The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 30, 1850, Image 4

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    .}ti=F4. YTS . .
l ik r4lll7lrf.mme
'Lfi#Rll LI M , B MOTEL,
. . ii'.i.'‘liSW.7lo lll !4
. .
' 2 =i cl u n eerEt Ittaen.:gitist enitita
Irlsabieriberould Su bebn etrmilytelp rell b rie . l . l ill
ISINIII4:IeVad natt.r.,4.s.ll=unsis sr* user
beau made, we* b.wlum • idiUmake It the
some sMasurns Hoag in Nem . erL..ltisqadsnelltd
lotion or Cm moprieter;to make It qtral,bsewli Ms
area, te, any Oder Iletme.inthe Ilea% blalee .lts les
cam Ss Me mess de:drat& and metal La Om eirf. ba•
Ind lades belsioesbN earl or Broadway,: eenumlent
Ps all * 4 Psbbe WM". I , Owes et smasement, sad
Imams: Gnarl! fin .lus Meru petrermSe rose. 4 J
W wedeln Mends, *idle at Cumberland, Nei
mom wean!, at Ors Weddell Hams: Cleaelsed,
0 be sespecefidly waielmarenewsl of %lei r Satre..
ader.fet Ida new esterlistssetn: as New Tor* tlod,
bqs to assure them *al every elan on his Port 0 . 1
Do Oat to winshatior tothois mutton and pleasure.
A. 9. PIARNO I d.
New vork. Mandl WAS—lturlds.u.
50 1 ' RE E D 'HOUSE, Imso
". -
11351 Tit a. . ARENr,G, 140prige01,
GENERAL ETA g OFFlCE—Eastent, Western.end tgo.u... sw, .. Iss,e.OU b... da ca
l. r .
lieges lA
frAS tram st d Pullet Posts. Grath.
NI W. Kerns• of the ausertran liceel. Fe.
dam . als a
uao. do Mom= Ilotel, Ohio l.** .
—_— -..
g,pa ilea SLY • for gas._
VIVI Sleds el ILL, wee fens me of .00.-roe
of ice Ise locations for hulloes. in the west—and
fl int me saw MIA en au almost never billing stream,
sus in acres of Land. good Dwelling House, Tenant
klesm, and other Iniprevanena. Misted moss miles
from t h e Olio Bleu, Monroe Dairy, Ohio. • Also,
nau the shave, a Deselect Farm, wall improved, con.
Ilaceseste suss. For %armsful c insoles of . •
•• WILLIAM IL JO 011'd,
SeCandOt t ._abalrei.
. •-•
Great lianortasoa Igoolsenalltal Wo rk s
nOoletos s. Co. New York. have because of pub
, b10edo;le puts ;ems tweets Ave Mil tact,
• A. DUI /10111AELT
q Bessie. frorkaadEtt
~ta//nag; 'dumped for Prwsi:taxa Weektssys_
• %Ms. od skate isemssissi for. Ake Rep
TITS WORK Lel large leo. ens sum will cantata
tw o Tt ,,,,caos, ? t oss, apwasds of ssz vas.
ems mmunrisnoss. A will rem* ynaking.thaw.
and desetipuene Giles met Isaponem amid=
us tee liraluni Platen Independent of the imam of
A/Meet= lagenfitr, It will captain casseme pmetl
cal tread es ea Absehasies, lesetibiery,'Snene-week,
and Avenges imp with all that Is weld in more than
ow thousand callus mete of (alto volumes, maga-
Mos, end ether books.
The rest obleci of Des pablleimen Is, is place to
*re practical Ma end =deaf such as mom of
tbeetegenl end solentlge knswiedge, le • coodeasee I
form, as shall enable them is work to the best teem,
tags and to avoid those mistakes to
they might I
otherwise munle. The amens of usefal informalson 1
' thee basset topes , is almost beyond precedent ,
suck weeks. indeed. them is hardly any Miens
within rts mege which is n.. 41 sewed with sorb seem
` nem and recision, *at even tech °filmes** ordi
nary capaciry emus fall ofstantleg it, and
thus leaning from it mach which it is important br•
The,hs are, in sheet, dstermined, impales'
demi to make *sweet en ample:ens passible; and
In is hoped every one dmirees uses
eetrde tbe wart will
proem . . It as issued In umbers and thus memo
The work be Issued in semi.manthly !timbals,
emantencing in annoy, IBoo,and will progress with
gram regularity. • '
The whale went will be published in 40 orated
at SI Calltt number:end completed within the ene..
Mit stur,lBoo./ A Ilberel discount will be shades.
Arp oninsmirdrg the publisher; ilk* advenesse
shell resod. the week through ten post aloe free of
Opinions °fens Pros&
fo ore memos Sem intatenb Mechanics,
gems, and Arne., it mit Scow= of
videsee, I I Leung.
eYonag mend elm yomelses with Its knowledge.—
We own Ida soundness recommme our readers to
possess themselves of its emcees s' as Cost an Wry Op..
pess.s—Jimeeiron Anima • • •
.• We unhcaltacogly oestectuel theorist to Mee ea..
Aged In or bites tied le meansateal or soloattflo pur
inix,s, as eminently wenn, ,of exenestanon and
• culdy,—Trey,iri. Y.) Irodyst..
It *lndy, a great wort, and the publishers de.
Sena the leant* of Menem, envelenksts, end emu
twofers and indeed of tee paella gencratty.”—N. Y.
todnpesdent. . • .
let will Ito highly metal to practical
aseek*ke,and vela** hig hly
who mai acquann
tornoxinee wan ,lo'nrogress of Mimi en lathe ins.
• shade arts . —Nes. Seamed Daily kleroosic.
' • +Young Embanks +eget to keep pollee up to the
orontel se well 00 psanccal knowleUm and this
• met arill above On= tn,Y
Wa out. It to bel ast the wart that seems an hen,
&Me tor meetusules have desired to pm
' Ma, Se ample me is desunptions eras se tdl ale!
sine* Ass ape ilications test It seems tom teat any
mechanic might transact any morelue ltdeseribety en
Ina Tengtb otos eiltraTinge and instractio.s.”-rrt. Y.
Comineretal Adveruser. •
.11.1Imercsuin m mechanics should 0011 the
mselves of Cs advantegnes—Seenyiklll, (Pene.,) Joss
"A: work of ertemi o e prate& =hit) and great that
pottueo and value talk , r pally ineteasing toteresto
KM. unary.... We regent the wart u eminently
maculated to peon:tete the eamte of science and the
tblealemicsi ant and te eissetoinatev duabte 'aortal
\ hon an Mesa tardocu."-Farmer and Heehade. '
Ttacheal taco in all the varied wales af =chant
eal and mmbfacturiag it/dwarfgadof and .
0 tots more t meant* widen it will be to emir
: pm s t to pease et-T or Daitg Whg.
We Ore umel, peruses de numbers. sad bate
do tu talon m aping dm ills the but mark tse me
azalea trsdettmen, mientifie men, ever pettish;
tor it uptake minute information on entry banal
Of the Memo CM ant and scsucta. expressed in a
• atria and lenatutgointell,gible to stir noses' , oteldi-.
-nate elpseti7..o-Maceatm,(lllass,) News. - • -
are sure we err acing the mediae les of liar
- ,
Ydother•Puts of Motaseeticat a service by
toiled, at- tame/ors to their auenuan.,-Norwinth
(Octal waver•'..
&allII tuba work St otery amehatie theta
possess m-Pmemen t s loantal. .
:We cenader hates ethos mart eellni tat intertant
•Pobitottioos cetbateget.. No ateelsoitt eatudfont los
without ha -Novara IL J.4ountatermalComi. r. •
•ta eh the mum' pabliestions oust Umber ob.
• est the mutidaams tux an of the tascha
l u
• eal aad soiree:eta none tartan.hare own, is no
tall of renege Ss Oil n--Diislo Com. Adv.
Ire Me best and eiteuest work cue °fierce to the
fersdian and Menai naginees andateenetto Ihe
Seas at- biatentair eseamaLmt-Washinamrtaledva
.Vtos rut Mammary Is oats of_me tout useful
worts evet pabilabodfsr years, LIZA do kw print at
which is told malts , it acceptable to atin-Soate
+Ws rt g •
at bosoms of the nest commteirrative and
• esside, al a eisespest wore ere patdaied! ,
Adsern• •
!atuwho obe 1•1 an by eery One cunt* to keep
• Piet wall prrgress an ant emu. in ovary one
of me lawn , et mewled life ^-dis inlet Cowie..
a delliTed sloe preelp aof Um's
17, oal that t Is more devot.a to um emenuseal and
enguscring ptofessiona asd alms - • valuable
eatempll king f auteries wits the haS dens for
Eat' uesetibing Americas to
muss of mtv--ficlatifie itMelicart.
loos in namuers,,aan aisles so made:
• fats, loaves at what te eautramM ine clumenber, that
ane ohs hat
least lateen in gee% matters,'
sad De &shed mem premising ic old gulp Oen Wito
does so, will find that be hat in a coade. Isms an
amount the welch' wonid be obtained, if st
all, emir by the purchase of veep many-volantei.”-:i.
Y. Csurier and kinairer.
eempreletomeaus with Utica the eltdects
• are trotted, the admirable moaner in Utica May ere
ilinamMd, conspire w make this one of the most dea
rth% worts m-Vemncranc Review. •• • .
elbs were cholla be in Ote Monett( every me
ho her ehutc,
Maas, and inunfacturer, esprviellit thou wo
theta.' ophidian. to excel in their mspective bast
nesse. We hen erstally ea:lmA it,lsith avian of
recoutoteediog it to Macaws. To them we vettald
say in the strong language ale &DM gertaLet
- Delmore Inventors, Joanna.
/fogies to thePr-I:nov.le Natcyxwa throggiurat
redo Limited Stan arts Quads..
•If •folegoing adreedsootelli is inserted five times
damp the yet, and me paper copulas it seta to u,
softy of tho work wiLl be sent gratin paysnent.
• Spada:olo
C . " Wth rnslT n. renrw!,. *or othof
b /aural.
THE followsig testimenriai wag given y the eel*.
.L braise Dr. Wooster Beech. the anthorof the greet
medical week entitled 'The Arriaan Practice, ia.
blediciee end Family Pkyalelan. -
.liaving bees made &emulated with the Ingredients
which compose hicAllimerla Alkilesiling Outspent
10/4 beet= Prescribed a-0 weed It In several cases II
say prime erectile, I halo sr he In Bluing or
gastrin tist it , I 1 a Vegetable Rented!, 00 0, ... 4
• 00 mineral gobetance ',Waves Mat la Ingredients -
• reesubteed as *gram and exd es of bY Um
Proprietor, am Mkt:only harederik bet of great valet .
being a silly gelentifie
is of great poerer: end !
- cheerfully recommeed is as a ermipoemd which Mu
-done erVood, and which Is grieved to the rote or
• great eta of team. Though I lucre nev, either
'.recommended Of ensued ill; the µle of secret mak
,ekets, reseed for the sale beneft, cooselentiona be
mace tharacter of the rroprieuir of tb le Clintorarm,
• gad Ike video of his discovery, oblige me to say thus
Mate mearding h. 'WADI/Willi
- leirerVorg, April 92d, USW 1 , r .. •
. .
BtlaVS.-1 1 is mu of the ben dim in the Weed
, PlLESaireuerrie are yearly eased by pils Otrar
fte i ra . ittsyst fails in Oleg relict
. or Tamme,illtbect, and ell kind. of Sens, tt has
tiM val.
-tr 03 :KnV *a Names knew. Its IMltes In earesef.
-• , , DrutoUen or Semi Bons; they wield always apply lk
;teai, •••••••• • ...4 ....Ain t. di,rewm• it glee,
'- teller le • •••7 far hours '• • • ._
amuse the bat are !Weeders foriming Ire &Claire
.. .Crinuneuror Bengali,. Liver Complaint, W 0 4 4. tui
• T.., orcitaists, Soda flesd, gore EMI q..,=Yf
'. -Ikrte Timbal. Oro. chute, Nuevo ',reasons, emu,
, Dia. of the Spine Head ache, $0 , 04. Delef o eell
• EA! trim Mace, Cools, aft Disceses ate Skin, Sons
• rlpti, riintriera A, llefllice ef Ito abs,Sorts,
litiatonatine. Piles, Cold Fea. Claim Swelled oritaro.
km Mout. Tome Ache. Azle la go Pace, an.
• . _. • , .
• rete was imam, Pen•f% • nAmMitsibreasw, bee
'yam the trablic, OM tms in se Men a Mai wen seeh •
tenstadoe as Meal:doer% Albliallina or: weld
Salve. Aimed every fementr•tims ...As tdale, it
Outs wana its yraben .On ass bete cored ,„.,
it of Me MOM lain ' Wad theadia••l/Mr Or tbe Dna,
. salmi el a irosaleromelAin lame aide. a lwriii et%
. neellienin tie limbs, ae.. if IS does not fdrs lame
' Aiwa tells ", {Armory ens, ti do no kMary, Mies
epphaoot h re v iy.• ..
evidence of the wraderfat healing peer.
sir wiiasserd by:this ri.Ms. lire ening:Ms lbe Meade; .
eatilesmitromri respeatabla eltisen or Nablimereel
lownaidible tirstoutny:: ' --
•". - . Maintained', Bab erre Minh= that
blesm, Bl
e ar A
Co in Worm you that 1
was entirely eared of a severe neials Om back, by tee
we et bleAlsefs .All.llealhig gal
wldeb 1 prir• .
abased tram 70%. learned with AMy aboard(' lows,
. sad at mite Islamism to &kap. Peens that Um. I.
• trial serums ceramics. width was pram:Abed err ma
by ybytialans and mbar nersoss,antbenttoedring say
. - • rise, sad at bait suds viii el this 8ume... 14, , to-
• 'satt rape able , greeds I an , poi •.
•'.• ty free bemuse pais. aml enloy at right ed
and sweet Weey. I awe also used Madera sweeter
' .• tomb deka and mbar eonMlalato, with similar !nippy.
asersibi. Vow !AMA, ~ - Jmis Now.. ea
-JAMES Mn*LLL;rE 6 .
, ' fink PreyrVior or we above medicine.
• . , ' prtsOpid cam No is North 71
. 11rel strce4P l 4Wid•
'-. os C @ 7CS PEP 1301 -
Assam re Presoresau.—nnouriaater, anus of
'llium, aid ft i Mir r mope and t e liWileaVir., ear,
ne ..... r et nlinrwithhuimetell v.. pirri th er ce s. v: of
. ' -iiiitirt . aa raw' drrirPN P i l l e r Wlleld ar i:
,y„.. . ..Thisseune bi Amadei! ad from sieria ..:
_ . , •
.I.o.bony Citi 1.1111. P. srut ana l. Napa lm .
5, - .'s• ,, ,D. Fill Sab a - _Preaghi,_ . go- D 11. ,
EWA Wenn it. ifiroixidOilatoasoca to exastair.
' 2 . 4 a is,ro_ditoaaag4tos Glinic &mew a , C 4. 0014
It't ~. ebitiecttr 4 :
0 fads -it G4',#, ,, C4 1
. - Vl_SVigillal*gf:rt-.-, - 714 4 iiiiiiNii •
~-'...'- - --.-.:,:j.Z:ri , :.4. , ..: , ,i - •g,tt , :-. .T.'. . :-. 1,: - .. I, i •
1 ' •CbutaesPrtiliwy 4165raMtittiVo0orpuk,
13raili t-nr' '.„,,, &B''' ' i i::t:::: 1 :Ind ~
o.Far.ot 410 esSow Po' - --- - . 1 !R 11011PIPIP, • ! --
rth , ,
45"..6-'"' '. - '• Wa'Apolits Ilktisktk. V , ;___... * ...
L 'k l . ,. g Al , Watig...
" NwVo i haws Inroads'
111 ialMir°l4llrtrto," CtitialTtWooti Era cents
.k.k. otabl'egliEli; ir morktews, Motion/es, Pkt•
' ri A liV. ' w
ork,ooll Fawiewerint;,,lotakked lot roactiool
0 show lattoted fore.. kAlPmernkk ,
W e k ark,Sitd DI 01 Wer nY , "• :,,.. • ' -.:...-
• profs a lanai Pro sizo,oxid w... e0n.... two
, 'llit-""'` . -- - - .....,a. of 11l th ousand Wows.
Lbmw.dnrm'a d ' 4--- i - i ff d Igs BM fe.rAp
'"' II . ivr""%''" ""
in the United
do" " r ho
erol u tfle =Vt. American Ist.
t: ,:e 'i' t - ',
it wrentain complete prattles! trestiwo ors
• MeTtolos, kissebtnery
Work, owl Eastnekr
istSe tnik all thisti• useful to won them OM thkorwsd
dais vs worth of (3110 kolowes. maittsplet And other
Crooks. Six gambols meth% i ts,U7 N rie t., the
.4 ,,,, b' ' - ..; ,RAWIe Railing• . Powik R. '
_ _
Draw woes ow ruuto,.
=y y
6r4 •
r f ief : _, , ,--:tA •
John I tellor, 81 'Wood Stored; Pitliblugh;
Sole Agent in Westiro Pennsylvanie, lot the solo of
- Grind mud Square Plano '.......,
8,..., itlllllOllU h. rand. at.d no moues' pa
Met his Au now inveien. and
Incest and
expose for sale, during the protein m, th
and most denroble nook of Prone Fortes ever offered
for sate In the west—among the umber will bwrocutd
1 a fell supply of • •
' Soperety carved Rosegreod Crt.. 4 v.. Fortes,
wok all the recent improvements in mechanism and
style of ertirlar.
• Splendidly, carved Seaweed seven octave Square
Prone Fortes, linished lathe ptsabethan end lanis
XIV. 'styles .
With a larre suet of MI the various styles of Pia
no Fortes, varying in prides from 11275 to 11300 and
51.0(0; prepared by 2dr. Chleketled for the present
yearAle so .lt - •
Purchase-Maze assure& MUM° prim of far. Chick
grinds Piance have been, and will tontines to be, the
amens attbe mumat•ctoty in Bollan, With Ont dart°
toe comport:Woe; and will be doliitred end setup in
pedal order, in any pariof the city, without charge.
isuifersigowl berm leave la infarct the poblie
T.tboil hu deollard business in favor of his Son,
id...Dooiu, who will continuo the AIICI:01 1
cod Com
wfstshonnubausinesathwe omhnw u are o ro d y Is oon
F uneenrlhei . =p erog
bereinfor< bestowed up.
on the how. /MIN D. DAVIS,
April Mb, 1850.
• (succrson TO JOHN D. DAVIS,)
masa as moon non 717ttt eras Iv,
WILL make sales, on term, ot Forego Apia
TO Domestic! kierobandins, Heal Estate, blocks,
dm load hopes. by experience mid close sinution w
business, to merit a continuance of tbn support and
plumply , so Ebel - ally extended to the Canner beew
Antirt h
Matto* to oar Patrons.
Omen's of the aeuve partner, in Philadelptda,
010 Isle Junes Id Davin) produces ISO inerroption
to the tetsiness—arteasesitents hare tweet:lhiad base
e which
Involves the same Wenn& precisely, wch
Meador. calmed • The haziness is wanunued ander
the same name .d 4rte,
Jelnla Id Davis & Co., Philadelphnd
Joss hrFanct & Co.. Pittsburg.
•Tee continence of 'the pauonage of our otany
friends Is respectfully solicited. If any persons bars
demands against the concern, they are Requested to
p.ceent tbem forthwth. for payment.
Pitudnigh, April 10,If0. JOHN hPFADEN,
apt 7 . Se wiTiag Fanner.
alas Maeb°Vr ~e•
11. t i PALMER, No DA Nartet street, is prem.
to afar yen great lodeeeelente to boyars of 1
Strive, hillonery Goods, or every dna Option.
noel !minims of every desirable style of Plain and
Pansy &raw Dodd, Glop. French Lace and other
Hoonets. Jenny Lind, Cabfornia, Round and Scutum
Top Hati,f whiners and Wants. •
Dole Hatt, In great Twiny Men's Lettlere,
Straw Braid, China Pearls end Pollan lbws. Rib
beta, 'Pleven, Bewdels, Silks, and other MOIleel.) 9
AgLdhie t ie n o • EA - w
lirown, Snottily. r ca,
HA b 7 , rer
eeen7ralo.:ll.l.o hasevto;'7,%eLa;
ter sale,-of melr suanufseuniug, a toll asseennent o
Iron, Hails. aptkes, Casting., and Not Bloat Plpee
orweetee of the eel% qleley, the leaven prces. :
ht.JOHN SPAT, of the late firm of
& Beat
having purchased an Loterest in the grin, will take
chary of the Warehouse, and eriti 'seem his entire
attention to the battens; and cue enver to render sat.
Israetten {o a ths trlrnds or his late fins, and all Others
arta may faros he wie there:menage.
. • Nis AOKI. T & WII4T/E.
- • Na tal, WWI) Writ.=
triVit la more snd teeeteie6 aline Stock of
Dillf G001)9, selected with peat este for the
*esters cradeotalW setticti tho luclus the emotion
nflcity and vre-terc seetelssucc.. Great lase
4^ Iwp9
son awl tracl4. Lamm..
%IF ' • t EllJeCtletEnt.U.las Fero:V. lo for
. Mog p i their orr." Yen 6:5 1
f r•Z
Somc ext.. 8 4 CWu Larnr,`F. euths,
truly reer_iror; oNol • PrrOP7
CitcpactU..• fr. ^ '"""eouts do= or
Barde"47""4.l"ortbk".. u . Zoe , orFormll iod
eft•Ca • kocrer e 46 : 1010
__ ----------_
FriLett, NI A
GeorTr( I. ifiO4I.IIII7AcILICL. lie;
managets beg to &egotist their sumerom Patron* tbst
tr e net Mankind. of Portraits ot Rare Horses. wilt
mues those entered for the forthcoming Grand
Newest Derby Deem the somber of shares to be
limit. to ODD meh class. Ftrst class member Deo
VeCACtI rims dire 5.1 Vasil spplication for the .
eppropriated shams le OICCCUALTY. A party .oscrils•
tog for more than ow share has the chases ef galmag
an equate ember bonuses. Tease wieners who draw
the snots Polllllil. Will be presented with the fol.
towing unto— ,
, • Tomtit of let elms becomes Si ditto
Wisner -.Find Horse ...... ;LA), to Am ino •
.13mand llotosi-O,WO AM)
.. d • Third lime •....;
~ ]FAD 4000
I Divided amongst on 0.000 IMO
j o- . Jim-Sumer* 0,000 3
in (0:1
There are SKI homiest in each alas,
, that beg the
1 modror of horses entered for UM tire The Drawing
will be conducted upon the seem legitintstr priseples
as those aridebOherseterisee the lam St. Leer , and
i other proceedings. Fell panicalars of the result will
ba eest to absent members immediately after dus de.
•eistoo,lhat each may know hue position.
Subsenben registered and scrip forwarded on n
o:dine arcraitreace. Dille of F.1.121fe, Drafts, Bank
Notirs," &tt . -.deemed end. fie, payout to the
'ld.aging Directerre, W. /A hilD3 & CO.
' Five onatiel
edds. to be reduced on the
: fomented. arbor:loses , or s(Ora
1.1 :Isid•AlEolitriserne.lnAttlaZ{E •IS
mite: Contentm—New York and rie ai
CounnereislSl•tches with Pea and Pencil; The effect
of Cousaterce in iamb tang restnetior Pe
ncil; T o
( i
t ' :1; ) r T7te ' c7tl er, ttri z liTe! d w P Y i rgn re k r r
c Pt I'.
re;flaulting,fr Cene.r—lnterest—Production; Fr e e
Trade valireiteedve Tariffs., or Strietuterronos me re.
port of the Secretary ci Treasury o United States
for Mtn, relatmg to commerce, w on Eiof the Bap
sten EafpiTO is the Ea &c.f..
BLACKWOOD, for March lUD .
ECLECTIC MAO AZINE.i tor April, et Mimes ,
LitgraiT Del. d'll—''—?'-'"i ree. face.
APPLE -- " tels h m tbe
AN mw prepared to (ands!, " apple Trees, e
l e well known Nurser) , of .7eeob N. Brown. The
trees will be &heeled at the WWI at Pittstrargh for
$l2 per hiodrecL Persons wishing good Witty tree.
*bomb! kayo Melt brders ;ems tee Meg. Pent and
Perfumer, Warehouse, comer of V . 44eLd_ae.lf! , *: .
B. A. Palate tools
IT Wood streets; offer for vile, on favorable terror
120 ads Whiting; • 500 lb. Carb: marmots;
0:1 do D ye banr, ' 120 do Atooketla;
do Wood" 009 do Crud:Craft.;
20 do Lampblack; - 1500 do Liquorice Itoou
90 do " Ten. Red; We ~do Idea Moss;
do Camphor, GA do Rod Precipitate;
19 do Bum. Groan; 150 do Calomel Amor •
2* do Yellow Oebte; 11 do do Amer.'
10 do brimatoos; gal do Bucher Leavea;
13 do CIOTer, *0 do Rhubarb ROO%
do Chan FRAN% ow do Ron* 0 0 --
14 emu. Rot Boom 200 do Geptian do; .
91 , do Castile Sow, 203 do Sal Raebeele
15 do Passim Elho4. 20d :de SeiGlits - blixo!trei
10 do Cale. blegiesis; GOO do Pored Mobutu
--11 dO Chrotma Omen; OD do, '4 , 336 /314.33111 r,
sdo do , Tallow; WO. do do G. Arabia
..d do-,..Aut.. Vonultioui 100 d0,,...L." do Goa
Gd wow° Ssod7PaGor;
NO 100 do Igloo;
• .-. boaTst'easel,v, 10 - 4 9 3t A . V,. 4 4 - ne;
• Uoz Ralph. blank*: VW do , RaZriay
1000 lbs Cape Vora; 2ou do ',TialiOndG
. 1129 do Eb-ebroos PotaGo 150 do!Qatey Silver;
VW do Pink HOOP 210 do Manua Reel;
1.221 do Turkey Umber; 79 do Ebebtaard;
103 do Cream Tartar, 20 do tlyd Yotaabl;
' IKO do Timid° Acid; CO do" Nur,
tUO do Ilya
TI; 20, do GraturilleoloWa.
foblrbdkorlasT _ •
nth. I ..615'slt
1850. 14.,-47";;_,
• -- - • - •
Pablortilaili. Canals ! nail aisi
.: nerkneroaa, -
GCONKIIIA , ATFINEI x ce, Carial Ruie;, Liberti
smelt, Plusburen
. •
WrlaDlicO'oorixot{ Fo - 42p1k. 430 Market strecl,
.00CoiatantiOa. t la N ardi Street, Baia:are; •
E Bras. NewYier • • ' •
Eitiorr & GIRIO,II Diane meat, Sonar,
14101.1113 One. Maysville, Kansa cky; •-
Rata. a. Co,Columbia avian, GnclnaSW•
- E. Wass. Lesedsvillet
Fiats, Ham to no., St. - lords.
'To Sittppera of Menhandses and Fraud to and
revs l prtia, Balmier* N. Pork, Boston.
oor roma being now in fine order. we are prepared
to forward goodsas - abwra. eery tarot ;two.. We
Wins all freight/re of anrcharyte !mow policies for
over Mega, and wrdi the following extensor stock
Of Boats Nal confident of piing entire aulsraction to
all business admitted to oar mare. Our boats are i t
new, and commanded by rapists. or ertietienee, and
our cadmium Is caududed on aria a:AZ.4 argils;
and lanyaanol principles.
Iron City, Hagan • r
Marylan, Marshall
elneitatati, Sand.
Rah Anna. Chatham
Wm Atkins, Pretend
tension, biquade
Seams, Alter
Garlinda Riley
Celia /Martial
Mathes •Perry
Mermaid M'Colgan
M. Fox drtleala
Aaron, AVUowell
look Sharp Mary
Shippers will find it to the
ealL - • - • &CONS
meld Canal Bash
Ineeraorantra, oa noon ou.
"There are more Rungs le heaven and earth
Than are dec.:lnapt - of In philosophy.",
T HE VIRTUES of this weediest: remedy. and.
the eourunt application for ly to the proprietor.
hss leidneed him to veil put up bottlea with la
bels =a dlrectkins - I or Et* pem fit asthe
- The PETR4)LEUM proilired Dom a ssell thin •
toady, st a depth of four heedrea feet, Is s pure unit
daltersted track, William any chemical change, but
Past es lows from Nettire's Great Lebrun:lV That it
contains properties retching ancmber of diseases, in
e lo y ng ner t maarcd &o o d na a e n w r h y,
eb T kn own , m ig ht
OE of Vast is-enduess to stlevlatlng suffering, den re
nodes the bloom of health and vigor to .many • suf
femme Lime before the p ro prietor thought of - potting
tip is comes, tt hen 1111 revelation for the ear nof dis
cam. - Ilse constsitt and daily inereanng tefor it,
arid emend remarkable cores It has performed, is •
sum trailuniou Ware end wvile
IlPwa*Ppliendou (ROM bare o d sense;
. We - do tot veldt tb
a Wig parade or
ay.... we are conscious that the =Mine can soon
nork , it. "WV Jute the favor of Mime who suffer arid
mist to, be Waled.. Whilst' we do not elide!, for It a
seismal appllcangs yen disease, we tuthealts
iblefsay, that le 111111117.6 of Oltenia - Diseases
eviled. Amon; them 'may be eftemenited
.disessea of the mucous tUISUCV such se CHRONIC
intIInUNPTION - lie Its early WM „I
MMus& and
all Creases of me Wr passages, LIVSI
COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA., Mashie*. Disease.f
the Bladder and Kidneys. Pales in - the Batt or Bide 1
NerroisDisessiVandes,pa,,,„.....„ p
Clost,Brysipelits, &wirer., sc =
ems, ite., &en Inc as es of debility re.
Bee expware,in WWI Prowseted ease
dusesse,thl• mediae* will tinny m um.. , tsiLL met as
llitddrnig. Wee and micro 10 the whole frame,y,; -- ;_ si I
leg abstractions, ositram4the•ksglA une th. o .b i and • be tee c
ncluse end renewed ene rgy a r.j.°J. th il
IVEl3, — ltt PreTresavllMOlet'lamcm'eral
care° or
under me too at this PLTBOLIUSI gar stun time.
.11te proof eon be.gteelftdony Die s o
14 Vn. 1 : 6 r ." " Uac . . 1 !' 11°9 0" Inv ,
• ';l6liimka:;iitteeiemh-0.,
•-; mon , tc otaLERa er T dAq
gad—tuoszok woo
"4,..footo.ploomiyuOialkil;;; ,
Ar4 o iii
P" ,11 0 14 r 11 " •41,-
Bost. Ctrs'.
Pennsyllnuila E layton,
' Pt. ILA a 1., COMdM
Col. Howard Ridley
11l ary Depend' Sims
Enterynse, Keyten
;Imbue Blow n Oen. Peon,_ Gore
TelegraphNo IShlelds 1
Point allil iloyfirQuade
Ohio Belle Rome) ,
Rimier Riegle
Julia Ann .1 tar.
T4`.l - ,‘'VeWtgbt
it 04 rantan to sive us a
NOB, *TRINE' a CO.,',
-in ',berry at, ?Miasma
I vilestogra Traaspertattos Oconspasy•
Nagai 1860.0tiat
P Paasursinarria Camel and Rod Road.
alr/I6 Boats and Cars of this List boor been pot In
compete order, and with the` addition of seven
new ones to rho Liao, enables wto carry a tone
g . Thee ptodoce goats.
.The entire Mock 'of.the Line is owned and contra
ed by the Proprisiora • •
• HARRIS fk. LRECII, No 13 Booth Third st,
And at the Tobacco Warehouse, Dock at,'
Phi adephis, Ps.;
No IN North Howard st. Datimoret b l d4
OPFICR No 7 West or, New ierfa;
D LEE= & CO, Cana Basin. Penn et,
mr1:1 Pittsburgh.
_ _ _
.ale=lB 0.-aaa,
CLARE, PARKS & CO; Rochester, Pa., Propel,
Office tor annitbfield and Water as, Pittaburgh.
Cleveland. o.
911118 . orell•known Line are prep to transport
Ought and Pawner. front • , PreßOßGll .k and
CLEVELAND: to any point on the C ad L ea.
The facilities of*. Lae ae dnetuP9P ed .mb " ,
quit acr i, eavielry of .. Bonta, experreoe o ap
" One Dow lervesiTtbargiandeleaelad dall y .M.
slug. in connection with n Line of Steam Coats be
tween PYITSRUBOB and fItiAVER, and a Lino of
paw - lan Steam ik;su, Propeller. and Nato* on
Clark, Parks & Co, Rochester, P.;
E N Para & Co, Tamestovn., Wei
DI D Taylor, Warren. 0;
A A k.N Clara, No anon Fall., 0; -
I Drayton & Co, Savant, 0; ' • •-
Kent, Grinnell & Co. Franklin, 0.1
it A 3101er, Cuyataga Felts, 0;
'Wheeler, Lee & o,,,Akton, 0;
Crivford &Co, C/eTellids O.
Gabbard & Co, SanduskY, Oi
Peckham & Scott, Toledo, 0; •
0 Williams & Co, Detroit. , Clan
Willlun+A COO 4 II Waidae,
Matte; t DellaO, linetne ' Wup
rrge . A . 22;17, 1 21 4 1c:nA11l
meXi '.....wialielle,._CAUGlCKY, Agent,
- 'corner Water and Senitald sts
ilagiM '1850.. t ag s
LASD INTJuaI. T72lg CANAL. t 5
ON ta,ARICE, PARKS CO. Rochester, Proprietors.
Preprteters of this old and ll known Lure
would reform the public. that the yare now le op.
ertion for the present sesame, end have coretnerteed
remelting Freight and Passengers, which they are
Rail prepared to carry to ell points on the Canal and
At the lowest tales. One .of the Roam oft Line
ill 9c. constantly' it the landing, below
Bridge, to receive freig
Wilke, ear Water and Smithfield eta, Pinabltrgh, '.
R WC:lmmingam. New Castle, Pa;
klitcheltree A, Co. Palaski;
W C Malan. Sharon;
• .11t13 Vol, Sharpsburg; •
Wick. Mitre 3 Co, Greenville;
Was henry', Illartsteern;
Wet POW/Cr. Conneautvnle; •
John Hem tr. Co. Erie,
y. atzt
;Ir°llLlMlDW:ldl..ll2s4a' 01;11.011M140,_
. . lllo.ver Polot,)
PACKEVS, lowing and shippLu between Piusberab
and Reebester by steam boats Michbout, Lake Erie,
iln4 Tk a arr.
la' voods =elided and promptly delivered to all on the Canal. and lake:, at Oe leere.t rate,
lIMPPos will please direct good• to .0 dwell , . t
Water al, rntsna gen rgk.
Pittsburgh portable Boat Webb
nio2 . 1850..M_Qa
Tuouss Ileatuttas,&Corset
• 't
of this
MOE Babel being now open, the yin:Treats
I. long established Line are as usual at their old
rands, receivirg and forwarding hletchandise and
Produce at low MISS, and watt. the pre °Some., e er
minty, and rafety, peculiar es their system and mede
of transponation, where inrerreediate transhipment is
averted, with the consequent delay. and probability
of dunsge.
Mereitand Ise and Prob. , *hipped castor weshant
Bill • of Lading forwarded free of ebarge for commis
sion. advancing,. or swage. Having nO 1010,!11
Mai' indirneth in ateumbows, that of the owners
is solely consulted when Mapping lath good..
All canu.ications to the following agents prompt
ly &waded tor
No Y7g illatt•t atreei, Philadelphia.
Corner Penn mid Wapiti meets, Pitrabozgh
/Earn MeCallogh"& Co, G 8 Minh et, Belli P. B. Bart
& Co. SS Mono at, 130,400, W.d 3.1 . . Tapveott & et
E 4 Swath at, Nov Yolk; James Wheelwright, thnetT
1850. WM2I 1850
OpHIS LINK with ensorpused trcilitics, is :now
prepared to wenn:tort Freight to Cieveland, th
s r
Lake po r t, Ohio cane, and internfidiate plunk,
the most fa term, and the greatest do
Shipper. are referred to those who hero heretofore
patronized this Line. Send goods to üßidwelr. Line."
Astons-1 C Bidwell, water e', Pittsburgh;
Bidwell & Brother, Idoehester;
L 0 Matthews, Clerek= l ;
Ithorlek a Green, do.
A D Jacobs. Yenniastown; '
C E Leflingwell& Co, Warreni'
A B r a y ton ark, Newton Falls;
J &Co, Ravenna;
Kent, Greene!' & Co, Fraoklin
Themes do dm
JW BtepetirZCs'rloTz..z; •
Wpeslu, Lea a•. Co, do;
D & J stetson, dal
J I II Mean, Massillon;
Carmine & Co, do;
.Wm Monteath & Co, Baraler; .‘;
11/ Gibbs &Co Sandi:shy;
B Higgins B Co, do; •
1: Malta & Co.Yolede;
N , Detroi
Murphy & StrongOt ton,Rule;
Ball B r Mins, Spellman;
dwookic; •
i n r Dickinson o , Write Fon:
.kirklend & 'Baylor, dhebourants
Dole. 80,0000 B Coi Chicago;
—Thom Hale, • • 'do.
Pritsb rah:March IS. 5800.
Between Plitaburgh an3W—totera ClllOl.
TAO Canal being now ~ p en, we axe rawly toreceive
"end forward promptly, produce and merchandise taro
end west.
Freights always at lowest rates, charged by respeer
ale ham
Produce and merchandise will be received and for.
warded east and west, withsot any cohered for for.
wanting or advancing freight, commission o , etorrge.
Bills of lading forwarded, and all direc no Cohn•
fully attended to.
Address or apply , WM. BINGHAM.
Cana Bade, nor. erty ir 3 id s 7 i t i rast a sbFirtsburg h.
No 183, Market st.Lbetween atChN'lsitta.
No 18S, North lioarard at. Baltimore.
No id, Wert met. New York.
iiattrin'EN C.
Piadaisger saw RaMatftistalle . Oftftlaw ,
&HMV UDEN &DM eantutue to Wing persons
from app put of Er Aland, Whin& Ceottand of
Wales upon the toast liberal terMS, with theft
Mai punctuality. sad intention be the wants and com
fort of eramigranta We do nat allow Oulpaswegers
be robbed by the swtodling semnri that tufen the sea.
POl% as we take .barge of them the moment they
pen themselves, lind see to their well being,m Wipe
speteb them withoot thy detention by the fir —
We sty this fearlessly, to wedafy one of oar pitmen-.
gets to show that they were detained 48 boo, by its to
Liverpool, whilst thousand; of others • ere detained
months, until they could ba sent in some id waft, at a
they rota; Which tee frequently proved deft Willa
- We intend to perform:tem. COlltratf aottorably, cost
what it pay, and set art as Ins the cue lot smooth
wfthenher °eem—who either perfotWini-luft Dr
whet, it waited diets eonverance.
'Drafts drown st Pittsburgh far any
_um from AI to
at airy of the provisatal Hanka in Ira;
mar- s=gland, Semiarid and Wales.
Joautit. Romasorr,
Picopeszt ail Gonna! Arp;l,
Pleb erraet.mwiiner tole. , Wad. •
en./u'v' 4
• Ihßtrast
c~RPET w
Ho 76: So
K so•
~. - Ezin E ~pGf lloeat
constently receiving hia
ig in part the fallowing, vial
Velvet Pile Caspeth
Tope.trY .
ray &navels ^
vrial3gly E
En,list. and ASIGTie
FX.TI. Super 5, 7 .0 lm; ,
pm super pateniCtoralle
&Trill ne do ao Rolm
• Toflnd Boit;
floPerP no Ingrain Card,
Cowman, all wool,
codon "
4-4: I anal Tap Von Cat.
4-4, and ra Carp:
4.4, and 241 Pl" , Co ,
List dnd Rate C.n.t.,
8-4 ?noted C.ollollglUpet.
Fl 2.
Cc 131311 011
Fairs Wilton
Common do
Cheadle poor blerts;
ahcap Stln :
Fan* printed p
able iano toter'
f4d"'d ;lg
° ar' l li : 41
c : l l % c
a titi l e 1 2 " :::
i. : l t e u
,5 '8 0 °7" :
d i :: l : C b b : e i c : 1 : :
u l i t i nd : t: b s n b e i I T :
i ;
ra nV d i.' ' - "
Brass Stair Endal
Snarl:nag - got; . • .
t at Bindings; , •
tate and Coen Marv, t
Alieant and Sbeleionbielat.
PI and 4.4 Greta Oil Cloth'
lot Hands; •
'incielaek Ellepefl .
84,74, 64, 54, Nandi
Oil Maths'
6-4. 64. 44,.and I 61n111.16
18 Inch paann.l.lil Conn
far stain
Caeca Tatamkai
Dane aLd Drab Cloths;
Crattson Plush;
Coach Os; Cloths; •
Damasks for Lianas;
Watered Morelos.
Bud floller.d for irShadesi
Venom Blinds;
Bowing (or Plop;
7.4 ancE6 4 Table Lauri
Rouia CruaL;
Scotch Diapers;
Bniven Linen Napkins;
German Oil Cloth ,Tsh
..10, •, a
Sum On. Charm from the molt. approved Eng.
lob and Aleeljeee eleeeleleeltere nom It to 24,fret
in width, which win be cut to fit rooms, halls, and
vestibules of any either therm ,
The undereigued having' imported direct from Ear
land, Ida Velvet Pile and Tapestry CARPETS. These
Carpets, which one of Ilia la est and lueet sleaabi
•tyles and patterns, and of the most gorgeoni colors.
will be sold of priers &s low as they Ole be purehated
for in any of tan cantata *lee/.
el,O, .
lite key the intleel assortment of the richest lee
PLY sad INGRAIN CARPETS which far impasses
to quality and cheep neth of pricethoy 6.lLOttleee
beere brought to tide city. ;He alto invites Steamboat .
Hen and Coach Manufseitthers to his largo and well
selected athortruentotTßlMlLlNGSrandother anlolcs
neeesthry in their businees. • .
The undemigned I. also agent for the only Stair Rod
Manufamory in Philadelphia, and la, prepared to sell
lower than can be purckthod elsewhere' in this Mtg..
mrlll Mr Si M'CI.INTOCK..
---7.,-7—bross tiessoste.
AA!MASON & CD, GU Market street, between
. 'third mad Penne, am now,receiting a large e.P .
sortetent of Hama De Labs.; Persian Cloths, an en
tire new article; Pallempu Crape De Lens, &c,• with
a largo styl es of Lawns and other Dress Wads,
of the latest and most fashionable . colors.
Cop 3
OF FEE:-.50 bags pr Om and O and ara;
C.besto-40 be. mould, dlpped;and spent;
Cone. 20
bss Cmom and EO . SlitlC.Dalu;
Cones , -20 don Hemp and Manilla;
Cmsta-S0 Maus;
Chovee-f barrel;
Cleans-6d hi Common and lted(Epanleh;
Ftsa-0b below:Mho:I brio hllekereland Salmon;
Gusse-50 hoo snorted sizes;
ILons-IiSIO Prime Veni•Oni
loin Sugar Cured;
lemon--. 100 the 8 F and Manilla;
, lss-10 do% kianioons Block and Copylnr,
Aloisssu-.% las N Orleans;
lb half be - Segment Hod* • '
Mk:nate-9 dos assented canisters;
Mscessom-bo lbs Italian;
Vaanmest s es-iinless do
Nsuot-MAS kegs assorted;
Pictum-41 Majors assessed;
PL...1.113- au bushel. halveg
Par.-Ws - cam assorted;
Patens-100 Itts Bordeaux;
door-b 0 hes Rosin and Cost Steel;
Scosz-10 bhdo N Orleans ono Cloaked;
Tos-60 packges Green and Sleek;
lout - co-2o bee 10,6,1 1 lb I.4gs;
Wsen Bosons-SO doenatenatoot
For sole by 5 D WiEEIAMS I. Co
Comer of Filth and Wood sts.
F 10111.9: FURS: FUR-SS-The subscribers Intl pal
to u r blink. NIUSIt Bet, G.. - .4 Fed Foes
and all kinds of skipping Fues si,i ds , kal= c !,r , ler ,
t‘,Acadd Comer Fifth and Wpod see.
Tile Partnership heretofore ezuting betorcen,Tontes
Taney and Job,, Mot. the:Grocery, Produce
ard Commusion bustness, Stu dissosved by . muutal
consent, ou she lith inst. Mr. John Scot heathy pur
chased the enure lemmas of Jame* Foamy , e en the
hem, th e buness wall be sealed by km, at
omod, No. 3) Wood au JAMES TA th S,EY,
JtJtl 11F-sdr.
— Paper lialliglega.
QPRING SELE,Cs It/N.—Witt DC reeived, bilrat
0 canal shipments, a neve and choice as.rtraent ot
Wall Payer, or the latest French and raw. stY lca,
.D. gold, cham,t,t,lai.aal,lfkrilisaitittAanu,o htitatitecostactaiiiim
ea Waist street
t TtVtl.
EIS Co-parioarshiP he mutton, cawing between S
1 U. Unthbeld and 1000 IUO6III, ander the flim
S Ihuittrinld &Co., is thus day ditsonred by mono ' t
eon. , The banners of um o:d film will be seined
4.0 Dashheld, at th e ciAl eland, No. VD labenysi3cet.
Match 1,1550. S 13 BUr.3III , IELD,
JOHN 51c6ILL. •
R. 1311811F1ELD end GEORGP. RICHARD will
maid. the Wbolessle • d Retell thy Goods sr.d
Giocery boldness, at the old stood, No 20 Landlt,
ender the Wei of .S.ll. 1111:111F1ELD & CO.
Moor. 1.1,0 —lnarld
d eau et leader
A tale Creddre.Gannlseldn, ant FodTOlng
Wan e.
W tn tiara
s . S. e. done, al o d idant, No a
mlAlt Wu.
to t and es twin earde:. L.S. wasEa
WILL/ casagy.
CONSU the wrestMPTION! remedy Inc
And the bestenedmine known
to toms for Asthma of every stage, Liver
Complaints, itronch, lateen., Coughs, Colds,
Bleeding of the Longs, dhoti.. of .13restli,
rams and Weakness Os Vide
Dream, de, arid ell tither
dimes. •of -the
A very important disease over which Welkin= ex:
Cots a very oowerfel influence, ts Utst Of •
In this complaint a nes enpubtedly proved more
ermactimethm any temedy hitherto:employed, ind
elnnennis Owlets. when oedema had endared loos
end .evere sulettng from the di.stM. withold meelv
mg the team benefit from mimes remedies, and whet
Mer.or/ Lee
e at
and to in vela, the ate or tbx
Beheld hm reetomd
to n healthy action ant
in many lnennaed. erected peressannt cares, sti r
well known meetly had felted to produce ats
desired erect.
Besides Its astonishing efficacy In the diseasetbost
mentioned, we also find it a very erecteal
nsivel remedy it
Asthma i n In which Rho. been extey
With the increase orltateldgeneelms grown
op e knowledge or Me <temente of health, and a re
gard for them, tad commesumrstely with the strides of
seienee have we acquired the means of lamming di.
cue, and averting ns 0001101. P orarnastilendln the
program we bare mode, ensiled. mow. that ekes
ewer, one sixth of the whole poprdation die sow ally
of coratimptlen.
One of the most important ditcoveries or the male
ameliorating the cohdilion of ter large elms of mili
tonne beisanny, la
Wieter'• Balms of As Cherry le • fine Herbal
Medicine, composed chiefly of Wild Cheery Sart and
the genuine ICEI2I:4 i Oho latter Imported es
1.17 tor this perpottea the rate medietnal ol
which ere al.:, combatted by a new chemical proems,
with the extract of Tar, this teneeriej the whole
compound the each certain - mil efficacious remedy
Still feather evidences of the remarkable curative
properties of this inestimable preparailem
Rcmnu.vtt ha. firovro co., 0. Atm. 21 1840.
' Messrs re Gentlemen, About a
week. ago leceived the agency of Witter , . Haltom le
of Wild Chem', but with soma reluctance en my part.
foe the reason that I had been the agent of se teeny
pHs and other nostrum., which were cracked up to
mething viondertul, bat which turned oat in the
end to be of no account whatever, except to leo man.
'Dieter.. Dist L eand.dli admit that dos time I have
been deceived, Mr the ettnordinary cures effected by
Wine. Balsam have convinced me that 'good can
come 110.01 lour •gant left me. one der.
en bottles, which are all gono—having beta the mean.
of curing several obstinate onset of Conway/bon—
a. no mistake; tor what I we and know I am boded
to believe. One ease in pordeulas ~young gentle•
man in Winchester, Adams county,miles fro
Ws place, was cured ei Conthroption when the doc
tors has giv. blot up , or es !cast could do nothing lot
Mtn, end it wet the tniention of his friends to eons.)
tum to yaw city, and place him ander Die care dem.
eminent physician there lint • friend told hlm of„
Wistare .I.lalsent, and that he count Ototall it of me.
Ile mat for it, end before th e second bottle wen gone
he was soun d and well, and attending to bit everyday
binSneat. As there are SeVeMl inquiries for the Meal.
eine, It wonld-be watrieforward an additional supply
wiuo¢t deny! Ve9:L=I,PIYgrZtVIANTI.
The above, from x. Newt and, Esq., a highly 'caet
able country merchant, ern:concede Welt forcib ly to
the candid attenti of all those who have doable.,
the great merit of W itt e. Wild Cherry Balm&
Remember the origin.' red, only genuine Wistar's
Balsam of Wild Cherry, waemtrodueed in the yew.
013, and has been well tested In all complaints for
which it is recommended. Per 17_years it hasp loved
more efficacious as a remedy fee Corighs,Coldt,ltdbx
tom, Llrenclutis, Asthma, andOensernption in lts
omiest stages• than any other medic Ina
Nogg, lBBl.
Mr. S. W. Fatale: Raving men many certificate.
published In relation to Dr. Wirt 'a ltalmun of Wild
Cherry, 1 take Obi opponunity of offering a word in
its favor, which yen ate also at liberty to publish— A
few Mouthe allied my wilts bangs became no member..
reeled with a sodden cold, that she tort her gone, and
suffered severely irom pains in the brealt. Her elms
deduatuted her friends touch alarm. liaxing heard
your Balsam smugly recommended by Roan who
used It, I barchased a bottle from ye. agent in this
place. tine took It accordirml to directions, cad it pro
doted • wended.' effect. lichee tieing one bottle she' tad completely recovered bee iroice,tho pm. inbsid. ,
ad, and her health w goon fithy rneetablislied.
Your. truly, LIEN RY 0.
To Donseters awn DiaLsks m Mlrmens..—Thi eel.
vibrated and infallible remedy for the cure of Consump
tion, Asthma and Liver Compton:lLA" DJ 11. own me.
nts, hgen rapidly, lure and safely working its way
through the opticeitlon.Of quails and counterfeiter.
untiLLy its we value and tuirlivie excellence - a has
Reined for itself moat enviable populaiity, estgb•
baled itself in the confidence Mien intelbeent end en
lightened public, from one end cif. the =Mum th.
other. The testimod y of t hews.. who have been re
hewed and cared by this vale.ble article, will shoe
that it suede mrivalled—nt *ahead of all other me
Mein, for the cure of diseesele for which it ix rem.
mended. The genuine Dr. Whits. Tatum of Wbe
Cherry le now for sale by duly appointed Agents, and
allrespectable dealers inmedleines, in all large cotta,and nil important town. threes bout the United Mater
. Puce II per Dot. I Stl Limas for ; •
RR. dbYt. D. PARK. Isliemeintot to tiandfOrd &Pats,
Seat* end Walemt streets, CLOClalltal, Ohio Rena.
Agent for the Routh and West, as whom all oaten
moo M addressed.
L., Wilcox, jr,'Jame. ffeneel Kidd & Ow, D. A
Rehoesteek & Co, Pittsburgh.. T. Rae.% .Wash
Wpm; W. J. Lambent., PreankUnt ILLlkrerie
Sc a rl AUniontw 11. Welty, G menebergh; EL
S on ;
does dilta Orr, Ilellidayabity; Wideman t &:Cm; ledi
ens; J• .!LYYrigtpi_llatten on _ning
e ; Ce. Creek
71 re :t w ee ra, I f . t
bhgedhs,iderecr; dames, Eel & Saimith,
a r yeen Y.D.ftmetenen,Warteds, Fgvloins,
I poderiportiPCroatrah •
at*.aittglat •
0A N S: C 0.1.0 ~
Ir. r wood dee, diomii
bear, Pitabe " •
..,131rmtnghaso, by
TegtripT , by ugort r,scrivrAßTz an
orb& Dart and Cheapest flo=ra Medians
IN TUB ll'eaLD.
Hem mrs•r a real wens: Fr. Parity, gradates, Het
ry,sout rAoroa,i g hoe*, SLOAN'S OINTMENT Kuril
And is timidly superseding alt other Ointments and
Lir.imenta note in use bathe cure of Me following din
• • , -
Fresh. wounds; ggalls Of all kinds, sprains, praises
cranked keels, ririglame, windbone, windgalls, poi
evil, cellos,. goalies, sweeney, founts, aids., strwris.
lameness, sand crack, loondered ' feed, scratches or
peace =ono or lone distemmst.
• The Fowder will remora all Inflammation and fever
purify the blood, loosen the skin, cleanse the ware,
&ovi n n h r e e n m eevderyo pa
thrte o
f f o thoew b i oy d., Asensds ha c s proved
Distemper, hide bound, loss of, appetite,
strain, yellow water, ingammuion of the eyes, futive
(km Stird'esercise• also, rheumatism. ( commonly cal
led Stir complaintliwhioh proves so fatal to many val.
&able country. It is also safe and cer
tidn remedy for toughs and colds which generate so
away fatal diseases. •• • W. B. SLOAN,
Grand pepot,4oLake st, Chicago, Illinois.
• r Tag PROOP.
Entries front the Klalena NordWestam Gangue!,
11, the use of Sloan's . Ointment and Condition Port
dtr, I have entirely eared a totals on my. horse 'tad
otherwise improved a. condifien more it then Od
CCM. on the cost oldie IIIRO.:Cilli3 ad cote schtes
was to feeble as to be considered wo h rthiest by. atyselt
and neightnitt,was festered to good health and ttrength
by the ate octet. man half a package of the powder,
and Is now doing better than any other cow I hate,
Thereby certify that one of my children,•wben no
ked, fell into a large flee of live coals, and watt burned
wmerely (nor ites to feet. The but of medical aid
Q attendee was given to the child rot foar or fore
days without any relief—eacb day's soften go mere.a
whichistrroans could be beard at a great dtatatice, m
enucal period one of my to Ighbors recommen
ded add presented to me a box of Elnan , * Oimment.
and in loss , than fifteen mtname after; the aitplication
of the ointment to the aggravated sores of the suffering
ALS; tho pain ceased entirely, and be speedily bele"
to recover, nip residence It in Ilelt township, Ver
million coonty, and State of Indiana. • ,„
eldatgo,Angust, 94 , l e 4B .
April 13. I. • Four voiles llofl}l
Illino of Chlcago (outhit
'toad to Mdwaukied Cook county, is.
Alr.Sloao—Dear Olt: One ot my horses bad a large
tans tumor on his breast bone, immediately under die
ceosltjl"ii7ttic:Lafe.ediTalatilyreanedpir:S-seven bottles.
of vs. Taybals Nerve and Iloae tdniment,thout the
least lunekt. I then procured Wilder's Celebrated
I form Ointment, and use 4 that soul I became fully
whaled that it mould niNer relieve the animal. Fl
natty I obudeed box at your truly •aluable Craw
talent, and in leas thlm GO days front the 4.rst applica
tine the tamer mainly disappeared, rind the horse was
E D wall. -Years, . %VAUD ARMSTRONG.
' Upopular opinions any criterion of the worth of en
article, we Invite the IneredniOns to read nt least a fevi
Odle many voluntary certificates that anpear in ow
aunt careen h d
Merit La Constar; n o r=e,,.. u'L
Them remedies .uo longer remain among those of
doubtful unlit?, they - five parsed from th e tide of ex.
gAir na. tenis end mile eland higher in repatadon and tr.
mots extensively ased than other
alas of the kind.-Aldleh. City News
• Fox Rtvrn, Jthe 12,1048.
Dear Slosn—eln Please send by the .bearer a nor
apply of year Hone Medicines. They am the best
articles of the kind that I have ever Itscd,llesrer hay.
lag beam disappointed in they adeet, as I have been In
the aged others, even the mom celebrated Ointments.
ments, &el, Of die day. Hike very math thls few
tan than,
vim that th ey do all that ts promised, end
emi_ a thorough trial one Ls committed to add. that
.hsilhui ,K not upwskli been
Theiltrelnery ointments arid liniments It is well
known are SaTern • and partial in their operatim.-
Sl oth's Ointment I. mild yetioroagh—it reaches and
remotes th e cause, hence is ves real and petmenent
relief. Far purity, militates, safety, certeinty, and
there ethos°, Stesn's Ointment ethele, and Is rapidls
rurpmreeding all o th er OimairAm Wall Liniments now
in nth.
Busse Maws, 111., Oct ill, IBM.
Mr. Sloan—Sie: I have tested the virtue of year
Ointeren; in the care of ratdesnake b
ins,i sore t h
barns, and many other Worths., and v
hat rammed oar eXpectsUons. A. a family Chet.
mat, I bore never seen Its come, and for
aril 6H'long m oo` it.
Youth, he, • r mums IIL JOHNSON.
ria seEriImCELSdLFtgT OI NTMsid E e ra T,
MrlSlorm—Du yin 'Ftoawcnthbu
matng h o
pladoh w and
appliedYretlf the various liniments, polar
killers, h• wallow otimining trip relict Altar whirl
four age.nt at this philia indoenerd me to try fool
(liniment, end within two weeks (mm the dine 1 cent.
meneed using it. the painoteased, and I was effectually
eared, and shall mcoMmend all who are similarly M.
Muted with the distressing complain:, to moire your
excellent ointment wiihern delay 6,1 z F.
gesp , f Town,
• ' prineenlllor Prom to., May i t 1549:
DIM nod ' l i g. g rac ß et k .toot • C n orn " p f an th
y e .
C mou, Jane 21. tg.tol
Dr. W. B. Sloan—Dear Sir. Poe the last MS yea, I
have had occasion to use many hones, and have teed
We great variety of Onlmenta and ointments to are,
au , lteve never found any MOM in to your oint•
mem for on)uries on tongs. Within the Mat me
math.' bale applied poor olnunsot to some ED horses,
Taro milts eiMlik of Clamor°, fiepc 17, IMP..
Dr. lose—itin On me Nb testa. my son had e fin
ger bluer astutely a bye bone. We tremedearls ay;
lama year celebrated ointment, "'bleb relmyed
Mn le a fear mamma. and Pre.em"
welling the least particle, sad the waed besly ag
tepidly. KW) , yo yowl. S. Utt it
Docroania IN 0 ALVINA.
ID.Sloan—Dear Sir: About three yews ago I wart
severely layered in one of my lea• by the falling of a
pile of wood which occuroncd large running deem. 1
,Nearly every doctor In Denim triad to rare Mean bat
tool in Tam nntil from iy arparcy and improper mey.
meat my other leg !femme &Shad sa the one original:
ly wounded. I despairsd of ever being well
. agairt
not ie order that I ought neglect eta means oothlc my
rcaeh, I purchased of your agent in °Mena swan of
your nutmeat. awl. you coo judge aIIIIIMIIO 11111
grainade better than I eon esp... it, to bud rtays:
esitircly well before I bad finished deg the second to
These (sets I make known that others aflireted msy
believe and not delay using so saleable an ointment
ea Oars has proved In be. Respl. year sgaterut fed,
Galena, lii, Dec. it, ISIS. EVAN DAVIS. •
Before the followin , ant. Vaug & Co.
parehmed a large p ly sup ofSkia Me n l / 4 preparation hn
isesion, Pet.. el, 124 2 .
9.9. Illtibard—Dear Sill l am out of Sloan's, Coe&
tion Powder and Horse Ointment- The sale tar es,
credo my expectation. If you eta manage to send me
dozen Ounment, I will pay for them the Stet Goa
that you are here, and presume I shall bo able to sell
a large quanta) , in tho contra of the year. It wilt be
en object In you, ad well as to myself, to keep me eon.
'smutty supplied. Very rapt you.,
Be. Lords, Sch. 1341.
Dr. Sloan—Sat About two years ago, while 'mains
on the MissimipPi fiver, In passion over the maids, I
was plaupd Into the water, end - by the raft Meshing
neatest a rock, crushing my left leg and otherwtse sin
rictus!) , iguanas me, so much that I lon all sensibility.
When consciousnem returned I found myself In St.
- Louis, surrounded by my erceptag family Good neck
Mg and medical aid, enabled me in about two months
to bobble around with the o,istenee of acnitch. Tee
wounds only partially healed, leaving laTgn i'ann , ng
some at the knee; which for many months diecharged
blood and matter of the most etre mire e hemmer. My
pales were inegprearible. at thaws ray suffering was
so peat that deeth would have received a hearty lath
rotor Fartaaalely Mr. Wawa, Lamer my neighbors)
edvlend me to try your Ointment. I obtained a bog
applied it according to dirccuon—the gores soon began
to a.ertle • healthy appearance, and in three months
L was entirely eared, and enabled to do herd labor.
Tom obedient mammy • -
• gned, neighbor. of U. W. Thom.,
We '
th**nd4"l- the cue above staled, and know
'L".""‘ed h rfoll„onftna said
tuee most ee
i " '.""" VOUGLASS,
Ceucsoo, Jan. 8th,1843:
W. D. Sloan—Sin &o of my horses was hoof bound
and also wounded in the stifle, In which ho took cold,
end became so crippled that he could scarcely uaveL
Dy the fro, dipplicanon ofrour valuable ointment, his
hoofs were soon softened and the state pernautclulf
mired. I have also used the Ointment la the case of
Poll-Evil and on severe galls with equal saccess.
On *mashed finger that-was cony painful, it opera.
led ISO • Chlit, Years, Isc WIDEN.
Sloan' Ointment and Condition Powder am to
knowledged by all who have used them to he the lest
remedy for horses and cattle that has been discovered.
Fresh wounds, galls, 'navies, braises, ringbono, poll
evil, and in short evety outward disorder er Into ese
he cored by this wonderful remedy. The Povnler Is
designed for inward distemper, hide bound
fatigue from hard exorcise, &Kneed eyes, ?sc.—Lake
County Chronicle.
Cook Ch. Feb. 13,1818.
Mr. Ploan—BI:VIT=110 yoavg bone that was
taken with the scratches last fall. 1 pool out about
three dollars for medicine a cure him, bat he grew
worse. I then bought a box of your olument at your
omen when In Chicago last, 'other dochangli, but I
thought I would try it. Judge stray surprise .and ray
opinion of Its beneficial qualities, when I found my
horsey legs smooth and well In lour days - fromMe
I commenced applying It. Toorobedient,
rears pop. TICS PEOPLE.
Mote than fifteen years oranrinalled success In the
Mae °revery variety of enema! dive sea and Innate.
inch as sprains, brumes, eats, buroo, entaneoaa crop
onus, sore tlp4 ante breasts, thiped hands, chin
blains, biles, ulcers, cams, pautslo the bank, side., or
other pans alba system, rattlesnake bites, tee" bean
ample monotony that Sloan's (hutment 1111111 the thing
for M e Certificates multom number have been
received by the Proprietor from disinterested intido-
Vs, Wing detalls of remarkable cares by la. non.
trrinvillethlilbaukle no. Win., Oat. 13, tate.
Hr. Siou—Dear Sir. Recently my horses ran ab,ay
with tog obaio attached, mitten cut sad cineratse
tnimod them seriously, it much so that I eons demo
won boned for tossinesa Fonnmsely a friend ro.
commended the too of your Cmtment. I seem to MO
amain and' yarchued a boo. It woo removed :hr
tudammation, and in aOm days the would. hooted
The rest beads derivedt from the use of your 0 nt
mint, on M 7 bona, Inflated ma to acquits' you out
bethathi, iss.puhlicity road benefit you sae
. /I" r effidj . Y .- T aZitGECOESTOC ' E.
And has become a COMMOn saying, Ow Ism.%
Moment and Conditini • Powder are lankily gopcoth
dug et otherresataiat tot et dmiasee o
no home ant.
pullet Tlse beanry of dm medichses aims lathe('
parity and: safety, to 'ROW) may be ued, poor y,
booty Midland any &apt of taking aold,.or say ohm
Islasy resahbs Isg.R.thair
.11O.aptc tos, ad arm pa
10 Medicines ot the ility,n
ileatiaseeedeastorkOldo, klaylk, 1849.
Firs Sellers: I think it richt for the benefitet other.
to aims cone
Ines relatiou scar excellent Fain/.
IN , Medicines ,
I base ass
Ily, one sin
qmmtines lu
Lava also eN
my family. t
the efectdC
A• I am
~.,u that I t.
your medic
oneys , It
medicines c
extensive p
.y. Vennihagt loamy in my owns freently an for espelngt .ge
y to .0•In titonao from two child.* 1
ed your Meer Pills arid Cough Syrup to
nd they have in every Inst.. produeed
°aged in oresaindising, I am sble - to
eve yet to hear of the first /here where
nee have been osed in my seehon of the
cone Leman, I may cam Mat men ere the
We day, and are denied tt ,
Opul..ry Toars.rea,eedtd
t% • 11
and weld by EL - I: . 1.118,N057 Wood
old by Druggis • sent:ally in the two
ulti. meat
,td, only true eV gormina LiviLFl1 rl
1. 4.
Smarr Lama, hi
Mnrc m o ye t v o i .
Mr. IL E. Sellers: Dear Wink It a 111111 1 1 , :i o w n e e
it'Ll.nonrette'd thweirbt?ile* p ante
laint for • long
hem, and so badly that Le ah em ` ormed mid broke,
Which left me in a serf low slot. Havieg. • beard 01
your celebrated Liver Pills being for ee.‘e by 4 R
;I;:eiVax7Dlit...rEtrilintk.d recoTcroglel
a for trail. . pa.chaied bog, and fee. Ahem tO
'te jolt Whet they are recommended, THE BEST LI.
and after taking fear boxes
It od the disease has entirely left me, .s.nd era now
P'1"111 well
West Liberty, March AIRS.
I certify that I sm personally acquainted with
Colon" , ,and eon bear testimony H. the troth of the 1
Rue. , A R SHARP
The t eimine Liver Pills lie prepared and sold by
RE 3 LLFAIS, No 47 Wood suseti and by dniggims
loom .wo eldes.
.TO THE rUHLIC.—The originel, tree and geh.
aloe Liver Pills are prepared by 11 Rliollers, and hove
Ira name stamped ln black wax Wog.* ltd of each
o, end his a:go:mare on the oamide Irrappet
- ohers are counterfeits, or R
taw , bnitnden.
15 -- ,,5 --- d'B cAartiLtrii±ic pelages
Ll ROM the Rev AaA SIIINN, a well known and pop
1. ale: pleromanotthePrometantldethodirtetinrch
Tee andereigned :mann:been afactmiderknilt he p ast
•interwi*• rose &se oak. momactiorometimes pro-
Jae; n p 'wept pain e mornachfor Weer Melee MAO
WiILOW teleMl a an, and niter hated various
DJ with . ellect was ferniah with a bottle
of Dr D Jayne t if; -.' ' mauve 8 alum: ia bateedae
cording to the direct ens, and totted utv yth
medicine eaueedthe pain to
in three or fel:min . '
ems, and in
onweaty minMeseery, uneasy
sermatian wasentiraly quieted. The medicine was af.,
terwardsosed wheneverindientionsol the ,appretehed
painwerepereeivedomdthe pant was thereby prevent.
ed. He continued to atm the medicine:awry evening
and wmatintes . •he monmg, and in a Dm week.
health ITU . lan entered, that the matter wan teller
ed from a large amountotapprersive pain: From ea
at:Wel:emigre, , e can confidently recommend D
DJaya +a Carminative tiaisam , an a sal:Mal Mediein
for dile a °ldeate:each and bowels.
le in Pine:arab at ...go, TrEVYtigr
'4ll l' .4lll________!..---- ---11 l''e'''''.=l:
IUMPTIVELS, HE 017 1' 01111 GOAR.D.
to o r art 23,1397 Sea
gallon, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Dronehltis, Lie,
,lilt &IVA ,' l l,ll i=eVaLl'ilfi b-
.11cart. Inlinensa, Crormat ken Con
an i t i y itio . AFL" 1,72,=, of • 1e 1 4 1 . 11.
iitandLtmg.: the ter,
theta. and spee a
aver known man •
the aborts diem- •
4!4‘...1fi11. El IA inj tivria
43 k
T. 2 '',1311*.,. i.lirow.r., moils those of dou S litlhl
It heepaseed ostel from We then uads deity
launched upon the tide of expenmentond new stands
higher In =mitotic. and is bete 'ming name exteneive-
IY used Tv ~,,y.. °i t;
0pm.r4..z.; medicine ever
s.;:',duced very smitten) through the
United Stems Lea Erir•pe, and there are fear towr.s of
importance bat what content soma remarkable evi
dence of its good edema For proof ofthe foregal
matemenuored of the value and efGery of tide med.
0:.7a V.F.T.:l6::,i,V,flgtbtt.'; Z.:JAL%
ps r,
of first reepeetability—tnen lithe have higher
views of sentst?responsibility and jamb., than to cer
thels,•-bacause it will do another a favor, and
th e Ma+ tedhStiee. Stith testimony proem, eon
etheivelylthetits surprising eueelleath rr errablivhed
by its Intrinsic Merits,.d the imrprestionable autheri.
ty of pitfall. einiou. The insumtaneons relief Wroth
fords, and the:ecoothlng intlecnee diffused throagh the
whole frame by its use, lenders it a m oot agreeable'
remedy f o r doe Lair. tle.l.,Eaßnat ...
uWI4OIIIMeO, rating frOra epratitilfiOSS troulsel,'
voluntarily bear tea ba th e truth of 0 tethg. or
parismilaf fect, anchtestimony, being contrary to dial
"'ltitttaTturi"ceng irel;Tn't!eget:l°'s=r‘ t r , l i
loniversis.l credencesa—ollogan`e Moral Maxima '1
Srar. Adore= Cramer CO Coranantoss—.
There never was ...remedy that tombs. as armee...dull
in despdrate cases of C o usin:option, as Dr. Sareynes
Cannound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It strengthens the
Acura, mad appears to heal the ulcer. on the ham
cream g now ...Teich eland; pot; possessed by ho
other allied.. - :
• . ' Cum.. ~ April 1th,1134.8.' '
Dr. Es. syne—Dear Sir: I verily. believe year Coos.
pound Sil'un of Wild Cherft hue been the meths at
saving my life. I caught a wiereceold, which grade.
Mir pear worse, attended with it' revere cough, that
resisted oil the remedies which I had meant ., still'
inereasiav undl ray cue exhibited: l i the erropto
nn, 00 I
Pulmonary Conumetkin. • Every thing I tned
t o h a ven. e deet, and ray complaint increased eorepid.
it that friends . well pine* lf, plvo op all hopes ol
1:7? ;Irv:im:V . a ' : tth
1 ' ir 14717 ri'rgellirda.2 tore?
e 11,ad arty oiX twiner,
Ir. erl7rill wed,And ran
0 r. hearty a man an I aver vraara ray ELM, and
'O . ua.l
met.a thin b.o. •
it.1:;;.....ta, cc :: 0-. 7, , s
: 47 :
.1, -,fg “.- 1
12 ,
=I I= . tho w l ~,,
.d am . so ' grateful , For the truth of the above
'a p ,akay 7,,,,,,,„ Jams Manua.
Wesslevita oath s.s idathadist /ffistutw.
Dr. Swam:' firstairr I feel a debt of gratimds du
I. you—and . duty to We adlieted genetally, to offer
my *choreterOlede st larr . 4. , 17 .?,..p: l a Sy
tlgle2;"lttacrandi cold Zid ir Y illaturnatiern of the
e L'n io gr, ps'alaaran trinr:.XraPdTZ,VT.,'; =V
discharge of offensive. amens from the lungs,
liintni=o.lgr .V,74`,h,eor,ldtrzY:,:Wai,ett;
---11''-tieVatrg r affe th nlttlar"=
'Piotr. walls about,. Teth those embirPeri theh
as the emeeed•ng ...k.,..fm1 lone. parkas this
b ee I bad uthdoarionspreparanons and presenone,
utforted no redief—growing MI the time wane.' Jam
here IWY isclu.ed and p ° add by a deer friend In
Wihnlngtea to malreuial of year Synth of Wild Cher
ry: 1 mast eoness than prerioney I had been pro.:
diessi against patent medic-mu, and lem still Velma
thew eoraing ut of the hands of moped., but under,
Mending your elan. to the profession ar.d practice el
onedieirie ..akisMaS imPlicit (slob if. th e =lied of my
Meads, I'lon/omit. parebesed of Dr. Shaw, one ofyoar
agents, a few bunt., and commenceditsnie. pay di m
erma was at slau time of War 1:5 menthe standing, cou.
eminently It was de.eply seated. I found, however,
cOnsiderable rend from the rise of the first fear or lye
bottles.. Ent being etrildie gr.:a IL f
eatly at.
I=lifptarlhealunve Selsebt that ..1.1.17,'t. Lig
to herd; in this way, dcruhtlear, atty sate art. litlrdy
r aarderi. la ...cadence of lams thou imam - demi
I had in e re messes at fifteen bootee before 1 was pa.
(roily re garde I hare no question, a mach small
mashes ofhattl.• roold have made me sourid, be.
the above Induatelsen. The Syrup allayed das fete; "
tsh habit, totdC•treT the 4....."i/g We t tad pot erne,
I' i 2 `,.. d ill': r.g .7:::, g'roTh'::ltMuts:ei,l7,;
red ;Oaring thia eertlrieate that note, for the pulp.:
:f ...r.,;„.;„..., , ,:itu, , ,dp. - Ig° tmr,,v; —ri,
;L., . L , 1.,.. J. F. 3 tw ,
Dthat tawny, N. C. ..
, . —...-
/airrtank- Cadcrward! Read , .
There Is bat a, e gennieetpteitarattes of Wild Craetyy,
tad sb a i t o in. Sawa.% She fast 0000 offere d to the
iltrd Sutra boa
27...1 . =I.- will
.I} ' Enielr th Ltir:l.p "b°
y the name of Wilu s.nerry - PA M ;
giellligt.o:l 611111.0b1M14,PlIder cover of tome dr - Ratty:
elretimmances, a order 1061 s. earreneydth that ur ea ,.
tglnir ;;.:.°7 l ",:iu.T. tc....V . Mile*clihe'"llethio.
enveloped ant a tiful steel cog mving " l, th the
like... ofWlntsea beep s thercom also, Dr. Elwayne's
goanaret end a farther emeriti, the portrait of Dr.
igwayne will 1.,: lidded Lereadterf.soOW, Jr se to distinguish
his preparatiol. 'worn all Wrier,. /V 11 Win liar tor
the peal enreLpt properties and known elnues of Dr.
g o ,,,yriea Ler/I.ond byrup of Wild Cherry, person.
would not be Onacinthring to g , ... o tn.., to their
"betide. nos. ems' by steeling the nuste of:Wild
Cherry. Deseserther, Marlyn be. in mind the name
of Da Sway. cid 00 00
.• .
y r irioipat othsc, corner . of Eighth and Rama, steeeta,
Pot andretaD b yOG DE4IkSNOW-
Fo, retail tiy OCID=I It SNOW
tmy ta t aos ... f o t ed, and
, Oil it k al Wood st.N 'WhI
A JON ':.! stli . "..a loon 0 1 0 u IigITYNIIT
ELL, Alleghem city, and by ell rape-M.le dealers in
Di. 17‘. D. Inland,' Presstlitaa Paster. •
r%R.INLAND, of the Medical College bf Phil.
1.1 IdOpta., now otters to dos public his Indian Veg
etable Premium Plaster, the qualities of wtdels, after
lalauldoeurzlonmet tiztobeenydWltigildije.sth.
Prolapsed Merin or Fallen Womb, he recommendable
photer, gaarantecing a sure and dpeedy cure in the
short space of from two to thee Weeks, if applied with
ease and rest—discarding all the
norm.cntless Instruments
cooejrztitre.bandges so long Thls . he feels
r One 0.: out of r.h: tg...2-tp..
_ .
' dents.
Also for Rheumatism and Weal' Breast/it Back, at
tended with pain, there is epthing to excelAhls Plasusr
ln afordlng nacrer effctln g .a cure. Forksle by
L Wilcon, comer Of Diamond and Market st
• Drttun & Helier," Liberty and dr. Clair dts
Dr J Sargent • Federal et and Diainocd, Alla
/hen) city
Jacques A Co, • DOM= and Diamond Ittridag
article WhithL n.
y Crooli(43nioliae a. a wholesome, tioarlahlug
erserste twi.S alld
stable than requrice t r ieMir . 4 T e l=r f .a. n t:=
mai co.l,o ,, ,li ac i,"ad by e
"`"'" c ' r. MILLER, Pittabasiti,ia.
Sold at wholesale by 13 A I:4IINESTOCE.
co o f First and word led Stith andWitalirtreeta,
riaLIFORNIA GOODS—Nbut vevelied,
Pe Camp plEmemvi dam coma; -12 prs Palltr
In pau r um' hood Wong Boma; Le hto u.,].;1
7n '' on ot . 1
L. D. l - ITV
.mbne dodo. Teo above goods for sale at. the tall
foram Cotheng Eitabbehaveau No 5 Wood M.
meal - , J H ruu.v.irs
AN ilLS—Wrought Iron Anvils, from Ma Tampo
n:mm(ll6 worksonnanteill will be courant',
en bud and amiplled to orderi - hy
mit GE. AN.II Weed a.
• Debii.4-17 Ist pipes Uraudy—s...—,
Fr_ PlF lN l Arig hn z i .li
lao ools %liiiissei for sale bi
Limit . tr. rCuiatqnme.
D Bons' brass; a superior rticle, for bee by •
nova • %V r!-. - 11667 / IF:I' 13
CAISKS l Coda AA, caolu
/ 4J ntesieZhig Pc 'tdaspratt rarder,vtived per map o*elgllkro,
and arr elOgnl4l 02 b?
• 14. I.CUlreetnl34 l lol 0110 rial ",
• •1- 1:: VW;
-nßov6doircanaLp DAVI the loot'
r pared a new arithmeneal work, a - copy - of whin
wtli he presented think , and everrthather in !tie d
United nates.ontlioat chargeotpos. Son eppliethen I
to A. IL tingthit . , Co-, XS Wmx d
l =eel
i'!"G(LYTIS72.ik-iArIeOETI 0 - •
Or, An tarns., of the Lae. cep a figures i ne
The Collaring notice et copied from*i New Yor k
Tribune ellamen,lthth— - \
nonstan or Cam DermaL.T...D.
(ISmo., yp. the work thelmignam.orksates ,
and cor 'traction. of nembers, are carefully analysed. ,
The alphabet, composed of tn. figureso - tiu.
e words des
tired tree , Um alphabet, and the law , by width the
Soon are cenr.ected with etch .other,oon clotrly :
explaked. • ro•
"The analsis shows that.thens ore bat roar Inn
drod and e ighty eight elemeniny combinations in
Arithmetic each corresponding to award of our eon ,
mon langu age; an that these eotabmation are no
connected to gether as to be all expressed by enly
at three differ...fends. The system proposes So
commit. these words to memory, and thea kead the
of spelling them, as now practised.
In snotherrespect th a system pupae* art
ant clause, namely: to crneider std treat all mutionn.
sa entire Minh-having &given telallon 12,einia0XF,
from which they were derived.
"We scarcely need thy that the lisle work amen
the Ingenuity, and thilfel analysis, for whin Professor
Davin' writing on this !object are Justly celebrated-
We commend it to the ittlEllool3 of anneal tsehen,
believing that they will And It crowded with mew area .
From the Pmfamia Alta: .
.7412.11811 Amos= or U.S. Wthe - Pcure; I
"The Oran:au of Arithmetle, by Pfereuer Darks,
piesents. the 'abject. in a - new light analyses
Arithmetic es to Impress ton snail thee learner with
the Grit principles of reathentaticel -.deuce In tecit
right order mid conectioni end the new talcs for the
reading of linos an of goal practical value. • r •
Signed, W.ll. O Bartleu, Sot of Nat & EX. Fla
A. E. Chard', Pier el Math' tut!
' H. brakes Engteleasins, .
A.S. BARNES & Co, would
113 teacher. and to all Interested in matinamtleid In
struction, that tfiery
uo the 'yst
Or, Ott Amapa.; of Prinaigles of &a Belenes—of
pa Nature Of the reasoning—and adobe& tdelhods
- of mprting - Inamsenlen:
Author of "A Campion !ram ardiallansailea.
N. IL—A. O. Barnes S. 0., an tly. jaddlakeyny of
13,11,1040 System ondathematia._r_ • •,
For lab Yu this elo by A.ll, Eapusu
Wood amt. • • • .• rear 7
Poster's New LibJoetlessa
Gs°4.7 Pdalt 4- 411 1 C(Y 1 C=Peill'
Nally was a Led) ; tte. • ' •
Be Kind talks Laved Ones at Porter, -
Bow thy besklerbtly; Tnte Lore. Ay T-BrOn4
Otte wry &cress the eta, es •
Jo now medley rug, by D. Curcrt;
'Jenny Orayorsoin by Mallet t• -
Joys that were crownlng, - Weadlncbleteln '
Ood bates the bury Walt;
. .Conseripth Depannes,Of w. C. Viewer; .
Bunde from Ilene; Waiters, - Bwennailsobe Co;
( Jut Poe or Bummer, cosy IrsOWene by Be=
- Slates Polka; Lutieslßoretente _
Corn Coulter Pr adrine; Letientle
`Beanbes of Delp Duos, Wes, to. Q ~ r •
(A bore assortment or New Mule on band.te which
adenines ere nude weekly.' Von sale by
tebo J. 1. MELIA% 81,WoOt
!TZAR IVIT ,_, M EXI CO, !! a
__ , III P . L.
, s . :
mg.? igaoaxs T y.
E. r
Eensauts of Ilbetorte; tamps/sin as AaaAras .,, .
tbe - Lalssot Mond Es - Junco and of Yonamain by
Diehard Vaudois', D. D.. -
'Essay on Cbtisuan Baptism; by Baptist W.:LOADS'
The °envies,. Novel
!Fairy Toles, frees ell Neflonr,D Lesse&T ..
baba: arid, el Wastrations by Doyle. sILPL-
Jun ree'd by , JQIINSTUI & sTocrrorr,
Self, corner T.:el sued !dulcet stree's
Blew-and tagang Win Dookai
Ileadley, erne Cit Tell otiginal designs by Danny.
Poem. and Prone Wrinage, by Dichited H. D 2222 2
vat renalin
Inendneed om, Or Samiel Poesy,
I.llltaLt Magni
bone enuared on awl by John Swain.
Jest received . J
dal earner Third and Market Ins
P •
IIYSIBLAN AND eI..TIENTLar a Praedeal Tien
of we setunal defies, relations and in of tbe
Medical Plo:easlort tmd the Commstnityi by Worth-
InFten flouter, D. • • • • '
11. Worts of Ilichael Do Montaigne; commtinnt
hI. EnnYst Letters, tn. By Wm. Ilaslets.
Itittieveh and ita Brtmsbts By Any= 8y1.311 LAY.
ard, Ets., D. C. L. r .
Glimpses of Sonia:, atflotet itt LJnlnlslated Torts
tp 1817. Ily S. T. Wall. `new
,M.Pui=t , gotsl Phllcoophy, it dition; Mao
comer Market sad Third Wend
, ro-•; 1111111.561 • ; I
La winkled Beeks—Beeks In richly earssal elodulla
inuounsted arid anycrbly Woad M
oVleisel. Slit, Morocco, and Comi - ositlott, La lastuulen
" asta Preyer!Dook% bed*.
Ofally bound in vetoctrusesoorlaguificeally cr
ammed. awl Ilkseaosesd. For sale by - •
• . ..1A.1403 D . LODKWOOD,
..3529 ' Bookftlises IssOorler.• • Nara
-•'• - - • -
pheltinsas and. New Itesit Approaebtsgt,
M.S.gnificent dittitme Binding, fords Ziatiglays:
gA511 , 23 D. LOCKWOOD,' Doekseller an ImPornTs I
1.) a Weal creel, has :ceased beanufol collection
of Dinstrated Books, bound in the most splendid men,
ter by the best London ansilimerican binders -among.
them may be found. - •
Amen, Poetry:FiegtOcerrilfnlnon , l . .
litys o/ the Wetter% World;ilsmineblile gold and
Wordsworth's Greece.; richly lihrstratod..
Ti.• 1-eacher; .alsounitted by. Oyes Janes, aaa
Pl47rcn and their Kindred .11.4
ilerobsos of tlspeam innstrated: •
ra, Jateesoch Chonictaiisttes ot Women; Mutts.
For sale br JAMES D LOCK.WOOD,
11013 - . SIWOwI we
.• Nair 00kAi ' ,
n D131:11t Iris First Voyage., by FlerrorraMelluills
I. author or-Tyree.,*"Outoo, ^ tru.
History of Kis
nil! One zAUted of Euelood,byJueobAbbotti ,
• g.
Bidonia the 000ceres0 by Wol:Meinboid.
•• • . comer Thad rad Atarkotstrooso
`Or, of Ide nron Recurrialle•Wirdat qf the Age'
muiEViat AND ITS REMAINS; with as aceotrat
• J. , 1 of a edit m dte Chandteas Chnistiaos of KIMa
tan,:and it. beshils, or Dexii.Worshipperq and as
Impairs Into the Moaners and Ants of the Artemis As.
Ileiette. By Aisles Unary - Leyard, Esq.. 11,0.10
Wish Introdectory Note by Prot E. Robteson, R.
LL.D. Nosy ad with 13 Vales end maps, and
wood ma. 4 vela Bee. Moth, UAL; •
“The boot ltaa a rare ireowq of paphte, tritrid,pto.
htrerque narnadee
a t—Trtbene.
•'Tho aro* of Laud is the stunt prominent ioniti.
bituon to the Indy - of atatkahy, Oat hes appeared fun
.rnany years."—Christ. lot.
"Not ore excels is huwest the twee= of Mute&
ands its Rains, even by Mr. Lay
we ee
follow , the dimwit with breldldess . interest
In their. eseasations, ono sadderdy Gad
to be ,
tore a maul. rime canted . with situate sneerer',
cow lifhxdr hs gigantic head treat the dew 'of We
yeate, eel are ready te eel Gni whit the setonlehed
Anbs a 'Wallah, it is wentierl 6 .4 bm 1 1 16 / 1661 ''' 41 1 .
d' r. ,ln r t e M " tt OT • IMP D. T.PCKW6OI I ,
um 1 a 63 Wood id.-
Mew, Books, - - .
rens Iwourt of .me old and Now Tertssuard.
I Edited by KS. SpradKV,FED. veLlmiKlive°
triVie °al b Tit L B l ::1 4 aTio 7 =2 16 et a antr 'M
POEMS AMELIA,Hdrs. by Kl 4) S now
and enlarged edition: illastrated by engravings from
original designs by Wier., I ad, mum Oil 010000 s.
ly booed and gilt. .Also—d. 'eddy of splendid Mous.
au and Gift Books. • • -
Sewell's Child's Vasil:took of , the 1E0.7 of 3emo.
I vol. IdosoM
THE MECHANICS riSSISTA..NT, adapted for thi
use of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Saw.
yea, Lembermen, Student& and Ariltans•geouraDr.
being a thorough and praeued Treatise on Mantua
Collndint's Elementary French Grammar. By.,
Greene, of B o oty Univentry. — trot lama ..". -
Bantigers Gesenina Hebrew Grammar, try Conant.
Gesenzas . Hebrew Lezicon._ • ' " • ,
Lidosie Trigonometry Sod-lonbleHOMM 'fables.,
The knigli. , av eh Greek Concordance. k.voil.(ntes.
Amnion% Canted Serie&
Websteris Dictionary, revisal ed. 1 voL
t'do do , unabridged: 2 vole.
Berne., Notes and gneadons on
M ew Testament ".
• ModwinPa. Ecclesiastical lUstinT, 3 vols. &ad.!
vol. (sheep.) -
. Vestiges of Creation. I 'DI Warm:.
Mommgs among /maim al Rota. ' I MiL
and paper.) •
Scents where the Tempter loss Trinmpbsd. i
(cloth and pa per.) -
o's heologleal L
,blo. ectern& vo
.-. L Bea feloell4
Boryjr`a Emrich IrietlonerT.
Oman's Hume.
salo by..
novl3 " • • . Apollo Bulldings, Foal* al.
IVI.AIr BOOKS JUSYRitc4kinill.,Tim wines .0
Montaigne, coined by Ild 'rnmprising
Essays, Letters, and Joumer enough Gerominlleci
luny, with noteafrom Nltbe Commentatorslßlograph—
teal and,Bilitiographical Notiern)dia, • .
Thany end Prunus of Teaddng; Medan,
and Method. of Good School•Keepiror, -by 'David'
Plage, A. M. Pali:wird of the Mate" I2ore al "School,:
Albany, N. Y.
Frank Femmes OA sal dui Suilva
and &BM PLOTLICES Of NOith- POEM% by lienrYl
Wm. Herbert. • JOHNSTON t STOCKTON, .•
, • never" - corner Third and Market .ta i
. • . The.
ej. 0: ABLES 1 12eod orneKWo‘brial4for
les coii . ec 'm our
;doe, dhe rernsinder of the edition.) of destmensKis
work, devoted to tbe PrIKIIMIIOIIIII DOCUIIIOI I I, end
other authentic, information relating to De caereK .
' Toleration& settlement nod improvemeht of. -
~the cranny,
mid the bead of Ohio. , By - No Efo Craig;
.4 of Pittsburgh, In 2 tools fa& ' .
novlo . D /d:11-1). i I
liktuanyLlste-goir,la V y aw of tbet
gam , . Sal- Mounded with twelvoengraving&eu 4
cued at Borne' 2 rola, Sue., ergot= WWI Pit
Jut poblieha F 1
. I . tantl Z Z D,
mental'. Wood
11 - 7KSNY
IMF CONSOLATION. bOOk i‘;.;;l;a * Preta s ett ' iii ' W4ll
mud, higher 0,40 n of Its aatlior than we had forme
frinn penning Mr mbervirrittogs. It Deena,
lode of 1.1100g10,1011114 50 MOTS pareNfm*A,,i..":ll - 4 .
f u abgagft any other prodded= octlict igi raU mind 1
wi “ d it l i v . ll . l6 we are 112 , 0:1 . 0 u . d t s best sty le--trald,.spdTiptgla titl.
Purling. We
re Yeti
dark° best ,
publiastlon of the season" GM;
"oliconututs the Jamul of sf Sinuriky.,4,
and reddened in ltslyi and le am of tke .piertsamed
and mon
irks of Butanuonv— ; Guar
~ and
°A te r.
tits darastaidie book. 'We Imre read arkeas
mge Colophon wilt iniblitd laciest: A 'M.
_ski,pleizire , of bfe In Bathe. , Li44l respects - eminently
For ardebli."..± lMo2 :Axis 6 Lticircioow.
noyln ,, • - lil_eyalreporrerO at weed N'•
........ - 7 - lutemputOWare.... • •
3012.P.1.. h. HV:Iir12:2111==it
able stybrikatt'd dal - • • - ' •
• •-''' 'A KULSON & CO, • i
• .
pkiIIED.BEEF—IWA tbs Mir eared mnin—
eastutollos lot laisti xxim
f. 1107.2111 L-1 1101 1 i," •-
ee ee • rok•rs•li
• COLLSCTIONS.—Thdh Noun .na MxFame,
payable in any part et Me inOnicailected ennia mew
- favorable team '
EXCAANGE on Nem Vert, Plaule/IPMM mut Bal.
Cam: .11o,Claclunail, Lout? rs' Onlni Leda and
N c. IT A l,"l.7,ll. fi Zill solvent Mike 11 dna
Delia! Stant Cton:mad ar thalweg* nlea. AU kiwis
Forev, end American Gold add BIZTOS Cabilmegm
aai mle. • •
Office Ne. El Market attach batmen *a dth'
Pitubarch, P. OeCII
VILICIO • • ORS ,•• • • .
4EELL! on Eartaad, Celan, an Henan nun . • •
1 an =ant at. Os Camas Wad of Ezehaelph.
e, Drafts payable la an part of the CU Conan,
Iran 41 to IMP, at of tam the 4 Stettn;
nth.. annetisa or na , .... , ” by JOSHUA COMIC.
SON, European and Cenral, agent, cane in- at en
, door instal wood. • . . - *MSc .
so Dogma Dills of e,
fates of Bank Nom sin l=retor of
3d, asaill - ood stosets,dinelly mods% Clarks Flo-
" i!lim l4 ,
parahmilt 10W114131211, br -
• - acmes a eons,
upl2 ' - - Mau mat:
. Roam um
MORRIS & 13 .
L icnvviso .DISTILLEa§, lea and Wia•
Illesebonts, Ent olds of the 0111111110adintisturgb,
are tow ollerivor at die Tan Woken yrbses for eta,
Retuled Whiskey, m antl• .D 1 rAlielt randn.
"retch. Bnubly llofland 6114 Jamstos Stok.u, Loa.
don Gio_, 'rah 41gokb7, Um, &au, Port,Ebetty,Als
doh.. lamovairlic, Claret. bbOOr blvlogra, Tette. ,
retro and Lisboa Winos Wliotoloas t RobiaL 'mfg
, or made to
Paper: Reg'
W.Peing.Pener,Creen,kledinm; benNeCieWn
igen Stem Wrepreng raper; C Blndiem, nreS
tkn ' l L le Cr° . 7 1. 7 r W. 41 4:
6."71, Agent ler
TORN WATT& hitie removed *elf awl d
Umenrles m the oprysito idde tif Liberty st. -
- •
Va 37.0 1 L 7 I - ,A.MERICA-Her work and berreii.
• rariL - By Marfa 7 Melnursh,uthor of "Ct:La
aterchanas: no seem sod to be. 1.1010-
Lanus . Day Pamphlets, No I,Tkirprelat - umo.
D 1 Thomas Corlyala -
Csaulsai.-Alemolrs of Life awl Wrlilops_of Thos.
Chalmers, D-.,D LL. D. Preleetlons .1A Dodoes .4
Analogy, Paler allebioneaof Cluistisulty, and Hill's
Lacuna on Divinity ' s/Ith two luirodattdry 40eMurns
aril four AA/teases delivated la the Nor Collor'
Edulbargli, by Thimpas Cpalmors, D. D L. L 417. •
1 vol 17mo.
Carma-1.137 isr
Sobuatria, compiled from whin.
tie aourees,and partioulady from Ds eatrio
Dy.ThomuH Dyer, with portralL 1 mil Lima: i
For mils bi-' 111PIDN3.
73 Apollo Bulidisies, Four th it,
: Deafens* Coned. . •
From the Now Ton TENONS. '
FRIEND, whose mountains; nliahle,nd who
Ahas on pinata lateral in the master, bat ete of
Ardidde , dash= lt• to say, that,ho has Dien eared et
inveterate nativity by the ate
a : .flearpniattripmod
Lennie a PMladelphis medicine; ,Wideb sot
for sale in this city, bat which he teilske'eaghtlis
'for the
good of the 'Meted. _Hahn • taster who has
also been eared by U. :Ile urgently advises all who
are surmise from deafness, tour this moody, mediae
aueranee Umeoutless the ease be' extraordinan, ohs
experiment will Fore abuudautty sueeessull.
For sale at THE PFIUN TEA 6TORB,
fed - • FN.* st,
Combif 00330031 ! -
20 &RT ., ' P'"'"; d°""l7-
,e)10 " sou }.lOP llOO a UMW '
" " Poe et Colatoo
ICOO dos Vise 15017 • !
3o " Shell Bide ombs; ,;
u• supet C
SO gross Awed blde Coestar, ree'd and forAilaby
1003 .• • C YE/LOEB. 103 10 t4Ol .
huh Ilollandt fluff holland! ~
hat W. MeWbsuxli ea Weary
iT AlCE read i lr °ll,l of rr— onal nun of . to
"d o lan d ood .sp. ben u liall oty
Indoor ta when ho
on de allanno of Ms eastaaaro and the
p abljo.
rjrnadonairara Beaman Rooth todl
_ _ ,
A FEW stry End GUITJAt ised ' kat tbs
17. celebrated otanafactory of c.P Enda: atek Ist
aele eV lea ItdELLOIL, 81 Wood st.
Books Just aseitirs2L -
mar. Complete Works of Jobs leorryan; I way Oro,
3. be I rot; fl:usinexe; olefin stet andgily edseee...
bluebell's Blblical and Sabbath School Gesixalb:ri
• oel. wart; 1 vol,l2eso. c,.
Town's Analysis nod Speller..".
• Irol
Ufa o( John Q. Maser, by Wm.. IL Seresej
Somas by Mrs. Plesseag I yo4l9sur, 'mar. if Sonsh's
Hob opal umbra:
ace:seines, Hobert Smsb 11; • new edition, 4..
vois; inClid4g POilth6lo4ll ll
Same-4 Is. Its 4 sheep, emus; Bro. -
' For We by - • ELMOSEINS.
label Apollo loileltegs. Fourth si.
_ - -
roan 1.1101.1111 W. 0. UM. •
fraE anderlivia, teem:um to Arhus a Meted
•ll. eon, br inter to inform theeltimns ofTmabarglc:
and ruble. generilly, that they have retatilt Ike lte..
GLV, POUNDAY and am new In DM operagen, and '
lame put or their smarms ready for the markek—
Amongst which are Cookir.g Stoves, Coal and Wot 4,
Moves, with a aplemud alrucht Com Mere, width he
new . umercelang in other tide+ dm comma tumid
Move. Also, a cheap coal Cooking Mate, Map ,
ted for mu ll hmelies, with I fell aawdotow of der
mon and mental GILTAM. WO. wooli pariedarly
site the anemias, of persme balding to call et em
warehense before purehding, and examine evicted'
article of cnormielled Grates, Waled ln linstryle—
enirely new in MIA market. • . • • '
Warehouse, NO. DA Libmt. oppetite Wee' at
' • angsgedtf • ISIGHOLNOCS •PA R ..
qvYEAGEIL hmener and Wholesale Dealer ha
u of the Gilt Cana, 108 Market st, Pittsburgh, Ps.',
• eras Merchants, Pedlars, end ahem vuolatfl
Fittannott se purchase Goode, am respedfdry imbed
to call mewed= the evernme msematuat of Goy
llsh,Amenc.en, Adak and German Panay Goode
• Amiga Gs at this establlaluned aro lewd;
din. , by Otlscif, end perelumets ma Y rely ce too_
Ong goola fern fast kende: I hew; the . Milan wend
meat .of articles, in Mir variety line, la Me sal Of
Mulburglrell of which will be sold law for ease co
city scrienc a. The Suck mortals, ht may of
Lae Goods, tiwleq, Okrreo, Ribbed— •; • .
Bilk Cr
ttoj ava,Ble and Mucu Tkeads,ftl, ao gpoot Corson . .GS/Gender, BallonsPea Ne
d[aa lad
Geld and Caret . Watches, Gdi UkT elS ,s l
Brothel, Combs and Ramie .; ' _,-
I , Cruustion Caps, ilmolverS, Pistols, Clash, 4.
Mason nose., bpeelneles, Steel Pen!, Mats 330104 ! Carpet; Dna ga.Wot.' •-•
Hmdmga;/P1444/*Zral • ;
Toys and .04 1 ,/ i4 6 W:*
ry or Fancy and Maple DiI u rGOUDS: • • •
YEACIEII IS dm 'gent fjor this etddrated Too.
Ureal. LO CU0 se namely: '• - -:,..
piOR Onsts,Soldaiheta aka Ooniatiptitial Thai.
.. GREAT Wiy ODI REMBDY fbrthe muse( Ota
me diseases, al the RIRWARDLN - BALSAM OF
' LEM, discovered by Ote celebrated Dr: Buchan, oh
-London, England, end latrodeOtdOm the Woad States
ander the intreeduoc superintends= of the investor—
The extratordtuaty meters ofdates, In MS
into of Pada:mar? &ewes, 4 Maezioai
An:: in soliciting for mannenotte wood Pomade Cue
row s at e ‘ an .
jabef.forduulnathethert.uelty--emestbroosalte. .-
day, and lave been glees up by the most dtotnaliebed .
physletans esconfirmsd mimeo:able: The ./Inegitti.
an Balsam Ma mod, and will cure,the meet Mama*
of cute . It it witaink naatniloy biti • swat 'map,
' ilshmaie of known and established eleney,... - ..7.
' - Bony bathe Unshed Boum shoed be
with ,Baebarthi Boogarlan Deism of Life
' eounteract the consumptive tendenekver - Guate.
but to be maze a preventive medicine in Macy es
colds, eatighs. spitting' of blood, Pain lAs - ens%
Meat, =Hatton and wetness of the lesysh.lloselthas.
didienity of berating, heetio=oted ocesmi ea.,it„
at end general dablitm ' azil l.tql
mesh and creep.
said in large bolas, ME Pm bottle, will 6n . dtrar..
uo_ .
Posphkuh conudning &sous of kIigIVOI SOVAJOIS'
eau eartilesten, ltd oiler aaainato. abalescOa Ira
equalled mein of this greet Eollitot , JAOFOOOYAItOf
'obtained of the diteno l ggleßYlL . .: 1 A 'A '
Fee gabs by 11 it F larwus. la Cd.eersint . •
sl ia Wood aadyirood end Rhos. - J*o,s .
• r " "a1.1"1 . ,
._ . !.1 IknlitatiX• 21Weit47,1142 '
blr.'l2. B. Sellem-epjuttee to voila. yam anew,
Parable Cough arm?! ', a bet !rye I T ....MM, i. fgalli=,,
fitgATA's:itn.., dtsUisteg'%gat.,llM:'
chased, In January last; a bowie of yam. Bf filli,
cared 11.0081 1 ot.two - maths. standing, . AV*, 000
month Low, trio cOu ni t etanrear and tees Mlles '-
1 that ahe could ha move, rom ereMlii lbill ,
b}eaSti I sent fa OW eOf f yr= Conk eakt !WON Mid 't
a part of one beats oared the cough .IgWetter atbrr
to alowneyntao eke was urvereig ogliood,rrhe tasd ,
to are hie owl wools, , water month mash Coney to
c nry'llt the. people Ad Pittatoughp /I do candy
N a
WO, as good Is roommate:l. . • - '. ~
V.. 1.4 reaPertrolif, . ArOIoWLL Ptbir.t.,,
PrEparod and told by EL P.,43ELLI 2S ,Prwww '
motet, awl mid by Drag*. -fferattidk It 40 VI"
AWar.ausavr v>Zallrus SLUMP:.
-- AND CABINET VirtielißUOL . • •
J. A. uttont:inditialipies
rally Leona - 4o piano, thel ke
seeps on hand Oa stand on tks
wain aide of tie - lAnnonte, Alter
Nanny city,' ceinanette wort
mated llenitialißliodeislitYie•
ninon annum Ito made to or
dor in dui bat_ kyle, warranted
*goal to soy inna United States.
illa Ada& canna rinnovedorilh
oat the aid of* venni driver
, nimbi; Melia h ..stoelf,
wale. and mak ofilotabiserte.
tablisbneentaf laming
Mod, I We pawed einderalea
tacit old onstinters,teePa s
the patio at In wits every tathettlido. a :
Already No &Mood stmt. rie* 6 ,
rSi--- ------.._
reed, an elegant plate Beetwolla 6 . 0 14Thdbe
_trout the celebrated maaahmerT 0 :: :„ ...
Ciaxlt, N. Ir., ofseprOor vane, end rep:tarsal
For sale by • '" .-.. IIAI
dell2 " L--.---•-
, cw , 4 lAusqvorty men ixrrn F U ND
v. :
roc teetering Tartar, RR*/ gchirai l....—
,webstanees deatreethe so the Tee IV Ille iottossoi to
the tame, clement the madly behreT awl .IF O O ,OI.
Itlrtra P' nf l u M 00 bran' , , : . f .i' tr . .
:L_Lieladls. Cir'eai
AlVirr-Wh alta g .4 rearit erta2Al
verVitatelich mai tlizecA4',!tileik___,,,, •ololl.o
WV as Ulm ,
and . olo7
r2o:— " tylm;a 4 swers..gla Iriiielt. "46W
feV Auden mad w laum=l l :r ... "."
• .• _ ispiplbiad /