The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 11, 1850, Image 1
ESTABLISIIED IN 178 b. PULtI..I3IIED BY CO: • •KruTsiii • [IL 1111Gler. OALLITZ ZU , ZINGS, TIMM enurr. lair Diva O rtetrtin • annum. Trt-Ween • --• SPO Wee In ■rivanne)•---- '4 OO Do. n Clubs, at a reduced Ica'l i 6 OF auvenTtsuroi AIIIIEED 1.11.4 , N1 ny T 7 E PITTSBURG= PRESS. One Sow le, 1110 tinea of Nonpareil or Ws) oae —PAD One olcr re, earl" addiuotatt thsaroon • • DO Do. one repel, 1.11 D 100 ,tiXt three oreeks•---- 4SC one montb•—•.—.....•—• Do, two months•—•-----••••-• 9007" . three menotte•—• ..... /th. • roar months alx onneth••••• • 111° On. twelve x, o pp, .-- • • thi,X* Etanding Card te, line. a••leth.) goer senora • 10,00 One no tor., ehanreabit a:pleasure (P. CIT enrol rxeltptive or the paper MOO Forrach Rdditional opeare,thatxted aver Doe month, "" toerorhadditional spare taunted .der the Igor , ly rates, half prate. • Aderrovetente exreeding • mna not ot ,, r E f t"' to b< ethrKell as meant and a half l'uldothrot not seem:noble far advertisements bh7nnd the amount charged tor title ithh'leatharh Anhonneing candidate. for Dense, tato charged thg tome no Other adrentrementa. • . not matted on the copy for a openi. Led nunther of inni-rtinnu ...11l be continued till iolbid i and pamenteravel•reold. r pr. Oleres of 'cony adventrors be confined rigidly i g their ,egelnr hosiner, and all other ad e,. fitment.. ontrertaining to their regular buboes., as agn•ed lot, to be paid extra. All aivertlidenents for obitritable_motirotlosto, fire moaning, vrtnr.lownthip and elherpthile tneen". sod inch like, to ho ebtrged halfpriee,payable ottiotly Ir advance. . - ISerriape wearne to lie Charted SO cents- Dearb G4tleel I,l*e ru4.l withoet charge, unless accom• pealed by fenena law:ebony or °Weary notice; =I when so iteceMPerned to be paid for. lie:rear advenbers, and oil otb eve .ending Weldon., or reqvirlr.e notice. de-igned to cell wen. don to Fairs, Soirees, Concerto, or any public enter tainments, where e beige.are nada for edmlnenci all notleee of private taeoeistions—every notice de. Warted to call attention to private enterpentos ealcalw ted or rounded to promote individual Intercat can on ly be inserted with the uneerstanitine that the some hie be patd for. if beendee to be inserted is tl a to tal COlutnb, tbr• rotor will be citatgail at the raw of not loan than In cents per lire. In•rop et Fist Notice. to be charged triple ' , rice, 'Tavern I teens., Pcmiono, =Lek. Legal and Medical adverthictuettle to be charged at gin price. We Cr(itc Aernte and Auerloacen , advertise stem, Lel t-• be clamed under yearly river, but to be al owed diireent or ihiry area and ene WA pennant. Crum ire a-rnara of Mlle. %%%%% eD rai•rearrerar IT OLILT tOPLIS. One square, aree lime:elem. • V. mob audition& •. 37 lOrtnitlLMLlntn 1/1 RIMST7 P/111. One t', liner,) one •naemion•---30 eta 110. each addulo. al rarerden• • • 43 -A I I transient adreielminentr. lobe raid to admen 'W lIITP ‘7O. Cartl7o. L. II lIPER Po 1. Drilrledl lllDDl.r...lbarnaL JAmlii P. DARR & CO- Csnastleda Fr *an a BROTHER. Dupamli. Atereaiy. JA A/PS W. American. )(IRANI KAINC,„ EvriF.l4 Tribune. Pr7l7lunan, Dee I. tent CARDS. JOHN_ 11... PILRHINoON, Ap Pe. street, bet te iAFnyal , Ti .. ar d, 0 4 . , 1 m ra tos:oess romp y tl • AL.I: XA D ATISON, A TTORNFV AT LAW-02ee, cla F.:11 1h str,t 43,_ cove Wood mrl9 DAVID TUTTLE, A. TTORNT.r AT LAW, sod Commissioner fbr Peen•ylranis, L.,11!. 1110. All el remonzostions prompt], answered. . ocra•i y T. IL Wird J. P. Sterrett. DAUM h STERIIETT, A TrnaN S and Coontellor. at Law—Pgarth at t betttrc. EMI Iktatltt and Otani, Pttur•mth, 1113 John R. Lvic•— LARSOCI b. 'l , tiZENO, A TTrIMP:6IS AT LiAW, Fourth meet, near Grant A / J&IIE! V. SEIM. ATTOR?qY tT LAW—Pace as Fourth street, between tOthitholti and Groot, rusaburgh. uptiv-ly ktexualain PEE,,•-- =l=l PATTON 6 DOLICEWIELL, ATTOKNEYS AT LAW—Often in Tilghman Hall Grant tt, near the Court lion. teht A n and .onday tteh-nt Booka•Ilett and dealer ottlktr.a. ef Wrpinn, Wind,w and IFranpUtu P. pet, Nn. I:l , X . rent street between Fourth and ria mond Ole,. Pe.unal, Pa •nl7 JOUN U. 114L1%lLIN, • A TTORNRY and Coon wltor at Law, wad Coiontta. J - 1. 'inner for the Pore of reldr.l7/1,02111., Sc. [waist Mo., Ilata of Pitoborah.) fterrcoan—P , ltsharght lino. W. Forward, Hump- NO Mnwr, Malandlesa a McClure. John E. Parke, Semo , e, MeCord A limr.rrll 7 l7_ ors attre co,Ta. roust - Us • w. rtt l'latia LAW, OottWit Ftf , Co tut •..1.1.1i. . Whoteuale -Oro eels, an to %Tote et l'hOw!elobia. rot Pltt.burah Work. • -rwsinamr, ISVRRY &CU, Manure:suers of Ssde ..1111 ash, Ereaehlng Posider, Meris.le an So , phatie Acids. Warehouse No —,Water watt, below Ferry. nee% le — Dir•d-rirk Onkno. Gear. Rafter. 'llata Dal ?a PtiTER, Witt,lnala and Retail Drop .11 Oda, earner of Linty) , and Bt.Clair limes, Pin. bom. Pa apt - • POLOMO , 4I ■CLOYEH, COMATTEWO 4 MF.RCHANT,Sock and MD Drat r, No Ile Second et net Irni-die Duquesne 615;Incr, 4210, 81.112 1 And lta . Works. 1101.1 STAN fr, r,O , mitimfnmsnss or Covell •rd Edrie Sort , srs, Hammered Ali.. Itertneand Flrtten fltrel, Iron. at. IVesebooso on W•tor and Front streets. Pitt. birrsh. Also, deeers In Onset Triosung• and Maneahle ante,. antis AR n STRONG it CROZICH, 0014111 A.ION F. end Dealers la' Pro k.l dace, No 02 Mullet West, Fltubargh. mrtl A - Craic. CUD] k SKINNFR, Foesseraine tad Corn ts•len NlO - et. Pillsburb. eir4 CA. 14,A • vol. ft. C l , rnmarEling and Co n . minion Merchants, Canal Own, Pluabarab, Pa. . ri II ORA VT, Wbnirssie Cram', Commission ad r. Formanling Merchant, No. 41 Warr st, Piitt burgh. on 4 he Hervey Andre.' Firming R. taan.vcv, ri.mestero di co., - a-1011M itaeittV hi ERR it A itiT4—For the sale of Do , eie.tie.tVeethrt,•ni edition Cool.; 11.0, de nitro In ail kind* er Tallote Trimmings, No 117 Wood et, door (rem Fah. Pittshomit. Lieferenct —Messrs. Win. A. Wilk Co, BookeTi. F. II R: liEst . ..7 MT, Pate Enolhqt, GanorheT -1 , W IMI f . 4 1 holotale rumors, , Coornimoo and Poo. '% ~ ~,,o 4.,0, Prolooo and Pitto. orarting %len an , boron Illourar.torno. So. 37 Wood it., between li and 33 woori. 001 l - S. it. JettliNeiTONi ORWARINNO 6 . COM4tSSION MERCHANT No WI '4<o:7llM l'ittoborgh. atrM rIVAR , II 7 . Commin and P 4 rwaniinr T \fnr•hant Rn 9n Wn•wl etre, Pitreverrh mtl7 H. b e Vi r 17LP:1; American Woolens, 00 , 1,0lAtter 40,17 mmL al4iNl3nlumota. . 41. ACCI. ,, rII. =MATS, . LI. t..,CcAMV.vs. worn A. ' , AIMS, aungcNnn. Tobacco Califtdoinn Mtt .11 eattntt..4l Nor* Witte? t. 15 NOrtk Wlutrwmt, Phnom iimen-tr .• 4010107. WM.,. tome. AARM . , 1011 - Z & W n filteemsvm & Coll3 , 6llltMei •n 4 re,rArdln, ifor. 4.. , r• In Pittabaith Manufunamd 05.0197 EaL=EM=l Occessmoa Asitau c. TIIIPORTP.R 8. Deal d er o Drench and American Pa. A Pee Itang.K. and Windage Shad•• Pine -.and Prie:ta, b, A I,..—Writirlg, Prinfineand Wrap- Ornt 'sort: No. ST WONI Weal. between Fourth Meet and Omura aLey, wets Pittabargb, Pa. fOLII3 • .I ) _'! 4 %DAG A ":Winnesale Nasals!, and den ale*, Paints, Oils. Varrnshcs. he, No Pllrwnrpnr one d1)0( Bona, Of Diamond Alley JA4ITYIarL so l ~,,.Weales..esrotet, Cana mo 1 , Of IMP., eAT Alt Tornroro n. SIN otc al enn Mr Wbolnett. rirneers. Anion,. in Produce Noe ' .64 P;nrM•ih. . flovA • ' fohn P. T Dit.worrra C c ; '''' —) °"" 1 " 1 "'rth Ava . , T Wholesales Gropers mid uard PotodOr CO, No. 27ploott ' Pittsburgh Oct,/ •TOWNS'NI). theeviet eel tt keePPY eP No. 4 , Mnt‘t u Pt • shave Thinrrt. Fide t,„"1„,,,,,411 Asae en rottn,llJv nn . 11..4 hen end frro, Pfettletner.vadetrbe reeennahle Payrehgag pr.f444.' ~,1„",..111 he nronnttiv •rtied4...nd wl ” 2, • ^,..,11 e. r tep pirrri the hewer...tale aid ..pimvl Cm= the beat otatertals, at my h. 4av nr ogeht. At BO for eater atarg• Rock of tree and good Pevre ^ • --- ' • lath (AN .41:LA ear, and ntrerardiog "d - dealer In Weet•rn eatery: Ch.eee, Ben,„ '47P.F2v, Peer end Weeven I rorlo.e w . 7.7 "%net, to.v.cen Smulditl and Wood, PlttC r otritk. • • sod k ToCKTON, 11,ottel/en. Printel .11.11 • 4141.31.1aCt0rtn, No. A 4 :du .tleµ riUstki . . .p 4. leitard rioyd. • Jo ha & R . ELoyzo, Ciroccrit, CommiWan . Metchnot4, snit' Eitiacrs rro , gre. Vittrth Lin 'data,' trantin, on - Libetty, Vood ßd q n ! b°o ` . " • apt .1110 , 4 WATT. fonteevnior t, Elniit 011 , 10, bvt J. Vtoinii.Vo;fironot and Cioornlivinti Meacham dealer in Prolarvin4 Pltunnrch Thmaraeton., L,Pinny 4140,4 .trootai PiTboilb Pa, is 3go. A CAW; Iltt • Agegt for 1117 lake tit, and Ilierhttne. Wee te:deever and the Lotteirealee tha iraracrof visa; sad SoulAsid !is4l , t. all+, , - „ . 4 7 T. BUSINESS CARDS, IATITFA A. Frinrin9ON. k en.-91terenenre to J tewi. Rine.limn Ce.. ennennis.inn Mrrehent, .nd Ater,. Of the FL Leek Strom Furor Refinery `4. 45 water and RI neon Street.. Pin.langh. Toll , :II. PIVtGLOR. Whniermln And Retail cleat° , ill in At rice and AloPieal lA...mem, ?reboot Root, y enen singe, Steel Pent, °Ore; Print„' Conota, an d ttriliervirT tencrAlll, tin. 81 Wood ot.Vitt•benth. I•7•Troirti hooch, token in reed. rWEITZR. Attorney at Lae, orrlce rt • otlio•tte Chatie• Hotel, Iritetberyth, will al. attend PM=Ptil to Oollections, in Washington, Fayette and Green mutiaa, REFER.TO Blarbtock, Bell tr. Co, Ch. ,, Ak amber; I Ponbarch. hi 11. T nnryvi. PC111 , 41 M - AKRR & CO, ,Wheleszia DrUrlnn.' No ft Womt att,rt Pl.herch. apl aL. ES, Poritr•rdina and romunitnnn Mor a churls, Dealer, In Prrninto nad Piustlnrait rvanturrd artleter, ^anal train . Tear?•l• tiP4 P/Cllll ENNEEOY. CF1 1 4.0.4 & CO., alanara.tarnra el Ix +ecrusuperior 44 liceetlng, Carpet Chain. cotton Tonne and Haut*. tollt4 U=ll==! LSWIS DALZELT. k CO. 11Inno'nonorn. or .1 A, nitro Dory Nhret, 8011., Iron and Nll o' nto quality. Worehoess,.s4 Water nod ICS Front num on Wm. %%Per, Philad. C. W. Ilicketson Ptsburgb. ..I , ..P.T r l te i rn ilLegr i l d .r; s 4 175 and ,conr of LabeTly W at ' dirwin alf r eets. burgh, Pa. Iron, Nair, Cation Tarns, in. in con. slimly on hind. /oho 111'611 James L. 1111.iit. Walter t Soo Nr G ILLS A ROE, •eGrocen and remoni•• Sint Notehauts, No 194 Libeny. SL fluebarh 994 RinSITO ROM STRECTY-04D—R-PRI4O AND A YI.F FACTORY. =JO roan, MIMI Y. gtrl••. JONES & QIIIOO. lIMANUFACTURF.RS of raring and blister, lure!, '4l plough Orel, total plonah lamp, coach and elln =v. hammered Iron axles , and dealors In cud sable tastlnaa,Rre engine leur.p, and conch rrlronurg• KollrullY, owner of Roes and Front ma, Pitt.unrrh, A,l- . HOLMES 2 SON, he 23 Market .t done front comer - of Feanh, dea 2 cr. In Pe and rnsn Domestic Bide of Eicatore, Cent:testes of De and Bank Notes and Spec:. IID - Coletctiona made on-all the principal cities licnialinot the Itnlo-d Ott I'u 1fI:C1i 11 AS VMS. /MD a an-ogice. Fount, /I. third door llLOve,ee tnaleld, mouth tide. Conreyaneing of all kinds done with toe greatest erre ar.d In I accuracy 'Et ee Pea ttotate etsm7.M, &i ern3 , lY • cUPATURLITS a L ,orl WAREi 007 Marel.reel, P,13 P keep tonw,orl.D you huml, to ma. eto order alt kind. of Viol,. Border, e. Porter and Miltaral Water Books of ew pertar rt ie qyaloy. Pa , SIII attention paid to Private Moulds. Lithographic liC•tablinhmaiat 01-age"cC/Ilkia 'PIN, Third an opposite Ihe heady Shoiebilia r i= h r r ? % .1 1',,, r& B.H. Dinialnrs, thodniro and Vi•lL 4 g ‘ Ca ' r u ila, ,•n and i r ' ilt,l 9 or dray non gone, and In colors, Go!d, Drone or Week. the moat approved Oslo, and at the most ionaonarta Donna ociKoly • J.O P 7 TTIOREW r , BT:A7I 130 AT AGRNT • Orszco non %Vat.. B. . p No 37 W•ier lIIIACKLETT s WHITE, DRY .1300 DR JOBBERS, NO. lel WOOD STREKT, LIAYE In store, and will se ea:lewdly reentries dada s the season, • la rte and well se.leetet monatent of &male and Fancy Dry Loads, ester they Will tell foe cask or approved trodit. %Veil:ern Merchants are inttlad to examine our Mark. melt n ODIN ONJ..II7LT; it. CO. ' o IDYL/L.cry sur.ei PituburTh Whrdeselr GroterA, Pro , u aml imf ICA alarchkiao, deCera 11t,1.-.1? M•nufac ere.. opt': Ilelrr. 1110, ZAMA. 11.4.111 L B. IOPINI.II. ir i el r or,l ° ll: l lo r t pn '" :l 4 l 6 aTt , T;lPA ' an f oifik7. lame, en all knee of Fote•gn and Domestic 1V :cos and Lectors, No.ll Liberty weer I'e hind very huge .tock of sucerior rad alartocifthrl t retustey, watCh are 1 he cod row for • a•h. L 0. 1.0)0 Di L 1010.1 L GIME. Forwardans "Jed t owns+ LL ,:on slcretrato I, tee A.l. geeey River 'l ' r-do, sakes Groceries, Produce rots:GO, Musufae totes, aid etamide of Lime. The Stele t odes, In cash, peol at all timer roe Sammy roes Comer Pena a. d Irwin et. er,,, IC n. C. Men& DIMES DALZELA. 6 Cc, W6616.6t.: thsantlssion Nisi:thaws, dealt, in ProJur, nod Pittsburgh hto.usfactribes, Liberty are a ., Pitt•bur • t P. No. 14 Lfl.o 7 KreeL Sthlikhet MA NYMAN & ett, B'tt-td Iron and St el Works-Manufacturers if am R. toting and Plough Steel. ditio—Sprintra Arica, VirAll An. ltri. Tory Mahe M. an •nnoti of winch.. and e&aursters to th a eta btfo•e pairbning etre &brit The, wunati Mar...tinier to be ityat •ny moor. It tin. roomer? no tommied. frlrtt_ • c *WRAC e S TAOS • KWIC. HAMMETT ft MUTE, Wholtrale DA tem to Foreign and D narmit Dry t,oodo, No. Sc Wood titter PI: .ocaeh. apt! & 1V HAHtIAUGH, Wool alercharW - . Deittrrs tj in Floor and Prodoce generally, and.Forwa ding and demount. Merchants, to. n 3 Mater, Saab.; h. rit,lll:lt.W. •O•r• 07..•. •••171...•0 Ll•ht Pro.. e Irl C m l.l ^ty • rc,i ' • burql. oar. 0-q• irpl7 r V0:7111..)N . N1S rt 5 . 1' tr. CO.Wpw, . . • gen. Forwarding ant Cnonlise!or, d!-rellants. Chalets In Patt.barah Mann agisils• and We •teri, Pr data, have rem area tear new •7 rahou•e, laid vend.) No. Zl. torn, 01 Prints treet and I.%ancen Lane Sal 3106618 6 lIAINUATEI TEA AND WINE Eartinde Diamond, Ilstsstntnit RP' g L&lVessemosn•sß N Walermai ..•W B Waterman L. B. WATERMAN & BOB®. IPr HO 1.E . !, A 1 . GROCER., Cornnalsslon ar.d IT wardsng Merchants; dealers In all kinds si A t Pros duce B. Plitsborgh NabufactarcO A rlielr•; rent.. for tato of Itlchwand add Lynctlonrg alanafamared Tobsieoo. sari WM. TlbtlilLlN - ATTORNEY &TLAW, Fes, Pa fill Lt. also muted to collections and all other boa. y y w him la Butler cud Anastrono coantke, Pt. Refer to J. ft. IL Floyd, Liberty rt. W. W. Wallace, do James ftlttrshslJ . , do Pitteburet. d% Kay Lc co; Wood et 1 ;an, 11. IL Roshrteld George Richard. I. D. DI76IIFIELD•D WHOLKPALfe and Helen 1n...0en la Groeene. and Dry Goods. and Cmannsnon Merchants Nano I.theny Pitt.boren man JOIIA AcrADEA A CO., FORWARDING ID COMMPRION MERCHANTS, Cunt Ihs'n, Penn meet. Limber h mi 6 • JAMES EI. DAVIS 11. Co., PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, Na WAlarkss, and 61 Commerce at., Phi Well Ma Advance& ms , e. by eidier of the above, cm. roman moats of Prodeee to either lhore m nl FORWARDING & COMMISnION MERCHANTS NAMSIVIILIM 0, WOULD reepectfutly when the conrlgnonint of Ilartisburyth freight, from Western Merchants. they are , rarpared to receive soy amount Llfm and Fiction floats tanning night and day, the freight .111 notbe detained, or they will unload anal boate at all hoots. febOil.flan Hattlabargb, Feb. 41, DM J. D. William J. D. 'WILLI/MS /to CO, ROLEOALE a RETAIL FANNY urtociats W , , Forwarding and Mommission Merchants, and dallier. fat Con try_ Prndnce and Pmehorgh olanalse. MIMI, corner of Wood and Fifth alma, Pittsburgh mrdl Wm. 11. B. MeV.). U. WILLIAM, & CO., HANKIES AND EXCHANGE BROlik.RB, North East eorner of Wood and Third streets, Ant - Pertss,syr. PA. W 7.. za•att - v, -20. n • c 0... , W. K. Wo3DWAID. IL•Vtli 11....t.n. li r III: BM.M..HY & CO , Wholcolle Siroco!. IS 1 , 7 6 , 010 Wood mee , Finsbomb , pl 7 WWI D. WICK. D4Vtlo sOralr.n.i..l. W . ' & CANDLES S, Doceesront to L et. J. D. WICK 5D Wholesale Droiteta, Fortettroltor sod C011101iP•10I1 Mee-harts; dealer. in Iron, Na It, plata, Cotton Yarns, •nd Pitt•ontgh Samna Nemo, 'meta . - ly. COM/ of Woad mil Waite elect% r• ti .... Ooh. W — VT,Cillit - fiIi,CTICE.E, - IW7olesile Nearer., . Reetaprg Distiller., and Wine and Letinor lifere•ente Al.o—loiporter• of :oda Ash zAi Meech. tog Powder, No. WO Laberty stew, (opposite fli•th • fe•r) nod...mho WT"TinVILuf.N, Wetchee,Jewelry,Silver Want . • and Milner, Deeds, corner of Market and noon WELT& PlUstungA. Pa. N. O.—Watches and eltek• carefully rrpsirdd. ent7 _ Wll TOETII..---"—. 201(11 0. 11 CENE.. ITM. yulps . o & Cc, Venters' In Leather, tildes, y T i5.,143 Liberty street A. 61, Wt. ertirctritis. • EUET. WELSCH, 04 fly ten & FL eIf.CMTCM CON. Wet:devil& Groters, PI . dealer. in Produce, Dun, NaVe, Glass,. and Pator% Menufaature tencrally, [Abell! effect,— Pittsbinit, ' . • fan'? J. D. WILLIADII A. CO., urruoLE@ALF •ihtM RETAIL GROCERS, Fur y! urarehngan. Lonituhmon Merchants, Ilealencla Country Prndsec•arttl PittsburKh Manuractutcs, nor; per nrWit.:4 /Ira Fink Pittstrurra.. - Plusburch, Facet. ' • 11EIZCIER d. AINTELO. 06NEdIAL C93I3IISSION NERCLI/LtiTS, • - tr , lsbeval advances made of conrlgtonant.. Nrtl4-0,14 ASTIIF.W WtL9IN, Fantail and timatura Palmaer. Roorlik. ante, <a Pont/dm 'Alai and Fmni. &met, entrance on Fourth ea, Sear Masan. dies.4lf XCiira`arelos. Commission ill•rabalin — . Moat OW Levee at, N Orinana, Seep band •laran mmement of Onosheiar tail follow ine b.iada biah they offer for gala a. agent. ror J. Ltoldeant. v u. htaxinev, 1 Email I nadA ieninnishithe, I irottna,Clornan. Ada hl ' 4 ..4 A L A de Mosdnin Jean Into , kei Can neekne Gin, Bardeam.Jled sad Whin , Mae. Moe, aimed ant men ay J ohm Dor and CsiMildea pagne Cann tPlna and Smear Nora•edy nANNA & 00. hole 'vamped tholr MIN SO aorth !ten saw of Wood 1,27. rr %TlGHTSfetti—relima facturec of all triode of eat n. tom and woollen machinery. All...bony et% Pa The above work. beton now in fat/ sad aselwartal on. .ntion.l am prepared to cornea 01 (Or, with Oiaptleb roe all hinds of machinery In a y ban,seek as willows, nicker*, spreader*, card grinding rsotinos, railways, /main* frames, speeders, dowel. loom., woolen cands,double or starlet for merchant or country work, moleantekadc.: slide and hand lathes and tools in ben. craL• All kiwis of shollion made to order, or pan. rise en for nearing focnorins or mills at resannahle charm Rem co—Kennedy, Childs tr. Co., Clackstock, Bell It King. Pennock Co, Jos. A. GMT BEN NETT b BROTHER, QUEEN_ W ARE hl A N UFAVIT RE RS. BI rmingbam. [altar Pltasburgh t l Pa. Oft', No. .37 Meer &sawn Mark e t a. 4 Wood, Panbarga, 19 WILL connantly keep on hand • kood CUM ment or Vlf aro, of our own manufacture • and superiorqualny. Wholesale and country Mar chants are respectfully 'United to roll and el mine (or themselves. mawe are determined to gall •heaper than hales,' beton been offered to th• pub. frr Order. eon! by enellomoompanied by the nub or ood Teferenee..rdi be promptly wended tn. myll ARM COACH IPACITORY, ALLSIIBIIIT. T. A. WHITE& CO., woutd respectfully Matins, the pnblic thin they have erected a shop on Lueoek, between Federal at Sandusky eueets. They are now. untirtne and are Prepared to receive onion for every description of vehicles, Coacher, Chariot% tta. rouchea, Criggies Phtetona. /cc. ' Ste., which from their lean erpenence in th e mnnuracture of the above work, and the facilities they have, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable tents with these wanting srueleein their line. paying particular: nn to the selection of mate rials,arid having none bat competent workmen, the) have no hesitation in warranting their work. tee diewfore ask the attention of the public to this PS. A Repairing Cone lutes beet 011imaci, and an the mom reeaonable ternin • S. tears . )•.,4 artuacm. 80A H 1•11 WIT, liVrorluX w oo d MAtiOri, r 111731,0 6, waNTINUE to runneectore all kind. of COPPER, kJ TIN AND sitter IRON WARE. Also, Black. smith Work. • Steam Beau bunt to order. V;i7eialetNiin'and?alitesamn seamtortne t t :lt t ort7o r r k intd iltam Kettles, Ttn Wate, At Stearntatat Cookmg Stove., Portable Forges, varimmalece—• very convenient at. Uric for steamboats, Califarola emigrants, or roll road companiev. We mould rerpecthily Myna steam boat man and otherktrt call and are our articles and prices baron po ,vll7 W.A. J. Book Bincl•rav u [ rE S f u ll engegvd to the above heathens, earner TT of Wood and 'Hord streets, Pittsburgh,. where we are prepared to do any work to our line with des patch. ‘Ve attend to nor work personally, and sans !anion will be given in regard to Its neatness and du rability. Monk Books envied to nip pattern and boned rub rtentlally 1300 k, numbere ovoid boot. bound rare ! fully or repaired. Harems put on book, 'ln gilt letters Those that hove work to our line arc invited to call. Prices low. - urylthtf Pitt riaslxiiiNl7cTike sap iirTLousadr7, rtrreeonoo, TOILY WRIGHT &Co-, arc prepared to balld Couon t) and Woolen Machinery °Toren description, suet aa Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, thawing Frames, Railway Heads, W.rpil sraolers, rT Drersi Prunes, Looms, Card Grinder., Wrought Iron &tailing rumeth all aloes of CU{ Iron, Pulite, and. Hangers ef the lawn patterns, slide and hand Lathes cad tools of all lands Coatings of every description fonlithed on short notice. Pcnerns made order for Mill Georths, Iron Hling, ha. Ste Pipe to for bea tag Factories, Cant le n t hide.* da am sh and fancy Caa t. tizws generally. Orden left at the Warehocee afi. u'lhmer it Co., Liberty want, wall have prompt anon oo. Refer to Blecksteek, Rea & Co.!. R. Aloorehcaa et Co., C. E. Werner, Jelin Train & Sons. Patsbargh ; (I C. J. 11. Warner, Steuben•We isnl9 PIA NOS! THE rabserlber ofors tor tole et large and splendid assortment of =seamed and mahogany grand Ac tion Pianos, with and artticout Coleman's celebrated ifinitma Attachment. he instruments am war• ranted w be equal to any thonatanto red to thw coun try. cod Well be old lower tha- any brought from We CLUSIE, No Ilk wood at, 211 door above SW N. CI —Coy Senp anti ha taken at par for a few or ko at.nvo i16.0061C, CIT 2 F!I k kriTeirrl idiara - a - W (el; THIS Is bn certify that I have op . emoted Livingston, Roggen & Co. Bo to &soots for the sale of Jo:dung's ramnt thaprzligra Filter, for the of lies of Pittsburgh mkd Allegheny, , JOHN GIBSON, Agent, , 14, Gibson., AO Broadway Om. 10 tern We Rake once ruing one auto above osier at th e office of the Novelty Works for three months, oh trod, sod a t perfectly ontisficd that ft. is a thefol tovennen, site am take pleasure to woommending them as u ate fat eructs to all who leer pore water. Orden will be thankfully received and promptly executed. 0-tip LIVINGSTON. RtIGG&N & Co TAE AREOMILTEII - • TIUE attention or the pablte is renectunty called to the following certlfieatew Ma S. Ranters—Hawing awed • wittily or Gels weighed by your Ammeter, I find the result prom your instrument correct; add recommend the on or I. to those point' to Guider - di, as the best method for oh tuning the reel value of Gold. Rep./ours, J. H DUNLEVI, Geld Beater. Pitteberyh, March It, lel9. Prriwartuart, Much 7,1842. Mc. CAM:no—Dear Sir Having eiamineditte"Areo. mete 7.. eminufsetarad at your 1 . 00.4 I da sal hest:ate to eon:lntend it to the are of Moue gentlemen who art Shout removing to Concord* In search of Geld. It • rises • e low opproi imminn in th e erifte groat ty 0 f tnetatht, and Influents., ly melt!.melt!. ap the adventurer 'to as:smith:3 when In pMem yieimus Cold. meet, You rt seep`, I Ti s'yth , Tot - th: Nllll% RC:MEd A:Writ:No —.ls. rem.. the I Call/swum lisredtuan, ¢eurniume assorturut ot Gwen Etmue Ctotetng, al goners magma from 11.3.:t0 to at I s fut for son of coat, pants and hay kat sato at the Intim Mather Depot, .l'ho 3 Wood st. dr-On I.t. fI PIIII.LIPI3 Ertatarn Derek W7071 - fttii - eiale. T"ri'L'H"tr'tt",'''aisO's'y'lta inr ft ' t i rt;te i t. stl; .'T e V rttr ‘ p l th ß st ß tt 'C t d 14,111 F.11(11110, Boller, Mould Machine, Capable of matturaeturtng t1i.1.011 Pressed wicks tout of dry clay, av taken from the bank.) per Joy; with three acres of land on the Altegheity neer, on welch are .1 tiles and sheds, machine sad cloy sheds, whrelntrrovra trucks, mere..,ov trades, An., every thing ratonstte to colt!. eoperathns at an boors nonce. Peres including the pamut mot to non mud maehtne, illti—tetwor of p•vment Molls Idwan made easy. Without the lead, 63,00. Fur pu b-d •, -d ueulars, address HENRY M E els 100,1RIL IITT, atf 0. MERCHANTS, • the ender e firm of Mr. C 71:o thinness will be ranked on by llradicy, who will settle we bchbous of the ICI firm REDIOV L naalnif hal d bin Foundry Wan hour fro —A nt of ig Second r re oam move to No SO Wood street, between tun aud Second muds, to lb. ware room lately occupied by 0 A Corry, a here he will keep II Onttantly on hand a general auorimentol Cut. Inge. Grams, moves., Cookto g Stoves, de. ITO . . . "rue co-partners op nelelofory existing bvtween the sonserlbors, In tbe undid of Constable, Butte & CO. Itaa day dissolved by mates! tangent. Messrs Flori/ h Heroes sylasente the business° , th•coneein (or throb purpose they see sotkanvol .o use the name of the concern. ti I oIsrADLE, F.DMUItD BURKE. TaI•MAS The undersigned here this day mseclisted themselves in the ileum of BURIi ti k llfi RN tttS for the heroine at reseatimuring Fire nee sea., Vault Doors, he Sr at the steed of he Isis fain of Constisble, Burke a Ca, wnere they ad! berinem,d to retests the patron. age of Use customers of that home and their friend,. EUmUNDHURIM TllOhlien BARNES. to Hutting from the firm of Censtoble, Barkr & Co., I with emetic Dimmer. recootheatt Moore Burke & Berner In the cooftdenee of my AteLds end the poetic- Feb D. I et 2. NATHANIEL CONE TABLE. tcbld•d:f HAS lust returned from the EamerreCities, end I rceeseing a large yummy of sensenible Goods, to wench he respectfully invites the attention of mere sum and penises. ,t`lo 61 Wood at debit Mll=l Wrought and 'Cast Ivan nailing. TIIE ontmertbers b,. 4 late to inform the pehlte that they have obtain from the Eavt all the tato and fuloonable dorigny for loon Railing, both for homes and cemeterice Persona within* to procure hand. some patterns will please mall and egAmine, and lodge for thentsolvet. Railing will be fonnshesl at the Own Craignotice, end in the beat manner, at the co rn er at Craig and Rebecca esseem, Allegheny city. aumnbdtf A. I.AMflyn . A/bijiß. LacriNo,llY CLASTII9,..CASSINIFES,A. RATIN. Es RCM, received on antigen..., and Carr ea to we manotactuser's wasehoure, by lIERSKY, FL,Eitiffo I CO JOHN LYONI, NO. I STATE trritEnT. IJOSTOSI, AgrAt for Claus and Rorasery of Proprny England. HAVING Writ envoya year In the 'WI., Fla• cord Clificco, National Libtacl, Xo., donna bia Inns visit to Loglami.lna•atiotinit Mt p• In this country, and haring secured cliriolcnt and re. apomittile Ayrnu in London and klanehaitter, be m :prepared to .fiord vi nacetioary InfnttnaUon and ad 1/1.10 parlor. vrilo welt to rennet Mott property that country. J. L krolut a hat of it. Rank or England Diridenit BOOkr, wit t th may ha examined for 30 stems, or al ion nark lobar or the Alphabet. Relent:lmm In Boston: • a • worm° a. !'Cord co., telancesaora Lo Card a [Una) ; int ' C I % Paahlcalabl• Ilatt•esa Varna,. of Wood andpiju &rads. PARTICULAR attenunn paid to our Reta il Trade. Gentlemen ran mil open errant the) Hats and Caps from ear antaldishmont of the pan malinuta and 'wou.v.anstr, of 11,eLaisei nriLna, and MGM LOWI2I finnan entintd7 . Metehantal Pamtmatt ll d Iti whoiesals L as. .._ __ .. . , a; • •-•44IEILIT e.. , -„ respectfully in to Nell and eearnine oar toei; we tan eey With eehrideriee that as rewards tower" snA ramajt will not ender In a comparison with any pose in Philadelphia. • . WILLIAM DIODY B leave to inform hl. Mend/ and customers that he lifailt moo/sing his new tpring stook of liroode, corer... Air. al esoal, all the Totweat .ad Meet feehion• •tile stylus of Clothe, casalrherie, fancy Totting, anti aad linen summer shifts, siltfreueri antee eultehle for greliethon'a won, for ap•itig and summer. It being truer...We to doserthe the beauty, quality Or qua noty of the ihnelt, the proprietor Popsy - All who ate in ward of good,ohenp, !..Atonable, cud well mode clothes, will give blot a tell, ow then, 1. no aloe!, aim side el the Alleglionice that him roraphre with it. The rhadygo ads Oopatitonattg very rLata.alver •astn . led to all tastes. Rail road contrantorn, country suorclantn i and all who porch/me itimely, are pardralarly infl , ad amino the Mock Were purchasing, •• partinolor RI/ mounn is paid to the 'Sinai...To hula. LE this a.mab. lialirckcat . , . - Ent, article, t thaullorlns Iloa toadsio order In We ax.rt futdozableseil kn smastenr, to the storm writs, - urn PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING-;" - .JITNE 11, 1650 P. Blackball Ilbop. n== C. Au.suTrusoT . . . C. U V. ADAMS, Now, ?obi /a; JAM VS HENRY K. MAY. 1,441; VAIN W MOM :WAY, irsq. i. s t U INSURAACE. LIFE INSURANCE! Trenton. Mottle Lite !meaner. Company. R&M Or ramtv swnretn 75 Pm cmr. F 150,000. JAMES IMMO & Co, Agelos st PloablorO. STAID 07 area:COP" ST V" . 1 / ...r. &mei llov, Jr. Joe•yh C. Vo•t. Preet tre. , Jamin VIVI. 0. A Perilcor 7, V. P. John A_ Wood, Fll Mrrits,Sentsuloy. • Jonathan Fut, Trezonroo. =ED 11711 . TOPA. • ColuP'roller or New York. Genres Wand loge F . tackle Dudley Enid. :Joaaph lluslu . . Hon..THne• rnmpbell. Nvid H. Minn. N•lerann J.P. ef Connrinn, ‘ithil% P. M. Gov. Mune, Fx•Cloy.Oroma. W. L. Dkytnn,ll S Sea I r,sitt Wfdrier. M. C. 0 D Wel. Ex V. S. Sen. Wm. A. Newel', RI. C. E.G.'. tti. Dlekerson. I lien S. N. Harllllloll.. MEDICAL. EXAMINFUCS A. Sitlacy Doane, if. D. W. GrrvcrO, M. D Alt Warr, c o N. V '4Ol WulnUt It.. Pail'. Wm. hp t Morton S. D., H. o Bell, by 0; George meCook, M. D, Allegheny c ty, Pe.. Pittsburgh. Pc TOO Apo taturno• OurtiOille. at Pittsburgh. on on lbOrliod to take terry firm elms risk on Lite at • ‘rork - rto• or Inr•nn.rtru ?to CstOr. from mica: Imes at prectium, ...ehmtgrd hr other Cempthfe. A man 30 year. of ago. taking a Volley of Intar.c for One Tam:rand Lingua. To run for one year, pays only til9,Eo. do 'even ele.ho do Ilfenrue, " " 811,90 And In the some proportlon for any serninp to 13 ES(., hi w-b le the extent taken on try enb We. . Thla Company commenced areesnorio pa the lst Octotwr, tent, and it. morobly bailee , . op to the 1 , 1 October, Ithll, show. a progress anent:Mae that cf ary other I nil Company on record. The 6rot dividend of prod. w u be deelamd to the named en theist Jarman, 1950 Pamphlets comalelng the various tables of wiles, and ill t.o necessary information on the important sublet, of Life Assurence. will he (=lobed on orpl.• Canon to JAlll£9 DUIII.IO to CM, Agents, dcl? Oreen FIRE INSURAN CE. man TRENTON MUTU .L LII'E AND rum: IN. IBURANCE COMPANY will l.soo PnE-ies ad Insoranen aron.l ll.oso or DASISGI by Plan. upon Dorellinro ond Furnit.p.,lttoreo Condo, d“,„, oppiterton to JAMES DURNb a 00. Alps to, dcl7 Odeon ROddingo. 113:=1 MBE DELAW &PE MUTtritt. SAFETY MSC , - S 1 B reCE CNtitiPANY —,ridtec N or th , n ee . o f the change, Third sweat. Philaxiciptila. Pau litstiaaacc.—Fluildinga, atzrotandln and other orpetty, la Tlavari and COutltry, I.ll.aftol atatll32 lOU or damage by fires, at the leweiit rata of pees:dam. MalTes tasVaISICII —They also Insure VCDMIIIy Car. goes and Freights, tar-ion or eoanyrtsamader open at special policies, as the neared may desire. TaaroPorerarion.—They also inne merch andise. transported by Wagon., Roll Roadners, Canal Boat. and Strom gotta, 01 riven and lona, On the most liberal term. DIRECTORS—Joseph H Seal, Ertmand A Rendez, John Davis, Mbar Banon s Jahn R Pennine, Swan el ledsrcirds, (leo 0 Leiser, rawani Darin/Men. Isaac Davis, Wm Foiled!, John Neulln. Dr It M Murton, Jaz C Hand Theophilas Paeleine, H Jones Broca., Henry Bloon. Hugh Craig, Ono.rire SonoDl, Preneer Chmlr• Rely, J O John.% Wm lisp, Dr 8 Thorn.. John &Were Win hp., jr, DIRECTORS AT EITTSBUROII—D T Nan., -I.legh ems, John T Logan. WILL, AM MARTIN. Presiden4 Mensal, B. Newsom Bee's. OlTico o lio the Company. A. 42 Water insect, Pinsburmi. rM4 P. A. MADEIR,A, AgL LIP. mad Fl•wltti lasulauge. tl nd r f pn fr ;al th atr At7e7J C gl " ftirtr: Cannot rannaylracta, mar. la, .49. Caanct perpcmaL Canna1,..11.,001 Barn lawn Thutel ANT P.m,. rams a te. nod fall per cc. lower Dan the ttalmJ rate. or Life Insurance, as the fallowing cam. mutant, will sham Thus, a perm. or 'he aprof SOln. &anot tor MOO too life. man-pay In the Wltr•lnt Pennsyltrania 11136, Penn Mutual, Espotanle, K o, ;New C.V.!, $2.3G; New York Ltfe,D1,...16; Al- Lion, 10,18. Life neJ Devlin, PallaJelphist,SlJM. Matcrom D °met, Cantles D. Hall, W. F. Doane, Hobert P Knle, CIA.. P. Day., M. W. Raldamn, Itervr, D.. Ch. 0. Ii Cmpbell, Lewis Ocaper, I. Rodman Harker, R. H. Battler, N.. FL Core. Prraident—Parnarl D Omer: Vine Fre. dent—Rolm. F King - , Secretary—Francis 111.111 m... appbeccao. will tro ML .m...and carryet...lion pr. by SA FAH ESTuCK, Am, Office, •Mtcmerclal Rooms corner , or octX7.dll Weod and Thad ma. PutabMtb FIRE AND NAB/lAN /INSURANCE. TEE INSURANCE CO tit America will make pennen-nt and limited Insurance on pro perly In Out city and vicinity, and • a ehlpmetts by Canal, [tavern, Litel, and by Sea The pp:teethes el this Company are well invested, and fornlih an avail- Lla fluid for the amptc initimulty of all persons litho dentin to be protee•ed by Insurance WM: p. /ONES, A ash <4 We et HEALTH. zastkanics, Pliasborgh. The spring Carden Health Inenrante Co, OF PHILADELPHIA—CAPITA L' , 1100,000, I NBURkt Males and Females against the Expense 1 and Los. oematorted by gietnee or Seidel, by an tmmediate alloreacce of from Si to Sr per Meek, for one, two, three, or roar yeark Ile method or erecting this Insurance, ...74 the manner of ...dial, the tick &Somme, art/rho/Lily azigklbal by t h e Amt. be aunt nnon eon insure against Siekness A *nmill detain him rrom OrdinWly bu s ies.,n an follows, viz: For ono Year, bY paring $4.20. and fterive B 3 IP week. For two 4 For three " " " 5 Per four •" Ur for a ',nod of fear yea, I, as. of fi 7,7o " pud at oaolly, socato Is yr • weal walk mot. very oecea•ary toformatiou be afforded on the anbject of I.nranee general , ), by JANES DURNO a ro, Aro, fh!eort Efinidtagh Far. arid AI writ.* Insurance. HC T oFFICb: or dI. Inmea,:co Company of Nor, h Amend. ban been remo•Pd to No 111 From st aced of W 044. Tba subscriber, ag ent for the above old and tarpon. Bible Company, mid Larne P01i0... an fluildlnaa and their contents, and on shipment.; of McrobanMse Steam Boats and other vessels. •rin W. P. /ON kg Th• Postomyroams. Company Fol. 1N...NV.10N LIVID LED GRANTS,. ANMITTTIB. T HE first URI ll:wanner; Company in th e V. Mmes. 1 e.p t;3 7 :14: 14 . 7 ,,,.. 10 L 1 . 11121—0ha ter porpatoal. Hairina •attionsed the ondertiiined to tenor, spell. cations for Insurance, on which policies will be issued. according to their eropcsaik nod onto., which wilLba made known m applicants at hi, office, No. $ Wood WOOL NO.I ORO COCHRAN. , 1111117lT OTIS THE Second Session or this Inatleating; ander th e clue of Ms. and Mrs. CiODlSOkill, for the present academic yea% will commence wit tin, day. biondsy. February Ibtb, tha .awe banding% No. Ad Lawny street Annturestienu have bean Metter by they will be able tro furnish Young Wiry facilitieswelch epee to any In the West, for obtattung a theiroegh gaglish, Clasai cal, and Ornamental education. A (on coins of POI. isophice. and Chemical Lectures will be delivered during the whiter, Illwarated by appetite. The de partments of Vocal and Inenamental hlusle, Modern Languages, Drawmg and Punting, trip each he under the care eta competent Professor. By eisse attention to the moral and intellectual Improvement of their pat Hs, the Principals hope to merits continuation of She Piberal patranege they have hitherto erelayed. Vol terms, see amulet or apply to the Principals. fah 1.-4 V HERSEY, FL FROM THE M AN UFA 'DING & CO. ECM IN ERN, AM) AT EAST. uaene ralca. ERN MANURA Mite Flannels, all Wool . Rod do do Yellow do do :Room do do Moar Dante Mee Dmnu: Fancy Coitoriadoe; ail are offered at rectoly prices Horne League Mining. Cheek, and Magee ; My bear, gooda. 1 adopt' Goode. Red Padding, a•per dot Veal Padding, Roam., TanoriCas.•••• • heavy do; Weston Limit. Metal Drab 13irge, bloc* do, a I and Wormed; Black mid it lane Tem week Tarifa, Drab do; Uncle Coecks a 1 Dona; 15.100; a cord Sit'i rouun; do fluor; Tbreed, • enporlor Rife; Mack Satinet.. Steal slued do Dr2b l'But Ci V laert. Valley do Faney Tweedn Soper Black Woad Cloth. duper Drown do Yoydr Orden do Soper Twilled do *riper Week Doe Pklth Soper DrabCoed:meths. Doper Mow, do Boyer Iliaol; do CaIIIUMIII Mantel/. do I.llde do Dab do llk Figured Vesting.; Rinell Meths ito drown Holland 6e'ir!Wks tenons, Cravat. , an an. arehoeße, Nu 127 Wood m, aroln Drown I rilt, Al ter M.noraclorore $4 60 BOOTS. $1 60 rime mob.ctlber I. now onnuratturlng a I.saitrbl SURI VIKR BOOT, of good enovriola wort• =map, at the very Low pito of 10* 80. DANIE,L.II.IIIA, No 0 11101ket so. recoo44our lu,m sYstor it. 11p13.d2131 [TGWU/OS.2p/ BIOTIC/Cy undersigned baring puielisard nil). A. lisg• Ltd, iiie Ntexen Noy All I on lie A &shim y Ili try, above the Anneal, are no. groeled in Idi ill s b 1 lumber of any ells and (Inn, Oil dosionniidy Coat tioliug.Deelclinank. tin avealet,/alyi, Tawnier.; tioalday 44, Ovine *boots' tinned !nib* noon band, 11 den ter sired end ei4 ihroon• viion Alvan by U Wighttnae, or SYniel slit street., or fflilorriserc NO ISO /Wei, and at theadiee of 11. 4p111413in IVUOITM AN 4 %ICC II fief's/ PAPI.B—W. P. Al/ 11•01.111. 1. t1i,,1110411y TV teeelykr, trim the la /gaol nor t0r,..101.• 111 New Ydell'and /head...tend. we'l tiro Iltolf /teed. agerie ea, din newel,' rod y Ina p i .. pet Nacelle's, umppept 1.101. 4141.1 , 1. jilt Mot ',rides, and Tour Cups. Poe al. el ad 1 testiFour,lld atidpierreone !Nei, (eeereeepe IN it NA EIALLI6I;eIST—i hoit proieee'tiP , i and lee aala de, b el ie l .I.oe/a Isnein4 a. i37 4 :ll . a d Are s e n d 4 at i l ' ad " r:. '4 . °'l P 1 I a;10 o • • • 4 6 4 hei,t7f,".,,"/"V., nealto new On Ina .Yet (ISH, peeled horn tied f dft , l DialllibOr. pal „„i r ;eeeeeeelee. 4. .111, •041 416:4, wine t , .p17 1,1 /Oval, tft lowa., ntasiei ide ell elifq ill Ai gra t'!li. V? it .1, Mt rtliflLtfilvP ; _apl/3 , .046 ! , ,OLiettrd _ • If Vlifilliliteka ikLL /c 11."... her ine ffrtfllber: t.. 1.0 e!e .elf 4 ID. nonlotuffill n 4 ee , e)p , len int. ! ;atom *PI plena at '{he P 2611 +e 0 wood awry, eninel Trkt•4ito 'Pod.% gy forsbe mar. • .VEL NNINIP 414 ; i • I l 1 i .... 40 .. • . .. . ..-',..-•'... '.._•.: ..2: ':;•T• ••••:0 ._:... "-..• ,- ; - .. . 1 • ....- .. - - ... . 11; .. . . . . . • . ' •'. , , . • . . i 2 • • ' • - ' ''''' I ••••C• - . ...- •. . .. .: -- . 0 . ''....,..: . if , • 4 i , 11 4r 41 . 11 ; . • . ..‘,•1•.,. a f..: '^ 0 • 1 . .." ..: ' f- - " t' '. I • , V . ... ' Y • . is' 44• 1 , , , ," ,4•7 - ;.5 , . - 4, t.l , r?. e 44 • . 7 , 0„.• . , :pi t", - . j el iv. 1 MEDICAL. PE,OCLABIATIOX 1 - C!`")..w.,.l”,,nteblzir„7„,;ig,„ - ,::.'s,'Vd,," . ,i,;.h.dtire poi.. bark et stiffinins, old - sores, ranalng alters. /cc , that they inn b e curedby tatter the Pe ardente! You may talk shoat us being a not a. n uch yen elesee, bat WI , does net snake It to. for we proclaim in the face of an honest communety, that it has vine. - which .re not contained in nay other remedy. The in. who Ls racked with pain and nab tering from disease. can km fifty cents. get reilef frota any of the th e e.runara ed above. Reader! It coat, eery little to make aVI . This Petroleun! Is no rukc tero—noeempond, put for the Ramose of imposing on the community;t is a. remedy' elaborated by the master Land of nate and from the ho tom of oor mother can lts parity, and oh a n d to suffering Laniard y a ready remedy, a eenato and cheap cure. It h. cared Piles alter 'other medicine, have failed to mod. any ti t he relef - It has eared Rheumatimu or long standing. end worst and mow or ehareeter. It h. oared Cholera trek.. ono or two doses; it has mired old cues of Diarrhea. La which every other remedy b. been of no avail. As a local remedy In horns and scalds, it it h/nter than any s i ll ic. eon:- pound or ointnmnt that see knew of. It i rare ebll blelns or froeted feet. in a few applications; undoubt ed testimony min be furnished at the troth contained in the above silicate:. by calling on Barnes' R. Klee, Canal Basin, I. meet; en either ef the wren.. Keyser t McMandl, earner ot Wtrod meet and VDT. , alley; K. 6: Others, 67 Wood wreet, D. A-El liot A D Al. Carry, Allegbelly thy, WO tba Neon,. lendl A PITYRIcIA2PITWATINIONY. "I HAVE FOUZID NuTiliNG PO EQUAL, VIEW" ilyamteuao, Va., March 5,1650. M n n E RELLERS-1 have disposed Of el th e 00 don or the Verm MCough So myinn and Liver PIN you rent me, and to. I have awl all you Family Medicines on my family, and have sten prescribed them In my precut.. I em very much pica•tod tvith them, and have found nothing to equal them .mend our a din or our Verenfogo, and 10 dot each of rho Wet Pills and Cough Symp. itermtetfulls yours, [Extract of Letter.] T. T..lacomea. Thom highly popular med'clats may be bad of the proprietor:ll E SELLERS. 57 Wood el, and Dmactoti generally In the two video and vicinity. apt rAustr. AND D.B.AEI The most limpet sent Discovery an Rev cord!—emr• Remedy. for Stu riles! P. BROWN'S celebrated linernsl Ameri can Remedy fee No Piles, has already proved itself to he the only sure care ever presented to the nubile. Sicee the discovery or this voluble medicine, end the largo nuither of cairn tae cases with which Dr Bream au treated, no one has tilled le be entirel y eared Un.ike the many healing balms extant, alter months and Teen of erperimentalisiv, his do often ten the patient where they commenced. or were. bat atter n few days will decide Norte, by etre alb g • perfect core Fa:UM Census, f 01.11 net eater Into a labored an. gue 'rot to pro . , my mtullethe Introduce it upon Its own merit", by its effect I Intend it shah stand of NIL !tyre prefer dint Intath• omit di ease, the PILIJI, to we' value of stem dollars, I net the cast won yea. • DR D PTIROWN, • lod % llen'o, Pi Y. Sold vrboltanle Rod al ret.ta y il by stac It tt SELL.Efts 'n` 4 G 7 Wood wt. acv Unit e. WOO sus tissovol.•ms rmarianeNT CLIM Of •LI.CLIZaIp •13(10 aeon MI [014 . 111 MATZ or rat 11.000 • 00107 01101 gm: Rebornla or Kirirre Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cat. °eons Eruptions, Pimples or Si:wales On the Face, Blotches, Wes, Chrome bore Eyes, Rine Worm or Tenet, Seald Bead, Enlargement and Pain M. Br Witco et,d Saints, Suibborn Ulcers, Syphilde laymotons. Sciatica or Lamhago,—and diseases arising from an iniudicious WC of Mercury, Am. limo or Bropay, Exposure en Imprudence in Lire; Also—Chenr,ir Corissitunineal Umordem,le. cn.diclro has new:lied a rem' emended and eambliahrd reputati wtomerer It . inta wen used, based mitlrely on t mown intim. which its superior camas". ha• wone mmownsi. Tie oriMmunate victim urreditsr, d tease, with a glands., cortr•e:ed cilneiri, and bones hair tattoos, to. been married to wealth and wirer. The . 00 0 1 001 patient. covered with dicers, lom.itorne to himself led Ma attendants has 0001. Mode Wheite. Hundreds f merlons. who bad groaned baseless., for year. mob, • at twee. and glandular depots:era, chrome rheumatism, and many other ening:alma springing from a derangement alba orcretive &scathe eireclaboo, have been ranee! as 'I were Mom Pie reek at Mamma and tour, wiW regenerated constitution, slaely testify to dt• eificacy of m a le propnrnann. -Tit lan. IS $ TRAY FICT.Oid." Toe averatis. of toe reader is called to the fnllowing asimsown care, elfremd by the am of Sande Bars. pani, . . • TM. Iv in certify that I have *entered woman who hal Larn 6., the in.l •, w tr, ste c. 141 4- ad .fit go, , T t ; 1..0 dr, a the, in erre C.:l, lila Naivete of tee , iornplaini; on too ohtrary, ,IdAstaltd) pew worse, •thi site corenthil I etracen A.ti rind ral)/didada, Lc, e. otter 'uvular remedies Without thecers, till hr asen..e had eaten array lb- oarillace or her neye, mode its sp. pearanor on trattoria pairs of her bode, and had Goad eortimm.aed it. renege* In Um root of her month 1u this dreadful omicron . toe proliect death staring her wthe fact, I .toted her caw to Dr Diroaway, toe ageht for hairdo' Smyraranlia to Nrw hero, la C. by whom Iwo. advised to use that article: and to my month dno that clay notAboors, to whew her case, war knotorwn, altar ming' Owe and a halt hir tea the was iercd to portent Lealt hand that in the race of there waelia, and writ Able to Wont In two eek, Gem the time .he commenced taking It, iiln RlLical or laa tram of this amts.:ea .1 tiara deedonto stilled my name, thin Ivtn dn.! Scptendier, . JoBliDll 1 P. "ldonth. l 2:l.tic!!:r.r . t . ,Dro,TStit Co N 0. - SURE itlßu',l? The following is lin eitrartifn m e latter received fm.m.itiv. !Wean, seen ban been afflicted aware! years gcrearloweLibiera, Ilyapi pale r km, and iceni.ilg fitattaelm of Use roai end then:— . • • “Eleammusette, Dm,. 111. ISM . itlestre. a.. dieldruelltfora eammeneed otior you , liariaparllia, my mai:Fenno wary akinat oast castrate/9a; my threat we* eatrotienity aleetated. I ho l d dlevallel 0,04 and Were Ware frequently weeks toesther thatri ...mid oat spans ibuta a Std. per, and barides, the Icilltenmatinn from ivy threat ex. mated to toy head... that lay befoul; Was very ma, h phew dtdev taking thlandratpart !sesta:ll hoe, My th woe tenprottd. and my threat is hew well; I sot as free f coup and tighte> of the eherraa ever I we*, and eau buncouite distioctly. 11.1, threat tat Leen welt about menthe, the tam a t which be. Peenedreted mittrely by tba use of yobr Cu,.., peril,. You, friend et— . LtilllB/u4i 'BEVAN. The foltwering testimonial la the vellim of the Men.. oarigaels lowa the Hue Luther %Vogt; aged 70 y e ars, Consregaboneldlinieter. residlng at %Velma,. lle., Mete ,hlareh 00,..tapss; "Me.ITIL Sanded Gentlemen Prete what I have a Z pvnenevd and from Ilhd Informatlen I have nee/Illy leeeiVed tom a roamer of persoos of high franeeta. Wit, who hate used your Sarsaparilla. I have not We lean doubt hat that n t• a most valuable medicine, and that tna numerous tertificoteh pee have faceme4 of He ifdeucy an:Lally oustedned by cepa:tan-a, end althougn Ito rep tatlon and u , ,hty are nu extrnsive, are viand in tie card el ray hatable - aloft% to me , maw tliwtot 1 Wilt. ad erne are &Meted by Little to be. coma acquainted wile the arm., and power of your e•luattle mtdmie. . . 'I ant, gentlemen, gratefully and very resyenttally JoUre. 'LUTHER wail:3llr. l'reparedwholesaie mud retail. by A. IL 4 U. SA:ll.lti, Utuggult and Cheentsta, lOU Fatten clam, Center or ttl . .lll.tut, New Vuelt. geld at.. by Drags s eta grneralty throug heat the, United mates and Can. a II WILCOX, *a bottles fat Fdr sale by L. ft, LI. A. VANN DITUCII CO., ambit:MA/ALIO FEN OF RICH, Ibttabargh Al. It, Ibbissretsr I Intl nerellAw / & CO. bevel removed to No $l7 Water gt between Wood R Illaract. to the Payee lorrnerly eon upted by Hardy, Jone, a l l oath C , I Kgl'll(A *' PAIN I 4.• Prod( Paint, ar mullein! slate Jost etlyta. Tie ehove vein eve tetra hod II um ev fi ve years, an 4 We can eanfidnotly fern/MO.OI it to the pabliejar general Item., It perfect flu abd writer proof paint, mid to stand the mama ta ntmoeptterc wit'm ut itivtart. For male by 1 P11114.111b • 7 la a INno,r &t&tta. L. hi eIL. 1.1 r MAI.NY Uote Cell Meet Stlee, of ell 1111.1 and locksmith end Shoe lleeph Owe; 61 on Itentl mdsillier al Ms ale Itteel Work.," IP I Intr o etre fifth l% sr& lea the 11 . ,1, In the Iron Attire rtf &ULLMANN A. GIAII/11, PUN. Na 4 tout of Wood ilre.l, l'lttetturg& mlLl•tllse • 01110VIa We, ilea bating nod, vault autism aab 100.00 n, On Cast Mani and Piles nlade by Samuel blearier, at log liagle plead WunlN In tenhinniendlng them emnal in quality to flay evet Winti I , y Oa, ad foreign ulanmfacturo. Plltalsigh, aluteli Id, tail 0 & 111 siIoRNIIEUGER a Co, Idanuraotaitra of Inn.. and Nal, aq,1 1 1,,,,,, t , '(UPP a 'mitt& Iron I"."rd Nia f f co Mltbhildnlmf Optioga, Asia, ' fly ' rltlat ‘ Steel and 11,110' N ' 7 an uf Z,rif& g,isl„„ 111aahlao Card din tern, PlltabarliaePa. • P A lILTON, OO Pnander, Pltt P eturgb, Pa. 011 APP , LINLaiAli • CO, • Alorialaollatera of Iron 11101 Nada, Pattabarg A. Pa. NIShIPII TOMLINSON Ltledlhallre biting Nrultfhiji uullder r nit, atou w WALLACW , ' 4140.1. , thiiitokthror, Atiarbide and Engine Pull& Oita. Cl. Pittaburab, OfiFfell(TA CatiiVra-11/47iTierir— tta Witall,ll Malta larlating Conipaoi offer to tho peddle theta Pariutunt Chemical Flo,. Palla4l 4!nl *llll,Ol {.l .11,Sla I Via.. Or fee tit contradletino. by that, her 1,40 la 11011 11, eo n ,rrnamten It far anneSor Ov ir her itiaraoh. hn ouno r need lover,. ittlytarlat Oen. al aalling .vatpett, an an .1e own. pitottlun oteraol.m dual Itnal at 419 r When helllf ap taltlelt Old at he d, tan the e h ... la .04 fhp fitH,ll , l trollied Ali MOO to pridaCe a heal! 11141 tP. .4 01 Oro of one, any per raid Ii Insured OttoettOtotto A onallailapolied to Stover, Pim, :':hen 11,14 away frr du. .y. a .a.,,a a sate pro rOtiadleh !teapot WI. AN., having Had It m,ei It! It ja idrlttall`lei no pr.. %a any .h. €1 , 04 ~t7, # 0,01.1 l'oropanyla Pm:dm Chart& gttiOi PIII4, rat Sala ti WICKKOSITA% 1107 i 0.11161 Of Wu and Wad OM% MISCELLANEOUS. SOMETHING NEW Under the Inn or Vitteburgh WILL. be opened about the 61d of Mao. a Vaml , y Im Grocery and Tea htorrja the Chtladelpbbt The sofisoribers have fated cd n store at No. afiri r‘ lo w t . t4s . a h rz s nf . rho vestment of fine Gnocrrian, and ron . , '" Os. I Tar ' s ' a which thej respeolfally invite the •Ilrlahon of the pa:, 40.. Or every article, they will endenvor to freer 'he nest of lts hind, and cocfidently ',entrant nt then TX. Al ROT 10 Mt conrotorn, IV ognou xn i.. the el lys ?bele assortment will comprise:—Green end Blank Teas of all Yields. from 37k cents to el an per pound. Cat Nett of event PO , Lovering , . Fogs, Loaf, Cdnshod end Pulverised: Otvato Fynip, Peg, Nouse and N. O. Mot nitres; Gm,: elates, Foreign Frots and No.& Since, P:eltle., Fete:tons Essence., Sonar Cared 1111713 and User fish of all kinds, Ppdrra, feed and What , ' Otte, Nindld, 4 pornt and Wax Candle., together with many rankles which eoald net here.nfore he Ind la PIUS , our alt, and which time would fail to enumerate. tit fl=roon o c(tids delivered free °retarget in otter) . pall of e twes. Dealer. nrplled Cu me•t feisonable tun= AVNt. A NoCLURdO:Co., No. r..n _7A 2 7 sz"I W ER VELT IXTELL KNOWN VENITIAN ni.IND mAxgrot TV ep cousounly on hand or make to order tho nest;dric In their line, at their old Vend, No. la St. Clair street also. at No. F 0 Market .tree, s , va] slo t ?, entranec In the Dinknond Vsettian Shatters made to order. and idd nettle renni,d. anio To Soutb•ro end W eeeee o Merchants. OUSSFT.3 PREMIUM Ph:RR:MERV. The subscriber respectfully invites public. attention to his extensive met of Perlorwry, Soaps Phavitte Creams, to., to wh eh seven Silver and two Golden Alcdais hrs., within the inn lii yews, nem awarded by the balite," of New Vert, Boston, and PIP. the latter beleur the only Golden Medaia en, awarded for perfumery either Io Europe Or la thin • • • Annanogain't VNIMIALLID Bttamsa Okpour;, and Anteroom ) univoroally acknowledged to tee sopertor to any Shwoing Cram lot tica country or Europe. Otkownens /On filturolo—Ri..l,llfo,l7 and posts mine Nobly Unno , ,ttecons• and emollient Properuesi Bamonocenuo Compound; Ambrosial Sew,. eg Tablet; Military Blowing Soap smarten Sours—Almond, Rose, 51111efleurs, Bouquet Vul.achlo, Musk, Potchottly, ...minus, Float. Ina. Transparent, Olive Windsor, and Circa coin. Ensures ;on TIM BANDlEric.tri—Roue, Jasmin, ikur,o2t de Caroline, Ceram um, Jenny , Land. Mousse. line, /ockey Clyb, Magnolia, Clamant., Citronelle Rom, and many other Variones, iu all minty Carannt pernanum. Totter Wants—Florida Water, Eau de Toilette, Orvnge Plower Water. and a great , variety al Ce to . v and Lavender Water. pparazicriow 101 TU. Bar', Oil, Anuqur. Elandohne, Eau Luetiale, (Heine, Com pound Ox Marto., T; z lT pie., liquid and In powder, an Petiole... Riot e, Lind PoW.etiFei Cinoirrattne Pa 44444 twriv—fialaumie D'O ' r Hove Tooth Pavia, Cearenal Ikelnifiee, Odontine, Tooth Poste, and Tomb Powder. COmmucs—V. actable Cosmetic Cream, Amend!. for Gbouttl hands. Cold Cream of ROms, Comm d: Perce pt Lip gOre, ctrm..4 g-• Deilatory Powdrrs, tar remains's 1113 pr rflunua hair, Pearl roamer, Vinalg re de Rogge, Aromatic Vinegar, Victoria !lair C.omposalen, Presma Palm. betides a arca, a►nary of oth-r oracles. too OYZIOITIL. LO be named In this ad eettimmant: -••• • • . The subsonher horns to maintain the reputation which thisestablisament has acquired, by disposing of nothing bat gill rate guileles s and will be happy to famish those Whit way wish M pahont;o hire calor . wholesale or retail. an • a =Venable tape as nay ess tatilisament In the United (Utica VIF.R Successor to and former Dire cto r of the BASI a N, las? Of di UENts lit Ma'am street. Mr. SOttin's fetnimery la Cattalo 01 oil toe pond. pal Momenta la toe somot, 11^,Tolls DISSULVTION OP PeltTlEoStlip. THE PartnersolpheretiWore e riming between Mime` Marilmil, Win W. Wad.ce, and Ilebry lift:carp the earn iron boldness, ander the name or Marshall, er. Co, wail dinwlyed by mutual comm., on the lilt met, James aaa Henry bl'ocary lace hari,urin pod mig the entire intercit of Wm. W. Ws!. ea The 4141ine•I In future will be condi:teed in all Its mutant brother by tim sahseribers, under the name and mole on Marshall tr. 0 ii,eary, who will seula burrneas silo lam Inn, and Co whom all persona In. debtrd ere 11,0.100 10 mate payment Wuetenae, ceramic( Wand an d !Abell). 10TVP01. a3i NAit..?Al.d, lE( RV Nten.4 01' 13.63151,..rT, So tr Wood street, Wll 0 LI N A G L 6 E I G S R 1 1 0 4:• ofer , cor solo, 110 pt. Y R.lmo. T ell; - and Gunpowder Te 1101.0. TPUaero; ..010 bal M. R. RI thin 'um bis Owner do; ' In hots Rio SOO IJ !donee.; 73 nee. II 0 Berm; 140 boxes Snorted slier WndoesOluq el en Pipe 13 cost. Zknte Curio E. W. note; Is an Brazil Nuts; 13do Filberts; HSI do Pea Note; bxs nhelled Almon4s, Fa• Hock Canty; 5 ease* LJgaon•s; 10 51 Plincipte & Kernlan Cigans efer oteamp; itat has Ctod'ea; 3reto m. Codfiehj OD brie Tanni,' Oil; CO less Chocolate; S d ah l b d e Con Hope; his SpAccel Chocolate AO ate. Crepe.. bog, ol.pleo; to boa fiertiuG 00 b,. Vinegar 30 Cale. C. dlemak; 0000. Eltareeo 10 tree RI-e; la bob Ch. It; .00 croon "lee; A. owed .art general Moue/l clee lON to Hall SPCIIISEj 3 his Clovetet ft cane NotecteaN eetroote Indigo; 2etaee Lar/10/IVMP: 93 Miser e poer [Weer; lOasea Tomato Centro Ground Spine* o all kinda 40 harreis powdered mad Loaf ',Gear; hit I hladde.r. IQ br's R b Icacrtment cf PiallbOrgh 4,111 TIIIO TEA :art rids of thrt L r•R •or ioo 'gams, j 'fry oar 7.0 e Tea aglow Try Oar 750 Ten again t rue trip best 'fleet Tea t 75 cents per von& The very best firma Tea till per pound. ' • We arc ihmidely opeaseei I et respectfully. Comr • f ?mains who sells the hes 110111 maim Pear- lIIABICVT .iamond, Pitplurgh. d rew nouyete • where. t Tie Tet bought •Mewaett. St ret thwimi elsewhere • imported, we are wiling Imported, we ere seltlnQ tOOMEng,insteed of arhiell porteon,.. tee hest method t mud ebew•t reek, ' KIS & HAWußril tom or the Tee Merkel. ICHf IVIC 150 TN .0 7 INg " lt, lo A L TVgl io itir =nig Vans! Buhl, Lib-ny st Cole Fad &ad WLltr ddlug. [nil 'la La& eopeelor qual&y, Jun .enelved from ataeurae•urer, on comae,, ent, and for pale at e.t.a price, at the mannfaetthaes , ro•rt bones, 11USEY, PLIMINO & Item ~, hal Word n. LIAR MIXO TOCId3 -A co ..orm•nt of Wa t` be.. toothy of Cnotat,l and Cern ScyOes, yearrelved. tfaat Owe, 1,1,4. I prong Forks, wrnnAsuAll Co.. uteri Ilse It Index d. Goo.-natt floesqllolld; 10 dos remits,. do do,ifo. sale In., at the Drug and toed Store of 51 Tr WICKERSHAM mi. It for,. , C r , h • W•o• ••• GB°`E'l:'. o .hg::Riatnge 71 fth's radon. grades 30 do. Gesepoerder ant Gap 30 do Foschong 6 do Oalosta el caddy brs X LUMP F • el tam I's, 5y and Tobeceo 33 caddy on 13 trtorrls S's do At bate. 6sloli • 1,1. brl Saleratos Indite, 611 Ai lder, •lum. Gin hr ger,. Pepper, Allspice, Nollorll.l and Loris. Black 0 asp, for eve by CH GRANT st PP VIDA IMRO 11131,.. MD. RECI th dame 21 kind 1 of egaono and Roc. SELA • al aa(h ewed Teas th•t are entaile ed d in the old era they and 56 per lb. c an be obtain ihr We and 73e we. pp and at T. Tea klaltila• etalslde of the Diamond,. • iet b r ' ai l I d ' if:eh% IreVny k : e rc' a ' t!O . v .. e i ti n g o s 111 i * tf:: Taxa we receive through cur Englialt Agent, direct from the Queen's Boded W•t[llokaleS, dory free, being forexponation. aern THAD, TEAS! T UFT °Pepsi!, at th e Pittebergh Family Groben and Tea Wemb..., the following athertment of arteries i Mack Tem.. Ntensile !LAX& Young 11 7. n. h/rip Pine Young do; Pine trehingi Eton fine do dog Eatre fine do; Irno.r.di Smotheng; Gunpowder. Chou'an l'onebring; nyen dn. It iseeneemsery Co Fed thn abas Nlg e Ten ir s;„they reek for themselves. All we ask it a fair evict, plid ere arc confident they will please both la natio. de/ price. WAI A I I . CLU4Ia CO ale I.lnerm ye bIIDDIOAL AND 111:111.010Als OFFICE., No. 81, DIAMOND ALLEY. e raw doors b ow Wood UNICA, Is. ',anis cube% • . • DLLs melt Wss having been • regalarlycducated to the medical profenion ‘ sud bees for some time to denerai practice, noir conflict his attention to the treatment of those pnvate and delicate corm pleints for er bleb hi, opportunities and experience peculiarly quality hint. 14 years aesiducusly devoted ristudy k. treatment of move compledrus,(durln lama woe. he has had more practice and has cured more pa. as thin can ever fall to the lot of any private peat. titioner) amply qualifies him to offer mlsorances of nom. I Dr. Drown would inform these afflicted with pnyate diaemei which beim beeoma chronic by Unic or age gray.ed by the a. of Ray of the enema. nosirama of the day,thilit their camp... can he radically sod thee, aunty cured; he having given his careful attennon is the treatment attach cases, and mteceeded In hundreds Of Ittatanoes In curing parsons of Inflammation of the neck of the bladder, and kindred disclaims which often result from those eases whore others have consigned goon to hopeicas despair. lie particularly Invitee such as have been long and unsuccessfully treated by piler to consult him, when every satisfaction will be given them, and their eases treated in o careful,thefough and Intelligent manner, pointed out by a long expertenc., suidy,and Investigation,whieb it is Impossible for thorn one In-general practical of medal. to gin s to one class of disc.a 13:7 Iterate or Reptant—Dr. Drown aiso Hines pars Irony afflicted with Hernia to rail,. ha has paid panto near attention to Hadley... CANCERS also cured. Skin diseases; also I , s,Palry,sts.,spesailly esred Charge s very low. N. B.—Patients of either sex living at a distance, by stating their discus in writng, gislog all the synth obtain medicines directives (or sae, by addressing T. BaowN, N. D., post paid, and <IICIat• ins R fa Oates No. CI Diamond allsy,oppoalue the Waverly House. Rusrarevtava—Dt. B MIT'S newly discovered rem. Chufor ,madam lea speedy sad certain =lay for deal pianist trouble. It never Otriee si.d Private Ct.eeeltine {dooms, ed Div stand easy, Pitutatrab i Pa, Tho Metal is slyly. al Poste an as pq. • R 10,101491 DRY GOODS, &c Bonnets and Bonet Itibbahe.' NAF URPHY IMRCIIP3ELD have tercia",l son, ad. ditionv .ppiy good a, bleu bir Tr., 01 , .. or Chi.. revri, Alhane ord Mon; Meet cr, Whim .ad Colored Gimp'do; and/UN:deo/al , 00 , 0 r• prtons. rva)l7 RIOEHIVING GOODS. Mt7llPll Zs BURCHFIELD tow I, thd. , artendon of those evarding emirs tin hl.rolnt BdtPd.vv• . thrir very full orrotunvoL jest retched, Such as Block Ronthhrines, Band , ssin• hohth Alpocevs, Black Mow. de i.nlnee,, ?doomed Worth Si k., ' do Prided Foulards, n. , &Z00, 7000er.Stritian, Loom., Alboornoo, Mock ord Primed 1..000, Week Eat. oiioreel d Bonn c RtAloono, &n. Isoayl7 Marg. dr;Lrlora • A A. MASON aCO Sere 1.440+0. peeexpe. and n opening 30 pc. ct Wee Bere• ede Le le) ree mete Nlqurn4le VA ' L U onTdolNrit Jt y opennag et erker n: 100 Oloco coed Ththet 'dbowls,ploladt embioidensd; 13t•ok do. A 14.1 p o Itc: 4 1 s o ck b G a ra It c o h l i % i I loy; dn c 4 pcs Tort 9411 n., MLR CuATINC-13 pea C•Phmarel.,k••nrted S oolon.,• moat dreirablearricle;!or .on ttl : r, coat., aced, and now opening by AA al A•Obb& CO Moyle CAI Martellc rale/ orr ivirt colOrari r bir !bawl, eompnnng Corns", Croup, Pont, Green•nd Corn colored, jum reccovna ore azrrets, mol Obi day openlbg by A A MAW/NA-CO m•yi7 IZEI=I22EI aii — rorn 2( tro; ', : 2l4. .: . Vg " h. th tt c c'd Pi p n r k r . eft' '4 . = by m*Yl7 A A 51A511N.% n • Meng — .Deo. amino. ik. ‘L' eos . d r : trin d elN77ll l 7ol °- tri! do; ;0 roe 31 inch do; apes 34 ;nob do; hod I et; inoh do. fonylo Linen Handlkarahle4a. . 400 do:Ladies. Linea Cambric HMO's, all Wen; 000 dor Gents do do es do • do do MASON d: iv d ed this day bt A A MASON 4:0 maylo Market qt. FITSI IBLET LINEN LUSTRE:I-6(lre. easm — F - 1 11", a ! Luta", at the es tnme /pw pace 0144. , oat yard. maylo A A MAI ON la CO Irish and :retro Linens. 400 pc, 34 end 436 pee 44 Mown Linen . % Japes Gray's Barkloy'e, and Al;sand dpe 1643 Linea., now opening _ s; zeto , A A MA.o mei In Freak Arrival of Doy Oitorla.'; W E are now receiving kayo arelittlous to °unlock petal ' r r o triVr og o: . e d r a .:=l:z Gow„f , and t „:;, , e;: - , low priers toe ea.n. or approved nredlt. The enantion of etcetera dealers oariralaily . quitted to nor roods, ea we feel eoelnlent of ltelea •Lto to offer unusual lndueenterna to nuke a bill veldt an. Coll and exam]. at ewe rate 0/40ttifF.1 . 1 . & waya lca Wood street. - ' thlihn-450 pet (*orb= Lawns lam If reoeleed, and no* telling it the Very lola price 1,1 eelos per yard, be 4 A 0140t01 te , oo usUrn 4 1 gAßMEa—itir piti Parts PiliTta Hennes, &lost elyfee; SS pea do at I r/oyer lard 1}0.• pee eke Printed Blactina, ell noolitlee; lin piece fait colored Altollna et to per yard, now opening by calla A A MASON &co C. YEAGER, 108 flarkat •treat (near rabertr,) larOrfliteD anp ;atiat• la AIITTOCSN, tzoLiaFt, ABU OF.RMAN FANCY 000De1 'Entwine. LACES, (11.0VD3, THREADS. COMBS, BUTTONS, BUS. PENI , ES 4 ‘.IO. A.eo. Satin and Fancip ß irett , ijagt, t. BLACK: NIA FANCY LINE, 1, 01‘4.7..."2,17.1 sortMett: 01 2/110. ! a 1.94 Cypqr TrUiety at ituala.a. • I GDOhd—We are noW recovering laShry r largo .no one amen:lent of Sarin; and einsimer Hoed*. a huge portion which have Won purchased ale pleat redUello.4 limn the pines tirmight hi the latilt descriptions o . item, in me early part of the be ee mat to a!most every kind Naomi. yid Will be totalled to Offer (itsqt Mt)," whom we sandhi rewiecusity invim to cad ho CY Market at, north well carom oldie Diamond, , tolol3 / 6 1.4XAND1,11 tc DAY' AA (Atria I.IbRCIIPit c.O are now rerafring I.VI their second rupply of Geod. for this Spring' aue offer their (needs and buyers perteraby a laritt!and choice Berretta:rent tote:eel from. 11.3' De. , " leVd:d INA ix at A. *choleraic Mem, pf Aliirp/fr.lll, metre, where a freuh s , p pit has Cur been reeeived, end several ktoCk goodocars be nold at lower priees tiler ttecral. mph AA. MASON k CO, PO market rt are now open . Indchoice high Colored Iforece•, Times. fehr. Ancsne, I..lphi:tee, be., n'l at reduced price*. zoris Fcrutered Lein. arld Matt. Lb ot the kit Ri7tre F _ may vtie, will by ciler , PS ty A A MASONA 00 B•sgatsiiiin Pow/sad &Stadia Wash bilk. N I LIRPHY & CIUSCIIITIKL ri D have tsast& lot of Praatea Foulard sill., at the low Fires co 371 e per )&d; a tel toper do. at higher men Wan. tt Is, neat plaids. at per peat& and andg ss. terument nt 'IA EU 194 CIISM&IINES LatSia' tret, hoods Generally of newcat style', at north Cl., Soutar of fourth antsMarket to& @myth Bosom — l. Mims. 4VRP , IV k lii.N.CtIPIELD, at north east ertnet 01 of Foorth and Market stS, have jolt rameirtd • samly of rat. Lot Irian Lioans.warrartat pare &ex to atm& th ey wattle the attention of deitlt"iss e n Fumye t sthisteer•r••• kif URPIIY k Rest norm ) ut ripcord an LYL. assortment of Fano) Casainter-s ad. mtrtfor renttrocenhtsammer w•ar. Amo,thper Fronch Broad cloths; Satin •nd Fancy Yestines, Jaen: Camthe Std alx Pat& t Siandlreochtent; Furey entaim tl reshot; am/ Un'orsehod-Cotton lat.:ion.; Km mot Wale (:Love, tilt Colt., & Manna U.enhn.i:nll at low prises for q.dlty. mat & 11/t/16(3 LI LI& L /SINS. CASES plain and f fovea llamas de Laths, untn• mt t'olorti lost reemycd and ming at vary law :pria•• aa•a , 3 A A a, h LAWAs. C) CASES fast colored Lawn. received nod epee oproing,sclorg et toe estivate leer price 'en 0 he per ard oiey23 A A MASAIN CQ talbirAi iinvi"." -- —7- CASES b et colored Gaghime, reed, and selling at id cent. per lard A A Pd 180 A & CO Jan Meet at • tt.t Pm/el.!: rat el ktic. OLY anon 111. P-eoPely lie tame kind every mane and marl] tittered Teat Wet are bald an We old Country at flee &Want. pea pound nn be obtained far 730 per lb of -nalyee MORELIA a II sWoIRTII L A YAM of Gold Speeeteles t supijosed Imre been Pe alle c lVet otr 4 7l:e 'e lre'de 4 r l e ," r:1 1 hne ret k ardVo k e madding then to the owner, No. ea Wood street. • ap36 li kiLNS—lfbarre sr,rstle by _ J Sell:!triMAKEß d. CO 21 Wood aro.. a _...1,E-23 and sopenor rituborgh Giro for Wile 137 XI-inapta • J KIDD kCO hbds h U:+ut•r, prime 4 ,, • , 111 , 05 Mrs 10 and for sale oy JOH,. PAIIK &CO Maysl 5 r.rmll-•-•....... .51 0 , 405:4M-11y bay %.• nauto ~• iljtor tale by mayal JOHN PARR ER VA 'RUUeR—uO brts 15 3 z ) 14,114 ,t .n ., 0 p. V t y . 044 Id• earflap* tar babel sacks. %if URPHY 55Rta!FIELD e rece.aa/ arip -ILL ply of above gaada, waist May offer low whale. Seld lead retail rnerdi f)LOCK lba tegiarb, malt hare:tat erir LI ad, and for sale by 5 Pi WI XE/Pflita reayll t or 'repot a diytti A, IR SALLS—an anortaarat adlarem aaes fur „Ildt, all. by aleydl J PHILLIP:I b; 4k.ft ICALL.,—.I r0r.23 c 3 IA ?.:',,"1;")M.1,"",i m 4 " 1.71 1 . " :74, ' 1LT Err bale by K & M HI e l bany2o ',berm street. 0410,0 and Antique enralturn JAIIES 1;1/.. WOODWELL, 63, Taw Bi., Prrrs.nea. '...?ft.T..r*.;',:>. J. VV. W. Z io • .. •••••• d,a,...,,1 Respectfully intornat the ~ i •dd. pubilo that he has cern- ple ;ad nt• tonne week of FURNITURE. Ca LIT e. and M.:vetted astortmedt over haired tor to this city. ettutprosing tweet* menial fiewawcoo, M.1.1106”7 , and 413 W•Vitl, carved, ornaments, end plan, Soluble ter PallOtd. Drawing and Bcd norms, all of which will be so.d it the lowest once. Poisonsdestrog Furniture stony deriptlon, Nth spectrally invitee, 11, telt end examinalts es ldoci, which umbrae.' every deserw.tton, from the cheapest ano plainest to the west elegant and costly, of whieh - lhe followittgeompttsesa apart.' Tenn rote kerns; Tete a Tete Diver; -, ConversaitonChairw Elisabethiu Cu..; Recepron do Loans XIV do Extension do frown rdlaque, What Nets; Tothit Tables, LouisßlV.Commadote. Mac of Thilt COUCEI (10 Sofas with nosh and llalr-eloth coserr • SO Divans, do do dog ' 1 0 dos klahogarty Patio', Chain; 1 0 " Rosewood do dot . I I/ 0 lllk Wairun do dot 40 d Cana seat dot . . 4 " klahogony Rocking dal st " do Paulo thoolat .'• IVMarble Top Centre Tables, go do do Wash Stands; 00 Mahogany Bedsteads; 1/ do WartPubew 1N 11111 Walnut A 1 0 Cherry di , A very large assortment of Common Malts and mt.-. et Furniture too teem. tirtnentlon, U.' Steno Floats furnished on Iho ehorten orttleei' At orders promptly attended in. . P. A --Cabinet Matters tan MI RappliOd with anomie!' of Mahogany, Walnut, moo Venrers, at eonalderabl: reduced priers GRAS I to ru Atli mr.clifriir'— THE AMERICAN Hit EU MATIC RALISAISet. ANEW remedy Islets liseovered th aVegmal Komdom—• sore and permanent care for a Ruvuma di Umnelalts, inch as linattettmstuty, Chronic Seine sund MeTOllllll Rheuniatistn. Gout Lumbago, ARections, ie. This medielae bum tong beta sought (or It hes bear said that Rheumatism could tof be cored. but thee , ' • rotator retignod by nature for the sere tt: every da. ease aim the Wean system is subiect to At tau a rt• medy bus been found that cures Rheumatism of the worm: form—moe of the most valuable setiemble pree dections of .the eartb—the /mama and must importma disease', Of the age, and • nonderrul [timber to the home ,It cures without sickening Or debOtt.. tang, and 'toes. strength and vigor to toe whole mit. tent. It hut cored, dorms they not three enentns, over 140 eases that were tom:Send Israelites. Cerlifieates Or the curative preemies of this mal. eine can be Seen by elating on the Agents. , None genuine Unless put op with no engrave d label upon the outside wrapper, Mimed by the proptietor t R TURNER, Doralo, h. Y. Bola by n. BifYSER, , k "d 14. 4. ` P. THOM Pa, Sold alba. by No Id Mal? 4 . 1, Clneln44ll. O. W P MARSUA LOA NM toilet@PlM Wp94 :1 :r!:c' tau-LZnj ,ts gnsyatl, Valsaq, taultl : VOL. XVII. NO. 261. BOOKS ntisir, a l:ItEOLO010 kL 'WORKS TEIR Wn , k. of Lcorard VV D M •re;batpro..°. D . Zo7n ,. l4l , lo.lF:rend. Ws natal.. and eviamentan. ThOrilto4. Prlna m ?l " Canairghenen Bertnnnt: Fa. isle by JASiES D ET/900D; Fnant. 1 • a,. ,rritol /610. I r I , FiT received ai the giro of Go,den nem— to The 51aigaretia Woltz, erre:wired and dedicated 111 r. David P. Park, by Profeocor Rabboek. Bella Vahan Pallet, enicaloerd ard dedicated 1111 lime Park, hy,PrOfereor fEeilEig ti POSTEIPS NEW tOtINGS Idy Bladder tiara. Ocrine tenoned Nicht. Addeo line Baker Sklar docoal” • Olclib• A DO.l somj r . Day Day. 7th, ancattleeldoldioilli Alta Poka. Daley Jobe. pthwe elachrec,:hy;Watoca, oh, Thlok not Leto r too, thee. (Alois, MM. ffilit I irniadir florae, es nibs . bymi... Erato il " ;4l.,ih d er Obdr, word. k) ....le 0 7 it I riety of Now Pony, for va a * ale by KLY.RER maY~i•, 101 Third at NEW Pl3l34TCATllytift, A N Platerteal and Critical Vies entre Spermlade. A Phllornphy of Europe In the 10th century By S. D. Morel!, A.M. . Loiters of the Roo. Pa msel Butherferd, Proteser of Divinity In the relvenatv of et Andrews, with • sketch of hi. Vet by Rev. A, A. Bore; anther of os. malls or R. U. hreCheyne. • Bohe Tbimloyleal %%ols of e , re s. Daniel yne, D. IL Edited by i the Be v Beni Fr Re ey. Soeste4 caldera. B:oaseJos. Prices of Abyssinia. By Dr Johan:Q. New eoluon F.sray on Christian Dayniam. D7llE' Neel ad A. The C..ntri.,utions or Q. Q. By Jane Taller: -.Do !entered from nslelnol Howland. discoverabley ob belle Morale and Religion, a. In the Faith amid Characters of AD= By flee H Teo 'dreamy of Joy, buoy a - sequel to the Night SPY Weal pg. By the Her. /I Honer Kelso. The Golden Pal • m-bsi.g a Prectieal, Expenetert• ral, end Proyhetleal Expoentort of Psalm X Vi., Rev. T. Dare. hl , A. Toe L , shted Valley; or Cfoelog Beenre In the Life of a Beloved Slater, by Bolts°, withaprofeee by Dm Wm. Jay. Tne Conestanfmen Wee Promise; by the Author of ttthe Lint Day at the ,” littutrated by Howland: . Memel. nt rho life of - ute Res. John SVilllanth Niralonary to Polynesia - b hlemoD• of the life and Writlap of Dr Chalmers, y hr. son In law „Dr. Benne, in,three pole.' Vdl L Also, a /ergo aseertment of NOW B. B. Bolos Pab7 &siert.' For ante by A 11. ENCILIMIECO maystlTY Worst el I . ILUXESTOCW9 DULECTOILY. Card. FAFINEEMCC leave to announce to t Ch. outvote of his New Directory of the chits of Pittsburgh and alleghony, and. borooghs of Maas cheater, U rwinghtso, Esc., that the work b' now nearly mad. for the precs, and will be pot In this hand. of dio printor soma wham betweeo ths and 30tti Instant. The citizens generelly, and all who feel an internal In the production ore coundetc and perfect Directom panteulerly those who brae not. Wen called oil, will greatly oblige, the pithltzher, by nwertaltdag tharthelt yawne+ avocedons and placea of buzinats, 44 Owl noted for publication In the Directory All Cards to be Inserled, must ha handed to forth. h. or at U latesi,TiZo - 07t . 0 •)1D 111 E COD IC :ON PIANOS. JUST recet•ed. am , roar epoch*, taus chtgantßesau er om o ooaee Melodeon Plinio. from the tele 'wed muninietory of Oloroo tz Ntlte , Curclarnia. This ip a supenor rostrum., d, of him i.e. and very rapid curiae anon; a eo, out Ann 4 rimy, Melodeon. It Ktit:llliftlA Abdo tsars, lm Tolrd wept. ELW ISLICATIONS.. A STBII.IV at Anclent IVcdtaasal Geiger:ph,. ,r 1 For IL, anG Of .010010 and thlflegryb. •• By Charles 1,. L D. Prothsfot of Gtheh4OI4I:IAIAVVI. kg, la Columbia College, beseNork...,. The 11thlory of Etiglo• d. front thiettstarkm of Sulfas Carat. toile othlksathe sf /arose . fr,..0.8. Hy lbaol4 F-Pt : a now ednico en; the author's laskethr. thetthhe ahrt; to tibial Is pshfiSesi • shot; account of obi life, buitteh by himself. SI 711. A ketthol Die:loth:try at Week avid barren Athilah: om. •boageo 'thorn th e largrredletiouery Wm. h. L. L. I); wailCo...thieve AAA. Improvement. ny Chnrien of L L. Memoths al Lae D Witiois et the Bev..Thitth. • its/me.., D D.. by Is s sth in lass, the lies. Whllase Ilaana, L. L. D. .0 three volakes Vol V. Math Jacket; or goo of War. By Ben 17.11,1 Ivuto, sulkot of f•Typeo Orboo,” •Wartho end Redbunt. hehs edition .ha ever Ellthrerho: the ably eels fore: pithllsned la the United Struck In szthen 7011341tha. ralty las, lsom all nations. Anthony R. Manta b., ary l 'went,. Igor Ilhastrallone by R. Doyle. tValtoullarray, and sober talcs. Ly Alias Sods. wick . p h a ' o r a i t a t o a l ll S ortellos of tes ß . oo l k ly ir jo ' En ' llilfg,ar• soantant. Also • line Alsodsnenl AZlatiCall S Books:on baud, and tor sale by •N rt ENLIL.III & CO &merman to E.L.LIO B ff kINOLLSR, 79 Woml reel the Mat en•els ithallat• to eclentlAo — ing Pentair:al Agele ,:NAY NPhettv,, N- tl. /s ' . or telinbureh.lbe celebevted amain 'else vtlink "of the Pena,* Oki Protestor Norton, or Vale Covegv, New goers, ate prep rig tor the crepe a boot under the above inne. it Will embrace every subject of itapormnes .onneeted slat Agrleal tare in all be various branches, note Theoremiat and Pestilent. 'Aimee, le tutu au it hay, to the retie. time, been prext.ire, by expvrtment, mitt be treated in lie tale. to clory op.ration .6 It occurs In Mc courts at eases... , Tu. WOOL wilt be arranerl CO et lour ,ct heeds, re, rerentinz the easaa., besianlag W,cter uric etultvu enth Acorn.. .1.1.31E3 D IdDrIiIVOOD, 3 Books-11er studl.4 0.6.. b .1111:N17 h•alaie. M. l ge i rl ir ral2:t. W. aqe th j E cry Day Lit A actr atm rovisep adult:try of an Itarodnetion written expressly for thisednios by Alias Urceatr. 18mo, tooth lintiern With treit.sts, Cloper's. bud Seeped kliss man illestrand With rortrall and Carr or the audter's realdebee. Illad; translated by \VI ham Coariter. Fitted be Ratters Soathey D strain nobs by Al Dyriabt :A wen. Id eitlllon, on large paper. It. Itttraten will. melte engravings 1. online, from no at •na by llama. sets al OTO,Valh. & cheaper ad non tot schools. o,llvmh Work*, 'naiad rg s variety of pleats row first collected by James Prior t. Omyleto vols. Dlmo, ele early printed, ant rim In aly le whit Irving, r OOP., to. Tno bbakrbears 00endart or, Wit and Wisdom for every Day in tba year r dried by W C lircharda. In a et C very nest entente, Stet .., COW, al censo r crorb gilt, ants my* r ale iymkt:ller a JA M m . a D e L04W00% , IIUNQ,UESF OF CANADA DY .cam of .I.obbbiry qn Inx vnla,,eloW for vale b „T 14,1 V • ... r J' , r I " Ct mn 71 - "<:o Linn of Social ttolr Javenl:e Choir s &c, tut :+ibsell , School Gems of 31.t.t0 and L'octn,desigata exptessly for the Sabbath tebool; by J. It 6 (auk. shwa. • •A new Treatise ob riettOrmetyl end tii's Uwe Of bra Globes, /a two pans. /daubed/no dirttoboadea and other deer/ideas, Rawson. and p..11410..s of the vonxicola. d planabb er/s law. and Theory ol Gravitsurre; ftetraeboh, rerilight, and Perrailoa, Conneedove. Pe riods, Dirt/mere, Fhertostreub, AHigsttodes of the Heaves/1y Bodies romposiug the Solar System, eqy ateo, an erten/stye code. on of the mast camel rrobu lota. on St. U. °tithe trwut Illtwolted aim. .b •enety of !:ample.,ree I al./geed .forthe Use of High Setiocos and ev.sract. By James Alelnare, y. b, Protenor of hisahernatta. and astronomy fa theyeentroi Hiatt desivl, of Halemore. Beektold Pon, or Insideeis of a braise lath. United motor Frigate Hose/ass, to idabfoniai /silk hkelehee uf tiro resen//,alparruss, Loos, Honolulu atol Otta Flanenew Hy Her. Wol/cr / oho., U. 8. NI4 lathor of Ship and Beate, de. Sot sale by cone , Sitll3,lbr.6l J e II Mlit..l.lVB A. rr, t htll.lBH & CO, Bonne:sots rn OLLIOT te. NnLadft, ap3 No 97 Wono sneer. ULt THE 17m 0 ,, w o k o,.,:undtry —LOe Cbild'e Book of DOl:ds —Mat dohel 0, or he (Unat Ale:toter o won?, 0 : Real LI& --Ur:mg:ore; or .be Benda) =Tel, Boy. n ' e re'lreddn7'fhe Der d; *of; Irone o 1 tee tioye.--kneango, the Liss. t.b4el---rbe Lto Of Le ben with *pedal 'ere:ctn.'s to ii earlier period% ecenrebt the Ileforßonou by ISO,, by D oluonury o &AtortPdas: tar tloboots and ratmlima. rubth,..4 by Ambricin 8 8 Unibil- For labs by A LI LN‘Liell &. Soeemo no b..1.1.1UPP vori Ty oai sleet. PI)LL',ICAt. cONew 'Lt `I V D Lr telt 1 2 2ttUL2 Nu in wets, Bud will • pu.t.tatt shortly—Ds Matsu& en the borate t trldlet of Gov est. translated frost the Fresco, by a ,d. dader, dierns 0, Omuta, lireond addl., val. t2,o.met J 22 f (Id ‘22 , 200 tatartsb.2 at *AI 11 anc I tchi'l k'lo ok.t.:llohc—The meal.. Chem. I beta have employee the heat Proietisora la Scot. land, In the prepatation of 'teas tor he. They •ra now odered to the abboOls of the Ulfh.e.A :late!, wade} ne em-neat, retinae of D hl. Keene, Al. LP, 1. , L. late napealwitnetant of 'Fittild &boot., to Ida City County of New itOrk. I...n.muht.. ihhaaey Knowledge ll Drawing mid PeWlheetlhel • Ills Chatottets . Elements of Newel Vhilwepblry IV. Reid b. Halo'. Chnewshy and Wentz:Mt); ' R. Hamilton'. Vegetable and Annallal rlqatalOgyi VI. Clambers' h.lealatnta of Zooms hem, 11010.1 VII. Pate ' s m Owhogy, :hau ., nted. It is well alowolbto the onvicat pity It • tw, a o Won,. ,the Marva ChactilacTa, of taltedihrgh) me 0 la to command Ito hap ta1e.414 Lt the prepavatton of RIMg nooks, told that it A Melt pree•sc• to deal f.nhlai y with the poetic. Thia sane. will not diterpologit T ....n e b le e.pirelaciOns dime e.t.d . They ants el.- plepated by authors in eva,y Wa) ea. pubic of dint:. tit Atte th fart, reapeettre gime WA tt lir, and'avoo nave emetaly bealOsat d opts Math the UL- A... T y °toe and labor to adapt them .to dam paigiett. e TeeolllWroll lb, m 10' lew hen old patent. with wont..nee. Ite Reit named yolitmv, lit th e Rue.. of ,aao,r. of ( Ike Ynaot^V classes, trogot tn. Tzbaaatiblaco of wannarm at .In, tnstrantion. To. getter.. tut y -cold nu adltatc • rich treawira to fam ily of tioeitig-ut atilJrra, cud Motet • Wait tor snotaltd.e—EVermout Pnoutele. Pahhened by .A. 8. LaJea t CO., New. virtki and Li."° N " :l; h W ri oial .. it Ito Cro y s i APIFk UA I • ••...t.lO, oohsoo. IV: Too New 'burviAloj tlrtot. Rreetred,lo4 for tole by •, ma 9- irsirrox STOCKTON Nlt W. , 130u1531 Ni:. IStitar.s 1 .AT if E' LITSBd t DEPOT - rump : 4 .rurt oppoulo the roll I f IZZ It 4E11,11. Dozointe Ta.e; by Chottel/koko. rhe. U abet. klaSlou Sbotrpron.. Nol3. 41.1nios Cill No. 7 path of Um P "4 ' uttlelt's I..,roteAs t , 4% 5 : Diction.; yof lital Olaf, p!. Hoot's Aitital.sle of ktekerhoo/WlO, itrthi Ap4101111.447,