am zusos, rnib enscr,ifitzT pool: TO oma • • -Milt pez 5,00 “ Wftkih `lll 2,ca , .10 Clubs, to minced tale.: • • .• tt,vs crop ADVICIITIELM - 01 , ' • AGREED' UPON , . C PITTEUVRGII PALICII3: One Scar le,(loliriu of Nonpareil OT/esa).l OM l uannn One _Sous re, cash additions/ inicrilett•• • 00 • ' 14. three weeks..- --• • 4 ,1, Do. one motult•—•,---'--, /war/war7,oo ^"' Dc. three MonlaS.,••• • Do. loaf months 10 .: 0 • Do. stz)nontbs..— 17.00 Do. . .twelvernonthi...•— 104* VIA lid Ink Card (Clines orlon,) per mama • 10,00 013 C S qvarechanecable utak...Fore (pee tte ••••• own) axe lesiva of the, paper. MOO tar each •daillOtlili square, Inserted Veer one month, one for each additional equate tanned under the year 1r rates, half price. Advertiments exectdinL• •• 'a scam , . and net Over , Zde#a lin e. , to ho tharged on •elss" Sl id a half ' Publishers not accountable for leg.] advertisements beyond the amount ch creed ter thedr publication. Atinmsochar candidates/Or °Dee, .to be charged the game other adverlaseatents. • Advenisements not marked on the copy for a apecl- Am number of insertion; wilt he eentineed till forbid, • • and ;it s ' es " Tylfy ' T i tivertlsers will be el-Ratted Sightly - to their tra * chtr business, and otbor ulce r . risemeols notpenalning•to their reveler badness. as_ ,agreed Mr, rote rald aut.?. All advertisements for chsultabie institutions, Ore ward, townthip and other public mee tings„, and each like, to be hal fpricc,paraLlo strictly „, do advance. Marriage intir4S to he charged CO cents., Death leOtiGt.llMiltd entimenelinrire, antra acme- I puled by fandral i 0 ,119.110.11,1 or obituary notice., and adds maccomplutted and paid for. Rennet adventure, aft oth era fending comae •, alearione, or requiring notice, designed to f or omen. ' tthe to Falls, Soirees Concerts, or any Odious emu- bootee% where charges are made for itsttarier— I Inotiees id private am ociatioas—every notice do. , a ed to call atteutlon to private e nterer's. , ealeoht. or intended top romote individual Intereat, eon be. Inserted wi th the understanding that the sa 00. me teas paid ter. If iee.dl to be tesaled to the sal calcine, the unto will be charged at - the rote of not kits th an 10 cents 'Per line. .. nut.ap or fist /Dodoes to he charged triple pricey Tavern Liecou Pennons, 132 each. Legal and Medical advertisements to be charged at full pnces. Real Estate . Agents' and 'Auctioneers' advertioe. menu, not to be.classed ander yearly ba t to be _allowed diatount of thirty three end one third pereant from the amount of Ulla. 11,”[1.7 rai.wasetz m DATLi rarxie One tuatara, three 'Do• each additional insenion... • torearnlastewni tn wararr roma One &mate, (10 liner.) OCIO C 23. • ational. msertion• All Insasiont advertalktis additional In be paid its advance. , • WHITE: le. CO. Omen°.' • ' 1.. HARPER. •Po•t. . . 11 T 47 .31 ; .II I HR LE i • FOSTER fr. BROTHER, Dispatch. IDS. SNOWDEN.MM,, TV. , A-l American. 111114131EAlfil; gracing Tribune.. Prevention, Dee. 1, tons. - • • • —3Oll/I A. 1' INeoli, AA LOIMILIAIIi_Fith l i no mca, liciumer. al.lnl.aritand yisinut. All linamtas promptly E. ‘ST.?.' mayo ALEXABIDAII. M. 'WATSON, ..,,A,TTORNNY AT.LAW—Otiket Foonh L . L . ly ood Ci TUTTLE, .AVlT,Llnir'Sx.l.l:::l;;llad..°"''l"'°"T 6", All communications promptly answered. • . ocirMy _ T. P. Stamm BAWD k EiTEILRETT, A TTORNEPS and Count allot% at Lalr—Pnnts et, iuts beterevn dadthaeld and Gram, Pnalbargli, Pa. • John IL Loxlc •• r Luzi:a & IPEUIIj,ND • A7"ron.NrYs AT LA IV jrl64f • ,- r 0 ! , 1 1 1 , West, near Oran,: JARIES F. ' AITORNEY AT LAW—Oaks on Fourth street, between StllithEeldiacid G rah, l'ittobtart. manttn Pausal-- • William Batmen PADTON-ir. IMICHAVELL, 47N)RNGV.TATLIINV—oftea ill Tilghman Iran, Grant a., near the Court Hans. • taint ataiLLthud9i,Seoot Booksellers wat dealers In alt 'kinds of 'Pinang; Window and Wrapping Fa per, Na.. :9 Wood street. between Fourth and Pia- mend alley, Plusher • E Pa. . „ •' : JOELIS u. uanazzrit, • A TTORNEY and Cortesellor at Low, and Commis io f or for the State of Pentroplealla, St. Louie; Sao, Cate of Pidsbargh.) • iteferenees—Pittsbargh: Hon_ W. Forwar, Hamp ton A. Miller ,3iTandleu 7k. McClure, John E. Parke, Slovens A SelDPte , hteng. autil.ty O. zone okra. r 1 1 . 11 •1.111,. troouwarn.:• Lon BAG AOALlir, WOODIVAH Co Wholesale Cro. cerp, No Yet Market sr. Philadelphia. apt ' Pittabargh Alkali Work.. IDENNETT, 111PERY A CO, Istariufatturers of Soda JJ AsliDleaebing Powders, MuSeele arta Sulphuric Acids. Warehouse—, Water Orem, below Ferry. no•SP•If • ". , 11AU rI N a tt. " :I " TE" R, 'h .- 1101,41e n U' ir "e blital.„to,-A c orne r of Lanny and ClAr 141411.,1 Drug. goionsoni scnovEn, nOI6IIBI3tOX MERCHANT,StIck and Bill Brot. er, No 110 Seeond 'Pert. may9.-dly Duquesno Spring AV., Stool. wad Iron Works. COLEMAN, IIArLINAN'ik CO, Illannfactarers of Co and' F2lplie flprings. Hammered Axles, dog and Plough Bteel, Iron. At. Wareboa - Water and Front Infect., _ " " Also, dealers in Coach Trlmtainge and Blalleahle nstlnge. • 00112 & OICZICII, COIN .5 ! ttO_NSPALCILANTA, lusd De.jor. In pro. _1, 4 No. 1.00; PiLuburgh.. c Prinkruner. nRAIGI,SKINNER, Forwarding and Coats widon Merchants, No d Market AI. N 41 1141'111. • ani MeANULT7 ,t Co, Forwarduse and Cora. C. nassion Iderciratus, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh , GRANT,WhoIOOOIo Grocer, Gnol,o4raion and Co Fororardlog Merchstra, No. 41 Vitaterst., so 4 . g. 111411.14EY, vim KING C 0.,& no MII3IIf,SION ANNICI I / 1 14TF1—For , No gala of Do m.we.wookni .nd Conon G.ll4;•oirn,d al,. in W kinds of Tailors' Trimmlodo, No IN Wo4 4t, 411: door from Fifth, rdfsboooh. Before nee—Nerora. Woo. A. NM & Go, Rooters. 11111.11. inn 17NULISII IrENNr.TT, Gate tO; 4. Gal Vlatotesale Grocers, Commission ear:- srantiew Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Fitts- Atazdattaree, No. 37 Wood st, between Zd and Zd greet. nett Sir*. 13. — .1tWiti; I T ONs • "CaORWARDINti & COMMISSION , MERCHANT No 112 Second .1. Vitodough. .yEr,,(snreeneot to Narphy L Wool hea l ]. 7. 'JIM es. and Merchant, Tor the Cole or Anse;feanlVoelens, Liberty% onOnsOe lilt ci. febl7, . EVC19974 =WALD =AU,' Wladi 9.c. 111%,11111.171. 111 , 111 A. NY Alusk • Wb arr PALO BLICKNOR, Tabu.. Conualestert Mer jSzaante, 41 rtlt Water et, &,16 riartlt as nov3C4r • • • R itr4AW.Val3l 1 e.J ONRS i k Co., (snecae.o.ln Avro, J :Vlg*‘'='.2T'hniOu44.l.a.inPrti2ll2uteda7;7. —'&27 ' , , W. P.APIA ELS WALL,' I• •• truccasante to worst C. ncht,) MPORT/ At & 'Dealer In View+ and : merienh P. P ei llentinenionljnrdnrn, , Window Shade. Fire aid Erna., ice. Alno—Nirrinnr, Printiar smd Wrap. Nair Fahor , No. 87 Wood et reel. b etween Fortth civet and Dimond !they sr at!!'c' Pittsburgh Pa. falai • - • - 3 1-5 Wi'.. 71 NT-T r ---.lo i0 7 / 7 oThoieenle. breiniet, and den " gisfr. Paints Oila, Varnishes, - k.O, No ts.:l Wood sloe, one dora ' ootah Dkamond Alloy P/Unourgh. , n pa 3 7.14M "Atta" . 17 Weratoarocer,0/13.1.0/1 1‘k , h1 , 1 , 1. aryl &al, Produ•e and Pittaburrth /Nana norm. Noll Water tr. ne_ THAL& II DICKEY & Ca, WiyoiLlf:Tjr.",-Ta"..4int.' L ...wars htArehants, and dealers In Prodhool/1.," Water. and 107 Front strerta. P'ust h mB. Jmwh intworth J.B. DILWORSII In CO, Wholesale Grocers, and *wants toy itatard Powder C o.,Nor 17 Wood at i Piltsbargh: • J. Inf. TOWNSEyost anota .41 U . Pia,: Mark et Sr., threeiloorsaboviTlOdaegat. hergh,yrill have constantly on hood a well selected as: adrtment ash, best and freshest hirditincs.yehleh he Will act) an lii, Ingot .mutplaintile terms. Physiciens minding , orders, will he promptly M.ended to. Led aap plied 'with articles theyfrnar rely man as melee.. .51.; r=l,,Fir r , szszasel` and ka day or oicht. •• • • • Y MO, 10, matt, +ri largo stack et tiostfiad good Perla' .14.1174, WO d g C 17X (.441L ev3f, 4BYtiler7li'anit"ank Yawl Ash, tel Western Prodore generally. Warred Samoa between Smithfield and Wood, Pituborgh. To trirs -- iiht:A. STOCRTON, flookeel/ere,.primers, it/ ;and Paper. Manufacturers,' X0.'44•11.4ket alert, JO. iqqtd.--.: .._:. —.- - :- Ind:lord Floyd. T , fr. R 4 n.olp, wholesale Grocers, Conunisklnn U . Merchants,-and Dentcr. In Proda.e , Muni Clkarch•Baddings, Irnatint an 1 . 1 b.1Y• Woos _ta , Sixth 'Mitts ritub(ivalt, Pa. !V. if illiti WaiT:.(aaneeW r vs Ewalt a 7eb ban .1 Mholnaida atoar. and C.otantlacion Merchant udder la. Produce and Pitt.bargh Manataernm, e