The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 03, 1850, Image 4

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    r~«x~ ...,..,...~. - - -
Briladways stormier of llatl6im Lassies
S eatenatre hes Amen' leased by this
abscrltser, and boa be completely vatted in
mon elegant meow, pugs sdetik,n. ate eD>r
Wag made, which. whewomnpleted, will make ft the
man extessme Hotel - in-New , YOTk. Melia:dam&
neaten er. the yroptiMorstowiake It <teal, in emery re-
@yeti, to any other Ilemo Milutilnited Staten - tato.
canon Is the most deldtable and central In the eim, tsw
leg to the talltlrreablelotn„of Broadway, anyealant
to MI the mettle bunt :nu: plasm of etnasement, and
badaese. Gratefal for •tos llbersigetxtraegercceived
from Ms women, friends, whtle,at, Combedand, hid.,
ands:cue recently at the Weddell Holm, Ceram.,
Ohio, be remectfallyaolielts a renewal of their trattOtP.
ego, en hie- new eetallishment, et New York, "d
begs to manse them that every effort on bin yen shall
' be given to administer to their comfort end oftener..
New Trak, March, help.-Iterel - a.' •
'16501. REED, HOUSE,. 0. 5 50
SEITII dC 13413DA:11,, ProprletOrs,
. path, Elorr, Erit, Pa. •
(=MAL STAGE. OFFICE-4.astent, Western,
Vrae Sa rn 8 91i:crane VeteTroat l l .
ja tiara. late °erne ASEIPrietII Erlta,
0. W. 8..1112. tam of the Ems. Rotel, Obla.
• band and 7HIb for Sala,
.of FLOWILSO MILL, with taw ran of stosea.ene
the best locations for holism la the wen-and
a tam Saw lIIIU,aa as almostneser Wiles stream,
aid is of u o d,roainnweilias Hosn ' teasa
Ha tro ltr a rd othe Ohio iLespzasilesso ents,
raa gart
(Tr •seals w
our ow above, beastfal o Parmortll lizstrask, eau.
slitting 940 acres. For terms, Se , esquire of
a:0 • 119 Seeotsd stapttsbalb. AmerlOsa Keeltuusloal WO
D . Apmetea A, d , New York, herein name of pub
{Malian, in mute price' twenty He Mitts cub, '
cr Arm& lllichastule Engin Wert, end En.
parern,g; dengtud for rfaeMooi /Penang
.ilfra, and nose ir.tended for
the Bags.
oton:usir Prqrsarwn.
Morn's. omen 07000.
TEns WORK le infinite 8 ro. sue. an will contain
TWO Toollanil races, and upwards of ire nom
wan uLesTleTtons. It will posont worklinpdraw..
Lags and deseriptums of the most important machines
in the Baited Mites Independent of the results of
/Merle. legeneity, It will contain complete pram!.
eal utati n bleelmes,bleehinerriemworkr
mid Poginectinm wait . 11 that I. useful in more than
one thousand enters Worth of folio •Tolman, awn.
linea and other looks.
The great object 01 this publication in, to place !
font premien -men an Madero each an &motet of
theoretical and seientide knowledge, in • condensed
fame, as shall enable them to work to the beet agleam
We, and to avoid Woes =makes which they aright
otherwise commit - The Mamma Waged informanon
thee brought together is Wilton beyond precedent la
meek work. Indeed, there to hardly any subject
*AMU* reline whin is ri.,t Mewl 'nth secheles.M.
non and preemie. that even a man of the moil Ludt..
ettep eripehity estutot fail a andersbuiditig it, and
nes kmralog from it mach which it Is important fee
Motto know
The publishers tr. in ehort, determined, regerdless
of cost, to snake toe s work as complete es poesible; and
- Ls hoped every on desirous taohtein the work will
=lt tte boned In nemberh and ems encourage
The work will he lined in enelmunithly
egromeneing in Jermary, 16110, end Will progress wiW
rent red . ..laxity/
no whole work will be published In 40 ninabers,
et IS runts per. tinmberotnd completed be n
the ear.
rent oat, I. a liberal discount sniff weds to
Any onartmlaing the publilhere BIM sulreneo,
shall receive the:work through the post
free of
. °platens inns. Proem. • ,
oTo ono namerents Itlanaltethrena bleabudes, Eft .
&etre, and Mitten., it will be a mino of
Prevideacm, IBA.) Journal.
"Yong Mali Mon 7onrselsei withiti knowledge.—
We can_ with confidence recommend- our readers m
possess thiamine. of It...robots se Mat aa they
peer...—Anterten Ardn. •
We onhesiumngly cemmend the work to those en.
• gaged in or iaterested to rentiardeel or sole:nide par .
mum, as eminentlywrmhy of their erianoWita and -
irtudy.o--Troy,(N. Y..) Midget. • •
It le trait , a great wore, end the publishers de
serve the Wanks of inveritors4 machinists, and mum
lecturers and indeed of We palate generally.e—N. Y.
"is Dictionary will be highly n
Th echil to prattled
mechanics, and vahatne tn all who wish to acquaint
Utemselves with Mt progrws of inventon_bit the Me-,
nude erts.”--New Dentin Daily Mercury..
ofYauog earehnies - oegto to keep posted spin the
oretical as well es prat eel knowledge, and this
wink Oral show Meatiest her* they stand."—Rozbary
(Mese . Ant:user.
ilia take to to be Bart the wink din morn and ham
dreds dour intelligent meehatin hen desired to pos
sess. So ample ore its descriptions, era ma fall and
ho its specifications, that it seems to es that any
nocharde might contract one nnehlue it deaeribee, on
them re ngth of its ei.gentrigs led intructione—N,Y.
Commercial Advertiser.
..1.1 interested In mechanics should avail therm
selves of Its adventagete—Behtlylklll, (Pena,' Jour
worrof enenelve practical etility and great lab,
penance mid value to the mpidly Boum rig unarms
often menu). . We report the wore as en
catenated -to protium Me cease of sebum* and -the
Mechanical ens :and te disseminate voleabie Informs
iloa on these sableetee—Yernier end Mechanic:
.*Yreetical man is all the varied walks, or Ineehmil
oat and mareufeclaring
engineer. nag . he., will
p et In this wort a treason which will be to their
pro .t to prisseeso—T at, Daily' Whig..
"We'ltave carnally mimed the nambera end hisve
no beam d
a da saying that lt is the beet wart for me
nudes, trdesmen, and saienatc men, ever pehlith
ed, for lt octants minute infertemien ou every breath
nthe mechanonl arm and
expressed In a
scrle and Manage tntellogible to any reader of ordi
nary capecity.e—bilnenter,(bless.,) News.
"We are sore ye ar,toing the mochmtes of Na y
- and other parts of Conneetiegt woke by
bringirg the wort to their attenuate... -N, orerieh,
(dam) snootier..
It is lest seam work as -.err mechanic should
powess . —Freconan i x iovmoL
Wo <mode, lime of the marl awful and important
pablleations et the age. No Meenspie can adore to be
ctskoutit. e —Menu, , N.. l .4Cemmeemel
Coati• r.
sun all the 'anon publications havingror Weir ob.
jut the elueldeuon and adraneement of the mechant•
foilarts and science. none that we have tent. — itt So
of promise as this ”Butfile Com. Adv.
aitte We beet and cheapest watt ever peered to the
seinfifie mid premien engineer and meenenio The
piss au'beaultfellr execated."—Washinaton Globe.
“Sitis greet Dicuonarr as one of the mon useful
work, eret o,4l4W:dna years, nod the low price at
which u is sold makes It acceptable to elle—South,
Carolinian. •
.We regard (its one of the meet comprehensive sad
• nimble, well aa cheapest works erer,pablishinto
—Baltimore Advent-sr .
"Ought abe Mean by cram one dairies to keep
nee with the provess of art end science in every one
nibs labors of cimimed 111."—Re eta Courier.
flits dulgued after the pr'oeip e of BR's {mass :
mealy Wm n s Mors devoted to We menaced and
coginnring profemions, and Min • saleable
emeampil•hing Err Aniefica wbs, tire kiss done for
Entitad, elO domain' emenen machinery es&
wares °felt o—Beientific Anwriem. •
ntis rehashed in numbers, tea at price so mode
rate, looking at whet iscontained m e .oh number, that
no one who hes the lent 'tartest In each matters,'
• need pc demand treat motoring 14 and every on who
don- so, will find thet he ha. in a condensed form an
amount of immuction which woold be obtained, If ar
all, only by the percher. el rely many volarues. e —N.
• Y. Cornier and Elwotirto
"The eranorramodeenesil with which the eubjeets
aro wean, the admirable manner in which they are
illestrated, conspire to make this one of the most desi
rable wont it—Densocratte Review.
This were sltonfo bele the hmds c revery mechnie,
masa, and manufacturer, erpeeially them who have
the mast aspirations m excel in theft respective bunt
neon We hare earefally crammed it, with a view of
renanneuding ft to In-enter. To them we would
- say Mtn strong Income of the Bikini "It Is mod."—.
'Bailment Inventors , legated:
Meier to go ?wpm:tors d, Notorptgoroo tismitiritrut
- • ' tbs Zoutttot Sans and Canada.
If tber roman olirertlaoraent Is Inserted Wroth.,
sliwutg tat you, and too paper contains It seat to as,
a copy of the work will be seat gratis in patateat,
• arALLisTrars OINTMENT,
Cmetaising . rso—MermsrY, nor other Miners&
ritHE following testimonial eras Ormsby the cells..
brined Dr. Wooster Beach, the author of the great
medical woe* ermined 4 The American Practice e.
Medicine end Family Pt yeielan."
, Haring benn made acquainted with Molnar:Cumin
whieh cournme McAllister's All•lleating Oinusero
and haring prescribed d tested It innocent arils
ealtiqiidsWan, La' tt gier=r, io crri r t gon ' a r
mu net* substance Isbetevern that Its logredieem
combined as they are. Mid ased as directed by the
Prormeter, are eel only harmless, bat of great vette,
being *rutty acientle ftemedy of great mom and!
ebeerfolly recommend It as acompound winch hat
done cusehgool, and which te adapted to the core of
area variety of cases. noses I have never either
rocematerded or engeged in me tale of secret me&
roCeul for the truly honed. esomeiennees, hu
mane chorister of the PrOpriOlOr of this Ointment,
and Me T.lOO of Ids discovery, oblige me to sup thin
anal reg..di nr LL . W. MACH, M.D."
rth.. ifma, Aprilithi,l94ll,
one of the pew things Lithe world
for Varna .
PlLES.—Teowoutd. on yearly eared byt6L.
ateoL It never Cattalo alma relief.
For Timm, Ulcer., sad all kinds of Soros.: it has
athoranit re .- Nines knew 11 . Valets it eases of
Bwollea or *ones...tithe, would always arply IL
to oath eases if used aecorOng to directions, tt gives
relief lo • very few hours.
Atwood hr
bonare alm...forming Alliater's
Oistatent or fua Live Complaint, Erysipelas,
Teller Chtlelain, Scald Head,. 4441 , 3 c,
taws 'Foram Dro• elute., Nemesis affections, Palos,
Mower of the spina, Head Ada, Astkma, Deena%
A c he, Rave, Swell Diseases of tha Ski; Dore
pap., ke.,ing of the • Lhobs, s or e :
am... 11,.. filet, Cold Pert, Croup, Rivalled or
ken preen, Tooth Ache, Nom m boo raw:tate.
• nova the Sending En& - • -
'ura was rtevel, Perhaps, a Meulelne beaten be
fore the public, that bar In se glom a Ono won seek •
Salve. iut ltle dinner's All.llnalins or w ‘ mu
Salve. Alma every person that tray wade trlld of tt
epeaks warmly le Its praise. One has beer, cored by
II at the moo painful rheumatism, rthraber eau, pUea
a DOM of a rerraoletonle pain lathe side, a fourth of a
swelling in the ru. If it does not rive tram.
dims relisf, to every cue, it e. do no Wary, being
applied om en
!mother evidence of the wondarfai healing pow.
er p lease, e by
o.lve, we subjoin the following
cent from a respectable eitaren of hlsidenereek
lownalltp,W ins amour .
Maidenereck, Berkn co., Much 33, 1247.
Werra Ritter Co:-1 desire to Wenn 7 00 ths ,
Ina entirely cored of • *eve re pale to baek,by the
cat of
All•licalins which 1 pop
chased horn Ton. liturered width for about PO years,
and at night was tumble to sleep. During that ewe
tried vanotia remedies, which were preseribe d ror
by papielons•nd otherpenona vraboutroceivirth sny
veltefo road at lust nude trial of thls Save, teat a re.
salt fay° able ,eyond expectant= lam now enb re,
ly free Irani the pow, and enjoy at melt a stuck]
and sweet alcep. nave SIM used the ealvesmos for
loath ache and other cesplatots, with malt bapyy
Matte: ' Von (flood, — loam HoLmellamt
• • • se.. Propri-tor of toe 'above medicine.. .
• Plinalythl Office, No gl Notts Tbirdetteet,PalladeV
, -
. _
rims ss.csmrs Ptht VIOL
• £OOOOOlO PlST.lasat—Dranst Reiter, tenor of
3110017 104 SI. 1010 amen. and 4 Wilma, Jr, tor..
• • • : , net of Jderket stroel and Me Dantore, also Meer CI.
F 09.116 sad !Italthaelit strum 3. II Cale+, comer of
Walrtht mot Peon Wears; Fifth Want and sold at tiro
Bookstore in Smtthield Men, Id (Wolfram Second
A' ea) City by B. P. echwarts and J. Portent..
Dy J. D. Polio Draggot. filrollnalung D Negley,.
B oot Liberty; 11. Bewiand, bleKeessam: J, A .under
' gft,famempbela City; N. B.Deanan Je Cooing
J. T. RMmn, Ilconnwnlle; John Barkley,leaSer,l'in
john___WallottaNDllsobedt -; - febllesdly
OIL Clillik-AM pads 4-4 Great
G cleal,rsusa, and fin into
envy 4e t , . • kg MILM:111
• clbsrap Illeatsdaza Magary.
listdrtg 111 Harper fr..Bro's, bi 9 vo4
Dyer. or dogma. per Cal. Three vole reveired, and
by - R .HOPIONts, . ,
r'reViV Do idiom. Pasco l
Clroat'Azeispf ears . Pleistraisleal
AP PL#TOII ilk. Mt Toth, have irr.coase
D e of bm.mat. salts, Price Musty Ern coma
coots, a OZIO. Klihiljeft, MCCASPieI-
Cite W end marl= designed for Practical -
Voorhies. a nd Mom Intended for the Engineering
Vtaodlby Olivet
ls wk is of lar g p o sie,
tho l sandpagos, andu e wardsof a i n x d t hous and
iiuss w
nor.. It will present *urging drawings and deserip•
dons of the mot , Important Machines in the United
B *re, L.lndependent. of the rendis of. American in-
Welitil l e t aliaT udn ' r " ur n glisr‘ P irliror e an ni d a VgL " e:!
ing; with .11 that is useful in more than milt thousand
dollars womb of folio volumes, stagasbms and arbor
book. Biz numbers reeulved, and 'or salt by the
egret, . HOPILINts.
acid . 73 Apollo Buildings Fensnh at
Jobia if. Mellor, 81 Wood Street, Pittsburgh,
Bole Agent In Western Pennsylvania, far the sale of
Grand and Square Plano Fortes,
BEGS to atone b.. nends std the mama paella,
that he has now Invoices. sod wilt receive and
expose for sale, during the prevent month, the largest
and most &winkle reek of Piano Fates ever offered
for eve in the west—among the number will be Mend
a Pali supply of
carved Renamed Grand Piano Fortes,
with all the meant improvements in mechanism and
style of exterior.
Spiencidly carved Rosewood seven octave Square
Pam Fortes, finished to the Elizabethan and Louis
XIV. styles - • '
With a large oak of all the swims mica of Pia
no Fortes. Terrine In prices hem 4475 to WOO and
StOrD, prepared by Mr. Chickering for the present
year. llan.)
?archway am assured that the pricer of Mr. Chink
arias Pianos bum been, and will continue to be, the
•eme as at the masufactory in Boston, within:aching ,
for transportation; and will bedell eyed end Oct up m
perfect order, in any pane( Me' city, wither charge.
• A *AAA. • •
timiessigned bees kayo to Worth tba mobilo
F i_Math , has declined basin.. In favor of Mt Son,
P. 31. Davis...bp cannon the Auction and Com
mnion bagmen at the old stand, caner of Weed and
Fifth atreets, and for orboin he would salloira eontin
name of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed up.
on ne house. JOHN A DAVIS,
April 9t141829.
P. 11. DAVIS,
• (StriXESSOB. TO 101-11 S D. DAVIS,)
co mu vi Wool, um tura erritS th
vv. itt. make sales, Os fit:Aqui terms of Fortin end
V V Domestic Mesehesdiss, Reel ESll7lle, Weeks,
mid hopes, bs . expertegee sad close attention to
business, to merits. condos - knee of the support sod
pommy . sto liberally extended to the rOMICIbMte.
holt Sith , l2s o . •
Ntettee to Owe Patrons.
rattle dcease of the wove ln Philadelphia,
..11. O e
.he IMO .Mdiel. 91 Davis.) p roduces c no lwerreptien
to the tmeinew—wrangements have been made which
Involves the unte Interests pmethelY. which hue
heretofore misted Thobuineee is continued anded
the some nem , and firm, vim—
M M.P.) Se Philadelphis;
M.FAMISI Co.; Piusburgn.
The C1M5321111.0 of the — patronage or der many
friends la respeetfolly solicited. If soy micas have
demands when the sweetie, they are requested to
p.eseat them fonlewitts for payment.
Pittsburgh, Apnl 10,10. JOHN MTADEN,
aplttf • Bunriving partner.
H. PALMER, No Ind Merket Bisect, is prepar.
ad to oder very great inducements to buyers of
S & Millinery Goods, of every deer
mock tontine of every desirable style of Plain and
Fancy Straw Braid, Gimp, 'French Lace and other
Bonnets. Jenny Lind, California, Hound sad Square
Top ilasefo Idles. and Infants. •
• Boys , Hata, in gre at variety dlenh Leghorn,
Suess, Braid, China Pearls ddltan Bib
bons, Flearers, Bonnets, Bilks, sod other Millinery
Articlesan , he ape ..
Drown, Phillips-1a C 0., 0.,
la AVE removed to Warehouse No. 99 Mt= St
between Wood and Market, 'there will be top
for sale, of mete manufacturing. a Full wsormsent o
tron, Spites, Castings, and Hot Blast Pipe.
warranted of the belt quality, at the knout price..
Mr. JOHN.IIEST, orthe Imo
Tamer & We
having preened an interest in th e firm, will like
.ahem ' of the _Warehouse, and will devote his entire
dell to the business, end endeavor to render sat.
Wendell to the friends of hie late fins, and all others
favor as with their putroneg6.
BROWN. P/11 144P8 & CO,
99 Wain st. ittsburi&_
HAVE in more and axe reeerring • Doge Stock of
' DRY GOODS, selected with rent care for the
Wen= trade, and to Ideal they dulhe the attention
of city end erernehn merchants. Ores! (ave.:Lents
ell•red ..• . 1.0
at:seesaw, a asnna.Q -3 irisna Lana..
‘1" BURCHFIELD ate prepare.) to for
al nigh thotr eusweters and buyers generally with
tee very best =hoof the above awed., and will do an
at the old priers, notwithstanding the advanee of eon.
• Some extra Bee Bosom Linens, Warranted are fax,
lately received; also, a swell of Linen Table Cloths,
Diapers:Crash, te.inst re d.
Bordered Towels ar are no :Scents per dozen, or
mth e a piece, It north east corner of 'fourth and
Barham% . 010
A V 1 - 6"TfieGIIIIS FOR or lA.
offtera, George street, Plymouth, Enema The
managers beg to acquaint their numeroas patrons teat
e nest Distribution of Portraits Race Horses., will
compass those entered for the farthest:rung Grand
Nitiosal :Derby Rate: the number of be
limited to 5,010 each dais. First class member SAO;
second clew ditto £5. 'Forty opplieuion for th e ne
appropriated shares is neccesar7. A party sat,se rth
log for more than one Mare has the chance demote,.
to flail number Demme. Those Members who draw
the smarm Parentim will be presented with We fol..
louring gems—
. Portrait of in cilia bonuses M ditto
- Witmer, or Pint Horse• •••• • L.OlOO £lO,OOO
•. Second Herse• •• 10,000 5,P00
poled nom ••• P.OOO 4,000
Divided amongst Starters •• • 0,0 00 3,otat
Non-nutrient 0030 3,030
Thera Moloo bemuses in emit clam, that being the
meaner o( horses entered for the tare. The Drawing
wilt be °redeemed appetite same leritireste principles
as those which elmrecterlsoo the , late St. Ledger and
other proceedings. Fall partieulare of the result will
be neat to absent members Immediately after the de , .
Melon, that each may know hie position.
Subeeribers registered and scrip forwarded en sti
ceipt eta remit Knee. Bills of Plentnge, Drafts, flank
Notes, he &dere.. ed and made payable ,te the
fdtursgiete Direeten. W.JA hit:B b. CO.
Fire per t cent commission tO be reduced on the
presentational* betimes 1200,41 re
"'DIU .11 Maws. s• • • • -
TT . I - ITit .11 01F.Atiltenrre MAtiAZI ye. tor corn,
Conmetsc—New York and Erie RaLuitti
Coomertial Sketches wits Pen tad Pencil; Ile effect,
M Commerce inAbell Meg reurteliom uponthe Trans
ferof Fromm; The Amway and rbilosephi &Tank=
Leal The Prodtetion of Stith, Nett Yore, Bankruptcy,
Btoking, Le; Currency—totem. —Production Free
Trade TS Protective Tants, or Strictures upon the re.
ton of the, Seerentry
n t Treasury of the United Stems
for 180, relating to 'ommeree, Extension of tae Bas
tian Empire teLthe Ear t. An. Lc
BLACKWOOD, fat Math 1550.
E , LECTIC MAGAZINE, or April, et DOM.'
I.ltertr7 Depot. Third 'mete:9l , olin , the Post Oilica.
- -
- •
T AM nos prepared to furnlah /fipple Thies, fiem the
1 wall known Nursery of; J•eob N. 13roorri. Tbe
tress will be delivered at the wharf m Pittsburgh for
El per hundred Persona wistqulr x.od'auilw mu.
should leave itielr orders man at me Drug. 'Seed, rind
Perfumery Warehouse, corner of wood ands tstb •
' spit . ii N WICICERPHAM
21. A. Fooloadatoek do Co.,
NYIIOLVSALF , DRUGGISTS, corner of First and
' Wood Wen., offer for sale,. lavordble terms:
t bblo Wbainr, 000 100 Cub. Ammon*
GO do Ala. WO ^do Asi.troda;
300 do Dye Woodr, WO do Crude Tartar,
23 do imapblack; ;WO do Liqaorito Root;
20 do • Yen. Rod; 300 do Id. krosq
O. do Camptn; 010 do Red Precipitate;
10 do bellow; 110 do - lemma Amer.;
10 doorinutone; 200 do Doeher Leaots;
O do Mora; Pal do Ithakarb Root,
do Chion.Floorers;4l/5 do Sara.. do;
Ideas. Bet Dora= 200 Geod. do;
15 do Cowie Soap; 200 do Sat Recheck;
15 doPraosian 131.i0ve1.; 202 do Scidlits !diatom;
10 da 1311 e. N 600 do Rhoborb;
' 13 dO no
-C h rome Green; 050 do P oled
do Slip. Elm;
If do do Yellow; 100 •do do G. Arable
• 5 do' Wraith.; 100 do do Li g. Root
50 rem. Sand Paper'.lP) 'do do Joimr,
15 bap Sicily Smoot CO do. do ArCayeurte;
23 Oa*. Bottle Cot.; WO do Solo!. Zinc;
• 75. Salpk. Morphia; 0/0 do LI. Tin;
12W lbs Cape Aloes; • WO •do Tamarindq
- 1200 do Bt.rbromPotaab;l so do gala 8Jlocr;
1250 do Pink Boot; 250 do Change Peel;
1320 do Turkey Umber; 78 do Cochineal;
1200 do Cream Tan.; 80, do flyd Pout.;
SPI do Tartaric Acid; 00 do 51ace;
11:0 Orr= 03 do Ursavillo Lotio •
- eTbere are more thlngs 1n batmen and entb
Than are dreumpt of In philosophy: ,
"PRE -VIRTUES of Ma remarkable remedy, and
1 the con mai epplication for to the preprietor,
bat indueorAlui to have It pm' up la bottles with la
bels and directions for the benefit oldie pablie
The PETROLEUId to procured from • well to this
minty, at a depth of four hundred feet, is a pure ann.
anharated article, without any cheridul change. but
lan as flows from Nature' Groat Labratoryn Thetis
contains properties reaching a number tif diseues, Is
tal . ouger t t matter of
t uncgitua ch Tl i t r eg aro
m m i a t n t y ,
be or ate s e sc . f7l .' nes . s ° ra nl allAating s'uderitur, and re.'
Malin' eft Lama of keekla and vigor to many a oaf.
him, Long before the proprietor thought of putting
It eP.ltt bottle, bad a reputation Gsr the cure of dis.
e•se. The coastimt and datly Incremung oath; for it,
and several ramatkable cures be. performed, Is a
. We
ndicatign, al. h. popalta.ty and wale
aimed applieukes in the neef dhow.
.We not wish to mate a tong parade of certil
as we are tenacious t 142 the medlettle Cap IbOn
work - in way L into the error of those who sager and
%jab to be healed. Whilst we do not elalm torn a
imirersal appt
say tnint In every dim ase, enhance
ganVralleti. • Amor% them %amber :l44' ame Diseases IL u
b n
ar=l i kr i eglkisi as CHRONIC
dsthnd Louses of the air .4•4:".,Thmil
COMPLALNT, DYSPEPSIA, Mther. Gamest+. of
the Madder Kidneys. Pains I n she Baca er ado,
Nemec* Ltureasadtloarelee,!ally.
Gott, ErlelPelea aWli o i nat Dania !ill,
gawk ike,, he :so !a.% Of de
• edeg - froes exportro,or.lopg andrprrractedomes or
dtecase,this wed clue winhrteg_ti_ lt snit a...
• vestal TUNIC and ..a.LTENATIVE ( na no owe
'innanina tone and energy to the whole moms,h
tog otattranionaiitTerdlia th e fluted. &Mins, wtdch
ewe amnia turd btoien - eoustlintion, mod giving
torte-and and renewed easily/ lo all Um ohm.. 0 ,
Life Tbe proprbstor knows of several gem of
plLED,that mitred every other treetment, gel well
ander the ale 01 the PETROLEUM for • short time
Tun groin ten bo givers io any potion Who deems h.
New gamine without the idgnancre ofthe preview
/.14 F7RR. Canal Rastd semnattiretth
the bi R E. 9ELLEM•S7 Wood m i •
OCanbaa W. 44 1 3, wt.* are his •
' PIK Agellte
VisPanisr/Wmali 0,4111/1 k Salt Itoads.
O'CO - 141016eititi n fe:=3;14 - 132,111, /Awl
ettrist r ringtatrgh; -
ATKINP, 01:020Da*C0.,4 1 / 1 4 MO Motet arse,
P.aliddPittL -
&Columns le Ca., Hl G North tweet, Volga:tom:
E Ototk..fiew• York;
ELMon &GUM, It Doane street. Boston
i1A1111411011G114.7, Maysville, Kentucky;
Mak. Co.. Colo:mt... street, Cincinnati:
Doom, Hirt. tr. C o. o PL Louis,
Ta m haa Ararchaladavi and Fnutfues to and
fro Mladdp hie, Balmarms, N. Yank, Barton.
Our route being 11010' La fine order. wo are prepared
to forward guods as above at an .Owerg Ms.. We
Wolof all fretghtfrat of any charge bart4 policies for
over 114130,0:0, and with Ma following extensive amok
of Heats Wel confident of gyring emcee Atulatamion to
all business eramsted (0 Our cam 001" boats are ill
new, and commanded by captains of egrwriened and
OM entire ban Is conducted on strict sathruk k*Fint
and arawerones principle&
Rents. Captain.l 13Onts. Cap :(110,
'lron City, Hagan Pennsylvania ELa ton,
hlarytat.d, Marshall 5L Logi', conw,,,n
Cinemcau. Fends Col. Howard Ridley
Mon Anna. Chatham Mary Deborah Rims
Wm Atkins, Permed Foterptise, Rayton
Imam, •M'Quado /union • w
Hasson, Alter Gen. Scott, Gore
Garlinda Riley TelegraphNo lithields
Coda Hawiin Point Mill HoyM'Quade
- • IlalinreClipporßiley
&maim Perry Ohio Hello Kearney
Mermaid !'Colgan Hooter Ringlet
The For Wrgeade Jolla Ann Y Layton
Aaron /11'llowell Telegraph Nokihavls
Look Sharp Retry North . Queen Wible
nalShipper, will And it to their advantage, to give us a
sterle 'Canal Basin Liberty at, Pinsburga._•
Wasters Transportation Oiiinpasy.
Email 1850. Ant.#la.
. .
By Penn.r)irania Coad and Boil Ewa
LE. Boats and Cars of this Line hare been pat In
compete order and with the , aduilion of raisers
new ones to the Line, enables as to carry a large
quantity of produce and goods.
The entire stock of the Line is owned and contra
ed by the Ptoprietore.
HARRIS & LE£C - 11, No RI ....oath Tbird
And RI the Tobacco Warehouse, Dock 1,
Phi adephia, Pay
Na 144 Math HOISSI'd St. Eta , 001 . 5,.. - M44
OFFICE. No 7 West et, l New York;
DLEECU & CO, Cana BMW , Peen 14,,
rurt3 , Plusbureb.
R&M 1850.
m ai,
OLARIii PAM NCO, ROCiltlll., Pa., Prop's.
Office ear Smithfield and Water ate, Pittsburgh.
Cleveland 0130.
'fr HIS well known Lthe are prep._ ed to transport
Ci..E r V/IWR 4I . T e l 1 .
71)7a (tell
The facilities of the une are uniarparsed to amber,
quality and capacity of Beath, elperlence at captains,
and eNclency of Agoura
One Soot leaverrinshurgh and Cleveland daly. nert•
ning In connection with a Ltoe of Steam Boma be
tween PIITSBUROW and BRAVER. and a Una of
First Class Steam Beau, Propellers and Versals,
ohs Lakes.
Clark, Parks & Co, Roct,ner, Pa;
N Parka & Co, Yonnerlown,oldo;
Al 11 Taylor, Warren. th
4 & N Clark, Newton vapl,
I Drayton & Co, Ravenna 0,
Kent, Grinnell & Co Franklin, Cr;
H A hillier. Coyanoga F.D., 0;
Wheeler, Loco & CO. Akron,
Chamberlin. Crawford & Co, Clevoirmid, 0;
Hubbard & Co, Sandastry, lk
Peckham & Scott, Toledo, 0,
0 Williams & Co, Detroit. Mich;
Williams & Co. hillwaukie, Wis;
Nark? & Dolton, Racine, Wis,
T'llaas s A lgor, b h?c hi age '4 ;ll. "li
' ,Olio a 'CAUGI4.3*, Aden;
corner Water and Southfield au
MiEM 1850.
CLARKE, PARKS A CO, Reichester, Pmprictort
ri PIE Proprietors of Al. old and well known lane
j. amnia Inform the public that they aro sow In ap•
ersaon for the present season; and have commenced
receivirg Freight ai d Passengers, which they are
folly prepared to carry to all pants oo the Canal nod
At the lowest rates. One of the Roam of the Une
wW te constantly at the landing, below Monongahela
Bridge, to receive freight
Oats, ear Wain
. -
B. W Cunnlnihem. New Caste, Pa;
Mitelteltree & Co Pulaski,
W C Malan, Sharon.
J & 8 Ilall,Snarpabors;
Wick. &ehre lc Co, Greenville;
'Wm Henry, Ibirisiown;
Wm Power, Counenumlle,
John Ileum & Co, Erie,
John J Ito Honer & ro. EaSalo, N T. a'
m ai 1850.
PACKFTS;'toortn! and slapping between Pittsburgh
and Rochester by steam boat! Michigan, Lake EGA
and Beaver.
tioods receipted and !dumpily delivered to all
plait. on the Canals and Lathes, at He lowed tales.
ligpptis will please direct good. to ell,dwellts Lane..
1. 43; lIIDWELI., Agent,
ttulo • I Watei at, Patsburgh.
Pittsburgh Portable Boat Lis%
Mg= 1850.
Tnostas Nonsammr., S T..roe &
Philadelphia. i j Pittsburgh.
TE Oastal being now open, the propnctors of this
long established Line We as usual at their old
nand', receiving and forwarding Merchandise and
Poodeoo at low rates, and with the prtmputess, err.
DRUM and ..rort, Deenuv w theirand mode
of transportation, where intermediate transhipment is
&untied, with the consequent delays and prolumility
of &Mare
hlerchandise and Prodace ablpped castor west,and
Bill of Lading farward,d free of thaw for coma is
sion. advancing, or cruses.. Flawing no Internet di
recite or indirectly In steanthercm, that of the owners
Is solely consalith when shipping thou gouda
All communicatians to the fallowing agenls prompt ,
ly attended to
Ti 1031413 BORBRIDGF,
No 279 Market garce , , Pbliadetpol.
Te &FPS & O'CoNNolc,
Comer Pean and Way., streeu,Mstrogb
461 MTS: . .
John MeCanaan & Co, &3 North et, Cain P. D noel
& Co. 23 Doane nt„ Roston, W. & J. T Tanseen &
Be Seto at, Near Venni Janele Wheelarngh, Meek.
natl. meal
1850. EV= 1850
THIS LINE, with ..cpassed facilities, is
I prepared m transport Freight to's!,
Late ports, Ohio Canal, and intermediate planes, •
the mon favorable imam, and with the greatest d .
Shill.. are referred to those who haw hereunto
patronized this Lane Sane good. •Bidarell's Line
Aomars—J C Brdwell Water ~ Potsburgh;
& Brothel'e, Bwlandner:
L 0 Matthew*, Cloohe ;
Rhodes & Green,' do.
A D /webs, Youngnown;
A & N Clark, Login/we New ll &ton Co, Wayn
Falls; e;
J Brayton & Co, R”enna;
Emu, Drama & Co, Franklin Milln
Tmas Earl, do
A ho H
Miller, Cuyahoga Falls; do;
W Steptient & Son, Akron;
Wheeler. Lee ft Co, do;
Edson, do;
H an, Massillonl
Cummins & Co, do;
Wm Monteath & Cu, Buffalo;
J Gibbs & Co, Sandusky;
11 Higgins & Co, do;
N Hwitelt& Co, Toledo;
H N Strong, Devon;
Murphy & Outlet, Hanlon •
Ball & Fitton, 801114101 M
DOlll.. t Co, Mtlwantle;
Dst Diekinsem, Linle Port;
Kirkland & Taylor, Sheboygan;
Dole, Rumser t Co, Chicago;
TYmons Hale, • do.
Pittsburgh, March 30.151• IL
Min) 1850.
Between Plitaburigh the amen= CI lea.
Tee Can't bang new open; we are reedy to recerve
and fortrardpromptly, predate and mettle/ad= mut
and writ
Fret ens always at lowestrates, charged by myna..
pills lines.
Produce , and motel:maize will be received and for
warded cut and west, without any charge for for
warding or advancing freight, comodsmon or storage.
Bill. of. lading forwarded, and MI directions faith
folly attended to.
Address or apply ta. W5l. RINGILOI,
Canal B.Sit4 cor. Libotti and Wayne eta, 'Pittsburgh.
BD:171LO' h. DOCK,
No 183, Muket at, between 4th & tith,
• All. WILSON, Ag
No 182, North
AB llowind rn
well: •Nallff. West creel. rime York
& CO's
• ••- ,
PaSs•Mgar arms DAmalittanere Ones.
difiIIANRIYM CO: continue to bring persons
front any part of Er m
it.d, 'mien& Zeotld or
Weles, neon the most liberal terms, with their
asaalyenctuallty and attention to the wants and eom
rtolentmlgrants W. do ant Wow oarpassengers to
be robbed by Wen nedlin• maws that infest the sea
ports, to we take el luso of them the moment they re
port thonrelves, and see to their well being, and de-
Muth InenandLitaut slay 4atentim by the first shtps.—
We toy tide (ruled), u we defy one of our passen
gers to show that they were detained 491-tars by ea in
Liverpw, whilst thoastniti• of others • see detained
or,..ottot, midi they could be meat in come o 4 nail, at •
ovs - P rate which top dreg neatly P o Meir eollna
`root int en d pe (dm of te . eantraett sonorably, cost
`rood it Map ...Lot one..aterall the Mae hut 'Gilson,
with other oiteer4—whom
_ — ther . ,..firfo , mird not .14 "
when it salted the eonenaer"."'
OnN drown at Pittsburgh for any can from ..1:11.0
...._iCtobhs army of the ,nfOrieedal Banks
"Tot load, &Woad ma Wales.
-JO5lll. if. BODLIMON,
fjrrZit u t iAi g n oefen • pe=aowd
QALTYK te nt o ow land :rig, and for
1,3 sale by • - . Iwo,' DICKEY &W.
rt h 8 eeeeee -
amt.:mm=ly meriryi
CARPET 011. 01 . -0111 . 5,
V I PI7Le follolentg, , rm'
t iarp ca ir g '
.an P ikatels
L 'c Ul7
so 76. VIM
Forms Ss lc of
Ez n tra Slyer Hopi •,
E. Fzrii.ti and Aroorlo
t .Er.ta Super/maim;
Supeifirtelegrat Caria,l
Rum Sae
Ettru g iumertiattatCbtmlie
itupezt. do do inglq
Toiled E •
lli wool,
4-4,1 and 1 Tap Vtll Car.
4-4,1 and I Tar lIPd Carp.
4.4, I, and 2-4 plain Car.
Lirt and Rag Crullers,
Prir.teal Cotton Carpets.
Skink Wilton
Coinzoon do
Ckenille Door Ding
.9.6e0? Skin
24, 7.4. 64, 64, 44 and I
04, 64 , and 4 Slattinir,
181.4 punt Oil Cloilu
for MM.
Co4cn patrol.
t t ztra primed porno covers
'rimed woolen o .
ileaboawd Stand . 1.
—lnca and oroktiod 4
Damut Star Linen; .
Turkey Red Chintzes;
Chn tee Bordering;
Rm!lich Oil Cloth Table
Brown Linen erambelogn
Woolen o
Brew Stair Beds;
Suit. Drugged;
Carpet Bindings; and Coco Male;
Alleant and Skeleton Maw:
5.4 and 4.4 Green Oil Cloth
tot Blinds.
Hockeback ? Diapett
d Drat;Cloths
Coach 0,1 Ciathat
Damarke far Lamp;
Watered Martins.
Buff Roller d for Al - Shades;
Tratmparent "
French manor,.
Venetian Blinds;
Untiring for Flags;
7-4 antlO 4 Table Linen;
Russia Crash;
Scotch Dimperat
Brown Linen Napkins:
German Oil Ciotti Table
.Szczr on. Ccenrs tie"
flab me tanerleln mmul
in what, which will be
the meet approved Eng
eturers taxa It re 24 feet
et to fit room., hall., &ad
imported direct from Eng•
aßt.try CARPETS. Thew
Itsest and most elegant
of the most gin -Aeons colon.
was they cm he pure based
The underslgn having'
land, his Velvet Pile tied Tai.
Carpets, which are of the
styles and patterns. and of
will be sold at weth as los
(or in say of the eastern eric
Having . the lazgein assortment of the riittela and
PLY and INGRAL'Y CARPETS which far amasses
In quality and cheapness of priceosay assoqment ever
before brought to tbis illy. Ile also invitee Steamboat
Nest and Coach Manufacturers to hi. large and well
Beleeted assortmentof INGS,andotheraNelca
tietes•ary In their heathen.
The undernigneA is also agent ler the only S.tairßnd
Manufactory an Phithdelphia, and la prepared to sell
lower than coo be purchased elsewhere to Oils city
wig Wit bIiCLINTOCK.
get Goad.
A A. MASON & CO .,
40 Market .trees, between
11, Third and Founh, ue cow receiving ante. as
sortment of. Daregn Do Lens; Persian Clothe. an en
tire new ertlele; Pallet tr, Crape Do Latina ae; with
a large assortment of Lawns and other Dress Goods
of the latest style. and most fashionable colon.
r..-40 bilge prime Rio and Java;
{aCsonnsu-40 his mould dipped, and sperm;'
Cunene-IEO his Cream sod English Dairy;
Ccans-20 dos Hemp and Manilla;
Case.-50 Maus;
Crows—k barrel;
Crosas-50 M Common and half !punish;
Fun—OS brigand bait brls Mackerel and Salmon;
bra assoned sines;
liams-1200 Primo Venison;
. LOON Saga/ Cared;
laoioo-1001bi S F and Manilla;
las-16 doz. lure*. Inset Copping;
MoLesus—M kis N Orleans;
lb half brls Sagan House;
ilverszo-20 dos assorted earasinem
Maccuorn—Solbs Italian;
Vcassacusl.-0O les do
Numi—utio kegs assorted;
Pirates-5 dos jus assor,ed;
Pescara MI bushels balvesf
Puna roams assorted;
r1t.113-100 lbs nordeauX;
Bony—GO tins Rosin and Cut Weal;
Norio—lD Mide N Orleans sox' Clarified;
Tau- de packages Grua and Blank;
Toucco—NO bus 12, 5, al lb I•.mp;
Wasn IJOurns-30 dos patent Zr k;
For sale by J D WILLIAMS & CO
mrlB Cosner of Fifth and Wood ms.
FURS! FURS; FUR.O!—Tlie aubeeribera will pay
for Coon blink , Mork Rao Gray rind 'Red Fos,
and all knodi of &hipping Fur.
hire t)te
r/ MI i f
CO, aisten,
• A
comer Firth and Wood eta
• . .•
THE Partnership heretofore ezioung between /am.
Taney bed John Ilea, in the Unwell, rrodnee
n , 4 Camutimien imainew, wee dissolved by mutual
content, on the 11th inst. Mc. John Most haulmt par
chimed the entire Interest of lazes Tammy, In the
hero, the belie.. anti be nettled by him. et their old
awe, bbe JOH No.= Wood eh JAbIN
Paper flaskijings.
O C , PRIM; SELlier reetivid, by fir
canal shipments, new and eholee assortment
Wall Paper, of the latest Preach and raatern style
14 gold, chamois, pat, plain and hmh colors. •
P s.
cella Wood west
1111.6 Coipsruierattip heretofore existing betweenS
G. nalhtieitiand Jahn McGill, under the him in
B. IL Brunhild g. ts this day dissolved by miaow
The business of We aid Lon swill be sensed bt
Withheld, ea the aid stand, No tab Liberty sweet
ch 1,1550. 8 6 LILISIIFIELD,
continue tho Wholesale • d Retail Dry Good.
Grocery tninms, at the old stand. Nok r 11:; Lam,
the faro of S. B. I.II.IbIIFIE.LD & CO
Garen 1. Isso —Dort?
I .i&V r. tins no asamiandonin Fo r w ards lor
mle Grocery, Commission and ng busi
nem, tny two noes. R. N. and . W, D. Waterman. Th.
miner* In mere will be conducted under the style oi
. S. Waterman tr. tons, at the old ..and, No fit Wa
rm and LY Front street 4S. WATERMAN.
Pittstiorgh, Minch 1.4 tr„
ACAUTION—About the ONLY OttltilNAl
WiL.D elltlatiV. the trem remedy for
And the best medicine known
to man for Asthma of every Mtge, Liver
Complaints, Bronchitis, Inauensa, Coughs, Cold.,
Bleeding rite Longa Snortness of Breath,
,atid Weakness in the dude
tie., and all ether
• diseases of the
A ver7 Important disease over width this Dale= en.
ens • very powerful Inflneare, is that of a
In this complaint it has andoubtedly proved mon
etre/mous than my remedybitherto employed, and
tan/cram instances when patients had endared lens
• ad eeven seen.; front the diseases. without recen
tng the least benefit from 'swims remedies, and whet
Mercury has been resorted to m vain, the use of Uri
1.1• I Mat ha. restored the Liver ta healthy action, Mr
in many ins:mem effected permanent eures,,allt
terry well known remedy had railed to produce this
desired effect
Besides its astonishing efficeel in disease am , r
mentioned,. we also Curd it a very effecteal rented* to
Asthma, • complaint In winch it Liss been eTtenslod)
used with decided cameo, even in name of years
standing With the Inereaseof intellifteme bat growl.
up a knowledge of the elements of health, and a re.
sard for them, and commenmretely with the strides oi
sciensmutted the means of arresting dis.
case,ce have w
and even ing itsravages. n otwithstanding the
prop,e we bare mode, mastics mow that even
now, one sixth of the whole population die aumallv
of cor , ripx . tie:
ameliorating th m' e
tenet hummtn, IN
Wistar's Balsam of NV nu Chem is • fine Herbal
Medicine, composed chiefly of Wild Chan) Dark and
%hope:mine Iceland Moss, ithe latter Imported cams.
ly tee this pmrposej the Tire medicinal virtues or
which are also combined by • new chemical process,
with the entrant of Tar, thus rendering the whole
compound the mast certain and °Ocarinas rented)
ever discovered for -
Still limber evidenees of the remarkable carmine
proper.s of this Inestimable preparation;
Ress.heinta. Brown en., 0., Aug. 71,10.19.
Measly Baudfora & Parks Gentlemen, About tie
weeks ago L received the enemy of Wistarls Balsam
of Wild Chem, but wit& some reluetanee on my pan,'
- for Um Kneen that I bad been the agent of to many
pills and other nostrums, which were cracked up to
...ming wonderful, tint Weich turned out in the
i m m d m urb,a
o n no e c c co m unt d a y a d v h r, h aeepe Oth Inave
been deceived, for the extraordinary gums effected by
Wilted'. Dalton have convinced cue - that 'good can
come nut of Nazareth." Year agentleit me one doz
en bottler, winch are nagger—having been the means
andang several obstinate MUM of Gonsumpuon—
ea mistake; l ot What am and know lam boneg
to believe. One mac te particular. A young gentle ,
man In Winchester. Adorns county, 0., 10 miles fro
this place, wu cured ol Curuureporet when the doe
tors h given rum up, or at least could do nothing Mt
aim, and It WSW the intention of his friends m co..
elm to your city, and place him usidertheearn of tome
minent pepsin. there lint a friend told him no
MVame , . Saloom, and that he could obtain It of me
Ile sent for it, and before the second bottle vu goat
he was wend and well, and remedies telt!. every day
intones.. A. there are mount Inquiries for the med 4
ne, It would be well lo forward an addition. simply
wtth''"et". V"'
. ' Al ' lfitta l i ' llt s lV.LAPlO.
The above, from L. Newland, Esq., a highly respect
able country merchant, comtmettda keel( forcibly to
we candid attendee of all those who have doubt.
the great merit of Winer , . Wild Cherry Balsam.
Remember the original sod only genuine Whim'
Balsam of WUd Cberry, introduced in the yea
WM, and has been well tested in all complytints fo
which it ia recommended. For 17 years It has prove
lore effica eiotm as a remed y for Coughs, Colda,lnflo
-IL, Bronchitis, Althma, and ConturopUonin hair
risa, Broaching, Asthma, and
Ipient stages, than any other medicine.
NeW Blnroms, Aug. 10,1848.
Mr. S. W. Fowle: Having seen many certificates
published in relation to Dr. Wistar's Balsam-of Wild
Cherry, I tete this opponent() of offering a word in
its favor, which you are also at libeny to pupas).
few months Mace my witela longs became so ranch af.
meted watt • sudden cold, that sae last het voice,. and
suffered severely from palm, in the stessL sane
eon e”scd her friends mach alarm. Having heard
tom Balsam strongly recommended by' thrum who
need it, I purchased a Londe from your agent in Mix
place. She toot le according to directions, end it pro.
dosed a wonderful effect Before using one bottle oh.
' bed completely recovered bet voice, the pains subsid
ed, and bee health was soon fully re-cstablisbed.
Yount, truly, HENRY O. 13111611ThIAN.
To Dr:motels Ann Dealers, m Iditemsn—Ttti cel
ebrated and infallible remedy for Mecum of Consume.
Lion, Asthma and Liver Complaint, has by Its own me.
me, been rapidly, suns and mama its wes
through the opposition of soul. and counterfeiters
anal, by tin trier value and Intrinsic excellence, lit km
gained for tuella MORI Ctlfiable popularity, .4 este..
h seed itself In the confidence of an latellment and an
lightened public, from one end of the continental th.
other. The testimony of thourand•whohave bemire
neved and cured ny Rib valuable article, viii shoe
rant it steads annvalled—et the bead al ell other me
Mein., for the care of diseases for which it es recent.
mended. The genuine Dr. %Vistar's Balsam of Wild
Cherry is now tor sale by duly appointed Agentl, and
all respectithle dealers lit medicines, in all large cities
and all important towns throughout the United Staler
Paine & per Boum I the Bottles for SS.
gold by J. D. PARK, isuoemsor to Sandford &Pam
Fourth and Walton ZUCCA., CineinnaU, We, Gene.
Agent for the Sou* and West, la whom all orders ,
mast be addressed.
Wdeox, Jr; James A-Joner, Llikad & D.'.
Pabriesteek & Pinsbargh. L. T Rauch, Wash
(gem; W. H. Lumberton, Franklin; L. B. Down
Orsiontown; /I. Welty, Greensbargh; B.Kolmts,Barner
ger, Scott & Gilmore, Redford; Reed & Son, Gamins
d ew ,. Mrs. 011,, Hollidaysbam's Ilildebtan I & Co, and
any J. K. Wrighi, Kittanning( Eases a. Co. Drool,
Cu, A. Wilsont, . i =s i za r = o rtielift c r &Al J.
(,la, N Callender,
Idstrofileollerceraanses, Kelly&On,Raller;S.RMath,
Shawn J. D. StoMMtion, Wanes; P. & &Jon%
c.mwiyetu P. Croota. Jr, Blowstaville.
dL thelle4tetnes edrerissed by NP.I3.SLpAN
R. E. SELLS,. 3S, Wood street, and JOICi P. SCOTT
{.bony, st, Pitastreto,,
Siroungbam by 3011N.G.
Alleghno City,'by RENRI P. SCEINVAirrz ao
But and Cheipest Horse
HI 11313 WORLD.'
pg,oell3l , S COTSTIIENT AHD coanrriow
• _ :
gem onnof a vino ..ante. Fee Pump, Trainor.
gg,and Thormegh nem SLOAN'S OINTMENT Eames
!Lad to ramidly,“pemediha all other , eiratlcr9.3 and
cues: Linirneots now in use forthe care of the eallowmg die
Fresh womba galls of all kind., sprains, amines.
cracked heels, ringbone, windbepe, pol
rib mains, navies, sweeney, fistula, sltfeit, strain.
lameness, sand, track, wandered feet, scratches or
grease mange or home distemper.
Thu Powder will remote all inflammation end fever
purify thriblood, loosen thi skin, elcsonne the as=
and strengthen every Pail f the body,and has proved
sovereign remedy lor tb following diSrAMM
Distemper, hide bound, loss of appetite. lowan.
strain, yellow water, inflammation of the eyes,latlgue
from bard exoteric; Obeli rheumatism. commonly col.
led stiff complainy which proves seism] °smolt vol.
wade horse/ in this Country'. It is also a safe end ter
lain remedy for coughs and cold. which generate so
many foul discuses.SLOAl
Grand Depot, 10 Lake at, Chicago,
Extratt horn the 0 0alens North Women, Gitrettist,
By the use of Sloala's Ointment and Condition Pow.
der, I hove entirely cored a Smola on my home and
otherwise improved hie rendition more then pe
ecnion the cost ef tho medicine And a cow wince
n so feeble as to he considered worthless by myself
end eighlar.was restated to good health and strength
by the use of lea than half a
. paeltirge of the powder,
and is now doing better than any other cow I have.
Small Peg, Blayl3,le4S. WSL VINCENT:
['botchy certify th at one.of my children. when ne
tett fell into a large fite oftivo coals, and was burned
severely Dem head to feet. The beet of medical tud
and attention we. given to the child for tone or five
days without any relief—cinch day'. sufferings tric res.
ed till his groans could tie heard at a great &airtime, at
which critical period one of my might - tory recommen
ded and presented to me a boa of Slottn's Ointment
and in less than fifteen minutes alter the althlidmian
of the ointment to the aggravated rotes Or the ouffering
child, the pain ceased entirely, and he speedily begaa
to recover. My residence ia le Hell township, Ver
million county, and &aloof Indiana. '
Chicago, Angyst 21, Hide.
April 13,1818. Four hales north of Memo ion the
toad mlSllwankle,lCotik county,
510. Sloan—Dear Sir, One of my home' had a large
bony tumor on his break immediately under the
collar, whirl looted him and rendered his services in
ery little value. 1 faithfully applied. several bottles
af Di. Taylor's Nerve and Done Liniment, without the
least benefit. I tan, prroeurelLlVilder's Celebramd
Horse Ointment, and coed that mail I became folly
satisfied that It would poser relieve the animal. To
only obtained a box at your truly valuable Chat.
meat, and in le. than CI days from the first epplica.
wilL W
non the tumoars, rentlrely'di saa EDWAßpeareD d,
MOIST/2.0 and the homND%e war
roruten OP11,!TON.
Ireondar opinion is any criterion of the worth orar
arnele, we inane the incredelons to Toad rat !GUT a few
of the many volentarydertitleems that appear in out
animaw respecting the great variety of remarketda
eases dratted by the the of .Sloan's Celebrated Oint
teen and Candid° n Powders.
These remedies endanger remain among those_*
doebtfal utility, they have passed from the tide pier.
miment, and now rand higher to reputation and ars
becoming more ementhely *sad than ail other arti
cles of the kind.—rdlch. City News.
Pox Ft ten, Jane 1.11848.
Dear glean—Sln, Plisse tend bythe bearer c new
mpty of your Ilona Medicine,. They en th e beat
sickles of the kind that I have ever need, never hay
ing been dlseppointed in their Crept, en I have been In
the gee of others,ltinta the moat celebrated Ointment,
Liniments, &0., Mike day. I like very much thte fe e.
tetra in Meta, vim *Willey do all that It promtsed,r nd
Lim i t e k t u tr t tah n trA , lnta la conemlned odd, than
The ordinary ale-indents and liniment. It la
krorranti are nevem and partial In their op ...den.—
Slonni Ointment is mild yet thorough—lt naishes and
removes the manse, hence it eves reel and per nument
relief. For purity, tdidness, safety, en Lein ty, and
thermaglin•ss, Ewan'. Ointment excels, rstd Tepid!)
rurpereeding all other Ointments and mime rds now
tease. •
' Gaeta, ILL, Oct. 'll4, IEII9. '
Kr. Elloanr—Sin Ibsen tented the view e of York
Ointment in the catch( rattlesnake bites, r ere throat
burns, and many other iniaries, mad in ea cry case Ii
has serpasond oar airreetations. An a .amily Oint ,
meet, I have never man liS elittla, and . fa r beast" no
can't get along 'althorn
Your., At., hUi.99ILL. JOIINSON.
Mt Slosh—Dear Rtr: For 11 Mask ‘ smtts length of.
tm e was seriously &Mimed with ti,u r a, u msfie p.m.
strand, and sashed finely the vario as Moments, rail
loners, & ~without °bantam any relief. After which
your an. nt Chic place induer med no to try your
Mom ;in
ent, and dult two weeks from the time I com
mented axing it. the pair cearn , .,,snd 1 w s se ffmossily
cured, end 0 .11 recommend al mn
w ho ere s erly
ILICItd with the dismissmg tote, ttain; to Procure year
excellent moment 1•11:Unt delay
ReAril ;non, OSCAR F. MOTT.
PrineeviM, POMO. coy M ay 1 , Ans.
(0 , From the fe t e. IL V. S Brooks, Agent of the
Illinole and Niel:l4lh C . anal Packet Boat Comp.?.
_ • CHICA6O, Jane 24. IhL
Br. W. D. Blown—De..llT Sin For the last 50 years
base had ornatlnn m n.e many horses, and have used
the great variety !thimente and ointments In nth,
bat hove fleece 11l and any thing equal topour thin
mem for Injuries go borne.. Within the tart IRO
month. have at ,piled year ointment to throe EA hors.,
for various thin' Are, end in every instance it hag pro
ved a minutia a Ivaco,
Toro mil, south of Chicago, Sept. 14, 144
liU.Sleim—Sin On the NM instant my son hail a hu
ger hitic, entirely Off LT a home. We immediately ap
plied Tula welebristed ointment, which inlleved tom of
parr tu a tow mirages, and prevented the finger from
swelling the limn particle, and the wound is healing
tepidly. Resply yours, S. BROCKWAY.
111 r Slog n—D n r. Aboat three yettro anti I vet.
oeverely I incited in one army lege by the ratline of a
yle of w nod whteh °unmanned Nine running ulcers.
Nearly every doctor in Galena tried to cure them; but
toted It vain, until from sympathy and Improper treat.
meal my other leg became as bad as the onenriathAl
wounded. I despatreal of ever ,being well again
hut in order that ('might neglect no means wittily. my
• 'ten I purchased of your win in Galena mune 01
rout aiatruenL and you
judge of my' ..Pn 4 e...
y,ratitude better than I can exams* it, to find myself
entirely well before Iliad finished using the maenad or
hind theta I make known that others adlicted may
believe and not deity using so valuable an .0101111.14
as years hos proved to be. Itiespl your grateful fed,
Galena, DI., Dee. 11, ISIS. EVAN.DAVIS.
Before the followbm order, Wiesen. Vaughn Co
purchased a of Sloan's preparations.
!scuba. Mich. Feb. $1,10.49.
S. K. Hibbard—Doer Sim I moot of bloan's Condi
tion Powder and Throe Ointment The sale tar ex
ceed. my expectation. Urn. can remlaso to send toe
I dozen Omunent I pay for them the firm trot
that you. are bere,, and presume I ehall ho able to len
large quantity in the course of rho year. It wilt be
an object to 'mu, a• welt ea to myself, to keep mo Caw
emit!, mpplied. Very resply . your*,
88. UGHN & CO.
Sr. Loots, Feb. 1319.
Dr. P.lnarb—Sw: About two years ago, while ratting
on the fillsrdocippl river, In pausing over the ramds, I
was plunod into the water, and by the ran das e
against o ak O t crashing my left leg and otherwis er
im..l9 mantis me, so coach that I lost all sensibility.
When conacinastiess returned I found mien' In. tit.
Lmos,sarrounded by my vreeplog family. Good nitre.
It.andn medical aid, enabled roe to about two months
o hobble around inch the assistance of aerated ..The
wounds only partially heated, leaving large nutmeg:
Lore. at the knee, Which for many months dischargad.
blood and matter ache most ofeasive character. My:
pants were inexpressible_ at times My suffering wan'
40 great that death would have received a hearty Wel
Fortunately Mr. Wilma, lone of my nolghbors2
advised me to try . your Ointment. I obtained bar
applied It according to direction—the sores soon began.
to ascot, a healthy app earance, and in three months.
I eras entirely etired,and enabled to do hard labor.
Your obedient sevatat,
7eWe'tqeineeeeea, n el tb o of IL W. Thomas
ac he wt c ase Once tmed, and know
the:trctetanees, most ch v e v erf j nlll ku oo G fias s a : d
Thomas' statement.
Datum:4.lnm E11t,1648,
ands. D. Sloan—She One army horses was heorhound
also vrounded in the elide, In which he took cold,
and became to crippled that he could acarecly uoveL
therfree application of your m 0112616 ointment, hi.
tools were soon Fattened and the stifle permanently
cared. I have Leo aced the Ointment in the tam of
Poll-Evil and on severe yell. with equal perces&
On a malltml finger Wat was very painful . , it opera.
ted likes charm. Voars, ata , A. VAN WIDEN.
Bloptn i s Ointment and - Condition Powder are ae.
ItnoWlm toed by ail who hive used them to be the leo,
remedy for borseshind mane thhf has been dixovered.
Fresh wounds, guile, sparing; 'Whites rlngbone, pod
evil, and In short every outward disaram or ininry can
dicured by this wonderfth remedy. The Powder Is
gned for Inward Orator, distemper i ltide bonnd
Cadmic front hard exercise, dtseasal eyes, &e,—Lake
County Chit:mini..
Wicautrirs, Coot Co. Feb, 43,183,4
him Sloan—•l; I base a finettroung horse that was
wee. with the scratehes last lall. t paid out about 1
three dollars for'.metheine to rare him, but be grew
won. L then bought • boa of your ointment at pour
office sviten in Chicago last, other doubtingly, but I
tboosttt I would try it. Judge fmy surprisc - und my
opion of Its beneficial guar tea, when I found my
bone'.legs sminttli and well in tour days from the time
I ccommuced applying it. lurobedtent,
. i -.••••• _
More than. fifteen years of unrivalled success in the
su ch of eveZ variety of extern.] dkeoxer and injurer
up ne,:bruisto, cute, buns. rettseeeito enifi•
dons, sore liiim: sore breasts, chopped hands, chlii
blains, biters, ulcers, corns, pains in thri back, sides, or
other parrs of the system, rattlesnake biros, .be., bears
ample tenumony that eloan's Ointment is Just the thing
for the hour. Certificates without timelier hare been
'received by the , Proprietor from disinterested indtvido-
Lis, gists% &Mils of remask able cures by flaw,.
(Manilla; Mil wakie to. Wis., Om Id, We.
131.2.—De. Sir: Recently my horses ran sway
with s log altoln attached, which cut and chemise
Injured them seriously, so much so that I cons.dares
m y team lamed ter baldness. Fortunately a friend se
commen den thh ore of your Clamant. I went to Ed.
waiskie and purchased a boa. It soon removed The
101.1131 anion, and In few days the wound, healed
pen benefit derived from the use of your Ont
my horses, - indneed me to aermint you Intl.
the fan, be...Rasing its publicity
rowould yo u ono
tha :11capectfally am,.
And bus becenne.• common raying, that guy.%
oda:tau aml:Condition , Panics.. ramdly aver.,
diod old Vicr bet ."'"6 o7 tlt' r =Fr s ' co% I k al= ire I ' ante s 1 '
parity sad safety, to met they may , be seed ever at
freely *theta anydanger of taking eold, or-usr ohm War gue Rom that .R4,lss u, Rut bun foll
IRO FR inimue
bledieines on the day."
Casnars's StaTION, Ohio, May p%, 1-047•
IL E. Sellers: I th ink It tight Mr tho beneStorothers
to Mate some (ac's in telethon to year excellent lanais
ly Medicines.
I have orol y. Vermlinge 'Ferrety in my own man•
ity, one , frc.,aently onsorenne forexiwllingl at
quantities owy Ito Mal) worms from two ehildras I
have also atm/ your Liver Pills and. trough Syrup .0
my family, sad they have _in every Intones produced
the edeet de tired. .
As lam It:waged merchandising, lam able to
stn. that I Lame yetto bear of the first Dilate where
your medic nes have been used tarn! section of the
country. conelusion, I may staW , that they are his
ir.edieines at the day, and are destined :a haws a very
extensive pspubtnty Taus, rot seeslultp re.i.
Prepared and sold by IL / idtS,No 57W00d
street, sold roll by tkaggls • seberotly in the two tie.
um, and vieinnY. • • myZ.
Rh' iirLitTEATZOM.PLAIITt — hrtr,
kx. original, only true, and genuine Liver Pill..
• 96027 Cam, Ohio coo, ty, Vit•
Much 20th,,1642. SS
Mr. R. E. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think it a dory I Uwe
to you and to the public genera ly, to matothas I hav e
been ;aimed with the Liver Complaint for a g
nom. and so badly that an &mess formed and IstOke,
which left me in a very low emus. • Ileving heard o f
your celebrated Liver Pills being for sale by A II
Sharp, In West Liberty, and recommended-to me by
MY phymMen Dr. E. Smith, I concluded. to awe them
a fair trial. purchased ono box, and Salad them to
last what they ere red, TILE 13FSPLI•
VER PILL EVER USED, and commende
after taking four boxes
/ nod the disease has entirely Jell me, and I em now
perfeetly well. Respectfully yours,.
West Liberty, Mooch 25,1E41.
I certify that I sin personally acquainted ixtch `dr
;oleo* .1 and can bear testimony to the truth el *be
ehive ..eitlficate. A R SILARP
The -.WPC LAT. Pills arc prepared and cold by
ft E d LLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists
in Ina wri elites.
Tll ellE PUBLICThe originaLealy .d
'nine Liver Pills are prepared by IC ESellers, and have
his nun natured in black wax open the, lid of each ,
' ex, and Ids sienatare on the outride screPne ,-- sil
others are counterfeits, or base hultutions.
a 10 ft E SELLERS, Proprietors
[PROM the Rev Atilt /MUNN, a tesellknown and ptltP
V star ClergsmanOttherrotestamMettiodistChurtb
.L'un , undermined enema been allicted daringthe past
with a disease oaths stotrachoometitnes pro
lee, ns great pain in the Btothathior ten or twelve boo.
Withouttnicr. on,and after having tried rations
rem with 'effees. was forraithed with a bottle
oillr DJayncisC elMareßalsunt This he need..
cc dint( to the direct ee l s, and found tnvariablythatthis
medicine eausedthe sate abate in three or fOurraile
saes, and in fifmea or twenty roinut.every WOWS]
sensation was entire ,y quieted. The medicine was.
Mcw,lniatt•ed ,ever indiettionsof the approach Of
PainvoccePercev. d, .d the pato was thereby prevent.
ea Ile continue/. tease the medicine every evening
nod .`h• mormag, and in a few weak u
health was , so .r restored, that the solderer was relies
ed (rem a large, e .0.m.( oppressive pain. From elf
Uri, c.c. , ' ther afore-I e tut confldently g
coYne•Ce .rnsinadve a salutary medic it
oordliaasev ofthsetamach und bowels. A
Allegheny etty,bil
Fee •I'•s in Pittrbargh at al ‘PEKIN IEA STOR
et:Foust' I tweet, near two s sod also at theLIT•O
Store of
.11:247 =WITT SOS
SWISSIDOn Coughs, Colds, Medina, Lte
er Compldni,fliiitonjg Dlood, Diliculty of Breath-
Lng, Pain in the Sitn and Dress; Palpitation of
iha Heart, Internam, Cronp,l3roken COn
zdtudon. Core Throat, Nervous Dahill..
"bref. ii SVlLn iD d i rifigll sso ?ttle th m e ester :A '
factual and speedy ears
oyer known Mr any of
the above discos
. - la
BV, ATNE , 3'
Coaapotand Byres p of Wild Cherry!
tTlas oat
hasp is no longer =clog Wean. of doubt!".
edgy. It has passed away from We thoththda daily
launched oponthe tid experiment, and now stand;
hither to reputation. a n d '. A-coercing more extensive ,
ly used
any other preparation of medicine sear
produced for Qs rebel of enflering
.It hes been atreduced very g.erally ththugh
United Stoics son blarspe, end there aro few towns
import.ce but Mutt contain tome remarkable cal-.
donee of its good effects. For proof of the foremsng
Stsl6WrilS, and of the value and efficacy' of this meth.
clue, thnpropricter i.est is few oldie y thou
sand tesumenthis which have been presented whim by
men some hest respectability—men who hove higher
views factor responsibility and justice, thin to ter
dry to facts, because it will do another a favor, and
thee:wives 110 iSditeliCe. Such testiumny VOSS. co n•
al.ivelyrthat ITS sorpnsing excellence ts established
by its intrinsic ODIUM, and the unquestionable authori
ty of public opinion. The Instanumee. re li ef it af
fords and the
yoothi infidel:W.o dilluaed through the
whole ' frame b use, render , it • most agreeable
remedy for the aDßemd.
" - When men, a l ong from conscientiom maynalses,.
sol.mrtly liebtrieseroony to the truth of a tinny, or
parneolar fact, feehtestimony, being contrary to their
wolitity intend , and forposes, coertes conviction of
I. truth and door itself In a special manner to
em oeneue—re Hogan , * Mural Maxims.
here never settS remedy h has been as successful
in despetate races Of C.WlltnrtiOn, DS De. Sweine's
Commend Syrup of WWI Cherry, It strengthens the
13 roan, end appears ID heal the ulcers on the langs,
cream j new and rich blood; power possessed by he
other dicing.
CDISSIZit CO, Apia .13th, 1949.
He S'S syne—Dea Sart I eerily beeve your oa f
pound Dine of Wi l d Cherry has bee li n the means
saving my o r. I caught a severe cold-Whieh gradu
ally grew wrse, attended with a severe sough, Wet
'scat. eh the enmeshes which I hid reeeterse to, stil,
inotenstng until my care exhibited all the sympunas of
Pulmonary Cestratninion. Every Wing I
aaed tried seemed
to haven° effect .8 my complaint W ing us rapi
ly that friends. well es myself, gave up • all hope of
ay recovery. At tbis Cline WAS recerromended to try
your invaluable medicine: I did so with the most ha
e 9 re
The first bottle had the effect to loosen the
cough, causing me to expectorate. freely; and by the
n ow I had seed bonles,l was entirely well, and am
titalTy • Dien el 1 Deer woo in my VG, and
'maid be happy to re any infotmation.rtheting
east. that ether Se Sten may derive dm tenall for
wtheh I no. so gratefuL Fce.the truth of the above
statement I Peet yOlll4 Peter 11..11, GrOelle, West
Chester, lit, of whom I parehased tbe medicine.
Itespellfolly yontai . lsgras Mos.*
Worddl Cars IT a Metkodist Minsster. • •
Dr. bweyne—Dear
in I feel a debt of graimda dart
Is you—and a duty to ine Maimed generally, to
my humble testimony. In favor of you Compound Sy
rup of Wild Cherry. Some three years since I was
violently attacked with cold and in fl ammation of the
Euel7, et a u ec t o .. mp d a t ru: e e2 d w a i. v ilt a dirWerleg.
ge the
ofreZive moons riom the i r lun e* gs,er " .
f i r tl7 n ' t o e s a 'al'a'rns!'riZ!ut'":hey v b e a r t
ea Prey)
Smen convinced that I was rental) . going into calumny.
rum. I grew daily weaker, and at length was some.
ly able to walk about, or speak above a Othittper, such
was theeaccedmg weakness °fray lung. During this
time Iliad tried +axioms preparations and prestriptions,
but found no relief—growing all the time worse. Jest
here I was admied and persuaded by a dear friend In
Wilmington to,oske ilia! orient Strop of Wild Cheri
ry. I must COIL<SS that. previernsly I had been mini
dread against patent medletnes, andg sun mill against
thom.coming out of the hande of ereperies, but under.
standing your claims to the profe.ten and practice of
medicine, and h.iving implicit faith in the saying of my
friends, I forthWath purchesed of Dr. Shaw,ono of your
agents, a few le,,olca, and commenced its use. My
ease wen at t rime of gPar 0 months , standing, con.
sequently It was deeply , seated. I found, however',
considerable rebel from the use of the fire% four or five
betties. Dot beings public speaker, I Impend - ) at.
tempted to preach with my increasing strength, and
thereby rupture tho. vessels that had el early be e n
to heal; to way, doubtless, my cam was greatly
retarded. In ca lv e
or of ecting thus Imprudent ,
I luaus rise twelve or fifteen bottles before I wasp.
featly festered I have no question, a mesh en t ail
number of.bottl.s would have made me bned, bit
the above indiscretion. The Sirup allayed tie ee,
tali h e athy took ...ray the distrmaing cough, put ( • P
to the discharge of matter from the longs, and Sr g
t h e m en d the m i arc i aletem good health. I hair defy
fed odwing tilt certificate until now, for the purees
bpure,injorerr,.focwo-ds,:tallArleidlAriethao pe rrin c r tr in
pleasure. GY7 -1 ,1. JOI.L. of
•• • ' lingennent Canton—Read! Res&
There but vie genuine preparation
ever(o Wild Ckeig;
and shells Gr. hiwarves, the find offered to e
Which been sold largely thwingt,,,e; the
pa rdons UFnited
States' soil some parts of EoroPei_vdd Pev
par milk. by the name of
o ilsW Cherry have
been put out shoe this, under cover fIMMO deCeptile
eircomstomes, a order wane currency to their sales.
:ay a little obsonation, no pence need mistake the
• genuine , from 0, false. Each bottle of she gentians is
enveloped wit rt beautiful steel engraving, with the
likeness of Munn Penn thereon; also, Dr. Swayne's
14:nature: and 5 farther seoaiity, the portrait of Dr.
Swayne will added hereafter, ee as to distinguish
bin preparatlin own all ther. No ; it lt was not tor
the great maniere properues and known virtuea of Dr.
Sway nes Lomiiound Syron of Wild Cherry, persons
would net be andeavonng to give currency to theis
“fieutions nos oust" by steeling the name of Wild
Cherry. Remember, envoys bear to mind the name
of Dr. Swell. ad be not deceived.
Principe Otbse, career of Eighth and Race Meets,
Philadelphia. •
• For sale vibe. nide and retell by OGDEN & SNOW-
Dhli, roe gd sad Wood sts . D A FNTOCE
Co, COT Ist eta Wood, and ' Oth and W oo de n; Whl
T11011N,53 st; S JONES, lee Liberty at JAS
A JONES; cot 'land imd Penn au; JOHN bLITCH
ELL, Alleghen. oily, and by all respeeinhic
medicine. octl3
per IIF. P. latlaractle Pr azoiltam.Pl
DR . " .
P. INLAND, of the Medical College IA Phil
adelphia, now ogees to the neigh, hie Indian Veg.
amble Preen= Plaster, thiqualittes of which after
longand tried experience, has been eatisfsetorily es.
tablished. To all women who may be allbctal with
Protonsas therls or Fallen Womb, be recommends his
plaster, parniacebis a core and speedy . core In the
short sprice.of Irani two to her weeks, if applied with
onto and test—di...ling a!I the countless instruments
and openrive bandages so long in are. This he feels
conscientious in swing, Inasmuch as he has not (ailed
In one Caen out of Woo hundred and fay-three pa-
dent lso .
A for Rheamausta and Weak Breast or Back, at
!o allordiay tended. antkpain,there Is nothtng to excel this Master
retie' or cricadng a core. For sale by
L Wtlcox, s.omerof Dractioud and Market at
gar tc Reiter," Federald dt. Clair sta
Dr J grat * at and Disnaocd, All
la g e ' qt ' es 'Y 6. 6 Z0, * Duman and Diamond Durstig
EX- ---
TFUCT OF COFPEE-A" article which is ro
omy coming into Ufa .1% wholesome, 'swishing
and delicious ousenace, being mom pleasant end pal..
inutile than common Cone, and far cheaper, ea • small
paper costing only ten cants, will go as far as Brut
pourols of Coque. Manufamured by
•7OLLN B. IBILLEit, Pittsburgh, Pa.
o o h* at wholesale B A FAIINESTOCK
and /r. Co,
comer of First and Wood and Sixth Wood an,
iiS Comp Blankets; :I:loader coots; 1.2 pro Pants;
'lo i.. 1 1 ,5 nett lined Almung Boots; 12 isthmus Ilasts U
armlet [hulks, a and la gallons each; 60 canteens, i
gallon each; I dos Bocksk,a Moog BeitN I dcioded
combne do do. The abbre goal. for sale at the, Cali
fornia (hating Esiabliatiment, No Si Wood rt.
. coch.flh . . ,l/a II PILILLIPS
. liiill.3—Wrought Iron Anvils, from the Temper
ing. nneeville works, warranted; will be eonsmntly,
on hand end supplied to ostler,. by
wrest (WI) ea/MIRAN. WI Wood st
I: 4 lo,tioti-71 - liiipTpesiirituii—bua,itsp l 4, koi
2pipes I Pdland lids;
elks N Bum;
• • 450 Unix Whiskey; for sale try
'nave Wk M fdlifl,TßVl:
UeLT.ACHlNticasar lu eiaspran&
LI Saar , brand, a superior article, for sale by
p n ,a • W a el MITCHEL:MEP;
Esr - raviii76 — itaia tb. lu uuuLs
7.5 Wallin: Ya dcr arrir d parsblp Oxenbridge,
r ssde x lg
4 nEura •
a—Tuay mil ie./my darns th, rime; lam
pared a new arithmetical wart, a copy or whrob
will be presented to each and every Tenettet; in rise
United States. without charge,apon th eir applicatic
to A.-H. Meath A CO., 71 Wood meet, Pinsbansh,
(poet Paid) The work is endued.
Or, An Analyst, of the Lerysage of figures eiild Fel
en« of Numbers
The following nonce is copied from the New Tett
Tribune of Jan. Sid, 1 'Rat "
.Gathotszoe Annmetrile,ir Carl Dartm,.L. L. a
emo, pp. this wart the longue, fipmet
and eo, stnienon f numberp are earefellY eltniyard.
The alphabet, composed of ten figures—the wards de
rived from the alphabet, and' the laws by which the
figurerare connected with each o th er,vartelearty
The intalysis thaws that there Ate but lose hunt
dred.tind, eighty eight elementary combinations in
Arithmeue, each entrespondthe to word of per corn
mon langnage; and that these combutstient are so
connected together as to be all e - premed:by only .
sixty three different words. The system proposes to
Commit these words to -nremory, and then read the
reunite instead asocial - le Item, ea mw practised.
"mang e, ther respeet.the ityatere primes isti imports
ant chang namely: to consider aud treat alLfractione
as entire aims., haring a ellen relation to thenellonn,
from which they were derived. -
•Wo thareely need say that theliniework evinces
the ingenuity and alum analysis, for which
c elebra ted.
We witting on this seemed are justly celebrated.
We commend it to the attention of prae tieal Ithaca,
believing that they will find it crowded mit/ti
-, mer and
valuable saggestionae •
' the Prefemare'let West Point. •
"T he Aetna= no 11.8.We:sr Potm, Y0n.17.
"The Grammar of Minutiae, by PIIASSOf
presence the
nab light lx IXOenallees
Arithmetic lo to unarms the mind of the learner with
the first principlys of mathematical thiende in torte
right order and conneetion, and the new roles I f
reading et figure. are eternal pnactical rattle.
Signed, W. H. C. Bartlett, Prof. of Nat &Es nu.
A. Church. Prof of Mathematka
D. IL Malian Prof. or Engineering:,
A.S. BARNES A Co. would respectfullY4smounce
to teithhess, and to all interested in mathematical in.
strocuon, that they wilt publish, en or befOre the Ist
of A eget., lbSet, the following woes:— • •
Or, an Analyses of the. Principles of the Seienee—ol
the Nature ofthe reastuning.t-and of the heir Methods
of (Riposting Inspection. By Chas. David, L.L.D.
Anther of "A Complete System el .11atberantleg'
N. D.—A. S. Dawes S. Co. are the publithero: at
Davies , System of Idathemotics.
For sale in cols city by A. H. MOLISE! le Co 4 No
70 Woad 'street le=
li'enster , . Raw Jinibloplara 211•10 dillis
("WINE to Ran all Night; Dolly Day;
Daley Jones; Go down to do Conon Field;
Nally was a Lad), the.
Do Kind to Oa Loved Ones at Rome;
Row thy bent lightly; True Love, by T. Rood;
Our way enrols tee sea, dnet
A now medley aong, by D. Covert;
Jenny Gray, music by Mailer,
Joys thus were crowning, Wedding March;
God been the hardy marine; Schuylkill Waits;
Conscript's Departare,by W.C. Glover; '
Bonnie irons Dome; %Values, Rtayertnatirmehe Cs;
Lest Rase of hummer, ear variations by Herm
United Stales Polka; Souvenir Palk.;
Corn Cracker Qatidnilei Louirrille
Beauties of hely; Deans, Trio.,
A large assortment of Near Music on hand. to which
additions ammade weekly. For saloliy
feb2S J. ifohiELLoll, el'Wood at
11122V7 1100ILSI
MBEWAR Wan MEXICO, by R. S. DlplnT 2
Wombats of Rhetoric., coon:ailing an Analytic os
Um Laws oh Mond Evidence, and of Partnasioni by
Rickard %Mainly, IL D.
Essay on Outman Rapti.; by Baptist W. Noel,
The. Ogilvie', a Novel.
Fairy Tales, from all Nation; Hy eratrbry U. Man
talbc 211.11astrations by Doyle.
Just maid by JOHNSTON is STOCKTON,
deli/ coiner Tnrd and Market wens
New AAA linegant dlft Bertikei
0 Hendiey, with eleven origlnnl design/I by Mule)
Poem , and Prove Wriungs, by Mal/ell:IL D 2222 2
v., sanalin
litamlnnted Om& et Sacred reety,
dons engraved on meal, by John Sartain . ,
Jns: renewed by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON,
del" enrney Third awl AlnAret via
Slew Hooke. .•
PHYSICIAN ANL/ PATI WIT; or a ?Menial View
of tiro =loud Maim, relations and interests of the
Medical Pioccssion and the Communitye. by Worth.
a m or7s o ' ' i l l iiliehael De MoutnignM comps - Wok
his Essay& Leiters, &n. fly Wm. Ilsnlett.
Nineveh and its Remains. Dy Austerullortry Lay
aril, E.g., D. C. L
Glimpses of Spain; or Notes of an Uninished Tour
is 1€42. By S. T. Wallis. ,L
Topper's Proverbial Philosophy, new idition;
irated. Just received
OH by , •
. nov.ll earner Market and Thud streets
Maimed Rookii—ltrako in daddy narked binding,
illuminated and illnutrated— Boot,' aupeibly bound i1:1
Velvet, Silk, tdorocco, and Com, Dutton,' in imitation
of the !diddle A -gue--liibles nod erayeriflooka, ber
fully bound in Velvet and Mococen, magnificently
numeined and llltuninaked. For sale by
det? .Ilookteller -
Wood st..
Christmas and New Year appreaelitaigi
/n Jiluenificent distigtivEindiAgdor/As Redid:lap.
A NIES D. LOCKWOOD, Dookeelbsittal importer,
0 ea Wood street, has received a otaAtifut tonecuoa
of illustrated Books bound in the meAt eplendid man
ner by the best London and Amer; eut binds ri—arnosig
them may be found:
Praxis of Ameri I Poetry; mgAfftetrAlr IllurAins•
Gr,SP,i t • Too., sad
Theett.eber; illamr.o.ted by w
bound . carved woOd.
The gong or i •
ill° minated by Jobe.
Flowen and tbui Kindred Thoushtsillatalantodby
,j 4
s. •
droines of Shakspearei Illustrated. I, •
dlrs.ltumeson's CharacserisUes or Women; Illasthb
led. For sale by JAIII/3 I) LOOKWOD, '
del] ad Wood street '
~:n.~t•~•z I
110 EDBURIO: flottnataßlellville
It author of 'Types.. "Onsont"
History or King Alfred of Englmd,bi.lstob Abbott
with fine engravings.
Stdonia the Sorceress; by Wm. bleinhold.
JottN.ruri k dItiCISTON,
nov2l corner Third and 4arkststreow
"One or she Plat. Reartarkadle Ma; of the Age."
LI of a rod to the Chandwan Chrtstans of Knolls.
ma, and the Vesidis, or Devil-Worshippers; and .
Inquiry into the Mennen and Arta of the Ancient As.
synans. By Austen Floury Layanl,l7E.., D. 0. L.
With Introductory Note by Prof N. Robinson, D. D.,
LL. D. Illustrated. with 13 pletee end map,, and
wood cute n vele ken. elath, NAO. , •
"The hook has a. rase amount of gi.lile,
lumina mutative o—Trthene.
The work of Layard is the meet pnandrant COMA•
button co the study of antiquity that hilt appeared for
many years"--Christ
. 11 Not one exerts in interest the ACCO6OI of Ninejeh
and its Ruins, given by AD. Le.y.i.Wastinean
Intelligencer. j
oAs we follow the digger. with breathiest, Interest
In their excavations, ana suddenly fird - iourseine be
ton n innsiVe fi tin caned with valuate sceancy,
now lifooO its mantle head Isom the dam of 3000
yeen, weready Us cry oat with the ulna..
Arabs, are
it is wonderful, bat KU Mier .
For sale by
• novlet
G 3 Wood .t
,• !few Doak.. •
yHE WOIIEN of too CB& and NS'as Testament
Edited by E. B. B e psagLt Imp, boo.,
woAttlLbitud.; l e y e x ei t obragAmeriStan bolahfd trrat ." mon!
POEMS Y.TRIELIA, INto. Walby;Of Ki..l* - never
and enlarged ednton; Iffintrated by .111m , .g. from
r's`oLr. 1 vol. rtgli 1=1:
LB and Gift H00k...
..;eti , .; chid...Pint Balk or the 1111tery or Rom
T liE MECHANIC'SANT , - tidapted for the
use of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Saw
yers, Lumbermen, Stridence, and Artisans geoerallyt
being a thorough and practical Treated. en - Menem.
time and the Shelng Mae. Cy D. M. Raper, JOH.
unite'. Treatise on Greek Prase Composition.
Oliendorers E2ernentary French Grammar . . .Sy Prof.
Greene. or Drown University. I nal. Moto. !
. . • .
Hoe(tiger's Guaniaa• fiebrew Gituardar, by Conant.
Cieleams , Hebrew lexicon:
imu3:lVTrigonavaetry and • Logatit4lls Tables. 1
vol. (sheep.)
Tne EagliallizazOs Greek Coneerisade . ,. 1 vol.(mas
• ,
*whole. Clam:Kies! Serie. •
Webster's IKetionary, revised ed.. 1.001. 8;0.
do do unabridged. rvoL
Bscoe's Notes and Qttestions on Now. Te moment.
Whotelru Logic.
Idosheito 1 Ecelealastical Distory. a vOls. and 2
ols. (sheep.)
Vestiges of Creation. I voL limo.
hlotitMrs among the Jetolts at Rome 1 vol. (cloth
Scenes paper whem the Tempter has Triuttylted. / vol.
cloth and pp s per 4 ,
Bogue', Theological Lectures. 1 vot;Btro.(4oth.)
isiderl Pronouncing Bible...
Boyer's French Dictionary:
Smart's Horace. For ule by B. 00.PKINS,
novl3__Apollo Buildings, Fourth n
SOTTII - 05M1.2 - 10131 .11ihOLIV1i1). i?rhe wort s o
ill Montaigne, edited by IL Hasint, entopris his .
Essays, Letters, and Journey throng/1i Germany nod
Italy, with nouns fro/netlike Commentators, Lliograpit
teal and Btbliographlealtiotices &a. 1
Theory and Practice of Teaching; the Motives
and Methods - of Good School•Keeplng,. by Avid
Plage, A. M., Palming of the State. Normal School,
Albany, N. 1.,
Frank Forester's Fish and Fishing of the U. States
and Duties Provinces of North inoefres, by 11..1
,Weit. Herbert. ' .1021NSTON A SMCKTON,
nov6 comer Third nat . Market .0
• The Olden TlsoiJ'
TAMES D. LOCKWOOD, ilookeellel and IMP orte , l
gl No. 63 Wood ntlYet, has for slide a few coulee own*
Veto, (the remainder of th e edition, of thit valuable.
work, devoted to the Preurvall on of Docemeota• s.
other aothentle information relating to the early e*
plotatione, settlement and improvement ether 00.0114,
stoor.d the heitd of Ike Ohio." - lry Neillle 13, Ctal
Esq.,of Pitonorgh, in 2 vols tno. '
novlo ' r L D. LOCKWOOD,
.ItOSITOMDEF.Tift a History.
Liberty of other ALCiCril rIlllOllll. a l .panet
Elliott, Esq. Illostrated with twelve degnmop, eau?
coted.itt Rome 2 vols., evo., uniforMwillt PreuOtt's
Historical Works.
Jest published and for sale by •
JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Boo.keeller end.
novlo . lmperter.oo Wood.g
1210,31 ota DIRS. FANNY KEXILLE'S ykajg
reading) of this book has Isoprerwd to
Muth higher ooinion . of its author than we had Panted;
from permute .er other writings. itkisplaysadeeper
tone of thought, united X. Mat. pure womanly grace of
feeling then my other production of the female mina
with which we aro nerminted..—tair. Motor..,
' "It Is very agreeable and readable book, writies In
Wanny Beanbags best style—kold, 'spirited and enter.
tailing. We recemmend it to oar readers as the best
;abandon' of the sesven.”—Readina Goa
It manual the Journal at a tread through Europe.
and residence in hair end is one Of the • pleasantest
and most interesdnk Woks of the iekeen.n—Conr. and
A very eharactivi . itle hoot:' Wd have read it from
tide page to Colophon With an tented interest. A vi
vid picture of hie is Ulnae. In all ippects errar... ,l )
reanable..-4Mekettaxler. •
.For sale by /AMPS DIACKWOOD,
nava . Bookseller k. Importer, eg V. M
bbana and i•
dn n
tole eryles,ne`a iPta ebY , Lt A
~ ,,,A soN
Bliar—io,abelbe e anne!b, lbb
.11Yatif inoke, for gab cow
avi supoui az
B. 1101.E=! is 20116
Boalc•re, Br•kora.
anti mating in
___ AND BANK Nut ,
COLLEGMONS.—Drafts,'Notes end Ae
pnrible in lily part of the Unimeolleated=
favorable term&
rzce-Nos on Nets Yertt, niladelphis end Be.
timore; -leo, Cincinnati Bann Loma end
Nom Orteanc_unßtantey for isalo.
DANK NoTES.—Notc, or, ell solvent be. In the
United States discounted et tbeloseest rates. All kinds
of Foreign and AnstriOna Gold and Silver Coln boaskt
'end sold , •
.Pivat 6Crtc. u
No. U,Morkot stioat, Donets 'J4 and lth
gh, «46
, ICIILLS on. Engtend, inland, and Sauteed hotted •
JD wty. 11.09131: at the Current Rates of Exchange.
ALEN Dnitts payable - in :thy pert of the Old Cowries,
from .Y.WCO, at the rate of IS to th e S. Sterling,
whhout dedieuon or amount, by JOSIIIM ROBIN.
'.9044, European and General di em,' olSee Sth at one
door west of wood. • °CUES!
ilall. ILIUM.I ' "
_, wouLliica.,9
- .in Foreign and Domertle .1144 of Roe-tango. Cor.
• ,ases . of Deposita, .Dank . Now .aad Cobs, torisor of
dd and 'Wood oilcans, &eddy °modal 9. Marla Ho-
Dank Now;
parelusad at the lawn: Moe, tty ~
N. 110L3033 SONG,
aapl3 31 Market strait:
!o N - 1i23130 21.1111;i' tat 3
t il%"4
Coastaatiy for ails I N. HOLUM SONS:
- septa • 23 Masketst.l
nontus & nAmoarn,
Altann% Fait aide of the Thisioad,iltlibargh,
are rose offering tithe vary !Owen prices fa: gash,
Rectified Whiskey,Dhi and Domeetle Wendy; also,
French' Brandy. flollimd Gin. Jamaica Spirits, Lon.
"Ti isah Whlsli , y. ae.
dpira, Chan puree, Churl, Mast ain't, Males.,
reira and Lisbon Wines Wholesale& Wrath say 3
nELINTINCI PAPER—Morays on band or loaded*
order, the variant, sizes of Prinitag Vapor. Rig
Wrapping Paper; Crown, Median:4*nd Donbio Crown
sizes :tram Wrapping raper; Crown, Medium, and
Double Crown root ()Mee raper Pasteboard. Re. to.
W P MARSHALL, 6b Wood at,
Arent far Clinton Mills.
TOTIN WATT fi CO. him* somovid their . stook of
tI Ovule odes to the opposite olds of Marty ot.
yOBIAN IN AMERICA , -Ifer work' and her re
' ward. 13y Marla Mclntosh, author of sChanna
& orintereharrna,o."To seem Ind to be." 1 eel limo.
,Pmaphles, No Ir,-TMS present. time.
By Themes Carlysle. - •
CRAIII/33.—teloatcirs °flare and Writings erThos:
Chalmers, D D., L. L. D. ' Preleetians on fratter's
Awsleno, Piers Evidences of Christianity, and Mrs
Lb tint eon Divinity, with two lattodoetory Lectures
and font Addresses delivered In the New College,
.Eduabornit, by,Thnmaa Chalmers, D. DO..
1 Te l
Cat Life of Tebn Calvin compiled from a:Men
de mama, and particularly fniellna orwmpeadmems.
By Thomas 11 Dyer, with portrait. '1 eel Moo.
For side by HOPHINd.
ept7 79 Apollo Dalldlers, Vonnh et
Doan:mai Cured
From We Now Took Tiara..
AFITIMID, whose word Is most reliable, arid who
hall no possible interest in the matter, but one of
gratitude, desires us to say, that he has been eared of
inveterate deafness, by the 'neer "SearpesConmound
Aeonstio Oil." a Philadelphia medicine, whieh is not
for sale:ln this city, but which ho lhinte ought to ho,
for the good of the atTlleted. Ile has a Ester who has
also berm eared by it. Ile 'urgently advise. all who
are mirroring from deafness, to trs this remed7, with •m
assurance tbat, mile.* the ease be extraordinary; the
experiment will prove abundantly auceauhtl.
For sale at . TILE PEKIN TEA hTORE,
(obi 70 Pound st, Pitutburgi
Gambol Combat
A GROSS per Polka; 10 do do vers fine;
00 " ass'd Redding;
I 6
super English Horn Reddlus;
" Pocket Cobs;
600 " Posed "
1000 dos sued Roo Ivor";
30 Shen Ride COUMG
10 super large Buffalo;
200 Stun used Side Combs; reed and for sale by
feb3 • C. YEAGER, 103 Market st
Duff licalind: Buff Hellandi
r.1:011CF, , -11it /ileCllnteek bee this del
received (enrolee.. of thinnest cud .best Bor.
rles. illitiezdoo which he would D. reepecifelry
cult the ettmtlou of his costumers and the public. itt
Sreexpeooros, 73 Fourth se. Jana
A FEW eeryGUITARS, last reed from the
Li celebrated manufactory of O.F Martin, and for
We by 1.09 J 11. MELLOR, St IVood et.
Hooks Jost Alseelved..
COnmlete Works or Joh Ilunyai 1 vole, 8,0,
I I vol, illesuated; muslin g ot' .4 lt edge&
Mitchell's Biblical end Sabbath Scho ol Geography;
s OOP work; 1 v 01 ,15100.
Tons'e Analysis and Speller.
Life of John Q. Ad a ms, by Vien. FL Bossard; 1 'el,
tdmo; marlin • . •
Poems by Mrs. Henning 1 'el, ISmo; marlin; glib
Sonzh's Serasonslietutone preached 'open severed
Occasions, by Robert Smith, D. IL; is neer edit/oS,
•ols; imploding Pomba:sons Discourses.
Seine—l vols. in a, .keep, caw; eve.
For sale by 11L HOPKINS,
ler2l I Apollo Building. Fourth at
roan mcnof ton . O. W. G. -
T PE .:r„ f, e 71 ' .7 . -3 ?t n g,:y . , TVltr ih Titt ma,°l ;
aud puha,: s e citc ' roly . :that may have rebuilt she a.
GLIs FOUNDRY, and are now In hill operation, and
have pan of theirpettems ready for th e market—.
Aniongst which aro Coeldeg Stoves; Coal and Wood
Stores, with a splendid air-tight Coal Stov..ortdch is
now supereedlug In other cities the common mend
Wove. Also, cheap coil Cooking StoTa, adop.;-
ed for small Alen,
whir a full assent:tem of ewes
'moo end mantel Grates We would perileolorly
vim the attention or persons building to call as our
werehonse before purchasing, and examine .plindid
article of enammelled Gnus, fddslied in Ine style—
entirely new In this market.
Warehouse, No. 181' Liberty of,enrollee Wood et:
n YEAGRIL Importer and .Wholesale Dealer le
Sign at the Gilt Comb,
it Market st.,Pinsburgb,Ta;
Wettest Merchants, PedJai. and others suiting
Pittsburgli to purchase Goa* are respectfully invited
to call and examine the extooseve aucalment of .IRigs
fish, American, French and Garman Faney
All Foreign Goods at this eitabllslunent are import
'ed direct by myself, and purchasers May-rely Ort get
ting goods from first band. -I have the largemassert.
me of ardeles, .
in the lirtef in city of
Pittsburgh—all' of which will be sold low for out or
city acceptance. The Stock muds, In port; at'
Lane Goods, liesiery, Glove. Ribbons. • • .L.
Sillteravats, Shoe and Pali= rinads,Pawing
Spool Cotton, Mtge., Suspenders, Haulms, Phu, Nefrt
dles and Cutlery.
Gold end Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, Mildudir Of
thaihes, Combs and Razors.
Perensalon Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks, illlk
Cotton Pumas, Spectacle*, Steel Pens, Mama Blum
Carpet Bags and Betaken.. •
.Bede, s, Folding. and Trimmlstp.
'Toys and Fanefti Dods; topther with a 'anemia
ty of Foray and btsple DRY GOODS.
C: YEAGER, Is also agent for the celebialed Laic.
eater Combs. novl7
Graaf. Nanglish Ilannady.
FR Cough., cold., Asthma and Coimudio Th•
GREAT AND °MN REMEDY tb ns r the cur n! e
of Dia
above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF
LlFli,discovered by the celebrated Dr. Dacha( of
London, England, end introduced into th e United Sato*
under the immediate superintendence of the LEMMA!.
The extraordinary success of this medicine, in tha
curer of Pulmonmy diseums, warrants the American
Agent In soliciting for treatment the +tura powthie as..
sr...thaws he found in the community,—easies animas
relief In vain from any of the common remedlea of this
day, and hems been given up by the mow dialthipsished
physicians a• el:Mingled and ineuraldis, .714 Magid.
SA Itsthrses hu cured, and will care,tho .
i turt • +MWParai•
e nci . ap ; S Enc.
Every ray in the United Suites should ho 'applied
with Dachau'. Hungarian Balsam of 11.1.f0i net only to
counteract the consumptive tendencies at the climate,
be. to be used as a preventive medicine lu .asaey of
colds, cough., opining of bloodi pain in the side and
chest, irritation and serences of the bogs, bnnebiths,
difficulty of brearing,psale fever, niths Men=
Atka and general &Mini, asibmbllGAlMil,w
sougii and M ' -
Sold IA large 1.0A1A., MS/ Pet bet:* ritit fill IIIISO•
dens for the retcoradrns of health.', " •
Pamphlet., containinDainsaa of iitigiish and Amen.
con and other evidence, shriving the
n ualled menu of thou great English Damegrowpg
obtained of the
For sale by OAF 'V sz - ammig
.st and Wood and Fi'ood andOth sic • Co .,
Noram4 Primel,• Montt 441247.
Me. IL E. Wren—ln loge* to yea end year Weak
parable Congh Bylaw, I Leg leave to awe, an to •
eht the that my wife has been ea: end
tram edlleted with n Molt dumping eoOgb.• I VW
chased, In Janpnty UAL a bogie Myron Pimp, sablah •
cored. cough or two month). atudiag., Auat use
stOnda tires, the cough rammed, and wu aerate
that she eoeldbasely move, from washout to the
hum; I sena t ore ne
the of your Ough PPM, bud
spot arena bottle cored the couch I pugs other
to it loaning mah who Wes severely atlicted,who Old.
to re a hi. own wools, , casen eunuch eosalicanay,
co all the " people in Pittsburgh,t the candy had
banns good a reoreeented. • • ' • -
.Pr Y .r.V171 ` .1.11% R. z. tEMlts . , l ,Mia
m-e 4 '.. 1 0 by, bugaboo generally m
• -- ,
• J . . A..llBvWN•reoldreagat•
fully Wenn the yabile, that le
. weeps on Wald at hie su 11. ed 0 the
weer Oda of the
Sherry city, a:complem wort.
......main et Yunnan Dlinds; ales Ye
ablate Shatters made to cd:
!In the beet
tae Bllngeanbia removed 14.
eat the add of a 'area, d_ol4;
ols, nod woodo(Ueeobtae toe '
lend, I a= prepared id taNi .h
their old enstnaters, as vela a.
the pet& t et lam. „with everything ill dietc
Agent ,t ‘.% nod Weal; drl" , '”wp,.
Mete& • '
Race...ids Debr"
Tun ree'd, &erect PLeinmums k
e." from the celebrated inacuaractoryt . m„_,,,,,,,,,,,
Mich, N.Y., of saperictlena,nrcilannalTsi
Vol " le hi - al J. W. taren,‘.o. l '..
dclit•lNTlLLie Toarn____,.rot,7lll
YV for menacing Tenet', &ern*
abets:ices deal:active to the Teeth. Nis
th dlr.
the mete, eleavalne the mouth, he 10 / 1 1,,,1" 7-
ing e 101.211, runt panty ing the bream. ,
wale, wholesale and reta&trins,
116 sa. --ir TCIRZS IasCIV.APP.B.
•yY Just reed, se invoke W
sec Watches, la cants fuss cases, waleSt
law U %hist" and ainy lsa WAIWT, wAT:r.7 ...
=M t : 111 - AdjA AneWann J)3i*llY.-11a11.
pAWAg lAA Twins awl Issanstyles, and WAWA/MN
• W W liWLlON,Wackatakw J
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