BY MAGNETIC TELEflltAkli: uY.PUBrER dr. TEL OKA PURR FOR Tbt PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE CONoit.Essui/AL. FUNERAL OF MR. ELMORE. WASILIN6TON May 31. asarsar.—Tb e Senate tout at 11 o'coack, to at. tend the !literate/Hoe:Franklin H. Elmore, Sets ft alor from South Carolina. The Prams:teat, the members of th ‘ e Cabinet, the ) D'P l Miall coma and the Speaker and members of the Horse having entered the chamber, and taken the seats asslitred them, the f.M.iftli were brought is under charge of the Camanitess of Ar -11, raugementa, followed by 1 portion of the family and veveralrehaions et the deceased. Among the Spectators on the floor of the Sen. ate, were the young Sacte d ich Island •Prlaces,- Hthorthe and li sattehaeht, dteseed Is repot. Cents suits, and accompanied by Dr. lad& Is met 'anklet:l,l'nd Jame. Sparrel , commissioners rfen• I ,xnentlaries nom the Haw/ lan Coml. The funeral services were performed by Rev. R. R. Getrley,Chaplaie of the Senate, who, after 1 i reading several pornorLser the 'ensnares, and ad dleasiog the Throne of Grace, delivered a di. e arse from the 2.1 Epistle General of Peter, 11th verse, "Seeing then that all these thinge-shall be • 1 dissolved, whet manner of person ought ye to be In all holy convensauoms and godliness* After the benedletion, the procession was formed Ila the rotunda cf the casino' and the rema ins were there • conveyed to the doartesalonal bury ing ground, where they were deposited in the re ,. c owing rauh, to await their removal to South C." a ono., i.,. Having concluded the CSNlllOlllea at the bury.; . 1 ground, the Ecaatom returned to their chamber. The bill to esiabltsh a Mint at New York, sada 4 Mint and *waling dike at San Francisco, .." read a third time and poured.?' , - " The resolution requening the Vice Presider:it to Dolly the Executive of South Carolina oohs death of Mr. Elmore, and directing she payment to his widow of the balance of pay and mileage ,due the deceased, doe., and authondur, the committee of arrangements to male suitable arrangements for the removal of Me remain of Mr. Elmore to South i Carolma. . • • The Senate then adjourned till htenday next.. Horsc—Tho Boom tact at II o'clock, mhen • message WWI received from the Senate, aueoaa• ciog the death ,of Frasklie H. ElmOte.- Mr. Woodward. of Saudi Carolina, delisereff • brief and appropriate eulogy on ihe life and MM. meter Stubs deceased; mi 4 offered tho ntualtreso. letters of respect and condolence . , whier mete adopted. . The members Plea preereded to, the Benno Chamber, to atieod the funeral of the dircelmett. The Senate and House will AOS 'inett til Monday next. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION; Pnimanauntia„.'llay 31. The Democratic Convention Yor nominating a candidate int.Cazal Communsioner. met•and or ',Greed at WElvtimpcnt, yenterdny morning. /I m, mnrnaw,of Entaningn, Pretldent.. TRily lotlr ballotliegn Were-the which e renetted toy trick -591 : land 32; -Vanasat 37. \ - Raving retied in a choice, the Convention ad. jointed to meat man. this errelnit. THE WHEELING BRIDGE CASE. ' Waanisoron, May. 31.. In the miner of the State of Pennsylvania va. • ' the Wheelie' Bridge Company, contesting the ;..; sight of the cap of Witeelizat no to obstruct the 1 ::•:-,•- navigation of the Onio river by the erection of a .....,-...•, lilispenalOil bridge thereon, oppos!te *lid city of Wheelie', thereby preventing_the free navigation .. ~ of said river, to citizens of Peonsylvtiolo. It Wel held and ordered Ly the Jobe of the Supreme ,1 Court, on the 30. n of May, that the evidence ad. .. ,•. diced wee not foil and ouropler to the estlafaca : tion of raid Court, to establish the fact whether the ...,;.; Wheeling Badge war,. or Wastiol a iillibAnCe; that '.... at the rcqneit of the parolee to veld milt, the came . ' be reopened for :Le admission of additional' testa ' moony tonchieg that point; that Judge . Walworth. . 7. - A Chancellor of the Stile of New York, by agree , . A tricot between the soli partial, to 'elected and : , ',ii empowered to take nook testimony , and that full returns thereof, - proporly authenticated, be tellllll. ed to thla Court, on or before the first Monday of . December next. ' ' NEW •YOMI MARtCEL noon Arrort. - : ...! New You, May 31. • g Flour—The disagreeable weather to d.k, - or...cts. , 7 out door traii,aetiona. Flour is easier, Wlaf large I,' aupplies. Common and Straight State brand., are t selling tit sslPLs7sper bbl. 14,, Grain—Nothing in doing in Wheat. . Cora is in i demand, to comp:eta cargoes, with sales of .Wcat• ern Misted all:S.40o per bat. ~ . Provis.ions—Pork la better, with sales - 111.1,1 en „. at Sld Odd 75, and of Prime nt 5.3119.a8 75 per ' . bbl. Lard is firm at 7e per lb. • • Gr , oceries—Coffee is in better demand, with *ales of Rio and 'Lam/arra at 8 14; end °tiara at 10 1.5 ... e per lb. Sugar and Molasses are firm, sod the demand alcady. Sale of New Orleans Sugar at 51.4. . • • Cotton—We notice n decline of 1.8 to 1.4 in eot ton, since the oneanter's arrival. • ~ i,''',:i DENJAIIIIS nowN, ..;.. WHOLESALE - FiIDITER k CONFECTIONER, No. 187 Liberty Streets -. • , A Offers for sale the follorring fresh gcvda,pitt reneired: :ll' 400 demos Smyrna rigei 1 1 4 2 1 :1 boxes extra do; I . 130 boxes Bunch Raisins; 175 Mil( lazes do , do, , • 1 , 11 runner boxes do; . • 30 bees Son liaising; 20 LAIC kegs do; • • .130 boxes I'lli:roan Orange-M s 1.. 1. . t. • 1250 boxes Sicily Lemons; , • • 2 cones Sicily Licorice; ~ :•:.,1,1 40 dozen Assorted Pieties; • i 35 dozen Assornit 4 Sauces; N 35 desert Salmi Oil: 225 boxes Smiled llorringe; 7.i.: 150 boxes ein I Herring: . 00 boxes /Mob. More; • e nn bre Yellow, tVbite;A. nod 1•15 Candy, , 1 1 , 100 bee. ‘Vbile Brazil Sagan , i s oilrag s L MammyoVerisies co eeembed fic powdered do; • er 5 s Pe - • - ' • ' 225 bogs Sicily Filbertg ito bags llrozil Nuts; • . • . 150 Zooltels Men NIIIJ; I . • 40 barrels Pscsia do:.. . : 120 bogs Soft Almonds; 125 boxes Shelled do, . - : i et: A All fiavors C06,111/11 Csodlcs 1210 per lb, carefully ... , packed. eeormn:en nr good sonny in the country. • ' No 127 Liberty st, ten dears east orElt. Clurst. ... 13111,2 , . Nh w 'MOILS I ' ran.'W toiorl“. s A: Bohner' Literary Depot, 2)i r 4 opposue the Post DICTIONARY of Xtechanies,Engiiie Work, and Engineering—Nola. . - Boston Fhakapeare—NorlG. . Pride and Irterolutlon; a new Bent. of the Die; eipline of Life. Melaka. , of alai, Time—No London quarterly Rr.le or, for APril. - Pictorial Fled Book of the Revolatlini —pan Littera Laying Age—No-am • • Linda; *like Young Pali of the Betio Creo/a. Dy Canalise Lee Hants. . Cantaelo, By George Band. The Diatom. By Leven pert I, price cents. ' Pieto.lal Brother Jonathan. Tlso Young Prima Donna. Dy . Mn Grey: No. MeteDo Bight Ltrat. 1.7 DPERCFDINO the Weeden Mete, and beings lo combestiblo, thereby economises the oil, nod pie. 7/sots lonnion, j.erctolore no moth objected no In all other tloam One table recomol .of the common lamp oil mill /Mg Nate Your., or any (nether length . of Ome,. accord/mg to Om additintalotageort ercL itecemod and Mr sat by: .1011 N D MORGAN aura Druggist _ 11111Im ma's Amtri es CR — Jan - nil Io r Del • T AAA Art. , • M.Th.. Journal of Science and Arils eon. J. deleted by Professors D. Sill/men k 11'Sil.Irn en. Jr. andJwce D. Dann, Red pabithed the Arse of May, .d earls alienate month. No 07, (or May, is now ready, 13 per year, or t37in per tornber: JAMES I) LOCKWOOD, .Aeat for proprietors, 104 Fourth et' WA. a. x'cr.eau.] taco.L 0033 Wit. A. EIVOLIIIIO fie CO., GROCERS AND 'TEA DEALERS, .11;1 2.16 Laud y great, a.Ser o.lrood, nave always en hand a lute aisurth.l3l.l.P.i'° Groceries stal Fire Tr.; oboe,_ Forrku Flaiu and Nuts, Wholesale and Retail. Acidelli supp li ed clo th e lowest term. myyl COoPAILTHCRIMIP. IHAVE taken Whl, CARR mto portnorilo4 with me in my bminearr which will from this date be °"."s°w Wl d eT Uo Uataa of "John Palter Co.' March lat, !Wt. JOHN PARKER. John Parker---.—... c an .. JOHN PAYatelta Wholci , le Gnaw', Diallito to Proelacs, 111oliongiaita nerP o leit MOLT. mo. 4, Commercial Row, LAbemy fe y ettrJo • Powhoreh, Pa. BOOKS!'.tlooms 3 Trim Pastor's IVI% 6 siteateir aonne. of mope'. Jr her Hoshead—srult a portrait Prayer, for the Voe of Frailties; a„, Domestic — Minister, Assistant Icy N 4 at. Jay, 0 0 4., at.r. =CM, The Works of Its. John T. Mot•sen, Ina Archbishop of Canterbury, settle I.e life of tho /man, by Thos. Dire}, kJ Abo, a cottons ; oder.. 6114 teals of strip. wee earefolly compered.. bend= edufoa . . • The Comply h •ostre Commentary on the Rely Strip. tares, entbraerne all that Is valuable Ins all etisten. rotor,. Edited by Den. IV. Jenks, D. D. eniecillaked With Maps and eopraVin66. • • . 5. 8. Union Books, on band, and for isle Irr . A II L.NOLISII is CO SaCcessOfl ELUOrr LMCOLDID, weep 1) Wood ..crect • . r4 neu—nybri• now bloom& for We try. • • worn . • ISAIAH DICKEY &CO HEnnlnti ins m> tandlii7nir main • - ISAIAH DICKEY lc CO , A t 76. o CAS", ran colored Llama • TettiTed 1112141 1/101/ ;4, operticg, rclactg atom cztroote 10w pries or S 1,6 lard ..6 ' A A MASON la CO " CASES fast colored Giaghocco, ire% and icltiolf al at la can., per yard A A MASON &CO ...rot G 2 Madre, as - AL , AG4llrn IX, MO, R E RELLEKEI totAtlN—Otooa• O ar m*T 4l, R skitvk CORN—:* auks %WA Car Ice,trrip -ARMRTRONO fr.esitnzsn MACKEREL...4a bf meloss ',JAa DALZELL lasiEt Wei, rt. CIiEIRTE.-13 ree'a pan. and fat sada by JAMES DALZELL . • BAREUE, Lams. CASES rl min and Dared Matra de lat e, amrt• color,,fuel Vecetvedomd lost A A At •oorg - 13Erns—/t banal $0.4.1.!hr . 11 j.klutiNtJAKPA 00 our's, •.‘ 111,WoOdstrift lAU RECORD FITTIOIllul!1,1WAOD OF THAD* • .26 xneitur`ixicitaxas. • COMMITTEE FOR JUNE. nmenc - rxlntocz---e. n Noreen. or tea OcwwSrxmorte.—The follotrioe li a lino( the rooterome of the Ocean &careers for the mooch orlon*: Cunard Lint—For Lirerpol. rotora4Lettrwes hew Vert an tee oth Arta—Leetves Unto on the tilh Juno. diarsze•—Leaver New York ee thelOttt Jane. C'ollin't Line—For Liremool. kitaktle —Leaves New York rn Inth Snag. ' liar—For Xrto ktkodurdc —Leave. Licurpook on tlth.lane. ' • axon dFtrom cirstio n Company. ilzakano—From New Yolk to Oren., 1 . 110,—From Bremen co N. York. 15th Jane. From Southampton to N. Y. 50111 Juno. ' ./iva New York to Nan Prancireo. P.7_11). nta, V , / , Chasms. on 13th Sone. Lothar, for tan Francisco direct, fat of Jane. . • Saturday zooming, Jnne 1 , 1b40. Nothing , nevi wac preulted in the market' A fur gesteralb oi lam was doing, vrith no marked change nemter !AA qnotadont. moug_..The rote lots by rivet yesterday, amounted w naiad 100 bblr. Sale on the al:trial' 0:14 b bl. extra brand, 'lngham Villa, at 64,44. The regular race for 400 d a f. brands, was 5.5,26 from arm hond4 poles of good 0. f. flour front more is deny load lets, en 0.3:00,!..41, with on upward tendency. SUGAItMOLasSEF...t—Tna market continues ve. ry firm, with an onward tendency. We have forth.. N (iNup,r to a ninited extent, at 04; some auk 5/ la small IMI by altd.. Sales NO Idolatem, ist . oak rkg,..1,3101344. v aa,so3..Vire have farther sales of 20 asks western and city eared baton, at ak for'attealders, Gin far alder, and 70 fpr ham.. Sales of tapir eared talr/MCIA hems, at ejaPie., .Ih. For all ether ankle* or th 3 marker, farmer ems eoar ale lolly maintained, IaTEB OF DISCOUNT. , 11.511.3 t.t: 1//S,I•KiNT--Collllek:starßY ~' X. 1101.111E8 b 15014 k, ' • . gtebanot Brokers, N 0.58 Market street, near Ita a Pormlay/waala. • •• . latillarra. Bank ofrittsburon —Par State Il`k &Branebss.• I Exchange Bank +Par'S•ate&orip-.•-• tare& ..s :du. Bank •.p , ' V 11.10.1.. llkaoi l• 41 lade lobla•-•;•p Exchange Bs. of Va.:.. 1 (Antal Bank ParWaraterit Bk.of Va--• " Unit of Vera. antown • •pariLlk. ante Vallay,--...-'I 0 .• " I.•oleSter Couty• • •Par Bk. of V1rgima........-.• a " Co.• • ••Par 51•4 Al. By., Wbeeltng 4 " hlootanrocryZo.• pot do Moroutoorn•-• I a, Nortinimberlond••par N. W. Bank Va---• I Col atabldßridge Co.•.- par do %Vellsloarg--• • 1 DaylestoWa Bant••-•par do Parkersboro— a Parmerellk. Beading-par Tea Fanners , Bk. Books Co. par Bk.of Tunes see.. . - 4 Farmers ll'k Lanus`r•par Far. & Me rehqs Bk— - Laneass4 Co. 10.• • •-•par Pistillate , Bk.---• • 3 Lancaster Bk.. -•-• par Uitian.lik....---... a U. States Bank-...;.-‘3O in4aso..l. Blownsrdle Bk .' ' par &Malik ol blawouri-. 1 •washtngt on no., ~--•••1 North Carolina.. aertyaborobßa.....-.- ; 1 Bk. of Cape lear••••• • 0 hambarabaro.••;-••• a 'filetek's isk.,Nenoern• 0 dusottehanna C0.13k... - Sono Bank 0 t.4,,,,,,t0w0..........-. - South Carolina.. bliddlebern ••••-•-• --••• I C amden Bk '''''' •••• ' Carbide - • Bk. of Charle WO 0 .9 Erin Bt. ••••-••• ••• • • 0 1 Commercial Ilk —-- it Farmers , - sad Droner& /31. of Geontelown—• 2 Bank, Waynesbaro. • 1 ißk.of Ilamburo.••• •.• 1 Ilarnsbonr .--.....-...-- a slerebants Ils-- -- . 2 ftot,adale-...........-....11 Planter. &Alectia'ailk-, 4 Lebanon __ .. par Bk. of Bomb Ca ro.taa• -.a p,antaiiii.-...... ..-.., 0 oarylaad. W7amino . 1 Baltimore 8ea...-. ••• •pitr rook Bk.••••••- ..... , 1 Balun'e &O RRSerip -10 Westllraosh Bk..••••. 1 Comberlandßk.of Alla Relief Notes -.... I gnarly ........ •-• • • 1 LSI& MM. nuado• " Far• Bit• of MarYlatnl• • " 'BoaP-Pittsb.l: Countyl Farmers , h Meehaniea a a Allegheny, 5 Bk. Fredeilek••••••. a '.• 01010. • Frederick Co. Bk.--,. a Btateßk.and Brueltea '1 Bagenloweßk ' a blunt PI essam .......... 011nenil Bk•-•-..-- 1 Btenben.illo....-.. ..... a Patuseo 10.-- - it Sc. Clairawills......-... n. Vi..ittatonßk-... a Manetta ..-........• ..... a' Bk.ofWertminstr.r ••• • • r• New Lisbon. ---....• a. 011eblgant. ~ ~,,i,,,,,,,i0t . .„,k. w 10:of Elt. Clair. -•-•- Columbus do.- ...... 5 a Ilk. of Hirer Raison.-- Cwoluille—.-- •••• a ' bbeltigan Ins. C 0..... el u„,,,,,,j,,, ................... 4., Far.t. Alcoa's Ilk 5 pat t neo .....-.-......... a Wlscosulst Tarrltry. Wooster 1....—......... 7 0 5•Cd.blilar , a 5 e I I ' Cassadas. aad t ,,,Ao .............70i Ali solventßanks a Ceang-a ' ' 1 (Book of EssoludNotes Norwalk.... .•• ...... 75 •-----114 70 as A str. Clevelana - a---•--•• I Gold i Stunts Valois. Xer1ia......-..-.....-. et Napoliona•.-...-.. 3 En Vayten•-•............-- a Ducats.-- •.0 15 0 710 •Westerts Renove••••••. , " FaSia•old • -•••- • 1000 Franktle Wk. Colstmbu a IFAISIa new ••••. _.,- 10 00 Chillieothe .....-........ a 11:iambi:sons, 00 Lake Er;•••- 0 4D0•Patri0t......-.••• 15 50 &lota.. -- • - - -- a So.oreions •• ...... tea r,,,,,,,,,,,,,•......-.........10 Gotten li.oil!co.--••••• . —l3 Frederiek&Pom..-.87 ED Branville••••••• •• •• .10 Ten Thaler • •• •• 7FO Farmer In Canton •.=7O Ten Callders •••• • 300 iltbana - • ..... -.•-••••15 Lonisiltors.••• •,•• • 4 0 fessatraillry. ' Ea:change Bk of Ent,ek•s• ....... 1 flew 'Fork •-• • ---. !Pan •Bk.ef Laminate a Philadelphia •• • -.- P. , Norbert Rk. Kentolt• " 13 , admare —••• • *pin Sow Yatk-Cir. Banks:rar. Imams Wks-- I , I7.gbBEI'VLANNELII cLE!;').tho'4%7 Na n mecca sir le goods, mating their arsonatent of the various goalities terr compttte. They hare [doe received a (earpieces oe American anufactured Unrhnink able Flannel f s a nd invite the M attention of buyers to their large stock of , Dry Clooda'generally, which will ba sold at lowest prices. ' msycll U===== Niu x ßP4',Y.UuM,""r;, v,f . „ a.d•iz,vi,T. - dr,.... vngultrd test ' colotei Id., love priced W . ..L. PA PER-4en r new psu 0 peeme. hornlnie Otk, butt reeeieed :tom the enet. Alto. a few fine panerde, from 50e to 151. P MARSTIALL - maser . . t. 5 Wood it. C OTJ . OA TAILNS, all number., 14 . 3r rale br WittupWcLisi=piTi, 476 i1 ! 1" si" Inty2l 706 x... 7.0. for tale by • . STUART Ir SILL BERNE NiPval ATO , —ltrill bustle's, to antra, for wale bi• tioljt3 ' St VAR? fgt.!. PY r ef u or - satryif " A In KI .y . A EL-15 '°l° No 3'l°V3TVA'diratllay - - •- • • • ptct&i, Arra.r..S-41 Do Drumm. In wore :earn STUART SILL LIAM-4110bris jrer4 iToined. for Li sale 67 - slay= • • C N GRANT RYE FLOUR-17 b joss Teed, and kr sale by DURUM:POE, WILSON k CO mayld Wawa:net F E3II! VIM! h---ZFr--.q,,.‘:6_n1;7"------- No ilhcaTierel; No I do ' bolo & kitr, No 2 do in I bolo; Mu. do Jo bolo; Salmon, Cod Mb, Scaled Herring, No 1 Herring, '11114"' Herring, fr1. 17:1 9 / 7 8SOCLIIRO &CO mol2l Liberty al . -1 - ]M6I - i ‘ ito e : , ?l-1,4" UMW Alamo 1411111 'At V " o _.._,l) ,Kkt— ge a Lr7e i clg Lee order, Jest received, aod for sale by d • Wlll A 111.CLUIlG & CO ' 250 Liberty o, BACON -3G OW Iba Shouldinr; • 10,000 Sid.; INIXO lbs for We by WATF.RAIAN k EONS 31. Wager st & GI Frost It. t,AII, LuliED .11.01 S-20 1.3 sale br L B WATERNAIS, Q St.NB iffiZZ ,— bramlly Hum - AV. LOIN ruporfolo Flow: lu brls .uperlor Rye Floor, for Palo by kllf .. L 8 WATERIIAN frISONS ['ERRING-23 tags Baltimore No I tor sah7by 11 ma) - L. $ WATERMAN A SONS DIIREETS & TUBS-40 dos Buckets; Hpa 6 Pox Tubs, foe sale by may2t L S WATF,RMAN A SONS C TT/LE aivl o Tlltl & RABBIS-40 dos Bamako,. :al dos Rakes; For sale ky L .13 WATERMAN A SONS lUs r rote red--24 4111 Metallic Gam !Hattie Roags, Li asserted sizes In each boo, for We bv • & II PHILLIPS et UM dor - MY — with and wt am IX handles, jan received, and.for solo be myna . JA II PHILLIPS NEDLIES. ELA.STIcs—i - R1:1111EIL LLASTICS—I moo No 1; 1 do No SI; • 1 do No 3; for rale b, earn Ik. II 1 • 1111,LIPti - - - - - BA a Titirw hj,Vres--A tow bui teceiii Hole fot the impose, for sole by ma 7113 • • . . 'J & H PIIILLIP3 o.l:llilifilkti-25 Wl* Late; Cop ] 24 brio Tal!tno Ottiutt I cask Bacon hems, to •171.0, tor ' ISAIAH DICKEY &CO . Waco, & Front otw. lIEDIOAL A/ID SURGICAL OFFICE, No. 6s, DIAMOND ALLEY, a law doers b ow Wood street, Up wards market DR. RILL Wlffa having been regaintlyedamiled to the medical profession, and been for some time in general practire, now emihnee bin attention to the treatment of those plum and delicate cam platnts for which hie opparturtines and experience peculiarly quality him. 10 Team amid nearly devoted etedy & treatment °ribose eomplalraskla rummer time be has bad moreprattice and has cured more pa. tents than can ever fall to the lot of soy private prae. Snorter) amply qualifies him to ore, urn:trances of wed), parmarent, d salisfaelOry care to all afflict.] with deliesta dimwit, end all &ague., arising there fro Dr. Brown owed Mimi those afflicted with ornate dames which have become chronic be time er ap• grouted by the use bf say of the commoo nostrum, of the day, Matt/telt complaints can be radically and Sion oughly cured, be having given his cutlet attention to he treatment of mutt cases, and succeeded ho hundred of instanculn coring penult of inflammation of the neck elle bladder, and kindred dioceses which often N—Nr4 os Eit:ngaraZ",e, ! VIA! he Mrlf4l:piere:asg,7:47q7eer,:4a bare eoarl[ned , a n n gruma& SILL u have been long d onancee ally treated by others an lel Weed rt to consult him when every satisfaction will be pun ta r by them, and their'cores treated In • earefoLth omega and givAtiT k klub inteluttent manner, pointed eat by a Tana experte oat, na mudy,and inverneation,whlch It ls ImposstbM for there coe'neeee.e , angered In general practice of medicine to gleam STUART & PILL one a —3O or!. rims Vaulty Flour; r e d eras ptera—Dr. Drown also Manse per -731,1. tePerfine do; atlas afflicted watt Ilemla to call, as ha aurpild pastio.. " "" d r Y; War attention to Una dsease. 70 brio Rye do; m afore and for CANCELS also cm& 'wte by to ayp 301 . 1 N PARRS R& CO Skin discasea, also II a,Palry,aoo.opaear aced, BArN,etnr chAV—=of elthe, sex at a &mane*, by mutt JoIIN PARRRR & mucus their dine". e‘ ss , ibegt all Ma erne. VICE.:IO - riallei,lis imam 2R"r''71 . 1 . , th. .. 1 7,:11 4 :.!Letm e ‘ b/ meT2. PARKER CO " ITYR — WISKEY—Oa tapt pore Ity. II Dimond C 470660461 the Wavarty Ay bud s o d for retie by JOHN PARR " " Bona.' Reach Drina' ras..—D d.oo r.Dtaira , s ne ed efartme RENO= re Mee. GALA nipes Leareve, dark led do Plad..Caolthoat ea,aCiaLWlN,Ltp.,,, ~„4 1, 11.di th'I Traablai al tlnuff:ilic ul*I' i" et Wpm trot Ilechelle.dark, — sfiribeltd Meat° C.mtilting Rettais, Na 0$ Ara le rot DPW & Ciro dad' . amp arse , fittibugh, Ps. The Amara LIMMI at is . fttar, dar; f 4 rtgingislai P M I 4 M!. smi r.r by. RP =NI = RNA - mem an 1111:64 00 ' colors " ! r:el,• F cl o b an r l t u r c ' vr d o r ;ening T tiy ""rted rinvln A A MAt.ON A c 0 : ....11TP — Wirerktr. -- • _ - • ALLEVIIEN Y City and Cotnot_y S;rip_antted " at the Krehange Orme t A. WILKINS CO" rniurr—a brie &owner berCeiii in sale by D A 'FAIlitiCfelOCK & CO - wo w• Cot. orylrood te _First eta -1-11ObtOrtl',NE-13 WO roll, for sale by D mr .j3 II A FAIIIrOATOCK &CO frelb;roranie br O zanyl3_.• BA FA INI:STOCK it CO ,16,11.11,AeSEN-1 2 errs pager Ammo ; reed per mama. Lai ee Silas Wraght, and lor pale , via)93 JAMES A IIUTCUIPION & CO RIiFINEDELWAIC—S7 bele crashed and powdered ;.aig .. _s_d_k_DDlLDlS (4A CO 0 - T i a tei:4°9"" flt4C ' ii 1011 171 . 0 . ." ,P 3 JAM ES A BM= OP PITTSB . , ihrax - rr4ere . wera 4 reeve lanes yaw In eilan kl lei cFellimi and falling. ARRIVED. Michigan, Brits Beason. Fuld*. Peebles, Elizabkh. Atlantic, Perlman, Brownsville. Bailie, Jacob,,Brownsville. Bearer, Gordo, Weneedle, Camden. Ilendnekson. McKeesport. • Lake Erie. Cinik. Beaver. Rackeye State, Reno, Cincinnati. J.. Nelson, Moore. Wtemeling. DEPARTED. • Miebigan, Bries, Balm. ' Camden, Ikneirieketio, Inelicegpori. Fashio J a cobs, Elizabeth. Baltic,b Brownsville,. Atlantic, Parkinson, [(roentgen!. Deaver Gordon, Wenseille, Lithe tine, Clark, Beaver,- Amazonia, Me linde, Pt Louis. Oliver No. 2, Dino!, Cincinnati. Milton. 1)10/ Lan 13, In Mce, Connell, Wheeling. Companion, Cincinnati. BOATS LEAVING TDIS DAY. NASD VILLF.—Fost PALS r.e. ST LOUlP—Genesae, IDA ar. The Doe •teir Port Pitt, having been miavoldshly Dined, will positively leave for Nashville, 6i. mos+ leg, at ID o'clock. fhe eptendid Steamer Genesee, Captain Moore, will leave for St Look, iles day, at 10 A. er. B ACON -30000 prime Shoulder.; • , 30,000 prime 43 tea extra Sugar Cored Hems. For rule by lea). manta,. & ' AE SUGAR & MOLASSES—SO brig N 0 Fuocr; ISO &Os N 0 ?awing.; sn or:9 McGILLS 2c ROE BEAVER -BUCKETS tr. TUBS—.?: I dax 4Nkets; erk)SS A.ROIC CEGARS VtlP3O Havana,. Principe, and Half kJi Spanish &gars, assorted brands. nil) 23 bIeGILLS Cc ROE POTASH—ID cuts for aria 4]. rtaty,..4 I.ILLS & nos L7(2l.;rgt;,;n:P° Nay 27 incree• - Tiois, kept eon: A CULILIE.RTSON • SUMAC/I-75 auks fuse seceirld,,:lataraj.a3L.a. saay27 193 LabeTty et VIRAIV BOARDS—ROM assorted number. Stra el Boards for binders. Chatabexabora manufacture, Prr sat. b, taiv27 A CULSEIBBS.ON liEn9--300 beg. Green and !hock Teas, a well no !rated !dock, to which the mention of the read, o soleited, for sale by A CULBEIITrON msy,f7 MATLS-140 kegs on hand arid for rale by may 27 . A CULBERTSON • VRESIt-TEAS—Just realised, of the Piitsborsh Family Grocery end Tr.. Ilfarehcose, a fear half chests of the celcbraied• Caron Chop Oolong Tea. the beat Rack Tea import.d, for sale by the half cheat or pound, by FPM . BIeCLII ha &CO malls 'AO Ldbuty at BonoN CRACK alltA fre•lt lot of Beaton Rat ter Itaeort and !Iran Crackers,Jaet received from the City of Notions. and for vale by ataye7 Will A McCLUIIi TAR. brio now In more, lad (or sale by ISAIAH DICKEY & CO Water & Front eta P rreel ''" ""iairi l ionieny & CO &&}-27 OSIN-40 brig in store, and (or sale by mega ISAIAH DIChEY CDEFSE—On hand, and forrale by 15..AD111 DICKEY & CO 13 ACON-1u curs llama; 5 do Shoulder.. 7 do noortotl. for stir by Lady. 7 ISAIAH nicKEy h CO IOBACtO—tiO boo Poindexter'. pound lumps, for eole tu a very low price by .•yo. ISAMU DICKEY & CO J. 11.. NO. 81 Wood stare, has ;an received a new aw senmert of PIANO mum, among which ate the follo - sing:— Molly, do you Love me, by 8.0 . roger. Oh m ty the Red Reee Lire Alway, do. 'welly, was a Lady, do. Genie Ned, do. • Gwine to Pun all Night, ' do. Dolly Dalt. • do. --Soldire.Wedding, by Glover.. The Robin, do. oh, Touehlbe Cord _yet edge again. Sweet Memoirs of Thee. Silvar Moon. Lament etch, high Emigrant. • A Now Medley Song. 'thou bast Wounded the Spirit that Loved Thee. The Conscript'. Departure, by Plover. Do Kind to the Loved One. et Home. • ills Dome where err the Pearl N. The Yankee Mold. Low Birtlw Car, by Lover. Do yen ever think orate.' _Slumber Gentle Lady. Jeannie Grey. .khfitt, Ceitartus, Wedding, fP7reath, and Dairy Waltzes. • Ilateheler, Alaiden, Bella Welt., Concert, Ladle.' Souvenir, Cally,Elvira, Alice,Evergreen, Sara tog., Adler. and Lizey Polka, . :nova --- EXTRA EADILLT FLOUR. UOIL the conekLienee iit, the proprietsre A" of the Pittsburgh City Mine here placed boxes for the reception of orders at tho following. primes J & &Floyd, corner of Sixth and Wood tame le Hayward, shoe Moro, e or. Ltherty &Market sit A Peet., MOM TbTIII erred. Is Wilcox, jr, drUgglat, tor Mirth & SmithKeld. John F Ettuth more. corner Bich & Wylie. Telegraph Oilier, Fount, meet. it C Kelly, grocer n Fifth st, corner ofliamet SI Gram, nom, Peith Cann, Ninth Ward_ The riper wedge. will tall twice or ihr.ce for orders, and the Boor, sack delivered promptly cites r I in barrels or meta— sack floor it preferable for'family I are—vrithoot chmge for cartage It Is plain that o aeon., ean be allowed, and dint drivers can lies, no ocredmion to leave Sour without payment. th ,, hop. th.public wttl .. p.n.,th thin ar AsAAULT •XIS Berrrux—The toll keeper of the retirement, ea we Mall endeavor to do them imitice. Rand fired Bridge was nasaulied by a negro, day nio)'rd WILS 4 / I KTII NOBLE 111 0S8ELPIA1y ZEROs beton., ymterduy, whom he had stopped for nuerripb trim Clontagne company sump y their agenw tog to pars without gmying the toll. The negro J . with R00r,,, pthoong struck ban n severe Wow in the Mee. Another per• It to Mr ounces per agnate foot. Corrugated In sheets 117, si or, far 1006111/ pablic Landings and depots , son connected with the bridge then came up and Ship Sheathing, 14149 inches, from to to 33. ounce., struck the negro with a email weight. The negro f . W.t. , 'Pik.f WI./ 6 4 1 .1 r Molds; Perforated Zion, went away but shortly afire cannel/auk with threats Zinc rtunt, tr.e. They warrant their metal pure, and free from any of violence, but a pistol being presented to him he admixture of Iron, or any tither substanee, and - ejeared out. commend it for di re e menu& cture tif moat articles in the boom futnialting Lee, se se does not MI, Is not lu:resit( by the action of water, and may to poluletd, painted, and Japanned. Kemple., model., plane officifirtathins, and Whin' information may be had of thew agents:— Id CIAL &Prue., New York; Musson, Romans it Co., Ikrelelll Nevus Tavern A Co.', reiledt/phlc W. & ht eta., liallinarm Cnnoc, Day A Intern, Na..-Otlannn; Kerldt. Liege, May L F. - V /lenenrer st., Now en York.&gm .. mayMd3ut rd• Itariap• for Voo noks. URPIIY & bIIECIfFIELD have l rec o eived • rap = ply of above goods, which they offer to, whole ogle and recall IILOCICTIN - -470 lbs halglno, instant' bar rr7e2eirv ed, and for sale by . 8 N WICKER 811 A ht marit CorWond a, sisth EGASIS--MW&LO common Ohio tregon , , In so FLOYDIo by & R Cp=ttn . tal . e t i: i korterPOlnable n , " C 7 W, -20 east. Fag Hob, for oirery77 -7 II AFA lINRATOCK it Ca. • Cm. of FitSl & Wood ota: ClAlittleGh Cl 441-opence. biek Trim cloth rot ha carriage parpores,jaat rec'd. and for sale by & li PHILLIPS 7 do 9 Wood If - , ent or different wee. for l dal TA.LAT A iki . t y L A ama•mrs 23 J u anorted H PHIL ° • 12111PLARIRIATOILY RiIICHMATIBEIs THE, AhIPIRICAN RII EUMA TIC! BALSA M';. A NEW remedy lately discoveredin Ohm Vegetable Ringdoin—a rare and permanent cure for all Ithesmage Complaints, such a. • InfLasconotory, Chronic. keuti and Mercernal Ithenosatiam, Goon Lumbago, Epinal Affections, ac. Thls medicine has be sought for, It has been sold that Rheumatism Co o td not be mired; bat thew ls a remedy designed by natant for Me care o: every ease that the Imunan_symem Is sublet( to. At lest a re medy has been found that cures.Rheurnstiern of the wont form—one of the most vidnable vegetable pro ductions of the earth—the greatest and most important direovery of the age, and a wooderfal . blesaing to the human family. It cures without aickeningor renews strength and vigor to the whole eye. tern. It has mired, during the peat three months, over GOO eases that were considered incurable. Certificates of the Curative proper.ics of this medi cine can be seen by calling on the Agents. None genuine unless put up with an engraved label upon the outside wrapper, signed by the proprietor, R • TURNER, Raffalo, h. Y. Sold by BMYSER, corns: TlArd and Mutes Husourst. Bold also byIIIONIA6, Nolaa ?Jain st, pacluatl, O. feb7.4l/rm6rsB LOCAL MATTERS IMPOITXD ie •. 4vst., Mr. Eraser& :is dcdng launders at Phito to the astonishment and amusement of his audito rial. . - TeraTar--The popular farce of the Married Rahe, and the drama of Niel; of the WoodS, will be performed to night. On Monday bight the fareyiell benefit of Mr. Oxley is announced Tut Ktuterrr. - FAxihr give their last concerrto night. They are highly talented little people, and bevalacen very successful during their abort stay in this city. They will have a crowded audience to night. t.l &emu, B7seacciawn's CCVC.T. — Nu well and fashionably attended last night. The moi l:to and thrilling melody of her full, rich voice, elicited the 0051 etabllnifletic berate of applanee. Sbe ia , indeed, a vocalist of extraordinary power. Des-rw tircriva Flan.—A fire broke out yeiterday afternoon, in one of the large smote houses le the rear of Penn and Irwin streets, belonging to hip. Henry M'Culleugh. It was occupied by Mr. John Scott, and contained bacon to the value of sir or genii thousand dollars, which was entirely de stroyed. The bacon belonging to Mr. M'Colloogh, in the adjoining smoke house, wan alte considera bly damaged by the water from the engines. The extent of the damage done to the building has not yet been ascertained. It is probable, however, that it-will have to be pulled down entirely. The whole amount of the ions is covered by inamsoce that of Mr. Scott, in the Citizen's Insurance Co and Mr. M'Cullough'a in the Western Co. The fire originated through the carelessness it the man who attended the furnace. ANOTIIGR Fter--A bed caught fire last night be , tween 9 and 10 o'clock, in an up stain room over the drug store of Mr. O'Flyng, corner of Hand and 'Penn Streets. It was thrown out of the window before it had communicated to any thing else. Tog (rune Wonna whom we mentioned in yesterday's Gazette, was taken by the overseers of the poor on board a steam boat yesteMay morning, to be sent bock to Cincinnati_ ShiJ managed to escape from the beat and made an an to &owls herself Min ferry bust, but woo pwlSented by the bystanders, she was brought back td the Mayor's °dice by the police in th e evening, hen she was committed to jail—the only taaylinn which could be procured, for her. A little girl whili is with ficr Mates that she left Cincinnati in sound mind for the purpose of obtaining employmenbere at her business, weaving, and became deranged on the way. I A Snsomut yeaterdr .Jay afternoon; .Officers Randolph and Fosmorria ariested a man from Washington, Pa., named J 054.11 Monegan, charged wins obtaining a gold watch and chitin, belonging to Mr. Philips, and valued at 5200,1112! der Poise pretences. Mr. Philips badt eft the watch with Mr. Parker, silversmith, Third 'street, to be repaired, on Thureday, promising tb call far it in the morning. Yesterday morning,' however,. a man coiled at Mr. Parker's and naked him (or tbe , watch, stating that he had been sent for it by the owner. The watch woe handed to biro, but by accident the chain was left. The man returned . shortly eller, and the chafe was given to him. The astonishment of all wiles may be imagined . when the owner himself milled for the watch, and! it appeared Marne one had been nod:wiled toga. it. Information }rya lodged at the Mayor's office, and a description of the man'sperson given. Of.' finer Randolph had seen a manansweriog to the deseriptioe, the day before, whniu ho had noticed _particularly, on account 01 some eccentricities in his appearance, one of which was, that' he was walking barefooted on the street.; The . 04zers went out and !succeeded in .doding this lndivtdeal and brought hire to the Mayor's Office, when he wa•paaitively ident;fied by Mr. Parker's chop boy, who had given boo the watch. The property bow., ever, was not found in her possession. He hod a lengthy hearing heo:e the Mayor it 'which lour lawyers were cogeged. He was com mated by hie Hohor, but will In teleased this more. jog on a writ of Helmut Corpus. He made to In effectual attempt to ceespe from the oiliccn as they were taking him to the jail. - Monnegan in the soli of highly respectable and wealthy parents, in NY.shington, and la_known by several rest onsible persona in this city, who tes tify to tun previous good character. It ha be the culprit, he certainly must have been laboring under a etcto of mental derangement, we should Mat, and several circumstances appear to indicate as much. Ho had 3114 upon his person, at the time ol his arrest. Accuinnv.—A tulle child of Mr Felderling, trt the Fifth 'Ward, was reverely injured by bang run over by u cart, day before yesterday. ALLEGHENY Potacr_—A number of roadies who had raised a dtaturbunce at a tavera the other night, brought a suit before Iderman Reynolds againal the keeper of the house for disorderly conduct, and assault and battery, we did not learn how it was settled. The Mayor had a few common crises of breach of city ordinance, drunkenness, &r. Costashahas.—Out informant., respecting Me ap pointment of a yenta lady, as deaconess in the Rev. Mr. Peussavant's church, noticed to pesters day's paper, appears to have misapprehended the nature of the oal:e. In the first place, It Is an if. Su, not an order; they are not ordained, but mere ly appointed in the mane manner as deicons is other churches; They do not taho any yews, bet are pe.riectly at liberty to leave at their, own dis cretion. We publish this correction with pleasure, as we consider this a noble and praiseworthy so ci•sty, nu d should be very sorry to canals any mis apprehension as to its character. ~ NGRESSTioten M. Hoare mill:e a condi. da before tbe Antimmordo and Wing Convention, (or nomination for c.f.berem. ota,leakkorteT Assaitaramt—Roaser Aseabmst, Esq , of Elizabeth W. 61 ,1 will be supported at the next Antimasonie and,' Whig Conveution, as a candidate Inc the ',sh inty= e, mayhtdtcarteT .t •M. Poltava, Esq., of Tarentum, will he pre- Settles ' by hi. friends for nominscou to the Assembly, nt lbe ensuing Antlmasome and Whig Coosetwou. may tralkyrteT Mr. laThor—glease nanounce M a a name of 'Amu Er ,or Sr.owden Lnwnship, s a eand/dnie fur Avvernh.'v, g hefore the apProaching nnumsumto and Whig C. nvendan. Mr Sae iv a man or alahly and Integnly. and would make a mamba on whom the pe,apie d &.wtoT depend. SNOWDEN ---- jAxga J. Henn will be a esnotdate before the And. for m o iond an 1 Whig llnaentton 01 Allegheny eouoty, /n 1.1) 1110 1:43 GO of Proge noting Attorney. utayMdAa Co M trissionax.— William s. Tnampson, of the Sixth Warn ol Pitisliargb, will be supported for nand nation a p Oandittate ior Comalissiener, be fore the Anti Masonic and Wing Convention, by ina)Datic le MANY VOTERS. /meat Met butte, of the oth Ward, Pittaburgh, foul be tap:forted 1 2 or norninatinan County Commissioner, at the Whig at id Antimavonic Convention. may22:davt, tT to unit Aim _MaIaTIC nunkiil.lo . l7ol7. OD ALEO alums Coctery - -Robert Klee: of the Neventh Ward of Pittelturgth Is hereby recommended to the Conven tion, called to or, rt on the 3:h of June next, n• a can. &date for the OITE. Not County Cattimmtiouer. ap30.1&-encetta MANI vurEßs - Glenn, Stidtrin township, will be rappell ed for Cowin Con sentence In the Mamas.. end Whig Cencentien. enayntriddenceT Anon. —Joan wain, of pine lower* ill be st.pporler. I n rtio approa ehtng Mang and nen • amine •Coevernii w, tor the [tono.ool2 OCAZIdiIOr. sintrr'ittc.T AVIAN FRIMDS hrONG RFSP—Flolt. nmen 114ne will he errd hie nenot, for • remtnetion n cantllttote ror Ceogreer•in the ap,trostehleft Antimseorte end Whig Coneenh on. insylltd&wnoS Mar 001. T. We ale itllolollloo /0 announce lanaiF. Krim, Each, of Pittsburgh, as aaidata far Alma staijrat to Ott accosion of the Lou. ....nal anti Whig Convention. tarvierlivrtc.9 Imarr, or rite riloudWard, Piarburxh, will ba map ortedso the %Voir, and Anton...tonic county Canyintlon, for Asaamblr. rirayl7Aat ertcS N. P. PA -alma, of Ihrrntroihont borough. will bo supported I Jr County Contrnlmunet. ar the Mal' and Anti - Mond 4c Convention, by UAW( Fiumbs uteyVtlil, gyttS -------- - - The cli•ilma or C. lit aszoorit, tin , win be Ma before IN Antietam:mit and Whig Calt•Ciltill• lethany I oaloy. for nomination IL a candidate (or the office P intending Atto tiny, by told MANY FM:ENDS. • Puss crrrao Arrourr--Fltaucte C 11-alrrom, Erg. will be * eandldate for arvaLtution before the Mat masonic attd Whig Co., oentlon, for Prosecuting Auome: r for Alleghena Cot ray. raaPlildamluS I• Mt FL titer—Pier.o unmoor we Oct WrlLLeuriDCLltt. , 1.134*, (I will be • cam!' Owe for Proreentirl At ,' lately, before the Alabama ate and WhIL Conventioa my* kft.errce MANY WILIGS ;Cam K Comesstestm..—El aa>zn 8.‘",".1h liFsrato t tovreWip, will be • n candidate•for County •Conimtv Sioner, subject to Ili, eecisloo of the Whig sad An muOtaci Nostinatiq g Com.fttlem• Buys tivtgoli MANY FY IMI A , ißut-1...., c.d. of the Third %Veld, or Pittol " -writ be a Candolat, for nondna. von bef de the Widg an bend Ussvnie Convention, as a Carrbdate for Assembly, and will be sopbertrod by nf7dl Vaav Kerr Fps. CIIIIIL Mums will be sabporied for nomination, in ibo Antimnsonfa and Whig Convenrinn, for , the oleo of County Commissioner. , maylerdtwted .Plara-Pactum, kip, 1 gavel, will be a Cando!at in Anti Idasanil win towninnp.Well b ou r jr , rw co . e V d::for: i Co7 .. = ,l7 O r ne n ti r ' , u l i ' m n the Ea o A u ng A p t iu na t, n l ie rt 7d WZiOxliwZmteB THE SHAKER SARSAPARILLA IN QUART BOTTLES, As prepared by DR. S. 0. 'Ff OWE, AHEAD of all other preparations; becouro It le composed of the choicest herbs known to medical science, Its lending acd prineleal herh being HONDURAS SARSAPARILLA! Which makes It the purest and beet ever yet presented to the human formic. EAT, CHINK, AND LIVE. AS USUAL! Pursue your anal avocations. Yon need hare no ( cue of exposure, as DR. S D. HO % 67.6 SHARER SARSAPARILLA le warranted to e purely •e,0 , 1 table, and free from an drt• 'wrens d cgs, and is the beet Female and Family Medicine cv r known.' Coll oport one of our agents and t a pamphlet— read the wonderful cores performed y the um of Dr. S. D. HOWE'S SHAKER SARSAPARILLA alone. 1 Prise St per bottle, or 6 bottles for SI For sale by J, Schoonmukes A Co,. 3. A.. Jones, W. Black, R W. Means, J. 11l ;Mee ; J: 111. 'Fowls/cud, J. W. Jackson, Pirtsbnrek; D. A. Elliott, Allegheny; F. Creek., Brownville; IV. R. McClellimd, Mons eltestcr; nod by druggists generally. Also, by the proprrelona HOWE lb CO., mars-divelpT I Colley, Hall. Cincinmitl, 0. ENCOURAGE GONE INSTITUTIONS CITIZENS, INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Plitt•burgh. C.G. BIU9SPY, Para`c.• • • W. MARYS, Szc'T. Office—No.4l Witer meet, in the warehouse or C. 11. GRANT. THIS COMPANY in now prepared io Inside All kind, of rig's, on Smite,. nianotnetones.. good: naerchanditain awn, and In ttaniliti die An ample guaraniy int the ability and integ'ilty nt the Institution, It atrorded in the ettsracter of tiT Di• melon, tifLo are all calicos at Pitinhorgh, wet and favorably known to its enaltlinklty for their pradipee, intelligence, end Diascroes—...C. Hustey, Bpgaley, n, loner, Jr., Welter Bryon,, ID.Rh D. Sing, Eilifiod Ilait ,,, ort. Z. IL I Farb:nigh; 8. M. him Xweprovamence to Duetretry. DR. G. 0. STEARNS, late of Bostini, le prepared to manufactere sad set (Dens Term in whole and pane of .eu, upon Suction ar Almospherfe'Suction Plates— TOODUCtrit (Ten IN fret intern, *hero the nerve IS ...posed .01hee rendenra next door to the blip- Oe. other, Fourth sweet, Pittsburgh.. Burs roil. B. 76PFed den. F. 11. Eaton. Jal9 Da. D. num!, DalLig. Comer ofPonrth Market an and Dbcatnr, between netl-dlnln • Rea/d of taker Pool and Asikla Cured.: Ma. Etta—lam desirous of making known to the public the great efficacy of your PETROLEUM in my own ease, which was a severe scald of the foot and ankle; upon removing the stocking, the skin peeled off with it, not left nothing but the bete surface. I expected to be laid up all wrote, from the effects of this scald, het we applied the Petroleum freely, by means of a doneel cloth saturated with it; al Grol, the application wee parole!. but inn veiy short time the pain abated. I had no pain In one bend afterward. In five days from the lima of the ippllcation of the Petroleum,' was able to go to wart. , , I take pleasure In stating these facts for the benefit or other sutreren, and am desirous that they should Lid made public: I would also state, that I God immediate relief by the use of the Petroleum, in horns, froth which I am • - frequent sufferer owning to ray Online" about the engine. I would recommend it ea ilia molt prompt and cestinet remedy (or biros I bare Over known. (Sigued I J It COE;Engincer, Plumgmborgth, Allegheny Co. Pinsbutgh,ApriLlEgl. Dor sale by Kepler /c Melloarell l ,ia Wood street; E Sellers, .57 Wood et; 1) M Curry Allegheny city; D A Elitist, Allegheny; JolephDoughts., Allegheny; glee by the proprietor. ' S. M. DIER. •p-'7 Canal Basle, Seccot4 at, Pittsburgh PURE AlR—Those Who would hive pate ate la in their dwellings Which is so , dosing during the prevalence of epidemics, should provide themselves with o. of the moat agreeable, and, at the same time, effective distufecting • agents known. Ruch an artlZle m JULES TRAVEL'S AROMATIC NVINEGAR. It A-ill Immediately purity a ream of all noxious odium, and prancer contagien in al: cares. It is also a dertrable ustiele ler the quiet, and a de• lightful commie. In headache, languor, Imetnew, them.. pains, do e it affords untantancous relief. It is In excellent dentifrice, and an ttgrceable wash; it will strengthen the eyes, and ream. inflammation' at the eyelids. It relieves the pain Ind tanges con sequent uponexcursive muscular genie.; and whoa sir. In th e bath, is productive tif the hopriest gght, Pei.. visiting the wen may be pre craned from the habiliiyar nonunion, by labeling the Aro mane Vinegar, or sprint trig a few Item. upon their persons belong entering the rec. IA aca Mettler., Woo, it num . . used with excellent reinlw, as it len• medintely di.iipates th e languor and Altman y con regions eyes this mow agrecanle malady. re particular in ask far /ales Han e l ' , Anima. Vinegar. • Prepure , l.olo by !CLL.'S HAVEL, Pm:ether min Chemist, CM Chem.! Wreet, below roarth. Foram! wholesale and retail b 1 11. A. Fuhttertuck Co,and It. tie/le-re, Pintbuigh; and Jahn :Sar gent end Mitchell, Allegheny enty, muyen ALLEI3I/ICNY ABM MA NerllEWrin PLA.III/A. VOTICE I; hereby given, that bookelerill be opened .111 foe etamenption to the stuck ofthe 'Allegheny cal otancheater Plank Road Company, by the Cominta. ;sobers aptivinted in the net ineorporanng the said lootnpany, at the following places and tmea, where :ell palsyne diairour or stlbteribing me rec. tied to !attend, the rharce being twenty five dollars eacg, lone dollar lier 'here to be paid at tab thee oh ,üb .itcnbine: • In the city of Pirt.bargh, at the order: or, 'llactrecll, Peers & Co,corner et Pe and Wood treets. or treterday the Ht. hlonde - i thd 10:h, Taeedny .the 11th, IVednesday the nth, nod Thereday the 13 , h of Jove, heterecn the hoar. of 9 A. NN. and 4 P. M In the city of Atroeheny et trtyhror or of Dexter and (lino street., and m 41, 134.0 of Men eterrter, at the atom of Towtrgend, Card Fr iday the Hut, tiatardar the 44 4 ,. and Mondey the 17Ih of June, LCllVrink the Lean of 9A. NI. and . P.M. At the house of Cent John Ilny, Ohio Tontahip, on Fri. day and hotardni, the 14th and 1512, ofJene, between the boon of D a. or. en4'4 r. et. . • . THOMAS HARE:WE'LL, , President of Board of Coma:Arum:ten • 16O,isrtjel73 [Po. copy .1 REMOVAL. WAYNE IRON WORE'S IVAILETIOUSE. ~fonnn• lnarican Gold and lc n Enchangger , B hlghert ides:mum pod for Antenean Grad, 1 Eastern Ex bulge, and Par Panda HI the En. change and Banking noun of A WILkINS a CO mayt6 In the Court of Common Pleee of Al].. gheny County,. IN the ease of the application of the Ohio and Penn. sylventa Rail Road Company, for thkright of maYt 6e. No ISA, Jane term taw. To the helve or devisees of John Al flood, late of philedolphia., deceased. You are botch notified, that the Chia Pennaylvania Rail Read y Company have taken and appropnated for the nee of their rail road, the tOiIOWI.I4I described porton of the land be lollfpne to said decedent, it Ohio Township, Allegheny County,'Pa , Beginning AO 3 north of the centre pin of said rail road line at the ei , le of said -tract, throne running Su feet toward• the river along the line of said tract, thence running 9 73 dog Al min, E v3hl feet to the upper linear raid teach ?hence slung the upper line of mid tract northnardlyna ft, thence IV 73 deg.west2 3 / 1 1 feet, to the!plaec of hes pinning, conuuning 4 acres 2 rod. soil lff 'perches A description and draft of which I* Aletßu the Aimee 0113 e. WM ROBINSON maylarlimr3saT President 0. l P. It R. Co 1850 aitrial 1850 ERIE & MEADVILLE' LINE, BOATS of this Lute will leave regularly, .d de liver frelehts without transhipment. J C 11l DIVF.LL. ROtahorghi COLLINS. do, Agents INDWI.II. te ISROTHER, Rochester, mayol Exchange Bank Aloelit - A rhg'.?1,'!,`.`,,701:. 'X" V)" CALIFOUNIALADVERTISIiBIENT 'USIA fe'Lllt(teliWA hierebanoi, J. Eiscramsnio City, California Liberal advance, made on consignment., and all agency bonne., promptly anenued to. Ft [nu..." mayl3:dte..sel S ~.'V...uccw~r. 1 nrsucaua IristoSYSls Palatal Manua !Isla, mar. 5... PALIMICH, HANNA R CO.. (Sucenrors to Honey, Henna /r. Co.) - DA NELMS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and Ceder. J.) in Foreign and Domestic Ezehange,• Cortificole• of Deposit, Bank Notes, and Specie—North west corner of Wood and Third streets. Current money received on deposltc.—tight Checks fot sale, and eolleetinns made on nearly all the principal points the United States. The highest premium paid for Foreign and Ameripan Gold Advances made on consignments of PrOduee, ship pod Ent, on !Mord terms. Mere halals , and Mats ufacturens , Dank. ata 011, Pla 7 put Merchants) sod Atanufa Plint ciarers. Bany k , his this I day donated a dividend of for per cent, on the capon] stock, out of the proin for the last Ito months Boyd _ Wall Pap., Warehomej NO 47, NARKET STREET. betvesetiThird and Fourth Brock, Pittsburgh, Yv. TIIOIiIAS PAL hiER trnold respectfully tho attention of his friends and eintturrierl. to has Prettent ntenrive and general Bork of merehandizo. It will he (mind to COM. pske every d vcription of Amerman and Ftench SRC] Super nil Border for Esrlors, Halls, Dinikg Rooms, tied Chambers, Counting Reruns,fte.,runFing from 121 . scuts to 42 a pingo. So great a. diversity, of prier. and untrue, ran hardly Nil to suit the elrenmetanees nod tastes nr purchaserf who may favor with their patronage, the old eStabliabed Stand on Market street mrl3.dilin DISSOLUTIOS OW PARTNEOSUIP. ATHE boon of Morrison., Loch & Co; at Brookville, Jellerson County, Po., and Leek, litorritona& tegheny Conroy, hove been itivieleed by motel! cOnseni. Person. indebted to mid Gime Will m a, payment to bitch & Co.,end agnient the lame may be prennted to Liteli & Co, for settle relent. STP-PIIEN It aIORRIHON 11 P n liIORRISONj THOMAS K LATCH. ALEXANDER HILLER. • thy td,lia—maylatica P lCKLES lrrilekt f i .4 q d ' o n'4‘" , i' d t o ikr.; • • Pmollydo do , Co . Tomatoes, in vaulter.; Ppantsh Olives, dap ,Also, Tbrablo, Walnut, and Mushrooar Ettehop and Pepper Sallee. The atnve were pot op by Underwood, bf Dolton whose .I . lekles s re favorably known Ihiroogb the Ur.lted States, and by Thos. D. Smith re Cot or Phila. da , pbla, whore ankles never tall to give seusfaenork wherever Introduced for sale wholesale and retail by mar 23 , WM A areCt.lntri k ecc yicrohiAL. - Part Li; To% sad for try P 1 7 14 • JOHNSTON*, rsrocutni !TEAM BOAT REGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET CISCISNA.TX, Ciptain Waia•x J. Korzrrt. P"1 Thi. eV/mild oat won built by the "1 owners of th e stepmer lease Newton W ' Par - for hiP ' tr L* Z dr = vto leave every Methirsdny for place of the New Englood, No. 2. For freight or passage apply boards Otto meal G B MILTENDF.RGER, Art bitreElltittili AND WaIh:LAJN reuttEtT . • The splendid fart running 51.121GL lb' • LOUIS Mr LANE, W. S. Corovell, muter, (having undergone a Mot. 'res orFL repaint sill rvn hereafter as a reur packet beta-tea Pah:burgh ard Wheeling, leav aul ing Pittsburgh every Monday, Wednerday and Friday mornings, at o'clock. For fr0 1.. . 0 b ; purtage apply o‘rttolicrwd,noFrho 2:103105151/111ELA ROUTE.: %fir ` K . :•••ek, • . • Only 13 .111 1 e• Staging. Via Bmwmmtllo and Comberland to Baltimore and Philadelphia. Fano To HALII3.O2C•••-•810 00 DO. 'l2 00 THE looming boat oam Mama the wharf, above the bridge, doily, nt 0 o'clock preelrely. Time to Baltimore, as hours; time to l'hiladelphio,lo hours. The evening boat learre dolly, (except riundaY 00. clinic") at o'clock. Paisengers by (caning on the evening boat, Will rrom the mountolca, to stogel nest 'lay, and thus avoid night travel. Secure your 'tickets at the ()Mee, blonoogahelo Boom, or St. Clarice Hotel. oett4.ll I. EFFKIIIF.I2. Arent HEIV ARMANCIICHISIST. illtig2o B so.aMESiEa PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE. Two Doily Lines Express Packet Boats, 41nd nail Road Cara, (ExcLuIIVSLYTot PA 33131 . 100811,) TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Via the New. Central Rail Road and Penn'a Canal. Time—f.O hour, ...... • • • • • Fere-0110 through. 530 mileic Rail Road, and 150 rallea Canal. ON Sin Ist iron. the new Central Rail Road Comps , op commeneed miring Two umay TRAINS ran. non Coos from unknown m Philadelphia, leaving thereimmediately after the arrival of the racket Burma rain tho Vi By this arrangement pure°. gees will go through without detention. A Packet Boat will leave every morning nt 6 o'. elect, and every evening at SI o'clock. This roam, for Safety, Speed, and Comfort, is not equalled hp any now in noel to the Eastern Clue. For sausage -1m Information apply in W St/Tt;II, Monongahela Heave; ova D LEECH & CO Canal Basin litaiULAR Mr HEELING & SUNFISH PACKET. ca l: The fast mantra steamer WFLI.SVILLE, Capt. 8.-Young, will ran os a recdar packet between Pittsburgh. log, Bridg °port, and Plinltal., leaving Pittsburgh e'er, Monday ternoon, or t Well.ille, 13tenbenville, and Bridgeport. and every Thursday afternoon for Bleaben. sale, Wheeling, Bridgeport, Capri., and Sunfish_ Return/AO, leaves Bridgeport and trutifi.ti every Tees fillV afternoon. and Caliph every Friday alteration. For freight or passage, apple °rt. • ptin • • D ACtnt. 11:1=EIE . . Tito aplendida wall s teamer Moore. Master, !tare for above the , at Intl ana tatennethate porn en this any For !reign% Or paasage app J ly on board or to Jet J NEWTON ONES. Agt ,:FOR LO VISVILLF '' Toe extrely hear and ap:codid steamer WASIUNGTON. W. W. Moron, maller, will leave for the %byre roll! all internicdhun lamliarl, on this day, the din met., at 4P. IL po.tri:ely. For freightapply to anay3l ti , RAIILTENDERGER.Agt FOR LOUISVILLE Tbc tplandid and Ott running steamer MILTON, :".„1:1,e-wwt m olta rt.Davls,•tusatei, will lento for L e a ono and all biterMolibm 00103 hie us the M‘t tem., at 4P. LI. Fo Ode ! . or P..te apply on board, or to w-et It NIII.TVN RGI4II. AIM . "FOR INASIIVII.LII otaamer FORT PITT, rimer r, 101 l leave for ttleive and ell intermediate porta. on thie day, the Iff it., in le o'clock, A. Al. For freight or patenge; apply on board. FOtH Y.OrIaVILLE. AThal fate new end staunch etemnar • ; NAVIGATOR, Wet. Dertn,.marter. will leave for the abort and tatermeniate ports, no this day. the 3,th Llty, a 4 oielork, P. N. For (might or pasammlipply en boned. my 30 • FOR sAINIT LOINS. "PlFe ..Poritti-Vt7"' - cgs . Cant Ilatchwoo, !eaves teethe above , armta all IntemmOnte ports on tnis due, the 31., lam., at 10 &clock, A. M. For (night or Itmage• npply on board. mari7 . " N=M The hPlohdid meaner FIa:NAM - 1)gal. — TV ............,,,..-7,ig Color. !Vatter, will trove for im, oo.itihl and intormodinto pan, on this day the of of ?tiny,. In A..1%1. For freight or raigige apply on board. optl7 FOP. ZAMI3VILI.r. riLms f'7°- N 11' 'PI'" .I7. I .;:rk 7 TIPSD, ! ' ' or , Gallagher, muster. will leave for rho &re and a illerrandt Saturday, be t!ath bo inst., st 2 o'cll te. ports ou lock. P. M For freight or passage, apply on hoard, or to otay3u W r. SVIIEELEIt a AO. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH CAPITAL CSOU,OOO. J. FINNIIT, Jr" Seey . . Ft.ludan, Jr., Pratlb Willi - wre against all llnds of MIS, FIRE AND MARINE.' A LL will he Isberally adjusted and promptly /1, rout A Lome Institulloo—macined by Directors who are well brown in the. community, and who arc drtennir. ad by prompincen and liberanty to main:Mr If:. char acter which thcy have resumed, Ity. °loth:I the best protection to those who denim to boinsurd. Dom-roar—lL Miller, Jr, 800. Black, J. W. Butler, N. D01ma..., Jr., Wm. B. Holmes, C. Bunsen, Coo. W. Jeakson, Wm., M. Lyon, JIM Llppincou, Thos. IL ' , Deb, Furor FrAttley, Alex. Ninuck, Thos. Scott. Omer, No. n 9 Wan., greet, frarchor.. of Span; a Co., up stolen.) Piushorult. Sir - James hurray's Fluid Magnesia. DRM•SILED ander the unmet:taw attic or the In. 1 venter, and established for upwards of thirty year,. This cledant preparation is recommended in oil cares uf bite, acidities, indigestion, goat, and gravel, I as the most safe, easy, and effectual form la which Iduircesta stay, and Indeed the only one in which it °Ulla to be ex/nutted. passeselng all the prepterttes of tho Pdagnerla nowt m metal use, venhout being halite Ike it, to fawn ilangenials concretions in the bowels, it effectually core. heatthurn without infet.lng the coats of the stomach, as soda P.a . 's, and then' dar bone. are known to do; it prevents the food of in lint, taming sour, in all cases It acts as a pleasing apericaLaatt is pecull arty adapted In females. Sir Ilosuplwey Davy tossiGed that that solution forms soluble muntunations with arm and suite In ewes of coot and gravel, thetby counteracting their Injanorta tendency, when other alkalies, and even Magna,. Itself bad-d. . From Sir l'bilts Crompton, Dan, Surgeon General to the Amy in balance— Geor Sir—There can't.. no doubt that kfiteneain may be nentintstried mote tinkly In the form hi ac Ctillrettd DahVion It,Lll in subsmnve; tor this, and many other reason& I am of opinion that the Fluid „Itlegoraia ts a very •nlndLlr &Mae. to our Materia Mithy ' PHILIP CRAMPTON." Su James Clarke, Sir A. Fewer Ur Bright. end fire I, Guthrie andilerbert Slay 0, tit London, strong. ty recomment alurray's Mkt ;Cagnetta. as brine in finitely more mite atm convenient M. the meld, and free Item the danger attending the constant use of soda or rmass. For .slo by the im i3 " .I ' PATTNETT:ZITZ. _ Co, of W0..16 Front Rts. TNCORMRATINE; `tile Anociaird Firemen's !neuron:a Company of the City of l'intherglt -etce,ox IX. Thel William Al. Edgar, Edward Gregg. ttriP,ato Colllngloood Charles Kent, David Campbell, !leery flay, .1+111.• T. 77 Shannon, It. Riddle froaer,e,lVl'llona W. Della, Itibl Fullerton, Thome, Ilnketvell. Pollard M'Cormick, Elehbeena, J. Curl Mei, end Ittehld Co vevi.of Allegheny county, afint, fl be, end they ere hereby netholirrd, ter giving two public nodee, in two daily 1/oWopaptre. publiohca in the city PittV , urgh, to open nook PI at Wilitne Hell, in the city of Pillstiorgh, for the sehtcrlption of the capital stook of said Cora. penal, RIR.II bas es they may &migno, and !the same to trap open, from moo tn tina, n. between the bourn of tee o'rlocli mine forenoon, end four o'clock the nfternunn, ar until, at ,eaot, tr., thousand shares of stoat glint, hove teen taken.. WilkinsComntona above named, Will meet in Ala . !, on Mario me nth day of lone ocit, at In o'aork, A r, at winch nom awl place the book, will bo (timed for th• puroom or reeeiyiny mtuicrifi. fin. for lie capital clock of mud company,a. author. mod by t e Act. lIP/1 1 / 1 0 a SUUDIEIL GOODS. A VETIA" /DM, and meleeSock of Frerh Spring and Sennner Uco Pa. inn Oprilell at Alosninter rt. ltar . r, Eh, ES Market meet, north went corner of the Ihnrintql. In calbog the attention of our customers and the, public to ttit stock, It ode.. us error plensote to to, able to say it embraces tilt tiAl' Itel KW INS in al most entry description of goods, as it lenge portion of tt was ptitchtmed nt the recent entensive enciten mien in the tauten, educe, Our streortmorn i - tell: of fancy and stap:e goods, +Aecry fOpertnr, end affords to all cash bit. era, either by lorboierato or retail, lino op. portimity of •0111,1. both term por., LADIES' DFOESS GOODS. • • Nese style FoulKlY silk a, very cheap, rich plain and figured elmograhle mile, of almost every style and quallty; super plain and CI4 deed' blase silks; do. Im• egos and tissu, trove de hams. now and hand some style ncsr style reach, English, and Scotch u, groat variety, and at vory . losv primes; piatn, Ortired, nod mug striped do lams Of all lands tool townies. Ilnettiostres of all shades and colors; glop buns t ekunues, prints, ru.; bIIAWLS. - - Super chameleon aria etravilt; plain anti Scored bleep do; pious end embroblerialTiinci iln; Poe oar h. mere do taper plain end embroidered wale end reload rap:A.ll,4bn.. Fr end net dn. de. WHITE GOODS. - - - - . A fine 111.0TITOtril I,T mulls, naneooko, Jaeonets, Saelnce, evoke, bishop. DQno. ke. BONNETS. • itovo Redy, peas, brine, Florence braid and super &e licit Weer barmen, PARASOLS. A fine stock of aupe6 pilau and fanned silk and sous Tare pnra.nl4 of nil nnlor. and noannea. -CLOTHS A large tittoortment ut super trenan, intilian and Belgian cloths and eamwmerea of all ga Hies and Prices, to whim we would invite the attention Of the gentlemen. DO3IESTIC 4 . - - - Our stack of brown and welched militant, [Withal, been, chambray s, drillings, ae, is very large, and al he very loucot prices. Also,. large lot of table Menem and table cloths, brown mid biesebedi RimWa and Scotch dlopera, cmsh li to nankinNeotion and wool a goods for men and boys' wear, Insh linens, red, white, and yellow don pais, domeine g'nghool,, olik and Wien !WON and Flair. 01.11 blade, beam; and tannin ribbon!, mil. ISMAILI dowers, tee, 00 all valaell Ira woald rospectfalty blono the attenuon ofwboiesale and rensli - cook balerbalers. - ALEXANDER DAT, s. RS Market st— N W ear. of the Dlainond. vrAtirePils 0 reed, giul Or silo by R eELLELI Win V Wald It MOUSES, LOTS FARMS, &. o ThatlFl commando. Dorellina Ron, and Lo on which aro tropod Stabie and lig Cenivr. Haase, being prope ne af, and lank the rcudence of Na lane Ala. Kee, irit4llltd OD Webster el, bear Seventh stmt. For toms, ply to 31 B LOWBEE n3y2citf PSI IVTlie at VDU. n A HANDSOME re, ,A H.At, becalm A`l . Mimi land Four. ttLett at prevent ceempied by Ma Tbamaa Whits, as a ood/ Abu, Alm—A kale man fibbbed ROOM M A,. mead Mcny. ant dear to M a Dor} Mareabble Dail., This Dail., . le amll 0.10, sad svicalDa for a mmieti alma ca. Academy, cr ceald be caoltedently'armaged at daub:. efices. -Fd'u. Odes Third at. E. D. GAZZAIII, than • Pam Ofilm. 1 , . 0 Lot, A BRICK BUILEIIIG, 25 by X 0 feet, three stories higb, with Engine, kr; located In Birmingham, immediatelpbelow thb Ferry. Enquire of 8131.J.11.ANS fa GARRISON. meat( Pittsburgh Fernadry ..FR Let, %IRE berg, three story Brick iFarehottre, on Water, 1 below Ferry street, running frnm,lVater to First on ree*inuble Possearion given lame. diately. Enquire of feble-tf F. LORENZ. VAlr ABLE REAI4 b,TATE ON PENNSTREET FOR SALE.—A s it of Ground situate on Penn street, between flay Marbery street*, adiednitig the house and lot now coupled by Richard Edwards, having• hoot of% feet, and in depth 150 feet., tii be gold on removable term*. Title unexceptionable. En: gnire of C . 0.1.005118, tilt st,nux Wood. " octtl-dtf NEW MUSIC STORE, Sigel of tlss Golden 11¢7, 101 Third et, next door to Woodwall% I'lIE etberiber wined re.peetfudy inform the elf. rens of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and vicinity, that be s ale p his new, and elegant establieinnent it . the of Pigs., Al*.onatnrs. Mein; blreicat animaters', and every dthey anleln in hi. line. PIANOS—SoIe ugeney for Nam & ClarkeN breed grand and square Plan* with and without Co'cmiugs lEollen Attnehment. Thee Pianos hay, lawly raceiveu severalluiponant Improvements, ree. deems them exceedingly brilliant of, tone, and extra. ordinarily durable and lasting. Also T. Githeri& Co's (Boston) celebrated Pawn s Them instruments have a aide reread re petition, and me considered among the very best manufactured in Boston. where they areldecided favorites. I B. Denham, N. Y ,of the firm of Stodart & Dan.; ham, ham, has eipointed the subscriber vole egret for the. rale of his Pianos in Pittsburgh. The firm of &Wart &Dunham is ace of then dee and beat inthia country, and their mancifeeter for flatten and brilliancy of tone and beauty of workmanship are seeond to none. The celebrated Convert Pianos of Sassadhoff, of Bremen and Hamburg, will always a kept for sale. hp the subscriber. It will melee to say, that they Concertsn mnde we o t h ee by Contine all thent. grearPlimo players at limit The subscriber begs leave to direct attention to the important feet of his haying apecie agents both in. Elmira and this country, who carefully select and examine every Piano sent to him, which enables him to give a written guazantee with every PI.O sold by him. pledging himself to refund she money in case the Piero be proven (ally as deficient. A lull tempi, of the newest and most popular bluest will constantly be kept for sale—furnished bythe best pubilablng house. of Boston Philadelphie, and Balti more agency for Meyers Selarfenberg in Luis, New' York, the most extensive importer. of foreign tousle in this maner. Pole Agency for Carhardt's Patent Melodeon nod Melodeon Pimos, as ruenufattered and perfected by Mach & White, Cincinnati, with singie end doable saris of reeds—the best reed ins . ..erns yet invenrid. Alsp, Goiter., Flutes, Clarice., Vieth., Bugles, Po.o Horns, Tuba& arid every description and variety of bra. Instruments from the ben makers. Strings for Violins, and Harp& Irrlustrimuon books for every instrument. /eclec tic. of musle made, me.le boot. bound, Plano. tuned and repaired; Violins, Accordeons, Guitar, An., re pelted on the 0021 reasonable terms. my() HENRY KLEBER. GoodeirlNarsrßlisoria yi CLEAR THE TRACK ra 411112 sbod &muse, Dry CiOckb for WILLIAM L. RUSSELL, Wentmorta and Retail Dealer in Britt., • French, and &merle. DRY GOODS, blaster trees, between Third end Fourth, sign of tha Rio Doa HIT& bee Jut commenced receiving and 4ening one of the most rich, splendid and extensive erects of Spring_and Summer Dry Good; ever Mined for sale - In the 'Western eonatry, All e/ theme Imported Goods are frer_!_h peened, and received poi' th e last eteragon Bora France and England; as 2180 Irish Linens, imported direct from Belfen, all Bean bleached, and warranted the porn Li r e. ll imorted by Me aribehe a r r a i n e d r ' e trher aee yo r e gagy a rwarrared. Also olreh ll Linen Damask Table Cot., the very best manufacurre,• old 'lrish Linen Goods of all kind& imported direct from Belfast br the subscr i ber, and will be found the reel Erimgre brag& _ ...towing statement: -..- LADIES , DRESS GOODS. ' Atter Wasttg.for two Year. from rowole.dnelellOs I New style rich Turk Satins, all colors, splendid whih-Boldly teritiinarcil In consumption, I was given goods; black' Tas Bating, all prices, rich goodli op lit my friends .d physicians as byymul Ibis aid of Week glaca Silks, .11 colors, Into teaportaliou; French meds...lne. As a last resort, / was seduces% to try Rid Gloves, all colors, the best imported; plaid black your] entrant, and having used hut two bottles, ee -1 Armen', per lust Freachateamer; new style painted . cordnig to one directions, I am entithly well. I Ranges, splendid goods. Also, a superb and luxe would therefore earnealv sc. ortuneed your unequal; sloth of wide black Brossels Lem for trimming ladies' I led Mope rild to the atilieted who desire a powertal, dresses, •sry rich goods; plain Ranges is all colors• pleasint and sate ' remedy. Gratefinly your friend, extremely low. Ovulate] goods; Mack Silk Fringe, el] j f . M. WAITF.. widths ,and pri«s, very cheap; F.tooh .asrithnexl• j Noetagentilne unless put by in large square holden. styles, per last French siener; plain blank 00,1 ilk) , conuclrung sqllart, and die name et rho syrup blown Rhine ] high lest., snpeeb coeds: blurt Lam ed giro' in the gloss, with the written signature or B.T. Ben-. Be mime Brocade, rich goads; Freneh an bog:Lull oat dome outside wrapper. Price SI per bottle, or C./meres, new styles, bosetifel :goods; splendid six 1,,,,,8. f o ,ag figured Swiss good. for bell dresses; rich crulnekered tit t4d td .I. D. Put, corner of Fourth and Wet- . Swiss felnllc b.. evening tire. ern §wl‘ll E'delF ,ne.fl 96t :3 , ca , Gunk.. uhin, General Agent for the If:wrung, the best. Imported; Silk Tissues kn. color. noruicatul West, to we, ellen:ter& maid he eddresa. Demers, Trinities, new style, plain and sada stunk] black , ed. Demers, all prices; primed Lures, row Styles. from • Cents b. Bro. Erie, W. P. Judson tt, Co., Water. Xto 05 rent. p-r yard] : : arse de Llithal, a now article : ford; Olin A Clemons, Crquing•ille; Abel Turret], for honer. dt.... Al.+, a lore. and sefterb smek of Montfort; thrum Alta, Towanda: Robert Roy, '1 Yells. how Fri!. spring Itonnet Ribbons, the viol best ins. ' burst ; L. Roderick, Otilenshurr L. Wilcox, Jr- Pm. ported, all new. __ I burgh', cor.ter of Market I:filets:ad the Diamond. spardAwlynT , ........_._____ sirk,WL-9, SHAWLS. . Canton crape lab mask, CI cetera, herb from the Cur Ism Ileums; lurk :Satin tilaterla rplendid goods, in all c lore, par last steamer; beautiful changeable olacat silk Shawls, Wean importamon • whito embroidered Carlton Crap* shawl., superb ga:edabgrteu ernbroideo. rd Canton Crape ktaawls, splendtd .grods; Lnpin's French . made Embroidered Ttnbet, finest importationi. Purls painted Cashmere Shawl., all places and quail. tie.; lathe,' summer Cravats and Evade In great va riety; French worked Cape., Callan, turd Cub, a taw assortment. A Lurie Sleek of DOMESTIC AND STAPLE bo n GDS. SO bales uneleached Muslin* from 5 cents per yard; It ease, bleached Munn& from 4 to It cents per yard. 11 cases leish Linens. Imported direct from Belfast; II balm Ticking, hem 9 to 29 cents per yard; 8 eases blue Drill, Irma 8 to Li cents per yard; be elike a actosinest of Sumner Cloths. Aslsa Cqs erte, Tweeds, Same., and Kentueky Jeaaq GO miser dark Calico, foot colored, !Met 3 to 19j rents per yard; 5 saws lloyl & 9•111.' English Print* best imposed; 5 brs Rmsla and Scotch Diapers. extreme- so, Al gallonekceping Goods of all kinds, very cheap; I bales Russia Crash, front alto ItIL dents per yard; bet bins * large mock of Cheek md Shining Stripe. Also, Canton Flannels.. colors and quali ties, et low prices; red, whar; and yellow Flamed* very cheap; bleached and unbleaehed Drillings , fan . assonment; 5 cm. blue Merritnack Calico., to. tremely low: black and unbleached Table Lhapers, all prices; Bird's eye Diape all prices and (statues, very °beep; colored Cambric* ric* a full I.OIIIIIXIII, cheaper than ever; 3 bales Burlaps, from 12} to 23 eta per yard. Aisu, a large stock of COSen Table Dhspers.. Mennen' Shirting— it fad assortment, very cheap. PARASOLS! PARASOLS! The largest and most splendidSlOCk. of Palmas ever horned by any rant house Pimbureh, as this day recetved and are all of the newest Preach which; for richness and bcanty, cannot be serpu ll- red. As welhave a large lot atheist, Parasols, they swibe sold cheaper than any other home in the city can af ford to sell the same quality of goods. The Italie, are respectfully Invited to thaminethem Parasols, as they will find some of the richest and newest ,tyke ever import. from Europe. m , Parasols are all of toe richest and most faatlonab The lo c and are worthy of the attend.. °OM All of Ike above goods will be gild off at once* far be olors, low any house In the can and ho order to prove Inca rid the capable will please call and price these good., compare the with lay other house in the city, and be convinced ofth° above assertion. Tao subscriber would hare say to kosnumerom Be.. and the pub. in general, that there me two other bee have atoms inotarket o l , :s p et, pretending to en. with the Big Bee Mee, which alone the only celebrated and far famed Dry (1 establishment is Pittsburgh. The subscriber would therefore say to all purchaser, of Dry Goals, either, wholesale or retail, that the Ilig Bee !live, on Market meet, between Thirst slid Fourth.. now opeuing the largest, riches, and most optendul mock of spring and summer Dry Goode ever offered for tato in Pittsburgh BONNETS! BONNETS! New Oncu mall:he—The largest and most fashion able iscoar of Bonnets ever opened in this city, is just m received at the on of the tug Bee Hive, on Elarket limey between Third and Fourth sterns, where Dry Goods of every description am *ening . cheaper then other house in the city. pub. will please take notice that Were are two other bee hive stores on Market street, who pretend to compete with the Dig Bee line, between Third and Fourth streets, where the public will find, at W timet,the sower atj les of Dry Goods, fresh opened. CT Monne la. notice, that the Moro eween Thsed end Fourth Wren., sign cf /BO LIFT DIVE, where Dry Gaols of every description are mihng memxa than at any other house In the oily 5013..13in WILLIAM L. , city 1... RUSSELL. 1850 Elam UIDWELL'B SAN Piit Y ur A gl DNDto BEAVER LINE evel E. Frrns aht u.rf Clated, through thr twit and poprAlomscountie4 alColusm, liana, Carron, Stark, Tuseararre”, Ca on, illookinguns, au! Franklin. TLC completion of the Sandy and Beater Canal opens up to Our city through this great natural central route a direct comeninieauon to tee above as well as the adjoining coctte,' of Wayne, Holmes, Knox, and Delaware. Firm this aection of Ohio, the Undo with Dittsharigh hoe been, to. great extent eat off, In comerstence of the highmire of traneportation, which now re.. Micro 1., att and 50 per cent.Dont. of this line will leave daily and ran throngh without trahahipment. The Canal comp have Leathered upon due line art interest In the =anyprime her. d advantages of lima chattor, and that second to the middle puritans of Ohlo in ordering theirgood* Ly BIDWELL'S SANDY AND DEAVER LINE, an <coal interest In this advantage. Agents: I.C. DID WELL, Natant* BIDWELL & CO., Glasgow. erecir C Relines, Beetles celtes .Ohto; 11 & A Goy, Georgd Kemble, Mato., O; Carlllo & I I oaken, Co; Hanna, (hairnet & Co. New Lhbon, 0; Atter & Nreboors, lienaver, O.; Ilibbcts & Booty., Mi nerva. 04 speaker & Foster. do.; Jower. Pool a Co. do.; /t Bess, Oneida :gills, 0.; 11 V Bever, do; C 11 Iferailrel k.Co, Nelsen., O.; K K Gray, Wept.. burg, 0.; Reynoldt, do; haze Telle r, blamtolla 0: ti J Sarkdolr,& Co, ?Germ:lath; Waillarkneas da; J Aye - attend r Ca, Sandyrt Ile, 0; 1. I` Ls Rh, do; Farbv barge 00 ;Rename., Bolivar, 0 lc Meteor, d. ; J J Roffman, nlastfilon, O.; Cummins 00 Ca deb; !rem IlebinrOu, Canal Fulton, 04. Fenig Torrey, Canal Dover, 0; A Medbury, Roscoe, 04 L K War ner. Newark.° ;Fitch & Kale, Calumbes, L Ma thews, Cleveland, O.; Rhode, & Green, do. mal9 In - Me irks n y County. TN the en e of the application of the Oh ' o and Penn. • .1...7 1 `h0ie 11.11 Read Cc... Play, for the right of way, gr.e. .N 0.135, Jane hem 11+.10.' To the hells or devisee noti fi ed , ,. Bradford, de ceased. Yea ore hereby that the Ohio and renuailvenie Rail Reed .CoMpany have taken .d appropriamd,for thaw of heir rail road, the fellow lag described portion of the lead belonging to said deccrlast !Ode Township , Alegherty Calmly, Pa, vii-11calneing on the lower line of said mat at a distance of 51.1, ft from the centre hone( saki rail reed, thence running' along the flue of said Met towards the river tO ft, %barmaid 73 deg 33 m.n: E tess feet, to the 'upper line of acid trap thence s thenee along th flAPße l line of said tract no rt hward Eh ft, thence 73 egg h 3 min., t&113 feet, to they ate of beginning. Cell• training d act. 1 1 cod end 8 petal.. 0 A *Seriphs nee draft of Which to filed in the above ease. • Whl ROBINSON Jr mayliCd&w3srT Pratt O. & P.R. ILO*. E"PLitra - ',2,bat'Vrrdrn'irdni r al and Dewier [La. Arlpiii...thalfro 2" PM", MT Itt=l GREAT imroaritORCIIIMICAL DISCOVER!: CiIE3IICAL COMBINATION • From the regrind!. Singt!otol m stprl Dissoin !O. Gloy•ot.V. lentiant of Tallow Dock e innt t o ren d eomolurt7ea N th '""th".z,liv:cmplats, solrellnect,ona,, ' d e P r7nr k ' ir/ ne's i,l'ega"l:l7ll:34eCracea, ctioopof tom harm:a, rush of bletil tbe bead, fever and mincefeinaie ceniplalnts, g nerd debility, dyrcep. ( oight f appetite, headache, told!, enati, gravel, n mews, cleric, organic affections, palpitation of tbeZhean, biles,:poins In the side, cheat, back', /ie. 111. infallible In all dLnitp a atiaing from an Im pure and° of tic blond. or fere ar action of the aye, • In the Vegetable KIIVNOZP.'. All-wire DehaU ha deporited plants and herb.; Megenial tenor manna. dem, and ladamed to -he ewe of disease; and to tea Vegetable kingdom does the reiion °ratan, as well • the inatinet of nal als , turn for antidote...pain. • The Pyoop Ls a scientific corepound of /harem van table pints in nature, matirelY fret Dom deleted/ma and enervatieg infernal MM./loner, and as it expel diaeate from the slide* Departs viper and strength tem . ..spending degree. CERTIFICA Al, extraordinary casco( flerolnle, &rape*, and Elj errs, or w : by the solo me of Dr. Guysetti• Co paned dYlue, Yellow Dock and Serrannallbs. Drooins. Nov. 37, INN Du. Serener—Sin !tender shy sincere thanks for the greet benefit I have derive/1i trent 40 nee of poor vnlasbte tytcp. I bare been ttoabled Yen' bed with • uerefolous me, which made is appearance on my chin. I did not pay much attention to at at first. sap. peeing Otto be nothing but an eruption mat tappet., n,persolia far a fially berm to increase, mtil it tprerni to tit , tick p ar t of the bead. I appLed te a phyalcim, who attended me all to no pulpit.. 1 bad triad every thing that could be tried. I maw your em op of Yellow Dock and ft traaparilla r end, concluded to be, It, for I blew that Yellaw:Dock moon° of the most valuable tinkles in the orerld.for the blood. I bohgtityour Syrup s and from the use of one bottle, I tepid *tea peal Mange in MY are.= 1... tin.", to Me it until! was • well nose. I now feel like • new poison; my blood is perfectly cloned and tree noel all lama ritim There is net a minden bat tea your newly dircoveree compelled is far .upetior any taratemilla . ever sold; Thu cer ti ficate !sat roar disedul to publish if you like, and any ammo. may refer le me, I aball be p 7 fo give Won all the Information I can shoot ray ear", tin. , I remain roam obedient 'errant, Clutha, C. Joaraws. IL3 blarket mrtrol. The ben female medicine knot. Tee Extract*? an Yellow Dock d Sarsaparilla a • vanities, owed), aid permanent ea ro for eh ro pleima Incident en FElidahlas.l • Its mild, alterative amerniesi render It meatiest, aprclicable m the slender and delicate constitution of the 'female. it is unrivalled in Ile cocoa upon such diwates as incipient contempuen, bar...teem lea. cot:hoes, or whites, irregular miettruation, ineentl nenke of Mine, and general prottration of the eymeta. It immedintely ommteroma Met distressing nelvena. nem and fumed° ao maroon td the female frame. and imparts an energy. buoyancy as awenaing an tecy a. grateful. Vro have evidence m linaarblek marriedd Ind us' strongly to recommeb.l this medicine to . - mind people ono base rot bc<a bi;a44;11.11701; .P 46. Pitimenes Veen or Fawn. of the Womb, of Err yearn' etanding, cured by Dr. Guysott'a Extract a Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, otter every Dawn ktiown remedy had been tried willioat rebel. ertifies that This Weintutoron„ohio d Feb., 1849. c m wife, age er p ka• heed suffering under the y above' complanat'for eal", bee yenta—nearly all or Lbw rime confined to her bed. I have for fear yews constantl employed the belt med• Intl talent taw could be onto ti y -cd due section arta& coeetry, without say benefit whatever. I have also Parch:wed every instrumentrecommended for the oureof seat diseases, all of whirl., proved wonlOcoo the spring of - 184 e, I woe maimed by my friends to soy Dr. Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, WWI used for four month, littler ake had wad it fof about four week.. It was evident to all. that she wu improving, and from this time she improved rap idly,: and gained flesh and evened:, anill-ths disease was , erairtly re:mired, and she is now enjoying on excellent bealth. WAL MONF s oORT. We being neighbor. of Wm. and Jolla. Monfort, know that the above ewe:vent, as to Wm Woke.. or Mry Monron, and as te rte onto bei ng efreenei by's Yellow Dock and Sanapwilta, Who wrieral Gut JANE EDDY ' • eawi rocinsas. (Groot Cur* of Comouomptlow4 ELLMION, JEWLII. MA Dennelt-.Dear Sir: The LT great bene ll/Y fit w .lB hic 49 h I hivadenved from your Extract of Yellow Loa. and Satapanlla,induces me, as to act oriasticerio Auto We followif cr. Tan Mrs; USA ME Rantie is not mare repel ahFthan n bad, putrid breath, or dark, yellow sums ed teeth. If persons have these it is their owe lank— ! m aze, for two abating', boy au article that their breath p h ase and sweet 11l stis Spiryair Arabia. lilt curse dltestra of the Gams, venal or ulcerated, and for the Teeth it Is unequalled, removing the Woy festenbag the teeth In the gums, nod clean them, as white is the mow Vs/is/rows Nerd. Suet,. reader, are the properties of Imaes's Ambits Tooth sad, without praising a ourselves, bee e what one el our 010.1 respectable and selentlft Zdr. I:. of Now Vars.:, say.: "I hive both 12.4 sednaalised this beautifal and lon P.-IPltble article, (Jones' Amber Tooth Pasted alt can nscommend aus posse/nine theluailtin e 4 for Header, we can say no more to sonvinse, only that If you try this ones you will be well please!. It is put up in beautiful - b ast:se Chinn Peu, for if cents. Sold by the Agent, Wit. JACKSON. 210 Lsb• ty sweet. Yittsbunth. aisealirstrY E Au. cool. ernuna Oro conorotny ••••021.1 • • Jowlllb are the actual qualities or a 3s. bout. o `e Coral Hair Restorauve. If th ey dociat cot word, !hey cannot th ere highly respectable eiller.o, who it!. toed It— Mr. Getz Beata, 41 Elia et, New Yoit. , grajMailida Rear., Myrtle rty, ltrooklyn.Z Mt. Wr¢ Tompkinc, e 9 King at, New York.. Mr. Thos. Jaekaon, Monica., Island, near Pirlithoigh :IL Woollen, late barber neemboar S. America. And more than a bnrulred othars rune, though hi man tituee, that it will force the hair to grow on :ha head at face, cop It While of cuangthen the rr as, =ovine scarf and dandruff from the roots, mai lag light, red, or groy hair assume a Gee dark look, and kcalaj a tt dry, baron or wiry hair moist, soft, clean obi bean CI, a very, very long time. sold by the Ascot, WM. JACKSON, 2.10 Llberty.ori Pittsburgh. rove 671, SO coon, and one donor. • an6MturT Mr Limy/lon aim you Lhass.sw—strestsenr Chepilerft Soap causes a lose pareplratiOn, •nd a rat the same time Eel:tithes, softens, nen weitena QS skin 'giving tie tenure anal besot> , of an intanrs. , Bevan :L./ amiss &no Sousa, ere neon Bevan only healeft, - /nal cured by us use, as at Least sent / /sYkt• sinus in;New York know, who am it in such caaes s and Graf unfailieg--as also to ?miss, Litorcass, Fn. - cues, or any other ak n dig; sag. The reader as assured that this ts coo doss puffed nostrum, Si One trial will prove. I eoald ella• aerate El least 60 persons cured of 30201r/so, Soros Leas AND Sou gry and and the reader is again •a+sured I would not crudity sell it for the above wilese I knew. • te ua all I Slate. Those who areltoWe to • Caen En, Cinema, on Cliserftrunn, wilt tint thiajo mare, Any one ethic:ed. - Ith any of shoes, Jrslna 1t,., diseyset, will 90-/ this all and Tien Loom le bare, ble in ink propel tie sheen 1 stele. Bel, runner, tie Corea an Seeded with ion alien; and be aura you ask for JONLI`i'S Itedian Cremmal Soap. Sold by VT N. JACKSON, .470 Liberty stress, viustntrott angenle ..T ILI' ' , Until/ ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST Q. ingSlo COMMON PREPARED CHALK. They Are not W.Vare how fig/IS/illy injorlous ft la w We akin! bow coarse, how magi, how /nit lota, yellow, and unhealthy the skin ap. pears alter using prepared chalk: Ile. aides it is injunoos, containitg • large clumsily of Lend! Wa rave prepared • berating vegetable rallelal whirl we roll 'JONES' SPAS:DiII LILY WHIM. Ills perfectly itnecent, beingpunged /gall deleenl oaa duals/cm and Slogans to t he chin a tatund,, thy, alabaster, clear, hying velum; at the M. AM. acting ra a cosmetic on the skin, Making it roll rag smooth. Sold by Ida Agent, Whl. JACKSON, 110 Lib, arty at, Pittsburgh. Price 15 cents. aitylata.,./T irropirty Is • tognony vac, tor BE enterenbers oder for sal. I. amber o Chant A. Lout', adman mtaa Second Ward, frontlol oak Common ground, on easy terms. Inquire. or W. OIL ItpUINtrOPII, Any at Law, St C is in of JASROBINSON. on rlaortodrea. mythdkenf DY 'striae of a precept under the blinds et Hon, Wrd D. INl'Clure, President of the Caen of Owe mon Picas, in and for the Sib Judici al District of Penti syleaniai and Jostler of the (Menet Oyer to Terndoer, and General ball Delivery in and for said Diann, ' and Samuel lone. and William Kerr,Fogra, Associate. Judges of the same Coons, in and for the Cosay of Allegbetn, dated the 7th day of Jilay„ lathe year of our lord; one thousand eight hundred sad city, ant to me directed, for holding a Conn of Oyer a Terminer, and liennal Jail Do ivory Itte. Celia Hewett, is On: City of Pit taburgh,on the Tialtd Monday in Jute twat, at Id o'clock, Feline boons is hereby given to all Janis, of au E t eetee,CetOneyi:etrul Constables of the. County of Ally. Chen)", that they . be men and there, in Otters props onions, With Mew tolls, records, ingaisitions, <nomin ations. and other remembrances, •to do those Ongs which to their respective micas (albeit behelfattPeet , to be doise—ang also those that will ?roseate Ibn prisoncro :that nom are, or may be In the bail of said Connty of Allegheny to boned nod there, toproseem against nom %rattail be/ost. Given hider fey bond at Pin burgh, this 710 day of May, in toe y ear of oar Lord, Itairi, and of the Com monwealth the 77th. CAILTEIf. COATIS, Sherif. mayikdliavirGil` nAnalsos. 9s 1717 E LL ATIORNEY AT LAV7, • • Oo STATE CoEMISSIONER for thrum Doper sawn. &eV/0171.10mm. or Deeds, tee- I/Ewe—Fourth eureet,.nberre sthithaeld.; FT' DR. JOHN MARTLN tomiectially announces to the Pacileto of rittsuargh, that ha has petraaaoraly loomed hihocif thts etty, fdr the parpone of 9m00t:6/4 t:6/4 Medione and tiarzery, itararigoas bench- Pl. 01140 la on Fauna areal, No IW. Residence No 97 rune at. nal ohi•icaT 111Z1V GLOTII.IITOIIIE. Vi A. STUART & CO., of l'idladeiphla, 4111 open • 0 . 3 thi let of April. In enure new clock of CLOVIS., CASSAMEILES, V.E.STINGS, And TAILORS' THI IdMIN4y, ateneiem vete., vary low for tal6, si No. lie Wood at, nest to Kennids Auelion Homo, nobdt.nrr 13.0) , EIMILT ne.1{24101 . 1 . ,' A TTORNEY, LAW—(Xtice en math side et ra.nb between CeenT„eree and Grant o.apf.dlW.Vw‘en GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO.. zxonalt az, tin. I , 4llhortreet, mal door to tly: , paak (KAM p r: s7 fOOO. Alm bits zi I:L. 1 2 ; 1'0 r , Annie by A ,79441ir0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers