:~ 1 ~vKe~rY'~'" s ° Sf c»~ fir-' ~: __ .. ;- BrIMETM'IMORAtIi , SLICPUOVELP - A T ELMOttil OUZO *OR ThE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE :.• ,: DEMOWLITIC CONVENTION.' , nett.nourau; lone 1: Th o Vthiocietie State Conventla, Si tVin taint port. yeaterdi4, ntantateed Wm..T. Moulton. of Monteotherreeentr. Cat Cl/laloooatesioner, CS the 26* harlot. I e tecteived 106 voter. hnel . „ The Convention tut Saturday, on the lamb bal• lot, nom:n cod Porter Stanley, for Surveyor Geo• Entre= Bioko eras non:attend for "Ladner General— Resolutions were patted, re etlinnlcir the BaltinuntipleOrni of 1515. • - Lomasiuts, Inns 1. There tie 5 fed 5 . fatties In caul and .5411ng slowli. Weather ' • . CINCINNATI !MARKET. Gvimmun~ Tim river luta nun 10 belles: Woollen fine:. Ftoot in , some demand to 8.3 southern orders. Bales for that purpose , 1000 bbis. 85,50. Welokey deelondtet22,l. Coro In demand and Don. Lard—Eska of 50D kegs covong Laid, Bc. Balton in demand. Nagar and molasses Ore, ST.:LO,UIS MARE'ET . . . Si, Lova, Rine I. Wothlcgof lmportaaoahastraospiredto theTnar tat to day, and receipts continuo eiani DEW Flour and Wheat are iron. • Cora ood omit hare deeined • 'hada. , Yellow corn 55014. White, 60. 0,t.„ SS. • • SNlce.llo.orkia. /urea, cowry atrooldsuar ;4 — • ei' Y' 4; siieo.4loll;elearardea,etiy cured, 51; bagged toms - 61 • Kew p--d. bye% terrines/ doing at $6312110. Leird.-11213enr are L.m,withsalee at 14,60. o.tbetarticica are unehaard. . NEW YORK MARKET. _ Near_Yoal, Jane 1. Cp s ah t :-.carn la sgn. and paces are in favor of sellers; but, Wool of supplies tat checked mesa° tions, and "'Ski sere rushed at irla for Mixed Western, and lie for Northern Yellow. There re more tngerryfur i Wheat. The musket is firm, and anppiresirghb: . Floue-itiTte market is beavy,and priees lavas the boyar. , Bripprves antler with tales at 115,621 for common; and (00216:5,75 for streiehtvo aped Stile brands. Stles__ofMictrisms at $5,15056 per Previews—Pork la blityint, ern:retied'' , Wise, which Is vidilog at $10,75 . Sales Pane at 55,15 per bid. Prime Setts. firm, and id fait deer and. Lyra is weak. wits a moderato demand at 7e tar prime, and or White Greene at file. Cot Meats are chilli with antes of llama at Me, sad of dry Shoulders ut to per Pr. - Irort—The meeker Is dull at 519,5003520 for Pig. Tobacco—Tbe - market is buoyant. Granaries—A moderato baldness is.doing at for moripricee, DDIII - JAMIN DOWN. VIIIILIMILS FRUITER k CONVEgTIONEB No. IRO golbsity [aerator sold the Collossimg fresh goods, just received: 469 Memo &mynas Pigs; brs•-• rzln do; 656 boxes lunchgoilstosl • 110 half bores do : de, , 100 tisane? boxes do; • .an rear Sun baking; bat( keno do; • . 136 bones Palermo Oranges, • Yid boxes Oltlll LutOnsi O cases Play Licence; C.; dosep Auoned Po:Oleo; AsocrtiO ?sores; ... • . dosentlslad hl; 223 Oozes Stetted /letrieg; ,130 1 .1104 No 1 Herring; 60 boxes Jajobs Psce; .60 Los tieloor, While, to Sad Rook Candy, 110 bog' While ilraoil Saga. bth/ lerveri ate. ebn.lbed & powdered do; , IS bag. Crunry Feed; • bugs Bielly Filberrry 2.0 Imes Woad No.; . IVO 1. , ,,rbe3• Per Nun.; 40 burrels Pecans der. - PO bags e•od Almonds; . boxes Si:tolled dm. - AR • flasors essomort Candice 1210 pes lb, oaietaly packed: warranted as good alms In the emintry. IQ6 187 Liberty nitro Owns east of St. Clair at. . • ATO, 5.1 - Woid.vt,et, hoe hat reerlied neer eminent ot .1114.1%0 =tong which E. the f Molly, do you Love roe, by 5. C. Foster. Oh, may the Red Rote Live Aiwa), do. was a Ley, •' do. Dario Ned,:• • do. • .• Gretna to Rea ell Night, , do. Dolly Day. .• do. leoldter.v Wedding; by Glove, Tho Robin; •• • - • •do. ' ,• .oh, Toaehtbe Cord yet erase ante. • tweet Idernag• et Thee. • Lament of the Irivh Enolgreek !, • . ' -A New Medley eang. _ • --,-,,,Thae OltnuilLeri p rneliDde d pa ao e i by i G hO err i edrO.rd neck, ,_, • , Ile jiged toter, Loved saes at Home. • vita Home where stet the Heargle. ,The Vaaheo • .- Ia 5,10.1 Car by Liner. giber Gentle La 47. Cedaries43Tedding,j,Wrceth, end Dahl) Walt Datr.belor.hialdett, Rena Welts, Concert. Ladles , Souvenir, Cedy,FPrisa, y,d,lice, E. ergreen, Sern ,,tcgra, .Aeteu..d LiaerjLeiltar. melon • ••-• vrawrs.n, e.wholeelle hardware bosun in Philadelphia, eitactise young man. who is farnillar with' the business; andha. an extensive atqnslntestee among the merchants of Ohio and Pennsylvania; Whate trade he could' talsonee. To a' amiable nenon a liberal salary will Ito . paid. Address B. Y. at this - soslls:dmel4er IpURE. Ala-Ih. , erne would have pare air . in their dwe liege winch is so necessary.denns daringsbe prevalence of epidemics. ahoold provide themselves with one of 191.1 agreeable., red. at . the issue time. efortive .thenVecting agents basset Bucher. officials JULihttl lIAUItI.'S AROMATIC VINEGAR. It , will tanneifistely purify a room of all nosiest.' alluvia and prevent contagion In al , caner. it is also a destrable:artiote for an tidies, and ,a d - • Behind coemetle. is headache. itinlittea metiman .pains, Ae ,It clads instanmacosts tenet Isis en excellest dentifrice, and an greeeblewash Itorill strengthen tee eyes, sod remove inflantraiden, of the cyclic& ...Recluses the pain and fatigue con. sweat ararrezeessive - mussels, exertion.: end whet:used intim bath, is productive et the baptism i . dram. retina colors the tick ty be preserved from the liability ef :contegion. by Inhaling the Ara wage Vfrig tr. or epeink ing is few drtrys 'pea their pence. beteraMdenng the room. In sea sickness, a.stf,ll our be need with eaten. at 'veldts, SA it ire mediatels dissipate. the Unscented. sishension COn sienna open thla dbogrecable malady Be pardealar to eta fur late rinses 2.rontatieVineger et.iared only by JULES Pertains, and ('html.,, 11V CI , ramot.treet, below Foanh. Poe sale wholesale and retail by B. A- Feborateek & Co: and IL R sellers, Pittsburgh; and John Oar. gent end .1 Mitchell, Allegheny city; Ps • mays 3 t:.• • ••••i. • -; AS A LIGGIIIi.I II ( AND al SMOULSTZEI. • . R1.A.0110. 110A.D. • NOTICE. is het eby given, that b.lis wit be opened • for sithaeriptlon to the stock ofthe'Allegheey and manehesterlPltthe Road Conusany, by the Co=la 'otters apormusl In. the ac.. incorporating the said cmpany, at the following places and =ea where all persons. desirous of sub.eriblng are requested to attend, the shares being twenty fire dollars end, and ewe dollar.. per slate to he paid at the time of ant. scribing: In the city Of Pittsburgh, at the office of Messrs. Paltewell, Potts& CO,. earner' at Pecood'ana Wood ,strecti. en Safari; ay the hth.t.londay the I Wh,Tnetday the I Ith,Wednesday the Vah, and Thursday the 13th -of Jane, between the tours of 0 A ht. and 4 P.M. to the oily of AltrithenyatTodd's tavern, Coiner Of ' ;Cesar and Ohio atteets; and In the Boroogh of Mato :acme, at I'M shire of Townsend, Care t Co; an Fri. , ,eeithclatlto_teeteeey thelslll, and blonds, the 17th of 'hute,betereen tie' hours of 0 A. 'and dP. M. At - - :thehease of CL IA John ffat;' , Ohie Terinship,•en - Fil. .day aa6 Pattirday, the 11th and lethal/one. between ~.094fitill of oa= Y and 47. W. • • • ', • • • " THOMAS BAKEWELI, President of kloard of Commissioners. uniyieldttastjel73'(Post eOpT.i 1 .'ti.:• _•2..: : . <;Y _ etre Court et Courisruorr Plata of 'ALM. 1 - N ttn; Eirr'ofthe troplleadem of tbe Obi° sod Pepn giramC.il Bn s 4 Company, (Or the liplt Irtf, fro: Nu Jane terra 1850. To hero or devisor. of Jahn M need, In of ' Phlladeint dere.ege. -- Ton :ore' hereby notified, that the Me and Pransylranla'Pail Kea coimpm , c bare rater. uPPlopritted Or the pee of their roll ,road, the latlowLrg• den ribed roitkin orthe land br io:glen to rale In..&reran; n Ohio Torrnablp A:teak:ray county:rd-r u/rn -Bean:Wog nB,:,.t.rdi ', . '''.Centro af n.a linen rho 'roulade of veld '"e i • Wnc "'" .l.ll el , fort to a tbe glee., slang a, lino of odd Wish taenea running. S'l3 deg 65 ono, , 16111 tre to tbo upper Unseraald tam ibeare along . the upper Luc 01' uor trot rumba. so.s. sm , e. t kg.. min, nee*. fetnothe plods' arc, . .4nsing, contatrung %Imre d 'Vitale.: W.d.saiption and draft of -a blebie la the abOro W6l 1103070:1 ft. - , : c . 7;; T ig,,irralorT Prealdeni 0 fr. P. D: - sr miscasts usocicway Comam Merohantli - Baeramenur Car, Cablorala. , Laberal anvannes . andel •on none.gr_ourate, ant al agenti bagmen prmtly . attonnod ID. a rustunwere raor narlwde •- • - le•1112.14. MI. KUM. " PALMER, ' .(13aecesson tellutact, Mann. co., p "xrats, sxc II ANGE PROYESS, in Foreign and I?orcestic Eachanca, C.rt deems • Detodite. Hank Notes, and lilissedlo—Nortin eeTner of Wood and Thad 'drew. amen rceetsed on deporite.—idight `Meth ler We, tolleetions made on nearly all toe pringpal . the United eau. • l'lre highest prethhihlpaldfOr Yonds-lisndeu.d.. . • *trances made on eensiEnSretnti P`rod2, 3 akl. got, en litiend tams. t . • )ithihkante fora IthrsOittietteseTa , Wilt Sri haws , and _ldaintfotorms . .ilank his Air] , . eLildl2Mgrho-lt :iffhliap%Valtiet'sPfarsttTing m m._ . . lI . DENNY Tart•apor Warotrocis• O 411'.:•liderttKlil di I Itrid.T. tietween ' Third and caerth rums, Pinebergli, Pa. THOMAS PAL . EE mold rerpeedelly eAll the attention of his [rite& Ratios rimers nil Ids emend extensive and - poen] tie mere erdic.. Tessin loand me l ;dire everit petitions of Mardicen andFrencb ram,' and ElerAler u3r Prrlors, Dintes Itoelm • Eka Cttnherr,Crlerldne BOOMS, te,renElnir from Iti • o etas n o n • rem flo great s discroty or prices and 4511thieeteS1 heldly fail to telt the eiteeteeitOete nad woof of perchorere who inns 'swot wan th ou Ere old cstaLlirbcd inend Da Market Wee!. • • 4= g 11.1t1110VALe • . . - bYlit IttON SVOILKS.WAREHOTRen 13.2111-1:1C.118: Wl , l et CO. oars nnrrted to it o Violet ot t pi does below to bloomsg Itoore .7 - 77 7- •• &csaltoug.,ol.s.lt dfro . -A, the pEvi lour a dos mock. el oittrig ° - MUMS IGO „t 1 ti 7l l;sl° , • !;.Ve MMMERCIAt fiEColllt t PORTOF PRTSBUGH. PITTIMU It 11011.11 D Or 211LADM Nn zszez.c..* =FLOM cbIitIVITTEE POR JUNE MOrkekorrs °Tufo eeknoSmorkk.—The following at the Movement, of the Oecate Sleooters far the tr.ooth of June Genoa LiruP—For Lirerped. )I^ooro—Loov , s New York Oft the ;oh Jots. den—Learn. Nat= on the l 2 h Jae, drocirco—txtero Now York on the Da hike. Collin', Liras—For Limpoot. ' Aktukre —I eaves New York on lath Jona Collin's lint—For Nt,e York. knunnalc ales Larerpool, lath :dee. Onto, Swots Novigettion Coorpeory. Hannan,—From New Yolk to Bremen, Ikth Juno. W•II,II.ITPX..FrOIII Bremen to N. York. 15th Juno. o rpm kostlounolon to N. Y,2Vth Jams Fi oo n New York to Soos Prosy:ism. PNCLIDL7.I.I•, vta rre•. on 13 t h J .... limps; for LOU Franc oleo direct, tat of Jane. Prresauson °Kama. Z MondayY . :rata& Jana 3, lOW. S The market on Saluda'', was marked by no obactitte quotaqous. The weather was pleatant,pat being wa ding. day of the week, transactions ware limit. FLOM—Priem reMtiond Elm at mulatto quota boil.. 'rho amount coming (onward entainace light, coMrequenty 'ales were to a limited extent only. We quote from Ant hand% at 115,9303,31, for good brand. Ohio, and from store at 45,3705,44 011A0, aneording to quality and brand: !Weser room City ►lilts at 1.3,60 :GRAlN—lnGraln yeti Uttlehus been dolng,aupplies being ligba We note to alums from last (implosions. BACON-.The mashes continues quits buoyant, with an advancing toodenny. Bales of weir ern and city eared in lots OS 5 to 10 bbdss ►4 for shoo!dsra 41, aides al, and hams at 70 p lb: Sales nom saw cared oan vaned knots at ale. ' 91.113 Aft—Sugar I. grits Gnu, with sales in mall lots OT the hhd, Illegle; and la bbl a akefe. NOLA :SEA-41olaues contmacs to Improve; eta of to hblo, at am ♦ gall, which la a fanhar advance. • COFFILE—The mu et continua, quiet, bet am, at 10 SI tel. for Oil° WitSEEY—Whltkey is flrm—salea of monied ai il7,3iltreiKekie:lo do do,'ll A Weaver, odo do, Jno 01b:4:, cosh and Ursai Sem diem. PITH—The market condones Ana, snit moadvanee 1 liVheelletsr —Pax Joan Nuses-1 carrier. Ar• taco e tl sks stool. owner; 14 sks wool. D Leech & co: on some deacription. No 1 Shad, foil Obis, have ad 13 Las specie, 8 Jones & to; 75 pair bedlleads , bbl vin med to LS labionitas sold at CS Orr bblio and wo 105000,5 boo mdse, 4 nets ro,sures,lle , demon; es SS • tree; of N. 3 Matkarel the market hos been tr;l7agi,fd:DlVat34l3l4lmozi3AbwirloorALC.re.:, smorl or quite bore. piles of No I atilt& and of No . 15 do dr,liacTall;7s de 50,0 1 cl:tell 5 41111 11 1 114. Soles of Ilemmg, Balt inspeotion, at L 13,711 kr bll4 and of Codfish .614 ipP cwt. BADON-3n,toon prink bhotuders; , 92,041 edam Bid.; Canal Commteroe• Z tes extra Sugar CurOi Hamm • We take from the &Rector's books, at the ofllse at For We by relyl3 .ItIeGILLS a WAN ?font/arch, the following exhibieof the bestows dotal SUGAR & AIOLASSES — i - • . r. IT,: r r l ; ( z, ' sir r '„,,,,,. oil Dm Pennsylvania Garai, doting tbs month or May. mayM Mc011.1.17 6 RISE 1130,111 as dosing a corresponding period to 1945: BEAVER BUCKETS & TUBS- 00 do: Bock etk EXPORTS. 10 dm Tabs. 1933. bIeGILLS & ROE TnbsecO LW, .1h,1730.400 AgnLel products.• • • ........ 744900 .0;rr;, bus 1 510 Cotton; Cu 117,300 nay, tom, 4 Hemp, lbs•••••—•—•—•- HAM dart,boo 373 Wheat„ bu 5—....—.... —lOO Deer, Dabs a & Moms Was 131A42 reamers, ths•— .... —• /AM Fora & Petry 40,10 Mop' isit #2l PM Dry Rides Leather •-........MV0 Woof 67,400 Boasts, plank, he. fact 117.9 Mahogany wood Ihs•—•••• 2,9 X, Wood . far fuel. cords —• 7 IL Ale, Beer it :on e• e; bbls• • • Merch.,llo.r., B • V 3,500 Barthetivrare • 19,000 Glassware Oratories --••••—• .... Handieste a Cutleo rtslt, Whiskey. galls•••• ..... . - Potash. Coal, mineral, tons Copper, Ms.-- Iron, p ••••• •• • easdogt ----•• Iron, bar k. sheet.--••• Bads ar. Spftes•—•—••••—• Kel Steel"' Bacon seer& Potk.bbls Butter, Pm Cheese Flour Lard Lard Oil Tal'ow Lltne,tos• Stone, - .remelt tr. unwroqd _ perches 417,770 117.100 11.7.7 74,710 (17000 11,001 0.700 ickymo 311,403 601,110 4(451,000 49,000 6,049,030 1,01:4 altPo 21,VC0 11 nu 1:110 Fani i i - s - Pe - , Ilis• ..... •. • ••-• 633G6 Paper- - 2,1G0 Ram 21,210 31 made* 210,320 No of bout cleared 617' Pa.sericeiss mites travelled 431,312 Alit of toll reed 3125117,72 - - IMPORTS. Ariel prodeetS••• •••.‘, .- 113,021 limn & Saloum:24 Ls, . 120 !far, tom fly& Las.. _ 63 0 Ow h • • • 6110 Potatoes ' _ " ~ Toasters. sm . manaf Ll,toci Meat, bar Bark; anamond;mords 62 Iloop poles, .No --- . 116.110 Citl , mmare, Cs Coffee, tbs -••• 1.137,710 Liam es team. Ors 102,721 Dregs & Medicines2 l l. , loo Dry Grrody..... ......... ..• 2,170.320 Glass srsre•—.=-- . 2 LSO Groceries .- ----. 1,401,4 m, liardsram & Coder) , - 1,331,300 Liquots. blelgn, galls -.• 3,0121 Paints. 12,,-... • 03 a.. 0 Sa t,busb - '16713 Tobseen, manoti bur 211.230 Anvils 30,400 Gamma Ploy • , 04.411,0 Copper 1e,102 A•hl6e . Iran,- 0 pip . 3,262230 Item, essuem ---• • ••• 6,021 Iron. Idiroms & snebornes• • 2:01 3GO • ._.... 111031119LMA1t ZINO. TllRVierkltlontagna Cowpony amity their agent with Hoofing and rootlet ne sheen 317 feel, iron It to ts ounces per 100010 fon. Compiled in Abe/ els .7, r 7 en, far mob. f inch buildings and depot. Hilo ftheathing. 14 g4B e, tr am 14 hi 22 mine. rthele,..npthe ~ Wile, Pager Melds, Perfonned Zinc Zino rand, it.e. They warrant their metal pare, and free from any admizurre of iron, or stay other substance, end re commend it for the manufadore of 010 st art , eles le the knee funded. Imo, as et does not rust, Is no . affected i y tits noon of water, and may oei polished pinta, end ispan.d 12000 igamples, models, plans, specifications, add odic, o , information may Ire Mid admit ann.:- f-.. ~,.,-,,,, ,„,- 5PC7.4.1.& Drawn, Ness Votk; 7,,7,, MMIL ATI Bet.. & Co .Doeton; •,-- NAT., Tyres& d. Co, Priladelphla; • " ono • W. tel if Magnet, Baltimore; I- am as, DLT t ea..611C/L New(Meant; 71 nO 10 001 F. 131.1.LMOUX, Walden% Agent, mitt , Liege, Mail 9 Hanover at., New look. ~, , " 0 mayea nvz NEW MUSIC STORE):, 92,900 Saga of /is colds,. Harp, • tr,3 l , 101 Tktrd at.. mart door to Weoilwelllit. •••! ' . - ...,... 11111 E. subscriocr wade reePecith ir Inform Os MS. ...-. J. re. of Plusbutip,Allegbeny, and vicinity, thst Ceittie ' Star Act. be, has opened bet now and elegant establishment 90 May ... the sale of Puns, Maancon, Maw, Marc.. Is. Bannon; e , . rinewarn, and every other article in his line • ',, Cenle-Thete sees an Increase - In the apply 6 1 PIANOS-Pat; agency for Nuns 1 Cletka's celet Beeves at the scales to day, and bore, not being brined grand and square Pianos, with and without, teeth dttposed to give the rates demanded. the market Co mares /Polito Attachment. Three Plano* hart bee.me doll, and prices °secondly ruled snotething burly nonce. several imponantatoonmente, roar town The otP,lnge reached 291 head, of which 432 den. them egendlogll hrillient of tones and edlnt.' were sold to city hoteliers. hi 10010 let over anode,- ointment, datable .0 tasting. and wo &wen w Philadelp.ria prien tensed from al., T Gilbert & Co's ifio - tent ceirbeeted Pianos: °I 93,13 to 31,20 on the hoof, equal to 56,9708,7 i net, and These instramenui have • wide spread repatetion,and averse. 31.101 pen. ova considered two. th e very beet manifaciand in p Ho-We pine froth fib to 93,64-Amer. . Bost.. when the)ere decided lateatites. . ' •-•- .-..- . i / 11. bonbon, N. T., of the firm of fitodarl & Doti, Eastern Stook Markel. ham, has appointed the sot setibet eels agent for the . New w o .. m oo " lo of his Pianos in Pittsburgh.. .fhe firmer Stodut p ,,,,... t . , i. „,„ V . ., 0 ,. , l oo i - i i - o i ouTh - 1 0 . o - o - ,1. - . ,gy' , " (Bonham , ls on ,_.. e oldie o , de , atadd best triLltis . orrenery . , 1191; SATO do do, 1907, Ith1; lOW Erie 70,19.. WM; sad tdel...mhatimo.utm ;of V. 0 0. 0 .7. 0 7 . 10,tne Tree. Nt565,1101:12290 fly d'e, 10 9 1 i MO le Uth° ta d 7 1“" T 0 gzeg, 2 1,,,:. 0 are ,l=l,ll,,Tr4 h. 55,793;1000 do do. 721. , The col bre The M... 106,1,....1.646 a e entonitessoiel. Bremen end Hamburg, will aloe. be kept fat sale deed of a fr.es,peWtli is on the Ith JartinrAdv. by the robsetibet. It will tra Dee torso, that they're made use of by all the great Piano playnent theft, - ' „ ..,' S ts ~. ~ ',.//e 1 . 7 ., .. 12. 3 0.,../d,„.7, 21 ),0 852 .,... Concerts on he Continent. . 11 :„.", th e t",,.._ ° `7 ° 4 "..• rat. trio ... r....E._ , -.-^ • The subscriber be. leave to direct &Uncles to the "°,".; '''' ''' ..... ° thr . .t , ....1.. . 64 ; o' d ° .• Oliimpatient fact of bin having specie] agents bo th .o .10 do don't; 10 do do. Irk 10 do Jet CT, 4do do. pi, E6lnpa and thiii coltany, who carefully tele. end Sales Wee Dan d'a,lo9Ca 4 she Union bk, 711 03 alth eient i nt o e very piano net to hine, width enables him Western bk, 21/. ;ogles a written patentee with entry. Piano nid by The bier, hbk of Baltimore, has deduct! a dividend hi,nyhledgueg Inmeelr to refund the money in nose the of 4 p at, tor the last 0 mos. ' . . Plano be proems fealty dir daciern. PAILL/lann. Miry 99 . A full meanly of I/ionises% and most popular Made, Sales of DM Semi Na. Vs 18.50 97111 . 100 Bead Cs will contently bet kept for sale-fathisa. by the beat 1870. 701; • Lugo City Vs 183 d, 86, 1081;3103 Allegro poldiabing hooses of Demon, Phdadelpha, and Dahl- Ise, trii. d.) she if 9 D1,2;119000 Peen fiss,,P3t IMO- OCM more: agency for Mnii. Echerthoimelf A Lebb New 0%1993, 99.-Inq. . , . Tort, the moot intends. importers of foreign music • in this counny. I N o o' OlthlthA May V- ' Solo Agency for Chnhordthe Patent Melcdeon and Eris. ran Motessu.-Thers h as been a very fair Melodeon Pianos, es merinfactored and perfected by demand far Angst amen our lase report; theories folly pinch & White n ,Onciorna, with 'single and double amount to 790 hhd a, taken for the ow, the city triode,' .6nl of reeds-th beet reed In guaments yet interned. and "Ight.th‘co•og , mati , .., owin to light the ,. Also, Guitars, Plata. Clarinets; Orolins, Buglers Beg - piled, bane further ...pee about fOrt. 0 lti Pro. Hems, Tithes, end 670. description and variety of eat einotationslnferier to Common 21d4}, Pau 410 brass lestniments from the but makers. Eating* for 61, Prone la Mince, of which last theta Is am little, violin., Gaiters, and Harps. liOele r.; also, a tale of Ilio hies on plantadoe, st ajrinstruetion books for every inilmmeal. Wee -4 11.07 n 0 D. Arrived eines the7th to scant . 4119 bids i lions of ta¢llo ensile, moues Imoke board, Pianos touted cleared in the tame time et bhds,aud 113 lible. . and repaired; Viol., Accordeons, Genera, dm., Cr. There la not math derma. far Mimeses, bet the re. paired on th e meet lealeuable U. , dodoes ithe liaht. and the few late which occasionalir cord III7IDV 'METIER. 81.166, -11 at a.. the hordises rears of prien-ssy, PltoOriatiLTlON. tar I'll'''. me th ' th len°°"°g ' I"124 I'th° and '''' By ulnae or 4 precept and. the barb or MA. boiled PIDeBe p gall: Arrived does 17th loath., 437 Wm. D. bilClem, President of the Count:ream. 1 bbthicithathima° th th° ' " b ' th ''' -/.4°°C°Ths.th moo Pless,in and far the eh Judicial Diemen of Penn. _ „,.... n.,„ on an d and/alien of the Court fa r yr &Tenniner, se. c 'rl4".--.- -"' "'" ' and C eral Jail Delivery in and said Dinnet, nod -Pont'--"dei" Hal i b is, a s. '" 65'3'IaIath ulna Samuel ." Jonce and tVilinto Ken &on , A 61061116 of shard IMO bble City Mill at 113,50; and 403 bbla ex. ~,, o f il, c I it c eoo ti or ges 0 6=6 0.16, n . Of t he . ' ' Alle.biny, dated the 7th day of May, in the yen of lTh° ,:o l-e d ineto " fel d ard,, fri ?, thi f" ,. th t ntß „, l3°° ‘,...., th .! Our Lord Dee eh... 4 eight hundred end illy, wid th red ,.kite, . , faS -- - . . - - -- - c ,„,,.. -.. -- 8 -. 1 .., at 00 , 0 . kg ,elti.„ and ftow n (~,,,, end General Jail Delivery at thee Court, Dean, la th e they of Pittsburgh. on We Third Monday in Jtme nest yellow. ... ...,.., ~,, ma ... a v .. i t mop , al la istclock, A. AL rep is hereby siren to allfilestlces of the Pewee,Coronae and Constablee of thoCountl or Allo p ooo k, o no-Salen 23,0E0 Dit balm Blieniders al MY , d , i , 1 i k,_ * , pm., Me; r. 5000 Ds of side. atdo, lifo tit bagged Hants at ei - -. "'Y , 'l'l obey b° Wen a° '°' n persons, with their roils, records, beitniltions, , isplin . 05 2 0 cominon flues at 7e; awl MO kith prime the@ ..,,,,,,,, ~, , ,d ...,,,,, ~.....,,,,,,,,,,,, , ~,,,,,, ~,,,t oo or ic to e r MP< • 0 0 ry'leu'eTe:boleti.gial:,l°, ''''' b'l. Mn., a" with th"°.• b . bo, t mi. inc.. io e,,1, be,,,1r00r,, , , , prisoners that too ere, or may be le the 6411 Of said Whisi.-s.k.or bblit at gdingto; end of khoo . to be dene--end also thous that will proncoto th tk' IP I'll. - , ...- ~. opium them ma shal t beton. . AlWc°l °Mc."*"..ithitha. ...a... , 6, the 2 71 b, trivets ander my hand at Pittsbargb, this 7thday of 'MO. I-. ' • . ' '.. - • lila 7, in We leer . of 0111 LeMl l. llSt u eito l l , : 3 11? %i c es. ...',. 18 A.:Odeon Stocks than bat been less - balms I thth .";,? l ,„ th ,„ th L . , ; 4 th. CA '''''' ".." * OOO , es the high prides Itereproduced amine In '—itf.Z.'=.l. --* the Contia•real demand. U BC. in InseriPoiesa or 37 A. nA.11.11.114 0 X lil li. W SILL . /10141 are c 16,1. at HO SP ct. Bonds of 19/000 with I ATTORNEY AT LAW, .4nivt re t, Man. Sterling &tine 41 dt. i pu. I C.O. tub Doh planed in 83/ c 4 and theta an OHIO STATE CoSI2IIB9IONER fur taking Depo senora Inez in other etooos o n, he" no changes so Marius, Acknowledgments of Deeds, &a bad.. of cori sequence to noon." Glice-Faterth oreel,,aberve gmhbfield. . , , tor4.dfewT Tnanthrtiment Dr. Lines othin 11116_1•4114:-The A CAII.D. s tante en° o b... boom. ts mw disc hvging • eeign nether p,tL JOHN MAETIN resPecttal , 7 o °°°° °° ,%. _ l4 I X... a :P . ', t. th ,..... ...ha n This stain w. shiond citizen of Petlehergh, that be has ton e 6 """" ......4 44 CUT, la, taloo by ,ieboonsr to chics. cplitrl himelf In this city, for else purpose of etho trendstne: ettroegh th e stickman and Illinois Ca. tic Medicine .6 .6orgrry, In iul Its •Krio. brl n l.; er the lvinnis dear to this en . We see . es. N th office is on boards street, No no. geoid now meaning 006C.10165 earn_ 6.• L apl dlso3nerT tames from the 1,...- .- 0 4 ----, e-.,..asTer, sad pep. leo 97 Sam: 6L 6, . In Ism are shipping aeg.ir, ILODICILT tiIaSERIGIU're coffee, moleurek amp., fed I, bites, robes lam had Ilitinimor Det A ler . „Lentsoi lard, ho to ohe eo 'id,a,.. e y A ITORNEY AT LAW-Office on NOG am aide o (2d'°4°. ' °° " ...".. th° 1' 02,3 -De '- - -- I pi. Fourth se, between Chew• 01 . 67 .6 Utast a rt. apl.dimewntso ... _ _ 497.451 411, , L0 •••• • 111, 1 00! 0000 20+71 • alklt 177 0 , ! 455 j .•••• 9800- ti 9,001 - ..... 00 70 3 1 ,r33 ,2a1. 2;4"O, Iron, bar • Sinai ' Nails & Spikea Barytes Steel Tin Tub, tibia ISSar Bit t. No Bora, 'l(Frytteb) Inr•••• Marble S are, (far roofing) Attie' Parnitore••••-,, °Nearest Tariff yells- Sm. , papa Tar tc Reath Sondiies Baty by , Boas Ash Ear herrwate • • • Hemp, (ottana MILLERS IN z. wso. E ORO EE. ARNOL GRO AND . TtIA':DE ALERS, ZXCllaDlag, COIN, n&NIM NOTZSt • ,No 95e Zo2erfp gran,' ark. , NO. 74 F.211/1 street, next door to the Rank of Rue always oa band • huge areortaent of Moles anscfrit , sad 1•14i - teu. also, Forelge Fnita and pa- Nam wbeddsis sada:Sal puha INTIM en the ~NOM , " "-••• ,-- • esq4 IMO ltra.—'Rive were 1 feel 0 inches Wawa In eim. nel lest 'miming and WHIT. .ARRIVED. Mlehigatt, Dries, likuver. Fashion, Peebles, Elliabetb. •Atlantie,town, Brownsville. Brittle, Jacobs Brownsville. Dearer, Cordon, Camden. Ilendnekron. MckeetP.n. Keystone State, Stone, CineilinuL lOelisville, Fauna, ',Auction. Itibeitn• No A Nachelor.:Cincinnall. Pilot No R Davol, Heckman°, Louts McLane, Connell. Wheeling. DEPARTED. . Michigan, Brie], Denier. Camden,flendrielores, McKeesport. Fashion, Feehtea, Ellubetli. Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parinceon,Broworrille. - Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. 'Messenger No. Y, Fisher, Cineinatir Buckeye Stone, Reno, Cincinnati. , Jas Nelson, Moore. Wheeling. ; Fort Pitt, bible, Nalbville.• Washingrin,Ciecienati. Genesee, Moore, St Loot., . BOATS ',ray'No THIS DAY. N.S.PFIVILLE—Fort Plit,9 WHEELING—Lodz McLane. 9 A. r. ' BELIDGEPOWT—WeIIwriIIe, 0 e. r. ST. LOWS—Z.Taylor, to.. 10. For Soon Loma—lt will be men by reference ta our adtrertising celemne,thatthe oolmdidlithht draught passenger steamer Zachary Taylor, Capt Lucas, I. up for Faint Loafs, and will leave on tomorrow. Capt L. ballast pat his bent to most superb trim; and as the Willer laoolll coirlpltßLlV<i) , law, the "Zachary" is bust the boat for the mason. She has jam been thoroughly and handsomely repainted, both within and without; her berths have undergone cow. pine refitting, and her whole Interior eo erranged and impioved, as to make a top on bee most desirable to the travellor. We hope, both in the way of freight and passengen, that the Z. T. will be very parnealso ly remembered by all concerned. 12111 WILTS U nivErt. Chaelnnettl—Pas Bras.: Praas-29 Id harar,23 bbl. reeanras, bs candles, Leech & c, Sat. tom., Clark & Thaw; 2 bes boaa a, Geeß t ea, 50 Pea ham., Sallar!aNiedds; 52 blda wbiste P C Martin 50 do BEGARO—no,uod Havana, Principe, and Half Spanish Hems, assorted brands. warn McOILLS & ROE POTASH—IDcask. for gale fry rraylS , • ISTYCILLS & ROE TOA F, Cru m bed, wad Palverised Sars, kept eon Sant]) *A band by A CULBERTSON amyl? • SUMACH -75 sack. ha. received , and for ..I b. A CULBERTSON' • 193 Liberty et_ _ . cTRAN BOARDS-9-000 emoned numbers S. CI Limo!. for binders, Cbasubetzbars manufacture for talc by mart: A CULBERTSON T£ .okegs Green •rld Black Tomb a well se. Iretcd stock, to which the attention of the trade is solicited, for sale by A CULBERTbON mar 27 AILS-150 tenon hand and for onln by may 27 A CULIIERTSON VRESII TEAS—lest reeoteed, at the l'ittaborgh Family Limitary end Tee NVarebonse.a lee , ball chests of the cc:eh:nice Dragon ChoonTee. the bett It ack Tea !replace, for sal p e by e the bait chest or gem!, by WAI A TDCLUItO & CO ittCrl7 O5O LCVIST et 111103 TON CRACKLKY—A frmih lot of Boston Bad /LC ter liliscisii - nrid Oran Crackers, just received from ; the City of Notion; and for sale by mara WM A hicCLURO d. CO T4ll--.1.50 hrls now in stga i nd r i,=:Pl CO =727 Water t. Front. DITCH -30 btle in More, for sa.la IC ista).77 ISAIAH DICKER k CO mH— imgl°bn . - 4 fr co C 11: s, TO casks licusts; s do Stionlttr% r sal , . by 6584 Ca &Or, 7do Ad"°V. f o AlAti DICKEY a co 813 • f034C.:0-30 boo Poirldessey's posbd lumps, • 18.162,b J. 8810 at A very low Wee by a 7757 ISAIAH DICKEY A. CO 76XTRA. RAMILT FLOUR. FOR the conw,tenee of the citizen., the pTOpitelAttl of the Plusborgh City Mills Once Placed boxes for k the recepnon of coder. at tbo following pmeem— R Floyd, corner of Sixth and Wood CMGS. M Hare ird, shoe SWIS. tor. LibCrlZ et Illatltet sts. A Peelen t stontMord Urea , . , L jr, drama, cot Fourth - fr. gaga fit 1 Raul F ethith core, earner Riga $ Tefeyrapti 015ce, Feenti Men ateyn, H C Kelly, grocer, Ftfth st,econer ofltiarairtalley 1,4.4'06 Gmss, store, Penn sheet, Ninth 'Nerd. -_ 2 34,4 x, The flout "reagens wit: cell melee or, thrice daily , 37, ,m for orders, nod the liner, fre delMemd nromPtiY,elther in barrels er me 0.--saet flour is preferable for tamely lao.e—without eltare fee outece . It plain, hot to 1 ,'1 "(a .0,4,0 e n e o e p . e c e r e . ns e Xu b t e o '"tee'7,;:ew'itteutt'pna"U'r„..„e" hue • 1- ' mpe, pabliv *hi be Masted with this Or. top:, mermen; as we shall mu/covert° Jo there lance. stuyXJ - WILAIARTII k tNIMILF- 4 ", 6 JAS A illUgilibOblßCl) M=(ffM • LOCAL -MATIERS. 11:1101TID 101, VIZ PrlrrarMill tI.MI .air= Asttltdagodlo and whig . . tog• The following is the ieutlt of the selection and inatraction of delegates at the primary meeting , . held on Satardsy afternoon and evening. so far as has been received: TITTINIMOIG • Eira ford—Dolegatal: W. Apo tod Ward. Caldwell Instructed for Howe, bye vote 01103 59. Sand Ward—Delegates: I. J. Roggen "d Jos'll Rhodes, instructed for Hose, by a yobs of 161 to 61. Third Ward—Delegates: Way. W. Spline and Robert McKean, Unmated for Howe, by • von of 123 to 61. • -- • . Fourth Ward—Delegate!: W. Rinehart and ri Yeager, tostrooted for Rote. FJth (Ford—Delegate*: Joseph Sala and Bleberdeon, instructed for Home, by a vote 0(57 to 47. Sixth Ward—Delegates: D. D. Bence sad D. Armstrong, itutrgeted for Howe, by s majoritro Stoma Trani—Dolegates: Wm. C. Friend and Robert Gallagher, hmtroeted for Hove, by • vote of 53 to 20. Bichth Ward—Delegnien : Henry Stemple and Jor.epb Rein. instructed for Howe. Ninth Ward—Delegates: Messrs. Drum and Dabba, Instructed for Danny, by a vote of 38 to 30 Ward—Deligatua W. P. Schwartz and W. A. Irv( , haitincird for Howe. &wed IParii—Delegatos. Murray A. White and J B. Smith, Instructed for Howe. TA4rd Word—Delegatee: Wet. 6oyd and W. 0. Mowry, instructed for Howe, by a vete or 110 to s. Fourth Ward—Delegates: JoiliE King and Alex. Cameron, instructed for Rowe, by a vote or SS tot Lawn Et Clafr—Delegates: Masan. W. Dil. *ma ard Joao Small, lartruoted for Holm by a majority or 46. Borr,Delegates: Col. John Brown and--- Boohoo, lostrucrod for Howe. Peeper—Deletatext Alex. Gray nal Daniel Ner ley, matramed for Bowel, by a vote of t 8 to 20. Par—Delegates: Robert Palmer and+ Edward P. Jonvi, Instructed for Howe, unanimously. EttreterA—Deetiates: George Webster and R. Courson, intuumed for Howe,by a vote of 83 to 33. Snosederr—Delegate—John, MArphy and_ p. C. Balm. Inn/meted for Hoare. Rosirm—Delcgem-11. C. Starr:, imd,.Chules G. Smith. bloomed for Homo. tJ Se. Ciair—Col. Wm. Lan and John B Menu, for Howe. Bauman. Daytsense--Delegases: Maize. Paisley ud Moore, for Howe. Nottaketter—.T. E. Pork and W. H. Phelps, for Howe. • Laterstreemt/s.—Delesstes : W. 3. Stidenthsi ■ed Joseph Decker, instrucied tot Rowe. Biressoglasms—Deleptes t George E. Apple• too and 3. tt. Smith, for Rome. East Birmingham—Delegate, John Brown and L. Hareem, instructed for Howe. South PrusbergA—Delegatee Thos. (kosher gam and J. B. Sheriff, Inerneted firr Howe. BhmaterA—Delegates: O. F. Diehl and O. F. Shugart lestrectedior Rowe, by a Tote of 57 to 26. McKeesport—Rowe, ludiana—Dtnoy. Wilkins-- Hoare. B.ldein-117,wa Jefforsoil:r--Hove. Plum—Deoey West Dizsbeth—Howe ; Rzcarretruanon.—The total number of dele gate. alone, lo 74, of which 64 we inetnicted for DU Howe, and 6 for Mr. Danny. Fustrth Woad, Pim/au-el—At aprimary meeting of the Whip and Amin:omens of the Fourth Ward, held at the PublieSchool time, as Saturday even ing, the Ist ma., Wm. Rinehart and C. Fuger were duly elected as Delepoes to the County Con vention to meet at the Court now. On the sth Inst. JOSEPH PENNOCK, Chatrman. A. G. Pmwewa,° ,~crct ari a. Fofik Word, Pittaburgh..—At a Primary Meeting of the Whigt and Aotimaaona of the FLU Ward, Led at the Public School Rouse, on Saturday even- Ist instant, Joseph Kay end H. Richardson Were duly elected Delegates to the County'Coneen tioe, to meet et the Court House, on the sth tost.- 57 (or Howe, 47 f.n. Denny. HILARY BRU:SOT, Chin. D. Parars, Sec), Alkiheny, Fourth WarA—At a mettles of Me I Whig and Actin:manic entzene of the Pourtb Ward of Allegheny Coy, held on Saturday even• mil, et Ma.. CoL Jame. A. Gray . .." 4 eerie to It e •ftsir, and K. R. R. Doman appoieted Secretary. On motion, the :meeting proceeded to mark for delegates to represent the Ward in the Wile and Annanwutte County Couvention, to he held in 9lttiburgh, on the Sin instant. when Joitish King and Alexander Gsmerott were duly chown, they having 89 out of the 90 rotes oast. The delegates cho an, are favorable to the nominal= of 'Theo. M. Hose, Eq., tor Congress. 3AbIES A. GRAY, Presldent. R. E. R. Dolmas, Summary. PeeGliks nuquAip.—Pursuatit to notice, the' nti. mascapc and Whig citizens of Peebles Township met in the School Rouse, on Saturday, the let inst. and elected Alczander Gray and Danis' Weyleyas Delegates to the — County Convention, bye vote of 46 to 20. . Loss B. Davir.ox, SeagalP PITT Tolman/ PILIMAKT Marrota.—ln nun. 40412C0 of the call of the intintasonin and Whig County Committee,' the Whigs and Antimasonn uf Pitt Toeinabtp, *A on Saturday °vetting the lei °thine, at Mrs. Manly* the election house of 'said Township, and organised by appointing hle2John Wrght, chahman, and Ralph Reed and Edward P. Jones, Secretaries. r- rrifier the object of the meeting was explained by: the clutirmao, Edward P. Jones and Robert 'Palmer were'nominstad sad unaalinonaly elected !Delegates to the Whig County Convention, lave. Sable tether nomination of thomu Howe, Eaq, as 'le Whig candidate for Conran. , 'Thi following resolution sou offered by rat. Andmw Miler, and adopted: Am*lead, That the Dolegates he not lust:acted steer than a ounildate for Compete. On mot on, the meeting adjourned. JOHN WRIGHT, Chin. Hamm Ream, .E. P. lons, °"°''..". • LUT CONCZaTeirIIOTS SigelleolBllll sititounces het last Caneen for Akio evening. We espoot to eee flail crowded at the farewell of this doming canna:ice. Tiotarza.-shakspeare9 great wineries' Inge dfol Jails Cam foal be performed to night,the put of Broius, b? Mr. Or.ley; Merle,rote”, Webb; Gamins, Mr. Mcfleds; and pew, by Mr. Taylor. To morrow eight to the farewell banes 81 and Anal appearance of Mr. Oxley. Muddrausto—The attraction of tdr. Spencer at Nip Hall, continuos undludohated. ootarltbsund• tog the video, ezoluttooots to other quarters. All who take au tutored to the ecieriee of word ahgntd witattaa tbo exparicants of Mr. Spett Oar. llamas Costem—Monegan, the man arrested 'rot obtaining the watch st Mr. Parkees Jewelry more under false pretences, was brought before Judge McClure on Saturday morning, upon a writ of halms corpus Messrs. Sweitzer and Stewart appeared for the prisoner, and Mr. Snowden forth° prosecution. After bearing, the Judge remanded' , j the prisoner to ail, la default or $5OO tail; the sum i Used by the Court. Srtwee LostzeL—We have been requested to call the mic.tion or the Ch. A otborltle. to • Poe, of l rowdies who are in the habit of lounging on the corner' of Seventh and Webster Swear. Several ' Instances of the grossest insults °tiered to highly respectable females, passing with ganthimen, hone been related to 'tn; and are raid to be matters of common occurrence. ere is a simi lit &mere !dap on Om 'Penn street Canal Bridge, who are the cause of much annoyance to piuseorem in tiff evenings, and on, Sundays. The author hies, out of reptd for their own reputation, if net for the de. csuey of-the city, /IMMO at once put a crop to thew iotolemtde *Waseca. • .., TIM ASVCIAIIO:9 of Jourtayatan Shoemakers, lathes briech, have opected their new /old Stock gOr o;s;!Cia4 Nam CrernoLic Carina aaa..—We team that the Start( 1511M9 beetrimberribei wwel'd• re , brattlinc St. Paul's Cathedral, la this day. tits eon• .teritplateat to erect a splendid itiacture. Itrune - r - ..—Tb ---- e Rev. Dr Diddle fris iettrned from tbe General Ateembly of the New ttenooi Presbytertaa Church, of which body he was Mod erator. Taunts Arrasi—A bias Saar.—On Testers day, as Mr. John /ones, one or the' night Snitch men, was walking with a very respectable young lady, they attempted to crouTrom Centre Avenue to P ennsylvania Avenue, over the ground of Mr. Rack. 'On their way; they lot down to rent an der, the shade& an apple tree, and while there, a . boy of Mr. aueit's seta large watch dog upon them, The dog caught the lady's dons as sbe fled, and iiii tore it almost completely ofi,lt n which Mr.Joues drew a revoLver and shot him He then, in spite of his companions entreatiee, went bank to the tree to get a handkerchief which she had left be hind. While doing so, Mr. Ruch and his friends came up, and attach, and beat him pavers's. He fired his revolver again; . the. bidl lodging in the abdomen of one of hie assailants Mr. Mueller, a visitor at Mr. Hoch's. Jones was brought to the Mayor's °Mee at. verely, if not datigeroasly hurt, by the beating he had reeeived, and was carried home net night on a settee, somewhat recovered. The wound of Wheeler s we are informed, is cot like:y to prove fatal, though severe. There has been no legalism:Mention as yet. PITIVIVILOII MDILUII. — Dr. Morris has comple ted the new arrangemente for his mimeos. hav ing made no addition of several new rooms for the reception of his extensive rod magnificent col lemien of euriatities, and fitted op Apollo Hnil, In a hennaed and appropriate style as a Concert and Lecture Room. Tao wittibrated Prof. Peale, of the .Philadelphia and Beltirmire Maaenma, by been engaged to take charge of the Museum De• partment, and be will, no doubt, by his well known taws and excellent management, greatly enhance the (UMW)o of this amicable collection.' The Ceaciert Hawn las been placed under the man men:mita(' Mr. J. P. Baker, a gentleman of tilent and experience, who has !molted a troupe of pop, War artistes from the mist, and will present the visitors to the Museum with a amiss of µtractions commenedng this evonieg, Di. Morris has been at Celt C.l.pen!.o In making those arrangements, and tits succeeded In render, Mg his museum second ib none in the codutry. CONGRESS—Teem. hi. Ileum bo eandi• dee before tbe Antimseonlo uld Whig Convention, Onstominntion for Cong... • oanyanlawicT AWILXILT—Rosinr l'inann•Bi Ern., of Elisabeth Borough, will Oa wippOrien In tin next/Wilma:4min and Wing Convention, as a ewididate for ate Logi*. Ware. mayld.twlnT • - 'aux N. Pouvart, Esq., of Tarentam, will be pro scowl by his friends for nomination to the Assembly, atdito ensuing Mltilllll3ol3io ILIA Whig Convention. MayktdltvroT Mr. Editor—Please annetune the name of Jaw. Faq., of Snowden township, as a candidate for Asiembly, before the anoroaehing Atitiroasonie end Whlg Coneendon. Mr FiFe is a man of ability and integrity, and would make a member on whom the people coaid depend. - SNOWDEN tAiLftassinT J. Fore wilt be a candidate before the Anti- Me and Whig Convention of Allegheny county, (or nomination to the ofgeeof Prosecutmg Auomey. mayVtder.wieT ,Cownsg Costaussmasa—, Witham d. fitompsen,of the Shalt Ward of Pinsburgla,,wlll be “Perntml for nomi nation as a Candidate rot County Coramitaiener, be. • f 076 the Anti Masonic and. Whig Convenunn, by meg:day:lg: , MANY VOTERS. - Jarta hle.Cons,of the , fitri Ward, .Piitirbergh, will ibe supoorted tar nomlca4ans County Conandasiciter, at the Whig and Antitatmonic Convention. ma3ZhilawinT 7b in! Ants NunllG AND Warn VPTIII3 of taut ourta Corwra.—Tlotiert King, of the Seventh Word of Pittsburgh, is hereby recommended to the Convert ' tine, Nled to meet on the Rh of Jane next, ea a can- I dldato for the oat. of County Commitrioncr. apitbditrethonT MANY VOTERS • glum GwriX, Baldwin townehs. will be eapport ed far Comity Commissioner in the tintimeeowe end Whig Cerreentiort. mayg:idavateieg Cortrii ArINTOII—/OHN F:ailllCS. or Pine township, will be supported In the approaching Whist and Anti ataasnie ConventioA for the noosinatlon of Auditor. suay27,dtear MANY FRIENDS ' The elnleth of C. Ilesneorco. Erg, witl be meet! Infers the Araleassonle and 'Whig Convention a Ai legheny rota:?. for nostitslas es s esodidate for the office of Prime atm% Attorney, by mar& MANY riII.ENCS. AUSIDIIILT —l'sr sa Ptimuovr, Erq . of rhe Third Weld. of Priteburstt, crill hen Candid*, fp•demtnrir trod before rho-Whig and An:l Masonic Coulsotion, Cmdidete for Paschrly; ina erill - be rmp« , rted Vs", Mem FlecOre. Gusty. Alferts will tke .hreorted for emanation, Hn ktre f () iked Whig Cerreemiee for the cae oevert Cootaltriener oar 16:dirr teS ;Taos VAII.II, Esq. of Baldwin townsaip, will be nroported for Crannassione, to the Ana M townie and Whig Coneentie.by , NUMEROUS FRIENDS eawretdlvelterteth c a rsPa Ito Arroltlvrt —l"ll.OclgCF-CCT.OI, £l9 till ndidat (...e noralnetton before the Anti. atoson'e and Wh.e Convention, for Proheenting Attorney far Alivononv ree-tv mayelitt ette9 DI . Ed lo;ee toga hyttgovebECitto. tearF;ry , will be a einstdate for Proteent.ne At. Weary. tefole 1 , 0 L 13111.13500. and Vhitt rinev nene.2sallfrateS .3jANY. WOWS Cor,T, Coweiteetiteie7Eeseeator 130.1. C., of North Fayeu• teernshlp. will' be a candtdeto foe Cloan,y Colollol.lnner, rul•ierl tot he decision of Ote Whig and Anti Maennie Notelnatine Convention atay2 wteeS arONY FRIENDS. CONGRAiSti—lion Aoynirr will h• urged by bii frlynns for 's rum nation n. n caniliilaw for Colvin's in the apprunctilinf Aniiinnyerly end Wh.g CoVention. icy ulh...ami annrh,re .41161 F. Ftst. Fri.. Finsburch as csintliewe for Accernb ly enlonle an! . nisi .to the' decision n( the Anti . gnsyl, , :tl.4trtesl WILLIAM J6l.+•r of he lini 4,— Werd, rinsborcts, Wit! be .oppormd in the Whlr and A nom:, ennleroony avAr , ntinn, for Acernahly. rirrguetuni. 142.717:dhAn4t !(. P. unnueehton t , nrooich. snoop,. &I tat Colin!) , Cimanigsiong , ht the Whig Anti 11,t•onte Convention, by MANY FRIENDS mayS:dionefi TfiE )sff AKEIr SAW'APABILLA LN QUART BOTTLES, AS prepared lay S. D. HOWE, AHEAD of all other preparation.; Decease it Is composed of the <hot eest herbs known to medical *steno, He leadloe and prince al herb beim HONDURAS. SARSAPARILLA: Which makes it the purestwid best ever yet presented to the human ramtly. • FAT, OMNI., AND LIVE AS USUAL! Pursue your smear avocations. Yea need have no fpv of arrposato, to DR. S 1). HOWES SHAKER SAR e SAPARILLA is warranted to be roes. tabl and free from all d gamin ru. and test kcatele and Family M e' ecine e v er bo ron. Is tho Ca aped one of our agents and get a pamphlet— iota 'be wonderfel curve performed by the too of Dr. S. D. HOWF.'S SHARER SARSAPARILLA alone. ed. 111 par bout., or d bottles for Si. For vale by 1. Sr&pousrlaker A Co., 3. A. Jones, W. Bleck. R. W. Mesta, J. PI thler.l. M. Townsend, J. W. Jackson, Pittsburgh ; • D. A. Elliott, Allegheny; p. Croehor, Drowarcilla; W. It. McClelland, Maw el. atm and by druygists generally. AllO, by the proprboot., HOWE A CO. mayElnlawlyT 1 Collette Clndnnatl, 0. QlTea suits or A.TTLI amine Ss sot more repel eine than a bad, putrid breath, or dark, yellow Olson. ed meth. If persona have these It is their own fault— flay sin, for two shillings, boy an article ,that wit! ' make their breath pure and sweet as As Seery algir . dilate; Ullman &Oahe. of the Gums, spongy or ulcerated, .d for the Teeth Ills Unequalled, removing the ovum fattening the teeth In the gums, sod clean them ., white au the rum el tie fro.. Nrnh. ,• Buchi reader, are the properties of Jones'. Amber Tooth Paste, and, witlioutpnttsing it Ourselves, her I whit one of our most respectable and scientific Dar • I. Field, of New York, says .1 have both need and anelized this beautiful and In palpable article, (Jorieo Amber Tooth Paste,) a r eon torrommend It as gemming all the tyusistiee chic • ad forty` Reader, we eau say no more to 0011..ne s, only that If yam 117 this once you will ho well plea. I. It le pet up In beautiful Ihsglish Chine Pow, for Gent , Bold by tie Agent, WM. JACKSUM, ills Lit, r. retreat, Pitisborgh.: atieddom•T • NJ" ALL Coot. errigana are hortoraoty &Naomi tt. a thafollewing are the actual qualities of •3a botlic o Jonstes Coral ittilJtEl7o. If they dealt ear word, they tunnel these highly rekpeetabla who have tried In-1 Sit Goo. Docket, 41 Eke 11, New York! Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle BroolciynZ Mr. WA.Tompknns,l4,hing in, N ew York. Mr. Tice. 3.01.011 j detours Island, near Pittshii gk Vt. Fl,Clullen, late harbor inerunbont S. Muerte. And more than a hundred others state, though ui mum ..fitpp, that It skill force the hair to grow on the head or fare, atop II falling of, strengtheri the re tts, rowel scat( anUandruff from _the root. , mal ;es k "g e h is t lits " itlf, r b g e r rlit or WlT; a td u le o got h st e ttOX b eidda k, " did be ' autifalle very, vetylong time. Sold by the Agent; N. JAC I:80N, 210 .Libetty n. rlitaboret. Prise 37i,60 rents, and one duller. aninitta affp atollLitsauss.—JVCl arm eta laffheadell deny easel: free penetraboo, sod a the saw tune monde., softens,nd wtulens tt• akin gtaing It the tenure and beauty of an Inlani t s. &WM, Setif Katt , * inn beaus, sae wan not only healed, but eared by Its use, as at loan seeen 1 hysi , clam In New York tnow. echo ass It In such eases, I cud had It unfailing -11 a.so In Pthatts, Rantoul., Fateast, or any o th er alt die I flafle. The reader •Ie ensured that this is no s clear paled nostrum,. 5. 5. cute ll i o f r f o• e I could k n. °lnas t'scr,Soall Les:an Seas Rasa.— sty It. pin j ape it, and the reader is agate enured I would pht sell it for the where others I knew. to bs W I nuns. cruel ly 'Those who ere liable to Caeca, Cascara,. Cllsenn Far., trill ed.], ear. Any bra i n Cu any ot tar. carpet sant will and this all even more is theirs. ble in its pro than I ..-ttr. F chiler, the Sates ere hooded LW shoal and bo sure you 111 for JONES'S Italie, CI comer Kh,p Schl by W lb. JACKISON, alu Ltberty street Pittsbarth andCAS 67- LADIES ARE CAUTIONED 01110 conhiON YU. filtalLED CIIALILACAINDD They are not aware hoar fughtfully injurious It le to the skin! bow coarse. how rorieli, bow sal: low, velthttv, and unhealthy the akin apt pc., after elute incensed chalk! Ides tides it a interne., pawning a late quantity 9f Lead I We have arentred • testa.' veretable n clay which lan tall JONES SPA:NISI! LILY IVIIIE It is perfectly itirtoccet being earthed 01.114:1 oak qkajices; and It mut Ks to a:canas natural,eel thy, an:looter, clear, lacing wane, at the three .loa• mount as a attactic pa the - skit making It eon and skrukit),.. tald.by AVM, WAS. JACKS 444. %PLR,. itcPIUSOILIINt race is oak • 1474114 • • - - LIST OF ka ETTA' as , FMAINING in the Zitt4hu. tich Pr,,ltptSee, (ma the Lb 16th of Ilt•p,lo nf f; I.X. riilloo4 calling for . them vital* • SI thtsv are! advettind., Abrahams Mary AdwaaA nn V All<n J.. m ==7l • tlaini EH:. Bendel tLueT m n „ n Enid, F. ilea. , erg-ArM MICk an,n,,, A nn - g . t . &Alden Amelia Blexllng filet Brenre Mary Bute) NAM - '' 1, .. 4 r.ef Mdrr :11reeks Penh- Baesett Arunah Bowen Mrs Bunn Bertredellt s.rng-111A.Iterd Jena Burchfield Bare' Benny Sarah J Brfcc M ary A Bum. Bridcec Deemer C • - Brennan Mn F fin tem Efixth Benham Ann C Briggs Harriet. !lunar Ilunah • Casey Ellen Castle Nancy Conlgen Maly Coame ?defy J Cherry.=leth Co,,skre Mary Cantiord Mary J Clark Mary A Cowin Jane J Carnahan Mary Cleary Catena Crawford Mary Carothers Sarah Cline Sarah Crouse Hannah Dl;Daagtru E .Dobler Cu thne • Doan L A DazteluAlat DoOuellv IA Dark Misr johny Darldron Ellath Donlan taigne DOS Mary Day Tian Dolan Mary Alan Donn Margery Daniels Bridget: DOOl.llll Mary Day Mazy Depper riTat Dougherty Mary Dnaaol Mary Deno Ming . Duvall Sarah A ringlish Sidney F;nring Hiss 711 Evans liliztb Eames Online Estep Amanda Fenrinn Noy Felber !lint Flinn ?WY S Ferguion Amy Fleming Baran Fabian Alm 'non Finnock lnhilin Perimmon Cull A Flimginer Airs J Flint DIV Gabby Mary lax riet Griner hisitila.. linliatisr Ceiba Clime /two Grave Amelia E Gellovvey Lucy Gln.aCatline Gloves Amends' Hairimati Amanda Green Harriett Gruber Martha Gerwoal Jane in.EritY Ann Gesaiyer blery Gordon Rachel Grity Mrs E IlaNieman Ann P Ilawket Rachel }nights Sarah natant Feb'. P Hays !Imam Hushls Mit !Parma: Snaan'h Beery Mary ilumProya . flantn ATanhn Illnderann Mrs A Bunt Pariah Harper SarahE 'fury Mrs Ann Bunt, Canna Ilan Anna Ilizernbahth M /Mantua na Bina B Ilaopuwan Cleneallaaahen Mary Mass Ann Dive Ellezt Lem Miry Hier LaTiM, Jackman Saran Pinner Mgt Johnston Jana Jordan SLIT Johnson /Ulan Johoston Mat ' Joan Mrs 8 Johnston Henna Johnson Blat7 Fine Mrs 9 Kennedy Mrs S 9Kerney Mgt Kane Mary j Kern Annie KlnneyJonannah Keener !dray A Kerney Miss M Kinney Jaen K ' - Kennedy Mrs Jro . Lamb Bridget Leonard Olirlt , Lothic i p Mrs II Langcn Alice Leonard 8 7 r:rm. T x: I:::AbeiPlltargth eutt ' onElica Ltrirenco E Losprn Lydia E Lynch hronho Leath{ Lonsoriol Mrs . Lyor-h How . _ Maxwell Mary E Mlles Sarah Morrison LAl:lra Masks Jane , Mlles Mgt Morrison Mary A Martin Elias Millard fdp r Mallen Mies 11A Martin 1.011161 Morrel Mattldsl Mulleribfary Merrick Sophia Moneello leabellallaaner Sarah - MellonSarwJ MrArhead Jeanne Myers Cathne Messiah LnensdA blpon Mary J Martay Mary blhoie Mall A " McAleer enthral hicD6nsld Clixth Manighi Mies Mcßride Elistli Merard/Le Emma McLean Jew E McCready Ehza, McGiAlefErmly bleLease Cattier, Mr C drum Mr. McGraw Pred'oe McNulty Borah Macre= Anne MeLcrelne Ana' DloPhersostArnel Naal Mary A Nisoa Mn. Mary Matta Elsa Oliphant Whoa O. Ellen A Oerons Part /do Patterson Efizth roue Sarah Patkin..Se.rahAPtakartou:ll.7 Pokey Mot Paunu Mary .• Ruler Murton Ilmpoy Elizsh Robinson UIR Rasp Amanda Richmond dermas Roche E•canot Rtymood P hlaPoßobons ?dory Rawl!. Bdaih Itcynolds Mrs Ruggles Emma Scanlan Cathne Sproul Mgt Spinal Mary A Severs llelen , A Spencer Anna. Stewart /ant Sleek Amanda E Satter Sophie Stewart Martha Stnni Marc IS Stone Mrs II Et• Stewart Mary Saawdentilts Jos Sullivan Ann 'Stewart Slag A Spear Mrs Sacarnonu Phaba Tihay Nancy Than. burg Hula Tamer ThCmpoon SIC Ting Rosanna Tweedy Samna Thompson Lae, Townrcnd AI I • w 3,11.. May, A Wins M,. A. Voliitatlit Daily Watt Elllgo Wheeler Mary Watson Jana Wilson Lan. Ve..gpr Exteline Young El S - ',want Rob'ca. Voung Clca Nu l'ogog Mitt Gantlem..V. Lint. Adams k nava Armstrong :at Allbright Drol Abrams Mr Avail-4re WII Alexander Wm se Able Jossub.D Armstrong Adana disco Mn 0 A rbbn • Aronthnot Don Anders. - Wm jr Adams Wn D Armstrong Wm Micro. btu. B Agnew Danl. Albert Simon Aug:David Ackerman i.e , b Allmon Wet Andersen lames Abrahams W 1 Anbrlght Pred'a Anderson Itobt AltartronK Deo 11Allisun Robert Atroteys Cluist'r Arnobl W T Alga Robert Ashton Deng' Arbogast Alex A,lman Thomas Mute. Aretvd Alexander Joseph • avelsy Win • Bendell aNI Brown Jahn Baird Wrzt Loganac.erick Jctepl/ Brown John 13.0,14 ;tani Bcml I J 1114 ck Samuel Bri•oo ;Tao) , Beano r...-,a • Brosnan. James Itl:er Joon C Coo.: /oho T Bryan Pond BUdoin James LBerloonn N r Brett Mr • o. • « Uca MAII Marks Proat•Valkel U•tc4Jorcr.lt fl.rrra II Brig. G 11 2 , • ;..r Wal Urn, Jahn T hz . epti Dll4l John E Itarber.roseptilol V Bradley lint, Baum Danl PaWei intob IT Bracken Patna barrseit Charles I.3.rtningham.he Bradley Win . . o) inztnn Wm ILrl John E Mono. James Pa aT.Ww. Wood Francis liocbcionscilbos Ilsrn^crt Lori Itsboson Jacob Bookriel &Go T llorr Mos Rlnir W J Bums Nicholas Racer Wendell Glair W Burnside George liars Mr Bone J +roes S Byrne IrsrnaN Dioni Itoico \Wiwi S Burns ihotriclo lioaanne Polk Iloilo Rota Hrß Reetil Bowman Waeletnßure is P R Bell :homes Buret John M Burl Beanie IkIA G Bowman Berl Barite. Joseph Albert But don 0., BferlY AM.. II Berk Cher:. Drown Charles Byrne John !lege. Joimph P Brown Thomas Burg.. Niemilm lie.e Brown J Wlluver Edward Ilmkey Peter Mown Nn then Burke J Burnet& George Burns Alez hl Burley Wm Call Ales Clark Lewis Clark, Parka& co Calls nes Altehl Cline Henry J Canna It W Callaghan ilakh Clark J. Co. blma Campbell John -Gres net& Coum W Cowbell J. U Clark C It Corlart Jeremiah Cat:well J aeph Cooper Wm Coyle Eflwd Campbell M F Cooper A A C.outren Jawph Caldwell Geo I Coll Chas M Corn'. Pork Callao Joseph. A Cobb lobo Coward Matvk Carruthers John Thos J Crisp. Peter 11 f Caney W to Coll is F Cragg . Th. Corson Jos Coils Thos Crawford Albert caner Dia P. Coates Edbera CrastalonFranklln Coss bliehl Connaught. 0 Crawford 100 Cannon A Connor Riehd Crawley Philip ' Cannon Wm Conrad Loots Is Curran J. ' Cannon John Connell I Cunionfoos 100 Cartwright /no Cooke Franklin Cfhina Peter Cannon Dennis Cooke Jacob CoMberimnkalph Clannotan M Carom'. Thos - Curry Robert sr Chipnoek & Ilea Connally Ssephen David • . Cherry Cumming Cooley Snob It Curry Robt • ' Churnsiele R Conway Thoa 'Culbert II tr en Chamber. A&DHConmy Jaz Caddy Dennis Champ Edwrn Copeland Joseph Castslo Michl Church Ran J Conlon John Culver John 0 Danner Jun Decker Francis Doherty Laurence Dohoey D BI Devine Thor Doherty Wm Ham Jacob Dover Dennis Down Joseph Davidson Wm Demote Wm H Doody PHemmd Dale David R. Dean las Doherty Connor Darnels tier. Desmond inn Dodge C Perry Arthur n Peter Dougherty Park Parilnyttu 'dant Dickey Jomeph R Prinkwater Wm Dale Jon Dickson i.e Muter Wet Day Wca Plekson Thee Darrell !Stall Davis Tine I Dill Id Dubai, Joseph D Denim Dien] Dillmore Garrett Darren, A W Davis, Smug A. goDougheny inn A Dorman John !Wats Allred Pt Donaghy lltophonDuiss Blight ' Danis imam A Dougherty Mtcht Duncan JOlon Don/. tine , W Dummy NicholasDlugan U Pm'. Evan Downer Jos W Dupo,, 11,0 00 1),,n Jti Dorsey 'Wen II Duncan Joon U DantsTo wreorldTDOveson Sohn D.Sc. Taste lonic Rev John Palaghty P Donning Ifirth Doyle ti Donaghty Joseph Dyer a Reed Doyen Dennis Dom.!, Tops y Dwyer Peter Dean John - Doherty Nam Eartiont inn F.ttinfl Mr Event* David E E•nln o• Enrols Jal Paunch Ent. Dayld Eater Ednrd Gyreltrldvr tvnlo E. anti John J J.vralt John Enloe LI V Evart, Albert Evan David C Fortry T Flo titnonn Owen Foljnrnbt? 5 W Fib Cour? Funk Gen A Fnrotihn I. Iluvecc•l Fiond John j ntey ;Mold Fallerßmcltten Flom ' , nolo:a Futon grace • Fells srtaatt Floyd %Von Earl 0 inn • Farrell ire Vim ley inn Frank* wn Fawcett int? Met net John Frye Ott, Flahnertrlct 11 G Fttuntann PC French inner Forte? Rohl }lmmo Thos French Wee Jno F.cnn inn A Ford Sorrier FnnlllnJen Forsll Itlehd Fnrsythn Joe Freoboorn Art Freon ern Stull II Fatter fro 'Prints Chan Van 'rho. J Forsyth Ale Frith? R Cain Font. Wee Poop. Wm Furor Gregory Gallagher Rohl Gould John' Green Joseph N (Ge /nu Gormley Jm Gregg J. , 1) George Nerld Germlty tree 11 Gregg ohn Gallagher Neal 00.11orn NieholikrGre.Geld Jae IT G•brlel John 001tert Coward AlGreetrhalch L calloghtr ins Glee & Tiro Grant Brock (Morro John . Grtroon John C Gr., Jae (tearing E. Grimm Gee W Gm... Win t r uten Abm Cdtroy @land Gray fraturr T Gralngher Jan Glll , OOl 11 t H Irene Geo W , Gunther-Ir. . ti,b•on C. t Grifatit Wm @ I Garravroy Sum Gilmore 1. I Grow loa G ar thame Altttlettllttton We. ' Grote Oto Ga rb uttJ. Jobe ()Mon Wee Gran Wen (favour John WY. John rlirildr. 19 . Garda W. Wenn Clan liragan'Tbrat ' Gardener flold Glean Corry' Grinder Ault.. Gluon. Ilitchmon Glatt Ale. , Grlffitb.ll it , 1111 ., 11„ Cordon W. 11, Greece SOterh IGrt , tatuo Pold GerdonJa. A Goer.. Gee rllllOO. Arafat Gordon/no Goodwill Park Giblan 'Ohm Good=so Geo Goodwin Froaeill Fluartman Georgell%thav:.7 ITovvnni Wm - V{. Ilneord 0, ' mond 'laic. Johm Pew Hampton Jos Ilaynea Qv), &CO Ti' : Ilannllt Wig Ifnp Samael • NoeghtuaAtid l lt: uanlen Ch‘rlts(laps Charles A Nowell Ellen II an.r. I phn It. znphill.•Job 11.tring urnep }kw lingmt Joseph llostehJohu N i Hahn Jai T ' llrdmader lido .' Howker Ileary I . • IlalrAlronh &On Henry Itobert. • • liallphtnn Fted% ILnuns Itorrt Henry James Howard T. ' Haddon George Ilendenon Wm • Hers Cennoptter. Ham:guar Thcod • Henry .I• • • Hoover Joupti 11.11/41=11101 334Misk , Anustzuttouti Joba • Hall Hear) Herr Henry HoToar4 Henry 11AmMon 11 M ifrrlTA2ll J.111C3,.,.. I !Visit I R riatc(Gebfitir':l'llisteriintr ' liamsan Higgins Jamas, Illnehipon John Hannan Boyle, Honda Jahn A. A, Ilnattellez llardlogeltortetsliibben W,• " ' Holmes A H Harris Thotau Hill Jerrie limner Jockton , . Ilarrisan Wen innHinablddle'pinl Hamer W H HarrhrGeorga 111'1 A F r • • R Haman Georte. - Illnehey Vad Hateheron James hart lesratt R /101 Isaiah r Homer Wm Harlin John HIII JameaT Marlon John Harris Jamas " Hope Thomas Memo Wm Horner Jahn C Rotates AP-Hoban ,. Itmden ThosC Hahne, Robert' Hosted Hamilton Hayek. John Hohday Joseph Fill.tehelon Wen Honey Bilrester Hollegan Jame. Hotelman Robert IlopstoodEdwordHatmea Richard Holahan. Jahn, - - J. James JeffriesEtimand Johasina &Smith James u P Jenkins Daind Jones Newton Jackson John lope JosM Jones David 0 Jackson Chas W Juntin Henry F Jones Samuel Jaettinn Wm Jenkins Jahn D Jones ` Jackson James Jonas PI L Jones Moses hl Jackson John hi Johnston Onsul Jones Males Janes Wm Johnston Robert Jones & Carry . James Rinhara Johnston Jacob Jones Janie. t Jacobson Wen Johnston Joseph Jones 1.0-slush Jousmun Philip 'Johnston Henry atones Chas t • Judge Thomas • •Soheron Tohn Yu Jones Lost ••• jyloy John J Johnston Dem Jones Oliver t • Janes Sohn L Johnston Arthur Jon. David. • Kamilla. Robs Kele., Rey Kinsel Mathew Rene Pat Keller Jacob Kin* John Koine RAM Kelly Gabriel King Dr Robt J Kennedy Charles Kelly Timothy K , og John ft Kennelly 'teary Kelly James Kirtland Henry: Kennedy Robt Kelly Cornelius Knapp Valentind • KMII. Jordan C • KellyDanlbleetbiKnapp Jacobs Kelley Peter . Kelly Dennis Knox James ' 'Keith Scott 'Kelly Persil, Hemet& Waif 1; Kelecy A ' Kerr Hugh' h Xramer,Moicip Wolfe Mathew ;Dingier John Kramer etas Kemp Wm Sitcher Alex IA lliongh Mlohaell Kaman Edward " . . Lacy .Goo LewisLearla Little Jos Lind Mad ' Leonard Jos' . Livia Jno j Langsn Pat .Leavw D Lewis Linhart Abm tallier!! On DavidLeca Andar ' Lindsay CD Lauthhii Wm M Long Chrianan Linton John Larkin Jno Long Rev C - LitypenitutA Luilgadate M Long John Lynch John 13 Lavin Palk Lock David Lloy 1 David D' . / Lewher [tool Lonenran Jas Lisa Ilogh Loads Thos Long Jahn Leroy J. Lows,' Lorin, Gen Lodge Osborn Lloyd Rowland Lannon! Sam! tars darn Lyon Wm H Lernicy Martin Linn Ch. A. Lon-Robert Lcdno London Wings - inn Q C Lynch John 5 Londe; i Lindsay Thin' oddox Wm /dell Jae Mayan Henry ;L 2.51aP0y Jas' Mae, Rat Mooney Polk Manion Palk blioahso D. Wong J G 'L Eltnehmter nos talterLesi L Mot. John 7, hitelkir John Michel C Morris Wm 13 . . 3lshsfrey los Millet Mord Eso Mori.. Choi ,;- 111. m) Thos hlitohelj Jm Moon ins hither MM.,' hllicheli-Wm Moon Donl - Maeklen nos Millet John Jaetbktoon Geo . . Malin Franklin MillarJeffarson Bloom Bam Mania C Miller Jno Moot Bei Jan? . Mania John t &Tort aa Jut • iianin Littae.V L dtlnT Earrd Myers John 'Medea .10 Morgan David MTen Droqo Martin Mt Morgan Wm V Mien Isaac 'Alga= B H Morey ft G Mamma itolomit 'Muter, W F Morey JD or MrMalvy V.tt Maxwell Joan Dilater* Malan Mr . liallowl.74Sird MI:WO:Lon Mom Geo Masters Wm bicker 8 Millen Geo .. Mathews Jos Montgomery Jas Mann John ?Stringer C& J Morgan John - Murphy FrancliA 'Mead R p Norgao Wl3 /11.11 , 217 licaa l'alci.caltiobn Moran John 111411 ,11 1. ._ I!int& 414 Menicklcs . Ilanttirge PAt M a rry taeilga Andrew A X navy flag? Jae ?Soarer Ninbiolas • Me Ann Chao DVOvran Ni; . Mires Thos NVBrauleyJno, . AVCarthy V 31VLa1n.II Malan* AlexPinar Pat SPLain'Geo Atearsney Ira APCaulaT Ism weim Capt b P APRiblerhos- •• RPClarmin Jos jr RPLanablia DWI " APEtes The.' APl7onnislrJa. ApPlonolra Illtrido 4 Cap/ -- IkliCierrOd R W AVDoorell AlesmArGark John AtTloßsati sem. boo DrOmws ADMIT mina , APDonammbt7 APJIale Aliebr M'Clasker .APOonongn Chas bramby DanL AtTaibe 'Donald Wm .14143iraloal A , *Canby Simon M'Cardy MG Wm !Wean int Malmo Ino D • Artlettons Thb. fit'Clarran Jan APDomtld JsaArGran APClnkey Bo rad Al'Dasi John AVaollian TA.4 AtTandleu A R APPodden RAVI A.VClnns .11 tr. 4 APl.ran Aramt.bn Jobs APAPCaranCD trin lita 311. lmn - AAPEIray MR..., 'rhea Vans/a d Owen ArGoTem /MG Al'enalley /no AVEllboran John 2.l.lllalleaWnt Nreandlas Jno APPlbssoon Wm. APNongtoen 9 C INVCo.key Di Robt APRobatts Wlo APCallister Pat ?Mgt. Nancy_• APRolmits lde WCorthy John ArKee Jo.APAuton Tbes • atlam A D Mauls Jno W Al'Vlehrt 414 - • Ne (pea Neopm•lid 0 Nicholas Rev C td. Newlund Wu Newman ins R Noveltnimry: Newton Wm No atments Noble, Petah, (Meer J 8 Oration Geo O'Neil:nicht.. Olney Joel O'Bolllrnn flub Oliva Ins ;. Oita.loran J u (Tenure...bra C Ogle Beni o•Pltherly Pat Orley Blt • Owen J Tarn, n• Orr Bnrupson O'Connor Philip Dales John Idoi Orr Wm O'Ronrk Thin Paul Rabt PatterstmTbes I)PhiltaThes . .Palmer Robt Perry J N Porter Peml.,. Parton Nat Perry Clerk !loner J Reg; , Patrick Jae J Peale Alex Potter JA .4 !. Partridire A A Peat* A Pond Jos -; Parker EDI Peprard Alvin Frame Wra , x Parte rian in T Peeeker Coo W • Preston Wilier Pauarsoa Tear Peters David Prince Rev.J 3., Parte rr on R H Ptulips /ea Praise Jar. Partersaa R P • Plato El 412 Araby Theo Qneet Rhndes Wm R Riddle We Rabb JW f: Rafferty Blida Rattly Andw . Routher.Ther Ray Semi Rice 'Mot • Rohiend Jrij: Randall Jas C Richey Ando, Redly Chad .t' Raymond Oddo Rita Gee Robinson At:fatale' Rath Jro • Steely Sorbet°. Robinson-hp • Iltie Joe Reinhart Adams itetntwoo E., Reece Evan . . Reitey Bernd Robinson KG Ram Jas flee Joe Robinson Geo or Reams J Richardson! J Smith Reis Emanuel Richey J C Robe 403 Idehton Itentow Wm sr Routh Stirs Robinson .i 4. Relehnerker 0 A Rooclreffniter II .11,bineon`Rost tl S lined W F • Roney Mehl ' Robotwou Rev /ea ho ed I W 'Roney Bart Rhbinron /4.'7f:eft Reed Jos Redirect inn Boger* liwyalton Reed !doses Rotruct Philip Ronnie S..' Reed Esti Roberts Soo Rohetson lee ileystuldsJ W Ross A Roddy Soil . Giolen Sidney arßaw F A ' Ryan Then: • Soammi Ronald. Bath . „ V1E17123 Sample Moses , Sloan Arentbald PIM Patten on 3no , ,Stlycinan ChospiPterare Chas Ai . Scott Dr Jolni r'Svistnrin - 84 — " "Sthil"rii ' Stool Jets K ;:Silttir Pat . ,flictiJohls• :thou Win 'Sonaimit Strrptieni - ld L Scutt tir Skinner Mt' ' Stephen/ Jahle' scott John ' Singi.ton VA Stewart Wilson etnlt Stml Popo - Timm Levi 'StevrartJadkvench Sena Beoi F Smith rhos oletepartirKes sc ig4.i;s , Scovilt Win II Smith Pe. 1 firr -7 47 ' 1r Sewell Snoth ittehd P SterenstittlnO- Seybertßeistlish i pPinith D StesienioriPB'm Se wont Jnh n A,tittnith Pe Johnston Sicorort Pominoris nos .Printhe.las Sottieno hitch' Sowers Dan! Simpson Gm 8 stokes WjA. Soutbssorth T Sinclair Gilbert Storm StoPhen Shade lons Sinclair Relit Builder Shannon JtV Simmons John Poorness Sheri. Decry Simmons Pat Squire Tkoi• Shuck Blathow Sorely Isaac 'D Sotan Thin Sha6•o John Spence Thos ht Sinter Gee esngherShio Spenser John H Papplie Edged Shenk Paz II Spangler Jos Syerson Jahn Shin II Sp soul Chu Sallivan noite Short David Steep Will SI Battle GEO Strughos John r r . ".7.1" Truman Thompson Wm They 7F- TroubtoreThos • Thoropeon John TrialOn JesE Tree) John Thonmeon Nixon Toner MO Truntek es Co Thompson Jos' Toner Mithael Tryon N 0 Thomas Rees 'Tanen RObbert Truniek Jas Thomas W F Tones FlOreneo Tai..or Geo Thomas John Tosl Dante! Talbot J. . • Thocati Jonah Towle Sind 0 Travers Pet TheuessEdann WTosl Bezhen.l. Taylor John Tellookflnurordhl Ilnierwood Tho. Underwood& Bel-Uilman Henry Utah Vanborn John Vilton W 3 11 VaughalFlolua • .3 Whilmola Dll Wilson Jo.Wim Wits White Mr Wilson Francis Maria Fele, Whiting Ho -Wilson Geo U Viiieters'lThoa Wheelwright W Wilma Robt (i Wills dtiVel jr \Flom R cad Wilton J. Wilmot WUli, 0 Williams Rees Wilma D W Woods Jim William. Wage-aim 'las Wood Gto Williams 111 Walentan W WoodOwon ' EE WinOurner Ray SWright W Willman, Jigs IWller Sarni Wright Jae Williams Geo Wit.. Coo Wright Eiden{ tt!Teary Wright , E Wilson Andw Wintei Henry White Jpo W Wil win Joe AViuola Ando. WhitteWdlez w i c.in rot Word Falai Weareellentyl Walter Davis Word Wm We:Steit Prot B Wally = JoanWarjiwell Beni WeliSerf r Geo Wallace Win WaWinsßiehAlF,Wantrola E V Walla= Thomas IFront¢ John Weaton'Sohn • %Foliate OCo Woman Giles Wathriek Namil we.her D A . id C IValtols John Won. SIMI Walker James Weatcsatt liatf3rdWeavolltenry I.Fation li Weimer WLIOn Cool tVthinms David AWhito Itoben Woadvine.Zitehl Donna. . Dead Parlor. .. . J. R. bl- i TE Steamer FaIIIIIOI2OL 1 '. etearnboni tn.ormnee Cullom. - Neof's Wharf Boat. Clerk Steamer envannob. ~. Dogneirean Arilit. Cifinalri Eltestobost Milo. J. W 11, ' WIT. of John Heir. l'i.t.loirsh Division Ron. of TOMTIOnerE. 11.yordmville Die, No 220, Bonin( TOlopstknen Ilasein.town Division, ' Pn. ilivolin do ' Tenfonin Division, Torn> Cloy Lodge. No 211,1. 0. O. W --„. e . • RAWL ROOEPURO,.P. M.. Pfrinnesna. Jon. 1. 11W In the Court of Common P/oaff. ;Of . All chesty County. IN the cut cattle application Of thoOlitO and rein. sgtrania Roof Road Comporty,for the tight of wet, no No 155, Jane town lea " T . o . t d ti . e h y e . i . n . or . O 4 7l . see br a ., o a l a aciataa that 13 . 0. 4 d 0 fod ta r . , na de. Pennsylvania Rail Road Oimpany havor. taken wrd prn prtatedi for the taco( their rail marl; the follow tug described portion of tho Intid befalting uld decedent at Ono Townalnp, , g legheny t„founty, Pa, 01in—tteginning the. lower hno of sod wet ata 1.1000,' of 50 it fro:nitro ern= Itne.of sok roll Mai thenco memo; along alto line es valdtinet towards 110 river tO ft, thence S 73 deg 55 en a. EitS63 fact, is the tipper lies ofgold tract; thence, tiJong the goPer Lae of cold Want noniron:dig etgft,thedee N *deg 55min, ViTor6s feet, to the place of bigt.ireing-Con uinipg 5 cores 1 Tod and 6 Denten. , A,-,:dercriPoOir and exalt ofil ithich l%4:001 in the nhcore ease. ' • • . -WM ROBINS031J• Dititiorlor T. i',esr 0 it. IL RO. 1850 . 1850 ERIE & 'MEADVILLE LINE. DOATS of thin Lino affil lea. laaataxlr and de. Ll,Cr frelahvi without trauthipaant. ' C illoWELke m- 0 .4 4 3 JA:il LS COLLINS_, do, , Alan tr-liIIUTIILE, Ron:ant nvy• higto.t Natrona paid Jar drrr AlEttlei.ll 6.41 EA.". El`hanXE: and Pat Fonda at. tin Es. rings &ad nsaing/inare of A WilaUbli AVO _Atiii,_ll OA IS ILEOCVLAR WEDNESDAT.F#OXET . . ' 'CINCINNATI; ap'ain - Wavam J KorraTL • .Th.ii splendid boat wry /m 1111414. monomer the summer haae Newt cia, and others, 'for the . Cincinnati an d ittsbaralt racket - trade, •341 lean. every itVedneS4ny tat Cincinnati, In sace by the Near Rammed, No.!. Mtn. freight or pa mar apyply on board, ti r o • MILTEPOP:RGER, Aet retausz The splendid fat; naming Litt&T44‘ g .Lol.lls hrcLANE, W. EL, undergoes rcpnlr.) rill! run re u gniar pastes between. Pittabargt tad vacant,' leaving Pittsburgh evrlT Monday, wmagadny arid Friday mornings, tag o'clotk. • For, (might cr pastagn apSily on board. or to jug 11. IVlthal.r.R.Agent. at0. , 4 , r.1 *:4_3Vi...) 4 , 9 ,T 4 MMDIA- Onathol'g Milleis4Jtag•llrgai -• ;Via Blower/ilia aral.Curiberland to Baltimore nod __ ' FAXII.I.O 11411.11X011R..--..• i ••L no. Plucanc.enta•---- 18 DO TBS morning boat leases 'the tveirr, above Lb.) bridge, daily, at 8 o'clock preeise!i. Time to Baltimore, M boom time to Philadelphia, 40 boon; Tee crease boat leaves daily., {except Sunday ev , - enblga,l at o'clock, Pasreorlen , by Aettrimg :on the eventog bast, will cross the toortalra la onto neat , day, sad thin avoid night trove . . ,* your tickets at the Orkeo, Monongahela Haute, or D.. Charles Hood. 0ai14 , 18 .I,IIIItBRDIEN,ASset . ar W AII.IIANOZEIENT. • .1800. IniSSMI . PENNSYLVANIA ItOUTE. ,,, • Two' Polly Linea Expresa' Packct Boats; And Ilan Road Cullll6 • (ExcLueivatr got P•aeltettalalld TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE,.. Via the New Central Rail Road end. Penn.. Cazal. . Time-6h hours Fare 311 1 throogh. 930 rollea Rail Road, tad. 150 miles Cerokt ON thole, inst. the agar Central Pail Road Comps. :' e 1 coatateaced nmeing SIVO DELT Tleite Loon ¢aaa trouglitchttown to Philadelphia; 'fatten's' ' there Imaneditarti after the arrival of the rat iett - Roots Item the West. By this arraiteement pawed.' germ will go through without date talon. A Packet Boat will leave egerr mornlng '• clock, and every ekerunglia*D'eloek. This route, for Safety, Speed, aud Ctrmfert, !stoat , oquallad by app cow In use to the Eastern Qua, Pot m.uri 07 inteelitiltola opply to W SUTCII, Monongahela Mite; Sag D LEECH 00, Dozer Buis REGULAR WHEELING fr, SUNFISH PACKET; The few 111111,11 Me itemer - .;ima t e n ._ ' WELL:WILLA ' • e.g. B. Ming, will ran as a' packet between 'Eltlahnlik, Waft& ing,itridgepott, and Sanfob, leaving. Pittanargh every. '. • Handal . anemone, far Wellsville, Steubenville, and: Ssidge port, and err iy ',Maeda,' afternoon Mr Meehan ,- .; viSe, Wheelies, Ettidgeport, Capana, and Funfark. Heturniag, Selma Bridgeport and Suntlah cverrTatrar, day afternoon, and Sandal, aver rPriday afternoon: For freight or passage, apply on beard, or to .puo WILEINS. drum. ' FOR. CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. The One fan naming comer • ZACHARY TAYLOR. Laeosonseter,srilllenee forth* above and all Intermediate landings on Toes. .•. day, the 4111 hart. At 4 o'cleaki P. M. For freight or p apply on beard. volt sr. Loms. The episode! etestner jirrati a ttfoore, Master, will leant for Above wetintermattete pasts On WA day, For freight or patsngs apply on board, or to jot , I N£VOTON Agt FOR LOLUSVILLE. - - - -- - -.-- The ealtrely new 'and iplendft stestor l r,•. . , , WASIIINGTON ' • ' Wi WI ?dime, ititattri will lerre for the oho./ end en trqnnediete landings on thin' diri, , , the Dist Item, 4E4 r:l4.poidtivelT. For (*lett apply to noty3l- ' • • . - 0 B•NULTENDEFIGER. Alrt • LOUISVILLE. - • ' - The .plendld and fartrenrderstatten.q: • MILTON, ii ;MGlteohn Davie, mr.:ner, wilt leave for the above and all' ndermediate porta . this day email,' inn.; at 4P. N. -• • _ For freight or paatiage apply on board._or_ _ •• 011 MILTRNBF.ROF.R. A FOR • • I ° Tho splendid steagter FORT PITA • Miller.miner, leave for above 1 ports int this dep. • ' the Ist lest, at 10 We100k.,..t. M... . For freight or outage. ePPIY on tn,srd. - FOR LOUISVILLE. • ggi Zit The fine new Ord rthentb alterne - . - ' •. ' , ' NAVIOATOR. . NV= Dean lower, will.leavo ter the ` above end 'lnterznethate ports, be 'Ws dan, the avilt May, at 4 o'clock, P. M. • Fe, Cr, i ell or patanAo . uppty on hoard.' ' iny3o EITEU dompemy - .,Or'PITTS BURGH. CAPITAIr 1100,00% J. , Fraort, Jr, - MMMG.I Jr, Plat Will mare againat all Mauls of risks, . . _ FIDE AND bililtlNS. LL. leases will bo adjastod and praoptiy , . A Itslie:lnstitationniimageti nyAkiemOrs4rliartini rollknowitin tho comm.:ay, atcliorhp are deicrnim. , . ad by promptness and liberanty to mammal Ms char acter ',bleb they bare lisannicd• mammy the bast. - protecuontesthame who cynic fo be Insured. .- Ditresou—lt. Miler, Jr., Geo. Malt, J. W. Mil eri •) N. Holmes, Jr., Win..l3. Dotmct,po. !Una., Geo. W. Jackson, Wm. M. Lycra, Jru. Lippincott., Thos. t Limb, Jamas u ley, Alma. Nteeiek, Thos. Boom No..TJ Winer street, (warelimiso of Swig Ce., at, auklas.)POotbarch. . , Sie Jamie, esureepse Fiuld FtagMaali: nREI.AIZEI) under ,The Immune a earn of Mir r venter, and establlthed for upwards of thirty yeani; 'Fain elegant preparation Is recommended in 'All' eases or acidires; Indigesnen t nect, - and gravel, an the most safe, envy. and effettnst Mrtn' Illegnetia may, any indeed the only ono to widen ii ought to be exhibited. poseett.tog all the ptrperd-s of the Megneuir now In general ttleovitbtautbete.g harm to it, U 5 foriu dangerous cencrettens in the noWele,:. ,edeetnaily cares, heanburn wahout 'elating the comma_ the stomach,. eodll,Uotess; end . their etc. Senates are him on 10 dou.it prevents 'hr fowfaf in. fenik tenting wan in all case, 11 alto at a pleasteg— apertentfand Is peen lady adapted to female, ' S Sir HeMphrey tinny testified teat this eel pion forma' Soluble cementations with um acid salts in cases of • -goal and gravel, Me thy counter... Alm a. their Injanosi tendency, when 'elate alkalies i• and even Magnets"' Itself; had fed-d. • ' • From Sir Philip Ctampion, Durt,Forgeon General to.the Army in framed.— ' , Dcer Sir—There can be no dont...that sfarneshs• 'may be admmistered meta 6“101) 1 In the forin ofracon teentrattd solunon than ut substance . ' for this, and'. 'many other remons, I am of option the the Fiend: Magnesia-Is a very valuable mldinota to our Muteris CRAhIPTON.o Fir lames Clarke, Sir A. Deeper, Dr. Bright, and , Messrs Guthrie and Delbert Mato, of London, sarong l7am=s'raT .Fhld blegnesia. as brine in- • id7yn afnanteenreient than the . sold, and free from the danger attendmg the COGlnelllrp o 'ol . -! soda or rotate. ' ' • For este by the importer's imd orporietoret assets, A FA UNFSTOCK to CO - Cor. of Weld& Front tel. _ . NHORPORATING "The Associated Fire Mitt llnsurahenn Company of the City of Pittsharga" Osecorm IX. 'Past William H. Edgar, I:1MA: Gregg, teb Winn, CaPingwooi, Charlet, genr„:.llward. Campbell, Henry Hays, Jame. T. Shan non, B. Ciddle Co wort, Wilburn W. IMilus, Rely tutertion,Thornsw Itakevecti, Pollard NrCortnick, William . E.hb.37 , ,, J. Cost Clair. and Illeh'd Cowan, of Allegheny ersUnty. three of.them, be, and they are hereby authorised ; • after coring two week's p2b:IC notice In two dally nnwrpepers, pub:lewd in the city of Pitmhargh,"Ad open cooks at Wilting Hail, in 11.0 elm of Pirmanrgh, far the witutription of the capital meek of gold Clot. party, at such time as .they may designate, end lthe hMMO to 11.1) open, from trot, to note, between the ours of ten o'clock in th e forer.ooo, and tone o'clock In the afternoon, or until, at lenst,turn thousand shams of met shall hare been tatert.7 The. Commissioners shone named, will cocci In on Thursday, the Gth day of mane nett,. at 10 o'clock, a. ea, at which Woos sod place the books win be opened for the purpose of reeerring anbeneip. . dons for tae capital stock of said company, ne molds. teed by 110 Act. maradge7 FILUSEE ISPDISO a. SURIALICD, GOODS. AVERY large and choice stock of Fresh Spring , and Sommer Goof. ham . test been opened at , Alexander it Day's, No SS Market street, north sweat' corner of the Diamond. • In calling the attention of our customers and the , public. to Ibis gawk, Is affords Oe _neat pleasure to bn s able tO fay Itembra<n GREAT BARGAINS' in, al, most every description of goods, al a bag. Ponioit as p archated at the recent extenalva motion tales mthe eastern cities. Oar assortment, 10th of fancy and sripis roods. Is very captains, and alfordi to. Olt nub borers, either by wriolenalo or retail, a flue Op-1 poirtnalry of roaltint troth mein and atnre_ • LADIES' DRESS GOODS , • . 'New style Poniard elks, Tety thetp; nett plaio lad figured etrartgeablo silk. of thoroalevery: style , Sod' gcmirn roper plain and 13gdred block talks; do be. do. and Vaffinea; barego de" Woe •new and hand; ronoe style: new iny la Frendl, Enrilieh, end Esecadh lawns, greet variotT, and at very ow prioesi fignrod. and siiin 'Wiped de lei" of nit hisdo Ann quallticit Urea ICBM. 01 ell stindea and colors; ging.: aagat, elnatatai pints, Ac • . HAWLS. . . . Soper bhameleon the shorrls•,' rbiln and bend Hoek do; plain and embrold ered Milt et do; flat mph. ciete :do; caper Vein end. embroidered er.lac.eUd colored able dot ad...re and O net . &04 WHITE GOODS. " ' A floe assortment of Muhl, nansooks, latent% Stetsaeo,llonh.sibieher ao. f Fatah I Ready, peatl braid, Floroneo braid 44 eager &lash straw loannina.. PAIIABOL.S. &Aim stack of vocrior. plain n 0.4 etlk and A large sworn/tent of of super French, ha' glish And Deleon cloths land eassimeres of all onanues and Deets, to whiny We would from 1110 attention of she gentlemen. ' • DOMESTICS. Oa r soak 0f lum•rn and blesehee'mutlins, tie-Mara choc k s , chambray., dttlitruss, ae,ll very largo, ane at the very lolvekhonera e • Mr.,. tort. 'lot' of tubitt diaper* end teble clutter, brown end bleatheth Rustes and raetert diaper', catkin linen- Dealt Ws, eotten and weal n goods for onto eel boyeriant, lash ttrolls, red, White, ono yeitore floe domestic ameba:use exit and linos • lies ft and roves of ell kiretie; Loony and bosses 1106005, unit Acts' Ilsreers, Ise, to all vanish wo word respeettelly •Ite the attention of at.,a'cm'e and vetalt east • oYers., AUE-TANDEIt a VAR, • oto2o .63 Matte! ..,..re V. cer, of the Oiceseitd . : DISISOLIniON UL r P k ieliWgrtfilslEne rpill:Arctiv of Nor:ikons, f..lea R Co, at prookeLl!e, ' j Jeger.lllCounty, nod Welt, Mei rnsonn Jake, ter County, have beta easselvat -5. y molter 000=01. 1- . .erieo:e Indebted to said firm, Wl , l male payment to leach to Co...aridelaitea ageluet the imam may be petreated ue Little-a Co far enttleMentir - , tsrErios4.o MONIII6CLV,:.'. .-U Y H MORRIeON, - ; .•• TtlnelAte X - Lert:”. ALEXANDER DULLER. May"*, • : , Cosa - , EMPLOVIGLIV,NiT wlti be / Ivor to meaty salltlosal C oo l olidtrt,lat tut Gist Works sontles.Siouty IooIIIIM Deslcc latsl. it.vps, C PIDW ItsaluditOsty I,', J aaal:istrelui: it' , ~,.. ;' ' . -t': , ,-..-, -,0•V.•:.% , %+7 , - - • • - ~..a:04.., , ,,,,!: ~,"., 3.. y `'~'.F>a" i.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers