The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 21, 1850, Image 4

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jlloefiist;riero zum.
Tilllrle2le Montagne Company • oOPIT their agents
with Roofing aria Flooring In theca 337 feet,from
11 to Vouneea per .com foot. Corn:quad In slums
317 g 7 oz. for roofing poetic buildings and depots
Ship ,
Stmallting. 19 x4d umber, from 14 to 31 ounce.
Nall.. Spikes, Wire, Bogor ?Saida, Perforated Zinc
. Zinc Paint, kn.
They warrant their metal pore, and free from any
animist= of Iron' or any other Substance - End m.
commend It (or the caraufactore of mon akeles In
the bow famishing lme, al it does not ram, I. no ,
affected by the action of water, and may be polished,
painted, and japanned
Sample+, models,
, plans, apeelfiiadons, and other
Information ma be had of their agent.—
WPCIat. a I
sola, New York;
Main.. Rott.te. & Co.. Boston; 4
NATHAN Tleeellea. ec Co.. Philadelphia;
W. /k. H. Melon, flaitimomi
Bum. Dar I &rarest's, New Orleanai
F. NULLTROUX, flood ont'AgeOt.
Liege, Mon 1. 2 Honorer at., New Yet.
nany2..l3m .
le:devised A. Godfrey.
.16 Bootle Co/curt ot., ,searßaltimore Baltiereere.
(Late E. Godfrey a Sou, N.Y.')
hIPOILTF.R. °D $l oe Firemen, and Dealer in Leather,
T l of Various kinds: Reel:ski and French Rid Slnnu
reneh Cell Skin., Potent idendlor, Morocco,
white, and pink reanslinirues,reo. Laitings, Francais.
Oboe Rinses, Awl Blade., Shoe THREAD, Blued
Tack., Choy Neils and Oboe PEGS, of all ores.
F.. A. G. bovine established the above boldness in
nammore, Isenabled to ship roods Biotite or West
'silk the unmoor despatch, end at the lowest pricey.
mune...rem, licaleta and all others, may rely
upon obtaining every article in the trade, of the lone
gliallty, and on lateral Wrens.
Ocalonti facia:roe 01 Lei te,l3oolTitta Shoe Trees.
Clamps, Crimps, Boot Stretchers, ko. All orders will
be promptly executed. Law prices for cash.
A Maine. containing complete In of every
article in the trade will be torwmded to those who
into desire it.
mayy9talre neer Baltimore ot.. Baltimore
136 GrenswicA Wed. .hrto YorL
• - -
MHZ proprietor. beg to call the attention of con
j. noisteurs a. Tea, and the heads of ( the
enoice and Tllle telection of Teas imported by them.
and hither. , unknown to this country, which, by 1/11CiI
fragrance and delicacy, combined watt attglit purffy
and Meer .I.,'produce an Infusion of chcpuccig rich.
aces and flavor.
• The Teas offered are the following:—
The fete° Bloom,. Black Tea---St 00 per lb.
" Than,
Oneca,.. Green Tea •• • to do
o Too-Was., do ........ • •••• 075 do
" T,eki-ulna do ....... • • 050 do
^ Vd.o Mature, ¢ compourot of tbe
Rost rare and ehotee Teas
grown on the fertile and genial
nil 103 do
With %tics" to encourage the letrodscuen of these
matchless Teta it Is the Intention of the worletare
to distribute by lot, wrong the ohrehaserss • folenflllt
of feu equal to MlFFint Year's Profits Go the gala
Each r orcbasei recetee enclosed In the pack
nee, aslumbered certiGente, cradling him to one
oh moo in the dansibatton for e'en' 00T cents laid out,
and an tho race) cc eneauntine to 133, 000 , the under
ta t e ettno-.1 newels of I to-the •alue of ten cents
052,000 WILL. BE ke,
GIVEN AWAY as nonagons,
ise-oefarc to the following sea le:—
I prizes ofbalbe of Tee etch at SI O 1e,1350 lb or 11230
to do 15 d o do tub 73 of 8100
00 do IG - to do do WU lbw SAO
Its( do +slos do do do fea tla of SW
030 do 113 do do do ZO fb 0[5230
11Xl Prizes in all. RAW lb SW*
Tbose persons who peeler lower priced Teas can
receive their prizes In proportion, or they will be re .
parehawdifor earl, at a nulaetion of to per cent ,
03-Ccalitry Aireitui wanted. Applications to be ad.
d .d, post paid, to the Comps or , s Depot, as above.
Broadway, corner of Maidens Lane.
1118 extensiye IILYIT.I, has born leered by the
tTmbeeriber, 'and hoe been completely refined in
a most ele6an marmer. Large addition. are now
being made, whi t
ch, when completed, will 211011 it the
most extensive Hotel in New York. It is too determi
nation of the proprietor, to make it eqeal, in every re.
spent, 10 littly °titer House in the United Stater. to.
canon Is the most desirable and central in the city, be.
leg In the fashionabie Part of Broadway, cenvenlent
to all the ;labile bciLimg:, Oates of amusement, sod
baldric... Grateful fat •he liberal patronage received
,from hi. svettern friends, while at Cumberland, kid.,
and more recently at the Weddell Hews, Cleveland,
Ohio, he rtspectfally solicits &renewal of their patron.
age, Zr his new establishment. at New York, and
begs to aware then that every effort on hie part Wadi
he given to admit:dater to their comfort and Wetter,
New York, 31arch, 15.50.—(c.r26.3m
Mikes, George totem, Plymouth, England. The
managers beg to acquaint their namely. patrons that
toe next Distribution of Portraits of Race Horses..bWil
cemptisc Mom entered for the forthcoming Grand
Netional Derby Race; the number of shares to be
limited to 0,020 each elms. Flat Mess member tab
s-cand clam ditto LS. Early opplication for the on.
appropriated shares is necessary. A pony sabmtits•
log for more than boo sharb has the chance of gaining
an equal number bonuses. Those members who draw
the various Portraits wit! be presented with the fol.
lowing lams:—
Portrait of let class bonuses ftd dine
Winner, or First Ilene Li 0.003 £lO,OOO
S wendlipme• •• • 100441 dOCO
Third Horse F.OOO 4,000
Dtsltied aniongit Sbatersi... 44;00 apou
Non-:starters 0,010 3000
There are 200 bonuses in each clam, that being the
member of horses entered for the race. The Drawing
will he conducted open the same legitimate principles
as these which characterised the late St. Ledger and
other proceedmeu. Fell pre Icahn of the result will
be seat to absent members Immediately after the de
cision, that each may know hts position.
Submnbers registered and scrip Comraded on ti
ecipt of a reminaneo. Bills of Pornange,Dralls,Bank
Notes, do., addressed and mada payable to the
Managing Directors. %V. JASIES /a CO.
'Fine per cent. commission to be reducedon the.
presentation of bemuses. mrisam
/ 85 4 REED .HOUSE, 11830
HEITII 6 EiAllll6ll, Provelater.,
PctLim Spare, Erie, Ps.
and ;Southern Stages, leave :Ma houee Ally. Car
riages to end from Strew and Packet Goats Gratis
A t W. Erns late of the American Ilotel, Erie, Pa.
G. W. BAUM Into of the Kinsman lintel, Ohio.
A FLOORINO MILL, with four run of storms—One
of the best locotiorot for blinness in the west—and
a fins rate Saw Mill, on an almost never fulling scream,
and 1G
of Land, good Dwelling Hausa, Tenant
/louse and other Improvements, unmated seven miles
from t oe Ohio River, Mom. Colony, Ohio. Also,
EMU the übove,• beanuful Farm, well Improved, Coo.
Vatting clu acres. For tams, to., enquire of
WILLIAM IL Joitssrori,
shill , 112 Second st. Pirstoureh.
Sir James Hurray's Fluid magnesia.
PRErARED under the Immedia e care of the In
relator, gad established for upwards of thirty yyears.
Tbia etegain preparation ta recommended to sit
caws .if bite, seidalea, ludigestion, row, cad gravel,
aa the most cafe, easy, and effectual form in which
-Magnesia mar. and indeed theonly one In which It
ought ni be exhibited. possessing all the properties of
the Magnesia now in general use, without being liable
I ke It, to form dmgetriancieretions in the Dowels,
it effectumly cares beartlarn without Injuring the
crate at the stomach, as sods, imam, and Ulna."'
borates •rn ken vn to dit prevent. the fooa of in
firm turning soar, in all y
cases it acts on pI e sal nig
aperient and is pecosatly adopted or females.
Ptt Humphrey Davy tesaigett that thia sedation toms
entatble combiations with arie acid attics In eases al
goat and grave n l, Meshy counteracting their injarinus
tendency, when other alkalies, Lad even Magnesia
Wulf, bad fail d.
Fr...ea Sir Philip Crampton, •Sart., Surgeon General
to the army in Iceland:—
••Deol gar—There ean be no doubt that Magnesia
may be administered more solely in the form of a eon.
xmairated solutlm than In aubstanoc,• for this,
amny other consent, I am of opinion that the Field
Magnesia la a very valuable addition to oar Malone
M Sir t James Clothe, Sir A. C ooper ,oDr Bright, and
Means Guthrie and Defiles alayo,ofliondon.satang•
ly recommend Murray's Fluid Magnesia, as being in.
ballet! more safe and convenient than the told, and
free from the danger attending the maxima use of
soda or amass.
F3r aisle by the impenter's and proorietorls seance,
Cor. of Wood& Front sta
NOTICE H hereby gmen, thaooor about use mitt
of April, the n t h
foll o w had totaled to them. at
'wellsburg, the following coma, viv:—A note
drawn by O. Martin, pryablr la oar order, dated
April 11th, or 4 mantis, toe 803 155; • note dream I y
John 0 Morgan, sante date and time,Jor tall 17, and
• note drawn by Joan Wan& Co, In favor of John B.
Martell, and re.codorwd by or, deted.Aprit thh, at
War months, for 6175. • The above loom w ell
us, and ibis is to caution all persons
mgainat trading for-or buying We vas., tve lim t rote 9l
at them It.. buns atopped, W HARM WI
AVERY Lar g e nod choice amen of Froth Sprion
and Sommer Goo Is has jolt been opened at
ottommder a Day's, No en Market meth north West
Ouster of the Diamond.
_ln telling thy nitration of our customers and the
public to this etnek, it affords usorest plcaoute to be
Ale to say it embraces tiItEAT BAKG•INB In al•
molt every description."( goods, as a large pprLionpr
It ..p.chlised t the recent dltenslVO auction gale.
ni the eastern cities. 041 &moment,. 1 otn of fancy
and topic goods, I. Very iltiperlin, and affords to SLI/
each borers, either by wholesale or emit, a fine op.
portnnity of notinr I,nih laot. sod perms
New nyle EonNIA gilts, very cheap; rich plain and
figured el:inevitable inks, of almost every style and
quality; super plain msHigered black silks; do. ba. ,
Yeses and unties, barest de lama, new And band
.e me Ml , ; new .1710 k tench, English, and Scotch
. w ow, great aariety,And al very low price.; plain
I med. and satin suiped de Islas of all kinds and
qualities; linen 'mitosis( all shades and colors; gins.
basis, chintzes, pint, ke
Soper chameleon_ ant shaterm; pintn so d st.ra
black do; plain and embroidered Thltet dm Ana each
ere doi app. piton and ambroldeeed vane and
colored crape dotW i,IeTEnGdOODS.. &e.l
A fine anuntenent of satdis naunook
Arles., books, biebnp.
Redgh k Ued4l, tddfl brtatl,Flotoneo braid and
taper t' slow oonnete. - •
See &wit or superior plus and Me eepllthad
Sado Tars r••^!• of all rota , "1.•
A Ives assottmee. of super
Betel. &au, and ewe... eiC• IMllteed
t•Oeenh to wide& we *mid lop orA.6
(3 t ({//
DOMESTICS:3 . 64V • • N
coy reek of brown and oletchedilitelltit
qty., Its, eh.=
lei,Mints, iscirrir e, •
We vet, krftlea
Alegi,. Inks 161 et table dotpett i t e
twowaand bit ached; glttia 004 M ,
n , • . nantrena, rattan and afewl.tiftwabffrep. viyl••
bo .„. ,elr, ;nett .teens, fed, arttheytlid l / 4 )M ••
down-ref xinghetnt r , silk au& , e, •
glk.kere of all &ado, bmle kelp< b
fietel dower/, ate, which at
all which wag t o f
Inwile the attention of who:esa/e 1 , 101 IC
mry•ro. ALFA/arms k. DAV
PS heist n-'4 alr or. al the Dlaaelmali.2,
lAV egrer prepared cc famlah Apple Tree', f,. !be
Newry a /cab T. Bream The
tree eatll td. &dragged at the wharf at Pntabergh In
perrol,a selenine ned thrifty tree..
igolo! learn Dr& deem . . Dem it Om Dreg, Peed, and
fen h.,,,ery Wert hemre, earner of %Yowl and Rath St&
V/AVir, 111401 Wti/tKA
l A , L ,E,y tl tlrrlght k co. Mao Mitered ID He ITO
West rtiflf 4,4,11.etr0r too klanongillods now
.2. 11. Iff ICLLOB.,
O. 81 Wood stmet, Mu mum , . • new as.
Li sartmezt of PIANO MUSIC, among which um
the Poll
Molly, do you Love me by 8. C. Rower.
Oh, may th e Red Rom Live Alway, do.
ieolly d • L.Y, do.
Utteld N ed,w do.
Owiaa to R. el Night, do.
Wedding, by Glover.
The Robin, do
Ob, Touch the Cord yet cram again.
Sweet Memoirs of Thee.
. •
Then bast Wounded the Spirit that Loved Thee
The Ceneseriptl Departure, by Glover.
Be Kind tb the Loved Ones at Home.
L. Door.' Car, by Lover
Do yoo eler think of or.
Slumber Gentle Lody.
Jeannie Grey.
Elfin, Cawing, Watling, Wrath, and Daily
Battlelot, Maiden, Bella Welts, Concert, Ladies'
Souvenir, Gaily, ElVira, Lily, Alice, Evorgroen,
ca. Adt.. a n y , , Liza, Polka.. maTr-1
ITE enter not thID the list of puffers, we my nothing
amino itusideeds of Chests, Importers, Lane
Capital, Beast. for Curb, he.. In tact, we will not
humbug In an; manner or form, we simply invite the
public to compare one Tr. with what they purchase
elsewhere; this is the best method we know to amer.
lain wno tells the best and cheapest Teas In Plum.
burgh. We are now selling
Good and strong Tea at 40 and doeeotn pee lb.
A mime :5 do do
The best Tea imported into the U. States, 01
1.4. , paced, dammed, or Inferior Tess we do not
keep. MORRIS & lIAWOATIf -.
People:tors of the Ten Martel,
Fist side of thmciend.
D. firipleton &Co New Yerriii have in course pub
licaUon, to me. tweet, fire cents tees,
Ol Main e allerhunua. linear. Work, and Ha
gmeortn,q; eisavnex!for Praettsal Workm g
Men s and awe amended for tk. Enga•
nanny , Prtfuston.
many at OLIVII
rpm WORK Is of large e.0.m., awl will contain
j„ THOCILAND tsars, and upward. Of MIA 1 . 1100.
unn rtherrasktoss. It will pie of working•draw.
Inge and ithaeripuons of the moat Important machines
to the trailed plates. Independent of the results of
iiiitetietai ingenuity, It will contain emnplete preen
eal wean es on Nee tale Machinery, Engine-work
and blnginentlng; with all that in useful in more than
one thowtand Collars worth of folio volumes, most.
sinea and other books.
The great object of this publication is, to plane be.
fora practical men andstudents sock an amount of
theoretical and aelentlfie knowledge, in a condensed
form, as shall enable them to work to the beet easel)•
tage, and to avoid those mistake• which they might
othererige - cormnit. The amount of oseynt infonnemon
than brought together la almost beyond precedent in
such works. indeed, there Is hardly any sulneet
within its range which to nut treated wlth loch elev . -
ne et led precision, that even 11 In. of the noel orttj•
nary capacity cannot fall of understanding It, and
thus learning from tt much which it it important for
'taint° know.
..... •
The publishers are, In short, determined, '< centime
of coat, to make the work as complete as possible; and
to to hoped every one desirous to obtain the work will
procure It as tweed In numbers. and thus encourage
the enterprise.
The wed - will be Issued in semimonthly numbers, .
tommeneing In January, 1830, and will progrew with
maw regal:atty.
The whole work will be publiMed in 40 flambe..
25 cent. pernurolier, end completed soli:no ;he cure
rent year, A liberal disco= will be made to
Any one re-tattling the pi:blithers $lO to advmee,
shall receive the work through the post og.ce free of
OpLinton' of th• Press.
To our runnerous Manufacturers Mechanics, En..
gineer,.d Artis an s, t will be a mine of wealth."—
Yrd,bleane,(B.l.) Joarnal.
"Young men, arm yoaraelvel with its knowled e.—
We can with confidence recommend our reader. to
poem. themselves of Its nauthem as lam as they ay
MY* unhesitatingly commend the work to those en
gaged in or interested In mechanical or scientific par
sums, as eminentlyworthy of their exammenon and
toady."—Troy, (N. Y.,) Budget.
"it is Maly a great wort, and the publisher, de
nerve the thanks of Inventors. machinist, and mans
hacturers, and Indeed oldie public generally. , —N.
i lirtia nd Lfie t t . lonary wilt he highly useful to Ft - anneal
mecti.l., and lainatite to all who wash to at nusint
themselves with the progress Of inVOLII.OII in the me
chants arts."—blew Bedford Daily Memory.
"Young mechanics aught to keep posted op in the
oretical as
well as print oat knowledge, nod this
work veil show them inn how they atane..—Rozbury
( Adaeruser.
We take It to titia the work that scorn and hun
dreds atone Intelligen n t
mechanic. have desired to pot.
gess. So ample ere its deveriptlona, anti no foil an d
minute is specification,' that,. seems to . that any
mechanic might contract any miti7hice it demrthea, on
'he arength of Ite engraving" and instructions."—N. Y.
Commercial Advertiser.
interested In mechanics should trail them-
mice. of its advantages."—Schuyloll, (Penn.,) Jour
rA wort of extensive pmetical utility and great
pan.. and value to the ispidly ineresaang interests
of the country. W• regard the work as eminently
calculated to promote the rouse of science and the
meelmaleal arts, tad to dtrawhinate velneble Informs
lion on dine subJecta."—Farmer and Mechanic.
"Practieel men in all the varied welts of mechani
cal end manufacturing Industry engineering, tc
find in this work a tre.ote which it will be to their
posit to possess."—Tlay used
oWe haveearefully perused the Latrobe's, and have
no hesitate. In saying that it iv the beat work far ear
chanies, tradesieen, find mitlitille men, ever pablish
ed, for it contalusminalc Laforptation ...very branch
of the mechanical KM and iseteacts, expressed in a
style and language intelligible tersusy,reader of Grai
ner), capseity.'"—tilovetster,lbless.,) Neer,.
"We am sure we are doing the mechanic.. of Nor
wich' and other parts of Connecticut a senior by
bringirg the work se their attenttori.”—Norwieb,
(Conn) comic.
M ram each p work use very mechanic should
porsem. , —Frecroards Marne.
Wo consider hone of the most useful and important
publications Mete eke No mechanic cex aleraus be
without IL"—Nenntre, IN.J.qCommercial
•01 all the Tilden/ publientiOn barest for their oh-
Met the elecidadon and advancement of the mech.).
eel arts, and 'Menem, no. that we have seen, is so
fall of promise as this "—Buffalo Cotn.',Adv.
allisthe best and cheapest work eseratlered to the
ecienfike and practical engineer and mecharac. The
plat• a are bututifally excemed."—Washiegton Globe.
"This great Dictionary is one of the mow useful I
works ever published far years, rind the low price et
which it le sold makes a accepteble to alL , —South
"We regard Ras one of the most eamprehea sore end
gral.ble, so well as cheapest works ever publithed.”
—Baltimore Advertiser.
nOught te progress taen by every one desiring to keep
pure with the pg am and science In every one
of the labors of eivdtamdlife,"—Randout Gamier.
"Is is designed after the prinelp:e of Um's Diceone
ry, only that It more devoted, to the roechaecal and
engineering professions, and above air t is raliMble
. accomplishing for America who' Urn boa done for
England, via cescithing Anteneao machinery and
wor. of elt ”—ScientiGe Amenc..
his Published In numbers, and at • peter so mode
rate, looking at whet Is d in etch number. that
no one who b. the least interest in such matters,
need be deterred from pomace:lg lb and everye who
does so, walled that tie has In a co n den s ed loom an
amouns of instruction which tamale be obtained, if at
all, only by the parebase of very many voharnes:'—N.
Y. Courier end Requiter.
'The camprehensivenen with which the sabjecta,
•re treated, the admirable manner in winch they ere
illustrated, conspire to make this one of the aloes dell
raids wurea."—Demeentlic Review.
"this work shotdd be In the heads of every mechaele,
&nem, and mmnfactorer, esPeciellY those who have
:he least aspirations to excel in their respecuve taw/.
newel. We have centrally examined It, with a view of
meneunending it to inventor, To them we woald
say is the strong language ef the Bible: "It is good."—
Ualemore inventors' loured.
Maid to cho Propradors qf Ntruntpayrrs tltyostelsout
. . •
If the foregoing advertisement is inserted bee
doring the pear, and the paper rooming It sent to
• copy of the work will he sent gratis its payment.
Containing roa Mercury, nee other IllineraL
ITE following teetimonial was given by the cele.
braced Dr. Wooster Reach, the auborof the great
medical work entitled "The Americau Practice o.
Medicine and Family Phyvici.."
"Haring been made acquainted with the Ingredients
which e.ollipple McAllister 's Allslle•ling Ointment
and having prescribed s-d tested It la several cases b
my private practice, I have -a hesitation in saying or
certifying that ills a Vegetable Remedy, con ring
no cameral substance whatever; that its ingredient.
combined as they are, and used as directed by the
Prima..., are net only harmless. bat of groat value,
being truly scientific Remedy of at power and I
cheerfully recommend it as a compound which has
done much good, and which is adapted to the rare of
a great vanety of lases. Though I bare never either
recommended or engaged in the sale of seernt medi
eines, regard for the truly honest, ecatesentlous, hu
mane. chameter of the Proprietor of this Ointment,
and the value of his discovery, oblige me to say thus
monk =wan( It. IV. REACH, D. D.^
New lark, April Ca, Isla.
BURNS.—It Is one of the best thing. in the world
far Burris.
PlLES—Thousands are yearly cured by this Oint
ment. It never falls in Ifirinir
For Tamers, Ulcers, and kinds of Sores, It has
OD coma.
If Mollsorsland Nunes knew It. velar In ones of
Swollen, or Sore Breast, they world always anply It.
In inch cases, If used according to threckions, it gives
relief In a very few hours.
',mud the box ore directions foraying McAllister . .
Ointment tor Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas,
Triter Chilblain, Scald Mre ad, So Eyes, CiaincY,
Sour Tbtoat, Bronchnes, NerVOUS Anon..., Pains,
DireaßO of the Spine, Head Ache,l Asthma, 'harm...,
Ear Ache, Dams, Coma, all Disuses of the Skin, bore
Lips, Pimples, de., Swelling of, the Limbs Sores,
Rheumatism. Piles, Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled or Bro.
ken Breast, Tooth Ache. Ague inshe Face, de.
From the Reading Rae,. •
There was neve., perhaps, a Matinee brought be.
fore the pubic, that ham In so short n time wren web •
reputation as MeAlllster's All•lfealnia or World
Salve. Almost every person that bats made trial of It
epochs warmly In il, praise. One La, been cored by
It of the most painful rheumatism, ano th er of hatpin, I
a third of a troublesome Palo In Me side, a (Garth Of ah
swelling in the limbs, If it doe not Sire lame.
dilate relief, in every can, it can do s no Ittrnr7l bent
applied outwardly.
Al another evidence of the wontlerfai beallnappow•
Cr posseathd by this *sive, we subaold she following
eartiheate, from a respectable citizen of hlaidettcreek
township, an this county:
Malde.reek,llerks em, March 30, ISO(.
Messrs. Muer in Cen-1 desire to inform you that
sou entirely eared of a severe palatine. back, bythe
ase of McAllister. All.llealing Solve, which I par.
Assad from you. I suffered with it for about itt yea.,
'4 = =MILS unable to Weep. Daring that time)
Veroadlea, which were prethribed tor me
v aliThiseetniatherpenoas,whhout receiving any
-. .ll4higi.hutolueritilof with are.
• I=yeed expectation.. 2 an now enure
47.......*—tb•fifint WV. nidht peneafol morn aim arselltne Sere shire for
• O .ipkand;l.
'TK: SZvtWmed
519 R FENKR AIOX. .• •
It s *. biter, torber of
t isk o;Waler, H., co,
yuro ..k.gappy 12 Arnaud, mho corner of
Fourth and Smithfield meets; 1.11. CtUeet, comer. of
Walnut and s trety Ifitth WatdL andßold et lie
Bookstore la Smithfield Meet, doortroort Second.
In A
b ang City by If. P. Set...mood J.Y.Fienl.
By 1. Smith „Druggitn,llintantentot: r. , 1 1 .r.
East Merry; lowland. bleKeeaporn J. Vesandee
4 Bon, Monongahela city; N. O. Bouttnut lc Co, and
J. T. ROOM larinnurville; John Beaky. Bearer, Ps;
John Walker, Ir., Elisabeth. ; febtleodlr
SEEN W L CLIJTII-414 yetta - A-11: 011.
Cl°thr.fin kt l itinAtWest*lkkaft a
Plai •
let on favorable genus.
now prepared to lease the Winer Power • t the
0. MI Pupils, to an amount sefacient to propel four
hundred pair. of will stone. The locatioa is based
upon nrock foundation. and the power pee cones.
mcney be replied on both sides of the river. The
grain of the White River, es went. the Wybash, can
tiv readily farnt•hed at this pewit While nmher.
[ton ore, and eon, to the realest olienrian., and of
, uPetio , qecit7, tan be easily procured through the
game country.
Tabs—fine hundred dollar. per annum for a pow.
Or suffifficnt to propel a single ran of medium rind
mill stone.. fora period or fifteen year.. with the
right of renown , on the capitation or the le.rac,'ltt
fur vahratiou of the power erut toyed. The sit° of the
turn or manufactory Included. without futther charge
the Company. By elder of ton
Preiddent of the W. N. Co.
U. lean must rim
—The skin of many perwns to disfigured svith
slight eruptions, as pimples. met - phew, Ac., and when
this is merely s disease of the skin, as it Is in ninety
'nine eases out of every handfed. it Is very easily re
adved. Jules /keel's Nymph Poop is xpr , ...1,
aptor to diseases of the sole, as it nets .
aran the rsinatet pores which cover Its surface,
nstng them from :impurities end by its balsamic
properties heating and eradtcaling ell eruptions, and
residertng the darsest and roughest skin soft, fair, and
bin. ming.
Persons whe have been an the habit of using owl-
PfZucoVilwtanl be e
Nymph at'od at tie ,
ting"'isfi'dit effec t
, laying mutmg the neck, face, o ' s brads from chap
ping, al all irritation, arid removing all mane
. ous emitting. it possesses mi eiquislte perfum d
i ng
entirely devoid of all alka li ne properties, renderng
it the only uncle which can be used math safety and
comfort in the stance,.
All dance whose faces or neck. are disfigured with
' pimples, blotches, tan , morpliess, ho, should make
trial of Jules Enures Nymph Soap, as the Nevem.,
positively assures theca, Past its use will render the
most discolored skin el bile, the rouglinst skm stemma,
and the most dazcs.sed akin healthy, pure, sad bloom
Juke Donee Nymph Soap Is the only article which
will effectually produce tic shove effects In so short
a time, and the oily one which In at Me game time all
powerful ard entirely hermit... Prepared only by
JULL'S 11AUEL, Perfumer and Checrust,
120 Chestnut sheet, Phila.
For sale wholesale end retail by It A. Poireestock
A Co, and R. K. &Mem Pritaburght andJuhe See.
Rent and .1 :110rhell, Allectresky es, Pa. i.O e
A GOOD Mahogany l'otno Forte, 0 00300 f,
annond hand... ...... 00
A GeoGismo upright ilium, wan Firtrewoal
knornoarn, 0 octave., and in good order • • • • 100 Oa
A plain 64 octave Pawn 45 PO
A good G oc•ave Piano ..... 73 1.41
A goad 54 octave Elton°, with hmtlioaxe Nom.
..... ot,
el Wood ot
For sale by
may 111
SUTETICRDING the Wooden Floes, and being Iv •
conthactible, newly economists the oil, mid pi.,
Tont. reunion, teeetafore to mach objected to in all
other ante. One table apoon:ul of the common
lamp oil will lam Nine lionmor any farthet length
acme, accorcthe to thp addidonal pe atut? of eta.
Received and foe vale by JOllll D 81014;4N
mare,. Drugoipt
JusT IitECSIVE Wa P, at the thirst . ..peat Fazniiy CO
eery and Tea rehouse..
5 eases Fresh Ojners, in we cans;
.5 do Pickled do, In to
5 do do do, In pint do.
The above Fresh Oysters an parboiled rd,put up
in a highly eoneentraied coup, enclosed In horn:milord
ty sealed eons, snd will keep teach loorrer than those
put up in the ordinary way.
For isle, wholesale and retail, by
Wlll A ItIeCLURG A Co,
niylo 1754 Liberty sr
Great American dieekanical Work.
DaAPPLETON & CO., New York, have in COCT6O
of oublicauen, is mos, trim twenty Ste cents
each, a LUCTIONAKI if Machines, Mechanic.. En
gine Work, and Engineering; designed for Practical
irorklnl Men, and those intended lot the Engineering
Profession. Editrd by Oliver Uyrne.
This work Is of large pro she, and will contain two
thot,aml pewee, and aftwetwis of Lig thousand illostra
none. It will present welting diewinin and dyserip
lions of the on min stud minion. In the United
States. Independent of the result, of American In
genuity, it will contain comlete Nastiest treatise. on
Mechanics, Machinery. Eilk p ine Work, and l'aginen
ing with all thet Is useful to more then one thousand
dollars worth of folio volumes, magsnues and other
boos. 04 nuatteta meshed, and for pale by, the
"sect It norsms,
73 Apollo Bulldiesa Fourth
oho 11. fatllot,
Bole Agent in ‘Trocro Fenno).lvan's, he tie sole of
Cjigstanl and Square Plano P
BLus soloila his newts end the musical nubile,
Chet he be. now invoices, and will ',arise sod
expose for sale, daring the ptietenl month, tie hint , .
and maw derifahle stork of Pane Forte* ever yawed
for sale in the west—ansung the number will be loved
a full supply of
Saperbiy carved Rosewood Grand Piano Fortes,
with all toe repent improvements in mechanism and
style of exusiiar.
Splendidly carved Rosewood seven oetave Square
Piano Fortes, funatted in the Elisabeihan and Loaf.
XIV. styles
With a large noek of all the various style. of
no Fortes, varying In price. from librYS to RAW and
81010, prepared by Mr. Chtekering for the present
year, (noun j
PoLcnoier. ire assured that the price. nf Mr. Chick
cringe. Pianos have bean, and will eau:love La hr. the
semester the manufactory tit Boston, without charge
for transportation; end will be delivered and se , an it.
perfect order, in any part of the dry, without charge.
TiM tiuderuigned belie leave 'to Inform the public
that h • has declined business in favor of his Bon,
P. M. Davis, who will canon , . the Auction and Cow.
mission business at the old wend, tOraer of Wood and
Fifth streets. and for whosti he would solicit • comic
ounce of the liberal patronsge hers waits bestowed op.
on the bona*. JOHN D. DAVIS,
April oth, ISZO.
P. 11. DAVIS.
COMM 01 WOOD ONO lOl2ller,
WILL, make Bale*,on liberal terms, of Vengivo and
Domestic Merchandise, Real Estate, emelt!,
tr.c., and hope*, by experience end close attention to
business, to merit • continuance of tbe rapport and
patron:lke so liberally extended to the former house.
April 111,1e30.
filHo deceaw of the ective partner, in Philadelphia,
ifthe lam JametM IrevisOptoduere no imerreution
to the business—arrangonents have been made which
Involves the same interests precisely, which Lays
heretofore existed. The business is continued under
the saute name and fITIM,•11:
L.. hi liana & Co., Philadelphia;
Jon, tiPPenve A Co., Pitisburgu.
The contiouunc of the patronage of our many
friends Is respectfully solicited. If any protons have
demands against the concern. they are requested to
p them forthwith, for payment.
rirbittglif April 10. U. JOHN M'FA DEN,
ap17.0 Surviving pawner.
O. A.lialmosteek t Co.,
WIIOLESALE DRUGGISTS, corner of First and
Wood meet., offer for tale, oil lavomble moms'
It* tilde Whiting - , 500 lb. fern. AITIIIIOnIW,
60 do Alum; hi* do Artniccrida;
300 do Dye Woodr, VD do Crude Camay;
25 do Larimbinek; WO do Idquorice Roog
YU do Teo. Rod; 300 do mob Moro;
6 do Camphor; 150 do Red Precipitate;
10 do Span. Drown; 150 do tolcutel Amer;
2r) do ellow Ochre; IS do do Eng.;
10 do brimstone; tts do Rueber Leaver;
6 do Clover M 0 do Rhubarb Rom;
3 do Cham.Ficramnr,4o o, lo Samar,. do;
14 cares Ref. lloraz; OS do Grogan da;
25 do Casale Yosp; 100 do Sol Rechtele;
10 do Promos Blue; WO do Beldam Pligiure;
10 do Qcle.Magnetiin; XS do Pored Rhubarb:
13 do Chrome Careen; Cih/ do du Slip. Elm;
sdo do Yellow; Ilan do do li. Arable
sdo Am. Yermilinm 101/ do do id, s oo;
GO mama Eand Paper; DM do do .1 amp;
211 bags Sled Sumac; 010 do do Ateareime;
26 ord. Dottie Corks; DM do Sulph. Zinc;
yg g y e g jo. Morph. . do Tin;
1200 lb. Cape Aloes; ' min do Tiimannds;
WV do Illi•Chromi YOLLI11; 150 do quick Nibrem
nil do Pink Root; 250 do Orange Peel;
IMO do Turkey Umber, 75 do Cochineal,
1720 do Cream Tartar, 20 do Ilyd PeitaaN
GM do Tartaric Acid; 10 do /Mee;
100 do Ura Una; 25 do Granville Lotion.
fiThere are more things to he..en and earth
Than are dreampt of In philosophy..
'IIIIE VIRTUES of this remarkable remedy, a n d
the constant application for it, to the proprietor,
has Induced him to have It pot tip in bottle. with la.
hole and directions for the benefit of the public
The PETROLEUfiI to procured fowl • well in this
county, at a depth of font hundred feet, is • pare cm
dulmmied article, without nay ehenfieuf ehunge, but
oust u flows from Nature . , Great Labrateryfi That it
contain. properties reaching a manlier of disease.,,ie
no longer a matter uncertatc. There are sun.
things in the arcane of nature, w hich, if known, might
be of vast usefulness in allecating suffering, and re
atoning the bloom of 'menial and vigor to any a so f.
fuer. Long before the proprietor Moot'. of Pinang
It up in bottles, it bad a reputation for the care of din
ease. The eonetent and daily inereamna call. for It,
and weer.] remarkeble core. it his performed,,en
sore indication of Ito future popularity and wide
spread application In the of diwase.
We _do mot wish to moor a long parade of certifi
cates, he we are conscious that the oredleine can aeon
work It. way Into the favor of those who suffer and
wish to be healed. Whitt we do not chelni for It a
entire:Sal •pplication in even discos°, we or:bosh.
tingly eay, that 1111. number of Chronic Disease. it
Auroralled._ Among Mese may be rte
d Isom. of the mum" nestles, each as CHRONIC
BRONCHITIS, ' CONSUalrrioN till it. early sum)
"Aethma, and all disease. of the air i..
;sages, LIVER
the Bladder and Kidneys. Pains in • e Back or Side,
N enrol. Dire ucs, Naugle., Paley, Sheanistle Pain.,
Gott, E‘ralpelos, Team-, Bangwerram Burns, Scalds,
Bruises, Old Soma, ica., Ac. In eases of debility re
selling from exposure, or long nidrotracted Cale. 01
disease, this atediCala Will bring rel p ict It will act on
• general TONIC mid ALTERATIVE in such eases,
imparting tone and energy to the whole frame, rem. ,
t og o hnowetions, opening die sluggish functions, which
'cause dlitco°s sod a broken crtinstltution, or g a n ing
ingrained and renevred enemy to all the or ol
Lee! - The proprieun..knows of; several cares of
PILES, that taloned every. alter treatment, got Well
under the ate of thi PEIROLEUDI (or a abort time..
The proof van be vangigany person who desires II
Nene genuine wi the signature of the proprietor.
Sold by the proprietor,
B. DI. BIER. Clonal Botta. near Seventh at.
Rea by It. E. SELLERS, b 7 Wood ati
e omer an. and Viten alien who are his
nedly' tegnlarig appointed Agent.
38 Camp Illanidt.;:go officer coat.; 12 Pro Pants;
ltl putt nett lined Alining Boots; 11 Isthmus Bogs; 3
watt,. Minks, d and lg gallons each 60 canteen.,
gallon gaeb; • g doe Buckskin Money Being I do oiled
naiabin do da. Taegniga good. for sale at the Cali-
1850 1850
BOATS of this Line will leave regularly, and de
aver freiebts without tninabiprusol.
J C BIDWELL. Ptuaborgb,
JAMES COLLINS, do, 14611 t.
BIDWELL h. BROTHR,Roehroter,
1850 Etemi
From Pitteburgh to Colunthmr and Clerdwid,
thn•tgh the nrh emit populous mutat'. ol 'Colum
bian. a, Carroll, Stark, Tturaraawa , Cathorton,
Almainguna, Licking, and FnutAtin.
Tee completion of the Bendy and Banter Costal
opens op moor city through this great natural central
route it direct communtencon to the above att well as
the edioinleg counties of Wayne, Holmes, Knot, and
Foam this section of Ohio, the trade withVitishurgh
has been, to a great extent ern or, Inconioaluento of
the high rates of transponation, which ate now ree
dused 10,20 and SO per cent.
- .
Boots of this line will leave daily, and' run through
without transhipment. The Canalcompany have
bestowed upon tins line an interest in the unprece
dented advantanes of their charter, and thus secured
to the =lda, portion. of Ohio Murdering theiweds
equal interest in this sonannise. Agents:
J. C. BIDWELL, Pittsbunik
BI D W ELL in CO., Glasgow.
R C Dolmen, Bpeer's Mills, /Muer & A Gl l 7,
WiMamsport, 04 George Rouble, Elkum, 0; 011/1110
A Huffman, do; llmmv, Graham * Co. New r 01
MUT Ir. riff ha., ihalOveN 04 Ilibbets A Hoary, MU
nerve. 0.; Speaker & Poster. do.; Joteph Pool A Co,
do.; Ilull tr. Oneldu Milo, 04 IJ V Dever, do;
C & Co, Malvern, V ;'R K Gray, Wayne,.
burg, 04 F. Reynolds, do; Lane Teller, Ilisguallu 0:
J 11arkdolk& Co. Magnolia, 04 Woalsrkness, do; J
M.Fsrland & Co , Sandy's/110,0; P F LOre r, da; Faith.
bane: A Steinbasmh. trolloar. 0; Willard & Sbriver,
do; .1 J Holnam, Massillon, 0.; Commlns A Co. do ;
John Robinson, Cans , Fulton, 0.; Ferl/g & Torrey,
Cann; Dover, 0 ; A Medbury, Roscoe, 04 L K Wer
ner, Newark. 0; Fitch it Gale, Cohnobus,Ch 14 0 Mate
:beers, Cleveland, 0.: Rhodes & Green, do. 0,00:
V 1• Pe muy Ivan la Canal. & hall avads.
G'CONNOrt, ATk Baalu, liberj
taxi s, O'CONNOR a Co.,up alazka Czech,
Co. 7u North street, Baltimore;
1 Neve loth;
Factor, Onno,ll Mae street, Boston;
Hammon Gael, Kentuckyi
Hsu. A
K Louiseille,
Donor, Haar I Co., St. Louis,
To Mappers Afrrekandru fora Produce by and
/ Aziarklpitio, Balmmors, N. Fork, • &awn.
Oar route being now In fine order, we are prepared
to forward goods ay atmve at eery /mat pare. We
insure oil freight/ha "(any charge having polled. for
over 1C.31,10/, and with the following eotenove stuck
of Boa. feel confident of ;Rettig inner aaliataillin
all baldness entrusted to oar earn Oar boats are
new, and commanded by captains of arperiency, an d
our entire I.lla is conducted an aim satdimk !sepia
and unrywancy principle,
Boma., aptkin. Boats' Captain,
Iron City, Regan Pennsylvania Usztry
Maryland, fifaraball St. bouiy.
Cincinnati. Sandy Col. Howard Ridley
Roth Anna, Chatham Mary Deborah
en Wm Atkins, Penroad Enterprise, Wien
Import, fitquado Jfinialk own
Boston, Ailed Gen. Gnu
Garlinda Rita TeluraphNo
Celia Hawkins Point mal Boylidiquada
oliverlunehGosser Ballm'aCtipparßtley
America Perry Ohio Bella Kearney
ktermaid liliColgan fluter Ramie
The Po: l'irtjuade Julia Ann J Likpi7l
Aortiv,t rd'Uowell TeMlturlkrio 2 o.7l.
Ldok Sharp North diace Wtble
Shippers will find It to their advantage to give al a
mrid Canal 11.112 Liberty it..
n Transportation Company.
11Ffmit do , vas Llns,
Pennry/oznio Cas.a and Boa Itcad.
rpm Hoes and Care of this Line have been put in
1. compete order, and with the additieti of *avers
act. 9 , ICS to the Li4lc., enables an to CALM largo
qusinny et" prodet.e and goods.
The entire stock of tho Lino is owned and certro
ed by the Proprietors.
HARRIP & LEECH, No Pouth Third st,
!Lod or the Tobacco Warehouse, se e ms et,
PIO wiephla, Po.;
No 11l North lloword at, Batimore, Old ;
OFFICE, No '1 Wen Y
rt, New ore;
D LEPCIt & CO, Cans thole,. Penn W..
Mg= 1850.
CLARK, PARRS & CO, Rochnster, Prop.'..
Office not. FmitliCeld and Waters., Pittsburgh.
Cleveland, Ohio.
mins well known Line are pripa-td to transport
1 freight emit Passengers front pErrsnunoti and
CLEVELAND. to any point on the Cimal and Lakes.
The facilities of the Line are acsurpms...l In number,
quality and capacity of Boats, uperience of captains,
and efficiency of Agents
One Boat loaves Pittsburgh road ClevelanKlf ily. rso
ning in commotion with n Line of Steam Boats be
tween PITTSBURGH and BEAVER, and a Line of
Vint Claes Steam Mots, Propellers and Vessels, ou
the Lakes.
Clark, Parks A Co, Rochester, Pad
E N Parks &,Co, Voolintown. Ohio;
AI B Taylor, Warren. 0;
A & N Clark, Newton Falls, H;
/ Brat ton & Co, Ravenna , 0-,
Kent, Winne!' &To, Franklin, 0;
II A Miller, Cuyahoga Falls, 0;
Wheeler, Ise A Co, Akron, 0;
Chamberlin, Crawford &Co, Cleveland, 0;
Hubbard A Co, ...dusky, 0; T:
Peckham & Beau, Toledo, (b.
Cl & Co, Detroit, ;Bich;
A Co, blilwaukw,.t i Vit;
Morley & Dutton, Racine, M s;
(kluge A Gibbs. Chitago,
Thomas Hale, H
Chicago, lit
mr3o J EY
corner Water and Smithhold
EiE=l 1850. oaL
CLARKE, PARKS A CO. Rochester: PM/On..
THE Prep,tetras of this old and well known Iran
worm., inform the pantie that they are cow In op•
erwion tor the present season; and bane commenced
receiving Freight and Passengers, which they are
(ally prepared to cunry to ell potato on the Canal and
At the lowest ewes. One ar the Boats of the Line
will be constantly at the landing, below B1011011teKt•
Bridge, to noels, freight.
owes, ear water and Smithfield Pituberib,
R W thannlnuham, New COIIO, PI;
Milebellre• Palaski;
W C Nadu, Sharon . ;
J I S (1011, Stansbury;
Wick. Aehre dr. Co, Greenville;
War Henry, Hartstown;
Wm Power, Conneaut - wile;
John (learn & Co, Erie;
John I Hollister A .so, Buffalo, N Y. mr3o
Pittsburgh Portable Beat Liao,
ElfEigM 1850•Aata
volt TAt 1.02,011.1,1100 00/lUotli
10 CND nos
• • • •
Tame. Ileastaima, t jTweet t D'Co Mot,
PhiladeipitiA ( f Pittsburgh.
rirdE Canal being now apes, the propnetors of this
long established Line me as usual at their old
mends, receiving and torwavling Merchandise and
Produce at low rates, and with the premparion,
Cattily, and safety, peculiar to their maim and mode
of transporiauon, where imermediate tranaltipment is
avoided, with the consequent delays and probability
or damage.
hterehandive and Pratt. shipped east or wesLand
13411 of Lading forwarded Depot charge for commie
mon. advancing, or storage. Having an interval di
rectly or indirectly at steamboats, that of the Oarrierl
solely coasulted when shipping their goods.
AR corommucations to Ms following agents prompt
ly attended to:
. •
THOSI/19 tionmunor,
No In blushes sites, Pliiiadelphin
Corn , r Penn sod Warne sweets, Pittsburgh
John NeCaeqoqh & Co. as Nal th tt, lla'l P. D. Doti
k Co. •yyyy Donne et, notion, W. & J. T. Tape,. 1 QC
en Bowe st, New Pork; Junco Wheoloreaght, Cinel
MM. m•a
ittSMI 1850iPt
." ia
Masses Pittsburgh au este •
The Canal now .pra. wo asp ready to trrelre
and forward promptly. produce and meteltandas east
and we,
Fogel.. glorify, at lowers rates, charged Iy 'capon:
&bin Linea
Produce and inerchardiee will be nreerred and for
warded caul and west, without my charge for fiat
warding or advancing (fright, canna/ ton or storage-
Sine of lading forwarded, and all direct.. faith
fully attended to.
Addrelis or apply to. WM. GINGHAM.
Canal Darla, roe. Liberty sod W.V.` OW- Pillobargh.
No 183, Matteis; belorreo Atha SOL Phil's.
No leit, North Onward al.. Oaltimoro.
mete No ID, Wrat New Vark.
Passeings• &SW illesetittatme• Omeee
aIIANRDEN b. CO. contrast, to bring persona
from any part of England, h.q.& Scotland or
Wale., upon the meet liberal terms, WWI their
eatirpunetaality and attention to the wants and tore
ro o epumigrant. We do not allow our passengers to
be robbed by the ewledling scamps that infest the see
ports,tate charge of them the moment they re
port themselves, and nee to their well being, and do
sprach them without any demon. by the Ant
We say this feerlerely as we defy Unto of ourpaseeng
acre to show that they were detained 48 P.m" by silo
LaVerpool, whilrt thousands of eaten g ere detained
months, mil they could be sent in some a.d graft, at ■
p rate, which too frequendy prow!. their 002eil.
Wt, Intend to perform our contracts eanorably,eamt
what It may', and not act 011 was the ease last prawn,
with ether. °ahem—who either perhatmed not all, or
when It suited their convenience.
Wafts drawn at Piusburgh for 22 saas . f . rik i n: l l ni. to
f I C 4
4 4 7 : n a b d i , e 8:o 1 trjd G I
( tot e ,gr. i .
European atd Wimploof,
seas Mak watt. ono .liwi Waal'
LlgUtOln---17 atidY—OU.o bi - Pige kai
f p es
2 ht
6csk• N E Ram; m
iDObbls Whiskey, for salell z
aryl S -
~.4 -A - -......-• --
ibe realwlng,
Velvet Pile Cern, A.
ir si=ve la
No 76,17 e
VCLINTO , IC is ..•
VT • Epring S. of
TristosinKsotc., eauvridn.
artra Sept• Royal
English uld Anneal
Extra Superfine
Bypetllna luszahl Car 1.%
Extra fine
Siva super patealCltenillo
flogs; - •
Bonefine do do Ilossi
Five -
Cowman, all wool,
N,l and Tap Von Car.
4-4, I and 1 Twill , d Carp.
1.41,1 and 2.4 plalnCu.
List and flag Carpels,
84 Pruned Cotton Carpets.
Rine Wawa
Common do
Chenille Door Mom;
adalOdSheep Skin
Ram ptimad piano tome
antral.' Pluto
B-1, 74, 44 6-4, 4-4 and
Oil Clolbsi
(411, 04 44, and I M 441.4
08 1. 1:8=481 Oil Clo
I " Table
Printed woolen
Emboesed Stand
Linen end outbid
Damask Bier Linen;
Turkey Red Chintzes;
Chime Bordering;
En&lish OR Cleat Table
Brosvo 'c linan enimb cloths
Woolen .
Brass Buds Rods;
Carir Dreggeu;
Carpet Bindings;
tote and Coon Mats;
&llama and Skeleton Kant;
$4 and <4 Green Oil Cloth
tor Blinds;
Reekebsek Diaper;
13 Drat; Clot
ati Plush:
Coach 00 Cloths;
Damasks for Llnlotrm
Watered Morelos.
Buff MUM for WBltad •
, Transperent
French yaw.
Venetian Blinds;
Batt Etutti
Bnrwn Lltr Nslrlns;
German Oil Cloth Tab
Covens •
we most approved Env
seusiers from 12 to S 4 feet
out to /It rooms, balls, .4
Imported direst Rom F.og
opestry CARPTS. These
le (west and most stoma
tbe most gorgeous 5010,,,
es they. can be purtsuad
Sown On, CLOTIIS from
lish and Amerioaa manna
In width, which win be a
vestibules army Amor sh.
The andenigned having
land, his Warren., and Ta
Carpet., which are of the
ores and patterns, and of
will be said at prices as My
for in any or the eastern oil
mimes of the richest. and
wlueh far sorpasees
t price,
al s o assortment es.'
He also lashes tiles
wel l
arers to his large and well
liilllNoB,.dother articles
ruo i t ' flio th ott e blrlitrll.4
(0 quality andetteapoen of
beim brought to thic city.
Mon and Coach Idituafacto
ted • .sortmeat o TA I
mews') In then balthesa
The anderOthed Is also
libuthfisenny PhiladeJo
lower than C. be perch.
agent fnr tho only Styr Rod
phla, and. Is proposed to .11
used clecorhore in this cat y.
AA.. MASON k. CO., GU Market strew, between
. Third and Fourth, ate now receiving &large as.
sonment of flange Do bliof; Persian Cloths, an en
tire new article; Palimns% Crape De Lai., te, 4 with
• larrealsorunent of Lawns and other Dress Cloudy
of the latest style* and most faalionable colors.,
an 3
COFFEF.,-4011,,ei Mims Stu - Jays;
Carnmss--.11 bus mould, dipped, and smut;
Criams-130 bas Cream and POselish 'Wry;
Ceana-20 don Damp and Manilla;
Csams.-00 Maus;
Cloves-4 barrel;
thoass-ile ht Cometaa and half Spanish;
FIMI-0 hriaaad hair brls araokareland Salmon;
Oasas-Se bis imeorlad Llama;
lians-1200 Prime Vardaman
e m Cnre
Inntoo-ICOlb Sa s 8 F sad d;
Manilla; '
lits-l 0 dos Oar:Jeans 8/aek and Copylnr,
Morasars-4,1 h la N Orleans;
kaWbrisBagar Howe;
hterrshio- Odes assorted oardstarm
Mancsecon-de lbs Dalian;
Vnanslen.u-00 lbs do
Nau-s-vlli begs mooned;
theuss-6 dor Jas wan*
Pasoan-30 bathes kaiser,
Paso -en reams assorted:
Pawns-NM Dm Hardman.;
tloar-t0 his Sloths and Cast Steel;
Bcoaa-10 bads N Oriel= and Clarilial4
!pss-en packages Omen and Inset;
19,1•“9.-90 bee 19,1, d. b lb lump;
Wash Dasens-40 dos patent Zink;
For sale by . 3 D WILLIAMS A CO
melt Corner of Fifth and Wood sm.
WA N-T-A-Ll 3.
Funsl FURS! FURSI—Tha raburthers w il l pay
for Co,w Wu& Musk Rat, Cray sad Red koz,
and ‘ll ttuds of skipping Furs, the bighest eastern
le6:10 comer Fifth and Wood srs.•
THE Partnership heretofore existing Demean James
and Linanisto d a j tfti lk esa, " ' l l s ' as th avadvel Y tly enuittal
eyes.% ou the Illkinst. Mr. John Best h”ing poz.
Lased the entire Interest of James Tease], In the
fine, the baldness be senle6 by him, o their 'aid
•tand, llgeo. 31 Wool st. JAIdES TASSEI,
Q PRIX° fIELECr lON.—Wilt roe received, by brat
0 canal *blower., a new and choice assor tm ent of
Wall Paper, or the labia French and Eastern alyles,
in gold, etwerwir, oak, plain and high colors.
W. P. hIAILSUALL, pate 9.C. Hill,) .
narl3 IVood
11 116 Co-partnership heretofore eluting between EL
L. Bashbeld sad Joan hleOtß, under the Om of
S. B. Bushfield d C 0.,.. this day &twitted by marital
conset. The business of the oil him will be wetted by
S. B. Bushheld, at the old stand, N 0.220 Libenystreet,
Pittsburgh. 8 B. EVBIIEIEI44
March 1,1950. JOIIN 2dr.1.111.1.
continue the Wholesale asd &tall Dry t/oods and
Groom badness, at the old stand, Ito I= I.lbertl
asides use Ramo( S. B. I.BIISHFIELD tr. CO
Match I, leso—Darla
ItAV ti this nay assoetatediwltb me, in the
1 ante Groaerf. Commaisatia, sad Forwarding
De.., my two bons, R. N. and W. R. Watoinian. The
asiness mare will be conducted under the style of
1 8. Waterman to tons, at toe old amid No al We
er and CI Front saxes. 1.. sAva l ruamAN.
Pi:taboret: Marra Ist, lBlO.
WILD CILERRY, the great remedy for
And the best medicine known
to man ter Asthma of every stage, Liver
Campleints, Drone:l4 Inesetma Coughs, Colds,
Ilteeding of the Longs, Shortness of Lima,
Pains and Weakness in the Side '
Breast, de-, sad all other
diseases of the
A very important Canso over which this Balsam es.
ens a very powerful lolococe, Is that of is
In this complaint it has undoubtedly proved mon
efficacious than any remedy-kittens employed, end to
macron histances when patients had endured long
and severe sneering Irem the diseases,vnthout receiv
ing the least bencht from tartans remedies, and when
Mercury has been retorted is la vain, the use of this
Delon= has restored the Liver to a healthy seamy and
in many inerances effected permanent cares, On:
every wen known remedy had failed to prodaeo this
desired effect. •
Besides Its astonishing efficaey in the disease above
mentioned, we also Lad It a very effectual remedy In
Asthma, a complaint to which It has been extensively
and with decided success, one In cases of years ,
standing. With the Inman of Intelhgence has grown
op • knowledge of the elements of health, sad • re
gard for them, and commensu r ately with the strxtes of
science have we acquired the means of arresting die.
ease, and evening Its ravages. Potwithstanding the
provess we have made,manse. slow that teen
now, one sloth of the whole popalatiou die nasally
of antinenetint.
One sf the most Important dianYeries of the age r la
ameliorating the cohenlon of this large eine of re
fennK burnanliy, Is
\Plater , . Balsam Of Iffa i Cherry Is a She Herbal
Mediate, composed chiely of Wild Cherry Bark and
Um rem.. Iceland then4ltee lancelet pa nail express.
17 tor this purpose,) the nee medicinal "Discs of
which am also ceostnned by a new chemical preens,
with the extinct of Tar, than tendering the whole
compound the most contain end efficacious remedy
eta discovered for
Mill bother evidences of the remarkable curative
proper.. of this lneatimobla preparation:
licamtmurn, Brown cm, fa, Aug. 91, ma. •
Blows Bamitora A. ratio; Gentlemen, A bout six
weeks ago I received the agency of Widnes Balsam
of Wild anterty, bat with some reluctance on my pert,
for the reason that I had been the *gent of to teeny
plili and other ntettrankil, which were cracked op to
be something wenderftd, bet which tamed out In the
sod to be of no account whatever,except to Me man.
nocutret. Dot I candidly admit ttat this time I have
been deceived, far amexanunditumy ...resod - sated by
%Vitae. Deli= ha...minced the that "good can
tome not of blumeth.” Your sigma left ma gas dap
en bottles, which me all gono— Moe the Inmette
of cuing emend obstatme cos. of ConsemptiOn.-
sad no mistake; tor what I W. and know I am beend
on behave. One case in minima.: A young gentle.
MA In Winekewer, Adams county, 0., t 0 miles Do.
Mit pines, was cwt.! of Consampuon when the doc
tors has Men him up, or at least could de aqthing for
aim, and It sem the lutention of Us Mende to coolvt7
Matto your city, and gamer= midst the cote ammo
eminent physic,. there. Bets
friend told him of
Mum . * Bahama and that be emidd obtain it of tna.
Ito mot foe it, and before the second bottle was gone
be woe mood sod well, and extending to his every day
business.. At them sot amend Ingairies for the med.
ciao, It would be well to forward an additional 'Apply
wittmat dehty. Very reetfolly, years,
The above, nom L. Newhout, Esq., .highly Inspect
ede country marceant, commends fuel(( forcibly to
tandbl antede of all those who have doubted
the great merit of Maar'. Wild Cherry Baum.
Remember the original and only 'mitts MAW'S
Balsam of WWI Chem, was Introduced to the year
lItD, and has been well tested In all complaints for
which it is recommended. For 17 years it has Veepd
more elbeaelorui as • remedy far Coughs, Colds, Ind a
eam, Dronchms, Asthma, and Consumption In on In.
anima Mattes, than any other medicine.
NewLlitoroao, dag.10,1848.
Mt. S. W. Ferric Hating wan any mnlficates
publittied m manors to Dr. Climax's Delwin of Wild
CheitY, I take to,. opportunity of offering a word in
its favor, which yes are also at liberty no publiah- A
few manna since my wile . tangt. bonnie an coach af
fected with a sudden cold that she ben bet voicoond
wifeted actereiy tram pains In the Mutat. lief Wear
non gassed her friends much alarm. Raving heard
your Balsam atonally recommended by those who
used 141 ;mediated • bottle from you neat to this
plus. She took It secording to directions, and it pro
duced a wonderful effect. Whitens.. one bottle she
bad completely reentered bet voice, the pains eithalil.
ed, lade . heel. woe won folly mestabll.hed.
1few..1.11, HE.NRY O. 0111011TBIAN.
To Damian. son Chum to • eel.
ebnued and Infallible remedy for Mature of Consamp
non, Asthnta and Liver Compl elm, has by Its own lee.
wts, been tepidly, sus and safely working lit any
through.a oppeollion of quacks and coonterltiters,
soul, by Its Me eta. and 111141118eltnenee, ban
g awl for itself • most entlablepopalarity, andzstabi.
Imbed itself in the ernadence of ...nivel and en
lightened public from one end of the elnlttnent ut the
other. Tha teatimany of thousands who have bow re
hayed and (and ny this valuable ankle, will Wow
'that It monde acne Wed—at the head of all other me.
for the mire of diavase. (or which It L. meow.
mended. no genuine Dr. Wlatoris halts= of Wild
Chewy Is sow for sale by duly appointed Agent., and
all impwtable deafen lo mnlielaea, In all bares eaten
and all important towns Wren/Woo the United State.
Paean per. I KU Denies for E.
Sold by J. A PARK, Demmer to Sandfonl &Plaid
Fourth and Walnut Witte, tanlettliten, ObtO, 4ente rat
Agent for the eon. and Wen, to whom emits.
must be addressed.
Wileoz, Jr' Jame. A. /once, J. Kidd fr. 04" D. A.
Fahnestoet it Co, Pittsburgh. L. T. Rouen, Wash
ington; W. IL latathartoe, Prinkllni L. EL Bowie,
don; fdrs. Orr, Hellidaysburgi Rlldebran la Ca, In&
ape; .1,11. Wright. oleaoO Evans 6. CC. Brook.
villa A. Wilton & Ron, VVayneaburgh;
MCo, N. Callender, bleadvlllm Dubs I c o, E ,... J.
agoon, Mercer Jam., K. 117 &Co, Butle4 Bl l. th,
Deader) . D. glasurietton, Warren; R.L.4,
CionderaPern . Comae, iffi Prolamine.
0 medicines of the day." •
• Graham Btation, Ohio, may YS, ie4g. •
Elellen—l think It tirht, rot Mr w ne a to rw v ,
to state some tam In relation to your ereehant F.
unit Medicine..
I have need your Verudfure largely in pay era
family. one vial frequently expelling large quantities
tray 100 to 200 worms) from two children. I have
aW used your Liver Pills and Cough flyrap to my
family, and they I eve, in every iunance, prodaeod
the enact. desired.
••- • -
Ai I act engaged in" merchandising, I sun able to
state, that I have yet to hoar of thelrd failure where
our medicines have been used In any section of the
country. In conclusion, I may state that they are the
medicines of the day, and ate destined to b ay . , n
extensive popularity. Yours, respectfully,
Pupated and sold by R. R. SELLERS.,Iio 73 Wood
sticet, and sold by Druggists generally In the two
cities and vicinity.
Sr.l.t.ctte FAMILY Mkaittllrikz--Iner ars me
Medicines of the da77..
flea nast`s &farm, Ohlo, May Ph, 1849.
R. F. Seller.: I think It right for the benefit °tethers
toilets Walt are in TellelOn 10 year eXcellent Pena.
ir Media:we
I have mad y. sr Venni:age lermny In IDT own
Ily. one Walltre....tent4 armwentig.for expellingt .de
geantlthis (hay Ito le00) worms from two childrea ( -
have also aged your Liver Pills and tough Syrup is
my family, and they have In every Instance produced
the alert desired.
As I am nosed In merehaadlang, I em able to
state that I tiler yet to hear of the first failure when
your medicates have been oxd ie MY Wet= or the
country. Iwconcluston, I may state that they are as
Medicines el;tbe day, ea are destined to have every
eguineive Opulent, Younonaccddallp
tar. unntn.
Prepared and sold by R. F I P.ItS,No 67 Wood
street, and wild by Drente.. seoeratly In the two el
des and vicinity. revel
retlacar iithe — av - E.O. COMPLAINS, .Viva
q„A original, only true, arid gonaine Liver nil.
Snort Caw, Ohio meanly, Vs. /
Mauch Mb, 1849. $
Mr. R. E. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think It a duty I owe
to yeti and to the piddle reefs ly, to state there have
Irene arnieted with the Liver Complaint for a long
time, and so badly that an abcces Conned and broke,
efhleh lest me in • very low state. Haying heard or
-your Weaved Liver Pill. being for sale by A B
Shar y
t, West p ltbkryr u and recomm ended to ree
th lry
purchased tk o 4 rm l t,g, ' lt e fermi " them
re Just what they_are , recoremtended, THE Dam LI
VER PILL EIMR USED; and alter taking four boxes
find the disease his entirely left cm, and I am now
perfectly well. Rencetfully yours, • •
West Many, March 28,11412.
I candy that I am personally acquainted with 'tie
,and can bear testimony to the tomb of the
above :ertibeant.. A R SHARP
Tee aenuine Liver Pins sea prepared and sold bye
E 4 LLEBS , No 87 Wood street, and by druggists
Mute wo ei.tee
TO THE PUBLIC.—The oriainalonly United gran
: line Liver Pills are prepared by R ESelkre, and have
his nonce stamped Is black wax upon the hd of each
Irk, and his legnaellil on the eatable wrapper—an
others are countetfeits, or base imitations.
' note R E SELLERS.'
I; ROM the Rev ASA SHINN, a well known and pop
elar ClergunanotthisProtottant Idetbodist Church
Toe undersigned haring beenallieted duringthe put
*truer Irth diseue Olthe stomactoonurtintes
denim ammonia in the itomachfortenortwelve heats
without teleran Yon, and after having tried mulcts
remedies 'nth • • hhoot. sr funialted Isith a bottle
orDr DJaynelG mauve Balsams Thie need art•
cordina to the direet.ons and foiled Invariably thattids
methane chnsodtbs pai n to Mush in three or four TWA
ems, and in fifteen or ounatesercry
densation was endraly quieted. The medicine was
terwardansed whenever indica:lmmo the approach of
pahmeerepereetesd,undthoPun Ira. thereby prevent.
ed. Ile continuo! tense the medicine every e.snisig
and simettmes tu da monuna, end in a few worm
health arum far restored, that the nderer was relies
ad from a lute mood et of oppreasias pant Faun en
perianee,therefore. can confidently recommend V
/apnea Canninatisa a ulatul medloin
dor dimmed of theStomneh and bowels. A SILINND
Far gals Pittsbutatt .tairr LIVIA
79 Fourth street, near Wo a. and also at the Drag
Mare of H SpHWARTZ. Y. •rsi srser. Allegheep
vim, ~enL Enscovitavi_t
VIII Gnat Sal
Consmytton, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronahllie,
COMplianl, 1410=4 Blood, Difficulty of Bumb-
les, Path In the 131. and Dress; Palpitation ot
the Heart. Toluems, Croup, Moir. Con.
all honesty Sore Throat, Nervous Ikbill
ty, and all Diseases of the Throat,
Breast and Leapt thorned ef
reined and speedy cafe
the aknow n gree isead tor mys-
of •
es. is
DR. SU o f trim of W i l dCleary!
This meddelue is no longer among num of doubtfal
atilay. It has passedsway Dom the thousands daily
lamehed upon the tide of experiment, end now Mande
higher in an y on, lsheentrang more extensive
ly used then any other preparation of medicine ever
produced for the rebod of sugaring men.
It hos bean latroduced voq generally through the
United Rums ma harms. there are few towns of
Immrtnce but whet oontam wrme aernartable
dams or Ito good deem For proof of the
statemento, and a ir e valm and einem) of this moth
=l,l=2lllw fiXenbeerpfer=tltlZ
mon of the first rupeetabillry—men who haeo higher
vims of moral rerensibility and Ittotiee, than to eer
tiff to facts, became it will do mother a favor, and
themselves no Walk.e. Berk tesdolony proves coo-
Imivcly,thatiusmpnelagexcellence la eradiated
by Its intrinste omits, and the unguntennable mthori
ty of public opinion. The instemancous relief It af
:fordo, antl themothlog Mauch. Mimed through the
lwhole frame bylits ova, renders it • most . agreeable
moody for am afflicted
nouns from otruseientioas Mayalses,
vimutrily bed monotony to the trath of a tang, or
parue o olar fectomehtestimony, being ce ntaur? to their
ridlg tracrestemd prapems, comers conviction of
itstruth .and coomends itself ins mmlal mariner to
'Adverse] eradence.”—lTllegads Dotal hlmima.
STILL Anvil= Connor Peimeasai COMSCIOITOM—
There never. loos a remedy that Ma been as successful
dmperote eases of Consumplien, as Dr. avrayne'a ,
•Ccamound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It strengthens the
csyentrt, any appear. to heal the deers an the lungs,
create g new and Huh blood; power. possessed by no
other adicina
Canna Co., April t2h,1848.
Dr. Se sync—Dear Edo I verily believe year Gem
' pound IS ' rue of Wild Cherry has been the means of
moving my life.• I caught a severe cold, which grad,.
dly grew worse, mended with a severe cough, that
resulted all the remedies which I bud recourse to, still
• Increasing mil my cue exhibited all the slloptoo. of
Pulmonary Consumption. Every thing I tried mere.
to have effect, and toy complaint Increased so rapid
ly thalriends as well as myself, gave op all hopes of
my recovery. At this time I was recommended to try
Tour invaluable Medicine: I did so with the most Imp•
py rendts. The first bottle had the awn to Icemen the
cough, caasu6 p o e m expeotorate Beale; and by the
time I MI used sit bouleal was entirely well, md am
now m hearty • men oth I ever was in to Ilk, and
world be happy to give my infordsthmempeenag mJ
case, th at o th er sufferers may derive the heaths for
which lam po grateful. For that:alit of the above
atatemmt, I refer you to Peter Rosh, Groom West
Chester, Ph, of whom I poetised the mosileini.
Reepoffigully years, hum Masai
Worded Coop of a Metfiudisa Mfissiger,
Dr. Swayne—Dear Sin I feel a debt of gratimdo ,
yea--end • day to the nillioted generally, to oder
my humble tenirseny m faior of you Compound Sr.
rapof Wad chesty. Some three yeasts Shiite I was
violently *tacked with told and itilarnmatlan of the
Lon which was accompanied. with • distreming
COrf pain in the Invest sod fiend, very ourtsidera.
bleu harp of offensive mucus from the lung% espe
dallraptra change of weather, however slight. At
fart I feint* slum about My oe_edilietts hot mu pretty
110021 convinced that IWU rummy pill consinstp.
1100. I grew daily . ..maker, and at length wee seamd
ty able to walk about, or speak above a whisper . , each
was theckeeedatg weakness of hum. Desmg tug
time I had tried +miens precarmions and preseripfiona,
tort found no rester—growing all the time worse. Jam
here I was advt..ed and persuaded by a dear friend to
Wilmington to make trial of yoar laymp of Wild Chet.
ry. I s
pinetme. that preVieuely I had boon pram
&mid punt medlcumh and lam &phial
those coming oat of the hands of eatperies, but under.
mending you Oahu to Me profession and preenee of
mulleins Lad /mains falth in doe saying of my
friends, efortionth purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of your
agents, • few Wales, sad tommeneed Its use. /Sy dis.
sue was at Ms• time of kV es US months' standin con.
sequesaly it wee deeply seated. I feud, ho wever, -
consitiensble mud from the use dyke first four or five
bottles. Bat being • publie speaker, I frequently at.
tempted to preach with my increasing strength, a
those Vessels AM had already anima
i g t hi s wily, doebtless, my care wu greatly
mord& la evesequnce of s
ating 141 koprisdentl
s a. 4 t ruce or Moen btles before wal
&11 eiro l ad
w heir
"hca Q u estion,
rt mach
: brs •
the abase 'nits...retort. The SIM alloyed the fen
ish habit, took ...say the distressing cough, par •
rhera the an d rib h44. o cure . 4 ysTm ' good ft'm heal the I "M it. I a s :e d it o rs. '
red offering this certificate anal now, fat the pupa.
o urs, eing pudic. satisfied with shy
weal al the
e sod now Oat I feel pufectly weal I oder It with
pleasure. Rim J. P. Joia•x.'
Dahlia Gouty, N. 1;1.
raper ents canes.—Rea Rook
There is but 4.• .genuine prepultiert of Wild Mealy,
and thm is Dr. Dwayne's, the fiat ever offend to the
f.on d l lrofat n all'a b tld tb s, e nn'der cr ame ' iler W o i t l eome: ' ny
circumstances, .a order ID e currency to their Ulm
mit a oirardevation, no penott need mumbo the
grantlee from ti false. Each tattle of tke immune to
enveloped wit a hcattlidli Mel eingrovieg, with Lb a
likeness ofWitsourt Peen Macon; also, Dr. - Swayne%
signature: aid .. Sulkier soeariry,. the portrait at Dr.
Dwayne will Lt added hereafter so as to dimlaguieh
Me prep:lulu nirim all other.. row, Lt it wu oat for
the prat enemies properties and known *Mies of Dr.
Swa% Eanewund Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons
comet be endeavoring to glee currency to their
'louden, now.eMs" by smaller( the name of Wild'
Chewy. Romsattier, always bear to mind the name
of Dr. Dwayne ad be not deceived.
Principal 00,u, corner of Eighth and Race street.,
, For sale relieve/ale and retail by OGDEN t SNOW.
DEN, roe Vd net Wood us; B A PAUNESTOCK
CO, oar lotto. Wood, sod fib sod Wood stE WM
THORN, El Maker sq it IoNES, WO Liberty art
JONES, cot alud and Perm sts; JOHN MITCH.
ELL, Al t,
city, and by a/1 respectable dealers fit
medicine. octl3
- for Sala Cheap.
' ol E raterta " =a b etisa:il: l l , 47..Z l iot s pril:
&spina built oreand hood Kathy, ia goad ardor.En
quire at this once. ISO
P Bedstead.
• •
EIUIIRCIIJiIkIitE , will sell Morpratt's but
qualtty and hlsh test Glass and Paso hake&
Poda Ash, warranted superior he arty other bt and t t
3f by the quantity ofd tone or epwaron for currency&
unproved Noun, at four months, or 31 fora less quan
tity. W &hi MITCHELTItEIe,
Jed - Lawny street.
Mar EMMY, FLEMING A Cu, henna arranged to
ja etre th elr Win attention to the sale of domestic
Woolen and Cotten Coale, new offer Orel , large
ewe of Tailors' Trimmings, Yeatings, French and
German Cloaks, DoeskleV i Velie t itl i t i i c nr&r.
14 1.19„Wood et
10iLEACII1N11PuWDE.11-20 auks Jais lidloratt a.
Sans' brand, a &who, artiale, for silo by
76 c.sics brizopratr• nod. Aah, and In cache
Bleaching Powder, arrived per ship Werthridge,
and 110.• contras ou by canal for sale hr
}, M mrrditELTREE
N. B.—Theywil receive, during the winter, large
Ilopnl{os via Nev. - W.lone ,,..1•
AN vs —Wonght Iron Ravi* from the Tt , 14..r.
ancevllle work, warranted; will be C 0.1151.1.1 11 17
oh h
in i ll 4nd "PPR°
d' r:g o A d g r g RAN. Wend st
PAPER-rOU na5114237 ea 11,
14 ibt gab by ♦ LI ENGLISH 490
)07 s
PLACE BOOR—Containing Os dot ehloes of tea
Ssyrome Colin of the Un.ttd maim. and - of the
*entire Btot Coon. on WI: of Eich.nrr.Cbooks,
sad Pr..l.,o4Note• — delnlag their requisite* *44
pry*Crtitf, am lavOligatiar lkdr relation* Is, sod
efforts span, pulite* itowbotearringed to mender
most convenient for refitecaeomd,saitzbie for
mediate oppllealion. Dy Wry. Lunt, Coonsaßor•
Law. Jost reeolved and for side by , , .
Jeld 'l3/rokstße ror. Markets Third sto. ,
Morey—p,domeryse U.e lied Moonfeetons ISM&
at W PilletopltY of Nature. Dan:
Chilme— add Re:canna. IP., •
Shoe.—Enfliehlkmraturn. 13mo.
.D.ote—Lrotedns. 14144, •
Bryant—W*lS I saw In Callfoteda
Bt. Pierro—Psal and Virgicis. , I vol. lttro.
AleartLetters to Yozeg men. ;limo.
l'i****y—lteriltudo of Mumma Nona& LYmo.;
Verteour—tdodem Y'reneh Llteyats.,
Nelroltato-41¢man Munet4u4.,
• Remboldt— , A.pecto o' Natare:'
Dmdent.—Zoologleal Recreation. •
For sala by . JAMES D LOCED:.
' 10*Foortt vt ; ,
rlflOFEztStnt CHABLIIi DAVIES has lust -pee%
pared a new arithmetical work, e copy ofet(ch
be pr.:anted to each and every Teacher In sFe
United Mum withenn charge upon died application
to A.. IL English ik Co., lit Nirooa street, lhashalithr
trim paid.) The work is emoted
- GAMS/AAR OF 'mritteisrle
Or, An Analysis of the Len,eage of grams and Sc)-
ence Number.
The following notice ta copied ftm,Acne Vat
Tribune of Aut. ent,l43o:
oGamatsi ow Aamraerm., av Cos. gumae t ylLT.l.
Ohm., pp. 1444—1 n this work the langeageof Egareei
and cons:radio° If ambers, are carefully analysed,.
The alphabet, composed of ten figures—the winds d
rived from the tdplother. and the laws by which the
Ivrea are connected with each otherwire ck.or
.The analysis shows that there are bat fear heitb
deed and eighty 'eight elementary conthinadenrie
Arithineue each comeaponding to awned dear car.
moo tannins; and that these conthinutiorot are so
connected together as to be ell expressed by only
silty three different words.. The 51.1.031 proposes to
commit abate words te amatory, and then read the
resdts [named of spelling th em, as nova method: '. •
. 4 10 another respect the system proposes cc Imppej.,
one t e , namely: to ernaider end 'remelt framaini
as entire things, haling a given rel anon to the runt ore,:
from which the y were derived.
sWe serenely need say that the little week trainees
the ingenuity and skillet analYaia, for which Ptefeksoi
Davies' writing mt this subject are lastly oelebrated;
We commend it to the attention of practical teachers:
believing that they will and it crowded with new and
valuable animations
• Farm the Press:ors at IVia Pita..
alfinzrAzi AcAnaxv or U.S, Wm Pun,
. .
wrhe Grammar of &rithetetio, by Prelim:lr Barka,
presents the wthject in a newl7ht. It ea analysts
Arithmetic 11l to Mores. the adz of the learner with
the Ent principles of mathematical. science iti CO it
right order and connection, and the new nits Coelho
reading of firmres are of great practical value.' •
Maned, W. H. C. Bartlett, Prof. of Nat & Phil.
A. E. Church, Prof of Mathematics. •
ft H. Mahan Prof. or Fasineeting..
BAHNES Co.& would respectfully articulate
e teacher.; and to all interested in mathematical' In.
auction, that they will publish, on or before:Um let
of Across, thso, the following work:—
Or, an Anslyses of the Prineiples of the Science-4s
the Nature dfthe reasoning—and aides best Methods
of Imputing Instruction. By Chas. Davies, L.L. Du
Author of A Complete System ot Mathereades."... - ,
N. B.—A; B. Barnes it Co are the poblishars !of
System o ( hladtasumlA.
For sale In this city by A. H. ENGLISH & Co:, NO.
75 Wood street. febtt. .
costar No Slew iatillopiass Melodies..
(IWINEIIe Ron all Night; Dolly Day;
Dole, Jou.; Go down to de Cotton Field;
Nally sou Lad)ase.
Be Kind in the Loved Ones at Home,
Row thy boat belay; Tree Love, by T.lloodi
One way aeress the net. damn •
A now medley song, by B. Coven;
Jenny Gray, =isle by Muller,
Joys don were crowning, Wedding March;
God Mess the hardy manor„ Sohnyl iU Waltn.:
Cemieripps Departure_,_by W. C. Glover; •
Sounds nem Genie; Waltzes, Steyermerkisabe Go;
Last Rose of &unmet, easy variation. llern ••
United Slams Polka; Ladles , Souvenir Polka; ..
Cons Cracker Quadrille. ' Lordsn ll e Qdadrllles :
Beauties of Italy; Deens, Trios, /kn.
A large assortment of New Mule on band. to Wldeb
additions era made weekly. For wile b
febZ • J. G. MELLOR. Ell Wood st.'
. . . .. .
E WAR WITH MEXICO, by R. B. Ripley; R.
TvfLa. . . . .
Elmo= of Rhetoric; comp:king an extelyitsot,
the Laws of Moral Evidence and of Panniadow, by,
Diehard WD. hatoly, D. . „
• ..
` Raul Oil Chfisuau BaDtboa; by Haydn W. Nooyili
The Oarles, a NoveL
Fairy Tales, from all Nations; by Anthony H. Mau
oast; with 114 illaaratlons by Doyle.
Just reep by. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON;:t
dclY corner Tnird and Markel Woo'.
Re and Ziega.sat wit Hookas ;
1,7 Headley, with eleven original deals. by Hay.
Poems and Prom Writing', by Richard IL Da4ao
v 01.., mnillp.
IllareMated Gems afillacred Potty, with ate Illusive
dons ongraved•na steal by John Sartain.
Jsut received by OHNSTON er. STOCKTON,:
ded comer Third and hlarket its
P •v• - • •
nTstctes AND P A T I ENT; or a Pracalhal View
of the mantel duties, relations and intent ate of the
Medical Pro:easiest and the Community; by Worth
ington Booker, M. D.
TO Works of Michael Do Montaigne; comprising
biz Essays,;Lettera .ke. By Wm. Hazlett. ,
Pitneren and its Remains. By Austen Henty,
ard, Esq., D. C. L.
Glimpses orsnain; or Roma of an Unlashed %az
la 1847. By B.T. Wallis.
Topper's Proverbial Philosophy, new edition; IBps
totted. Just received by
110•21. corner Market and Third etreets •
uhaap Standard Hi•tory.
ilshint by Hyper h 8r0 , ., a colt cloth: glad
paper. at 410 easu per voL Three cob reeetted';o4d
we by R HoPRIPIt4,
apt] 713 Apollo klaildiranh
id•w 1300 k..
nn EDBUHN. Yoyago, by Ilerautablellvilli
1.16 author oP•Typee." 4 0‘non," /to.
History of KI7 Alfred of England,by Jatob Obi!
fin f
'dg'n C " e_ b_y W. m.inuta.
comet Third and biarkennsaata
' , Chu of the Moat &mar • Work, ofthe Age
NINEVEN AND ITS REMAINS; with an nespubt
of • skit to the Chaadaran Christiana of
Knell t
tan, and the Yeshils or DcalbStforshippers; and an
•Inqclry into the Nantiera and Atts of eho Ancient. As.
myriad,. fly Austen Henry Layand., D. CA,
With Intreiluctory• Note by Prof. E. Robmson, Di
LL.D.! Illustrated with 13 plates and maps, and ith
wood cat, V mote 800. cloth, NAO. .
"The tan* boo a me efeeelllt of graphic, Tbrieinle
cartage, nettative n—'rributte.
The tooth of Layard is the mon prominent condi
halloo to the wady of antiquity, that bas eppeared for
many yearao—Christ Inq.
of one exiots id interest the account of Nthevah
and its Rains, Oren by Dlr. Layard..”--TWashingter,
Intelligeneta '
eAs sca rodeo the diggen with breathiest into tist
in their camaraderie, end raddenly fled ourselves be ,
fora a =Mho , aginwcarattd with minute aeettreel l
noW WU* Its Itgentio heed from the dust of DAM
years, ma:.,, ready to cry oat with the astonished
Arabs, .N•Vallaki, it is wonderful, bat It letraePd-Ixt ,
dependent; •
For ealeby JAMES D. LOCKWDOD, :
meth ia3 Wood. et
• on a. ••,
RE WOMEN of tee Old and Nevi Testament. T Edited by E. D. Spregne, D. D. 1 vat. Dep. boo.,
zrer.!.. 2 oNary:=VilVilL'Zi""b*lV.
POEMS)IY AMELIA, (Mix. Welby. of sr,) - 11'.3 ye
and mauled ethuon; Illestrated by
,ebirayWys (,dm
° y 6 f.Z i dt ni rsrgllt Y 11 1 LT-,:vt=p e l v elllll,ll, '
L gad Gift Beebe.
Sewell'* PIM Doak of the Mlitoly °CRON
I vol. 11,00.
use of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Saw. ,
yen, Lumbetmen. Sittderlts and Artisans gertaniSTl
being a therougb and practical Treatise au Alensprw .
Son and the Slating Hula. By D. N. Kaper,
Delves Treatise on Greek Prose Composhkna.
OLendoin Elementary. Prenek Grammar. By
Le riot.
Greene of Brown linlyerslts. I eel. team,
Racier' Geseides , ,liebrwar Grammar, by Conant.
Gem all HebrewHebrew xicon. '
Loomis' Trigonametry and LOffiZierAgo Tablet.;
vol. (sheep.)e Elotlishmara's Greek Concordance. 1
Ardholra Classical Series.
„ •
Webster?. Dicilonary, reviled ed. I aid. Bro.
do do ...bridged. 1 sot. 110.
Barns's Note. and Clut•liiillll:4lNew Testainent.'
NYbaisly'a Logic.
MoshciaPs Ecclesiastical Himory. 3 vols. one
vols. Nhcep.! •
Vestige. of Croatian.: 1 voL Ithaa.
Morrough among tha 3csaita ...Rome. 1.01. (cloth
and paper.)
Scenes where the hinpur has Triomphe& 1 Val.
(cloth sad paper.)
flagmen Theological Leetuncs. l vol. goo. (cloth;:
•Aldor's Pronoanclag Bible.
Boyer”. French Inetianory.
Stout's Hance. For sale by -110PEIN5, , ti
novl3 Apollo Building., Fourth st
tiB 7usT gkal — .ll - VGD.-1110 WI)
Montaigne, nettled by H. Elaolln, ernaprildog
Ts, Letter. and Journey through Garman?toid•
Italy, with notes from all the Commentators,
teal sad Inbliographical Notices
Thorny toad Practise of Teaching; er, the
and Methed. of Good School-Heaping, by /held
Plage, A: IV,' Poinmpoi of On MAUL Normal 2k4.0 6 .4
Albany, N.-Y. • ,
Frank Ferestets 11th Fishing of the V. fitate.
and Eritiodi Province. of North Ameties,• by Ileary
Wt. liertiett. JOHNOTUN
• nave corner Third and Martet_s
The owe. Mao
TAXES D. LOChillOill411001=1.1;i3gi Nifir' 4 g
if No. G 3 Woo 4 street, h. for "sleeker eordeemoor
Piet., tare remainder of the edluon,) of dos ' , Weill
Work, devoted to toe Preservation of Doeumentrio
other authentie Intornsatson relqwtor to the early ex.
ploratione, eauleamot and improvement of the crimt !
mond the head of the Okla By Neville Dr. UrVli
Esq., of Pitiahargh, Ikeda Enro.
n.OO . J. .
• 111.• ar • '
r 11.4 kJ] BERATriiiTh7roth o on il ,Blue
Lahertg, of other Ancient
BK.. uth....4 wi th rr tZ ogi N
anted at Routs,' yetis., era,
Historical Works.
Jul publisitetrAnd fermi* iA' n 8 .,.. n a ,
JAMES M. LOC* W. ‘"W e 'poner.l33 Wood sf
110•11/ . _
IitANNV fri -EV -L 4 l O - 4 114r il i
2: 12 m. M 1111.S.FANNY ghala..
'The reeding walla; Whiney had Ititg
much Mahar egt,, v aitingt. 'lt displays • '
f msm ~ and .2.°"`°•P"."""trekel
toes of
feeling then any otherTzto L tZtil:e i t r. ..
with rsinen__.....m"Afre readabli:ook,ar.rittis
it Cif hold, spirited and enter 4
EtT e Y g:ite rsearr
runend It va tetlein Ss the lids/
Pu bli. "'s or i t h he learrna n i or uss l gthstg for pe,
cent.— u d • and is OW. CCU nte
d residence 1 Pi
most interesting hooks of the sesson.e.—ce.,,,ad
iin A ,iy loini, ~ ,
u eloractiniiiie book. Ws kayo - nod it Aiiii
. A .to to Colophon with unnbastil,bitorost A ri
".,-.) - dr Ufa in Room 'ln all ce.pmeni eininonill
- ' '"z" ....lLniel boob.: .....
mumble. or
For WO by • - ! JAMS D LOCKW(H)D.
nov.s ; nooknollet A Impoha. Ai iffloo,fia :
I • • am wad Flawara. ••
BOXES 'tlopoiler Donned lEl,Na*, Ali, MO
do. Moro of all tlza !aunt and moarlatNo o.
Markel st:
DIED BEEF-1001U .ait - teTuad - reast4iarti
oat or smote, An isle 14 '
11 04 1 1 1030 ,MICOLt
• l• 44T
-- 4, -#44 , fli •
I ilt,
B3:wiAWS:tsvia l lm
a. noLasa's eons, •
lEtaiak•r•, CYo hastse . g. ol ,...
3113 DR/A.I3M 13 • •
N 1..4 1L
. 1=13,D CC..I 1 01 , 00 13ITRIT.
RAM, Nol*
COLLEMONS.—DraftS, Notes and ilehntaneea
payable in any part of the Unlonoralleetadjostke mat
favorabla terms.
faCt-lANGE on New Writ, fllladelody6 d Re .
%intern -Lto,Cinednnat , Lmlavtlles gain yew and
New Orleans, coasts, y far tabs.
JOANK NO7lo.—Notee on all tolvint baralei the
United Stake discounted at the lowest rataa. , kind/
of Foreign and Arnene. Cold mid Saver Cant Paula
•and aold. ;
Atka No. SS Mutat. Jar*, between 3 issad 416
Plttablargth Pa.
1 • ' vonxlOA IC CAA «~
. . „
ILLIS ea Eeitard, Ireland, and Ecolland boast'
any. mem at the Calico Hun • Setballae,
DIAN payable In any pan of the 'Old CAllatry.
from 41 to-tied% • the rate of $5 to the Slather ,
writoat deduction ft &amen, by JOSHUA lIGAN:
SON, Ensopean and Omer.] Ageat, oleo 31 1 1 . ssa
Ado? wt of wood , L " .ttEta
.22....... z a tais • i Ewa, iiitx
. - MIX • RAHN, '
Fonden sad Domenic: Gas a l•eanage, Can
atey of /osite, Dank Notes and Cob, yore= of
3d add Wood meets, dlreedroppoca• St. Ctedlea
IiipLIITZFAr ?pumps
• • • hatoad,
pirchua b Bank Nola;
' =Mulct stmt.
Th l2l.l =! "----
hdh . 4 4141 ,4
Ocenwa bb
tIY for bFby LIM& SONS.
zonal' •. &a:wortam,
iiereluintspEastsida Diamon.l. Pittsburgh,
are now OleriaZ Erne Vary lowest prices for east.,
Ree uDed Whisker, Gin and Demesne Risen"; ale,
Prem.. " . —ndx,Rolland Gin. Jennies Lon.
W MARS HA lA, 83 Waal at,
.Apeed • Amon Male.
TORN tr:
WATT CO. hare removed t eir nook of
- V GroteTies to tbe opposlla side of Liberty
•' • '
NyromexiN ANERICii—Her work and her re..
• ward: By Rada .1 tdelutosh, author of eCbanas
diollototertne"."To mean and to 0421 ioI 14m o.
Latter Diy Paraphlos, No 1,--Tbe present
Dy Thomas Culy.n, .
Ofide and W 1111,10,4 Thee.
D D.. L.4D. i reelections on 1312114e1l
Analogy, Paley 4; Evidences of Ctuleyanlty, and Hill's
lactate on Divinity, with** Introductory Lenore.
and (oar 'AdAtestes - dallvered In the New Coileget
Lliekbargh, , Thomas Chalmare,'lL ty, L. L. D.
Yol Moo.
Oadann..-Llio or Pohn Calm a, compiled Dina authen
sonreeaandpanietdarly from Ina conespondeneea
ThamuH Dye...with portrait. I eat Unto. •
For sale by • • R HOPKINS,
037 , 78 Apollo Boning north et.
lassuna44 aural.
From i 1 Now Ymk Trthom.
1~ rant
A bee no po D isrbia lar d the t I t:at on of
gratitude, desires Milo say, that be has
b' bat
mire ' d of
uuretente doefneca;by the two( "Scarptee Compound
Acoustic CHO a Philadelphia medicine, which to not
for sale la tat city bat which los thistle ought to be,
for the good of the 'afflicted, He has a Voter who bo
.abio boon dated by e. Ile' urgently advisee all who
ooeeufferieg trine deafens, to try thin retried)).
tiseurance that, anion the case be extreordinaty, the
will prowe abundantly eacceiltnal.
ex rs:l2e 4 PCNIN TEX EITORE,
febe ; 70 Fourth sr, Pittsburgh
Comb/0 Combst
20 gt°,s.,....gurkel g 'ode do wrf 100 1
1 ." lower lingoA Hem Bcddlog;
6 " 'Pocket Combo;
500 " " Wood
-1000 doz ask'd Fine Ivory; •
50 Shall Side Comb.;
10 ".. ropes large Bcffracq
. 400 11.011 aced Stdo Combo; rec'd and for Web)
fobs 011E66E8.109 M rket at
Duff nousmadtl Buff Du llwdl
'NOTICE—That McClintock hat ttda day
rreetived several ea.ce of the Qom and bout na
W Mow: to which be would moo; retro dully
call theliiteation of Ms customer. Bud the publir lug
genl: , • -
I.,' era ••t Ware Poems. 75 FOUTth It • Jana •
altars. '
A e F IZ:v ant - , 0a,‘:.'1 1 3,1't.t,'.u.7.V-frel
sale. b7': , ianB J. U. bIELOR. 81. W ood st.
THE 'Complete Works ei John nanyaer.f.,o4,,
lo t vol, Illustrated; =hills gilt and gilt edge.
Bluebell's Biblical and eabbathlichuol Geography;
a easy work; I vol, Mac.. • • : .
Tovnt , s dualyaMund
mos e of Jo. Adams; by Wm. Sewed; gaol,
Maolin_j hn •
Q . ' • • '
Pee= by Mrs. Beaman' 1 Tol,l2aue gtIL
South's tioronam—tserasons pp ached upon several
oecoutoil4 by .Robers Swab, ~11,•1. a !lOW edam, 4
vol.; Lao Indbq Posthumous Doe ,
Sams , -4 vols. tu!keheeP, ems; Ova.
• For add by . • 1 110PKIN9.
fetri • • ,
Met IeizIOLSOS . j a. TAT..
rPllEnndomOnled, successors to Arthers &
1. ton, beg leave to inlaying, citizens of Paubtirek
and publicpointedly, that they hams rebuilt , the EA
GLE, FOU NDRY and are aloe In fell operation, end
have part or their pimento ready for the tnarkett—
A monpt wnich ore Cooking . Stoves,. Coal and Wood
Stoves, with a splendid sur.exht Coal Stove,
which Is
now aripereedins in' other eines the COMMS= riteul
Stave. Ale, a cheap cost Cooking Stove, well adap
ted for mall fainilin, with a fall assortment of ewe
men and mantel Grates ' We would . pardealarly
vitothcaueution or persona bailding to•eall u qua
'warehouse before ponahasing, and examine &splendid
of ontimmolard Orates, finlatied to Ana solo--
entirely new in this market.
Warehouse, No. 181 ..Liberty at, opposite Waal el
YEAGE.R. lmporlar, mad Wholesale • Dealer In
Sign of the Gilr Comb, lei Market st., Piittburgh, Pa.
Weston' Zdertharns, Pedlars, and others runta4
Pittsbargitto purchase Goads, are respectfrdly inetts4
to call as examine the ostensive assortment of Ertsk
litlVo"reicier Zit= and =iFtruyarGe7rOl'aorr•
cd direct by myself, andyarchasers may rely on get
this goods from first hands. , I have the lamest noon.
mons of =Mies, In the Variety Alms ,a the mty of
Pntsbargh—all of Which ;will be odelove for c.o. 0 ,
city acceptances. ;The Stock casuists, An part. of
Lace Goals, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons.
Bilk Cravat!, Shales:id Petard Threads, Heuing Et!h,
00l Cotten Tapes, Sespitraen, Batons, Pins, Nes,
Gold and Silver Watches; Gold Animist, all lund . et
Washes, Casa. and Hators. - •
Percussion Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks. Aft
Canaraursepeetachu, Steel Pees, Masa, 8e.,0s
Carpet Hags and Iliskeun '
Buntings, Findums and Tritensinga -
Toys and FRAC y-43004144 together vita a l ane mi..
ty of Fiery and Staple DAY Gt/OrAg.
• C. YEAUES. Is . else agan fat the eilehrated Lam
caster Combs. . stool7
Orsat Iraqql.lTh ne.ear.
:14' °IBM b A C A I A A i uk = en ' The
MATO 'discoid, is tha.'llllllGAßlAlq ' w= r OP
LIFE, .b 7 the' celebrated. Dr. Suchen of
Loudon, Ragland, end Introduced into the Veined Stiles
ander the homante superintendente of Me humor.
The extramdloary- mowa et thli indictor, to tha
cure ofFuloonadieenses, enflame do ...merle.
Agent in soliciting tuatmentate warm. town" cc
sealant eon be in the carestraniry—ceses that seek
relief in ego from any of the common - remedies of the
day, and have been glean Nally the samtableaguished,
phystmans as evadroutd sodium:Vain. '.7941
an Balsam hu cured, and Will nu, the Suer deep:quo
of cases. It Is no quack =mom bet • standard atop
tidy medicine, of known cud esilithed saucy.
Every dually Into United Sums should be mulled
'with !Maven Motorists Halms of LifOOtat only to
counteract the conmmpdve tendencies • OF - Ow
he: to be used as it preventive medial= in all ctrTi
colds, coughi, spitting of bleeds. pals, in the side and
chest, lunation Leal sarenove Or than • limp, brachia.,
thelettity of breadtm, kernel foie, olghlaweass, cum*
Ulan and general dabilith Ws% hitill.llllOOl:h.pbs
Sold in large Wl*, etllPO , oulesWiti:llll direst
dons for lb, staleutigo of haslet. •
cunikk coole/mot 411 "! of Aloe*
demdenee, showing the ass
• mulled Oltria 'kW ftm ere co ernes, u'l ogre
t,ENS, l 4ll!Rez!ir:dy, may Li
°Mama/ of Me Alltues.C.,..,...Thtlz,
For eale by D A Co,. wow*
at and Wood and Wood nod 6th
SE,I,Lee. 1 • COUGH itsii ill/ r—Ttneus
Novena Louis! •
Prvartmen, MTh
arr. 8. 8. Sellers—ln Justin to you and your locum
parania Cough Syrup, 1 beg itavet, MOM for the 1.6-
cfit of the earrunualty, that my wife hoc been several
d i sc . voluted a mat ttiueisbalr'eldalth. I Pm
chhsed, in /unary last, oblate Of you agree, whisk
eared a coup of two months. standing: About OWN
smite, the cough returned; and was so mum
that she • could hardly suer, from 'vastness in the
1 sent for ore bottle o year CougnEysep, red
e pen of one bottle cored the cough I gue the ewes
lee footney MIR .11u woe teVerely• Mined, Who hid,
10 MO hie own wurds, , raten entomb unit candy to
cue ell as people to Pittsbargh,"ll4e ceedy had
Meals as good ee represented. •
Sure; telt,. trolly, AtVatalll. Kum
Prepared and .sold by R. E. SIiLLEIIO,3I Wood
street, and sold by Druggilos generally Jo the two
: ....... AND CA , 11INEII D AL R ,r.ucat wN
I. A.
fatly inform ilia Stakes he
keep Con Waal. atnad enlist
west Intent the d,Alle
;• alteny city,. a complete apart
ment of Valuate Winds; also Ve
• Md. Shutters are made toot
der in the best style; warranted
criddi to any little United State.
His Mole eau be *Atoned with ent,LIM aid of L ,retew &iron.
.. f I Inolnir is re basedlt h c- atone.,
tools, weed of Um nation ea
- / la n l'Avar'll to tarnish
the !old' custonanAas watt as
. ..
ke pnblie . at'l o 2l . -O,Z i t'STOtY Ming in Ito. _
li geTi 11
• ! "44 I,'WMlntilitOWN.
TU...NT meld, an elegant plain Hoseerood W. Plum'
cl/ fronk dm celebrated cracaNctory if Nuns tc.
Clark, N. Y., of superior tansond very moderate pries-
For sale by.' H. ILLIaI
dollar • • ; at J. W. Woollrb
witunie tvoay rkle RL
far re sing 'fait& Sett= 3,llWpir'ls
substances destructive TO the Teeth. Ills deli/loss so
the issze,eleansing She itialathr /Wdi 12415" ",0 9"
mg ill gams, and psngsang the breath. .. •
tsle,sekedeaale add retail by
sELLgsg, • wood
WATO•I2,II. I IssCHKAPER Ti%%ll°l.llllst
V„„' . iaat maS••••lsseics tali kw
a‘a_ida4 etnnalas mica, *hick 1 ran doe as
r, n = t rd , 4l.iny &lista, apdlaTistatd so
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