The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 07, 1850, Image 2

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PITTS - 00110U
Nmamono and Whig/Nomtnatlon*
tos tsars swims, comma.
roa irsom num!, ssorrr cliscrus,
- 11•RM•11 DEWEY,
T. J. MOHAN, Lover St mgr.
R. 43..NTALIEER. Elisabeth.
JOHN 61.CLOSERY, Rahman.
lfanC7n:al Amman,
WA TOWN, LeWar Bc Clsit
caarrir Erarnon,
D. N. COORINES', Ohio.
Tax Cecivanoa—The AlgitllollolliC and Whig
Convention was composed of 102 Delegate —every
'election district in the County being fully repro•
wild. - It wan composed of our moot respectable
and intelligent citizens, andpresented a very impo
sing appearance. The proceeding,✓ were conduct•
aid with entire harmony and propriety, there being
• no wrangling, disputing, or improper temper er
tabled. Every 0130 of the candidates selected Was
laminated on the fiat ballot but one, and in die
lamina of the resolutions there wits an entire
- usanimityof opinion: The whole proceeding:, in
• word, ethibited the anitp, harmony, and oneness
of anti:lint in the Whig party in Alleghenicoun
ty, end are indicative of long continued prosperity
• We place at the heed of our columns with
mach pleasire,the ticket adopted ea Weds:caddy,
by the County Convention. Take it all In ail, It is
probably the best ticket we hive had far some
years, posseesing the dements of ability. turned',
high character, and general popularity. It is pret.
.ty welt distributed through the coanty„ortth one
ezeoptloa—northof the Atiegheny'craght to have
had one member or the Legbdature. However,
is that section of the county has had her tun pro.
. pardoner the Offices herotofere, and tarnishes the
membersof °aggress, there is not mach reason to
complain, iron if there were any diem:titian to do
go, which we understand there is not. •
Of the candidates, themselves, it fs scarcely
necessary to speak. They are well known and
prominent citizens, who hare lived long among no,
end have established reputations which hare ten.
Bored them,trast worthy in the view of their fel.
•• , • •
'• 'Having selected this ticket, there is nowt duty
Attach the pitty. bas to perlitrze, and that to to take
active and Judicious measeres to elect It. This is
• a anti whkit beiottp not only to the party in tho
. aggregate, but to every Individual member' of,d.
Alt personal: preferences and' disappointatests
should be laid aside end Garrotter, end the pried.
the• measures, the great cause, the great
. Whig party,to which we are all proed to belong,
should only be remembered. It la Only in this
sprit that great deeds are pergormed,`and a cause
becomes powerful, sad always succeseni. It is
not only =Portant that we select our ticket, bet
also that we giro a large majority, for the moral
effect It will hereupon ourselves and others,. to
!Moue and more important election. Uwe go to I
- wort In this spirit we shall give a majoritr_whiebt
will wholly efface the partial, bat dhertseeral de.
7 Seat alas' year. •
The Whigs of this great manufacturing district,
which pee Gen. Turku throe thousand five hun
dred majority, have, by their delegates fresh from
the ranked the people, expressed their sentiments
is clear end intelligible terms. They have said,
without a dissenting voice, that they aro—
I. la favor ore tariff which will protect Ameri
can labor, entfthat they honsider it the imperative
duty of Congress . to repeal or alter therariff of
18.16, whichlas wrought so much injury to home
itderesis% and wbuitute therefor twig attfair
—act hie—rates, with specific doyen They
have— , •
. 2. Approved of the recommendations of General
Taybr and Mr. Meredith, on the arid' question,
and they call upon the 'alai members of Congress
to see that these recommendations receive stuen
lion at the earliest possible moment.
. 3. They express their entire confidence . in the
abUity, integrity, and patriotism of General Tay
lor;and their fall approbation of.his administration
of the affairs of the General Government, and 'their
bestir approval - of the doctrines of his special
i ltestrembn the territorial question.
They, repress their atianimens opinion—
Initial le also.the withal of the anis hundred and
ninety tlacsisand 'Will; voters of Pennsylvania—
alas California inlaid to be ndiairied as a state,
irrespective and indepeadost of an other questions
5. They reps( with indignation the policy which
would matte the Indio:trial and manufacturing
• interests of the country await thadcnielon of that of
Tb.y express their admiration of the adroinis
indica of Governor Johnston—they are prond'of
the man and hisi arts, and heartily approve of his
yew of the infamoos appropnation hit!. • ,
1. They recommend
. tbe amendment of the con
stitution loving the people the ptiiifege of electing
their own jadgee.
. . .. .
Boob ii Me platform of principles and measures
laid down by the Whig patty of Allegheny amply;
sod it is isle which will be cordially supported by
Ike 'people. . , .
Toe Ifstarrixxx Convcsnou.—This body have
before them some very • threatening resolutions,
which the reader will fled wider the Telegraphic
lead. Whether they pan or apt, however, they
will prove a mere dead latter. The Convendoe
Las no weight or authority whatever, and its pro
ceedings treats no interest beyond that of a natu
ral curio:mil to know what such fanatics are
about. 8o little fear of dissolution is them in
Pstuullvimis. mut so tittle excited la the politic
Sind co the subject, that the people, when:they
inset together, do natal* it worthwhile to now
their attachment to the-Union. • That they con.
sides waled question, which the South will
Ind to Its oast, if It ceded/km to cot op any
Tar Loamy, Camas am paxac Coma.
axamal—The Pat data. quite 4 '4
Moniaaa b, tatenatually, quite a wall
'man. Will the Peet Wye, us some ppetlVs .. erfl,
demosOf la ability 1 , 11: ana she .haa ban In
public life, a member of the Lanigan:or, flied
• have performed some act which will show kW
arebilnies, nmavided It - e
has ans. D.** the Pod
prebend map tbst- Mr. Mentzer'. has ever erne
say evidence of his linen ford the responsible
ales of Gavel Ocrtemitsioner t•
• Ti news tiehthate was some bribery and ear
. suptlengolug on at the glemommle State Convene
- too, at Willisemport. Mews. Donahue and
Oreen,of PhlladelpbL. both Dclesates, stated to
1/mt Clonveuncs. that they had reeelved money a.
lorthest Mr. Donahue threw dein on the table
. • eft, saying, .there la the money, I despise
Mr... Ones acknowledged he had received COO
two dre rale source. The rascals who er.
bred the babe, intended, doubtless, If they got
IWO cage, to *we the State treasury. This ulna
artionie 11111116111111 i clouded le mystery, at ;mem,
tat 4 will newt pretobly be Mr:cited out, when
cheer wet to so* gores developments coneern.
*a Woe Itgins of Ow pretended bezerruptible Do
the iv tewing statemeat, whloh we ropy
*eh** Awartees, ern ea lakting of the kenlr
jllOOO/41,04114 06044007, which prevails among the
*setstfled t" . •
• A kor , t No • .mnepatteteat Wllllsmspenr, ,
*hum ree larowder trit. as* that a haling of
fiNs too*itiottwAn orsloo4 among the
&OVA* &Me tWo *prone. hatless who row
plow O. 09 M 44 0,00 , 1 1 / 1 4 0 . EMI/ 17,airen time—
only a 4 Mbalqiehlattl, the ilseliaw
rwihte* Goael (*atom crow ow
0044 Na 4 r 6 4` fm.s 4 0000*4 trwedawkadal l r. ,
*goy, te es* of PA 044041 4 6% is ill ealarl
0954 NI, PINSON; Ite. waren* enelaso.
1404 lAA.! 4 , 1 Mb !Wawa& Willies*.
got so' htlt s44;,4eiterefk4Pl sad I'.w &yew,'
ika4 l.w *tot tat 111400 44 1 ad M IMO to
prowatialsilit4 not fir N ltat***
Fel" tiro #'A Wahl ts#4o 0 Waal
ants* . nee 0,414404001 H 00 MO wee re
no*wow Wed, kw Woos • p*/
rtr* 0•000 1 01 lea tel 4 ournake hatereas
0.0 Momat tietL gant 444 Maisaffral aeat Shook,
'*firKfrerWihaddeop apa alaaaa wily tot.
egt Repast el 0/4,*elltei Opt Si the Whew
Through an ovettlaht le the essapostog motor
the fallowing Rebekah= did not appear, el tt
should have,'"the 'teisilatlcins passed at the
County Convention, on Wednesday:
'Estatced, That in the opinion of this Colleens
don, theindges of the- Coats,oughtjei be elected,
by the people, and that the amendment tO the Ca:
tilitation for that - purpose, to be voted for st the next
general election, be recommended to out fellow
. W1L0.12 ii461111112212T01t'.
Cinespoildence ofthe Pittennish Gazette.,
Waininivioti, lone 9,1850.
Rumor, of Olayteni• Itellrement-.
Ce mireted. 84,11 In the *nate, prob.
ble defeat... Unpopularity of the Dona.
ttosi to Texas... The talonosol the 0.1
phis Paper•:.Commplaloner of Isidima
You mill notice that the rumor to which I refer
red three or four yeas. airo.thUilhlr. Clayton
contemplated resigning his place in the Cabinet.
!solved.. Nothing haabeccrtred within the last
few +meths to authorise the statements which tuts
recently eppeHued in the Tribune and other pr.
pent of the North, on this subject. ; Mr. Clayton
has been anxious to withdraw' from his present :
position fir some Oho, for the reason that his
health was not
,eqaal to the labors of the post.
Onnie appliection to business lan Impaired it, and
a eontinuaneo_ln office dudvg ids team of the
peanut Adininiatration, might ]cad to tonfinved
Indisposition. I have understood that it has been
Kr. Clayton's' hatenifon to resume the este of his
privates:mu:erns, at the end of the present sessicia
of ponxress, provided the Important public busi
ness which him occupied his attention were eon.
aluded•at, or before that period. • The most euen
tint of this has already been successfully disposed
of. Should his health 'aperient:en° improvement,
and should co new emergency arise in she foreign
relations of the goTernmeW, 1 presume that the
Secretary of State will leave the Cabinet at the
lime mentioned. If so, he Will leave behind him
in that council; no abler nor pater men, nor will
It ba cup to hod his antral as a eueeeteor.
Though the Senate 'refined by one vote, on
Friday atienoon, to postpone the object of the
compromise until the dowel' twat week, the mo
tion will be renewed on Monday, and will probs.
bly aneceed. It Meriden% that the compromise is
weak, and that its opponents are willing to delay
active upon it,'Onta the developments, expected
in the House rat Tiiisday week; while its Mends
are not eolieitoustri force • vote urea it while any
number of Senators desire, to be heard. Nearly
all the speikeel_upon this scheme hive been
Democrats and thou from the South. !duty Nor
thern Whigs intend to be hoard:and at lout three
weeks will elapse before the last of them bu de.
livered hirinelf.
The nearer the time for voting comes, the more
meta begirt to acmtinize that Donation to Texts.
Who can stand up before his ixtnatiluents, that he
voted to put his hands into the public crib end
take therefrom ten millions of dollar, es • gratuity
to that State. :.To give no! mgdest acme to this
proceeding; it is apiece of wanton extravagancy!.
Bat there are other pilots of view - from which it
presents even a worse appearance. II we pay
this money to-Texas, upon the pretence that she
bee just claim to New Mexico cut of the Rio
Mende, can we avoid , the implication of an ad. 1
mission of the existence of gleamy within %when
are reUlito It tram her hands? Andif we tasks I
nab admission, no we' ever afterwards escape I
from the couequencei of It; or to abolish' , gayer!
lithe territory, before it shall enter the Union en
I **ate? Of course not. As !hinge now Wand,
Texas has no shadow . of right in New Mexico.
It is true that through the treachery of One Ado
ministration, and the unocceittable apathy or in.
discretioa of another, the authority. of that State
Ws* be extended over it, and slavery be thereby
eatabliabed. Rat surely this would be better than
that we should pay one money and be bilked of
the' umalderation. It his long beta seen that the
South can hardly ask any Wag ao audacious, tin
der this govenurnat,that she esuact obtain 11, bat
it remaiu tube item whether in 'the broad light
of day, sedwith general attention died upon her,
one of her,Smies can rob the Union of territory
both cotcptered and , paid, tor, and held as tummy .
men property of the United l Run. Bat certainly
there are few who would not .pre&r that Texas
should rob es of nor lands, than that" she should
=tea us of oar - money, and then Egg open us
the recogaltion Of. slavery. Mita deliberate den
poliment of the Treasury? and addition to the pub
lie. debt We fortunately everyphin question, that
cannot be entothered by many words and apecious
reasoning. The people cannot fall to understand
it and conderan it, by whatever means or by
whomsoever done. I have to hesitation in saying
that, to ray judgment, Mr. Okay's.bftl would cony
slavery, by inesiatable iroplizaiica of law; into
New Maxie-o,2nd that it would tquandu stopco,
00Ct of the public money.
The Union has commenced publishing the teat , .
reony in the Gelphoo china. This us a high breach
of privilege, as well as a violation of the equal
eights of the press. The proprietors of the Union
are weft humeri to be, and the fact to not denied
by therneelecs, the real conuantere for the printing
of Coagrora 'The work is done at the!' Dace, and
they receive the. pay therefor. Nnribe House i
has ordered the printing of the evidence and the
argyments in the Grdphin case, and aro awaiting
to receive it in oacial . 'form. lied the Opymtunt
ty been given to the agents of the independent I
press here, of perusing and copying this teatime.
ny, it would, "reeks ago, have been laid before the I
public, entire. • Bat the utmost care wastaken to
sheltie the paper from the Oink's . office to the
Uoioa concern, ind sow, insteadorstriking u of
I liad sending it op to the HOW; Ritchie in sore
reititiortsly • publishing =eh portions of it as Sulfa
al Purposes. It would be well to itquire innothe
_.• _ .
Orlando B. &own, Erq , the able and efficient
Comnurdoner of Indian. Araks, has resigned, to
take effect July tit He will be succeeded by Mr.
Lee, of Misetasippl, who has been Informally, be
conetnalvely, deal/sated For that post. •
Go!" Carrratoxst, of Kentucky Is saloon a visit
to the Gnereot of. Indianapolis. His leceptiou
bladisoals thus noted in the Louisville Cooties
'of the 29th ult.—
Monday was quite agate day at Madison—the
event being a visit from Gov. Crittenden, who was
,on warto Indies:o,point. Tee Governor arri
ved' at Madison late on 'Sunday night, on the
steamer Sea Gull, from Frsidrtort. which boat was
detained_ several bona by the Sine Viten being'
sgronnd ls the lock at Lochpott On Monday.
the citizens tendered his the compliment of a
public dinner at the Madison Hotel. Them was
a large, attendance, and after the choice viands
Gad been dirty discerned, the>ttine began to =co.
late, and seetiments andnpeeches were the order
of the day. POT, Crittenden made a glorious
Union speeoli, and on effort of Hamilton Pope.
Esq.. of our city, we /MVO beard highly spate:sof.
'Governor Crittenden Is accompanied b.:Major
Sieekenridee of Lexington; flamiltonPope and
John 0. gl;TIO00, Ems., of -Lorlisviiiq_S: G.
V7lntaramialt, Thomas H. Taylor, and H. Clay
Smith, Eeqa.. and Captain John W. Eussell, of
resulttort.'. His daughter, Mrs. Chapman Cole
men of this city, is also with him.
The whole , party, together with a large num
ber of. citizens of Madison, started in the cars for
bdianapolis, yesterday morning.
The Indiana State Jountalot the 2ltit ult. urf
Melon that daya prommlon was lobe formed. and
proceed" to the State House square, where Goy.
Crittenden was to be Introduced to the auembly,
by Omen:tor Wright. A meeting was then to be
held, for the purpose of hiving explenion to the
attachment which the people of Indiana have for
the onion of tie Matta. At S o'clock In the even.
lug, Gov. Weight towelled to give a pubilo levee
in honor of the distinguished guest.
. Moss Cosa Exreorrumum. 71. letter from New
Orleans, dated the 11th Mt., to a New. York Jour,
nal, says:— -
I understand that there are congregated In this
city. ready to leave for Cobs, about fifteen burr
dred emigrants, all well armed, and about five
thousand more regularly enrolled between ens
city and Memphis. The ball hu commenced
ratline, and it will never stop until Cuba Is Ours.
The present expedition may end in defeat, but
another, on a grand scale, will be gotten up, that
neither Spain, nor their ally, the government at
Weabington, can put down. I have never seen
as stub enthusiasm upon any subject as Is now
exhibted by the main:South, in (ever of this more
went. The tide ammeter opinkm is le favored'
It, and no administration can be sustained by the
people who are opposed to it.
Comma Bationrizzo.—The President of . the
Untied States has recognised Felix Latest, es
n ogi gi O d uerslof France, to reside at New Mork;
Doensvealtire Aksda, Vice Consul of the Mee.
leas Bvpubholcr Brownsville end Forums de
Bouts Itabelle,Joso Antonio Pismo, Vice Bou
nd of the flexion Repnbliclor Baltimore; Fells
Moist, or Menlo* Begablic; tor Phdidelphis,
gad Joao Raba, of the,. same for Pittsburgh.
ctoite a nambor - oirlteamtn, ot
4414411grililystatoit ertery trade, are now lying , op.
In conseqnsneeof tho doll slue of trade. Five or
largo New Orleans boats bare gone into summer
quatiorsoind the prospect is very favorable for a
low more to retire. Freights to every qwwter
woos eater known to be so scarce at this season
a lb* Ita Hl
arld noes are down 'alba very 1091113
RefOlicari, ZIA 144
Me Pittsitaii Gab Vs.,
To sloe Public
As thcrelaiberea a great many aortae put in
circulation, in regard` - to the unfortunate affair
which happened on my place, on Sunday, Juno
2nd, and all hive been more or km enact, I t eve ,
coneltided • lo lay a true banal before an impartial
In the Bea plate,l haat a fine meadow; which I
have btought to great perfection aim a great deal
er Leber and expense, and to prevent mamas en it,
I have put up notion at'different eoespicnous pl. I
Oct of the meadow, not to iamb: on M.: mete - I
over, keep watch ' on the •Sabbath day, in said
meadow, that If any Maraud the notices, to
worn them politely off, either in the act of coming
in, or when theism So. Oa Sunday, the 26d day
of May, Mi. Jones with a lady, wee in the mea
dow, trey were requested by my hired man to p
Oat of the meadow, which they did, with Pea
cursing and grumbling on his part. On Sunday.
June 2, he was back spin with the same lady, m
he meadow,walkies through and lying on the
beat part of Magma. They were told' again by
my hired man, mom than ten or twelve times, to
go out; to which they paid no attention after re.
malting a considerable time, they, aarted to go
I out leisurely. and without anv violence from my
l'hired man. They crossed the fence' from the I
I meadow to my pante field. Alter going out, the I
I man Jones returned into the meadow by another',
roots than the one they went ont, tramp Jog down
1 more of the meadow. My man, not knowing
what brought him back, said to the dog, "Brandy,
' watch," at the same time going • few step* for.
ward with the dog, twirards who shot the
dog; hadistance ot the dog front lonia being
abut from twenty to - thirty met. The dog wan
steer nearer than tta die vice mentioned above;
and from the lady, 'at least from flay to s
hundred yard., as that the - dog truing Malady's
gown, is a complete fabrication.
After shirtting the dog he returned to the tie..
Mrs field, where he had left the lady; my eon in
taw, being at that time to the plat:ire field, with
his wife, went up to the couple and Mid to them,
that it was pretty work 'ou_Saneaf, and asked
him his name; she, the lady, replied this is beim
of your Manisa. Jones, at the lame ome answers
ed, ii he said another word, ha would shoot lam
-down; taking his revolver and' holding it to his
breast. ,
Doling this time my second youcPat boy came
town to my house anent I war, and, crying hit
tarty, told me that a man had shot our dog, (Bran.
dy) when. I heard it I started to sae the meo.—
Another hired man, and a Mahal of his, went
with me ; we started together, but the others net
run me, u being a seep , hill. sets awn u the old.
eat came ep to within three or pet feet of Jones
he lazed him why he abet tie dog. Jones turned
round in vehemence and replied, yam eon' of a
bitch, Pit shoot you,' taking the ;revolver and
pointing it to hi. body. Tab yauag man jumped
a Mae sable, got hold of the buret of the revol
ver. stad
time,p aim from his body. Tha.bmtle:
'er, by this mum op in front of the two about
ten or twelve feet from them ; hers puled the
trigger and shot the brother who had loot time
Then it was and not till then, that Jones was
beaten by tho brother , on whom ballad drawn the
pistol first, nor was be struck by arty parson until
this time. There was a - good deal of seedling
and *excitement, and the girl, who interfered,
have was somewhat Mimed. Supposing the
man who well shot to be killed, we 'Moored /Ohm
and brought him into town, to the Mayor's office,
when we were insulted and brow beaten by the
Mayor and his police, his Honor damning me and
sweating we ought all be killed. Even e hen he
came out to my house for the purpose of taking
the affidavit of the pereommtm was shot, be cpn.
tinned cursing, and saying we ought all to be
killed. I brae lived et Allegheny county thirty
three years, and have never been in a criminal
nourt,and it seemed to me hard that having Uved
so long at peace with my neighbors my character
should be Muted ip one dayy fal so publications
Ihmearalrastatement because the Mayor, with
his police and the hangers on about the Mayor's
eStoe, have poisoned the public mind Corncrib the
press.Pr.e . TOUT RUCH. .
From the St. Louth tenthbean.
BIAGIO*. Aratataxey.—Who is there in this
country that Us not beard of this re,
owned • corps and its gallant commander.• • A
little more grape, Capt. Bragg!' bu p,assed tug
only Ink.. household expreuton, but into a nu
tiooal bout. Around his gallant corps clever cm
!minimums Loll a proud lama *nurturing as the
memory of the Government they served.
A few days since, Capt. Henn' B. Iliad, of the
3d Artillery, arrived 'at Jefferson Barrac ks, with!
rairety too men, the remnant of that boasted
• Baas Battery," from Santa Fe, New Mexico:
Their history, though we COO write it but impere
redly, is one of unmet Intereet, and one of the
many evidences of:devotion to thew country which
ibis gallant cores hue given. •
They were with': Gen. Taylor when he moved
forward to the ELM Geode, and served ender him
tbroogitont ttla cainpagn. They, under the gall
lane ainuold, participated In the battle of Palo
Alto; under Bidgely, at Berates and blonieref.
Their daring and efficiency on these occasiont
are two widely known now to minim repeitioh,
They were eons in the bottle of Buena Woe, tiff
der the then. CeptMo, now Lunt. Colonel Broge;
sad it is glory enough to !say; that their conduct
au that °cession drew from Oen. Taylor the cot&
mendetion' of • eiromg Us day." A prouder di,
more deserved eulogy could not be written upob
their banner.
At the close of the war, hewing eardinued in
field during its ettr . ionito us nee, and when ander '
the General'. ord the dill's...Unice:mar the atter
were ordered to he United Stater, there to r cs
calve •such indragence: and leave of abet eh, I
duringthe period of a year, al maylce compat;
with the good of the serVier,7 this battery, with
five companies of cavalry, were ordered to New
Mexico and Wreath. :The 'cavalry were labia.
goently sent to other diremines, and the Battery!!
performed the trip from the BloGnuttle to Sent. Fe,
At the close of th e war, abseil forty men Of the !
original c omp.,
: remained, tallt they were re.
crated to 111 vat:melee by deaths, expinyon of
service,ate. that at the time of marching they
numbered shout one hundred and fourteen, with
170 horses. It 11/11S then cousidered the fined and'
most efficient battery In do service. Oil their
unveil at the • City of Rol, faith,. they had
about 100 men and 165 boots. After spendirg
the winter (the severest eveihnown in that coun
t-IT/ in WI WY, destitute of clothing and other.
cenveniences, whiob, by reighlationa, they' were
entitled to, they were divested or their gains, sod
mounted and employed ae cavalry, and sent to
Taco, 'wham they were employed wine' the
Indians, who ware giving Much trouble in that
Pfeil troubles occurring in the country of
created and exasperated among the ignorant
and prejudiced inhabitants of- that quarter, by the
Mexican Commissioners from El Paso—but mostly
by a priest sent to invite immigration—the corn.
mood was soddeuly ordered there, .and garrisoned
in the town of Los Vegas. , There they spent one
year in the protection of the settlements and the
chastisement of the hostile Apaches, who for years
have robbed and plundered the .eumens. Curing
this time they were engaged in many perilous CM
pnditioes, and had been roost effective, so far as
their limited numbers and .means allowed, ;n re
'seining the Indrans. And during all the time they
have been literally subsisting upon their own veer
'ions and the seenects of their officers. The sup
plies, Sm.,' which they were entitled to,
and which were dispatched to them at Santo Fe,
were countermanded and retained at Fort Leaven
' worth, and thus they were destitute of every thing
bat what they amid manufacinre from materiels of
skirts, dre., procured by the officers.
At the close ofiftsr pari? honorable service—
, having served brillnitlyilnder Ringgold, Ridge's.,
Bragg, and Judd, this remnant of the command
has returned to this city, sekeleton of the original
company. A small detachment under the tom.
masa of Lieut. Eimununts yet remain, at Ira
Vegas,' denied the - prialltge of Murales home.
Surely, command whisk has so eminently dn.
Unranked itself, deserves some more lenient
treatment and cionelderolon from the Government
then this has received.
Captlana, having Inlffiled his duty to his coon.
try and his commend, and won the e opine se of the
whale country', :wheels hlicommand hu at times
been stationed, Totem to innate his eppropalate
command In Wawa regiment.
The remnant of Copt. Buao's company now at
Jefferson.Barraelm, is to feign the nucleus era new
battery, to be recruited, organized, and drilled by
their old commander, the Coronet. It will requite
time to AU the realm with.the proper men, and to
proctors imitable hems; sad erpupments ; but, if
the Government. viii alb* the time, mean., and
opportunity, thie will again be the t. model" corps
of this breach of the aerates Col. Beano has
been for pome tint. llMUOtlild St Jettersoa Barracks,
and Is, in soul and spirit, enlisted in the service
and the elßeienny of his command. We trust
that no °nitrates will tes luterpond to the re.
arganisailon and complete equilment and drill of
his command.
A WasinsWescup—A correspondent or a Dee
Molt paper describes a ivestere woman, whose
Cute of industry will doubtless be regarded as fab
ulous by many delicate ladle.. It teem. that du
ring the put spring, her husband having gone to
Calikanla, besides taking care of dye children
:the eldest a gtrltwelve years of age, and her cid.
est boy only rive years old, the youngest an Infant'
it the breast, she hu woven seven hundred yards
of ufinet and shawls, made eight hundred pounds
ample sup:, cut and drawn from the forest all
the wood the ihmily needed during the winter,
and chopped the :woe at the 'door, attending to
the a n and trading Omen miles from homo,
gab an ex feam,drising It herself, and taking all
the career them and ber : six cow, and eleven
sheep when at - kerne. Above ell, she ta only
about thirty fine pearl ofage,very modest end ue•
naming, and has an Idea that she has accom
plished anything more than any Mikado-us we •
mai may, - with onlinkry 'diligence and good
. .
How fa the world eta the hatband of nob a
wife aced
to go to CaLfotnia la *earth of wean,
Humor Wassat.-14r. Melte, a man of shoat
twenty Su, keeping a grocery store, ban seed
Miss Tappey, aged eighteen, ensued ae s seam.
stress Ina centimes's amity, for • breech of pro.
Wee.. The court hes decided that the lady • can.
not beheld to bill in this ' Attlee. The role Is
different es to men. Theoode uys that no female
shall be held to emul ens pt Wr I+llllll tipsy toper.
son, taunter or Property, The plaintiff conteh
ed that be habeas toyed Is all thee,* by the
wilful act of the defendant In violating bcrWm'
Ise, which caused him great *seri of mind, on.
dubs him for buisinut far s week, and so aged
gag him antea auto tremble loudness severely,ters.
Ifint thejudge 4411 Margiter - Alkor 45 "
FLU t r Cuttro-ron.—Wo are indebted to the • SBADDOCIMB T/TICLO. - ',' _ ..-
Charleston Mercury fix a slip containing the par. .laraimic divided late SeitkosiOr iguana Of Bra
titulars of a destructive fur which occurred there Li ..twil Co , ursix uremesd , ,e 4 loew i w
on the-morning vette all Mt. It commenced i o . luds of tta celebrated Braddock% PleLtl Farr 4be s
thettore of Messrs. Farthing C 0. ,& ondtheneeen, 0 . 4 1 .# 11.1 " .. . , os.:Uto P.!..0'0,5t,9", I.
. . Riser, ntoa m ules from the caw of Putsmingut now
tended 'owes' rely to the storeaof klessrs.K.elrey • 0,,. r w,,, .45... cu... 1 ..., i i ,f,,,,,,„,.,,,,s t suttstir
Fa Dees, Harrel, Flare do Co., Wiley, Hanle -& Co., Leung:' .•, ' . ..-u.;• . 2 V ' , 1
F. IL Flemming ti: Co., and Townsend, Arnold 8c This location I s adauraMY *led for curtly Inns,
- Co:, to the Westward, and to those of Gilliland & for. gardene r or .for a mualscamins dittnet. The
Howell, Courtney 81 Tennotrt, Hyatt, Mel:Sarney ..k . , cosatry,orouod It is healthy, prodoctire, thletty'
Co., and H." Heath di Co., to the Eastward . ib. .uke,. Abundant rappes of lambet, brisk .eiart
tool sad In n s , an on the once ad in
Charleston lintel wag for some hours in the most r=b,,,b,; Ti,,, in 1,,,,n, no,n, lately.. ai.
imminent danger. TbD entire lots of buildings and ~,,e a w , u s k, e ..,,,,,,, I. b.,,,,arsi 'sod renowned: and
merchandive is about Vit l 7, ooo , nearly all of Which • far v= and eombutakoa of atallnts, Is annOU
is covered by insurance.
The Charles:um Cburier of 30thult., estimalestha - ' Braddockli Flatd,in a few mouths, will' ha ascot
. losa at s:ropo to SIOO,IX/0. Abler:am Pinsborgh, over- tm lasting ;tamp
Wei. Alvewili by. see Monongahela Boer, steam
hosts almost hourly pus it,ar stop atilt% witruf.whon
. pee Penorylvanla Rail Isid,Which Is now being
%Tided, Is loomed thready through it. Bill% mer g e
it call ho molted In tweety sautes tiore,•froar the
city. The Pintharsh sad Braddock% Field Flank_
frotd,lor which the lumber bee istreantan too.
slated, faun one of ofstreets.',A'artve of an hoot
from the city on ILIA route trill lead to B.
Patrons writhing to porehate will hod me there
.tosiT,seasy. Thursday, and-Batenlay af ammo*.
Shut( Forsythe also, who now keeps a pahhe board•
log atm to the large Mick mention, will show the
. puurty at any taws ,Plans of ins Mould.; eau ha
eun st my °dice, corner of Wood and Pawl struts,
Pitubarsh, and also 013raddookia Field.... '
- ildif , - JAMES W IiUCHANAN
LON. G . AND 51101 T Dana.—At Berlin and Loudon
the longest day has slateen haws and a half; at
Stockholm, the !patent day has eighteen and a
bait bolus; tt liamburgb, the longest daylituir arsee
wee hatw, aid the shortest seven; an Bt. Paten.
burgh, tho longest day has electron, as the denting
Gee hours; at Tomo., to Finland, this leanest' day
has twenty one hours soda half. and . the dimmest
two hems and a half; at Wanderlies in Norway,
the day lasts from the 121 at of . May to WA of
lily, without interruption; and at Spitsbergen
Ma longest day is three months and • half.
Ancrrttra Charles t.wson,
or 395 Strand, London, has constructed an Instr.
MeDt capable of performing mechanically an on.
limited number of mueieot miropositions. It is
called the Arden/ton. The inventor in describing
it says:—"Though bean play no music of itself, it
can play any music that ratty be arranged on 14 sheet
of paper supplied mit, returning' the sheet uninju
red when the piece is done; to be again inserted if
ti repetition bedesired, or to be replaced by a• fresh
sheet, if another piece of music be required."-Front
the descriptions we have seen of this invention, it
appear to be constructed ,on the principle of the
barrel organ.
olacc.,last evening in Portsmouth, between Wm.
Wallace Davis, Esq., one of the editors of the
District Whig, nod Mr. Thomas Cocke, in which
the latter commenced the attack, and the former in
defending himself with a revolver, lodged two
balls in the bod of his aivailant. The wounds
are not au s. to be mortnl.—Prorfoll Ilerahl.
Commodore Slocki on has resigned his eoMnliSSiOn
in the Nary, with the view of attnading lOsoaao
large operations in California•
At Boston, during the week ending at noon on
Saturday, there were 01 deaths, of which 10 were
t New York. during the some period, the deaths
tooled to 2:15--rd this number,Z were by er,
ption, rind US were children under ten years of
Al Philadelphia, during the week ending on Fri
day evening, the deaths mounted to 171, of which
number.3l were by consumption. SO were trader
Mr. J. X. Humphreys, of the firm of Dutihl,llum
plireys Pe. Co ,ot Philadelphia, died very suddenly
"• o the si , tting..xi room f &mgrs. Hall. Hotel,
cityon Satunlay. He had jind taken a seat
gentleman present discovered an appear.
.e of extreme illness, and asked Mr. Humphreys
he wanted a drink of water. To the qua.
.ioa he answered no, and in a moment wag no
The police of Philadelphia have succeeded in
MiNking up a dangerous gang oF,counterfeiters..—
The North American says that seven persons have
been arctod, and several thousand dollars of spuri
ous bills, on different bonito of Philadelphia and
elsewhere, together with a large amount of well
executed counterfeit dollars, half dollars, quavers,
'and dimes recovered. The plates of the spurious
nolo, and the machinery , for manufacturing, the
counterfeit money, have also been 'mixed.
_ ..
•The Rail Road Journal states that at least ten
thousand miles of road will be built in the United
States, within the next ten years. Betides the iron
'required for the new structures, a ecasidemble
alumna will be needed for relaying worn out tracks
and repairing. Over 100,00 d tons will bid pqrchand
bbooany, which at the present prices will cola Bye
million dollars per annum. I ,
At Frankfort on the Main, Mr. Kremeberg, the
keeper of the menagerishwhile feeding a young by.
eha, which he bad so far tamed ns to make him he
I..down by the side of bit bed, was buten by the Kai.
00.1 in his tient hand. The wound brought on an.
immediate attack of hydrophobia, of such severity
into extinguish all hopes of the patient's recover.
ibg. .
i Can. Cooper, of the U. S. Naos, died on &tar
day morning, nt his residence in Brooklyn, at itt
igis of about 57 years.
Bishop Soule, wo are gratified to lewn, was
covering up to Saturday, from his late save
attack of typhoid fever.—Nasheilia; (Treittn
Dr-ATII. — We regret to learn from the
,Polumbut (GaSSantinel, that Mrs, Pierce, wife of
- the Bev. Dr. Lovick neroi,, died Suddenly, on the
14th ult., White engaged in household dotes, from
disease of the heart. Dr. Pierre. who is general
agent of the Bible Society in the State of Georgia,
Is one of the leading 'moister. in the Methodist
Episcopal Church. South, earl was appruoted
Pommiunotter to the Church North at us General
,onferenee In ISIS. Ile was abeent from home,
So attendance at the Geed - nil Conference of his own
Church, at lit Unit, when this calamity fell up.
;ca hits, -
The Coroner's inquest on Mooney,' the murdered
iPhibidelphia watchman, wrovelosal le that MI MI
- Saturday. -The verdict rendered by the jury Was
Ahat the "said Cornelius Mooney came to his derith
oh Sunday morning, Mar 21gh, from igen or pis.
tol shot in the bands of Patrick IdcWllliatus and
Peter Lobb." The teemed were immediately ar
rested and committed for trial. .
icemen net receipt s of the line of the Wash.
;iniston and New Oilcan* Telegraph Cum tran y,while
lin good working order are equalled at 510,0011 per
!monilar, and tlin expenses nl'o,ooo month.
'The iota' 11,01011111 of istock isaued is out for , from
'8370,000. ,
! _According to &tabular statement in the Et stow
;Railway Titnes,the total.receipG of theiGreat \Veg.
ern Ran Rood from Bratou to Albany has lacerate
ed7r00k57,566799 in 1842, to 59,$ 6,9.52 in 1849.
The net insole° of this meatus increased in tire
veva . from 5248,069 to 5755,483, or, teem 53,23 to
$7,61 per cent.
Wianrsts--rWillienn:Fmreat, well knotan is
this city, as a low commedien of high order, has,
within a few days, been left by a friend its, New
York, the Inge sum of t 5175,000. We, congratts
late him of this accestion op fortune which be
noble deserves, and which • he, 'Weil knows how
to take care of.—Symms:se, (:.Y..1".) Star. • '
It is stated in a prirate letter to as that discovery
ten of lead ore have been made to a considerable
extent at Grand Falls. Newton cmallY, inlkis State,
and that the country nronad for a great extent, to
quite as rich lo lead as the diggings about Galena,
Loris bud.
Have just received, larra addltiou to their
Deported by late paskeis from Iltrope, and to
which they would especially call the attention
of purchaser*, behavior 'Lehr very cine
ma sleeks cod low prima will giro •
entire eatiarection. ' -
Orlevatttuts DACOVTIT.—The Inventor' of Mc.
Lsoe's Vertmfoge banns disposed of his tight to We
great remedy, the proprletera,fdesars..fildd k.Co , beg
lees. tooter it to the American public •as the best
remedy foe worms eyes:offered. It has been tried In
all emu of the 0004'17, and to rases which had de.
bed the exertions of thd best Phisichibm, nod never
without the 11304 complete lance... We voodoo pa.
rude against delay. If year children exhibit the
epeeist:Ls of being troubled with winos, lose not a
moment, bet at once_ purchase a bottle of MYLane's
Vemailege, and thus cove them pate, and perhaps
their limos.
Foe not, by EIDD 1. CO,
Scald at glut root and Ankle Oared.
MIL Ittra—l am &gram of making known to the
public, the great of of your PETROLEUM In my
owner:me, which was 0 memo rieald of the foot and
ankle; upon removing }he stocking, the skin peeled
off with 0., and left nothing hot the bore surface. .1
expected to be laid up all winter front the effeeta Of
this scald, hot we applied the Petroleum .freely, by
=elm of a - flannel cloth saturated with it; at Grin, the
application was painful, btu le a very short time the
pain abated. I had not ain in cm boar afterwards.
In five days from the than of the applicitloa of the
Petroleum, I was obis to go to work. I late *Kann
in mentor them fame for the IMUCIIt of other colt:mem,
and as dertrons that they sheath be made public. I
would else Btlllo, that I Jed inunediete relief by the
use of the Petroleum, In burns, from which I am a
frequent sufferer owning to mt beide.a shout the
engine. I would mecannied it Oa the moat prompt
and certain remedy for burns I hire Ever known.
(Signed.) I 0 COE, Engineer,
. • Eh'atltsbargky 'Allegheny Co.
Snub:ugh, ApiMeta
Dor rale . by Keyser &hin Dowell,llo Wood street;
11 k Sellers,l7 WOod 14 1)14 Can*, Allegheny ally;
D A ID Mat, Allegheny; Joseph Douglass, Allegheny;
also by the ptoprielnr, B. h 6 MED.
arD Camel Dino, &Tenth st, gittebargh
Or Pittiburgh.
O.O.IIUSSEY. A. W. 61ARK8JIge's.
I.sea—No. 41 Water atleej, la the ware hogs° of O.
11. GRANT.
. .
PlllllB COMPANY Is norprepared to Insure all
hinds of' risks on houses, reenefeetanes, goods In Wire, and In trensito vessels, Le,
An ample gouge:, tot the &Witty andletegrity of
the lestlentlon, Is afforded In the character of the Di.
reason, Who ate all citizens . of Plusborgh, well end
faVaiably mown to the amsummity for their produce*,
jotelllgenee, and integrity., •• •
Thencrone—V. 0. Hostel, Wlll. Dagaley , Wet. Let
' met , Jr., Welter .I.losul, Hugh D. Iglu. Edward
licanelten, Z. limey, B. N oL io ,.
. .ap30,11 t
amprovensensts to uontliter.
DR. p. 0. HTl:A.Rred,lete of Denton, Is prepared to
manelf,neture and set Run tam In whole and parts
clears, open eteetlon or Atenospberie *talon Plate a—
Teetruscus ITaro tat TIPS straussa, where the nem is
@spored (eke end Prudence nest door to the May.
are omen, Fourth Sweet, Plitaborth. •
. Rens co-4.D. Il L tielta±len. P. IL Estee. Jul
'‘`, • Dentist. Cornet orrouttti
lee Mester, between
THE riu.,Ans UV ar Travels la
opals .0 Mimeo* in ItlltlrU7 David
Bog. Si . P. For No by
t ~G r+' !!'Fk CR ~.
1 Tamable Property frt . polo by AaoUoa.
ON- Thursday, Jane rOth, at a s leek, will she .old
SJ on lb. premnes, near Woods , nisi Rosa motet,.
Mop, five valuable you of land:o various Marl, oorn•
ye Islay upwards Of 20 actoklai lots tunable
for 'garden and other proposes; presenting a good
opportunity to Mow woo dare In obtoln a pleasant
coUlArr residence, being but a rt distance from the
clues,ned immediately on the It routs of tbe Beaver
Road: The location m eminerdly plan= and health.
fol. and the property is abundantly supplied with ox.
callow. water. Terms of saleente Mini cub in band,
and the bonnets in three anrtal payments.... . _
o= :y r :Pallet:olft ter ni' =.: l l f aVePry !.
on tee premises, or at tins eente, of, Rost, 11. Many.
Allegheny city . . t I u . . .- 't L
Also, at the -same time, will le' offered for into,
dine Lots In the Mr; of Allegheny, two ou-ahe cornet
or Beaver and Seaweed so. having . PO feet front by
DO key te au silty of l 0 feet behind. Ode curb aumelof
them lots Is already sad and one lot on BampOrSVSS,
LaMar SA feet neat by EU fest Tams of aide. the
same es above. , , WILLIAM LE.0171•
lerndtd • . , blown Rope. • ;
• - .
Potato Sale of lima
THE undersigned will airman' to sale by public
vendee no ovary, on Tuesday, the 11th day Of
HID. instant, - ot 3 onloek, t. oh All the right, title,
and interest at
nod Cowin; In the bends bs
guee, of, In, to Leis Ht.s. Ott, 207. and late,
Wsraer, Painter lion. Rion, in Allotheha ? Sty,
situate nest the earner of Ham end %Pelona streets.
oral yots,ll - .0 end Ye; baso'each • (rent on Hain st.
oral trey and extend in depth lOn feat to Carpenters*
• leyond lit feet La 'Maya Lot No. Mi. which ex
tends back ICO lees to caryeateria4lley. Hold Lots
hese erected mon forte brick Owen.' tume.... • -
Bole to be made on' thei premises. 'Perms made
known ors day of gab, • 0 ; 0 LOONIII3, Assignee.
Pittaburgh June 1, 1630.-4e7idid
SEALED Prop:nude will he received tithe oXce of
the. TMlittrefi Allegheny city,. till Taembry, the,
h WWII, far Grlding and to Wales ACM
Irmo the cut ade of Festesel guest to the watt Mee
of the East Commons: nneoldcollohs of. the woek to
be seen It the orders atlas Treasarer. •
. GEO. tawrimasaciEst,.
•• .:• JAE. AlAltaklALls,
Tefi P atS4Com.. .
LHAVLS-131 Grua Ore mid
N - •
INEVEH add Its Ilemalem vrith w seaman of •
clan to the Chaldean Christiana Of Kardistaa: and
tan l'asldle, or Cara Worshippers: and an' Ingaby
into the mannoia and inror the ainelant Anytlana
By Auxin Ilenzy,Layard;Eaq.,ll. Q. L.. Foe ocee at.
Book Siam not. Market& Ttdrd sta.
...Isl. Peet, Chronicle, & .lUnerinan, COOT.)
11731EREAS, LI have Ma day eonathsted and
Vif pointed my brother; Cyrus Bleak, of the city of
Pittsburgh, my /Om; tummy In feet forum W Per
ens, Vamooses, having any haseal alum* seal= me,
and all verso. notated to me will Please call on him
and eetlb Melt aceonals, no knelly tatberimd
to attend mall beaus trannedona r U. oral
be hated at his atom, main aide of the Ilisannektitls
harsh - • 087311e11 CAROLINE SMITE
q 6 urctom PAPER MILL 6 , Steabenialla,
Alone) at PS Wood street. 7
FWI DRAWING . BOOMS—GoId4 Cluunnio,,Pude,
and Plant Wall Papa, recent:7 mcelved by
laT W P steasuaz
OOR COUNTEEL--Oileo long with eh.ol
top, for sals bj, ECOUONMAILERk. CO
je7 IN Woods • •
PAPERS nu 1i5137 Incites. on kand
14.44. 4 . 4 Di'. A 11•KNOLJAH & CO
JO • ' • 711 Weed st •••
o_l2.t.gitlP FAMILY IdEDlClNES—nnorare the . I
Pad etedlelms of the dn." , • .
GrehamStation, Ohio. May 25,1642.
It. E.Selleto—l Mint itright,fes Limbo:milt of othors,
to suite some Dots in ?elation An you excellent Fe*
I. have used your liccutifege hugely Is my owe
family. ems vial Crequtaitly. expelling large queetides
Dee 100 to 200 mom') from two children. I have
else used your Live r;rlll sad C OO 2 ll 8 1 ,9 P 0 .
fsmily .d OCT Lime, in e'er/ ittna , "; Pr9dU.Q
Al 1 sta opened merchsmilshte,l am tibia Co
Bute, that I hews yet td hest of the Ant Dilly, where
yam medlemes have Men used in say metiers tif the
e moan, In enseinstea, I may slue tau they nos the
medicines of the day, end are destined us More. 'ere
extensive popularity% Yoga., 74•41Tral y
• - prepared sad nab' bi IL E. SELLERS. NeTS Weed
street, and sold by Druggists generally It the two
ales sad vicinity. it?
War Sale Clump.. • '
MIRE handsome baggy, entirely nem, Goa steal
IL/ brawl sasnorsotanr at the east. Abe,
del phis Walt second !mod Balky, la goal order. Ea•
awe at this saes. . lea
• To Lai: .
17 Datil:wales M, a Dar tutt7 Awaiting, slate
roof, with bath roontogastatants. aad afros. Aptily
to Jeti.dtf HITIRY WOODS, Pane or Weter ao
• Peace. Ntatlttsead. ,
rrlll 8111138OINFIt.88, will. sell Kniprsit's" belt
quality" sod 411 t Oluoi sad Soo Makers'
Soda Ash, warranted sseeetor w soy other brand t
31 betels quantity of b tensor speraids for verresal or
appeoved Notes, at toeu. months, 0051 for • leo luso ,
• Merl see t.
Motleo to CoistrlitoVlN
101109113 ALS will be received until Thursday, the
NA instant, tar grading and bridging chat cordon
of the Pittsburgh' and Braddockstield Plank:Road
from the ally lino Ser'Walton lot,above the all 0110
. •
Plans and specillcallons *ill ho einibited, end in
formation given by: the subscriber, al the office of lf.
Woods, EN., Nsdy Agent, for (nor days pravioas to
the letungs. •
By resolution of the Board of Directors, dated ll*
led:dat .. •
:Wall PApir •
ljEl. 47, bIARKiT 811LEET, between Mid and
roonh wee% Plualeatitt, Pa • TIIOIdAS PAL,
/QM would relpectnilly call the attention of Ida
Mood, and otattooten4 to hit trete-at aatensive and
general stock of merchandise. It will be tenni to taw
Raperevery d :stiletto of Mac Lean and French Wall
raper and Horton tot Paxton, Llano, Pining Roomy
Pod Mambo" Ccotottn4 loom 444
i rZtg (ton
teats to Id • ptoo4 do Val 4 div of Otto
and quintet tan hardly fall to nil the elteenenano
sod twee. et pafebasera lobo may: favor With their
Pn_lrt._....ae_the old tatatinshed atand Alastet stmt.
~. • •
arid fuirsadoeWilnefet i f
Read oesspasky. .
Etoeltholdeft ant hetet) nettled that, the
j Board of Managers tome throated fullostalmont
of five dollars pet *haze, to be peek**. ina:T, ,, PP..."
oh or Went the Strpt day'ofJueidiattint:
ItOlSfeirr WNW;roilint.
sunius - aniteacianzwr.
• -
BEn.YEA, surirs may, AND ousouw
The DOW fed 11th draught steamer . YOUOMOGNE I
NY will make drily : lupt between Pittsburgh . and
ONsltete. Ohtani, eseeptsd,) leaving Gimpy a [ '7
A At, and Pittsburgh etP.M.
The Yoe, biogbeny ts bat tg Inches &Waste, and
age be relied on as • winter packet, dustsheet We
sexton. For freight er purse apply en betel, or to
jro , BIDITT.LL, Agent
pu c l o. Arti—tegks la s j r i au;dl,ajtiri.a..,
DAWN—{auks ‘' our • • am, • I
10 do ' do Bboaloa, lost received
and for sale 1.1 la. A. HUTCHISON CO
T"! PITCH, ANUMIN r i . .•
101:0 bbls .Piteta; ,
bbls Rosin, In COTO
tale bt lee
rtf. TURPIiNIIIOI7.IO Eel, In eludes order, for
CIO 3.1 s by WI • BILA I IThl RE= 11.
L lN it tl e D 01.1713 - 6
foe :111 N
" mu
- - - •
o o rto VARN ,, 1131178 roehl mad fe_r_pglol ,
, BRAUN tr. WA. b
4 '10A.011 VARI9SII-2b , tasge u vago i va i l
IJ OM* noKOoTertament
D. LOCKWOOD, 14 Tomtit *trent, yobilsti
Jdiyithe Mani Mitts of Gramm:ol4mm.
I &led intin the Fretlell Of, by 11017 Saber,
At. DI n One 'al, la . : Jgg '
- • • INMW Pl/811011T191111. , • •
, ,
FlerairarL•Ninevair, Aryria, and Syria, IS ma:
.Erman—Truclo in Siberia, f vols. IS mo.
Beam—SlX months in the Cold Macs, 111 me.
Taor—Eldorado, Soot. I mo. • •
Heli yl toy—Otalalso o !tem l pt Boot, limo.
mgoasy—Pointer Drltodons, f vol. II am.
Th c aaa.--Drr b eau ardold,ol. 1;13Mo.
Hamboldt—krOr Malmo; le me.
White.—Univataal tilstory, If an. '
Saaw—Bullish 24aratara,12 me.
7 voli:e
Campbell—Una of the Lord Chaneollors,
• •
Anatol—Ancient World,l2nto.
olmon—Danlenses of trardoluor,s2
Bll—Tka material management of enlldeen t ls
POl sale by JAB It LOCKWOOP,
• le! Bookseller and lmporier, itM Fouth 0.1
blowgun& Cigars.
ItIST RF,CEPIED, at tabotiy streerobo
V louring celebrated brands of (masa Ilanoa Q
uart: —Presodos . Plaßletloll Regattas . , the ben Cagan
Import:4 . , tad but ramlytoolwitb hurlusbutulu
N guy, extra NottoNoblllus,
Lag IMMS- • '6l, • -
La Norma
• El Loon DI:No do
Nspoleou Joy
Jasto ban • rn g°ll ; 46 •
Foy; Gruolas • • Mun i ;
La, Vlebta , dui
. Old Zack '••
' Kouuutb . _4l
biro; kobLusbnui eitia Camara Tobacto,!ou multi
rholesibu and ratan by • '
A bleat.l36o 6 CO
- - • POW An:4V Sets ,
ON Mande? afternotio, Jane lON al3 o cl
be wild on the premises, Alio veyy Meltable lam of
'inland, create on Second Wised, between Penryeuset
end Redoubt Allay, bailing e•d• • ••• 1 • 1 • ° ( "to"
extending back TX feet to an allay 10 feet wide, agree
ably wilt, plea ofJahn E.+
Tame, one Ilqa emi t amides In leM equal mental
payments, Willt imam.
P M DAVO, Jaunt
nt Tour. z. Tv. se. iii';2
goy llporteta fir thi.mixkit;ef
Jul. ! *WSW'? 4111101100 Pal tit gadlAilhr
A *Zoos. We vlogrill t, top talypbec of the
Mo.* e A ctObrlac liftai
d.ifilde, both glass and soap
maker.' epsaraj sad IttetClest,vattek`ther ten
wu the lowest market pato, for cash Cr approved
Mita; • •
MT. In addition io the above, they bite or-Ireful
onfootenta foo arrfrator the fall trade. • • • .lob
A ell SEXrPfI4 raLE5,.3.5 00 foot lindlia Ira .
XL fat WO bY n " BEItrIAL26LI. L W i
b l y ing f_ro .t
D m. ALz steume g.Ka4,,,.1:.
004.111 e kapott !nee in , esil! , 1.111,170 1 , fir
-fitw" . l . l 7: No. I,l9LibanY itr;c:11:
Annual. itillanfr-431•11111i37: 013;113
rIE Around Ewan - of the ClOorgara
AlleglanyZemetery tro At IDA caeca t O h e
Ground. rational:A - F. o e Elh of Jrnraiii.4.l ;i
eclat, p.. 11.01 Ataticriuse, BULIMebt
Win be tear, arA A DMA Of Moorrers circulator the
curare 'ear:: J. FINNEY, Jr4eureoT.;
, The followlor person compose Itor Board_olcoxpr
rators,—Di..l. - E Finer "iY. Eat ' 13 1 7 ;; 3 .
Howl; .forn E W. SirPbelAh T. A. D1A4 13 4.
Dr. 111. D. tkilers. F. Laren, Com Areat r i.lL Shore
',truer, , Mrs, Jacob Palmer, Jiaon Darrell. Henry
Sungari E. B. Cariett; EirAlunua,
Itirlacr Denny; R. C: Eder, 0. W. hicribv,.. =ea.
Brewer, Wilson 111 0 Crodless. Geo.:Ogden,' P. Wear
sairk, 3: 73.1iKord, Bob'. °n" Ds .
Irwin; 'Jerre
Darrthers A. Culbertson:Wm. Ifolluer; C. , f pang;
13: W. Poinarstrt; C. 13,, a Bradford, And J. Fumy.'
Jr. . .
711 th; .Tips °fat Golden .llarp, Third 5f .
• ' tiAs 4wst - itEuEiven ,
The Lord's Preyer.• (beautifully embelli•bel)
-Oar Pahl 'Men Fondly Plighting; (optria Linde r ) as
nag by Mad. 131seseemail. • - ,
• Napellteine t ew wing by Mad. Biseseeianti:- •
Pin Queen of a Fairy Used,' , •• •• • .• •
illayStlMlell, shag by Mad: Unwire's..
assang !Cu Malt. • :
Wheal, as nag bymaa.llllelieelanti.• •
Cali nieemt.astons. •• ;
Piper of Deaden. • • '
Yes ere we met I was kwer.
Cie •
Wedding Webs. ' .
•• Sylph Weittes. •
Aimee Mose Pelt*. •- • • •
• Prise Polka. tee.. a;
ARAIL - PH AR supply at Blast da s sad (army col.
*red B{llis,}ast stollsed" by elptess thla toomt
ing u nor* out Gamer of Fount,. and Mutes sti
MURFRY & 1301ICIIFIELD selL , . _.ein7am
and Berme M- 13.1..•1nca at - cab' J2.7Ptiont.
omit cut tuner of Fourth and blatket atc. jcs
BLACKBILK LACES—LYtra wide' medium' Oh
narrow srlotrultor Laces of beat quality, lust net
arid for sale at Northeast earner of 'Fourth arid Mn?
ter omega led • - MURPHY- dr BURCHFIELD
lAtri;il,,N22l"Ziti.',,Var:mrrXiM b ='
For by - W 511[1.11iELTKES. •
latterty meet.
FIE,P.BALIATUac.u.'II,= , 'O7 , ti"t
ILO Colton 66W offer - their. hap
Germ or T•lion , . Trimmlogo. Voitloto,: French_ and
Germinal:4s, DoeskloLeuemerez,&n,o.t &goon.
AEleetion Intl be held by the IneekhoNem of the
Wlillecorport Bridge Company, nor nubile
hone of Mary Widow in Monoepthellar Cny, on
Monday, the Nth day Jute next, et 1 o'clock, for
the pagans of claming, to Feted OW year; Berton
illtugc.l2 sad one %ventral:
: • JOSEPII WILSON, Trellitrar.
. C.471t41 t7I to k CO
te r itlt h, oles o; edir
, - casts Bacon Eide - ••••
• 3 casts S adulator;
ligasks }ism%
I east assorted Muds;
. 1 374 . ditseopaa;MI A sta sillacrir i
Nova loabtfeatictiiie
IRVING'S Muddler. 9 Valabf.e elf cloth. Wm?.
J. Tallaes Eldtrrado. 9 vela. Mao. 1 ,- f .
Ireitle. Works, endplate.' 14mo. ,• cloth a. Id eblf.
Devalues lAbasearre Gardening. Ova. ;
• Deml c a Frail Trees of America. 14mo.
Salartala rely: Erne • •
Cbapm American Dravrbeg Doak. 3 Noe,
floviettald Wardv. , l9ekent. Not tut 13. •
Weale9dltadimertal (darter. 18aut. ' .
David Cappettlekt..vol I. • Ilaeo; •
For vale by . LablEdl) LOCKWOOD
• jet I • - ..191 Fauna et
W 007.4 , WOOL t
T a tt E te l =t a risde
ket . en r t i etsli, will be pall for
- • 9 & A.A.RBAIJOII
. .115 Pint st LIN Seiteedet
F.n tra-lt° .11°";1 13 d itaatit i on
Carole 41
cs • hatv.nivrtor raudreauv •
}al • •S/4 W. HARIIAUtiII
18 WI. do . fOrrae • -
*a • • • - . 8
S "l.--6°
NOI Sabyy rbe'di 'anew , obi by-
.1.4 .E 1 N.IIAHBA1:1011
Ch7.1 1 " 11 m 6 "" c,reQ• frA;lAbilon
• • • • 110ameholla Werds,
o D. LOC6AVOI4) has just reed. Dickens' Ilomi
VP hold Words—No.l to & des
Xr ''' X'•' GLASS-500 boxes named wine, in
prima order,ter pale lg. JOAN WAIT &
/ea • .- erty insect .
Ull,-5 bile pnmeon nom ferule 14
UTE enter not Imo Collet %;71fere,weitoltuntklog
VT about Bharat. of C hnM. importan t . Lugo
Capital, Moneta for Cash, &ea reek we wiil not
bombes in an; manner or fon*, we lawns, the
y0bb0..., compare opr Teas wan mrttal Limy parr,b.ue
OlseVite/111; Ma Is the best method we , knot! to-ewer
tans woo Rene the beat and etteatteet• Tees so ?Atha
berth. \Ve are now eellion • • •.- • -
Good and strong Tea 1140 and 50cent:roar lb:
A prima —•—•••—••••• • 75. do -• do ! •
' ' The beat Tea imported into the U. Stave, St ,
Low, ptleedpiarateed,wr inferior Totowa do not
keep: • • • • MORRIS & HAWORTII •• • •
..7 Peoprletora of*, Tea Market, •
te3 tide of . Dtantend. • • t r •
101 , ITFAIPIIISR 6 - 0017iNGiTOVEIZil
ease, .15(7 each, by , c o!tliri:r.
q1 .7 .113E914—L50 Dz. prima new Ctecre, melted
a lio Batter and illti!eur fortials
I )OTATOEfk-ISD •t ~
Ll , N i f e rr!
. 1...710 , !aL" . a pace inlet female-bi
.FIE PRP" YAM -46 bri.rst e r fint
N E 7- MACMI P I ,
El 7N2lll l 7ara i rCCs
Je3 Canal Basin, Palmas
SA rarstitg=to - isiA „ . l uipao i r r tue c r
Nara Elva sts
~° i"°`sel~iiDic'~`sv'sco
GOD FIBLI oaltund, for ago 'by
T.I KD ICYa7ILF Fu" b '
C= -4 "41911ZINNIeckr
AM! tGREABE for bale by
° 1 " """.'!`,IIMATI =rare co
' ' able pr medicinal pi RANDY '
nie rr icsal :Th e ; n o, y
b e and Brandy win
bought in Portmralmod Prance y enrseinca, and Inn
inaranine Mena mane.,
01/1..f0r solo lir ; o quart, urallina or
Es banal, Jes ..11Q146115& HAWORTH...
fi.h, to
V calved kr tato by • J SCLIOONMAILE &CV,
ja - . .34 Wood in
V7.6piA . P . E7X- 20 .. team
.y . r 9.tcelt(or- a r x) l iv 2a
• ' neOttikt , '"
Thud wee, oppuo, tha p.m ociec'
IMIII7 oll'andeatia," l 4 ThKetenLY — imt
omet and.tila by rflublqui.
bymr—e.omplete.. •,
.Rose Fatter- llfßeTnoldi, voIIL
..The War ofAVoinut. By Damns.
Itosten Ethaksp!
BY Clawr. '
Diellorouy of lictiaale..-
good Boolett for Stamsator !loading. 1 -
011.11 Y &Borg. 2 vedo ith o.
;fano Eyre. 12ma. ; •
flellCootroL:.l2trao. . .
Views Afoot. IYmo.
FalrfafsTasso. 1400
ElLfiy Jesuit 1111 salons In Nardi Amevlea. 121tes
Pae.frille.—The Arran cod other Poorsr..4ltems.
'Beton. from Italy-4'lllmm; limo.
Letten. 12mo. ; • " I ;
Halrtitona. 2
to 192t0. ; ;
Kit oshlayo. temo ' • ; • . !
- Ths Bachelor otshe ;Albalry.. 'l2mo.
The Image of his Father—illustrated 120t0.•'
' Alratyliar a Legend. ;For BS le by
by 103 Fourth Kraut. • ;
. .
Ca KETONES end Retain. By J. T. Madly.
Tbe Wecum of the . Acserlemt Resoharoa. By
Mrs. E. T. Eller.. vela:
Ataeslt or the Hamm arra... 7 1 7 a. Ombra
The Baled Fatally; or the Trihla of a New York
Seamstress. By Charles Burdett.
- A tem copies or each et the shave marks received,
and atista by JOHNSTON it erocirroN
• 47 Market street •
Fast. learns!, AMetieart, and Ohrettichiirmay.LL
115 ACON-4000 lbs bog round, lost reed !pi gale by'
.D 1 sruAa'r k TALL.
,u — rirHoie
ja _ art:mu tr:Eutt.,
8 1100518-10, dos !..dar u ..24.1:4 1, "
11 - 15T - Ull - - 3 euk. P d F e ' t am'
L.UN-13 MU' of the .uest quality,
47 for sale at the Wag Storeceoreas et Sixth *ad
qy,, i xi wee', . • N 3, , • N WICKSASH&M
Zj OLLAND nett • • rriargagsztrra , gataaa:
Al a , a , * a'lle l ° dn '`lt'M AIdCLUItO &
' Men, a
moat Jui reed, farAale b,.
vs*r on;:t6o7iiniii-grarifir7
PSEED-10 .1 Jest real,,and for ackrbv ,
• - • ~,,,• J.KIDD l.oo'
P2O 0
13 b;l:Grb:rp-n •
" 20 brit 112100100, .010,
1 ! ' "I n ttiPatTi l igle ' 2 l 4 2 l l C l 4
-*WO 141 Liberty st..
R41:314 -GO qT Ins; IT,T R ;
100TATOES-1 50 bashalilng rear,
751» Nahum:4k, AuAced and fixt
by mina DICTN k 1111rATNCIIE
P '.''.Vl -, 'G' TES
Ttri* ,,, E. D ,,,,, bi „,„ g bcet , ad ,,,,,,a....rbiegf liNiroved Iri i illibe: i ptincipat s)°s in Near York '
rid Philadelphia, are DOW *freed id raisaufacturrsiisaachialim;, ship sanths,,, stelliis.immog,..,„
meal'—s. article ia Inn for eintingogenon .
l ii. " We i mat i. ' — s . W s. ober :' mei' helot — ased;riniattalat" iii Thew-cowry 6-1119tr' .
„_ ... .sitel . _ rykol.l . _ilo, ~„"Y 0..,..•..,", diL mi . br oiewpasting sorer
iron to be ertki.arklar relibill , l'il , ...Vag
'Y'' . .. w iii .be 'P . " yi- m . .,_ i'i11',....'" , , , ,„, a„..•- ' cot tkA thread coin of the solid -iroa, without,. ntitsingiit ,in the lean
*, PiTnrii Pr , P.r... n r .." ''''' a r dim oG work—and Iti their satipilcay 'and little liabil i .
laitheir greater durability, rapidity, 51 Pt! .-, . , .
ito get pad order. i
... nitwit, the ita taloa ofinits De P.. .irV
: { G l atral.Pattat sirn ikrr eintirginnatoselt nirliFiutei
Having been triO4 intim of um bates arsenals, and
finata to rg , atlinisst aria ezetlient ,
. A. TeA.ccTr, t:01 .. . onii., ~.
• - • Carting :
—. • . Pattaviunla, .•
r .
ti - tri eerily we tem P m t 'Ana.
flatei lba Apt at snag - Ma Paten.l... c ha.p.,
tlogtatta. , Inswopini.Nbis I ! . ttA vita, =Ai
:(or id any othrm ..rate4 .4 7 .
viapnita at CqUini p pIOBIUS
Having had P W Gates' M a eta / Nee tvgd,6
ea tahliehotent for the last Was months. for
wad Flo
t olts, Nes eon In every teareet Man!.
the hlghentenaa, a: we have. Wenn
they being no far au friar—combining thug
neut. cheaper than entettnntr....tVippece:t CO.
'''''n !...7lWetflet Pia
.liadre 6 'Cell* "het va have ponelmed the fie.
6do e, and adapted - In out bletnew, w than .2!.1
tent Below Venue, which wo wetly vom74,
eta de wash wow woo, end we Deeded II t.
'pato In durability Ind peeelehtetev tutee se teuatll
of labor .. any , dies IDR TABICER
Pliunnitlitt,ltthrventhteeth P.ILY: ..
-- • - • , Nave Yoas, neg. 10,1$111. •
Having adopted P. 'W. Gatee vPonent Lino
. 10 ...... eat
~ucmt° r""'" in Z Y drarne ' tgriz
to TQII-F,,°J.P,1;1°,g,,e„., fv , vice!' . S L Y
" [lakeht nee for rtanltlf het' ^,:.•
• I A .1. it ezcon
~., • , , ,
-- . - ' " • _ ..
We Imes: P.:W. Gwes i oPment WWI" for erndOr
ereers t . ondrisereennessi of . using Ovals , so mth
that Sire leek uponthem as ladi.P6ll4llß
biet,o teen estastistanern: haring ant Unennth rtri .
IC eWIb eat 'Pi celg_libUCK, OGDEN is:CO, ,
. .
~ Chumstns Orrms,Wsinthrarrc. Gar ElePt, , irk •
I have puretmooduf. Wll.-Bermine, .u.
for the ilerthd
Bums, um risks to sae In sir. the sumnsth ssd4 4.
Valuable and eztenelve Water I: Ortr.r ,
• ' • let on favorable terms
ravimeriov co ,
_si c zert,;uo__
J. now preporedlth les. the %Vete I tirAr;
IL''''''''4l,6lVtentlen is ,blsed
hundred win of. Mill ..a
Dr . ; - me isp . reSlriZ d sid h Llrthe T he
Vje d o( the "white filierisswell as tbe ,i ranst i ng e oa r.
be readily (welshed we' thos Pouttll' di t .,„ mid of
iron,ore, std "'dr to t h e ' ' 4 " *e ' a * sten thnnistl th e
soperior ges.rity, Fen erarrf Prue ; .
"' Tawas-0 ' ri.u"nOOlniedrid annann:_for_atser:,
ar enfnelent to propel I single toner othio,
oat stones, for a period of bitten ( Tegl e =„7l
right anneal' ',lathe endradon ,;_ _
fur uonstion of the power euPlPKon•_,...°
et 4s r ~ r ...t:
prig or meonseetory lnelwde
Cro'lbe."l4Pa'r. 'Bl"'FrirkgllTßlb4.. F.Lut
PrerldelU of th e W.N .
ncci~va~ 7e., MaL
oßAcCo—ia kegs Geak. Bio. 6 Mb
.rid fat %ie. by locum; a. X.IRKPATRIGIC
- Posen , '".-9 (Sll7&re t t s- t fe
• ' 2A bags POULtOefr Ite'g Pee B—•
w e ll's Live, foe sale lois, to tiara essabersonne. I ST
• v•- •-• ;ABIOS LZELIe.
el UM Mb&Mottled, fat .e. • •••• • •
4.31" It 2:•• ,••• At3CH ai CO •
neleiiVetrit brulci-Vit
lutl_Lbr • • JO-.—ISC-1A1C"1"13
.turptAcr LOGWOOD-3) bx. fm We;
.1"007774.A1iCF11 CO
i*" rite mrd IVER'I3U,-1 bri pare rc
i n sy 5.v. s
‘"" bs . b Y. 8t {P a
.1%31"1:3.r: i;
MIWORESB abbe Ninon . .. Porte?. Bvo. -
Bit Wodale•Pviee Aide Pioniretqae; thrO;
Shiner) Wort. 800. •• .• •
' 'Woods' Prse neon Manse on Rail Roods:: ern
• 'lne Philosophy of Mom Nature. • Enro...*
. A Dictlimuy of Aroblteenfre...- eve.
. • Anton:aural Magoloso, flgo.
Ppborims azd Reliertlona poet Bvio.
.. • '..Compbell'es Poetical - Warts napes Mot. BM ;
~ .,i. :,/ e l nalsb o tv Sem ., vug. ,
, B.:Warettortag.s-stor •
ror. i k uuo,..ll.fearedb7
1 u 1 PtaPotl7 For Darien's , . onquirsor
' :1161.11 Wog& stree { Caasde loabret'd for'aity
by rnat • • STUAWT it. BILL
lITAVING been annoyed far some time by yange`of
ILLmoseltiertees .beys, Anlaring the sluneberjrand
fruit, ow-man the swings to the violation of more
P t . " 4" P t:l=4 'l' l °li iferce i llit
tir l e=relic ' e, for If gen% which he recelteli stn
the sateen se ason la cents In re &polo:tents. 'Family act ,
eta aor the will be.farnisbcd by the onlaielar.;
The rolonnb null be lernahed with 'lee COstris, I
Praise, and all the delicacies et die 'season.
; The garden steamer, Hope No a, leaves the
lindina tiVlbegiallthir of oath hour ot the day itot
Cbangeablo lUD Illharar* r . ,
IirUBPIIY & BURCHFIELD hare ree'.l a hind:
Iy&aereis assortment of aborts geode, of draintllio
&ger. • - • • - . •.,.111718
NO. 107 zsbers*.! •
follaoilog frost; 1'051414 reedit&
• • Irr bozos extra ^da"
• • • 1751.11 bozos do - do," • •
1. .• 100gaszter bOzes • din ,•
2O ken 011 A Rimer ' •
20 half hers 41,5
" 150 lulus PftlensoftlrisrO 4 ,;,;
:150 bozo Bieity Lemons; .• .
eases Sitily Ligon/or
dozen Baled fAk i (
. rod bozos gaoled lllmog. ,
' 50 brs White;& P.l RNA Coo.y
.1 . 11 CANFIELD'
l b 441 ' e ' •
bits Laren
• ap ell, Bruit ,
po _ ,
ats's can ted
Vl:reill 7 Pl=s
; whist
P Nati;
U .
IScOl.heLt et Noir,
bura.s.b d
o; attShelled do; ,
au,dies .12Ie Per
Ail ; 00 , ~„ed inyip the,COUntri,
4,11 oast of
P 187.44`ni
..Martt "
J o st Atm Cetera or Common Plead Cf
"a'N the Cue of &Withal= Ofetseillltil and Penn,
sythania flo o d Ce=pany, for the tight OCtlOy,
No 7tls,Jana It 2011830.:
To the boint or donates of non= Brad And, ddl
canted. S'oanta hereby notllled, that the Ohio and
penasylethla 'Ralf 'Read CotatiVadre taken and
appropthited, for th e Wet their tead,the
lag deseribed portion pC the land beloming to said
traction in Oelo Teeputhip, A;leglitoptAthaT, Pa
viat—Degtobing on the - I,thrat - boa of
and met al a
distance of All ft frota the Centreline of Old, tall road,
,thetlCO running along rho line of mid troth tottarde
the river Soft, thence 673 deg - 05111'n: ChS5 feet, te
the ,thther 'aid train, thanes along the apPeT
lion of cold tract nonberarAy to ft, th ence N . /3*es
c. 5 liSfeitt,l4 , lllll Vacant beightatlng. Can.
wain 6 acres 1 rod and 8, ptheldis. dtheriPlA4
and Until dfiehlek ta bled IA the abate can.
..tymaibraler - -Pita o.'e'P. ILA& ;
- 4 .3Etlaciitizaaseous
• Aqin tu
Nobl e ati
Deeds or AY-464.auttomb oactut.llton ery; Lust • ••• •-
.-4,• ' .
Iterotnes the Ahriotary EraLerytive; - '
Iliteaublr• Ilimary of &gland..
• Milialies Gibbon , Rime, 12so. . ,
' The t. BYTackerirtau. pitiack " '
,Goillecelll4lliseeliatseave iymku Mar. limo
"," -211,11VotkiF of Lecntstd Wools, D. D. , S.ce.
.Ttlen Pant. lend. •
*.gleftnert.,PlßMS. . „
aildenield !."
Importer,• 20t Fourth is
WAVH.t.-. QuiMisel. nal:Mama far • eby
konSUOI..—,IO bTle Alcatel eolandilarsaleby ,
DurAblir CI caste prune quallty fet
store; and Nr , wile by g SELLERS.
u'' '‘ °° '1'91(2.81111143
mar 08E, PINE-1 bri stiktly tau tee , dorrat
Kle for gala tor: ma Ja It B SELLERS.
Gaya prima It{o,CoffVrittria4
tilk.ll2lr 8
e leer bYs prime, lest re ekl, - NIMEW
DACUINE 7 AtiAtii Ihs Sanaa hr oldand rnnr,
..I..nand rot sa . 8 InIV
.y I.Bo,4lFnie inifta Ints, In earnfor tale 67
5m727 e kiABIJAUGH
&adult We by 8& NV WittinUOH
IllkODAOCiror.:3 hhdn Onin - artSjeckl,knd
" • B eeood at
.10 . 161.1u016-30 dy cora liroo6ol site by • •
z 00 7C 2 30116:07001
IrD4OOl/I_ , 1:-80rlitideiVineyli NI t, 600 , 646 by
• W a JourtsTaa
11)FIX`116.-quo tabs Napylez — eamb,buror )600b4
.I)from cisme, Eapkraxes. for sale bY
(jUrtil, Velt6ll6ll-6 Ws but rolllot Ws by •
60 Wood
V .Unl-19 burets Alin, lot Aude - '
Avue 6. 01 1 ; 4 , col
GRRE,rB SCIWCI.I SNUFF—GM /On in bladder',
ing% [(newel, nod fee We by Y-KIDD k CO;
xt r uuo wrzun• • - Pe. • • • a
epaalsk Pesass,"aseoriad bazds. . t t.
tutyltit PIeaILLPI ROE
'LTT poriroitubY lka ji zsitL ,;!
t 29
ivni26 4 ftillYskot eau !
tatti;gbda by • ••••
• ..• reed td e r itd fe; lullaby;
rac ti- 7 . 1, 41- r - Lvtatlrtsorr:
CO Wood et' 1
1h.1111,0 1 1 BOA RDS-aata, suortaaAambara Stu
t o , pkaderh-Chambaretait ISlMlltaatar*,
,for sale by altat? A' CAILISERTFON
51513051 D 113/1211.P1/51011.
% , 5 :GOOD tdalloturg itinerotle,llottoTei,' 4_l
ut linodsoDia ogeight Plano, wit, iltonvo44l
,nitoro,ls comes, sad in good eider • —• 10000 00
A Wahl 5 ova,. Plaza 45 00
A good 5 atm Piano •. go
A good 6i ODOM Piaaq With Yandtotia. torno.
tore :5 00
' • litomorr irr YAlll5'lll l 3 l DOOM, t
Worgincrson,'ZePs. 23 .t 5 t 8 S
Considering Cares' Pato:nest Impalement for cut;
"Ird Myrbf
rik=or t th
tfio n = n e n of 17 rm. .„w.
georgc; ond &Inel bidsrar, •
t lob lbatld Wanks
and goo Aid intoroversatil COT
Jo*seu Cala pf/lFrels.
t'•••• "Ito by , ‘, •
antbdo WaTks, llnftabn
77, 9101000c.te
80elpt445 , %2 M e e t li
wrae lytk
eebv O
'N tDeltm . ter.«Ptaaik , y ;
~ D.smad*, cis idemito.o4Wwk*o Bgai
V.O C=o. • 7
!dank, Aire. New loct— • •
Atlwr works... da: • I • " " •
w es t polnt. oundl3l
- Etto, rbilanalidna ••••. -
A leak% Y. •, ,„;
' • riwwwuck. News. menus =so '.•
1416.1n71114angatc%''grltaninr. /11 - • • :
Ayr:fir& 800 begr,, Eolith AllOllOl : P • • ..•
N ri n . l l bfankaa de lneseti ab
nea trjuuo
G A% e . :ran ' d i dre ' ind - I d o o P. t• l ;nea• *l' _t. bk_
IL Himon t Now b' at k; E. a P411.01100 1 1t., 4 : 0 % l , R, 1 1r .
,0010011,..00 IL ll..Scovinn ln . nt,
and Yap.. win& or nrl , boot mutants foro.Viz p,
wift,mo oll,llll l ll,o l l . 3 r",4° L, la•acriti'
'UN EA TR • E •
Leans add alanagez •.•c 8 pcßrEn,,,
rite. Circle lad g... 50 coils; ;
Becend and ThLtd
dlery ((c colored •15' • " -•
wo ppm 7ki Orttalti will rise st 8 attack,
, .
Au •
"?'" lona 7 ‘' P
• ,• Fitt Jone.---- T.., la( •
tars .Frra a
Ills lest molests:we of
steiOn. a..ssactaccuurazi- ,1
ON FRIDAY o.ining; mane 'Mt at Vfil.XINA'
O , IIALL, onahls occasion', Signora Illseveclall Grill
hove tho honor la prevent to the n variod and
new pematoramo, pant sank of a selection of tha most
popoiar ifeignits and . Wawa Balm and Caysallms.
Idaani.llbrion eatkat by trtleral request hill hoe
composition 1 , 1 lorpreamr by
will' play for the t
time, "'lonian Doi:ldler Wl* thaphpalar,rulatioas,
Mad: hainsa arid Signteßibiadoltidil Will also assist
concert to sawn:amp atlaqistur tax4Erallosti
-.11-7•Verr mmfaalawboewavralP haw-- -- --Yett
We Won* eignise*Mli &BO to Greet Ton
;WILKINS' IlitC-41L1, - got;
Ile Jr. ;filters , Ottginiel
E M,P3A , E,'m
r; J. E. Taunt; E.13. - rehnef, Gaell
G. G. Berner IL L. Sloan,O. B. Drawn; C. *Vett; R.
L. Powers, ;oil thertnewerd' OWL-IMM FE. - Tem
ben Bann noAd 1 • • t •{, • •
The Empizes, aceteele4s, Tosetnximete relropp
en, Dollsossiers of ZDA erne Cbamenr; or Balmier . ,
Imre mereraton, ale mouse.. lux: w °II*"
prodnee then mom le. - •
The • prortamme• entl oentaineelemlons lead the
open. of Koonomlicon., 4 " giorstdambea, Dm.
the Enehantres B hero'Ole.
EMlsplan hlelonlee'r Jett.
vra M USEUM.
.. p rc tt :
/TIM rumac :are vespeetrally Intermid'aik
Purprit tat Wu en gaged in e polder and ealnined
xrappe—johnstaMe bAtop/an Barenaden-mak!gil I
give line:lee ef.lbedr elute end Isnadnible'VecaLand
insmoneru.l linierudabsenith conesneneing,Thareelay
sugar, JUDO el . , and ennunue every aerated dtt
littj OA' Week. iPerforzaanea to_ cenneweee ni 4 e."
Adadl4on"joilanenenin 4 1. re 17dit,1, drily 4.5
APOLFO R/ 1 /`'''
rats .D.;tar,;l6. S b Al. 64, lb; P.
- Adsnissina MUSeO29 11.210 LNPLitit ROOM.ake:ellah,
Reserved seatx, 121 eepts,ertyg._ lea
231 & A3O wood above
rEIAT. splendid, ESabla.tuacat now , gffered.for .
„liens _is Is ssaSsabty arranged for Conearta,
tatahEllitbldnas,kg, For . tenu.noly le
411E.02PAT 111311114.NNUAL, ,, 1•
as OA: , rei**isii•ia• , .
Wlt.t. momenta on 'Stolidity, /noel 3/1.
Their , uninente• establlrlanont, :Pith ilt too r : .
Whokealn taam a _wiU, on Odaas
ence:lo, ahrown
open ler Starran. Teen* and all el lbelr or tonalyn '
emolt sill be oa'etedlo rctaltparoba.ere)./adiegq4.,t ,
of bunt ram oOner rentinas ties lndia pecan.
THEIR. 67004.11VAILIGVIIlawiltiso .or farm
ma res' gm* IN&wt11 00 - o, l 4•Rosc iturnetse•dt-
Blinwh,Berenes. Illrez
Cowl/ries, and View Werra generally. will be elc'a
entineWMlllta i , al Ikballtiati he Ohm *algal ratter
CISal. East lowed Lew. wut betaken:4 ,
2. do- ilarllll, , Ins.
1 do Idnaun de Lahore. • • •• , 106:
• Superior Widish •..a..smecin c.l.lcoch '
300 &zeal-hien Ileindkerebie fir, Gk. Ze•
Aram lor Wreargat-Coliare, mimeos low
Together...llh n endplate varier of Derorailo and
Whitt ale?, Ribbonaf Hogety rand Glenn,
Matron In an one of the r.
moat alter crte tatonmenur
in tha nerunsyjwcieb will be warted down torend,
sowsn.oticesahnn. at- any Nr.W.l‘ A.Dia
grThe tiNwe wtil beieloseli vi.Oo Tbresday and
Irrit tahlifirt 30th STA Clet, for the primate °Per thda
irk ear Illatlirilltdoll l l. llo clt No TLIOAIIOII , IIa
ra..:._mydC:.,. _ blet3ON ACU
r E t ; ottb;: b Orig ortleithe7 O a ltylorg i lin
(513DITVEIFIDIG::JiiiireTheiwd,•frTali MOT,.
V: to, Ozer& cos gelpsinsi•Ocidlivet Oil: 161.1,
:1011RUEISTATED . y0TAIS9A rez'd p
by , barb — . s..xfun tL,
rpouKtco , —io ,begibio . 1, ransi, U t aite watt,
Tbeelvind yoristqmor Waahtnsl s ob li and sah
r t;t i Ce ' rd i Ult !ZIP
DULL LILrtTE,H— .. a bblf in 110111 • nil far wi - e.ktv
D. cm3l /ri r:...E ::!r rt. .fti STUAIiT at FILL
V. 41 4, SNP> 9.‘".1„, •
panstasq, ,4
Etgliekao I ".., ;;:, tj, - ,
' •
do.; i 153710;
so do Mordithr.,
I t ood iod(or role by • A gNOLIbiI NV
my 0
bb rWood add
;' tir P iairiicr owl fr
. 21 WIOICERAVAI4 t. ;
mr3o Comer otWord ail SIMLIL
SODA-74 daft toed red and - faiiifiTC ,--
pW O r 04 .400, hoptoffootantll on band
• No 10514oeur stick
t)us gicatioY —I. half p qick.rßir
. p
e.Ah t Of thonasinEnehare of: John Po mai A-Co,
ihnhooh,,typt cOOConl4ron hind sad fdr foie by ,.
.yr,o . . • • A CULBERTSON:,
hood gni fof
sob by soy= A C ULU arrow- .rf
90•SvILLE bblo 'on hand' and it
Lh . 1 . by...•STRI cvLitearrso •
Leived Wrhitreil vale:B ma: '• ,
Tba Ametieate alists,. Laratmo Sabine, 8 vol. tra
- Nognenta.of 16a ailed Wm., 6 To], B. • •
Tie WittlasammaTeat4tataa, B2Bal. B. Ira.
Ifildretler I fialarj, yRe 'United StoicsS oolra.:610
IlaporofNiligary. of then:Med State 6,3 v,ot. Br,
Th. Wotba of Fratallo,lo vat. 8 vo. • •
litatesmob oftho Commtromeotllb of ZOOM; 8
Psescou , .&r*dinsld in hAntitA rot sc kt.l4imi . of. the Word,( Vol. 8 Ott. '
_Fat aralAby , 36.8 R LOCIWOOD. ;
Mb lleoksoltat sal....ner.lo4,Foarth ir
to she Of Ceram** Plaza of JUM
- - igateity t
yr; am ease of the applleatlea of the Ohio anagetill•
.Leylvicelaltail Road Coottony; tot the tighter...ay.
tam , No telaJorte term IBM
foto or devisees of John au Mad, - tate of
nilagelratta;• deceased.' 'fen are Welty metitled,
that the Mooed Peanoghamia .Itill.Read Coarpatry
late takeartn4 affloeflinea Is, the..e of Oolif r ail
faradithe folloirtag alteorteett Partin. of IheY44
R ao , t.44l;kaoti.nt, is 01114 TOlMagii A UCIIV_
=la ;:if 7017 lint> &Tuft tons
al reruM
tbeeely rumba 93 feet towards Olealear along
Moot eald treat, Wats teeming 873 41115 Eon,
com e
KOLA het telt • mer tz tbseof gala trust theme Om
/53 . sla, west 13319 feet: g to t te r 9". ra
gloving, toritalzklag 4 Acne %rod rittil !Operates.
fggeseelptlelt tool dealt ef wake Is fa Om Otte
'" ?remittent 0.'43, a: lea.
1 1 / 1 1•611 - "Mt
074 HY4••"errnit idd;ittiPfo4
O r• : •_ d , ika, W id o . re k 4
.) 4 kr pnaa aTh
m rr
mty. ws
lureva-34)12egruPZ:11 ao ' Lendr ef in tZTZ
L scakitA wile by CIABERTON
111 WOOd