ASTERN' /WV ERTISENDITff szossziaum ZINC. MBE Idon.m. Company amply Matt adonis j pith Roofing and Mooing in sheeta nr7 recta:ohm kr In 2k comes per soma foot. Connived to sheets 21or a groonne panda buildings and depots. Phip Shea 48 lecher, from 114 10 ZS omens. 11 Pyites, Ilya, Sugar ?adds, Perforated Tow Paint, at. 11AV:warrant/heir metal poor, sad fro., frora soy rulatimare of lren, or arty other ,aubirtance, and re commend it for the maaffactare of mast ruttelel the Image tarofshipt ire, at It deer not wort, lo not affected by the tenon of water, and may to polished, pinned, and layoar.ed. • • , , . BronN44..roodeboi.planr,.. sad other Information amyl. had of thesr agentn— APCbab t Orwist, Near York; AnuoiroMaisnot NsTaso norm Jo Co, Platolalpil4 W.. 11. lloUtx, ilettineny4. _ BUM; MAT & Picir Drlelmn K11.1,1E1001; Rethlenednent, Urge, May I. . listener New York. SHOE. vispuros AND, IeRIATILICHe ' • • Midway& A. gtoarlOrr • • lc , . South Cohen et., mar Baltimore si, tipsore, ' ILate E. Godfrey & Bone. IMPORTER era. Findings,and Dealer in Leaner . of eerie. F . g ua. and French Ind liking; Ereneh Call-Bklns,,Patent Leather ' Moroceo,'red,. white, and pink maim, !IMMO , &e. Litolerit Fr.iieelet BILK GALLOONS AND. RIBBON LumatmWebbs, Oboe Knives. Awl Blade., Shoe THREAD, Bleed Taeks, shoe Nails and Shoe PEGS, of all Wm- • • • E. A. G.: having established the above business in Volearere, Is enabled to ship goods Amok oe west trim the utmost despatch, and at the lowest prim. Mannfastaren, dealers, and all others, Meg reli gpon obtaining every article is the trade, of the beat osahry, end on liberal terms: . • .- I'D.Hantatitelarer of Lute, Beet Trees, Shoe Thee, names, Crimp., Boot Stretehert,&c. All orders will ' be promptly executed. Low prices for . •• • A catalogue containing a complete list of every • cradle in the trade will Ire forwarded to those who EDWARD A. GODFREY, IG S-Celvert at. , oray2tripitt_s near Baltimore st.. &admire. TEE ASSAM TEA 00EPAJIT, 136 Grrewtrich. stmt. Acrd . m pkoprielora beg to call Vie attention of con neirnurss ir. Teo, mid the head, of families to the choir. and rare nelection of Teal imported by Unme t and hitherto antonym in this country width, by their fragrance and delicacy, combioed with virgin panty and atreagM, prodace an infnalonof en:pawns rich . cepa arch,flavor. The Teas offered am the following • The 'Mao Bloom,• Black Ten.—.6l. CO per lb. , Mohan, do---..... ayn n Uteri' • do•••• .... •.0 be do a t . aaneo, a G reen Tea , • •• 1 IDO do • Too.ealas,. do 075 do " Tteksteau do 0 bq . . do " 1.rd.8 Miriam a cotopoand the. mad ruse and abated Tea. poen on tha fertile and genial sod of Aaron -• ...••••• 100 do • • • - . With a slew to eneettratre the introduchoa of thus Teas, It is the antention el the proprietor* to distribute by Mr, among the ;yr:rehearse, a quatlty of Teat mina l to the Ftrat Year's Profits on tke sales erected. _ • - Bach purchaser will reemeeetiolosed to the - path. aue, a numbered cenideaw, entitling m one chance in the for every fifty cents lard out. and on the receipts amounting m Altrhohah the under mentioned parer la °IT., to the Talmo of trouper mot, or $2,000 WILL UE GIVEN AWAY out Boauses, secoming to the following scale:— • 5 prima ofsolh. ofTea eget mil ir 6,2501 b or IP= 'd] do hi leo do •do do •WU bow $5OO 10 di lb. —do do do tOD WOO UV do 514 do do do srta 013i - 11500 2.50 do do do do 150 110 or 11250 4r. Prises in al , age) lb 112,0 X, . These Knott* Who prefer lower piked Teas can ',entire their prizes In proportion, or they will be re• purchased for cash, at a reduction of la per rem In-Country Acents wanted. Applications lobe ad. dressed, post paid, to the Colopusy's Depot, as above. jeld.ltu BARNUM'S HOTEL, NEW YOKE. Broadway, cornier of Malaga Lou.. lllls eLIeMiTO /10117. bee been leased by the eulacriber, and bee been completely reined In most elegant manner. Large addition. ire now being mule, whisk. when completed, will make lithe mon tremolo Betel ln New York. Itia the determi nation of the proprietor, to =eke It enael, to even` em erect, to any other 11001.0 trio. United BLUM Belo .eation-is the Most desirable and central in the city, be ing In the fashionable .art of Broadway, eenverdent to all the vobliebnilthegt, place* of manaelnent, and basinrea ..tindef.l for •ite lihervl patronage received tremble tauten, friends, -state st Cumberland, Md., and more recently at the Weddell Ilmme, Cleveland, Ohio, he respectfolly solicit a renewal of their puree age, for hie net establbhment, at New York, and • beg. to entre them that every <Sort an hie van Anal be givento admisamer to them comfort and_pleutare. A. ft. BABNIAL. New York, b1are15,15.71.-:(=reA7et A FORTE/RIG FOR 110 aar 115. RITANNV. SPORTING PORTRAIT CLUB, B - einem, George street, Plymouth, England. The managers beg w acquaint them 12019M , Itilratrons t h at . next Dirtnbution of Portraits of Rue Home. will aroma, those entered for the forthcoming Grand National .Derby Ram - the number_of shores to be limited to SAO eacholasa Firm class masher Ink second clue ditto in. Early application for the sin. approptimed shares I. nerelsary. A party subsetiti big for more than one Oar° hes the charmer& gaining an equal comber bourses: These merabcmarba draw ' the venous Portraits will be presented with the fal lowing soenn— Portrait of • . Ist dam bones. DI ditto Winerr i or Re Pint Horse DAM* 110,MM cord Gorse; -•- GUMS AMA ' • Third Dorm P.,000 4,0X0 Divided amongst Stamm.-- RAO 3,000 . • Nofent 4,1X0 SAM There ain 2117 bannsn .-ntu in each class, ME being the number of hums enteral for the race. The Drawing wut he conducted open the same legitimate prinelples _ • as those which aura... Gaul _the late dbl./ger and _ __other proceedings. Fell particular. of the malt VW oni.t_to,au bnt members immediately after the de, cikela may know his position. ; • • Dabutibern rem.' red and acn fonrarded . - di; re s - • pttsentatTrt Of bel_rtlnfs. 18503 — REEP HOUSE, 1/0 3 30 8E T[t & BAIIIItzUr Proprietors,' Pearls Squeire; Erie, Pa GEVERni. STAGE OFFlCE—Eareni, Western, and :Senthern Stages, leave Oda house daily. .Car, stages to sea from ?team and Packet Boat& Grain. ni.{ c,f the Anseriean,llotel,Flie, Pa. O. W. HARZLIti ma or the tilatunen Hoist, Oki.. . AFLOC MALI MILL, with four ran of etortes—one of the beet locntions for business in the wen—and n taut rate Saw Still, on en adman never Wing strum, - nod 16 acres of. Lend, good Dwelling lime, Tenant House, and other improvements, shunted seven miles from the Ohio Rive; Monroe County, Mi. Also, neer the above,a tuumdifel Farm, Improved. eon mining 110 arms. For terms, eimsire of • • 'WILLIAM 11. JOHNSTON, • Ili Second st, Mistiest+. Sir James Marrara Plata llafaealm? • nitEreortno under Abe imetedlme eve orthe I - end esubllthed for upwards of third years. This Melissa prepandloo is recommended IA all catch of bile,.id dies, indigmlieo, goal. and [Mel. Ata most nk, easy. and efeetell. form in which ' Magnesia may, and Indeed the oral one in which 11 ought to be . exhibitea, possessing ad the properties of the Mumma novels general itho; without beteg liable lik yto form dangerous concretions ln the bowel., It Aleetually sore heartburn without Injuring the its of the stoteisCh, as soda, pores., and their ear . • • beettes ere known so do; it pmvents• the foodof In; fonts turning soon in all cases n acts as a pleeling eperient. end is peculiarly .4 acted hi females. Sir linosphrey ! . levy testified that din *elation forms soluble combinations with uric acid salts la eat. of gout and grafel, thetby comiteracting their hdesiout .tendency when when meet 'elkellet, and even Megeetla itself, bad failed, - • • Prom Sir Philip Crampton, Dart, Samara General to ths army in Irelah:— • .. ' , Dem-Sir—There eta be en doubt that ('!.ge ne may be adminiatered more adely in the form Ma ears . ' marshal . solation than in substance; the lad • many other reasons/ lam of opinien that the Plaid •bleguesia la • very...hostile addition to Mir Malaria • Medico. • • PIIILIP.CRAMPTO:g.n par JAM. Clothe Sir A. Cooper, D. Blight, and • Messrs, Guthrie rind Herbert Ma_ yo, of Loudonortreag . - Teeintmorll4 le Plaid Magnesia, as beta(' In . finitely more sale and convenient their the solid, end .. free frosts the danger auentimg the constant ass of ~For sale by . the imorter's mid prendiethes agems, If A vAlis - rocx t. al . noyM. • Cor. of Wood& Plant sta. NOTES LOST:7 -- r7 • • .1 - OTPIII hereby given, that on or about the Mat of April, the sabserlbeni had nulled to them. at ellsbarg, Vs., the following. able., vim—A sole armee' by 0.-A. Martin, pay tele to oar order, dated April Mih, at 4 aseddlit, for 4173 fd;Y note drawn ty Jobe 11 Morgan, mane date and time, for 1111 17, and oath drawn by John Watt Co, in favor af Jahn S. - Markel), and re-endareed by as, doted April Mhos: fear months, for SPA, The oboes 'notes were never received by as, and lift Is to mutates all persons !wist trading fcrr or buying dm sam i s u sas u mnt or them btu been Mopped. d W PURIM SPRING A. 4200D5. A 17141? largo and oholee stock of Resh Boring and &mune, Goolaltas lon been opened at - Alexander& Dors, 83.1Iaiket street, run* lout comer of the Diamond. • '' In callieg ten auendon of our customers 'and Rs , publis to thts inockat armee as great plenary to be able to say it ten,racts GREAT BARGAINS in al. :most every detedption of goods, as a loge portion of is eras purchased at the recent extensive wseelon salsa on Ike esteem ciUsi. Gov assootracat, tone of fancy'7 and mobs goods, is very superior and arands to sell' euh b.7.,5, either by Vrh01.4.10 ' Or • in. C.p. Fab W.. el pone.. ' poen:Jl,l7.o,f EVA' DILE4GOOII' New !Kyle F.ilard silks,•77 <heap; Tien plainaid sm.,' changeable, silt of anonst - erery, bryle and roper plain and figured bitch Whig do, be- . rages and elms.; hem- de WU. law and head strie; n t e v erAnpc Ertl r tostd Scotch Sire."Afldtidis, tali:d de l nd 11 a or je ms ., t • b ane s, Orion looses of reads amt Warn ass • banes, stainless, winos, ka. . • • . supereriameieon silt shawls: .Plaid MI figured black do phdu and embroideredThitet dm lee emit. mere der, super plaid and embroidered whirs sad colored crape do: eareee and curt d../re4 WI lITE GOODS. A thle sasortment of mats; atassoks, hamlets, Sensw., Isx4s, Ighber.. lawns. he. . nosp,ll L Itn4y. pearl 4,104, Florence' braidnul nper Eagl r.rawr bonnet*. O Ben gunk ct attpelinr altun wni fringed milk and Satin Tate Famed* of an rugara and et omitting. Amonis CASSIMEMES. - • - Rage aseeMeele of •super notch, kiatirh and Belgian cloths and cutimercs of all tie Wes and orked le "chiefly/Cl_ would' ttorlut the attectlen of the • IIX)M.ESTICS. • ' o. r etnek ortaown and bleuled morns., tiekings, cheeks, chantbriy.; drilling*, Ae, is eery lane, and al , the very lowest pneea. Also, a large lot of tablediaperaand taide cloths, brown and Wesiel.ed; Roam and Deotchdlapen, mash linen. nankin., canna and wool -a goods for men and boys' wear, Dish linens, red, white, h o me 111.- oda, domestic enchants, allk a t al tidal* and alcoves of all kindly, iins'ery and bonnet libocar, Acta) Zowets,,Jsc. ta .11 which we would ream:Malls Incite rho of .wbolepale and retail. cash baser.. ALEXANDRR I DAY, • • mall -1.5 Market W cod.oft a Dimond.' - - • . • • APPLE. TH3IIES - All rarer prepared to famish Apple Trees, from the Well known • Nursery of ',lamb N. Dream The trees will be delereted at the 'wharf at Pittsburgh fay SDI per handrod. Perseaaseishiror good thrifty trees should legs. their orders .ono at Ike Drag, seed te a p t srthusesy Warehosse,torrterof Wood and:a:AU. , HN MONK IRON WORKS WAREWOLISE. jial LEY, 11ROIVN a CO. have removed ea No 120 wawa., Si doer Wow thaltortaagaleat Woe MMIMEOUS. J. H. JEMLLOR. WO. RI Woodatraw. to _pat mend IL new as gondola of PIANO Ifllr.lo-, Waal whibb am ' 2 "1 1 7,ar Love wadi D.C. Pester.,- t . way Med Row 1 1 97r.j. da llaeb . Nod. do. Gyring, so Renall DIA4; - Dolly _ Soldwe Dan o Wedding, by *loser.- - Oh, Taal the Cord yet oebr data.. " now bow ,Won the Spirit that Laiod Maw .Do onmetpe tor s Lewd Ones mpalan..blwa*.r. • Sadao - -- • --- ono Th nom where •vs the itean it- Low I Y *l 3aekbl Ow, by Lowir. . • Do yen ever Dint of o e. Slumber Geed* Lady. Cellanna Weddini Wreath and Ihigy Waittes. • . ' Batchelor, Maiden, )3ello. Viretta, Colleen, Ladies' Dooyeatet Dinuai . l.l!y, Alice, Evergreen, Eleds. and Lim Wass: w0r.19 TMLS TM 'S tt mice not loin the, lift of palgers,we Ai:Teo:king about Sandra*. of Omni. lesporteni,. Large Capful, peseta. far Cash; kn. - In fact, we will not humbug 4it gee manner or form, we simply inane the pablle to camper@ oar Tea' with what they purchase elsewhere; Om Is Me but method we knew to ascer tain wee sells the best and cheapest Teas in Mtn. berg& We me now selling Good and stronaTen at 40 and SO mete per 1b. . . • A prime article; •• •73 do do The best Tea imported • into the U. Hewes, RI Low paced, damaged, or - inferior Teas we do not keep.:. MORRIS & HAWORTH. Proprietors of the Tea Market. tel ' East side of Dmmond. . _ ticoas .Arroonoals Mae baulloal. %Via*. D. Appleton k Co., New York, kayo is course of pub. lleodon,ll, pow oleo tweatl•lro 01111 S each, • A DICTION/JAY • _ _ _ cr emu., Eniki It'ork,aid En irstuv*.g; dengsuld fat Tractual Working Ittps,,aad doss iviondad for di Hap - =RID Si oWrltl Twon: is of lame Bro. sranond will contain .L Two remain noes, and Inwards pr..= 0000* soon IGILIrrinTIM: It will, pt gum working,draw, logo a n d dmeripuorts of the most tartans= machines ta tho United EOM. Indepondest of the results of Altai - asp ingenuity, it will eontein compiere ,practi. cal tnail•eooa MechaMcw hischthm,llngine-wort, nod Engineering; with all th at is useful in-more than one thousand dollar. Werth of folio Vall.l2ol,.mair. sines, and other Woks: • • • The great object of thispabliennon is, to Owe be fore pnunical men and stadenta inch an amount of theoretical and edema. Rtiowidditc,ln a eondermed• form, as shall enable them to work to the best &drat. gage, and to avoid those mistekes whieh they might ethenrise minuet The =Mani of useful infermatton thus brought together Is almost beyond precedent in theh works. indeed, there is taring any eel:kite; within ns range which is not treated with melt clear ueu and Females, that even a man of the most onii, gun 7 capacity gannet fall of ewlentanding it, sod thus learning from tt mach which it is Important for •• • . The pablithere *myth short, &Wroth:2d, reiardlos of cosi, tomato thew* as complete as and It lo hoped every one deAthes to obtain rho work still promos It as Issued ia. nimbete. and tins encourage the enterprise. • • • The wort will be Usual In emni.monthly cambers, commencing In Jimmy, MO, and Will progress with pea regalanty. • The whole work will be -publithed In 40 numbers, at an Mints pVercember,aodeompleted within the cur rent year r ilidia A Dual discount will be mead to day one ramming the pehlishere $lOlO edvance, shall receive the went through the post adios free .1 . Oplateau os the Pres& no out =menses glansfamarers, Meehanica, Weland Mimeos, it will be a mine of escalth..— ace, (R. LI JournaL • .Yoneg men, arm yoaxiiilves wittfu knowledga— The me with confidence. , recommend our readers to possess themselves of its numbers as fast as they ap pear.u—American Artisan. • toiVeinthesltatingi commend the weak to thew co ma inofl> Inmetbanleal or sektulfie pm Mts, u eminently worthy of their m d Mady..--Trery,lN. Tv) Dadtet• • "It is thank s stela wets, and the publishers dev sane th Of Inventors; rauldnlers;elid MUM - tacurrers. and lodeed attic public generalty."—N. Y. 14 M "' Dtetionary will be highly went to practical. mechanics, and mdaable to aii who meth to acqurant . themsetrev, with the prognwof lowan. In the me ciente arisa—Neer bedforo Daily Merman , . • Altoung oundranice omen to keep peeled an In the oretical as well es pmet cal knowledge, end this welt will show dampest hens they Clasig2 7 —R.ZbW7 (Nasal advertiser. We take It to be jut the wort that seems and Mtn. dreds of oar lotelligerit umehatikve here desired to pos. ems. - Po maple me Its desmiptiens, end so fell nal edam its sifications; that It teems to us that my mechanic might Carp. t my Mali. It describe_s, Ni the strength erns engravings =el instmedormu—bl. Y. . hummed to miehmtles should argil them selves of its sainuttertm."--9ehtrytttll, (Pella ' ) Jaw- .A work of ertensive practical utility and crud ins. pommel, and value to the rapidly increasing enemata of the cannily. We .reavxd We melt ea eminently . ellelletett TO promote li. Merle of science and the mechanical and edimemieatevate.l le inferma , non on these streieets."—Parmer and lt«banic. • - .Pnetial amnia all the varied writhe of mechani cal andmenaDetaring Weeny' eigineerinc, te a will find in thiaToork a unman welch u will Oa to their proat te poxes*—Trey Deily Whig. ' We hava,earefally penned the lumbers, and bun no headed= in =tying that it la the best work ter me chanics. teadmince..and sciernifte moe, ever publish ed, limit areal m mutate intones:don on every branch of the mechanical arm and Iletellete, expressed in a 0 01 1 01. d• lanTnege Intelligible to any reader at or& nary ckpaPtty. , .tilmovirstvr, "We.,- • • -14 .. possee"PreemeesJeurnel.•• • . Wa consider Item of We moil ascral and import:ma publkations of the age. No mechanic can aSord to be mithetti lt."—Netemes I,lCorentercial Courier. .01 all the Tllliolllpablientions having for their /set the elucidation and advancement of the =titani c/II arts and sciences, nom Mame have ems, is eo fell of postalte la Ibis "—Regale Corm:Adv. - th Is the best and chespest Wert met cohered to the selnertfie and practital engineer and reecaania. The plops are beettlifhlly etecatml. , —Washington Globe. Klus great • Die ti onOT is ate of the weal were work.. ever published for years, end the lop price al whieh rt la mold muds )1 acceptable to oll."—South eWe regard isle Mae (the meet cemprebeasive end rideable, es well ea cheapest worts ever published." —Baltimore Advertiser. . • . Knight to be taken by enemy one ;Smiling to kup pue with the progress of art and menu in every tom or Me Labors of civilised lik,".—Rondont Curler. “it to designed slier the principle of Ure's Dmions. Ty, only that it Is aim durruni to the rout t ateal Emil engineering 581 . al T ons, and abase saleable as aerwroplls f America whim Uth has done for omehmery sad tis published in umbem mut id price so mode rate, looking m what M .nW. in each umber, rat Co one who hag the Taut totetest such oral abed be dratted from programs In and every one who , does op, wiU hod that he las in a condensed lora an mown of lostraction.'which would be obtained, if at all, only by the mellow of very many oolarnes.”—N. wThis scomsrroherareness with which the seldom.. are treated, the admirals marmer la which they are Ulastrated, to ire to bake this one of the most ded reds wortan— Review. ands wort timid be ln the Ira& of every Inechatile, Man, sod munfutuires, uperially those h o here the 'cut aspirants to eta.' in their ratpeenve b Wo birre mocha!, mooned itorith a Mew of reeemmendlne It to inventors. To them we would esly to Oa Mug. lawman of the Ultra "It is good-o Baltimore inreatoreforwrmi. , , Mirka fa fha ?origami' Nampa era throughout • Oa Unistai Enersortra Cascada. 11 . 110 Cadego, stivapinenteat Is inserted five times daring Mayen; awl can pipet cosnaindlt mat to us, a eery at tan arork wifitt• meat grafts In payment. MPALL OUITEISCIIT Contains: eas iiidsiong, nor odor Miner MILE followimy testbeental was Oren by the cola. hilted Dr.,Wooster Dsaels. tho macs af the great medical Work entitled Entesicin Pruett...a. Idelbciaa and Vastly psysician." : . s-Havhas be madeacesainted with the Ingredients which compose MeAblaces. Albilearusg Ointment and having preseribeier.d tested It teem:al events my private prattler. ,bare •to hesttation In saying or testifying Mat it isa Vegetable Remedy,. nontsinuas no anneral sabstseee whatever, that Its ingredients combined es they era,. and mai att dimeted by the Proprieurr, aro em !timeless, bat of erect value, being a duly saleabl not e ir ßamey of great power: and! chastely. recommend It v a eamposted which has dear/mach , and whlelt is ads pied to Cho care of a great of eases. Mosel 1 have never alder or aimed Mt the ale of intent tomb. ' m a ns toped for the Indy honest, sofa is he. mans chose-ler of the PrOplilltOr of this Ointment, and lie valise of Ids disirovery; oblige ma to tiros meek regarding A pt.:_ . •bV. MEADE, D. D." New Vert, pri1 . 21415“. • DUANE—It is °Milo( the best things In We world for Borten. PlLES..—Tiamsands ant Yearly clued IV this Clot. mead. - It never falls ill CTing TrAtef. • • For TiusanOlears, and AU kinds of Bores, It 111/J If Ma IMI* mad Hence knew Its tales In eases of Swollen or gore Divast,they amid always aPPI7 II. In nth eases, If used warding to directions, It gives relief in a very law beers.' • - erased the box ere din:edam kir axing MeAllisterss Oistmeet tor Scrafala, I.lver Complaint, Erysipelas, Tatter, Chilblain, Staid Head, Mom Eyr',(ah oy, Sere Throat, Braischnes, Nervosa *factions, Yalta, Disease of the Spine, Mad Aerie, Asthma, Deafness, Ear Atha, Darns, Owns, all Diseeses of the Main, Bare baps,' Pimples. tea_ dwelling of the Lambs, Sorer, UlNll6lllil/11. kilos, Cold Peet, Cnrap, dwelled or Deo. tea Breen, Tooth Übe. Ages N the F • There wee tweet, perhaps,a Aledieine bronchi be. fore the pablie, War hes in so abort a time won seeh a melamine az aleallisterbi Albllealing or World Salve: Almost everyierson that but male trial of it breelts mutely In ite MLA One las been eared br ti of Vie meat mink!? immanent, Roth/wed the arrant era Imebleneese fain in Wile, a fourth of a swellieg in the limbs, a 4:. If it - does not give Mune. Mem relief, in every ease, 1.1 can do no hinny, being As ewe" e mice of the wonderfer beetles pow er- poweseed •by uds mare, we subjoin the following cenil '‘V's • menowtablecitisen of blaidenerceb townaliPt latecomer • Otakknereek, Berke en, Match 36,11347. lifesint. Mut. ov—i derire to inform you Mat I was entirely minor of a revere pale laths butiby the nee of McAllister. Ait.liealing Salve odder per-• .ht.. 4 prom yea. I airmen when r Awn Yes.: er nista Ina unable to Mese. igneg nett woe I tri.a vandals remetliesiwitieh were preset 'bed for me I,,,,peicianaandlelt,m Pmerw aenthoetreeeiviag any wrett f, end al Unrt nitd of litts Salve, vile re. beyond expeetenen. am now enure ty free from the Sky u..nd and sweet sleep. I bare taw used Me nue. y tooth *the and other complainta, wtd, o k ee or remits. • , YOSS , Obnad, • Joan liftman:2Y JAMES hIoALLISTER Bob Proprietor of toe above Principal 011100, Nogg Norte Third sueet,ya l ., " rnidesia . VS ' nox. •' . deestree Ie Pernatratav—Deena & Reiter, eCtry. f OI Liberty and 8C (lair :peek and L. Wilcox. Jr, , rear e( Market etzeto and the Thaatotat, also etriee e ,,r Fottrdt and Bad Orem; J. H. Cashel, earner at Welton end Pena atiretillith Nardi and Feld to the Etteltatote to Samitgeld Omen, ad &man= Needed.. -In Aliegheny ‘ City by 11. P. Seheranz attd J. Parrett• By J. O. Ban*, Otaggist,Binninghtuni D. Neater, Rut Libitty; R.Pderlead, McKeesport; J. Alexander Boa, j • •• City; .N.• 11.• Bowman leen., Old AM Regent, lltr,•John Barkley. Deaver, Pa; John Walker. Jr, Elizabeth. • (enticed ty. CLOT/1-4CO yudi M GrceirOil Ur Cloth, on lank Sad for sale by 0713 • a a PMLUPS mismalUous. Valiant:do andextonolig. Woter Powor to let on favorable terms. II my NE,WABASH . NAVICIA.TION COMPANY MO • plepatedito lease the Water Poorer si the Grad Rapids,to aumunt sufficient to propel' tour handsed, pairs Pr mil stone: The location it booed noporia teek .foutaiution.l .nd the power can Cc..." telently be applied . ea, teeth suits of the nom. , The grain of the White illser,ea well OA the Wal:ash, ran be readily lienthated tta. mom While timber, iron ere, and 41041; to the . greatest abundance, end of soperier cleanly; - cart be easily procured through the tame eooattt_, Ssaltm—Chte hundred doll ' amPer e-nnt,". fore r'?"." et antlicient .torproriel run of Medium steed atenes,..for h. period. of fifteen Ybars. with the right a/renewal on thee or the lease, et 4 ,Aiustion orzht rtower,a*OrEd. The alle'of the raillot manufactory tutladed, without farther charge' (male Company... DT order of the DirectnTs. . ABNER T. ELI. 14, . 4 . • - 4 *. t. ;, o .. i r e rr o iderti ‘ of the MEMI33 'TUST REM, Vbltt, at the Pittsburgh Family Cro p eery and Tea Werehnuse: 6 easel, Fresh Oysters, In tin rune; 6 do Pickled do,. in grins; • 6do do do , Pint a. • • The above Fresh Oysters parboiled, and mat up ILI h i l i ghly concentrated soup, enclosed in hersomieli ly se ed cans. and will keep muck longer than those pat up in the ordinary wee. For rale, wholesale and retail, by bleCLU2,,..RGL!ebterei,st' Groat dmolean Illoehauleal WWI. DAPPLY:YON &M., New York, have in coarse ofyublleation, is "oasts, price twenty Eve Cents ease, a DICTIONAES if Martine., Mechanics. En gine %Voris, and Engineering; designed for Praetical Working Men, and those intended teethe F.nginecting recitation. Edited by (Elver Byrne. Thin work Ise! large Pro tine, and will ',cumin two , thonsand pages, and upwards of sit thousand Muslim hone. , It will present working drawings and descrip tions of the most important machines in the United State& Independent at the results of American in tonnity it will contain complete rmetical trcatiiba mt Mechanics, Machinery. Engine Work, and Engineer ing; with all that is useful m morn then one thousand doll ars worth of folio volumes. magarines and other books. Pit cambers received, and for sale by the 6 HOPKINS. 78 Apollo BaitaingP, ro.nh al NEW STOCK OP PIANOS CHICKpIING , S' PIANOS • John' • SI Wood Street, PH1114146, Solo Agent in Western GRyI Penns .GllRa,T ED lvani for the sale of A Grand and Square Plano Fortes, Bh.OS to in Inv auntie , and the nruitcal that he has now invoices, and will receive and :iftiS P" m ost ro t d s cr o i le rkeil ' e ri at he oNinti " o ' Po o r n te th s'e t r h e e r I :lTe ' re ' d for sale in the west—among the number will be found I a fall supply of I • Superbly carved Rosewood Grand Plano Pone., with all the recent Improvements in racchanient and I style of exterior. Splendidly carved Rosewood seven octave Pa s Piano Fortes, finished in the Klisabethart and routs styles With a large stock of all the elisions style. of Pia no Fortes, varying as pores from 5.5.5 to !rim and 5100, prepared by Atr,Chickering for the present year, IIA50.) Parebasers are muted that the rites of Mr. Chrek erings Pierre. have been, sod snit mount. to by, the sum as at the manufactory in Donor., without c harem for trukeitortatlon; sod will be delivered and set up in perfect order, in nap pan of the city, without charge. fart) A CAMP. -- Prin. anderairaol beca leave to inform the'pablie that be has declined ourinota in favor of lily llmt, P. M. Maria, who will continue dm auction mad Com— maiden barmen at the old Wand, eon. of Waal and Milli street. and for when he would solicit a moon =tee tithe liberal patronage J heriefore bewared 19- thOlO6llG.. alliN PAVIP % April Ilah, -P. (SUMMSOR TO JOHN D. DAVI3.I AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, • .A.TIZIL 01 WOOD A. 117111 IL il L aa m nnto alz,. c tllgteral i le; o rts , .or F v oraigo and , etnee, lee, toad hopes, by elpetteaea and close attention el hoinesi, to merit contingence of the swan ea pstronaee ea 111 x-tally extreded to the tormor hoese. April 11.11. lIIELIALSCE POILTABLIC SWAT LINE. frith decease of the anise partner, in Philadelphia, (the lee James lit Lacis,l prodeees co in,rnaption to the busimias.--arrangementhhdre beers made widen Inmates the same (num. iircersely, wide!, hare heretofore existed. The batinem,is eon:owed under the muse nameand l. El bal Id Dacia Co., Ph:loge:plus; • Jour I.l'Fonsa it Co.. l'orstiurma. The continuance of the patronage or our many friends Ls smpeetfully solicited. If any persona Lays demands against the concern. they we molested to present them forthwith. for payment Pittsbargh, April Iv,ttA. J 011(d y rF.tPE t, epllttf Surviving partner. A. Volmssiock & Co., - TIVIDLES.ALE bir.UGGISTB, COTrlef of don and 711 Wood Meets, oder for f Inn, on Ineonable. term: WWI Winded, SOO !Os Com Aorinonis; Co do Alum; . , aer do Aloof muds: : e reel:tale; 10 do .21fra.11161:66 . 150 do Calomel Amer.; 20 .do ltellove Ochre; O do' do Io • 10 do Briramode; DA do Doeher Lenses;B do . Clorear 1.16 do . Rhubarb Hoot; 3 do ChnelL Flowers; dou do Sono, .do 54 eases Ref. Borax; NO do ('Orion 'do; 23 do Caaulo Soap; 1.261 do brit licebeelei 15 do Prouilta Woe; MO do Serdlita Mixture; 10 do Cale. 0106666 :60 do Coo Rhubarb; 13 do • Monroe Lerner; GM do do 511 r. Wm; sdo do Yellow; 116 do do Cr:Arabic sdo Am. Vermilion; 100 do do Lip. Rao 60 roams Sand Paper; 100 do do Jedop; baga Sied2 &mat; 2.'6 do do AfiCayenve; 25 bales poule. Corks; 201.1 do Solidi. Mac; 1502 Hai* Morphia; 310 do .11. Tip; ' 166 ISO C•ro Aloes; 1108 do Tanurriuds; 1000 do BoCbreasiPotaal6l24l do quick Silver; ma do Ptak lloirP 366 do 1 6615 0 r oo ii 1516 do Today Mclver, 32 do Coelincal; 1661 do Crean: Tartar; Or' do Ilyd Poutetp; 516 do Tartaric Aerip . - GO do Mace; 120 .do Ulm Ural; Z. do .Gradville , Lotion ' PICTROLYOO, On ROCE our. “'Mere are morn thugs. heaven nod comb Than We. dreampt of in philosophy.” EE YIDTUFS of their remarkable remedy, and T the constant application for It, to proprietor, had Indneed hat to have it pat op in Ninths with la. bets and directions (or the benefit of the public. Thee PETROLEUM Le'procured from a well in this county, at is depth of (nor bemired' feet, in a pure ena dalterated article, without any chemical clang, bas just as fkrwa from Nuturea Went Labrato iy!! That it contains properties reaching a number of di...„t• no longer a master-ef eneettanny. Taro are sneer things ta the Mani of netarc,wldch,if knowit,mmlit beef vat uselldness in alleviate, suffering, and re storing the bloom of health and rigor to many• aea. form, Long before the propneter thought of patting it op in bottles, lt had a reputation for the core of dis ease. The constant and daily in retiring calls for it, and several remarkable cures than perform-d, In a sere indication of its forum popolseity and wide woad goalie... In the tare n 1.11.1<11.. . We. do not wish le =eke a long penile of certifi cates,. we are teaseled, that the medicine eon aeon work - Its way into the favor of those who nutter and wish to be denim'. Whilst we do not claim for it adverse' application in every. disease, we unhesita tingly say, Wet in a number of Chronic Diseases it is antr.lieL Among there toay be encunernted —all diseases of the anthems names, Rah'. CHRONIC BRONCIIITIS, CONSUMPTION tin its early stage,' Asthma, and all diseases of the air ,Litli;it COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Diallara Diseases of the Bladder and /Weep.. Patna Jo the Back or Side,' Nervous Diseasaoenridgin, Palsy, Rheumatic Pains, Goat, Erysiselas, Toner, Ringworms, Bunts, Seal., Drawee, 01 Sores, be, Ice: la ear. of deldlity re r suiting from espoture, and protracted time. or Manse, els medicine will bring relief. It will net as •gerterslTONlC arid ALTERATIVE In snob ranee, departing tone and energy to the whole frame, remov ing obstructlons,openlngthe !haggish functions, which noose &maga one a Innate coned:on., and 'Wring' fathead a. renewed energy to all the organs et Wee The proprietor know. of several rums of PlLES,that restated every other treatment, get well ander the use of the PETROLEUM for as nine. Tie proof e. be given ninny person who desires la Non' genuine without the erg of the Koplin.. 9.,by,the_proprlotor, D. M. KIER, Catal Basle, near Seventh in. Ale by 'IL E. SELLERS, 57 Wood and—anal MiDitWEI4 weer Viread xi. and Virgin alien who are his aestsll, seems appointed Agent. Cheap Standard History. HTOWS lIPt 70717'0P ENGLAND la now pot , IGhittlC by Halter & Deo'', lo deeds. cloth and paper. al 41 C ems per roL Three vole received, and 'be este by " R nopKiNs, apt? 79 Apollo Dullness, Fourth in. TRANSPORTATION• JEL 1850 , . ESIDWZLIAI SANDY AND BEAVER LINE.• Krim J'ithotter 4 , l4 to C.Votentrf a and LW,/and, therm:/ i/ nrit Ina pvtilosa mlanlrr at Cobol.. Giant+, Calm Stark, Tlptea,amet, CoVaprant, Ikluc(ineum, void Proidliot„ The ampletion of the usudy . and ttrovor Cunal open.up to oar atrOddirt.did green natural L. tut el Ruda a direct eountou alt.,/ on to, the attain in well s• 018440164111,07411L1C11 Wayne, Wines, Knot, and Dcluoturo, Ennn lbw wletioa OCOble, the, trade with l'ilishurgh been, to ■ great /Dent cut of, in noiswqrienne of the high rotas ,or transportauen, which ore now cr dosed. 10,1111 and rape/ tent.. • Dome ortlas /hos will learn dally. nod run akrOugla wiThoot Danslaptuent. The Donal 'tympany have bestowed Noontide line 'an Interest Its the unnerve, dented advantages of their chatter, site dos area red to the raiddLeporinee ortiLlo In ordering their goods by IBIDWM.J.,'S SANDV. AND LIVAVIIIt LINE, aja Null:riches/1n this advaittete. Agents: • ; .I.c; utuwm.t.„'Ou4.4h; ' , 1111.rwk . 11. G CC!, Ciiiuguloi. .. . _ R C "Spesz's Milla; Milo: , I) A Gay, With 11V1Pp.1 4 04 Georgo gamble, Ettiop, 01 . Cathie k Mittman, da; Hanna, tiothita Irent Newt Memo, 0; Aster & Nichorai, llanoveriO4.l:lllAmeta Jtiloory, nary., 04 Speaker& Foricv,Ae4•Jaaapb Pool & Co, do.; Hall & Hass, (Meld a 11111;., 04 WV ilaveri do ; CB Havathal & Co, 80R1TCM.,41.; K K Gray, Wayne.' blaze ,0, El Reynoldr, do isaav• Ma/maim 04 EJ liarkdalll& Co. Idagrvalia,o4 Wailarkaeso,da; J .aPPatland &41n., Sanslyvilln,o; P P Lolßr,vl6; Push bast, & Svefabaaah.laollvar, 0 ; .wolvd k Shrirdr, do.;J ataaAllat, Cvmoina & - Co, do.; Jobla Robinson, Canal Palma, 04 Fent & Tarte), Canal savvy, 0.; A /Amboy, Rave.. 04 K at, Newark, 0.; Fatal& Cade, Coloralm.,04_140111•1- lAvvra,Clevelaad,Cl4 Ithcalu& Green, do. • Anvil • • 1850 allagaa 1850 ERIE; ME/iCiVI4LE.A..I.NE. VD O laver Saba. VviATS of Cgs I , 4li.v.vrill leave reivalaSY J C BIDS d , oel traaaldraaent. VELL, Laah, JAMES COLLINS bar , Bi.DYIKZ4 4.lll4o TMKK,Rochelacr 1 1" MIA TR INSPORTATION LINES. PENNSYLVANIA CANAL I V OPEN -7 . , PITTSBURGH TRABSPORTSTI t t LIRE. Mitia 1850 X4t:a 'Via Pennsylvania. Camel. &Hem Roads. a'CO NNeft, ATICIZT-Co,"Cimal taste, Lthettl MTV, ettlxiour4ll; ATKINS, iYCONNOTt. a Ca.,279 Le =Market meet, Philadelphia- .117=171, O'CO,C7b. CO.,7U.Norkstrcet,naltirnore; F. Oust, New `cork; Rumor, & Garin, tI Doane sweet, %Wen; • 1117,111.7•7 Gone, Maysville, Kentucky; HALL A. Co., klfdwatua meet, CurehwaN F.. Wash, Louisville; . .114Ikk, linear & Co.; k. To Skyyros o f nromkandum . and product to and from. l'Aziadeipki . a, Adersuire, 2'e rod, 4 . Roston. •• Oar route beie ng now in fine color. war., prepared us forward goods as ribose at ersy /sinew ystcw. We 'some freightfnis ninny charge having polie Ibr over KG:afinnti, and with the following extensive stock anima% feel confident olgiving chute staisinah an rn all business entrusted to our ear, Our boats are all new, and commanded by captains of erwwie use. and e our ntire line is conducted on shies satbath keeping ands erstareprineiples. Bo Captain. IronO iy, Ragan Maryland, Marshall Cinctnnati, Sands Ruth Anna, Chatham Wen Atkins, Pediroad Import, MI/unile Damon, Alter Garlinda Hdey Dons.' Carcins Pcminylvanis St. Lnuio, !lowan! -Midley Al.rr p•barah Sirnn Enfrtwtse, Kayt., Janata Itrovm fief.. Scott, linre' Celia ' ILtetiat IloyAllquede olivrpmriehfillater Halon`eClipperlttley Amersta ferry Ohio Oche Kearney Mermaid Pl'Coltan Ilmtr.r Riegle The Pet ACtlutoln Juba Ann J Loped Aurora Al'llotrell Telegraph No2Davls • Look Sharp retry Norte Queen Wible ttlopperestill find it to their asleantere to grvo us a tall. O'CONNOR, ATKINS & CO y mOG ' Cenal Ratio Lit•erw at. Pillaburea. TIMMILIVOrt.UO6. Company, - 1850.- D. LEECH & CO'S lIMWEEN PITTsitUI2GII. TIIITADELPIILA, • DALTIMDRI k trinv By Prrrnspimazia Canal and nott Bond. rrillE Hon. and Corn of this Line have Veen put In Compete order, nod with the addition of Ft.tli new ones to the_ Una, enables ita to carry a Intga quantity of product, end voile. The retire 'dock of the lane is owned and cowls, ad by the Pit:Timor. LlADras & !fn.:Cif , An .flEfouth Third et, And at the Totodneo Diarehoune, Dork el, • Phi &Jordan, Do.; JODEPIITANIDIt & DON, No 114 Nonlt llowerd et, llounnue. hid; 1.1 , 11 Cr., No 7 Welt 0, Now York; .03 D LL.T..CII & CO, Cons Done . Deno et, Ifftotturrh._ iffaM2 1850: „ilia UNION LINE, • ON TUE PENN'A AND 01110 CANALS. CLARK, PARKS A 00, floe Lester, Pa., Propr`s. /01IN A CAUGHEY, Arent, Office cot Dmithaeld and Winer sta, Pittsburgh. GILA ill LIEDLINi CRAWFORD/4.00,4mm, Cleveland', Ohio. rTIIII9 wen known Line nre prupont to iraimport freight and Pi...ergere (rem PI ITSIIIIIO.II and CLEVELAND. to any point on the Canal and Lake. The facilities att. Line ere unraryansei to number, quality am/ curimiity of Route, ciperiencc of captains, and ethcirncy of Accrue,. One Coat leave. Pittsburgh end Cleveland d uly, tact , ging In connection with a Line of Steam Mato tween rrursnuallit and BEAVER; and er Lure of First elivia .'team Ikon, Propeller* cud %intents, on the Late". CONSIGNEVS, Clark. Parks &Co, llochrstrr, Pa; I: N Parka A. on, Youngriorra. (raw; Al II Ta) Ilartra. 0; A A N Clook, Newton full.. P I HTZ,IOIII*. Itavums. 0; Kona, Gr , nncll A. Co, Craaklto, 0; II A l kr, Cayabodn Fads, 0; Wheeler, toe A Co. Akron, 0, Chonsberlm, Crawford &Co, Cleveland, 0; Hubbard &Co, 'Sandusky, 0; l'oolkom A F‹oll, Toledo, fd; 0 %Wawa k Co, Untrod. Walliann A. Co. Y. dwarakte, kVrs; Marley A. Dutron, Canine, Wm, lknorKe. A Giant., Chicago. III; Trionaas Itec, JULIA. w CAUGIIUY, Agent, mrto covaer ‘ , V awn and Vradionnid as 1850. LAILZ £ILII. AND inicnlGAN DNTID.:1:111L: FATK.N..SION CANAL. cLAIIME. PAT:I:s A t:tl/, Roeheatee, t'rortietnee. Ir 111: Frei, of sheo old anti well known Ltee .oald inform the puhlle that they are no. in op eration /Or tOC ptT tont •ot.tIolt: end Lave eonmeneed reemvine Prei;hl et cl Put..enzelo, which th ey are folly prepared to elr, to all ;neat,. on the Canal Dad CAME AND MICIIIt.AN. At tilt tot,.t row,. rine of the unite of the Lin, will Le ron.antly at the !anther:, hen. 241.Lhalthelh Bodge, to rocetee freight. JUAN A. CACGIIV.Y, Agent. °Mee; tor Water and SinithGekl eta, Pittsburgh. CriNeltre/1-1-1, , . • CUM./re:PRI. New Castle, Pa; 111,t,,,,1ttr0 S. Co. Puntati; NV C Shan,: 1 AS II 011, r , Lsecobere; Wick Acute A. Co, •ireenville; W m (leery, Ilartstoletli Irm Power, Counenswillel now, , _ 1850. ISIDIAIRLL & BROTIIETt. RtItWARDINCi (Delver Point.) Er:Agents (or prrrsuußrai AND Ci.NVKI.AND UNE: Plitt: AND bir.ADWII.I.I: 1.1b11:2, EttlEt WARFIV.IN AND NI.:W (tAtttTl.l: PACKEIrts, wormy gni sltsgpittg IClaecn Pittsburgh ns.l Itstettester by 1 , -;41•141 boa. Ittiebizatt, Lake Erag, ant! Denver. 1,7?. rreri(red end promptly delivered In n pleeee 00 Me Can de end Late., et the loorett vale ShClrmre direct geode lo ell:dwell', Lane. J. C. IIII)AVIlLlo Agent. mr3ll Welt, at, Pill.liervh. PittsbarphPortabl• Unat Lloe, nitiOa 1550.:M4M. run 711114 1.7.1,0111,T103 Mil.. • V) AltD FO PITTSBURGH, PIMA BELPHIA, BALTIMORE, NEW VOICE, 131.1t10N, ere. Thomas ,Itairrefens,l I Tar ars it O'Commos, Philadelphia. I j Pittsburgh. Til.T,t.ttn; ,'2;n".' Pr usual " art h ' eir th df s l stands. 'rereirine anti It:awarding lifereliandise and Prod.- , at low rates, and with the prrafpniew, err calm, end safety, peculiar ht View ayatein and mode of traorponalinit. where inierrnedtate transhipment is avoided, with the ear:senate! delay, and vtobobtlity a damage. ' Merchandise cud Prriduce slapped r 111110( west, afid Rah at Lading forwarded free of charge for notnen, elan. fp/ashcans, or stursee Baring' 1.0 interest di rectly no indirertly pis steainhos that or the owners is solely consulted whit: shipping lOefr corals All communications to the fallowing ape. pp:kept ir um:tidal to: TIMMIAS BORDRIDG No Pi Market street. Philadelphia. TAAFFI: t O'CirNNOR, Cotner Penn and Wayne streets, Pmstnagh ALGL3Ty: John 51cCollogl, Zr. Co, North 0t 7 13212 P. B. hurl k Co. 25 DOlll. kt, Hen., kJ C Tapftrott a t',.l oC South ot, New Yotk; 'moo Wheeloortght, Cumin matt. m,25 1850. 13 1•D WE L S • i PITTNIITILLOII tr. , CLEVE:LAND .LINE. rp li re S p r i:Tinh w i i r th an: "' po7t ' Vrt " iy, ' h t i f r o olle:::laa h d Loki, ports, Ohlo Canal, and Intermediate places, ott Ito wool favoraOte terms, and astiti hto the ventest do. apatelt. Shippeo ern referred In those who have heretofore patrontead Pus Leon. Send goods to . 11idwell's Areas - fa—l C admen, Wuter vi, Pittsburgh; Grottier, Itnoleevter, L 0 Matthews, Cleveland; Rhodes k Omen, do. Ctr (10 Voangstown; C Leffingwell k ti c, Warren; A ir.N Clark. Newton Falls; I Brayton de Co. Ilavennu; Kent. (frontlet! it Ca, Franklin Mgr; Thomas Garl, do dui All hillier, Cuy aboga thflisier IW Stephen% en Son, Akron; Wheeler, Lee A Co, do; D dr, J MFalwn, do; J • J 11. Qaran, Cumming k Coe. do; Wei elouteeth A. Co, fludalo; RlGlob. &Go, Satulashy; II Iligglint &Co, do; I: flasks!! hToledo; If N Strong, fearfl; • Murphy de Down, 'Racine; halt k, F.lkins,Suaileport; lbasinnek Co, Milwaukee; 0 Dickinson. Little rOnj Kirtland d. Taylor, til,alioykan; REIMMIY & CO, Chicago; Thiamin, Ilale, do: ' Poltaburfth, March MI, 1200. TRAN3I'IIIITA'fIOn JANE, f 850.1. Ile tivren Pit tatmegla rata Ar.ratterirClt 'fen Canal bring' now ..pen, lor.i•ro ready In Oct.,. end forward promptly, prothwo And me :hand= cant and 'wen. Yer/0111111172y11 at luaat rain, charp,vd by revolt .thin Produce ne4 nterehotedien wlll bo tPeeiVßtilllnd warded toe , •tol west, without env eltarge lot for. wardlogOt arlyaneinK (11.14111, r111111faia.i0111:r MOIRA,. Mali of InilLeig fOreetttdeel, and nit Ilitvetione Ank let), tatemled to. Addfollor apply to. 1V M. Unit:lMM, Canal an , . Moony mud %VA!, on Fie, l'ittehenth. No lilt Markel et,IPCIW<CII 4th &Oils. l'hiPa • ; JAN. IVII,SON, AO, No It 2, Nonb Lioworo at.. Ilulionoro. JAf.i. hli • "main • No in, Wen met A , New York • • IlmironEN & , c0 , 4. • Passenger - anks !Remittance °Mein gailANitD/?..4 &CID. I , ontoto9 ,In i/Ing fanwollY Part 04 biuniond, Ireland. :Scotland or Wolof, upon this sawn htnn,l irsdrun wan Omit esenrintntundify. And Attention to li,, MIAIIIO 1611 0111 n• fort nf ,PRIWIEFTIIIIis Wistiotait allow out parsatainort to be tohUrd by Ibis ratirilillat armada ihnt itifisat this wan porta awe tabs dotty. or ulna thelnoinent they fr. port ihenueivet, Ala Id :licit one de. opetch thou without any &kilobits by Lbo lsset Watiay this fentiesaly, as wo dory non or our eti. In also,ihai Pity Want dotaniril 4o haat. by us In Livorporn, whilst thousand. tit' tithe. • ' ola tlettiiitol Month.% moil they col Id ho Aellf In won. 0.41 nIAfR ni eh: p role, whirls too frequently proved tryn kunnltists , • Wo Intend to petrusto our contracts onnistalily, coil what it may. and Oat .1 as tho ellUltl 1.1 WO on, Offirefly , Mllo ,1111,, patterned not .ft,ol when it saitnd their conrct Icor, , . Dna. drown .1 l'ittobtagh for Ray gam frfrm .til to LlOnlatablc la Ito, of On prorlAcial 'tanks In Oil. li4d, gl d, Scotland and Wales. nLlf OM N 4 kfri ''' tren..Bl F , fsbl VIM ) timid. anad a. nnr 14141. , W .t, ' A.,11 K 11 iI,T - 1.1.15a 7 ,:.-iiiiiiidynrudi. now la idlini., and I'dY flea by, /SAJAII IniSilil it cu. , glel 1111 {Yu./ 81. MISCBLLAIdIiOIIB. REHOHSE, en Street MMa 'Re 75, Porn IPCI,INTO , +: Pao T ~ I Y T Spring St. A of I Trimamp, 'Erin Sapp Eayal ' aatAmetie 11 Rana Superfine Iral ,13upet6ne Joe oastaalyreceiving his CARPET OIL oxalis, ,r in politic following, vb.: Velvet Pilo Carrie, Tspestly i F eon ltrassels it riol 31;1y n E ? Extra Gaper patentElterulle Raper Kurt filIG do do Rags; 0 Tolled Ram Rapt-line Ingrain CaTetr, Erna fine Fine ' " p 9 .o Cominoii Extra Wilton • • Common do Chenille Door Toiled Sheep Skin Adelaid cotton ." 4 .9 ; 1 anti i Tap Ten c'gr. 4-4, Land 1 Twi ICJ Cup. 4-4, 4, and Si plain Cdr. .List aanta dearl4lX, 8-4 Psinted Cotton Carpcte B-4, 7-4, (1.4, 5.4, 4.4 told Oil Clotho 44, I 4-4.4.1, end 4 Mooing", is nch patent Oil Cloths] for stairs. tano rfIVGIO .ble ^ itiormn CoAcu Tirsotreas Moe aml Droll Cloths; Coulson Plash; 'Printed moots - Egutionxil Pt, nd Linen and wilistaid Damask Sin Linen; Turkey, Red Chintzes; Chietze Eon ering; English Oil Cloth Table Brown Linen crumb cloths Woolen Ora.. Stole Rode; Stair Ding-gen; Carpet IltrlingS; • Sole and Cacti Mile; Alieant and Skfileion Moog 1-4 and 4.4 Green Oil Cloth e for Blind.; • : If nekeback Pinks . ; tae • Coach 011 Cladda DOIONAS tor Linings; Watered Aldred.. and 'Tolland for WSW.; Tenhsanrent French trans!, tt Venettanßlattla; Cantata for Flogs; 7.4 and 0-4 Table Linen; Rusata Crud; Scotch Nape.; Brown Linen NeaklhN fkrtneat OLI Cloth Table Coven, • • • min, .Ittrarr OIL CLOT= from the most approvedFng hsh and Atutrican manufacturers from 12 to 21 fret width, which will be cut to ft rooms, halls, and vestibules or any size at charm. The undersigned hsvinv imported direct from Eng- , land, his Velvet Pile and 'Tapestry cnttrErli. These Carpetswhich or the !west and Maul elegant Hymn Band pattern., and of the mad prawns will be sold at prima a. low vs they elm purchared form ally of the COMM •140, Ilminr the largest assortment of Ma rieltert end most fanhionaltle 11111)VSELS, 1511 . 1•1111 Al• and 1121112/sIN CARCHTS which Inc .1131Ia.CS In quality and cheapness of price, any autos uucat ever Wore. roue ht to this city, Ile also my ties dumnitmat ?den and Coach 111auafreturera to bin tarp, and well se:ec tad asutrunent a T Intine M S, Mll.l ulLe r articles neer vary in their to.. The untleraidneil is. Mao ocent for the only Stair Rod Idanatactory to Philadelphin i ,and Is. prepaied to cell lower than Can he parthared elacwiteru in talc intr. multi MN7I.IITDOCk a . ti A A. MASONItr, CO, at Market strum, halve. Sl a Third and Fourth, ore now meehrilior *large no' smote at" ( Cameo Da Lains; Ferman Cloths, on r/1- tire :tow minim Pallroda; Crape Do Lid., hr; lit a large nuortmant of Lawns and other Drera Goods, of dm laleat rifle. and most fashionable rutin* eIOPFF.F-4.0• Lana prmie Ilia and Dira; %,./Caemem-11/ hot mould, dipped, and sperm; Cil el.-150 b. Cream •tl English Lharli C.Dldor. Hemp and 51milla; C1.1.\-4:0 Mails; Coores-1 banal; sltdam—ed M Common and half Spanish; Fou—trs is boll bits lilac kraal aud Salta.; Cia.arsi-50 boo amorted Salem; Liam --Sri Prism Venison, 1 1 00 Cured; Isimoo-100 lb. S F and Manilla; Isa-10 dos ilorrim.'lllank and Corning; blobasast t rio N Orleans; 'l5 half Sogar Doom; Mormao—Ol dot *muted eassistera, Idaccatioto-5. A* Italian; Vtastamidd-50 lbs do NoDs—baD kegs Imported; Pica bari-5 dna ;am assorted; Paamaa—au bushels halves; Parrd4 reams amortcd; P.m.—lto ll* llordeaual SOAr—:gtors Rogan and Gast Strinh Seam—lo Mails N Orlemis and Cmtifird; Taa—rio packages Grmii IJlank; • Taaaman—ira hea ta,s, ri. t lb lump; Wroullordwa-5u doe patent Zink. For sale by r J D ILLI:VIIS Cl) Corner of Filth and Wood at. WAISTIGD. FURS! FURS!—The aubserpers will y PfPor *ton; 3111th. ;Hoak Rat, Grey and Red I , o pit x, Auld all lauds of shipptng Fara, the highest .211 prices McClai) Le CO, lebeo • carom . Ilfth nod Wood Oa. —DI-890LUT10111. C Pr rthet.htp howl:Wore eluting bervreenicroem J.. 'rotary and John Hort, in the timeery, Pooluce sund thounrooton holoncro, wor dttool , r4 by , rOII4CIII, on thr I rib to Mr. Jobs Bert booing par. rhokol the room in,trert or 'rsssL,ty, $n th e brat, the t•oetnees rrili he settled by hint, et their old stood N 0.35 Wood rt. JAhlr-S TArt,BY, feint! • Paper Hanging.. QVIZINE oe received, by firs. 0 eanst whipmente, o new end ehotee wrortment o Well Slitter, of the latest FlCltell azul Eastern styles in gold, tnenwis, rusk, pieta and hir,ll rotors. W. E. MARSHALL, Sete S. C. Hilt.) mrl3 t Wood street =r=2=l • - - ed-portnerahip beretoknd between S. 1. B. {fatback' and John Ale": It, and', the firhi B. lthanfiotd k is 'llia day dt , usleell by cifulaal The kulivet'a of the old Sun will be !witted by S. 11. Brfhticid, at the old amid, No-tedOldhely 'Meet, risk-koro{. March I, IbtO. /MIN MeGILL S. D. ° I.IUSIIFIELD and DCORGIIIIICIIARD will roduany We Whole's.le atd Re Dry Itowir and hours burinesa, at the old stand, No. •.0 Litany Uritlitut Of it. CO. March 1. I , :df burp N. and - W. IL Wideman. The • bii/mt. in future wall be conducted under the nyle of Waterman sons, al Um old stand, No al Wa ter and 01Front affect. 1... Y. WATERMAN. a'aftabarch.llinch 1ct,1650. IcCAUTION—Ahead the UNIX -01EIGINAL AND GENUINE WISTAIVS DALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, the Keret remedy for CONBUMPTIONI And the best toetlicnic known to man tor Astatertiof every stage, Liver Complatote, 14m:chide, Influenza, Coovit, liteediti or lizetLougs, tt , bortuern of theta, Ymits and Wentures iti the Salo tee., and ell otLer Mressea of Ito PULMONARY 01143AN5., A very important tlisems over 'Rattail this Balsam GI VMS a very powerful influence is Mat of A DISBASKU . • - - - In this coo plamt ii has undoubtedly proved more eitirootous than any rvenedy hitherto employed, and in 1.1111,0. instances when patients had endured long sad Severe suffering from the di: raw th without seemv in the least henebe titan various remedies, and when Mercury has been resorted to in vain, the urn of this Italsrini has resealed the Liver to • healthy action, and In many instances effected petmanent mares, after every wc!l • known remedy had tailed to produce this desired effect. . . Ikaidesite astonishing eMcacy in die dims...alma. mentioned, we oleo Gud it a very citeetaal remedy in Asthma, a complaint In whit), It hue been extemaisely awed with decided success, even in caws of yea& standing With dm Increase of ;olefin's:use has grown op a Ittrawleolge of the elements of health, and a re gard for Mm,. and commensurately with the su ides of science Lave we avolircil the moans of arresting dis. case, arid averting its ravages. Notwithstanding the progress we have made, Modelle+ Show that even uow. one .50515 of the whole population die itsnueliy of consumpuon. tine sr the mosymportant discoveries of the age, In ameliorating th e colnittion of dim large eta. at NF ferias liamantty, is DE. WisTAR O 3 BALSAM OF WILD CHEERY. Ei3 %Vicar'. of IV on Cherry Is n fate Iferhal Medicine, compo-rd eitedy of Wild Cherry Dark and the genuine Iceland Moss, (the letter imported express ly tor this 'Farrow,/ the rare medicinal strums of whirls are also comtlinet by a new chemical prates', with the extract of Tar, thus rendering the whole compoeud the most certain end eMoactous 'remedy seer discovered for CON6UhIPTION OF TILE LUNGS. Still further evidences of the remarkable curative properties of this incnumable Dessau..., Brown co., U, Aug:91,1840. Me.,,., Septfiord & Park: Gentlemen, Abost weeks ago I theeived the agency of NVistar's flotsam of Wild Cherry, but with roma reluctance an my part. Par the scone , thet I had been the agent of se monl pine and other nostrum+, which were cracked op to hn•Reneitong wet:derail, but which unload out in the end to be of oo account whatever, &lc* to the mai:- poen:re, / Rot I candidly admit that this time I have been ire hued, for the catraoHinttry COlTllarreoted by Wister's Ilmlnam have cotainnecd me tbai .good can come out of Nazareth.. Your agent left me one doz. eta bottles, winch are all gone—having been the means of ennogaeveral obstinate canes of 'Consumption— anal no mistake; for what I see and know I am bound to believe. One case particular: A yowig gentle• mon in Winchester. Adams county, frki 10 to nes Don this place, was cured of Consompuon when the dee , tors hen given him up, or at least conld do nothing for hint, rind it wan the intention of his friend. to convey hint to your city, and ranee hi:urn:der theeare enema eminent lohystelen diem Dot a friend told him of Dalsom, and this he could obtain it of too. Ile sent for it, and before the second bottle wan gone lan was mound soil well, and auendinghs his everyday b..toe vs. As there iltelseverobinguirtel for The 131Cdt eine, It would be well to forward an additions' supply without* delay. Very respectfolly,yours, LAMBERT NEWLAND. The above, from L. Newland, Eq., a highly respect. able eountry inerchent, commends ARP' fertility to inn eaudid attention of nil thole who have doubted the great merit of Winne. Wild Cherry Balsam. Ilcov-mber the original mal onl Caloom of Wild Cherry, was intro y dugce denuine In the year Rea, sal line been well tented in all complaint. for which If ts recommended. For 1.7 year. a hoe proved morn aliescluon on n remedy for Coughe,Colds, lobo lirouchlar, Asthma, sod Consumption fulls in cipient stages, lbn ray other medicine. LlibT VOICE, 7.c., RElf NIACIN New Ilevro., Aug. 10, IOVI. Mr. S. W. Poorlia Having veto ninny certiGentea pobtlek.4 in rein.. to Dr. Wister's Bohm= of Wild Clergy, 1 tote thianopertunity of altering owool in haft..., which you out alvo at Warty tO bohltel. A few month. since my wirer lung. heentne no much af fected woh n sodho cold s Ihu.he le.t net since, and audcrcd sevorely from owns in tho orea.t. lier whoa lion conned her friends hutch alarm. Having heard your Relearn Wrongly , recommened dby those who alai it, 1 porrhaned book loom your agent in this glean She loot It aecording rodirettion% end it pro aired u wonderful ellhch Ceram using one tomb she hoot completely recovered her voice, the pans subsid al, and her braid, some sooafully rreetablished. 1 hairs, truly, ' To Ihronoterts AND flannel to Ifitutmat. ,, rni eel rb hoed and 1.110111.1 e r ntedyfdr tl,e cure of Comm'. O.; Asthma alat Liver Complaint, has by Its awn me ta+, !men rapidly, sorb and emfoly -working lir - w•Y through thee opposition of quacks and countafellers, stool, 1.1 trap solo° and intrinile excellence, a has gained rOf Itirir a most enviable, popularity, andeshito halted lootif in the confidence/if . intalhgent and en lightenc.l,politiei from ono cod of the co./tenth, the inn re. "fly o tralimony of thousand. who scan Intro re , heard and enroll ny this valuable ankle, will thaw 1110111 eland. Unrivalled—at the held, of all other me. diet., lie t he „ore of diseases for which Wto neat. sort: ell. The gaol,. Dr. IVislor's lhallam of Wad Cherry lo now tor nolo IT 41.11.ppoimcd pmelltS, and all rrspeolable dealers In sat (tics, to all hug alien and all Important town. throughout it, United Plaice. : Truro of pnr,lkaila 184./lottlen for Si Pohl by .1. IL PARK, (suoccoutor to :landlord &Pala,' Fourth and Walnut Waal', Cinciallall, Qin% ~101001 for the South oak West, to 'whom all orders mast headdress...l. Is Wllehg, JaMetA.lolls‘; I . Kidd Co; D. A. a. Co, Pittsburgh. le. T. Runnel', 'Wash rioluni; W. 11.• lamkrtonn Franklin; li B. Rowley 1./MOianwn; 11.Welty,Ilrernsborgh, B.Konnts,Stunea sea Pool{ re Gilmore, Redford; Reed & Son, Cunning -4.1 hirs.f llollidaystnirati liihlchran IA. CO, Indi „Lni 1,-K,Wright; Kittanning; Fauns a: Co. Itrook 1111e1 Al Wilson Almon, Waynreborgb; ki•Forland Barron A,Co, Karr, A hlogolan, More.; Lome% KellYKCo.BOUcti R-Rtulth, Beevott4. Remulerton, Warren; P.L.:4 6,/oast, co r a,,.pon: P.Creaket i Jr, Spirnivilla, • 0101440431 MEDICAL. g_ ELLEISS FAMILY BIEDICINOI.--“They IV Medicines et the day: , Ilasnan's Ornylog, Ohio, May P 5, Ifi47. R. E. Sellers: I think it right for the benefit."( others to state smut feels in relation to ycer excellent Fenn. • ly Medicine. I have used y..r Vermituge !warty in my own tian• ily, one vim: fre...iently an for espellingl , .ge quantities (nay I 200) walnut front two ',Ultra I hare elm used your Liver Pile and Cough Span re elf family. and they have in every instance produced the elect desired. As I am mated in merchandising, I not able to mate that I hale • yet to bear of the first failure where your medicines have been used in my ction of the country. In emielasten, I may state tha ru t they arc it.. need:Mime el the day,mil are destined to have a very extensive pepaillnly Yours, reat,eetfolty, . . li. riming. Prepared and sold by R. ' I. SLIIS,No 57 Wood, street, and sold by Drugs..s cenetallY In the m es Ci ties end vicinity, .• i:ifitPl.A.T CURE OF LI PERCOMPL.AINT, by as ke original, only tray, and genuine Liver FLA. Boone Ong.. Ohio carry, Va.) March 'Lath, 184 n. $ Mr. R. E. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think it a duty I owe to you and to the publiergenera ly, to state that. I have been allicted with the Live, Complaint for a long tune, and so badly that an sheets formed and broke, which left me in 'o very low tune. lining heard of your - ectettrated Live rills being for sale by A R Sharp, in Wen Liben , end recommended to me by my physician, Dr. E. unlit, I concluded:to give them a fair trial. I purchased Moi•box and -friend them te tte rust what they are recommended, 'rue IIDiT LI VER PILL. EVER USED., and eftertakingl or boon. I find the disease has entirely left me, and I as now perfectly well. Reepectfully yours I D I COLEMAN. Wen Liberty, March 211,11.4% I certify that .1 em personally acquainted with Ur Colettitt , and can hear testunony to the truth Pt the rtbeve :ernheete. A R SHARP The rename Liver Pills are prepared and kohl by E 3 • LLERS, No L 7 Wood street, and by druggists in tee •vrce rises. TOT II r: PUEILIC.—The original, only true and gen uine lever !bits are prepared by It EStßere,nnd have Ms name stamped in black wax upon Me ltd each box, and his signet..., on the outside 'wrapper—all othersare counterfeits, or base imitation. opin ' t R P SELLERS, Proprietor IIIAISIIIICATZIIIII I. , ROM the Re, ASA SHINN, a well known and (MP site Clergyman el the ProtestanthlethodistChnreh The undersigned having been Hate tedilaring the pan reinter with s disease the stomach, sometimes pre. dodo great pain in the stomach for tenor twelve hour wilhoutinterm s'on,and after baring tried 'grieve remedies with uffeet wee famished with a bottle of Dr Diayne4pt masse Balsams Thin he used ae• cording to the direct tAins, and toned nrvarlably that thee medicine caused the pain to abate in three or four min vies, and in fifteen or twenty ralnutesetterl• uneasy iensation was entirely quieted. The medicine was at. terwattlsemil whenever intlieations of the approach el painwere perceived, and the pain was thereby prevent. ed. He continued to are the medicine every evening end semelmes te.•he nmrnmg, and in • few weeks health salsa (err estored, that the sufferer wee relies cd from a large ema net of oppressive pain. Free, ex perieuee, therefore.e e can confidently recommend ft 1) Sayer's Certainati v a Ltalsam, _as a salutary medic in for diseases ortheetomaeh and Ware's. A SIIINISID Allegheny eity;tyll For gala in Pitubtalh at O *PEKIN TEA ST O .O 72 Fourth street, near We a. end atm •I theDnig Store of II P SCHWARTZ. Peetal street. Allegneey VKLukinair. DISCOVZII.7II ,CONDUDIPTIVES,DE 0111 YOUR GUADD DR- SWAYNE2B , COMPOUND snag OF WILD CHEERY., Taa ODZAT XXX. , Tel Coarnmpflon, Coughs, Cold., Asthma, Bronchitis, er a.'emp I anth Spit:lna Illoodi'Didleolty of Breath lug, Pain in Lhe ea .11 Wear, Paluntauon et the Heart, influenza, Croup, Broken Con lunation, Bore Throat, NClrrOtta Debtli-• ty, and all Diseases of the Threat, Breut and Longs; the most et, (ordeal and epaaly Cure rear kromra 1?! any of the above diwu- A'INE'S' CaimpoMmd glynap et Vi lid Ckenrjet This medicine ill no longer among those of dinahtfel salty. It haapassed away from the thousands daily launched upon the tide of experiment, and now elands higher in mputation sodas/mean:tiny more exteasive ly aged than any other preparation of medicine ever pro It hasduced for the rebel ot suffering man. • bi"Co isdreslimed veryt:Frally through the United States and Eurrpe,and i are few tossup of Importance bat what contain e remarkable cal .donee of Its rood effect. For pool of the foregoing atattements,atid of the value and diesel, of this Medi cine, the proptietoe mil insert a few of the many *oat meal temmenials whirls have been presented Is him by men of the first respectability—men who have higher clears of =riff, responsiblity and Mesita, than to ter. I iffy us facts. !meanie it will do another a firer, And thethielves no MAC., Such Maniacl) , proves cons elasiVely, that its sortmsing excellence as established by En inisinsta merits, and the unquesuonable authori ty of public opinion. The instantaneous relief it af fords, and theaciordag influence diffused throne: the whole fromeihylita tire, traders It • most agreeable mooe, orth* afflicted. : REMEMDER: ' , When men, atone fromconscientious impulses, volunmetly both testimony lo the truth of a thing, or , particular Inersouchnesticathl. Wthtll contrary to their worldly intereasmod.puipmey, coerres coninclum of lie utath .and commends nscif in a special manner to , m k r , n .„„i ~a,,,,c c. ll—erltogon's Moral Maxims. READ Tilr. DUNE CERTIFICATE'S. &Cast nnotirlut Cnaa or Li... Caust s laritese-s . There never was a remedy that has been as meressfal to desperate cases of Consumption, m Dr. tewayot's Centhyound Syrup et Wild Cheery, It strengthens the system, and apps to heal the ulcers on the lungs, ertathg rte.'s and rich blood; power possessed by no other Miele. Curren Co, April Zth,lS4.9. Dr. So aynit—Dear Sir. I verily behave your Com pound ts,ruta of Wald Cherry has been the means or saying my life. I caught a severe cold, whirh grade. any grew wall., ormnded with a severe rough, that masted all the. remedies which I had recourse to, stall witlium vise exhibued all Me symptoms of Sairoonary Cs.nsemption. Every thing I tried reined - my recovery. Arlan -um,' la try .youtinvoluablc medicine: I did so ma th the mad hap py results. pini first bottle had the effect to loosen the cough, catalog me to expectorate freely; and by the time I had used six boules,l was entirely well, and am now heathy a man as I ever was in my life, and would be heppy to give any infortuntiongespeeting coy ease, that ether sufferers may donna the beaters for which lam to 'grateful. For the truth of the above statemen t I refer you to Deter Rash, Grocer, Watt Che-ter,lp f whom I purchestad the Maalieina. ResperVally yours, Satin Mouths. Wonderful Cunt a Mednelid igintslas. Dr. Swayne—Dcar Sir. I feel a debt of gratitude dee la yon—and a duty to the afflicted generally, to offer L e ap bumble testimony in fayor of yoar Compound Sy. rap of Wild Cherry. , Fame three years mince I was violently a: nicked with cold and intlateMation of the Eungs, which was accompanied Wilk • disrmsaing cough, pain In th e breast and head, a very considera ble dischargel of creative mucus Aura the lunge, espe cially upon thanes ot weather, however alight, At first I Ithaca id arm about my condition, bat was pretty . soon convinced that I was rapidly going into noncom Pon. I grew daily weaker, and at length was scarce ly able to walk shout, or speak above &whisper, such was the exceeding weakness army lung. Dueing time had tri e d Varlet s preparations and prescripttons, hat found no telsef--grownig all the Woolworth. 'Just here I was ade,ed and persuaded by a dem friend Wilmingum to make trial of your Synth of Wild Cherin . I most mann. that previously' bad been Retie deed Nosiest patent medicines, and I am mill against theme cominout of the hands of emperles, but under emoting yo u rlsims to the profession and practice of medicine and Alvin implicit faith in the saying of my friends, eforthwah purchased of Dr. Shaw, oat of your agents, • fete Wales, d commenced its use. My di. same was at then tim e of an Mier :15 months , standing,con sequently it !wee deeply seated. 1 found, however, considerable,it lief front the WA of the List (our or five bottles. BO bung a public speaker, 1- Ithlineittly tempted to peeseb rut my inermaing sthength, nod thereby euptared thorn vessels that had already be to heal; in this way, doubilem, ray core waimprudenths greatly retaed. coose oti !ladle ate tealtve q oruenr.e fifteenf bo acng thus ttles before I weepe, reap restored I have no question, a mach sma/1 number ofithatlvs would have mode me sound, has, the cheer inthsertuon. The 4 31 , C , alloyed the feu. ten habit, took ...ray the distressing cough, pot Rain,. to the daseharge of matter from the lungs, and gal them and the enure system good health. I have 'de fm red offering this GCTUfiellle I.llllil now, for the psalms. of being perftoer satisfied with the permanency al the curt, and new anti (col perfeetlY well I over it with piewure. IME J. P. lemma. Dublin eon ity, N. C. Coutrou—Resui! kernif There ' is luau. e genuine preparation of 'Wild Cherry, aaa that is D r. tion h erreth the first ever °tiered to the which 4tur been sold largely throughontan United Stater and some parts of Europe; and LI pro . potations canes by the name of Wild Cherry hove been of oat Sham this, under cover of some deceptive circumstances, .a order to g citirency to their pales. By *little observation, no person need mistake the genuine frorn falai, Each bottle of the genuine la enveloped Wit a beautiful steel engruving, with the likeness of Wain= Penn thereon; also, Dr.Swayncra signature, and •• farther security the portrait of Swayne added hereafter, ao as to distinguish big preparanbu • vom all others. Now, it it was not for We great curative properties and known virtues of Dr. Swaynais I:o.round Syrup of Wild Cherry, persona would not be endeavoring to give currency to their "kende. now.ams" by stealing the name of Wild Cherry. Relttolliber, always bear in mind the name of Dr. Svrayne. sid be not deceived.' Principal OSsse r torner of bleak' and Race suW.etn r "Philadelphia: - For sada wilaertsale and retail by 00DRN .4. SNOW. DEN, eor 2d odd Wood Cs; B A FAUNESTOCK & Co, cor lot am. Wood, end Gth and Wood As; 'WM THORN,S3 Market S JONES, tie Liberty BO JAS A /ONE.% cot Vend and Penn sin; )011N MITCH ELL,LAIIegheat, clip, and by.all respectable dealers la medicine. 0ct1.3 Dr. W. P. Inland's Premium Plaster. irNtt,w. P. IN of the Medical College hf Phil ji [dolphin, nu:sellers to Ms public hit Indian Veg etable Premium Planer, the qualities of which . , :after long sod triad experience, has been•naliefectonlp es talintilied. t WI &rumen who nisty he afflicted with Proupsim Merin or allen %Comb, ho recmmend his clut l ter, guaranteeing F a mre_and speedy o cure in s the then apace of from two to thee weeks, if applied with care and rest—discarding ell the countless Instruments and excenritre bandages no long in use. This bulbuls con o ne easu out of three hundred and fifty-three pa tient, Mon for Blienninuato and Weak Breast or Back, at tended with cam, there ie nothing to excel this Plaster In affording relief - Or efiaeaaa a rare. Ear Wile by L Wilcox, earner of it and Market at Venn,. Diner, it Liberty and St. Clair eu Dr / Sargent ° rodent nand Diamomil,AßU Jac hetty cig ques C, ty o, a Dom on tad Diamond Biridng hut,le3 • ' --. DXTRACT OP COFFER—AO article which la ru- LA' pidly coining Imo um as a wholenotoe, nourishing and deliciosieneverage, being more lilcasurn and gel - - amble than common Codec,aind far cheaper an alumni raped.g only ten cans, will go wifai as foam poun hl Cerace. Manufartured by • .101111 S. MILLAIS, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sold at holesale by A FAIINESTOCK k CO, WHAT Of P ied and Wood and ninth and Wood street., - • 441- , ALII3OIINiA 11111311 ER CrOODS—Joat received, C Camp lannkrit; 20 officer coats; 12 pm rant.; 121urs nett hoed !dining Soar; 1.2 tramu. Raga; water Tanks, 6and 12 gallobs each; 26 canteens, g gallon cacti; dos llocankm Money Belts; Ido oded cambric do do. Tie above good. for sale at dic,Call. Camila OntAtlng Eatabbelanein, Nob Wood at. rach24 ' • ' • J Zr. II VIIILLMS ,1" I V v 1 LS—Wrought Iron Anvils, from the Tremor .b& imeeville works, warranted; will be constantly on hand sun sapped to order, by . ewe . WWI COMIIt AM Al 'Weed st ' VQIII3/18-17 b! - Myra Brrusdyreitaii;Diiif;ii; , . 2 pipes *gland tile; Seeks N b: Rum; 400 this Whiskey; for ale by noun , : . W& ht Ail reIIFLTREE BM Sous , brand, • sakeriar article, for sale by nevi: W it M bliTC!lglaßgn. 75 17,1",,=• "ra, 4'111" .thd ain34.4 on by <anal, &rale by ' bW— NW & hemrrcliturnEE N. EL—Tbery will neelye, dlatiug Wq wiritecl arra 111102*T4 . N5W9L 1 0 ,1 4 iltV4 BOOK TRADE. SPICCIAL MOTICK TO TEACIIthill. PROFEnSOR CHARLES //AVMS has Jam pre pared a new arithmeneol work, a copy of orbrels min bepresented to each and every Teacher in the United tontes..vnthoot charge open Weir application ro'A.. H. FAglish Cta,79 7A'oott street, Pinshargh, (post paid .I . - Tbework is cnotiled,. giitAlithlAß OF ;i.FUTIIMETIC; Or, An Analyst. of the Lao,,gage of Gomm and Sci , cote of Nombers. The followinginoncc re copied from the New York Trtbo on of Jan. Mid.19.71: • "GllllMal 09 Aatrnarric, cv attn. Dims, L.L H. (lame, pp. 1444-111 this work the langaage of figures, .and costar...lon of numbers. are carder') analyzed. The alphabckeompowd or ten figures—the words de rived from the al. 0 altek and the' Moro by which the figures are connected with each °dinners. steady expletned. mialysla shows that there are bet four huts deed and eighty eight elementary combinations in . Aritinten c, each corresponding to is word of our nom mon language; and that these combinations are so , onnected to ether a/ to be all expressed by only try three diderent words. The system prepares to emit these words to mei:nary •nd then reed the realm hatred of eielling — tliat . ,..a nowleractmel nin another respect the 47,4441pr0p0iCS an it:sport ant change, namely: to naider and Ismael' leaden. &sentare Muter, having 4 given rotation to the anitorta, from which they were derived_ t• We scarcely need ay that the liUle work ainces the ingenuity . and skilful analysis, for which Proreamor Davie& wriungem title subject are celebrated:, We commend it to the attention or 'trammel taeheru, believing that they will anti Lt crowded with new and valnahle euggestione „ From the Prefilter. et Tria Point. "Mime Aug ACISZIIT og U. 8. W wax Potav , Jan.l7. 'The Omelette of Arithmetic, by Protcoor Davies, presents the subject in a new light. It MI analyzes Arithmetic as to Imps se the ailed of the learner with the first princliiles of mathematical science in their eight order and connection, and the DEW rules for the reading of figures ere urgent practical value. Iligued, W. it. C. Dottiest, Prof. of Nat. A Ex. Phil. A. I:. Church, Pre( of Matheniatics. U. 11. Mahan Prof. of Engineering.* In Pre r. A.R. BARNES & Co. would inapt' adult) , mammon to teachers, and to all interested in mathemmir ttl in. strucuon, that they aril! 'publish, on or before, the lit of Auras,. Itsso, the following work:— THE:IODIC AND UTILITY , OP MATHEMATICS; Organ Analyses of the Principles of the Phicore.--ol the Nature of the reasoning—and of the best Metbodr 'of Impartlpg Instraction.: .- By Chas. Davies , L.L. D., Author oP•A Complete Sy item of Mathem N.B.—A: S. Barnes & ,Co, are the pabliahera of Dames' System of Mathematics. Foe sole In this city by 41,.. IL ENGLISH A CA;Ne. '79 Wood street • , fetr7 • aro eeee ISawr ant hloplaya VY INE to Ran all litglit; Dolly Day; • • • Dolly Jotter Go down to de Cotton Field; Nally was a Jotter; tro._ ALSO: . Be Rind bathe Loved Mae at Home; Bow thy boat baldly; True Love, by I'. Rood; Our way across the sea,Atteti; • A new medley song, by B.Govert;. Jenny Gray, male byAlidler, • Joys that were crowning, Wedding March; God bless the hardy merloq_Sebeylloll Widt4 Conscript's Departans, by IT. GM:over; Sounds from home; Wattles, Steyermarkiseho Cot Last Rose of Sumner, easy vedette/as by Ile= railed Suttee Polta; Ladles' Souvenir Volta; Coro Cracker Quadrille,' Louisville Quadrille{ '1 Beauties of Maly; Deena, Trios, DC.. A large natorweent of New Maxie ou hand. to which additions are mode week) •. For sale by J. it MELLOR, flt Wood at. it WITIi T II , E O,4 IVAR w, by R. S. itip n ri . 2 Elements of Ithotorim eamptising an Analysis of Ile Lows oi Morel Evidence and of Persnasaon; by Richardly D. D. Essay on Chrlstsan Enytism; by DspIISAV. Noel, bl' .A. . . The Ogihriea, a NoveL . Fairy Talei, from a Natioreg by Andiony R. M o tab; with 21111aMottionit by Doyle. Jolt rsedby JOHNSTON &STOCKTON,' dela corner Torn! arid Market autoa Bls — now:Easigtadat dui *o~cat SAettED SCENES AND ClihitAtrfEltti; by J.T Headley, with eleven originaldesigne by Darla). Poems and Prose Writings, by Bachard Ni. Dana; d vols., muslin (kms of Sacred Poety,With slzl ut& dons engraved on steal, by John Sartain. Just received by JOHNin'TON ea STOCKTON, den corner Third and Musket min ==al MibIITSICIAN AND PATIIiNT; or a Praerienl Vies* X. of Me mnteal duties, relations and interests of the Medical Drolcssion and the Community; by Worth ington iioOitf, N. D. ' - TAO Wort. of Nielinel De 11Iontainne, comprising hie EssnYs. Initers,no. lßy Wm. Hazlett. Nineveh mid its Remains., By Austen Henry Lay. ard, e, . . 'Blimp.% of Sps.laror Notes of an Uoboishrd Tone fa Lti.ll. By S. T. Wallis. Tupper's Proverbial Philosophj, new edition; Ulna- Duren Jiter mewed by - - - - JOIINSTON &STOCKTON, tointi Market and Third street. Ea= OCKWOOD'S ILLOSTRATED :WORKS-11M ALI Isummed Illeolta•••••adoks in richly Catireal bindattg illuminated and illnittrated—lktoatcsuperbly bound Velvet. Silk, Manure. and Com, oration' ' in Imltati • • Middle the iddle Agrs—tlibles nod Prayerlltroar. bean ticully bound Velvet andthiardeco.mambLeently or uumertled and illumitvttd. For Isle by /AMEND. lA/CIEWOOD, • dec.,/ Bootaerlcr Importer, • Wood at,/ Christmas mild Saar Itsar Approachlaftt ELEGANT AND SUBSTANTIAL BOOKS; N o Flag* fie.: Antigua Binding, fir theltolielsys. TANIES D. LOCKWOOD, thotteltesaml Importer, 0 to Wood areet,has rote:red a beautiful collemion of Illustrated flout , Igdod to dm most splendid man ner by the best Landau and /swerican binderan—anicsg al..m may be looma . Pearls of Maori e Poe or, mognineerOly iII med. Wibb , warthb; Grecee; richly blustrated. The i• •recher slhmunatell by Owee Jones, and and • carved ;rood. The Song of Songs. illuminated by /ones. Memel-send their Bongs; Thoughts; ignmlnaletlby Hemlines of Sbnkepmite; diu.ltroted. Mrs Jnioneon's Cbanteterisne* of Women; Must tea. Fot gale by JAMES D VICKWOOD, dell 63 Wood cony =;= REDBURNI iiis Dna Voyage, by Iferdune author of "Ty rweJY . Ornno," kn. • Hillary of KluF Alfredo( lingland,by Jacob AIL* with kale env/roam,. Sidonia the &meow; by-Wm Meinlrold. JOHNSTON Zr. STOCKTON, IordCONC. Thin] and Market streets ' . Ons of the Mart' RelitarkaDA Words oj fite Age. NINEVEII AND ITS REMAINS; will an have. of • visit to.the Ch.dausts Chrir.insis of EurtLis tau, and rho Yezidls, or Dev.D-Worsblypers; and o Inquiry into the Alanners and AN of the Ancient A. syri.s. Ityy Austen Henry La rd ER, D. C. 1 With Introductory Note by Prof. Id Ratans., D. I) LL. D. Illuttrated with 13 plates .d inapt, and 1' wood out.. to VenLevo. cloth, SSP. The took has *rare amount of graphic, yield, pie tureegae narrative.*—Tnbund. I . *The work of Layard is the Most prominent contri bution to the study of antiquity, that Lau appear.) for '`',Vo?',D'i%"L"heist lag. excels in interest the account of Slinereh and its Rains, given by fdr-Layard.siuttiogton Intelligenesr. • "As we follow the diggers with breathier. interest In their excavations, suit suddenly find ourselves be• fore a massive figure caned with minute accuracy now lifting its gigantic heed from the dust of •, • years, we are ready u.. cry out with the astonished Arabi, 'Wallah, it iswoodeefal, bat istrael'l—in- Tiettlt by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, novia 63 Wood at: • . . rpm NI:OMEN of nib Old and dievir Testartieni. .1 Edited by KB. Sprague, D. D. I vol. Imp. Sea., elegantly bound; 18 exquisitely Yinished.etrravings. with desenptions by celebrated American Clergymen: I'OhMtp BYAMELIA,(IBraWeIby, of Ky.,) a neve and enlurged edttlotn. illustrated by . engravings from original designs by Wier, L vol . mama *lvo, dee:bit ty bound and gilt. Also.i.A. vustetyntepleadid Anna.' als and Gill Oinks. : Hewell's Child's Thai Book' ed Rio of Rome: [vol. Keno. DIECILANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted ror the use of Carpenters, Shiperrightiv Wheelwrights,! Saar. yeis, Lumbermen, Students, and Artisans generally: bong a thorough and praetireaTreauue: on Meltsurai non and the Sliding Rule. IltD. Raper, A.M. Boise's Treatise on Greek' Prose Compasitlon. ' 011e:140,1N Elementary French Grammar. ByPinf. Greene, of Brown University. r vol. lßou. • Boediger's Gesenius l Ilebteor 0 rammer, by Content. Gcsernus , Hoboes" Lei-icon. • - - • , , - - • • . Loomis' Trigonometry and Logarithmic Tables: 1 ol.(abeep.l The Engtolumm' Greek Coneordmace. 1 vol.,(cinti- 1 IMO . !intimate Ciamical,Serles. . Webster's aetiokstrY,vcvlsed ed. 1 vol. Bro. do do unabridged..)vol.lto. riorve'a Note. ana questions on New Testament. • Whately's Logii. • Mosheint's Ecclesiastical'-History. vols. and 2 vols. !.beep.) Vestiges of Creation. :1 vol. IEMo.• • - Momuags among the Jesuits at Rome. Ivo!. (cloth and paper.) Scenes where the Tempter has Triumphed: 1 vol. (cloth and paper.) ' • Bngßoqee Theologfeal Lectures. 1 vol Eivo.(cloth.) . Alder's Pronouncing Bible. '• • • Iloyer's French Dictionary, • • • . !]man's llorace. For sale by It HOPKINS,L. novl3 Apollo F.onk VEW world 1.1 Montaigne, edited by H. Dahlia, eatunrivine nix Escays, Letters,. nod Jourrwvernagh Uorman y and Ludy, with notev from ollthn Commentators, lhogno - and Rabllographical,Notices, Theory and Practice of Tenchidn or, the Motives and Methods of Good) Schpal.hreping, by David Plage, A. M. Paineipal of the Ott *o Normal Schooli Albany, N. Y. Frank Forester's Fish and lishirig of the U. Suites ind Brnish Province* of North America, by „Peary Wm. Herbert. JOH N & NSTO STOCKTON, • novS Corner Third and Market sts TAMI 9 D. I(alkWOOD, liooktellerand No. 63 I, Vowel strait, luta tor vole stew eoplas tom.' p:ett, Witt rellialryter °Oho ealtipa,t orthis. rakish), work, devoted lode PrevervalibaYad bodumeut., era other aldlleaue itdormatiort yvlaung • the early az.. plortairova; amigo:eat nod lenpmvenseat of tloadeanoY &radial No head of the (Dom' Dleirttle Vag., of Pittsburgh, tet2Yolla Elva. • ' •• • • Resit/ , 001 C ., h - vhiir 4e . LL Liberty of tither Ancient - rcitriotti. try ttaron4t, illtiott, Esq. Illustrated with toqfve-ezigrtivings, ext.' cold al Roma. volc,'Sva., uturarm'with Treseolt.S frontal Wash.. • "' ' • .• Jast published amYftifitste I+' LOChiWutrD, BcOhsillarisof Wood or ure n 7IVEV 6r Ill L t. IN 1 7 1ACS • {` Ifdih'oiixed ' Wiioa r rtmo. 75 ors. hIIII4..PANNY OF CONIAOLATIttN. "The reading of this 'bookbahhispscrsed us with a mesh higher °pillion of dr 5111 h cos hod ficuratt. from pecasinCirrst other writings. ItttliiplayhideSpal lolictoritzugla4uiti4.osraortr . ruirossoutsull Oath Of feeling than any otherprothicheni 61 the'timslo mind frith vsbirli wa Its& acquit{ • It is gyery sgiocurne and readable bookOsyritcaln: Fuuly hciuble's howl style...field,' sfiritnt 'an& entei- • - -.WeOretcralmoinf It le'siar readers as the hei s t' publication of the acuson.--Iteadinc . (roc. • .1( coratunstho .Tbirmal CIO' trowel tbrertilliFairepiei Sod •nendetbee Inluip, tort iv on. List the plehve meet: aryl 'moat intpresting bOOkst>f 1),101Ft.”-C.,0111.I:tuId A very ebaraelivittie to,OC.'''rye dame ma It title:mote aolephlin troth overbilled lltterul *l- . cid picture Of hfelllßoide, An ail respects ervi Ineptly , readable."—Kaiekerboeherl • , For sale by - '"SAMVS Er tricKwoob ,; • • n 0.15 • • klMPOrte.r. Wood ril albboaur wad Wiattoirsi • - * 01, 1 f2=2 5 :,?7i'liLe'r".t" , "°'-^ -1 . 1 .. oq ki 0,,t,t0A ' is. CO, DRIED BEEF-1 0 , 00011n 1"; - 1 • nt of Opka, for tido hi "Pi! - WILLER' I NICOLS P*x:L I 3,IQJ 11. 11101.11M11 di 1015, •: ~ ~ Ignankann, Mnotsskg• Broker, — saanas II . , ' • N°'IIDRAFT :SA 3 A C IF: I Thri o caGil..l),SlLVl:Ft ISDLLECTIONS.--Drafta, N. and Aceeptindein amble in any part of the Uttion.conceted antintann. .aytirabla terns. : . , • . , VAC-UP:GE on Net York,. Philadelphia Ind Dl thnh re; -Iso, Cincinnati. iavaisvilloa Sahli Levu and . Nair Carlims, eansiantly for gala. z. BANK NlYlliv.—Notes o'n all . solvent Dania la Um. United :hates dlsoottnied at the lowans late, All ands.. of Foreign and American 6014 *ad Silver Cola bona,. . Eeerie. SS Medial strut; between and. Sat PitUthsrgt, Pa. et= roaxactat - DYLLS on Engiand,lreland, and Scotland 'boned • any amount at Um Crams Ratak of Exchange. Alio, Drafts payable In any parr of tba Ohl Callouses, frolto--£1 to £IOC4, as the rata at SS to the S. Sterling, sailboat deduction or &secant, by JOSIIDA ROBIN. SON, European and General Agent, oglea nth:. one doer waste( woad. • . • Ar. niin elnrazo Lai VANKERD AND ESCHANDE Hitol43iS,doaters Forewn and DI:10.1126 Dills of Elzenange, Cor ti ores of Deporato, Bank Nora and Coot, comer of 3d cad Wood .accts, directly opposite PL. Charles Ho. WIC/13//d ib tX , Dank Nolte 21161 h i Lora, by "" th lowan • N. HOLBTFS & SONS, rpl3 Marital aura: Irtidfdp 9 lLXClCASONEKiliteciis - int Ilew . • Phlladalphla, and , • W.lthoors, Ciostarnly for salirbi /I°l2 dig Lir t rg : ,pl 3 MELLANIOUS. 111011.11.111 s DAMOILTI3, .. 6 FCTIFYIIIO DISTIIXERS, mud lei and Wino " !aerobium, Baal aide of the Diamond, Malls fhb, a a .Inm:offering at thin re ry lowest prices for east, fioeused Whisker. Gin and Domestic Brandy; Rise, French Brandy, Rolland Gin, Jamaica Siiirila, Lon. don Qin,. drub Whiskey, Nonni &v.' Port. ,berry. Ma &Ira; libanipagne, Claret, blast atoll, Malaga, Tone. reiTe and Lisbon Wsnes Whole., - ' barb ml2' PIUNTINO PAPER—Al w ays 0n,7. or modo order, rho oaring sire. of Prig ' per, Rag Wrapping raper;Crorert,gledin nr, and ; • tilde Crown *ages Straw Wrapping raper; - Crown, Medium, god DbobiOCrown roar ORer raper, rastonoord,/ce.-An. W P MARSHALL, AS Wood aid Agent for Clinton Mills. 110T1014. frOfIN WATT k 00. hove radio red their stock of t 1 Groceries io the appoint, ride of Laxity in. 4.5 l rlryl - 051AN IN AMERICA—Het work and her re. ITT 'ward.' By Maria blelmosh,sattme of "Charms . tht Coonterehattos," "To seem and to h..."; 1 vet I tato. I Lauer 1) Pamphlets, No .I,—Ths_ present time. /39 Thomas Carlyste • . • Ceagsmom.—Mestinin of Wound Wrida gs otTiins. Chalmers, D D., L. L. D.. Yreketions, on•Datlees Amatory, Paley'. Evidences of Christi...ll7,mM Hill's Lettuce on Divinity, with two Intraluctory Enemies nod four. Addresres delivered in the New College, Edinburgh, by .Ttiontia enemas, D. vol Igam. .TOhn Calyln,lorapiled from authen tic source., and 'particularly from huo correspondence.. My Thomas II Dyer, with portrait. I vol Moo. ;, For gala by Ft IifIYKIN • • opt 7 773 'Apollo S, Fonnh .1. porgromms Crazed. From tho, New Yoit AFEIMND, whose word is most reliable, and who has no possible Interco in the matter, tint one of gininntle. &vireo as io say,.t.hat ha has been cured of save (erste deabless, by the use of "Searpa's Compound 'Acoustic Oily it Philadelphia medicine, which fis not ;for rate in this' city, bet which ha Minks. ought to be,. lfor die goad of the 'filleted. lie has a sister who has :also been cured by it. Ile wrgeinly advises all who . taxa sedating from deafness, to try this remedy, with on lassurar.ce that, unless the ease be extmenlinary, experiment will prove abundantly sucenseel. For mile at • TUE 70 FPEKIN u TE.A.STORti, • fsb-J orth Piusb urgh i • • Combo] Ginscebsl '" Oft GROSS super Polka; 10 do do very fine; " need Redding; ~ 'IY . " roper EnFlub Horn Redding; : • .•.• • 6. " " Pocket Combs; Imo esnd Fine Ivory; so co.b % toper large ItagnlN NO gross ane'd Gower;reed end for nee by • fel4 • .• 0 - YEAGER, Red Market-0 Bur Ilollaadl Buff Ilollntadi ° 4 MAKE NOTICE—That W.ltleCllmeek has this Ow. 1 received seeeral evaes of the finest ,and hestlltaf iodoir lloilond, too/Weil he would toestrespeetfallT, era the suenden of his customers au& the pWimio: genend. (rj•Carpet Wore Rooms. 75 Fourth et. -•- - 1114111...; AA FEW Yery fine, GUITAR., Just see . from a relebtated manufactory of Martin, and for sale by j.oS J. 11. MELIA)I4BI Wool td. =n== TIIC Complete Works of Jotoillanyen; 2 onls,P.vo, in tant li n, nod g ilt edges. Ilihheal and Sabballt School Geograptryi a now work; 1 r01,12m0. Town's Antlysis and Speller. Istfe of John Q. ?plazas; by Wm. 11. &awl; I ooli Plato; muslin , Poems by Mrs. Monson I trot, 'aim: muslin: gilt.: • South's , Sennons—lron's " Zuhie-4 For sale by • 1101'6INA, klat Apollo Uolldlngs.Foonh st 12/ Afital FOUNDRY. • 1 I man merman:a a. W, 0. parrot. • • piigander.igned, wieners to &vibe & Nichol- • 1. eon, beg leave to inform the citizens of rinsing rgh. :end public generally, That they have rebuilt the F.A tbiltit FOUNDRY end am tram In full operation, 'mad thews part of their patters. midy Tor. the marten— • • t Amongst which are Cooking Stoves,' Coal and Wood:.:' . Stoves, with a splendid ainoight Coal Stove, whigth it I now. eopereeding in other chic* the common round' - !Stove., Also, a cheap cast Cooking italic, well adep •• !led for small families, with a fall asionment promo , • men and mantel Grates We would particularly in , vile the atteinion of persona betiding to cell at Our settreltonse before purchasing, and examine a eplendid - • 1 tarficle of cnatu melted Grate% finished In fine style , entirely new in.thli marknL' • Warehouse,. No. lot Liberty opposite Woad it! PIICHVONI & PAYN • "t.' • ' :PITTSBURGH INFO TATIONS... Gll YEAU FSjVVY , Sign of the Gilt Comb, tat Market el., Eittabergit, We,nami - Merchaou, redlam, and ether. maittux ,— , I Pi ttsbu 415 to purchase Goods, are respectfally invited , to roll and examine the oilman/a twionment of ling-. Lich, American, pre Germ. Fancy Goods. All Foreign Goods niAltis estabnihmeet are a n go t' ed direct by myself, 'band.. roil an got' • r nag goods from first band.. I have the largestawort- • !maul of articles, to the .variety line,'M the city of Kelm rgh--all of which will he sold low far colt or 1 2 . 1t " G0 Potif,ltosi7eT' Stork o , o ß nsi.u, la part, at • 54k Cravats, Shoe arid Patent Threedi, Sewing Cotlan, Saapanders, Dane., Plan, Nee-: ;hitt:and Cutlery. ' Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, all k nate of Drusites, Combsond Itaxon. • ' Percussion Caps, Revolver., Pansla, Placa a Sine& 'Cotten Purses, Ppectaelea ettel V a ne,. Music Bowe Carpet Bags' and Fastens.' • - L- Findings, Findings' and Trimmings. ' Toys and Fancy tiisods; together lath a Large varie ty-of Fancy and litsule DRY GOODS. ' • is also /pa for tan celebrated Lan. l easter Combs. novl7 • • Great liGnellsti Itsmeity. , VGA Cone:m.ooldg, Asthma and Conitnaptiee! The GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY . for the cure et the above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIEE, distovend by 'the celebrated Dr. Itueban„. of London, Eugland and int ro duced into the United States Mules the immed iate superintendence tif Inventor. :.The eztraordbiary minces! of this Medicine in the Crltti of Viilinottary diseases, warrants the Allier - ken Agent in sol citing for treatment the wont, possible' es• Iles that can be found in the community—eases that met relief In vain from any of the common remedies of the day, istid have been given op by the most distinguished I phymim".rts as cot/Until, and incurable. ..The Hanged , an Baboon has ciarbsd, and will cure, the most desperate lof cases. It is no quack nostrum, but a' mandardßue. Deis Meditine,Of known and established effete,. Every family in thellnited States should be sopptied • Beeltanls Hungarian Utdsam of Life, ant only be lcotiMeract the consumptive tendencies Af the eldest% be: to be used nv a p sere olive medicine la 511 ...let colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain in the vide and chest, Irritation and soreness of the lungs, brochitis dattlt an ily d o f hremettiltiletieufever, sweats, comet, 10 ' 00 1 ' 41H ' W " 'l4: a ioime bottles, MC per tient* Wi th diree One (or the restonation of health. rimphlets, containing mass of English and Aris'ei l / 2 ; can certificates, and other evidence, showing the un, equalled, aeries of this great English Remedy, may be obtamed.of the Agents, grstnit ; • . For sale by A - AIINIMUCK de CO., 007110i0 , amid Wood and Woo d and COM: .1000/0•010-: sI4 LEEEtimpsttlitt..oollGll SYRUP—Tames 1 • • Piolutr, blink 27,1847: • • E.,. E . E . ses,-.St Justice to yenned your annum „ybteo syrup, I b.g lelllVeto state,Tor Leh- . e of 'ilia commilly, that my wife him been several times afflicted with mast distressing tatihk. I par chmted, la Jemmy last, • bottle of yule ' muted a emme of rwe monde!”. standing: About. coo ." mouth since, the couch returned, and was It *recto' thug she could 'Lundy move, 'weakness in the.- breast; I sent (of mu, bobto of your Cantgit Syrup, mod .n pus of one bottle cured dtecongil • I [melba other to e'sourneymon who vans loverelystlileted, who bed, - to use own wonlx! . .t'Attn nough tough candy ro cam ell the people On iVlitsborlb,"",lfitho candy hull Lena as good es renresonted, •, rel raqmeirallY, Kruf - riL PiPnod sold pr-IL vEs.tERs, we .by , melt, 'kind sold. , br DuCtilis 'leniently in the t .offWa' jLIiGEOGS:I4 VE ' ai ZlllVjahl nta 7 ANDS/WINKS WAOSSUOttL• - Bitt.iWbrltObia • -t Ily . info trt dto , publiej• Thal he-- ,: 7 SCot; on hoed at b' stand on the i w h est aidold; the Diusiton.l 4, lltf i : . Mere tirfindsTalso Vet.- :alike Shutters are mode loom.. dor In the Gest style, waltaute4.l. ." • la My tlitlUd Sutra:.: .. • Six Slim* eta he removed with '. 4.. out ; the sal. of a; setew, driver: Having pareliased th e .uKkr toots,ond woad ..of the Cabinet es bibbaluoculot.e44...r a. ArciF.l-, land, I am .yreytroed to forottat their obi commoym, , tut well as the public art. mt,vrith every thing in rtmtklmo. .121.1tten ehYtt0, Na oltlfetolvtreett;rittollrei: ra WLOW?I. ' .3 ---. ljsT reed, on elegantplsiet -Rosewood 6 pet Vitiate -from the, ottobrated y Miniateltity of Non. At -Clark, N. V., olittperior totte.uld very motternie price: For solo by , .It. KLEtlElt, meta; _et 3. W.AVoodotells ' WILLI I AbIg , I'dfllf PEARL - 10 1 011 POWDF.Itt for ; otrarialnyc TArtar seen% Clinker, sod all tottnonrjo ddottoothod to Rio Totth.•-• Bebe.. to - the, toste;irleatoling Old 010601DoonD11t•ADIPDASt 40,1 ` tDo Rams, and port7flog 11 . 111, .. 1 At ' • • Pod oxfo, ttrkoletale 'and 74A11, by . • • • •••• ;dean' R D 7 Wood ot 4* EVE)} !-,. v 7( MTV/UE.S i I..C!IEAPER Y- 11 4 ,d-pateo Ito 'V V Jun reed, as in•omeof tali , jeve ... ~... 'to. r Watolco, Id cu... 14,7., =,.....:;Z:wOnied to w skt thin." and /WM , ... , ._,., JEWELttt, o om• I' l * ' W.' """-; dg'inorooent of JEN. z ... 1 / 4 A " *--A "I" d Idlest style., odd bog P . 011.11110 l'i'i' S. I; YirILDOPI. W.O.PPNIN' .ad Jeweler. 04 1 mpg &ISt!. toglimp, __
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers