The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 30, 1850, Image 2
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Advertise:toms Set Mena for • lipet , Sot t05e..,14 hmtiably be chanted arca ordered oil ar.V, Pauti4'.l.6 - .Apra for this -immeral agencies la .Ifew..ttoric, .ppaapy at !ti 47„. :Baum, mi. is authorised. to receive. rabscripil.on. tad lulronttements for -- ... Itatrtrioi3ArozcAs.—Saboceoti* , l ""n i• e" ; 2 . menu Dv al. paper reeeioed arid forwarded Gee l drama from.thls °Din. ."'tt Crecootat..l).atx War= —A.dycnireneen , *ad sataerininna; far tma paper, will be received anal Olwirde.# from thie °Cc, • • • Err Pananare.coas.arcm.t.tarreSubs.TlPtiori , at this Inkhutble paper, v 111643 reerAved sad tome,. . Auclugaz.,—Advertise. moos ,-ood robariptioos to the North agieztoots Pomo Gnaw Phlladalptdo, reeebrod and Rd WINO STATE CONVENTION. • a eneedisi of the Whig State Central Cohualuei, llarhhhitrg. lt vas ofthii e' i t iZ 4 be T tolt e ated h ur •;I r raT e a =1, e :r= fx.e.-‘l:°. theirel :Pft meet ta,=!!,l ) 67 at the city of Tldladelphht.. on the Midi day of lane v. =WE Of the .parociso of no:claming a candidata foe Canal , bo hated 0.12/11114 . • MORTON IacILICLIkEt, ;alma! H 11111{; a nagi• wrest, Can. litputhianne etCommofChainian.Aettlitir Antkautordtt Com Committee of Catreapond , • cute met at the Coen Home. The following ramht , Alott ins idersd,,to - . • ' , ,_itaaelyed, That the Whig and Antietam:Me voter oldie imreml Electien Diattieu of Allegheny County aad are. hereby mounted to meet at their um& , Itlaret for holding. elections, en Sattudey. the in de) next; the. andthem vs elect two delegate. tc. the Citanty Cotreentlon to be held at the Cann Hata- OnWell andel? the nth day ofJorte, at 11 o'clock, • X Convenilan to make the meal and ?meas.?) inannallone for the ensuing °ember Election., and - site to Reyna bee delegates to represent the County -in the Slate flenantlest, to be held m the city of Phila. &lob* on Wednesday, the 19th day ofJetto.! , • The primary =nap In the Traruhlps to be bold between the -boon el taro and Gee &cloth. (ext.?. pa, and them le the Ward• and Itorougimbetween the uttrtieven cad nine o'clock. P. A/ . • • 2:144 . on . An t7,lBeeretailea. • . *. lttttentrek APtti 10. OM • • • artSES NEXT ,Pitile , ;oll LOCAL AfATIIIM repaosermcrewS;ce., " Grit] . az. damn.; NEw Scnoot..This body is in session as Detroit. lir. D. H. Riddle, of this cily, Is Moderator. A . fery exciting detate on the : Slavery cliental:l his beengoing on for some days, Sod Was not concluded at , taut an:cents. vas said by eineml gOr.tlemett; that unless some deliaite 'gronmi was taken on the subject, the church would setpaience great kes. . A majority and minority . report from a committee on the subjectosere before Ma: ICLEEZE'S FIRST C0:193.i came often Tuei. liay evening, and was really. hollianinfrair, alike -,crediiable to the city; the performer., and to Mr. as - n - mtniciatt and ectidnetor. Few cities •.io tliecometrfetua boest - 4:tr equal native musical talecitoac.can showiniperior scientific and judicious "`Setaltivation:' . filisiilf.raft, who has btu Intel* ap ---pcturd'in ppbtic,prersercsireoicenf great sweet. remarkable poorer,' filling every parted the immense ,hall with 'mast , epelody. ..'hibitbime.Branitstein the song; alley Itteeiven perfectly .. .salmon:rid the *adieu* and added peat ,ly to her previous repplatlon. The Marsclisise Minna, in the original,Freach Tee; by Giambiani, lannin, and' , Rieber,' with the drum accrimpain : mem, was received witlegrear Cpptaine, and was colleen intermaingfeiunre in the evenings's enter. - laktinettu . We cannot pirticialarize; however. We wereplessid to: find the Howe Crowded with it mod iiielligew atidience. Show. iagib►t ore• ,' people hire the good sense", and Mill . . 'rated musical taste to appreciate home talent, and • to encennqii it by their presence- ' These concerts ,of:3lr. Weber will do much to fader and'encoue , age the cnitivitlon ,of 'music salting us; an we tope, ths7 will continuei to hei'g4enally patron, 11A3cracrcrus or 'Soto. 4314.-,Mre obtenrat Te.Lent.swi. - §kiltert - Boai . . , ttotabNated kte , l7-1,4 Stettbennlre. "MS viltekteTstar states ibitt. 3. the oily' The • . I !lttatires4(#.lrorki*httedlry,./lespett, Pet= r7; 4 eCor,ltaselccedii?'*ratkittliiittiocimanthe, eddaepoviefifqiisiMtons•m.weskOrith kn. out ; The; Iztle*mitittrsettizedbx tkittts latfleen pronounced, -', 7 b.Vfilgol into bare pitvd it, imperil* to any thing •ctleglnitererer IPI4.• editor z,•-• 01 '04 tike'et t ooritit sf.t6e.:ittatidtt,e -.K..? tunz orodre#itt city, as lt:ptibtiskittch all article " I - 7 - 7 - : . _ K 5 4,10 aert ghLwraze , R* ll . - ReAD."'The .". '''iiivahrut'Whlteudel 'hi, the with an ; this 1 . 01. ! . : ielie: iaiiii iiiPri!el Ike- yeti thic ( it - The M4'. Mims e; luseetding to 6,55,056 h•ejust been Oak 11iiieeled to eemiaiieel•Plas'oilieesa . ..• *bop; !hp middy et July,* three ehtfer! . . eit4Ati, oitibe fireiialehiitiulfe ifitixio %Min; plltOevelaild..lllid Prifiele ' 0 : 0 ; 0 thhi0 - atifi , : erdieliiidiebalt as ado., The ern ire diPeetele, :-itoOd i laili*fioa - R!! , *0 1) Ctag**/ by thr-d ~ --•'+'' TwPltiLT"44,telhe. ) UCheak.'efirkli th e ;;;; steam 'f i tful, laze: 611 Itili colamd rillp en i ll:: [pat , ed. a-tew,4044 mein eiuled.wireitif"-plarder 4111 ..,!. ' MO. AOeDWIIIIPO4 bte." Tbb*re,ao eOW.I ...,.;,, , reseed ire deed aid.* *pleated; the •eui,.- atil", for 1 ' • . .:12=1 1 :VentOttja h t i ftZr2 I?.'itliV ~,, biat,luid'efer,tpett heron, e Jarr oftwelie,*erel ;mend op blase breathe* eV tree nod hog,- The °limier or mid to beteleett committed scrt, ih . ',en pee; gad rho eremite mated Pet both were pre. *eat whin the died was done, the, edj xt or whieb ~• " •eecas to tues7p. been ameeep—zhe eta lade Wine ark • forma don time previene for $lOOO.--St, 'The thsaginepirfer the !Our ' iitrue, 60 pat, . '': - fii . ratiniei.- him Allen :ides peek op the #4•-, within ice, bid obi mini ietienidijeJere‘: The foktalr•miii eeknowledged she did the deed, bit _iesplleited • Melia- itall,.Zililia liteCrtntl ' OCY . - '- ti . thei fretlider:,, ~:On the coefediaea 'or ilim, i rt ..-: iirmi.o.teill4tiony-caoriot be lesaily,lakee. ' ' ' ':*" ,, lehherthenlogi the ' men " and Au wok --Iviii hilelei:for incuiirit ine.pied tudei WelidigsbcrafihOmeterisal of isiege naiiet . id; .. ,1 2. '..batjt'erielidbetItiiiiteo dad • parellelto d her .' - .- ran m 4134440 p(kneh lewd Info i.r to ' .. , x .. portifer Instes, . .., '_., - - math. Ir , , - I . There 14 e ma unto, sad • oudd,* 'f • '3ll lhi fbllowing utlele,lious tea Bakiscrerikcsiort. .Ccatoci me Gerimurater.—lt has boas Aw bag -Thee pudica of me gorworeeta to,pnt..bir the conetalderolon and adjustment of diunagaresented , by pneg.ta ettaosbonsirtie delay. sod diaconate `-'Mad einharriummbetaebeiseoled trait the poen amaienotanelt*Lons, Oleo Mamma.' alicow . geo , 'lnsomuch arih6 Govemmeni Wnne. kilned, ' the oninmegnarareementaollaw In regard to ma gee doe or aLlegod to be dee, cannot be brought .to _bee by the etiMeo . agalast the Owernmeat, whke te Motion ten 1.7 tote ito own time to "mdse. lo th -Winn as it may see proper co a dmit • tad to make paymemte at p!easare- The jaunts/. of the optatinton make mach • • saw Mame of the ailovanee, ander ltd. Aden! o- Ageponon. of MlCall ems peadmg, claims "bleb . fOOOd m be jam after doe layeaugatiort. If lad. the Pomplamt should be -that they were ;.! wet veld ben e. - Wean it is made the dory of toomteritir emcee. ea.i.utued and atßuat elalesa epos pitoeiple. ot junneis and ettaby, o le ndleeth Maw lefty prompt. ter in the .disettoge of this rimy .hood be do. zonated as on' °doom. Oath, boliwir.l. the blind violet.= of 'poop aahnowty;tun let the Adtololstrolon and loan. tdW Em weal ow will, to tea way cif pabl they CSOOM expos to tonna free hem 'Maas Wiv potations. Ittaa adjavmeot or mlalmildmand procrauleated and baftsd 'mad the weary pod* .doter, t a mama& isid — oseam exhausted, tiboeddl be ocoambedio idamMa ha 'optic-anal or 416., yo•o of bey righta to a egmeolata., them the tleingy would be .gamut theemjunee of the ddwdamlio? floe, tents chosen of collision with tab specalest at Me sacr.Gm of too claimant. Thos. Web., wee. Pifiaftt mdelarllt to PO/. the Ch•••• 10 •ht 'wield be deaoaaeed. , Bat teem Manton we well tniilenteod as be- ' • lengutg to denow attion-wineb WI not sem • • " pio to employ any agencies for the aaalaamat 1: 7', nee .14 puce. The patois jadgenest abopld , as dosbama dordt be, tithe reboot . meet. oaos swims cases of claims allowed sad -- tiltnected to be snowed . ..epos peuteipletedintlittit and egnity • ander. this Adadelatration.TbilysiA aro co nil slues In the way of en anthollyed Ws' vogletation. A. for ItliloCeliloto impotanamt and „ eh unwed' corruption, nay moony allege aka— : " "lead d may„to the awn that those who ape' coat Cumber web Wm pc Plattliew..tilltettiollss to • [spew the maim to ort , Jaa they are . them i mm emattoanterant °fa Bumf of pikes" co( hear • evidence tad tee argo meats of beintiel Nub* kink the Us Bwlics *wit' ewe: wailt tat o away taro Cimarteew • tine wJs if rime buoistassa 'Mnet n ea not w.ll adopted en Mum! ta. aid 'wild relieve the aoementeas Olean, and Wade or Drpenctio from a it•Xitiultnlcty Gam wkett They IneiltdiSoliel64P3P. i t a dl y b e !d e- Ibroe& te, trill fie the eretuleu of a Bawd is sew beano °MEIN. Thl f i t y Meigal . . _ . - vziort — 2slterstarcon.cressenttiniri.f..chigt.g. rived ar New York on Saturday afternoon. She hrings the mail from California and n number of The arrived at Par The steamer ea 12th or May :ermeate mired at Panama on She tell San Fnmeisco on tb6216! It wee healthy at Panama. .The steamers now dee, and Sole there, will take all persons 'untid are "'Went reiPorilage. The member or • Ameris 'cans transacting husittesiat Panama hod , greatly i ncreasad...,Thebasitscsauf transporting pamene gel. up this Mapes river was fast going into the bands of the Americium. • . . , The data from California waif the Pfiih April. It Is reported that several new diggings have teen discovered In PincenPrille, where the laborers get_ one pound of gold a day.. They. are said to he the richest mines yet.dircovered. It is also. reported that new and Important diitoverien have also been mar' en Trinity river, which are War carefully ' At dim Francium, intober and provisions ware very low, and she frame houses taken ontin sailing vessels would hartiljaell for the cost of the freight. A quarantine law has been paned by the Legisla• :qua for the port -of San Ffluscheed,...which Is pea nonneed in Simon; and, if enforced. it is saiddee it will crush the commercial prosperity ofthat city. Col. Jack Hays has been elected Sheriff of So : Sacramento city ha been again overflowed, this intiodalion doing 0110,0 all.rftgo Clint iblielitm last one. I, Sum also sulPmed from a fire, the Inas by which amonnw to 855,000. • We - cap* Inch, items from the papers as to homrinepeetion and the limited 604 will per• The steamer Gor. Danes, froin.Ncsr York, has at Sacramento rity Th e iihm 3 p of , war, Vandalic mast° leave San Francisco for Vriparaiso, on the 25th at . Too vessels from the new settlement at Trisi. dad Bay returned to SatrFrmictsco on the 16:11 of April, so Are ported that a regular Goverment had been established there. . . There bad been no trouble experieneed from the Indians in the. vi6niry Wrn. IL Wolcott, of Watertoln, Masa., and Canna Blood; and Beale, Coma, of Waltham, in the OitneStatlN lan their lives by drowning among She breakers, & attempting to make a bindles.— They were • passengers by , the Oxnard to Cetli.. ramie. 1 . - Lt. Bache,cited States Navy, Li. Browning, IL B. Slates N.. ha Peoples, W. W. Cheshire, I li and John Paid were drowned by the upsetting' :of abort four 121 es below Point. George. Lieutenant Beebe is amen known as the com mander of the Bremer Senator, in. her long. and perilous voyage from New - York . San French, eo, sod was univerestlry :esteemed as a akilful Ma ger. and s worthy and noble sengemse. . H. B. N. steam imam Driver armed at San. Francisco on the 15th of April, utd was to remain there abolit len days. The more of Le,veringa & Mega wan robbed of 53,000 dollars .worth of jewelry, on the 13th of A bUliceorpointing the city of San Franefeee bay parsed the Ueda= ud been sign•td by Gay. Barnett. ' The ATa California, ot.Aprills, mentions that Mere bad been lumber alarming tide of water at Sacramento city, • • Embankments were made by order of the May. or, and other preenutiono taken. • Several thefts by Indiana and white men bad been .perpetrated on Deer Creek, below the town of Nevada. Trouble wan feared. . . The•. tank mails° of the Ohio and Cretnent Ci 'y-. Were received at Satt Franclaco'on the lath of A hill la befizelhe Lefelemro to prevent the coining bt money by individuals. .• • "-Gee.'Vallejo bloittren , 4 eartzta estates on the steaks Of Carquinez and Napo: river to the - state of Cantomizi rot * the permanent location of the Pram the Aiu Ctlifonsito, April 411 A bin was yesterday filed before his Honor Levi Variant, by William M. Birgovaejihn IL Bombe, .Cedwallader Woggle, Wan. H. Iseeit, Wm M. Sherwood.. Theodore Payne, John H. Monroe,, R. N Allan.B. H. Taylor, Daniel S. Tamer, Ea. Leiria, sold Charles D. Cashman. for themselves and in behalf of the chisetta of San • Francisca, 'rtgainat the eyentamientos of this:p'see, for di. seri release sod causes therein 'pealed/tad act they contend-41st they have net properly ear rieidnot the Dietean laws,. have ognandered lb . peopeny of the city and .performed other illegal acts 13r which they pray an injoactio!t, The bill imaged and the inonction granted:, Bun* writing tlieore, tee have understood' that„ihemain objet view wan to preveot the - sale of asonlclpat !wads which woo Omit to %she, plhee. We have also puderstold that the. Aycy• ramento lad; abaadoned the foliation of dia• owaiag cif dmee lands for the present, prearriog to !et marten rna until )he, new, regime daub,' ha in' ... , . . woo . iliknTh rirb,. /.5 t tal y .i*Apears mesioy ~.. The taro .. Mmirditkat -tkey, line for the take, eed Mbar parts ol'ltio . lnterkei , Wanta lead ace a:sup pose -a -eompkta( deeopulatiott:beittibk, yet. atraorye ha say that Oar stream will peseta's. busy avec!, although fa reeky - Mae is not Samna do , Dstiarmro.—A gentkman by the nameit Brady was kneelmt ovrlx+ " by thiikkioner ..0 'Mar by Ike swiegingof n boom, aad•was drowned. Tem' sad *maiden oecture4 in Sokin Ilay„on the sth kat. Mt rsdj was from bl!ndkrd; Man, eid anri was'en Es - way to • this' atty.—Sarawak Traiselpt. Mtotstunr, April .11 _"n co plop or inrourit.undetdotstuand or Lt. uottir, ten tine . ynaerday, tcieSnlehr a route to vivo? and Maine Like. with „nine jo tnoralfiftette enablishmen a ‘ fiettrattpent lands Gold was fireacl , one!or ittn *limns ion. etturithroogh , the jonnn-and- a Innen quarni "Irnoistbed out by..l&;:g.Teylor;-Foti, -e , day,htit week.:',Wte,betit exults in sty ~.badieobinuttetinnes,tiniot neont. l .l:4- Pa .0 voelSt-to inyter, , Arbor eFnlnottene t. %. • •.• fit AA • I.:TFOPTIPI.,4iEr.;"t I / 4 1 , EDITION' ; TO THIN . PAY. • If :I:Wcr, Lfrattogra Tama Arroomso, - 4 . sisti two o;ho4.—Thehili Arabian? . w t.beti : - .ltielOth of t est iro n;- trip exploration . to Trtaidatklbly. taking, litwa comber or nee, peovided with 'every, *WV° Wctife the . 'object, they 'eritiiiin - seafcb comely, the eetinon 0 a wew.testriaitiaoine good kiattnar-tiitatielfetweeif hate and Ciiluiabta'ricer. Therdesbtant.. after- panning . beiaeareb itong the lotwit i otweied here hue eietting, anti] . from Captain .Conitegot-tittied: etaidieeWistrditiiegealfed.bimsalf at . $OOOll Vin.,i Mexico, and. wholreiNne of the pietyy,.% we Lave .0b•IllOtd the foirowiag.oeciaant .of melancholy termination of the =pedalo:it , CAPTAiN .. 4I;it9IIO6 . eccocer. - 1 • ! , „ . -'. On Weenesdny,blarch 27th, 12 7 4 1 , in !allude 41 deg.:3s mitt. - north, I left the bug Arabian, Captai n ßlunt; in a 'whale- but, neconsuilled by Lieuten ant.,Barhe sod 'Browning, United States Nary, John IL P.eoplet,'Ehq.,ls4earslohrison,Cheshire„ Baker, and Robertson,.and .two we nietAulongiss -to the brig; for the purpose of examining the shore: being led to suppose, by seeing a schooner near the landithat 'hero warn firer or bay in the neighbor hood, whfcliallmWardt. proved to be a ntimake.--, .7,dem-Bsche.Wo. is Command of the bast, and after polling sobne,iwny,slotattee'sbure, we: dote - mimed to-.lard.:at, n:, point whetOlwis ..srpLwLted the stiff wit. n ut so bad at IL tudortunaiely proved lo bd. -, '..' - 11Je rode the Britt briSker -Pot- debly, lint the scM Mid, which: :wan: Italy. an tipbemitng„ or, the deiii,' • rued at &Maid watClightning , tpued for about re second., and the next mom:lunar boat Much 'ed tit, and upset, leaving:ten of n. in ;0 umber wrog 'sling in the "turf, sad -aboin 200.-yardsfrom shore. Tim fifteen 'Minute, that'l -hore:sttiiggled for lire .willwaverhtecifiqed from my memory.' When I first rue fo the within. 4 ,f 2 iiiiu nii- unde r 111 but, Whichjoht bomxustips and I ith. ,,, ii. l <dy•stvtiFi , V. I .totsivy-mf,.Ceripanultutowqre:alfendy,t4 , .Cliiingo 4ll4 . o 4 o mo'lzirwii - films* . huf VW. n - basn , ' -ULU sbropftts all 'off!. Weill:its - ha of ten I :yard. fiona i r. - 41eiti'one of the a.tilonisunklic7.: • We Munedimety•NlVCß back MO ido r ikon, :dr- . wee pennon, bat the next wave were again boiled Ina the fottatig serf. Eight times we naiad the boat, but were is once burled into the bubbling water. nail Alone a:hawed. and, glen leg op ell hope, we motility surrendered our vela, to the waves I cannot describe the feel. Iron I uperleoced fir fw second.— Woes gnat op hope, sod 101 i og heiplea at the mercy of the Waters, my fat leached the earth, sod, alining was d•ep beneath the actitaia. I loittlatitlvely mud myself aver, us if to the hat struggle f2r Utah, and, to my envyeababk, joy, I raised nirheed Ind shoulders ayes the wawa. gall tervoViers' companans reached the shoal at _theatres time, het, crifortucately, It proved to be • Oar, dna°. yet ...early two inecdied panic Gom the male shore. Joon Li Peoples was vatted inhere almost dawned, aod quite loscosible; two of the pony held fa bead above yaw, bet °notarially bed to fet him go, In order to cave Gamed's. Tare wassal a hundred feet between them and the awe, and thereat,s a bury sea mortice ever Illeol. Uaotoawt Browelba "Led via as ut• Wow etanein, and areal an fir the shore, an, Ulertunalidy never reached it. The forte of the SOK and the violence of the pitrvietni exertion, lanented him from mediae tt.. .Q.Llent. Bache wu wi mach !UnwedLteot. that be lila leak in stud Alone; and called 14 me for Win, I toot hold of the arts and helped him to . .ir•ere the totteras aground; cm a shallow put of the WY Nor Bathe was unable to bold on to the,. tut. and load me If bold on to rep ekoelder.: hold blm lee re long est could keep gry...tand above water. 'ltotesdalelj afar, we warsswet Into deep wateetqs wave, sod Bache *Wed me coder with bin. Oil/Rico we 4030 to liltrslorseen - ;_ - " iwked s . / s. ani we, will drown 'Leder; and apes the Instatil,' are dautioldier, wa,,,,sanyt pen-tinkle( bona, relloiniatied . his hold, and ma beneath the wave serer m nu. • a Fortunately, about Lure, the bat stack oil • rock a lade oat of water, on ',blob - two of We men got, and second the Painter, an thatthe earl could ant cam fey of aneeeeded , io reaetune giek r elher a herd attergle. lowed rafparly ,die %Tag rf.'; Oae of the atthera wusULLoil tie . Airi:ltnLautir People's head aboatabo water. We .11.1111fted to.lanif be boa ap and iiirkthev. G e t. Into 11, we vrenn'seee . paiyied ashe,e by the trth( benumbed with ordkand h. ,dial with 1.11 Water We were, however, tumble 010044: the .sitar, oto sull Aeld poor F4antes.'..lio, u • otllnJ to Jet biro ire, to mare his ow* ilia. Aims far the Owe Out would tot have siretted apg bmopts &lodine, of sou Igo{. zee, evboinntile, o the 'Maud hdped.bim. . the brig, Eve had roved a emery grave. VliTchiniutbs inPiriettats were Lieeteatttsßathenid. — Broweleg.Johan Patples W. W. Chattine :i m ma Vorte seaman. ks trope as. Pell ets:ore, kit the gees e or diseeter foe the sehoonerrkliteb .abe the Paragon. We werekindlyhmeived byttumems board, and Peet the Mita Irmy - eonartably. The eezt morning me went to visit our boat 'intim purpose or Well. ring erir blankets,but dal:naives had taken every thing and broken up. the boat to get the multi out of bet. duel and 132 From II airaawaddl flan al. We skbjnia some additional items, brought by the steamer Ohio, at New York.- • "The American ship Georgia was at Woman's Island on the 17th. She hatl7oo Passengers, as the story goes, who reported themselves to ha on a Amu. "e do not learn from any account received bye* Ohio what was done with this party. or what they have done in the way of hunting. The Ohio indeed leffllavatmat the most intereatihg period of the adventure. Among the Spanish vessels cruising alba coast, was, • the Cortez, war saamer—between Havana and Magma—she Pizarro commanded by Admiral Armero, a celebrated MAO,' sad having - under his direction. she Esperanza and Sabenscro 44and 74 run teasels. These three vessels heiesailed for Woman's Inland. Under date of May IPth, the Capin General of Cola proclaims, among. other things, as fol lows: The whole- territory or the Island of Cuba, its ad jacent islands, hays, and dependecies, are hereby declared to be in the ammo( minimal:id consequently subject to all the military •• consequences of such a state, as long so the Circumstances exist which re quire ibis measure. • -• AU the OAKS. of the island, and of the adjoining waters, ire hereby declared to be in a meta of blockade, by the naval_ forces of tier majesty; aid, in consequence of said blockade, every-ve.sel may be requital to show its papers end documents, and to undergo a strict examination. ouch vessels as may arrive, carrying *stagers, whatever may be 'their de , tination, are pronounced instantly to be suspicions. But, _ if the papers and register do not confirm the suspicion, they shall only be required to tail away from the island forthwith. In the con trary case, if the sl-g.C, papers' are counterfeit or false; or, if the ahiputrries ammunition or arms, or oar thing whatever calculated to promote civil war in -the island, the said vessel shall be, on . the fact, considered an enemies, and treated "as pi rates, according to the ordinance of the Royal Ar mada. • EI Mario de (a Marina, of May ICiti,: - stiites from Santiago de Cuba, that a Spudslt brig of war arrived there May Ist, and two war achooners, which iinmedintely went on a cruise in the neigh boring waters. The . English ship Velocity, from lnagin Grande, put into Santiago de Cuba at the wane date, to land the crew arid passengers of the Spanish frigate Esperanita, which was totally wrecked at Inagua, having left Santiago for Barce lona on the 13th of April last. - The heat at San tiago is mid to be insupportable,' and the drought prevailing dreadfully, yet the is SECRETARY OPPOLYCE Inhalitant: of Mei Err,- Faithful Irlanol of Coda. The Governor, Captain General, and General-in- Chief of the Army of her Majesty,-addresses you this day, to let you know that come corrupt foreign eta, without honor or principle, without country, without right feelings, the greater part of 'them a miserable scum, whom the convulsion of Europe, these few years back, hove cast upon the shores of America, the same who, a year. ago, proposed to contain our bland from the territory of a friendly militia, in which they had assembled,are now open our shores to perpetrate Thew rash, and iniquitous undertaking--an undertaking without example in the!annals of the civilized world—a vandatic at tempt of pirates, who have no other object'. Mao plunder and licentiousness, by . ihe ruin and, des truetionfof a country the model of feeility, which they boldly declare oilers to them whetter Acid thin California, in the plunder, to be divided among them,na the recompense of their toils, destroying all the ties and bonds which Constitute the ,society .of this precious Maine ' the favorite daughter of Spain.—Their panting desire, their intention is to plunge this island into a chaos of anarchy and in all the horrors of a civil Wari such as I need not deserihe to you: • • - • Nevertheless, make yourselvei em,; I was ready to ,receive them. Their fate to bringuig ate= to the gibbet, sod they steel have It; I as. sure youthey shelf not at a lesser cost violate the 'sacred 'rights of nations of Spanaltnationallty.— Your nekaowledged fidelity, more than even the altercate of your families and progeny, is 13 me a complete securtip.,:r,katito the shoot of indigo.. Lion with which you would drive back the evil ones; but their blindiere deceives Led seduces them. nod they believenot your sentiments; there tore, I charge myself, with the royal army sod navy at my command. to convey to them a me* •age from you, in every place ea the coast, and in the boy*, wherever they:may hide themselves. Inar.buentel I am confident not one of you 'will deviate in his conduct. Remain secure in the viciance of the authorities, and is the arms con fided to me by Her Majesty, for year prosecuoti, _.arid the defence of her don:Wont ""Wicepractisat.the,lows ete'a regard to noble Ino• 'eiteling;'win•tio the nits of ate tagAitnltgaeaust Pontalneta,aclthtiot ItrultaNdll pursue those wits nstetst,grhasthefr onunardemso de Moll bet sons. • Spaniards of both hemispheres! The boar for, itra battle has wooded, and its effect* will be fain - these seas, for no hymn cousiderallon shalt restrain me. But, forget itot„ peace shall revive again quickly. Tea Comte or '' , lfsvtuta,l9,lt May, 1659. ' =Omura' or noon. The Spanish authuritles were eau:inlay thi forces they.could into the mkt. Oe the 29th, the It was rumored, would be declared la a' .unue of oiege." . :.The same Rape, ban an article calling the pars . des , lb, the expedition; "rrgimufasts,'? .. .pitates,'" '' eigidle, ralcals,"' fgt., A:d,wkicti clap thug .lia truth it was time that the pinta ihonld get to sea, and sally teeth to display their numbers and prAweaq lima that they snored coals and put in Medan on oar coast the beroiam which they boast; limo kits he heroes of toe most infamous vandal. tenitePofee and prove the 'loyalty, toe valor, and' patriotism of.the intialdtants of Cuba. A plty would A bail they. should not reach oar suss; L. , irititillec or Spanish powder ,aboald frighten' SW srtillo . away. A great pup if all this swag. eying a rad end in 'smoke. - Oren crimes re.• traire.l est. punishment; and-tor the honor of our .b • ory we are , ambitgous tis Allot it.— Efay . ..l :At faithlial people desite occasions. to . how . i, the world it* honorable. and geaensua spirit.. :.,, ~ ; .. . -. -.. ”I' u lntelliat the character °Ma itrlventitier • ind he adltektorers la not presented to as lei *anti. • iaipdtst • that a victory over Innen- vroold flAter .irse in whose veins It the blood of pie ntio'. Corten,Bot trifling as may be the glory. wow . sottheir destruction be a signal services to h... salty._This is precisely the reason why we • en gosiots the the meals abould presume to Auld, otillinr, shorts.. ' . . , 4:0 m m ISAVANA. The"fallowing letter from a 0/respondent of the New Yost Jame of Commerce, gives same ides 'of the piepirattoes made to intercept the in radars:. . . Havatta, May 19, 1850. .03 the 26th, two small vessels laniard in be. lot nom New o:leans, brinsing only &lowl:a for tho CaOtain .oeactat. . It was very soon a. terialited that these vessels had been dispatched ilayaberBpuith Consal there, and of course ft was treseitiod Amid deapatches must be Important. trZglit, In ram, Inforotatioa of the sailing or preperation to depart, of a new expedition for Ilse Weston of this Island, and active mcuerea *ere 'lliac 111 or:J.l'6oa hero, la cemeequence. • there( the troops that bad been sent to the pligatovhig country to °mope:leo of the <bole arerisaHated to love preparatory to some al. totter tuctrement,i and the vier ateequirs eerie and babel I ,t, and the (fixates Eapethoth and Conn went to set within 24 noun, commaaded Abg i j i = hgthoa,,,a very rare and cod. , • In the navZ mutes/ of thl 1 oredottiileiiite;qtlxiipre, , r 2 •Spernah'ves Bela war now motile; arearad the Weed; and among the most plausible rumors, it is assertidtbal the commanders barn order. to amorno the moon. *Wiry of intercepting any. eruct having in sus. piciotn appearanee, no matter under what flag, and that ifeey anwebtege of men be found at .•I.a tea de 3181pwee—wbere It is now reported the thaw , gents aye ceocastratiig—theg will seise and bring them into thfiport, N idt batted of any future dis own web the solos le wbioA. the individuals may beiolg, I Aneedee wieder. any . other nation would not do the woe Meg Under strotho cimool• . . . . No ouch hostile. force can had at Havana, or its mesevieinity, and thosei acquainted with the port and its surrounding. &foams will at once admit this fad. /1 is at toe south th at a hwiding is talked of, and the yew! of war aro to Watch that cam epeeirdly, and endeavor to be dose upon the track of.any vessel of a suspicious character, and thaw prevent her trout disambarkiag any man. 'The troops are all be!d In readier= for a march at a moment'. warning, and to sopply thole phmes, the Government has commenced org”imag ta milt ta or volt:edger force. Cardeans;where the landing isms effected, is on the north idde of Cuba, wheirces will be seen from the atitive that the whole naval three wit watching on :tll.O south' side, and tie Islanilso the Dun' Lurrau on was sonic time stems circulated to tksttetnpspen or Ws cairetty generally, that tie dead hours ',bleb am teturoed to UM • GenerW Post OlDie, end thorn opened, were subjected tithe Kraut of the mama of the °Dee, and some opecim ens of their contents' write publobed. WO Otte% wry but 'snob Mir et • Romer period have been the cue, bat we have the Pk"'" to emote the ermunii7 that " Nnii . FeCt 'City.LThens ate in New Took eitr inch course in now pitmitred. The letters are ... It . = _ 6 . L2O barely opeoed, an. is to aweitain whether they 0,11: frte haotti tad p g• .." a~ w rsppas t. contain any.rantable enclosure. It no enclosure go o ,113 80%40116ounce ask, , SOO arrears., the loop Is feted, the letterle never road, and is not sob. e rndes, b„,, g 30 jectrd to the pernsal or access of say one,bel Galt, cutown of ssriegs nudely kept from ..leitors: end destroyed.— so d 3 6 i i„„ , We my tdL bac.u.e V m :deem sleety Pro arc drlvestor - linnates is on trial at Nerw Ba. riPibi n d d "P cc r' —W " A "r" /47 ' 4 • fwd. before'', ceoemauftlecumeth(ot sur . sad • • been:nous ems intrude btu Emeine Braver. a Esmnhain son -Kite aide Bud with yam oepba anich: ake .Lnaa aceonomilvd by,P/0 fewer Judi; iwoune kb, .1„ 0 „„ „ bob b. :n i b ...A m s Ice, )blab eon-, in Boston. The hli*,'esourtsd • ••, by Ms ever "Ida Aebatea,* city fdarshill Talc In the ten Years andfrg January 180, there ey, showed 'the Prince and his suite the Nary wire built in Lutdoe 01,0.10 houwrS, casket 200 Yard, (whet, Commodons Doves was very pm. autos et cow streets; sod the Increase of popoia. kite's them,) Beaker Hill Mantuan; the Beav doe was 223,904 person—dm Is, • city übop tasn's Hooplud as Chelan. lbe • Insane d,qtam,, (*Nur Tart wu added to Leaden! Bme Prison sod Harvard -Univereity. Q ~ e viewin, lawny nee yitni and thai umbi bia„ m it v is t uko sibt . c m orig asliarg in irith ia: mho „Immo:aim. • 0t.: 11,3 P4AII/ 07.147.rthssfWFarfor. Agem, a pritneeldinjellawemall, Was in thy casket. placed.- - Its Rival:mu end belldaeey' Thy home with beauty graced ; ' Like some fair dower from orient clime, Or *slog note of midnight chime. Two culled on you verbena plain - To sparkle on thy brow; But angel bands have borne it hence -7 The Sevier wears it POW! Fee,Heaverdy Milieu, now deigns To;place thy gem where Glory reigns. It shed its lustre oil thy heart— Bluth wilt thou feel its loss; The gem was pato. en n u al -The Rados was but drewa;-- Bat stow it shines in burnish ed gold, . With'diamond brilliancy Untold. 'Twill forma chain Homeric • . Between thy noel and Heaven. For th!a %was taken from thy crown— 'Fwu only lent, not given! And sweet the thought will be to thee, ,The Savior once lent It to me. - Among the sparkling jeweils bright That decked thy coronet, Hone seemed to thee more lovely Than thii thy Karla Kate. Her tender love end seriphatolle Could bre orevery care beguile. - But now, in wondrous beauty, Betide the Jewelled Throne, She warbles tans her notes of To Angel stature grove. band Willwith the Aural harpers' band • Will welcomether u Hod'ittght hand. Mai, 1650. BY AUTHORITY. LAWS Ot TAE lISITED STATES Paned to tlu Ffra &nun. If the Me, Firm CoagraL [Pmstac—No. 5 ] AN ACT supplementary to the. act igtitied "An act supplementary to the act entitled ''An act es• tahlistung a mint and regulating the =Ma a. the United States. Be it matted by. Ms Senate cud /Awl tf Rfjr. reeentatioes gf the Crawl Strad, of sleunses Congress metalled, That, Fm the purpose of eat sibling the mint and branch mints of the United Slates to make return% to depositors with as little delay as pehsible, iteholl be lawful. for the Prod dent of the Untied States; when the state of the Tresauryishall admit thereof, to ditect transfers to be made trom lime to time to the mint-Mid branch inhale for ouch sums of public money es be shall judge convenient and necessary, out of which thous who bring bullion to the mint may be paid the value thereof no soon as pm:Usable after this value hat been axTitained; that the Malian so de. posited shall become the property of the United States; that no &swum or merest lb:alibi, charged on money to sides:need; and that the. Secretory of the Treasury may at any time withdraw the said deposite, or any mot thereof, or may, at hit disci.. Lion, allow the coma formed at the mini to to giv. en for their equivalent in other money Presided, That the bonds given by the - United States Tres wets and Superinteaderut .of the Mint shad be renewed or increased at the discretion of the Sec- retary of the Treasury, underthe operation of this act. • IIOWELLOOBB, Speeder of the Rouse of Representatives. MILLARD FILLMORE, • Fiat Pnniefent of the Unita States ' a s nclrraideolt of she ,Sinede, Approved, May M, ISrA. .ZACILIRY- TAYLOR: • LAID Bearrou3G—Acwrespondent of the New York Joomal of Commerce, writing from Paris, gives the fidloiring characteristic anecdote of 'lda learned and eccentric man :— Apropos of Lord Brougham. We Iwo from Canna, (South of France,) where — lts cattle le situated, that some of his legal rights having been contested, he appeared to person before the Civil Court, to plead hie cerise in the French language 4 . The Cicero of &Island,* says the letter," hada brilliant audience, and done by his vivacity, abi. ley, professional skill, and elegance Urns Frecalt style. Re electrified his bearers; the lawyers, B sad vialtert, !entailing al the fashioaable British at and near Caere,, crowded about hini when he had done, to offer their .otingratalation and homage. The leek ofwanassing , each • did *palm:men is rare for apronacial chum" the noble Lord amonisbcd the Bench andthe Bar, par ocularly by the grand dissertatkin into which he launched on the nature and sacred nghts.ef pro. pony. All this is exactly the ez Chascelloro Kay he live a thousand year.; and mertainly he will never reach the age at which ordinary. men, like ourselvva, live only to recollect what hu happened and to learn what happens—how the Nora. gee., Re will- never nestle, wkale";lnt 4ariay . Dation Pantify.—Alvat'Danskli"*ivicted is &woo of reeeiving stolen propertg,,Wis rens lanced to three "anti/A labor in the &ate ;do. on. AtaryDanalen, Ma daughter .wais" also sew to th e House of Conectlon forth; snit, ollisace, and two other &owes attached /0 the Day were also sent to the House cf Coireetlon.' "Two SOUS of Dunkin are already in the State prigs for, let. oaks. Mrs.D unglue Ls la the liesuitteAatgluoi, add to have tees made tisane m esuissocece of ill treatment at the bonds of Iter trintkiand.— ! A daughter of Dunakin, about ailtrea' gears of age, ream= anitaustainsnaineproachOie The Spanish steamship Calm. ambled here about three o'clock leis atiarnoon, trom Havana. Sae left Mat place on the Nib inet.; ant has WOn esaieeby the Otuo one day in the Ramie. Bke comes to Na.a York to be tuaroughly rupairedand strenattiened.N.‘ Y. Sim The able is not to be ”amended• to sub the tames of timbier. gentlemen who Ititie broached the subject in the Baptist Causal. The Arnett. can and Foreign Bible Society, at Now York, dl.. paced of the subject bye heavy and ivory ditplinte vote apletat the proposed alteranon.i . A revived edition, however, hniovallonfacorponta ad, is analog WU, bin ofeottise tint church is not responsible fur il. 9 . Jennbigra Repeating Bib is one olds moil eG (active, toe mad awful weapons of modern days. It discharges twenty Mar balls in • 11211111 w, which take toll effect at eight hundred yards Woes one ball is &red the gun ta again instantly leaded, by a Principle as ample al -It is na4tding. Tlitnit of such a weapon in the hands of a thousand meld— The else ottani gun ought to pot an Mad to Isar, for aurelyno army could stand aromas it. Prot Websterand his family, the rßisiton Mall says, entertain strong_ hopes of a loll; pardon. A gentleman, who had ruined the contemned man, observed to the ethinvoi that paper that he never saw so Minute! `and plenum it man in his bro., considering the terribleness of Ma pi. sitton. klearrs.ll3atler and Abbot commelfor ke • son, nom nutter sentence °fa: ar 54'041 ' a Wass for murder, and whose day has beck ;fixed, have made an loeffeetual attempt In the Supreme Conn to °btu% a may of pmeethip. Judge Fletcher peremptorily refuted themklir • James°. peke, who Is hotel lie the author of aelLlll sea soup, died on the 121 K Mat., In Jet. tenon County, Kentucky. .41erep..1g health t o thee Tonkßreeseis from his pen. Dr. !Impugn W. Dwight, TreaMens of Remit. L ton College', died a Ikon tune bloom Chalon, hi this mite, deed 70. He was the sou of President Dwight; Of Yale College. .‘ ' The Opera Mania Muket 'recovered some. whet at Boston** Priem - barn ithe lest night of IW , season. At auction, teats brought a premium ettrealeo,ooeo $1,05. The aggregatejoi peetoi. ' um; (over and above the regular, ad. eststionj Is' era& to .11- at, that one nlght..' A. good deal of amuseitutot mewed by the “EhteTaven,"• smell lodgieg! and eating house, eateries' as a eempl woo 10.11,0 A*tocraua Tremont iutd Haver° DOM& Tgq ".11" got 40 lens - ' Pnatocirr ar Fusee : Loo2ll.llool2lo4—The coedition of Ith:ea years' residence, which la im posed by tbe rod electoral law, will bus be effect Cl de p pn pose viair of les elector& tight the Pres dent of tee repablie blamed; litho aid 004 I arrive at Pais until the end of September, the& C 111444413 laillpt.4l=ll Vanalis—Witaterres may be the watimeet orate pociele or Canada, the be. µMature is sualmenity beside to Canadian lode pendenee. Several pensions base been recently say to, asking • Legstelve address lobe .ant to the Queen, to favor of • pe•ceful separation of the Flambee from no mother oottauy. ?nese pal. tams were received quietly—witboot excitement aed.witbeat debase. Bat opoo the question or &moon to their prayer, the vote stood ayes 7, toes ri7! Oid east Nero SdwoL—ln the New School Preebytenso Chraeret Aseembly, in ension et Ne t/gig, • muumuus of three bu bun appotated collet wet the other Ptesbuesiett Anetoblyle re. tutu to the hien Of the late Woh.Btown. Esq., bah patties else:Ong It The miasma tbe kvacy of the See. haw Reef, ofCtseeettoe, booth Cams lug, ma teased to the same committee. The Cambridge Chronicle, le recommending eiuly rising sod walking, says: "Homing inter views won Name are deligtuful ?" "Joseph, wise: you kinsbe tbe fire to morrow, rg:ir sh;windo i zz d iL i nar re u i re e vreme P.O iniervievv, • • • rxt Adm. Gagadinc!-rTbs *4- Dlscalo maybe - teon upon lie "boner of oxutak* grai l ocNow Yorlw , ro Lar—tbeup- For Pan of Otibtuldlegici be bees mestied , Lbquire within"' Aln editor in Illinois rives Maitre that uihere will be 444 .PIPm thatweck; as his _ wife is !sing the scissors tatalfaole his casaimeres Natl.-11 appears by • tab in the Tribune, thetthere are Ito the nary 63 p lains and 67 cormosnders. 01'11mA:cam., 22 ere Oft * duly and 46 not on 'dal. Of the latter Miss, 52 are on dory and 58 not on duty. The aggregate salaries of the unemployed capitals& amount to 31i6,000 and ofthe cortumufden, 599400. lo4a—A gen man irked a country clergy. man tarthb, use of is pulpit for 6 young divine, a relation albs. really do not know," said the cletryman, ' , how t refuse you; but if the young Man could p.m ter them me, my congregation wily be dissatisfied with me afterwards; nod if be should preach worse, I don't think he's fit to ;wad "American Pabsioraable Life" is the bead under wb,ch GalignanPs Paris Messenger parades the *DM of the testimony in the divorce case of For; rest. the actor, and.hts wife. This is dishonest. Doubtless American society generally is as remote from such worlds and manners as any society in the world. • . A good Bubstitertaqfor o Sermon—The New Orleatur Playa us tells a story of an old clergyman who was in the habit as Joon as ho got into the pulpit of placing hie sermon in a crevice under the cushion, where he left it doting the singing of the accustomed psalm. One Sunday be pushed 'the semen book too fat Into the crevice and lost it. When the who wasconcluded .he called the creek to bring him • Bible. The clerk, somewhat astonished at this unusual request, brought him a Bible as be vas desire& The clergyman opened iyind thus addrowed his coneregatioutqdtrbrelh' gee, . I have lost my sermon; but will , read you • chapter in Job worth ten of It." Mr. Lawrence'. parties are attended by the 11203 brilliant and distinguished people in Loneon. A French paper, caned "Le Croyen," has bee Marled in Petroit, Michigan. An EngLibman hu astonialied the people ofLeip ale, by flying from ono high lowest° another. The health aflame, the poet, bu waved. The Cholera has reappeared in the county of Caskitr behind. Uwe, decided at &mond= wcek. that a note made or visaed on qunday was notvalid. 4OGAN, WILSON '4 CO., 12111 WOOD ST., ABOVE MI MI, Have blot tooeirOd largo additions to Their BPIIIIIO STOCK OF MIRDWARE, CUTLERY,& Impattml by late pneket. (ma Eotope, and to ..whirl MIT lecold topecially call am alttotion of purchasers, Wirth:it rtei, very O met olre stock. Rod Iriw prices will give • entire tatistaction. rollyeddwlST EISCOUILSOBS lIOME lIIIITJTIITIO 9. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, • O.O.„ Of Pittsburgh. . lIIISSEY, remstst.“--.A. W. MASKS, San , Y. OBlce—No.ll Water event, fa the warehouse of C. 11. GRANT. !pins COMPANY Is. now prepared to Insure all kinds of slats. on boosts, monufactones. goods me rchandloo In store, and in woman tresses, d,c, An amide starve.) for the ability imd integrity of the Institution, Is afforded in the character of the Di rectors, who are all citizens of Pilmbuttb, well and favorably known to:the community for thairprodance, Intelligence, and !alacrity. • thatuross—st. Hussey, Wm. Ilegoley, Wen. Lar bum, Walter Bryant, flash I). Eine, Edward Hassalton, Z. Kinsey, S. Onzbaugh, S.BL Kier. apS).-tf • . • Improvements 'Ma Dentistry. DR. 0.0. STEARNS, late of Bosten, Is prepered to manufeetare and set Mom Tura in whole and pans of sets, upon ta ti t , ion or Attooepheric Suction Plates:, TOOTILCIII rtes writorza, where the nerve Is *nosed. 0 and residence next door to the Nay or's oDee, Fourth street, Pittahorxh. R.usam-4.111. Il'Fadden. P. H. Eaten. tall . Da. D. HUNT, Dentist. Cotner ofPourth and Ilteoter. between atarket u n klltrin grril,PLArnit Lam Pnr..—lrt offering gas medicine to the pnblie,.the proprietora' am well aware that they lave to encounter a hostility attained by the countless heptagons *lath hive bee. palmed upon the publie'undee the shape of patent medieinei. We are convinced,' however, that It is only necessary to Rive their remedy a trial, to plane it in public- manna. Aloe far above all medical agents of the kind ever offered to the public. • It is the invention of anew jightened, eiperleneed, and learned physician; who, for many yenta used it In his .own.ptattlee, when to great num. !educed lam b oibr it to the public at large. Far eels, by J. MD.& CO. t pict 60 Weed street. • Soil& et Um - Sla. Km-1 am deettoni of making known to the public, the great emery of your PETROLEUM in my awn case, which was a severe staid of the footled' sinkle; 'upon removing the stocking, the skin peeled of with 4 and left nothing bet the bate senine. I expected to be weld up all louder from the effects of this scald, bat we applied . the Petroleum freely, by mama of a flannel clods saturated with It; tfint,the application was painful, but in a very shy time the pain abated. I had no pale in one hourif i terwards. In Gee days from the time of the appUe los of the Petroleum, I wee able to so to work. Ito e pleasure in stating them feels for the benefit of other sufferers, and am degrees that they sheald be made public. I , would also mile, Chit I fiiid Immediate relief by the `van of the Petroleum, In burns,' nom which I ern • frequent mamer owning to my business about the !englite; I would reemerneed. it as.tbe most prompt, 'and certain remedy (or Nuns I have ever known. (Blgaed.) J B COE, Engineer, Sharpsbargb, Allegheny Co. Pittsbursh,April.lBso. Bee sale by geyser & McDowell, 110 Waal West; .R E Sellers, 57 Wood IL; D Id Corey, Allegheny elty; D A Elllell,,Allmbeny; Joseph Douglas., Allegheny; also by the minim?, S. M. RICH, Canal Daaln,Seventh et, Pittsbamb 13323:121 r CITT—on Touday evening, tho 28th tomant, on 4. the bank of the CanaJ,ln'Grant alreel,or between th and Cann. Mem, a small limiting Cued Gold Watch, with silver Mal, and a Mort gold chat, The person findleg them van be mutably - rewarded ou brinaleg them o Mr .1 B Me Padden, Market street, or to the GM. of Taste & CPC. 1:12104 corner or Peno and Wayne atreeta. ;74;;Iii/ WILKINS usza. ziestsunewr I] ILL be open en Thursday evening. The ladies vir are respectfully invited to cell between the boors of 0 and 0 o'clock, P. to., when the rooms will te ready Ler their inspection. ety3telt X 11. VAN RENSSELAER hits Goods for D MURPHY & BURCHFIELD barn reeelvad a fnl imply a f all to *ruin. kl - da of !White Good for Ladier Dremer, nub as Scotch Malls,lhool cenus tip to IlinaLl Swiss nulls; plain and Agana; . Victoria Limns.. Nansooka and Janonenii Plain /aakoneta,l.oft finish; • Besides a //Op worn:nem of Embreidated and Erla• edd( m ea ins , Laia.,Thuages, Thisuon,&o..,yery elm p. rn I3lne Salk Darairt, FOR VEILS—A impply receased . • MURPHY & BURCHFIELD, naTZO Nonheast Corner of Nan& and Market an. • • Ofsinvrood Garden.. TIIIS DELIGHTFUL HUMMER RETREAT is now in fall operation, and awned with all the delicacies of the seams. The steamer Ibpe No 2 MS et 11.1M1114 packet Drone ihs city to de Outten— leaving the fagot Pitt street ail o'clock in the snore- WS, and at the beginning crutch hoar, eminent nigat —rfondaya excepted. No intorleatlng drinks kept on the premises. nty2D 1850. Fort Pitt Works. 1850. Camera! O'Hara and Etti street's, Fillh - Wald Dissolutlea. TIII{ firm of Keep & Totten era'. dlesolved on the 2d el April leal,PY the death of Wm. J. Totten: Charles Keep, Jr., having purchased the Interest of rb.4.1. W. J. Totten, in the gum of Karp & Tanen s and formed a co•pastnership with Ida brother, Thomas Kelp, they will continue toe Mutates of the concern ender the name of Keep a Cr., end will settle all elation agidnat ehe late firm, and receive all debts and demands owing to the same m)311:1 LING J. Finney, dgent for the Pcuna. Gja buntrance Co. of" Philo. 4PFICE ef the Wel!iorn Insurance Company No. 0/ Wow/meet, hosborgh. amphletsownh all necessary Informanon, and blank tonne will be tatn/shed. linebands earl (muslin, their lives for the benefice( their wires and children; creditors the lints of their debtors. The whole Probte of Abe Company am divided among the holders of Lith,Yellelee. The divide en of the past Iwo years have been Mall. ty per eau t. each leer. ' on=— POTASH -2 cooks of boo guilty for ado 8 N IV/CHEBBIIAAI, sorA Corner of Wood sad 81.1111 atroya - .MANDe Drug i N 3 Falg r bblsreardotzt We Wynn . ',Comer of Wood end &nib soma S mr3 o I3A-',l auk reeelyed S N. VVIC and for KERS i sale by lAbl nfIaMPAIGNE. AND CLARET WINE -Vet so" %) parlor quaint', kepi commit) On hand, oad to aye by • A ctrixemrsou, mtdd No 125 Liberty •Inrot Ultr. BRANUY —ln balf pipe* and and gamer P casks, of the Mallpfaetwe of John Darand I Co, Borden:, kept corunandy on hood and for sale by A t:ULBERTSON FLs l ll%B l lb L y e ' . g3 . l l Atitiii; • k' . I,°V;smumia B-- u° bbl. Cn hoo andl,for lECTUBEZ on• Art and Poems, Waehingten Ava. Ad we. Edited by R H D.da, Jr. Bights in tee Geld Repos, and deems brew *ay. By Theodora T /phonon, 81 edition, wish - newerona The. } By or the Trials -of New - fort . By Charles Barden, anther of "We Contrictli CHM: , vAnbut, Martin," de , The Pastels, for matte:Named Byl A ' Wiz ander, Professor in Pfilmelon ihmlogieel Seminary. TaleervAne Vaysten,Pablwhed by Baker & &no. sem N ew rL The above Yo , withal with a Wire aisorterent et 19 Wen Books; for sale by H &MOLISE! &Co,' IWO • to 7/ Weed mind %; MOIR ii=e—A tow Us• OW Willed reenHatoa APR, PLil2Oll 11/1111114LE FIVITEII.6.EOPECTiONEI4 . ;o. 187 Istharty street, TO11:‘ H isELTASR, NO: 81 Weed op received, and no eet bQeHtorsi ( BssdfdEbsSn ( lFnh6oomylthfeedrad: w o a pens for examination and 460 drums Satyr. Firm yea, a ease stock of no, Forte, tom the aelebraxed SiM boXes exUa manufamory of J LitiCken.ltr 330 boxes Beech RUSLM • - Teachers and runatears are reopenthlihWied to • 175 half boxes do ci the a n nu .o ne a eery beatable! GUM) Pram. reserved sehh . ,-, lol4darter bare.' 00 SO' 130 b 3O oxes P t tin; alermo .4 12m0S0S: . spa boxes Sicily Leseeers 8 eases SleilY Ideonee; 40 d4xert AsselWitnehia4 123 boxes Scaled llaalOO ..730 boxes No.,i llerrle3i 54 54 bee Fa hire While, is Bed Bock Candy, 1 e 7 - 30 base White Brasil svgs.: halals Lseris 7 a crashed& powdered dor 13 bag, canary Seed; -7 :3hags Rielly Pllbertn • , Ito bul Nutg MO/whets Pea Nate; 40 barrels Pecans dol - 20 bags Soft A.ImOOO • 23 boxes Shelled do; .31111reors common Coodiesl2l3 per Ib, Corea/ piloted. warranted as good as any in inn " ' arr. : LieertYst, ten Oat. cast Of EL Allegheny, CRY Scrip. , _ cuaLluil , ding Eerie of Allem eil.tezzipubs my3o42mk:rha9 E=3 - • TUST EF.Lnlyi.D, at the Pittaborgis Family Gro g', eery and Tea Warehouse: • 5 EMS Fresh Oysters, In tin em.; 5 do Pickled do, in gtjaa; - S- do do do, In pint , do. The aboeiFreah Orders are. P drk ol ie dl„ l " p ut IT in a highly concentrated soup, enclosed in aennette • ly sealed cant. and will keep mock longer the. 111°36 pat on in the ordinary. way.: • . For We, wholesale and retail, by . Wht AIcCLURO & Co, zny2o • • . 250 Liberty at VALIIADLE HISTORICAL I.egare's Writin_se,ll vols. ea • " The American Lovalists, LOMA= Bahia; B to- trioquenee of the Wa sh Hawaii vol. The Writes* of ineran, t 2 vol. B ce. 11ildrethl Blowy of the United Btatea,3 vols. a CO Bancroft's Binary of the United suum3aoh 9 re. The Work. of Franklin, 10 Col. P no. Ste esmen of the C1.11190f11•4111th of England, Prescott'. Ferdinand and faabella,3 voL 8 ve- Bollect's Hie ory of the World trot 8 ye. For sale by JAB l Loomoon, , Inl3l Bookseller and Inteorter.llll, Fourth It ACON—loge lb. Bacon Sh , eilders.lost reeeivid, luelTer sale by 8 ILIARBAIIGH LARD-60 kegs And VA Ma, in nem far sate 6y _saay29 s & W ItAßtle VGII .4—MO [as 14 gdro7 B ;ale n ry "1 1 2' '' S i V ° 77 farßrage' T OBACCO -3 lads Ohio Lear rec , d, and far .11e by '4ibl 11 Jour/arc*/ ; Il? Second et . BROOMP—.3O dos corn Brooms for sale hy _msfa WM H JOHNSTON VNFATA brls 'Cider VinVotr, for .44 by marT AVM H JOHNSTON DLAodll4—iOn tons' Nanpier Bloom% tur. haalig ilfrom mazer Eaphnue, for sole by ISAIAH DICKEV CO niortl , Wet., it Front OS. LADD & GREASE-25 Ms No 1 Lard: 21 We Grease la. ding from steamer &ohmic*, for Wet T b allow, now • mare/ IS A lAll • DICKEY & CO FLIIII-10 brie Nora Beetle HerrinAT 13 bits - Gibbed do; 3:0 bola Baltimore do, IS brie Shad; , 30 bf Otis stem end 4 , r sale 'by man) 1 BROWN 14 Li be r ty.Zs K st ATRICK DAISI/Ne-40 VT by. u. alma. and for tale by BROWN RIREPATRICIC OTNIVE3-1.10 baahelalang red.; 73 be Na.hannok )vet need and for hi e.e92 BROWN /aNIRKPATRIOIL pebris Shen!den for sale by. 13ROWN k KIRKPATRICK 11'" IrniV ' ert: d kcii rilANNF.RS'lo.ll,l4lio , d Ws . d mikr4 miownut zit rt OLAS • Ay 111.711.it0l UGAR—I6 rinr.Red, a. ennui.] article, on • hand and for ode by ma•Tl IR?1?iIi;2E I• N the ease of the application of the Ohio and Penn. AY •onis Rail W. 4 Cominl oy, ter the nght of way: No. 165, Jule te1m,1859. . • And now, to wit. May RS, 1050, start orviaterre Red confirmed, Nisi, and tie court order notice there of to be giwn. by pabliesnea in the Pittsbargtt Ciesette. tosyfilnwZlT BY TOR COORT:4 Craiiler Sou. As Putout' Cositpuetwel Weald •211 x ., ante. . • TAE fired great revolution In Washing aide 6 oceated since the drys when the eine was Wash ed by the flood, has been folly cornmeneed, - byrrenee Patent Soap, patented by the 'United State" Give us Lake,Erio for a wash tab and lids - other fAkes 'for rinsing, and ore will do all the week's washing Of the world before breetfar. • Manufactured and for isle at the clothing store of GEO 8 WARREN, Arent. antra =Wood et, between Third& Fourth. 11180101TsADIK0118 LITERATIIIIE.77 lj l Li' Al ' g ' f ".'24' lt lobegZstloatT . ,_„,• l Heroines of the Dlitrionsry Faber:trim, Dma taeattlera History ar Eogland.. llneo. , le Gibbon's /Lam 12mo.•.:: Tbo Optimist- Hy Toekermam Igeno. Goldmohles Miscellaneous Worke. Prior. limo The Works of Leonard Wood., D. D, Soo. Life,ofJean Paul, 12mo. . • • • Holmes' Poems. Itno. .. Ilirorical Studies. 11000. .' For male by JADES D LOCRWOOD T .. marl/ Her &Importer, 104 Fourth a.. OTiell LOST. li c a T A74l is ,L obbTs liven, e that h 1 0 * Gunn n et:N h t et * n 2 1 :11 ' sk ellsborg," Va., o tollowlog notes, vierll nota drawn by G. A. rtio. payable to ourattor,Thued April Mb, In Ibe tubs for IliG3 ON a rum 'drawn • y John irldorgan, tune dam and time, fan IHTI i 7, sad 'II nota drawn by Jobs WartaCa , to te d &over-70bn 8. .4tlorkelt,. and so.emlorsed- by eur, da April..oth, at foe? menthe, for eltea: The abOTO notes were norm .received by vs, nod Ibis Is to caution an porton.' almost trading too or buying the same, as payment. of teem has been stoyped.• Bit W 11,11U3A10011 . . • aaaki,Jaat ree'd, sad fora • e • y • au)* • - ROBISON. LITTLE la CO LIAD—IO kis oaar landing, for We by •• • Ilea . • ISAIAH DICKEY. h. CO H ERRING- NU=wl forrpy,l, i l vic g & • C O !OBOE, FINDINGS - ARID LEATBRIns Edward - A. oosifirey, , • 16 South Calvert st., war Baltineons at, Bala-mom (Late . Godfrev I So N.Y.,) ralTalgre="ggigil:TdArll;l"l .* "OT French Call' Skins, 'Patent Leather,"onVeo white, enduing roanklbtines,tre.. Lti tu lingt,Vtuietle RILE GALLOONS AND RIBBONS, Laes.,Webba, A. Entree.' Aid Blades, Rine THREAD, Blue , Tacks, Shoe Neils end Pb,, PEGS, of all s'sea. E. A. 47. having established Me above busineistn Balumere, la enabled to ohm goods South or IFest wilt the a town despatch, mu! ti the lewest prleen Manufacturers, dealers, and all others, may rely upon obtaining every article in the trade, of the but outlay, and on liberal terms •- Cie of Lams, Boot Trees. Shoe Trees. scAm pa, Crimps, Boot Strelebers,Ae.. All ordeaserill bo pmtly executed Law i.. for cash - A e ro ata p logne eontalnleg• complete list' of erery ankle In the yule will -be forwarded to thous who may desire It. EDWARD A. GODFREY, le S. Calvert 4.. near Baltimore el" Baltimore.. • & 211. .1111 TO s&r. Sae Imparters (win maet, S • ; Jas. Naspratta. Pasta rk & ada 4.111. ABE nO • reCeilring, by anal. large applag a th , show celebrated whole, both Alas sod Soso makers , best .quality and high t 0.,, orlieb they, Trill m the lowest mukot phut, tor ash or nunhood Leila N.H. It. addition to the above, they kayo several shipments tohnivo, for the fall trade. mu 29- WANTED 5. 'Practical Carpenter, ;AMi eapttat o4rtoto 54,000 to 50,000, • • 0 embark in Ma badness. A lioorlmg mill and other neeessart machined con be pat in Imer by4he advertiser. Address W. L. G., Post Mee, box mara.d3l. -• 1717,11. A MED, nip CONTRACT with a - Baade r W . trent a' blank . or mia Dwelling., In Elntunghorn, (or which the brick will be rambled on nemnt. - Apply to lit F EATON. • Wa7E4d,7l JOIEN C moivriv, , • OT ISAAC GREGO. : =,;S:;1:121 . • Nr2.lllY BUIL . :I f Fi b Eff , re 51. a colon. i " oodi, of dea * l l labb; WORTI• • • Black Figured Dress : k • m-Upfr.ireneer. bun received iiFvue ens Altered and striped Drum Mee: sive , plebe ba . 44 F.CY Dms. to wrest variety. • • • Telizable B.ostlPPelits. for Baler ON Third Street, uijoutlog the Etna. of Pittsburgh, thirty feet front. by eighty fact deep. Tents, : tom euayould price moderato .Engoiro of , • may29:d7t• WILLIAM • al Diamond Alley.: . . .B3CCOIID HAND- Plii9ll A GOOD Mahogany Plano Forte, Soceves, • second band 3100 00 A handsome opright• Piatte, , altb Rosewood . Fu•eito re, 0 octave., sad in good order •• • • ICO 00 4 plain sa octave Piano so 07 A good 0 004•0 Mum. 7600 A good 44 octave nand, with itandeorge thou. lore • 73 (e) Pot' sale - try JOHN II MELLOR , may 29 01 Wood et DOTASH-6 casks prune. noway. tor ftvhdra, tom, and for We by E SELLERS - maytil 57 Wood at - (V LUE—ao brlo glee, endraTicliiiiits7br-- Jr Moorti ' R E SELLERS' TbUSE PINK-1 brl strictly ri f0,..1y by P Just reed, and Rm.R E EFJ,I,ERS . COFFEE -30 -- bags pr;saa Rio Ca.lrea. Jan teel fn. may2B C N GRANT WEIIE;=ZI THE A =rims Jolt raol 'of Selene., and Alt la eon. darted ny Prafearora D Sillfman lc D. 81111 man, Jr. and Jame. D. Dana, and ymblished tha IllatlofMay„ and each alternate 39000. No V, forAlyi la now ready, 52 per year, or 87+e nor number. •,:•••• • JAMES D LOCKWOOD, " _ m .yys Agent foLpiop e _ BACON- 30 ,C 00 Prim. ehouldorg •-• • ••• • prime bides; 23 tea extra Sugar Cared llama • may 23 • MeGILLIa a DOR '•• F.; bole by MIMI t 110.14SISSES-40 brla N 0 ► 151) N 0 Idolauer ma 722 • MeGILLS kausi. BrAVER BUCKETS Ttrps—m) dos Boakey; otay2s - i11:4'1197%10g EOAREI —Acen Havana, ; Principe, and! H e re Smash Benue, awned brand. ms)23 • ' ribcrrestr—io suts (or al. by =OR • MeGILLS t ROE LoAFt;r , Pulverize wnaOT )! fa r ta t r i s,..aii:a• — *'",u, 111 W 1311085 I NICW BOOKS 1 • At Balms' ; Liter/ay prim', Third etraw;opposue Ms Past Offio Y f Mechanics, &gine We'd: gog D i 01 ; 13r m i el 44" earn—No 10. • nale and Inenoladon; a now Saks of gm Ilia. ciplant ULU.. glatakos of a Lifenoto—No = • • Loudon Quormly evievr,po• • Piounrial Fled Boot. of the Embalm ?MIL v• • Loa% Living Ago—No :IL Linda; or the Young not of tha Bells Creels. By Caroline Lea Hem Cond. 81 Georg* Bala - The Ilalioao. Leviallangatleoll mos. • ' Seaga! laogtor•JoaailiaxL • - • The Yam ihrir, By No era. Eisw IVA not&UO tight Mint. PFAICEDiNG the Wooden Floau,an# be i ig P - S eomboriitila, thereby.ectuamiter the oil, and . pe. mu, laaltion,ltaretatare fa objeetcd taw all other floats.' One !alga spoonlal, of the 'common lel arlll r Nine length oMe,;:d rdU! a aLy ail. Rece and fo r sala by_ , JOH N UMACZ-75 mks lastieatlied got We bo -.: 193 liberti QTRAW BOADDE--1.AL13 a,mnea munbere Boards•for taiden. ClltEnbeftbin amilafarture., ittsol• by . mail 7 . A CULBEB.II.ON TEAS-300 kegs Green and Black Ten, a well to A lected mock, to which the aneation or the toad le 'elicited for tale by A CULBFAIThON 11,TAIL8—I56 kegs ea hula aft for sale by AN mq2 --- VAESII . TEAS-4ast teeetwed. ot the' Plttaboqk F Family . Gently sod Tea'Wareboaae,a few..holf diem of the' eslebraked_Drogoo Chop o°l°4 Tea. the but a act Tes Imported, for .ealee by. the half ohost or potted, by . - , - ..WDM A ItIeCLURG feel? t003'27' . VSO Melts a • - BO te dTaN CRACCead—cl (mob lot of Ikedoeliet; .ie sit end Orantractersavet received hem the - City of Notion& and for Pee by =era - WM A bIeCLURO & CO Irdlt—O3o brla now In Ware, and for oak by 'IBMMI DICKEY JO CO Neter t Front oth Pr i g4Vb'""'"'",ifirallgoKey&'& RIN -60 Nis la . tcce,lind &wild OP ° 24' . mayn • • ISAJAWDICKEY/i C CUEFZE—On handoind fer tale 1g sa•yr.7 • , • ISAIAH IC &CO BACON -1b-•L. do' Assorted. for ado r¢o47 ' "" ISAIAH DICKEY & TOBACCO—Mbis Pobsdexterbs panacOnmps, Nr et& at a very low prit , a by .ISATATI_III6XBY t CO Booms s. 50011111 Met fllituttuin4 of .• Tearer* ler the Ilse of Paster; or rE the Demec 141nister. Anblitat. B 1 Wm . naiaat of "Zp'• senue,••Disee ttrees,o ae. ' • The Utothe of Dr. John T.Alottice, late Arehbishop of Cauterbuq, with the We' cf the Amber, by Thos. Also, a copious Index and team of seep tare carefully compared. London edition.•:• , • The Cemprettsnalve Commentaryou the Holy Scrp ture., embracing all that I. saleable In all conimeno tato: a Edited, CV. east, D. D. embellished with Mel and engravings. ' • S. S. lJnion Brats, ea /sand, and (or sale by • • ; • .A /I ENGLISH &CO • • Successors to SLUCITT ENHUSII, • • • ~ 1) Mod street • . • v" for sal* by • ATEICK DEADIS.;-11 tiaras rot sale by: ' .1J 4 scsiumeaersa a CO torr47- 21:1Voselstrnet. elenweae rapt Very eavj," and fame Id alum, and eon se note. ; ~Pi r gi r ec a rni.bed / art STRAW WRAPPING PAPER—I4O mg' sisintatt, for .ale by , I SCIIOONALAKEII. ULPH. QUININE-100 os for sale by O =.927 J Beki(XI:iblAKER kCO LOr aN D-70 bits elligailct=i-a'h) 0.011,00 D-15 barrel, ground; fotiale, by V mays, 7 beIIOONNAKER &-00 IaipO.C,OFFIEF,-201) basi prints quality Prat ree'd, „Lt. and ((mule - Pr , - RupLars9l , l BY-4PEFT (IX 82.1.1 a CLKY--114 talk. and '01:1 bps arykriag J per canal, maul far sale by atara:dlw . ....ROBERTSON PIREPPERT Ile eons Lbsersse. , , • RATRPHY BUECHFIEIM, inorth eett.riernst LV.I of Footth and Illarkeihre,tue Jart.reetairs• 'wept}, of extra line Irish Linens, ere...wieldpare thx, sr rq h .. 25___,1 Lk the Invite the attention ardetlers: fenryls Wa3l °Y . PassiAtekes. MUUPRYa lIVRCHFIELD , have Jost opened. aletrtuneit Vf-Platcy,Cs=seie`life, venheaken's sienmensear. Also, takesek clod.; Bade sea laney-revesta,Angers,,Cambeie: •stsat adayeacket Unedterchiers; Fanny Cravats (.:,ached wad Unbleached Conan .IlosicrybSld sae' Lisle Worm; Ellic;Cettne,t: nts4l;!,l7oneFkkutc atiew paces for gnality. • • r. h.nost .A 114.892%*. co have seeelvoi, and Impair Oflri 'Mr ie fi tel;l7 4 .7 l/" '.. , !". 11.1. Itn, price _ . • • Po/lis La 0 ?MIES Polka Lawns of * lra.. ' ' a '''ci"d Pe!..Vvus ' ancl " % g e d :t in"&"4lv; AA m i i n ici, 511kInaket It , .: sam e an. 0 1 1! c" P P' q u iATe IA goIZUCII L TZT Y ITzabIe inle V "ln " ""T ' ana ° A A P AASDIST & CO COPA,L brli ion VD-di7.7. ii• by ea wod A LU 247, 2s !,bitaVis MObbifOr salts by- • , • • I.LIDD ic.oo eccelte DPIuFF~IoO lb . 1.11,1. e •m:l,s. ~ ~. ~,.- a~naco GARTISTS SCOTCH SNllFS—Crelbs,loblodOei jog neared, root for solo b - YIDDA.OO kith-- • • • / • Ilage fors ile • IjralearZ „ • " • - J IDD Jr.loo .QI/CAltr-431. Offinees,prlm_e_goelltv,ie tie 4..7 led for sale by 70HII k. CO mera .; 7: . . Cemeterrlal roer.l.l. ai VLerib}S-1?0 ,11•1*U 0111.6G1 , , oak bmeli aijor tale by, auyill JOIIMPARILER &CO rPlitißiiB--30 - btln in Mann, for nale_ n i 0/i4 • ituvr24 JOHN •PARKER CO F.' 9118- tt;r l :F e tr i V r!l Y • r d:e ' , urf . - • 10 Ws Bye - dlifrostoteindrei - vale may24l " JOHTCPARKER jes and for val i o l n 6l° . " ' and 8 ":" . miy9l .1041 PAHBER&CO RlCFrdres ln more. and for sala by _ • yam - • • JOH* PACKER &CO YE - iff — FM=99 'WO take i ffrilbTlin band, r and , Ir loAtr tO Pi l ; - brpipes extra llnclidleolar9l , •.' • . .• • 3' do. , • °cud,. °corer k. 0 0 •4 dark; • 2 do Bur r dark; • • : • 2- do PeCe.volsinos Store, and f.• sal malt ALOOllOl.— . lO Akehal on band. r•rsale bi • mar 24 ' ' . • • ‘. IOII NPARICER.k. CO . t cases dni ao r re' I" Oa". hid received, and•ror soda 1y • .WA A. hr . 4.URGV.t CO 930 abeny H• B AC° . 1771 IVA , • ' f !SAO lb.. Haw, at Ale I. 8 WATER NAN*. SONS . • tt &ft Froat it. V . 1:417.118811 /11/W t car 61. 1 14 8 WATER MAN 1,78 NE la 5 1r ATERMAN &SOWS Di:ERRING-RS bc& Baltusom Nailer solo by • =TM L 11 WATERMAN &PONS OURMIM TUBS -41 doz - ‘77 L VATEW/Mit IZNS' eNRATBS & RAKES- 4o des eoea t • Foreakt bj - -L 8 WATERMAN &WIWI - .FIROY/SMINS-44 tes mewed &pads OrialteeJ 40 iceSsgar Cared 114.0.1' - - " • 4 . 044 cimarsed Rams, for wet by - - - _ r-F2rorvtsr.ownrc, eitsr.Nrcizi O wiCritc'erilmet 11001100W18-145 do, eomrnoo Broom, thr mac tF7' Moroi ^ • WICK It.ifeCANDLE6S • • . toi irite ' 1331724 WICK k MoCANDLESS - CanliggED sottorerred,lor ..724 • WICK &10 - C.SNDLEKS .• colts pore7reOWind tor JI. ' WICBA SteCANDLM: itAr#lN (1.3 . 41MR-310 teams wow°, woditt!, , , 1 Y a - doable votap i pa c orrAng . IllittilEs MOULD CAIIIDLYftIAbx• ?duo , MoOld - Mould Candles. a superior guiles for intiwim7r sale by • • maygt MICK& bIeCANDLESS • -I — if SALTS—II barrels, foote „- , , CH5CU — a'rE-40 freiaE rcc Ert: - • WI 6 & MeCANDL . . T AB l= C a l aribiailA4 inry, WICILte Atetlihnilain tfijrriat l la ACID- in 40 lbsg N micti • ms72__. ms o,usic PE WHITE LvAD-..A latre:appil,ef Fame! stvers.t.e . s.Aatinr , oplandl.4 . i. ASSOIL-317 7 marg tinl teed Porn / "i 7 . Vhibllll3 ria,D to IcMutl~,eeal;; sinola good Oviikklng 4elt luinitment lethal vati.. r= e gitte lattg= Trn ?al! able Flanngsbou l d write the_atte.alloa of. balm tb large noelrof Odods soast mks " seats& tiuruspny Alt & r B is URCHFIELD istulast • 171 great vaster) of sew style Ma and duk Pacts st sent; iranuted jut solorL also, loWthise• Zilch INlZEM—foopanaw Voat TVtowgjattttuatradito amass!. akw 14 5 P1121•ZOS. Mai NC to W Ml* IN Wool AMUSEMENTS, , , • —l'..H-E.A.T A.E.I„ Lcuu4 4 . 3 r=6 , •z•;••• ----- • -- , • t Thou .Cirelo and riUTIZZIIO al , .8erhad.arri11ird'110r5.........:.......23., °ALUM (for colimett_persoull...-.....z , o Doom open of 'Mr Conch will rive ot O o 1. Mr Fourth:rot of Mr. taf)ahT.,V ' - • eu Thursday, hay 20 wall be prorated lIICIILIEIt. 8111414.6 .... ..... Da Al.mat . Fratitois••••-- Julia To totielode with A PLEASANT SE/GllllO6. Nate/ . • • • • Pre tv VtitlLT. Benet of /lc L.bey. llf Attesco will ap• • GRANO CONCERT. 810.19011 A KLIIIIAIITSO4IOOI/101T1 11TAki,the plearete leferiedat Der diva', and the Lt. nee-we( Pidabareh. seeenenr.that eke mit verse in Oil. city, tad aril Bide her dm Coaern to the eeernent IDn rave:et put- Further perdettlers led' he given lo dee atm.- • • tc•ple • WASHINGTON HIL4, — PITTSOURGII. 131 - 91 199 Wood damn. above Ififib. WAT splendid eslobtisterient IA oM of f end 1 . . f I. seat. it is gem.tabty steanted - ist Comers, 14. W", 11n1' 44'31111:%T.111111T11:'iN8,137 Wood st PITTSBURGH] MUSEUM; APOLLO , ILIIIIIII STU* FM. OPEN DAlLY—ftynk 9to 1n the>norelcgrft to 3 to the afternoon; nod 'horn 7 ro 10 Velma in the Bradniittaitee AS ttlll4 Child.TOL ender II Two • WM& As EPICitiRCI CrltO CERES TEA'-DEALERS. No 256 iiiestulsort o abotell e m4 , Dm always on - toad • hurls °summit of Medea tin:mules ud Floc Teas' 'also, WoUlo Pulls and Ohruo Wholesale 'old Deoleu sandlot same - - a. zisos G . co., C I. Amnon& na, 'ats. tend WHOLESALE. DRY, GOODS A. A. MASON & CO - Market itoreests lettetarern Third lc Yeturik, 'WOULD retpectfolly colt th Pltnbvtt e * rte olty and ootuntelttlefebent* to toe o r the mo t Menem, ttorL 112 emirnrre mtnipoidnt twee random] Modred Cases and Packskes of Foreign end Nikes. tie Dry Goods, cenembineAsort, ee • 'Meseta:l M ,trade& 40 " Sommer Mors ad Cattemodest " • - 40 • • 'Lawns end Pitert,,,Zii_ e • it •• VW:min lad • • I . 10 • Casabeeree, Ciotti; I 100 'est belt. of Ilea loys,'Clet Cheeks, &c-i • 000 • • •• - 'Brown ' • Together Irith the most n 2931113,1, assortment of ! Imported Goode in Otis market,. ye e meet t eg It o mss ample rue-Linea foe th e transaction ef Mort .Ihtsinest, 'and one Drammen's being nonstaraly le the toetern markets, lbel presenting every edwantsto mtoyed by , C 1610.1 Intemes..gby believe "that they eon offer grater iodate= to Melettintergenercley, in ann.. eualldeti end pncee, then env ClilaCtll market. New goads consuunly !Merchants tutesdioi eon • goads Bur, are particolarly solicited to extreme their amonment: , A A MASON ek. Ckt C f . eil:io . fo l. r.- A ct -W .La X ivt trecirc4 nit no. vs2. : , ; 3. .yuittag t ,stuif t atlas extremalasr.gince ets A A.MASUN A 1.10 , a nt . C i A i ti ., ES c sr „. l -7 cAp a y o .d i nl ls-6 a r ig . tanut . ao4,acdl.lll m.)l • • . 2. ILA. LIAPON CO ng Markel at. IS . ARZON. Da LIMNS. CASES plain arid figured Dune de L 111414 Raton. cd calouijast, reectecd t and acilieg at vary love price, maye3 A AIASON.A. CO 500 PLAlN ircel j :t2,t " Pt r d oe; . 7 2 . tu g may= . A LLEGEENV Ci4y. couatv Scrip teamed at .1 . 1. at the Exchange °Lace fA. WILKINS ACO s Walliell ' r!" " ! U V — A s ArtlN U lMK t CO • amnia • •Cot,nt.Woodits ItIIdHrONE,4,3 bths rolL for sale int B mar.l II A FA HNMTOCEIr. LSO .TUNIPER.II' • k..l—tOU .1 iredt, •t sole 6; - B.A. FAIJNYATOCICECCO Udi MVil B t l= Wlbellialbi3croinle • 127 Etna , '11•A -AIINFSTO bEY/Pilita SCWA&—.7 be. embed and • d lb for wee by JAML. A IIUTCIII.O.' &CU riALEYlAmarred. tat se. by -I.X. lea.; /AIMS A lIIITCUISONWcai e`coat&&l6 Cln. Rued Phon dirt:. are........, ~..4TUA.ItT I~ LG.• 1"/1.1% WI I b" 4 "`" IfirTß`VriziL STCAITTfr..SI,I, 1.17.7 , 071,- 7 1 , 5 bsr - -- 7 , 77 70 bx: 770; for sa , elro , . , • • • • SITAR?. 0.077,r ISIA. 4 Z - -11.41pr1tue,14: . • tie tot icCOl,lllll - rea,gll • • . . .811/Airka,SlLL Crs-111a0 builds; ta artivaj far sale iptyynots....63o LW NesttanCrexo,to at faistla 'by. 81 UAR VaILL VC Otta 43' tti—lil tot sal.. by 1.11 -ma . 7- _ m RTUA err& sita, -1Y " :44 3 1Yrbk:.3 . 71 4 _ 0 b 9 prune, 510r . 1 4 , BibL 9?•,kbr a - • BUIIBRIDGI 9 WI o • • ~„samm, Cod Pb.l4 . Scaed Rec4t L riiit. liOrtillf, for gale by ..1,.. * -.,7! 210 . 1 war/. p 1%w -Iz' wa,ma""f—TlVitaxn „ , 1 0 n .1"AlTHA111Ipe .- : nivs-Uaii 'hirmepWiti Lewe in my haziness, :which will from ON 11* inl carried an wider Um mimeo( l'lahn Pinter* 06-i. Alvah Ist, IESO. - - JOHN !MOM; 1 JObn Pdrter ypipwmA grj -„,J IPlralsraLGnmrr JJechm Wass. hgwn. Olt I -Iktaitart*W . _ and Reaflizti , JVA . , • N. COOMMeiai EaKLlthi—oeilt las, La Waal,' iptut,nnd „ • Ntir ed dn tAs., Llgil:.TalstOile W 41 ,48 i r a-1 ,40 4 P i : 11 4 14h° P Tha zwezevenol izi l whose Pieties zwr. - Ihrheablh Rzena, WWI the Oaken Stales, swlhey,Tbat..ll Smith& nt tfiiln th a Pkilli Whin. witnitle never laxNwanetzettoe , thwener.lenzen.ftit_nleinriniesaW WWI tna sas Olariapgripe.l4opraaalltc. AIIJAPIIVE 13131.CtiPIRLDAPYPIteclyedi, In ply of,pboye potly,yelpol4)perodericay ~bOlO. plus and hull riCOLlVTlN:=aMetßyUrtfPlii;lireitatirffeeivil rd, anQ for wh 11 - 411 1 1:1 1 MPAILSiLy Ili - na— . . Car-14*04:4•81zt1..4 SEZWIS-300,000 pra!flOOO , Cl a jFen -71" ly- ? PT! EXI - rilkOttlATX- - talooloat fro% tor nort LL - -- 13 '"itrsFoll,4l.i! EiBM MEal C 2lßt.thlt; oRN +e wirylV AB.MBTBONTlkelicilitit Itsignateay by may tt NPArarnle to/Nisei • • ••••," ,;.111-Wweri HEF:34-211 biz vett 1 , 4 , on:anon r at a br DALZE" Enytl 0ar C 41. 4 1 m 4 Y 41.61 4 0 . ecros.plupne,Jan tut kaafagt d am torn. V • ledet il , 4"4 "'""2ll"raT"W raa. "..1 : I.USC 46a mega. Gam 12...A17,47 umwrdlisii keadi ba, Moats 1, ,;, , z . I • . ~.„ nricto!stic po-44ezeawitklur; Tlukon - "-L. lining-dim:o4 rot see hip • R Ett , rl4-51103 , 1u5t tv I 4111ATHittu.klAlls—A roariain wasibred r a splendid) ' • „Aptrials Ur tbe parposei w ok: er_.... k 'd .• =tire, , .•-.. ~.., • '....:- . .vlh U ItllUilsqP9 g. . ..., ~ .... gi bed Tell= Greaset , ;',.•-r.. i . • sulob, co '2. 1 -...•-•.. -: WALSH DICREV It se) t • mayl4 ' •.` •. ' , ' 2 f' 'Water 4 Frailties .l . 1 Pin limit!! ell go Whirl te ' esi ' ree:irts r f i lT:i Iry l - • wing th e pianism= of enlace:les. agoUtptirsids , themselves with ono of the encett tgreesefealltdon I Uri rune Garai - atomise 'thentkating - ago! s.. ~ Raw. I • gad. an • eritle is JULES. ILAGEGVIARusaafin i . . VINEGAR.' ft will Itontaibitsly pariffirtawanltan l . i noel= Carrie; and prevent tontsglow bait : mess.) It lea= a desirable spiel's loa th e ualeirenua df - l ... =lntel 'costes= ju-lusedsolte," hop= f r*l.v.: ' • ailment: pains, es, Ii - slfords laganunouNaht.c_ ; It is an ateellenidentlftiee;imri. .ml= • - It will strengthen the eye* and alarms _ of the eyed= It +theses the if= and PACO coo- - SOVlellt at= exeasiera • anneulas` v.teldseld and _ .whena= in the bath, te menet= of ,tha Idffte'sa rects, • Palms Insiliag th e sictue u • • . from the llshility of-tentsgteneity ra sualo VitteLa . r, e or eptink.inga (=tug , is .110= tfl, it I ,Wnn ll7 bon l erd r ifth ik aLhMelat - be R In. ' =Mull . disePstes th e la ` Inant. -. ' 'lto= upon th is .most' =a Se I ' ' 'particular rout for Mies llenerst TIMM • ,- J UL nianu 4 Pasknaor.seinft k. ' -- UN Chestnut wise; Wow Per ale wbotersisrend retail by au: Plimalleek .i • • . ..k Co" and IL R. Relieve, 'umber= and'lteut RR- I pnt wig J. Ittleherl Alines= kin. Ps ' --- vr.ava Pite/VAJAL c.. , ... Alkoi`oalao TiOr , ~...- , Nusishisolit odGas m i zroz i.:; 4. ' • ' .;.1 ESSICI Tatiot •Din it Meta. • • 4410 Pone-,