The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 13, 1850, Image 2

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    - - -
pIT . TsguROU
THURSDAY 1,1011.N1110,, JUNE 13,
ar'Azvaarterte are eaniesuy requested Unhand in
'tear ft.°, Deere tr. at, and se anti . / inthndia at cd
etset,lable. Advenllactienitt.otmaericd (ore
lied e will tavaraf ot
117,7.11 Pala= It Agent for Ode retie; at ate
Several agencies tn Neer Rook, Philadelplda, and
lienon,and In authorized to receive .subseriptions
and advartieernent
llatnaroalt Axicsansze—Babse elation aged advertise.-
menu br Ohio papa reverted and forwarded free of
'charge from Ills office. •
caast Dan../ zarra—Ad scents
-ii.Viriosi?erl.ptions. for this pa p er , Xlll be re mis ed and
easarenled Croon this affien: •
ggir.PwriAzzurautuoustueuit Lorr,—Sebseriptions
at valuable paper, will be received and forward
d from this office. • •
ItT Pr -.FLAK,. •
'tn the North American aria
menu ted States Gaseur, and slam-Md.flu" .lade to, melt/alma for.
rninioti frost this •
Antlinasoulo and Whig NomMations
Ica vain 'twin cosalrs..
or aus.rtn.
rui icon 4
wont, nurxr flat romscus,
11AR31113..D.ENN 4,
Or 71Tr0.01.1.
- • .2 1:22AII,
• T. J. BIGIIAN, Lower St Coir.
IL C. WALIiER. Elisabeth.
JOHN wa.ossr,v.
raossouriso orsoamov,
• cenouscoiloo,
EBENEZER BOYLE, Nenh . Faynne.
~trotroo, •
DIAL FLYNN, Lower St w -Clair:
coom ovorrro;
. •
AssrucAlcßmnrctrirri—Munsu Cameo's.
Irla — stated, ott the most reliable authority, ?aye
the Laterettee, thlasal Cornier, that the emirs
=portlier bivadatuffs from the United States to
filigland in 1519, will not be sUricient to pay for
over one half the Calicoes Imported from that
country daring, the ume period! In the year
1649-we Imported from Great Britain alone, over
nooopoo dollars worth of Calicoes! Meantime
the heaviest calico manufacturers in the United
Slates have failed.
'What a dimunetit upon the terribly destructive
creels of the present tariff upon all ourbomo in
terests! What Will be the conwqnstee, if no res
licillignnted by Congress. That is not hard to
forego. Tho revolalons of 1536 to '4O will be
se enacted en a more extended scale, overwhelm.
leg tens of thousands with the rein of all their
chrhly hopes. Then, If not before, when the peo
ple shall arise in their distrcu r and peremptorily
demand a tariff, will Congress go back• to the,
only safe policy of specific duties, to be over•
thrown again in some fume day of presperty by
interested Demagogues.
Patna•. hydro Electric Light.
We copy in article to day, giving a farther ac
count of the wonderful dircarets eaid ut have
boo made by Mr. Pains, of - Worceaf cr. Our
faith in the ee'ruiety of this discovery is nct very
great, although it nu always appeared to us pen
Bible and prnbable. Its wondetful influence in
promoting the happiness and comrott of man,
*meld it prove to bo true, given an ,interest to
every thing connected with it, and lends no id•
mositrembliegly to hope that re great • blessing
us won to be giyen touts human ince.
. The editor-of the New York Tribune, in notic
ing thri subteet, says that he hos conversed with
several yrieutific men oho have argued that the
.whole is an . absurdity and a chest, and that the
ens ,which Mr. Paine has exhibited at 'Worms
. ter, is not produced by any new method as he
elation, but is generated in the mond mode and
kept in a priiito reservoir in order to impend upon
nisiters. - • ••
"Meanwhile, errs the editor, we know of al
lout one eminent - savant who has conversed with
the inventor, examined tho light and beat, end
:inspected the apparatus as far as it ia ewhibited,
:and who hap had his mind so far changed respect
lag the affair al to be entirely undecided, waiting
for farther testimony before concluding either
. T 011 1 ,7
The process by which this g 9.11 is produced, has
not been ehown by the inventor to these who
have visited him:for inkirmntion, this be explains
by the Aimee: that ho has net ci.ompicted his
Patent in England, where , be wishct to take out a
[patent before taking one in this country. This
'alone throws a doubt over the matter, which will
not be removed until the invention Is fully exhib.
'lied for the inspection of the world.
Tub LAT= Dettworstrxr or Dkruvrry.-
- litelast dor elopement of unmitigated rosticions
mischief, in Pittsburgh, is that of throwing oil no.
on the dresses of ladies, as they walk the streets.
Yesterday we were shown 'n sib dress, com.
• pletely saturated with oil, which had been thrown
upon it some where in Market street—the discov
ery of the oil being made by the wearer, st,the
corner - of Fourth street tht Tuesday, no leis
• tbs'a four ladlis bad Soo silk dresses ruined by,
being saturated with oil, as they were walking
the streets. This number has come to oar know
, ledge, but there may ho others. —So Gr. the 'W..
• lain or villains, have not been detected. Their
• enmity enema especially directod to silk dresses
no others being the subjects dais mIlii&I01:111 COIF
chief. We hope the authors of these contempti
: We exhibitions of malignity will icon be detected ,
and imbjected to mast condign punishment. If
.any one I. detected In the act, he will be very
apt to receive very summary punishment.
Lieutenant Maury, in a note to the Seeretary of
the Navy, dated 3d inst., states that the Comet din•
envertid en the bat May; by Dr. - Femme, of Alto
ea, wu• observed from the National Obseivatery
at:Washington, on.Suaday eight, by Mr. Ferguson,
'who says that the Comet 13 tritbdut a tail, and that
inCiteueleas presents dinnppearnnen or a pearly
white nebula, about I admits 30 degrees in di
:ea:inlet., with- waits—of condensation about the
CALIEMMIA Clow.—According to a gatemen' it
the New York Journal of Commerce, the rmaniit
of California, gold imported into New York Iron
the 12th jorte. to 4th June, 114, was f..9,teei
4.17. The value, Of gold dust brought by unseen
gem, - and nut. entered on manifest., for the ram
period Is egimaleil at.. $4OOOOOO, making an ayg
gate of $14,000,000 foe tlw year.
Divrtcotxr wrrn POITIMAL. - A well Informed
Wau%ington correspondent of the New Yr rk -
Idris; irrites is follows
Kr. Clay, our Charge d'AEtains el Lbhon. it
' basked for In this country before a great while.—
So Emu sa be arrives,the President will trensmit
• a apeciel menage to Congress, upon the subject
of our present relation with the Portugese Do.
inlnlona, that WEI IMlCll,mmaiderrbly strong of non
• powder. The ditdcalties that exist, grow out of
thneontinued refold of the Portuguese Govern •
meta to pay the indemnities to American eitizans,
` , .without pretending to mire ah excuse, for such
• injustice. Things have been brought now to such a
• . crisis„ that there is no alternative — but payment
or War..
• A Waaningion hilt: in the New York• Tribune.
Orlando Brown, Commissioner or lodise Affairs,
his resigned. Thu resignation took plate beam
his appointment had been confirmed bithe Senate.
It is said that Major biarklendot the wee Damao,
has also resigned.
BLI.TIIOIII FACTO= 1...—T6e licolea Mills GI
lett* or Saturday sole
1 The Thistle Victory, eemnienced on the first in
aunt, to ran four days in the 'meek. 'Thus all our
trot:mica-Ibn tin toe, Gramm, Patapsco and This.
de are salrarieg by the pre4SUte In the dementia
market. That. lour communities, embracing a
population of two or three theuesnd inhabitants,
are thrown upon ball work, when the tyrants el
.. many are barely nupplied with the cameo& of full
: labor. The aeprestion is felt by alb-rein mechan•
' ic, the aura keeper, and the firmer.
Tna Bressrivona. Baia Socrerr.—This toef-
My during the past year, boa distribute./ 52. 011
Bibles and Testaments, which to nearly Eros' to
the distribution in the years 1947 and I St% when
the work of supplying mini: of the tummies was
lOW T 40 1 ,30 sty pressed. The ;Wm -haws from the
Alnerialin Bible Society Noce 1910 amount to
8(12.000 26 The amount Mr the peat year isElde
200 23. which We are happy to think is paid for In
fall The pledge of 530,000, made In 1649,tci rid
the American able Society to Ito kitelirti
Ilea, was paid. The .promise made fora the
gums object in ISO. of 650,00 0 , will aeon be
The Batton traveling .toes that tut retail two
tie.ta of that city Ito cheated out of at lout $ 50 ,.
000 •13 sonny. by - means of counterfeit money.—
Throe rogues art now adder strait on cbargoa of
intoring eporsone butt bill,.
Cerrapamletico arils l'iltargb Gazette
1 Wa.ratoarco.3unt 9.
day of aMbigamm _ltamora-..Alar m.
"'go If
, from Cuba.-Ooarao of tb•
Prealderif. 6 lllnamia of 115 r. C1ay......111r.
IleutoWN I lotion and Speech
This has born • day of rumor;, and at the close
Jf it; we are in such a mist, as to be gate tumble
diainwiltsh the Una from the probable. .ad the
probable frosi ;the false. !Ate last tight, a tele.
graphic dispatch was received from Charleston,
Wating that pen: Campbell, the American Consul,
had been imnt;rioned in Havana, by order of the
Captain General, and that the bark or brig Rolla,
with one hundred and thirty Ceifatlii% emigrants,
: had been califs:tied, and the persons taker', thrown
into eontliemant. Too immediate ease of the
Connie imprisonment is owed to have been, his
makicg perkiest &Mend for the release of these.
This news was issued hero in a printed slip, which
seems to have rooms from the Republic office.
The city has beets agitated all day with this ex
citing intelligence, and with rumors growing out
of it. We Bret heard, on what I thought induo.
potable authority, that Hon. W. R. King, chair.
man of the Senate Committee en Foreign Itela.
Cons, bad received, while is church, a tote from
inc. Clayton, informing him of the unbstance o'
the abOve dispatch; and requesting him to assist
at • consultation upon it. Next it became bruited
abroad that a king Cabinet council had beta held
in the morning, followed by another in the afar
noon, at which the moat energetic measures fig
the vindication of the honor and rights of the
country had been determined upon; and theta the
mite tested, every body arm in the COZITiCtiO rQhat
couriers were speeding on the wings of the Wind
to every Point of the compass, like, the henchmen
of Rodetio Dtos, proclaiming war with Spain. But
about six o'clock came a_violent reaction. It was
aseettained that no Cabin} council had been held,
and that, in fact, the goverment had received no
information of the above startling Import, and nano
of any character upon which reliance mold be
placed, or which required, or would justify action
In the premises. Bias there came contradictions
of the alleged details, and then people coasentcd
to porket their eagerness and arixiety,and .0 wait
for some authentic rincuiuncement. At six o'ckck,
the President and Vico President were anon quiet
ly, but in a business like min aer, promenading the
Avenue together, with as little evidenee of con
corn for the state of the Republic, as either of them
was ever kuown to manifest.
Irate mom tericoy and threatediag romo.
this morning, prove true, I aball then telegraph,
you to morrow. In tact, l did make the attempt,
but was 'lnformed that nothing could be forwarded
until to morrow morning.
Mi. Clay was taken-with • suddeo indisponition
While attending divine service to day, which ren
dered Lt neceimary that he should bo at once con
ducted out of church to his own lodging., medical
assistance was Immediately procured, and Mr.
Clay was relieved from ail present pain. But the
anxiety of him friends still continuer, and the moat
lively fears are entertained that this attack may
bo the premonition of seriour, and even fatal
Whether Mr. ileaton will make his contempla
ted motion, to morrow, to lay the omnibus Big on
the table, is extremely do . uldful, as the mated
manta for shaping
_Mt: details to the minds of the
supperters of the measure, con,not possibly be dis
posed of for several days to coma. Viip.enerer
Mr. B. make, the motion, he will accompany it
with an elaborate speech against the bill. Mr.
Corwin is not going to speak, so reported, but I
Icaro that twolen other Senators have expressed.
a desire or iptCritil* 10 speak at length upon tho
general aubject, before the scheme be voted upon
In publishing the-testimony of tha Hon. Rorie.
DT . louvre:l, the Attorney General of the United
Stater, given before a committee of the House el
p;cacntatives in reference to the Galphin
the Marbland Republican makes the following
striking . remarks:
It wilt be seen that this officer, with his cherries
teriatio frankness, adopts the whole - responsibility
of his opinion; allows nothing for the suggested in
fluence of any of his co-laborers In the Cabinet,and
fully agrees with the reports of the committee,
that no other power than hie owe unbiased indg.
merit induced the. advice and opinion he gave to
the Secretary of the Treasury,' and which led to
the payineet of the claim under conaidentuon, so.
far as it hod been left unsealed by his prodeces.
sir lb (dee.
; The views of the Attorney General, and his be.
lief that MI opinion expressed by his department
had been disregarded, loot had always been con.
aidered conclusive of the question referred to it,
leads on to make some general reflections about
that office.
It licit], to us utterly nh.urd to auppoee that
the eermal beads of the public Departments could
acre give their boainem fell or speedy dispstch
unless the views of that efficer7cre conclusive.
If they did .not ;clew his advice, considering
'him, at he mart be corialueredivomnetent to ad
vise, what other opinion could they get! The
United States cannot he sued; celegal opinion of
their obllgation could be obtained from any trilio
nal, cud all the. courts of the Gutted States amid
not sandy their demand for advice, if the various,
complicated, sad vexed questions of Govern
ment, were to be decided, upon evidence, by the
Judicial Department.
Thn power, duty. and obligation, of the Attor
ney General to advise, arise out of the stringent
necessity of the ease; and no editor, of competent
reputnuon, ability or experience, would remain
an hour at Washington, in such a Department, if
his opinions were not habitually sustained.—
There may be exceptions, hut these must be of
rare occurrence.
-From ouch considerations, it follows that the
higheit duty of the Attorney General is to do full
justice in each case submitted. He mast decide
re aqua •et Iona; bin action being ooly modified or
controlled by the restraining power of Congress.—
He most decide what ought to be done. He must
follow the written law, as Mr as that prescribe" a
role, beyond which, if not restrained, he should
follow the dietedes of equity and eonacienee.—
He is bound bp-the tics of natural Mabee not to
create claims, hot the course; and manner, and
prieciplest of their adjustment, after they have
been generally or specially admitted by Congress,
mint flow from the dictate of that spirit which de.
sires to give to every man his own.
In such a post, men of the purest morals, of the
highest integrity, and firmest Fuvezes, may grail•
fy their honest ambition; and when a public out.
car, ander such circumstance., fills the measure
of his country'. expectation, it is the solemn duty
of every citizen to mainwin him. The Attorney.
General lathe Galt:hie caste has done this, sod no
more: Some of the committee think ha has erred
In Judgment; but it is a good deal teeny of an un
impeachable act, done by a mArt of knowledge,
learning, and unrivalled experience, that it is an
error of ,Oggitsent. By what comperisoti will you
compare u? By whose judgment demonstrate its
erne Is the standard equal to the tern? Is the
test greater than the standard? The common
sense of mankind will decide. One opialon,tbere
being no Immoral motive to gratify, may be as
sound as the other. Then which shall prepcmder..
ate? This is a question of no smell difficulty.—
Not haste and crude opinion cannot, for they
should not, prevail. That mind Which, under
opposition with ether great minds, in a Ormond
intellectual cordlicus bite prevailed, end which still
prevails with the enlightened and unbiased ititel
mete which adorn the judiend department of the
satin, most commend national respect It. its own
peculiar sphere. When an officer has been thus
tested, with admitted integrity and purity of put•
ileac, the highest object of the Government—pts
ttee-r-is attained; and hence the country most rest
with confidence upon what has been done as the
best that conld be done.
Lena Consoline,who was born near new Brun.
wick, N. J., and died Sept. 27th, 1811, at Milford,
P,ke co.. Ps., was almost the equal, but not quite,
of 'the famous prodigy. Daniel-Lambert, whose
weight was 639 lb% Cornelia, at his death,
weighed 601 potted' lea, but sae an enormous
man. He was very amain to any and all silo.
one to his sise co weight; and though remarkable
the his usual ciao - mess and plamdity, would neva
ertaletts manifest considerable trritatior, et Mean.
rings swarm exhibited In the gaze of a arranger.
He was 48 years old; 6 feet high; measured round
the body 8 feel, 2 aches; and round the thigh
4 feet,2 inches, and round the calf 2 feet 7 inch•
AsJack Fals•aff aid at Windsor, “think
of • that, Matter Brooke! A man of my
BITY /ROM • MM. 11.•
tea —Or. Ituhr, of Goblet, z, mentions the case
of a police officer whose right thumb wan severe.
IV bitten while taking a man into .custody.—
The wooed healed up very well but a meek af
terward numbneas and formiestion were felt in
the thumb and the index, with rpasmodie
twitches of the muetles. The next day the
man was wired with frightful convulsions, nod
lea of consciousness fora few moments. Three
symptoms diminished greatly for the two fol.
lowing months, yet they mappeared subsequent.
ly WILII renewed. intenaity, arconsaamied by do
fective speecb,want of sleep, and wanderiag.—
The patient won dled. Oa .Im'; morons exam!.
nation, the posterior portion of the left hernias
piece of the brain was band in a state of inflame
mammy soltaning.—Lewes.
'iGw• Wool'. Stables, at Troy, New York, were
bowled on Thursday morting,usd two hones, two
cartiattes, harness aad other property, were des
tr ,yod. Vao ot. the horses was the bewail'sl bay
chuger which the General rode at Baena Vista.
The Governor of fouth Carolina has am:noted
the floe; Roben W. Barnwe'l, Senator to Coe•
you, in place of CoL Elmore, dee'd. Mr. Barn
well is OW it Nashville, in wnnaclance on the
Sott,bern Courcation.
• Palne's hydro El 'carte Might.
\,,:_-:11A Mr ial,s itlss.x• itixems.
• Monde y,liate:l, WAX
To the &hr.', 0/ , L , T,s6”eo .
Among the great and wonderful disooveries nail
inventions of the piesent age, it Is belierml there
is not one so nearly approaching the mirsentsuis,
sr so full of beneficent prose's° to mankind, at that
wLich has recently been announced by Illtintv M.'
Puma, of Worcester, by which he a ettablisil al
roust without expense or labor to -produesi,, (win
pure water a constant and must In illant light; and
by which also he no produce neat stud MOW,
power to any desired extent—thus essenially sti
perisediug the necessity of using the mammy tua.
tennis for the accomplishment of three purposes,
and ton great extent- the east expenses which the
use of those materials involve.
, • The reality and practical; tility of Mr Maine's
discovery end invention. so r at least as the Pw
duction of light is concerned—and perhsPx the
same may be said of heat also—have heed moss
fully sod satisfactorily tested -
The principle, applied as prescribed, milli ibly
produces the promised 11,111111,.; an that the none may
be regarded as not distant when the whale may
securely sport in his native ocean, whentire oiXtl
beds of the earth may rest ftvever undatut bed, aunt
the forests, “whase end was to bo buried," Way ho
said to have outlived their doom.
Presuming that your readers nay feel wain iit.
• retest-in knowing the prase's. by which Mr.
, Paine has arrived at the unpin - taut results liteli
betas announced - 1 sebum lie their intocusation
• t h e f e n e w4hrte(history of ha experintenam hich
1 have teamed front himself.
la the course et some exrititenbi wtiletiiin con
nection with the late Col. ltimitivil of the uMnanco
Department, Mr. Paine was making to the inter
of IS t 1.5, for the purpcee of prompttating o , n, in
solution by the action of electricity, he became sat
aled that .tbo long as the whole body of water
rotted the poles remained a conductive or chilli
ire medium, the action of the passing currents
would be limited, and the results dewed tuattatn.
With this view of the subject, he naught for some
ethoil by Which the atom. of water to contact
ith the poles could be etlectually barred from
ommunination with any conducting substance, a nd
yet admit of a continual aupply of the water to ho
mg to the doctrine of 'imponderability
immateriality of the electric fluid, all °Mut. to
complish the desired result failed, and theexpel
recur was ahoutto be abandoned, when a doubt
to the truth of the hooks on the question of the n
tare of electricity arose In his mind, and on tin
faint hype thus suggested the experiments were re
waved, and the results more than realized his sure
cherished anticipations-for not only wan the mat
!neon of Out water perfect, and the deotimpswitio
rapid, but the electric fluid was found to be rascal
tilde of aceninulation and condensation to nn
limited degree.
The case and rapidity with which the Water wa
resolved into its component eases.nriumillY cuSge+ -
ted the idea of applying the discovery tosomo pew-
Peal tna, end flint of light was selected as the mom
fulnPl.e.rd inexpensive in Its application. lint
the very threshold of the experiment en apparently
ineffMnummble rdneTe Wits mei , in the inability
to separate the gates; and aAein nunittir pr
explintens he was induced, by the eau...alias of hip
family, for n time to desist.
Ilut t althongh his practical experimenti were sus
pended, his mental notion on the Mihieet Hal not.
Outing t los.Fall of INS, he name to the COnch.R.lon
that rho lyye which depended an sopeous commu
nication between WI) pp des, or that the positive and
negative poles shoold . bothSathreao body or water,
WWI not correct—n conelteionsehich a sag ones
pie experiment dernonstratele,!Mitie. -
One pole was inserted into ; . cif water in
the softy: of a large room, and the other pole in
a nother t he corner.and an electric
communication Made 'between [hero All Mel.,.
ter In DM ea. Imsdernelpost4,an,f4pirng,n.,,lV
follow ed. All the order ,o• fkeontpri.rd re: the
011o'c cod ozygro only obtains.l.
The experiment being thus entirely suceessful,
a small electromagnetic epparntua, honing it sheli•
peg Lep; in motion by eltsth ouch. was put m op
eration of Mr. Nine a dwelling, and was fpund ea
Pablo iii supplying throe burners with on abun
dance of the pm. At this period, Mr. Paine
publicly announced the diwovery, and invited the
cameos to call and examine for themselves.
In the Spring of 1,19, Mr. erected a light holt.<
On an eminence in NV orresier, and there ',trees ,
i • inrd his experiments on a large scale for rev.
ee l inonnp.
idso lighted one of the Mare. in the city
whirl presented in most brilliant caltildtion, exci
ting the astonishment and admirailon bf all win
Willies/W.4i it.
The experiments at the tight house were conttn
. ued tilt
h=optember, when an explreion ocenreed
which momentarily clouded the bright prospects of
the discovery. This explosions thus aceminted
''Thal stale erection of electricity known as
',ream, produce r s dm-cunt...Mon; whole
wows as inlyw .11 'au,"reettlrb. to lute plan
;, the ‘ - slccwodc• and deg:ignition /ta
tho decomp
consennwnt 'molt. It th
neat Mot the ext..." . rci l .r ml i to was duel ‘I
gases being fired by tbe eft",
hence apyartnit that Male method yhoh.: u en
ed, other than Met of immortal uLatervance, to rebt.
vent such explosions in future. The SUMO agent
that c-airSed the danger mast be made to remove it.
But heel *rasa - formidable difficulty, nod beam•
mount it required lung; and patient thought and n. bor. The object, however, was attained, and the
epparatas trade to Over° itself, by the bt tab, ttAb
its eteratits rearat a Auer:mirage • lama'',
thyt the clanger of au expliaiva is entirely re
3 not et present prectiertble to go Wen minute
discription of Mr. Peine's apparatus. Static< lite,
say, that the descent of a weight of 417 pounds,
distance of nine feet, will generate RIO cubic feet
of the mum front a gnarl or two water---being nub
ficient to lights ball of the largest aims fora whole
evening, and at no other expense thou the interest
of the cuss of the apparatus, which may be some
$lOO or 5100. -
And :these gases may be med. en bee already
been sUggesleyl, not only fur - fight, but for you , /
and 1111 .4. 1aaling parp,set. The apparelus, °mi
sname; fur the supply of 3,000 bunters, and its ac.
lama, are how daily witnessed by admiring visi
tors, nt•the Worcester Exchange, nothier. being
concealed from observation but die interior of
the hence, nod electrodes. The whole process of
the deeirteposition can be seen, and if necessary,
Mr. Paine has also et his house, subject to view,
the smith apparatus, before alluded to, by which
he exhibited the sarongwit white light, sad no.
pure that the delicate shades my be - distinguished
by it at a dist:idea of several feet foam the burners.
And, at the same time. he priducei, in a few Imo.
ments,' an equal and genial beat throughout
Mr. Paine claims to have dirrecora a new prin. ,
ciple in electricity . , viz ,—ponderabitity, matermli..
tv, and obedience to the laws of gravitnnon. He
laims to have been tae tint to accumulate and
compress the electric Maid; and also to have fe
rented. an machine or apparatus, which enables
him toils!. the electrur Mud for useful purpones . in '
the arts andmiences, at no other coat than the
termt qf its prices.
Mr; Paine, in prosecuting his experiments, his
bestowed upon thin subject immense labor, both of
body and mind, in mason and out of scamp—by
day add by night—encountermg, trout without at.
most every passible difßetilty, opposition, and dis.
couragement--tho supercilious 'comer* of. the
learned and ecientafic, and the thoughtless jam of
the self conceited and the Ignorant. But, fall
hope, and an indomitable spirit of perseveranc - e, he
struggled on, cud, as we see, has finally triumphed.
And grent reason has he, and his country, and the
world, to drank God that he hoe been thus enatitio
ed and prospered. Htunble as has been his condi- '
tion, future generations, rejoicing in the light, en.
jcrying the heat, and propelled over centiase! ocean,
and it may be, tnrough the air, by the power dis
covered and developed by his ingenious, patient,
and leboritfus alms—will recognize and hopor
HENRY M. PAINE as one of the greatest dis
coverers and geniuses. of hit age, and UM of the
noblest bemfacturs of mankind.
In emaciation, it may be interesting to state the
fact, that eery recently Mr. Paine has received a
Communication from Sir George Payley, President
of the Royal Polytechnic Institute of :London,.
through Reverend Br. Mellicknr, of New. York, in
which Sir George says that he has learned from
the American papers that the discovery referred
to has horn made; that ho had for years beea con
vinced, and bad predicted, that the time wes op.
preaching when the components ai seater ',cultist be
cepai . !tted and converted to practical purposes; and
dusirtng to be informed as to the fact of each a dia
ry having been made, and if no, soliciting, to
behalf of the Hoyal Polytechnic Insulation, the
honor of Ire ingthe medium of its Areintroduction
into England. Your.. T.
The great tunnel on the Baltimore and Ohio
Rs 6 Road, is one of the greatest works of civil
engineering now going on in the world. It i. • I
few miles from Morgantown, Weal Virginia, and
Is through • 1110011U110 (for a rail road treett,la mile
and'. quarter wide. Then" are already spat three
&mills some 20 by 16 feet, and froml7s to 155 deep.
Hundred. of 'haute. are now :reminding one
of a new town In California.
i Theahates being now completed to the perfect
t level of the read, • large number of bands green
, tailed to go to work, tunnelling through the rock—
all of which has to be brought up through th e
emits, except atthis two extremes or sides 01 th e
mountain,. Thor work day and night —one s e t
duffing the nicht, and the other by day. Th e
works of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, in
peasiag through Wewern Virginia and the Ohio
Valley, will be among the proudest wotks of the
The Concord (Mess.) gad Road I one of the
beet ,n the country. Int income for the year is
11290,905—the expense. $147,971. It hes paid 9
per cent. In dividends, and has carried $5,033 nt
contingent fund, which now amounts to 633,817.
The road owes wader, and never did, and has
never paid a cent of interest money. Its annual
dividends have been 10 per rent. until the present
year, and this year the capital has been Increased,
the rates of fare and freight have been reduced,
and the income has been somewhat Insetted by
the dulness of business, and by Increased compe.
throe. • But tba whole amount paid 10 stockholders
dividends ts the same as last Year, within Sl r .
350. The Concord road hat 69 miles of 'heavy
main track, with 8 miles and 239 tact of aide track,
;ad as furnished with as ample (apply of can, en
gine. and ferninum
'Prince Windischgrats has declined the income
of 400.000 Poring, otrered him by the Emperor,
for his services In quelling the Hungarian insur
A recent letter from an Americar, ha Fretace,
says, that If the Government , roceeeded in their
intention to mull the rights of manage in
'that cranny, 100,000 votes will be suppressed
in the city of Paris atone. It remain. to be
seen whether such • smarm oan be accom
Tito means of Batln, II esemsi want galte ex ,
cited at bearing the account of Dr. Parkman's mut.
der, but they have not been ftble to wane the ques
tion, whether the murderer Is Daniel Webster, or
the Letpoirsple;.
P 444 4 do, 'Auto 1114
[Wrote, u
AN AOT suthialaing the eeputiatioe of treaties
were the ludian tribot Ot the termini , uf Oregon,
Cy thee viugeiatiment of the clone, to this
lyieg west of the tlaanado wouutoint, end hit
other purposes.
Pe it it..eesed by hi, &Wit urvi thoco
evuotoeivet N. Co 0,/ tr Cl
Ceor.grl.o . aeolee , le,h, The% l'reveleut
lttortzetl apple% tine or Caere coultaill Ooze,. In
nevelt°, (melte. oceerel Indian lON'. In
the territory of Ocegiin, lire the estiogulthiteNl of
than cl rceitp i¢at liing vital of the Ceticeibi
woof tans% wad 4.4140, ptvedicat eel peached
bdo. for their removal post or said motiutelia; Cl.
w. for .14'0044e:if evecut cud aubtultoinh to the
esisteigliwetegulaSug (redo and itacreonipe with
the iodine Whoa . is the utter territories of • Ibii
United States, sa fur as they may be applicable to
the tribes to the bard t c rz,L.Ty vi Ito rider.
peliWO/1 at such Cenathieeiener Or CCUIIIIVIviehein
tPI IV closed the tote Ilerelefate
ler yerveire.
dam, ii. 40 he 0 further CrOleitth Thal the.
Piaster.; be - autherintd, by and with the etiv . vt:
sea %towel of the Senile., to otoyoint
totideel of lodide Alfeirs let the Tcifitury al lt e.
ms, who .4.11 receive DA annual aolaty of twenty Svoloundrod dollars, and whore duty it shall be to
cisetneve a geuefel seperittlerttlenee VOICE as Iha
tubes is Ole rte, and to exercise end to
perforce all the power; nod ao.s assisted by
law to other Vitittetellintdeills ul Indian ot
Ow 3 And he it Wither started, That ill much
of the act to establish the Turrtiorial goverunicut
of Oregon epprevad thy 11th August, 1646, as re
quites the t1y 4 , 1 ‘..t of Said tendory to peiforui
the Julie* of Supeulilbudupl of ludiatt
and outhouses hist to receive a taiary lOrOciur, to
ddnion to the *wary allowed for tea serve:CO at
Goveresr, ba rep:ilea' sod thew the Ouvainor of
idea territory shall hereafter nuclei, Ite ;Miltd cel
ery of three thousand dollar.
SE , a. And be d further trisected, That the
Prectieut be authorized, by and watt the advice
and consent of the Senate, to eprellet retool a t om
fedire agents, not clecedlel Owe, as tic chill
dee neapodoant, tapir Dr whom shall receive 101
sat nod 'Mary el (Kama loondroof douan, siva bard
fleet required by law, and ..pronto all the tho
ire, of Agent to such tribe 01 led see 10 the
territory of Onion al Shall be assigned 10 hire
'by the Bop. riuteadent to be appointed by the t so•
en on. of atts eel, under the dheotleo of the
Sag. U. And 4n It further enacted, Thu ire law
reculattog suede and Inooreour.e with the Indian
tribe'. east of the Reeky Mclntire., to cleft pro
vision. of the came in may be apphoeble, be ea.
rended over rho- lodine tribes In the territory of
Sot, 6. And be it further enacted, That the aura
of twenty eve thatiaand dollen Le &port:Tooled
041 of any moneys le the treasury sot otherwise
appropriated to tarry lute el:rem the pin Oleo.. of
this act.
Approved, June /5, I b3O.
Invist.'s braver t ;oboe. rii.--This volume
has, lonnine month, teen rioltung rho gauntlet
through ohm. all the Isindoo pultlishers; it etym.
thenred wnh the lordly nlorroy,ispil, tor the pres
ent has terioto4ied in tire cheap se les published by
the indefatigable blr Bohn For the preacot, we
say, tracer we perceived time ore at Irma hall a
them other announcements Irmo rival puhltshers,
stating that Oliver Goldsmith, a biography, writ
.1.,, appear tinder their stus•rtntenderthe, in the
dalerein Fortes published respectively by there gen.
A pnfitablo ~,coul,,non m Alovhe , ter
Ono of the leadatg Draslllanl 1101.1. C. %ling.,/
qwwlity of Manchnter good., mane months two. to
Donuts Ayree. Eattling Ihn ,narket rimed op, and
no wle for 14c articles, they Were reimpunrit, ntni
the shipper. recently roll lien, In Manchnter at n
prolifot 12 per sent after prying their freight awl
all other eharEn
The Scott+ papers report that the tail of Roth.
any, hal not now a stoat., lodeer to the cuem
county, with • population of 17,000, there is slot a
tingee indtvoltial shin up in 'dorm. , rile,. and the
penitentiary to Perth contains only one solitary in
dividual, who was serilellrVti in Itolleitaty.
hettara from - Ita!maim, received ai,a Tr,rate,
nuance that the city of Stattno hnJ been Utterly de
troyed by frequent earthquakes and n *widen trnip
lion or sittplotrou. sprites No into were Icer,.as
all the Inhabitants lett the city before it Wail totally
The principal lemi.h hooves in flavorla, are I ,
- 1 54
10TATtiES-1 0 boolmls in store, far *ale by
abont to coven , and withdraw from Ike king- 1 t nein eirtlAßT & sil.l,
dam, civil and rel:gione tioerty being denied them. . -,.,
Lee Government fond, hos j Duci,ll3ET-4—'°' ire 6- '"' ° ' ''''''''`" ' 0 " "'"Yrd
6. largo depreguon orKru ART Is SILL
eramed from do: abelent..tian 01 11101 capl;al.
, GAI . --ip h.;. Cincinnati, Mr .ale tq
Forty throe persons were lately laden Into ens- , 103 _ Ecru), RT S. BILL .
!^.17 at Berlin for riots and emelt., made on the 1 xi tllkrltY 1. ttliCii FIELD are now offering ocients
contabla at the Open Ileurei while ars:tiug to AIL a , atemlr redacted prises. Looms from G cents
1 1 , 4 , tv. i„b, Chintz from 10 cents an; Berhges for 121 e;
obtain tickets for the "Prophele," ouch was the
. a Ich Reran for Itio ; Rennet Ribbons for no
eacitementogenioned by its production.
~ - 4per 11. ,i Ilit g es c zn . 11 . 11 0 f:to es t l , l are examine our
• 13,.° ' . " 7 Or Ina' iisl.llT ' .--Wa am " P" Tenn ertaj " corater of Fourth srir ;:la7rterels. "L'i rei; —
PI to Learn {,lint lord Cockborn Is engaged on a
life orate latedianuivishod W andand brotnerrndge CtIFXRF — % O bu prime cream cheese lu.t rec`d
, Lord Jeffrey. The hie long frlendenly between . 1 . 3 " ''' .. k bY .9
tan Front .1
the great erne, and hie Isiogrnpher—thel similarity ' . • •
of their punt:lto—and the easy yet forcible style
of the learned lord, can hardly nil to calor' an
interesting memoir. —G rrenocrk Adear.nte,
The Richmond and Danville Railroad Company
have jog contracted for twelve hundred tons of
heavy Englials iron falls at 539.:10 par ton, deliv
ered in lame, River.
Ms. ,Errcnriz. or Toe Unto:.—The Southern
Dom__,ll lend okra pro-slavery caw, such as
Mende, of pa., and yeesalp, N c., (old nulti
tlers,) are amiling Mr. ILI tehte for giving in to the .
.airjuntment," hut Mr. Ritchie ts giving them
courageous and effective blows bsck in his paper.
The Egyptian Mommy unrolled at Baton last
week, by Mr. Glidden, which was believed to be
• female, is proved to have keen a man.
A CCMOSAGATICCI or Eultue.—The Hempstead
(bong !Aland) Inquirer, publishes • list et the mem
bers of the 000gregalion of Itev.
eot Greeue, in
Sufolk county, who ate Ryer sepy years Id.
It includes the name of bee person, over 100;
eighteen over 90; fifty one over 60, and forty five
i over .70 . /Far• c " .. g
The bdini it. gig; Orleans is once more in ope
ration" and it Iseipeoed pf dollen will
be coined this month, at that estealiittatent.
The Delaware Whia Bute Convention assent:
bin at Lewes, on the 25th ult., to nominate can.
didates for Governer and Congress.
Another tractariao, attend only in rank to Mr.
!arYlitattchas gone to Rome to abjure Protestant.
us. •
Louis Phillippe Is menaced with an attar* pf
dropsy In the chest.
A Wast.tor Tatxr—The Cleveland Hetild
dates that Mr. H. N. Ward, of that city. a man of
wealth sod prowlera good standing; has been
proved la have committed repented thefts. A an•
clot apartment to his barn wan found full of stolen
A tobacconist in St. Louts, whose till had been
frequently robbed, in order to detect the thief, so
arranged a loaded pistol that it would be dbl.
charged on the opeetog of the till. On the next
visit of the thief, he reciived the contents of the
pistol, and was Mond to be the tobacconist% own
apprentice boy,
The Board of hihnegers of the Washington
Monument Society propose to Celebrate the ape
pt•nschlng Fourth of July at Monument Mum.
Washiornn. it is understood that a procession
will be formed, and move from the City Halloo
the tdonumeet ground...where the Oration wallet
delivered by the lion. H.S. Foote; when it is ex
pected • collection will be taken up to aid of the
great Mont= tot uow in the muse set erection.
Loos Birevasees.—.lotte C. Salient, ' convicted
at Si. Louis, of murder in the second degree, hes
been senile the State promo for
_fitly yearn, and
Thema. MeDumilti, convicted of robbery,. for
tamely yeses.
lama K. Bovan, Etq., editor of the Carlisle
(Pa.) Democrat, fiat returned rarely to his duties,
Mom* •batin DO Natal than Williamsport, and
never littaint hit any idea of going to Cubs with
ibotuvadcra . I
Foiatm Paa.nplVis —,The United elates Depart
mental. Stale have information of a forgen , and
aide of blank panaporta, and hove given notice that
hanks are never unwed, and no person Ls pormit•
Lod to cell and.
Con oY FASHIONABLE Barrizeo.—The gum o
aix. hundred and fifty dollar, la naked for an otdi•
nary house, and dll more ordinary furniture, fu
three months, at Nearpert watering place.
DIVT£ZATX Fnurr.—The Rio Grande &aline
or the 25th ell., gives an seeonnt of an slimy be
tsysen two gamblers, D. W. Shopshire cdt.l
Alston, at Rio Grande city. Roth parties wer.
armed with pistols and bowie knives, and aßer
desperate tight Shopshite was killed.' STATUS or Eva, on board Mb " Weat
morcland," which was wrvoted near Cartbageni,
00 the coast ol Spain, not long ago, has been got
out, hot a the vessel bad tittGU full 01 putrid Wa
ter, far • womb or more, of Canna in a damaged
state, more or leas.
Another scholia Cressosc, sixty miles shove
New Orleans, had cornered on tho 10th sit. It is
represented to be 100 yard. vide, rod the water
is rushing through with great velocity.
Lather Severance, of Meier, is confirmed av
Commissioner to the Sandwich Islands.
Six tbouoand Tailors Oro expected at Newpor ,
this season.
M. Hyde, otNew Yoik city,lt Ie elated, Le to be
added to the editorial corps of the Republic.
A COURDIAI in New Ydrk city, lately th.
Burn of $175,000 bequeathed to him. An Oct to lb.
drama of life whieli he would nu doubt like to re
flare Jest teethed large addition, to their
Imported by late packets hero Itcgrope, and to
which they would erpeelally cedilla, attention
of purchasers, beneviog their very exten
sive stocks and low prices will gave
ratite satisfaction
mayßelher ITT •
Dentin. Cotner ofrovnit
and Decatu
ea r,
loilitoi , oullatli is Ilaisittiry.
DU, U. 1. h'rEtrilNS, Woof Cowen, la ptepafed to
PLOININNINIt SAd Eel Dunk Tome try whet. and Patti
!if sets, aspen Ju tam or A tatorpherte Section Pintas.—
Teetakanalmaan IN eioNII4INVINN, wham the.serre ts
ttaptivol- 111001 and yaotelettee noel door to dm
pfhet, Nlretl, Ihttalwralt.
Al'Eaddep. F. 11. Eaten. 1519
of ik• Poet •03 /Loki* Cared.
84,-1 am &Lamm of teattng anown to the
public thc ;mat min. ea, of year PICrItULCULI Ia my
ywa cum, mptnlt was a Ncp , all maid of the Met and
ankle; Lyem Lmeormp atnehlng, Ca skin 'parted
tFithtt, 4.4 left NNINN/g Let 4.i La+. mtatme.
elyested 1910 {aid up uO Ytat<l Irma tie effects of
44i! apttl, La! ac appl:e4 the l'etroteum freely, Ly
nleani of aliened Moth wathirated wilt it, at Lest, the
tinyltenant,hl:lo padfLl, lout tat a very Mort 4010 the
PO. 4 ,1, 444. I had fte tosta.tu mac 1t,,, aryl - we:di:
In Gym Plea* Prom Om Lg. NI , !...PP:!mame
Prtioltwan, I ININI this WV, Nil 1011,).. I twi pteemte
ih ytalta; flues fait. tn! !Le km... l "W od.fl!!trmcm!
add OIN 1011101.1 ILey alaont4 be mate NNW..
(nqul4 ttLd Lemmal. alley by the
toe Fr the /LI 14/44, fnia witlrh lam a
frmitmat ranter arth.g La my buena. ei ...Goat the
Oi.gIlIc• L would ...commend-It as prompt
anJ ectteln ftthqy Iw Lunar I hem ore' It hewn
.I.Ntoma.) I if CUE, Enotmer,
Alimsamy Co.
VsllsLaspL, Ay4l It4l
ilPt sAlc Ly Bclrar 4 I4u Dowell, $4O Woo' strLet;
ft k: Woc4 et, U II Cony, Allryuelly cAy;
O A Filiuit, AlkyLsoyi Juuyi, Ituvriatt, AllrgLsnr
ylqu Ly tuc prkplieor, t , 14. II Elt,
L 14.10140. acre, sl, THALLoryn
' IAt• gore! Anwil.
IristAablo 111. list
erperiot to soy
tl.e vulme
In - 14 WI...Ws 1,6* :P(4.64.
csu tc.cdy Wt 661 ' 61 tlW mytt 6
gob 1. km" tc, a ow sck.liowle4e ,
curdi:tue of tht •vcr.6lkical
1.1.110il I. rosy ; to1110.17;rol 411unduou With rlO u
picatitol rueull II 1.4.4 never( broil tilel without yr
docing 11.0 1/..l.lemourdsci romyouudo4 or
011140 awl! trumswit pb )otelas., he our country,l
tbo pudwine Which setepee, skill, and rxycnejar
oiler. to bunion 'Oaring. Call 1.1.1 Villa.< • box
tr_r Nur .•14 by J. KIVU a en, nu ca wi,od run t.
1 10.4/.8
1106 - 11G - IXIMITVIIO3 III
). 11. 1111111414 •• • •-• A W. 41A111:1 4 ,Fre`r.
Othee—No• 41 0 tt, Ora., In lie leo rr ion, 01 e
J. 1114 ANT.
?VIM , (HMI PAN If la now ii pow. lo
Ind. , of rid, ids houLec Nanulactnro . L. •gannl•
Inn ICII/Indlne Wore, and 1n r•we.
All 01111/10 rinaran.y for floe ololoy and inn 4111 ol
ILe 10•11114110,41.1 allowlad In air r Lao n. Orr LI IFe
WWI, wlla aro eltlaersa Ploorura/, 'artl nod
favorably known fur In
u knee,
Inleillgentn, end Integrity.
Iluswy, Daraley. Wen Lar
lwer. Jr.. Waller Bryant, Hari U glnr, 1,, 0w
Ilmoluol, Z. Kinsey, It Ilarbuogi, In id. knen.
M.AUlillE U.
On the 11th indent, by Ile, O Fooer. Mr 1 N.
Ort.ln, to MI.. Margaret Ct. Coe, all of Woe Int r ?a
=l3 Inform the public thee Mr epos Black,
tuy brother, whom appoiliird Ilßeutior the
settleumnt of my buMuces tams, m attorney in ler;
Mr Inc, smtbdrawn his agency , end butmem
eueueetml With my s finite will be sertMcl by myteir
).:1-4110 CIAM.I.INE SMITH
Micas' DI ttt.p
11Fg1:11741Dr,;bette.,d.atya.:1,r,e.s,hp.,trtnr,teLe t,,o.(o)ltlieuM
ial3 75 Fourth at
Patois( Blair Oil Cloth
McCLINTtiCk has received thn day, at his
• V Carpet Waal/oute r No TS Fourth al, 4511
ClOth Covering of very trandsoine rooter. anti color,
to which ors brew. the unenuon or put - chosen
t 1L , C d 1 , 1: , 1 . 1 , z t i c l e , n .
Imperial tlarpcts, ID whw.L wu itsvate the ottention
macho...vs jcla
/10FFEE-1110 base lIIn Nor arrived, for %ale cr
etra,rtgnment, by. OTA ITLI lk
rel 3
menl by 1,3 TAAFFE.kII.II,.No:4II(
110 111./It:DER.rI--40brIx ROl.ll Cement. Inc salt by
Irlll TAAFFG h 11 , el1NNOK_
QM/A ASII-22 coals receive/ aril for .1.1- by
110A119--ntiO,WO common in morn fur .de by
ll )el3 &
• rinlearrac
tadki do, in store, Int nate by
_ _
MOST valuable Fawn on the Ohio River; 2l miles
A below Potabutgb, containing 113 seat., a large
proportion of which is in high caltivation, of which
about 44 acres re Drat rate neer bottom, and the
°minim prima up l.nd. On the premises roc erected
a constant's' rat stone dwelling, occupied as • tavern
on We Beaver Road, with a stone and Ironic stable
and Darn, and floe bearing orchard. The property
Room on-the Ohio River, and tint Ohio and Ponnsyl-
O? , RirtGt IP{ Of
We dwelling halms, end is one ri We mos; 1.4.40
and saleable estates between Pitt.bargh and the
month Of BnaVer—distant 4 miles from thr. hales.
Terms easy. for which applicauon may be made to
ths proptietor, at the moth of Beaver.
GEN. ROBINSON, Pumburgh._
A Nov and Urfa! bnprcvantal Rai.thq
wiaff mm. iY 4V *^4 Ciugm..
- . - • -
.„. ..„,
..„. ,{ _ t/ _.
city n I ns eco4oinui, u f c tim .t. ,
i s -
are very easily pat an and kept
running, not being liable to get oat
of eviler or to be ,deranged.
No Miter pumps produce so goodl
•ri ehnet urc toe utt• Ill/ if matey,
for these atlllitb II (loan Me IN> to
the bottom Aim keeping It lively
and freak ake spring water, wliMh
owes much of Its sparkling entree
u ip th —.-digager;;,Canb44tia.w:litjef
"terwa ailing to • feet I when the pump so not too..
Wherever they hays been geed, they love given gm at
auli•factior and am, Indeed, for raising water, the
best pumps In the world.
One of them pumps ran be seen at David Pressers,
In Birmingham, opposite this city, who will. attend to
orating them in, or give directions. The pumps are
_Bor. Second ir Wood its, rivsburgh._.
pII,QPQSA; f II V 4.113. A trMALE.
41111 P. eleventh and twelfth sections eV. Act of the
J. General Asaembly of this, entitled
eit Supplement to an Act entitled an Act to err ate a
Sinking Fund and to provide for the gradual and
certain extinguishment of the debt of the Common.
wealth and to entwine • loan," approved the lfah
day of May A. It 11.30, provides as follows, viz:—
41E2MA 11. That the Governor Is hereby iwtharreed
In negotiate o loan for tee rim of Three Millions
Throe Hundred Tbousand Hobert, redeemable or
thirty yeafs from the date of the subsenotion thereof,
at a rata of inject not exceeding tour pere-entum
per annual, payable in gold an 4 Oyer, tretobannon, , y, •
upon the heat days of Fenner) , Mid Aogbot of earn
year, and exempt from every sped. ef
Notice, that propoosls for raid loan will lie received,
ball lie published in at least ono newspaper in the
Borough of Harrisburg, In the edict of Pittsburgh,
Lencester. and Philadelphia, and la the cities of New
York. Boston, and Baltimore, for a period not leas
than three months before the opening of said proposal.,
and by letter clvewnere, If deemed necessary. end
upon the day assigned for Slaloms...oo such notice,
the proposal. shell pa opeard in the pretence of the
Hover:Mr, the Scieretiery of the Cartintonvirnal, and
Auditor Geaprit, and t ot loan shill be meat ed to
the highest bidder or hidden. If the unman of the
bids shall exceed the sum of the mid loan the same
shall he doitributed pro rata amongst the highest bid
ders, hat if the whale of said loan *hall net then be
taken the Governor may renew nottea, In the manner
aforesaid, from time to Lane, PS the whole amount of
said loan shall he valiscribed. Ntl tone Moan bids
shall he considered; and -22u2 'Weeding aueb toe6tet
alerts pan thereof, certificates with coupons for the
interest, shall ha iseacd therefor by the Auditor
Sans". 12. If the said shall be sulmeribed, It
al i en Le and It is hereby appropriated for the payment
andel i 6,
ot the lauded debt of litre Com
monwealth, on. due, or to biieute dife, dnitie the
year ORM thoosalld eight hundred and on.. for the
payment of the earn of eighty arc thousand one hun.
dred and tote ilibure and eighty eight cone, toe to
domestic cretinism
In pursuance of the proms..a aforesai, notice is
hereby given, that proposals will be reeemed at the
o gle, of the Secretory of the Commonwealth 0001
4 o'clock P. N. of Tuesday, the II •day of October
Inext, stipulating for a Irian to the Comnienwealth, (or
the purposes set fur th In the said Ani of the mat o
three millions Ott. bemired thousand dopers, redeem,
able In thirty yearn hem the data of; he Subeeription
thereof, at a rate of littertal not exceed i ng four pe
. cent pee annum. payable in geld and dyer, semi
II anoly, upon the beat days of Plebratry and Laos
needs year, and exempt tram .kerry Week. , Of Ma
Certificates at sk thr the gala loan, with coupons
far the Interes tw in e _aeued In the usual manner and
made tramfferable by the owner, on an books of the
Auditor Gateral l e Department..
prOpOsild will lie maimd to state expltetly
the amount offered which chill riot in ony ease be
lea than one thousand salters, the rate af Interest not
exceeding roar per eat, and the premium Proposed.
Toe State manes the right to accept the whole or
any part of the am offered unlace the, proposals attpu
late to the eantrar•
nide for the lean meat he direct and explicit. No
eaudidenal propagate will bc received
Upon the seaplane, of the proposals, the money
mart be paid into the State Treasury, In such manner
as shall be diteated by the Governor.
Cernficatie of awes will be issued In ouch amount s
may be rajuestou by the lenders.
Tto proposals to be directed, under wal, to this
°Dee, endorsed, "Proposals for Lem" They will
net ho opened or disoload until the petal for resole.
to , % hp. s a ,,stapsed; star Saab no attendee la the
terms will be admitted.
A L BUSSELL,Seeretary of the Committee.
..-Seenstarre Office, Danaher& June Oa, Ina
1-IOFFEZ.-Ihn bogs for ale by
FAMILY HORSE tar sal j l i mu i ti t Alle c utd
a Wood strut
font—Aledlrrr 1 Donitonlm And IllonrY,
roses—Trowel. In Piltewlm V ouls. lOwso.
it t oomowwille All.llO as Died' Fsnriew.
Hootto-.7 T he
Amok.. Posltow Yard, Woo.
Donnell—The Yon'lro DookOlowo
Fletcher--Nmew.A, A wwyo, and , , „ ..
Markay—l'opolor Deluwion vols. lenso. •
Tholemo—A motel. Font Coltonst
Knotty—Cltesnleal Toohnolcky, V nal& Moo.
Openeor-7 Fast
Darlitoon—klemotiols otMoron and Mont. 0.
!Ar Ilhun—Nineveh and Its Rea 00
iotr o llustrated, nvols
Avossto—lake Superior, 30th ed.
h coley—Dennis.' Reeeipt Book, 11rno.
FomenteAlcoholic Liqor., 12rno.
For ode by JAMD I 1) LOCKWOOD
Bookseller & Importer, 104 north 111-
Chalata Tea.
IFiC , F . F ‘ V v y , :D r,t a o t . ilLa Fitubargh Family Grocery and
5 hf ebto dennine Fistulae CbolanTosia in 9 ospapers
6 do ebalen Powchong Teirt o 9 on papers;
5 do do do do 7oz dot
The aboye etlebrawd Block Teasere received
direct front tbe importers, .41 will WI sold au low as
they con be purchased in the cut, with the addition of
(Ids hi, w bore. le or retail, by
VA Liberty st
N F•"' M ACKERE L-105 brit No 2, large;
5 brit Not, do;
5 brit No 1. do;
10 bf ben;
20 brit No 1 Herring;
16 brit Nob Shod;
Arriving and for tale br
Irk'__ JOHN W 417 k. CO
• OTATIjES-4CO b.bets in .are. for aale tir
13RT, '71111b,413
C ° " ;ilott2l . '61 7 11 JOHNSTON
SUNDRIES -Ixl7 Dann noulders, in balk;
east.; flaor,
5 essill Steer,
G colt. naafi:Yrs;
4 omit. mooned;
51 ti.le Lod;
2 half bets in
70 tacks Feathers;
1 sack Ginseng;
To arrive oo menace American Pot, far sale by
tell Water and Prost at
LOIL-4 casks, a prime article, Inc reed
v,dfar..leby iel2 &IV 11d111.12lAUGII
. 13 &CON entkajesi far dale by
Jett Sc.:l9 HARDAUGH
milEeundorsigned Commikalonen. named In the Ant
I of the Oenetal Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Emoluments, passed Match 21, A. II NHL hereby
rove nonce, that they have roomed a soirmient num
b., of unable books for subscripuon to the sleek of
the Einsburgh and Ptcubenville Rail Hood Company.
ant that the .aid books w i ll be kept open ...ding
to late to negate subutiptlon• for the stock of Ike
mod emu oany,nt the fallowing place,
At the Exelianae Hotel, in the oily of Phisbutgh;
st the Loom: of Alesunder MeCandlesa, to the miler,
f Nohlromen, Allegheny county; at the house of
F. lbedord, troth e village of Durgetimown; and et the
owe of H & 1 . 4.1.111g10011, 14 the village of Flounce,
Wmhienton county, from the hours of 2 A. is. to the
hour ~f 3 0.0 , Open Moralay,Tocaday. sod Wednes•
day, the lit, MI, and 3.1, day• of July IPSO or moil tax
men thousand shares then bare been subteribed.
Milan 1850. liCkla
Two Daily Macs Express Packet Boats,
Via the Central Rail Road and Ponn's Cerral.
940 mile. Rail Road i\ and 140 miles Coml.
bourn Fare-1110 through.
The 'tentage Rail Road Is pansed in day light.
PI an after :Ms date, llOth immOthe Central Rail
Road will run TWO .11,T sway rrasenottt ens
eon flunthigtlon in Philadelphtn The cars en the
have road nod the Allegheny Portage Rail Road
re all new end the very hot deseripUon in the
untrT• and the inittpased opted on the moan.
pusaango• go through with lespetch.
-A Parket Boat Yoh leave everY ...deg at 0 ,
eMek, and every evening at Wek.k.
For ti.fety, Ppecd and Comfort, this to It de.
ridedly 'he Moot preferable now In use m the liantern
Ciura. For peerage or apply to
W SU?CII, Mononandaela
or In D LEECH & CO, Canal Dawn.
I' P—On the let Septeniber,ll4o Cenral Rail Road
will be opt n to 110 lidayaburg, whed Pamedgeo will
gn isiouti In 41 hour.
141.. iohbed Honing;
5 ea.k• Potash;
1 brl livelood Cassis;
1 brl do Pepper;
1 brl do Ginger;
1 bot do • fdaroard;
In kegs Alsplee{
.Io keg* Pepper:
on hos Starch;
to bele Crumbed and Polyerlzed Bogs
3erl lb* 'Lento Cellos.;
10 hf cheats Cbubm Teo;
1 0 do Soppier Green Tee;
brs no and ogres do;
de lois Curer V mega,
.rd * , :d by 3 wiLLIAms &co
ow. Wood tr. Fifth etc
RECEIVED-600 feet or 2 Inch 3ply Gum
sY lime, for flee Engine purpose.; mintranted to by
equal to leather in every respect. The Gre depart.
m.nts are invited to call and ermine them at the
India Rubber Depot, ?Ms. 7 &I Wood Street.
jell 1 t H PHILIAPS
AIR lIALLS-78 dad Goodyear'. Air SHIN amostei
I - A
• sa., Him rammed. 73 old nbolemlo at to maim
facia •er's price., at Nos. 7 a. 9 Wood gime:.
FLOOlil OIL ISLOTII-990 yds 4-I Floor Oil Cloth
rom receive.; from the factory, and for sale at th.
Warcroom, Nos.: & 9 Wood street.
fell J .I_ll
GREF.N oIL CLOTH—IVO & siparter Greco
Oil Climb, for Window I
nd.,Ha is d received this
from the Phillipsville Factory, for sale at the Were
room, 7& 9 Weed at. Sell] J& li PHILLIPS
Goad Books for 13114aar
Mackay—Fuotlar Deloalonallrols, 12nao.
'atayloraii-12dorado, 4 vol% 12mo.
Gley—Burry elan Battle of Waterloo, 12oao.
Haman—Trarela in 81beria,2 vol. % 12010.
--Napoleon and Ma Marshals, 2 roll% 12mo.
Dlekena—ltousehold Word% Nos 1 us 1., aro.
Lee—Naomi, 12roo.
Marvel—Fresh Gleaning% 12ioo.
Fullerton—Crooner Mown . , Druieu
0111dan l odl, Hato.
—Merry Mount,* Romance, 2 vela 12nt0..
Edgarortli—Haraington and Thougins on Dores,l2an
Taylor—Lady glary. i For me by
jell 104 Pouch weal.
TXTRITING I'APEIL—t23 rm.!total Lear;
140 rm. do Post for ,O 1
pyyb fyyr We by
ICE kAIeCifkI4I)I. 4 IE.SS
je I azcAvtas
ALitterve—:No combs Deaebßakillb.
4U b. O.bk , 7 br
Jell Mc A D
FtA reed by Pilot No it, for Bale by
ROOMS-140 doz Cora Ilrootris for sale b;
jolt & MeGAND
DUITER—I In' roll Boner;
• igs packed LPL fnr rale by
cyHEESE,-40 bye qleeye. lot W 4
yopealbe and eximfor WWI by
BACON—ZIOO lbs hog robed rood for sale bY
y OUISVII.I.E Ityls store for sale by
OTATGSS—OaI La received far sale by
AllUsTtioDiu c
(BURN BROOMS-75 doxen reeM for solo by
tell__ . AIIAISTRONO & cßpzcit
I IUFFER—b bag. Rio to close contignment for dale
r ARD—IU kegs No I IWO for axle by
• .
SUGAR IICUSE ItIOLASSFS-00brl. for sale by
jell nEqs-ltwegyitiHt_..
MURPII Pt BURCHFIELD have a large week of
Fancy d Staple Dry (Drab, selling off at
greatly reduced priers, elm—
/Mega de Lain.• a large aseortment of beautiful
" Itr )) l7, ' Jaennet and Swiss Muslim,
A .I.lendid assortment of Black to
d fancy SORB
odraiaai idcalla and LAinr4, to be
11 - moire Foulard SIM, at 'I
Pewits,. yard;
Ilkathiml Calicos., from 6) rent., and upwards;
A large , stock of Brown and Bleached Mullins, die
per yard, mud upaards,
Bonnets and Eamsols, at Greatly reduced mien.
Cloth., Cawimeres, and Yew rage, of the bast quality,
remarkably low.
Together with a large stork of Tiekings, Apron act
ShiillOg Cheeks, all width.; Braun. ging . lliine
t he
sb,,,liog, and 131tifC: i n Linens; together with
all other armies In ow lint, at north cast corner of
Eocrtli and Market st. leid
U„ li t res r.u.a,. else Ilororegh ofDrelveant,
() 1 6
Lois laid out by Ilemy Itlym,lY‘l; two (plend~t!
ymyy bearAlibt ttl
neor itth edy ol Allegheny, Bon
neeted by • substantial 'bridge t 6 the MUM land. The
boys emLraea •rell desirable aitusllona for private
dwetilms and manotheturing purposes, and oiler
Vela 11141..1.16 to thane wishing to patetismo real
estate at low prices, the owner having determined that
every lot put op shall be sold without reserve. l
Terms, one North cub, residua In three equal an•
noel paymentS, wills !almost. Pions can ha obtained
at 11, mica xonals. 1.! M 41101P3, idetioacar
mra A cTs of Lemon, Vanilla, Rose, Ritter Al.
ond', for fl Wan trig lee Creams, Jell Cg cards,
for .ale IT Rel RELLERS
67 Wood a
ORRS—Mineral and l l;rterT7 bales In r reed for
119 os
SREttl . SES and Bumbles. Sy J.T. Ileadty.
The Women of the AMU 1.41 Resole :on. By
Mrs. E. T. Eller yell
Aortal. of the Clseene of Spain. Dy A. George.
The Fthott Faintly; or the Trials of p Now Yolk
Seamstre se By Cherie. Burdett.
A few topic. of cub of the above works received,
and for sale by JOHNSTON &STOCKTON
17 Market street
ria.Ldley , E rri vt 1 F 1
67: 4 23 V.. ." "
lat.! from tniFrencm of Dr. mahler,by T uenry t' Satier,
01. D. in one vol. 11 me.
p 4 vvaer .t
At .1r...b . "), r ais r a 3 FtTalV.trkat
goy Libony 'trot
PIES haring been edopted end highly 'Pp . roved in all the principal shops in Neer York
end Intandelphini are now uttered lc, mar °lecturers, hirchinats, ship smiths, &c., with the utmost con
fidence, as the must perfect article in nu for crating screws.
Their superiority over any other Uses heietollire used, consists in their crating a nem,
.4.1i0n:, whether V or tazoss a thread, by ones passing carer the iron to be cut, winch require no atmigiv g
br pr eclairs yrepanaion, as the dies cut the thread oul of the solid iron, without raising it in the it's.;
i n their greeter durability, rapidity, and perfection of work; and in their simplicity and hule tre i th t ,
to get out of Order.
ratnanunenu, Aug. 17,1948.
Ibis Is to certify that wa harefircbaied from P.
W. Gales Ws right of slog his palest Die. for cut
ting balm. In oar opinion, Lill Ines am :muds tope
rior to any others ere are acquainted sifin lir .. the
purpose of mink. bolts.
Pmoutata. Log., M. 1149.
Having bad P W Oates ce ' talon? Dice la nee In our
establishment for the lan nine months, for entlled,
I elm, :we can to ea ery respect recommerd them m
the highest terms, aa ere have laid all whirs :mai,
they being so far maerlor—consldering them 75 per
cent. cheaper than say Others now in nee. ,
16lANEN,,NP.AFIE dr; CO.
Penn Works, Pa.
This is to certify list we have purchased the tight
to site, and adopted to cur business, P . AV Oates' Ca
tent Screw Canter, which we highly approve a
n vv.
oo do Meek work, and we bolster tt sot'.
s to durabili m ty ote
and precision, as m uc h as coOnowty
ot labor, any dies known to as
Yartanaltins, 9th niontb,Vtri day. tE4O.
New You., Ang. 19,1979.
Haring adopted P. W: Gate) "Patent Inc." foe cut
ting bolts, we take pleasure in saying. that It more
than answer* out expectations, and have no hesite
don In giving it as our opinion, that It far excels any
other pion in present use for cut ng ti bet,.
We have P. W Gales' "Patent Dias" for cutting
screws, and the economy of using them ls MI vary
considerable,. that ma look upon them as mdtiperaa
tile to every establishment having any quantity of
screws to cut.
Ca!moo, May 10, 12.19.
Clanteance Oeerce,,Wesdrscrrce," Sep - 'la.
I have purchased of W. Ecoallle for the Ilaitad
tce tight to on in all the areenal• and arose
I PLACE 1300 K—Containing the decisions of the
Supreme Court of the Vatted States, and of the re-
spective State Courts oa Bills of Exchange, Cheeku. l
awl Proutiaßevr Notes—defining their requisites and'
propertien, seal inamtigatime their Telemann it, and:
effects upon,parties The whole arranged in en order:
moat convenient for referents, and suitable for
application. Win. 'ono, Counsellor at
Law. Just received end for sale tot
Joluisrori r. STOCKTON
'elo Bookatllera, cur. Market & Third sta. •
Engineering, Maebunt., ten i
Weiattek—Meebanine laid Engineentur, 8 vol. b.
Vield—Chromatua, 8.
Muller—rhyaie and Meteorology, Pam
Ilatlfield—Amene. Douse Carpenter, ern.
Mathill—lllatory of Me bite Cture, tro
Fitiana—ftlill Wngbt's Guide, b..
14.1,-INrychology, Ignio.
Horse bel-1.1.. of Aattonomy, evo.
NVotida—Pmetieal Tantalite on Bail 110.1.,80 0 .
Minibeld—Mechanical Drawing Book.Bvo.
81caran—Philosophy of the !Inman Mind, atvo.
For sale by JAH D lANIEWOOD
jell) 104 F.D. at
NEW 121001 t el NEW BOOKS 1
Al Haws' Lattrary Depot, Third street,opyamtt
the Post Offirr.
HARPER'S New Monthly hlsaasine for June.
Morning Call—Mrs kinlia—partso and 10
Hunt', Merchants' Magaaine far Julie.
Eclectic Magazine for June.
Littelga Living Age—No. 116.
Boat. Bh.apeate—No 17.
Dictionary of Mentioning—pan 11.
ri<Untai Field Donk of the Revolution-pans I A i
The Stewart By 11.1:Acton, FAq.—part A .
The Min.'s Daughter. By Dieltenc—price 6 eta.;
inb ..
et n Bunn or sole by
jj jel I
0 I.LANGF.S—A &LAI fre4d tdcW erZlTinngeo
e:Ted, and far gala low. AT tho hT
/ ILifflitie.i Eltisk-- . 10 gm. jusirec'd awl tnr snia
k./ by the Lor i by AVM A hreCLURG it CO:
p ATF-YST lit:ELEßS—Varnished Senteo;
Cribnr dri, with bra...
hoops, for •ale by beg VM A bIeCLURO & CO.
. . . . ~.
WILLOW BASKETS not Webb min! far sale CO].
” • i.. 9 IVNI A hie.CLURO le CO,
R O OFINO PAYF.ll7;TrZzialobY
it 24 Wood et • .
IaACON PAPER—Largo, close, and srone.mo4;
Elorpretely for covering homy for the clarion*
=Act; lot sale I, j
1 NIMGC , -.2 eases fine genlitv for nate el I,
je9 .l SCHOON AKER &Ca;
B hi r c gTm i ti b . ltdo anaortcd, now I.ding trip stall
for .ale
b l;AIAII DICKEY it ed
Water and Front sin.
LAM:I-036es Na lnadlnr• "ad far rtheirr
irS ISAIAiI =KM' Ic cq
13LOONDES-1640 um Nappies. Dans& (or ulo b$
TEA -100 pkgs fresh and black, for sal. bi
SALERATUS bola pp lb. e!?;Ir lOO Ad.
For solo tow by OH GRANT
r st
'e9 04 Wate
E.US-75 hi chests Young Hysurt;
Y 9 do Impend nod Gunpowder;
40 do Pouebsog .od Caul.;
0 do extra Ina Oolong;
40 caddies V H Gunpowder end Imperial.
limy 01 1148 above we choice, and all will be *Old
nory lnw, to plow, by 11491 4: 11 01 , _
T" & PllOll-1 5
5 by& Tar;
bd. Pitch;
rot" C ' l e l tt l r
UNDRIE , —Gramd and Race Cutler, /rho, Nat
0 rugs, Indigo, Was in tem for sale by
jes C II GRAN'!'
ONE. Second Hat d Ilotstinz Wbecl,C tIC far sale bM'
y i
lea RA
D l yCllvl F d
" I n dirit: " Wki4 b llEWS & CQ
F L °6I 2IEI)-- '''" gir'All'i4 INAtr
FATHERS-44 subs prime Ky far .1.8 by
G tangle by
li;Uw3G-74t) "il k:I L A
LOUISVILLE LIME-74 hes for Bala by
TAR & PITCII—.?O Wl* N C Tn.;
brig Wilmington Pitch, for glee
ir. • , _ RIMY. PS & IXI
MilnsioNY .
Smith & arron's mannfaesure, _
ry brands, for wale at reduced prices by
BMWs ay, k rtlorococt in 184.7.—Dy David Urfialart ;
Ems ,fif. F. FO; sail by
M U RPHY & Sill SCOFIELD have jam received
new style Foulard lialks,yery cheap; nob, plain,
and figured oinks/sea/de silks, at almost every ftyle
and quality; super plain andgured black silks; do
Washes and tissues; Larose de kiln, new and hand-
Lme styles; news t)le French, English, and Seism!,
awn., In great variety, and at ves7 low plans;
plain, figured, and win striped do lain., of all binds
and somatic.; linen lustre. of all shades and coleys;
gingham., ehintses, prints, Ake., at north east coiner
of Fourth and Market meow. WS
Ilooks—Ge4lll 1.1 are.
to U.. 4 Nanufacturei am.
''.o.—riatuulail of Nature. 12mo. • .
Cifiliur—araorloos and Re:anion. amo.'
Shaw—lha lah Linnotem.
Davis—Leaned.. Maui:
Lryant—What 1 Nan in California.
Si. Pierre—Pantaund Virginia. 2 vole. lano.
Almot- Letters to Young men. 12mo.
Rurnap—Rectitude of Duman amnia: IDino.
Verioour—Mcdern French Literature:
Neernbani—llumati Mll44llelitFA.
Humboldt—Aspects co Nature. •
il.dnr , P—;;4o2, - ien; Recnamem.
104 Fourth ut •
EAVINti divided into ...ions or moans 0! from
two and a half to • six ge m each, the meadow
~ of the celebrmed Braddoek's Field Farm. situ.
sled In Allegheny county, Pa ; on the glosmorggela
River, nine miles from thecity of Pitctat.,a,l now
offer the .seid sections We sa l acamnaualming
IN V loesqyou to attainably sultril far country meals.
fo o r gartliol, or for a rnanntsetarleg distnct. , The
toting around it Is hefting, productive, and ditekly
settled. Abundant !might* of teacher, beak tiny,
limestone, coal, end writer, are oil the place, and In
the neighborhood. The reentry, too, Is lovely. Al.
together, the location lc beautiful and renowagg and
for •nricity and combination of ad Nuntogao, almost
Braddock's ••• aver months, will , be arcea
sikle Pitfatiurah, ever three leading thorough.
lakes. Already, by the Itionongabela River, ream
boats almost hourly pare it, or slop at chis wharf when
The Pennsylvania Rail Road, which I . 4tkaWAseing
graded, is located directly through pie route
it *II he reached in twenty nii4ntce time, from the
city. The Pittsburgh aq' {haddock% Field Plank
Road, for rime tlfpluteber hae already been con
tracted, fdria one of lit atreete. A drive of an' boor
from the city nu tins route will lead to iL
Ferinos wishing to lunches° will find me here
every Tuesday. Thawday, and Saturday Eternoorm
Shrewd Folsythe also, who now keeps • public board
ing house in the large braet mammon, will thaw the
properly at any time Plans of the guunda Oa be
• een etmy office, COMO! Or Woad aep404.11.11 streets,
Pittsburgh, and oleo aldra d d_?ak`a Fkid. '
je7:dtf ' " hI P ,I tV BURIIANAN
PiroyTerry for Sale by Auction,
at 2 i'clock i will 1.4 11014
O N on Th lhr pi n e Y mr!::, ° 2 2 CkVoods• Ron. a Ross town
ship, five valoable lots of lend, of various siossicoirt
png upwards of a1um...1.92 os in lot. instable
Inc garden and other prirpoxe., niA good
opportunity, to 12022 VI. •1222. • &meet
country Lesideu hoitog bola toirrtilbuince from the :
cities, mut irii?lfilattilyyn the new route of flit ifirever :
Boa Th locationks eminently Osumi and Itintlib
fol. and rho property is abondently replied *iib cx.
cononi moat. of sow, one third cash inland,
and the bob. pen to three annual payments.
A .plon of the 10., and farther partieulare laity be
obtained by application to the proprietor, Wm reeky
n the promisee, or at the office of Robt. PafiMi
Allegheny city.
Also, at the time time, will be giSliseil Doi say,
three Lots In the oily of Atte:bevy, yt., a, the sorter
of Beaver lid only
ng, hving 19 feet *bat by
90 feet, to en Oqey 10(e. be hind, (the stab pr e p..,
Were 44 already setj and eye lot on Kmpum
haying VP Into f l oat by fb feet Terms of mile tho
same us aboTe. waaanni LEcK
hionot Ito m
-.6.,kir4W0(4) LEAVF.B-0 G..-Gnetiwood
For sale by JGGNsitO.l
INSVEit and w Kemal.; with ml &mots of a
visit to the Chaldean Chriatia. of Kordiatath and
tog, or Devil W•roipperk tod an !poetry
Into the manners and arts of the =ikon Any Vans.—
By A.dn HearTl4.7ard. TON sate at
Je7 Book Store, eon. Market &Thad eta.
Lloornal, Pos4Chiesi
~el . e . ,k Amerlean,aspy.)
V Agency at 53 Wood street.
tie. under the capervision or Oro Department, P. W.
Gala `Patent t les ^ far tunic g selewe On 1111.1.1.tht,
Laving been uled in two of tee large arsenate, ene
found to be very eflSeleut and excellent
A. TALcurr, Cul. Ordinance.
Homo of Yonne eat, Dorn, I
Weiamosos, !Wept 03, Ire& S.
t Considetlna Gabes , Patented I.mpmeanest for eat;
Tina strews on metal tube a • alliaolo one, I bane, by
intbottty of the Honorable fkeetetary of tie Nary,
Oureboeed of the Attotatryo of the Patentee, Wok. FL
tkonlle, and Fluovel Mower, 1. eti ,tho debt to &nate
'and to said imetoyetsent for the U. 15. Na•p7
; . JO.SEPII snarls, Chicle( Harem
i In aro .Ito by •• r .
Iketlitio Works, Ihatialoi . .
Rene & battle's, Rochester • ; . .
Roo lett I- Co,_Ellauee.i.r. N. Yi
Ilaywood & Folder, flehnlkW,Corsull;
.11Lrheek. New York;
Ilan & Delsotaler..Flosnis,* N. V;
,11. K. Dunkin b , s, Now York;
Den mead is Co, ...salmon Works, Bait;
- Van Caren, Rochester,
Mott & Ayres, New York;
Alisur Work., do;
Pease , & Murphy, do;
West Point Fontein; .
Non'. & We. Fkiladelptis;
es Jenks., lireedesbarsb,„ Po;
Wal•nallt a Ni....; ao.ion and Now York .
Lowell Machine Shop, Lowelt;
Am e osheas Co, Mane heater, N 11;
Lyman & Smiler, South Roston,
and numerous others. ,
No I Itlaehme,lo sets dies St tspe ft i Via Is. pit. 6=o
No 1 do El do 4 toll pries IWO
No 3 do 6 do f lot, pries 11110
AU orders addressed to P. W. UM..., Chicago O.
D. Masao, New York t E. D. Marshsli & Os„ PPh ir.
delohis, sod 11. H. &ova. & 600S.Dsieogo, for Dies
sod Taps, ith or without maehlues tor ash* thew,
will meet with prompt_aUstilion. .
CHICAGO. Mg 3, 1634. . fetdits
LArma a)vi !dinner.
8, roan&
• num oI ADMI•2I.O2F
Dross Circle and Sargastrc 30 cants
Second and Third Trars•—• .....
Gallery (for colored pc raonal•---• "
Door. open at 71; Comte alit rite at 0 Ooloolt.
CrFoasta night of blr. DLILON . E FL&YAIOND an
Four Ladies of his family.
On Timrsday, Juno 13, pill Do prmentad the eel*.
rated Comedy of
Si, Ludwig 0 Triggar••Ml Unlade RnlMlldd
Lydia LanguitM= 7 .-.Mra Malone Raymond
To Conelnds wan - 7
In which the Mims Melons Rarttiond will appant
We Cox9e again withEconts to Gtest Yon
R. U. Bitters* Original
ii iIL
FL 11. Sliter, J. F. Tatmt, r.. D. Palmer. I. Oaritner,
G. G. Snider, IL L. Moto, G. B Brown, 0 C. VILA, 11.
L.yossera. and the renowned COOL win rg. The
Lem Band In the 'World!
The Empireai as Venal", Instromental refrain,
en, Delineators of hiopiin Charaete r, °ermine,
cortermou. s
produce their INDIO.
Thlo programmes wilt contain selections from tat.
Operas of. Leonora, Normal La Youto•mbula., Dm
belle, La geom., the EXCIIIXXXIM, Bohemian We.
and Oran. Horse. Together withal{ the montpepa.
e • lan Molodies. lot
B. W. MORRIS— Proprietor.
E PEALE• • •Manager of Museum andLectura Room.
HE PUBLIC are reapectfully informed that the
Propri , tor has cortuged th e popular and talented
troupe—Johnston's Ethiopian Serenaders—who will
give a scrim of their chasm and inimitable Vocal and
instrumeatal Entertainment., eammeueing Thursday
night. June atts, Path and continue every evening day.
ring the week. Perform.ce to commence at
oak. , •
Adminton , ta Museum and Lecture Rama anar tta
OPEN[DAILY, "rcout tin
dothtion to Mott tor, and !setup R00m,23 aentr,
Round seat. 1!{ can. - lO3
137 & abe "Woad gtreot, *balm Vial.
THAT rplenctlil edablubment now eff•rld for
Rum It Is admnbly Amoped for Capiena,
etures,EibibiLlona, Ae. For tormapply in •
137 Wood at
•t the Os. Primo Stole of
WIILL commence on Slonday, June :A—
Thear immenseestablishment, w igt all their
Wholesale Itooms r - aill, on - this oecast,o, be thrown
open tot Brun MIDI, 1.2 d an of toll, extensive
.took trill be offered to retail purchasers, at a dircoenh
it( from SO to dU per cent. lees than anal puce.
TllEfit STOUK UV SII.Kb Comprise over fOlti
hundred pieces, and mill be sold at an Immense as.-
Thei, assortmentrif Shawls, lltarette.TissOlon,Eirese.
ethers. Feulatd Lawny, Masan.. Aeons.,
Canthries,and Dress Goods generally, lathe closed
•ut immediately, at aboutone half t o usual' rats.
it eases Past.Colorod Lawns will Oa Mimed at Fe.
2do ilarClee, . 10e.
0 do Muslin de banes,
Superior F.eglish and AllattiCllll Calicoes, Mt lie.
7th desert Liamllandkerehlefs, OA 7e.
.A large lot of Wrenght Collars, some as low ic No.
Together with a complete varlets of Domestic amdt
White Ocrods,ditibtrens, Hosiery and Gloves, Roonsta„
trx., do. •
Mating in all ona of the most extorstee assatameuto.
In the country, welch mill be worked dottnvo morn.
town once. than at my of their paatious Almost,
Irene Store will be elormiatiOn Thomas) muS
Fa! ay. May Mob and 71st, for the purpose of armee
irg and muting down Wet. No VARIMIION to ra
ms. my3l A A MASON ACO
Sole Importers for thismarket, of
I. nampratt As Soon , Palest Beds Ash,
:RE now receiving, by canal, !mire vapphes of the
• above celebrated article, both glue sod soap
ere , beat qualny tied Wyk MIN Witch they will
I at the lowest market price, for oath or approvrA
N. B. In ad to, the above, they have soweta.4
Hapwents to arrive, !crib,. 101 l
Wiapa,r r
r I NE—CaIiUSTE.H.:-Te leer long,'Oibed, with cherry
V top, for tale low, by J SCIWONMAILERe CU
le7 at Wood at
VERriblitY ram 114331 lane.. au hand
and for sela;by ' A H ENH LASH 41r. CQ
107 71.,W00d at_
'l.7ruediclues of the day." •
• Graham Otudon, Ohio, Mc,ir i Isa r
R. E. Relicts—l think It right, for that editor enters,
to date tome facts Wit eldion•to
. 7 444 axqqnent Fa
mily Medicine,. ! •
I have seal your lVermifute *rye]) in my own
one vial frequently 011.0.1m6 large townies
I•el 1 00 'm o*ol Worm s top . two children. I kayo
.lamused your Wait and Cough tyro io my
m IS M end iheY t ste, In every . 111.1.0, ptedeeeo
the died. nestled.
Ai I ant carried in merchandising,' ant able to
state, that I hate yet to hoar of the Mt MAIM Where
your mediated have been need t 0 anY oh.
country. It eaucialliathl may Malo Mal Uiey are mia
meaMinas of.tho nay, clod ate destined la here a ems
extensive popularity.
Papered and sold by R. F. SELLERS, No ye Weed
tared, and .61 by Drulttitts genedllY in the two.
cities end 'balmily. •
Yoe Wale *Situp. ,
(A NS handsome haw calmly neer, hoot a end.
blated manataeturst at the OW Alm, a Phila
delphia bath *amid hand dadry,ta good order.
nude at thisradme• • ,tee
Pyle* nod acad.
FrtllE StIUSCRIBRItiI w il l salt fdetaytatt'a test
ist any and high teat Clan and Soap Makers ,
soda AA, warranted saintior to Kay other brand • •
yi by the quantity of atone or apvirds (or sanatory ar
approved Plates, at four mouth% or 21 for a less quart.
tea Libeny Yee. t.
HEWSEV,4LYAIING a. W, hatnag attangei
Westone t entire attention Dow oder to the Bala 0f11061.1114.
' nid Cotton tloods, then Ursa
stock of Tailor.' Trim:nap, Nertioss, 'Previa nst
Germane/tont Ineiltiss, Canine res, De. at Matson.
nrASEY, FLlthtlYna a co
lea • . 129)Vitipl et ,
k ,lnti—gi On er
One new No 3 blaegel•
13 bit. No 1 blaeltrah
bf brie NoV 'do;
c 33 bsla Nol Ilenlng, for Sale by
- lee 1111E11 AIA7TAtIIIYS en
— Allegheny City
ging outstanding betty of Aaleabeay fill lo
j redeam.l by AllAblElt & IIAIII , I
AM., -so taus, ecteolapo D 4Rdl l tot
12Y lea I bellOONALAlilat
tilXVitela LtitilirtioliZZO las Suds -
1:1 lc; i
- yriirl.=l - 4 .1 pore brorte t r u zal;
. 67 Woo.l
MlStr an liLllB-Ital coopees be st for FAD
E bj__
e 3 • B. :MLL
Derr 11511-3 eeeke ro
Gl-13 WI., of the helix garliti, Jut ree'd,
for sole 01 the Drug Wore, career of 8111 A and
Woad street. . Je3 8 N wacKettnitAm
I.] uLLAND Pick kd rectiva,
AY • lat• Wick thl• inliket, (or .11, by
Libetty at Ilat FUAIMY Gne
tam last faced, for sale by .1 KIDD& CO
• jc3
Q Wrst,"l' OIL=ISO gallons (oracle by____
ic 3 •
ErMetik:klU-10 Wit jut 'cc
20 brio Baldwin) do,
IS Orto *hod;
30 ht Wit Shad, lo @ore. Lod kr BSI. ST
• 144 Merry a
re, for
R r " tra 'op g
reed sad fot
We by wars BROWN 111.sanurATI101
storoiiitate by
• d for mole .1