"LIST OiLIiSTOICEUi. BESTA AINING la the Pittebersh Post Orme, frets the huy. ta. fe y Jane, Me. Perms calling Cor thatc Intl please they are advertised. „ .. .. i►bla Wtlllizoka Alextridernetlaskler Rebecca A ble Joao '•AIWon Mrs W /Mama Hour /WON MiTtueth Bann &soli Jane: • Rrau Nary Buller Mrs 0 Burnt Saral,.. 1 Brian Marin BuSerJunl• • Bern Diana ' Brien Ma Inkenll ganthS Sarah Drotlllek 4rg nn anth • SW7 • • 1110n510713.1 ..Broorn.6.daltno Barneshllas Be-A:17014os Bun/ BuT Erlurr- ••4. • Maker Cordelin. 13.15nEton Ellyth Btrker J'S ••• Boyd Jane • Moline Ana - BaeuvEllss• . - Boyd Start & Byrne II • : . B iker Deborah 13orbldge FannyDocll Allonoch en . I Bradrldary • .Sradlay Baba& kmaxer Welthera'Clierani Ana jabeCook alaagaretb Out Mara Aung.ebrea Otatt F. V= A. Clark Rebecca • Colbert /am C _ Qeeer adargaretliCeivllle Ross Cony MarY • • Ciatair Harriett: CaFak Siacam ' • David.= Mt. Davidson Nancy ihorion DavisDratriaansJOempacy J Diners Maryann Deering Etiza Dennii Ditinasetn Dugan - Doostieny Mn AlDnametly Mary Doan Urn John Dann Eta Wolter . .. .. . • Earla Mr. Jam • Edgar Maria: Mliajdary goal, phibeparkErling Sarah . Etaza £n • • . ETRII/ Jana B • - . . • . Pentium EWA ileldmit 11(111.11S2171112 Anna FoFolgambe Blne Vona Mary Ann Fany th Atrallebe r Mary • FrearyMen .inoA Prcniat Mrs .. _ • • Gal leiber MrseitiGibton Enact . .Gsnbler Eery A George Barak , Genet/Aft , Gibson Aln E GllllngnameaGAGntharn Mn Am Getman Aldan . Green Cattle E • . - Hagan 1114dy lizzaiend IdeslitiMamneeinadoa Mauna, Bliley Hawke.' Itaetiel !Maumee Loans Hawn Kezlatr .ndra Anna - • Herring Mn H A ili g e nbothamEllallitao•Barbara .floteion Hannah Hoffman LannA H o w,. Hovalophis Hoptl H6 lmer Marl o Lydia La-Hoopt Sachet Hateinamt Man Temia • IlatUy /ilassy.W Irvin &Thin _.lmderM A n lade Ea Mrs . . . . . la MAreth .Totakeon Sarah A Johts Alba it' Jeirlea Mare* , ,TonesAnniMAlrs "JahAnteln dash M. - Jones Sankt Ann Jotunton Alarei . ' . • ' Jolt:won Al,. May AAA : . " rain Mn - Yen Mir Anal• Randall Many Keen Mary tout Revlon Rosanna Xllacialtsr An C y Rutland Blau/ 'llia Mn !dare Valais Mrs J. . . ta.lolll3Cll.ll"Lirdtall. Ell•eth . Lime Mrl Mareth Leary Nary -LIM* Aim • Lay k2ita Lea; Mrs Mary Loci, MIS. Jane Lynch Mn M D LorptalthLaeLb . • • .• • • - - blajorlifro Miriam Malay Raottaaa - Malay Catbe -; • • Marta Jane .- ,- , Marka Ewalt . blerahall'A CI Meeks- Visa- Millar Mary • • • Idellroey Ann: Morrell Mary . Mora Easabeitt Murray Matto • • Iteriseralrellart Marry Lizzie. Maytlaatt tarabliy. blandly IF A Marpbyllnilm'y - - • . • Milnda Elba, brelare earah Warm Jane Areraakaa MußAPClorkey. Mn Weida. Rachel A 211'CaRy Mary Mary . arVonnelt Rosa MMenserit Eliza M'Coonell Mary M'Donaelt Mn M 11 , Doorkell .Atra MTarlarld Mn . • AVlrariand NUS Sant] M'Grarr Mary • Naary M"Grid Barth .NPliwalaa Aon MR. Carolina. • Rlizabet.b :4 , Kra Marg M , Krata Cattle - PV.Kenaa Aire Malmo Deberak APLokaablaßMarl!VMlllKaßarahlYY - Norris - M , Materairrect,M , Nally PallialCOWNAtty Barak. AlTlterroußacAr-ESllfay Mary : - i.•WI Mary Ne jent Alice O'Coomar Siialt • O'q.ar#lllrsJaznes , Palmer Km Sallyrarlter•Mrs E N Patten Man Palma 11(ts Elleaka Peummer May E Porter Enker • Parer Hanna PowarstlarrAms • 1=1:2E1 . Refferry Alike Read Maned, Reed Iffre Mary Reed Rehm A Reardon Ellen A BasherLetdra •Robb airs Joseph' Robb Rire }Rahn •nonethrldra.Jane Roberts Alm Ronertabsie Lain. Raiment Rattan Roesley Alice J Ha ' ••• Ryatkidargth Ro.ssell Mary , A' Ratberford Mary r Savage Jermun Sewell Mn Cat Sharer Sarah Seth, Caroline • Fetal. Callen Simpson Jana Ehepperd Joie , Sleek Amanda Er-ina tM. U • linth! Burial 8 • Blte• HIIIdI • Bambini P Burial Atary Jame Blephona lLll ! , 3lla B. Stone Mn lIT. Boonton r.inaina Sweeney 80. • Stewart Alantgli BiephensonCineßiepbenaen Miss CSexikineJephiaP Tapper Mary C Tham e pe ß Pm- 'Ft.& Yianey Updaira'Affacs lIMMIMI Walroartglaresly %Vases Sarah We c h Apes • Weeks Pa Wilson ElisakearW , Hl.. WilsostasralhuseWsDisrd Jana Wttlams Mark lk ,WeltisElisth_ Woods Eery A "' I L - . • : ciIIeMMENNI Adam. Antrim Ins AtterS Ashman/Wig /deism:kV W B A 141311.14 David Ashman °. Alesander WM AIRIStrOIIg NV Id It Abraham Wm • A/vcir Chu . Armst.ong CD ll Aiken Jno . Alien Chas : Armstrong Aimless hie • . Allen il-bs M AT to.uoex Qui Adams Pens P Anderson Mr. ASIII3#OIIg Was Adams David Anthony J _ Ashworth Dm Adams WitiA 'Anderson T Awhinn Beal Algeojne . Anderson J II Amain Wo Alton Deo Arpin Onscon.lttehd AWson Jtio Dater J. Blakey /no BlrebatlD P Artier Jno Mick J.W thir an Rota Eater .1 0 DraolnyiCargrall Drill Pacer Ball Ales • Matt Pal Plitt Ina Baldwin Nathan Black Baal Brant Alfred Baird Jno D F Bluer Freak Bracken limy Barnett Oars_ Borland E.d Branch Toos Malan Thorp At Dotoe Jß Brie. W dratted . W Balcieslau Briggs E Barber Jno M , Bolen J. 3 Ensue Jno Ilaneen lan • Both Beni ' Bruno Henry BukinalVerl Bowen Tn. Bann Baml Farrow D W Barra= Reuben Bartlett Beni P )'snarl D Bowen Urea Beane /no' DanonFD Boydjno • Barka Joe ' Barton Stephen Boyd lan F Bork Joo Darner Root .Doyden Oil & Bore& Jno U - Bell Albert Bonfield Bono Sorel Boucot lionry,C Bowen Jno Dor:males Beult B R Boonton Jot. Bader Mehd Beeren C Brown Jno W , Borlelgh Wm H • Bennet! Woo Brown Heigh - BorgherJu Bennett CaptA Drown h& BoroeosJooT • Bennett Locale "Brown-hone 0 Boos Jacob .13 , ogorIu Drown Chu II DarrGeo - HerUn Join& Brown Jos Hams Wm Berbooknuns Brelmer Joe r Batley Geo t." - Begp Jos I Brennan Jao, Barns tdr . Bele Fred B Brennan Vredk Book Jno C 'idioms Soo Brenner Jao. Byrne Joe B fr. Jno 0 Beta. E , liord Byrne Jno • Bird Wm Ft - Drice,MeHeo eellyrne Peter Rohe Wm LI BreekenbehlioH Boma Rom' H Byers Jos Cana Jim Tbrirty ins' Corteno Mark. Calms km Clara. Cbu E Coulson Win Cadoraltider CaptClarko Posy:aid Cooed. Wm Caribou John . Clarke Ham r; Cannon Stiehl node Pdoril , Comsh WEI Coruna Dennis Clans, 76bn Corrirton lao Correa. , Thu Coder Cam N Core Don Carter Fri d Coates A W Cox John Carlisle Jaa ColluM David Canlfiebl Ju Carnahan DT Cook Tilos Craig Jas Cum Dewitt. Cook Dud Crawford Albert -- Caml.Dl Cool Fe it Crawford in. Carlon Wm Conn /no Crawley Tem Collie., Win Conner Joseph_ - Cress/re Riad Carser.Henry-Connell Dann Crbier Jas ' Cuanza Wm L Connelly JamCroaby Elam Casey. War Conlon Tontine Culbertson Joseph Campy Edwd Connell, Kerr AocCarmingbas Copt Cyder Lll Conway Park Comlnahum Jan MuThos Cawley •Mbew Qumran* Rola n 151 I Geo J Cowan J P Calico Jackson Campbell Win Cowan J as Carry Jno Campbell Joo • Cowan Rota W Curvy ROPI El - Campbell Chas Colrain Matthew Carry Wm Cornabe:lltobt Corkin hues Callow Jeu C • CCaammoeUW Tbos Cowloin Donnell Caner /no Oardwiek This 'Cope W R Chambers AC CE..rtara Deo C Covodo Jacob • 1) • Dale David I • Prsther P Mustily Maw JuP Derilabt Cbm ' Dorsey rhos P • Daily Isa N - la? Wm Drone. Drawn Dally Aildbmi 8 Diction not Er Drew Fronds Darling Paul lienretor Drama' Jacob Dawson Oro W Dapple Henry Driscoll Oullew Davis Jahn - Donau Rev Mr Dryden .114 " 1 ' 1) .4 ,0 0 fth Geo Diebold Polar . Davis 'lmam Doucherty. RaroyDaSoy Wm Dor , W lamiterty Geo Duffel Polk Darts Damd 8 , Leacmrtycc m cmodualap Joseph H Davis TM" Desaiserty Hll. Doom Daraard DoMo DM/. IS Dann Palk Devi. Chu Ds7/6 Jon Doan Emrd . Davy Vi. * • Dough Thos Dunn Wm J DayvErro Jae • Dram Wm c Denbam Win • Decker Joassi Dinabolim ira 3 Donbass Jas W Isedrtek DolloalY Thas Dania* reclk Do aaaaa Norm Dory r Pima Dean Sam! Do:wick. Matta Dye;ll De NortuandisA P . _ • C Jobrieloo J A Son • Ederiere Os Sand Mau Millar E m ., D.. BB ElhouChtisiopterEvon. Gen - EogersPeter' ,i,KltiattJoka YA:ans Joe. C }Solar Peter • Elliott SIR P.m. Mx. Eimer Lewis Mole Wm A PrigreViro. knot/ "creep!. firdwialo ItArailPaPivaas Pant Tails Jonathan S FittottrleiPatk Paid 'Moe " Furelly Joa Fitopatriek Wm Forgoer wo. Pause. Theo • Findley Joseph Foy/pr./a w l Fiance GC] 111 Fishar Ju near Poser •-• Faarico oeo Pieter, Lewin 3 Fetcher Aha. : Fell. Fredk Fleming Pobt • Freemen tyre Ferguson Su Fliznnerilhafort Frew David . Fendret Ino Foster cakir • Pratt Muni • Wm II Feuer llebt Froth Jiatob Flak Pobi Pireyth A Fry Wm: Finley:Joel K Enteral Mr. • Vey Juo W Illardarono 'David Farr Hamlet Faller Silents r Fizzaireons IleariPard he.. Fallon Joe Fitzgerald iii Ford Stiehl - Flagons Mod - Fitzpatrick/as 40.0 Mrs= Mame Dail Gets not Delatain NakG pia W a. A (Realm, Inol Gillaapta 'glad D r ,„ my m . Galliber Rage Gillespie Rah Gray R Y 43alliberJu . D. 0 . 1.. D Ghat Jae Glade . J ae Gran Bad Ganber Jacob II berllll Geo P Great goal Garden , Rlt • Glasser Gem Rad D Ghats Y (Manes War .T Gardner N . Glyna Anal Groves A NW Gagbll Wm Goedela Jae Gnu In Mich! . ., dd i s J o hn Goodman? el Grew Rased D. Garnet Chu Graeae Eked . •Gaphea a rt R 1 mas Gem' r o _ cow? w _„.„, . Hint L 431 Thin /NO ardllWallai Jo* OrsGaly Jis • Oaten as las . • _.~% "~ -. _ 11411 YI T Hlggins Palk H 014117 Wm /0211 W Hell Joseph Hall . IfihlooM IforbolT D 0 • • - flicks R • • • 'Rows ••• lull Muth= • - Worm Nleholatßopklno J Lp• .111solhon Hickok W 0 Rays Wm R Itardow SW . - Into= JA • • 11 ler Wm Menu Jut Holmes Bo o t ll:e n hss A A lleur Data • Hotweln Edwd ' Ileum Wm Remy Dyleesme Heal Owes MI. 11 "." W Ileorylaeob Rena "...AgdwH Itostan Andw Asetinsos Abu Jos M Jae . Rerrlog Fl -• Re wan Ju Hutu Wm • }kitten Emszool Hoots Wm Nord Cut Rehm Remy Rook Prue!. Hombersom Wm • Heap D Roush Jolts N " - wing: w w nti Ik Iva !vase • Irvin Wu Irvin David • • J Achim Ina R .— Jordan Geo Jones Wm Jackson Moo . Jordan Jno_r Jones Edwd - Jenks mErmeneJJohnson &NV.'" Jackson Too Johnson Diall J ordan lis linksonJm . Johnson And es J hficht Junes C W Johnson ftlby /chimp& CJr Jaws Mr • Johns** is♦ . Jones R ai. Jameson Jotton'h /Musson lir Jonas Rees lama Jan Johnston Jc W,n.- Ants Jos • Kahle lite. • Keene Bernard FAalzer lip Keine Luna H Faure Jae gc c i. y ouu Ken. MO Keane Wot Key Ad . Kai..Ju Keogh nom Ketcham &,j Kunadyhliffile Kama Geo ' Kent GA xeonody anal Keley Arum Kanney,Wro Kennedy Oco Kerney Pak . Kauai & Doll* Laban JI . Lehman E LiOle ;no Labor } • Lehner Chu Little les Lanculor 0 W Learn A D Lima Lake Lancaster Cao Luria Wm Llghtbou Lumen Cl Le Peeve 0 H Lynch John 8 LzundaJa Lemma Ina Lynch Mehl Lam Dr C& ea Levers Wm Luau Joh • - Lawrence V Leann' W lAMee Lommer Aide Lupin! Jib - Loy Ju LamaenChaa LittbOdy ' ns Loud /no Lunen Alex Leonard Smai Lunde Joe Lineman Lollar Dent Lindsay Jea Levu Abnon Lug Hunan Liule Henry Lawmen hue Lusher Evan . Lerch lobo Latviay Loy Ch It - Linton Wm Lau n Mand as Ltgbtpirm Loa Hance • Macke/ ThMH MizereilJsz IE Moore Andre Mackey /no Arasenot • :Moue Conrad Mackey JuH Martian /onetime:demo Pella Mad Mon Go Masitboas Coo bleriedge Chu H Mahon Martin Masterson Palk Morton JOOIWI 0 Matialoo • Ehnen Nathan - Monfort Wm Mabottey Joo Merriman Beth kieentotb Jon Mansfield Jos • MentelithThoo • Morkam Jo+, Marshall Joo El Merrick Chas B Mowry Tboi Mitioney las Mahn /no Moats Chas Moller Martin Morgan &to Mem: Ito /Amor Jo° Moore PO • • Marshall nos • • Altlholland Jos • liononey B 8 Martin Garvin A Mieleir /no Et Monday Prone& Mania Jae El Miller Rohr • Nurser leami Martin Dant Melt MWer Nicholas Millen & Shields MartiaPork hillier Soo W Maoigon Ju Martin oleo W Morris A • • Maley Andy Marten Reuben . Alone/ Wm MollenTbos Nunn Poloodrat brolson Robt • Mullen Joe, Maori W A Montgomery Thosilisrlatt BIT • " Moab.. M*B MohirrOse Joe Moray /no Matilmers Coo .'Monow.Tos • Mara/ :ere% • Matiltems /As Mort/ear Malin Morph) Pool hiaorthen Basil Monteath Robt Murphy Jiro MToian Joe APElrery Orrin itir&loo Adam WCraeken Iso MlGroy Joe hrßerb • leCoteheoaßslG MTAtenert Jon brake Ausit //rause Wm Mom. Aodw &Menial, E hil/one ,`•• APllrrain L • APOollosek Waltraihnate.Par /Mehl IrPClellsed Joe Allronnell Wm Mien Wm • }Petal:sad David M'Daniel 0 • APireanen JIM hPCindiess Ales Mamma P. • MlEmisyl • b/Clemen Jim W BPDonald P M'Keourn Joo birCzarland W • Warren lii Ellice Thus -- PeTtioutek JR • M'Cknran Deed • %May /no APCiat ran Wm AWlntlin bViroarst Joo B. APCiellarel Bost IWEllon Matthew Warms Robe:, • /11 , Cielland . Mrflesnahao B allangbito Hy larCarthy Dennis MGM AVar hPletre Wm APCsIGIT Ederd 11PGinalo Bernd M'Lala Patk • WClsakey Bosh ArGinois J 8 APLanghlin J A hii M mb to e o s k r C Gnlaery At tu: APLen Ina wet WCiarrert R AVGiniez Patk • APBmignon !Mehl hi , Caom Goo . brOmgor Jon ArGbrats.Andm MrCarhy /no Vamp? W W APQoado Thos Weleski Herb Wallet& Thad • MM.. Mr hPaarthrtionry Afklinnia Jae M'wilhants J. brEhisky IPGarr lk • ' itirPhsfory I 111PCiaraBeobrit 10,PRIbinny Po Host BPDonald na /May Ashos •• hiTileree Pot IWkell Wm APConen Joseph hieing Geo hPtbrigken Miebl APCoak David B AVEhoy Jot - • himphall Woo WOrieurell Hem , • • ' , 1717 • 4 1 _ Noekeirn 11 . E. Norma 100 11. • ' • . Orr Samuel. (Aker 'Thos 8 Old. OW P O'Brien Jos U (ht And. Olfluno Meld 0 1 1IaLra Mehl Orr Geo O l fhaleran Ju Orr Geo • ' o , Flaherty Palk O'Donnell ?Mehl Owen, las Ju (rare= Mlchl Owen/ P , CPBlllThru Folad P. Palmer Thai Patricia's Jai Pbtillps .1 no II Pasiniere Mr Penni:ear Jas Piehartng W G Parson Start .-.Pernt Henry Phillip* Rat PaaJohn - Palette A, Power. Anderson Palmer Ran Percy /am • Tear Josiah 13 Payne Rao Perkins harry . Pollock Rant PllllO John Pierce John Payer B B Patterson Basel Penniman Dr Porter .1' 8 Panama: J J Peterson Lewis P 110131111.1110 Parks Geo Pindu EWall Price Blend Patio:ea/no PhelanParADentspriston Walter.-. Patterson JosepAPhillips DILA PineklL • Ralniath Wm Reed, Ralonnleeaßediers Band A Ramsey Peed S Rider D W Randek Wm. Rapertnrar Wm Rime Joseph Rook nos Leman Jan ' Riehardson Oat! Keep .Toha Rateb bre Jacob LReyieyk Gaynor Rop Sand W Rafetry Jae Rita Afield Berney Bartlett Ruddy Thai Rise Peter Bombe John Rail , Rim The* Robinson Jo* Rey weed IWe Meet F.ebilmon H Rica Mandl!. Maley IC. Robbmon Riebd .Rentea_,B Rinz_la Joe _ _Robinson N Adler Claim'' , Mney - VIESd —,- Rationer, ---- Reece 71 Richmond ny - ;Robinr.on Geo Reany Robi Robertson llyßopers Dud elethebr Wm RabertweV.A. Russell Wee Reed )Wpb - Roberti, John Rymt Mel Reed Wen Lima Jae Ryan Inn Reed Wm F Rady Jos • Ryazan C W Reed Reed WJ Maus Robins Joo Rodger* biz . ' Scums 011 /User .1 S. Eerier Stewart Said mainmast Skelton Jas-. Sepes Peter Sayers !!vary Shun Arch.' B Stewart Jest Farber Henry Stasi inger Ju M Stewart I U Scott Sam! South J Stephenson Sam Seen Andw Smith Mr Slate Juts Scott Jas Smelt Mtehl Stevenson Wm Stull Gideon . Snell Smol Stephenson Dui Seaton J. • Smith laved Stembler Scant Wm Smith Ju Stoops Win Ssed.Ml W P Smith Jett C Stakes /as &Merl /no A • Smith Jos DII Street Ju Seltinalre David Smith Gem P _Somme! Chu . Semple Joe Smith SIIIIIAI Strain Geo Small J W tienmen Stmt' Sterling Jae Bold Peter__, Simms Wm . . Stakes B B Sewers Mal • Sloan Startlerard R B Seethworthitto Sloan II 9 Stahl Predk Shaman El B Snitelert Peter Swisher Peter Shoup Sand Small Jae 6 - • Sylaley York Sheridan Philip Psalm/mu Swords Bitted Samar ValectirmSpeera Ju Symlnston Shell Joe. Sums Joe M Sullivan Jeo dlibbeU Jae W Sprott, Chu Thompson Atdm T.ylor Bob& Tram /no Mumps. HAM TW PA Tyler Jim Thompson PI 8 Tan heti Tacker 117 P Thompean Wm B Tait Huh henna Wm eThey Homy • Twiran Z Traby E Tllloy Matthew heat Dant Telford has Tondey Henry Traren Meld Ten Eyel k Toppet 'hos 0 Totten H Tay/or Jas Volts Geo Vaadilltt D P Varies hos Vanporl Deo Voabdel Tbos Vaattlrender Jno Varga Ins Veal= C tv Walsh /as Walker Bitner Wafter Ll /no Wakefield Sirt Walker Wm Walter M W 11121113 'Meted EWttkEna Wm . Watkins George WenonJOila Waves II B Watson Joseph WartenklielA Wam Bernard Wavetmos (rto Weser* B A W.ekt, George Welsh Dental 0 Weaver Gs* VI . Wafter 0 W Warm Jl3 Wells Jamul[ Wahl CTrat A Wegley John Weans. somata White John Wheat Hand W Mite ham Wheele rJehn Whitten Alex White B • Whin AllredY White Wm II White Lana / _lndus Itobert White Thomas Wllllasosirorter Wilson Wm Wilson John A " Wilson htmwel Moen Bohan Wilson John Wawa George Wilson ACo WilkinsonAnihn Walkleson Wm Williams John Will John Vrteinoym David Wiso Wail& Withers 0 WillgansDaniel BWaekenham Wm Wolcott John J WolvertonAnd'L Woods Thomas • Worteetly natal Welton CC Worduendoatin Workman Zen Wood James . Wallace Joe Yam C P Young Morgan Vomit( Wm YoungJuseok Woo, John Sr Young John • Noctraoles , laden, No D,l 0 0 P. idostioraile Eiseloopsesu No V. Cleat 8 I Ilinallonton. 81 Clair Lodge, No 319. • Seeroutry of Um Nall of Peter Crook. Ladle No St& - Tonionin Division, No 359, 9T. Pstuborgh Orisons, No 42.-8 T. - Lawronsonllo Division, No 277, T. eons oftetoparaeee. No in • Ocean Wove Division, No 1214, BT. Pinsbornis Division, No 49, ST. Fon &monism Monism, No 177,9 T. Iron City Dodo, No 189. • Wostero Niu Lodge, No ft. • BAWL 809SE9UILO, P. N. Pmasracis, Non 15,1113 a. • FOll-T4Oll-40 hes Nora &gotta kle-141; 40 410,0• Gibbed - do; NO bib Baitthiers 0 bits Shod;- 20 h(btb 811.1'2 •dars 'lf a tor f&KPATHICIC ' DaOWl4 & 144 Merry ot RAISINC-40 qr bien.tiorikp • er • e seen /MOWN & 1138 l• AT • MK I. •at• • Is •at te• 7dba Nothanotk, jolt reed and for DROWN & KIRKPATRICK • •; • u. At bier Siin alike Golden nary, No. 10, Third 4. 1168 JUST. ILECLIVEL) no Lanni Frey., Noannfolly embeill•bed.) Oar Faint thettrecully Flightier, (opera Node,) se Saar by Mad. Diseseeland. u nog by Merl. ElsesteiantL Pat Questa& Fairy Bend, - do. May Strecies, as sang by Mad. Bornstein. Batts Girl, as meg py Ulm Sr.& Fused,. pet sang by Mad, ElseuelealL Cell me names. • Piper of Dude& Yes, to we met I was a lover, id &gum. . . Wedding We lty. • Etylpb Walrus: Aliceloypi. w Pole& Walts-1.1 Itehbeek. Menne R _pis* Polka, 8.a . , R. insturß. - num. Pabst' T ECTIMEI on Art and Poems, Washlretten Ans -11 ton. Edited by R II Flarth,Jr• • Bights in the Gold Regionlwo Skates by the Way. tions. Ity Theodora T Johnson, A l.ledition, with ammo. ilustra - The Elliott Family or the Trials Of New York Eurnaressea. By Gaines Barden, anther at .Tbe Convict's ManiAcAe Le. TbeFultas, translated .6 explained. By .1 A Max. maw, Prates • .5i in Princeton Theological SeadurY Talbert and rerun, Pnblished by Ulmer k Sent. ter New York. 71 ... WM tot Vim with a large usertment of 8.8 Iroise Books. for sale by • II ENOL,IBII &Col &inn No 7s Woad 'out UrllGln or:Government. Ls. thi .L . LOCK dth.sy.L W . Oti oith., :k o ln Fount otto ... 0g . 11 .4 pab ..... thal oto mos Gong Sohn, 011 vaimmi4'RE lAt. 11FCORD V/ • illsu twit esuAiLD Of VBADZ •1C =scum% marxism. COBIMITTEE POE JUNE JOS= I. aaaM.—.--am, NVITIILLIL Orncs. Prrrs.c.n oAz.nr. Monday . Morning, has 17, Ivso, Tas %Vulvas au Bestats.—eadarday eau a day er-eaatiouotth hard mu ; which, du ash he tea wall &dam by all, after the long droeght ore'heye guyed u a renettil cheek epee eve fl the like busi ness, and very Imle worth !Miele, traeapired to the MAU. t• i In FLOUR wo notice no farther change, and our quotation any ho continued, at $5,250.5,37 from Gut hands, and 113,36 ftom none- GROCERIES are quiet; nate. 6 hhd, Pagir, at 6e, teem; Molasses is quint, at maga° isgalL BACON continues In fstr request, at 6,66, and 70, for shoulders, sides, and hams In mixed lout sales agar cored hams, at 91010 e, as In qualitk: GRAIN Is quiet, w th ao further change In prices, sun plies are Urn and Wealth:Med. EIMEZE! The following entries from a letter dated RootOrygl ofJune, and accompanying statement', from one of the largest importers in Coffee, will be read with inter , eat by dealers: • `There I. no mock to speak of In the Bolted Piaci, except iuNew Otte., end baltloso re. In New Yo k they hive tote to spare, and such has been the posi tion of all one markets for maymentbs nest, and so tittle oald people judge of the fate of coffee, that no yawls have been eons to Rio Janeiro, and the pneci pal beakers have opened no new credit for Rio. This must soon COWIL The enclosed statement a strictly d own ept that the coming supply for /lemma, Is pot at double what It will probably bro. no one here can tall who Is to get any; but we and by admitting that the new crop =it go somewhere, and that one hefts sent here, am county would then only get 6.10,010 bps RIO, which would be no apply at ail. Yoo con catty finny that little will be Importing from India for a long time to come, and no one la offering East India Cotlee, either hero or In New York." - ...Total Import of Coffee from Bio de Janeiro Into the United Siam, and p!icen of same • ln New York, in Jaley of each year. Range of mice ..... 1119191.9 u 910119 " • -•191(31.1i -• 8 0p la3l--- "*" --- X , S4 1 33 ban et - 1841 391,143 I j 843.. ...... --•412,a113 " 1814, j 61 0 .323 1848............--;.433,31n it 1848.--- 813,121 " 450,629 6 q 7 0 if II nazi •-•-5,821.911 • 552,270 bag. avenge it yeu. Avenge prides for the years Sclige. The loud import from 1832 to ;ISO ineloslve, - woold give an avetage for the years 0f530 baste year. or for the year 'Ni t being the middle term,530,000 has, Mbieh le caged. the import is round numbers. give. an mind Leeman of something over 0 r can:, according to which the Impart of 1530 should am 001 Ir to erra,ooo ban Under the most favorable cimutemancei are mom import over 01001135.14X1b us, which would. rs knee • deee ene7 of sassaaa,ooo bags, nr of fall 23 SP et. The eV4rege Tee tor II yea Is Matte, or nearle as need be, in Jan of each year, If ore add thereto. Sr et for the de meney in enmity of 1850 we have as the corresponding price at which the 23 P: dehcfent 'snppty would amount to the same as u tall ripply of 130 De. As the increase tn. price is ttimom always greater than 'the decrettre in supple, it mould seem that • higher peee even should be looked roe, lf the supply to no more than estimated. Rstiaude d supplN Arr 1550 7 - Bag , Amara to May 1 Do' Jaw I----.---. .70 non .Do Jaly ....... —..• •• dr) tMo Do nOatut 40 crio . Do Pepternber 1 • 500.0 • Do October I 60,00/3. Do Novemberrt,---- --• 70,140 c• Da Detonate. en,r9th • 7141. allowtme no to receive fall one half of ship. - moot. after July 1, and estimated shipments to carrot panto a fall nveracp crap of 19001441•00 n bags, and to be equally divlded•betweett tbia cootie, mid Europe. da there ism old Coffee laying- over Lh. year. to go it to theoewerop Mt, Jaly 1, it is mere likely to to Las than more than this estimate.. and Europe, hereto fore, has rodeo 95 ip• cent of the crop, or more, instead of half Tbe estimued import of MD of NAND bps. went& log to We 11 year. increase. is not large , . as deficient years came with thaw of exits', as I. shown by taking the Import of 1848, which was 015,110) bag, If we add theme the average iner“se 010 p et 4 , 'year. Or 19 et for two scare, viz: to 1990, we have 970.009 bags, or 9,500 more than the average estimate for bleb and low Prices, and which wonld Lie th e tome for 1830, as 819,000 bads for 1848. porr Or PEI'tSBURG/1. Ittvu.—There were 5 feel 0 Incur. in channel last evening, and risier. Pronitlie abundant rains of the put few days, we w ll have a fine rise in the river and ear larger class steamers will now hare n chance. ARRIED. • Michigan, Brim, Beav V er. FmMort, Peebles, Elizabeth. Atlantic, Mention, Mooresville. Jacob.. Brownsmile. Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Camden. Ilereivicleson. McKeesport. Yonabiotheny. Metal, Beaver. Chteinnati, Roma, Wellsville, Voting, Iltieseport. Rev Pilo teill No Z D es, Vireovol, n llsv oct inillegport, e, Re endeveils, Barlett, Wheeling Wm. Penn, Yohnston, Wheeling. Rohr. Roger., Boteher, Ciacinnati. DEPARTED. Mlehlgan,_Dries. Beaver. liaßie,JaeoKßgeWaserna: Meow, Partloson:BroornvrWo. Beaver, iongkiogheny.Marsh, Deaver Federal Area, Doman. Et !Arlie. Q Adams, Pt Leila.. taltanandrisb, Hayman, St Louie. Ringgold, Cope,Wahase. Reveille, Rees. Wellsville. .S.IIOATS LEAVING THID DAY. HEAVER—Yonehiogheni; r. WllEELlNG—Cindereiln, lo A. x. WHEELING—Wm. Penn, ID A... DRIDGETISRT—WeIIreiIie, 6 r. K. LOUlS—Wyomin6.lo A. K. The magnificent packet wt. Cineizinen , i. again In her plaefi, and will leave for eincienan, on Wcdnes day nest 1MP,011.1.1§ DY RIVER. Nltheollwir—Pso Croonseica-2 Dbl. molaner, Yowls, nalla & tAli 42 w barna, O'Connor & Atkins; lab ba candles, Boil & Llegeth 4 ek's haa, J Hannay jr; 23 Oda bottles, Baal & co; 2 ha baron, Brown & NWSP 4 IIioc, 13 empty wool,, fiel & eo, ohe drugs, 2 M114,101/0 tang, 46 aka Bulbs:a 3 do do, Clark rk.llll,w; B do do, Loco% &,en; 13 004.0 butler. II Grad& co; 23 bbl, whiskey, Miltenberger; =9 bdls pa per,7 rolls do, lir .1" Marsha; 41S pigs lead ,Corling & Bobortso. Pia War. Pas-3 his bacon, 21 sobs wool, 31 kegs • boa., 48 kb . orb, D Leech & co; 3 bbla alcohol. Iwe hams, C Bidwell; 3 eat moulds, 3 reels wire. 2 ba, 30 bids bacon, Baker & Pony rhi 13 bxs mds, O'Connor & Atkins. Pn Conrno-.51 Bblo fon, comer; 9 sks word. Wm 11 Jobsinam AS do do, Graf 800, 53 bhdo lob. W Bum. ham: b d,. do 77 hedo baron, bozos do. 34 bbl. don. Clan k Taw; WI on cora. Broom a Kirkparrtek; I Ohde badork,ka Jordan; LA.S bdb paper,. Itsynoln Elmo. Amonrcsa p., Slot. 2 b o, . ra AI bbl dar, A Gordon; c s, 3 Id' do lard, 31 ods B e n t o n bp /wh .. It Kb'E om Dicy & 6 tad. co; lard, 10 bon limners, Aldraden cc; 5I bgs, do Or rang. AfeClorkan; plop Blares. Geo Weyman; bbl oil, Kidd /c co; 11l cks bacon, Tsautre A O'Connor; I bx =dos, Arcmron. " SPEED INCREASED MOM 1850. Una 1110.115.11Z1L ABILIMOZEINCET. — CENTILILL. WAD OPEN TO InINTINGDoN, PA PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE. Two Dolly Ltpcs . Express Packet Boats, Road Oars, (EXCLVIIIVILY FOR Pi 411121011180 TO-ITILADELMA AND BALTIMORE, Via Rio :Central Rail Road and Peon's Canal. 1340 DIV& Roll Road, and 140 mil. Canal. Time-06 hours. Fare—SlO through. The Patina Rail - Road fa pawed in day light. ON an after this date, (lfeh Jonej t h e Central Rail Road will ran awn DAILT none. rotemoza can from lintatlngdon to Philadelphia. 'The can ou the above road and the Allegheny Portage Rail Road are all new sad of the vary but deecription la the cannery, and with the Increased epeed on the moon. tains, passengers go through with deareach. A Packet Itoitt will leave every. morning nt elot. clock, and every eves:nog at o o'clock. For Safety,Speed, and Comfort, this mute fa de cidedly the moat preferable now in use to the &MUM Cake. For panage OTlnfornentler. apply to W BUTCH:Monongahela Hone; • or to D LERCH A CO, Canal Ruin. P.11.- - Ort the tat Bee:ember, the Cenral Rail Road will 'be open to Rodldayaburg, when posaengen. go through In 13 haara.___ Jell Havana Cigars. TORT RECEIVED, at IN Liberty street, the RA SP losing celebrated brands clamming Means Llt gant—Prendos Plantation Reealias, the best Cigar, imported, and bot rarely met with in Pittsburgh. Naseitel, extra medio Regattas; La Plrerna do; La Norma El Leon DOro Diana Napoleon halo Pans Star • Fres ()realm La Vielk• Old Zack Kossuth Also, Robinson's extra Cascada!, Toboreo, for Bale wholesale and retail by , WM A IIIeCLURO & CO NEW PUBLICATIONS. Fletelow—Nineveh, Asolo, and Elyria. 12 mo. Erman—Travels so trlberia,..l vols. Ol mg. lloPorw—Six month. ut rho Gold Minas, 13 reo. Taylor—Edon/de, Y v 01.12 mo. Bellaley—Drogolosr Reee:pt Soot, 12ww. Moeges—popular Deloslonv, Y vol. .12 Dkkensi—David CopperfielL vol. 1,12'm0. Ilmaboldr—topeeto of Nolore. slo• Whlta-Alniversal lli.mry,l9 roo. Bbow—English Literature, lama. Campbell—Lives of rho Lord Chaneallors, y yobs 8 O. Atmend—Attesent World, 12 mo. Johneon—Dietionary of Gard eotng, 12 mo. Doll—The morello' moo•4sernent of children, I 2 mo. rot sale by JAB D LOCKWOOD, e 3 . Doetoeller sod Importer, 101 Fourth e.L_ veLritaLE ENGLISH BOOKS. DHOORVSS of she lialion—Porter. BYO. Sir Wedeln Price on the Picturesque. Bso.', • Bhellay's Works. bro. Woods' Practical Manse on Rail Roads. 800 The Philosophy of Homan Nature. bro. A Diallonary of Architecture—StuorL bra. • •• Architectural Atalromice, eoropleto in 3 vols. Aphorisms...ad Reflections. post ova. Campbell'. Poetical Works. Foyer him. tiro. Tboorpson's Seasons. Soper Moe Ord IFO7 sale by JAmn LOCKWOOD tea 104 Poore. at A bti S6l'llllo I.ol.,.6—dAdti wet lawns and A tat as by ROBERT DALZELL d. ; 40 ,44., 1 / 1 1 1 .4- , Vayrt., VINIAPAP. LOCAL MATTERS, varowrza,• rim • 7111 PlTThuntilli DULY lAfl HEM C. Wanourr, or Boston, the coadjutor . 01 GaniSOn, Ii to our coyourd will lecture to morrow at Union HAIL Court otlQu Quarter Sessions. Prueat flea. Wm: B. McClure, Presidegg Judge, ■ad Wt bud Samuel moue; An module Jukes. The CoUrt proceeded, through Judge Ickes, to pats unlimber of senteuces: I ^ Edward feces, poneteted to Larceny, was sew• lanced to restore the goods etoionr hod to be prisoned in the Penitentiary tor and during the term of two years. .• John WOritinan, alias Curly Jack, convicted of receiving stolen goods, was, sentenced epay a fino of twenty dollars, to restore the property sto len, and,undergo au imprisonment for and during the term of 'three cilend ar months, In the gaol of Allegheny County. - Henry Hohinson, convicted of receiving stolen goods, was sentenced to pay ■ Erie of five dollars, and undergo an imprisonment in the gaol of Al• legheny County (Grand during the term of three calendar months. - The St. Clair Street Bridge The following letter from Henn. Wood and Alden. to Attorney General Darragh, requesting his official pinadasion to file a bill to behalf of the Stale against the Corporation and Corporatars of the Bridge, and al give tds countenance, counsel and - old, in prosecuting the same, we take from the Dispatch. We learn that the Attorney Gen• oral has respotded to it affirmatively. To Hoo t COMILIMI Damson, Esq., %, 'Wormy Gourd Pennrybanio. Doan 'Sat James Tcidd, a citizen of this State, sad residentorthis county, having teen for a king time oppressively aced, by the corporation of the Prendent and Managers• Intim company for erecting a bridge over thetAllegticey ilvee,op• panto the city of Pittsburgh, it the SootolfSf. Clan street, employed Robert Woods, Esq., and my self, to investigate his eomplalnt,*ano adopt such means as might produce redress. We have filed an information m the nature or. "nit of's,so wan rants against the corporation before the lion. the Coon of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, and the lulu is made ten:unable on Saturday after neat. • In the coarse o( oar &castigation of the cause, we have arrived at the conclusion, that not only ought the franchises end Internee of the 0 Corpo. ration" to be sewed to the State, hat we_ have also reached the conclusion, that the Corporation "Is hugely Indebted to the Commonwealth, at this time, to the amount of the 0 contingent" reserved fund, and that the Corpnretors " are slso • bound io quay to refund pernanaity every dollar which they have, tram time to time, received as dial. dends, products of toll. unjustly withheld from the State. The settlement of the principles involved in . the controversy, and their practical application to the' Corporation " is lineation, as weU as various other Corporations of similar kinds throughont the State, m of the utmost importance to the peo ple at large, mad of the greatest immediate and prospective importarims to the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. We deem It neersrary in addition to the writ of quo frarrittao, that a bill m equity against the Cor poration and Corporator, at the suit et the Com monweulte, should be filed, and each final decree, made thereon, in vine ofthe whale premises as will vindicate the majesty athe laws and protect the important interests of society. Although precedents may by found, which will author,ee our client, of his own motion, in behalf of the State, to file a bill againsohis "Corporaticu,” we deem it more respectful to the constituted aic thorities, to solicit their counsel, authority, and co. operation, in the prosecution of a maer of aneh magnitude to all ponies involved. We u therefore, ' in behalf of oar client, Mr. Jam. Todd, respectful ly solicit your p - Frraission as the chief law °Meer , of the Commonwealth, to ' file files bill in behalf of the State, against the .. Corporation" and Cosporators, 'for the purposes aforesaid, respectfully 'equating the same limp your countenance, counsel, and aid, in prosecuting the same to such final decree as may be just and equitable to all concerned. Very respectfully, Your obedient servants, ROBEItT WOODS, Pittsburgh, Penn., June 1 3 I S 30F OX ALDEN. 'THE SHAKER ,AKER SARSAPARILLA LN QUART BOTTLES, -A premed by DR.- S.D. HOWE, AHEAD of an other preparations; been,. itls composed of the cheneost barbs known to medical science, its kadinir and pnnelpal herb belt HONDURAS SARSAPARILLA. Which make, It the purest and best ever yet promoted to the human finally. EAT, URINE, AND LIVE AS USUAL! Fume your asual &mentions. You teed base no fear cf ./.9..re, 41 DR. S. D. HOWE'S SHAKER ..te, HA r pti t zw , Inworsen wd to be melt 'ege t-earl Ow wonderful < Inv< rod by Mo o two of Dr. 13; D. 110WE'll SHA RE R SAR SAPARILLA alone. Price SI per bottle, or 6 battles foe 63. For sale by J. likboorunsker & Co.. 3. A. Jones, W. Black. R. W. Moons, J. 111-ibler. J. M. Townsend, Jaekson, Piusbusgb : fA A. Filet, Allegheny; Crooke.; Brownsville; W. It McClelland, Man mutton and by iirmissits gencran Also, liy the HOWE b CO, mayku.d&velyT I Wage Hall. Cincionati, 0. • Valuable Provers y for Bala by Auction. i %N Thursday, Jane teob. at 2 o'clock, will be void on the prehu.es, near Woods' Bun, in Roes lawn ship, tee valuable lots of land. of various sizes, nom. wardsup of 20 acres, laid off in lots guidable lot t olen thr putposcs, nod preaenting et good opportunity '0 those •411,1 &lase 10 obtain pleasant e country residence, being bat net distance frt. the nenicdtalety on the net route at the Beaver Road. Tie location ts eminently pleeaset and health ful. and the property Is abundantly enrolled with en. ertlent crater.' Terms of aale,one third each to hand, 0110 the beanie it three ann.! payment. A plan of the lots, and farther particulars may be olitalned by !application to the propnetor, Wee Lanky, on the premise. en at the after et Kok. IL Dante, Allegheny etty—_ Also, at the same time. will be offered fdo vale, duce Lots In the city of Allegheny, two on the corner of Beaver and Sampson at. 'teeing tb feet front by PO feet, to an alley of ID feet behind, (the eerb Moo of there Lou ta already act,/ and tate lot on Sampson at, helms TO feel front by no feet Teeth. of sale, the, same tot above. WILLIAM LECKE Je7:dul Blount llo•e. BENJAMIN BOWN. WHOLESALE FRUITER k CONFECTIONER, No. 117 laberty Street s 06en tor ealeshe following fresh goods, Jam received: 460 drum. Smyrna Figg bones extra den ' 5 5 0 boxes Bunch Rank; 17.5 belt boxes do do, 100 quarter boxes do; 20 ter. Sun Raisins; W half ken dfq 130 blase Palermo Orange; •No bates Sicily Lemons; 13 eases Slelly Licorice; 40 &len Assorted Stehle.; doter, Measly. Sauces; 27 dolma tilled MI; 213 boxes Sealed Herring; LW boxes No 1 Herring; 50 boxes JaJabe Paste; 500 X. Yellow, White, & Red Hoek Candy, 150 bags White Brasil Sugar, bit brls Loven sex toothed N powdered do; IS bars Canary Seed; 21 bags Slay Filbertm to bags Brazil Nuts; 12W ...he!. Pen NOlO 40 brine!. Pecan. do; Ott big. Soft Almandm 2i tares Shelled do; All Caton common Candle. 121 e per Ib, carefully packed, warranted as gored as any In the country. mNo I°7 Liberty st, ten door, east of Cl, CNN ay2l_ • 1,7 .5V.'7 - -.lreittTit!tcolVlOn. Hy Mrs. E. T. Eller. 'el a. Ahoala of trte Hata. of Hyoid. Hy A. George. The Elliott. Faauly; or the Tdale of • New York Eannetreva. ;By Charles Modem A few cool's of each of the above works reeeived, and for sale oy JOHNSTON /r. faTOWCTON re 3 47 Market lamer MIMPHY eta BURCHFIELD have a false moot of Fuey `and Staple Dry GOOQS, aching off at greatly reduced preens, Oil: Duman de Ulnae, a large assortment of beautiful patterns; • Malls, /unmet and Swiss Mullet.; A sptendid'auonment of Black and Fancy Bilku lineages, liawns and De antos, remarkably cheap; Daunted Poniard Silks, at Mi'eants per yatd; itesuihnl Calicos!, from ell news, and upward.; A largo Mottk of !Down and Steadied Mullets, 610 per yard, and upwuda, Sonnets and Parauels, at greatly reduced prin.. Dioth.,Cuilancres, and Van ugh, of the beat quality, rehenrratity lOw. Together with a large aterik of Ticking., Apron and I Sleirung Cheek', ail widens • Drown and Illaached Flutings and S h i n Vngs; Lumens; together with ale albite articles In our line, at north rue earner of Fourth add Mar few fOLI g NLt o .e y N Eiteuhnnallle, Ohio at H 3 Weed.lrcet. Sl 7 W P MARSHALL FAM re i ILY 1101100 for sale 0 Taus old, genus aid J DILWORTH & CO 31 Wood rupee - , LMID Wl—le Ibis receiving from steamer Key stone Bute, and for sale by J DALZELL. jcs No 70 Water street WO w O o L ro , Tb y e highest pace In mob vrill a biLf : a A l for les B L dTo s i ' ;;Y " li ' o ' ai ti r P „ " e " eta E l=l i ph k i i: M pe ' r . T:l9 " ;a t ria. " bor sale by W tr. hi dIiTCUELTItta), i'' s - ____ Lften ar mor .,3_._. COPAL VARNI*II-4 bal l tkf i lipZ kW bar'Asti- - h - iiske In store end for lure eke etottignment, by jet' J DALZELL B ACbri:4 I.o 7a dV " I ftt ""A tt l lifflrgt, Intl received p far rile Uy it!_ J A IIUTIDESON kCO T AR' " I ZL I TII N YTE Tan 02=21 50 MA. Itnio l 112 store and :for /Ali ft/1C . 1 , 011130N 'it CO 1!3=:1 1: 4 1.14 , . , :i;U1tk; . XITINE-3u tb l lli t i r ree; t owor 11;11 17 F-6°ll'—'3T2'"far g i t ' AV . 0 N & REITER 13AWN-10,014) A. HU. ribmedemlust raceme& An W and e by& W LIM/BdUlti norm. VAR111181!-4bbls reed and — forTialt7l3 13RAIM & REITER Co=ll VARNISII-4 01.1s : iced and for ule.by AS /liroirkeCO—is tog. la Or & 141 by PRuffri ib =OWNCIi • 41:11114211102.;:. - . 'frwiVlN*loo4. dz—„,„— oa pitgrBIRTCMENtTE coNartEssioataL. • %summon, Jane 15. Sintanc—A resolution vas adopted to adjourn the Senile treat Thursday tube succeeding Mon. day. Mr. Hale moved to , atoend the thirteenth section so ea-to provide that the constitutional rpresdon of the genie "bold. 'laves in the new tatritorien may ba brought before the Supreme Omni by appeal. Mr. Soule moved an amendment providing that erten Utah and Nov Mexico shalt be ready to came in as States they m me malice or elate States u their people may, to their Coutltotioes,desig. nate. Penaing this amendment the Senate ad journed. The Houses went into Ccaomlttee of the Whole, and shimmered the Big till after throe o'clock, when -ft adjourned. NEW Tomx, Jun' 15. The Empire City hu eiriired from Matures, but hies , / Ito news. NEW YORK MARKET Nils Yoga, June 15. The mender Is extremely hot to day. We no. tree no material change in the markets. Floor—Lower grades are easier. The (pota tions are. 5 5 50535621 Inc Common Straight State; 55,1541158,25 for pore °comas. and 5 5 . 7 535,511 In Michigan. Graiu—Tke market (3? Wbeat Is firmer, but no sales of consequence. Corn is a shade easier, but the dem a nd is good, and aupplles fair. Bales of Western mixed, ter July delivery, at 610363 e, but closing at Mc. Provisions—Pork to 6rm,witb Wee of MO bbla at 610,67010,75 kr Ides., and 0869(39,75 (or prime. Lird is firm at 7dillo for relected i and 7o for !vim° old. Sales 200 bbls grease lard at 51c. Grocerlet—Rio Coline is Riling at 7 t rate per Ib, wbintila considered too low by j to to on the advance °float week, and in on the prices of last public sale. • Tobacco is firm, but sales are limited. Sales 60 Midi Kentuoky at 6107 r. BRADDOCK'S YIELD. HAVING divided tato seed°. or squares of frtrin two and a Ralf to me acres eaeli, the meadow alio celebrated Braddoekis Field loom alto 'Med in Allegheny county. Pa, on the hionosiabela tyli River, nine miles from-the eif Pittsburgh, I now oder ;he gam Webs. for ,aale, on accommodating terms. This !crania is admirably sidled for country seals, for garden., or for a manafectaring dimmer- The Canntiy around it is healthy, prodactive, and thickly settled. • Abundant supplies of limber, brick clay, limestone,' coal, and Male; me on Os place, and in the neiglaborhood.. , .The scenery, tends lovely. Al together, the locatioire brandfel and ...mai and for variety and combination of advantages, Is almost unriralled. Braddock's Field, In a few menthe, will be leen. tittle from Pittabargh, over three leading thorough tares. Already, by the Monongahela Barer, stea m bean aim= heady pan Nor Mop at this wiaif when requited. The PearieNvainsi Rail Road, which Is new being gradell located dtrectly through It By do. mate twillbe reached in twenty minutes wae, (imp the city. The Piturbargh and Braddock , . Field Plank Row!, for which the lumber has already been con nected, form one of ILI street.. A idea of an hoar from the city wieon tide tome will lead to It. Ferrous bing to purchase will find me there every Tuesday, Thursday, and Paitunisy af moons. Phentf Foraythe also, who now keeps a public board ing home re the large brick cancan, mill sheer the Pen at any ume Plana of the grounds can be seen at my office, corner of ;Vocd and Fourth ahem., Pnwhergb, and also at Braddock's Field. pe7:Mf JAMES NV BUCHANAN ALLEOHNNY AND lIANDIIMMITY.D. • PLANK ILOAD. NOTICE is hereby given, that books wit' be opened for subscription to the stock of the Allegheny and imechester Pim* Road Company, by the Commla. sinners appointed in the act incorporating the acid company, at the following places and times, where all persona deairous of subscribing are requested to attend, the share. being twenty ken dollars each, and One dollar pm More to be paid at the time of nib. smiting: In the city of Pittsburgh, at the other of Meson. • Bakewell, Pears & Co, corner of Second and Wood REGULAR TUE:FLING PACK ET. streets, on Saturday the Elh.Alolidurthe 10th, Tueldsi The splendid steamer. the 11th, Wednesday th e lith, trod Thursday the I I. iV PENN, of Jane, between e boars of A. AI. and 4p. . 'l'ga„,l3ls A. D. !phaeton, master, will leave fn. In the city of Allegheny at Todd's. inner°, corner of • the abduct and all interturdiate ports Deaver and Ono streets, and in the Borough of Man- 001 httredur, lath hut, It 11l o'clock, A. Al. cheater, at the store of Townsend, Carr deo, on Fri. , For Uo . 4ht or 1 90,11 M1, apply on 1 ..91. day the 14th, Saturday the 13th. end Monday the lath of - - June, between the boors of 9A. AI. and AP. M. At the house al Capt. John Ilay, Ohio Township, en Fri- day and Saturday, the lath and Ilth of Jane, between the bourn 019 A. n. and 4 T/10hIAS . BAREWELL, Preaident of Board of Commissioners. soltyleiddartjelTS Moot eon./ XTINEFEII and ita ReWOW; with an account of a trian W the Chaldean Chriwiana of Kuzdtman, and tree Vezidia, or Devil Warwippera and an Inquiry' Imo the manna. and area of the ancient Assyrians By Angle Henry Lapin!, Fen, D. C. L. For sa..l at JOHNSTON ta. STOCKTON'S icy Book Store, ear. Martel& Third at.. Eaglinevrlng, Elleobautem, to. Wolsbnek—Menhordes and R..tspneerins, 2 solo Soo Fteld—Cbroronuts, Soo. Muller—Phyic mod Msteorology, Soo. Ilartfield—Ameneon Houma Carposter, 800. . Matendie—Phisielogy. Altlthill—lllstory of Arnhitestare, Sao Rosins—MlS Wrtglnlo Guide, Soo. Roach—Psycho;ogy,l2roo. Ilersthe—Ornoints of Astronomy, Soo. Woods—Protenesd Treanor. on Roll Roads, Roo. Nitl iSo lderhlll[l2lo..P.M_TllYE _Boo2. So*. NEW BOOKS I NEW BOON& I At Daisies' Literary Depot, Third street, opposat rite Post offs*. HARPER'S New Monthly Alakanitta fee Jane. Alorning Call—Mrs. ERN—pans I and 10 Henn, Merchants' Alegarine fe r Jane. Erlactie Afosaske for lune. Limit's Living Age—No.3l6. Demon Shekel:tease—No.l7. . , i WE &IMO lIISIMIAII6I3 UO.IIPA:iT Dictionary et Mechanics—put 11. . I Pictorial Flelti Iloek of the Revolothm —pans 1 AI. I OF PITTSBURGH. Tee Simonet Sy 11. Coes., Fir.—pert A. The Miner's Daughter. By Ettekcns.—ptice 6 eft. I CAPITAL /100,000. Hj S TR — UPGAL AND COMMERCIAL LOMAION IL II Wijj'Ang Scl rtre 'll e t esin s i t ail Vlt ' ;ii%j l ti r i 7 Elr''lL PLACE HOOK—Containing the deekiens of the FIREAND MARINE- Supreme Court of the Vetted Male. and of the ..te- t A LL losses will be liberally adjusted and promptly spective State Courts on Dills of Itchenge,Cheeks A ~,d. .4 PtomirmO Notes — defining their wOoluma and A home Institution—manned by Directors who are promytke, and Investigating their relations to, and well known in the community, and who are deterroin erects rt pan, parties The whok mronged in o f order ad by promptnees and Itheirdilt to maintain tha char moot convenient far refewnee, and ,C o n for ine &elm which they have nunmeil no odcriny the best mediate application. By Wm. Linn, Conmellor at protection to those who desire to.be Intoned. Law. Jost received and for Rale by Dtascrom—lL Miller. Jo, Geo. Bleck, J.-W. Butler, JOHNSTON A. STOCKTON N. Holmes, Jr., Wm. B. Unites, C. Ihntsen, Geo. W. PRO Booksellers, eon Market! Third sm. . yackonn, Wm. AL Lyon, Jr.. Lippincott, The& K. BwLa-Oia•rai liltorattare Lite h, James APAttley, Alex. Nirnick, Thos. St ott. Mort`—Perfamery its Use and hisetufactarn 12. m. 0...", NO. .J Wtiftt Geer, Ovasehonno of Elmog & Co.. Ito etstre.lPitteborrit. saltdly thallo—Philmorhv of Natare. Moo. nitow—nhr mos mid Relentiona 12mo. Sbaw—English LiIeTWOM 122 m. Davia—Legendro. Itma. Bryant—What I saw In California. 131 Pierre—Paul and Voginia. I vols. 14mo. stleott —Letters to Young men. 12mo. Durnap—Letter of Hum. Nature. 12mo. Verieour—Mcdem French Literature. fmallts—Pinlosophy. Newnham—llomau Magnetism. Humboldt—napenta of Nature. Broderip—Zoological Recreation.. Foe sale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD See • l6l Poona st L=IIQZ)=I /A HALF pipes Lafayette, dark and pale: lr 4 do Pinch, enatillien& CoN Cognlae, dark&palk • V bf n.pra exult Rochelle, dark; 3 tto Otard, Dates) & Co. dark; St do Star, dark; 11 do Pallovoinn, ra store, and for sale by to 714 JOHN PARKER & CO I lODLI VER ,rd a. fresh lot of Rash- Iteh Chia genuine Codllrer Oil, ler C sal e by In7al .1 KIDD & O OR DRAWING 800111 S—Gold, Chamois, Pace; and Plans Wall Paper, recently received by W P'6IAR I HALL ONE COUNTER—IS feet ToitY,exiied speth cheery_ tOP, for ante low, by. J SCHUONSLCHER fr. CO te7 SS Wood st Ws ATOM /PiFER 7 -50 — r — mTiiii371FieRilimit'id J nod for sale by A H ENGLISH CO je7 70 Wood et P,LLERS' FAMILY o 'They are the median. of the day." (rubes Station Ohio, May Q 5.190. F. Sellers—l thine it y o urright . foi ne of others, to elate tome tuts to relation too excellent fa mily Medicines. I have need your Vermin:lgo largely in my own' finally. one vial frequently expelling large quantitlea may the to 200 vsottost from two ehildren. I have alan need peon sirenill. end Conga Syrup In my fatally, and they Lave, in every irlithllet, produced the effect. desired. • As I am engaged In merchandising, lant able to elate, that I have yet to bear of the ant failure where your mediclues have been used in any aeetlon of the country. It, concluatun, I rutty state that they-are the rnedielnes of the day, and a•a destined to haven veer popularity, Yo".,"eye %7114 1 4 . NE1,L. Prepared and cold by R. E. SELLERS, Pfe77 Weed meet, and sold ty Druggists generally In the two chi and vie:airy. • e 7 - friar Osa• Cheap, ONE hamieenne buggy , entirely new, from • eel. bated manufacturer at the east. Altos • Phila. dniphi• brill ....end hand 8111ky, in good nide.. En. iittirn at thin nano. . led IiPELATT , S PARIS • T SODA ASII Price Reduced. TME SUESCIIIEIERS 111 .ell Idoeprall'a beet quality end high Met Glass and Poop Makers' Mode Ash, warranted einerlor to any other brand at 3I by the qt!antity ofd lane or tipwarda for tulvenity or epp.oecd Note., at four months. or af far a less quail. uir W & 14 bIITCHELTREN tea Liberty cite t. T KietTla EP GO Obi, AT 0112 -- TIE ROE V, FLEMING & Cu, having arranged to rj. g ive then entire attention to the tale of domeetic Woolen and Cotton Goods, now ogee th e i r l arge stock of TOO.' Trimmings, Vestings, French and Vernon Clothe, Domino, Coaime relke. nt.fitet cal. !JERSEY, FL s, ESIINU &CO Jet ITOIWood et FISH -21 brio now No 3 ackerelt 13 Ws No 1 blowtorch . h br brio No 2 do; 30 brio No 1 Ilwring, for role by les 111110 Y. MATTHEWS A CO 1101 . AffinMEIIN-20 cons, colaii — ood o brand 1.., I wan by 121 J SCIIOONIIIAKKR &do LRACT LOIJWOOD-30 boo tlanTra Vro7rOile Jo 3 J SCHOONMAII2II & CO OVER brl pure brown, S JIM rreelved, %_/ for Imre by EELLERS Je3 . 67lVood rt • r cooper Felt for Nee by E BELLEW, P - - •- - OT Ahlll-3 ends priale on Item for wide by ieS • STLIART & SILL LUE-13 brio of the beet quelity • Jut reed, end VT for fele et the Dreg Store. corner of Sixth Red Wood street. Je3 8 N WV:MERMAN H°LLANO fl ea led lintrinfy-110 lip last receive a new ankle in thin market, for yak by • WM A ?JeCLURO &CO_ • NB Liberty at 'WETIIKRELdia PIiRFUMERY—A fine assor meat just reed, for sale by J ono re CO ID Wad ri 0W iita hallo o. ecaj ----- 1:71.I J KIDD &CO . Et w j :II3LED-10 brbwast • d for s. $ to• I KIDD & CO VlAtrz.-,10 DNa fala44:r for sid... co E 2 2: • 2MII -ii • .14:n f. • ,Vir sumandi 1850. - nal* IMiiiMMA;= The new and RRLi ilnoght steamer 10170HIOGIIF, NY will make dolly tripe between •Pittsbargh twd GinsanwilEinodays'eseepted,) leaving Glasgow at 7 M, and Pittsburgh at The Yeashanthenr. itketit 16 inches dranght; and east be en cle.lifter packet. throughout the season. For freight or passage apolv nn board. or to jse .t J C BIDWELL. Agent gEGULARINVEIrtgESIDAY PACKET • 0419gpiNai.ATI, CaplAin IWitirAM J. Kourrrz. :This splendid boat visa built by the ot Cincinnati ra af, the steamer lease Newton,. . others, far the and it argil Paeker.trage, and will leave every IlVedneaday,for Cineinnoti, to place of the Near England, No. 2. I Fier freight or pasaage apply on board, or to w 2 / 1 G B MILTENLIVIGERrAgt TOBUSOII — .EN — NPACIEffi. The eplendid fast sunning ensurer g LOUIS greLANE, W. a. Cogmeil, : tamer. (baying undergone a' *or . °ugh repair,/ will run hereafter as a reenter packet betwaenPittaburith sad Wheeling , leaving - Fittaburgh every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning., ate o'clock. For freight or paws. apply on board, or to lane , . B. IVREELER,Agem. RONOSIOARELA ROVTE. Only 1 / 1 1 311laa Slaglng• • . VI. Brownsville and Cumberland to Deemer* and Philadelphia. Fin re no. Pattknal.ruas.---•-- 12 00 THE morning boat leaves the wharf, above the bridge, deity, at , 8 o'clock precisely. Time to Baltimore, boom time to Philadelphia, 90 boars. The ertniughoat leaves daily, (except :Sunday CT. enings,) ate o'clock. Passengers by fencing on the creamy boat, will maw the - mental. in stages next day, and thus avoid night travel. Secure your tickets at the OMee, Monongahela /lease, or St. Charles I Betel: eesta.ty ; - .I,MPSKIMEN, Agent REGULAR WHEELING & surinsu PACKET. The fast tanning creme? • WELLSVILLE, Capt. D. Young,will ran as a regular packet between Fittebargh, Wheel ing, Bildgeport, and Sunfisb, leaving Pittsburgh every Monday afternoon, for WellevUle Steubenville, and Bridgeport, and everyThuredly demean for Stouben 'ilia, Wheeling, Bridgeport, Capital., and &mash. Reaming, leaves Bridgeport and Sunfish every Tues. day afternoon, and Sunfish even. Friday afternoon. for freight or p assage, apple an board, or to ap..10 D WILKINS, Agent.. E=IM The, splendid eleLer SIIENANDOAII, 4 Coleei 54tetee nrift lenge fee nhentp • and intermediate punt 'ibis "day, the ISth of lane, at 10/1:11... . - 14; - Trijahtor . pUtifs4117hly on board. _jets ST. LOUIS. arkoThd maanifieent new steamer, llownian F , mater, L orline e rve for aloe et and all Intermediate' handle!, this day, at 10 o'eleek.l A. At. For frplght or passage, apply on 6040. • Ws FOB 87C LOUIS. gatzTbd fast stamina almoner WYQ:011041,-.:. 'l' Neal, matter, leave far the aboveland JI Intermediate ports, r this day, 171 h lost , at 10 A.M. For Irelgltt or pamaye, apply on board. FOR LOUISVILLE.—The courtly new and splendid steamer WASIIINGT.OI4. W. W. Martin, master, will leave for the above and all Intetilediate andinge on this day, tho 17th tom, at 4 C. IL l' - orireight apply to jell •U B MILTENBKROER. Apt FOR INCINNATL The aplettiltd Cleaner Ca sw il l Cope, GGO lenge L for the alto d all intermediate ports on th day, the ISth itttL , at 4' P. N., positively, For freight or passage apply on tioned. told FOR CINCINNATI. The splendid cancer ! F.IIIPRESS, • Co:, muter, will leave for the oboe and all trnetttediate ports,: on Fr day, the 14th Inc-, at 4 olelock, P.M. • For insight or passage, ajtplyhoard , or to on JBl3 IV 11 WHEELER . Aast FOR — LOMRVII.I3I • mai The fine new and staunch sterune : NAVIGATOR, Wm.Delat, :name, will leave for th above aud Intermediate landiagr,o, RIO day. the 14th June, 410 e'eloet, A . FL For freight or passage apply on board. jai Ft PG - CINCINNATI. The splendid Geuther maim• GENEVA, • Wlltinic ktaster, will leave for itteve nd interreediaici pihrts, on thin day, 14th in., at 10 o'clock. A. M. For freight or passagelEipply on board. Icl4_ fikilUCrtWlk r .FTLlNl.47Ficki.r. maimLh:lraitiea Izn&dpt.alfltaanteir„: Will Mica Mr Wheeling OM morning at 10 o'clock, mad will cectlime her Th."Pknd igr, T nND, Gallagher, master, will leave for the b.o anal all Intermediate ports on this day, the 11th lost., at 4 o'clock, P. hi For /might or passinge, opolv hoard -yeti W 11 NruekLr.rt, nn. _ _ LISP IN FURL/SCE J. Finney, *Jr.. Agent for du Penna. laji Insurance Co. of Phila. %FFICE of the Weston Ineuranee Company No. Or Water meet, Pittsburgh. Pamphlets, with all necessary inforrastion, and blank loans will be tarnished. Husbands can Munro their lives fortho benefit of their wives and children; eyegmoys the lives of their debtors. The whole profit. of We Company an divided I among the holders of Isle Milieus. The dividends of the put two years have been rich ly urea. Loath year ; my3o IGXTLIA PAIIIILY FLOUR. FORotteef'fl'aV7 the cilium, 11:1411 " 5 4 11, ' : the reeeptlon of order, at We places:- 31 R Floyd. corner of Sixth and Wood sitcom Hayward, slice store, boelAberry & filarkei A Reel., store, Third etvect. draggls4 6or.F9unh & Smithfield. rod e,s ore, comer Ili. & Wylie, Telegraph Office, Fourth street. 11 C Kelly, grocer, Fifth st,eorner ollautetalley g, Grass, store, Penn street, Ninth Ward. The door 'waggons will call. wice or thrice daily for order., sod the doer, &c. delivered promptly, either to bands or sacks—sack flaunts preferable for finally ase—without charge for cartage. It is plain that on account. c. be allowed, and - that drivers can have to permission to leave floor without payment. We hope the pulite will be pleased, with this or, rangement, as we shell endeavor to do them justice. • I mardd • WILMARTII & onLt _ IDS O. Provt wt. - 11180. -- Fort Pitt 'Work.. 18604 Cara. of O'Hara and 15Ina atreets t rltlli iV Dlaaoltatlota. Mill; firm of K,mp & Totten was dissolved on the ad j of Mail Met, by the death of Wm. ). Totten. Chaste. Keep, tr., buying purchased the interest of the lam WM. ).Totten. in the firm of Reap &Tent., and formed a ropatinership with hit brothel', Thes L knap, they will continue tee business of the concern under the name of - Neap it Cs., and will smile ell dlaims again" the late firm, and ceeeire•Jl debt. and emands oaring to too tame. my 34.11.1 Q firsfirßlES:-6.1 brim No Leinli _ S Jhl bets do; 6 east. Dalton ei4 o! ; ' 3 casks Shoulders; 2 casks Hams; I cask swotted llama; 3743 Nsppas D/opma lo arrive, for sale ISAIAH DICKS &CO J—The . ain of many persona i. dtadga ith slight eruptione, to pimples, morphew, he., and when this merely a diatom of the skin, as it is in timely nine cases out of every hundred, it is rely easily Iv. moved. Juice flawl'a NMrPh s“p is expressly' adapted to diseases of the .tin, as it nets damn) , open the 'vinous.. preen which Cover surface,ll elaunting them from impurities, and by it. ha:ramie propetties hewing and eradicating all eruptions, and rendering the darkest and inughein skin eon, fair, and I blot ming. Persons who have bean In the Whit of using ordi nary soap. will in astoniehed at the beautiful client pmduesd try Mc Nymph Soap, in imparting a de late lood Preventing the nerd, Owe, °strands from chap. ping, allaying all aritntion, and removing alf entrant. one eruptions. poser...ea an exquisite perfumr,and I is entirely devoid of MI alkaline. properties, mndering it the only article which can be used with aefety and comfort In the nursery. All those whose' fares or neck, are disfigured with pimples, blotches, Inn. morphear, ho, should make trial of Jules lionel's Nymph hoop, its the preprictor positively assures them, Mot Its UM will seeder the most discolored akin sr h&c, the roughest Min smooth, end the moat diseased skin healthy, porn, and Moon, mg. 'ldea Boners Nymph Soap la the only article which l ime,w fctually produce the abave effects in sO short a imend the oly one whtch is nt the same Pine all 1 pawnefal and entirely harmless. Prepared fitly try , JULhE II AUKL, Perfumer and Cheroot, Ital Chestnut street, Phila. For nand wholesale and mail by 1.1. A. Fahne.iep Co., and 11. E. Relicts, Pittsburh,. and John Cm. gent and J. Mitchell, Allegheny oily, lea - Msllfre• laSfirtl - 4 A 0001 ) Mahogany hint( Forte, 6 octaves, .• second Lewd.— MOO CO A handmme upright Piano,' with Rosewood Furniture, 0 octave., and ht good order ..• • 1.00 00. A plain 64 octave.Piann 45 in A good 6 octave Ilano•••••—• ...... 55 pg. A plod 6j Detours Piano, with handsome farms taro . . For sale by may 28 JOIN U MELLOR. NI Wood .I. • Lelomat° !tight lag tit. d b Int S U co P mbn C triA l e, N6 ih p ' y V iscono 'n rnises " the ' L ' il, 41d'pre a, vent. Itnioon, bortzfore go Mach Objected to ih alr other, doata. Con- table.tpdooNl ponill w h nl~ is ut e e antl y.facti ant er the kn tam stit' F i e dsnd (or ule by —Dn4ll6l RUSES, LOTS FARMS, I , o6iritlNG 110 USE AND.OPFICE,IO:rbini .1../ Darlingtwe am, four story ,durellmg, roof, with truth rooM,mts Arens, and odic., Appl y to - Idalt( BMW Woons, re. or Vitsner 114 • -TO. Thai large eutrupodidnilhi' ' nod Lot, on which are 9..t01a 4. *" . Carrion Bowe, ban;iib e 1 6 - and ff uld lone tho .retatlence of hi gee, aituntednn Wet 't r h0.1 . 11 . For I'M. uPPIY .‘ e lil " l.l 4n L " O r tN B 4Ery, "nth mr:dtr • ES Wylie .t. • • i . - . HANDSOME STORE, rit Market Welty bthrows A Third and rattrpqtrects,•l premat occupied h, M. Thotzu White, •• • Goods Store. • •• . : Afro--A tom mill Gatrhed ROOM h• Ott teettad roll, ant melt d ti or a te o , M n r d g D u u it l a l, b . l ab.m m dile i nCdoll am or Academy, or oo•dd be cvmslicaly arrip.oa a. doable aim. t • • ..E.D ..• . GAZZADI, • .4f Of.ire,Third st,•rrar the Pod 02.. To • A BRICK BUILDING, :LS by 50 feet, three storlee high, with Engine, ae; located la Bleatingthazo; Inamcdtetely below the Ferry. Frgulee or DOLL3IANS &GARRISON, tafe34C Cittebargh Foundry' • , To Let t mut large three story Dries NVarehause, on Waler, below Ferry street, mining from Water to Firesstreet, street, On renter:able mmo. Possession given ilitMe. diatelg. Enquire of • feta Ittf F. LORENZ, IrALUtilrLtertiln.L ESTATE ON Pii.NII33TRI.= FOE BALE—A leitt of Ground nitrate on Penn street, berßeen lisp and Marburg streets, adjoining the house and kit note scrupled by Richard Edwantg, haring a from of 25 feet, and in depth 1.1-0 feet, mil 14 sold on (evocable term.. Title unexceptionable. En , quire of- • 0.0. LoOM.IB, (th et, near Wood. ocal-dtf TeVgioUth.len and Westarn Merchants. noussEv.B. IltEhlYtThl PERFUMERY. The lli eahseriber Yupectlially Writes public attention to his exteltlye Cock of. Petfuntery, seat* shara, Cream., &e, to *Mel seven Silver nod two Golden ttledals Ilene, within the laat six years, been awarded by the Incitut2s of New Toth, Boston, eat Sall. dolphin, the letter being the Only (tainen'mtatt, ever awarded for iterfa..ery either. in , Europe or in this . country. ROCSSIVIS McEvoy Euaycuu , Clutor..(A , Ecod, Rove, and Ambcoolat,) universally acknoccindna‘. to ba superior to coy Elmving Cream la thus country ar Europe. Or.sonuarra so-a Priagno--Boasilifally trensperent, and possessing, highly Sapouaccons and emolLieot properties; Soponocenas Compound; Ambrosial Shay g Tablet; .Military Shoving Soap. ' • • b urns= Too= Soaks—Almond, Rose, llliMfienis, Mastery Pistachio, Musk, Pioche Oninihns, Float. ,ing, Transparent, Olive Oil,Windsor, end Ciicassian. 1 Rat - tams Von tar llamnity.csay—Rose, 13oequet de Caroline, Geranium, Jenny Lind, Moo-re line, Jockey Club, Magnolia, Clemadte,CitropiDe and mini) , other Valleil!t, sixty&term( I [oust IVavers—Florido 1Volei; Eau 'ao,roue . .it., Orange Mower Moor. and n Oast' variety Si Co. [Ogees and Lavender Waters • •• , .• • PEIMAILTIONS you Gan—Gertuloo Dear'S Oil, Antique Oil, Ilondoline, Ran Luatralc, Com pito-nil Or Marrow, Gair Dyes, lignid and in powder, and Philo“mr- , and Jowly. Lind Pentodes. 0 ;.;a1.41C Paitiaminons--IlaLsamie Elixir, Rose Tooth 'Paste, Charcoal iDencrifice; .odontino, Tooth Patric, and Tooth Powder. - • -- . Co-farms—Vegetable Cosmetic Cream, Amomilee for chapped hands. Cold Cream of Rorer, Cream:dr Peeirr,up Salve, Raspberry Creole, Ike, Depilatory Powders, for removing auperfloone hair, Pearl Powder, Vinnigo- JO Rouge, Aromatic Vinegar, Vlctpria Darr Composition, Pio-awn Salts, bender, a grow variety of other articlen,ima nano-rens to ho named in this advertise:nem. . • • The so.bacriber hopes to momtain the reputation which tins esiablisiment has amptired, by disco-mg aro-thinut b Cm: rate articles, seal will to-happy to fu rnish those 'who may vial, to paironiro- Lim. colter holesale or retail, on •s re.l.llable terms as any es. Go-Ligament in the United So-Ma , XAVIER DAEIN, • Successor to mad former Director of the L. hot abary of EUDEPai ROUSSEL, 114 Ctlesrlat street. Mr. DasntAi Perfumery la for Sale by all me ',incl. Pei Druggists In thecouniver. • Novi Goo-ids I I Hew 9064811 CLEAR TILE TRACK! Neu Sp...tit. and Stormer .DriGood., for 1500. NV LL LIAM L. noserLL, • and Retail Dealer la Which, ° A:qi;Wd°...MlLGuC4l?,!2e, floc 'o'3' 1.1 4 to Dna thva, helical commence d ree r e o ttrin; and opening cne of the Limn ricb,spleurad , and esters ice awe is oft aring anal:Warner Dry Rood. ever offered fpr rale in the It/talent country, All of these Deported Goo,/a are fresh opeeed, recee per Put test steamers (rain France and England `as also Irish Linear, Imported direct from Bellest, all glass bleached . , sold warranted the (ass uilelet. these Liners are all :reported by the subscriber, and are all pore In yarn; sratraZted. Also, Irish Linen Damask Table' Clothe, the very best sounufacture, and Irish Linen fiends of nil Lode, =Ported direct from Dollen by tragh,he eubscriber, end will Lo foundthe real Erin-go . . LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Gew Lyle rich Turk Sttins, nil colors. eplendid goods; Inset Turk Sate., all priers, nob goods; blackgloms Silks, all sabre, importation; French Idol Gloves, nil colors, the bent naported; plaid block' Armures, per last Etclich steamer; new etch, painted Barrer., eplemll , l goods. Also, a soperb stud large sleek of wide blaeliProsselsLace.fer trimming led to drerww, very rico goods; plain itareges NI eidors, extremely low, beantlfal goods; black ;Ilk Fringe, all I widths and. ptires, gery abeap; Ftenott Lawns, now li styles, per lent Prorm rmarner, plaip black Grp De ßhine, high lustre, superb geodes' black .11g uree 1,10 De Rhier Bremide, lion goods;,Freneh and English Calltmeree, nen , syles, beautful needs; splendrd Egnred Swam epode for bill dtmseet soh embroidered Sanss Molls for evening dree•ce; hemp Edging end tousling, tbe host imposed; ;ilk Tissues in colon; otld goad:loos slyly plain and sotto stnpla brook Usurer', all prices; printed Lawns, new styles- Motu g , e Ng emit. pet yard Garen. de Leine, n new aroma for Indies' dresegs. Also, a large cad superb mock neer style spring Bermet Ribbon., the very hest im ported, all now.. SUAIS'L.R. SiIAWLS. - sene,g.huwle, all colons, freak from timenw Caplan . Av. , • ,,n - rnargrrprom ed Cmiten Crape Shawls, splesetd goods; Lama's Freeeto made Embroidered Thibm,frimet riaportariem Paris palmed CaMmere Shawls, all prices and quali ties ladies' sanrinar Cravats and Scarfs In mar 'A riel,: French workalCepea,Callare,nadCar, a large meartmern.. • ' A Large Sleek of DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. GI balm unbleached Muslim:, from 5 to LO cents per, yard; 15 tee's bleached 31uslics, from 4to ecra per rarii. 11 case. Irish Lthens. imported direct from Gellert, 11 baler Ticking, trona Bto fent. p e r pang e eases tithe Drill, stern B it l cents per sides • foil assarunent of Summer Cloths. Also, Caa• simeres, rw,odo. Sauueus d Kentucky Jeans; SO casts dart Calico, fast cowed, from 3 to 14 CCM. i toe y Sod; 5 eases 110:0 tr. Foul English Prints, best • imported; 4 baled Russia and Scotch Diapers, extremerr ly tow. Also, llourelseeping Goods of ell kinds, vary cheap; 2 b Ars Flu r sin Crash. front CI taLltfeenus per Yard, beadedis large •Gock of Cheek. and Shirosg Stripe. Alimesdidon Flausiels, all odors and, quali. tits, at low nrthes; red, white, and yellow Iliau‘els, very cheap; bleached and unbleached Drillings, fall amonmed; 4 eases blue Merrimack Calieoce,En t:emery low: black and unbleached Table lhcpers,Alt prices; thid's eye Ithipers, all prices and qualities, very cheap; colored Caushries, a fall assortment, I cheaper than ever; S bales llarlaps, from /1Y nd eta per yard: Also, a large stock of Cattail Table Diners. Marmend Shirting—A Nal assopmen4 very cheap. PARASOLS! PARASOLS!. The largest And most splendid Gook of Parasols ever opened by any one home in Pittsburgh, is this day received, and are all alike newest French Myles, ...tab, for nchness end beauty, cannot be surpassed. As we have a large lot of these Parmols, they will be void cheaper thatl dy other house In the city can Ws fold to sel/ the said quality of goods. The Ladlen are respequally turned to examine these Paralisla a. they will find some of the. richest and Pewer styles vier Imported from :mope. These arasols are all el tee richest and mosk fashionable • colors, and are worthy offilefattenliou of the ladies. All of tho avoce goods will be sold oft rice .at prices fat below any home in the city; and in 'order to prove this tad, the pulthe please call and 'price these goodi, and compare them with any other house la the trey, and be convinced of the atthee amerrien. The subsetiberkthald here sayto hiantimerous En. rooters sod the palthe 111 general, that there me two other bee, Ists, stores to market at to topewide the Dig Bee Rise, which Gone the only celebrated and the fumed Gmed establishment in Pittsburgh. 'rho 'subscriber would therefore say to all purchasers of Dry Goods, eithar, ;wholesale or retail, that the Big Bee Hore, on Market cheer, between Third and Fourth.. POST opening ,p/o Ihrkeet, richest, and most splendid sthek et spring and sesames Dry Goods .ererolfored for sac in Pittsburgh • BONNEDSI BONNETS 4 pis, snit...glean—The lames:tend mon fashion able stock of Winners ever opened in thin city, Is Dist yet:dived at the alknof the Dig Doe Hire. on Market areef, between Third and Fourth alienis t where Dry Goods of every description are setting cheaper than any other house so the city. The public win please tare notice Wnt Were Ore two other bee hive 51.0 re, on Market attest, who pretend to compete wish the 'Dig Dec Hive, between Third and Fourth streets, where the publie will find, at all dolen.the /argent/tad newest styles of Dry Goods, Reek opened. frr Md.., tare notice, that theore between. Thud and Fourth sweets, sign of the 1510 HEE HIVE, where Dry Goods of ovary description aro setitng 'actsets than al any other:krone in the city. ' .rtk.drtn WILLIAM L.krt.ISSELL. - - - cpiAman. DALLSI"B-;IIIADICA4'PkIN LITRACTOR. I , itis never failing Pain Bawd:ear, and certain aim foe liar., Scalar, tiler, tiara. alai lailanied.Eyaa, Curs. 'Woilnde, laflatniaatary Rheum . .., Nipple,r, Strut,, Ilrcao, tau Rheum, old nth Invor rale sore!, hid all crawler:nil) tad tallammatory tinwares. IN , 41 p.m EN VELOPI: AINIETIOXES OF Mtitl/ .t.:NLA.1[6k.",P.1•3/Z4l'.: . CAUTION. • . Cnentet(iuof LIALLErS EXTRAO•POR in the tn.!, waAregn bond the market. Shen thenna you would poireig By buying the artiebt in the Nl.tV DHPISS you &veld Use Jangei!urbetng Imported Upon by coun terfoils. ti eea - n geuing the Genuine, wad gain, moreover, near barer cent cattle average. • ....Caution to- Dealers. Gross inipaisMon is practised upon Deakin, by un setupaious nparritors, who pat up the countariett sluff Lt a countorfoni °fine old wrapper, inizad with few bores of be genuine each:dozen, and tbus offer it for sale Al a reducal price! 'fhis SALT ontelies ninny dcalorog. tint Gm asiliding, immeent it, : who uses tho npiiiiims *Mete, pals the permit,: Uoironina, pais, antic hilyecars and marks Gan:ring from sescie bunts, wounds ar sores, and often low of Ide. nro COlatlillelle.. • Cate In Pointe. intateatlng Part*enters Of 0110 of the melt severely burnt and hunted sutler-. err at the lato and Cisantrous VITIIEET EX. sn Naar York, vent shanty boot:bibbed. Mont the. NEW LiNti ELOPES, tho LANNY. .I.IOX- E. 4, and my MITfIorIIZELY AGLN !! 1T.3 - Stett Near Circulars lot 18.1 At hie sk Ilbts embols on the near snow—the Triangle, RI - pc st, 140. Nati Dove, and Eagle, soul. Dolley wstuen eignato Writ•md dancer ond fraud, and harDekv*.E x . truLtOr ONLT. in tha NM , vans DDIILMS.a.C.9. 11. 1)A1.1...171Y, 41 . 1 . 1 iroadson7,,Neer York. filmy P Licuw.krrs, A..legbony.Gantrial and Naola Wm. Tnotur,Eturat, Piushen„h. j.. N. 13.1-The names of Dealt. gnu:spree:ore the. Dal.. ley Salto, new site from . critter ihe pronrieter him self, or from Edo authorized tigentu t rlu ho pablished. ia the puparzf as a wade to the poblle td suer e War of tread. • rearlOolenwdmi . , .• gllouarl s V 0.47, nuaucnr 8 . 11,LEP . X . , Lemons Thireand A Pourth streets, Pittsburgh, PO,. THOMAS PAL ALtiII Would , tespostrullg II 414 e attention of ho friend. dud customer*, to his sorer= rattosiro had g o aottlstookoflocrehandise. It aid bo Wood to c.o. ygisoavery d :geription Otis otericeOilual Freneh Watt aStd Bartkr tor, Parlors, 11 stby , i.dolufg:HoOboi• (1, .. 4 b0rtt, Counting gone s, tro.franging from P.:l caw to /Pt a pew,. do grout,s strscrsity .of lode. antigitolitics cosi hardly toll so sail Ito eitastoteolutoss arvidostet or purehavrrs to may darer with Ihesr patronll 4 the old estabbah ed stand od Market ststet.. rolls• • tiyINFIOW GLASS-1.03 boxe, snorted site., la '1 if prime order, rot Nee by , JOHN WAT itre ti T &go 1 , 01 Mboy ' 1 GREAT ItiIfORTASTITHREIICAL DIECOIERT t CHEUICAVCOMBESINTION i From ;: Ma rigerraLt :hTngdom, to repel Damao.. Dr. Detriotts• .Exti•nolt. or Yellow Dock anti Ilarnaparll/a.- • Ciare fonsumption, areas, erysipelas, rbersaitiaas t rea,.liver complaints, soinal mike:ions, alma, .1- ' fth').7l.7l.llhg'i:Pu, `" . '`' s ,""Td i ' l `d°° Ct a w mi., impairs, rasa at td:cd ' ao ' tat bead, " gorge and lobs female complaints, aroma debility, dytpep. sin, lots eta rcane, beadeete eolds, ecialreomas " . m? , Mato swear, ebofic..orgase affeenous. Palatie. or the bean beer pans to the aide. Hehmtil tack de.' .' ' Ills Infallible In all diwasee oriels , from aa r- int. ' • ;,..' - oriels , from are state orate blow/. M. 1....ga1ar ettion of am sy. m s . s • ..,_, r s In ate 1, egetafile Etradranota All.wire =unlink ipositril plants and berba. t cal-eclat moor tomato- Lions, add adopted to .he elm of diseaka and to eta regetabre kingdom does the reasoned man, as well • the iced et of surf lass, tarn for antidotes to pain. • The Rjrup Is a skientifin compound area moat rat ' tiabls plants in nature, entirely free from deleterious and enervating wilearal l eobstances, and m.11..114:1 Mimtufil tint. the u7xXlltr, imparts star and strongish ,p,seresOndineldokrux• • : • CERTIFICATES. An extra Ordinary tastier! Screfitla;Drripelia and . Vt tens, edrod: by the ante eie of Dr-Goyreu's Coon • pound Syrup, Yet/mullet! and Sarimparilli. , • • l llanomrs,Nor. 17, MPS Da. Gel - cm—Sin I tender my comm. thanks' sur the •greuxbeoca I hare derived twins the urn of your valuable ',syrup. I bare been treabled rem , bad wit o cereal - pas sere, which made its appearance on . 1 / 1 chin. I did not pay much attention to it at Ant, nap. posing ttUo be making het an croptirm Inns Itywn, on mewl's fir s It finally be us increase, until spread teals ,ack pert of the he gan ad. I applied lo a Vigi ir e' ,, 4 7 lY.':=.' d itrb: ll .l° , :d':°;',l°,7 . ..l:4 4 . up of Yedies• Dock and Y el low and concluded to use i for I bums' that. Yellow Dock was one of the molt vable artiaes in the world for the blood. I bought pent Syrups and Dom the use of one bottle. I could Fuca pent ebsike totm lsYMumi. 1 cons' se a to nee ir and I Woe n sell man, I now fee/ uke • now nossbe; my blond Is perfealy cleansed and Dee ' nom all bum:rine. Tbcre is not a question bot tbs. your newly. discovered eomponall i a far non , t an.hsantepatilla syropsver eotd. e nilleate is anyone disposal to pobltsh if yen tik.,l 3 nd :My army. roily refer to me. I Abell blt , haps- FYto anal them all the Information I eau cleat my care, ne. ~ . I Inman your obedient servant,' °lnoue G. /orcentX, " • I.l3Alarket intact The bent Roaalts medicine known. `, The Extra/is:( Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla is a positive, spehdy, • and p ermanent core for ell complolauf Incident to PEPLIILM , ItoalteraOin °repenter render itpreuhasi applleable to the elcOder and de/leans constitution or y the fennel& • It is unrivalled in Its elects upon snob diseasci aline/pima correomptton, bantentress, lees , corrheca,t or whiten. Irregularmeastmatioa, inembbi rkeece of Wine, and general prestratlonef the system. It Imm cditely gonatemets Mat distresaine neryonr, nest aridatiwiTode go comma. to the female frame, end Impanean enehey'and buoyancy rersurpruting as they are grateful, We have evidence on file which induces us waggly to recbtfarterd this medicine to married plople Who lave not bspring , een blessed with of% • Pectx.r.Watilmwei Fumex of the Womb; nt Rea yearsh standing, cured by Dr. Guyststrs Extneerer • Yellow Pock unit Sarsaparilla, after every Otter known .remeily had been tried without relict, unuttnorf, Ohio Feb., IStia..• This • certifies that ray wife, aged xl' year , . bast been suLfenog under the' above complaint bet.re years—seedy allot bet rinse confined to her d hoverer foto years ecowinetly employed the beet med. ient talent tent cmild'he procatted Judosßonbon of the country...loloin any benefit whatever. I hove also paechasca !every histrunient recommended. for th• care orsuch dionses, all of which proved worthless. la the spring of 184 k, f was induce d by ray friendly to try intrytteatts . Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, vrhish wee used for four mentor. SHor sho had used It for abcup, four week. insults, c vidora to all that slim was tmproals.g, antbfrourthiS time rho imp need ra i l Idly, seed gained Cesh and rtrength, until the direage Wee enbrely rembved,'Outi due in now elijoyinr moat excellent health. Wht. MONPORT. We theighbor. of Wm. mul John Monfort , know had above Statement, on 'to the sickness of Mr.. Neaten, end TO In it, 'ewe being etrec, e n Govan's Yellow nook end Sarsaparilla. to be strictly true. I , JANE EDDY, SARAH POWERS. ,Grist Owe. of Conorntoption.' Ileutorms, January H, toff. Mr. Retriett—Deer Sir t The great benefit which I have dense,' bony lour Extract of Yellow Dock std SarsapanlN tenures, me, as an act oflustier, to mete • the fuliOnti*amtrment i • After wasting roe two years from ;menet debility, attach finally terminated in censumpuort, I sots given up byte,. friends and physicians as kited the aid of meal:eine. !At ,1 last resort, I was in4aced in try . JOW . E.nra;t. nod having used but two betties, an cordrul m lour direction. I nut entirely well. I would ilicreren esmegUy resonant.' sour unequal led Cempoodri to we afflicted who iletlre n powerful, plengailt ante ewe inne4y. Gratefully your friend, None Xert 4 . l ne unless Put up in Inf. large Ronne bend.. contemns. quart. and tl.c name the syrup blown ttne elm, 'Perth the written signature of S. F. Den nett on the outside wrapper. Price gl per nettle, or six bones for Fre . _ It le told ttv J. D. Park, corner of Poutlh at dWal. Inc .:eta, Crbeituasttl, tl&o, Geurrol. Agent for tke South So d WOrt,ip.seltoutall orders moat Ix ettldreas e 4. II Caner & llro , lair. W. I'. Judion & Co., W.cr ford; Mb re; Lieroons.. Cruertbgrille; Abel Turrrll, Monitor, Thrum MIT. Teettmlitt, Itobert Roy, .Wels• bore; L. ReAlqiek. Cellensburg L. Warta, Jr.. Pdu. burg!, renter pt Market order tua the Diamond. fr..r Tar elLioia or a vo..e Liam. to not more repoi sire than a badi putrid breath, or dark, yellow Cacao ed teeth. lf Niro:lna hare thee:: it is thetr own fault— I ; e cr ..r for ; two ehiViegs, bay an article that , alll breath pare and sweet an ass Sp*, Llr • It cotes di what of the Gums; epurogy or oleo...eta, tie tartar. them as i' • P . 0014 Pa te, tan!, without piainin r'' ''Pe0,.......... what:one of [lilt molt respestab le and dots, hlr.E.Fleld, of New Vorh, Fay.: 9 have botl4nuett ned imolizeil Ilan beantlfa I and Jai' palpable • 'mete, (Janes , Amber Tooth Pasted an' con recommeuct aria pottiensittl all tho qoaiittes clean', ed for IL" Ittldel . , we can say no more to eonyine a, co y ohm if pont try tins onoc You will be wAI please .1. It is pm op An beautiful English China rota, for A teem ;:olti by the Agent, IVAL JACKSON, 1301.a/or ty street, rittsbarah. oasentlenwT • ED' Ort'acert. ernreha are nonenuey ashes fa • the fellow/Ai; Kit the lacteal otainott of el. 23 beige o Jores , e Carl llatr Rektor:love. If the, dea4t ear ward. they mine,. these highly re,ettab!. ethic/ al Ira° have me:tit-- Mr. tiro. Becim, 116:m at.Nery Ver}..l Mrs. Ma:tidal:rover, tont:, av, Brooklyn. • Mr. Wini'leinpkiaa, on King at, Nar/ York. Mr. Tads. Jacksen, Itionteurs Wand:, r.earrittrha• gk • H. laic Lamer ateamtiont - S. America. And more Mari a hundred otters tato, thlngh at mute saSiee, that it wits force the hair to grnri on dm head or Mee, Odop it falling off, atrangthon tad it its; removal mtair and dandruftimidt thereat., mating light, zed, or gtay hair armada a Gar. dark look, and keepimr dry, harat or wiry hair moist, soft, clean mid brat:Utak it ...I, very long time. Sold by the.Agent,W.II..JACION, 200 illerty at rlltabargh. Pates 3,g, Si dents, and one dollar. aurialfera .QT Lemertoin Ann Sent mews , —JONES., lie lax Chemical ..?esp causestree perspiration,.•ed the same time mellfica, softe a ns, rind whitens the akin pritur it the tenure end beauty of an infantla fence, Ellteli ate heatet, are snot net only heal e d. bul. , eurdd by its use, us at least Intel, 1 tryet• emus. on New Vett know; who see it in their rases, and find it tinfukling , evei also in - Puvtes; Morena, Fitecemis, or any other ak n dla • out, The seance It assured tint this,. 00 umleas putted nostrum,ar one trial will prove:' . I could enu merate at lest Et/ penning eared of - Nusllrao,Sbka lane unit SahaSaul,.—guy to, .sad and it, end the reader Itag,t, snared woul d not cruelly sell it for Ine shore unless 1 keels, .to be /stale. Tnone who arc liable to , Cilaina,CiLkeltre, Cauram } l unar, will fin thli• mire. Any one i allficle,larith any of the above, arsist• ifier diseases, will find title all and even more (*.hydrae ble in its propmthealthan I state. • lint, readerote moresnse fioodedwith Imkations, .and M tore yoU k for JONl"tel Italian, Cl Mental Mean. :told •by;NV 040 titxNy Mehl, .Ifiunbureh • • rianantfi.vT ' 1 1 7) ": 1 ::4)?At , . 1 3. , ;.? , A ....... AGA girTa - 645.1KionTr.iiiiiitT,u Wilk., Tney am not nwnm Low frlghtfolly tothtlotth It la to the akod Low coarse, how roooh, Wow sat low, yellow, nod unhealthy the slue op. Kk.l:pfternafterourgpreparedellalkl Ma ude* it to stounout, eonthoung a ep thrye quantity of Leal! wh~ebtinvo prtnazed bettatifal yogetatle cid}, eaR SYANL‘III LILY ' 1t is perfeedy Innooeac, belogyortdeTof olIdel•eni; coo qualdthei.ndO !tin:petit to tee attell rattoria,eat. thy, Ceti wet, 'clear, Ilvtrt wltte; at the eaten linen. wcunt. as a COSilletle 00 he ski., making It 'oft and smooth. Sold by the ,t,tent, Wfd..LItCNSON, lUD Lth, gny PlettnagL. Pelee no‘talY...T _ . • Property Alloci:toyer City far >Ale. llt tabstrAem.oCer (or .10 a number o chlite4 Lots, miauro in ihe Strom' Warti,f rondo Conitnon arounA, on ea. , : terms. lngotre of W. 011: OBINSON, Any at Late, ht Ctalr tt or of .t.,kS ROBINSON, on thaprzrolsta. nreli:Vewll7 C LiFintllll.r. 13EAILIS ft BAIA:MAI% Criinneiiiino .11orchatits, Z , lirraintiity City, C,t i foruim. made. poni?g,iniciite., .14 ugcricy, promptly IVlvr..it4 to. LA. rutits, w.iII3SI6AVAT, Vt. riersvcatin; maytti.ln.teenit •J. 114.01tI8uini. is-EW•IeLT, ATIORNEY AT LAW,', 0 111 , 1 t ...) 0 7A A R. no il sv O I NZIldSION f Eli far taking Dep. Uceds • ulfce• 2 •; . d• till sure; - 141,o r y'r S o uthlatielS. trEr4.l.toojT . JAL,. JpiISMAATIN tgupe ctto ly nniumnots to Itio eltisent of Cli urEh, drxt he bit/ puturanetitly lonnird himrelf 10 item city, for tto purport. of Med teillli3ll tfurgery, in nil it, ration 4.41, CF. Ili, often Aon I.!.:ittlh 011001, No 1 , 0. I . :exigence No ut. A TTORlid, AT LA W---Wire on vontlf san of Fonrth t,!tnntsten Cher - fp:I: I, Y .nu htmlf fftic Brownstillc Wr& r Cure Lstabll4hment , UNDER TOE CARE OF DR. C. DAF.LZ, flONTlNtilill o, be open for the O v O OP O OO of, lnya. vs./Olds. Alen)! tinprov:ments helm !men nodvd for, dI DO mart fart an nv,olEllnOililllol . l (It 111111r111.4 ,lit i.,...,tegst during rte experience, • entail. Ur. 0:410 Vv., 100 US/la:l,lC° to the 'poolle . : that ill, C.lal)::',ll.rt shalt t4io candnae to merit Lao worotingeof. 011650 0000 azy Mete themselves maw • his caw. • •Tho daily ipterionese. betseeen Pittsburgh :w4 tttvtrns 'lie. wnli boots, affords eto.y octets Dom lbs • and .mse t 412 COMM threlL, anti nOrrOttS, stml linen fay Lwefiges, nee necessary Do alldergo..lll4 tremment• • Ter : no-shin. lnallara per wee.l, pay•blo weekly: res.l...llswa•Vgloif tigORGE. E. ARNQLO 45 r- :CO.; Dr.A.I.ER..s7t3 gx ,, TANG io t COll%. IfAIIS NOT.IiS, • No. 7.1 l•wat;h;tarctl, nczt EoD to tke Beak of Pins . • i s.V: 1.1 Litio! , crie - si 11,C,17Y ktiO AlabCl.o.lll..n.ci ilarmtc.ll l , ./111 , •b3K!.01/Cpwltplao,t9 close V.icy •• I -azthuir . 4.sus, _ At..'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers