The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 01, 1850, Image 4

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ar•savrar. itkotiner er Naldan tame. •
211,118 amboteless HOTEL. has been leased _b7 IM.
oattsarlbtr; Wilms been completely reattrA
mom alqratit mover. • jet:F . additions ere
m m
notde.l l Nsb. when cam talorill Make it the
• mat extenshaaiotel blew York. ;lila itamittersel.
amino of en ptomieter; to make It equal - , in every re.
epecyb g,ig gum Nome Lathe United etaiea, Its la.
mama le the etom desirable and tent:al in the city be..
la the fashionable part-, of Broad May, convenient
to all the palate boddirgsplaen of amementent, ottul
• tattiness. Onteral rot le liberal patronage received
tam hL 'mom friends!, while et Caraberl and, had, .
sad snore ten:ally at the 'Weddell Ileum Cleveland,
onda, be sespeetfallf Wither c renewal of theft tratron•
age, for hie new establishment. at New Soar, and.
begs to mare them that rem eon on hispart sOtli
be ton adm inf to them comfort and Memos.
S. ttAnNunr. •
New York.—ltneht•7n. -•-
mmq 'REED HOUSE, as3o
Q. 14.1311E11, Pxoprletory
• •.‘
Syntarr, Erie, Pa.
OMIER.U. STAGE OFFlCS—F.astero, Weston,
and :Sernacern Btopm, leave, ads !mole. dolly. Cor•
rbWo. to am fibn tltezzo ant Potut bO O % GraLs.
M. W. K.Ermitte onto, mertcwo Er* -1%.
G. W. Bum. wrath* Samsun Ilotel, Ohio.
• . tbasd - ausd Mills for Sala. '
JLFLOURISO HILL, end, fan! ran of stones—ow
are ahest locations for business In the wear—coda
tato Sow/dill, on an almost never falling gram,
and le area of Land, good Aren't.; House, Ten=
. • and other Improvements, nitnaterl nevon mites
own t,a Obio Ithter, Alannsa Conran Ohio. Also,
news the atone, a btaaufal Farm, yell Improved, eon ,
taint/4140 urea. For toms, roc., et:lonize of
area 'll2 Second at, Plush:melt.
Great Americas lll•chasil sal Work:
D. Appleton & Co: ,-New York, &toe In course olpale•
in ruin, pnee twenty Aro come teen; .
• -
L E I lilarkists, .211chaim, Engind Won& andEtt
goaartng; dataaosed 'Praotteaf Wofhng
Men, and awe intended .for the. Eng..
", • oaring .Podialann.
MUM WORK is of large ha. ame., - tna mill contain
.1 ma mama nom, and awash of at room.
taro LLLTIMILVIONS. It mill Nevem workinhodral,
lora ad de:cannons of the most important wahines
in the United 13m, Indepen dent of the reralta of
Americanretm in fm Nenagig u MahTner7. " .24 l dn e o l fa nn o e ft,
and Eagineerlng; man all that is 4•151121 la more Ma
one thomand collars worth of folio holm., maga.
Linea, and other bah. • •
The great olden of, lids publicanon Is, to Mae be.
fere practical nen and students each an amount of
theoretical and selentUle knowledge, le a condensed
forte, as shall enable them to work to the beat adv..
cage, and to scold these mistakes which they might
otherwise commit. The amount of useful information
mss brought together la almost beyond precedent in
such works.: Indeed, Were is hastily any gulden
within its range which is not treated wtth such
nets and premien, that even a man of the most ern..
nary capeeity cannot fail of understanding it, and
thus leaguing from U moth which it is important for
plat Th e publithieri are, in short, determined, regardless
at coat, to make the WM k as complete possible. and
It is hoped every one desirous to obi...the work ' will
proctre it as bested in nombine. and thus encourage
Von enterprisn
The work will be lamed in semi-monthly intothe
eommencing Yummy, , and will program sate
great rerularirf ,
The whole work will be pithlithed in 40 numbers,
at e ants par numbhr, and completed within the car
rent year, • A liberal discount will be made to
Any one tempting the publishers, t o advance,
Well receive. the wart through the post olllese free of
°plateau. of O. Pavan
"To our onerous hl.afactorers, Mechanics, Fn.
enter*, .4 • Artisans, it trill be amine of wealth-e
Previd.ce,4lLP .thwee.
"Young tosn, orni Yearselves mend knowledie.--
We can with .ndden. recooar readers to
passim theme'su of its .mbers as fast as they op
pear..--Amerrican -
"We unhesitatingly commend the work to those en
gaged in or interested in mechanical or scientific, par
moo, es eminently worthy of their eminunation
(ICI%) Budget. • .
It is truly i s great wore, and the publisher. de
serve the thanks of inventors, machinists. and mane •
rectum tourindeedef the Maeda generelly."—N. Y.
Independent. ;
"This Dletionarywill be highly nonfat to preened
mechanics, and valuable to .'all who Noah to acquaint
themselves 'with. the progress of inve neon 'in the ma'
chant arts..-4few,Lientoni Daily telethon. ' •
"Truing mechanics ought to keep poured op in the
oretical as well ai pract en knowledge, arcd the
wort will sheathe:elan how they .tend."—RozbuTy
Mosul Advertiser.'
l stake it to bojast the work that mores and hun
dreds grout Inteligent osmium". have death.' to pas
- msg. pas-
Bo ample ore its dethriptions, me rue fall and
111/1211t0 its atreclarauena, that it emanate ea that any
mechanic might eentract.y combine it dem dace, en
the amen!, oflts engravings and ttistraelionaa—N. Y.
Cloreaserend Advertiser, . ' •' ' • •
"101 intsrosied lir mechanics 'should t•tii them
selves of its sdirastages."—Setorylltill, (Pens-,) Jour
nLL• "
..11 work refeitensive practical utility and great Im
portance and macro to the rspidlylocreartng tnterests
of the country. •We regard the work as eminently
calculated - to promote the come of selence and the
mechanical arts, and mdlsseminate valuable laforata ,
Vim on themsableeten—Penner sad Mechanic. • .
• "Practical men in all the varied walks of mechani
cal and mannfacturime induzur engineering, te4will
Gad in this work a tremor* which itwili be to their
path to possestm— 'hey Daily Whig. ,
"We km carefally permed the numbers, and bane
no hestuaien In saying that it is the best work for me
ckardes,lndertnen and' scientifte mar, ever pablich
red, for It contains dinate information. every brunch,
of tho mechanioal arts and emcee., expressed in a
style and language intelllgiltle to any reader of ordi
nary eapaciry.”--tiloueester, (blau,) News.
We are sure we are doing the mechanic. of. Dior
wieh and other plats of Cormeetleat a arnica by
brie/deg the ;rort le their aucall --on."liorwich,
(C 00..)
It saCti i'vrork nI vier) 'mechanic should
possomo—Freelases JeamaL
We consider Dome of the meet asefol utdimportant
frubboutions of Meade. N No mechanic con afford solo
without It."—Nentrars, (N. J.,lCommerclni Courier. •
'Of all the various publications haring for their
jest the elucidation and advancement of the mechani
cal ans and sciences, none thusly have seen, is no
tall of protein:as this."—Buffalo Cont. Adv.
elt is the best end cheapest work e 'modeled' to the
eselennatt and practical engineer and =teatime. The
views are licautifelly execated.u—Wuldegion Globe.
"Thu great Dictionary is one of the moo useful
works ever pabliattedtur years, nod the low mire et
which rt ts sold snakes M acceptable to AlLn—Bomb
regard has eke of !be most cougnehisalse
valuable, as well as cheapest works east published"
nOight to be takes by every One dealrtag to keep
pace'with the movers of art and ■CICCICI, tueverleae
orals labors of civilised lire,n—Roadout Cornier. _.. .
I 1 Is designed after the prlardp;e et' Una's Ihr.teen,
ry, .oly that It Is more devoted to the al and:
engineering prod:346ns, and above l is valuable'
At scum:o'l+las far Jimmies. what fit has dorm (or
England, Ws t neseriblng Amerman , 71.0. 1 .Frt 7.3 d
wort. orart.”—Selentifie American. .
publialted in heathen, and at a p ri ce ao mode:
nte, looking at what is contained Meech number, that
no one who has the least interval in sock marten,
need be detailed from procuring it; aid every one who
does so, will find that he Lea in a condenmd form ST
amount of instruction which violator be obtained, if at
an, only by Arm purchase of very M• 117 volames.'t—N.
Y. Conner and h.qalrer. • '• •
'?he eommtlernrivenent with which the.sublects
ern treated, adnilinbis 1211111. r in which they.ate
iihrstrated, conspire Mauna this one of the moat deal•
mtble wnrkt'. Demoenue Review. •
"Phis wort should bent the hands of every mechanic,
Imams, and mannfacturer, especially them who have •
the least aspirations to excel in their respective basb•
lancet. We have carefully examined It, with a view of
recommending it to inventors. To them we would
ny In the strong language of the Dlbiro "it is val..—
Baltimore Invennore.lonmaL
Nalco b 4:4* asbugina
lithe foregoing advertisement is inserted five
daring the year, and the paper contain it seat to as
a copy orate work will basest grails to payment.,
.wszLxsTsaws 0111TNIGOIT,
Containing a Dkrany nor other .oc/ins:rat.
TIME following t es timonial WSJ given by th e mile.
lasted Dr. Wooster 'Beach; the nether of the great
medical work entitled "The American Prattle* tr.
Medi eine and Fatal y
sillaving been made acqualatoi with the ingredonts
Which compose ilegthster's All-Dealing Ointment
tend having prescribed e.,:d tested it in several cues is
my private practice, I have-.o hesitation in saying or
certifying that at Is a Vegetable Remedy, cantaliong
no sturieral ‘ sobstorma whatever; thotits ingredients
combined u they me, ad need nit directed by the.
Proprietor, can not only harmless, but of greet vabie
being a Indy scientific Remedy of great power: and
-cheerfully recommend it no a compound which has
doze mach good, and which is adopted to theeare of
a great variety of CUM ' Though boys DCVO' either
recommended or engaged is the sale of treeret
Mee., regard for the nal, honest, conscientious, ho•
mine character-of the Proprietor. .of this Ointment,
and tke value e( his discovery, oblige me to any thee
mach regarding.i.t. ,•• '. W. MACH, D. D.^
New York, April 22d, 1614.
OURNS.—It Is One or the best things in the world
for Darns.
fiLliti — tininiidriare yearly eared by this Oird•
meat. It woes falls In givingrearE
For Taman, Ulan, and all kinds of Sores, It • has
IrilotiOral and Nllfell . knell/ its 'nano in eases of
Swollen or atom Waal, they would always sOPIriL
In such eases. if used actstoding to directions, st gives
relief in a vary few hoar. •
Aronnd the box an directions for using McAllister's
Ointment for Scrotal.. Liver Complaint, Erysipelu,
Teter Ctulbialo, Scald. Mead, Sore Eyes, Quincy,
flora Throat, Blenehites,' Ne 1 .01.2 &frontons, Pains,
Disease of the airdm , , kk.a Mho, Asthma, Deafness,
tie Ac h e , Beene, vents, all Diseases ache SUN Sore
IA" pm pjql,ke., Ssrellir4 of the Limb( Sores,
Rhottettsr.. , .m., Cold Fret, Creep, Swelled orllro
ken Breast, Tooth Adm. Arno in the kue, tr.c.
Priem the ReadingEau!. - ' -
There was never, perhaps, a 111.fticine Irrobght be:
fore the public, that has in so abort a time won seep a
reputation YU,MCAllwfle'. All-Healing or Warta
Salve. Almost every person that has made trial et it.
speaks warmly In Its probe. One las htsen cured by
Lt of t h e most mdnfal rheumatism, somber of Ih:spites,
a third of atroublemne pain in the side, a fourth of a
swelling in the limbs, to. If it does not give Imme
diate relief, In every case, it con do no MVO, Wine
applied otimanily. . •
As another evidence of the wonderful healing pow
er you:wend by this solve we subjoin the following
certificate, front* respettallo citizen of Maiden° reek
Wiwi:ship, to Miscount":
bleldeneroek, Becks to., Manh ..13,1547.
Messrs. Ritter tc der4ro to Intone you that 1.
wu entirely mood of uneven pain in Om back,by the
nee. of McAllister's All-Ileiding Solve, Which I pur
chased from you. I suffered wjtl It for about 40 yenta
and at nightwas Unable to sleep. Inning that time I .
tried vanoos remedies, which wen prescribed lot sue
by physiciassandotber persons, anhouttrecivingruly
relief, and at last made trial of this Salvo, with a re
sult favorableibeyend expected... lam now entire
ly free from the pun, and coley at night apeful
and sweet sleep. I nave sloe used the Salve o nce eac
tooth ache andother complaints, with utmost happy
rapoo,. Your friend, • Jun, 1101.1711 , 11. M.
Bole Proprietor et tee abovo medicine.
Principal Mee, No 89 Nona Third strew, Phlladel
phi • - •
. •
PRTCE 215 , C'75 PI7R-pOl.
. . .
Adam iN Prrmarmantratnilt. comer of
Marry and Svelair &meg and L. Wilco x. Jr, eon.
not of Market Matt and Um Diamond; alsosorner of
Few* and Smithfield woe.; J. IL co tum!, corner of
Walnut mid P rfWM% FirtliWard: and told at dm
Tfooknom in Sanibfield
I y
gh ey.Ci
ontldLx P m ddooor fnn
a n m un t .I D . oo la m n &
B A .l lo D. en autn, yb
Bem Laberr7 I
vrtonid;fdeXecsnorn cleay
t ; .
J. Aloliadm.
&Son, alontmgaheta Cam N. B. Bowman &Ca, and
J. T. Pastrojrntmille4 Joim.B/41 . ey, ,rer Pa;
John Waiter, fetly
eigE&N int.rotoTipoo Tudr, t~l3iien OA
Aj Cloth, on Vail; turdlor
raw , J d MUM
_ F 111S(=NEOUS:
Chair:standdi'd MatOneT.
nrUldr9HIS may OF ENGLAND Is
ic'l3tcoo, la t Sofa cloth M i d
tr ll.o ec as per red: ;Th r ee I. retefrtd, and.
ctpl.7 •• 79
," Cl* - 11ilt; -
rt pLETON. 6ea a "We. rYorlr.;havd ha tonna:
jj"of puhtication, lo - ruts, prim Lawny Ilya tents
a DICTIONARI if ISlarWnw, Mechanics.; En:
gore - Work. and. Ewing orlnz deshencd for Practical.
tWortirg ?deo, ani thosalniended tor the Eriginusing
PrOCessien• rfidired by Olivet
This work la of largo Bra Mac, andwillvontala two
.thounad pages, WO uprazda a six thousand illestris.
lions. It will present, working drawings and destrip
fiche of the inostlranottant enneldnes la thaOnite d
Banos. Independear.of the . render of American Att.'
ems tap, et arta amain eninPleiti nonneon on
llechtinles, Machinery. Engine na4 Engineer..
og; with all thesis asefal mom Ulm ono thousand
dollars worthof folio Totowa., aurgarions and other
books., Six =abets received, and for wale. by We
agent, . ; ,
and -73 Apollo Daildinee. 'Fourth '
7 ,.--,-ti---7- , - . ..,: , 4-4 . 3.?
0 , , 1ht...4,-„..„4:4-: 47 -
'4 . ),, 4 '3 4 .e . 4 - tii
4,,, ; ..,, , V 1'
John 11, Mellor, 81 IVotui Street, Pittsburgh,
Solo Ascot in Pr1 , 3) . 3 . 4T1na1et . , far the sr& of
Grand and Squire Plano Fortes,
expose for sale, during the Invent month, the ca, and will
and ma desirable crock of Mum Fonts ever offered
for sale m the weal—among the amber will be loud
*full supply of •
&many carved Rosewood Grand Plano . Fortes,
with..l the recent improvements In Moct - vc , •at and
style of exterior.. •
Splendidly caned Rosewood seven °Cisme &mare
Piano Fortes, Snished lathe:Elizabethan and Louis
XIV-styles •
With a large Mocked all the various styles of Pia-
Fortes, varying in !niece from SPZ,S• to fad and
510.0, prepared by 04. chickening for the present
Purchasers arn sneered that thi ricer of hir:Clitich , -
eriugs Pitmos hero been, and - will continuo to be, the
foras at the manufsetoiyln Homo.. mllhouteherge
for troasportatiou; and will be delivered and set up to
portent order, is any part of the city, without charge.
• , (SeulD. -
wISt; 'ituaersigned begailaave to inform the pablie
.g thrill= has declined business ia fcmor of his
I'. D. Dwals, who will eortarius the 'Auction andVorn.
arislon !vinare at the old mind, comer of Wood and
Fifth airceut, and for whom ihe would ioliett n contln
ammo of the liberal paironage beretoforo bestowed up•
on thebouk. ' /OILY D. DAVIS,
April ith . , • • - " . •
P. N. DArit3f
(svccm•Bon To :014W D. Devi%)
cot= or 'wean aso ran urscrrs,'
'TILL make talcs, on liberal terms, of Foreign and
VY Domestic,
e y and bp Tlerexbpaenrideinstcoe, ' Rest
lo site S ti o o c n k t s o ,
badness, t a =r b e don:inmst a of th e
r supp n r
plaronve SO liberally extended to the foxur bons.
• A Mit !Ph, 1850. •
nracamicar. roinceuzar. - moNr LINE.
the deCeuo of the Better partner; lie Philsdelphis,
to the e, usiness—drianernents have been mode which
Involv the 5111 C internee preeisely,•,which have
heretofore =Wed. The hardness is continued ender
the same 011.10 and ItiM VIZ:— •
Jens. butte k, Co., Philadelphia;
Jolle - anci P. ..Co., Pittsburgh.
The Lenntintimnst of. the 'patronage of our many
blends Is rcepeelfullyolitited., If any - persen• have
th e m the concern, they are repeated to
piesent them fonhwith, for payment.' ,
Pittsburgh, April , ] OLIN APPADEN, .•• • Survitribg peLtnE,..
Fyon`aatniilat as 13xlikkitis 'Rio s .
p PALNILII, Nolte: Market strisey is preps: ,
cd to offer veto fetal imbuements to buyers of
Straw &idillinery floods, of every dell/A . o4as,, Ilia
Mock covlsts of every 'desirable Min of Vida end
Fanny Straw: Bratd. , Giorn, French Lace and other
Itrimmte. Jenny Lind, California, Round and Square
Ton L 114.1, foe Musses and Infenta. • •
Boys' 11an,.. In • great variety. tilers'.' Leghorn,
Straw, 'Braid, China Pearl. nail Sultan Thus. kith.
bans Flowers, Bonnets, Silks, and other plilllnoup
• • 13iiiiiis - DP hll l inu so.
b et removed to d
hio,k nee No. as Waters&
beeweft Wood nod Market, #hme wilt be
for sale,
.of tnetrmanufecturiog, a fall 'assortment o
Iron. ,Nalls, 'Spikes, Castings, and liot Bloat Pipes
warranted of tbe nuality, ot tile Inwest Mice.
lIFST;nt the late Erin of Tuareg & Best
having' purehnsed an interne!. In the awn, will tote
charge of the Warehouse, and will devote his entire
attention to the burble., end endeavor to render sat
isfaction to the Mends of Menne Inn, end till others
who may favor us with - their patronage; ,
I On Water at: Pittsburgh.
• : No. lel, WOOD STREET,
AVE hastore and are receiving a largo Stock of .
DRY GOODS selected with great care for the
western trade, au to which they invite the attention
of city and western merchants. Great indeeententa
fleeced weash nevem „ Inch
eilltung /1111.1.3na sod lnilba 1.11k•Ils.
IILTURPtIY t BURCHFIELD are prepared to tor
rdsh their customers and •boyers generally with
the very beet make of the above goods, and will do .
al the old Prieto, notwithstanding the advance of coat.
Rome extra Roe Bogota Linens warranted pared.,
lately received; also, a ooppir of Linen Table Cloths,
Diapers. CreahrSte-Just Teemed. •
Bordered Towels as low as .Scents per ansen, or
tentsa pireo, at north coat corner of Tonedand
Market ids.
criers, George street, Plymouth, England. - The'
managers beg, binomial their unntennt s patrons OM
tee next Dinnbadott of Permits et Rare Gornto will'
temptise thoto entered for-the forthreedrig Grand
National Derby Rater the number of Shares to be
Limited to 0,0(0 each elan. Finn elan member £l0;
second elm,. ditto SA Early sPpliention'for the un
appropriated sharei la'neeessary. A_ party sehnrib
log fat mare than one share has the chance of gaining
an mom! number boammoi Those members who draw
the 'anon, Portraits will be presented with the fol..
• - Portrait Of let ea...bone:es 5.1 ditto
;.Wiener, or Fleet Morse 150,1.00 110 000
, Second Iforso•-••• 10M00 • n4dx.
• Tided Morse P.COD 4,00
Dialded arranger Starters••-• GAO Igo
n ,NooStarters SAO . 3,(Z0
Thera ars boaues in each class, that being the
Immber, of horses entered for the race. ,The Drawing
will be conducted open the rune 'Gallen ate principles
ni those esidelt chareeteriwo the late St. Ledger and
other prookedi ienlars of the result will
be sent to nbseal'inenthets immediately after the do
Chien, lhai Czar may know his position.
Sebrariberoreglstered and seep forwarded on re.
ceipt all reiNtance. ItZle of Piehento; Drafts, Dank
Nines,, addreared and mode payable to 'the
&Imaging 'Directors— . JAhIE3 CO.
nee par, tent- commission to he reduced on the
presentation of bemuse,— mrlll-1m
VIC Uri hIC.O.CHANX , S netUAZlnik.ter Apia,
Ibso. Cernents--New,tiork and E.rie ItaimeY;
Commercial 13ketehes with Pen sad Pencil; The ele ct
of Commerce In Abolithimlionnetions amintheTrano
kr of Property; The Anmeroyand Philosophy Fri:ank
h:l; Tim Production ofSelln bi,_ . r To ,rai FlenkroP_MY,
Banking, A.e.; Ciamettoy—laterest—Productiont Free
Trade VI Protective Tneati,or Striettuta upOn the co.
pen of the Secretary ot.Treatim alto United States
for IMP, relmlng to Commerce, Extension of the Ru
n. Empire in the Ent, An.
DLACEWOUD, for Mareltls.lo..
ECLECTIC MAGAZINE, or April. et Bohner
Literary Depot. Third abed oronnte the Pen °Mee.
AM n o w
to tarnish Apple Trees, from the
well known Nursery of Jacob N. Bream The
trees 'rill be delivered at the wharf at Plotbargh for
eltr. per hundred. Femme totshlng good thrifty trees
ttbeabilease their orders -eon at the Dreg, Bend, tad
Pc rat:eery Warehouse, comer of Wood and sixth
atilt 8 N WICKER.It2thr
Wood street., offer for sale ; on favorable term.:
101001. Whiting; 100 lba Cub. Antrittmi.;
00 do Ala= 500 do Artaketida;
. 300 do Dye Wood.; WKI do Crude Taller; •
t do lounpitiack; WO do IJononee Boot;
20 do Ven.Eed; 300 do Irish IVAN '
8 do Camphor; 157 do Red Precipitate;
10 do Span. Brown- 1.93 do calomel Amor.;
00 do 1 Moss geitnt; tn do do Eng.;
10 do Brimstone; ,"010 do. Becher Lenses;
8 do . Cloves; ;CO do Rhubarb Root;
3 do Chnen-Eletressf4ol/ do .Sorsap. dn;
14 cue. BeC Borns; SCA do Gentian do;
05 do Castel!, Soap; :. '^lA ' Sal Root:reit; •
15 do Prom. thee; OW • do- Belding /diatom;
10 do Cele.lloweein; 500 do Powld Rhubarb;
13 do Clirmste*Gteent G5O do , do SliprElnl;
do do Yellow; 100 do •do' G. Arabic
odo Amt.Vormilion; 100 do do . 1..19. Root,
GU Isms Sand Paper; 100 do do Jalap;
23 bag. Sicily Senate; MO do do 410.yenne;
SG tnueoliottio Corks; tnx) do nee Zinc;
73e4 Uph. Morphia; MG do Ron Tut;
1200 ihs Cape Aloe.; • 2no do Tamarind.;
1900. do Lli-GhrottlEatmls; 150 'do Qat.. Silver;
WI do Ptak Root; 250 do Mange Peel; •
15411 do Turkey Umber; 7 5 do, Coehinent;
1200 do Crest Tartar; Od do Ilyd rottob;;
WO do Tartaric Acid; CO do Mace;
100 d o Coo Urn,' - 20- do Granville LotioO.
oThere are more things In heaven and earth
Then ant divalent of in philosophy: ,
111: VIRTETER of Alus remarkable remedy,. and
tbo constant application for it, to the proprietor,
has induced hint to have it put op in Ironies ',rah la
bel, add direction. foi the benefit of the public;
The PETROLEIPt.I"is procured from a well In this
connty, at a depth of four hundred fret, is a pure una
dulterated article, without any chemical chmige, but
lost as doors from Nature's Great Labratoryll Thruit
toothiest propertica reaching a number of direases,tis
no longer a matter of ancertuuty. There aro many
things to the arcani of natcro,which, if known, might
be of vast neofulness to alienating sulfuring, and m
otoring the bloom of health and vigor to many t ent
rant. Lea s before rise proprietor thought of patting
it OP la buttes, it hail laraputatron for the cure of dis
ease. The constant and'slarly Increesont calls for it,
and several rettur4ablo, Cores it has perforated, Is
sore indication of ita future popularity and wide
spread application lo tho taro of Graea,
• We do not wish to make a long e.
parade of cortil-
Cates, we are conscious that the medicine can won
work it
a way into the favor of those who anger and
Wish be healed. Wlulst we do not claim for it a
rraiveraal steeliest!. in every d' .are we unhavint
[ tingly say, that inn number Crronic ' Diteases it is
unrivalled. 'Among Woe may 1„,
distrusts Of , tha- mirrors names, each as CHRONIC'
*Sagas, and all dimasel of the air 0.„,,,,,,TY L 7Vra
the Madder and Kidoeys, rains in Um Iteelc,,,,
Nervous Dumas. Neutalgto, Paley, po , or l
Cout,LrYclpolas, Totter, Darer, Scala
Drones, Old.Solos.let., ac. la caws of debility re!
oolli,o.f,..espasort,-or long end protracted case. of
awe., modielne bring relief. It c oot or
a general TONIC and A.LTIOIATI Vol in such cast*
l og and cnorgy to the whole Ronny
log obstructions, orating theslaggith fodetionawhich
Gnat diseases and AL' Opt= . comMalLon, ;Sa d glob,
InerOaSOO' So& rowed amorgy- to ell the. Organs of
ploOrlelOr iknOara •of COMO or
'PILES, that resisted eveq other.treaunent,•ga well
ander the use of the PETROLEUM fora short time.
Tito proof ems De Rine to any person who deems It.
Nona sernainowthout thasigmthare Of this proprietor.
;yid hytheyrintetor, ' • " '
IL Canal RUIZ near Bernath st.
• ..; Wood sty
wort and Virgin alley; MOO are his
m d 1 r IrOjiarlY aPpoiat,a Ater{!
T4 1 3 8 2011111*4 UAL
171 e. Peliiisrivitaitill intim *: Itim.
pPeCifiNOß e ATEttis CL4I Meritmen, men, Picalmsgh; . .
'ATIONS,IMONNO.II Co, Mt CO Muhl rtrett,
OrCiaskints & CC4,713 ricathatieet, Baltimore; .
II Eitacs:Naw York; .. • , L.
l''. Etaiorrie Qum it bonne meet, Bottom
-'-,llasmirm OUT, Mainille, Kentnek7l .
'. :: -, llatit&Co.,Celambni. street, Ctnolanat# •
• .:. , -.E. Wins. Louisville;
','Maria, Hawn & Co., St. Louis. '
Ta Sistypers eitrerthirasse era-Prod/to, to and
'jinn Ilitadrlptria, Bitlnsturs, /11: York, 4. Boston.
Our Tonto being now In fine order, we aro prepared
to forward roads as Onto at urry /met prkm Wo
iranne aid freighting army charge haring policies for
over StEO,llOO, and with the following.dmansivo stack
of Boats featoonfident of giving count: tadsfaction to
all barinetatatnistad to' ar care.' Oar boats are all
new, and commanded by captains of ceporienee, and
oar entire lino Is condacted on strizt rabbark baying
sad ampoomarprinciplas.
• Boat., Captain. Boats." Captain.
ti yto
Iron City Hagan Pennsylvania ELa n,
Marylalb Mamba EL Louie , i co , n
Cinema , Sands CoL Howard Rile y.
Rona Arum, Quin.= 'Mau Bahama S .
Wm Atkins, Pcnroad . 3 Enterpnar4 ' ' yton
Import, N'Qnses . Juniata . ..,
Boston, Alter - . Gem Sooty ore . •
Garlinda Riley , ' Tthlt(110(No 1 idd,
C a in.. Hawkins Point hltillloyANnado
ovelhnchOosser . BaltnesClipporlbley
'Anatrien Perry Ohio Bello Kearney
Mermaid IWColgan : Ranier . Engle
The Pox DlVande Julia Alin' I Layton
Aurora APDowell . TolegraphNollrktvis
Look Sharp Kerry , Nona Qncen woie
Shippers will find It to their advantaao to pro to a
call. , O'CONNOFt, ATKINS & CO., •
multi Canal Basin Many at., Pittebuntn.
Wastes,. Tranaparcatioak tW01P43.34
Elii=l 1;85°1--fthla
By Pensurkeatia Canal and Bart Road,
TILEMBE Boats and Cats of this Lino hay, been put in
compete , order, mid 'nth the addition of seven
new. ones. to the Line, enable. as to carry &large
quantity of produce and goods. . I
Tho entire stock of the Line to owned and cootie,.
• ,
eat by thaPrOpriolOra.
—.APPLY 70—
HARRIS & Lla:011, No n South Third st,
And al the Tobacco Warehouse, Dock ft,
Pitt peephla, Pa.;
No 144 North Howard et, Dunmore, Md.;
OFFICE, No 7 West le, Now Yoh;
D LEECH & CO, Cana Basin , Penn at,'
=TRU • • ' rittsburett.
U?i/01 .1 N 85 .11 ° /iSTE H •
' CLARE, PARKE' &:;CO, Rochester' Pa, Propria.
• OlLectwir Elmithfictd and Water sts, Pittabargh.
Cleveland, lituo.
TB well known I Line are preplved to transport
freight and Parcergers from (irrsnuncat end .
CLEVRLAND,ro any point 011 the Outor-and Lakes.
The !acuities a Ithe Liao are nnsarpessed in number:
quality and capacity or Boats, experience Vi cap Wine:
and efficiency of Agents..
' One Boat lams Pillsburghand Cleveland
nine In connection - with a Linei.of Steam Boats be
tween roassußuti and nravErt ; and i Line of
First Clara Steam Bests, Propellers and Vessels, on
tho Lakes.
Clark, Picks A Co,Roehester,'Pe;
}IN Parks & Yorinestown; Ohio;
B Taylor, Warren. 0;
A N Clark, Newton Yells, 0;
I Brayton & LA` RATA DC 0;
Kent, Grinnell& Co, Franklin, 0;
If A Miller, Onyithaga Falls, 0;
. Wheel : Cr, Leo & Co, Akron * 0; •
Chamberlin; Crawford }.:Cri, der eland, Ci;
Gribben) Ca,'Pandusky,b;
Peckham A Scott; Toledo, 0;
O Willisces A Co, 'Detroit, Niel;
Williams ft Co. hfflarankie Wier. i
liderfey & Dutton, Rapin ' e 'is;
George A. Oibbt, Chicago, Ili
Thomas Rale, Chicago, ~
•• . Jollrl A CALUMET, Agent,l
ear3o . earner Water and Bouthheld ate
tatiliMl' • 1850.
. . . ,
LAKE r.tur. &No sicittioan
CLARKE, PAUESA CO, Rochester, Proprietors.
THE }keptletorwof this old and well tamest Ltne
wosild Inform the public that they ens stove In op
rWon fat he
Pment season; and hake
recetving srelaht end Passengers, hich they *re
folly prcpered to carry to ell points on the Canal end
Al Oa lowest miss. Ono or tho Basis of the Lica
concur...lly m the landing, bolero Monongahela
Midge, to raccivo freight.
Office, ear Maar awl Smithfield .to, Pitishiugh.'
R Cunningham. New Costley Pa;
- filiteheltree & Co. Pulaski;
C klulsn, Sharon:
J tr. Hull, Bharpsburg;
Wick. &elms &Coy Greenvillel
Henry, ffortcoorn;
m Poorer, Conneautrille;
John Hearn & Co. Erie;
. John J Hollister & ro, Buffalo, NY. mat
. 1850: tom
' ' (peva , Point.,
trrA for viIDWELLS3
PACKETS.; townie and stupploa between ?SUOMI+
and Rashest.. by steam boats ALichit., Lake Erie,
and Beaver.
I.l.Goods reeeipted and promptly delivered to all
places an Me Canals and Lukas ' atlowest the laths.
Shippers p1e.14 direct good. to .13.dwell's Line."
• J. C. BIDWELL. Agent,
ESA Wrote at, Putabargb.
Vitisbargh Portable Boat Lime,
INEIMI1 85°. :M1111
son Tat ritt(l.olt•TlON 0F.M.161.1.•
TO aXD Mort
'novas Eonmoored 5 Tame & O'Connell,
Philadelphia. 5 1 •Piurborgh.
THE Coooi being now open, the proprietor,. of this
long ermblirhed• Line ore as usual at their old
stands, receiving and forwarding llerchondisc and
Produce at Pm =tee, end with the promptness,
I/pointy, and safety, peculiar an their system and mode
of tranrportation, where Intermediate transhipment Is
•ded, with the rensequent delays turd probability
of damage.
Merchandise and Produce shipped east or west,and
'Dill; of Lading forwarded free of charge for ceramls-
Con. advancing, or ;organ. Having LO, Interest di
rectly or indirectly st-nnthoms, that of the owners
sOlely consulted wheel shipping their Pled.
All commualcations to the following agents prompt
ly attended to:
'111011&S DORRRIDGE.
No 278 Market street, Pelle.!Opera.
Corner Penn and Wayne streets, Pirlabnegh
John HeCanoga & Co, ISO Nona at, Dalt P. D. Da ti
& Co. 23 Doane at, Damon, W. & T. Taraeott & Clt
EC Coati, at, Now York; J. Mel Whoolernght, Cincfm
natl. tweet
1850. tea' 1850.
MIIIB LINE, with 'unsurpassed facilities, is now
prepared -to transport Freight to Cleveland, the
Late ports, OkierCanal, and intermediate places, on
the molt favorable MUMS and with the ;Dealers de
Shippers are referred to those who have heretofore
patronized this Line. Send goods to "Bidorell's Line?'
Mott.—J 11 Bidwell, Water eh rtitsbargbi
Dtdwell &Brother, Rochester;
L 0 Matthews, Clovelnnd;
; • Rhodes& Green, do. .
A Dffacilm.Youngsmwni
C E Leffingerell A Co, Warren;
A A: N. Clark, Newton Falls;
J Drayton ACo, Ravenna;
Kens, (Donnell A Co, Franklin ;Dille;
Thomas Earl, • do do;
A 11 Miner, Cpyahoga Palle;
I W Stephens &Son, Akron;
• Wheeler, Leo A Co, do;
JDAJMEdson,de; •
J J 11,11auci, MaseillOn;
Co,,commioa A., do;
Wm Monteath Co, Buffalo;
R J Gibbs A Co, Sandusky;
11 Higgins& Co, do; •
:E Haskell ik CoyToltdo;
II N 8,1 • 11 M, Detroit ; •
Murphy Datton, '
; Ball A. Elkins, Southport;
Dearman ,k Co, Milwaukie;
D 0 Dtekinson,little Fort;
Kirkland & Taylor, Sheboygan;
Dole, MUMMY & CO, Clli cage;
Thomas Hale,
P itm burgh, March :13.
Between Pitts tingle trait Anne ecru Vielea.
The Canal being neer upcnore axe'ready b reteave
nn f farwardprosaptlr.produee and taerehandene east
and we.n.
Freiglitaalways at lowest rates, charred by reopen
Produce tool merchaedito will be received and for
warded east and wind, without any charge for for
warding or advancin g freithi,continierion or storage
Hills of lading forwardal. and ditections (Win
(ally idteridcd to. . . .
Add of apply to. WM BINGHAM.
Canal Bodo, tor. Liborry o ir t;ild.' ( V j ti. i yze 4 ,
m DU
ttrIVII. 4 4 o ti„ l'hu
No North Hareord Ualuntora.
MHO ' No Io,Wo,nOeet,Naw York.
Passenger mote nirmittanmo 0....
naIIANRDEN & ca assents to bring penons
from any pan of Platted, 1,- b Wetland or
Wales upon the men liberalienns, with their
enotel.partentahly and. attendOEl to the want, and com
fort of etrunigrants We do not allow Our runoff cm 10
be robbed by the swiedling eemeps that infest the sea
ports, se we take theme of them the moment they re ,
port thenotelves, and eee Melt Wog, and de
spatch them without any detention by the Etat de-
We say say this fearlersly, as we defy ono of oar penmen-
Irma to show that they.were detained 4d 1-nrs by or in
Liverpool, whilst thousands of others • ere detained
months, until they could be writ In woos sdi troll, at a
üb2.P ate, which belie:queen, proved their cage..
We Intend to. perform. oar eardrum nozonably, cost
whet It a‘ay. and not , 501 ma was the ease last season,
with ether offmors,--who either. performed not WI, or
when It re lied their convenlenoe. , .
Drafts drown a Pittsburgh for aril= from .111 ce.
.f.IOOO L.
..P.:Mbh, St any. of the pmiLacid Balks la Ire
luotit =glands Scotland and Walea:
• Drape= std GmtalAged,
rtrth nn4k dint lwaltn• ..11
QA --- 17 — rPii , 111.E7rlug?itm
ip Salt . ,
do now /Indium nod ioi
, AU II DICK EY & co,
112 Wain' it
• Ili Street..
nor ennsivinly receiving his
t i a 7i ai r g h aq:ist il."'thg ' '4'
Tapestry r
an Bowels" I g
g'#.l? :34,7
• • So 75. Po •
. Spring. St or
1riloodi• g s,
g.,Enr . Sailer Royat
• • •
Enerrh end Anieiie
C Ex r•L So pnrfine lmr
-4 Superfine
Saliedmilugnin Ciiptvi, " l
Fine • • I
Ellre sorer ritaiiiiinddie
iiparfine do do Dna.;
Fine Taft.*
Krim Wilma
Common do n
' Chenille Door Mao;
Sheep Skin *7
4-ti and TwjQ'd Carp. E+.4 "L4-il; P L : "' l lrr ild t a e ßu d id2 o 4P rttr ia" Perrc e ."...
841, 7-4, CA, 54, 44 an 3 7.
Oil ClottiN ' I
64,'54, 4-4, and Illcallnc
lzieh harem Oil Cloth/
far Miry
Extra printed piano coven
Embossed Piano
Table , •
Printed woolen
Embossed Sind
[Abound most-aid . 0
Damask Star Lingo;
Turkey Red Cbinisar;
Charter Borderiag;
ehtelish Oil Cloth Table
Brown Wen emmb cloths
Brass Stair Reds;
Stair Bracken
Carpet Dindiap;
Loa no Coco Diets;
Micant and Skeleton Mahr;
5-4 nod 4-4 Green Oil Chub
for Blinds;
Backebriek Diaper;
e.t.a Tamtsat
Blue and Ihnb Cl er
Crimson Plash;
Conch Oil Cloths;
Damasks tor Linings;
Minuted hloreins.
CarliollendforWlihaders l i
Pe d esTa n tilip t
Venetian M;
Canting for Fe
74 and 64 Table Linen;
Russia Crash;
Scotch Dinper
drown Linen Napkins;
Genii. Oil Cloth Table
M a he
the approved Eng
telarers hour 12 to 14 feet
rut to fit rooms, halls, and
imp d reet from FUng
opeatry CARPETS. These
e lalert and moot elegant
tithe most gorgeous colors,
!so no they can be purchased
Str.-t Chi.
fish and Aux:leamanure
in width, which will be c
ru.sUbules of any sire or du
• The undersigned tutelar
land, his Velvet rile and Tri
Carpets, which are of the
styles and patterns, and of
will be mold at prices so los
for in tiny orthe eastern di
Having the larva insmintment of the nehest and
most fashionable BR u3sEt.s. IMPERIAL ITIIREE
PLY and INGRALN CARPETS wineh fur surpasses
in quality and cheapness of price, any !neonateat ever
before brought to this city. Ho also invites Steam:tom
Mesa and Coach Mattufacturers to his Mrs. 'and well
selected ansortnteatorT4HAMUNGS,mioditcrertlcles
hereerarY in their business.
The uaderiigned is also agent for the only Stair fled
Manufactory mPhiludelphia, and is prepared to ecll
lower than can be purchased elanyhens iu this city._
Ores Goods.
A A. MASON & CO .,
Co Market street, between
'Fbird and Fourth, arc now receivingalarge as.
torment of Born Do Lilian; Persian Cloths, an en.
tire new article; DaDeists; Crape De !alas, &e; with
• arge assortment of Lawn. and other Deets Goods,
of, the latest styles and most fashlonanie colors..
CClETMlttrbaza prim
CAMILL6-411 bre mould, dipped, and sperm;
Crimrsot-Ino bos Cream and English Dairy'
COMII-20 don Hemp and Manilla;
CICALI—LO M Common and half Spanish;
Fwu-1.5 brigand Milt ink Mazkerel and Salmon;
' GtAss•—.so bus assorted sins.;
!Isms-1200 Prima Venison;
1000 Sugar Cured,
Iwino-100 lbs NI , and lit UR;
don rlarrionns Mask and Copyiri g i
• ' ARitstssiS—SO 1,1. N Orleans;
• ' 'IS half bits Sagas Doom;
doe .craned canisters;
lba Italian;
Vaxxsc.u.s--CA Rs do
C411.3-2(10 kegs amused;
Diesurs--5 do sjiirS monist
Pkserics-00 burhela halves,
Pil,l3—SO reams assorted;
Pitman-100 be Rordsoax;
Noun —6O bOo Rosin and Cast Steel;
Scout-10 hhds N Orleans min Clarified:
Tao- 60 packages Orem and Sleek;
Tossoco—Ml b.ll IS, 5, ft I lb kmpi
Wssu BOLEDS-50 dos patent 7, ink;
For sale by J D WILLIAMS & CO
=IC Center of Fifth nod Wood eta.
FURS: FURS! - 'the —The subscriber* will ray
for Coon Mink, Musk Rat, limy and Red boo,
and nit kinds ' of snipping Furs, the highest !MAGI.
pytern, MoCORD CO,
• rek2Cl corner Filth and Wood sts.
8:9 - 0LIITIO9
. . . . .
John U t, in the
eery, Produce
and Commission busiimm, was dissolved by mutual
consent, on the 14th inst. Mr. John Vest basin ,e pur
chased the entire interest of James Tassel., in me
brio, are business will be settled by him, at their old
stand, 50.33 Wood st. JAMEIS
fcbtb.l PEST.
PRINO SELLeflON.—Will he received, by first
1.3 canal slam:mats, oess and color . nesorirnent of
i W o
raper, o f . tho tem. ?much and Ltetttll o
gold. efilzsz i. o.l . A, A p i l t a s tuitl2:l4ll ,e ro s og. l
.. n2013 tfi Word al rest
rlIttl: Co-partnership hereto
J. Bashacid and John M.
9. B. I.l.hfield G Ca 4 ts this
cease, The bonnet.. of the
5..1.1. Beatificld, at the o!d a.•
March 1,11=.4.
lota .111111 g iHILVIteIi 8.
d6lll, under the firta of
ay gin/caved by matual
old will be attacd by
Li t No. :120 Lthern. street,
tl 11 8155111 , 41LD,
JOl/11 McGILL.
caesium the Wholesale mad Retail Dry Good. and
Otocery blisters& at the old stand. Zia s:•0 Utterly st,
wader she tare of S. & CO.
Much 1.15311—r au 12
.1 :man tttuaai a,saaetawa,witWisa, w tan w apt.
hn.Cann.T. Cocamisaioa and Reminding basi
n... tay two hens, R. N. .ad W. R Wate man. The
• asl aces is Ware will be conducted ander the of
e. Waterman t, Raw, at tna ova .rand No. 31 Wa
tyer atl ea Front Onset. L.. S. WA/ERIIAN.
Tinsbatrh, March Ist. that.
a. CAUTION—Aboat Oltt - 61:4/11.
WILD CJIEKRY, the treat remedy for
And the best medicine teem
to men for Asthma 01 every gage, Liver
Complaints, tror.etaitis,lntlee nye, Coughs, Celda,
Ltee_ding of the Lubr.v. Shortness 01 Breath,
Puns and Weaker" in the Ede '
Ltteast,&e., and all ether
&teasel of the
A very i=portanicti;enza oveierbtei tide Belnm ex
MI n very VVowerful Intnencr, Is thatof
In this complaint It Das runloubtedly proved more
efficacious than any rredg hitherto employed, rod in
turnery. instance, when ptIEDIEVE had endued lan
end Seri= suffering from thb drunter!, withoutrecel,
in the least bench, from vurions remedies, and when
Mercury ham been resorted to In vain, the use of this
Balsam has restored the beer ED a heal thy action, and
In many Instances effected permanent cures, Rite,
every well known remedy had realm; to produce Edo
deuced eglicL
.. •
' Besides Its astonishing el easy In We dlserice aboit
mentioned, we also hod it • very edectual remedy m Asthma, complaint in which it has Lees extensively
turd with decided seeress, evert In emirs of years'
Standing. With the Increase of inthiligeoco has grown
op . knowledge of the elements of health, and a re
gard (anthem, arid ecuttnamituiviely wild the minims of
science have wo acquired the moans of arresting dd.
ease, and averting Its thanes. Netwidistuoiliog the
progress we have made, statisties snow that es en
now, one six th of the wholo populauon die aunnelly
of consumption.
Ono of Use most impontant discoveries of the age, in
ameliorating the cohdition of Moe large clue of self
fenna humanity, is
whur. Balsam of \hc Cherry is a fine Herbal
Medicine, composed ebiefir of NVild Cherry 'lark and
ihdifvx4d kviand llossilthe Inner imported express.
IY for thl• parpose,) the Tice medicinal Virtues of
width an alto combine! by a row chemical process,
with the extract of ter, thus reuderime the whole
compound the most certain sad elicomoui remedy
ever discovered far
Still further evidences of the rernarkable'curative
properties of this Inestimable preparatien:
Ilcaxxxl.reLtd, Grown ed., 0., Aug. 21,1519.
Melds. Sandford At Park: Gentlemen, About six
weeks ago I received the agency of %Vidor.* Balsam
of Wild Cherry, hat with ROlma reluctance on my pad.
for the reason that I bad been the agent of se many
pills and other nostrums, which were cranked up to
be something wonderful, bat which turned but in the
end to be of no account whatever, except texhothaw
Intender. Gut 1 enr.didly admit that this than I have
been deceived, for the extraordinary coyest:reeled by
Wistuis Balsam have convinced me that . good can
tome eat of Nexareth." Your agent left me one der:
en bottles, which are ail gone--havuir, been the means
of curing several Orden. roads of Cdosumpuen—
and uo mistake; tor what I see and know I um bound
to believe. One ease in panichlan A youno gentle
man in WinUficuter, Adams county, 0, 10 Miles fro.
this place, was cared of Consompuon when the doe,
tors hue given, Wm op, or at lead could do nothing for
him, and it was the intention nt his friends to convey
him to your oily, and plimelitm under the care of some
eminent physician there. But a friend told /dm of
Widnes Balsam, and that ho could obtain It of me.
Ile sent for it, mid before the second bottle was gone
bewt. wand and well, and Emending to his everyday
business. As there several 'noodles for the riled,-
rine, it would be well to forward an addlnonal supply
without delay. Very respectfully, yours,
The above, from L. Newland, Gin, &highly resiteet
able country merchant, commends itself forcibly to
the candid attention of all there who have doubted
the great merit of Winer. Wild Cherry Balms.
Remember the °miner and only genuine' Whines
Rolm= of Wild Cherry, was introduced in she year
IRel, and has be. well tested In ail complaints for
which his recommended. For 17 years it him proved
more efficirelom OR a remedy for Coughs, Colds, luau.
env., Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption in Its in.
ciplent stages, than nay other medicine.
um Ilmrosto, 10,
Mr. S. NV. Fowl.: M Pl ama seen man Aug. y
l ion
published published in relation to Dr. %Vistaed Balsam of W ild
Cherry, I take this opportunity of offering a word in
its favor ' which you are also at liberty to publish. A
few .mu msdis amen my wife's lung. became so much af.
Meted with a sudden cold, that shalt. her voree,and
angered severely Rom pains In the breast. flee s itu..
Lion round her friends much alarm. Having hoard
your Balsam strongly recommended by th -so who
amid it, I pureLamd a bottle from your figeof . in this
place. Rho took it accord/9g to direct:ems, end it prra
ginned e wonderful crack
hail completely recovered brl vwc snh opni bso su le b s s i h d e
and her health was soon fully resestahlidhedi
Wilts. tr.!), HENRY G. BRIGHTMAN.
Dacooters an, Daihura liomans.—Thi • cel
ebrated and infallible remedy foru m cure of ConaumP.
Bon, Asthma and /Aver Complaint, has by its own me.
rim, been repidly, sure and safely working its way
through the opposition of gawks and counterfeiters,
mad, by its true gra:. and LIORIUSie OlolibbObb, boa
gained for lisolla most enviable popoindry, and eatab-
Lished itself in the confidence of an and en
lightened from one end of the eontitient to the
other. Tim testimony of thousand. who have - been re.
heard and cured by this veritable article, will dhow
that It stands unrivulierl—at the head of nil other me.
I dmines, for the cure of diseased for which iris recom
mended. The genuine Dr. Wistacidllalsam of Will
Cherry! now lor sale by ilid7 appointed Adams, and
all respeetable.dealers medicined, in all largo earns
and all important towns throng bout the United:hams.
?saes peir,Bowe IMu [Joules for SS.
Bold by BAWL Maccessor to Medford fe Pore,
Fosnh and Walnut erste., Cincinnati, Ohio, 'General
Agent for the South and West, to whom all order.
mast hif addrersed.
. _
wit.g, Jr; Jorneo d /onto; J. Kidd & Co; B
Fohnestock &Co, Pittsburgh. L T. Ru 'ell, W
ingran; W. H. I.oroberron, Prankbn; D. Uniontown; H. Welty, Greensborgh; S Rosa. Ilrrain
set; Scott & Gilmore, Bedford; R,r k.. ij; fi".
doe; Hollidayaburg; Ifildebran &
J. K. Wright' Kittanning; Evans e, Co, Brook
ville; A. Wilson it Son, Wayne:burgh; hPFarlond
0,, N..Colleoder hientivinc; Barton tr. CO, Rix; J.
NuolTou,Netweri ', Onmo,.KellY &Co. Bailer; R. Smith,
Bunn J. D. Sionmewon, Worm;
o„,,,kt,pern P . Creek:rat, Rrtnnurrwo.
fet4.44twlyPza •
byeta Mediedr. advertised bY VV. IL SLOAN
ere sold
SELLERS, iVeod street, and JOILNP.I3COTT
L.beriy . sr, Pittsburgh.
• Dirmmeharn. by JOUN d. SMITH.
nerixeny City, by HENRY P. SCHWARTZ an
dd. CURRY.
cehe Beat and Chespitat Hen. BlattMae,
sz otors otswitErrir AND .COADI 4 IIOII
Km pm.? grew name. p re Role!, =chum Bar,.
tyiltad Thereogirair,S . LOAN'S OINTIIF.NT East;
And is ropithy supersodlog; all other Ointments and
Liniments now la rue for the care of the renewing Ws
Fresh annuals, gels Grail kinds, syrralas, bruises,
cracked heels, nngbone, windbone, windgalls, pol
evil, cellos, apnvins, sweeney, fistula, sitfast, trains
lameness, send crack, foundered feet, scratches or
grease mange Cr horse distemper.
The Powder will remove ill inflammation and fever
purify the blood, Imren thaskin, cleanse the water
and strengthen every port or the body; and has pnrred
a sovereign remedy tor the following diseases;
Distemper, hide bosun], toss of appetite, hrware
mnin, yellow water, InflamMation af the eyes, fatigue
from bard exercise; also, rheumatism, (commonly cal
led stiff complaint.) which Noyes so fatal to many vat
robin horses in this country; It is also a safe and cer
c is
taln remedy for coughs and col which genente so
monffatal doseases. . 1 IV. B. SLOAN,
Grand Depot, 40 Lak st, Chicago, till
THE Plt P.
Extract from the "Galena 18 rah Westent Gazette.',
Ey the use of Sloan'. Ointment and Condition Powt ,
der, I have entirely eared a fistula on my horse and
otherwise Improved his condition more M.= pe
rent an the cost of the medicine And a cow which
was so feeble as to be considered worthless by myself
and neighbors„wes restored to good health and strength
by tho use of lees then half It package of the powder,
end Is now doing better thin any other Cow I bare.
Small Pox, May 13,1848. , wm.. VINCENT.
I hereby certify that one Of my children, when an
ted, fell into a large fire of five coals, and was burned
se erciq from head to fret: The best of medical aid
and attention Iv. given to :the child for four or five
days without may relief—each dere sufferings increas
ed till his groans could ha
at n great diatence, al
which critical period one y neighbors recommen
ded and presented to me a box of Leloanle Ointment.
and in lees than fifteen minutes after the application
of the ointment to the aggriarated sores of the suffering
child, the pain craned otaircly„ and be epeedily began
to recover. fay residence In is Unit township, VCry
adlliort county, sod Staten( Indicula.
. .
Chicago, Argost 1E49;
Apr 1113,1549, Four ndlei north of Chiraco (on the
road to thlwankie,) Cook roomy, ithnol s .
Mi. Sloan—Dear Ste Onq of my horses had a large
bony tumor on his breast bane, Immediately under mho
moiler, which-lamed him and rendered his services et
very little value. I fauhfully apttlied honk.
of Dr. Taylor'. Nerve and },hue Liniment, without the
least benefit I then procared Wilder , . Celebrated
Harm Chnhuent, and usedihat until I became fully
,aatisSed that it would never relieve the animal. rt.
nally I obtained a box oti your truly valuable Clint.
ment and in less than GO days from the -first applica
tion the 11113100 entirely dieappeured, and the horse was
well, Yours, ARALSTRONIL
lf popular opinion m anyirlteriou of the worth often
artiste, we linltO the lucre ohms to rend at !elute fen
orate many voluntary certibeatesshat appear in nut
columns respecting the great variety of remarkable
cures effected by the ma of: "Sloan'. Celebrated (Sub
went and Condition Powderen
These remedies no longer remain among those of
&mistral unlity, they have passed from the tide ores•
perimenl, end now stand lugber in remitation and are
becoming more extensively used than all other anti.
else of the kind—Mich. City Na.,.
Fox lima, lope IS,
Deer .loan—:1r•. Please lend by the bearer a ROM
supply of your Home Medieirda. They bast
vt,rJes of the kind that flume ever used,never has.
jog been disappointed in their effect, as I have beer, In
the use of others, even the wont celebrated 0111=.1..,
Liniments, be of the day... IWm very mach this fee.
sure in them, ei. that they Jo ell that is promised, and
ulha.tataki,l6l,nieen jo ig;. : is eon:rained . to add, that
Eenkeotrall M. DUDLEY.
The ordinary nialmenti and liniments it is wall
known are warm and partial in their operation.—
Sloan's °lament t mild yet thorough—it reaches and
removes the came, hence It gives real and remanent
relief. For panty, matinees, safety, certainty, and
thernaglintres, Mae Ointment creels, and Is rapidly
surpernedlng all other Ointments and Waimeala now
to ace.
Mr. Sloan—Sin I have tested the virtue of your
Ointment in.the card of rattlemake bites, sore Mom,
burns, and many other lniaries, and in every case it
boasuremsed our expectation. As n.famlly Oeb
men. I bate never seen int equal, and for. beasts lira
can't get along widsoat IL
Yours, &a, : MILES AL lOIINSON.
. .
Mr. Sloan—Dear Sir Fdr n considerable length of
e I was acrimony anliciad with the rheumatic eon,-
plaint, and applied freely the various liniments, paint
without obtaining any relief. After which
your ag..nt at this piece ,inlluenced me to try your
Ointment, and within two week. from the time I com
menced using it, the pain etinsed, and I arasclikettielly
cured, and than recommend all who are similarly M
aimed Isiah We distressing nomplaint, to procure your,-
excellent ointment Without eleiny.
Ilesply your*, OSCAR F. NOTE.
Princeville, Peoria ink, Slay 1, held.
lirr From the Ben. 11. T. S. Brooks, Agent of the
neeoth and Michigan Canal Packet Boni Company.
Civcuoo, Jana 21.1012
DT. W. B. Sloan—Bear lie For the tort 30 years 1
have had occasion to use nieny horses, and have used
the great variety of liniments and ointments in use,
but hue never fraud any Wing equal to your oint
ment for riduries on borers. Within the last two
mandrel have applied your ointment to some 80 hontes,
for various injuries, and to every instance it ha, ;mi
ned a sovereign remedy.
Two mites 'moll ibrehicase, Sept. 14, 1919.
Dr. Slosem-Sin On the hbli instant my min had a hn
ger bitter entirely riff by alone. We. immediairly ap
plied year eelcbraicil mondani, which relieved him ui
pain in a few minutes. and! prevented the finger from
swelling the least particle,'and the wound is healing
'aridly. Resp'y yours, S. BROCRWAY.
. •
Mr. Sloan--Dehr Abut three year. ago I was
severely injured in one of My lee,Ls_by the falling of a
pile of wood which orcavidned Inrge running ulcers.
Nearly every doctor in Galena toed to care them; Lut
tried In own, unul from sympathy and Improper treat.
mem my other leg became; ns had a, the one original.
ly wounded. .1 de...pawed cif ever ling wall again—
but in order that I taught neglect no means within my
reach, I noreft.ed of emir agent in Galena some td
yotts ointment. and you eaftJudgo of my surprise no I
gretitude better than I cod express tn find mymell
entirely well beton. I had, '.het wing the second In a
Therm (new I make knoWn_that others affl icted may
believe and not delay using so valuable an oinWnent
se yours has proved to be., Rev.,: your grawhil fed,
tiateue, Dee. 19, 191.9. EVAN DAVIS.
, - -
bletbre the Collovrine order, bleerrt. Vaughn & Co,
porebrood o for g e surp , y cif Sloan's preoaretioot. -
Jocks., Mach. Feb. 24, lot 9.
S. K. Ilibbard—near nt a out of Sloai -
l'a Condi
tion Powder and Horse Otntment., The sale tar en.
teeilamy expectation. If yeti run foliage to vend roe
I dozen Ounent, I will itety for them the Oral hmt
that you um here, and prernine I .hall he olds to sell
a large quantity in the rootlet of the year. It will be
on ohalooujert to
ea yno, as well al tromlf, to keep am cum
'" r Y S Y .YVittIIGIIN it CO.
rearents, Feb. IP, 1349.
Dr. Sloan—Sin About two years ago, while ratting
on Um Mississippi river, In passing over the minds, 1
was plunged into We wore`, and by the mft dashing
against a rack, crusting my left Ipg and otherwise se.
noway iniuning me, en mudh that 1 lost all sincibility.
When consciousness retu(ned I found myself in titt.
Louis, sarroonded by my Weeping fondly. flood nurs
ing and medical aid, enabldd me in about two months
toliobble around with the emistance of a crutch. The
wounds only parftally healed, leaving' large miming
Borne at the knee, which fu many months discharged
blood and matter ofthem t offensive character. My
pains were inexpressible, t times my suffering was
o groat than dentin would hare received a hearty wed
come. Fortunately Mr. Wilson, lone of mybeighbors)
adwecil me to try your Oiiitment. 1 obtained a bag
it accenting to direhtion—the Pores POEN b<KRII
to NOM.' healthy appettiftnce, Wad in three month/
I woo entirely cored, and enabled to do hard labor.
Your obedient ailment.,
11111.1011 THOMALL
We, the undersigned, neighbor. of 11. W. Thomas,
were unplanned watt the roe above mated, and know.
ing the eireundloces, men cheerfully confirm said
Thom.' mato:tent. REV. J. DOUGLASS,
Cnicauo, Jan. Pill, !Mk.
W. D. !linen—Sir One of my horses was boor hound
and also wounded in the elk, in which he took cold,
and become to cnppled that he could scarcely perch
By the free epplicatlon aloe,. valuable ointment, his
hoofs were soon softened and the faille permanently
cured. I halm also used the Ointment In the ease of
Poll• Evil end on eencte yells with equal teeny...
On n mashed tinges that Wait very painful, it opera
ted liken charm. Yours, .k.e , •A. VAN ORDEN.
Slom's Ointment and Condition Powder arc at
knowledged by all who beim used them tobe d isco v e red. rt
remedy for horses and cattle Mat has been d.
Freshwound, galls, speed., brulses, ringbone, poll
'nod, and ilk short evert outward disorder or injury can
he cured by this wonderful remedy. The Powder Is
designed for inward smaller, distemper, Indc bound,
(augur from hanl exercise.; diseased eyes, B.c.—Lake
County Chronicle.
Vitcu.woh, Cook Co. Feb. 13,18.19.
Mr. Slocm—Sin I have athue young horse that was
taken with the serruches lost tall. I paid not almut
three dollars for tordielne to cure hint, but he grew
wowe. I then bought a hog of your ointment atyour
office when in Cbtengo last, rnthcr dembilitgly, but I
thought I would try Judaea!' my surprise and my
opinion of its beneficial finnan., when I found my
bowies legs smeolltsand we'll in four days from the time
&commenced applying it. Yourobedient,
1: F. COLBY.
Wort than fifteen years Of unrivalled sneerer In the
care of 000,7 variety of external discuses and triunes
such or sprains, brutres,xtlts, bunts, cut... s enip
nous, earn ups, sore hreakts, chapped hands, chill•
billing, biles, ulcers, corns, 0.." in the bukko side,, or
ether parts tattle system, rattlesnake bites , &c., boars
ample testucany that Stuart's Ointment Is suet the thing
ferrite hoar. Certificates without number have been
received by the PrOpfieto74 - om disinterested individu
als, giving detail o remarkabio earns *lt, use.
Granville, hliivrauliie en. Wis., Oct. 13, ISt&
Mr. Sloan—Dear Sir. Recently my hors" ,",, way
with a log chain attuche4whlce eat nod otherwise
Injured them seriously, so,muett so that 1 eon:adored
my team reined for bailee,* Fortunately a fnend re.
commended the MO 0700? COMM. I went to 8111-
wrinkle and purchase a ;boo. It soon removed :he
inflammation, and in a few days the wounds bested
The great hencat derived from the use of your Gott.
meet, on my hones, induced eta to acquaint pm with
the (net, believing its publicity would benefit you and
the pablie. Respectfidly yours,
And has berme a nonillion saying, that Elloaifla
Otatamt and Condition Pt:dialler are rapidly supers*
Mg all other remedies tbr all ;Imam of bones and
mile. The beaury of tbentedieines consists la Mb
parity and safety, to am ithey may be axed ever so
freely without any dangeritif taking cold. or asy cabal
iniary malting frontilisir awient ass, and wryer Pall
(WO If 1.49.0iMg* f911,97,410p
S . Atediome sof the day.. (1114123—"The line
nunast's Smarm Ohio, May toni IMO.
E. E. Beller.: I think it right for the benefit of others
to state Some foes m relation to year ezeellent Fend.
ty Medicines.
h.”, asod Verntlleye largely is ICJ 01•11 sa
lly, one .U. 4 fre„.Lently answe r ing for expelnert
tettY I to 200) "toms flora two children
haut also seed your Liver Pills and lUtwah Syron so
my family. and they have in every Instance produefnl
the effect &Sired.
• I am /nog./ in merchandising, I towable to
• mate that I tinge yet to hear of the famfaila re whore
your medicine. halm been nod in my section of the
country. In conch:mon, I ;any .tan that they are tla
medicines of the day, and are destined to lava a very
avensi re popularity YOU., ra...amMirk ...
%V. H.
. .
Prepared and sn:d by R. "' •E. I LRS,NoS7 Wood
stmt, and soli by Druggis comely la the two el.
deo and vicinity. • mv3l
original, only true, apd getwin Liver PILL
Samar Clalat, Ohio county, Va. /
March 24th, 1842.
Mr. R. R. Seller,: Dear Sir—l think it a duty I owe
to you and to the poblic.wmtera ly, to auto that I have
bera afficted with the Liver Complaint for a long
time, and so badly that m ohmu formed and broke,
which left me in a very low. state. Havingneard of
your celebrated Liver Pills being for 'are; by A R.
Sharp, in %Vela Liberty, and recommended to cm by
Vhysiciau, Dr. F. Smith, I concluded to rive them
a fur trial 1 purchased one box, and found them to.
'le Just Waal they are recommended, THE BEST LI
VER PILL EVER and after hating/am brae.
I find the disease him entirely left in, and! am now
perfectly welL ReapectfollY y_
West Liberty, March 28,1849.
eenify that I cm personally scot...tell with rdr
Colom,l onti can bear testimony to the truth of the
abnve certificate. A /1 SHARP
The penuine Liver Pats are prepared end sold by
R E i,LLERS, No G 7 Wood street, .d by druggists
in the -two slam
TO TILE PUBLIC—The original only true and gen
uine Liver. Villa ere prepared by Fl liScilers, cad hare
his name summed in black wax upon the hd of each
box. and his stenetare on the outside wrapper—all
others ere counterfeits, or but imitation..
onto R E SELLERS, Proprietor
Lae. JAVISZ'S ownastaraTivicstadia n
ROM the Rey ASA 81.1 INN, • wellknown and pop.
els: Clergymen of the Proteetnthlethodist Chuck.
The undersigned nuns been afflicted during the put
winter with a duet' mate stomaehoometimes pro.
d eel n p gremps in in the etomach for ten or twelve hours
without inter., on,aod after having triad various
remedies with . • v.reet. wee famished with a bottle
of Dr JayneleC mauve Dalsami This he used at,
cording lathe dlrseuona and fond tnariably that this.
mulleine caned the pelt w abate in three or four min.
ems, and in fifteen. or twenty mina. every uneasy
sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine was al—
terwardsund whenever Indleationsof the approach of
palnwnreperceivul,andthe pam was thereby prevent—
ed. lie.cominued to tea the medicine every evening
and sometimes in the =MIME, and in a few weeks;
health was se farreetered, that the eafferer was teller
cdfrcua a large enteentof oppressive pea. From em
pericnee, therefore. necaneonfidently recommend 1) ,
D Jayne , . Carmi nada e Dibasic, es a Watery medlein:
for diseases of the atomach end bowels. A SHINNY/
For tale ho Pittsburah at tt tY :O4 7 Olt.
72 Fourth street, near No u. and .1.0 at theltrue
Stein °fit SCHWARTZ. Ye etal idreet.
uff - IWArldifin
. . . . . .
veX oats? 9320:11, sea
Conn: minion, Cotighr,Rolds, Asthma, Dronehills, Liv
er Complaint, Deming Ulood, Difficulty of Dreath-
Pain in the 'aide and Itreser„Ralpittaon of
the neon. lagoon., Croup, Mateo QM..
. siltation, Sore Threat,Nerrous Debili
ty, and all Diseases of the Throat,
Breast and Longs: the most of
etas! end sped curs
ever known lo t a ny of
the above disees
es, le
Osamptidend Syrup of Wild Okerryl
This Medianc is no lerMet 012/011,e Om,se of doub ,re
utility. It has passed away from the thousand. dolly
inunnhed upon the tido of eipentnent., and note Mends
higher in reputation, end 'abeam:dna. more exterave
ly veal then any other preparation of medicine our
produced for the echo: of andering man.
It has been lettoMMed very Fellanaly throngli the
United States and Rome, and toe= are few town. of
Importance bet what coolant sumo remarkable evi
dente of its good efleets. For proof of the foregoing
statelnallt, and of the valet and efficacy of this meth
sloe, the proprietor wait lease a few of the many thou
mid testimonials winch have been presented to hlm by
men of the knt respeembility--mon who have higher
view. amoral responnibility and Justice, than to cer.
dry fur, becalm it will do another a foam:, and
themselves no MiMitice Snell testimony proves ton
chatively,that twatransing areellance is established
by Its Intrinste Chlt... and the onenesuoriable sothori.
ty of public opinion. The inkrantaneo. relief It af
fords, and the soothing trifinetice &gaged throogh the
whole frame.brjral nee, renders it a most agreeable
remedy for titiv.Moted.
n`Then - eren,,, aettng from CCoriseleatkotslmpulses,
voluntarily Woe sfstionony to um truth of a thing, or
partmulet dacytmoharstimonaq being controry . to their
worldly inmr , vMnestopoits, coerces conviction of
its truth AnditrammthiSs itself in a special manner te
anivemal credeemaa-O'llo-'an's literal l
&nu. A autlign Clan or PLI;IIIIIII0CT thsistrArilotcs:-
There never was a remedy that has been as successful
to desperate ease. of Consumption, as Dr. Swayne's
Comdound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It strengthens the
system., and sia. to heal the °leers on the lungs,
creams; new and rich blood; Power possessed by no
other thick.
Camara Co., April s.lth i 1P4.9.
Dr. Pa eyno--Dear Sir. I verily behove your Comz
pound Spop of Wild Cherry has been the moans of
saving my life. I caught a- severe cold, which grad.-
ally grew worse, anemia with a severe cough, that
resisted nil the remedial which I had recourse to, still
increasing until my en. Arldbited ail the symptoms of
Pulmonary Cenral:option. Every thing I tried seemed
to have no effect , end my complmtitiDereased so rapid
ly that friends es well as myself, gave op all hopes of
my recovery. At this time I was recommended to try
your invaluable medicine: I did so with the most hep.
py remits. The first both; had the effect to loosen the
cough, causing me to expectorate freely: and by the
time I had used six boules,l was entirely vac% and am
now as heathy a mitten I over was in my life, end
nub! be happy to give any inforesstionrespachng my
erre, th at o th er sufferer. may derive the brag° for
which l are so grateful For the truth of the above
Statement, I refer you to Peter Ranh, Grolier, West
Chester, Pa., of whom !purchased the medicine
RespMfolly your*,
.1•10.11 210111.1.11.
Tromelera Cons of a 241%hadist
Dr. Swayne--Dear Sin I feel a debt of gratitadriikaa
is yea-and • duty to the afilleted generally, to erer
my humble testimony In femur of your Compound Sy
rup of Wild Cherry. Some three years since I scat'
attacked with cold and hillansaatlon of the
„ •Lh o i t i ll
, was e e aLe t ri .. mp d ard .4 w . his ,.. ;
the liseLge of offensive mules from the loop, wipe r' :
chilly upon change ot weather, however alight. At
first! kite., 0.102711 about mycondition, but was pretty
anon convinced that !wax rapidly going into conmorip.
don. I row daily weaker, end ut length was .arees
ebb to walk about, or speak above a
was the exceeding vrealrocss filmy lunge, this
time !bad tried various prepared°ss end preseriptions, I
but found no reoef-growisor all the time worse. Just
here I wee advised and persuaded by a dear friend in
Wilmington to snake trial of your Syrap of Wild Cher
ry. must moues, that previously I had been prejus
dread against patent medicines, and I am still °gal. t
those corning out of the hands of emperles, but under.
Atanding your claims - to the profession and practice of
medicine, and Loving implicit faith in the saying of my
friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of your
agents, aCm bram, awl commenced its use. My dia.
sure MIS 01 tbs. time of got ruceilbs' mending, coos
secthmaly it sues deeply matthl. I found, however,
considerable relief from the use of the first four or five
books. lint being a' public speaker, I frequently at.
tempted to preach with my increasing strength, and
thereby moused those vessels that had alreadythmon
to brag in this way, doubtless, ray mire was greatly
retarded. In consequence of acting thus imprudenth
I hod to use twelve or fifteen bottle. before wasp°,
reedy restored I have no question, much email
number °Wratho , . would have made me spired, Ira
the above Indoseteuon. The Syrup allayed the. (eve
nil habit, toot the distressing cough, pot nen,.
to the dischoga or matter from the lungs, god
them and the ward eystem goal health. I have defer •
red offering this <Macaw until now, for the pothole..
of being perfec.. v satisfied with the permtheocy . o r th c
mire, and now %hulled perfectly well I offer It with
pleura., SA, J. P. inseam
Dublin county, N. G.
• Important Catams—Rood'
There is butt. a genuine preparation of Wild Cherry,
and that is Dr. 13waytte`s, die lest ever offered to the
vnb, hteh
a 7 1 , 1. some Paso ."
a l r gcty m..° IhtZjlipth e
:ea Rev by the name of Wild Cherry, have
put out alma this, outlet cover of some deceptive
cirearastancet, m order Jo give currency to thets.s.k.g.
By • lilac: obmtration, no person need mister's the
genuine fronttlii false: Each bottle of the gentune is
enveloped wit a beautiful steel engraviog, with the
likenesis of William Penn tillefe011; OW, Dt,,Swayno's
denature: mud tot further security, the portrait of Do.
Siveyne will b.: added bcreatter,so as to distinguish
hie preparatiou 'OM all others.. now, it it mil not for
the great enrollee prOpertielt and known Id Mice Of Dr.
w ould
no Sytop. of Wild Cherry, pertons
would not be endeavoring to give currency to their
fictitious nes.ams u by smalum the manse of Wild
tierry.. Remember,
deceivealway bear in mind the name
o Owayne •Ind be not d.
Pnncipal Whom, corner of Eighth and Race siceets,
For sale whemsale and Mall by OGDEN k SNOW
DEN, coo lid alai Wood4LS B A FAIINESTOCK
Co, roe tat an. Wood, and 6th and Wood our WM
THORN, SJ' Market sti S JONES, inn Liberty it ' n JAS
A JONES, cot Band and Penn eksi JOIIN MITCID
ELI., Alleghent any, and by all respectable dealers in
medicine. °can
Dr. W. P. lulaudie Premium Plaster.
DR. W. P. LNLAND, of the Medical College lir Phil
adelphin, now oders to the public his Didion
Pinner, the qualities of which, after
experience, has been satisfactorilyto.
I t o ,,tf,,,t d d. "l 'Voli women who may be afflicted with
Prolopsm Uteria or Fallen Womb, he recommends his
•plaster, gunramming lure and speedy cure ln the
short spate of from two to thee weeks, if applied with
care and rest—dlmanllng alloy countless instruments
mid expensive bandages. in U.G. Thu he Mel.
conscientious In antiog, i11.11111.1h as he has not failed
In one case out of theca hundred and filly-three pa
Also for Rheumatism and Weak Breast or Dank, at
tended with pain, there is nothing to excel tins Plague
in affording relief or effecting a core. For sale by
Wilcox, corner of Diamond and Iderket st
Deem & Reiter," liberty end M. Clair eta
De Smgent " Federal et and Diamond,
la S eq h = d i Z Den Mun sad Diamond Dirming.
ham. 183
MIXTRACT OF COFFEE—An article which is rs.-
X/ pidly coming into nee as p
and delicious beverage, being more p and pal
atable than common Coffee,and far cheaper, Os; a mall
paper costing only ten cents, will go as far as four
pounds of CoSee. Manufactured by
JOHN 8. MILLER, Pittsburgh, P.
Sold at wholesale by B A FAMNESTOCR Co,
comer of First and Wood and Muth and Wood streets,
Pitteburgh. arotl
36 Camp ilhiatelTi teloineer coals 12 pm YuTog
18 pairs mu lined Aiming Boots; 12 Isthmus Dap; 3
wato Tanks, 6 ma 13 gallons each, - SO mmteens,
gallon each, 1 dos ihaekstm Ploney Hells; Ido oded
cambric do do. The abovo goods for sale at Um Cali
fornia Catfaing Establishment, No 6 Wood st.
metal J
,kll ruiLtait
A N./Its...wrought Iron Anvil.; from the Temper
-21.1. amorally work., warranted; will be constantly
on hand and .applied to order, by
nate ORO COCHRAN. Sta Woad al
LIQUORS -1? ht papas Branty—Otaral,
/t4eNlVlt i nd
400 bbl. Whatkey; tor sale by
13L,P.KCIUNG POWDER-1N camas .I.setaraprau
J)11 Bone' brand, a superior article, for sale by
75 131AelleljAtZte7,1% . tnVed peAlhibtp"gxgbr ge :
and now 9 1 ' 4,9b r 'LV,VlVatiVilthritEs
N. IL—Thay will receive, doling the ! rimer, li n e
INtre!Neatlli '
Pp ri ? "'SC' er i q t=l cOg j o u ftgl;
pre ' s:lnc/Ts each and every Teacher in the
Baited tate.S.lialbOat elagr,npon their applittraka
to A. IL English & 1I Wood street, Put:Margit,
(post paid) The work is emaled,_
GRAMMAR 0P , .. .BnIIME - ne;
Or, An Analysis of the Lao, mm! of figures and
mice of Numbers.
The following notice to copied from the New tar
?fibrilla of inn. P2rl,l6,Te _
"Gamer. as Azilaa VT CaLS. Daum,
(I Brno., pp. 1.7.14-.ln thin work tie langstaire of urea
tad conatractlon of numbers, ere camfienT
The alplmbet, compowd of ten' figures—the words de
rived from the alphabet. and the laws by which the
firms ore with each *Mehra' clearly
u'rh.. d. shows that them are but four:hun
dred and eighty eight elementary combinations in
Aailataete each correoponding to sword of Ortr-COrft
wen WOR4e; nod that them COsabanaliania ale so
cotmeeted tegmh.. s ,. es to be all expressed bfonli
rimY three diferent wants. The system proPullne
contort these words to meittory, and then 'la [ho
results instead of spelling them, as now prad
In another respect the system proposes on leport
ant change, namely.. ID atozotaor and naatln RaCtiOnt
uentire things, having& given rehabs:do theirmitonst,
from which they were derived.
We scarcely need say that the little work ininees
the ingenuity and skilful analysis, for which PrOCIOSOr
Mates' Waiting Oa this Mit.ct are lardy Oigobtlaa'
We commend at to the attendee Of lmella' leachers,
believing that they will find It crowded with now and
valuable atorgestions."
From Ms Praia:son al Wart Paint., • r
"Manure ACamata or 8. Warr Pour:, fan 47..
"The Grammar of Asithractie; by Professor,Davies,
presents the settleet In a newllcht. It so analyses
' - Arithmetic u to impress the mind of the learner with
the first principle. of nuu.hentatleal science in unix
right order and connection, and the new rules (or the
reading et fiireres are caveat practical
Signed, W. IL 0. Bartlett, Prof. of Nat. & Ez: PhIL
A. E. Church, Prof of Mathematics:
D. 11. Mahan Prof. of Engineering.",
In Pmts..
A.S. BARNES & Co. would respectfolly senbvoce
Ur teachers, sad to all interested 111 autthetrattleal to.
stroction, that they inn publish, on or beforet the Ist
' ' ' l' 'f iltiVrAltl) f aira l'-' I,77O9I — ATML4A I 7ItCS;
Or, ut Analyses of the Principles of We Scieffse—of
the Notate orate reasoning—andof th e best Methods
of Imparting Instniction. - By Chas. Davies,
Author of , •A Complete Splom of s.lluhematietto
N. I3.—A. S. Barnes & the publishers of
Davies , System °Mtemtics.
For mile le thin city by A. N. ENOLISII&, , art.. No.
79 Weal meet. feb27
Foldsleta New Mittropism Halodian•
QWINE to Run all Night; Dolly Day;
Daley Jon.; Go down to do Cotton Fteld;
Nelly wo &Lad), b.c.
Be Rind to We Loved Outs at Home;
- Row thy boat lightly; Troe Lomb) T. lt oodf
Onr way across We sea, dnett;
A new medley song; by D. Cozen;
Jenny Gray, mule by Monett
Joys that were crowning, Wedding &larch;
God bleu We hardy instriwkSclicylkill Walic
ConseriON Moutons, by W. C.. (Goren ;
Saporta Worn lime; Waltzes, Steyertnarkisthe
Lan IlMe of Summer, easy variations by tier Dolled State. Polka; LathestSourenlr Polka;
Cora Cracker Qudtille; Lonisattle Qaaildhlej •
Mantled of Italy; DOM, ' Trios, 6c. •
A large'essormen, ef New Mule on band.l6whieb
addition, azo wade weekly. For sale by
fob:* Li 2.11. nreLLort, et Woad It-
. • t NEW 110022111
Tuß i 'W,tat wrra 11.1111 CO, by IL B. IDploy;
Weroe ' nfo of Rhetoric; comprising an Antos' al
the Lams et Moral Evidenco and of Persona too; by
Richard %lintels, D. D.
A. Essay eaChlintan Baptism; by papilla W.
The °Orin,. NoTcL
Fairy Taloa, (bornNadoreq by Anthony Tt. Mon
La; ni ille.gmtiono by 1)dylo.
Just rdo , d by JOHNSTON srocrroN,
<WS corner 'Thud and Mute,. attee
Mew wad Elegant Olft Hooka -
Headley, with eleven original deaigne by Harley.
Poem, Prow Writniga, by Richard IL Dom; 2
v 01.., marlin
Illuminated Genteel' Sacred Poe ty, with sizipastra
bons engraved onateel by John Sartain.
n JOHNSTONJa received by & STOCKTON, .
de32 comer Third and Market Ina
flaw Hookas •
MiIMITSICIAN AND PATIENT or a Piacildel 'near
of the mutual duties, relations and interesis of the
Medic., Podesslon - ned the Communhy; by Worth.
Illot o r ke e r 'or , it r iehael De Montaigne; gnnlP r 1 . 1.11
Loners, ko. By Wat.liaxle. •
Nineveh and its Remain. By Aus tt ten Henry Lay.
ard, Fiq., D. C. L
Glimpses of Spain; or Notes of au Vanished Tour
in 1 e47. By S.T. Wallin
Tepper's Provertnil Philosophy, neareditiob; Blum
awed. Just received by
nov2l corner Market and Third Street.
L •
mimed Books—Books In richly carved binding,
thummated and illustrated—Bongseuperbly bbund
Velvet, Silk, Morocco, and Conhosnlon ' lactation
of thy Middle Ages—Bibles and Prayerllooky, beau
tifully bound in I/niacin/id fiTnroneo,megnifienhtly of and illuminated. For sae by •. •
deW Bookseller & Importer Wood M...
Christman and New Year Appioneblnit
/is Illognfficent Antique Binding, for the lioticio.4'
J a LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Imparter,st) rZ Wood street, has reeemed a beautiful collection
Of Illustrated Books, bound in the moat splendid man
ner by the be st London and Amerman bindera—suh . no,*
them Luny be founds
l',azot of Amen I ." Poetry; magnificentlylmohl
Lors.ars of dos Western World; illomthaled is gold isrd .
Wordsworth's Greene; richly Illustrated.
'the,eueber; ilium:mad by Owen lox*, und
bound • carved wood. ~
• • • ••
The Song or Songs; Illominsted by Jones.
Flowers nod their Kindred Thoughts; Illumulnyted by
nominee of RI akepearm illustrated.
Mrs. JOUTICNOIN Chmarterisueo or Womerr, Most
ted. For redo by JAMES D LOC/CW(3OD,
dell 63 Wood duvet
. .
iIIiEDBURNI Ills First Voyage ~ b y Herman Mullellle
author of l. TYPen," "011s.°1 b 'Abb. I
Iliatary of King Alfred of England, by Jaen t
nei, Eno engralunga
Sidenla the SOICOIGION by 'Win. Meinhold.
noell corner Third and Market streets
.0. of dio JtZwt Iteotorivals Work, of thi Ago."
of a visit to the Chnlidioan Chnsuons of Roselle
tem end the Yeridie, or Ileeil-Worshlppersi and an
Inquiry into the Manners and Arts of the Ancient As
syria.. By Attica Henry Leyard, Esq., D. C. L.
With Introductory Note b Prot E. Robinson, D. D.,
LL. D. fib:stmt.] with' I D plates and maps and 110
wood net,. 1 vele. Svo. cloth, sip.
The book hos a rara amount of graphic, Vivid, pie-
Unique norretiw...”—Tributte
."The work of Layard Is the moat prominent eontrt
bution to the study of antiquity, thou has oppeired for
many yevan—Christ
"Not one excels in interest the account of Nineveh
and its Ruins, given by Ur. Loyard.n—Washieguin
"As we follow the diggers with breathless Interest
in their excavations, and suddenly find ourselves be
fore a rwassivo figure caned with minute aeenrech•
now lifting Its gigantic head from the dust of 2000
yurit, wearo raw!) , to cry out with the witouished
Arabs, 'Wallah, it is ironderfal, Oat it Is traeS:n—ln
degrnilze t. by
T ug WOMMV of the Old and New TM:anent.
Edited by E. K. SPrePt., D. D. . I_101:.1.14,70.!
%MIL `:lrbViLT47.7cirra..E . •
roemjui - ASSELA,(III4. Walby, of Ky...)". new
and enlarged edatlon; Illasirated by eniravuig l Man
original designs by Wier. 1 vol. square eve., elegant.
ly bound and gilt. Also—A variety of splendid:annu
als and Old ltooks.
Sewell's Child's First Book of the History ofißome.
I vol. Irituo. I .
use of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwright.ll2aw
yet's, Lumbermen, Students, and Attiaans go:0..11p
being a thorough and practical Treatise on blefisura.
don and the Sliding Role. By D. M. Raper, A.M.
Min's Treatise on Greek Pro. Composition."
011enddrit's Elementary French Grammar. By Prof.
Greene,'of Brown Univeriirir. 1 vol. ISmo. • •
Boediger's Heb rear G rammar,:by CUrtatet.
Gesemus , Hebrew LCZICIIII.
Loomis' Trigonometry and Logarithmic Table.. 1
The 123glislue.'s Greek 1 cot (max
lin.) I
Antbotee Classical Series.
Wobster's Dictionary, revised ed. 1 yol. Erie.
do do unabridged. 1 vol. dm;
Barnet's Notes and questions on New Testament.
Whately's Logic.
Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History. 3 vol.. end 2
.1. (sheep.)
Vestiges of Creation. 1 vol. ISrso.
Mornings among the Jesuit. at Rome. 1.11 leloth
.d paper.)
Scenes where the Tempter has Triumphed . ,
'1 vol.
(cloth and paper.)
Boon's Theological Lectures. 1 voL B.l.(Meth.)
Alder's Prononneing
Doyen; French Dictionary.
Satan's Bosse. For sale by R HOPKINS,
novl3 Apollo Building., Fourth it
VI Montaigne, edited by 11. Bastin, comprising his
Em.Y. Letters, .d Journey through Germany arid
poly, with notes from all the Conturiemator.lhograph
leal .d Ihbliographical Notices, en.
Theory nod Pruner of Teaching( or, the BIWA.,
.d Method. of Good School Keeping, by David
Plage, A. M. Principal of the State Normaf Shoot,
Albany, N. Y.
Frank Forester's Fish and Flatting of the U. Nines
and British Provinces of North America, by Henry
Wm. Herbert. JOHNSTON tr.. STOCKTON,
_nova___ canter Third and Market _
The Olden Time.
TAMES a LOCKWOOD, Ikakseller and Importer,
ka No. 63 Wood street, has for sates few copies corn-
Pim., (the remainder of the edition,) of tins vaistabie
work, devoted to the Preservation of Documents, and
other authentic information relating to the early es ,
Plorations, settlement and improvement of the. country
around the head of the Ohio. By Neville 111 Craig,
Esg., of Pittsburgh, in vole. Svo.
novlO J. D. •
7)0 1111 I.SBEIITY: A History. with o view Qf me
1L Liberty of other Anelout Nations. Hy Samuel
Elliott, EN. Illustrated with twolvo migravings p esc
alated at Hama 2-vols., 800., uniform watt Pramual
Ilittorleal Worth
Jul published end for sale by
JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller nerd'
norIU Importer, el Wood rt
W ANNi' KKALULE IN ITALY; authorireaeiliignr
Umo. 73 ou. MRS. FANNY KFMnI,Es YJAH
reading pi of tm book has
M lmpressed ut es ettth •
mach higher onion of ItA autkor we had termed
from perusing her other anitinge. It displays a deeper
tonna( thought, salted to more peon womanly grace of
feefrm than my other production of the imam ruled
with which we are mrralated.n—Eva Mirror. 7
It is a very agreeable and readable hook, wrliten
Fanny Remble's best style—bold, opined and Entor
mining. We recommend it to our readers as the best
publie•llon of the moson.u—Reading oaz... •
"It eon tams the Joamal of • travel Omagh BOOM
and ruideneo In Itelyi and la one of the pleasantest
and most interesting Wok, of the seasme—Coot, and
A verreharmteriatio book. We have read it from
dile page to Colophon with unabated interest. iA oi.
vid picture of life in Rome. InW respects eminently
rearlable.: , -Rolekerboelter. ,
For sale by JAMES D LoCICAVOOb.
aorta Bookeolle: lmposter, ad Wolf st
tubbon, WWI Flowers.
301 r.RP-r....Tr1L11""N:1°"0.123°..
&LIo at)/es, ree'd thilday at
sa3 Dlarkawt
AMED BEEF -10,1XX/ lbs engar eared sop.i.hlus
out of siFoke, for sale bi
• • limns a rtictius -
G EROl3l‘
N. lIOLBEICIII 110111111,-
. 30:sa haat. Bratar
COLLECTIONK—Drafts, Notts and Aceemneen -- ,
payable in any pan of the Union, collected acme most
favorable terms. • ••
SA.C.-IANGE ea New York, Plilladelphla 1.44
timore: L -lao,Clnel.2 rl 1 fed .
s lirt . lle, Sam!. Lol4.
on on wheat bath bt
United tatelt tliseett4l...t lower ran. All Mods
of Foreugu -and Amesitall Gold awl Gip la
. (nee No. Ai Market street, bemoan 3d
and 4112
Pittsburgh, Pa.
rg Tr'TC:)-w;T. T w,I-,- M 74.
ILLS ea • &team', Ireland, and Scotland boas t&
any. suaeunt at the Current .Rat. of Exelem
, Drafts payable la any part of the Old Con
Atm -XI LIGON at the Mite et 115 to the
'without dedaelloa or diseatiat, by Josuve ROAN.
SON, Europese Rad General Agent, °Leo Rh it ono
door wart of weal. oetilfer
Ataxwasur i a l
. pr
ru klowassi sArst
in Fares% Dosasstla Dills of Exabsage, Coo.
ates of De s. Eat& Notes tad Cola, comer of
&I and 'Wood =acts. Shortly opposite AL Mules Mo.
taL synAly
pan:hued at ths Enron rues, by Note
sop!: " 33 Market mat:
110bIEVOWE r ten - ANDE—Sight Onots oa
-Lb , Now York,
YHUI 4 HPI•ira
Coastaally far oda by , * HOLMES & SONE.
ldOftllJl di. iIAWORTIti
iLEAIB,.d 'Tea and Wine
R. Siert hatl r e i s, l3 4l Aloof the Diamond, Pinthargit,
aro.nnw oterutg at the eery lowest Prises for sash,
&scuffed Whiskey. Ginand NIMEStIO Unman also,
French Brandy, Liolland Gin, Jamaica Sporits, Lon
don Gip, Irish Whlikry, Awn, &e. Port, Fherryhta •
delra, Chan pope, Claret, Muscatel', Malty& ?sna
re& and Lisbon Mites, Wholesale & Retail tarn
KINTING PAPCR4Aterigi on band or made to
order, the - variant, moo of Printing Paper, Rag
% rapping Paper Cmon, Medians, and Innabia Crown
eines Straw Wapping Paper•, Crown, Atediarni, said
Doable Crown Poet Olen raper, Paataboard,,lte.
P :11121111811A Lt., 83 Wood at,
Agent fro. Clinton Mill..
TOUN WATT & CO. hove removed thole stook of
Groceries m the oppOsite Ado of phony Ct.
WOMAN IN AMERICA-Ihr work nod her re.
A.VoU r atilahu ß Tot hr s,? lLl ft bid in ' an ''h dloV. , l . l7oTi!..47.
Lotion Day Pmaphlant, No .ID—The presout Moo.
Dy Thomaa Canyalo.
G ala", Of Lea and Wngs of Than
Maimed", D IL, D. Protection. on Dotter.
Analogyi Paley% Eridenees of Christianity, and 1111/1
Lantana an Divinity, Wink MO I nualuctory Lectures
and foal.' Addrowes doLiveradin tho Now College,
Ethalinrgh, by Thomas; Chubut., II 11, L. L. D.
1,01 Moo..
Camms—Llfe oflohn Cabrio,compiled from authen
tic solutes. and particularly from holeorrespoodeacen.
By Thom.. II Dyer, with portrait. 1 not
For tab by E HOPKINS,
apar 19 Apollo Buildings:Fourth at
From the New York Tritrlna
AFRIEND, urbane word . in meet reliable, eel wha
bus no persible Intaiew Its Oe matter, 1111 bas Of
gratittulce desires um to say, that ha has been eared of
inveterate deafness, by theta° or "tieurpies Compound
Acounle,OlLll a Fhltudelpblet medicine, winch Lin not.
fbr sale id this city, but Whlehlia Woks ought io be,
fee the geed of the affUcted. Ile bus a aster who has
also been eared by It. , Ile urgently Italians all' who
are utuferlng tram deafness, to try this remedy, with uu
amuraney that, sale., the rue be extruord i tutu, Me
exprimobt will prone abaabundantlyeaceewful.
"e atel a t " salt PERIN TEA STORE,
• '7O Fourth at, FittAborgh
• Combat Oooubal
20 giT.TS superlPolka; 10 d."" .y
ass d Redding;
11 wpm , English /Tom Redding;
6 • ?marl Combo;
000 Wood .
1000 dos won Fille NMI ,
Shell Side Combs;
10 " =per large Italfnle;
200 gross rued Side Combs; rre'd and far sale by.
feb2 , C YRAGER, 102 Markel at
litaff Ilollaridl MLR Lionel:kW
TAUR NOTICE—That W. McClintock boo this daY
received slovens] eases of the finest and best Bur
inders Menuld, to which de would most rerpeetfolir
nail the nitcation of his customers and Um public in
ji7"Carpet Ware Irocaus,7s Fourth mt. janM
A FEW very fine * GUITARS, but reed from th e
fl eelebtnie manufactory of Manlu; And tot
ank by ianS S. It. ItIELL()G, el Wood I.
Tm Cnnm!eto Worts of 3Ohn Ilanyan; 2 Vole, B.q
in 1 no!, inmarated; muslin ain .4 dal Nan.
IllnchelPa Ltibhcal and Sabbadl School Geortaphy;
a now work; 1 md,l9no.
• Town'. Antlysur .4 Speller. ,
lan of John Q. Adams by Wm. 11. Seboud; I vol.
12mo; cumin,
Pau.. hY Mrs.'llem.s; I .1, Ignan muslin; gilt.
South , * Sermons—Sermons prose/led upon silvers!
occasions, by Robust Boo*, D. D.; a now edition, 4
via,. Including Posthumous DiScouries.
Sisau-4 vols. In .% sheep, ext.; alio.
For sale by - • • • R. 110PRINS,
fob=. AP OIIO DialtliaSs,Fourtli
;0111rtatetutson L. W.o. Cotta.
Tim anderaigned, succescom to Anthers &
aon,. beg leave. to inform thenitized. ofPlust, mg IS
;Pa they
fairop b eiriat the
pan - of Choir patterns ready for the minuet:—
Amongst 'stint see Cooking Sloven, Coal and Wood
Stoves, with a splendid air-tight Coal Save, which is
now eudi chap other cities the common round
Steno. Aim, a coal Cooking Surto, well adap
ted for entail families, with a fall arsortment of com
mon and mantel Gratea We maid panicalarly in
vite the attention of persons building to mill at quo before parcliming, and examine a 'splendid
article of cinnamon.' Grates, finished in fine style—
entirely now in this market.
Warehouse, No.lBl , Liberty at, opposite 17.11 at:
amt.kihdil NICHOLSOI I i & PAY-PrE.
CL.I.OER. Importer and. Wholesale Beeler in
o I- ,
Sign of the Gilt Comb, 109 Market st Pittsburgh, Pa.
Weston Merchants, Pedlars, and other. •miting
Pittsburg - 6M parcham Goods, are respect folly Invited
to call and examine the extant.° assortment of Ettg••
lish, American, French and German Fancy Goods. •
Foreign Goods at this establishment are import
ed direct by myself, and parchasers may rely on get
ting goods from first harms. 1 have
,the largest...rt.
meat of artinlea, - in the viricil line, in the city of
Pitutrurgh—all of which will be salary for cash or
city acceptances. The Stock consists, In part, of
Lace Geods,Dosiery, Gloves, Ribtans.
Silk Cravnts,Shoo and Patent Threads, Sewing Silk,
Spool Conon, rapes, Suspenders, Buttons, Pins, Nest ,
dies and Cutlery.
Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, attach o I
Brushes, Combs and Razors.
Perenssion Caps, Revolvers, PistoD„Clocks, Silk fr. I
Cotten Pars., Spectacles, Steel Pens, htrmis Doges,
Carpet Bags and Baskets..
Bunlmgs, Findings and Trimming. •
Toys and Fancy Good., together with a Lugo
ty of Fanny and Staple DRY GOODS. '
C. YEAUER is also agent for the celebrated Iran
caster Combs. .
Groat Zsagtlets gisanaster. •
FOR Cou g h iColds, Asthma aild Conan:uplift! The
GREAT AND OMX REAILEDY for the career Or
above diseases, 4 the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Boehm, of .
London, England, and introduced into the United State.
ander the immedtste.roperintendence of t h e inventor.'
The extraordinary 'access of this medicine, in Ma
Om of Fulatemery disease; 'Famous. the American
Agent to solting for treatment dm "rent possible .es,
Sr. that can he found in the conentinity—cates that inch
relief In vein (root top of the common remedieo of th•
day,..ind have been men op' MOM
physicians es confirmed and Incurable. The Itungari.
are Usil.nt has enrodratul will curt, the most despond*
of caeca Lt is no quack no/gruel, bat a standard Eng.
lish medicine, of known and cataLlished eLleacir.l
Every family in the United States abould be supplied
with I.lachanle Ihuirorian BalsatiOof Lie, not<rely to
conaterstelthe consumptive teralentles of theehmate,
bo: be duel as is preventive medicine is all eases o
cold., coughs, opining of blood , . peer Co the redo and
cheat, irritation and torment of the longs, brochitio,
iltfficolty of bream& Imetio fevetiniSineorfenta, maser
titian and general debility, asthma, intlacems, whooping
• cough and ereup: ' "
Bold in large boniest, at 111 per bettial with felt dine
d°. for the restoration of health.
c,, a Masse( &gnats and Ameri
can certificates, said other evidence, ebowing.the tre.
equalled Merits of MD geed English Remedy, may be
°bugled of the Agents, gromittiLletY,
For sale by it A FAlThik2S- iGK. & Co., corner o
st and Wood and Wood and 6th sts.. j0g,t,„,5
Normati Luz lit! _ ..
Prrnerourra, March r,191;.
Mr. R. t peitatw-lo Maier" to totalled yourinceterw
parable Cough Syrup, / bog leave to state, for the hen
obi of the community, that my, wife has been several
times aglieted wi a most dunresslog cough. I per.
chascd,l4 .I. cm last, a bottle of youidyeap, which
cured a coop oft mouths' lemmata. About one
month since, We coul to cr retunted, sad woo /so severe
that she could hard move, from oaker:as in ttor
breast' !Sent for one ale of year Cough Syrup, end
a pan or one bottle cured the cotter Igavo the older
to a journeymen who orstssesterely afflicted, who hod,
to use his own words, "ratan - clutegh totsg6 candy to
eure all dm people to Pittsburgh? if tho tautly tool
bean es good es reorotaatmL.• •
Yours, rertmetfulbfr .. • ' Amen U. Rerett:
Prepared and sold by R. E. SEILERd, 5? Wood
lucid, and sold by Druggists' generally is the two
Akzar.onazir VENITIAN }mum,
t &ND gmnisoz wnitutoom
• J. A. lIRUWN world re et
fully leen* ruhlie, the he
• keeps an heed golds stand an the
west side of the Diamond, Al ie.
Jaen) , eowptete arum
n.t.orveninan 111.nds;illso
lt! tl 11.111 or f
der in the best style, weaseled
• equal to say intim United State.
• Nis Blinds can be remove.d mnh
- eh! of. drives
17 " ,b,ppmnhaeed
t s toctr
t o:4, Ira wood enlis eablnet
I nd r , ! m at prer ei re4l
. I=st
the public et large, with emery thing la their
Agency; Nos Wood sueet, rinstnirgh.
meht.l • J. A. BROWN.,
j It ( ST teo l ll,lm el t. geuxt plaid Rowsleo4l El Oct.
Ogla te pe:O W l 4 tr = ft ;
y";,:i Nmes,
t o r too by U. KLEBER,
deW W. Woodwoll.
YT YT for !removing Tarter, Tcolvir eTTTT!, T. 4 of
substances destructive to.the Teeth.. It is dentine& to
the taste, emitter the tneath; healing and streegthen
tog the gums, and purifying . the breath.
For sate, wholeeale and retail, by • . '
dab). • • • R ESELLIMS, d 7 Weed st•
VV Just reed, an invoice 01 lin Jew) led P- 2 . 01. W
cer Wattles, 18 caret. lac cues, whirl& 1 eau fell s. •
low as itilay and lidny be dellarm, and warranted is -
k*=l ipte ipte;l4 . . U•soitmeaiH . ..t.MWEL - RV:
Tie VA14011.11 rut hurt Pyle., arribest pautatA"
• W. pl, NU•60141, Watch:may mad JemeicA
' AV • siramagAsanutkarwit , •