17171RMUlligiDkiltiaq • 111011119C6PIAN ZINC. THEWPie kloategoe l....mOlSoYettoplY beiregente with Roofing ar.d Ploy:Mx in Omen, 30 feet, from II to Pe ounces per werare font. Corn:eased in abet,. 3e7, 17 of for motto, Futile buildings end depots Ship tibuthr,vi3 140 ruches, from 24 to 35 ounces limls,_lsplkes,9tiare, Form Nelda, Perforated rum, Use Palm, to. • TUT warned their a ny pore. and free from any admirtare of Iran, or any other rabstnnee, and re oommend It for the manufacture of moat art on e ci a. how fundable bit, SS it does Oat Mt, one affected by dm aetkno of water, and may t Wished, painted, and Japenned. Peewits, model', plane, weeificittions, and other luformailtm may to had oft heir arrenue— hCCl43.ll.Bracho, New Ilya; • "ATKINSON. BOW , N. Co.. Boston; • Navaux Tiaras it Co., Ptaladelphim • W.i H. Illekne, Baltimore' Petsus, Dayi Braman, New Orleans; F. MILLIROUX, Rerldent'Ayent, Liege, May I. • • ' Hanover at., New Vatic. /HOE ITINDIROB .11.111 D LEATHER. Vgdward A. Goafrey, 16 Sod. Calvert new Baltimore it., Baltimore, (Lam IL Godher ic don., N.\'.,) lISPORYEBbfiIhoe Findings, and Dealerin Leather, emu... hinds: F.nglish and Freneh Rid Skim, nseeb Calf *kin*, Pete= Leather Morocco, red, O boe and_pinh_roans, I Mime, Ae. Linings, Francais, BILW GALLOONS AND RIBBONS, teems, Webby, Oboe Knives. Awl Blades, hoe • THREAD, pitied Tusks, Oboe Nall. and Shoo P EGS, of all loxes. E. A. O. haring climb:tatted the above !mimes In Selamere, - la enabled to gaup goods South or West whh the almost despateh, ana at the lowest pti«.. Idenareeterers, dealers, and ell ahem, may rely upon Obtaining every article In the. trade, of the best quality, sod on liberal terms. ErManafactarer of Lasts, Boot Trees, Oboe Trees, Elamps, Crittps, Boot Stretchers, ine. All ordentleill to promptly executed. Low prices for cash. A sandman coetaining a complete list of every ardele blithe trade will be forwarded to those who lIIIT desire it: • EDWARD A. GODFII EY, le B. Calvert rt anarldhXlm new Baltimore *L. MN Itironre. TIMO ALBAN TEL GOMPAINI, . 136 Georrisoicit street. /Veto roe/. TEE proprietors beg to tall the attention of eon. noisseart le Tea, and the heads of families to th • choice and ram selection of Tessimported by there. and hitherto unknown to this etnintry, which, by their hagtwto and delicacy, combined .nth virmn panty and z get, prod.re an infusion of aumassusg rich nem and damn, • The Teu offered am the following:— Vibe Jedea Bloom, a Black Tea,--151 CO per lb.' O Niplion, do•—• •• • 75 do • Marl ^ Gram., a Omen Tea —• ••• 1 (0 do • Tonaslaa, do —0 75 do • Tlekbtslaa do —• •0 CO do • V&A Idisnms,a compound of the mom rue and choice Tess grown on the fertile and genial soil of Asasm•----• •• ••• 1 00 do ' With &vim to encourage the Introducuon of these • matchless Teal, it la the intention 01 the proprietors to distant& by lot, among th e ptrebuern, a quantity of Tess moat to the First Year's Frahm on the sales effected; -Emit priteliaserwill remterienoleeed In tho pack age, a numbered certificate, entitling him to one eh nee in the dunribotion for every tltyceou laid out,. and on the receipts amounting to WM:Q. to o tinder. mentioned parcels of Tee, to the value of ten pee cent, or illaiooo WILL BE GIVEN AWAY as Bonuses, sr wain; to the following maim— G prLtes ef 00 lbs of Te elch at el .11. 1 b, 29 0 1 1t0t fft ,o do IS lbs do do do ihelb or rvou to •do 1111 M do do do , Loa baz $l , O 100 de. Sibs do do do Gio borssbs 050 do lib do ..do do 230 Gore=-0 CM Prises to all. 4,000 6 82.030 Those persona who prefer lower priced-I . C. COO 'rendre their prime in proportion, or they will be re. parelmsed for raga, at a reduction 0(10 t,er tent. Cl3.Contary Arems waned. Applications to be ad dressed. pen paid, to the Company's Depot, as nhoYa. BARNUM'S HOTEL, NEW YORK, • itraadway. " or Malden Lana. mills mermen HOTEL has been leased by the Babserther, and has been completely reStted in which, mom elegant manner.- - Large addition. are now being made, when completed, will mole it the mow erleasive Hotel In New York. his the determi- Oatipri of the proprietor, to make it equal, in every re spect, to any other /loose in the United States. lie 10. canon hi the most desirable and central in the city, Le in in Um Lashionahle Dart of Broadway, convenient vatp olite t e b f 91 I , L f i eT %.e dac e s t . r ' e received i 1 ham hie western mend., while st r eumberland, and moat recently at the Weddell House, Bleveland, Ohlei ke eerPectfolly *calcite a renewal of their patron age, for his new establishment, at New Xork, and bap to Lamm them that every effort on his pan shall -- ho given to Administer to their comfort and plrature. A. S. BARNUM. • New Sink. Mares. led&—fregH-dm A 11,011TONE1 FOIL 1.10. or '".1.3. IDIRITANNIA SPORTING' PORTRAIT CLUB, on/eca, George, street, Plymouth, England. The mannen beg to acquaint their numerous patrons that oext Ihanhation of Portraits rat Raee theme - lee cesspit., those entered for the forthcoming Greed Nanette! Derby - Ram the, number of share. to be limited to tyhte each chum. First class member Sire second': class ditto Lt. Early applieation for the on. appropriated shares is necessary. A party oubmrib- Le; for mare than one share has the chmice of gaining ark equal number boneses. Those meatier, whO draw the varmint Portrait. will be prevented with the. Mt. Wenn sante— Portrait of Ist Class brownies ni ditto P7Larter,vr Hone IMMO 1100c0 • "' i Seecind Ilono.• •• • 10,000 4001 . . . Ilona F . . 000 4,MM Diris.d. moorland Stumm •-• Gino -•- 3,ece • " firm.r. , tarteni 4,C00 nOCet Then. are 209 bonuses In each elan, that bring the number of berms entered far the rue. The Drawing 'will be conducted upon the same legitimate principles es those which characterised the late St. Ledger .a other proceedings. Fell particulars of the remit will be ma to absent members immediately after the de , " 'Won, that each may know his position. • Stabaeriben registered and .trip forwarded-on IT. ealpt ofaremittance. Bills of Frehange, Drafts, Dank Nolte, tn., addressed and made payable - to the JAmsolilte Director., W. JAMES fr. CO. . • giro per rent. commisidan to be reduced on the station of bonnona mritt-not 'sem REED 'HOUSE, [lB3O . 111181T11 .88 OAHU Elt, Proprietors, Palo Sritarr, Brie, Pa • 'GENERAL STAGE, OFFICE—FA:Warn %Wawa, sad :343thens Sups, leave 114 s beam Alla. Car. tiskes to sad from Steam h, Packet Beata, Grat W. Urea, tate of the Atneridau I letcl, Etiv, G. W. Dams. Law qtn. Kamm. Hotel, Ohio. VlPlCkldta Laud and 111111. for Salo.. I/LOURING MlL.Ljonh four run of atones—one of the beat locutions for business in th e west—and a rate Saw Mill, on an almost never falling stream, and 16 acres of Land, good Dwelling House, Tenant Haase, and other Lutprosemenui, situated wren %ilea frock the Ohio River, Monroe County, Ohio. Al., — near rho above,. boaatifal rum, well Improved, eon- raining 64J/ metes. For terms, he., enquire of • 1 WILLIAId H. JOHNS roN, aplirt • • - 152 Second at, Pittsbarsh. SIP James Illarrayro Plaid Magatailas• . .PREPA RED Ten,.d h e ftW ' err n'plin*-4 • scout' care y tl' ; ' e • .Thla elegant preptuation is recommended In all cues of bite, acidities, intlig' esti., goat, and gravel, as the most safe, easy, and effectual form in which Alegnetria may, and indeed the only one in which it Ought to be exhibited. possessing all the properties of W blamseal bowie general use,without being is /the it, to .forni dmigerons concretions in the newel., tt efecteally ,mints boats without injuring the teats of the stomach, as soda, pates., and their Col boastes WV known to do; tt prevents the food of to . Awn taming so. in all each st at as pleasing apetient, and Li - pen...Hy adopted to temalea Sir Ilamphrey Davy trained lam this relation fowler sellable combinations with uric geld gaits in ewes of goat and gravel, tharby counteracting their th e n tendency, when other alkalies, and !Tea Mitenula Itself, had tailed. Froth Sir Philip Cottonton, Bart, Surgeon General lo the Army lit Iceland:— . "Dew Sir—Them e. be no doubt that blenesla may. be administered more safely o nce; farm etacon centrad solution than in imbalance; for this. and many other reasons, I mo of opinion Wes the Fiala Magnesia is a very vulnable telditlon to oar fAceria PHILIP CRAMPTON." Sir is Cake, Sir A. Cooper De /fright, and Messrs Gathrle aed thetbert hlayo, of Landon, wrong. ly sseensMand /Infra, 's Plaid blagneeia, a. tmtnr Ediely mere safe and colleen:eat t 4. the gold, and tree Sow th e danger anending ths constant use or meta or Ter sale by the imparter'. and proprietor's aeon:a it A FAIINI.-STOCK. tr. Cat Cor.ef Wod.l & Front eta._ NOTED WWl'. • EOTlCEhereby gown, Mat on or about the 43:hof Area, the mtbseribere bad mailed to them. et ltbarg. tirt., the following totes; viz:—A note draws bi 0. A. Mania, parable to Oal order, dated • April It al 4 months, for PITS offi note drawat Joan organ, tame date and time, for Sill i Tome a nom Otero by Jobe Walt is Co., in favor of Job n S. Marken, Land re endorsed by no, doted April IPA, at foal months, for 5175. Ste above notes were never received by as, mad this is tommanoe, alt. persona oglinsttrading for or Lupus Me Pio:11e, •• parairat or Mom las been mopped, 8 DI, DAIWA Will nays spazau.seviciza 00008. 410 ... 11( large and eltsieo stoat of I'm so Spring ' and Sammar Goal. hal lost been opened A d Day's, Pie 83 Market stns.. MU wut Corner attire Diamond. • la galling the awn/Pm of our 1111:061CII and Me pulsate to this smelt, It offerds as omit pleasant to be atolo to ray It embrxes GREAT llAttGalPiB -in al. •inect aver, description of good r, as a largo portion of at watt patalmed at the reeent erten ilve amenob sal es 'an die eastont mime. Our assonotent, loth of fanny sad staple goods, la very superior, and any& to all tub bat en. sithet by wholesale or Mal, a Imo Op portunity of annals tonh mon and ports. • LADIES' DRESS GOODS New style Foulard sil\v,very cheep; rich plain end Sgared eksagrable attn. of almost every style add agility; sayer plain end figured bleed sue; do. b, • Vegas . sad limiest benne lama, new and hand yman .atyle; new styto i reach, English, and Scotch .a~rnt, f n a fd ''' s j ri 'o*rartun'h vandal; li nen looms ol all ahadu an& colors; ging nd - ham, ehlatena, Pd.. , • SHAWLS. . . Super chameleon salt allawla; plain and figured 'black do; plain and embroideredThit et de; fine mai nsail, do; raper plain and embioldrred white and colored =pa do; btrwto and lir, dn. WHITE GOODS. A Ibus•anortrocin of mans, nuLsooks, preonn,, SWisine,' hooks, biaboP, It s. BONNETS. ' Ronyil• & Ready, pearl braid, Florence brald . vid r.ra.7r i t A wt , A SAG Zack of roperinr plain and frineed silk •nd LOTIISCAS • 3I.MEII.Us. A lama nesenoieot of super Freoeh.l4 , 4lish and BOOan cicths sad cassizeree of all qualmes and Dflued.db Whica we would lento the attetitiou of the 'DOIIESTIGS. Oar sleek of braise and bleached sous:ins, Schloss, ekeekl, eharebrays, drillings, ac, la very large, non at the very lowest price.. Also, is large lot of table dispers_end table cloths, blown and bleached; Itasca and Scotch diapeta t dart linen. nankin., cotton and wool a goods for wen and — bey. , wear, huh teem-red, white and yellow Aga te* 'armada Fineman', silk and linen halt and ' Owes of all kinds, hosiery and bonnet ribtious, esti goal Armen, an to all which we would respectfully baste the attention of wholesale sod retail cast Wen. ALIMANDER k DAY, wraylat FS Morse , ou. W roe. of the lii•roond. • I AM nem N one prermse furbish A Nde Tries, ham th e blow,. ry of Jacob N. Broom. The mei will be delivered at the wharf at Pittsbergh for 4111 per baodtaL rename visaing good thrifty trees bald lotto tleir orders .00n at the Dreg, Seed, and pdSatbeii.. reTtrY BNRICgCKWNAM 11.1T-MOVA.L • I , 7iYNE IRON WOIDLS WARP:HOUSE. BilaY. BRO CO. hate removed to N. IN w„wrr,SdoloCr ttkiv ;04147140pipilei How. , - !; .. )MAtiNtiJW:: . :7l'''; MEl l 2=l3 . 131 Wood mite% just reteiTed a Trai as -111 oortment of PIANO 2.11:81C, omOng which o.io the following— • - 1.1:11.y, du Ton Love me, by 9. C. For "'y Om Red ItoLF Liva Alway, do. U' , ally was a Lady, do. nsla Ned, do. Gs Ina to Ran all Night, Doty Day, r!.cl , ll,.r..Weddiils, Glover. the do. Mtltt==l::= Sreet Diemoiz. of Thee t=t2 Lament orate UM Faxiierant. A Neve litaitier Sena. Thou hut Wounded the Spirit that Leered Thee The Creiiicaipt's - Depaitarei VT Glo e.v. lin nimilo the Laved One, at )tome. Tit Home where e'er the - Heart La The Yank-re. Mat • ' Lowy Ilgetid.Cer by Zoete.- Do yen exYllitrit or m. reaea!rer Gent:e Lan). • ". Jeanne. Grey. Elfin , Caniine, Wedding, Wreath, rod 'Daisy IVeltzes. B itchelor, Maiden, Bella Welta,• Concert, Ladies' Souvenir, Cully. khrlra. LBS . , Esetgreen, Sant ora Adieu. C o . Lissy - Pokas. matchi TEABt TE/1511 ,TICAIII 11 r - W-Venter not Into the lit of iiffets,we any nothing - titout .11undtede of Chests, Importers, Large Capitol, llouela for Cush,litc. 'ln they've will net. humbug in any manner or form, we limply Invite the public In compare our Tens With whet they purchase sirewhere; Cos is the ben method we know to leer?. loin erne sells the beet and cheapest Ten. In bomb. Vire are how sellthe Good end strong Tea at CO and 50 cents per lb. itr, best Teiii6ported into tiell:tates,el Low priced, damaged, OT Inferior Tees we do not keep. MORRIS t HAWORTH Proprietors of thn Tea Market, isS ' East Ode oft/lemon& fiestas- di.viseriaank Itt•etwarttaal D. Appleton it,CO , New Tort, have in course abut. pnee twenty five cents coon, A DIEMILONART Cl 111r,hme s Engine Wark,¢nd En ganrcrlng; denr,ned for Proem! Wariang /lien, awl chase intosiled fen the Ene ocenng P rclea.man. • son. ST 010= !T SC lIIS WORK is °florae hoe. nth, and will contain T "VO ortorssett num and onwards of six ono, 0.1.5 itterrsthrtess. It will seesent wt.thlug.dniws logs and descriptor. of the most import ant machines to the Limited States. Indepenikat of Inc results of American ingeroilty, It will °attain mosplete preen cat trend es,un klectanith,Alachinery,Engine.vrork, and kingineettng; with Ail that is awful In mare than one thousand ithlints worth of folio volumes, magi. eine., and ether books. - The g-ent object of this publication is, to place be fore pthetical men and etude.. such an amount of theoretical shoat scientific k nowledge, to a coodensed form, as shall enable them to work to the best adtans ee. oral to avoid those mistakes whigh they might I otherWse 410.11 AL 'the amount of useful information thus bronchi together is almost beyond precedent In such works. Imam), there is hardly any subject within 113 range which 13 nut treated with such clear ness and pfectsmin, that even ¢ man of the most orb nary capacity rennet fall of understandiug it, and thus !anteing from it much which It is important for, bite to know. The publishers are, in short,-determined, reaardleth of cost, to Make theceork as rumple:ens possible; and it is hoped livery ate dcairets to 0.7141 tko work will procure Isms lamed in another& and dins encourage the enter - Prise. The tooth will be Issued in semi-monthly numbers, commencing - in Immary, 1b50,.a aid progress with Vt. regularity- , The whole work will he published in SO number., atcents- pernumber end completed within the cur rent year, A liberal discount will be madam Any ononetnitting the publishers 810 in allotmen t shall receive the work through the post crier free et expense. Opinions of ah• Press. "To our numerous Manufacturers, Mechanics, En. urs, and Artisans, it will be a mine of weulth,"— ..roulde ice. (R. 1.) Journal. Sl7a V e ° a ` il 4 wlrth%ti n Til Y c ' ne e ` r i c ' e c atirart 'u' cri i ir a k ar ' wrelaedi:rse.—t posse.. thummlces of 0.3 nal:there as fast as they pear."--Ataericm Artisan. 'We unhesimungly corumnid the Fmk to those en raged in or Lenewsicil In mechanical or SCl.l:ilk par sets, a. eminently worthy of their tXlllrallll/06 and atudy.”—Troy, lid. Yu) Mudge, - "It la only a great wore, and the publisher, de serve thy thanks of inventor., ennehinists.atil guano factuiers. and indeed pitha puulic gunerally."—N. Y. iMCPCZEICUL. 'Thin OCUOLIIITI Will he highly useful to practical mechanics, and valnatte to ali who yob to ocquotot themselves Willi the proves,. of ineencon theme chanic arsa."--fiew bodtord Daily Mercury. _ "Vining. tabehanius ought to keep poiten up in the anted m well at pros t cal knowledge, and this woe, will show them just bow they atiscol. n —RuAbm7 lNaxf AdoVeTUSET 'We tote IL to he jest the Work that aroma and hun dreds of ear totelligent ncrehtunics tare desired to pos. seas. tau eittple are its descriptions, anti so full re minuto' specifteattaar, that nt sag. , to us that any mechanic might contract am mt^h 111 e itdescribes, ant the sacturth of im en gun - acmes mad iIIMUCLOta."—N. Y. Commeretal Advertiser. "Atrinierested to mechanics should avail them selves of -ltiludvantrigesdi—SettuylMll, Jolty .l. • • ltA work of extensive practical utility and greettm ponalme Suil-valae to the rsuidly mcrecalng Interests Of the country. We regard the creek as eminently ealculamd -to promote the cause of science and the raccit.i.l sits, pad to dim:mingle valuable leformn• 100 on these rattiects-n—Panuer and Mechanic. "Practical men in all the varied molts of mechanl. cal mid to.afacturitm lad:lcon engilicetitig. ll Bed Is llitu r ytork_a treasure which it uall ft their preigt to Pomess."—Troy. Daily Whig. "We him. carefully par.. the northers, and bare no healtaliou in saying that it is Me best work for me. chant., tradevotee hod mientifte mon, ever pal:dish ed, for it chans cilium information on everY- branch of the mechanical arts coo semotes, cap duel in a style mid tangos. intelligible to any reader of ordi nary capscity.iitiloucesmr, (Mom.) Nemo.' "We are sure we nre emus the mechatlcs of Nor wich and other ports of Connecticut a service by brintieg rho work to their atteutton."—Norwich, (C 0..) Courier. "It isjam such. work sts every cmchertic should possess. 4 —Frcemsa's 4mmeal. {Po consider it one of the most useful end imperialnt tabllcations of the age. No mechanic can alurd told ntheaElt."—Neware, (N. 1.,1 Commercial Coeds, •Vf all iterations publication. having far their ob ject the enteldation and advancement of iha mechani cal arta and . actenecs, none that we have Penn, in so fall of promnic es thian—Datinlo Cora.ladr. the best nail cheapeit work e‘er oder. to the pllent:lila and practical col:inner and mechanic. The at a akc beautlfally exenoted2l—WsphingtonNlol•e. fora' Dicuonary is one or the most useful warbs ever (lab:lobed fur peers, nsul the low puns et whisk it le =ICS it acceptable to all."—§eilth Carolinian. • "We maul it.onc of the moat comprehearive and salaahlt, as well ...pan warts ever pahlished." —itlabirnore AdvanDer. "Ought le be taten by every one desiring to keep pace with the presses:tor art and.tcnce ill every one of the labors of civilized life,"—lbivioni in designed iriler the principle of the's DriDana. rr, only that ills morn devoted tribe menhameal and -- and above age, t .s nalualde enynaeerinß . pml asisecomilitErng far Aincriez who, [die has done for England,' Via: ee.nribinle Amerman sinehmery and vrerss eas."—d,Tclennfin Amerman. - • • .. - "ltis pablithed In OttOilleri..o4 nt a price so mode rate, looking at what is conm.iiind intact an mbar, that no toad who has We least interest. Irt-tneji t Matters, need he deterred Irani prtmuringit; and everyone who duesso, will rind that he has to st condensed term an amount or Instractian which would lon obtained, at only by Cho pu re hme limy mai:Oral tunos.”—N. Y. Cannier and Obr.quircr. 'The comprehensiveness with which the subjects are trentod, the exticireble manner in widen shay ate illustrated, romper to make this one abbe most desi rable metre" —llemomstio Bevies, ...this woos should Lela the hands el every mechanic, artxan, and manufeetnion, especialiy those who Lave leait vpirations to excel m their respective nesse. We hove easeia II y commmedit, with view of recommending it to lasetilori. To them we would say in M:trog IMmcno go of Um Bibles u lt goal. ' — IMltimoye InellitOne JOOMItI. Natio to th• Prtprutororf MlA:papers throughout • as Unatod &eves and Canada. If Mialaregoing advertlfentent is ine,erted five lama daring the year, and the paper enntaing It sent to as, • cony of the woes will he mat gratis in payment. riplaatkartfr ErALLIETEEVS OINTIMENT, Containing no Xercary, nor other TE following testimonial was given by the cele heated Ur. Wooster Peach, the nuttier or the great medical work entitled .The American Pea Mice a. Medicine and FO.ITIOr Physician." IlnrmK Istio made acipusinted with the Ingredients whieh rompose MeAllister's Alt.llealing.Oinuceut and having prercribed •- d totted it in reveral eases I. my prima. practice, I have .o beitiustion in saying or certifying that lir, a Vegclabte Remody,.cornaining no mineral sabstnnee whatever, Una its ingredicom tinnbillt .1 they are, rind used as directed by the Propnetor, are net only bimulew, hot of great value being a truly rcientific Remedy of great power: midi crier:trolly 1TC011.1.11.1 it as {l.COMpPlind which bur don, mach good, and which to adapted to the corn Of a great vancry of cases. Though I have never either recommended or eayoyed In the sale of secret medi cines regard for the truly he, con•eic...... ha mane character of the Proprietor of this Ointment, sad the value of hls discovery, oblige me to say thus comb regardioni4 W. BEACH, D. D.. New loot, April 11.,,,1Ptd. 01.ilitif3.—It Is one of tho best things in the world r PlLL.S.—.77sonsanda are yearly eared by thin Meta. Jt never Tails in giving relief. For TOMO., Meets, and ail kinds of-Sires, It has DO equal. If Alotheol end NrllltS knew Its value In eases or Swollen or Sore Oman, they wean! always reply it. In chness,. if aced Recordists to direcuons, It styes relief in a very (Ow beam Arvind the box are direction, for using Me Allister's Ointment mr Scrota's. Liver Complaint. ErYsitlelas; Chilblain, Scald Noted, Sore I,:yes, Quincy, Sore Throat ? Bronchnes, Nervous Affeenotts, Pains, lasenseMT me Spine, Mead Ache, Asthma, Donlan, liar Ache, llama, Corns, all Disco:me urine Skin, Sore Pimples, An, Swelling of the Limed, iinter, Riteuratittrm, Filer, Cold reel; Croup, Swelled or Bro ken /Jou., Tooth Ache. Ague in the Face, Au. Prom the Reading Eagle. • There watt neve:, perhaps 51fOlfillt brought he- Sore the public, that has litre short n time won tech a reputation as bleAllirts!r's All.lleating or World Sabre. Almost every person that has made trial of n speaks warmly in its praise. One loss been cured by it of the most painful rheumatism, an her of the piles, a third of a troublesome paw in te aide, ot a fourth of a swellinrin the limbs, he. If it duet not give Imme• distil relief, in every ease, it can do no injury, being applied outwardly. attot.her evidence of the wonderful healing pow er possessed by this salve, we rulimitt the following eertineatc, from a respectable citizen of glaideocreek township, m to..1170,111ty: Nioldencreek, Perks co., Merck 30, 1017. Meese, dr. Coo—l dosint to Inform you thus T was entirely eared of a severe pain lathe back, by the Use of kleAllisterts Alt•llealine Salve, which I pur chased from you. I sulTersd with it for Shoot Llt year., sad at rbglikerastmllge to sleep. Dunn; that time I tried canons remedies, teliiith were prescribed for too pbyeicianshod other person! ' wlthoul receiving any relief, and at last made mil of this with a re sult (sociable beyond exwetatioll. I ern now entire.. ly free from the pain, and enjoyat night peaceful and sweet itcep. I have ales used the liaise since far tooth ;oho and other cempleints, with mintier happy results. Year friend, Joan Ilutennoent. 3AItIF,U Pole Prprittor of toe l there medicine. Principal Office, No tai 'Norm Third strert,Phlladels phis, - • - An n Prremaan.—Braan n. Heuer, comer. of Lineny andVTGGCS erol L. Wilcox, on co ner or Alnrket greet and the Inn:mond, alao con,,, o f Fourth Vol Smithfield J. 11. Came!, corner ol Welnnt nod Penn etrema, lifEb Ward; and sold al. ins Heckman, in S.ll:field rtre,::d decrier.. kk e , e ,d . In Aließheny City try H. P. Scherarte.a 11. Sargent kat G. I f.Sm, thogglat, DirtnlnfMnti: D. enic), Enat Liberty; Hoerlruni, Melieespornl•Mentmder k Son, IHonong - ! , teln Cny; linerman Co., and J. T. Roorn, Drool:7,111e; 'On Barkley. scorer, Pa; John Wrelk er, Elienne:::- ft:a:cod:l BEEN OIL Cl,olll—tho leads 44,Grecii Oil 74 Cloth 013 !thud, and throttle 4 hi tiff 112, fliaLut AMC tILINEOUtt- Valuable node, Aessalve Waterpower to let on favorable term s. TGE WABASH NAVIGATION Orli! PA..`fle. are now f toparect !ooze the Wale/ rower obt tbb Grand Raiida, to an amount uuffielor dto prophl (oar hundred !name of mill inane. The I 'cation is' hazed upon a reek foundation, mad the p over can Conve niently be applied on both nide. albs. river': The grain of the White Bluer, an well es the Wobath, be tead:l7 furnished al Mil pet at While timber.' 113:11 ore, and coal, the yreates t abunitattee, and of superior .cauJity, can be easily ye:neared throach the unto tenth. Taarsr—Orte hundred dollars per annum for a pow. er sufficient to {impel a single, run of rriedlual sired will °lout., fora period of fifteen years. with the nyht of renewal on the expiration of the loser, ni fair reheat/one( the potter employed. Tim silo of the mill or ronnulactery included; without farther charge from the Company. /37 order of din Directors. • , Presideut of trie IV. Ali C.o. V.nicXXXXI, fa., Maj. P. mearriern INItE9 HAUF.L'B MEDICATND NYMPII.%)Ar. 411te akin of many penmen h disfigured wth slight eruption', as pimples, merphew, e.e.. end when this{s merely a disease et the skin, as 11 Is In ninety eine nests out of every handfed, it Is very casdilhrt anted. Jules tinsel! , NlELPttts..P . i. adapted to diseases of the thin, nit It dfre.etly poi the minute pores which coin . Its safe:ch. cleartsing them from imMatitles. and by its bataamie properties healing anderedicatlug all erantions,and rende hug the danced and roughest skin sell, fair, and blot Pulsar. Perso.o who have been in the habit of acing ordi ;%74lPltyl.!:e l' l7ym " p i r i So d rio d , inatimthnettrtrg‘air"dc effe c t Licom,preyerningdh• neck, fare. or hands froctohup: ping, allaying all antanon, and removing et cyan-. nos eruptions.. it possesses ea ergaialta cerfunso, and is entirely devoid of nil alkaline propertieN rendering it the only article which eau be used with safety and comfort in the earthy, „ All those whose facea orneeks aredistgared With pimple., blotches, tan, moipbese , Ihnnhl make trial if Jules If euel's Nymph Seep. as the Woollens positively assures them, that its ase will tender the most discolored akin while, the ,hest shin PlllOOlO. ordl the most diseased skin healthy, pure,and bloono 111 R. Jule. Hanel , . Nymph Soap only ankle which will effectually produce the mov e [lnn. In melte. e. time. •nd the osly one wineh is et tho scow limo all poWerlal and entirely hamtless. Piepsred only ty JULES NAVEL, Perfumer and Chemist, Chestnut street, Phil. Far ..20 wholesale end maul by It A. Fahnesiock & Co., and It. It troller', }timbers& and John tine. gent end J tilltehell, Allreltehy cite. Pa. let 0 BEGGED TIMID riesos. A GOOD blabogastrah one Porte, 6 sictvver, 00 00 es cor.d boud-- . A handsome upright Piano, wah Rdiewnad ' Foul:tore, 0 moves, and in good otper •••• NO CO A Wain el octave Piano 45 CO A good ti octave Pimo 75 CO A good eg octavo Piano, with bondman , form-' Into —• .— 75 CO For vale by . JOHN 11 hIELLOR may Tdi n mr.oa n 1 =stalls Night Light CCUPERCEDIIIO Me Wooden neon - :IWO being in• combottible, thereby economlacs the oil, ntol pre• vent., ,olition, heretofore to much objected to in all other deals. One table tpoonml of the k ommen lamp ott will last :dine Doors, or one farther length of time, according to Me add:Unroll notedly caml. Received and for sole by JOllll D MOII.OAN .mora 171053:11 TUST RECEIVED, at Rio PitOberst Parody Gra. 2.5 eery and Ten Warehouse.: 5 eases Fresh Oysters, In tin 'cans; 5 do Pickled do, in tp ia:St 6 do do do, in pint do. The chose Fresh Oysters ere pail...led, aril put up in a uluhly coneuairated coop, enclosed in bertnetleat ly sealed can. and will keep meek Langer than those put nn in the ordinary way. For aide, wholesale and lentil. by Whl A hIcCLURC & Co, myna • '250 Libeitv at Great Astn.leen lllTtettassleal. 'Work. - 1 - 1 APPLETON lc EO., New York, have in aerie J_l• of oubticattou, la Tara, price twenty Eon Ceti. each, DICTIONARI tf Mn- hires, Ell. gine Work, and Engineering; designed for Practical Working Men, and those intended teethe Engineering Prolession. Edited by Oliver Byrne. ' This work is oflarge two sloe, and will contain two thousand pages, and upwards of sic tboutand idluntrm none. It will present working drawings and detterip bons of the most Important ennehtnes in the United Stale,. Independent et the raulouf ArEerieen gensity, it Will rot:tale complete prartiesl trestlets on Meehanicei, Machinery. Engine Work, and Engineer ing; with all that ts useful to more then one thousand dollars worth of folio volumes. mainlines and other book. Pus number. received, and for sale by the agent, R cold IP Apollo Ilaildirua Foarißst. NEW STOCK Or PIANO& ....,-- „.. ..%.,..'„.--.„.„,.... ..-..„,,,_,—,...-,, ) ). --, , ..-A--- , . , -----.7 --- . . , -m s ;'f , 1:41::21.1 .:':'-:.. , ~--, ~.. z - ,-,.., --:t . ',,, q..::.,-.- ~, 2 „:„;:,,,,,,,,,,:,, .4 L,,,_-,,,,_--.aizt;p CHICKERING'S PIANOS. John 11. Mellor, 81 Wood Street, Pittsburg' sob, A.2!e ItEIMIIM Grata end Sq'sure Plano Fortes, BLUS "to anoint hts sands ardace musical public, that be has now invoints. and nil` receive and expose (or sale, daring the prevent month, the Incest and meat denireble stock of Pinto Penns ever cd , red for sale in the west—along the muster will be found • full supply of Superbly caned Rosewood Grand Plano Forte., with all the recant improvements in mechatirm and style of exterior. plencidly caned Rosewoml seven ortade So. uare 6 Pitoto 'Forms, finished lathe Elisabethaw and 1./.1111 XIV. ill /t, With a lunge nook_ - ef ellshe widens styles of Pi, no Porten, varying In prices from SOO to Stihl and SIPCO, prepared by Ptr. Chlekering for the present year, Ull 3 Cid Purchase n ate mused that the reirt7 of Mr. Chick. erten Planes have berm, m comm. to be. the •eme us al the ommulsetery lII M Poston, without churee for traisporlation; and will be delivered and net up In perfect order, in any part of the city, withont charge. mrP T. FM undersigned begs lease to inform the public Moths has destined business in favor of his &in, Davit, siho will continue the Auction awl Coin- Lmanew at the is!d siniul, corner of Win ood m nod Fifth streets, end for whom he scould solicit coin Crltne Cdthe liberal Frartortage heretofore bestowed up on tire house. JOLLY D. DAVIS, April PM, 1310. P. 11. DAVIS, (succEssoa TO )01IN D. DAVI3,J AUCTIONEBS AND COMMISSION MERCIIANT roan 0 WOO 9 A.:li 111111 eraser; • WILL make Artie; on beers! terms.o I FDreipl and Doran.°Marc:randier; RMt (teal utte r , ewe r ks, kg, and hope; by experience and clore atteirtionao trearnees, to merit a coatinunace of the xoppon nod patronage to liberally extended 11l the forgoer house. April 91. 1.550. , ==l==l /LC/lAMB/0 POUTABLE BOAT LIEN. Wife decent.e of the active partner, in Philadelphia, (the late Lames M Davis,) produces bo interrnpuon to the business—arrangements have been made - which involves the same Wive. precisely, which have heretofore existed. The busincas is continued under the &num mune and firra, JAYSIN h.14)69111& Co., Philadelphia; .JonnAl'Fausn Pt Co., Pitmburgn The continuance of 'the pltemtoge of our snarly friends is respectfMly 'calcite& if any persons Lava demands against Ito concern, Wey are requested to p-esent Wenn forthwith. for payment. rith6uhltt.APhtl LU, 'MI JOHN hPFADEN, npl7.tf torviving partnel • IL As ITILIMe•tO4:Ik Co.* IrrIIOLESALE DRUGUIS „ TS, corner of First an Wood streets, Mks for vele, on fuvorebm term., 190 bble Wb Mar 514 .. art, flo ths Drunoata; 60 do Alum; UR Co Astalistida; 360 do Dye Woody, tce de,' Crude Tom.; 25 do Lampblack; 200 do Liquorice Root; 20 do Veil. Red; 390 to barb ?doss, 0 do ~R ampti? r; 120 do lied Precipitate i'oii — oirsa'ol — iirimr, 20 do 'Yellow Ochre; 26 do do Ping.; 10 do brimstone; VTR do Roarer Loaves; 6 do Cloves; • 210 do Rhubarb Rom; 3 do Cltant.Plowersi 460. do Par.p. do; 14 cams Ref./Gina; 21 . 0 .d 0 - Gentian do; 25 do Cazttle Soap; 200 do 511 Rooloolo; 15 do Prussian Mae; .=1 Jo Itteidllta illieurre; 10 do- Crile.Magnesrat'6oo do Paved Rhubarb; 13 do Chrome Green: 650 do do . do do Yellow; lOU do doL . Amble 6do Am. Vermilion; 160- do do LAG. Rom GO reams 6.41 Paper; 100 to do /glop; 15 Gap Rica, Roman; 120 do do Al:Cayenne; 24 mains Dottie Corks; =I do Salph: Linn, 760 z Ralph. Morphia: I3G I do ar Tro; 1200 lbs Cape Clore; 100 do B Tamarinds; 1200 do LlnCtiromPotash;l6o do .Q;llert Silver; MO do Pink Root; 220 do Orange Peel; IWO do Turkey Umber; 75 do Coeinimai; 1200 do Cream Tarter, Or do otatin. 520 do Tartaric Acid; GO Jo Moene IGO do Ura Um; ill do Granville Lotion. febt3nltcorlerlT PECTROLZWII, OR ROOS Olt. "There are meta thing• to heaven and earth Than are &tempt of in phtlomphy," lit VIRTUES of this remarkable cemmly, and T the constant application fur it, to the proprietor, h. Loh:teed him to have it put up in bottles with la bels and directithut for the benefit of the (ntldie, . . . . . The PETROLEUM is procured from *well In tite county, at is depth of fora hundred feet, to a pure una dulterated article, without any chemical change. but fart es Rowe front Maroc'. Great Labratery.! That ormtaine properties reaching &number of diseases, on longer &matter of socerututty. There are Mini Clingy 11l th e arcane of muure,Whiell, ir kJ - 10We, Illt,tht be of vast arefulneas to oilman - lig suffering, oral re• coring the bloom of health and vigor to many n tun ferer. Long before the proprietor lhotieht of pitting It up in bottles, it had rt reothatioli for elite of doe ease. The constant and daily increcolag colts for i u and several [ n of it c hes performed, to sere indication of Its Were populanty mud wide spread application In the tore a l on g care. We do out with to make a parade of cert.& eaten le are eonneious that the medicine tell aeon wo r k: ita way the favor of those who coffer and with to be healed. Whilst we do not Claim fort, Waren/II aPplicauou In enemy diSentre i 1 , 0 Unhesita tingly say, Olathe a number of Chronic Inreatee it is unrivalled. Among these may be enumerated—on diocases of the moron. tissues, ouch an CllitONIC lIRONCIIITIB, .CONSUMPTION Ito e'er , / .01 , 1 Asthma, and all ditto:tree of the ale pentanes, lAVEP. COMPLAINT, lIVISPEPISIA, Diaihma Diseasee of the Bladder and Kidneys, Palos an the Lack or Si de, Nervous DiecasesdVearal Paley, Rheumatic Pan., Goat, Erysipelth, Teller, Ringworms, flares, &shim, Bruises, Old Sorce,ke.,&e. In oath at debility re. Fairing from expneure, or long and - protracted meet ot disease, thismedicine will boon relief. will net no a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE in each eases, impart-log tone end energy lo the whole Lame, remov ing obstructions, openiny the sluggish korner., giving cause dluase and a broken eertsthelloil, and, giving inereased end renewed energy to all the organs of talc! The proprietor knows Of several cares of PILES, that misted every other trerumeat, gel well ender the we of the PEPROLEUAI for a short nine. The proof can be given to any permis who demurs IL Boa. Tthstioe without the signature of the proprietor. 11014 jinni Basin, near Seventh at. A Ino or B. SELLERS,S7 Wood an and—KEYSER & hPLOWELL, cower Wood et-and Virgin ellen who are his noen.dPir regularly eppointed Agent. CIALIFORriIk RUBBER GOODS— .hum received, kJ 3a (Wrap Blankets' MI officer comet' 12 pm Pmts, Id pairs nett lined !lining Bootie; 111 Isthmus Bap; 3 water Tanks,' 6 and 12 go/lons each; 00 cameetm, I gallon each; 1 dor Iluelmkur Manny Being •1 do oiled cambric dodo. The abase goods for sale at she Cali fornia OaMting Establishment, Nog Wood M., a 61131 . . . i f t Hg.t.W.L.WA . , • iRiIisiPORTATION —MR& 18 5 6 1850:' ERIE &. MEADVILLE LINE. "gw"'Y' 004 do- 71 " CititwEr.i ht :r.t.b. ot X "" JAIRIdS COLLINE do, }AgetHs k BROTHER, Reneger, 1850 1111D . WELLM • SANDY AND BEAVER LINE:' Friars Pitt tlurzls to Colimbrns and Cleveland, through the riels- end populous commie of Co. Car f! Stork, 2 1 1.1 e 4 JU1L., COAUOOII, 111.da111141, riding, and Fronk/in. The conipletin, of the Sandy inn Buyer Canal opens nit tat Oct city thiough mot natural ..corm:, Tntl. n dircolcomottnticattan to the atm,' a. eaell ca. he nitjothlng , coluttin of Wayne, Moira., Kau, and Demure. nom Mut section et - Ohio, the trade with PitisSorgh has been, to pan extent tot cll. in tteecnenen or the /ugh rat. of tranipostatton, whichare, - now re. dusett At and 59 per =ha Bolus of that hue will leave daily, and. too throoliti without transhipment. The Canal company have bestowed upon OM lac an i nterest iii the enprey, dented nOratmages of their chaser, tmd thua wcusyd to the middle portions hf Ohin In ordertne Weir goods by BIDWELL'S SANDY AND BEAVER.LINF., an equal iuterest in this ar.ventave.' Agent,: 3. C. DIDWELL, PlOsholohi inDWELL is CU., Glasgow.' • 11 C Iloirnes, Spear's /11dIs, Oluor I) A. A Goy, NVllTfam , port.O.: George Rouble, Raton, 0 ; Carlite Ilatbonn, do; Hanna, Orahor. k Co. New Lisboa, Atter A. Allelic,lar, ljr:nover, 0.; Ilibbets A Boon., 110.• uurua. 0 ; SP - akor Pone. do.; Joccal: Pool to Co, do.; Hull Llu>s, Oneida Mills, II.; II V Sever, do; C Il II outbid A Co, Malvern, 0; R ll liraV i burg, O.; Tilloonolile, do • !maim Teller, M ows, .agnola 0.; J Hurl:4oA Co, Meg nolio,1).; Wto o; J AVFrirlanil . Sandroulle, 0; P P I,lTer, do; FAOI. haegu Jt tolilbaarb. unldar, 0; Wdlam &Shrivel., do; J J Mussiiloo 0 4 Cumaiu• h Coo Jobn Caonl I'ohoo, 0; Ponig A Terre,. Causl lAivor, O.; A hledbary, Rooeon, IC War. nor, Newark. 0; Pitch A.lllll, Cualumbus,(l; L Mat, Cleveland, O.: Rl.odes 6 Gram do. um THE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL E , OPEN 7 PITTSBURGH TILINNPORTdTILa LINE. v-V -k -v 1550 v. ft Pennsylvania Canal & lioada. PSIONUMII.I., O'CONNOR, ATKINS a Co., Canal Rosin, Liberty street, Ihtuburga ATKINS, O'CONNOR 3 Co., 219 MO Market street, Philadelphia • O'Comson3 S Co., North nnet, Paltimorej 1;orir; ELI lint & Doane street, Ftnnon; laic:mon Coos, Maysville, Kepi uc ky; ['Am.& Co.. Colombia erect, Cincinnati; F.. wean. L.nunivilloi 12=2/215ZE2131 To Shtnxrs qf IVlrrdramitto anrl "'rah. from 7 hOOded.; Soil 1 . 4101; N. York, Car Table being now in fir in forward goods ea above attn., oft freightfree (Many • Derr anito,Otn, and with the of Boat, ant confident of al all intainerrt enttneird to on naw, and commanded by e ormentive Con teaordiunte• and antiwaau prinerplea. florae. Captain. Iron City flrgen Natylt al, lidataltall Cinetnnall, Sande Saar Anna, Cbatatun Win Adana, Penrand Import, filignada ne order, we arc prepared at wry towns ;men. We charge hewing policies for following extensive stook ring entire szlislactiap 50 T ear, Osr bows are all plains of arporionce and d aria sobbadt ke:dning Doot.. - Captains Pommyl. man E Loran, 8L Louis, Cowdeo Col. Coward Ridley ItlatEDeborMi Sim. Enterprise, Knyton 'anima Blown tlpnon Geriindi CAT; Gen. &ton, Gore Te!eg•rnphlio ISlielErn ••-•• ---'•••^ • Point ?.13 . 1 . lloy!.!iquade Balitn`eCtipperlta , ey Ohio MK: Kearney Heuer Marla Julia Ann 3 Lam= yelriFruph No2Rayi.a olkeotanebt:oleor emotion , Perry Atermool Tlio roe 1114enode Aurora . AVLowell .I;VrT ' Queen ible 1121=1221 Slitpecrs reS, find ft to tbetr advant', to give us 0. oroNNOR, ATKINS& co, _ rlll Canal Carla Liberty . at, Pittaburen. Thileatcua Trsayisportiatlnn Compearay. -- 1850, NiVa 111..leEECH £ CEPS LINE, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH. PIGLADELPHL!.., BALTIMORE zr. NEW TUBB, By Prnnrytrania Ca.? and Reni• Rya. "NW. Roan. nod Coot of thin Line ittee been pct in coal pete order. end catch the newton of tteeens haw oats 'to the Line, enahice tie to catty alorge quantity cf produce a n d gothle. The enure crock of the Line Ls owned and contra ed try the Proprietor, t T r.-- HARMS MILT:IIC 11, No 13 South Third ct, And of cita tribucco Warel,ootte, Dock et, Phi adrpbilt, .10SFP!T TALIT fr. SON, No 114 Nunn 111 , 41,1" i Boomore. Md.; 11' I'ICE. No 7 Wr SI if. New Yocki 1. CO, Ceuta , Penn rt, mrl3 Put.bocrh._ 1850. UNION LINE, 01 TUN. P/CliNtA AISD 01110 CANALS. CLARE; PARKS& CO, Iturbestet, 3011 M A CAUGIII.N. Attent, °Men enr Slnidifirid end Water sv., Pltuttutgh. CiIA3II.ICIII4N, CRAWFORD dr. CO, Agta, Cleveluid. r 17111,9 well known Urn are prepa - ed tom:upon !,eight and ratt.engete from DIPTtIINTRO II and CLEVKLANLX to any petal en the Canal and Lakes. The facantes orate lane arc as Ull•urpuse4 in umbra, qonlity and enpnnity of Bows, experience of captoJ, one of Atrotha ' One flc lawn:. Ptualturch and Clereland ran- Iting In connection with a Line of Sten., Beats he. teseen PIiTSIDIRGII and LiDAVEIL fold a Line of ihrst C 1... Steam Scale, Propellers and Vessel; en the Lakes. CONSIGN - EFS: Clark, Parks & Co, llochrener, Pa; N Parka tr, Co, Youngstown, litno; N II Taylor, 'Warren. 0; A & N Clark, Newton Falls, 0; I Pray ton & Co, Ravenna. 0; Kent, Grinnell & Co, Franklin, 0; II A Miller, Cuyahoga Foils, 0; • Wheeler, Lee A Co. Akron. O Chemberl,ll, Crawford A Co. CleyeJavd, lloblmid A Co , Satllttsty,(n Peckham & Scott, Toledo, 11; . Ii A Co, Patron, M ich; WAllama & Co, fililwaukm, Wis; Alurky A Dutton, Itaeme, Wis; limirge A Gael, Chicago, Ill; Theseus Salo, Chicago, ill. JOlO, A cAUGII7I ", Agent ; cirM corner Water and Smithfield sta mfy. imag. LAWS, ERIE AND .. IIIII/111GAN , LINE, ON ERIE EXTEN.SION CANAL. CLAIIKR, PARKS A. CO, Rochester. Vroprietora Ilk; turgid°.ef this old and well known Lino j would minim the public that they are now In or• ortolan lot the piesent season; and have rommsneed sOmmog Freight ad] Posse:tons, which they are fatly preps.a carry to all point. on the Canal and LAhEti LEIC AND MICIIHJAN. Al the lowest retes. One of the Hotta of the Line jrfll ' constantly at the landing, below Monongahela Bridge, to receive freight. JOHN A. CARGIfEY,Agents Office, roe Vizier and Smithfield eta,Pitukong.k. • CoNS;GNEFB: W Canning'ham. New Gunn, PN Mitehenreo Co. Po!nein; W C Nolan. iharon; Jec S Hon, Sharoaborg; Wink, dehre GreenvillN Win Henry, Bortmown; Wen Power, Conneaotvillei John Hearn d Cr Erie; Jol.n 110111wer Buffalo, NV. meth Pittsburgh Portable float bloc, !OF VIE TIIMINITTUATIOT OF TO AND 71:011 PITTSBURGH, PHIL DRE,PHIA, BALTIMORE, NUM YORK Lost()Nt, de. Taisho+ nottaatDay., 1 S Tkars & O'Connal, Phtladelphia. Pdtsburgh. THE Caual betty new open, the propnetors of thin long evtabllAbed Ltne n ual et their old rands, manning and forwarding Iderehandtse and l'iodoce at low rat, and with the prrroptnetn, nor. talnty, and warety,preuliar to their system and mode of trnurppriation, inhere .11 , CrEntdiale trunthipment is atoned, with it,e ronseqoent delays and probability of hie mns. rehandire sod Produce shipped moor wen, and 8111 of Ludlnd mrwarded fret of charge for sorninis *to& na"tnaing, or noons•. Hosing to interest di rectly or indirectly In ,tramholta, that or the owners Ie rolely consulted when +Lipping their goods. All cdminuotootions to dm following agents prompt ly oneddcd to: nonßrutmr.. No ti° filnrkrt l'hiladr.lprao. TAfiFIE h O'CONNOR, - - Corner Penn and Wayne menu, PittzbUr/Ch John McCatingh t co, N. - 0,0,11 , Q; P. D. Dorl &C 0... Donne el, natton, W. &I. T. Tapeott & C • tO eon. gm, Nev lark; James Wbeelwrsght, Cmcin BINGIIIIM'S TRANsruaTiTlo3 LINF, • ,TAn-r: 4 =t 1850.12W61 Between, put.b.rgh aria Li:astern Cities. I,c Canal Lem, we ere reedy 71, reectve and forward promptly, produce ru, , l rocrehendtze earl and we, Able h Emelt. ntway• at lower rate., charged by revolt ues. Produce .1 meTrhordize will Ire, received end warded en. nod ANP4I., with,l noy rim, for for. wurtling or anntrtemg iretr.ht.roroloiwoia or "nonce Palk or lad:ng furyrardud, end all directions faith fully attended to. Add curs or orthly rn, WM. HINGHAM, Canal Barth, cot. Liberty and Wayn.v tar, Pin hotel. BINGHAM N. DOCK, No 10.1, Market irt, lanween 411, 04 5111, Phil'a JAS. WILSON, Agt, No 10J, North Howard %a. Dunmore JAS. HINDIIA 11, 'WM No 10, Wear area, New York Passenger aunt neastttstnee Oillege itZ o IIANItDI4I . 4 Zu CO. continue to bring persons from any pt of lireland, Scotland or. Wales ? open the most liberal noon., with Omit osnalinunituntoy and[ ...ion to the was and cam , fon of enimerni. We down ell., our p.soneers be robbed by thn .weledling scamps that infest the sea port, . we take charge of them the manicnt they re port iltemselves, said see to their well being, and de gpittell them without any detention by the Got ships. We say this feselessly, as we defy one of our passen gers to shove that they were detkined 411 hnst..l by as in Liverpool, whilst thousads of others • we detained months, wail they could h ose nt In some vsl *raft; at a eh: p rate, which too frtguently pureed their esti.. We intend to perform our Coinntelo ormorubly, coot what it may, sad not Act el Cr. the Cale last season, with ether oCieem,-,who either performed not Oil, or when it suited their convenience. . . . . Draft. ...a at Pitts:tar& for .7 z.rt from Sato flow, payable r way of the prorlActal 11. k. in Ire laud, lEbctantl, 8e011.4 .t 1 Wale... . . - - 10SUU1. ROBINSON, Eumpeart a IA G.. tai Um, raw Plilb.ureet.ona dmr trio+, Wand' L IQUORS -17 hl e. [gnuNy—Otard, Dupe), ite . pipes RollandIIle; N E Roan 480 bbla Whi W .k.,i (Or tale Ire novo X AurcuUal# 841-R•tpir , AlN-1ck1..48.! , ..,- CARPET' rwARE , HOII4E, N.":s; Fourth 'Attest. WELLNIXY , R.ia new recks.isaUy 'meat= bit ,1 E of rnf•, ceuciT Cl.Oll/S, p the biionneig, Extra Be per loy al . etret Carpets; 5..; "“ . Taprato . Englizb and im.riean Ltrea.e.l• 7 F.szea Snperfiaalmperial ply ^ Baperfias ". SoperSee Ingrain Carpeta,.. Bann o. Elne Canitnon, all wool, tt - cotton ". and 4 Tap Yen Car. 44, and Twilit,l Corp. 4‘4, 4,4 end 2.4 plain Ca• UntmdilaaCarpeta. Printed Cotton Carpet., Eilnt liner patenttktm➢e Rugs; Rupothoe do do Rom Tuf rite Centime. CaAra tV iilon Common do Chenille Door Mohr Tuned Sheep Skin Atlelnid• - " W,...1, 44 and I 011 Cloths; 64,54,44, in.ll Mentinall la welt naicat Oil Cloths for euin. ' • L•O ' Extra pfinted Nano carer* table. oo.eed Piano - Table Printed woolen. Enitoserd gland Ninenund vrosnrid.. ' " Damask Stu Linen; Torke7 lied Chimes; Chime Bordering; • Enema Oti Cloth Table Brown Linecieruntb clothe Woolen Drug Ster.lbals; 4 Blair Drugged; Carpet Bindings; JOie end Coco Mall; • Moe C an II D T b D I Cloth Crunson Plusts,• Conch Oti Cloant; Csmuks for Linings; Wisurc4 Moreitts: ItuTlfolleit 'w. d for SVSliater,l IkataPeksiit " • Frenplltansp. n i Venetian Blinds; • '. l i ft n is 4 i ' tF6(.7Tri ansinevi i Ruol Crash; Scow Diaperai Brow Linen Napkins. 1 Gann n Oil Climb Ttible ' Co, raj 1l lank and Skeleton flats: 3-4 and s -t Green On Cloth ter Illinda; flactebock. Diaper, Leo, t the most hyroved..Eng asithrerailrpin 11 to 21 - fect 'eat w fit rooms, halls, and hope.. Imported direct from Cog lapettry CARPETS, Those he fires; sod most :aletahl of the most gergeout C 01. 1 .. 3W. they can he purchased , tlOl. 4 . .6, tortntent al the tidiest and '7ll-8. /:10ERIht. THIlflll It I'ETS which lee surpassea of pries, try fo a l les !Se So rtitlf.l , l ctfr lie also Mteamboat takers to hia (mete at d well lALIIINUS,ati loner attlelss alien% for the Min Stoicll'ild Min, nod is p reposed to - scli sod elsewbet a Itt VI, C I ty.. WM. a 1411.INTOCK. _ .1- • A. 1.1 lit Sena Oti: C ca hores. sem .0 Amerin no fro nfe in width, Vettell hh"c vestibules of Fry sheer sle The undersigned busing butd, his Velvet Pile end To lrree w e dhich ere of the srytcs patterns, ruid will be sold et rices for to any of p,iasteen'e, ;Having the largest Most foshional• le lin UtiSl PLY Chia INGRAIN CAI in quality and cheapness of before brought to this city. Men and ease It Planufarta ue tented assa Gamma; Tan negespary in their Lame.; The undersgned Is 160 I klanufaelori i Phtladelpt lower than eau be purehat tettn D.!so Good. A A: MASON A. CO. CO Martel street, hotweett Thistrind Fourth, ore now r. riling n Lime na sortiornt of Barego Ds Lain.: Peri.an Cloth's. an en-' tiro .test artallt; Ctn. rat Laltis,44; with a largo ansurtment of Lawns and oilier Dre, (Sou., of the latest styles and most Rohm noble colt. : ap.3 ("10FF.a.,0 bug, prone d Java; Coon.s-4U bz4 tnoe d , dippeJ. and sperm; Cutest—NO btstercam and k.nglteb hairy; Cutos—till dot Hemp .d..hlre all.; Casia-8/ Mats; Creston—l band; Cluans-00 Al Common and haltSpanilln Frau brisand harf brit Meeker. and Balloon; Gyak.-50 bas allotted roes; Ilatua—l2oo Prone Venison; luta Sugar Cured; Inmao--100 lbw B I , nod Id surillai doe itarrisoas lltneir nab Copying - , !doh...sots—. tots N Orleans; •I 5 half brio:B4.o ilouse; mo,,m—ai dot assorted est./era; lilaccattote—lio 14a Rah.; • V.N...11,1-0 lb. do - Nalta-800 kegnanorte-l; Incry.-3 dot Jars awor.ed: l i tocusa—la bushel. bale rs; Porn-50 real. visioned; Paints-1W lbs...susd an y t; Boar—GU b. Rosin and Cryst Steel: Suoax—lD N and entrileA peeiagen Green and Bluer; Toriacwa-81 b. 10, I; Yam l nca ; For sale by J U WILLIAM,, .4. CO mrib Cornet of Fifth nal Wood so. WAIIITSCO. FURS! FURS! VCII-nl—libe subscribe, will pay fer Coon, Mink. Must Ray Gray nod Ted and dl kinds of shipping Fun., lac highest' *intern pour.. facCOi;U A. CU, feLwr eth - ner Fish and Wood sit =MIMI --• • - fIE Partnership berstototo snouts between JLIII4 T Trasey and John lien, in the Grocery, Produce 5...1 Commission business, sews digits:died by mutual consent, pt. the Inn lust. Mr. Juba Best having pur chased the entire interest of loads 'l' •• t, in U,. ban, the bonne.. 0,11 be settled Its bini. at:their old stool, Wood et. JAMES 'FA Salt:} - 4 Intent JOHN IIEaT. . Paper Ilawrlngn.. SPHING SP.I.Xer lON.—Wiii b , received, by GrAt coma 'hien:tents, n new and ehoiee awn:worm of %Vali Vapor, of the lawn French and Eastern eiyles, in gold, elitunoir, nob, plain nod high r W. P. MARSIEALL, S. CI. 11013 meta Wood sweet DISSOLUTION. lIIE Co-parint..tehlr Itrrytofore ca n ning between S u. Boalattclu and Joao SI. td4 ooder the env of S. B. Boenfteal & Co, It tLle day dtteolcutl I.y mutual nose. The toottnme of the olu Mot will I.e dby S. 11. lluabfauld. at Mo ottl stood, No. hUO loOmi y •trout, ritethurgh. S I 3 BUSICIELD, Mama 1, I&i3. JOIIN 11c1.:11.4 cone.. the Wito:csale u d Rrl3ll - Dry Needo feel Orocery bustneee, In the 0..1 etana. No. 'PA I.o.eny ozoJet ILO Goa of ti. D,.111.; 611FIX1,1)1e CO. Mateo 1,1-:O.—( te liAVI Itua day nasoci ' aLrtliwitli the Wbe *ale Grocery, eponaltarion and Forwarding two Sen., and W. U. Wm...llan. Tan - antic. in future will be cantlacted under the style cf Waterman .I‘. Scam, at lacro:d auiud, No. 31. Wa. ar nail 52.Eroni StrCel. L. S. WATERMAN. ' eat.t.rkb. Mooch )40, A cALPrj°4liir`ZTvL4" m""Na 'WILD Gusaav, the, great remedy for •' ' CONSUBIPTION! • And the begs medlcine known 1.1113 !Or Att2l2oll or risen - sings, User Cannot:tints, Bronchitis, Influenza Coughs, rolls, -Blooding o( the Louts, ebortricss,ofilreally - Pains and Weakness in the lc-rd, Breast, he, and rill caber &maws of Bic. PULMONARY ORGANS. A's:Cry important disease ow, which this Bhichm arm a hay powerful initarnee Is tent of • FMM=EI . Ti,' this complaint It hes rthdeulderfty proved mere efflescroustbrm any remedy hitherto ouplOyee, end to numerous Instances when parents hud endured long nod severe suffering from the dieciativ,lVlthint Teens. in; the roust tenets from venous remedies, sod wire. Mercury tans been retorted to in vain, the use of this Balsam ho. motored the Liver ton henfthy nctloh, end to many inetaneea effected pereasacm cores, after every well known remedy had tailed to produce li1:1 dewed eft... Iktides Its astonishing efficacy In the discern above mentioned, we alto hod it a very electeal remedy in Asthma, a complaint in width It hat been extensively used with decided sitcom, overt in cam of years' With the Increase of intelligence hay grown up • knowledge oh the elements of health. and a re gard for them, end commensurately *ln the tkroics of setence Lave we acquired the means of arresting die ease, and anteing Its ravages. N stigri otinthdlng the pmencss we hasp reside, mastics !haw cunt even now, ono sixth of the whole populagon the annually consartuthou One a the most important discoveries of the age, in amelsoratlog the cohthilon of Wm loge class of Mona humanity, is svf- De. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF 'WILD CHLOIR.V. iga %%game. Balsam of IF iht Cherry Is et Inc Denial Medicine, composed ettlegy of Wild Cheap ) Lva and the genuine leesmol Moo/tithe latter Imported express :p for this parpom,) the rare medicinal Virtues of which ore also tomb:tied by a new chemical primers, with the extract of 'the, thus reudeting the whole compound the most cermin and cffienente• remedy ever discovered for Still faithar evidences of Nl:remarkable curative proper:lra of thi. inutimable preparation: Ittasobtord.ta, blown co., 0, Aug. 21, 1149. Moe, Sandford a. Pork: Gentlemen, Aloud six weckrugo I received the agency of Wistaria Bahian: of Wild Cherry, but with sornorkluclance on my part. for toe reason that, I had bean the agentiel as Many pills and otter nostrum., which were cracked up to the something wonderful, but which turned oat in the end td be of no account whatever, except to La man. fiat I candidly admit that tots time 1 hove been deceived, for No extraordinary cures el:fleeted by Wistaria Dabarn have oeuvinted mo that •goo' eon come out of PiaahleLY.” Your agent left me one doz en bottles, which are all gone—having beet. the means of caring se eat obstinate eases of Cansamptinows sad no mum.; tor what I see and know I am bound to behove. Cooled.' in pdnfeular•. A young kende man in Winchcster, Adams county, 0., la mile, frog Not plate, was eared of Cuitatunputm when die doc tors has green blot up, or at least eoltht do nothing for him, and it was the intention of his friends to cottony him to your city, aud placebo, wider theca. of eminent phyaletan there. Pat a friend mid him of Wistaria Balsam, and that he cota4 obtain it of me. Ile sent for It, nod before the second bottle was gone be was wand and well, and attending to his every day trumpet. As theta ore several ingairins for the mod, nue, it would ho well to forward ad additional supply without delay. Very respectfully, your. 1.6111.7,122 NEWLAND., The above, from L. Newland, Esq., highly respect able country merchant, commends itself forcibly to theeaddid attention or ell thoan whit bora deubted the great merit of Wistar's tVlld Chitty 1111. am: Remember the original nod only .genuine Wistaria anthem of Wild Cherry, was Introduced In' the year 'mad Nu been well tested in 011aomplsints for which it is recommended. For 17 years it hos proved more efficacious no a remedy for Cough., Colds,lnflo easthDronehata, Asthsna, and Consumption in lu In cipient ntages, lbon any other medicine. LOST TOM', de.; If fi'TORF.D! . law DansoldhAug. 10,18/9. Mr. S. W. Fowl. Dome seen many eernficates pnbled in relloon to• Dr. Wistaria Ithlsato of WU Cherry, I rote this opponanity of offermg a word to to (hoar, which yea are alto al liberty to publish. A few mumbo sitter my voire'a Wogs lumina moot of. fused with a sudden told, lust site lost her votee . and luffered severely troUfffnins in the do m. lies ROLM. tion canoed her (tends tenth alarm. Ifimung beard your Ralston strongly recommended by theme who used it, I parrhased a bottle from your agent In this place. She toot It according to directions, end it pro doced a wonderful mien. Refine onto; one bottle Me had completely recovered berimicalhe (mins subeid• gd, and her health Was soon fully. rewatablithed: Tour., trniy, ' HENRI 13.1.1RIGIITUIAN. To Dathismnis tau Dsaiska tri hinments.Thl. ebrated nod tufallible remedy forth, ride of Concump. Lion, Adluna and Liver Complaint, has by PA own Inn not, been rapidly, toe and safelyyearlong its way through the opposition of smuts and athunterfintert, unt, by no true value anduktrinsic audience, it haa gained for Itself a most enviablepopulai tmd ethltt. hatted Melt in the eintfutonso ol'uirnellwestrtind en lightened public, front one end of the centime:alio the other. The testimony of themenndswho have been te noned and eared ay this valuable article,. will show math taunts minvalled—atshe bead et all other me• debits. for the care of diseases for which it is stems mended. The sumac, Dr. Wistaria 11211461, of Wild Cherry Is now for saki byduly dthototed Anent., nod all respectable dealer. at medicines, in all large Mir" and all important towns throughout the United Milli St per .tooter I tki Bottles for P 7. Bold by J. D. PARK, ildeddldier toliardlfonlttrun,l Fouth and Walnut suede, Cinema., Ohio, _ Li ddell.] Agent 'for the' South end Wont; to whom orderi most be addressed. • L. Wilcox, Jr; Jamea A. Jones, J. Kidd tr. Co; a A. Falinutock & Pittehorgh. 1.. T. Rouen, N ington; W. IL Loanbenno, Franklin; L. U. DOWICI Uniontown; H. weity,Gres.bur g 4; S. Kot..,Bomer. net; Scott & Gittdore, Bedford; Reed A so., Iluntinr,- don; Mrs. OM Hollidaysburg; Ilildebran 1 Co huh. an.; J. IL Wright, Kittanning; Evan o. Co, Brook ville; A. Wile. & Son, Wayneshargh: M'Fo . .rhind Cni N. Callender, Meadville; ;Simon A Co, Cr:e; J. Mago/lliii, Monte; James, Kelly & Co; Bonen B.Sricilh, Beaver; J. D. Sammotton, Warren; i.L.&l:l,oannea, Connorsporn P. Moots', It, thownovills, 0 1 440 11 10 , 11 " ICA 8 ELLERS' PA'AIILT bIEDICINtS--ntlay aro Or day.r . Warm Station, Crio,May 23, 049. IR 11 Selleis—Lrin4 it right,for re benefit of 0 11 7 4 . to rate Fore (sets to 'relation to you etcetera rill Medicines. have used year Verrnifege tamely ,ry own family, one Mal (retieently ezrelling large ggfouuea ;Say ICO to lOU worms) from two children. I have toed-your Liver l'illa and Clough Syrup in my fiscally, and they nye, is every mance, prodaced die affect desired. ;As I em engaged in merchandising, I .sm able' to state, that I hate yet to hearer the hest failure where your medicines bare been used in any wedge eft. •etittetryi Inenuelusion, I may state that they hie the medicines of the day, and a-a dunned to hare a well etertstee popularity. Yours, re , srieetralty, N _ II Prepared and sold by It: F. BF.LLERS,NoohNkod street, and sold by Drusgists generally In the tines and riemhT. jet St.T.I.OIto FANO.. TOLLit:LNE...I--*-klior ara w Methane. 01 the day? , Ono nox's &ranort, Ohio, May Ph i 11340. R. Ff. Sellers: think it right rot rho benefit of others td etam some flies in relittion to your CZta/1.1F1111.i. .1 have used y. Vert:Ware !army in My own MM. Ily, one vta. • fre,zently answering for expeillosti de anent...les Nay Ito anal Worras from two childma . ham alto a sed yocr Liver Pills and Omer SyraP re. my frinniy, and they have in every inatanco pro/limed the Ole" desired. As I ant engaged to merchendising, I am able to slate that [lane yet Where . el the &straiten, whore ypur moth have been used in my section of the enc nor. lit conclusion I may suite that they are AS Medicines al the day, toil reed desunedbard avert' caletudwe plposarlty SU 'entail Punnet Prepared and cold by It • • F. I 1118,14037 Woed street, and sold by Druggis aenevally In the two ci ties and secretly. t/LIC of , LI VEII - COMPLAWP, by ha yam, origitml, ally true, mud gamine Liver P , AL Shone chase, Ohio cotter' Va. t • March chat, 1819. $ Mr. R.F.. Seller. Dear Sit—l think it a dray lowa to you and to um pubbc gancra ly, to state that I hove been atr.icred with the Liver Complaint for a long time, and to badly that au oboes. formed and broke, Irehreh left ate in n very low state, /laving heard of your celebrated Liver Pills being for salt,by A R Sharp, in AV“t Liberty, and recommended to me by my physician, Dr. E. Sauth, I concluded to math= e tsartrial, I purchased one boa, sedfoond re Net abet they are recommended, a lIE BEsi VER PILL EVER USED; 'end after taking four bales (Mid tber dismsse has wallet) tea'. me, and I =now e.t.a!' walk leesPeattanY leerer_ D COLE3 L hN. • .... Weal Many, March tat,isto. certify that I las personally acquainted with Mr colcto c. haat testimony to the truth el etc A R. SHARP Tne r e munq LieeT PINT ere' Prepared and .1d by t: 4 LLERIT, No 41 Wood street, and by. druggist,. co VIC. WO CiLlOt. TO nit: PUBLIC—The original only true andlen %one More ore prepared by R im: Sellers, and have b• s mane camped in black war anon the hd of oath ens, end his signature on the outside wrapper-all °them are counterfeits, or base hisitetions. spin ' R E SELLERA, Proprietor' NIL. J AY MAWR CARRIE ATIVE BALSAM U.l the Itee A:IA SHINN, a well known mad pop A elan Ulcrlvesettot therretestantNettodist Church Use , no Ire tamed baying been allgicted dirringthePast Wit, with a disease di the atomach,soramimea Pm due. unst va .13 in the comachfo r tenor twelve hoar,. ir.thout.titer.ns a on,ruad after having tried variant rem,bcs with effect war famished wither bottle arte Diaynese6 , mative llalsam. Thistle seed an to ol log to the direst ens,and found Invariably thatthis medicine canard the pain to Oboe in three or (carmin e:es, and in fifteen or twenty minutes every aneall •Ineratlen was entirely quieted. The.medicine was oh tenvanle used. whenever indica:ire:mot the.approach of p wet p erneiv cd,undthe p ain was thereby prevent ed. lle continued to use the medicine every evening end sseastimea in Me raorrimg, and In a fa* went. health was sn'farre stored, Mat the sufferer was reline ad from a large arnontanf pappressiTe. pole. From ex p er.ien ou l aluep ce,therelore. e can confidently recomMen i i! i l n li Allegheny city For mils In Pittsburgh at it sPEILI NI Ea BTOR 'U Fourth street. rear Wo and also et tbeDnig Simian( Y CZ. lir cralirrect. Alicranny VAlirjaleal DIACOVJULYI CONSUMPTIVES, SE OE YOUR GUARD. DU. SI7AYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP Olt IYILD CHEESY. I• • ¶llO meat 01111201/ 01 1 Comumption, Coughs, Colds,Astiorm, Bronchitis, Liv er Complaint, Eipanng itimd, Difficulty of intact:- Pain In the Side and Dreard, Palpitation at rho llroet,lnfuenza, Croup, Broken Con eitution, Sore Tltiont,Nervoun Betel- ty, nod ell Diseases of the Throat, Breast mdLungs: them:tent- • Banal mid speedy cure over koow d ee m any of the abov n e as -00 IS Dib. SW AYNE'S' Cemtieratii Syrup of Cherryt This me dicine is no longer among Mom of donbtfal intilny, It has passed away from the thousands daily lanu elted upon th e tide of experiment, and now stands itightti repttation. and irthecoming more eilerlsi•es mcd WI other preparn ti on of medicine rarer produced fotithe rebel of suffering M.. It has been. .stroduerit yen , generally through the United Stares and Ilurepe,s.r.ti them me few town, of icuptertsuce but whet contain some remarkable donee of Its; good elects. For proof of the foregoing statements, sad of Wm value and efficacy of this medi cine, the proprietor will insert a few oldie many thou . sand terlinioluols which have been presented to hie by eren o(510 Sint respectability—men who have higher trews of mein: respensillility and justice, than to eel . till , to Mom, Manage liven do anothera favor, and •-thrtimeivei no injustice.: Such testimony proves coo.' a r e sively, that iteserposing eneellence Is cstablinbed by its let [-Mee movie, end the unquestionable mthori ty of nubile oration. The instantmeom relief it af fords, and the vomiting influence Maimed •through the whole crumb- bres cm, 'enacts it a most agree-Mile remedy for the articled. j t • RIIII&MBEILt "When Men ' neting from mamien ti ttite isupulsen, sintratanly bent testiniony to the „truth of • tfung, or partreclur fecusuchteirliCretry, being contraryy, to their worldly ottercrls nod purr." coerces coiction of fie truth nnd Commends Itself In special matinee to trainees! ercilduce.n—llllogun's Moral Mama. 'LEAD 'full 110111; chinTIFICATSZ. t 107,0.0 A nogiren Cella or PoLMMalli COMMXPTIOM-- There novel was a ter/m..llllmi Los been es successful • tit desperate cases of Consumption, as Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild. Cherry, It strematlrens the systirt, anti uppenrs to rent the Miens on the Imp, rover, g new md nob blood; power possessed by 110 Other marine, Ctinstim 17d. Aprii 45th, ISM 1 . Dr. Ss type—Dear Sir: I verity Moose poor Cont i poond is,rtin of Wild Cherry has been the menaa of ray life. [caught a. severe cold, which gende r ,rlllg . row worts, attended with a nevem cough,' that teemed all the teranites which I had recourne to, still creising un ti l my case exhibited all the symptoms of Potion:vary Consumption. beery thing I tried seemed to bee e no elect, End toy compland Increased so rapid ly that (mends as well or rdysell, gave up all hopes of rceovery..-At Mr...m.lw. recommended to tel y p our rovalmble Medicine: Idol so with the most ra.apa. • The rant bottle had the sleet to loosen th e cough, muting mow eMMethr o lo freely; ad by the time I hod used six bottle:lw. entirely well, and sin - mw now as hearty a Men 1 ever was to my Ufa, and would b6lia l py to' glee any InfOrreltionfelliMeging my ase, that of er sufferers may derive the benefit for which lam so grateful. For the truth of We anew setcnient, I refer you ID Peter nun!, Grocer, Was Chester, Pu r i, of whom I purchased the medieloc. Benue - Maly yam s • JAN= Siolaoi Wonderful Come of a ilfethOlisSlifinicten. Dr. Swaync—Dear Sin 1 feel &debt of leda du to you—end a duty to the &filleted generally, to offer ray humble tesumeny In favor or year Compound Sy-: rop of Wild Cherry. Some th ree years since. I was violently onocired wi th' cold and thfiammatlon of the Lungs, which vas actompomed with • 'distreaoing ouun, pain to the breast and head, a very considera ble discharge of oSenrive mucus from the lungs, espe cially upon change of weather, however•slight. At firs:! felt no Mewl ahem my condition, boo was pretty .on convinced that I was rapidly going into consump tion. I grow Maly weaker, and at WWII was scarce ly able to walk about, or speak above &whisper, such wo. the esceedtng weakness of.) , lug& During thin Mee I boil tried various pteparatious and preseripw,,,,,. ", f oun d ~n all the time worn. Just bum I w persuaded by.. dear friend in Miming.. to makatrial of yourSyrop of Wild Cher-. ry. I mart couteos that premously I had been mein-. Mewl against patent mediums, end Imo egainst time coming ottt of the hthds of Impede., bat• ander stauding your <flaunt to the profession and premien of medicine, and having lontlieat faith In the saying of my friends, I anchwah purehosedof Dr. Shaw, one ofyour. seems, a few ales, unit eorttentleed 0.10..' di.; roam wen or tbs. lane or:Ater 23 months , standing, con sconently it was deeply Mated. I found, however. considerable mite! from the use of the &et four or five bonlyt. Dm Luang n public anvil:es, I frequently, ste. tempted to preach with my Llocreasingstrength, sod thereby roptureithore vowels than had already begun to tom; 0 , 01,15 way, doubtless, my. cure luau greedy rutorded. la cvmequente of Wing thus Imprudent!! I had to ore Metre or litteen bottles before l &mope,- frothy restored I have Ito qtteltien t much atoll nurnttcr of.Gintitai would have made me sound, Lob the above UWlllll=l.l.. The Syrup alloyed the (eft wit habit, took ...way the distressing cough, pot tv the Mecham of molter from the lungs , andbmtv them end the entire eystetri good . health.- nave dem rod alluring this certificate mail now, for the purpo e( being porkm.g Litisfied with the permute:ley of the cure, end ,now W u Efed perfectly well leder it wok -Measure. Um J. Y. Jouses• Dublin canny, N. a Important Catawn—Read: Road! There Ii but o , e Senaine prepersuon of Cherry, and that Is Dr. iiWATNIO:S, the first ever offered to the public, winch been eeld largely throughout the United Rates and some mots of Europe; and all pre. parade.. 'canes by the ant. of Wild Cherry have been put oat eh.* e this, under GOO. Or some deceptive elrcumstaitces, na order test. currency to their sales. Hy. ;ho e observation, no penman need mistake , the genuine from tip false.' Each bottle of the genuine is verreloped wit a beautiful Steel engraving, with the likeness of Wiitiam Penn thereon; also, Dr. Dwayne , . signature: and . a funhe ”eertrity. the, portrait of Dr. Surayee L.:addedLerearter,so as to diminguiah .his preparatin !corn all ethers. Now, if it was not for the a - m.o....properties and known virtues of Dr. &waren , . Coinneund It; rap of Wild Cherry, persons weald not be endeavoring to give currency to their .fieutious not. sale? by steeling the name of Wild Cherry. • .Remomlivr, always Lear in mind the name of Dr. Swayue -ad be eat deceived. - Principal Otiose, earner of Eighth and Dace meets, Philadelphia. • For sale Vrhteessle and retail by OGDEN is SNOW DIN, cot kd WOOLI .1.1; it A FA lINESTOCK tr Co, nor to an. Waal, and 601 and Wood AG Whl TIIORN,ro J.lvvket Cl; is JONES, led Liberty st; JAS A JONES, net tiand told Penn st.; JOHN Anrcu k:LL,Alleghen: city, and by all respectable dealers in medicine. -_ .43 . . . • - Poe Soto Ottoit - p._ ONT bond:wine buggy; entirely new, (rota a eels. bsated niitnencturer at tae e east. Also, a Pella deighis built second bane Salty, in good order. En spurn at dos ninon.____ its • - - _2II.ISPHATT,S PA eIee.TENT SODA eau. educed. , 41111: SULISCIDSEdS nut tell Musykad'e best quality nod h lest Glut cod Sow Makers' boda Ash, warranted .11LIPtii0T.,i0 any other brand t :ni by the quantity at knee or upssares for currency or apinored Noce, at four month, orM fora Inagua!, tay. W A. hi MITOSELTILEF, _ len ' : Liberty week — TALI.OIIS , GOODS, AT COST. g r g . fv0 1" ;4„ F e L n i a l a r t nto C n o tO •:17:OVed, uc 'Woolen and Conan Goods, note offer their tier smk of Tailors' Trimmings, Feelings, French and German Cloths A a Doeskins, assimeres, Zee. at first cost. MERSEY. FLENIING G CO ledlSO,Wced et • • f3LEACHINti re/MIER—L.9 casks Ina bluspratt .13 Sons , bread, s. superior oreiele, for sele by trove W t AI MITC/IRLTREV, _ ...... CAtKS Merantit , s Beds Sab i and ar Bleaching Peareeroirtived per ship Ozenbridgo and note coating at by canal, for sale by W & MITCILELTHRE N. B.—Ther all! receive, daring the winter, large !reenlist si• Near rlelsans. ergeln A DiVlLS—W — ronebt Iron /kiwis, from the Temper , neeeille leering, warranted; will b constantly the hand and•aappliad to order, by were GFeI COMM AN,fan Weed et i'Arta—n(l mane/37 weber. on hand jeZ and for sale by • A LI ENGLISL I!Weptl kW 7 oi „ 130011 TRADE. 1(111R LaMar.; AND INAINCIERCIAL COMAWN LL PL/CE BOOL—Conthirdao tho decisions of the &levee Corot of the Uined - Srates, and of the a. Owl". Stato.Coarts 'coil Dills of Ezeksmtet.Cheiko. PmfulOoary Notoo—fitiO44 - their fosolates OJA ohnx_ =um Ma inve.tidatina their relate:ma to, and aPoo,Partlas The whale arranged la an order oust eanstnient for reference and saimble for Lot. oppllootioo. IVm! Loan, Counsellor as Law. Jam mound utO for sale by JOHNSTON to STOCKTON 1 ,4 0 Ileakstileror. Market t. Third its. ' , Sttoavlm—PPErlosmltryYslnUase u-r..ldmaNeaph s 4 e. larn a o n . acrane Irma Chilo--Apboom of N .Hoar , . w Eaj r •Ltte atsre.l ot o. 14m !Mbw—LrgerhHam2n Dzlont do D—Wha I saw la CoUfornio. Fiume—Paal and Vrralcia. a vols. Mao. Alsou. l -Letteram Tomcat.. 19.0. • Bornop—lfeetitudo of Roman ?W.V. Moo. Vericoar—Modem Preash-Limmdarts• ' Soteilir—Pbilosophy. Nownhant—listman hlWootism. 'l l .ontroldl-4trets of Ronne. : ' Drodorth--Zoosiesi flteresilons. For sale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD lea 201 north st SPECIAL NOTIOIS TO TEACEMPLSI; P , 1101:80It CHARL;3 HAVIEZ3 has Jam pre. a pared a new enthused work, • copy of whtch 'arill be presented to each every Teacher in the United titateavntbout ch yle noon their application to A. H.. b:oglisk fr. Co, Wool street, Pinstsarghe (pout poll.) The work is died, GRAMMAR OF, _HIV - METH:4 Or, An Analysts of the 1... A dage of figures and Bei .. etre of Mmbera The following notice iS eipled from the New 'York Tribune of 1.11.5_4 Ismn4 • "Gassman or .&/ 11 111 Ctn. Darn* L.L. D. (Irmo., pp. 144.)—1n this watk the Jusigarum of Enures, and construction of 1111,11000, ...,,,, eacerehy .01y.. T./ 111 biPhob.tt eomPeaed ellbaurea—the Mord. de. Axed barn the . I Pluthato mil the laws by which the genres are connected with each otherware clearly explained. The WWl's!s show. that Mere am but fear hon. deed and eighty eight elettruary combinations in Arithmeue, each cotrespondtg to sword of our eon. mon language; and that thus combinations are so connected together so to Ile all expressed by only sixty three different words: lhe system proposes to commit these words to mettecy, aed then read the results instead of spelling dem, es now practised. ./n another seaport the gym= proposes an Import eat change, namely: to es miter and treat all fractions tweedru dung*, haring et SlMarelation lathe unit one, from which they were derivtl; - work evinces Marcely need any !h.llthii little work evinces the mgenuity and skilful 11011.1 yd, for w hi c h pw,r wee , Davies' wfition oo Hat rableetare Maly oelebrautd. We 0001111[11111i 10 010 ILUttOO, a pr0,3.01,01.0en, believing that they will find k mowded with new and valuable auggestions. : F... the Prefeeeeried Ma ,Point. , alluastri Auusser or UAW.'" Dourr, Jan. 17. "The Otelrhuar of Arial...be, by Prjeresser Dories, presents the subject in a Merkel. .1, so claims Arithmetic as to impress thehla t ior the l earn er with the first pthmird. of lasithiumical Mintier in weir right order aud , connection,new rules f or , t h e reading of figures are of are ...ie.] Signed, W. D. 0. Shrtitit. Prof.f. of Nat. tr. Ex. PM. A. E. Church, Prat of Mathematics.. D. IL Mahan Pr*, Eagineert • ht A.S. BARNES & Co. eroullretheetfully announce to teachers, and to all inthethlei In mathematical lo etruction, that they will rabl l / 4 1, on or before the let of August, IS'& the lellowertholorkt— THE LOGIC AND UTILITIISF MATHEMATICS; Or, an Analyses of the P.rhscalee of the Selene—of the Nature of the reanonizatudot the best Methods on&Pettiaff instructio& Urea.. Davies, L.L.D., Author of “A Complete Syne, of bl et he atn ue. N. S. "Woe* S Ge,tre the publishers of "Dort& System of Matheartaliet For sale in this city by A. ISINOLIsig & Co, No, 79 Wood street. Shill — Viatiiirtalibfltatajan noloalioT — WlNG to Ron all MOO G9T DaY; r 2 Doley Jones; Go down loariConou Field; Nally Was a Lad), ie.._ Be Bind toile Loved Ones a e ; Row thy boat lightly; Tr. /Ory,by T. &KA Our way across the sea, dn.; A near medley 6, bz 1, Com Jenny a t music by bndr, Joys that mere atom:Log, Weddlng March; God breve . the hardy marirm; WaltQ S ouse . Depart:on, by ,C,ut e , m - ; Sounde tram Gomm Waltzes, Stayermarkiaehe CO; Last Rose or Summer, easy Yarisuons by lien: Umteo States Polka; Ladies , learenir Polka; Corn-Crueker Qundrillq Lonny:lle Quadrille; Beauties of It Dumas, Trim, ate, A large asaortment of New Made ad hand. to which additions ma made weekly. C 0,..;, b febdt.3 L AftLl.Ott. St Wood at. an TUEWAIT WITII ZstEXICO, ,b) R. S. ElpLey; rola EJemento of Rhetoric; .00mpoinnt an Seelyeii or the La •of Morol Evidence and of resseasion; ftleharl Whetnly, D. D. Essay on Christ= 1401.03; by Itornist W. Noel, hi A. • Tito Ogilvie., a Novel!, rai' Take, from all ?Wan; Anthony R. Man talbn• with 24 `hales, , by Doak. Juit reed by JOLINSTIN & STOCKTON, dole earner Trod and Market .trees • Bow and Elegant MU Boolut ACILEID SCENITI MU, Clf.tßACTliftEi by J. T liehdley, with tined original dwigne I.y Maley. Poems and Prose Writbage, by ltichani 11. Dcuwi 2 mtwiln illamtnated Gems of Sacred Poety, with aix ❑lmtn bans enttraved on steel, by John Sartain. Just received by JOHNSTON Jt. STOCKTON, dela ' earner Thied and Market .to. P Hew Books. IHICIAN AND PATIENT; of a Practical Vle+ Wof the mutual duties, media. and Interests orate Medical Pro,lllloll and the Community; by 'Wont. Ingtan Hooter, M. D. Tile Works el Michael De Ma:male - net comprising his Essay, Letters, Ac. By Wm. Hazlett. Hanes& =Alta Remain& By Ammo Henry. Lay. ard, Esq., D. C. L. • . HlimPmbOT Hamer toDnfaush . ed Tour In 11947. By D. r. traced. Proverbtal Pfdlosoplr4nem edition; illtub. Jmt reterred bg • . JoosTolik STOCKTON, novel . comer Markemml Third street. cheap•lstwidard 11.1tery. HDIMS lii9 CORY OF ENGAAND is now pub- Itching by Elteper Bro s: lie - vol. cloth utd paper. at to cents per vol. Three lots received, and lee elle by IDPKINS, apl7 79 .%polio Bo . 9 . iLsga, Fourth at. ==s . . Vuet.Voyege,bYgerretra brelleffle it author of "Tyree: , "Muer " • ' klicoty of-King Mfred of &tile*, Jacob Abbott; With flan engranng4. • ablonin the fiatcereeq by Wm. hiinhold. JOIINSTUN dITUCKTON, noettt cornet Third hi:Market siteete • Chao of the Mon .RenortabL, Mks of du Ago." .11kTINRYF-11 AND IT$ RUlAlbitpritit aateeooat 11 of a visit to the Ciliandrean Chaesna of Kordts tan, and the - Yesidis, or Devil-Wmidepers; and an ittemiry into the Marmots mid AN dhe &uncut As. syn... By Austen Fleury Layad. Eaq, D. With limodeet ry Note ty Prof. globutson, D. D, LL. D. Illmald with 13 platettid maps, and Oti wood euth 51 vela ftvo.;eloth, orm book has a rare amount of amible, vivid, pio, immune narrative."—Thbune.. . • . "The work of Layard Is the meat penitent eontrl bunco to the. study of anthinity, that la appeared for mamy years."....Chriat req. Not ono excelain footrest Maatemat of Nineveh and Ruins, giveo Mr. LayariY,WashhastOn fetellfgeneer. ".2,s we follow the diatom with breams Intest' In their arc avatiOns, and soddenly 'Sad Ous re elves Ito. font a massive Lore carted with mania acearacy, now !Mute its gigardit head from Us dolt of 300 X years, we am ready te try oat will MI astonished' Arabs, 'Wallah, It is wonderful, hat:hblMcP depeadent. For sale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, amrld 13 Wood M. TE WOMEN , of tao Old and :New Testasasat.,, Edited by IL U. Spragna. I.nLlmp. #so.,! =ltaly bard; a na by t; b = m llVskied o c ravlng m s; Mts. Welby, al 4,1 a us, and enlarged s POEBL 1W dadonLiiluttyased by ::I=4lle from ryVag i l d rnratt Y .; ta r T:-4 :sta ' af aLs and Gift Hooka. , , •. Newell's Fin{ Etixok of dm lits:tory of Rome THE. MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted for the ; use of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheel Ilingin; Saw- Yers, Lumbermen, Students and. Arils= generally: being a thorough and practical Treatise 011 lion and the Shding Rule. By D. AL War, A. AL - Boise's Treatise en Greek Prom Companion. 011endord'a Elementary French Grammar. By Prot . Greene, of Brown University. 1 vol. our..' Reedier's Gesenine. Hebrew Grammars, by Conant. , Gentling' Hebrew Lexicon. Loomis' Trigonometry and . Lejyaridtids Tables. 1 voL (sheep.) The Eagliahntan's Greek Concordinea 1 rsi.(mus.. , lin.) • , Anthotes Classical Series. • • - Webster'illiednary, malted ed. I fol. Bro. • do . _. I rot. Ho. ,Harne t Note. dlgoutio..Nesquoinnonf. Whateirs Logic. .'Nosbelts's Ecclesiastical Hizory. I rol.. and 2 vol. (sheep.)' Vestiges of Croatian. I aoL lbrao. Mornings among the. Jesuits as Roma. , I vol. (cloth and paper.) i Scenes where the Tempter has Trioap hod. I TO, (cloth and o's paper.) 1 ARotgdl r0 .01°00.1 Lector. I voL eo.(alath.) deePnounciag Boyer's French Dictioonry. Preart's Horace. For solo by. R HIP detail Apollo floildin - • Poona VF.TVIRO d d •II ho wort of tdontalgwe, edited by 11. Ilashtt, eimorkint . his: Essays, Lamm, and :Journey throne, rmany and: Italy, with notes from MI the Commentaters,lhograpto. , . lea and laliographieal Notices de. Theory and Practice of Teaching; or, the Motivei . and Methods of Coed School-Neeptni„. by D a yby Ploge,b,24,Pidnelpal of the But Dicasal School, Albany, NA. " '' Frank Forester's Flab and Fishing of the U. Etudes and IlritlabProalneeS of North Amenca,.by Henry Wm. Herbert. JOHNSTON ft STMKTON, novel corner Third and Market:ma MZZ=ZS3 TAMPS D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer' TAMPS No. al Waal strart, has for sale a few copies eout plete, (the remainderat to edli.lon,l of Ibis valuable work, devoted to tie Weyer . ..n(loo of Documents, and other authenua intottp.o/1 relavng to the early ez• anitientear and improvement of the coantrt around the head of tve. ' D,-Craig, Esq., of Pittsburgh, in d rats Pao. 00.60 1. D.LOCKW ocip. _ Lli f fEt t, LTY: Ali:i t ot N yo; ,.. th • Lira ts iTf men, E c Ur I ' ll:sir e :led with Wel , . 711 ;11esell clued at Rome. 2 vols., Witt= Imo Preseottl Bistorical Welke. • . Just published end for sale by ! WilEd3 D. LOCKWOOD, Ileekeeller end norle - . • • loneorterAl Wood a VANNY KEAllll.74TbritAlblt Lthno. 75 eta. AIDS. FANNY KEIKKLE'S YEAk OF CONSOLATION. °The reading of ibis book hes impreastd tut with* lamb higher opinion of its mother Mao we bud from pentung her other ernuogs. 'lt Ctsplsyggektw, tone of thought, unite. to more pore wommiy 0 1 feeling then any other production of the frm.ip etitfd with whoilt we ere sequeinted.t . —Em. blorrm:. ; Itisa very agreeable sod readable fenny Kembleds toast style—bold, iMisitedlentem.T., tabdog. We recommend it to our rearten tut the beet publication of the.seesoo.”—Reedlng It mamma the .1 ournel of h travel tb rofgh p 4. and residence in May; end is out of am end most interesting book. of the sem c 0n...p..,,id Darluiter. . . . . . "A very otiarantssiatid boor. We hem *Lit fro 6 Om Rage to Colophon with unabated limiest: A vi vid picitere of lift in Rome. In all u. n iespeog egu, readable."—Znickerbooker. .. .. , For solo by 'JAMES D [ACIIIIOOII • maid Booksolier li.loriporter,6l.W...6,i Ribbotaa and .Vlos - , 9111 110 XE. &Varier lionnea 11.1bRoa;Alu dit do. Pitmen, of all tho Won andaastlasaind Old or; ree'd that day at ' : ILABOIk'CO, loiter di .14 • DrIRIED BEEF.-10P00 lbs caSIC ands, pi a auto( make, to; vale bv 11 , 4 alialls 404 N. 130L/SES na:inker., E.:change ItWegrorill • ANXIXUI.XI3 IX NOTEZ/nIZAFMACCErrAI4OI3,Othjomivar ER X1 . 0:0 RAMC NOT.V.S. GOLIAWTIONS..—Dratta Notesand'A taa payable in any part of the Umea,es t use tad - oaWe moat=' favorable terms-, EXC.-IANGE on New . York, PhiladelAt s lad llal iitaote• Lolllllllllx, Saint sad New Orleans, constantly fora ale. ".• LBANK NOlTS.—Noters on allsolvent tants in thy UV Stale. di1.11211104 al the lowest rates. an ki. d e al reign and American Geld 'and Silver Cola bought gad sold: Ode.; Nw 35 Iduktd . street, batltxth hlza4 4th 1:1t"bmTh' ;0 .. 111:1 4 6..4 gtX4' t o rus on F .r;girtn . d, Wend, and Sentlenntonght MD any amount as the Current Rate, of Zrchenrs, Aug, weft! parable In any pert of the Old Conntriu, froth ~.t1 to .0000, at the rue of tonne Sten*, *Moot deduction or discount, by JOSHUA. 0.08L3: SON, wope. San General Agent, Wine nth, s one door west of woo.d oetlEnt ____""utaLkinfoz' AND EX lIANUE BROOMS, d c o m , • in Foreign and Domestic Ulla of Faocaude, Cer- Deposit:4 /Iguit Notes and Coin, earner st 3a and Wood atteats,dlicelly opposite fft. cu r ly . .151. - - 111111311T6a1l FUNDS Okno b i a. . kaataeky '. - • : . . parehaml at the lowan rates, by Haat Noisa; N. HOMES & SONS, 1.1 , 13 .Z Market street-, BILLS o.lo76.lo: l ll . 2MOSl—sialtitheats oa N .. ..". Irwr ihnadepla..d Daltimore, . Ocioataotir kr 'al. he .. N. HOL/ILM la 80N8. acyLl ; . • =Market wt. 1 MISCELIMIEOIIB. • "Seams rininh:go DigtlLLE.Fid,.d lea.and Win e R Akre fints, rood side of be. Dosmoad, riastocre it, ere nrrtVeliertlllr at the very Invert proses for cash, Rac tsfied Whiskey. lihichl Dement, Brandy; 11 2. 1 „ ? French Brandy, flatland alln, Jamaica Elpaita, La doh' Clio, Insh Whiskey - . Rom, ke. Pon, Merry, • delta, Champagne, Claim, Illosealell, Malaga, Terie. raffia and Lisbon Wine-. Wholesale . caul aro P lo"rlrr,lNA rewapa 7 41 .1 f4T„ 91 :11: Wrapping raper; CatinvAretlittmoad Donnikrota lOUS &raw Wrapping , Taper; Crown, Medium, and Doubles Crown rOgl °lrma' rspork Pante board, Ica. tgo. MAgSHALL, &Moat a, Agent for Clinton Mill. itir°J'am.A ID C op O Dx . ..ark r. Tiprom/44 IN Milt RICA—Nes woik Ittfid her re. TV ward! fly Marla J Mclotomb, author of “Chatnis & Coentereheum," ”To soon mod to be 1 vol 12nao. Illei.Day Pamphlets,. No it—The prestat Cate. Dy 'rhea's/1 Carlyle°. • : Curates., /Demotes of Ltte, and ‘Vritibcs of Thos. Chshnere,•D D, 1.. I.: D. • Prelectons ea Butler's Acialegy, Paters Eridetnies of tthrirtlanitY, and ItilPs ;Lecture on !beauty, srlthrwo Intro Notary Lecture• and (oar 'Addresses delisered In the New Coiteire, ;Eduabargh,, by Thomas Chalmers. D. D., L. L. D•i , •. Cana—Life of lolut Colsin,compileJ from warn tie soorcesj told_parllsol arty from ha emgcspoodescos. Thomas witirportmit. 1. vol Mao. For solo by , . If 110PKINS. ! apt) . :8 Apollo Ilaildings,Foorlb st. ZPOlLlii•••Oured. ..From the Not York Tribune, AFRIEND, whose werd'is most reliable, and who hae ne possible in(creit In the matter, tot one of traria:do, desires in to say, that be has been cured of td.e7erldc deaftlesabT the ascot l"Ocarralot Compound. Acoustic Oil:. a Philadelphia medicine, attach le not fps sale in this city, belashieh he thighs Ought to be, for the good of the &flitted. lie has a miss who has also been cured by it, its urgently mimes all who are sulTering from dealarlsoo try this rereedy, with au as aurance that, unless the Cll. be extraordi nary, the experiment will prose abundantly .uses: rul. For sale at TLIE'YEEIN TEA STORE, ' fetid 70 Fourth st,-Fittsburgh Combat Combat 20 GROSS super Polka; 10 do do very.fine; "60 ", ass'd Redding; ' 19 super English Ilom Redding( 6 0 " rookel Combs; i•• • 600 ° Wood 0 • 11670 dez rimed Fine ivory; 3a " shell Side' Combs; 10 0 super large libffnle; gmss need Side Combs; reed and for wale by !ebb. 0 VE.613E14103 Market az . MOT'lollandt Duff Ilea Lind, TAKE diOTICE—Tha t W. hieClintOerh as this day reeelyad seyeroi cases of the tines: and best Buff Window I lollmsd, to 'which he would most respectfully call the attention of his sustomers sod *dattlthe lu JlZCarSet Mare POOEIVI, 76 Fourth st. , 'stoat AFR* Teel' .tlne GUITARS, Just mod from the celebrated' Manufactory of C. F. Maith,, and for Nein by i mod , 'd W MELLOR, II ood st. Boolminst. UaeoWed T U L E I C :lut P in s sl V rTre ' titi f Itn b g e ll ' rin i dg a ge ' d o g h e 4 s. 9vn, hlacholOs !ribbon( rite! flabbani Sch ool Geography; • a new welt; I col, IMrio.'" Town's Analrma end " • lac of John Q. Adams- by Wm. FL Siward; 1 vol, Iftnu; mulnn Poems by Mrs. Homeni; I so!, IZarn woolly; gilt. Bouilds.Sennons—Metrimms preachedup...coral Occasions, by Robert Bondi, D. V.; a now cdillon,4 souls; including Postinimotts DiSCOMICS:: Same vols. in M lawny, G. 11114 800. ' - For Salo by •• . iIDPRINS, I Irbll '.• APalb nbibilbg‘Foonb et. EMILE FOONDRITi :mut mincuisort O. SV. o. rain. IIE undersigned, successors to.Arthura Nichol 'son,, bog leave 4, inform the citizen, r Patahis re h Rod public genemlly, thatritay hove rebnilt thu Ito- GLL FOLINGiIIY and ire now in fall operation, and have part of their patterns ready for it* marten— , Amongst which are C,ookiac Stoves Coal and Wood Stove., with a splendid alr-Licht Co al Swore, whial is now sconmeding in other cities the common round Glove. Also, a cheap coil Conking Prone, well adapt. led for small famines, with a full assortment. acorn. loon and Mantel Grates We would particularly in *ire thu'attention of parsons building to call ar our Matrahonsis hero= mare hasitig,ond examine. a splendid article of inammelled Grates, Galahad in Imo style— entirely new in this market. , Warehouse, No. 111 Liberty at, opposite Woad int tNICHOLSON't PA'YN E. . PITTBI I II.OII.II I / I PORTAX4OPISs ; thitlF.R. Reporter and Wholesale Dealer le , FANCY. AND VARIETY mom Sign of the Gilr COmb, lee Merkel at. rituburgh;;Pa. irWestots, hierchents, Pedlars, and Others ;visildne Pittsburg - I to purchase Goods, are respectfully invited re call and examine the astenstvo assortmentef Arnetiean, French and German Fancy Goads. All Foreign Goode e% this'estoblishment are,lmpert 'ed direct by myself, sod purchasers may rely'on Rug goods from Etat bands. I bane the largest assort =eel of trtleles, In the',ariety line, in the city of Pinsburghall 'of which 0,311 ho sold _low for dash or nlty acceptances. The Stock consists, In part, of Lace Goats, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons. • • Silk Carats, Shoe and Pete tit Threads, Bowleg Salk, ;Spool Gotten, Tepee, Suspenders, Buttons, Pies, N ea .dles and Cutlery. , • '. l • Gold led Silver 'Watches, Geld Jewelry, alllrmds Of !Breshms, Comb. and Barbra. • • Pereession Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clued,, Silk & ;Cotton Pones, Spectnclea, Steel Pens, .blesic Being, ;Carpet Begs end Baskets. . Butdings, Mothers andTrlrandigi. Toys and Fancy Goods; together with a largo verb ; ty of Furey and Staple DRY GOODS. C. TRAGER Is else agent for the celebrated Lin. ;caster Combs. : noel? . • • ! I Great gllgillal Ramsay. Coughs, C016,A-ethane and Conseumden! Roo !1•••• OREULT / , LND ONLY,RF...NIEDY for the cum of Oa !above diseases, is the 110:SUARIAINI 11at1421.31 Ok , LIFE, diScovered by the celebrated - prt:' Dacha., of England, and introduced Into lhe United Buda. ander the immediate eupetimendence of the inventor. The extraordinary success of this medicine, in the cure of Pulmonary , diseaste, warrants the Alnertcan agent in *eliciting for treauncidthe went possible, ea ses that can be found in tho community—e we , that eck relief In vain from any of the common remedies of. W . day, and have bead givenstp by the must disungumheel phyalctula airconfirmed and iticanble. The I lungoes. as Balsainhm cured, and will cure, the own drape...to of, rues: It Is no quads nostram, bat a ,tatlard 1.24- bah medicine, of knetern and established rtleacy. livery family in the United Slams should be sapplin t s with Bothan's Baugarialt Balsam of Life, not only to colateract the comnunptive tendencies of tote climate, btf. to be need u u preventive medicine ii all oases of *olds, ceaglis, spitting af blood,i pain in' the tido and chest, nineties, , sad soreness of. the lungs, brochilts, thficulty of breating, hoed° fever, night menu, eruct. afion and alumna debility, asthma, Intistenea, wheeping cough and croup. gold in large bottles, astir, per.bonlo,With 'dims-. dons for.the restoration of health. rataphleta r containing a mass of F.oalish Lad can certificates, and other evidence showing the sass equalled merits of this CCU EMSlial:P.3=4,,,, obtained of the Agents, gratuitously. F or aw e by Et A 4JAJINEcrIOCK It Co.; tames 0 M and Wood.and Wood and Gth joadt.sess IJ Nom. Lushl rieutrass, Mareh 47, 1547., le. R. E. Sellers—ln plaice to looked your ttreereP parable Cough Byron, I beg leave In stare, for thence. eat of the community, that. my wife has been several dines Whined Wimp a most Maven/es cough. I -purr Chased; In January lei bOlllO aloes. Syrup, whiok :cared a coign of two mouths. standig. About - one. `Month Slate, the cough returned, and ' - w as mr• sever, •that she could hardly move, from Weakness In she. 'breast; 1 sent for one bottle otyaur Cough Syrup, and. a part of one bottle cared the cough le”c the ewer ID A journeyman who was severely stirred, who bed, 'to use his own words, '-eaten enough cough candy to cure all the people in l'arrhorgh,e If the candy lad been as good at rePreeented.' Yovfo, ALehee 11. Ksevis.. Prepared. and 'hold by R. P. Sr.:WA:43,7a Wood street,l and told 37 Diagegin generally es Ch IWO '3LLdITIAd MUSD, T %VA.ol.:ltUan. X. BROWN orneld respert r inform the public, the, he Ps On Land it Ills stand Atha a sada or tbst Diamond, Abe-, toea, a ',comlete asiort f Ve r nitiart B li n p ds; also Ve n Sharers ,era made mar 'in the best atyle, vearraemdr tat to any intim United SW., I Blinds can Co MAIO voamik- Oho aid at • screw driver., mins purchased the sleek, It, and weederthe eabitset er dishetentedliantray6. I nos prepared to fay .04 ill old customers, as We d every tlind In their line. areet, Pitutingb. 1.18/sPlas, TORT roe'd, as elegant plain ite. rood By „al- I , 0 f:leb ige r t n al o Ztt:tory ..c oLX . l . l.: r E° lgt ie bY ' : st J. W. W1.L41,01113 , IVORY. ItKARL.TOOTCIPOVaI rot mewling . Taiter,' bin, • Canter, io sobatentes destrn c wee to the Teeth: It Is debents the tistA clennaMic the mouth, healing Lad 5tc040...' in the gvoa , end pluntlsegne bronco. ' 'Fut nste,,netolecole and retail, by I clew. K K KELLKKS, 17 Wool ci WAT 0 iIEST J•i•CTIF.APETV tHAN 1.14:11!• r 4 0 .1ast b real ap (Paola.% at fall Jewenr c r,V l :; ro a s I,:in7ll l 2lli C trg ''Aui'ilajaharaliaaied so ke grfil=d=liC4ESPEl, 2l r,,,,Ti : PrWas varioal sad lama stiles; and hut paaa.ar Yfi WiPON,Watabsakas wad yby mwoosiusietnhorla .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers