kaliNkkMaiNlll:l , ioMMMefffigLa;aaiitiliMklUiikte4 M=M BY;MAGNETIQfiAEfiRAPII . AXPIJ/ITED44'whtLjg,a/4PLISD' — lOR II I I C'fITTSBITRUILDAILY GAZETTE " • • •• 002I6BILS,S19.1LILL0 WAsimorm. Ma r 2'i Hmtamt....M.r. Clay, prevented 'radon from citireeso Berks - county.. astnag.a zt.dia • cation - of tne Tara; no as to- agent' adminate teetion'te the coalond Iron ielereata.L, • He remuked thit he:tld "heard, with great re• pct.that thesehttmestarias .welt as.enecr factoring internam, in variceisnarts Mae (*mum Mere singly auffering.. ,Of one thing thr-coantry be namiredi that .01101 this Winton of the "'"3l.llncleitm-leaS dbposed of one way of cab. er, these 'Moreau tottld not remstyii MI attention on the part of Cangrein'lle mewed Vat the pe. tuna be.lald. oa:tbe iAbte; trbieh-wis 'freed to. Me. Seward moved me viable pf.the. corer& poneenee . bettveen the Eteconve Dammam= sad' enciaLl'oreiger:F Smite; and Geheral Mkt in California, mat Benfoc , I few - 0 ,81 , 414 e. -3 which was agreed Bradbury noosed amend the - amendment cf JetNllloll Davit, providing mr two asuyl n todims is California, so as to provide a mint mid one at saving onion to Ban Franehick'. Tao quevtion, belay taken on Mt. Bradbury'. .cndraelWh wan agreed tys and the amendment as amended Imo adopted. ;"' - Mr. Bid/ter:moven to amend the big by striking , out i - of the denote:inn I hePre.. l . 6 :4 - establidiu inlet al New.Yorli, which' wit rejected-fetes 'A The bill wan'then reported to the Senate. and conentied in; • • ". • • MiL...nadger_then-naoyokirat outoduttot,poo. 'riding that the Act shad nos go iota inert, so fir as respects 003 biaticdi io tot to Noir York, stilt the Iretridature of tbat - State shall pus in set, do. cluisi the toil property (rut of tuallou.... Mr. Vaderwood would to Oil:Odor thet'smeod. meat ao Ur as to, direct. thot the act atoll hot go taut erfectltua the New York Stnto-ionislAture shalt eerie Lathe United Sum exelativeruisdio. lion over the `round oppoquisied kr the use of Mr. Davit! opposed thelsttUshUltautoltt us In necetsary, and involvtognarrong principle. - - Mr. Underwood tihhdrew his amendment; The amyl:Wrote:oT, MA :Ridge, was then Plop. The bin ' u at am thenenvermed, read t third time, by yell 3t, iiiYa 17; objectum being mode to a third trading ol the bill befnie its er ge "r afte fhb 5t.,1180 -; executhrisession, and soonrstter adroit - 4i di Havre—Onrnetionof Mr. Jones, it was ordered that when the House adjourn, it :dawn until to morrow morning at 8 o'clock,when an adjourns meet shall take piece until Monday hem, for the punnet, of knotty the Hall put in vimmet trim. The bills lorthe cone:ruction of certain reads i e &upsets , a, were passel - The arrtherishig atio , Presidentrro negotiate a treaty With the lodine or Oregon, for exam. plshing to, lands, was taken 'op and d passe The 11.31383. then weal into Committee of the Whole on the state of Oh Union.-and resumed the consideration et ibe. bilt to create the office of Surreyer Civic:al or roblic Landein °non, to provide for sweeps. lied make donation" to set tlers on the panels - 1Mo: - ' • n.t. The amendment pendiegto Winfinedetiations of lands to free"whnu, feinfliddingt earn:arty op posed the trier.sere, nod rpoke of the , intelligence and petals last of ninny, of the blacks. Mr. Pitch that whether the ,ameadment was *dented °root it would make no difference, as the people's( Oregon hare excluded zeroes, because they emenamate with, , and lead the In. diani Mischief Mr:Sailaiu eOutecdeil that the legislature of that territory Lad oo power • to exclude toy agar of people; aiiltf Gingers aces hi to make a grant offends to tho whiice,,blark•persona havo a tight of areal foe gaols oaa benefit. • Mr. Conrad thorigbt that. Mr.Oidainga woo in somd Lela° earnaicted with tha sem race. Ho was oropinicia that traionld boa benefit to bath tiara to &Ira= the tilactro'over chq•c4iinuy on . . • tho Pattie. • . • .. ?dr:McMullen replied - le gir.Glyings, sod said that itilVilS true that Virginia blood was of gable character, whethei in the Tries of white or black men. gaiughterle If: he, bie. Giddlsier, goes lo he,arill oe invited to associate with that rice of which he is the peouliu friend.. Several other giodetaen made tome remarks; when the' amendineit to fawn "tree whims; was agreed to--yeas 07, usys 51. - , ,The Haase Mee adieu:al& 31.911.8 ABOUr THE , CUBAN. EXPEDITIOIt. • _watuuaron . 441129. The Charlesien Crttrienpubliaties a letter Cum Havana. which twos that wale comvieta, Whom Lopes liberated at Cardenas, refused to jmin acid the departure of the invader': was hastened by their obaervieg the. deetierr in of the eennity peopist,a24l:2 hostile. derninatrations.' The Gavernmaat lots' deCtired the Tafaid tai state of blockade, but it is believed that merchant Trete*, I o foetal trade, will beehipccsml to Hula, icany; ineentrintence. ' - In the fight, 41C/2/Sate; eamilny oflatuters, 'who .chtitiredAut the troopiSofLesios,,Svere al 2 • • •• . when reinfareemenieri -- figfilfflpeftiii Mantanitu anoncd; and the fighting commenced in eunent:The Invaders had 30 hired aid Iran d- Than Spaniards had from 100 to 150 killed and wounded. They continued lighting end re treating until the bleeder* giuntd the steamer CPPOIe. sod set tall. ffMI2MEM;I . . - Lientelantinciess, or Alabama, was one of the wounded; having received a belt in his right side. He Is ISOVete • Key 'Weft: - - ,Iknothet fetter, gluing an account' of the landing and fight, Says; that when the invaders iareni with in al yards of the .Governor's boost, they were at taelowfavitti a shower of ballets from the tops of the bowies, And from Mu., windows and pietas, which wounded Cols: 'Wheat Mid O'llarre; and many of the, men; bui.none mortally.'.Tlie invaders imuris eel the Are with grMit spirit, ZLe binte lasted one hour .wben the. whit." flag; wan/shown from the Scan • after,lia , =nob confosice, several eitixne renewed the arinr. When lbw Joinders set the Mori ram', Ileum on -Am,compellinx the aurrender of th e . neetabi nail hit staff, withloo men mall, who were PlawAin the birnieks . ' The invaderirennuned in quiet pacesidon Crthe city until evening, with thocannptiost of Lopes and mad; Capt. Logimiolcilierittwky, with 2h men, who went on board ftle CreoSe. • • • ,- • • . At this jenietnie;2oo lancers. and' issealry thair.appearainse, :and: reuroied : the ght l . which lasted nearly ao hour. Twelveot the menders, .usurertilled and seousded,. heeding Capt.. Lo-,in, ,sidsdlitedautessionody on • born! the Creole. , The Spaniard" lost all except twelve ; 'so says our des . Ca pd. „gasser Master Lexlse,'ssf tdissunipni, yvbe .m,p,wouoded; 'has +loan died. Maj. liessakurs, tendry, wee StVettlY WOrldediat,i2fLopt7. 'Cs wounded lewd ano th er-ode/king: - - - STEAMBOAT. O(PLOSION--LOSS OP TAPE . , Sr. Locts,ls4 28, s j The - steamer St.- Luria collapsed a floe dna Pertiafi three' miles below the city, Irillilog 23, and.woundlog 40 poisoros:. :Toe ontreren mere s i vujir an dock: paseenasts, and It Is .544 that ,halllberaetaber scalded will dia. No , have mot learned the names or the killed. :Shre_bodieshaire been buried.' The b Idly scald ad aziChtletlaittall,lohn Williams, Peter Stoker, Magnet :Smith, Jobe Smith, Mugum Conies; Mlehael P..argeater r loho _Lauer tad wife, Ma; . 'Madam sod :With Margaret Neal, Mr. ateb. late; B. IClleatootle' and:eltild, sad a slave be. , kareutly? ' 11.3 gum of this esploiltis is not koolita..lllo 4mat and machinery wore einem. . - - 61.11.88ACIIIISETTS ELECTION. tiviresali in the. lonitliCossressional ltnd U as -follows : Id-3 ) almci 3 tom, Perm: Flea 80g, Teetinti int var.;:italqo. wmg. 4 `scatter* M. tarby gained ;000Eternbly,, but • Aifil Is# Oast 200 Totes of Ittf iTZUS:, • . Lonniiihrs. - id534 9 .: There ate retatear in the canal. ' The awe - t 6 41 obanieted. The. V7lndeld geott Met TenticeMenhill, tied 'Federal Arthi "are rietnisiedidorri.na the Doehese;lehrt Adrone,. 'add ranter. ham, vwaning to pars throanh. • Private eireatenes lisentfinv Orleanu reeeived y , cotetdet: ir m vaned Co et da, and heated , tido. po'ln ores dui' • ' 0 . 21 C 1 R 14 7/. , MARICET. • -.. , :.Ctactliskrt, May gruilra !Lasislleit. eight isaes sines: Ise nu - L' • , Emir leiteliar - S; loan 81: :Whiskey is ine'u?3i:. Cote is is demand far dultill:air at 45646441 tislis• BscSo is is.- geed/ demand sad Arse. Arse. Sahs6oo ticictti.Lud. qst,ese,, a ftata . 4 „litanies 101;0 1 4140E altalcEt, - Latranus, Ally ....c,arde—Sda 200 bags Cam Ntoluaars . .l :YORK • ;Nur Y4oll','Xiity UTe id'Olicei 12 30 5 a Pir ender the .debeet v;log at 15.62:1 7s porAk.carreomatitelo.oni g h t , :ode ;' . :1;4120 6 ,2 - or g! - 0 0 Y;914 Cut $0,3000,00 Gralo—Thetidoelt of wheat ft reduced to *Mel 60 0 000 . 0witidli :She _market is ittsui.t 11E43130 • okfookk Cora is mottled, bat Ow we un 'oizo to tirotts o.ittailiet, ntimin w e .. • cramrzeda4 4 l l o 37 o , l , L"9ol4ts .1 40 hull' -; randidal"-ikek bit alibotte ip , 100 11;r:#4.1fideltil ff 143713 iqt . Thucte, Cot Willi as ;odd „l lam a; sdtlii Weld trey Ohio at 1 10 10 0 . 1. , Lb• Walskeyttltet , ,al , ta!tei it inar4ire al 201 per 044ifelthztr4 beauties wean pool db. _. r ya, and' p ies:or. advaseleg. ,•• , 1113.caupotat jam! stiric premiu , m. • - • r las3=t, s= .r. ~., „post! • • . . , COIIMEROIAL RECORD.. inveranuaap)leavar! ow THADJI FOR MAY. inixanort_o:•::::”ccivii••........-7-:1. . Novaxiarri cirrus Oety Brzununr.-71.9 Gillowing• Is It Err of U.o indmiments or the Doan Steiner* for - Omani Liver—For Zierqoal. Eneri=4..e 'trill New York- on the +Mb PILIAL n=====Ml .• ASLUICA.7I;tiveI!Now, VoA on th e DA Ina' epithet liiii';4 4 e . o...Licer ia AlitalrtlC —Laayss New York on 'OA Jona . ; •• • • • - Co' Itin'i Neu. York. • Alriiliine-Loami Liverpool , oil Vit Jane . Ore= Steari 21 amszasaa Compmy. Hissoue.--From New Volk m thewet soh Ins WALIIIIIMIXF,StiBreows N. York. ISth Jana. • Prow 12Weskomoton lON. Y,2oth fees. Nina Pork toßan - Franciteo. r a Ceegies, cis 1.171 Jou., . .111,1 , 312, for oes Fnmeteeo direst, Iwo( .lizte. enles, Preemies' Caere:se 9 limas] e , 9l9elsg, Rep 39, 1893 , . . !:The ssii3ri yes:ashy vim clear and pleasass,sed, la tiswa7 of general tiles, a faltameast Ins doing us tie market, wig, 91;13 Cele exespliol.s, tie quotations espial: el 9104 9 . 930 dire genessil Fetes', mat be . . We manta 1r farther . advance to Fain, and Was aro arse eifahid iinitireacillr, it 0,121 foam fine bands, Ibr good ('Maas branda; salon from etc. at 55,250 itiXl bbl. Racon coat:Mae' quite goitre, at fatly quo ta:lndef; :iiratirit and tit/ eared meati ue In mitre - demand, mit hi and 01 for shoulders, side., bums; tale of OM pet shoulder., and sci,oo3 Loa hams, in foraliilders, and elo for Dalai 4 molt s ; ern 50 M rariiiiiiti l Jia 0(4.k:1.6 - Eel, do aide./ at 51. and h ali..ahatldera at din I. b.. Tho Clam= imam coitittliallna;itlsl4sl9l4 for Sugar, and =Mt for hlnlimaa. ',Other aniaiis ate without riding. Paper Warelkoisoo. 14 ° .4 7 417t A fe l Vic WSTR"Tfa... between Third Me nds AL. would vespectfuliy b'l e l 4,tbe attention of his _fri and euelemers, to Ms present extensive and - prise e v er pdmerehwdtze.m: etillbe termduseees. prise every d add.= of Mamie.. and Free. Wail Paper andikirder sor.Perlonialails, Dialog Booms, Bed Clusathera, Counting Rooms, an, ranging fano llta an d q t pm.. Bo guera diversity of prices and queues c. hardly fall to rail the circumstance. and tastes os purchasers who ma. tante with their patnate;the old estaLlishedstand on Market meet 5ur1341301 DISSPLI72IOII PILIITMEHIEILIPs WIIE bits or itionisons;Litele k'Co. Yale isonVeenty, Pm and Isitel,3lnerisons IS Co, esseeny 'County, have' been dissolved by .1110LOill consent Pamirs Indebted to mid Arms mill make payment' in Ltlth A Co.„ and claims agairat the same easy be pretestmlus Limb L Coo,, for settlement . DUMMY R MORRISON. L ... , P H MORRIPOIL TIIONDLE E LATCH, ALEXANDER MILLER. 'Mfg 9d, IMlL—ittay23Mm , - XXVII& SaI:MILT MIOR the e:mi.:Jet:me of the eitirens, the proptietars jr orate Psuchergh City MID. have placed bons (or the reception of orders at the fallowing placer.— I 1 S lt Floyd, °cram of Siert and Wood curets,. ' Al r...rwerd, thee Cameo?. Liberty is blarket eta A Beeten, stone, Third street. L WBeer, jr., druggist, car Fotrila B Smithfield. JoEn P Smith. MOM, comer Bias B. Wyllo. Telegraph (Knee, Fearth street. F W 6oßy, grOCTri Prbh It, comer of Market alley.- 11 - thus, Item, Penn stneet;Niath Ward. , The Bone .wargess seri ..11 tabs eor Brice daily for order., told the floorate.delivered pronmtly,either hi barrel% or anti—sack flour is preferable for family ‘totr,.—Withoat eltargefor cartage . It it 'plain that ro accoutre ran be allowed, non that drivers can have no permission to leave flour without payment. We hope the publia will be pleased with ibis ar: ramtemeet, aa WWI endeavor to do them }nation. • may Y- . Wit/141.1M8 NOBLE 11MTZ02.71 /A.M. •riVSIM.I24III3[II.. Ws. a'. BUT . PA,LELBI4 . .114111NA & CO., (figeeissoitt. linese7, /feint & Co.) RANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, si deale Foreign sad Domessin Ezehanke, Certideates of Deposita Dank .Notes; sad Some—North west eon= of .Wead and _Third streets. Current money meeived on deposite.--Sight Cheeks for 'vele and eallrellonsmatte on nearly sll. PriksiPel • Pod= the United Stoles. The hlghfat pat far . Foreign audiliezl4ll . Gold. Advances =AA oaceaYgnmmu of PrOdnee, Ship . ped Fat, on•libersl mama • 'apl3 qatfe - geiciiitie Piliumfattumk (lid his itti. A. .dcepT6 :_dllideisd of four per mot, , Om LW f Profit.. for sho w lat att!o,ortir •- • 1 WAYNE IRON MORNS WARMOURE. BAli LEY,IIROVIN &CO. ntvo reamed to No MI Maras; Sldgier below LSO Rionektinhola Hausa am !rip itto.rte as GOT& sad hr.surs statamoire. UWE Platteit premium paid for Amerman Geld, .1. FAXIO,I% Eryttange, and . Par Panda at the Es.. ettaese wad Lulling limas el . A wiLiatis t co • =yid . . _,• . , II • • :4" D." , sp: • rpetnioe tut ree• • , and fat sole by' m 71 4 JOHN D IdORGAN bUtliti#74 cuts very uperior, (or Dually ast. for 1 - .1.1.16 '.", mryff 7.111N D MCMGAN G 1 OPAL VABNIIM.I.-11 WA New York, for sale by JOHN D MORGAN Ger.ATINc LSINGLiAtS Io Jelurv,— Coopers libeetGela.thel Cooperl[Shrodd. white French • • -• arniElicisS for vonog—slatrama Ea Vanilla Lemon, Rose. and Moe r dintondai peseta Bcae.,l:avender, and Colonic Water. mayll AMeCLUISO & CO Wheaten Gras, and Oamp, jji. which Gnu very wbolesome and agreeable articles or diet, especially for oy span. rant children, For We by ' • WM. A IIcCLUFIG &CO - FF.I VEX 011.—Iturbton, C just received, and tor sale by amyl! Iria:o,l .1 KIDD tCO 60 Wood gt. fAXlDF:JiblitifAir tor • aby - ' J KIDUtr.C(I • D go ek, or elle by • ma/l5 • . = ISAI DIOLEY kCO BITING-13 Sods sp. Wi l ing for sale bitrimi• AU? SATURNEWINE.-21 etas Int received, sad Or sate by ,611.1.1ti.R.k. lIICKETSON -n H[DEtIBHFsc4VM~IY : #. tunes!. Received learn • JulitißToii 81•04 .3FroN pqr44ll—.ls ',bra Yotatb, ula by Round Climb A1..Ef1.A.T115-43 bands kor sbus by ARD—I burels 1 LW, fur sale by LiVES &TIM. BY EIEED in store. for We by J bus4t • A.asnicr—ia kg' fin wee -;B A PA ;,~{{ErloAKfiBB.fi taakbee •» • r r ter.'eD LVL'. nu>Si. i' H'd"'eIIhEBTOCK O tr'L bi r A .FAFIESTOCK CO Ylrell-3 221t= r " 1:11; art I I)letCEI -, CO To arrive, ler was by . , ate Front et.. DIJUOSIS-,1 Cu tees 1" . ( . snits Furnace. Tenn.; to ar- LI rive, for eale by • • 111140,Ui DICECEY ar CO PPIC TliON-330 ions Stints Purnses,..llst t i for sals b): • •BUILIMILDC.43, WILMS &CO INTLUSIKV-760 bas in one, and formae bT sasyso W &11-611TCliFifiTREC S 1 20 14'" N tMil'l47MlllT'kEti _- - - HO 16./ Clltlt..et (ay..nu, jut 0 .9 4 AO. 1.410 WU skcLuaos co UPFALOIONI3IIIII3—A imoll lot for sale by WM A MeCLURG lb CO VrIiNISON HANDL-A few choice Ventiei Hew lettale by WM A MeCLURG it CO ABU 01 4 - es o Jan ewe wer .3-/ to etas PoPi3er4e44 b 7 JAS DALZELL rnayl7 trraitatibxs trh Boland brend,. Teeing per eenal, for sale by JAB 1141 r 7 R I IDIUNT t m S NS-3 ease* Choice calmed, at the carman I ;nee engepe .yd and ornnuda, reed this da by - ,• A A AL&SON &CO Wa.tSJ.;-11Thrdaiiiilaera, Cm. eneed. just reed, nd [ornate ,• • . STUART & SILL (TS g.h.i a.,./ me: .zsjast reestrlog bY: • ,• - IsTUART At SILL wi s i f i A now, and for sate by STUART L . SILL Ulb" La cm% tad for sale by R - mi77- STUART & SILL Fe a la.tiolt h e d- P 42' .5 - i i razia c rzr prup4 shoulder jest ice4Yed.and for male by mbyl7 bn.worrrsi &ea • LtER-4to .8 AL qdri • 383 bibs bildat.l3l43 ree'g, f.r Isle by • , J 8 DILWORTII kCO Air At 1 . 111 , 0 , 1 6 A: r. b 1 1 ,116 • A WM A bteCLINIG h. CO ce "S AZYMTILE-- 'LSO bap audio of b l e j aNa tl a ray, as er a, ore; ftet tam by • ISAIAH DICKEY & P"mair3EF'..* eaaeels ia"it reed. tIVI.L. 10 ma Itt ' NWei s : 14"edCLf re l arEIEL ' D fINEESE—AID bin rime law . Cbeeve for bate by' mityln 7 It CANFIELD viunsa4.4 kW Dna toll, In clo th s, Dr «b by LIL awe . • J D CANFIELD Di F.SAIANENT-111=1.gzonna D., an a. L onaidnit teceiveo, , tot Yana 2trihnura",ar P i ltfa i g T-41:° lbe for We J KIDD k co CtITA-MANZA-2"1/bilffir:c7,' OWDER JALA P-100 lbs Jut reed, for we by m• IS " ' - - KIDD &CO ICIAILS . 41.131.10ULLEILSO asks IMoedam gad lo b cads Huth maim* aflth E. 3 A x 1reT.... "1 1-40,1k ..7.lVir;fbrO oilman alum WINEA debehbastrable, far x We by' lbayba • IdOlififs & HAWORTH ` pu a r2L I PIIT.W . crxmly !Giant= .°Catiels ACAU Vis I • IvitY Or , DA 'MAIM reev.and for weE II JOHNIMI It..0c1(1POP•1 • S • '; • We of OrsAmett. een Ilerrebuisuu T'ildred Wagon, Eim his; PAIR,* MateSnaciami PORT OF PITTSBURGH. itprzi,—Sliere 'were 5 feets bielte.s water In ehaa ad IW eyeakg Ind falling.: , chigan, B, Feeblea, IBlrabelk. Atlantic, Patine: Broirnaville. Beide, Jacobs, Brownsville. Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Camdemlienthicson. bießsesport. lAke Erie, Cleft. Beaver. /as Nelson, bloom. Wheeling. Jenny Lend. Gallagher, Zanesville. Clipper No. la Duval, Cincinnati. Cashier. 31e Britian, Bridgeprt. Younßridgepon. .o nn, Mira, nearer. Camden, Hendrickson, Mc/reexport. Fashion, Frebles,Elitabetlx. u rill aside. Jacobs, Brownsville.. Atlantic, huirmsom Beaver, Gordon. Welismile. Lake Brie, Clark. Deaver.: Innis McLane, Connell, Wheeling. Cincinnati, Founts, Cincinnati. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. LOGISHILLE—AHIIa. 4 p:s. RI DGEPORT—Viellnillo, 4 NASHVILLE—Fort Fitt,2 • Z ANESVILLE—Jezny Lioa, 4 P. x. : Btu. Gast. Boas.—We taw at one Noting yes - bushy. on odd looking craft to be called a steam boat Tht hall wu bath in this vicinity, and the engine,. ',tuck am on the tree Locomotive principle—the boiler being Immediately between the two. Them engines . net in motion an Iron wheel, the propeller principle, which is chanted immediately under the stem of the boat. She is designed to navigate the litiehigno and .111theis Canal, and will leave Ina few days for her destined trade. The hall of thin boat in strongly end compactly befit. Ifer engines are to excellent lob.— They ate put up Ina most permanent and compact foim, and retool credit epou the builders. Fat Nual . lLLlC—ThaAao regular packet time Port Pitt, will leave as above, this day, offering a hoe op ponnolty to skippers and travellers. The •P. P. is • mom admirable freight stmr, and her aecommodatioes are such as to reader easy and comfortable all who entrust themselves to Caps Miller. lIIIPOIITSI DV 'aiiEn. CLnelsmaatt —pre Barkarawr— , 7 cap pkcs, Baker & Femyth; hbts whiskey, Lambert& Bhipton,o do do, Boon & has candles, ll.ClCeily;ado medal • cry. IGdd& co; 7.hbls W Harter; ati do mess beef, Wick & hleCandlesos Ids fers, Leech & co; lel be. seep; George Roo; 6 bbd. bacon, 8 Olds, et', le bbis haw, SeLlers & Icel.; I kbd, I tre hams, H Graff & co. Pia Oman-4 bbl. oiL R P Schwartz.. 9do twis t's., W Harker, SO Ws whiskey. Patton jr; 9 boo .en• dres,lxech & so; to hams, Una & sot 9 hos tottn, dlePaden & eo. . liKhoolltsg.,Pn Loots KfcLenn-26 bbd. lob, Leech & co; YD oe brown& 30 Bk. potatoes,sbbla egg., 3 bat 01d... owners. Runsooh—Pon Ciumt62-16 bbls door knobs, Lit• Laptop tr. Roggen; 16 Ws floor, 40 bags oats, 1 do peaeber,l d rye, wner; 12 W. ' floor, Lea & klar• pity; 6 moo, Jord, 20 grind stone., 11 Howarth: 52 obis flour, Bell te Liggett; 3 Ithd. tob, do lllogham 10 de do,.Cluk .t Th aw; 10 do do, Graff & co; 14 ' do, D lweek & no. Keel in tow, with GO took kw any, Lyon /both& eo. Zanesville—Pap Jrnrt Lcan-7 MI& tot., B !h.nnon; 4 big *peek, Jones Jr. co sal bd Is broom ban. s tSasfa lot saddle trees, Fortune; TJ bbds tob, o'. Connor tk Ins. lit4Losslo —Pak Comm:m-19 oks hams. Scott k co: lu bad., I hi tab, A Conlon:I ',it mdse. Tanire & O'Connor; 75 bbls lard oil, Eel/ &Legion, I bin mdse Leech & no. • LoatkavlUe —Pro ilTassouororr-25 tibia whiskey, P C Mania; lard; J Griar; lucks shoulders, tl his d skint, ffnmes & co; CI kali tab, J Daluoll , IS do do, Ahoy:Matthews & co; dhhds sob, E Day,2 sas feath er Baker Porsy,• ls hains.lo.ds sides, tell erss, & ;Moo's ft ; US brdsthbbP Rea. & co; I pipe 1101- land gin, 2 pr ohs do. owner: 210 bc • coffee, Robinson & Reppes%th b. lob CO bbls lord oil, hbils bacon, IS Dbl. barns, 97 is dorIS sal (embers, It buds lob, V. Bingham; IS ohs baton, °Tattoo( & Atkins; 27 lA. do. 50 hams,.o raft & so. RATES OF DISCOUNT, Eagan Ur DISGUU: • if 11014f1 Exchange Broke.. Pk , el • Pennsylvania: Bank ofkittabugh Exhaust Bark Pat Merck. & Alan. Bank •Par Dkaolghiladalphis• --Pat Guard Bonk. Par . Dank of Germantown • •Par ot Chen. Conti. ••Pa ' " Delaware Co.• • •pac " Montgomery a:4"par " Non... Wetland. •par Colombia BinSge par Dentate.. Bank..--•par Farmers' Reading.par Parnersqlk. Backs Co. par Fannon Co Lancaster On Bk. pat Lancaster tar U. nines ßank Brewn.ille Bk. par Wukongton lik..• ••:••—• • .1 Settyabarghlik......— • 1 Cbatoberab • " kalqwhanna Co. Bk.— Lvinetown.....— , z.-- Middletown ••••••••—•. 1 , Canine fanner& end Proven' Bask, Wayntobarg.• 11 Eck.. • Wyoming ....... ••• •• 1 York ....... 1 Wegtllrtneh EIL•••••• 1 Katie( Notes •••••-••••• 1 Milk. Ihttg.do• Berip—Plusb.l: Countyl Allegheny, 6 _ Ohio. . • • Buse Bk.and Branches 1 rsbunißleasaat•• ..... • Steabenville.—. ..... Clninreßle• • 4, '...teerLiebon• Chselanati Ha o nts 4, e fre l'° lsvill---' ZanesTlllB Pninana-••••-............• Wormer 10 nankin,* --,••••••••••••• Genera ••• • 1 Voreralk•-• .. :0 Clevelana••••-•••••••••—• Unia.., • it ihavuni-•••••••••••••••-•—. " Wesson Rearea-•••••• Franklin Wit Coluzebas Chillicothe Lake Eris.... •••••••• ir Lancastrir •••••••—•••••10 Granville • • ....SO I FarogreßlCartria..-511 'Urbana —lO !Gail.:kir. Elk of Kentucky Bk.ot Louisville Norlagrn Ilk. ICentoly• " Jew 1/•...11p-Ctly Hank • J. B. MELLOR, • O. 81. Wood meet. has just received a new aa. .1.11 somment of , P4A140 bIUdIC, among which are the following:— MoUy, do yen Love me, by S.C. Foster. Ohottay the Red Dose I.4ve Alway. do. rreliy woe &Lady, do. Uncle Ned, • do. , 17•6110 to Ilan ell Night, do. Dolly Day, do. Soldier'. Wedding, by Gkrrer. The Solely -- do. Oh, Teach the Cord _yet ones area. , Sweet Memoirs of Tan. ellen . Moon. Lament eras Irish Emigrant A New Medley Bong. Thos bast Wounded the Spirit that Loved Thee. The Conscript's Departure, by Glover. De Sind to 'ha Loved. Ones at Dome. +Tie !tome where e'er the Heart Is. The .Iranbee Mold. • Lew Daekil Car, by Lover. Do ion ever think orate. Flambee Gentle Lady. Jeannie Grey. Elfin, Cellarios; Wedding, Wreath, and Daisy Waimea. Llatchelor, blaiden, Della Welt., Concert, Ladles' eouveite; Elvin, Lily, Allee, Evergreen, Barn well. Mien. and Lissy Polkas. _ ma 21 Publle Salle of Neat Notate. T n. proprietor, will offer for sale at Auction, on Wedoesday and Thursday, the :7th and 3Oth day or May, on the prembes, in the town of Wellsville, 0, 150 ralaable BalldlncLora the chief pan of which eurround the Depot of the Cleveland and Pittsberprh Rail Road, on the completion of which, those Into now offered to the public man enhance largely in value. The tenets are liberal, and will be announced on the morning of the sale—only one fourth of the pur chase money will be required In hand. Title India potable, and f lo e/f ri t' a l t v lllieu n eu o s n o ß r taso eoeom N bim p e m . e;.... JACOB RIPPER?, P DAVIS, Ancllaneer. Pittsburgh, May 31, 1(50, merle nosneLarekx, ZINC • MBE %Ulna Montague Company supply their agents 'Fitts Roofing ond - Flooring in sheet. 317 feet, front It to St ounces per swan foot. Corrogatsd to sheets 317. op os, for octane public building. and depots. Ship Sheathing, 14 018 inches, from ti to 85 ounces. Nails,Spikes, Wire, Sugar Molds, Perforated Zinc, Zion Paint, to. • They warrant theirtnetal pure, and free from any. admixture of Iron, or any other sobetanee, and re commend it for the manufacture of most articles it, the house furnishing line, n it does not rest, Is not greeted by the action of water, and may to polished, painted, andjapanned. Samples, model& plans, epecifieatlons, and other • Infatuation maybe had of - their agents:— hlfCbsi. & Brume, New York; Mateo:4 Raman d: Co., Boston; Nanalis Taw= & Ca, Philadelphia; W. & U. blektan, Baltimore; Itultr, DaT & Stamen, Nem fhleenCi • • Pu,hIILLIROUX, RA/Pi/sat Agent ; Liege, Nay 1. 2./itmover on, Haw Yolk. ALLEORDAY AND NIA NOUZSTR R MARK ROAD. tc=l NOTICE hereby g iven, th at books tell be or ened for 119bOttipli011 Is the Inset of the Altegheo y and Manchester Plank Read:Company, by the Ce. 630.1. donne apecnted In the set Incorporating Pat said company, al the followtthr places and tithe., when all persons desirous of thlwerlblng are reepthwted to attend, the shares being lathery eve dollar. latch, and one dollar per stare to be paid at the turn et sub scribing: • In the city of Pittsburgh, at the elate ot hirstr.• Dakewell, Pease & CO, !Me( of Second and Wood street, en Paninlay the ells. Monday the 101,Tnesda7) the Ilth,Wedneyday the 11th, and Tharyday the 13th of - Jane, between the bean of 9 A. Al, and 4 P. M In the. city of Allegheny at Todd's tavern, com e r of Seaver and Maio meet and and In the Borough of Man chester. at the atom of Townsend, Carr & G , en Pd. &rib. nth, Batatday the 15th. and !Monday the 17th of jute, between the bean of Et A. AI and SP. AL At ,thattesse of Copt John Say, Ohio Township„ on pa. day end Satarday, the 14th and 11th of J anst,'betw a n the boas on? a.x. and 4r t. - THOMAS BAKEPIP.LL, • President of Booth of Centmiswonets.. • iiiildnl/IthrtjelTS Most conl4 0 1 14 1 4711111 1 017!" .." .untyl i rl ' ert e lttrAir - • tte OHEESP , o l 4thathstrieltthettertreestat t ra- Mul 11417 . rsiONl2s4 • • IPXPOITID /01: ' 1732 ,PTITEMIIIIIB DAILY 1147:14711 Ma. Issue' CONCErr.—Wo attended Mr. Etcher'. Concert, on Tuesday night, and were - pleated to see a Very large and fashionable midi. once in attendance. Ass regards the merits Mahe petformances, was, in one opinion, decidedly the beat Concert of the season. The beautiful Elfin Waltzes of Strauss were finely performed, at the opening, and_ attracted great adminumn. A Trio WOW Jf Dos Forrari fob towed, •in which Miss Kraft :dlsplayed, to great advantage, her commanding power voice . . Her two songs, "From the Alps t h e Horn Resound ing: and the .Swiss Girl," Were received with warm applause by the audience; the latter drew forth en enthusiastic encore. The tones of this lady's voice are fell and lism, Me upper mobster. en With great ease, and the intonation truthfal„—; The exquisitely beautiful air of Paesello, /Wow pie earn," which was so effectively Introduced by Piganini, In his celebrated performance en a Wry gie string, and song with ao multi tenderness by Marlaine Gunflint, as "Hope told • haltering tale," was delivemh with great lute. and feeling, by . Madam!, Bornsteln,withuriationsoarbleh Showed off finely the remarkable .6e.tibility of fief voice. Her son of" May Boxier" _ was loudly encored.' La Ikranettlros was meg in* very effective end spirit stimng manner, by MUM. Richer, Glut: both, and Lerman, with the original French words; and told well upon the audience, being nproaris onsiy encored. Signor Chambord apppeared quit* at home in the sleet with Min Kraft; Elise and Claudia, his piano passages were very tine, in deed sotto can Is the most . pleasant and puce part of his performance. He excited great mer ry est in Jenny Lind'a military song, Rataplan. We admired Mons. Lansan's .solo apon the vies leporello very mach: he ban ex wheat perGunser. Herr Vogel was pleasing aa usual, with him violin he draws a smooth and graceful bow. Mr. Hither presided at the piano, and accompanied the eirenS nit's performances i*his.usual brillinnt and elthicii UPC tinnier. Upon the whole, we have seldom liciened to Covver it in Will city, which gave loch general sea: mmlo, and we hope it will not be long hero!, have lice pleasure of hearing the perfonstete again. InviNo•3 LIFE or fdanottrt.—Tb is great week . is now complete in two volumes and can be bad at Holmet•s Literary Depot, Third opposite TUMBS.-Mr. A.. 4 Addams ityptiaraitn , Al. as Cardinal Richelieu, in Bolarer's Zgeerl of ihe Pleasant Neighbor will also be yt +rlaegt SIG:CORA Titsc.c....m:.—Chir:i*e.Eri be pleased to learn by this morning's adir.sriti rnent, that title celebrated Irocttlisi tttill arriet# the city and giro her first concert during the coarJe of the week. Since westing the above we hare received tl!teir . egraphic despatch from Signora 11: dated Stet.theci-: Ville requesting us to 111111011,1106 that she will eiro, it concert here on Friday night. - 4 ANOTREL Batiste.—On Monday last, a Binge driver, named Daniel Pcrrygrove, put an end to his owls life by hanging himself neat Blairsville.— He wan laboring under. Dal attack of 010) , F43. a Phi at the time. FATALITY.—The Tribrme states that the father, of the lad Johmon. who was drowned in the canal on Monday, lest his life by an accident, about three months since. The bemired widow ,and mother is entitled to the sympathy of all. NT-CUlttun.t..m BY SON% =tM=l Ludlana. State BA ltilranehes.• 1 V eglala. Ezehmge Ilk. of Vk.o(V.. —.,. 1 Fanacreil• " ILL' ofihe Valley,-—.. Bk. of Virginia.....—..... td.& .M.11k., Wheeling do forghl1{01•1,•-• N. W. thank Va—. do Wellsburs.r,•• I do Parkershor7t4—. 4 Taunt . • Ccosma Stunt.—The majority aline beidtia re merchants in this city hate resolved to ease their stores at seven o'clock in the eveningirderieet the months of Jane, July, and Auguwfor the porpase of llosiin; their clerks more relaxation from buslneu. We hope that this praisewonhy example will be followed, its far as practicable, by other classes of Sur merchant,. - - • Bk.or l'enneme•—• • 3 Fe, & blerch`ts Uk Plantors , LUG-- • - 3 Union .1111.aourl Conaterirm.—By a mtographiesl error, the MO oft be tax tired by the onlmanee in councils was made two and a ball mills in yesterday's paper, instead dim° and a .quaner, as it should herr been. &Ea Bk of Allssocb I North Carolina. Bk.ot Cape Feu 2 Mach's Bk.,Ncyrixm• 2 South Carolina. Bk. of Mailman 2 Commirmat Bk.-- Bk. of Genrzeurin.—.. 2 Bk.ot Hamburg hie rebuts • I lideutaxnut.-211r. • Spezia 's experiments het night wens highly seemed. lie lectures spin to eight at. Phik, Reit. C....eeee , ereLaleak•ohe.teeiJetbekt-ahtlikt at Oki. Hall was well.tittenckd, and the ate dience was very select. 'Their perforrnanCov cited great applanse, and rally jeweled the:high prone which they have received in other eitece— They cite a concert to night. Maryland.: Baltimore Etka.•••«•••pty Ba &O R Scrip -10 ,Camberland Bk. 1 khan) rar.Bk.f Maryland• • & Palmer.' & Mechanics" Ilk. Frederick 'Frederick Co.Dt.—. Illagemownlik Mineral Dk•--•-. • - Patapsco llk Bk.of estml niter ••• • .• Dk.ef fel lo c b rll.”*—. Bk.ef River RaMen...-... 5110115 as Ins. C 0... • • 5 & Neck's k••• •• • 5 Wissansla Mara s Caimans. 511.01ventBants Book of EnklandNenes -01701 • Old t Spiels Vain.. Napoleons 3 eo Digests. -•• • II 16e 2 20 Pagleold • -•••-• to ee . Eagle, 0010 1002 Deubloon..Bpainak. 10 130 Do.Putiot•-••••-•••• • 15 50 Noverelint 4 03 Caine*. 5 00 rederieksami.....ll7 60 en Thaler, • •..• 7fl en Golden • • 000 Loais.ron• ••- •• • • • oao Tea Watau 44.111, cue Coon.—We are in the enjoyment of beautiful and highly teasoludile en cattier. Oar friends from all pans of the corm try s ioe u• plea sing 'vortices.* of the exerstitlfrity promising appearance crib° elope, winch. stiord every prevent of an abundant harvest, The wheat crop to particular to Token of as luring unusually 61mA:id also:that orate various kind, °Nun. There appears Whams been Mile or no lojary done toibe, Inter by the frostesahich we have bad dining the present month. Tuansbc Droru', - -A team at work it, a coal pit weer Idazehester, wu killed, day. bele ro )ester. day, by tke falGog lo of the rosf. He has left .a wife and helpless family to mearis big logs. His came is Sway. 8.11•113 AND RUMMSAY.--zTWiP gealle.l2ea return. log from the racet„tha othersiening..weredrivieg elcuig PentuylvenialLventto it a to wy rapid rates when they run their vehicle over • pail set by the nil regulator, which broke the a:harms, and throw the two Johns out with sue' a lures that they turned complete 'emeriti:tit on tot heir feet mein. They looked fin a moment a litn a bewildered s each other, then made the best of.their mishap by • hearty laugh. The horses, me ae,whUe,who had been disengaged from the buggy by the atith.wern proceeding down meet at a nil, re ad pace. .. . .. . lizokaage. . New Yell ......... /pm IPldladelphit .....i.. pm, rlliatOrel ...••••••• -.• on. OW. Interior Vb...-C. . . Munoz or LIICIDIT. —A man rasouregted and brought before Mayor Barker, ye sterday, charged with the larceny of a gun valued at $OO. There appeared, however, to bo some g aisunderatanding in regard to the affair, sod It w,n t coinpromised by the pante* interested,and the r almoner &charged. Rowartem tx Acclaims: ast number of young men raised a dutarbarice t he other night, 10 a German ball, in the beam ,f Mr. Bilyouts, in the Fount" Ward of Anorthic° Y. They tamed the occupant* lints room oat, severely Miming some of them, and then deteole tried every thing which they could lay their heed a on, tearing down the door., breaking is the n itidums, em.' AMU:lies by k general .attack upon the bonne s with atones. Boma df the rowdies are purl men of respectable connectious. Twelve clthem were taireeted,but_ they compromised matt era by pSying $75 to the owner of the bones Row.—A number of dru obeli cabal boat mem went into the tavern of Mr. skicomb, irn.Peno Wee. night ber , ma last, m id kicked up a general row, demoliahrry the glutei in elle bar, der, Some of them were rimmed ye wordily, and committed to jail for trial by Aidonsato Parkinson. • CONGRESB.—Tadmaa M. Haws wilnbe a rue , thud beta , . l'se Antiransonic and I.Vldg Convention, for nanunatir m for Con'',lst. • tanyjd:dlkyonsT T—ROSIAT Esq., of Elizebeth raeteMi t y will be supported au the nezt Antinsuosie and W caarannon, as a candidate (or the Leeis• mar-Wawa "ou X M. Poznan, Feq., at Terentam, will be ore. .dr.. 4 by his friends fey...mined= co the Assembly, at V IC ensuing entisuesortie and Whig Conventlon. '.astyttlikurieT Mr. Editor—Pinson announce slo name of Jam Finns E.qof Snowden township, as a candidate for Assemble, before the AADlOllthirir Antimasonle ant Whig Conzendon. Ale Faro In a man of ability ant ensgeny, and would make a .ragmber on whom the people count depend.. ENOWD&N atayftdfcemer • - Juan J. Nona will be a candidate before the An* ammo and Whig. Convention of Alleabenv for nomination to the office diroaeeaung Antornor. •mar:v:drowter COMM Cottonantima.—WilliimS. Thompson, at tie Sixth Ward of Pinaliargh, viD ho .opposed for nomi na non as a Candidate for eatinty Cotomiadyner, to fore thn anti Yilasardo and Whig Gmyenunn, by • inaythdanoto VOTLILS.; hu, MeCoo l l., of the Ola Ward, Pittsburg l. will be eapponed for comieation is COUIIIT Commlutoaer, thel y .rm nod Anilmosooicr COSlVettlioo, ma diewtoT To sus Alm Menem Axe Wets Varna 07-ALL. 41101. COMM o-.Robett. King,. el the Seventh. Went of Pluehergh, le hereby recommended to the Ce avia tion, called to meet on the dth 01 June next. its t: eta• didnln for the office of County, ap7Ofikorteent , MANY YOTISS IllasuGtesui, Bind in township. win be wisp*. Mfr en:nip Coantinionertbe thntimasonot and %blip Convention. may2indannset arc.tarn itirterosohnsi ntat, of Pine townol be stspponec in tbsi appesaVont Yild; and. 4 wisonte oorisenilon, EDT tho 11.12261111114 , 011 /MONA' • warbled. teeT IdANY ElittENCI CONOIMEMIS.,t I .II.I4I.DWTIIII w' Meant,' tor a. ninautrukra as - a etoli2M lot corms in UN 1141.1140d4 ASLOtasoaliis . ' 7 l. . LOCAL: RATTERS .. A .- . • ' . otmentT—We arc nothoilsod to announce /matt 'Et. ssit, Eq., an .tt cuttlidate for Assembly...OW. l . 0 the tkottilon of the Antittlottonic and Whir (leave - a 100. • . - - omplettikarteB . WILLUX JIITICT, or the Ninth WOW, I'Disborsh. will be tomported m the Whir and Antlmosonie soonty CO.CIAIOIII, for Assembly. twurit PITTABUIWIL oisiyaidaysteft N.. P.. PRAIIiON, Of Birrningbarn borough. will be ropporen for County Commissioner, et the Whig and turd bfi.ont. Convention, by MANY FRIEND'S • • vcialVidtwteS' , Maim of C. HASBROUCK. Fig, sill be urged Wee the Antimlopnle utd Wthie Convention .lealteny County. for nomination as a eandieme for the .feeelerProterutmg 4.u0m07i olej2B MANY FRIENDS. • Parascrruto Arroatrov—Faattots C Futtionv,Erq be a candidate for nomination before the Ann emcee and Wbis Convention, for Promenting jobemeg for Allegheny County. maggitddowted Litor—Please announce tbat Wrtuar Drearrew rAtee, Erel be a eandidate for Protecuting At. spreery before the Antisnasonie and VhcCenocntion. novltd Aortn.9 MANY WHIGS Comm Co mosstoons.—Enetedon Donal, of North Fordo ,- township. swill be a etodidete for County C O MMini(l.lot, euldeet to the decision of the Whig gym`d Masonic Nominating MANY ywsc•S MANY FRIENDS. Gsnamr. A 131114,411 be snrported for nontinations in the Antinlasonle .and Whig Convention, for the pike of County Commissioner. maylfliddwief3 Vnuteu, Esq.., of Baldwin tolennup,vidl be ornparted re, Canneunioner, in the And Masonic and Whig Convention. by NUMEHOUS.FAIENDS InsOnalvrawtoS • THE SHAKER SARSAPARILLA IQUART BOTTLES, As prepared by S. 'D. HOWE, , 'OIEAD.of all other preparations; because It Is compOied of the choicest herbs known to medical traleadlog and principal herb being HONDURAS SARSAPARILLA! deltinakes tithe purest and hest ever yet presented li to:the human raraltr. • L RAT,.DIUNK, AND LIVE AS USUAL! Potent your 011114111/000111 1 0. YOU need hove en fear of exposure, as US. 5 D. HOWE'S SHAKER SARSAPARILLA is warranted to be purely sere ' IViil ‘n ora d al:rmiTaln7lLAZA° 7 : ,• , 'l . -, netg is Call upon One or our agehtfltod get a paesPhlet— , load the wonderful coreaperformad by the use of Dr. nowirs SHAKER SARSAPARILLA alone. PrleiSrpor boule, or 8 boules,for Si • rot ruin by 3. Schoemaker ft Co.. J. A. Jones, At'lllaehlß. W. Means, J. IJ+lller,3, AI. Townsend, Vl.jackson, Pittsburgh; D. A. Elliott, Allegteny; I".'Dlorrer, Brownsville,. W. R. .McClelland Mon- Water; Arid by drugertr generally. Also, by the proprietors, HOWE A CO., .m70.110.01' • I College Hull. Cincinnati, 0. In Um Gantt otOommon Pilau of Alto. ightnyfConoly. TNehe roan of the opplfeation of the own and Penn .-spleania Roll Road r.cenn.ty, for the right of scan lax. lie 155, Jane terc5 . 1550. ,To the heirr or devisee. of Idol:nes Bradford, de. missed. Too ttre 71C7tb7 nouGa, thar the Ohio and reoneylvania Rail Road CompanT have taten and .Appr , o l prt: i td a th e we o t t e the l l . r r d tet:F o ad , to acid .Metft:T.t to Crsi l No n sen o lo p, Alegleny te n t:nip, •tiat,fleginning on the lower line of gold trAct all 'distance of 50 ft from the centre lire of said trio road, thence mining along the line et raid tract towed, ghe river O,IIOIIOC 873 deg C 5 ai n. E th e Afi4th gins neler lino. of raid tract, thence along t adpif lion of raid wan DD to NI ft, thence N deg 63 min., W :1-05 fees, to the place of beginning. Con. reining 5 acres I rod and id perehes. A description and drift of which u bled the above eithe. NtrSIRORINACtf4 Jr mayllinikerarrT Pont 0. & P. R. R. MO the Coact of Commoo Pleas of alio. •bsa7 COisoly. tN the cage of the application of the Ohio rod Penn j, rylcanta Rail Road Company, for the right larger. be. No 153.2utic Irfss *W. To the heirs or devisee, of ,rolut'3l flood, late of Philadelphia, deceased. or ere peirby notified, or, Ohio and Peonnleutla Roil Road Coinpony. kora taken and appopfinted for the 'nee of chile reel road, the following dueribed portion of the lend La , longtoo to raid decedent, a Ohio To 'reship. 11.1ei hang County, Pa ' vie:— lieglonirg CO ft north of . the Center pia of said roll rood line at the lower aide of aald troct.therico running 44 fret towards the river along the tale at and traCh thence roointrg 9 73 deg IS min, E t5ll auto :be tipper lined raid trivet; thence along the upper line of said boot nonhgardly thence eg W., gest 4.012 feet, ID the pla ll, ce of Den Fleeing, containing 4 =Vv. 2 tot!. •of fp.eeechel A goaugpilori and ecaftef . It fi led la the above cue. .orki 1311111NsOli Jr martadltaaver Pculidatil O_L P. IL It Co 1850. A 2520) 1850 ERIE, MEADVILLE LINE, "" 3 J 7111AVELL. o ut ratabore., JAM COLLIN... do Amu BIDWELL k. 11601 . 11EA80d......} mar./ - 1 Its Ifited —LW loco Mane. co 4. ff.f ale by I B MIA% co ORTII & Co mayl4 XI Wood n ggi BIITIWR-ICI key Batter. for sale b 7 m 5171 4 • J a4CO - • A ULarst.e.ri—Ro brts prime p:inriatin, foisite by 11l ulna $ DILWORTH &CO iiTrISH- 7 .Scookr potash, for rale by P rszyl4 J b DILWOSTU & CO _ -- TOSACCSI Ude Ohlearsf, for rale by maplLr. J S SILWORILI &CO Exchange Bent ataelc. be Oren to twenty additional F,l l G2llTlV r iZ r ot . the i Cool Work. on the Sandy ,00d Hearer Clusl. Ar 4 plr conyl6 Blinn rall,e 40 0 0 Ten i TT I C lt h lVtA t tet r , r b t. 6 " eVa ' t the ..annanctatee pnce. All lbt 'Celle land a: our celabb ilbment neat be to be equal to leather, lour re tetanal (rule El J& 11 Plillly . tl Aeutioe Cotton 14,tine Co ' II M OTfin S 'E.,6. - d ' l.'.X.TltAO rd,Wett Era Joaney ciy it. an Iwo and Aiinarld V.ilaTlilg ere., .jolTre'd mad for *ate by R E SELLERS Marla firaTiiibriTEA— chew , rely love prfeednor ado by snare/ C II (IRAN'? LASH—a east. of the tint quality. Fatimala for ratalliog, for sale by J'ISCHOON AKr.o. aCO , at Wood ate, aeLl REAStr—TObe . iffigahrrive, tor +ow oy %Jrfl • IdAlAll DICKEY &CO B ACON—hbds 'lams; • :In Iktnts Sider, - 15 hhds Shoulders: 1U lobes *awned, In more, for talc Di iinkyls • •- ' 131.1A1l DI CiiNi 1113 I)EA Ntrtg.kii — Prionrsvee. tor ease hi marylo . .' ' , — VICK & '&CA1%111,1,4+3 ENSEED 011.— SI Inls pate, bpi reetch for hate by. nesT9 1 U CANFIELD 4,2 VA K--150 bn. Chillicothe Snap Joel tei•Clor 11.1.}:it. TItItONGITOTIWPaII ofteitte. nnuencnot Iltdi century; B) W Wilkie Collins. A few topic, JOUItITON i STOCK . ION r j e'tn fr script of Mu) lioniin. For sale ter lIHOS • JOHNSTON k STOCKTON _ _ "kfrOLA33I:B-‘l3 brit 3 /1 - !;; s; - 1) . 111 ior bile by .4 CULtiIiRTSON mayll 193 Liberty sr T OAF SUGAR—RS Ws dunned nouthersjaaL re C'd Lido! , oda by • tuaytt A. CUL!) Bit FBON liTA..\ —llKou lb. tuatara, and for rile he i ndvdl ri- - a''in TTr . „ dos common del M. (or isle — ion 21 • A CULBERTSON • bY moydl • A CULBERTSON . 611 - iiB is years old. for solo by 11111111.16 lid.Wolllll del 11 Fissi side of D.eineed. ItOOSINO PAPER—A comma 'apply of Booting P.ptr for 'MVO roofs. of roprpor quells. for solo by orttyl4 7 SCIIOONvAKER St CO n OCR SALT—sl<ma reßnyd, fur tabls ma. Inr •de 11 by maYl7 ISAIAH DICKEY b. CO • Yl:—PtO ba put rba'n, and Corailo'bjr" . „LA, mayll _ ?!.!!!. M W PAP BAU! pLOTTAL:biO bliill.lderman's irano,pop rriit. tor sale by mayl? SA W.llla R RAMA' R - -V:OU FLIL-4.5 bria rack!. and for niVll7 baayl7 S & W 11ARUAU1111 17)&111:UMW 11AILS-1U unras Aisne* ltrilld jlet received, and for sale by mayl7 tl k W 11A11131.11G11 AT/tit:OAR-10 Ms nun elder, for_so....hy mtylti .8 F-V,PN EUNNIIUnT CO ITEMP BEED-40 brlajnxt ree'd, and fur stir at the JILL Drug, entd, and Pdrleantry Warcbonse corner or atzill and Wood strecu. . B tOglcAsa amp— ,T" r, INGER ROO f--3sacks ree'd,The iy ur cupls 3 N WICKER:3JAN BICON-10ialks assorted, to - arrive. frr sate by , intiklYfr,Cl3 maYlo Front et Water sts fj'Altln 5 cute extra &agar Cared — Flom, je;t — irs. JlRLeeived, for sale by A & W HARBALIGII reeyls s vl in NC FACTO KED ARTICI.C.r—::o Iba rdounn in Yarn; 70 bales Datum 3 bales Candinwinlß 150 kegs arsoncd Naito; TJ ter. pule Whoo Lead; 11 :ohs Iran; Ettorela, epodes, Hoes, and Fork, for non maylS II GRANT • dew rotted; 10 baton Manilla, for aolo OF JAMS A RUITIFIIFON A CO rall'oo-4 cues Itlnalla, for .10 by acrylb C II GRANT • Ulta * .4--tat Ogle Plantation; 0 • sit brit Lovering's Pulverized Loan Lo bole do C do do; in ease. do D refined do; 10 ht cautoado do do; Itt tale Polvtlered C; Pleas Clarified; to bop Brovil; Joe teed, and for sale by NILLFH a HICK grsos 17d & 174 Liberty at. ./ roaylo OTG—IsOn R. 1.. pore :Venn uil; .LOUD go. •Whale Oil; 13 oats Talmo's' Olt, for sate by mayl4 • J SCHOONMAKER &CO Day illotil:47 — ifilfliite• landlie mayl3 HH6Y. MNITHEWN & CO Ni.."‘V-40i,D..1—n; t. Mits . ..m & 11.2 MM TOD•40110 1 1.7:17•V 21 0 *4 " d :;il3" `ul ASII-1%4 eta k • AltlPPrarl i par Hale Aeb, ie.. l .niv i " by '''"'i;,° 4 : mi4eiIELTREE Liberty etrete O°P FIS11 1 "5"'" Ilaall o DZIN CO Ql.lOO- 7 1i kbd. N Orleana in stare, tar aalay taalti • ' MAIM! DICKEY Ic labrAi — Sl2l-7 f E n to by AIL Mil) ,F.Tigas ,-- . ,, °a 4 itrieilrrAtaY, , ,,. c„ C ir Tyr ai " ' hna ' ",4 for v I RXII. SIWITIc. PROOF ATIN - 2-4. ago on hand; forinda• Low to oloannacunromcm. ms7l7 • ISLUN'IIICKEY &CO FrINWCITOO bit assorted sins aadeii:4l ,11, 0467 Iltgla PUMA 1011,1 x! S'KkAM:BOAT'S REGULAR IFE.UNESDAY PA!CIOET • :01BOISIVATIs . -.Captain Wt.t.e..taat .1. Kamm j Imlandld boat weir been by the gi t owners of the steamee Izaselleartara land others, for Ilia C . IIIdIZI Ual Pittsburgh racket trade,' will leave every ,Wsenesday, , for Cinobmo4 Saes of the New England, No. 2. • Fur freight or passage itabl,a on board i r mat G MILTENHE GER, Agt ititft — WllE6l.ll recka r t. - - 'The spLtridid fast amain; steamer LOUIS MeLA.NE, W. S. Conwelli 'gamut; (having undergone a thor. aagh Tamara that an hemarter as a regular patket between Pluaborgh and Whdeling, !eating Pittsbrirgh Owen' Mandan Wednesday and Friday mornings at o'clock- Foe (mot et restage apply an beriod.or Jane W. B. IVLIEELEILAgent. XOISONCIAMMIL ROVVIN: "r_ Eamsa Only ItIll•s Oftaiglatig:' VI. Brownsville. and Ceutberlaad•to Etaltlatote and Philadelphia. Fan vo Illatautaal-wve•••••"—'lle 00 00.. Punanatrata•—......i, J. In I. IE snorting boat leaves the wharf, rtbova the bridge ' dolly, o'clock preciaely. rune to ttaltimore,T) boars; time to Philadelphia, 40 hours. The everdag boat leave. daily, (except Sunday ev enings,' niticiclpck. Paawrgers by leaning on the everuag boat, wtil edam larrpartalca in stage. teal day, and the. scold men travel. Secure your tickets at the Once, Monongahela lime, or !R. Charles lloteL 0e5t4.17 hITSVOTEN. Arent oisw AIIRAIIQELIE/T. NW& 1g 0. Mali PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE.* Two Batty . lAm - Ewan locket Boats, • • • And Ball nand Opel, (EXOLUSIVILT vol P•111Z110111n,) TO pHILRDELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Via the New .Central Rail Road end Peso's Canal. Time-60 hours Pare—tin through. dad milt. dnid Road, and 150 miles Canal. •ro theist inst. the new Central Rail Rood Compa. ny commenced running two tuna tune Tne nova ens from Jackstown to Philadelphia, leaving there immediately after the arrival of the Packet Boats from the IVest. Sy this ananuement passem gem will go thuoughWithoot detention. A Pullet Deal will leave every morning at d 0 , "clock, and every evening ate o'clock. This Mom, for Safety,' Feted, and Comfml. Is net equellekhr any new In nee t 9 the 1400,9 For poooogn or infonnagon apply In W HUTCH, idebotwahela Hones;. eel D LEECH I CO, Canal Basin REDULAB. WllkilibiNCl ic BUNFIFFI PACKET. i iial w .110 nut running newer '1 , WILLAVILLE, CapLII. Yonsimill rviq as I regalia packet between Final:ared. aVacel nit, Bridgepon, utd Sangvh, leaving Pio aborgh <any 'Monday a:tan/non, tor Wellsville, Stenbenytlip, and Bridgeport, And cycryikneadaYalaionan ro , Diaukvo . villa, W heeling, - F geport, Cardin., and Etutlatt yteu(ldng, /raven Bridgeport and aurae miry Tour day ddeplooo, and 5i1116116 every Friday afternoon. For freight or }mange, oppl• op 1 .10. Pi' if! spa) ' D WHAM'. Agent. roa•L'ouisvmul 11..pkaid and few ramie/ UMW= MILTON, John R. Davi% master, will leave for e above and all intersoediato pore One coy the r.ra, hm., at 4 I'. M. For lIN/dhi pr Pratrate ePpl . board, or to oar ~ di U id LTFNULEGER. A FOR NASHVILLE , The splendid steamer FORT PITT 41111er. master, will leave for' 1 MAL:. , and all ciermedia.e permed MI r e the 00ili hist, at 10 o'clock A. A !l ay' _For freight or OaserMo, apply on boord• • FOR LOUISVILLE ' dn.. The 6ne new and staanch swam NAVIGATOR, Ww.flean, maven. will leave far ill. twee and intennedrale *it% on Rd dn.. ate, alay, at 4 o'clock, F. M. For freight orsaseagn apply an board. =730 FOR SAINT LOUIS. The splendid Intact meatier ISAAC NEWTON, r ak.t4st. si llo i ltiaorNrea t. fo r. rthe on alm. day, the !tritest; at Id o.plpo r F. A. l ' a. Forifrelght or pauttife,,apaly do bdard. atayTl I A -' ' Vut splendid ßffT. a' LOUIS. k r_ . • ' .. 8 NANZIoAII,' 'ba l er, Munt a r, E will leave for' abr,. Zi ,„ era, a r May, r 2 Jaz TTaydlltla pone on thla'day, • For fret Irn±ageapply on bo Va. spa? . —. l FOR ;elegy' Lax: The apler.dld steamer . . . r . JENNY LIND, ' &Gallagher, muter, will leave far the lova and all IntennedLant pon• on Sabuder, - -he 17th butoet 2 o'clock, P. AI : • h or frught or passage : mt 01 3 .a , ,1= . . m. „: i.... 5w 0,,.-ST. , e, .. -I , & I L ..• MSG. Moore, Mu OF.. ter, will belle for above anti its ports an gals day, the aUth ins; 1 For freight or passage apply on board, or to mina . .1 NEWTON JONES, Agt . • • FOR LOUISVILLE. -010,osmnir moo mod- .plcndid• the •boae and W i i n iV e. .. 3 1 4 , l4t ecius t LaMar, .111 lima, for dingo on *ls dar, tbe ;Alb task 4 7.15. porta:o4. _ForTrolght apply to ii ...in . , u LI AULTENDEWEIL, Agt INIUTIAIICS CORP/IT I 00 PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. J. Furairr. Jr,' !key. It. NI [Luz .Ir., Pnet. will Isiare win sr v 1 k!nds of risks, #ri6,:IIAII4NF.. A . - - A LL lowa will by Liberally *timed and promptly ani. • A ho p me instltertion.—analfilfa.iir Directors who an. well known in the commannYt and who Ira delormile ed by . promptneut and liberaUty to maintain the char acter which they hare attuned . 1111 C:kith( the beet protecuon to those who dabs to be lartired. theceroaa—lL Killer. Jr., Geo. Black, J.W. Butler, N. Mane& Jr., Wca. tiohne& C. Hum& Geo. W. Jaelson, Win. M. LYon, Jam. Uppineett , The& K. Linea, Jams Alex. Nizhick. Thos. Stoll. Oren& No. TJ Water meet, twarehOus' of Spas & up maim) Pitodtorett. in 44 I v — tile James nlotcrogis Plvaleglagnaala. YIIIF:rAHCD unser the irrimenta • eaie of th e is. 11013:1,, and vesbitshid fur ups tribi of thirty years. This siege. preparation is re tommended in all cowanf bite. aviilthes, eono and gravel, es Mc most sak. easy and effeett al form . In which Magnesia may, and indeed the on:t our In which It might to be ectinotted, possessing all the propertivs of thehleenesin...win general use, without beteg Hahn lire it. to ferVesine.reas concretions its UM camels, it effectually- cures heartburn wdliont Injuring the uoall of the stema.,a soda paws, and their car. bin.. are known to do, prevents the food of in , (auto Umiug moan iu alt 0580111 U MIS IS ptculag aperient. sod Is presently ad•pted to female.. Fir Humphrey Davy testified that thiaselation fume soluble combinations with am acid salts in cases of goat and *ravel, therny counteractive their injurious tendency, when o th er alkalies, and even Illeenpla itself, had fall-d. From Bit Philip Ciampi., Cart, Burstein General to Me Amy in Leland:— "Dear For—There eras be so' doubt than Magnetia eas nt y. to adeultulVred more safely In the farm of • erna. cerat. solution than Insuliitanent for this, and many other It•SionS, lam of opinion LIM the fluid alsearstu ts • eery valuable addition moor hinter. Med,ta: CRAMPTON," Sir James Clarke, Sir A. Cooper, Lk ,Ilriabt, and Nessmtiuthri, and iferbert aloye, of London, strong ly fillillrenin.ll.2 Winn in finitely more sato and convenient than the solid, and tree trons An danger attending the constant use of sodaor rinses.. For main by the ingiCifinei and r roorletoVs agoras, CIA FAKNFATOCKt CO Cor. of tVood &Front rts. INCORPORATINO ono . Asoxiated Fiterlen's lor or anon Company 0(00 City , of Pittsburgh o ytteenort IX. rant William hl.:Edgar, }livened Grego, illioin Coliingirood ChaDes Kent, David Domphell, IDryry Drys. James T. Shannon, R. Diddle Robens, %VOID. W. DoDas,Rodff Patterspn Thomas Itokesseil, Pollard breortuten, Wlaimlt — Eiehhonm. J. Cost Inuit. and 11.10.1 Cowan, of Allryibeny county, or three o: them. he, sad they am hoseby intlkori zed, Race giving, wn neck's publle notice Ds two daily nowspapers, published In MO Oily of•Plitsborgh, to open Gooks at Wilkins DeWitt tinselly of Pittsburgh, for the subscription of the capitol Hoak of said Com pany, at snob tints as literality_ designate, and Ibs attics to keep open,fromitirtte.to betweert the boors of ten Welock in too forenoon, and foss O'cloCk In Ina oftemodo, or until, at leasylvo thousand shales of stock .1,011 bare been token." • • Thu Commiosieners above named, - .At meat in {Villain. Dull, on Thursday, the Gib day of /tom nen, at ID Wel ock, a. N , et which time and pines the books 111 bo opened for the purpose of reteividg . tobserip. lions for the co pita! stock of . sold company,as author. Deny t .o A4t. maytlidtle7 -- FRESH ISPRINO £ Sumnsra VOODB. A VERY parse end choice Monk of Fresh Spring Ll and Rummer 6003. bus lust been opened at Amanoder A Loy's, No En Market street, north Weal corner of the Diamond. In editing the attention of our coalmen end the public to this stock. it itroolu no crest plesslare to be able to nay it embraces ORRAT DAKGAINB in al most every description of goods, as a large portion of it was purchased at the recant evenalve au ationlsales to the cannon Mum Our ...mment. Loth of fumy ...1 tiepin goods, I, very superior, and afford. to all cash tm err, either, by WhOlemea or Min, a fine op portunity of gui LA der both isme and pane. DLES . ' DRESS GOODS. _ New riyie Foulard allrr, very cheap; nehydelnynd dinted•ebantreattle at shwa; every style and •qoatily; super plain am! dented blank auks. d0...1id . era and Alma.; bereft° de In na new and hand. same style; rat . style French, }kitbag, and &web lawn., gte t ninety, and very ow price plate atin virlped de lain. of all kinds (pOlitieS: /teen Write. of all shades and COW.: trind. burs, ebintr: paint, R. . • SHAWLS. Paper 441 olden ads ...qv: plain and bleed do; pilau and embroidered Thil et do; fine ea.h.• ared roan do; super plain and embroidered white and Colored WEN do: twee, and err de. ao. WHITE GOOII9. - - - A One IllOSOTlOlefll of Milt, numook., jItOOLIS Swiue., books, bishop. 1...., ha Routh petal nudd, Flo:env, tired mild !west:m[l4h it aw l nr. Ls., A 8m " ek°P etor p l .m nn frth ni d e lk and 9' r'" Z ri ia .11 ealnr. and r rfS S cessmElum. . A large 1144.4160116 Of super Ilench,EaglM and Jleiglau cloth., and earalmeres of all gualltregand p,leee, £0 white ore weld invite the auention Me geniJentee. Our Work of brown and mooched motile; aldose, !Weeks, chambray!, Wallop, to, Weary /Armand at We very lowan one.. • ~ /11410, ludo an of table disponi and: 0104 brown and Mooched; Urdu sod Scotch dlapenikywdy inen. ;Adios, coma and wool A goods for men ud bora , wear, /nab linen., red, white, and-yellow lea deuteron gingham, .11k an d line... bats; and runes of all tiodedwatery and Daudet ribboadjard awal dorms, no, to all waled we wand reepeetraby Inaba Uut guidance of wbWesale and [0144. CAA W - a,Day, ma ert. y . 4. .65 Nabob N ALF:UNDER. Weer.litikeillasood: 'tti 110WRJ r 1:101ta—la orb in_prwe ,&r •go reed, sag tale by • E BELLE& .. Wool ROUSES, LUDO - 6 TO - LT'S, - That large eunmonionn Derellna Bout and Lot, on which are ;aped Stable anc Carriage House, being .tbe proponp of. II • and lons the nealdenee M Mrs Jute Ni gee, situated on Webster st, near Feveatb strut. For teems, apply to DJ B LONE= .,, mrAlti • 69 Wylie .L YOB RP)tT. A HANDSOME STORE, so Msehr_ilsrsh by 11. Third tad Fourth studs, el pont =vied by Mr. .Thassas Whits •• • Dry Gauls Siam Also lauf' fashaSEooll the scant 0.70 ant door to Mr. DUIPs 11 ermine Donau. This rum usl Waled, aul saitibls ke • =siva Woos-. Amino, or caold eassuically tremod widen/Ss erten - • . • XD. GAZZAM, • • 4f OEst, Third st, our the Sat OILY. A • DEICE BUILDING, 55 by 01. AO feet, tine stories hi/6,1111th Eagles, ale; lamed In Birmlnehess; immediateirbelow the F . Enquire of utro4.tf • To Las. .pE okay Briek arehoase; on Wate Water, below Peny sweet, running hwa Water to First wreeton reasonable roans. Yossuakin even hante. fe 111.1 f LOIIMIL VALUABLE littAL EYEATEON PENNSTREET POE BALE.—A Lot of Ground dome on Peen meet, between ilay mad Marbm7 amt., saleinthf the house *millet now oeinpied by Mehard Edwin*, heathy it front of Weet, and in depth ISO feetonli bat sold on favorable tonna. Title unezeePtinnaMs. En . quire of C. 0. LOOMS, 4th st, situ Wood. NEW-MUSIC STORE, Sign cia..Gair. 101 Titled lits v. mart door to Wood s allsa. THE enbe miner would reipectftt ly Inform the Md. tens of Plttaborgi, Allegheny, and vicinity; Mat he has opened his new and elegies establishment for the sale of Protn, hinontorm,..hinare, hiermakla• mrantre, and every other article In hie line. • PIANQS—SoIe agency for • Nonni & cell. Waled grand PAROO, W* Pian oshhom Corn lin ' chimera. These have lately earthen seyenn letporteltrlm_notenteetr, ten dering Me°, exceedingly brilliant of tone, tad extra: ordinatity durable and & Co's (Boston) celebrated Planer There instruments have a wide spread feamatioe, and a.e considered among the very bon piantractured in Boston, where they a ,decided favorites. . • IL Dunham, N. Y of the arm of Sudan h flun ham, has appended the subscriber sole agent for the ale of his 1 f Tks sin s. a Swint & Bantam soils the e demand best han country, and their manufeeture for fulness and brilliancy of, tone and beauty of workmanship are secondte none. The celebrated Concert Photos of Beasadholf,of Bremen and Bamberg, will Morels be kept for !rale by the subscriber.iwill settee to my, Mat they are made me of by ell the ,tout Pisan players st Omit Concerts en the Continent. • The eubacriees here lento to direct attention to the Imponaht feet of. by Geeing ;penal agents both ln. Europa and this tenuity, who earefelly !select and ermine every Piano sent to him, which enables him to give a written grummet with every Plano mid by him, pledging himself to 'eland the money la ewe the Piano be proven Malty or deftelent.i/ A tell supply of the newest and melt popular Mune wdl consOntly be 'marlin sale=famiand by thv best publishing hones of Boston, Phdadelaina, dad Md. more: agency Mr Meerm Priberfenberg!Ads, New Yost, 11211 g offensive importers Of foreign mule to this comity. Sole Agency for Clarbordt's Patent Merodenn and alelmleon Pianos mannfactumd and perfected by March tr. White, Cincinnati, with Magi; end double eons of mede—the hest reed lestramenn yet invented.' Also, Guitar* Elites. Clarinets, Violins, Bogies, Sax Moms, Tubes, mid every damnation and variety of brass instrnments from the ben =hen. ethos. for Violin., Guitars, and Hera • • rrintractran toots for every tnetroment. &lee dons of music made, =sic booksbound, Plena, tuned and repaired; Violum. Aecortleons, Oultars,lo., re paired on the most rearm able terms. • KLEHE➢. 1-'ll-11Tiirr-CliiiiiirrNivr-tio-T-Ixl4-1 =3l • Nets Spring and Boomit Dry Gods for 18:O. WILLIAM L. RUSSELL, • f ir. Witoisiata and Retail Dealer in British, • French. and Amenean DRY GOODS, Market street, between Third and Fourth, signor the Urn Dna plea, hes just commenced receiving and opening one of the shoot sich. splendid, apd extensive Mocks of SprlnirandSualinec Uddals eeee effceed dale in iheeWestem creme). Alt of these lespormd Coodalire fresh opened, and received per the last steamers from France and England; as also Irish Lbsens,•lmponed direct front Belfast, all masa bleached, end warranted the pure article; these Linens are all imported by the subscriber, and are all pure Aux yam warranted. .also, Irish Linen Damask . Table Goths, 'the very best menncsolgrei 0 11 1 1 , i4 , I. s l , T , Gooda:4l4l.ltragata{= 4, l . :: . break, LADIES DRESS GOODS. New style rich Pak Sarin; enlors„splendld goods; black Took Salim, all p ri en, rich goods; black glue Silks, all colon, Isla importation. Freoc.h Kid Gloves, all colors. the best imported; pl a id black. Ammons, per lest French steamer, now style. paint ed Wens. sPlesdld Pod.. Also, a superb Sod Ingo dtock of wid e black Drosses Lace, Yortrimmlng ens., very rich. goods plain Haman lo alt colors, extremely law,besalifal goods; black Silk Fringe, all widths and• prices, very cheap; French Lawns, new styles, per list French 'learner; plain block Oro De Rhine, high lustre, superb goods; block figaredon, De Rhine Brocade., rich scads; French nod - Loutish Cashmere; Lew styles, beautiful goods;.; iplenfrd Emmen Awlngoods Mr ball drones, rock embroidered Swiss Mulls for evening does 'es . Swiss Edging and loserung. the lqpitimportedi SilleTumaes in - 01 colon and gamines. new style, plain and win strip'd black Banns, all priet y lrutted Lawns. ems styles. from ffin S 5 cents per • Image de Late; a new azticle for ladies , dresses. Al so, • large andanpeth . stock of new style spring Donna Ribbonsohe very best Del." ported, all now. SHAWLS, SHAWLS.- • . Canton crepe Shawls, all colors, fresh fel= the Cus tom Roney Turk Salle Shawls rplendld goody in color; pe r . last almner s lmat.ifill fteltelVerd4 Crmet sten iii:Mrpertr g r :Sot' 5 .- greerenn " Ander , ed Canton Crepe Shawls, tpierohd grodi Loplp's French Made Embroidered Thaw; Sant Importation; 11.111 i. painted Cashmere Shawl; all mire' and gush. 11..; bldlllll' IMI;111C; CATItt• and Scarfs 4:1 great sa lient French workedCapes,Colan,and MS, eaves IWAnaltAt. • A Leer 'Sleek of • DOMESTIC AND STAPLE Goons. 50 bales unbleached Moshe; from 3 twill cents per yard; 15 time. blanched Muslin, from 4 IC. 00 cents per yard. 11 cases Snob Linens, imported direct from Behest; 11 bales Ticking, from 8 to 13 cents per yen; 8 cues blue Don, from 8 to lel cents per yard; be. sides a foil assortment of Summer Cloths. Anwar. simnel, Tweed; Batmen; and Kentunky Jean; 51/ eases dark Calico, fast colored, from 3 t 0.124 nuns per yard; 3 eases lloyl s,o.' Engllsh Prints, best imported, 3 bales Roasts and Scotch thapers.estretne. ly low. Alas, lourekeeping Goods of all kinds, very eboap; S bales Sonia Crash, Bon of to Meet pee Yawl; besides a large stock of Cheek mod Shining Stripe. Si,., Cantors Flamm% all colon end gruel. ties, at low pricer red, wane, and yellow Flannels, very eben; bleaebed and linbleaehed Drillings,. roll assortment; S caws bloc Merrimack ILYlleocs, Inanely losr, black mod unbleached Table Diapen, prices; Bird's eye Disrs, all prices and nullities, very cheap; colored VaMblitl, a -fall amorinsent, cheaper than even 3 bides Dunlop., from lei logs eto ran - Yard.. it 60 al•rge meek ofOrmon Table Diapers. Manages' Shining—A fed assonment, yen cheap. PARASOLS! PARASOLS! the largest and most splendid stock of Parasols ever opened by any one hosise in Pittsburgh, is this day received, and are all of Me newest Ftench mike. redeb, for nehmen and beauty, cannot •be amassed. 40 we have {large lot of these Parasols they will be sold cheaper than any other house In the city can af ford no sell Mc same nnelltx organ!. The !Aunts are respeethuly Invited tonlandne thews Parast4s, as they will Bad some of the m richest and newest styles ever imported from Eupe. Them Parasols are all of tae risbest and most fasldanable ar colors, and are worthy of the atteullou of the hulks rVi of the 'above goods will bo sold of at priors far below any henna to the city; and in order to prove thts'fact, the public will please cell sod price these goods, and c ‘ ompa i r: them with v a r , i e th any other .. house in the 6 7ie en sa d b b s ' eribet " 14 here toys his %%Ss cus tomers and the public 'in general, that Mere are two other bee hive ilibref 10 •Market3t., pnitending cope with the Big Bee Hive, which alone the only celebrated and far famed Dry 6 establishment In Pitubarg h. Ito solemn/tar would therefore any to all pacchmers of Bry Hoods, either wholesale or retell, that the Big Ike litre, on Market creel, between Tbird and Footth. is now opening the largest, riehms, and most splendid stock of sluing and summer Dq Goods Over offered for sale In Plltsbarth . . . BONNETS! BONNETS! New Brum, sea Lb3o-11ts largest and most fashion. able store of &meets aver opened In ibis city, Is j.st melted at the sign of the Mg Bee Ilirre, on Alarkei street, between Third and Fourth streets, where Dry Mods of every, dcseriptloa rue selling eheaper than any other house to the city. pabde wilt please like notice that there are two other bee hire Mores on Matter street, who pretend to compete with the Big Bee litre, between Third and Fourth greets, where the nubile will thaLat all times, the !ergot anti newest styles of Dry Goods, fresh opened. 117•Fle•rse tate notice, Met the Morel. between Third and Fourth snubs, sign of the BIG PEE HIVE, where Do. Good. or every deseripdon.are selling enures than at any other house la the City. .12413 w WILLIAM L. WLIBSBL, 1850 BIDWELL , " • • .SANDY AND - BEAVERLINE: Finns d'ina6u.r;h to Volumene, and Centland, IhroAph the rash toil - dose coon den oleolann. Liana, CarnalT, Stark, - Tusraratros,:c.olhnag. • Arialinguse, Licking, and Frondtin.. The eompleums of the Sandy and Stiffer Canal opens ep to our city through this reel Imuutl central route a direct communication to the above as well as the adjoining counties of Wayne, &Ames, Knot, and • Delawaro. .. Stem thts seeder; of Ohio, the Wad* with Pittabitrgh has been, to a great extent eat or, is memento... of the high rates of transperiation, which WO now re. dared le, c m 'and duper tent. Boats tirade line will lease daily, and MA through' without transhipment. The Canal company nave bethowed upon tins Imo an Interest la the ;tailrace. dented advantages of their chimer, and thus seemed to the middle retrieve Ohio In orderingthetr seeds by SID WELL'S SANDY AND BEAVER LIN*, an equal interest le this e. c. Agents: • ; J. C. ni DWELL, Plusbutgla . ..BIDWELL & CO:AltugoW. - • ICC Dolma, L'ash M4ls, Ohow 11 !A' A. buy, Widtamsport,th; •UwAse KCMb he, 01 Cathie & Badman, dot Danes, Graham a Co. New LlthOn,. - C4 Atter, & Nicholu, Bowser, 04 Llitibtti& BoOtfigll. n em ., 04 Speaker & "miser. do.; Jetejet . Paotik Co, do.; /tall &Da., Oneida. blills,o.; 11 y u.ter,,,4; C Ithrxitml ilkoo,llalrern,O.; R Cray; Wanes. .hurg, E Reynolds, en; Isaac Teller, - Alsgeolig E darkdallik.Co.Alegaalia,o4 Wireidarkne&c, del wetland & Co, Sandruiliest. IS"Lefor, do; 'Ash baugh A,,Swiabsamak, Dolurat, 0 & nelson,. do; .1 massillon,o4.Ct t alß.Codda; John Robinson, Canal • Pollan; 04. Fe Torrey, Canal Dover, 0; A medbAryoe m« ., DIE KW, ner, Newark", Sikh& liathseolionbusA LO Nat. thowl.pleeelaud,o4 Rhodes gheileen, do, . The BmennilleTifiteiCluillsgab , • UNDER Tali &att . OF DReC. RAUL& rIONTIN DES ug•brerhpholor the reception of loot . 1 J • 51 :12 ,1 uPtdrementa base -Wen added for rao etordan anocootodattott of gamuts. Tali.. gather arlllftho mama darter sit P.arg ettablealtr. Dada to grim the gnome° to Pdbbe that hla estatdirbrocat shall affil continua to merit the of gun.,ho3smi theatorlar; ands, _Tha gall/ .littertoorso burrow Plitainrjh nod strotraullt withboats, aloola amp access uom pit to a i ll osht,ite . eatuni.alteers. s throe ecogertsr: . onto . for Ireglager, ars oacassary to ; sadergo' uer Tenda-81/ Dollard par weak, prfaidei • . ralrll,oo ll EßTV — t ieleTloatßillafirse INEARIO at. BROCKWAriCarannotitat - larthasere • aggeameeto Riri e alirait. - Maar advances aeado on baguet.' 7stwndd to ' • ; ..gkaorouttai , .• ••• larertioattrale. IT TOM r t PriPmnitt bIEDICALt: ABUT IBPURTAiT •' : CRESIICAL - COUBI. Freels As Vigeral.hr . Kingdom s Dr. Dorsett , . lextraot of • • - smell ilarsakpartl Cans is bassaptien, terofsla, et7Pl, goen,lver complaints, saloattaffe Oita, dropsy. as th ma, pitelh sex tle bladder and kidaeSel rapt humors, rash of, blood oath , arze„ female cosiplalats, general slo, less of appetite, to.dactio. rmrol, rush!: •Wnts, bac p hea a lpt, itationk, a ofs. De. bean; tides c - -• . . Is Infallible in ill diseases :arising (ram an tm rur..mteorthe bland. nilimgn,F,s-ntion.il.-114!/ii . . In the Vegetable Hingdeln, no Aliqvire Peek hn deptwite,d plant! and herbs; congenial to oar tomtits, „ . tioas, and [adapted to, Le core of disc sae; and to gig Segetabtskiegdoin'does tEdeetacei of man; as a • . the instinct of ant' its, torn for antidotes to Pain. • • The Syrup to a scientific compound of the moot sal treble plantain salute,. entirety Dui arm/ deleimMtle land enervating minaret subannees; and nit expel Maim from the syitem, impart vigor and atreegth a cormaranding degree. - An extraordinary eased( Serofttla, tryeipilas and cers, cared:by Um sold- , of DT. Geystatt'a Cape • pound Bynart, Yellow Deck and Elitnotoarlfia, • • !twabl, Nov, 17, thorn.br the great benefit I have derived 'from hen e or your valuable rime I hose been troubled very bad eat a acmfalotta sore, which:mode its Oppiarance on ra • ehlo. I did not pay much attentton to it et first, sup posing u robe nothing bat an eruptlon that appear. ' no perms , . for a 4Gnallv.beanntolnerease,entili r:- read to tie oak pan .f the bead: I applied to* PhYsielan. who attended me all to to pase.• -Thad' •-• uied every - Ming that coald be tried: I s aws ur up of Yellow Dock and Damper/Doi mid concluded to dm it, for l Xmas that, yellow:Dec k was ono of the most valuable orticles•ln the world, for the blcod.•• I -' bortehiyour Syrup s end fined the use of OM bottle, - fia - contd aeon great change in.ary system,. l comintied • to melt until I was • well norm I now feel like a hew Vernon; my blood is perfectly cleansed and free from all 'There is nut a question het ho , your nowt?. &maser.* compound to fax .supcnitar a • emi t twaparilla Syrup ever sold .- • , certificate is at your disposal to publiah if you. like, and may, one yea may refer tn me 1 shall be hop. pp to give them all the information I can about my.: case,la. : . 1 remain pour obedient servant, •- . • ,• Geom. G. Joustog y . Ilfildarket alma. The best louts ropliciW kestrel. The Emmet of Tams Deck and Sarsaparilla is a NesiliTfh speedy,' and permanent euraf LL ~or all complaints tur.adent to _ l i a mild, elterCt,C oroPerlias rvinier ltPaeiliarlY ' applicable to the slender and delicate coulUtunoaoy thefsmals. I: is unrivalled In lis nasals. spats sulk • diseases as Incipient consaropuon, tarrennass, earrhoes, or whites. irregular raenstramion, incond.• nonce WA., and general prostraten of the system...... It immediately comuernels that distressing nersons.:,:. nen and lassitude some:noon to tlic tamale Gime; •.• tad lionises an enemand buoy sney en surprising.; hey ore antic:lU Wo bins svidonce on hie widen indscei us strongly to temcmineud this 'medicine to marks./ people who luso not been blessed with oti . - spring. • . Pensive. Drat, or Falling of the Womb, of flea — - leer.' Mooting, eared by Dr. lioysett's Entram , Yellow Doak and Susaparilla, alter every other known remedy hod been used ' i. AVAingtoron. Dhils,iTebl;lBl9. , . Tlas. certifies that my - crire,,aned 27 years, las been catering under the above complaint for five. years—nearly all el that time confused to her bed. ij have tar tonere= eonstentlyetoployeilthe.bestmed,". Mel talent teat could be peered m this seetioa of tea Country, Wl[llon any benefit whatever. -Shove Alm ' - Perches.' every ins:relined recommended. for tAlk core clench diseases, all of which proved worthless. In the spring at Intt;lvres 'aniseed by my friends to try Dr. °omits Yeasts Dank and. Samparitle, which was used for (oat months . Aber she had sued -.... it for about foar sucks it was evident CARD Mat was improving, end Dom this tine an Improved rep idly, and &nixed knob end amenetli,hiitil the disease - ' was entirely removed, and she is new enjoying roost eiccltcnt hcalLb. , __ m _ WTI. mn%Foirr. • , • f% ; lielit . ineTglJbOrs or wm....ZiUlVkonfon, - , knasithas the above &aliment, as to the Oakum of ' Mrs. Aloafert, ar.d a• tie cure being tatted aysoa's "Yellow Dock sad. Samparlita. to be strictly . . tma - - JANE EDDY - • • ~ . • :wan ro*V.ns.,. . , . ;Croat Curs or Consul:optlonZ " • ILwbsw, January MIMS. 2Sr. BerelettLDear Sir: lye great benefit which 1 " have derived from 3 our Extract of Toilette trot. and Sampardlm induces tom as an act ofjoslie4 to make the rolklring Slaletrtalt: • • . • ' • ' . After seaming for two year. from goiend'debility;•- which finally torminatedlis .consumpuott, I Mai g teen up by my friends and physicians. es beyond the and of =edict.. An t last resort; I was induced to try, _, your .E.tuact, and • Oaring used but two botileihte , "' uordedg to }tau dlreedons, 1 ace entirely - well, +afield thereto,, earnestly reroromend your unequal , . - led Composed to the ailliethd who desire it powerfe,' pleitsma and, safe remedy. Gcctefnily TOW friend; , m. WAITE.' None genuine unless pet up in large squarer. tlei; * containing simnel, and the neene of the s rup blown in the ea..., with the written signatnee of S: F. lien. I nen.ou the outside wrapper. Prize St per 'bottle; fir six bottles for PS . , - It is sold br .1. D. Dirt comer of Venial und'Wel.. ,. not strects r _Canelenaiii Obio, General Agent for the Snub end Wrotrlo, whoa all onion mast be-addriMaj Cut. ,Ede, W. P.'.Trofiori f0r.4.011.a & Clonons, Cru4ngvillei Abet Tinton. Blautrose; 11.ragt Tootandsr itolum Pak - , WAR bone Roderick. C &Lei& eor.for of Market moot wad Ilia TE.26.1d. • m.a.(l&-wITuT , Tsla.t.aas or Tat ItEnumtstiot mote tent, age than • bad, pouid breath, or ark, yellow oterat ed teeW. If persons , have these it is their owntault— jay ean,. foe eta shillings; boy. an. aerie: inn make that breath pun and sweet urea tipiepitit Arabia. haveardlicasea of the Gann, anagjor Meerate,' and for the Teeth it is uncalled, tenrrin the inane fanang no teen In Sicrani and clean then lnas as the maw Vining= Nan. •. • - ...r Scia, reader, ate the properties of-Jonah loots Pante, a2d,witbast praising, it oureehres, her what one of our mos; tespeetablotunl manna Dal tists, Mt. E. Role, of New Vor,t, nye . • 1 have bon used ad. =dine nit LicanUfst and. l 4-. palpable ankle, (Jon& Amber Tootli,Pettr,) , n ea recommond it as ponesaing all thelailnes cd for n.” Reader; -we ea ny on mote to canons. only that if you rat tad. oace-you will be well pleas...i: It b put op in beautiful English China Pax, for 4 cam. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACILWN. 310 Libel , ty area Pittsburgh. antl,lAwT..._ Am. 'arnica:ably issiuria the rollowing are the' *twat qualities of e as. aouliff;,o' ' . Joxia`a.Coral Bair liestorattva. It th ef • doak.t' vat' word, the, earusotthast highly respectabla eltdia.a who nue tried it— . • . ; ". 5. . _ . . Mr. Gee: Centel. M Dui or, New York. • • " Btu. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle av, Brooklyn: 7 Wm. Tompkins, 1.1 King at, New York: Mr. Thos. Yankton, Minimum Island, hear yceiabaigh: IL &Cullen, lite barber eteandount S. Anieriei.'—• • And more than' a hundred othera mate, though , 1114 .. Janssen/See, that it will force the bate to grew head or faceistup -it oft; strengthen the it +m removing mull and dandrudironi the roota, - snal• Ught,-te Pr gray hale aaaume, fine dark lonk, , and. keeping dry, harsh of wiry lair moist; aeft, clean dad beautiful, a very, very long time. Sold by the Agent,' Whl.; JACKSON, MD I.llurteati •Yittahtugh. Pner37l, SO cents, and one dant. aneetkvet - - (0 1 " burnt= um bun VA lan chemical Soap ceases a tree pritallee, said a. the wee torte melifiu ; weans, and whitens thaslOn: eying st the lotion and beano el an infant's. : Senna. Saw BILVD/114.11.50111.1, %VA to 'oily, healul, bat cured by its our as at hut sesta I, um. chins le Nem York. know, arna'asc tan Saab easel, and find it unfailiez—as also in • , , _ Ptands, ILLOIT111:1, Facia:At; hi t an other 'lr:idle; sue. The reader is assured !prod,. Is , 1.1 , paded nostrum u one trial ail! pros, cesll monde ko.,t ' eo ptrsous eared of • • Koss Hasp, Sou LIPS IND . Fe. 81/1111.—“ op it, and ase it, And the reader Is again asu..anald not cruelly sell it for th e above unless I anew, bri all 1 mate. Thom io n , &reliable to ". . An Caseum, 01 - thlArarD 0.1:311, lilt Sri -this lase. Any one aillimedsoh ly et the aboyd; Sr ste llar diseases. wid Led this al e l nod Irelia ble..ia propertiasKh. I ' - Oat; reader, the mores art deeded wilt. Ore Wand, and Le' sere you tulk for JONL'ZS .0 ei:ost 9111,- Sold by W JACKSON; 410 Liberty stoat, flu CO:11310N PftllPAlikiLls 011,11.3 L • ' Thar ow not aware. how frratablly 1t..13 to the skin: how ecarr•-, howlants'a, Mow "W.. I , Pears and euhcallby tee, akin sp! ,Pears a:tem:unprepared halk! I.le. saes is netntateg - large quantity et Mad • We hihe prepared a buntifel oceatabb atftfbl which we tall JOSM SPA N 13111.11,1( Wlll'ibi It lo penectly Innocent, being peneed of elf d‘nrersl on. qualittesi..end it imparts to the skin • nature1,.....1., thy, alabaster, clear, !tins aklic at the state woo satingas goo:tette en the skin, - making It tob•acal numb. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACILiuN. US, cry at, PtFsbergh. Yrtec .21 cents. triiip — erty — iiii:Airecheley tiny MILE eabscrrbers otter foe elle I ilemter • 1 Lots, citrate the See eed ,Ctestarolt gram:Coe easy ttnas. revue of. W. Wli.lttllSl~3uS~ ~C7 at wt.!, •iall;i6qiiiiiitiWoK:an the o -,- . - 777 -7- Viibt - t.e.acks DV virtue of a. precept ender We hands .of 1109. -Jai Wm.p. llPClttre; Yrealdent of The Deurt of CPR. mon Pleas, In and for Weeds Jai:alal Martel of l'arto rylvanto, and Judea of the Court of Oyer &Veining?, and General hat Delivery Moral= amid !hortatory:l Sanmel 'Jones and William - Karr, Eve, Immolate Judges of rho mune Courts, in and for Me. Countyof Miro betty, dated the'lth Jay, .of. Noy, io tho ye:aro( out Liprd, one Maumee else hundred mud kiln aid dlreetel,gar holding la Min of tiler &Terminer, =Alienator Jall Delivery:it tita'rneri h mom, ignps City of Pittsburgh imatte Third Monday to iimonert„ Yobbo notice to hereby given io B.ll,loallea44nte. Peace, Coroner, and Coestobles of the Conotv of Alla .ghuoY, Mat err be ohea - and there; in foot, Prover P..04 - ooni Muftia,renonto,ingesitionsugernitt talon*: eta - other re m nibienC9l, to do - Mom ammo which to %her iterectiveoline• liehd!aPPuet hi deitei.ond oleo: Mom. that t o pry:room too fritiiines tbot nova aro, or maybe ta aimed Caney of Alley bony, to bonen and mare,to Noncom age= thee of Mall bd Ma. • ...• Given trader - my hand at. Prusbergic, Olio :tit 43gr . 'May, le the year-of oar Lord, tont, and of tha mouwealth the 71M. CARVED CUR:r/K Sal.kign a. natilizsgN ATTORNEY AT LAW. , ntrlO STATE CU 141iSSI , ONEE rut Diking Dtpo if win., ielmorledparm.spr D6eds, • . OSpe- , •Folltral 1112.11,100 . 1. tquithfidd,... • • •.,•••, . . _ JOHN MARTIN teepee tottly annosinet. 4.* -oldoetts of rtustoogh: Clotho haf perm :K.4T meted himeel(l ottio fo”ho putpoot. or. doing OlOdichro and Borger", to tol its ratios.bnioa es. ON often to oo Routh street, No NN. -Rn!4 o No illasocw a. , opt ..tteto.lton 31.1141 r cLoTp. wroiram. - yA STUART k,Cti;of - hdadelpldo. . on the um of April.. oroi mac., Wok or CLorHs, crwsltdEtiSs. VESAlliriAr AM TAILORS' THIRIMP,OIid, oteissern iiriets 3 oo7 low tor eadt -ot N 0.116 Wood.; mig to Us kennies actas.g.7 mousicirwt, A:7°.Vt:f 4"te GEORGt E.:ARNOLD S= CO.. itioneggir, CO!!; naggAcersgs; to. touriksurert ) =nacre, us she BiudiVer Mtn - Ints , zr:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers