The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 05, 1850, Image 2

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runistiEb BY WHITE
As a comlos of the Whig State Central Ciroiniktoe,
held at Harrisburg. March la, 1P.50, It WU
flaret.vms' That the Whirs of the several commies
of this S tate lse reuaerted to elect a number •of dole
rates equal to their respective. stpresentatives in the
Lerislaue; the .114 delegurslomeetln Convention
its the eitp of Philadelphia, on the lath • day of Juno.
1650. for the purpose of nonaleatthe • candidata for
Canal Commissioner, to be toted for at tha comma
Ceram! Pettiest.
MORTON PaelalClLliEfa
Gamma II Mar, Seeretcri: , -
, Contryg Seaseris.—A correspondent suggests
the name of wig. Weer, of Allegheny, as a can.
&dee (or County Burrow , . As Ws is the only
- Ire have hoard mentioned for the office, we
taie the liberty of saying that we understand.
hem good authority, that Mr. 'West la a very err
tumble man, and well quallfted for the cake.
-- Tel Cola tilirivnconrr.— We gotta took thti
town by simprisc yeraiday, with an extra, giving
the important news from Washington; in relation
to the difficulties with the Captain General of
Cobs, which . will bo found in another comma, and
which was telegraphed from Washington express.
ly for thispaper.
The news itself Is startling and highly impor
tent; and further Intelligence will be looked for
with intense Interest. We hope those who haze
hitherto charged our Government with tadigbr•
once to oar honor ■nd interests, will now be
welded that the dignity of the country, li,nd the
• rights of its citizens will never suffer in the. buds
of the Whig administration. - • •
The Dcmocndie State Convention met lut week
Wilintmeport, and pat in nomination the fol
lowing ticket
Wu. T. Moulton, of ,Iliontgontery, for Canal
Ernalau Ban's, of BILLING, for Auditor General.
3. Porter Browley, of Crawford, for Bnrreyor
In nenooneunt the tietet,:the Rat, or this city.
Inn the folkeeieg remain:
We have no personal knowledge of the chg.
rector aad quaktlcations of Mr. Morrison; but the
feet that he has, enjoyed the confidence of the in.
telligent and radical Democtacy of Montgomery
;c ounty, and
. the additioaal fact that he has been
selected as our standard bearer, by the greet
Democratic party of Pennsylvania Is endorse.
mentenough the us. We therefore nice the name
of William T. Morrison to our mast head, where
It shall remain until he is triumphantly elected in
Oen. Ephraim Banks ' of Mifflin, the nominee
for Auditor_Geocrali an d J. Porter Brawley, of
Crawford, the nominee for SurveyoeGencral, are
old and consistent Democrats. They shall have
tray acqualided support." ,
Those who ate acquainted with the enthusiastic,
net to my extravagant, manner with which the
/ l og generally speaks of its party candidates, will
consider this rather A cold reception. The foci
Is, the Codvention has nominatad most 1:1111A,
able ticket, nod Ike party Is dissent Bed and cheg.
tined, ILS It bin good rennin to be. As the Poet
Is wholly ucacquainted with the . qualffieetions of
11. candidate for Canal Comminioner, we willtry
and enligtiten,tnni. Mr. Morrison was a mem
ber of the late Legislature, and a member of the
Imp Orient committee on' Banks This wirespo. eensiderahic importance, end ongheuf
bring a mart out; d' theie vita pay , Ib ag' to Lim.
Bur we are informed he moved hintseLra mere
cypher, without'a siOglOiden, a ..sienk. and turn-
roman min, with no energy or force, of eheracter;
and no confiderien• in, his own Anginent. Stich .
mania wholly unfit for the highly reipenntrla
office et Canal sninnoissioner. •Thsrorie :so elks
in the'Snite which requires more decision of
more ready end so un d judgment, and mom
firmness and Confidence le Ma atm ability;': 'Goo
of the oinpostid iberactexistlca maim 'he A tool fo
therm oda of designing moo. , if the peopianf . Pe au
isYliatiii have any rdepeet far slimeseives ending
reliand tar the welfare of theStete,.thcfiill, not
place a mut ea wholly' incongetem, la to highly
neepoeMbio no oltoo.
• The next men on the ticket iejßaturnhif B/mr-si
the Auditor Ostlers!. This is A thoaoht peitant
andce'iteentipt or ioSoinpetent ma,-
. the finances of the State might be serlattly Elia
' hammed or embezzled. is. are believe
reepectable nein, but unfit for the olSce.
was spoken of for Judge in Judge iVoodward'e
plate, some years ego, when the whale bar of the
District Salted cf emigrating, so °Merged were
they at the Mos. Ought a man unfit be placed in
no Important a station, where he will hate to paw
upon claims formiliiooa of dollars anomaly?
POSTER BILOAILIIT, the candidata forSurveior
General, a place of oat much importance, we be-
Lave; but hardly us' low as our De - mocratie friends
have estimated it, as is indicated by their aelei_
also. Of this man we shelling nothing at present,
except to express oar gratitude to the Convention
that they did not piece him in a higher position.
If the Post says any thing , in his favor, we may
nonce him again...
, .
Sock is the nuke: the Lot:aloe° Convention has
deemed fit for the suffrages of the people of Penn.
sylysen—a tleltet which . no party, la no other
State of the Union, would have dared 4:1 hale
presertrd to the Pcorlim If Me - Whigs ,tale np
good men they will certainly.sweep the State, if
these is nay self respect end regard for the public
welfare left.
" Onnotwoors Lute: . a collection of Skeiebes
sod Letters. By Grsce Greenwood. *econd
edition. Boston, Twlcuor, Reed, and Fields-"
Weans indebted to the; talented authot of this
elmniang work for a copy, for which abs bas our
thank', as there are none of the fugitive Diem of
the day, to he found in our periodicals, which we
read with more delight than her,. In fact, it has
become-a-habit with us to read every article
her eignature. The work is most beautifully
printed and bound, and will doubtless wort find its
way into the hands of all those who admire native
worth and genius. We presume it ii for "eke at
,some of oar bookstores
Letters (mm Matanzas slate thei all its ihhabi
lards, on the nein of the invasion at Cardemyriih
one accord, tendered assistance: to the Govern.
meet. Arms were given them by the autheritiem,
but the preeipitate flight of the invaders madelbeir
employnient unneeewary.
According to s tether from Cardenas, the expedi
tion carried off with it a largo autount of moeay,tal:•
en I rum the public treasury in that city.,
An American at liavina writes that he anis ,. ILO
of the captured invaders marched iototho prises of
'Moro Castle.
Affss Fewwfwors Coven—A. new book is an
nounced soon to be published in L'endon, emitted
•`Rural Hours in tbo United Sales;. by blisi
aimons Clapper, 51onshtss of tho novelist.,
The application of Mrs. T-13. Lawrence, for
merly of Boston, fora divorce from her husband,
go the ground of harsh and improper treatment,
sk , pending before the Court at Looisville.--t
The jury hare rendered a verdict for 'the
cant, but the decree of divorce hao out T.% hems
deduced. :
Austria, actutiding to, the settlement made al Si
Petersburgh, is to pay. Russia for ber intervention
Set Iluntrary, 3,700,000 silver • roubles, or about
$3,000,000. Seven hundred thousand roubles ttre
to be paid in salt, and the remainder in equal
annual instalments, with five per cent interest •
COL. FELEMDST.—We. under...triad that thei' acre
graphical docietyof London heats voted a gold
medal to Cot. Fremont for having made, during the
pat year, the moot valuable diaeriverics in geo
graphy, orally Lumina perm°, /LiL Woe; we un
.l.lerstruid, for this society to give a medal every year
to the person having made the nadit valuable . dit
Covcry It Geographical cicace.
Tamoneau—A meeting was lateigheld in Clarke
burg, Tennessee, over winds ]lone Ca." Johnston,
lateTastmoater General, praided, at which rem
lotions were passed in favor of the Compromise
raiolinions of the Committee of thirteen,. and ex
pressing the, must unalterable etticbmeot'tb the
Tito Philadelphia North Arnegican annonnem
the opining of a further sectional/0 Central
jowl, (01109,14: •
.... r PIMNiTLVA3I.6 . IIAILROAP.*Ie will be even thY
iefcronm to the advertisement, that ilia improve.
meet will be opened 'to -Huntingdon on that 10th
insi,for trade and pa:sager traveL' By this', en.
tendon of the staid,passcagetiwhinliiaye this eitit .
at 8 o'clock in the morning, willarrivo itianntings
:Von early in the evening, and, after h night's rest
oh the packet boat, will rem, the' Portage' Rail
road by daylight, takethe pricketkwatat Johnstown,
and arrive et Pittsburgh by the- nulddle of the fol
. l o wing day, with Infinitely less fatigue than inflow
Lj n oomontilv. incutved.,apitk .witbout Ims ; of stern.
3trntrl4,lBso. puticulavto distinguish him. 114 millet:pie, Ur.
. kilter Cat; ftte, Dia" blr:.-Allaw me to *Ter Foote,' is 'a (aims man; he is short, amalt, sod
vtlemstrkor ustoirtbeivllitsttlY" le??bli'llM-XI°BR9 2 . 1°m ST k4;
Sianntra Sir:ancient' mid mammy list evening.' ho Lila mauve, uneasy being, mating &WM cob
-.4eldom bava we or the West enjoyed such a tinually. He speaka more thats'nfili other Slit-
Milir-4,4C4lo4Ectaniftnt. SiPAUX9fJhPfti! fa fiff.l49 energetics and llo.tfielimYs
contauice bereelr the, splerutd performances o Tient; hie [mate, whatever they ma ybe; Instill&
Ltons•,limce•amd tAiricirlltsencefia, amide fink oat, andit iabie.fortuno Muni tcik.e in hoturater
iirompsniniSita of Madam ffima i t The braise with itotnebOdr, yet he Is undoubtedly a kind and
was a good one—it Most brilliant 'endielern aodi- neteromi man, with many redeeming qaajities.
mice test fied their musical appreciation, and the Heir him, is Kr. King, a
,most dignified and us&
generous enthnsiesin of their bouts, by frequent fat Senator ; ha; never Indulges In,.persCriatilies,
and prolonged applause. nor does he consume the time
~of the Senate In
The young Prima Dona Was in fine .voice, and
." bell:gni exceedingly."
-And. here may I be allo.ved to Wy, what after
an acquaintance of three years I may well say,
to all who are interested in the sioger;lhah she is,
in the private editions of Ide, 03 lOVellillo , 6oa
estimable, saxhe la captivating to the public and
admirable as an artist— None can know the
rooms intimately without loving her, and to her
friends there would be a heaven of melody in her
voice, even were oho fa leas great and brilliant's
Oa the evening. of the sth, this fine company
mill give their farewell concert. 'Then, let all the
musiedovera or Pittsburgh—and this I am aware,
comprehends a large clan—go to bear tor the 1631
time for some yew, the enchanticg voice of
Bircsoe!anti I Every body uhould be mere to bear
her " asimiDive—let all her friends be them
to cheer her warmheart at partlcg.—and may Ood
bleu her wherever she goea! Truly yenta,
GUM Gasmrwocm.
Corespendente of the Pittsburgh Gateau.
'Descrlpttv•—Vnlted States Senate.
Wesactacon, June 1,1830.
Ida; Enrreet—Year regular correspondent in
this city, keeps your renders so well informed an
to political tattlen, that there is no occasion for .
ins to dwell upon them. If a person does not
wish to became sick and disgusted with polities,
he bad better not corns to this city. The last
thing Mat seems to be thought of; is the good of
the country. 'Berson:at and party interests ma
rries the time and attention of the great mans of
the members of Congress. Should they treat each
other as they treat their common ,. country, they
would be denounced and driven finun decent so
ciety. But I will um:dwell upon this sad picture.
Perhaps I may amuse some of_your readers by
living a kind of running description of some of
the principal characters in Cengreati— , indlint let
us visit the Senato.
Oa entering the Chamber, the presiding officer,
Vice President Fillmore at *nee attracts alien.
.lion. He is • large, noble looking man, with
grey hair sod fresh complexion. His manners
are early and dignified, his yoke km; and hit ,
whole bearing is such as to command the reaped
and‘cenildence ofall parties. He is withal a man
of inns character and blemeleel life. To the ex
tremetelt cribs Chair sit. Henry Clay He is now
more than ever "the observed of all observers."
Si* amusing to hear strangers as they enter the
Senate Gallery, inquire, which is Mr. Clay! He
is the Prat men they with to eee. After looking at
him fora time in silence, they begin to make rev
marks about his appearstme; what they think oF
him, olse:. Alluvia to feel the most unbounded
idmiration for the man. Ho is. a good deal
changed in appearance from what he was a few
yearn thew.' His blur Id quite grey and thin—his
form antiosettal bowed aohh yea* and', the
tot impression is , made abut he • must soon pus
'thrtiett'hiiiisesithr slCalt; every eye turn.
ad toWarda'.hirtc 'patient; letters ,' and pen. are
dropped,anCeelt§eaempleettmes a Settee:o Ned
auentive imetttherir AN he proceeds his head be
-gins Co moac,,hn bandi to!*.ieraitM, hie toter:be
comes 'erect and theirieti mass of h 4 • tneledious '
voice tall with encluintiog- power. iman • the audi
tory. It is perfectly - wonderful to witoese the
:bersalitiOf his powers.:,. He earths logic:the - rave ,
batmen:Ms, foicillii—he can soar aloft aid ream at
latTet - ever the of: iineginicton; or he can
comb deeirdie 'lse every' ESN life; ttie eereinon
pears of We FP*SFFI•c9c"ImIIT?...
. .
theampv, or . grapple with figures, and tame, and
in each and over! plies eheir - himself a Mostar
Truly tio:ia a lanai Monderfal Man..
He ir,:oa
gnemionably;petegpaltq theraeaipopnlar man in
the Senate, as well ea Mike ncriihtry:
By his shy, tim hyt.getraitd. eleipier
outo,.withx- lezge:head andplrMant eteinitedmina
He sits quietly said ypeaW'hnt . iseldato.
I I in a man al' mark., end arhealm —menial he is
toned to with great attention. His views upon
Slavery are stint: as to way most of the South`
era Senators against blot. At times they indalge
in the moat bitter and personal ukase, bet he paps
little at an attention to it.. He is inspected; that•
a, and bated. '
' little to the left of Mr. Clay, is the not of
Judge Berrien. He is to plain benevolent looking
person. Asa debater be stands very !ugh, and
his great personal worth secures the confidence'
°lgo:raters, and givealim a commanding lona
once.- He takes rather ultra ground upon the
Slaverit question. . •
Near Mr.' Heroics alto “honest John Davii."—
Ws bale hasbncome perfectly white, which gives
Aim a patriarchal . appearance. Ho is greatly re.
spouted, though he seldom speaks now.
Ict front ofJudge Benien is to he peen the dis.
Magni/hid Senatott'of Ohio, Mr. Corwin. Ho is a
man of good ipso, fair proportions, and hasibe
come quite portly.- ; Far some reason or other, he
takes no part In the ekeitang debates that ito gav
leg en. Ina would but open his mouth, there
mould be oofoek of listeners, for rut an mortar he Is
unrivalled. • It is-hoped ho will break silence be
fore long. -
lathe neighborhood of Mr:Corwin to Mr. Hale,
Heil a large, fine looking man, and bears the
mark of groat good nature. Though his views are
greatly - abborred,yet he never spee6withaincom•
mtedlng the attention of Senators... Jet a akinnish .
og debete he is eqUal is any man In the Senate.
Ho apeaks,with ease, and abounds in witticisms.
At tee moment ha will lash Senst.ra into • storm
of passlon, and the;:next (canonise them 'with
laughter. 1 was amused the other day, while lis
tening to bin, ,to tee the excitement which was
produced. Some Senators left their seats, and
paced tie chamber. Judge Batter sat in his seat
but trembled like a leaf from head to foot. .I.t wu
really patois! to loe — ilx at him; bat when he suited
ready to burst with rage, and expression. elan.
ger wero heard all:over the Senate,Mr. Hale gave
a playful and witty turn to hie remarks and set
the House In a roar of laughter. This fewer.
which ha nossessesTri an eminent degree, cue.
btu him to keep on the beat possible , terms with
,the Senator!. , _
. _
Oa }Resume aide of the Senate - eta the great
Scatter of Massachusetts, Daniel Webster. His
broad expansive forhead, black steady eyes, mark
Ma:las an latelleeMal giant. Haub% but little
part in debate, except when grout question, are
brought, forward. For the moo: past ho alto gold•
ly and calmly listening to what otherifhave to say'
Occasionally he waliza across the chamber.. Elia
monomials, claw, and steps measured. In LOCI.
uer ha is cold and distant—nciperson takes any
• liberties with him, but all treat him with the moat
omfound deforenee, He is note popular in the
same amass that Mr. Clay is,:yet every body Is
proud of him as a fellow citizen and countryman.
Oa the 'rime side of the Chamber with Mr.
Webster, la Mr. Badger, of North Caroline. Be
is II man of common size, quite bald and of active
habits.. Besides beihs an able lawyer and slaters
men, he as Tana n a Theologian. He has felt It
necessary woollen the views of Bishop Ives, and
has shown no little learning and skid In his oppo.
aitioe. •
Near Mr. Badger it Truman Smith, an old
codger looking wan. Men of the Lime he h walk
ing at!out., Ito beau goner gait, :and la always
looking down, as though be was hinting Dome
• On the other aide edam Chamber, at :the: ex.
tr G ma sight, is Mi. Beaton. HOl.ll a largo Nadir
QM, hair somesibat grey. Uhl seldom be Is ab
sent from his mat, and la always at work. When
he first rises to speak he is dul'. , meaa re d , ..d
anactemating--bm by dwell, ho kindle. up. Rip
mica becomes fill and powerful, sad ha soon sat
lidea,his 'hearers that ha tmderstands perfectly
.what he is talking 'about. Ho lea Man of great
:industry and ofgreat aenctlymnenta.
the same piut of the Climber,. is hfr.
:mem Ile is *young man--rash, Impetuous, Ind
:immuumerly.lla Wm with histeiton the Me able
desk, and in many ways manifesti it eheregird for
the emmmos proodetlce or the Senate. He hie
:lateen, sod would be an .efreetivo speaker, Mg
. fyk INT xateenbie bsbita,- c ` meat needs take .1
Mink of water every Minute M two, and he Wean
his lady so long that ho La obliged to be cantinas
all! phial; it behind his ear. Both of these bait
Its - giro him a loareriati app.:imam° whies detraMi
:" 7 "
useless talking; be is urdoefullY respected. A
row feet from him, is Mr; Cass, a short. did, good
natured looking gentliman he is no great talker,
yet an able man.
Mr. Soule is &very accomplisbed men, and a
most eloquent speaker; be is a Frenchman by
birth, but speaks our Ingalls* well. '
Judga Butler is a man of common size, with
hair so white as snow, and extremely nervous;
he is considered an able mai, yet Teri ultra in
Ms notions.
I mmt defer any (briber descriptions till nether
time. lam happy to say ant the Semi still a
most able and dignified body. D.
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Geirete.
Nits You., Jose 3„i850.
The passage of the bill by the Berate, &mating a
mint to N. Y. My, is very welcomO to snerehso
The'vestrietioos under *tab
hu been paved, by givitig the eentiset of the
tablishment to the Philadelphia officers 1010131:113
What New York wants is a mit
hare, and it Is immineriel mitethe'r the; manager
resides at br w York or Timbuctoo.
entere and depart' from the country through New
York, and though the nem concern will only be •
"branch mini," mom golden fruit will be plucked
from It, than from all the other limbs as well u the
old stock added.
Daring the month jest closed, are hate bad an .
Immigration large beyond all precedent: teaching
the excessive number of 45,918 souls, against 39,-
158 souls in Etlay, 1819, an equal number,tbrough-
act the whole year, would give us an influx equal
to the whole population of the city, although more
then 33,000 of these emigrants are from Great
Batman, and of the poorest clue, oar bills of
inertality show no °huge for the arouse,' and
the city Is as healthy ne when we have only
our stationary poprilation.
The earnings of the Ede Road , for nay, ,were
declared to day,snd reach the ones of 5149,2213,and
5035,975 for five months, can average of 5127,195
per month. The MIA has paid roundly in extra
latexes; no doubt, daring lii constittetion,M com
mon with all other made, but day light, is wen at
last, and the fact now stares its opponents an the
face, thus at u earning the interest epee every dol
lar of its coat abet paying its expenseg of running:
Is one year from tins date, the real western
terminus of the Erie Road will be be at Erie,
Moto' remelts Siblusdant,and cat he borrowed
upon sewed rata security at five per cent. U. 8.
6's of '67, close at 1161 tem. div.) Pennsylvania Gs
9131, and Reading 49. Basinesi, generally, la tot
active. It the dry good.. trade, there isEll3ro dote
than it other branches. In 1101:00415 there hasbeen
rather atm activity, although no improvement In
prices can be quoted. The butter desulptiota of
clothe are quiet.• There have been moderate pales
of goods adaptid to the' tr.uthem and .Whatern
markets, p9oh aapatinetat Linsurt, Tweed., &c
There Is no net faatprolo notice tp fitteigrigootis
A limited delayed lieitc.lohtirti uottitpres. ; The
importations ariniditsda pMani s tiaanksre
.alteady beerrlims fur rho mitanitti anti - many are
predienntr.annvernocim Tam imniiatttatif foreign
msrhefir,by the AIFII, ere tot quite:as flatteetng as
- those prcortoualy isoelood. : • thett
.tited king •
dom the manslactuaeri ue gam ,la priests, .but
buyers are fienterslly holding og; thus rattitui t lull
in trade. This is piutietalirly the.eate is gam.
chnsethhuheic, in consequence of the advent,"
, „ .
iu cant; mannfactureu are eating blither rates,
whieli b#yeis Letts , ' to,Aire•
A city riper, this aotniat, boo the following
news in relation .to iron that le not tattoo lout-
et.--rla memo quantifies of forelfrofroo ae cam'
ieg Into New Twit, and we Asat.qf his thousand
tonicirepowed — by one Nev York house to'inew
home orders; thee, the freight excepted, Nu! much
of ii 'eoteeite Awake bettems) tilde g a ginicer
a ;rain* of dollaii to Gnat Britain, it na article
as euy of MUM razinte, and as uncial M our land
of minerals, as flour or cora. The importation of
thew 0,0430 tons of iron is an occurrence not of
one week. but of many, and they contribute vast
ly to the foreign debt which we an lost mew so
largely increasing. The price of: rail road inn
is very low in England, bat is kept op to abort
SISOSID per too here, by the heavy freights.—
The Erie Rail Read Co.; alone, have received I
ten thousand tons of British iron Mace the Out :
of April at New York, and three thousand taunt
Quebec,to ha landed at Dankirk, via the Welktiel
Cotton holden are getting their Ideas much tie
;rated just now. In feet, the demand for Areeri-
Cln cotton so far exceeds the supply, that an or
der from Bt. Petersburgh, received by the lust
steamer, for four or five cargoes will fine to go
unanswered. The old stock has been diminished
not alone by the deficiency of the crop, which Is
very coulderable, but by the exPantion 01 the
annufacturlng system of Europe, and partial! szly
of England.
AU the atones told of ghosts and vampires have
been folly paralleled by a ease brought to light
here. Net long wince, a young men arrived to
this Mty, and took beard at a house in Benin:cm,
where he soon WI sick, and after a than lime
died. The landlord of the boom . rterai his credi.
tor for 13 and his fear of Losing It erej se great that
he locked the corpse up in a rani so security
(or the debt. Roam of the boarders of the house
got up a aubsr_riptlon to burry the body, the Ned•
lord purchased &edge worth five or six dollars (6,
which he charged twelve, and when the friends
came to attend the funeral, and the berme was at
the door, he refined LI unlock the corpse unless
he was paid the fire dollars that the deceased ow.
ed him, otherwise, he declared he: woeld send the
body to Potter's field. The young men, sheeted
at the atrocious conduct of this vampyre, borrowed
t he money, redeemed the dead body of the Motor.
=ate stranger from his clutches, and buried it at
Williamsburg's. •
On 'change, the operation, are not large. Cat.
ton Is firm. Floor is selling.treely at the q ocuitioes
before given. bleu pork has rallied to 10,13, and
prime 6,7303967{. Ashes, 5,14: Whiting 27,
though some has been picked up lower. Tobaca
co is active, with • speculative demand. Iron re
mains at 11450020. Lard Is not so Ono, and 7 en
is the top price. C.
For she Piathurgh Garda.
Wtuiam Wen, efltilegheny city, will be pre•
wanted to the noMinatitly Couvention, which as
sembles. to-day, to II mamma for the ofßce of
'Deputy Surveyor of the county.' Mr. W. has,
through all his life, been s consistent-end earnest
Whig, and, for many years, Wined one of the de.
toted band that withstood the progress of Loco
foceism fn his native county ot.Perry. Of his
qualifications for the office he seeks there is no
doubt, as he has been a practical Surveyor since
hI, youth, and ties held commiulons as Deputy
Surveyor from Gov. Rimer, and from one of the
Govenaors of 041 e. TRUE WHIG.
F.,' uL Patzdurgh Gautte
The Old sad, the New.
A c l b ri e tt z Lh w e a r id, i n he . lov'd the good,
The light in hi
which per fetheriestood
Aloe! hoe gone!
The stunt); pioneer awakes
The farthest wood;
The echo from his axe now 6n:ski
The solitude.
Where Mee hhl csbiristood, now stands
The Vdtda wall;.
Around are baltnymeadow lands
With docks o'er all.
Sweet homes before the swelling tide
Are swept away;
And grave yard bones are scattered wide
When 'disk has away.
Fair happinesa becomes ti dream—
Gay areallh,the lure
That mocks us like a plea ft realm-
Along a moat! •
An mows upon those winger WWII
Tint Ittery itives—•
Pate Genius in a cottage bona!
Avraltatand, lea.
rion rame's arena is beset
• By men who fight; •
Who battle on nod front regret,
That barn for might!
the days
o'eroto fathers knew,
' Aly're ! .
Tl!e mint o(tbe arc fs NOW.
The N. Y. Eve iiing,:lbat the &glowing
paragraph cesicertiin -*cent Cuban ittehw
"We have beta' Informed that the recent expe
dittie-ageinitt Cuba which :hams eignally; It not
igderiainintisli 'Warr not -iridertaba with
thssametioepsonder tbs.:apiens or the Cuba
revollitlonistilifoPer; Edt haionstitielr — tristet:
That Gen. Lopez mita i.mainded from their eosin
.eits last w int er paeotirespieirte of some aerions
diterenee brawl:en him anid.,rite . paity, Which to
to aeasunt tit the limited - number of hisfellowere,
and the disaaunua lame of their torai. i o reek.
kealy fe.ted penning every thing rather than
be dented the glary of being the East president o.
firm You. Hearten Mt:cr.—The bill to adab.
fish a Branch of the United States Mint, at New
York, pissed the Benue finally, yesterday, after
thereinto from Mr. Elmore's funeral. It fs rtet
to go into operation until the New York Legnelav
tare declares the Mint property to:ho free from
taratioo. Is provisions are briefly stated so fol-
, .
Ideation I. Appropriates 6225,000 gm the pur
chase ars site, erection of a building, and famish
ing the accessary machinery for a mint lathe clip
of New York'.
Sec. 2. For the appointment of a superinten.
dent, treasurer, arrant, meter and refiner, coiner,
two clerkr, and auto:Aosta workmen and ser.
wants, tot exceeding twenty In number. The
compensation ot the superintendent, animater,
and coiner, is to be g 2,500; to the other officers
52,000, and to the two Interior $l2OO oath pm an.
see. 3. The efEetirsand Merge to take en oath
that they will (Willfully ditchers° tliair duties and
to ciao approved security for the mite.
See. 4. Pisces the Mint under the general
supervititm of the authorities Wile mint at Ptilav
Set. ii. Applies to this mint all the laws now In
force_ for the government of other mints:
See. 0. Provides for merging the office of assis.
tan' treasurer of the United States, Into that of
treasurer of the mint.
Tax Dissureascs et•Gtraestocric—A *ash-
Ington correspondent, of theßaltimore Patriot,
faralabas the following, which ia, the latest account
published of the recent popular diatutbanees in
the Mond of Gaudeloupo:
A friend' of the writer's, Monsieur Fawner, a
French gentleman btu tindly furnished me from
his private wartespendanee .of recent date, the
particulars of the attempted negro Insurrection In
Guadeloupe. The letter is dated atPolut a Pius.
I translate:—Daring the trial of the inturgenta or
Marie Galante Island, aro.; attempts were made
to itithaidate the magistrates, het ,when sentence
was about beets passed, these demonstrations
reached something ofa climax, The colored pop.
Illation, particularly or -Besse Tent mantfcated
great egasperation,and menessed tho antherities..
An attempt was then made to burn the residence
of the Governor, Col. Finest; the Chief Justice,
and other officers of the Court. The arrival of
Admiral Brunt, Governor of Martinique. with. the
frigate African, intimidated tied quelled them.
Sentence was thee punned upon the parties who
hod been convicted and tome were condemned
as galley slaves for twenty years, other& for a less
term. The mulatto chief Atonic', who headed the
insurgentit of Marla Galante's, woo sentenced to
ten year's imprisonment. Oa the MI of April
all was quiet.
The dryness of the season wasaerfously Initt•
sugar crop, at, the present cease:a—and
tbrcaleoed lo &Tees the crop now in embryo.
Atreramora AND Pstxrur, Rumos.—The Cars
lisle annOrallt of Thursday has - the following in
reference to Jerome It Boyer, itielitor
• "The absence of the edam" we treat, will be a
enfficient excuse for till the imperfections of this
Week's paper; although from mope distressing me
more, it is hard" to tell when he will again take
charge of We editorial department. Geo.. Boyer
tell Carlisle on Saturday morning last, to attend, as
be sind,lthelVilliamtrtort Convention; but alien,
graph in the New York Sun of Tuesday, renders
rt pattfully 'doebtfnlio his friends' as to his pm:
not 'whereabouts. The Sun statesthat Geo. Boyer,
'sailed front New torkOn Monday, for gie puTme
'of joining the Coann Expedition., cannons be
lieve this • report, as blr..lliyer hon lately been
very piously4xerclsed loins mind. Toe rumor
has caused tremendous excitement in our town,
• akttie munsted to suspend 'thew spur
ion. until the Mail more eerialnly known."
Mr. Boyer inn very estimable seerttlemsn, and It
will he'll:semen Of grief to nuiny.M learn that he
has been deluded into joining the miserably man.
ages' eipedition , ttCulp. ;_
Fiala lha Now York Coaricr and Evlatrer.
Teatenlay's Tribuitit announces, through a Wash-,
ington nerresphailcol, that Mi. Clayton will retire
from the Cabinet Were teeny dove, for masons."(
• private nature, entirely unconeented with pub-,
he affairs. We hope the statement will prove to '
be Ittiorre'et, mod that tee ciontry Will and enjoy
the benefit of him vervieee In -a post the dunes of
which he is eminently ll,ted to disehtirge.. . '
Mi, CJeylon liss..veceivcd two takone.of the
noble approbation, el which any atatemeaa•may
welt boxwood itho him never .been praised in the
Wiubtagton Union, and he bee been Incessantly
vilieled by the New Truk Herald. Beth 'these
professional elanderers, in Ibis no in every thing
else, like Glaldamith's dog, hod ...private ends te
serve." The Herald bad made very extensive Sr
:segment. famonopoltmcg the puttee. and ad.
vertiaing of the government. It had bought new
premes, announced alnableitect, and convinced
the whole world that Gen. Taylor owed his tees
tiny, solely and exclusively, to iii dlnaterested
and philosopher parvenue. It considered itself I
already mortgaged and labelled ea the Adecto is. 1
trettosi organ. and waxed amsaingly merry over
the prospect of the abandon wealth, and theedenr.
of reepectability, of which its teed was stlllenne
urgent, that would dew therefrom., It announced'
' its readinesa even to do all tbet
.publie priancg '
stonily executed at Washington, and called upon
the Adminiwration, wtlh its chateau-we end en
modesty, to get upon its ibottlders, and
torn its back web complacent warn open the rest
at mankind. Tame were Its putt:abed plias,—
I but somehow Or other they were not totalled.—
The Hem-utile eentldettob was not hull:teething.
Letters, offering to cult and crop member', of the.
Cabinet, the use of its column. for whatevei they
'tatted to say, were treated with purr-hien Coup.
may and contempt. The public advei-nring went
elsewhere. The double sheet was ate le.ned. —
The teambng collapsed, end Mr:MO:awn cola.
•Idered the cause of this calamity.- .
nem that day to this, the colurau rate paper
have been filled with alumna the tart Who
had thus saved that:levered:nine fro darend
disgrace. :Ita unsafe Ls Meet elk! oneaty—ot
his Independent and hoaveable contempt for the
venally of which he could not be -made the to.'
As for the Union. the determinalj4n whiCh that
paper announced. to make war "Ldlff Gen. Tslitit
"to the hater cad, nrii matter what face the future
might wear," -lea sefficient key lulu ei/ndilet.,—
Mr. Clayton: OF tower 61 etrengtitio the Admin..
ideation, and haftbes been a mostTermidable ob
stacle te the Uniers'a femme to thiepods etas.
Hie reputation as ait eminently national at, les.
mao,.-hls marked and" universally recognized
abilitlett—lhe prudence and Writ:eau which hod
distinguished his whole career, combined
to Ina
Spite the whole country frith recild'inte to his
discharge. of the ,very important and responsible
dunce which the President had devolved upon
Event. have fully proved dell this confidence;
ens not ntisplaced. The tarsi!. Of the Stole Do- 1
pertinent have seldom, if ever, been managed.voth
wore ability or with more beneficent remelt. to the
whole country. Negotiations , of tbe Utinatt kept
tante have been carried to a succeefut issue:-the
dignity of the country has been vindicated with
I firmness and atality--the sytopelhlet of the Ad.
toinistration and of the prople,tront whom it deli
cm its power, with nations struggling for thelib
erty which we enj y, have been promptly and et
reedy extended—the roost edientageous (mulles
hays been concluded with foreign powers, and the
r'ights and totem-di of the country have been main
tamed and protected to thetulleit extent. . The Is.
boo elan% and of much mote, has devolved upon
Mr. Clayton, and Ilea been performed with proden-
Mont ability and success. Whenever the diplo-
Mane correspondent , ' of the Stele Department, du
ring the present Adminisestien, shall be given 'to
the conotry, we hagard nothing to saying that it
will reelect new honor andiconfer a mil more en
viable distinction, upon the statesman now at its
Lan new Moxtco.—A letter from /he city 'of
Mexico, In the New York Tribune, dated May
lath, says, the Congress of That country has ad.
pureed, having passed an act granting a reprieie
to elphal pentslment ; granting a pensioe of ,
82..500 a year; during her life„.to the widow of the
tale Penney Pena, and one a uthoriang the govern
meat to net apart $3,500,000 of the American
indemnUy for the payrneot of the exterior eats;
also, to set apart $2,500.000 Lithe same foe the
payment of the interior debt, and to anthorite the
government to appropriate nosh month from the
indemolle, ea amoral aullicient complete the
sum of 5510400 to defray the monthly capons,*
of`the Federal Government, to which torn , they
have been reduced. by ;law. Tho two former
articles of the bill were ieleeted, and the latter
apppoved, comesontotly It hen become a law.
Much of this idemeity hat boon already grouted
to the Staten: It win becomeq bone of eetenn.
don while if loots." Of the 51,500,0 Cb due In May,
about $2,600,000 WINO been elreadv disposed of ki
various wart, so that only. s'/00,000 is rendered
available by the government...
latrcattarrr—The Washington pa
pers bring, to a letter front Professor 14. Mnurv,
of the Observatory, announcing the _dis
covery of n new route to the equator, by which the
winge for sailing-vegicis gen be shortened nearly
O ne pelf. .The discovery her been 'made through
his investigations of the winds and currents of the
ocean, and he laratsbes a -mammal.' of the passage
of SS vessels by the 'bear route, and 73 by the old,
taken proraisoucaudy, ,hoping that, while the av
erage of the old route was 41 days, by the pew it
has beeabut a little over 20. days, and several res.
ads have made it in 18.' Of mom, cossages differ
nornewhathy the new rotneet different tunes of that
Year,' as the winds and currents vary; but in*/
case has a passagebyAlatazt over 30 day-s,
Sicahro AT tiontm.—A. - shrewd' farmer in the
Vermont legislature declined answering the speech
of a member who WWI rernarlatble . for nothing but
his frothy and pugnacious Impudence and self con
.-lticiinertkeril can't rcoly to that 'ere
Dim or A 13isay 144.:434 .I. l3 ffne: =tbe ..
in his 73d year: Lamm, whose -whaler' Hi! has
sbein,tioctfP*tibt A•Sbriell, a[.-PASS
!Abort in chemistry and physicw.tairiivcry - stay
.pripoissafthisleplibitilitohh watiltiactja= r abe
-IliCnd and 'pipit oaltehtlicillsr, 'want si
eif himself biti a work on.,4he sitses luad swots,
cnicerlfitblileidd orOgrob:
As amvaat.sC affMtijed:thn bi de a seletwe by
the man Mak.
sonietimesaluneygometimes lis 'Vet
! medico, with railer. 'eminent' men—Ehenartl and
Hombolt, for instance—there isbeirdli a. branch
•orphysleal science la which ate has not labored
whltsignal success., Them is ' , hardly a ,'savant
in his sindy i er • manufacturer lir him factory, bat
Is indebted toGay Lowe for !home invention,
somc, method, some appantios, Yam solentifin mug
canon, which facilitates" his labors and readers
histeralla more perfect.
Gtv. Pasz.—lntelligence received at Jamaica ,
from. Venezuela, Mates that this distinguished Vene
evehanGenenM, who has tpo long contended against
General ' klonogos, for the liberties of-hls , coaagy,
is to be Dent on 6wrd of the Venezueliart schooner
Intrepid, front Cuanza, to N. vr York, on the 15th
oiyed to the mm,
wth thy .my ;
shield I make thyself
CLEAst.nmss.—A rnsty_ehi.
and said, sum! Plume,
which the sue retorted, "0
foist Was givaTiat:
• ee::tful noma•;
A Tonsr.—The following I
late medial sapper, at Col
They 'Mie man's greatest m lady-of the beast-
by a "leetle" of the Same so t!
The following annotmcement was prated on the
wlndo* ,
of the Electric Telegingh Oilleej Stock.
port :—"Erigland, The Queen delivered of. a
Prince at eight o'clock ,this dahlia; by Electrio
Telegraph.' .
ENGLAND'S Goon Naste.—Oixr late proceedings
an Greece have induced foreign nations to make a
little alteration in our national: nick name, by ad;
ding a letter to it. Instead Calling us John Gull,
they how every -where style., tts John Bully.—
RIAINGI Asti WAILICING.—OId the' famoui
Circus man; had the lowest contempt for.womea
who did not know how io ride. A celebrated rte.,
octet from Drury Lane applied, to , him for an en.
Pgen'aL g
'de madam?'
. •
"No, 'lr." . •
"Then, plena madam,yan nnist walk." .dnd he
would not titain to mother word. • ;
013 6 / 1 “,L1711111. DISCOVTIT. , rhei }nitlltßr.
Lane's Venn:l(llde hamoddispoied of biz right in bin
great remedy, the proprietors, Messrs. liidd fCo., beg
leave moiler It to the American-public as the bed
remedy for worms ever offered, It has been tried la
all parts of the country,'aadin cues which land de
fled the exertions of the best physleitme, and scree
withord the moat complete suceess. We caution pa,
rents against delay, If your children exhibit the
symptoms of being troubled with warms, lose not a
moment, but at once mirchasei a bottle of hdlatte's
Verunfade, and thus. save them pain, .and perhaps
their lives.
For anis by , KIDD fe. CO,
Reel& Or the Poet nail • Ankle Cured.:
Me. NIT.I-1 au dealreas of 'tasking known to the
public the great elbesey of ymit. PETROLEUM In my
own ease, which yru a severe, scald of the fool and
anklet upon removing the Meeting, the skin peeled
off with it, and left nothing but the bare surface. I
expected to be led up all winter from the effects of
this scald, but we applied the retroleumffteely, by
means of a Rennet cloth entwined with it; at first, the
application mos palatal, bet is a very than time the
pain abated, I bad no pale in one boor afterwards.
In five days from the thrteAtf the applleatlos of the
Petroleum,l wan able to go towork. I take ',lemma
in stating these facts for the bdneLt of other sufferers,
and are dealmus that they abauld be made public. 1
would also state, Mail And immediate rebel' by the
see Of the Petroleum, in Dante, from which. I am a
frequent suffeter owning to Or beldam, about the
engine. I weld recommend it KB lb* most prompt
and <main remedy for him', have ever knew.
(51igned.) ' I D COE,Engineltyr
• . • Pharmthurgh, Allegheny C 0,,,
'Piltsttralf,AptlLlEML •
Bo r by Keyaer b. Me Deorell,llo Wood intent;
11. E Mier*, L 7 Wood, st;•D rt Carry; Allegheny city;
'D A. Elliott,Apeghenr, Joseph Douglass, Allegheny;
alio by lhe pinprietor, ' irt
alrV Canal auto; .t, Piunbsusb
. • • 129 - 141X)13 ST., 6110V6
nave Jae% received larie 'additions to their
• .
!mooned by lath p ache:a; from F.nrope, and to
which they would eapeelally call are ptlehliOn
" gallNL W llll .l :Vitt Wir etv'en
entig eat4astion. 5
NACOULLAIIE murimc EssT).TwizoNs
c.C, HUSSEY, Pin 4 e. MARYS.Biter.
Oftce—No. 41 VVater to the ware Loofa of C.
flllllB COMPANY is new prepared to insore all
j kinds of rids, on houses, manufactories. goods
merchandise in Morn, and in:trantito 'ease tioke
An ample guaran.y lot the ability and linearity of
the Institution, I. afforded indhe charocter of the Di.
revers, Who ate all citizens of Pistabarab, Welt and
favorably known tothu commuoity for Melt prudence,
Intelligence,and Integrity.
lims..tom—C. O. Hassey; Wm. Bt6a ry, Wm. Lot
inter, Jr., Walter Bryant, flail D. Nina, Edward
lloagelton, Z. Riney, S. Ilubams It, S. M. Ater. •
nape...somaauto u Dontlater.
Dn. G. O. eSTF.AIIN'S, tate of Boston, Is prepared to
manufacture and set Dux. Tana in whole and pans
of sent upon Sahli. or Atmespherie Suction Plates.—
Toornieux rezah to rtsa slants., where the nerve in
exposed. Oaten and resale Ike neat door to the Mey
er's office, Fourth creel, Pittsburgh.
Reese so—.l. ll.WVadden.P. 11..flatott. 1.19
nit. D. lIIINTs
• t 7 - 711' , , , • Dent/at-Comer of - Fourth
, and Decatur, between
CONGRESS—Toes. M. nova VIII be a eenelb
date before the botintesonle and Whig Convention,
for coodnatton for Cover.. melleDliterter
AnTal.l.l-11oszsr Macneill. E... of Nisebeth
Itorteith,vilil be supponed to the volt Antimszonie
.4 Whig Convention, es a candidate for the Legit.
Imre. , osey.lidikssteil
,lone Df. PiiimarPixT,Whireniriit. will he Dre•
seated by his friend. for, itheolontion to th e Asserabin
at th e ensuing Antimasonie and Whig Convention.
Mt. Editer—rleave .tl4lltl3CO the html of Jan
Fin; Fen ,o , Peoleden terrnehip, ae a eandldata for
A.remblv, berm the anoreeetting Antimaeonle and
Whig Convention. Mr Ft N to amen of ablhtr and
!twenty. and errald mate a jesesebet , en wheat the
'people eat:id depend. SNOWDEN
Jwen J. gelite .111 be a elleebealt , beforOthe Anti.
tamale and Whig Cr neentlen of Allegheny malty,
for nontinatlen tothe otheO of Prosaeaung Attar.),
• IstarJr.dayrteT
Cororr Comessmonas.—W Mono S. Thom:two, of ae
Sixth Ward of Pittsburgh, Will be supported for Ilona.
halloo as a Oindidata foi.Courdy Commisslener,
fore the Anti Masonic and Whig Convennon, by
maygnlkente ; MANY VOTERS.
gleOugg, of too ath WeirPittsbargh,
he Supported for nomination es CountyCotemisaioner,
at the Wher and Antimmento Caere:lion. •
To no. Lou lt srit — Cntle — ar - to . ottnnut ay Alin.
antsy Comerr.--Roben hang, of the Seventh Ward
of Pittsburgh, Is hereby recommended to the Conven
tion, oohed to matt on the sth of Sane next, as aeon.
didate for the odiee of Coolant Commissioner.
apr.dttneonT MANY VOTERS
Hurry Girth; 13SUIVelil be support.
ed far CountyCommtmiener In the Antimasonm and
Whig Convention. may2.2:dfinneoT
• • _
CACRST Annnot—Joun t:erakca. of Pine tovenetip
will Da aapported in the approaching Whig and Anti
masonic Convention, for the - amino Von o Anditor.
may47:dicaT ' 1 MANY PRIE.NI4
The chime of C. ligneores. Evq.oxill be *gee
before the Antinegsonle and Whig Convention of Al
legheny county. for norelevion as a candidate for the
°Mere( Proteenting Ationley. by
mvy29 MANY 1,11104119,
1111.1311111A—Pirr. Ferguson, £iQ,. of the Third
Ward, et' Pittsburgh, will be a Candidate for nomlns-
LlO3l before the Whig and >Ana Masonic Convention.
or a Candidate for Amiably, end will he supeoned
by =/2t Vsay Marwr Fetotres.
Gael= Aames Tern he ;purported for odeuttadOn,
in the Andmosonle — end Whig Conventinn t for. the
omen of County enrumfe.driner marleArcurteS
To.. Vallm, tag', or Madam. torrnmpouß be
eupponed for Codurdesioner,ln the Ald Masonic and
tdir COnre. , _‘• by ' NUMEROUS FRIENDS
.• may9:dlwitmcS ' 1
PanelCynno ArroventY,PlUriew 0 Fusrtant, Esq.
will be a candidate (Jr nomination before, the Ann•
masonic and SVhig Convention, (or Pro.eeelln
Attorney for Alleehpee Crieety. mayttrlltwteS
Mr Elliter—new. 401.0%111. wet WILLIAIN ROAR.
Lao,. Ern, will be • candidate for Proteentlng At.
tomey,berore the Antlmaionle and Whigennyention.
mity2s3.ltr.wieS hIANY WllltiS
Conine Cowsirsiosma—,Eawszita Minn, °Monti
Fayette township, will b e a candidate for County
commissioner, subject to the decision or tho Whig
and Masohlo Nominating Convention.
Magil-wto•S ' MANY FRIENDS.
CONORFSS—Irihs. tiairait Vona! will be urged
'by this friends, for a nomination as A candidate for
Converts in the approaching Antimasonie and Whig
Convention. maillidfcarteS
Ammimy 16, •141.114r1104 ID- 11111100000
Lou/ F. )(Ilk Esq. of Fluaburgh. as lt..outdhlato
for Mutably Meet to, the dociulan of the limi
on and Whir Convention. mayl2ultartc9
Witunst J nrau, of ttie NET — a Wini,rittsbursh,
will be aupported Indus Mk and Antirausonia county
Coavenbon, for Assembly; sotrrit panwußco.
~,,,,,,,, wlll bd
oupporied kr County ccanmissionar, at the Virbig
Anti Masonic Ccamenuou, by • MANY FRIE;NDS
ola7lkdimotel3 I •
Thersdcy, the 30th tilt.; bribe Rev. Themes P
Coition. Mr. Apex N. Betiorrue, Attest:clay city
to Mire Barbara 13totteri of Aileithely county. •
Solo leoporters torthismarket, of
- ,
Jas. lltnapiatt i Baia& Patent 11041 L Ash,
A cosy receiviog, by canal, lame supplies alba
Aabovo celebrated article, both glue and sore
makers' bast 'quality mid ,bfritt testi, vrbleh they will
sell at the lowesi market pnce,tor cash or approved
in addition to the above, they have several
slitroiseota to arrive, o r ttok tall trade, lei
eu Mr b l y 'lNG P R O O LZFArt . a.eatikr&r
308 'Liberty •tr, t
LARD OIL-10 bbls rertiviog from mom
104 Kcy.
storm Brato,kmal for man by J . DOLZ
! •1 • No .0 Water erectect
INyoOl.,Tbe bislts.tplyr, br cash wilLb . , Pell far
' Aik* KIIEOi6s; :-11111<gh•sylpuitirtri.
. .--. • ~ •
rAnnear litreother Conaintent:
aLtbraornemeterr..aleltire held; el °to OBee•am
W Ormla. flosc. T. the 6W of JCS; Inst. at tr
aieleekr,P.M.raratlio: ti mer the elduasalaßSeteleld
arIII aead odd, Board 'it Idatiartri Cleated fortto
;tihraNnedr: • • 7,-FINNM Seeretaly. •
:....1101bIlowtoinDenons compone tee Board of Come
mom—Dr J. , 6 Speer, W. Bobiaton, Jr., Teo. N.
IdeliaiatoeaCeadatt. sl=l.litte{..:,PaTdit-ErVt..
g'rri i
&Wits; R. Ft Caesee.'Wed,-rataaaroo: F. Oa Baroyi
Hanker iketny:ll. 0-411er a G.-W..Jaehoo,,Chatlea
Ittelear, Wilson hFCanelerp, Ake. 01.10 M I . Alger-
nikk; J. D.
.l, Root, Been. ThO4:inoiX4 lot*
Carothers:A Calboesea, C. F, eager:
R. W. Poindexter, C.
8r0d100.4 rod. .I..nomey,
AVM?' alptiC:
At rla:Slin of the Golden Bop; No. 10; 'Fria it:
.1148. JUS T• RD.: LIVED ",.
~,Tkatord'a Prayer,' ibelatifdly eft beillatefti
O. Pahl 'km FandlY Pllgbdat, (offeFaLladij
nag by MM. Mseaffclantl.
Map& ifalne, 111 Ma: byrKtart Eseatelaint.:
QuemeraParry bud,: do:
/day Breezes, ea mg IMMO. Kfantsteln." •
-13ifiss sturfrly Mar Kraft' " "
Erriardo p csang by Mad. Birear.elEM,
Pall per dames ...
Piper of
Od Yea,"eri +fa matiwaa a Kfir . si.
Wedding. Waits: • ; •
Pylph • "•
AfirfalffWa ltzes,pi Walks -1.1 Itottbotle.
• Nona Rase Polka. ,
Pflte Potty, Ire., ae.
-11 . 2 1 91.21 ANt i lti P =Ve l d ' V ' "' l jt ' ir 'T
111,5, muro
at path outcome of' Fo y atl P and ma:ket
XifURF/Ilt t BURCHFIELD ED! selitni
/NJ. and/Imp M. D. Lalnerst earr low prlzet. - at`
north entt.enmer ofFettritt and Mirka
.11FLACR BILICLACES—Eitm wide mediate Wilt-
DD narrovrtrimminelseet ofbest qualithiust reed.
and for.ssis saDorthesst tarter of Founts sod Hu,
let streets •• tee ',IIIURIIIE le BURCHFIELD •
LEACHING POWDER- . 40 tasks Broapistft ben.
Tut ty to arrive •I , t Plttlndelolda• per tbip Neg..
Pot solo
Se6,by - NV 1/ .NITGLIELTHEE,' .
Lebepy atee c,
- -
:Allegbessy Cowart ; CM
t.a. monerealth -of ireosurfi .
MN, la Illeerge
'Washington Brant, ;IVIn - 13nutt; Elisabeth;
Brant, Game W. Bricker."ane Bricker cad Albert
Bricker,'lme of•That.4.3,llran4 :ate of said
;connty.dereutd, . ; ;
Wisr.rens, at an Orphan& Court, batlike nnenurilt,
for the said.cocaty . otAlleicheny.tkcipatitiosief-And"er
..ou • and Cod Cunningham, ; Administrators et.,
.tau of sald Intestate, was presented to :skid Coon,,
praying an order to sell the real mate of said damn..
ad tor the ;Impose of paying bia debut. Now, trtere
fore, we command you, that laying aside all excuses, ;
you and each of yea be and appear In our add Court,.
on the oth day of. July, 1110, then and Share to show •
cause, If any yen may have, why We prayer of • the
pennants+ slosild not be [ranted.. Wafts the non.
Wm. It, Aleflare,lisq4 President ledge of Lou sale
Conn at riMMaryth this Yd day of Jano,•lBso. - •
jeers% • •DAMS I. *CURDY, Clerk.
IarEASAY, FLEMING It CU, lomat armored to
gife their satins alteration to the:W. of domestic
Woolen: gad • Couon Goods, now offer their large
Mort of Tailors , Trialmiagt, ,Vemings, Freneh and
German Cloths, Doeskins. eassimerest m o. at Goa eon
•1 • -
A W illiamsport will Br i d l e by the Stockhotters of the
II Ccoujway, tot the nubile
boluto-of - Ileum Wilson, in mown:label* Crry,-- on
Monday, the gilt do or June next, et 1 o'clock, for
the' boron,/ ot , claming, to terry itati • year, Se•en
Manatee .14 one ' -
JOSEPH WUJ3ON, 2beeirtier.-
INTUTTING—Itt brl to arrive, (gigolo b! •-•
V - • • • DICKUY Os Oil
ie4• • !Water &Front at.
SDNDBIEB-63 be. No I Lis . : _
3 Mimi, do; •
••a °saki Dacca Sid*
' 3 oaskii Shoulden•
- 9
suss Ilsols; •
I etuk assorted Hams; • • •
3743'Nuppan Blooms; toarilic t &rink
IRVING'S blaltotorr- rots b calf & clods.Dboci.
Taylor's Eldorado. f vols. lama. • •
Irving's Works, complete. 3220. &alb breOlir
Downing's Lanoscspa Gardening, - , •
• Downina's Fruit Trees of Arneriel.• lama. '
'llalmbier—Croly. 3vo. • • .• 1.... .1
Citspmsn's American Drawing Book. 3 Nos, 116.
II oaschaia Wards—Dm term Nos Ito 8.
Weale's Radii:tonal Sena: loam
Copperfirll—vol 1. Mao. . • • .
For ask by JLNt l D LOCIMMID
Jet.' 104 Fourth at
. •
ur.blahest mark e t.pree Y. enah, wilt be pied fa
1 the dame= radon °Mao]. by
. . . 8 b. W ILARBAGII..: , .;
JA: . 145 Fint et ea 115 Sesame et
ur, roe% nod for ale hy
F L . ' . g n—l ' ° Pk & W 11511551751!
ODA ASII-20 oaks Karii rupenor brirtd.recerved
for *OlO by roll 55W HARUAILIUIf
k ... L.,. . .
• ..
LI . • In —do CO.• solo by "
bes No 1 Soap, reed, and To sate by
CIANDLES-23 tuts Alcald,Candiev, far. 1.14 by
%.J *l. - • : saw IIABBAUCar
flowishold liVords. •
000 bas joie reel Dielens , lloaa
tl/,' 'bola Words—Noll to IL : . ' . Jcl
I r lDLlL d tfL ,, l. , =tioses swiwa sizes is
JOHN .waTra. cb
ii..AXdEZD t)brispunc, vote.. tor uLleby
j;{ ; .101 IN WATT& CO
{x' 1E enter notion, the llei of pairs,* sainothing
' aSont Hafted, of Chests. Impellers, Large
enpltal, Dwight for Carh,' to. In tsetore will not
humbug in atm. manner or form, we sirdply invite the,
penhe .0 compere our Tens wtmmaat net parttime
elsewhere; me is the best method we know to aseet. -
was netts the best arid cheapen ,Teartin Find
burgh. tie are now wiling . . • .
(load and among-Tea at donna neat" per lb.
A prime 75 •do do '
,The beet T. imported into the U. States, in •• -
Low priced, damaged, or inferior Teen we do not
beep. 510481 S &lIAAVORTII
Proprietor* of din Tea Market,
. Kent ddeof Dumond
RNITI , PRIBE COOK.ING STOVES...I for late. to ea each, by . u oaeorr t
t:itYlt—trott bre prime pew mamiost MeeMetil
ta at ma Donor arid Cbecto Depot. and Cr sato b •
. _ . lit CANFIELD .
20FATI)k..-15010.1tAls.for •
L r l Er f Eom_lo
FTS PIIOO.PFAINT-rlObrivr,m,bintliji
NEW BlACKERElVl u is m jas m t . rec p idate co
JO je.3 . Canal Itaiskgrenn•l L L
SALTPLITRE-30 sacbrateAr littlo4; rrl t
ion Wauar & Front sts
UAD & Mama in itankthr .ale '
riOD Fl6ll mac by'
VIBE EIUCK & MS —For sale by .
h3'" ISAIAH ! DIM= t
COITON,-3' bales, mated ibr batting, en band, toe
tale by je3 .ISATAU DICKEY it CO
T D lc GREASE tot see by
C 3 , 11 .1 71 4 P ATl:lt.°,ft. !l=ll bICREY 4 * CO
V V Oda far anciatlval purposes. for sale by quart or
wholesale, by OIOItRES t HAWORTH
1117- The above mains Wine aad Brandy...wai
bought In Porpsgal and Franey brataselvea, aad Md
raarardee them pare. ; ..143
NGLlrlllothr, for solo by the Tart. 'Dalai, oi
barrel. by ;a MORRIS &HA W ORTH '
ARBON ATV: AMMONIA-1 cask, fresh, Jest r.
ecl•cd forve by .1; SCHOONMAKER &CO
91 Wood st
.IISS PAPER-33..19s ter sale by_ -
liclmucEnwT -3 V . lAuilarr was
wv.vr voonn I
Thad slieet, opposite the Past 016ee,
HISTORY or Pendennls, by natter/se—part 6.
Mehemet and hie Peeeessork by AVathingten
Is rgeg—eeerleta • '
Rove Foster. R 9 eel U.
131 ick wood fat Bine.
The War,of Woman. Be Deane;
Uonoo Rbellepeere—Nol6...
Consaels; Ily Deane Laud.
Mod tlopperSell—leel3...,.
Di Jen isn. of Mee h tries—nen 11/.
Good Books fay BiSsanter tiOrs:4 l2 ls!..
DOSILIV Sf SON. 2 vols. .12mo. i ' .
Jane Lyre. MAO.'
Fel tColtrol. 12mo. •
Inners 'Afoot ' ;
C 7 Fairfax's Tam.. Imo.
Esti r Jesuit Missions In North AMeriea.
Poet Tslet—The Rosso and other Poems. 1.2m0.:
PletdleS Dora Italy—Jameson. 12mo.
Mrs. Adams , Lena.... 125n0...
Havrastone. ii 5015...12r00.
Ks! . osh—Mayo. 12mo • • • '
'rho Rachel,' of the Alh.y. 12roo.
The Imsee of hi. Folber—!llostrated. 14Mo.
Marty ria4 a Legend.. For sits by •
' • " b LOCKWOOD
led . 101 Fetirth street
§KETCIIES sod Itamtlts. By T, lieNdly. • ,
The Women of.the American Revotsuon. By
rs. E. T. sot I' • :
. .
Aboal4nf ihe (tort. of Polito.' Ity Geo7ge..."
The 711:Ont no of the e ats ors New So7k
Seasistre4s.• Charles Donieit.
• A low copies of
. oseh cirthe above irtirke rreoivtd,
and for sots oy 301LNISTON ktYPOCICTON
03 • 47 Market sweet •
t Pest 3esriaLA_eae4loan. sod Cbobolels_seey,)
13A.CON—LOOD lbs hog round, just reed, for sole by i
.17 107 STUART ft SILL.:
haid,to •
".4E--""" 0'
()ROOMS-103 do; to store, and foi, sale by
OT ASH-3 cuks prime, in sta!e,'Jor_Lal!,
C — LLIN-13 Ms of tba best quablyi Jon tOO% eta
for solo at the Dreg heorc,_eotaer of Sixth and.
Wood street. • J!3 N
OLLAND rickittl /jetting-2n k rccelyed,"
JUL a new nalcl7 in this =anat r tar uric by
ie3 ' tbSit Liberty st
r o'd, for alga byr KIDD & CO
• Wool
QWEET 011;•330.61;Xisfor eniiib
je3 • • /KIDD k. 4;0
- •
H EMPSEED-10 MI, jut reed, arid for este Igo
_ .
FISIP-111 b, Now menus licmtia; . , ~
. . 15 brie Gibbed de;
TD brla Batt:men, do,
15 btls Shad;
311 hi brie Shad. ha Mota and far We by
144 Liberty al .
11,1”74.; aml In solo by
...,•, --.., ~ , • , ,
PV EN T , . <
- 1
. _
MESE DIES having beat adapt 7 0 174 10 3 11 .1 141.4nre'134 a s Ib3ll3llllc,irt 1150 Z ie Nair York
L andYluttutelphar, an now offered to manufacturers, reach.g., b, p .,...w w , ~,., w ilw,
cc .,
fidetttAlsitierlastpodeot irtaddkia Isola ciAsog,lizemal.......„. . ...<
Thc5r•ant,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,A ~,,,, Asper I ,11.5
d ueloWee , consuls In , alto r
cutting a sietrecr
Scahvat t ibia. ? g j,..,41 . , OW 6, MIA bre 35 3'Vver the Iron W he euhVbielkeeqUlre no swaps,
aut a lb• Wei iipo !Wheel taalwir It le the least;
i n preponsties as tloa dies eel
Unde cremated:dentin zapadOre 3 3d a "14 O din th e' r l u m P 4cl, l end Ida b3b3slf
ruzget ow of order. - r . , - t + . K t ... '.• --.:.• rt p, ... , ~ ,
.. T . , t , , ,
.... ,
" 7 ' 7 ' ,,, , a, r ' r • , - ' ' , c,
4: ,,,,,,,,,,e, ww ., _,, t... v t • liee ender the wipervlddlt a , ads Department, P. W.
...4 , ;011iee • PlakIltilltl 7 1bretnix111011.1{00 meta, they
1 PA1LAD15TM. 10 4 .17,.... '" - , having be. tell in fee of use large ersenals, wag
T a i 1 ,.,.,,., .r/ 17 .. 3 e 73 0 5 11U wo have plUrbeandlSlVl P ,, imam be 'geode ism *ad eiewlad •
" • '''' .4 u e Ti a , or *gag Mt raw Del fa..... r el ' - . TALCUTT, Col. Ordinages.
deg bolts. In mu °plum, ala, Inn lea aniabi r -- , - - ...
raw 14 .
patpo.e2, when se awl temutdrall 71 / 1 11 ' -5. •••
' ' ' - 7 „
Vs3"ruatizs• Ilb 1 . 313. v
Saving had PV7 Came , Camas uta gala log
establishment for the law Mae months, for vatting
35735 h vas mw In e'en tedaellt hemmed Owen la
ha 111gbesclattnias we haw Istri all elms away,
they being so far superior - te al their 73 per
eent.elowperthaa any ethers now in we. - , 1
, _ 3. , _4llal.llEglitli at IrCr iii. ,
MI& to ko naafi We 173 V Waddled the Mita
to amistml manned In eas,hastuars, P W. Gm& Pay
wet Screw' Cklttercinbleb ere algttly uppers et We
auk &Wel more wort, snit red bedew 0 segl ter.
Imo frostabiltly and preehtian, at flub ts emastotoy
etlebet, any dies known to ea I . .- , , .
IdOlllU/h.VagElt 4 1 1 1ORBIEL
E"D!,g9th 47;1N99.
- - , • ' + 'fllll, Tdit, Alif. 19,18a.'
Fravlngadopbad P. xv. Glace op teat Man for errt -.
tins bolo, we take pleasure In style', that 41 mew
thus answers arm eapeetadons, and h0ve,1 53 beVa.
lion La ferias it asses eplaina, that It far *Mew 3 .l
other plan to present, wo Wr moist haw - r
, Y iflawca 5 1 , ta '.
We have P.W. Gates “Patted.tealt-cadinf
m ad
ows, and the economy ' cited Ouse so very
eaubletable; that we Wet eyes thew a aweless;
We to every ettatdiallbrent Iteldleft 331.4 3 4 5 1 517 7 13
31e.COrrICE, CGDEN 31,Ca I
thdttoollday 10, Mg, /., i , - . .. ,
'.. Catkistat Cenci, WAsaisalpr ' alb eeptiva ,
I have purchased Or W.ll-13earlini, for the ceitad
Miter, ;tae dent to awe hrall lkb annular ara valo r ;
yaltrable andantes:tetra ?MOS Power tra
let on ltawdrable termat.... " •
pa Wald:sir NAVlotietiok tOhL#l.lll*
wow prepared the blue the Water Poem at the'
Grandltephia, to , an emmat Wildest tap apal foes.
benched pairs of mill Ilus loadlents bt.ed .
apes a. reek thandadram sada. 'potent zawdorreurt
meetly be applied on both sidasafthe rush. The
trete of the WhioSalelMlU well as the Wabash, oaa
be readily furnished el tin - point' thaberi
loon ate, sod seal, m the .peaWid alnuntheed, aid et
superior quallry,swin bened ly armered dthoettil. 1 1 4
Tram—One hundied °llan Kr =ma for II •
er cofficient Ito pleadings& nu of mediate alma
mill norms, lay a. parrots( linen ,yearso with the
riot arm:moral ontha IMpirallow Duda I.*.c r era
fan wileation of the power amployeill::The Wiest die
mill or mostrameryjnelmled,ititheatfortke: ohs.*
(math* Comparty,prpTtlar of the Direetorr.
.Prethlentthr i
C W.N. t.
,1830. inyflthther:
vomni* May
-poiaoss-tru z zta .2 9 •
7. 1 "1.; n246 BROWN &14711CP&TRICe
°SACCO-431mpg Gage thioie twi.t 'ea 11114
add lot sakt by , "'BROWN kiCIRIPATHICK.
/50T.6.414.1.4.7411 yaks rot Ark .
• • -.TO bags • Pmotties, - per - 114
irclroLtiiir tile Li*, to close' consignment. It;
OM' AELAII/Ognekedo tor see bt
ir3". ' • .1 SC Hooriikrilvit extl,4
1.14.1115 fißr..EN—spetut,ostebrated
t d. for
tale by Jul .I.SCHOONMAIER• .•
EX .
0.8 tat purel , rroara,'rad,
ler .ale • - •IL E SELLESE
VII It coopers bens tar ralertir
OGRVSS otthe Nation—Peirce.-Pro. , , ,!el
F. Sir •Weehtle Siite en Abe SehmlCS o, a";
Shelley'. Worts.: Eva. ;
Woods' Pesaleal'restise on'SJll;Seesit.. -
lbeShilotophy ornate= Nature: Ben.
Dietlonm of Arehliectitm-Stbeit. ' Bed.
; • Aletuteentral Saktsine, complete: , to Svits. EMS
• : Aphorisms end ReSertions. - - p Ott Sea. -
, Campbell's Poetized Works • Sapet Met. Sed."
Tbompsen's Beason. doper : More
"For sale b y '' ^ JAM ••=, LOCCWOOR
W ," • .
ANTED immediately, 80 lent tempi MILES;
for waleb aliberal .ea fair earapensatioa at ill
be paid o pen delivery at P.OUNDOUT or ItINOSTON,
York Appliellian made either perscztOil
et by eentmenleatlentrthe anbeetiLey,_lnli tective,
prompt *minion. • ' '• • WAI 1-11/tltlairi;'
Jeldat Tamaqua, Beha7lkill ro. Pio. f •
"We recommend Om Ern, u leanly of tenored
tudy, dod air almost theonly vensible polltiealpuUti.
et ittat bu ever been published swoop% •
. • .
01.11 me Origin of Goveratmoiett• ' .',.., .
J)17.1/N.D LOCKWOOD will pablisb,'on Tbsrsdiry .
TmsDrrissOmmoorGavonotarrr, seemet stliitert:
Transista from the Frtoolt of Ds Malmo, by FL IL
palter, 3I; 'of Dolton. I voL' , lsthort: - - 7 141
• .TILE.AB/A/[
deolee a mla
nd Tate wlection of T. 1.11 imported by wt.,
.and Mulatto outrun o la lbla coutallywalab, bY lads
framed and delicacy, cooltined arukr,ifg. rutty
and rtnenatn. produratunlnfludooltraarpatalag
nets and flavor. •
Tea Teat offered tin the Wowing,- -
Ted Jeddo Bloom, ajllatt. Tea f .-1111.132 per
: 14; - 1 4 it •*,
Odaeok tlitati Tea
• Too-ulna. ' • .dd. '
"do - • 60
,•' . • B&B 21121ute.; a eobipeand or am • - '
Anon me and choke Teat ' •
• • .0 of Acorn.-. ice . da• • •
ennanuayd the leitrodacttou or Oldie
Tea., it the ..naddlion ol .tho.
to distribute by
IoL atednittliotM.rellisma,attaalstlty
or Teta aunt to the First Youth robs. pa alto alas
effected. •
Tadlt purchaser will • reeeladanatdied the pack
:t.le n e . ru i =i=r ; e' ;;TlT to and '
on the yeeeinla atonanthis 12 BAlild Iddo'
rnerdtened Dwelt of inlaid the Taloa of teapot calla
nr 821,000 WLLL BE GIVENAW,BY,
attOra mg td the following neaten— " •
prima orno lea of Tea each at 1919•Lbpddd
2U do 2.3 les - do • al, .do 1:1066 oaf=
to do . - '76Th, do • do: 600 lb Gee=
101 do 5 lea •do•: - • - do • do 6w b °O3°
1 =1... do to: ao• • oro - Riot/WO
..2.01812 42,Ec0
423 C rlies th al t. • -.'
Throe persoaathe .prefer lower pn,
, va their pent la proportioe,frlhv.
. -
receive their pent poportioo, limy -
Me-belled be alutt. ata tedoeticet brlO OeT Teen
Arent. wooled. Applications to "
ennead, poi% pale, to th4Coompaara Depot, as ethane.
QNSfo - Ot T O :=I r lii1 1 ,
Tr e l egti;:t
.city propony. for pardeolora. 'squire or
jet No 10, Wood Meet
ledwerd A. llmaiflrewo`_
16 &Ma Calvert st.;trearßakagro ar.,BaltfOgenc,
(Lam E..Goe &
rty. Son N.Y. ' ) ~ •
111P011TER ofie
Shoe Finelowan Dealerle Leather,
Aet varieca Med= Posalialt ttlheneh Kid Silos, '
Preach Calf Skin., 'Patera Leather; Menteerc red,
Slt rea l /I= 4 llZr! litNrrtrW rn e c h . bli,
hoeS Knives. MeV Blades,. Rho. lidAu, Wilma
'reties, Shoe Nails end Shoo PEGS, at all sate,.
E,. A. G. having estatillehed Mockers bushicre to
Biltinume, la enabled to hip goodo South oe'West
mbh the utmost despatch, end at the !tritest !trite*.
Manefamorem, dealem, sold all tame, arty rely
apocobtalning tom lniele In the trade, or gm beat
tmd on liberal terms -
frrhlanniactarer of Lasta, Stied Thee. Shoe Tries,
GUM.. Crimp', Root Stretcher., Aft
oral rill
be promptly executed- leaMprieee On cash.
A catalogue eentainleg a complete hot who
si le
e the undo lonsardett to' those who
EDWARDGonnEy, s'..cahvit aL,
tourN:Mlta hear Bahlmont et,Ltaltheore,
HAVINGAVIN been anuoyed for some, time_ by aabgt of
DR. mischievous bop; (Muting 'O6 streebinst and
heti, Occupying the swings to the elelationoC mere
piefitable visite rs,ite.... To preventsach tram entering,
moment visitors will be furnished w 101 e ile*.et , nt
the entwine*, for IS'ccou l / 4 retef sod in
the Saloons Mr IS contain refreshments: FinulTtick•
em for the se mop Will be tarnished by thit proprietor.
The !alarms. will be famished wills lee Cream,
Mill, and all the dclieentes Otte season. ..- • I'.
.The garden summer, Rope Re ft, leaves the Pittet.
landing at the beginning eolith hoar al the dip' mid
MURPtiV; & im BURCHFIELD h recd
Jo= atsarttriczt of above g00d.,-of
Alleg • enx latr
'TIRE eutat . endApg gerip of twa t irla hi r
• • •At the One Fries:Mare of - '• •
A. A.' MASON 81. CO
l 0 0000 0 .(14>siday,'.7.0 3d; I
i V i ltelcr ° 00 temente • Linblirlunont, with
Wholegale r Root., will, On Du n be
open for RziAll. T001)0, and di of their
stock - will be colored to retail pore:taws. at a disarmer
of force tit to t.o per cent. leas then anal prices,l, • , ,
THEIR S'rOVIC O P Comprise over (nee
hoodzed ;deem sod will be solder aahonetuo
Their assortinent of Bilawls, IDerree,Tiosnris ‘
adines. Foulard Sdk.. Lawne;+ Ptocelc' . /netineta,
Cambria am! Brno Good% general :will be eloa ed
ant botonediately, at about one bag Mot towel run .
It CooolPoolCalored Lawns will be offered at' , p.
g do Barocco, 2 leo.
I do Motile de woods - • , '.•• / lest
ROperior Fltgliolt and Antcylertn Calico% •Da no.
74'002en Liven lionebeeeleefr ,
A large into( tyrellget COOlO4, 50.... kn . a. u.
a en 0411.00 variety , of •DOtietttle and
Rodery and Gloreo, Rola
ac. ke.
tkfating in all one of ite enedezransiortisenninento
in the country:lasi& will be walked iOlllllO :klub
wee,t preen dun at wry of tkeir- previous Annual
tr - rTbe Blow." b.-doled wean TburviaP and
gro ntalt and 814 for the myna of **rano
irg and marking . down at
-; No veinal elm re Pro.
ena 1.7 31 ' - • • - ; ~ _:AAA '3IAnON /CVO •
ilooLlVEßoll.—.7curi received. fresh total Rash
Cliok 4M. Co's 'ermine Coilliver Oil. of imle
prlu , sstk ,
. .7, 1 1_11)
: r Quits . e-4 tr'd And finale
frat Co-10 kegs No; tvrinit li Zii.
me.ilangper steubx-*Wallangton, and fot
by mi at • . JAR DALZM.T..
ritataor a, VERNONI—A new and intertving
A Navel,lS mu. clod', Sin reed ana for
7.1311:Wt VS WWI P
Conjbletins,43,4rlll7egeptf3, Ittg: s
lia . ee.reere e , le be I iiejle One, i
my r t4e, &meetly of tee Navy,
oa " Vai.. " 4 l. t. ° rdir"*"" wt"".
and me is:l4"fmprovesal W re; 1 11 " 4'"
... the &Navy.'
. ~ !9. 7 1 , 15)11211,1%tet of Velem •
iiiks Strobl' ''''
l'. • - • • •
Board Worts, Brills o.
Reim t Abblor, Soekeston .
kinint C° 4rrg e rlrhlki v ii C.warft
11=d1 Dirkkisrer, mall,* W. V;
TeKethintiont &Cos Nos , Vorii;
Demand kcscilitonawrot Mao,
Von Cow Y010.1.2ri
Allow Works. . ...L
.-• Pius & , , •
• 'West - Point Y
Norris & Rio, ITVdoloids; : •
&lents Broodestill'Os ,r 1;
Walsroita & WWl', Noma EnL
Now f 0 "3
Lowell &tsarina rhoPrZO wek
doreoskoks Co, Manosewstr Itt
• Lyman & Son mat, Eolitts Boylan,
and marrow otnoro,
. •
Not Macbsra,lo Seta files t Ispa h I te - lt
Nal - do • 'O. - ad • I tot
No 3 do - do' ,
.All Orders Minitel:4 to P. W'. usu.*, Olean,. O.
: Nadu's, New ,'orit )3.13. Marshall k ,Co.
'016614 24.11,13c0vi11a1h Son, emend. for Diell
And Tap ai 'Odra artsloat machined. Cos tart them.
.well moat arlth Vamp allentlas.'
LItIt•00. ilpty Idle.
• Dana amla and Patgartte • SO eristr.
• , Baroad sad Third Tien-- • a .
• Garry (for colored
Dm:nil:9On al 7( ,Cnruith arta visa at $ °Wart.
Lpp, Wedneid•y, Jima. A, will be prlnsitei • 11rWis
gwat mune w, tho , •• • • • •
••• • •'CHAIN OP GUILT.'
' Dir 9 Ittown
M. Nichol.
Doha -Dlbbs ;'
- W P Ralik
" .Itr. Pratt'
The eblebtated RAYMOND FAMILY an engaged
siaxou.iL Ell5O/I.OI3ILATI,
;MILE AIIERICiat PRIMA DONNA, has the honor
of statonuelng tat her SECON Or nod LAST CON•
BERT swill 'take pleee on WEDNESDAY evening.
lane nth, aLWILYINS ILSLL . ,
• She also takes pleaeure In Informing her Mende and
the public generelly,that In order to render the Soiree
rltne bridle= and trallbd i ehe bee made ntrancemente
with the distlnontotted Psanlst, Mom Salon, the cele
brated French Vielledor Moos Smoot, both. lately w
aived treat Paris, who will make their woad appear
once before • Pittanargh =Cape*, on this occasion. ,
; She will el be asalated bar husband, Swede,
Threadnasst. .
yr Foreardaidere;teri bnii • • Id
PfildtglllllloBßUli & LECTURE ROON.,
! - "AvoLLo
from 8 M. tilt .10 •
difp4lol2 lo Lect!are Room, 25 oeutr.„
. . •
At 'RUUD. Halt eiaell Estes!fug olio Weak.,
tfiIi.SPFSICHR Will present tb , the 'Ladle's 'min
Gentlemen orPlash:rah, soma or die 110•1 won..
'deed said sawing espernacuts overman In tar city-
Pane° here lost he has node many, moss orondernali.
discoveries. Mute esnicantandg.trausaurs war be
Plowmen. • • ' •
Tile .MAGIC BURROW will La piimainten, - . la.
hien a penon eon see any friend, absent or promos;
I dead or Whig. • ' ,
Admisslonon ohms.
Triors open in 7* delock;Lecuiretat 8. , .aii3l:llr
'la! 1.30 Woad a treeti - F21121.'.
splendid' 'eauttiluhment fs r now oferid for
Itsat.. It hi a4rEirAtay airsaMt .for. co.etnul
leauues t Eatbillons, &a. F.3l ., ertmapply 4%
/OLIN A Enzsimoris,, •
spjeuttf ' , . 137 V.flood st 2.
Toth/ Rittont.ll4(thijimulges richt Corn ON.
• nit @data Stings, tf Slut Paece,utino for ther;;
Cowl .
*UBE peak= Of JOIII• a- 14t11.1, i s riltiao Tito,
IA ; uttip,in the' ouniy ataresald, lumbly
I.b Ed rout pailtlonar hint provided .himeraf
materiYle,.fgl.ttb ateognoodzilon. nr.trayslezt end
. •
when,' arida dwelling boon in the townsbly afore
raid; end prayenthat ;year 'lumen Wllt be gleaned to,
grant tin* a Innate to [cep a rabllo liense or Enna • '
tannowur... /tale= peuti=en,as in dor].bound, will
alba attbscailyen. *Warns of the lownettiti afore
itaid, do certify, nen Abe aboympedlioner is of gook
Mute' lbn beneclT and Inwyerance, and is well pm
laded with b o nne *mesa& cenvententes lornbe ant.
'ennat.lation and `lodgingor montignor end travelers.
and that saidnavenals interim. " _n•
Char. Johnntetr, iloginTtonegnoiNeble Kolar°
'John Black, Meaty, Chalfant, P..lPereliment, George"lleKiarey, Alexander McKinney, ',knock fAlaboase,
IL Z. bllancell,LaWsen Omen,. Mandel Intim ."
Queerer Sadao 4 the Pectei era' med fur the
Tr=4 . lllfreAslzLy of AU . Vittly aforL. l l:
humbly &meetly that your petitfonor Erarell prortd6 -
with holm itlol9. St/bilaff ner-emry for the ao•
ecamodatios of thatravellinripabllC .Ife therefore.,
prays yaw Wawa , grant Ida keens to keep a:
ammo( pablietateetatoalent. •
We the ordersiga cd citizens of the Borough erre
laid, do oatifyi that the shorn pm:agars la or prod re ,
pate for kontaq and mtoperance, tad Is well Prodidddi
,vri in karma room and convenience (bribe socomme•
. dtadin *ad lodging ondistgars and minims, Ind Mat.
. Nickolas L. Haab, R. 11. Sheldon, William Bbenbs,,
P...lrramor. haat Edmundeon. Frederick L rol axes,
William Clark, Conrad - Allebrand, John fl. Hickman,
'Watson Mains,' Alesander tilegety, Jacob Tagel.
• , • ~
C lIE F S ' E T ' Vins B VI G and Ch l ;
Grays, do;
lane Apple
laciatiott Er4l/Alt -
• •• Muth, o;
Wast4ta Vdderve,..dr,
Tor sdlo by ; .1V144.4a,eCL11120 .1 CO
13/ rAP93I.--35
• z ,92 do 24990 34 ••
' 23. do 111.2372 r
25 'do 12230
22 do 23211/ Ito
Oa Mead end biagib7 AU AN79I.VosC
NJSI odotoel
• 'taw sloes or -
J.OIIN, 11 . , IlteEL C i i o l4l ll7:lrl s l7 4r eed iL-P c i trie A7 , ° !!:ac
neeccee, and _now epees 0# lasigekatino sad,
.165,1/.1.m WOCk at Piano ro4r, from die celebrated
manutettery oti tAieletiom.Wew. •
Teachers and asearears are raqicea tally invited is
ex • •••e • 'NT beinatitel Ontsaztraise. received with.
LOST -Oa 48th innant, am
1130 haat at Ma thmidela (Mutt mreat,er bmtheea ;
thn•audieem NRsrr,,R rmallllaotfns elmed
Atr.k.b, ~iin,mea, sad • rhos bold ltia
0".". wt o g eb,m WM ba reltably eterardad cm%
Miming them to Mt hfeFsddeni hlmltax worm;;
ar to alfleacof Tao,. a.o'ccaPo.r., or Paa , k,
-sad Wayaa etteete.: . - my3cl
~/..IPZ:01- N OVIIA110111.
- Jr..
Agent for 1,1/Ufa. L.f insatian L
(4IFFICB of e Western /tentraace Company No. •
l Of Water streci.Piesbatkh. . •
a mit ioa t , igtitk atesuary. Leforataikto o tool
binge wogs
lloskaada gas lo*oaare Moot liyes fat the hectic of;
emit 'ogee and . I,ll droki endows the u., of their:
The whole prat% Of the Coritykoy ars divided,
among the holden Of Lila
dirkleaOs oldie oast two Teazel:ogre been tielgti
ty per can t. tack rise. tats ..
IAAi rah ac •
04 Ong of -8 N WICKER:MAN, ,
klyNt . Comet of Word aird Stria tweet, . •
. AL. BODA-4 ovidirectlved and for ..le by
JO my= • - • II YI _ _
ViaPer-V v eitiet, kept consiatalv on h.d,antl tor
Ylst. tnit.:.• re tek--in butt pspe• and and glower.
esoks, of the annufsetoto of John Itomtnd A Ceh :
/tonic:Mk, kept eattountly on hatutAhd belittle by
;„ 1 3Y=1 . • . - A cf., LOERTBOII
LefitWal COBLlALl—Abetntlie, Annette, tee, aux
17 Lam d and for nole by sayoo A - CULBERTSON..
01.1101 VILLE ASMEZ:IOO bhis uo tiand — ind
I / Nilo by in :10 A etII.IIEATSoS .'•
TIIST oiRD,.-at the Pittsburgh Family rilro
U eery and Tea Warehoute:
6 outs Fetal Oymers, hallo rouse;
a. en. Pickled -do, le roja sy - •
do 00 do, in pint do.
'Tbe above Freah Oysters are parboiled, and puska
in a highly eoneetartued sato, endosed hdarACriCd
ii geoled eons. and will keep much longer it,. amp
pin Ito in be ordinary way.
.For sale, wholesale and retail, by
WM A hIeCLOP,O & Co.
vezarAnzag.nisTotticaL waling.
Legare'e Writimia, l vole.B ve, •
The American Lovaliste; Lenora, Nablne, 8 vo.
-Noquenee of thy United Stew, d vo. -
• The Wtluisee orWeetrinaton, I Tot, lave,
lbw/riles IlteMel Grilse Hatted &alma vols. a aro , '
Rarterolnillietore Cr the Vetted Metes, 3 vol. 8 vs.,
The Works of Frterlin,lo vol. 8 ea.
81EC1111.34 oldie Commonwealth ornialarel, 8 Ire ,
I.lolWOUNlTcrdizinact and Isabella, 3 vol.B vo.. .
liothreh's Hie Cry of the World, 4 var. 8 vo, •
For vale by • . Jeti D LecliWOOD,
my3o Dookeellei and lasporter,lo4, Fourth M •
r . min k 0 b b rls Ne 1 Lard; •