoo ban Gantt, and tendemi a verdict or guilty gong Iho g1et.1211. 14 ,r . a1. war. ep ben Valtedaln 4 Ulna to ba Intenne, and on inaklnt,inctirTsit , watt a anettatned that be bad fled, Orel° or Istate!lit which attempts to 37000. There are latialto ro man, in circulation concenaltag the notuer.—Phtt Atom Ereasus Croon Courier:De—lota B. Gorman, late an outdoor Berk in the amplest ed.dsdams • Co., Ezprers ProOrisitors,indieted for certain pee.' ulatiorie in tho Philadelphia c face of this ecru psnY was yesterday teed In tho cringe.] Coen epee one of the indictments fauna 'detest idea; and convicted.. Every esinfidenee had beeu reposed In the prisoner bp his employers. His ease Mann of much ingrotitude.—Nords Anse-Im. • • Tni /164,P1 Wll/0 STATE CO:M . IM Tlarl out at Raleigh an the 10th huh:lonics T. htoteheed pretehling.. HSn . Ohntles' tdOtley the pterent efficient Whig Govembr, wasuehAntotut. l 9 _renominated fur that office. . . . . , - A Convention ,of water cure phyniciaim, for the vrpose of forming an Ame,ricin AydrOpathic ociety will be held in New }orb on IVedneelay I nem n the evening there will be ri public meet. Mg hell, when' nddreezen will be delivered upon the eilimcy of the wzaer cure. ' - . , Knh-ge galtah bough into goat, a repreaentalive of the Nonls American Indians to Ida peace con vention in Germany , .. . . „ . : . . —. They are boasting:of green .c orn ist Savannah, Georgia. This is ihe :Into which lenthlg enGito to Congress. . A lady making inquiries aC a boy abr.% his fath er, an intemperate man, atm bad beta sick - for some time, asked whether be 'hail regained Ms ap petite. "No nom," Mys the boy "not exactly; his ,inierim it very poor, Ikut his disniatiteis as good as aver. LOGAN, WILSON•& CO r e • liitt WOOD ST., AttOVE Finn, !hie jun received brie additions to their' SPRINu 011 ON 'HO RIIWA C UTLER I, LE folootte t t by meta tivekete from 'Europe. sed to wlttelt titity wool, etpeelally roll the ottemiloo of poryletere, believing IP el( IrCM EVG etrckasnd low prices will give weye-.l.l.WlVl'"'to tatiefeettoo. . _ . ENCOURAGId DOM& INSTVDDTIONfIa CITIZENS. ~.'" .. INSURANCE COMPANY' or Pitt•bnesh. • C. G. iILISSUIt, Pun'r.• .. --A. . YdARRIII,Kanny. llre—llno. SI Water n :net, In the warehouse of II " li. GRANT. • . I T III3 COTIPAinY la now prepared to korona all kinds of rithr, on houses; roatatfationea, goods. enetchandiao in store, and in Inland. rend., As, An ample , guarawy - tor to allay and innegiar, of the Irv:dm:ion, lea Corded In the - eharatter of the Di recton4 who are all Ohioan of Pittsburgh; well and favorably known to the community for tielzprodenee, intelligence. and Integrity. • Dmisroun.—C. 0. hooey, Was. Hanley, %Vila Lar liner. Jr., Wolter Drlntul, Hugh D. Ki Il n/. Edward. eatellob K. KinkeY, D. Harbaugh, 8.1% Kier. apN,4 - Improve= • nes Lek Douttoters DR 0. 0. STE:MINS, Imo of Zortoo, is prepared CO mitt:a:future nod set D - tdor Tray Jo "tole cad parts ergots, upon duction orAtmospherio Suetkoo T. - v=4am chit. 1S Vlrt althorn, there the =Mt Jr - o.coosed (Moo sea reudenoo out door to the May. r's o office, Foonti seem, Putsburch. RAM co—/. Ittl'adden.F. IL Eaton. - lUD Scald at Use Foos and Ankle Cured. Mc. Etas—.l am &Mums of makbre - hr.enext is the pahlte the meet e¢mtcy of yeat.PETROLEEM la my owe ease, which tens a severe seed of the toot and ankle; epos removing the mocking, the 'Ma peeled caeca a, and left amble: - bat the bare aurfate. expected to be laid up ad meter from the efeets of ;ht• scold, brume applied the l'eunleom freety,hy ratans era (laurel chub warmed with tq at Solt, the Se:elk:mkt. was potent, Lot ton eery than thus the pain Mated. I had so pate is one hoar aftems - .rds. In fine days from the time of Ike appllestlea of the Petroleam,l was ethic to air to work. • I take pleasure in !noting them facts tor 11. a Leath, of 'other mammy, and am decimals that they abould be Made trablk,.. I mould alto ewe, teat I Lod Immediate ethef by the non of the P.m:AM:re, In buss, from whteh I am it ftegoom seamy oumlnt to my bottoms about the entlee. I would recommend it 'as the mist prompt tad remedy for hums I have ever henna. I Ii C(IE, Elkiitittr, Eharpsbargh, Allexheer . . , .11., tole Ly lieyser k Metkccrll,l:o Feed street R, r, sr.,F,,rf,t7 Woed•ft.4 illq Cun t inettior WY 0 6 Eldoit, Allegbenn .4 , 14 , 1 t Devesas, Anyhear a.iso by tee proprynor, .-, B. U. KIER; '4 , :7 . - pena tits l / 2 1i.ELmmak u, paammo, . ~ r. ~ 13114 D. Ewan., ~,,,.,,, ... Dentist Corner ofriamb H.rY . • and sttr,. between. Tuts retreat is now at the height its beauty— ti. Welton & Co.'s hemp brutes will remits) • new days, offolding eau smtrement. 'Stiawbeerice ere now ripe and served up fresh from the vines lee cream, anal laberrefrashmenisto abundance. ;the weenier Hope lessee the Pitt street lauding ill ' de. beginning of each hoar, from 9 o'clock . A. hit until 10P. hl for 5 Lents Tickets of admission Po the gardens 1.) cents, redeemetiln.r.i_the eame 11111101.11 l .to nrinistrstryrs-. —free admission unhiddena when a twompanied by their parents--slso to select 'em ote. in:aura fiche's furnished by apply)°, to the proy.r.eiJr. Closed on Zunday. . J. hIaKAIN. Od.r c of clh',n and Penna. R.R.Co, Third tt rterramt.n,Jouell,lEZO.; Toe StorLhe.Pless of the Obio'and Pennsylvania Reit Road Col:loamy ate hereby aotHeti to pay the slath Instalment oifive doSars peishare, at 12,0 . 01te0 the Compaq, .1.1 heretofore, cr4 Or Leo.: the 55th Jty of lane et SI, tint the teriiirJlNg !Itetahrienla of St per share, on or before the &Int day of sub spc: rerdias month, utiOl the whole .Ii paid. IVAI LA ItIAIVR, Jr ,Tleasarei. R7747...nc's %Volta, Y.tieltre—Zihe follawing frein WI .03001, Warr. the demand which ortdictna created wherever it was IntroJaeed,—' Varysbory, Wyoming Co , N. Y., J. 6IJJk Cq , 10th,1617. Yr or travediugagettitelt web ine,last su.rurr, a yea/ally of Dr Ittd.ant's Pillt:and Worm Specter,' to evil on estural,tion. SlOWoios,SperiGe is alt.; cold, and I enouti be glad Ur stiotore more, as it cells very rea4tly, COO tees a oarya&lattry errant In . c spelling worms If sou ean'fotsiai4 roe scene, Or send me in order to 0.11 ea year agent ill Raial°, IL S. Reynolde s )l Mut It wilt 3:1.04 wiO aimpl , / eels. W it AINSWORTH • I:7For .14 by d. KIDD k CO,No6dWood . kti•ettva:4 On Thuroday memoir; at 7 &cluck, Afro. AfuroLDS VLIALDI.CI.I, 01 the nfli )c•r utwollt riflerhoe. the funeral will prueerd to the Allogiseny COO). toy, Own her jute reeidehee, On Wylie meet, on rtuuouy morning, alp redact. Thu thrall* ruf lha Jointly ale terpectfully Invited. to attend, • ithout Witter Insure. CLt=l2tl On Thureday, tl•e Unth ineant, by due Rev.thendo:e R. Lyman, Mr. Mn.Jarrti Y•vion, It., to Ate. F:uiahsrn J. daughter of Montrone lg tit heltreu, r.aq. Rev. Nr. 'toward, on 7 1Inzaday,..2Vih Mr. Scum to Ni.. °Lim MMus', of this dif. --.1(110VS XOTIOE. I ) EY JOHN-DAVIS, fraci will p reach tae Thad Ileabytafian Church. (Rev Dr filldale In al to half haw Pi:ening, at half . 'Serene y Defter* aeleeeliG, AGOLD NVATCIi wee stolen pit the dent *Mime= Nettle Pe Ca,_ 99 Water ecreel, Medi, by Ai del J.,. Tobiea, No. fele Gera Anchor ever, Geld Red 11-re.. Cap, 13 'hole Jewelled Tto nbayi reward WO be given for the rdef enetertted-caYrea" bears kg. 31 either. _ BROWN, riuLlar a. co I AExariatt-lou tot one inale!prlnelpik and imun fern 10 - teactunn, for the First Ward of the ehy or h\lilt, will be held at the Behool House on Ferry ksber c, on the drat Monday of Italy nosy, et 111cOdoca, LI., at which applloarito are reqae.ted in atiVad. r al /JELL, ie Itniard of ILI ottani To vapotattats, ((pooplo4l* .and Coal 11thears, FOR PALE., TRACT of LAND lying on th e Ohio ILrcr,in Union Centety, - Keinuely,ebe at Ceil beloof Louisville, and ono culla oboe,' the silage of (Macy, contracting about 1400 Acre., of which contidelabla portion is underluil with thread streth of Cool. Tome veins, barm y revisor onlid alto end Come of Cie cloy, have noon opened from the rids kali, and two coulee coulee of about thirty yards ettehOinve bo th dry theo the laraiat vela, O'hish is of Wt gittoburgh bituminous roar, endarly. Eve feet in Dacha.. Cf these her stir:. whic ne h have been opened, one le a vent ORM, slime teal, usury four fret thick, nod ono vein of bonnet _aoal,heatly three feet th ick. This Coal re all ofsupertor quality, and note bachenn covered InitrO on tlth Ohlo err The expense of boating from thls_palot to New Ot lewa,lo about one half that Ilonigmaberigh: and to other .placea Is propOrtionably !gm Coal Loom entz be purchased second bend al ...Int:lanai and Lienismlle, end delivered tang e presume at very low talcs. besides the marke irded by t below, the demand for the into a( steam bola Is toe. enent, the river betty Coneys navigable at Ibis potaL It is ealealated that the Coal can ho delivered at the landing et a cost of about three teals pc rlushil, lad MOW there at room seven to oleo nerve, and .11t. the make. below at Iron. fifteen ho thirty. The Kennet) Coal Company, with Inferior advantage,, pre working Win eminent watts., ill/ we odjoialngland.the lame acluo,'whiele they o lee on 40 hOIOOIS Or Ws 'reel, their , ailwar palate g th rough it corner of IL Them lo an excellent river landing ort thapreentees. mirth ' the ;exception of two elute:op of , abOat tony •eres eaeh, the land is heavily timbered wok, black wait vet. oak, ash, hickory, Conn wood, to.. There' ate three . neaten on too eetattrovhich are muted to mama 7110 property, of *bleb So permaal tat.ht..• tion le United, being untbrailable to the pram= owner, will be sold oo vary favorable terms. Addtete,'Llon. John Tyler,fare ofi Alexander OM , diner. AllorMlT, Now Yolk COD — iestaza.m, It 111)121 4: 1' lit ea4 b -- J°2A .0 loiterer WPAVER—PIaIzr agd , Flknyed Bella Walt - TV NM+. for br '' • VP? maiteama. BORDERS—A new .... , •pply t bf Gold aa Velvet Niesirpr4:: (or 'A-64 bot,1•1711r top of eti PA Woodli LOLF—aD kis melted ferule by lei. JAW; DALZELt IkTEW MACILEREL=4I Bo 3 teeNi tor We 37 Al )1117 JP)4I3 DauELT. Iti=MM . . 4 a do^ do 214(4 ate do news purierom. to do - do , Co ' • / 2, d. - dd. Ora • ' 211 do Mips Eirvelopt, Out; do do 'Yellow do ,dam . • . SO dod r . do , .2Cr:5; ZS do do do Sisad, Pen. in omit, for N o b . y a, " JOHN H 1 . 0• 1 1 . 1allt n. Jell ei wood .1. ACON-40 bbde prime Rides nod ibduldere, in more, end for sale by - BROWN 4k RIRKPATRICK T ARO-70 kega N6l, Innom and fos sale by BROW , C ir jtY9 N lc KIIMPATH - -••••• hos extra mu 8f77. ULOUR—vCo Ms cur% ..nrk e tour, CRO WN.& KIafirATRICIC - ARS-10 tex IT Martin's Sow Clued, far sale Lt Iea'.DROWN tc KIRKPATRICK BACON 7 OOOIba Shoalde2s; 00U0 lbs Sides,' ^ • ' IMXI lbs ar sale law, fa elate conelga gat] _ 1311EY, MATTHEWS aCo .. , 1 = brb:ldoele ft re awu.. in tr... g r d lap bat 9r . • JAR A HUTCHISON&CO I as St LamsNem Wavle Hefirtelp ntARIFIED spa 11 , 1-100 brle ralaire..far e•le by 4_l 1a22 ; , JAMES A HUTCHISON ACO • went. by i 4 i 11 3 AP SUGARL I ceived * V'eletr ' .i.,..., . , la /OE-75 tca N C Him rectgloi'saN by ~•,• • IL j 022 • JANE a. NUTCNISON 4t , t) r, INERAL WATER .CORXR-7 baled ,yon t los /TA recd tad for nle by . R E SELLY.R.I ?i'lMrr '-it' • OIL SASSAFRAS—So I is tec , 4 forsaie Jett/ • • • It F.:SELLERS S LOAN'S HOR/1.04 ilabi it-2/ - , It -E'sELLERS QLOAN'S COMPLETE FARRIER—.E tlor tort re ocived tor _d< by • E. E SELLERS DR -8 P. 7OWNSEMPSOMISAPMEILLA;II3 genuine antale—tis Itotlor sale wkolestli retail by - •11e211 • • It E ,SPLLERS D OUSBEL'S AROIIATIG VINEGAR for "ate by 1e22 lt Ili 5E1.1.11 - 18 DROF. BARRY'S Tatcurruso p S. Modiente4 Compound Nr . the pal", in Lugs for sale uy ty,e) . Q . ALERATI.IB-4 ttans taperior In brlr - And cad', oa ns eotennent tor tale by Ira BA FAHNkSTOCKfr CO W li ffri 6-16"' Ii . A,TIIVE.; " LZCO' (100 LI Vial ----_ rwci2lp wbni, d ore J. ssip vl3 "il ib,lor salt by -.."" s It A PAIINEPTOC . ICA'r" liptiNljeE STONE--u r.°21.16'.41a0,K.c0 GOODS voiiiiiticis tits. ny it BURCHFIELD invite the amender! k A\ lt i a ß e P ladles to laud extensile awry:nem el Whit o t Goods far Drersee,conai War at Septet and Beira r.mbraitered rs ~ do iatorial.avrni; . Low Priced Barred Jar.tonel far motni'ar dreams; fine d0:1 de;„ and a large arra/anent el Serial erltheolartd embroidery; printed jeguegu e Lawn., Barraga,lte9 at' north east corner of Folullt and Mattel nAovo • wo.uns. t - ernE amnions. 1 . d1: fe, r venom/yea to bight: a•• talconera to car Otto er.Ut God.• By the author of "The Way thug •• • - „ • , • • Melt Miamian Ilieommendoi Or Mute to a 'renal itozeirte echooL My IsauoThylor,aothor, of /Attar, of Eautustatm, , Ac. • • The Go tot Prattioal Writings of John Key: • Is cued by the CouneweeOfthe Fres•Charch of Scotland. The lattriteted Chardon, or the Wale Maa4 Senses Exercised to Disarm both Good arrd_Ecii. By Wm. -Auelcut ,tho riecuiree. G ro m tax. fora True.% Contruncd By haat Taylor, author of oecoratial Derpousser ••• •• 1 • • , bleraorbils of the /throat! alien of Mediae ism into the Latta. Swat, tomptltiuT blearepbaCAt tunic. of lot emly preachers, Ao . , . 77a..utotid the Penatio a tree - hit:o)y, frita the ber me. of biii;ieCt w'ntkica by May. pcorti &hoofer. A System of Moral Plolceophy, cc ebristioubbhice, decigeel for dotarade inyttecoott, ljtorroy lrisatatcr, ate. tty w Lecenit. •• ' Prlociples of Rhetoric,. ' 1). neatened' for the elle cf schoole:_.,Aly•W /I Lowey D. cm.h.d, for sate by • A bi & CO _ fruc I . I ORTICUI.TIIttIaT, and .formal, of - Antal Ott at d Korot Tame: &Mod' by 4. J. Daytona, olultat of "Landscape tiardrnton .. .butgpo for Cot tage ittoidencosp..er oda and Frail Tinto of !melt c..,” to. f at. To all personi alit* to *be . intprornaetat of their gazdano, orrharthe, or eattog aeon—to aeiratifie and proatteol kottivatots of Um taii—taluttstiynt.l.and 44.44141+4e carded... this ..lountal. Otte we l at e st discor44l4.• aad ltomoyetner to; onnautoto+4, and so.. ottiaitione tare; and tholes bran •hal Walton, 1444 coaereird Witt, it; be fouoti Its extended, cod valannle,roirerpoorenct. tterants the eipotionio of the. rang Intel to4olCUllltatarsi. 41;141104 and As J 44111.4111, and airrealqc. art oleo frog the fee of Lae ad:tor': mete It equally rovatit o'er I. Toren the gen4tal raider, kw eat dun anonnt bre. 'Coo ...rotes et NOULC4I” Per. Peal a amatory innat all lowing . 11ottioeltoral %Journals of Ettiopot' 164 ' , •nlononuolgeolees,n Rod a:too-en to COrre*YrokelMs, feuds). cog., bin ato the 0t0wt04.14 praonosi ea Ira rot. math! Ituoyeroia and beamifol ilinitrationo-1144 4 or Conages,Dtsen.honaos, tno games of ;Fir Frei th Snntbe awl Pinata, congbino to render ibis area ord.* obalttoas *TA Von Manila- tranta • on calm Z 143 CC mantel (oilire tai — dr.TtitiillEna --- StratanTrr, of woo boot volalltao eats be sapptted. „ • Torts-three Dollar pet pip:Wets to be tirade In advoneo, and otom to bepost putt Fog sole by' ; .1.614F,S WCKIVO(ID Jai • 101 Fourth it 4'oll Baur., ANEAT Two Stapp DwrlLin.f Penn 1 1 .italna , t 10 mast aaehabla part of !the cup War paraeglathtaartira at No 119 Peoustr,t.t. . /foie/oft 41 Wager TI TCL-1 tes fat we by .HEI I VNGS-10 tall bet Na . tot sjiltti KAU TAIITAU - 41 0- Col L t 4 e, ti 7— {c2.3 . Cid Wood at • 1( DOZ DI kodeLAtenrett and Tar, jll2l 1V• 1 'J. calved and tot er rats Ly J IiIDD &CO C) 4 DOZ D. Y. Tdvrtunnd'iDarnapardin, for kaleby ..eit ion , • , -Jma )n & Co . OIL SPIKE LAVENDER—ea lbs reed far nth> by lasi! J KIDD it CO - - AARLEhf 01L-2 e . ( on for sale; by AA hilt - • J MiDU3 C 0 'MIRA OHANdES—The noest /ended In KAI. Lt . dolphin for pools, to attire this do%. COO pale by WM A hIcCLIJRO &CO Lire.ty at ITUNl—Underutood , a True Lemon Syrup; gir l a= 4"*" y do rissrupartha Co Curraut do, For rale SY WO WM A. hIeCLUISI CO __ _____ AT VII= AVOIFINAI ORICAMWOI)DT . . , . '. Cha Friday Ere, jectie'2l, at f3l o'idocki .:_. , • PREPARED by All. I. WiIITE: lb. celebrated DAMS BAN.WIII iteeoniyany the exhibition, Admittance,2s e t ;'children aceonipsuliedlby th eir paients !Wearier, The steamer Hop Noe_, leaves the Pitt eviandieg at the beet:hubs or each hoar. Fite panicolare. ace NOTICE TA`l°ll: 7 7.ll I b e a tit c d : igrecably to Marton * lnday.t. Agit; WO July, at It o'gtock. A. M., en tb• Consort p ay'. °Eno, No In Chestnut ay flitted/Jelin, for the parresse of electing nine Director; to solve for the engem; veer, end to t he sonhother badness as cony be brought before the meeting. -Hy order of tbe evident.- • Joug dui W AleKitE, Itecretary. How ~ Leeturee On'too llistory of Elisha. By the Res: llstorlllont, A. AT. 4` amtiy exposillots of the Pentateuch. tly Bee. Henry Blunt, A. Al. Tbe Acts of the Apostles, with notes chiefly ex , Eianstory, designed for gehboth go heel 'haehers aaa Fatally lostrocilon. By Henry J Ripley ,. Piofeesor lo Nwton Theologleal f to • . No e Cross; No Crown. a Dill7Olifae showing the .Nature and Discipline of the Holy Cron of Quin.— By William Penn. „:• On band aniline No • ••• • • • 4 • A HtNOIJOR &CO. Ne. :9 Wood sweet DR. Lardreet Railway Economy: Mmeatitit on Ito new art of trammort, resentment, remote% sold relationr, commercial, financial, and labial , with' an myrmidon of the premien) remit. of the :Mlleapt in operation in the United Rinydatn, in the Contine cod In Antmica. . By Dionylitte Lardnem i. O. L. tre; The Illmory of Ike Conferionat. Dp Jan. Reef Rootlet, D ,131thop of the D'omv. elYerment. liarrerM-Now PRltion of Aliintan`r Oligton's cline and Pall orate Romeo Empire Vols., LIONTWICS Lsat...llOr Rest. Prment, end. Rthre of the Renalgte. • Ble.alratmaa On immarline. • Carlyle's Letter Bey Pa:update. Nu Vl.• Septa; hPlulistoentaa • - • No of Leverho new Novels... The Dalton.. • yr, it James , new•Nowlt—Tite Old Oakete t • The above remits received Ala day; en.l Mr vale b }eV°. 2MINSTON &STOCKTON y ilormal, American. Chronicle, nod FICBILINO-1.47111.71. Non khatwo 277 bils No 2 /do: SO brisbro I 77,7742 i; 10 hrs. do do; i r e N d f dtrlitg r i l eti °l sl! • DOLIVER nrticx—zwichi c i.o 1104,:e I 7 Tiro Brick, for tale-by MO • 70I1N AteriT7722 '& COL Far nig br Jao nilnEvEr-706.14 R Cheetc:_ree 0.10 by kJ 1020 •• Wing dc bIcCANDLESS figd&LERATIIB-14. casks for gala A 7 jaw WICK& McCANDLESB W IND°W°4 " S- X11:%11. • 4t1.71 1 74: Received end Ric tale by ...ILS, DALZr... cupte9E-OitroVer Vila .„02.4'„Tz' S AMBATUB-7S ku L i itoresior wide . 117 , Je2o 118 Wood n 'PTV SHARES drib. Catitslßiook of Lt;e Wool em bloom= CoMP.IIAY,IOF sale by 11 D RING estodar.• urP 6O I t;uTszneP. bt e 6 00; . • If cols Boon 66661660 and Sideg 6 Ws NO. I Lart o r sWel7.lr sale by , CO .. . . nit. I . J. XYElV3offeri ini . /ioreisional.servira' J." to .tha CilaLtdl hlaxcharer add Baia k; WO. and toattace, Los the preset. ea Roiedala ktauchsatar, 1011¢einsusli gm!. Lao IL a. Manna . Iloarattd. ' SUNDRIES-15 : . Iren rakt rnC rer"Q'd aim; • '4 mei Germain d% 41 cu./ aida 7d YPdti~ tvssanteroar tuunnit,:„ Chotui urea, ei g,i;mc urea, P,4rtadeTyiia. eattal, in the..latinediate embalm of tin Malt imnernmt public Institutions, the best sod mom :fisiionabinplarecof sod tie amnesia, public squares of dm city. In the important requisites of light and venniation, two principal oNeeta lamed i at Intl:le-recent enbommenintsd thorough imptove tnent of ills House...it is not exceeded, perbapn by oy Vasil isbutest usAmmtica. To annum, Aim. torn int poson is peculiarly destrahle. The sch. scriber octets thanks to 'is l (Mends and the public for the Demi patronage they bave ertertdee to tam, and assures then; - that he will endeavor to ment a icounnuante of them favors. A F 4LAlifh nym 13001011 .67CVIr BOOKS 1 . 12 " . 1f0LX.E.V . LITERARY DEPOT men Sreser, opposite the Post OfEee. N . ORVka, Harting,; or, the Priem in the Owi n g, Nasal.' Tale. The ThoOsand ood One l'heo , ooo. By Alextuader Dame,. complete. Adeeno , -- in •Afries, dr .odventore r s In •Afri dialing a' mai of two years ihroogn thin •coa.ntryc. a, By AllOr W. Conrandloao Hansa - Luella Living Age. MIMS ' - 'Code/ for July, price Mr SO per year. ' Sartgin , do • do. jol9 Amor/eau Jr sal r Jossessal of Science asinite.t.. CONDUCTED by Prot S. ElGilman, Prof. B. St man,-Jr end James B Da• Now Havn, Con nervous. Tina lomat is issue n d' every twom e ooths, in numbers of ILI pages each, mating two ociavo volumes a year, each with many dlnanations. It It devoted to original ankles on Science and the Arts, Condensed, Reviews or Moulins of Memoirs 'and Discovericitrunt Porregn Periodinolt , Notice of New Publications, end a General Balletin_of reeent Seim nbo Oita .The Oro relies tocaih• volames,the tint of which Is a federal fader to the: ID valutaaa preceding, Subset - tonna. ES a year, in advance. ' • I D LOCK WOOD,Ae't for Prom Teton, ' • 104' FOUlth st. • PHILADELPHIA PLY WETS POP. 110.118148. ICILY Nets,' nude 'of Linen, Worsted, cotton, r and Loather, of 11111 patterns and gasillie., U. large stock always on hand, and for rslo al the lodiest mtwafsetory priors, Wholesale and Petal No at/ & 350 Malan Sr. Pm.a outer., trilateral° Alanniartoty or TRUNK'S, C A APET DIGS, kr. Wllre , oollllcontataa over IletlTruara of all yoslities, al 1010 • • N. ft —A new style and Net for Carriage litirsris. ' • ,BOOKS BOOKS 1117. Life and Cerrerpondenee'ofThotass Arnold. D. I), Into Profestor. of Modern lllrtory oflthe niversity . of Oxford. By Arthur P. Stanlryille. A; First American edanso. • • . 'MS Golden Glt , elj' a Choice Manual, eentoi wag hit `ill to be - believed, proetired and desired, to uhteh Is added.. Guido to the. Penitents AT Jerstar. Taylor. D D. l'he Soul; or •n ingody in Se noun! Psycologr, tlevethpett by the use at the term. Spat IStifityLifet he. sir Georse Both, Protersor , of /W I ren, t /ere York University. T ,' ,, T i tr ot itecorils of a Good Nan , . Life. ny Rev Char For role by. . Aif ENGLISH 3 Co, _loin - In Wood meet WAIL L AIOLASES-64 hbas prime N Par toe bY talc!. do litels•ter; . OM) *.-: TfeGILLS HOE elryLizioßed i F i r e a r lders; Jele we Hug Sit . Cured Rubs. .ale by . t BROONIBJ-100 doe irrolled deseflptfone Melee' , by jai eretflLLS tr. ROI: 23bri•NO Ter, Per;enel For sirJaby title] Iifc6ILLEA 9.OE_ Si Og'7 -5 /b.Nol LY i ail trt T e r4t i ed Y : R OpJN-A few tits ANo egos Wife . 110ei n or eovertor gosliry, notable rot eireP me ' ling jut . received tuulfor sale by JOHN IitePADHIII& CO ".• • SLOCenalllsslo,Vem et 000 A, 1411-10 task. time .bro, Irtr casks superior, for elate miklog,4ll oiwblels will bo wit/ low for earth by • •1 JOHN , McFADENt CO OLIVE 911'2-Prt.:eur4;l,!` 1115, vf 1 ..,1i Florence do asks.or nit6r 00 .C O B ACOo2 aysroandlondtar for sale. by lg I ROBERT DA LZ ELL &CO '• ; • Liberty street, tcti Alt-100 brls N C 1, . -1111 bus Pitch, on enntignment glnd, 4 fleto) - SELLERS & vicois Nriklii NLI 114151 pea cure n . V Cams for sale 121, ' T7'Al43& BEEF-ID tea DaSeld. ennui ies&llller,Brownlafiak= w 20 tr.Etatte & dey Piet canvassed Dui totinds; Far ;ate by ne.14"2 P VEILERS &N d I * CO . LS ' NTALCanA eicIIRAVB73I4. tiVll.l"'COnd 1. C°P;Ft"—;:l'd* i' ll u oTtairtl7TLE h CO 14ACON ; 1J toptsoN. LITTLE& g. l ANVASIED eaii. ialtcnv LITe4 1:3 11'0 i:39Bll—h cask., prime ;Waldo • trrLDO,w ROZ . ISON, WM.!: I Y C LLTkit re s, to 4.7 dokskriiLl c it. _ma • • . 1114y2fr3 Zukg ;tt sr: Yl+A en ft 011111- . C,Osy , nlss latest styles tasty combs,' .; ../Il arees Sitsatese poeketeotaba-st eatebi C . CCti UtiI'ENREELZ—Z ? das 0 F. Nur/v.14W., Noi d c: Pal - • 10 F.enehpo,..aoriecrt Fcr 4404 ty • belt') 1, kukoKß . . BIDWELL &CO 1 . • t•olivi - tim-Dkno .stanoilikamp. (41..zsgairc Pc. (estille• Pony Piet Ol d ies): ; Itarlog perMacenar located at lam place In 'Mai and eat/Macula! Wharf lima, We at,' prepare:Lin io• eolve Mud forward promptly to paintatna the : neer, and Mud, Nod hearer or Ohio Canals.: J.lk.•Ca. • Wotan', Janet:, - • eH ,iRANT .1840 AMERICAN H2OUSE, ',ISiO 17.071161 AT -LOWRY, Proprietor, ' INtblit rift aow, I fulliJaysbArrlo Pa. :j I ENERAL •jtAGE OFFICE —Too bitty „into t Stager for the gartand Weer, a ls o ,On .Ithot me karma Ida houre,____ . ,_ .. .fial3l.llit i, , tiunikzu.AituAxiiimie.ii.l, - , _. l at e : 1850. - w at i BEAVEII. 231ITIrtt. FERR7..AND cx.Asilw PACIEUr. . _ I The near and Light draught ,fIeatner,YOUGUICKYr-. NY win make Jaily trips Lawton Pittahrogn, u tilloarow, tfrandaya executed,) leeving Glasgow at 7 A. At, and Plushors le at 24, P. M. . : , The Voach,ogheny Is bat II laohes draught,' sad can Lc relied on al 4regular packet, throughout Me settoa. fortreight or , patiage,al.(4l3 t tar, Or 10 /Oa - • ". -' I3IDWRLI., h CO.. Glastow.. • ~srou„ • rpm touso no. oeeepled 3y yger . W Wade, on J. Anderson street, Allegheny :Ctltr, thin short elstence or tlin • Rand tltreet Hrldge bas o4tn rooms, bob boon, wash hante,, , earrisee house, end stable. Rent, rasi.' per annum, Also, for sale or rent Pew 32, in Um Irold,R+ aisle re's bt. Andw Church, Pitubersh. • le18;det• 16'4,0t71171tu , Ittla • U F. Fins r, tor 4140 1:„. • , , ALIEN% MATIIIEWEI k. CO ' Statket at toll gals bleaeb'el Baer m 1,7 Ittegalsoable,ar.ld do IGwa. _ 1200 gale bleaehed fall: Whalc 04, in ;icy, .gals N. c"*". 18 urcerrsoN je ..... re 174 Welly n.. xsxn uz is lieSi cernmorl Oil, in mare:tot lell3 MILLER 1 , 1101[137 ON Crirl myennr RRnmrntlur e+tie & RICkET&ON dancorjitst ree'd for nale Ly - 14111,6 ER le RICK 7•• alaramparlisik e!aaks. e,"„„„1- . 7, .41',11" !`"°i".°`_`?"ll°,;" - bozrs Lemon tiympostadis from pate lemon jaieci .fast teemed latil:lef sale by /ern 'MILLER/4 ILICARTsO tio) now Itadloallatin/ sins MAI& OE IN EY Ci Y . - . Wiuer Front iai t - ' gry»ow on , on., orulo .y Jon) • ' ISAIAH DlClalir& CO dr_I_INBENG--2'sacis ixa EWA for nit . - ISAIAII MCVEY CO cori—N eneka • 4 vk. shauldeN . : ; :katabon i a sA ,T i m oer i ln.... c diat imir f° , l. co l RIB UMWOLUTS eta3MOS--Crarioc • atetett of • H Physical DOtenption of am Umbrella:6 By.Ake•. ituretboldt , Tema.tated by 01416 R volsillaft• Just teterrerlfor tale by. • ' tri.ogwo im Rooltreller tranbner. 101 Pataras st J j.1!;11: 'LCI'I3 AFIPECTeI OH NATURE -- Their buou by Al F.Lol r. sols,l2mo. For .1 , 317 . LOC XW.D. iva:Ai:MING PDIVTERIR 7 cO casks Illalprans. and Tonnents , fotssle by • • Is A FAHNESTOOR & co 1118 ' Car 'Rut & Waal at • °WILTON STOCKTON bavethstoponed for sak tho lateen imam:cent of Paper, Mont Booty and Luationory ever eared for aide in this oily; togrther walk n latlto colleeLon ofneer tad valuable Wads In every deportineutor Litatontro All publications . tor Meta at earn! n,ptitts. Counts', thoscbanla anopllid with mink . in this Ilan; on th e snort tear:rouble terms. .Icl7 • aT received Illthb TIA kct, in the Diamond, tr 3 obe,t, pea t costa, Ooltutp Tea• • • 40 7.3 per lb 3 do • eoperboe Nina Yong ..... •..0 75 do do I old Enellah raft F.onchnotr 073 do : 3 do •A No 1 GunporrderTert--- uo d o And _pknty mote. len er aur eattollent Black ail Green TOO% at 50 00114 per lb_ 1007 -. )104GUSA.IPAWORTII ATOYeitN, cim OK ler Fifty Ilolinii , insern by J.At Pen. Zl. 11001, on Palmer, Hamad Ca, payable to banter, wala main from the warehouse of King, Pennock & Co.. Tb e public so . autionrukagalast receiving sold cheek, el payment thernet has been stopped. Jelt:dar • . II:AD-2000 plat Galena !Awl tioncite ape to ar r y tire, for vale y - ale haalMt 1{: IiVrekIIEION a co GLARUS-30 brtrEtt. Jean - raw .bentee.M. - 01.1 ...... for sale by_ ' • - ' JOR ' JAMES A fIUTCHISON R. CO itiFINRD siiimis—lsu brie combed; powdered, and email loaf, Iry owe and for sale by JAlkan A HUTCIILSON R. CO jel . *Kt St Urns Stearn Reser Refinery. Mirlmps for 'Wool /arta. ASUPPLY femur *tame of MURPHY a BURCHFIELD Cot Fpw4R dligkeg OREM PATENT Digs FOR CUTTING SCREWS. PATE/MUD MAN Bs. 1E47. . . . . r :, , ; . .. , '4' ... ,r . ..- '‘'' •.- ." . 'll ' ' ' 'all THESE DIES baying been adopted and log p approved or the priampaf . ops 3 . 4 New York and Pflitadedphia,are now otrered tomanufastuters, rosehinhts, slr.ip nntcrcce,yarttni c tidence, as the most perfect article ha user Or etattitg PeriNVT on . , - ' Their superiority 'neer any:. other Dies heretofore tired, erntisiater in' .their cutting a rea rui . Seaga-, whether V or EO.IIIIIE thread, by boa's passing over the lion to . bc CA Ittllch.teglige no siredgre g : ?r,,,,j,,,,,t,,,pirgderc, as the dies out the thread out of thiTiolfid Imo, notion' Mistos rt,,ra the tesir, to their greater dantbdity, rapidity, and Perfection of wort; and in ttarir simplicity and lifdti lithild roger out o(ordar. , . . ~ . . ; . Partapruzia, Ault- 17 . • Thlt 14 to eertiff that we bout waited 4: to; ( 5 W. au the mkt of Deng bre intent Diet f r est-, u ,j'ir b*lut to au opirden,tto Mum* taxa tope, riot 007 :others we us etquieted wiO tor An• P.P... 61 oiling bolts. . _.: —:....,..., '. • ' ' J , P triOxs.ra' It CO. _ _ Pauteursits. Am: gir le 4 e• Err•k° l hila r r , emelt Paton Lees in UM la est , establishment an u n , l a n ig.o mouth for oltaOir r ohs. two cap la one?) reveillt reCCOIDIOI4 NM in. the - Wettest terms, as we hue had ell when eute. they - hug so tu El ifellat-1,01 1 / 1 /4411111c lbws 74 per eon. cheaper than any eaten now use,. . . AANBYII/3.,%616 & CO. , • • ' 'Pena Wm - lat:Pa. This is to OcralP MCI we hoe yviahaiad the *Uhl, to Lissom& Mooted in oar' boluses', P W (Mice Pa-. lent eann• (bluer, which we apprOlni of. W. if= do mach' mow,. wort, uld vs 'IMMO a will .or. pan in durability sad precision, samsch at miaow* ' of labor, ocy,dim known to to, Plll.lilli, & M0R1143. Pututatitiru, Gbh month ilbtli day, Ittl. - ' !law Was, !laving adived P. W. Gates' 6 'Patent V i ew' t ore ,ant balk, we take {demure 113 maytnt. that St more than annual our elonetadona, and have no beak.. ton In irtirkurit an nor opinion, that It for excels any other phut in present ate for toning balm , - T Y SECO@ & CO: We, have W. Gates' .Patent' Dies'? for etatil4 reins% and the economy of nahnt theta to ut 'cent e...nnide nthle ithtd_are Inoes apan them ail . teell•nensa. tun aVerjettll4lShMent taring, any' quaauty yf aetews to cue • - t. kIeCOIINICE, OGDEN Co t Darcaos. •• -" OZIMLNCiI Omea, , Wontaterms,"litti gept, • 11 have purchased of W. H. &ovine. tar th a Ualiad Biala, tea Mid to Ina la all .tha anaaals and arala Cheap Lawtn.. ~ • • ArtiRPHY3 BURCHFIELD hire,' rinicised a lorao sapplyntDreso /awns, very .eheap; noot nt) brown at Ityt7 light do, in great variety, tor tOto Ina AVAP,emtuablered and tainted Malin snalinclronet, of new and nearest styles and lowest orialforquitlity, and north east corner of Fourth and hrarkotata I d I cotton. . • 511N1PR1F7 2000 , 1 . 6 ': . : cot d :P O 9, d.; , 3W0,000 Paaakw Ceps; 21.10 gr055 . ..441.3%qm; •.' ,•• • • , • 600 groom IletrOso do; Received pa{ steasam Ebboyerla oad floranak 7 sa far solo by. ; • - C YFACIEB.,' • . iolO :t i() ?atria at • ri1.17C.9195.11,VAL-21.11banilks reed for ogle tp 1 , 1 , 1 , • ' I KIDD t CO. L1D011,11.1 Wl*, CO try, for ago by lel ' ;J. YIDDt CO CAM?! bcl., to • Filve, fur AO: bj , ; KIDD& CO CEWOBIDS LIME-4 tubs, lo strlvi, for salf by ,kl 7 . , J,K/DZILt UuLlf.-130 mews, . 1017 • MILLER & RIC LlTaltetli A 7 76 bla Strolls A dor ' d for * lLVlrigt."" " MON. , . Uthlll.--130 mp.:ilut resit, faro 3 • - MILLER & RIC& DI . _ . . CS — Clitao2lfZ 206 P-160 b.s.s bro'issi oat tiiiile; SSbzi, N 1 ~.. Sir tie o 1 a '! ` I''sO bu Rsinsap; Jon me tiviil &id for sale b// _. fa: _ , .. - - . , .Bilti.LEß & RICKETIMN - SALAD OW-13 MOMp BlareciPs; - • .S ibtbtku YYna d 0;, • • • .10 b4lsllordepuzoll,biaokboulei; reenlyza and far, rule by _ • 1017 , MILLER& 1 / I . l l l WraPN' _ • ~ • , Q IiGAR ROUSE LTOLASSES—tO brig battle En)l3:ut . Jet[ rer.Nt *,1113 to; rale b . " • jel7 • • • • - MILLER Ricrersom =aa= , . . • .. , . & BII . IteIFIELD bala-rereitad . idm- - AYA pip a. 4 and CC P:dm* Linenn for znen , e coat. and eankaladies , sank., boys , and eldlate4'i !nazi aftbe moa de ...habit lobadea .• • • They . nd Iwriga.attenden aseeysincit of Ife , a a ItoiVil 811.11111.Kft WEAR, of dliletent. ma. terialo; of arblett will be “dd lova " planti:tion Sipgrar anAlllalasses., IGSLLda wanton, fair, ispintis Plasuation &noir, 2,0 oak brla Plantation Nannies; " 7o "V" Dfla do da In MM. f But.LkazeincxvreoP r IC 174 Libesn.as WillED*l;ul.B2ll?Ms.!°"ridne DJt Lost Eg pry Igc•II7 tt fie Lf. I.3_asi 60 bats pidx.ditili!, la bus . .do 00. 25 bats L. emshed do;• .40 bats Loverlog's cot do ; • 1 6:tli i ooft d ; Pv'd d'; Jost tecsived,and for sale by• 6'4 do;: 012 MILL.EII uutratzto.m..Vanur.be• Motet- 'pap, is .11! Churches Red reedits Sense v. auger aille.Ult day received. Rid 47 sale, - _ P ItfligStiALl ! - -To,— cesee - v • - DODO : nocurs wog rrApittp.sa.; .Tohnson—;,Kokarieut Farmer'. Eneyelopsedlt.Klo' . Eseetaan—Trzeo mu! Sbrabc; Bmord,—.2teds of amezieo. aro , Iliomas—American Fmir Cultorist,l2mo' Lloy--A Gal& io tae 0 - retard. lthorr . alum—rafally Mahn Garda/16f, Limn ittner—be Amerada Dee Keeper; Ilmo 81113MO—T110 American reality Vard, Itmo stebail—Tte Pruner •od Eudp.v. Duld But Allen-76e A melte. Fa'm Iwdk, 12me lroveing—MPlll and Frairhces of dames, limo" Yotau—ne Horse, fao Denoet—Too Poultry _Vont nolo - For dale by • JAAIES D LOCKWOOD .107 ' 104 Cootth tec , d.llplLMOltiVl b iLZe t l , r . ! , AOUICDLTUBILL BIEeIigINCY BIEBT.INGI Odle Elisabeth Agridalluialftesiely • ti. will be bald la Me Town hall, In the Borough of I tihrabol, A Lleigtmar Coarayg “: the:4th day . or Jai} w at the heed tO o'dlos Ati =Amber + of th e Society and all - Whets. sish;the lattices of Agendum, at Lean are respeetfally melted to attend, The eon' W. Lessee, of elnsturgh. will be rye s -tent-and 'address t the meeting. • Thereon. Ilarniat Denny Is Ilea slyest : ad to be patent on the venation. 'Seethes Of - Interne tell be ituotheled. John ging, Eel, of Elizabeth :Township, has toads arrangement* to have ode of lltVernsteraghtlent 1 flightily lleassii •pothent; math - athlete re. hi operation, ifs ra is soy grata ready to:nitrt too 'Fourth, •Whoeset wont/ like. te hear a speak or sea a..stgla,.: let him be bete: By • • • ' lelentlinetly4T, Znt/di3 E. SVIAFFER,*ey , - t SQTII.tII. - • - ' • • A.HP. andersigned etionntisiooors, a teed in the Act of the General-Assembly or, the Contmonereelth of Ponttaylvanle, .0a.p.0l hiatott 1111; A.l) 1849.. hereby give notice ,, that they hare rented l a anScient ente. bey of mumble bookefor. sobseription , to the cods Cl the Pinahargh apd,Stenthensille HaU Hold Company, and that th e said book. will be tent open sec to a law to seestre subscriptions' for the Poet Clthe mild nantrLattYt it tho Woman plares,vl= ' At the tacharoto liotet, in: the city of Pittettorehi at the Loose of',Ale.randeteldiCandless, in the valets .of Nobleaumrsq , Allettbetty county ;.. at th 4 house of P. Cteford, in the village of lia ramose'so;4 and at the 'ware of S to it.Llvinglton is the village of Sot ann., Washington tonaoty,• heir lbw hecors of 9a. la to the hour of 3 p.m; loon Monday. Teesday. antlWeenig. alsy, the I rt, ect, and Oil t thyme/ler 1330. pr anal tug teen thawed thug ONO have Imenitabeeritroct. , • - • /MS HAVIriGTON; ; 301tH . J)UNCAN, /r.... .11109. C. litlNTHlc.,i' . 1 JAMES iIIePANEN, • , JAIIIPS WALLACH. ' ' • " -SAMUEL' I.IVINGHTON., _ Valuable . Property; forfar. Salmi 4:REIFIABLY to •the lase aell:atl easement of the -late .W.llllase;Treae, *ceased. Tee .sh. sen r otters for ealson very aecommodatlet terms, either the whole or • pen al the property treks:lves to tho eststo 01 the said - Wm. Tema, eitelto est the meat Wad of eland Ismael,' adjoining 'the Allegteral bridge, consigning al tbrce wory hours% two or Mem many from pleasantly situated aid legmal order, . Abooont et ifololsoftensed 'Morning-the .dove_ add . armee ar etroded s •as. mar met the parctrestre Mao, mammal Mute Me borough of Lawrenceville. Aa the oblecal of,the L eila le Oa reveal the ;Tweed., for the bench et the fiumiy of the'deceseed, des Puts, portlea'ef - Uer pebbled mom eau Ma zeternee,foy TVs toped,' Rewrite a favorable nortmaltylee May onumudiet a cocalettabler Mena on nary L terSts rpm LET—ciaot lie above Moses Millie rented, to good teasel at or cm low rata, 1 or Ember ltifernula i ml7.ll. • 6 . ty; , Jelibbl — ft JONESSAlleallnf REciarvEnst the Anabazgli.raidi7 41 iod Tea Wurbookr— 44 4 1 / la etos ocotillo Foetotto Cloloiroas in de ' do Poweboog Tool in o cz oo ll' r • - ' do - diZtrttteren i .ery a me nd wdl he 14 47d00 be powliasert Ward. range', whoicatto C rmall , ie . w A PiIeCIATIt(ti.CCI - 1./it/AMAMI H 0 U 00 . lo!0fr: fororle or lert. 7 WM A AteCLUBG A. CO I~T L'. eCtcEpkiL—wu our ruzei 701ifbrlstio" 01.; ao Ws No 1 timing ' • 10 bria,No 1 Shvy Arriving abut jar sale by . • - ;WIN wiar •UTATUt.yrue barbel.. store. for eatebi. _:.. 4e19 • , WILLIAM U JOACI.FIL_Luv, 11P - 00 jiMlt 8, 0 111U-101410acon ' tig — oli• r 7 • .m/1 casks Sams; !I deuto Side.: O casks ObooledglS l coots asbomdi brie Lout, half tvls . 4at 311 gecko Fellikerg 7 leek Gsonoll Tovrlro cn I ILLEOLI Amertean ettr, for ts/a by • GIAT6/1 k:CO jets Water and Pronto! . AllrelotPra—'-------Ittaillshf.l:eaal: - , ItiUEL9oo, d ai r c:carpal Want room of . W MoOLINTOCR Jo 3 vr.t.adr ,, stair OA-oliiik Comm: ii fd•CLUaTOCS has, rterilredi lbill .day. at Ilak ,0,ic.0.' Warr-holm, No 73 Fount. la, SW, Cal ,13,,0n0ir Of remain/soma panacoi Rad calm", ~, .hia we IP7Y . , ths 4 131 .4 of Partaastra, 70 Li VILDEKS-10,ads c,,,, i A. 03 • MIA Fin lt O'CONNOR m i xp E e are L scrar adaritir - scada oDi 4.1, a di gm two W " 0 ...,_. /1 " 141* tgit . ; Emmet Ribbons for py e rzi. d... ..=l: =l4 to call and 4:rat mu POPI fiy 4 mac!, KllOl4BO 00 Ma P. ,W. GAT ES' ==l22 On SatisdliTiVarapil Teamed 7 Piter %Raw , . , --- ' fairoritar bY Al IfYYktati Jot 's omm Saiens4ely, who vela man e ed biz zaTtibb.,, • VIE GOLDEN ien3tH J it,i Jena) Twitr..llo, IV Smith g.by Kr.Taita,acconlwiel Airii;-• Paton, . ..apt &odes, °Cam XwPiral4l.gur.l4.l :.t. ILAnastiaber"' . •.. , • autt.ocirigta.l • M P ,E 1 :1 1 4 . 0411T. R - E ts I • EVERY EVMING ?Dl7)3.lNiit 110..WEE)C. The Emplrei; as •Vaeli uosOnstritnetnitt. Petfurop fs, Dellonttin of Etta mhos Otkriceteri 3 Or Danoin , Cll7 coarse:nos, Asa .C. 4•41.31.12 lISSI Ivo-stir to vroduto their woos. • • F r C. 'l a g ° Wd/P91 2 , 4 o niZttly.- - duzs of Aa• ..Has. So coact. • agar tiftAY, sotto. Ffr U WITH - M U SEII. M - . .... kastfue Boom. PHE PUBLIC - ate rasPeetfatl7-infoicaed ibst- the .pinottelor has en-rimed tire 9apnlat.Ul44aliilekt tn,t, Pa - rlahnstanNrlithloptaittqlerceadats—who jive t aeries of .thrit chaste and letztirabie.Vocal and Snatminut.i. tkoctutintectOs, catrOncechoc Ttritsdsy treat, June elk IPSig; and mutant every' electing an tine the Terfarmance to contrannta ej o'e• Mmistialt :16 Walton' and- Lactate- lirecio oiip vs. e cats PITTSUGBII. " . AIIISBUILk LEG/TERI Rai, APOi4.O.OALL:I4.OI74TU Wr' PREP' :11,111,Y, ts,. AM:11.10a to MU imam and Lee nag? Wont, ZS cetao, asserted 4.t.a. Ile mats txtra... . • ''• '. - II FIT Os' 189 Wood. - ; VArth. tplexeld. trtabltstuccura - aost 14r . 114=1.411 is V4Witakl/. ettamted turr.ralabiYaass,,ka,ror.teiscrok eerie xi% - AL.F . iiii.ll44:4Ek' o: b ' eil 'L; biteikelik *Ad wt tale c City for sir reopen,, rott.lell4 .1" - k4 very 'llkuLtNit.e . ‘dwillmg, limit la a floulaklut•vil. YncOol. , --lem Wart the plaithe has r nt ut kb, year: rot further .9i.veohimjuktrest *Priv - sltkalk. Multi - ...titv.. Pa. ..2j! .. tkid:k. . 0R444033V. • lunar, uy• .41,511,1816'. Ur. Et. Itta.lleste—lseat-no-oneour Venaltaanynal thaet • such woodertal, tepee, that I Altar tt vrotth; L' , btio‘oltf , .'ldd.h fen , facia it. -A s pets bboi, Inal a bought nom rite One WM of it. ettalynne the contents to three'of WI ekhletee, the lineptaske lye, tho second 151, and tbe 'nate 70;watincInt *dens dtselostsed by outs eon ttal../11r.11147111110-cdilteiy bony (four ioi. snot. Itly J Anetatey the sass • the contents tnonses nd to three tat Lit chi lanes eiieh btenSlS hoot the fast 72, haw the maned 41 Wal now We toted MY, motto", 146 wont., by the eto tini I gays tsiy vivo hill - tor *ye et a two - tea SP.. , Ans. Which expellant, Otte of *bleb was at les:ono Vent yennlftwo is Tootles red AO best; that. has • rent lasen - bolusht:io thi''seenuaol ybe emtaos)old to far as lhoow La, twieilatted. Yost, zinte , tteny, For rale 'l4 At. E. ,- MELL'EftS,L'7%Void affseieond. dingslats goy:41111Y. . • • •.. ,jela TT I USVDt..II-14C4 • . 1 -10 utinalienninne,„,- 4 - • ;. •irti kin, Sr* gion . ning. • ito Lftga XI. • I dor 4Cti knii Ky.' .13% , IN) Jos cis ni ern iliOnlkrgin tiniyind Tor ray, at thi:Vity laweii toolk.-t pro. 4 itielyottble in snarl ttolietv A t iy . ;PJUIAMOLO V: PAR A*o'4ll 881)11811LIELLIlive eiroihir AXl,l4.l; r of stone anidloorod aro Att)cia.cl. to , llt. rov t ;=.;liar7"4-501,r,w!'".0.,..F41•Are ir- 1 114.1. - J . 10 31LAVOIrrijkfil POTA3R_luou ',dint. rfi r rate bv.7z : - •:" •. • • jell • - • ••• -J S DILIVOATIf I iWM4nnN—w brio Mcld by , , 4:11128NPIELO DRlELlPasonas—too b. :..Ddl,zroattta,a,thcee,, Corn coo. for Wei • WILLIAM /I .101INIMIN J FM ST pill --- l)^fxia~lyd 7'g Mrl7llEl L M IOIXT d yit ,aft; user, CAli'K d. thease. Bora'roilaid, Tint .1111t= 4 .E.-14 Nuts prime, tee),T IM sain -]ADIF DAL.ELL jet.. iVattr Its lANNE.... "itit • • pi Olt MR.-0444U A3l riOri, Aria to. Ca - 67v jel4 . Ald ISS UMZLIA. CT./IDLES-0 ere Rub, • 150r4 Dtp,..44,.10 sak. ty 711S-.IOIA doscsi Au' mote. far ••• --• •• - • Orte•Rieekesd I. May lase hi, pie 3; • 101 l 5!' . '14--I ! 6 "! .'! "". letafr rtin.l.lll7l • Tt.ll-47LalkseaiZre, !al • • ••• "STU/ ItT girl,' pterr , Warta Oa Naira.l4r. sale ty /el • : Try/tiara BILL CllilltESE--IM Lae Vaasa WOO.. tor e 1.7 • 1,14 • • --Irrtresa r 2 RILL. rtu• wu .• " , lake, i 4 OetlC, watt c u l 7 410 " / O W/b7 I BCEIOONMMEE.II , 7 Wiff°o . . . ... w ;m t. ace dm noperv i elen of thrs , Departrhent, P. W. Gatt..." P trent A me Int nadir e answa on n mat, they lumina' been tried Is tweet. th. LarAe: ai -, 5.1., 514 !cud to do cm gAmptand excellent, . A. TAW-OTT, cstl,firitina . ton . .. . 4 Beaten "oi Tenni tem V a ? ..... • .., ...' Waann , ron,9l,4, PAS. c 4,oo cfacYineGliteer Patented 70proreMent lot cot. tine strews on viral tuba IVO alasble one, I have, hy OnnhArtlyul - theildnornAtd fteletetWrt of: We Nat', purchased of the ittornays of the Patentee, Win R. :Semite, and.ParstaLldoeret, lisp , therliahlro mate • and twa said awn crewmen! fat the tr. O. Navy. . ' , t - .IO:3EPH Eldfilti Okki atnoccata. lam • ia Ly , - • Buttelo Work*. B.lJalO l'alegFe Mottle:4m •• Glonaeltsr; ii V. !rood Sayder,extuinkll.l GISMO: .Norg & Denim.%Deliwitur..Piceitz," N. yri &ea; N•sri • ::Deptucut & 03. hionament Wasis,'Llah; Yu; Cam. ktocbetten . , _ • Petra &Warily, do; .• ." '• , , work da, Wait taint I ocuptry.; • - • - , . Neal ir k - Bro, Philachel Jeglkv; Hnexteitnergh,lphir 'w r. '• L il o h wevienl ra n s kNaon. ,L Ner Veit; &ma/Lesh el2p oo•tq hlaneteszer, N ilk •, •• 1400 a Soi.her, itt0r.11113.7,u3n, and mukems•otbari ' - • • • • Np 1 21+.1.1rAes sco'dia. lair 6 de .klo ll pterecee.ri 01403 do, 0 -e, Wig Onc III:0 All otders iuldratied b IL Burton, New Not Ir; 11, - tionotoll Cor Pod.- Oolobio, nod flcorillO toOo.Corroto.tor Theo Oa Tips. with or_roilhoot roaohl000• tor *Writ Aro , . Will nom with prompt •ttenUon.. ' Ci c 4o rh 0 101 , 01100. I ' iO4:114 , 11 . AMUSEMENTS. E A,T - FLE.I. • ' Lama mad . 3. - rORTER. , • - emettee• addenalni , - Drete Circle and ranoteldt.'•—.........sn eentio Seemed and glint . Gallery (kW ealoted ' Dean °Pen al 71t Collin *lli rise at ft