The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 22, 1850, Image 1

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. - W_HIT_E:& CO '
war,)' --- ilium
tiara =4m; vino) rrise . icerr DOOl TO
DOT Pa •P* ---•—•'.------11 7 , 00 par ll
Gpo. u
Weekly,' Jo adranee)— 1,00
Do. le Chiba, at a re d acte d r.;
:.• AGRIED 111.0t1 •
One Pass le, (101 Ines ottNermateUer MID •
Osm Saw ria,eaeb addltiortat Mention. -
ono 1,13
Do. two weeks•-.....• 660
Do. Mote creeks.— 4.00
AN one m0ntb•........•••-••••-•--
Do. nob Ett ,
Do. tear triesdha ..... Ea t
Do.. .
twelve nths.... Maa•
Do. months.- ...--. • 060; ~.
Itbee&ng Card (6 Sam es Sena per antrum 10.1 6 i • '
One Selare, changeable mpleasse (per
eat) exclusive ol the Paperer- For each additional mum Inserted owe.. =PD.
sae tar each additional mama lastmedstater the 'Tar
ty rates, half priee.
Advertimmenta anceeding a _Matte, .. 0, .•1, 0 • 01
Oleo tines, to be charged as • stare an_d • ht. , •
..hablishes. net amendable for MO 6 " *.ti . e .r iitini "
beyend the mown charged tar their Pttb lb ~•••••.....i t t
as candidates AN sDtt,
won as Wier advoraiewoo.. • '
'Advertisements not marked OA 1. COY for BM* •
• log nambeT of lasartions,ll. 6 mini:it'd till k°4l
and primal craw accent • • . • I
yertii admtioefil will be eonfined
m Stab. regebr Wilms, and all other saver.]
•• - -Suntans not pertatalag ter welPau "
'agreed km to be paid extra.
All mllverdseineets Ow charitable molten: Lauer. 1
• =Wok wasdlirsrealdp and other public
amlimel/Dat. be chstged ludipriee,Payable y
•allardage soden to he arged 60 cents. ,
It„.atb neakeestatertedwthhom
panied by nmerat inettatlont or oblutary notices, and
when mo acetaltatoted to be pall
testbiratlmmsers. and ell other. sanding commis
Moaners, at sstalllna tiollEek designed to tall att ea.
tier. m,souroes, C,oloorta; or lAy nubile eater,
udomor,lokonl.Cluirges are made for %Demmer
. Si! notices of private amociations-every , nonce de.
• e ased w eall attention ,e ptivam eeterpn. e.
. and es tatended to promote individual Intarest, can On.
• ty be Inserted wit the anderstanding that the same
• -- tem be paid for. 1f intended to be =Wed la the
1 cal eolamn, the same will be charged at the rani of
eel In. than l 0 ems per Wm. ,
Mahon er rum Nantes to be cloned triple plce,'
Tavern Limas. Pei itioas, M atm&. -
Legal and Medical advent...lmm to charge' at
Bealalstate Agents , - -sod Anetioneerat • advertise-
Mans INA to be clamed man yearly nem, lett to lm
.• slimed diaconal of ttdrty sheet end one third omelet.
Dolt rte amens of biva -
Irrssus ris-wovetv bear POW
One Sonere,three 1n5en100r , ......--.41 .50
Do. each'iddinonal inaerlion.,• 21
arrrzirrtriowcon a warm rum •
• Oae Stowe, (10 lineal one Swertion•-•-- 611 etc.
• Do. oath additle‘ al ttmtnleta..-26
, tt:
• AU tratecnt adverMnemenxa lo be paid in advatme.
W MITE It CO. Oaratia.
• ROIPT NI RIDDLE; JoarrtaL • •
DARR CO C•routolo.
• ' FOSTER ' egontrat,lusten.
-JOS SNOWDEN, - Mercury.
JANIFS W. 111DDLt., Arnett:Mit.
. . - HIRAM RHINE, Eveniag Tribune.
" 110566.1 . 11, Ike t. lent, •
Jon?, A raiusis.os,
A LDERMAN, 'Rift 'Ward, Penn street, between
Ohara and Walmot., All busisees promptly.
Omuted may,
ATrOBICAV ATI:ASV-01kt, on Fourth str..e t
above Wood
• O.IIFIO - 0. TO ‘ TTLIC, • •
A ,
TTORNISt , I LAW, mi Ca=sink= for
, 1411,1411 v ltrthl, 131 1.0 61.,
All el I{lllllll - CMILIIIS SIiMPU)
Bsinl J. P. &trio.
A 11 4 111. N SYS and Counsellors at L.stwpeenti ati
between Sad tattle anti Mann Pitiaboten, Pa.
:jaha a Large .. ........... • • —Wm. 11. • •• •
Linde. fr. rangmb,
.C 3.
A TTIMLNEIri AT LAW, Emma sers, tear Grant.
) , • •
• • SAKES V. Egan. • •
A MAXEY AT LAW—Offiee oit- Pai* met;
, between SuutAGAid and Grua, Pittsb nigh: •
Hetaatairt Pawn.— William Hallowell
Fawcett a, Basswitia.:
JellA TTORNEIB AT LA39-016e. la Webs= MU,
Grum. seer the Court How. . WWI
ENOMH 00, Teede
Jon if. ILAIIKI2I,
TrORNEY aad Caw:LaMar at La*, aad
A Wooer far the 81.4 ot , Persaytraula, at. 744 La s.
Ma., (late of PittabarglC) . -
Iteerraces..Plrtabarge I ilea W. Foram% tramp
= it =hr; ,JWCAnadleu a McClure, Jotum Ft' Parke,
Illssella a &anal*, McCord t liar.: .• antl4.l?
war ILLOILLIT. JOSI. a. Cirli.4l,l
", 1 , 4
AOAPSY, WOODWA ItO tr. CO, Wholesale Gro
ss No 1111 Madre. in. Philadelptita. —ap4
Pittston*lS - Alkali Works.
13ENNETT,Illit&RIT & CO, Manes. loran of Std.
_lllitAldeltleg Poottle% Norfolk:1 on , Enlotrrie
adit nej l i, or No —, Water street, below F e m.
71tr. ,v t.C.4k Krum. Coon. Reiter.
IMON & REITER, Wholeitolo and twat
ro. Corner of Liberty and Bt. Clair louts, Pitt. i
et . , No 110 Second wee*
pliqUllll l l Spriag, Azll4 Husy , sand Iron
• •
CCoach tZIIIA.N-and V io lin & Clty Manufacturers' of
Soria& Hume-red Anten,
.Ittoing and Pknsatt latent, Iron, tee., Warohoyet on
Water and Front street , Pltteanark. • • • - • • •
&too, dealers In Coach Trlm.nan and use
nOMISSION /SEItCHANTS. and Deanne in Pro.
NJ date, No It Marlon weal, T./pathos - h.
—Jens ' WYE, Skintter.
NULTY & CO,Varwerdag "nd Co
C WeA Merebanas, Cana Hmy, Pntabv,l
yeremreani Merchant, No. 41 ' 1 Vater
• • .
gig Henn nr Fleming RAC. Ilesiung
..90TIMISSION MERCHANTS—For th e side of Uo
' inestkißronlay•r.4 Cotton Goodin. atm, deniers in
ldgeis of Tailerii.Triminlngs; No le Mood' at,
doer from Plith,Fitinbu rgli.
Reteurnen-Mbmrs. Km. d.BBI tr..Zei,Gankera;
. GUSH it ea Eel Gelaete
# Wheeee Glees, Ckmessle fled Fos
weeer Dieeents, and dcalen in Prodaesell Pies
burgy Ilietafeuire,lis.37 Wood eVbeenen 41 and
all wee.. .
--X. M• 11l Socond st. ratrinrgh. - • wen ,
10 06MCOC HAN_,Commiszloci sad Yonnonlloo
Atorobant, No. 90 Wood 'treat Piusbottb. 12010
•:. n wow Dew.
ea and Coandssial lambent. rot dni sale of
junAcithi Wookm% Ltherti, ethposits 6th. et. febt7
• ars. agar, taitudata.
• • 6.1.1661602, 1311•023)1120,10,
' t.gecAlgiVlll, URI g •
rla& ettcynillit,lnbaceo Cannathalna Idat ,
am% 41 Nooll,Wslar, kis Nat,
JOargar.4 insomnia is St. Mod.
• - Soma & CPO Chnissismro and Ernst...Du Ws.
. 0,11 , &milers is ,Pittibsisii Slanallmisred &sods
inane** s , an
V ana t t t e-
Dt ~ileda~ Baader vb;
..‘ ,A
141 Pd. &aim ?And and Wrap.
W" tetßeCllFollllllttieet
V2trk i =4,l l ,9lllre,ritienult ,
tel trita ANU* Waggle Draggle. sad den
stay. Paha, iNtrealles. to, No
to woos . 7 .4 eat dear Beate ad Deeded' •:viz .
.AL t„ " . ow. rotef, •• • .1. , 01‘
*lf illereMun; 1 , 4 &ale? tti Preda a end Pltillrtrgh
Illonth-favn. egos wept et. - *PG
114/14. + , 1,1, • los,. OtOM.
TWAT, nTMCItt 8. Co, Menet% GroCeTa. Cept•
INfdes , K•rehWt,tn6 dtalern b PeAseit NO" .
Wavn. 4 , ..1 147 hem amps, Plmblenrh nendi
DIE.VirORTA & CO., Wholonia well, d
. 'Amite for Usk rOledef CO.OlO. V WODd 5 1 11
"--ei M. TOWTMENTbreteetet ono Apetheebre
, . - Iffeekbetereleet.lluse deem above Third st Peel
ertli Were eenebente ea bud a wall selected es.'
of de . safteseesbltadleinas, ',Web be
;, 1•1/1 AO 'dl tie rem reueemble terse& Thy:Wane
aetelsec. ebb*. bill be. peelately beenda te, ace rep
ined witb 'seen they neLy rely ram es milk*
joA ei• r
sy neleteles 1 . 10 , 00,0101•1 1 be lemetele ed.
beelbie the bat =Weigh at any Nal. of
. C Abe lair silo. a lazgr:li Of tnish . arai Pod Pill*
• (stn a arlsti t :bto,) • •
ilea and , Yorwardln• btereltan wad wbolesiLle
dealetla Wtstetn &nerve awe" am. rot a. ,
lea Arty sad Wale,. Praises felmally. WWI
,l!trutt, hetween /Waded sad Wood, ritubargli. ,
- 10141170 . N sTkomort, rtoolvelers, raver.,
altintfittilft PI, N 0.44 Mazur lomat,
VjahrietYß Richard Flold.
- S&L ktolritiThaßtala Orecara t Ccrthlaal!
..... ,=lsaildlap t (mad_ oa •
'w ~~.
40111NWATTi (gmOffe - soor to Elvalt it 74150,r ,
IN/ Grow lus4 Gostaisston llotehnot
logo, 1 249450100til Rittsbarea Mitolifretares, Cm ,
Sor of Utertr awl Rood conto, Pittsburgh Po.
-I,,Lkattv,ytkirottorditraske do A
— p mitt iliWiljg 411:11404 Jaisi
v5, , t4P ,.1,7,- 1--7 , 0 ,,- itt;-•-- - , ,, K..,,-- --,--,,, -.,-,- - . . . .. , -,- • ..
•___,,,:,-...._,:,..,...,..-,.-_::....- :::,:•.:...A_L.l - ....::....:-:•....L. ''''*''''''' -4 ''''''''.. '-' '''''' ' ' ''''' ' -.''-".
''''.: ''' . •„--..----- - •-. 4 .- - , ..-- - - :----,-- ' - •••=------..---- -,-- ,-,--.-:, ,-...-,..,- .
, --1- ,. . . 4 - -, : : :: ,- "• - --- l' i. •-•::-':'''". -"":":":"----"' -"^"--- : ' : ' .4--.'' ''' ' : "'' L "'" - ^' .- ' ; -L: ''''''..4lll-'.l ''''''l7l'.''l'''
:, . • • ...._. , - . . ~ .., .. • . .
- • ',, .• . .
. . i • ,
. / .. . - . • ' I i / e
. ,
- . .
„ • .
, •
•, I i .
, .
... , I
. ,
. ,
.. , .,
Til .•
'NS , . . -
' ' ' VOL ' X
I fitrrestiFOri..t. tin.-_s."..
Lewis Ilvieblaaa 't fa , andsidoa Trrrcharaa
tad Mama o r n o 13%. Lenin Hamm tiaaaz, Elaanary
via aa 'grater and MI r(ol3lscrezts.Pisublarell.
Ort. .
KgaoK,. iiirbeenle and Retail dank ,
S to Music .0E10.04 Insttanw4.l, School Boor.
Slates, It Pte, POntaot Card., .0
ygen Milo. 81 Food od—,Ploaborolt.
rr " w
=37Co Ptian
,2ly t arles W iabuaß,
407.,pt o Cando., It aatangtonFayeto
and Cheatiotalh
BIuMxR o'.lll‘ CO., •
Meth attothals, nttabatolt.
O'T Masan. , • ottl3dlo
00 RINKER & CO, Wholesale Limp..
N. 04 Wood street Pinslntrob.
N rw •r ma .n. :romomon et.
",lMuzi:darP4sab,l3:oth maNst.
IT6NNEEtW bHM OS Jef CO., Motearoctrs of
very .40441 . 401. Exedras, , Cnrpet Chain. MllOll
.44444144 Ratting— . - . • • j4.74.4T•
• VessOrlas hoe Works. "
T ERIS. DALEELL fr. co tiwoo , a.Clllller• of
LA sizes Hu, Rice; Boils? If= and N of the I , es
'qlenty. Warhorse, 6t Water and 103 Front street
Win. Vbilid. C. W. Hickman ?aghast.
IkfiILLSR. RICKETSON. Waolegolle Grocers, artal
M. Importers ot Brandin. Wines and B gara,• Noa
172. and corner of Liberty and Irwin wenn, Pata•
P. iron, Nails, Conon Yams, k. an. non•
Manly on hand.: .
John AVOW. • Jame. D. Al'6 Walter C. Roc,
M.:GILL:SIA ROE, Wades. le Grocers and Commie-
OA elect alercbeAte, No W 4 Liberty St, Pittebn rah I
apt •
Prrravu snEt, WORKS ArIb — BIRTRO'
awl reale,. Korn r.
JONES Ai 141p1110, •.
INANtrFACTURERs of von?: and blister steel,'
ULL plough sled, noel plough arms, coach end clip
learemerred hock utter and dealer In
teab c gs,Aht anti= lamps. and conch triceeklepe
KeelpilY,corner 'rah= east Front. au., Pit t 9 21 . 02 1,
NHOLM MI &BON, No 65 Market at. scrawl disci
. from corner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign and
Domenic Rills of Exebonge, - Cortifieams of DePrimil
Dank Notes end Speol,.
Wy•Coleletionn. made on all the prinalpal eine*
brounttuut the United States.' ad_
Nlstlekmeti'Ma, Airmeart—tAte, Fourth ar.l . -
.1.51 third door above flattufieid, south side.
Cn .,
nveyezeing .of all kinds done with use greater;
ore and legal anaukcy. • , •
Tit es to Rea. Wald examined. fro. oet.,wiy •
— =ll6firibialdifiVilid.LS Os Co, •
NO.sl7Marketatreet,Fittsbolgb,Ya,teep constant
ly an hand, an meta to order ail kinds of Vials,.
Bottles, • e. Potter and tanoral,Watu Stubs of ea
parlor gaoler.
- Particular retention paid te Private Moulds. •
- Lithoi t r i a v phte stalollelunessc.
43'PrAtEr r ,TICtgurar g Atr—itirh!.1,f; ge P rers, lt ' e gtl * .
hmds t Shushins,Latrels, Arthi a tgentral and use/dee.
Drangs, Dulness wad Ving Cards, &te n et= Ted
or drum
on stoney and minted in colors, field, 4. 45
ot Meth, In the post ayproeed style, mud u the most
ressonsitla emu •,
On= AsoraWx.l3.llaxst trAlsa.,
api7 No. LI WRler:imet.
~19.11 . 41 k 0 L IRV T 11. 11 IT la,
urAvE fn store, and will be comantly receiving
ILI deriog the sesson,a last, and well se4eetell as
sortment of Staple sad Fancy VW (pools, yokel they
'wilt sell for (ub or-approved Matt. •
Western AWOL:4s are ensued b exissites otis
ROBIN ON, LITTLE & CO: o teit..i6orty street
Plusbarth molessle •Ctrocers,. - Produe. oat
Con,lnloa Aleremos, and dealers In .Pluabor.h
Mao arae arm • . • op t 7
son. OnSoO. 111D)1 , 1.1711 3 . WM'S. lotrneso I.
DOIIERT MOORS.'. ho:esea Grocer, Root tying
dealer in Prodnee,.Piaabo oh Diana& c•
tares, .13 • all•kiala of Fere3ga'and Domeatio Wlma
and I.;:qaors, No. 11 Liberty gnat. t'n hand army
large gook of woorior-old aloncogalva irstakev,
ortneh 0n , 41 tolrfor • 1.2,..1 , • myl
Fortntriirm end Commie
11.emn 31e re etas, fo, me A lytee ay Meta Tre4e,,
,ealete W Gropeties,, Predate rtusburgti, Menefee
mite., and ClOstide of lame..
The hlghe.t .Edeei satb, - path tit all times for
ap: • Penn era ireltat times)
911ER1:1T . PALZELL a Co, WboLnale titocese.
CAnatlittion.hterebsats, dealer. in Produce and
Picsbaree.gantipteatree, Liberty strut., Pltretrat.,
OBCRT DONNING II AM, Wholesale Groner,
Ll• Dealer harm:late Pstlabarigh Maim tamers.
No. 1.14 Lfberr street: apl9
S! r iie:i lL Wa fi rct dC ' n"N flo C r O cio Tfltm .ll . 474714
Ala—Siadneo, We.. An
vas, &e: Toe' , tho att-ndoi of mere/mop and
' • • - oartoali.4 2- . lL ' h ,; C itat% " . 4 4 - 4,,t —,
QIIACELETT WHITE. Wholciale 'De •k rs In
1.7 Foreign and,D peolo Dry Hoods, No. 99 Wood
11,1101All()11, Wool Iderellanurntieilera
1.3 to Floor and Produce generally, and, Pam. ding
and : ! ornanssiOn• Merebanza, ta 33 Water urr•er.
erresamens. eon olcoLig, - surniin.
FLL6IS NICuL. 4 , Prod. < and General C,ni
0 ssim% Men-halm No Liberty •trect.
buret. pa Spnnn,Lins.c. , nna Lard Oa.. spl7
Sc t..CZ,...r o4 ner i r m l ri4Gorioz
cooLForwnd,n and
Dealers In Ftltabargf Mona nottlft. sad We.t,ef:
Pe+doet, halm roamed to title flew IC•reb wee, told
mind.) No: IS, comer of Feint street and Chsveery
Lane • - •pl 7.
111011.41 - 8 & lIAWOUTLI
Rut rids Diamond, Pitubur, , b. .1,13
'l.B.Waterocan,it N Waterocan••W L. Watc=ia'
W ,
not,Esets IL
GROCE3, Commitaion and For
warding Merchants dealers In all anchor Pro.
dace tPittsbargh Manufactured *minter; an+ Agent.
faralb, of Edmond and Lynchburg Manufacocted
.Tobasco. , rut
Buda, Pa
TVritL slto attend to collections and all other bid.
tas entroautd !obi= in Hadar and Allosatdog
anodes, Ps.. Refer in • ,
Floyd, Liberty ,
W. W. Wy.tlau, do
• • 'Luxe* Marsh.TlL do Ptclbargh.
dty Nay Co., Wood .1. )
& B. BurIfirld•••—••--• Gauge Richard.
S. H. avartristm " co.,
W/101..E&A.LR .4 Retail Dealers in Oro:mtt
and Dry Goods, and Commission Iderrhants,
N0.R 20 'A.M . . Nuthatch. mrl2
.70111't EtePADEN & CO..
Canal Dula, Vern meet, Pittenurh. min
---- 4AINSGB RI. DAVIS - ,li, CO., •
ltia 5/7 Marko[,- aad 64 Coomeree et., Philadelphia.
Advances made. hj either of the above, oa eonien•
seats of Pr:miller , to either Hosea re rO
— 36llciriVAlGL — ciWiga s sort,
• I . =YAMMIMI, Pe.,
IatTGIULD reipeetfally Wien the consignment of
TT. llarrisbargh freight, from Western Merchants,
,ns they are prepared to tee th e en) amount Lane
'and Section Botts running night .d day, the freight
wilt not be detained, as they will mind such Wlau at
flurtsbergh,Feb.4 o ,lM. . ,
J.D. WWI.= ... ...... • -- John
• J. D. wizza aims & Co.,
.g g • Forwarding and Ptimmisoton Iderebants, any
&A/eft CO. try Pfhance and s treet s, hMalts tures, comer of 'Wood and Fifth Pittsburgh.
wujiaros--.---•••• B. McVay.
Nook Eau corner el Wood midied sums,.
jug • oreass. A.
1.1.11111.[T, • SOUP • CoolibiOnt,
W. N. wroormraze,_ Asl,ll
M. EIMiA .EV & CO, Wholesale 61000”, IR
VW • and 4d Wood Wee Flustravigh 007
(nte'eliZY;fl:l - 17D.
I %Weal Whales.le Gr.mers, Forwarding and
, Artentlaslonlder antg dealer. to Too, 01,V11,1..1a1r,
CoPoi Yam: end P.tnnnttb Pdanofaeter , s genetal
ty,earoar of Wood and Water streets, r• ttorah. a
vrt — r. er." - M N.Jesinle rore'
0 0 • Reettfrir l g blantcHELTitE, k
is, .n 4 W o re Land O Dquor t. •
Idere-...nts-Also—lntporters of Pole Ash sad Bleach.
Irg Powder; No. 100 Liberty attest, (opposite Bistli
steel Pitt,barsb. • apl7
IYri ''''''''''''
e oontt street. Pluebtrea, P. N. O.—Watches and
,Chats cartklly repays. attl7
_...._ .
* ___
• , wig roe, ,OCIII E. %'M".
Ir. YeflING & Co., Dealers In Leather, 1114 es,
• -a., ILI Liberty street.' , jirS.ty
arii..xtiica.ver lollet. liTtlielll1.1".
trr./4 EL SIeCITrCEILPN, Wholes•Je Grocers,
VT ,i:chsateia In Prodoce, Iron, Nails, Glos., and
AttibittegMeadierstra qeocrilly, !Abell', greet.—
Titubrirglt. - ' . • . ,__. Pulp -
clV l6l VgOo A rnll. l i . o " rtitct ß AT,Merii r t;
&unto gnaw uld .I•l4lnaCire% cor•
twat Woodland FARb art-eu, Viusburga.
lotiobsol3,P.areA MOM.. •
- CaIMERAL cpannsstorr
IrPLAtigal advances made on outpour/M.
WILS'IN. Fantail and Minicar.
atnral.gak4itocaa ca . ; nigthrzto,Odleamtixtrd
3:17.7, ea, DOOOODO On are Matt.
M 0.31 01445VW St, 1.4 Orleans, keep c01....t1y no
h••4lalarkeassorua.nt of' Brandies of
Inatund. wbieb they offer for sale a.
'Durand & Co, Bordeanzorm MaalOrlt
, tn
•.••••C•,L•rookalled Jl.Juittsg.liCotase, A derld
-3.,L,1330r111e, A de Mondore, can
.04 • AttebarGla, Bordelam iteAlantl.White Wines
ola eakkiralidine...deated wN estOOY lobo Donald
is Co; bedde• Cluunnao Wino and Sweet Clamantly
• 111.1110 VAL. - ."
£ CO. btlb retooled nHi
.244 TMiO , lFiM iF °ll4 '?" 1 1!: 9 " rt ."? "1'. . 11174
:44 t
IHAVE taken WM, CAGE tato Pereonmtnnaritk
moth toy batinees, which will from this dale be
carried on under the name of oi et. Parker A 0.0.”
Job," —*Mem Carr.
TV2u4srlio Grocers. Dealers in Prod=a, Fortngn
le s; 014 libiaorteakria
and BectiAilFV
N 0.6, Commercial flow, Liberty street,
rar3o P
stannsun Po.LXU. manes num. NM. I. floe
Ugaecemont to Hussey. Hanna & Co.)
io Foreign and Domestic Fzchange Certificate.
of Deposit., flank Notes, and Glmnin2-North
toner of Wood and Third streets ..cdorrent money
TeCtiVE4 011. depOthe.--Sight Cheeks for isle, sod
collections made on nearly all the FrinniDni WWI
the United SUMS. •
The highest presainmpald for Foreign and Amorktio
Advance* made on consignments of Produce, ship.
ped Fay. M !Omni teams.
woo. 4 tecurtol NW. a. gout
/702311 Libeyrfarces, aforrliroad,
Hays alwart on band a lance asansuacot of Choiea
Uroceries• and Fine Teas: also, - Foreign Frain, and
Nuts; Wholesale and Rata. Ocala's sopplled on the
lowest tents =el"
WICIITMAN—Mens ['Lettuce °fall kinds or cot
CAa to and woorien mathinery. Allegheny city, Pa
The above works being now in till sad sneceseel op
eration, I am massed to exams altars eritil dis stet
for all glade of machinery xylem, as willow.,
pletc rs, spreaders, cards, grinding casslines, railways,
'drawing (mod, speeders, thressils, looms, woolen
cards, doable or single,for 11K:rebutter connUT wort,
males, leeks, de.; slide end Rand lathes...ld tools in gen.
eral. All kind. of &belting made is order, or plant gir.•
en bar gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge.
litsysatatk—Kennedy, Child. & Co, IllsekstecAS
& Co, King, Pennock de Co., Jas. A. Gray. •
gllrsolmictiam,[wome PlttsburßhA
Offtee, Ifo.l37Wain . m! &arms Arsarbt an
Trood, Pitechgrgh.
4 WILL constantly k tcp on turd a good amurrb
went of Wars; of oar own 11111..1.10.tei 1111 d
'NI. *ninthly Wholesale and country Met.
chants are respectfully invited to call and ex.
tonne for themselses, as we are determined to sell
cheaper than honer before been °fondle the pub
Irrerde re by mall; accompanied by the rub or
cod reference. will be promptly ;Wended to. Wit
ILI A. V,, , •tult tr.' CO., ,would rimpectfally. Inform
the public tiltat they hive
erected shop on
larock, between Federal oldßaminsky streets. They
me now making anti are prepared to receive order, far
every dereripuen of ,velueles, Coaches, Chariot's,'
Touches, Doggies, le
e inn which &MOW , '
l :gg r eiVet Thethyel:;T:tigreel're=thry al4
enabled to do weak on the raw reasonable tr.nna with
there wanting.artieles in their tine: .
Paying partmalar attention to the selecnon of mate ,
riots, end basin; none him /competent workmen, they
have no hmitanos ist warranung their work, We
therefore ask the attention of the public to this matter.
N. B. Repairing done in the best manner, turd on the
room reasonable let
rssoNTINUE to cataufaerare all kirvis of COPPER,
T Alas, Black
s:mat Work.
Steam Boats built to order. .
Special ameni.on pavan to stem boat work.
Have on boots Is Eno assortment of Copper and Bross
Rout., Tin Wore, dm. tce. Steamboat Cookung Bursas,
Portable Forge,, various sires—a sera oemsonte. .1 V.
nele for steamboats, Cmllforela emigrants, or nil roan
oompanles. . •
e would respectfully' Inalto nem boat men sod
other. to call and see Me articles and prices bean
pa rebaclna el selshere AtIL7
W. & j. °Lump, Book Madam
UT6 are sun eturogenin the above businoss, cornet
of Wood and Ilsrd streets, Pittsburgh. whelp,
we ore reputed to donny work IA OUT line with des..
Web. We Intend to our work persourdly, and sans.
inetion 'Mine given In regard to its neatness cod do.
lloank Books reed to any Danes and bound =b
imodal:T. Bookain numbers or old hooks bormd oars.
folly or repaired. Names put ou books In gilt tenors
Those Mat have week in our 'Meade Invited to ealr
Prior.s low. orylnktf
Phi . 111notilso Works sad Foloadzy.
WIN WRIGHT Co., ate prepared to build Conon
1:1 end
Woolen Machinery eleven neserlptien, sorb
Carding Machines, Splitting Pm=es, Speeders •
-hawing Frames, Railway limos, M atlinrs,
Craning Flames, LOOM, Card Ofinnen, &o. Wrought
Iron Shafting tamed; all sires of Cist Iron, Penns and
Hangers ores, latest patients, elide and 'hand Lathes,
and non of all kinds. Castings of every description
.furnished on abort notice. Patterns made so order for
Mill °name:, Iron fte. Snare Si pa for hem,
ing Fatten., Cast Iron Window Saah and fancy Can.
goiz,..Orders left at:the Warehouse of J. Warner, /obit Irwin ! ti`
13. 1.11. Warner Steubenvilk.
THE mtbscriber edam for vale a large and splendid .
owortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac.
nos Plano., with and veltbmit Coltman , . celebrated
Annan Anaehmeet. The Maws Instruments mews,.
mated te be equal to any anumfactured In titis croon.
try, and will be acid lower that any brought •from the
Emu. F. PLUNK No 111 annal it,
2.1 door above 211
N. E.—City Setip will toe taken at par for a few or
na above aaaorune;t my a F. li
V Iffifi ' l! ' : e n' Tf . , " 0171 1 1 1 1gre; .
• ra i l n e t' ia ' se L4 nte f o r the ' a ta l l ' e g rft7e n a ninr7;
Potent Dittorabgm Filter, for the ell
' ties of rittahargh and Allegheny.
/01IN GIBSON, Agent,
for Walter Id GI been, 311 Broadway.
Oct. 01,1E4.-
We have veto tieing arm of the stave articles at the
intact, oldie Novelty Werke for three months, on trial,
! and feel perfectly Itaus.Sed that it is a useful 10VtaiMk,
' and we take pleasure in recommending them as • nee
Go artiele,to all who love pare Water. Orders will be
tl.enkfelly received antiprornpily executed.
Staitleallelelk Works ler Sale.
flEgabscriber odors for sale, 'the ST IM
7 m WORKS, thesis Lawrenceville,. comprising a
an Engine; 9 Bonen, Ofdocld-Machlne, capable of
manafamiann 90,000 Pressed Bricks (ant of dry clay,
es taken from the bank ' ) per day; with three acres et
land cadre Allegheny r i ver, ' on which are 4 011 as and
sheds, machine and clay sheds . , whalbtrrovra,unsks,
shovels, apadcs, tn., every thing mordsite to tom
manes aperMleas at an boon make. Prier, including
the patent We to ase said machine, 57,00n —lemas cl
payment mane easy. Without the load, WU/ Pot
panienlara, addmas HENRY raEnarrr,
snalfy-dif : No 119 Monongahela MOVSO.
arught and Cut Iron
111EIR eabearttent beg busy° to inform the rattle that
I they have .obtained from the East both e late md
fashionable designs for Iron Railing, for heasei
and ttll`o,lGllo4. Persons
to procure hand.
some pausres sill plume and exanune, and Judge
Lot thentaelwat. " Railing will be famished at the short
est notioe, and In the best Conner, at the corner et
Craig wt Rebecca streets, Allegheny city
unclnauf A. LisidllbM R7IOX.
No. 9 STATE , 1511tEET. BOSTON,
Agene.for Closes and Recoscry of Praperty en
HAVING spent nese. a year 'in 'the 'miens Be.
cord Offices, Nadental Library, die, doting hies
late suit to England, Insert:gating claims for persona
(titbit! ...try, and haring secured efficient and re
aporimble Agents In London and tilisuchester, he is
prepared to afford all necessary information and ad
vice to persons who seek to recover their property In
that country; •
J. L. keeps &list of the Book of Eniaand Dividend
Book., winch may be exam:tined for CO cents, or 25 for
each letter of the .d.lphahet.
Raferen“s in Boston:
C. O. P. ADAMS, Notary Public;
J11.51E3 WELD,Et ir
' NENE'? X. MAY, 7
rar29-3m JOilit W.-AMGEN
iftlSseeessers to &Tont k Mug) f"
m o
Com Ward and :F itt tome,.
PART/Man nuention 3/. 1 4 to in. Reudi moo.
J— Gentlemen can rely span paling their IL tra and
Caps from on establishment of the stir and
womearecomr, of the Lain mum, arsi at the Leman
Country Mishima, parehlabur by mhufeaCe,'
respectfully homed to sail sad examine our Bosch ;
we Can zaJZIJ confutome that regards ems, cue
a c te . nr il lt u.imp lugaffer be a =pulse
EIEGS tom to Minna his friends end CIISMIIICTII that
0 he IsJast receiving his now spring stock °Moods,
comprising, as usual, ail the newest mei most Whim,
able sty les of Cloths, comb:octet, fancy Vesungs, cot,
ton mid hues summer suite, and every article Amiable
ror nilentetes weer for spring sad summer. It being
nopoesiblet to describe the besargiolialiry. or quantity
of the stock, the proprietor hopes all who are in want
or good, cheap, Mehionable, end mroll =ado . clothes,
will sine Inca a call, es them le no swot this side o f
the allrghcoles that con compare with it.
The ready made department Is nay extendve, adap
ted to all tastes
Rai roal contractor., penal merehanni, end al
who purchase lO OIJ, rim p0. , 0 :clad) Invited to ex
amine the Hoek before preemie", ne pan/calm at
tention is paid to the wholesulo business in Mit eatab
Every; article, in the tailoring line made murder id
the meat fashionable and best martin as the altortem,
reitr:paittierablis beretedote exiitlile.bader,the Ana
ef A 4. 0 URAUL.Eti,bidlasitlyett by the Decease
of Mr. °Bradley— '(be hesibess:pill 'se carrbsd on by..
A-.Ltrstd.ley, sehss.riq Bettlqsbeilattin oflb late
•-__REMOV-o.l.—kbasasss: waved. IllaTeabdry
JWerehoose from No lit Seectortireet.twNo Wood
treet, between Fleet and Second streets, to the ware.
Meese latch occupied by.G Kiterry, bo toll,
Iteep ea on head a genatal aanortakeig or Nat
inga,Cintioo, gioact, Cooking gtoveN e.
L,,.117 21 L 4-
'..nkIHE attention alba public resrmermiy as dad ta
following cortllicatemm
I id. ft 'Camas—Haying tamed a_gnandny t ( t old
weighed by you . nreconmen the new an ifilVel
,loot Ipstrpocant einreen and recommend rho at t Of. it
to thou Ruing to California, tithe bast crsolmilbt Ob
taining the real vanteof Gedd: - flostcywars, •
• ' '
T. 11. DCNLEVb B 4 CIF. -
Plasthugh, Minh 0,1649.
Pramorseg, 141.rett 7,1840.
MR Emerxe—Deas Rim Havingmain cel lite "Atm .
met toonnfor.turnd year Moms, I 422 nog baretovt
m commend it to 426 movf_tlyto gEntie Men grin;re
about removing to VoMforMilo marebof DAL ,
• It Elves oknoorgirsztantian to Me opeoble el
ty metals, and 101 l eortelobi ambit tlivadverommit
to assenejg whim We plum Ig fle es Gold. I
Trenton Mutual Life Intranet COlip3Bl.
arm ar map= arrocia 2i Psi cad;
CapllBl, 8150.000.
ZAAIES .DUENO Co;' Agents at Pinsbargbi PA'
. . . . . .
, tamp ortournon, ST - T1M105,..... , IT..T• L '
.Timet t r ipr,3l•.-. • • I • Joseph C. Pons Pren't
130.3tudit Fhb. • ' , G. A Pardlehrly V. P. '
John A. Wenrl, ' •.' VII !Sonia, Seennsti .
Jolliet:kith l'un,Trquarer. , , ', .
a. JamesCaorip?ap:
David U. White.
Alerander Cuowlist..
W. P. White, P. N.
7 8W Tollt.
Cor.prolMratNew Tort.
Georre Wood.
Jehs P. Mutts.
David Dadlay
Joseph Heal.
GOT. fluter. Fo•Ctom Vivian. •
ItYten,l l . 13. ben. Nato Wildrick, ,
111,F2. U. S. Hon. Wm. A. Newell, M. C.
hL Dickerson .., Ron El. •
A. Sidsay Doane, M. A I W. W. Gerhord, wc. D.
t 1 Warren st., - N. Y. N/L Wenntah.
Wm. hit .Uorgan.lid. D., H. R. Bell, M. D., -•
000 1 1 0 McCook M. Allegheny oily, Pm,
Pittsburgh'. Pa 1
'rte Age. *sof this Confront, Pittiburgh, att , '
thorited to tote every Ant class rick on Life et se
manacnon or averrn.rtro mot corr. hors the tonal
rates of premium, u charged by other Compaarsi. •
A . 1 . 33 Yew , Of us. taking n Polley of 1111Ora0io
for Om Thousand Dolton.
a s for ono Year, MI b e efy 1990 . . •
do severs "litri 2o '
-• do lifetime,";" 44 11117,130 ; • " '
And In the same mimottlan lot any somf tip to
Pante, velmth is the extent taken on any owe LIM:
This Company commenced operations on the Int
ckuba,lo4s, nod its monthly bestows op to the.let
October, ISO, chows a progress gleams then of
any other Lafe Company on rented:
The lint dividend of profits w,ll be doctored mike
inure en the Ist Jate*Weililii. •
Pamphlets contelohn the cubic tablas of rates,
and all the necessary Information on the Important
subject of Life Asseranec,, , sill be tandem& on apply
amino) JAMES BURRO ft CO., Agent*,
Odeon Stuldings.
pine 1311111:TILAS OM.
aiIIANCE COMPANY VIII issue Pollster of
nee aoind Len-or Roues wy Pam involt
Dwellings and Furnito7r, Stores, Goode, tee on •
tnelle alba io JAMM DU ENO & CO., Age' Id,
de 17 Odeon B Wings.
IRANCE COMPANY.-office North Coonto,f the.
Erchan,„-e, Third street Philadelphia. •
Ems tesuuttea—tlaildings, Merchandise and other
property, to Town and Country, insured against
or omaaSe by en, at the lowest root of premium._ an
instrastrai,-They Vessel*.
sore and Freights, Medan or reas alsoinsure twiao.andcropen 01
speclal policies, ts the assured may desire;
larAwn TasalroarAemn.-.They stlso tomer mem.
Wise trammed by Wagons, Rail Road Cars, Canal
Roots and Steam Bolds,Sor :veers and lakas, on the
mart liberal tetras.
DIRECTORS—Joseph IL, Beil,.Edolund A. Sootier,
John C Darts, Robert Barton, John R Penrose, Sense
d Edwanls, Geo G Leiper, Edward Darlingfon.
It Davis, Wm Falwell, John Nowlin. Dr It bi Ilostoni
Jos C Hand, Tb.eophilas Paulding G Jones Brooms,
Hone, Sloan, Gogh Craig, George Sertlll,4lpencer
Hollerith, Charles Rely, JO JOI.ItON Wm Hay, Ds
S llonta.s, John 84,1424 Wm Eyre, Jr.
Hush Otsls, j"D WIVikribIARTIN, President .
Remain S.Newsot.n, &tel. 4
trr MCI of the COmpsay, No. 41 Maar 05%4
111ir.2 . 34 P. A. MADEIRA...AV
Ltd and Stealth lassuramoo
r yes Morita life and Reath Insaranee Company
of Philadelphia, Intorporared by the Legialarare ,
of Pennsylvania, himeh r ISO. Chute? permute!:
Carded, st cepa Rau warn =awn Pusan. •
vsms Corwin% and fall 20 per tent lowerstisa the
anal rates of Life Insurance as the following cam
puison will strew Tins, a prison of the age ern la
wring for 1l for life, mast pay in the Girard le r lla-.
Pennsylvania:o3 l ; Pena Illareal, 111.36; &lamina,
VADI; New Engirmd,RANk New York Liferß 2 , 3 4
blob, INAN Lire ...I iiihis t rhiwelphiNB l4l .:
Draccrom—Samael D Orrick, Chules D. Halt, W.
F. Boone, Reben P. King, Chains P. Dales, N. W.
Baldwin, M. hi. Reeve, M. U. Chu. 0. II Campbell,
Lewis Ceoper r l. Bodin. fluke), E. U. Dealer, Edwia
R. Cope. President—Sionnel D. Orrick; Wee ?ma
dam—Rat. P. bang; Seeretary-rancis Illatkbarne.
&yolk Wont will be reeeived.wd every Information
Dace, thammeroi d
al Rooms. mouse of
oetir7"lll Wood on Third sts, Plmb.Tb •
911tH INSURANCE CO:' of North America WM
1, make powwow% sod limited Insane. on
POnYin this elm and vlcinfty and rn shipments by
anal, Rams, Lakes, and by coS The propettles al
this Company are well invested, and famish an avail
able food for the ample i Wemoity of all Penman, who
desire to be proterved by insurance. •
ells WM. P. JONEB,a ot,OWater tt
EIL&L TEI INSURANGE. at ettesbarge.
The Spring Garden Smith Insurance Co., •
OF pou.ADELparA.--aprret. $lOO,OOO.
NSURES Dlnles and Females ageidal the hirpenee
The method of ereeting LL Insuronec.. sod the
moaner of nerasdlng the sink allowance, will be NOT
explalned by She AVM.
A person can tame against Sickness or Accident
whirl will detain hiss from his ordinary basipals, at
follows, rim . _
For onc yesc,lty paldr.sl4l,Mi, and received:lP witch. -
For two " • APO, • • 4 •
Po, three • • 50 15 , • • 5 •
For four • • 10,0, • • IS u
Or for period of font years, the ram of 114,40 paid
wnindly, will wecre SO per week While Wet.
Every ore wary inforiastion will be afforded on the
isbject of Insurance 'enmity, by
Odeon Diuldissis.
pyre and Ravine 'anemone.,
TIfE OFFICV. el ,the Ineoratthe Compaq of Nonh
ate.Tirll., hes been removed to. No:l4Front et
eat of Wood.
The sobi4Tiber, agent for T)ei above &dad rmthon•
able Comptoy, wLlthins ?oilmen on ilaldnure and
their enntente, ad on thipmente of filereltandloo by
Steamßoats taut other vessels.
so 3 W. P. JONES.
The PaltszylwasunCompany
fr 1, 41 7 Ant Lai. Ir.socance CcsuPhal , to the U.Stalcs.
Incorporated March 10 . ,1912—ehai [or, penetaal.
t. Col 15300,001—allpald in.. ~
Haying authorwed the ondoraignod to teictoo intl.
Astons /or Insurance, ou which policios will be issued,
goooodio, to choir proposals and rues, which will be
merle kIIOIOO In applicants at his ogee., No. In Wood
street. coil • 61.11-CCiCHILAN.
rgillE Second Session of this' Inerltadan, under the
care of Mx. and him Oman, for the present
academic yes., commence on this day, Monday,
Februery 1.91 h, in the came buildings,No. an Liberty
Arrangements have been made by welch they will
be eble to furnish young ladles factlities equal at arty
in thwWest. for chummy:a th orough 641181, (31.11 i •
Ornanteital edacatiOn. A full course or Phi
frophke Lad el.mmeel Leettres will be delivered
daring the winter, illtimetted by apparatna: The de
' erunemnrot Vocal and •Insurtmental Mule 'blade , .
Drawing and Painting, willeach , be tinder
the care cia
competent Professor. Dr e1...1t...n0.
to the moral and lotelleetual improiement of their p..-
gate, P .Ze i nrolhol;° "44'."=.1."g;
terms, sea </Settler of applyto the Principals.
feble-au • •
HE RS E i y izv tli
Mod . do do
Yellow do do
Worm do - ; do
lOook Sadoeus.
Stool mixed do
Moo.' do
It. ewe,
Bleb DnDa;
' Ohre Deming
Fancy CottOnules; a 6 ern.
ottered ar Factory price.'
Homo LeagatiElbinlpt.
Check. and Stripes, var 7
ho, Va crrrl t Geteda. r
Bed Padding, mirror do;
Vert Padding, Buckram,
TalloraVaLvara,hcaTy no;
firovni Linens, bilimhs
Drab Berge, black •0: •
and nomad; • •
Blunt. and Whim Tape;
Enact Twist, Drab d •
Linen Checks and Drillg ,
Batirl's cord Sol Canon;
do 'Linen Tbnsad, •
or snide,
Bilk Skold Venings;
Black eadri •do
Drab do
Black Cassimero.
Pansy do
Fancy Tweeds.
Taper Black Brood Col
Super Brown do
Boyer Green do
Soper Twilled do
Buyer Black Dos Skins
Eloper Drab Caen:ogre.
Super Brom do
Cantonal& Blankets.
Scarlet do
eke do
Drab do
Groin ll n agging.
At the blanutastrireire
Firoori Holland Sal Mks
/lotions, Cravat", fte:,
&rehouse, No L. 17 Wood •
Mull co-partners* berelafore =lanes between the l
subscribers,ldeates of Constable, Berke &
CAI, is Ws day dbumlead by mama! consent. Mewl.
IParke d Barnes will mulattos bealnexa of the COUCGTO,
In which purpose aerate autherreed to use me name
trr the canner=
The,aridersigned have pita day.learielated th emselves:
In th e ninth of BURKE . / BARNES. for the Dispose
of inextelaeraring Fire Proof Wel, Vault Doom /0.
tr., at the mend of -he lam firm of Constable, Berke
riCe, where shay wall he pleased to receive the patron•
aro of the ciusomera of that hoot. Ind di& friends.-
. • • I:- Tllottlas BARNES.
A ___•l4 t r .-••
• um, of Constabii, ke.
u. . g. •
1117:74Crig n.
Ittiotirlost fray% the
with *locate !Aeon
Zama to the tOottde
Fe r b ei laf. • ;. • • •
' $ od eneprusoir ..t
deli‘mea 'F.Odte.CI I VCst.i 4 / I° '
fteet.ind O lam iwariati ar seisanab Irtliodoi
oaten ae responded Invites the altaction 'womb
oats and pedlars... to•Eld Woad at. febll
OVAL PAPER— . '•!P.. RI iiiiiiii; liCe •.1 •tly
41---,-§ri=••pratail,tp.riliZllgAliU3AßßAcri ti,
meriaeljthe su Wall And mast Applo a irtria at
P ., !" RAr•fri.r, aaggsA . • cn . wrA A. _Advil
Pnr.t.sA4Testelerbps.- • d ell so i t
tere , tre Youth st and Diamond nila),(sncerc . l 1 4 41 1 .
C.11(111 . -
iire.u.te brlejastreq'd poustoluiet,
WL no&loy,walet 6741 M band of I ( 4 a ip.pauld
al lW
1103, WO -Pee...lWarokanae c orse t if
-,SistbluSt Woodsssects. - N WfCLEXI- HAN.
• •
lin g e l oriirerPateets• Seel& AeILY
A CASIES 4:l' the above eelebrived breed
uteo e dined Imes 'lt, manufacturers; tie
eow , qie . .way from New prie . ftee, end ex. ,
,p ra ecced, uothz. baireAbfo rn. wee .w k s ti u gam e4 74; jum m i
ied Lib" edil be .ola w .!‘.7 actY
MC VCAtitITC "4 D"l..
• ' SPOYNIR,. •
'1 . 7 .4:1.11.3:1144 14;4.
I.:. L
JUNE; 2'
•" • -NEW trrocic ott
°irg - 11,METLOR No. et wow itreet; hhas recalled, and now
open, for esaminadon sod
ant, a Tow cook ofPlat o RPM., from tha oelsOrmod
manufatioryaf (deleting, Easton. /
Toubdro and amateurs am ToPootfollY I, nri , e 4 to
rum,at Cory beautiful 01•1113 P4aaa. muted with
the sauna_ .• . . • myrO.
• • io.
lialrAVlfo been , antlered for some time try - neap of
X.ll. aitsatitevotsbeis v felutleg the sbettbbe 1 ...I
u M
nit, oceppying the swinge to e laid.= or =re
pfefitsoldriiiters, Ike. To prevent seen (lamentable.
trlmata vistors will ba furnished bit • ticket at
entre il nre i ,.for 'teems, whiett will be received In
the saloetrirfor IS cents in ftifteallnerl4l. FOMiIY ilek•
. I • , ce mean will be famished by Me Proprietor..
The' MOW , o will be lamithed with lee ureages,
freite,444ll the &Hellcat. of .he maim.
The gealen .reamer. Hope No P, leaves the 'Plan
loedi.g nth., beginning ef nub bear 01 the day end
"PST . Tnenday . evening. the 2 1 3 M Innlantt 111.
• LU dui hanY of the Canal, In Grattereet, or bemoan
thw gn ' Penn rtrem, .'small Hunting Cased Cold
Waled, lb
th e dial. lad e a than gold chile. The
Pendn ding them will b attitably mmarded on
brlalcing m . Ne 7 Ll' Ittoradden, Matltel ellefSt,
Otte dm Olen of Tad(' te VI% nunr, comet of Penn
and Waren menu. , • • . , MY3O
, 411reenwroo6 Gardens.
X ' now'fit fall operation, andrpapplled orttli ail tlin
dentinal of We reason. irtearusr Hope No P
Mot fa elevator pee kat (enroll,. eity toile Garden—
leaving the foot of Pitt meet at o'aloet In Ile morn.,
lng,awl so the beginaing ofeaob boor, OM lent rapt
--eiendayoexcepied. .No inweleating drinks pt on
the prentraeo. • tarSo
Diahangs Dank Stor.k.
FEW ihares of ate .siolk. of tht. tank lianted Al
'the lichange office or . At. WILKINS bCO
.• - -
M kikikest market pi/CC will be sold for
4 4" 1 " O nda. or Ary YiAno AMA
'e4 146 Flint It ille Second et
Under as* Duos of Pittsburgh IS
Nfril/Pr: bo opened about the 2nd Of May. a really .
(irate* . .d Tea Blere t ;t the Foladdlphla
The steAcelbors lasoe fitted ay a store at Na. thtti
Libert. irirret,ls ft .tyle repealer to any of the 10.4 in
*t ain tPb where they will alt.,' brie a large 1111•
ac!eortt of Gne Gratelies, M
*ay gesneetfully hrlita the a tte ntion of the p ttli
!in. •
Of evert riee, they will endeavor to keep the
best of Its kind, and confidently recommend their
Tzu AS MT To es sumrsaxo, rr lyCalilD la the el !
tY• •
Their ointment will comprirm.Oreen and Clerk
Teas of sit kinds, from ..7n 000 , 5 aIPO per wereL
- -
Cans of every pa..
Loverinea baba., Lost,Crushed end Pol.riseth
Steam Syrup bug. Hesse end N. O. Molasses; Cho. ,
plates, ?oftlgo Fr.. and Nato, Som., P;chkoz
Ketchups, Essence., Stages Cared Huns sad lle.h
MA . 4411 kinds, Fptam, Lard and Wlzsle
hloald,Cperna and Was Candles, together with many
retitle. *bleb coald not herautfore be had la Pitts.
hotel, and which Jima would fail to enumerate.
Ull7Qood a delivered Ate of charge In e•ezy part of
the two clues.
Dealera supplied on most reasonable emus.
WM. A.,2ILeCLURC &Co.,
Libcrr above Wood. ,
s....rsztras, , sz.) , 7 , mrsitm?, a.
VII keep constantly on hand 'or Mato to order the
belt articlain Weir line, at their old mod, N 0.13 Et-
Clair streetf alm, at No.F6 Marker street, at cond story,
entrance Irrtbe Diamond Walden &milers made to
order, and ald blinds neatly repaired. apt!)
- D14811.11T1031 PAUT/Si6.IIIAIP. ,
TRE Partnership heretofore exiating between Jamas
Marsh.ll, Wm. W. Wallace, and Henry altfleary,
a.• the cast iron bushman, wider the name dteredell,
INtallarmin CoOoras diesoleed by =mat consent, on
the Ist Hut., James 2.1 Imbed and Henry 14 ,
ihavine purchased the unite interest of Wm. W. Wel.
[see In loud firm.
The be:dates in (antra will be continued to all its
VI:LIMO branches by the subscribers, under the RAM
and !flyleaf Marshall t.
Meeary, who will settle the
barium of the late Mtn, and to whore aH peruses In
debted ere reqeestea to mate paYmeni.
IYareteue, corner of Wood end [ahem, streets.
oilers an. enuque Furniture,
ozariza w. WOODWELL,
83. TM= Sr., Pre - rno asa.
plead elo spra w
ur oct of
FURNTrIntr , the hugest and mos. vaned alistatintAl
ever offered on, see to 1111, car. comprising several
seep of Balawooo, ataatoomtl, and ltbaca WeArt,
cautor4; dtlyarocural and pima suitable for Parlors,
Drawlog mid Sod Rooms, a/I of Which will be soot at
We /ow • para.
Fanlitlitt Of any description, my
WWI The eriammratio lama elegant and costly, of whtch the
following exprises apart
Tema Pe 13011 s, Tele a Teta Divans;
comrenmuo. Chiang hiliabetzlon Comm
Recepoon de Lords XIV do
Extchrloo do Ronal atztlede;
What Neu; Toilet Table[,
Loom XIV Commodore: Doke of Totals Conch;
eh Sofas with Plush and/lair-cloth GOTtre;
80 Derma do do do;
40 400 alohogany Parlor Chairs;
10 0 Rosewood do do;
12 0 DI'S Walnut do da;
40Cane Sear do,
4 ° Mahogany Rocking do;
" do Piano swots,
Su Marble Top Centre
20 do do Wash Stands,
151 Mahogany Redcoats;
12 do Wardmbeg
IS 111 , 2 Walnut do,
Chen,' do
A very large assortment of Common Chain and tab
or Femme too [echoes to mention .
Smara Boni. furnished on We shortest 11040.0.
Al order. promptly
t eam to.
P. 8.--Cablact Makers an be sapp with all sorts
of Mahommy, Wainer, and Nereus, contillerably
reduced price._ fettle
WHOLM3LE OROCEILS, No 41 Wood seed,
VT o&r•tor rate,
00 oks• Y. IL Imp. Dlackrn3 loss 111. R. P.Wsbas;
and GlmpOarder Teas; VP
bas sr do;
133 kis TObaesp, 111 gs Jo do;
KO bap Rio Coffe . e; . IIS oaths /ante Coma*
WO brls N 0 Molasses; 13 bales E. Wir nuts;
73 hhda N 0 Sagas; 13 do Brasil Nap;
Vso boxes amoned sires I+3 do Cabor.s;
Window Otani , 100 do Pea how;
40 bas !Imp 00 bx* abslied Almonds;
SO bas :soar; SI bp Iteet Candy; ;
100 has Cand'es; 5 cases I.Joson le;
3000IDII Cedith; IV 33 . Crionipeed. Itepilla
30 brl•Ta.,7 C
ers' Oil; Cigars;
:31 las Chocolate; IttO Ild 11•11 0000100 •
so or tiled (Imes: I 3 bog Closes;
10 culls Llsiddla Cope; 2 sans Nut:lasts; '
30 tors Spiced Chocolate; 3 eefiKelis iad4ol
10 bags reaper; ' SI taloa/wens. Syr-331
3 boy Alma; 00 3.• CsPPet Sane;
400 boo Ilsnins; 100 Tomato Caviar;
401:41. Vinspr; Croand Spices or all kinds.
! Z.+ bale. CyWapstk; 1.1 byre:* posplerad stn:
4000 s 0 Well; • of Solar
Cares Kist; 3 bbd. Mulder;
I 00 hrls Chaik; IV brig IShlong; ,
LIS/Orlies 1.0;
As well as a genital ossolimen; of yittslpish
Mamslactured insoles.
Tort lud4 of the
Vour 4c , c. Tea again.°
Try our Wez agallry
ry oar 7.14 T ea *Baton
Toe very ben lighten Tot
al 7307014 par nodal.
The very bent Green Tea
at It per pound.
Weary deeh/ely oppote4 to p oranc, Instead of whieh
we' rrypectiallretilleit Companion, us the neat method
arraying who tells the beet awl chesi,ert Teas. •
snap) Prignetors a the Tea Musk et.
101 d I 113E1
'F./ITO:1510E, W atria, in one lot. for sale cheap
I , O'CONN 03../LIK INS tr. GO
niay - 8 Canal Wherry at:
Tumoral, Pitt...keret.
t 4 •c It• tHrug,le,..-whtre.
3 73e Tea beeittt etaeamere.
el Tea beagot eimanere.
• Imported, w• am sellatg
Colored and Wiiite Wadding..
100 .. u ttV:4l " g X:s l l72.lVas ", froga r iff:
astern prize; at the Mandat f ne3; t ria=t, i),
lAeir Woad al
comptete 631.1312diki of UM
12 best quality or CastStrelthass and Cam Scythes,
rananted, Oast Mimi d,3,& 4 prong forks, wananedi
Cam noel Hay }Caves;
10 dos do Gooseneck flocs, solid;
10 dos common do do for sale •at tke
Llrog and Semi t3ziir6 B N WICKERStinad
Istayl3.., • • •, Cor of 13411 h ♦ Wood sts.
RUC 0Q aids Nsugar
_ ISO mots Rio Coffee
7s hf ea'. V Hymn, vulonagrutii
30 do Gunpowder and Imp
Do do Poisationg •
6 do Oolong
RI caddy boo k H Imp & G p
dl has l's, 6's, and Ib's Tobacco
33 candy nes Barrow's Ws do
oo la/. thatch -
W Oils & hf ails &kraals
Indigo; bladder, Aloes, Ginger, Pepper, Allspice,
Natmeg, and Lamp Mack In kegs, for sale by
C ft GRANT •
gi Water sr
DRECISELI the same else orerzono end 'Roo.
X %aver. Teas that era retailed-M'@° old '.ant aliy .
Ulf and he per DA can EC otitetned *a end 700 per'
• pima tt} Tire TEA Memo: east tilde of the Diamond,
Yntsburgb, of u. Moms C Itavouitt.'s Wble
pe,,rrt tweet; Allegheny. The above pop Cl4lca
rage, we reepte through our kteglieli A getlteti
Teem the Queen's liebeed Werelsorei,
.11ety free:
Doug ferexpertetion.
t. , , , rzeng
TIIST o p wed , .1 the Pitubargh Puptly firoctry.
Viopitionse, ilia following annoriciont
Ottea iglisok Town—. - I r
Tent* Onlnnal •
Fisa4naall do; Fine laaloegr:.
Extra kw do tWq . PA& flne do; . •
tutuspoenier. • Camden Prmebang;
, . • • Ningyan, do.
• ' It iuunneetnatu7 above featquary speak
IheSsal?Vh AMIWA ia a lair trial, and we are
confidant Okay will please both in quality and prlee.
'Allia , allo vents a ipteee
_teW P-MANB4nL6I3
a! Paper &erect{ Wood ea
111131.1111:111.1/161 xuarsu.• •
h lo: : e . o: f4 ogt . t v o int ang p i c rogr theirirnio
eall..akilkjtoomo of Out lioarif-,ofi
*Komi Blom eatILICI Of Wend WI Third '
fof tbosfoo. SAALUEL WIN
.Pitto , stro,mait-okisa. - -
1."11 1 , 3
Flrl'ag g rd:=7 . ll46 - lEasertment ... tea
liails,Jseenctluld Swiss •
• A splendid Veat of Illaak kart rano *Mtn..
tiers nes,. LA and De LAI osa,sernarkably cheap;
Deu.lfal Foal Bilks. at 37, cents per yard; •
Besutlittlalieoe!, (maid} unto, and nurardc •
A lune stock of B.cien and Bleached rdaslinsiale
Pet yard. and or.gruda. • • - • •
Lionsults and Parasols, at greatly reduced prices.
ClothlCassimares,and Vest up.ot the bast qua li ty,
Toteirer with a lap stocky( Tickinsp., Aaron and
, Shirting Cloche, all w idnts; • Brown. and Bleaele ."
.Pheetions and Shirt nu; blab Litmus; tengther with
'all other articles in oar line, at nu* can corner of
Fourth ond Market et. • • ' 1010
AlUltielW"till;lea.Folln&FlZDe4oerealkrder, ploin.
and unload changeable silks, ul almost every mylo
and qaulity, roper plain and figured blank - Ohs; do
barege. and tlssarN. barn e de !alas, now and hand.
same styles; new sqle French, English, and Beolch
ti n annTre rut! ' artgliri " „tt o l " al gl o n7.
.nod gunnies; linen lustre. of all abodes and mllors;
.ginahainr, chlntses,•prinu,'/Le., at mink out corner
of Fourth and Market street..
A• FARTHER sandy . of Mack Silks and fancy col.
0,01 811,.,105t rosinred by expreso thls morn-
in", at north can ember of Foanb and Markel EL
LV.L .au Berne D. RC
Wow' aver y low ely
price.. et
non!, east cornet of Voordi nod Unites Its,l Jon
IDLAOK SILK LACRS—ExIn wide mediums and
narrow trimming JACe, or ben ql , Oti, lost reed
nod Cot cal. as Northeast eon.. of Fourth mad Ilar.
kel memo /o 3 ' ISfUltrllV it,BUILCkiFIELD
tionosts and . nlallll4 Ribbons.
& BUSOLIFIELD Ore reeidded an a&
dditinal duppty of ;nave goodajaeviiny v viri n dn .
ee~lu~ef Cbh n, Peal. Albone and flap
and Ore, xr.a7l7
itxtrttriry k BURCHFIELD Is, rho atteinfon
ITI. of those womb 6 good. foe Meaning purpose.,
to Melt very fall assortmut, Jost received., Inch u
Black Bombazines,
Databamne finish illysocas,
Black Mouse de Lena,
Mourning Wail. Siam
do Palards,
Duarte., Tissue:, 610000 Lunt's., Albo•sroes,
Clack! and Printed Lawns, Blue Embroidered do;
Boons. Ribbons, Rear( do, V01.,e to,
SCOHEN. COATING...VW pc. Cmere o ;anorisd
colors, • Usrt dtstrabla article foe antenict coats,
reed, !sdui rare opUtog by A MASON A CO
may Id , int Mutat st •
eliewLs—sapertor TTi be t
Shoot., eampriring Cnmson, Cringe, Pint, Blue,
i, and Cara colored, But ICCO•inis. per elfyrteid,
sad ibit day opening by A A MASON S. CO
67 Martel
1 Vila:EIS Putt' 13100. Pint, Dreary at c
ICo!oted Damp., reo'd pet exprows, aa •le
openlna by marl • A A MASON P.
Black Drs. Silks. .•
AA A. MASON & aro tits day opening p'et •
. 47 Skala Thildt the de Thine Silk; 10 pe. at Incl.
dn. IV were at seek do; pes %look do; and 4 pieces
x inch de. morn
Liman Handkorai:date.
400 dos Ladles , Limn Cambric lbnasal( y o eeg
lao des Garda , do do d
74; dm. de . do do colored Larders;
Ran .CPIs by • A A MASON &CO
ate,4ll ad tdoaket at. -
BLI.'T LIN aft LUOT/145-50 pm changeable
(I.Lnatam, at ibe egtrema lova price et 12ic pm yard.
maglo - • A A 31AEON & CO
Irish and Brawn Linann
INA,pes 0-4 end Ins pee 4-4 Broom Llnenc
1.50 pea Orars Darklaye, and Alezar.dent supenier
Irish Linens, now opeulng by
Fres& Arrival Or Dry lioodM
Wlaxe now receiving Iwo adintions near stock
( Spring ald Summer Dry Osade, and an pro.
pared to ate eteellent assortment stout mud
tow prices for clods, or approved credit.
The auentioseof western dealers W parieelsrly se
euested bo oar roods, as we feel confident of being
able so offer unusual indomnents to make a bill with
us. Call and ores:tine at any Me.
• stieciaxrr & wurrs,
mos 101 Wood greet.
UffrarAlrrAVls6,l pas Gleam Lawns lost
received, d now selling vat tlet very low price
of IR; cen M ani bv A A ItIASON & CO ;
It,SIUSLINS & 8A1LF.4305-10 0 pee Paris Printed
Dacca's, West aster, It do al rlb per Terd
Wu pee ski Printed Masao, all eneffli..; / 10 .Plete
lasi colored Muslims at Sc per yard, now opening by
caste - • A A MASON & CO
' 108 market Stmaipt, Meow Llbertn)
ltOrflO aIID
00op as HOSIERY, Plll3BnriS, C
Pail/ERA Ac. Also
Matta and F l an,' Vesting',
lIANµANNA, and LINEN. MINCFI3. a Feneral
ointment of VANS, and every variety of Irisamaga
Vrtistoll6--Vt'e ere new recoveringa very_
m. great redaction from the prices brought by the
more deaciiptronser pods in me early put of the
gement, ao mat in almost every kind oilseeds we will
' be enabled to oiler Orem Bargains to Cash Derma.
whom we would inapeetfallY invite to call at No 83
Market in, north west corner alibi, Diamond, •
nrayl3 ALEXANDER &DAY .'
URP111( & BURCHFIELD me mw twelvios
their second sootily ofGeods for this Spring. and
offer their friends and buyers tenet shy a largo mid
choice assortment to select from
ID- Dealers are invited to took In at the wholesale
repots or ti R Murphy. up antra, where a fresh asp.
plyy, hes also been received, and several. kinds of
panels can ho sold at lower - prices than usuaL myt3
co,Co, — af iiiitkelit7ae now opery
A. log choke high Colored Bareses,Tistruee, Mar
qualms, Delphlnes,&e, all at reamed prices. =yid
FYggiti;V:o - pe",g,".":l - 2rAZIT g;"
Ea:Latna — ia L 6
BUKCEIFIRLD hare wocired a lot
1.11. of Printed Foulard Silks, at the low prices of
371 C per pa , ": &so. super do. athighor prleca W.
pillts, neat ids, at reduced prices; and a lam es
sortnicnt of—JAMES &ORSIIADLINIE.S,and Lndiest
Dyers Goods irenerally..of siy,les, at north east
corner of Fourth and Nuke[ r• • • maple
MMURPHYBURCHFIELD, at ooltA out cotter
of Fortin!, and Muhl its, have Jut teeeiood
corply of ozus Eno trip Limo; waroomed pue fiox,
to toteh &ma i. of dealer. (moors
1:11111Int. LI!.IICHFIELD hive Jut opened u
IN.I 'usoturnott.of Fano,. Cassinterr. Uncud for
gentlemen's somnlet wow Alan, caper French Broad
clotts; Satin and Wenner, Linen, Cambric,
end Sat Pocket Hudterebiefai Fancy Crauts
Wuched Lod Unbleached Cotton tern "Ltd nod
1.1,1 n Worn; Silk, Colon,! 2danno Unacrobtrts; all
at low pnus far qoaltry. maygs
CASES plain e.-.d fipoed Be rc g. de snort
ed denlooo tot reeetved, and telling at very low
prices. mayla A A MASON & CO
tABECI fact colored Lawns received and now
openyoheelling at Um ern= low price or 13 eta
__ saa72 tat A A MAPION fr. CO
3 s.
CAB cs last colored liragicars, re f& and selling
el at 1.2 centc per yard AA MORON ACO
rib OLD el/1:1Ot1tY
L P•ecOeiy tae same 1014 of very strong and rout
harmed rem that nor is tha Crld Goners. at fire
abilimme per pound C 42 ha obtainad jar Tic per lb of
may to hlOlllll6 & HAWORTH
APAIR of Cold epeetaeles,sopposed W have been
dropped In Wood .trott,ln front• of Dakewell L.
Pears Warehouse. The Roder veld be reworded on
ramming them to the owner, No. %Wood street.
Imported, we are sellinz
itoLLlSlYmit—zs bb unto WSTUART S 'O *. so by
%„. SILL
fiGAgency iRLITS rAn
b 3 a
Wood aubet t zull:ab.w. It, Oh,.
- Amax - m
jel2 _
o LAT:
ht ps. e
ILs ioehel i
dar t
k &pa
3 p Oterd,Dptsy Cosdark
de Star, davit; t• •
I do Pellevoints, in store, and ler wee Di
Wr:JaH reeetwed L o fresh let Off,
eibi)LlVEltCPr•—Jaal rkettrOd, la fresh lot cirlkaktv•
N.." ton, CJark Co'. gratakka codirrer • Oil for .Bala
by rny:l.
tUlt IMAM, tiUtialls-4.3014, Pace,,
and Pilllll Wall Paper. tycenlly ,cached by
• --
_ _ _
TPheents. Nentifseteririg CoMpluty , novi offer to.
1 the pa late their Premium Chewiest Stove Polish?,
and yahoos exaggeration, or fear of contradietioh, by
Mom who have tested It, grooves:me It fu superior to
any other In thee:whet. The corsamer need hrteno
oppreheeeJone of 'soiling carpets. Sc., as its COOS.
potato. proVento a dam (rota alitiOt when being op.
plird, which toast be done when the Stove Is co.d
The qtaintity Cognised no so little to produce • bean ,
lucre. A saving aorta fifty per cent le Ir.ttnea
to the consumers. .A coating applied to Stover, Pipes,
Sc., when laid away fee the summer, is a sere ..pter•
enial). against rest. After having tried it once,
f It is accessible) no person will use any bet the
russets Matiolaelpting, Colopollyl Premium Chem!.
oil drove Polish. F or sal e by
Q 174 Corner of Stout and Weed street..
11"197411Z`eaa OF
F B C atff ge. -` 1; " te l t
Cast Suerl FtleNerall Mum end Sbectemlth and Shoe
j grelfgl7.ll,l: t' rirtn:-" Z I A th vrarl,, hi ,..l:e •
off In_ the Irenl Store of, 13OLLNANS uSilltl•
B,lefet lea orWeed Wee; Pitetbugh.
01111)0LAU. ,
Ig ' I " :go th' n L da Ca . I A
i Best. ILI Fll7 PIOTts 67 re m " ,l el
'11:Kely;; at el. FAO. elsa•wo , kNlttb.uzltgg:
trisTeilliZWltrot gr2::uran%outre. '
'l, r" l b r' M ta l it 1
4 7113 N DEBER 4 CCi i.: I
1 ..; ' kaAaraetwipi of lizon•pat , 4 . 2uMta
' . • liirirenud . tn and MlMlnlnii Pittablargli.l..
11:thiliciums depict.,
' 1
A-.x t le r :eStN p lin lV t
.S /Mtsea an
P d
Pi S id"a : "4..ll"ll4B zrvgt".7fz ..,h ,..
L .: • . •
,•.: ',. •, ••
,:, , . . .., DILI Folu
tJsAFFtr A Yitis-
~W , i , k ll l L ,
; ;ALAAMMOusia Mlniondszp•Algabbig
't=lk i
.. 7 .
Pigible PautAgragrAuldar ad Sztbas DMA- .;-,
j'' • Inn ' , - . ,-- , - liIIFIWAIINF i.
:MD ,S 6 . .
N .10.11 810 ORE,
Gala* ffetrp, ; ; •
• ; 800118. - MUSIC, &a.:
101 Tinted sta. osizt door to Werodltesti t irS.
tiltrE eubserther would reopen% ly infanta th e cid=
sera al Pittsburge, Aliegbernr, ond •lelnityi that
he bar opened bis new and elegant establishment fat
'the sale of f' rano; Almanacs, Clyne,
"inTnim. and event other arilele in his line..
PlAtile agency for Plano & Clerkes Cele.
Lierated grand and forme Pianos, oltlt and Oithent
Coleman's Laden; ileatebreent. These Piarinabare
lately reecives several lints:aunt im;novemenie,
dertng dam exceedingly brilliant or tone, and extra
ordinarily derable aria lasting.
AigT Gilhen & Co'a (Bonn) celebrated Plasm
These instilment. hive a wide
has rep:rade and
ace considered Mane the very bat manufactured in.
Boater, &Sere they ere deelded favorites.
•.1 B. Dunham N. ,of the Ann of Medan & Den
ham, has appointed the subscriber sole agent.fot the
sale of his Pianos in 'Pittsburgh. The firm of Stamm,
&Denham la one *Me o den and best in dd. eounn7,.
and their en.orsetiere for &Incas and brilllener of
tone and beauty of werkmaneblp are mooed to . eerie
The celebrated Concert Plano* of Bassadnoff, of
'Bremen and llemistg, will always be kept for ode
by the subscriber. It will malice re say, th at they ate
moth arse of by ell .the great Plano players at thou
Concerts on •lte Continent."
.The eatatriber brie luver to direct attention te the
important feet of bra having speelat eicaut both in
Enrope and Ole eimritry, who earedely select and
a examine.every Plana tent to tan *bleb enables Wm
1,1.1 &writ= pbsehree with every Mao .1d by
riedyithehe retard tial money Is ease the
him, pl....tense /un--- mend the mincy _
Piano be proven Melt) or
• A fall supply of &anew-eat and most popular Me do
will mantled) be kept for eale-tirmished by tbe best
publishing boons Of Beam, Philadelphia, end gain.
motet creaky- for Neon Ekbarfenbarg k Luis, Nen
York, the most ehiensise imPorlm affttreitit artmin
to thin Monty.
Pole Annoy for barintrdt t e iklett Iliciodeon and
maaunu Kan., ....aket." 4 ... 1 Periscted by
March & White, Cleeltutati, with sleek and double
eatte of rtede-tho beet reed Instruments yet invental.
Able, Goners, Platen, Clarinets, Violists, Beaks, gas
ucrit.r "Arm., IMA:I , IreTY description and :venal , 01
been teetrummins from the- bent =ker suing. for
Violins, Goiters, end thins - • • •
CTlastmetton boob for area Warmed, &ske
ane. at musk made, made books Wend, Piano. toned
and repaired; Viohne, -Acconicons; Guitars, An, to
pelted on the most reasonable term.
scryGt • -
• - .
.• TII6OLOGIO WOllllll.
TOE Works of Lionate.l Wadi, D. D.
ifealleyhrbrlteilmieet. •
Yoank Lady's Friaad. Mn parrar.
Ckilatun_Malmal. flobout.
TbuGorpclitioln3 Advor.ste: G. Gaen.l4 L. D
Posthumag WorkaorCheriets.
F/km , ly Pretpirs and Cummentuy. Th , wr.ton.
Gf.ffin's Semous. •
- Camalzgtm.2o.l. tcnaavt. 'Pm soleby
' JAmss.7 .i.oußwoop
-IL4 Foss* n
TUST rue:tied Ult....sire of the Golden Bann:—
J The Ma,gerctig. Welts, cempund and deddiAted
to Mrs David B. Palk, by Professor lie hbock. '
Belin Pehen Polka eeMresed Lad dedicated
Miss Mary Jena pock, by Profenor Roebuck. •
My Broddm Gaza • - 0 wine to flarn all Is.gid. Ante
llpe Baker. Stay: Semmes Breath. Away Down
South. Dolly Day: Oh, LemuL• Bummer Lottrono.
Soiree Polka. Doley Joon,.
Alen, Anton, blinks., by Watson.
Oh, Thin it not Len I Love thee, 'Alpine Horn.
Dor Chddhood's Homo, asaung by Miss Bret •
My !anther I Obey, words L} C. P. Shiru. ulnae oy
R. Bieber. Also, a great cutely' of 'lo, Songs,
Pekes, Walmes, An. for sale by 11W.E8Eit• •• •
AN Mewled and Critical 'Vie w bribe Speeded , *
Philosophy all:trope in the 19th ewltm7. fly J.
D. Mord!, A.M.. •
Leiters of the RIO. Unmet Ratherford.ProfeMs d
'Divinity in the University of St. Andrews, with A
sketch of his -nfe by iltv:A. A. Bente, author of Me 7
Mire of IL W. OfeCheyne,
The Thealagied Works of the late Bev.
Boyu, D. D. Edda by the Bev. Saul Prey. Betted
edition. • •• •
RugeLY, Prince, of Moulds BY Dr Zobustan.
New edition. ' , •
Essay on Christian Depilate. Ityll.W.Neel, M: A.
The Centribatkins of Q. Q. By Jane Taylor. U.
lutreted from original designs. by Howland.
The lgi
Posoh of Cobalt f Mends and. el
as disco hil verabple y
In die Faith ud•Chareaters tf of M o en. n,
fte,'ll. !looker,
Th. Morning on.ley, being i sequel ta the Night d
Weer og. By the Rev. H. Bonet Kelso.
The Golden PIAI6II beteg a Poetical, Erprenmen.
cal, -
and Prophedbal Exposition of flat= XVI., by;
Hey. T. Dale, M. A. , •
The Lighted Valley; or Cluing Scenes In the Life
of • Beloved Sister, by Bohan, with &preface by Hey:
Wm. Jay.!
The Commanifelent with Promise; by the Author of
"the Last lhay of the Wulf," Illustrated by Howland.
Memoirs of the Life of Bee. Joint Witness',
Missionary to Polynesia
Memoirs of the ilfa and Writings of A), Chalmers,
by known In tur f Dr. Ilsmus. in three vols. Volt.
Alse, e large assortment of New 8. 8. Union Pulc,
For sale by " All
NI Wood et
Q. FAIINEBTOCS begs leave' to announce to the .
Os patrons of Ills New I:niece:ivy of me chits el
Pittsburgh and Allegheny, ard 1... 0o of tio3l
ebester,..ta, to, Pas! WI work is . now •
hands of the printer .some where between 000•
and 30th Instant.
The cinemas rrWserally, and all who feel an Interest
In the prodoction of • complete mod perfect Directery,
particalarly those who have not been called on, will
greatly oblige the publisher,by ascertaining that their
sanest avocados. and else. of badness, to, ars
noted for publication to the Directory. I
.&il . eards to be inserted. must be handed In faith ,
witb, or at the Intest, by tie dew shows named.
TUST received: nu/ low opening, one elegant Rom
e, ,• wood 0 octave Melodeon Piano, from th e eel,-
wiled astunlactory of Munn da w hite, pneinnau.
This Is a superior inamment, Of fine tome, and vary
mold ennocienoM n, so, one Sew 4 octove Melodeon,
mert7 • ICI Teird street.
ASYSTEM of Ancient and Mediaeval Geogrophi.
For the me of wheels and colleges By Clterin
Asithon, 1.. L. D. Preemies or Greek sa d Latin
ages in Columbia College, Now York. •
The History of England, from die InT*llloll of Jalhts
Cesar, totee abdication of.laineelLloB. By David,
Rams, Elm; a new edition, with the anther's last cep ,
sections and improvemeets; wwbteb,ia hregleda
short seem:a 01.1114 life, written by himself. Ovals. •
A lichee! Dictionary of (heck nod Resimn Autism/.
ties, abridged from the larger dictionary. By Wm.
Smith, L. L. D. with conections And improvements
by Charles Anthon,L 1.. D
Memoirs of !le Wel and Wfitthirll of the Edo. Thai.
Claimers, D. C,: by hie salvia law, the Rev, William
throne, L. 1.. D. three volantes. Vol 9J •
• White Jackal, or Life in • Man' of War.' By Bar
ium, Melville, nether of Types OmooP ..blerdlo and
The Works ert Mn Shenrood; being the Only ed.
farm edition over published in the United Buttes, to
sixteen voinotes. •
Fairy T.les, iron all nations. By Anthony R
•, with iwentr fear lanslestLons by IL Doyle.
Harvey, and other taros ity Miss Sedge.
"1 ;8 ° ANOVi l init( ° ; .°
31 Wood stroet
• . .
. ' • ,
iti...,.4,141i 1 / 1 . 4 A .• t r •
920 atti..l7 . ' A 44011. VA AIAr. A; .11..
The N•tional Byrom of Book Kerplng, eiepttd
.11 parts of tho
United States.
,Ity Jaa
Alao, a large ltssoetment of Amer Lean 6. S
Books, oa har.diaad for *ale by
Steceasota to 6,14.1017 6 ENGLISIIt
mayl4 71/ Wend street.
Ni.gaQUIOT , OF Caliittißy the tlatittlr of.
"Sloobao0o," to 2 vets, aka, for aala by
A. Church Iftale. Eo.lted by tiN,rge Ki2plcy, Au
thor of Botha C hou Juvenile Choir, &e,
Sabbath SeboolOetaa of Mode wri Poetry,designed
eaptealty for the , Sabbath School; by J. tri
litoyl aid tie Use of . !he.;
-- A
now Treatise on Asthma—,
Globee, in boo. ens. Containthe Attronomica sod
other definitions; looming and positions olbee ean,nneort
anrplonetslteller`s lima and Theory of Groynes:en,:
Refluebon,Tonlight, and Pamulax,l4o.l2oli.Si
riods,Dietanees, Phenomena, and Mar:Stud. of the
Heavenly Bodies composing the Solar Smem, fee.; ,
also, an Giltafiro collect on of the most twist Prob,
loots on the lies of the Globe. Illustrated by a eau.
et,le vadely,of Mammies, See ; doeigned for the Usa,
of nigh &hot:loud neuentica. By James klciotimb
M. D, Proles:o2 , cl Hatheseaties and Astronomy In
the ez^lvoi nigh school, of twoooom. •
Deck and Port, or Incidents of a cellist (*the United'
Bums Private Congress, to California; with Sketches.
of Ills Janeiro, Nalpudae, Lima, llonolula sad Ben
Francisco. By Rev. Walter Colton, U. S. N.; What
of Ship and Shdre,,ke. For sale by •
• StMcessom to ELLIOT lc ENGLISH,
ay7 No :
-. lfl RISICIAII - 711 V ID -1111 ood r. 5Sl.'
Butmostrats, Vo n Match 8, 18.19.;
11/YR. R- SELLERIS.—I base
of all the
OA Cough Elise and Liver Pals yoo sent. ma, tad
18 doz of the Veredritgo.
I have used all year Fanelli Media:tea,. te7Dmill'i
and have alto promerlbed them in my practical I am
very mush plemed with thorn, and hue found nothing
to in them. Bond ma 8 dos of your Vumlfage, and
10 dos each of the Lim Pills and Cosgh SYMP.
Respectfully your., •
Itzthatt of Letter.] T—Tecison.
• Thou bight' , popular medicines met be bad of thir
pnrollstorß 11.8k.LLERS, ID Wood et, LIM Dna este
getKrally n the two cities and vicinity. ere
PO 11•10A1. • erralt I MIMI.
TAMES D LOCKWOOD bee_ lo srreee, arat will
J pub.lahshoilly—Ds brawn on the Di floe Uri&
of GO. translated from the French, by R.
Halter, D., Boston !cooed cdpi,,rulzweeei,
Sittarstbata...cattossal Vows*.
ME Sul ENTIFIC sECTItiN.—The Stews Cherii-
S. bets have employed the fiat Profesaors in Sem:
so , d, to the meaty= of thews week..
now °Arai to the reboots of the Tattoo e taws,
the linreleatt teVitloll of D M. Reese, M. U, L. L.
late Superintendent of Pahlie Schools, In the. City , and
County of. Now York.
I. uhantbcre Treasery of Knowledge;
11. Clatk's Drawing and Perspecure; .
111. Cheretra , Eletnenti'orNateial Philosophy;
IV. Reid ft Chemistry and Electricity;
V. Ilautilton!, Vegetable and dounal.Phystologyr. ,
VI. Chambere Elements of Kooiore, with - plates; ...
VIII. Paso's Electicias of Geoiogy,fflostrutol. '
It Is well known that the original publobetsof these!
worts lthe Meters Chambers, of Edinburghare sole ,
to command the beat talents in the preparation of the'
books, and that It is their practice to deal fiddifal/r
with the estle: This series will ''not 'disappoint
reasonabl p e espeetatiOns thus - ached. Vie). urn ele ,
mentor) es orb, prepared by ambers In entryway es •
treble of doing) asDco to their ?Wadies aids
and wko have evidently bestowed upon them the no.'
emery tlisto and labor Ift adapt thereto their pare..
e recommend 'them IS teachers and parents with,
congdano. 'The: first 'aimed volume, to the handsel
a teacher of the goehterelasses,uthir " feo.l ar
exhaustible food or sosesement and strxtbsti. To .
gether, logy urcabl Constitute a deb treasure ws
DI Of children, and Impart la:Dant WY
knowledge.—(Vermont Chronicle.
Pablutted by A. &Banes Co, gm*
lerwele A. H.ENISIIJB II &CV,
inell) No 79 Weld sa
BITS, received on Visseldemws 10P 4 415,
I M' g n 4l 44g 4tlll"" 4lllfi r its=io Of 01:1 . 'i
Of/Al • ,
• .
- vtioczamienot- -;‘
1ct7 , ? . 44.11.!d . r - ,1 - nitti.,, -d t.„ uu- rf:e.42 1 1 , :z •
palm, ill awl o tAns r suajoiuttic ' eto voree,' olW
waolgik., the, nay caw be cored by• seldnet me Pe
trolemol • Yea may mils Its being •riosnam as
anek - as yen please, bat Ode does not makolt so, for
we 9,00 aim in the lace of an hottest counseellY. Mai
it tsar virtues which -re not contained so 447 net.
remedy. The man who Ls racked with pubs' and sof
feneydnim the
me coo for kftY get relief from
any of the t
o nmema shoe. • Reader 1 it coats
very t make atdal. This Perroleauf Lido colt.
compond, pat up for the purpose of Imposing
on the communitr, but It is remedy elaboested by
OM EMMY bind of =tam arta babbler up from the Do.
WM atom . mother eanh In its original peaky; Sod of
fers tosulferin Mints:lLl a 11 ..4 X 42.4, certain
and tree
I, h. ezwe g pg. al
It other medicines ktra failed
to render any rellaC It has cured Shoarestiam of long
standing, and of the went Ind soda( palatal altimeter.
'trims cured Cholera Marini) byona :or tt
hum cnred old cues of Diarrhea, In which every ethos
renicily has been etas avail. :As a local remedy la •
bakes and scalds, Is Is better Men: any seediest sem.
pound or ointment that Ise knew of- Darin dons et&
It I ablior framed feet, I. a few appllcallong undoubt,
ed ' testimony can be furnished °trie Dinh' eosnaleod
in the above s ee
bY e
i th er .* 41•12.4 Ricoh
Canal•Basin,Dtt Crete or eth of the Watts. • ",
i ds McDowell, comer,. of Weed stre A.
ek and
PA A ADD H.11:1A ,* I
Ilia . more lawn tame. Discovery cot Doe
cerdt—eure iteseetty sort IscrPtla el
DRIB. P. BROWN'S celebrated External Antal
can Remedy for the Piles, bee; ahead,' Proved
itself, to ho the only sate earn ever presented to the
cabb i e. Since the discovery of ibis trainable medicine,
anti the !ergo number of extreme ogres with which
Dr:Brostm trcatedino ane has tailed uti be entirely
cared: Ilmit6 the, wady heeling babes extant, after
mouths and years af experimentalitsivr, has too obeli
101 l the patient. where they . eouarteito4 or wee=
bat: alter tt few days will decide the case by cacaos
a pialeet cute. • • •
Fntiow t..mcc.,e,l shall not !Piet lOU/1100NQ it.
Bement 16 prase 1:47 medicine. intradien cpcm its
awn thtlillk by les edam !intend it shall stand of 1111.
If yod yttlet Met imaheome dlsesse,Om PILE9,IO the
' , SDI Or • few &atm! teat dm clue. trilb_rm. •
DR. Dl' DROt
2.l4,,holeule;.vj a rek i iVbV"lk rtrt
67 Woad rt.
*OZ.— _..naFLUnio
saga= then as coroners= ev via atiNfa
SCOW.. In Slues Evil, ItheronelisM, Obstinate Cute
- nets Ernpuons, Pimples nr remelts en the Face,
Dlotches, Bibs. Chrome Sore Eyes, Ring Worm
or 'fitter, Scald Head, Enlargement and - lolaof
the Banes and Joints, Stubborn Wm., =u j e
Symptoms, Salutes or Lamb
whim from an Inledleione use l4 =try, Ad
,thee or Dropsy, E.Ypeaure Or Ilopradenee SILICA;
.Also—Cbronle Constitanowd Madden, ke..,
ThL erdmine has arribired ft so rY
established reputed wherever it been , ,„1..;
baebd cothely on jia oleo merits, whieh tte nye
efficacy" hes alone seamiest!. The unfononste victim
of torredltary dttesza, with swollen, gland,. mamma
einem, and bones half cartons, has beettreetored to
healdt and vigor. , The wroftdous patient. covered
with don , loatesoire TO his Elesolants,
has been made wbo'o. Hundred* et Pellimee, who
bad greened hopelessly for year* ander • otaureal
and glandular dmOrdere, chlook illeunta4on4 nod
many other complaints spnaging from • derangement
of the w weave organs end the eireedation, have been
tweed as it wore mom the runt of disease, and Doer,
with wgetwwaqd faillititinion, gladly testify to the
effthaes ofthe, (noel mar.te Peeplottlee.
.'Toe attenuon of the reader le called tithe following
Stliwishing ease, effected by the rue of Sands , Sant.
Wilds LI 10 eertifr that I have a Colored woman who ,
hal been a filleted for the Inu five yet. wi th 80P orals,
all the wmedlet I used end na effect In sweating
the pwg,o.o, or the complaint; on dm • 012131 M, OW ,
Cdfillcurdy grew werze;.end after. xpending between
re land B'S with phy gleams, tWelles 11.1.14 trier _
fWIW.I. remedies without witten, W II the Curare bad
. ....-ao,...rew e eeselohts
peerance on Various parrs of her bode's rd had inane
commenced tth masses In the root of her Mouth
In title dreadful itaetieo, with the pr -port o
depth swing her m the thee, I stated her case 00 Dr
Ilikosway, the agent for Studs , Sarsapanlis re Neer.
hero, N. et ' , by I woe advised to one th at article; -
Anil to t pHs* and that ormy,rlelibots, to whom
her CM. w arknown, at ter as suer and A bell bor.
,ley the was restored to perfect hunt', and that In the
pace of three weeks, end woo obi. to *tort In two.
lel chs from the lima t he commented taloa It.
in admen of the troth of eth Eatantailt, I bans
term:raw amzadmy name, this letheryof Sentranber,
air:loath of Non. Muer, Cravat M?.tl O.
I . 80118. TILIRUAT
The following fa u extract from a letter resaited
Dem Mrs. Devanouolia4 been at mutat yaws
with Beretta= Vices, Dyspepsia; ite., and faise a tiy
en allsetion et the throat and Ulmer—. •
13s1ISO 5iVL,DU.13.11145.
lears. A. D. ih Co. Swans— helm leomatenood
Using yout our. aparilla, myaulterings were. µmeet
out copeatiorn toy Watt was completely deemed,
Dad a dteadfal cowl!, and then were frequently
'Weeks tog ether th at Scould not Meat above avid*.
per, and buttes, the lellenonatian from my 18111/1 at
tuned to or heed, so that my hearing nu veto meth
impaired:: Ann taking the Hantalfattlia • el=
my healtli was improved. and my, throat .is now well;
Lam as (Ito Cfoso tough and tightei.a of the Oen ea
caw I was,tud can beat mate dlsltnetlyDry throat
!Matte= well about thee. monde, the minis( which
has been <fleeted entirely 'by the eye of vett Para*.
paths. Yobs Mend • LOCISA tt.DEVANs
the following testimonial to the cannot itnausa
sitilla,is Irons the Rev Luther Wrighliegad.7oyeara,
Congregational Minister, residing at Woburn.
st7oenvt, Mau.; March WENS. s
. ,
.wittessin soac•omit.......vm, whet I Witt
perteneed and froth the'informadem have retetttly
educed Pen a number of perste. of high rerpecta
batty who have aced your flsnaParillOl llfave eat
the leen node but that it Is &Sacra vauable wedeln%
and that the nemesia antificattat yea have neared
of in agency am icily sustained hy elperience, and
. 10 . 4 . g t, Ito *OP tenon and unlit? areveir ereneive,
and mad lo Do need 01 my humble eforta telitereees
titan; t 4cent:ell who 'arr afflicted by- disease to be.
imesitted tate the rigestry sad potn.A of your
:!.1 am, gadlomeo, grandellY snd Vero stealthily
Yes. , ;.: ',Lunn w
Prcyarrd 0101 fold, wholesale and remit. by
D. SANDS, Drapers end ChennalS,loopaltarimseey
rimer of William, New York: geld oder by /kap
.giels golafritllf threghootthe United Butes sad CPAs
ads. Pnes El pot bottle mix hetes Shedd.' - •
; ;For ode by WIECOX,3f., A-FAMINES/Mg
A CO., and EDWARD FEN DERICII, Pittsburgh. At.
. to, be Ds. R. NMIT.II. Itridgwvins. • tap2l.,lcifilkarT
t7tl.ThriaMTlC,lck.rd, for role
pa J I , ollooNlilfilKEß' bi - CO
11, 4t.10tt /Or hog mood, jolt reoWT - Ir title
EltreilES Od Row ply Y. T. Itrooly •
Th 2 'Roma of the Amerleart Itlywelaued. By
Theof the Que.& erSPeie4 - idttne.
The VlLott Fundy; or the Trialsg .. oor. York
Sievaitrooo .By agates Burdett .
coplor of escho rho obo e woreoired,
tiod toi agile by JUIINSTON &STOCKTON
;jet .7hiatitet euees ;
. . . .
lr: AHD 01.4-1 u OA. teetieteifirovi gestalt Key
-11.4 Mom ewe, end tot tole by i J•DALIIELI,
_le e s ; . • • RIGID Wait ',Met
Wocar:-Thd tithe lit pnce iltettli fi wlllbitg4 tat'
weal by '
, ia '• : bth 13911bn:1E44ft
F3thnuturiti YttWDEK—.3O eukgibltspreirs kit
q.tol ty to attire eta Ptah& Willi 'per MP Data.
tot tale byW. a, M XITCLIFI, I REE,
- ~ • I.lty strpt.
y LIMI1(3-1W btl to, e i r e
j e m e i ta g r u lelAhr.
4 . 1,0
Water &Frees els
L ier zi..o uu,-4 Otis ,ptut.g r s.6. , IritLop
NCI 11111
elate, at 111.7. etch, by • , ,
it 3
ASE ITING POL6S-3,W0 feet laadit and
AI far uLa 11, ROBB= XIALZELL d •
Bill.0071)oro lbs Recta ail; dders,laet rem , .
end for sale biB , 3 W, k4a) .... WELI
WIRTFINCIYA - 1141—Terl, fer sale _
" ' 1301100eiltAXEll ge.a.o
Jag • I 24 Wed! at
11ACQN yArEtt,Large, close,
_as,d. ,. .rs,.ms .
11:gt .raf.;""r, c=kiil'imerco"
.y:110 rml.e
ana,•• HoopottA KKR it CO
i J
itAWN-11 !dads • 1 i
U 41,11, NM' IMO ag
AiAH P/CXS 7 7:&:CO
.J a e
, Iy_Lki_er_akLFLoststs.
A aD-4.1 Pio Ito.witur Awl r
19Aittill DICKEY & CO
1,6,1•• .(ai b
1 - 3 11- 1: . , ) ' " 7 "1 ? '" fahF.Y &CS
. • r sale law by i•(I IL GRANS':
• 44 Water xi
:Malt—ut. has Nora bcoua Martina .
15 brli bril do"
•m btls 112111coers • ! doi •.
15 brill *hub
30 blbris blad.'isk Core: and midi by
• ••, 1311059/4 ICIRSCP/LTRICK
ultra • . . . . 1,111.11mrty,61‘..,
AinPit.-IXiqr Dua l iu k tio l 6lll . fb r i ticx
,R .M2O
inlet byLlill7%; -; DHOW tr-AqtlAPATlitiOlt
OVadERS-41,7aeks pima Kylot_sAle, - 67y ,
BA 7W p~f~Nl4tlena feesalfrt - 4
'9XW/MTMAX)DO 8-8 0mt•• °Nei:lraqi
k 1 41. •, 1 1. , •V akr9giaPti
1.. r ...: - :i... , i - r ,.. '1.. - •:-.•',''' . .' , '''.. ,.
. 1'1,:,z.;. , ,-..c . :,-,z„.4,..:,, , ,,,-A- , --.• , ,,J;Hp:i:
.;.:-..: - .-4 .- - - -'7"-'r ,