M;=== BY MAGNETIC TElitotWi. &TELMOItAPSIUD ioa THE pirrauuatm DAILY GAZETTE, VONGREBBOINkt. . • Wasamoroo, Jo= 18. After the tranmetion of the each roman bold ness, and the consideration of vinous bills, of no stenezal interest, the Omahas Mil was taken IV The question pending beteg open Mr. Hale% amendment of yesterday, relative to the future for. mitten of two new Suites from the anima , of California. • - • Mr. Facto moved ter amend tho amendment, by inserting a provision tad sad States shall he ad. mitt= with et w•thout elavery, as their people miry cleat, which, attar some debate, was adopted by a vete of 32 to 5. • • The question then retorted upon the original amendment; and niter nova debate, the amend. meat Mal watuitawn by nniehnOttleciaseals Rea an elves,' by Mr. Foote. . - .Mr. Davis, of Mks., moved to amend the 31st melon by adding a prevision repealing all lass preexisdne In toe tenitories, reetzukieg, =Hap log, or °Wardle! the rights of:property ot catty ation of loud existing antler the laws and =agit - the United States. Mr. Hale motel to amend the amendment ty adding a prowl= excepting treat the repealing clause the law= abolish slavery. • . Mr. Clay wee *gamic ban - the proviso and de amendments. .11e had suppoted that there was an on dermaridtag Mike Senate that the lee leer was not to be in an emendmeot. A long debate ensued upon the propriay of the amendment being In lefect, a report of the views ripened upon a Idzifer ameadmea, offered by Mr. Dada geveral.weeks age—the objectors to the amendment contending that it invaded the rroundef notoloterneution, and its vaptemers de ' Aping Ste assertion, sod assuming that it we emery, in order to make to the alave. holder his eoestitatiosal right. . , t • • ' • • . the delete; Without coming tea rote,andelaring the Senate edits:need. llouse—tilmans. Sweater. 11 A. John son, of Tennemese letorme,and reek were ap pointed the Seleco'Cummittee ordered yesterda to y, to parmance of the readlutioa of Mr. Sweemer examine, and ascertain whether the Secretary of the Treasury has not appropriated a large Mama of money from the surplus tend without authority of taw. The - Rotate thee went 'into Committee of the Whole, sad took upd at e Indian 13111, meting appro. ;nations Ice the items therein designoted..whether the money wee improperly, or riot, curried to the at a Mr. Soreeu Cued. c cr aferal a resolution in lieu of thai 'which be meowed yeatenlay,.doing away wok tha t~ SpeMal- Committeenind directing the Commiuce d 1 ups and Men= to inquire Into the fault char • Tim _Home =rafted before disposing of the matter. '• INSURRECTION AT MARTINIQUE. New YORM, line IS arrival at this port,from P4pee, poen &en, brings important itatelageoce from that quarter. Oa the 10th of Ally,the city of St.Eierre. la the /slani of Martinique, was set on fins ' , and It was discovered that the blacks bad rutenlegainet the whites.. The firing of the city wad *Opposed to,bs the signal tap s generalausturectioo. About 100 houses were. destroyed.. The oily Was fired three tlmea befdre but the flames had not spread. The negron surrounded the city, end oonnut tadserious excesses.- • - AU the white' citizens capable of beariaganas bad been called out, and the city was under mats Many of the insurgents had keen aubdied and taken prisoners. It was impeded they would be shot. -- • . • THE WEBSTER. CASE. • • Bannon, lone 18. 1 • lasi' Sainimci Indicts! Court, title montiny, Elder Judea Shoal proem:toned the tierition of the COUrf. oo the petinoaef Professor Webster for a Writ of Errei. The Coortnefose to - grind it, and ilia cue re . 331111111 as before. - Tetre.is little probability of esenpity the tie. cation of the reutenne. • • NEW 101 M M R3ET• Wool trrorr Nxisr Toos, - lust 19. Flonr—The market it withoot any material change, and prices ore eager: • Orain—The supplies et r corti are large. Pnwriatoos—Too market Ls Um, with &fair de coyed for Pork at yeateit'at's quetattetw. Groceries—Sag - sr and Cafe* are held at ati The weather Is excessively . • . New Yolk, Jane 18. cerrtna naroar."• Flour—Muket u dui], without any Material cluinge in pricer. '.- • Gnarl—Wheat is firm. mithoat arty!e ibis portal:Lee. The market is well eupplied web mu; and prices are beayy. Sales of moved Use been made a Eta. Prima range for. reed mixed to Telt." 638650.' Northern oms Prorisierm—The mortal limited and piers remain without alteration. • • - cisaN "CI3CTICWIII, Joao-1& The mettles is warm and cloudy. .The rives rtoor-..The market is doll at $5,50 'per _ Wlidslosy—Ptices hare . advanced to 211@2 3s -- OrOceries—,Tbere to eensidetable excitement in the muket far sago and meioses this after noon, mind by Oasis advises from N. Orients to the 171 k fost.,qcuslng molassea 23e for fair, and sugar at Ile, oral advantner. Coffee was also firm, with sales fer Cineituaatt at I9t in that war. bet. All the =Weak* that costa be had here th e afternoon at 30e, was , picked up. and There Ref 0 several sales of anger Kt 2103 e, ' of 'noffte Nothingonts done to ponsisions.' Po lin. Ddreldos Ileum dad Lay nu 13.1.odimpeededbailddlilatg ta the town of Driddtad, Dear dad do, ssA God= grosedds add Varna adielbe old taws, • Oa lair 'atria Wiry blousing hill; with four pair of fire feet turn, sad all the as saga., fir slaustletatiiag rem so F. Flair. Kilo Dried. Lewis flad i i.e.. A anal /oat alay; loaf and sal=ts it.. ' ego a Cottaa llastary ilphadta, far . . apthisin cab= Yam.. • ' also. a lat amiss! Ira . ',Mai is erected • Ivy bad Duodenalwilt built Marko Homo. a Was sad k, taro slosiestsiabs with Brick Kitchen, Wail lharairal Baba Masa, Frain Tem, _lllirablary i Ea., very deiirab!• coasts, mama, Abs, about twenty lots with Moms of Brick, Frame. . algebra tberameof resist ima It. sits a d adoa, beautifully alleged e.io ballantig lots of Tarim aim Ala -5 ots loa, anitorawd, owl raitablo for Millt;• Manottoorit, lid. the requind atter power forma, atty. Th. 61. r. Blair, Waco rowtr, L-ts, dwell or, iloccesuid Lou to. Witted op= the etraltothrb or Bent riga then lb. SR it away Pitt of tio thareolosa of th: rim. .Adiencei le, with • fall Ott of Oat 20 .firtfe is about as Stilarter. ad Talbert ad Now Brightti • Ora iliitaro Wow .Tko Ohio and Prom Railroad (a emotinatien Atha fan Railroad from Pella. to Pau alibi paw throat. .1 to the .lak-• ad the far West thnugh lh. groat Waal Chau or the F, soon take Baur Palle lbo Rochester for Parry Mille. ltho anal from Ohio to la Liao oho p.. in hoof eta,. Also • Vat of MrS dna of Land overleapt Ow Valhi* Daub adiabilog the 'ma tn.( or Drithtt, to war of tito Canal to Edo ria CI ve !redoubt an of tho 7rmd. TOO Mita Rood fra tirtabordh to CkrO9 ball• • ••• 15030 Ir Dyooo4o l Laa frer ' CEb ::l l r ' a 1mb0430 . oVra,Turkey•—•lool.so 00 Vnzial.;.• -•-• • 11 6 Caslotteesee, $2OO " Ca15ii•••••4,0004,23 " C10Te1i. 4 2.3003,00 '^Lemor •-• i--40003.0 " Pep'44 , 1••••3,000 2 ,00 Opium, Tatkey,s,ooo;7o gdnie_.,---4,1401 LAO Ithemb, Toot. •-•adioa Sal 'Arnobact- —lOO4O Sal Soda: - :-•—••••• 40 0 &... —,--.. —lBOO3 iTartalie Aeld“.-44050 'Vitriol 131.•--11011 Csxo,444l,.bbis—',4 0 7 Lorerood,thippek=o24 DEPARTED. Michigan. Dries, Bean, Camden, Hendrickson, kleteesport. F. 'Peebles, Elizabeth. Haire, Brownsville. *Casale, Parkinson. Brewers' Deaver, Gordon. Wellsville. Von Won lieut. MITA, Beaver Claderell4 Hulett, Wheeling. _Wog Pe., Johnston, Wheeling. Washington. Martin, Louisville. Wyoming, Neel, AL Lod* BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY DEAVER—ToneklntllctrY, 3 CINCINNATI-6G Vertnon, 10 a. an WIIEELING—Ldnds McLane, 9 A, r. ClNClNNATl—Cincinnati, 10 A. X. 110, Tat —Too tragnifieent packet .1101 . Clll6llllSti,cept. KnarliZ, War leave as above, at 10 otlong ilils morning. , Whaettng—ems W.I. Paaal-5 . 1 aka bbl• shun, Clark &Thaw; 15 bbd. rob. Leech &c 0,41 tits tts, Ban & laws; it caw hams, &Comm & AI• P5O anowarLlA-1 boo bottles, F. Heatsham 3 bbbe do„ Jobe; 24 btd. Soar, J Mow; 470 do do, J &lady; sdo metal:, Ilalr4 & en; 19 0 85 W Read; es. 3 bb1.,l herd baron, Hew &, Forsyth. St. Loula—P” Fats—ter ere bacon, Tuff, & cooonomi Mt do do. (noon. & Minos; 6 boo sods, re meek & co; 40 Ws bonito robes, AJlen & co, it M hares, Ilarbansts;e9 bin buffalo cobra, 6 do skin,,A /Melee. ye, ..r.ty bbts, John cold.; 53 bbl• swop roo, Brown, ptdbod & n; 0 bon glass, 47 brawl., V tels temp, ob. saint; 13 bin deer ,different consignees; 127 bbl. abiskly, II Watson. PSI Ds WM C 1.1.7.-4113 pegs lead, Canna, Rob ertson en; 19 In. bacon, J Cneri I boots mdse, 1000 blooms, 9 his 81014,65 bls fors,6l bbls Eloter.l les bass, 63 Mrs wool, owoorm 117 Ms hemp, Irvin & son; 03. k. wool, Binsbarte. ' Lossisrvllle—Foi Lent 1111010—lbxs, bbl hams, 9 bbls arms seed, CI ales feathers, roma & so, 30 Weds t i rrak 3 e b m X tes . C d 4 o P L P , 1 1; nerd, l ll %I lard, I' l= o li n & meßaiast;2ll bbd. sonar, earboto7co el & on;. o tbdsnbi' g bA ! a r t i g zt l, htilcFaeitnebbs .k.r cZdeao,PukerlB do dO,lbll km H A Wea , f ler. Cincinnati—Post Cossraxto herd, baron. W I 13,5ure,..,; 9do do, Menden &00 al bbla lard, John Gal; 116 bads baron, Braes; 50 bin tmlr, 79 Ws ba.i eon, flu. 11 k in da de r 3 bbl. haros,Clark & Trawl 167 pkgs fats & sks 6 leteds sob, Grad" & eollel eks, se* bseen,Tutle eyco.mr; • to ke l6 .l 2l bhd. 00 . W Holmes & bem 107 dry bldeo, 1 bl d shuns, W Bryant; dodo, Baal' & Forsyth. Pea Z. Tarbox-40 hl. bemp r lappsneott & on; 10 dodo, JlO Irwin & use, 4 bbl. sleohol,Wm 14 Wright; 'II do do, R E Sellers•; I eks bacon, Brownsville boat; •97 lades, d skins, 94 Ha rt ley; 10 blb s bacon, CII ICram; 9 bola old 111,0,9 eopp.oob old copper, Waterman.- Clew*'magi Warren and Tllltebtai:gb TT Telegraph Casepany. 1N t porreartth of a resolaclou of the Jihad oblree ore of the Cleveland, Wanes and Mahwah .Telegreph Company, restiesting the Beetthalllowsle at and ranee to be rehashed la the nes/3;131*m along Abe fine, an exhibit of the financial and other &fain of this company. I submit the following Report* The line of Telegraph emomences at Cleveland and terminates at riushareh i cl , ny throash ;Chagrin Franklle. Neiman :Warren, YOUIMUCIWI4 Lowell,he ethos of 0 and New Castle ithst Roeherter, 10 Mato of Pennsylvania, at whieh points them aro offices keeled for the receipt and transmission of boathess. The whole Imirth of the line hale miles—Camital Sleek, KM per toile, snaking a Mel capital stoat of *M:c7,I",IIVIT'Ai s aZ:VV!,, b I.O',"I the centrum* 1%. above &meant of ' elt U b. setiptioSpeed em by cinemas, haft een Aid re ()emu & Speed, for moth the Trustees hoc, their receipt. JEFFERSON DMA, Seentary, ARO-10 ten No I :PM for eels by • jell ARMSTRONG al Maya io'or 11-1"0:Y." 'I7I3AR 11017 fig 104 R 11 M 5130 1 -20 U bri 4 s o 2 0Z h Jell EK Granot.sCLßEr;Tzt: :Arm., from the Phillmnillo Paelop,oshare. WA! room. 7 &VW ania. .1 I if PRILLIP9 It 11 byte 12 by by IS b 7 la 1 , 194 &Mina rIOFFEIi—B !splitlot* close consigniasta tat isle %./ AMMICeig caPila • • • •• ay!' Tan nrnamian nu= auras CONGIJIMATWILAL kirernm.—L Coogittratirmal Meeting of the -members of the Second Presbyte rian Church Wu held on Monday afternoon, in the Section Spam of the Feet Presbyterian Church. Sider M. B. Lowrie took the Chair, and Mr. IL C.Loomis wu Appointed Sectelity. The meeting was opened with prayer, by the Ea.. Mr. Howard,after which the Chairman stet edt ha object of the meeting, viz., to take mean um to provide a Souse of Worship. Mr. Logan said that the Committee appointed tocoefer with the Isimrance Companies hadjoit seal Meta The Western and. Berth American Iniutince CoMpanies (would pay them 1f7,00 0 for the damages sustained by the Much. in the late disastrous Ara The Committee thought that $% OOO the mot sum. They then wilted outhe Co panics and communicated thit f t, andy promised to consider the mate tat at els n t meeting. In the mete time be hid ' n one f the bidders for the contract au re - g the Iturch,who was willing to do It for 117,390, and I steepen the Committee offered to take that sem. neSie --WNW 11 , 07 606 :Mr. Hanley moved that the Tract:et be io• 'traded to accept the bid of Mr. Evans, the con tractor. from the 113111111LEICO Offices. Alter remarks tom Memos. McAuley, Lilian, and Wilms. Mr. Cooper moved, that this meets big approve of what the Board of Ditectots have tEme, and continue the imbject with them 63r set. tiernent. Mr. Hartley withdrew Ha motion, and that of Mr. Cooper was put and clanged num& Mtn - udy. 1.12. Hartley then Oftered en Wowing resent tkee : , &Mimi, That ur soon se the Committees have made ■ Mist poulemeat with the legumes° Cam• parties, the 'Denten be agewituted a Building Committee, and that they proceed to rebuild the Church with the least possible delay, with power to employ an authitect to superintend the budding, if they deem It bemoan,. Mr. H. Childs thought that the former location of the Church was an unfavorable one, and hoped the passage of the resolution would be postponed for a week, In order that they might be able to see whether they could get a MOM favorable locatices. Mr. kily/Loki! did sot wish the matter postponed. The congregation would bee too much by therm. busies of expiation aim, so the walls and fotmdtv dons were good, and worth from mix to eight thousand dollars. N 1... Childs thought they could get $16,000 for the lot, and buy another much cheaper. They eauld, betides, use the materials again In the etemioa of another bulldlog. Alter remark* by Metros. Chamber*, McAuley, and Keyser, the Chairmen laid that he thought they bad overlooked the mon material part of the matter. and ' ; that was whether there was not a great &anger of the Church being again burned, lf 41 were butt in its former location. =E3== ESZta INIPOILTS HY 11,11rMIt. LOCAL laMa Dr. Keyser understood that the Inaanume Com panies would not insure, tithe Church wu again rebuilt, and if it were again bunted they would lose all Mr. Williams was of the opinion that if a fire wall was meted neat to Ryan's: building, they amid get iisaranea for half what they had paid bakers. , Mr. McAuley had no doubt that it a slate root were put on—lf the windows wore protected by ill'2ll Mutton, which could be done at a small es• penes, and if the heavy comice of the building w ere taken or, they could obtain Insutance. Mr. Rutley's tesolatlost was then caMed almost uounimouily. Oa motign, the eclectics adjourned. Foraingto. AccuncrA—A yams man named William Morgan, a bricklayer, fell from a track of chimneys, forty feet in betaht, at Coleman's poem! Factory,ln rbs Filth Ward, to the ground,bonibly (ramming one of his lop and morally IMariag tba other. He was at once carried to his houre In Mulberry Alley, atoms Walnut street, where be was waited oh by Doctor M'Cook, who doelsr ed that the fractured limb murthe amputated. COURT OF QUARTER. SESSiONS. 7 . T'ESDAY, Imo IS Ponce, Hou. Wm. B. McClure, President Judge, and William Kerr, and Samuel Jones, itesoeiata Judges. Commonwealth verhillp Winebiddle—Surety of the Peace. The recognizance of Sohn Porter field in this dm were forfeited, and process awar ded. . _ Courtrionwealth von John Ziggler—lndictment, Tippling Hoarse. The defeadmit pleaded guilty. He had only OW leg, and made quite a spirited ap peal to the Judge to let him off. Judge McClure told him that J'e had been convicted once before of the same offence, and dwelt on its enormity. The Court w.auld nevertheleas Was his unfortunate circumstances into consideration, and would there fore only im pones fine of Salll, instead of $lOO, which would otherwise have been his punishment. The prisoner teas takes to jail, not having money to pay his fine. The Jury in the case of the Commonwealth vs. Thomas Woods, indicted for an Athitult and Bat• tery, committed on Mrs. Goehring, (mentioned in yesterday's Gmume) returned with a verdict of "guilty." Mr. ',Woods at once made a motion for a new trial, based on the absence of material wit nesses, which Mu allowed. Commonwealth vs. William White—lnformo. ..... non, Sonny of t.te Pena° on ugh of James Dobbs: Casa postponed . in corm:pones of .the absence of witneenen _ . • Contmorransthh vs. Mary Angel and Sank But terfreldlodiefoient, Assault and Bauery, with la war to kill. Mr. Stewart.: opened the ease on the pan of the Commonweal tit. Marvin Wi Mums, was sworn,. and tartified that he was a constable of Sharpaburg, sod went to the house of Mr. Butterfield to serve* warrant. He arrested ftem, e to 'a, but left without taking him away. He went to the home afterwards with a party to assist him, when Mrs. fluitarcield Fawn ed a pistol at him, and threatened to blow his brains oat. Her daughter also IbrVatelled to th;hw madding water on him. He was afterwards struck on the temple and stunned, ultimately leaving the house -without hi, prisoner. Rertben Hawkins was sworn, and corroborated Williames statement. Sriveral witneasea were extunined, both for the proaccution and defeaca,when, after speechea from Messrs. Black and Stewart, the Cowl charged lath. er against the prosecutor, it appearing that the con. stable had not exhibite dhia warrant when he went tn. The Jury went out, arid the Courrudjoern. ed. •rranoor ITIIROS Commonwealth ye.. Ephrtm Harilon. ment, Munlt and Ivry. The defead•nt Pieta' ed e l ghtlty.• Hanlon I tad beaten Wm. J. Watem, ti school teacher In Tempenume•Me, who had whipped one of bin eh [Wen and tweed it out of Bawl. The mart se Weaned the' defentlent 1 0 pay ■ fine of twenty 0 Wan and coati. The lam in the cat e of the Commonwealth Ys Mary Ann Butterflie Id . and Huai: Battetfteld, to.' turned with a verdict "not fully, but demo• dente in pay the com' Commonwealth Ye. Soi'm English and 4re.LaP Iran. Infoimation, Scotty of the Peace on oath of Samuel, Butler. After hearing the statements o f wltnemes, each party was sentenced to Ray bit own coma tad the def mama to pay the doclat oasts. Commonwealth vs. William White, and Com monwealth vs. James Dobbet—emu snits. - Both panics swore to be in. great bodilY fear of each other, and after the estraln sties of several novae., each wasucaeneed to pay his own egos and enter Into rem/taxmen to keep the pew. Themu Jones, who has I ran in jail Inc route time, charged with paring counterfeit monist, was henna at, and alter a is admosation front the Court, was discharged. Tnzaras—To night is set t Apart fin the.benefit of the sufferers by the bung'. g of Rysn'a cent. listonont. Mr. Raymond anrh family appeal In two of their heat pieces. and. Wrens give concert. Elam Iliarrans.—The Erik Ora Minerals are 1 . 0 at Wilkins hall, and are '•! riming" as J. Ti blvezna.—Jokesan'a gal enaden Tea Man at WI crY_PaPlaz 1 , 1", ea a f ananesnant. CELLE STEYR/S.—The, %my bile i d way Street. Ccaltiiissioster las been or. Eine. time a ega bed In the Herculean nindc del es* g FeQ isc ibore th e Markin Howse ' • . Bragna.,-Thet sbcceinablel iinuniO§ .. 4ll3V3itlis intim river in brand daylight in n 19vt.toFr pewit eat. The police el:44iiiterfete and ;'''Fiinignkiren - nen from being tininlied by tho sight obreen,iindk.h, in a stun of nudily, near do b. 64gey w dnis cn conic; clay la4r. ..:„ .. 5 , ,,:ci,•! . ....; :: : , .. , .,: , , - •;:z........ , ..F., - .1j.... , .?,.,•: . .:,.. , ,,:e,..:,;.: . ,1:?...-,,:-.::;.iz.,•,.,.'..-...',':.....1T',•,7..!.-*....i.••ii:.-:"e7,-1,.... ; •' . ..r.7..,'•;2":...:];'.7,...- , .,':•, , A•('' - : : •:t . - , ? . Z.7:::, ,.. ....f..:••••; , -7 .. .• -•• • - . ..... •• .., +: -, .., . • • . • 7 •-. ••... .. . , •. • • .., •• :. .. -, •. ... ~ , .• . . . . .. . AISOMT mar Bansay.--Gmige Rominie yet• terday lofted a complaint at the ciSce or Mau m= Parkieson, against a man named 8041 00 r whom be arreased of unprereolciogly beating kin% u he was sitting on the step% of big aunt kotrao in Liberty street. Solomon was bound over to' appear at the courser Quarter Sezainits. !mama eon Barnray.—Tne defendants in a case of Aaiun and Battery wire in Alderman i Bi.joes awe, when we dropped in there Yeller. I day, and theilaWri admirably illustrate* the lA. I fling causes which frequently lead to litigation 1 and *WS" among persons of good *tending. The defendants bad carried one of their hands to empty a law shavings down a gully en the property of the prosecutor, In the Sixth Ward. He feeling 'grieved, went to the dektidants to tell them ct to remove them, and when there , indulged In me language, at which, ins cooler moment,.he w id not have made use. Ono thing led on to an he r, anal the prosecutor found himself pretty , illy beaten, and his antagonists . had not escaped no srathed—vme having received a bite in the hand the other in the leg. All the parties were brined over. Maros's orrTcr,Pit-rsnuautt.--Several colored men and women were brought from a home, the corner of Wallington and Prospect Streets, ac cused of dssorderlp conduct. Some were deed. When discharged, and a few committed. The us ual routine of drunken cases was then gone through. Racovrern.—The unfortunate person who was taken from the Monougabela HOll5O to the 'Jail, a short time ago, laboring udder a violent attack of the Mania taPotn, has to far recovered that' he was removed by his friends on Monday night. Froar.—Two drunken 'men had • Celt yeater dak in the rotunda of the Court House. ft urea• ted considerable oonlusion in the Court of Qua:. ter Benton, bailee believe neither of them was New Ausrs—Suoinmii Noma —fa laying ofr the old burin lots, a space was reserved Mr two ales, the one mooing from Greta Street to Cher. ry Allen% the other from Fifth Street to Diamond Alley. They are to be called by the singular names of Scrip Alley sod Roller Allej. THE SHAKER SARSAPARILLA •-- - - - IN QUART BOTTLES, A prspared by DR. S. D . HOWE, 4 11EAD of •11 other preparations; because it is composed of the choicest herbs known to medical tie mice, its leading and principal herb being HONDURAS SARSAPARILLA. Which makes it the purest and ben ever yet cremated to the human family. EAT, DRINK, .AND LIVE AS USUAL! Ponce your steel avocations. You need bare no fear of expose., as DR. S. D. [(DIVE'S SHAKER SARSAPARILLA le warranted to e pure vete. table,, and Dee from et do serous dr b ags, andeis ihe best Femee nod Family hlodleine ever known. Call opod eas el our agents and get a pamphlet— reed the wonderful cures perksrmed by the um of Dr. IL D. HOWE'S SHARER SARSAPARILLA alone. Peke SI per bottle, ore bottles for 63. , For wale by 3. Sehoonmalter t Co., J. A. Jones , W. Black. R. Pr Means, J. ht thler, J. M. Townsend. J. W. Jackeon PitAtArgh; D. A. Elliot; Allegheny; P. Croaker, erownsville; W. IL McClelland, Ma chewier; and by druggists - generally. Also, by who 1 proprietors, 10WE & CO., maylgslksolyT I Colter. Ciecinnad, 0. Tat: GREAT OF-111. ANNUM, SALE O.F DRY GOODS lb. Ono Prat,. Moro of • A. A. MASON Bi, CO, UTILE , Ommenee on Jlondtp, Juno 3d, 103 D.— 1 , a Their intmemso