The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 27, 1850, Image 3

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*oa THE PiTramactaltagu aszErs
lATEILNEeht THE. 014.911MPEDM011. .!f•
Ethrhx; Pad- hbyrai.
Thit:eleanter lathe{ toit ,T .Or beta
.. 417 14
Hems on the 22d. . ' ' .- ''
Gen, , Topetomezetesir:y. we Dr Ids war,
i .1. Sandie V, --.- ok I' -'" .0 at, Rotel.
From him, ag partlchlats;'
' The exp. (maw, on the
16th, end I e 19th.
• They I' , which .9 1 Ts
Urea le I Mee at Co*
belles '
The. , ' &nicked
' tipll4 , The jail
paid, 1 o stostest.
the trail, and woe
billed. the trope,
eLer al i the Gov.
erece'a 1 The haws
wee eel
Cy real
The to
and fuel •
turn Est
• Edo.
Jast bahatintistre
Pismo es, dorm add
that they wt. Tho
report arts that they were to be dud that day*
o'clock.or at toast our ow or every tend them.—
The balance wertror be maned in the &MVO!"
of Moro castle.
In the dirpateb, published on Sattodr , _
Telegraphic torter says the radon 01.0 " *.
onll should bars been stated al GO men Onaoad of
MAIL Lost.
•••- - - -
Lotarrnts. May
The mail from brempbb. On the 2 / 1 4 r°t
eft!, CalCiPlltti. and Und Etat, was loat by Ma
burning of Me wharf boat at Illemphin
. Lomaums, May 23.
Ttm ;river bus fano tax Inches. Time ue
feat miler ill ma abaanal—weather warm, •
Lonarusin May 25.
The. steamer W. G. Campbell, from this con
for FiOICLICO, conch a rack In going over the Ida
this aVesins, and was run on a bu,,where ere
sunk, but will be raised nen. She had a full
cargo, which will be =oh damned. _
ST. LOUIS !steamer. '
• Sr.. Lams May 25. e
Wheat continues to advisee. Sales yesterday
of 3500 to 1000 bus at 100 to lite. Stock very
light. •
The Floor market h;firtn, with an vpward ten.
deacy r at 56,2536,50. Choice held at S 7.
Com—The stock n light; sales of 2000 bog, at
644300 for yellow, and Ole for white. .
Oats are selling at 60e. -
Barley—Sties 1800 bugatllsa.
Lard—A mall lot of mixed at Ca.
Bacon is active—ales of 200 cats shoulders at
214)31e; ribbed eides,4loll; clear, 54)51; plea
hams 5143 Ge p lb.
Whiskey—Sales nt 2114 Mile 1p gal.'
isagp—Fair to prime, 581092,, chowe 593 pre
too.. .
Lead—No gales; holders firm M $1.60.
The river hi ruing. and freights to Nev Orleans
advancing. Mom 40, Port 46, Corn 10, Ramp
CO, Lead 10 . 4) cent.
NEW YORK maim-Er
Nkw Yoac, Mai 25
Flour—The moat business doing in Four to day
is on speculation. The trade Is only buying Shr
Immediate Wants. Prices tusks* firmorlth sales
of inferior State and. Western at 414,64)1,69., of
common straight State at 0,4405 X *ad of Me
chigan sod good Ohio ar55.7505,85.
Grahr—The market for Wnear Is Irregular,
with rates of Ohio at ILOo per be. Corn Is In
good demand, and the Market is firmer. Sales of
good Western at 60065 c.
Provisions—Pork is tourism, batpricei remain
steady. Tho market is favoring buyer. eritb
sales of Mesa SIO 50 per hbl. Saks of Prime
Pork at 309. Cut Meats are firm, web s fair
inquiry. A good boldness is doing in Lar '., at 51
CM for Inferior, and in for extra.
Groceries and Tobacco are unchanged. ••
Whiskey L firm at 240 . 250 fOr Western and
Prison. • . •
William Grey ant-s—aceording toile Brea=Pow
—the briniest atilt owner that ever .fiouriabed in
New England. If we mistake not, he owned at
sea, at one tune, unding with' different nations on
the globe, about one ucrnara Bail of square rigged
vowels. Next to him came the Perkmaes,, Thetis
dons Lyman Israel Thomddre, Joseph Peabody,
of firdem, Mori., Brown and . Iva of Providence,
Lce., &c. • .
A•slCratTol.llt. Porn-Senator Busk, writing to
the Pacific Rail RatirConventionoays that a mai.
Buell as the one described, extending dim:oaq
this wonderful Mimi, and haTiolf_for Ito rorsd , "
the shores - of the Atlantic-and Pacific ocean!,
might well be eiyied the Colossus of Rhodes!
Facrifi. Congrusional District, - Arass.-.—We
learn, by telegraphic &Snatch:that the decooennir
convention et Batton have determined not to notai
nate a candidate. .. ." , •
Amesienn aTIVIII in Hayti.—The realty be•
tvreett Ur. Wilson, the United States Coniular
..Agent, and itia.litylien Government, is supposed
to be satisfactorily eufjcnted, as Mr. Wilson was
on the point of returning to Cape Harien frees the
capital nt last accounts. • ..
Tan British Gurcran3ent have, at Chngres, afire
proof vault, for the safe keeping of their specie is
transitu. Erary bag of gold tr bullion has a buoy
mutate,' to it; .so allot, in case of accident to the
tuna, it could not sink..
•- .
. .
A letter from Berlin stales, that Prince Adelbert,
of Prussia, the icing's youngest brother boo eon.
!tamed a morganaue =lmage widerbissea
ler, Fanny Elssler's aister.• She it henceforward
to bear the fume of Madame de Benue, which
the Flog hos sanctioned on the occasion , of the
Mr. Prr.ou, the - historian, =fled for Easitod
on ht.:Any.
Thera are only eleven Lingle men in this Ohio
Constitutional Convention, out 0(125 members.
A Large manufactory of figured silks is about
to be established near BMW- .u.
A:child four years of age, died 'in saint Lords
law weel•, in consequence of drinking whiskey.
Little and often fills the !mu.
rzaestr. ROAD. .
• .
XTOTICH hereby . given. that book. ba . epened
1.9 l for vabscription to an stock of the Allegheny sad
his oche Her rank Road Company, by tke Cements.
g igneee epretated la the act Incorporating - the seid
company, nu Ike (ottoman pint and times, Where
all persons desirene of sahretiblog on fecteeeted
attend, the shires 'being tercary•five dollars twat sad
one dollar per share iv be paid It tan lane el sat.
la the city of Pittsburgh, at the office of Mew,
Bekewell, rears & Co, earner' of Second and-Weed
streets. on Saturday the Sth.blenday the 10th, Teostler
tie Ilth, Wednesday' the lifatf sad Therefor the IMa
of Jane. obetween the boors of 9 IC Ind '4P. MI
la the city of Allegheny at Todd's tavern, comer of
Deaver and Ohio UMW and in the Eldroagh o f Dian.
halter, at the store of 'roan:wend, Can & Ca, on Ft'.
LT Ole Ilth,ls.nerdny the lath, and Monday the 1711 of
of the heart of 9A. AL , and aP. DL
the ham ef Capt. John Hay, Oble Township, on
day and &Ay, r day , the leth and lath of Jane, between
the hers ord s. at- and 41,
AKE • •
...ent°.2ll/1 of Commis
F.AlliSt DROCKCiritlt,Comoshwiens Witham. PSaenteento thy, California. Liberal aeration
=NM Oa- toriegumeal, lad sll Maley business
pr Z. omta OO lynuenned to.
tY '
Patina. Salo of Mat Itatatie
proptleuna will odor for with at Asethem, on
„Wetthrtfel thdThersdar, th e Mt sad 3otn day
'" l r. O. the =sec the town of Wellsville. 0,
160 .rethable • o Loth. th e chief part or wide It
unnend the 'Depot of th e . Clerelthe and Pinsbetgh
Sell Rowt, on the eamplethm of whleh, those Ws now
awed to the pelthie moat enhonee banal in
Tee tenth we lthetal, sad WI be othoeseed pit
the townies of tho 'We—only one loons a the Pr
obate money *ill A be trolled In band. • Title bap
s otable., and foe dad boom or oniumbtantoo..
1.111410N, 1 pm:Olio&
P It bOVIS, Outlet:Pt.
Pit:abater:MP *VW. ' • • '
FOR the correc:/eSet of the - eltlzens, die rmaprleteri
of the P t usburch,City Mills two pieced berm for
the m eows, of orders et the following piaoes:—.
& R Plo d, earner offllzth end Wood streets.
7,1 Hayward,Mont, Liberty & Illerket W.
liewlen, store, Third street.
L Wileas,jr, dragster, cor,Foarth &.Paildifse4 •
John P Smith. store, comer Wise &
TeleKraph (t hee, Fourth ?treat
%V - Kay, veers, Fifth or, earner ettiarket
'IM Orate, "ore, Penn street, Ninth Wart
it • Tie' hoer tresses,' will tall twice or Chneo
- Eally
rem onlers, sod the flour, te. dative:ad promptly, tithe r
so barrels or seeks—seek dear is preferable for family
wee—witheet charge for cartes. lt plain that an
accounts ean be allowed, enof that drivers - eta base
leave floor .iatollt payment.
• so We hope the public will *ailed with lib at.
ronstment, as Ira shall enddaver re &thee
HT= MATERIALS—Gann, plant; laoarah o
Loh? 4 141 4 ,.nt il aa;t10 Copall
onga r sa ulbtarda, avoricd dui '
biennial Past, Charcoal Sticks.
Fine (ni Calms in Oexibla tabu, of all lands.
- .kit reed, aad for halo by Y It CO '
main 60 Wood st
Hanay.r for Wool Book. •
IL/ MIPHY,&.III3IICIIFIFT.D have reeelml sop.
2j, clew,' goods, winch they odes low whole.
owiretall ,
- . . _
CBI:II.PLY last seselved, lb. mou approved
'a mks, sad satiable 'width. •
• MURPHY k •
N ass Faanl & Idattet ht.
•-• • TEL MOE !NOLAND. "
13111111105RLY th e thine klad of 'Moog and Rogan
' famed Teas that aro male In the old anuinY
at Ith aid &pet lb. eat be obtalard for We and 75e pet
, posed a Tam To. latharb east side of th e DISMOOd,
FICOOOfINI Of at Monk & Eirmah's Wine ere -
Pederal Marl, Allegheny. .The those Polk MAL
Tau, in meal re tli=oilr
";.11.1$115511fIrtoIERE figr
X,i_EL . ,M - fi;i: , ,110:11
PITTIMUROU soasur ow. morn
rm. .. .
ulu, Pmsatmos UsamrS
lianday manias, May Sig ,
TM Ingather an Satartep 'lr. cog '"'
0 " **ld Ma enisepiently awry *MS U. ban
ug was eigamirtgli at • mend, gad Bodin muninnn
of consequat • afu as we could Sara. Sri fez
as notation. ant eancsracd, amidai °coi" lk "
iai an/ gazimion from oar last repro
PLOWL—Recilpil ennui andatats, and ales
erminad =Maly to us maim bassi deals& Prices
meal' gabs Iro , 13,111•4 13 , 10 Nati WU, Gator&
tat la guilty_ .Tha ram nut tram ind bands is SS,
sad far extra brands rainy dear, gram elm rail* at
IPA • Dbl.
0116125-10 the Grabentarkat =lglu special bu
liaimpusd—prices gmarilly are bane Inn atuasioas
uses—sar, gm Wham 10:011k; Rya ISM Dalai 20 1:
Cam Os, and Oats at gas IgbasheL
PROVLSIOSIS—Bacca combs= quits wise, with
ao atbransips aradency. Huai pug off truly at eta
al and Shaaldars at Oa 0, lb, Lard , aLa
fair mum Clef% in bbla and op.
tiL sr awl Molasses remain quits
gri any Camber &dunes. Coda tangiu
En twmrs at LASOLIe for Sim Wier ankles are tw
sad the 6.
• of the hr.
.ndr warm
pain wad
tO TO*
They were
mower Tu.
FISII-01 Ne 3 Mackerel the market Is lithUy
plied, earl we eau repot no Wes. No 1 la Witte at
st VA sod No tat bbL Best guilty Shad Is
Sup. bbl; sales of Herring, Balt trierrueS. et 110,23
r bbl; of Codfult at Si per cwt.
ASHES—Ti. minket I. quiet D al ea for Pearls, al fo
Balezatus; 41 for Pars, end 31 lot Soda Ash.
WItIAKEY--Bales of receded are regularly effect.
ad 22023 e.
Nan You Ceram Bruton.—The handl of om
verse gives the following hat of It mammoth steals
en to be completed in the comae of the prevent yeast
Names. Teas. Cost. Destination.
Pantie 3000 SCA= L4vetpool.
Aretle •••--41.500 650,000 do .
• Kahn 2 IMMO do
Prankhrt —.2hO Ml O =AO _ Nam.
Ham 2300. 460000 do
' , how. • itoo 200 000 Savanna.
•Loaniano 1200 200,0e0 do
San Francine—Ann 3004C041 ' ' do ,
d m cd•—• —IW
0 0 .100
Can d ned&
Columbus— —••• • en 120000 Oregon.
Not named... • ..... VW 204010 Chastest*.
do ••• • ..... tin 1700300 Pune.
Nevi Von 71X1 100,000_ Sactomunto 11
Not named `CO 100,000 do ,
do -• • • ..... 1200 • 160401. b.f. salad,
do 1400 =Apo Pacific.
/ Row York & Bolton Wool Worker,.
Forth wk. end. his) , 11,1850.
the mutat Is summally quiet for the mason, and Is
here, bare of Fleece; wale of Paned, catommeis take
• early all offering, al rather firmer rates then them ear
nest a few weeks sites The Mammas of manes for
the tombs; etip, m looked upon with micas revolts,
somewhat according to the Merest and opinion of the
person Or party giving an opuden, For Gamins,
however; we can see no premtn -nt legitimate mason
Lerit=rieu of tae pest season shoWd not be (ally
, if not even increased, bet should• not our
:el4Lcs, es yet st i li e l . i ene t to set nymn a fall belief in Ile
Easters Stoelk Market.
• Neer You, May It
elfin of 514,103 U 9 GI, Ill; SICS,OOO do do, 'a,
lilt; ISZCO do di, sem udi; •10.000 Erie 7.1,1f50l 191;
g/4, WC Read 80ad5,70,14 ohs
bk of blaabovos, 119
Al dm fowl to day UB6". advanced e, Handel At
Worcester aR e, Reed R R liarlera kR I, Redone
river R N RI, Ohm 6'a 1563, closed atyesterday%
Fanners Thin Co declined e, and DI a a dm sad Ta
of OM I,
Pna0.111=10: No/ 11.
/301 cs of $10,11:011 SOO Nay 6'• b 5 3011=1 Rout
61 70; O'OU IMOD Ps= di 96; 110 do 101; 310 do
101000 do 901;11180X0 Cary 61.11. 40 dm Noah bk lky
117,400 Raul it a b.% 141.1,X, d 0 1w1 : / 1/./hbdr d l a
R 65 48.
Elazazoas, May MUM
Railroad Stook-115 dm Batt & Ohio R fl. Oat:IMO&
da,rel; ZO do do, Utz& Riad do do do, OR IC& do dot
r lou do ONO°.
1850 MHOS 1850
DOATS of Oh Low will Imre regaLuly, acd de•
D liVe7 &atts without WwwWpm.
C DlDWELL,Pitubwgii,
IMP Janata Marrero Blida Rlialwasliti
'PREPARED ander Um latheiteave we of tn. ln
.o mentor, and established fot upward. of thirt7 yearn
This &quit impend. is racommendest in all
cams of bee, acidities, intim:dim, cmt, end revel,
as tho most safe, easy, ant effmthal Gown in which
blemeeds may, sad la deed th e war cm in which it
might to be exhibited. possesthig all the propentra 01
the Ilagnesta now in general me, without beteg liable
like it, to tons de:lemma concretions to the bowels,
It credulity cares kemtbarn withost Waring the
etas of the momult, se soda, potash and ever mar•
bantam are known to din it prevents the food of 10.
° funs taming soar; in all tame u net. as a pleming
:aplethat. and le pecallarly adapted to females.
Sir Hearphrep Deep testified that this gamine Rem
soluble eosableetbeas wen exits add salts in ewes or
cost and (ravel, therby coentenveloc their. Warned
sendithey„ wken other ale, aid oven kthintMa
ithelf, hod kJ 14.
Front Sir Phew Crampton, Blom, Bemoan General
tothe Army Leland:—
Dear Eke—Thera ten be no doabt that Waved&
toey be admlnisthnd more safely in Ow feria or nem
cemented solution than in Inaba:not% far %Ids, end
essay ether reasons, I an of opinion that the Maid
•Msancsia la a ecti saleable addition to cam Malaria
MBeth ir• s . h rie nester h Cop o e , of
L U o r
oßalis, hm aannd.
tali; es . r . e r tel 11 errey=cett.m.b.ear sod
(100 nom the gnect anending aka • constant aim of
soda ot poises.
For ado by the imperial., and itg=itrZacesh
11 r Wood& A FAUN
Cot. o Front Mt.
TIDCORPORATING .The Associated Fireencris
footnote Cusurry of Dm City of Pitobargh. o
.Ssanos JR. not William M. Edgar, Edward
Gregg, Whim Collingwood, Charles lient,-Duld
Coorawfir none Heys, James T. Shamus, R. Biddle
Roberts, Wallets W. Dollar, ficsiy Patterson,Ttiomu
'Wawa, Pollard hi'Cormick, William, Neilson,
J. Cut Blair. and Como, of Allegbeoy=,
or Wee of them, be, and they are booby ea
after giving twe week's public noise is rwo daily
newspapers, pabliebed in the eity. of Pittsburgh, to
eyed tusks as Waist. Hall, in the City of Pittsburgh,
for the soloctiption of the capital suck of said Com
pany, no seek time es they =I deelguau, mita.
ame tf. keep open, from time to time, between the
hoar. of ten o'clock in the formwoo. and fur o'cloak
in the allonsten, or wail, at less; two thousand ebelee
of ouch shalt have been token:.
The Commisoioners above named,-will meet In
Villains ROI, on Thusial, the fith day of Jana next,
at ID o'clock, e. sr at which time and place the books
will be epraol for porous of receiving oubserits•
Cons for the capital Mock of said eompony, as author.
led bit mayerdUalf
LA 16N—to ms N tea '', sad tor ale by.
•Alb snort • /AS A ItUTCHISON kOO
FRENCH GRAPE dtlieloss snick. Ira
~Is try marl MORRIS & HAWORTH
MORRO NOl.lBll 01N—Fer ale _b
y___ &
Vl USE PORT WINFo-Seleeted expressly for me
i &deal paspotes,ln Oporto, by NA Haworth, for
sate by . mein MOMS & IIAWORTH
/VA les wad IR Jost tee& and for We by
OTANI/UM THE MUTAT a tal . a y et n ib Eab a laa r
ED can Benrobalaa. Ir on Etli s it 7 4,
Tee'd, or cab) b
-- Part ist, P r and far talts try .
.100 LBAJN-18/ zoom Mercer so Vld 100.
• AWOood
° 11 1 :4 -4° k eg' 11"iru k :vtlowril aco
114.":411' u* " I ' "II %WS ;al re
tomb, • r sale by
reayte • • J DILWORTH It CO'
MOB ACCO-'4lthdi Odd Leaf, frau& by
J. =rya , • ; 8 DILWORTH &CO
UGYLNO PAYER—A utat sepply • WlaTiag
solo Payer ; for trawl roofs, of Fawner qua , lry, for
solo by matt. SCHOONHARKR & CO
O lLZ a ir tf P irlfarr P ß l "i
15 arts Taxman' 041, for alle
Rides Italt i pMe it trz o
DRZP - a 7
Attu rg,
aro iN"7lll4ree tring eases sad packages of the
wad choice and delinble goods.
TUST. opened, st the riusbergt Family Oneetry
ee "write Wareham, the following enstattuna of
When awl Bleck Teen . . .
Value. Ilyeon; Wang; • '
17ne WWII do; .
Urn duo do Oa, Fine Oolong;
&;r - '
Extra lee •,-
Imperial; &ethane;
: • Geepowder. Clad. Poncho:o
leingyang de.
, .
It is annlictemlte patio above Tea% tlhey.spene
for rheraselara rut or• art is a fax trial, end we are
0 -11 t I raved L'C.o .. '
Ca Maly a
SBA AMI-14 auks bfasprana' patent Ocala Alb,
AO arriving by canal, and for We by
m 714 .7.-137.t..7 *r."7. 11 .. tut in.%
New Ymt
um% f
D m
- ONGV.7
ifiaTINS k 181NOLAS 13
4 3. pe a dos; cooped Mg doi_Wbite Pmteb
'do, for sale by Val AA j uteo: t. k. co
Lew., Rae. 1 4, 1 71 . A 40 . 4 5
:mach. Rae, Lareader , a VeCltrßO & co
fern wkoissoma agreeith
articles of Ca, e•P•+IW7 at dyne/Dee and claims.
Woe sale by 4 l -116CLURO & CO
110 D 1. - AVER COL—Restrunh Clark &Cern iran&m,
k„s Jot &wind, &Aft& sale it 7 KIDD& CO
moll $2O Weed N.
. . ....
43 Id do do B
• al la do do No i;
30 td a. do 'No
tt M Mot c =
IS Id do tor
r il
omonlaraerso MGVEM go
aolfl j r p%
T a tage laPgr""na ltlVlOW ' 100
9 feet 0 inebei water in clan
4 . 1 . 4 4 . 114 4' 994 thin
Itlleblganllrles, Deaver. .
P k
Pakles, Elisabeth.
Atlantic; Parkin ; Drewnsvi
Baltic, Jacoby, Drownrrillo.
Beater, Oka*, We!Aetna •
Camden.ll .ndAelnion.alelCoesperk
Lake Erie, Clark. BtaTET.
Lodi. McLane, Contiel,Wheelin F.
!cream Rom, IStone, Cineinnati.
/Muni.. Beebelor, Cincinnati.
X 1 1 1.% or
Jefferson. Johnsen. Louisville,
/lel Columbia. Green, Cincinnati.
Camden, len ß lilerson " %iclleurPOM
Paaluon, Peebles ; Elisieth.
!akin, Jacob% Browrisallle.
Unlade, Parkinson. Drearnirrille.
Deaver, Gordon, Wellaellia
Lake Erie, Clark. Reimer.
las Nelson, Moore, Wheeling.
!lackeys State, Reno, Cloctrinetl.
Messenger NA Maier, Cioeinati.
Led) , ligron. Smith, ransomed..
Rental:kg, Louisville.
WHEELING—LouIs McLane, 9.. r.
ST. LOUlS—Liaae Neveum,'l 0 *. N.
ST. LOUlS—Shenandeth, 10 A. N.
NASHVILLE—Fort Pitt, 4 P. ss.
Fez flunaz.—Tie fine star WeMettle, Captain
Young, will leave as above, punctually this attenuant,
at her *sag hoar. Shippers and passengers teLll bear
this in mind.
Fel Wirisuali:—Tke regular paekat sum . Lod.
HoLams, aN lease u above, at 9 a. X.
who•ung—Pal lam Nuaaug—lb hbda lob, 31
en hales hair. Lent k ea; 30 bbla dm, Armstrong
& Crawl PlAla do,/ McCann 14 kis demon yarn, W
Suably & ea; Li rail. laatber,lo et 11
a bacon. W ➢,ng
bun, 4 bbl. prt anh, R Altai /5 kda,lbbl 1103 r, Arm
strong & Clow.
Zanesvlll9-1491 JENNY LIU bbls cue,. do
huhu, T MePaden; 9 bbd. lobo: 09 (when, 3 calks
bacon, Luck & .446 Ds speclee, Coot Ga1i660r,3 aka
unps.FOLoutock &
Saallah—Pa Cu:u-371 bo eon, W H Hare
& to, L^l Wiz lob, le bat. leather, Gni & to; hhd.
lob, auk & Thaw; 213 do do, Lou), & co; PJ do do, W
Hi ughool; 3 do do, CYCOnaor k. A klm.
ftelutage Draws, No. II
=lDna Par
Dart. Dank -Par
Girud Bank Par /
taw -Par I
"Chain Pu J
" Delaware
Co- —par
" Kaliomausla.
p l
II Nanhosabellakra•rpii I
Colombiaßridge Co,- pour
Depleamarn Ballk-- 4 P.
Fanner& Bk. ileadius• .
Inuaerellk. Batts BP• P. :
Fume. Irk LattealPr•pas :
LLZIGSSteI . CO. Bk. ..... pa
LILIVASta Ilk.•—•-• P.
U.BPuea Baak -..—3 O
Browasnlla Ilk.- ..... pas
Wash:Dawn Ilk.• • --• • • i
13==h ur Ilk..---:1 .
Basepeebaaa f t;. DX - -
Mithliamea -- • 1
Cub., .
Eno 8k.. , --- - • 111 1
Farman , and Dian.'
Bal., Waywablug- 1 ---.---. 4
Wen linnet, EL
Rata Mom. •-• • •-•.- I
Mt M Bk. Prima*.
Scrip-Pinsk. ir Coma!'
• AtklZer . , 6
State Bt.ane Brandies I
ea CLairmille---- • "
Manson ••-•—• •
Nom Lisbon. •-•
Cilnalanati Banks-
Columbus - ',Lo 1 "
Zanesville •
Puma. "
Woman ------•
randnali ....... • '•••
VPeaemFinerVll••••••• "
Franklia 79k Colantbas
Lake Erie
Woman •
Hamilton-- —l3
PannlaWk Cutten-..-10
Bkef Unmake
tt tat=
East aids of the Dieword, PittsbnrzA.
MEIN 01IT Us Tee against 40e Tea bought elsewhere.
J Try OUT 50e Tea •g wins , 75a Tea bettetu elsewhere.
Try our 75e T. against St Tea Mega elsewbure.
The seri , best Black 'Tea imported, we am selling
at 75 cents per pound.
Tbo eery best Steen Tea Imported, see are selling
at St per pound.
WUro decidely op . rotad to pofmg, innesd of which
we respeedblly solicit Comparison, es the bass stethml
of hosing who mils Sr beat
lud cHAWOßTH heapest Teas.
Preprietem al the Tea gasket.
A VERY largo and choice stack of Frock Sorb.
and Rummer Goods has /eat been ePo.4 or
A1...e1./A Day% No 63 Marta etrest, north west
corner of the Diamond.
In calling the ...on of eat trainmen and the
•pablle b ads meek, it affords as great plea.. to be •
aOle to say It eabreees GREAT BARGAINS in O
man every description of goods, as s. , large penis. of
It was plirehlWl at the recent MinitiVd.otton tale.
ui the eastern tides. Oar essersorre, both of tansy
and W.. goods, Is eery sopa.; and afford. to all
ee., bonny by whole.. or retell, a 6an op•
gertardty of raid. both taste and nor.
New aryl. Foalsrd eats, very cheap; richelain and
geared changeable sake. of almost every yle and
gull.; saper plain and figured Week Wits; do. ba
reges and basses; bonne de IWns, new end hand.
some style; new sly. breneh, Eoglrsh, and Scotch
Itgut I. g d sa ea
ils el d
otaalinesrlleenlestres or all o thades and colour; Bing.
barns, ehlayss,pW. Ad
sfiawld; Plain and 11 1.0.1 4
SuPel' 6lmaig" . " b"
tic d dni Ann
" "
ite and
mere do; caper plain and embroider •
colored crepe dee W blimre and net dn. ja n
A floe assortment of malls, 'amok% lasonets,
Bovines, hooks, bishop. !soros. ko.
Rough h . Ready, pent braid, Florence braid and
.apexrash Bh wow bonneot
• fine twit of rap. for plain .ad.
Satin Tan parasol. of riolon an one t
♦ large assoftwoot of
wiper French, English and
Delano cloths and casalatens of all goalie. and
ellen, to which we world invite the ate-talon of the
• Om Meek of brown and bleached mulllns, nektons,
cheeks, ebantbrays, drillings, As, Is very large, and at
the very lowest prices.
Also, a largo tat of table diapers and table cloths.
brown and bleached; Heide and licoutb diapers, crash
Mores. nani ins, cocoa and moot o goods Mr men and
boys , deer, lush linens. rod, white, and yellow li no.
nels, •deunestio gingham", silk and linen hdkfs and
closes of all hinds, hosiery and tonnet ribbons, artl
heal deepen, de, ID all which we would respectfully
invite the attention of wholesale and mull cash
osayld 811 Market rt.. NWum of the Diamond.
(Sieeese= to Hassey, Hanna ,t. Co.)
in Forei g n sod Dowestla Ezehanse,_.Cantficales
of - Die= tOs. HatHl Notes, end Ilw.=—North west
corner Of wood and Third streets. Carmel money
seethed an deposite.—Slght Checks for sale, antl
eolleeslons =de on marl, all the principal pohiss
the United Stales.
The highest pseud= paid fat Forldsn and Aserlsaa
Gold. •
Advances suds on eatudgnments of Pram, Yip
ped ast. on Moral ten..
. .
-1 the same kind of very Wrong and tonsil
&send Teen that are sold in the add CoentrY et b.•
.hllhois per polled ean be i s fs
t 76e per lb or
mare/ MORRIS i
Plio IRON-00 tons Scioto rIMULCO, bat blot; ton
tabs by BURBILIDOE, WILbON 6 00
ILszpiatta , or sad test,litilling by
canal, for sale by W &Ad ASITCHELTREE
nut) Liben Weal.
WHISKEY-MO in4rAvizrailEE
V amyl°
SUGAR -13 3 bias N 0 Bogor, in store, for b
• lou be Tonnosoco limn • Ws,
Ur la% tool, fa ale by WM A bteeLURG t CO
matt tee Lib a.
VIZISON HAIdS—A few ebolme Peels. Hams
' mid by - WM A MeCLURO d. CO
- STOMA ben guilty, wartrustad, end at pneed
r than have beton, been offered W
In Ws market.
BOLTING cum's, .11 umber. Deg Equality
varisetad, and at ?educed talon.
Corner of Wad sad Third sts, asticr M. Chute.
Plusbarih, Pa. • laylArthy
di 110111.
&wan k Braoskes.• 1
SiUsScrip— ...
Szchaage Mk. of Vio, • 1
Fannon; Ilk.o I Va--
Uk. of the Valley,— o
. k. tl. ISO., Wheeltod
do Morgantown. -
N. W. Balk V.— •
do. Wellsborg—• • 1
do Paskst.bork—
Bli.of Tencenee• •• • • 3
Far. k. lierch`ts
Bk.•—• •• • • 3
Bale Ilk of/diwurl— 1
Norris Caeollran•
Bk. of Cape Feu. • • •-• • 3
Alereb's Lik.,Novoern• 9
dame Dant... • ......
Borah Caroller}
Carodes. Bk ...... I
Ilk. of Clarlocton 9
Cmoreretal Bit I
Bf. of Geonreorwo—• s
• Bambe rg a
• • ••••
• intr.= kllleens's Bk. II
Bk. of death Coro. ink • •
Bellmore Bk. ..... •••par
Balwee kr) 11 rip
• orberland Bk. of Se AB .10 ..
Fir. Blair Marital:ld • • 4
k. Ideehludes 44
Bk. Frederick
Frederick Co. Bk.—•
Liagenuark Ilk
• • eral Bk• 1
Patapsco Bk •
Wsatungton Et
k•orWtstoriceter • • • • 4.
1 .. -
Ilk.of St Clair- --•-•••- 6
111.ofRi.r Sewn
Idtehigan Inc C 0... •- 0
Wincenala Torchry
. arakFi alud rsletCo-Mtlvri 1
iAlleoli.7l - 14iii I
Baal of EnglandlOotse
•—••••-114 70 ;PS v.
GM Ie Spell*. Values
Nepoleons -- .050
Deem.-- -2 HO 7 20
Eagle,ol4• ..•-•-, 10 AO
gyri.,.. ..... - le 80
nblonns,l3patuelt. 15 Re
De.Patrint--• 15 SO
elins 4 el
Guinea. ••••• ••••--- 500
Prederieladtro•—•37 E 2
se Tholess • •• - 700
an eedders•••• - 000
LoaleVers•••• -• • • 030
Nes Yark •—•— r 155
Pl.llodolpOlo ••••...- pno
Mattoon —••• ,-• 5 1 1 5
Amu. Lamm Bob—
UFFALO TONGUES—A small lot for wlr. b 7
(. g. mum
lIIAN. P. 1101111,
Fa* put, sear Oro%
illat WOO Mitpasly 11.
. .
=Minn FOIL. Fit, PT,11111111711111 ,DULT ustsu
R. Leo inistemieboten ea pastor of the Asap&
ate Reformed Church, an Seventh street, to till
the vacancy occasioned by the death of the tote
Rev. Mr. Anderson. This church has been far
Metre !imitate inlhent • rhyrdar pastor in sosor-•
dance with an establistied,cnittint; ridthe deeth of
• minister. ' Mr. Lee tm a. gentleman
of monad learning and piety, every way Wattl JO
fill the pulpit, so long and ably , occupied by the
lamented Dr. MM.
Nate Cour= Mar —The map or Allegheny
county, by E. H. linitinp, Esq., Deptil
or General, has been completed, and is now ready
for subscribers and porches - era. It containann
accurate representation of ell itta cities, townships,
towns, pout °Sees, roads, railroads, rivers,cmekr,
churches, school bonzes, and mills, in the enemy.
A work alibis kind has long beenst desideratum,
and It is now furnished by a gentleman who is
peculiarly well. qualified for the Ink. Every res•
ideal of the county
s ahorild supply himself with a
The map is got op in beautiful style, being
lithographed by one friend Schocbman, of Third
street. The price is very moderate.
UtrAT Bus Ur Pant DST 111 Waltwt
The steamer James ficleon will leave this port
on to morrow morning at 10 o'clock, =a wiu con
vey passengers at a moderate charge to and from
the gr.( rale of real estate al Wellsville, Ohio,
comp' • 160 building lots, imutedistely adjs..
cent to the pot of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh
Rail Road. his rile areas fine inducements for
porch Bee advertisement in another col
a. L. A. Hit A editor el the Cincinnati None
pariel, delivered addzelies before the Walking.
men's Congress on Saturday night and Sunday
afternoon, at Washington Hall. We naderstand
that he will lecture again to night.
that it Is intended to erect it splendid new Public
School House in the First Word.
RVCTILNID. —The Beaver *met Methodist Elia
copal Church, Allegheny, ate opened for publre
service vest erday. Since If has been closed, It
has been thoroughly repaired and fitted lap in an'
exceedingly tasteful nod beautiful style.
Ptmlusonlitt,kun. ---- :- 1 17:Wrris has made
an addition of sevenl new rooms to his Ma
scum building, and is fitting up the large askion
for a mooed loin. He intends to Increase the
attraction of his establiabrnent by accating the
senders of talented and popular artiste.
Tag Svmsgra--The Street Commiteionen ap
pear to have taken a eudden fa of reform. Do.
ring the kit meek; they have had men employed
in different pant of the city in repairing the holes
to 002 paving, scraping the dust off, Cu. We are
glad to absorbs that, as a mancerptavy remerts,
the Veramisaioners are mcaing their ways.
Boucc.—The Tombs mere alive - on Saturday ,
mar ming; thirteen offenders were brought nolo the.
Matra'. levee. Tao most acceptances among
them vete the celebrated Cerrol,or Wallace fami
ly, whose - name. are immortalised in the ann.!, of
the Pittsburgh Police. They had been released on
Pedal morning from a confinement of thirty days
in fee county prison, and as natal gut on a spree,
kick ed op • roar and mere taken to the tombs the
time night to be ordered back to the bill fur thirty
dos a more, the nest mousing.
TIMILTRZ.—The populu tragedian Mr. A. A•
Addams is engaged kr a tow eighukurd will sp.
war thi. evening In bls celebrated 'chicanes of
Hamlet. Mr. Oxley as tie ()boot. The evening's
eetertniomenw will conclude with the face of
Nature ad Philosophy.
Donnaacarm...--Paving over the 'Penn creel
Canal Bridge, on Saturday afternoon, we eaw a
crowd assembled, and going op, bond Sharp, the
street Preacher, engaged la a wordy altercation
with an Trian Catholic. A numb, nr ycanq men
WOO were present made a rash, and one or them
knocked two Irishmen down and kicked them
brulagy alter they fell. The coca were standing
peaceably by, and had not said a word, to fat es
wu taw, or to say way interfered. •
CLIZA It Calltbrl HAMS -Id tnams -
1...7MM rammed, and tor sale by
mar 17 a k IIARBACGIT
r 0... OIL-Jr . ; tb - i lr':j ------ 'i /, tan roe,. tTrr • oraeliii
Iv eor. cora:patent, by lAS DALZELL
air;- 17
litiillAtiliEira-rieielinblii7.7l, reetTm.;
1. per canal., far risk by ;Mg DALZP.:I.I;
FCILSIIII*A-0 esets eir. extir7Fe27at
thb b i brbb. b" . ".". of 1. Milt?' . "" v "
Dims Emenstion.-We saw • conp:o of young 1
, est'd thlrdsy S} _ - rent ! ren AJ. h•ON &CO t
bloods, Op_SundAy afterioos, valalcg up Thltd 1 . 1 - 1 - 2501 - - . .t0 - hodsr Shooldirt, Cm. owed. lint reed,.
creel--vve say sewtringv by couresy-ench ear- t O. bbd.P....b...k by elTtliptT k. SILL , .
hzoinst raCamtrit DS
newly engaged in holding his companion up. Ik, .yly .- Z. trruAirr & KIX '
After pi:weedier In One fashion for several squaresdilATti-aae boatel. a nitforafiiiiii -----
re Om great amusement of the b y Mandere. they 1 -' - "!'''! 7" - - --- - t‘ - 1121 'L er k ' 811 '-- 1.
V I t-tDo bashelirin stare, sad cur sale by • -
mopped, and had quite a contest ea to which should
. Ll. mar 7STUART I SILL
help the other home-cm:l, of course, halos firmly ;‘,it.Wat=in - iiii tra - Kle - ri mete emigre
oat:minced that be vas the more sober man of the . ki,,,„.. 7 7,4 k'e a." by J 6 i :4 l,',V e llt i , & C V
pair. ' Finally they compromised maCceo and acir lin(V.3"-;-ifiiillit - piime - Lo - iiiViille - piniad sli:MLl'ir
armed, each astatine himself. _DNA received, and far tralc by
__ may ti I A DILWORSII le rh,
MOTIII¢ B.Clian Aaerern,--OiTicer Fox. ott ; 1:)°" . V" -V41 "ig . l' ;-:: ;• Oin , ';
UM at kg* do do; z'
Saturday morning arrested a colored man named i 1E:1 las Mining. !¢-t feet. (sr sal. by
Louis Cord, ooe of the accomplice• of Gorden, ti "Y l7
I S Drl.woivnt kr
the battler, whose arrest and onsimittnent we MI Vi 'r* buu " "t o 4 ,II',,P A T S ' ES-kb°l- !". I ' .4 N "
mentioned tart week. Ho wag brought before • Wee A MaCLAII2O k CO'
Alderman blijar, and holdover far a further beat- -f -". "6 Chesty r '.p-_—..
II Min reed. and for sale lry .
log to-day. , f B u :'
xs) ro -P" " Wm
. -
Fez baargot fairly on the trail cf this gang of • 0A12,--11.10 bullets latabog.anrfer sate by
burglarsoind his well known otaiew,:neta, assisted I '-mayt7 i ' .33-Libetty at •
by the amoperation ef Aidernmn Motor, aerial Me i - Si .4. - . m t.ifkrUgin boaes,bos, wid aril, Mr ides
best police magistrates in the city, will act be like- 1 in i yi , b :. L % u ,..,,,;--,-;r6, - .,-i - , nI: :; " 6 „,, Z ,T .L i c „ b ''. .
ty to fall id discovering and briogiog 'them all to t / It 1.117 ""' IrDALZF , I,I..I CO.
Malice. iTyOnelt -6 calk s on hand, ~ 1-6 - F.iti; by
insytt_ . IVOIO4FI4kce
' 4 :-- 1 -, b ---- iretTer - e7stierf;iiile - tq E-
Crrr Coraca.s.-To night a tho regular morn- i cfr a L T ,F
'PP . IttAT kfl DICH.F.X It t.l)
ly electing ad" City Ccatecils. ---..
I 114 ( L'4ll-
a a s *- S.Ver% h Ale dee ) •
le bas Dant Yaletree us cote. for sale by
Cuanor..-Two large dwellings are in amine of / , i 7
... mu j,gg . ~,, &Icial 7 SON
erection upon the site of the late University build-
- g ARD -In be, No 1 Lardi
ing, on Duquesne Way. I j. ad kegs - ea' foe side by .
mat t/ ./ ti_ .... Dl , L)..l___'ollTD kCO
CONGRE.OO-41tottae AL Itnwo will I.e ...tali- 1 .
)i ' •
4.- 1 ". 1)) . 1 4 ) & 01)117)))) 64
date l w rore the Antlensmnia and whin convennon, 1- ~. ~. giII:LER & ICKETSOI9
for nomination for Congress. "'et,'. 179 & 174 Ltberty ile
. - I KT.sii.arfteribiftt — cLorif.--A — few - PleTa - s
CONGREPS-Has. ilallnall. Dentry will be. urged . /9.90 n Land, haltaliall of mashie, for sato by
ha his inland.. for a nomination as is coedit:ins for 1 ....!71.3 .1 a. Li rauzlis
Congress In the epproaching Anlimasentic and Whig l 1 - 11att...-7.10 ii --- ToftGlo4llllll stt , ar.. for sale by"
7 plraagfl-11 hf has Idlers , Ex Le. IsTrcareilii
iti do do Superior •em , , •
1 f Obtli Cabinet., Pe Lamp - .
IC bas Jones & Undson , es's Lams
. 95 Ix. Russell & itobinsmea It's lamp;
it cases 4i dwarf boo Myer's - 1./rote:co;
4 do 32 do Tooduss , liecterLf;
1 do S do ' do Gold Leafi
30 figs 0 twin, in Mara, and for rale by
r a pifi 11l & 174 Liberty st.
T2l lIE PROOF PAINT-10 tens Blake's Potent fire
P . . Proof Point, or artificisl elate lost reetived. Tin
above paint we have had on coo for five years, and
we can Ceilakaalinif laCOMatinni at .totthe publicear
general use. nil e perfect ire and rester proof Psto,
arid to steed the action of the annospbere without
Melon. For sale by . 1k II PHILLIPS
.2! a 7111 7 k. 9 Wood st
few doors below Wood unman, to
- wards marked.
Due /18.0 . 01 Pi, beetog bend
recularlyidacued to Ma medical
yeefeerton, and bean far somo,tizoo
.. la gametal practice, now candies I
tie smentlod to the treaunent of
noose prorate and dellette cont
plaint. for which Ida opportunities
. .
and experience peculiarly quality
• hint. 14 years eiraidnoualy devoted
to ezdy & treatment *ribose complolielsOnon9 9 44. 2
time he Wm had morepraenee and haat..trod meme.P.
tents than can ennr fall to Hulot of any private Pete
ello ter) eunply qualifies hits to offer easurances Cl
spec dy, permanertkand satietectory combo all Addicted •
with deficate Mammas, and ate &mums arising tiara.
Pxnncumor ATTOZWEIt-FH.C . tat C. I'Llartittr, Esq
dl ho • eardldulet far nerninatlon bffora the Anu
. . . .
masonic and Whig Convention, for Proncentils
Attorney for Allegheny County. mart. ultcwicti
Mr Editor—Plcuo announce that WastantArCann•
hick Ern, will be a candidate for Prmeetteng • Al
tatnay, before the Antlmanotde and Whin Convention.
anty=nUrlsicS MANY WlllOB
Me Editor—Fiesta announce tha name of /men
net& Faq , of Snowden thernehip, au a candidate for
Amenably, before the approaehing Antimeionie end
Whig Convention. Mr Fara ill a loan of ability and
integrity, and would Make a member 011 wham the
people could depend. tehIOWDEN
Annum—We are aathostrod to announce i.lll
F. iCsaa, F.sq., as a candidate for Assembly, subject
o the decision of the Antimasonle and Whir Consen
lon. may lb:diorteS
W J syn., of the Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh,
111 be tit the Whig and Antimasonle county
Cenvenuon, for Assembly. Blinn PITMAN:RUM
-- - -
Corm' Cominsmoinnc-Ner.mmns Bonin., of Nmth
Fayette township, will he • candidate for County
,subJect to the decision of the Whig
and Anil Mambo Nominating Convention. MANY FRIPIPDS.
Geeing, Alum will be •erDorted for nomination,
in the Antimasonie •na Whir Contention t for the
015E110f CAnniefaxinner. mayia:aLliftei
• Taos. Valuta., Ewk of Baldwin tworatinip,ortil
topportedt for Coeval.loner, in the AwttMasonic maid
Whig Convention, by' NUMEROUS Fink:NOS
front. •
Dr. Drown would Inform dome aldleted with enure
Clauses virLieb have become chnntle by nine 00 sp
. granted by the use of any of th e 001alOtni MAME.; Of
the day, lent their complaints cm be radteelly and Wm:
Hof h having given his emend Atlantan to
the treatment emb eases, and succeadediu hundreds
nees in of InfLustuatieu of the
ham hleCtrivs, or the 9th Ward, Pittsburgh, will ¢ t ec " of 11. bladder,and kindreddlseases width often
be sapp~red for non
tithe Wblg and , i i i . nto c zeztao . u , ng u t o 'n .. mmlssioner, where . ethes . s, have consign
maynt-d&lceT them to h "" 4"P r . Ladly t t n remedbyritre ' t
as have bean tong an miscue
Total Men ida6o,llo ANDWilio Vora. 07 ALL,. .to enrandt him, when every antisfactlen will bo green
army Comov.—Robe, d Pier, of the Seventh Wmd Meru, and their caaa treated in a earefol,thoreern end
of Pitta le hereey feeeththended I Intelligent tuanner,pouned out by long expctienes, :
lion, called to meet on the Ilk of June next, m a elm- I mudy,sincl htventration,which it fit [epees bit tor those
tildes' , for the tame of County Commissioner. engaged In reneral prattles of riCtlda•te. rim it
oy3o.diiwtconT MANY VOTERS one. class ordinate.
RaavaTGt nn, III • irr Hernia or Reptallt.—Dri Drown slatillnyttss pm, i
Daldynd S.wadhift• will be eapport. emmatilleted with Hernia to estilom bshaspaidparten
od for County Commissioner to the Anillllllllo,llo and der artentionto this disease.
Whig Convention. mayinidammer I CANCERS also mired.
entn Illecases; also S e,Pahty,r.s.,spasdily easel
0 ea st joy to the World I—Reattes sad Oh very low,
limpidness to Ithmaktid tN. D.—Petienur of either sax Living at at/lathes, by
Dr. Ms i
dating Weir &scum in writing, giving all dm gym
totels,e. obtain medielneewith edreedeas for um, by
ou SARSAPARILLA! ..,likm"tur T. DROWN, U. D.', postpabi, and mem.
Prepared by team, go a d
put up In QUART POT- Diamond .11.1ieSPWLe W Weaoll
irLM, far the removal and permanent cure of all , •
diseases enemy from m impure Mans of the blood, or aturemermitte7Dr• P.m. • newly dimoverad MOW
habit of the s dy for Ithenciatam is a irpeedy f an i d certain remedy tor
ystem , via:—
FEMALE COMPLAINTS, laver Complaints, der, thatpalufal trouble. It never : al d
foie, Riles, Pimples or Photo tae on the rILO. abee and rd . " C^"..lwrg s Dome, s e• Ca Die.
to. gt,,,gererm m mend alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Dotter is always at
tiara, Pains in the Danes or Joints, and all disease. I h...
Silting from an initidiciom use of Mercury, Ice. TIN* sun no pay.
For explicit and renter partkulen, call sport an n
emir uent. and Fel pamphlet, reddtteatefullyend
ILLA la net the ter/ medicine to eons mid
N. LL..Rentember , every label on the bottle has the
Doetors signet:ire, eS. D. Howe." None other genu
ine. Pries Si per bottle„dr a bottle. for 55.
Fat sele by one agentro-7. Schoonmeher &
I. A. Jones, Pittsburgh; D. A. Elliott, Allegheny;
P. Croaker, Etrownemlle; W. R. McClelland, Men
, .team and by druggists generally. Also, to the
previews, HOWE & CO., . •
apritd&WlyT Collette Hall , Cincinnati, O.
_ _
N. *. 1...•1111031. of Bigninghnnt borough, will be
nppoted for County coromhotoner, at the Whlcand
And Masonic Convention, try MANY Foams
GOIllillt• Marls Parries flologres.
THE enderereasd ban been appointed r uts ka far the iele of Centre Mute aloe e.
Coleffra Kethllereerlli be supplladet eramtletrareet-
WX A B4tOLUIte ft
MIMI Vie fin Montagne tbstegnany apply tbrir
wrSh ffortancand Floo.llfrja AbeetslX.T.OO l .D.AT
It ro et Alltlees per ran fait. • Cortagat•S
Te.. 1.1-0.2, for Meer pram, budding. Doi depor t
Snit, Sheathing, 141.40 Inches, from al to 55 ounces.
rfatlr, : bpitea,.Waro, Sago. Mold!, P“foratcd Moot
Zinc DAlOl.,&e. . • .
They warrant their etil• are, nod free from 001
aantattre of 4009 • or...y..ther Aubetane. n.••••,
""'"I 94 .9T&Thlt1111 qf most anle , e•
the !louse furrileint I ne,•at. It dos not ran, Is rot
%fractal by the acme ear, and Easy be pOttabed,
painted, sand japar nod
• IdsmOds. roOdeim Diana, voifiemi o o% .th "
infommilon may be lad oftbett•add...t
• AUCLe.* PTllO,la, New York; '
• DAVI,. Taorrta A. Co ~PbdadalPina;
W. &Me tuna, Baltimore;
Braze, Dar & STAIITTRI, New
F. MILLIKOUX, Raaidant&gent,
Llige, Mar 1. Tllleeter st., New Walt.
U.SMAU* X•stern atachonsge.
ftrrti pa for Amerman Gold,
Eavern Kootionge, nod PPT Pondd oT. the rac.
change and Waking llooto of A WILKINS lc CU
as• an ecoo .
.0•11 1
DLnas• Wanted.
INYIQLOYDIENI' win be given to twenty additioaal
COW MM.., at the Coal Works on Ina dandy
sad Beaver Canal. Apply immediately to
axavla C 1310WKLL, Water Meet..
. India Rubber Tinting.
4000 FEET MIS og for Maehioery,of all widths
from II to IC lechea,,araieh we will tell at
the menafacturer's prices. All the Belie told at oar
establlahmeet will be warrants I to he equal to leather,
loot received, for sale by Ja, HLIPS
maylB Azta forD o nno Salting Co
L'lb4 RPLN ITNE-10 bTls in mime order,lnsb
ren , J, wan tor onlo by HB SELLERS
tanYlo 3 , Wood ot
.00VSSEL'd IEXTRAOTI3O.4bst End i.Job key Club
B. •do Row .d Almond ha vingS Crem.
yechi. and for .ale by it YLH
/101) LIVER 011.-11 cases Ruamu'. pato wkate,
'Med, tot .ale by mayl9 11 SELLERS
Ina 18 , .
101141INENT tatEliN, ground In Oil., la slb
ICCLiTa, and fur k T J
miylB • CO Wood gt
AID 01L-10 Arts Barcbacd G Co'. best,just •
1,1 hand, far tale by myte 1 }ODD Ct)
Din ROOT—OXI 1b Air .ate by j moo kCO
u may IS
kJ mad for We by maylB J KIDD & CU
POWDER JALA P-100 lbs. lust reaM for sato by
j. multi J bun &co
Rims & SHOULDERS—III casks Shoulders;
8 cuts Hams, resolved
per steamer Ilsosboro, and for solo by
pbIIMIN 0 TU(II.S—A complete uussment of ate
ut gushes. of Cut Smell:mom and Corn SoPhsao
scummed; Cut Steel 2., ; 6 4 prong Feats, smsrant's;
Coot Mee flay Kolsec .
10..Ciss do It:mamma Hoes, solid;
111 doe common do do, (or sale low, it the
Drug and S eed Store of 8 N WILIKEIL B ILAN
Mu IN _ _ :Car of Sixth k %Voss! ~..
S6l.7PETilkl--10 beg, made of best Ob.
tire, for me by ISAIAH DICIEY i. CO
POTATOES —ZX bashes Nit Mit =l.lll,
CAAlitr YEARLS for ado by
(111..:12 bri; prroze Linseed 01105
r Ade
ELSF.—:'cu bss prime new Churn for sale by
ll m 5.115 CANFIRLD
BUTTER -4 brio froth roll, th cloths - , f0r ,. , .. by -
Own kl.lll-10 r.. on Land, and for wale by
•-• 1151.1A1l DICKIN & CO
Front SI,
— _tenTLY
QI!GA hints NWan. In store, for rrn.e by
CA4-47ng.....—N0, Mom ni for so
co le by
tos;i: I$Al All DIC KY
° J.. IAIC-- oray i rf b"
tic b
t7e,, , r Dicimy k. co,
.1 amyl!
L.,Mr in raT&ll bond,
for . sole. km, to close conagnonent. by
1S18&)A11 DICKE Y
1 CO
utl.m,nno--100 bz. IP...roma sing 11 .,
j.„ We DI ' .Y CO.
tatt. muse, fnr `
cmayl7 1.9..d1A11 DICKEY .&
--- , "%and,e-v.°11141111.6C011 •
b:I. 1 1L tel7l_ ikderatan.sbrarM:4
by am 94. W )1011AVUll
yePawls-0 ka. tea .4...Tai...bdc i p
tiorobants , AAA SlaantsaMarera , Bank.
Prensirsou, May 7,155 a
STINE Merchantat and &Initial:users , Bank him this
j, day declared a dividend of Poor per eta, on iha
capital smelt, lox of the profits for the lan six naoaths.
I" g l irsj
THONG Plants of the Erne Dahlias, Yarbeoas, Ao.
O couipolud of the choicest sorts in cultivation, ore
now ready for plandinx. Orden left at our stand, In
othretspirbrAdtistratakr=frio= J 7
tended at. JAMES WADDIauP, P
mayllsdlsr Manchaster Norserf'.
• Ludt* ttabluir
IDS? ureekre4, 3000 Icol 8010,2 and 3 ply', of
1d.F14 affi Ur Modal lip leatheelfor bz ..
I M11'1111614
if . k Iq.firel
..aIL JEfi..
ICINCOUIifi GED. by the iherel patronare extended
_Ea to all regular and welk condected Lion, the own
ers of the foilerwinifelee steamers hare arranged then
into a Linn betereemPatsbaralcael LeeiesPle.
fine•of the boats will positively lease Pia/berth ott
esery t Mannar, Oilfico.soel, and FIIDALI Ensitia,
at it oieloat —fall or not full.
The ant .boet.of.ths lettot wal.elart iklealnieYs
February :Mi.
Steamer Genesee---•-
" Fanner
" Fairraora
Foz i fr i e i g or pna L aaja . app l iN2,.. r.R ____ ,
Captain T. Marx.
l.n cat.
• • J. Klinefelize.
.. • Benedict.
" Ebben.
Cote° Vluzum J. Kocrrrz.
Tlda splendid boat was built by the
omen of the Mr ewer JenneNewton,
and other. for the Cincinnati and
Pimaburgh Packet:trade and
leave every ,Wwincadity, fgr ClueP=ol4'4? Place of
the New England, No. Y.
POT freight or pelinge apply on boerd, OT
• • -
—7l-11TsBULtoirrigiTWHEELIftill YACSET.
The splendid fan Fauning steamer
LOUIS hIeLANE, 6. C0... 11 1
master. (havine aedeeftftft..•
elat eugh repair) will ran hereafter as it
regular packet between Pittsburgh
and Wheeling,' leaving Pittsburgh orrery Monday,
Wednesday and Friday mornings, at 9 o'clock. For
freight Cr passage apply on bowl, or to •
fan/ W. IL WIIEELER.Agent.
05a1y,73 PI 1 las St•ging.
Via Brovrnaville and Cumberland to Baltimore and
Philadelphia. •
Fasts To BALTIV011,—.••••••---310 00
DC6- 11 00
Tanorisina „boat leave' the wharf, above the
I. Midge, daily, Jd 8 o'clock precisely. Time, to
Baltimore,.3l hourggime to Philadelphia, 4pLoun.
The evenise boot leaves dally,' - (eacept Lunday ev
eranp,) at 0 o'clock. Pactenaers by Eclair.: on the
calming boat, will cross the mountains in stare. nest
day, and thus avoid n!ght travel.
Secure your tickets at the Mee, Elonougshela
/Imre, or St:Chrles Hotel. .ATF.EMISTP.N. Arent
1850. MEM
Two 'Daily Lines. , Expiras react teats,
end Ili:toad Cara,
(ExoLtialrar.r rot Pasaanazaa,)
" Vial/41'4W Central Ball Road and Pennta Canal.
Time-40 hours Fare-510 through.
130 miles 1441 Road, and 110 mild Canal.
ON the•ht Mat. the new Central Rail Road Canoga.
nyVoinrnenced running TWO 1.11.1/ stun 1,15-
=mace. !mire Jacknown to Philadelphia, Inning
there immediately wrier the arrival of the Parket
Boats trout the It eat. By tlila arrangement paten,
gem will go through without detention.
A Path. Boat will leave every morning alb ot.
clock, and every evening at 9 o'clock.
Tim. mole, for Palely, Speed,, is not
equalled by any now in am to Mr Doter. Qum.
For panne CO information apply to
W DUTCH, Monongahela Honey
ap p 00,Canal
" ai gi a The fast running steamer
Et mn as a regular
packet batmen Ettolluyth. Wheel.
ing,Undgefort. and Sant leaving Yinaboryb army -
Monday afternoon, for %Ve Steubenville. and
ri,ki ggn ort, nnd cyegy ThuradaTafternoon far Steuben
ville, Wheeling, Bridgeport; Corniest, and Sunfish.
Ecturni an, leaves Itridrepori mud Sunfirh every Tues.
day afternoon. and Sunfish every Friday afternoon.
For freight or pomade, apply on board, or to
• The spendid packrt. rtrainer
.7'"eticirt, Capt. liatchiton, leaves for the ahem,
- w • and all intermediate porta on this
Aar, the tart Intl., at 10 o'clock, A.lll.
Fur fictebt puurc, apply on board. mai ,
11 - 21 — r.otovirxr..
The fine new and 'munch steamed
Nla Deatfimas ter: will leaketnr the
bore and. nucrtnediate porta, on lads
day. the ea]. 2day, at e 'clock, R hi. •
Vot freight or passage
imply en board. my-7
The spleadld steamer
: .... r ,. CAC, Master. Intl lama for above
and meermsedtedis ports an {1213 day,
ake intief May. 5 A. AL. . .
Fm f ret 12eriami16e apply onboard.' emr.
The aplendul camper
, . .
Gallagher. mutter , wiLl leave for the
Mane and all totermeileate poem or
Patmelay, :he :Pah inm, all detach, P. AI
FuolLmobt or pasupe. apply at board, or to
tiv B WHEELER. Ast.
‘,. TI.a talent.. llcht draught. simnel
71 ' 'Maclean ' ntalL, L' lca;aaa lb , , ht
bore na4.ollnternieidinua parts of
An' day, the =lb May. at 4'n'clack, C. M
h d
ca7C. • .ARSISTUOtie; k CILOZER. Arn
F 2 -!!. .1 0 '
The splendid steamer FORT Pl — Fr
.41Killer. muter, will Iren
eons shove
and all Iniermediair poeeselay
~he 2511,.i.t, et In o'clock, A.M. t
I'iOLSLP ... 14P.D. . e . IT '". " 4 rl._
The munificent new steamer,
Bowman. leave for the
Et iffi x
'hove en M m all intemin will altste Icridinre
His day. et In n' e l e ,ea,..n. o.
For fre.O. , or nau .ze. Urn' ^n beard.
The new end antentlid Mesmer
O. 11. Myer., muter, will !rove fur
the above end intermediate pnro,
on this day, Vnlinstabt, at 4 e. Sr.
For lerrebl nr pavane!, elbriv on IA - ...1. may tt
Jon A. PAltlianoN,
' Lti m li
RRNAN, Firth Itard e , Penn street, between
ti. &Hare end Walnut AT tnesinera PmMTAIY at.
, I"... , l.r.____._.._____ .______ .__lti.l_
CAPITAL 1106,090.
J. TIMM!, Jr, Reel. -1 - R. MILL., Jr., Preal.
Will loser° ard.wo all alr.thl of risks.,
A 1.1. Loma will be liberally adjusted and promptly
A home Inriltutiod—rnanaged by Directors who we
Ii kr.oom in the commodity, and who MY detormds
ad by premptnem and IMorrody to maintain the gibed
sett: which hey hove as,toned or unruly' she be
protectl du to t Mow who °Aim to be Insured.
131{,TtotP—Ft. Mart-, Jr., (leo. Mack, J. W. Datler,
N. Holmes, Jr., Wm. It. Mime, Ittmwo. Goo. W.
' „Idekrott, Wm. I'd. Lyon, Jos- 1-4Pincoth Thar.
Lokeh, Janos Al'.luley, Aloe. ?limier, Thos. Item,.
' Orion rl , l o. Wetter street, (smuclioure it
A. M 0.., on molts.) 1-hush:aka. mr:div
Tits fabling PAM Destroyer. end icecap turn
for Gurus, blcalder Piles, Sore and felhatual thy,es,
Cam. Woarals, BraWealtflarneastory Itheurnatinn,
gumbrugysorratur,lioraftiippler,Orolca Emmet, Solt
Rheum. old and inveterate sorts, and all cutaneous
and milsrammory Ormuz*.
Cotramrfeits DALLEVS EXTRACTORM the oLn
w aaaaa v flood the market. Shim Weal na yea would
oison!" By buying the eniale in the NEW EULESS
yell eveld• th etlanger aiming rumbaed unite by court.
masts. we cert./ of genie;( me nod glen,
moreover, slew 50 net wet on tho average..
Caution. to lietalecsr
Grow impetrate/a ICI/rimmed 11)101‘ Deikryly an
tr.pulq. onetatoMiwbo put up the coonterielt ama
in A ewnictren of the old rerapper.mised with n few
bowa Mahe genuine in each dusen, end thus cafe It
Inc sale at areWmed price..! This nom Catehelf many
dealr but the confiding, inttemen. container, who
Imes or speuiests article, pays the penalty! Soffarma ,
pain unsightly rears and marks resulnos from severe
Dun , wounds or wary and often ion of bin inch',
•re the comermences. •
Case ha Point & Intareallng Partleolara
Wont of Inc Tonal oeserely burnt bird layered wars
err at hie WE anti dLsartrona LIAGUE 41 . 1(EET
I'IrISION, in New York. win shortly be Nltltatird.
_ Wm] the NEW &ITT:L.OI'EN, Box
' 8.7-Sec the Now amulets far IfWa.
Mark the aymirnison We new drew—rho Triangle,
Serpent, Lion, San, Dova t and Eagle, and H. p..v.p:
iVen rigneture.
irrAvold ringer and fraud, sad boy Galley's Ex.
• ',tractor near, in the new 4¢6{11 and Lamm nog tai
ims,Luv, us Broadway, New York.
Allegbeey,General oad Mohr '
1 4n tZ'fi 'L S " Ana. Agee , Pithaba sb.
N. 13.—The neeas ' of Denier% who procure the Dal.
l,ley Salve, new rite from either the pr.:russet hnn
,rrir, or him his amhariand agents, will be
in the raper., as a vide iv We public to meet clear of
Trwid. maricideoulat
MBE Lem , of Marmons, Limb It Co, at
Jeßmson County, Pa. and Limb, Morrie°. Co,
Alimbeny Cotmty, boom ' been dissolved 'by mmunt
consem. Penmen Indebted to raid firms wlil make
„psyiernt gel Lomb k Co., emdeininto against the tame
may be presented to Limb Si Co, Mk settlement.
THOMAS K 141011
Vay 2d. 1452.—cia
1 .
01F1.41.1111.11.TOILY• annum ATISM.
ANEW remedy lately discovered in th e Vegetable
Kingdom—a mins and pcmianeat Mire lee all
atI.I.IIC COMMainte, se. al
- Irdiantroatory, Chronic. trutd arA Mtreenal
Rheumatism, Coot, Laminae,
Finns! Affections, &A.
This medicine Malone bean sought for. It hat been
said that Rheumatism weld not be eared; bet there n
• remedy designed by nature for the ewe eleven dis
e.e that the huntan system is subject to. At last a re
medy bag been found thin earn Rheumatism of the
wont fonn—onc of the most valuable vegetable pro•
dominos a the earth—the greatest and most important
discovery of the age, and a wonderful bleating to the
hum. r en ewst cures Iritboai sichening or debilita.
an strength and vigorlo the whole spa
te. It hes mired, during the past three meat% over
600 cues that were eonsiderwi incurable.
Certificates of the mutative properties af IMB Inn&
tine can be seen by Calling Oath. Agents.
None genaineranieas pm Itir with ae engraved libel
.0111.15 Oliteldo wrepperougiod by the prop r i. or, R
TURNER, Budalo, N. Y. , , •
alma TWri end lei
. j
;, Sold . also br . • • 0, v,. ou
rkp tor mak it,
Dee. 0, 1819
Tbat hirge.ceansoaiogrrarelling hew.
sad Lotion which area geed St.bkry...
BA • arliege Hoare. being the propen,
• and lons the seridenee: of
gee, .heated m Webiner rt. near derernb
street. For tenanoteply to 'DI S H WRIEZ,
twrAtr ' • .ILOet.
A• Mai:IMAM STOBA.os Mujitt.'ittrot, Wore=
- 11dol mad .1.x.4 aro. N
Thorns Milo, as • .Drlldoo
Also—A &Lard ROOM ii tkoi oitomf
sett door t. Mr. DoiroMordootiloConot.:
volt .itnated, out di:4odd. fd.. tin:deal saloon -or lad ®R
arena be cooomoirdolly stranged oo dad& odSvo ' '
D. 0/ZZAM,
• .2 If OiScr,Thint d, oror lb. Tod Med
. •
A o ay
BRICK BUTIADING. by 611 feet, three stories
bleb, with Engine, ke; located In Birmingham,
immediately below tl n ie ' o nsb a ,m7 , l6,, som
retßbtf Plttsbursti Foundry
LAIC—The store on Market Moen door to rim,
I t will be tented low to a good tenant, sod pewee
mon eiem. immediately. Foe terms apply to
in t dif :WALTKR BRYANT. th 3 Merry at.
.To Lot,
THE large three st ory Brink Warelmam, on Watch
below Ferry street, running from Water to First
street, on reasonable tee P 1211014011 given tome.
diazel). Enquire of
feblll.lf F. LORENZ
FOR SALE.....A Lot of Ground situate an Penn
erect, between Hay and Marburg meets, adiolnins
the ham and lot now occupied by Richard Edwards,
basing • front of 23 feet, and in depth ISO fackwlll b•
sold on faVorableterins. Titleunexceptionnble. Eu.
quire of 0. 0.100115.18, 4hlNue. Wood.
Sign afilra Grad= Harp,
101 Third at, next door to Weredwe
BE subscriber would respeetfally inform the cit.
seat of Plttab arab, Allegheny, and vicinity, that
he hes opened Warless and elegant establishment for
the rale of Patios, hiMannons, Ideate, Meccas. In.
mansivis, and every other article In his line.
PIANOS—SoIe agency for Mums & Clarke's tole.
heated grand and equare Pianos, •Ith and without '
Coleman's Zeller Attachment. 'Lase Pianos have
lab ly receiver , several important improveremile, ren
dering them enceedingiy brilliant of, tone, and tame _
ordinarily d arable arid lasting.
Also, T. Gilbert & Co's (Boston) eelebrated Piuoe.
There Instrument. have wide mputation,and
tt , e among tha very best Weld
Beaton, where they art decided favorite.: '
J 11. Dunham, N. Y., of the firm of Sudden & Dun
ham, has appointed the aubeeriber sale agent for the'
rale of his Pianos in Pittsburgh. The firm of ktodart
d; Denham Bone of the a demand beat in thia country,
and their manufacture for fulness and brilliancy of
tone and beauty of workmanship net second to none.
The celebrated Concert Pianos of Sundae& of
Omuta and Bamberg, will always be kept for sale
by die subscriber. It will suffice to say. that they are
made am of by all the great Piano players at their.
Concerts on the Continent.
The subscriber begs leave to direct attention to the
Pampafact of his having special teems both in
Pampa mid:this canary, who cuddly eeledt and
examine every Piano sent to him. which enables him
to give a written guarantee with every Pi.* sold by
him, pledging himself to refund the money income the
Piano be proven faulty or deficient.
• A full supply of the retreat and more popular Music
will constantly be kept hr sae—faraished by the best
publishing houses of Boston, Plalsdelphia, end Ulti
mate: agency for blesses Pchadenberg & Lula New
bort, th e most sztenahe ImPaners el (unite Tema.
in this sentry.
Sole Agency for Carbardds Patent Melodeon and
Melodeon Pianos. as ritanafeetmad and perfected by
March & White, Cincinnati, with 4nela sod a.nbie
sells of reeds—the best reed Instruments yet invented,
Also, Gaiters, Flutes, Clarinets, Violins, Boers, fax
Horns, Tatiss, arid every descripmaker.tion variety of
brass Instruments from the best and
firings for
Violies, Gaiters, and limrp.
grinstruseen books for every instmment. Selee
wins of tousle made, cantle books bound, Pianosiuned
and repnired; Vielms, Aeeordeons, Gaiters, &e., re
paired on the most reasonable te HE rms.
Mew Goods Him Goods 1 I
NIIO Sputa anal Summer Thy Goo 4 for MO.
wiLLIAst L. nuesseLL,
6 - :•,, F,t ‘V n i = =,. ani , f i Re na l
y lii,re G U L AI , IlLitth t
meet, between Third and Fourth, sign of the
Moller am; hulas: commenced receiving
and opening one of the most rich. splendid,
and extenaive stocks of Spries and Remote Dry Goods
ever offered for sale In the Western country. All of
these Imported Goods are fresh opened, and received
per the last stt smers from Reance• and Ihagiand; as
alss Irish Linens, impored direct, from Belfsm, all
grew bleached, and warranted the pnro article; three
Linens art all imported by the sobscriber, and are all
ea. yarn, warranted. Alm, Irish Linen Damask
Cable Cloths, the very best nowavrocuarel mad Irish
Linen Goods of all kinds, imponed direct freenDellest
by the sabscriber, and will be found the ecalErimgo
New style rscb Turk Satins, all milers, splendid
good,; black Turk Satins, all prices, nob Roods;
black glace Edits, all colon laupr
Kid theses, all colons. she best; plaid:black
A mimes, per ism French steamer: new style painted
ilmeges, splendid Also, a superb and large
mock of wide titstek ratels Lace, for trimming ladies'
d r e s ses, very rich 'goodr, plain Iltreges'in all cblord,
extremely low. beautiful good.; black Silk Fringe, all
plans and pikes, seri. cheap; French Lawns; new
l ßloor high oot fren ch
als b pelt ot go e L, Pl =V ' Tc,r ,
136 Rhine Brocade: ties goad% Fund English
Cashmeres, new styles, beautiful goods; splendid
bluets SWis. goods tor dreselq, nib eintitotarred
Swiss Nails for carnal' dres es; Swiss Edging and
mourn og, the best imported; Stlk Tirsoesm all colors
and goat:ism. news style, plain and satm stop'd black
oecaey all poor.; printed Lawns,' new styles from
c to t 5 co.!. pee yard; Dame de Loins, a now article
for ladies' dresses. Also, a large and uPerb smelf
new style spriug Rennet Ribbons, the airy be-SI
posted, all new.
Cordon crepe Shawls, all colors ; fresh from the Cu.
toot Dome; Usk Satin Shawls splendid goods, to all
colon, per km steamer; beautifufehangenble clams
silk Snelef,' fresh tospoststWn • aflame unbroidered
Canton.Crspa Shawls, superb o:u1s1 (toed e
ed Canted Crape Shawls, splembd goods:,
French made Imbroidated Timber, freest f01110fIllioti;
Earls painted Cashmere Shawls, all prices and quill
ties ; ladies' cotter Craves. add Scarfs la great ea
riersi French warted Capes, CollarsousdCa4 a large
A.Larre Sleet of
SO bales unbleached litindins, from 5 w to cents per
yard, 15 eases bleached Molina, from 1 to 11l rents
ref yard. a cases Trish Linens. imported direct from
Meson II bales Ticking, Bean ii to 25 cents per yard;
9 oases due Drill, Bora hm Irk cents per yard; be
tides a tall assortment of StninnerCleths. Also:Cris
mcreti Tweede, Sweets; and Kentucky: Scam;
:4 cases dark Calico, fast colored, from 3 to IQ rents
per yard; 3 caws Hoyt k Sons` Englisit Prints, beet
imporieJ; 5 hairs Russia and Scotch Dinpera,eitreme
ly low. Also, Housekeeping Coeds of all kinds, very
cheap; 9 Osten Russia Crash, from Q re IQ cents per
yard, besides a large sleek of Check mid - Shirting
Stripe. Also, Cantata Flannelkall colors imd quell.
tits, at low prices; red, white, and yellow Flannels;
very cheap; bleached and unbleached Drillings, full
essorunenn 5 eases bias Menistact Calicoes, ex
tremely low; black and uoblncLeilTablet Datpusiill
proves; Bird's eye Diazers, all prices and qsallnes,
very cheap; colored Landiries, a full a/merle:tent,
cheaper then ever, 1 bales Burlap* from 121 to 23 CS
per yard. Aise,a large onset offletten Table Diapers.
PA ShinßAi ng SOL —A S! fudPARASOL Sassonatent,!
very cheap.
The largest and most iplendld stock of Parawks
ever erected by any one hoc. la Pittsburgh, is this
day received, nod are all of the newest French styles,
which, lot richness and beset?, einimot.he,enrras . rd.
As we have • l•rge lot of these Paraso l s, mey will be
wld cheaper than any other house in the city can af
ford to sell the same quality of good.
Tbe•Ladies see respoirodly invited reexamine these
Parasols, as they will find some of We richest and
newest styles ever imported from Enron* . Thew
Parasols are all of toe richest and mow fashionable
colors, sad are worthy of the ltleellon of We lattior.
All of the above goods will be sold o at paces far
lielew any hoist, in the city; and irder to prove
this fact, the public will please call and price these
goods. and compere their. sank Soy other ham In the I
and he convinced of the aboveassenlort.
The sabserlber weal here say to to, nerrieroki cus
maws and the public in general,thin dery are ore
other bee love stores inmarket . let, prrteeding
erre with the Rig Bee Hive, which alone the only
c P e it e t b b r u ad h . nTdh f e a r
u f b a s m credb D w ould theers e tabl e ishment in
say to all
purchasers of Dry Hoods, either wholesale et retail,
that the Big is
Hive, oriLlasketstreel, betweenTkad
and Fount, is now opening the largest, richest, and
11103/ splendid *wet of spring and summer Dr 7 Goods
ever offered for sale In Pittsburgh • I
tiro' Bryce We 1850.-The !sagest and most Fashion- I
able stock of Donnas ever opened in this city, is lost
free:wed at the sign of the Blg this Hive. on Market
silver, between Third and Fourth streets, where Dry
Goods of every description are wiling cheaper thau
any oilier house m the city. The pubdo Will pleats
take notice that there ore two other bee hive stares on:
Merkel .tree[, who pretend to 00iDreta with the Big
Ike Hive, between Third and Fourth -streets, where
the public will food, at all tinies,the largestand newest
styles of Dry Hood., fresh opened.
uD Please take emit*, that the .nore Is between
Third and Fourth inters, sign of the BID BEE HIVE,
Where Dry Goods o. every description OF selling
131 TUFIII then at any other honsein the city. •
stalkflom 'WILLIAM L. RUSSELL.
mai 1850 aligM .
cm L I I
Proot .Plitstotrgh to C. . and
troves the nth end do.e.u
Star 1 T.
muutteas, 1.4.140
.(-; In - and .M.attll..
ji t " "- "r " e l ' ai' t " de handy and Delmer Canal
it e t
this great natural <caul
u°"4- to
" t onto the allure as well us
route a area
the adjolulug Co4lllieS 0 noteueu, Knox, *ad
Df4r."' f Ofao, the
o Mole mid; Pittsburgh
has 6 r l7lt nth e ' e r tee 'l:k'g t he t t s i i:ade u‘°"2. lla n eleV l94t
d.i'ol W per coot•
lthddoo.trd ana...„4
sea thtoogh
l.e.oored upon this line an / " 7," 4 .
d NIRO advantages of their Charter, • -
to the middle , portions orOhlo onlet ' ing
equal tannest la Ibis advantage. Ageelel
3.C. BIDWELL, Pittsburgh;
BIDWELL & CO., Glasgow/LI
R C Tlalmee, Speltee Villa , 01;14 n & A Goy
Winteeseport,o.l ()ewe Ketahle, Elkton, 0; Cothli
o lfeton, do; Ronne, Graham& Ca. New Luke O-
A der & ieboins, !hoover, 04 ./Bebela & BoDenr,
11C}Ta, O.; peaker & Foster.da; Joecoli Pool & Co,
M 1; Molt & Bose, Oneida Mlle, 04 I/ V Bever, do.;
C H liortihel &Co, Malvern, 04 R R Giay,.Waynes.
berg, 0.; E Reynolds, do; Isaac. Teller, Alegnolle O.
E J Littradulll& Co, hlagnoliNO.; Wellinkuen, dot J
& Co, 81114,111 e, 0; PP Later, do; a:e.
busgh & Stelnbaugh,llOhaar, CI; & 'y
Juli; 1J Ilortnen, Ausillon O; Coma:lay Ce, "
o Robinson, Canal Felton, 04 Pesti k. Torrey,
Omni Dom; 04 A &Racy, Rosco, 0. L K Wen
es, Newark. 04 Mob allele. Coll/mewl, " L Ones.
thews,Clevelend, 04 Rhodes & Greco, do. o mato
. .
110CF1111.0,:&.e-43 dos Broome; Pomeroy's extra
• 30 hie &arias Candle* •
10 bze Chocolate, No
tal'x.ic;'r e.
SO bile L o a Dohs Meese _ •
12. No 3 Maskevel
1012.1 bes Nos lasslSdo
SO brie No 1 Mentes
10 brie & bds No 113uul
9 brit No Salmon •
10 bile Sealed Bening
• S ice esoeviev Eke
60a soperleo Ries *
lead No 1 Ebaßshl
" • ; 7.l=aitnChattit Tea—
SO do 11,122. IF. Or:. •
meads ha do 4.
Ar 4 s west Moe Waahbosnle'
de are Oder . •
Oa We /1
0 41dAN3 telt.
, .
Dual lEFOrridayllilElClL DISCOVERY.
• coukticAr. COMBINATION- . -
Fran the regda's Mot/Ims, to rgpel Dirteufr
Guynott , s• Extract of litiolkol!:_Doelt - ' 4. !
and ' .
Coins consumption, sarokla. erysipelas, tbettaatinot t ..-. •
toot, bars complaints, anr,a4atfcctintm, mitSfdi s 7 -
IMtbasOtopsy.ositnan s ibirs, acursay.,,affecoone
the bladder and klttnaTa, is catmint docetca, tors
suet attmma, ~ • ,
Molt of banal as the tamifs rt , t , and
sigma, fetnalcintraplaints, general 4114,
,lota of Armenia, betalactic, cent,
- rtdaol.' • alabt vocals, cto:in..omani tt nlfentocs,
paltannson •of the' beast , bliss, pat.' la the,eide,
• cheat,
It la infallible bs all dtratuata arising fotn.l.ll
pore state of the blood. Or treeaajnr anima Oribe 134,
In the Vegetable Knagdent, en Ali ariae tieing bid
deposited plantland herbs; reageniakio ear
sad (adapted to he cam of &maze,' and le eb e
vegetable kingdom . does the remount man, aa well a'
the iaattnet of ant turn for antidotes to pale.
The Syrup if a seientilla ectspessod of thensest teal
stable plants in nature, entirely frets iron deleterious
and enerrtatina illnessl onestances, and as It expel
disease from the eyeless, Inontria vigor and streturth
a eorresiondingdearee.
An eattaordinary ease of Settle* OysipelaS end . • "
cent, cured by the axle non of Dr. Guyson's_Com .
pound Strop, 'bellow Dock and :311SULOSTIlfl. -
13000111.1 R, Nov. 1a,,1,101
Da, Grrsorr. —She I tender mysincem ther.ka - for •
the great benefit I havederived from the use of your
valuable syrup. I hare been troubled very bad with,
a senifileus sore, which made its appearance on my'
chin. I did not pay numb attention to net first, tap— '
posing it to be nothing but an eruption that appears ,
on pussies fae• t. It finally Intuit° increase, .
pread to the . ask part of the bead. I applied to a
• .
physician. who attended me all to no MP... had
-tried every thing that could be tried.. I saw Y..' Dlr.
by of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, and concluded •
to me it, for I knew that Yellow Dora w ee
. one of th e
mom-raletahle ankles In the world Tor the bleed. I
,tmelltarone Syrup and foam the ore of one bottle, I•
cooed wen great c hanger nmy system. I condoned
to melt stool I was a well man. I now feel like a
new person; my blood is perfectly cleansed and tree_
from, all Impurities. There it not n question but the:
year newly diseoveretreompound fa Ma superior 1.•
" 41r7e P n i ffi d e l :til y i s n it ' r o ot e r !p a tient to p ebb s h Ion"
11ke,and coy one you may refer la mo- I shall be hap
py to tire Mem MI the InfOnnation I coo *lout my
case, Ise. I remain your obedient servant, '
: - Gomm. G. Jonnaoli..
113Alarket street' "
The but female medicine known. The Entrict of
Yellow Dock and Bjusaperilla ix a Native, rpeed9.
end permanent cu for ail nomplanno inddent to
Its . mild, alterative Diopenie. 'rendorit
to the aleader and delicate coradtation of
the fentalc...... It is unrivalled in its sleet. opentsack
diseases ailaCipicm consumption, barrenness, leo:
certhoca, or whiter, irregular menstruation, (natant.'
=ace efetrine, and general proatraticr of thealtte=;
It tarn ediately• CO./CMCIS that distressing nemesis...
nets and lusttade so contemn to the female
thd Imparts an anti - nand buoyancy no sarytnalngaa
ey nee woeful. We hair evidence on bid ottoit
induce. ue atrangly to recommend this unedteine te,
married people who have not been bleased:ln4h.eltt
spring. .
MIAISPII trill. or Felling of the Vombold' Eve • • '
years' Handing, cured by Dr. Geysott`e'.Extractat
Yellow Dock md Sarsaparilla, atter every - Mbar
.k/1091,1 remedy had been tried wtthoit relict •
Wasnmormr, Ohio. Fob.; MO: • • •
• Mils certifies thatmy . wrfc,,aged yealt, lteH
been ranting antler the chore complaint Hire
yearnearly all of that time caromed to herbed.
have for four years constantly employed the beim:Md.
feat talent Mat could be procred instil ieabee etthe'
country, without any benefit whatever. -I have else •• '
purchased every inamment reetnammtded for:' tea
cum of such diseases, all of which provedworikleu. , •
la the springy( 1949, I ants induced by my friends -
to try Dr. Gurson's Yellow Dock me 'bistresTentle, '
which was and for four months. After she had coed
-11 for about tour weeks. It was evident to all that abs ..
was improving, and from this time she improvetfilip"
idly, and gamed elselt and strength, until the disease •
was entirely removed, and she is now enjoy most
excellent health. ht1,11F01(T.
We being neigbbon of end Julia Ideolorti . -
know that the obese statement, as to dm sleteosa-er -
Mrs. Mentor, card as to d e cure being teems* by •
Grayson's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. to be Meetly '
AlltAll POWEP.2,
119roat Curs of Consumption.'
tlaxnt. no, January 0, 181$: •
Oh. Bennett—Dear Sir: The glees beech: which I.
bare !leaved from hour Egmont of Yellow /roe. And
Baresparilla, induces Ina as enact ofinstiee,(o mane
the following statement:
After wasting for two years trete graeml &hill%
which finelly terminated in conrampuon,l wasp:yea
up by my friends and physizians as beyond Ito aid of
medicine. As a last resort, I was menaced to try
your Extract, rind hating used but two bottles,no.
coninig In loaridirections, I am entirely well. I
would therefore tarnestir resemmend your unequal.
led Compound toile afflicted who desire a powerful,
Pleasant and safe fernedy. (hatefully TOM' frii , d,
None refine antes% pail* in large equate Du nee,
remaining aquae; and the tame of the syrap blown
in um glut, with the rumen el ratan re of S. F !red
ness on the outside wrapper. Pride at pas bottle, or
six botdca for d 5
It is Bind by J. D. Part, comer of Pounh and Wal
t= 'MEI., QllOllO.l, Ohio; lleitexal Agent for its
South sold West, to whore orderelanst no addrecsi
Cert.. & Bro > Erie, W. P. Judean & Co., Water
ford;'oth, t eiC.1.13111. Croeshtriile; Abel Terre%
Mentrose; Ehnen 511x,l'uoronee; Robert Key., Wale-
Lore; IL Roeceielt, Celler.g.nrei L.. Wlleu.s. Jr. Me.
burgh,comer of elatket street we/ the iheitend.
apl3eLkselyeT ' ' •
1P Tree Cu or a vita Hanna is not mots repel
else thee o Led, mina bre...l, Or dal:, yellow aur ae
ed teeth. l(perso. here these it is their own hods— •
they can, for Iwo ailling, hey ca article Mat will .
make tame breast: pure sa d sweet
11 cures Rm.e of the Gems, spungi or sdeitalid,
and Pattie Teetnit is meg...
ravening gm teeth la the gems, end eloolo teem as
wino as the ssirw al :MD... D.A. ' • '
Sch, reader, are the prapertics of Jonears
Tooth Rasta, sad, with,et praising it odmalses,
what ono ofFi oar mon rupee:al:le sad stmatiLo Do.
tins, Bit. E. eld, ot Clew Yorlt, impa :
"I have both used and analmed been Val and
palpable article, Wort.' Amber TOC: .rdete,) a r
recommendpossessing all the,
ad Poo Reader, we em say uo more
to era:vine d,
only_that if you try 11114 CM= pot will 11C. ?Lev. I.
It 3s Psi tip heautifel Enghish China lor
eceaC'tiold hy We Age., J :Da Line r.
AT me., Plusher.. anstal&WY ••
Ls . Att, oohs. caws we !water-wily au auw, a
the follow-tug are the sews[ qua - lawsal U.. t.otes. o
Joss's Coral Hoer Atestoratsre: racy Vous oar
word, they =aut. thew uaghly teepee:W.4a ottiguita;
who hale vied it—
tioo. Deere; 41 Um sl,liew York.
Mrs. Matilda Iteuves,Ntyrunav, ikon
Mr. Wu. iu.Tomiziars, /lag st,,Vew r-;
Mr. Thos. e aclisoni Alga:ours !semi, hear Ilittrbst: gh •
kl Imo barber steamboat Arlonea.
Atte more Uuta a hwArce others sate, though ei
what thatham Wee MO but to Vote et the
bead or a sc oto at (Ailing ell; stxrigthou the_ rt•
rum:Wog r exal Caralioll Irvin aloe (0019, mat log
ught, red, Or Fly hale wain. a fine duct lack, end
; keeping eity, harsh or *try het, wow, so re, et= and
beautnot• a very, very {hag ums, -
nein by itinnignat,. JACKSON, 210 Linertj:Aii
Pittsburgh. Poch etal.s, wet oho hallos. ,
auGallgerT .
kdraSTlonst Van bid" its
Vier. Cal hasp Cadre- aired pen:dal:inn, sod a'
SOC.C.IS and nidieris toe flit
giving II the tenure and beardiof SI want , . '
Scums, SA. Ileac. atm Scam ate Mao no , only
sealed, but Cured by its sae, OS nit 40.1 At 1.1. I tiyi
awns in New Yost gnaw, whir us. it in limn Candi,
and find it unfailing—as sire fn -
'Patna, IlLoscia, Esteems, or ley other et'nLtL
. The reader' IS assured that this-ta nrir cress
palled ilostrent, as one trial witspiove. I COnlii earl
iterate at lean be persons cured
gona Ilran,Sohn Leas Atin Soya 13.1ann.— ay
and sw it, and the realty is scam &ranted I ovoid
not c racily sell it (or the above unhcio I karat. to be
all l stir.e. Those who nrcliable to •
Curti:hi:nuts°, oa Coast FLISII,IViII
care. Any ego allletedwita any of the tune.. I sun- '
tine diseases, will t.ibitLis mereeven. r..
Mein its prirliorties;thati• l alma -
llut, malice, the cores are geoded with Lae sans,, ,
and be Ware you , s.‘h lbe Ii.INP•o'S U ordieal
Sr.!, Said by W.IL JACKSON, did Litiony meal,
Put,:itirgh' negvii_A -
• - ii:FIXTAKE 7- tTatieNDIAUAIN&FIq
mriuvommos rauentealot:tlAl.4.
They are antiwar° how irightially inraronr. It is
bike /Inn: /OW calror, LOSS ningii, dal: •
tow, yellow, and althearthy h ailttitt ttE,
pears after motg preparVi he- • '
aides it is inlunotts, ueot , olorW" a •
large quantity of Lead! •
We haveprepared a basauful vegatille • clal
watch we call JUNE-6 , SPANI.SII LILY
, perfectly noweent, being purified of '
liarqualaties; to break= a natural,,,cal:
thy, alabaster, clear, Using w Law; at the Utile ass
acting 11111 ieeEletiG 011 the std., InaLisg, sad
amootn. Sold by tlie Agent, W3I.IAC;IIvIN, did lab.
ety sa-rntsburtli. knee 3 erns.
Liir"-.llllogtiony ility ice .
anbsenbers oder tor sale is number o chose
LOU, Antic in the genotid Ward, freatto oLt
IdOtilinint ground, on easy tens. laquire
We, ROUrsiStlN, Atty at
of .TASHOEINSOIsi;. =sore mar a.
Pli-0111stalthAlgitlAl. • •
Y virtue of a precept under tau lv
e bd. of Ilon.
BWm. U. Presidrut of the Confrof Cas
on. Pleas, In and for dm 5111/ admistl idt
sylvams, and JOOllOl of the Court of Ulsr Tr f nithor,
awl Genet al /ad Delivery in and for Bath 1111.1
Hamad /ones and Wilbant lint; Fonts, n a onfato
Judges of 000 samo.Courts, in and for .ho 3,amy of..
Allegheny, dated the 71t1 day of 'May, i 1,14. - yew of
DV /AN, 900 thousand eight hundred and tAly, , an 1
me di tcdtetl, far holdthg a Conn of Uler a rettoinsr,
and Jail Delivery at the Court' ~ , , the .
City - of Ihitabargh en emit:Lind Monday lot.dw.o mans,
at la o'clocki.A. , , • .
/labile nonce Itt.hemby &tern to all Justice* of_ tho
Peace, Coroner, lad Constablea of the Coautt of Alla
gbury, that thty bo than theta, in thete
Path. , with Welerollo.tnntda,lnquisitions ease..
anon; and abet annstmaraanes, to do 1buti.1 . 61,.
which to thelr TeSlnctlveotacce th elr bolt •It spfsat
to be Amts.-and also thus that win pros-coot tha
ptisonet• that now are, or 103 y bo tle J, al .td
Ca. WAY Allegbany,to beta. andthete,to prosecute
•Unlast theth as thatl be ititt.
7 . -ota neat hamat Pittshargh, Ni. 7.01 407 of.,
. • Tau or ono , Lunt, 10.;44 and of I,e
4.. 1 . i.Arak: a CURTI:3, Sta..alt. •
nathwealth la. 'O. vit ,
athinalltkartraT. row,
J. 11•
Ar/OltliklY AT L..
O/Alpo STATC CtthfalldSlO CE (at
ctionsi Acknowledgments or Dands.
fLlT,cn—lomakurcet,..akorn buthlabeld. • •
Dit. JOIIN.IIAREN niimetfelly unmanned to tha
eat/sena or Ili:Abase', taut be has m
located etatocif m th
thts cdf, !o r e pe , ro4 s - 0...,
ticimg :dreamt:le and Uurecry, m 041 to varietal aroma',
es. office on Fourta lancet, No LW. Res4s -
_fie 07 aanse at. ap
t '
NEW (MOTU 5T02.74.
D. STUART & CO, of Poilsilelpini, wlll
we the tat of Apra. an <mare new ttoek of.
And TAILOILT T/1111111INGS, meatier° pneet, eery
low Senth, et No: 110 Yowl at, next :o McKean/es
SAMMAT 2141,K1Y HT,,
, •
AITORNEY 'AT LAW-121ce ninalk
, Fourth a, Lemma Char, alley and tirrat
. . .. •
•IcipEras int, Cour, BA.a.KAOTEB,aO:,
" Ndeid Sduth swot, nazi door toridd.gdok:dlArur
C r iarkoo.4... otu rdoo ;ree" . .
Mb:UN C Tar ofor - sato' Li"'
.tas t, iturcurio. vi 4