IN - 1786. srun.) • maraitt.'. StO"DIROR TIIItD STRECT. RUT DOOR TO TIM rerr 017ICL Dane 1• ••••••• • ••••• - •----.--17,De pet *emus. Tti-Weeevy.......-- • •-•-• adrenee)---• •-• • VA) " Do. e. Clubs, at a. roeneed taus.: • • len9 CS OF' ADVICIVTISIBIGI • AGREI-Yi LION • TI IS PITTSIgUIta II PUZEI. _ One Sq. , .e. (101inee Nonparcil or lees) • • one 1 isertien•-•••-•----,•••• One Value re, each odditionalinornlen• ..... 173 Iwo weeks • 4,00 • three • Do. one month Afo 80. two coo ' ' Ito. three moms.... —.." Do . --- fear men th e •••••••• Pnsix anontbs.....— • on. twetre monihs•••••— „ ~,, 10 P P mending Card (6 lines or Hooper annma• „ One None, changeable rupleasure (per num) exc lusive of the .paper - For each additionel raare,lasertedeVerene month, 4 - anti esch additional square Ineerted ander the year : ly rates, hal( pnee. • Advertisements exceeding a rqrrre, and not ov e r Shorn liner, to Le charted a. • metre and a half. . Publishers not memo:able fro Head roloernaementil end . the memo charged far Iheir rublieuien. teeing- candidates fee °Zee, le be charged the saute as other Advertisements. - • Adverneements not marked on the copy for *teed. fled member of ingenious, wri) be - continued till forbid, and payment craved meted._ The emanates of yetrlysolvertiscrs will be eonined rigidly to their regaled business, and all other odder. thibrbents not Rabbling : la their regaled bullet.% ea agreed Mr, teho paid ertr. - • All &detrain:m=3 for charitable p ublic fire • measles, ward, rownehip and ether public meetings, and such like, Hi be charged halfpriee, payable striddy alaniage nedies to be charged 30 cont. DrlarObtiresovrerred without cliarge,Onless sterner • I,,,eiee by rencral Invitations or chimer,' notice. and when so atcompanied to be paid for. Regular adverime r. and ell others sending ear= o• nleatione, or requiring 0000 Cr designed to call all en- Foks, solrebs, Cone Clio, or any rubli o color" tnielpreals, where charges see made for KM:einem:r -01l OOtierlol . pnribs ObrofartiOns-ortry amen do. ti,r4dlgi:nlidi!=titg,ont riinTahriede.rieirnpnles ty be inserted veil the undnersUnding to m e. l at:l ‘ ge . I. to be pabl for. 1( intended to be nurerted In tile to; cal column, the same will be charged at the rate el Aet lee than 10 cents per line. llishop or Fist Notices to be charged tririce, Tavern License Petitions, 42 mien. pie p Legal and fdedical edvertiscreema to he charged at fall price.' - Real Estate Agents' nod Auctioneers , advenise mews net to be classed under yearly tees, bet to be ' allowed discount of thirty three and one third per eent. from the amount of bill. . - • 0111 ir5•WlMr3.ll. ell DAILY Parma One Square, thtee insertiens.•.---.....0r 50 De. each additional insernen• - 37 A.DVrrilsebbrbrl lie waxarr r‘r.3- 000 Square, HO liner.) ona i nsenion•-••••44 eta. DO: each additional ineerilon•-'...25 , An transient advertisement in be paid In advance. WHITE & CO. Donut. .;• 'L. HARPER, PO.l. ]AMP 11. RIDDLE, Journal. JAMFA P. BARR &CO., Chronicle. FriSTEFtle BROTHER, Dispatch. -JOS. SNOWDEN,' illereury. ' • • JAMES W. lIILIR, Ameriean. 11185.51 KAINE DD , Evening Tribune. ...'Prresurnatt, Dee. I, ie49. - - • —_ - aolili A. PARKIN/WAN - JO.Lnranthri. Ward . Penn street, beroreee . Mk= and Walnut All business - promptly at. AL E.W...1.7.57i5ti1l Pt . 'WATSON, A A TTOILNRY AT LAW—OSee, Fouids wren Turin DA TYD C. TUTTLE, • ATTOIINEY AT LAW, and 'Commiwioner for ' Pennsylvania, Rt. Loth, Mo. '• All earninonientiona inottiolly answered. ' ' iscW3.l, T. IL Baird —J. P. Sterrett. BAIRD & STERRETT, ' A TRIRNEYri and Counactlora at Law—Pourrh Z 1 between_Satithfield and Grant, Patsbargh, P.. Ain • John R. Largn —•Wm. C. Friend. LAAGE & FILIERD r A T ITI ( a NCYB,AT LAW, !mirth mreet, near Grant. • .JA2IBII - A TTORNF:I" AT LAW--Offir.o Klett, briwrea SmAhfietgl and Ofant, Pittiborgh. eptl2-Iy_ t , Prinpunin .Patton•---• William Ibitemell • . PATTON di ItAICEAVICLL, _k ir_ ITO RNETS AT LAW...2-01Ln, let Tilghman gall, . - - _ th." i, " 'N6 _ _ .. t". .§ . Atr - I' Vra ' de ; in air miTaWritist 4rinor and erapping Pre• • per, No. NO Wood. Miter. bemmen Fonrth and Pia mond tiler, Pinahorali r Pa. •017 JOHN U. rurxia, • ik TTORNET and toonoollor oLLarr,, .4 Commis- J - 1. Loner for tbe Suite of, rennoTlymoL SL Loollq No, pate of Pittoboroha .on Iv_ro rola& No*. .on & d'eandless &111nClore. John F. Llissolto h Sotoplo, McCord !•1 King.. • onrll4 ind.II.IILLIIT . W. X. IFOODWAtti- akoAtto. AGALEI", WOODWARD A. Cu Wbcrlcsala tem No Market Pl. ladelnhio. oni Pitiabaur Alkali Work.. .• ]3 ENNETT, BERR Y Yit CO, ilanu rammer, o Soda Aal c Bleaching Bowden., Nl:mimic nod Solphoi Acids. Warehopso Waiat streei,!.eloar Fatty. nor2Bla • • • • — Rre "telieritruan. • a:aorta Reiter. RAUN'ta BEITI:11, Wholesale and Retail "hap Eint, eanxiralLabeny and SL Clair streets, Pitt. SOLOMON 11CUOVEM, /1051 - MISSION MERCIIANAStoek and Dill Drat NJ •r, No 110 Second litlett:- • may24ll Duquesne Sparag,,Azle, Steel, and Irois Works. COLF:I4AI4, lIAILDAN /a CO, lienufeetners of Coach and NlpUa Springs, Ilanftered Axles, Posing and rw,gb Stool, bon, L. Wareboas* on :Water and Front stmts. Piusbcrat. Also, dealers in Coatis Trinnungi - and Malleable anions. erne aoann A sVoVE L :A l ir c ertf " ,..l,l24 in Pro. .• due°, No 29 Market C.., Pitternrgh. met Jahn A. CMG, • Inner. num° & sgINNER, Forwarding end COlDiburion alerchonta, No ad Mute( at. Finally rgh. apt C. 1 .ti.:1.111 1 . 1 4 1 1:, grt and rre, J H. GRANT , Wholesale Oro r, Comm finnan sad .N.." Forman/ink .klerehanl, No. 41 Wfter st., Plus h. Ir a n ney-- --And rely Renting ..... R. E. ylemmg. plr.tartria c0., - riOI4IIWatION hIISRCHANTS— For ode DO- A./ meado.Wooleo, and Munn Goods; also, deslemin all kinds Of Tailors` Trimmings, No lt7 Wood at, UL doer from FM. Pittsburob...• • Referezeo—Nessra Wm. k.Co, Bookers. Janet ' • ■ MMIT lawn r . acTIRT. k tIENNRTp, Pato ESeliah, GaHuhn .11~F co.l Wholesale Grocer', Cochnnmalcon and Pon. warding Merchants, and dealerainProduce and Pitt.. hutch Manufactures, N 0437 Wood at,betercon .Jll and Igrat. J tinieroar, VORWAIWiIio 8 COMMISSION atERCII - APiT i . Na 112 &mond It, I . ll.ldmrth. root Mr)ltGECOCUMANiConuniaalon and Fonmrdirli _ Merchant, N AN nod street. Pittaboreh. moil, iEr to Kurrhy_.ttee,) Woo - Q. and Conztoltalno Merchant, for tha sato of Litwnr. orOnsi to TA at. (41,17 der • a. I.lroceauz trOw." 9 .tareaaterner, Sc orn a. V 421111 Philad 110FEALD llllCKNOR,Tohecoo ' COnvniselon Mar. "um,dl North Water irt, & IC North Marvell, ' • " *"" a.a. wanar.. . sex. r. IerARDY /Mame . - (accusers to Atwood, Co.) Cronmlastan and ; Forwarding Met , chants, datlent.ll Pinsbargh ALartafaeurred Pittsburgh, Pa. . • - whir/ • - (.. - ecarouns ro amass. a, lonia . IMPORTER P. Dlater Is French and AZDtriCIIII Pa. per Hanging. and Drirders,•Wlndow , Shades. Pim ard Prints, 'an.' Atea.-Writiog, Printing and WM. ping paper, N 0.15: Woad street. between F ourth stre et and Diamond alley, west aide, Pittsburgh, Pa. - febl3 • Unarm, end des er in Dye Paine, Oils, Varnishes, An, No al Wood weer, one doer Soak at Diamond Alley Pin swarth: • r T A as Meretraut, olle••ler Prodare and Pinab•rgh rtwaudon blanalieinres. PI Water al, . PI rastartinner , , • 1214 w 1%*1L7;::'1 n:,1;4 Wasecild i 1,, . Job. TS. DILWORTH 'Si IVltolesalo Ororers, and . Agent. tur.Milutollsfirder Ci... 148. A 7 Wood at., juitSt ' AL : ZILVIYBKNO,I)ntristue Apett,,,ry oiP 1/10.-414nrketnpermerd0ong otaranlrd el. Paw! ,alna41•111 have M 1 ,46011, on boot a well Seletted no . senewnvet the beat and fruhexi Medielnes, wide h be will )ell. on iba.tuoat-raaactactble Pity/sienna wadi* erdaral,l•lll be Mural' 'Vandal at. and sap- Plied pith anielet tbay aura rely .t.e.,,ILA Maine. ILT Ilkaireladt Prr.ernaana to teearalelYarld as da ryrapured Iwo Ua beitseatetiala, at aay Naval ree - nlatit. Aka ter We, tat atUcct at trash Wood 'Pert. 1"3 - - 411 , 141), (late of Warton,Udin.) ConUaln tW an was Parwanling Maniacal. Kind wholend.o dealer In AYMEnt /10saren Chat., 13•0er, rot and Peer AA, and treaterct Prodane lenantai. Water rims.,' be meet llaulttqela and Wool/. Ptlo.urgh. T 0 inT 6 N 14 VrOeen)d 17Zk , ,Iir 011,17-ra, a ant Paper I.lcanifittuccre No. t Make t istlect, Jah.M.TAL • • 114chood JT L0 YD; 11 3 ,0 43.k. Ginresai CiKrugl i won . Mate:a and Dealertn vaeda-e, Round Cato. o aalginot, Itnattao o h Lrt bev, Vend and Bind - IN . if MlN :eh b.rt tl wholesalet: Omer C M , Comm!slort 4.tetchsnt inlProduce and Math:nit Itanufatturce, rar nar of Liberty and li‘nd r irtcts,ritts,l?arr,h Pa. A= JIM). A.CAVGIIIW,A4F—CI sfebidpn Triue In Ik s rer nod Vve Lskol/...-050 F n 11 ' ) " lir7.(oY.fCitliSlMlk&Fid 1.141. , , W:..1.:.f.--:.'"...:',rfT . I I .SJIMON: ..:.;,,,4....MW-...6 BUSINESS CARDS, AMIN A. MrreinsoN, A co.—ammo.. to Leorie Iletehisen Alc Co.. Olyteleissitra AlPrehents, mai Averts Of the EU. Laois Steam Sem Ra j . o . hie,4s enter .494 trontstreete, J It 0 1°, eip,r, Slaws, Steel Polls, quills, Printers' Cards, and at,lPlusbecgh. or. nog, bnaghl or tam in trail,. • • iILeDIS' r SWEITIER, Atunney at Low, onleerSt at, a y u op at: Mules Piushargh, will also proloptly to Collections, la Washington, Payette and Green totaties, Pa.. • 7: :17 k iIFE • Blaekotoer, Bell &Co., R To } Church Carcoltets, Pine, ma. n T. M k ontign. RT4ONMA KKR & CO, Wholevato Dr. 10.% No 04 Wood ottreet, Pittobontb. - • not. • • r amanitas and Conomsagon chants, Dealers In Prodaea mad Pinatnrrah mend aiaeta redrartieler, Canal Ilsain, near ^th .L apt ---#lllflir fi 7 ita r rrfartriai,PA. TrENNFX.DY, CHILDS co 4 - Maaafaetarera oL conrperfor 44 Steeling, Carpet Chain, Canon • wrileon ItatjLq.. , JantLly - - - Veinylns Iron 'Works.' 1"g AlZE4l;fr:rtrl''roLonell'lteeoealothe.reqaality. Warchoos, 14 Water and In Front street • • Wm. Miller Philad. C. W Rickets.' Pi It h VILLER RizicErsoN, Wholesale el: u l ' a g ani tax fmponors of 'handl.. Wine% and Begara, "' hroa 172 and MI, ennaer or/aberty wad Irwin zwiri Pita- Intro, Plc. Iran, NCI), 'Cotton - Yams, k.c.4, ern ahlatly on hand. no 4 John al Joinrs Walter C. Roe• McG ILL 3 h ROE, Wbele•tbaGreeere elan Merchants, No 191 Liberty St, riusbargh .44 .Plrranflon 1. 1 -- 7% . Y0RX11 AND BF - RINO Mui ••AND A.M.S FACTORY. • - r roam,• • -;omu rows.. JONES t 4truaa, 51= g F k f . M7E9 3 •Prioa and blister meet, ki P lonsh ott riddealtrd sun Lis eaetinaz, Ere eogiae la=p; code/ma& trimotioga , trail/. Comer °Moor and Front MS" PittOlimb, feb,r4 AN BOLkIEB & BON, N 53 Mullet at,±ceenna door (mat corner of Fowl, dealers tn Fdreign and. ontacie Mils of Exchange, Certilleates olDepoin!, Bank Notre Spent.. - I:l7•Colciedona made en ell Ate prinsipal eines hreaghcat the Uni:e4 Buttes. ' A. , • gtigtl = l ;t 4 =7l.l7 . ll 2 2 ' elL E"nh Cnovereneing of all kinds done with th. ereataat 'earn and lexa, enemata.. Tit'. to Heal Emote examined, &e. • imu l tntrars aa OF GREEN GLIS I 3Virme 972Juket ureet,Piusboigb, keep ly on hand, anJ mato to order all kittde of Vials. 1/otlles, e. Portpt and Mineral Waltz Bottles of su perior qulm , . Panieular attenUon paid to Private Moulds. toarAlp • Llthlrraphie lirostabliatumeikt . at, ogio:lte heady Latel: j ? Architectural and Kt:a' bine Dmannes, llnameas and v' letting Cards, tn., engraved or !Into it-ort atone, and printed in color., Gold, BIOIMO or Mark, In the most approred etple, and at the most reasonable once*. octl&Cv - • J. C. PBTTICIttENT.. JaiSTEAM BOAT IpUENT, Oran. Asont WA. B. licAsi apt; No.= Water street. • 611A0JILLEITT di wniTiA, Dm- GOODS JOIII3IGIS,NO. tat WOOD STREET, ,HAVE ie stare, and will bo conguiadg rneawialt duriug We souon,a larg_e and w selected as sortment or Staple utd Fancy Dry Goo de, which they will sell for each or operand credit. Western Merchants aro invited. to exasaine oar met 11:119 L V,lLltre::;,'.", Corotrission :Merchants, and dealers in T b o Pitts • bur 7 en gh Nanning arta ROOT. 101180 S . TRIM 1.171... WU. 1101110UoN. Roqiiwr mower; Wholesale, Droner, Rectifyyg Danner dealer is ?solace, Pmsbtprb Mantuan. mire, an I MI kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors No. It Liberty...asset . On hand livery large sleet 'or superior old 'Monongahela walskey, which will he. sold low for cith. • m • L o. •nsino. • TI EYNOtAk3 & SLIER, Forwardiug and Comm.. .1.10 Wen hterehuuts, for MC Allegheny River Trade: sealers.% Groceries. Peudeee PlUeburfatt Wm. and Chloride of Lim. Thu biSben Pried, in rash, pia at all 'Om. for country COMB , Pear zed Irwin sta. PIT UIWI LTri A n . Al E ere t tu t- sta col " ; rs h"l inlr ' od i eee . ooJ Pittsburgh MartufaCares, Liberty street, Picsbersh, P. - . • IDOIIKRT A. CUNNINGIIANI, Wholesale Grocer, Dealerhs Prodoce an. PitlAborgh Araharaetares. No. 141 Llberly street. apltl SMUCH.. IIASTAIA & CU., She/Seal tram ..od Sigel Works —}lansfusturera of A. D. Somas and Plough StecL Alga—Springs, Azies, Viten, where. .7 - I•orerorrtnit theirartieles to baegaa to any made in this onnntry or nn • • ned. - - a. C. a1...1.M 11108. 1. WHITS: S li f toC 4V ,l l . 4. troe4PL•uhmah. .pl 7 DealeTi ts ra and rrodnee generally, nnd Forwarding•ad Coramisaion IVletthanp , No. 33 Water, mt.., kap_ mrsaanaa. 301,1 menu, suniar Q CLLI3S & Nita" Produce 1 / 4 3 rtdraion blerthama,'No. a7LireitTl"'" PI burgh, Operar, Linseed and Lard 011& i • F VON' uoNmiunsr CO Gro at e ' ral ' n F =bl i rg% liTa d mi F :e m t : l er * m ' d i; ', = " f,', Produce, hove removed to their aow Warehouse, (old and,) No. Jd, earner of Front atmet nod Chancery Lane. apl7.. .11011,1115 • HAWOLLTH. TEA - AND WINE MERCHANTS side Diationd, Pittent L.B. Waterman..R.N. Watermin• .W.B. Waterman. Ls B. WATMEINAIS & SONS, , ilynotEsAtr. GILOCERS, Gems:Onion mad ran wardin Merchants; deeen In all kladsorPro. duce & Pittsbu g rgh fdanntactered Ankles; &A Agents Tor min of Richmond nod Lynchburg Manufactarml ATTORNEY AT. LAW, . YITILL also =end to collections and all other bawl. y nese enuasted wbireft Ballet and inaluang couttleg, Pa. Rater to • J. fr. &Floyd, Liberty ail • W. W. Wallace, do • . • 31.1.1 Blanket dco• - Pleabirit. dly Say Co" Wools e. 1 Jan? S. EL Basiiald•—•--......-7—Georgo Richard. al. B. DUSIIWIZI.M dt CO.. TETIIOLESALE d , Retail Deaten•ln Grocartel Ty •• and Dry Goods,' and Conntischrt Merchants, No. t.a2 Liberty sr, Pittsbanrh. Inra JOHN"[GRAMM & CO FORWARDING it COMMISSION AtFICAANTS, Canal Basin, Penn Meet; Pittsbart h. non JARMO Mt DAVID i CO, PRODUCE ARtr:FLOUR FACTORS, N 0.317 Martel, and. Pt Collimate. a., Philadelphia. .Advaaile saade,l4 either of the above,On conelan nu of Prod.., to either Ilaiee: mrll ---7- 7WiIarigAELDWE/1. - 47 - 1 CON. POILWARDING t COMMISSION MERCHANTS . • WWO respectfully 'tidied the conatenment of glarrisburgh freight, from AVeirtern Merchants,. as they are - nrepartairth receive any mount. Line and Section gloats Tanning night and day, the freight will not he detained, an they wW unload such boats at. all hones. fetedtilen liarriaburgh, Feb.2o‘lEGO. ~ D. Will Isms •,•—•--.lohn Halt D. WILLIAMS & dealers in Coormy_ ; nd roduee and ' on e( Pittsburgh Blagufse tures, eortretof Wood itrul Fifth streets Pittsburgh. Mx. D. Williams-- • ••••••••-1. D. McVay. WIS. 11: •wilsraiLucs? i co., BANKERS AND . EXCHANGE BROKERS, North Bust cones of Wood sod Third streets, J LIT, ung • • • Prressousg, a. aAaA • 70111, ti COdfilaMPA, C. It. ',moose-sae, mats 114041. NT. NI rm. BAOALNY & CO:, Wholesale OrOcers, 1/3 ead..57 Wood strew laltialatre h. Ipl7 • MDR a. WICK DAVID INI'CLSOL.s. UT/0k fr. 1114 CANDLESS,(saccessors to L & Wict,LWitlesale Grocers Fomenting. •nd CoonniseionlScrchnots; deniers In 'lron, Nine, Wass, Cotton Tarns. end rittebargh MenolactorcegencralJ, corner of Wood and Water • trects, Pitleborett. • ant? • • ty — /CilLiiirrti g a p., til=r : : f n . ! If f d tt .. e h aej ezz Pnwder, Pim 100 Liberty street, Opposite blab 'erect.) Pittrbarekb . • apt: %if ' :j Y 1 44- 11 11 .7 W'.7t.:'dnt„'l7/ rYi~rr Wan Mertes' end Fauna streeta, Patabargb, Pa. .N.ll.—Watehea stud Clrieks ea:daily ripairml. al , 17 yr,/ . • lr:trl rr; • • faig betlll atfotZalen to Lcslc!,l,a. ~itsigorr-jrt r rt. sActCom • 00117. 111'41. 1 1 , 11110N. UV /4 •111eCUTCIICON. le Grocers, V V deelere in rrodece, I ron, Neile. - Glase, Prorbintre I,lnenfaeldr4 , 6enendly,.l.lberly pittsbumb. ienl7 • JD. WAELIANS C0.,7 -.-- lATIIOLKIALF , AND RETAIL GR0C1.7.3.9, Fon YY irardinn nnuCommtnion Aletelmax, Ileolon in Couniry Pro/1.6 and Pi/Womb Menufantorci, ror tirr of Wood and Fifth litreztx, Pittaburrti. .• ,- Pittinirgb,Nareh 1,1330. rtiencsu. a. AarTELve. OMMi.(I. comnussioN arcrwmuvrs, —r!!!l.a.i=as frenebenl ad reneee made en coneigsmenu. care4im h,verrium WU ynx , Portrait and Madman" Paintrr. Roomy corner or Poet (aloe Alley and Fourth street, entrance on Fzarth at, mar Market. ' dona-dkc • - • J. -- *Fa.rie, mom swivel ova Al•eetwaskti. - U. 3t OiJ Lamas lit,N Orleans, keep ea n ata ntly on ham/ a large a...Anima of Breedieii or the follow. in& brand.. ea *els they arm fee sale WS" h .'''. mean,' & Co, Bordeaux, me; Magian', Y. Emad,l Ru mmel & Lamehelle J Samna, Cognac:, A &Mal, tem., A L SieeiCei A ' de Rename, Jean laistiA ike-r tte; also, &ocher Gin, Uordemis Red end Whir Wthet in r 1114 t 004 Wetted with emu by Joh Derand Com. Name,' Champagne Wloa mail Sweet Sargent], fe1.57.11. • IZANNA A CCt.--liage rewired Miele nayo wiortkircst corner of Wood unl 'PON PVC& 4e, • CO.PARTIIIIETUITIIp. T HAW taken WM. CARR into partnerainp wi th I. me In mrlmaineaa, *which aria . from MLa dam be carried on under the name of uJohn Parker &Co.^ Much Lt; IPSO. , • JOIIN PARRLIti John Car, JOU& PAILKER & CO., Wholmalg . Groxrs, Derani in Pnadan Fonnin Metes ' Liquors, OU Maiumgdela and Rea fAut IV7atlay. No. G, Commercial Row, Liberty greet, man Phtebangb, P, INASIMIWI warm /OWL 111.KIIL. . Wa C... 14 PALitztt, MANNA & CO, , . (Successors to Honey, Hanna a Co.) . BANKEIL9, EXCHANGE lIROKEF.9, and denten in Foreign and Domestio"Fsehange, Certificate. Of Deposits. Dank - Notes, and Speeic—North loot corner of Wood and Third ureter. Cnirent money received on deposite.—Sight Cheek. for vole, and collection* made on nearly all the _principal point. the United Puns.. E==l • Admieenixiade on comilanseraue of Produce, ship poi Rut on liberal toms. aliO3 Inc. A. Mkcnw] W. A. 111 , 01.11RG & GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS No 256 La'harry street, oterta Wood, • Have always on hand a large imminent of Choir. Groceries and Fiae Ten; also, Foreign Finite and Mu, Whalen!. and Retell. peaks. supplied an the ;caveat term. amyl • Penn litiscalnia Shop. WlGllTTAAN—Marrefaimerer °tenths& of cot a ton and woollen machinery, Allegheary city, Pt The above works being now in tall aid soemistal op. ant prepared w 026611te attar. Irtik &spud for all kinds of machinery in lay Line, neh ea willows, pickers, spreaders, elude, minding assumes, railways, dramine'ftsines, spondees, throssils, lamas, wealca cards, doable or single, for merchant or connuT •Aotk, amlea,jacka, A.; elide sold handlntlies and tools in ac. oral All kinds of shafting made to order, or plans Mr, en for gearing factories Chit! s Co.,, asonable, charm, Anna To—Kennedy, C. Blackstock, Bell A Co., Bing, Pennock Cg Jas. A. Gray. . BENNETT 4 BROTHER, , QUEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, alrialaglum,[sear Plitaburglid 0iXer,..11Ta.:37 Water' th! khx,,, Market and. Waif, .Psusburgh._ . . ilpWlLLoonemtly k cep on hand a good mart. meat at Ware; eons own manufeentre, and sopetioretnalny. Wl:mimic and country Mer chants ate respeetfally malted to call and ex amine for themselves, as we are determined to sell cheaper aunties aver balm been °rend to the pub. II [l:Plarders sent by mulli.neempanled by tho cull or cad Worm:Lee, will ho cirmoptly ationdea to. iinr6 KIM COACEI WACTORY, ALLIWISII7. "kr A. WRITE it CO., would respeethlly inform 'JAL. the public that they have erected a shop on lateock, betweeterede nil and Sandusky streets. They are now snaking and We prepared to receive orders for every description of vehicles, Conches, Chariot'', Re. Menet , ' Rngittes,' Photons, &e., 'At., which front their Loni e t , fprzt tm e t on tin ut ‘ n thefthlnliovl wo rk, enabled to do wort the most y ressomthio tonalw ith these wanting articles In their line. rials, Plying particular attention to the selection of mate yin and hating none but competent workmen, they have no hesitation in warranting their work. We therefore ask tho attention of the piddle to.this matter. N. B. Repairing done in the best manner, and on the most resxmable term. Jotted j soda a. rand. . SOATIFIC & A THINIIOI7 m"'"' Woos Woo .t. Mann, kirsantlalt, (NANTLNUIP. to .foonam all kinds of COPPER, TIN AND SUEET MON WARE. A1.,0 Black. wash Work. - • Stearn Boa. balk to order. .11re '.d on . b "' an u r :117 ' W oman:ll*f CO .Wo'l larid Mug Kettles, Tin Ware,irc.ilte. litiramboatCo p olonglitorea, • Rouble Fortino, various sires—a very convenient at. tale for ateamboata, California emigrunta, or mil road c ompanirn. waald rerlaretfully inane steam boat men and o then to roll and see our acidic* and pores before p treliarlng el Key Mem_marl . & 3LENN, liTsok Binders. 14POr rc sAlre•.tpa ed fr. 6atereelca,vl;=,;:c.olot.' r,w.t are preiareat rods any work ..ta oar line with Jen. pa tea. We attend to our work pe Carnally, and mita fa. micm *Jibe given (are/arab if nentneas awl da ta biLity. Blink Books ruled batty pattern . and bound rub- Mrnitially. Anoka in.nomben. or old inmksbonna care fully. repaldrn. Borneo pc on book, m gilt letters. Those that h aye work in oar lion are invited to call /*dem low. ruraldf - -- Pitt Me at h. and an Fe..U.a.lre 1,1730 . 11 en , ;tn.*. Co., are pared to Pond Cotton and ‘Vruile, s Alaeltiner y . ol eo rV destri Orion, sorb as Carding Mr:chines, Spinning Srarnes,• — ltpeet Drawing Frain 114 Railway !leads, Warpern i Spontersi lary Dretshig 'Femme ai Looms, Card Grinders, de. Wrong ht Iron :Molting to rood; all sizes or Cast Iron, I' elites and Dangers of the 'latest patterns, slido and hood Lathes, and toois atoll mac e ` .ngs et <wry de ocotillo. Si - wished on Ginn Patten,* to role to rider for hlili Gunng,lr On Milling, at. Steam Pipe W heat ing Factories, C tat Iron Window Sash and fan 01 enema . Orders fell at the Warehun no o(J. Refer Is Klee&stoc, & Ca, J. K. bloorehewil & Co, G. E. Warner, John Irwin & Sons. Pittsburgh.; G. C. &J. It-Wan sr, Steubenville. . lan ID • PIANOS! lIIIIE subscriber °Pees for sale a 'erre and eaten did a assortment of rosewood and maliegany grand Ac tion RI anosositi. and without Cdiesannla celebrated aloha., Attachment. The above instruments arc wr r ranted to by equal to any sannufactared in this coun try, tudwill too sold Pntrer than any brought from the East. • F. BLUME, No 112 wood sr., 1 • LSI d above Ith N. 10.—C my Sump 0411 be taken at par oor fora few of he 'Ammo 1 sea rune, my:" R. IL -___ _ - Wlltsers eifir - r Bigiii - aaa - WsiiSii - , 41 THIS is to certify that I have opt Sol Age ted l n=sll t e ° crJenn A lach; Patent Diaprahym. klimr, for the ell • At. ' Ilea olrinshurgh and Alleglnay. JOHN GIBSON, Agent, bierfor Walter Itl Gibson t 349 Broadway, N. I'S • Oct-10,1843. . • We have becalming one of the above articles at tha a nd ce aft lliovelty Works for three months, onto at, a foal imt ectly.sattsfied that ills a useful inventit tit, and we a its plere in recommending them as 11 MSC MU ardei oto all wh o love pure water. Orders will be thankful' y received and arm:lolly executed. call). LIVINGSTON. ROGGEN & CO —_....- • ; gangs. Brink Worka for Bolas Tm tutbstriber offers for sale, th e STEAM BRICK Valeffs,,, above :Lawrenceville, comp rising A Steam Eirgine,2 Boilers, 6 Mould Machlue, es doable of mannineta nog Vl,OOO Pressed Bricks ilea, iry clay, as taken from the bank,) per day; with three emus of Land on IL e Allegheny flyer, on which are kiln. and abed., ma chine and clay sheds, wheelbfrrows, tracks, shovels, pades, &e., every thing requisite to• com mence op e rations at an boors maim,. Price, including the patent rightly aservaid Machine, 87,60e—Em. of payment made ea - cy.,;...Withma the fend 5 , ' 000. , Fe di puttee]. , address HENRY ME ang:27- dtf Itil Mon ti " --• W. 'ought. and Cast Iroa Balling. THE rabic nbers be leave to Inform the 1,1141(e that thL7 have obtained from the East all the lam /.d fashionebledeaigna for Iron Railing, bed, for houses am eve tetetiet. Parsons wishing to procure hand. arms pa nen., will please tell and examine, and -ledge P,rtherneriven Ending will be furnished at the alum. est notice, wul In the best manner, at the corner of Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny elm aterZt.dtt • A. Lemorrt l xwox. • • JOHN LYONS, NO. 0 STATE STREET, BOSTON, Agrat for Clams and 'Recovery Of Property tea Zairian& HAVIND sprat nearly a you In the various Re. cord CSees, PlarionaLLlbrary, de., daring bin late nut to England, investigating for persona in th is coun try, sad having weaned efficient and re amer:hie A gents in London and. Mandheater, he la p r epared to afford all necessary Information and ad that counto ce to per. washer .net to reamer theirproperty In J. L. keep. a Hat of the Bank af . F.naland Dividend Book., winch may be examined for CO manta, or ,M for each letter of De Alphabet. References fa Damon: •C. B. F. ADAMS, Nam Public; JAMS vrEGD,r.43; • HENRY Y. HAY, EAq: JOHN W. RIDGEWAY, Esq. sCOILD s co Snoconsors to ArGord & King) ipLL Paahlenable natter', COMO' cf Wood and Fifa Streets. - 11DARTICILAR.attention paid to our Retail Trade, 1 Gentlemen tan rely apon getting their Hats and Caps from o er establishment of the use DUSIDIs.Ia and WOZIX.IIIIIO7, Of the Lusa arriata, and at the LOWEIR PRIM. Country If greltuts; purchasing by wholesale, an respectfully *nutted to call and egunine our Stock. as wp un say with confidence that as regards quaistr and rum it will not safer Ina comparison with any ease In Philadelphia. fcbl7 WILLIAM DIODY . DEG'S les:veto Inform hi* friends andebsonners that he Is jut receiving his new spring taut of Geode, CORlpliAlllg, SW anal, 111 the newest Red meat fashion tibia styles of Cloths; Cuslateres, fancy Tonna., eat ton and liar traumata,. staffs, and every article callable for gelltlelll,Jl'S Wear for spring and ZURlteet. It being impartible hl describe the beauty, quality, or quantity of the stock, the proprietor hopes &liven, arc in want of good, elle tp, fashionable, sad well made clothe, will gun lib a a call, an there Is no neck this side of the Alleglieni to that cut compare with It. -- The ready ir tsde department in Very extinsive, adap ted to all nut tr." Halt reed - r antraetOrs, country •mershants, panlenlarty invited to-ex amine amine milt mfore pa renaming u Lennon is paid to the witalemde humus, latine utab fishmeal. ' i .„l= the ter , l; , : ing Heft Rade to order in e no d meow,' ot the shortest ntieri 1); PI rrilFs nertnership hereto fore existing order the Fro ft( A te , ClßßADl.l.3%;7ftdiasediroct Or ft:Lb decease. 'of Air. C Bradley. .This ho Pipets will too corded on. tit A Itrorgey, who wilt soy 'le the boleros of the late ttrmoliAir—AßA,Ats hal Warehouse Imre No llo 11 wood sstrreet, teehhii ID i 5.... eioert, between Fiat end tooond Um wore. Iniebr occupied by ,a A. leerryor hero he will hew conetaatly on Land st seam 1 osisornieniiita hiFti, Grates, Stoves, Cooll'Orgyoei ors, /lei ; .jyl3 . ' • TIMM AILICONIIV tnentlnra of the publle 4 re opectreiry T the folleeriag tertihea MA'S. PAM As—lteving tested' is iiitjuitiry of Mid lirclghed Dyyo at A reonteter, '1 Grid • the• result preres your insulated a came% end reedy mend No it to Wise going to California, as the beet mglited.Pr.O.b.. Mining the teat aloe of Gat: Ito.p. yours, 4. It DfNLE` flr, Gold Beitler:., . . • rittabut6 % ,Idatch /MO. • Fen ,- Amtle al, Mimi 14912. netto Deu Bin r 40mioed mote:" manatee-tared at you root nx, I do notheaumet to ecnimeud it In the axe of :both gentleman' also axe abort mmoviag lo California Ins agree ofroald. • It gives a close t appradmation en the—.new(p gnn ey at metals, mad entloermalr. • .tanie. the to attertalp whl to blorlarat ix Inetting Uoldo Vaerit nary.. L4f, & WCUNTOCIL PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 17, 1856 INSURANCE-. LIFE INSURANCE! Trenton Mutual Life Itieueauee Cempan• turn 07 nano= 11:51reto 25 vex earn. Capital. 1100,000. ' JAMES .DUENO.d. Co., Agents at Pittabargh, 60/LID or onscuiens, LT TIOTOII, arm noirm. James Berri Jr. Joseph C. Pona, Pre.' Benjamin Pith, O. A. Prnliennt, V. P. John A. Weari, • . Pi Morris,Secretary. Jonathan n.l, Treasurer. PrrtV TM. Comptrollerot New York. George Wood. John F. Mackie . David Dudley Field. Joreph nokie. sew Me Far. Gov. Mince. W. L Dayton, U. S. Sen. O. D. Wall, Ex U. S. Sen. Ez.Goe. M. Diekeraoct. (01M IL 1100* .. • . •• • MEDICAL EXAMINERS. A. Sidacy Doane, M. D. W. W. Gerhard, M.l). T./ Warren sr, N. Y. 301 Walnut sr. Phil'a. Wm. M'iC Morgan. M. D., 11. ft. Dell, M. D., George McCook, M. D., I Allegheny city, Pa-, Psrisburgh. Pa The Agents ofthm Company, at Pittsburgh, are au thorried to take every Drat clam risk on Life at ammenow 07 Irriarr-rtes no cam. from the usual rates of premium, as charged hyother Companies. A man :10years of age. taking aroliey of !mum for One Thaugand - To run for one en year, pays Daly SO,,vo do sev do 1 1l lane, " u 11117A0 And In the tame proportion for any rtnninp to 85000, whlch Is the extent taken on any one Ws This Company commenced operations on the let October, 1849, and its monthly huts.. up to the In October, ISM, shows a progress sscssuina that of any other Lee Company on record. The ant dividend of profits will be deviated to MI waxed on the Ist January . , 1350. _ Implat. containing Me various tables of rates, uil all th e neeessavy information on the important bieet of Ufa &mamma, will be famithed on dupl.. 1100 to JAMMU DURNO & CO, Aped., del7 Odeon Building.. FILLS INIIIIIIANCIS /FRE TRENTON MUTUAL LIFE AND FIRE IN BUYANCE COMPANY will issue Policies of 1.111.1. maititt Lou or DMA. by F. upon Uwe.Mop ood Farnham Blom, Good., too Ad., on apidleadon la JAMES DURNO & CO., Aim to, do l 7 Odeon Budding,. lIIIIIIIIANOII. TRE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY RPM. RANCE COMPANY.—OIee North Room of the - Szehange, Thin! sheet, Philadelphia. Plus Imunsagra—Usuldings, Mersh.dise and other property,n Town and Country, insured agamst loss or damag eby fire, at th e lowest nue of premium. MAW. 1111011111.2.—Tilty also issuer Vessels, Cur. goes and Eruights, foreign or aommrise, tandem/pen or epeetal policies as the assured may deans uap TII4.III4IITATIOX—They also Insure myrrh. nta Pensponad by Wagons, Fait Road Can, Canal Boats and Steam Boats, on strum and lakes, on the most liberal tends. MIRECTORtiI--Joseph H. Itesi, Pidnuind A. Snider, John C Davis, Robert Dutton, /Mu R Penrese,Sarna- G Edwards, dm Li Lelper, Edward DarEngion, Isaac • R Davis, Wm Fahrall, John Neurlin, Dr R neaten, C Hand, Theophales Paulding, N Jones •Droose, Hurry : Sloan, Thigh Craig, George Serrill, Roemr 111 Itrarn, Charles Kelly, J Johmen, Wm Hay, Pr S 'Thomas, Jelin Seller*, Wm Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURG:4—D T Morgan, llugh Crarg, John T Lox.. WILLIAM MARTIN, President Renuon S. Mooraose, Seely. ' Orme of tpa Compaq, No. 41 Water mreet, Piwburgb, P. toiIIADEIRL,Agt •-- 4111. and Health lananimsmos. IR6 Mutual Life mid Health Irmarance Company .1 of Philadelphia, Inurporated by the Legrulatuie Permsylvania, March, ISIS Charter perpetual. Capital, 21100,120. Ram bewma- rusk tee P MIST, runtCoogan, and fall 20 per relit lower than the osoal raw of aft, Insurance, as the following com parison will shown Thus, a person of the age of 30 miring for IWO for ml pay In the Girard t 142-- Pennsylvania, V 5.36, Pen n Mutual, C. 2.36; Equitable, 22,01; New England, VAX; New York Life, 112,121; 6 . 1,45; Life andileale,Pluladelphia,lll,ol. Diancrou.—Samnel D. Orrick, Ch.M. D. Hall, w. F. Mane, Robert P. Eing, Charles P. 1/ayta. AI. W. DaNhatin, M. M. Realm, M. D Chas. D. U. Campbell, Lewis Cooper, .1. Rodman Writer, E. 11. Buller. Lilwtn FL Cope. Preatdent—Stumuel D. Orrick; Ylec Perri dem—Robb Pt Kink, Secretury—Proneie Applicata. will be received, and every information given by SAML. FAIINESTOCK, Agt, Office, Commercial Rooms. corner of ocr27-dly Wood and *Third sta. Pittabargb , FUZE AND tIAHYOS INSURANCE. Flint; INSURANCE CO. pt North America will , 'make permanent and lakikeel Insurance 011 pro perty in Ws city and vicinity, anal cri ithipmenta by Canal, Rivera, Liam. and by Sea. The ppperlicA ot title Company are well {averted. and famish .n avail able fond for the ample indetnelly of all pen°is who desire to be protented by inaarance. mph> %VAL P. JOISES, /rant. 44 Water at. : 1 1 / 1 1CALT.11 ISSTIMJsNOZ, at Pittsburgh. Tie Spring Gatden Health Insnrance Co, OP PHILADELPHIA--CAPITAL Voo,fitiO, Males and Females a, lam the Expense for ate, two, Aires, or four lean. - The method of et.enttng this Insaranre, -and the manner of awarding the sick allowance, will be fully explasned by rho Agent.. A person eon Lowe against Eiletriemi or Aeeide which sent down him from his ordinary follow., mar FmYuur, by P./MI 114,2 0 , , sad receive {33 llr week. reo two C o o Fve {beer " 4 pe 4 Fo. - four " 10,Z, " " Or. for • period of four years, tlle sum of 314,0 pale nuou.olly, ...cur: 68 per 'reek orhste Eve ry neecgooy inforroatton will be oiroordcd on ale an*. of Inanrance gerteruliy, lly JAMkO D(Ifilli0 & CA, &grille, Odeon Italicliolly. Wino and Marina insurance. Im.: OFFICE 01 the Insurance Company of North 1: America, has been removed to No. 141 Front a east of Wool. the atoeteber, slant for the shave old and reepon. able Company, enil Issue Pall.. on Iltuldlnps and their contents., sad on shipments 01 Merchandise by Stearn Roan and caber vesals. '14113 7 . he Pealluylvaala Compaey Fe. brirl.lelloat Loom axe Guanine A 111, I - 111 LE 4ret Lira 'twosome Comp.') re die U. Stmt. j Incespernied 111 - arch la, lbla—chat ter perpetual. Captul $.500,11081—e1l paid in. Hosing authorised the undersigned le remote appli cations aninsussinee, on which policies; will be issued, according to their propene, and rases, which will be Rlaae known to uPPliesuno at hie °Alec, No. 20 Wood lIISOCL nptl OEa COCHRAN. PITTSIIURGH IPSINALIO INSTITUTE nd Se of this Inatitadan ' ander the Tig ed. urea( M. and Mi.. GIMIORB, (or the present se iidentle year, will commence on this day, Monday, Pet imam , tedli, in the same building*, No. 01 Liberty Minot Ai vangementa have been made by which they will be ab.ia to farniab yeses ladies facilities ennal to any in die West, for ohnurding a thorough English, Clam; al, ao d Ornamental caseation. A fall course of Phis Lsophie al and Chemical 11..ettires will be delivered daring the ivinter, illastrated by apparatus. The de. pan. eo ti of Vocal and Inurement.] Movie Modern Languages, Drat - Wing and Punting, will eactibe ender the cars of. conwettut Professor. By close attention to the ennial and In telleetaal linproventent of their ge nital!. prinelpaie tope to merit a continuation of the liberal yavonnaa66oc 0. 0 • have hitherus enjoyed. For ',w e e Tenh e or opnly to the Principal. HERSEY, FLOIING & CO. 041144 REDO AND AT EAST- PR/CES.: UAVZ FROM VIE MANUFA • ERN fiIANUFA White Flannels, el Wool. Red do do. Yellow 'do- do Brown do do Blank . Sadnetua Steel sn4ed do Hine do I==i Facie; COiloW‘des; an are Tered u Pic wry prices. llosna Lew. Chin*. Meek. and Stripes; Cerl 'has ry goods. Tanen' Goode. Drab ' do Farllll.ek Carsi do mens ey Booty tweeds. Soper Black Broad Cloth. Soper Brown do 13 e a " .f =d do Bopet Brack Doe Skin.. Soper Drab Cashmeres. Soper frown do Soper Black do Cl ef' Blankets. Scarlet ' do .•• • . Red Padding., roper do; Vert Padding, Beekrain, TailorriCaterassf heavy Ile; Brown Linen, Sllicia's Drab Serge black do, r 11 and worried; Block and White Tape; Black TwlD,Drab do; Linen Cheeks and MON' Striart's 6 nerd Conon; do Linen Threadi reverier article. Silk Figured Vcsitnga; Black SM. do Broom Holland Seig. Silks; ButtorA, Cravats, ire, ke• archon., No 12 . 7 Wood ine.D dßroome n Baggtng lhltla; At the Manufacumnre Piusbprgh T • • • • un eayarthrs etdp berobfore elleting between the eabsenbers, in lb.. name at Constable, Berke & CO, Is thin day dissolve dby mental consent. Motor, Bark O'fr Barnes 'villain tle the business of the concern, for which purposo Iheyl,o ./TiOrllted to use Ins name of the 'concern. IV A frilANI El, CONSTABLI . 6 4:17IID BURKE, •, 'fib:WAN BARNES. Tbe Ondiralgaedlia To tibia day an.volutod the renelves in the name of ItAltbilln.S. for the portion., of manufacturing 1 7 teef.r4of Vaal: er, at the /bold or ilia late Arm of Countable, !loran plumed to rneetire the outron• ago o the variablen of that'boese and their friend., ELM/ UNII TaUblita /1.1-RNES. In retiring Ilene thelint of Can inside, Bark, a Co., I with idnrore'pierrare recconigicerl ?drum. Barka it Saner Jo ler confidence of nig. filen& .11111 the penile. intik • Ct AII,III(9PJLNOT HAS just returned (swathe. Eseteitteitm': seeming a large vesety,Satmso.."°"°`'' vetch he resteelfully invites ma attar:bon or mere!. ants and puniest. No g.l We e d et feby U~ UC J.4,1,1. ,PAIttNI—VI. Ma a errata. ts constantly • reemstug,, from the largml mauefactones In NeetrVo rg 'end Platledelphte, ans . . Satt 'agencies, the nutmeat and rhos LOP yes Hanging., together shit lloi Sera, Vt. ”ttttut Prints, am/ Tesler Topc • For sea . Si tin Wood at, be.. PreCll Fourth at and Smarmed alloy, lette(Mtm, to d. 11U11 • . • • apt g 1 E FA liwc--5 ee'll per Mentzer, IVJ. and formate by the bane! or sin pie posed tit the Dru, Seed, and • Perfumery IVamb ttt'“e •c.rfl" of Slatyad Wooketrpolg. S N VI(1.'N(131181.1441. e • • , intIITIT/Itee Miltatat 804.11 II•h• .1! 4 , 64 OA.KB rim theme eetelim rt. imaid : nrid emirs eirlhailtsdi'nfniglthrj'ertrtitT=VlT pitemd hem trds week; and 214 : shrire'irstriva via Baßimore per Mimi Jamatl i iChesapeake Damn. Allivinorhieh Iriti be 'Old an arniakirri the lovni siiil!furenzh iviroverl bU ifil3 • • • ...."';5.14/60170107"115klii .. . • jrNOW all memorial me sick nod athieted with die. 11 ease of the Idadder and kidney e, some. enium. Palos In hook or linths, mid - joints, oil tanning MOM, he, that they can Ile eared by .l 1.. the r''' . minim! You may talk about Ito being n tortrum as much as you please, bat th is dots not make it en, for We preeinlep 111 the thee of on honest commenity, that it Ito virtues wider are not contained to reelvdy. The moo who to reeked With Trait andsf lenng from dircara, eau for kit) , cents. set Mlle( f',... ~,..., any of the ills ennamareted above. Ready ! It ease. Vety little On make e trial. This Petroleu Is to mix turo—no eompond, put Up for the purpose f cited , on the community; bat it le n reeled ela rated by 1 the master band or nathre, and bubble s up f m the bct. Kai tired, ringer earth in its original par y. end er. • fors to suaksug Mantua 7 a ready remedy, a certain and cheap etre. It has cured Piles after other medicines have failed brander any relief. It has eared Rheumatism along alatditg, and of the worm and mart painful character. It hem eared Choler. Mori. by line or two dotes; It his cured old eaves of Diarrhea, In which every other • remedy half been of no avail. As a local remedy in horns and scalds, it is Leper than any medical paned or ohunwrit tket WOnow of- Is wilt rete ettill !lisle. or frosted feet, in a fe w eppllcrinons; undoubt ed testimony can be furninhed of the truth contained it the above swtemen t by calling on Samuel IL Kier, Canal Dasirt, 7th street; or either of the agents. Keythr A lcDowell, earner of Wood street and Virgo Alley I t, F.. Sellers., M. Wood surer, D. A. El. lint A. D. 31. Pftrry, Allegheny oily, son the egeete., . iardl lion. J 4,0 1C• Catopbal David 11. White. A lexander Cummings. N. J. P. White, P. M. Urn. PI.OGW. Ornani. Isaac Wildriek, N. C. Wm. A. Newell, N. C. Hon. B. R. Hamilton. TESTIMONY. HAVE = ROUND MYTH NHS ING TO EQUAL THEM." Bcao, , R, . R. R. E. SELLE R S —I n. haveve di sposed of M M l ex the Cough Syrup and Liver Pills you mat me, and IS dos of the Venalfuge. I have isiis,l all your Samily Medicines to my family, and have also prescribed them In my penciled I am very emelt plenied weith them: and have found nothing to eq.! Mem. Send rim b don el' your Verrnifugo, and 10 dna uiel. tin Liver Pills aud Cough Syrup. Rccpectfully your., tErtract of Letter.] T. T. /arms Thom highly pc,ftsistr mea , rinf, may Fe had of the proprietor, It E SELLERS, II Wood at, and Druggists geiremlly in the men rid, and vieintty. apt PAUSE AND BEAD Th• most Impel tent Disc eeeee et. Re. eordt—lleme Itemedp tor the P eeeee D R. R. P. BROWN'S celebrated Extenstl Amen. ean Remedy for the Piles, has already proved shelf it be the only sore cure ever presented to the riablia. - Since the discovery of this valuable medicine, and the largo number of extreme eases with which be %man Aso treated, so one leas tailed to be entirely eared. Unlike the many beeline tislinicsatant, after moralut and years of expenisenxibring, host too often left the patient where they coramenemi. or winner hot: s li c e a few slays will decide the ease by effecting Is perfect care_ r[1.1..0W Emma, f Arline; enter into a labored or piment to prove my modleinc. f introduce it upon it. Itmerits. he its effect I mend It ORR stand or fall. If yen prefer that toathinine the PILES, to the Value of a few dollar, I rent the cone with you. DR. D P BROWN, Llnyd ntreet, Buffalo. N Y. &Id wholesale and retail by E I QUART BOTTLES ! Vol 11TR EIISLOVAL'Ann PLICSIA.MIigT con op •LI. =Us.. LIMN; FKONI an Mauna flLfl or TIM 151.C.0 ea ttaarr or rita errrasi, Vl= Sorefulter Elheaninasia, Obstinate Cute. us Ernptoma, Pimples or Masud. tic Face, }timelier, Biles, Chronic Sore gine Worn: or l'etter, Scald Heed, litiltirgernent and Pint of the Bones and Joint, StUl.l.43rn Ulcem, Syphilis° Symptom. Sciatica or Luutioar,o,—and diteutea arl.lng trent an imuiheinits ugc of Mercury, Lir,. or Diopay, I:dpoinre linpri.ence line; Also--Chronte Conn titonoua I Diiorilers, a e. Tinsmedicine hoe ormnied eery eileuded end estahled reputation wherever it ha. beenused, bmed entiredy an its manmerits, which m superi ninc or oflieacy Pa, a rurtamed The untortunote victim of tereditary:diuue. <rob stiller, g:and, rottltxrled aineen, loot hone. Lai( ration, has restored to Intalth and yiKor. 'rue setn:u'ou, brut. covered %nth loa th oome to 10w...1( pa his attendants. and glandular dito7lers. chrome rft l etrolint 'ea iny other complaints spriaging from a derangement tw or the secretive organ* uud the eirculation, hove been raised an it were from the rack or disease. and now, with regenerated coestitution, gladly trout to the efficaey or ties inestimable preparation “Tiarrit IS STRANGER FICTION." Thy attention of the reader is called to the fallowing penile. astoniabloo bore, edected by the use of Sands' Santa. "This it to certify tint I have a colored woman who has then •thieted for the la•I her year', well Sthohda, utd all tbe rernealict I used bad no eta. orresung the pragm.. of the complaint, on the ontrary, the couttantly circa' Ronne; anal alter eZpradmc Letrreln INU Rod *se with physicians, betide , . et. other popular reined:co without sOrtesn, ell the direnth had eaten away the cartilage or her nese, Made ap earance, °nacre:an pang other body, and bad final! y eatosithocadntvugcs in the root of her mouth In thla dtaadtal situation. with the prospect 0 death staring her to the race, I tithed her rose to try th Disway, the over for panda' Nersapartlin in New. born, N. C, by whom I wet advised to toett artielc; nod to my surprise and that or my ne:gittnrit. IN/tcly her rose was known, aliet siting four aid n half tics she Nil 6 restored to perfect Isettltis. and that in the or three week, and woo able to work in two, weeks froth the time 'he commenced Inking "In wear., of the truth of this statemsni, I have herewith witted soy name, tits Inth day of September, 1947. JOUEPII kIetNYTTIIR, 1. l'., "Mouth of Nemo, River Craven co N C. F2CIEZM • The following I. IN erect from a letter received from Mrs. Bevan, woo had been afflicted several years with Scrofulouv Ulcer, Dyypepsia, he., and recently an Wittman of the throat sin cheat:— "Ileummusa, Va, Dec. 13, 10.15. "Meson. Sslns—Llefore I COMtuctieed auras year S tt,,Wy giL,Tglingg Were almost bent eXpntssion; my throat wits comptetely of termed, I had a dreadful cough, and them were freqaeudr weeks together that I could eat speak above a whis. per; nod !nudes, heel cc front my thro - tended to my heed, that mt . . hearing vensvery much impaired. After taking the Surevparitla a abort time, toy health was unproved, and my throatin now well; I am as free Ppm cough and tl3l•Mara of the cheat as ever I watt, and eon hear quite diehnedy. hly throat has been well about three months, the core of which has been efected entirely by the use of year Sarsa parilla. Your friend, LOUISA R. RERAN" The following testimonial to the value of Me Fame Parilla, is frnot the Rev Luther Wright, toted 7tl year., Congregationalreaiding at Woburn. - ‘ , lVontnist, Mass., March 30, 1346. “Measra. Sandsr Gentlemen—From what I have ex perienced, and from the information I have recently received from a number of persons of high respeeta• bDity who have used poor Sarsaparilla I have not the least doubt but that it 14 a must valmbla medicine, and that the numerous certificates you base received of its elbertey ore fully Rao/toed by experwriec, and although ibt rep station and utility are very extensive, h stand in no need of my humble efforts to mermen& them, I want all who are. afflicted by dtrenoto to be come acquattituf with the clialcy and power of your valuable medicine. am, gradentea, gratefully •nd very respectfully LUTHER WItIVIIIT." Prepare-4 and x,14, wholesale and taunt. by A. 11.1 0. SANDS, Druggists and (neonate, lte , Alltoo street, corner of WO.", No. York. Sold also by Drug gists 'senor/ally Wroughout the United Stales uld Can ada. l'rico II 'or Ioottle; et: tootle, lor For sof , by l a . WILCOX, Jr. 11. A. PAIINESTOCK A CO., and EDWAIIP PRZiDERICII, Pittsburgh. Al. en, tot Iss.)+ SMITH, Dridasosise faera-dsnAadr BUROICAL OFFICIt., No. 66, DIAMOND ALLEY, a , • (ow &lore be ow Wood street, %a wards market Dn. AWL WA, hnsing been regularly educated to the mrdieal prormilon, nod born for tome time in general printer, now confines attention to the treniraent of Moan pnnin and delicate cm- . . ptchits (ur which his opportunities midexperience peculiarly quality Mtn. 14 years ussithiounly devoted to study h treatment of Ulnae eumplittnutXdomnflaphin N nitunit he has had more pest-free anal has cured mote pas Wan, vino ever fell to the lot of any Pfae titioner), amply qualifies him to oder strummers 01 apezdy,prinnement, and tatisfamory cure to all afflicted wiW flatmate diseases, and all disc.., analog there from. - Dr. Blown 'maid Inform Dose &filleted with pinata disgrace whiel, base become chronic by tune or ag.. g ted by the use of any of the commun 110AVILIAS of the day, that died sem pl nts can he /Ad ly rad then mighty eared; he linvol given curvet ententlnr, to the treatment of each ell4t. a rid suracedetrin hundreds of iraweera in curing ;mown, al ace, of the r , bl dde end lit nil red 1111,anen whialt often reeelttrorn Oro' , cruet where oilier , lump eutetigned diem hentlra..deip•lr. Ile pa rtl , ulur Iy itch have brew long and ewe y treated by carault him, when 'every miner:whom will lm rinses: thaw, and thew enacts trearad in a en reful,ldwraugh and intelligent F1,111113,,11,01.111eal tby A10u0,,p,,,,„ , 41.1.1y.p..11nvettisetUOn,vilileh ou it in unerallik. frig ?l o g. :V7 , 1 , 1 ., t o n t r t Lered t c lsllo .; j a . 0-111cnna or Itsptanra-Dr..Brown, tie:dr ft. ger. sone ellt;cted with 'fermata call, as he his paid fescue alas attention to this tiaras. CANUF.III , .1144Vrtired• •. • dlllartUF al. vcry . low. D. —Tabenta or eiPher ger Hying at a'diethnee, by dining their disease in le ntsne, giethr, all the trymp. cart °hoary= dlenea with nitertlen• for 11X41, b) addres•mg T. DROWN, N. D., rnyt pasd,•thl ermine lug • tea. (Mei NS. ' Diamond allay, opyein• tha Wraerly West. • Stutasassisx—Dt.Drown's newly inseoyerail time, ay for Ithourriatirm is a operdy and ccriabr remedy for isoonla. never fails. th OMea assl. Privans o.asolung Room, No. nionstallay, kiltsbasiibs r. 7. - . ) ! . Doctor LI always at Isom: frrfin nun nn pa" il eac ß. imn g vitt,ol,TAll'el,•l*tnannailake.'4 Potent Fire N piogyyabit, or artificial elate just received., The above 'paint we have hail In sine Mr five yeatnrand we can conbdently recommend It In the publicrur general nse, a perfect hen and water proof point, and la stand the action of the atmosphere without dining. For ante by J PLIILLIPS'," manta 7 k rof ay , W &,M may* 14tunly MEDICAL. PIIOCL AM ATION a. teserrouvor.r. mid io. umintenvotr, A. WESTERVELT & SON, lATELf. KNOWN VENITIAN MIND hitt KERR. V e keep eortetantly oti hood or make to order the urld le to their line, m. their old *tonal, No. IS St. Clair ntree4 olso. al No.eB htorket tareehoteond moot, entrant, in the Nu:nand. Venition Shutter. mode to order, and old blind. foully repotted. antli DISSULUT/UM OF PAILTNE.SUIP. pIIE Partnership heretofore existing between Jemei Marshall, Wm. W. Wallace, end; Henry I , l4;eary, the east iton hu•iners, under rho name of Marshall, Wenner Ye Co, we , dutsitlyed by mutual content, nn the let teat., lumen Mershon end henry APGearl ULM( purchased the entire interest Wia. W. Wol in., In w , d firm. The business to future will becontinued to all Itoton. brunches by the .ab..ertherui the mono .ran to ;Oak,. payment. Warr! mane earner of Wood and Laberty onrrm JASIF-n MARSALA, myG HENRY hinORA H 1 M6d - an and Antique Furniture. J. Retpertfally inform. the #4 r 7 7.4•S'^ pal , lte that ha. nom pletrd hl+ tpruin melt or T` Fit uhrrußr, Elle largest and ntaar•nrtell as garment ever attend for stale la Iltts eampsg Pelt. of Ruiatroan, MannoaanY, and Brant, calved, ornarnuotal and plain. sailable tar ratios., Dr awing until:en flooma, all of arlitett Int sold at rb lanreat pnees. Ircn et4f dreirin r , Furniture of soy dr.stripUen, prctfully Invited to cull undefurnine ler bret, Veil following comprise. a part Tate a Teteeteifair Teta is Tete Dinner; ItontersatronClin ' irs; )40111,e:roan Coins; keen... do Loots XIV du Extension do Beget 130que; What Non; Toilet Tables, Louis XIV nommadore; Dote of York's Coor0; 00 esitaa witt, Plush toll Bair-cloth roses's; nit/leans, do do dth 43 dos Mahogony Parlor Chain; 10 Rneciwpod do Jo, 1. " irk Walnut do do-; 40 " Cane treat do; 4 " hiaLogany Rocking do; " do PIII.IIIISECIIIIsi fat Marble Top Centfd Tables; 00 do JO 'Wash lltaodsi 041 Mahogany Bedsteads - . . 12 do Wardrobe ' s; tirk Walnut do; Cherly do. A very largo nuonment of Common Chairs and oth er Furniture too tedious lame/Mau. ike.lll2 Man, Ihrulded on the .hottest notice. All order* promptly attended to. P. S.—naldnet Makers 0511 be supplied with all sons of tifshogaay, IValnut, and Veneers, at considerably reduced price. • fehlS ENGLIFIII L lIZHNIATT WHOLESAUI G 1 00034W, 044 . 4 0 Wood OMO-i oder tor .20 pk-ta ...Y. 11. hap. Disci,' and powder Teas; "Is Tobacco; cgs Rio Corde; I Pi 0 MOIlSIGS; its N Sugar; xes assorted sixes inclose Glass; Pipe% ~Cs door; er Codhs • Tanners' Oil; Chocolate; Red Cords; , coils Manilla Rope; 00 bas Opleed Chocolate; IU bags Veneer; 5 bags Abiptee; 200 boa Ilerring; 40 brie Vinegar, 3u bales Cacilbscock; 90 boa Starch; 10 Ices Rice; 00 lirls Chalk; 303 4.1191. Figs; As load as a gencal hlanufactored article. TEI EMBEZE 40 las It , tas 3000 Ita 3)b:, a/0. SU di .Eatt thr pity our 41.10 Ten eget tint I. Try our We Tea eget net Try our 7.1. Tea enealutt The very best Muck Ten eenc. per pond. Ty beet Grexn Tea :pound. .re deeidely opposed to puffing, ht.steed or which , expeetfully molten Comparison, settee beet gumboil Proving who sells the best and cheapen Tex. Await's & HAWORTH Prop nete re al the Tea Market. may~p ICE! ICE I 150 TONS Canal Basin. Idbeng at. Colored mad. W lag; VP .1 00 ru " tre l ' O " r P e ' r, 6 o ° o ' e q u ' n i s i g Y n ' ot j e ' ; ‘ l. n ' h e irro ‘ T' Ince * : uastern price, al the manufacturer. , sr archon.% 1104E0, FLEMING &CO, 1:4/ Wood or. FAR&IINU TOOL S—A conipleto_norornuent of tire best quality of Cast Steel Grass and Corn Scythe, warranledi Carl Elloeltha,& 4 prong Furks, wurtruu'd; Coot Steel Ray !Comes; [Odor floowneek flaw, solid: lu dos onnnnon do' do, for sale low, al the Dray and :Wed Store of 9 N WICRERSIiANI may 1,1 Corot Sixth a Wood .1.. rocky Rio Coffee 73 ch's Y nylon, Vern>ua Fades 00 du Gunpowder and Imp 3u do Pouchong 5 do Oolong lo caddy boa Y II Imp It G p al hos I '5, S's, and ibh. Tolwreo 35 caddy L. Ilarrow's s's do Loren Starch :Al brig & hf brls slll<ret. Molder, Aluln , Glhger, Pepper, Allspice, Nsiourcs, nod Lamp Week in keg., fur aal, hy C II GRANT _nruyls O.l Muria( aattold, sap. nitEcist:t.y We sumo k,,d of &moral and Ronan r tinvotr,l Ten, that are retailed In the nl.l ritio.nrt nt In trtper lb. ran be obtilned (or :Au and 7.1 e per Gnpound 14( Tun Tar, gluts se, eget lode or the itburgli, or at Morro. tr. ll'untortin Wine Sind, Ftrildritt.t3ttret, Allegheny, Th. 6110 V, Pone cl,ntrg fygs, tge rgee,ye thropgt,our Agent' dirge, fr6ol lho(lnnen'. !Towle,/ Wirehounes, , tiny'frno, tieing for exiinrtntion. Jl l :7 , `;:vl , ,T i tAt o t . h , e o, Grc:., and Bine k'rcas,— • GEIFff. You Fine Yining do; ' liziro.llol,l du do; Improd; tiunporcht. OLoc, Oolong 'Pope Oolong; , Extra hoe dai Soueboog; Choulnn Pottehnnyl Niun it ft OtleeollOlST to loa th e Abov g e yo Tutu g ; thr do y (or .biziOsOlveC.- All we ook lala fair trial, ttoi to art run/Went tluyy .111 ptease Nan in.qualny and pnee. ' • " %V% 'A N111LUIrlf: 120 rattyld i env •t WALL7PAPERaI Itlo " Zoi,a woo • • . • W p litAnsiteLt.'s Wail? Wall Parboil, Store. an Wood, NUJILIICILIeIiti It/U.41(.3. A 1.1., persona baring panther. pat on their Loa,. L 1 In conformay to a resolatlon of Connettr, please ran at the Rooms M the Uoard of Trade; d cory,vornet or Wood and Thltd sta. and pay lot abe .an. • sealugi, FAIINWrock Prtiaborgth,.A.pril'ALMAl . .. . gra.l AtIOLLANEOUB. /Mpg, NEW STOCE 43111CRICEt186q1 PIANDI9.' JOHN 11 MELL6ft.. No. el Womb street, has received, and now opens for canminot/on mai woe, a new mock of Piano Forts, tram the celebrated manufactory of bbickeriath Boston. Teachers and amiteuM are lever:Pally Invited to extreme a very hcadlifal PIANO Pll2Ms SOth the at.... mveli GREENWOOD GAR - DENS. ll arciTtke. • .&TING been aneoyed fo o r mama time by enncs of mtschievons bays, tutoring' the shrubbety end fruit, occupying ilteiratitgis to the aielpholl of more piatnaole & . To prevehtseeh from entering, tranmeni visitant will be tarnished et a ticket et the entrance, for IS Oats, which will be reeeived the saloons for IS cents in refreshments. Family tick. am seethe season wip be furnished by the popnctor., The Paloons wal l he filinithed 3rlth lee Creams, Fruits, and all the delieacies of the unison. The violin, sumer, Hope No If, /eaves the Pitt It. landing at thn bGginillng of each 01 the tiny mild ht jet Blmw,Futo. L OST—On Taesdag evening, tho th lastnnt, te hank alike Canal, In Grant street, nr herrreo that and genet street, a mall Hawing Cased Gel, Watch, loth ether dial, ao,lr. thud Rid chain. Tin perm finding tlmal will he suitably rewarded 01 Imaging tht to to Mr 1 11 . McFadden, Market street or to the crkee of ?safe fr. O'Connor, corer, and Wayne meets. • T ' , NELIGUTFLIL R Oreenvrocid UMME 111argl RRens. , ETREAT is HIS no-, in ll per oation, and suied Inth the delicacies of nu the season. The simmer Hope !to. ii runs as a mauler packet from the city to the tiorden— leaving the fiat Of Pitt street at e o'clock in the more. trig, and at the beginnleurt °reach hoar, until lOat Maki —Sundays excepted. No intoxicating drinks kept on the premises. reran k4ohange Walk Stook. TE.lll,ll7.reolafoltbco., of @took o A f thia bank awanted WILKLYS tr. CO WOOL: WOOL I Mill? blithest masketprico in cub, will bo pold iho dittcrent grade. or woo!. by 1N 145 w ItAnseuair 145 First st it 115 Second oi 3OME7HiNG NEW Mader the gun of Pittsburgh 1r 1.1. 0s b e ' ry " anl a Tln tot ,la do llia M PTl ' • l ' aLrva • Ve rubseribers Laic fitted up a Gore at No. kild Liberty Greet, in a style superior to any of the kind in Pstudiurgh, where they will always have a largo as sortment of fine Groceries, and superior:Teo, to which they respectfully misfits the attention of tho Of every article, they Till] endenTor to keep , h best of its lund, and.,•cooddently recommend Mei TElb AS nor To skimmtoto, Tv, in Me el tr• Their assortment will tomprisen—Green and Blank Teas of all kinds, from 371) cents to $1;O per pound. Canner of every pada. Loraring's Sugars Loaf, Crashed and Palyerixed) Steam S 1 sop. Sugar House and N. 0. 151•Inster;Choe alums, Foreign Prato and Nam, Spines, Pickle.. Ketellups, Emmert,. Sugar Cured !lams and Seer, Flabri aa!) kinds, Sperm, Lard mid Whale Oils, glould,Spenn and Wax Candles, together with many rarities Winch could not heretofore In bi] in Ping.) bar h, end which time would foil to enamrnte. the two eines. on supplied VVAIV;c11.&117: .YI No 251 Lborty crori, ol4ovos Woo eel stria of Mar.hall h A]•.r.cary, wile,. well .cola the or lLe laia firm, avd m whorit all parwm JAti Rs w.wqopwm.L, 83, Tin. St., L7rnnonau. 200 las Al. It RaMns; WO bee cluster do; IS Irks do do; IS cask. Zama Currants; IS bales E. %llamas; IS 2 Plittc. N ,- - ; 103 do Pea Nal.; r2ll las shelled Almonds; ;21 bia Hoek Cmsly; S cawsLmuonee; I/ Zr!.l Prinemen Ps Et, r ah. Ciga lOW As flai m r Somilsb; 3 bar Cloven; 2eadm Nulmemn 3 eeroons Indigo. ' 23 eases Lemon Syrup; 2 . 3 eases Pepper Sauce; 10 eases Tomato Catsup; elmand Spices oral; kinds. 140 barrels pondered and 1 Loaf Sugar; . ; 2 ;Meta Madder; 11l bd. Whiung; atoortment of PilLsborgt *O3ll MAKKLT t Pittiure, ioe Tea bought elsewhere. .t 7& Tea boaahlehevreere. et Ten Imetat elsewhere. a imparted, we are mollies imperted, , we are Felling .TMAS S. .:AS DRY GOODS, V U n w r H; a RURCIIFIP.Lp bore jaslxi r eLvo: . and Equred ehanreable rift al s, .f most every inyir and quality: super plain and figured Monk Oki.; red harerea and tisanes; beirr • e de kiln., near and hand seine Styles; slow to Frenott, English. end Eeineli Lawns, in great variety, and al very 'low pTires: sane stripoll do lain. of all kiniti and quadidesi linen lostres of all Andes and eeinik: Rinirhems, ekintzeg, prima, Er., at carb east Comer of Fourt h i and Market street, its APARTUF.RIIIIproIy of Black Silks :Ind fancy no need Silks, Just received by express this mar: et, at north east corner of Peon& aid Muriel a ic6 t MURPHY BURCIIFIVLD - ANURFIIIt & BURCIIFIEL,D are Willie Betty, /Kt end Bersigc M. D. Lnines at sore fewlmre ., north en s sorner of Fourth c 1 21,,____ .k < BLACK SILK -Extra wide medium nt narrow trimming Laces of best mutiny, net ree and for sale at Northeast corner of Fourth and Ma ket streets. Jcs MURPHY k BURCHFIELD toauata and Bonnet Ribbons. URPHY & BURCHFIELD have received an ad. IVA thlional eapply of above goods, including OrkfICAD Whimof China, Pearl. Albone, and (imp Bonner', While, end Colored Gimp do,' and liihhonoof all Colon and prices. _ main SIOUUNIISO GOODS lur UR PllY & DPRCIIFIELD invite tlie auentfon In of those watrung goads for Ittosrn in ' , tunnies, 'to their very fell assortment, Jost received, such ßlack Bombe:tides, as ' I.torannsine 4aish Alpacess, Meek Moose de Lalnts, Mu urning Wash Silks, do Printed Fonlardr, Drudges, Tissoes,Rieilian Lastres, Albawnes, Plain Black and Printed Lawns, Black Embroidered de; Bonet !tibia-ow, tfesrf do, Veils. ke. amyl' Q UMMER COATING-22 pee Cashmere°, assorted 13 colors, a most desirable article for yammer coals, ree'd, and now opening by - A A MASON CO motile 62 Markel st fnutrr tillAWLS—Suporior high colored Whet T ' !Mewls comprising Crimson, Orange, Cink, Bloc, Green ondCorn colored, jam express, receiving per expre, Aid -11. a. ) , opening by A A MASON ACO moyl7 6^ , kIECES Plata 1.11., Pink, Omen, m Colored Ba ng., reed per re.. .0 opening by mayl7 A A MASON 0 el. Black Dress Silks. • A A. MASON &CO are tins day opening. 10 plat .(3.. 27 inch Black Grade Rbinc Silk; 10 and M 1 inr do; 10 pc3 .71 mob do; 0 pea 34 in dm. and 4 piec. 34 inch do. amyl° ' Linea Flandkarettlefai 400 doa Ladies' Linea Cambric ildkfv, all pticee; HA dot. Gauls' do do do 10 Cox do do do colorvd Gordan Received this day by A. A 111A1dON fr. CO L .- 7 . !,. 4- 1 9 1L1 L INEN 62 Market at. j A a.tottes 'T , atiee xtr LU- e '' To ß er - pci price of OVII. i . E. l‘ P . :T4t h r i d mar/o___ A A MANCIN h Cl) Irish and Brawn Linens. 0 •'0 pcx 3-4 and 200 pen 4.4 Brown Linenei 150 pen Gray.. Barkley', .0 eupe Mali L 444, now 04,4014 by 00410 Freah Arrival of Dry Goods. TITE ertnnotv receiving large rublaiious to our FlOeic VV of Tprlng and Summer Dry Goods, tout are pre pared to olir an excellent assortment at our LIPUO.I 109 ' Priee. for cash, or ePprored credit. The attention of woolen, dealers Is particularly re quested to our goods, as ore feel cooLdatit of being able to offer unusual inducements to make Lill Troll ma. Call and examine at any rate. TIIACIiI.ETT A. 'WHITE, marl. la, Wood street. orINGIIAIVI LA WNS--ao pee Gingham I.tterrti - just received, and now selling at the very loot prtyc fnms per.yord, by A A 111A.TON e 174. VSLINS & 1.1-Thigagx-1W pc, Paris Ptlnteri as, latest styles; X,' pet, do at I t . IP Per hued UM pee net, Printed al uslitu, all qualnics; Ito piece fast colored Maxima et ne per yard, nom °proms' by Wlyio A A EATON CO C. YEAGER, 108 illartettrnallll%na:;„ AMERICAN, ENI:LISII, AND GERMAN FA NCV 000081 lIOSIF.RIr, RIMINI , . LACES, - GLOVES, THREADS., COMBS, BUTTONS SUS • PIINDFIRS, An. Ajoe. Antln and Fancy V•sttng., BLACK a NUJIANIIII . UII.E CRA VATS, BANDANNA, and LINEN DR a u , - Nortment and every variety of trunnung. 101 ' Etlll , Bll (MODS—We are now rceovertog a Yen r large and Got: assortment of Sprote and Sumter Goods. a 1.1.,c portion of wh,en have hu a parellosn at a groat reduction from the poces broueht by el. dr.rtPlleas Of goods in Uto early' part or 11, season, so thm in almost every kind of good, we be enabled to offer (heat Ilutgions to C•st, Doyen who. we would respectfully invoe to end nt No Markel at, north west corner blithe Diamond, inss 13 ALEXANDER A DAV °lre, them friends and I, , nyern genclany .large pool choice astoriment 10 pnlect Tram. la- Dealers ore to to look tn th e wholesale ,lompt or W Murphy, no stairs, ply: lota,!so been rreetved, and several kinds ni !erre& cab be .Id on lower prises than egos!. myld AA7III/180N 11. CMG:: merle., pt. 410 now one n tog chow, loch C 0,01,11 A:ur. rlaerDelphines, 44. , el reduced price., nivty ts hrtlitilaredLa.ssoss roy Bargains In Foulard & India Wash SliA & BURCHFIELD have received a lo In of tyniced Foulard Silks, at the on prices*. 3:le per yard; clic, raper do. or higher times. NVaisti Siiks, neat plaids, nt reduced price., and a larg e t i. sortMent of OARED ES GRENADINES, and Ladle. Dress (toads generally, of newest styles, at northeast earner of Fourth and Market as.. mityl.s Bosom Linens. MURPIII . it BURCHFIELD, at north cast comer of Fourth and Market sta, hove lute t received ounruly of extra fine Irish Linen; warranted pun Mix, to which they mutt, the attention of dealers. [mark _ . Fancy Cosaltakrest INKURPIIV & Ul lICIIFIF LD bare Just opened an acsoriment of Palley Casaimeres, adapted for gentleinen*, summer wear. Also, super F rench Broad cloths.; Satin and Fancy Yeatinciii Linen, Cambric, and o,llt Pocket Handkerchief.; Fancy Cravats !twitched and Unbleached Cotton ',outcry; Kid and Lisle Gloves, Sill, Cotton, & Marine Unaeralortsi all qtr Oriees for quality. mayfifi LA1319. 9 CASES plain axeISAILEGICd Loure DAG d Barego de Lama, LAMM. , ecl color., Mei recetved, and selling at very low A A MASON & CO LAW (CASES fast col red La wn, received and now 4, opening, .ailing at the extreme low price of c eta Mr - yard to A A MASON do CO Q CASES Net colored tiitgliams, recd, nod selling at LI rent. per yard A A MASON A CO mayX3 12 Market it. , 1 1 1.)PROP - LE intik] THE 01.0 COUNTRY— L Precisely the scope kind (livery strong and monk Revered Teas that are sold to the Old Country at bee ehillimas per pound can he obtained for 75c per It of MORRIS HAWORTH Lour, A PAIR of Goid Spectacles, enplaned to have been dropped in Wopl street, front or linkemell Pear's War:house. The finder writ be rewarded on returning thorn to the owner, N 0.26 tVood street. ap3o PLAEIBIATOILT lILLEVEIATIBIII. THh. AMERICAN R 11 Ell 151 A TIC BALSAM!! A NEW remedy lately discovered iu We Vegetable •Illtautpude /1 KingdComplom—a aints, each a sure end p s ermanent cure for all Inflammatory, Chronic. acute and bleramtal Rheumatism, Goat, Lumbago, Spinal Alfectious,/cc. nig medicine has long been w e for. It has been said that Rbromittion could not be cured; but there in a remedy designed by nature foe We cure etl every die. ease that the human system to submet to. At foot a re medy ba. been found that mires Rheumatiam of the worm . form—one of the most minable vegetable pro. Mac Write of the earth—the greatuat midmost iniportaut dtmovery of the age, and a 'modern.' blessing to tire human family. It cares without sickening or debtliiii ting, and renews strength and vigor to tot whole sys tem. It has cured, during the post three sneaks, over • OW eases that wore considered incurable. Certibeates of the curative properties of this medi cine ran be seen ti e calling on the Agents. None genuine nide., put op with an engraveillabel upon TURN the ER, u ßuffalo, N. tman wrapper, ogncd by the proprietor, It V. Vold by H. SMVSER, comer Third and Market et, Pitt. mg's. Sold alw by G. P. ' No 109 Mean PI, e 1,1,11111101,0. 1N1A.611,61.• c ANUFACTURER OF CAST STEM, nod No in sod N 0.2 American 111tAter Sled. Al.o-2<‘ Ca.. Steel Vile., or all rite.; and illork.onth and Sho. Rasp., [away a an hand and foe Brie, either et bas ale Staid Works," O'llara mrcer, Fifth Ward, cc tb odior in the 1 HoLLSIANS & CAHILL SON, No 4,:foorof Wood street, Firtzburgh. 011111.111LAR. IVe, the undersigned, having used, with more sat Warn., the Cast Steel and Files made by simian MeKelvy. at his Eagle Steel Work., theirity.tah pleanare rerninmending them an equal in quality it any ever used by hr. of foreign manufactitre. Pitelhurgh, March 13,11'39. ti & J II SIC lENIIERfI ER & CO, ihlminfacturere of Iron and Natty, Pittsburgh, Pa. KAPP & 'rOTTEN. Iron Founder. and Machinna., Pittsburgh. Pa. COLEMAN, lIAILMAN & CO, Manufacturers of Springs, All, Spring Steel and Rivets, Pittsburgh, l's. I' & WFAKER, Engine Mulder's and Machine Card !Unitarian,. feta, Pitialutigh, Pa. Brass Founder, P A attlicrgl i , F111:PON, a. tiltAFP,LlNfb•lit'a 4 1 . ;(), • Manufacturers of Iron and Nutt, lintsburp,h, I. • JOSPH L INSON, I. Locomotive Engine and Shi tip E nt Mar, TOM Pitts owell, C IV W WALLACE, Marble hlanufacturer, Machine and Engine Build ratlit re. Pittsburgh. 1 . .. ----- 01111tDIICIA WrOVIG the 0 their and./thou, e 7 001. rsge,eration, or fan, of commit/elm, by Mane who Wise, tnatml it, ptonounce it fat !macron to any other in tlid mallet. The donsunts r need nitre no upprehelisions 01 snihng cattier, &e., as roar. pos s um, idevents dust from are when being al' tilted, which must hr done when the stove end! Tne quantity ragweed is as little to produce n bean Ufa] lustre. A saving of °air bOy per cent I. ,rimed la Km renewal.. 4 coating applied to Moves, pipe.. &c., when laid away lon the euatinm, IA El vrintulnre ngamet rest, After having Weil it one, (tf it Is .neeessible) no person win tee any inn On It Manufacturing Ciorupany's Precomeu Chaim eat Moen Poltatt. For sale by la WICKIERKIIAMI mpG _ _ Corner of Sizth and Woodetroets. lIRDIOVAL. CIIIFBC11,,CAROTIII:11.y It CO. Lava rtmovcd tr V No 97 Witter rt. between Whttsl h Nnrac4 Iv dit• I==l4:lt=l FLA ~4 1 .1E0- 6 71.-- ; 1 labs prmr, in sicTir, - 10 - Fattle 7 q unro weir r I‘•S., 611,1%.,•—• 0 male. Ur 1117 each, 1.5 C 11 GRANT VOL. X.VIL No. 266: _BOOKS MUSIC; & NEW MUSIC STORE, Sign of the Goblets Harp. 101 I . .latral at., wan door to Woodtrellh 1 trot of • bat Opened tile new fled °legato esmbliehment fi the saleltif lhaoft, ftlanvion, c. annantre, and every other article in hi: line. agency for Nang Clarke's eel , halt 'grand and snare Plena, with And w , t h o , Co . ards Attachment. These Piams 1 rely aceiveu anneal amanita improvements, re, deting them eftremliagly brilliant of tone, and este, I ordinarily durable and Insure. Also, 'D. Gilbert at CO's (Masten' relchented Pia,, Those unto - anent, hove a wide, spread rem:vas:on n•c ronslared among the very hut ranitontetored Bo stn, ware they are derided favotikie. it. Dunham, h. Y, of ;he firm of Siiftlat h Dur ha, had appointed la abscriber solo ogent for m sale m of big Plana In Pittaar i th. fee bon of Douai it Denham is one of dic o Jett and to dos Mantel Slid then' rounifitearft for cidness ad brillioney c tone adllieouty of workmanship am attuned to tat: The celebrated Concert Piat:o4 of Sn m ead/oil. Drawn and Hamburg, will altar., be te tin sal , by the s - absariber. H will sothee to any. tat they en made ,tag if by all the great fines pthret. 4t thei Concerofton rho Continent. The aftieriar begs !can, to direct attention to the important fact of Lis having &proml ~ruts both it. Europa and this country, who caret - Lill t y...lett sae examine every Piano sent to him, tvideli etsables to ft , . Satan goarantee with every Piano en. hl bim, pledging hitualf to intend the moony in Corn ILO Piano Le proven fealty or defieleat. A full glumly of the notast end most popular Moue snit enaDintly be kept for ale—furn.sticil by the pahnshing !looses of 1103tott. Philadelphia and Mule. mete: agency for blears techarfenbere .b ' ldon, New York, Me most atensive importers of forma mate in this country. Sege Agency for Carharilth, Patent Melodeon nod M clodeonlPianos, es manufactured end perfected by Mora White, C.nciunatt„ with single and double Potts of reeds—the best reed liwtruhtenot yet invented A 1,,, Hasa, Flitter. Clarinets, Violins, Itoglcs, say Horns, Taros, and every ilescripnon arid varier; of brew toriamentftfrom the best takers. if Wings fur Violins, Guitars, and Haus. LUel as:aerial, Talks for every Murorant. Sake. tines of male made, mosieboan boatel, Pianos tuned and repotrodi Acconicons, Valise, A.c., re. pined on the meal retainable terms. turn_,..___ HENRY KLF.tibIR. 'MICOLOGICI SL WORISS. TIDE WOrks orLconerd Woods, D. D. J, Headley, ALscellanies. Toetk Lady's Friend, Mrs Noma. Chriittan Manual. Ilobs.t. The Gospel its oven Advocate. G. Linfee. L. L b Postioteus yc'orkeoi Chatmerr. - Family Prayers and Commentary. Thornton. hlelsilbe Sermons. GroLil's Conninshom's Sermons. rot eels try , JetAiES D 1.111:IiNVOCID 14 Fouril: w 11X1;151C. TUAT rerfktvrtl at 11, tlittlynf the Go:Oen II art, tkP Fly Mat garetta ana l and ttedtc wet/ to Mra ilovld II Park, try Preletotnr Rnht.nri._ Hello Veltin P01ka,r0.11,1,1,1 ticdtented to Mtla Mary Jana Park, by Pr0.....te1r rtTEINIEN NEW My Wmlfer Gun, ttr,t, to ...11 Amy, linc Etakcr. !Clay tittmtnitr Ilmatlt. Away Itok•tn Scattl. Dolly Dny. Mt. 1., 1114 Li. Fairer Po' kit_ I,lr. kto t ut Also, Astltoreltlachrea, Ity Wolt.nn. Oh, not „lot, I I.tve thtte, t Att.:tut Ihton Oar efultthootl nolo, n. tut, by Mi.. kr,trt Ny Mothdr I Ober, woro• I y C. v. Shill , many ny II Klebrr. A Frrttt s.trurty 61 w. , turk, Polka,, Wnlttert, he. Mr IMIC by (I 01,1.11111 101 "I'!..ttl rovw A N tnjiral and ltrlttal View of the ' , pert:l.ton yr.:o-0,, o, Lart.tte. In Hoc loth century. By J. I/. Mortal, A: Al. Loxicr, of Rev. SonAset Rothlrford, I'rtGragor nf Thro in , the ',Wow.* Apireve,,,oh A of Mit '.fo tie Rev, A. A. I:orkr, ottlior of Me mnon co R McCAryoo,l Tbood,ooiool Wort)) of the Inol Rey ['noir I Rorne, E.lned Nov `.real : , 0000 cditwo. ; IluAnelaq. ,Pralre of Aby.o.illia. Fly Pr Joto,os NeRVidll1011; I.l.:Pay on Clarkllan noplimn lty 11. IV Neel. 11 . A Thr LL•nitilnionna of Q. q. Ity Jane llpyln, 10..1fan1.1 troth orletna I oy R oach I lie of I . lllkyln 11 , 1 31orni, inl 111 P.1./al Ily Vey II 1:0n40.r. T 4 n MannAg of Joy. he: n.. qurl to the Mehl It Ily the lief. 11. bunt Kelso. Tbn 1n,1‘1 , -11 Inner. y er4.ynenl, 11+11,14111,1, L1,1•/..//011 rt Llntat IVI ,by Rev. Al. AI The LighinJ Valley; °el:4.n, Fern, in thr Lire n Unloved Puneri I.p Itniton r with x pretnee I.y Her Wu, JnY. T. , 7oirrnins'sne.nt tettli l'to,:t.rt; by the Author t I 1,.1 !my oi t," tliitAtratetl Ilowauf 1 , 1•-motni .2 the Lir. , of the Rea. JOl/11 Niut,onary 51.-ountr• , tho I.We 1.31 Writing, of DT. fth.thr,rf, by Ws ran L.. letw, It, litmus, 1 11 111,( 1 corn. Vei .11 0 0,1 / rge. axbruurta vl Nuty :Y. 0. (loon Pol.. Ifen.ton.. FIVIEINICSTOCICIS trx)FidiireilLic,„ CI rd. , r Lie , a ,, nn , :n.: ., e ci t , o ‘ to; Pits‘bnreh al:eelleng, and 1,0r0u,1, glen. chemer, 11iralpgnam. ti,at for hosr nearly read, oor 'be preg, and wtll be put iu the ttotae. where. betAyngkalie. 20th is the proneoon parttralarly LON" VII° 111,VC not been called 011, %aril g reatly oblige the Otairtialter , by ant:l,ounit' , that thets aluta. aructitienee and tdueee of buelticea,S, , ate noted for pab , leatii,‘ la the Three Lary.. All cards lobe inxerted, mast he hand nom ed In fora, or at !tie:Lat., by the data above ad: ;ram BIIELODIZON PIANOS. J UST received, end now (+ L ocoing, can clegattlicae. wood 8 octave Melodeon Piano, from the re!, rated inanuteterry of March Cr. Wlnto, Cincinnati. Tlic. la a superior inatrunicin, of fins tan, and very iptil ...mica; a co, one fine 4 orange Moloilcon, KLEM.En',4 Mitaie •. NEW PUBLICATIONS. A SYSTP.SI o: Ancient and :Mediaeval Georr, art]. For the strp of nebools'und colleges. L'y eft rice Afitbno, L. 1.. D. Professor of Greek .d Lana !Cogs,. • totes to Col amino College, New Fork. ' • 'rho Ilwtory of II:Inland, from we 111WOODO oflollus Csesar, to Me abdication aflame. 11. lees:. Ily monad flume, lisq., a pea , tilltson, wit, the stotborn hint cor rections and itoprovereenw ; to which in pn..ted o short account Of his life, written by hiranerf. a cobs Stebool Ihdrionary of Greek and Roman Amino I nes; abridged Stout the larder dletinuery. lIYWV,n. Staub, L. L. 11 corset-nor:s cad Improvements by Charles Antlion, Memoirs or ttio Lao moo 3VfitiO33 of the Doc. Thos. Chalmers, D. Dr, by bit son 'm law, the lien. %Vinton Hanna, L. L. D. to Dare volumes. Vol D. Whim Joctcy or 1.111, In a Mao of %Var. By lier• man Melville, llttOof of I•TYPee Doloor' "Marino liedburrt. Tlto Works oi Alra Sberwood: being tho only form cation etc, pubbsited in the Darted States. In sixteen Voivroci. Fairy T.le.,;trorn liy Anthony It. Montatba, with !twenty tour Illu , trotiory by IL Doyle. Walton liaryty, and otter tales. illy Alias Sedge wick. Tim Notional tSycieto of rook Ketritiog ? tl.tford to all vla of tlot thittot.l Lly . Joan It nt leiogt, no. CO/Joi/.11(. Also, La large 'aNrortrnimt of Amer - ken S. S. i'moo Hooke,. h.d4ruul for sal, b 1 A II , tillriLlSll .t..CO Suacearore to 514,10r1' ta lINGLJSII, muyl4 : 79 Wood erred. • 110:11.1VEST !tr CANADA By inn author of "Hoehelaytti' in tr•vols, cloth, (or rule by • may:, JOHNSTON t. BTIBIBTON fil/IT: SACRED HA RAIONIST, a new collection of Church 514eitc. Mood by Boor litogricy, A, Wm' eoctul Chose, is:mantle Choir, ' he, hr. ttutmem..l. l / 4 haii Gems of Islu,te and l'octry, clermn, expresrly far thl Sabbath School; by J. S. A. Caul; lihotsk. j A new Treatile on Astronomy/ and • the Use of h 8 Gleebe a, In two Parse. Contavang Artronranten et 4 other debitinons;motton•and pos.:storm olthe •bd planet,; Kepler's law. Theory at 1 , 0 1 ,, 11.1013, Refructlon,Twtairin, and Barns/14A, node, Dl 4 .llC:rs, V/I‘llorll,lll//, the hfitptitode. di me lienvrmly Imdtt, emtwo.mte the Sober Syrtenr, &r. , ;slaw, an ex ten.o ie rodeet.ots of the too,t. b bl'usef rr.. lents on the one .of the (Bub,. [18A...a-4 yu ahm varicty of Bramplee, he: dresp.c.l /us the Uec Pt. School, ;Ind .0.e .2 1 . 3.1. By 44111(.4 Ate goa, NI. b., Plll,l.lki blnthrsontie• and Ana in WO Central Iliehßenonl, of Doßunore. Deck end l'o, s; or ler:talent. Of 4 untsre to the Baited State, Brignte Coogte,,, to 41:11.1,1, iqLCIRAIILLA of Slo Jo.anre, Wm, Honolulu. 0,1 Nu% Franetten• Ily IBv WAlter , ollon U. to. Ni' nt4l of 611ip and Shore, he. Far rule by' • A. 11. ENt.A.IBII A C), - ' Suceeesors 1.0 ELuor FziirLl,l4. , ?; . ILrmn l:.„,, , lhellollary., r —Tl4e Chary., hook of I.lallart ardobald, or 110 r. ''Booakr: n Story of Heal : I .tre—Eltargroy.-; or the *brut:ay .1,001 Hoy. Con(raed.—The Bar of Irani, ort, Bracer of leA nr.0,,,„L,1 dry s.--liotangto, the Beura of Lu:lses, TV/tit rpetal reference totte earlierbrtyad., and the opening 'trace of the Ilelormatinn: Soon, D Suentaury fthl,eal Antstium—, tor Schools and hat dies. • • by Akeriessu S. S Dor .1.2. Y A It ENGLISH .0. CO, SaerOmoss m KLI.IoTT ENGI.IIIII, niy2 1", Wood overt _ 140141•VICA CoialliTi•rt/Talr:42l - TA1111.4 I/ LOCK Wrp, II ito• m omt , r;11 I rlabs slim - SY-0e al Awe... on .1,.. (M•ol I n trio Govertmatin, leaselasul troa, Utreet.tty IL, •t. Salter, M. 1,, tioman. Second enama, I , 1 .10 . 1 i torn,r, 4.14wna1A.6 . *10.11.111,1114.14.1 4, 4•11.11. N , Au/A. Clutere • en uuseloy, ,, der f,:sl ProI:AMA. !• lend, me preparation . en tm.n wor.• (my rem now ollerrd le, 101.1Wknol , e , T Unt, :111110 ule, toe Aemrican .rvltton 01 11 Al. lie., N. lAupcteuicualuillf. l 1.111.11: , 03 1 . 1 + 0 .V,011111,. tZay Rod eu.t) a New 1011. I. crwall Ttc . ....wwy huawkav, it /11A/11 , Pr:ewer, uud 11/. tIesA M umn.• Pl:Tmcmc N401,41,11:011/Thr.. IV KA. 012104 illettneulry I , eutuulf, • weemunuf. le'll,ceAulc rut] Amu,. et,w,11.-r• • avu.l... a: 11 1- nmly,‘ll,t,tu,l. im .011 le flown thst owmeml••., ort,. 0, Al • 'Mem, , ~, tm, e ten. IM lull . ..MM.. er prcp.m.eUme 000 k, ...a :11or mucuer mai IMlrelMiy wIJIIOe pOOl,O, .110. %rt., uol du:mil/mut au ren ~,,, .elm...(000011111,1,40,C.1,./. 3101 i work,. proem,. amhuru .1 cue., uuNic tl,elm jnmet k.111,10,10are10,0.12.1101;. Alll.l 011, 10,0 4 1 , 1 . 110 y 1 ,40.10 , 1.1 11,01 am 1.- gury um, lalmr to mlumi 110 1 11110 Ow. - 10c.1,0, 1/1010 10.0.,Ltr• ~/0 1 00111 - 10,1010, Tllll AM ne t vows., ihr rd a ,arll.: , or the yolle,ur r1A.5.;, 4 ,1.7ht me 011 00 Clilau•MM. lo b ud nv untrum,m e mut/ampule, 'Jo. grnti r, etruy would .g.lollolt I.lolllma.surl!,x lam. I.y ut ww:/l•geat chtlawn. 11.101 Impw” for kuowlnlNT Vl,lllOOl INifOlarle. I'lll , llllhcd by A, $. Maw Tarkg.4.4ll for Ly , . EINGLIII &CU. mes N iy Waal) r.l TICONONIY CIA trIlS, CAStqfdEltES. WsZY I receiver,' on ecilAyirlielletel, gy,' for , 4 1, the maneaCtittcr's war , hob , c. by ~Pp • -).• ows?,n,r..isula hCO 11 1.:Ni:1,1!ql NCO 79 Wood
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers