PUBLISLiED BY WHITE & CO PKTTIIIVROII. DATURDAY MORNING, JUNE I,IBW 17"Abrerraris are earnestly rumored to turd fa t %cu . fever. before 6r. iy rind re tarty In chador u reetlesbfe. Adrertleerstettr eat teamed for it. *peer. to I tune mill far/vial, be °Urged wail ordefed oat 13;Psuctit iv Agent for dile spar at his several agencies In Sew licit, Iltilsde!phis, end 13,igon, and 6 authorized 'to receive' salisertetions end advertisements for Wt. • ILarmstonnitrunrcalC—Sabsertptiassand advertise ments for. this paper : received and forwarded free of chards (rata QIN tame. • Cdse'rs. awn Dana . Gaztrnt—Adverthemems and rabarnptions, for this paper, will be received and orwarded from Vila °Mee. °P) , •-• • ritats. - Cowftscut d t ua rdm old able paper, will Lo rem. ed .0 to ward. LET Pirrlatitiornt AUXI.OI.-Adlretllft• IM ma sand mbecriptiona to the North American and lirdird • Matta Ounte, rhiladelptda, received and tor. warded from Lila elm • 941316 IITATE CONVAIBITIOII. At a meeting orate Wide Butte Centel Committee, bell at Ilarrisbarn. Mardi 1 3 0 , 0, it... finenents Sete the ri hilts of the several coantien e(gag stem be requested to select a number of mio equal to Mel, respective representatives in the If L ai :WO( I' r=elpitl=llTeTui t' L e°6 77 u ,37 IWO. for the purpose at nominating candidate ' l:l . Cool Commissioner, in be voted for at the miming General EMitioe . • • • • MORTON MeNIICIIAEL, Outman. Gloms II lAar, F,ert1..,7. SM;i11611:g; -• . . In persaartee of the call of Co the Whig . end Annmasonic County 0313311111it0 or C . entrspond= ones out at the Court Rouse. The renown:is non was adopted, to • • • actolved, Thu the Whig and Antimasonie voters Otto several Election Markle of Allegheny County ha, and are hereby requested. to meet at titbit usual - pieces for bolding elections, on Saturdey, the let day next, then and there to elect two delegates to too County Convention to be held at the COurvllouse,• ea Wednesday, the fah day ofJ tine, at II o'clock, A. 116: Sala Convention to "Sake the about and necessary nernirations for the amnia; October Election., and alai ID appoint five delegetes to repro = the County In the State Convention, to be held in the etty or Phial del phia, en Wednesday, the lath day orlon.* Ent emery nutter, in the Township. to be hold • - between the briarsor two arid fire o'clock, (except Pint and those to thaWarde and Ilorragh. Leman the bum ascot= and nine o'clock. P. M. 111LAPIDS, Chairman. • Jx.E. P Aug, 7~Aux..Famousa,}Seeretarles. __— Terra Surma Pittsburgh, Apnllo, LIM fp-BEB NEXT PAGE POE LOCAL MATTERS PELEGILIZPHIC N EVVO, . Tax Puxaav Marnsos.—Thls evening tire primary meetings will be bed far the selection' or delegates to the AIIIIIIIIIICII 4 O and Whig County Collocation, which novels next Wednesday. No political meetings ever held to the 'county are more important than these, as they decide, cape. • dilly to refferenee to the more Impatient offices, not caly the choice of the persona to be tend Id ours, but also to be-elected, as the Whig nominations are ahnott certain to be ratified by the people to :October. We trust, therefore, that every member • af the party will reel It to balls duty to attend the . primary meetings, and thus show his Interest In the political cause we all have so much at heart. The carman for nomination has been conduct. ad with great propriety, but with much spirit and warmth In regard to Coogrers. The candidates • ter that alai am narrowed. down to two, Don. Hamar Denny, and Thos. M. Howe, Eiq„ both honorable and capable. mert,. and worthy of the . support or the' patty. The friends or both ate making great exettiota,k4t to the best humor, and with perfectly pett! feeling. Whichever-4 11001. Maud will recelviathe cordial support of the party 'For Senate, Dr. James Carothers, and Alex. Esq., are the tandidatee for nomination, both goad men and tine, and the Conientionnan. not go wrong In taking tip either of ihem. For 00/Cr ctfices there- are:Variant respectable men orferieig. The probabilities are that we shall have \, a hlehly respectable and strong tieket--one whieb lattice!l out one great' auerah; and roll op an old nabloned Allegheny county Whig majority. We have beeni pleased to find the Whig fires burning as etearly, nal with as much heat as ev• or. There js no defection, coolners or • pathy, in • our nub. The furious orisleughtsupOd am Whig adtritalsiraLon have had a benefielltl tendency in elirring upthe litchi Whig feeling, and have ad. ded fuel to tiro elnutticring fires ot Whig patriot. lent. We, doubt not the, owing to thla cause, the Whtg vbte will bd larger, to the ensuing ejections, than crud, not only In this county, but Liar:it:Taut the State and nation. • Me.. Fiaarron'a Esatheirencei.—Some persons have expressed • doubt of the propriety eta per. 11011 being ea:Mated to fill the vacancy to be or maimied by Mr. Ilampton's realgnation, Rape clearer the preeent ceesion of Correa,. without an eicial notification . to that effect, to the Con remion, from Ilr...llimpten himseiC Is petal. bki that Mr . llamptan will make hie wishes known by letter or telegraphic deepateb, directly to thi Pier:dent of the Convennii. But like does net, the Commation will ran no risk in makings no nation; as hie letter. - prerioualrboticed. authori ze, on, most anequirocally, to make hill writhes mid intentions known. The Coavention can pro. seed, therefore, with the fullest propriety to make a nomlnetion to supply On vacancy. Wiarnotia Pacuravania. ilosorraz---Tho Eno buildings or this institution, eci ereditabbs to the enterprise and benevolence of oar city, are pew- Avowing to d rapid completion, and present a Lae appesiatoe. ,no Treasurer, however, needs mosey, aa ttou donors will Pre by an adveitinev meat in timelier column. We trait ho will not call in vain. Tho New Lisbon Palladium says, that the Pan• y and Beaver . Canal is In :good order, and that beats ofilidwall'a pioneer lino era pining daily, irording great - tseilitles for shippers. What will the " Massillon News ":any to, thisl The Cumberland Civilian has an article on the subject of as important enterprise which is in con temphdicm in that mmiter. It says— . There scarcely a doubt that a plant road will be imrnediately.cosstrueted from Cumberland to \Vest Newton, or Robbstowis,lou the Memorise. bets river. The distance is about 73 miles and the estimated cost'is 5100,000. . Of this amount the NeC tient - Toad and Good Intent S.loweCommanies have . subscribed 5.30,000. Two other reaps ..tibia GOOD. panics are expected to take .1\10,000; in fact they . hare probably by this time fthee six' The balance • and as much more as may be necessary, can easi ly be obtained from private individuals along the . line of the road. The rigid of wny over the turn - pike between Cumberland and. West Newton, on: • the bed of which the I:denim are to be laid, in now being rapidly obtained upon very favorable condi ' lions, and inn short time every tiring will be ready for the commencement of the work. The country through which the road passes presents every fa cility for obtaining the materials neeessaryfor con struction, of very bed quality. Ths' plunk will best white oak, Sleet tong and 4 inches thick, mutts caliaalated to last ten years. The whole nutter is in the right hands, and it is expected that .• by the meet portable now mill., the plank can be prepared and laid down by the first of Decenaber Dent. . -The completion of this road will be attended be important consequence. The travellingpmblie will receive a large share of the benefit. Passengers tram Peilintem will 66 enabled to reach Pittsburgh in twenty bulbul of tolhiy nix hours, as at present, and the inconvenience a crowing the mountains will to converted into *plenum. National saihsch has,become •source Ofeo much com: plaint, wilt be virtually done away With, am) we shall once inure behold this route a greatthorougn. fare - between !het:est and the .West. CnoLIM4 Macao tact Caureaunarra. , —Yrom tba Weston Reporter afloat Saturday, era learn that the Cholera haa broken ont among theemigrasts to Cabana ia This rm aeon is communicated in a letter seem Dr. a McAdam, of Weston, wh o Yeas on his way semi the Plain& He write. 7 from " Camp, Grasshopper Creek, fifty miles out, 11th May,• and says: "The cholera has broken ow in the train of Dr:Clark,-in Its mestsualtgaa a r `loan. C. H. Moore, olMilfbra.M., Is dead, sod *woof:era must dicta the next twenty fon noun. Cat other is recovering. 'Whether. this awful dis cue will astral farther, God only knows. lam fearful, Irowever, It will. The Marshal train nom. bets about sixty—wc ore travelling very slowly— grata barely salLeient to subsist - our ogea. AU well in our train." Tire Reporter minim:mitt the death, in Weston, of Major Laces lair, of Rdwardatelle, Illinois. He reached that lowa about a week play/cue, in 'bad health, an: died from in inflammatory eine throat. Major Judy wit, - fay three years of age; was formerly Register of a Lind cake in Mania, and woo much respected. He was on his way to California, In company with a brother and a largo number of rrierids —St. Loads Republican 8011TNEICI CoNOTNRION Ai NAJTIVILLIL— On Monday next, Joie 3.1,' the detest:tea of the several Southern States, appointed to the conven tion to devise means and measures for the safety and pretection of the' itatitotions and Interests of the South, wet meet at liasitylite,Tennessee. A list of delegates, satin as appoluted,ahows 38 from Alabama, 18 Roth Geargis, 13 from' Master ippi, 10 from Booth .Carolina, 8 from Virginia, 4 from Florid., 3 from Tennessee. and 2from North Carolina: The above, from eight - of the drams slave Site', number 93- delegates. 'Arkansas, Louillana, Kentucky,Mlaaonri,Delaware,Mary -Ist d and Texas—a mijority of all the Southern Slf.le*—ease not appointed delegate's, and arm not be retoeseated in the °ow:tenon. la Tenn. rule, cuffs body attic people are opposed to It, and the North Carolina delegates, as well as some ethers, express reluctance to attend, on aocOnat 'fine IndtlfevenOn of the people, ' 37703! IMA on'keiponftr j ie of tbet Pytibstlh Gasetii. Ni', Yaaz, Moy 28,1850 Thai news by ine riewsetunerMksaldtkl r . 4 4 . ed the city early on MOnday afleilWoo, L as given hew wnGI tit m'b'tnloom men, Who it:member . nothing of Lew' fears exproused of a Continental war, in thei r eagerness lo watch the markets.— Gotion,Conti and Float, are higher to the English markets, and it will not take a large farther ad vance to art the corn trade ageing again at Wal per 450 potuida of corn, is 36 cents per pound of CO pounds, and less the present freight, 3144, leaves the price at 87 occasion !toed. ,There is fair margin on shipments now, and an improvement in freights will satin be seen, to Abe gratification of ournow waning ship owners, whose tonnage does not keep itself insured. Should France, England, and- Russia become ' . embroiled upon the Greek question, we should be induced to the not unpleas ant duty of feeding them, and doing their carrying trade, an operation which would -till our pocketi mote rapidly theriGalifornia Is doing. • . By the last mails from California, thenarsva very encouraging, though many merchants are ad vised of heavy knees upon shipments. . Still the gold Continues abundant froma all accounts, and trade is fast settling to that permanent coalition more conducive to lasting prosperity than the moat profitable speculations. • The Plan expedition is looked , upon as dad and has beanie a bye word from the Otter intik , tility of its =angers. The editor of ' , La S'erdas3" has been bailed at $5OOO to be tried for an attempt to 01 out a Oration' expedition, and the proprietors of the Sun have been suborned to appose before the United States Cam . The chief editor tithe Sun, upon Cuban affairs, is • Indr, who some years ago made the tour of Mexico in company with the then manager of the 'Sun." i She is also author of a work upon Cuba, under the =we de plume of Corn Montgomery, aliu Mrs. Storms. Emigrtnts continue to par in upon us. No less than four thowand arriving in one day. . The arri vals for the week ending the 25th, no less than fourteen thousand Gan hundred, one ship bringing 741 and another 709. Large as are the additions to our Ovulation, and filthy as our new comers are, the health of the city is as good, aye, better than ever, and'in the week-just closed we had only 241 death., a number that tells how healthy we are.— The city ism order for the summer, and 'no panic will be canna when we are a few cases of cholera. • The effect of the English news upon atecla has been favorable, and coupon.ll. S. Glet mete 122, U. S. 1868, 1191.2 Permsylvania7:l's 93. 1-8; %riding stock 48 7-8; Erie stock 631.4, and bonds OS,: At the pricers for coupon stock only about 31.3 cent per annum is realised, a rate not much uveri he English government debt. One end a half million of dollars, m coin, are due to day upon mint certificates, and the treasurer of the Mint is here to disburse it. This amount given to trade will soon act . speculation afoot again,. that languielresa little., After near a month of bad weather, we bare at last on atmosphere that would cheer the mosimis. anthnipie: la the shade at 11, the mercury rose to SO, with an abundance of straw hats, white pants, and white crape shawls on the shady side of Broad way. lee creani mock has improved, and the whole city has assumed its brightest summer look. The steam ship Olno went to sea this afternoon, for Chaves, with four hundred and fifty passen gers, all seemingly as end:Minato as the urn cargo who ever left on these gold hunting speculatioac more would have gone, could the steamer have as them. _ Cotton has 'tumefy moved under the news by the steamer, operators preferring th wait for their lettere - which ahould'he here by to InOrrOW•1130,11. Asher—There is more Lemma in the market for pot, and Sales at ;55,0'2 1.2; ptail Vi x 5,02; The demand for floor in goad at better prices; the den are 1 2 00 barrelsat 85,6:3,63 for common to straight Slate, 'with occasional sales at 5,73,.. 5,81a0 for Michigan, and 0,121.246:11 for pure Getmee; Southern flour is der, straight 6ta11d.5 are held at 5,5714; sales have been made of 200 taunts choice brandi at ;G Rye floor is in demand at $3 for good; Jersey meal is held at 03,00 1-4. There is nmhing; doing la wheat; Rye o,le per bushel; Oats are firm; Nothem 40a4Se, .and Jersey 4.11,46ct5; Corn unsettled, and sales 2500 bushels of Western mixed at 65 1.2 c. Pork is not very active, while the market is very stiff, at £41,04 for prime, and, .510,02 formers. Beef is 4eady, and SIO for and Sti.`4lao,ao for prime. Cat meats are unchang ed- Some small sales of 'lard hava been made at yesterday's prices. Miner and cheese remain as yesterday.. Whiskey Some aiAiag sales Filler sey were made, at 55e. liolders, however; are not inclines to cell at a lower figure think 20e. for Jersey. C. IN,VASIOR The followinig de tailed actarrut of the attack upon Cardeens, and the retreat of the expedition, will with feterret. Fran, tho Charleston Courier. cur the r. xpedittim against Cobs. The following particulars were obtained from a Sargeot attached to the expeditioa,lby the Key W 0 ,4 correspondent of the Courier. The nun tire Inebidet'az account of the movement from beginning Wends _ . On the 2.1 May, 15N, the brig Susan Load fell the city of New Orleans, having on board 150 offo, etre and men, under the command of Col. Wheat, and itiereruaLog in the golf the abour7 dims met the steamer Creole, which had on board 175 men, ander the command bf Colonel Beech and Gen eral Lopczeind athof. Thomsen on bond the brig embarked in the !steamer, which steered for the tale of Mague, where 'ewe took in . water. We remained there twd days and again got under way and picceeded m 'Camel! uninhabited Wend, soma fifteen mile. distant, where we met Colonel O'Hare, in barque Georgians, with 250 men,' who joined us. Haying oar fall compliment, amannte ing to some COO moo, thelading °Clete', we got ander way and arrived at the. port of Cardenas (Cabe)on Sunday morning, May 19, at about 1 A. Ks end ilumedistelrilmaded' our tortes. At ball past 2A. 5L took up the lino of march to the Governor's , mansion.. In front of the Placa, cod when but a abort distance from the mansion, pro.. mired a guide, and proceeded till within some six ty yards of the Governor's residence, when we *crewels:coed by a shower of bullets from all quarters, partieelarly from the tope of houses, win dows, plumes, Ilea, which wounded Colonels O'- Hara and Wheafand many men, Elea Mortally. We then commenced to show them that we were on hand and reedy to reciprocate their politeness. At it wo went, the inhabitants having all the advantage. Mier en engagement of about ova hoar, the white. flag was &splayed from a win ! dow of the Governor's residence, which caused our firing to true. After wailing a soluble time to beer from them, they recommenced firing, den gemealy wonndiog Lieut. E. L. Joe., of Comp". op S, Louisiana Regiment, and !slightly wooed. ingeome.lo men. The Governor's rezidence was thee fired, which caused its inmates, ooneletiog of the Governor and gaff, to en:render. Mc wet together with Ms ataffand troops, in all 100,1ththed under guard •in their barracks. We liberated about 150 prisoners whom we found in jut. All arms, amtrition, horses, dr.e. were. collected froth citizen. Or our use. We remained in quiet pow, amnion of the city until dusk oftha evening, daring which time, the entire force, except Gee. Lopez and staff ands commend of 25 men ander Capt. Logan, of Kentucky Regiment, had rearmed ea board of our ;steamer to rest, when, to nor sow price, the command wes attacked by 150 to 200 lancers and etvlgiT, sti mounted. _ . . ' Capt. Logan defended his position anal rein. forced from the - steamer. The engagement muted about Street quarters of en hour. Our lose, in kil led and wounded, amounted to 12, Including Capt. Logan, who was =tingly wounded, and died on board the steamer. The enemy log all except tome 12 men. Daring the engagement, we kept rerouting, having understood that they were ex. pouting a heavy reinCoreemerg Got the meloer under way 60 Benda y evening *boat 10 o'clock, having lost, In a, 8 killed and wounded. At 12 Mon the morning cif the 20th, uncovered d Span ish metiofwar, some 15 miles to the eouthwerd and eastward, apparently In chase of us. We kept our steamer tinder heavy 15101161, piling on barrelsuf rosin and coal, and at about 9A. of list, euw a steamer to windward. Procuring a plot off the reef o 1 Florida, we ran into Key West where we arrived at about 11 P. AL, and landed, being chased op to that time. . Oa our first landing at Cudenig,',Col. Picket,of the Kentucky Regiment, with some 30 moo, wait detailed to take ponegion of the railroad &mot, to cut off all communication with Matanzas. and did not return until Igo in the evening, Fm in ample time to ruiirlpatia in 0117 Wit engagement, on .which time a command of 25 Spanish ofhtera an d npidiersjoined us, one of whom wan alteidly ocosaded. oros.ded--Col.9Wheat, of the Louisiana Retri me pt, s ti g htiv ; Col. O'Hara, of the Nentuary flag. intent, sill:lily; Gen. Gonzalez, do. do., sheen, ; Coto. Logan, do. do, mortally, (since dead); Capt. Smith, do. do., slightly; identiones, cram Lou. 'liana regiment, seriously; :Col. --, of t h,,, G t .. Staff, slightly ; Qr.. Master Latina, of the Atimiseppi regiment, mortally, (dead) Col, of Gen Stag; miming; hisior Flawkuts, of an Konntelty regiment, sericessly. cumin or nen cstenta--.u. anow i.mrst, . • : . ' Ery Wear, May 1. Earlya this morning , Spanish /1111.0 of war Mauna eras discovered and boarded by one of de Pilots, off thee Ship Channel, tho cenunander r of witioh inquired of him if any stemner had ant es:a with alt unusual quantity of men, which our Pllot denied. The :Spanish man of war then changed her course and mood off. At about 9A. DI., • steamer was discovered coming down an. dor the reef, and arrived hero about "A.,)11, *ltch orred to •tte the Owl Crcol!, ent We'd some 600 . or 700 armed nten,smdert3eo. 'Lames. coming in a Spanish Man of wiz was also seen Gemming in ehase of.ber, and as. rived and - name to anchor. The Cesolenus to the mbar( of F. A. Browne, and herore the boat could be made fast, the armed men mere seen jumping as to the grad implies of ova Tee wharf at which they landed, Wanted from a flag stair the Sparda cokes. - talt[ftaerraa MOLL &Bee IN , Wind of the steamer Oreole, ahu has been gaited under the Passenger Zeno. She is 'tiourlit charge of [hut. --- of U. S. Survey echr. Petrel; fsieut.Oatrurg Rogers. ' Many of the Regiment being 'Wounded, have found comForta bbt quarters amongst our Milieu, and at the U.S. EirraCi3l, which were; on applization, delivered to them. A Lieutenant Jones of Alabama, Is nom recovering, having received a ball through the right tide. • He' is in comfortable gorier', at a private boardinghouse. Oar bulevillsge tope. rently all alive. A. the war steamer atilt states her gleam, it is presumed she will leave this even -- ILtratta, May 22. There Is no more Cholera in Havana since the ezpeditioa arrived, and no one talks of any thing All the foreigners in Havana have offered their services to repel the lovaden. That is,aft except the Americans. - On the first news, the citizens volunteered on the first day to the number of thirteen Moil. sand. The Sunish war steamer captured two vessels at the 'faked of' i Mizeres," and brought to the cly some few prisoners; their number cannot be truly estimated. Some say one hundred and some fours teen or fifteen. Part of them are Americans. The Spanish steamer Pizarro was despatched in pursuit of the invaders. We May again repeat that' the Government haveabundantivarources et their command, both by land and sea, sod are employing judicious meteor= for the protection of the Island and the preservation pf publlcturquiflity. In this, they we warmly supported by all climes of the com ulty—the nation of the Wand, the Spaniard* and the &feigners, who have uttered their ser vices In cue of necemlty, and a militia him been formed. We understand the Georgia took out about 1100 passengers for Chagres. The passenger, ' in transit were not allowed to land during their stay here, which mad he considered a judicious and necessary restriction, as there was natu rally a great deal of excitement prevallieg In the The New York papers state that Miguel Teurbe Talon, the Secretary of the Cuba Patriot Junta, in New York, and editor of la Vsrdad newspaper, lam been arrested uader the authority of the United States, on the charge of being a supporter of the recast expedition of Gen. Lopes against the Islan4 of Cuba. Re was brought before lodge Dens, of the United States District Court, on Monday merit iug, when Aspar Argrante became hit bail in the sum of 85,000, and he was perminalso de• Part. The accounts from Washington slate that the Cuban affair had emoted a great deal of sensation. The Cabinet was in council w ith the President ou Saturday:evening, doubtless delilseratingupen what measures must next betoken in this new and snor ting phase of our foreigaralations. An unanimous determination was shown to maintain; at all hoe. lads, the tenon of our treaty with Spain, and to we that the honorable neutrality of the United States suffer ap . infraction. A despatch from Washington to the N. Y. Ex press, rays: "The Secretary of Stale has had important in• formation laid before him from Calderon de la Bar es, the Spanish minister, touching the Cuba expe dition. The subsea:ice of it is, that no expedmon is fitting out at New Orleans, and that 1200 roan. bets, 1000 sabres, and six kegs of musket balk, would be sent overland from New York to New Orient., tin order to avoid suspicion.) Mr. Toles, a foreigner and Cuban, (and Secretary of the Jun. le in New York,) is to go in the expedition. Also, Mr. Hach., Mr. Arnow, and others. The New Orleans District Attorney gave this information to the Spanish Consul. The New York Spanish Connul has sent on in formation here theta large another 3.ottrup men in New York, are ready to enlist upon the expedition, as soon as news reaches them of a landing having been effected. • Another despatch says— At an ineonnal Cabinet meeting last night an tali. mated discumioneccurred about the Cuban affair. —Orders were dispatched to arrest all persons con. I netted with the expedition; an soon as they land upoanny part of the United States. A Washington letter. of the :rah init., published in the N. Y. Jots. of Commerce, rays:— Onr neutral obligations to regard to any power, do not depend on our own laws. They depend on national law. Oar nemmlity la., of which we have had four—in 1,7 C, 1791, 1917, and lota— were made to restrain our own people, as witness the following enact from a special message of Mr. Madison, which led to the neutrality laws of 1517 and 1518. .1 find that the existing laws have not the ef. ficecy 'meaner to prevent violation of theobli. gallons of the United States, as • nation at peace toward belligerent parties, and other unlawful acts on the high seas by ersoed-trewela equipped with. in the waters ofthe United Stairs. With a view to maintain, morn effe acidly, the respect doe to the !awe,. to the character, and to all neutral end pacific relation. of the United Suiten, I recommend to the consideration of Congress the expediency of such further legislative previsions es maybe re, guisee for detaining vessels actually equipped, or in canine of equippment with a warlike force, within the jurisdiction of the United States," dee. 1, The law of 1818, now in force, wan found inad equate ler its purpose; and Mr.' Monroe, in hie second mesa*, recommends that it be revised. He say= • °ft aof the highest importance to our" mitiOnal character, find iediepeusible to the morality °four citizens, that all violations of oar neutrality shall be prevented. No door shall be left open for the evasion of our laws, no opportunity Creed la any who may be disposed to take advantage of it, to compromit the interest er honor of the nation." In referrence to the coarse taken bythe President a Washington letter la the Philadelphia American says: "The President feels that he has %Seel:erred every legal and moral responsibility, in endeavor. log to arrest a movement which was prosecuted In eiolation of the good faith, of this government, had however he mar lament the erosion of blood and the loss of life, he bad the consoling reflection Duo, as a; public Incictionarv, snob caltmities would have been Preveeted, If his prom ptand pre cautionary measures could have availed. When the proposition to employ our naval force, for - the purpose of arresting till, expedition wu nee der consideration, Gen. Taylor was approached from distinguished and Infiaential quarters, with advice against the policy of such interfitr ears as a political movement; he immediately replied, that his dilly under the act of ISIS was clear and positive, arid ao motives of expediency could dissuade him from fulfilling It honestly and firmly. His decision warliumedlately 110MMUI1i. ested to the proper heads of Departments, and the orderefor the ravel movement followed." The Baltimore American has the following cor met remarks In relation to this Affair: THZ Amcx UPON con*. When the real character of the Muck upon the island of Cubs is considered, that aggression, in the view of all right minded men, must be regard. 'ed as a most &gnat outrage. The adventurers could not claim thist they embasked to aid the muse of a poopie struggling lobe free—for the Cubans had sot made even a revolt. If they desire have delivered from th e:goveniment of Spain they not mutilated such a deem by any overt rect.— The interpriae of 'invasion was directed upon a peaceful island; It wail an swell Upon the sorbs ereiguty of Spam, a government with which this country is upon terms of amity, and with which we have treaties upon !touchable grounds of sons fidence and compact.' Shipping the affair of all disguise, and of all ad ventitious pretensions, it seems to have been • mere adventure for gaia-t lawless inroad upon a neighboring country, with a View to pleader end aggrandizement. The mum vigilance and eh enmapection Were used to escape the observation orate withorities of the Goveroment of the United States—for those engaged in the desperate boil. mess tome very well that they would hues Loth. tog to expect but arrest and punialwaint, if they should be detected in theireriminal project. Crilrp Mal it was from the'begintring--criminal through , out—projected and set on foot by its contrivers in violation of the lava of their own country, and carried on in defiance dile laws of nations. It would be more easy to appreciate the wan. ton and most nejustiflablejumwe of such a move ment as this, and how WONT a condemnation shoadd be visited upon it, If we would', for a 11210.1 cunt, place ourselves in the situation of the Cu. bans and the Spanish people. If armed organize lions krined ,in Canada by lawless individuals Weald threaten our Northern frontier and make ineuraions Into our territory, bnroing,Uhrodering, and slaughtering—would anypretext ander which such deeds of devastation might be perpetrated shield the aggreuon from the severest end warm est retribution which it might he in our power to inflict,- • The merits of the can article charged when we reverse the parties. The whole Wand el Crib& is in • date cream lIMe of comiternetiou, at the rumen °fade threateised invasion--ta attempt at which hair been made, with failure indeed, and with signal Gillett, yet which given lineable that the rumors of the threatened attack were not without foundation, and fumbles ground of ap.. pmbetalon that they may be renewed. The Ad miniattattonhas done its dna steadily, dimly, and faithfully, in wing all Its legal power, t o npp e , this movement, an discreditable to the National charade?, end it will, no deate, anthem its pat. rtot,o and Jam aortae with inflexible &aimless The Illinois ?Nee to repotted low in the vicinity of Pero, and Mire with less than four Feet water on the principal tern.' Several boats had bees wound, and it la thought that unless an improve ment takes place In the map of water, a week or tan days mem will mike to pet an entire stop to huge beau. This will be pod news to the little ones, bat motepartieedszly, to the. hght draught Fkeighb also &dance as they trash' to, for I:anti:4WD= Win; alnlateti macs for three and tour opts per bushel, and dour for ten and twelve and shalt cents per barrel Is sot a toir common. don In Ilds Or any other 1114-4 Losußqnsi- ik Girt. Asemastx.—We entitled' to menWiti "ester y, th at on Baturtlip. - -Dr. peal:im of y.i r c:. outh.ins elected stated Clerk, vice, Dr. Lortilef philadelpithi Ulla-tied, Dr: Davidson, permancet clerk - of the Assembly for fire years tendered, .is resignation, sVitich was accepted and an election wareordered kir - yesterday—a ' number of 'codeine:li plain nomination. .1 ' Yettetday morning the tlist basinearaf gertem4 - idaportance Wes the disenission of a resolution , Dr. W. L.- Breckesuidgeinvolvizig an expristi•'' on the slavery question. The Generallusocialipm. of Masa, it teems his intimated to the Clenerer, Assembly Diet on sip : mutton en this subject wee desirable, manifeammt an inclitunion to dektid Wei :action either,* bodies which were laboring to et .elude 'slavery from the Church. Dr. B's., re*thit Lion contained sumructiona to the delegate frogight ; Assembly,to vote in such :a measure as *old. Chow that the:Aissembly did net coincide widg th -. Association.: After some dlscuesion by a veto hr. .75 to 70, the Wisolution Was laid on the tauter;' then there followed various motion', and diOni., Cons on points of order, till ail the question; • came entangled, and at length I, vote earnedh large majority to take op the molts:ion; then, previous question was called the—the Ante - decided to tidiest it, and the regolution pus more than • two thirds voters-ants the als - vi, e i , question so far at the Assembly is concerned -, rendered in sterna gee Asinnother year nt kiwi A., After the disposal of this matter the remain. -.. .of the morning -union was taken up with reading- of the report of the committee on nitimi tire—Curcirmori G6G, le. 4?): Now Sem .. .warm Ihecossar.—The Paris &h.' respendeut dike London Timex sayer , ~ .ri.,. "The acien hie world has been in a slate of . .: motion ,daring the whole week, le conarquen .f the poblicalfon of the discovery of the lock ea . t 1 for secretor the fusion Mid crystallization of ' 7 " , bon. The Sorbonne boa been crowded to ..' last few days to behold tire Tenth Of this driCii-X ery, in the shape of a tolerably . sized diamok& great Inane, which M. Deepest, the beep/ e. , coverer, strbmita,to 'the examination, of et chemist or savant who chooses to visa Mei '# declares that, go long ego ailatt autumn, hi:o succeeded in. prodnelegthe diamond, bet in' ' minute particles an to be visible only throng ,4 mierosozpe, sod, fearful of raising irony and : pinion, he had kept the secret, until, by dial o , pealed experiments and great labor be had 1 pleted the one he now offers to public view, , EOM' /0 1 . r Irma of immense power, aided by r r; tremendous galvanic pile of the Sorbonne, hi iii, been the means of prodaelog tho Mark now 14i fare ea.. M. Papist holds tilmirelf ready to C Fe': play the experiment whenever it maybe regain ~ 1 .," The diamond produced is of the quality knoirM, le the Elates the black diamond, sae single apeac, men of which was sold by Prince Rnatoff to Cja, late Drake of York forage coon:arias sum of %Wglbe thousand pounder ,c, The steamer Z. L. McLean arrived vette/4y from Connell Bluffs, which place she left on ofe 14th inst. The clerk infanta us that nearly all the emigrants had crossed to tne opposite aide of the river, and that hundreds were daily starting for the Melo. Be the expiration of thy present week, or by the tint of Jane at fartheat, the lest Milne ten thoutaed or more, nt one lime, congregated rn and around that point, will have wheeled into the long line of adventurera far the El aired,. The emigration was thinning out quite test at 3'. Joseph, end at other poisite, and a majority ere this are on their march. The grass In the vicinity of Buie. vile, wow op severel inches in height, and was growing rapidly. PwailiOn is, however, at that pint continued scarce, and high; common flour erne selling at 59 and 310 per barrel; corn 31,250 31,50; and eats at M. 25 per bushel. Preeeateupl plies were, hewevor, considered wifticient tamed the demand until the emigrants had entirely die, appeared, and then, no doubt, piece would decline Very materially. The eteamers Mary Mane and Sacramento were met near Fort Kearney,on their way op. The Tuscumbia and Pocahontas were short distance below St. Joseph, the latter is bound to the Blurs. River falling all the way down, end getting quite low between St- Jager. th and llaneaville.—Satot Zguir BopraEran, May 21. • • Sacutter ta:Calibrnia.—We have the proceed ings of two meetinge held at San Franciace. Oco :e a meeting of "Strangers Friend Society," M. s•.lleted for the purpose of aronitirg seediest and other assistance to the Indigent tick. The other hi the "Pacific Tract Society," formed to procure the publications of the American tract Society, for wile or gift sus the case may re quire. 'nett 'coalitions are likely to prove high. ly odraningcone to the population of San Fran- Cotton . Pedery in Chariaston.—s2so,ooo has heel. nanteribed In Chart etton for the erection of another notion radety: The Wearier Viceroy, which is to sail from Gal- way (or New York on Jane 1, will take no second cabin or steerage paturengers. The distance as• ved by sailing tram Galway r for America over any ether port in Great Britain is so considerable, and the character of the chip for speed and safety hes been so folly established on bee own lines, that her passage may expect to stand the shorten on rec-ard. About SlOOOO worth of gold dew has been re. mined to 'ninon , ' Martha'. Vineyard, Ma...eho. sons, by citizens of that Owe, now in Cahloraia. The Vaned States rehooner Walker arrived at Pensaeokl, on the 17th last, on her way to Nor. folk. • SUGAR Ervcrtamok.—Ovins to the advice. of the capture of Gardetiaa,the augur market at New York was considerably excited on Saturday, and very large sales were made at an advance in pricta. Tun Otno Leanstarest, among other laws' passed one emitting the name of county poor bootee to "county infirmaries." The Jews consider as the Etat commandment the verse which tbe Christians deem the prologue: I on the Lord thy 63d, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.'—X. 0. Crescent CO. The Woonsocket Patriot sap that two of the Canon Factolies there have been compelled to ato he n P*Yment—the calla will be kept running, but t wage. will be reduced. A Rousoron Berpog—Aabley River, at Charles ton, is to have a htldge thrown omit en the Rem ington plan. A New Church, fur the English portion of the congregation of the First LOtIVC/11P. Cherub, is to be built at York, Pa., making the thlrd one of that denomination In that place. The architect ii Jacob Octwalt Another Myr.eriona Woman hoe attempted to poiaott !tercet( at BOW). She mu found on Mon day in ono of the roman or, WeilCl7l Hotel, aufteriag from the effecte of poison. She gave her name as Mn. Alonzo Allan., • Fox ,an Jeaz —A. eel:dicier sailed on Sams day, uye Mil Post, for the river Ban Juan, with ■ number of mtehanks Onboud, who intend to ea tablish themselves in beelnen in Nicaragua. It Is believed that by the latter part of Rine, travel eri from New York will atom the Isthmus at that point in 24 home, and at lees expense than at Palmate. Mr. Gliddoo enfolds bfa Thebean Mammy, in Poston, on the Morning of the 3d, sth, nod 7th of June. We had no id...a the operation would oc cupy ■ week. Bat the Baton people about some atop do hare fanny `Motion." ♦a • Hciaz—The liichmend Enquirer gays that the statement . moonily pnbliehed of a contemplated intarrection among the slaves of Monroe county, VA, is entirely without Muni dation, LOGAN, , WILSON & CO. 110 WOOD ET., ABOVE FIFTH, Have just received large additions io their • _ • PRIAG STOCK OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, /te Imported by lam blankets from Europe, and to which they would especially cell the enem:to of porchmers, believing - weir very coma• sive stocks end low prices will give ratite satisfaction. • mayilb•tbkwlyr iffi..lnearmuur Duceyxar.—Tbe Inventor of Mr. Lane'. Veromfogo having disposed of his right to hi. great remedy, the proprietor., Messrs. Kidd lr.Co , beg leave to offer the American public as the bet remedy for worms ever offered. It has been tried all paws of the country, and in we. which had do fled the exertion. of the beet physician., and novel Without the most complete Success. We caution pa rents againet delay. If your children exhibit the symptoms of being troubled with worms, lore not moment, LIME at mote purchase a bottle of 11I'Lanti , t Vermifoge, and thus rave them pain, and pestles their lives. Fee site by myaliditavS EIDD k CO, • HAMMED* Ouita Stet ult., by tbo 'Rom W. A. Passamt, Mr . lowa Jacoiss, to Miss En. Assra, darighlciof EchTNI Duff Esq-, of Alloghtoy City, DIED. On Friday, 3ist Crussas, Infant ,0,, of Elamoe d Darr Chtaicii, Nii flauctel .111 take .plaen on. Sunday, 2d instant, at 41 o'clock, P. M., from the reeldeace or hio faoe - r. rn Allegheny city, • : =;==l2 Up EV. JOHN . D.WIA, af. Dallynabbiab, County at •4 Dow, Dalaad. 'fib preach ia the Pita' Eatartaed DraabYtath. Chore biataa.llllr.Douglaal to morrow, .afteraean, at half .aat y orefock. fel • Altostarn Peasisiawanta Hospital.. 111110 SE contrite:lnm who lave not =id the Third Instalment to as inantittiOn, will confer a favor upayteg the Ps me on Ha:tinkly, (to =yet° the =der ne tled, ache Bans of Patabeneh, aa money to needed to pay eentnnettnt Mrltmtln. jet • Joitri !LOWE Ma Vacation. 0. K. 01141121MSRLINill CohINIERCLAL to WRITING ROOMS ig remain open - daring the eranter , tboth day and evening.. Penile in pen. will be rectmedfor any length from twenty lemma to three months, aan ebn mea as belt snit their convenience. ladies act in a:operate aranmeat, from 2t04 P. ht. Stn. dents In commercial and steamboat book keeping, both day and evening. Snob as :wish to attend the summer terns t aboald make application mon. Bead and Mortar.* forl6l,OlXI, and One far 13 000', Sal e, . by eIY Pnvaty.. 4 For pertiehtliTs 'rjr: r itEgEy lel No 180 Wood an4.l DOTbyATOE y3I S-600 ba Canada JIM ewe! and for sale in INCART SLLL , - - . `IIAL/4 OP Esau *.wrATE. ME. subscribe r offersat private ask,* tmc , "/Alla LA la lieraaillcs .iossaahlp. Alusakeog conurri Sun tedootitemater• Ling/Inn, aboutitneetailes rem McKeesport, containing about NO nurtaor whkh acres aro cleared. The land is In good condition, and hos thereon erected a hewn log dwctlio house, two stories high, ham and outhouse. Torres low, title indisputable. For farther siartlenlars:enqums or ' SAMUEL, FOnTER, letradhcS New tbe preen.. GREENWOOD GARDENS ROTICE: , ...... ---. , TTAVING been annoyed for some time by gangset t a mischievous boys, injuring ;the shrubbery an & 'fruit, occupyin g the swings to Ott .Clll6Oll of more ptefitante visitors, he. To prevent such from eructing, mranstent visitors will be furnished , Ith . ticket at the env... far IS cents, whims will be received in. the satsuma for 15 cents In refreshment." Paucity ticks ets for the season will be furnished by the proprietor.- ~, The paloone will be tarnished with Ice Cresms, Fruits, and all the delicaeles of the season. The garden steamer; Hope No A lenses the Pitt et: 31 jimidirg at the beginning °teach hour of the day and 'evening. ' let ..nils , , .. (Pont and Dispatch, copy.] t ki.. 1 • EXECIPTOIIII NOTICE. ! . I\TOTICE is hereby given:that the endersingned he . 1' taken out letters teIII6.IIICIUM oath, Inn will.: testament of John Loy., late or Pine Township ,dfccased; and all persons having accent** again, ,stets errata decedent are hereby requested to pre se,nt them for seGlement, and those indebted, me gaited to make inntedinte pnyment m tie eitesetirer JAS. LOGAN. jelm3t9 Pica Townebip - ,AL1y31,1€50. THE GREAT SEMI ANNUAL SALE OF DRY GOODS Al the O. Pelee Store et t A. A. MASON !at. CO, ,IILL commence on bloodny, Jane ad, Itiso , 1 7 Their misnense, emabliehment, with all their Wholesale Rooms, will, on this occaeion, be 111/./111 open for Barons Tsang, and all :ol their ostensive stook will be offered to retnilparchasers, et adlsecont of Ana to to bb per cant. teee tharfasnal poems THEIR STOOK OF SILKS 'Comprise over troy hondred pieces, and will be sold at an Immense dist count. Tbelraccortmeat orShawls,Bareces. Tissues, Creek. Wines Foulard Silks, Lemons, htualinc. Jaeonetc, Cambric., and Drew. Good e generally, rill be sieved eat immediately, at about one hairlike 1131161 it ears Fact Colored trurtut rill be offered at Pe. It do Barlett, Hr. . - 4 do Maxim de Lathes, f 10e Superior English and Annelle. Calicoes, 10/site. 300 dawn Linen Handkerchiefs, 6k 7. Almo lot of %Pre ught Collars, some ith low as Ce. Together wan a complete satiety of Domenic nod White Goods, Ribbon, lloslory and Gloves, Sonata, kc., dth. Making in all one of the most erfecnve arsonmente In the country, welch will be marked down to mach wenn pr,ces than at any of.thcie previews Annual Pelee. 07Th° Store will he closed upon Thursday and Fe lay, May 30th nod Mel, for the purpose of ovum 's" and martin' down moot. No VAIII•all. IA pal ca . -Islf:4 A A MASON A CO A YOUNO MAN, who can mite a plain hand foe. ly, mad who atqoalmed In the eity, wi boa a saltation by apply aeon., ht 0,,,, Teleraph omen, Sb Charles iny3LalaL lODLIVER OlL—lost received,' a fresliTorßosh %_.l Inn, Clark k Cos 1006.11113 Codliver Oil for sal. b o, KI01) & Cu P FM:MATED POTASSA—JoaI ree : dand foraalt KIDD & CO T ollgo = o kegs !io t.7.,...Gedgrnt TALBOT kVEHNON—A new and linereanni Novel, 1.2 mo. c.oth, last ree'llilld for *lsla by tnynt JOHNSTON k STOCKruN 1101101.4. UUTTER-93 bbls inaLAre stA..;;;Aii.4: At mat STUART & SILL Valuable 41044 etestslve Water Power to /et on favorable terms. rpHE WABASH NAVIGATION COMP/NV.llre nose preporcilm core the Win. Power at the Grand Ropids,to an amount sathei propel foor hundred pales of null atone_ The Menuon Is based upon • rock fount:l.lond and the 'power can canoe. niently be applied en troth side. of the river. The. groin of the White River, as well ea the Wabash, cm bie readily fernlthed at this poirit While IMO!, Iron ore, and coal, to the greenest alonmaraq and of roomier quality, coo he easily procured throne the WM! country Taargs . ..,Onehmdred dollars per annum for • pow er cement to propel a tingle ran of medium sized Mil storms, fern period of fifteen years, with the right of renewal our the Mpiration of the lease, at fan urination of the power employed. The oil of the mill orsoloulscrory included, without farther charge from the Company. By older of the Director. . MINER T. ELLIS, Previdearoftta W.N. Co. Viacsasts, la, 11.9 9, lava. toyal:d2zo CHEESE—Sap Sago Cheese., Paraumana do, Grope doi Aina Appla Jo; Imitauau Er glitk Thatch do; : Rete.oon dc; Car tato by WM A MeCLURG k CO nay3l 923 Litwoy oreot p RINTINO PAPER -25 reams It.:ET.! in; 21 do ,24.1:2 in; 25 do :212:17 • 25 do '2151Y , In, V 5 do 252.0 lin 25 do On band and Int sale by All EN11L.1,1.1 ACO no? 1 No 70 Wood meet IhY VIRTUE of a decree of the high Con of Chan -1? eery, the 'absent.< r, as Truster. will offer at pub he, silt at the Exchange, on TiiIIIISDAY, tho doll day of Juno—ALL TRA PIECE' OR PARCEL OF GROUND AND IMPROVEMENT..., s'toned In tin Psusborgn, ia the State of Pennsylvania kbowe as Lot Number hi, in Prides' Plan in 1 . 11. .Iflb Allegheny Demoging at the corner of Market street and the es and hleckalti els Tara ylgoltoad, running thence ematwardig; and binding, ori;aild road twenty-eight fent eight and a half inch. et, (hence soathwardly one handfed and twenty feet to ;Iktwmay• four loot allefb Renee eastwardly tamely yolght feet - eight and a half . ..ohm thence northienrdly to the place of ^efliition Or Ma said Lot Is erected •• laro ' story Frame WA/Off. roolOa Of tale as prescribed Ly the decree are 01Mfonria cosh on thr day urea!, gtr.d the remainder I equal instalments at - six, twelve, and eighteen Months, to to seemed at Re cotton of the purchaser. JAS. MALCOLM, Trustee, No. 17 Lexingion tired Ha titan., mid. tr. CO, Auctioneers. Plats *Ohm above described property may be wee at the aloe of the Taustec, nn and tier the brat tin) of Jane.-13.1b Atom nay3:.Jarrid NEW STOCK Op CIIICILYIIIIIOO.9 PIA/110/1. TO/IN 11 MELLOR, No. frt Wood street, has al received, and now opens for, examination and sa!e, new stock of Piano Pure., from the eelebta..l emoraetory 0(1 Lhiccentt, Boom. Tericaers And amateurs are respectfolly Invited to examine • yery beauttlol o.noPtazo.ircelved with the rove. tet7o Allegheny City gaily T=Blanding Eery of Allegheny City win Ise A redeemec by KRAMEIt h BAIISI • my3ildevre.velm9 I • 11.1kVA REIS— LULU bank IfVfedlittarellila th iPstreet,g=ets.c:: that and Penn audit, • small Hunting Caved Th e Watch, with silver dial, and a liken go!d chair. The permit lading theta will Mc Fad de n, reworded on bringleg them io Mr. D. Market Street, Or to the Ghee of Teeth ft 0 3 Cconor, comer of Penn add Wayne streets. soyhl NIMOOLratd and Virsishmlll. lilaocaroni sad Yermicelli,for sale .12 by ray WM A IiIeCLUR(/ Whit& Goods forDiv.ima MURPHY & BURCHFIELD have received a roll supply of all the various leirdi of White Coddle for Ladle.' 'Breese., sorb as Scotch Malls, Moen eentien to Racal Owes. Malls, plain and Amen; , VlttOtla Lawn.. • Humboldt and Jaconetetlf• Plain Jeckoncts,teoft Lahti; Rendes a law assortment of Embteldered and Print , ed Pdeslins,,Lawns. Ranges, Thelma, Ise., very cheap. 'aty3o Bine Silk ll,trage, F OR VEILS—A min Nordnnut Corner of Fourth and Market Greea , 4•ool2 Garden'. THIS DELIGHTFP , L 131.ThlikiER RETREAT is 1 novr in fall opera too, and oupplitil with nil the delicacies of the gen on. This attorney Hope No. 11 runs as l tetptlar pock t from this city to the filtrd_ee— leaving the toot of lint treet ot 0 &clots in the Waft. Ing, and nt the beginning o fetch hoof, until loot night —tintdayo excepted. No Latoileating drinks kept on Ott premise.. m1:10 1530. Fort Pitt Works. 15.30 Corner of O'll►a and Etna streets,. Fifth Wan! Di•aallaclosa. TOE fain of Weep it Totten was dissolved on the 3d of April lent, by the death of Wm. J. 'fatten. lTharlea Knap, lr having purchased the interest of the lam Wm. J. rotten, In tba firm of Kw ft.Totten, and formed a will with ls brother, Keep, they will cominne too bualn b rai of the concern L under the name of littap A C 0.,. and Mil settle all lalms itgalebt the late firm, and rem:mean debty and demands owing to Um 01.20 e. My30:101 LINE INSURANCE. J. Flamer, Jr., Agent for the Penna. Life laeuremee Co. of Phila. IFFIOE of the Western Insurance Company No. M at Water zueet, Pirtsborph. bins rohrsoi°l"'Zia an n 000 q ja" ''n°°° ' nod • • Husbands can in.unare their live. An the benefit of their wives and children; creditor. the live. of their debtors. The whole profits of the Company are dlytded apron the holders of Lire Policies. • Tho dividend. of the put two years bare been etch• ty per cent each year. m):10 1100TAS/1-2 Cooks onteit tuillty for sale - by N WICIZERSIIMS, Wood and-StithveeB MMANGINtSE—trbble reeelvedinertiiihrtra the Store of 8 N WICKERSHAM, . Corner of Wad and Sloth tlrr,t• SAL. SODA-1 out rorolred nod for eel. b y toy= 8 N AvicmEßsamt 111AMPAIIJNE AND CLARET V,l perior qualities, kept constantly on ho , and 7 0 "; kale by !‘ C X,14 1 ..1RT20ff., my3o N o Inerty ravel 'DUKE LIELLNDY—In half . 4 1. corks, of tho inortufnetore,, I John Durand Co, B on i ekke , kept constoollY 00 nand khd. far 1100 by i ll"LEN .d C in ll d e f o n ti n i l . A i r L: : : ; —Ab o ttZ L A tho: , :Ali t ßo 2o7 .3o .,fr:o7,9l LOI7IBVILLE Lr..lE-100 bblo on, hand'antl for tale by Er . pp A CULIIERTSON OYST*I3,B. • Tun ItECT&IVED, r at the Ilimborgit Family or.. 0 eery anf.TaaWareltonser 6 ono es Fresh Oysters, 6 cans; 6 5. a' Plekled do, in qtjam; , • 6 510 do do, In pint do. oheraFtesh Oyamrs are parboiled, and put op m hig t .dy concentrated loop, enclosed In hermetical ly *colon% cans, and will keep much longer than pat an in the ordinarj way. those For We, 'wholesale and retail, by INM A IdeCl4/20 & Co, my go Z 5 mat- Libe Asamanact merrontosi. WOi Legareht Writings, l vols. B vo. The toteriemi Loyalists. Lorenzo Sabine, 8 vo. !Ammo., or the Uelted . lkatos, SS vol. 8 vo. The Writhail of Washington, 12 vol. B vo. Hlldreslea Maori ache Vetted States,3 volt Fl To Daterafl's Illabary of the Dotted Stases, 3 vat. 8 in. The Work. of Prontlin, 10 val. B ea .• Statesmen alb, Commonwealth of Emitted, Bvo. Preston's .Perdinend mad Inbellt.3 voL B TO. Rodeek% Irtscory of the World, 4 401: 8 vo. For do by D LOCKWOOD, m 730 Bookathez and laWoners /NI Foorl6 rt 10 1 1 1 t&161IIIING titellitshent iNnit Mies, tries Me Jib Mit Of ?day, ite the Met et Miy, ISM Perwal please sal 0 .1 are adeen l . s4 .' Xadtee, List. Abr ahamshlszyjdumsdasll-• AWmiumbi 4uWoonBima Baird Miraßennett Lucy Darin nizth F Be lde n argaret EBleek Muter Bro. , A.. Id Ben Amelia 'Bleulog Mn Broom Marl M.r7 Bo wen Mary Brooks Swab mama Arunsit Bowen Mrs 0 Bunn Gertrude M Bates Sarah Bradford Jule BareMSeld Mar/ ErY Barsh J Bran .stary A Bann Bridcei .erqr EC Brennan Mrs F MBetrusElizilt rar ' n Ann C Briggs Barrier. Butter Bearteh Casey Ellen C. tle Naney Conican Mary Cameron Mary JCh my Math Coraproo Mary Carnford Mary JCI rit Mary A Comm Jane Carnahan Mary CI my Callow Crawford Marl CarothorsSar. CI no Sarah Crouse Hannah D Dallis Mrs E bler Cathna Dann L A Daniels Mu, nnelly Mra M Duet Miss JobAT Davidson E.ll.lth ..lan Cataba " Daft Mary Day Ararat t • lan Mary An* Darin Margery . Daniels Bridget • • hags Mary Daffy Mary Le;pmerohyth ..ogherty Mary - Drueol Mary yall Sarab A • Aliah Blaney Ewing 6La M Eraml Elizat Eeamea Ca/Ina Estep dattzula Eetron Blory Feller Mgt Flinn Mitry I , srpt c :n_Anly Fleming Kerah Fithian Tha t Pta n wa k tarl b rel Fri Mgr C'EhA - G • bobby Mary bitty Harriet Griner Matilda Gallaher eche thaw; Lane Grove Amelia E Galloway Lacy Glass Quarto Grove. Amanda! tori ran Amanda Glenn Harriett Gruber Martha 0 otwowt Jana Gotehalk Pan.inoGmy Alm) Geawyer Mary Gordon Ratchet. Geary hint E Haldeman Arm P Hawk. Raebtl Hughes Sarah Bea'a P hays Emma Hughes Miss Ilarmst Pusan% Wary Mary Humphrey. Mary Hardin - Ma, ihn Henderson Mrs A Haat Handl harper Sarah E Henry Mn An Hamer Coo Hart Anna Ilizeorbaneh Al Allarnsman Elisa E ilanplmanlictiPallotlgket, Mary Hunt Ann Haven k2lea Harty Mary Ilyer Lavin J Jsclunan Solna Fiones Mgt Johnston Jute Jordan Sally tman Ellen Johnston Mgt Jones Mss U S Johnston liens'. Johnson Mary A Jones E • Kant Mrs 9 Kennedy Mrs 9 B Keeney Mgt Stine Mary J Kern Annie Kinney Johannah Keener Mary A Kerney Mini 31 Kinney Jane K Kennedy Mr% /no • Lamb Dridact tonard Olivia Lathrop Mn 011 :Langan Alice onand SylphlneLoVe Fmnets LatErhbn Sarah twangs:on Barlinadwig Jania Lawler Mary Lockhardl Mgt Latton Elisa Lawrence bl E LnmOn, Lydia E Lynch Martha Lmrsin Mn A W LoogarinS Mn Lynch Kara Marirell Mary E Miles Sarah Morrison Louisa Marks Jane Mile. Mgt Morrison hinryA Martin Bliss • Millard Mgt Y Mullen Miss B A Meting 'Louisa Morret Matt/dm' Mellen !dory • blessiek Sophia Moneells Lichella Moeller Borah Mellon Saran .1 Moorhead .ensue Alper. Canute hies/tick Lucinda Moon J Murray Mazy Moore N try McAleer Caam NeDouala Minh eKniget Rio dlellrldn k2ieth e Ma 11l Mall Man Emma McLean Jane E aleCrendy 11th McU coley Emily liteLealla CaMen McCertain 51re alai . ..met Pend'. McNulty Sarah hleilcraam Anne nellwaltie Ann diePheraon euttrl list) Ellzth A ;Cs. Mrs Mary Nana Elisa Olphant Melissa ors Ellen A Owens Mg Park Mgtenema 3 rote. PafkineonParalt/S El 1 inkerta Park 'h ay3 . lMary I Paula Mary Rater P¢vtna Ihnoes Etizth Rohincon M 141 Ito p Amanda Richmond Inneno Bodo Roy Frond F hied'oltabco..l.Tory. Reason Ronan Itcyckolds Mr. ;Ruggles Emma Scanlan Cathne Soma! Mgt Synnott Mary A Helen A Spencer Acre Stewart Jane Sleek Amanda E Sauter Sophia Stalwart Martha Stnah Marr t.ttona Mrs II D Stewart Mary Snowden Mrs Jos SolOvan Ann Stewart Mary A Spam. Mn Sumo:maw nab, Thais Nancy - Thou - bong Marls Tumor Elias . limo:woo S E Tn.- Rosanna Tweedy Sono= Thompson Loss Towarend - . li=3=l Waltzes Mary A Mrs R WAitright Emily Wan Kliva Whsslat INT Watson Jana IVilson Laura Yeager Email., Soon; Dian 9 • - To.' ReWes Young Cola Sae Yiing, Mary ==53131±5 •ders•& liars Aitostrong Jun Albright Dant Abrams Mr Airnnage H Alexander Watsr nide Joseph D Armstrong Adam Alger, Wm G Addis • Albethimt Goo Anderson Wm if Adams Win D • Armstrong LWm has. tj Assn...Dant Albert Simon Anly David !Letterman Jae - b Alisono lVen I' Anderson Janie& titrabents W J Alltingta Fred'lr Anderson Robt Stronstrro• Geo D.Mssott Robert Anamis Christs Arnett tt`T , Allan Robert 'Ashton Henry asbogost Alex Allman Thome, stuston Arch'd Alexander JO, cph Ila•clas•tiVeri Beadell RAI Tiro ern John Bain] Gin Los,:antleimiok Joseph Drown - John fisraLeld Beni Dant .1 .111.1 eamitel llaiteroll II Ilerldou Wm Black Wm A Its Wesley BeilnaiDarlil Itromshan James DIY., John. C IleMne John T Dry. Paint Italdoria Jame, L Itelkorith N P Itrett Air Dante , Win Be*itnan Charles Ilmok•Valket Joterh Borry J nßilges tt dun, aim W Bissdell Senn Brett/Mut Ti nsree. Joseph Bin/ John E Mitt John Barber Joseph Gird tV It Walley Itash twee' Baal Biddle Jam% II Bracken Patna harnett Charlea---ItirminJas Bradley Win , !forlorn.. %Pm 13ipt-Jos namau E. -Brennan James Barclay Wm Intad Plinth( Back...tan Thin Barnhart Loal 111 man lank Be<kne!A CoT Ares MU, W J Duras Nicholas rear Wendell Mali W Donald, Gem.: Bony Alr Dolieelames 9 Dyson James • Bernard Baal Mica Wilton 8 Bunn Patrick Bann! Pink !beam= Pail Ihstke Relit Bell _Seely] thiamen War !elation R F R Bell Thomas IliasePJohn Ban Demme Bell A G Dawn. nen) Gel Allen IlispionChis Dyerty Adam D ' Beek Chane. Brawn CParlim liSpraeJoha Beggs Joseph P Bri , wn Them as - Barge. Nicholas Bem P Brown J IV itot'euEdwaril Berkey rem, Hansa Nein.. Dinka --- -- artntsicleGcorg.ll.4lo Alta Al Barley Win -- --_ C Alel Clink Leer% Clark, Parks &so eallent. bliehl Cline Henry; Chnsla II W Callasean laugh croft 'Sax Cove Ham CiteripselliJohn Mites Freak Como W Campbell Ina B Cliork C /1 Conan Jeremiah CaPlwell J-seph Atemper Wm Coyle Edied m eptied AI 'Calliper e A CedliCll Joseph. Colonel Geo J Co:Dame:it carriltael IMIlt • :Anna, Joseph A Cobb Jobn ' Comma Maw Curchera Jobe Collin. Theis J Criman Pates U cthey R P 4A7.4., Mrs Corson Jaa Copts. no. . Crawford Albert Caner Jae p Chnites Fothern Cramlett Frankl'a Cam Nicht Contiooptiten IS Crawford Jan Cannon A Calmer Mend Crowley Phßlp Cannea Was Conrad Loots L Conan Jas Canna., Jelin Colleen J Catrinsinsa /no Canwrista Jao Cooke Franklin C Mono Peter Cannon Dennls 11Mbsi . CuMbertsooßalph Christman-I Al Conte:Line Thee Care y Robert_ dr Chtimmek Cebnell7Brepher, David '- Cherry Cumming Cooley Jonah E Carry Debt Churpaidef Conway The Culbert It lk ea Cbamben AilkD /Votive, Jria Cuddy Bennie Champ Edina 'Coleus/ /*seal t Cabin Mehl Church 11ar J• Coolers John Calvet Joke C D Danvor Inn Mikes Prollti, Doherty Laurence Ital.ney D Define nos Doherty Wm Dann /anon Deter Dennis Dow. Joseph Davits. Wm Deanna Wm El Doody Esimmd Dale David R Dean las ' Doherty Connor Daniel. Tboa Deamond Jno Dodge C Arany Arthur Dlirn Peter Doasherty Palk. Darlington Sam! De.heyJose ph It Mutt:water Wm Dale ht. Dickson la $ Draker Wm Day. n , lhckstin Tons Ihiseral Mien! Davis Thus Dill M.Dokols Joseph D Davis David .Dillinnee 'Sonya D.afteno A W Duly Sll3llh It coDoll ram y /no Dolman John 'Davis Alfred M Donaghy Sten' A b b n n y obb fakht Davi. Jerkin A Donets 'la n , ,,b) Duncan John. Dante Sam W Downey.wNa.Durgan Dtwiil Ea. Dotintar.'l•ll W Ihtnnellnghln Duets I Dorsey - agot 11 Duncan John 11 laT..^aandTr.."es on John Dungen cotton Davis Rev John P,Ala, hay p Dunning Hoch Davis IT Dnits slay lovaph Dyer h. Reed Damn rknni. Dow ru g nos IV Myer Peter Dean John 1./olis sty Rana Ewth".nd Jno Rnii er Mr Evans David E re , mon Taos Ent le Jae !Lyme Patrick PA. David EMI ag _Etlwd Eyre Leander r Ellin; Sem levites rohn J Ewalt Jobe ; Elime II V Ertms Albert Evart David C I Farley T Filitiranns Owen Fe'jambe SW Faibe• Tkery Iliet Geo A Forsythe CE Fawetp ch.. Fined John ."eler Mehl limellten Filen Sample FT/C. Isaac J Fmith Fig4d Wm Prlel 0 Jul Fn mil Ilebt Findley /no Fmk* sun :wet. 4110 n Flatter/OLn Frye Otis ahnemeek II O . ni.ll.lfon FO• Freneh sam Farley Rota Piquing nos 'French Wm Jno Fagan Inc, A Ford Darnels Franklin /no Ferfill MOO Fobsythe J no Freshoon Adam Fertoson Sara II Foliar In • Print. elms Fife ThosJ Fobryth M Frisby Henn Fenton Wm - Forsylbo Wm : Fanor Gregory • Gallagher Debt Gatild John Green Joseat N tarty Joa Gormley Jae Gregg Ju D George Muhl Gormley Jun D ; Gregg Jahn Gallagher Neal Go hoer NieholalGreentield las G Gabriel John ,01111erstioseardhlGreenhalchL Gallagher Jos Giiest Urn Onset Brunt GOOTRO John Gllntan John C Greer Ju E . Gilbert Geo lV• Graham Wm Gallarden Abm Gillroy Edwd Gray Ralph T Gallagher las Gillian Iteseklah Gray Geo W Gather in, Gibson Jos' • 'Orirgth Wm 12 Garr:way Sam -Gilepore WJ • , 'Grow Jae Ganhorne hlaulVeGlbion Wm .Gross Geo Gerhart lobo Gillian Wm Gag., w. Gann. John .Glyan John GribbnaW Gates Wm Glean Ghee Grogan Thee. . GardoOrr Goer Glenn Barry . Gunder Andw Giventititehman Clain Alex Griltas W /I G u m Itegh , G•ordon Wm R Grouse Joseph Ctobenh 0 0 t,t Gordon Jai A Goeneur Geo. Gilmore Areld Gordon Jan , Gormenly Palk wheon,Thos Goodman Goa Goodwin Francis • HeuponenCieorgeHnthaway Rich. Hower! Wm W Hanfori Oho • .anYnd Howes John Rev Irno,p on Jos - Mulles Geo Helves le Co T Wm Jloughtenendwit Hanlon Charier , Huil Charles rh Howell Men Hannan) ohn , HomPhill John .11oTelog (Sharks Handy H.An ItegilatJoheph .IlonehJohn N Helm Jim T - Heise le ger Geo Hawker Hem 110,....,,,th15tent Henry Robert Houghton nen Hatton. Robert Hen Sy Jlnnen Howard T Haddon George Henderson Wm Hope Chrisroppes Happen, Theorl Mei) , J Hoover Joseph W Hanwhoo The)/ 1104 k ASIIIIMIIIIIOO/16 John . Hai Rearl4 . 4 • • HaDlßmalgill, Hanson Jong': • jig. - Hain &DOW Hiekon Wal r. Malmo Was..: -11‘rd.U.1"1,Hirriu JOhStl' HlCEeineOn John Harmon Boyle Hands John .Hamer ilex Hardingeliambh-sHibben W - IHoisms rag Harris Thomas Hill Craig • Hagler Jaelmaa Harrison Was Dad Banter Hants George ' • Hanzeil Ramiro Hinoturr Mad; Hatahenna James Hul Joseph R Hill Isaiah - Banter Was • Huhn John Hill James T • Harris ;tuns Hoge Thomas Huhu Wm ginner John Henna A. P. - ." Mee* Rob.' Hanna Thom C Holmes Robots- Hustle Hamilton . Hawk. John; ; Hohaar Joseph Hliattleson Wm Haney Filnoner Holleran James 'Hutcheson Hobart Elapsing Edwardilolmoilliehard .linhohesaa John • . Jut James , .TettelesEdroarid -Johnston t Smith James c P Jenkins David JesteNermum Jaetson John_ Jope Jos hJ JODI% David 0 ' Jaelcon Chu 111..lankin Henry F Jones Bosnia . Jackson Wm Jenkins John I? Joneslodah JaetsonJamei Jonas hl L • Jones Moses ht. Jackson/obn 11 Johnston David - Joust Chain James Wm Z • • Johnsumltobert . Jones t Cary- James Richard Johnston Isnot. Joneilasses Jacobson Wm A Johnston Joseph Jones Lettish. humus Philip Johnston Henry Dimes Chas Judge Thomas Johnston Isdin Mine IAM . Jyten I Johnston Demi Jones s (dint Jeffries Joh John L Johnston Arthur Jones Datid • Itantrman Robt . /Colson Ray Jim %hue' Mathew . Kane Pm Keller Jamb . • Lan John Kaine Robt Kelly Gabriel insane Kola J KermedyCharlea Kelly Tinunhp • King - JOhn Mari Kelly JIM.. Alriauld Henry . Kennedy Rant MOT Cometins Yuma Valentino Rein Jordan 0 ItellyDarahlectenKaapp juoa, Kelley Peter Keay Dennli • Knox James • Keith Booty . Kelly Penni, 'Knock tc Bla , r Kelsey - Kerr liogh • - Itramer,6l.lels. Keit° Mathew )(antler John Khmer Ohaa Kemp Wm EtnEar Alen AI ZOnik.tdanhui Kaman Edward. Lacy Genn W . Lewis Lewin LRtI.J a r Laird Edwd Leonard Jos Littleano !Angell Pat ' Leone D Lewis - Linhart Alin* . Lauda min David Leas Andes. landny 0 B- Lear Win Wm 20 Long Christ= 'Linton - John Larkin Jno Lon6RelC Lsorrrino A 12rItik " ifon t 4hl4.ll) Leteher Dani Loner*. Jas La. Ilaggi Loans Thee 'Long John " Leroy L Lowry Leine Oro Lodge Osborn • ; Lloyd Howie. Leonard Boon - Lang Bam • Lynn Won Lenthty Bonin Linn Chan A Lon Robert . Unite London , Livingstotill C Lytieh John Lender LI P Lindsay.Thos ' •- Maddox , Wm Mall Jno Moyan Henry . Malloy Jae Miner Bobt Mooney Pack MannionPatli Mlnahan Dan Mon` J Maneheader Mos Miller Levi I. Moran John • Mackir John ...Michel 0 Morris Wm B • • Maniac/ Jar Miller Edwii Ban Monahan Chas Molnar rhos Mitchell Joe - Moon Jai Maher Mathew •Mitohell Wee Moon Dad Maoklen Thole Miller John Jacob Moon Geo • • Media Franklin Miller /reason ?dam Sant D Martine Miller /no Moen Rev.:Man Martin John ' Marg. Jito Murry Wm Menlo Lamer L Molloy Edird • : Wore/ohm Mathew/ C MorganDarld ' Myers George Martin Mr Kaman Wm F Myrna haze ' Mason S H Moroi It 0 •-• Mamma Soloomn Master. W F Merei JD or Mrldolvey Pat Maxwell Joon Ctilnnock Milan Mr • Mathews Edwd Moss Nelsen ?dam Cleo , •.• Mamas Wm Mokerß Mullen Gee Madman Joe Montgomery Jae Moon John Mewinger C J Morgan John. Mouthy FranciaA Mend IL P Moreno W G Murphy Henry blasted (Jahn Moran John Murphy Jul Messick Jos Montagne Pat Murry Joseph Melton Andrew Morris A K Hwy Hugh Melvin Jno F Maurer Nicholas • AtcAmilty Chas AVearron Nat !Men Thos APBratoey /no APCarthy F 14113ane Alex Weltllia. Pat 14 , 11A1n G. • BPeanney Jro APCanley , Ju - Arelane eapt B P APIDIde Thos BPClarran.las jr 11PLan6hlln Dtal WU. Thu APConnick /as AVClrree fro APBride 1 14`Covniek Huh Marro Cant A J 141 , 01011.4 DNV BPDowell, BleanssPGark John WelellandlOyer &co M'Orawnik Dam Wale= 111 , 11o.ough BPHale Diehl Breloakee D Donowth Chal APO= by D.I BlTalhe Pat lirDould Wm M`Gentgal AP. Arearthy Blown 14Penedy Wm WORM. • ' Breall Ju -.Tate JrniD BrGettom Thus - SPClarran /as 1111/onald Jas BrOran Felix Brelukcy Bernd 11PDowl John /1413ellgan nos . • Candles:LA B BrPaddev Ildwd WOW Pat tCoryo IIII& 7 l'orEwan Jos M (halm Jahn .I , Cl..Jas BPE/roy Owen MN)... /as bream* ?lath. Itrilmy Th. BPOurn A 14 , Caulley Tao APFlllteren John 11Thfullen Woo 111 , 0.41:tat!. lirElbessca Wm ITNaagislan J C Breath. Dr Arliatwel Rau llPRobsits Wax • ArCallister Pat AVEce Hen. intaberts Jas 14 , Carilty John WE. J. bPotre. Thu Breit:, A D BPSlonla Jut Vir IVVlcker Jno Neff Jos Meyer David 0 Pilebolse Rev CM Newland Wo. Newels= Us It Nevelt:Mau Newton Wm Nontr Ctemeals Nobles .losleh Officer J 9 Clarion Geo O'Neil Afield Olney Joel O'Sullivan flash °liveries . 01laterite Jet &Center Ina C Ogle Be OTlmhetty Pat Orley Beni Owen J Panoes Orr Sarepsoft O'Connor Philip Oates John Mei On Wax 011oork Thee Paul Roht Patterson Thin B Firth' Thal Palmer Rohr Parry J N Potter &nal Patton BIM Perry Clark • Porter Jacob Patrick Jao J Petrie Ales Potter J A Partridge A A Palatt A Pond Jo. ParkeiE M Peppard Alvin Paton Wm Penmen JUT Poacher Oro W Preston Waiter Fattener, Than Penn David Prince Rea lEI Patterven RII Philips Jaa Praisa John Panama P Plato DI Qaurmby Theo Queer Wem Abodes Wm K Riddle Wen Rabb JW- itstreny Allah! Reilly Ander Roorker.Thas Ray Raml • . • Rica That ' Roblilliellno I Ra.. 41.01 .1 a. C Rielley Andw ' Rettig ClissJ Rity•mondOddo Riot Oro Robinson Alpbon Rath .1 ro RiyelySeplierons Robinson Jon Reis J.. , Reinhart Adana Robinson R Reece I.7ran Reltryßeata . Robinson A G Rale in Rico Jon Robinson Gee et Reams J 14eliardvsall 191 kith lieratt . 7tnuel ILltheiT6 Reblesenßielt.en Renton,. W., sr Routh Oils/ Robinson i as Reis knocker 0 A Ronekeraller R Robinson Rev A 8 Reed W F Roney Miehl Robinson Rev Ins Reed Sup' W Roney Ban Robinson ALyeets Reed /as Enamel /no' Donn Ilanalltedi Reel Moses Rolnick Philip Ratans .Too Reed FAH Roberts Geo Robeeilson /no Reynaldo IW RonA Reddy las Risdon Sidney orßoss F A . Ryan The. Sustatal Ronald/ Heigh Sample Atones Blom Arcadiald DIANA David Fagetvon Ina Silvan= Causal &avers Chu A Beast De John Singh= Ed tkattord FAt -Peon it. Y Silret rat . ...Maud Jahn • . • Se. %V Sonvelm Olanr Stephens 71 1, Sews' W Skinner Stephen* Jobk ..Seatt John , Singleton El Blew= Wilson Peon Sem! ' Bove/Ip. Loti BlawartJackseno Senn Beni F Smith Theo Stewart Th. Been la. SEMI G. &emu. Wm Senn Bel Booth Saml • SterrensonStll3l &oval teen II SIMON Reel 711 —Stevenson & Reid Sewell J W Smith Ibehd P flinveoson J. SelbertftwellbtlepSnaith DC Stevenson Wm Pe ree.t John A.Basith &Johnston Stevran 0 T Summon Theo Smythe Jas SoUinn litchi - Powers Don) Sitommn Geos States W A Soutbemrth T Sinclair Gilbert Storm Stephen Sheila Jrnws !Wade, 0 AI Shannon J W Simmons John . .Stairgess F. • Shade Henry Simmons Pat &airs 'rhos Planet Mathew 'Snavely Ise. 1) Swan Thew Shaffer John Somme Tiros 111 Satter Geo Strighert Jon Spencer Joan 1H Bopplie Edwd Shock Sam II Spangler Jos Ryerson John Shin B Spronl Chao Sullivan Theo Short David Bleep-Wm - Id , Santo G. Straghtto John • • Truman 8 Thompson Wm Tian)B Tu:bony Theo Thompson John Trimble !tali Tracy John Thompson Nixon Tenor Sloth Tromlek k..Co Thompoon.Jos Team Allehial Tryon.N Thmas Rees Ta Robbers Tvonlek Jss Th o omas NV F Tone nen s Vbssoneo Tailor Geo • Thomas John Tool Dania) Talbot J. Thomas Jonah Towle gaol D Travers Pot . ThomasEihrtnNVTosl Benust 'TaylosJobn Tolloatilanfordit • 7olorwood Tho?, Undirwoodk BeWilsaan Hoary Mit anh.rtr John Vilma JU. Vaughan John Whitroora P/I Wilms Jos II Wise Wm • White Mr Wilson Francis .Willect Peter hv e Wilson Geo Li Winters Thos Wheelwright NW Wilson Robt W ilm o t White Wend Wilson Jen Wilmot Willis 0 win... R e es Wilson B W Woods 3no Williams BoarlM Weggans:Ju Wood Geo B Williams Jon H Wafers= W Wood Owen Williams REZ Wirobinner Rev JWright W B \ Alder Band.- Wright Jim William. Geo VVitimila 060 . Wright 'Ward Wllllame W H Willa, linorj Wright H E _Wilson Ander Wi.ntes Henry WinteJno if Wilson /no Witoon Andw Wiliness Ale# • Walsh Pat Word Pang • Weaver Henry; • Walter Davis Ward Wm • Wethrell Prof B' Wallace John Windwell fiord Webben pea Wallace Wm Watkins itiehM EWentmin E V Wallace Thomas Wasson. John Wesion John ' Wallace& Co Wonsan Giles Watiniek Band Walker David C Walters John Wells. Bann' Walker James Wonsan Benton:Means. B e am Watson E Weimer Hr .• White . Cool Williams David A.Witlts Robert = Woodville Zaeh , y Iskatials. • • Donna. Head Doctor. J. R. It. Staniar Fafratonnt. N. 0. Hieamboat 1111111111,1C0 Company. Neal , . Wharf DO , . - Clert &mutter Savannah. • Dagnemean Mau. Captain Steamboat Belle. W, Heirs of John Heir. Pombooth Division. Sons of Tompefanee. Bayorthrtlile Din, No MPO, Bona of Temperate Bayardatoom Dlv4too , 'Do. Conlin do Do. Teutonia Division,. . Do. Torin City Lodge, No ell, L O. O. P. Jane I.2OfiEDURO, P. BL AMOR; SPINDIDOII ANT) .I,I6ATEIMIR. E.d.wahr4l A. Gmagirey, 16 Binith Cairo; a., war Baltimore st.,Baltisrwra, (late E. addlsor & Sous, N. Y.,/ • IBn'ORTERofShoe and Dealer la Leather, various kind= English andErcneb Kid Shins, French Cal( Skins, Paton! Leather, iloroeee, red, white and pink resna,• I ... 6l N ,FM ealsi 811d0ALLOONS AND RIBBON Lss_ Webb', % Shoe Enlres. Awl Blades; Shod THREAD, Band Tack% Shoe Nails and Shoe PEON aal sue.. • • 0. haringestablished toe above business In Baltimore, h enabled m ship deed. Beath or Wen 'silk the airoost deapateh, and at the lowest Julio, Alanufaeutrers, dealer.. sad air otions taa7 rely a••n obtaining every article In the trade, of the best quality, and 8;4 libersl urorts. . • erAtaeniceittrer et Les% Boarfeethilbtlerree Clamp., Sumberhit. drdenvil be promptly executed: 'Low price. PM elsh: A eetslogne containing a eqmpleth eieri article in the trade will Ls fonierAvd•li k may duire It. • EDWARD A. 0013 FilElic.IIPPLeoliell ec . • am722.tam Mat Battlmere, tlthlin b k,. -7, v.lob2e alai Lifts*, Cow liaLe. Taira duvet, adtamtne Me Beak of Pittaborgb, ti j am feet from. et alibi 7 Lam deep. Tema, eery may, and mice moderate. Enquire of , i=3:;=C3 Xi - UMW a NUMCIEFIELD have feetl a hand. ny Novae astonotaat of alma gooda, of &goals come' awls AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE!, Imam and Menem C. PORTER "*" tire Ore e 1110 i PililqUElo cent s. Boma , tolond • Doot. open Nall; 'Curtain Ida Pita oa'S cha natead.r, intff t THE HAULED To ecinelodo orittifthe eif.Notlohottlisma of NIOC OF THE WOODS Tithe Doe • • • Edith ---•••••• .r.•••••••,-,, , hirs 11 Nicunl I. Monday, lasi night o( Mr C.I4EY, • virizaurrol :ILL/J.l Trim Resturrintwill be nembuir wt. Ear Timor* on Monday. the ad unt. -The proprietor would bo evy to meet the-at eeks ,Plttiburet 'and.of the country ginerallY who wtll favor itha_With a eel. Thera will beelunch prepared:title . tvenieg, from to 114'010er =4ll kteitiketed to mrtimplia. • • jet K H VAN RENSSELAER I..catEAT,, ArrtiAtlioN At Philo Hall oasliE voting tatm We.A. ?Off. BMW= will pfescti_ , Indies and Gentlealea of hashergh, soma of !be most woo. 'derfal andardillingedininmenis ever seen in ibis env. 'Sisals heirs lett, be' has a:Mc - many imst wonderful discoveries. "Nook Sousse indAN tratC2AIL will be Ulm/sled.. The "MAGIC 41711,15I011." will :be pretienptd, in 1•111 eh apenaa curate 'any Gland, absent or present, dead or hetes, ' • eedii 1. open se 7k &clock; Leclerc* at s. WASHINGTON HALL, PITTSBURGH, iara. ia9 stwo, Above mute. WHAT splendid istribliiturent - flaw °Pared for Rent. it Is adunrabig arranged i for Concerts, Lecuires,Extilinlons, #o.' For roans. avpl p no • .101.1 N 137 A WOod s FIIZI6IONI3, t. PITTSBURGH , : MUSEUM. ' APOLLO STILIDET. •OPEN DilLY.‘-freat . to 0 1.2 La the taming; 6to 6 Mille enema - on; an,: Crawl .to 16 o'clock in the h e ." ni ldnal . n - itnts: Chtl66'iltier 12.yrnears lfatr Publl•atien. • . LECTU L EW i n b;. S.I I and Donn, Ans. ,Bights in the Gold Reason, and &Toni by the Wet, By. Theodore T lohneon, 21 editlon, With numerous illostrations. • The Elliott Family, or the Trials a'( Yam York ykimateasen. By Charles Burdett, author of ...The Convict'n Child," "Arthur Martin" ase., The Psalms, translated and ex_piatned%,ily I A A ler. ander, Prates.. or in Princeton TheOlostl Seminary ' • Taloa' and Ve rn on, Published by ti or A Barth , War. New York. • The above; together with a large aesethaeat of 8 s . 17etto Book., for sate by A 11 ENOLIOII k. Co, •- at 30 Ivo 73 , Vo.M wreet • - II OTIGS '\IOTIOE is hereby given, that on or about the 21th II of April, the ratracribers had fouled to them. at Wellsburg., Va., the folloaringnotes, —A note drawn by A..fdarttn, ;lambi° to oar ar vir , dor, dated April 111 h, at 4 months, far 14173 ed • bo th drawn y John Morgan , tune dale and time, for 6111 17. and • note drawn by John Wand Co, in favor Of John 8. Marken,- and ro.ondoned by us, dated April 0.. h, et four months, for 8173. The above noies wore never received by gm, and this is to .caatiOn all perm,. against tmding for or buying the Paolo, as payment or them hod been Mapped. 13d WHAIIIIAUI3II aura/. Itlock irtgared Dress 011ie. • IiggURNIY eeDURCIIFIELD have riwelved a .up- D 1 ply oir newest styles figured and wriper Dress Maw- caper plain black deli Ana. Panay Drew slit. la great 'mktg. • marti Cremes Patent, Campatuad Wish Dlle tare. •I Toffs Res*mat revolution In Washing which hes ocenred since the days when the enrol we. +nutt ed by the flood, has been.lblly commented, by Crane's Patent Soap, patented by the United Steles. Give cm 'Lake Ede far a wash tuband the other Lakes or rinsing, and we 1011 do all the week's Washing of the world beard breakfast. blinureetured end for tato at the clothing store of GEO t! WARREN, Army, mays G 3 Wood st, between Third A Fourth: & • • Sole Itoottoto (wilds ittarkth . Jos. listaprote eh Monet Paton Sado. /I eh, above c"XlLla b l,ne.,.. l 'b fr oT:aPet i end ° s l o th s; ms t en t b es t quaty bleu. tett,'Vell'they ve fit at the lowest market into; for eat or qproved N. B. In addition to the nbo•e, theft have aeveial etipmento tontsive. tor tile tall Vrade. mni2s BIECOSD HAND PIA*OB AGOOD Nahogatry Piano Porte, G det eves second hand-- 3100 A handsome upright Piano, with Rolienrood Poodles*, 0 octaves and to good order •• ten CO A Wain octave PMAn .n A good G octave Piano ' S 1 DO A good fig octave Piaeo, with handsome rum- titre - For .Je by 75 CO JOIIN T 4 MELLOR. Etßily_p f1_E .,... 1d ,d truTd 4 gr a :ildiVy "" qu'l V,EE72I:IIS m taarg . 51 4 . Wood 1.1 rTrtriel) brzs gloe, goo - dijittlyTiOrl.a). by l 7 mayl9 , R R AIt.:VLF-RS DOSE PEYE-1 bri soiody prime, ids,. reoWittil 11 Or Wei br may2l E SELLERS emir , bags prima RID Coteateisjii.t;;Ti'gr. CHI E-4 for bzi inn rced,; for eale Fail7W 8 & N 11.6.:18AUGII BACON-10,0f0 lb♦Bam 6tuntlders,liust recerrd, and for sakby 6 & W iieltuaucti LARD -30 keg. and VI bele, In ~on. To yule be 111Mra Sh W lii BAUGH GLA bxs 881% bxs lox 4 window plats; in Cowe s I • and for gain by • s & W OHACCO-3 bhds Ohio Leaf, reed, anil for sale by H JOHNSTON .119 Seeped rt Blloolld-30 doz corn Droomo, for sold ma 7119 -AVM N JOHNSTON VINEGAR - 8 brls Cider Vinegar, for 41 1 by mayl9 •'VIAI II JOHNSTON BLOOMS -109 tons Napplor Blooms, bow loading f ram stew,' Enpkraten for ask. by ISAIAH DICKTA k CO • Water k Front at.. L ARD & ""` 77- 74 VII 1.1 " l ie larders from steamer Eapbrates, for .16 by°"' no' 29 ISAIAH DECOY .4 CO .FIBH—.III4IIt Now Scotia Herber; 15 brio Gibbed . • do. 29 brim Baltimore do: t• 15 brbt Shad; • hf brig Shad, la more. and (di. ealo by BROWN & KIRIgritTLUC6 inane 114 Liberty et •191NR-60qt bL m ttore; and for tole by laayßO -tISOWNL EIRAPATAICK POTATOES -100 &whets line red.; We KT 75bn Neshanoet, jurtfreeNl and for marig BROWN & KIRKPATRICK TtuFoct, kegs B A C 0 7 51 Md. Vim° VlT m. BROWN WC. Kentucky. teed, for s;IeT;; BROWN & KIRKPAIunog riVINNERS , OIL-14 be. reed this dn, (br skit by c1a527 DROWN & RIR PATRICK OLASSES-40 bar 8 Won ltand, f• /U, mar 29 • BROWN & PATRICR UGAR—Iii hbd. elan/ka t a beautiful article, on band and for ado DL it 0 & AIRkPA.T - R161: scarf° MAR-20 kin now Inading, case Ai ear C II GRANT - • lIIIBOXLLANEOVS LITEBATURS A.NNUAL of Beimitine Discovery, Mite, Nettle Deeds or Woman. nate. . Ilerolnea of the itissionery Enterprise_ - 12rso ' Mocuistley's History el.:1310one. Male. htilman's Gibbon's 'flume lerno.. 'The Optimist Ily Teekerroao. moo; Goldsmith , . Miseelleneetm Works. rtier. Hem The Works or Leonard Woods, D. D. Ere. 11fe efieen rad. Unto. i - Helmer. Poems. Klee. liiatorleol S.lldiel. litrao. For solo by . 1) LOCK WOOD 'marg. _ _ Bookseller Zs Impener, IMFaorlb. OrkBH-10 cuts, itHl roc% • Irp:o k HARDWARS PAPER—Veri Peary, and of Ei•To finish, for ants/de wrappers. A eaaa tont ripply ofthia paper,lll, P, 19, apd 21 !nab. aOPPre , kept In more" platen (aralstred as abort 12011 P. marl? .1 SCHOONATA iiER CO • OTRAW WRAPPING PAPRA—IA) for sale by J.SCIIOOI , OIARRR t Co; p.q.ischoo D —7° bd.c litcllo . olN e ra bi CO Ltrc bls Wrnand, 'for s.ll; ----4- C AMIV°°D—M b"mJ hCOOOPOJAKER I Ie CO nA727 GERMAN CLAY-114 nuke and GO tin. arriving per canal, and tor aale by pasy47ll. ROBERTSON k 11.13PIE:RT =:X= ,Ainwily U !h. BURC:lFLELD:uontaindn:::::m..oAelc. 11/1 of Foarth and. Mutat ina; a trhi Panay Canalcoorea. 'grams,/ 131711 LIMELD.Iten Jan': opened an AL assertmen( of Fanny. Caninierea, *denied Tot gentlemen's mummer Wear. Alto, simper French BMIld• clothe: Satin is. od . Foserirestings4 Lined, Cambric. Bnd Bilk Poetet , Ilandkeeeblefe; Panel , Cruet.; leached and thiblesielond'Conon Mariner; 'KM and Lisle I.llovug Bilk, & Marino urular.b,m4 es km Priem. . v sasyM— . . . . LIAIIII • A iczaisoN b -co Lna teaehed , ond o ‘itr i *Pe4ing V CS-WS LI/180. Lulus*, at *id kra7X • • _ Polka Lawa.• 0 CASES rata Limas, of the matt devitablecoloni, reesittd per express, ma now openlngpr it:P° ONBeue Gingham Lawns at Itia Par, lan; ami 1 elue Om Garage de Lela* a very deairabla Male, reeehred this day, and opening by may= . A'A it CO OCTAL Vd.IINISII-41 brisjast reed, fai sale by • 1 KIDI) tit CO CONVood. et prov. itihn a co 11121a,p 3 A SNUFF—ft! lb. !cit slloato & co GHIIETBBCOTCH SNUFF- 000 1b,, brarldare, lott use Fred, and &rule try J LiAD& co ay G`UMW s @armor : twanugb I,bj - 7 C AI-81 - 11 ° Coered I F Vl l Ri k beCt7 4. litgamtut,....42o tali AI IX M0t..., oat Darrns , , w won 101 IN PAHL= &CO T (Lap gOoAS-40 bt tr - ne,cliTiZe, mayl4 JOHN PARXER & CO LC01104 , -19 ben Alcohol on bawl for ilia by .111. ancylll JOAN PAJLICP4 CO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers