The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 03, 1850, Image 2
IS=l THE PITTSBuIia GatITTE, PUBLISHED BY WHYPet: CO 115i:===212 MO , bY.MOBNINO;JIINT• 3, istq. mmr rasa FOR ux.JUI-It -r=s ..E:G/11\ I'lllo Mr..Hairnam'sTaco= U.trzott.--ille . elaserwas Minh the Whig Convention. woUld emu:at an am of folly to , tom Mating a pinion; ' 111 the *acuity which will beeccesioied by kr: +. 'Hampton's resignation et the close of the Omen': wastoo, without tome better staboritY than our statement. The editor asks why Mt. bleon't" does not resign at once, 'that the *Ph' know lraw to act in regard M supplying his place • The answer, to this - 'is plain. - Mr. Hampton bas SID LOtheliee of deserting his post while Corgress is in 11.111500, until; the people =have bid so opmatnnity of supplying the vecincY. will maven in Ms wet to watch over the in . remits of his coemitnents, until the Haute id joerns, which will probably not take place before the fuss of September,' when be will resign his ogles. .By.this course he will put the People to an enneceinry 'trouble or expense, as they cat supply the vacancy at the annual election. is a matter of indifference to as whether the Con wettest nominates now, mwags until Mr. Ramp. ten fat:tally Modem hie resignation. If the =Ml wake takes plane now, the members will betas. ed the tn. Ole 01 reassembling to perform that do. ty at a tame day. Mr. Bazar:ton his authora: ed Vi to make known his Mention ninepins at the close of the present amnion, in view of the, =milt:sof the Convention—bat if inch announce meat ft nor thought to be andloiently - official, the matter can be deferred at the pleasure of the Con vention. Ps*narlvinall . &:Whig liontimemt Meetings bare lately been held to mitey coon! ties of the State, by the Whig Party, for the ap• paintamat of the- approaching State Convention, to meet la Poiladelphia on the of /Me, at of which - resolutions have beta passed of continued confidence in Gen. Taylor and Wm. P. Johnston'. maim! ISS extension of Slavery, in !aver of Protect - Ica to domestic Indus try,ead °Caulks to the Govetnorl for his veto of the Mamma Apportionment 8.11. Asa ample of ahe whole, we copy the following adopted by the Whig Convention of Agreeably to the call of the County Committee, • meeting of the Whigs of York Corinty. TAMS held in the Court Hones, in the'borottgh of York,an trio-day evening, April 2d. The Prikrivingiun =curet the patriotic Tessella tions adopted by the meeting: Riadas‘,Th at vane aro deplore the etiatenos of Barrer/in oar country, rie the weak point of oar Crittriniona—as the !meal waive of esetional write and seralowqr, end is a fiord, watt, and pa• litic3l soil, we yet respect and obsorre all tee gatraniees et The oye the !rubies', and disavow. all right to interfere with it -IP the Budea of the -- Unto', but can, nevertheless, :cot emment ti twiticinate in any mariner in Its ,retea two over Teraary, which, when acquired by •P, Ob1:1 from it. blight and curse, and especial.. ly when those who reaide neon the soilant, oppot• ed to es introduction among them. Roared, That while we_ are not - disposed to bete "railing accusations" unneoemtirily against eat political opponents, we cannot refrain from noUclug,injestice to am wise and slued we conceive, of the Whig party, the undeniable fact ihst the tenible ,agitation which ham lately . . shaken the Voices to lit centre,—provoked the in , sem= of treasonable words—encouraged pro• _Omits of political dissolutmo, and demanded the most earnest efforts of our most experienced cod wrt00:1 statesmen to *flay, Is the result mid coo• sequence °fete measures of tho fewer Admlals tinnier of the General Government, which for irar , . sir oorpares and co promote the intermit of favorite plunged the enters into is war, :and tentless of all admonition, istroduced these sob•, incla of analysers! into our public' counc:l3; whicbonly the influence and currants or ammo- eat Whigs have prownted" from boooming per. raiment miners of dispute and hostility, if cot from reading the fabric of our Uaiae into frog.. . Raw* That we abide by one "attailinneWa to therMCiple of Protection of D.rrecatio Iminairg chat. whileithei Envoy or hin , Britannia Idalinity . very ondomily waret to see the rep-.l dl the British Tariff of *hid, which is much a good farad to the wealthy capitalists and inaziufacint , era in her iringdoma,yre, who have more *vino*• thy with, led feel mania:created to the well be , ng ot American Fanners,lianolactorcri ,Sfachati.o., .andLiborern. and we the baler! . filllttetteo upon - them of Lnenfuen policy, es It la pardhularly mani t. Aimed in the animation pi the great Dna and Coal Interests ofPenusylvanin, as wed as to a general .:paratests fell more or len severely in every de . pirtment of production and employment, believe thatthe best literate of the MIMI , require Or eepeatand the substitution ofspecho for ad van no dirties, arranged so as both to prodnec re, epee emit° protect labor. as recommenced in the able roorst oribe lLoo. Wm. M. Meredith, Setrei buy of the Trearary. Roofeed. Taal the diepoaition of this sutlers I. In one hands of max irides in both Moons of Con -• gnu, composed cube political oppanenti of the thdatinlatrlCall and the Whig party; and the pea ,prie,--who are so deeply interested in it, areinvited to observe she course of the opposmon upon ty and to eel eceordtofir at the next test ef parties thmush the ballot butes. .11aullorct. That we continue 'to entertain. the • fullest cot lidence on the brave soldier and parties and plain, honest republican. 2 rbary Taylor, who Geo:tele:o the Preaidential Ch tir-rwho has- mast - fasted an all occasion', the candor and respect For • co-ordinate departments, whiett_becoure the Chief Magistrate of arm people; who has shown to his messages to Congress en enlightened intent genes end just compreheirtion al the tree isle" eats of the eonntry,-and, while never dimming, ha. not hesitated •frently to express his opinion on all questions which seem to dentiod it, and whose • each so far es opposition ascendancy in Congress has pertained at to operate, has tended. to main- , tale our home Interest*, end to preserve as, in • leerily, and advance our dignity and bona' is ail ncgotia lone with foreign Government. Raraired, That we In like Manner improve the poblic poley of the Admielstration of our State affairs by .Governor Johnson, which has already not only tally redeemed the charade, of Peony!. viola, by paying the interest on her debt in aperir without adding to the burdens of the people, but has also established a Sinking Fond to work the eriagnithenent of tbe debt, and if not checked by the factious apparition of the other party, will in • nomparatively few years remove the Mad al State Taxation altogether. (orated, That we highly commend Governer Johamoa's able and manly defence of Scantily*. sta. from the charges brought seaiost her and nth. cc free States, In the alerts Slavery reaolation, adopted by the Legislature .r Georgia and Ilirgre. in; and that we gamma' with the Wttigs of Frank: tin County: , • .That 'Me vended of the Locofoco House of Representatives of this State, print the able and Menage of our worthy . •• • Governor, setting Emit calmly wad dispertionatert the liberal and catholic viewe 'den. enterutined by Pennsylvania on this question,-.-was einem, toads In the extreme, and • Is only another indica tion'ef the wilitegneis of that party in the North to submit to the reardialtions of their Southem al lin.` • , Bactered, That we cordially approve and jnati. 'fy the refassi of Goy. -Johnston to sign the iniqul•' tots Apportionment Bill, passed by the Lacer.° -majority at the Dipshaute, under ;Pe diet. don 01 a seem party caucus, and is a apirit of bargain sad sale, as well as one of total disregard for the requirements teens Conatitneon, and the line polo ciples of Republican Justine and right—that his Meanie on the subject Is an unwarranteble ex position rtf the mom putrescent the,bill-ethat the - refvfai cram oPensilinn msjoritica 01 the Lefties, mist to print the Message, ft at once the strongest - confetisnon of 14 corthetnesa, and at 'the wrong which they Reelected to perpetrate, and that the otoiletto of the Lneoftsco papers to lay It before their Madam. Ithilo they *ethylene for it nothing but miserable defamation of the Governor, 1. proof positive of the weakness of their 01900, and their fear to let the people see the truth, lest their honesty might rebel mallet thoconeptionsogtheir patty. The Nora American of last Tore.lak has the fol. lowieg io relation to tho Central Railroad. Iv o bavelbe ramom faith, thot the.. Philatielpb tans will raise the money. Tbey arum do it or be entirely overahadowed by blew York. . Tars GCNITAL ItAILIIO4D.—The meeting of the CornetMee of three bemired, which took place last weeplug, was attend.] by very cheering results. It appears that the committee here selected from the directory 4900 mines of ClVierli known to bo possessed of means 'efficient to'lenda belpictit . hand to this great and pratiewootsy enterprise. To these they hive commenced sending circulars, raped. fully iuk ing their pecuniary ald ill the way of nab kg last evertiug,22oo shams el mock were raised; scriptions to the stock, To those which baiv been already sent, them base been some MO response,* Lad from thcset with the pledge, made at the' eet leaving 9.lfri, shares to' be Oboe. It ;Is' 10 be hoped that the remaining , circu'oei will fit! up this mount, or al least a large portiesi of it Should they otit,•. however, a pubic meeting.will be err . tonsary, its we leans that of the 5403'400 remain• ins to be taken, 51,035,000 most be taken by pri vate subscription, irrespective of thirubscriptions hr corporaustas here or west of the Alleghenies. Tlazax. m Iva Nur Wait Covet..--A. 'very bad break &oared in the new Yo4c Canit,en she 20th May. Tim stem embankment'nes? Basbneli't • Bada gam via? sad was wssiwa • dotal 1 : 41 1 at infrods, and mike extant • cilllpt it! elanrreei deep. The New York Tribune eayi em' %exhalent la the mom formidable on the Este and perhaps on aiy afoot Canals. and that the delay and cipeass meated by . , Oita break will ben. -;;~_` risaaczk For strolwrzi -;;1. 44soaaiia - s - ,144 , ;a4Q - alas sea. Viedssmer: A , . • F. publish to,liiThe We OW t tr 0 General sod state Treasurer. on the 'object of ,tlayineaces aftheS.ate„ for *fiscal year corn• menden on the letlk - ,Tria - er.i.."'"One - rert. waimni,ig iikaiiii4o 11 tiiii the Plasma of ' vial Penesyl,vsela are la the . . sfiortdakisf _nu& tlubil Mier 'ilitk,,. - DE: of iti (11Kiiilli - 1.61110014• italillak '' izr sit fttlan fear ariltlem - d;doeteritai,rapplyitur the Money hatentPair it; ilm inihtinitlitt; there Win tie tea to the Treasury, atterimArlhat amnia Wawa, $26,751132: The eised* Of the "Vegetal hi , sures the speedy coraidetien of ' the .Nerth thumb Can al--i consummation dewitulyto be wiitted. - - The people el the Elisio aid of the country at large, ammo* but be sf4dedhy a contrast of dila 'condition of the Tressdry; With ttrgt,exhiblted a few years age."...Theiithd 1111/113Iiillieltdiril Oct. ferituff Mad-rilmaltjobdepreelate&-thepeople groaning ander taxstioa:wad‘ la eon/teen* public and private put'aPetity tinder a eland. - -The present and future km:specula most cheering. • 111 W result ought not to past irlitiont *dubs Credit to the aresent-rmeentive department of the Government. , Gavarnor Johns= La entitled ia i gratitude for' Ma etlbrtsto create a sinking mad, and his labors to. State the Tressutl i and ' Mr.Bol,the late Sta te Tiowino, is Kiel to he flora enticn among the art?ittlituras felt by, the people Justice also reinireit that proper credit 111 "! 14 ' Lo rendered to the praises Auditor General, for the industry and abihti he has displsyed for several years pest, in the reanagement of that important department of adenines, the result Of whki, is . now 0, 11. 6 ,°,1"P 1e- , ' ' - ,-- -- -,' -... fMn7St ERANCMCIANAL... , , •- m mar _ Auptru. ficalais Wrat, tt HArtiabgrir, 2tit Ma). 1850. S Hon. MoUu Lanoinurn , Part. Dcrard,qf Cond.Con'nr. Sia: the set of tOtti Msg. ISSO, enUtled nes to provide for the oral: asp espensel of Gov: ernment, the repair of the public, cantle and red. roads, and other `enrol and special appropria• Cons,' the slim of two hundred sod,fifty Moaned. dollars is anpioprisied meta& the completion of the North Branch Cowl Tae section making this appropriation liaa els loin: • • .9E0.'33. For the completion of the . tiorth BAnolt canal the .am of two huodted . and dry Ind:sand dollars in addition to the sum of one hundred and 6f 5 , thousand doltaie already appro• printed, and in lieu of the Appropriations' for the currant year under the provisions of the act of the tenth day of April one thousand eight hundred end fogy nine, la pursuance of the report of the Auditor General and State Treamrer to the Go,. ernor made on the fourteenthtlay of dieguat last: Proriled , Toot nothing herein contained shill be construed to authorize any increase it the .Stale debt, and if in theopimon of the itnetar Ostend and Sate Treasurer there is likely at La* tirne to be irdedolency in the reventies of the : tiontitunr, wealth to meet the Internale the Slate debt, the ordinary expenites of government and thee:pairs Of the canals and rad road@ besotdem completed, - • - Behalf be their duty to withhold ali opal) eturh of the sporopriation made. by - thla act to the sold North Brandi Carala2 shall tea requiaite fur num The undersigned, in order to , a proper dlichirge of the duty required by this ect,.hare wade'. care (tit ' examination of the appropriation eat of last ovation and estimate , of the, reventer for. the year endlngibe alto May; 1838. Wiadnd 'that by said scab° sum of three hundred and twenty tit thenisand two hundred and three dollar, and two cents, is appropriated to rations objects; To thii ambUnt isio be added the undresna balan ces appropriated by . the appropriation act 'of 13 Aped, 1329, amounting to .51.23,871,12, eichtsive of residue of appropriation frir avoidance of inclined Plane: 'There waist, to be added the amount appro.- printed by speatint act during tad maims, which, Including eta,oos Cr the institution for the Stied, mey ,b e estimated- at .833.030, making the ewe- Pie .dernand tipori the. Treasury during the year 'ending" with the 214 of ' May, 1 861, the turn of 14.1a2,074,14—Faie tial,b2B,oo. paid out since 10t0 . . Tho moons of tho Tf.sorry dttrivg,thofFimo po rtal are.thm stata t ttod cti mom& thoo . , Balance - In - tho" Treasury, lisp 20, - 5Z91,G69 51 Deduct for amount thereof • oC lodised Plane Loan. 5160.54.3 t• Alto for sinking fctoot 19,961 07' Available balance applicable to cad,' asui and general purpose. • 5114,474 48 • Esruinnt or airv.vcr. -- . - Lends, • ' 819.000 co Auction Commtssions .2.'1,030 OD "-- Duties •• - 135,000 00' Tax on BrinkdividtAdi. - 105,000 00' " Corpsestion lariekt 103,000,00 . Real nod . personal • • • vote' 1,250 000 00 Tavern licenses ; , 100.000 . 00 Resilient' licenses ~170,1100 OD - Pediers. • " :1,500 00 Brokers. • " 10000 00 Patent Medicines • 4,500 00. Painiih.loars 500 00 Td.lormrittAnlls,deeds, OR , olloes •. 20,000.00, Canal and rail reads tolls 1,150 OM CO. .• Fines. 6OOO 00 • Tax on enrolment of laws 11100 00 Premiums on charters , .41.000 DO ,• Tax en loani , 121.000 00 Dividends on turepikamocli 2,500 00 Theatre, cirrus, and men.- licenses • - r 4,000 tio Distillery and brewery. IF • • •." imams . "3,500 00 Billiard room; bowling ha.; lona and ten pin alley:. licansei .5,000 00 Eating house, beer house,. • • • tad restaurant licenses- 15X00 00 •Suiptas militia Ones,_ 10.000 00 Collateralinberilance . tax 10000,00 Interest • on z .sinkin . g fond' *Metz • , • 20,000 00 Esehems • 6,000 00 Fees of pnb!ic oilices 2.000 00 Accrued interest , 8,000 00 Other sources . • 5,000 00 Deduct tor sinking fund A %"011ar,7,;,',1460°73,926,203 02 Appropriated by spc- .•.. mal ems 20,00000 Amount undrammor apptta , priations per act 10lb Ap. 1849 1,11,871. 4,102.074 14 65,938 60 Lees amount paid Front this statement and eternal!, , wbieh it is believed would be fully resdixed, it appear...there Will bee surplus in the Treasury, after paying the interest falling due on the first days of Auguat and February; and all tbadbibr .tegal demands upon the Treasury, of twenty six thOwand seven hundred and ninety eight dollen and thirty two cents. It Id then apparent that the stun of 5Z.41,000 appropriated towards the entopletion of the Ziorth.Branch canal may be applied to said work without any increase cline State debt, and without embarrassment to the Treasury in thepayment of appropriations to other objects. We therefore respectfully inform' you of emirs: poll of ear execoinnuons and estimates,.that proper measures rosy be adopted early, to'fkit under con tract so ranch of the work as' is ainhorixed by the a " P t ' t ,';* e P ::r l e i y n ery s. respec - tfuilY, your obedient ser vants, • • • • JOHN N. PILTRVIANCE,- Anti.. Geo'l. DICK.E'LL., &me To:muter. Pre,byterlan Yieaeral' Aaiemably—New Atter a long, animated, and exciting debate, the New,Schewl General Asieni*, which met at Detiolt, adopted the following repiirt on the Sfax eery Oueition: • ' ' • • • - A: minority of the committees to whom was re. Awed a number of memorials on the subject of slavery, from muiona e Synods, Presbyteries, and nharehm, within our bounds, beg leavo to ire. _Tilt elm a mead and atnrough examination of the whole alibied, tberhein been brought to the ninchudoi, thud.° consideration' f the poss mous action of this Assemblry had, at d.fforent twee for a series of years, anti what they belies& to be its present sentiments,ned : the expectation of the churches 41 Its coneention, the cone • of truth had rlghscouttrh, of pence and vaity, wilt rt.: btu oubaurved bylaw adc puon oldie following reaolutions. . - , Resolved, lot. That tiodasteediagig deplatelbtf worttniss of the Whole spat= of savory u it ex. ,sit, in our eountiT. sad Its laterwaves with the uoliUesl itistilutloia at the slava holding atesTlM fraught with many and gr et evils to the cavil; pa I.tiest.ind moral inteream.df those regtocus'irbeze It =Lei. :IJ. feet the holding arir Om rate In the eon. Gillen °flattery, a / a ryl itilbore canal hen it it - tintreidable, by the! two .r th e g uit ,, , ,b. etelheal erittlealletah , p, or the dazeit diet !Inman ity, ...n to carom In the p 10911! importat tau il in tt.• Root of See. 3, which altosildboyerereladisuailtretted its the tame lusetior lur 0/ COUD ces• - • _ • 3d. That thoSesoeoltand Protajlerlat eni,Jey ttre cotton:two atom oho rob, the tonne, or pn, Dried:et oat kir tbe ofoffensee • 4 h. Thet,tter Oda:* *Won' of teetltetiel,the. ailiolesubject ofalavery. as o exist' le the eherch, be rekrted to the. Soule WI Ind Piatbyteriet ' to take ouch. settee thettie . at It** itellialiest do laws orehresdae OP relief tre. Toe 11,111 and ei!ye a 44,,,110 , 04 ihq niscut „sr ...aglia,Loroxigeref on. .- - f ; -18 satinet it. - Box. Ounzon Itaal, or Este, itos &aced betas a aaodtdale tot aay araxebaSase the FA* Magi Otansokai. ' e&I WAS •.. - ,IG :-''' f cli. es of th. Pilr . ectiai. ' rc ..-}, WAMPOIOntrII6I ' Or. ,priiiiirittaa. far tolelaff th e C 0111•11.- - Foreign Comment.' as Deimmtlo `iiIIIMMICIllomotookletoLb" Coro nottotTho Tariff. Loccetif the eery kw measures of laiishrithd which riostimanutted sr this sessitto of Car 7 grefi; 'O'ne s iikrilViiritOrnldriedd Greatly to the aiiiitnigefddoutirighitimiss; but also obn zuhance the expenses of the year. 1 meatitisiCaseilliUl had the 'OP fstitlistrtycifthietutigc the histionity-ofisbor 'eon' beefed With this - work. If iv mut that, as more ss the foims,iad tibies„'inid the instirictinds 'bit mar: shale shill have' been prepared' for disinborma, nearly a.ton ' of cud matter lilt beidded to the-9,- 1 003 1 . Mil)da oftem and domments, which alreedy form the mass t h every day dispatched frOm post Mice for nampportarion to -tbe different .poiats,ifthe:lTuroa;`,Upwards of 50,00()POithdf of mashie ma s er era each week placed in the mail hip distributed from this eitv, - senittil§,DlD tutor& a week. will, be sided to this enormous-gummy. The prepatilioa the settligitimotion thcexten• sive end cumbrous machinery- required in this irri 'portStd; worir, *proceed* with' rapidity, udder the efficient direction of xi* Simeiinteudent. • Be• twee Mini' MO 64 Mooned. pounds of, paper, the estimated weight of the ;three thousand reams of tildes. sod. forms, which , will be,strrick . of as soon mil* Met can be done, wilt pa* IMMO thithaudshilitilassistais Willis few weeks, the-, side iontinensh . le pielowen °Ululated- lortruetiMs, andinihe shape ior Ttaititinticripteor resphothumeloisti inurieriM is aline bet,CY7 tisk, requiring prompt and 'hacireoris attention on 'the part ot alt einlienied with' site r 'ti%4...f the United 51400, Ms benirimr,,upon mar' Intermit god domehtic mumfaciatee trod the geueral.busiwass of the core trybOllirlalurkurnlytigreet-Oelielinie. It isnrst 4 It a yearausM I laid before Your rearheri some IllatlerlnnteObilloggiortions calculated to Wow the elaitainicifeenftepcm oar monciory.coaditlon; of the enormoter - investmenw and lola of capital, in advenumerto California. end the disproportionate export Of obis to the receipts of gold dent then in band, Or that Meld reasonably be expected. The I experience of the last hit, months hu ebtindantly sustained Whit might Timbal:* have been regarded as extravagant calculations. Thomandeof persons erho hive embarked their limited L iners M spoon. lationsiuld untetprisen, bred on the mpeention of ‘l5l returns of.the yellow dust from California; are upoti iblibritik of sr*. At this momerit,poodiais of reties (theVaiiinate ie thicei hundred d fifty) le rotting, *serviceable and trieleasin the harbor of flan . Friaelsect. Hundreds of others are heating atrtvi the pacific in baJlesti , or 01:1 precisions 'end *wadable employinest. Isiillioas of dollars worth n< property lie itt the StorirHoosea,. end upon the beach at thii isainsiport, =Saleable, and frac sistattle ends unavailable. • This le s neat raw among the elltiin of pros , peaty* eetumwsitl denotement* cad einbarta , t amide, tint iete sot ilia-greatest.- Out'Stocks. end, Butte; arid Ceorporwlmo are anior abroid to Memento qtartititict, leoFths behind Abe liabitily to wail for the amnia the penodirial peymeat of fairish ',Lest and wildest; welter.," the 'enorotoni and trimmostWented importatious of onulanteth me. *handily', undeithe Tariff; of 1840, ;111 a main= to hardli leis than 150,000,600 for 'tile pre. eat fiecal.Year. „What Ire to be -- the inittilable snits of these movements Firm the country:will berdtalded l ditscopilot n•ol,dethmatie inaiittry in grthentl,,as the, iron crwaufectnre already has been, will be prriettatid:444 iota* the 0"'"••• able pressweef foreign debt. Europe wants an dors of dattreidatufft; tutr • comouctop, atuugh the price kw itho, will be short, awl theagaregwe of rr: Huai for **Ports of that simple, will 'be fat helot.' theamountrof formeryrans. . We coo form hub dependarce *a the' reediest of cal ifornie gold,- however ibmideat the yield may be, beisure the present Nate of &smiler and irregularity* which the anomidotormanduion of politicsl ailairs..csuies to preeiashire, there can be no security that eol— lectiert will tiamsde - "with' any rewonahle puerto , • ' It Will hit pattaired that term goatees at cow : oterelelAsstat ins of Perh classic The gratis the Wenalmfalweent far Which aelhamami lawney an be acoantable,dieentparui4 the dalitaittia- miner Bat the esker* ape directly alltiliatablitto the liOll, aid CV/Ow/OW, wok poticj, *tidal las broken dawn protectlea system, and placed 'all the *teat Indiiridital interlude of the United Slates e the mercy or the papltaliihilpettethee, 'ask el England Lad goope. Bat I ciewit saw paw* she . lirtgry to which these reatittis are Wadies me. lepstet to be able In a few Jays, to famish you with • iome highlt aselid acid Important siotlositol . wittheeted with thew quesiloas , Team s. Progregs of of CoNpots?!—lmportint, Correamondenee Sept!» to the Villbast laThelom 'Worveliin, May 29 The valet lodilferesi_eaf Coupon w tpo pro. Salm Pdhlio boalsom,ile - imonishiag. none. leXpeeitteof, th erm:lead' have accred atiay, and arareety tiny Willy lois bawl riecompliskod, it Is s act, that so many Se . imbere of Roma are ab seal from the scene of their donee aseeeoludy tr Obetnilet.tho acflan of this morOniperfant commit teen. Borne anianeadiim their local combs, end 'at mnare alleadinyfo nothing bat deli , privets cue and onjoymint, - Aid while. with a row boo arable' aaceptions, the memben, are ilea amigo!. 6 10eit..i* j e5 Lk!' / I °, o er a_b°4; "Buta , l) adjoorda over from rttarilafourtiday t to Mon. days tbuilosing a third or a sixth of every week, and at length,'" if to down the dark list of it. °fences, deliberately adjourn from' to' morr ow mornhigailitsht iii'Oloefr,liii'Moriday of next w eek 4,210.000 00 The pretes t for ttliSiaClooll.ll the net:cola'' , for taking ap'the carpets, removing the waiter 14a. per) , And hangings, and Putting the hail generilly is a lighter and more weasel:odds maltreat. This could be tolerated bet for the wanton wade of so marl preclottedarrand holm, In which the in. & da nce of the public servant has , aquantlersa the publics time, and attenuated the ',abbe parse. , 4; 46 207,500 00 1,063,97 46 The senate hroe coda mimed the whole day or Me bill km tha establishment of the New Yort tunnel taint, which was pot disposed of. It is evi• deut etengli that tits proposed change will fat of a . eonstomMitlan. Whatever may be its fate In' the Senate. there Mite chance for It in-the Sousa. Psi ennottive, session, also, of rams length held, In which it is said that nothin g more jtonnari than 447 tiondmitatlen of a low consiliwaa larepdittl that Mr Hamlett, Idely nernbitted its Commissioner of the blexican'boondary sniVe l y, is likely la be rejected It m known that a leading competitor for the at pointinent, wee a • Sontinitt tittinects i trbn war prefened a mejetity of the committ ee on eign teladelis, to whom Me nomination has been teldred. The refection of Mr. Bartlett, therefore is probable enough. The eases of AIL Lowe, Collector ti Pblitifelabot,aind the collectors of the principal ant therm eine; not ditee'tip nanl unmade thneloseof :the session. 4M,176 14 . , There Will Merl that Mete be. been in anima. ted coneeMoudence . bitirtmi Mi. Clayton writhe Count Dole Bares. the Minister of Spain, 'mann to COlialn Ito portant incident,. ThojMinister, be, the best raison tifii:e"ared of the, hearty and zeabtu &germination °UMW government to sop. preri . all aiumfni onyanltatioch within the Unl. led Stiles kw Abe Invasion of Cuba, and, al the aarowtima, hu been.kikermed that in the measures whleb frmay berfotmd nbeassary for the ItMerey of (tuba to take for ihinioleetion of the isluut, the rights of 'Arnetican eltzens resident therein, caw"? &here, sod the tureieris of Amerlun oompteroe'mostbe respected. It lellleged the , the impreannnent and arbitrary imptirenment et foreisncri da tog sod p+edent to tho laze dialer barom, kve-ftpltii with consMerible navels , rip. nn .g g i a .6 3 4 is doles business in the Oland. Mr. Clayton reminds the Minister of thendLektmistin.. eels, and Larks hint that the government of the c e lled sighenwill not lOok with indiffereuee upon soy infrkortment of rights of eltizetur. 7 The 'count, according tio tire report of the daY,le . plies that care bad kin , L ind would be taken io tespeed,therno tights, and mentions that he has In fautatkin 9r theizaptup3 flketi hundred addl. (Law prisoners, intent 14 , 46; supplied to hive sailed km itmerbitin porti p in a p er t of the peditioM _The' Americana Ming the desperadoes ; he Win w'al tie 'turned grip td the commanders 0 , thitialledetatisnaval forces on the coast of Cu. bi,:bnt' the other foreigners will fet:antrorely mad 'eararn tip iieiat !WI ; ; • lelattlief Wiled thet , :, eddeirord tripe:Lotion hove been eirKehMemodeted h • weeds! maihenter to Gen:l:korpbellasdOommodore'Par /wear other - Affecting . them bvt*PF,"!*,. l4 - I b* 0 %°144e0* Ontedent i*p . 4oirreideL., It Is mod* observe theisidliihe . preseat delete° Is pie= pared rigorously le - Mailman the salaam obliga tions of the swat towards other meleew be to lopollr rewind sad ready to roquiroof ' , ilia* all kheignmdesallros lOs the position oro , sr inntatitry i thecinitra#i-OCour initutritions teeeury utilloYetueitril:hitiso co of the art= isflonmaiiitf and: mOateradon: Though, in matt jonnee, not one of our countrymen, in any wire Mnitenradhrltithislilittlear - entarprisezdeternm the prntecrina goyegimmit. yet melt that its po'rrertal Sint obrintd - be strciehed eat to shisidrhern Gem the extremity at nuslimion.w.Stah, as cznapersteilazd Tjelliiioll/ enemy atotild meet 011/ to him. JumrS England and Vraacc...A Speck as wee. ! The telegraphic despatches of the neiva try the Weidner Asia, Informed to ore d.fgently berweed . Erglandead Fr:woe In relation to the Greek quer Pon. At thiu matter has canned gibat eicitentent in European circles, and seem indicative of a certain course of policy averse to libertyion the 'part of the French President, and may lead to waft Oln..rea4eme 'will be .pleased to mead the; following Intelligible and succinct account of the sialter,.whlch me take from the Enndon rattter of the Nan , Fork Casmerielf. The letter is •dmed Lauda, May 17: • . . A rupittra between England and. Prance, in consequence of a junction, endently long modiu, red, on the part of Louis Napolien, with Basal, 'Austria, end Burnie, is the rtihilirsg noluebility that'arlil bo announced by this paciket. Toe Greek affair has been the proximate Canal or the dove:. ieperaent el the plot, and the puticulars at preaent known, stand as kkoma : • 1 i ... From the firssarrival of Baroff'Gros,tue Freock "mediator: , at Athens, it was intaia by the net counts sent to England, that there was no intm lion on his part to set In a elmightformind minuet, .and that either to foster Willa . person: Intrigne with the view of securing favurfrorn She abtaninta • montrcha of Europe, and .from the legitimists of his own country, or in couirquence of prlvateiire sanctions from the French Cabinet, oft different ceder to those made, public, a course would he adopted by him _to embarrats the question on ant points. It soon came out, therefore, thatelthongh the French Government had bean understood to hale record with England on ,it the rights of tale nape, and the central method of adjustment that was requisite, Baron Gen bad not been able to agree with our Minister at Athens, Mr. Wyie, ' and haul on,. mlecengelvcd hin Instructions.," that - there was no-chance era' satiaractery conclusloo. In this mate of the me, Lord Palmerston and M. Drotryn de Lhuya, the French Ambassador la Lim * don, took coon el together and agreed upon a &flake smile "tithe question, the ender ns of which were fanhuith foram:del top on G•ot, with onlera r them to be instantly ado d. Meanwhile, however, the comae of events re such ell to fitletnite this con an mintnion. • The env inn' Instructions of Mr. Wyse,: if b . VlOdersignd, had *lmply been that he VIIJI to suspend the bki..k. ado durieg the frieediy ocaohathun of the Frcheh tweet, but no Imager, audit no turned out that Baron (iron, a tier he haetuffietently compliemed the mailer 1.1 , his .milmoneeptiour, had giver, ta• Ike to M. Lon Zoo, the Greek Minister, and alien to Mr. Wpm, that he sum zinger the painful nes Callity Of nannenciog that his mlsmon must be considered to bare reached. en unfavorable tenni. oaten. At the same time, be bad preened an urgent request to Mr. WPM, meetbe presomed ho tooF My Wyse had -noV power to comply, that reaampbon al the blocksde ahonkl ho deferred till the Cahl aka of France and England cofild be again Mils (milted, by wh)ek cep he at course liege:red ■ tom of pont:darn, vullh the Greek Gaut. the Russian and Baver4o blinietera being oleo appraVitlit leek• on on. Upon the reeeipt of the ethait r o frotn - Raren Gros, Mr. Wyse had at eau Ugrian:iced hies that he had no ewe. but to re-establish the blockade. 'awes, therefore, forthwith aside_ put in fob:, and on • the 213th of April, all the Greek paten were 'closed-by °tunnels. Within tweety-focidboure from the bathe adds step, the •GreelkGovern went hadvedt to Mr. Wyse-to ask - Limb name Ms And terres These were Instantly slespatehid la them, Ind on the loilearicir da , r, an uthendi. dent! surrender cm the' put of Weir GAD ,was When the combined instraellens of Lord Pal. mentors at{d Ihd.:Drours de Ltittnarriyedal All. ens, the whole adair, , therefore. bad been brobsht -to an end.: The only way laWltgeh the Moods of absoltierm eonld tow hope it:redact. theauceen Or Lord Palinentenolnd,lo keep up the ante of act embroilment,svu by asserting that Mr. Wytie's uueompromisuig resumptlaa of the blockade alter the requett he had rceinvad from Baron Goo, was se instils to Franey, and ireterel hardship to Uteere, and that soy terms",whlch ro.llit have been assented to under the olreuiratan most be regarded as nulL Unairteuetely for this at tempt, however, it tanned out Ulnae terms offer- ed by Mr. . Wyse, and accepted by King Othe. were actually lan . severe than theft/ which had been atreed spat by the English and Preach MM• isle,, in-Landor. Mr. Wyse's stipulttlywa were: I An 'pilau Or en attack on the beat of the . Etches skip Phantom. R. The paymetact about e32, , Ar0 for the claims' of int.:Finfey'ded M. Pa o Ace, the pillage of tour locitus amid% at totems, and ill treatment of fear Inn iana'at Pawn. and 3 The deposit of about 523,000 to meet 'certain claims art M. Pao sea far the daineettoe Of papers connected vide demands on the Porttigave WS. testiest, is tame epee leatollmitton L abauld ap pear that each dummied/I were worth any't bit g,but which it was expected would 'prove valuelua.— The tenni forwarded from [Mud= were the same es teem is all vetoed., except that Gee., was to oey about 510 000 in lull of all dam, butted of 032.500, with the remote chance of tome farther payment •to M. Pao flu. To. make a• from thin source, yenned, therefore, ao frafroa.i. blip. There still, however, wu a last straw to catch a , . It transpired that the French messenger, with the instruction. from M. Drouyn de Lbuya,reached Athens jest before the uccoaddionei aurreader of Ring oat., wale the English toeaaenger to Mr. Wyse, delayed by Wen of weather, did out ap ten until It was too late. The Russian party in Lanka at once mixed upon this and Insinuation. acre iodustri sully pat forward in all quarters, and et the nine time transmitted to Pans, that the de• lay had not been accidental. aed that Lord Pal. memos had played fain. These attempts, how ever, were regarded sa too despicable to merit a moment's attention, and all vas considered lobe settled. The English fonds assumed considerable Emmaus, in consegttexce, and 'the matter bad been dienaleted from the minds of rill people, when rumors were circulated yesterday aterneen that the Preach Minister bad soddenly left London, and that his abrenecfrom the usual political din.' ma dimply Lord Piilmerstoe, on the previous day, ou the occasion of the grain's birth day, with the absence else of the }Weenie and Bavarian Ministers, wee to be antibuted to political Cans.. Bat nothing was poaltively bides on the subject std this mortice. In the House of Leeds, last night, the Marquis of Landedowne, in a reply to a (Weldon en the point, said that the departure of M: thous de Lh.nye . Her Majesty's birth day was purely aceiden. tai, and was to lid referred entirely to the desire at the French Goveromentto have the benefit of his presence in Nils; and in the Homes of Com mons Lord Palo:anon said that the Greet qUe. ties was entirely closed,and that altbriugh emote. stances had interposed to prevent the &effluent being nude through the good bilkes of the French negotiator, such a eotaunniattiou, had it so hap pened, wonld knee been much preferred both by English abd French , Governinents. "It is well known," be added, "that the French Ambassador went yesterday to Paris in order penoaelly to be the medium of communication between the two Govern:nerds A 3 to these tratternbut I trust iamb leg can arise out of these eireurnsuncts likely to disturb the friendly relation.. between the two comities." But the French mall of this morale; • ems thereafter in • fatigue aspect. It brings its. telligence that Geo. Lthitte, the Minister of its. ego Affairs, untouuciod to the National Assembly ?caudal' that, Lord Palmenten'a explanation. "not befog such in France hada right se expect," itiePritair'ent of the Republic bed directed the ns. call of M. Drouy a de Lbuys Irma London, .leay. Merneslesi aa charge d'affsthr; The,treachery at the hottom 6(1,11 tele will soon be exposed, and will probably be to Louis Na cmiaerimbat the Spanish marriage affair proved to Louis Pbilliptie. During the past week ho has thrown himself entirely and without reserve Into the habida of the reactionista 'He has; ten a pa ltriest dinner to the members of the comminion by whom the new electoral bill was framed, and has imapended theadjoint. of the Mayor of the 3d ae. 'entitlement, and slut cattails (Aura of the Na• tlonal Guards for loving signed pail:lona easiest that bill. Prosecutions and throats also have been launched at the Democrats with more malignity than ever, and the bast that 1.15,000 troops are now ie Pavia, and thee the nemher will Itracedb. &steely be increasedly. 150,000, are uttered, with every other espresslon of aggeavallonittat inn be devised. From* Rome, too,, the accounts come that the Papal despotism is sow supreme, and th.t all hope of the s'iglatest reforms .re ern:lnel. cad, ip.adm=tori even of fanged tewspoperip being prohibited, and the name and troops of Louis Na. peleon being employed to crush the faintest of tempt at resistation or expaelulation. Under theta circumstances sa active and unscrupulons aill. ante with all the despotisms of Europe Is mail. featly what ben Mattel at, as the Surest way of obtaining suflyelent force to intablish as Imperial ebeelation on his own account In France, .teward • which end a rupture with Eitgland,-14 dacnioll the antennae of the populace Might Mae ac Dn . portent tneana . . . In thus hoping to torn the destructiventis or the Red party from Its thrcurned assaults upon bin own government, be seems, however, to have reckoned In some degree prematurely. The exasperation against hlm and his ministers items even too great to besaddenty divert.) into the old and favorite elnannel of animosity to his country. The an• nouncement of the Minister yesterday was received by the Legiuttnigs with frantic delight, and all the I old war party, heeded hy suchmen as Mole, Thiera, P watery, Admiral Dupetti,, Thalami, Genemi Plangentlr'ri Larnohmagueline., crowded bound hint to egress their .satisfaction. The liberals, however, such no General Cavirrnae, M. Gonave de Beaumont, Se., at wall ea the whet. of the members of the left, manifested their decided opo position.. • in the letter of General Inhale to Al.I Drouyri do Lhoys, intimating hi, recall, an allegation sip peers to the effect that it had been agreed Letween England and France that tf the mission of M. Gros should fail, Mr. Wyse abouldrefer the matter 10/.00. dun heft= again having recourse to form "We hadreeeived'be esserta, oh thispolm the most forms Ontaniser, whieb.howevcr,have not beenolavrved." thatt.Reoceeda to affirm dial !be rini*getdoreed by Mr. Wyse were "far more riablaus' than there or the London convention, and announces that the demand that this oonventims should still he adopted not having been complied with by Lord Palmerston, it to go lope compatible with the "digegy" of iliiigendriepattglc dig tiL * Ira ya art i Xnalein ESgleadi.. l • , .... . •• ' •- . '. ' -I ;tireeiesia, will Seenbtreee pat jail id t 110.1104 . 4' 4 ClairienorUtrinightithe weak or which wilt ruck' ymiln te gaorrow l sl poem" These`witicemmaid omit (Mutest, an d'Your readers will have an et porternity of obsereboe from them how fir the bold clireMedronafineila Leldite: that Lord Palmer.. toe had broken t i 11.. ., moat tormal, promius,' .e warranted by the feu of themes*, '"se lint id giddy thinks that the world tarot Untie and it kapttene that id entry seegetieffon with Fuzee it 4 . 001, 71 , the fistsdrthe nation that msy be deal. tag with her to hatcharged with reifiey. Tee effect of the news oat the French and Eag. liah funds has been a fall of 2 per cent In Ise for. our and of one percent in the latter. Thera hu been et:cetaceans! exeleirdeat: ors the Exchange doting the day, brit tie friend. of Lord Palmer.. ton ore perked! duff dent that he will titomph. udy maintain the correctieesof hie whole comae of proceeding. • .The following letter, from Paris, shows how,the matter I. considered there: Pint's', ThamtleY. May 16, 1 haltpast 4 o 'clock. j I have this nutted named from a acaelon of iibiNatimiti Aaseinbly, after reedit* your leiter— A. stinoineement mede by ISL'lmbitie, Minister of Forego Affairk faimporient The French Min. wet hatbeen recall teem London. bffLabute's astmencement wan stru or t their worths "Gen. M demen—the urree M Placatory on the settlement of the G e h quation le en the order of the day . The cerement declared that It had demanded of the Eagheb Government an ex p'sration of its conduct. That demand hin been made and an aidleeet returned whzeh IC not suit fastory, nod the Preardent of the Republic, otter tekisg at,. advice bfhie cone I, hes ordered the reedit of our eimbissador at London.". Here be Wit interrupted for some five pilules by Cried of ;raw and clapping of hands, and the lining wee eurtmoded in The midst of an indiseribable donfasion; The /Welder remaittedmit the tribune talking with the Members who crowdedlaroond him. When the nein had aribelded a little, Peet Went Redeem called to order, and the Minister concluded Mil epeeeh by reading the letter he died sddrersed to the (Mach Miulater at London, rev Milling him and ordering him toleave his secretary there is charge d'affaires." . . The following ii the letter of recall refereed to, which was read to the delectably: To M.Drouyn del'Huya, ambensedor at London: PAM% May 14,1950. . I ffir—Aa Ih . ad the honor 10-announce to you. yesterday, the Council hot deliberated open the Sumer of the Cabinet of London te e the &mead whlch_you were ;instructed to transmit. My pre ceding despatches will have given you a presenti ment of the resolution et the government of the Republic. France, in spite of benevolence and puce, bed decided open interposing her grad of, , Ikea, with the object of terminating, upon honors able condition., toe differeneas which had arisen between Great Britain and Greece. It had been agreed that the coercive measures elrendy ems ployed'by the British Government limpid he cue- . pendek doting We mediation; add that if an at- . rangement judged acetplabto be the French me.. Maier should ho rejected by the British iiidirMili.ri the latter should refer for instructions to London before recurring !fresh to meeenres of force, We had received upon We lest point the sport f. ,,, .. 1 promises. These promises have not been kepi This do. pitiable cone 'qiiinee bad been the result: At Into vary moment, when • drain of convention, Eqp• tuted directly lead definitely settled between the Centime of Paris and Lohdon, was open roe paint or arriving at Ashear; vedette the moat es dentist koala of it were known to Greece, attack ed anew by the caul farce. 01 Groat 11,6111 ht not. cithatle.ding the heel, representation iof the French envoy, ciao obliged, to order to' enope complete rnic, to accept, without debate, the claim er' or an efuessteve far more dementia. On leer., lug this strange molt of our mediation, wo were wiling to see at teat only the 10 milt of come off e• vetioratudins. We weir in hopes the Cabinet of London, caulderfog as now etude faits regents. tile for ell the world, and Which had oaly taken place, by the 'veotailem of au estegensent rude .with -es, would abide by the drall'of convention which me had arranged welitkat Cabinet. Ton have been Inserected bemake that demand. This demand not having been mitt plied with, it hen *Poetised to re that the prolongation of your any at London wee not compliable with the dignity et the Repubbe Ilona Cheers.) 'The President has on dercd me to Invite yea to return to France, after havieg accreditdd M. do Mareactilohl in the goal. Sly of charge d'arairee, He Lae ordered meat the Some tune, to,cijeTeut to you all the satisfaction of the Repablic teethe anal, ability, ooneffintory and Arils eolith, which you have cormanntly dtrplayed *nag the course of a negotiation which Ems 'not owed ire failure to you. You are incrusted to read t ibia preaciat despatch to Lord Palmerston. (Fresh cheers) (llstded) "Ly Hlrt c," Ofp-lavai.ensia Ducomr.,—The In \TIMM of Ele- Landa Lnetrx disposed of his right to his great remedy, the proprietors, Messrs. ttidd &Co , beg Lena to offer It to the American. public ns the best remedy far manes ear offered. it has been tiled In 'affiliate of the eemory, and in:eases which had do. lied the exertions of the beet physicians, end never without the scomuoutelote success. We cannon pu, rents spinet Oar. If year ebildree exhibit the symptoms of being troubled with roues, lore sot • ..owl, hats, isca purchase • bottle of ftYLlnes Veruilfage, and f.hus •anye them paw, and perhaps their lives • Fm u 4 by 19731.d&WS Scald or alto Pow erica Ankl• Cured.: Mn Etaa—l sun desirous of making known to the pectic the great efficacy of your PETROLEUM is my own case, which wee a seven, scald of the toot and anfilet, span motoring the stockbag,Che skin Peeled of with to, and left nothing but the bare surface. I expected to be It'd up all winter from the elects of this scald, but we applied the Petroleum freely, by taunts of a Darnel cloth saturated set tVil; at first, the application was painfol, but in rivers ahem dote the pain abated. I had no polo in one hour afterwards- In fire days (rem the lime orthe *pp:tendon orate Petroleum, I was able to go to work. I tat apleasers In stating these {acts los the Innefit of other Inducts, 'and am detiroui that they should be made public. I would oleo staie, that I find immediate relief-by the etc of the Petroleum, in burns, hom which I anti a (reclaim .safeTei owning to my. hula.. .kind the engine. I would recommend It is the Melt prompt sad eel min remedy for bunts I hare ever known. (Signed.) - I(I CUE, Engineer, sharpaburgh, Allegheny Co. Pittaborgh,APOLlESlL , Dot WO bf Keyset A MhDoltoli, MO Wood street; It E Sellers, 67 Wood st 4 D M Dirty, Allegliony city; D A Elliou, AllOgbenY; Joseph Douglasi, Allegheny; also by the yropCletot, S.M. 0p27 Cans/ Quin, &moth et, Pittsburgh • LOGAN,. WILSON & Co., 129 WOOD ST., ABO*EFIFTLI, Have just reeeived loge addition. to their SPRIER 1,11106 OF.IIIRDWARE, CUTLERY, &c Imported by into packets froin Europe. and to which they would especially ball the attention of purchaser.; behevierrbeir very even- • sive stocks lied lon price. will give : enUte satistactlbe. maylf.dOrlyT ENCOURAGE( HOMY. INSTITUTIONS. " CITIZENS , INSURANCE COMPANY,. Of Ptte.bur(h C. G. lIUSSEY,rizer.• • • W. MARITS,Sret. Cifteo-I.7o.lllVeitir streni, In r6awnrehoam of C. 11. GRANT. . rPIIIi COMPANY Is now prepared to Inaare' oil kind. of Mega, on bosom manotaatanes, good. merchandise in note, and in Watteau vowels; do An =plc guiranty for the ability and Integrity of the hnitutlan, la afforded to the character of the Bit teeter., who are all citizen. or Pittsburgh, welt and favorably known to!the community for thctrprudence, Intelligence, and Integrity. Dnut...xs—e.G. Haney, Wm. negate), Wm. Lar Brew, Jr., Waiter Bryant, Hugh D. Ring, Edward Iferselten, Z. Kinney, B. Ilarbangh, S. M. Kier. ap..loldf Impreolessaietata to Ilasstibstry. DTI 0, 0. STEA.IINS, late of Beaton, ispropaced to manufaetute antEset Owes Tenn in whole and parte of out. upon Suction of Atmospheric Suction Plates.— collo la ewe Mincers, whore the nerve le exposed. Amer and residence next door to the May or'. office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh. girt* ro--1. 11. aPra , bion.F.ll. Eaton. 1610 • . • DU. D. nowr, ' - Deutbd.ComerorPourtb and Decatur, between • . ...11411rin T INTER PRISM. CIIUNINO r 0 VEL4-4 son, to NA clam at Oil. each, by 0 IL WIANT ticEss:—icon: I . Cl ..J. a e.l t the Datum nrul tlborao Dry°, sod for rain by 3 J u CANFIELD OTATOED-180 LCYAoI. for ute by P • /s_ l / J M CANFIELD IN SEED OIL-10 brio, a pare allele, I,r ebb , by I J QANPIELD_ IRE PROOF PAINT—III Ws fur ..le b y y }AJ II CANFIRL.D for ..lo bY JOIIN MeRADEN d CO: Je3 Canal Ilaslui Penn st SALTPETRE - 4 0 Inks cretin, In store, for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY & , je3 Nature. From ins S _ lIAD store HERRIN° In ore f*r We by ISAIAH DICKRY 4k. CO riOD all on hand, for onlo by yo NAIAD mot:iv k co • _ F IRE BRICK #, il vb, 1111% ICKITS kco OTTON-3 Ws, malt r lSAl d fur AH DIU baitim KEY &on hand CCO j'nb 67 L'lg h GstE"it far %WAN DiCgFV & OITUN BATPINQ lar eala by ' C I - ISAIAH D , CIZEY k CO VVAIZZANTBD PURR WINE BRANDY, malt G a l e, for medicinal ptiryo.on, for sale be gOO% Or wholesl by • MARIS A. HANYtIRTII gij. 'rho abovt genuine Wine and flrandY we. bought in Portugal mid F1•111)110 by miracle., one we 99999 nice them Oaf. ' • . Jal Naot.Ulf 'GIN, for itleky Ilte talbm,at tural, by :jey MORRIS k HAWORTH 9/mnos/az Ammosm-1 Juan: balyed tat sale by bOLIOONMAKER k. CU ft Woo.** K IB IL PAPEI"C" %taZ I SAK " ER & CO lIMORICEROOT-111.4motizafthati3 TEUPP9AIIiCE , Idbe..atm IMP be held into Cnoberland Presbyterian Cluareb, Math screw, this srresdnis,Jani 34, at !Wryest 7 sPetnek. . • - .Tbet ROT. Mr. If award, 9.00.4 thntsreb, is einem , ' to addtess the theeilre. • .je3 NEW 610011.10 ' A.TjTOL.II - ES LITERARY DEPOT, Third weal, opporim N. Past Oiled. lIISTOR V of Paadeania, by TbackeraY—part 6 Mahar:let tad Id. Successors, by Walburg - tan luaidg—complete. - Rasa - Fader. By Reynolds. Td 11, DI ickwood har May _Tao Was of Woman. DT Damon Shatrpeare —No 10. Canada!, By °eared Land.' 1/6•l4lflappelroell7N.c.l3. ==== Goodßoob. for Bummer Reading, D oy o u ot v .5 , 1") . N 12,. 2 . 731 . Irmo. Bel Co trot. Inno. Views Afoot Mao. Fairfax?. Tune. Irmo. Early result sties off. In North Amanita. Poe's Tale:—The Raven and other Podar. 12nin. Pictuld from Itali—Josseton. Inze. M • Moms' Letters. 120,0. Ilrerksionfs' 2 cola 120,0. .• . • oah-41ayo. " . The Backe lel ot the Albany. Itne. , The Bono of hie Fathrt—lllostrated. 110,0. Marty An; is Legend: For Isle by JANES Is LOCKWOOD: le3 104 Fourth street Q/LET011e:8 red Hamtlea. By.) T. Ileedly. • 0 The Women of the American Ilevolairen. By Bra. T Eller. •el 3. ' Aortal. of tia Clocons of Spate. By A. George. The Hliott, Fatally; or the Trials of • New York Seamstress. Castle. Bartlett. A few copies of each of the above works =coifed, and lox sots oy JOHNSTON & STOCKTON Je3 s 7 Merkel street trosi, .InortettAmericarl Corea:tele, copy,)__ BACON—NOO Ws hog round, jest recd. for salt by Jr 3 STUART . & SILL CHFESE-- . 100 LT.. on ttantl, to clam, iett stoma k: BILL 0110051 S-100 Zox otbre, .d for 'sole by STUART &SILL LIOT ASH-3 cask. prime r .tom t E jr3 T:am LUE-13 brla of tho best quality, Jost rre'd. and for sak at the Drug Store, comer or Sixth and • od street. Je3 S N,WICKEitAIIAhI OLLAND PietlsA Herring—Wi kgi Jam received, o new article In Wlv muget, tor wile by WM A bIeCLURO ACO a 25eLitia4 . ETHERELVA PIULFUSIEELY—A Eno assort TV mom Axst rec'd, for solo by KIDD & CO jel CU Wood Rt OIL;:-IID - fiillons for ltde by KIDD k CO H£1111.16E111)-10 WI Oast reo'd, arid far • la by 10 KIDD &CO POT. SII, tx.-11 critics Pot Atl; 1:6 his Chees; , 20 bags Patatois, reeg per Etd U'.-Lae, for sale lon, to else consignment, by Jc3 JAMES DALZELL Cy UM ARA Ulellpteked, for sale by je3 1 BCIIOONMAKEII te CO PARIS GREEN-20 ono, celeboved 1.1 bnad. fo .ate by )ea J 13C1100N5LAXER & CO XTRACT LOONVOOD-20 Setnford's, for svle E jet J BuIIOONMARNR d CO 01)13 LIVER 01L-1 brl pm brown, Rod mooned,' 1./ tor lode by • R E EELLERB • Jo 3 57 Wood oI JILTS OLTJE-1 brl empires best for sale by Je3 'lt E .IELLERS Ur /NDOW 133.A.53-30 boxes atones sae., 333 ir v prime order, for ulo by. JOHN WATT tr. CO 3e3L (betty street 1 3 , 1-AXSEED 011.3-43 belayd., In Com , oe eeLle by .1' Jck . ___, . . ' RAIN wArr &co . 'IAL GAUZE ENGLISH GOGHS, PilfrORES S of the Nation— Ports, E Sir %Vedale Price on Ea Pictuipoo. aro. Shelley's Work. rm. 'Moons' Priories' Treatise on Rail Deans. Son The Philosophy of lloctrusNaurra boo. • ADicuoriary ordrehltectore—Stuart. 800. Alchtter royal Magovine., complete in S TO!. Bvo phDritt. aid Baer lions. po.t 8.0. Campbell's Poetical Works Sono, Nor. .8vo• • Thompson's Scapa .Soper Nor. Soo For ea], by SAAINS D LOCENDOD t lest 101 Pisani at TEAS! T1E30131 TEASJ 'CUTE outer not Into tho Ilat of putfors,ve say orating :SS olioot Hundreds ef. Clint!,. Importers, Large Capital, Bought far Card, tin. In fret, we will not humbug in any manner or form, we .imply invite the public to cow Ire our Teas sink what they purchase elsewhere; r d. m the best method we know to aster. tam 'woo sells the 'hem and cheapest Teas in Pints. harp. We ore now sellieg Good and strong Tea at eti and 3ncents per fb. Aprime article -• ..• 73 do do Tho beet Teo it:opened Into the V. Sloes, it Low priced, tenoned, or inferior Teas we do not keep. MO Rain A HAWORTH Proprietors of the Tea Market, jrn • East side,,of nonfood. PUBLIC NOTIOIE - - - - ÜBUC netters 5 het thy given, that by virtue °fan P', ref of the Orphans' Court of Westmoreland, county, there will he expot.d to pablio vale, on Tata tiay, the 3011 t day of July nom, aa . the property of Robert Fulton, sr, ,deceased, the fallowteg real estate, vim— A oriel or ;meet. of latl situate to Sewickley 'invn.hiP, Westmoreland . ..My, adiolulog land, at Wlldem Carothers.'Philtp Flsher,•reinbald B. Mc- Grew's land and others, containing 118 Acres, more of less. Pale to tars plate on late premises when terms will he made brown by Robert Felton, acting Ezecutor at said deceased. By the Court. Attest: L GItAISAM, Clerk. May 31, leso.—je3va3iT TO DROVERS vErANTFD immedimely, SO fame young MULES', Tlf for -retch a liberal and fair compeumtion will be paid anon delivery at ROUIIDOUT or KINGSTON, Ne er. York State. Application matiocitherpentonally or by coutniceleation to the autweritor, will receive promptattendon. WIII,I , IIAttLAN Jelkdqt Tamaqua, Schuylkill ea., P.. ADIIIIIIIISTFLA TOMS. ROT/CI: PUBLIC mica is hereby gi•eta that letters of ari ministration bare teen granted by Die Register of Allegheny eo miry, to the underaigted. on the estate of henry late of the city of t'insbalgh,io satd guar.,. deceased. All perm,. baying Moons or re mands against the amour Of said decedent. are hereby requested to make known the utter without delay, and short, knowing themeelges indebted to mid estate, roe required to salt and mate - payment to the under signed. MAGDALENA 111ARTMAN, 111-LrillY HARTMAN, Fburth sr, between Greet& ossgts, ydristorrett,Alreghens KIDD & CO, "We recommend los Essay as worthy of general yd ne . i m bl o e n p g o . :: r ti 3 O! p amp to let that ba. een, beta 331V11111 Oath,. of Govan:uncils:M. Ahl LS D LOCKWOOD run poblieb,p a Thursday, .0 TVZ DIVINE Oalons or Govaromorm. inroad edition. Travel, md nom the French al Do blatant, by It. H. Baler, TI. It, of ...ton. I val. 12ma. je3 ' PLANK KOAD NOTION.. TConsentssionere appointed by ad Act of the 1. Legislamre al 189, to open bookA.d receive sobseriptions, for the purpose of constructing II Plank Bond "tutu Allegheny city toTht Xe 1 . , to Boller +ming, met on Thursday, the heth of May, at the Hotel othdr. Bon, In Bakerstown, ard the folloanng resells ton coos adopted. clot—That book. be opened orTnesday, the 9d any bc July next, at Bpang's *Mee. In Shater tourcsbip and on We nescay, the ad day ofJely, rt Zayre's - Betel, in Ockerstowst, and in Freda, the dthe kay of Icll, at the flute] ofJaeob 'deckling, to Butler; the purpnee of recrirthe subseription+ for said trn; :j b e Coa, h : b st o . o o k f . ca " ch b ga; P'' "dm °'''''Aek A. All By order of tho CoMmissioners, Whl BEATTY, President. Ilakeralown, Mop Mb, 1 9 10 —IcTerItAT TUE ASISAfiI TS& COMPANY. , 136 Greenwich: strew, Ane yank cht!lE proprtewra beg to cat; the aneonen of coo- tice an% ' nt * - rare sec o, sod the heads of lecuon of Tess imponed by. to tbetme, nod hitherto untnourn in this country, which, by lucts .fragrawo .1 delicacy, tombiCed with nrgin panty and stresall, produce an Infusion of surpassing rich ness .1 flavor. Tim Tees acted are the following:— The Jedao 13:oom, e Black Tea --SI 00 per lb Nlpbon, ' de. --• •0 70 do e Merl do 040 do o Osareo, a Green Tea —• •• • too dO 0 . Toatalet, do —0 4 do °,'..riekt-tsiaa do —• •0 00 do " 1104 Mixture, a compound of the MOIL .rare and choice Tea • grown on the knits god genial - ; sea orltssue•--.-•-•••• , •••• CO do With is IfieWlo once:two the Introducttokof these tombless 'rent; it to the intention of the prOprietars to distribute by lot, among the plaahosets,ale/tett). of tom egoist to We first Nent'S Profits on Itte natty effected. Each poethmerwill recege enclosed Ito the pack Ne,itcly,:le'deb'd7sfriti:olfin'fuor'eseen4tk,y7 lue to oo", and 0 , 1 the teeelots arnoenting to 11.. , ,te n :teennoe o r b . co-mine•d pel, Or Tex, to the valor a lien per cent; a, $2,000 Wll4. BE GIVEN AWAY; as Bonuses, &coo/L.1,1n the 101 l awing sc ales prixLsofElgorTze-sc . Lat tllz 15,10 tb oo,r 8700 to do 10 the eo do do ICC Wor I,IX , 105 do IS Its do do' do Mt mor QV 1.10 do 11e do op do 2.50 If or V= 4 , 13 Prises In all. ft,floo lb 12,000 Those persons who prefer lower priced Teas an receive their prizes in proportion,or Abel. will be re pute haled for cash, at a reduction of la her COOL pry -Country Arieets wanted. Applicatiosi to be ad dressed, pan paid, to the Contriuty , s Depot, ea above. ).3: FL Pennsylvania IIoapltal•;trinw..^,o,.4l h :n°,4„Tt foaI`PID,V, by pat ill the PPM. Id/17, (to dap) to the under. signed, at the Hans of Pit:enmesh, al natty is needed to pay coatraetOrs conhwala. Jet ,d3t JOHN HARPER. Tesr,nrer, No Vacation. 0. U. 1:11/1211111CRLINIS CO:II3Ik3WIAL A WRITIN9 ROO3lB • •eitee.lll remain op., during the Summer, both day and evening. Poplia in pen , • P•tee , ....;.. 'oinstop, wdl be received for any length from twenty :romans to three months. e , iee t, l ime, a. Lest Suit thotecouyenlenee. Lerma in ne r t o i i, r,egnente apartment, from to 4 P.lll. ant. deals In commercial and. eielmbont book beeping, boat day one ovenlne• .. Ynth tented t e e Sunk oiler taint, Should mike application Seen. Bond oar d Mortogre• For S.J.o ONE. for 1/5,0C0, oad 0130 for t 3,000, Irrelfsectirod by oily propcny. For paniculsrs Inquire or HERSEY. ~cl Nu M Woad circa 1010TATOES-000 bra Canada iron reed and for rate 1 - by mynt STILIAHT SILL MOE FIRDINGUAND .LEATHZII. Ad ward A. fleafrei, 16 Nona Calvert 4., mar Italticurrer rt.i Baltimore, (Late E. ()Mitre, Al:tuna N. Y.,l ' hIPOItTEIt of :4 , oe l in and Dealer in Leather, of various kind., Engin& and French nail* tench Calf Nkto., , Futent I..catherr, Morocco, rod, white, and pink comas, linings,A 0.. Laaticts, Francais. PIL IC UALlAXibiti AND ElllOUNS,l.ace*Webos, Moe Kole* Awl (lads., Hbei, THREAD , Tacka,ohoe Nada and taboo PEGS, of all Ivrea. E. A. U. heaths established Me above basil:lces 113 is enabled to Athtp goods South or Wut wbh too mutual despatch, and at the lowest prices. • Manufacture* dealers, and all other., may rely upon oLtsining every article Us the trade, of the hest qaalay, and on liberal terms. ErManulacterer of Lula, DootTreca. Shoe Tye* Clamps, attfropa, Hoot Stretchers, to. All Wassaill be promptly eiceuted Low prices for cub. A catalogue containing¢ complete Hat of every aniele in lbs trade will bo forwarded to those whf awe desire it.. • LOW AIM GODFBEY,I6 S. Calm' Et. nokylOnllna near Baltimore st..ll3altimore.• " chichia moat crag craw tor. calc O , NTlrard raticra, &diacing tiraDock of Pluibargb, LJ Wray reel ffom. by olllblY feet dap.. tory easy, and price moderato Enquire o WILLIAM IRWIN, maridtdirt 01 Diamond AlitYs (IREENWOOD -, GARCIEN6 - . , 71 MOTIVE. • . aNIFCI be. annoyed Corinne . of H Meth% th e bac, wid fipp.epeapythi the MiOgsrlto eidllatil .10.0t0 ploStable moters,/se• To prerantsachttWateatering. tranment Manors will be. fanththad 14*a hichei the entrance, for IC cents, 'thief+ will' De reed , . in the..toona for I cents in refreshment, ramify act et tor the seiren wig le furnished by lb! proprietor: The th e wilt be tarnished with:lee Crest.. Fruit, and all the delicacies pt sem., Th e garden ste amer, Hope No 2, leaTei the 'Phi at. landing el ogb nn F at h a day a n d erenicg. . . irostand cn.nae•nielt MMirka & BURCHFIELD lass : cturd • Paid. coma assortment of above soods,:of decirabl• colors.. . . A 7 Gitria TLIF, outotandit's Seiip of A,leglien7"City will be laeem , .bY. ERAIMEICA say3OvigvawlmS THE GREAT 61=1 Am:viz SA LE OF Ft Y GOODS. As the OAS BUIS of. • A. A: . MASON Si:. CO ":- TATILL commence on Almidaj, JaU6 sa:lsso: ry Their unmans* 'establithreent„ with all their 77y.,!essla,11oem., Will, on thts oeuslea,"be throws open for . Reran. Tuns, red all of !their !okrensire stock will be offered to retell purclaseraat a disentuet of from 10 00 90 per cent. tells than %seal pncea. THEIR tiTOWC OP 811. XIS Comprise aver Put hundred pieces, and will be sold at an loiiadasa ells- Tbeir tisoltment of Shawls, Basecealissue., Oren. , adines Foulard, Silk.. /awns, Mailint.-•Jaeonete. Cambr!es, and Doers Good. generatly, will be ckaag •ut immediately, at about one half the atoll ratea.! 11 Wes Fait Colored Lawns be offered at do Darrges. ' 4 do Muslin de , 10e Superior English and American CalicOes, , 10011 c. 300 dorm Linen Handkerchiefs, g, : er . A largo lot of IVetught Collar., some low tu Sc. Together with a completeanniety of Demesne and White Goods, Ribbon., Hosiery and Glares, Donne* ko, Ira in shoo*] them Matter [MS USOEUIVIII.* In the country, en will be marked dpyrn knell umn rem then at 007 of their prerous. Annlnd dales. Upr The Store will be closed upon Fri lay. 01.7 =h 31.5. for M. TattlKhe of MT*. leg and marking down stook. No van:Anon 11l Pk T. 931 A A: MASON lat3o CLENIX WANTZW, A tiNG MAN, tabu tad wrTitn band Ai d& n and who is well acquainted in fae . city. will find a permute:liana:Won byarplyl?g ROM lii NOian'a Telegraph Office, St. Marla. Ilatter. . uis3lA3t flODLlVEßOlL—Janneeired: a freilt loot Ronk um, Clark a Co% graahla Codliver ,, Oil. lay sale by tayat - J KIDD CO DADSSIATED POTABSA—hat reed ind for We by moat • J KIDD &CO T — - - OBACCO-10 kegs No 1.0 twist, pedre Brand. receiving per sicarner Warblnguen, arid 6r elle by mlOl . • lAtl pALZELL TMALBOT VERNon—A knot:tog Notel,l2 e eib, Juane:a see for sole by mat JOHNSTON ea STOCICTON In mn or lmn - -ATIJART PILL IF IL ;n4i _ • - Valuable and extensive 'Water Power-JO let on 6moral:4o. ternkes T , Wei:IA.SH NAVICAT/ON.OMPANV, are I. now prepared to lease the Water ,Power althe Brand Rapids, to an emount andielenttp piopel.foar hundred pairs of AMR same- The Jorstion' is based upon n rock foundation., and the power eon cone. Meetly be applied on both silica, oftlro riVer.• The brate of the White River asereli as therWabaah. coo e ten th ly furnished at , MN point While timber. iron ere, and ecal,.tin the 'vastest ribelidinse, and of superior quality, lan be easily prOcurpd throligh the tame eountry' Trans—tbe hundred dollen per vinare fora pow er sutielera to mope l n tingle run of Medium shad mill stones for a period of fifteen years; v. 10 1 ,1110 right of renews. , on the capitation of the lease, at fair retention of the power employed.. - The the of the mill or or anutactory included, !without farther charge fromthe Company. ,By order of the Directors, - ALMER_ I President of the Mf.N.Co. Vrxerannn 1, May 9,1E30.. int3unea CHEESE—Pap Sago Cheese; . ', • Parmesans doh, 1 : i Gtopre do; , ... 1- me Apple ' do; , . , fr .:i . ~ ~ Imitation Etglisli do:i ,' ' :- ' • rTtejler • Ree d eTtie ' ld , • ''''' Fiir sato by ' ' ' • WA! A 151 LIIRO . A. CO m 731 , WO Liberty scree p HINTING PAPER—LS =zoo 52z112 22 do r1a:161n; • do MT/ to; 23 do 21119 1, do 051291.a; -, d* Inztiein; On band and fox aalobr AU M031.1,311k. Cfl; mynt .No TO Wood wart BY VIRTUEed &decree of the high . Court ef Chan. eery. the entscriber, as Trastee.wiLl offer= Irlb he .sale at the Fachantee, cm THURSDAY. :Yoh day of Jane—ALL TRAP Firf.w. OP S PAR . ..a. OF GROUND AND 7iitristed tithe city of Pittsburgh, in the State of '.•Pennrylvania, known as Lot Number 12, in ?Tide. , Plan of Pins. town. Allegheny county, beginning _at the comer at Illation street nudes Fanner'. and Meehan:o*T. , ' pike Read, tanning thence westwardly, and blentrg on gate road =tempt! sin feet eight and a hell inch. es, thence so,therardty one hundred and twenty (let so a nrcuty.fourloot alley, thence eutwardty meaty plty.eight dent eight and n laltiaches, =epee corthwardty to the place of 7 4 ,egian , nr. Oa the hold Lot is erected d two story Fran= ullk: • • Toe o terms or rale as prescribed by the deem are one growth cash en the ear a sale,..nd the rem altder In canal instalment= at six, twelve; and eighteen months, months, to be seemed at the encon of the Intrelimr. JAS. MALCOLM, Tssetee, No. in Lexington suet lla Umoser 11/1.30N A CO ,'Auctioneers;, • Plats or the aborts descrittowllpropettY may be gran atria etßewif the Trustee, en nod adaythe drw. day ortaste—flair. Ann, • soy3l4torta • . . NEW STOOK OP •- cfPfil crttcxscruswk PlA.Niars. rJTOILN AfELLOR, • Na.. of Wood • sock, has eceived, and now opens for examination , arid ea's, • now gook of Piano Forte, from the celebrated manufactory orJ Itickerind, litoston.t3 ',- Teachers and amateurs are ropeelfally Invited io OZl.llllee a very beututal Gin= Pmafir. received with the vOnte, wir:U t 03T—On Tuesday ereoici, the 18th.lestent. en Ls the bank of %ha Canal, in (Thant stteet.or between Ali a and tend street. a. small Huntlng Cesed Gold Watch, with adore Mal. soda shortgeld drab, - The person finding them will be suitablt rewarded au bringing them nt Mr .1 B. MeFaddertchlurect '<feet, or to the office of Teen & C.PCennor, coiner of. Penn and Wayne menu.. 1, toy3o Nacioaront and Verwareollt. FRESiI-IWi.n Motel:mad wd Veirtacellidor .ale by my 33 " ItlcSyliG it. Cu . . . Idle °molls fog D 'IUTUBPIIY & 6ORCHFEELD tiare‘reielited a full /VI supply dell the various kl — d. of White D'oods for Ladies , Dresses 11{1011 as r • Scotch Null., Mom 141, eents op to fututi Owl. plain anti figstratnt Victoria Lawns Nansooks and /sonnets;, 7 r Plain Jackonets,tsoft finish; Besides • large assortment of DabroldermapArn.,' edmy3 t, Larynx, Dames, Thisuesik.c.,very ohms, Inn. Silk ttarairilp • • OR vEu-s--A 11FAYpInTila CIiFIELD. , lity2o Northeast COOICt of Fourth add Mark - et .ts Greenwod °ardent,. ' 711119 DELIGHTFUL o 911.11t1Lelf. ./LETREAT Is A now In fail operation, and eappded loth GI the delleames of the tenon. The mcaMer Hope No 2 nun ea atemnar packet from tho city to the Garden.— leavlng the foot Of Pill sneer at 9 &Moen fa the mark ing, and at the beginnier teach hoar, entil 10 at nizttt —Sundays exempted. ri intozlowing ; &Mks kept on the premix* myno _— 1850. ' Port Plat Warkait 1850 Corner af CPHano. and Etna arena; ruu, Ward 015-ao/aciaa, THE E= of Keep It Tonen sou disiolvert clothe 3d ofApril lau,by the area of Wou .],Totten. t..}talit• Knap, jr, basing po ranged. the Interest of the Ice ttm. , ll 'f °sten, In the faro of plop &Totten, and formed'a co-partnership with ht. brother, Teas KneP, 017. ss ill continua Lae rarsinetiref the concern ender the name of Keep ,fe 04:, and will aettle all claims espied the late film, and rectal:tan debts and demands aerie, to toe tame. my MI es LIFE ussuaLispx.. J. Vinson 'Jr. Agent for elm Penna. hill Inswrox# Co, ojPF.Ja. PFiIE of the Welded Insaranat' Compaq No. U St Water street, Pitts-61.4h. ' '3 ,-- Pamphlets, 'silk •Il ' necessary Inforremaiba; and blunt terms 1•111 be (molded. • Husbands eon ituntrora that lives fir the betroth of their wives and children; creditors are Urea of their debtor. _ Tire whole ongt. of the Company di'"datt. among the holders of Life The divide:save( the put two bean 41115 bee n eith.' ty per eft earl year. m 1314 pOTAS 11 , -2 casks oatng my 2.3 Corner of Maul aratrSizth Itteas MANGLIIESEIbt , hiraaie - d — rfliTaa r inEn Dreg Store of ON WICKERSHAM,' ' iny3o Corner of Wood Itreetn SAL. SODA-1 ea.k received end triteate Drv' ' tay3o • S N W/08E12361A11k Meld YAIGNE AND CLARF.T vrnms, of; eq inalillek, kept coestantir otl bend, '34i £Ol sale by • CIILDERISONI • micro P t e n :h . Vit , L'Llik< b gar"Jon d rgn`d u co r , Liordeaux, kept corium:illy on hiuld IVA far yyIYI)T. my2o ' A a;ULTIERTSON CORDlA4S—Absintb7r, f,7e: on hand an 4 for ento by la y3U ACULBERTiOti LOCIBVILLE LOIE-100 bble ati.imard and :fr tale by ! naySo A CULBERTSON Ml= J . IIST ItEogIVED, at rho l'lttsbargi ElaPtqm eery and Tea IVarehonse, i ..• , 6 casts Fresh Oysters, in da ettaK 6 do .: Pickled ' do, ' to qtja.erl . , .. . .. 6 do , do do, Ia NM do. .. d . ot 66 l 'The *bore : Verdi Opcora arm Pob.Le • end P . , to a highly concentrated reap, cock:wed/a ttpcood!tajr ly wain ekitt. and Brill keep mach lelac eon al ova pat no la the ordinary WO' i . a. , p ,• : •' ' Foe ode, Te I " '° '4° ° Vire .111. multi° k , -,. mrz. v4B Libeny it ' • ...—:--- ........._,....._ VALLORDLE Legatee Writing 9 vela .The Auterican Loya s, bou, Urn.. Sabine, To 2. Eloqo.oCe of the Cooed ittatnat tel to. / • The W,lonan of Wastdortari, 12 vol. :2 to. 1 • Itddretth BuLoty of eta United.Btmeas3 anetc Ws II iPlOry ad., United States,3l,l. Tb. of frantlin, 10 vol. 8 va ' 'Atronnuen tte Cernmennualib Engliral;a thi. , • l'resnotes Ferdinand and Isabella, VOL B TS. .Rotlent's los orT of the World, 4 val. 4 For deb? .11.8 D Loorg WOO D . eeakmlicr and Fount it 00aPAUTRIZBSIIIIE I}RAVE tat OVAL CARR Into osiOurro*Oorith lo my burl**, which will fro* rile Must* carried an undendis ammo of "John Porter rOck... Hatch 10, isso.• . ' _ JOHKPARYER., j ' h° P‘ .70111 PAILIVWC• Cakt ws4 , 1 Graarrs Dealrs ie*Feari gs Wiss,,Legtras, ph l i V Mlki t ancßiroird Assby. 4 , , A NO. A CW4 , 4ll),!ow, u rt t t 4,.. mr2l ' Ortllys: AA Lkukitil.—lubtlaAtcohof.A Isaa, :I mart{ JOHN 7..0 111 AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE! Levee and nuot ger C. 8. PORTER rains ADYINIiOS • 'Thep Circle and Parquelta••• •• • Second'and Third Tiers CranteT froreatareiveriffen -- 95,....y t curBBBle. rise. .88 c , o:clack. • • • •50 tell, 21 MrLan nicht 'at Mi. r. 51'BRIDE Trill appear. Monday, JaJamiCatell ULIUS C.ESAR. Title ' Mt IVel4 +•din 'W.Nithlamtp roner Mark Antony Calpaanua ,: To coacittee With BOOTS' .11M THE SWAN P,lth Bally ..... Toesday,Bonelhof SIT Onsv TOCifi,llllsllllllBNTil COSCEIR • • Brgi,LocairsTl 130 *-- irISEADIO.6ICA lUM P` N A, liisfissi town 1 or imununing thatherSECONDand LA3T,CON• CFRT.wdI take place oil MO.Nlll.Yurealug , June 3ia, 1P71.1.3UN8 HAM Sho the tithes pleasure liter° sushi& bet Mends and the public general that in order to rendes the r.iree mine bsilliabstod saried.shr. haat:Ade &minge:lms era .the distinnmsheil. rein,. Mtn. Sutou, the eel.. boated Frouels Monk Pane; bed, au, r i,,d fp:on Pilifi•flao will make Welt senotrl epee.- nate° before a Pittsburgh aciiri nee, on Ibis Occasion. Inte • will. also bs assisted by borbuabagd, &ascii rp?.Por • assieslars.see ism') bill. }s3 TITTABUROII. TIC El.ll- LECTERN MANI, 403ix.b, ruktio-i9trara - wg.'. OPEN XMILY, :from 'l3 .14 hf. Athol, don to Mouton: cid Loans f100t0,13 r Resent...! 0ftt1.1.3) cents extra. • • • • lea • • • (3REAT• :ATTRACTION4 At, Phu* Mat e nab' El v. Wei t • AltiiAledk. MMiPt.tiCEli will Prmni to:,:1;ad re. Sad Gentlemen of Pi tisbarsb. same ryFee desfal utd amuairug cepa ri meats creY wale Wlienv. NaCe hero Lest ha hae maple: Meat Wet deg.] • llwarnnes. Mole Boaceae and IVsecaquifxss44, The °MAGIC .bIIRIIO - 11. , *111 be 4-„ bi d a asseni e. see - any Lisad,abept orpcesent, lead ar litmg;. • •- ..• Adralalion,4s cents. ' Doors open at 71. o`elsetti Lee:Art.4M. Itlw wAsIIINGTON 137 & 139 'Wood •Straiti 910111 , 9':547tia. 211 AT trlertild - csuxbltshoaeat 11, now 90*eicd• .Ipr dent. it nkbll ..named !or 0 :m04Y , , otofes,Extdbl9Ons, de. For •onn, apply 10 .• .10/1$ A prizstmo,,l% . , • 137 Wood st." new lECTURES on Art and Postai, Washington /Cu.. T ton. 7Zdited by It II •, , • Slabs. to the (101 l Scalene and Seen. by Way. BK . =soder* Tielmsonol/ coition, with onsottous Tbes , Ration. lesmtly, .or tbe esti ill•Nerw , York Seamstresses Dr Charles Unseen. amber of "IL. Conviet , s Ore, The Psalms, tranvia:Leif andosplalned .Ity.l A S Alser• ander. Profess. or in PrineemrsTbeolottleal Serniasny Taleert mid Vernon, Pant/shed by.Dakeria net. New-Vert: The 800 .,n together will a. tans. assorusenVof S S uia.rt ts, for sate by 'A. II ENOLISIVA Co, m r 3o • - • .... , ,leortl•Woral a ran .0-HoT ion Is tr,' ereby when , that oaorabout . tha:Nh orAptil, the subectlbe re , 1.. alltbed that. at Wellabarg, dao folloulpg , tete., vis:—A note drawn. by. G. A. Ide.rtin,'pe_yable I 7 oar order, dated April lith, at .4 Meths 'for 1473 CA a. note drawn . y Jobot,O. ri.f.14,..1110 . 1inf0 Lod time, far Slit. a, and note diem by John WittACo , In (noon or JMn, S. Mute% - and" re-endorse 6 by U, 40. , d Ann] Dth,. Nor MOrAbl,fo;Bl74.. ,The i'aovia.r.otes were never 7,.eived by no and this 'll to tended „ad ponona .asalnit. Witting:for. or ikylog the Mme, a went ot them boa hoort Copped, IrARUGII snr,l9 ! InGekTigura3 Drain r:11:17 2..IIOEtt:IIFLELD lava santlyestitlp .llll. ply a 'newest stYtes"figtwed - anorslnpai Dena 'BUIE tape , r plain !leek dig and IntigyTie4 *IS& Cranes Patent Compastatt . Wtiati:2ll.lx. etLedaSaldenthaamrttrpFtfih ed bp the 120 been falre nmenee end, bit Cranes Patent Poen. patented , by the N a n Erse . Give to Laketerionlor * awash' lab And Nan dant lAttlf• let rdor!, and tee da all thensees nee teNto world tereda.beskletet. idasuftetaretived.Car.tale at the elialdast ann. elf CEO _-Wrf REWAArnt,. 63W00d et, between ?laird d - VddrPt • • A' RE uo. rcreiving, by ea•nir Inge tappbe . s, Efxße Itbo+ , B IDeIOOTIIICDIieIe r /IDID glass 'ltal. soap r metes' Ink quality and b4h lett, vtir..ll seL at tbscartnarkplirkoor*p{nb or it,Orovtd bAts '1 1.1.. B: in •ddlttna lq ^the *bore illefitiF ,DS/DLIMILIA ID ant'', kir toll DADS. .• "7: : irlaTO szvbarro zranri Ptarics. Corm DlaLcg anfYlate Ant. second Anal. .-_• ' • 11e013 A Et/mason:le upright Wan% with _ Ft dune, 6 netase4, 4.1 In•good order A plan ai octave Napo. ...•••••:••• 43 MO 4 4.3 . 0 ovese ' g. 3 c , eve [lino ... ' -4-- 73 00 good 3{ °M, ° For tale by. 1)0fall- c..k.'prime - quality rerrewth ot te Tin • am-., and ' fornle ' • - ft Pt SEllt.,Eatt goalie G1.1117 - - - Taiile — eirciTtorct qa - altyrier tritleibk_ . /OLIN lUMELLUR •• el Wood - - Rwr .. rli l A N , -4 b C_ F . r . .. F. y.28 t1,60 fin . Cod:ce : L4l - zige , ;,61. 0 11 1= —A b" vt—ervrlititaittlY B'wort-4%pr° ibcsaerni Sti•n!dernatialaiagid, d for taleby & W• lIARBAIrana T All Et—to hegit lint '2l/ biis,in - iiiriti.l6: yrillii 1,1 lutlW SA W HARM! I C 1422-3°° I 1' 1:A ;ird.: eints.44 nn c, T nd fey Web; " 'S 4 NV- it4REI4IIOI . I • bltd. 0h1614a; n 4014.10 far icibi 1 1 0 3 " C P' 3 , • • •WM it .701444 TUN 112 Seetind +11;- 4 - 151Wilt.NLO dea eertt Broom. tereele by ma)2D . .yirh l .ll 4' rINE t i R 7 d eel a . cider fet eide Y. OMft • J-gm..tePl.rEupOue...forralahr 1 T A!!D, OREASE—MibrIs 'sic,to,l Latd . i - • • bticGres• .Ir.ding from Ettamet paphmare, for sale . DICKEY-fr.C• -1 _- •• , .::!:tr ' 4H- 2 ttrl . I G= eb% - ' - 6 , 11' . , L i t # s ' .; 20 bet Dalt:more do, ..tltt rlo Shad; •• ' • ' 13 b b sb.4 ' mom owl far In 0 , 7* 3) hi ris d, - in 1311(11 ) ;N:tc XII).K.L'AVEI,C . , intif 0 . 144 I.illarti , st —.. At qt Ith m re,sth for sale:Air RmeT I.IIIOAV N k. RUMP ATIVCX • porxre ,, ls—lc.towels lon g .73 be Nef h.° avo !mow N A hIIIIsIAT6IC[. -- oh T °I 'CCD -12 ra GrdK6 & E's cwirioo kl. tor sale by SAWA'S R AllifirotTßlCK ie 1 ACON -20 hhdo Primo Shoulder, for We i liv' BROWN XIOSPATSICSC HENI P-8 4 , .. les Biotin,, mitt y, r Mate by' , m.ITS " MOWN & 611111PIITAI -Fr 01L-14 bee rre'd r Wel y • . ARCIWN er. Jr9 . 1..A551E23-10 brit 8 H. on hand, ter ittri tal m.ra • UROWNin c curniczeit - • - SLTGAR-15 hbds alaidied, a biaitlfil,ii,3C44ot. hund "Akin Bala , - ..14V ' ' T AR; -20 brie now Ltodizg t for.sile hy "pr y } ' 7 16d111.a.AZ1E10176 X.LTICHATIrIni A NNUAL of Scionallo Diferiviry.l2coo.FV 211.: Noble Deed, of Wolooft.:43Ola . , • Ileroicesof tee Illisfionory'prozprioo, 41414:'.. Afoonotoro Ittstofr of/L.4 10 .a. 1,,20 . '•,. 1111Man'o Gibbon's, Rine_ Moo. .Tie Optimist' Itf ToCkem..- Goldomith's Mlfeellonoooo Works. , '...1 . 1101 . .. , Liat0 ' The wa,k*otlo.o=4Woods,D.OVEY€4 . Lift: }Vert: Poe: ' ' Holmes , room , ,Litoo. ..•., ; • Far salt. JANTtfr InfsC**-bOD may • Ilookootter.d. Ifoporter.'lo4Pourrivio. 'lrket - A.9H—frf cook', lost' reed, ind l''jZf.o.ilo )137 X" mayss. , '-. •• - OffflON. 1.1171.17. aIDWAIIE PAPRR—Veliffiam. and of Una Ilnii);for oatldtialappers.; topapuwww47 pap(1,12,15.17i11it andlnjnelitilgotirp,-sepi In - szorc,so Alq aim )pinen. fimhbed .at non :morrl7 • .....4..6,1106N1atit7J111-Cp• QTgArtWRAPLINP I'APER-4Co - raso tietmleL r for - • SCIIOONMAKEIR d CO_ Su --lconsror IQ° $ tZlircl mr. , ..J ammo:oink= Leo T Od 001}-.111 b , etOP for sala by aayDJ•SCHOOMItth raItIVOL-15 b %ries gro wad, Ter tile 141 — ~ selluOrtbialCiar. JeCO CLAY-111 co t4.7 --- *roim canal, m rt: hr • • d lsla -' • • ot 41013ENTS6N k-A.EnTirr • • ' Linea*: & ceratee of roles. .ad Market ste, hive' Jae( secelanfil z a inepply.of.exua ace Iri.h Linen, I.l7l.lltett palm a.. to seta. ittetaniite&te lutentlon of dett&t&Zh • ; ' Tratteciy Passlaiaii4 • %/11.111.11, & RCUPIE,LD have Jag- et J.v&assortment of Fuer Caaskaarea,, adaiaalAT rontlemen'a soma. &nu. alllOteoPa, french• clot.: Bann and' Fumy Xestaasc. sebtea t , (lily les Lad ;1461k rocket flandlterehlefht Finer V_lnte . .I7lesebell- *ad Unbleached Cattoclif.....leul. -"RAlted,, usat Uloaes; Cam% k• M.Th. uclOctulullVl` •at taw pries. far 9. 11 4 , ', •'' •s • ." _ . C]..' ??I h l7 1 ::V t P. l ighVg: ce ecrtperyvt. ' . , VarLO Polka wna• • • 3.CASFS Polka Letwna., La moinds•lrata recelved per 4,49 MS% Ind now epeningl 66 q • • • A A - MASON'a •p Mirk', an! ONNcm Lawns, al 120 pat 'oar tmi caw Gingha 1 tam plank Hamel da Lantz ' a nerudestrania article, Tie tund Ws M ' y and opanna ;In , .-, 1 0 - m_alva .• • - -:'', " A A . MAMA A C°rAL, VAllNL9ll—dlnlalnalia7„--,-.A.-. all/ 41—M bantla Alm, for mad by - :: 7-57- 'CV 'lmiaM. ,' , ',- • ' .t - :,. J MR - At* . OtYal.qi,zl.?=44% , '