The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 21, 1850, Image 4

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    ~M lSCl4itAliE9llik
- -
- ED•AP FntAndird ithiten*.•
Wing by therper tr. Bro , e, let Ger*la. eletla atof
paper. at 40 etas per voL Three Vela toseeired,iead
tore ela by HOPKINS: - •
tell . Apollo Doildinte.Fenalh at...
e eat American Nos!misdeal Words.,
11, PPLETON fo ‘lO., fiew)'<olsi ham in eourse
jj . U f gatrillit ttf , triteTrd, e ' clan n' ter ee .
E n o. '
. - 11406 Worts, and DI/1 nt trim dsigned - tot Prettiest
N7pArins Moo, ond thimble:vied orthstEngtuoctiag
Profrooon. • Edited by Oliver Bymo.
This work Is of lane 800 Was; and will eontain taro
thousand puss, and upwards of aix Malaga Diann..
Dans.. ft w. present wetting &wings and dosesio;
dons of the! mos! , mount:at cambia.% la the Vniutd
../a ID
Bthat he , has now in;olems and will re& . i;,s, and
arena throttle, daring the Meseta month, the largest
and Maldesirable stock of Paulo Fortes ever tinted
• for sale in the west—among the number will be (mud
a MI wmply of
Mineral}, carved Rosewood Grand Pone.,
with all the recent improvements in mechanism and
style of exterior.
Spkndidly carved itcrewoal Pewee octave Square
Piano Frees, finished in the Eitel/m.lm nod Louis
XIV. styles .
With n largo stook of all the Viiilo , ol styles' of Pin.
no Fortes; varying in rice* from *VS to Sint and
hied, prepared by Mr. Chickming for the present
Pu re assured that the mica of Mr Chick'.
allege Pianos have been, and Inn continue to be, the
same as at the man
nod in Boinon,Nritboutthatioi
for transportation; and wilt be delitered and set up
perfect order, in any past of the city, without charge.
.7rnn onitemigned bees !neve to inform the piddle
thotho hos declined beeline. in favor of hi. S.,
. IL Davis!, who will condor , the auction lira Com.
samlon born:toes at the old mud, corner of Wood rad
mush strents,aad for whom he would soiled a Conan
muses of din Liberal patroane heretofore bestowed up
on the booms. JOHN IL DAVIS,
April Ildn ISA •
P. 111.
CODDIDCOI WOOD .10 MTH 61115. , 0R •
WILL Irate oa liberal terms, of Forties and
V V Dot:Walla Mere-01.101re, Real Fume, meets,
Re i t ' and hopes, by experience and aloes attention in
balances, to merit a continuance of the rapport and
petreasee Bo liberally extended to the Pelmet house.
April 9,1 x.
Motto* to our Patrons.
deceue of the active partner, In Philailelp'sfa,
She la t e Jura. hl Davis./ Prodneee mwmapoon
to the business—arrangements have been made which
11111111 , 6 the same intemsts precisely, which have
heretofore existed. The business is continued under
the smne tame and fant,
Junes hi boon t Co., Philadelphia;
• Jmos Nl'Fsrom b: Co.. Pit:shame.
The co:unmanee of the patronage - or oar any
friends is respectfully solicited: If any pawns have
demands egainst the mincer. they art requested to
p:I•ellt them forthwith. for pay:actin
Pinsbnna, April la r n:O. JOHN 74TADEN, Surviving partner.
ai r
IL PALNIKR, No 105 HOnneta. Hues
Ideract street, is peeper.
)1. en to °Ter very neat Ind.:cements to buyers cif
t. L a ' sy A Millinery Goods, of every description. I n d
Facer ow:lA.of every dcairettle style of Plain and
Fancy Suave. Braid, Gimp. french Lace and other
Bonnets. Jenny Lind, Celtfothia, Bound end Square
Top es' w_fur
In end /Manta
Bo liate, in great variety. Ments Leghorn,
Suaw, Bane
, Ca Pearls no
Sultan Hata Rib.
bees. Flowers Bonnets, Bilks, and other Milllriery
ArtinichAe., Moan+
lili - trainTPlatl 3l p.•
• TTAVE removed to Warehouse No. WI Wawr st
betverett Wood and Martel, where will tep
for sale, of Eitel,. saancracturing, ha! assortment o
Iron. Nails, Spites, Castings, and Hot Blast Pipes
warranted of the
quality, at the lowest prices.
o e of the late Grm el Tassey Et Best
hameg peen
an Interest In the firm, will bake
chem. of the •W archoure. and will devote his entire
~t ha deege the besinces, and endeavor to render eat•
Isthmian to the Staudt of his laie firm, and all others
who Duty Ovals. MA their patronage.
m ge Ism, at ',instil/rah.
lattaGlilittrXT 6 wurrx.,
Hevti. starer an d receiving a largo Ntnek,of
DRY GOOD t, selected watt great care for ch.:
western trade, and to they ir.stte the amendea
of elty and western merehante. Great inducements
oLend to Cosh haven:
-.Dir.., Muslim nasa—kriele Yi1115112.
IL,TVRPH fr, BURCHFIY.I.I) are prepared to for
a& malt their entwine" and helots generally with
the very test wake of the above roods, and will do so
at the old prices, notwithstanding the advance of cost.
Some VXITO Lee Sousa Lieen, warranted pure tax
latol received; also, a supply of Table Cloths;
Diapers, Ceaeh, ber.,jast received.
Towels as low as :S cents per dozen, or
cents a pee, at none oust corner of Fourth and
..11 cane, George Arco, Ply:oomph, Englund. The
reneger beg to acquaint their numerous patrons that
we nest Distribution of Portraits of RA^e win
comptin Mow en.erid tor the forth:omine Grand
Nettoull Derby Boer toe occall, ni etgart. 0. Lc
limited to 6,0411 each clap , . Foot eta. member ZIP.
second clan ditto /Z. Perle ',pp:notion for the en
appropriated nines is oceesmary. 'A natty subscrilo
tog for more tin one shore boo the chance of gainer
ao equal number bonen , nonmembers who draw
the vane. Portraits via he presented with toe fol
lowing sumr,..J.
. Permit of tat elan bonne% 31 ditto
Wiener, or Fn: Hone EWA* 110,ot o
a Second Horn. •• • 10,100 bon
Third Ilona • • • v i no 4,000
Divided amongst Pqattera. •• • Ono amto
a Diee-StarLers 0,500 3,000
There ne tatanses in each elns, that being the
none" of bones entered for the race. The Drawing
will be conducted upon the tame legitimate principles
as those which. charnepitino the late Et Ledger and
therptoceelluvrs. Fall parieulars of the result will
be scotto threat members immedietely after the dot
canton, that each may know his potion..
tiutosenbers registered and scrip forwarded on re.
cm}.t of a remittance. Dills of Preonse, 0. 1 1; Dania
Nob., at., uddreated and mode payable to the
Mangier Directors. W./AlllDatcCO.
Five per cent. commission to be reduced on the
presentation of bonuses raratt-am
llofres bunt
( cram niethisZterid tor nprJ,
1630. Cantentre—Neer York nod Eris Heinen
Corasterele/ Sketches with Pen and Pencil; Tae erect
of Came:trot Aholildne renrietinniopon the Tred.
ferofProperty; The An114161y.4 Yht/rovphaerßank
ingi The Production or &di In Neve Vora, ilanknaptcy,
flanktog, to; Carreney—lnterert—Predaitiote Free
Trade vs Protective Tarifa, or Strictures anon the re
port arthe Secretes' , or 'Creeper" of the(biked S
fat OSP, relaung to Coratneren Fattest=
elanEtapthe in the Leah se, an
BLACK WOOD, for March 1350. •
Et:WA:TIC MAGAZINE, .er April. st Helmet ,
Literary Depot. Third etreet opposite the Post Office,
._ISPPLiIt Tulin liStts
lAM 1,016 , prepsred w hyoids epplo TN., horn , he
well known Nursery of Jaeid. N. Brow. The
treersinil Lw delivered at Ow wharf at Idusborah for
CS par hundred. Persons wishing good thrifty trees
rhoold lure their orders soon at the Drug. Seed, soil
Perfumery Warehouse, comer of Wood mid Sulk. ste.
D. A. Pabst &
WIIOLDSALE DatIGGISTS, corner of Pint and
Wood wee& offer for rale,on iscomble tom=
100 bbls Whiting; DM 11. Cart. Ammonia;
Ca do Alno2. • 1553 do Asrofccuda;
300 do Dye Woods; CCM do Credo Tartar;
25 do Lampblack; WO do Liquorice finco2
00 do Van. lied; =0 do- Irish Mona;
8 do Camphor; CA do Red Precipitat e;
10 do Opal. Drown; 110 do Calomel Maori
30 do Nell., Ochre; 25 do do ling.;
10 do Dammam; 220 do Docker Lemeem
d do Clines: 120 do Rhubarb Boob
3 do Clam. Flowers; 400 do camp. do;
14 cares llef. Dor.; au, do Gen Dan do;
:ff. do Gorilla Soap; 000 do 04 . 1 n °dhddid ;
15 do Prnanan Dive; •Za do Selina Minute;
;0 do Cale. Maknemm 500 do Po2ed FttOtodin
13 do Qaorne el Green; CO do do BliArable
sdo Am. Vermilion: 300 do do Lig. Ran
15 reams nand Paper; 100 do do ]clap;
VS Lodi 1 4 iedy Doman; 25 do do Af.CaTenn s i
toodo untie Corksi 200 do SWIM. Zinc;
, bon salph. Morphia; MO do Dar Tin;
Iffan Inn Cape Alma-, yOO do TALMSSOOId:
11100 do In-Carom Potaah;2lo do Qmck Silver;
0,000 do 'Pink 11002 250 do Orange Mel;
100'40 Turkey Umber; 75 do Coehmean
1200 do Cream Tartar; 00 do (I yd Potash;
LW do Mulatto Acid; CO do Morn ;
IMJ do Dra [lran 5 5 do Osanrille
rvEsoLv.ust, 08. ILOK OIL.
ATO 61.4. th2ooll in heaven C aed earth
Than are dreamt of In philooophy.e
RE VIRTUES of, dos remarkolis tweedy, and
the constant application for It, to the proprietors,
has Induced him to It Rye It pot op In bottles with lib'
bele and directions for the benefit of the pawl.,
Tho enrsoLzum la {instilled from a well in One
county, at a depth of tree hundred feet, Bit pure ana
did:crated article, without any chemical timer., to,
)act es lowa fie. Nature's Great Lahrateryl
contains properties reaching &number of 015e.”...t.
60 g a matter of 1111C.116.11y. There We maps,
thin lon ge In er
the arcane of notare,which,if liemirn,might
be of van usefulness in alleviating eugaring, and re
staritig the bloom of health and vigor to many a sub
freer. Lane before the proprietor thoughget potting
it up in binder, it Lad a reputation for the care of dis
ease. he constant a daily Inerenstne cells for it,
and se ererl remarka ble
le cures it has performed, is a
sere Indication of Its femme popularity and
. wide
sprega application In the ...are of disease.
We do oat ash to make a Wit
cotes, as we are consedoes that the rucilleire can man
work its way into the favor of thole who toter and
wish to be healed. Whilst we do not claim for it a
adrenal application In ever, iliscesc, we unhesita
tingly nay. dirt in a number of Clwonie Dkezies It is
lied Among Mudge may ba
diPebta. , of the momaa ounce, loch at CHRONIC
end all ill r .a t i!.oo of • - air passava, Lives
Reshot. Diseases of
. In the Rank or Sole,
le, !thematic Penns,
roves, Bums, Scalds,
mum of debility To
ad retracted cam co
/ relief It will at; as
tTIVE fn such eases,
t whole frame, rectos
iggishfanetiOns, which
wulntion and fidohld
to del the organs of
several 'cora of
.14.NUM for a short that.
op powort who Owes it.
ismoutto of she propriewo
• • , •-•.,4.•!• , ,4:; - ;, , 1 ,, :-. , :-:: ., , ,, : ,, .: ,,,,- :.;.• -- ;. ,,,,,,.. : ,,
p.. -a
yta Pennsylvania Canals &Ball
• Flintrarton,
CPCOSINOR, AVIENS & Co, Cowl Bolin, Liberty
ATKIN!, &CONNOR. & 00., rig & 250 Motket rate;
Orectseas & 70 Nerd, street, Dallinterri
R Meat, New York:
FAutrrr & Casio, 11 Doane street, Bortem
- Ilatemon Czar, Maysville, Rai:tacky;
Hasa & Cannabis! street, Cuicinnatti
R. an.. levisvllle, •
Lula, & Co., St. Louis.
To aloof f AtioshandLoo and Prod= to and
from Balhawnt, /V: Tork,f Barton.
Oar mate being now in Rae oder, wo are prepared
to forward goods IA above at eery /more pt ca. We
faints al; frelabuivs of any charge human policies for
Over NOO,OOO, and with the following extensive, stock Rants feel conlident of gaiter entire satiafaction to
all haziness entreated to oar care. Our boats are all
new, and commanded by captains of cap...knee, and
*wean.. Into is condaeted on stria sadestA /aging
and tnnotranat ptinciplea
Boats., Captain.
flea City, Miran
Maryland, Marshall
eiti[llloll44 Elands
Ruth Anna, Manion
Wm Atkins, Permed
Oarlinan j Riley
Ce/ia flassklas
lohlaiiiiii:O i ii"‘
Jii;d3remehGaner BulterieCUpperftaleY
America, .Perry Ohio Bello Kearney
Mermaid 11PColgrat . Hunter Worde
Tito Fox , EFQ.uade , Julia Ann 7 Layton
Aurora APDorrell . TelegraplNo2.oavls
b.k Shari' Berry North Queen Wible
n•oaPiterswul find it to their tolvanthhh to gins 611 11l
tall. . , . O'CONNOR, ATKINS u. CO.,
un.lo CaUMßoxinLibem , LpMb_Exa.
— Western TrwasporlaTiiiii — C - ozsairsay: —
Effi!M -1850. __M_.*at
By Pennaylcaths Ca.! and Ban! Road
Boats and Corn of this Line hose been put in
T compete order. and yeah the addition of severs
new ones to the Line. enablfs W to carry a large
quantity of produce end good..
The entire stock of the Lane Is owned and contra
ed by the Proprietors:
HARRIS & 15 , '7 , 11, No 13Seallt Third at,
And nr the Tobacco Warehmte, Dock - et,
Phi adephin, Pa;
No 114 North llotthed a, Delmore, hld.;
OFFICE, No 7 {Veal W; New 'V art;
D LEECH & CO, Cann Ruin . Fenn at,
ntrl3 . Patebe h.
Maga .1850. m ait i
CLARK, PARKS & CO, Rochester, Pa, Proprbt.
Office nor Smithfield nod Water sts, Pittsburgh.
Cleveland, Ohio-
WHIR well known Line are prepped to transport
I. freight and Passenger! from PITTSIMJROII sad
CLEVELAND. to ant point on the Canal and Lakes.
The facilities of the lone me unsurpassed comber,
quality and cipacity ef Boons, experience of cap Was
,and efficiency of Agents. •
Old Boar leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, ran•
dog in connection wilt, a Line of. Steam Boats be
tween PIITSBURGII and Bki.i.VER; and a Lute of
Fiat Class Mom Boars, Propellers and Yeasela, an
the Lakes.
Clark, Parks & Co, Rochester, Pa;
N Parks & Co, Youngstown, (thin;
hi B Taylor, Warren. (P
A & N Clark, Newton Falls, O;
I Brayton & Co, Ravenna. th
Kent, Grinnell A Co, Frtiaklm, 0,
A moire, Cuyahoga Falls, 0;
Wheeler, Les A Co. Akron, 0;
Chamberlin, Crawford &Co, Cleveland, 0;
Rebhan/ &Co Sandusky, 0,
Peckham & S cott, Toledo, 0;
Williams it Co, Dewed Mich,
A' Ca, Nl**
blurfey A Dutton, Racine, l'Vi
George A Gibes, Chicago, till
Thomas Hato, Chicago, 111.
mr2O corner Water and Sielthltlats
ailiao2 1850.
CLARICE,PAIIRS & Co, Rocherter, Proprietor.
THE Pruprietors of thin Old and well known Line
j would Inform the public that they are now lo oP
cratiou for the . prmeet *canon: and have commeneed
receiving Fre ight and Paseenters, which they are
folly prepared to earn to all points on the Canal and
At the lowest vett. One of trio Boats of the Line
will be constantly at the landing, below alomingulwil
Bridge, to receive freight.
_ . JOHN A. CAUGHEI - . Agent,
Wane, nor Waxer and Smithfield Ma, Pittsbergh.
W Cunningham. New Castle, Fat
klitehettreo & Co, Pulaski;
C Mina, Sharon;
• J & 5 Hull, imp hard
Niel. Aare A Co, firee.llle;
Wm Wary, Ilenstown;
Win Power, Connenctinlie;
John Hearn & Co, Erie John J Holtinter & co. Rugalo, N =CO
1850. akma
Ilksver Polnt)
l'lrAtests for RIDIVELL , S prrrscumoH AND
PACIZErtti to. tar and tAtoptno betwern riust.crch
and itcet,Ctle, by Mews ttolle yllebltaa, I 4:0 Erie,
and 11.
trr tt oo•tt reecitted and pronar.ty delivered m all
pl,es on ,h Cana. aid 1..t1e4, •t tla lo•gut Taut.
Shipper. will plow: direct good. to 41.dtarcitt.
A C. BIDWELL, Agent,
=OW Water at, Pi:Wain, b.
Ptttrb esh . Portable Beat Lletr, --
1850. , Mfa
rot riu Taa.narenakr.ox or rsa:.ur
Teo.. Hamm; t I TAAsirg G CPCO,AoIt,
Philadeiptim. i . Pittsburgh.
THE Canal being no's open, th e propneuars of this
long bstablished Line are aNusual at th eir old
unlade, receivirg and lorwerding Merchandise and
Ponder., at Inw retes t and wigi the PwlllPmcw, no!.
minty, and Amy, peculiar to their •pleal and mode
of transportation. 'Mere wet-mediate transhipment is
avoided, with the rorrimment delays and probability
of damage.
Merchandise and Produce shippsui newer weal, ind
Oil/ i of Lading forwarded free of charge far commis-
Won. advancing, or storage. Haring to interest di
rectly or indirectly In stearnhons, that of the owners
Is solely consolled when shipping nheir geods.
All cdrilintudeations to the folioseing agenta prompt
ly attended to:
• No 473 Nark,' wow., PtoloOe
Cooled Peon and %lino. street., Piasoargb.
John MECallas!, & Co, 45 North at, Hat& P.B. Bust
& Co. 25 Doane st, Bosun', W. & J. T. Taoscott & Ct
trt &oath .4 New Yotkt James Wheelwright, Cm.
1850. iSAgE2 1850
rivreovual lEi
71111 S LIM:, with onserpavver.l laellines„ is no
prepared to Venom. Freight to Clevel.d, th •
Lake parts, Ohio Ilonsl, end intend:dime plates, o
the Moo favorsoloterms, and with thy greatest de
Shippen are dotted to those ,Who have heretodir
patronised this Linn. Seed goods to tildidore , re One.
Aatow—.l C Bidwell, water er, Ithptherga;
& urother, Roelvoder .
L 0 Mon.boovv, Cleveland;
Modes & Green. do.
A D Jacobs. Youturidiein;
C H Lelngwell is Co, Warren;
' A & N Clark. Newton Falls
J Mayon & Co, Ravenna .
Ken; Grennell re Co, Franklin WIN
• Thomas Earl. do do;
A H Mlller. Cayaboga Falk
W Htephens a Son,
Wheeler, left Co, do;
J IlkJat Edson, do;
J J Ildfrour,Starrillon;
Ca:amine & Co, do;
Win Monteath & Co, Buffalo;
It .1 Bibb. &CO, liandamy;
H If & Cr; do;
F. fluke!' & Co, Toledo;
H N Strong, Detroit;
Murphy & Dutton. Racine;
Ball & FJkma, Sonthport;
Donsman & Co, lidllwaukies;
1)" Deliinson, Llole Fort;
Kirkland & Taylor, Sheboygan;
Dale, Ritallb[Y it - CO, Cbinago;
Thomas Hale, do.
Pittsburgh. blared MI. DM.
MgM /85° :#116$1
DettereceaPlitalvverati ern savers Cities.
The Canal being now urea, we
ands ready to receper
and forward prompt] y, produce eacrehandize east
and lIITSL
Freight. always at lowest rates, charged by tarpon.
gide line.
Prelim. ant tnercbandire will be received and for.
warded east and
without any . charge (or for.
warding or odiraneleg Wight,
all len or storage.
Cilia of lading formatted. end lw
flal7t attended In.
Aedreor of apply tn, BINGHAM.
Caoar Duna, ertir. Libertyy. and Wayne 51.1.
No ICI, Natter et, between 4th k an, viva.
North Howard ila p iumora
rorla JAS. BING lIA hf,
No InAlreat met. New Vert.
ai raarr i k r l yt li •r am assz a3 lite o ra n. tirss m ot .i. O g lill pe a n. as .
from any pa is of tii4and, 'mead. Stoll dor
Wales, upon the non liberal trrms wit h their
anal punelnality and macaws -
e to "MU and econ•
fon otematigrants We do not oor p g
be robbed by the swiedling scamps that Inr, e 5... ."
ports, as ere tate charge of them the moment they re
port themselves, and see to their well Wog, and de;
!patch them without any by the hrst
WO Say tbst fearlersly, as weary one .1 oar palaces
gen to show that they were detained W r.nrs by tts
ld'rrrlmOi, whilst thousands of others • we detained
months, ma they weld he sent In rotor ad Iran, se a
what th may, and hot ant al Me. the ease last season,
Whit ether offeeny—who either performed hot aU,or
when It suited Metz mmeenieneo.
Drafts .drawn Pleabargh for any 110 S, from £l, to
MOO, Tayside at any or the Worttaial Banks in ins
bad, ..giarld,Seotland Lod Wale. -
JO9/11:1/. ROBINSON,
- , • toweart and General Agent,
ralo Vieth 01101 K. WM doer below Wend?
Whin gibe art
67.1 Xs,
MIRCYLVA - N10:U84 , -
Ne 73. Pe
Tyr b
Spring Bc .k of
Trimming Rc~ eziwprisin
king Soper Anal
• q - Eaglish d Lamle
s .Perfino
&merli ru ns Ingrala Carl!,
Common, all wool,
1,4, 1 Tap Van Cu.
44,1 and I Tarill'd Carp..
41,1,1 and 24 plain Car.
List sod Raw Carpets,.
Panted Cotton Carpets.,
64,ths; 644 44 sad
44,54,44, Lodi Mahar:
18 Loeb pan= 08 Cloth
for stun.
Casco Tsnousss.
Moo andrDrab Cloths;
Cnroson Noah:
Coach 011.614
llamado for LloJogai
Watorcd bionics.
Boats: Caput=
Penns➢leaata E Lupton,
Lnnia, Cowden
CoL Howard Ridley
Dory Deborah air,.
Entlmnae, Karon .
Jnoraut Brown
(inn. Stott, Bola
TeleraptrNo ISltteldo
Liao, or
Dor Holland f W9haden
Frenth tnesp. o
Wools!, Blinds;
Bantam for Flags:
and lla Table Liman
MUIR Crash;
Scotch Diapers;
Drown Linea Nspalsoa
Gorman Oil Cloak Table
• Covers;
SoErr Oa. Cunno Go
in width, which will be cut to fit rooms, halls, and
vestibules of any size or shape.
The undersigned having imported direct from Eng
land, his Velvet Pile and Tapestry CARPETS. These
Carpets, which rue of the least and meat elegant
styles and patterns, end attic most gorgeous colon,
will be sold at prices solace iithey can be purchased
for in any of the eastern cities.
'hying the lamest easentnent of the tichsta and
most faxitionable iIItUBSELs. IMPERIAL THREE
PVC and INGRAIN CARPRIS winch far sumou
is quality and cheapness Mprice,any atonement ever
before brought tothis city. Ile oleo bodies Steamboat
Men and Coach Menufacturers to his large and well
selected ansonment of TRYMMINGPhend other articles
necesrary in their business. I ran
The undersigned is also agent for the only Stair god,
Menai - eatery to Philadelphia, and to prepared W toll
!ewer than can be purchased elsewhere In Ws bity.
matt tVV. MCLINTOCK.,#
AA. MASON A. CO., 60 Market street, between
. Third end Founh, am now receiving elute as.
sortment of Bangs, Do Loins; Persian Cloths, an at
tire new article; Palletood Cape De Lake, Am with
a large assortment of Lamm sad other Dress Goods,
of the latest styles and most far hionable colors.
COFFEE - 30 bus prude Itio and Java;
Caninus-40 boo mould, dli•red, and aperm;
Coma-1661m Coen:n.l English Do y;
Colas—Md. Hemp and Manilla;
Cassia—SO Mans;
Ciness-4 banal;
Cu:ism-40 61 Common and half Fpanisb;
Ftt-25 brls.d hair belt Mackerel and Bianca;
Otsss-60 bus assorted on.; • :te
Ilaua-1510 Prime Venis.iej
1000 Sugar Cared;
lame-106 lbs B F and Manilla;
lu oLuass—W brls s-16 dos ila rrisons N
Orleans Dui lad Copying;
:16 half brls Basin Holm;
Murrsao- 4 01 dos matted ;amnion;
Macciatoxi-50 lb. ball.;
Vassucum-80 lb. do
Nsus-200 kegs assorted;
fettsm-5 ibtalan amend;
rascuts-30 bushels halves;
Paris Su reams assorted;
Paun.-11:0 lb. Bordeaux;
Boar-60 boa Rona .d Con Steel;
Brosa-10 Wide N Orleans and denied;
Tas.-60 packages Green' end Black;
Tou•sco-20 boa 12,6, Al b letup;
Warn 80A.11.0.-60 dot Mont Zoos;
For sale by D WILLIAMS t CO
nulhl Corner of Fifth and Wood abs.
. • .
'mats ! FURS! FURS!—T4I3 subscribers lett! pay
I . tor Coon, Mink, Nose Rol, limy zed Red I•ol,
end ell kw& of gdppir.g Fors, tie highest eartere
pnef c s.
owner Fdte and Wood sta.
TESE Partnership heretofore attain between Jaime
Timex and John Best, is the Grocery, Produce
and Gouteitaion busmen, was diutoned by . m
Consent, on the lb inst. Mr. John Beat hal.; pee.
hchased the enure ham-rest of James Taney, in th e
em, th e business led! be settled by him. at their old
stand, No. 33 Wood at. JAAII33 TASSa i
r Ilan/lug..
QPRINCI be received, by firm
CI tonal shit/menu, a new sad enlace aworwsent of
Wall 'Paper, of the latest French and I.leinern stylcs,
is gold, lb Mai. oak, plain and nigh colon.
W. P. PtitIiSLIALL, Date N. C. ((Ill,)
virt ft •K. 5 Word sweet
liS Co-puttenhip heretofore eluding between B.
o.l.lelh6eld and John WOOL, ander the fine el
Bushfield d Co, is this day diwolved by moot. ]
eon.. The hosluera of the otifirm will be letued by
B. U. Litohfield, at the old nand, Na r D LOwny urea t,
Wirth I, UM. JOUNMU.
3tte M.'hol. .. t lea O
rt.! Dry fiatrdo ddd
proem booLorse, at alto old stand, No. VOLltreny
nodcr the Yam of D. U. ISUBLIFIELJ) CO.
Man" 1.1.00 .—Dorld
I lita Um. aseaciatca.grsua utc, ut rgrplym,
µle Grocery. Commissioa,•and ems/ding bast.
new, my two Sons, R. N. sad W. B. Wetness. The
asinen in tutsta will be ea ed acted under the style a
.13. Waimea. & Sens, at sue ad No 31 Ws
et sail et Frani street. 1..8. WATERMAN.
WILD CHERRY, the Mill remedy foe
And the bee medicine lc coven ...•
to man lot Aultma of even helm beet
Complunte. Ihnotbnis, DI teen, Covell*. Cble,
kneedlng of the Loons, e..ottne.G.d decent.
Pur... and Weohot.. It the etch: .
Wean, &e . lend all odut
Uneaten of the
A very Important disease over +nab day Bevan et
ens a Ten powerful butane., a Mu of a
. • —• • • .
In this complaint It tins — andoabtedlyproved mon
edteanouo2.9 any remedy hitherto empinyed, and la when parents had endued long
and seven, suffering from the dlaeases i lnthout rarely
ing the lean heaths from various remedial, and when
Mercury has been resorted to to vain, the use of this
Law. has restored the herr 14 • healthy =bon, sad
In many ittllalletal eir...4 permanent ear., after
every well known remedy Pad (ailed to Pride.a this
desired erect.
. .
!Moder Its asMelsiiin g e fleecy in the diseue abaci
menuoccd, we also find it a vcry arum:sal mmedy In
Asthma, a complaint in which it has been extensively
eyed with decided success, even le eases of year.'
castling. With au Maumee , intelllgenee hae grown
ap a knowledge of the elements of hetith, , ael a re.
gard fur them, and commemorate-1y with the strides al
science bate we acquired the means or arresting dis
cs., and evening lu ravages Notwithrtandieg the
proven we have made; caustics stow ther even
now, one sixth of the whole 1 opulence die annually
One al the most important discoveries of Me ega, in
amellorelleg the cohdilima ef dug bergevelese pf•
feriae huteanny,
Winer% Balsam of Cherry I. a fine methyl
Medicine, composed chiefly of Wild Cherry Bark and
Melte/mem teenind Mon, Itbe latun imported elves.
ly tor this parpice4 the rare medicinal Timms of
which are combined by • new chemical process,
with the extract of Tar, the. rendering the whole
compound the teen certine and <lleum° remedy
ever discovered for
Bllli farther evidences of the remarkable castles
propeniee of this itunornsble prepay Won:
Renzieuxu.., Brown en, 0., Avg. 11, IDS.
Memo. liatzdiorn tr. Park: Dentine., Aboet six
week; ago I received the agency of Whines Manna
of Wild 'Cherry, bat with nate relecumee on my part,
for the reason-mat I had beets Biz-argent of re many
tills and wrier nostrums, which were cracked op to
e something an: martini, hat which tamed oat In the
end to be of no aceOant whatever, exeepl, to the man
tincture, Bat I candidly admit that this time
been deceived, for the extrzonfinare ewes effected by
Wlolar's Balsam bane convinced me that "rood cac
come oat of N.areth." Your egoist left me one doz
en bottles, winch are .11 door—haring bees the means
of corlng eceeral oba.ala caws of COnonmption.
and no Wankel Inc what I see mid know I am boom)
ta believe. One cam to pantealan A prang gentle
man In Wire...ter, Adam. county, V., 10 miles hen
tali place, w.s Cared of Consaillptloil when the doe
tors b. green him up, or at lead:cupid do nothing for
him, said ,twat the imenhon of MU friend. to convey
him to your city, and placebt .der the canto( some
phyalefen there. But a friend told him of
,! Winans Balsam, and that he could obtain It of ma.
! lie sent for It, and before the eccondluatle area goes
be was wend and well, and atiredingte his
bounce. As there are several IncillUies for the meth.
erne, it would be well to forward en additionaleapply
oraboul delay. Very respratfully, yours,
The above, from is Newland,EUZ., • highly respect
able entintry merchant, COZUMenda , Itself foreiblii to
the candid otiention of all nil. who have doubted
the great merit of Wletar's WildEherey Balsa.
Rememter the original and only genuine Wistaria
Balsam of Wild Cherry, was Introduced in the year
teICI, add be. hero well tested to all complaints for
which it is recommended. For t 7 years it has proved
more efficacious as a remedy for Caughs, Cold., Ind..
era, Bro.hitis, Amines, and Consamption In its in.
Cipietit stages, than tory other medicine.
New Darnto, Aug. 111,1949.
Mr. B. W. Fowirl Having Veen many certificates
published in relation to Dr. Maar , . Balsam of Wild
Cherry, I take this opportunity M. offering a word in
its favor, which yam are also at liberty to publish. A
few months steer my wife'. le lila become Co much af
fected-IMM a madden cold, that she lost her voice, and
eaffered severely from pains in the breast. Her am.
non caused her friend. much tier. Having head
your Balsam strongly recommeaded by thaw. who
asea 11,1 purchased a tattle from your Melt in Lt.
plate. She look It aceoMing to directions, and It pro.
dud • wonderful erect. Before ming one bottle she
had completely her voice, the pains 'ulna&
ed, and her health lei. Coon hilly re-esteldisbed.
Your., Only, • lILIIHY O. BRIfitiThIAN.
To Daemons atm Duane, to McencrnA—Thi eel•
ehrated and Infallible remedy for the mare of Calumny.
tion, Asthma cod Liver Corrals Mt, has by Its own me.
Hu, been rapidly, sons and safely working its way
through the opposille e n r of qua c k. and counterfeiter.,
until, by Its we vale ad:l , 7Elle n ear i
I fitineditseniftte, of an and en.
lightened public, from one cod of the continent to the
other. The testimony of thourade whalers bee ore.
breed and mud say this minable aniele, +how
that at stand. nnri.lled—ol the bead of all other me.
diction. for the cure of datum. for which it a meow.
mended. The genuine Dr. Winer's Balsam of Wild
Cherry 11 now for sale by duly appointed Agents, and
all respectable dealers In medicine., In all large mile &
and all important towns throughout the Unitsul Bate&
Pawn ID p..l3entha 1812 Bottles for 83.
Bold by J. D. PARK, aeceemor floudfdiall . " l
Fourth and Walnut salmi, CiemitinelisOiner.Omie ,
Agent for the South and West, GE.Whinifilforden
meat be addressed.
Li Jr. James A. Jenegt EildilkOm
,Eatmestock k. Co, Pituba44. Wash.
ttr i :e; W. H. Lumberton, Fandribi,..l4ll. Bowie,
nom ; H. Welty, Greensburgh; B:lfinlntaßomer•
dLicott Ir. Gilmore, Bedford; Reed & Bon, limiting.
on; Mrs. Or, Hollidaysburg; Hlldebmn I & Crb DM.
ant; J. IL Wright, Kluanning; Evans so Co, Theo*
A. A. Willett k. Pon, Wayneabergb; DFFerland &
Co, N. Calhader, Meadville; Burson & Co, Er* J.
Dearer, Junes, Kelly & Beller, &Bala,
D. Sammenen, Warren; F. L. & Saone%
CantOreaku,Jr Otowanals.
C ..• • Raw letn• or, and at
WO 00,
W' .
• --11:0A NIS COLUMN.
MP AL the Idedlelnea.t..itiima by W. B. aumN
ere .1d br
g . g gELLEgs, Wood street, and JOAN P.SCOTT
I. , berty Piasbargh.
tannlnOam t by JOHN G. Syy p 'lly.
letk i ary, by HENN -15CHWAR17. an
sank Street..
lOW conemutyrepeestair kis
Vi aguit .i te fallowing, als-
Tapestry Ct r l3 ' 174
ma Brussels sr
' , fat igl7 •4
Atm Best and Ohoiapezt Mors. Medicine
otarraiwarr Asa Comorruns
How worth; rear wrote. For Purim. Madison Bofir
swerre crifirmENT
And hi rapidly &ammo:Wag all other Oinonenis and
tho.= now in nee forth° enro of the roit01•114 db
Extra wiper wean:2o3lSo
Superfine do Ta do Roar,
" tted Rutriti
Psi,. WC , OII
Coniston do
Ctenille Door 110 . t.14
Ad Sheep Skin
Extra orb:Wtable "Wl* coven
Emote Emboss Table
d Plano •
• •
Printed woolen •
Endowed Stand •
Lt.. =demand •
Deena Star tinern
Turley Red Minuet;
Che tag, Bordartnin
English Oil. Cloth l'able
Brown Linen crumb cloths
Widen •
Wen Blab Soda;
Sall ',TOM..
COMO{ Binding. •
Into and Coco Maly,
&Scant and Skeleton Minn
S 4 and 44 Green Oil Cloth
for Minds;
linetebaet Diaper,
Fresh vronads, galls of all hods, sprains, bruises
cracked huts, =shone, windhone, windgalls; pal
evil, Villas, souls°, sweeney, fistula, aided, strati
lameness, sand crack, roandainid feet, scratches or
pease mange or hone distemper.
The Powder will remove all Inflammation mai fever
purify the blood, loosen clan akin, cleanse the water
and moorhen MIT put of the bodr, and has proved
a soverelut remedy for the following disease=
Distemper, hide Wand, loss of appetite, lowan.
strain, Yellow water, lagammulon of the eyes, fangtm
from bard exercise; also, rheumatism. (commonly cad.
Led stiff compLuint,) which proses so fatal to many sal.sable horses In Mb country. It is also • sofa and ex,
Isla remedy for coughs and coldswhich
_generate so
many fatal-dmeasea W. D. SLOAN,
Grand Depot, 40 Lake at, Chicago, Illinois.
Extract from the °Galena North Western Gazette.%
By the am of Sloan , . Clintm.t .d Condition Pow
der, I dare entirety awed a fistula on my home and
otherwise imoroved his condition mom than CAD pa
mint on the cost of the medicine And a cow whin
was so feeble es to be considered worthien by tepee!'
and neighbor•was restored to good health and strength
by the use rifles. than half a peekage of the powder,-
and is now doing better than , fay other cow I bare.
Small P., May 13,1848. WIL VINCENT.
me_mor apnovedFns.
Ehereby certify that one of mrchildren, when na
ked, fell into a large Are of live coals, and was burned
severely from head to feet The best of medical aid
and attention was given to the child far four or - IMF
dims without any relief—each dart sufferings mercrii:
ed till his growls could be IfOrd eta great distance, at
which entice' period coin ortalltelghbore recommen
ded and presented to mekalrox of Sloan , . ointment•
and in lees than fifteen milines after the applleation
of the ointment to the aggravated sores of the %offering
child, the pan ceased chtlzely, and he speedily began
to recover. My residence la In Hen township, ye,.
million county, and State of Indiana.
Chicago, Aural $11,1968.,
April 17, 15th. Four miles north of Chicago ton tha
"coed to Illslwankie,) Cook comity, Illinois
4 Mr. Moira—Dear sir One ol my horses bad a eke
bony tumor on hls breast bone, Immediately under the
collar which lamed like and rendered hi. services of
:TW. l 4ZOZlCnVrffro i n:Ei l lte:7lgl:=l:
lout benefit. I than pretend Wilder's Celebrated
Rpm Ointment, and used that until 1 became hilly
liatisfled that it wodd never relieve the animal. Fi
nally I obtained • box da ys ur truly valonble Orati
meet, and in les* thira 40 from the Gist erratic.
don the tumor entirely disappeared, end the horse was
. .
gr. opinion 111 any Witt 'ion Of the worth area
e Invite the ineredalone to read at taut a few
of the any volentalT ermineates that app ear in oar
cabanas et:veering the treat very of arkable
ewes awned by ui
the P. Ot ufiloan's Celebrated Dint.
mesa and Condition Powders",
Them *smilea no longer remain among those to
doubtful utility, they have - paned from th e Ude of es •
ertinent. and now mend higher repotation and an
becoming more Menthe} Reed than all other
des of the Itind..—blielt. City New.
Fax gnat, June 12,
Dear Sloan--Sloe Plum eentiby the bearer a LIM
supply of you Hone Medicines. They are the beat
avian, of the kind that I have ever need, never hay
ing been disappointed In their effect, as I have been in
the en of others, even the molt celebrated Chnonauta
Lltdritenta, to., of the day. I like very mach this fut.
tare in them, vizi that they do ell that a promised, and
open ►
a thorough trial one le eontralned to add. Mat
ulf has not been told..
Baapeotfally, U. DUDLEY.
. . -
Its ordinary oiramenu and liniments it is wall
known an sevens and partial in their operation.—
Sloan'. Mumma is mild yet thprougb—it reaches and
IVIICMCB the came, bane* it silt s real and pumunerd
Mint Ear parity, madams, safety certainty, and
therroughnam, Stsaa's Ointment m eel., rapidll
aarperseding all Mbar °Mune nu and ' nu now
la am.
Ham's Gaon, lit, Octal, 1949.
Mr. Sloan—Bin !ham tatted Ma virtue of your
Ointment in the cunt of mulestake biota, sore Moat
barns, and many other inturips, and in aveff eau it
haa al:paused our mpoetations. As a family Out
mem, I have never seen itanual, and for beast. yr
can't get along without it
- .
Mr. Sloan--Dear &e Foe • considerable length al
laic I was mriotudy arkinted with the theamane cam.
plaint, and applied freely the venoms liniments, paint
& it., 'echoer obtaining any relict. Ater which
your .nit at this place Ingueneed me to try your
&mtraent, and within two weeks from the time I com
menced an d
it. the pain mimed, 11.11 eras creetnally
entod. and shall recommend all who tire &innerly at.
meted with the &strewing complaint to memo year
excellent ointment withest delay
prth rt..74).;,:m .. .. „ may =AR P. MOT'.
cp- Flom the lion. ii. V. 9. Brooks, Agent or the
Illinois and kliehigan Canal Packet flout Company.
Cromer, Jane 21, rein;
Dr. W. B. Sloan—Dear Sin For the last Zu years I
have had oneasiest to i.e many homes, and have used
thagreat variety of liniments and ointments in am
bat have tievet found aoy thing equal to you, eke, ,
meal for Inbariez on hones. {Within the last tare
months I have applied your ointment to some 90 horses,
for nation Name, and in every Instance it hu
ved a semszeigayemedy.
Two sidles Matti of Clacayo, Dept 14, 1518.
Dr. Sloan—Rim On Inc Rh instant my eon bed a fin.
rer bluer entirely of by shone. We iminediatelf 67 ,
plied your eelebrimed eminent, which relieved tam of
pain in a few mitten., and prerenteel the linger from
6..1144 the leut particle, end the emend le Lasko,
rapidly. ResVy 700114 S. 'BSUCKW AV.
111r.Sinan—Dear Sir About three yeare ace I was
ko'fkrely Mitred in one of my Dos by Ile foiling of a
ptle awned whlch tmeastoned large conning nicer,
Nearly every doctor in Galena toted to cure, bat
tried in vain. until from sympathy and improper treat.
mammy other leg become an bad an the one original
ly wonnded. I deepeirod of ever being well again—
bat at order that I motet neglect no means wt.., my
moth, I purchased of your agent in Galena some .0
yea. ointment. and yoacanuidge d ray sacrum no
grmitode hotter than I inn 'coma* It, to find myse it
enorely well before I had fuushed acing the second be
'These fact I make known that others offhand may
believe and not delay acing so notable an ointment
ac your. has proved to De. Resp'y your grateful trSI,
Galena, DI-, Dee. li, MS. EVAN DAVIS.
Before tho following order, Messrs. Vaughn & Co.
parehased • large supply at Sloan'. le..eon&
/amen, Eire. pro Fe& 94, 1e49.
S. I. Hibbard—Dear lam out or Slaash; Condt.
lion Powder and norm Ointrocut. The sale tar ea-
teed. my expeembon. If you em manage la Send me
4 dorms Ointment, I will pay for them Ore first boo
that you are Fere, and premme I Mall be able to .6
a lama rmmthy is the cosine of the year. It will he
am object to y as well es to myself, to keep me con
stantly supplied. ou,
Very resp'y yen"
no. locus, Feb. t 7, IJIe.
Dr. Sloan—Sim About two years•go, while renins
On the Mlaissippl nuns, Is pastas over the rapids, I
was plunged Into the water, and by the rail dashing
against a rock, crushing my left leg mid otherwise ea
riouely informs me, so much that I bat all sensibility.
When coacivasemse returned I f4trid myself 111 Pl.
Leas, surroanded by my weeping family. Good nerv
ing and medical aid, enabled me in Mom two menthe
tohobble aroand aria the automat of le rata. 'fee
lemma culy partially heated, kayak large running
rams at the knee, which for many months discharged
blood and matter of the mat offensive chasms,. My
pains went inexpressible, at times my marring erns
DO {Teal that death would have rreet•ril • heart wel
COMO. Fortunately Mr. rant; lone elms ninglzhorel
advised ma to try your amens I obtained a box
applied it according to direction—the sores soon began
to assume a healthy appearance, and In ,three mouths
I wrot entirely Oiled, and enabled to do hard lat.,
Year obedient ma'am,
We, the undersigned, neighbor. of IL W. Thomas,
were aequaimed tab the ease above staled, and know.
Ing the etreratar es, moat
. .
Eocene, Jan. PM, IMO.
W. 11. Mean—Plc One of my horses sous lager bound
and also grounded In the tithe, In which he tick cold,
and became so crippled that he could scarrely travel.
Ey the free •pplication atom valuable orniment, his
boors were peon softened and the stifle permanently
cared. I have also used the Ointment In the case of
Poll-Evll and on severe mills with equal mem..
On • wished finger rem W. very panful, it oprens. ehmm. Yoars,ke, A. VAN ORDEN.
Ointment and Condition Powder are ac
knowledged hy all who have toed them to be the lest
remedy for horses and eatde that her been discovered.
Fresh wounds, galls, spavlos, bruises, ringbone, poll
evil, and in abort every oanvard disorder or imurf can
be eared by this wonderful remedy. The Powder h
designed for Inward utodits diet. Loper, hide bound,
fatigue from hard exercise, diseased eyes, fr.e.—Loke
County Chtonlele.
W Cook C.O. Feb.l3, 1819.
Mr Bloon—Pirtl=ne young bor e thatnte
taken with the oeratchee loot lan. I polo out about
three dollars for 'medicine to core him, but be grow
wone. I then bought a boo of your ointment at your
office when in Chicago last, rather doubtingly, but I
thought I would try it. Judge of my surprise and my
opitun al ha beneficial qualities, when I found my
horse. it
legs smooth and well in lour days front the dine
I commenced applying it. Your obedient,
More than fifteen years of unrivalled success In the
core of every variety of external diseases and inane.
sorb as sprains, bakes, mats, burns, ammo., ear,
rises, sore Lip., sore break, chapped hand. chid
blau, biles, ulcers, earns, pains in the back, aides, or
other parts of the system, rattlesnake biles, exe., bars
ample testimony that 81oank Ointment k jam the thing
for the boar. t.eenfieate. without number have been
received by the Proprietor from disinterested individu
als, giaiog details of remarkable cores by its use.
Mllwaukie no. %Vie., 0et.13, ISIS.
Mr. Sloan—Dear Si,, Recently my hones ran away
with a .og chain lunched, which cat and otherwise
Inland them serinusly, se much so that I conwdered
my leant tuned for business. Fortunately a friend re.
commended the um of your CUILLAGOL I went to MR
menhir, and purchased • bat. It soon removed the
ineurnmation, end in a law days the wounds healed
The greet benefit derived from the um or your Ont.
meat, enzyk.hesing Its rsee, induced me tO acquaint you with
*greet, publicity would benefit you and
the peddle. Respectfully yours,
And has become n cannon wing, that Skims%
°bum= and Condition Powder an rapidly super.e
ding all other remedies for I 1 Mamas of hones and
canna The busty of the medicim eoandsla In then
pn~ty noel .e V, to wit: they may be Ina scot so
ktdy wain,' lay dampir of taking mild, or any once
way ymmlthwillipi_{belt &Tacct am, and Oder faß
itautifin Wm&
Exmlmvt' OINTMENT.
° pledkmer of
asm the t a ter 7 artoa, Ohio, 40 iset.
FL Sellers: I think it natter the benefit of ethers
to sum some farfrii, relation to your nlkkilklti Pk*
I have used y. a Vermituge 'ninet In my own ittei
lly, One fre,aently anloretlng fo r e xpellintri
Q uantal. (bey Ito 20o) worms from meo chilliest I
hats also seed your Liver Pills end Slough Syrup a
my fatally, ind they have in every inst.. peoduced
Me egret desired.
ds / Mot ...Mace , / in merottaudieing, I am able to
state that I neve yet to hear ef the Erst Milano where
your medicates have been need nruenoe of the
country. ill eenehiltlen, I tatty state that the"' are the
medicines of the day, and are destined to bare • very
extensive pspalanty Years, rei eetol
it . 11. P 1331111.
. .
Prepared and sold by R. r I EitS,No 67 Wood
street, and said by Draggy g cannily to the two ci
ties sad vicinity. mv3l
original, only roe, and genuine Liver Pill.
Eno. Caw_ Ohio county, Va.
Numb imb,ls4p. $
Mr. R. E. Sellers: Dear Slr--1 think it a duty I owe
yon and to the public gwierd. ly, to state that I have
been alEimcd with the Liver Complaint for a long
ume, and so badly that an ahem famed and broke,
which left me in a very low state. Having beard of
your celebrated Liver rills being for sale by A It
Sharp, in West Liberty, and recorar i al i nded to me by
m.Tore h gal — . tr.;. E h - Zat2l% ° ,Udo ed l :ort e hetT
beim what they are recommended, THE BEST LI
VER PILL EVER USED; and alter taking four haze.
I and the diatom has entirely left me, and 1 am now
perfectly well. Respectfally you.,
West Liberty, March of, lass.
._ 1 certify that I sm personally acquainted with'lir
'UOlltuot , and eon bear testimony to the troth Cl the
'they* zertifiente. • Alt 111AIIP
The rename Liver Pills are prepared and sold by
E i LLERS, No 47 Wood street, and by druggist.
in toe mu cices.
TO THE unme.—The ofiginal, only true and gen
uine Liver Pills are prepared by Et E Sellers, and Lave
,hls arms stamped in black was upon the bd of each
1 , 01, and hi. atanatare en the made arrappor—all
'ethers use counterfeits, or base imitation.
a In R IL SELLER.% Proprietor
URDU the Rev ASA SHIN N, a well known and pop
I" nine Clergyman of die Fromstanthletitmliet Church
The anderekmied haling been afflicted doringthe pan
winter with • disease mine stomach, sonvitimes pro
diem es great pa in the stomach fo r tenor twelve hoae
withoutinterad s cn,and after having tried varierus
remedies with. <fleet waif furnished with a bottle
of Dr D fayneisC mauve Deem: This he used at.
cording to the direc s, and fogad invariably thatthie
medicine m ut ed th eyin to name in three or four min.
area, and in fifteen or twenty nunutesevery oneeer
sensation was entirely quieted. Them edicine was al.
terwards used whenever indications of the approach of
palowere perceived, andthe path was thereby prevent.
an d Ha columned to nee the medicine tetTY everting
an in lie morning, and in a few weeks
health was en far n stored, that the lingerer was relies ,
ad from a large amou mot oppressive pain. From en
pet ee,thereinre.v c can confidently recommend D
D Jayne'. Carminative Unlearn. as • salumry mediate
for dimness either:ol:inch nod tamale. A SIIINND
For salt in Pittebergb ate PERI N 1 • STOR
yg Fedid, Street. ~eike and also at theDnig
Store all SCitiVaittZ. Fel greet. Ailegherol
- • • -
• • . -
VIM mete Omni 001
Coign:option, Donets, Colds, Asthma, Drankhits, Lie
u, CtitiPlutnti `Spotting Blood, Difficolty of. Breath
ing, Fain in the Bide and Brenst y ralpitation of
the Heart. Inguenta, Crnop, Broken Con
rettultoli, Brie Tigout,Hervons Debit- .
W, and all Diseases of the Throat,
!Helmond Lungs: the matte.
factual and lowed, ears
over known for any of
the above &sem
as, is
DR. BM ATN g's'
Comareurad Syrup of Wild Cherry!
TEL medicine seed o longer
from the among those
thousands of doubtful
CRAY. It has Putt away ly
launched upon the tido ot experiment, and now stands
higher in reputatton, and is kocoming
m en energise
ly oiled awn any other preparotion of medicine ever
produeol for He rebel nt wagering man.
It has been iorndocod very generally through Me
Dutad :totes and Iturcpc, and then are few towas of
Impottmec tot what eentam come remarkable evi•
donee of km good ellen.. For poor Of the Miegoing
ststements,aml of the value and efficacy of this meth
ring, the proprietor will Insert a few tithe moor tut.
sand testimonials which knee been preserded to WM by
He of Me host ...pee...linty—men who g ggg ~,,,,,
Heim of moral rethousibllity and justice, than to ow
try to facts, because it will do another a fa.r, .d.
themselves no injustice. Sorb testimony proves eon-
cluairely, that its surprising excellence iv tabllehrd
by Its Intrinsic merits, and the unquestonoble authori
ty of public cotton. The Instantaneous relief it af
fords, and the soothing inguenee di/hired through the
whole frame by its ow, renders a a mon agreeab l e
leaned) for the afflicted.
"when viv,,,,, acting from conscientlem impaltho,
voluntarily bear testimony to the truth
,pf a tong, or'
parteolar fact, such lestlmelly, being contrary to their
worldly interests end purposes, cononian of
I I to , r ,, i i, ~,,,i i commends itself inn special mantles to
mastoid credence."—ollogsm's Moral Maxims.
Bear. Amnon Cruz or Pel t
tins been as suecemful
in desperate rows of Consumption, ea He. twayne's
Comooubd Syrup of Wild Cherry, It strengthen. the
wow, and •ypeare to heal the racers on the lantra
cream I new end rich blood; power possessed by no
other titan&
, ,
Ca...tea., Aped !Mtb, Wl+
Dr. gla syne—Dear Sir: I wily belleve your Cern
und Spey of Wild Cherry has Leen there gleans no
Moting =yin's. I caught sever
mild, h great,
I ally grew worse, attended mai a severe yotmh, that
restated all the remedies which I had recotithe to, Dui
Increasing c
o il my case exhibited all the symptom, al
i Palritottary Como:option. Every thang Ttried seented
to knee no egret, mol my complasatlnconowsl sou attd•
II UM !tends as well as myself, gene
all hopes of
•my recovery. At olds time I was reemonended to try
poor Invaluable Medicine: I tad go with the ...hap
py revolts. The bottle had the elect to loosen the
toys,, causing Inc to ell...gag beelEi end by 'th e
time I hod need six twoles,l was entirely
saw gs heerry a wan . I eyet war In Ely life, Platt
lirattla be ttappy be g
lee any informatonresuetintmy
ease. that other sufferers may derive the eent:Cor
whichl am en grateful. For the truth of WA glove
matemeTfer you to Deter Meth, Grocer T r..:
iChester, ,of whom I pure... the rea d hertt:.
$ help tell Jeers, , /Luc* Unsaut.
{V:And,ful est. of o Mor!mita Minutes.'
De Sowayne - Deer Sir: I fowl s debt of gra:studs dua
to yoa—mi a Oars to the milmted generally, tooto.‘o
my humble ocoolMeny in favor of your Compound eny.
nip of Wild Cherry. Some three years inner /
violently attacked orith cold and ontatunauen of the
Lanka, which wan accempanterf with a distress:lig
esagh. pato In the breast and head, a very comidera.
tole dimharge of OEM:lime mucks licior,qhe Nog; c,p,
eially open change of weather, towever At
first I fed rob alarm shoat my condoners, bat Was Pretty
moo consume-at/oat was rapidl log Otto comump.
we, fleets dads weaker, and ailength sem
ly able to walk atword, os Wdro• shove • whisper, &itch
was the egression,'
we of my longs.. Duouogpm
um boo e I bad toned various preparaionne end pp:lna,
bet faend no cs om--groastrqt MI the tome I.loibe en
here I woos &Oak.' and re trader by • dear .
Wilmington to woke trial of your Syrup of Wit eh,
t 7. COW COMS• that proktoutly I had booth
Mead smolt g patent methcones, and lam Mill wi t .,
y o u mot of the hands of commie., teal under
standing your mums to the proonsama and promote of
and fait
on tea
r, um; of my
Mends, I foorthwah purchased of Dr, Sha me of your
qthw tootles, and commenced da me. kr pito
woe was at thss time MID or :Co months' standing ,C . on.
,i, c p;i mooed. I found, however,
considerable mac( from the am of the firm tone Of tee
.homes. Ilut Lamy s addle speaker. I frequently at.
tempted to preach with my Increasing strength, and
thereby earn:red those VellAelitbal had already b e
to heal; In this way, doubtLcsa, mac arm greatly
entarded. In coescqueure Get.; thm Impthdentl
I bad to me waive Of fifteen bouts. behave /
Deny restored I have no queallon, a month mead
somber of.lootuos would have made roe sound, ha
the above indlOtr,lloO. The Syrup
nitayrd the fete
tab habliy took oaritykko dostressing cough, put amr,
to the &wharfs of matter from the longs, and c os
them and the Cause &TIMM good health. !have dela.
sad offering this mnificate with How, for the porpos.
Gems of Le, peofemor latiafird with Cie permanency of the
mom, sod now dar I feed pctlectly well I otter or with
Dublin mount!. N. C. arr. J. D. lotoloak.
imp/14a Caution—Re*D Rad&
There is butt, e genuine prepu.muon of Wild Cherry,
and that is Dr. Bwaysres, the first Cite offered to the
public, wind •-as licen sold largely througlooot the
Hailed Stale , and some parts of I.:unite, and all pre
paration., tee, by the oose of Wild Cherry have
been put oat 4110. this, under covet of some deceptive
eircumsmuts, itt order to give e o nen ey taitheir sales.
Ilya obsepivation, no person need ot.toke the
genuine Horn false. Elkeil bottle of the groupie to
enveloped wit a beautiful steel engraving, alth the
likeness of Walnut Penn thereon, alto, Dr. Swayneis
vignature: and •• Nether security, the portrait of Dr.
BsVayna wtltt added larcener, vo tadistininnoli
his preparatioa • gom all others. ilovv, it awu OW toe
the great curative properties and known virtues or Dr.
acespieond Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons
would not boOnileavonng to gine e latency to their
"fictitious nose mai' by Alealing the name of IV tld
Cherry. Rentsabef, always beat in mind the name
of Dr. tivrayne .ad be one deceived.
Principal Ocoee, corner of Eighth and Hate siccing,
Ike sale wbit sesale and retail by OGDEN te. SNOW
'Co,DEN, col lid sad Wood ins II A PAIINESTUCH
nor tot Wood, and nth nod WLiberty ood als, W5l
T110RN,53 st, S JONES, tel ol AS
A JONES, rot *land and Penn so; JOIIN MITCH
ELL, Alleghens city, and by all respectable dealers to
medicine. octl3
Dr. W.P.lsland's P1 . .1.111311 Plantar.
DR. W. P. INLAND, of the Medical College hi' Phil
arlelphla, uow offers ni the public his halm Veg
etable Precook& Plaster, the qualities of which, after
long and tried expertenee, has been satisfactorily es
tablished. To all 'women who may be afflicted with
Protei , . Merl* or Fallen lVoinb, he trcominends
putter, guaranteeing • sure and speedy cure in the
short spare of front two to thee weeks, If applied with
care andrest—di•crirdtng all the countless . ..truffle/its
and expouriro bandages so long In use. This he feels
conscientious VI
of inasmuch as he has nosemie
W one ease out of three hundred and fifty-th a
Also to; Denman= and Weak Breast or Back, at
tended with Nun, there is nothing to excel this Piaster
afforiltng relief or effecting • curt. For sale by
L tVileos cower of Ififflaund and Market at
Braun k Reiter," Liberty and St. Clair at,
Dr .1 tie:gent • Federal at and Dt [mord, All.
ghe city
latqa u es y I
Do, " Denman and Diimand thrmleg
UXTRACT OF COFFEE—An article which la ra
pp, coming into um as a wholesome, nouristung
and th an °average, being mete pleasant and pal
atable than common Colfee,and rheap, no a until
paper resting only ten cams, will go no far as four
of Coded. Alanithietured
JOHN 6. MILLER, Patabanth, Pa.
Sold al wholesale by It A FAIINESTtkIi k Co,
torn.r of Fast and Wood and tank and Wood atreeta,
Patabutglx spat
. -
dei Camp Wanks. do °Meer coats; Id pro P.M,
IV pairs pelt lined aim ing
ng Hamm; It Wh0..8
e agß;4
tar Towns, G and Et 6ellooe each, SO
italion each; Idea Buckska Money Lich.; I do oiled
camtincitin do. the above pitons for sale at th e
fomla Ontiniag Establishment, No G Wood
me. 144 J k H PHILLIPS
ANiann Anvil., from In
l — roc evilie W wor era land; will be :ofanu;.
hau l
on and sap , e GEE wderfil
GEO N. en Wood
- I
lit pipes
pipes Holland um
elk. N L Rum;
diXl Lenin Wiiiikeyi rwe by
. 2 " w t 111 reiIk;LTREE
L ~ 4 ~~~~~
UIXACITINUF cm.. Jos tou.prau
JIPP Soot' brand, • suparlor allele, for We by •
F. tartlet .11tupratt's dole e.e, le aub
e u Bleaellog Powder ani per 44 idge,
end WM 002111,4 , ved
br Ozenbr
N.veseln,derthir the enlace, large
chnUNTIS rilrAihig% • •
pared a neer anthenelical work, a copy rewindh
will be prerented or each and retry Teacher in the
United b taw. enthout charge, open their application
to A. H. Faalish tr. C0 ..,1n Wood atreet, Pitranergh,
(pan paid) The work is en.aled, -
Or, An Analyne of the Lee r ,dage of figarea and Sci
ence oiNnmeent.
The followin g notice is copied from the New York
Tribune of Jeri. r..ll,lWat
- •
"Gaseous ov Aturesisste, alCass. Davos, L.L.D.
(18mo., pp. 141.1—1 n this work the lasignageafigutes,
and euroonmilan of numbers, are carefully anodysed.
The aL babel, composed of ten fidd.'s.—tba".",.
Seams ara connected with eaco
explained. rS
"The analysis shows that there are but four ban.
deed and eighty eight elementary combinations in
Anthracite, each corresponding to a word of our com
mon language; and that these combinations are so
countered together as to be all expressed by only
slaty three didtrent words. The system proposes to
thew. then read the
commit mese words to memory, laird thin icon
tend. Instead of spulling them, as now practised.
"In another respect the IlylOtlO pro§oses an invade
ant change, namely: to ecmldne enddicat all fractions
needle allege, having a given relaticiiCo the unitons,
from which they were denved.
We scarcely need say that the Bede work evince.
the In:many and skilful analysis, for Which Professor
Nolte , writing ea this subject are Bully celebrated.
We commend it to the attention of practical teachers,
believing that they will Ind it crowded with new and
'Linable anggertiona"
From the Freeman, at Welt Feint.
"Itlibrrant ACADCOT or U. S. Writ Potter, dan.l7.
.The Grammar of Arithmetic, by Preessor Davies,
presents the subject in a new light. It so analyser
Arithmetic es to Impress the mind of the learner with
the East principles of mathematical sdienee In Weir
right order and connection, and the new rule. for the
reading of figures ere of great practical value.
Signed, W. 11. C. Bartlett, Prof. of Nat Si En. Phil.
A. K Chureh, Prof of Mathematics.
D. ii. Mahan Prof. of Engineering."
In Prem.
A.S. BARNES & Co. would respeelfally announce
le teachers, and to all latereated in mathematical in
e unction, thatithey will publish, on or before the 1M
of August, 1650, the following work:—
Or, en Alirdyses of the Principles of the Seieuer—o
the Nature of tho reasoning—and of the best Methods
of Imparting Instruction. By Chss Doyle. L.L.D.,
Author oPDA Complete System of Mathematics"
N. 11.—ArS Barnes & Co., are the publishers of
Dames , System ofilathematici
For sale m tats elry by A. H. ENGLISH & Co, No.
79 Wood street feh27
Foster's New Ethiopia. Melodies
%VINE to Ran all Night; Dolly Day;
VT Daley /nuns; Go down to da Cotton Maid; •
Nally 'tau, a Lad), Re.
A L. 40:
lk Illnd team Loved One. at Home;
Row thy boat hgtaly; True Lore, by T. Hood;
Our way across the it,, duett;
A new medley. vong, by 11.Coverr;
Jenny Grey, mask by Huller;
Jove that were mentalist - It, Wedding Match;
trod blew the body marine; Schuylkill Walt
Converan's Departure, by W. C. Glover;
Sound. trout Home; Waltzes, Steramarkimbe Co;
Last lime of hummer, easy vanations by hero.-
, Oratta Suttee Polka; Leib& Souvenir Polka;
'Coto Crocker quail one; Louisville Qoadrille;
-Zlkauties of Italy; Duette, Trior, an.
A large assortment of New Munro on hand. to which
adAttione are made weekly. For sale by
febtD 1. H. MELLOR, SI Wood at.
a 3 3=3
TIRE WAR WITH DIRil.ll, by R. S. Ripley; St
. .
Elements of Ithewrie; cowl:dieing p
an &Wylie of
the LOW. of Moral Evidence and W Pena:won; ty
Diehard Wentely, D. D.
Emmy an Claisusa Baptism; by Bamin W. N0e1,21
The OMlvies, a Navel.
Fairy 'Calm, from all Mallow; by Amlimo R. M ,
talbai with 2t illustrations by Doyle. "
Just recd by JOHNSTON ft STOCKTON,
dclD tomer Turd sod Market strews
Rev and El•gant. OH* Books;
0 Headley, whb Har
eleven originol derigus by ley.
Poems and Prow W 'lungs, by litchord li. Thum;
role, motlin
lllaminated Gem, of Sacred Potty, with dialogic.
nun. eitcroved on areal, b John Sarum,
.Jost received byJOHNSTON A STOCLTON,
deucorner Third and Market are.
pIIYSICIAN AND PAT/I.TM or. Prattles! View
of tne mutual done., relations and Interests if the
hledical Pto.easion red the Commute); by Worth-
Ington /leaser. hl. D.
Ttw Woia• of 'Michael De Itlontaigoe; eettlPW l .ll
his liway.. Leiters, Ac. By Wm. Harlots.
Nineveh and its Remains. By Austen Henry Lay
Glimpses of Spain; or Notes of av tbarsaished To
iv IVG. Ily S T. Wallis.
Tupper's proverbial Philosophy, rim edition; •
tamed. Ja.seeavesl by
• itiovlt corner Market and Third maven
1114 D-301
meneted Hoots—Hoots in richly carved bindlng,
di.. .v.. 1 and itiostrated—Dooes superbly (roaud is
Velvet, !Lit, Morocco, and Coot, motion ' in Imitation
of the .111tddle A ger—llibtes and Prayer Mots, bests
Lanny Inland to Velvet and Morocco, rosiniliteMly Ore
tismented nod dlommated. For sale by
dce.9ltookeeller 6 Importer. Wood at,
C Milan akka Wad New Yong Applrolsoblregl
In Mar t9it.i.kt A nripea finding, foroL lialirlays.
InIICS,DXOCKWOOD, Wok idler nod Importer,
ty n 1 t% Jstreet, has received a peasant collection
of Illeelrkied Hooks, booed it. ha most splendid men.
nee by the neat Lona. and An MICA, binders—motoogf
them maybe tcausl
Pesch' of Amen:
baud. 't
Lays dl the tVeitern World; tilos:dotted in gold sad
Woribterorth's Greece; richly Illustrated.
The re•recher illommited by Owen Janes, 6143
bound e toted ;rood.
The Song of Songs; dlootionted by /once..
Flowers and their Kindred Thoughts: illaseDlited by
lteroines of Sholorpeere; illustrated. ,
rs. /siviesonls Chorneteetsucs or Women;
t. For toile by 151405 D LOCKWOOD,
deli 61 Wood sweet
Poetry. ma toifieeettly.illotaist
rEIMI R:11 MS Vast Voyage, (THermonhll.iUo
sue , or nf '1)1 , 0." uthnoo,"
r 0 , ILOS A ared of klagLand, by /saga Abbott
wao het ea; a .11,.
. _.
Sidonla tby SOIVCt.W. by Wm. Meinhohl.
.. - 21 ember ThLni muf blarket meats
.onervi the Nast ReamtittUe Work, of the Av.'
IV of a not to the Citandeeen Christie. of Knells-
Lab, and the Tenths, or Deeil.Wonblypeni and an
Indiany unto the hl.ners and Ans of the Ancient As
syria., II Austen Henry Layard. Tsp.. D. C. L.
Win Introductory Note I.y Peel 6 Robinson, D. D.,
LL.. D. Illestrawd win 13 plates and maps, ad.
wood cam it voice - en cloth, 4,51 y
Me book has • run mount of grapltle, vivid, pie-
tunny. minnow "—Trilitine.
"The work of Laysini Is the Wart prominent rental
button to the study of andindly, that has appeared for
many yean."—Chriin buy
"Not one ewe), in interest the wee.. of N ineyet
and no Ilona, given by his. Layerd."—Wasl doron
"A. we follow the diggers with breathless 'interest
In nettoseoyations, sat suddenly God ouniel vas be.
lore • trowirve hyura carved with Innate aronnny,
cow lifting its Klgantio head from the dint of 33C0
years, Y. • am ready ter cry out with the as tonished
rah, 'Welleb, it Is wonderful, hut It la ton. t!' 4—ln
For .ale by JAMES D. IsOCRIV. X)D,
non 6 fa Veal st
' Slaw Macke.
S I IIIE WOMEN of me Old and N. T. aframent.
Edited by E. Es. Spranue, M. D. 1 vol. leap, two.,
elegantly bound; In andel/Maly Antstted en Kravingsg
to almenpuons by eelebrated American Clergymen.
POEMS IS V AMELIA, Odra We lby, or K y.,) ne w
and enlarged edaton; Ittattrsted by engrat - mas from
Ingssiat dealgn• by Wm. I vol. moans €4 , 1, elegant
y bound and gllt. Also—A ,natty of spleodld A.llllll.
ala and O, 1 Stooge.
nac.ol Carpenters, Shiplanahtr, Ntihecityinghta, Saar
yeria, Laratiernicu, Students, and Anitana panorally:
licdridt a thorough and practical Treatise on Alensuza
lion and thr Sliding Bale. By D. N. /Caper, A. AL
li7dlniscia Trauma on Brack Prose Gezira,Won.
Ideinantary French Grammar. By Prof.
4leenr, of Brown Uidverrity. I voLlne.
cllnedtger's Geseaias' ilebreartirarereax, by Conant.
'knicniurd Habit. Lexicon. '
Greet COO cordance. 1 vol.( •,
We timer's Dictionary, revised ed. I vol. See.
do do unabridged. I vol. 4to.
Uarne's Notes and Qaestion. on New Testament.
Whotely.. Lowe.
blostietra'. licelesiaatical llLstery. 3 vol. and 2
vols cheep.)
Vtrellit, of Creation. I vol. latuo.
Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome. I vol. (cloth
Lod paper.)
Scene. where the Tempter ha. Tnumphed: 1 vol.
(cloth and pope.)
Rogue's Tivologieal Lecture. I vol. Svo. (cloth.)
Alder's Pronouncing Bible.
Royer's French Dieticmary.
brusn'a Horace. For sale by R HOPKINS,
noyl 3 Apollo Building•, Soorili
VEIV IltotKO JUST REI;t:I VED. —The virurii. - 7,
Alentaignc, edited by 11. Hathit, compng ht.
Vossy. Lettere, arid Journey through Germany and
Italy; with note. from all the Commentator., Biograph
ical and itilittographteal Notices, de.
Theory and Practice of Teaching; et, the Motives
and Method. of Good School-Keeping, by David
plug. A. tl. Pairicapal of the State Normal School,
Albany, N.l.
Frae Forester'. Fish and Fishing of the U. States
anJ Bnush Provinces of North Antenna, by Henry
Wm. Herbert. JOHNSTON it SToCKTON,
need cornet Third and Ma r ket sts
_ . _
The Olden Th in e.
- -
TAMES D. LOck WOOD, Bookseller and Inverter,
I) 120. 03 Wood meet, hos for oath a iew copies eom
wete, itr remetuder of the etlition3 of
Docume this valuable
work, drooled to mu Prethrvinton of nts, and
other tiottientie Information relating to the orgy to
plornuons, settlernalit and improvement of the county.,
tirour.d the bead of 1 , 0 Ohio. toy Neville, B. Crag :
&q u o( l'iitstiorgb,io 2 rola Sou.
1 10 1 1:1
j l t te r t y L - I . llT i gg tAAnetent t i l y e w o
w the ,
Llhott, EAR. Illostruted with twelve engravings, exc•
oared at Rome vols., Bvo., uniform with Nth - toll's
Ilistonod Watts.
Jag published and for gale by
JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, llsoksellermd
noirtu I inporitr y l2..7 Wood
LoANYV Kti.hltiLK IN I CALI; authortiarsinioni
r toad. 75 ins. AIRS. FANNY Kra, or kris yEgdi,
"The reading of ibis book has impreosed as with a
reach blab, oi.iniwt of ire author than we had tinned
from petumne ri
Ler other wosigs. It displays a des per
tone of thought, united to more pure womanly twice of
feeling lean any other production of the Ismael.: mind
with which we are acquainted."—Eve. Mirror. •
"It is n very agreeable and wadable book, virrittentu
Fanny livable'. best atyie—bold, spatted and enter.
muting. We recommend it to our readere as the beat
publication of the seeson."--Reading tier.
eontatea the Journal or a travel through Europe.
and residence to hely; and Is one of the plea...meat
and taint tuteresung Looks of the seaaon."—Cour. and
A very chanteteristio book. We have read It from
rd page to Colophon with unabated interesL A rL
rid picture of hie in Rome, to all respects eminently
For sale by JAMES D Loczigoork
novae Donksellet Imponer,6l Wood irt
. • •
30 / , I l l o ° .rowerrN 'Pe l:ll Ira&
attic styles, roc'a tam day at
4. 3
riSIED DEEP-10000Iniacarairola — liarn
oat of mac, for ash 67
aPkMP= tiii93Vl
X. 1107.11LX.X & ,XXXS.
Elaisk•ra, Zno betas. 'Drokeret
A. ND BANK • '
COLLECTIONant Note* stub AteleePLnebe
uyablo in any pa
rnbk terms. _. rt of ibe indetheelleeeed OxiLla moat
EXPAANGE on New Yorl : t PlinaneWaand Bab.
thuom, Cineirnatl, Loohrodlo, BaW Laub and
NeOrleano, ocoatantly hustle. •
HAM: NOTES.—Notos on all solautlt phun th •
I:tenet States dim:mated at the lourest tale. . p aints
or Fo r
sod Anteriesi Geld and Meer Ckin bought
and mkt
Pffioa No. OSMarket rgertt, between ..b& IL" 40 4
P. , t s ba , ab. Pa. *era
xodLHlcc EXOILIA • •
DILLS on England Ireland, and Scotland bought .
any amount at the Current una
Thum part of Om .Old Colltartel,
finm „A to 110 CC, at the rate of 115 to the i,Storlitg3
embalm deduction or dtecount, by JosutrA ROBIN
BON, European and General AgertVoldee Gh
door crest of wood. .. ouGEtr
adadiinAxdal /111
NW A WVlalt & MUM.
ossed : o
Bin Foreign and pomade Gills of Exotronte,
Oddities of .Ikpoidie, Book Now. .04 Gob, earner of
1,1 and Wood strew, daeotty opposite Ad. Charles
wsiVra*i• trulesn— _
on:. 1 6.
. - 1,4" Mmk.
a'7 on,i,
Dank Notot
paichesed at thy low= May, by "
N. 110LMES /.. SONS,
sepl3 • M Moto street:.
LP Ncyr York p• , - •
Philadiaphis, and
Oonstatuly for sai• by N. HOLMES & SONS.
Yypil , . .• , - ~. as Market 4.1
110T1022. " -
TORN WATT . it CO. have ritnovedibeir mak of
Graeae. to the opiumw aide of Liberty at.
VITOAIAIf IN AMERICA—Ler work and her rt.
ward. By 111321i8 J Idelrooth, author or" Charm.
A. Coanteroburras." "To seem and to be." I vol Dam.
Latter Day Pamphlet., Bo l:—The pronto time.
By Thomas Carlysle.
Csausgas.—Mentoirs-Or Life and Writings of Thos.
Chalmers, D L. It:13. Preleetiou. on Batter's
Avialogy, - Paloyht Ilvidences of Christi”lty. and Dill's
Lecture on Dimity, with two Introductory Lemons
nud four Addrel"ei delivered In the New 'Ebner,
Edinburgh, by Vows. Chalmers, Do 0, L. L. D.
vol Nino.
Csavow—Life of John Calvin, compiled Dona anthill.
tie sources, and particularly from ht. eorrespondebors.
Uy 11106412. Dyer, aryl portrait. 1 sot
For eel,. by . IIOPKINS.
opl7 79 Apollo Boildiass, Fourth sh
Deal:moss Cured.
From Me Neve York Tritane.
ATrarEND, tYhess word is most reliable, and who'
bus oto namable interest le the matter, but Orle 01
gratitude, desires ris to say, that be has bun cored of
tuatara's dealliera, by th e our of "Searpa's Command
Aeons. Oil." a Philadelphia medicine, which is not
for ado in 'tile city; bqt which be thinks Might to be,
for the good of the afflicted. Ile has a aster who has
also been cured by it. Ile olgently advises all who
are suffering deafen., to try this remedy', midi an
once tbt iiom
a..it94 the ease be' utraordinary, the
" Pile " r m a?; " a7 lll P'" Ttr Ptil Y N ' 4VrtAltE,
fain 70 Foutth at, Pittsburgh
Coarxbal Gambol
20 %ROBS doper Polka; 10 do do very Ilne;
" aced Redding;
" *apex Cnallab Ilorn llealdblg3
4 " " Pocket Comas;
" Woad "
. 1000 doz pled Fine Ivory;
" Shell Side Carat. ,
ID " duper tame Balrlo; •
3330333 ailed Sida CDD 3 b9 reed and for tale by
lobs C YE/36E13,11$ Market et
• Dulifi r lollandl fluff Hallett:tett
TAKE . NOTIIM—That W. MeC/Intoek bas - this day
received several eases of the finest and hest Buff
Indo or Ilellwd, to which he would most respectfully
call the Wel:lien of WS CIMICEIters wd the public
8 7 i Fdapet Ware N°ems. onrth it ja atl
A PEW very Lae ,GVITARS, bat reed from the
celebrated manufactory or C. F. Manly, and Or
...L. , b.. knn 11. MELLOR. 02 Wood et
Books Just Rum!via.
TIIE Complete Worts of John Bunyan; H iola
ln I rot, Blestrated; Moan gilt ood rylt edges
MachelPs Biblical and Sabbath School Deography;
a now work; vol,
Town , * Analyms nod Speller.
Ltle of John Q, Adams; by Wm. 11. Seward; 1001,
IRmo; moshn
Poems by Mrs. Ile.mann; I'ol, lase; muslin; Olt.
Sonthbr Serclona—Sennorts preached. upon several
Ascensions by Hobert Bomb, D. D 4 a now edluon, 4
vol.; Mel:Wing Pristbuntom Di.courms. -
68.1:10-4 vols. Isi I; dump, extra; Bro.
Far sale by n. 110PE.114S,
MAU Apollo Disilding.Feard
yaucir, ROVINDitY
SORT incoolso, • a. str: O. lUTTIL
=, — .l l :llll:th.TEt=t
ientrully, that they ham rebuilt the EA
GLE, FOUNIMV and ore now In fall opelation, and
have pen of theism/Atonal testy for the narket—
Amongst which are Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood
Stoves, with • splendid airtight Coal Stave, wide& is
now saperceding *titer rides RA:common rotted Save.
Steve. Also, a Cheap cool Cooking Stave, well odes
ted for small (=dim, with • fall ariortment of coto
num and mmsel Grates We vroald
t o
vim the attention of persona 1,1114111 w to call at goy
warehouse beforepurchaaing, and ermine a aplenad
article of inammelled Grates, finished to fine style—
entirely new in this market.
Warehouse, No. ldi /Virg et, opposite Wood at
WestYEAGER.: liaporier sari 'Wholeple Dialer In
Big Gilt Comb, - Itel Market sly Pittsburgh,Sa..
ern Merchants, Pediats. and Mitt. trott! . ...{
Pittsburgh to purchase Goods, are reatmetrallY ins=
to call and eiII.MILIS the eXLMST.I assortment or &iv
itch, American, French and German Ganef Goods. • •
All cooky, Goods at this establishment see import
rd direct by myself, and ilarchaecrs tuttp tele on get..
ring goods from Arm boas. I have the largest assort
meat of attkles, lo the variety 'line, in the city of
Potsbargh—all of which . will be told low forcer& or
city aceeptinee. The Stock condom, in pan, of
Lace Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbon. -
Silk Cravats, Shoo and Patent Threads, Sewing Eilth
Spool.tonon Tapes, Saapcntlt re, Buttons, Pine, Nor
diessnanddie. -
Gold Silver Watches, Goldleonlry,eßkmds of
Bmshes, Combs mad Razors.
Perenssicut Caps, Rovolverv, Pistols, Mach, Bilk &
Cotton rum& Speetacies, Steel pans, ,Blosio Boxes,
Carpet Gags and Baskets: •
lhodtngs, Findings and Teaming. •
Toys and Fanny GoodS together era &Urge Via ,
ty of Palley and Staplo DRY. GOODS. • _
• C YEAURB.-is also agent for the celebrated Lan.
easter Comb. novt?
ar••t English ll.m•ay
VCR Cue ha, Caws . Asthata and Consinto dont The
GREAT AND ONLY - REMEDY for the ento of dm
tirs disease ., is the HUNGARIAN IiALIAM" OF
F, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, at
mien England, and introduced Into the United Stales
ander the immedate supetintendence of the inventer.
The extraordinary Ammo, of this medicine, in the
mare of Palmenary diseases, warrants the aUlerleall
Agent In soliciting far treatment the worst possible cat
son that can be found in the community—caws that seek •
teliet in vain from any of the eamsma remedies of die
day, and bare been given up by the mosfdistingnished
Vijnieuans as confinned and =arable. The flangurk
sit Balm= has cared, and will care,tho most desperate'
of eases- 11 is no quack nostrum, bat i,standard Eng -
Rah medicine, of known and established efficacy,
Every family in thi United Emma should be scanned
Duchntes Hungarian Balsam of Life, not Only to the consumptive tendancifs of the
bn: to bo used ea a mama've medicine in all CU. 4st
`ebb* coughs, spitting of blood, pale In the aide and
chest, irritation and soreness ofsla longs, breaths.:
diffieulty of breating,heetle fever, night meats, aunt:
Mien and general debility, asthma, Milnensa,whooplng
cough and croup:
Sold in large bottle., at fl per bon* with
,hD, dine.
- iions for the restorndon'of health.
Pamphlets, containing a masa of English and Meet.
ems certifiemes, and other evidence, showing the on ,
equalled merits of this great halt Remedy, maybe
obtained of she Agents. gratuitously.
• For sale by A PAIINtSTOCIC & Co, corner le
tat and Wood and Wood and Gth landAvs9
, T.nzi sT/LR. or Timm WEST .
* 6
. East side of the Dismtmitt, where Venni •
Minds of all the dint.% sixes and cola
are kept on bond or made to order alto
the lewd and mast approved Eastern huh
ions, at the ahortest notice and ort the moa
reasonable Oros. •
Aso, the cheap Boston roll or split Mind Tromps•
fenny and Paper Cartaios Mall the didrient. Ores and
patterns, on hand andibr sate low forensb. Old Veni
um Blinds panned over and repaired or taken in pm
payment for new. IL id WEriatVELT, Pro'pr.
hi t It —All or. done with the burl material and
workmanship, and warranted to plerrso the most fae•
Al om
leg anglndly
heny ear, Ang.lo, 1808.
Narnma Lmt Ist
Ptrrimrsou, March 27,1417.
Mr. It. E. Pollen—ln mention to you aid your Lucca.
parable Cough Syrup, I beg leave to awe, for the boo.
ft of the community, that my wife has been several
times al/hated with a Most disUesslng cough. I pur
chased, N January Int, a bottle of your Simi, which
cored a rouge of two month.' Mending. About one
month Mace, the cough returned, and ores an revere
that she could hardlymove, from weakness In the
breast, Cent for ono bottle of your Cough Syrup, mod
a part of 0110 bottle cured the cough leave the other
to a Journeyman who yeas severely afflicted, who had,
to tan hi. own word., .eaten enough cough candy to
cure all the people In Pittsburgh,^ if the candy hod
been a good es reoresented.
reepeetfully, Arno IL Kerns.
Prepared and sold by It. E. skad.ces,r4 Wood
weer, and sold by Druggims generally to Co tyro
cities -
J. A. BROWN would rethect
, inn,' Inform the public, that he
traps on hand at his nand on the
1 - .3„ - :a; meat side of the Amount!, Alio.
' tarot of . Venal. Blinds; also ye.
in the
e ttaz
s T i made vr to o
moat to any tha, ailed Brstol.
Ito 'thuds can be rcitiovcd•mtlh•
= eat the ald of a threw striver.
!laving ;mullioned theMoak,
tool*, and wood of the cabinclen.
, 1 10 . .11 , sh i mentof r kt e amay
tbetc co P stollrn,
the public at laryeorith every thiLtt In thou
Ag ooo y No n Wood erect, Pi noel- • •
woo ico . J. A. raiowN.
JUST reed, an elegant plain Itounarood 0 eat. Piano!
from the eelebrated manufactory of Nuns &
Clark, N. V. of soccer utzte,uhdretrynhdemte yaks.
For elate by , IL ALEIMIL
deli - at J. IV.Woodwells.
V far retanmng . Tartar, Emory, Cuba, and all
thbitanees destroeure W the Teeth. It to deltaic.. to
the . 1101., oe:tering the °mak, healing and strotlgthea•
mg the game, cad inlaying the bream.
Per sole, wholesale and re_ ,tell by _ • •
dem : • DEBELLY.DS, firWeod et
TT Jon rookt. nun invoice Of toll }curled patent lo
ver Watobes,lB corm fine ens., widen - I eon fen vo
lowpp as thirty and
thin five dollars, And .unwed
A o—Avolendld Voonnunn or JEWELRY, eom•
innokag Ins Torino And West stilincatul boW PAW=
W. VGlVlLHON,Waltinoaket •ed Jcwelet,
~ ,< ~
AtE4)/01 Ali '4
• MsdlldralSTMWS 91.11T3111M1T,-
Arfilrevp, nee ettai3fi • -
11111:27;;,!M.1.Tru.22: roaL} We 6`l°`
medical work - entitled ' , Tim Americus PrastletCe. , -
Medicine and Fatally Pbsician."
&fleeing been nude acq y uainted with tbstitmenadterdi •
which compote MeAllisterts Othtem,g
and haringpreseribed esd tensed it lneeveraleaveso ve
my private practice,l Mao textualists' in miss
cerufying Mac it Is Vegetable Remedy, consde..
no. =nerd vibetance 'whetever; that its ingnedie,m,i',
combunoS ns they are, and need as dimmed by Ma-,
Proprietor, ant not only hamulase, but of getaresloe
being* truly scientific Remedy of great poem - m.4E
chemfallyAsseend it as a conspoa to nd bas •
dorm trawl and which is adspled the mere eg
• greet ea enr of eases, Thoogal now nevereittart,
recounaeMcd or engaged in the sale of secret ated}:
ciner,regard for the tralv bestett„conamentleits, ha: •
Mann, chirseter orthe PlopsiatOr of this Ointutem,
and. the value of his dtsCerfory. oblige rue to say thus •
• nauchgegesdina UH D. D."
Vora, Ann] MIR SPIR • •
BisaNs.- 7 , it is onatsf the beet things 10 the world
for Yarns,
P1L13.4-Thousends are yowl eared by this Oint
ment. It never fen. In a n relief.'
. For Tamen, Ulcers, and elated', Of Baru, it km'
no tend.
If Nothorit end Nunes knew its valve came of
swollen or Sore Breast, they 'maid alwaye aoply It.
In each caw., if used actor&my tilmatlems,ll eves
relief ill vest for hours, . •
Aractidtho bat any dlreetiomik,rtrslas httaliblevit' •
Cantu:mut mr Scrofula. M ead,' ood thleireints
Tener, Chriplain, Scald Sam Free, Clebte_ll
- Tsrost,'Bninehnes, Nervous &Femmes, ram%
Mitt. of the Spine, Bead Ache, Aedual, '-
Ear Ache, Bane, Com, ell Meyer. of the tikintons
Limb Pmiples. -Ike, Swelling Of the Limbs, Sores,
fßheumatirm. Piles,Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled
des Bro
ken Breast, Tooth Ache, Aloe In the ram a.s.
From the llesAlar Slagle -
Them wee never. perhaps, a Medicine brought be
fore the public, that has in to shots a Mae men tech •
reputedon as bleallistet's 2,1141011 nm or World
Salve. I Almon every person that has made trial of it
epee!• warmly to Its peal's , . Cam bee been cored by
It of the most painful rheumatism, soother of the piles,_
a third of & troublesome-pain le the side, a (mutt, of s
swelling In the de.. If It 'doer not - Free dome
dints rellef,B, every caw, It can do oe Worn being
applied outwardly. -
anotbar evidence of the wonderful beeline , pow.
es, potseere.d by this setae. ere =biol. the folittremT:
certificate, from • respectable chime of Ilaldiatcrect
township, In this county: • , •
klaideneresk, Berke to.,
Measn. Bitter & desire to Balboa Sea Mat I
was entirely eared of & severe pain in the baelt,by the
use of hicAllistoes All.llealing Salve, which 1 pur
chased from you. I mffered with It for aboot SS Year%
and at night was unable to sleep. During that.num I
tried venous remedies, which were prescribed for me
by physicians sad other amens, althea receiving any
relict, and et Nu made trial of this Salve, with are- :
soh faverallitrbeyend expeetauen: Imu now enure.'
ly free from the pain. and enjoy at nicht_ a Pentund
and sweet sleep. I have also used the SalvesilTOß for
tooth ache end °thereon:plain* with similar happy
results. your friend, Juan llomsurasca
Sole Proprietor of the above medicine..
Principal thlee, No en Norm Third street, Model
PRICERS CENTS PER 1101.. • ... -
Soria ra Prrnatratsm—drann k. Ratters Mmarta of
Liberty and Et. Clair stremq and L. Wilcox. Jr., cot
ner of. and Sm ithfie ldnd the Diamond, also comer of
Fourthatreets; JAI. Cassel, corner of
Walnatood Penn streets, rtfth Word; as d sold at, the
Bookstore In t3maittfteld atrech 3d door from Sadortd. •
In Allman:my City by li. P. achwarta and J. Sargoett.
Ely J. 0. Balkh, Dossed,
_Birmingham: D. Ncgley.
Ent Liberty; 11. Rowlsnd, McKeesport; .1-Alexander
a Son. Monortra. bola City; N. B. Bowman & Co., 'tad
J.T. Ilogers,'IlrOmmI 1110 ; John Bart ley, Doom, Pm -
John Walker. Jr Elizobeth. • febtleodlY
0. W. :iTe p 1.14
. frclyEll i r • slew three d i . tarjarict .
th arca. ‘ Teitti inserted (raw one'
to an vitae set, on the suction principle, with a beats, •
Ural representation or the °ware gion—resuramg
original shape of the race- - • • •
• N.ll.—Teethextractoa with little or no pain. .
Decayed Teeth permanently send b.9l.6l•Pg.Pre•
Intaang the tooth Rohe, widen is mash b etter Man c:
lin it, though Itabould be done to: aro rallt i top
elan instiottf. •
A LUNGE—This anyiscedented success which his
ttezded the rose of the
GINSENG eerie=
a all the various foram which inaction of the logs
suns, ties imbued the propellor nen to eel erten,
lion to this '
The • changable weather whisk marks ear Call int.
sumer months, is always a fruitiel sres of
These, If neglected, are but the programa of that All
Toe question, then, how shall we alp the dortroyu
thehros hew aka we get clear of our coughs attal
olds? Ise( vital importance to lasi
wit be found In the Ginseng Patella.. Ia proof of ahiS
we haver from time to toe pub:WM.l the mermen of
dozens of, ou best known cantons, who have alum
*need its curative power.. Thun, with a mess of 11111
31MU) from W puts of the emery,
Mialstera of the Geepal, topthowith copious Mal
100 L - om the
• •
ore have embodied an pan:phial form, and tot b x..!
gratis of any of our agents throl l ardala ta riecoanstl. _
OF ,
Lave bean teed la thia city.
THOUSANDS AND TENS ovritozre&nos $
throohnut the Unned Stuck and Canada, and we she
lenge easy manor paths ou a
o whisk, when taken omitting to dirtactlons e and be: .
fore the logo had become fatally distirgonO,
Ou geled
Why, thou, need the afflicted hultatat Why root tea
tha misemblonainwow, goon up by enc. owe holism.
ode o ter the assumed-nous or some eaWooed "O
des% and pared into notoriety by entices. ea pee!
equally unknown, WhilstD
li to brad. 4110.311 •0030011 S3O at hams,—war Sethi
Imuni—gtanrif whom it has • .. •
In order that this Invaluable medicine may to plena .
within the math of the peer as well the rich, on hat* •
pis the price at . r
Ingt'ene halt the used cost Of eoughthethelmish sus
tor sale by our aBettu in neatly everytawa mad Oleo
alter the west, who are prepared to give fall Woo-
den relative to it. .T. SALThR, PreprWurr,
ttroadway. Cincinnati, MLA-
Pacts for lbw Pt&tonal't
In relation to that unrivalled (we'd! Sabre; =. • •
gaITIMONV of a respectable Phjsiciall.—Read
the following, addressed to my Agent, adr.r.gdom
syyreather, Cu
BITI A sense of dory compels me to givamy tribute
to Dalley's Pam Extramor. Being opposed to peach."
cry and all nostrums baying for their object .rinistor
motives.-but realising mach good trope the .ICute of-
Pals Itillerso-1 WO induced, to tender you thiS
tate:, I have cued h in ray family, in toy pmenceitzuk
with all the happy and wonderfaledects that cora_
postibly be imagined. • •
•Trr. Brodie is the senior partner - ef ~11rodie t 1,4,1, ; .•
1 ",:t 1 "'
- The following mutt:am:dal comes froils.a source fat,
edam to many of those traveling on au: Western gfae,,;
ten: Mu (lure, the well and favorably knownpro.•
prietor of Parkersbarg Hotel, Is husband to the
lady whose letter I annex: • - • .'
• Petal:ammo, Va , April 12, IMP.
To Henry Dalley,Cheraut. ite.- 91r. Hasing•far- ,
.Imen loug aMitned with violent intl.:to:Lawry
flheamatiam, which • appeared as firmly seated as to
defy all ordinary appliances to allay the severe .pain:
attauding tt, I was unlaced to try your Magical Pant
Extrathou and it basing effected, almost aaility_ma,
gia, (01141, and also, to all appearances'
an etrire Lou perfect care lam induced for the bone
' fit of °Mori who may be gained with pain,elased by
my kind of ingarantallon, to write to you, dot-taring:
that in gly opine, founded actual experience
coveylimo! ainl..Yttamor is the MOM vaLuablo die
rof Me present ago for the immediate aillattiaa
of boddjpaln. 1r Is an almost immediate and a ore.'
feet core for Barns' and bcalds, and all e t ttemal ire
amputation. . .
slaving mmtratimaintanees formed by thelrvisite
at my husband's hotel in this place, I have supposed
by your showing llit6l these fete Ines, it may posiittlY
be of benefit both ofthem and yourselt.
I.l..mtammt mugs
tletitertsin the hope that Mrs. GU= will pardon the
publicity I give to her letter. as well on We more of
hula:Lenity as of its being the serest mode of tori4imr it
to the notice of her U.ll-XL] • • -•
Fibs Cute&
Hatred eta lever, dated • •
Itsixturr,Rev. 9,
Mr. H. Duller 9 have stied your w ake acto trr'
• case of (elan, lamy ova taatUy, lettered
and eared in a very ghat tLma n la haste, yours raw
spectrally, Jas. Al. towns,.
• lEr Barns and !veld', Hers Nipples, B
Dream. Erarious, Sores, Cur.,Wounds , and' alter llussination,yields readily to the wonderful propeenn
ante, unrivalled family salve. Hat, to the ...X 'pro
portion that yun still receive tomcat front use genuine,
yon *II be Injured by the deleterious e/recis of the
eountertelt mires.
tJAUTION—De saxesail .1917 *WY to the Inventor,
11. Dausi, 415 Mai • ,Near Toot, or *0 his am._
tharisod meanie JOHN U
General Dave% Museum/L.
Hatay i:Beltsisris.Allerhaitl, Ave t: J. Baker,
Wheeling, Va.; James W Johnston, alaysville, Cy.;
F. Alerrysreither, Cincinnati, U., General Der*. -
N. ILe-ta the severest Burns and Scalds it extracts
the ;nibs in a(0 St truriLLlC•••.• never fail. , je," •
InitaNClt or CUZIMAL
• - _ _
IN enter to *nerd all possible severity to the pahne,
as well a l . frond and hope
sakes from counterfeiting, the proprietors have made
a ekange in the exterior wramwr or lab of their Per
emrage, The new label, which a steel engraving of
th „, design and workmanship, has been
intredeced Steel Viet expense, 'and isfreat the
Main of an srdatedthe finntalent., The &sisals sew,
and the cremation elaborate, Several Genres and a .
portrait are most prominent, bet the ward ..Ysastt,
acme," printed to white- letters on a red and Ewell en
graved ground, Wombd be putieularly emanned—
When held us to the light the letters; shading of the
letters end every line, however minter, throughout the
whole of this part of the engraving match as cement
as if the impresame had been made upon eae side ot.-
ly, although it Is meta-ally.pruned on both aide s et the
piper. Tail should ell eases be observed. Ate.
belapon each damn is 11S0 printed in rod upon both
sides, end should be examined in the same meaner. •
ThtO PmPenation hat now wood the test 'of many
years twat, and is con4deatly 'teen:mended as safe
end effeetaal medicine/ for expelling won= from the
t eyIWW. The unexampled .
lice, lhel It. encoded
adminlserstlem in On:meas." where the pment Wei
really elhicted with Worms, certainly tendert it wet•
thy the attention of physicians. '
proprietor ints , made it apoiat to ascertain the;
resalt of it, in ,„ l .i ta , ch eases as come within his
_knowledge end obi tiort,and he levariebly fount
it to predate the mt l itt seemly effects—not unfrequent.
ly otter nearly all ordinary preparation. m '
mended for werreashad been prertuasl re.orted to
without antpermenent advantage. This met Is sae
tested by the certificates and 111111.6 Malt-• of imedtara
of respeetr.ble pemlo.l In different parts of the own:..
try, and ehoeld induce •fanulles always to keep
of the preparation In their power:Won It la avid la tea.
°pennon, and bay be administered with parfait sikik ,
ty to the mos; delleate Waal— •
Theonlyll"l'se n '' A P ETlr I t.4otA,
niiar meads
Esq,Cler arta Joan of Quarter
Deaver Coto
Ple: It. E. *Pe • Scene time Indus triennial
wild was aidletel woo a severe end distresstag Week._
sae heariag of roar atria - gable Cough Symp, .
chased a bowie tram S. T. Trimble, of Ildelgewsic
and after take • porthartof it two or three esord.,l!
to she found iminedLate rebel es et.
l'epartittf;lends tiara been neneeed in seerereesses. I
am therefore satisfied that it ht asafe and traisablit
medicine, and wood recommend it to these terginotY
be •Miened With wrens Meets and Mirth.. -
Abu. :soma • • W. g, SODY24..
Prepared end sold by a. ISELLIMS,Z7.Woode
andaeldby draggistogesendly, Is etrfahrfrikOad 4
Miltirs • ;••• ' -