Tl3B PITTSBIJRGH tiaZETTE. PUBLISHED 13y tHITF, da (X) rikTx.numou --- FRIDAY - MORNING, JUNE 21, 16at javatetszu ars earnestly requenee to haral to qmr ravers before 5 z. al., and as early in LbGdllT as pratticable. Advertisements not mauled fora s,,eet. led Was will invariably be charred until ordered oat 117 V. D. rstotai t. Agent for tlitpoper at hl• the mil , Imam' meneies in Plew Rork, Philadelphia, and Doom, and is motorized to receive eabscriptioes and advertisements for as. •Jverdre merta for LOU piper received mod forwarded free or e►arde from r►it van.. 11,7 CM:ll.4in DAIL, CIA ZLIT. —Ad Vertlrernersth and subscriptions, for thir paper, will be renewed and otwanicd from this other. IST Partanxnn7 mews and i IlarteriptiOn• to the Noth American and United Slates Oaseitn. Philadelphia. nceived and for. warded tram this orrice. CollththartAL at this valuable taper, will be received and .forward d from this office. Antlma•onto and Whig Nomination roa TITIITY 11111.". CONOMS. TLOWE, 1:1=111 TM reran, MUM!, 111111 M rim e:mcwas, DENNY, OP rrsrrirwa. Tof 11. , ATT. J'AME.S CAKOT II E .IH ORGAN 11011FLTSON. T. 1. 81011/o.l.' P Lower Ft ClairPittsburat. R. C. WALKER. F.lantern JOHN WeI.OISKET, Robinson. JAMES FIEFS., Snowden. ratni, , Tlsa •rroasar, FRW: I I 9 C. FLANFACNi Plits6arg6. C 1.111111.0.1, PMENT:ZER BOYLE, No Payette. •ouaoa, WAL FLYNN, Lower St. Clair C.IONTS 110tVtl'ON D. N. COURTNEY, Ohio. 117BEF Mirk PAGP. FOR LOCAL VATTERP TELSORAPTIIC P4EPht,:cz. Tax UKMM SIATP.I Ann SPAIX.—ThO National 3t Intelligeneer, in a eeml•onicial article, puts to sleep the rumors which have lately been so ih dustrlonsly circulated from Washihatun; and pub- Ilshed in the New York prestos, of dacger of wit with Spain. It declares that the Government has no ittlOWleitAlf Of sty torture or death indicted ` uponthe Centel prisoners, and that, from Merest I and amicable temperer the Spanish Minister near this Government, and the prudent advice which it may be presumed that ho has given turbo G.'s. enact General of Cubs—a., well as from the an- equivocal language addressed to Mon by our Sec retary of State, through our Causal, Gen. Camp• bell—there Is no reason to anticipate any harm to the men who embarked from the island of Cooley, and were captured by the Spanish cruiser, led married into Ilsvina. These men (though the Creole marauders ware recruited In part from among them) vomit:tined no net of hoStility aaainst Cabs, one either.: any suincient prool that they designed arty, but the contrary; and, therefore, though they hai coiled from s tbreign port, nod not from the United States, when they were cop. tared, yet, being known to be in part at 'east American citizen!, it is the duty of our GJeern- Eleatto extend its protection to them, and avert or pent itt any harm to life or limb. The puhhc may root assured that the rights o American citizens will be strictly guarded by the AdmhaistMtion, and that there Is no likelihood that Spain will embroil herself well this country. Tim New asminv OROAN.-A despatch to the N • Y. Tribune, announces the tint number of the nee pro Slavery organ at Washington. It is to be pub tilled EL.L.WIJOD Furore . , of Ohio, and-Ur. Leon, 0 South Ca'rolina-loth ultra Free Traders and s called "Deinocrsts"-are the Editors. r The latro dummy reiterates the doctrines of the Souther Address , complains of the escape of alarms fro, their marten, through the aid or connivance of ci tacos of the Free States--of the proposed earl Mon of "the South" from the newly acquired Te ritories-hits at the •TactorY Lords" of Bon and the "Merchant Princes" of New York-ti vies thikt Slavery is condemned by the Christin Religion or &genuine Philanthropy-talks . of Gen getwaril renouncing the obligations of the Cons! tution....-Gerrison repudiating the Bible-Greeley contemning existing Society and battling for So cialism, &c. It concludes withthe declaration that the South will consent to no settlement that is ba sed on her implied inferiority to the North, moral. Iy, socially, and politically. -The subscriptiod HA, it is said, has only reach• ed terenty fire hundred. It will have but a mckly - and's!. ort existence, and will, liked,' Nashville Convention: and all kindred efforts to weaken and overthrow the Union; °Div.'s/a remembered with abhorrence, as among the dollies and crimes - of -the past. . 1 A Sum= ou roe Dean —The Washington Republic, the organ of the Taylor Cabinet, In the coarse of a long article defending the Galphin swindle, bee the uliblushieg assurance to assert that Geo. Jackson Would have eanctioned the va lidity it that iniquitous claim, if he had lived. - inutudetee of .this met-leas assertion is only equalled by the bold and daring robbedee of the • treasury, committed by the party in power. The good old min of the Hermitage never was entity of t ,dishonest or dithonorable act."—Firwiergi • The Wiuttirigtin Republic publishes extracts from lila report of • Select Investigating Commit• tee of the House of Represenl Mires, In IBA of vsblett the Hon. H. A. Wise wu Chairman,. and emits that the extracts show the following to he twig: ----- •eeThat Mr. Forsyth, while Secretary of Suit and basing • personal leternat in the Got l phi claim, applied in pout] to Gen. Cana then Sec rotary of War, to examine the claim, and for Malted means of forming, a• he thought, • jog opinion in regard to t h e n t ,Crea Case the ..X.rivcrsUnited ed with Gen. Jackson, Pmadent of States, on the subject, who thought the claim a jut one, bet doibted• whether it rhoold not be paid by Georgia, and cot by the United States; that on that ground Gen. Jickson hafe•ed to per mit an article providing for its payment by the United Staten to be inserted in the treaty cf New ll ihme, concluded with the Chenakee Indians, in 1833 i that in that treaty there wee, never th eless in Ankle Inserted providing for the payment of the claim oat of the proper funds of the United States, provided the United Stnten, - or the Slate of Ge orgia, had derived benefit from the lauds edginalfy ceded by the Indiana to secure the nay , ment of the cleim, and with the undermanding that if the Senate disapproved of tech article, it might be rejected without impalling,noV other provision of the treaty, or affecting the Indium in any manner whetever; and that the treaty, with that sinkb in it, was submitted by Gen. Jackson to the Senate for the ratification of that body.. the evidence on which this state* meat is funded, the Republio closes as follows •e Gerund Jackson, then,. thought the Gellthie elaim a jour one, but %Milo( opinion that it ought not to be paid by the United States, but by Geer._ atia- It. went so far. however, es to seed to the • Senate a treaty, cOntablini a provision for its pep meat eat of the proper funds of the United Stater, provided It should appear that either the Uot ed Steles Or Georgia larlaierived benefit from the lands originally assigned to securer its payment: Can any one doubt, thee, that if Congress had. daring his adminiatration, nagged inch an act as that which wu pasted in ISIS, end by which the United States assumed the liability of Georgia— Can any one doubt. we way, that, under thou cir '--own would have untied the al and im.rea,ml.s paid, and Mt. Forsyth, the evolving Ma portion ern, does `et e "Mille weed you'd base as proceeding by the Uazon, Purepaur, Of Demo. wren td proceedings of Mr. Wise'. Rifted, and the lams laid be. he editor of the Union, and maids party, denounce the rib, in prosecetieg Ude same e t Secretary of State, or the :keen, in transmitting to the icing • movie:mu for Its pay: States! Not at all. Their most'.._____ —meet 'lndignation was all niai sertred until the time claim should be paid ander ,a Whig arbaleistratien• and that. too, after Con - Irreas had assumed the liability of Georgia, and di meted its payment." Haring given the whole statement of the Re. pabUe; with the execrable of the testimony taken before the Invastigatteg Comeilitee, on which It is founded, we leave the reader to judge whether the Republic has slandered the dead—or rather whether the Post has pot slandered the Republic. ACM:Ziff—A eeriest. and fatal accident occur• red near Clarksville, to this county, on Alooday last, under tba fallOef leg circumstances: A non of Mr. -Latimer, of Hickory toweship, called al the bona' or Rev. S. A. McLean. on Monday morning, with a two boil. carriage, for the per, pow of taking abveral Indies zed children to church It Clarksville. bon. Lifter. her mother, Mtn. Lyon. and bet danghter,. a little girl tan leant oW, Mrr. McLean, and several others, had gal, into the carnage. Soon arter startiog some of the harness gave way, the bosses berm e o and, in dscending u a bill at • tom r the na nsad b the carriage e was aped, killing Mrs. j.yorts insitatly. Mrs. McLean bad one of bar legs book., Mr. Latimer's 111110 girl was seriously, and oto or two oaks* *tightly iojare4.—Xerar 4 g PROZI CorruPoodetet of the rittsburet Gan.. t.nunorrox, Joae 17 President's Ines•ago upon New Mexico— otne• in !citrate and donee on Cailfrarc Ws—Census of C•lffornlo. An important message from the President rant this day received by tie Senate, relative to New . Mexico, in answer to ifs resolution requesting the Executive to state Whether he had given orders to the military officers stationed in New Mexico to re slat or embarrass the efforts of the State of Texas to enforce her claim, to jurisdiction, and to take possession of that province. The. President says, in brief, that he had not given such orders, hut that he considered that while the right of ' jurodirtion and the boundary remained in dispute between Texas and New Mexico, the right of possession nr. geared by the General Government by conquest and occupancy, should be maintained. He refers to the arrival at Santa Fe of a "certain Robt. Neigh. bow. styling himself Gemini...loner of the Stale of. Texas," but does not attach any particular conse quence to his mission, and says that he does not believe that Texas will succeed In acquiring any possession that will conflict with dint of the United States. The meaning of this appears to be simply this. The United States have conquered this ter ritory and hold it as the common property of the Union; Texas also claims it, but it is my they In ' 11041 II OS the trustee of the United Slates, until Mat dispute is settled, and 1 shell do ii. Texas is anal, tag setae effort to wheedle me out of the pusses um of it, but they will be trunk., n od while they are its harmless and as high/lent as the sending so called Commissioners to assert the claim of Texas within the territory, I shrill not consider them worthy of special notice. This message is accompsnierl by important cor respondence, from which it appears that sonic doubt has existed as to the location of the line by which,inmediately after the peace, the law admire t axation undertook to mark the iraillheril Illnit ol New Mexico. They assumed for tins lain do thirty second parallel of latitude, and supposed i mussed the Rio Grande, south of El Paso. it nrkiii on fifteen miles north—Colonet Monroe writes the by the Mexican law of limits, the proVraire of Net lexica was bounded south by an east and west Ito sing the Rio Grande three miles north of 1 but, in as moth at there lay to the south. lion several important towns mil village .itliiii the prescribed hinds 01 Terns, he direi the non^. ,ding micer of the (Irmo, to gorem, I protect. Mene plo.ies wider the sritetti -...he ••Nmarney code," beaux, d they he. ng to Tessa she was not discharging anv of chose new towards them, and the necessity for route in of government was manifest. The conantand. g officer sap that Captain lloward and other Tea. is had taken possession of the salt Latin in the Minify °I'D Paso, m the name of 'rem, and 'ere selling the right to take the salt away. upon le pretence of their having been authorised to do o by the proper ant hhuitties ul Tem, Nl.relt SW, lISISO, the Secretary writes to Colonel lunrioe disapproving, of his orders to I 'ammo I'm Invite to extend his military laredolkon to die mrrost, strip in dispute, and telk hint to tall back unit the previous orders. the 15th of April Colonel Monroe lorwarils be Secretary of War a letter from Nramibure. to lint. Monroe In the teller Neighbors notice the Governor that he has seen notices placarded about tho streets in Spanish and English. recommending a meeting to be held to late the subject of a Slate Government into consideration. and to pennon Colonel Monroe, as military Governor, to isms" a call torn Convention. Neighbors protest. °salmi this movement, and hopes the Colonel will lend: co countenance. Ile argues the clnint of Texas rind "ning given his !CAW ,, p. ingritnql the r any other proceeding which shah vecaken the claint of Texas. (2.101:et Monroe made no reply but rends the document to Waslungton for thrum The compromise bill is making . progress in tto nate, and will certainly pals that body. The anal question is likely to he taken on Thuentny next, as upon that day it lm horn agreed that the Senate will aahourn over to Monday rent. alente's amendment providing that either of the territories named In dna bill, shall be admitted a ':ates. when prepared for admission. whether allow }ac or exclu ding slavery in As Constinstion, s • adopted ayes . - .IS, noes 12_ This is an lillilellloll of th strength of the bill. In the loose also an important vote was taken Mr,„ Wentworth mitred a suapeamon of the rules t nable him to more io tastruct the Committee n he Whole to report to the 'House iiirtouter, wit. out further amendment, the bill for the admiral° , .f California. Thin would hare been a eery care mar• proceeding, but it was sanctioned by th, cotes of 121 members against 77, showing a major ity for California. unconnected with other que lions of forty four. lint there not being quit two thirds, the motion did nut succeed I leai'n that on Saturday last, the President. the recommendation of the Secretary of the lin • rior, appointed Henry C. Johnson, Eaf , cf Sac , mento City, to take the Census of California, nod the act which confers the power upon the Pre dent to appoint persons for thin purpose in the II organized territories of the Coiled Staten, with If power of Marshals. Mr. Johnson is a sheen , Whig. Ile is inotroewil to appoint log ausista from among the residents of. California, acquaint with the mannew of the people, and the moaner of the country. luau a THE GREAT CALAMITY DUANINO OP .THE STRAD:LEM O. V. We glean the 6sllowing additional facts in eels Um to the horrible deStraCtiOn of life on Lake Ene from the Cleveland Herald, of Tuesday evening. liactderit• on the a some of the lost. Richard Mine, of Sandusky, second wheels MILD, stood at the wheal until the pilot house wee so enveloped In names, and was then no badly burned se to be unable to aeon himself: Such noble self devotion to rare and the man crpshin of it Ira hero. John Chichester. head Waiter, left his the pantry, to get some clothes ler bar, - lit he returned she was gone. He 'prang or and after being tine or ten treoutes in the secured the yawl which bail burned lon the host and was on lire. This tire be extinguish. ed and is the boat raved nix or seven permns.- His wife who bad been thrown overboard by Copt. Roby, clang to the wheel and was saved. Both are at the An:aerie!". Twenty aloe liodles were brought to this city on the Diamond, and at three o'clock this after oinTAfteen were interred with lucent! rites.- On the Poblic Square, numbere of our citizens as• sembled, and after remarks by Rev. Mr. Day, sod a prayer by Rev. Mr. Nevin, the ituruatrts Worn borne te the cemetery. tilt SIGLISH A patty of thin, one Erigliati from C =held! eatore, were p.settgers en the Otiellth. Most o Ahem were intendiog to set tle in Medina county, where they have relatiVell and friends. Ratline° of the party survive, - Hebert Hall; himself eased, lost his !mother, wife, two sotts, two daughters, two heathen, and two silitere,-ten to all. Wm. Water., himielreaVed, lON his wild and 11101:1 Joseph Morley, a led ma. raved.,His lather ; mother, and two abiders lost The folowing entire (Anaes were lost-Thamai Ithiides, wife, two sous, sod three daughter..- William Walker, wife, and son. William Tay! tor, wife, two sons, and two daughters. Mr. Waters. bls own hair scorched by the re lentless flames, was parted from hie wife and child by the suffocating smoke on deck, and sane them no more. Other families leapt into the lake together; and found • common grave locked in each oMeri arum. The Keats is too harrowing for cerement. ; LIST OF THE DEAD. Wil.teetenny, June 17, 1550. Kildare qf I herewith enclose all the particuhrs which have fallen under any ototervation In relation to the grow and passenger. of the steamer G. P. Chiffith, which waa horned • phortalistance above Chsplo river, Monday moral g, about eon- No. Some of our citizens early discovered an unu sual smoke upon the Lake opposite dos village, and hastened to the spot. The alarm spread rep- Idly, and in a very abort time almost' the entire population of our village eras on the gonund, arm urns to reader every assistance to the living, and every respect to the dead. Ail the boats within roach were soon in use, to rescue the dead from watery sepulchres, and thus restore many to their friends, and give the rest a tomb in their mother earth. A committee man appointed for the par porn of examining the effects of the dead, neer. taining, as far a. possible, their names,,and giving burbd to those net claimed by Menus, or other• wise disposed of. The committee costaisted of the Gallowing named gentlemen: .1. Reed, T. Warren, J. Carroll, S. Wilson, N. Taylor, H. Scranton, J. White, A. lined, A. Holmes W. A. W. trey, a Miller, I'. McCauley, O. Hurington,L. M. Lilly, S. Warden. E. hires, R. Perkins, J. Humphrey, Geo. sniff, D Albert, Dr. St. John, E. Everett Samuel Wil. son, Chairman, A. F. Sharpe, Seely. tusses so VAgarotwolo *OD CCM ton ion MT to Buffalo on the steamer Troy: dads** Rath, aged 28 years; Francis Iletb, aged 8 nen; Helen Beth, dged ti years, I; moat be_ Franklin Beth, the husband and father of the above named family was saved. Ile was a resi dent of Nem York City, and on sit:rialto to visit his whet friends in Indians. Wm. Tillman, bar keeper. Maxim Juno, had Engineer, - Buffalo. Lawrence Dana, Ist Porter. Buffalo. Christine illoqd Wm. Tillman had a i Fold watch and chain which can delivered to the clerk of steamer Troy. noun or TA.GIG - Int• AM maw Tokyo on board the scow Sylph of Fairport and I taken fo Cleveland: Capt. C. C. Roby, mice and dneghter. Mrs. Wilkinson. mother of Mrs. Roby. Mr. Palmer, of the Telegraph, Toledo. Richardson Mann, wheelstuan,Sattiluaky. let cook, a negro. - • A negro, name not known. Charley, deck hand. Theodore Gilman, deck band, Buffalo. Dan, waiter, Belisle. Hugh McLain, Fireman, Entrain. Frederick Pollee, deck hand, &dale. A lady and four daughters, going to Cleveland to join her husband who had preceded her some two years from England. A woman nod child, name not known, going to Stodneky. Husband to Cincinnati. Pently, deck hand. Alice Champion. Paasenger,name not known,with SIC in money A young lady, passenger, name not known. A moo, passenger, name not known. Tbninen Hooper, wire and child, from (Noce,. terabit° England, ( 3 children not lound Edward Tinker and wife. Lucinda Wheeler. Edith Wheeler. Penvilla Wheeler. Leonard Wheeler, saved. The above named family of Wheelers were go. tag to Illinois to reside. The father remained be. hind, in Mercer County, Penn. nAain AND 071.1. , 71 . 10,1 07 PIMAINIL. Buried on the shorn, itt Wrlloughby Township: A woman—formgocr, bloc calico dreamt. A woman—German, a stri ped cotton dress, Wood o her floret. a gold broach. A woman, striped cotton dreg., corset marked L r. An English woman, checked cotton dress, and a pocket book eontanoint money, An English woman, black and white calico dress. An English girl, corset marked M.S., had on a green calico erase. An elderly woman, blue cotton dress, a bell mtaining mousy. A woman, gold ear singe, turret marked H. H. A Se.rman girl, 10 year. or age. An English woman, purple cube° dreas,'ll now reigns, corset marked \V. H , age GU. A woman going to Roscoe, Ohio, corset mu kad :A. had on a plaid wonted drew. A young women aged 'Jy. Katharine fleet. oared, tram Armatead ,Gernw iy. Fa: her end brother lost. A ( nol, aged lien years. An Mil lierman woman. A child dressed in s.Wried purple ealteo, initiate marked on its clothes 11. 'l. Tuia :laser huired gals, supposed to be sisters, ages C. end S peers. A Cowman woman 25 years of age. Au English weman :id years of age, had a large Ereltst, Lon, Cu...ridge-awe. -Englund,- hod a It,. le id . :OE with St nham Burnawick, Od, Median cn . Ohm. five :roman girls. I I years of age. - Pte., 11111.. Irishnn.n. st tie nod Add:: An .Anterwan. Intic Jaelan green pantaloons and fi franc pieces In Inns pocket. An itogt,ltnnot minsl A mutton need do A t ;con. aged .:.,. A ' n aged dn. An Eaala.llll.flaged p. A tn. aged A young limn aged N nd c!..thes An dingliston. uged at An Englishman aged A negro, .01: .0 aged 10 Tn.:in—port:et Ins,: enntinntne forty dot I , lr. Donald, (I.l,nottle, tt. A rna, nand id ltdv. tiara An Enal , shinan io crap age Tcontatn• Inn fone.'W A German, aged 'al A German gtri, age.' In. A 1;-erroan 2`a A Enghatiwoman aged :al, mime mappon.r.l to t. Tayhar, had .me soverenlit, live do , and rtgli tvo girt, JO year* of age. troy .1 year.. of A German wt..; 30 year. nl .g.• _ Nene ell:lama. a,,r , front role to tea year+. An elderly t remora renmat.—brad ort tl;rr per , . waiver rate for Mr t; A Wencher. for - 2 peer,er oat t'.eveloo.l to Sr Lm,. rare for Mr- Saner tevetarld t.. St loatt, and oar. for Mr .L Wnttreld tipped from A Allen, to V.ddy & llottrrt V, Craver A woman, hail on v pinul gtoglant hens nod S A kr : man boy, sled _ . A rierotan wernsit, n gre alspeha dress e to:nz red ,rlites—a Irurse en of ironies - Jetts A. Noribly, Englohnian 'forty years EMMMOMeI one troy, Tian . lilted,. raved They Were 'ton Pletat:o.t.lngtond. Mr .1 P. }tarn., ...17M'Inotape by. has takee the otirmving. troy not There are tome other nanieto -mentioned Willett I cannot obtain to night; 24 Woollen, 4: omen. children were boned on the.lake shore. near where the nod &wetter happened. One hundrek and forty one have been found of the dead. Of the livioc I hay,. not been abie to tWeertniu, probably about :M. It to belteved Mat there are nrany more boolleo willibelrecoveted. ets ninny no are I watt for ';)., heart ..ektms nt de r .erlptipn th,.. raelan. cholv evrat. ”Id age. ripe aimml blootmaa. youul. ftTMI mbiling laaarley, *se I-alai/ker. tlns !sad CUillftlONlC Yours Respectfully, SILAR.PE THE GREAT 'ALAMITY of We are indebted to Dr. Wm. Maroneliy. Washita, Loinsiann. for a copy of • letter 10 a friend, describing the heart rending events of Mon day morning. Dr. M. is an intelligent, cool, end intrepid gentleman, wino owes hut escape from the midst 01 death, under Providence, to his presence mind and deltberate movements in the great perd. We may oloerve that Dr M. had gone down to Erse Satorder, and tornmately left hie Wire Si the Weddell llotoo to thi• any Cbevel.tusn, 0...1nne 17, ISSO. Draft Ste'—About 7 o'clock. Sunday evening, got on board the Griffith, at Erie. There were • n hoard a great number of deck or steerage pas. ngers, emigrants, said to he 2.50. In the cabin here were about 40 or 45, of these perhaps about 12 were ladies. The crew, so the clerk told me, completed of about 20 person. This morn- mg the boat toot fire about the chimney., or, az I was told at the time, "she was on tire In the pipes. I w. asleep, but was awoke by the rushitg of the hands overhead, an the hurneane deck, 1 st.pxne they were endeavoring to twin • Knish the dames. A gentleman who slept to the berth under me lumped up and Bald Mere was somettneg wrong. I told him no, that we must be near Cleveland, and the noise was owing to the men preparing to land. My fnend ran out on the guard nod instantly returned telling me " the boat was on lire." I got out pretty rapidly, pulled on my pints, and took a small Adis° 1 had in my Land, with the expectation of getting into some of the hosts ~indeed at the time we wereen near land I bad but very little emelt.. .ion df danger. I Joel suppose at was Mee we. were over a mile from land, perhaps out so mach. Of course there wee much confusion—men who had wires and children were hi no awful state. There was no one ho board I knew, or, indeed, that I had ever Been be . ore, consequently felt less embarrassed llama I othermi. might. As I have said, I did not at first perceive the terrible timer which was so rapidly !approaching. I raw the mate on the starboard guard throwing the lead, and directing the pilot how to hold her. The mate looted no perfectly cool, I thought we moat LC pretty sato. The engine was still work. ing, and we appeared to be nearing the shore rap. idly. I asked him what wee to be done, he said noinng. The engine then stopped, but as the boat bad a good deal of way ou her, she eons tinned to approach the shore.. This all occurred to, I should think, from three to five minute.— I The dunce wore now ruitig in all the wid•ship part of the fusel. I saw now the than wza out; nrwards o I boats were to be seen, haute[, I afte learned, been all burot Up. I looked about me fur an instnot, and tried to make up my mind What I was beat to be done. 1 determined to get out on the bow or stem alongalde of the bowsprit. I did so. and held on by the irons and chain. about that put. By this time a good many had, impm. deutly es I thoUghl,Jullapedoverboud. The boat was still making conaiderable headway, and of cent. all who wept over and could not strikeout, vigorouly, moat have passed under the whee's.— I held on, hoping eke would atetke in shoal water, tl then thought she did not draw over six .feel of waterunderatood •Itewarda she drew abut '7l) I kept my eye on the ripple all the water broke no the stew, I raw she w. losing =boo entirely, and all hope of her striking before the dames swat • lowed all up, was now gone By Mistime, there' were any number of peoplooverboard; as fur the scene on Ward, it would he idle for me to attempt to convey any idea of it. The danger was an/m -mioent, go overwhelming, that many, I think, were fairly atumned with terror. It certainly sp• pealed to me that the passengers were more quiet, or at least that there was 1:10I such a horrible up roar as might have been expected. may be, however, I was too much occopied with thologhw for my own;esespe,tetodge well of what was pie' on so near me; remember. however,' anode scribing or.rather attempting to describe an ascot, all of which transpired In • few, a very few mintites.— In fact, from the time I got out of my bed till I took the water, I don't think that over '7 or 8 min utes had elapsed. Well, I now, with the view of letting mysell into the water as easily as possible, got down to the lower deck, still keeping on the outside of the steamer, directly under the bowsprit. I ecusaioed there for coma tame, perhaps a minute or more, still vainly hoping she would strike. The water around-the bows was now • mass of human befogs, men, WoMeo nod children hope lessly struggling for life. The boat was miming, but barely moving toward. land, as I had no hope of being able to swim more than a few reds, 1 de termined to let her CUT" me as far ay possible:— She soon howevevatopped, or •t least the mt. non was scarcely perceptible. On the for Wald part or bows of ho lower deck thoraxes of people Was immense; all crowded clove forward, some madly plungiu r over, others throwing over thew -wives and children and rapidly following them to almost certain death. I still held on, and triad to form some estimate of the distance to land, and conjectured it might be about three or (oar hand red yards. I now felt that my chance of escape was extremely alight. In the multitude wildly atroggling in the water all around, I did not see Low eyes en expert swimmer could ViCaPe. end rection. I now law tut I could not retain my position much longer, t he flames were noshing for. wad at a kartot ram, e • few seconds perhaps that terrified multitudis now densely crowded on deck and Inside or the bows, would he driven on. er me and probably carry we with them to the bottom. Something omurred on boned, what it was I did not peueinr,but at any rue for an in stant the attention or at knot the lulu of these people were directed backward or towards the after part of the boat, at the name time I observ ed the water immediately ender me pretty clear, those who a few seconds before surugaled there, having mostly sunk; a few bad swam off. I wiz ed the favorable moment and dropped over, I went under but found no bottom; I swam a little ways Wore rising, probably not more than six or seven yards, I then made • few strokes as rapidly as possible a 3 ail to get clear of all others. I was apprehenalve some one would lay hold of me, in which ease I knew that with me all sus over. Perim:lately I got off clear. I was in hopes name boat might pick me up, or that I might get bold of something that would enable me to Out. Any relict at this kind I soul saw was hopeleu, and my only chance that of swimming to the laud, appeared to me to he in reality no chance at all, but as I could do no better, I wrack out as well Ile I could. The Lake was alive on all side• with men swimming—some swam well and strongly, and were soon safe; many, however, sunk. I did my beat, but everything failed me; I let my feet down in hopes I might touch the bottom, bat' could not. The effort It getting to the surface and striking out again exhumed me very tench. I Was panting terribly—legs and come would work or, longer, all I could do was to paddle • little with my hands. Every 'minute or oftener I would go under. I watched as well as I could to see if any of those around me could touch bottom. I could see some one trying almost all the time, but as yet none succeeded. When I was about to give out—to have kept afloat one minute more would have been utterly impeasible—ledeed, for some minutes I had been as much wider water as above It-'-at this mitlesl moment I saw a man somewhat in advance of me standing on the ben. into. I immediately straightened up and ruched' the sand with head and neck clear. It was with the grutest difficulty that I reached the beach, thou bit a few rods distant. However, I got out and by (or some time on the sand so completely exhausted that it war with the utmost difficulty I could breathe. At this time some six or seven person. ha! reached the beach. I saw nothing I more until all was over. Every one I hove since met with, appears stir.' pr.-cif that so few ore saved. Now, taking all the eireooodaners into peeolllll, I don't are how any thing elle ovoid have been expected. Lel us re collect that the fire was nmidthips, little or no alarlit way given until ton law. nor do I believe et all I don't think that even the bell was rung. Most of those who punted over below the Gat stopped, unless expert swimmers, most Lave been either drowned, or killed by passing under the Wheel. 'Slimy moot have perished in this way To every Man who had either a wife or viola with him, there waa hardly any chatter , of ettepe. All such were irrevocably doomed. All they could du Mr to plunge over and drawn together 1 believe but one man to Mutated escaped. As the steerage pswieugers were mostly enegrants'and in families, it is cosy to See how frightful the destruction most have been. Many penman% who might perhaps hove escaped, by going Into the water with all Mew clothes; many were taken out with heavy Listts and shoes on. Akain, the alto:Owl, of the co,dinoty blast tl.ow who got to the itll ward part al the tont --lit a very Mlle space around the bows, left hue very little chance for auy out to do any Ming. 'The immense mass of steerage pas sengers in this povittou, when I went °Vet, mint have perwhed pretty notch rill together. They look ed .0 utterly helpless that for theta there was evt dently no hope Whatever. TL, who Meld &wt.., unless periedtty cool ,tind es Interoleos of es cape:. thme who could not. The immense milldam of people to the water rendered II ble for any one to get °Mar. 'I at I suceeeded doing so, was, I soppy*, owing priucipaity to a, eidetit, and somewhat, pertains, to My going under at first Oa the whole, alter taking all the principal facts Into consideration, I eat‘llVlt see .a 't coutd be ettiserted, that many could have es...quid. • As I hare said. Mantua all who went over before the boat stopped. perished by parsing under the wheel. Alter the boat stopped, the time was a abort, not more than two Or threerilinatel, that hi few could get clear of the aeuggling nod droo ' yours, \V M. mAtioNc CORONER'S INQUEST. XVIDESCI •'rcaa - me colosea's IVRY. Samuel fdeCon;Second Mete, 'nye the man at the wheel informed him that the bunt was on Are on the 'upper duct. We then examined, and found it Vibe on Are on the under rde of the main deck. lie nailed to the Ant mate, and they examined and tried to put it out. The Are aleress. ad so fast we had to t oilet. Mr. E”ne, First blade. 1 was called by the god Maus, saying the boat was on fire. We found the tire was between the pipes and water jackets. I then assisted In trying to put out the fire, but we 50,00 found it hi:410101We to master it. The boat was then beaded for the shore; it struck the her shout twemy rods from shore, and the d i re in steady tiptoed all over the boat. The forpart of the boat was net on fire before that. Walways supposed the boat to be well, (or well asy boat on tne lake) me-cured epee*. fire. I.). R. Stebbins, First Engineer, tetra 1 was on duty. U was my watch attend:es to the eaglet.. I had just oiled ti 1 did not diwover the fire en tit the Second Nave gave the alarm. 1 then dis envered the tire to hi seder the deck, (made deck. l suppose.) by looking through the ranger boles. It then appeared to be one sheet of lire on the coder wde. We gut the hose in operation in law than three minute. . it did not seem mare than tee minutes before the fire drove them away. lam part owner In the boat, and believe that she was well Secured from fir-. I can hardly imagine bow she look fire; but it is my haprosaion that . the fire caught at or cent the bulk head, near the freight hold. Suppose that tkere were 250 paysen gees and 26 hands. The boats were prepared to launch, but were not let down while the foist was In motion, because he thoughtthey would be swamped and made useless; but when the time had arrived for lowering th boats, the fire had increased ISO last, that they could not get to them. We, the undersigsed, jurors empaneled and sworn on the 17th day of June, in the year 1550 In the township of Willoughby, in the county of Lake, by Samuel Brown, Coroner of the afore said county, to Inquire sod true presentment make, and 10 what manner s number of persona, whew bodies were Sound in and on the shore of Luke Erie In the north west corner of the afore said township, and on the 17th day of lone, in the h eard 55, came to their deaths. After hay log e the evidence, sod exemined ninety see. en bodies, we do fled that the dereased came to their death by drowning, by jumping MI from the meambost G. P. Griffith, when on fire. Given under our hands at the time and place of said inquisltion, abovell. mentioned. A. SHARP, NATHAN CORNING, CLINTON PARKER. J. IL BOYCE, RANSON STORMS. Tee•e and New Metiog Oar correspondent. "-Nutt's." gives a synopei • of a Message from the President, and •a comes pondence in relation in the attempt of Texas t. extend her Jurisdiction aver:blew Mexico. Th • following is the Message,and the only portion a the correspondence yet pubblished in the Wash ton papers: _ _ ME.SAGE. Welnantison, June 11, 1550 To the &eater,/ the Unite:laves: I hree received a emit, of the resolution of the Senate on the I Ith June Instant, requesting me "to inlorm the Senate whether'sny ordera have been leaned to any military officer or officers at Santa Fe, to hold po•sessioo against the authority of Texas, or in any way to embarram, or prevent the exercise of her jorindictiou over that coun try—and to lurnish the Senate with copies of say correspondence which may have taken place be tween the War Department and the military sta tioned at Santa be since the date of my last tom• munication to the Senate on that subject." In reply to that rcwolutioo. I MAW that nu ouch order. have been given. I herewith present to the Senate copies of all the correvondence referred to In the resolution. All other or. der. relating to the subject matter of the rens tenon have been hereteked communicated to the Senate. • I have already, In a former magmge, referred to the fact that the boundary between Texas and New Mexico to diaputed. I have now to Mate that in. formation has been recently received, that a cer tain Robert S. Neighbuors, etyling himself commis aioner of the State of Texas, hen proceeded to Santa Fe with a view of organising counties in that dtwrict under the authority of Tex.. While I have no power to decide the question of bound ary, nod no desire to interfere with it as n clues. tion of title, have to °beery° that the poierowlMn of the territory Into which it impalas that Mr. Neighbor. hat Inns gone um actually acquired by the United States from Mexico, and hat Linea been held by the United States, and in ml opinion ought so lo remain.until the question of boundary Mall have been determined by some competent authority. Meanwhile I think there Is no ream' for apprehending that Team, will pre tally Interfere with the nowiession of the t' States. Among the letters ikezompanying the menage wee tho following Smell. Fa, April 15, 1850. 51s Having seen daring the day notices posted up, both In Spanish and English inviting the clue tens of this piece to convene on Saturday next, 'to lake into coosidcration the propriety of inst. log a State movement, and to petition you as the head of this Liovernment to call a convention, etc," 1 deem it my duty, as commluioner of Texas, sent here to effect ad organisetion under her laws of Sus petiole of her territory, to cell your attention to the fact, as well as to the 3d see. lion, eth Reticle of the Constitution of the United States. I deem it the mare necessary them solemnly to protest sysiont any countenance or aid being giv en this movement by the present head of this Gov. eminent, in consegnence of the Published orders which have emanated from the War Department, and the result of an interview had between Us • few days sloes The government which-rhave the honor to represent hem declared her determh nation to maintain inviolate all the territory within her boundaries—anch boondules so were gust. tied to bar by the compact of union; and I would Inks able oppostunity I ',Su r= to um lid mown radobnion fur anneltSl Tsass 1 9 Its United States," sod preamble of the constitution of the State of Tease, by which the terms of said .loint Resolution. axe =wined. And also the joint Resolution for the admlsslint of the State of Texu into the Union." approved 25th Decem. beer, 161 5 . All of which. le my opinion, would be vtolated by a consummation of the objects of atilt State movement. And further to state, that! now most solemnly protest alpine any move• cents in favor of State cause, until Texas has extended her juriadicuon over this portion of her territory, or until the will of the State of Texas can be known in this matter, as guarantied to her by the enactments referred to above. I hove the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, ROBERT S. NEIGHBOURS, Cortuniertioner State of Texas. To Col. J. Memos Commooding SOO letilituy Diviuoa, D. S. A Santo Fe. LOGAN, WILSON & CO., 129 'WOOD ST,, ABOVE FIETII, Have just received large additions to their HIAC HOCH OF IIAgDWARE, CUTLERI,&o Imported by lido packets from Europe. and to which they would especially call the attention of uuschuera believing their very erten sive stocks and law prices will give s a satisfattloo. autyaidawlyT ENVOURAOW. 1101UE INSTITUTIONS. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pittsburgh. C. G. lIINSEY,MASKS, Shelf. OfFice--No. 41 Water street, In the 'warehouse oC. 11. GRANT. films COMPANY Is now picpmed to insure all kind. of risks,.on hooses man.faelanes, goods merchandise in store, end In Anoint sews* En An maple geantruy for the elbllity and Ltdegrity of the institution, is afforded in the character of the Di. recto who are MI citizens of Pittsburgh, well and - _ vo ably known to:rhe eormoolly for tKelsprodence, telligenee, and intevritv. DIRECTOIIh—C. U. Messy, Wen. Dagoley, Wm. Lor r, Jr., Wolter Bryant, Hugh D. King, Edward roreoy, S. Ilarbaugh, 4. N. Kier. ' apah-lt Insprov•nimul• In Il.ntl\trT DL 0. 0. STEARNSyIate of Boston, I.prepared to manufacture and ma [Mors TSKIII in whole and parte of sets, upon Suction. Atmospheric Su ctioa Plata. MOTRACHII COL E.D to InVE Pusan., where the nerve expo d. Office and residence nest door to the May rit'a older, Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Rarnao—J. Id. MlFadde n. F. N. Pius, laltr Scald of the Fool and Ankle Cared. Alt Wa :—l am I:cartons of making known to the public tha groat effieney of your PETRol.Elifil in my own ase, which was a severe egad of the toot and ankle; upon removing the stock mg, the skin petted of with It, eH kit hp:baba but the bate efface. I empected to be laid up all winter from to elects of Ms staid; be we applied the Petroleum freely, by mean. of a flannel cloth saturated with It; at firth the applicauon wu painful, but in a TOO short limo the pain abated. I bad no pun in one hone altereriada. In five day. from the time of the aNdboulont of the Pet:plum, I was able to go to welt. I tuba elemre in stating these fact. for the benefit of other entrants, am dettroas mat they should ba made public. 1.1 miss, stain, that I find Immediate rebel by th use of the Petroleant, in burns, from which I am (refit's,. sodcter owning to my kovidess aloe ti• cow.. I would recommend It utad moat promp and cattalo remedy for Lama I have ever known. ISlgned.) J D COE, Engineer, Shafpsburgth Allegheny Co. Plasataga,AprlLlS:A. Hot eale by Keyser & Mc Dowell, 110 AVOW Weer, ft F. Sellers, SY Wood el; D Carry, Allegheny coy; D A ICU., Allreheny; Jowph Deaglawk, Allegheny . el•e by the proprir . .or, A. V. HIER, a Canal allS:O. Seventh et, Ynteloweh DU. D. iIUZIT. • Deritini.CornerefFourth .4 Deem., I....reat .411.41.4 uegragwouu 011110E/118. Tine retreat is now at the height of its beauty— Welton d: Cots., dying horses will remain a lea dnys, anordtng tine amusement Strawberries are pow ripe and served up fresh from the vines. lee ereUPI% and oilier refreshments in abundance. The niennier Slope leaven the Pitt street landing at the beginning of rut+ hour. front ...Vetting A. 11. mail 10 P. M. for 5 vent. 'Ficketn of ndmismoit to lien bnardetin 15 cents, redeemable for the mina amount in ItraT..llDl I, ts—f ree ad tn ilsi. to children when 1 tecompanied by their patentralso to select pan ne. Sol}oll ticket. furnished, by applying to the proprietor. Closed on Sunday.. J. McKA IN. Office of P Oh ITT,io nd Penntr- R.Tlard sh e err< J oue 'l5 • Toe f. tockholdeis of the Ohio and Pennotypoia Rail Road Company are hereby notified to par the sloth instairuent of hoe donors per share, at the once of the Company, as heretofore, on or bctore the ROI fey of lone neat, and the remainine anstalmnas of per share, on or before the lath day of each sac erettive month, until the whole are paid. teWonf WN LARDIER, J r., Treasurer. hllLarra's Wears tneorlC.—The following from an agent, shown the demand , Width this medicine ercatuil wherever it was intoduced:— Vayslierzl7rf,. T, Ines, . , 1. Kidd It Co —lour traveling areal 101 l will, me, la. rummer, a quantity of Dr M'lorne's Tins end Won -"Specific, to sell on ecnrimossion. The Worm Speer; is also sold, and I should he glad to p coca re wore, a it sell. very readily, nod has si very salutary effect expelling worms. If yea can forward me scree, e send me an order to call on your agent in IlOrfal (L 9. eepenld.,l I Mini it will meet with a mind sal W II AINDWDEITII V' For sale by I. KIDD & CD, No 60 Wood street. IMMEDI23 On TN:emit) evening, Ilth Instant, by Her. J. B Town.ead, Mr: Tasonome Pormbeembb, formerly o Betsburgh, I'a, Mire Ave L Wcrammt.t., of tla Loom licheh6ceo I On Wskrotr, Thurs to th day fOJ year morning. of at her ag 8 o'cloc e. k, Ain Purer.. The funeral:frill proceed to the Allegheny Cemetery from her talc residence. on Beaver greet, corner o Meter Lane. Mir anernoon, at 3 o'clock. The friend of the family arc respectfully invited to stood with out further aotice. GOODS FOR DUMMIES. uttenv tr. BURCHFIELD invite the mention of MU the ladies to Mew eltermike assortment at White Goods torenawee,consiidng of cotch and Swim Mallet Figared Swim do; Embroidered do; Vionna Lawns; • Low Priced Barred Jansonet.for morning' rtresee.; fino soft finished do; and a lama I.OfMlOlllOl $l4lllll fluell., with catered embroidery; priotedJ ark aorta; Lawns, Parents, EC., at north 0.1 corner of Fourth and Market streets. neai woans • • • rzetvtirtstf;; or penr . • higher nmtou.j3Z. By the tither of "The Way Math " Delf.Caltivalion Itecostuaended, or hints to • youth leaving salad. Ply hue Taylor, wither al"Nalstral History of Eathualastni , An. Tim Se eel Practical Writings of Sohn Koox. Is. sued by the Coramattec Pr., Church of Scotland. The Instructed eh, Winn, or the Plain Man's Senses I.:smelted to Diseem both Good and Evil. By Wm. blyford, B. A. Ancient Christianity. and the Doctrines of the Ox ford 'fine, Contrasted Uy Iran Taylor, altime of “ Spiritual Despatiou" de Memorials of the Introduction of bletho.'lmn Into the E nri n..n fumes, comptLoing bicittdPhicd, notices of Its early presehers, Theobald the Fanatic, a we history, from the Gen rum of &Ming; ususlated by Bev. S and Amman,. A System at afoot' Philosophy, or Christian Ethics, designed tor domestic instmotion, !henry institutes, In Ily . W B Lacey, D. D. Prit.mples of ItheA0(10, a d the use of sehoola. fly W D Lacey D. esignad On h for and, for solo by A II F.NULISII A CO 70 Wood at. 91RE HORTICULTURIST, and Journal of Rural 1. Art and Rural Tame. Edited by A. J. Downing, author of "Landscape Gardening " i'Dmlges for Col. toga Residences," "Fruits and Fruit Trees of Amer. es," Re An. To all persons alive to the leuprovemeat of their garden., orchards, or country seats—to solentifto and p o ra m c m tica re l ia cu g lt a m rd a ene s so, ft h th s e Jsooui— gniavignelrm and late/ discoveries and improvements,. experiments, and AO. qUiOIIiOUS igllortioaltnre,and those branches of know ledge connected wile it, will be found Invaluable. Its extended Viand valuable corresponeence presents the experience of the tinctive and agreeable roost Intel !gent cultivators In America; and the i n sreeable art cies from the yen of the editor, make It equally sought after by even the general reader, iMerest•d or Connie, bra The "Foreign Notices" present a summary from ail leaerng Ilorucaltural Journals or Europe ; the "Domestic Notices," met *hawsers to Correspondents, furnish copious bin s to the novice to practical collard son the nuraeroze and beautiful Illuetranonv —Plana r Cottages, Oreenhouses, the Frames of New Fruits, Shrubs and Plants. combine to render this one of the cheapest and most valuable works on either side of the Allende , Ilts Fifth Volume of the Horticulturist wall be com menced on the In of July, 1050. Ail Of ea.' of the bank volumes can be supplied. Terme—Throe Dollars per year; payments to b. made in advance, and orders robe post paid. For sale by JAhlEtil DFourt LOCKWO at OD • 104 h FOR BLUM, NEAVgare Story Dwelling Iloaeo t on Penn at Asituated in the moat desirable part of the city Fat p .„i,ajam, annalist at No 11E1 Penn WIWI. W1.1:4 311 R IO COPP baie salzb i y i GRANT lon 41 Water at Z TAYLOR - pp tcE. 7 4 ,.. ter for cola by ll fall br:o No .ale bZRAN.r 13* j t j t t KiD d , D fo k r &le t 00 Wood DOZ Dr Rogers' Lowetworl and Tar u Jost II I.rd and for sale DJ I J KIDD& CO A DOZ P. Townsend's earesparills, for fe sa by 4 0- * lett J KIDD & 01lit:SLICE LAY ENDEII-110 lb. r5011 “ fo : legg DIARI,IIII 011,—V glow. genuine for szto by J 141D0.1. CO EXTIt it ORANGES—The rthell i lit . r i t o ded i ii: PWh d.lphli fo r 5 /"'"' ". ‘; ' o, eCLI . III ° O &CO till Liberty at YSVPS—Underwood't True Lemon Syrup, 0 City blaaaraetured Sylapi Strawberry do; Sattatarttla do; Q'rrw• do; do Rot .al• by Jai" WIA 4 tifctx49! BLUM 1600ii.EB AT OFLYAILINWOODS . - On Friday Err, .Teror tn. af!By o'clock . • fiPMZED by Mi. 1. WHITE, His celennned PBRASS BAND svill acconthvnY the exMhltion. Adthinance, u; children aecoilepanied by their P ares heir brier, Th nte steamer Hope No I, leaves the Pitt st. landing si the tieginniniYof each hour. For ps.rtiesisrs. see hills. lecindur . NOTICE! MBE Annual Meeting of Siockhelders in the At. lantio awl Ohio Telegraph Company will be held agreeably to Charter, en Thursday, the 10th of July, t 11 o'clock, A.: M., at the Company's Office, No tUt nemtnut of, Philadelphia , for the purpose of electing C nip; IfirtElera to /CITE for the ensuing year, and to transact sichother business ea may be brought before the meeting. Bp order of the pi Inalhdtd BteßEßillenetary,. a. Leon:mos on the Binary of FRC , By the Rev. Henry Blunt, A. M. A Family eXposidon of the Pentateuch. By Rev. Bent! Mont, A M. The Acts of the Apostle*, with no chiefly ex -1 planatory, designed for Sabbath Reboot Teac P hersd an remit) , Instruntlon. fly He J Ripley, rofessor in Newton Themlogical Incnow. No Crow, No Crown: a Discount , showing the Nature and Thaelpline of tic Holy Crow of lip William Penn. On hand and for wile by A II ENGI,IBII'fb CO, LarKunKe Kei1...9 Economy; a Matteis on the 1... e new MAW transport, ito management; prespeete, and relationo,certnereial, financiel, and nocinl, with an egeosition,of the partied' resnitiof the railway. in rperation in the Untied Kingdam, in the Continent , and in Anicrita. By Denys'. Lardner, D. C. I. Ae. The Illinois' of the ellnfes.i..l. By John lienty lirphins, D. , Bishop of the lho .es, of Vermont Bawer'. Neer Ednion of Milman'e Oldie:Ye De cline and Fall of the Return Empire volo. 1-arnernoe's Law —I he Pitt. Prerent, and Futa re dthe Republic. By Alnhonee tie Lamartine. Carlyle'. Latter Day Pamphlets. No VI. Bohlect, "Parliaments " No 9 of Lane's new Noveli—The Dalton, O. P. R. James' new Novell—The Old Oak Clint ,The above works reenlved this da P. y, and for title by IMV JOHNSTON STOCKTON (Journal. American, Chronicle, cod Post, co py MACKEREL HERRING-10051W No 2 Me.ekerel 20 Ms No 2 do; 50 brlsNo I lierrinr, tOn hes do de; SJOHN MePADEN h:O O Cmal 13nsin, Penn et. For sale by jr2o r)OLIVFit FIRE nnicx—vo,amongio.l Uolv I) Fir. Brick, for .10 by 1.20 joini mcFADF:4 CHEFISEI--70 W M seraeetsserafor ssle by 20 WICK h bIeCANDIXSS hI.ERATUS-14 osskt for /1111.1 1Z.7 11Z1 ICK s nIrCANDLESS - NIT'INDOW GLASi3--. , :r4 435 . 1317 f, J bra 901.2 b 3 01, 1011 Rrbotyrd slid for ibble by J.1.31F3 DALZELI flitrE9F.--34 las per Union Line, for sale jaw JAMSti DA I.ZELL ALERAIUS--73 Lim in stare, b.pliAßbsi inn 11$ Wand st FIFTV SHARES or the Capital Stock or We Wea; ern insumnea Company, for sale by M2CiAllts D FIND BTriBl Es-a Ws No 3 Nankeret; by bids No I !lamina; MI bon Tanner% Oil; air te. Rine; la easkn Baron f , annldera and Sidra; 3 WO No 1 Lard, in atom rat raft. by . . JOIN WAIT &CO DR. J. J. DIVERS oders his professional service. to the eittrens or Blanches , ' and srleintor °Mee i.A residers , , for the present. st.Rosedate in al.oettester, immediately !Ouse the L.Marin. Howls!. lel9;Jlin WASHING TON 110 t:Ak CLranya strict, dun. Seventh rent, P:uimLlyl in. 1o eentral, to the immediate ViciVicinity einy at the mmt t important public insmutiom, the lest and moot ra sh placer of busibma, nod the oar:wave public miasma of the city. lathe impowa nt rrm4utrims of light and ventilation, two principal oblong , aimed at Mil, recent enhigenteet and thorough improve ment of this House. it la not exceeded, perhaps, by •ny mtablishment in America- To strargem. th ere.erm fore. tth position Is peculiarly dimmable. The rub scriber returns Mantic-to his friends and the public for the 'liberal patronage they have extended to him, and *simnel them that ha will endeavor to =mit car-widener of their favors. A F WLASS ie.lo.d2w New BOOKS NEW, BOOKS I AT YlutAIE:O LITERARY DEPOT '7'initti hrs.:, opposite the Port Office. oaVEL ll:winger; or, the Frigate in the Oiling, a Nautical Ta:e. The Thougand and One Phaeton.. By Animater Duna., muerte,. Adventures in . Africa, during a tour of tato Yehtr through that et:maul. lly Major W. Corayealleee • Armin. Liv•ng i ge. No 3I ioJey fort uly, price 12 60 per year. ah, m Jo Satinet do -. do. Antis.lran Journal of Science and Arts. CONIULTITED by Pm( U.liman, Prof. D. ttilli man, Jr . and James U. Dana, New Devon, CO, rectioot. This Journal is issued every tart Months, nosuhrrs of 152 prget. cants. sensing urge octavo relic:nos a yesr, each with mane Illanntroo. It Is devoted to onginal articles on Stienoc and the Art!, Cam:Sensed Review, or Abstracts of Memoirs and Discoveries from Foriogn Permdion, Nonce of New Vubticationsomd a Skeletal Balletin of recent Scion tifieof orbs. The first biles C 0131.11111 volurnre,lbC last which is venered Due t ko the 40 volumes tuottedusg. otubscriptton, SD year, in advanoe J D LOCKWOOD. A n for Proprsoms, 119 ; 104 Fourth et PIIILADELPIIT HORASES. FLT SETS FOIL FLY Nets, rosde of Lxilen, - Wetsted. Cotton, and I..entitcr, all pa d, ttetits and nualtile.. • low 'Lock alyvsy a Otl han and lov +Ale Om lewdest t.ewrr B rice , , Vbalrwslc and . fq . No 3W &1330 MAP. , . Dr/131.... IYlteletale Asoura.-tory nt TRUNIii. Alt ET B&V,S,Ar. Wore , ooln contuns over U Trunks, o all quilt., at for prioe.. N.B.—A new style fine Net tot Car , inito HMG, lil9.4teod --- SUNDRIES—VA vas, WhakLbone. and our, Anirrlcan German do; cases Mein Thrrad. for sale by 1300/311 1300n.1.1.: Of iliF. Life and Cooespondence of Thom. Arnold. 1 D. I), we Profroiur of Modern Moiury of the Univoreily or Oxford. By Arthur P. Stanley, N. A. Fiht Americus edincri. whatZeirjecrit whirl is :added, • Guide to the Pennant. By Jeremy Ticy lor. D D. The Soul; or en inquiry in Senynaral Poleulegy, so develop:id by the nue of the term., Soul, rinint, Life, k.. b 7 George Prolessot of !Moen, in Nero Yolk VOI•GlIllY. The Record. of • flood Mann Life. By lien Cu Ifry lot. For Pole by Jeln I.I6AVVATOLAS,SE....-54 Alldr prim. N Num, 1.7 150 Ithdr do blolmar,s; For Polo by 11 , 491 11Te1111.1.1‘ & ROE BACON—S 6 '"y do "'l'a grsr ".i tes Num Cared UMcOm, for en by B ILLS t. ROE BROOMS -100 desntsorted descriptions for sale by I 'eta INICALLS A ROE pH a. TANNERS' 011-10 brls Tanners' Oil; Zbrls N C Tor, cer cansl sale by ljclffl bier:ML ß A ROE SOAP—GO b xe No I Clocutnatt In store, for ode by 10 McGILLS A ROE 110 ORIN—A few kis ANo extra Waite Rosin of IllpellOr nibble tar soap otakiaaJett received and for sale by JOUR hIePaDEN .t CO • lap WO Canal again, Perm et CODA ASII-10 casks Cap makers' Ash; Eli DO' 55 casks superior, for glass nuking, all of whkah wrll Lc . oldlow (" " jell JOHN hicFADEN &CO =OLIVE OlL—Bordeaux Superfine; • Morelli. do p.nts and Arpin's: Florence do In flask., for sale by WM A bIeCLUKI & CO Jen 25S 1.1 lorry BACON -373 pas hag i r c lgtpdAn A g forol . o:y eo 'et9 I.lL•rt7 p ITC li area llo Lls itlaC,bT:r; cone 10 gAle hy (iel9l Ni A liAti Vginia eurrit, tar V llama fur sale by lg--1000 per SELL ir ERS k. NICOLS ed Jag HAIRS & LIEEF—iu ' ee M o l he , B n o C&u H d an H ki ew s do 10 les Evens & Swift a do, ins D. /11. re do; e tee eanvaseed Beef rounds; tee plain do (id.) -SELLERS & fIICOLS NOVA SCOTIA HERRING—I 6 brb in ruine and for sate b fjelil ROBISON, LITTLER CO OPYER&S-4 brls la store far sale by lelO • RORISON.LITTLE CO BACON -10 carte Shoulders In Core, for tale by ROBISON. LITTLE & CO CANVASSED lIAMS- 41 rosto in store, for elle by trio • ROBISON, LITS,II& CO eiteltP, prime Wilde'. far tole oy ' J. jell) ROBISON, LITTLE &CO NV r L ari o d V s o C t Peit C r to ' rZ w b r ‘ o V i:xt 'I 1° ';;;`,,::, fur role low by CYEAGEK rl9 tte & I It 3 Martel st. . p , ANS—A'splendid AGonmem, or my ban import- clots, mimptGing every Variety, lur sale by kb) 0 e. by COMBS—'O pro. latest eryles Cane) , combs, 75 smut do r (1414 do; 50 gross do slde do; to grass Siamese poelketeombs.for sale by elo YEAGER SUB PEN ERS-60 doe 0 £13110t11 . 0.16, No 46; Ou dox do No 11*; 'JO do, do Novo; 100 du Portend*, annaTLIA , [Ol9l C YEAGER Drat • • eths Jade. cf the Courtd Gene rat Quarter &ma= d iha Yeette, to and for the County f Alle f ghtenr 'THZpriulaoconnty a fo tiaa A re ' ra rd " , .L ' ul t b ( l ) y h i a o h o 173 - , that your petitioner hath provided her with materials for theaccommodation of travelers and s ubsea at her dwelling him. to the township e . acid, and plays that your honors wilt be pleased to rant her a license to tee, a Public Hoare of Fatter moment. And your pctiuoner,as In duty bound, wil Pna I== We, the subscribers. eltisens of the township afore. said, do certify, that the above petitioner is of good putt tor honesty and temperance, and is well pm tided with bonne mom and COpireflielltell 101 . the 5e c0611311411111011 and lodging of strangers and travelers, end that said tavern is recessary. loner Hheads,Sainuel Richey, Frederick Merriman, John hi Creme, James Diwaon, Thomas IVergoner, John hi. Craig, James Gilliland, Marshall Miele, .1 . George Millie, John hi Stevens, James Stevens. Isla:Mks 'BIDWELL & CO WORWAILDIISO ROII.ANTO, Glasgow, Pa (ntith's Ferry Pao Ofte ) Btrinl Permanently /netted at this place , a net sibitandal Wharf But, ere are prepared to te• wide Miff...ward pospdy Load innate on ale Wi ry and Itsad7dodd Beaver on OW Canal. B &Co. d ma* itrOdd PATENT - DIES FOR CUTTING._SCRpArs. ; PA.TILITICTI KAT 8. 1E47. I THESE DIES haying been adopted and highly approved in all the principal shops in monist con. New York end Philadelphta,, are now offered to manufacturers, machiuMki ship *mulls, tee.; writh'lllte lidenee, as the most peifect 'article in mix( or cutting wren's. .: i Their , u n e riorite aver iron' oilier Die. her tr4d, enneilits in their Mining • team, st„.t..„ Wh e ther v - or ~ , ,,,,,,i, t l,, by owe paeliing over ihrt iron to beim; which require no I il:01g or prerunt. reparaion. si the dies. cm the thread out of the imlid iron, without raising it in the Init; in their greater durandity, Mpidity, nod perfection of work; end in their aim *coy • and hula letbllity tu get out of order. .. . • • Certllliasteeir, PIIIIJSIZTRIA, AUg• 0 43 - . eir purchased fro. Ibis is re tertifs 'bat ossi Rios fant 6ares lb s right of strut IsPi P. 04 .t ting bolts. th eur opirtion,lris Liss are run sips to any • ritheen Ise an stoquelitted. tnto purpose of euulise bolts. I J P MO ' RRIS & CO. fining had P W Ise" embarkment tor the-lot Into mond* for