The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 07, 1850, Image 3

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With 111,352,381 Is OW*
, • Naw Yoe", Jane 5.
The Cherokee btlets Callfornta mills toilet Id
et May, inclusive. The neva is of a very Inters
Mt. Thomas, late mate of the steamer Crescent
Gltj was regally AO 4 thetteyer of a hotel.
At San Frame:*•tihtle has .assnmed a mote
lively aspect, and, es the large amount of gold
which has been winteftd id the tutees comes
bitten, ftgives an impetus to all kinds of busmen.
Another great excitement has taken place • at
Panama. The chores of the- Panama steamer
DARN haying ben lobbed by a colored boy, he
was serated. The natives rushed to the resent,
and put the party to light. •
• The next day, upon the vocation of the re-smelt
of the bay, • light took place, in which Mr. Sem.
pie, of New York, was killed. It as reported that
live or pit natives were shot. All the AO:WHIM:I3
became highly excited, and turned out, and It was
only by the utmcNt exertions of the Governor and
American Consul, that a gene al fight was prevent.
Th e tegislate of Califon ia adjourned, after
ri ming one hundred acts, and ventoen joint rem-
The Alin Californian, of the 'first May, ears that
the siemner Panama sailed at 4 o'clock, lamb 153
passengers and $110,600 in gold dust This ship.
meat makes tip all amount of tot led tbant=wo
forwarded to the Atlantic States, niece the Ist of
Much. In other words, over three anda half =l
kons of dollars have been shipped in three 61133121-
en from San Francisco.
The tri-weekly Planer Times, of Ilay last. has
the following. "John Bergbas lately returned from
Trinity. He went from here a snort time saw,
with a party of five men, with seven moles. • Tbe
trip each way cousumed 16 days. 11e reports tbe
gold to the lied and on the bars of the tumid as
scarce, bat very tine indeed, inquiring the tee of
quicksilver machines.
"Great disposition towards the American Fork
manifested. Some, •6606 persons are mid to be
high up there 'moat( the snows, awaiting for the
waters to subside, so that they ma commence op.
'The whole ecumtry iv clamour. for immediate
admission tato the Union.' •
"Some large operations have lately been made
on the Gold Eve Crest. We saw a g001...., u
here yesterday, who returns home on the next
steamer, and wbo his just sold out a claim to IN/
feet along the riverlor $lO,OOO.- Ile rap this is
not as high a 1 figure as some other like ells.* lave
teen disposed of, an eighth of which brought
' SAN nutcase°, 1111 I.
Trade be. alarmed amore lively aspect. .Tbe
dunned upon the markets, by Me surrounding
country traders, and the gold dues begianing to
be received, are important auxiliaries to its ha
The transactions, except to flour, have not been
large, unless at forced isles. Floor $lO per barrel;
Oregon 59,..50a10 per barrel; Richmond 1595 0 4 0 Per
Lumber—American ranch: per AL SMs29, plan
ed on 090 side, ga1t32,50 mill dunned flooring
'535.10. ,
Bricks—Per 00 $211.10. .
Pork per bbl. SZ to Pn for mesa.
Land sells at .71a40c per pound.
Potatoes per bbl
0Ote1111W:110M 01 WED:MD.ON TLXI2IMOI4
Ia cormeetion, twilay, the (=owing resolatloos
were presented:
Ramfeed, That Caton= . Is peculiarly well
adopted to slave labor; and if the tenure of slave
property were, - ey a recognision of this End,
secured to that pats of the country. south of 36
30, deg. It would, in a short time, open Into one
or more alaveholdum states, to awed the wealth
and power °ribose already fa exi to ce.
Railed, That it Is too plain for alignment, Mat !
the alareholding Suites would tote, and and - the
. Stwel greatly gain: by the our
render to tie latter of newly tuarof Texts; and
that the payment to Timm of a few mlllione, as a
price which, however, it might minister to their
distress (or money, would - be to Wompensation to
thein,and the more so emecially, as most Orthe
money, would come out of their own pockets.
Ewohmi. That the people of the alaveholding
Mates, by beim:Mug a aril, as respects political or
party organisation seperate from the people of the,
norrelsveliolding organisation;
scold place themselves
In a philtfon of great advantage; in at lout three
particulars - -Ist. To triable them to We to
secoant the political ponies of the South, by put
ting it in their power to throw the whole undivided
mite Into as scale of whichever party Moored
a deposal= to do them joimice. 2nd. . It would
enatitplbero to torn to =mount the potent semi
meotV" Live fur the Union" cherished by_ the
. . . .
Nom; out of their disposition to terminate the
existence of that union, promptly, and without
Internal digested, whenever tqe North camo to
diszegird theirygirtx Id. It would enable them,
If the worst cam• to the worst, to defend them•
selves to the best advontagep nod, therefore, It
would be. prtzteiple fa the highest degree, cease:-
'alive, not only of union, but of sentiment,' of
fratenilty, between the people of thei North, sad
those of the South.
. _ .
Resolved. *reef.; That the poopta of the south
memo deep of pietyillithoshcota, sod orpaive;
and, for. the rotary, let: the best of merit la the
MlTtrint eandidomePo- eirme, be this onlyt—
t, Which of them I. IMO/ to MO the most g ood '
and act • ttien4ly and paternal part by the sooth
and to this end, that Convention., both toy the
nomination of State onileets and of President lila
Vice President, Peed hereafter be bold wahout
reference to past party relations. - -
ROOlood, That we therefore invite* Con ven.
tic or the people .or the Slaveheldlog BMW, to
tunetoblo on the (north Monday to Jooe, at-,
for the purpose of 'desigoatbig which 'matte tbe
various aspirants Cut the Presidency, ought to res.
ceive the se &ages of the South. • • •
Roared, Thin unless the nowslaveholdiog
Staten, at the next Delllloll' of Weer respective
Legislatures repeal the laws which they hive
• passed to ob struct the recovery of funitivealaves
and abo take erceittal meps for the prunes' ob:
servance by their citizens, of the eaustitudoual
stipulation far the surrender of such slaves, the
.slaveholdlog Swim ought, without delay, to adopt
, mewures of retaliation and aon-laterconne.
Remitted, That we have little etenidence to the
efficacy of any law which Cbugrets nay pus to
secure the observance of - the Constitution; be
cense public °pluton at the North la so mina op.
posed to such a lasi that It could um be enforced.
We look cluelly to the States themselves who are
parties to the atipetatioe, for ill ebumnee; but
any jaw passed by Comma which gave to - the
Iligitive a jury trial In the State Into which he
fled, would, as a remedy, be mere mockery.
Reselmil, That in care a majority to Congress
thiclovrardless of the clear , rights of the South,
pass soy law which WWI deprive tier of that part
of CaliCirnia and New Witco situated south of
26 d,eg. 30at.. aortb s or cut or rivet Tenn any
pert of the tenlory Wog within the boundary
which she dilutes, her awe; or 'Meekest, with
stavery, or the trade In slaves in the District of
Colombia, thee this 0011VelgiOn ' shall, on the
Monday; slier the passage of suck law, tessmen.
hie at •••••••,"fin toe purpose of conarderlog the
remedy to be adopted, for' the redress of the
wrong the% pagans:en cattier earth. •
The (Southern Omani:fen met to dip, punning
to adjournment.
The Secretary proceeded to call the States for
naolutious,—whereupon - -
• 114: Tucker, of Va., presented a series of pries
positions Spas that Stale, declining moon other
Otiose ninths territories of the United States be
looted to the Statia—that Cooping hu no Pews
er le dopester ill* the benefit of eitisens a one.
Sonnets wi the exclusive of those of another. That
the plunge of ouch act °fetch:Won, ought to be
resisted at all haserdi—that the eitisets orally
leidni7, done, have power to frame its coverer
minima= owning no part of the lead
In • terliturt,ud whir no Intention to reside there
are not clithemi; and that aoy government framed'
by them Is uninvited; and that the foreleg of
such a goventeteot span the people of California;
by the A n d 01 the military of the U. Stater, ta s
practical enkotement *Slue Wilmot Provisos sod
ousbt to be nettled to the j u t e xtmety. .
Mr. Claybrook, of Virginia, said that the noo.
Peolti°ne had out beim betrothed.. Front the
weeding of them he thought th e y were a t oddest
Importence ta be 'skirted. lie could net say that
he approved of then oniciost wu sustained.
Mr. Owl°, of Alabama, offered a resolution In
regard to futitine dens, declaring that the poem
pie of therSonth were colitis,' t o t o e *
reelatte them urdsr the CoMeitatiou, scgardlen
1 .
. ant aomprOrnile of other quarters. Ho also
offered a moletwo, deelartas that all the States
are e qually entitled to the urns Woes Le a orisb
feces, and that .Congress has he A t tu to j,,d;Trare
with the domestic institutions of so, State.
Ist.. ri e etnptrt, of Fl • rids, offend a rerotellOn,
&titans it inespediew, le view of the ~.eibiwy
ef embussing the :leathern ft. present:elite. to
Conorta , for this convention toescressoo
as to wh measure. shell cal for minuet, ea
ee put of u.e &nth ;lend the r ommenaleg, la eis t .
C:s trees does tot salon the ilave.y quattst
ealsfeeter:!y, that another' ennveattoe snot li
t amed at a 'were day. '
Ur. M'Cleff d, of Florida, Orerei a Iteloludoo.
d e Consrea right_to Intetfue whh
avery In - the District of reeluMbla withoet the.
-'comers of the peeps cf the Distikti or is the:
Slave stater, areenele, dock lards, dee,
United Statere
Mr. resew° of Florida. offered -a tenet of
Mr. adopted at • priblle meeting in Florida.'
Mr. Volk, al Teneessoe, offered the folkwing
se iegutions, es an amendment to the resolution of
Mr. Campbell, of ettabatna,offered and Veiniest ,
'yesterdey. Objeatbas baring been made to AU
an ateendestnt to a'ri selndoe nrs before tho to.i
e entioe, be effered,sit a distinct prepense°, OW
firs lord, That (In the suet that the partition;
d °sum be mewed mthe line of 36 degi
r j r reti t b this Conventicle does not !need
to be enteral/cod tee:mule; an opiethaadversti
to the plea ' Or edjestmnat oared la die United
s t ow,Stitete,by the Cammittee of Thirteen, with
each amendments thereto as may be made is ; sec
cordate., with the views sat ItriSUNI of thniSeioth.
ern Senators.
• The resolutions Were all reknad tothe
.1 mints on RriohMoltit • •
; The Contrantios tbelt iss 10 o'Gw9
Pars7 , ?. l P.,._ - • t
C"CitigiggUng".- - cnivIMERCTAL RECORD.
w •„ ant 6.
S.A.'s - a—Mr. Clay Mese aimed o wries of nowlm JTITTYIIC LWU OOSOD OW TOADS
bona of a meeting of the citizens of, lioatucky, • am" outcomes% =MEVa .
In favor of the ,lijaioo — mod the' eoutorm ; COMMITTEE FOR JUNE
mime bill,whieh he accompanied With a few rz , mocs
masks, among that he behoved that •n immense mot
vity of Cr aril& of the . be in favor of
JoeitY „ country - .
the plan of adjustment repotted rmin the Luturntt.
tee of Thhieen. -
Mr. Nudger round that the Senate thoc,cd to the the menth of j,,.. ,
eoneideration of his eh... Anion, fixing rho hen' of Cunard Uue—Foc Lietnuwol.
reeetink.of the Senate at 11 o'clock, winch. , Ersera—Lessrs Nese York an these Jona.
some debate was agreed to, and the reaolutiwtatioy- .. Ana—Leaves Ilsston en the 12. h Jon,
ted.- - • . - AYIILICA—Leavn. New York on the lent Jana
The Senate then resumed the consideration of the • c o ni,,,,, Li„—F„,, 1 ,., 70 . 4.
Omrobui Dill. a ' Art.thre—Leaves Now York on )31t. Jane.
Tee 'gentian Ira liegorhea the Satiate ad. t . . „ (. 1;a1,.,,,, L„ , „,__T,,,..y e ,„ ~.,,..
jraxreed yesterday, was open an ameeda altby . tortanant—LeaveaLiveipeek on nun, Jane.
Mr. Walker, relative to peonage, which, Zr.d • ,r, • c
Ocean ,ItafAl brareigation Coln,rny
Daytea had moved to amend 'by restricting its t• ' Th .,,,,,,,,,,_ 11 ,,,,,, New York ~, 8 m ,,, e ,t ~,,,i,
° Pe rt d °o to p ooOlKor growing oat of future cone Wuantores—Front Bremen to N. York. 15th June.
From Southampton to N. Y, rah Jane.
Mr.Browani demanded the yeas ind nays on • Erect New York to Nan Frame:no.
the latter amendment, and said be 'Mould vote far . Putuem.rout era cblletner on Ilit lane.
abollekhige pottage servitude. - • • lIAIDIM, tar tan Franciago direct, tat or June.
I. A derultory debatetuned . on the amendment,
It .beibg objected that peonage In a municipal
restalstion which they could not =oldie with to.
naerwitage, and which aright to be lett entirely to
the Legialatares of the Territories.
Tea gee don . being taken on Mr. Dayton's
sosendatest, it was rejer fed —ye as 22, mars 20..-
Thu gelation then recurring on Mr. Walker%
ateecOment, Mr. Dickinson said he should one
agalest it, because it was calculated to embarrass
The amendment vas rejected—yeas 20, aspen
Mr: Yule, moved to amend the tenth oecuan, by
adding toe chose from Mr.Clayten's cemprennie",
euending tle tonstitcfort mad laws of the United
okra over the tertitorien. .
Mr, Clay ta'd that another section already pro
vided for tte extension of the, laws so tar as
am/bitable; and be suggested. that the teemor
modify his amendment by simply lteleding the
eatiantelon /a the provision ef that section.
Mr. Foote objected to the amendment.
- Mr, Yutee modified his amendment as ingested
by Mr. Clay, and the Twain being taken. it was
after some debate, adopted—yeas 30, mays 25.
Mr.Balderin Moved to amend the 27th section
by adding ;he fallowing—. It being hereby liken
'dad to be declared that the Moxteon law sbolieh
ing slavery shall continue to be In gores in said
territories. untill altered or repealed by Canute',"
.1)11601It any action on the propositional Mr.
Baldwin the Senate adjattreed. •
Robinson inked leave to offer'n tea:
demo, fixing the hour for the meeting of the Holm
at 11 o'clock, front and after Monday nest.
The Howie thin Went 'jam Committee of she
Whole on the gate of the Union, on the Califor
nia question.'
Mt... Tacker advonted the Admission of Cali.
Longa and free - soil. He opposed the Senate
compromise, and stigmatised the Nanhville Con.
?catkin so treasonable.
Tstr. Lemiel= tribe vonsintervention doe •
uine of the. racy had prevailed. we should
not:have had the present difficulty. Shortly don
aot'exist la the temitories nom. Let the people
hive it or not. as they please; therefore he wee
against the Wilmot PI.IIIIO.
Mr. Bowie earnestly supported the Senate'a
I Compromise B ll.'
Mr. Dickey spoke against slavery, and in favor
Of the admtnion of:California.
-The Committee then rose and took recess until
Crsaueuxt, Jane 6,
Weatbet very warto—thermometer 91 in the
shade. The river has Men ten !rushee, and—is
very low. Freights are MO.
Flom—The msrket is drooping. with smsll do.
mead. Saks at 35; 600 Ltda. at 55,60 to 6.13 pet
Grain i. unclanged.
Bacon-434v cored Inuas 119 ;, common can
vassed lc.
Groceries—Coffee in advancing. Saga, eon.
Innen in good den:pland Or=
Wkisky—Sties ar23e. pet gallon. •
Nrw Tou,June 6, 1650.
Flour—Th - ere is a better feeling in the market,
and sales have been made, for New Orleans and the
West. Indies, •at.V.i,soas,W. for common straight
• • .
(.;rain-Sala of Genewee wheat nt $1,47 for fair,
81,5,3 for prime. Corn la better, with tales of west
ern nt
Pronsions—Pork is he:mil:tut chn
Groceries—Sogar and coffee are in fair demand,
and incline to favor sellers.-
Hemp—But little is doing in hemp, bat American
is intener dennlnd.
Iron—The market is firm nt bast qiotaMms.
Whiskey s steady at 27c.
'Niw Yuss, Jana Et
Conan—The mallet is firm and transactions
Flour is tailbone chance. Salim of Fanny and
extra Ohio at 55062525,50 per bbl.
Orate—Good demand for Wheat for millieg,ood
holders Atm. Corn bin good nspoit demand, ■t
former quotations.
Pork--OMo is heavy at 10,75 for mess; prime
iiquict. at 8,75.
Whiskey le firm tit 270 for Ciao. ,
vista Flout—fiats 000 HS. at $4,4561,31i. Hoidera of
City Milli ask laa.M.
Wheat—Salm bid white at 113.; trete , If af
Pcnnsyleania white at 1120; and two cargoes do !red,
at 12.5 e.
Cara—Bales at GlClelits for white, and 03111Gbi for
Pates Penns Rye at 66e; we anoto Cats et All4le
L. hid. sod V.
Prooteiona—Salca 7:0 bids Mese Pork at 1111,!and
-250 bias pnom do at &t,75; holden haye boutnne 0 rm.
e r Mate these lair. •nd demand an taTillee. Sales
bed.. and 14,LW ms bums Shoulders at SOlle le kr,
PREPAIIETI Under tha 'lnsmediwe tare of the In. t .10,000 ms Sides at net 0000 do llama at 703; trot is fon
center, and established for upwards of thirty years. ey Hams at Or; and 7to bbl* Lard at 7e; lomn holder.
Tale chemist, riVasation is recommended In all ask blotter rum m Dols,
easesil bite, acidities, indigestion, rota, soul. scayels tVlnakey—Pales of bids at 2P,SZIIe; and of htds
all the most nab, easy, and effectual form In widen' Die Pt.& •
Marne:in may, and indeed the only one in which it
might to be exhibited. pouessinyall the
! mortars of
the Magnesia tocsin deneral asc,itrithota being Matta
like MID form autocrat. eancretlans in the bowel.;
It effectually cures heanbunt without !Miring the !
coats of the slontachots coda. petals, and their oar,
bonates.are known tode; it presents ' the food of in.
funs taming man in all came it
ste • pleasing
aperient. and Is retails.) adapted In fem Wee.
for Heinphrey Harypemided Riot this solution fonts
soluble' combination, watt Grit acid salts in cases of
goon and gmM, therby coanteracting - their Injunou
tendency, when otact alkalies; and evert Magnesia
itself, had ' ' Ai •
From Sir Philip 'Cram/tom - Bart, Mier= General •
to the Array in r r • • r • :
Dear Pie-..There tan - a o doubt that Magnesia
may be administered more safety in the them of a etre
erntrated 'itoletion than in tubstenvi, :far this, - and
many ether masons, I Ha of opinion:Met the Fluid
ray ritlaable addition to nor Malaria
Slr lame* Calks, Sir A. Cooper, Dr-Th . lol, end
Menus Guthrie and Herbert Mayo, ofLondon, strong..
ly recommend Marrero Fluid Magnesia, aabeing In
finitely more - sate and convenient than the solid, sad
free from, 000 denser shooting the eons:ant use of
endear peter,.
For tale sale by the Importer's and protniones scents,
mark! - • • ' . Coe. o f Woad & Front eta
AVERY logo and choice sloek of nosh Spring
Laitll — Elemmer Goods has. px.t been opened at
...lexarder & Day% No 01 Merkel sweet, north wen
corner of the Diamond. .
In tolling Me Intention of out enatoraere and the 0 . _ , - ,
Public. to dd. sock, it affords' eareat pleasure to be •I ' ' • nip i nv ii. - i ii:iiiii . ,L;
ter say It embrares GREAT BARGAINS in al. I . . .
most every description of good% as a large portion or ; LoulaVale—Pa Nerrceut-4 bhds tab, , .
4 Are
O. was pumbased at the recent ertersalve on roles Doneld; 13 do do, 57 hl. Lair, er7 t. barns, 12 bhbo lard
to dee eastern e idm. Our anorturent. toll, of runty ml, Wm Mt stam,l be reds, 13 do leaf •tob, 2Lb do do •
and staple alma.; is very superior, and affords to all 37 LUIS 111A3 al, Leech & eo, 15 eropry.bblr, Wept. I.
gash bowers. either by wholesale or mail, a fine op.. bbl lard oil. 3do baton 141 boa MAIN Clark & ' sot;
?urbanity, of saltine both taste and 'mere. , • le Able lord oil, Wm fdeCully, to bbis tram4o4nor
LADIES . DRESS GOODS 3nAlleint; S bra boot., 42 bbl. lard •ell, 0 land. Iteb. il
New Ityle Yordard silks, very cheap; rich plain and . cr!ro. I .; id ; tila o rnolas:o2,, A Rtaluln 1 0 7 ltbis ;otrd . oil,
!gored changeable' silks, of almost every aryl,. and al hi... ba c on:. "I% ut.°.;..q 1 2 64 chum . .ll, 0 !" 4 ...
lushly; toper plain and dewed black silks; do. ha, b*l. tralf •' o"
11V *' 7 , 1 2 111Vrteier all' rllit
roles sod dames; 'barest do Wus,new and bind. ; Yee, ...,, Ve4 4 ...e.,.., ,c_r_ , __ . )1,
.. . .
some styles new stylo I reach, English, and Semen . 2 .../,4'..,;,,r , g&r „, 7 " ...:, ..,!,,.. .....,..1.00 birds
' 1..131; la great satiety, and At TM tow pricer; plain, ot. t aa a bole Onetrar.3 di t bran.
7 3de wre,lo beatob 6 =lgnorer a bras !rota] -
111nred. sad. e n striped do 1.14. or all Itlnde and I bbl alcohol, bf . dr:spirit/44 03:4 I ithlldsitob, 16
enalidem linen sores of all ;Modes gad colors; glop . fo r eN '
• trona% owner. . .. •••• f
h""'"zeg•!lni'''Ukrewr.s.: NaolvillloPisi Cowan:as-4 bp horn Rollins.
• . oaper chameleon Wk ; alawls; . plain and figured I
, Yo . try et; 17 do oneme, It ,temple, it OM* hewn , 03
blank do; plain and embiolderedTidiet do; rine nub-, 3 kgs lad, 1610 ps bloom., Dletoy & dot 21 KU
te and ' (cohere, Leech & MeAlptot M dodo, eak bee SWee. 2
.." 44, -' I "., E Ph" and embroidered 'hi be. mdie.llutl r t bra;l wk. feathers, I do!, 1 eta
colored crape no,, and Oct ds. &a.,
WIUTE GOODS. . beeowsz,bl'All ' en & ein 8 hbd.; I. kg tub, Nes prim lot
1 1. rum aasonesent" or malls, naasooks, intend% of inn ore Wood ~ Wicliti 2 llh l l 2 beds tontGo Id& 00l
I Elorlases, books, bishop, lawn., As. ~ . . 18 empty - b Is, 0 W Smith. •• . , ,
. , IiONNETS.. ..• .- .- • 'lleldßepoit—Pini Wittnytwo—i lilid baton, .1 -
: A L onlcli le Ready, peatl brald; Floreac , . n.braidand IdeCadri,Ol hada lob, Clara ro'llnrwv bdo doi, Dice.
=pot English =ow bonnent. •• • . „,. bun; it do beton, Maker; 'tool, Bell le Lisgete 141 erira
PARASOLS. •, . • ... ; boom, Forty tit 0 la bdls - leather, u n lit co;
• A bre sleek of apealor plain and fringed silk sod 24 oars .... 1 , LS Wenn 2 d9dot Elan R 1 1 , 1, 1 145 ebb ,
'Satin Taro paraml. of all colors and mralaties. • Etter, owners. , ,
~ , _
A laige . asaartoleat of roper Prawn, Kiehl, and • • . LALROLLTANT caIAZGA:. 1
Solaria cloths mtd. muslmeres of all quallnee and - D114111'8" a /6ICAL PAIN EITLUTBI{..
f..., to
o which we would Write *era:elan of Our . ..,. _ _
n. and .
1 11 18 never mince rain DCOAAai. rent& o core
I.'"="' . • „ DOM.MTICS. , . for Iloraißeales, Pile., Dora old Inflamed E } e.,
- an. Wooed. Alfresco, Inflammatory Iflaelmailari
Om steak of brown and bluotiod nivallne, rieklrys, 5 .,,,,, g , ~,...„ s . r . ropploosrae . en . , 8 .;
4 ..' kL cb . ' br ",,,......' 4 " i11 ' P ' ", 4 '''). 1 " 11 ". In 9. •Rbeum, old end Inveterate;
and OIL; candle..l
*dr.'? 10.^. 1 P.....- ' "•' . ' - . ' ` •and milonmatory Ottawa -• •,`' - L; ' ' '..;
Also, • large at of table dlopm and table cloths,
brown and nisaehed; Rama Ana bomb disarm, orash . EtizAwygo, dizEi; 0
llnas• cantina, conc. and wool n goods for men .
_en ,
boys' wrier, Irish linens, Mir wafte d and Yolloa dm
eel., dOrnestle Was, silk and Ilnera Ildefs and Counterfeiti of DALLEVII EXTRACTOR titseta
/level or all kinds, ry and boonet ribbon", ant- warren
the market,. Ittiowthem as on would
!real Owen, to, to all which ore would rerpretfolli poison!! Dye Dallis the ankle In the NEW DRESS
Walla th e attendee of wholuale and • retail'. cook i you arced the danger of being imposed 0000 by coon
buyer.. ••, ' ....- ALEXANDER a DAY , , . ~. - terfeitOsse certain or getting Um (Monte % and pa,
• Marin . OS Market sc.N W.:mt./If the-Lionel& • moreover, near GO per cent on the average.]
• • - • • • Cantles to . • poslorrri. ; ‘,_ z
41OPARTSICILIIIIIP. - - • i 'Cross bimetal°. is prestised eon Deolr t -p by 7 .
I l upe; wow, WM.. CARE Into partnerslup with. serepuloue OperebnlOrno Into .P the cfwe . ieit el tr
min my Widnes., which will from shin damnn
, In a contorted of the old Inspect - int/zed with a law
carried on ander the =nit Of "Jaan Parker A Gnu I- • boxes of ha grin d u b hz . de a e z,
te nd
ttnercerfer It
March Ist, MO. •., .. - JOUN PARSES, , fe e r n eele et re need prte 7rh ....1 . ritnrt?
n inT.l, but Om nutting . , innocent renewer. who
' ' •'
..-......-- -
. John Parber... ..-....i- ;William Carr. , uses the notion untie, pay. the penile! !dueling,
JOl3lB PAILICIGIL di C 0.,. , pain, unsightly to
and aterka•reenlan from wrote
Whassae Grows, Dealers is Proderee,Fortips • bootr, woone or want, and often lose of lite itself,
are the coneernierteec. • - . - .
- . ire:na L i f u ... ° "... , 9, 1 9,,, 114 " s Vete In r amt.& llnteteiting Particulars
' dna B ert r d r"' ...Ir. of one of the meet eereroly burnt end tenured saer
. N 0.5, Contolefelei Be., iabenT,,efrn ~ ~o . ' , ere at a. Int and aba.u.... ibtoun EX.
=TOO • r r . I...r ir ., '` -n. ' Y 1 11910 N, In New York. red] shortly be F 111311.1.11.
LAJWIk OREM! Mtn the NEW EfiVELOPfbe 1..:13tr1F. BOX
e L e e ... Tallow, o a t , TS, mi d ray AUTIIORIZE DAU WITS !. , , 1 •
. fiMi"bee Mc New greaten for ISM
let - dielf flow gi-e , m .r }3oh .""tir,..",etrVe. s . d . - e. 1 Valk the symbols on the new dreest-the Tlingit,
=yea - '• -- -.--.• - `f - •- —. Serpent, Inn, Sue, Dore, and polls, and U. Dates
IfitiIESIITEAS:-liit—reetrived,-at An Pinsburgi ... no .. . 46 , w ..
.- 14 = 11 7 Groner)." Tea W"r",.... Cr., „.k.e ir [l7 . Avold danger end fraud, and hay Dalfers Ids •
eheete of the eekurated Vision Coq. O o l ong e•et tractor ooze, ie the now tune anCloaan worn
the beez-I3 met Tea import! cl, for rain by the bell 'IL DAY.LIiY. 415 a y,-New oadw Yen),
ekes: or paged, by • .LY,ld..f. AleCLUfto fr. CO i• rm.., pe...w...; kunwma..„,..o Wholes
ay . . 238 Unity et , i . 00 , Agent .
W ' ttrWl . rA l xn. ....,_ ~,,,'"n r. t.r n a' ° u,, , ..- CO.. a" I ri.l T T1ite A rr'0ravar,..,,..., , ,,,,..?0,
, ,-Al••••.-.......-- - - - - I ley Salve, now Wet, from tune the proprietor Mot
ISacecieers to Iluesest, - Bane. ICO ; self. of fretn his authorized agents, will he pobliabed
lasnmo,SECItAltIGE DRORVIS, end giftless la the paper., as • Andde to thopabli=e , r . V . Ar l of
"" In F.nidrt and Denude T.gebnexe, Certifantes : treed.
of Ditnendle. Dank Nate,, and Specie-North vest' NOTE! Lostr, ; • , .
numeral W " a ." tb ' n " n " e3 " Cu"nt lx: = ' t
lt o y OTICE Is hereby peen, {bat ea or abbuttne. 21th
received on depoette.-Sight Cheele for salt,
eoll Tw eetl bliku one
i nti p e .l en
.. neu r r e ly d al f : T th po e r. pr ip lae imd 7 mi Pe .ria4 . „
I - w ar g l bo b r y g, o ya., A. t mnnio. ke followl ,„ ol i re t.. v . ixt m --t .6 Heete4
,-1 l b w , (1:8 of April, the zubteribers bad matted toilis to. at
We United Sures. •
Gold , - . . riptilllth, at 4 swans, goy 111711 Oat • note dm. nt oy
Adenneu made au cominmente or Predate dap Jahn O. Marra, same date and non, for 11111!17, and .
ped Esst,on Twee terms s pin. a nolo draint by, Jobe Watt a Co, Itt favor of Yolut 8.
, ?darken, and rwendorsed by at, dated April lith ,at
,„„" t1 ,,,,...„"P a .,,,,,'"2 4 ,...,!,... kul Ewer ee ne - gratie r Peer.. four neaten for 004. The above 'toter were tier ref
-- ile — -- " —. "' " ... 17 i.indbirPniiiinni P.S.Pi i n retailed by us e sad We Ls to nob. all pion du
let at has ens bean paptlabed *monger no - . Against trading (Or or buylettbe inn, ao - payot cut
- • 'Diwtati3OrlgleCei Clowerawienie ._. -. of dim las 'nee stopped, . is W !I/180A , UBl I.
TAIIIES D LOCKWOOD will entire, as Thunder, ...—..Y 2 ' '- " --,
el Tan Ihnez Demmer devireanzar, new./ edition . American Gold an d /laminar* StiOgrairg go.
'Venation God the preach of De Marne, by R. H. 'l:highest premium paid for nonient. 'ld,
Saher. Id 11. of Beaton 1. rat Mato. lea • to' stern Er 'bongo, sad Par FortdAy_at•the MS.
‘lAKwintikr4Bbanelinnied. for sale by .-. • 4 add bulumr .40 ,101 A Wil<Wie A flt )
. to
,Atlgt .. : <- 1 jiiCIII4II)II4AKIUMGG ; ; : L *4ll:
/dor averts arum Oran Etreenteas.—The followins
le • liM of the movements of the Ocean Steamers for
ocean. Yrrrammon Gasrrec, t •
Friday miming. Jane 7, loriu.
The Markets yesterday were generally very quiet,
and sale. moderate, with nemarked chug. in prices.
FLOUR—Tho market rcinitiris steady, with no far.
thee change to prices. Sales 205 Libls from first handy,
at 10,50. Sales from store In dray load tom, at price,
~,astag from $3,00 to 23,63 for good c 1 to extra brands
toms holding at higher figure..
GRAIN-1 he amounts coming forward are tight,'
and we can :apart an large operations. Wheat Is worth
11001(3 for prime white; and 1011 for red and miXed.— ,
Barley; may be quoted at !Me, and We at 05e. Sala. of
200 ha Oats from store, at 42c. Sale. at the flyer at3s.
othe. Corn It ateady, at SZe from - first hand..
GROCERIDL—The market is quiet, and sales coat'
fined to small lots to the trade. We continue oar qu0...;
titian* of N 0 Sugar, at flOOl m Mids. Molssami con-1
Gnats quite firm, at 3293Ja for prima quality la oth
lds.. Moderate •ales of Rio Care° at 10011 , 10 Th.
BACON—In the way of general salsa, the matket
continual quits active, at fall priers—say, for western
and city cured plain hams, 71; Wes, tr.; and shoulders,
at Sego EL Bales 10,010 Ma from smoke boast, it, for'
hams fegidos 41e, and shedders at topto; sales. of
hamaitepanitell at Tic 0 , E. Salm D7OO to. hog Mad .
from emokehtitura, IP lb.
LARD—Lard it inactive, with moderate sal,. In bblii
and kge, at 010:o 0 , to, for No L
' BUTTER—Notwithatanding the warm weather, but;
j ter Will holds its own prettywco,with linlreaaapplie
Sale* of beat roll to bbl., all:110.13a. Common qual.
Sties We doll, and micas 11113leildr.
FISII—The market counnues ateady, with no
change in picas from last qaolations. No t Salmon
tea gm, at sie; No 1 Shad at S/M No 1 Mitcham! ai
$lO, and No Cat 311011,32, no miles *LIED 3, anginas
being very light. Sale. of beat Herring at 58,25 0 , bbli
and of Garish at sl23'cwt.
WHISSEV—Tbe market is fina r tMORSo for red
YOTATOEY—SaIia 40 bus tads al sales Nesbari
at71417E ♦ bus.
PIG METAL—A ;sale of 103 mos Casa], at '1121,' , 1
DEng., Joe* 3. 1831 L;
During the put week from Id to !SAO bls have been
brauht, inelednur rome af the finer grader.. We ate
helper., that during the coming week, there will be
tenet activity and larger transactions. The market hi
well sustained, and the large amount of money in town
for the purchase of wool, and the competition artrpg
buyers, wili.have a tendency to keep prier. ay donne
the season We give the following cornet quotation.:
hictino—foll Olood••• —r— raeltiOnfic
Native dool2ic
Unerasherl•-- —•— • • leirtOn
Its a general thing, the wool offend the year is of
an improved grade from lest year; and also 0 better
condtuon roe market. Farmers will do well to dente
Mute attention to these matt..
We are pleased to melee, that the femurs of Mil.
dale counts ore waking op to the importance of im
proving their dock. A large flock of Urn beat Marne
buck, from the Enat,lta lately been Bold to the tam-
Cr• this coml.), There tie now Mlle very flue
ocks in the county. -The Whig Standard very *rely
remark.: •
"It is Quito ita may to rains Rood sheep as pow;
on. no more to teals a sheep that will shear II tut of
wool, worth 3:le ♦ ILiban one that will shear bat 1,
worth fnlle.
lVe waet now an Apical - tont FOCitly to commas
emahation, aid the wort, - ro far as sheep are concern
ed, may be saes accomplaited.".-Adv.
:Barrnnes, 'Jane 11 , •
Caste—The el:rennet at the wales en Monday reach.
ed ro bead of Beeves, of whteb 053 were sold to cloy
hatcher., 1.4 were len over ansald, and Bit were del ,
en to Phtladelpela Boer. ranged hem 53 to KW.n
the hoollcqaal to 1.6,063et,75 net; and averaging WOW
Hoes—The aovket to day was dull. We quote Bow
$1,1103 .ti.
I ==E:=l3
Rtvn.-2lere were 3 feet 7 teener, se.t, water In
clarinet last erenine and falling Woody.
Michigan ' Bytes, Hensel. '
Fashion, Peebles, I.lllnbetb.
Atlantic, Parkuon, Brownsville..
Baltic, Jacoby., Droornscllle.
Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville.
Goode. Heodnekson. INefteestont.
Loots Afel..sce Corracll, Wheeling.
KnltGlCkg, blar:lean,T.osolscylle.
Colombian. Greenlee,
Aliehlgn, IV, Beaver.
Camden, 11 heave , hleßeespeir. '
Fashion, Peebles,
Belie, Jacobs, Brownsville.
All aut., Para :wan, • -
Bezver,.Genlon, .. •
Cashier, McMillan ' Bride porn
Jos Nelson, Mown. Wheeling.
illedoo.Carapbell, Loot.
Loyal Hanna,
WHEELIII6—Loyt• Masts, 9 A. X.
Err. LOWS-41matrierg, •
ST. LOUI3-111. Vernan, 10 A. n . ,
airman roa IItniURQU DAIL! OXDFIII
Trre•Coecrity m Wzmutteer Nrcurr.—The at.
tractive bill offered by Blgtlo7ll Biacaccianti, for
Wedceaday night, drew out a vets , fine audience.
Of the performance It it !lordly Demeter) , ,to
epeale. Signora ,Ilircaccianti again convicted
those that heard her of the unrivalled attreetneti
power voice, and won +a hew!, with
ber chile:tog. grace and .The other per%
tie, acquitted themselves to the, entirenatign , ettelt
of the atdienen
Thla everting tbe - public am invited to attend
the farewell Concert of this .charming lady, at
Wilkins Hall. Those oho fall to go Will loan mu-
Co ouch as seldom ono be heard la this place--
and may not soon again.
Trah..—Ths Lady attics Lake will be re
peat dto eight. Nick of the Woods will *hobo
per med.
171 ML-Dr. Morrie has engaged JOhnston'a
celebrated band of Serenaders, to perform in the
Isamu room of his eatablishment. They made
their drat appearance last evening.
IJAttrici OllTll.l,—On Wednesday evening, as
the wife of Mr. Wm. H. Barker, son of the Mayor,
.was sitting in the front room of her house, on the
corner of Mulberry alley and the canal, a guu or
pistol Wll4 fired at her through the light over the
erred door, by tome person outside. The ball pas
sed about sic inches over her head,and lodged in the
wall opposite. A colored servant was sitting
in the room with her at the time.
Mr. lilac, believes the outrage to bare been
committed by a man in the neighborhood, nod has
made oath to that effect before, Alderman Parkinson.
The sospected individual has been placist ander
arrest, and will have a bearing this afternoon at 3
New POOll. HOIIII6,—TbO Comet MOO of the
new Pow Houle, on the Monongahela titre% is to
be laid to day. The City Councils RIO to amend
to a body.
TONO , AINO Oaanat Pau. m Tat PAPTIiINTS.
—We have teen requested to call attention to the
common practice of throwing pieces of orange
peel on the pavements. An old lady in the Fifth
Ward tras soverely hull, yesterday, by a fall oc.
casloned by stepping on one of these pieces. It
is a culpable practice, and frequently causes Mali.
lar accidents.
Ercatam hu come upon to at once. Yesterday
was an inteesell wawa day. June appears dis
posed to make amends for the coolants of May.
• TRZ AILIOCUTION of Journeymen Shoemakers
have opened a Ladies' Shoe Store. on SL Oak
street, upon the joint stock print elp/e.
AITIMPT To Snort—Jas. Stela), the calmed
man, who was stabbed on the Maar, the other
day, has been attested by O9ieerSeott,ol Alleghe
ny, roe analepticg to shoot his wile. It is the sec.
and time he has made the attempt. He teas re.
guired it:tenet trail, by Mayor Attach, In SRO.
The Commissioners authorised to motive sub
scriptions for the stock in this Company, met yes•
ertlay at Wilkins troll. We learn drat the stock
was freely taken, and the Commissioners adjourn
ed to meet this morning to continue receiv7
ing substriptions. The Abetter is liberal in its
provisions, and the stock cannot fad to be pto&.
Purace -.Sciences was extremely doll at all lb.
polies dikes yesterday. The Mayor die'oosed of
the 1101111 number of ordinary cam.
Cowznotno. gonfalon,' wan Won the May
or peening, for Wen :ening to cowhide ono ord.
Prneeedlnge In Allegheny City Coaxial'
The regular semi reel:tads , meeting of the Allrg•
hese City Councils, onts:beld last night.
In the &het Comte, Ur. Robinson, President,
tsok Ito distr.
A report was mad frott.'the Committee en Bat•
steps relative to visual petitions, which was ac
A report valremd from the Weigh Muter, kr
the month ot - Nbiy, and ordered to be filed.
Several pert coos ke, laying Water pipes, in dif-,
krent parts the city, were read and retorted tO
Water Camtaittec.
A resole.ton was offered by Mr. Moffat to re.
mere the •property holders on Canal street, west of
Beeler at met, to bag their pavements to the pro.
per grade, and_pave them. Referred to Skeet
Commit tee.
_ . .
Aen mlatlon eras offered by Kr:Mamba ap.
point n commlttee of to Inquire vial :moans
the Fiend Street liririgo Company, and the Canal
Comiolsalorters, mould respectively Ocintnlotb to.
'minaret:lfni a atone arch bridge, *over the cal
aJ oo Anderson. street. Adopted. •
Several small•clalms were prelbrdet, - antra:SS
Common Cornell had been ordered to be pale.--•
-A. Petititti and resottnfolrefern 'had Ais,anthcfr-
Ming the Street Commissioners to open guttere ore
Water Lane rod train , Ohio amnia-11a • West
Commons to Waterljrae; m Coreedits Conned
read and revelation adopted: -Non ooneorred and
referred to &men Committee.!
A resolution authotising thr; Street Cod, miseon
err to opeo tba gutters on Pico street, was read
In Common Council read sod adomed.zConeurred.
A resdntion`wds ofmed Modimi soda
'zing the Streo Commissiunens, to Gil up tlm gut
ters on Soaves street, sou la eskblo the rupees
holders to ret the crab stones, with it view to pit
Wog the side walks. •• , •
The resolution was lest, after tieing amended,ort
motion of Wan Dairen; adding 'Manta `provides
that the Timpani holderaluin: the experse."
Mr. Boltird offered a mselttion for th.t appoint*
meat of &joint committee,r tba
daadng M
and mit
taring Creels, loins,, of m
Adopted. • •
An oniteanee
was read, aupplifeentaty: to an
ordinance respeotimg the Water Workit.
ordinance related to the naumml.regnlialika of
the Water department, indketing ,of seiesi, Ann
The action of 'Common Connell,' adopting: me
resolution, vas concurred - •
A.11=1411011 adopted. in Condionteuicil‘teM
read, authorising toe int:dishing of the ordienti
tea, &0., of Connads, in one of the Grimm
neampapere,prorided the expense did not exceed
890 per annem,psysble sami•annuelir. '•
'Mr. Mont' thengnt that the Ciernoui latigusre
should not be encouraged,. among us by any
cial. patrouage. • • -
• lk moven:he non conctimetteein the action
of 0301. 061)11Cilj which' Motion was pawed.
Oorttotiiii, the rote to non cocoon ariallecon
indent& and the action of Cons.Coutind was than
eoncorred in. • • , , ,
Having tie fuvekurr business to trallsaca, Councils
• .111 a meeting of tholVhlg State Comsat Carateditee,
held at Harrisburg, lefereh la, IRS , hwe
ittIOLVICIV That the -Whir of A. evecral 'mantles
of thla Prete be requi•sted to eeleet a number of dole.
gmes equal In their respeetleeJregreermatives la the'
Pealsientre; void delegates to meet Is Coseention
at the eh, of Phlladelphis; ent the 19th day idate, fo r
of Jane,
'OW. -for the pewee ef eettalaathoe aasedr
Canal -Comralestoner, to be voted' for at the swains
- • - -
MORTON Metal . ,
Oznas 11 llLse, Secret
• • - A prepared by • - •
OR. S.
A READ of an other propantionsp because his
JO". composed of the ehment kerbs known to medical
mines, its leading and Titicaca ben being
11Vbleti makes It the Cutest and bessever yet Feinted
Ito Ma bunion . 4
' Pursue your anti arotatlons.l Vol need lave tae
Mar of exposure, as DM S. it. IiOWR'S. Sa&KHR
SAIISAPARILIA in warranted to be, pogly ano
table. arid. free from all, darsetous drage,ind.latkir
beat Female and Family Melanie em known. •
Gall upon one of our 'wen and get a pamphlet—
read the wonderful cern perforrined by
_tria,use of Dr.
Pries SI per blinks, or Ilbottles fra ILI. ,
For ears by 3. Setmoonesker &. CO.. 3..4. /*nee,
W. Slsca R W. rdea.o, Mohler, J. M. Townsend ,
3. F. faction ,Pihaburak
_D. A. Vilma Alleakeny;
P. Crocker, ll'rownsirdle,• IdeCiefhtbd,• Man.
,by . druggists generally. Also, oy he
proprietors, • • • ROWE A CO.
mayysadrewlyT-. I Collette Hall Cinelinwd.O.
unllsnantsaaaarloon Journal Ol'Orlastodd
aid Art.
rPll£ Admin. intaaklof Senna gov Arica c 64-
1 domed or Profaners H•fdamaa Is D. dUllinstn,D,
and James D. Dana , and pslA4d4 Ent of mar 4
and sans almtuna.alnnin• So" Cdr *dr, nos' ,
read did P. 7....B7SOPerhoorates.
Orem for proprictors,do4 Fosoh se
nets/Ile. alight la guts
SiIDDIIDEDINU ther,Weeden Floats, anthelag
combustible, thereby eeesitmlies the oil and, pm
treats Whitton, heretolore $o moth objeete4 to In all
other Colts. One table speentbl or the counted
Weir oil will last NinO Ilea t rs or 000 farther teaktll
aeretelus tosbe addlllesel enmity I
.Rocked end for sale by JOHN 1) MORGAN t
trtall7 : Dna Ist "'
New Pubii•A ;an.
ECTURES on Amax& ronm ile Washin
!kilt iRtl:/
endoter Johnjts ' l• eninon. " WitlVl nr
I astratlons. . ,
The . VAllott "Family, ot Ste Trials of 'Perk
Seamstresses. By Charles Hardest, author or "The
Osnviers child," “Anhar Maeda," he
TheSsalems, translated and explained. By/ A Mal.
ander, Profes• or In ?linemen Theoloyleal Paadhar7
Taliwn and 'Semen, Palthstied by Baker & Benh
am. New Wilt,
The abo milk a lance asursiment of Er
Val4n Books, for tale by A II I,NOLIPIk t Co;
soy3o • • No 70 Wit:4 Milet: •
D IA P:P2Zetg r agrfi . go o 's ' WitlßC l : l 4tk&pkil
•-• •'9 id pp extra Umatilla, dab; • .
• 3 do • Otard, Duprey ft Co's dark'
II do Slat, Maki
o, • ratiervoti9l4 Om% and far WO tg_i
=Oa 70x17 Puglia 414
Rkltz OF ineuvu
11. 1101.111
gzehal,ge Ureters, N..
Bask of Pirl,bergh
nhume Bank ...... Pat :
Me & At.. Bank •Pat
Bkl.o(Philadelph l a• -- Par
trrard Bank .......... Par
rykiik'of Gernaantes. • P
Chester County — pa,
Delaware CO.• - • •Psr
•kr montgemer7C..••Par
Voltnabiallrldger.: , Par
1,0•11 1311111 C•
FILIMMOB k • R.iding`lOr
it,uscr. , l3lc. Bucks Car par
FetliCtil 11 , k Laneaa's•par
Luelliter CO. Bk. .... •pat
Lannaater par
U.States Baak —do
13Tovroiville Ble.••••••••par
Washmaten Bk..•—•
ttyabsughllk.-;,- - • 1
Bamberabars•--..—.. I
Bantam. a Bt.
Bk••••,•••• • •
0 •
Farmers' and Drove&
funk, Waynesbnig.• 1
lionesriale--..--.—• 1
Pf elief Notcr
ed i W t
& do rd
rip...Pttab. L-Ccrontyl
a Allegheny. 1
' 01410.
State Wand Branches 1
Mteubenvalc... ..... sr
Mantua •
Now Lisboa.
Marked sue c t,itear 4t6 •
State B'litsllnuiebca•• 1
SlurSarip.• • •
Ezehinge Bk. or Vat.. 1.
Fanners Bk.of .
M N . . &W..VI lilolrrtth,sWba•—••e-•
do Mk. he n o •
Jo A3.l. V i•••• 1
do Wellaharg-•.-••
Bk.of 'Tennessee...-. 3
Far. it Iderchqs:lll-•.• -
Placates , . Bk.-•••• •• • 3
Salon Bk.-..-d•••-••••
North 0
Bk.of Capa Fair .7•
Much'. tit.,No ern'. 2
State Bank"- , •-•-• 2
South Cair
Bk.df Ckaclesto ••• ,•• 3
Corrunerelal Bk , -•-•
th.C(Gearreti •-•
Be.of Barnhart.
Merchants B 1 -•-• 2-
Planters &Men ',Bk. 2
r BLof booth 04 •Igl••• g
XILIDig• •
DOLIERITC Bk•.:••••••••11111
Baltm'e&O BREorlp •10
Camberland of Alla
Far. Bt. of MaCyland• •
Farmers' & Blecluudes
Ilk. Frederink
Fralerick Co. 111.-••••
ItsprerstoonDk 41,
bimetal Bk••-•—••••••••
Patapsco Bk•-••• 1
Ilk.ofWeetrainster • • • • ••
Ilk. of St. Clatf•••••-•--
13k.'of Hirst Itolsen•••-•-•
Msehlgan Co••• ••
Fatal: DloolOoltk 3
•,11119.&FIrelo.Co.6111.0. I
v G o o i ok l od nkll ool of ra io o• • • • •• •
Knolkod Notes
, •-•••••—•114 , 70 Pl.stf.
ooldß,Spetie Value.
Nopoltono-••••--• 3EO
noon.- 4 160 9 90
iFoglo,old • ••••••,..p 10 60
t•:aglo,now •••••••• 10 00
Doobtoons,PPanogb. 10 00
Do.Pat1101••••••4•-•••• • 1660
9m/origins . 003
Glufr.eso i•••••••••• 00
Frederlckad' 6o
ea Thalers •• •• 710
Moo 0 wider, 000
ILoaIsd'oro•••i •• • • 000
.09.010•09 ago•
Colmbue do.. )
- .....
WllOll/*f •••—•••••••—••••• 70
Mudd= 3 I
::::: 701
Cleveland—e*-- • 1
Western Reser— "
Funkl o in irk Colemble
{.ate Evils e
Ilandltan..— .13,
Grenvii . e so
Parredre fink Canton —/S0
Urbana , SO
II lr orKentilek7
Met Louisville
Norbern Rt. Kenta'kT." "
RIM V-sele-Cev Banks,
Axel.. A t.
New York • •—• !Pm
I, car. InteriOr irke•••-
Edward A. Cledtter,
16 South Calvert sr. ton, Baltimore st.,Balticsore,
(Late E. G odfrey &Soon. 11.Y41
ThieORTER oft*. Eledir gs, and Dealt tin Leather,
.1. of nations kinds: Englial, nod French Ed Skint,
-French-Calf Shots, Patent Leather. Neroomd, fed.
kite, and pink tosas,linines, de. Lamiega, Francais,
Shoe Entree, Awl Blades, Shoo TilitiLLD. Moms
Taeksatboe Nall. and Ewe PEGS, or 411 oCa
A. G. haring established the above braining In
Baltimore, la enulacd to atop goods &cub or West
wbb the omen despatch, and at the Imam prices.
M.OIIetCITT., dealer., and all others, easy. rely
arm obtaining every article to the trade, of the bets
t willty..d on liberal tented.
Tr Manufacturer of Lasts, ItootTrees. Shoe Tree.,
Clamp., Crimps, Gaol Strembor.,Alll. All orders will
be promptly eseented. Low prince for,eash.
A eataloigne containing a completesilist of 'cern'
article in the trade will bo torwerded, to theme who
may debts lt.
EDWARD .5.60CM:1E1 . '10 8;0d - rest M.
mardt:ilm near Bultimotoet., Bel Swore. .
136 GreentenA arra, Aro tool,
Tilt erection. beg to call the attention of etro•
noiesoura in Tesounlzhe beads of:families to the
ardor had ram selection of Teas impened by them.
and hitherto unknown in S. ermetry, womb, by theft
rreentree and delleatY,cembleed tank I.TIto runt?
and errerith, produce an Inlhstoo of tuttpaumg tier ,
on. sodavor.
The Teta offered are the fellovriar.-
The treat Vona, a Block Ten• -.St 00 per lb.
• oMobs.,
" Dian es•—•••• 073 do
..... •• ••. 0 50 do
c Greece, a Green Tea —•-•. IGI do
,^ Toodsina, do 073 do
Tlekl•taisa - do OZO a.
• biLttare, a compound of the
MSI rare and ekedee Tea.
a , grown on the fertile and geed al
emit of Asmso—'" ; LOS do
a aisle m eacourtge tho introduction of them
wrawbtess Tess, it ea the 1+146140110t ,the proprietor.
to ems-there by lot, anntnit r•.••••• , ••• erli/
of Teas equal - to the Ent Year. Profits on M ei n ks
effected. - •
Each parcharer will reesl•Ceneleied to the peek
eat, a numbered certificate, ecuttitig bin to me
chance in the distribmon for every fine cents told eat,
and on the racciout ocaounting to 5540 5 0, the-eoder
to,ensmed oared la of Tea. to the value often per tent,
or 52.000 MILL BE GIVEN AWAY aa Maur.,
sfteottne to the following
to pi.. of coltaa each Slirjb, m ts.g2Nl
•Mt -do, t 3 Ina do do del 503 RI or Stoo
LO. do. to/boo do ,do do , NO or ONO
140 de 51. ,- do do'
t a w moi l IWO
CFI do ' lh do do do"
425Yrisea to all. Qom IMO*
Thorn penront who pider lowa pruned Team can
cicalae Oleic prise. In ProPaclion, or. WY will ha re•
panehased 0r <nab. at a reduction or ID per coal,
IX,rt.k.antry Arcata wanted App llesalons to be ad
dressed: post paid, to the Cocepasky 3 a Depot, is grove.
winri NE ur W liMiafOCK
..ontt moos.
1.1 MELLOR,. Pro. el 'good greet, has
nweived, and now opens (or examination and
orale,a tow stock of Piano Fowl, from the ectebrated
sisenufeetory sal I..bleXerine, Boston.
i Teacher. and 61:416telinl arc raepEofbllf Invtea
exatruno a very beautiful Gam" nano, remitted with
the anew. mvro
"031'—On Tuesday evening, the %Lk lantern. tm
/Le the hank of Canal, in (Jraet Otreet,or between
that and term street, a email Hunting Cased Gold
%Fetich, with doer dial, and a 01(14 gold chain. •The
krona finding them will be nolfablyrewarded' no
twinging them to Mr, I 11.fileVadden, Market street,
Or to Ilan office of 'fate & O'Connor, corner of Penn
end Warne greets. mr3o_
J. riUMW. Jr:,
~4brc rrt
for the PlllPlet. Life Insurcinee Co. of
IiIAPPICE , of lite Western liverance Comonay No.
NJ 03 'Muer greet, Pivsbargh.
Pamphlet., with all neeenare intarteallon, and
block wrres wlll bo tarnished.
.thasband. can inmsure their lives for the benefit of
their - wives and children; el...duet:lv the Urea of their
whole profit., of the Company are divided
awning the holders a( Life Policies.
. The dividend, of the pant mercer. have heen crab.
A im cen t nob ear. - eat?
• VIES? RF.CFITFD, settle rittsbargh Family Gra
.eery and Tea Werehonse:
: •b eel. Fresh Opters,ln tin 'ease;
5 do Pickled do, fngtjn.;
Sr do do • do, in plat. do. .
The above Fresh Oysters are perbolled, rind pet up
to a highly coaeentrated soap, enole,sed la hermetic al.
,!yowled eons. and will keep Inneh longer than those
vaunt" in the ordinary way. ,
Far Bale, wholesale and retail, by
- Wl , l A ideCLURCI ik Co,
my2l I fad Libel!' Or_
ALLEGHENY 'AND 111/113101111111TER
NOTICE to yeteby gibes, that books wig' be interned
Ser xabeeitption lathe steels Ofthe Allegheny and
menchenter Plank Reed . ComminYt . by hCamrnla
slovenen appointed in the act Incorporating the said
company, at the following places, and deter; when
all remota desireus of subscribing are requested to
seeing, the ehires being twenty floe dollen each, and
one dollar pot share to he paid et the time of cob.
ecribiell; -
In the city of Pittsburgh, at the Mice or Meow,.
Datowell, rears A Co, corner ot Pecond and Wood
meets. on Painrday the Etb, Monday the 10th, Tinted ay
the UM, Wedheed ay th e llth, and Thursday site 13th r
of Jone, between the hones of O'A. el. and 4 P. M.
In -•tho oily of Allegheny tt Toddi invent, corner of
Bearer r.nd Ohio siteets; and In the lloren of Mmt.
chested.. at the rote of Townsend; C & Co , , on Pit. -
day the Rib, id amirday theleth. and Monde) the 17th of
)me, between the boars of OA. et and 4 P.M. •At
Cite beans of Capt. Joint flap, Ohlo Township, on RI:
do y ard Pat e May, the 14th and ltd. ofJpne, between .
the boats of 11 and 4 C. M. • ' . •
TUOMAS n&TCP.WE3.I., • :
Psident of Board e(Comenisslenen.
mayilld&ar el7it Moe corr.]
AI GEY. BROWN Id IMVO motored to No 220
wxterAyZil doer below tdo .m....xt. 1 . lbw
GI eensvood Gokdeme. '
new. in fall /vacation. smd • amps:died wall all the
delicacies of the sewn. . !etemeer Hope Na II
ans ad a .rast az p
from the city to the Manion—.
leasing the foot of Pitt titan at o,o'cloolt la the aihro;
tag, and at the beirianing.of eachloor. atoll 10 at tiled
tPttedave excepted. No ialogloating drinks kept on
the prandree. • tne3o
Aft. 7 %150 'kegs on hula sad for
nOfirtlN CRACKER —A freak knot licuton But.
JCIt ter B.seolt and ItroACrackere,lort rewired from
the Chi of Notions, and for ride ky
mayff7_ • WM l A MeCLURO CO
Marc: In lot alit by
Water & From
nrrcn-57 brls in store, for NM by
.1 — may!! - GUMMY &CO
"DOSIN-40 We stern,ani for sale bq
_Ts ISAI &II IM chlmil
st ilEl,l4E—On hand, and tow Nato
marr7 ISAIAH DICKEY ingo
.1)4.7 —to ea* s otar;
6 do BLouldorq
r rt 17 ,25
q a. m f . B yttit treo-3 . : ,. ;:b i . .. ' s j"" P p o e La r : l :l 4 . : 4l l kl. l4 : o eff r F l l: ni p ix Dl6l7 l n d 'EY , ' 14'
iiad Pi
Picolly do
• • Teamed, in qaartjarq
Spanish Olives, .do;
, I •
Alec, Tomato, Walnut, and ldurlncom
and Pepper Sauce.
The show were put up by. Underwood. of Eddd.
whore Pickles arm favorably known •thvough
pp u
United States, and by 71131.13.8mgat k 00, of.Philn..
phia, *hove wiled. never fill to Eve dadtfsetrost
Wherever introduced foe male** and entail
Inar/3 • Wt.
A h1e01,11116
A ,1:..V03;?N Jr. CO have oseeirpd, and 5.3
"nal .ent:ge,;."4.l".' I-I*.tre% Oka tow pyge.
polka asrao. •
CASFO Polka Lawns. or the mon dedrableloolon,
neared per otiprau, and Juror ßl
epenior bl " •
A ASON*C O •••
ATENIBON 114M8-446rw akalus Venison Bun
' 7 fetWil •WM t MACWW3 Ix)
Ctptaitt WILLI/LII J. KornTrr..
This splendid boat was bails by this
owners Of 01 steamer hate Newton,
and ot hers, . for: the Cincinnati and
glldaiPlusbargh 'Packet 'trade, and will
leave every ,Wadnesday;for Cleginnatii in plumed
the Newt England, No. •
For freight or Passage arlply on tweed, art -
wen 0 It hn uriva EAGER, thgt
The splendid fast sunning steamier
l a s t,;(4)Ulgt ItrelLohNE,
master, (hain undergone a tot
, aegis repair,' will roe hereafter me ■
make pagket hetween,Pistabargh
and Wheeling, leaving rtogbergh . awry Monday,
Wednesday and Friday .22.MiDirh al 9 Valnelt. kol
freight cr passage app ly en bawd, or to
Isa•I NV. E. IVIIEELVIt,Aren;.
'Oily, 7O lllleia 000:11rItaf •
Via ttownsallie and Cataberlant to Balthaots esti '
Philadelphia. • •
VAIN to P0tta01z,.....•• •
-•••-•-$10 00 -
• sw. If OS •
THE morning Iva t leaves the wharf: above . the
bridge, daily, at 0 o'clock preettely. 'lima
Itallirpore, DO hours; time to Philadelphia,4o hours.,
The evening bout lame daily, leaunPt Banda? rf•
.t 0 o'clock. 'Passengers by leaning on the
evelung boat, will coon the mountain in, stages next
dap, and thee avoid nighttmeel.
Secure your Octets at the Mee,: Itonongabely,
Howe, or St. Chsr!os Hotel•
ottiCly • - 1.11T2051714. Anent
. . . .
Two Dolly Lines &pus Pocket 'Foals
And Ball Said (Masi
(Exox.uslysir...roz Pisismozza,) .
Yin the Nave Central nail Bond and Pede'k COOnI.-1
Time-41) hours "Firvei-$lO through. ,
535 miles Roil Road, and 150 miles Canal,
INN the let ired..the new Central Mall Road Comp.•
:ray commenced running two .1,4114 miss we,
incise din from Jackstownto Philadelphia, leaothil
there immediately after the ordeal 0i the Packet
Boat. from the West.. By this summation puma.
gen will go through without detention. .
A - Packet Boat will leave every teething al 6
clock, and every Vrenlng at D o'clock: _ .
This Mute, for Safety,. Speed, and Contrail, is not
eqoalled by any now la am to the BAhtera Clue.
For passage or lutonnation apply to
W tarren. Idanongalets Mouse;
• _ I.V.FA:II ft CO, Canal Basin
T" f."
• Capt. B. Young,vrill ran aa a regular
packet between Plnabaret, Wheel.
lag, ibridport, and Sunfish, leaving P4tainsrairevrd
Menday anamoon.lor Wangle; Orrilbanvillai
Bridge:ion, and every TliaradaY.A4M 3 44fin fififinni..
ville. Wheeling, iltfilgtPint. CAPOSII,
livanning, karealkidgeport and Panaab every Tau
day allernoenr, sad liaaEsti avery Friday afternoon,
(lama% or plume, apply on board, or to .
Agent: •
The vpleadtd fest Tung raareet
MeEntity, !dealer. weal leave for
the shots and all intermediate lead
ill" on Fernley, the talt Inst., et 1.0 o'clock, A. ht.
For freight or Funky: srply onboard, on to ~
iv; J. N. JONES. Agent.'
The splendid steamer ' • '
Ennem swot,. joaya fpr,
Lave and .n Intermediate! porta en
this day, the 716 inst., at 3 P. DL
For !Ivied or ',songs appy on ho6or to •
07 , . mix , • C6', Apel4
! A The oplandleattr u g o .
onth,ooAter, leave lor abthet
and latermodiata pons
7,1 inn., it 4 olock, P. id, panther. •
. For freight or panoge apply on Dowd. . • .
GEO 11 11111..TF—NUERGER. Agora
-- ----
: ll* .Pl ' n ' h . P d AVIPIV, 44 SE * . "
. for,,
above and all intermediate ports on
this ewe, t: e +1:11 Inst. at 4 o'clock, Y. Al. . . ,
For freight?! pa...ln TVA i t igillktr&ra .
pl ,
--- ". ' f'inrCHirerNirell — ANlFßTXoßll9.7 7
Tim fine fan farming tneamer;: -.,
Loreamaater,willleatrefor the above
L.,41 all lotermedlats landings on Wed
- 1.4.1,11104 th WM. al. 4 o'clock, r M.
For freight or pee:qrs, apply onboard. , _ ~ NA.:
OHM “00,000.-
J. ROOM. Jr C1,2a) , : r Muir, Jr, Frith.
{infa n t/I,Z V i k, t tiVf I Inks, "
AL T l.goisis bo udjes prodigy
ome le tlon—nuffid Ilarectimi
e llweClown m thecae.. ty, and who ureptierunn
rd by promptness and Itheranty to maintain Clutha,-
*etre which they have warner), as °traria( the heat
pretecturnm (hose asbo desire to. be lammed, B utler,
h Gem Bleck, J: W. Butler,
N. Holmes, Jr ., Woo. Eak,wo.3.l,idirlalifpu• W.
Jackson. Wm. •I'd. Lyon,' 14ppIncoit, Y.
Limb, James kl'Ausy, Aran. Idirout, Thos. mt.
Ommt, No. 39 Water street, (warehouse or Spank
k. CIA. me artirr,M4bumh- • . s , nstrUY .
4.14. Jegt:Ltin, :"
I,l6.llvii,"ixuameha. yuljgcelv e id
rattatebt orPIAYIOIIIUNIO, whorl( ribfek are
• rat Live me; by E. C. foster. ,
CM, marks, Emigrate Llye,Alsray, do. " -7:
t ' o lf crerell! t'Sdr' •
Grine to lien all Nia.,„
Dolly Day; -
Soldier's Wadding, by.Olover.
The Re, ,
Ob, Touch bid the Cord yet anoe arida, '
Swett Blemolrs p(Tbee. • ,
ellver Moon., • L
La r iat <tribe Irish Enamel- •
A r.Medley Sang:. • '
Tin belt Wuendeo ,
Sidrit that lAVed Ikea:
The Conseriptr Departure, ba j illelt
Ea Bled to the Loved Ones us oma.
ergs Itorairebe.roe'm the (Icon
Thal - maw Meld. ... •
Low Ea sk'd Car, by Lora.
Do letterer Bank of
ulauMer Deco'
Slnii.ner Gentle Lady., ,
Jeannie Grey : • ,
F.l4n, Collanna, Wedding. (Wrekh, and Daley
• : •
Batchelor,,.cari Firm , Loy, Aut.. S.** .
Adteli. and L4a_y_Poltaa. , 4lnny2l ,
Am Aar .• • •
riCOAPOItATING "The Aso:mimed Firemen's
Insurance Company of the City of Pittsburgh,*
*Psernis IX. Ito Willie= M. Edgers Edward
Oregy, Wtlltsm Collingwood,Sharles, gent, Linvid
'littered!, Pollard htsCormick, -Willie= Lida...up
J.Cawlldbed Cowan, of AUeglienyoounly,
or thtee of Meru, be, end they are hereby enthorised,
after giving- two week , " pabilo notice It, two daily
nowspapers, published:inl the city of Pittsburgh, to
open rooks at Wilkins Moll, in the Moot Pittsburgh,
for the sulreription or the capital mock of said Com
pany,' et seek till2o XS they may designath,ond the
mune to keep epee, front time to time, between the
Meese( ten o'clock in the foremen, Lod foaaonloct
itt , the afternoon, or antil, at Lesslstwelhoniand there!
of stock shalt have been taken)!
'The Corumirsionc.. above nailed, will meet In
Wilkins Malt, on Thursday, the oth day of Jane next,
at 10 o'clock, A. vt; el Which Wetland place, the books
will be Weed (T i ttle purpose of rtleelvinjilithemlP.
lions for the eget ilea of . cold Ocunpany, as amber.
ited by t el Act. . • ,' ‘, - intsytketier
. _
ea O. VoTt:Pltt
Corner of and 14ns Mud: I
Dissolattoir. •
TIV: firm of Nosp &Totten yens dlssOlvedon . dan Od
[(Apra Ism dm ,by death of Wos./..Totten...
hales Knepp, Icy haring perelsurcd.tad interest of
Oa tete Wm. J.'S' olten, to the fins of Ifassp &Immo,
and formed a eo.partnenshlP whir Ind brother' Thad L
fin•P, they will continuo um business oC the concern
.ender the name or ifosp'B nod coil settle all
'claims ;Island theism firm, and-nresivoalkdelits sod
demands owing to the eeme. ' thlathlte
Eixolnanige Usaa
FEW 'hazes of tt.e. nook of this battik (ranted At
- I. the Eirhsose ofsee of A - WILXINB &CO
mayle •
• • .
tilaccsranl and Vennleollisior
X In , mytts WM A aIcOLURO AC r
VI hits Goods for Orfila& ,
MURPIII" & BURClllLlG,D;haverceeired n Nll
supply' or all the V•fi01111ks - ds of White GOOdl
(Or Lathes' Dresses, saciSas • •,
Prete Hulls, Orem .12{ eent4 opt* 6.14.)
roils Malts, plain sue fidGedt ;,; •
Victoria . •
Nano:aks and .1.01101. .
Ptal •
Betides a base se
assortment of Embroidered and ?nit
ad adelllns, Lavery/Images, llstoss,he4vcri cheap
F OB VEILs—A gr i p i ly e atlat it o n t t i trieLD.
—l3l73o,NorthcutCorner of Fbatih tad Market Alt.
IinACON-10 Khan prlnie Stmuldein or vale by
balotfirontuckhTec , drm tale bQ
P r ga l"lL-14 1 1 17t i tiWN .d fr. th tl i giNat i a l
on Aond, Coracle Pt I
.SU i V d ßz;l l 6l6 d
- 6 H b anled, - o beautiful . Ankle, op
TAR-:`SPlirls now bind's - 11, (ofaZeby
I_4filiWA/1111 00/10), 0110 01 boo
fit/lltli for auteftle watp?ers. A constant zapply
•at paper, 11,1; HOP, and hi Inaba. sqnote, kept
to tang, and, say .tze •or pattern fataltbed at shalt
Datum. maYIY. J t_lS,llootvedApit t Co . .
LIT xi 117 . W 0.112211.11 i asiiirtek,
p. 7 for aids by' IiCIIOONMAILE4kk..OO.
U1.,1 0 11. GIUII O ,IINE , -100 es for calo by
A 7 ~W)X7 . I BCIIOO pad AKER Ir, CO
T 01/WC)D--10 Otis chi,
!Awn% 121 e
,:r Y dni ludt na l
" 'lli= re7.:;,4:+aliiritAZN
• -
MUTOALAL LAMA. la tba • rem au
-- Pali 10, tea% ikad for sale by
rtiliiiirlailririlivrA4ls • .
• • 100 brio N 0 Tar, we% for Ws It
-- • -
'llACure—XuAleg Prim. Fhothllern
D ' Uo,ooo.priate eider;
, we extra Begat Cared liana - •
For rat e by ',arax43 IdeGILLS Rat
- 11a - iF4 Di/CYSTS/a TUB 3-40 dot nub:l4 -
i 1107 r ' Ma 9 ARO;
'l5O b!ti Pi 0 Notts:ter
J, ~. :j: 11JZ.
ErrnA . rplizor
OR the eonv.e.lenee if the rilthrenai the preq;Y:,,,,.
h.' of the fiusbargh City Attila h ave 'armed boxes for
• the roespuon of organ' at the following plum—
J & It Floyd, earner .
• AI Ilanrard,'ldioe woe, sor.Uberey & Idapter ma.
A Ileeden, Ong, Third street. •• • • ... .3 •• •
L tPlcax, Jr.,druggist, car. Fourth &
• - Jahn Peru. rtore,eorner 1140 A Wylie. •
ITalegraph Mee, Fourth Meet .1 •
11:C. Kelly, proerr,FrAir et, comer of Marxelhlley.
M . Grua. store, Penn surer, Moth Ward.
• The dour vraggeint call tariee or *tiers daily
fdr orders, and the Ilear,&e.delivered promptly, either
In barrels or Neb.—mak floor Is preferable for'hually
mg—without aortae for cartel. It Is plain that. no
menu ean be allowed, and •Ibet drivers eta have
permissionkayo floor without payment.
' We hope the priblie will be pleased with this ar. Ire shall endeavor to do than jectioe.
art,,)" WILMAIITH & non S
•-• • —• ID 01111Z1414131 ZINC.' 1. .
117,0 t s
tt Guam per sobers foot Corregatsd In shoots
317, V em. for mane public! and depots.
Bide Sheathing :Aimed Mahe., from ell to= ounces.
bi• !re*, Wire,' Sugar biolds,,Pmforated Zinc,
The Zlee y
mensal that nutial pare, and free from any
adinizture of iron,.ot way other•sabstanem.end re
commend Lt for the manufacture of most ankles ht
the home forniableg Imm as it Aloes not rest,lo not
stetted by the• 'nil= of 'mar, aid ow be Pri!li!heds
palmed, and Japanned. • . • 80 do rpecilestions, and ether
inforroaden may be had of their agent.— •• ..
.31'CLat• &non, New Ymkr • • . ; •
No o n... Mm*, Retiree & Bostern
W. o Tunica & PbiltdelphiM :• •
& Nielinro, Baltimore^
Sun, Doi &•_.• _lly•tnpn4 Nit• Oilcans; •
F. MILLIRO X, Resident /igen;
Ilanover tt, Now.Yol lc, •
Li m dam
d 0 Golden Harp,
101 Third strived down rak Woodivall'is•
rg enbutiber would iceman:ly inform the sill.
- not of -Pitulenthi•Alleghenyi. and skinny, the(
he hal opened. hie sew and elegant gnat:Velment foe
'the sale of. Pianos, Alitonseas,'ldonA Alirattch 70i
ennntsmv, and every other article In his line. • -
• PIANOS—bole egency (or Nene* & Club's ale.
bretted _ grand • Rampant Mum, with •ang'srlthout
- Coleman's, .mist) Attu/Meet.' - These Pimps Luso
lanly reeevoa sueral Important improvement., rent,
denim them exceedingly brillient of WC, sod extra;
ordinarily durable sad luting, • • ' '
Alto, 'l'. Gilbert & Co's (Poston) ealebrated
nese Inatramente hue awiderpmad reputatiem,and
eauldered among the beIX ournantetcredln ,
Batten_where they are decided favorlets.• • •
Thula., IL Y., of the Jinn of Madan &Don.
hem, has appointed the selmeriber sole agent tor oho
sole alas Piano" In Pittsburgh. the Atm of Madan
&Dinh= is one of the tadest and but lathlsewertry,
I t ;""i al i d r bre:V . l=r i f fsisititir sop
Ittrie celebrated Concoct Finns. of Samoan:C. of
ten and Itembutg, flimsy. be heat for sale
by the a
te It will andiee to say, that they see
made ate of by ell the grist Pius players at then
Corium on ,he Continent
the sabseriber bees leave to Greet attention to the
imminent feet of hi. having special agents both in
Emu end this Mammy, who emnfally select and
examine every View emit to him, which enable, him
to dye a written guarantee with every Piano scan by
hbo, pledging himself tt, rotund the mosey Incase ths
.ghee be proved fealty or &dales's. •
A fall Eppel). ofthe newest and wet minor ani
consunitly be kept for eale—forniabed by the best
publishing homes of ItostanrPhiladelphia, and Balti
more: agency for Means ffelterfenbetv& Luis, New
TOO, the most extenahre impumes of foreign tune
In this colony. • - • •
Pole Agency for Carhardtin 'Palau Melniemt and
Melodeon Pianos, u teanufaciared and perfected hi
March & Whine Cincinnati, with Mule end doable
yotte of reds--Os ben reed lasuummus yet Invented.
Also, Guitars, Flutes. Clarinets, Violins, Beale., Sox
t i nsit=tortrarf==,.. a Sti " rgifol
Violins, Genera, and naps. .
EXlsanaetion boobs for every Ingtramenh &len
dens of music made, =ate beeks bound, Pianos mend
'and upairadt Accordeonsi Onitaysilni te,
paned on the most maionable term.... •
r 221 HENRY / . •
aeon — Tr--
Nato Erin( and Berarnur .Dry . Goods lei, 113511.
vi mama . i. nuisszizi
a.. ... Viniderraai aid Retell 'Dealer ho British,'
.• pooch, arre anima DRY QUOR, Mutat
meal, aerwarl Tlad and Fourth, also et dos
the Gra Llns, haa jest eonuneneed it:tartan .
sad opaalog ono AO the coon rid, splendid,
'and este:Wee wets of Eartztaand Sommer Dry Goods
drer offered for sale an ilto `eastern country. All of
them Imponed Goods aro 'fresh opeaed„ an reedved
per the lot Warners from Friona and Eaglondi as
alto Irish - Lidera; Impordd Greet Acon ItelfaG,oll
ErnVAtart l od rur4r y tr i iigrat==
Whinti:'tho eery . he;rl 4l"' ' l lactorG and bi:t
Linen Goods of all hinds, ioraddlroot trolklhelLut
-ha ltliellkillibtfl A 434 wt 4 t e f0 " 411 " """12- "'
alma. ~
New 'Myth , rich Took Satins, all colors, splendid
goods; Melt lark Enna, all prices, -rich emu*
flack gins Bilks; ell colon, late importation; Preach
Kid Gloves all colors, the best Imported; plaid black.
At pet last Preen creamer; new etyle painted'
Barrel, splendid g00d.,.• tol taken end large
mock ef wtle i2lech . Entitle . for illatheing ladies , .
Mewl. Trip rich gong Plan Hula ie MI MM.
eitremely low bendier goods; blaex Bilk Prime, all
widths sellWees,very Own; Penn Lanza, new
laZ,,p i x t r last Fren i eji mb etsamer; pl b atta=ro G Eie
De Polanitgade; riett golm g r
renekand 1411.7"
Canmermi,' new min; be WWI Geode; ntendld
43.4 - 0F74...C*P1 ball red; rieh embnidend
Mein Muds , lor they el k Rao. Edging an
leserung, the „ ,r?wk Eilklineee in ell - colors
.4 wilailics,lloll, le, plain and Main 'etriP'd .bleek
Omani all prleinte.d Lewes, aew titylesarom
8 to neenu par ? - Barn a de Lain% a near Arnie
for ladles' Minx se, a 1...C1ad auPerb Muck of
new style sprit; Bonnet Bib us, the
,vistry bust lot
;lilted* Mitrw- • • -•.— -• ._.:..:. . 1
'Conn ors_pB Enna; erolorafreoVrclatille •ftt
1041. Hone; TM; IMO ElinflX lemilid liewles la WW
04M Inn. Meaner; 'beau 1 changeable elm*
slit. Elawth, frsh .Bajirmatlerl white endooldered
Cant , CritellEhnris,strrel li l s Pen .31 1 .7,14 1 #'
1 02 ft.....
cd eton - C a lithaw it,' e Mal; nods' ,man,
'Frees hrtnered ?hint, thostraportden;
path Ellutorts,all press And qualk..
Weser Crarate MP Smola in vut Ire,
InlTailailuldtworkedCapes,Colisisind •fts large
._,- .. • A, Isioe Pioniiit
~ ..,
DOMESTpg A s A ur ...., -:.
~sb,•vrezvtiga...g.,..44,.fromt°4ll! 129 00010
per yard: 11 eases (risk Linens, imported direct hem'
Mimi; 11 bales Tusking, from 8 to 11/1 ends per yard;
8 eases bloat Drill, bola 8 to 1119 eons perut be,
des a fall athortment of Suromer Clo th s. A lto Co nacres, -Tweed., Emmett*, and Kerducky 'Jesus;
Blesses dark - Calico, feat coleradqu 91.141 tents
pet yard; /ICU.' Hay! Jc Penal lin Prints. best
Imported; 6 bides Rune and Bench ripe extrtutte, ,
ly tow. A 1,., itourekeeping Goan of I - yery ,
cheep; 9 Mee Kerala Crash.. from 61 to cent. pa
1 04,
yard; 1. - Mdes alarms stock of tlnak d Nam%
• Aliat, Canton Flonnels, ell coins and ounii
tie., allow prim; red r arlate, mid yellow Flannoh4
very cheep; bleached an kinbionhed Drilling., fla
assortment; S eases blue Merrimack Celleoes, Ala.
tamely lon block and an binned Table Diners, WI
Men; IBM's eye Dienes, all prices and guild.,
very cheep r• colored Cambric*, a. fall 'moment,
cheeper then ever 3 bans Burie pmst, Bum .189 e
eViVm Mk
. Man*h & n ar A faMeeortmlunTlrseienn
rAluisiolsi PARAL.9I .
'The limed and most irplendid stoat re of r.. 11
e'er opened by any one b011110:111 PitUbliTgO, is thls
dey•received, and are all of the newest Donn styles,'
whin, fermciatiess sad henry, Gannet 1,. SurPastrd.
'As we have alms kit of these Parasols, they will be
roll cheaper than may other bonsai in the city CUL at.
ford to sell the same minty of goods. . -
. The Ladles are respectlaUy invited to examine three •
Paraschi, es they will find some of the reheat wad
newest styles ever Imported Mom .Earepe. Mese
Parasols are all of toe richest and meat funioneble
Mgrs. sod are woniii , siiis t ratop (roar 4110•
All of the shove goon w 11 pp all ow atkinas far
below any house in the 1 and in older to nen
'dm feet, the .pubile will please call and prier then
'goods, and compare them With soy other hone 'Win
'city, and be convinced of the nine ethellint. •
The subsetibetwortid Me 59710 Ids manna mow
tomer, and.the mine In general, that nen • Ste two
other bee hive Mures ut mark:/et, pretending to
cope nth - the Big Bee Hive, wh . lch Mon the only
celebrated and far illoned Del establishinent In
Pittsburgh. The sabseribrimmuld therefdre earth .11
parniscre of Dry Goods, either whole-We Oe 7.__4 0 1
dal 01,6 Bit An Hive, an Market mum, hetweenThire
and Youth, is new opening the largest, richest, and
mat splendid e
of *error end - summer Dr: Goon
ever offered,. seln in Pittsburgh. , • . i , - :
No* Ernes trea.l66o—The largesthed memlashine.
nth thon of Bonnets Over opened id tintairy, is net
remand as the rigs of the Dig-Bee Hive, on Market
stree4 between Third and Fourth weer, where Dry
Goods of every deferiptlelll, are selling. obener than
any other house an the city. The retitle will ennui
tote notice dud there an two tither bee hive stern on
Market street, Who pretend teem:open with the Dig
Bee lithe, between Third - and Fourth streets, where
die notate will lind, et ail dews, the larg e tand rawest
styles of Dry Goolls i lien opened. - ~ .
irr l'ltt.o (An notlec, that the sun is .between
Third and Ponth event, 'sign oh:the BM DEE Illift,
whore Dry (Mak of every dentin= are erring
thin at any other Mtn is the eity.
spl3-43m:, , , , WILLIAM L. HUESELL.
- . .. .
1850 MAO 1850
ERIE Bk, mempvti.LE LINE.
lODATE of this Lao orDI lelTO orgalatly, and , do
-ADP Hoer froiglas without tnwoldpmera, ,
• . J C BIDWELL. PittoOorsts,
JAMES COLLINS. do, _ • , , 1
BIDWELL &BROTHER, Hoitheoloo, ,
jat i 186042
trues Piti.lbum4 to Co:imbue' and Curelafuti
thinViikrte/4 and prindanaernattOof Coln.;
iCanoll, Stark, - Tatearawar, Varhartoni
Licking, arid :
rho e ropleuan. of the. Sandy, and Claud
opens up to oar city three& shutpea muted clonal
roatea direct 130nerialdieLL1011 De aloes as wall tot
duradjolatos mulles of %Vaptith liolates,'Xitoriand
Rom Due eeetlos of Ohio, the Wide with DitUbalth
has been, to a twat' extent eat olt la etinsequare6 of
the high rates, 01 transponatenh:which' eye Pa!!" . .ree
&teed 14 x4 tutu au poeCOW. , r
• 130.11 of this lino will leave daily, arid Win theoitih
without trarublpotail Tho Canaenspeny hem
bestowed uponlkis hoe nu IntereW tbe=Wet.
dented adraitne en of their charier, and thee scooted
to the middle. porabon of Ohio In orderidr t6ahrlloo4s
by 11113WELlin BANDY, AND BY,A.VA an .
equallaterest Ws advantage._. Dgentit
J. DIDWE/t4L,ElttebutiN ,
Masses, liteoes /Us ; Oho 1t • Csis
Withsmspen,les ISoorso Koala, Elkton, 0 ; ClOl
& mason, do; lions, Gott= k.Co.l4bor WO% en'
Alter A Nlelonss, Homer, 04 LUDO& le Booty's .
ow& 04 Speaker & rOftet. do.; Joseph Pool 6 Co,
04 , 111;11 A Dios Oneida Milis,o4 H .V Beret, dos .
:O li /WOW & Co, Idalrees ; o4 . & Grayoironno.
lose Telle .o 2 listuart,
irlesitsnd & tdof 4ll4ll B lM, FP..6 1 , 1 : 10....;,-,
t ehtl4
Johii &ebb l uitrams ; I Fol n i,'o4! Folk To"ji
Soso 04 &Madman Bosco, iKj VZ
,StWA .
oleriNfroot,ll4 ,
theirs,Clooloi Rhodes &Green d. .• •
,Wis. . - 0 1 3. 2 pt.,'
A• WOLtraa al.'00••• ,/: -
trens iaitgame. ages, _ircoit:A2 • .
illTS'abityll On bawd Pa=iiIIIIIIIIIIW.IOI.UpOSCI
GitlfOtiels sad Fitse Vottivi 'Fredo sal
Wlsolesda mai alb 44 1 0 914111isplicill es tYll i
: .
C 110611641. likl6lllllo/6 1 Pf08 IS,
Prim :OIJ Vg4o,4_ Kittgdo.iz. 4 *Pq
Ur. G6isest4'N'stinet of VeLloir En f
•.cud insaapairlll6.. .7
Ciao. w
pb-Oh thastomion,spsolo,
feossllPer complaints, srinstaffeetiOnsOtiters,
*Pt ,*Sara, nub of. blood 1,0 the bead, -fs/ex and ;'
f'oo,toh -
'PP*, *Salo tomplalntstelthlal, d7ePel , • ;
eta, Isla of appetite, beadarbe,,eeldf,.eostleenes, •;"
elebt ,swess, olestle affeetioca
eh , •
palpitation of 04 - homf, bileai lame tioe,
11h14allIble ilf .11iiemets
pore rialn Pal*
' ;'• •
In theiVeoetablo.ll;nminin, >s 416Wlie
delmthtso plants Sot . betba;ObrogenlalLonot commits- d •c ,
llaaa,loill.;6l.lthied4o be 0tt0 6 P 10 ; 1 4116e;'664 •
7estublabinedsontom tho reason 01 - ma/1,4 well 6 .
We Ifeel6etef
Tbe'Bjny la a selentaw compeithdol thrones •
isablo plinth ly noluie;,iiitifeli ken froyndiloteyiens
and onpol'
disease Ithoo the syrremi,
- t• - •
exthithidinMy au* of Smothlik_lirjilietas'ao4
sem cured, by the solo oth, of Dr , ..fluysolPs'Coirn
poundpytop, YelloWDoek and Sursazilla:
1.-- • ,• - ta. rim 17,16101
. 174.:Gnnorr —MItol bander Maylhmonza sowers Monks: for
ear veal kook I hauederived. freml.l4 boo of yect:l
yaluabli sy rap. , L bum been troubled Pm bad
a seri/Wows sere,sthieb mane, its soca:need/M. .
db10..1 Ldid cot pay; emelt anention loth at firs, top . ':;
posing 4 4 be
w ater but an mown. that appear. f:
on peraonv far a It &tally berm Intwase, -
spread to IS - - ask part al.the. Dead:, appLed in a:•,
.phyale46, who Stended me Silo apparel's, :1W
tiled every thing that mold be {glide, L saw year Byr
up of,Yellwerlbeek; mot Strapanthi, awl concluded
cab lc fait:mar that, Yellow Poet was one of the
•Suable taticles In the *mid Yet
,binglit pour Byron, and from these:cos bolt*
could sea ar r
eal aisolalaY elm Ors •1 continued ;
to up It I to. ansLl Mani A p,a7 tett lite •
new pateon; toy blood is perfeetly "'cleansed and Oro
fnaraltaaparairt. 'There fa toratrOcaten Ina La 7 . - - '7.1
Tom newly distriendetnnpothd. laLat superb:n..l •
an_y_asilsonrilla imp over 501d..1 • .. •
Ynlo eon/firsts hat yott dippaeal publith if lop -
like, and any one you may *fee to sos:1 than be hap. -
p 7 to Sys them all the laforsation I our alms
costa.' •seintth yoatobedlelth Seraol,,
c • •
• / 13 : 7 4.4g , IIPs O V ''"
.The 'bit remain 'atedlelae. anemia: Thei - Extreet of
Yeller* Doeir add Bassitsarrilla is a pasltiva t spessiTi2,.
and j!pOrastent oars can sit r inetdaist,. '!•.,
'attendee rties 'leader It pedants: I , '
~,pikimo tool 'lender and delicate constitutes o f
ifie Raab:a "It is entivalled in its effects, nym root
disease* as iectpieto esaticimptren, bananifera lesoi
tootle* or - whites. invisnins tneratintstion; tricetat.'" ,
nonce amino, and goicivat 'piestrstinti of the sir :
is lova Odiately Counteracts they distroadr„s winos- t'
neu sold lustmde so commeo female frame::
and Imports. energy and, bitioyarlpYlts surprising ca -
they. ate greselid. Aron evidence on file obis
i r d a k r . rte strney,oo' recomMend this reedicho to,
marries( Issoptersslo Droro:nat pun bicatatt with
pastaittes Una. or INTifiLg or ino Womb, litfts
Tenni , standitte,'eured hy. Fr. Moth ttla - Fmreet of • •
Tellaw hook Ind Soroopardls,; alter every - other ' '
knoaiar remedy hodbeattriedwithent relict. '•
, •
'-- • -• Wssourraron, Chin - Feb., IBM' - ,
aerd4as that rot, wife, axed' V.yeara, two
,beea a efiering 020001,11 w - flora •eomplaini,ler Or.
yetths-itreerly all of thartimeconfinal to her bal. • I
hams for four years coostently employed tiro beatered-',.
teal; ',teat teat - could be proolthed in thn section of 1310
ascent without any benefit whatesor. bare also ';
parothW•d - f very instrotnent veroromeisged - for . thir
earn otsuelt drama, nit orwhielt proved worthless:
•-ln the sprier et %e4t1,17/ias hatneed by urr friends :
to ery•Dr..Caysertes Yellow Itneh end, sathepa,ity., • : ;
whisk Woo used Lsr foot atqatlts. *der-she hod ursd•
tg for sheet four siesta is was ethidont tO oh 'that
was nap totnity, and from thirtieth also improred tap
idly, - and gained lath and strength, rata the disease '
ores entirely remorod, and airy. to now enloyiba , molt •.••
eseellatitteelth.• , • •• • • • • Witt. • :..,
Wetsetou tthlytthers efl-Wha. anC3tilia- Iltottfort;, "
kiew that the above elatemenhais Vas TRU:ten
MIS. Monfort. and as W . the eate•annag eicevid -"l
Elayseti's Yellow hook SoesupariLla, le be strietlf ,
• • • ; l•l' •". BARLII'PO*EIIE4. •
. •
. .
• . .
Great . 13 . ialeta of CoMraiiapttrim.! •
- . • ;lii.antron,ltinent7l. !UM . '
Mr;:nennett— . .Deer Sirt The great benett which r••••,1
haredensed from I oaf, Eitrert of IMO? nal"'
fiatrrrille;indnees me, as an nel'oftaintry to reaka
Attnr. wasting for tern tears Ifonlentrraldehilili''
*ltch Seely terminated In' eatmutpubn; ferns elves
op, briny friends and phyaieiami LS Leland Mb MS '
madlelnc: •As is' MM. resary I Iris ledneed
!Tr' •
#our,Madrent, - tutd has;us. d
ameAnet tt•twe hestes, ao , •
eordnis . ,,to 3onr directions, I entirelyell. I• '
wouldtheteforea earnestly re kernmeitd year unqual , ' '
led COmpornd to the offilited whir teslrelt pamerfa I
pleasant and lard seteedV:. Gradetelly lout Mood.
on/ma pat sir In - large sqS* re. benkm..: •:t
Son et th ;marl; end the mine of the syrati blown
lathe: Om, with the mitten Piplitore ft.l% !tiro. •
meet I , llthe outside it rapper. , :, , Trles of per. tettk t Or.
. 6 % 1 1 4 ;0 111 VS ' . 3 l). - !a orf
mcl. • ittteetAVmeilts:l7ll.lr7tiesjs.. •Age9E fer tae
'Suet ond West, W whoin &Herders most be' addressj
Caitti Doe ;1014•1V.": Tarim tit Wesen.
ford; . :04ist - Cleteens. -Crostlestiller Abel • Torten, .1.
Idontrose; Hiram Ms, Totranna: Robett SeT)
hmq:L. Rodertele,CatlehshirotyL,Tvileer,.lPau.'
h4eo; eomerof Ideltet street end the Diamond, '
Tasauaaa►ll vita Rinu.s4s, notionsiorpni
'aloe Arm a bad, puisidaroath, hark; TuMw,4 ou. ••
ad theta. •.11 preens have *beep/Ida tour own
1.41. can, for twa abillinga,lerj• .a ertietethat
MOO Wiz bread, pure andavrect at the Ailey Air •
add lhoTeed it is asothualled,thmoirlug the um,.
remPthiS Mot. -math tbkiluuthi . claim .thedi
-whale he 'basun , . et theffeeete,Sen.l. ••, • •,•
• ,
Seek reader are the properpea
Toolaraate, ntaellheethpralaing;th iiareedere.e, Itha '
atm ono
our roan rupeptskyiva4 sclera* Ihat
.Ifbeld,of NOWA. 4 , ,r4:7V , - •
!Lava both awed and anal this ocaialeel and 101
L. : Owe, Ain /Void. P.eaddluN: .
040Y I
41. aehrotheiniae
olds thafilyou entio a galdli be Fellpthase
11! is put up hn, F.opllo h f Cana Wes, 101 Iff. L .
cents. Said by the Agerd, Whi.dACXEON, 2411 Übe '
IT einem Pioeburtb. • ...inecultoeT
fito tC ari ' rinl a roTiolk7orttitritt= 7 ;r4=7.
Joint Coral • Ilidr ZUSlltnutire.', .1( ikay•deolit On •
word; they coonot thew
*ht. have tried Its
ksektit, 41 Elm. es Novi Y4rk4 ~t
Mr. Lla.Wl4lleea c.
,eg at e
Mr: not. lack r si4 , '. ll; i ntoor. tslwtdicear truteett
=I4.E. Caen, late bad= etrambood.S. Loam.. • ••• ,
eldd otoro Akan a hrutdred - othetr dev t tak. •
szilimondica, that It.rill.ferce , tile.hutdo grow. on Ito
/dee, stop it follutit oil, etrertstlido lilt it )11,-,
macre - Ink marl and &Adria field thernots,: mil irs,,
551 i.;,. or drry.tinbi• memo: a . dark look. sod
aT‘. dry, har or wiry heir ...Sneer:dr ei?ea
trtai, a Tcty, very leteg the., -
•Se . m aike ItFeati.%V.W.../ACKSON,4IO Liberty it •
I. ii....•Prido :17/, 34 ems, roil um 4011111,. •.. • • t
00/r. turmoil ...In Onto,' oisssen—ltraroo, sot
hal Oteadoal Elegy manses • alias persturallisti, • ed a
Oa nate nate mblifies, - seders,-and whited, thisktn . • •
it the terlare trial:tarty eine fulantts.
Scurvy, OLC 2.11.1:0Y AND &WM!, are soon , tot eery
healed, but dared by Its use,' as ar least saint, I QT./.
OP/ In New Writ. know, who:are is to stets r lIO g
mid find itisnailing—as 1140 113 - • • '
?usrus,,kiressual,Faltramet, thr any tubes siva
* , 04 , , Thg. goriC and re 4 thin ills Is ad oared Pallilltlelrynl, caottird prove, • !cook! - sear
my silent Sri Yetieas sated ef • • ,t •
Ilysro, Eels' Lass aunt', Be es lyastml-ta
aid ass It,
.ited the tender is 'are,' tenured I 'wenn
tot eraelly sell II 'Par the' above knit rs 1 knevri .1,0 'be
.IEI state. These who snrlisble ts • •• ••• " • •
dlitarmt,Ourtairs, at Custsb Vams, will dal i1t144
airs. Any wen alllteled with soy of VT oboret .tr sta
ll,. Cusses, will Intl dni all and reel o.lot6(RJrair.
bid totrs properties:dun I state,' ' •• • t
flat, render, th* sunso - erwllooded with reir.stionso
Sod be. taro Isms' ask far'JO?i FOS itllllll,l Cl ...tut,
Solt Sold by w FL JACY9O:4, CO Liberty street,
• Ite - talit : o - 4(lileeirdfruiturAGAlNS'a C.
• •
!They us net aware hew Ingidially Salaries:l it to
tso tie skint hays coarse, bow roust:, hew ser. t
t l • Ism, piths's,. and unhealthy Abe akin art,,
Des. arrruslarPrerYmtl .7
w.• ":' ' sides It Is Punrions, soandotag a.
• risigenssatity Less: t.
- Ma tam itersred a beautiful yeawabiti
whisk we call 1171.XV0 SPANISH LUX „
Is - perthedy latexes:, being paid...l°o4l delesni,
on rproJittes; and lt impstu to the shrosnittrtal,;teld•
tby slabssber, clear, ‘o.4e; itaho:+4lo.
ac as a cosmetic:en:tan skin, making it salt and:
field by Ute . didern. WM, JAC,Kell,lN;Cla
shy. at, Pinsbundo. Poes2s cents. . ..nen7itco
OiLLI NORMA AM7.llollTl9lTilttei37 . 4,'
law YAMS enaocKWAW.oo....b.p
satinalcate City, Ceigomla. Liberal &grump,
tuft on. eansignsionts....3d,; bauota
prSmpUlattendd to,
IL Lamaism, 'i L. iv Sit( '
"'WM./ I
' • Nl.' BUIS 0 • Hie W *ILI; •i•
. t , • )AT.I9S,NEV
rilito STATE CUMbilsSlONtAlintakini Doe
PUOAS. AitklMll•ignx
Odes—Fourtaxnetottpre emab..6eLL,. • •. „.
JOTIN MILT& roit,estintli , mulcts to the
ddsetrt rtattatislt, that pa pebmintto
clq.'fot tbq tsupdsc of Poi,
461 4 bit 4 mine1.d. 9 .4 4 11114 ad 1141114 o."
Q bratc
. n = EM4 ll .4 kvark weft ro tat. I.4d,K i ,
no .141k104301i
,4`l'fitorTkiCallagilmistyGuty for ale
prab i Z e berro otter (*rm.& 'Amber 'cL2ll.l
i4,4ll , 3ltislV:= l" d ""un"
In erJABROBLNiON.en thsoriunts.L.
; ; olll7:divrif i ,
.r .. . ~loGVili r,—Mbrrt.T/Git.,
BV l nt V r ft ,grOgroflts k i. 4 ott e ° Wl l : ' ,,: •
aura Plea% in aod ' for the bda Judtrint District to Petti
pylonala,, and JolLteeofthe Mea( Oyer &Terminer,
and General JaliDeliv ery in and for tnid Dtstriet, nhd
Samoa( Jones god Witham Arrr, E.Fir., Asctal*
judges of the. tame. Coatt9t sad for. the Cow:rya(
4 , k g,,,,,, doed the :Melo of ldny,.in the ye. of
...., ~,,,,,,,peemed Gght hundred eltd filly, and 111
;;,,,,,,,J, for holonld'aCourt of Oyer lt. Ten:diner,
and Genorel Jail Delivery at the Coon Howie ta the
Gay of riuthatakon the Third Monday In Iwte ndzt,
Nah, notice 1, hereby ntiren It. all Anti., Orlbe
Nue, oroner,. and ConahOles of the Count? <trail..
s be.y, that the) , int then and
there, in theft protter
omen% with their roilt,rererNiequisidond, exittitht.
Oohs. aod other emettntneer, to do Won
',Web to their ...puttee aired to Their p ro l e Mbar
jo pd . :. do—sad alto daft tear intv prole4nto She
1 ragout that soar ore, or May be trethe NG ofigard
Goonty el Allegheakto be lt[ll and Utere,to prosecute
adapts% thermshall be jot,
Omen ander lay Lolld lrriltSb.rtb; thli Tlie day of
?Say, to*, fPT Ot pip Lord,.ld3O,
_use of tha Gin*
atanwealth tie 7111,.. , CAUT}..G. CUILT . I.4, aharid
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