The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 10, 1850, Image 4

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Broadway, comer of /WM= Larne.
8 extensive HOTEL has been leased by.the
rebel:Tiber, and has been completely refitted In
• moo eleorath manner. Lea additions are a=
'be= =de, =ld; when completed, will mate it the
mon seaman Heel In New Tort. It Is the determi
nation of the proprietor, to mate it =re, In creel Te
epee, to any other Home in the United Stem Ita
=ion Is the meat desirable and central m the OM be
ing Is the fashionable Dirt of Itreulanry, consew,,,,t
so all the poblie ballebra; place of =stamen; wad
twine= Granite for the liberal patronage received
from his =dam friends, ',sidle at Celberland; 214.,
end more recently at the Weddell Irmo, Cleveland,
Ohio, he reapectfally eoUette a renamed of their pawn
age, for No "new catabilthrecti- New Sort, and
bep to Mtn them that every effort on his pen ash
he elan to isloilester to their comfort Irma.
New Tort. Hia1t,1132.--Onr2O-3ni -
lziTQ as; DAHMER, Proprlaters . s
.Pultse Square. Eris, Pa-
gad 'Anthem Stages., lease tirs
rb" eNi t i o . Elrfu",llata4.'aiTe*Jl4 acket
Hotel, Elie, Pa.
G. W. Saws. Has of tbo Ztasman Hotel, Ohio.
Load sad 211110 ter Sale.
Anouguitio yrs* four tuna( stones--or.
of the best locations for badness In the west—end
&first rate Sew Mill, on on &helmet never railing attract,
sod is oors , a Lend, good DWellintglonse, Tenent
Holm, and other Latprovements, sheeted seven miles
from the Ohio Riser Mom. County, Ohio.. Also,
nem the above,• Wanted Farm, well Improved, con
taining $4 , 0 tele. For arms, enoth, of
Beeped et., Pittebergh.
Arran& /internam" IlloohaalloalL Work,
D. Appleton & 6., New York, have hi course at pub
in put., pneo tWeilly five cents eat*,
Cr Machina, Afschentes, gustier. WhrketattEtt
(mooring; destgrut! for Prhotteat IPorrtng
dfin, and thus Intended for tho Rugs.
nearing Pcgferron.
rerun ti naval arm=
Plllll5 WORK Is of mge k. site, d will contain
two Stoma= r an, and epwi and
trids of as stoo
l.= useararnona it will ocean working-draw
ings and descriptions tithe most important ...kinn
in the United Buns. Independeet of the results of
American Ingenuity, It will contain complete practi
cal trial ,es on Mechanics, klathinery,Lagine-work,
and Vogineerlng; with all Nat is useful is more than
Mars thoesand dollen worth of Ratio voltostea, moga
sines, and other books.
The great object of this publication Is, no place ha
tore prmticel men and students each an amount of
itscoretieal and mientiac knowledge, in a condemed.
form, es that enable them to work to the best Mean
lege, and to avoid then mistakes which they might
otherwise commit. The amount of toad information
thus brought together ts actor beyond precedent in
such swirls. Indeed, there Is hardly any subject
within Its rune width to not treated with nth elem.
nen and precision, that even a non of the mat ordi
narycapacity cannot fail of understanding it, and
thee learning nom n mock which it Is Imporund for
Atm to know. •
The mthlithers are, In short, determined, regardlese
of cost, to reap the work as complete as possible, and
Is hoped every one destroy to obtain the work will
proeurs It as Luigi In numbers, and than encourage I
the eine:rise. ,• ,
Tho week will be limed In seml-monthly numbers.
emontenclng In January, 1650,end will program with
great regaletil.
The whole work will be pubilthed la 40 numbers,
allO mute per number, and completed within the car
net year, it liberal diaconal will be math to
9 4thum
Any mrsionlrdng the publishers 510 m adenine,
shall melts the wink through the post Mike free of
°pintas* of the Press.
"To mu macron Alannfacniters, Mechanize, Err
amen, and Aransas, it tall bet mine of wealth."—
Pt o cideme, 15.14 Journal.
Yocum seen, awn yourselves with Its knowledge.—
We can with maiden., mem:mond our renders to
poosees themselves of Its numbers as fast sa they ap
peara—Areeriesa Artisan,
atVe enhealtatingly commend the work to those en
- Irma in or Interested in mania:deal or wientille par
sells, as eminently worthy of their mandriation and
atady."—Troy, (K. Y 1 Budget.
nit Is tray a great were, and the publishers de.
serve the thanks of inventors, machinists, and mans
facto/ern. and indeed of the publn—N. Y.
""Ma Dictionary will be highly useful to practical
mechanics, and saleable to nit who wish to acquaint
thelatehr. with the progroo of immoon in th e
chunk arts."—New Bedford Ltsily Menem..
"Yonne. mechanic. might to keep posted up In the
, °retrial as well as pant eat knowledge, and thin
wart 101 l show them Jost how they stand.e—lloxbary
(Moat Advert.,
*We tote it to be just the stork that scores and hen
deeds of oar Intelligent mechanics have desired to pos.
eras. So ample are Its datriptians, and so full and
minute its spocificauons,that it memo to m that any
mechanic might mntenet any tantalite It describes, so
the sirengthofitsengravings and inarnetionau—PL. Y.
Commemisi Kdresuser.
"At interested In meelanim should trail them
selves of its advantagea"—Schnylkill, (Peon.,) Jour
"tit work of eltatiallre practical utility and great Im
portance sad taint to the rapidly increasing interests
ef the country. We regard the work as eminently
calculated to promote the came of mimeo and the
ineetunical arts, and m disseminate saleable Informa
tion on them sabtheu."—Farmer and Mechanic.
"Prectimi men to all the varied walks of mechani
cal and manufacttiring Industry; engineering, will
dud In this walk a treasure which it will as Wick
profit to pouessa—Troy Daily Whit.
sWe haveuerelblly parasol the mothers, and base
rie hesitation In saying that it is the best work for me
. amnia, troicemen, and selanifie men, ever mibliah
ed, for it meta. minute Information. every branch
of the meelianiest arts and sonnets, expressed in a
style and longnam, intelligible to any reader of ordi
ray eapthity.”--iiinneester, (Mau,) Neva
"We are sere we an doing the methinks of Nor
with and other pane of Connect/tat a service by
bringing the work to. their attention."—Norwich,
(Conn.) Conner.
"It Isnot such a wet as every mechanic ahead
poross."—Freemurs Journal.
We coadder hone of the most mend and ismiartart
publkatione intimate.' No mechanic can adore to be
without lt.”—Pintrurs, IN. LA Commercial B oa cke.
Kt all the callous publications hawks ter their ob
. an
eauci dsaelton
s, adva eem en t of th e s m m a te d
fall a n f spimda. am thea—ehao CwomhAd,e,sn
slt lithe hest and cheapest work everodered to the
. scientific andyranical engin-or and merhanic. The
piers are buntlfally eseented.”—Washington Globe.
—"This great Dictionary Is one of the most osetul
works ever published for years, nod the low price at
which, n in sold makes n acceptable to all."—Soath
. "We regard it as one ante most comprebassive cad
- voluble, an well ea chums% works eve: published.*
—Boltimoes Advertiser.
Ought to be tam by every one desiring to keep
pate with the progress of sr and aureate in e•cry me
of the labors of elvdired life,"—Bandont Courier.
"It Is designed after d ev ot ed el Um's thenena.
ry, only Om it is more t o therenal and
englinienng prefesabons, me shove t•• valuable
....g.omplikkint for America who : has done for
Ungteed, neseribiat American machinery and
worm ofait."—ftiontifie American.
"It is published Innumbers, and st mice so mac
ros, looting et whet. contairsid in each number, that
'so nee who has the least interest in sod, mums,
need he deterred-from martinet:olnd every one who
dms se, And that holies in a madensed form an
ammint atlantic:ion which would be obtained, if at
all, only by the purchase of very many volumes."—N.
Y. Calmer sad Ithqulrer.
• .The eareprehenstemeas with which the thbiee.
' are treated, the admirable manner In which they on
lltristinted, conspire to make this one of the most desi
rable aorta"— ariecratin Iteview.
• ands work should be In the hands of every oseeloank,
sohme, and ornatfacturer, especially these who have
tan least arpirations to excel in their respective bail
messes. We ham ea tfett) ex.:ailed It, white. new of
tecoraminviing It to insulin". To them we would
say In lbe strong language of the Bible: "It is eood..—
Badmen Inventors Journal.
- -
Natia to tits Pnrlftzrsof .141-upi . xsperl anntehasu
du V 4•13 &Zs and asnaa.
V ike foregoing advertisement is inserted five times
daring the year, and the paper contains it sent m
a copy of the wart will be sent gratis in payment.
Containing as 'Mercury, nor other Mineral.
rIE following testimonial was given by the cele
bnited Dr. Wooster Beach. the sethorofthe great
medical work entitled .The American Practice o.
Idedieine and Family Physicism.o
4faving been madeammainted with the ingredients
which compose McAllister's All.llealing Ointment
and having prescribed smd tested It In seven] camels
my private practice, I have ••.c , hesitation in saying or
certifying that It is a Vegetable Remedy, containing
no mineral =bonne° whatever that its inr,reditats
catablned as they are, and used as directed by the
Proprietor, are not only harmless, but of Seem sob.,
belay a traly @clef:tilde Remedy of great power: and
cheerfully recommend ft es a compound which has
done mach good, and salad, Is adapted to the care of
• great valley of cases. Though I have never either
- recommended or engaged In the sale of secret medi.
eines, regard for the war honest, conscientioca ba
ntam tharacter of the Proprietor of this Ointment,
and t h e vale. of his discovery, oblige ma to say that
mach regarding it. W. BEACH, D. D.o
floe. York, Aped Ist&
BUILNS.—It is one of the best things to tho world
ft r Boma.
ore yearly cared by this Oint
ment. It erns fail. In ti•foli * th ' f •
For Tamers, Moms, and an kinds of Sores, it has .
no agoat.
If Menton: lank Nurses knew Hs value In eases of
Swellen or bons Bons; they would always .oplTit.
In ouch cues, If need occording to directions, it gives
relief in • very kw t 0,.,.
Armand tho box are directions forming bleallisteed
Ointment for Scrofula. Liver Complaint, Erysipelas,.
Tenor. Chiltdalo, Scald Head, Bore Byes, gamey,
Boreffaroat, Bronchites, Nervous Affections, Pains,
Dibe3Jo of the Spiny Head into, Asthma, Deafness,
p ar aeke,Burns, Coma, WI Diseasesof the akin, Bore
Lip., Pimples , rte., Swelling of the Limbs, {!ores,
Ithsuntatism , Plies, Cold eeCroup, wala or Bro
ken Breast Tooth Aeho . A jo e the pace, ae.
Freak the Fte , og Eagle.
There wet mut, perhaps, • Medicine brought be.
fora the public, that has In so elan a time won tech a
reputation. as-SloAllurces All.llealino or 'World
else. Almoit every person that kas made trial of tt
speaks warmly In its praise. One Pas been mired by
It of the moat Felled rheumatism. anodic , oddment.,
third of a troublesome pain In the aide, a fourth of •
nulling in the Ihnbe,ltc. If it does not give 'tame.
dude rolfef, to stymy eau, It can do no 'flinty, bemg
applied outwardly.
As another evidenee of the wonder& i healing pow.
et pusessed by this salve, we pubic. the following
certificate, from a respeendilis citizen of Maidenereek
wiernahip, In tins county:
aldencreek, netts no., March Xi, ISt?.
Meseta Bluer ro desire to inform you that I
was entirely canal of • severe pain In the back,by the
sae of ideAllistees Alt.llealing Salve, which 1 per.
Oland from yen. I ennead wish it for lamer 1 2 0 Yetstea
and at night woe enableso sleep. During that time I
tried venous remedies, which were prescribed for me
by physicians and otherpersons without receiving any
relief, and at Intl mado trial oethis Salve, with are.
salt favorable beyond eapectatlon. n i gh t now entire.
iy free from the pain, and caloy at a peaceful
and sweet sleep. I have also • roil the Salvo 'Mee for
tooth ache and other complaints, with 'miler happy
senate. Tour friend, Joan Hohmusen.
Sob Preprittor of tne above medicine.
Principal Office, No 49 North Third street, Pidladel.
/Lessen m Prrrammen.—Braun t R Jter, corneitf
Liberty and ft Clair streets; and L. Wilcox. Jr., ear
net of Market street and tee Diamond, also corner of
Youth and goalthilleld gametic J. IL Cunt, corner of
Walnut and Penn 'teems, Fifth Ward; and told at the
Bookstore in Stratified street,Jd doorfrosn Second.
la Allegheny City by 11. P .Sehyratu.d. J. Sargent.
lir J. U. Smith, l',lruggishllirmingbanit D. Neale'',
East Lawny; 11. Rowland, Illeltemspeut; 3.1 e-sander
J. Ben, glonoomstela City; .B. 801.1. e., and
J. T. as Llrownisille; John Barkley, ever, Pa,
Job. Walker, Jr., Elisabeth.
Dress Oil
CLOTH- CU yazdo 44
la OWL, oil ImA vII 4 I tor We DT .1„; • '
maTti ", • 04# rgriuvr
Obese, Stauldard Etisteryi
Mer IMES Hla mfY OP &NOLAND in ore pub-
Hainan by Weyer t Bro'v, in 6 vol. cloth and
Lafrg , .4.4i, cents per vol. Thlze fi lle in wived, and
Ipl7 79 Apillo Thalldince. Fnartli H.
QiaK kossrleass oohed:deal Work.
Ta APPLETON k CO; NeasTark,kse in en.s.
iineo . f i glbliFr °ng tz=e,.. , t= t e c zet E t
woe, sad Eneineennn designed for Practical .
working ken,and those Inseadedfor the Engineering
Profess Edited - by Oliver Brom- ••
701.workis of large 800 site, stud will eordoiatwo
thousand t
, a w nd n %uwpworkrdinsg Of d 6re4‘s.
coo.. iwillpra
and descriy.
rims of the most. Impr.rt on. Inmates. isi•tho United
ken, Indspendear of,;the Tenths of American tn.
genni , T,Lll will contain tOniplete intone.] treatises on
Mee hanina.,3laebinuy. Engine Work, end Engineer
ing-, wi th all coati . useful to mere then one thonsand
delimits Worth of folio vol ategasides and' other
books. 1111*. a:Embers received, and for sale by the
igen; •, • L HOPKINS.
gpla ; 7 . 2.• collo Betiding& Front 0-
oho ➢, : Sailor, St Wood Stood, Pittsburgh,
Gretna astdt Square Pl.llO Forte.,
'PEGS to team .tench and tie ottuient . pubtle,
Ittet be has now Invoices, and will reeetee and
expose tot eale, during the retest wealth the !meet
wad most destralde weer of Plano Fortes ever offered
fee sew In the west—woong the umber will be band
• full supply of
Saperely carted-Rosowoal G Mid Plano Fortes,
with all the recent improvements In mechanises and
style of exterior.
Splendidly carved Rosoweal seven octave Sous
Plano Fortes, tiolshed in the Eisabethan and Lonis
XIV. styles
With a large stock of all the varion• styles of Pia.
no Fortes, varying in prices from 5P.7.5 to SA* nod
COW, prepares by Mr. Clikketing for the present
Purchnters are assured that the ;rim of Mr. Chick.
erica. Pianos have been, sod will continue to be, the
lame as at the manufactory in Poste n,vrithout charge
for transpancoloo; and will be delivered end set up in
perfect order, in soy part of the city, without charge.
A cAltth
nr, undersigned bets lance to inform the public
doglike has Manned business in favor grids 'Bon,
TM. DILTW, Who Will continue the Auction ando
musim business at the old' stand, corner of Wood and
Filth streets, nod for whom be would solicit canna
nonce cribs patronage haretnfore bestowed op.
on ibettonsu JOHN D. DAVIS,
April 944 LE M.
(SUCCIZS P C;It% ' i ;O A TI 8 1). DAVIS.)
COLM 07 WOOD 111 D
vi TILL make telex, on liberal teratt, of Foreign sad
V V Dementia Ilerehandinm Real Entire, bloats,
tee., and hopes, DT experience and clone attention to
besieges, to merit a eantamanee of the rapport and
paLgAm th em i extended to the (atm:. house.
Drot.loe to our Matrons.
THe denue of the active veneer, to Philadelphia,
ithe late James 111 Davis,) no internamon
to the husiness—arrugemems hue beenmade which
Involves the same Interests precisely, which have
heretofore existed. The bettor., u couttnned under
the same come and firm, vim—
Jam AI DsvMle Co.,Philadelphla;
Joan ISVPanut & Co.„ Pinsbrogn.
The eablinnelleo of the patronage of one many
friends Is respectfally noliched. if uypersone hue
demands against the concern, they art tenanted to
present them forthwith, for payment_
Pittsburgh, Apnllo, 4 ta. JOHN 21rFis DEN, 5/reviving portur.
stairsif. - sTlgari, -- Miliboas,
H. PALMER' , No HQ basket street, is prelim . .
ed to offer very great lodecementh to buyers of
8 vs a Millinery Goods, of every description. Ills
stock Consists of every desirable style of Plain and
Fuoy Straw, Scold, Gimp, 'French Lace and other
Donets.. Jenny Lind. California, Round and Square
Top lieu, for !Stases nod Infants.
Hoye Hats,great Tuley. Nub Legho rn ,
Straw, Braid, C hina Pearls and Huhu Rib.
boon, ' Flowers, Bonnets, Silk', end other Millinery
ArnalcaLflse., apegur
Brown, Phillip. Cs Co.,
HAVF. remove d to Warehoue No. PP Water at
betsreee Wood and Market, where will be kep
for vale,.of meinremiefutermg. e full assortment o
Iron. Nuts, Brakes, Castings, end 1.101 Blest Pipes
srananted of the best qualny, al the /UM. , pe t er.
rte. JOHN BEST, of the late firm of Tusey A Bent
having purchased m interest in the hem, will take
charge of the Warehouse, and will devote his entire
attention to the bunions, and endelsvo andnder Sat
isfaction to the friends of his late fino,ll ` others
who may favor us with their patronage.
ate Water is. sittabm
13 - AVE ia stomata are receLvirg a WO
.U 1 DRY 6000S,SetCled With grF at etre for lb.
vrestpro trade, tad to vrbizt. Racy home the attentlo
• •
eturansag =casuaa anti iris& adneas.
IUrURPIi If it BURCHFIELD are prepared to far.
ILL Walt their erwromers and bayers generally with
the very beat snake of the shove goods, and will do so
at the old prints, notwithstanding dm advance of cost
Some extra fine Bascas Linear.svanwnled pare Q.
lately received; also,a ru poi of linen Table Cloths:
Diapers, Crash, ter.., lost removed.
Bordered Towels as low as 75 cents per dozen or
0 1 con. a piece, at north cut corner of Formh d
ar et ats. arid
°Meet, George Wen Plymouth. England. The
managers beg to acquaint their numerous patrons that
tee next Distribation of Portraits of Race noises, will
armpit. those entered for the forthonning Gran
National Derby Rant thember of share to be
limited to VW each clone. First class member lAA
accand clews ditto IS. ESTIY application the the an.
appropriated shares in necessary. A parry rubsertt.
mg (or more than one pante ban the chance of gaining
in equal numberbonows Those members who draw
the venous Penton, will be prescurd with the fol
lowing a.m.:—
Parma of tat ran bonuses AI dean
Winner, orb rst nom 1.20,1.A1 StO,Ofrt
cond Horse• •• • 10,0 W SACO
Third Rom P,OOO 4,W0
Divided amongst Starters— • 13,n0 RAW
Non-gnat. 6,000 200 U
There are 010 bonuses in each class, that being the
ntimber of horns entered (or the rate. The Drawing
wilt be conducted upon the gamic legitimate principles
as those which.chancteriscd the late St. Ledger and
Inc , P1...ed.:0n Fall particulars of the result will
be sent to absent members Prunediately after the de
cision, that rock may know his position.
Pabacribera registered and scrip forwarded on re
ceipt of a null:nee. Balsa Patin:ice, Drafta,Bant
Notes, &e., addrested end made payable to the
Muniging DireCton W. JAMES &CO.
Free per cent. comminon to be reduced on the
• rewrnation of bonuseu mrtriziu
'IDS VS AlEti.CHArird MAVAZINE for pri,
1650. Contents—New York end Ene Parra..lll
Commercial Sketches with Pen and Pencil; The erect
of Commerce in Abotif Idea restnctions upon the Tram.
- ter of Property; The Ansicarty sod Philosop_hy of Bank.
ins; The Prodaction efSalt m New err; Bankruptcy,
Dunking, he.; Currency—lnterest—Production; Free
Trade vs Protective Tara., or Suictures upon the re
port of the Secretary of Treesery.of the Crowd States
for 1649, relating to Commerce, Es tension of the lin.
awn Empire In the East, he. to.
BLA.CKWOOD, for March 10A.
'ECLECTIC hIAOAZIPIE, tor April, at liolmes ,
Literary Depot, Third street opposite the Post Office.
T AM ll
v k o n w o wn e N r i ed l etor Y f orora J h a cApb le N T.
Bow fnro. mT thhee
trees will be deltvered at the wharf at Pittsburgh for
SLY per hundred. Penans wishing good thrifty trees
shoald leave their orders soon at the Drag, Peed, and
Perfamery Warehouse, corner of Wood and Ruth a . .
B. A. ITahn.tock A Co,
VEIOLESALE DRCGGISTB , comer of Plot and
Wood street., offer for ...le,on favomble We=
100 bbl. Whiting; 90 lb. Carla Ammonia;
GO do Alum; 503 do Assaletid.;
110 do Dye IVoodr, 600 do Crude Tortar;
23 do Lampbl.ek; - 500 do Liquorice Root;
20 do Yen. Red; 90 do Irish Moss;
do Camphor; 1.5 D 'do Rod Precipitate;
10 de Span. Brown; 150 do Calomel Amer.;
'OO do fellow Ochre; 11 do do Ettll4
10 do Minoan.; 200 do Bucher Louver,
8 do Cloves; 240 do Rhubarb Root;
a do Cltm.Flowers, 400 do Barrap. do; •
14 eases Ref. Bona; 90 do Gentilee do;
45 do Castile Soap; MO do BaLßocheele;
15,,d0 lonatim3 Blue; 90 do fleldlke. atiztore;
Calc.Alagoeiti.; 500 do Pow'd Rhubarb;
la do ClLrome Green; 630 do do 154. Elm;
•5 do do Yellow; 100 do do G. Ar.ble
• 6do Am. Vermilion; 100 do do Llq. Root;
60 reams Neer; 100 do do Islam
13 bap Bleily Band
Sumac; 99 do do Af.Cayenne;
25 bale. Bottle Cork.; 2105 do Bolpb. Zinc;
75 oz Balph. Morphi; 930 do By 11n;
1230 lbs Cape Aloes; .200 do Tamartralg
190 do Ili-Chrom P010.11;190 do Qolck Bilver •
=V do Pink Root; WA do Orange Peet
1030 do Torte , / Umber; 75 do Coehmeto;
1100 do Cella Tartar; 23 do Hyd Pota.lo . ;
400 do Tottarte Acid; GO do Mace;
001 do UOl. Una; 9 do Gnmville Loth".
iiiiiozacum, OR ROCK OIL
"There are more things In heaven and earth
Than aro dreampt of in philosophy: ,
quire VIRTUES of that remarkable remedy, and
Ne conetant application for It, to the proprietor,
has induced Men to have It pax up la bottles with la
bel. and direction' for the benefit of the public.
The•PI7PROLEUM is procured from a well in this
county, at a depth of fear hundred feet, Is U. pure ant
daherated article, without any chemical ehmge, hat
Ail as Bowe from NitureteGreatLabratoryll Thank
contains properties reaching a number of diseases,iis
longer a matter of uncertanity. There are matte
thingatn the arcane of nature, which,lf known, might
beef vast usefulnem to alleviating eurfeting, and re
mitting the bloom of health and vigor to many a suf
ferer. Loon before the proprietor thought of potting
nap in Mules, It had a reputation for the emelt( dis
ease. The constant and Multi inereasing calla for It,
and several remarkable cures It has performed, 1. a
tare Indicselon of 'tit futons popularity and wide
spread naplimilen In the Lure of Mecum
We do not with to make a long parade of certifi
cate., a. we are terlarialla that the medicine can soon
work It. way Into the favor of those who suffer and
wish to be healed. Whilst we do not claim for It a
mistreat applicabon in every disease, we unhesita•
tingly say, that in a. number of Chronic Diseases it is
mrlvalled. Among then may beenumerated—all
dimmer. of the mucous Ironies, such as CHRONIC
Manta, and a ll direct++. of the air peaseges, LIVER
the Bladder and Kidneys. Paine In the Back or Side,
Nervous Di teases. Nearaltai Patty, nee. wede Psi
O w w,Ewritipelm, Triter, aunalresana, Rem, s, L id..
flan 0. 1 ,'" .alles of eelenly se .
setting from exposson, or l e a n l and end le i
lwase, this Medicine 'r il l bring relict M.'
a general TONIC and ALTEIRATI
of in such mote ' s,
matting tone end energy lathe whole frame, ,which
leg obetructions, opening the sloggieh functions, which
entre diMaite and a broken computes's% and
o n ,
ineteased and renewed energy to 011 the organs Or
ISo! The proprietor knows of sa te e n mitts of
NLRB, Nat resisted every. other treaet, ge,
under the use of the PF.TROLEUIII for a Mon limn
The proof ran be riven to any person who denten IL
Nerve geunine without the signature of the proprietor.
seld Id. K IRK, Canal Mehl. near Seventh at.
Ate by IL E. SKI.L.F.Rtt,LT Wood et;
. career %gad W. and Virgin alio; who ant kin
pfrlidly b 'l9p7j± lS4d play
i -r7 & .---. WiLVANiA CANAL
ins Psinuiylvtala Canals &Rail Roads.
' O'CONNOR, ATITC . iS & C ud,_CsaLl n 2 Ebert
VOVOR & 4151&ZO Mosket Meet,
CYCosacats k C0...70 North Street. Baltimore;
E. Macy IdetaYbrk-
Stuart & Gxma,ll Caine inapt, Boston; .
• HaXuaost Mayrrille, Kentucky;
HALL & Co..,Colambla areetiCkneinmar,
• E. WaSaLonisvillm• •
Benz, Hamar /k. Co.i St. tonic
70. .1 nennds. aid Produce to and
Puss Philadelphia, .Etaltnuare, N. Fork, Bartart.
Our route being now la hoe order. we are prepared
to forward goods as above at very /stern prseo,
ism. all freight/rat of Of charge haro , g Polk.' far
over $6.10,01:0, and Wait the following extensive stock
of Basta tool confect clawing enure satisraction to
allbunions entrusted to oar t are. Oar boats are all
new, lad commanded by captains of experience, and
oar entire Una is co
plat. on stria sabesah Seeping
sad rcoperance
Beau., Captain.
Iran Ole lingua
Maryls r :l Marshall I ,••
Clean Sands
Rath Anna. Mumma Ma.
Wm Atbria Perread Eats
Impart, I,l , Quad• Janie
Roams' Altar Geu.
°allude Viler,Telegra,
Celia Hawkns Paint MI.
tdiveltranchGesser lia/ttaClsppetlitley
Dam' Captiins
Penneybraniu.n Layton,
Dr. lam's, Co*Uerk •
Col. Howard Itidbey
Mary Deborah Siva%
F:nterpnee, Kay=
Juniata Brown
Geu. Seery Gore
itfeWiiOZ Hunter Rinhlo
The Fox hlNtirsolo Solis Ann J Loyton
Armors .APDowell Telegraph NeDatle
Loot Ebarp Dern North Queen We,lo
Shippers will find it to their advantehe to girt rte •
melt Canal Rosin Liberty et, l'ittsbargo. -
— Wiontesto
BEM 1850 . Mia
D. LEECH • X l's
By Pensayirtania Cane! and Bad Road.
TILE Boats and Cm of this Lino have been vat In
compete order, and wait the addition of imam
new ones to the Line, endblea ea to early a largo
quantity oUprodnee and good. •
Tha entire sleek of the Line is owned and canna
ed by the Proprietors.
HARRIS & LEECH, N 13 South Third at,
And at the Tobacco Warehouse, Dock at,
Phi ade b.! P
No 144 Nona Howard tt, Batintoro. Old.;
OFFICE, No 7 Went 0, New 'Port;
D LEECH it CO, Cann Dalin , Penn et,
nol3 Pittsburgh.
EMMA 1850. m ai,
CLARK, PARES A CO, Rochestet, Pa., Poop,'..
Office cor Smithfield and Water ew. Pittsburgh.
Cleveland, Ohio.
yHIS well known Lino art prep :red to transport
freight and Passengers from PITTSBURGH end
LEI/ELAND. to any point on the Canal and Leics.
TOD facilities of the Line am =surpassed in number,
Quality and capacity of Boat.,experience of =Mains,
and efficiency of Agents.
One Dant louses Pittsburgh and Cleveland deity...lts
ming In connection with a Line of Steam Bogs be
tween PTITSBUIIGII and DEAVER; and a Lute of
Fiat Clam Steam Boats, Propellers and Vessels, on
the Lakes.
Clark, Parka & Co, Rochester, Pa;
N Parke & Co, Youngstown, Ohio;
AID Taylor, Warren. 0;
A & N Clark, Newton Fails, 0;
I Brayton &Co, Bascom, 0;
Rent, Grinnell & Co, Franklin. Of
II A Miller, Criya/mge Fnbs, Of
Wheeler, Les Co. Akron. 0;
Clmaborlip, Crawford & Co Cleveland, O ;
Hubbard A Co, Sandusly, ti;
Peckham it Scott, Toledo, 0;
Williams k. Co, Detroit, Stich;
Wiliiahta A Co, klilvraulue, Wis;
Marley & Damn, Racine, tVis;
George A Gibbs, Chicago. Ill;
Thomas Hale Chicago, id.
mat corner Water and Smithfield at.
Era= 1850.
CLARKE. PARKS it CO, Rochester, Proortoore.
THK Proprietors of this old and well knosin
would toforeo the public that they are ow* u, op.
eratiori for the prey =until' nod have rommenced
reeniving Freight and Passeogers, which thop are
prep to
AN to all peMt• OP the D
MICHIGAN. Canal and
At the lowest mon One of the Ease of the Line
. .
at .
will be constantly the landing, below Monongenel
Bridge, to receive freight.
. Ogee, aor WWI' and Swiiheold sts,Pittsbargh.
coNsiGNE - a 4 :
B W Csatinytinen. New Castle, Pe;
• Itilteheltreet Zr Co, Pulaski;
W C Motet Sharon;
3 lc 8 Hell, tinerysbnre;
Wick. Aehre re Co, Gree nsdie;
We Henry, Hattston
Wu Power, Conneactedle;
John Hearn k Ca, /kir,
John J Hollister k ro, lhatrialp. N V. .r3O
m alit, 1850
nallrdnenr. far BIDWELL - A BITE.BM:11GB AND
PACKETS; wortny and sawing' beta , . Elmbervb
and Ranbeater by Beam bane bliebiaan, .Lake Ene,
and Deaver.
- .
Ur Gonda receirded and protoray activated to
places on the Catania and Lake at ate lose.: tate,
dkirpers plea. direageod s,
ata.thasell's tan,"
J. al. BILWELL...Igent,
rtn3o Water rat...batch.
Pittsburgh Portable Ileac Moe,
lEEE= 1850•:OriaLlAk
TO AND 711-01
Tomas Dominus; t 5 Tsars% s (i'Co3non.
Plidadelphla. Pittsburgh.
THE Canal being now open, the proprietors of thls
long natal:dished Linearo as usual at thetr old
stands, receiving and fonvantihe Merehandise suit
Produce at low rotes, and with the promptness, cer
tainty, and !safety, peculiar to their system and mode
of transportation, where nuenstediate trambipment is
avoided, with the consequent delays and probability
of damage.
dlerth.dise fo rwa rdedpped east crrwest, and
Bill, of Lading seef charge for comma.-
Mon. advancing, or storage. Having to interest th
reedy or indireC in smambonts, that of the owners
la so tly
lely consult whon shipping their goods.
All e ommanicatio. to the following agents prompt
ly attended tot
No VS Market street. l'ailadelptita.
Comer Phan and Wayne arena, Natellursh
John MeCullogh & Co, 68 North at, Ihlt; Y. DL Burt
& Co. i Doane lit, Boren, W, &J. T. Tapreott a C
86 South et, New York; lamer Wheelwright, Cowl
natl. meg,:
1850. a t iMl 1850.
11113 LINE, with unsurpassed fatilities, is
T no •
prepared to transport Freight to Cleveland, 0
Lake ports, Ohio Canal, and intermediate places,
the lltodTavorablo terms, and with the greatest d
Shippers are referred to throw who have heretofor.
patrtuured tide Lin. Rend,goo-0 to *Bidwell's Line.'
Aourro—J C Ware% Water 111, Flltrbargh;
tbdwell A /Bother, Rochester; •
L O Matthews, Cleveland;
Rhodes & Green, do.
A D Jacobs. Yonninnown;
C E Lalngwell & Co, Warren;
A A N Clark, Newton Falls;
.1 Brayton A Co, Ravenna;
Kent, Grannell a Co, Franklin Mills;
Thomas Earl, ' do do;
A II Miller, Cuyahoga Fallr;
J W Stephens A Son, Akron;
Wheeler, Lee Co, do;
.1 & M Ebro,. do;
1 EltEmen, Massillon;
Crimmins & Co, do;
Wm Monteath & Co, Buffalo,
J Gibbs A Co, Sandusky;
13 Higgins A Co, do;
Eliutell A Co, Toledo;
II N Strong, Detroit;
Murphy & Dutton, Racine;
Ball A Elkins, Southport;
Denman & Co, Allhusukief
D 0 Diekineon, Utile Forll
Kirkland A Taylor, Sheboygan;
Dole, Ramsey A Co, Chicago;
Thanes.. Rale, do.
Prusburgh. March 00, 1000.
ale Mil 1.850. Pittsburgh mad . inaterta Cities.
The Canal being now open, we aro ready to rcneivc
and forward promptly, produce and mercbandiza oast
and Item
•• •
Freights always at lowest rates, charged by respon
sible line..
Produce and merchar.dire will be received and for
warded Call and west. without any <hypo for for
warding or advancing freighi, commiesion or stornge.
13111 s of lading lorwarded, and all directions lamb.
fully stranded To.
Address or apply tn. Wll. BINGFIA.II,
Canal Basin, nor. Liberty and Wayne etc Pittsburgh.
No Markel at, between 4th A. 6th, Phil'.
No 162, North Howard et... Baltimore.
mrlo No 10, West groat, New York.
11A9&MEN & CO,.
Paasenger man Remittance Offleo.
lIANIWEN d: CO. continue to bring reruns
from any put of Faciand, Ireland. Bead and or
Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with lin,
umarponetostity and attention to the wants and corn
fora of cmmigrants "e7c do not allow our passengers to
be robbed by the awiedling tramps that infest the sea
ports,as we take charge of them the moment they re
port themselves, and are to their well being, and de
!Retch them without any detention by the first ships.—
We uy thin fearlessly, as we defy one of our pitmen
gers to show that they were detained 42 hqn, by us to
Liverpool, whilst thousands of others • Ate detained
months, until they could be sent in sums rdi gnat,. •
chi; p rote, which 100 frequently prover: their coffins.
Ye intend to perform our contracts unorahly, cost
what It may, and not net 1.11 Inn the [DUO int/ Lenten,
with olikerA—who either performed not all or
when it salted their convenience.
. . .
Drafts drama at Pittsburgh far any sago from it to
pliable at any of tho.proviscial Batas to DO.
Wed, Eagland, Scotland and Wales.
41t European ~d Gant sal Agora,
Tifth afros:. one goof ,rollet
Seale by DWAti DICKEN 'tr. CO,
9 1 4 119 'Water o.
~..~,. ~ .s,_. ~`
7 5, S'
W A R 644514
AT .SSCLINTO ^ K iy an* e, a unlly },,eiTing
yy , Spring St. of CALPtir OIL CLOTHS,
Tlisaning4, ice, co...prising in 11.criThe following, sir:
g A v. Scr,r Royal Velvet Vila Carpets,
ry ea
Er.rlO u nnd funz i l m ican . grn,n.s
Efpc4r'Ln" frn"rr
Paperft on Ingrain , pcl.spara sum patantCharaa,
fins Naga;
Frail " tßarerfine do do Rog,
Coornotv all wool, " Tufted
rr nEc
enanu "
4-4, eta I Tap Ven Coo.
4-4, I and,4 TaraPd Carp.
A-I, 4, 4 and 2-4 plain Car.
List and RIK Carvers, -
8-4PrintedClto U Carpet,
Enka Wilton
Common do
CS.oniaa •Dook Blau:
etheep Skin
Oeeltid • o
Gal 5-/, 4-1 and /
Oil Cloth.;
64,14, 4.4, and 7 Malang.
18 inch prom Oil cloth:
for einal. •
printed puma corers
Emaoseed Nano n
Printed won't. tt
Ernbor•ell Stand "
Vaaril Temsetaaa.
Mee arid Prat, Cloth.;
Craacriti Norte
Caul% th!Citahr;
flamerkr T., toeless;
Watered Alarttna.'
In nu/ and .ostai.l
I).una4ll Star Linen;
[Turkey Red Cbintae ' s;
Claritc liorderinp,l
Engheth Uil Cioth Tthit
Brown thrtth crumb cloth,'
Butiltollendir.r3W 4 hr,Jes
'rralmp h ure,.
VenEtlart Dlindc
Bancinq (Or Plum;
'{a 6 4 Tabla Lanett;
11144614 eflllll,
Scotch 466 per.,
Drown Linen Napktp.;
Gerpand Oil Cloth Tabit.
Suur Droggrit;
Carpel Bindings;
Jute and Coco Malt;
A :IC3III and 1 4 1, Mau;
iY .4 4.4 Greco thl Cloth
Mr Blind.;
llockehacit Diaper;
the. mom upproved Ene
aeterers from 11 to 11 cc'.
Vol to tit rooms, halls, and
imported direct from Eng
upestry CARPETS. These
e West and most threw:it
• f die most gorgeous colors.
yr as they Inc purchased
rriment or the riarst and
111'FM:which far mimes.,
• f prie e. on yo..Nomnent tier
Sara* thy. CLOTIU from
Itrh and Americas manors
.raielh; which 'Will
vestibule:4 of any rite or eh
The undersigned honing
land, hie Velvet Pile and T
Carpets, *inch arc of Ur
styles:nail patterns, and o
tIl beaold at 'trines tts lo
for in do ) of the eastern c:
" g i nnb i le " Yß l Llt%
'o ryualny
and cheapness 0
bcfriar braught totals r.ity.
Men and Coact. Matitithrt
nectararXin itirir hum,
The andarripacti is also
lower than can be parch.
. He Ulan Invites Steuinbont
orris to his large end well
AIMINGS,noiI other articles
agellt for the only Stair Rod
hin, nod fe pieporeil to sell
elievrliere in this city.
A • ••• • .
&A. iTASON CO., GO Alarkct thr
, Third and Fourth, ore how thertvitur a thrge es.
sortment of Dotage Da 1.3. th, Fem. Cloths, nn en
pre new article; Pallet., Crary Du Laths, ho; with
• largo aararUnant of Lawn, and Lahr, Dress Crood•
of the latest stylus and moat IthLuonabla colors.
OFFfIF—Oo Lags prime Pm isr.di Doti
VOmenmen-10 bra mould, dipped. and sperm;
Cereal—l:PJ ban Cream myi Eng ben Daury;
CCOMA-20 doz Ilemp .d 111ftralla;
Coom--411 Mann;
Ccl.uom—l barrel;
CIGA.-311 M Common and half Sparlsla;
Fun—'b' Mia s. half brie Pdacrercl..4 Salmon;
la.nan-30 bra noosed Poen;
11(.-1,210 rnme Verde.;
Iwo sego Cured;
lb. P F and
Ins-40 don I lurriwiu Bidet and Copy fr.r, •
M 01.4.3 1 -1-13 1,00 N Orlcani;
'IS hal(hrla Surne lIousg;
MCFralar—,` , 3 don alt.orleil canister;
111accau.1—.1.0 Ibn Italmn;
Varractru--Cn lb. do
NA.l.—':oo kegs =ratted:
r/Cl.3—to nu tan aenormd;
Flout-7O bualiein halve,
Forth tem. smarted;
P10711.-1W lb. Bordeaux:
Soar-4d has Roe and COO Steel;
Sn-12 N (Weans and Clarified;
Too -do pnekares fines trod Wank;
Ton...—. boo 12, s, S t lb lamp;
Wn..2 BO 48.--W don pn:cm 7. , r;
.m(I2 Comet of Ploy mad Wood ca
mr - AA TT D.
VII RS! FURS! FlOtel—The (nbneribem no!' ray
byr Cs r. ?tool. Slunk Pm. Gray and Red tat,
and (111 kinds of etdpmer Pute, Iron MO^. emrcra
pnerrMcC()RD S C(I,
le nee 'tomer FIP.h nue Wood am.
T • -• •
; Parter..!.ipberotofore exinang between James
Tar , ey and John In the Grocery. No.:nee
and tm.tnes., au (1..0rr.41 by
- -
con,nt..n u.e I lat In, 51, n lest bro,r4 far
ehruted enure i of Jame. Taosc7, n We
km... the ;• 1 I , u their old
Stand, No. ;t1 .1 J.olF','l S,EX,
rape FiLmk nglu go.
SFILING sm...}:c 111N,—VV.,. rt.ccirrl, by firn
vaaal ghlpmcn., a ?OM rlv.Ler ..oruncal Of
Wail l'arer. , f t), Etre,L 11,:rrn
to gold, r Cam", oal. pi .115 a,td ht,h c , aora
gate I: . 11111,1
ra21.1 Vani Crret
riE Co-partl,er.htn 9lDtt r.milnql , tvreen
L. 14.ATtne., ar.l6 loon rt1 51,-Gral, it.ter tac non 01
S. It I.:uottht.d I, .11:i Lk, Ly mutual
con. , TLC boatie*n of tt., nid
Plt I:aria:cid, of 0.0 , d nand. N0. creel,
tti,orgh. It 111.'811FIELD,
rderc.3 I, 1O S. JOLIN"MctiII.L
8. s 111 , S111 - IRI.D 6r.orte.r.RICIIAGO
. • . .
Orr and
litor,ry et, cm,..!. Ro n I.lberly
Luc utto S. IL uvnIIFIELD .4. CO.
E9=21Z1111:11 1 .1f1:1521:=II=1
. _
salsl.:pre ry, Comat.••.en, and forwarding tnist
SC.:I2, h. N. •nd St' U. Watnaan. Th.
In to Is , rouLlnc:ed. ander ihr myle o
at oLa., No W
N. ratnna:t
Otn...Nargh. litrcl3 1,L13.
CAUT10N—.1 ,,, ... Inc 1.17W1.5" N
(1- 41.14TAIrl+ BALIP.3I UI
IVII.D rrcal rt en. tly for
.009fie1111.1"1 , ./51
Arad tae t•c: ver•nerze tr:11 , 1"
le le,ut Aetrial• ad ever, v..nee,
cf the Lour,
Patel Itha Wrakneta .
Itreuet, att..l al: ctaer
tl.sestact of the
.k we r y unpo.r.,W:liceroc. over ,Inet, thrt
crts very /0 of •
In tbia eoruplau - d d-has unde.dbh,ddy proved [nore
ar any remedy httherto emptnyed.rrol
owner°. in.htuee. when
_pa 0r... bade rd.hved long
ttld Nedenur, Ironthe , hoca , oa, ‘vdhoa: Tore , .
to the lea.t Idneht Irom vd Ndu re nu , d,,,...o(rtter,
Mercury ha. teen retorird to to 1/3111, the of
Habana hat ',torrid to a behlutylletioa, a
bt oti.dy Inaddmee• perzrournt curt:a, a'
• ••
•1y knovrp rcnatcly Cad lulcL znproatuc,
desucti rStet.
team. amoniau Ohery in the diase b°.
moctl, we also sh hod 0 an reel otlectna{ se remedy in
AO2lOO, •cm...pistol to wench ithis been exteraively
red with Jointed sheer., oven in cases of year.'
atanger IVith the tnereareor intelharaco hu crown
up a tnowletlge or the of ketith, aid • sc•
Ord lon ititm, and rotranouaarately with Ow strides of
science hove we acquired too neat. Of attesting dis
ease, and evening Its ravage. NotwaLstanding the
propos We have mode, szatistics crow that care
now, Me welt of the whole ropalauon the ann..lly
of coniornpann.
Ono {{f the most Important dtheowof the ego, In
lamellar/awl the co of dal large eta. of suf.
nhc Gumanstp,D
. _ .
Wisutr's Itaimani of 1,P., Carry Is o Lne Herbal
Madam., composed chiefly or P. lid Cherry Bark and
the gervone letzttnd 'My...Lute latter ,, t, „ nr n Ted o, o o f . pres c s , i
; r 9 rhic o tt t ' srt . nrsts "- Com ori iltr. t e h r b ' y a a ' ne% chemihnl prfcess,
watt the eltraet of Tar, ch. rethianng the while
compound the most cattails and efficattons remedy
ever discovered for
Bull farther evident , . of the remarkable curative
prorates of this ow:soma:en: peep:tendon:
FICFnaI.t.VILL3I. brown co., U., Aug. 21, VAL
Messrs. bandford & Park: Gentleinten'Aboat sin
weeks ago I received the agency of Wiatar's Dolanm
of Wild Cherry, bat with won relvel.ce on soy part.
for toe reason that I hot been the scent of to many
Ills and other nottrnmr, whten were cracked op to
he something wonderful, but watch turned oat In the
end to be of no account whatever, except to the man.
immure, lint I csmdtdly admit that Wu time I have
been deceived, for the extraordinary CUM, effected by
Wistrieu Dolton: have convinced me that "good can
come nut of Narareth:' Tura agent Inflate one dons
obottles, win,. nee all noon —boatng Leon Me means
f curing se rcrol obstinate cases of Consumption—.
and no •nusutkm for what I see and know lam hound
to believe. One ca. In particular: A young gentle.
man in Winches., Adams comity, 0., lb miles tlo.x
dos place, was cured of Consumption when the doe:
tors has given hsto up, or at least could do nothing for
turn, and it won the ,mention of his friends to convoy
him to your city, and place lawn ander the care of some
eminent phystetan them Ma a friend told him ul
Wismes tla!sam, owl that i.e count obtain it of me.
be sent for and before the accond bottle um gone
e wag sound and welt, and attending tO hie every day
Oariness. An thorn are :inquiries for the mcdp
nine. it would Le writ to fosever a rward nilaildittortal SaPPIY
WlllitrUt delay:. Very rosportfulfy, your?,
The thorn, from L. Newland, Dn., a highly respect.
ablecountry siterchant, cede email forcibly to
We candid ottention of all those who have doubted
iho great merit of Wittars lYtid Cherry balsam.
RCMCMICI the oriFinnl mul only Remo. Mater 's
Vacua of Wild Cherry. was tntroducod in the year
11 , 33, and Ina been orcl; tested m all compternts far
which It is recommeoded. For 11 Years it Prayed
more ellienctous as a reined y for Ctmghs, Colds, Inslu s
cartn, Ihonchttis, A811(1.11, and Consumption In its to.
ClPlC¢l . sl;, thnn rol other ittc.v.e.
Now liuronn, Ang. i 0,1044.
Mr. S. W. Foiele: Having seen ninny certificates
put.llnkrd in relation to Dr. Wislars Balsam of Wild
Clicrry, I take 013 opportunity u: °daring word in
lts lawn, ',hien you ore sueo ilberty to publish.
few manila since my wile's longs become on touch isf
fected with a sudden cold, that she lost her voice, and
aatered *evenly !rem path, in the tier
tton eland her friends much alarm. Ilavlng heard
your Balsam mrougly mended thom who
real it, 1 purchased a bottle emunt Item your agent in thw
plate. She took It acceirdme to ducenone, and ilpro
durvd a wonderful <treat. Before umnr one bottle elm
had completely recovered her voter, the pains autisid.
ed, and her health ww coon full rmentettiltshed.
Tot., truly, I IL MOIL lITMAN.
To teen DatLvat. to Mitomt,l3l.—Thi
. •
cse •
ebreted and mfanthle. remedy (orate aof Con.ump•
boll, Asthma and Laver CaTnplamt.han by Ito tram me
rits, been rapidly, rum and coldly .woratne in army
through the oupeoluon of quaek. awl counterfeiter..
'Man, 1 , 1 , tin Iran value and tatrinnir excellence, n ha
eined for ittena moinenviabic popalmity, and entail.
inantd amen in the confidence ofrm intelltgent and en.
lhrbl tied pablle, (rem one end n( the comment IC the
miser. The In•tirnotty at thoanonds who have been re.
!mend and eared ny thi. valuable article,. Will abate
that it meant unnvalletl—at the Need of ell other toe
. .
for tt curo of dircar.os for submit it u steam.
Th.' ',bona Or. Wistor's linb.oro of %Vdd
Cherry la non, trio by duly oppokord Aim., nod
rraprrboblr dr0.,9 znediribes, in an Inapt and ell mam to
bo. wn. 01311000 W tbo Uunra State..
yrr,l3..,un I li t , Bottles for Fr, .
. .
Sold by I. D. PARK, inuaneasot toSandford & Pvad
Fourth and lVielint attends, Cincinnati, Olin, Genetni
Agent for the Donn, and Reel, trt ',bona all order.
be add reeked.
L. Waco: Jr; dimes A. Jones; . 3. Kidd A ra• ' B. A.
Eahnestock & Co, DituTurgh. I. T. Itualsell, Waste
blew.: W. 11. Letnlennnii, Franklin; 1.. IL Donne
Utiiontiswn; IL Welty,
set; :icon & Gibanra, Bodin,* Reed & Son, Burning.
San; Aire. (per, Ilollidayabore; 1111drIrnn I A Co_, Ind,
J. F. Wright, Kittanning; Cyan, n Co, Broo.
vine; A. Wilson A Eon, Waynesburytn APFartand
N. Callender, 111ead•ille; Dimino &' ROI J.
Ittagotbn, Nunes; James, Kelly & Co, IDAler,S•tintltb,
'llea en J.D. Stilaniarum, Warren, V. L.& C.S.JOLI{N,
c on d,sliptit, P. Creolerdr, Brownsville,. •
Birltg.. Src Atedictae• *AnnStied by W. IL SLOAN
R E. S&LEILS,Wood rtreetousdJOHN P. sCarr
,berrr et, Pittsburgh.
liirrithughwin, by JOHN G. SHITIL
Allb<nY CIO - , by =OW P. saI:MARTZ en
*rho Best and Cheapest. Ham Eteditise
E ss saarristla rent name. Far Pawky, 'Md.., Se.
ty,and Daraughisay, SLOAN'S ONTMENTAarIis
An d is rapidly anpersrdiim all mbar and
Ultimata mar lit um fin*, cure of the a:Wowing ilia
Fresh wromds, galls of all kinds, sprains, braise , .
cracked heels, rngborte, windborte, windgalls, pal"
e vil, callus, tsarists, sweeacy, fistula, tau; strain;
127110710 , 0, smad crack,' foundered feet, scratches 07
grease mangeor,howe distemper.
The Powder will remove all inflattatation sad fever
purify the blood, tocsin the skin, cleanse the 'mum , .
and strengthen every part of the body; and hsiproved
a sovereign remedy for the 07/10 . 07.713 Aliscosec
Dire7llo7.t, hide hound, boar of appetite..
girni, yellow I.lo77,lnaisnatation of the eyes, &Ara
(rem ban' exercise; also, theumatbarh fiononottly cel
led stiff complaitty which proves so fatal to avow val.
noble horses la Was country. It Wats° a sarcoma eel.
min remedy for coughs and colds whlthgenerate so
many fatal Itsewes. W. B. SLOAN,
Untad Depot, 40 Lake at, Chicago,llllopis.
Extract from the "galena North Western Glottis!,
py the use of Slanit's Ointment and Condition Pow
der, I have entirely cored • totals on my harm and
otherwise Imarosed his condition more Om SCO pa
cent. on the cost Mille medicine And a cow which
was so feeblE as to be considered worthless by norsell
and neighbors,
was restored to good health andstrei4th
by the MO of less than half • package of the powder,
and is novo doing etter thm other row I have.
Email Poz,hiayl b 3,lE-18. any WM. VINCENT.
rhemby certify that one of my children, when na
had, fell into a large arc ollive cooly, end Was hunted
severely frtn held to feet. The beet of medical aid
and attention was given to the child for four or five
day. without tiny relief—each day's autfc tinge MM.-
ed till his roans eould be beam at a greet distance, at
which optical period one of my neighbors recommen
ded and presented to me a box of Slormis Ointment.
and in lem than fillers minutes after the application
of the ointment to the aggravated sores of the suffering
emid, the pain ceased entirely, and he apeedtly beam
to recover. My reisidence is is lielt township, Ver
million county, and State of Indiana.
Chicago, Aitguat 91,1 Na
. .
Aprill3,lb49. Four mile. north ref Chicago (on the
road to 111fivroukiel Cook county,lllll7rota
?tr. tiloart—Dear Sin. One of my hone had a la
A tli
bony tumor en his breast bone, inarcedi ely ander E
collar, which limed him and reudere ices of
very little •olue: I fa/tidally applied save bottles
of Or. Taylor's Nerve and llone Liniment, wi utthe
least benefit. I %ben proeoeed NVilder's Celebrated
Ilona -.Ointment, and used that until I became folly
satisfied, that It would navel-relieve the animal. Ft.
nolly 1 obtained a box of your truly volt/able Oint
ment, and in leas than 03 days from the first unpile..
lion the tumor ottirely disappeared, and the horse vru
well. Your., EDWARD AlL'ilEelllONG.
If popular optoinn to any criterion /tithe worth of.
article, we Invite the ineredeloue to read at least a fan
of the many voluntary certificates that appear in one
calannw respecting the great variety of remarkable
cares elected by rho ems of "Bloart's Celebrated Oint.
mud and Condition Powdery. ,
These remedies no longer remain among thou of
doub4l4l aunty, they have pused from the tide of ex
eriment. and now stand higher in reputation arid are
becoming more extensively sued than all other artl.
Um dike kintl.—ldich. City News.
Fox Itrudt, Jamb IP, 1.80.
Dear Sloan—Sin Please send by the bearer a new
wmply of year Horse Jledleines. Tbey.are the best
emotes ortnelind Watt have ever sued, never hat;
ins been disappointed In their tdeet, as I have been to
the ass of others, even the most nekbnated Ounntents,
Liniments, ke., of the day. I like very mark this fen.
tore In them, au: that they do all that lepton:deed, and:
h a . tto o r t o i , , i 4 FLl tr i al eel:alerted to add, that
liespeotrelly, N. DUDLEY.
The ordinary ointments end IleMoeuta It it wall
known are tavere end partial In their operation.—
Sloan , . Oinmoent Is mild yet Thorough—it reaches and
removal th e ellatee, hence it gives reel anil.penrainent
relief. For parity, mildnets, safety, certainty, and
Sho pe Secaa`s Ointment excels, and It rapidly
turpereedlng all other Cfintrneta• and filnimentt cow
in au.
Eict , s). Coors, 111., Oct. 21, 1E39.
Mr. Sloan—Stn I have tested me 'tittle of yaw
Ointment in the nom of rattlesnake bites,
bump. imd many other inntriea and in every case it
meat.mpted our exectations.
I have never ano n its equal, end forbe a st. vet
can't gel along without
Tours, ho, MILES LL 70UNEION.
MLSLoan—Dear Sir: For n considerable leurt: of
line I was scrionsly ailiatod with the rheumatic earn
plain:, told applied fterly the various linimenth paler
, -4 - without obtaining any reliel All , /
your on% at at this place influenced Inc to try your
Ointment, anil within two weeks from etc lime I COM.
. .
enticed using it, thissinin censitd, and 1 tonnetfectunll
cared, and *hall recommend all who are oduilarly n
dieted with the ditireciiing eornplcint, to proconx yo
excellent ointment walicid. delay
Rory y yearn, OrcCAR
rrincentlle, Peoria eie, May it idttei
QT From the Hon. 11. V. S. Brooke., Agent of the
Mown, and Michigan Canal Parker float Company.
Clueano, Juno 21, lyJ,y
Dr. W. D. Sloan—Dear Sim For the hot 30 years I
hare had ocealden 10 oar many bor.-, and hare. hand
the girot variety of limmenta end in age,
but Loin never found any thing equal to Tone oin.
men, for inn:Rea on banes. Within the last two
month. I have appheit your ointment to mme homer,
for rano.. thjaner, and in every Instance It has pro
ved a loverelgit remedy.
Torun:tiles tooth of Chicago, th.m. 14, Drift
Dr. Stoan—Strt On the Eth Instant my roe had a lin
ger tatter entirety Sh e horse. We inmordimel ap
plied your celebrated °lament, crhtelt relit-rod but of
pain in a few rammer, and prorreted the fingerirom
welling the team pardele, and we wound it hunting
tepidly. Iterp'y youth, S. BROCKWAY.
Mr•Sloan—loos Sir. About three yearn aSo I war
reverely injured iu one of .113 Y kg. by the foillnk era
pile of wood which oceamoned law, running ulcers.
e.cry darter Galena tried to ride them; but
tim.l in vain, ontrl.(rom sympathy and improper treat
ment my other Irg becomeas bad as the One original
, wounded. .1 despaired of ever being well ago/a—
bt In order that 1 =alit neglect no mean, within my
much, 1 marchaied of your agent in Galeria some et
your ointment. and you ranjudge Of my surprise im I
gratitude etter thn curl express vi it, to find myself
entirely w b ell before a I
had finished unggho second ha
Thom furls I nuke known that others atllleted may
believe and not delsy.ustng so valuable an ointment
as yours has proved to be. Reign , your ~.^ratefuLfed,
galena,Dee. ID, Int?. kIVA.N DAVIS.
Before the following order, Messrs. 'Vaughn Is CO.
parchued a large supply of Slotth's pparations.
iiiCiSOS, Minh re . Feb. 21,1b19.
F. M lithbard—Deer Sri I am out of Bloan's Comla.
bon Powder and florae Ointment. The sale lac eV
seeds my expnetatton. If you can manage to send me
demi Otntment, I pay for them the Bon time
that you are here, soul presume I shall be able to sell
a large queenly an the coarse of th e year. It will las
no object to yea as well as to mud!, to beep ins con
stantly *applied. ,
Very resp'y Tows,
Loess, Feb. °AVAIL
Dr. Sloan—Sir. Abort two Jean ego, while ratting
on the klusissippi river, In passing oven the rapids, 1
wee plunged into the water, and by the mrt deslung
against a rock, notching my left leg and otherwise se
riously intartrig me, so much that I 10111 all sensibility.
Whea conscirusneas returned I found myself in St.
Lolls, surrounded by my vreepingfenaily. Good mire.
L g and mulical aid, enabled me in about two months
to hobble around with the araisMnee of a crutch. The
wounds only partially heated, leaving large runmng
ISMS at the knee, which for many months discharged
blood and matte: of the moat oTensive character. My
prune were Inerpreseihie, nt times my angering was
to great hat death would have received a hearty wet.
come. Fortunately Mr. Wawa, lone of my neighbors)
!Welted me to try your Ointment. I obtained a box
applied It according to direction—the acres loon began
to I.IIIIIE e healthy appearance, end in three months
I was entirely eared, and enabled to do hard =her.
tone obedient servant,
NVe, the undersigned, neighbors 'of IL W. iltomaa,
were acquainted with the ease above, stated, and know.
Te We, chreuturtances, most cheerhali6 confine said
homas` statement. REV. OUGLASS,
. .
Mockup, lan. PM, IBIE
W. CI. Sloan—Ain One of my hence was hoof bound
and also wounded in t h e mle, In which ha took cold,
and became to crippled that ha could sestet I y travel.
Op the fren application of your valuable ointment, hie
hoofs were won softened and the stifle permanently
cored. I have also used the Chntment In the tete of
Poll-Evil and on severe galls with equal success.
On n meshed Inv, that was very painful, It opera.
ted like a char. Vows, 0.. a, A. VAN ORI)EN.
Sloan's Ointment and Condition Powder are an all who have med them to be titelert
remedy for horses end cattle that ban been discovered.
Fresh ermines, Bally spavins bruises, fingbonc, poll
evil, and in short every outward disorder or Jimmy can
be eared by this wonderful remedy. The Louder is
designed for inward meal% distemper, hide bound
fntigue from hard exercise, diseased eye., &o.—Lsko
County Chronicle.
- Maxus"; Cook Co. Feb. 13,16.18.
Hr. Bloat—Rim. 1 have a line young born that eras
taken with the scratches last fall. I paid oat about
throe dollars for metheino to mire him, tut hogrew
lrye 1 then bought a box of your ointment at y
ed 'when in Chleago lash rather douhtlitgly, but 1
thought 1 would try it. Judge of my surprisa and m 7
isi.. of lot beneficial qualities, when 1 fo.d my
home's legs smooth and well In lour day, from the Unne
1 commenced applying it. Yotirobedieni,
• 111 , . COLBY.
More than fifteen years of unrivalled sneeess in the
cure °revery variy of external diseturc• and irritates
such as sprains, bruiser, cut, bunt,, unarm°us crap.
irons, sore bps, wre breasts, chapped hands cldll
hlnins, Liles, corns, pates in the back, aides, or
other part of the system, rattlesnake bites, exc., beam
ample urstnuony that filornes Ointment is rust the thing
for the hour. Cur - 111.14s .without number have been
received by the Propnetor from diaintercsted indPridn.
e s , giving details of remarkable earn by Ile use.
Granville, blilwankle no. WI., Oct.'l3, ISLA
Mr. Sloan—Scar Sin Recently my hours ran away
with a log chain attached, which eut and otherwise
injured them ar.riously, attached,
much So that I considered
my train rained for buiduchs. Fortunately a friend nir
commended the one of yore Cintment 1 went to Mil
ivaakie and purcbated a It Joon removed the
Inflammation, and in a few days the wounds healed
The great benefit derived from the are of your trati
meat, on toy homer, induced me to arquaint you mob
the fact, believing its publicity would benefit you and
the public. Revettralii your.,
And h. become IL common saying; gisy
Ointment and Condition Powder are rapidly supers,
ding all other remedies for all diseases of horses and
canW. The beauty 0, the medicines consists in their
purity and safety, to wit: they may be used ever so
freely without .y danger orbiting cold, or soy mites
Injury renal tiu from shah (rm.= SI% pod isevcri.ji
$9 IMllir*Wl4l l o-4 FrAt-MR,
- -
kJ Medicines el the
Catamt's Stkito3. 01310, Vey 1M,1849.
It. E. Sellers: I think it right for Ma benefit anthers
to state some facts in relation to year excellent
ty Medicines. .
7 have es al arn
v-ace Verertifuge lorgeti in my o
tly, one via, ~ fre....ntly answering far expelliail t gC
Quantities May Ito 10o) worms from two Millen% I
have alto sled yea Liver Fills and Conn Byrup !
ray family, and they have in even , instance produced
the edeet desired.
As I ate engaged in merchandising, I am able to
state that I nave yet to hear of the fust failure where
your medictem have been mad in my scene of tha
In coming:ion, I may state that they ace tns
medicines et the day, and 'miniskirted to base a very
extensive pspulanry Yount, resueedelt-
d and so:4 bi EL • •F. 1 118,N057.W00d
sold by Druggu a Senemili ft , the 01-
ißatitTC U . / ' tE — CHTIVT ltd _ !Fa .
originaLonly toe, and genuine Liver nil.
Snorer daxxx,.Ohlo county, Va.
Mr. R. E Dear Sir—l think It a duty I owe
to you amity the public rmera l'y, to mama that I have
sod with' the Liver Complaint for Is long
tune, and badly that an abets. fanned end broke,
which loft me in a very low awn
your celebrated Liver Pill. being for edit by A IL
S e b yll ' y h ei e 'Y o , " D L' r. bEe..nith rod
on=mi le t ° ivy e m 7b them
• Sur trial. I pnrchased one box, and tonna mem to
'claret "Flax they are. =commended, THE BEST LI
VER PILL EVER USSR; and after taking four bares
Faiths Mime= has entirely left me, and I am now
perfectly well. Respectfully yours,
- • West Liberty, March 26, tet9. .
I tortifl Mat I an personally acquainted with Mr
Celan": end can bear lesumony to the truth of the
elm= zehificate. A It SHARP
The sennine Liver Pins are prepared and told by
RE i LLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists
in toe .wo
TO THE PUBLIC.—The original, Only true and gen
eine Liver Pills are prepared by RESellers, and have
hie Dame stamped in black srax upon the lid of each
Fox, and his signature on the cuudde. wrapper _n
others are comucrfeit. or base imitation.
&pit, R E SELLERS, Proprietor
10 ROM the Rev AMA SHINN,u well known and pop
1. e'er Clergyman or theProteslantfilethodistChnrch
The undersigned hstruur been alElicteddurlngthe past
winterwithq dtsease otthe stomash,sometimes pro.
diming great paha in the stomachfor tenor twelve boars
withoutinternu•s•en,and alter having tried various
remedies with .1 ..ptlfect.was furnished Inth a bottle
otrlr DJayoetGt =AM Ltallult This he Used ae•
Cordinj to thidircebows and found Maui-ably that this
medicine caused the pail' to abate in three Or four mix,-
ate., and In fifteen or twenty nunnteacvery uneasy
mutation was entirely quieted. The medicine was af
terwardsused whenever indicationsof the approach of
painwerepereeived,andthepaufwas thereby prevent.
ed. Its continued to an the medicine story evening
and Storttainlee ZULTULCIS, And in i few weeks
health was so far r catered, that the sufferer wut relies
ed from allure mounter oppressive pain. From el
• parience,there fore. e can confidently recommend D
kiw.c.' . .c.tvgr.ltt i zTi3O%:ll7. lina A rl SWlNVl )
ny Aty,jy3l
For sale In Pittsburgh at tl.agl e jN o TE.l. MT OR
72 Fourth street, near Wo u. end also at theDrog
Store of li P SCHWARTZ. Fe t street,..-Allegheur
• -
‘ l. . DR SWAI - Nr7B
Tag an.lllT MittSlN 701
Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, DM...hills, Liv
e r i ?i , m i phan ale i r a ., Zan Lloie of
L. lieut. Influenza, Croup, Irokies Con.
st Robo, Sore Throat, Nervous Debbi
ry, and all Discues of the Throat,
Breast and Longs; the Most efi
bawl emd speedy care
ever known for any of
Mia abase &sear
at, le
. DR. t3Nr AYIitE , S •
Cosapoguad Syrup of Wild 011sorryt
• This medicine is aw ry oer eloorg those of doubtful
utility. It honoured from Ile thousands daily
upon then de of eaperiment, and
el l stands
higher in i•nectardng more eXtensive
ly avid
any other preparation of auelloine emu
predeted for Mc rebel of mitering man.
It has been tatroduccd very generally through the
United States ton
pc, and there nor few 101.1 of
Importance bl ood hat contain
pr ofsom ekble evi
dence of tn g elects. For oof 0(100
statements, and of the value and le/Stacy of thia
100 proprietor end Insert a tow
of the many Mon
iihaZl to which have been presented to lamb,.
mem of the tool respeembilitymcr. who have higher
sawn of moral responsibility and instlee, than to ear.
tify to facts, Incense It will do another a favor, and
ihesnselves Lop:Wine. Sorb testimony provel eon
abusively, therltssurpneing excellence is gro an to
by as intrinnommele, and the ancomnonahle enthori-
I ty of public eSsiots. The Instantaneous relief It af
fords, and thearmsting L
ende rs Mused through the
wholo fmmobrigyla me, renders it a most agreeable
remedy for tlidatoil
"Men men, Kenny, from conscientious revalues,
voluntarily betel lecumeny to the troth of.a ibmg, or
particular liVritAustimony, being etantrary . l.o their
hilly in and purpose., Wessell conviction of
Its truth and °almonds itself in a. special manner to
?Aural hiazims.
St= Anonym CV). or PitialostAlS COtanYTISBS
TOBlO never was t remedy that has been as soccessfal
desperate oases of Commutation, so Dr. Enzyme's
Contoorusd Spray of Wild Cherry, It mrengthces the
spasm, and •ppears to bent the ulcers on the lung.,
cream a new and rich blood; Omer possessed , by no
other sad..
. Carr= Co., April 2.1th,1543.
Dr. Da ayno--Dear Sir I verily believe your CAW
poniA Arrop of Wild Cherry has been the means of
ving my Idb. I caught • revere cold, which gradu
ally grew worse, attended with a seven, rough, that
trusted all the reindict which 1 had recourse to, still
tocreanne until my eau exhibited all the symptoms of
Pulmonary Consaiontion. Era,' thing I tned seemed
to have no effect, and my complaint increased to rapid
ly that friends as well 1. myself, gave op all hopes of
my invaluablet NM time I was recommended to try
you medicine . . did no with dm most bap.
TraltilS. The first bottle bad the effect to [Damn the
cough, causing, me to erpectorate freely; and by the
time I had used sin bailey( was entirely well, and am
now !WWII • 811.88 /Stover W• 3 in my life, end
would be harpy to pt. any Lafonaatioaresimating my
case, that outer aufferen may demo tho knelt for
which lam so graitefuL For the truth of the above
stamment, I refer yen to Peter Dash, Grocer, Wan
Cecina, l', of whom I parchascd the teed-Mina.
Stespealfully yours, Janos iloaasal.
Prowler/re/ runt of a 111.akodin Minster,
Dr. Sway ne—Drar Sin I feel a debt of gradlnds do.
to yon—and a day to Cie addicted generally, to offer
my bumble testimony In 1.001 of year tiresndy
rup of Wild Cherry. Linen three years k I was
yintently attacked with cold and infinsmation of the
Lades, which was accompanied with a distresaing
cough, pain in the breast sad bead, a very
laic discharge of effeasive mucus ( how thenega, espe
il' upon chaage of weathe alight A,
ETA felt alarm about Illy condi:ton, but WB3 piett y
soon convinced that I ova rapidly going into consump.
lion. I grew daily weaker, and at length eras' scare
ly able to walk about, or speak above • whirtPer sorb
was the exceeding "weakness During this
time I had tried serious preparations and prescriptions,
but Maud no relicf—groonne all the time worse. Just
here I was adva.ed arid persuaded by a dear friend hi
Wilmington to make trial of your Syrup of Wild Cher
ry. I roust 6011. ea• thou previously I had been preps
diced against patent medletnes, and I am still agalcurt
those corning out of the hoods of emperles, but ander
atanding your claims to the profession and practice of
medicine, and hsying implicit faith In the aaytog
Dienes, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shays, ona circler
agents, a fen bunks, and commenced itueset. dis
cure mul ti the. time of 10 or 2$ months' standing,, eon.
irequently it was deeply sorted.' I found, however,
emindemblo ram( (rota the use orate first four or five
books. Llat bang a publ ic apeater, I frequently tt.
tenanted to preach WilB tiflntoh'of
thereby rumored thorn vessels aircuy be.g9.•
to heal; In this way, doubtleas, my cure was greatly
retarded, In euasequence of acting Mo. imprudentt
I had to use mins< or fifteen botiles before I was pe.•
fectly restored I have PO question, a catteltsmall
mother obtunths would' have made ma oonial, ha.
the above indiscrenon. The Symp allayed the fen
rah habit, took ...ray the dioucesing rough, pmt espy
to the diachsrps of mance from the lungs, and g ,,,,,
them and the eenre system good health. I haws &fin
red offering this cernficate until now, for the parpon.
of being perk...a' satisfied with the permanency of the
cone, and now shall feel perfectly well I offer it with
pkasure. Wry. J. P. Jornism
Dublin county, N. C
Immune Canton -Read Ma!
Them Is but w c genuine preparation of Wild Cherry,
and that is Dr. Sway $, the tint ever offered to the
bile ...x.ohlnrsaorlt of th e
parttime cane. bv the name of Wilr&herry have
been per out time this, under cover of some deceptive
circumstances , at ordertog.....U7 to their sales.
try a little obsomation, no person need mistake the
gunnies , from tic false. Each bottle of the genuine is
enveloped wit a beneath! steel engraving, with the
likenms of Witham Penn thereon; also, Dr. Swayne's
signature: and ••• further security, the portrait of Dr.
Bwayne gilded hereafter, so no to distinguish
his preparation 'row all others. Now, It it was not for
the great curative properties and known virtues of Dr.
Swell:kers Comosand Symp of Wild Cherry, persons
would not be endeavorin to s tea lin g currency to their
cfialitions tios.ants e by t the name of Wild
Cherry. ReintAthet, always bear In mind the name
of Dr. Swayne be not deceives).
Principaitribee, corner of Eighth and Dace elevate,
sale Whearsale and ret by OGDEN& SNOW
DEN, cot :Id and Wood a te;B pAtipm,-Tocic
Co, cor tot any Wood, and Gilt' and Wood sts; WTI
THORN, SI Market s 4 B JONES,
Liberty an JAB
A JONES, coo Land and Penn , sts; JOHN MITCH
ELL, Allegheni city, and by all respectable dealers in
oats •
-Dr. W.V. Inlama% Pros:dim Platter.
ThR. NV: FINLAND, of the Medical Colle.o Id Phil
eielphia, now oilers to the public his Indian Veg.
mable Pre..1602 Plaster, the glandes of which, o il er
I ,l o t are d d. ui 'l li oliTl7t i vrm c e ' ;l l =o " me au y=i m e
Prolapses Uteri. or Yellen Womb, he recommit:aide his
t as t ier guaranteeing a sore and speedy- cure in the
hort 4..µ10 at from two undies weeks, if applied with
care ad em—dienlig all tho cantle. instmments
and expensive bandages so long In use. Thu he feels
matins, inasmuch na he has not tailed
In one case out of three hundred and fifty-three pa.
Also for Itheemsurm and Week Breast or Back, at.
tended with pain there is nothing to excel this Plater
in affording relleor elleting a care. or eby
1. Wilcox, ear n er of Diamondand M a rke ter
Bran re Reiter," Liberty and St. Clair ats
DrJ Sargent " Federal at and Diamond, All..
glieny city
Jacques & Co, " Denman and Diamond BlMsing.
XTRACT OF COFFEE—An article... Mob li rm.
1J pldly coming ono use as a wholesome, nourishing
and doliciOue ue Verne, being More picaseint and pal
atnLle c.counion Coffer, and tar cheaper,as a small
paper costing only ton eenta, will go as fa ite Poor
pounds of Colee. gunofaciared by
JOHN S. BOLLER, Pitubargh,Pa.
So/d at wbalemtla by and FAYINFSTOCK tr. Co,
earner of Firm and Wood sutra and 'Wood moats,
Finabargb. arta
• -
I_l 35 Camp Blimketsi 2D officer coats; v.: pra Yam;
Wiltdril nett lined Mining Boots; 12 Isthmus Begs; 2
goalwter Tanks, imd 12 gallons each; 50 canteens,
lon each; I don Buckskin Money Blts; I do oded
cambric. do do. The above goods fur sale at the Cali.
fatale Otitainig Establishment, No Wood et.
AN VlLS—Wrotmhl Iron Anvils, from tha Te ye.
ancotellle works, warranted; will "t
on hand and applied - In order, by .'
wan GF.II CO' RAN. an Wood at
2 2 1 .:.•,1
100 bblv Whnkcyj ' for We by
nov6 W & AI All rC/lELTREE
cuts J. r.yrau a
LI Ea.' brand, a rape rior artiole, for sole by
76CASKS blugpmn.a &Kla AO, and la cuts
Bleaching Powder, arrived per ably Oxenbridge,
and now coating on by canal, for wale by
N. 11,—T hay will reengra,
.rinua, lug*
14PPi 1 1 5 9t1f 1 1% IVO
thILOPErtSOR CS - MALES DAVIES has /ent re.
pared a new arithmetical wort, a coin' of wit;ch
It be presented to each mid every Teacher in the
United Snmes.vrahout change, upon their applicatica
to A. H. English it Os, 7S Wood =rem, Pittsburgh,
A 7 d jum o i lLibl 'The .is hL:l7 th lt rk e t i... ""k ftT:H o llETl fvu .C!..i
erre of Somber,
The following notice to
copied teem the Nevi To*
T -
"Gus:stenos dartvbeerte, al CHAS Da L. L. D.
(tem., pp. 1444—n thia work the =eel
arid construction of msers. axe aeireed.
The alphabet, compoled et
figures-ISb words de4
rived from the tapbabet. the the lawshy deb the
figuma am enanected with each otbc•aare eleariy
"Tbe analysis slam that there are bat four WM.
died and eight. eight• elementary combinations La
Acithtteue, each co spending to award of oar cm
... Wen.= and n litta the. omtultlhats.lgh3 o
cromected differe nt as to be all exprasmi , firy
commi t hree different words. The trystmllntMencs
those word. to memory, and then read tbe
results 'emend et' spelling them,.as now practised.
"in ...alter mensal the cyst= proposes an import"
ant change, emery. to ecnsider and treat all freedom
as entire things, having • given relation to them:a:Mr
from which they were ilenvcd.
"We scarcely need any that the linle work evinces
the ingenuity and skilful analyals, for width 110ASSOr
Davies ' ' min g O n ' l St are justly celebrated.
We commend it totho attention of practical teacher.,
believing that they will And crowded Widt now and
voluble soggestionan .• •
Prom the Aviator, 'Vest Point.
uhlttersar A , AIDIC. el U.B. Wen Parr, Dealt
"The Grammar of Arithmetic,by Profaner Onion,
penrems the subject la It Ilewjighl. It so anodyne
ArldUlittie 101 to, impress the mind of the learner wnh
the first prinelplca of mathematical science in weir
right enter and connection, sad the new talcs for the
mr.ding of fixates aro of great practical.rable. •
Signed, W. if. C. Denten, Prof. of Nat.& Ex. Phil.
A. E. Church, Prof . of Mathematics. .
D. IL Mahan Prof. of Engineering:l - •
In Pntra, .
13. DARN &Co. would reepectfally announce
to touchers, and to all interested in mathematical in
struction, that they anll pubillb, on or&efote tho Int
. . • '
fitM'ai AND rair.PhOre iikriteme Tic* .
Or, an of the Principles of the Selenee—bf
lm Nature of the reasoning—smd of the best Mantas
of Imparting Instruction. Ity Chas. Davies, L.L.D.,
author of `..6. Complete System of .51Mhematicae.
N. IL—A. S. Downes & Co, are the pltbilsbars of
Detvtes' System of idea:emetics.
For sale in this city by . A. IL ENGLISH Zs Co., No.
W Wood street.
Foster's Mow Ethiopian Eeloodi fo Tn . c
WINE to Hon all Night; Dolly Day;
Dole? Jones; Go down to do Cotton Field;
Nell} was a Lady, Re.
ALSO:. - - •
Do Kind to the Loved Ones nt florae; •
How thy boat lightly; Tme Love, by T.Dood;
Our way across the .00, 40514 • ,
• A new medley song, by D. Covert;
Jenny Gray, mule by Alalter,.
Joys that wont drowning, Wedding! March;
God bless the hardy marine; Schuylkill Walt; •
C.onseript , • Departure, by W. C. Gloom:
Bounds from Dome' Waltzes, SMormaskinhe Co;
Lain Rose of Stuanier, easy YllilWollll by Herm
United States Polka; Ladies , Sonvenir
Corn Cracker Quadrille:. Louise:lle itatitirillei
Beauties*, Italy; Duals, Trio,, &e.
A large assorueent of New Music oithand. to Which
additions are made weekly. For sale by '
fedi J. 11. BIFIALOIL Si Wood st.
THsE WAR WITH nuilico, — br B.S. Ripley; 2
Elements of Rhetorle t • comprisingAin Atudyeis of
the Laws or Morel Evidesee and of ResesssWnt by
Richard WhetslT ' D. D.
Essay es Chtissan Baptism; by Baptist W. Nall, 21
The °Miflea, a Novel.
Fairy from all Ntttonr by Maany R. l2oit
%Ma; whit Si Lllustra.leas by Doyle.
Jun reed by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON,. •
.dole comer Tbud and Market UMW,
legume. elft—lleolul,
0 Headley, with eleven °rigida! designs by Barley.
Poems an d Pm." %Village, by Richard H. Dam; .2
v 01.., muslin
Illembeared Gems °Catered Potty,willtsts !Dutra
bons engraved on steel by John Sartain.
Justreeeived by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON,
comer Tbird and Market au
PPHYSICIAN AN a PATIENT; or a PrzetteerView
of the =tort denies, relations and Interests of the
Medical Profession nod the Commaulty; by Worth
ington Hooker, M. D. •
The Works of Michael De Montahree; oeinprtaing
his E.rtays, Letters, Ae. By Wm. Hazlett.
Nineveh and its Remains. By Aroma Henry Lay.
Ere, D. C. L..
11;11847. LI
Glimpses of Spain; or Notes of mi Unfinished Tour
per's • reverbial Philosophy, new edition; illiu.
Jan received by
JOUNS oNt irocsrotq,
came, !Salta and Third etrecia
L°2ll7"k,H - Lun'T'e . „
illummated and illoatrated— Bo ole asAbly bo med
ard to
Velvet, Silk. Morocco, and Dom, othlon, la imitation
of the Middle Ages—Bible, and Prayer Cooks, bum..
tifoliy bound In VelvetandMoroccoostagnificently
mu:mated and lthuninated. For solo by
Flookseller .t Importer, Wood at
Christmas and New Year Appeaserlntuit
In AlagnifFnu Antigua Binding, for the
TAMES D LOCKWOOD, BiokroUer and Importer,
oP W Wood street, Ms removed • beautiful collection
of Illustrated !looks, bound in the most splendid man•
ner by the best London andAmenesa bindsrs—smong
them may be Month
Pearls of Amen: •• %Merry; mapdtmen' tly
Laysot the We.tern World; illutinniettilingold and
Wordsntrth's Oreeee; He Illustrated. T he r•caeher; illuminated by Cloven Jones, and
booed • carved mood.
The Song of Songs; illominoted by Jones.
Flowers nod them Kindred ThonshujilandaMedby
Heroines of Shokspeare; Warmed.
Mrs. Jwarson's Characterlones or Women; Mosul ,
Md. For sole by JAMES D LOCKWOOD,
det3 Wood etreet
REDUURN: Flis Vast Voyage., by Herman biellvlllo
author of ' Type s ,” "Omoo,"
History of King Alfred of Eagbuta, by Jasoio Abbott;
wok; One engravings.
Sidonio tbo 90100t0t4 by Wt. nbinbold•
nov2l toper Third liad Mottet woes
"Ow of the Kau RemariablA Warta of the Aga."
of a visit to the Chandrean Christians of Senile.
tan, and the Yceldis, Or Devil-Worshippers, and an
Inquiry into the Mennen and Arts of the Aliment As
syrians. Ity Austen Henry Lays's!, F.K., D. C. I.
With Introductory Note by Prof. E. Robinson, D. D.,
LL. D. Illastrated with 13 plates and maps, and 20
wood cos 2 vols. Sea cloth,
"The took - has a rare arum= of graphic, vivid, plo
triremes narrative."—Tribena • •
The work of Layard is the nest preeminent eortui.
button to the etady of antiquity, that has appeared Inc
many yessit."—ist Inq.
"Not one excels in interest the account et Nineveh
and its Reins, given by hlr.LayardJs—Wsatinvon
"Al we follow thediggers with !nestles* lowest
In their excavations, ana suddenly nod ourselves be
fare a massive figure carved with infante attorney,
now lifting Its gigantic head trom . the dust of =0
years, we are ready to cry ens-with the astonished
Assam, 'Wallah, it is wonderful;wonderful;bat his emer
Lidera. %
sale by - JAMES D. LOCEWOM
novla • 0? Wood st
.fIIHE WOMEN of ago Old - and
-New Testament:
Edited by B. Sprague, Mß. I •ir oL tiro,
gantly bound; 18 exquisitely: dabbed. engravings;
wfth desentniona by celebrated American Clergymen.
OMIB BY AMELIA, atm. Welby, of Hy.,) a new
and enlarged edelon; illustrined bY engravings from
on designs by Wier. IVO' : SWIM BVo Clegsat
ly bound and gilt. Also--A naneryof splendid Ana.
ale and Gift Books. •
Sewell's Child'. Find nook of , [ Me , Alstery of name.
use of Carpenters, Shlywrigitu,Wheelorrighta, Saw.
yen, Lumbermen, Students, and Artisans ge_atrally.
being • thorough and prudes! Trey., an Mx.runtra•
non and the Sliding Bale. By D. AL Koper A. AL
Boise's Treatise on Greek Prom Composition.
011endorft , a Elementary French Grammar. By Pro&
Greene, of Brown University: 1 vol. limo.
Boodtger's Gesenlue Hebrew Grammy, by Conant.
Geromns' Hebrew Lexicon. • .
I.ocenis , Trigonometry and Loserlttuaio Table. 1
vol. (eheep.)
Teo Engli'demerN Greek Coneordence..l eol.(rere4
Webstcr's Dictionary, revised ed. 1 vol. Pro.
do do =abridged. 1 voL
Banes Notes and Questions on New Testament.
Whntelyls Logic. i
bloshelea's Ecclesiastical 111mOry. 3 Vols. and
vols. (sheep.)
Vutiges of Creation. 1 vol.
Monorail among tho 'mats at Borne. .1 voL (cloth
and pupa.) • .
Scones where the Tempter has' Triumphed. 1 vol. - :
(cloth and papery •
Bogue% Tneologieal Lemma _
Tot fivo.(cloth)
Alder's Pronoanclag. Bible.
Buyer's French Diettonery..
Swat'. nonce. For ludo by . B 110PKINB,
novl3 Apollo BuildinsßFoorth at
N%loritalgaKeS, h i lted by /1.1111itt;Colnli morns
Essays, Letters, and
„ After through Women,
ImlY, with note, from te Commentator% Brograph...
teal and Bibliographic 'Miceli, tO.: • •
Theory and Practice of Taschler or,' the Motives'.
arid Methods of Good • Behool•laepLog, by David,
Plage, M. l Paincipal of the pato Normal Bcdroolil
Albrmiy, N. 1. '
Frank Forestarh Fish and Fishing of the U. Boma
and British Provinces of North 'America, by Hen*.
Wm. Herbert- /WINSTON do STMWFON,
nose corner Third and Market still
Th• Olden ,Tlsse.
Tegss D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer ' ',
0 N 0.63 Wood street, has for sale a few copies corm,
Mete, (the remainder of the edition,) of thin valuable;
work, devoted to 0,0 ['reservation of Documents, amt.
'other authentle information relating to the early eV.'
'plorntione, settlement and improvement of the ronntry
around the bead of the Ohl. By. Craig,
Esq., of Pittsbarah, inn vole. Bro.
a viewnf &el
RiktiDraifekty: A History:Witta
Marty of other Ancient Notions: BY Samuel:
Linen, Fag. Illustrated with twelve curaaaara...e .
elated at name. 1 a01a.,8v0., uniform with Presectra
Historical Warta.
Just published and for sale by
JAAILB D. LOCKWOOD, Drokseller and
turvln • resporecr,63 Wool ;
iTANN 641-60-d;
.11.• Moo. 75 nu. MRS. FANNY KE3 I / 3 1 X YEA.R.
The reading of this book has OuProsood as with a,
much higher oplillati of its author than . ,, , wW
from perusing her other writing , /tm .per t ,
tone of thought, united mato.. pnie_wommtig Inca a ( ,
feeling Mut any o th er prodommt
e4 il o mind ,
with whteh we oro negeolotpd .
Era. [dirror.
It la every agreeable .a.
adable baot s rrrittealn'
Fenny Kembies tmst style—bell, spotted and
mining. We recommend it to our readiness** hest
publication of the season.^—Readlng
"h contains the /camel of • Vend thrones Sinspas
and residence la Italy; and is one.of the pilmotantetr
mid most itacrestin book. of the wasothn—cmas...,3:
e,eer characteristic book. We he'll" reed It hoed,
title page to Colophon with unabated interest. A el, :
aid piano" of life In Route. In all [mom* eminerult
Foe ' DLO . =WOOD, •
ports Bmkseller dl mporter, 63 Wood
--- 13.16I , TelMiThda lowers.
301 BOXES Superior Boomed 'taboos, Also Mil
do. Flowers, of all Me latest and most fashloa ,
able styles, reed thuds, al
lilaAct et it
DBLED BEEF-10,00Q IN indcxx cared roundi,Jel
old dr mkt, for sale be
of; ft ;WM
as SOX..
nayiker•, T.tohaag• Elsrok•e•,
OCiLLECTIONEL—DiaIts, Notes anti Keees: . onces
payable any part egos Omen,ted on mostj
Gtooinble terms.'
F.Xe-iiiNGE on New oik,!Plilladelphia and Dal
&owe; Jon, Cincinnati, Louisville, Bunt Louis and .
Now , Odes., soanantly for solo.
DANK NOTES.—Nonts on no solvent buts in Ina
United Stoats diseoluited at the lowest taws. all Lode
tif Foreien and Amalie= Gold and Silver Coin booths
and sold"
Olden No. d 3 Market betwein 3d and Ca: -
Pitt ,
sburan, Pa. oeS
_ RC MUNOZ. ----
11OlOta.s on England, Ireland, and fectaland Douala
JD any asanunt at the Currant Rates of Realms".
Rlall Drafts payable In any part a the Old Connie.,
front-XI to £D:O, at the tun et 114 to the
wlitibut deduetion or discount, by Jcrtmoot RODIN:
ERIN European and Gauen! Agent, ones Rh rt one
doorweatol wood. octlPlr
Llif,l%l2llAl6l2. l, A umen 11:9WAND SA=
relm"fEEE' AND EXCHANGE BitohEßS, dealers
'to For Man and Domande ICUs of ll:Melange Ces.
Cr Peacmlse, Conk Noses and Coin, coiner of
3d and Wood streets, dismay oppoidto BL Omen Ho.
teL '1 • . ' ma 2...z.11
I - Arial!: an
8013 33 abutatuse
BEGLlMrinnallabgbi ebt _
YWlYddPaffi e
ConiTtultiy LOT ego by N. 1101.31 a &
• viomuis oi.'newoiamn, • ;, •
PCIIrTING DISTILL,ERS i ttad Tea and Watt'
Horthains, Sul side tithe iamand,Pittebarelt,
are now offering at the ter?, lower; Pines (or nosh,'
PAM %sled Whiskey. GM and 'Demesne Broadr; also,
Freda, DmuMr, Holland Gin. Janmita Sprits,Lot.
don Gin, Irish Whiskey, Bum, At.. Port, Sherry, hla.
Sliira,Claampagne,Cluet, Mosta Malta's, Tent
ndtierand Lisbon Wmea. Mitten may, lard '
rtILINTIING PAPER —Alwayi on or ;nude lo
1. otder, the various' Gres of Fri Per, 111 3 .
, r , rggles Pu r er;erown, &radiate ut Ole Crown
' Doable grurt lrsgrile la rtp n err e;.'wn Pasteb hle tard " ,rql
p NAUSHAL.I., 85 Weed st, '
Agent for, Gnome Mills.
iJ ° lrt ' erdat ,etate,7o—.7lvlll;,Tfek of
iVONEAN INt wilk and ber re •
t ward. By Mural Nolatolb, author of "Charms
oantercharms,. "TO seem and to be.. 1 Tot 12mo.
:• Latter Day Pamphlets, No I:—Tho present siren.
Thew Cants!. r •
CasLasss..—bleasoirs or I$ and Writings ernes.
,Nbalmere, D A, L. L. D. Prelection. on Bailees ,
donator', Peters Evidences ofChriWufty, and
Lettere Oa Divinity, with two introductory Lee's rea
and root Addresses delivered in the. New College,
• Edinbargh, by Tboutas C.balmera, D. D., L. L. - D.
1 'al limo. -
Caltart—Life ofJolm Calvin, coo:piled front neaten.
Oct maces, and particularly from tus eorrespondences.
)1•y Thrtmu If Dyer, will, ponralt. i col Mao.
Tot asla by ' II
ap47 - ~ • •70 Apollo Bullard., Peterlit
Dearness onto&
Pruett the New York Tann°
A FRIEND, whoia wont is most reliable, na who
hu no possible triunes in the matter, but one of
aratituaeOesires sae to sari that he has been cored of
. 1 - nee:erste deafness,by the awed "SestrOiCompouod
Aconstio Oil" a Rtalaaclphla medicine, which I. not
for said in this city, hot which he thinks ought to bc,
for tha good of the satiated. Re ha. a meter who has
htso been entad by it. lie urreolly advises all eoLo
lie suffering Crentdcatnas, to u 7 thls :toady, with in
assurance tilt, galas the case be artreordinesy, the,
kg - pc:imam will prose abondualy sosccoatl.
• filb2 • - TO Fourth et, Pittsburgh',
• • • Cosksbar Combs! • ,
1 - )Ck GROSS ompeb Polka; 10 do do rely line;
33"1 ate'dltedd!ng;
12 "I aopet,Engbah Flom Redding;
% • 8 "i " Pocket Combs; .
i ! 1:8. "' " 'Woad— "
1030 daz end Floa,lvory;
30 ", Shall Sid a Combs;
10 -"
raper largo Itxdolo;
grow aza!d Sipe Combo; toed and for sale by
(obi • CrYP-AOEII, 108 Market 14 •
Buff Holland; Buff Holland 3 •
8E NOTIOE Tbalw. IVleCllatoek bas this I.y
received eaveraleases of the ruled and-bent Bel:
.dour'llolland, to which be would etas: respecticlir
call the attention of his COSIOMerI red the public in
A OtabbacF --
FEW Ter) fine GUITARS, jug: we'd (numb'
ealebralW munulbetory of C. F. Idandr, end for
We by land MELLOR. et Wood 4. •
.Books Juit Recelyed.•
TILE Complete Works' f lohn Iraniam 2 vela Sao,
'la vol,lllratrated; marlin gilt and gilt edges.
IditebelValtbhul and Sabbath School Geography;
a new work;
Town's Analysis and Speller.
Isle cf Johnkl. Adams; by Wm: Ff. Sewasd; 1 no!,
12roo; mutts
Poems by IStrs. Gems.; 1 sof, 12mo; muslin; gilt.
South's Hermon.- , Sermon preached upon several
oemniees, by Robert South, D. Lk; s new edition, 4
nose; inebtalog Posthumous Discourses.
Sam,.-1 vols. in 21 sheep, extra;
At sale byR. HOPKINS,
fetch 'Apollo Buildings. Fourth st.
roan menolooso. W. S. SAM".
MLLE undersigned, eueeessors to drthurs Nichol
;J. aan, beg leave to Informer° of Frusbergh
and pubbenenerally, that they have rebuilt the EA.
OLE FOUNDRY and ore yam lo full operation, and
lhave parti of, their patterns ready for the market,—
Insaartgat Which are Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood
?Buret, with tasplendid &Amorist Coal Stove,Which is
now etrpercednag in other cities the common round
:Steve. Also, a cheap coal Cooking Stows, well oder.
ted for mall familial, with a fall assort:nem of coat
num and sauttel Grates We would particularly la
' vile the attention of persons building to call at our
,vrarchonse before purchasing, and examine a splendid
!;article of enamoselled Orates, finished In fine Mk—
'entirely new In this market.
Warehouse, N 0.191 Liberty st, opwsite Wood ell
.11 YEAGER. Impiner and Wholesale Desire la
: Sign of the Gilt Comb, ICS Market at., Pittsburgh', Pa,
_ NTestagg Merchants, 'Pedlars, - an d others visiting'
Pittsburg - A to purchase Goods, are respectfully Melted
. to call and examine the extensive assortment of Eng
lish, American French snit German Fancy Goods.
All Foreign hoods at this establishmett am import;
ed dimes Iri r mtself, lad purchasers may rely ors get.
tine goods fast hands. I have the largest usort.
meat of ardcles, is the anxiety line, in' the city of
• Pittsburgh--all of width will be sold low for cash of
City aceeptinces. Tim Stock consists, to part, of
' Lace Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons.
lank CraeaVßl:e and - Ratenahtesuls,BcerinFßilk,
laatoltsed'g'?ery.r. B"P'"'"'t Buttons, Piti , ,Net.
Gold and Silver Witches, Gold Jewelry, all bo l ds of
Brushes, Combs and Racers. • •
Percussion Caps, Revolvers, Clocks, Silk &
,Cons Purses, Spectsclemel Toro, Music Boxes,
Gullet Hags and Bakets. :
Bunlings, Radom; and Trimmings.
Toys and Fancy Goods together with a large Varie
ty of Fancy
L dtaple DRY GOODS.
C. YEAGER oleo meet for the celebranal,Lart.
cuter Combs. , • noel 7
• • ' Greet =news Remedy• '
F 2a b igiitil i ran i nC ° gti u gr E The
above diseasesOs the lIUNGARIAN BALSZ r tba
LIFE, discovertd -by Me- ealebtated Dr. Booboo, of
Lanau, England, sad lutroduced Into the United Stares
ander the immeaatesuperintendenee of the Lumen •
The extraorary seema of this medicine, th,
mire of Pulmonary diseawf, warrants the Anunieen
Agent In soliciting for treatment the water possible ea
ries datum be found laths coutrunity—casea Om seek
roller In vain from any of the common remedies of ds•
day, end hue been given up by the aunt alstinguiskell
pbyslemes s
eared, ed ud Incurable. The !buyer,
mallets= has aadwill cure, the most desperate
of cues. It is 1.1 emelt nosimm, bat • standard Eng
lish medicine, of known and establialwd eMency. -
Every family in the United !Muth should be mantled
with Dachants Ilugerthe Dais= of Life, not only to
eautdoractthe consumptive tendencies of tbe climute,
be: to be used as a preventive Medicine lo all cum of
colds, coughs, epitting of bleed, Pad to the dtdd and
chest, snitadon and sareness of Me Imp, bmchitts,
thifienhy of blasting, hectic fever, beeM um, eatan.-
Lion and general asth-me,thdthdderaddadPidA
cough eat troop:. •.
Bold enlarge bottles, et SI per Waist weld fill dkers.
dens for the restoration of helth.
Pamphlets, contaialue • maser fhtstialt and Amerb
Calldadother evidence, thawing the un
mnakd merit. of thia great Eddliad ItdtddlY, maybe
obtained of the Afrel3ll, gtaltlitoolo.
F,or sale by. A FAIDIESTOCE k Co,toierer •
at and Wood and Woodard 6th matad,,,,,,s
' Pirrsarears, ',Ranh 27, NY.
Mr. B. !'.Rees —.lreftistlee tei'yea and your income
parahie cough syrup,' I beg leave to riot., for the ben
efit of the comeateity, that my wife has been .enrol
times afflicted with &cunt distressing cone,. i t v s ,
abased, la Jaanary Wt, e hew. of your ..±.yrutywhich .
, eared tallgn 011.0 menthe eteleling.,- 40 0 01 one.
... l b singe, the cough ecturneA, Ind neon so Severe
that .h..eould hardly 'move, from weakness ;in the
breast; I welter one bettlteaear Cough Syrap, sad
• part of ono boule eitted ngh leave chamber
to • iourneYmow.ho was seytrelyaftlleted, who bad,.
to oso tai own words; "eaten enough cough eaady to
~,e 611 11:6 people to Ylitsbtugh," if the candy had
been as good a• represented.
YoarsyresPeetrallY. - A:rum It Ke l m:.
:.prepared and cold -by R. R. , SELLURB,6:I,Woo4
greet, and told by Dm:gists generally ist lee two
else. - . del@
J. A. BROWN would reapeet
...;7_s-.:. Pally inform the public, that be
on hmU atLlutnnd on the
w xe er
glom). city, a complein'araort
der •
in the u =
style ma de care
• equal to any 111 the United butes.
Ilia Minds can be removed wtth.
011 t the aid of a rernir driver.• •
• tooVinTwo!d of d the t ealln . eles!
tahltabraent of Ilarn.ty
• -.. land, 1 ant prepared to (arras
their old ea.:macre, an well as ~
the publiiiathrucorith every th iltelrbne.
A r' n gf """ l'Uect. " ItBROWN:
'FBA` reed, an elegant plant Rosewood 6 09. Plll2l_
from the celebra t ed manufactory of Meer re
Chu*, N.Y., of ruperlortilllNantiverymodeTamprica. .• ,•
For sale by 3 IL
for rem:ming TaTter. Pee n'.
mbetalsocs destructive, to the Teeth. It le &helm
the tame, clumsiest the month, Actium end strente‘eh . .
le the Marra, penfy leg the brestb..
For eel% vaoteralo and retalc by , .
ddo . R Woad
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V Jag teed, an iavolsa aMT Icarrilad pa=
vas Wateass, la cants fate easas, , which I em ran a•
law as easy and skiny to do4ssouxt arartaxsad to
keep good tuna.
Apkadd suattatcpt at JEWELRY, sou.
tba vasious sad lams/Wes, and best padcam..,,
Wi WWBON:WAnatos 054 Jimakr.
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