;-` 'l7 'it' ESTABLISHED:; IN 1786 PUBLISHED, pw. • ,• W•141 - T.Z . & G. • • auffErf. finnan rarer, Ireir root io MM=I thipit:"l“ , • , ----4 , 47,C41 per ammo te.'. , clubsoay rectaced,ras , ~ MAT 'CS ar., arnincturisizral DT Ti 113 PITTSIII7II.OII PRESS.' 0 e PI. , <.( lolines of Nonpareitor lenl- - - . one i tsertion•-•.--..............-..-40A1 0 e ligui to, each additional insertlinit•r. Ci,W Dd.. .three weeka.......... , 4,00' lb. _ one month ---•--;•••-• • OP • Do. tm m0nth..___.....,00, Do. four month. •.------• W " . - • 1 ,.... h '• '' - Ma months-- ..—.. —.... 12, 0 0. ...,_ trn. ' • ' twelve month.-- .i.......- • .i . 18,00 olnnain IC Card 10 lines or le.s,) air voram• 18,00 . One fiquarr.cliangeabl a alpinere (per 8/5-' num) exclusive of the papr , - 15,00 eneb addonal ovum, lomneni over one month, ano for each additional biome lammed under the. year. ly rates, half price. Advertisements exceeding a Monte, and hat over fifteen lines, to be charged as a meant. and a los/I: Publishers not accountable for-legal advertlacznents beyond the einonet Charged lei . :theirimblication. .. ...Announcing candidates Mr price,. to be charged the ianie as other adverneenieno. , . Advertisements an marked en the copy for s ,peci. led Comber of insertions, mill be continued 011 to thid, and paythenterante/ seeped.' . . , • .••'• . . • The perrilegesaf yonelyadvenlsers vine confir.l rigidly to their render baseness, and all other sliver , tiientents not pertaining • 1.0 their regaler bagman,' as agreed for, In be paid extra. . - - • All adreniscreenta, for charitable ulatitutione, fire , 4 ,,,,,i, ,„,..,,,,,, towaship and ether pablic •ntecongs, and mr-b li ke, to be charged halfprice, payable strictly - - Marriage eptieeatO be charged 50.cente. Death hod= awned without Charge, unless accent f.ni,d b y (cot al Invltatton, or oblately notices, and ' when no accoutparited to bepald for. - • Regular eivetuwnr. and all others eendine Comm,. tokations,or requiring antlers designed to eel alt.: that to Fain, Pelee., Concerts, or any public enter tainments, where charges are made forsdatittano•— all notice, of privateronocietions—every notice 'do• signed to .11-attenpromo te tion to pnvateenthrone. Caccia. Led Or Oslended lO vidual eon On ly be Inserted with dos understanding that , the saute Is to be paid for. If Intended to be troweled in the lo cal column, the same will be charged at the rate of nt lees than 10 teat. per line. Ill.hop or Fin Notices to be charged triple price, Taeem Liern*O Petitions,lll2 each. Legal and Medical advertisements to be charged at ante pntee. ,• • Deal •E•talid A grata , and Auctioteera , advertise. menu not to ..be classed under yearly rater, bat to be allowed direeont of Lbiny three and one tlard per cent. bum the Malta, of Ulla • . • r • • IN Pala One Sonar; three Iniertions.•—••• 41 fib Do. cub additional in .aiertlon;•• 37 AD I / 2 111ailgara m.wmet rare. • Ono N.L., (IDilano.) one t vaenlon.—de era Do., - each additional tatorttori.. 3 4l3 transkrifternsementa to be paidinddance. 171.11 TE k. CO, Goan. • HARPED.Po.t. • " : DOIET M. DIDDLE, Journal. : JAaIES I'. DARR •N co.. FOSTER /c DROTIIER, Divateb. JOS. SNOWDEN, Mercury. , J A NIES W. DIDDLE., American. 111.11Alt1 SAINS, Evening Tribune: Prrriarnon Doe. t, I€4o. CARDS. JOIIS A PAIUCIITSON; -- .1i L O P raTa t an N d . N " . 1! - `rd '"7,`• tended to. ' morn' ALL7MIDER /11. 1717.1LTSQN, • ; TTORNEY AT LAW—Office . , 'on r.lirth cltKi • ineW • DAVID 0. TUTTLE, • i AA WORN - EV:AT -LAW, and Commissioner (err Pennsylv on* lomis, M. • - ' All eemotimientions promptly answered. T. At. Begird J. P.'Bterren. nalrixo & OTZBILICTT, • ATTOVIETS and Countettors at Law—Fnarit, it, between endtbleld and Grant, Pittsburgh, Pa. • Jam ILLarto • ••••Wl.C.Priead. ' • LARGE & FRIEND, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, katrab street, nem Gnat. .jylA-tf JARES F. KERR. ATTORNEY AT LAW—Ofsca on Fourth watt, , betvreen Sal.field and Grant, Pitabargb. 113eeminin PATTON)" DAKENITELL. A7 . TORNEYS A'S . AW—OrrieeiTilgtuam Fall, Oran at; near Court Maw. lehd —ft ENGI.IB - kree ThrologieM, Waramal, and trench y Selena •Soollsrllers. and. dealer. c alt Made er Writing, Windom and Wrapping Pa per, No. rD Weed•rtrect. between Fourth and Fla. mond alley, Piirrhargb, Pa. aril7 qoas:u. BANECJII, TTOILNP,i' and Counsellor at Law:lntl Coramitt! %loner for the Plate à( Penurylvanin, -41° R . ele l' re " ne o e r s ri rlITt b ti l h: lion. W. Forward, Hamp ton & Si ne, re Meclare, John F- Parke, 'Line'. In Pauline, AfeConl h Kinn. anelikly . 111 X RAGAIXT-. 70 , 311•114 (17.11AVIZ •li.B. SPOODWAID -Dftom...Ey; WOUDWARD & CU. Wholesale Grto jt.) eers.NeCil htertet st.Philadelohla. Pllttsbreigh Alkali Works; T3F". SNETT, LtFftit & CO, Nlanora ;torero of Soda 13 MI, Reaching Powder, Oturiatic an , 4 8alpharie ncie, Wareboitse No —, Water meet, below Ferry: toioW ly Craw, Grimm Reiter. BUAL*: it. tVholerale orrd• Retail Drug giro', comer of Liberty and St. Clair amt., Pitt. bargb, Fn. . - opl SOLOMON sCIiOYEU. OMATISSIO MERCHANT,Stock.dIGU Drok er,'No 110 Seebnd et• 001 ' ! mayt,dir Dagaeoae bprinr, axle, tieeel, and Irma • • •Works. OOLEMATI.. trAll.l4/iN te CO; Iklnnufsetarer. of Callen and Millie Springs: Hammered, Axles, 'Poring . and Ploogh Sleek Iron, tan. Watelmfame on 'Water and From street-% Pitt•bnrCh. " • • At,to, dvylers In Conel Trimmines nod Malleable nsang, • • • octiV &animators& & cgozgU, trumnris Si ON MERCHANTS. and Deolon in iro- A.,/ do., No 21 Market arca, Pituburgh. - 11.39i.A7Cram. CRAIG & SKINNER. Forwarding and Com,. mica umglin29., No 93 Market m.Piarborgb. ap4 MeAtiULTY. ta CO, Forwarding and Cons . nlssian Mcreharms, tatgub, ~ GRANT,Nholegale Grocer, COMlgnion and C. Fo...iixdiolg 3/okarit., No . 411. - Wfter Pias rail j r . gers o 7 :7 - - , ./indrear Fleming R. &Fleming. .nk PLEASING G CO., CCTf -4,40 N Id EitCIIANTA—For the gala of Do ' el trii and Como Goar, alro, del:denim oil kind ' s off or Tritainings,'No 117 Wood et, .door from Firth. • • Alrrerenee—Mes.NL A•FM "Pi •• ENGLIEIVItENN F... 17; 4 104 kkolioli, donates . , Coomdwdom sod F wallet iFerotc:Lto, *I IL alone in Freda. and Pig: 0r00060t0r00,V,,, 37 Wood ot-,botr.on 24 and • • 14-111;11.11-1 XIUMIII.OO, PA.. TiffrOtTLD respemlnliy solicit the consignment of TY -flarrisbergh /fried, from Western liderehmita, as they are prepared to receive any amount. Line end Section Boats rennin night and day, the freight - - wlll not da'th"a ' "1°" FORWARDING COUPIIS. 'JON hiERCIIANT " l e= " No ild Second st. riushargh. mr2l ilarrisbergh,Feb.Yo, GEORGE COCHRAN, Cornrnuod, ro and Forwardiox Merchant. Nn: So Wood rtrent. aittrbordt. an7l7 Ltr, Oar:cerear to alcrphy Ir. I. Wool Deal `'.[L• ITUenr, Me"4"4 bn t4e tale of OVOonto bto rt-• • a _ --- 1.31,11LAL5., DR11113107, I L. j.LLCL93II,.I:IITWALD V.LIN } pb , W..diti S,..x , caxttorc, Nmq a- WU, . ' . W . ALD & DUMNDR;Tob.co Cocual .tiorgevw OVA% 41 NOM Water at, Za /6 North Whuyes, I, versa , _____ 14: /MDT, JONES & C.lCoMlAlsialia nad Forwardin r Mer v,,m., dtWers in ricuitntrth maziatacurred-000as, Vir: Is, !MARSHALL, _pnectsmtne. jet as.imst.'' Mt") IMPORWA pcnint Frtnel, and per itnnOntot and Ilerders.V7MdP. Bhedea• Piro • rd Priest. an: also--IVOinr. rrmli n f o l an t, ',lnv Paper. No E 7 Wood IcUtet. hetsreea and Diamondalegyosaa aida, Pittsburgh, , FIN Tv Ai mor.o" Waosomb Dnrom..ad die n° "r4•Ve.TAVO ..h llt. Varnishes... Wood Croat, eap? door eenth of Diamond&tiny '.lto mneuroter. • • , Merehant,'and dealer .d . PlUalwn Bissenfinuree.. Nen Weteint, P.Oest.ertb., rn• • • vicvgy,. ar t TSAL4Tr TUCKS'? CoWhnlcsilw Gtoreri- Cora: I miss 4,v 7.rerrha tti *ad (Italen iv Pr0di=.41 10, ... Water. and •IC7 FrOrii atrtev , Putis...h. • - pore • 1371,1 [worth •-•••• •• • •••••••-•• • --Joseph 1 hi worth. • T - S. .DILWORTII a CO„ Wjtolenle Gm-cm and . Agents for ilu.as d Powder Ce., No. 37 %Vaal et., riuxhargh• • TOILV M. TOWNSEND, DMlttat ate Apt coma) Na. 43 Market at, lhiVe doors *both TWO at. Pitth berth, Rill have-to [MIMI lionfiand a well sate thed na aeronaut orate beat anti .7reottert bleteien,to,4, h. trill telt nn the 3.0 t rex-O6tage - I=n.. Pty Ceiatts aendtrue nekth. will be pr rawly abraded band sap. pieta with , *lnlet." they_ nut • rely tooth aa !tamale. Er. Prtftneliona will be accurate ty and awl, potholed from tho bait cothertals, aurthar of be lay err night 4 Also to tale, at lama stock at froth and geed ?erre T It. eAr. 'OMAN (la , e of Warren, Ohte,) Cua L- •, 0 „ ~„1 M•rehant. and .whole We dealer in W.:men • Reserve Cheese, Boner, Pot and Peep Ash, and Weltern Product generally. Water street, between grenthfield and Wood, Piltsbargh, • ' " TOMPiaTI4IYA: STOCETON tooksetiari,' Printent , and Paper. Idanalsettuars, Na.At Market epee; J6ho rg 0 y . • , Diehard .Fkg..k T & FLOVll.,:trioleid}o Omer', Caauxurszon a) • IderabsnLe. and Dealers fa Pradaos, Sound church Daddln ss:lranstas on , Ilberty,Waod , and Sixth streetn, r/ ustrargn. Pa. •—• and pagtrt:6 tmaSt r eer j &is .Ewalt: it r e b . 41. /06. in ,Pro4u.st , Etd.-P,ltubstrgh Mumfnetarea,.eor• 0 ... m. 4 ilandltrirerei.lsllaberthft. lals . ..Tnu" —.--- 1 . ..a/ ---- X - IrSll, - Agent rot iht t Etlonzat Michigan Lire to Done third its Lue..-031 a M.tho comer or:Wsur alsohoulat - . . ' \I" . • . . . _ . r 44. :VI .14 , 4'-f•Plif4-7,?.•i*-.7•Kit'W:•;F315;:).%A.4•?"'..%°•"-',"4":-q.''Wfifr:••-Tt'n',.'..'".--Tr'‘',:rzr.,,,,,,,-•".,,,..., ~,,,,,,,,,,,, , _ . • .4.9.-,.. 7,.•.77'''''-'1•:"'"'"I'''',":-:=-••-!..."-,..;,..;-.t".:•*----:.,,...,_•;.:".:4"--.,I„..1",71,-, : -•::',.•••••..,.•• -• , •. , •, - ..--;••.,i0.. - • .. ',•`"-.•, ,, .." , . , "-.• , 7.. , '", ,, ,..,t'• , ;:•,1 , -,,,,•-•,.-....,,-.,- - -',.,-.,,,, , .:--,,.. :„..,,,,;,•.,--,...., .•-•,,,,..? , ,,,,,i, 7 -. ~,,.,,„.„_...,....,_, _, , „., • - - ' s. . • ~ . • . . . . .. . . . . , .. . . . . , . .. . . . , • 1 ••. . • . • • *,,,' " • . . . , - a . . : , . , _ _ "•VI ' , a , A -13 .. . , I. . , , - . ... -. . :, • k . .. . . . 11-_,. ••• q •":." -, . -- i• - . - .•----- , •• , -- ''• -•,.. T-1:: -- '7 _ .: . . , •'. 1 . .. . . . • . ...., .. ~, .., ' ••• -... , ... ~ . , 1 1 .: , •1 ."--. -1 • ' : . . • ' ~- ~ . - ... :-- • . ~ • . . ' . .. ... . . . _ • • -.-••- - . . . - - - - - _ ____•_..__.....,,,.,,,......,..,....,,,..... • ••••i' o___________ , BUSINESS CARDS. fill42l‘ A:• 111:11Y :BISON, Lrwis Eldw.lifacm tCp Cotrakelon Men:thaws, lid it ents 'of the - 10..• Louis Stem Baca, Rap e ,. 4r u"s fernmarattz,Pitubwrittr. . . . lois, s lIELLOR, Virholesolo and Retaltdcaler i 0 u Maio instourtent•, School Boom>, x • goues,liteol Pans, Qoille, Printers , Cards, an d 10,1,1, u7 croondly;No. 8 1WoodsLanumborgh. Arr Merl bnbrio or.okken In trade, • wold ITIctrIWESTZP.It, attorney at Law, ogles 3.1 at., apposite EL Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will ahm ausal promptly to Collections, la Waal:won, Payatta am/Stems contain, Psi • , .11.tackatock, Bell & _ . • Cherub & Carottutn, - } Palsbatall. T ?Torras. ort:tilv ..... _ . . oests. , lllllMlU It-CO, Wholesale Dnragists. ve es wood street; Pittsburgh. apt rES JONES. Forwarthos and COIDMISgion Her- It eboots, Dealers I, Produee and Pittsburgh smarm, afcto rodsslieles: Oust Huiln, near 7th it. sio4 PESTIII L t Plll.TerrefillrFAT --- ITENNEEDY CHILDS tr. CO.. hisaufarturers of Twee, o and t). atti . o p r . lAr 4 . 4 Shebang, Carpet Chal i tr a tort .11Imovlas Iron Works. L i tre S O h EL te. CO, Maaoflietuzers of al o Baroot, Boller jrou an4Baus of the bee Warohorse, 64 :Water and 106 Front rtreet /oaf) Wet. Miner, Pbilad. C. W. Bleketsen. Pittsburgh. M l L L PD%akisnonl dies, N. l7lre l s e r i ntaparaT ' lt n . d . In Ind 174, earner. or 1., Co n and Irwin anus, Plthl• burgh, Iron, Nags, Conon Yarns, ke. &o, eon• cinaly on band. ap4 Jobs It!Gitt. James D. MUM Waller C. Rod RAcGILL9 A , ROE, Wheless:a Grocers and Commis /XL sloe Nerchauut, No 144 Liberty 84 Pittsburgh ape frittnuiloti STERL %VORIS AND OEIO • • AND ISLE FACTORY. 11111.70* :OM P. QOM. JONIZI a 417100, IUrAIWPACTURERS of spriug and blister Mel, In plough steel, stet./ plough wine,, ease h and clip LeMues, hammered iron ogles, and dealers In ma y be satins, f....gba. imPs,sodeoseh trimmings r P ertemilneomer ofßoss and Front sus, ttsb Piurgh, • (MISS lIOLSIES fr. SONY ; NofiS ?Jackets[, seeend door N from career of Fourth, dealers in Foreign and Domestic BUM of Erenange, Certificates of Wpomt, limo limes and Specie. I.l7oelelettont made on all the principal eines Imphout the United Slur. mpg BUCKOLustAIt, ALDER. ..n-015m Ponta - a, Al. thittl door above Stettateld, tooth side. C•nveyancing of W. kinds done wick tae greatest care andlegsl accuracy. Tires to Beat Estate.ezantleed, /:o. oct3o.lly wirc.Lis & ANUFATURERS OF GREEN GLASS WARE, No.l,72darketatreet, Pintsbutgb, P., keep constant. ly hand, an sate to or.ler all kinds of Vials, 1. 1 0W4F. re. 'Porter and Bllnerat Water Bottles of so. perlor qoakty:• . - PutieulavalicatiOn paid to Private Moulds. herSLI • islthOiramphla Zata:bllahuasiat Op WM. BMW°MUNN, Third ist, opposite the Pm-Office, Piitsborgliedana; Landscapcis,Blll - Blacrrobily, Labels, Archßecton' and Machine ,• • sags, Bannon arid Vbiting Co.rdo.ae,antrraaed or Oman on gone, and printed in colors, Gold, Broncoor Black, in the most approved MIN DM th e moat rtaaonablopneca. ' • . • ai m --i. O. rweTunuirm, STEAM BOAT AGENT. uovallag. D. iiocrn t DSO., - •p 1.7 , No. 37 Water crest. AOLCItEITT es 1017111 TE. DRY GOODS JOIIIILMS, NO. 01 WOOD EMMET, - HAVE in Stile, mid , will be t constantly recessing daring the season., aln and selected as sortment M.Stapte and Fie ) Or; sttods, which they win !tell for eath or approved cretin Western Merchants am Meta td to 'examine our - sera Mils OD INa ON, LITTLE & CO.. , 0.192 Liberty street lA, Pittsburgh Wholesale Oro: ters, Produce and .Commlestou Merchants, and deafen in Pittsburgh liutahc nres. apt') TOR. sotrisea. TEM. UfILL . Bart. L 11011.2.0:1. IDOBERT, MOORE, It ho.esale Grocer, Reot,fying Distiller, dealer In Rouse', P it:Abu/it Montane tans, I. all kinds of Frp.e.gn .d.Donseade Wines and Lionors, No. li Llbe•ng atreet. On hand avert' large stock of saperiot via • Monongahela araiskey, winch Intl be told low fo rr. ash. wyl L. O. lairrSto/1. L. I. Ina: _ . . IDEYISTOLDS MIRE. Forwarding and Corstati lb skin Slereasate, for Leo allesseny River Trede, :Were in Groceries, Pr ,dace Pittsburgh, rdannfse utrer,and etdosido of I..ime. - - - . The Itightt , t nee ,. G. eish,.plid at ell times tot ountry ra I. Come . Yana and Irwin its. .4)19 OUBERT.D.ILZPJ2. & Co., Wholesale tileects, .111 Commission Mcronauis, dealers in Produce and 11111bn:eh Muartfacceres, latrorsy street, Piutehuuct, P. • • aple .ROBERT , 6. CUNNING lIAM, ' Wholesale (hover, Dealer In ProOnco Pot.b . taglx Manufactures. No. 144 Llberrikirett. - ' ' spa_ (YIIoOkeII.. , HAUTAL&PI & CO, Sheffield Iwo and 17 St el We tka—felanatathuers af d¢l. B. eprlng and Ptonstb Also--eptiOg., &ode; Vieeo to Oh l Zee. They Ireeito altrnuan of merchants And eonsomeri •to One stork before Po ebodolf ado. Veers: They warrant thetraoleles to &segos to any made In atm evanii-y or mooned. (0314 S - • UACKLETT a• - • WIIITE, Wholesale Deslto , lo Porelgnand It mastic DA Good ff. 99 Wood ItaGE Pit.o AMC it. " apl.7 Sk W tiesuA QG tf, Winn pte ;bane, De•lers in Fleas and P risdnee generelly, dad Forwarding and . ..loosnossion Metellauts, No. al Water s.ssl, PV!hargh• • *sr; it sot... Prentaton. :ono NAltitAIM. SLLESiSi & 7111..%.11.?,Pr0duec itttd Goncial Can , mignon Blench& nig, No 17 Li t 9 soca Wit,. bargh Sperm, red and Galati •pl7 SF VON BONN Ltuasr a CO, Vholesa la Gm. i.. 7• ten, Forontrilti g and COllll3ll. Merchant., Dealer* In Pintbarg h Bland actuf and %Vattern Pr:Wag:c c hare run* .ed to indictees, varehnuoe, (old gland.) Nat ,coNttir of Front* treat and Chancery 'Lana. apl7 SIOEI TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS, Et•l_svie rilsolond, Pittsburgh. rya L. 8. Waterm”..• R N Waterman••W.ll. Warermart., L. Ss' NVATERAIAII L SONS, UTIICiLESAL GROCERo,' Commission and For- VT - warding 1 terchartla; dealers In all krads or Pro duce k PlusburVit Manufactured Antal.; and Agents Or sale or Rietu nond , and Lynchburg iltannfacretred Tobacco. mci AT' TOMMY AT LAW, Bvarr, Po TITILL 'mho a and to colleellons nod all ether but. TV aoa sutra owl to him la Bader and loaslroos soozuloa,ra. B der to IL R. Floyd Wallace; do , Liberty at) • lama s Marshall do Plttabarah. dly Say a Co.,' Woad at. .1 • jara B. B. 13oshfield • •• • • !George Richard. B. H. 1 lIISHVIELD & CO.. WEIOLESALJ: and Retail Dealers in Grocenes and Day Goods, and Commission Merchants. No. SZn Phtsbnha enrl2 JOUR DIGWADEN s CO.. PORWARDING & COMMISSION 'MERCHANTS, ' Ca.' Pittsburch. mtG JAWED N. DAVIS & Co., PRODUCE AND. FLOUR FACTORS, N 0.2 1 .7 Market, eid.f.4 Commerce sc., Philadelphia. Advances mai:, by <Aber of the above, on conclan • mina of Produce' be either Hotta nirO — 3 - ificar*TiCraliVirßfat & RON, FORWARDPW—t . :COMMISSION MERCHANTS • . J. Vi'Ulicuas•— —•••• --.—Jobn Malt • • • J.D. vimLuizens & UTIIOLWALEAL RETAIL FAMILY GROO.ERi, •• V y Forwarding and Commission Merchants, &atm in Country Pmdato and.Finaborgh Mann tar tar., nornor of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittabaigt t. B. mon It. ' W7Q. WILIZ.A.IIIB CM, BAYKERS AND EXCEANGE BROKERS, Ent canter of Ward ,od Third streets, • Prersraliss. ra. t rr, ' 10113 I. 00n011S111, WOCCWIn. SALMI miry/. paw, L.EI( B. CO.. Who! end,* Omer., IS /TV and 70 W 0 ,441 street, Fiusaant h. apt? 11VICK & ld'CAN.MESS,(nnceessors to L & J.D. TV Wkk,l Wholes da lirodrts, Foywarding and diar. In Iron, Nails, tdans, Cotton Tans. end Pittnb. , /th hinnufnn:n.n dnnnjni- TY, comer of Wood and Water aveeu, rdinbd , l& apl7 A fiCkTI T .- CHU:fat. Vir Men.:.attlfs h'r tp l.t oVf . ;:f ' Vo:o Vi :::htl 11.1 ; 1 Ing Powder, No.IP O Mem (opposite ff•xth olrooi.j Pittsbona. WW•WlLSON.Wotottos,Jos..47,l3llver warn MI MM.+, Goods, come of Motet and Poona stmts. Patsbovgb, F. N. a —wwohe. Clocks Unfair reralfed. • pl 7 • . WS TO9Na. MIL'S I. lirCr:Va. i.YOUNG a Co, Deeters its Lestber, Mtles, e_ 7 14 , 3 Liberty street Jsr4sll - sm. seer:taunt. son. eltrlctizoN. Vir diners In wholesale Grocers, I'lllo,lop ItlattaractorsTitersdj,Nll,tirtl""' n'''' y StreSl. Pittabfugh. isol7 — .77 - 70; D. - WILTANS• & "WY4l:l4t.7 " Wsh i n l ita L reta n = aT:ll; CountrjPlool. 4l and lelusbarati Aar of Wood an MA Ittrn Pittsburgh. PitUbilrgh, Ma d tch:l2. lgasat ASIIINCICEL & AITELO. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS• MPG:bets' advances mule on consignments. MATTHEW WILSIN, Portrait and Minimum: WA Patellar. Rooms, earner or Post Mee Ana) and Finn% street, entrance on Founh at, near Markel. t. deea,4if 4. 1.4.1..101 4 COPIELISBiaII exashan to. N 0.31014 1 Levee .t, N (hie.. keep con.tantly On band • lame assortment of Urer.dies alike follow ing. br "Vbiels 'key offer for sate as scents for I. aissaad kCo. Borden s, vi. kineloll% En s 00 k Lasoebelle, '' J J Mama, Cognac.. At , r:f24l.`t In auks nod eases, Wetted woh earn tryJobn Darand KC.kti besides Ctumpygße Wane .and erect BkiTeedl Pert,. feb7-IY. DALNER, HANNA & CO. have xesnave 4 th eir 1 Ezeba/Nrs' oleo to north wort earner Of Mt& Pew. llaotta• Ihop. H• WlGTAllN—Manafuturer of all throb of ern • ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny eity, Pa The above works beteg now In fell and success:4a op entice, I arm prepared to exegete osier s with dispatch for all kinds of machinery inky !me, sees aa Dickers, spreaders, cania,grlnmgmaglinesoraitways, drawing ham., speeders, Wesel's, lams, woolen cards, doable or single, for merchant or country work, ..nules,lacks, &a; slide and hand hammed tool s in gen. end. All kinds of shafting made to order or plans gle an for gearing faetoriem or mills at remoitable charge. fiver To—Kennedy, Childs & Co., Illubnock, Bell & Co., King, Pennock Co,& las. A. Gray. BENNETT & BROTHER, QUEENS WARE MANUFACTURERS, Illirmiaghasa, East!. Pittsburgh ' ) Pa. Ofce, No. 37 Water t • &roan Maris! and Woad, PashorgA. . , . VWILL constantly keep en hand a Rood assort Meet or Wan; of our own manufaentre.ane superierqualny. Wholesale and country Met "ehantsi are respectfully inviMel to call and es Maine fur thecuseluea, as we are determined to sell cheaper thumb...yet:balms been offered to the pub 004lis sant by mall.ae eompanled by Mean/1.0. reference. wall be promptly attended to. .A EiMiagal MA. WRITE tr. oci:,.•;rioikl4. respectfully inform . the public that they hike erected a shop on Lowest, between Federal ord Sandusky streets. )'bey are new making and are prepared to receive orders for every description of vehicles, Coaches, charmtit, tenches, Buggies, ntetons, tre., the., which from their long experience in the manufacture of the above work, and the feeilitics they havc,they feetconhdent they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with W ere wanting articles In their line. • Paying particular attention to the selection of mate. Hale, and having none but competent workmen, they have no heaitatiou In warranting their work. We therefore ask the anetalon of the public to this matter. N. Repairing done in the best manner, and on the mum reasonable terms. jeWif 1. stain. 3/01114A2LIILSoOr. • •• • . &DAUM & ATKINSON, !halm, =nom WPM 11.110 Mama, Prrunoson, CodNTIN VI& lo manufacture all klzols of COPPER ; MIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Mack. smith Work. C=2 . lt= Special anentirogiven to steam boat wort. tlleac on hands fine assortment of Copper arid Deana Kettles, Tin Were,..te. tee. Steamboat Cookutg§tovea Portable Forges, var:ons sizes—a very eonvement ar. tele for steamboats, CalifOrtda emigrants, Or rail mad eoemauies. W. would respectful:7 Mute steam boat men and othem to colt and see osa melee and Price, before parelt.ins el ...where. Jytl7 _ Vare cull engaged in um abovnbusinees, comer at Wood and Thad sweets, Pitubtuza where we are prepared to do any work fa our line with des. patea. We attend to oar work penninally, and yam , faction will be given in regludto Its neatness and du rability. • Blank Books raced to any pattern and boned tab. atrunially. Books in numbers profit hooks boned ove rall, for repaired. N 611.11 pot ou books in Kilt Thom that hare week in ma line are inritml to call. Prints low. tur-Intf I=E=tMEE=M T117113176/211, PS. TOHN WRIGHT it Co, a...prepared to build Cotton V and Woolen Machinery ofevcrr description, each h Cardin Framer, hiney Railway-' .P Dsing turned; s, t.arttGrir.ders, to. Wrouslo Leo,, tired ., W orpen , F c ooler., Shaftin all Mies of Cam Iron, Father end Mangers of the larest pastes - us. eilde and kune Lethes, and tools of all kinds Cutings of eery desettynitn famished on short notice. rauerns made to order fur hrn Geartm;. Iron Ruling, &c. Steam ripe for heat. ing Reetortes, Cast Iron Window Sash and fancy Cas tings generally. Orders left at the Warehouse of J . Palmerl Co, Liberty Iremosill lave prompt au.- den. Refer to Illaelstnei, Bell & CO.; I. E. Moorehead Co, G. R. Warner, John Irwin & Sony rtuski rah ; G. C. &J. IL Warner, Steubenville. Ratio THE subscriber oilers for sale a Argo and splendid assortment of rosewood and 'natl.:Tarry grand Ac. bon Pianos, with and without Coleman's celebrated rEollan Attachment. The above instruments are war. rained to be equal to any manufactured to Oda coun try, and will be sold lower tba• any brought (root the Fast. F. BLUhIE, No 112 wood st, •2d door above sth Xd door above ou. N. 8.--City Sens , will bolsi.: at par for • few of ho above user - one, __my2 _ F. B. -- Vit., for Ilitarato - MTWilia7. THIS is to cerufy that I have app pointed Livingston, RoamCO. Sole Agents for the sale of Jet:nine's Patent. Ikapralorm Filler, for the eil dun( Pittsburgh and albspheny. 10131. GIBSON, Agnes, for Walter Id Gibson,349 Broadway N. F. Oct.lo. 1645. We have Devaluing.. of the above articles at tau °face of the Novelty Work. for three months„ on trial, and feel perfectly untried that It is a useful Invention, aml me take pleasure in recommending them as • ore fat article to all who love pure water. Orders will be emotion) received and promptly executed. octi9 LIVING:TINA. ROGGEN t Co THE AB.S:OIIIETAGB NM adenene of the pablio di respect:any Galled to J, the following certificate. M. 8. Egatern—liming meted a einentity of Geld weighed by your Arnecneter, I Eme the mach groves year lestrameat termed and recommend the can of at to those going to Celifortlia. as the best method fur ob tabling the reel value of (Midi Rem. your., J. B. DUTiL . EVY, Gold Harter. Plusblugh, March 9,180. - Prressrant, limb 7,1804 •Dcarßin Having cu.:milted the "A t,1% mete m end atid at roar rooms, I do cot bung to ce mented it to the nee of those rentlemen who at about wmoging to California in search of Gold. It gives a clese approximation to the .spauSe greet ty of motels, and will certainly wiable the adventurer m ascertain when his placer Is rieiling Gold. meet Yours, reap', J. tt. NDIA HURLER CLAITILING—Jast received for the I California Expedition. • complee assor:tie. Gum Elastic Clothing, at prices ranging (mai . for suit W coat. pants and hat. For wle at me India Rubber Dep.. No 6 Wo o d ."- dec2o J.! StammsFieliWinTEii TE submriber offers ( or sale, the STEA.kI LIRICR . WORKS, above Lawrenceville, comrisin Steam Engine, Boilers, 6 Mould blachine, c a pabl e of triewafactunng Mr,600 Pressed Wicks tom eidrY clay, latoken from the bank./ Jeremy; with th ree servo nd oo the Allegheny river, on which area kilns and Meds, machine and clay sheds, arkeellorrows, trucks, shovels, spades, ice., every Ming rimaishe Wcos. menet operations at an hours nitre. Peen. xneluding the patent right to ate said machine, $7401 it of payment made racy. Without the land. WAR.' Per HENRY MFAIRYTT, panieulan, address No 115 kle , ±9nratiela House. TOE partnership heretofore existing ender the firm 1. of A Ik. C BRADLEY, is dissolved by the deco b y of Mr. C Bradley. The business will he earned A BraMey, who will settle the bonnets of the lota firm. REMOVAL—AB.DIST km removed his Foundry Watchcase from No Oa Second meek to No 19 Wood street, between First and Second streets, to Me watc hman lately °enabled by 0 A Berry, where he will beep constantly on hand a general amorunentofCast. loge, Grines, Stoves, Cooking Stoves, Re. 1713 Dlsaoltallots. TffEeo.partnershlp heretofore existing between the subSeribers, In the mune actualnstable, thane CU, is this day dissolved by Oonsent. . Burke & Rathei will mule the hostoess of the concern , for which purpose they are authonred to use We name of the concern. NA THAN cONSTABLEs EO D BURKE, THOMAS LLARNk:S. 'The undenigned have this day &menialsl themselves In the name of BURKE tot..LIARNES. for the purpose or mane metartag Fire Prtdof,:tafes, Vault Doors. Le. Re, at Me atand of be late firm of Constable, Burke Leo, where they will be pleased to receive the patron. age or the customers of that house ED and th BU eir friends. AIUND Riff THOMAS DARNER. In retiriag (mat the firm of.Ceestable, Berke & Ca., I with sincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Backe & Barnes to the confidence or my iecds and the public. !'ertder.l. NATHANIEL. CONHTAULE. Os ARBUTHNOT HAB just returned from tie Eastern eines, and I receiving a largo variety of seasonable Goods, to which be respectfully lames tbe attention of or a ants and pedlars. No 84 Woad et. febll Werra/Olt ay -4 . Cast Isom flattisg. E sebsenbers beg leave to inform the public that they nave obtained from the East all the lute end they designs for Iron Railing, both for houses end esmeteties. POMO. swishing to siemens hand. some patterns well please eel' and EXOIIII3IO, and judge forthentselves. • Reding will be famished at the short est notice, and In the best manner, at the CORM} Of CIO* and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. ug2ldif A. LAMONT ENOS. - ocoriomv CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, & SATIN ..C.l HITS, received on concignment, and for .ale a cne wanulacturees warehouse by spin imesi:Y, FLEMINO & CO JOHN LYONS, NO. 9 STATE :.TRENT, BOSTON, Agent /or Mugs and Recovery of Proryty en England. HAVitio apent nearly a yen in the veripas Re. e or . °Meet, 4anonal Labrery, an., during hie 4 t tc cult to . ntngland, inveaugating claim. for per.ls ro „„ ne) : and having secured ea:leant and re. availab vthb le Agent. in London end Manchester, he t. spared a f ar , 0 0 . necessary Information and ad. vie ewe .... who nett to recover their property In that country, J. L. here a list el ho the M ot h of England Dividend whmh IM.). for 60 emu, or 26 for each letter of the Alphabet ¢elercaeea in il" Ct i lr Ft ' . ADAMS, Nona Publ4; JAMES WELD,Es HENRY K. MAY, Si. 1ne99.2. JOHN W. RIDGE , WA IIiCORD In CO., IL (Successors to grand &King) ~1 6 ; 1 6 fashionable Eiatt•es, Corner of Wood and Filth Stn. de I. ARTICULAR attention paid to oar Retail T. Gentlemen ears rely upon getting their U.t. as Caps from oar establishment of the um 111.141,11a1. 5 and woustaismar, a the Lamas Erni% and at the rowan 121.1. Conttrny Merchants, purensing by wholesale, an reoPectfally Invited V call sod examine ems Bloch; el we can say with c anfidenee that as regards vault sad ruca It will ner. radar Ina comparison with . any nee let Pailadelph la , 1'617 WIyLIADI DIGBY BEG S lane to Inform hie Incensed elastomers that he is lust ree eying his new tiering Mock of Goods, final, all the newest mid most I astuon:b'ajtf' th tCgM:'f""aVeTilco ona en ge lmrrs,entereryrueaiable or gtlenents wen for spnng and summer. It being orposable to describe the beauty, gamin!, ol qua." et . tee stheli, the proprietor hopes all who are us want Wririg h hlnf . a r' ea d r b aa l l ' is ' er a e n to Is m o o s 4 lo ' ei: 4' lL: i s n ur ol the Alleghenies that can compare with It. Ta es ready rim de department Is very extol mire, IWO• tad tr,. all taste*. Rad - read no mammon, nentry merchr.ms, and sli wbo parehns ate in rued to en. mine the Mae k before 'amassing, as pi trtleuLar ae- Wenn Is paid to the wholesale business in this *stab lishmeitt. Even - arde le Id the terming line made or order in a lb:rjaatilopable sad bra =ma, at 010 PITTSBURGH, WEDNESp INSURANCE-. LIFE.INSURANCE! Trenton Mutual Life !alumnae Company. IATXI - 07 711ZYMY ITnrCat . 25 rtir. CAT. Capital, 8130,000. JAMES DURNO to Co, Agent• at Pittgllnh• 10/1.10 01 DIZAZION, AT VIVITO, ' an liiWin, James noir, Jr. Joarph 0. Penh Br , " Benjamin Fish. G. A Perdiears, V. P. , John A. Weed, En Morris,SeezolarS.: ~ Jonathan Fuk, TITASEIf [T. - . DEEM MIV TORR. Compare Hero( New York. George Vireo& Joke F. Macrae David Dudley Field. Joaeph Hozie. Ifni Ere. Gov. HllllOO. Fx,Gov. VFOOOI. ' W. L. Dayton, 11. S. Sari larano Wildria, M. C. , • G. CI Wall.nr U. 9. Sep. Wm. A. Newell, 11. C.. • E.I.Gor. M:Diekerron. Hon. Pr.'R. Hamilton. , MEDICAL, IXAMINP.IIS . .• A. Sidney donna. M. D. I W. W Gerhard, M. D. al 22 Warren n, N. V. ZOI Wabott M.. Pail's. Wm. AP I Morgan. M. D., G. R. Dell, M. D., •• George McCook, RI. D, 1 Allerheny err', Pa, . Pittsburgh, Pa i Too Aae math/a Company. at Pittsburgh, ars Po' taorired to take every Gent elma risk on Life at II FII.MC7IOI, OF TIVZRST-1100 11.2 CENT. 090 dr. usual rates of premium, as ebergrd fie other Companiot • • A WIRO 30 years of lir, inking nPolicy of 10,11310300 for (,co Thousand Do!lorr. . • . . . To run for on• yew, pay. only VOC'et do seven " " 11tn,S11 do lifenme, u " tt 1117,50 And in the owe proportion for any antrattP to ENO, tublch la the extent taken on anyone We. This Company commenceeoperations or- tm tat October, OAS, and its monthly busluet• UP to the let Oa/shor t I 840,shouts progress ISCMINO that CI any other f tie Company on reword. - The first dividend of pints aril be declared to the assured ev, theist January. OSO. Parnoti/ets contatning the cartons tallest of. Elea, MEd all the necessary inturronnon on the introttwt subptct of Life Assurance, will be tarnished on a pp al cano e to JAMES DORN° fr. CO., Arent.. dell 'Neon Betiding,. C==l ripHE TRENTON METUnL LOY: AND FIRE IN SURANOC COMPANY ovlil one Policior of Insurance fiffllo.‘ ;An or DANI•Gi n 1 Flan. upon Dwelling, and Ficuitur., Nance, Good, Ac , in., on a 7c li ,v olon to JAMESDORN° & CO., Ano ‘ o, Odron Mahon.. INSORAI.4O6 T I DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU. JI RANCE COM PANY.--Catee N 04411 Room of We Enchant°, Thad area Irtaradelp Mae Irtartaxn.—Boildingx,Mole handl. and other property in Coven awl Country, 411.11 See 4..1114 or darns!. by Use, .thnloweet rote of promo.. ID•wmc Insc.nra—They also to.re VenneW, Car. pore and Freight., forria n or coaawnlan,ornkfoPrA. open.' pukka,aa tbo soured may now., lewana Tuxiionoranon.—Tbey also Intuit mereh• andiao traneponed by Wagon., RAD Rood Can, Canal Don. one Steam Coots., on rives owl j.l.kst, oaths Inonani tem.. DIRL,TORH—Jowoh IL geol. ralmand A. Ender, Join C Darin Robert Rolls, John R Penna., /aros e! EMararda, 4.0 Ii Leto., Edward Darlin/ton Hann It Davin, Won Falwelf, John_fiewlin. Dr R. M Hamm Jan C hand. Thenphlio• Powlaine, II Jane* D..% Henry Olsen, Doe. Craig, Genre, SarrOl. Spencer Melle.o, Charlet Krlly, J O lohcoon,Wal Irrl Dr 41 Mown.. Jobs Ethers. Wm }:yre. Jr. , DIRECTORS AT T Dom., Hoe, Craig, John T Lnenn. WILLIAM MARTIN, Mello.. Rtrvaao Newaolw, fp-Milne of Cat Company. No. 40 Water aunt;, PnWbo.n. lianaa.tf F. A. MADEIRA. Art- Urfa and Aloftlib ilaparaaos. RE thlnal Life and Health Litsuramth company of Pniladelpkth, DreOrporated by the Legislature Pennsylvania March, LAS. Cbriner perpetual. Capital. SinalOO Parrs twig. rasa An I...Fri:M. yams Pawpaw', nod fail tp per re t er Lk. the amid rates of Life lasuraticr, As the following coca Pthisan will chow: Thna,a person of be Ave oi 3:1 in- Pering for PM r. life. must pay to the narylvwiin, be, Penn 'llluturil, IAMB; klipstosi..th, eiglit New England, PtAnik.Nesr York kite, gddir.t, 11,42, Lae and denial, Pkiladrlphi a, al ,il 1. Dutuuss. mute D. Orrick u rirles D. 11•11. W. P. Boone,. Robert P King. Mimi , . P. N.Y.., S. W. Baldwin. U. Reeve, ht. C. Chu O. U Canupbep, Lewis Cooper I. Modann Udrker, IL Outer. t.divin IL Cope. Creakiest—gamut Ii Orrick; Vice Pierl dens—Bobt-P SiterriAry—Traneis Black...tumr. Applications will be rereiveri.snd raky information given by - ErAbIL.PAIINEaTtXtR, Mt, Office Commercial Roams , sonar of _oect7.dly 'Wood and Thad sat. Pittsburgh RUIZ AND INStRANC£. Tim INSURANCE CO. at North America will make permanrnt Ind limited Insurance en pt.. pony is Oils `Lakes vicinity, and t n shine-nevi. bY Paned. Rthars, es. and by Den The prii,isilirS or this Compmay sirs well invested, and foolish es swill. able feud for the us& indemnity of all persons wive desire to be protected by ig-nttrauce myth Whi. P. JONVAI, Avant, 44 Water W._ _ ucALTn lasua.Aticnc... ritA.barect. the Spring Carden Health Insurance CO, OF ITOLADELPRIA—•—CiII'ITA L 110 W, NBUREZ Usk. 4341 Fenaale. agaiim Expenee I and L.o...ceggfeAsg httoickite• of art istmediata allOwitme gf from S 3 tc , snPnt aynnt, for one, two. than, at fear jean. The method of eleeting tkis insweacr• and the mum, of awarding the sink alltosnaned, arta Lc fillip aapained by the Agent. A person can insure against Sicknrss or Accident which vitt &min W m tram his ordmary barine.s, as rollout, rut: For ono ychr,44 proving 114,20, and recetrel.) 4 , " veer. For tao 14! " Far three For (our " 10.4 .0 G " Or. for • period of four year., Are Aim if el CO P""i ually, will secure el per vrecll while 44.. Ciery nieee.ary information alll be urlorded on Ore xubleet of Insurance renerolly. by JAM DUFLiO & CO, Agent, Odeon lhole.iirs pi,. and Marino Inourassee. MHP. 041P4C4: of the lateranee Company of North America, has less removed to No. 141 Prom .1 mime Wood. The subscriber, ogeot fru st., above obi end trepoo. OW. C.mVanl. i. 42, 1 . 0i1C 1 .4.1 o.11 , 1,4410:(0 end their coilLenLl, and on of lietelcodtm by Steam Boma and other vre.ele. sp3 IT. P. JONE S . The Possuylvams Company Too Immva.N. as UM an r taNtinn Anororms. pill: first LIM Insurance . Company in the U. Slams. L Isucorporated March 10, tort—ch. to rerpomai. eitAo,ooo—all paid in. Haab, author/toil the undersigned to receive appit. canons for Insurance, en which politico will I.e issued, according to their or/wads and raiz., which mill be made known to applicants at his ortio, No. It Wood LIED -COCHRAN. errrosin - ton PYRIALLIC INSTITUTE Till{ Seeond Elession of nits Institution, under tho mire or Mr. sod Mob Gmtioan, for the pre•ont thademie year, wilt enkmenee on Oda day, Monday, requiter"' lOth, In the some Luildlnga, No. E Liberty street Amingements bane been mode by Tenon they 'en , losable to furnah young ladies (sedates equal . . any lathe West, for obtainindr a thorough English, Olson. oal,and Ornamental education. A fon course of Phu isophtea: and Chemical .Leetare. mill be delivered during the reinter, incrusted by apparatus. ptmnt of Vocal and lectrurcenutl . Slitrie, Modern Languages, Drawtog and Punting, will each be under the care ofa competent Professor. Ity clbee &ovation to the moral and Intellectual Improvement of their pm pa., the Principal, hope to merit a enntinuanor. of the liberal patronage , they have hitherto enjoyed. For terms, sae circular or apply to the Prumipalc HERSEY , FLEMING& - CO. HAVE FOE: SALE, . FROM THE MANUFACTURERS, AND AT EAST ERN MANUFACTUREIIe FRICk.N: %Vhlie Flannels, all Woolt Inue Drills; Red do ,do lltlue Drinins; yellow do do Fancyßolt:modes; all are Brown do do altered al Fa etory prices. Moot Sotinetts. Home League 'Shirt rig. Steel mthod do Mao do Cheeks and Stripes, oeth Drab do heavy goods. Block C111.41.0i6 Tailors' Goods. Fanny do Red Padding, super do; Fanny Twneds. Vest Sodding, Ducks.% Super Mack Broad Cloth. Tallord'Cimvosu lirarY do i Super Brown do truce,, Wens, d o. Super Often do Drab Serge, black do. s 1 / Super Twilled On and worsted; Super Black Doe Skins [Beck and While, Tope; Super Drob Cashmeres. Black Twist, Drat, do; Super Blows do Linen Cheeks and Dello, Super Black do Steart's 0 cord! y'l Caton; California Blankets. do Linen Thrsal, a Ille•rlst , do superior stouts; Blue do Silk Figured Vesting.; Drab do Slack Satin do Grain Bagging. I Drown Holland er'g Silks; Drown Drifts;Bonabo, Critm.g, in. At the hlaoufactorars' orehoute, No P 27 Wood . Pittsburgh ant • N 6. 346 U BOOTS. $460 I EE onbreilber in now trittouhetttring 4eauttful O. SUMNIF.R BOOT, of good DANIEL motnrrnts and WO Inanstup, or We 'off low price of EDNAS4 CIO. , . No 0 Market It. second door from Water IL apl3-dtro - tTribono copy.] NoTICIEt. rim undersigned having purchased of G. A. Day j ard, the Stearn Haw on the Allegheny Haven above the Arsenal, are now prepared to All all Wm of [amber of any tine and length, from Pi A. downwards. Boat Heck ?tank, Ummalcs. John, nanatitort Toonmers, Boards, de., no the shortest cobra. L. 11,1 oortnnly on hand. Orders moored and any inform. leo given by H Ht:lghtman,corner of Water and Liberty stoeu, Or MElrril3oo. tO) Liberty sue., and at the office of the min. splOviPta AVIGHTMAN 3 MORRISON ukr ALL PAPERW. P. M/11.16 . 1.t nu t*Lo to nr c a . ..ly ‘ TV ""i". from the in""' alm l i rom French Voir York and Philadelphia, and ros. ..,7 , . a . .. . . .. 4 nom*, the normal and most anowoon., Wire 1;4, Ml li"g4'" "r'th*r '" ol l e . at iM Wood .1, ho d . r. and Tooter Top.. For ~y , t.occoo,o, to S. I' ''''' qiarth at and Diamond ail , I.!!!... .10 Cll4 Li IMTITL u PAINT-4 az d sole by the ham/ or single viand at the n g ft d, and Perfumery' %Varela.. entllefof Sistl and d woos. N WICKERSHAM. 11418 ili‘sapis.tos Patent Sean Ash. OILY the shove celehraiud brand and IP* high hest, dl,,ct from iho rommumturers; 1:0 Y. now on the hay from New °Ovum, and 'hated here bore this' 'feet ; and 314 will shortlr orrice 'ha Dalurnore per ships Juniata, Chiesipecto, Damas cus, ana tabus, which will he SOO on 011 , 001, ;lithe lowest market Nice fur cash Or sporolsca • NV h. NI MITCHEL,TRIX, • . .. ap tl . . No 100 Liberty .b SUIttIISILINta 110 taladti. •• AALLporton* attain rosmbers pa: on their hoatet, to todonntly to a retohdon of C 0113614, vriii please roll at aka Room of the Board of Trade' tory *emend •, earner of Wood and Third Its. and pa 4• for We alma. ealdUat FAIINkaTOCX . gituaarth, Arta PI /o°, oeu ISRANiNG, MAY 29, 1850. MED It A 1;., ' -PROCLAMATION: "IT NOW all men who are sink and afflicted with ji ease or t h e bladdimand kidneys. with rheumatic Miles in behk,orlirobsoniffialuts, old sores,. untiring' Wean.. /cc, that they can be cured by takintrahe Pri 'nroleurni Toe may talk about Its bent* a maws a: much no you please - but MI. does not make It So, for we proclaim in Mathes of automat' icaimunity, that Irhea,utueas. which no noiconialeed any nth.. remedy. The madivho Is racked anth pain and 56V String front disease, em for day cents, get relief from any of the ills ennumemted above. Reader! It coca very Rule to make atrial. Tide Pete:ileum is no mix ture—no eminpond, put on Cor the ranose of impoaing on dm commanitYl hut it II a remedy elaborated by the, metier 'land of nature, and bubbles al , from the ho- Nora e our mother erinh In its original purity, and of fers to mdering humanly a ready remedy, a certain and cheap ante. It ban cured Piles after other medicine. bare failed to reader any relict Chez cored Rheemallsm of long standing, and Grille wore most painful character- It ha. cored Cholera Idorbes by one or two doses; It ban cured old antes Of Diarrhea, in which every, other remedy has bean, avail. Ae a local remedy in berg. rind scalds, Ii L. better than any. medical com pound or of that we snow of. It ear. chit. bides or fraud feet, In a few eppllettlionat andoubb ed testimony ean be Airnlshed of the truth contained In the above statement by calling ort Runnel Kier. I Calla. Darin, 7thsitreet e• either of the , agents. . Keyser Ili bleuowell, corner of cod street and Aliey; R. E. yellers, Si Wood Creel, D. A. El liot & D. IL Curry, Allege.) , city, are the agent. lan2l " -- "A PIIYIIOIAN'R TEATI ROSS. Ig NAVE FOUND NOTHING TO F.QUAL. TURNS" • Ilbaccarao, Va., March li, ISZO. 14, IL R PF-LLEllli—l have dimmed of all the I.VI t7ougleBs nip and Liver Pills you sent um, and es of um Vertulthge. ! liqvc itied all yaw Family Medielnearn my family, and a -.re Woo pmtrolled Intm In my premien: I am ve-r oteemit OP them, and tome found nothing to omit dim. :Ertel ma Et dot of none Vormifago, and city cash of blip /Ayer rill. and Coop Syrup. . ReiNelfa:ly y e ars, .tEr z ram of Lute r.l T. T. Junius. Them hlatilv Popular medicines may be had of the proprietor, GE E SELLERS, 67 Wood st,andDruggists aenerally lel tbe.twa chic* and . no. rnurroctrula. Hon. lames Campbell. David H. White. Alexander Cumming*. W. J. P. White; P.AL rAVIE AND ILSCAD : The Molt lempokinnt•DlenOVerr Rest otordt—Stsze Remedy Piles! TIE. D. P. BROWN'S celebnsted Entrant Acterie can Remedy for the Yilcs,sbes already Ph•al Itself to be the only sure cure ever precented to the public- Since the diecovery of thls vaittattla medicine, and the large flannel of extreme casts with Which Dr Brown one treated, no one bas tailed to beentirely cored. Unlike the many herding calms eaten:, after months and years of experimentalising, has too often lei{ the plutlit where th,y VOlnnleased. or one; Inn alter :flew days will decide the toot by effecting a perfect cure. Fnisonv Connote.' eball not Octet f rem a lebered gr. torrent In prove my toehrine. I Introduce Is a t len lls enter. merits. by It* tiled intend it Hied stand or fall. tf you prefer That hailstorm disease, the PlLES,hthe yalue of a few .dollar, I rest the Care Wilh year. D BROWN, • • PI Lloyd enact, Borah, Id V. Rellattoinolemde and feint by It . 4 TH Hood st:' E M 1M UATOV - 11111111111.TIS THE ALIERICAN RIIEUMA TI C DA LS AMR A NEW remedy laiely discovered Wile Vegetable A Kinedods—a gore and panumagut - cre WI all Rheumatic Complaints, such as indelltmtstatT, Chronic. Acute and Nereus' Rhea madam, Goat, Lumbago, Spinal &Teething, dm. This medicine hat /on; been hued for. It has been said hat ftheoluatitatinald not to cured; hut there is a remedy emplaned by neuters for the cure of every dis cos° OW pet toucan system is enttleet to. At last a re medy Las 4tku 1 . 44,1 that cures Rheumatism of the worst form—sue of the MOIL valasp. Toltembid &tenons of she ennh—the greaten and hotfunpodani &eraser, of the age, „end a wonderfal °tented to the human (eerily. It earns without sickening°, dehilitat Ling, and renown strength and vigor to We sebole teen. It hat cored, doing the part three months,. over Min cute that were considered Incurable Cenifientes of threerauve rreverbes of *is meal sloe COO ho even by cab:en en the Agents. Nice svgntoe volts pet se arab engraved tele] neon the outside avvespir - , rigued,by the proprietor, TURNER, Defeo, N.Y. . ~.401d 91.155 tits. ' corner y Third nod !luta/tat. Pans urea. Bald•:wby G. P. T11091A9, NOlO9 Nun sa, ClllCirallkti. 0. 1997.1.kv54.9 MICRICIAL •biLf IlifratuicaLt OFFICIC, No. ells DIAMOND ALLEY. 11. few doors b ow Wood Ergot, to waffle sorbet OIL Vat WV, baying been rayalayiy educated to the medical profession. and hereto, some tints In general practice. now confines •huauenuon to We treatment of those pneate and delicate comet P/nlnts for wltlrb his npoortunitna hnd toper:cote rectil,arty yeah:7 im years neoluonsly devoted AO SWOT 4 AMMO= °Mose mottplasztatleann entgon I note Le has had More procure and nay cured more pa. Watt can escr,lnft in the lot of any pivot, pr.. uticmert amply qualifier hint to offer /ASO Alll,ll of ITlVlT{ill=frigsSZlOll":27SLACJeon=trefe4.. - - Dr. Frown wasid Wont thaw afauted Swth Ort , aral dohs,_a whist have twebtne chronic by time or ag. frfavahtd by the use of any of the nommen nornsteds of: the 11•7, that out: corsphatotscan to radios:ly aril Oar: oovidy eared; he having won boa ehrefs/ attention nr the treatment of sseh cows, and sneervded in hundreds Of ins:aces In enrtng Ferran. of Inganotwohn of the heel, a r Iho bladder, and tiudred diseases which of ran:Meow those ow, where others hem cocrigned them IS hotwiess 40P# 1, Ile paettnalariy snottes sod as hove been Icon .s =success/illy treated by when. to con:411 Eva, when every satisfaction will he poet tarn, arA thrtr epos treated In • earentl,ttsotoogh and ntaneer,potraed a;; try a Inns expenene<, inverhea tion.rsh teeit Ai Morwttido for :iota enenscd in sen•ral prat.. of me [c give to our els. of thre h [O - ilernia cr Roptont.—Cr. Brown alto loan. pas • atattOod 'loth lieritta to cal), as be baapasC pante Slat at.rotton 10 {ll. Yrxent CANCERS eith cured. trLif diner.; also rf e, Palsy, era., apishly eared Ml+4ci sexy ton. N. EC—Pbtien . • of either set lima . It damn., by *terms their ds.;c ' ese wro:,:, vying an we spiny. toms, c. °burro medicines elixir paid for ore, by eth!rerstur T. BROWN, D., peel Poithi e n d ruclth- Ina aka. OR. No. BS Diamond alloy, [Tye.* tla Waverly Hoc. o.lthooteersta.—ltr. Browne newly discovered thr for 11.31i131 a speedy and retrain remedy ter that painful trouble. It never falle. • Office 5,4 Prthate Room. No, 65 • mead Pitt.borch, P. The Rector is always at o. Nn wan oo par. Pre RUC AL BfßOV4rPiiii,lB.ll-- . . . Phoenix hlanunietaring lempatty new offer to T the public Men Premium Chernieel Stove Penton; and 'without tiongcratioo, or fear of enntradietiou,lty those who have meted it, pompom, It far roperlar to any other 14 the marten The coneumereeed he a p na appreheerion. ofwiling . emmeon tta its com paction prevent. dem joint anomit when being ar. wind, sm.t he done whesi the Stove is cod 'rue quantity maimed ts lint. to eroduce. lover wet levity. A raying of over any pe cent is d to the consumers. A emalpe applied to Stoves, Pipes, tr., when laid away for the smer, tea sore pre. •eatatira agatnit ram. After ha im ving tried it otre, 11l it m anceasittle) CO perion will ma any hot the afanetnetorion Company's Premium Cnecat: cal Stove Foltalt. For sale by N W ICHF.RSIIAM, rnTO Corner of Siva and Wood streets. 31/!.[UICL7II:IcIf.FLVT, tk ti ANUFArI/R1..1t . CAST STI,LL, and No 1 kn. and Np. Y American Blistor Sleek Also—Bert Cas, Steel riles, of all sloes; and Blacksmith tmdBhoo rt..", nleval • on nand and for sale-,either at his "Ea. gle.hicat Works,. filltarn infect, Filth Ward, er at the °Moe io the Iron store of /3OLLOIANS Et GARAI SON, No 4,100 t of Wood soret, rtltabuigh. We. thiundersigned, having ti.ed, with entire tat. the Cast Steel and riles mule by Samuel kleliel sp. tit his Digle Steel Works, la !hill ehi, take pleasure in reenrumendlnk them as equal 111 401411710 any ever LlFed oy us, of foreign manufacture. Pittsburgh, March '3, Ft. Yd. 0 & J 11 SIIOENBERGER & CO, ildrumfactaiem of lima and Nan. Pittsburgh, Pa. IiNAPP & TOIVEN. Iron rounders and Machinists, Pittsburgh. P. COLEMAN, lIAILnIAN lc CO, sLanutactaters of Springs, Axles, Spring Steel nod Meets, Pouburfb, P. F & W 0 FAllk.E, Engine Builders and Machine Card Illsoufacia. rem., Pittsburgh. P. A FULTON, Braze rounder, Pat:burgh, P. IL& EP. LINDSAY & CO, Manufacturer& of Iron tool Nail. Pittsburgh. Pr. JOSEPH TONILINSON, Locomotive Engine and Flap Builder, Pittsburgh, P. W W WALLACE. Mati; . l 2 tlrinufaciurer, Machine and Engine Build. et, Pitishurgh. Pa._ laden' and Antique Furniture, JA/SINS W. WOODWELL, 83, Taman Se.,Pmsguatia. J. W. %V. hills that he has cam• pined his nung stock of FURNITURE. the Int-pest and mom vanedasaortment ever I.oered for sale In this city. comprising several beta of Boa/MOOD, KILKOGANT, and BLACK tVALKIII, carved, ornamental sod pint suitable for Parlor., Drawing and Bed Booms, all of which will he sold at the lowest prices. Persos destrtng Forniture of any desoriptioa spec tab by ;minedto call end ex amide lits stork, which embraces every decent don, from the cheapest and plt”rtetst to the mon elegant and costly, of which the following comprise* a pant Tete seta Sofas; Tato a Tete Divann • Conversation Choirs; Elisabetalan Comm; Reception do Lords XIV go Encnsion do Baden Aulque; • What rims; Toilet Table.; Loma XIV Commodore; Doke of Tort'ch; an Sofas with Plash and Hole cloth covers) 10 Dmanth, do do do; 40 doe Ma hogany Parlor Chair.; 10 v Basswood do do; 12 " Bra Walnat de do; 40 4 ' Cane Peat 'do; 4 " Mahogany Racking de; it c do Piano Stool% • LO Marble Top Centre Talon.; 00 do do Wash Finnan iN Mahogany Bedsteads; 12 do Wardrobes; 113 MIS WILICIIt do; LI Cherry do. • , A nary largo anortment of Mammon Chain and Oth er Farm:are too tedtods to mention. cc vhattnt lloaia furnished on the shorten 1161 ICC. All orders promptly attended to. • P. tt—slablact Mateo, can be aupplied with all sons of Mahogany, Wotan% •114 VCJICUK, at Consislsrably radace .4 prices rflitiliCli. Cd.RolllBit3 tb. CO. love removed Co to No 97 {Valet. vt, between Wood it Mart.. In the beueenirmerly eeeapied by Hardy, Jones Jr Ca. Ti " lt r P:C 'n tirwit , F.ii — • — • • ••! -- I-ona r e cei ve d- ..: , sni: lire .i.i . Proof Paint. or artier - lO U s' I J s TM above vain . we hair d in ' use ' r.d. five yeass;and . el we can confidently re" rnmend it •to the public for general ore. as a porn o • bra and water treat P. ,0 4 sad to wand the &Way or , the atmosphere anthem 1 . ernes. For sale by ~. J is 7 k to 9 Woo PIIII.IdJPS at. . ECONOMY ME W& DR% APPLEP-1 0 k l / 4 CV OUT; NA; bigr a iu d foaa .. —.7 SOMETHING NEW Under the Nun el Plttsbargh It "WILL be opened lOW the Mtd of Mai,a,Fataqy VV Grocery and Tee Store,,in th e Philndelptaa 'l l l ft . e tabserilmrs have fitted no a alore.at No. StXt Liberty street, in a style superior to any of the klitain Pittsburgh, where they will airway. bate a . large es. sattment of fine Grocer/re, and superior_ Teas, to whisk they respectfallf intimate attention of limpet. lie. Of every article, they will endeavor to leap the best of Its kind, end confidently recommend their Tess An net to is etrannazo,'l7 ROMA= In the ci ty., Their assortment will comprism—Green and Black Teaser all kinds, from e . cents to 61.60 per Kam& Coacei of every grade. Lovering'. I Pamirs Leal, Crashed and Pit'verixrd. Rteem Symp./41gal . lona , and N. o.blalasser, Choe °lams, Foreien Fonts and Nuts, Spinet, Pickle. Eonentri, Pager Cured llama and Hee?, Fist, alai!. kinds, Perrot, Leta and Whale this, Mould, t'fienn and W. Candles, together with many 'asides whits reeld not heretofore be bud le flu. north, and which time wolddfallto enumerate. theltirtarbCiondi delivered free of eh arge in every put of . • Dealt. Kindled OU mart reaPIIISWO 40111.. WM, A tiIoCLURO & Co., m9l N Liberty mrAttt, above Wood. 4. orksotervetko,' orurrenvcor, nt. A• WESTERVELT & SON. ELI. KNOWN VENITIAN , BLIND UM:LIM OW keep eonguottly on hand Pt fit, ate ne order the bet entele In their Hne, tit Ikeir 'old Vend, No in St, Ciallistreatiiet ot ilenhiirtial tnatket street, second story, entrenee In the Diamond Venbian Shutter, triode to order, and old blinds neatly repaired. itplo To Bouthern and IN to Pletoba4satp, DOUSSELT PREMIUM PERFtibIERV. The Et, whgeTiber respertfolly MTh. Public entente. to hi crramive stock pr Perfumery, 802115, Ehavlvc Creams, 11., to wirieb , semli Silver and two Golden Ilorials hove, witblo the last min Teen, Leen awarded by the !olivine. of Geri Tara, Batas, •ad Phila. deloblit, the homy briar Ito ally Golden Meads ever awarded 4ir periuntery:olahar U, Europa or in duo. vountry. Coma's. Vernalize Samna Canna (Alrannis Ro and Ambrorial.) onivermily ankaiwirdged to beenperior to any Shaving Grego In tins country or Europe, ; • Mr-oroom roe Meavoso—Flcualfolly transparent, end p Ina highly Sapeonateous and et:anthem prisbentes; dayanacenaa CoMpouadi Ambrosial &a.. mg Tablet; Military Shaving Soap. Serssitas TomerSoan—Almond, Rose, Milleflenn, Donatort. Pistachio, blur, Paeans:ly, Connitans, Float mF, Pronspitrent, Ohre Oil, Windsor, and Circoulon. Karmen rot Yoe Hanorazoomr—Rose, Janina, Bouqvct de Caroline, GernOMM, Jenny Lindge.,44.- line, Jockey Clob, Magnolia, cleavno.;' Rosa. and many C4ol' Vatted - ill, to all slay digorent perfumes- Tomnr Warms—llorida Water, ran de eoilette, Ombge Solver Water, and • great variety of Co- InEnes and Lavender IVateM rIIMIITIOVI rot Tat tiara—Genuine ranss Oil, Antique VAL Ilandolum, tau Lastree. theme, Com -0; Marrow, liar bics, lapin" anal m powder, Phildscome, Meanie, and Jenny Lind Pomade. ' Ottorrawle Pariearans—llelsonne Elialr, Rove Tooth Paste, Charcoal Marilee, onontam, Tooth Paste, and Tooth Powder. Caswienes—V. getable Cosmetic Cream, Itorandluo Peelle, chapped butds. Cold Cream of Rots, Crump 'dt Peelle, Lip larded, Raspbrr) Crowd, Depilatory Powders, for removing raperenoss hair, Pearl Pot:weer, Viwigre de Rouge, Alol3lll.lie Vinegar, Victoria !lair Composition, /learn &Its, !recd. • treat wtriery of other drucies, too tiorterew to be named in dila advertisement. The vabsectes bores to murrain the yet:Motion which lot establishment has tequited, by disposing ornothing bat Grai rate articles, and Intl be happy to n wholesale those who may wish :o r•ationise him wear wholesale or remit on maw/table renew as any es tablishment in MO United Btgtew XAVIER UAZIN, SUCCCSUIf to and forta=t Pirtetar of the Lobo, story of EUGENE ROUrdnEls 114 Cbesnat stmt. Mr. Bole's Perkrtery Is for sale by all theorist& pal °misstate lathe emoarr sortoliy 0118811L021101‘ OP PARTPCP,Is pug,. 'rim Partnership herentforen-Thtlht buiuru'ititmcl , Ji. ttlersnaly Wm W. Wallses, .d Pettey litflearl, io the east imn burble's:under the name of Mithttall. Witilsce a. Co, seas dissolved bp mutual wheat, on the hi inn, James Marshall and Henry filiheary having purchased the entire interest of Wm. W. Wal lace in sad firm. •• ,The Comm* in future will be dant:need in all Its various blanches by the sabseribers, ander the name and myla of Marshall & Mao who aril! settle tbe lostiness of Me late drat and w h om all persons I. deldrd are reqorsted to mate payment Waretonse, corner of Wood and Liberty streets. JAMES MARSALL, _l3ll HENS MeG/Lialr 11ri10t.D.41.1; GaudEß4 so , it WroOd 4044 t' odar , or sale, 103 pkg. I' 11. Imp. 81..111461.8 M. R. R. 4404 (r sod anposrdes Tors; 100 Ass elusles do; 133 ho s la.bareo; 1318. do do; 'lto bog. Ros Carle. 10 rooks Zama Curran% 04Urns N C Molars.; 15 bales V— Wra nols; 53 hods N oSugar. 13 do Brasil Nur; 200 boxes ammiled uses 13 do Illbera; Wsndom (Cass; 1011 do Pea Nolo; 40 Pipes; Ol boo shelled Almonds; 40/ has 'toaro ri ties Hoek Candy; 114) bas C5..4 tbs Codfish; • S 1g ' sl " F l An u cr ° ;gl.,..h. x .11 ' , As Tanners' Oil: Cigarn 94 bas Chonolatc, 1949 As 114) Snazialti Et dna Boa Cords; Tbiaeloass: Et coils Manilla Rape; Acta. Nannarsi 74 bas 9pierd ettatectiase; 3 strop. Indtaut 10 tags Pepper: 03 eases Lerman Syrap; 5 bags alspier; 11$ tura Pt pp. btause; Ohio Hem.; 111 asses Mantua Cassay; la bets Vtnegan (iround Spices. all biota. Es bales Ca .dleartak; 4u barrels ka was red and 43 bias qtNabt LoatSagan 14 tres 4 lll.,• 1 9 hltas 51•Idder; 14 brio lambi In lulls 91 - Liung; 343 dram. lips; As wet) . a penes) assortment et Pitubargh 311safastured nrudes.art34 --.. TEE TEA PI ARK ET, tt s aur 4oe Taa sautva 4, feu bougra e—ardtere. Try ovraLle 'rest apaiart Teabenspltelaetvaere. Try our 75e ?pa &gait. Si Tea larugut elrewhrre. The very beet Mart Tea imported, we are selling at 7.1 cent. per pound. The very haw Green Tea imported, we are selling at El per pound. We are &rider. npwotel to puffing, insimid ofcirtich we impeetfully mica Co es me best method of Proctug who sell! the be and 01.cm...0r Term. . • MORKIA 'HAWORTH maj2D Propnetor. of We. Tea Moak. ICE 1 ICY I Ipd) TONS ICE, to anivaia one lot, for nil, cheap LPO O'rONNOR,.ATIONS a. CO mays Omni hula, I..bpny vt t:otared S.nd W Alla Wadding. 100 nALF.S . superior quality, just rucerred firs manufaentrer, on consignment, and (or sala et outrun prier, at the manufeesuerrs' warehouse, lIUSEY, FI,FMINO &CO, arD5 t, Wand a. India Rubber Hese. J UST received, .1000 met Bose- 2 and 3 plr, of all ood far coperior to loalbr i lv i lgt . b i r .., 0 Woad et eneylo • I_, , AllolliNti TOOLS—A complete aasortutra of at -17 bey quality of Coat Start Cirass.d Corn Berke; soarranied: Cast Stool 2,3, ft I prong Forks, warrantal, Cant elect Hay Kivea; tote: do Gaosrusck Hoes, valid; Id dot common do do, for Hilo tow, at the Drag and SeedSmre of B N WICKERSHAM, wattle. Coro( Blvd &Wood cht. , 1 • 711 Lf c Myron, vat:Ml44d.; 30 do Gunpowder and Imp 30 do Boucher's. ft do Oolona 83 caddy boo `. II lop k G 01 boo 41,0'14 and 18". Tobacco 35 caddy biz Barrow'. A's do 170 bore. Starch an DN. 4 bf LIB Saleroom Indigo, gladder, Alum, /Ginger, Pepper, r, Nutmeg., and Lamp Black In keg., for sale by C H GRANT mayl3 D4 we., .t 1=212031 filiarsuleso'llawile Paribas/ Colognes THE uneereigoed 1.114 been Iv Willed earns in Fittsbumh for the sale of Charles Marie Farina's celogne. Retailers will be supplied at manufactutern prices._ WM A bIeCLURG & CO nay 2311LIberiy - Alll'lsT MATFIFIKIA --Canvass, plan, Romani and English twilled p d Neil Oil, Mottle &While Copal Varnish. Fuglish Millhosnls, mooned • sixes. Mahogany Pallets, Charcoal blink.. bit Colo, In Cesible lobes, of all kinds. Joll we'd, and for sale by I KJULI&CO mrial On Wool in A SUPPLY pm received, of Me moat approved GA make, mid Boilable weld,. MURPHY & BURCHFIELD, maul N E cer Fourth & Marko". - - DRECISELY the same reta i le d ` ansi/ smd Ronan 1 flnvore4 Teas that are In the old eemstry at A.and Asper iti.ean be obtained for 50e md keeper pound at Tim Tea Mum, east side of the Diamond, Pittsburgh, or at Morns k liawortbis %Vine Ptore; Federal Street, Allegheny. The above Pun Clung Tasty we receive through one English Agent, direct from the Queen', Banda Werehousea, duty free, being forexpottatlon. _ TE ASI TEAS 3 I FTST opened, at tire . Phut:ll.db Focally Grocery nod ye. Wurchoure, the fallowing 11.130111110/kt of Green curi flinch Tear— nes% 111.41C1L Young Dyson; Oniong; Firiti,Young go; Extra fino; ' Fine oolong; Extra finc dot imperial;e do d toooooooo° Gunpowder. Ghanian Penetions fiingyong do. It in unnecesaary to pod' the above Tees; they spent for ihernseivec All we ilk is R fair trial, and wo are confident they will pinata both in ovoid, and price. WM A 111 . CLURG & CO mayl4 ' 010 Libeny al rprACCO-13 boo Myers' Ex Lomp Coventtab; SO do do Surio 20 boo Gabble. 3a L um p.. do; 19 boo Jones kII udsor Sat Lump; OS boo Murrell & Rolnnmna s's Lump; moms 91 dwarf boo Myrra Gronoeo,• 4 do 32 do Taproot,' Neuter Lf; do 8 do do Gold LeaL IL M 33 kgo 0 twat, PlOiC., and fur sale by LER & REIRETSON • t 00913 & 174 Laberty ot. CIGARSZ-10MCoiiii Sono Prioelpeeo, Rom 95 SI do do 11 No I, GO al do do No 1; 3031 do do No 10 M Regalia, Eamereldo; 31 13 al do .Goomopollte; 9 MeaMllll,.• 16 M . -do adr for sale by mayl3 MLLES & RICKETEION 31 I:3lb i blr it "l ti r — and: Ar en i d 1176 dy teit t" :rtro . br k a ... '"'' canal, for sale, by.. W & M MITCHELTo2 y ens.2l:. Lrberty meta Simottsg mosusa. AA. SIIPPLYjust reetivell, of all the difereett , erfithe, Irma one m three Yards wlde._ mays] - NURPtIY BuILUE iduAllp,Arglfat 10 cent. a ggee As W P BIAISIiaLLS 1 i407 Watt Pow Pa% el MOO! , , , MISCELUNEWS. IiNfiILISII i ELFBISIPTT, Jude of deo Diamond, Pittsburgh TEA *lion ENGLAND DRY GOODS, &c. Hosinets mad Benast Ribbons.. URPHY & BURCHFIELD Loma reeeised ao ad daional supply of store goods, ineludi vadoos styles of Chloe, Pearl, Albone, and Gimp Demists, White and Colored Glsop do; and Rd:Moose ill colors sod . . • • may 7- 11101MNING GOODS. MURPHY & BURCHFIELD InTlio the attmillon 111 of those wanting roods for blemming eruption, to Mel: very fall enortmenc Int reessitcd, son ea Black Bombazines, Bombazine finish Alpacas., Black Hone de Lanes, blooming Wan Bina, do Printed Fellards, Barnes, rune., Slciiian.Lustrea, Albaarnes, Black and Printed Laanoa,_ Black Ihnbroinered do; Bonen Ribbons, Scarf do.-Veils, maii: Baregs .de Lathan AA. MASON A. CO Lave recei•ed. per espess, . and now opening .10 pc. ebotee ItArete de LOW 10 pc. Hein ?downing de; bECEIVED per . express, us/ thia day openroz.at • F 1 , 1,A A Plane It Co's, et Master am • I AO HMOee Mode s cord Ttubet Elawls,plaints, embroidered; Also, 20 pea Black Oro de EMU &lac 6 Iles do basin do Chico; do 4 pest Mk Rados, 0 Uhl MAK COATlNu•—iss pea Caehtnetets,usortad 0 colors, a most desirable article for summer costs, reed, and now opening by A • A MASON & f.O maylki 12 Market st THILIEViiKCITL?-512; igh callired Tibet Shawls, comprising Crimson, Osange, Fink, Diu, Omen, and Corn colored, jut receiving per express, and iniaday opaning.by A A. MASON t CO mayl7 dg Market st • krIEVE.B halm Bl=c Plait, Green, and Corn 2 f l Colored Burgos, rated per canna.. and .noon op.-”inr by mayl7 A A MASON &W.. A A. MARTIre. JO ri" ae dus i—vff day k orethg r loP . “e. (1.27 Inch Dunk O. de Silk; ID Dan 3Dines do,• 10 pot 32 incb do; pcs 34 inch do; iuni 4 pieces 26inch do. istaylo rm:E=l 400 doz Ladies , Wen Colobrle Ltd! Vs, all prleet; lOYdoz Ciente do do • do ; •••. • • - • 23 dos do do iio colored boideng . Roccived this day by A A TIA.MON aCO e tA ylo - 62 Markel st., . MBIJET LINEN LUSUFS-00 Poo 0/o.ogeoblo Lomas, al Ws extrazie low pita of IPic per yard. maylo A A ISIA:"ON•k. CII Irish and Brawn Idnagto. CO pos 34 lad Toepes 44 Mown Lineaq pes Granens, y's Baskin and Alexander's Impede) Li o r, wpening warn A A SIASON & CO Fresh Arrival of Dry Good*. • TUE arc now receiving large addtitions to ow stock yy of Spring aid Simmer Dry 000.1., and are pre pared to oiler an a:cella:a assortment. at our . awal law prices for cash, or approved credit. The attcnlitiZot wwiern duelers to paricalatly awaited to oar goods, a. we feel confident of Delta able to oiler unusual roducernenta to nuke a bill with us. Call and e.t.dno atBHA any rare. CKLETT A WHITE, ruayfl tot Wand sirret. • (1 MOHAN LA WNli—eo pee Glean= Lamm Pit renetre4, and now m il ler; at the very low price of lYt cent. per gan by A A MASON& CO - IVI L Bl L rea l N e S s, pea " gra tr4V l .l ,P eTe t rlP LW pea fin Printed alnellnry all guanaco; 1(0 piece Into colored blind!. at Se per yard, row <vainly by . sonylo A A It/AWN it CO C. YEAGER, • Iclll Market Street, (near Llbartr,) _ . AMERICAN, ENOLISII, AND GERMAN ITANEIY M°rV l Thlt i ala k a;sB 6 ,l3 *.S. YENDERS,Ye. A 1.,,. Satin arid Fancy Postings, BLACK :ND FANCY eux CRAY ONGEE, BANDANNA...aIai LINEN LIDO'S. ageneral ..a semen, al PANS, and every ve,dety af umagaings., rzif tiOODd—We are .w recovering a Tore utt largo and fine assortmeet of Spring and SIMMti Goods. a large popion of which have beta patch.ed at a great redacuon from the price' Orooght by the llama destripueoa of geode o t h e ally part of Go wavon, so Got in almost aver" kind of goods we will be enabled to_ prier Great Domains to Cash Doyen, whor„ wp would rupee dolly .00110 to call' l Go 53 glarliet a, north west corner of the Diamond, Moyl3 ALEXANDER & DAY URPIIY & • CRC'S ILIA/ are now resolving their second alp ply Or Geods for rll . l l. ng. Offer War Wends and bianc p, and choice emortatent in select Coot. tEr Dealer, are :limited to leek in at the wholesale rooms or R Meirletl,np antm, where • fresh cop. ply boa Cu" been recemed, and severer kinds of ginstis cultic sold at lower prices thee one. 'm7l3 A A. MASON 4 CO, id market n, are =wooed Li • in choice high Colored Oareger,Tissues, Mar quesas, Oriente., &e., all at reduced prices. wyl.3 FA 8R Colored Limes end Marlins as the low price of Irk., will be opened by A A MASON & CO mayli fiREICH PALETOTS.,A A Masan k Ca are am reeuring 4 cartoons Sarin Eatbrablared Paletata of Om mast faanioaabla =take. 4144)15 Bargains In fenlard &Innis Vaal? lllita MUR%iY & GURBiIiriELD Pave received a lot of pnnted Foulard Sag ; at the Inv prices of 370 per yard; Was, anon do. at higher price* Neu files near at reduced prices; null s litigeas winrcent of GAREGES& CHEN ADIN k3,,ead Ltd& Dn. Goods generally, of newest at**, at north east D of Fourth and lilar%et Ito 1(111.3,15 rg.lefleg, ghterbg THE OLD tX/Ure lth ',unholy the aatno kind of vary strong and Youth flavored Teas that are sold en the Old Country at five ehlinnos per pound can be obtaened for 758 per lb ot mayhO MORRISI HAUG/Will LOST. A. I! ' re A , lß pel ( i G n ' tio7tl " .t ' c ' e l e, • a °,, g ,. .r. d l i. ,.ll: 11 - been Penes %Parcel:lose. The finder will be rewarded on retuning them te the owner, Na %Wood street. nom s t2.2la.,—ial nod,. t t0...a; i 0 brio Loy oriels's Pulverised Loaf 20 ills do C do doj 10 owns ao D refined do; 10 hi easerdo do do; 10 brls Powdered 0; 12 aria Clarified; 4402 11* Draelli lust Teed, clad for tale by - MIA Ailt 2 RICHF773OI 000010 172 di. 17i Libany at. . , 011.-1000 gale pure ..perm Oil; • 1000 gals Whale Oil; 16 brts Tanners Oil ; for sale by mayl4 J SCI100:01AKER 4 CO . . . ....._ r 1 RY 111 0F.13 . 1i17 dry Hides !iodine. far sale by Li! Imola RHEY. MATTHRWB 8 CO Nduly D r a ' s c eases ' at C p u ati rat ' V - shame snd desirable goads. raayl3 • SCOOS estl-13 Illasurabu , patent &An Asb just sabring by usual, and bus sate br W MITUIIELTREE .0.01 Liberty weer COD FISH-10 tea 011 orml, and for we by ISAIAII I CO enayl7 Water & Front ma %IVO A HL7liiTa N - O:eana is elm, tor sale by uniylr ISM irth CHEY SCD fqo 1.."48 1 1 3s -73 ba' ISAIAH DICKEY & CO F EATll 7 RLit""U tri_ mayl lrAltltitl t CO y. 1.1,7tr17--1 ISAIAH DICKEY L CO tiIIEESEO - a - haisalc by %.../ mart ISAIAH DICKEY h. CO Itta& VATEtt Pflut/F r PAINT-4Dhrlson hand, for sale low, to close COOSIVOLOOL. by_ m yE_ ISAIAII DICKEY & CO polled - o—m boa assorted slats and - g - i@ity, for I sale by mayl7 ISAIAH DICKEY &CO 'DUCK SALT-Steam relined, MT %Om une, for sale mayl7 ISAIAH DICKEY & CO E . -tbu ba reale, and Corsa. by 11. 8 & W LIATIDAUGH 1DL.01111 1 , - - 7 VBA by. /I.ldermun's bra d j - 17 -7 au en , I r sale by may. Stc W'HttißsB&Vtillot §) 'F. lOU 11-13 Ms reed .d for sale b y mayl7 9 a W HARBArtitt Urilll La:RED HAMS -10 tierces Aimee bilute 0 just received, add ear tale by call? I & W 11&1113AL1(111 NriNtXiAR-10 tuts pure et& r, foruleby stsylA B F v.N BONDMORST ea CO; la EMS SEED-40 brim Ina reed, and furmit utol Jl,ll. Drag, Scal,aud Pertumery Warehouse, come emth end Wood street.. megls S N WICKERSHAM 1J GRASS GRASS SEED-3 mcioriced foraTeThs , 13 mayls 8 NIiKERSIIAM' 11 INGER ROOE-3 packs reed, /or isalc by 331/713 N %VICKI RSIIASI BACON-10Waia to Ilitiret sa:e mayls ISAIAII CI KEY 3CO Front er. Water eta LI Alll3 3 auks extra SageTeured Hal:v.3pm r - 11 coned, for sala by tl & W HA RBAUGH mayl3 VI A ?a li m F ; A 49 Ult. A nir 'C , L 3 6 l;aleo :*o th dlo c yn ' T! 63 awned Nails; keps Vale White Lead; mor Iron, Showell', epodes, Ilona, and Forks. for nby mayls C 11 bIiCANT HEipr-154 baled , MOM dew Witte.; 10 bales Manilla, far. sale by tnayl3 JAM} A HUTCIIIPON CO j NIIIGO-4 eases ri tnt, tor salo by maylb C 11 GRANT I lANTON — TEA-2 5 hf chests, 'My tow pined for 11 sale by =WA C N GRANT 1)01AtIlt—C cask. of Um at pasta), ihmaula :or mayreiaihvg, for sale tiy , JBCIIOONMARER k. 00 • i 4 24 Wocal time{ GI • .. ' mayls brhi vn i nfil u ot sale oi H DICKEY CO BACON—n 3 bias; bbd. NW"; to eh& nnoolders; • luhhds molted, In more, for sale by roarl3 I3AIAII DICKEY. & pEANL 18- zacii - Tenneasee, for Wsb - i= maylo WICK /4 ble.C/LNDLESS • LINE 011.—e0 brio pore,jort Teo% We fp, .b y =tie I if OANFIELD QOAY-=l3O bet Clt .- 1 - or Soap Joifeywd.foy.k, 1.3 mar', MILLER & Nir:KETSON VitriNl.ti or the l'afro7 Home. A meows °flier .M fifth eemury. By NV Wllkie Collins. A few eop4es for eats by , JOHNSTON & STOCKTON — FEctSTER OFFERING. Ity Fredrika Biome Translated Bum the unpublished Satedislrhlstaa scrlpt of Mal* Hewitt. For rale bv me 79 JOHNSTON' k srocirros OLatBE.3-13 beta S 11 Mittftes 'Met received tar tabby - . A cul,nErmoN ma72l . 793 Lmerti et • LOAP 81364 R--15 brls &paned lumbers just reek, torsale by. =pit • • CUL11•1111iON ". TRITAIRDsoN . oz No I corn - molt . GO ' l°l " '!'"" e!CIIL BEII'IVOZT T4 i il i r.b. OIL-4 ba . .4 . ots rf., AT N-olrg ;EWfiMr;".: — rinanted 13 van r old for We by 1RR.19 rr.711 gust ride .1 D ainand • . i 1 Nit .5... , .01 . •uptypt looms it Nit ger pan 4 rem LIVL Mr, fat nU py r o il J P9MPL,04 44 .0 • . riv. - 1 BOOK Vale; 'km THEOLOGIO hL WORKS. THE Works of Leonard Woods; 1/ • Headley , . Macellanie. Yonne Lady'. Friend. Mrs Purer. ' Christian Manual. Hoban. . • The Gospel 'mown Adreent. G.Griden.L.L.D Porikamos Works °Mimi:tiers. •Fam ly Prayer, and Commenta.Y. • !Theralw.- bielvill's Belaton.. Griffin's Sermons. Catmingbasn's Bannon. For salebr •. .-• : JAMES D LOCKWOOD atay22 • ,4 Pomba MiloW Mtn. (b. TVST received at the sing of the Golder, Haiti:— .The kle.gazetaa Walt. composed and dedkated a, Elm David I. Park, by Professor liohbo,k. 'Beta • Vellan Polka, ebounised and dedicated to Mks Mary Jane Park, by Profit:mar Rebbsek, . . STEPIIP.N 11 POSTE/PS NEW SONGS. •• My Brodder Gam. Garin° to Kan all Nicht, Any, 800 Baker:- Stay Sommer Baal& Away ; Dears South. Dolly Day. Oh, LernalL.:l=ier Longings. Soiree Polk. Daley Jones. - • Also, Ambers Haebroe, by Walk.— . • Oh, Think not 1.0 its I Love th ee, (Alain, Hon.) Oor Chtldbood4 Home' no rang by Mkt Kraft. Ny DlotkorlOboy, acids by O. P. Shint.arintie by .Kkber., JUto, a gnat variety of New Bongs, P01k.., Wallies, Ike. for sale by II •Kta:osa lIIi3V PVBLICATIOMB. A N Historical and ennead View of the Speenlatire - tA Philmophy.of Eturpeln the bant century. By D. blorell, A ` Letters of the Rev. Samuel - Rutherford, Professor or Dieunty In the Vniverstrr of St. daemon, with a ebetch of Ws are by Rev. A. A. Dour, author of Ida moire of 11: bi..Mcebeysle. .166 Theological Wort. of the late Rec. Daniel. }107:K., 1/OD. Edited by tbo EPT.E4I2I Etcy. Bncood edition. _ Mantas, Prime of Alm.Wt. By Dr-Johnston. FAtlly on Christian Baptism. By SW. Taylor.A. The Contributions or Q. Q. By Jane lammed from original detivm, by Howland.. The Philosophy of Unb Morals and Hendon, at discoverable in the Faith and Charterers of Men. By 110y.41 Boater. . . The Winning or Joy, being • sequel to tha Nl6Lt et' Weeping.. By the Rev. II Boner Kelm The Oolden,PasOm; ,a Procue•J, Ethreatnee ill, and Piopheticol k7 r epoeleon of Psalm X YY, by The Lighted 11.11071. yr Closing . Acenea In tho Life of a Beloved Sine; by Bohan, wahapenfacebY Hay. Toe Comthandment with Peonage; by the A athor of "the Last Day of the Wets," Illustrated by Howland. Memeirirof the Lae of the Rev: John Williants, Migaloottry to Polfocete. !armoire of the life and Wrilies . of Dr Chiltneta, by his am In law, Dr. Hanna. in three vole. t. Also, nlarge assortment of New S. S. Union Pub- Deadens. _ A Li INGLIAILYCO 79.1V00d W . For orda by =AY I YILIIIIESTOCK O 2 DIRECTORY. • I.S p F s!.t i orta of ?ti C s l l‘. l' e r :r s lre v eferly to c ' tl 2 % . e " ;Fti to ci th o e f P it and Allegheny, and boronah• of .01tot- - chewer, ihriningham, fee., that the wee IS . now caarly ready for the press, and' will be not to the hands of theprinter somewhere between bite 31.011. and 30th Instant The citizens grumpily, arid all who fat. an interest in the pnoduction of a mantel. and Preen. D4ll o l o fft partmedarly those woo have cot been eallP4 en, grestljo bilge the poblithef, bY oseetWtittingthntitt 6 f •1110. avocado. and places of husiness,'&4.. acted for publication in the Directory. Al. cords tribe toweled. most be •hanled le forth. with. or at the blest, by the dew above named. ma)10 PISLODEOII Py5.11903. 1. • TUST received. and cow opoolme, ooe eleknor Rou t/ woof S cmtave -Melo/lion , 192.n0. from tiro eel.- . . . . wed. manufactory of Munk fr. Whim, Lineman. Thin Is a superior metrument, of fine tune, sad very sapid enunciation; a so, one Geed ocr.ve Melodeon, at Musio More, mayl7 llll Ward area. HIM PO neiewrzorirs,,„ A SYSTEM of Ancient and MediarnfalCeOgreg y. YAe rthe use of schools and colleges ' Dy Charles Anthon, L. L. D. Profeaioraf Greek and Latin Ignomi ny. iaCtilombia College, New Toot The flistory of Enghwd, from VW liivealonnfielins Clear. w the abdication of Jam. 11.104 BY.David Hume, Esq.; a new edition, with the stitherlo lad cor rect:lmi end boor°. emenu; to width is prefixed a Mien account of Ma life, wntten by hbeisclL. a Cola A.SchoolDictionary of Greek and Romaitantioni lien, abridged from the larger dictionary. 'DI Woo. Snith,L. L. U. with corrections miff improvements by Charles !Lothian. L D.• Merced e Life rod Writing' of Meilen'. Thos. Clialroen, D. U. by bin ace in law, the .11tiv..-WilLiana Fianna, L. L. D. to thrce voliimea V 01.9. Wblte Jackeo or Life in a Mad of War HZ Rem roan Melville, anther oPolypoo illtlardto and Retiburn. Tho Works of Mrs ghenrood: being the only oni form edition ever published lathe Cana Staten. la airmen voinince. , _ . ... . . Fairy Wes,- from all nations. By AMbony U. Monwoba, with twenty toar Ilhottations by 11-Dorie. Walton /terror, end otitm.Miaa BY WO . 3 . 4 P' wick. _ TM Natkonal System of Beak Seeping, 'adopted to all pane of ina United Slam/L. ...By John Flemlng, O. comment. . - dim, a lame artseftment of , Lmerican S.& Bolen. Boob, On hand, and I ...sale br. - A. 11 ENGLISH& 00 - Bneecesore toELLTITIT aENGLER, _ moo . •- - . .79 Weedatrect_ ... . The Farraer , e Guido te".Scientlge - and Practical Agriculture. HERV Stephens, F. S. F.R. E., or ttlintorrob, the c r e i lebratot audios of the "Beak of the Farm," cud FM - Mawr Norton, of Yale College, Now /Morn, are prepsriag for the press • boot nude, the above tide. It will embrace every reelect of noportance senesced whit Agriculture in all invasions branches, beth.Theerenovl and Practical. 'Rcienee, lost far at it has, up tithe present dom, beet made available to practice, by esiorrimant, will be treattd in its rela tion to every operation as It ocean in the centre of the seasons." Toe wort will be arranged oner (oar distinct toads, representing the season, inilltdllll with Winter and endlug woh ititann. A • JOA/ Eft. LOCKWOOD, my 2 Beaks-11pr and Impeller. lei Foontb at. NEW PIIDLICATIONII Brenies's _Wertz, 'the -Aannornr M The Dieighboli; aTale of Every Day Life A izow ana revised edition, with. introdnetion written expreseb. foe this edition by Miss income. tesnoieloth. Uniform .with Ironies, Cooper's, and Sodgowi Vs; and Illustrated with Yortiolt bad View of the author's resideece. • • Homes 'Died/ translated by, William Cowper. Edited by Robert SoutherL. L. D., with not.s by hL A. Dwiabt A opientil edition,ron large paper. Il lustrated with Aware cnerayings In °mane, from do. stllttww by h rort royal avo,elech. Also,•chespes edld Goldsmith's Works, cg varlet); or' pieees role. find collected Ly Prior. Complete In 4 12rno, m in: antly panted, unnorni In stylo lk levies, Cooper. fee. aatk Toe Sbak.peare Calendar; or, Wit and "Wisdom fox very. Day in the edited by W. C Richard. In In ix - very neat volum e , Inno, cloth, MI ems, eim.lt gilt,ll3 cents. • For sale by JAMS D LOCKWOOD, my 2 Boatseller and Importtr,lol Siunia .0.. 415E1' OF CANADABr the author or .HoebelaY a," in 2 yo.cloth, for sale by •e 9 • rOWW.TON g N u riAssal& S'Ca ss ne collection of Church Masi& hdlted by George Istnglity, An. they of Social Choir Juvenile Choir, &e, &e. Sabbath Scb eel Gems of Moele and Poetry, designed expressly for the Sabbath School; by J. A A. Cratk. shank. A new Treatise en Astronemyi and the Use of be Gimes, in tlra perm. Contairdna Astronomica and other - definitions; motions and permutes elate se asnoon end planets; Kepmets kw. and Theory of Gravity aloe, Refracuon,Twillgla, and Farrallat, Connections, Pe nods, Distances,Thenomens, and 61aguitados of the Heavenly Maki composing the Solar System, Ac.; also, an extensive cannot on of the toast extol Emb lems en the Co. of the Onsets Illustrated by a tan. able variety of Examples, ao ; designed for the Use of High Schools and Acodenues. By James hfelntire, M. D., Profuse? 'Ed Malliemolice and Astronomy in the Central High Scheel. at Baltimore. Beek sad Pon, or indents of n Cruise in the United States Frigate Congress, to California; with Skembes of filo Janeiro, Valpnm se, Lima, Honolant. al.d San Francisco. By Rev. Walter Conon, U. S. N 4 ;tether of Ship and Shore, 00.• For sale by - • A. 11. EhtiLISII A CO, ' Successors to ELLIOT & ENGLISH, ip3 No SSW SHOW 0101 - 31,10AT/ONS. frIlE Union thole Dictionfiry.—lhe Child% 1 of Etallsda—Mnedoneild, or the Great Ali a Story of Beal Ldfs..—Elmsgrose; or Me 131 Scitool Boys Contrasted. .—The Bar of Iron; Danger of Unser cunt d ftlaction—Stories Boys.--lisseango, the Hansa. ChieL—The Life . 'Lhec with special reference 'm It, earlier periods, the opening 'contact th e Reformation: by Hawaii SSeam, D D.—A Summary ot. ; Biblical Ardontitles, for School. and Sarailiea Published by American S S Union. For sale by A U ENGLISH &CO,- Soceenors to ELLIOTT &ENGLISH, mss 79 Wood street. rellarlitUAL COINS ITt Ite • .. JAMES D LOCKINDOD has in ante, and will entail& ehortly.rDs Mewls= the Diane tnigin of Goveratnent translated from the Freseh, by it& Dauer, hi D., Bette. &coati ethtlort, 1 vel.lltao. tar. - J D LAICENOOD - 02 — matabanas JCidateattonath Caruso. THE SUENTIFIC dEG - 1101 , i.—The %eases. Chant. bets have einployed the first Professor. In Scot. I nv In the preparation of these works. They are now offered to the Schools of the United ,thtes, ender the Ametican reellion of DAC Rem, N. 1.. 1 . Ds late Superintendent of Pablie Schools, In the Coy an d County of New York. I. Chamber.' Treasury of Knowledge; II Clark,. °mating and Perspective: Chambers , Elements of Handal Plohmophy; /V. Held & Dales Chemistry and Elecuicity) V. Hamilton , . Vegetable and Amend Physiology; . VI. Chambers , Elements of Koenig., with Plata; VI forage's Ehments of 6.01 y, tilustreaW ' 'lt Is well known that the original put:dithers of these worts oho Neon Chambers, of Edinburgh) are able Command the beat talents in the prepertitiOn of their , book., and that It is their preen.° tu deal faithfully with the public. mere will not duoppolitt the muanabie eapeeteuens thus cached. They are el.- menlacy , ror p,,, pre pared by authors . in every war ca pable of dalngthance their resew:mint andertaktngs, and w hontend) , beaten ed them t o theta the ne cessary times labor to adapt them to their purpose. .e recommend them to teacher. and potent. with confidence. The firm named volume, In the hands of teacher of the yeen ger cinema, mllyta fumsb w on. eshansuble fend of atenserntrdand to traction. p,ber they would constitute • rich treasons - to n a W i e tly of intelligent children, and a — thinx 10e knowledge —fVertnont Chronicle. ' Published by A. 3.llanws & Co Kew York. end for sale by mr2o A. ii. &Nam 811 n No it Wood et ' F4 - AlTEllrigliPAMl'llLE3l4,edhed by Timms r:anlla. Conyla. NO. Tbo Icor Downing Lucct, Secetreo, end for tale by • - sok 9' JOIIN9TOII k IVITWIETON seh AT HOLM-13W LITSRARY,DEPOT Tama arma, appall* the Vest letee •T IZZIE LEIGH, e Dogmatic l'atq by Clbales.oltk. Liebe Polo* 11 arta tlostoplSbai *pew, No 14. Metteng Cell No 7 or *dyeable* In 121 e _putt oftayfysy-A Yam* Cal.faras, , by Bayard Tbyloy.- Lady* No 313. . Dlobowy - of Idebb.bies. Ham , * Meta tab' 111***une,107 ILlektrtxt SOT XIV* 41/11111111 . 1457, . • • . ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers