The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 19, 1850, Image 2

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    THE PITTt3B0;1111 GAZETTE.
WEDNEZDAN moaNING, .TUNE 19, 1510.
, Cirdevirrsons earnestry niviestell te nand In
tip= favors before dIN and es early 'sleeting an
practicable. Advertisements net Insetted fora apes.
'fel Uwe wtll invariably be thargadantll orden
grgs Facial N e wt for lids paper at ids
lenetal agencies In Nork, Plllladelpals, and hI
„swm, sad Is minimised to rewire subscription an
wad advertisements for as. prism
. Itszsranzadiezwesz , —Babserigness and adllertne•
e .
mew Ibt this ewer received and forwarded five of
charge from Ibis arms.
QT man Dear Dams.-.4trtltiftst elltl
amt r=PcPer, whit be received and
• Plimuintstdis Nom Ayorresx—Advertise .
army sad eabscriptions to the North American sod
Beaten ()tunes Pkilsdelpids, received sad [ors
• 1 11404 Cron this ate.
'.6:TPHILIDturm• Co3oo.3.l.T.4,lSUbliatiptioll.l
Udirralasble papar,arl II too revolved Ira forward
' d from this ofaco. •""
Ant*masonic and whig Nanunations
1111111 f SECOND C 0116113.3,
rot inxxoro moos, =ran rim MAIMS,
II A all At 13 DEIINT,
vox ssx.a.
- *mum.
- •011
k i N ti tt A lg . F.94 o l l , 'EV:far:b.
' R. C. WALlER l . 4' Ela..t.eilt.
.JORN 1111 , CLaser.Y. Robtmis.
JAMES, SITE, Satterdeta.
BOYLE, North Fayette.
' WE. FLYNN, Lower St. Clair. ,
. .
The Grist ss itartndte of the age.
While the Washington Union, and the whole .
Locefoce press which follows In its lend, h&c
bons keeping zip - a
desperate bee tindery about.
the payment of the Galphin Clam, they hawser.'
served the most profound silence In regent to •
real swindle which nearly effects the chief Loco-
foes organ Itself. The Dolphin Mahn la acknerw.
lodged on all hands to be a just slain—it was so
aeknowledged by Geo. Jackson, and by every us.
prejtulicied person who has Investigated the mats
ter. It was so acknowledged by Congress, alter
a long and fall Invaingstion, and ordered to be
Every thing connesed with it Is fair and
honorable, and implicates the honesty and op.
rightness of ito gentleman connected with it.. it
is DWI° 11 1 retard to the swindle which we refer
to, and which Mr. - fiimeley of the New York pi..
butte, iays It tt a sarindls as is is P.
Greoloy is now in Washington, and has
ressehillir inyestigated this matter, oodles letter
to tins - Tribune has given a circumstantial account
of this moat astounding fraud. . • • I
It seems that when the bidding fo i r the printing
of the present Congress took place in February, of
hat year, among several low bidders, were Messrs.
Trenkoim S Bolt, journeymen employed in the
Unjon oince, who cut, 'under all the rest. Their
ascetics were Moines Ritchie, editor of the Union
alliiresaid, and General Thomas B. Bayly, now
Chaim= of the Ways and Mearis in the liense—a
good spot for the public printer to have. surety in.
la short, Father Ritchie was the real bidder, through
his joareteyman‘-the game being to secure the
work hrst, and look out for the profits afterward.—
And ooe attic means 'whereby. the deficencies of
the rev prices, et' which they voirmieered to take the
work ane - rolse made up has just been officially de
veloped by a Report from the Senate's Print
. lag Cimmithe, through Mr. Boreland,'its Chair
The birsory at the ease, as taints by Mr. Gree
ley, is this— .
• "The Supreme Combat its term of 1.343-9, de.
ekkd two important caseamtedving the right of
cities where immierants leaded from Europe to lay
a tax on such immigration. The question ma an
. portent—to New York, Poeta, and a few other
• • .o.u—end somebody moved in the Senate that
the °Meta report of the ease, and decision be print
: - - ed for the me of .the Semite. This was towelling
' -
not of the record, but the motion wended, and
• 1,250 copin were printed and paid foe. Nest
a motion to print ten thousand core copies!
and this perfectly absurd and wasteful motion,
theughopeesed, wee retried . The prenimption of
'those voting for it of emote was, that it would be
. . . • „ the types already rot op, and &soutanes:
• " Avery Bide: Nometter—there ATM not a shadow of
Fare of theproding, and the blades infiicted by It
i!! on the pottage paying public though the franked
• disuibmioe of sucha bulk of uteleas maga, which
• • not & thousand persou of the three or icor cities
would care to read, or ought to read, no body cared
-; • ' !, • The Aist 1,250 copies were printed by Mews.
• - • Tipple &Stream:it, printers (In utile, the tout Can.
'great; they made it • pamphlet 0f152 mews* that
!TAir the 1,250 copies cost the treatary 8152. The next
; • r batch Gill into the hands of Kr. J. M. Belt, Father
Ritchie& semen. Hs stretched the 152 urn t o
. • 1.
ISO, and charged for printing the ten thensan t d
•`• : espies the eoeurtanua mm of Atop sovesitAusand
. • tiro Atosard s, bat getter:lndy consented to
. • ~e,•• . but tweire thormand Ave
IG deration of soma link
•• the jut lie of the charge ?
••• obi r . He assutned that this job was
_ • —eta I', • chow, kir which be wee entitled to
1 ' rece ve 11 two dollarsper pegs per , hundred copies"
--a right jolly price ea env man ever heard of.
a touch above California. Bat dons ewe so rach
..,.....,..,:atepiulatuns in Aso eretirect--tats wards "per page"
vollea sliar nonpidation se Au orc,n a glen or
- themes," byeenstructien which such a devotee of
"the Resolutions of as Father Ritchie should!
hive shrunk Gum with horror.
• If the week were to be. paid for according to
Tipple & St:repels contract, the total charge for
should have been 85'221; if ender Part A. of
Bolt's own contract (which is the true coestrues
• Stool the charge for it should , have been 116571.
. Ceder Pan C. of the some, it would have amount
• . ed to 01,791. Even had it been executed under
the old Joint Resolution of 1819 fixfog the eget
' leant rates of fanner pearl, it would have been
swelled to s2,llBll—a most abominable eirkie.—
Yet Co ads useless, miesuhle job, for which'they
wereentided to chugs $6571, tee ateent cons
traces. bad the bolas to charge 831,200, fall down
to 51.1,500, and thee mm they have pocketed.—
' And be oho grabbed It le savagely virtuoso over
the payment of the Galphin Chace, which was bed
enough!,certainly, but seems to have been a re
and just claim to start upon, though not rudest the
Hotted States. The Galphina *tumid have been
paid king ego by Georgia; but who ought ever to
kneepad this monsoon charge of Ritchie & Co.
• at a ate which would make a common Bible cod
twenty dollars I" • .
Thusfar we have Mr. Greeley's history of the
matzo. A debate took
place In the Senate, on
the Sib inst., In relation to ft, and some severe
aflame, were made.
• .- Mr. Berate said that the report had been pre.
•• liksuly piloted as a common document, under
the the Senate, and that 1250 copies oast
, less than 5200; end yet, afterwards, when it vas
• reprinted, with a few words laded 10,000 copies
come i° MX), which, however, Rai MOO gem
-"rattle, reduced to 102,500, which wee twelve
tales se mak as it was worth.
Mr. /Isle being asked tithe establishment fixed
tee' Er own chages, said they did, and chanted
$35,000, but ow at the don wrote a letter to the
Eecurtasy of the Senate consenting to receive the !
• emn *COON. Mr. Hale farther said, a &lurks ,
for the work, as he read than ixem ic r, ', oa k; have
been sheet 11100! ' •• • ,
• ' Mr. Borland geld the atetementof Mr. Hale was
cooed, bat it was proper to say that - the charge
.r snow, which was reduced to" 12,c00,A4 no ;
earns before the Committee on Printing,
• We think our readers me Pretty well monfied,
by this thne,of the immaculate virtue of the ell.
tore of the Union, who raid op that eyes la hely
- horror at the peystent,'acconling to the regal.
Carat of lear,ofiaterest en what all consider &poi
-clam against some body, Georgia oethe U. States,
while they had their own hands in the treasury up
to the elbows It is admitted by the Numerate
Banaters, and deeded by : no body, that the Wash..
theme Union establishment charged $37,200 for
work worthless than $l,OOO, and that a deduction
of about sixty air. per cent was made, and the'
even then over dews Aoesend dolters SO oaf.
'scar pad Oh Virtuous Demo!racy, . What a
horror It has of all peculatione open the treasury,
unless the benefits accrue to thou who owe it al.
egiarme! Not a Loeofimo pew can be found to say
aught about this most dingo:debts cheatery, while
nothing can exceed - their virtuous indignation a.
1111110 a . Whig 0110°T, afiabst whoa tome of their
pablicriblere have endeavored tO tattle suplelon.
AcatarbtOnii--We rejoice to see
,an increased
anentino io the pronMtion agricolune in
t his county. -In this good work our (needs In
Elisabeth have taken a promtneot Position, and ae•
. serve tiresuceris which their public spirit and en.
ielgY:deseroes._ From a notice, in ersheetiolumn,
willbe seen that Mop are to hold a attesting on
;dm ith of July next, at which some distinguished
oentienten pare to speak, and we trusi they will
.Inia Isrp auendiwer from both the city and
one of the best, if notibe very beat, -the the enter
tainment and comfort ofsojom-nets, to be found in
Pbiladelphla betaken lately greatly improved
by additions and otherwise, and now 'ofkrs great
indimentents for three from. the Wei, who are
seeking a temporary home in that city. it'ec
THE Manures? Crtnecii.—Aeeording to a slate.
ment recently made, the td. E. Church SocithAaa
had an increase, daring the.past year, of 12;03
members; :IS travelling preacher% end SZ iocal
preachers. The wbolentrrober of travelling preach:
era is 1142, of wham 914 are superaataded ; local
preacher!! 3, 1 &1; members 'lid wham; 154,772
•-•ved; 3Adlaiiats.. Total, 50-tpll.
.filonstr's Irropy's Boos.—The July number of
this widely circulated periodreal Is ficely eMbel.
and Ys a good one as to its literary Prodae:
Cans. The proprietor states that henour publishes
over 70;000 copies', a number empazalelled in the
annals of periodical literature. _
TIM FAIL111:11 . 11 OVID; ND. 4. hai been received
by 3. ix Lockwcol, Fourth Street.
Csnaratcr. Aso Onto CALS.—The water ham
been let into the first level at Cumberland, and
in the levels near Oldtoan, and it is expected to
be let Into the whole canal Ina few dap, when
regular navigation will commence.
Prab;ble War between Spain acid the
-- United nate..
Special Telegraph to the IV. T. 2Viings.
Wallin:soros+, Friday, Jooe 14
The &acuity of State has received - dispatches
froth Gen. Campbell, oar COM) at Havana, ins
forming the Government that the Count of sticoy
(Gov. General of Cabs) peremptorily refuses to
sanendes the Canto! prisoners, ahhough proof
was clear thakthey shipped far Chaim' without
an intent of parbeiparing in the expedition.
Mr. Clayton.bas dispatched instructions to Gem
Campbell to make en unqualified demand for the
owners, and in the event of another refoul, war
still be &eland ogaisst Spain.
Mr. Bulgier has given assurances that Vnylaad
will not interfere, considering. the caurse cf Ilia
If a Red States thus far unexceptionable.
Mr. Clayton now evidently regards a mature
with Spain as unavoidable.
Tbp abate is a specimen of dispatches from
Vf,ashlagton, received on Saturday Misr:loon by
all ths principal New Yolk presses. It will doubt
less turn oat to be a hoax.
• Ourespondenee of the Pittsbun4
' Now Yon; June I 6,1§50r
A despatch from Washington, to the effect thtt
notice boo been given to the Captain General of
Cuba, that a , continued refusal to surrender the
prisoners captured out of Spanish watch, will be
followed by hostilities on the put of the tinits4
Suites, fru caused a good deal ofconyersation, and
considerable, alarm in some circles, and a war
with Sdain is tooted -upon so almost inevitable;
The conduct of sr. Clayton, In all this attempt to
embroil the United States, has won for him many
warm friends, and noose, no matter what his pa-
/Meal biu,'is found to censure his proceedings.—
There is not a Cabe merchant, nor art Americai
Mama, Who dun not desire to see the. bland of
Cuba undercut. flag, and ebDflid we be to unfortu
nate as to bectime,umbroiled upon pals question,
an e xpedition, ..with government aid And cop.
fort,," could be stanl to Cube, that would sweep it
into our confederacy what ilia same rapidity that
Chin. Taylor overrun Mexico.
The Ant boat for the San Joan and Lake hies.
rangy. lake roam to the Pacificicalted the Direm
tor, is now about ready for ran. The OrXe, here
tofore plying on Chasms river, la to run on the
lake, and the Atlantic and . Pacific:, eommitnication
be completed hythe roamers Crescent and Em
pire ally, and the steamers on the west Mutat.—
This route isehorier and more agreeable than the
Magma mom, and must take the greater part et
the travel to the Pacific. The Empire City arrived
to day, but brings no news.
The Colima 'steamer-went to tea fo day, with
seventy two passengers, among whoty were Gov.
Nell Brown, Minister to aussia,E. L H. Wright,
Secretary of Legation, • large party-from Phila
delphia, and Mr. A. Fulton, of Pittabbrgh. She
has on board a quarter of a million of epeete, at
article now - in some request for export, in the atv•
scone of sterling exchange. if bills retain the
present high prices through the next six we - e - kr, a
more active money Market may be looked far
when the all importations commence in Angnet.
The export Of coin is note subject °fret:nark now,
but it will soon make itself felt, when the imports.
tions call not onlylfor money from the bulb, by
merchants, bat for coin to pay duties. and for re.
mittances abroad. - .
&Retook' me dukand few buyers. Penney)
mania fives have tiTen m 7t ofered, and 76 ask
ed.. In United States Stocks; hardly • sale, or
even a quotation.. U.S. 6'4,0'89, are nominally
Reading Stock 48; Delaware and
Hudson Canal has fallen to 151, (166 recently )
In the new income cesifieatea, there is a good
deal doing, and "ales have been made at 926,'
closing at 917022. An Immense amount of mo.
ney, on account of this security, has been paid
Into the Company, and, in the absence Of demand,'
the Company has Minted to pay all claims duo
within three months, deducting the lotting.
A new theatre opens on Monday, under the pa
tronage of Barnum, whe, iu his programme, saysil
°Notfiteg will be allowed (derisive to good taste,
or in any respeM hostas to morale or religion.—
'Not a thought is breathed calculated to Wig a
blush upon ,the cheek _Of modesty. Not an ex•
premien is employed that may not be explained to
the carer youth without ocealloning en impure
idea. Not an allnaion Is ventured upon that has
not Ira been chastened with a due and fixed re•
gird for, sobriety, integrity, end the other virtues al
an honorable life."
The - Rev. S. S. Cutting retires this week from'
the New York Recorder, to become Correspond , ,
leg Secretary to the American and Feels, Bible I
SoMety. Ile has been eminently succeutui as an
editor, and will be succeeded by Rev. Profesaor
Anderson, of Waterville, Me., an able scholar,
and sound theologian. A new and most elegant
U. E. Church Is now building in Brooklyn, fori
Dr. Kennedy, of Philadelphia. Leaving the old
and plain school, the Methodists mean to erect a
smomnre promicouteven Fleeing the many noble
edifices in that" City at Churches." The Christian
Intelligeneer of this week contains a report Maio
proceedings of the Synod of the Dutch Reformed
Church, held at Poughkeepsie. The Synod pass
ed resolutions strongly approbatory of the Libe
rian Colonization movement, and recommended
to all Churches arktake up a collection lucid of the
fonds of this Society, on the Sabbath nearest the
4th Or.Tolyi or et any other convenient time.
An immense ware, house, eoitaining about 700
bbla at übes, was Wined this morning, nod the
ashes rendered almost valueless. To day there
bave been no sales, hat prices mast advance rap
idly. Cotton is held up, with sales I up, Flour
continues to gavot the buyer. In .Wheat, no
change. Corn( a small redaction. Pork is arm.
.Lsrd, lan. In Whiskey, solo at 255 e. Cabe
is up Vine kale, on late Sales by auctioti. The
demand -for Tobacco is not large, but prices are
dna. In Hemp, thole is • speculative feats, and
the stocks are held Or an advance. C.
Later trope the I. suds—Arrival or th.
liteamanip Empire siity.
The steaniship Empire City, Clot. Wilson, ar.
rived at new York at an early boor Saturday
momiug. She left Chagrin on the 591, and Kings
ton, Sammie, on the 9th Inst.
There had been no ftuther disturbances at Pan
ama. Peace and order seem to have been com
pletely restored. There had been no arrivals
from Ban Francisco since our previous adviees.—
Thesnrival of the steamers Suet Sands and Isth
cans was anxiously expected.
CrlPMin Booman,teteming.from Stin Francisco,
was ribbed on the 2lth tat, between Panama and
Cruets, of about $7,000 in gold dad and coin`, his
trunk war broken open and that amount sbsuact
ed therefrom, by the negro in charge of the mule
to which the trunk was lashed. A portion of the
Innate bad been recovered.
0, the lame day, and by one of the limo Per.
ty, Mr. Marsh, of New York, who was - returning I
in c o mpany with Mr. Bowna . wee also robbed
of $lOOO, 500 Embleit has bean recovered .
The steamship Telloowee. Capt. Cole, sailed
from Famina for San Francisco, with abool 450
pamengers, ou th e 30th
To o
Calitteole, Capt. Dodd was to sail from the
same pail'. with her alma complement of pan
*engem, on the let inst., and the British but Sas
rah, moo shoot 220 psawsugere, on the 2d. Theun
vessels take away not toughen 101:0 persons from
The numbered many vessels In the pent of Pa.
tams wee cempantively amaK, and rates of pay.
sage to eenseenence, were high. The }Litigator,
and Kirkwood wore the only American semis
Mr. Charles H. Thomu, who was abet at Cbs.
byby P. F. Mamoru, was takto Kingston
Me pro
s, Emi, whore he wa rttt to • very
rareaurions mat with no hope ofirecovery.
Mums had also arrived at Ithignon, and ef.
forte were being made to have Um apprehended
and held bra mutiltion hem the Goverunent of
Orersiv - - •
Manna Caurria.—Wa have already . publlaled
_ .
the ticket nominated by the! Whigs of Dauphin
eonnty at the recent Convention. Col. William
F. Mann was, it the name time; appointed Sen
atorial Delegate, an d Aieaen. J. 'Wallace Kerr and
J. 3. Clyde Representative Delegates, to the State
Convention. Among the resolution* adopted were
the following:
Resolved, That this Convention, representing
two thirds of the voters Cl Dauphin county, speak
their own tetalmen% sad expert the eel:Macau
and teelings of those they 'represent, in the mi‘""
ation of their undiminlebed confidence in the ca.
- pithily, honesty, sad patriotism of the venerable
Chief Magistrate of the nal.,
_General Zachary
Taylor. That the same manly virtue, the same
Intrepid spirit, the same heroin bravery, the tame
fidelity to the constitution .d the country that
marked and distinguished his career as the defen
der of Fort Itartison. the triumphant leader in the
swamps of Florida, and the eminently succuafel
and philanthropic General at Palo Alto, Reues de
11 Palma, the storming of Monterey, 4nd the de
fence of his wounded and sick at tho bloody battle
at Buena Vista gill mule and distinguish the civil
ruler at Wukington; whom neither the storms of
sectional contention nor the maledictions of & Bic.
ter else opponents has driven from the firm stand
he has assumed In defothe of the ,thutitation and
the laws.
Resolved, That the recothmendations of Presi
dent Taylor and the Secictuir of the Treasury In
behalf of the down trodden and oppressed indus
try of Pennsylvania, causedliy the enactment of
the Tariff law of 1616, meet the haunt appro.'
of thin convention, and justly entitle these worthy
officials to the gratitude and support of our entire
People. ' •
Retolved, That 'upon the question of the exten
sion of alaverj over territory now free, we still
adhere to and maintain the views held by the ven
erable fathers of our much loved Suite. They
abhorred eyery species of tyranny over the mind
of man,--ihey obeyed the constitutional compact,
—they knew, but never desired or affernpthd to
remove, its then well established tenth marks.-
- The bartben, and the stain of slavery, as it then
war, and where It then wat,they took uponthem,•
trusting and believing that the increasing light of
Republfou truth would soon illumine the territo.
-ry then darkened with MI ;loopy shadow; and
ei, their descendants, reitow our determination
to contend, with unyielding energy, for that faith
as delivered by one fathom.
Resolved, That the connection of discmilsr
ritthiecthpf Legislation is, at-all times, aowtse and
unsafe,—rthst Cclirgpla, our new sister of the
West, Is entitled to admlaskin into-the pain on
the terms of the organic law formed by her pro.
pie, and that a refuel to admit her, or the de. I
lay of this act of justice by a combination of I
other measures therewith, would he an exercise
of a tyrannise power, op the pqrt of the National
Congressoleeply lobe doPloreo,
Resolved, That we cannot too highly appeal
ate the national character of General Tutor.—
Though hailing , from tho South, wo are enable to
discover any evidences of local prejudice, or at
tachment to geographical divisions. An Ameri.
can 4 1 I . et`iinii iffd is heart. 'his official acts
cate a careful regard for th u 70 1, 0 44 4 folig' Pf
the whole people. That his prompt interference
and minty enforcement of established law to ar
rest the violation of treaty obligations with other
rations, are pat . which, trumpet tongued, pro
claim his peculthr ;thus to control the destinies
of this powerful hut law &Aiding ARUN!. In the
keeping at Znhary Tag* her honor and her in.
touts are tee.
Resolved, That the simple history of the ad
ministration since William F. Johnston succeeded
to the Chair of State, is the highest seed meal
Ilattering eulogy that could be pronounced up
on him ; and that An requires no other defence
from the violent and &dna mistake of his
" bitter end" oppocengi eilkey at komeni abroad.
Resolved, That in whatever aspect we view
the character. of Governor Johntion, whether In
reference to the sound and mature which
has governed and directed,—tbe extutonlinary
qlff My and stareernanship which hap illustrated and
diVikVed: 7- of the truly patriotic, enlarged and
eral policy which bat W diatinctivoly marked and
characterised his administration—go cannot with
hold the expression of onr warnthat admiration and
tealre• god to whatever responeibilities the fume
waylaid bloc, or whatever important duties it may
devolve upon him, we have a faith and confidence
In his firm and uoyielding 'enmity, his large
and varied - exper'etie, his sound and narrater
jtdsmenr, and his enthusiastic devotion to
the whole country, that can neither be shaken nor
The remaining resolutions relate chicly to the
principle of protection, and tho tor,ont necessity
which exists Mt tha repeal of the Twig' of '45, or,
at least, its revision, an 13 to afford a better pro•
metier' to the Won, coal, wad other maple' of tho
From the St. Loanis Republican
Destruction of the Temple of Natives
on the 37th of Slay, 1850, by o Storm.
The Temple of Nausea, erected by the !dor
meta, finished in 1915, partially burnt in ,;_sober,.
1545, having but its fact walls left—all its timber
weskit having been =lammed by the flames—was
destroyed by a hurricane on the 17,6 ult.
Oa arriving at Natl.°, In Mardi. ISIS, the
Icarian Cemmunuy bought this Temple, with a
view to rat it for school., Its studying and meet
ing hale, fora refectory minable of containing
Mom one thousand pemona, &e.
Many preparstions were already made. An
agent had been eent to the pine foresis of the
North to buy timbers of dimenaioni iieceasery for
re-establiebing the roe( end floors. Some other
pieces of wood were ready; a steam mill was
purehesed to fit up a saw mill; the dew mill was
weedy finished; a vast shed was raising near the
remote,: to shelter the carpenters; the masons
werts, , laymn in the interior the bases of the pillars
when, on the 27th of May, a lrightlul hurricane,
the most terrible experienced in the .cattnill, in
mummers, burnt suddenly on the bill of Naos
von, where ligbtniegs, thunder, wind, beil and
ale, seemed united to assail the building.
The storm linnet Borth so quickly, and with eine'h
violence, that the mason,, ovenacen unawares,
la the Temple, bad ninth:De enough to nee heard
the northern wall, nury feat high, bent down
over their beads, threatening to crush them and
bury tfient up.
I. Friends, cried out the foreman, we are all
lost!" and Indeed their loos appeared to be cere
rain, for the southern and eastern walls, which
had always been loosed upon as the weakest,
now ehaken by the ;all of the former, seemed eq
the point et tumbling on them. But the routing
rubbish of the northern wall stopped at their feet,
Now rushing out of the ruins, to the .midst of a
cloud of dust, ball and rain, wrapped op in lights
niogs, thunder, and a furious blast of wind, eat
petting every moment to bear the two walls give
way upon them, they succeeded la getting oar,
astonished at ticking those walls still standing, and
frightened at the danger from which they had jam
The some blast that overthrew the welt of the
Temple, and sensibly dislocated - and inclined the
two others, bob op and carried off the roof of
the old' school, when the want, falling on the floor
beneath, broke down the beams, and threatened
injury to sin Icarian women who were working
The_ creek. on the bank of which the wash
house of the Community is situated, was rei quirk
transformed into an Impetuous torrent, that
the house was almost inatantaneounlY filled with
Mater, and fifteen Icarian women, then washing
there, were compelled to get through the windows
in order to save themselves. They took refuge
at the farm, whence they were soon after brought
back in one of the wagons of the Community. •
All the neighboring fields were ravaged, the
knees overturned, and the'rvindows broken. One
of the members of the Gerency got on horseback
and repaired to every place at which men were
working out of doors, and soon brought back tidings
that no personal accidents bed happened.
The tame evening the mantle., reunited and
cocadtecl by the Gerency, acknowndged and de.
Oared that the southern and eastern walls would
soon fail down, and that, to avoid any serious an
cideut, it was better to destroy them.
The next morning the Gapers! Assemble, hav
ing been convoked by the Gereney, met on the
Temple Square, and unanimously resolved: fine,
that the demolition was =gent. for the safety both
of the_membens of the Colony themselves, and of
the Inhabitants and foreigners whom , curimity
might bring to the spot. Second, that by unfin.
tog the walls, stone by stoat, they might preserve
some gosd ones. But as this operation would
take, tip much time, occasion mach work, nodes.
pose them to many fatigues and danger., and eon.
tidering the lives of men as much more valuable
then rooney,they decided muse none other means.
Those means having been titscaned and agreed
open, they set at work immediately, and the walls
were polled down.
The destruction ofthe Temple is a misfortune
and a great inconvenience to the lonize Comma
pity, as they are thus obliged to modity their for
mer projects arid piano; but persevering thergrow. strong in their onion, and with aid of
their additional brethren, they will begin again an
the piece of the Temple, provisional and urgent
constructions, that will serve unul they build an.
other large aed fine edifice,
:Ammo, May 29, 1850,
Secretary of the Icarian Community.
PEINSTLVA7IIB RAIL Roso.—All our readers do
not perhaps yet realize the progress which this
nimbly enterprise has made, and the beovacial
sults already Pawing from it. A gentleman step
ped into oar office, a day or two since, to inform us
with great Klee, that he breakfasted at Huntingdon
'at fif o'clock in the morning, and, after dining at
Harrisburg, took tea with his family, at the same
hour in the evening,at Germantown. Huntiogdon
is over two Inlayed miles from Philadelphia, and
cooslderably mare than half way to Pittsburgh.
By September, the road will be extended from Hun
tingdon to Hollidaysburg, where the Portage Rail
Road gives immediate connection to Johnstown,
which is within about seventy sin miles of Pitts
burgh;—and all this remaining distance is under
contract, When the whole is completed,our friend
ly informant will be able to take an early break
fast at Pittsburgh, and still be able to sup with his
family the mime evening to Germantown.i—Narth
Wnm SEvrriterr.—The Whig candidate (or
Governor of Ohio, in the speech at Cincinnati,
with which he opened the campaign in that Stale,
declaral himself to ho in favor of the immediate
and untrammelled admission of California, and op.
. posed to theCompromnut bill. He was in favorer
the application of the Jeffersonian Proviso to the
territortm end in cane that cannot poem then he
adopts the President's plan, as by far tlis hew of
those submitted to Cougress. The Whig press Of
Ohio appears to speak the tame sentiment Mayan
Tel Mintssuie itivitay.—Phe 'kn e w*, pin i e .
Wan kof this affray we food Eti the Memphis Et.
quires of Sunday:
Fatal Affray.—We regret to have to recortreme
of the most bloody and fatal affrays that have ever
occurred in our community- On yesterday morn
ing, considerable attention War dsawn 'to our
coon-room by the announcement praviointly made
that the case of the P. and M. Bank would dome
op for hearing. dicer the resembling of the court
it was deemed advwsble, from wmoo came, to
postpone the consideration of the cam to some
future day, which was accordingly dismissed, with
soma very wholesome advice from his honor,
Judge Tinley. touching the canted feeling which
bad grownup. among the pasties litigant. Some
of the parties sett the court room and soon 'her
met at the creasing of Main and Poplar streets,
wbeti agenend melee ensued. _
_ . .
The fight commenced between Wm. Connell
and .A.lanson Tii•g, in the progress, of which L.
11. 00e, Eul, who was walking with Connell,
drew a pistol and fired at Trigg, killing torn in.
stonily. At Obi jan — dlsre, P. G. oairies, Esq. and
Jos. , Wdliams cunt, up, and a fight ensued he.
tween Coe and Williams, and Connell and Gaines.
Several ffeetual shots were fired between the
1 two first, hen Coo received a shot from his an
ugonlss, od fell, it is towed, mortally wounded.
During tie time the fight was still progressing
between noel! n d Gaines—Connell armed with
a bowie site an Gaines with pistols—until Some
of our citipens c eup aid separated them. Con
nell received a eleven, flesh wound from • pistol
shot, the ball striking nese the point of the hip
bone and pasting round outside of the spine, and
Inflicted saute seven Or eight wounds epee his
magmas; some of which ere severe, but none
bought to ha dangerous.
Amid the confusion of statements touching this
melancholy affak,we find it impossible w go more
into detail, nor is it perhape proper that we should
do so before legal 'investigation Is had. A jrirr of
inquest esifteld over the remain, of Mr. Trigg,
who rendered a verdict in accordance with the
above atatemenl,
From the Courier dee Et. Unit.
A Pianist 1/3 C1a11033113u
Wo have spoken aboat excursions, undertaken
by Henry Herta to those regions, yet artishedly
ataplored of the Ed Dorado.
The lest steamer ban brortyht ifs ■ letter hi which
the intelligent pianist describes with great vivid
nesssome of his impressions and advelatures dn.
ring these distant peregrinations.
- -
t'Oo craven in Ban Finn°taco,. ho writer., 0
found ao many friends. American, French, En.
guts., and Germ., that I was Immediately perinct•
ly at home. Only the majority of these friends
were entirely metarnorposed Thom whom Ila Id
been accustomed to see In New lorls In the de.
lights of a Gan:enable far morass are at present
selling clothes, sheen, hard ware and tilmilar
dee. Oaten, whom I Irk, endeavoring to, make
themselves lawyeratur public singers have become
ZiletiOnnern, and acquit themselves very well in
their new avocations. They generally nceuito . ,
much money.
jj have seen youcg Pallslen lions selling the
prodacts of the chase at exotbitaht pricey, although
game is very abundant. .I have seen painters
consecrating their pencil, to the painting of signs
and receiving thereof an once, of gold pet totter.
I have seen accomplished geniteman oWerf,t,
tbemtplyps to InMat.fl my Plitt... and receiving
1 from me In d.fferent.aums, as, much as 5300 for
aervice. Indeed have seen ao many eetreordi.
avy thing, that I dam not Gonimumente them,
, lest you should accuse me of exaggerettlen—but
they ate all cc/Deigned to my journal, and you
• Will find there many tales which I think will in
fereet you.
"For the moment, I meet tell yap, that I can hut
cougratelate Myself in basing Mede this VoYege.
I have visited the moat remarkable country Is the
World. I have found here friends who have been
most kind to me. I have given twelve conceits,:
the success of which has surpassed nil my hopes,!
and more than this, I lave been able to appreci•
Ate the incredible activity and enterprising spirit
of the Amentans. No other nation in the world
'could have mode of Gal,enuta what the hes he.'
come in their hand., In peen menthe.
"What most astonished me was to find a public
ao well informed, and es enthuniastio no the
tothject of music. IS could almost hre lae•
lieved myself to New York or New Orleans.
Hero Is t liule adventure which happened to me,
sod which is quite characteristic on the subject.
''On the erect coy departure, I ton asked to ,
give another concert in the little city of Bealcia—
All hod been prepared, and en arriving I found the
room, the church, filled with a dense crowd; one
thing only was wanting. quite Important. bowel ,
i er—a piano. I noted If they coula not find one lin',
the city—which could cot very well have harpers.
ea without a miracle. There was eee,they an-
steered, bat we could not eel any one to eery it.
The audience In the meanwhile commenced to
be Impatient. I went Man the platform. and co •
plaited the disappointment which had nor xpected-
happeced. Is that ant [lnky excelalmed,--1
'lot as seek the plane' And in fact the instrument
arrived in a few, momenta, carried by the rialltaers
GEVAT AGE Till. WE LarE. in.--Peopki.don s t
laugh now a da)siL-they indulge in merriment.
They don't walk—they promenade. They never
eat any food—they masticate. Nobody lama n tooth
pulled out—it is eidracted. No one has hisfertings
hurt—they um lacethlect: Young men du not gu
courting the girls—they pay the young ladies Mien;
lion. It is valuer to emit any oue—you must only
make a Ball.-0f course, you would not think of
going to bed—you retire to rest. Nor would you
build a house--you would erect it.
Ficuittnr AND Maims , . Coulee it a pub
lic meeting which wu held in Lancaster, Pa., on
sth instant, a committee wu appointed to solicit
subscriptions to tho college to the amount of 1525;
OrCt. On tin opening of MI books, one gentlemen
bonded the rot with a subrcnp•lan of 51,000. tnd
manna others followea with subscriptions or swo
An original portrait of Benjamin Franklin sold
at auction. in Melon a few days since, for three
hundred dollars. Twenty tine pieces of china ware
which formerly boloaged to Franklin, were next
oR red. One large cake plate sold for $l3, and a
bowl with a large piece broken out_ of the rim (or
$6,30. An attempt was made to roll the tea plat.,
but as only 75 rents was bid fur a cracked one, the
sale was stopped.
Some wag in the Boston Post, wishes to know
whether the body that Mr. Gliddcm has just been
unrolling might not have been that of "Spurious
Mummies" a distinguished Roman of Cicero's
_The Australian colonies areCriapiilly rising into
ft37o:3oTo r Vg ; :VAIrOr 18.1 0 end the exports
"(rota .I.:191,000 to IK.B, 14'f52,1 m 1847; the
last year the amounts hate Veen ellactly suited. At
t,3oB`,l`ll:l'g f :lffltC7ll'' , ,` J .. 6 . ° 7h"lB b l9
was about 3,000.
"Tommy,"rnid n toping father, a little “ligird," t 6
his son—"Tomtuy,lue--my boy, mind your daddy,
and never stalk in his-hia-- r footstein."
might do, perhaps," replied thejuvenile "if Pwanz
ed to go into tho cotkpores , or V irginia lend bud,
nose." The paternal guardian mired his cane, but
Tommy dodged it.
As old Jew, being itr an out of the way alchotrie.
'related hunself to emote ham and eggs, but just as
be was about to raise the forbidden morsel to hit
mouth, a clap of thunder startled him. 14e dropped
the hark, saying,
'Mein Gott! all disc fats chest because old
Mashes is mating a little bit of bacon."
Toe last words of lidirabeau were, "to sleep."—
Ile twice orthrice wrote to request that they would
give him opium; be fell back again apparently life•
less, when some artillery being discharged m the
neighborhood, the dying Itilinaheau mired himself
up on one arm, opened his eyes, nailed nod mit!
with a clear and almost exalted voice, "The fiv
ner rites of Achilles have already i•omineneed.—
Iha an age of courage but organ instant of life,"
and expired.
Miss Jane Porter, anther of the tieettish Chiefs,
expired at the re.identv of her brother, in Bristol,
England, on the 23d May, from a second attack of
pulmonary apopl4xy, aged 74 years.
Exactrriom.s-The Paulding Clarion of the Walt
ult., contains the confession of the negress Cecily,
who was convicted of murder in limper. lire con.
(maim is c detail of one of the must bloody and
horrid deeds that mark the annals of crime-the mar
der of Dr. Lennon, his wife and child. She says
she chopped otrthe head of the Doctor with a broad
axe while he lay asleep. When the wife awoke
and attempted to e.cope, mho knocked her down
with a "chunk" and men killed her by beating in
her head. She then killed the child and set Mc to
the house, first riding the Doctor's pantabmns
On Friday,„the2. - sh, the fiend was hanged.-- MbLlls
A Cosactmertonz Ilmeortrzcz.—"How long wlll
it take me to reach Jamaica?" asked a pedestrian
on the Jamaica turnpike. "Walk on, talk on,"
said the person interrogated. 'Fhinlng ho mils
misunderstood, the traveller repeated the question;
when the same answer was returned. Fancying
that the man was crazy, the pedestrian moved on
with an accellemted pace. "Look here," said the
interrogated party, calling after the traveller, "it'll
take you halt an hour n couldn't tell you till !maw
how you walked, what..time' you'd make!"—
lie lived near the "Union course," "meet prob
The Arabs of the Delert "are no healthy that they
find it more difficult to die than other nations find
to live. They endure to a greater ago than 'any
other people, and when they nt lent die, it to
not of disenae, but rather of natural tnurnmigett.
- The' late improvements in the Welland Cansl
have greatly shortened the distance of meal nevi
gntion between take Erie and Lake Ontsrio.—
.The meal is 1.2 feet deep. end is navigable for
vessels of DM tons, carrying 51:00 barrels
Ey the old route tr required 24 hours to pass from
lake to lake, it is thought that will now be done in
12 hours.
The Marquise( Talaru, formerly minister under
Charles X, it is said, has left a legacy of '2,000,0(101
to the Duke de Bordeetts. •
By the Agricultural report of Ohio, it appears
that two counties, Clermont and Harriscubproduced
ro,lo,7):°Zer d o edactnt p l i tne7ce r rt, 7o " r ' rem " l of
landed property, the Cinc innati Atlas mya, will
give every able bodied man in those 'counties
seventy five cents per day, fur °Very working
day-lo the year, besides his house board and cons.
Lo Patti' announces that miraculous girdle,
which is alleged to have been worn by the Virgin,
and which is one of the PrSCIOIIII MHO, of the Ca.
thedrel of Torten, has been sent to Madrid, iota
placed near the Queen of Spain, in her approaching
s motiehement; It is ! for the present, deposited
ra the slier of the'RolVCtoptl,
Burma Inom—Referring to the large Imports.
tons of Railroad nod other Iron, undated mak
ing into the UnitedSuitee from Occat,Britain, the.
Washlogton Republic temarkr
ErelYenrao of lion imported into the United
States from England or Wales rePtc.eilukwb" 3—
It represents all the labor employed in the product.
Lion of the iron are from the native miner; it rep
resents ah the labor employed in the manufacture
of the iron; it represents all the breadsiollo and
provisions neccadary to the sustenance of the in.
borers in both branches of labor; it represents all
the prottridetivcd from all ltd. preceding Indus.
try, all the profits of freight:, all the profits of cam
missions, all profits of whatsoever kind that may
accrue fmm the employment of agricultural, man
ufacturing, and commercial industry in connexion
with the production' and the transportation of the
iron 'forming the corgo which comes to our Rhona
to be need in the construction of a railroad which
may run through • region abounding in iron ore.
All thin profits oflabor of every kind embodied
and represented in this imported iron, are no
only realised in.Oreat Britsin, but tracksuit:mato
involves also s displacement of AMIHICSA and
try to au eqhivalent extent.
Tits Lost one Foorm.—The Lancaster, Penn
sylvania Gazette, ask-stint Mr. Thomas Johnston,
of Marion Township, Pennsylvania, who has been
missing since the 4d of April until recently, and ,
who, it was fearil,' had been foully dealt with, is
now at Columbus, Ohio, and has made an maign
ment of his property for the benefit of his creditor,'
At the time ha left his house, he intimates he wits
partially deranged. Air. Johnston Is in may eir-J
TROLDGE troy TOO Cmrstrs.—The ladies of Bat-,
timore, who era among the fairest of the fair poc
son of creation, protest minims the right of the
census takers to demand their age..
St. Lords, on Tuesday week
Messrs. Wheeler & Bullock, brokers, were men
tined 61,000, for .circulating bank notes of a lead
denomination than $lO. William JOINS was
hoed Sit I for keeping a billitud table without II
TES. AND Tur.MoNsT Ct.krkk.4-Art M. C. is
put in a lea., which appenrs in the Washington
Union; chargirigtht the money clans° in thoCout
prounse hilt if of a corrupt tendency. Twenty
tuilltons of Texas scrip, it le said, are hawkedabout
is Washington to sport with.
Y.arm Etcratunust.—A gentleman from the
Untied litotoshne obtained a grant (nn the govern
empowenng hint to lay down pipes for bring,
ing pure water into Panama. Ile has the exclusive
privilege, for the space of 20 years.
"Did you ever know any body to be:killed by
lightning?" "Never by lightning," replied Pat in
no under tune. "It's thunder, chute, ne knocks
'eat to pieces in the ould counthry ,
Moitoca..—A murder took place in Cullosille,
Armagh county, Ireland, on Thursday week. The
victim von Robert Margeover: the ami .01 Ile ,
Mr. Ilannelson, who was attached by vane of the
tenants who beat Ms head to Mean with stones.—
Etnigatim is perceptibly fa ling oft
generally are looking euremely
p•Woltas.—All UM is the N. •POSI 0 r tn. year 'limn
worms ere most formiilakdo among children, the pi,
orietirsol Ill'Uane`a Vermillage beg lure to can upon
patrols, soliciting ibeir auention to its einem. for tho
expelling c , f then 'annoying and often fatal enemies
of children. Teets invention is by a phyleian of
great r xpertenex la Virginia, and after using tt for
serval years in his own piactlec, and finding its
success Su ooi•erul, he. hes been induced al last ra
offer It to the public as ixcheap but certain and ex
cellent medicine. Cali died parehaso.
10-For s c. by J. KILD It CO, No GO Wood streei.
Have just reeelved large aildition• a their
init./tett by late 'packets from natty.,
which limy would esiweially centric atteetioe .
of rt arebasers, believing treir very erten
sire meets and low prices will give
ends* satisfaction.
intia-dawlyT '
0 I E NS'
Or Pltt•burglt.
C.C. MISSEY, Peres. • MARKS,Ssec.
Office—No Water sit«t, so the warehouse of C.
It. IfiltaNT.
rr111 . 9 COMP./00s t Is now prepared to all
Insole of risks, on houses, monoteetones, goals
merchandise in store, and in tranello vessels, St.
.1n maple tisflritly foe the ability end Integrity of
the losnonion, is satsCed to the character of the Di
rectors, whe ore 'l,ll anisette of Pittsburgh, well sod
furorahly known to the community for !kelt Fade:tee,
Intelligence, end intessloy.
o.lummy, Wm. VOLT. Wants" .
D r,
Ji., Wisher Ilrystlt, Hugh D. Sins, Edward
licesehon, Z. &Lucy, S. Ilstbsugh, 8. bier.
Inaptly.. =nita UM DEatlirCire
DR.0.0. STEARNS, late of Boma, Es prepared to
191M13 rue tore and 60 BLOC% T=lll in w001...a rade
Tstills, ppm Saetion or Atote.pherie Rumor, Plat.
ooto.mua coo= to nea tottrom,arbere the terve re
expose-1. Other and residence neat door to tho
or , m ettre, Fourth Erred, Pittsburgh.
Ram D. hl , Fadden. F. IL FAL.. ialO
Scald at the Poor mad. Ankle Cared.
• M. Krre—l eats dolma" of making known to the
public the griut etfmiey of your YETROLE'LIMin my
own cake, which was a severe scald of the teat end
tinkle; upon removing the stocking, the akin peeled
odwith u, nod left nothing but the bare sofsre. I
expected to be laid op nil winter from the effects of
this eenbl, trot we applied the retroleum freely, by
rueaO of • Minitel cloth saturated with In at but, the
'urn - Maien wee painful, but in a coy thou tided the
pain abated. I bed no pain in one hour elterarard.
In free days from the time of the applkatioa of the
Peuelcom, I was able to go to work. I tat e pleasure
la matins there facts for the benefit of other sufferers,
end am desire. that - they should be made public. I
would also state, that I find immediate relief by th. ,
aaa of the Petroleum, in bum., from which Sam
frequent earner owning-to my baainces shout
engine. I would recommead it u the molt yromp
and'emmin remedy for bums I have ever know,
(Signed.) 1 B CUE, Engineer,
ISharpsbnrgh, tillegherry Co.
Pittsburgh, Apr 11.16.50.
Dor Salo by Keyser It McDowell, 140 Wood. street;
P. E Sellers, 67 Wood at; D M Corny, Allegheny eity;
D A Elliott, Allegheny; Joseph Douglass, All e gheny;
atzo by rho proprietor, B. IL HIED,
ap27 Canal Basin. SeTtlllit or, Pit*nrgh
DEt. O. MAT.
): ' Dealet.Cornerotrourth
and Decatur, between
Tuts retreat is now at the height of its beauty—
Welton & Co's., dying horse. will remain a lew
days, affording lino amusement. Strawberries ore
now ripe and served up fresh from the vines. lee
creams nod other refreshments in abundance. The
steamer Hope lames the Piu street landiag at the
beginning of each hour,
tr from o'clock A.. ht. until
le P. 51. for 5 cents. Tickets of admission to th •
gardens irk cents, redeemable for the same itmoun
to anressuatcyrs—free admission to children whe
acromeamed by their par!nts—also to aeleci par
tics. ',mean tickets furnished by applying to th•
proprietor. Closed on Sunday. y. MeRAIN.
Dit.J YE
. J. MRS name his professional service
to the ellitena of and vicinity
Lidice and retiderec, for the present. at Rinednie
inhinneheeter, ttarticitiat ly abort the U 8
lth Marine
CAntinut.struni afore Serena area, Phavielphia.
IS central, in the immediate' vicinity of the snort
important Priblie Institutions, the best end most
fultionahle places of business, and the attractive
public squeres tithe city. In the important requisites
•f light sod ventiletion, two principal obseel witted
at in the recent enlerannent and.thnrough Improve
meet of this House. it is not exceeded; perhaps, by
spy establishment in Ameriea. To strangerin there
fore, Its position is peculiarly desirable. The rah.
ctlber retratis thanks to his friends and ILO public
tor the liberal pairounge they have extended to him,
and assures them the, ha will endeavor to merit a
continuance Of Our Inform. A F GLASS
A IBEIt'CINO of the Elisabeth A gticulraral Boelely
EV will be held in the 'fawn Bath In the Borough of
lidteubeth,,Allegheoy County, ou the Ith day of July
next, at the,hoar of 10 o'clock, A. Id. The members
or the Vocally tAd all o th erit having . the Interests of
Apicaltuns at !cart am respectfully Invited to attend.
The lion. W. H. Lowrie, of Pittsburgh. will bepre.
sent, and address the meeting. The lion. Hamar
Denny is afro expected to be present on the occasion.
Hash:leas of intere4 will be trumseled. John King,
Bay, 01E11:abed:I Townebip, he. made arrangement.
to have one of Pl'Cortntek's Patent Virginia Helmets
present, and It may be seen' in operation, If there is
any pen ready to cut by t,A Fourth, ‘Vhoever
wodd We to hem n good speech, or see ...tight,"
lest him be here. By order.
lellettOwir4T JAbl ES SHAFFER, SetPY
Tome Buz., opposite the Pose Offica.
XTORVE.I. Hastings; or, the Frigate N tha Offing, a
Nautical Tate.
The Thoarand and One Ylnnoms. By Alexander
Boma., complete.
Adventures In Africa, doting a tour of two years
through that country. By Major W. COIIIMILHECO
LlttallieLlving Age. No 218..
Gottey for July. ynco 52 14 par year. -
Grain ot
Satttin r do do. jell
American Journal or Science and Arts.
COYDUCTED by Prof. D. E Simon, Prof. D. Sill
man, Jr. and Jamey U. Dana, New Haven, Con
necticut. This Journal Is issued every two months,
In 'bambino of lel rages each, making two com e
ontum..4 a year, each with many illustrutitinli It it
dy,ard aondualunelea an Science and the Arm.
Condensed !reviews or Abstract. of Memoirs and.
fr.m Farle Periodical ~ Notion of ew
Publications, and %Ga gn mut Leulledn of recent Sol Non.
Ude ,a orka. The first laical tantalite CO Toltun ,, ,the
last of which is.a general Index to the 49 volumes
J Pebterienlen, Al_ leer. in advent,.
D LOCliW9Dp,Ag't for Proprietor",
• lU 4
LILY Nem, made pa t terns, Worsted, Conon, and
Leather, of all and qualities, lam
stook ataxy. on hand,'and for wale at the lowest
manufactory priers. Wholesale and Retell. at
No 3B & S5O ?Jana. Sr., PMIAOlinflA.
Wholesale hlsaufartory of Tau Nita, CARPET
BAGS,&r. Warm mom eontanta over 4CO Trunks, of
all q alties,4l I oarprices.
N. O.—A nes sty le Due Net for Carriage bones.
SUNDRIES-11:m; N A Vltl , e:o a r ii r:2 tires;
ease. Guam doi
cues alt.iprivid,.tor sale tlt
• •
THE Life add Correspondence of Thomas Arnold.
D.. 17: Isle Profenor of Modern Watery of the
Lniversity.of Oxford. By Anil. , P. BMteley, N. A. I
Pint Amerman editten. ; •
The Golden Grove; • Choice Manual, co:oolong
what la to be believed; pteetised, and desired. to
which to added, a Gaide to the Peniteac By Jeremy
Taylor. D. D. -
The Soul; or an Inquiry in Gemmel Pryeolegy, es!
developed by the use of the terms, Peal, tSpirit, Life,
Re. by George Bash, Professor of Hebrew in New
'Vert University.
Tee Records of a Good Mints Life. By R. Ch.
T ro i r " s;al a b
j 1 9
No 79 Woodsmeet
01)(idlt. IdOuASSES—SO bbdt 5u bhdo prime do N
bfolstdo Bogor,
17, I
For ode by !Jelin MeOiL"
BACON -25 .k.'city meted Pideshooldors;
IS casks do R;
20 tea Biggar Consd Elarni, for role by
BR9"'d2-100 do: owned doactiptlons for sale by
T AR A TANNERS' OIL-10 tals Tamen' 011;j
• %MINN C Tar, per canal
SOAP -5,03 boa Not Cincinnati in atorelar & i t lety
_go N e am uk;
RO - illc-A few brig A No I extra — thite Rollin Tlf
superior quality, sortable tor soap mating. inn
received and for sale by JOHN Me PADEN &CO
bag aSO Canal Dacia, Penn of
SODA. ABll-10 casks soap makers' Ask; also,
b 5 casks superior, for glum making, all donde,
anII be old low for cob by
lel9 - JOHN aIePAHEN &CO
OLlVE.olL—Fordcoor. toper/um
Mural Hos do pin& and t. , :plou;
Florence W TI
Mc A CII uk&
RO & C for sale O
258 Lawny
B ACON--375pes hog round Isnd inE for sole by
Liberty street.
pacii &TAR-160 beiN C T4ll
140 brli Pitch, on consignment and
'fm .yln by !telt' I SELLERS& 1I COLS
'VIRGINIA II AlllB-4GOb p. Vpginia eursd, 611,1;1
V llama for mate by ELLERS & NICOLB
1131411.7. 11 re.:ll(fl ei rrarT 3 Hl l oa — llO
90 Us Evans & Swift • do.
ZO te Walser. do;
5 tca canvassed Beef rounds;
5 tea plain do
For ;Web,. [ jell] , SELLERS & NICOLS
NI)iii:SCOTIA lIERRING-16 fres la awe and
foi. sate by 1106180 N, LITTLE& CO
.I.•NaR I b 4i. store f• I.
ACON—la cute 810111190,417itVr by
U.N , :f D ASSED if A msi- i :;l 3 lk o 4 2 ! i n , rAlq
'OTASH—it cask., prima article. for male b*
ILLOW COACUESI-011 Willow Cotelies, war-
V ramrod superior to may brought Into this market,
for rata low by C YEAGER
111 & 103 Market n.
ANIS—A aplerrdla &Optimal:it, of my own Impart
tailors, eampriain every variety, for wale by
C°M2.4ll= rtgen;oro!",
AV groat do side do;
11/Bross Sitchaso pocket combs.for Gee by
Jolt. , C YRAGER
SUSPENDEE9-40 dot U Satpendert, No 0:
5i dot do N. 14
30 dot ' do • No IT;
100 dot Frottebido, studied;
liol9l C YEAGER
Fat este by
"AtOTICE is hereby' given, that the undersigned have
.1 , 11 obtained from the Resist, r, Letters Testamentary
on the estate of James bicAnulty, late of Baldwin
township, deceased. AU persona having claims
againstaald ['talc, an reqoested to present them for
payment ; and these being indebted are required to
lee immediate payment w either of the subscribers.
To ett• Boattrable the Judges ef the Court 4' Oen.
sl Quanrr &snort* of the Peon, us and for the
County ,f Ailegleor
Timpreot.".B:4r.t—zzter, ? pi . r.
h T . =
that your petner 00th provided herself with
tutorials for the auoturnodetion of travelers mud
there, at her detente* hoose In the township afore
said, and pray. that your honors will be pleued to
snot her.. lirenae to toe:, • Poblie Hutu of Enter
tunment." And pose *arbour,. In duty bound, will
rop p .
- We the anbseriberucitisens of the township afore
said, do eenlfgollat the above pednoner is of good
repute for Merman, and temperance, and is well pm-
Tided with house nom and conveniences for rho an
entamedinan and lodging of strangen and travelers,
land that said savants neernary.
nage Rhoads, Simnel Richev, Frederick Merriman,
Jahn AI Crone, James Damson, Thomas Waggoner,
John M. Craig. James bilhland. Marshall
Ne l da,
Heinle, John Al S te ve ns, James Stevens.
vonwea.Diset 11111:11.611ANTII,
Glasgow. Pa. (smmith's Ferry /" . 00 OP'S)
Having permanernlv located al the plane,a new
and rabsutottal Wharf Beat, we are prapnre4 to re
solve and. forward promptly to all points on Ihntryer,
and Sandy end Heaver or Ohio C.lnale. 13 a 80.
Glesgow,lane 15.—1et3
wail 1850. Mt=
PACKETS; towing and hping betwees Photostat,
and Roeheoer by stem bo om bliebigebb Lako Erie,
and Beaver.
uocrae reeeipted and promptly delivered to all .
pluses ou the Canals and lathes, •t the lowest sates.
Shipper, will ple•se direct rural* to "Dtdavell's Lino."
%Vete, st, Pittabargb.
let 9 BIDWELL & CO., Glasgow.
FOIL agmm.
TIM house now occupied by Major W Wade, on
Anderson street, Allegheny City, within a short
distance of the Had Suet Bridge It has demon
room., bet. house, wash house, carrlare house, and
ck. Rent, $250 per annurn. Also, for ale or rent
32, in -the middle ainio of St. Andrew's Church,
Piitohgreh. lelovidt•
powDEnitrogy kegs DKy.
do e:'
1W toga oeal3hooting do;
040 hikes Deer Biflq
100 hf kgs Ky. do;
40tt qr kg. K . do;
tP aoa eannisterido, in Magazine,end
for sale at the very lowest market pnee, eedverable
in abort stoner, 1017 J 5 DILWORTII &GO I
Jointrea—American Farmer's i.neyek , y.tedia, eve
Emereon—Trems and Shrub., 000
Brown—Trees of Americo, See
Thomas--American Fruit Coluniat, 12mo
Hop—A Guide te no Orchard, Mao
Hoist—Family Kltehen Gardener, 12mo
Miner-111e Almeria. Bee Keeper, limo
Krown—Tbe emerioan YoultrY Yard, litr e •
Marshalt—The Farmer and Eraignutt's nand Book
Allen—The nineties , ' Fovea Beek, Blum
Dowing—Fruit and Fruit Treei of dmeriea,l2mo
Youatt—Tto none, lava 1
Bennet—Tao Ponluy Tara, lgron
• For sale by D LOCKWOOD
C °D reVe S"-"5 d"6
j"2'.lll.lldF.rlf&"RelarrSON- •11 uk 0"
r "
p C roe ,apnme It e, °ran
'7 KIDD Cc lr
FLOUR—lotlbrls S IF Floor, ter mu.
'OS 77 k Markets
i ic , tl i s . h t Let t er ct r l T
I rlrett bed fall:
COO gals N. W. coast
Whale Oil, In store and dor,ol 07
172 6.174 Mem .t.
el 9
TANNERS' 011..-00 u gals tavernfn caskai
SO wig dm
15 brls common Oil, in more I/
Sonffilpment far sale by
ujielt3"3-40 Al
Sarsaparilla Sada& Lemon Syr ap.
20 keg. Sarsaparilla :(Wa;
40 bis do do;
01 boxes Lemon Pyrop, made (tampon lemon jolt
Jost renewed and for role by
L ARD-51bt la No lam landing, and far ..le by
as Water & Front
"VEATIMILIO bligs now en band,for wee by
jeie 18AIAff DICKIsY & CO
GINSENG -9 sank* an hand, for sale by
BACON—I 9 casks amr.
30 casks 8909 Idem •
5 catks
elute snorted, 909919.0d10g.f0r sea by
ilUnleoLurs COSMOS—c'o .mo.; • Sketch of a
Physical Description of the Universe. By Alen.
W. llemboldn Translated by Oute. 7 tole, 11010.
Dist received for talc y b
Jell Bookseller h. Downier. 104 Fourth at
.LL loud by Mn Sabine. y rola, Mo. ar sale b
BLEACHING POWDERS-80 cut. Maapratla
and Tonneau , for rat. by
elB Car rim & Wood at
CHECK for Fitly Donors, drakm b 1. DI Pea
11. cock, co Palmet, llama& Co, payab l e to [valor,
cm stolen from the warehouse or Yin, Pennock #,
Co. The penile are cannoned arraLeat receiving can/
check, as payment thereof has been •topped.
vrcg..Asscs--obe. sLume... s . hoses Eta
.I.lhE J
rmes, fe; sue by
- DEFINED SUGARS-6TO Ms embed, powdered,
Xt. and met t
/MIM oe H
. 'tote Red for Salo by &
Bt 1,0111.1181.112 Boger Refinery.
Burlap. for Wool Sacks.
A SUPPLI received et more of
jolO Cor Nounh*litarket mit
MURPHY & BURCHFIELD have received a largo
Illpply of Dress Lawns, very cheap; rpm awe
brow, at lele• light do, In great variety, too 1010 Wet
Also,embt oldered and punted Mos!lna audineltortet,
of neat and newest style. and lowest once for quality,
and north not canter of Fourth and Market it. •
dos 3 d card spool codo;ws.;
3000 o •
WAlgross Stay Taper;
GOO gross German do;
Received per atcantera thbertda and Smoak, and
for sale by • C'YEACIEIt,
111 jell
& KS Market at
TIUTCIINETAL , Abondles recd for solo by'
.1./Jell J KIDD & CO
0-12 Ws, to arrive; for vale by
estOIL OIL—ID Ws, to anlye for bolo by
left : .1 KID D& CO
CIULOULDE cans, to tr: for see by
1017, J KIDD fr. CO
DILIZIL bllliek4-160 bags Nat reed, to ssistby
Ell {ell . MU,Lb.R Itr. RICIETSON
ST7tßal—P-rarlirialishi's or. Muth;
15 his Snubs do; ,
25 bys til.Clziny k Tun do; tun received
sod Mr sale by ! MILLER & RICREIVON_
c iIILLICOTILr.BOAP-160 bye brown Chillicothe:
i Eh bxs No 1 vlo;
, CO bp Vol Rosin !Nosy;
Jut received and for sale by . •. . .
SUGAR HOUSEMOL.Af3SES- 40 boo battle 'round
pm rse'd and tor role by
.17 MILLER &RICK '. - .il.l
SAlLlThiliga b ts plata ahrseWsi
tO barsttleiZoll,blask Waal
Jag neeelvvil nod fig sale by
P.. W. GATE'
THESE DIES having been adopted and highly appreed in.all;the PrinCiPal OM* ia .Hine 'York
end .prinadelphis, are now offered Su manufacturers, machinists, ship smiths, dtc., swim the inmost con
fidence, as the most perfect article in roll or cutting screws. I
Their superiority over any other Dies heretofore used, colleiats in 'their- curling crane?
Stria, whether V or Koehn thread, by ONCE paining over the iron id he cut, which require no:nredging
an innar n aan Innelx ,i o „, es the ai rs rut the thread out of the solid limo, or il hoia raising it is the 1y.,1;
in their greater durability, rapidity, and perfectiou of work; and in their simplicity and little liability
to get out of order.
PILCUDICLTICA, Atis.l7, 1819.
Thls lo to oorlff that .111 hate poreburd from P.'
W. firms the right of 'Lair hls
_palm:ll:Kell far cut
ting bolts. la oar opinion, hi• Dial aro math supe
rior to any others to ore atrotainted :lotto tor too
Pupas" of meting bolts. 4
Having heti P W Game. Patent Dies in use in our
establishment for the last nine months, for rotting
tops fen eau in es cry respect recommend' them in
the highest terms, as me have laid Ditchers away,
they beteg so far superior—vonaldering them 73 per
cent. cheaper than any Where nom in csa
Penn Wort. Pa.
This to to corny the. en two purekksed tko ranht
to me, and adopted in our banone, , p l :ll Gain'
V. Pe.
tent Sinew Cutter, which.* ingttly a 10,6 of.e
can do mob repro wort, and .we b eve Wwill ear.
pass In darability ind Veda., ue nmek a. economy
of Inbar, any dies known to of
MORRIS, ToffifElt it MORRIS.
PurLonicraco, lith rocnth,2nth -day, Itks.
Neer Yon, nog. 19,11349.
HaTina adapted P. V 7.0 alas' "Patentltica" for ma
nna bona are take plasma In mbar, dna It more
than answers our capacitate:lm and tarn no testae.
non in grains It as oar opinion, that It far excels any
other plan In present use for caning tat's.
- T 131tC013. &CO.
We hays P. W. Gates , "Patent Dies" for cuing
.crews, and the economy of using them!. so very
considerable, that we look upon them as tr./Isamu*.
ble to every establishment havirg 241 quontity of
snow. tooat.
• MoCORMICS, ooriEN.a, CO,
Cortcatto, May 10, 1E29.
Oman. Orrick Ws.atmtcroa, eat Sept., 49.
I have purebasect 6f W:11113eovilie; for the 'United
Elates, tee runt to use In all the arsenals and
E Benefit for the Relief of the bands 'who st by
the fire in Ryan's Bailding, soil' take O 10 0 onn
Wednesday night, the 19th Inst. The price of tickets
anti he. for Dress Circle, 60 eantst.Scoond and Third
Tiers, V , coats. There will be two peoons admitted
°acmes of the tickets that have been sold at double
the above mama
. ,
110BILST LOWRY, PrOprietor,
Public Square, Holliday sburrb, Pa.
of Stages for the Butted West; el. the Bedford
Sure leaves his hoot, • Int7Alm
OHNSTON &STOCKTON haveust oened fur sale
ea th e largest msonment of Paper, l Illant p Books, led
Stationery ever °flared for race in this city; together
with a large eolleeuon of bew and valuable Works in
elery department of Literature All publication far
le at camera mires. Country reterehmPs sueldi.d
withevery article in this Hite; on the moat reasonable
terms. nob le
• • -
JUST received at the Tea Market, in the Diamond,
3 chests firer muddy °alarm Tea. 6•415 73 per lb
3 do superfine. Ning Yong ' 0 75 do
do old Emelt& Pekoe Souobong 0 73 do .
3 d , A No 1 GanpowderTea.—,..— 100 do
And plenty more left of our excellent Black oral
Green Teas, s; 30 cents per lb. " -
)el7 MORRIS ilieworan
NSW and Valetalbla Publications.
BE Rise, Progress, andgress, present , latemture of the
Expel Language; by Reo. Matthew Item. mn,
A. Reetor of Courch 0,4617, Ittalts; as toad
Fellow of Queen's renege., Oxfo rd. .
The Life afJono Callon, with a Portrtit, by Tim.
B. Oyer.
Dictionary of Poetical Quotation , : emulating of
elegant exacts an every subject; by lota, T. Wax '
son ht.
or Charms of the Nile;. by Wtu Furness;
beartufully Illnsizated nob colored engraving.
• Robert
as a Poet, and as a Mau; by 61611101
Tuppet's Complete Poetical Work,; contabung
o Preverbtal Philo.opey? ttAThousond Lines, o °llse;
manse , dertddme," and 0 1SliscellPtous Poems," wad
•permit of the
no a new edition: in vol. cloth.
Eveninp 5' Wsedlawnt by hits ELM. author of
"The Women of the American ReValaton
The Mather and Wire of Wphingtom by Margt C.
rankling, mother of Itarperts tot: station at'norm's
History of lAD Mears of Spaut,'" , .babel, or Trish , 0
the Resat," &e.
A few copies of each of the abbve works, Jost m
:,rived, for sale by JOUNBTON & SrOCKoN
7 Cot. Malted S Third at
& BURCHFIELD brier, received a rap*
iNJ. ply 0(5.4 and 4.4 French Linens for men's coats
and sacks, dies,een, boys* and ettildreres wean
of Li:Lamest dirable shades.
'limy Invite attention to their large assorneent of
hlerr's and Boys' BUMMED. WElilt, of different ma
terials. and all of which 'will be veld low. iel7
Plantation Sugar and Itlan/asses.
15.5 bhds common, air, & prime Plantation ingnm
V , O oak bria Plantation MolasseN
70 eypre• late do do,in store, for sale by
17P & 176 Libortp st
AI,INED 131.101113-oesvere Lovering , / D Loaf;
Al br casco 'do ' do;
BO bd. Nos 57 to 931. L Sugar;
45 hrl• C. do;
GO tole C. pulverized Sugar;
10 brio • do do.
25 bobs 1.. embed do;
40 brio Lovering , a cod do:
15 brit do' pord do;
GO brls soft crashed do;
loot received, and for vain by
F'VIOL ULM ItUli FS —Vuctuseed Marton raper or
arts and Pobho Rooms.a neve stylo.r4iod 4 9
received, mud for sato Ly • W A LL
jel7 85 Wood 01
`SAFELY FUSE—IO brie sipetioi sole lc, fnr wit by
lel7 S DILWORTH & CO ,
Big Sandy; Ky., May 12, 1668.
Mr. IL E. Stllerm—Dear
duets such wonderful results; that I think it worth
while to give you a low facts about it. A neighbor,
Dr Deus, bang ht from me one vial of it, and gore the
COlllerit/ to three of his children; the brat pawed 100,
the second Mould the third 70. making 463 wanes
discharged by tales one viol. 14r. linty immediately
bought four vials more. Mr. J.,l.l.Juriey aloe 'rove
the contents of one viol to three ot bit children which
brought from the brat 76.fiom thdaecand 62 and from
the third 36, making ISGlreflaS, by the use of one vial.
I gave my own child, aged one Year, two tea spoon.
fu'o, which expelled 14,0ne of which wax at lenient
foot long.
Your Vermifuse Is konsidered the best shut has
ever been brunt hi to ibis action Of the .gantry, and
an far at I know has never foiled. Yours
' J L
For sale by R. E. SELLERS, 67 Wood street, nod
by I . _spri lsle 'centrally. lel
%if lIRPHY & BURCHFIELD home reeeivedarother
a 1 supply of above article, and too enabled to sup.
ply almost any quality and color wanted. and at the
lowest cash price.. laid
10 brla, in core and for sale by
Ida J 8 DILWORTII & r 0
POTA9U--10 casks prime, far sale by
Jels 1 13 Th.LWORTH k.:CO
C°lll'n" - '"Wilt.wontn. co
Now Version of tli• Pashas.,
TES Yakima of David and Boni of Solomon, I
it. m b o r tro. By Sanaa McClure. Oa baud, and f•
_jar, 79 Woad a
ULU andlVerret Centres fore v nirile A s it talfiby
lels 13 Wood st
CAP-80 17Ti r cCitTeliraTii:iii - stere, for tale by
• lett • 8k W
'BACON-a casks shoulders received fee eaie by
17 Teti St NV lIARUAUu II
SUNDRIES—I' Ameba Wool; . .
A •Aeb • Fen there; a
• I Axel. Floxreed . ;
bales Geer Skin;
' bd L'........,i1ut recd, for Axle by
10.14 C II GRANT
BUTLER —I: to , rlßtri
D 1 togs do; fog rdlli
111DOTASII—A cuts for roirby
taIiOTATOE-030 bushels ter sale bY
/el 4
EARL ADII-10 bd. for elJe
lel4 111 _
DRIED rD&CUEB-100 bu landing, far
1.) jet 4
Steam BOMA far Say..
A LIOIIT draft, Blom whoolcd, }3.1111 Boot for Wo.
..101. Apply to SCAIFK & ATKINSON, '
Pali First ot, seamen Wood & Idotket
dell'. lap
k) for sale P 7 - 7P Water pc
TAN n, Ell 6 orls just rec 42,1,,, 8
perTeir:aroguky In store., j and for sale by.
CANDLES — d i bd. • !, di
n 5 lad appea, (or nkle by
dozen in Mon". fr
Na b 7
pu.-43 brts Mackerel, May catching, ,To
16 brie Ilaning, Ia Mere. for male by
13ris ~21p9ri r o „,,j a try
isi 40
Ord""'L-4- trtis U!K, • g.H ARr & efLL
bn run litatore. far sale •
C k To l 4, ""} !SPA
ries ender the supervirie4 of thrs Departexen; P. W.
Cates"Tatent ;see tor manic; itTOßlontrent , ,thej
having been tiled in two of taelsrge_rurenals, and
• found to ho scriefflelebt Ond excellent • =
A. TALCOIT, Col. Cithtance.
ttitutr`of Yaw. iaci
Wminxtrros, Sept- =5. 108.
. Combining .Cfales , llstrnicil frarelveniera for H.
tine servos au rseral to be a valuable eery-nave, by
no 6 er hy or the honorable Secretary of Nar7,
purchased of the Ailorneyi orals .Patentee, Wen H. •.
Scoville, and earned Disterer, I ..B‘c riiht,to maks
eau= godd taw (menaced far the U. &Navy.
.105EPL1 824T1R, Chief offrarcae. j
In ass also by . . .
Buffalo Works, EnfllSlol
Roans & Ashler, &Skater: . . -I ;
Roolett & Co, Gloactiler, N. 'J
• Ilarwoo4lßnyder,'Behortkill CoirJr;
Shine's. New York: •
&Tax. , N I' '
l I T Z2 I , t. 1 .11. - 17;„1' a k. N. „.- .
'Seaweed & Co, fdomareent Works, unit;
Von Caren, itoeheattr;. • ' . ' - .. 1
Non & Aloe., NOW ti. ,, i :' • I i
Anent Works, do;
roue & Murphy, dpi.: :,
Wen Pot m r ,, a-aars; ,
Norris & Oro, Paileaelptaa; , ! - , ' ,
A Jenks, Breed %befit, P al
Viralwork &Nssen, non end NeW - Valk;
Lowell Machin, &keg, Lowell: 1
1 Amee.keig Co, abnlebester..l4 Ili
Lyman & Wismar, Southßanos. •
slid 000211001010011.
No 131Selne,10 sots dra & taps hi to 2in. pri.icut t -
No 3 do ' A ;do Itol I. ode*. &Kw 1
Nog do ,! 6 do 1,1 I, ;lice Buis
All orders addressed toP. W. e.. ao,atss, Chle N.
B. Hanson, New York, B. D. Marshall & Co, Pnils-
Idolphin, and 11. IL Feorille & Sons, Caicos°, !or Pr es
and Taps, wilp or without - machines for µsing them, ,
will meet why prompt gttsuuoa.
0, ... ) t 2,1 .9 a, le= ' joidGm
Leine and blanszei , C. S. PORTER
Citole *ad Parquette• ...... •••M cents
• d tad Ttord 2$
i 7 (for colored peratees).---•
opeu at 71; Gamin 'rill rise at 8 o'clock
13:713ENEFIT fee the Relief of the Rieder/the Loh!
by the the In Ryan's Betiding*.
Nit MALONE R&I'ARIND and the foul ladies oL
Ids family biro voltinteered their 'smokes.
On Wednesday, /lie , Man, erill be . Dre.t,,,ea
Blaestissis „ ler.Raymind
Lzay Leech R Ntinols
In which 110
o tU?s i t! C°NeEirt"
To Conelidt wiih
Don Ra.lMl—•—• Tsrylor
Culo ..... M. Raymond
Thursdayi BENEFIT of bIrs,q.APPEpL.
WILKINS navy. 134ua.
. . .
n.n. Mu
ira" cirtiginit
The names, oo Vocalists, Instrumental .Verforre•
en, Dellocetors or ,Eibiopi. Chimer-I,4er Alumina,
PITT C 01.11•1114,071, sem cnsusnon 2112 IMLIS.P to
produce their comas: • .• „ . , •• • i
m ai: th Ch r lte m e , f .. pritarncte utaNt i ,Cayrltlg.e
-er • , . ,
P I T R gLlut
R. W. '
: Psoplietir.
E PEALE.••Mpinager of Plascrunandlitaturo.Rnoin.
Tim PUBLIC aro roopeettally informed- t hat t h e
Proprlrlor Inv <hos ged the popular and taltraitt
troupe—Johntton's Ethiopian Prereaadero—oirho
pre a series Ottheir !basin and inimitable Vocaland
Inatmnitatal Eritertainoutnts, couumeneing Thartiday
night, Jane nth„ Mil. and conunaa ceenht,e4a.
ring tho monk. Performance to commence Otti
Adralunon to ?darerram and Leetiaro.llotort ouly'ls
OPEN DAILY,: fiara 8A: 1 Jill
dirdCrian 10 Museum and LecinTO /1611 . 12; if
„Reserved mats, in cents extra: .iga
131 1,130 Woad .11 - :.abitre
flillAT splendid estatdultraera la poor oCertilEfar
Hint. It lo admrahly atranxed
~fot Coteetta,
Leeturcs,Exhlbit3Ptai Sc. For tom,. aoptit tb
/911:1 A yr! zsislorzS,
177 , Wood at ,
Valuable Properly. Co.
AORPEtttILE th the last !rill :and -tternonen, of
e l
thate Teete, deceased. The soh
serLber offers for ease; on eery accommodating term.,
either the whale:or a part of the, property bel”glog
to the came of the sold Wm. Terre, uteate •on Abe
west Igoe of Hand street, adjoining. tbo. Allegheny ,
Bridge, consortia, of h three story honses.two et them
nearly new, pleasantly titeeted and in good order.
Also. font of Are 104 of ground adjoining the above—
gold =tire or, divided, as may soil the paretless.
Also, lellreral lots in the borough of I airtenceylge.
As ti.ol °Alter of the solo is to invest the proceeds
for the benefit of the ftenity , .f. thedeetasal, tho river
I portion Of the Valorem money tan Abe retained for
Tbls propene presents favon,lll,app.rten y foe
any IMP wanting Ircomfortabio balm on easy mem,
. .
TIDO LET-0. of the above bons. trill Ids rut to
J. a good tenant at )1 -very low tato. .
F° " l"Luk ,- Tri i ;M P l7.rcilns r,,i4 , ;4;
j ocatr ,oile 13 JONES, 4•lb.apt•
IFt: FMNBUROII TALS3-',l3li3lri
.', Julin4onn
T. lilul North, ltr. Fruor TOIL.. Mliiogirfarelilts.
Gore, Mil= and ;Mary llowllt. Mrs - CroyrOobn
Eldly,k.e&o... Ibittd by:rlttorrlolorrlouroctlplqle ro
oaottlelf royal s3, , 4iroL Yer ryla by 1 •
• ' 10 V.borth at , I'
Suess Matto
IXECE,WIIIIIIIde dey, • irefh. eatostment'of Alia ent
leo erupts* Mats at WI Cupct Ware room of
103 t . I.s•Fonne
Valise *tali OD Cloth ID over:,,
-DieCLINTOCK .bas•leelved this deg, ite tee
ci v: Th . c l o - tropt s W ol ev , lto u u k. e , , ,,d rso 7 . 3
p f:: . t . ta , ..t z .,..lti o ti
to which we Invite the Elution af purchase,. •
rsr.C.EIVED, a' W. 24OChniuck'sr Cares
Warehouse, smote of those hettplsourealrele Ply
Imperial Carpcts, 0 which we invite the atfeetton ot
purchasers.. ; - „ •,' jet:l
noFFEE-100 bags Rio last arrfred k ler‘stle
t 1 consignment, 6r TAAFFE A on
jel3. •.
tiACKEIIEL-110 brls No 2 Cash 21a6kers LlpAinn
llaottmlon 4oill .teld to !Jae emplr
O DUI LDERSIAD bele Tleirran 'Cement. for r le by
lel 3
011NASII-2.l.cask I reee-i , 4 4 1. . ro , aIIS IY
idU : ' S lIATUZAtry II
ettirr; for nee MI .
atthStOOPltl." 4 "nd s & w 114511*.pu
JeT:l •4
OTATC*Z-1210 bullets is atm. foi.s ale
AIITa .....b1
jel3 • STU
BCEETS-51111.01 MAY. Backe. jest receive: 1y
Jel3 ,TUAR Tk9 I T.
SOd.l l - 7 -66x. Cincinnati,. for toT • r
- • lTuArrani,i.
MUnP,IV L it InICIIFIELD iTo Twit otretioit icrotlO
a•Vcreztly reduced price*. Lawns tempi:terms
4-4.Nbt Minty hem 10oeuts opt Darnel for I.2fe;
Nolo Black Botoge tor Ine ; Benno Itibbonrfnr ec
per yard. Ladies ara imam& to osa attagxttmtre , oor
Or 664 as before ottlibutliq olswhorp—
Nonh oast cornet' of Fount!. soil ?duke Et, iota
P-o cvzleti'd
<.I and far rve 6y
jet 3 1.3 Frog id
gALXRAII'US-200 boxes 0 , 4% Am.:
17 A. dui Su eieier, fir Pei< Isy
013 I - .111 CANFIEID
Putzlidediser4GeessiAT add iillotory, Vhnti•
io—Tra•loto In htbetls, vol., thoto,
• .•
Drown—The homesullitd Finater„ • •
Brown—Tta /Merle= Pd.ltrt Yhttit Pam.
Bennen—The Needy Thswbdwae..
Pletehet—ditnersh. asqvia4 and Syria—
blashay—Papules Detains:id vela, mac,: !
7t ..._-mesibein Foul (tolouin,
x e ,,po—CbtiaieslTeehnOlogy,l . ,vale,.ttni„ I
Finnan—lke East.
of lhiottaw and hlaislote.
and ttq.Remenotrnetruca; I sola
Agaves—Labe SupesiergireLitlertawd;
Iteeeipt neer,
Ca t eshter—fileeholle'Lkoteno, • , •
JAME-5..0 LoCrENvotnv
• Beehselleri. Imposter, tes,foorth
R lea ECEIVED at the hilibargh Eilue4 Gras'all and
hf ehts german F.:7lina ClsulanTsal In 9 ai pipets
a do chtalust powehona Teas In 9of popoT,
5 do, .do .. do do es - .AK-
The above eeldbsided
en der'Bl 'Ten am .seetwei
Awes ibe Winona% dill be sold aa in
disy c an be tourehased in'the east, with the addition of
fretakt,Orliotesalostv M
, •-• •
• • " W hieCLI.TIII3 le CO
d . 15, ,; • • - 1158 Merl at .
trAIkiikATLIIC CHO:MLADi for safe Da
IA • 1.12 NAI'A Drea.llBo 2t. CO
NE-'•vimAc"REL — Ts
:A brim No I, do;
, , )01abflo . Nol li dby. '
70 ) ' ,; 1 1: 1 1.1o1E44
Arriving win fin sale by
P l '" l3 leg°E': -4- t'.C4T7111.1 1 /i;1 1111, :° 2 :!0 ;4 ri r t: : : . ITO C N 9-
o U Tf
C °R"-4b° /011NST6
S-I.IN—DIUE,I-101311aron ShanWl
: . 18 culls llama;
. '5 casts Sleelsl
east. Phoulderr
4 es.ks dowsed;
• '5l brls Lard;
_.•l brie do;
9d wets Feashezg;
1 sack Ginseng;
To antic on stei,arxr *merle:an Mar, for rale b•r'
c e ll Wooer and Prontst
. , . ... ..
r IN•FE11 011.-4 carts, • prima article, jr.,
LA and for 1111.0 br jell ~ er..:tl/ 11•RB . AV9 . 11
BA fl e
. i.i ElpF273-calikijit[re:o-Z3lsl,zati r.r sale li
ULTRACTiS of Lemon, VanUM, Pose, Bidet AI-
X, moods, for eavOzing leo Crean:o Jellies, ensfordh
Paaepl, foi fall; by r. In:I.LE/a
isPj " Ai? Woods; •