THE PITTSIRT (4H GAZIITTE. PUBLISHED 1W WHITE lt CO. TUESDAY MORNING,,ILINE 1808.50. s "! ~ 'THOMAS' 31.181:!IVE, rot /11:C0111 losanolr, Won varecoviacts; "HABANA/1 D.V.N*It, • ••• JAMES CAR:O2'4IEIIS, . . . •, W9l AIIIIX3LT, - MORD . AN ROBERTSON, Piunbiirgh. T. J. RlOll2lll, Lower St Clair. • CI. WALKER. Ehubeib. .1055 SPCLOSKST, Robinson. • JAMES FISTS; Snowden. .PSZMICCITItt. .•11911111T, FRANCIS C. FLSNEGIN, EamikzEs. BOYLE, Nonh Fayette. aoo ma WM. FLYNN, Low. , SL Char. D. N:63I7BINEY; Ohio. NIMES NEXT PAGE FOE LOCAL ICATTEEP TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, itc. The Paw foists that the Steubenville route Is • rier4st and best rail road route to Cincinnati. It is possible it may be ten or fifteen miles shorter, by mowing the country direct, and bridging the ;Ohio, but It is far from being the beat, and we do :not believe it weld be travelled in to short e time nathe Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. The Pro sashes the distance from Pittabargh to Columbui, by way of ateubenville,l93 miles. BY way of the Ohio sad Pennsylvania Railroad, the distance will be about 210 miles. As the route bunt' been located, hinstiver, on some portions of the Rteubentrille line, lbo probabiliiies are chat there will betray little difference in the distance by the two routes. But' there to no probability that there will ever be another bridge erected across the Ohio rivet. Thia Will reader it necessary tor the likeribenville road to connect with Pittsburgh by way attic , river, ',Via will lengthen their roam some thirty miles, giving the decided advinfage in distance OW western rend. - - As the Port remarks, however, It is useless to debate the question now. Our Western road will De built, and we have no objection to see another road connecting • us with Ohio, through Stenben. , vilte, erected alto, provided no obstruction is made to the navigation - or the river. ' Re asks us two location', in regard to the ter minus and depot or the Ohio and Pennsylvania • liar oid, which we will cheerfully answer,when ever thereafter Ims been decided by,the Directors. le the present state of indecision, in regard to the depot, it would be useless to give more coojec• tams and opinions. We can gay one ttdng, bow _;ailerovitit enzieldenee, that we have to doubt the j ; depot Will 'tic located at a point which will be noit advantageous to both cities, and that the propriety of the selection will be acquiesced in by the business community generally. Mtn COAL Itcamess.—The immense lame sae of one abipmenta of Bituminous Call to the out was noticed in .our commercial column, i few daya" ego. The wonderful increue of the demand on the eastern sad southern waters, and the probable prospective, Increase, are well delineated in the following . article from the lotrissulla Teens:4— On, coal fields are of more teal value than Wier 'livid mime • ' 'Dm Coat Titans or vas Omo.—Very few of oar readers have anycorreet idea of the importance widish this trade is mourning. The amount of coal now annually mined on the banka of the Ohio and Its tributaries, cannot be less than thirty five mill ions of bushels, worth, cube paints ofcon slimptlins,-tiot less than two and a half millions ct .The rate of yearly inereario is probably not less than 20 'sad perhaps 25 per cent. Al New Orleans, this rate of increase is said to be pore than. 33 per caul. par annum; and the yearly consumption of that city is sold to have reached 3.000000 of ballads. Lent. Maury, in a letter to Robert Triplett, Eat., predioa that in ten peon, Sad sifter a rail road or canal has been made over . the Isthmus of Panama, the demand for our Ohio river coal on the Pacifies side of that Isthmus. will amount to 30,000,000 of bushels a year. It ap, poem from ha statement, which- Is confirmed bf the elaborate work of Mr. Taylor, that theta are no- coal mines between Cape Lions andlfsnoote. yes Islaud, and that the Panama and San Fran.' CIIAMI steamers are now supplied with Liverpool. and Penusylvanis coal ate coat of some, $3O pet tau, and that, by rail Mad or canal, our coal could be fandsbed at feu than one third of that Dtitl3. Tins ocean steamers , now loathing al lima Ois leans, are treat consumers of,thia faelopme of theta taring on baud 25,000 bushels at a lima:— To the tactesaa'ar atm steamers are au Ls no A new.snd large demand for our coal meat 110011 spiing ap on the 'coast,' for the waantaa- Twenty peers. ago, the idea of using coal as • foal on rife, Waal boats Wasregarded as propos .-• won', and now - it is a quesuon whether this will .not, in a law years, be the fuel ear:lll4,ml'. used on baste between Pittsburgh and New Orleans. ,Lasigessa-Coinrre.—Tke Union and !Tribune, of esunday, been& as the resolutions passed at Min Whig Count? Cntivention; held in latiesster, On the 3th leaf. They breathe the tree Whig fer vor, cod are worthier the Old Guard, train whorl they eh:misted. It oiil bi teen from the follow* thsi s they givelthe national adminiattatien no ball' lidavivad. nal in. Teasley Taylor, u Oaf Ma jut:rale of thellation, we have been men rutty plaided in our every anticipation- That be boa amply ietiffed every promise toady ' none may de. ny.• In his honesty, iniegrlty and patrinuam we Dave satire confidence. • • • , ' itsuolved, Thu as Penturylvaulans, we feel a deep sense of gratitude to the. chief magistrate of Ms nation,. for the solicitude in behUlf xx the lea dm:trial interested Pennsylvania, and the nation generally, and his earnest remunmendation to Con gress, to afford them Oust protection; and we out I look to the present Congress to do speedy justice to llosp already long suffering interests, and give 'thatprotectiti to mdustry so urgently demon. . . ' . Nemoteed, That the Whigs of the Uaitra,havizig smoceeded In electing Zachary Taylor, and pin e-lag him In the Preaideatlal chair, it lithe duty, not only of . the, Who party,' but or all its rep. reseatatives to support his nominations, and stertain " . the measures of his administration— • ' The other resolutions congnuulate the '. Whigs of the Bute on thepresentlefly position occupied-by thipartyl cspreas a just pride in the distinguished . ;representative of .Lancaster in Congress, - Hon. . ' Thaddeus Stephens; declare that his vindication of the North is worthy of her highest admirrition, and thit he has fay joinified the confidence reposed in in,... him: They iterate Governor Johnstrba's ' semi. . meets in rein on to slavery, return him thanks for • the proper . Of his eonstitutimMl veto 'to prevent the deprivation -of a large portion of alts eitizem of rip= representation in the Legislature; sad congratulate Pennsylvanians on the Governor's ' •ebbs vindicatien of the legislation of not Stale' in regard to 'slavery. In the following manner they espteas their opinion of the general courant( Gov ernor lehrunon while in officer ' 7- . - Rel.:aye:4 That William F. 'Johnston, th e present dUnieguisbed Whig Governor of Pentisytmnia, has, in the adminkaration of the government, folly metal:so/ she most sanguine anticipations of the Whig :party ; and as Whigs of the ' "Banter . County,' we 'nab great pride in dins tenderin g to him t his tribe', of respect and esteem for his ', eminent *o . Mo:esteem Whig party of the Common . • • num blraco.—The - Now Orlin= Picayune atbt received files of the Ibrinor Republican, of 'din city of Mexico, to the 21st ' The Congress had been cot:nuked recurs ses: sion the twentieth of this month. The most imoorl. toot benslttess will be the nrriusgra..,,,, of the try. On •thit, says the Repubhtaso, depends the Intention of the Republic. The chef= was making ennaiderable ravages ie Valladolid. . Up to the I.3th of May, there were 'Zit deaths.. The average number of daub* per day twenty. • • The Eepublicano publishes the report of the Casa mammon Credit on the English debt, which, it lAD. - =7,. mourn& to fifty fitres . mUliorts of doll. OP the Mh or March a great insow.etorm took The moat lap on a foot deepa =Z in D"°; . • A book tinblished by the Monitor against She Josinsi basc-eatised • considerable sensatiOni • . ' r • ' for the Etna/wall Genetic. • . death of afire Marren CU. ht. already beet anarenMed es as item of nutilligence, bit It /genii hardly prepee to permit our friend m pasty away from as, wan a simple enunciation of the fait. If lthi ornament of a meek and quiet eptrit,” Wrought bj pailenitifering and sweet sahroletreness, <usu. tante levellnem, hers was a lesely splrtm—sentle, . *elf ditildent, and unobtrusive; he& wonit wan beet • anima by her family and a Wei:Tussle of Meads wilt PM her riperung fora purer world, amide lees protracted nifering. ller tool' dithwltels wan eon. sllotadonal, and depression verde cot by hoe peculiar disease, prefented het trienspb,itint aoseatinte S'e ten her houlyet WOO who watched ice beatattal mut/ ft stations of thateaUs of the sylrii, could doubt that! she eras prepared ruttier cheep, and' that to her eta die wee galmo•:ppilioposiinst eafiressidnimiteale at.; o nee the wilting chireetnistie of bet piety, and the licrliopei—sSpeak not to me of myself—speak only of my Brehm." /ler memory will bsieherMiod beg In the hemmer those who knew and. loved bee, em a deviates, Mitcham:l te friend, R. ~:. r ~e~=~ ` - • Porde Ptusforg G a r n fin SIBIELD 31.31.1.. 7.r. . ROAD. . , - - The greatest defieultrin the way cf fins prca pet is this. It Must pas. through Virginia; and' yet no revealable portkru-ot the people there:wig . sac for a charter frcim that State. -Wheeling is so Ciliated that ate donna. Sy extraordinary in-1 finance that city hasiterßaltimore and O'clo BA R I Road chained to he:fortunes. She accomplished throughthevotes. and influence or the gates from the counties through which that road pours. Sy the same votes the schemes of the Parkeraltugh people wise defeated. , Now, let Wheeling ask their Legislature for a Charter for a R.ail Road from their town m' con. meet with a Rail Road that-pewee four hundred miles through PennsylVanist, and avoids entirely Marshall, Tyler,. blonintgalls, Ilarrisioa, Marton, Prestos, and EICSIVIInfe counties, Virginia; what favor could they then hope for in that Stale or in tbose mates, The refusal Of that Legislature to let the Baltimore Company connect with tbalefilio river belowWheeliug, was an extraordinary fa vor to that city;' but letWbecling attempt to divert trade from that : State to Pecasylvanie, and aloe mill at once find herkind mother converted into a hint step dente; and Fishing creek and Grave creek will no longer be treated as aliens. - Even. Parkeralottrgia monld . bogln to Wheel. . look ap, if tog dare look seriously townrdi the Hempfield .Rail - Road. The old Dominion Isnot the Slate to (eaters child to mat her own throat. The people of Wheeling understand this miner perfectly, and it will belong, very long, before they will ask far ac4rter for a Rail Road to "the western I ' ooo 'l dary of Donegal township." • They have their hand la the lion's . month, and while it isthere, they dare not look Pennsylvania ward, andahet:c a isfortooe is, they dare not with draw their hand if Steyr:ldd, and mad not if they Wheeling Is a pet child of Virginia, but she is west chninedi at the instance ofthat per, Virginia I refined to gr*et the right of way through Brooke county for a rail road to Pittaburgb; and Ohio coun ty cannot now, with any decent face, ask what she before urged Virginia to refuse to her neighbor.— She was very patriotic and indignant when her neighhors w ished to niche a rail road into Penn sylvania: With what propriety thee cantle ask for the privilege of coshing cue in the lathe direc tion, alter all the favoritelem she has received frem her mother State. Sot suppose the appliestion made to the fa. Legitlature for a charter for a rail road to run perhaps !Viten mile. in that State, and then eon• neet with one marring fJur hundred miles through Pennerlyania: This raid would afford a rout to Philadelphia and New York more then a hundred miles shorter than • tho Baltimore and Ohio Rs Road, and by the %raj of Harrisburg, and New York enure twenty miles shorter than by the way of Cumberland. The root, in respect to grades and carver; would be vastly 'superior, so that, If thin Hempfield road were' once made, the Bald. more Road would not bare business enough to pay the loardang of the greksers, let alone wages. How Is it poesible that any legislature would, after liaxiog compelled that Company. to eon up along the Obio river mar thirty odd miles, mere ly to accommodate Wheeling, after having intro duced into the charter the most extraordinary and oppressive 'condition, that the Company shall charge no tolls on any part of the road between the Monongahela riverand Wheeling, until lb' en tire lino Is completed mad in use, will now pas, a bill for another wad to rob that Company of all hope of !mare bluicees, to deprive Virginia or all the advantages expected from the Baltim are Road. and beaters thownponi'ennsylvanit. Why the thing In =oily prepostertiail Virginia is not yet demented. Nor iterhe wicked enough to incur the infanty.of !inch legieluior.. I have not yet teen a Wheeling payer noticing the Hempfield Rail Road bill, but I venture to say. that no demonatration in its favor will he made there. The 'counties through which the Baltimore Read u to pets, would frown icdigrantly at each a deFonstrittion, while Parkerabursh and Fishing dreek fielks would grin with delight. But Wheel ing people are not to be fooled by the dark tomi aeriea of Westmoreland; they are not going to pet their hands Into that trap. C. ' For tho Pittaburet Gazette. Mr. Eneroar—lt tut been thought strange by some that Alexander lidands, Esq., declined being a candidate for the Legislature before the recent Antimasonie and Whig Convention. it la well known,that in the game meridian there were other candidates canvassing for that office, whose (needs had eterted their it:Beene° in his favor for the Steely, and it would have savored strongly cf a want of magalliimlty towards those Whose conduce had been so generous towards himself: He could bet, therefore, with propriety, have consented to an act an replete with injustice to his triesida. JUSTICE. FAWN 'WASHINGTON • Correspondence or the rinsburgfiderette. Weslu...errors, Joao 13. Violent' Beene between Mr. Clay mad lir.lienton—Ezeitement in the noun, =Truculence of Toombs—fleeting of Whig Members on the Tariff. Them were high merles in both Houses to day. The prolabflity that the compromise or omnibus bill is Shout to pm the Senate stems to <snipe. rate Old Bullion beyond all bounds of endoleoce. One of the most painful altetestirms and scenes of violence and vituperation I have ever witnessed iu-the Senate took place this afternoon. Mr- Seward eareplained early in the day's debate over the northern boundary of Texas, that the com promise. scheme had been the true canoe of delay, And mustbe held responsible for the fact that after six months of time , had :been moved California was still au applicant foi admission to the Union. Mr. Clay replied with Mich animation, and tome unnecessary severity, charging; upon the enemies Of the compromise that theyhad thrown obstacles lithe way. of business la progress by dilatory d rimless motions. Mr. Seward rejoined, lie. 'rending his declaration with sound tugurnents and fame. • Brit Mr. Benton replied to Mr. Clay in lijaiManother atm% and dwelt, with great f..tree, upon the ebatige or petition by Mr. Clay himself, shriwing, from his speech of Febivary last, thiu he' was then decidedly in for of the separate cot. sideration of Catternie.- he read a long extract firm this speech containing quite . a schedule of reasons against thueormection of Caroms with other subjects of legislation. . Mr. Clap defended ,hlmeelf from the charge of tite6asistency, and retorted it upon Mr. Benton, by referring . a the statement that, during the can. .vase in Missouri, loot summer, Mr. Benton had declared himself hostile to the projoal of a State government in California, and, consequently, op posed to her admission. • Mr:Benton denied the wrrectnets of that replan. Showed that he woe in favor* of the admission of oyLf ere te, sea State, long before the period refer red to by Mr. City, and brought documents to prove it. • Mr. Clay - then produced a letter from a Mr. Aced, of Minonri,elicited, probably, by Hon. W. A. Hall's engUiriee upee thin aim petal, of Mr B.'s conliateney, to the effect that the writer bed beard Col. Benton treat !Liu idea of a State gov ernment in California with contempt and disappro. Mr. Benton nOWbecsme veatly excited. He deemed that no man should speak to him in that manner—no man ehould,bring here stray letters kens any body to inipugn the statements personal to himself which be made upon this door. Ho had proved, by chapter and verse, ail he had said. The loner was a caiumny. He eared nothing for the author ; ho looked only to the pub. Usher—the 'promulgator of the libel. He who adopted it, made it his owo. He was a esiumnl ator, and he would brond him with an Iron so hot that it would leave the marl.• Ma calumniator up• on his cheek so deep as never to be effaced. Mr. Pay eerie pale with indignation. Ha re pelled the inspotatloa with acorn and contempt, and he threw it back into the face of him who scut %who might place It In his casket of calum ny. Mr. Clay was proceeding with a yet severer retort, when his Mende persuaded him to sit down. Mr. Clay was ladnmeet in Intreducioathe ter eller Mr. Benton bad positively denied the statement it wevintended to corroborate; but the manner or Mr. Benton Wee mo tram:mei violent MI to rel.; sympaq, and manage all seem of pro. piety. In tbo Howe, Mr. Toomba - .endertoott to piny the put of a Wuculent.a.ssatlant of every L o di with whom he happened to come into contact.— Recharged northern members in general, and Mr. Winthrop by twine. with factious and blind hoWil, Ity - to the Booth, and her institution., on accounti al a veto jest given in Committee, against some abstraction supposed to involve thou rights. Ilia misrepresentation aau Immediately apnea by Mr. Mara Mr. Nilnaknap, and cm. Bayer. Mr. mini , . throp repelled the Wise ratios with ouch indiction, emphaeis that the rcdoubt.ble GeOrgien fort'aaritit resorted, twit hint of pistols and centre* upeni, pothcsia. Mr. Doer and Mr. Baker Irecomitir con cerned in therdispuire'raised by, Toombs' torailifs• docia, plainly Intimated to him that he we:init ceing what ho knew to be anima, as to the motives of mortbeun mesilareply sans rannaLltirsil that BobadilAlso second.did not renew the pied and algae aranment..' • The in the Haile to day,'wu of high inierestilont (have no time to allude to it at ratter length. • • On Nondayevening loot a few .Whig menden. of thialrourto called upon Mr. Meredith; st hire its. Iders*lcentosult upon theSubjeti pfihe This meeting consisted prtocipally of members of the.Peonagivania, New York, New England, and Ohio delegations, with • few aonthern The present depressed and minting stale of the pruscipal mdnarrial, and, particularly, the mann lamming Intercom, was fully disonesed, and the mode of remedying it. Mr. White, of New York, and Others, were In favor of a select committee of the Heim to take the subject Into cortstderation, hot it way at last resolved to refer the matter, or rather to leave it in the hand, of the minority of the Committee of Ways and Means. It was ar. raosed that the hiecretary of the Treasury should prepare a ha!, which should reported to the House; if the majority of the arroyo committee world permit it to be, as the report of the minority members. It' was resolved that apecrtle dares should, he ;el:toted, as the only mode of prevent. ing frauds Weseinaeox. June 15. The Tarler—Approprlatlons.,Th• South Yielding Thereon... The Omnlbai..A Cale.latlon. Perhaps I should be a little more particalar in what I have to say of the late important Tariff move ment, than I was in the haste of closing ray last letter.: I do not know that there is any improprie ty in stating that Mr. Meredith, the able and inde fatigable Secretary of the Treasury., is expected to prepare the bill which will be revised, and, if aceptable, adopted, by the minority of the Commit tee of Way, and I%lenns, and by them laid .before the Muse and the country, es the plan for the ad justment of this great question. upon .which the Whig party and the Adminbtration ore ready to stand. In the nature of things, the details of all bills of this character taunt be arranged and set forth at the Executive Departments. It was done by Mr. Forward,in and so notoriously by Mr. Walker,iti 1816, that a great deal of discussion sub sequently took place unto the immense amount of bills paid for the forage and subsistence of those auxilliaries that were brought from the custom houses in every corner of the nod. A reportfrem the minority of the Ways and Means Committee,' Messrs. Hewlett, Vinton, and Duer, may be look ed for within the month, shearing the true state of the country, and tracetrig the causes of its depnes con directly to the operation of the present. Tar• id I have no doubt, however, that Boyly. will ontr,ve to forget what be said, relative to in erposing no objection against the action of the mi- notify report, and that, with his consent, no report nor bill will ever be presented. The bill will pro pose no half way measure, but specific protective duties, under which the industry- of the country• will thrive, and the ww,;es of labor maintained, or brought back to that standard winch prevailed du ring the existence Of the law of 1812. Should these initiatory proceedings be esrriint forward to the happy result of a determinate settlement of this great question, no immediately affersing the pros perity of the people, throughout the Icriph and breadth of the Union, one of the most deplorable gaping wounds of the country will be cured, and finality will have been given to discussions, during the continuance of which business must always k• innin in an uncertain and unbeahhy state. That result Would also redound gremly to the credit and reputation of the present able and energetic head of the Army Department, and to the gentlemen:cm:un ed in this incipient effort to mature a scheme for the rescue of the national industry from its present state of suffering and misery. That high.toploftical gentleman, Bayly,,of Ac- comae, limeal descendant of rite Grand Truk, and twin brother of North Wind, has condescended to obey le order of the Cutruninee of Ways and Means, and to report all the appropriation hills not before presented to the Howe, with the rather Im portant exception of the ciciLand diplomatic. The airs of this exalted individual dsvebeen highly of fensive to some of the members of the Heise, and yesterdsi Mr. Schenck took occasion to creak of hiro,and to him with some little freedom, Whereat he puffeTforth his feelings and his wrongslmen.rds Mr. Schenck., and the Bowe at large. lint disre garding him and his wind, the Committee of the Whole pocketed the hill, and passed upon; oceof them on the spot, which action the House aontirin. inster.a. There was aortic dissatisfaction that , this day should have been taken from the appropria ted to the California sill, and 1 doubted the policy, but it seemed the thing could not be helped.—Be sides it war certainly well to accept thine ien of grace end repentance from the fact ion presuming tiyeall itself "the South," which has time and again publicly and privately threatened not to allow • dollar of appropriations for the support 'of any brand of Government to pass the ,Ifouse, until their demand es to slavery Were coincided with. By way of testing my skill, I oiler yon the follow ing speculation on the subject of this pending Com promise, or atljtelment, Or givine tt all its titles. A gnal or at lasts decisive voie:up. an the bill will be reached before the close of next week. .What end how many lost specActi and dying crinfmaions of expiring oratorsmay barnacle, 1 know not, but !assure you that Senatorial as well as human patience will be exhausted within an other week. The bill, in my opinion, will rem by atmwthing like the following vote 121TEM2 New Hampshire Iduauhnsetuss Rhode Island... Houneeticm.... Vermont.. New York New 'Mar. • Pennsylvania Indiana .. Mich gan.... lowa 1251:132T1 North Carolion South Carolina Alimwppi L31116i1113. Ti ArLams— Tenne.we.. Kentucky.... Slave Slates— . Add Free Statce Bradbury, Phelps, and Borland arc expected to bo absent. Barnwell, the recently appointed Senator from South Carolina, will no doubt arrive to rea son to take part in the final result r whatever it may be. Jratt-s. 'float NEW YORK Correirpot6er.oe of the Plusbarga Gauge. lirca Wax. ince 13. The arrival of the Canada and the %riming, has thus far been of no effect cave the stagnation of ba sinfuls until the mail arrives. Polities and business abroad seems es dull as with us, and a more quiet state minima well be imagined. The Erie bill loan upon income certificates was made yesterday, and realised ninety per cent and upwards, one bid ranging as high as v21..2 per coot. Theaggregate of bids was 56,1135,000, and the coronet to be sold only $2,50,000, a discrepancy that shown the abundance of money and tins confi dence people have in the road. To day lib3.S is freely offered for the scrip, but there are few sellers. For Pennsylvania s's t . i6 is offered—United States of 1867, Beading Stock 4143 A. Blest Stocks ere dull under the influence of hot wmather. An experiment is to be made nt the Astor Haute with a new light, the invention of Mr. Paine, opticin residing' at Worcester , Marsschtnetts, who has be. made no'orlotts bg severalutlethpl, aeon hi,. life. Ile claims to have discovered the means of decomposing muter by the act of electri city, and Lire production of gases not only compe t"'"C light iti/d Nrutut the city, but to giro motive potter for all nee nutehinery. be vacated, is fighting the itsuur HOWle for one Week, be bee been guaranteed for ihe patent right in the United States a a= variously estimated at five nod ten millions of dollars. Aux/pea:newel the Muir House, if aueeeafill, will give his invention a world wide 'eeleb:rity, and stamp him tte the moat wolidieful inventor of modern or ancient pneit People who have men' thelight'pttidneed'are minguina • that it will supersede all •glia - trortim, and give us as& eguithalmost us : thou.,* Sou .8= at niter' Ai Few facts are disclosed this morning by one of the . dilies, in relation fettle. underground life of. this city. 11}s meted—add them is amazon to doubt tlidaiscrtionlintibere;Stre localities in ' this city where boarders are at tie rite of 9,18, and 37 1-2 Cents for pet week each i includ ing lodging. The marbet to which the caterers for ties simmtnpus ta bles 'Worded at this price, Is the swilllubs and re cepincles of broken victuals throughout the city.— The forniture of these ' , hotels" is citable and bench es. Upon the table the whole mass of scraps is found, and the three shilling lot turned loose fora quarter of an hence amembling, the second clay then are given their chance, which the sine pate ray boys look on wondering whether any thing will be left for them. When their tom comes, it may well be supposed that no very fastidious appetites are brought to the "festive board; ",but that of ani mals alone can the enters be termed. For lodgings, the 37 1.2 cent people have bare Boers, straw, the 18 cent tribe:have boards Mosie r vrhile the ninepanny class Imve only the privilegeof amid dig up, or sleeping out of doom, as the room they be abundant or scarce. A Committee of the Common Council have re ported in favor of a series of rail roads, comraeh• clog at the Battery and , extending up Washlagton street, and thence across the town through the ra dians avenues of the extreme point of population. The Tile are to be grooved, arid the wheels of the cars tongued, so that no obstruction 'halite Girard to carriages as by the present plan. The reeds would pay, and theta are plenty of people to build them, and as there is very little prejudice bete ogniort can in We street, there is emery [MOO to thud: that we ,hall see .mil roads enough to rid the citymf the greater pitt of the omnibus mil. Markets generally are dull. Cotton is firm, with a good business for eaport. Flour is in good iv quest, but the speculative feeling, based upon a stock at the west hasbeen checked. Wheat lofino, but corn, since the Canada came, is held lower.— Pork is in more request, but prices ore sumhaaged. Lard 6 7•So7c. Whiskey is Xic. Sugar and coffee ere held higher, with small sales. Linseed oil is better, and bay sold at 7c. Tobacco is firm, with • speculative demand. C. CETI= Steam Eziklaxions and Evans , Safety We extract the followiog from tbis report of the Commissioner of Patents, read In the Senate of the U.S. at its last sesame. It It In reply to • am munication'from the Commissioner, ()tribe subject of steam boiler explosions; and the : reply of Mr. Gray Ledt/s4chsiraog testimony In tam otEvatte 'Stray Guard, that we would be wanting to duty tattle publiej and regardless of jusUce to our al low townsmen, not 10 publish. it. We have all along, belieVed that this Vanden would =flits the storm of'penmentlan with which Owes at drat availed, and that Puttee, slow butsure, timid he eVelatallly iiitelbied to it by the greasbody of our eturincers and practical men. The Invent/on hat bteo improted by Mr. Erins, in many maths! pent& • he fusible allo, need to the " raards.• canna liarika Wait. ii makes no difference hour long in - nse, or how conch etpoted to heat, it canna Ton its prep ayef frail" and will nut require &greater degree at unaperature m malt it then at fast designated. Woken that Mr.Erana hen devoted the last three or far yeusto the a. tainment impatient luiparrements, cud that the guivi . nowpreseuted to the public ehatanges all objecnout.l We hope that such toil and peewee ra"cr, downed to so mate an object, will meet with due 4ward, end that our engineers will east aside en prltidlcall, and extend the hand of friend ly regard 113 title bearAcent Improvement Climx Moen Orme', Gt. Louis. Star:—lnerewer to your interrtwatians, 1 au spectrally answer in their order, dam ••e•• . • • • In the year 1641, I built a Coat fa Pataburgh; the boi!era bad been uted 10 anatber boat. At the canna soireitstion of Clapt- Mn,, of that city, I use plaeut on thane boilers'Euns' Safety Valve,' at the lime, much against my own judgmeet. A year or to:after, when running the Goat, from the darkness of the night it became neeesaary to ley , up. On retiring to bed, I eye orders to the Eon gineers tolhave steam up by daylight; the Engi neer, as I afterward. learned, posed the order to the welehmanAnd went to bed oleo. The watchman, sometime before daylight, dred up, end relied cum before it was yet light. The °id eefety ivalve in due time commenced to blow' a SWIM.: The Mu to chugs tied It down to prevent the noon, and not beteg capable of wink. mg the engine to as to at platy the boner* with water, itto Mum inacesed.rapidly. end Evans' vale went *Sand gave Acistumno myself and . tho engineer. A. soon as haseuttined the eau,* °fete essapement of steam, I ceemed the dreg be cooled down, nod the man head was taken out of the tolfer to mem= the fact tf Evens' valve could be relied upon or tot On examining the , water, site rho man head Will taken out, I found the meter had sunk in the boiler toe surge below whet was Safe, of lob seas the mire of the explo- I aten by Evan' entre, end 1 believe, bad not the valve been upon the bonus, they wennid have blown up., 1 - tinvo boon etkcr circumalances occurring on bast. on which thla valve waa placed, wed r onsfirdlq of opinion, that when Evans' valor is 41i frog mcct, do ISPLOIOCIN cart cc= ON WATS. Very respeetfolly, THOMAS GRAY, Elutveyor and Inspect r, To Col6lTrin or Pamirs, 1 Washington City. We cannot understand why, lot several years, this invention has been =Oriel, overlooke d and allowed absolutely to go ant of nee when its value ui a are guard is altogether above doubt or quesUoa. Oar own opinion has been dud and Arm in its favor, and we are confident that It the public attention ran be dimmed to it, d will be brought Into general use. Tres Canan Assts—Tie Conley Prisoners.— The Weshingunci Republic nays that despatches Were received on Wednesday et the Navy Depart ment, from Captain Tabull, of the United States memo frigate "Saranac," which were written off Key West, on the 2d of Jaime. Their contents are • thus substantially sa ted: "We leain that Captain T. on his arrival at Ha. 0000,m the 2ith ult., found that the Spanish Gen eral of Marne, on his return to that place, in the war steamer Pizarro, front his pursuit of the Creole; after the affair as Cardenas, brought with him as prisoners, the Cretin and other persona found on board of two raptured American merchant vessels; that Commander Randolph, of the United States sloop of war Albany—which, with the German. lowa, Comivander Lowndes, was thee off the her. bor—and the United States Consul hod called on the Spanish authmities for information in regard to the prisoners, but could learn nothing farther than that they had captured two American sweets with American papers, from New Orleans,* part of the invading taros, and that they held proms of their criminality that they bad refused to comply with the demand of Commander Randolph, to be per. mined to seta the prisoners, and the evidence, and referred him, in duo season, to the coon before which they' would be arraigned. Capmin Tairiall further found that no depositions or information, in relation to the capture, had been filed in tae consul's office and that nothing mom ores known than what StruLbeen gathered from the Spanoth anthorities. At the close of on- interview which he had with the Captain General, Captain T. informed the lat. ter, that as Ito had refused to permit Commander Itandoiph and our Consul to examine the evidence agasest the awthel, ha should be bound, if he fell is with the convoy, to demand and enforce a saris. factory explanation. He did not, however, fall in with the convoy, nor did the captured vessels go to Havana—they hoeing, in all probability, been or. tiered elsewhere, to avoid a collision with out men. of war. The captured vessels were afterwardaasoertain ed to be the barque Georgians, and the brig Sa. son Loud, stanch, In concert with the Creole, bad readavouted at or neer the bland of Contq. A Dumber of men and arms were then transferred from the lower to the latter, which she subw• quently landed at Cardenas, the Captain of the brig accompanying the expedition as pilot, teams his yneeel imam' the charge oT - hie man. He sub sequently testified that he one oestreu t so to serve Coatoy is of barren and uninhabited island, be• longing to Yucatan, adulated off Cape Cartouch, di rectly opposite and near to Cape St. Antonio, in Cuba, and iota position from which an invading force could, with equal facility, make a descent on the north or south side of that island. await! Taman left Havana on the eight of the 26th int., and kite °oast of Cuba on the Vitt tilt!, taking with him the Albany and the Germantoarn, and proceeded to Key West, where he arrived Ott the 21. th ult., For the , purpose of looking &Scribe invaders, and aid the authorities there, if it were necessary. On his arrival he found all quiet, the greater put of the invaders having, in various ways, left the island- He there learned from the indomal authorities that, from depositions made be• fore them, no !doubt whatever existed of the con nexton of the Georgian& and the Susan Loud with the impedition, but that a port of toe men found Oh board had seceded from the main body, either from a change of purpose, or from having been impelled upon in regard to theitdestmation._ !Aiming the . 91 . baast" and uldisrmantown* at gay West, Capt. Tatoell returned in the Beanie to Litman, lon the 29th ult., Laving on board Judge MairOln of the Federal Court, at Key West and Mr. Docetiess, the Collector of the Peet, who gecempenied hint with a view to acquaint the 0. 8. Conan! at Havana hilly with all the facia favorable to, the phone's In en Interview which Capt. T. had with the Spanish authorities. In company with Judge Man vie tho latter unofficially tanned them that :I atedavnts made In his Court had established th fact that man referred to bad refused to company the expedition to Cardenu, and had, therefore, eommitted no aggression against Cuba. The authorities replied that they were themselves 4 , tnew l it t of that oldition r and that their IMO. mot at the Flemien eMittpilded with that be. Ibtf--that the latter were welt boa=d and takeo oars of, ud that arm .eettata prolialioart lan". WhiCjil the, tura ltDderei thiptlltllle, and which = 4l 0, 1 2111 1 Sinolards,the United States An d th eft, f r f w a s co uld .have amen to - - Rader, Ouse • eiceenateceei, and, above all, u the Epeobtli Illabotafes In Cuba base been prow pt. II r ., by the United' Suites Cowell actin an testnitcicatifehmtbefitatelteptameelObst , the Preside-et Intends ta.clites 0* the Amerman rheum tebso at °onto, have tutt bean "ualty of, 0 4 any lot Andeb, by, tba lama of antuted-na-, Mu, tb *bottle. salleattesQ! sad that Weis or tam -b asjudy putshea 4 .it may cost the two i Imaginary WU,' allappretteestofs as to die taty of tka Abbe oaeOtieti e'en trllr now be deaf db4alised; , - . . , Psuis's ilenejids Cori weett.4The esiesteient 'ost Vain OW Astor fienr, New You, by Palpe's newly discovered. proms, will test the credit of twilit is averted Of The cause BM: isespented that a trial will be made be e withln -- indeed, mouth, u iron. • _.l, as the machine can ,^ mowed for the propose. The napalm:it will be tried under the eye of the pronnetoracind oth er gentlemen ; and collation or trick will be Imo possible. , Every means will be taken to Insure a fair trial, SU the desirous of anc. coos is Mr. Primer his friends can be. The rienditlous are, that Mr. Paine shall bring a towline of blioonstruction to New York and pro. does at a, nominal . Expense, asp five .cents per thousand cubic feet gar enough to light the Astor Hones for six successive night,. Before he com metiees, parties who are to boy out the Went right, are to deposit ono hundred tbourand dollars with some person aoceptable. to_ the proprietor— John C. Paridek,Eaq,, of Bollel. wno bait aided Mr. Paine in curling on hlsexperienenta for the pelt two years—to be paid over to Mr: P. as soon u the wial is declared auccesiful: This is by the way of boon or guarantee, to case l there abould is a Wore to pay over he Wm the sem of one mil lion, which is to render those parties part prorate. tom of the invention. The value of the patent for the United States AP city of Worcester excepted,which is moved for Ma. Paine,) is Axed al ten millions of dollars. and a joint stock company Is to be formed to man molt. In this conapany Mr. Podrick is to hold from one third to one half of the stock; on the ro• nudes rout Which he sells, the million banded over .comematilv on the =mesa of the experiment to to be eassidated as an instalment, and the balance Is to be onto up by sales of Ppm. Thee the partleaburns in will receive no dividends until Mr. Potluck shall have.been fully petit., Bach is the uranpment agreed upon between. Mr. Pee. eck and these gentleman. It the trial hereshOuld prove ancoetifal, it will no doubt be copied trim one, if not, the New York inoculators will lose nothing, and the invention wilibe hairdo( nomore at present. We devoutly tap, far • succcisfui milt, though we shall not be very keenly distr. pointed by a failure. 'Bye eorrorpomdent of the Tribune, it appears that Ptah:slot Henry, one of the neat seir.nefie men in the country, says Paine's discovery is nnthing, foe it is in opposition to one general law the the bee exerted by the bodies separated coed be greater than that required to sepa rate them. Considerable of the *cleat:rue Will. wont of Prokosor H. is given, to which the Trim, • bane says : The whole of Professor Henry's reasoning is &related by the suction that Mr. P. does petite!). rale the pees, but produces them ecuternyeras neared, from two 'operas, bodies-of water, con; vertleg one of these bodies comely into oxygen =dee other foto hydrogen gas, &Geordies as the positive or the nepiive pole of as electrical ma• chine W inserted into either. Thus from the water 1 yielding oxygen itt hydrogen le produced, and Vlb/ I 0101. idr.,Paine claims to generate elm:lP:by, not by a grannie tottery, but by means of ordinary mog. nos, czoept that into the helices he has ft:diode. old • substages rower before employed for that purpose.' What this substance is, is the secret sod th• only secret which ho does not now cola =micas to thWpriblic. MULTVIII u Pare.—The New Orleans Cre cm, a neutral paper. very justly remarks,— , W have never known a better atoned administran • than General Taylofs. if ha does any thing, it wrong, if he does not, that also is wrong. A "hi/cars= Dame" Man.—Waller Sicag . Lander publishes an article in the London Esamm which he predicts that the United States aril proceed in annexing foreign States and establish mg in them the English language and laws, anti the Litdian will embrace all fraternities and el males! 137Womes.—na thu is the mason of the year when worms are most formidable moon children, the pro prietors of .11PLate's Vermifogo beg leave to call upon parents, motioning their attention to Its vir.nes for the expelling. of these &naming and often fatal enemies of children.. Their invention Is bye physician of great esperienee la Virginia and after using it for several years in his ewe ptactice, and finding its sneeess so anivenal, he has been Indaccd at last to offer It In the public es a cheap but certain and ar ea:hint medicine. Call and porehase. Error rale by .I. KIDD k. CO, No to Wood wen • LOGAN, WILSON ar CO., 129 WOOD ST., ABOVE FIFTH, Have Jost resettled lame additioni to their, IPILIIIB BROCA Of EABhWAEE, CUTLERY,Sie imported by lath packets hem Eutaw, and to ',kWh they would especially call the attenuan of purchasers, believing their very eve:t uft mak. and leas prices will g iv. Wits satisfaction. ethytkaimlYT • ICICOUILLON 110151 N. INSTITUTIONS. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pittt•hnrgh. C. O. Hiram, hut. •-•— —A. W. MARNB,l3ce.e. Ofeee—No. al Water ditet, In the ararshease of C. H. GRANT. ft4llB COMPANY now prepared to inixtre all Mods of lists, on heasesonamfactones, goods merchandise in store, and in marina , smelt, ht. amplo gummy for the abty and iegrity al the Intiltstiouile &forded in the character of the Di rectors, Who are all citizens of Pinsbargh, welt snd favorably kronen lolhe coniummliy for their prudence, intelligence, sod Integrity. • Drasereite—C. O. Hussey, Wm. Bentley, Wen. Ler hoer, Jr., Walter Bryant,. Hugh D. King, Edward Liseselton, Linsey, 8. Darbenlrh,D , Aim ap3o,tt lityreventents in Dentistry. DR. G. 0. STEARNS, late of Beaton, fomowed to lalalentlint Sad Set BLOCS 14arn in 'Waste and parts Sluts, upon duties Sr Atlasspheile Sartiols Plntaat TOOTILICILI Cl7l. la VMS itairtrt, wbete the Serra Is mote& ODD and 'widen., next door to the May oiler, Fenn street, Pitiaburth. Run ro—.l. B. Windden. P. U. Easin. Scald of the Pool wad Ankle Cared. Lao—l . am &show of making known to the publle the great ebony of year PETUOLEUM in my own case, which was • severe scald of the toot end ankle; upon mooning the stocking, int, akin peeled of with at, and left nothing bat the bare marraeo. I expected to be laid ep all winter from the effects of We scald, bat we applied the Petroleum freely, by means of • germs' cloth saturated with It; at Ent, the application. ma Pained, bat In a wny short lime the polo abated. I had no paln In one hoer aftermWda. In fire days from the lime of the applicettou of the Petroleum, I was able to go to watt. I tale planers In staling theme theta for the benefit of other strtlers, and am desirous that they should berated° public. I would also eUtte, that I kid Immediate relief by the use of the 'Petroleum, In barns, from which I am a (mount entlerer miming to my businnis about the engine. I would recommend It as the moat promo and certain remedy for bums I here eier known. (131gned.) I 15 CUE, Engineer, Sharysbergh, Allegheny Co. • Pittsburgh', AprlL 1830. Bat said by Napier k McDowell, 140 Wood moan E Bonen, 67 Wood sc.; D al Cony, Allegheny eliyi D A ElUoit, Allegheny] Joseph Douglass, Allegheny also by the proprietor, B. M. ME% ap27 Canal Basin. Seventh sh Pinabargh DR. D. nusT, Dentin. Comer ofPourtit ,and Dimmer, between What so oetddlyln asmsa OoD GARDENS, Trus retreat is now at the height of its beauty— Welton de Co's., flying hems will remain a few dap, effordlng fine amusement. Strawberries are now ripe and armed up fresh from the nines. Ice creams and otberrefreshments in abundance. The steamer Hope braves the riu street landing,at the beginning of each hour, from 9 o'clock A. 14. until 10 P. ht for 5 cents. Tickets of adinlasion to the gardens 15 cents, redeemable for. the same amount rn serniciarectre—free admission to children when accompanied by their parents—elso to select par ties. .on tickets furnished by applying to the proprietor. Cloned on Sunday. 3. McKAIN. BIDWELL & CO., FORWARDING lINIRCIIAN T Mawr, Pa (Mis*ls's Pony Pat Office) 'Hving permanently teemed at thls plane, a n. and substandal IVlarf Boat, we are prepared to entre and forward promptly to all polets On the riy • and Bandy and Deaver or Ohio Canals. D & Co. alas, • w JunelL—lele jai. 1850. Nem RILDWZLL EILLOTTIMD, F°RWAIDIM 7: IIAIM' ERIE M A i rT ß ;fl "l: tl7l A Lit 'P' i alers.r Point.) 15/;,Arjgatill r l i - WEL LINE TO ERIE; WARREN. AND NEW CASTLE PACICErSt towing and skipping between Piusbanch and Rochester by Main betas Delshigen, Lake Efie, and BeltVer. ••• • • u:roms. neeluted and promptly delivered to all LAlet. at the iollllal ratan. 6 kippers will plums dlteet good. 131DWtoEL ttEltd L. etel Vs Line: J.i.l. Water et. Pittsburgh. lelB - • RIDWELL is CO ouLeg., VOA EXIST. -- t~HE home now oeempied by W Wade, on .1 Anderson meet, Alloghsay. City, .161, • nkum ee of the Hand Street Bridga , h has eleven rooms, Can. boom, wash hduse, carriage beau, sod gala Ron; Alla perannum. Also, for male or seat Pew SU, in the middle Islas of St. Androwhr Churn, Pittsburgh. FLOUR -160 bd. P Mawr, for ado by • MILT, WLATTHEWB &Co 7. 7 4 .7.1 1 NOM 41 • .. . • 8 rEfm &IY'Llax.')u- - 1ttv,:b.11,;11 . 1%1. ..40 gale mil; . ' 1 IMO gals blenched /nil: aro gds N. W. oput wnee Oil, in Inore and for sale by , • MILLER & Ricicer9oN I lelB- . 1.. ,172 to 174 lamp 2t. 11.614NERS , 011;.--00 Rots brown In catkr; . I 40 be!. do: 15 brio common od, In prIOTC for lrie. ...'KILLER A. RI9SETS . ON Q lIIN GLE;(- 7 40tr con e.gnmint br * jr7B ••' ' 3 , - :.MILLER t RICKET.IO.I,I VT.II"!7°IjaWVIMKErsos aapatdt a Soda tr. Lein! oik 2ti.kets 29. bores L'etrun ty6p, made (peal pure lemon Jpice; /tit teeefeed dfar sale by. • ' • lel9' , • MILLER tr. RICIa.kSON L ARD -31" r" now tnndinp, nud for ee elti Water & Front ats BATIIERS-40 bags now on hand, for sale by joie ;I9AIAit DICKEY & CO GINSENG -2 incks on bond. for sale by JOB ISAIAH DICKEY & CO BA C 9 N —la caike Hama: . . . 30 c Oaks Shoulders; . 5 eullt• flies; 4 cuilks usiorted, now I cud ing. (oracle 14 jal9 ; I ISAIAH D:CKEY & CO 1tup1,M1T1c . T1.7.7t?1,7,1.`.!17 1 k1:. W. ilumbobit.. translated by Ottie. 2 221i,1212. •Just received far sale by I J D LOCKWOOD ialB 800 kreller /b Importer. lUtFoirth'st 1 MiYECTL. , OF NATURE—Mb. Sabine. 2 Yule, IYIno. Viir Bale by 1 D LOCKWOOD i POWDERS-60' Cuba bliDpria. 'for 2,1.31.1 r li A FADN£STOCk it CO Coy 'First it WOllll it lIIIbIBOLDri hued by I,l+ MILEACIIING MO mid Ten= jets M=M=IM CHECK for tiny Dollars, strewn by d.M Pen .n. nook, on Palmer, Hanna& Co, payable to bee er, was 11101C11 from the warehouse of King. runnook Co. The public are cautioned against reeetring said cheek, as payment thereof has been stopped. Jelt.d3l BAD-2000 'pita Galena Lead in store and ar 'ar Y i ale rs roa A lIUTCIJISON & CO r 0LA.9.8E8-4:0 brit; dt. James sugar house No• 131. lasses, far !rule by jele • 'JAHES A HUTCHISON LCO RFSI NED SUGARS-470 brls ergo — heel, pandered, and small loaf. in sternum/ (or sale by I • JAhl ES A HUTCHISON .5 CO lelfi ARi Sr Louis Stearn Sugar Refinery. Burlaps .mar Wool Backs. A SUPPLY reeedred .t pore of MURPHY & BURCHFIELD Jela Co r. Fonnh & Mere/tat.. Chsap Lawns. MORPHY & BURCHFIELD have received a large supply of I.l4ese Lawns, very cheap; uteit aryie brown a.l4le• ' light do, in great variety, for 10 to 1210 Also, embleideted Ind pnatcd :thistles and/ackonet, of neat mud nostrestary/01 and lowest erica for q entity, and north clot earner or Fount, an &Market au, SUNDRIES --X[o dos tord spo cotton; 3000 do: 3 do do; 3,0101100 Percussion Capn; Yea gross `Clay Tape}; LOU gross Clerstran_dei Received per 'amulets Iliteriiin acid Staranak,llll for stele by C WAGER, tele • 114 & 119 Idartet at VALUABLE• FJULII FOB. SALE TFIE sobrcileer offers for sale, 'a very valuable tract of lead situate on the north ride of the Ohio. hover, four miles below the town of Deaver, idiu 2o fatty acres of which are superior river bottom, in • good state of Cultivate. and atm:drably adapted to gardening purPoses. The upland 2 of excellent quality, and well timbered. There is a frame dwell ing house, endl also a eta ou the pretruhm. whole tract contains 220 /tows, and will be sold together or divided, to suit pareibusers. Perseus de smug to purchase, will please cull 'team the subscrib or iu Beaver, Who wall allow the premise., and mute known the tenit of mile JOHN ALLISON Beaver,Juitotith,l•so.—lete:wlit•T ' T,—t2Jlbundles reed !or rile by iot% J KIDD &CO T INSEED brit., to smite, for or by lel7 .1 KIDD& CO CAti rOR 011.-1 U brls, m arrive, for aide by J }ODD & CO lILORIDE casks, to nnive, for tale by lel7 I KIDD Zr. CO 1311..AZ1L billiAlL-150 bags just reed, for sale;by D , tr. Richursur, STARCH—NI:: ‘ ttrig nth, ex 9 tnin and for sale b" WC.' lllllt T Efin. TITYZ:74 OHILLIC01:11E SOAP—ICO b. brown Chillicothe; no tax No 1 So. e 0 tas No I Rosin 5113 P; last received and for tab , by jet 7 MILLER & RICKETSON - QUOAR IMISEMOLASSES--:0 bris batee "wand jost Iced eird fur yak by MILLER &MORE-TRIM SALAD 01.11-13 bnkts piou Maraeil , e; Üb4kir. Arts to; 10 bolus Bortearbt OIL black boblbs; Jolt recevad nod for sale by 1017 MILLER & RICKEY/SON ITIFIE Benefit for the Relief of Me hoods who lest by the fire in. Ryan's Building, will teen riMeo on Wednesday night, the lash lest. The prise or [Miele and he. (or Dieu Circle, Y.O cents; 000004 and Third Tiers, ZS eenta There will be .two persons admitted on each of tho linnets that have been sold at doable the ahoy. ream /017:dal 1841 l AMERICAN HOUSE, IS6O LOWRY, Proprietor, • Puttic Square,Billtelarbures, Pa. GENE.RAI t STAGG OFFICII—Tovo Daily Lint. of Singes for the Rant and west; also the Beak:ad Some loaves h, hal", IOHNSVOYIASTOCK7ON nave Oat opened far wie sa the largest sm , ottment or Loper, innoa hooka, and Stationery ever odAed far tam In c my; Ingetlwr with a large COl;Cetion ornew and lusJilinic Works in every department of Literature All publications for awe at cattail prices. COuntryMetctsan's sUppited with every article a th is line; on the Most rcalonab!e jet,. Post, /omen el, Chronicle, and Ame.noso. cniiy 1 - - - - . JUST received at the Tea Market, In the Ditmend, 2 cheat, folic quality Oolneg T.• • • •PO 75 per 14 3 do entierkne Ain: Tong ••• ••• •0 75 do 5 do old tbigliab Pekoe Poeebong 075 do 3 do ANo 1 Gunpowder Ten•- OW do • And plenty mine lea of on/ excellent Black Ud Green Tea., at 40 cents per lb. jel7 _MtIifIBTS k HAWORTH New and Valuable Publications BE: Rix, Prosier s, and preeent jLite fence of he T' English Langge; by Rev. Matthew Starr ua A. hi., Rector of Church Oak<ly, R u nts; and La; Fellow of Qacen'a modegc, Oxford. ' The Life of Jam Calvin, with a portrait, by Thoi. IL Ryer. • Medina:7,er Poetical Quotations;ernrimino of elegant - extiicut on every subject; by John T. Wat. goof a. D. Warago, or Charm of the Mit. ' by Wen Fatness; beautifully illustrated with colored engraving. Robert Ilutus; as a Poet, and as a Mau; by Samuel Tyler. iuppes , ,, Complete Poetical Works ; containing "Proverbial Pittlorophy,” oAThourmid Lthea,'"•llco. s, term. lierilditio,” and "Alimellancointroema,o with a portrait of the minor; a new edition; le loot. riled,. Evenings at Woodlawni by Tim l Ellet. author of "The Women of the American Revolatono The Methir sod Wife of Washington; 11Marr. C. Collating, 11121110/Orilarpees trnnelation of , Florustcs History of the Moots of . P.paan,3 , .Isabel, or Trials of the lievt," ate. A few copies of each of the shove works, jolt ye. ce ived, for IOIINSTON tr.SFOCKTON lel7 • Coo. Markettt Third se L'IIMXOI/ LINICNS AARRPIIV k LIU RCHFIELD have received a sap• IYI ply of 3:4 and 4 4 Linens fot men's coats and sacks, ladies , sacks, boys' and children's wear, of the Most desirable ahades.. . . They Invite attention to their lane antonraont of Itlol4 and Itoia'NUalmEß NVEAR, or dam= tow terials, and all of which will be cold low. _ Plantation Sugar and liolaiara 163 blab common, fair, S prima Plantatioo Sugars; Yoti oak brig Plantation blolaaser; 70 cypree brie do do, in main, for solo by MILLERS RICKETSUN 'jag 174 h 174 Liberty et 1 it tFINED SVG &149-6 eves Loverines DR Loaf; Of eases - do do; bo lab. Nos 57 & 59 Lf. Saga; 45 brie O. do; brie C. pulverised Bum; • 12 brill do do c brie L. crashed do 40 brie Lovering , z ced do 15 ink do pw'd do • CO brio soft crushed do Last retested, and for sale by _lOl7 MILLER & RlPlttmoN • 'VOX CriklitCHta—Varrushed Plarbia Paper or Churshes and Public Roorai. a pear style, this day relieved, aad for sate by 1V P Jel7 85 IYoad st SAFLTY FUIS6-10brLs superior oriole, for solo by jel7 J 8 DILWORTH CO POWDER-140 U keys Dlastior, 1010 kegs Deer Brae; • 4.20 kegs Ky. do; 100 kegs Sea Shooting do; 9fold kge Deer Rifle; HOlitkits Ky. - do; orkos Ky. do; Woos car niateis do, In Magasloc,ood for sale at the very . lowest market once, art' bin to ,1, 44 3 tl DILWORTH AEU GOOD' DOORS DOA D'ADIORIIS. Johnson—Amenean Farmer's Encyclopedia, 5,0 Entersoo—Trees and Shrubs, too Drown—Ttees of A merica, Iwo Thoms3—American Fruit Culturist,l2mo iloy—A Guide to the Orchard, I2roo Ruist—Fslily Kitchen Gardener, truio • Minty—The Arrteriellni Bre Keeper, tome Brown—The Americen Poultry Yard, didrao Marshall—The Fanner arid Einignintis Hand hook Allen—The American Farm hook, Ittrno Dowing—Priit and Fruit Trots of Amerloa,l2.rao Youalt—The Horse, fieo • Dennet—Tee Poultry Yard,l2mo . For We by JAMES D LOCKWOOD )n7 lOl Fourth at planekl-4 bulks, reed,. prune fob min by J KIDD ts. CO 1617 66 Wood st SELLERS' VE6IIIIFUGE. Dig Sondy, Ky., May 12,1545. Mr. D. E. Sellenu—Dear Su—YourVermifoge pro duce. even Wonderful results; that 1 think it worth while to give, you a few facts about It. A neighbor, Dr Dray, boned front rue one vied of it, and give the contents to three of his children, the first prised the second 153, and the third 75. making 453 worms discharged by tiring one viaL Mr. limy iturnedimely bought four vials mare. Mr. J. bl'harley also gave the contents Mono vial to three at his children which brought frornthe first 73, from the second 52 sod from the hard 30, making 150 was, by the usie of menial. I gave my own child, aged ono near, two tea spoon fuls, which coelled 14,00 e of which was at least one foot long. TOW VOSSifilge Is considered the best that has ever boon brought to Zia sec don of, and ao far aa I know has never failed. Voiles reroaerfuily, For .ale by R. F.. SELLtrac g7 j vvt o l d ß .r i t l4 ,..,o by'drogsta . generally. : let 6 -7-- PARASOLS! Pateasots: mrURPIIY BURCIIFIELD bay. received number aapPl~add:lava ank ' le and onn enabled to rap. ply almost anycloudily and color 'mind, and as Ow Ipaidat CSOPtiCdd: nw P. GATES' DIES FOR CiTTTING SCREWS. PATENT PATILITZD 147 P.S:having been adopted and 'highly apprtreetin alt the 'principal shcpain . NeisitsTssts and Philadelphia, are now o ff ered to manornetmers, trantbisists, ship smiths, with the utmost eo. fidence, ns the moot perfect Snide in user at cutting - Their ieperiorily ever tiny .other Dies limmofore tin e d, cossets in their caning a TrltrirT Fiesesrosihether V oreetusni thread, by onosparaingsaershe iron to be cut,,tic hick sequins aunt/Ars, or pyre, r epetratise, ns the dies cut thetbresd out of l the solid iron,. without raining it in the toot; in .theiC • enter durability; rapillityi and perfectios of work: and in their simplicity and little btowi ty to geto of order. - • • ' Caralitcattes rlittADitllttly A 14.17,1848. This i to certify that too halo purchased !tom P. W..ustes the right or 'slog his went Dies (or cut. Ong bolts. In car opinion. hIS Lies lull touch MO riOr to toy others we ■tn aegaainled with .10? 11341 purpose °relating bons. - J P DIORRI9 to CO. POLLADSLIIII/.. An1{..41.; IF4B. Ilarirg • had. P V 7 Cu es , _eateet Mee in Ws In onr eatatlishment for.the last nine =nom, r ono. Ave ran in every resoent recommend them in tha big beat terms, as wo have laid nll oiltera awn), their being no Or Baperinr—eonaldrirnm.them 75 per cent. ehetper thaneny ether* now In are. RANEY, NE.n.EIE t CO.' ! Penn Works, Pa. , Tido ii certifythst Ira hare: purchased t h e. Mght to me, and adopwd in cur basinets, P WCat e& Pa tent }km.. Cutter, which we Melly appro. of.. ..Vie can do amen more wort, and we believe It wiil slll , p.. in durability and precision,. much octet/nom/ of labor, say dies 'known to us, - MOBILE% TASEER do M 011.11113... PM:LADS:UIna, mosab,•atlx d sy,lE49, • . Pl.! You, Aug. Raring adopted I'. W. Gat& "Patent Wean far cat. tint bolas vre take pleasure', in sant 0, that itmore than answers our eapectatioba, and have no beans nen tit at it . one opinion, that It far excels any , other rilsin in present sin for e tinirg bet!. • • - ^.., ,T P BECOR & CO We have P. W: Oatest"Paterit Diehn for coulee screw,, and the economy of , aging them Is so very 'considerable, that we look mieti theta as Iraq:wan. hie to every establishment harleg any quantity If aeraVli to GM. ItteCOECUICK, - 001=4 & CO, • Cmeaco, Elaylo, 1410. ; : Ozannele Otncs, WASAINOT2III; 6th Pept., v{a, I have pure hased ofW..ll:Seirtillo. for the Volta plates, toe right to use 'ln all the lirlenals And WOlt OALICI ifiLLS, V7Ver Po•er, Dwelling Hews end' Lott r ind `,Linnienynneedbeul ling late in then of Deiegan, Bea. wer no., eon Ogden grout ds'iend Farms wiljoiwitignld bens; en: Oott large three story Mooring Mill,htith foor pair of Gee feet burrs, and all the machicmy bf Fn.. S Floor. Kilo Dried CaroltieS,A, A anal boat map load and mired at tt. . , Alfo a Cotton Factory with 1 GOO Spindlis, far . 1101Mo' coons pro. Alm. a lot orgy.. opob whith erected a large and stintentiel toidt Mansion Home. of stk. eml two storieshigh. with Brick KitehetU Wash Houten. Ds. llo.ove, Pont Trees, Shrubbery, 4.e., a wavy' dealt-4We ounts,. residence Aho, Omit twenty lot. will Her tee c bnck, Frame. kr . erect./ thereon 31 greater and lea: sive a drala., butdiftdly aitoated.' Also,Ulsol:atliog Lk:* of • • Also ID warnentiorywored, trod sortable hi Mills, Alsonfittories, eitth thmequired water power - Cori.- elihnry. Ti.. above Mills, Water Dower, 1; tai, dwoßng Douai.. Lots ...Hooted upbto Da middle halo( Beaver river, where the ftlf lartOlX feet of the whole - volume I of the river A drawl*, with aL. alto of about M/ fiet, is about coemd. above. and Fellat. and New 8. - tee.•• .oat di... below 'like Ohio and .Pennwrllaitrosi (a continuation, of the Pei._ Kallrod from flan to Pitts. borsht pareta through to the ,lairs era! Er Wert. through the great Wheat Gamer ot the 11. 8.. .which moat Theeoke Duren Palle the Roeheater for itoiring 61 ills. _el from Oltio to Ybe Laku +leo pas ea in front of If. Also a but of MS Acne of Land overlooltleg the Falk of Dearer, edjblining the tower cad of Drialitm, to view of the Goal to Erie aodel.welaad,.. eh* of the rail road. The Stagg:lto. fawn littabotgb to Clioreland yawn throo- Otero thin DOoleared and ands ferres,very lent aeb at:s table for Meadows.. tiardems Etrilrielv indwell Intim ed, tind a •eia et' coil under. , WBI be sold ...oh or ha quantities town purchasers.- Also, a tract of sy.; arcs of tend, by the fool of them:talon the east, by Ad• =stilt Do the Me booth. atoll coma. ing wed arrOSO the Ohio mid Des.. 'Lail 'Bold, shoat Mb 'Ttict rase. th is land a hey well:y.lqt two story etooe home, oho altne story stove dwelling home. end otherbuildstr. Thal:ergot part of the Met fa level and Sob. cod for d eut f location, fertility of soil, end prorates of treily mi great incruste in value. Is nosnotoawd (a vas. tarn Peitsylvanni. his opptisd with timber, rat and oever hullos opting(' ef yore watcroutd is well adaylwt to fit mho, burdening-or for private . rraidestei, and wllt'.tis sad whole or in quantities to lint. imshasen. With It. rawl,il ea water powar kit ado. and btilawi it, .1 its norivalled geographiml pont,. it most inertia. to . valve mornrapnly perhaps Obn any oilier ghee of land in the West. • Also, Od lat. of roma i , tustel ha Near Erthroth eta of he kneiog path ot the tam, mad bounded bp it, between the tilde. dam add lock. DAM: eadah part atom mad Fatal:mime • • •• •• AA Mit property isbrantinilly aitoratet, k. health i t ohm by, aborawling with t - oal,. amber. Laulding =Whin, , and but three nadirs/ and Mif Md. from Ms Ohio OM. I ant 2 miles from rinabtagh.. The =al which p.m - 11 l I .Montt remmonicatim with Mt Ohio s i tarint Lake Etat at • Eris and Cloreland; tod the Utioand Palm. EL Net. mw hastreicatto completion, and. which Fames through macho( it, will bring it within m hour or ter lirm ofrnbborgb, dud pin loud ihmugh it , 1••• rent gmd or pusFaisn, prc. uct and morchaners from ihe - Emt and Pest . . .n. a tuat , co Gar mu mamma.; mechanics gardeners, or for comtrtreshlenemfor orn or has rms in lailMnshr ar for pm6labla inmsnmat tams, no glom now o•a as many inducements. : ; ; • _ ; - • 7rtlart of tale wall lit maanaidOnlutuntaieo. to pairi , %imam: For frother macula. enquire of Jam. row. , racritTc: tar, or Wm. Hmtisonrit ihrhertrin, or le P; G. b. nrrettuAN, • •Xtl. n ad,s at Leorrna Ural Willi long; • js l'ade.tvj ; Slo.ltl7FOttigh•errtel,Pit6hollth; TO BIEDI,CAM,dIItN. APIITSICIAN in healihovlabes to relingol.ti hhsinew, had with that view,oilers for sale his P"M' C T. iatio of a ew handsome dwelling, with ofkee, stcons abling g ~ , Orbinha e? to Ina illoviiebia lege. nice law--lese th an an pennies rea lised in the year. For farther pa.raelrlere;.addrese Blaney.l.Yenwinet ehmilV.Th— /,151," Glum' Woilcs-A Ibis. Manatee. . MIKE comers of theGlaa Worla Knoxville.Tenal T nearer, desire to rent' the name, or otherwise in terest n at of oparetack,ln the rittanfaiture of Glssa at that place. A lorge :Inward of rode ash, rood, Imo, and, salt, pots, cloy, in., authrient for the ore of the factory Mr avast months, la now on hand, and in good order, 'the balltbilasorelothr!x boarding a ti dwelling boasts. ate' nag, and admirably adapted. The situation is pleasant dud healthy; and proartent very cheap; For further. patieolars, enquire of the andealgoad, for the next Omen toys.. jAgE.S WILLIAMS Meer at .Burrri—co kegs; • • • _lO LA*, stare s:idiot pale bi iel s ' • • i 19 DIINVORTII & CO OT A 811—I euka prim a for tale hi P jeR. ' 9 DILWORTH, a:CO tIODPISH—a drams far rd . e by • ' kJ jell J 9 DILWORTH IC CO, Now Vandal% of tho.Paotms. .•TOE INalins. of David' and Sang of Solomon, iis rnefre: Samuel McClure._ _Oa hand, and far e by U. ENGLiell at CO ion. „ :9 Wood at GULP rrodiVolver derrutta tor Bedrdeacts. tor sdlo by ; , W P MeatirlALL pis '.: . . SS Wood. vt . , SQOAP:ZrriibiligoitiactiTh lilfry iiiii,leiratiii7 jei4 . -8& W 11e8BAIIG II "DACON-82 casks eltorddail received liir sale by I) jel4 i 8 tr. W HABBAUOII sneke 'Woo -4 zaelre Fettberr, • I seek Fla seed; baled Deer Skinr' 1 bri lieerzca,lllsi reed. for sat.. by lel4 - •iO.R GRANT . Ole Iralaud, Warren— mind PI etalburgh Talc swap!. Compasky. I N purenanee of. a resolatlon of therßoard of Circe ters•of Cleveland, ,Warren 'and Pittsburgh Telegraph COOniany,requestirtg the - Secretary minute out and cease to be publiehNl in the newspaper. along' the line, tm te/dtit of the, financial and other alfaira of thla eetnpany.l submit the following. Hamm— The line of Telegraph etunntexteeent Cleveland and terminates •L Pittsburgh, naming 'through Chagrin! pelts, peuelelin, Newton Pella, Warren, Yonngstown,. and Lowell, in dm Slate Of Ohio. and New Castle and Rochester, in the. State of Itieneylvaniu, at which. points there are offices located for the receipt end transudation of begin...! • The - whole length of the line 4149 miles—Capital Steck. SRA per mile, making a well capital Meer or Sill :750, el - which .moan{ 810,20.1 a held be ciiixena oboe the line., mid the balance 10 held by Contest& Speed. thentractera. The above moan, of, nib; rim co Sions by . cluscia. haVit - been pald to Cornell & peed, for which the Trainee. have their receipt. Jelaidtf JEFFERSON. HALM, Secretary, -.9 W riER-4 2 trTo °' lcs "' 10 ko do; just rood, lOrsalo by .. Icl4 J N CANFIELD --- OTA9II-4 ends fur sale by. P• : }ell . J If CANFIELD "POTATOES-209 Iniibels far sale,by • Jel4 J B CANFIELD K Abll-10 brie - for sale b P y y JoIO I'D CANFIELD DRIED PEACItEB R U Inadin~ b( jets Liberty areet 1111SESE.—'.;00 . b. rnecivina,.d for Pala by . ROBERT DALZELL & CO C===l A LIGIII . draft, rlheeled, Sterl, float for vile: 1 )114 Apply to UOAIPE s ' k CllEfft 31 boxes prbito, ree'l o V rr DfdweD ~ liner for ealo by . _JAMES DALZELI. 1d14• • :a %Vara, sr PAItiNEILS'OItr-Sti Slat t rre'd, for ta]T 4p _2 I Alry.SD w A LZ b Y ool' i rt!•:As carai OANDLES—g loull b - jai PZ' STUART & RILL 11 19iNIS-100 doxen Inure. f.:4 , 710 . ,.,4 SILL v1:41.1-23 brie Mackerel, May catching, No 3; 1.7 15 Ws Herring, in Mora. (or pale by led T) OLL BUTTEU-47 tals Of core. for Alba by 11 Jel4 STUII &BILL MOLASSES—U[IOs Cypress; 40 Ws Oak, Is store, for set a by tele STUART 6 BILL C " j l g t—""" Pl`" la store lor.~ac D 7 k KU, HEARING 111. iiiTiii ir .7l3ll7 W i le ) ti!: " Gb"3-4M DIVVI;ArBVGIyr We A& M. RI T 0 EISA. R RIB* ! Role Importers ferGdo market, of ! - Jas. Tlampratt & soma, Patent Bad&Aah; ARP: now receiving, by cassiderge su p plie s Rae above celebrated article, both gissa and soap makers , beet qualtty aud bleb led, which Roll will cell at the lowest market pftel, lor Cub Or approved bills. N. R. le addition to the sbove,thei have eetrerall eliproents to arrive. tor tbeleti trade. ' e 5 i I , 16 1 1.110 oze 0313-73 dn reel tor eale by • & CRGRRye etOFFFS.-6 begs, Rio to close colisignmant fa al ARAPSTrity,G cßoVol, Jett Alt D-1.0 kegs No sc'd for sibt by G& j ., ARMSTRO N CROZER SUGAROUSE PI R GLAIRWS-313bril tor tale by lest- ARMSTRONG ra - ORGZER, BEEN oIL CLOTH—TCP yds 4 & 3 quarter Once Gtl Cloth, for Wiedow Blirods,.geccived this 34 G (row the fitilitpselle Factory, far sea at As Wati. rws4 7 A* I.ltu) niiirgibure intdce the Impervirion et the+ Department, P. W, Janie "Patent., tee , ter canir g Imetera on ecetel,they hnelog been tried In two of the large argent's, and fennel to be very elEcier.t and excellent A. TAIRA/TT, Col. Ordinance. ihittAr 07 YARDS inn Docza,• . Yeronnoton, Rim :Ls, 1.19. S Considering Geles'Petented Ireprovancelfor cat tine Strews en rectal to be s • elusble one, I hue, by surbertry of the Honorable trecratery of the. Navy, Purchnsed of the'Attokneys of the Patentee, 'Wean. Sc.:mile and Punnet Mower, bed, the right to maks and bars ' sea improvement roe the U. &Navy., JOSEPH SMITH, Calera Birre.ea. In use alto by .13orolo Works, IIMIalo; Reese t *shim,: Aar-hes:cm Notion. & Co, Glormerrtr, N. Y; Nay wood t Schoylkill County; Ilirbeek.?te,r YOrlc, Neva & Delartmlmr, u Photnin:',N. IL K. Bonham &Co, New York; • ; • Ilearnesul & Co;Morounent Works, Balt; Von Corea, Roolie,ter: Aiou ec Altai, Now York; ' Allaor Works, dolt 5 Pesos At Marlin% d • West Point Foundry; . • Norris At Bro, Philadelphia; enks,Breedosliorah, . • . r , Wilwortn & Nowa. Boston and New York; • • , Lowell sraohlootebop; Lowela - - it meatiest, Co, Alanehemer, N ii; . • & Sou her, booth Bolden, andprimarons others • • .. : 101005 No t clane,lo net, die, & taps ti kto 4 ishpol, No tr. do 8 do ito II prams .4/49 NOB, do Ido 1 to I, p' e.. Arco, Al order, addressed ', , to P. W. 4sies, Ctueago,l3. /I.lNalsou, New 'York, E. D. blanloal A. Co. Pods, delr hie, and 11. IL. Scoville & Sons. 0.,10410, rot Ikea ; awl Bap., with or Without [whines toy Wog therm,, will inert with prompt allenikin. ClpcAao, May 4, i!ssa. AMUSEMENTS, THEATRE) Loistea and .... .C. 8. roirEa r - cn or ADX*IO:.: . prey Circle and 'Fa:qeue.. 50 cant, Beesot. and Tkird 1 . ... GallarY (far colored penans)--• .25 -Mors meta in 71; Cunala will size at e' o'clock - . 6 w Benefit of the alines bIaLONE RAYhIOND, ewl• t appearance. Last night of Alt• and Ma- . . . , On Tuesday, Juno tual, atilt be.useleada' ir Lucius Cerngger• • -• Ed. Raymond Lyaia Langaish....---;,—ld la M. Rayikonl . - . After Which, A ultAnin coNctirr, • In which the Misses IiI!nlow lits.yenond TS' with IRISH v . .tL5r ...., ..; Naam• 3lrs ilymorvi IILOO/1 thiLL HAILNVELEU/!ti _.-- 1 81114.00zIgInat EIVIP I E .NI iN ST E 1.31 ',EVERY EVENING DURING THE VirEaK, . The Emtirce, as VP61111141, 'lnstrumental Forforet• rre Deiineators of Ethiopian Character, or Donning; onr. coarrrtroay - arat C1111.112111X, 11S4 I.llla 4. produce their equal.. t9lTge of proaragnot tly. taria of .;Idirat Re4 Y A rr - n PITTSBURGH MUSEUM Pr*PY.'et"' ,E WILY. :711iiniae r g of Mascara andLecuno f INIE PUBLICore rareectfully informed that the Proprittur has enraged the DurA. , . 44 EaUoinati &moaners—mho .111 elk, a onoe• of their chaste and inimitable - Ormolu.' tuitrurneatri Entenainineuts, commencing Thursday roghtJrnia Bth, IS3O, and emirate every, evening de, ring the neck. Perron:cower to minion. at 61 ot itemiasion to Mut= anil Lecture E.01)111 oily 45. PiTTSBURGII' 11118E1111-&" WICTIME ROOM, APOLLO llALL e —roireilx OPEN DAILY, finnt BA. till 10 P. +adtotxdon to Mina= and Lectura jicons,2.l pabLo IliNgerved sears, Isf cents extra. . .le3 WASDINGTON HALL, VITTSIIII6,OI4 • 132 139 Woad Street, ab9io I. Rent, it admirably nrran rtd fnt.CVaeettr, Leau",El'd'llle""•JoFlNT'F'iggp.qat-,- _ 17 .4W. 1 4f0P.P.Per;7 fOrAilito.r AGRNKABLY ta Atm last~aill Rad testament , a( 'the laic Willtalu . Teere, dreamed., 740. sih , scriber offers for sal, on very, ey necommodatilmtairo t i ther the whole oar ph•cof the prorty bele. , gmg. Id the estate 'of the Salt(Wai. Terse, s:tmto ear the treat slue of Ilatiestivel,; atlitining the falkgbeny (fridge, COntnninn Of :Ont.! story houres.teto 01 them. anti) , now, plranntly rimmed and in cooderder. ' i'Alsa. four or hvelerrefgroultdodlotelng th e above— sold sante , 0.4E41, as may pair the purchaser. Alto, advert! 10t1 In the borough of Lawrenceville ies the °Wee' of Ile sate is to invest thereered . s. (oh the benefit of the fear ly (the deceased,the horsier pettier) of the purchase money can he teed for This prormtv presents favorable opPortittlty fht an one wont/ex • comfortable home on easy term.' JI.V.T—One of the above helloes swift, be:ventW' to: good aslant at a very , low tett, ; • Eiveitiov. ' - Or 01. 9 JONF.B.lhvett.t. Medi --. T F 1 . , n li : lt j terT; Gm., Wdliaez d Miry flowill; M,, Crowe;Seite• Muir, &e.t.a. Edited b • Cie Mick. royal I3vo wok Ferule be • - • 3.1.1dES tocANvaQb 10190tmh st • • day, a fresh' ateortoic* o lAlicii t,,. !l‘ or (;tasablata, at tha Carpet Wara room of ; • ,• • : • , PagoutBtalr Olt Clot.ii 'Covet:7oW MeCLINTOCK hos recrived ,da.y; IF Corpot'Worthoon, No TS Earth la, Stiti/Pti; Cloth . evrowng of very- handsome patterns and co Rit, to which Me invite tho auention or purehiseth. RECtilllglrthii day, W.W.BleCkstitiera Ctree WETelipese, more of there headeorneThrre?lt linpetthl Carpet., la which we (fifths the laltriliOlT of ithlehaears. Seth _ tIaFEEF ,4OO bets, Ala Juet rad.:for 144¢ eamtigumpet, by..:. TA.APFE.Y.O'CONNO.74 IviACKEREL-1/0 brls No 3 Croak Adiekird,iNdis Importation will be sold loss, to close sorvism• sot er - lel° TAAFT6 as (MONSON- 0 DUULDERS 401ujs Room Citnent. for see trir • kl 3 • TA APPIi &O'CONNOR" ODA ASH-V casks reeePret end for 5,19 6Th iota - ! 8 & W HARVAUGII .)OAI2B-830,000 comPmf vn , m.ii fr i Ng,tir ort )nit 8 & .. .x UCKETB-50 dos bleavvr Elvekelijusi received by Jel3"-_ • • OAP-65 bxs dlneinnW, fot.po. by BTUA UV ft BUCHPIELD are now drettor pod, 21frar neatly reduced prices. Lawns from aWM op; 4.1 light (Wats from Intents aye Ilertece for Ma: Plain Blatt &rage for Mai Bonnet Ribbons for So per yard. .Ladies,are invned to , sell and esiarrno oar 'rock d e reas neds before t:ining 100 Fora; mire, Ftninnh e n d M ra arket l e ts reel bias *et dme."" CANFIELD L b" P und or saleby • jeS3 6ALERATUB-2QXI boles Etalentui 10 brio _ deq . . iel3 6C as dr materefar saneby . 1" 'J E CANFIELD. URGENT POILLIOATIONIN Pets-Medicelral Geerraplii nd flistc , l, %tun.: Fmant-Trarals in &beds' 2 cols, 12ma. ! Brawn-The Amerind 13ird Fanner. Bream-The American Peen Yard, 12.nt0. .! Benr.ett-The Poetry gook, Itno 1 ' Fleeter-Nineveh. %find.. add SYda- Mackay-Panda Deinion II yids, lemd. Thoinne-Anotrieen FrilllCUltittil Kalpp.-CTlttaiCarreatlplegl, 2 V01.4.12E60.; Spencer-Tim East : ' f Darlingten-Atemonala of Patin= and Alarahalt. ' Layard-.lslineveh and ha , Hearain,illasiratedOreniS ',views-Lake Seeederodani lllaanledi - i.liessley-Drectista' Reeelpt Book, Mud: CareFroarreirrotblyrobolia Lif Am sor oi s, my, o Locx w 0 0. .: rel 2 Bdca..' l '! /TOTtdri 1 1 :4 Fourib Chulasi Tme• . -DIVF3VED at the Puttbergn Pain:fly d roeers evesur:c Fonetae ChalanTea I In 9 oz papefi do Chu!. Po= thong Ttl/1 in 9or paper.; is do de do p do ?ot ' , dte The above eelehraedlnar.k Teas are 'receive &reel free, the treponem and will be bid 161. so qe, can be purchaeed the east, villa the addition of !NIA Wholeasle or retail he •• IVAI A bIeCLUROLCO lel2 thtLhen st • OMEOPATUIC CI - Mr:OI4ITR ferule b• Fl i^ l- 4 - 1.514 A 11IcCLURG DiEllr 01ACEP 01 . 0.1 ,- . .100 bes No 3,larger . :. 5 btls ?lot, do; ' 8 bri_ A.No 1 ' do. • .1 ~ 10 hrbrls Nof..doi: 00bils No 1 !fern* '. 10 brls No 1 Ebadi• Arriving wad for solo bg Itlo - I JOHN WATT &CO OTATO E. 8.--000 Matteis In Innre. Wilde P Jel2 • , WILLIAM II JOIttiSTON BRIT -46 do"°4l.Tar,i4 VtgaToN - CORN-I 00 Int In sure. for sale by • 012 WILLIAM H VIIINSTON O S UNDRIES -1012 Bacon Shr.robien, tit bull; 18 elm). !tam% G cuts 81d.; I • 6 cask. 86061dern • i 1 tasks as•otto6; , 1 51 brl. Lard; 2 half brie do: .• 30 raek.reathern “ • , 1 'melt Gin An -, ! - • r..., To 1111rilTO oo stcsazer American St./. foe" liee by }ln bill All DICKEY t.Cal , • 1.12 W.1. , ..6 Frort rt -4.,,, Its i oEhu ca. s., a Ern. arricro,l4o rot and for sae by J 419 • 13 ft 711 . 8.111,. dat/GH .'1013,C61.1i/13M 1 4 tatks3o.t teed for'si;fe by • •• • 8 &W lIARWLEGFI • ' IUIXTEACTII of Lemon. Vanilla, Rose, Blues ..Es moods, for flavoring ko Cream /01M Custard% &ma, for salob7 BELLEE8 A Wood
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers