The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 13, 1850, Image 3

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amporivrx eriseLsaitarazo
iri ' mith;illotaU4 by th• Caaad■
-" : • Ltifirom., Zday 31.
Coffee—General dullness perradm the market—
* few tierces of Jamaica acid ea Toesday at Eta
C. St.
64 W — in foreign, the bustles of rho week has..
been extensive at tall - prices.
Oil—Oil is in fair demand—sperm 1W per too.
' In linseed n moderato business is doing at 30030 i
The matey market cordthoeS steady, and dis
ls are sully obtained at the mtes oi L
missa week.
Consuls closed op Wednesday d 96 .S, so ai d each
day since at 961.7: There is Ica scarcity Inaba
market for American securities, but quotation* are
tinkered cm* for Vatted Stases 6e, 62, New
York State, ktOaar, lenusylvani, Massa
thutetts fio—,which to a fraction lower- -
• to &ORO, Ehipleylk Co's circular we have the
fontrrin eepare liiace the departurriof the steamer
. lavrerooo, May 31,
The speculative demand in the cotton market
has increased, and sales fur the week are 63,340
Indian Cora is again Ca lower, but them is rather
more doing to day at this !eduction. In other nea
r cello corn market is dull, and spesulatioo is
quo suspended. . . .
The new House of Parliament Was oceapied by
the Gammons, on Wednesday; since thee • Lord
John Russell hit Districted leave to introduce the
bill which was rejected by the Lords at the last sea.
'ice to enable Barest liothiehild to take his Seat
':; for the city al.:maim. .
AY address by Lard Ashley has been carried,
asking theme:immures may be taken to stop all pa)!
mime Jabot* on the Sabba th , throughout the King.
dom. The sddrees met with unavailirld Mositjou
. from the Cabinet.' ' -
Profound silence is Observed by the'liliaister on
foreign affairs..
Busy negottatioos are hale); on between the
French Cabinet and 'Downing street, and the dead
force in the quarrel, is wily broken by the rumor
— that General Lardy, will return to morrow, end the
1-Ituadatt Ambasrador lea been recalled from t.
lames lathe mean time; public opinion, both in
England and Frame feetill• to • have summed op
the controversy, deeidia;_tlnat there it a weeret
cause behind the alleged cause of dispute. .;
Lord. Palmerston will, it is belieeed in the end,
De Piseedia • leejtjani beyond doubt, that has '
Mastro demonstration, after all, score in tell de.
fence. - The decision of the Arches) Court, in the
-Gorham ram, ben been postponed until the 10th or
• - - TRANCE,.
• The 'peelers, in the continued debate on the
the electoral law bill, have beem - Lamnrune,
Thies; lutes, Vanes, t3reo;., andLecal Fanchan.
theamendmenta have been defeated, and the
wand article WEI carried by an immense. ma
jority—the ;joins up ea the mountain goal
down. •
WASH:MOTO:4 Jane la.
'Maw—Mr. Ewing, of. Tennessee, foam the
Military Commluee, reported a bill to pay the Tex
an Company pr =rime on the frontiers.
The House then went into Committee of the
Whole on the California qoesticm.
Mr. - Sayly offered a formal amendment to ena
ble him Welly to moderato hie course on thieved , .
jest.. 11 to something similar to the lilhctonri
Compridatise. He finally withdrew his =odd
Mr. Morse said it was apparent that the rights
of the South on the elnvery question wets not to
be respected under an comodorations whatever.
The whole bent of th e House wee taken up by
offers of amendments, which allow member. to
make no :whiten, in - the midst of which, VIITIOUS
Wean of contus ion occurred. The introduction
of the Mirsoun Comprendse in the Calitionia bill
was warmly diemarsed,but without any real action
being taken.
Setcw - c.—The omnibus bill being taken up, Mr.
Dayton resumer - his remarks commenced yeatcr.
day. and spoke atgrent length.
Mr. Clay appealed to the friends of the Compro
mise not to debate the queetion l but to vote on it
Sentoe's motion to postpone indefinitely. If that
be rejected, the CollBtdertalOa of the hilt will be re
After a convene:motel debate, the question was
stated lobe Senton's motion to postpone.
Mr... Benton observed, that as a disposition is
being tonnifotted to vote, ho 'would withdraw his
~notion, to see if any ameadments were to be made.
"The question was then stated upon the amendment
offered by Mr. Door:hiss on Saturday; in relation
to the Northern boundary of Texas. .After a long
debate upon amending the amendeneet,
it was re
Mr. Tenney moved that the entire section rela
tive to the bouodary of Texas he rdrickenout,,pend
tag which the Senate adjourned.
NAII/1112 11 , lane 11.
The Conventiou met, and wee opened by pmyer
M' Dr. Dior.
The kolowing resolutions, being one of • series
reported yesteniay, by • Mr. Cordon, from the
Committee en lizooludons, - was carded op.
Armload, Thss when this Converitioe adjourn,
ti-adjensr to meet at Marietta' In the State of
Gamma, on the fourth
,Monday alter the 'idiom:-
moot et the present session of Congress. That
the Wither° States be recommended to fill Mein
den - mime forthwith. .
Gen!. pillow °Tema an amendment to the ma
hation. proposing to chsoao toe yloce to bi oshritio,
and the time to the first Monday after the adjourn
meet of Congress.
Mr. Gotten, of Virginia. explained the MUM
',thy . Marlette had been placed upon the resolu
tion: lie said that the place b ed been thought
mere convenient to delegationshen Naahville.
Mr. Dupont, of Flatlet.. was in favor of reas—
sembling at Nashville. Ile said there was pro.
pricy in its assembling here. It bad been given
out that it would not be permitted to assemble in
this city. He thee paid • compliment to Nashville
fat too baspitalitylorbich bad been shown to mem
bers of the Convention. .
Me. McDonald, of Georgia, said that the cheese.
wet not proposed on account of soy dissattsfae•
lion with Nashville,' bet ss a matter of tionvea.
fence. All: the delegates., he said, were pleased
with the marater In which they had been treated
in Nashville.
Gent Pilkiw spoke in favor of his amendment,
giving said reason. why he wished it adopted.
Mr. Chapmart,of Alabama, Budd that reports had
been eireulated, previous to the meeting of the
Convention that it would cot be kindly treated to
Nashville. He Lad, in view of these repots'.
been instructed to propose another place far meet , .
Jag. The generosoy which' the people of Muth
ville Lad shown to the Delegates, made him in
favor of meeting again in their city. He srould
soy though cinder instructions to do so, vote
against it.
Kr. Shatter was pleesed with the city of Nash
ville. betwes to favor of the Cormeation meeting
at Menem,
Mr. Tacker, of 'Pa., amid he _was in favor of
talking Marietta from the , reaolutron. He won d
be la favor of come othet piece, perh He wa
Toady to go any where, althoosh he Wet pleased
with his reception hero. He had met with Glenda
aid had experienced kiodness. Some one bad
said that the bones effacksen would tarn in his
pare, if they met here What right had that man
o speak for Andrew lackwa 'W
kwon' hat knew he
of hokum's sentimeets—a man who knew him
• during life about as touch u the serpents on the
•, rocks or is the nand' knew of the eagle's flight
in the sir. Jackson's bones tam in their grave!
He would arise to assist them,for dint dietinguished
man held the principle never to ask forint? Ming
bat what was right. and to submit to nothing that
Mr. Tonto's', of South Carolina, said his dale.
settee never entertaleed any apprehension in re.
• Cud to their reception hem. They bad the Um.
eat confidence in the lotelligenee and hospitality of
the Miami of Nashville. They had ro o m n t h e
lodtig ang of their members, They
&memo' the fair daughters of Tennersee.
Ile thee farther, and vent gracefully , compli
mented the city, bat preferred, neserthcieu,that
the Convention should meet at Marietta.
After some Anther discuesion, General Pillow
• withdrew has amendment, and propoeed to sulk°
"Marietta" from the resolution as reported, and
the 11113II011bursiled—yeas 6, nays 2.
Gen. Pillow then mo ved to insert “Nsahville,"
which motion prevailed. Ho then moved to
strike from the mutation the alma proposed :for
the Colors meeting of the Convention, and prop°.
sed the fourth Monday after the adjournment of
Conreits. The motion prevailed—you 3, 0 5 1 16 .
r. Erwin,of Alabama, moved to strike out the
word “fourthrtiod insert the word sslith." The
motion prevailed.
The mica . etienvi u amended, were then adopt.
4i 1
Mr. Gordon, of Virginia, Chairman of the Com
mitten on resolutions, reported an address to the
people of the &oath, wi h amendments, Which
were read. '
btr. Mcßae, of Miss., then submitted several.'
amendments to the address, in behalf elan absent
colleague. The amendments haring been read
nod captained by Mr. Mcßae,
• mi oc m, Gordon and Would smile ible and el
04=7:;Liten:q..,!:!intilhan eloquent and forerlle
Tha Convention then, after a- kw remarks from
Stewart, of Mississippi, and Homer of Alabama.
the Convention adjourned till halt past 4 o'clock,
Barron, Jane 11
TM application for a oem trial, it the cum of
P tat Webster, betel valued Won a full bench
of the Supremo Court. We have baud of no de•
Milan as yet. ,
—Judge Bullock' gave his decision in this ease on
Monday. granting a divorce b Mn. Sallie Ward
L....risme, from lies husband. T i B'sgelow Law
' Niw Yea', June 12, 1650.
TtoS stem Alp Canada is below, and
op at o'clock this altentoon.
TOla Will mai:alba trip from Liverpool to Now
York in eleven der and seven boss,
Jane la.
Geri. Lopez arrived it New Weans on Friday
lint, and was arrested by the U. States Authori
ties; and held to ball in the true 01,53000, for trial
beam the Claud States Commissioners.
Seventeen of - Lopef men reached Savannah,
from Key Watt on Saturday. Tie! expressed
an anxiety to enlist In another expedition against
The boy executed at Cardenu Was named
Wm. Kelly, end was Nom CincinnatiHe had
embarked with the belief that ho wasgoing to Cali.
The steamer faahega, which 'ailed from Have.
na on Friday, arrived at Charleston on yesterday,
and reports that el prisoners, consisting of the
°dicers and crews of the Georgian* and Sarah,
were undergoing their trial before, me Maxine
.Cdurt. The trial iv u not concludd when the
Isabel left. It was thought that the captains oldie
nasals would be pnnisbed, and the crews cleared.
New Wan. lone 11.
The United States steamer Saranac arrived here
t day, sad Lcr Commander. Capt. Tatman, but
lett for Wesideaton.
The &rants left Havana on the 6ds ins.
Before levies, Capt. Tetnallreeetived ameraise
eta from the Spanish antnoritiest, that the prisms
, en viewed by Sash should be honorably dealt
with, smut &deices are received from Wublmp
The repose that the Sarum bad been placed
at the &spout el Cubs, and that .the American
Consul had been arrested, are entirely whim:art
foundation. •
The prisonemeaPtured from the late invading
expedition mere treated wish great kindness.—
The report of the shooting of fire prisoner, eras
Incorrect. The priaonera are all at llama, sad
mill be sent home:
blicerats, haul 10, s r v.
Oo Saturday evening, the cue of the Farmers'.
and Meeleake. Bank came op treks — in - the Court;
on the. part of Dr. 3. Foca" and others that_he
wets - el the brink should be placed' under their
bontroL .
The motion was * resisted by Gen. Col. as at.
tome! the a portion of the creditors. Gen. Col
had read a communication previously. signed by
King dr. Torkg, to the ahem Batsmen resistance on
his part would be treated by them /iiiairvittsia and
perused meter. The argument was dekrred to
some other day. Gen. Col and Mr. Connell,thea
left the Conn moor. and were me: by Mr. Twigs
and his friends There is • leeway of opinion
as to Who commenced the insult, bet die generel
opinion is that Twigs commenced the attack on
Connell, and in Um! melee. that Col shot, and killed
Tactile. .st gegiend fight ensued, when Col was
attacked by utree'dilferent parties, and shot in the
back and fell to the ground. Up to the present
hour Me case is considered doublet. Gene and
Connell closed. end both were severely wounded.
Niw }lsms, lane IL
The Legislature el Connecticut wet tor the p
pow ol electing aU. 9.l3enwor. Ailey three no.
sitocessfal indlottings, the matter wee postponed
till Wednesday Slew.
The argument in the Webster ease closed to
day. The decision will begl , ien in a day or two.
Nrw Oecr_s-Ns, June 5.
The evening Delta has a private letter from Ha
vana, which prates thai 153 -permas of the Cuban
expedition, who, on their return home, were tak
en prisoners from the ships fleorgiaria and Sarah
have beertrelealied by the Captain General.
• Loctsvu.t.r., June 12.
The river at a stand, with 4ft. 5 in. in the can -
The weather in hot.
• PalLaDrla , n la, Jane 12.
The Canada's advices bare had Intl° or no cf.
feet upon the markets.
Floor-Receipts continue small,and the demand
for ahipmeat to limited. Sales 1500 bbla al $5.25
for common brands, and 55,370 for choice tots.
.Grain—There has bqen rather more enquiry for
wheat, partly, for shipment eastward, and prices
ore steadily maintained. Corn is less active, with
sates of yellow at 6.5 e, afloat. Oats are in demand
with sales of prime retina. at 41.alte per bo.
I Whiskey is held at 270 to bbls. and tub in Linda
Nrs• Tows, btay 13.
The Canada's advises have checked trams,
Holders of eotton are stilt In breadmillls there i
but little doing, and business cosh:led to edy trod -
and the Eooorre market.
Provision:sure dull, wittont any reliable change
Groceries nee Corn, with a awd buain—
• \~'hukey yi 1.2.27 c
'New you, kite ;2.,r. Wt. - I
.?he market is generally nasewled, and coshing
Important tramme ire.
Cotton—Holden demeadte advance.
Flonr—Vie nom moderate wen at yeaterday'•
pried .
Grainorn is dull, and prices tend downward;
dealers we awaiting their !eaten per steamer..
Provisions—Nothing la doing in Pittwcaris
worth noticing.
Cmcsrecen. June 12
The river. hoe fallen 4 inches. Freights aie
high, and difficult to ship, especially op the riva,
cormequently articles for export are dull.
Hour—The market is Mut. and holders not
pressing. Sales of 120 brb at S 5 .50 per MI.
Wbtakey•Seles at 22e, and drooping.
Sugar and fdolasacs.--Salea el Sugar at tt, and
Mousses at 23e.
Cktflbe—Sales 100 one'. Coffee at Ole.
Provtaions are firm , but quiet.
Cheers to dull at Be.
ld• —
i ARD Olt-1 0 bbla reeerviog Irmo steamer Kay
mom State, and for oak by IDo LZELL.
ioS . No :0 Water street
W(loLi—ilto MO H W st pnee In cash will be paid for
wool by LEA.
No. 130 Laerty strati
_ _
A Petal. E '
R ppl Mack Bilks lks and - finey col
A .
ored i t est in i o
ceired tig express thir morn
ing, at WM cot corner of Foanh and Market all.
A/I UMIS tTertAitik%
LY.L and. Biro. St. D. Lainea aumf law Prior.. at
north east corner of Fourth and Market ms.
LP narrow trimming Laces *lbw esdirr, jou reed
and for Sale at North
elllt corner of - Fourth and Mar
l&LACIllIsti POWDER— . N cuts blasyresds best
Biina lay to alma via Philadelphia per ship Dhs.
For sale by W & hl MITCH.F.LTREE ,
lea -, "Linen" steam.
COYAL VAKNI&II-4 briniestJ
r KIDD o
CO by
, &
,__—.. CO Wood et
To Lot.
Dirlingtes Row, • four awry dwelling, slate
roof, with bath rooenrcas Snore. and office. Apply
to' jeffidtf WOODS, Penn or W.or sto
POT ASH-50 casks In and to
L RELL to close
consignwent, by lot DA
Id do do Shoulders. Just received
end for sale by Ist .l A 111:7TiMISO'N ICO
). ' 00 bbls N C Teo
100 bbl. Piteb;
10 bbl. Resin. In store and fel
tale by je6 JAS A HUTCHMON te CO
s t n ., jyußpjriNE-3.13.0,11%.:12.11 ardetilf.el
VI:MD 01C-13 13b1Tfor ma b tr
. k.
COPAL VARNISH-9 bbl. rred end to rWe by
B re N
& o'd sod for sale by
21100ACCO--riSiTis4e-dieldr:Brido fen' bin's
and for Bala by BROWN tYIRKPATRICY
z.h 4t 3 : ; ..;
3e begs Pewees, reel per Ma
sai Ltne,lor rale law, to dose easels , . ist,§7
thgo: ! _zsLL
lur""B"'"l . racAiArFt &CO G 3
pOUUrfaalSlasingw l AT r :El:
LCVN--NWu l6 . Gob jilairee'dtfoiriale
LoLOOMS-11:0 leappier Bloom,
DO= steamer gaphrater, for este blr
Water lS r k DICKEY
ete.k CO
• i roarAl
It:. highest preordain paid for Avocet. Gold
EXT..% •hange. and Par Panda. at the Er.
C . aad flanking Hon. of A WILKINS it CO
ICALBOT k VERNON—A new and interesting
N 0.1,12 a.. cloth, Jost reed and for solo It
OTAT(iII bit Canada jaw ree'dmale
pby ray= STUART & SILL
fraa Por
n M for sspoo, and one for ilAco, well
ij city property. For particulars inquire tif
No led Wood meet
titellloCtd/D---""---:----;'IdO do: to atom, d for sale by
feTrTer — ie
, 1TA; ' &11 DICKEY & CO
Water tc.Froptata_
• • Now Publications.
TRVINGII Mattoon. 2 vol. hf coo& sloth. 12 o.
TsylorWeio Eldorado. vol.. tbrimi.
ks, complete. I2mo. sloth a Vie
Irvins'a t.
Dowalng'• Landscape Uudening. bro.
Donning's Roll Trees of America. 12mo.
. _
Chapotan's AlittriClll.UMWlllg mo o t . 3 No., Co.
Ilumetiold Words—Dickens. Nos Ito 0.
Weide. iitzdirwma Saner. lento.
David Cow/field—v.l I. Inalo.
For saki by iA2III I D LOCKWOOD
let 104 Fooriti .1
if---ir.cowo twirl
000 D hhibegarig klux*FOrts, 6
n..anond hatid• 11100 1101
handsome upright POOO 5 , with Roe." 01
Funtiture,6 ums, and /0 good order "• • 1 00 00
0101u.f.510euve ................. •45 00
A. --- „, —
• Olal 64 acme Pia., voila Ale
.• 73 CO
tale • • • -• . • •• • • • ------_. 147) . 01 . 71 MELLOR
For sale by et Wesel el
, lasl3B
15.itialif flight Ilea.
QUPERCRDINO the Wooden Floats, Nod being In• I
1.7 combasilble, thereby eroosomisell the m 10.4 pm• '
yenta Ignition, heretofore so roach objected to in all
Otte table epoonfol of the common
lamp oil mill lam Nine floors, or any farther length
of nme,aceenliac to the additional colegititY of , "
Reeeired and for gabs by JOHN ITAIO2O AN
mayr. --Braced
- up A.corizmoco l 6 Bacon Pheolden:jurt received,
Ng ant fel pat try 5 & W 11A115060
WITITSOI.IIII6III. *Ur* lAD of saws,- .
AND xraitaores ursolos.
MIMI TIMOR C1LA1t....R..10
. Man to Nammos-The packet Mem Mesas
mem, attired yenardayi with • loge mt.' , "" *I P"
wagers, who were discharged at eh.. Vi'‘ i t ft". the
wt 7 Ma ream that theteoidd oat go nise VP eh
the !demurer. The ginf 4.21i0 el,n, with a bugs Mtn,
ler of passensers. sucemded In and.; OP 00 it. "
the gimes. talards, when shorn agronint, t se.
We clip the above fielesthe Wheelies Caserta, et
the ith last. 'The come porsaed by the editor of that
paper' Ii amazing in the extreme. Is n cry Wog
mange,' or gat of the mastery. coarse of Mut,
:That n low nage of mfr., In the Nan river shoubl
TO•drentihe meant and descent of our larger class of
stamen! to the editor of the 011100120 igeorent of the
fan, this. Pltlthergh tali capital enough invested in
the very lightest elm of stesseen to boy one half tin
I , town of Wheeling!-boats that am built esprecaly to
I , met th e wants of the low water made, being al sot [
1 belent lightness of draught to run it the Went stage
Of water' What a aliases of gentlemen there met
I be, may down there at the /lode' Norigatie le.
Ohio otter is very often so high as tot're vent the p
sage of one largo elms packets lodes their bridge,-
' The cry then is, that Wheeling Is the heml of Kedge.
Yon, tallith . eulimion I and when the river become
so low as to make it necessary favour low wider
steamers to. take the place of the larger elm, the
%tele cry out that Wheeling to emphatically the had
of nevigationt The Editor of the Ge.mite is n won
derful man indeed, and 'Wheelies shoold con siderhet
self fortunate IA the possession of so einem an indi
vidual in mum of this bled. By his logic, the pent '
pie at Liman mon cohered that that point is the Held
of Navigation, for by a low stage of water, boots are.
Me made to peas that ripp4. By his lode, Guyan-the .
done may be styled the Head of Idolisation, being
void at which the Virginia imolai, strikes the Ohio
river, and giving passengers an opportunity of being
conveyed east by Mae coaches. By Its einem of
reasoning bleymille would be another Head of final
isation. Cintinnall +soda be the Head of Navigation,
as nue vim is am entrenneutly Mime for lame nem
en, to ply heartened point andLbaliville. The InWrl ,
of Shippeaspott, at the .friot of iltnOsall, might eda•
tend with Leuborillafor, the right silirgii-ipte l Rd
Iliad of Ned gallotiOts Wilts a cortaiderable pariof
the year, boats Green!' Ordway Might ore onside to
pass the aural, for want of a sulliethot depth of watei
And, by his bee .1.3, Cairo, et the mouth ante Ohio,
might vie with the peat city of St Louis, as beteg the
Head of fesi:sration on the ' , Father of Waters,. as the
river li often too low for the larger elm of neatness
to Rribetween those points.
to OCriElllll9ll, we vroald enquire of "Bulimia dr.
Co.; of the Claseue, touching their shipping redlines
Gout their Head ogrdavigation to the different points
west Have you any-If so, how many stamen
engaged In your undo? What mount of stock hare
you Invested in enedienboats, end what are the chancres
of conveying freight and passengers to your town on
your own steament, as a reward to your capinalistie-
We believe that the number or your weasners is-lull
• at all; while we are able to count non by the
OMR, PrlnralLall GAZrrIX. t
Thursday moniing, Jane 13, S
The market yesterday was generally very quiet. and
quotations In every respect remained unchanged froze
our previous days general review.
The weather continues eery warm, with no pros.
pert of rain.
Ticariuy June 12.
Diva—flue were 3 feet 9 inc.* in channel let
ening, by metal met, and flung.
Michigan, Brie., Beaver.
Faehion, Peebles, Eleabetti
Atlantic, Verbena, Brownsville.
Wide, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville.
Camden. Hendrickson McKeesport.
Yes etdoirbuiv, Merely Ban. ,
Cashier, Bridgepore
Cinderella, Hulett, Wheeling.
Wellsville, Vmag o Bridgepon.
Reveille, Rees, WelierinA
J Q Adams, ---, Bt Louis.
Michigan, Dries, newer.
Cued., Ilendrieksen, McKeesport.
Fashion, Peebles, Elisabeth.
Jacobs, Brownsville.
Adacoc,farktrison. Brownsville.
Beaver, Gordon,lh'ellorilk.
timighlogheny, Marsh, Bart.'
Inman, Cleanest!.
' Reveille, Rees, Wellsville.
Allegtient Clipper, Cincinnati.
Lowell,) orse, Cincinnati
CIN CINN ATl—Gentras, 10 . tt.
LOUISVILLE—Navigator; 4 r
WlllMLlNG—Cinderella,lo a_ x.
BEAVER—Youthloghe l m
W 11E11.I.NG—Waa. Pe., 10
ILLITZVILLE—.Ienny Lind, 4r. x. •
Fox LctuVillito titioUght diangiit spirt Navi
gator, Capt. Dean, arUl leave for Lowsvillo thin day
It will ha ait - eut - bg advertisement, that the splendid
light draught war Genova. Capt. wain, sill leave
for Coclunati thts day.
We acknewletge the receipt, through the kind
ness of the clerk of the J. Q. Adams, of St. Louis
papers, in edetnee of the snail.
11111POSTB LIT 1111(1411a, _
C Incbsts att —Pga Obto-3 cases tab, O'Connor &
Atktw:ol OW wool, W Batkert XI Co*entan tc
ea. 13 blc wool, Gordon: 26 ts bacon, sts beet. 31
bra ) ea. Grsii h. rot bb. e whisk ay, a Watson; do do
do,Psnott.l9 do do, W Batton; Oa do tat, 1X if 111e
ktet so hbds lob, 4 OW fors & skins, 3 do deer do, 3 Mrs
feather, Clark & flaw.
ioo Ctsita Pattrks—V l bbls lard oil, 10 do do, Clark
& Teas., 100 to, lob bbls haws, 1717 Ilin Own, tes do,
OnJIA co; .541b,12 kiskey,Gl Horton; do do, Dal
ey.; so do do.] Knot & citc 00 Mal. 01)00, Sellers &
Nicol.; 6 bps feathers, It sits tags, 1101nown co; 6do
cone. 6b( elatc too. bbla wolawes. 8 !Ali do 030.
pork, MU wt., bxs ataward, do sewn, Was Gordon
& CO.
Lalasrtlle—Pgallkolrits-12bbls whiskey H
A 11cosett 103 epty carboys, Bennett & Berry - 4 lilts
tob, Hardy, Jones & co; 6 bills sent. iron, Ong, Lind
say & co y 30 et a tanners' scraps, R Weller.; to bbls
barns, Balers & NiCOl5; 10 00 do, L. BWBIO
wool, Batter; 30 to riee, Denny ix; s
Miller & Bletetson: 60 bbl. hams, 40 11 'lar p o ll &
.khds bacon, Clark & Thaw; 600 boxes csldlos, B
Liggett; 105 bl• tors & pewee, Beaten; 160 d hide, 51
Young; 31 had. tob, 4 sksbecawax,ol6llbls haws.Orati
& co; 16 hll4s, 17 bxs Ore & Co; 84 las feathers,
13 do beeswax, Leech aco
Bridgeport—Pea Casulla-6 keg* bolter, DO
onb, 6 As wool, Bell & Liggett; 13 slots veal, ' Wat
H Johnston; 4 blids tob, 6 kgs batter, 11 Ora & tot 10
bhds tob, O'Connor & 610 Wi 12 do do, Leech & ecB 70
do do, Clark &
1n1V417 fdIPSI I O.
At ihe Sign of 1•14 UST S
tho Golden arp, 10, Dtirst et
1 JE H
The Lord'. Prayer, (beautifully embelli.bed.l
sang byldad.
Oar Faith then Fondly Plighung, (opera Llnda,)
blopolitalne , as sang by Mad. Illwattlanti.
Pro Queen of a Fairy Band. do.
lday Breezes, as song y by Mad. Pamalan.
Sawa Girl Ulm gran..
Ernanloiasong by g
c.n me peo ns nad ,
Pipet of Mdea.
Nes, ere we met 1 was a lover.
Old Sexton.
Wedding Walt.
Sylph Waltzes.
Aliquiypi Waltz-11 Ilabboek.
Mom How Polka.
prim Polka, kes,&,tie,
11111.111,7A11111 DOWN,
No. IS7 Liberty Illesset,
Offers for sale t h e following hob grads, goat received:
460 drams Smyrna Firs
7 , 2 boxes emus do; •
SW boles Bunch Retrains; •
175 half boxes d do, I
KW quarter bon o s
30 loss San Raisins;
01 !milk's. do, ,
139 boxes Palermo Oranges,
rtl•roses Sicily Lemons;
El eases Sicily Lisottee;
40 dozen Awned heti.;
down Jkwarwel Satires;
113 down Salad Oil;
423 boles Sealed Herring;
150 boles No 1 liming;
SO buses OW. Pule;
110 boo Yellow, White, S gad Rock Candy,
ISO bags Whim Brazil Sugar._ •
:41 Ne Loveriag'e embed S pcnadered do;
IS bags Canary ed;
23 bags Sicily Filberts,
WI bap Brasil Nuts;
' 1620 lwebels Po& Salm
40 barred. Poosll*
Su bags Soft Almondr,
bates libelled. do;
All Savo. common Candles In O
a r lb, easefully
packed, warranted as good as any, to the e 00027.
No tb7 Liberty st, ten doors east of Si. Clair at.
2"..7:21 ----,----------
O VIRTUE of a decreaof the lash Court uf
eery, the subsenber, as Trustee:will offer et putrl
1 ,4 1' ... 0 h 1 . ) . .
." " *AI ,T h ylr47.l lol°,,Nicuawar
coy of Pittsburgh, In the State Of 1....41...5.,
k. 0.% .. Lot Noreber I, ill Prides , Plan of Pitts.
town, Allegheny county, beginning at the corner of
Merlon street and the Farmer's and - Meehanlals urn
pigs Roost, running thence westwardly. and Wading
erc raid re ad twenty-eight feet enght and a half inch•
es, thece southward!, one bendred and twenty feet
to s tw entyur loot eley, Inenee canto/minty twenty
ility-elett feet eight and • half inch., thence
north ...molly to the plate of teginnlng. On
the amid Lot is erected a two story FM.
a 113.01119 nrratla DUCT 1110111
Dsethret. 6scuest.--00 the day before ler
welly, as a east car was nihilist; dews Goal
Gael the jet to the Sligo Iron Works, a Wtr
lamp jumped off and stesok a man who stas
Siert near the 6301 of tbi t hi4 upon the bark pan 1_
Ms bead, breaking the skull near the Apia , ltait;iiiet
tetn. The wound le very dangerous. and It b
said to be impala% in the man to bee. Homo
if a eaipanter, and war employed at tie Pr • i r =
Works. Rio name is John !detect. lie has a ,itriestowo
Vire and three Small ehildreet. Dr. McCook ni• =an
tends him: • Farmers 111.
Falange COISMUSIZIT bionse.--a. man
brought Wore Alamein Parkinson, Filth Wa# ,
yesterday, ter attempting to pasi a counterfeit CO =nil
note on the Bank of Pittsburgh, In payment due
ham which he hiudiou to bo ught et the store of M.
Dunn. He was believed hare knoirn the tree Wadies:lT;
.ey b e bad. He w as held to baIL Fn`
BMX or RIM. EITATI:AI the sale of the plop
arty In the Pali Ward, belongtag Lithe eaten pi
tho ate Mr. Gibbs, yesterday afternoon, the lot ort
Peon, near O'Hara street, 5U by 100 feet, WWI 71r4,1:;•
tu:Sme erected thereon, was sold for 31,250. : i t Yea BC: • •
let 50 by 100 feet, on Penn, tau Walnut,. Belief Note,
OITA houses thereon, was sold for 113,90 0 . - A Int 15 3 Milk. Pi
on Liberty auset, 50 by 100 feet, with a wind 01
small houses thereon, was told for 31,500. tato 8.13 0 6
lota on the corner of Liberty and Walnut greets, alownYleati
Were tot sold, not coning up to the oppratsement
Durittailts Castototr.-6 title child-01 . Pd , •• N ew blb.,
Kirsh, shoe maker, was run over by •
Teeter 210e.tenatt 111
day afternoon, on Waddngton street, and boot se gl , , ,lu i tZt d
badly that It is not expected to mover, its 133 e I wearlfi:
skull being broken.
-- ...... -----
You= Aatamm.—g. Fienchman was con. ;171-ii..
rained, yesterday, by Alderman Parkiriao. foi Renege
breaking iti the doors and . wi)Mows ofkrumfu•to tgL,lki...
tine 1112• Ward, and giteibly ejecting the keeper ICania---
, 4 Daron•—•
Jf dm bcniee. . • . Weston Rel
..; Ranklings
Patina. Accrown.—On ganarday Int. an ow chtiesth.
lady, Mrs. Eingsland, residing in St. Caw 'roam. Litarr......:
ship, while gong to pay • view to one of barren'. u 5 0,..,,,,, ._
ave., alippetron the grass, upon a Mil aide, and U.. , , , ig::::
bet foot catching in a bole hes leg Wes beekell. - 7 Ferrets In 1
She was nearly eighty years of age, and of great 1h . 16.,'
weight. She is thought to be in e dangerous situ- gk of SentotLouts,
anon from the effects ultra hurt. Rlt.of
A Bmnarr for me sufferers by Ma lata disas
trous Ere, on Filth street, Is to come a a the
Theatre, shortly. Mr. Miklos° Raymond cad
Family, have volussteered their services for the
A hO2lllll Bentriv.—Dr. Morrie, we are ht':
armed, has coneented to give a benefit to the sof.
'eters by the Filth greet fire. It swill come /Won
Friday evening. lehnaken'a Serenade's sill per•
Moreme.—This establishment is nightly Merestr
ing in attraction. The Serenaders ere delighting
the visitors to the lactate Room, In the evening.
Under the excePent management of Professor
Peale, Ur. Morris is on the high road to amens.
The ternss of sale as prescribed by the dectee are
one-fvorth crash on the day bf sale. and the remainder
to equal textaissents SU, twelve, and
mouths, to be secured at the eptlon of tha pat aut.
WA MALCOLM, Trastee,
No. 27 Letifari.rvbris..Atint.cicirr.,,td:
Plats or the above described yropeily may be seen
!the ,of the Tastes, on and after the Int day
or/ aneMU.--Balt. my3lOroeut
SOW . 11l • leations.
lECTUIZES on An and Poems , Washington Ana-,
4 ton. Mired by It H Deno, Jr.
A.lghte in the Gold REDO. and Salm by the Way. .
By Theodore T Johnson, ad edition, with noweront
The Olion Family, or the Trial. of New York
et'a B A C nhurl a g . Bor ? de n , a, Jo h .
r of "Th
Gor Th r Te .Chd •nsated a aned.
ByJ A Alai•
ander, Prase •or In Prtneeton Theolegletl Solara:l
Talbert and Vernon, Pabhabed by Biker a Scrib
ner, Neat Tort.
Teo above, together with • large assortment of 9 B
Unon Books, for solo by A II ENGLISH
c.A Co,
.. 21 .. 0fl
brie, in atom for eateby.
G t&261'111:".4' 1 7 + .1 04 541 r
' and fin We t 1
LOCAL mATrras,
Tr • Estetzet.—Thew talented representatives
of the negro character are winning golden opin
ions at Wd@inn HalL They are, indeed, • highly
entertaining company of Ethiopian performers.
The eccentricities of Cool White ate irreshaable,
and would come a hermit w laughter. Sliter and
Sloan are gin ex...llent In alai./ reepective
Taunts :The gap:Donde appear •gain to oighl.
Sheridan's comedy of the Rival., or •Trip to Bath.
will be performed, in which Mr. Raymond will
per•onwe Sir Lawns Cangger, and Mra. Bay
mood Lydia Languish. The eceoiog'• entertain
meat will Ci 0513 with • Grand Concert, in which
the whole fettnily will appear.
Mn. Bras, the faultless wile, whose elopement
from her husband we mentioned day before fee•
terday, has been arrested by officer Pinkerum.—
She was taken from the mile of a house some
where up the Allegheny, where she was concealed.
Her guilty paramour hut not yet been Creed. The
Lady's examination Is deferred anal the arrival o
her heart broken husband, who is oat oftown.
Vasa Allaref/Mo9.—We learn that the trams
of the man toned drowned, on the day before
yesterday, si the Monongahela what 4 la Pratt.—
He_was a carpenter by trade, and readedTatte
neighborhood of Severnh street. lie ht as a 17011 D
up family, who are in good circutostauces. The
body was interred yesterday, at the cemetery, by
his friends.
arlf..o/IT.—A home ren a way with a butcher
wagon, along market street, yemerday morning.
The boy who was driving jumped out and Myself
his head agsmat a post, but was only slightly hurt..
The animal was stopped, and prubably prevented
from doing serious mischief by the determined
conduct of a geneoman, who caught hold of his
hcad,while et full speed, and hung on to him on
til he succeeded in getting him stopped. We did
not learn the gentleman's name.
A PRITION to Councils w in. mrculation, we
are informed, among the property holders in the
neighborhood of the raise of Mr. Ryan's buildings,
praying that ha may not be permitted to rebuild -1,
The insurance offices we !said to have declared
their Intention to risk outhing within e square of
Ryan's. Mr. R., tumour, is busily papering for
the erection al a very large establishment.
Drarn or k DUTITUTZ STlL,Narlid—We find
the following in yeatudare Ctuonlele :
Oa Monday a man war found lyturen some wool
kr, on the Monougahela wharf, new thAjoot
itacof Wood street. Ho was taken charge of by some
benevolent persons and placed In • canisge for
the purpose of taking him to the Mercy Hospital,
but be died before he reached it. His name, and
the place from where he came, were TIMASCer .
Door—We learn that the laws relating to doll
running at tarp are to be enforced with unusual
rigor this seven. This is well. We are, with
Piero, "a Itiead to dap," but do not . hold it At
that thug should be suffered to endanger people's
The Country Lass and Her Low
et atortaakt COS, IL
o To morrow, Rs, I'm view dames
And Billy Chimes the drover
Has "popped the grutztlos • to roe. Ma,
Aod watts to be my cove
To morrow more, be says, Mammo.
He's coming hero quite early,
To take a
walk with me
Arrow the field of barley."
"Yon mull DOI go, my daughter door
There's no um now a talking,
Yon ahall not go, aerouthe sold.
With Grimes a walking.
To think or
kis preimmptlou, tool
The dirty, ugly drover.
I wonder where your pride has goo
To think of stork • rover."
" ' Old Grimes is dead; you know, Mamma
And Billy la b 0 lonely!
Besides. they oily. to Grimes' estate!,
That Billy is the only
Surstylog heir wall that's len:
And that they say is nearly
A good ton thousand dollars, Pik
About ill hundred yearly"'
"I did riot hear, my daughter deir,
Your lad remark qu no clearly,
Bur Billy ht • clew lad,
And no doubt loves you dearly
Remember, then, to m orrow morn
To beep bright and early,
Tu take a pleasant walk with him
Across the field of barley."
At prepared by
A MAD of all other preparations; because it bi
21. composed of the ehotoom herbs know. in medical
SWIM, 1;124:11)111111i1,1d VlRAldi.tritilmeing,
Which makes it the purest and best 0.0? 7.1 vegetated
to the human busily.
intone year dial R./MAWR& Yoe need bane no
:penult, as DIL S. D. ROWE'S S HAKER
(STRIAYARILLA is warranted to be purely - ye - gr.
table, and Rae from all dat deems drags, andris the
bast Female and Fatally hisCelnoever known.
Call upon one of our mpg!: and. pt ! 1 , ....yh 0 1 f .37
t r l ttoiMMilltltiu r atirigUL l.r.b..r
Pries Ilryer bottle, or 0 bchde• for Sd.
For sale hy J. Acheonmaker t Co.. J. A. Jones,
W. Billet. R. W. Mown, J. Pithier, 3. K. Townsend,
.1. W. Jackson Pittsburgh; D. A. Elliott, All bead;
Y. Crocker, lirournsrillo; W. R. MeCtollaudt Plan.
'Ohester, and by druggist. gig% CO., t, y the
' i. P7 sifryriksri TT 1 Call eWrnd. °.
F eeeee Dr la . V . tar .otri
ri HALT 919•1.0•746.2 „a, duk&p•l•
AU 6 40 Pinett,CasUlliellL
9 hf pipes exUs 1t2ek.15!,2.1. dark;
.3 40 011td, U.V . 7
2 .d*
2L"'Pelle • core gad for tale by
~,,,,i' ' i onrerAm s uco g i .rß o t w f
r um,
ILAThn OF DlSt.l3UNT..493lllLkiiTtii ST
' A. 110L311411 £ 140315, - '
diehasie Broken, No-SS Ahrkalastect. new Ito
Paniaaykraals. Indiana.
40k0fri116,9115 •-Par Bun EPa a Brattehes.• 1 ,
..i.lonute Bonk ParrateSerlp- • . ... -••
derch. a Mast.liank •pr :Virginia..
4 0 . 0 iPi.
_..diniolildtt•-•Par Exchange/Ik. of Viv• • I
''...."- Oar Farmerslll.of 110.--•
-mamma- •par Bk. <tithe Value... o " . °
• Coanty•••par Bk. of Illrginia.•••-.•• "
auto: • • pot M.& 211.1.1 k., Wheelmi i
1t."7,.',i::`,' 0 . 0 N d .
G \
A/ .11=r " It -.•::- • • 1
Sank-- par do Parkenburg• -
1. Readimp Tann
.Bulaks Co.par lik.of Tennessee•••• • 3
k Lattearr•p Far. 9. blerclets Bk-- -
ha. 8k..• • .p Namara . Bk.--••• - 3
1.•-••-• par Sidon 8k..-..---. u
tah—.......3u Illinierari.
Ilk, ...... v. Sistellkof idinouri-- 1
Bk.• ..i.-.• •.5 North Carolina.
1k........... 1 Bk.of Cape Fea r ••• ••• 2
P lu
sidleor.ebWill.'bikk.2blen.lbaro...... •1;
- South Carolina.
.—• t Camden Ilk
.. " Liao( Cbarleaum••• •• 9
.. . . 0 1 Corcurarmalßk•---.. S
ad Moven. Bk.of Georgetown - 9
. •sayuesburr.. 1 111k.of litoaburg•••• ••
-..msbunr-..-.-- .. Merehatoo Bk•-• 9
Ilonesdalo—.--...LiPlitaban &Meeks 13k• 3
--ti• p
ou l , . Bk. of South Caro tua.• 9
_... ..._ u Itarylan •
• .... I Baltimore Ilk.. .. •.. •-pa.
1 BalooNsito HASerip •10
,a.--- 1 Camberadilk.of Alla
.-- 1 shooT 1• " Far•Bk.of idariltmd•• "
a. 1: Cot:rail Farmers . a blecrL . les . 1
;betty, 1 Bk. Frederick. •••
1010. FredenokCo.FlL .. ..
WI Branches 1 llagerstousußlt
mot hlmoral lik---..-- 1
•-• ..... .. " ramps. Bk.-- 1
..--.. 0 Waskumnoolik•--••••- "
.--.•..-- .. Bk-ofWe
hl ntai nsgan• ter -. • .•
. .... --• u -
sub ..... . u lik.of St. Clior..-.....-
10.. ...... " k. of
dusß.lu er Ra
Cisoe•u- - -
---... u
Al .a Id la e , Bk. •••• 6
.. eats ....• 6
W 14401.41 44 Territ.y.
idarichlrela.Co.tdilyea i
.....--. l eased.. ,
.... ..... IT A.ll.olfentThOtka
...... .•.. 1 'Bank of England Note.
iv, • •-•-11174 IP
........--. k Vold‘Elpeat•Vallne
Napoleons -•••••• 3SO
.........•-• .•INIC.t• ....... I 150 9 90
Bagle,old •
~.,,......... ~ •••—• 10 60
t Columba" gagle,new •w.... 10 00
--.-- " Deubloonu•Sparush.lll 00
.DO.FILITIOI--.•-•••••• 15 50
u Sovereigna 4 83
-----I0 Guimeal - --- 060
--•• •-•13 FraderickuPors-.5i 60
.... •• • • .50 en Thalami • - •• 7. Ft ,
Cantoa•-•60 en Graldera •••1 • 340
tuelLy. Z ..... 444.
c ky. ..... . I New York" , - • IP. ,
_...arrille 0 Philadelphia ••• -. Dr"
...Ahern Bic Kentuly• " thithoore -+--• • i Pin
Vasa V --k-eity Baltic..., 1.1,,,,, wk..—
Havana Cigars.
ECEPIRD. at 225 Liberty, SUVA, the fob
celebrated brand* of f ens.* Haraea a.
dos Plantation Regalia*, ihe beet Cigars
a but rarely met with in rumborgb.
medio Regalia.;
La Dawns
La Norma
El Leon DT
/Into Sons
Free U. --
Old Zack
Kossuth the
Also, Reek:son% extra Csrenksb Tobaceo,for cab
w l b ed °l""a° "d
NKR' 13002011
Third meet, opposite the Post
TTISTORY of Pendetubs, by Tbackeray—part
Ababomet azbl ble Successor., by Wkshingte
Rose Rome pl By Reynolds. eel 11
Blackwood for May.
lrbo War of Woman. B Danz.,
Boson Nhakspeare—No Y
Clll3ln 10. BGorge Lauda
11s Id Copper Ni
Inennuary of Mechanics—ararl 10.
-• • --
Fletcher—Nineveh, AsYclur and 83 fie,
Id mo.
Erth.-7}avelr in Siberia, t aolh Id mo.
llaffem-110 month. in the Gold Min., 11 zoo. •
Taylor—Eldorado, t 201.11 mo.
Beasley—Dratgiath` Rceelpt Book, 11 mo.
Maeley—Yopular Deluaiont, 2 val. 11 mo.
Diatom—David Copparteld, vol I. 11 aro.
klumboldt—hopeets of Nature. It too.
Whitt —Unorenthl History, 12 aro.
Shaw— LIMMUI re. 12030.
Clunpbcll-I.thes of the Lard Chuncellots, 7 sols 8
Austead—Ancteur World, 12 me.
Johnsen—Dictionary et Carderneg,l2 me.
Bell—Tim material mmegement of ehildren,l2 00.
For TllO by JAS 13 LOCKWOOD.
_lei 13001111THOT and importer, PH Peardlt.._
V ALI) ABLE. 17.1110L1111 BOOKS.
PROURENS of the Nation—Penes. Wye.
810 We4abs Price en me Picture K.. eves;
&Miley's Worts. ono.
Woods' PliniCaTll.l.i.lB Olt Rail Reads. 80.
Tto Philosophy of llaman Nature. 600,
A Dictlarksey of Arebiteenste—illaart. to .
iTeitltC[l6(lll Magasia4complme In .5 vols Bre
Aphorisms and Reflpettorm: post Ines
Campbell's PoeticalWesks Popes Moo. 620.
"""'" D . 11/) . CIi by WOOD
102 . Foomis at
J —The stin of many pericous le vel
alight emptier., as plarples, morphms, ice., and %when
this Is merely s disease of the skin, as it is in nicety
nine eases oat of every hendrod, it Is very eamly
moiedv Wee Nymph Doslr erp..l3,
adapted us of the seincas it eels directly
yo the ',Mao pore. which Cover its eurfnee,
elearteing them from impurities. and by Its
properties besting and erediemingicll emptions, and
rendering the devices% and roughest akin eoft,, and
PersOnalahe hate been in the habit of awing ordi
nal soap Will be astonished at the beautiful arct
Vedette by the Nymph Seep, in
imparting delicate •
bloom, preveriting We neck, fece, or haids from chsp
ping, allaying all irritation, and removing all Mita ,
oat, eruption. It ponaesaca.leaptiaire althea, and
is entirely devoid of all alkaline properties, meaner
it the only article which Cart ho used with safety and
comfort in the swam ,
these rebate faces or necks are disfigured with
pimpla J blacken. urn. mas N sambas, he should e
trial of J ules llayeinh Soap, e n the proprietor
pi:naively assures them,-that its use will reader the
rant discolored skin e Inn. a. meatiest alio seiCoOtti,
awl the most Massed skin healthy, bete, and bloom-
rclo n e t eli nalry e p N ;s i gc h e t ti: o th e e e c e e lke s tn i n d le s
o ' a b liOn Ali h
a lima and the only onambleb la alaia mme time all
'poorarlal and entirely larnalem. Prepared only by
JULES HAIIEL, Perfumer and Chemist, '
PM etiOnlit3l street, Phila.
For taleaitheleaale and gad by B. A. Fatinemoel
Sr. Co , and R. E. Yellers, Pittsburgh; and Sohn Ear
gentand J .
Walt Paper W •
N ' bIAAKfir STREET, between Third and
Soarat street. Pittsburgh, P. 1110. MAS PAL.
DIRK would respectfully call the attention of his
Mends and customers, to his elegant extensive and
general stock of marehandise. It will be Sound to cam.
r it.tte i" r"altell f s
l'or'"="Dt nraralooVraig
Bea Chambers, Collating grow ~ Ztre.,,ranging from sit
andto 112 a firer So a dlvorsity of prices
and qualities can hardly lan to suit the circumstances
and tastesor parchment who may favor with their
patronage, t he old established nand on Market street.
ina never failing Palo Destro) er, and certain core
B, Meld., Piles, Sore and Inflamed Eyes,
Crate. Wounds, Breams, Inflammatory Rheumatism,
Sm(melliness S
ol prains, Sore Nlpples,Broken Bream, SIIII
nd 'lnveterate mores, and MI cutaneous
and rellaMtatory diseases.
Counterfeits OfDALLEY'S EXTRACTOR in the OLD
WIMP?. flood the market. Shun them es you would
poison!! By baying the article in the NEW DREGS
yen avoid the danger of.being imposed upon by roan.
terfeits. are certain Of getting the Genuine,.l gam,
moreover, near 30 per cant on the average.
Colltloll to Dealers.
GLOSS imposition le practised upon Dealers, by un
serupolone operators, who pet up the counterfeita
Is a counterfeit of the old wrapper, mixed with
and thus offer it
boxes of the genuine in each duen
for ulc at a sedated price! This sure emetics many
-dealers; bat the confiding, innocent Glummer. who
uses the spurioes article, pays pernslG' Riffering,
pun, unsightly marl and marks resulting from severe
burns, wounds or roan and often loss of life itself,
are the consequences.
Case to Paint & la lag Particulars
Of ono of the most uverely berm and injured suffer
r% at the late and diasstrou HAGUE STREET EX.
PIAISION, in New 'Corti will shortly be Falai/he&
ElI, and ddthmny AUTHORIZEDAGENTS " Bu
X -
lora. the New Circulars for tam
Mar, the symbols on the new dressi—Gre Triangle,
&fuels, Lion, Sun, Dove, Ee, and 11. Dalley's
7seen signature.
Avold danger and fraud, and boy Dalley's Ex
tractor emu, In the
H. NSW Dawn and units mass.
PALLEY, 413 IlloadWay, Now York.
Many P Sensual:, Allegbeny.Getteral and Whole
sale Agent.
Wm. Timex, Agent, Pittsburgh.
N. 11—The names of Dealers who procure the Dai
ley Salve, new sire, from either the proprietor buts
self. or from his authorised agents, will be published
la the papers, as a guide to the public t
icto suer clear of
WrOTIOE Is hereby given, that books will be opened
for subscription to tbe stock of the Allegheny and
Manchester 'Plank Road Contaany, by the Corneall•
sionon apestnted in the act Incorporating the said
company, at the followring places and times, when
all persona desnrons of subscribing an requested to
attend, the shares being twenty'r,re dialers each, and
oco dollar per share to be paid at the trine of sub
In the city of Pittsburgh, at the Mace of Aleetrs.
Batewell,, Pedro& Co, corner of Second and Wood
streets. on Saturday the brit, Monday the 10111, Tuesday
the Ilth,Wedneaday do 12th, and Thursday the 131
of Jon, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 4 P. M.
In the ,city of Allegheny at Todd's merit, corner of
Dearer and 0100 and in the Llorouglt of Man.
cheater, at the store of Townsend, Can &Co, on Fri
day rite 11th, Saturday the 15tb, and Monday the Irtit of
June, bet
boo.e ween the hours of 9A. M. utd 4P. M. At
of egg. deb. Ohio Township on Fri.
day and Saturday, the 1421 and lath of June„ . betareen
We hours Mil A.M. and 4
President o.l.leard of Corrunisuioncrs.
1 maylthdtr.whelrel Vest eapy.l
FOR the conve.tence of the citizens, the proprietors
du,. piruhurett City Mlle have placed bozes for
the reception of orders at the followlee places:-
1a It Floyd, corner of Sixth and Wood streets.
. pi Haiward, saw MOM, Car.l.lbarty & ?glutei su
elden, ore, Third street.
L Pilleoz.,jr, d . raffts . t m eoz i rart vit „,... id.
John P Mal ,
0 0
mm h ah Ca ' , Pau
T,,,t71. Tal Meet.
Pala 81., Canter Of Marzetalley.
(4..... d.., store, Pun strut, Muth Wars.
The il
'ur ea:Ml * 4Am ' , ee. gllve ".l rerp O f rntly7 e cirt l e y i
in barrels or stets —auk door Is prefer r a c llfor ' farel l Y.
.tha't 0,7 for 0..5.e. it i. ',info e.. , no
ucoants can be lowed, and that aria.. Can hate
fr ,. ermiutoa to leave Poor without payment.
W. hope the )mblie will be pleased with ed. ar
rangaraeat, sa Wl.ehall =Mayor to do U
thew junco.
Ingrid ViIIAMAICZ a alma
° 'W)l 0 ;WON
112 Soma .T. _ •
Zits'- 1856. N.
' t •
The new and light draught tt[2l...} YORGUIOGIIF,
NY will make chill tuna between (Plarinugh and
Margot, (Sunday eneeptedd leaving Glasgow at 7
A. M , and Pntaburrb at 21, F.M. -
The Youghiogheny In bat 15 Wel.a draught, brad
ern be ft I.d on. a regular picket. throughoduto tau
11,1.10. For freight or, pani•or apply on boar,
C 1111/Itiy.EL, Agent
' Captain W J. KOIIRTZ.
This splendid boat was built by the
• owners of the steamer Isaac Newton.
and others for the Cincinnati sod
lusburgh ' Packet trade, and will
ks..o every ,Wednesday, for Cinch:than, In place 01
the NeW Englandi No.
For freight or pseudo apply oul.Ra_rdola s
mr2o G hilLThNnk.nokth., A tt
NtrOrha:CiSti — FM .l.ET.
'rho splendid fast miming steamer
MkLOMB IncLANE, W. S. con-a
master, (having undergone a that ,
ough repair,) will ran hereafter as a
regular packet between Pinsburea
and Wheeling,' leaving Pittoburgh etry Monday,
Wednesday and Friday mornings, ate o clock. For
freight cr passage apply 0 1 1,1.J . ViaryEa.m.,,,,,
ENIASA , .01
Only TN Mile• Staging.,
VII Brownville and Cumberland 10 Baltimore and
Pau TO ftsmniou-v..--• ----MO 00
ea. Primangsrms-.--.... It CO
TilbE,idro-d'.l •bo l leaves the wharf, abotre the
, Iy,at 8 o'clock precisely. 'Arno to
liablmore, boom time dalladelphi, 40 hours.
The evening , beet travely, (except Sunday Cl'
enngs,) at e 0 Chick. Passengers by Miming on the
evening DO.; will cross the mouritalus in stages next
day, arid thus avoid night travel.
Secure your tetra at the (Mee, Monongahela
Hmse, or St. Charles Hotel.
0,114.17 . blEflglblnd. Arent
. -----.._.
• . The fast =onion steamer
Capt.D.Young,vrill as ae a regular
picket between_ Pittsburgh, Wheel,
Moodnp afternoon, Purlllllglrl3, Yeirt"=ll:,lnd
FriatroPort, and overy a Tbariday anernoonfor Steuben
ville, Wheelang, Bridgeport, Capttna, and Eardleb..
Rawl:dog, leaves Bridgeport and Sunfish every TUeil•
day afternoon, and Panfia , every
board o
for fretght or postman, apple on board, or to
ap3o D WILKINS, Arent.
The splendid steamer.
matzW PKNN,
A. D. Johnston, Mantel) will leave
the above and .11 intermediate p.
on Ihnnthry,l3th last, at 10 o'clock, A. Tit
For tic gbver parear, apply cart/oat& 3v •
sago The eplendid etentocr
Cox master, will leave for the atare •
and all intermediate [worm,: on Fri
day. the 14th Inn, at 4 o'clock, P. hL
For freight or plumage, apply ea hoard.. to
-- ------ .
lair The fine hew and manna seam
Wm. Dean, roamer, will leave for th.
above and intermediate landing., o
this day, the 13th Jane, at 10 o', A. M.
For freight 01 . apply an board. jell
The splendlEl G tamer
Wilk ins, Master. will leave for abr.
- .•d iptermediale ports, on this dal
ath lost, at 10 A'el.k, A.
---:-.-- - --i------ ------
satighe magnificent l ' % d i n
er CINDERF3.I.A. Captain Hazlett,
will leave for Wheeling liar morning
at le o'clock, and will continue her
trips to that point erring low water, in place of the
lames Nelsen.
For (might or pasaage, apply on hoital,___ ISt_
me splendid steamer
a' Gallagher, mester, will leave for th
above and an intermediate ports o
this day, the inst., at 4 o'clo,:nt boardloro
Fee frpfreight , D.."' wIIEkLED I
mail The hoe light draught ram =zing
steamer CITIZEN, Captain Gormley
hlmite been moscurghly rapalred nod
reatted t enll leave for Cincinnati and
all imermedtate ports the morning, at 11 o'clock.
ref freight he peesage, apply on board. . jell
CAPITAL 1:110,000.
. .
J. FLVSZT, Jr, Seel. 1 FL Plichath Jr., Pont. '
Will insure against all kind. of elan,
A LL loam. will ha liberally —..dlusted and promptly
A home Inadtation—Mtanpecd hy Dirtatora who use
well - known In the eontemmtty,
and who an determin
ed by ptomptnem and Itberalsty tomaintain the altar
nem, which May have usumeol. as °Satiny the best
protection ui those who desire M bo Insurr.d.
Dtancroas—R. Miller, Jr., Geo. Dhmk, J. W. Better,
N. Holmes, Jr., Wm. D. Holmes, C. Ihmsen, Gem W.
Jackson, Wm. N. Lyon Ju. I..ippineoth Thos. H.
Lltett,Jances hPAuley, Al ' ex. Nimiek, Thos. Been.
Omes, No. 39 Water street, (17MiCtMIUSC or Span;
fr. Co., up stain,)?ittsburgb. mtnly
J. Flaws/. Je.,
•—• -
.Agrns for the Penna. Life insurance Co. ql
•IFFNIF. of the Western Inserancc Compimy N;
NJ Of %Sr ater street, Plnshargh.
Pamphlets, with all seem/way inions
blmk /arms wtli be famished.
Ilashanda can insecure their Ilse. for the benefit
their wives and children; cretinism the lives of diet
Toe whole profits of the Cempany are divided
arnohg the holders 01 Lila Policies.
The dividends of the pest two years havnticen +del,
ty per cent. each year. mynu
On—On Toth.lay evening, th e sth instant, ea
Lthe bank oldie Canal, In Omit street,. between
that and earth street, a small Hunting Cased Gold
Watch, with silver dial, and a shot* gold chain. The
pencil Ending them will tie suitably tawarded ou
bringing theca to Mr J D. McFadden., Mathet street,
or to the °Mee of Tsaffe 8 O'Connor, comb of Pena
and Warne streets. cry3D
• Cit•Anklfoo4 Gardenia.
puts DElalllTFtilt. SUMMER RETREAT is
I nom in fail operation, and sapplied with ail the
delicacies of the reason Tie steamer Mimi No 2
ran. Wlomelet parket from thseiky,io the Harden—
leaving the footed Pitt streei,al 9 tdeloCt in the morn
ing, and at the beginning of each hour. snit to at night
—2lndaysexcepted. No intoxicating drinks lent on
me preunses. mt3o
ICKeheasse Bank Stack.
A FEW shares of the. stock of this blink wonted
the Fachange office of A. WILKINS A. CO
TORN H HELLOS, No. PI Wood avert, has
received, and 11.11 opens for examination and
sale, a new stock of Piano Forts, from the celebrated
ommoisetorT of J bickering, Roston.
Teachers and timatdros are respecerdly Invited to
examine • very beaudirti GRAND received with
the above. myal
HAVING been annoyed for some time by gangs of
stithcblevous boys, ionising the ohsebbe:7 ithd
fruit, occupting ihe swings to the centurion of more
pleifitaule ;hikers, tee. To preventthch from entering,
transient signors will be furnished e.lth a ticket "at
the entrance, for IS gents, which will be received In
the saloons for IS cents in refreshments. Family tick.
cis tot the season will be furnished by the miions.
The Taboos will be furnished with lee Creams,
Fruits, and all the delicacies of the reason.
The garden steamer, Hope No hourleafs the Pitt st.
landing at the beginning of each of the day, end
11150. • Wort rata Work.: 1650
COM.' Oi o , llars and tma we
Mb Ward
Eros of Karp tc Totten wart dissolved a.
of April last, by the death of Was 3. Tom.
Charley Keep, Ir., Laaiag purchased the inores,
the late Wm. J. 1 oiler, in the Gem of keep & TOUGa,
and formed a copartnership with his brother, Thee L
Keep, they will retain. tee laminate of the cot
ander the name of Kttep & and will yeti
aloe". ~g e iiot the late Grin, and receive all del ,
deleand• awing to 1130 Came.
GLUE -4e lola glue, good Quality , for sale by
mart% T: 9FILLt:II9
bet ta * • " 7 - 1 1ly 3
P"' lt . e'3F. t M. F itr d
11 foe.ale by
•bags pane lo Coder, join ree'd by
( .. y I pot bat ptimeezyteeninoli,ittly
IN liOW ta,ASA-500 bete. itsentted sizes. In
Wflame order, for sale by JOHN WATT a. co
ica__ Liberty street
;:rurtirS- 0 togs No I Lard; .
J aid lois .do;
& casks force Sider,
3 cat. Nboulderr;
a casks Illkllnj
I cask assorted HUM
3113 New. Moon to arrAs, for tole
_ jse_
_ i, f ,
.laßroAlbttLDlC.l.s.l 3r. CO
VW riton—to cas s o .
L ` ;i ~~aj ~~ uma ny ` ~`•~":n cu~'ada~soN`
S U MAU al—: S cools ruroceetTllAgarigew.?
472 ithi
for I:2e for ,, uortbint4rmla
13°T" —lu"—'''"&‘r..7--.'..1 7[7-siClerficr
ds_dra LITTLE it CO
Iit&I.a.IOIO4L—IU Aloah
j 4t i n N ii i, d3 A id k l K or n a a nl a.. i .
57 Wood !.t
-- - 1-..-----. ' " °4 ' lu eg , Tand
T ° rreiving per OtELD:f SVallitnctlinbar kyle
- .1.8-.AII s
my 1 /i f eU L
or I D ~ , DiD . 911_
t‘)LiF4,c, -!.:.---:—' -,,-*li ,, f_r_L.:
VIN.., -8 tls Cider 148AvorAVros ~
AIL-1.4-1 banes Ail., 10T Illtie bi
Xi ACDA.„,,, A I--°l"ft'n.le,ilr
ri ,
.1 KID lc CO
(Ai - LA . 11
lost TCTC.lBred= for sale by AID/7 ' ft CCP '
S - u - AltS 7 - 0P.4 wt
Spud Dews, mooned brands: d
4 -- That !ergo nowenwleme Dwelling Hants
„,,,l Let, on •mhieh are e,good Sable and
:”. Cmisge Male,' beteg ithe Properly
' end long th e wsulenee of Mrs Janohl.
gee, &noted on Webster et, near Seventh
ilteel. For torlatfiPPlT B , • ••hi B LW ElEt.:
ter:elf • • - '
. -
- • —WO /To
A RiNDSOME STORE, so fdarkot siren, totiela
.11. Third cod Fourth Motto, at' proscot ocoopiod by Ur.
Thomas Whitooko a Pry Ova
Al. • lon fitanhed LOON so tho etorb
cost door Mo. Don e. Thu room to
.11 Otaated, tad ocitalo for
oritoof d bitookoceioaOlacromood
OfflooThinl ot,orar Oa root Otos.
".• ae r
A BRICKI3UILDING, 5:5 by SO het, three storie..
leeb, t.e; loemed 131.naloghet,
iterceemely belderle o rig k grea l e t t ram
Pituburgh Feasidt7
• To Lets
THE lame three Wiry Mick W.f.:AN:lin, on Water,
below Fen 7 meet, roasting from Water to First
street, on reasonable ten= POMillioa given imam
Engaire of
I'olll4 - F. LORENZ.
V FOR SALE.—/ Lot of Crowed amide on Penn
street, between Hay and Martian streets, adioinlna
the bane and lot now occupied by Richard Edward%
haying a front of 25 feet, and in depth 150 feot,lrtll be
sold on favorable term. Tidennexeeptionablo. Enl
gain , of C. O. L005115,1th at, near Wood.
Sign of at Golden Mop,
101 Third •it., wort door to Woodwallea.
TUE übscriber would respect& ly inform the
of Pltuburgh, Allegheny, and vicinity, that
he has opened hie new and elegant utablishnient for
the sale of Planes, .Millontorts, Move, Meccas In.
...mums, end every other article in hie line.
PIANOS.:-Sole mammy for Nunes & Curie's cele
brated greed and square Pianos, with end without
Coleman's ./Colian Attachment. These Plums bare
lately eseelvee several Imtartant momentums, ren
dering them exceedingly brilliant of tone, end extra
ordinarily durable and lasting.
Also, T. Gilbert & Co's tllononleelobnned Pianos.
Them Inedrementa have • wide spend repatatioa, and
sir conaiderod among rt h %very manufactured in
Barton where tbe7 ;770r It'filmol"C.a., &Dun
ham, has eppolitted the subeeMber sole steno for the
sale of his Pianos in Pittsburgh- 'ZIA firm et Borden
& penitent is fete of the odest and best in this country,
and their mentlfneUrre for fulness and brilliancy of
tone toad beauty of workmanship are second to none
The celetnated Concert Plano, of Sessadhoff, of
Bremen and Hamburg, will always be kept for vele
by the subscriber. It will suffice to say, that they am ,
made use of by ell the great Plano player. at that
Concerts on , he Continent.
The subscribes begs leave to direct attendee to the
, Important fact of Its having
openora' agents both m
e and }his .
i reentry,
aio sel to " mo;hlre enables
to give a written guarantee with ev Piano sold
him, pledging himself to reemd the m ney in en.
Piano be proven faulty or deficient.
A 101 l supply of the newest and most popular Untie
unhl it constantly be kept for eslo—fittedahed byline beat
houses of Boston, Philedelphia, nod Valli
. more: agency for Mears Peherfenberg & Luis, New
York, the most ostensive importers of &mire mono
in this caltmer.
Sole Agency for Carhardt's Patent Melodeon and
Melodeon Pianos, as mrmafacrtired and perfected by
!Jamb & White, Cincinnati, with sip& nod double
setts of reeds—the best reed instrument, yet Invented.
Also, Gsfurs, Flutes, Clarinets, Violins, Dugleu, Box
Horns, Tubas, and every description and ranny of
bran insimments from the best makers. %rings for
Violins, Grams, and Gar Pf.
igrinstruction books for every instrument Selee
, none of presto midi., music bookabound, Plums tuned
d repaired; Vtoltna, Accordeons, Guitars, to., re•
paired on the most reasonable terms.
Slew Good. 1 3. w Goods
Nee Spring and Summer Dry Good, for 1&iO.
Wants. Lit end Retail Dealer to Dritish,
• • French, and American DIY iiCtODS, Market
street, been Third lad Fourth % sigit of the
Din Dal ittva has last commenced receiving
and opening one of the mos: rich. splendid,
and extensive stocks of Seems and Summer Dry Goods
ever offered for sale in the Western country. All of
these Imparted Goods are fresh_ opened, &rad received
per the last steamers from France and England; as'
also Irish Linens, imported direct from Regan, all
grass bleached, and warranted the pore ardelel these
Linens rue et imported by the subscriber, add are all'
pure Y.,..umnststel. Also, Irish Linen Damask
table Cloths, the very best reanufecture; end Irish,
Litton Goods of all kinds imported direct from Del fan
by the subthriber, and will be Could the real Erin-go-
New style rich Tark Satins, all colors, splendid
goods; black Trek Satins, all vices, rich goods;
blank glace Silks, all colon, late importatlont Istreneh
Rid Gloves, ill colors. the best imported; plead black
A names, per lam French &Wormer; new styli painted
Ranges, splendid goods Also, • superb and 'large
stock deride blank 13Masels Lace, for trimming ladles ,
dresses, very des goods plain Bum.. in all colors,
catremely low s beautiful geode; black Silk Fringe, all
widths and Vetoes, Vary thCap; French Lawns, 1.1111
styles, per Int French steamer, plain black Oro Da
Rhine, high lustre, superb goods; black figured Cro
De Rhine Brocade, rich goods; Franck end Eogbsh
Cashmeres, r.tor styles, beautiful goods; splendid
figured Swiss goods for ball dresses; rick embroidered
Swiss Malls for evening dres•es; Swiss Edging and
Inacrung, the best importedills Tissues ill all eaters
and qualities, now style, p l ainand satin atria black
Illarckes, Ml pricein printed Limns, new styleit. from
I to 25 cents par yard; Bartle de Loins, • new article
Corm dies` dresses. Also, a large and superb stock 01
new style iMdtt Donner Ribbons, the very best
parted, all nepw.
Canton crapeSlinwisoill eolotastrahlrom the Cast
tokallottie . Titk Satin Shawls, splendid goody, In all
colors, per ' last steamer; beantifal changeable glace
silk Shawls, fresh Importation; white embroidered
Cll3llOll Crepe Shawls, superb goody; peen embroider
ed Canton Crape Shawls splendid goods; Joplin%
French made EmbroidereeTlabeG , h onk luipprunion;
Paris painted Cashmere Shawls, picc Rah quali
ties ; summer Cravats and Scarfs in peat va
riety; French workedCarma,Collars,andCaffs,
A Large Stock of
50 bales unbleaehed Dfosllos, nom sto 10 cents per
yard; 13 eases bleached Muslims, from 4 (0 121 cents
pet pod; 11 eases Irish Linens, imported direct from
Italian; 11 bal. Ticking, from 8 to 23 cents per yard;
canes blue Drill, from 8 to 12} cents per yard; be
*ldeas full .eortmerit of Summer Cloths. Also, Car
*nacres, Tweeds Baunetts, and Kentucky Jeans;
50 cases Ant Caeca% fast colored, from 3 to 121
s st
per yard; 5 cases Hoyt is Sons l k3igliah Prints, be
unponed; S bales Itusala and Scotch Diapara,exuarno
ly low.' Also, Housekeeping Goods of all kind, very
cheap; 3 bales flu:Ma Cosh, from 61 to 128 root' per
yard; halides a huge stock of cheek. and Shirting
Stripe. Airs,
Carrion Flannels, all colors and plait
et low plc.; red, white, end ell.. Bennet*,
very cheap; bleached and'unbleachePd Drillings, fall
aasonatent; 5 00.30' blue Merrimack , t..Ylleoes, ex
tremely low; black and embleschedTable Diapers,all
price.; Bird'a eye' Disport all prices end qtaassortment,
very . cheap I colored Cambries, • fell
cheaper than ever, 3 hales Burlap, Be. 128 to % et'
per yard. Also,a largo Meek of CounnTablo Dinar.
Manners' Shirting—A fall assertmem, very <heap.
Tie largest and ma splendid stock of 'Pamela.
ever opened by any one hoe. In Pittsbenrh, is this
day received, and are all of rte newest Preach etylag
which, for richness and beauty, cannot be sturpasked;
As we have • large lot of thew Parasols, they will be
sold cheaper thrinany other house in the city can' f t! I;
ford to sell the same quality of good. ,
The. Ladies are respectfully Invited to examinetliosi
Panshols, as they wil l hod some of the richen and
newest styles ever imported from Europe. These
Parasol. are all of the nehest and most faahlonable
robots, and are worthy of the attention of the ladle.:
All of the above goods sold off at times far
below any, home in the airy; and in order to provis
rho fact, the public will please call nod pnoe th e.
golds, and compare them with any other house In the
c‘tre''saubhose'r-re'r."4ldote°ree "op': nlidoi*en;ons
tome. and the public tn Ranked, that there me tvio
other bee s he stores to market stunt, pretending to
cope with the Big Bee Hive, which %p alone the only
celebrated and far farmed Dry GoodaeatabliEment In
Pittsburgh. The subscrther would therefore aary_lttl
purchasers of Ory od e, e
that ither wholesale or math-
the Big Bee Hive, on Market sue., between Third
sad Fourth, is. now; opening the largest, richest, and
most splendid stock of spring and summer Dry Goods
ever offered for sale in Putsburah
Raw Syn.. kcal/150—T. largest and most fashion
able Meg Of Bonnets Over opened te thla city, to lion
received at the sign of the 1.4 Bee Hive. on Market
Greet, between Third and Fourth streets, where they
Gaels of every desction are selling cheaper than ,
any other house in 40 eitg. The pub. will please:
notice that thens are two other bee hive store-gen
Market elect, who pretend to compete with the Big .
Bee Mee, between Third and Fourth meets, where
the partite will fintLat all grecs. the largestand newest
style• Of Dry Hood., fresh ePened.
gr P 1 0 ,50 take .netice, that the store is between
Third and Fourth streets, aign of th e BIG BEEHINE,
where Dry Goode of every description are; selling
enures di
lit any Other-beralle 111 the oily.
TOY. = r e , i: it. isi h, will bit paiil for
HS First tweontroit
lot Bale I~J
1,, bI is Flour, te tt a V
t g ' l f y 2
imp Not Lam
Id but. do fOr "Z; '7IARBAIk II
j et 8 1 ,
St C ferr* lj brCN* r
F LA YONJelir prteAso4ii.:
V ta-4 CO_
r4-=`,Vl7l•,,Vt`Vu L'a7N+
f bsri prime B
the 888 mad CricesegDe'prari"ci or ""md
_ J C T r
LINSEED 014-1 u Int., a DaR .112r=t7ADI
FIRE YIWOF —lO brlslor ß atleAt i 6 ELD
mAcKEREI-7 1argg ignC7
• Canal Ba.ll
fot sale by
IY/AckEy &Co
%V ells Root al,
F' s " " I° ' ZILI DI &CO
- s - ale. by
VIRE Intlth. b.
•-e&t,v.TTlt°,l4'll , _e
CO 0
j,3 ON BATTING for sale by
-irkfroi,TrEb rifWAirlgt,littiturt;..,
w v tiact b 4W "diciwP6 gtirai r A . M ;ati°
Tr The
abeVe genuine Wine and Mandl v" ,
bought In Portugal and franca by °melees, anJa3
d of
omM...them yam.
. --
Eit= 3, 6l.
crtth ju
etigSNa.tomleAry394l4TiloVinlgEll &IR)
_ W.. 1 at
T -SS- co
_ _
" • _ sci
looaalhold. Words.
T. D. LocKwooo has Jag reed DihkOW H O
Rold-Words.rries 1 • it,
GREAT 114011.TAAT tIiESICAL DlllOOllll
. , 1011EMICAL comuniAvoll:. •
Pon Out;lregatalle kingdom, to Pool Pima*"
Cluyiatt , a Mxtraet of Tiller" Dock
Cum tonstlmpnon, scrofula, eryair elan. rbesnatla
patt, beet complaints, Urinal aft etionaotheert,
pbih., dropry:astbroa,'nilcs, seurrey, erseli<lo.ll
the bladder nod kidna merenrial,diseatt wt .
aunt bra, milt of blo ts itti the bead, thou and
agoo,ternalo complaints, geoctal debility, dia•
in, lots at appe dv
tite, boadache, colds, coaendbot•
'corral, night vents, • allelic orgaoici
pa. kiwi,* of th e heart, lain' f,tiairos tho side,
cheat, haat, d.c.
It ts.localldble in all discisca arising Ilmst on indi
cate state • t the blood. or thregulad'actinn of tka aya-
In the Vegetate Klngdom, m Ali•wite Deted
depaslted pleats end herb.: tooknnial to our comets
does, andladsoned to he can of Illness; and to the
vejetabla Logan= does the reuse of ran, as drslfn
the teetteel of •Di * eh, Ism for entldotes to pain.
.... ..
• ,
.Th 6 Elyrftp is a selentika compound of the most vol
stable plardasta name, entirely free from delete:bias
,and eneriating mineral tubstanter, and em a eapil •
di..,,,...fr0n the, ',at m, impana vigor sad: strengt%
aeciveipoildb* degrees . .
AlamitraCinarY caste( Scrofttla,grylipeLas and Ii
ears, e red; by the sole use of Dr. Guyseura 0,,m
mined rap, Yellers/Dock and lt.r.auttrilla -
. , • . Ihookt.Tr . r i ISior•
t rafell: lo, '
the iDlC. gee ll af peon fit I onr — S i l r ilre l e te d n e d rive r d u Tton ' t7lre use of ' yew
valuable Symp. I have kill tmubled very bad wit
a scrofua. sore, which made. its appearanea on m"
chin. ( did not pay moth attention to it at first. sap.
posing the be nothmg but an eruption Mel appear -
on penon's fat L It bonny began to
i n . mar
spread lel ths - nob part' of the brad 'I applied b •
phydesui, who attended me all to no purpose; I kid
tried every thing that could be tried. I saw year v .....
up of Velem Tack and Sarsaparilla, and cosset ed
to use it, tor' knew that Yellow Dock mason° of dm
meat valdabla article* in the ,vrorld for Me blood.
bought yOur Syrup...L . 7 ,r % from die one of cap bottle, I
could xeo a great eh la ray.systera - I tenanted •
to use it mint I was a well Irmo. I now feel like k
new Delon; my blood is perfectly cleansed and flea .
from all lapanues... There ix not a aatxtionfiat tba
your vainly ilisOOTSied Compound, is tar superior, a
any sarsaparilla syrup ever sold.
this - de Itigeate Mat your disposal to publish if you .
ii I-aeos& any one possum)/ refer to ma I shall bo bap-
L pp to alto them MI the • Information I eau about my
atma,kei I vermin pout obedient llamas?,
Gidaus. G. /weasels,.
• MlAs:kat 'treat. • '
The beat female medicine known. The Extract et .-'
Yolloar Dock and Saraaparllla lea positivesspeedy, ,
end permanent core for al
L l complaints inerdwit to
Its mild, alterative propertiet render lipecollerly•
applicable to tb.e. slender mid delicate comtiurtlon of
the Mniala. It is unrivalled in its effects open 'each
diseasch as Inelpient consumption, hemline.; len.
corrhogs, or whites. irregular menstroati on,, inconti
nence Marine, and general prostration of the system.
It Mira ediately cainiteructa that distressing nervous.,
nets is.ed lassitude en common to the female frame.
and ImPuts no ensimLand Duelist:royal smarming no
they are gramfal. ;We have evldenco on Eta which
indueek no suer
gly te rerionimehd this medielne to
married people who have not been Messed with on,
airtime . ,
Peoiartrta Dram, Or Falling_ of le Womb, of nes
yenta' standing, cored by Dr. Coy Extract of
Yellow Dock
trod been
atter avers other
Milan remedy fra,f v beenlr , i . ed vs ,,
Thin certifies Mat my Wife, aged 27 years, ham
been Suffering under the aborts eamplainsfor Iwo
yearsr,-nearly . t.ll of that thee confined to her bed. I
havefor four years 'coat:and y employed the !maimed.
teal tident that could be probred intl. seniors of me
country, without trey benefit whatever., I have also
purchased every increment tecommended for the
mire of each diseases, all of which proved worthless.
In jhe epring of ISIS, ` was induced by ray friends
to try Dr.,Gayarat's Yellow Dock and Sarmparlaa,
which wail nod for foot months. After ahe had used
It for:alma{ fora was evident to all that Me
wets improving, and (rouxdue:time she Improved tap
Idly, and gamed flesh and strength, until the disease
vraiientirely removed, and she is
now eitioVAs moat
excellent health. WTI. AIDNEmItT.
We being neighbors of Wm. and Jana Monfort,
know that the above statement, sh to the sickness of
Bing Monfort, and arts die eine being effected by
Coypu'. Yellow Deck and Sarsaparilla, to be strictly
trqs,JANE rxDY;
• Great Cars of
li Consumption.
sitlimor, Inoue . / / 8- Tf
Mr. BM:tett—Dear Sit: Tho great benefit wit Ink I
hare derived from your Extract of Yellow Doe. and
Far...ills, induces inc, as m notofloetiee, to make
the follow statement:
Atte wasting for two Tare from general debility,
whlch finally lerOSOULtrol in consumption, Ivrea given
up :by my friends and physicians to beyoad•the aid of
medicine. Asa last resort, 1 war induced to try
your Minch and having used but twobotdes, or
coidnig to mar directions, I am merely well. I
wield therefore earnestly tyro... Mid yew 0
k."l. -
led Compound to the afflicted who desire a powerful,
element and safe rtnedy. Genteelly your friend,
hi. wArrE.
None genuine unless put up in large squdre bodes,
cohtarning a quart, and the acme et the syrup blown
Minns glass, with the weitten Oceanidßen
nett onthe outside wrapper. Pace SI pet bottle,.
sit honks foe J. i .ldD. Park, corner' of Fourth and Wal
ton streets. Otneinuati,
Agent for the
&lath and Wcst, m whom all orders must be eddress,•
- Carter Bro ,Erle,.W. P. Jason re CO., Wale,
ford; Olin & CleMons,_CrOssingrille; Abel Tanen,
blontrose,• Thrum Mix Trxendo; Robert Roy,elli
bOro; L. Roderick, Callecokberk; Wileok,Jr-
beryte, comer of Market street and the Dimmed.
sinlardfewlyriT ,
_ifcr Mansura= era - Tua ItsYran Se noimon repel
Ave than abed, putrid brulli, or delkaellow &teems
hate these it is.their own fault—
they eon,, two ahillings, buy an cuticle that win
r k th ltlhear breath pare and tweet as the Spiry Air •
It cures diseases of the Gums,. spungyit nlc crated ,
and forthe Teeth It is unequalled, removing the tartar.
fastening the teeth to the, OW, and clean, theme
White as the snow itf At frown North.
Bach, reader, are the properties of Jones's Amber
tOOth DOW, n, without praising it °armlets, bee!
hot one of c ot most reapeetable and aelendhe
Rata, Ale. &Field, of New Yort., says
.1 have both “ed and imalized tins beattital and im
Palpable ankle, (Jones , limber Tooth Paste,)
van reemnre.d aas possessing all the imaltueselni -
ed for me Render, we can say no more to eonvin
witty that arm try Ons once yea will be well &rut 1.
! It is put up in beautiful EnglishC China Pets, for
; cents. Sold by the Agent, WOI. JACKSON, 240 Libor,.
it 7 Meet. rialblll4L anstalkwer
Ur ' Au soot , caterdes ire honorably smirch as
. the following are tht.attal) qoalitles of a Co. bottle o
'; lormit Coral Hue Restorative. If they doubt oar
word, they cannel these highly respectable eilisausl
'• who have tried In— ,
Mr. Geo, Becket, 41 Elm st, New York.
Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle av,Broo_ktyn. •
244ambit:LIT-o,:',rastin°,ll.2.refstV.:.:l rrtl;'
Maori gk
;V. ki.. Callen, hate barter steamboat ' S. dowries
And; more than' a hundred others state, themes* loot
mod saftee, that It will force the hair to grow on ate
bead or faze, step it falling oX, strengthen the re ns,
retrieving scurf :and daridruf from the roots, mak tog
' light, rad, or gray hair assume a fate dark look, and.
; keeping dry, batth or wiry hair motet, soft, clean and
b 701 ry ' . Zh .O _,AV 1,7 , 41!.1 6 AITiSON,... 0 Libe rt y et
i rittsour b an. e rn:e n :oh tal - cents, and one dollar.
erdkakmT ":. .
D baurrteas LIM Sam Ilwassca—lONDPot Ito
tel Soap causes a lice personation, sad a
the same a i
ms tonUfies, , eoftents and.whlthos the shin
giving tt the stature and beenty of an Wins's.
Sonnet, Sail Me won no; 0111
healed, but cured by its nee, no at Rasl seven run ,
elm. In New Von Anew, echo In each eases,
end find it unfellieg--a. 2.110. In
L11,67C11., FRICILLIZZ, or any other sk a Cis.
- The tender is twined that thii is no ti Ohms
nonnue,s one trial will prows. I could anu
s le., Co persons cured of
&on Illtss,Sols Leas Len Soot pun.— ier it,
and use it, said the render. Is again ure4l acid
not cruelly sell it for the above unlesil knead. to be
e au i o T s h a o c s o e n w s h o o C c m lie . o b nF an
, will fin this
etre- , bay , enewnletedwah any of the above, .0 etre•
ler dilators, WA,fittd this all nodes= wrote Atom
%Wein Its prupertionhhe,, iamb.
t,reoder,We:ts era flooded
smith tam you er'7ONES'S Indian Cl Omen'
oap. by W OL stre
SON, nto Lawny et,
They are not aware howl how
injurious lt
to the skin! howeourse, hew rough, how sal;
low, yellow, and unhealthy the skin 'ty
pes!. after natng Rre pared chalk!
aides it is injunout, containing
large quantity of Lead!
We hese prepared a beautiful vrgetable aroelel
which we call JONES' SPANISH LILT W/lITh.
It it perfectly innocent, being parif.ed of all delcenj
ous qualities; and itirepots to the akin annusral,.
thy, Onbaster, clear, lining white; at the name lima
stungccosmetic on the skin, ranking it soft and
eillOulh. s old by the Agent, WILL JACESUN, 110 Lib,
tiny at, Pittsburgh.• rrice:.l cents. nuglid..twT
Property la Allegheny City tor Yalu
VIE subscribers oiler for fun number A ahoiel
Lothuswe in the Second Ward,froraips . on
Commoniground, on easy terms. Income or
W. 0 1 11. ROBINSON, Atty at Law, Sta .i, ed
Or of JAS ROBINSON,. th•Prenahrt..
C A Li kir° attl IAA.I3I7SP.MTTiIS Mall M tilic
'0 CAMS de BROCKWAY, Commuted Merchants,
i B.f.:mato City, California. Liberal advances
made on coosignmeno, and all agency business
promptly atteneed to.
L A.I'LLII.3, i •
; rr Louts. IL. W. ILIOCKWAT.
rosyln:Alwero . . . -
J. 11613.11.180 4 asaraLL.,
a ceiiii.
1f..1011N MARLIN respectfully announces to the
Eleitlaeua of rinahursh, that he h. permaneutty
ated himself in tins city, for the purr.* of pie .
ti .. ciul i t s c o ilg , ..c. l. a. o n n i.l Du . rue ty
urth ;In ii 4 tl r ! , t: wi . o =o n e%
No 07 some at. __aulAtcsearn_7_
.11.013161114 Elelf.NßaltT.
A TTO3NEY LAw—trame en tomb slee 0 t
JCR. Fourth 41, between Chermslley Ward GI,
The 'Brownsville Water Curt tatablithment l
ONTIN UFS to be open
weepoon of elan ,
. lids. Many tatro..veae,llts have liven added for
tgh"enmwrcig .410 " e c e 0 w d 0 ring nn sil c ' elsr ' S`TsS:e ri rleer '. ,
eate su
' es Dr. Baoll to give the rstrence to the puhtt n e
• that his establiamcat shall dill continue to merit the
p ,,trotlege of those W2lO way place themselves ander
..,, ,
n"n Cyrt en Tittstrargh and
sTurn•AiW,ivnnth b c o n ets,alfrrds ea s y stool, from the
Swan end West. -
Oil towels, two cotton sheets. three eoreforts,- - and
Unto for bandeges, ere necessary to undergo the
woe:went .
Terin•—Fts Drillers per week, payable weekly.
No. 74 Fonr.h woes, next door DANK,
Dank of Phis
Kra t.
D mmein
Q 1.3
,7; V.r..-aetAlli
rbncear*.- 'ft:Tuft
b 7" '133
—n."'S"' WM. A mcL..uice.
r--ti"..t=ll:2 caluir & amt.
`Ktit ¢r`ktt~t
rtifits in more for •ue by
- t --- .1