MISCELLANEOUS• - ' BARN U M HOTEL, NEW YORK, ileteederay. corner of Malden Lane. Rle rreast•e' Intl El. hos linen teased by the aubsenber, and. has been completely refitted i n mon elegant ma .n:r. Large adtliticins are now being made, wh , h • hr. errap'eted, will mare it ti.o. saw ezteesare tin c. t I pi-. York. his tbe da.leetel . Dinkel of the pro: rimer. en mate it ettnal, In every re ap.at. to an y ether Goose In the United States. Its Callan la the mast deetrable and central le the oily, Ix , lag la the fashootab!e oan of linralwey, cenventent • Walt the petit bath:at:. places of emusense ,, t. and .busderea. Grateful. fn.. -no liheret panoneee received free, hls western relent while et Cemberlard, , sod comsreczUlteat the Weddell [louse, Clewispd. OW., ha warr.elfaity soiiclis a renewel of their patron. -- are, 'Ol his raw ere: IL•hrftevt. at New Yort, and begeto amen them then every