The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 18, 1850, Image 1
4 ....,,1 gnou.s.riED 1786. •Tiquaincii* WHITE:4 CO: .tia.avr. ZINGS, TIMID - aatoaL • paill..7p. =3=l:3 • 1.0.7 ,— ••••••••••••••••-17,0 v per k Aup kt , Dr k* akams, al a reduced rate.: We) at op solniurnsterai BY Ti C PVVI . IIIIIII.GTI MUMS. 00 . rtr '..)orle,llo lines otNosparell oy Lis) o •-••••••$11,01) Ono 9lar re, each addlllonslinssitlon.• 10. . one sseels••••—•—•-••••-• tas 13n. • - two 310 _ three orteks.--.. 40) Do. one SP Do. • .1.0 7m ..Dc. Wee LOD 1 3 .• lour monihr IVO Do. lwe tom . Standing Card la lines or irna,) per arenas. IIIA! • One Sentare.ehangeable eiiiiouor..lperay neml) exclusive et the - tEFO For rub additional tenure, insetted acetone own& and for sub &Mideast Kinn inserted ander thd rotr• Advertisements exceeding a squae, atd-art ever be ebarged as a impure dal a halt Publi faeeh sher sitot accountable for 1 11. 1 !Lt . " 1.- "Cai . , beyond t%eanteant charged for then p_eF. OtlOO. gate entrlall ' velt l ee m m * ;tls. "4 7 , ' ttg c a Advertisements not mused el the eO F , • enteber of internees, will be eriettnned till forbid, and payment exam *trent • • iid • The pncileees ittyearlyadverderni ea be eonined &the& regular barterer, and 'all other &bra , tisements not pensining to their reenter besinemh es e agreed kw, to be paid extra' ' All advennienteets far etstitabto institatlormi ire mpanies, entrd. &wanly and onterpablie sand each Ina, to be eluded begpnee,peyab= Marriage &g tr advance... lees nig:tett& , • _Death noUees inserted withont chum emttksi'itaeggsg. Pealed by buteral &citation. or obiteary !unites, and when axe verse to be paid tor. . • • • Reasistedverurret ant ell **enumrate &nein nieadons,or resulting notices designed to tall sue*. • donna Fairs, Soirees, Cane ant. OT pablie ewer- Wry:seam *Moe eitentee ere map tor edmittaner • . notices of plivate'easeelatimui—every notice de• etel Mean enention to private enterprises on .Weida tea erinteaded to Mutate individnel Interest, eon . ty be inserted wititibe anderstandLng that the sante hoe tor. , It imendal to be =sated la %ball. eel Solemn, the sane will 00 ekitged at the rate et , not &ash. 10 ennui per Sart , •-• • . Fiat Notices to be eke - reed triple price,:` , TaTeni Limae Petition', meet,- • •-• — fir p pl and !Sallee! advatimanents to be charged at Ntl Seal 'LIMA Agents' and ,- Anetirogeers , adverdie‘ • mem not to be Maimed abler yearly 1410., but to be al/owed discount of thing three and one third persons tram the ammeter Mils. •-• , • • • ..tiramy ea cameraman haat ?mat. , One Equate, thntelesereitenn Do. eaeh additional InsertiOn.;,• • 37 _ anarrandhicas max ramie - • , • • One Blee.te, 110 thlet,Y OW 'motion tin tech additional utsenbra••-•_ -411 WittlOTorlldTerlisements 10 balm/41n advance. WHIM k. CO.Gssene. • J.IIARPER Pert . , - • &nyrr hustfontx::imirttat.. • - srovr.s P. BAUR & CO,„citrenlel& 'FOSTER & DROTlTF.lti'arpaaelt • • JOS:SNOWDEN, Mereary. • • - 'AWES -W.IIIDDL.h, American. • . DIRAM VtINE,, Wrea th s Triben&T, ,Stllthrc e, Deal: ARP • CARDS. nutßiarsos, A I.PVIRDIAN, Firtb Peon prxey benjuiz tYlfata xno Walnut All bhmineul prompUrat- 'ALIMAISDE.O.IIr. wwrsqa, A TT4.)itlcEr Ar.LAMPOSIge, oa Foardi atti.k atvve . • ... mtll9 A7r° ANTALAT LAW; and. Gmumulmark t, • P , ." , ..9/5r....1% pc.Lmit,llc.: AlltammumluitUmittmtpUyammmm4:- . vamp Nrigruprr,r. A TTOINEYS Ina Cow:mailers at Lay—Eanb ada. between Szeilltial s d and Oran; Faust.arsl4 Ps. 4.1111 IL ' Wm: C. Friend. z.4itctia 4 traxiaarn, ' . A T y rats gy! AT LAW, Fettrat SUM; ttdd thus. • • • seals s. ATll Er'AT'%lll,d'1 I. Pllt " 1 between . 1:I t o " Wpm= ramp: -,-- "MIL= Batmen rvrroar At , • Arr'RNEVB AT LAVlii—Oteeia . Til&enn MIL 2 2 yese . et,ncerthe Overt Ibex. - kb! - .. A ICENdrifirs. cC - tic - Tril, Oatmeal, .11, end 13endi,, Selma Ikukee et* and. dealer, Ina. - Licd.. , W , id.ifiNieelow a d Wrappl- Pa. P. Ne. Tlf 2:Ex eett meet, betweett•Veneth and Irtle„. mood sltrl' f ... ).vrtzt., Pa. •-• apl7 zoroir Et.nairaur, TrOIINF.Y as: 1:301120e ar ill Law,MINI COMOIli• .101,/ for :`l. State of f!eansylv:l:4 S. Lai* .240,11 ate k%;os;:th.) • , -Ade-men—Pittsburgh : Iron: Panowd,,n4lo- lc 'I& Miler, 111 , 13kudlems & MeClute; Jam E. Parks, Hwellah Bettple.. Meljord & Mag. . antl4.l war - 0144..14i„ • lona ospoluva, 47 Iff. H. VSKIMVALMIL .1.....-1.1j42 • APALk;If, vroopwAßn Jr. CO, Wboialle Gr V cora, Zlialiorket Phlladelptii a. • apt • • Pittsburgh:Altai' Works. ' - • ENNEIT, BERRY &CI:). Mansfiatzrers of Soda _PP &b, Rleaebllß POlrdinsilinrbuis was Balpkaan Add.. Watchcase No -,Wator sutet,belowreTti paitmi : C S. L , el7Asj . Sti Clair dirbsts,-Pitiii. 'SOLOMON ' If CIIIOITIES, - ra070718510,7 digit.CßANT,iitaak and Bi ka , No Ilt Second •nay. may2-dp" Diumasas4lprilig,ANl., ausi, mut ire; . „ CO'tatliftdd4talaLldd IS CO, Wattalawaren of V Coda *ad Wipes Opliejp, Llasoserni , dxles, poring sad 'Wank Oteet,lreeJo... Wardwell di Water and Fred wrote Faubsrsh,. , .1.160; at r alert cime, h Tdoaltel sad Mallestde AIUISTRONO & CRAM &no Coraiamom Dnam ia rtO. lac& Ns 2T.2.164.1. &ee r y Pl&bary&., (IRMO& NNE& Venra& and Coarataglan Nerehonts, , No & Market s vik t. Pitubwrith. A. 'mammy & co, Fbr..a&& and Cosa C ateste9n !Clete/slut Glad Manly rittabargN C. - L a a t g1 ' aT= i 741 , 11%. 4 , Ira Itersey-- -Andrew Fleming ir—Viatinc iliEl3llol4 _IPLZ KING C 0.,• *- VIIMISSICH MERCHANTS—For the oats of Do mostio.Woeles, And Conon Goods; desk-311a kinds of Tunas Triwolog o, No 'lt7 Wood st, door tram rdth, reL. .• - - . • Refirrtoes-4(ourg..W/a. A. Mlik Co, isaken7 _ MINGII . II3= I Ii N , o , , C l .4. 4 smonerr. .E 1 9711alssale Grocers, Commlulonl= Inuths Meroksati, and dealers hi -Predeea and Phu- Inugi r ewes, lls. - 37 Woad it 4 betran lld 11i44: ' - VAL. 11..TO12SITON, °RW ODIN° i.:COMIStntiON No 11213m:old N. ri itahmk. . ••Jura.. • ROE COCHILAN_ Co r onnaionin and Forwarding Metehimt. Nn. IP Wootton - feet' Plarbargh. - itnyrt r.t.rgittleeltOW sane n th... AroAianWoolga,Liberf. erwr Oh n. - ii-tarsccsoa. =WAD 11. Cane/Apar.. URIP MAIIIIII, • , MU) a 111JUNOR, Tobatee Cmokisalan Mt. giikaut, ot; NdraWkarres, . 7 )6).)E5. Cii4 ingassion) ts) Minted, ""bh '•F-L , )2., )Cootartasiltrimt Forwardizur (,)1 11/.6-Tillibazik Msamatuiredrds; Pitlabort),Va, " . tr 44 l l lk. Ailriltneb;=ticon Pk ,per liutziers bet.lloriters, Simies. Eby _Prlbbk rsintlnx and WWI. Pot exPer:tfe YT wool arca, beiween Fourth eyed end Dismibal ercci oicf riusberirh, cod dee crir Dia Vasa:Ars. &r. 4, ri Wool' aims coo c on pi o wk, liiipboid Alley Au musk: ; se4 pDrAT,IRW *Awkst:inmerteaalanobeebb wedC•ekr is PcAie bad Yibabbrort bleaelleferes. , litH Wowrrl e Yinebblibi lye eri un. pa nt..l6 *tier. and IV Prost armor. Pnisheerb. n M MeB DIL 4*MoRTII cO.Ortmtenm Grocers Lod : *tenth for tplutd rowllot Ca, N. £7 WOCPI TURN AL TOW, ll : l NEnctilwitiau wie Ithe 4111fieta O. Um» doom obnolltitd tt. pine, lthes 4.1,41£121£ o.ll .£ 4, oPealtle•ted ea . . l freshen tledttittes, wide will sell on dui wog toweatthlo town. pllnkt...l winding orlon. WO 14.01 , 1.44 wthittled to, and pp, pod with Articles th ey ray ralidc Itwerimiono um:lndy laut I prthottti hoe btthtinto.tialit, ,3,1„.yy. 4 . arr., — v" Aloe tot wlttri lull Watt of Royo aid oxy T B. CANet.l.O, ;Con and:rnereardlng . Hirrlann4 neel_nrenenk, dealerseAllontern jte!erne anw. P*t aa4 rer-I-Ask.,--..4-We.terr. Produce generally, Mae, ern , between,tnntlipelc!apd Woad, PluslTzti- -fro nn ityt - rstt. sTociaori, soot S Jobs Eie tki dkv i , k B LOYD, Wbolesele Grim, reaslasiea el Merchants, lad Dealers la Prodafa, Roue calsre' b Buldints, truant Oa ILlbellt, eiXtli.ilne.NMlbtre4rll. as - jott Merl: fir Ifirall'ii!,stehen 4 wsidsale;Blreeer tad resmaslulsa sketasat dsieels_xodattisd.Flllabugh)duadastere, esn. her aa .. liaad streets, rsassfa, jai -f NatCAtio .l l lllt_al fo A1m3 15 440 r ,4.r 1 ?"4" Fk 14 T 1 ilql4l 4 1 i 4 i 4 , 1 1 4- ; :r0 iv..- BUSINESS CARDS. • ___ IAUF9 A: HUTCHISON, It Co oo —Sortetsors to 11 , Lewis Ifotehitteo Co.: Ooottalstion Morcott.% and Mew of th St. Lowt•Steam Sow &Amoy. Na 41 Int. sad Y 9 Soot 1 OHM H. 1.11614.13 p., -Wholesale sad Retail dealer 111 in Made and Mama! Instrument; "Candy Boats. Paper, Slaw, Fuel Pass, Qaills, PAM." , etttincary , generally, No. 61 Waal at.,lPittsburgh. R 7" Ran. boarbt ar taken In walla. • wont 6 80781TXPR, .Attorney at Law, office 34 sy rryposite Pt Mutes natal, Pittabargh,. will all. aiteod Phi to Golleetlons , to Wathisitcol,fltyeat. and Orem =Wes, Pa. • - retabrumr; & .. Caerch pitubmh. "r"sc — ffix , r4Clatea & CO, Wholesale toruggastst J w peg 4 Waal street, Pittsburgh. np4 et • • an. t•omunnwon Nes t chants, Dealers in Prodnee and Pittsburgh mans. stantaredxsUrlea,Canal Ilsain;near Ith al. att4 LL, PI *11141:44 ErElNlMitlr. CHILDS k, CC.} Manotheturen el Eh, very surestor 44 Sheeting, Carpet Chain. Mtn , . Twine and %ulna. •• iann-ty Thins . los Iron Works LEWIS' DA - ' -- 1...WE h. LT, CO, Alannfaciorer, or a 1 sizes lbw, Sheet, Dotter host and Nous of the ben qultry.: ,. Warttuxie, 64 Water: and 103 Front street Wm. Miller WOW. C. W. Rickman. Paid:arab. M.ll ai=tI.I9III.7CRZIVVIn7ar" Grocers Wian ' Arnit,con.._of Ltherty and an d MA/ m, Pitts. burgh, P. Comm Yams, dm. &es., don. &laity an hand. , apt John 1.1 , 61.1. Jame D. MUM ,Wallas C. Rot. 14dOILL3 A, ROE, Wholesale Omen and Commis *km Merchants, No Maw St, Pittsburgh apt PMElNVOlrlyrEitt — Virmt - 3-7,7omaril AND AXLE FACTORY. maw tom); I011:11 It. VIGO. JOWLS & %moo, - IVE pl u jr ll l, l ls 3 Of.grult and tiuger sled, wina Cane,-and Cur axles, and dealer in mai Mule ar epm les,Sre amine lamps, and coneh_tpmminds mu Of Was and Frollt Plt \T HOLM F 3 &WPC No 0.5 Market at, second door a from corner of Fourth; deadenm Foreign end Domerde Balla of Ettelmome,' Cerlincatea of .poso, Bank Nome and Speedo.' • - • • • lirColeletiona made on all the principal elltes Itroahout rice Uultentrlatea • api laT LttlelfldeSTNO, Arnantaan--thllee, Fourth at. .Ll. WV:l4OOr above Smithfield, south old, ..Con . vgpmelog of all klzula done with the greattat 41 , t o Real= r iatoi k • 0e 1 3 0 .17 co w ' ANUPATURLIIOa 0 _WISES CLASS ARE,. O. 17 Markets:not, fittahargb, Pa, keep constant ly On hand, entreats to order ali tka. of .Viala, s, A e. - Porter and Mineral Water Bottles of an-•_ _ Partied.: aneurism pawls Plivato Mould,. Lithographic liatabllahstaant ' ,O F wm. scatuctime NM, Third at, - opposite tad Post-Otaea,Pituborgb.—Mapa Landscanca, BBL. lusads, novrailla Labels, aithiteenand and Illar.hba: Drawingaßasiness and Visiting Cards, tee, engraved or dvanau on clone, and pzioleat in colors, Gold, Bronx a or Mark, in dal:mitt approvad - Etylsi and at the =DAL raaaanabla Panto. - • - oatlada J.o• PINTTIGIMICANT I - STEAM. - 130&T.A0ENIT Clinacanors Walt. R. liataas &MX., ~ ,P ll No. 27 Wster.r.rect. 5111101E-LlitTT ,W11117..Z. DRY GOODS JOBBERS, NO:1011V09D STREET, ~HAVE ritore,and baconotanep keening taring Sot &cation, a large and ariceted as oorrataar of Staple Lk Fancy WI Goedh Irliklt key will sell for east or approved eredit. . Weskits keretardsAuti inviild .3o - examine our 081211 , .01a.L.ITPLES CO.....o.lit2Ltberty street 4 . Pittsburgh. Wk.lends Orperra, P ro duce aud Co visslon Mercbauut, and dealers itt Pittsbarr,h Manures nese. ' • - " era: stow. utstota 1110. urns' lllXL. 11147131113011. OBERT Wooer., 14 heirsale Giocer, itectl4ang Disdller, Ocala La .Prodoet, Pinaboroh Manoirte, .4 0 kinds oC navolgrt sad Domestia *ad airpooro, No.ll Litren, Mitt, ..On hand aye ry large meek of ourparler old Ainnongahnla araiakrry,• .iehrelr will be en!d hnor for ruh. • - • • awl 1001317NOLDS 1311Eg. rarcratdvic 11 nd Commit. n. dna lamb -ants, for trte'dMegliceiy Bluer Trude, i.ealers id Graterics, PrOduce tuctubuzut, Mtate uircsoind Oilcuide of Lime.' ••. - • - ' The lilchnot • mine, In cast, pad a t . Unien fat :country tutu Corne. Penn and Irwirt ll. etc. nuts Idetcturtin, C itl V Z in Pr 's ndYi; o. PiUstUuthllluneWuutu,,Llbercy uf.ront, pima , I OBER? A. CUTININGIiAg. 'Wbeleaali°lacer a MUER. ' MAN lc CO., Shefradd Iron - an/ ;la Steel Worti—Matufftetatern AM A. O. Fining end Monet Steel ALen— Springs , A 0"... Vines, An vits, They Units the'amenslon of mesehentsand nom men to Omit' Meet beforn_pgrekuirin Mee *tern. : They wanaut their articles to been.. In any node inOls conntry or tmpurted. • rebid QlCiEfu.l.-rr4. 1..7 Pavia and lltssimito ply Goads, 110. 3 Wood street.Pluahms6. . _ nni7 Q. - 1 - 1 , 7 Er( J - KWOPI Oterciusms, Dealers 0 in Flair and,Prodaro generally. p.od Panruding and Commission Werehanu,' IS3 Water strati, r. .nszu, PITUOVIEGIL .101121 SICOI.II, 31atiLlnD. Cl ELLESB h NICOLA., Produce and General Com. 0 minims lidurchants, Nei. 17 Marc/ strest,Vius. • ..trab. fir Linseed nand Lard Oils. spit ,F VON LiONNUOILST re. Gro. 17 ears, /1314, COlMAliaidi Merchants, Ikriterat. I•i u Monttroetfirea attil 'Wooer. Producer have removed to tho , r new warab... r odd oian lase, ) - No. NS, comer pl Fror.t street. and Chancery MO/MIA raLIairOIITII. IyINRCHANTS., id& Dlaiond,littsborrb. .P 43. N.Watayt*..ll7 . : a %Valental. - • Ws. WATZILMAIII & 5011a4 W il°l:"Ai ge2F ClC d it ca s l'entltit n :ot izace&Pittsbulgt Az,ilaractltred rtipter; ani Age= for see of Rielmostd•i&d , Lynebbasg idamaattared '' '•• r- 142'0111iNIT AT LA*, , • ' MIMI: also aitotd to oslisattosm and all slier boa: ' VI 'aims manned to him to /Main and Armstron g wanks. gm. Rater to • ... . , . .., ... t f ir ta i t nza t iuba a. ty 1 Nv ne m do • . • • •' ismeanarshaLl• do . Plasharsh. at :• :• Kay a Co, Woork .1- . ' - ' - lin? 'B. Bashtle en rne. Stir.tad. B. nussurizzaa dr., co., 1111THOLESALE and Retail Denim in Groceries ' y and Dry Goals, and Cactrainalon Merchants. NO. tail !An • Piusburrin.-. mrl2 JOEIN 21IoPADEA CO., TIMVARIANQ i, ConlAugsioN men4nAritB, CabsEljosta. Rao atm% rliubun h. mil • DAVIS PabbitCE AND FLOUR. FACTIDAk No..*eliszket, 611.14.0innea a,' railtaapht. Mini:neat made, by aelthw of lee almiviyea =Ain. meats Of either Masse. mA 46 VON, . . . . . yozmuunria:*: CONT&ItSIOI4 MERCHANTS TrrOtliM respeetfatly moU soliertstre eetue.gnmeot .11arnaintrgh treJght, hem Wenem gleselams, as Way are prepared to reef any -magnum Line and Boehm Beau mettleg eight and day, the freight will not be detained, as Shry 'rig soloed sash boars at Liarrtalargh,Peb.l4lEGlL - .7. D. wrt,zuuts & OO.,• - vurnomsALE & ita - r&ILFAMILY GROCER, r Forvmdia; mad COMlLliolost blochnnts, and &den In Connr . T . Protbsoe and.Riftsbarph tiansfat COM W OT Of Wood and Fifth strati, Pinsbarglt.... at. IL WHltstas—.--.... --L B. McVay WM. & BANKERS'' AND EXCIrANG£ BROKE1113; - MuthEast earner alWood end Mitta attet. it.'wooatcuto, iILI7( 31.1aLST. DeOALEV IL CO, Vittrotepits Gropers; IS and IP ViTood wept, Plit,batet. apt? DOM, secateurs. WECK WCANDLE9B, (successors to L&J. A. Wier] Velietssale a/deers, Forwarding sod. Corals] ss/ett bstair, &tains in Iron, Nsuls, Ulm; Couos Irdmis and F . /Meant Marottletutes general ,Ti, of Wood sad W'sscr streets, Pittsburgh. , uroten, Sed. Ishlng Distillers, sod Wino sod Liquor si ereelots.'Aiso—tstpertsns of Sods Asb and Moses, lug Posrdet, N0..1010 Libeny street, (opposite it Lit Lre :W. 1 2e, Watelses,.Jesselry, Silver and Mussy Goods, corner of Market sod Peons troeet, Pstuba,ts. Ps: N. FL—Wstekes end Cleats sushi's , repaired. IEOI7 : '"MX TOl3lta.'' tuna-a, aevent. ItCUTrfa 'lt Co, never.• to Lesiker, k0r.,143 Llbony ocrect. • r • 3a,5•11 - tot?. srenrcazoi— up.?Ri it. bIeCUTCHT:Oit, Wbolaislo Grocato, . dealers In Produce, Una. Nall., and ntubtr".ll"l", geoptally. liaberlyatreet.—, J. IL WILLIAMS 41.. CO., 10T/lOLESALF AND RETAIL ORACERS, Fbn p Nnu g urydod ant. COMMIBsiO. Mertlanta, Dealer. In ftt pradaea and lolttabarah , llanarnetuna, a( Wood and FIAA rtr. , ll riMblugh.. urn PittnbUtht tWe l l 12 . 1133°-:: • ! ' MIXRCZEI t ANTELO. .41INEJUL1. coustissiox MERCHANTS, IrPLlbtral adiWee mWeoa powigtonent. ATTNEW -WILSON, .Ponran ion Min rajou Amu, teniet ot Yon oEire n.Pn l y ni n s a Fbt d rtn went, entrance, on Forth . st., near Market: :7:Va. Tar 0.4.4,1001121M1114.100 dilershaskt. p4r.:14 Old Urge N Orleans. ktep tortittraly m. Lind slugs wortsuot of Onnadles of th e fdllm 11.444.0.bidh thdyrogrer for gala as mortis far J. DOSllkd kC. Itordr-Ind, 111.asierry;1.Erud, J mod i Cs, Larsebelle,l sThusna, Oopma L A de Id 111, tram, A I. IllervilK A de Mandons, Jean Lod.; 14.; thu. Memo Oln, Bolded. tied Andlndle Wines in rajas and cues, mimed milt ail. byJeillin Durand , h: 1 03; tledd.?P Okußpsioa Wide and Barrel Bargandy • , " A LIPIRIL.' HANNA: h. CO.' hairs reuurrid emir grolhanirs Viso up sem woo ognur of Woad. s pa . . . `~ ; `: ~., :.. ...,,,,,;-, - , , ,, - - ,1-. ,- -1. - --., r , :,-;:- -,... ~,,:,..,-.• • ..,.. --:-. •,-,-..,-.,.,...t.....-.-..Lr - . - . -- .1 7 . ,. ...:; - .., ,- .5.• 1 : 7, i --. 1 1 :: - ..:.i .. . ,, F. , !..t , ; - • ,- 4 - ' , f - . 5i , : - Ar:i.f.:4.-7 ,-. ?.::2:,;:fr-7g..1?- ,, .....-.A.:-. , -4.-..!-:-7--..--,,,, ..,--- ~.. . . . . , , . . - . .., _ . ; • .. . -.. . . , . ,-„..... . . , . - . , ~ .- • _. . .. , .. . • .., . . . _... . . . . .. , . 1 .?„.....5.....,, _ ~. T. • . .. . . f , . . . . • • - , ~ CO.PAILLTBIEURIIIP.. lItAVE takan.Whi. Cann into rannersbm with me in my badness, which • will from thin data be carried on ander the nem of ' , Joan Parker... Co.. *arch lay IESO. JOAN YAILICEIL JahnParker•••--=•-.—_....Wlllinm Carr. JOMII -PAIXICER & CO.. Trhateslis Graz., DtgitlP rn Prodae. Foragn Winn Oki Mowngaheta Wins,.. Rertijted No. 5, Commercial Row, Melt! mmei mr2o P WAXLCILIM nista; JOSIIILII. inns. WX. K. till PALMED. ISAZINA & CO.. (Successors to Marley, Manna & Co.) .1 BANKERpi,EXCLIANGE, BROKERS, and dealers In Foreign end Domestic linchanne, Certificate. of Deposit, Dank Notes, and Specie—North west corner of Wood and Third parrots. Current money reorient on depolte.—SlEbt Checks for we, and collections made on neatly all the principal paints the United Dianna ti==l Advances made on consignments or Produce. sidp ped PAW, on libernt trnna. am Wx. A. WAsra..]. 1.0. U. 110116 Wri.'e. EL , CLURG 6, CO., GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, • Aro 256 .I.o!Zerty Wert, abont Mad, Have &lofty, on land a lane se'vdtment of Chinon Groccriee end Pine Teas: :deo; Pereign Fruits and Ilan; Wholes:de and.Renall. Desires supplied on the lowest toms: ' nova' Permßhop. • • HViIaiITATAN--itancraciarei of all kinds of cot * ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, Pa Tbe above Work, being no* in fell arid saceesstal <ration, I amp repared to exegete offers with dispatch for all kinds o (machinery inlay Lee, rub an willows, pickers, operi n sd e cr , , c aids, grnding ie,tlo iroes,rairwaya, drawing tri' prede.„ thisw n., 001. cards, double or single, for merchant or country work, Mliaaraks,ree.; elide and hand lathes and Mole in gen- Mi. All kinds°Caballing made te order, or podia om en for grating tartaric. or mills at renaonable charge. RSV. ro—Rennedy. Childs Co, King. Pennock tr. Co. J.. A. Gray. : 1 . BENNETT 4 BROTHER, WILa:NSWARE MANDFACrUItERS, alreallagitano,[nect Pittabozgli,PPs. Ofte, N 0.137 IVater se:, butmos JIMA* g,i Wood, Pittsburgh. WILL eentstandi keep on hand a Coed assori• meet of -Wars; arm own menefasinre,and seperiorquality. Wholesale and country Men. chants are retpectfally invited to call under. amine for themselves, se we are determined to sell shutter thaa hu ever karats been offered to the put, Ile. aTerders eget by mailisteeemeenled byldeeeth or . zed reference. will be 0...MV0', attended to. mr, 3firmar,coaci: .13.111 . 1LTG - Al - A. Wl=:. & CO., world respectfally inform An. the public that they have erected a dorm Lacock, between Federal nod Sandusky streets. ' 1 bey are now making avian, prepared to receive orders for every description of vehicles; Conches, Chariot's, lbs. roaches. Doggies, nuelons, Lc. rte., which from their to experience to um manufacture of the above work, aml the facilities they him e.they feel confident they ate enabled to do work on the most rearei.bla terms with these wanting'artieles'in 'their line. Paying particular attemion to the miter:on of mote tints, and having none but competent workmen, they have no hesitator. - in in warranting - their work. 'Foe therefore aft the ottentlen of the pablie to Min mann, N. B. Repairintrdote to the best manixr, and on the most reasonable 1.1113. !attird SCAIIPE. trATKINSOi, • WU WT.; 1111,.... WOOD MAIM., VITT= Ma, rra.INTINUE to manufacture all kinda of COPPER, TIN AND RHEETIRON WARE. I *No, Rhea malt Wm*. Steam Marx built to order. Tl i r7e a o l n ' il ' a ' n7s ' a n Ire sUso W rlts etof steam bo at 7e r r rind Stan. Kettles, Tin Ware, de. he. Steamboat Cooking: Portable Forges, various olio—a very serdectir nt ar ticle for steamboats, California ereigranti, or raid. road companies. We would respeceully Inane steam boat men. and others to call and see oar articles and prices l hPare purchasing el sr-where. mist t of Waal d d :tn-t a . " l l it ' Z ' ZT: a 4lte we axe prepored redo any work In our hue with. .111 Nadi. AV.e emend to our work personally, and setts • fiction will be given in regard to its neatness and du • !ability. • Ithmk BOoko rated to any petters end honed IMP siantially . . nooks in unruberli or old book• hniind ewe. fully or repaired. Names paean books. to gilt nets. Those that have co: k- is oar line arc inorinvl to call. Pekes : • t Pitt Iffseadia• I.7orUICe3aCL Foustarr. crersehann, es. j ° .an al liV.lft G l i gn. ': :: ' nf - ToW:gr 4 l. de red re L7.11.] Cod t. as Carding 151ochines, Splnntree I'rd:flee, speed et., Ditirring Penne:, Dadrenf !leads, Wagner,. Soon: ec , , Dee acing Ft atnet,l4l4m , , and t adorn, W rot gi t Iron Shafting turned; ail tiV-3 of Cast Don, Soling and t eal of the West patterns, of and hand Latllgs, and teals flail kinds.. Castings of fvory tampon famished. on short node, rauctresaattn Orda fnr Mill Guam, Iron Railing, de. Ste am ripe for heat ing Factories. Dear Icoo Wiettlore Sash and Taney en. tpx geketlly'Hnicretcit taneboorJa ,ia,nitu4 proig.. Refer to Bleeknock, llell te Co.. J. !Litlx,rezead Co, G. E. Wanzer , Joint ntlebureh O. C. &J. IL }Varner, etoatextril -1.19 C21=131 rpm selmedhor ofers for vale It largo and apleadat nssettmutt ofroiewebd and - m.1..6pm) grand Ac tion lhanothrocith and Willman' Coleman's colebnaml lEoliut Attachment. The above Instruments axe war ranted to tie egad to any manuMontred In this coon knitand will be cold lower F. BLUMIi , N One any brou 112 w gh 00/t from the 'o N.D.—City Sinn will be taken . per Te r foot or be above thportmen... re.rl F. 0. Vllteri — easliyi :.'Water. • . ti Co certify mint / nave :pi pointed Id - ring...l, Raven it Co. Fob Agents toe die vale of Jenning% • - ,• Patent lhatnaticm Inner, for the ell ties of Mt, blurb end All eglieny.. JOONGlikom, Agent, for Waller Al Gibson, 30 Brmide), Weu 10,1.60. • • have been anitur tr one of the abure at - dales at th• o a r , otyb,.. Novelty % orks for three mem hs, tritd, and feel perfectly sanSfied that it is • nark] tovendou, and we take pleasure in, recommending th tra fat ankle io all who love pare water. Or let will be uuusa thankfully received and prompt I y caeca IA man LIVINGSTON, itOtir INN &Co Sietipa peekloriAte;irsl7t. . . rantsubscriber effort for sale, the STEAM. RRICE WORKS,. above Lawrenceville, roan prising a Engine,2 Boiler; 6 Mould 166 ehlue, e +P.M. of manufactunng &ape Prewed Bricks (oat et dry day, no token from the hank.? per der with thew • acres rd land en the Allegheac river, nu which aro 4 tiles rant ebodEsasehlne and eray . sheds,wlieclharre• sr& evoke, shovels, 'evades, e.a., every thing rcurilsi's to COM. menu operations et an boars notice. - Prier , including the patent right to use said machine, 157.600.—twear or payment ranee UAW.: Without the land; 1.550 D. For panicalarn, address • • • 11ENRY hLERRIIT, Tic. 113 hi une . / . .Leub e la Houle. • _ Wrcrughlitnd Gait Iron Z% IltaF. alabetWoCrt beg from to baton& the public that - theyhave obtained from, the Ewa all the Into ad 'onable•dosigns for boa Railing, both forbearer. and cemeteries. Poisons withing_ur procure hand some patterns will please call and one rune, and Judge for thurtrelves.. Ratling Will be furnirlucd at the short est nodes, =I ia the best - manner, at the carnet -or Craig and Rcbcces.tdracts, beep • aonar 7..VONS, - NO. 9 STATE STREET . , ROSTON, Agent for. Musa and Recovery of Property !Is H A MOE.74n, t r,V.lkstibe,Y4," n h7 late Utah to Ettaland„ Investigating. claim s for persons in this country, mt having secured c2tient and re spomobto Agents in London and Manchester, he is prepared to afford oil necessary. Information and ad• vice to Pe trone . who, k. to recovertite le property 111 that country. . J. L. keeps i iist of the Raok of Ma - land Thvidend Books, ulna May be °soothed for "..0 re ens, or C:r for each letter of the Alpbabet, References in iknton: C.. D.F. ADAMS, Not.try Public; IA MI.'S Ne}:l.D, rAqi 11F:NRV Ilse; aszt' 4 4m JOHN W. RI DOCWA 4 .. WCORD as, (Bottom," to trl'Vord k Muff)* Thashionablv liatteles, • Carrier f 'Broad and PIA Street. PARTICULAR attention paid ni oar RI 41Iii trade, .Getithastra cap rep upon parting the it liars and Caps from oor establidanent of thn Darr YU: simple rind soluutawswortito wrist Irma; ,and the Lowssr • Coantry.lfferehanta, pthethastrig by wiaoleaale;'ara rdpecttally Lavaca to WI sad examine c n r Stet al as we can lay with can64.lethee that - n.arca pads g sad milt sit) =Ludes in a comparison mat any, acne In ILiiadelptda., iebt7 DIOR . BEC/9 leave to inform Lis Menden ad ear th men that •he Isjast receiving hls new sprb ig stock of Goods,. comprising, as UMW, all the newest. and most hithiall• able itylesoftliottra Camerae ma, fa nor Veoll Ng., cot ton and linen sumenet staffs, and ev emartiolewiltabis for gentlemen's wear fa, xpringundomemstr. It being impossible to describe the beauty, valaity, or q.nuty of the Mock; the proprietor hopes nil who are in *lm of good,abeap, fashionable, sod well made clothes, will giro bias en% es there in no stock ihioshle of the Alleghenies that con einnnare with It. The ready made depenint ht is ver r extensive, mho led to Wittman: Rail road controvert!, country. 'merchants, and all who purchase largely, etc ettniev. , nrly invited to ex amine the .neck' before palrftagiikt. us pualculnr us. teettlel is paid to the wholesale llohiness In sha club- • •• • .., livery artiele In the loitering Itrie rends to order In -the oreetfultionoble and ben leer eter, at die slanielt enter Tin peitneithip heretofore emoting under the Gen • of Ak C BRADI.Kif, a dterolvett by rbe deer-nee of Mr.Cliredrey. The berme. Mill . 3O Carried an by A 'Sniffier,. orhe,dl settle the burreo.os or the. low 11E1UOVAL-LA has Trnsnred his Vnendry .Watchoese ca. No 112 eceond creel, ro'No 19 Wood street, between First cod 8.9.91111 Greed, Io On. vr(ll,p. bocce lately esseapied by (1-. A. Dern, where ha will keep constantly on hand • 011.11111 . 01 , 11t1+119.111./r Cast ings Grates, Staves, Cookies Stoves, Se. Ji ll . • 0 EIIIII eatreoittwriazg. ZEE at*lll.loll tot the . paldic retpetpury celled tar Ghe following veva/eaten • a. S-Esants—lisoing tasted. a /ivAnaly a welshed by lost Areometet, 1 And titer resell proves poet ieStillnlolll onvot; and etc . .. Read the sea lb hollow° gains to California, as Oa beet method Ka 01.2 ti/1119j 019 real value of Gold. Ilase,youre, . • ' -J. B. DUNLEVY, Gold Dealer; - rinibirgb, Much 9, „ • . 1 - 4111 . h Eames—Dew Sir: Hosing exam-Medi!. ' , Areas esettr,lntwsfectosed at wleercoots, do nos hewlato to ems:Metal it to the no of those gentlemen • whoata ithesttemeeltw to Califon:de in warchof (iota. , . Upset,. close approximation te the speci fi c veld. Itof =Jill aad Then oestolaresab:o - tho . s4wsolasets weemin when his plans Is Ttelduse Goad: • inns' - Ivarso-!Do'ri .1-44,1" =EC ' TUESPAY MORNING. JUNE 18, 1860: INSURANCE:. ,; :Lirg INSAIRANCE! Trenton Mutual Life liiiarneet Compauf;; izin;rcie Tior Capital, 10150.000: -- JAMES DUIINO t Coi.Aganta at Pluabaialto PL ,'• - • aoarta or DISIXCIIOI , 6 aT THISION, Traarausar. Sauter Hoy, Jr. r PreEt. •Deltilltalili Rath rardlearts, o ' John A.."llasur • 1 Tot CoMtioPerot Now York; Goat". Wood. • Joka P. Mackin: David Dudtoy Field. loseph !love. • I Nis Fan: Mr. Dames. Ki-Gne. VTOOM. W. L. Dayton, U. Et. Ben. biotin Wildrlet.N. C.-- C.D. Wall,Ex U. 5. Sen. ,Wm. A. Newell, N.C. - Ea•Gov.p. Dietersoo. Hon. S. R. Hamilton.. hIV.DICAL, EXIIIIINP.REI. A. Blaney Doane, N. D. W. W.- Gerhard: ll . o . Ta Warren st..N. V. 301 Walnut at. Pall'a. Wm, hiNC rderenn.N.D.. 11. R • BaU. &i. 0 . , '. ?' °eerie MeCook,l.T. D., I AllealteeY city , PA, Pittsburgh. Pa l The Agents of this Company, at Pitesbargh, are all. tb mixed en take every nest class list en Life al evaccrtow 07 ververv•rive me era:. teem the meal rates °rpm:Wax, ea charged brother Companies:. Amen 30 years of age, taking a policy of,lnsitranee, for One Thousand Dollen. • • • • To ran - for one yearipays only SDP. ' • do llatunc, " a 15i7,90 , And to the same proponion for. any• Vat. lo &SOW. which is the extent taken*. any... tt , I This Company commenced. ,opennions ori the Ist October,ls4, and Its monthly business op to the Ist October, 104 t, shows is progress.s.sestramo that of Any other Life Companyon reeonL - r Tar lint dividend of 'profits omit be deelared to toe assured en theist Pamphlets containing the tiariOnsiableS'Of r ates, and all the necessary' Inter . ..non en the qmpoitaat aolqect of Life Assarances•will be famished onappl, canon to ; ' lAdII DUILNO a CO., Agents, dell , „. Odeon E=l3 TOE TRENTON MUTUAL' EWE AND FIRE 111 , 1- ESURANCE COltPANY'vitl. fanoi Policies . of Insurance trans. Loa- or. Daimon ty Vt anon, Dwellings and Danko...Storm Cootie, Ac tc. r .an •to JAMESDITIINO & ts, ' • ' - .Odeon Bulldings. Tlbtan r t t7 4%4 ll i l k A cN S a tr V rl Tt ' i igE.I .(lptda.oolfe eulg o e s ,Third(feet, Phladeletela" F tamez—BouldagEhandase aadother , ploperly., in 'roam and Country, mama •ralnst toss or damage by fire, at the lowest rata of preminitt:' t PLaugg la r aasater.—Tbey also Omura Resocla,CuP gore end Freights, foreign or c05...1u, underarm or spacial policies,ls The assured Noy dearth: /WAND Taartenarantor—They also issue& iamb , Podia.... transported by Wagons, Rail Road Cari4Canal Roos 'and Solna Goats, On 'riven and lake; on the moat liberal Aerial.. , DIRECTORS—Drug H. Gee; Edmond A. Sadder,' Joel. C Dario. Rchert One :John R Penrose. Sarno el Eldwrads, Geo L,lptr, Edward Daribron,lme R Davis, W Falwell; John Newlin. Dr R M (roman, Jm C Hand.. Thm.. Rankling:ll:Jones Dimas, Henry. Sloan. Doak Craig, •Georga Sorrell, Patrice, hiclivain r aisater G Jobtiona, Wsu Ilay. Dr. S Thema& John Sellers, Woe Eyre; Is. DIRECTORS Ale PITTSBURGID T )targaa, Duel Craig, JalarVE Logan: a • • . WILUAMISARTM.I'resid9aL E!!=I Runa.S.Nrva.m.n,Re.ey. - I.l:reaco of dm Comp.oy,'No. 42 Woler street, Pumbrugh. fisa2.4.4f P. A. MAIWZILL,Axt • . idea sad 111•51 th 11111.1 . 1111.111% • trim Mama! Info ami /kali Incaraneo Company 1. of Philadelphia, Lutorporamel by Ufa Logialatnre of Pennsylvania, March, thl.d. Chance perpetual. Gay-hal, SinO,OUO. Rarer lowan MS of P 5.171512, ran ISL. COMPANY. and fall 93 per neat. lowerlhan %he' lux al mks of lac - Insurance. as She folLtrwing come pax Leon via simile: Thule a PAlwAkof sho ago of 30 in. - Fcuring for 3100 for life. minstpay in {he Girard Pa1..10.-• PennAylverie, fin, Penn Alumni; 12.31/f RAW; New England, New York Life, 5rt.,46; Ale Dine; W Fix I.lfe o.nd tlostW , ,Plalladatfihtall.94. Diarcomm...—Samuel D. i i irrick,Chortlez D. 11.114 W. F. Mane, Rebell P. King, Chiitlei P. Player, M. 'W. Baldwin, M. M. Reeve, hi. D., Chait..ll: ampbolf, Lewin CO . O3Vr. I. Rodman Darker t Duller, }Alain R. c.p.. r'retident—Sionacf D. Drrickf Vice' Preti dent—RoM. P. Ring; -Foneetary—Franets tractbaroe. Applications will ha every information given byittAhL. Er, eixtsTocii, place, Commewthlßoom.ccorrier of Wood and-Thint MA, Pittsbnrgh . . AND IiAR.I.I6IIIINStILANCIF. INOUR.NCE•Cps of North America . -make, permanent and M cead./ lasoian 4.141 . 0-• pet) in tlar city and vicinity, And cti chip nun by Cigna! Raven, Lakes and by item. 'rho properties al %Me Ceti:many FLIC well !marten, And farninh avail.. able fund for the' ampleimnenlmity of all pewits who' dation to he protect...l • , WM. 1...10NEt. , , Agmar 44 Water s. neiivra IBIBULIANCEcaI. elit.burgb, The Si ng Gardnullealthinsurauea Co,l ' OF PI.nIiADELPIIIA—•--CAPTTAL $106.000, IIiSUR kla Males and Formula. against the Rape lote L Coe oecasipaed by Clabliba .oc Accideut, by an floored tAIe of from ($3 to 09 par week foi era, nay. then., Or four you. .• • The roar hal of odottima Oda tosolranta and the utaan:., r of• •WAIKIllft tho ateaolloornoco,..ill bet folly . haplatoma h.,. the . Agent., A proton ran maven ontnnat Slottloca ant: Accident which a - lb' datian hva.lecol has culinary bitu.s., win • - FOr ore Yu., by PaYiniriLS% and laced Co S 3 # ,reek. For owe. ' C r aa, ." 4 For three 0 7 4' 5, " " 6 11. For Met v v • 10,v5, " n • 6 for ft pertal or four yvt.tx, the sant of SI MO paid rZnually, w.-are Sti po• vrt mblit Met. • Every ovey,s - yinforatitinn trill•be afforded on the. •••• glom of Invent tcc Kenrifliy, by • ..• JAM MINN° h CO,fAgenta, delTlieia • 1 •Odeondlcildings. Olre and Itastar!llase. THE CEPE IC thalnaoruteo Company of North loanarp, has An Front at eastot %ra wt.. • , The web.: ribet, skint for On Id 112•0 old end reopen.. tibia Come my, vriil imito•Yolietecaultaildinya ant theiFermtem altd'an thipmenuoiltitabindoe by Etennt Boots and otheiTentei& - • ny3-• :.• . • . JONEN. 'ttEl'door rt;Ove The' P.aalyl,rpla Ooropany. . Fox /21410.0.1= Lava 4oro °tennis Maritime. rvim first Life iwuronce.Coutparty a the U. Stater. InearporateOl.lurch.lo,lOLO—cbarter perpetual. Capital we... Am—all paid to.. likriucauthonted ilrei.uuderuigned to reeve° app.. Genova !or Inattranee, on which polielea will ho Issued, sceonling-to thoir..proposa/a and nice, which will ho made known to applteatna. stlsis office, Nu. Wood street: 1 ; . ; ( Ma COCHRAN. 'lOlllllATAti' gum 13:cond Session of Mix !ustitatielt. Oder the case wf Ur. and. Mrs Gamow for'the preent academic year, will Commence Oil this day, Non fat, February n/11;111 the name 1, altdini, No, Al Li berty street • ' . . Arrangements have Leen made lot feeble to furnish young ladles Mediae,' equal many" in the West, for otnanthur a thorough English, Climes cal, and Ormunental education. A Nll'oool,o of Ph t• isophice. and Chemical Lectures will be delivered Minn the winter; illustrated by r eyperalas. .:110 partruenu of Vocal end instrumental hitasie, Modern Lauguagett, Drawing and Patutin each !Invader. the core fit competent lkofetmor. Ity ease attention' to the moral and intellectual improvement.of their po- Ole, the Principals hope to_meszuktootkoattoo of the pUronevrchey have hither. enjoyed. Vol terine.eee circular*, apply to , HERSEY, • -nay* von SALE, FROM IRE MANt7FACTURERS, S AND AT EAST , SRN MANUFACTURERS , PRISM: Mho flannels, alLWool. Bloc Drills; , , Bed do do Rine Denfins;' Yellow 'do ' do ' fancy Coununder, an are Stow.. do • do' . onered at Pactor ' y prices. Black Satinet%. go.a uogne Shirting. St messed do ; Moe - ' 'do ' Cheeks and Strtrou, wool Drat, ~. do • • -• bossy goods. ' ' inrush Cassimeree , -Tailors' Goods. Fancy. do Red Padding, super del Funoy 'Placed., . Vest Padding, Itoekroso, . Super Musk • Broad Con, TallorsCaersits, beery do; Supor Drown do- . Brown !Aeons, Siheles Soper Omen do lDral, Serge, brook do.. 11 Super Tar:fled do , sod Pllnted; Soper' Mask Doe Skins; Sleek sod White Tape; . Soper Drab Cashmeres. !nook T*1,4031,1, Am Super Itrorra do Lulea Cheas arid Driqt;' Super Brack 'do • .sliaart's 6 cord Sp nog en; Confound Blankets. do .LJnert• - Tareadi a Searles • , •do , superior article; , Slue . do . Sine Flieurul Vertiner; II Drab •., . do .. Block Satin . .-"do Grain Ragging,. . - Broom ifollandtleg Silks; Drown irrels; - • Outtenis, Cravats, 'to:, Ito. At Oho hiddorattrqdfiri inekdoseMo In7Wood a Pittsba ter' ' ' mtra &alga. . T lIE Writ. neteharo're klillnihelarecn the itituferthe fo,' the 11111. of Constable, Berke & CU, fa Ws de; divot ea& by mutual cohaent. Nemo, Burke & !tunes willaergo the busineta or the concern, for which murex* the are autherszed to um the name of the concert, NATHANIEL COMO/111A ED:f TEND 1111FIKE, THOMAS BARNES.' I The emlerslgned have this. ley easeelateflthe erector. an eof BERK Ir. It AttNES, fur the {femme int menuacturing Fire Erook :Mfrs, Vault Hamm le. Ihe ,at thq mend of An late 1/m m of Cortcroble. Hoke 14,C0, y will be ['Marred to merlin, the patron. Age of We Clilitonleri of that h Once and their friend, BMIINUBURKF • - —7IIOMAVBAIINII, Jnrc:irlria . jiiriik ;tie 6uu of . CO'neiltlde; D ute with oincrie ptetidre'reenntiuntid Mont.. Ildrks d 'Barnes teolllo mutidened uty and public. a. NATLAIIIIV.I. pl./N.9'l''l.llLP. r,t4tl3y/Tl/111017 ' I~'(Aa Jun 1131acrtitiee, JAL .....+•1111..-ht aeee of skilatinble Good., le ve14102 he reepeetfull,.. 44..1nt the snantitonotAerieb ai4 and14.4./..e. P. lAA caned,* casitaitill TTy teciansg. from. the Issas(. 1041i111/014410 , lc New; Yertk.,.ced. Yhtleitiketitir; and . WO i.relarc^ee 4eneleV, the newest add - riorst ace tovedv . P.df,',/lezeleei, - .Polether, with. Hoiden, co : cloud rattle and,Toclet Yvf with, al ded *lv I.e. nvoen Potr!Urat cod Dtiircotal•eqdnicydftfcer 0, • • amdler iratily"lho rer or single pound at the Pn 3 l , 8004 . vrrol PerAucery AVareno ace . . 'etfruct of 81cUi W.1414.i.401 . 44 . ... .8 1 , 1',W1Ctik..1.41.p4 ~ lia Aiil4;Taite. EMI. Atm Ofa , Kki. of. the above celebrated Duca and bite takedireet fraeche raanafacetrercv.lso cuts now on the ,vray poeted tom this 'eerie ;• •„.1 vela abo 'wive via Madmen. yew atcE.Terdetc.4bceePce.._____,tr. etteratie Aibcliverble SOla ' O 9 tcnef!A Mee Fula or iire=c4 UM. W:* M ALNITPI tykl •• ' • • .No ri 4:4 1 " • Wki )1 E.-D I(1 - A ' VI.IOW ail area Intl are mkt and afilieted with di. ante Or the bladder and kidney.. with rb earn ado pales in beet ertim ha, stiffjointa, Old wrier, , ranoinic &ern: hr-, that they can , be enrcd by taking the ye. imietne:,YOU may telt about its being a, nostrum. meek' al you please, bit this does not mate it so, for Wa Orderlies inthetime of an boars' otannanity, that likes, armee& which rye not contain d any ether reniedy, • Therrien who la 'itched wl pain - and suf. lartraghom disease, twofer My =lief from any of the 111. °enumerated above, ader ! it costa rail Hole to mate a trial. This Pc learn is nri Me turowste cerepond, put up for the pa of imPosieff •art.the corotalmity; but it is a tame elaborated by the master hood o( nature, and bubbl aup from the be soM Of oar molter rank in its ode purity, and of- te rir.g Immani Y read/ re dr, a aerials 'and cheap cure: - plum mired Piles after other mestleines have failed to render any relief. It has cared Itheumatisio of long M 2 ading,and Of th e worst arid roost painful character. it hut cured Cholera Morbtte by one or two dosesidt beoeoted old eases of Diarrhea, in which every other remedy boa been of ho avail. As a local remedy in bums owl thelds, it la better than imo medical rem , trrfl:; to=3 g fe t !: ' ,l ' n e l ' eT m ap; f iki s c, " o; ` X.iti: a Wtisectuy ban bet furnished of the' truth crentsinal is the above sweetest by catling on Samuel M. Kier, Canal Ilnaln,7th at/U-1: or either of the agents. & McDowell, corms of Wood street and A'nmi Alley; R..E. Sellers, ST Wood street, D. A. El- WM. Carry, Allegheny city, too the agent.. • t CamPbelif D•vidll. Whizz. .. Alexiaer Cotnmitir , W.s. P. 'White, P.M. l~Gd ,A-PHYRICIAN'S TINSTINONT. ALLMFOUND NOTIIINO TO EQUAL TFIEht." Macanese, Va. March A, MO. lirß., E. 'IMILEREL—I have diapered of all the !Cough Remy and Liver Pills you *Opt me, and ddog. Ina Vertnifuga. barn wed LO your Family Nedioineant m 7 familY, and have alga peeved bed them in my pftinieei I am _vgry much plumed with them, wild have found nothing_ to emeal therm gea geed doz Toni Vomiting., and +keg, exact the Liver !Waned Gunah Syrup. • Reipeetfutly your., jExtrui hf . Lener.) T. T. Jacmon, Fhoee hiyhic , oorim mad.eloesmay• be had of the lireprietoe,R E 57 Wood et, andUreggista generally in the ma en:" end 'daunt , ' ena 'PAUSE AND .I"ilf4AD I • Tbs. mo o t tamportint: Meet:lvan , ea B*. eon:ll—Sum listatidy for the Piles! DD. D. I'. lr DROWNcelebrated Exte rn al Amerl can Remedy for the Pile., has already preyed itself to ho the only sure cure ever pi . ..MIMI to the public. Since the diseneery of this Yeleehle medicine , and the largo nembor of extreme eases with which Dr. Drown has treated, no one has Tailed whet:ornery eared. Dollte the many healing hairss extant, alter months and years of em,erimentalisine, his too open tell the patent taltere.they counneneed. or .worse: bar. after a few day, will decide the Cult by etre sties a Perfect curt. F17.1011r C1,121213,11tha1l notenter iota • labored ar parent to prove my medicine. I introduce it upon its own Merits. by Its erect I intend it shall nand or fall. If you prefer that leathroese disease, the MED, to the Opine of a few dollars, I rest the ewe with Yea. DR. D Y DROWN,' " SY Lloyd street, Dedelo, N. Y. Sold wholesale and retail by • It E SELLERS. ==l NI TJII tirstovAt. ago nitsugwin Ma or 1f1.131.461111 • -4112ISIXF ITO* AM 111T112 STAIR CT Till HOOD • • SCOTT 61 nix IrtillOYTl.. Scrtifala or King's Prii s ahounsslisna, Olictinala Cuts - net.. Erapuooti Pimples or Pantiles on the Fa., Elorchei, Biles., Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tater, Zooid Head, Dilorgement nod Pain of thr Eones and /44.113, Stubborn Ulcers,yphinic • ., ..istics. or . &rms. arising from aD ialodlcioaa ore nf Ltorcury, Aei . tiles or Dropsy, Esposurn or Imprudence ut ' Also—Chronic Constitutional Disorders, &Ls. . . , This medicine has acquired a Very emended and miablithel recension 'wherever It by been rued, bond. entirely on its own merits, which its superior efficacy Ma alone aasinine,. The unfortunate Venial or UmditanKldiu.tsa, withewellen glanda, centric ten Weever, mid bonze half tenons, has been restored to health and vigor.. .The mrotulaux patient, covered - With aleen, leathern. so Monett and. his Ruminants has been made whale- Ilanutrula if persons, who hod groaned Itornirossly.for years under CatallCo44 and grandam" tbrorders, chronic rheumatism, end many other complaints wprlnging from a derangement ord. secretive organs and th e circulation, have been raised as itwere fromi the rack. of diecese, and new, with regenmated constitution.. gladiy testify to the efficacy of this itiesethrole pre p aredo .TRUTII IS STRANGER TITAN The attention of the reader Weaned sone following • estuoiehhig core, effected by the me of Sande , Bars. . • . eThis is to certify that There a colored worn. who llas been etilleted far the law five years with Smofille, and cliche rentatlicc I used had no effect In arrectin, the promoarry, of the complaint; on the ontrary, she capstan tly grew mew; and after expending between and .s,u with papa..., besides using other poPularremedies withou t. aroms, till thedirease had eassit sway the cartilage or her nose, made its no pavanee on earl.* parts of her body, and had finaLl• conamerthed 4 rawness in the root of her moon - •. Si In this dreadfat elnahoo.'with the Proalroct death, mating her to. the (ACC, I Ottl/Od her eine to Ilitosivity, inn agent for Sande' Sereaparilla :kW hero, N.C.. by when I was earned to use that article; -'are, to my.mrprise and Me of my neighbor., to wham her case 1.103 intown, after using four and hall bat .eel Masao* fellOrett to perfect health, and that in the !puce of th ree weeks, and sire able to wort in two, week. rebut the time the commented taking uln witness of. tke troth of this statement, I hove hereauto affixed my name, this roth day efteeptembe r, ill?. . doBl.ll'll I_ • . ehttrith of Neasti River, Caren co. N C. . SORE . TiI/IOAT. • The following is no extratt (eons leiter received - frambln. Rev., wee had been 41.111CtOti Several years WWI SC rotaloos Ulm; Dyrptpaia, Jac., and recently an Miamian of the throat and chest- • - I „ elletharsamta, Vu, Gee. 13 , 1845. ra rare A. B. le D. Sumo-ilefore I commenced , mice your Surnpartlle; esy riltrarillp "'Oro almost past caplvtaloso• toy throat was completely ulcerated, - I had . dreadful chilli, and there were frequentlY weeks together that I could not "peak shave a. w4lO - end battles, the rigamarole it from ray threat ex tended to my bend, en that MI heat - nisi woo Tory . much impaired: ' Alter taking the Sarsaparilla's, short tune, ray leapt Was Improved, .d my thrum ia now well; I ant ea fees from cough und dibutea of the chest as ~vet I woe, and eon hear quite dlatineny. My throat him bean well- await three months, the care of which has been effected entirely Ity the use of your Sorsa.. Fagan. Your ' LOUISA IL BEVAN' , !Thafollswirte tommonialto the 'Minor the Ears., ort rilla, is from the itev Luker Wrier t k a ged 715 years, Coogregitimil Alinlater, residing of tkobero. .• • tTeamm, Maas., Muck 24, IBM "brew.. Sande Gentlemen-Front what I hero eg• ptrieneed, and from the infinzation I have reeroin rammed fain • number of persons of. high respect. Wily who, have , aged! your Sarsaparilla, I have not the Slut throld bat that It Is a most valuable medicine, and she the numerous L eerlasialea • ren have teeme d of 111 etmrcy are folly. eurtainad by experience, mad although its rep station and Minty are Wry extensive, and Mudd Moo hoed of my bumble edema to inns.e them,' want who are allieted by disease. to tie roree ac granted Win the catnap and power of saleable medal.. ".. arn,Attudertieu, mentally Ind very reepectfully LUTIIER WRGT.. rropnreirana'aold, wholesale and retell. by A. Bid. G. SANDS; prottlttatt end Chemist*, Ire Fulton creel, coiner of AWillissu, Nero York. Sold also 4y Drug ! ghtlagnneratiy thrombout the, United Mates .d Gm ada Prom St per haulm six bottle. for SO. For sate be WIIAXiX,Ir., 11. A. FA lINESTOCK kCO,and EOW ARD FEN DERICII, Pittsburgh. AI. Co. by isolt.deeds saT 15,11IGDICAle *MD FIG/LOICI/Lie 06'630114, No, 1111, GIAARIND ALLEY, few doors bs ow kbuoil street, to wards mortal Dli. OSHA WIN, haring been . . regularly educated to the medical • ' professlon,and been for some tins ' " fa general proollec, note confine. • ' hi. Wendna to the troinnient of - • none pravate and delicate cont. plaints for wblah hi. opportunities Cattettroort pronharly quality ' • • • hj d ia. la years Maroirecely devoted to Study it tteatmmt Or mow camel rdnurdaaritiqmq. tinter be has had mare prae Ma and has cured more pa. tents titan can rent fall In the lot of any private prat , "pU"e o' ganhfinn rtgc :, y " te ussrtnro of trillt d dalmorde dtosee'ci,tl all dweires arising that.- Dr. Orebro Weild Info., OM. alined with Parole 011telret which have bCCOnto chronic by GUM or ta- Nodnd by the tie of any or the COMatort nottrums of y, test the i r co:eclair:tee. botanically and thee; mighty co reil;l4s haying al ven his eandel -attention to the I romniont of mei, canes, nod aumwealssi In hundreds of ilistaticon lc during proton. or intlailiglatiOn of the 'neck of OM blonder, and kindred diseases which often result frontline.a cases where °limn bane consigned them to hopeless then/tiro Ile printout arl y mitterimeg as hme.bilvir ante .141 vmneeeeafully nested bye:hen to-conealt him, whet, every satiarootiorkwill Ips given them and:their omen nested to a emelt:l4..oo mod qi!'.llTv.e"s7rg'ogiTrl oat 4Y .long cxrkrtenee, is taMice of. leitatio it*. to to Int'cra'steirWra'st. . • r.i. or Prowl% Mae halts, pet mine enacted with derma to [ali k e. ha jassw,ipm, *ler annuitant/I thistatisesse. . . , GANCbillel 0100 ettged- . • „ Skin dirosseEaleo. 1t:ttcr 4 9.74 ,4 •41 ,4 41di1r OharkelverylOw. • • - ,• 11.atienta of either sc in Mantle, by , 'elating their disease In Writingi giving all theayrow• teen, can obtain nrodleinea 'nth directiceafor use, by antenna T. antowti, Gn Witt Caid k andenOtorb . Iko. So ey k epperd !. tothe WaVerly I #ouse.: e N • Gltaultiginit..-Dl.GroilEith neWlidiroinered‘leme dy for Rhin:attire lin speedy and serrate, remedy tar taalpattlfill leaner faUs.•- Office and Imam Vomiting Ilooma k , , No. eg Dia , Mend ail.T.PisUbWithi etor *IWO, at . ii o . l r tfri were in ' • ' • Gen si. tam . 7 11AVITAIN le ton; Drake iVitigit' Fif. - Penn, of artificial alanalum received. Toe Mang - polar wa Ifiv• Ind lin altalar fiKrnod r ,conaderniyi recommend it to the. peblic;for auroral ere. aam i perfeet fire and wen:Proof:oMM, end to stand' the ROUT. of Me, atmosphere w ithout ' 1 k 11 r/111.LIPW, nis k 0 WM& et • MING & CO. 314 ;4141.1,PbM4:11 1:411: 11 .V. J 1 r PAT 114 " .4f4 b 7 k MlTCll 4boo7l l irillir ELT/ZE ' 1. • PROCLAMATION 14 clitrawir"noTTLlcs EMIR ItIISCEUMEOIIB. • • STOOX 07 • I.MM MAP CTIICILERINCI O B PULNOII. TOIIN AINI.LOR, No. 01 Wood. street, ha. t/ !calved, and how, open. for examinallo. and sale, 1 new stock of Piano Emu, from the celebrated raimufactory ofJ hhickerinx, 11311.1... • • Teacher. and arnatears are respectfully Limited In examine u. Very beautiful Caine Puao, reeeived whim we above. • GREENWOOD' GARDENS. BOTICE. HAVING been anneymifor some time by gangs of arschievoutt bop, injuring the shrubbe,y and fruit, occupying the swing, to the exclusion of more profitable visitors, art. To prevent such from entering, transient visitors will be furnished c Ith a ticket st the emitter., for IS cents, which will be received in the suloons forls cent. in refreshments. Family tick et. tar the season will be furnished by the proprietor. The galoods will be furnished with. lee Creams, Fruits, and all the delicacies et the restart. The garden steamer, Hope Na 2, leaves the Pitt at. hinting at the beginning of each hour of the day and. • r ogr—on 'TuesdaLLIDWATIOry evening, Um Skitth inotant, on LJ the bank of the Canal, In Grant Grect,or between dm and eentl street, a email Hunting Cared Gold Watch, with raver anti a shoed Kohl chain. The porrAw Andirg them will he ruitably reworded no bringing Mom to Ite m .1 B. McFadden, Mulct erect, or to tie alien or .Toafre & O'Connor, corner of Penn and Wayne streets. . my= tirelonwood GaideAS. - • • • • • • Ti ins DELIGHTFUL RUMATEIt • RETREAT is I now In full operation, and supplied .itb all the delieamear of the Itasca. The '.lamer /Topa No .2 runs as a teOulor packet from the city to the Garden— tearing the foot of Pitt street at 9 o'clock in the mora inic, and al the beginning °i.e.!, hoar, until Wet night —Sandorsexceptn4. No Intoxicating drink. kept on the premise. • tura/ R..nollauga Ilasank Saocar. A FEW ntotrea ofthn .took of this bank wanted ai AM. the Faehange office of A 'WILKINS k GO mania WOOL; .WOOL I TOE Mellen mallet pnce In cub, will be Paid for the diticient grades of Wool, by S & 1-LARBAUGII jet 10 Finn ot & ttO Second • SOMETHING NEW Under this Bus of .Flttabargh t t Nyr=7l /Lt. b. peened Moot the Red hiny t a Realty ti“ attd: TenStore,,,te the yhtladelrhut The subscribers have fined an a stars at No. Cid Liberty *tree t,in a style superior to any of the kind in Pittrbargli, there tkey- always have a large as. sortment of fine Groceries, and ppeylor: Ten, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the pi!, Of every stniele,. they will endeavor to •keep the beat of its .kind, Tina confidently recommend their Teas as nor TO SO salinurrEn, tY [4014.1.1)11, in the ei- Their assortment will comeriret—Green .nd Black Ttl.4 of all kinds, from 3'ri camels, 01,50 per pound. Caren of every grade. Locering'o Sugars, Loaf, Crurhod and Palverimds Swam rtyrup,..Suat 114.1,0 N. 0. hlot,leser, choo• Fnwien Filar and Na,., Spleen, Ficlitcs, Ketchum, Elterl.l . Sugar Cared 11.19 and r acer, Flak of rail Muds. isprros, I..ard and Whale OiTa, •Illoold,Sperm and Urn Candler, together with many rarities which mold rim heraiforn I e heal hi Pita. 'bagr Is, and which time would f a il In morceiraie. n — Goodit della grad free of charge but eacripart of the two cities, . _ Dentate eoppUed on mot. rentnnable, tenni. ' WAI. A bleCLUatt. de Co.. myt N0.:15a Ltherty event •botte Wood a. wkirtritvarsc,ak.l la. wan. eras is. 4• WESTgRVELT (14 SpN. WELL KNOWN YKNITIAN kiAKERS. keep constantly on hand or make to order the best Brat le in their line. at their old rand, No. 13 St. Clair street; also. at N. fa klarket street,x rend sieiYi entrance in the Diiimond. itenitian Shutters made to noire, and old blinds nectly repaired. and Dissumprauoi UP Tar. Pannersnip heretofore exiating between Jaren 1. Mary ball, Wk. W. Witlltee, ti thisirY Atlienr^„ ic the tul Iron buiiinerai'nnaer the ew of b7-ohOiniii %Vatter, k Co, was dissolved by melonl content, on the Ist inst.,, Janata and Henry Al'bieary baying p prebend the entire interest of Win. W. Wal lace to Amid Grin. ' The business in future will be continted in • ell Ur al Mu. britnehee be the eabeeribere, under the name rid rade of Marshall Mrliaary, e wail snide the tunnel,' of tbe 'lrt firer, and In who vib m all persons lA. ebted nem:nested to make payment. Warehouse, eintuer of 'Weal and Laberin streela. JAMES MARSALL, itty6 • HENRY Me(IEA Minoru anti Antique Furniture. 'masa w. WOODWELL, an Sr., Prmtriart. F , C2'lEri. Respectfully informs the . pue!ic au, he has-roar - ' • ..pieted bis ,print 'WU • 1111110TURE.11.0 largest and mouvariednasomment ever offered _for vale In Mi, city. comprlring several cell. Rosawooo, Di:lmam, and IttAcie SVararrr, carved, ornamental and plain, auliable :or Parlor's, Drawing and bled. Rooms, all of which will no sold at the loweerpricen , Persona desiring Furniture of any. description, are sin-Wally invited to tall and examine his stock, which erahmees carry description, from the cheapest nod pf n ainehawsi,lo priMOH go!. 1 0 .14, or which the Liing le apart: Tete aTete Sofas; 'Tate a Tele Divans; Convermaton Chairs; Elikabothilm Claim; Reception do Louis XIV, do P.xtenaion ' ,do Buffet Ettique; What Nor,; Toilet Wrier.; Louis X IVCommadore; Duke of York's Conch; 011 Sofas with Plush and Hair-cloth cover, 50 Divans, do • do do; 40 doe Mahogany Parlor Chair.; 10 • Rowwood do da; o - 100 %Venn,/ do do; 40 " Cane at do; 4 " Mahogany Rocking de; 3 " do Piano Stools; In Marble Top Centro Tables; 'do do Wash Stands; AlabeganV Itc-lairuds; . 12 do Wardrobes; 1111%Venal do; fr 0 Cherry do. A very largo aisottracnt of Common Chairs sad oth erFurulterc tpo td;ous oatuccif 'fEf• Wesel Ho tur n d on t shortest notice. Ali orders promptly atteded to. PH—Cabinet Makers tan be applied with all sorts of Mahar:ph Wninist, end Venerirs, at considerably reducard ;meet. i febls ENGLISH & WHOLMALH GROCI Valter tor sale, 120 pkga V. 11, Imp.Otack and Gunpowder Tess; 112 bas Tobacco; IVO bas Rio Carte; 200 br ielV 0 Molasses; 5 hhds N 0 Sugar; 1150 boxes assorted' siren Winders Olden; 40 tint Pipes, 400.b1a Soap; I HO boa Candle,. 3000 lbs Codtlahil 00 lock Tanners' Oil; 20 has Chocolate; 51, do: 110 coils hiand:rt trope; ' 20 bss Spired 'Chocolate; 10 Oaks tapper; 5 bags Alrpice; 200 boa Ilernaki‘ debris Vincgrul 30 bales Ca: dlewiek; 40 bxs Starch; I 10 Wm Rice; 1 • la bels Chick; 310 drams 11as a :6/1 ' • As we:l general Manufactured al•ucles; DENNUTT, RR, No 41 Wool great. 4391.42.51. R. Rieins; 1.00 b.a clatter do; 113 kg. do do; 13 oaths Zonte Cannata; 15 balsa E. Walnut.; 1.3 do Email Nato; 18 do Fttborta; 100 do Pea Nalstr vo bra shelled Almonds; W bra Rook Candy; 4 ca.. Laguonc.; 10 51 Prinelpeed ) Regaba Cigars 1000 31 Half Sraolat; 3 bra Clover. 3 can. dolmen; 21coses Lemoi Syrup; 25 ewes Pepper Satire; 10 caret Toccata Catsup; Second Spice. of all Moths. AO barrel. powdered rend Loaf Sager; 2 Mai Mockler; AO bele Whitinx; assortment of Pittsburgh 1.211 TWA ' lIIARKICTi Boat side of the Diamond, Piresborgh. frIll( our 4tio Tea guirtat tltte Tea bought etrewitere. j Try ourobc Tee against 75c Tea boughlelsewhere. Try our 73e Tea !quitter 81 Tea baugat elsewhere. The eery hest Meet Tea' imponed, we 'arc selling at 73 cents per poilod. The very hest Cite.. T. el 51 per pound. We eta dreidelyuppose4 we respectfully polka Cent of Proving who cello the he 11011 TILT"! imported, we ere ceiling I to potlittg,lmtcodaf which • pari•ao, as 100 hest method eel and cheapest 'l'm.. Nils a. HAWORTH ===l • • LOVA IC LI • • 160 I , y ).Ns ICE, to .”.ve toottclot, for sole, O'CONNOR, ATKINS L CO m.r4 Con.l, I db-ris. ns --- .001011r•U I.ld IN one,. IN auutaas. I 00 gAa6ull'a3ote'r,":zr quulit) 1 re 011.1,1 n price. at the inallufacturerearchcom /1 1 / 3 1W;PLF.MINtr iICO. W.n.l at. epee e raitub I,i3i)lrB -A complete a*thelment et m F cc brut* parity of east Steeltiram nod Cant Scythe*, warranted, Cast Steel e,tl,4* 4 prourFork to, warrant% Cast Steel Hay finlres: 40 dot do Gooseneck Mom, Reid; 10 dos common do do, for sale Into, at the Drug and ened Slam of N WICK F.RottAbl llor of fbeth tv...-•• • GILOCERF •110 6hrls 01 c.• 00g0r Manch Rro 7 flab's Yllyeon, various grades slo Gunpowder and Imp 30 do Prombong 5 do Oolong - Al caddy boo Y H Imp& P 01 boa P., fis, and IS'c Tobacco_ 35caddy ho• Barrow's s'a do 0. boors Starch 00 he's tz. LelaSolemn. radio, Madder,Alton, (linger, PeproT, Minke lialencga, tool Lamp Black is geg,, fur sale I, CI II GRANT M=EM= ad ?Ml l r ' enc Y a l s h i c lZ ' o i' r i g d S rge ° eri n a o •Z at and.tie per tb. can bq obtained for :tee and tie pea pound at Tate Tai. IlaillEtatt side of tee Dinitrund tbusburgli, at gt Matt. h. Haworth's Wine Slate giteet i Allegheny. The above 'Pt. tn. TVA., aro (Insert, through oar English Agent, dire, treat the (Insert's' tainted Watetioireen, duty tree. tivJeg Art Caper:stint, nniv T UST opened, at the Pittsburgh Pam Grocery ead Tea laurchnt.e , the following uswfrunent of Greta and Blank gen . — rteli - 02.401. Young Alynan; C61106T; VIM' lading do; fine Bolos; Extra Benda do; EMU One Jo, Imperial; Vaenhong, Gunposid,nr. Miamian Ponctlonr; Ningyong do It is nonceinisary to griEthe sboye Teaq they epeab for f bernol‘ on All .ea net is a fair trial, and we are eonfikent they will please both Inenable and pilna. IV& A M Ct.trat. a CO leek :mil !deem' , ft Ntri kU T AP T• CSi'll % f rfirA, T RYI;AI.'S ,ma4l7 IVall Payer Sinn, 1.6 Wt. 041 21 2 17/lIIIIALtkrig ILOUSK 4; S. i2perkon• hiving norobtro pot on' tLeir , in. eoaforauty tum rriolation of Council.; will' ;kw. Anil at the ROOtoJ 01, the lioard of Trade;' ry lecond klO, comer or tV %rt Tlitrd'sta, and pay roy the same. BklqUE. FAtiriESTOCK ?44) 117 1k,A1 441 0 •1 ) ,1 64 4!. , . • yitii UM!= DRY GOODS, - &c• .an used: Pouf 'd S lt.,nry cheap; rich, pinln, and finned ehrinneable &inset every s e and narditt't . rupee plain and domed block ed ks; se bereges •nd tisstiee; .base .is de lain, now n hand saw, styles; new stkie French, En;lish, and Scotch Limns: Tara - rest pod at very low' priers; plain..Ggered, and slain striped de lain, of all kinds and Guanine. linen lustre. of all glades and colon: pingkatar, nthritties, ;lento/to, at north cut corner of Fourth and Market streets. irS A o F4 4 111;t1F;.1, i sr,..a t tp r y ,. o i cti , l d ac b k y S e i x lka , d jt i t e tteLt o ol: inz, at nor th riot comer of Foulth P a:a . Martet as jet •.MUHPIIY h BURCHPIFLD ASURFItY k DCBCIIFIFXD am selling Fkrages lel and Derago M. D. Laing at very tow prices. at north east•eemer of Fourth and Market sta. jas DLA CB RILE LACES—Extra nelde siedinnt and narrow Hien:doe Laces of best qoaldy, lust rend and for sale at Northeast comer of - Fourth and Mar. bet stream. jes MURPHY & BURCHFIELD. Donnirti and Bonnet :Ribbons. MllßyllY & )3URCIIFIELD have received an ad dinanel .apply of above goods, Iscindine varied orgies Pearl. Albano, and Gimp Bonnets White end Celoreis Gimp do; and Ribbons Wall colon and prices. mayl7 MCIUMNING O.OODBs ASURPIIV tr. -BURCHFIELD cello de onendon 0.1 of those wanting goods for Mourning polposes, to their very full assonmert; just received, such as . Meek Bombazines, Muriaseine finials Alpaccas, Mack Mouse de.Larnei, Mourning Waste 'do Printed Foulards, Parsecs, Tissues, Sicilian blares, Albmtes, Plain Slack ar.d Printed Lawns, Meek F.nobtoidered 'do; iloonst Ribbons, Scarf do, Veils, See. amyl: Uleat COATING—:9 pes Cashmerets,asronal L. mires; a roast desirable article for summer roam, rec'd, and now opening by A MASON ACV maylB - frniuet SllAWLS—Supenor 6rgh ealgrei.lThibet Sliaarla,nornprising Crunson, Orange, Pink, Mite, Green oud Corn colored, jest receiving per earners, and this day opening by A A MASON & ag solyl7 62 Martel 9)/ PIECES Wain 11190,Sink t .,13reen, at e Gap 41.7 Colored Same', reed per express. nee' now oPcnins by niayl7 A A MASON & GP; Mack Drain AA. MASON A CO are this day opening 10 pice , • 27 llinek Gro do Rhino Silk; 10 pea= Mel. . do; 10 pea 33 inch do; 6 pea 39 inch do; and 4 piemta 30 inch do.. . ma 10 112E=3=1 • - . . . . . ..... • CM eat Ladies. Linea Cambria ILL fr, all prieesi. lOU dox Ileum' dodO, . do 1 • P 5 dos do do do colored borders; .Beached this day by A A 'MASON &CO R atip _ L id ?gasket et. • InnuirYilriErirpear...4—tb perielmnTh - T. -- WA V Loans, at,the extreme low price of Hie per yard. maylo • AA ht &EON & CO. Irish end Drown Linens. • • WO pea •nd 200 pc. 4.4 Broad Lineng 1.20 pea Grnr• Conkl32 , e, mid Alevander's snperin Ins 2. Linens, now opening ny m. 710 A A MASON & CO Fresh 'Arrival Of Dry Clonal:. vir ti , g, nd s , .. a irt . a lu v rn in g, i n d r, o4 . m oor Week ;7k . pared to offer ea exccalent awarmient at our meal low prices In; cook, or approved credit. The attention of western dealers a panicalarly re quested to oar goodo,.as we feel confidant of beim( able metier unusual at to make hill with us. Call and examine at any rat, yI CKLTTTs WHITT; mere Ird Wood sweet. feifiTWN:3-4.0 perieirant LT received, end now selling ta tbe very law prlee or uk tents per Tare, b.( nr i. J 7. l'A`o x .rd ynrcd Goa poi sielt ' Printed Mantles, all qualities; lift plebe hot calmed tiaallas at Ec per yard, pow npentup by InaylD , • A A BIAdON &CU C. YEAGE,R., 108 =a/Ufa (agar Libertir) ItrrOG22lo 420 DrAtlill.l IN AMERICAN, ENGLISH, AND GERNIAN PANOT GO 0 S HOSIERY, RIUDONS, LACER, GLOVES, THREADS. COUR% BUITONS, SUS PENDI•RII,Au. Alen, • Satin and Fanny Vastlnga, BLACK :ND-FANCY SILK CRAVATS, PONGEE, BANDANNA. and LINEN GORES. a geytral at. ainticlll aI i'ANS, nal every , Path:ly Of uucaruna.. npit GOODA—We Aro on., reeortring a very large and Goo casonment of Spring nod Isurclocr .Loods, a huge portion of which haws been purchased at a great rednetion from the ,prieea biought [lithe some descriptions of good. isqlte early part of the maeon, en that in almost even... Mad of goods we will be enabled to offer Great Bargains to Calth Doyen,. whom we would reopeetnilly invite to call It No 95 Market notch Weer earner of the Diamond. _yl3 . ALEXANDER ft ILLY '1t41.114.211a.te BUIRCIEFIEIrtr nye cove receiving Iva their IS<COMI [apply erf.lecnir Cot this Sgring• end' arn the,r frice.l4. alio buyers gene:ally a /erre gent etoma smut invent to selett trona. .• _ irr De alers are invited to took in at the wholetak • rcoMs of W R Altoohy, where fresh slip. ply Los also. been received, .and several kind. of goods cad tA, 11/ lOVICT prices than usual. myl2 A A. AlAtiON le CO, 62 ant4et at, are now open . ing choke high Colored Lareges,Tlranea, Mari gums, llelphines, ice., all at radoced prices. atyls FAST Oa lOrtd Lawn. cauf.V4c.uns o lie low yric. 014 e, will be opened Ly.A A MASON A CO! mayls '• - - .flargettnalln Vow lard I ditailllrt Wash S ilk . . . RP I RURCIIFIELD have reeelvid lot I of P rinted Foulard Silks, at the, low print," of . 371 e per yaid; also, sorer do. it SigberY,Kces. Mash neat plaidr at reduced 'encase and a largo as rontaent of tIARE:OES GREN/Jitiland Ladies' Drew Goods generally, of newest styles, at north east corner of Fourth and Market tor. • mapP UO/014. Linens. a UURCtIFIELD at north east erecter 114 of Fourth and Sdarkat ithr; have snot received • Orfply f cunnifiee Irish Liana., warranted pure Raz, to which they invite the attention of dealers. (mays PantyCialnlitatnta . .. URPITif hire ;net opened an sorpnant of Fancy Cassimeres, adarted for gentlem as en's summer wear. Also, taper French (Road. cloths; Satin sad Fanny Vesiiner; 1- 1 -Una, Cambric, and Silk Potket liwnitierenierr.; Fancy Gwent. liteephed nod Unbleached Cotton Hosiery; Kid and Lisleliloves; Stilt, Cotton, te Untied Unaersbirts; at law price. lot quality. -• • may2s 71( 1 ,1 j.W.J , If R.l 11 el CASE 4 plain and Grated I.l.erego de Leine, ma-et a id color., mit received, and sailing at very lose price*. map= A A MA'SON & CO LAWFilii, 2CASES fast. colored Lawuri received and now icd °penl& sellitig alma extreme low price of Seta per yard may= • ; A A MASON & CO "GOttaCiltiet. eIMASES • rnst colored Clisgkauts, reed, era selling , at 1.1 mut per yard A A ?JASON & W. . ' MI ?trinket I reeeisely rue same kind orrery strong and no Ilarered Taste that are told In Me slid Country or fivc andlloga per pound eau be ohltdued for 7.30 per Ike!. enerUo 'MORRIS*. HaWORTII APAIR of Gold Speclacter, . opposed lo have been dropped In Wood 'greet, In front or Bellmore& & Penes Worehoore. The &oder will be reworded on returning them to tho owner, No. T. Wood Street. 0p.%) ISE'LXVIIEFATOILY ftEiVaLIIATISIII: lk. AMERICAN RHEUMATIC lIALSABD! ANEW Remedy lately dlmovered in Me:Vegetable Kingdom—a Nara and permanent Cure for all Itheomnito . Complainu, Inch na • • ..lullammatory, Caroni. aeon, and Mercurial Riteatuattase, 0.4 Lensbafo, Spinal Affeetietut,tc.. This medicine hes loag been nought for. It ben been mid thatlthetantedsoi could not he eared; but Mere is remedy designed 14 nate,. for Mecum of everydis. caw that the human system cares At last a re medy has been Mime that Rheum atism of the worm fenn—one of the most valuable vegetable pro dummies of the eorth—tho greatest and most important discaren. of Res age, and a wonderful blessing to the human family. It cores without sickening or debilna nen, and MICVs strength and vigor In the whole syl. ton. It has cored, during the ant l three months, over bin cores dint were COMldtrtd.tacurable. _ _ - - ecritgenten of the eurnuee propertied of this med. fine earl be seen by calling on the Agents. None graume unless you op With an engraved label Upon the onlenle wrapper, signed by the proptietot, II TURNER, Sutralo, Cola by 11. SNIFFER, • corner Third mad Meeker 6t, Pitmdtrgh. &Sid also by (J. F. THOMAS, No HU ?Jain st, Cincinnati, a =====l;o NN CFM:IIIItER OF' thisr,STEk.L.and No.] mod No.: Aussie. Dikter. Steel. ALso—llest Cast Steel Files, of all sitete and Maelteinalt and Shoe Coops, aissays on band and fdr We, other at ins “Fao ilk Steel Works," O'Hara atrkey Fifth Ward, or =the ,driee in the Iron Store, of 1101.1. MANS & GARRI SON, No 4,100 t of Wood WC., Pittsburgh. tartr.Fdtm 1=113333 Vt - e,this undemigned, having o.ed, vrth entire NM• istoition, the Coot Steel and Files made by Samuel Alelf cloy. at bit Etign Steel IFiti le, In Mt. city,take pluareme In rcenntincoding them !Animal W quulity ig any contused by us, af foreign manufacture. Pittsburgh, hlnerh IJ, IVOO. •1J k J II SHOMBERCER & CO, Monufecinters of Irma awl ANAPP Nult Pittabervh, Pa. i et, Iron Founder and Mochird.m, Pittsburgh, Pa. COLEMAN, lIALLMAN &CIA Mo.ndaniuters ofSplingo, Axle., Spring Steel and Riven, Vntvintrob, Pa. FA. W PABLO, Engine Iluilders and Machine Card Monufacup rerr, Pituhum, th Pa. A FULTON, • Stop Founder, Pitleburgh, GRAVF,LINLiSAY &CO, Manufactatcre of Iron and Nails, Pittsburgh. Va.. JOSItVII TONILINPON, Locomotive Fannie unit Ship Builder, Pittsburg e lt Va. ri W tYALLACE,. ilorble Manta:let:lr,, I'llnelnise and Ithigine ort-Pht.titirvb P.. errUxV 4,01.Z.,1•kag. ei c :de:l'hl7,ltr4 wl milbow peb h e tear .Xygqcra4on,Ptrtmatu colour or conttailletiou,Sl thole who have tmled ti, pro:Mince it 'fat ittpericir to other in the mare, The consuntrraced butte appreheosione of roiling carpete, dc0.,.„4 inion prevent, it dlit from arising *hen bring ap that, which must be done eaten Um Shine:is ro.d : Tile ctn./thy =tared is to rivetince liv e redw ire! Mane. A CoPlar of over fifty per cent ix to the yawn/mars. A COatingapplied to PlovervPspos otm, when laid away for the , , mane, iv , a rer ventauve against' runt.' ' Alta haring . ,pc• ed it went: or It to accoutibto) so- petters will two any h. , lb , (Lee On Nl.Clucturing Company's Premium Cheat/ oat 0101 T rolith. Foranle DP, ' iI.N PiItIKERIVIIAN.: • Mgt/ • . Corner or Sinn:and Wood aticels. • Innen; CAROTHERS & CO. have removed t , V No al Water sk. bolssedn Wood & Nuaet , In idom formed) , otekapied by Hardy,'Jonei pciasEED 011, 7 3 bits orkl7 , ,kn stortoz—ii—..So 17 cach e by ' VRA7* -1' L‘ti 61.°Y • PO =1 - t ' voL, gcni: NO: 267. .k.._A(.),QlcS!4Vslic,,:;:ko. j. :-*EW..8:7r0,4g. .....Signilit;teGgioi,ltaxg, l . • ox Ofilimi miemidimi , to Woodwalleas !VIM subseriner wined respeettely inform the cid ot Pittsburgh, Alleicheny, and vicinity, that he butt opened bin new and elegaet eaebliehroent for tho side of Puma, EtemeOrear. Meat; aleur-oz. 11. syacal eve and every other adobe In his line. VAN 08—.. Sole trendy for Norms & Clarks'. mile. bested grad and roar° Planes, with and without Coleman'. /Pollan. nnachinent. Them Pianos have lately reeeiveit areal important improvements, ran. de ring , them exceedingly brilliant of tone, and extra. ordinarily filtrable and laming. • Alsci, T. Gilbert & Cele Women) celebrated Piano.. nem instruments have a wide spread reputationoted eve co •sideted weenie the very ten wen Boston; where they, ore decided favorites. ' J. It:Denham, N. Y., of the &snot Suidart & Dun ham, hisappeinted the subscriber role agent fee the sale orbit Planoi In Piusburgh, The Arm of Medan rib Denham is one 'of the endest and best la this ecentry, and theirlranufeeture for fulness and brilliancy tone and beauty of workmanship . art• second to none. The no:tamed Concert Pianos of Sarsadttor. of Bremen and Harahan, will allay' be kept for isle L by the truineriber. :It will enlace to slay, Mat they. re mode rose Sir Well the .greiriPients. piayere ot tbeir Concertodtbe Contlant. , The Subs:Tiber begs leave to direct attention b the • impatient Out of bin having special egente both in , Eamon and rids conntry, who carefellyeeleet led exaraine,every.plano sent to him, which enable. hint to give b. written guarantee with every Piano told by blot, pledging idamelf - to Wand the money to onste the Pinto IM proven (salty or deficient. . Conspply alba newest and utestpoptdir Maio will ntly be. kept for sale—forniehed by Me best publiebing hammier Heston, Philadelphia, and Bahl more) agency for: Mesas arfenbern &Lets, New York, to mom exteasire importers of,famillti matte hi Mir ®entry. Bole Agency for CithardOs Patent Melodeon and kfelodetin.Planos, as manufattured and perfected by Murat & White, Cincinnati, with single and double setts of Weds=-the beamed instruments yet invented. Also, Ghites, Flutes. Clarinets,Niolins, Bugles, Sax Horns Tubas, stud every description and variety of ants instruments from the best makers. Suing, for Violins,:6W111111 and Have IliThistructlon books for every heitnunent. Dolce lions oft:mule made, metric hooka baund,Pianos tuned and repaired; Violins, neeerdeons, Aloha% &a, rt. paired on the most reasonable terms. • El==M! TELEOLOGIC /LL sWOIII3II. • TPE Works of Leonard Wood., IX . , /leadlers Moicelludo, Ybang Lady , * Priet'. Mis Farrar. Ciriadva Manual. IlObart. . , The Gospel Its own Advocate. o.GriEen.L. D : Ppethurooa Works of Memory. Family Proyers and Consiactliark. Thornton., Seratoin, °titan's Se rmen..! . • • Connia,sltoes F.evmoin. For sector JAMES D LOCKWOOD trapri f ID4 Fourth at . • • XL I#7lo CSIO. LUST tecelyed si the sign of the Golden Bann -1111 Thd Walm, - composed and dedicated Da to Mrs vid 1; Park, by . Professor Rohbook. Dello illeltatt Polka, composed, and dedicated to Mon Jane Park; by Proressor Rot:bock. FOSTER'S NEW SONGS.. • 1 . 4 !Dodder Gum. Girviirte to Ronal( Mahe. Ange line' Baker. Stay Sommer. Dreads.' Away . Dolan Soullt. 'Dolly Day. Oh,Lemitel. 'SammerLonginga. •Soirre Polk. Daley Jones. Alto, if tabor° Mockler. by - Watson. Ob, Think not Less 1 Lova then, (Alpine Horn.. Our Childhood's Home, as sang 11, alias Et 11. Pay Mother I Obey, word. by 00.P.Sitris, matte try 11. Klelicr. Also, a groot volioly. of New. Bone, Polkas,iWaltses;tec: for sale by , 11 of •, , ' lel Tklydst SIC* pin:two/moms. A V Historical and Critical raw of rho OpccaLuiva A rallotophy of Europa in thalgilt centuy., By J. D.Mordll,A.Fl. • • • • • tenet, or the rice. Bamael Rutherford, Profeasaiof DhrititY ht the Velacraity of St. Andrew., with a te ir te; of al R. his by Rev. ..h. itimar, author of ataa h ie ieioe. /be Theological IV y o e rks of tho late U. Daniel Boyno,'D. D. Edlto4 by tho Roy. Seel Frey. &zoo* edgiou, - Kasailas, rrloce Abysoini. - D! ' D t Jehattas. New edluott. they on Christian Baptism. - By B.M.Noel, 6L A. Cortribunons of q. q. By 'Jane Taylor. 11. las trauid (rem orjgi nal desigtm. by Howland, Thb Philreophy of Dobai/in blonds and Iteligfoa, an diseoverable in the Faith and Changetess of Ken. By Ras IL Honker. ! . . • - 'lto limning of Joy, bung a envie] io the Night at NFq hg. Cy the Rey. 11.Donar KelSo, • " Vast:old:to Psalm; being a Practical, grnertrattri• tot, luth Prophetical Exposition of posing XVI., by Rea "I". Dale, el. A. . • ! , Tile Lighted'Vallay; of Closing Scenes in tho Wm.*Belayed :hues, by Bolton, with .profane by East. Win. Jay. -' „ . .Tao f.Marnandment with Promise; by the Author.' "Bib Last Day of tno.Wcox," illastrate4 by Howland. Nosbnira of Rio Life of the Jtey. John Wallows, Missionary to Polynesia BleMoirs of the Life Wrlrlngs of Dr. Chiamare, by bin Son lh lair, Dr. Hanna, in three vola.• Vol I. Also; n large :wornness of New Po B. tiniert'Pabl canons. • For Sale by A U ENGLISH &Ci:h eti Wood at , • pAIIZILICIMpCIVII DIDICCITORY. 8 ,. pv,tinstiTriNew D P I t is b I ' L'ALL, s b. ebester s . Inrellitsbnos,, tte.. ides Um work to now neetly *tatty Por the press; end WU be pit In. the intite,or.. the printer spree whore between the Yeth end alth Instant. citizens gene:l[l4'sta all *lto feel ith Interest to the'prodnettho or a tomplete and regret Dirottory. pentad arty those who bare not been celled 024.1111 tretuly oblige the priblielser,by owned:tined= their TILLIOIIII avoentless =1 planes oft antneas,l:a.,stri nowttor prthiletuion In the Direetory. . • ,',' All tents to be mouth& most be banded.l4 Perth. With, br arthe Intest, by the data oboe, named, matte ; MELODEON PIANO& TOST received, Owl now opening; one elegoalTlO.a• el' viand a octave Melodeon Plano , the need monotactory of blotch k iMute, Canelmam TUB , a a orpotior, sertnrtent; of finetine,and.lrem mpld tnottmauoni aeo ono. fine 4 eatsve bleb:aka:4 t /I KLEIIEWS Maga Store, mnll7 -,./01,ThinlotreeL NEW 'PUBLICATIONS. • ii . PoTt r b FAl e *C o l f ' s ' el!oo " ls ' elid * elle t". 7 " M Y. Anilion, L.. L. D. Professor or Croak t i e r% Larialabga " • agei ha Colombia College, New York. • '.7116 Ilimory of PAgland, from the/ovation of Dallas Cme.k, lathe abdication of James /1, 06.8. EMvid Esq.; a new edit milk the author's or. riOudos and improvements; ta which le poised a skirt ;ateovni of ols life, wrltteaiby.bimielf. A idellool Dimino sty of .Grec/r, and Raman Aiolqp 1. abridged loom Lim liner dialonary.. - Ily Wm. Smith, L. L. /J.; with coffee:loor and impugn:mutts by1413.0c. Mahon, L L. D 3. , bleonsirs of the Life and WHO/m.4,f the; nos. Madmen, D. D.; by Ole son. brim, the Rev:riVililaw Randy L. D. to three votaries.. VOll4 NVlroto Jacket; or Life la n Alas of War. Dy lier. 1111111 Melville, author of , Ty pee cimoop .. , Marcild and 'Tan Werke of Ws Sherwood; being the only nal ferwedition ever publinhed to the Umled Bonne. In atzienn volume. Fairy Wes, from Atli nation. By Ant/piny-R. 51tinta,t. arab twenty tour Ulustratione by 4. Doyle. wick; Wilton Harvey, and other Wen. 137 IDIso Sedge- Thi Notional Equom of Book Keeping, adapted to all puts of the tun." Staten By John klur9ag,!,o- 'AI (a, a. large aceonceent of American 9. & treunn Welts:on Land, and for rate by •. ' • '-- - • Alt ENGLISH &CO • • • 1811,coosors to ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, futtyl4 : 11; Wood stroct. . I sit 9 uhcuf tit . in 2 sots, moth, far wain _, oy9 JOHNSTON X STOCETON i 73 4 97CA T E ' D 9 RA F a ni ne t u t r 'e ce: th tfion " o of f Cearch Music. ,Bibred by George, Kingsley, Au mot of eiritelal Choir. Jirreeile Choir, amide, Sabbath bobool Goma of lialleartil Poetry, designed expissey for the Sabbath ecloofi; by,J. Croat shank. • ' • • • " - A new Treatise on Asixtotriteli and tho flekt - Af . eke 'Watts, m two pun, Containing Asuonomica ,an 4 ether detioition.e roottonswaportworts °tate annAtoon at , / Planet-%'itescl i s fawn sod Theory of Gruber-too, [ionise tion," Twi light, end Paintbox, Conneerfous, rinds, Simonet e, Phonemes* and ntogaltsidea of the Itexamtly Bodies composing, the Solos. Plystera,2toi also. an ex tenstye co ticc eon of the most nxlttl "'rob :rowan the Wig of rho Globes: Mountie-4 by a lett bteei agony of; hisomp .to; ter grout for-the Use of high School. oral bezormiea. fly James hteintliet Professor of Mathematics nod itssintioomy in - the Dcarral High School, or. Soltintore, Peek and Parr, or Ineokuts of a tzoisoin the United ?rates Frigate Convert, to California; withinetaheo igio Janeiro, Vatgaraise, Lima, llonolula. truil*Doi • Francisco. Sr Be, Wo ,, er ! , -hoe U. B. ii4,,ouguer of Ship and Shore, Re.' . Far We " . • .; • A.. D. &NUMBS &CO, n" • Soecnoiorn m kiLLIOT ir. ritristrinD, t : ap3 No. 97 Woodstroet. ft Num!. I. 1d0n...C/102121., • • E Union Mole Dietionary.-t--The Childra Bak. 'or Ballads...-Placilonald; or rho (Zoos • Story. of Herd Life..-wwEimsgrouraptrat Isse litunesty Schoen Boy* Cootraeted.--The,Bar . of /War or We Dloger.of ['vase aid A filimion,...-Sters., ong e ,t,l Llayr..--Knoango, the Dann Chied.Tho Life,,of Lotlier:Scult special reference to its earileepotiod and thew:toning sconces( the Reformation: by lklaraha Sears, D 11—A Sunnu,' or Biblical Antiquities, tor Schools and Proailice.- Uracra.... For tee b . "' TIT LVGLISII a • saccenom to twurr &Malan; mil ....AMl; l l . Vt:Avtitni WRVS AU •a. J . triablish shonlr-Dr. of (1 6.. ovenaterent, fated funalhe'rievel3 by Ft: 111 Bal Fr; bL..1).; , litcond'ethti 1 voe 12nto +Meta Lieu ar. satine...ireas sawisier. ENTIFIO hECfION fboteteuN. Cbnp- hem hive employed the Ent Professors In Scot. !midi in the preparation of these works. .They:are, noirodcrell to the etc hoots of the United Motor, under the American tarlatan of P. 31. Reese, ''tte.V'almo^' , M^ar at Yalta Scheid', 'Wino gity and COunty ofNew York. :„ • • , • C. tiesouera , steamy of Rnowlellgef• • IC Clark'. Thawing and Penrpeatier (Ihrsubees , Elements of Natural t l inimildlyi - y IV: Reid & train's Chemistry and Electricity; V. Illseuiltent`a Vegetableand *Moral IMYsiologyi VI. Chambers' Elements of Zeology,,wine plump.. VII: Yugo , . Element. of Geology, Illustrated. It ill well known that the anginal punliebers of them morel (Cue Blersei 'Clanorborh, of Edinburgh) We. tole to comer runt the bin Want in then:spurs:mu of their molly and that, It - 1.1.-diere duel svob the public. ,''rble eerie& will not disappoint re nsonidde expectations churl eXtited:• 'They. ere o mentary works, papered by anthers In every were caw PolalOir dologiutucolo their reapectiVo Oedema/oda, end who have made Mly bestoared upon Meru the am ceMary thee and tabor to adapt them to their purpose, are , recommend•dient tO teachers aud.pareats with confidence. The. firm.narned volume, it deal...ha !either or thepientsgey,claisea, tried famish an 20- atinustible rand Of Imintenient wadi umnietion.,lo - they wouldmonstiluto a rich treason , to a rnto. dy 'cr imellment children,. and , Impart a. Mimi . for. kno.lrdec'—{Yoll6oll4 Chronicle. ' Publomed by 21:81 nerves A. C. New Foeti " Ind or , e • 401. WiGLISII& CU r , • _ . .1 . . Na.3.Wooda VFONOEIV CLIIfIS,tCA9BIMEIU 23 O I • kgyruaitl,ictreti=netforoirtn:nrais, Aaa .nt 4 . 41a r 11f.tibk41 1 aatqcfklA) ILt • -IA(L.. •.,