The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 21, 1850, Image 2

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    ; ..ti; r :VA' r.l The Ipporileament Bill.
Apporticniconat Bill, u,lh sIIy paased,end
'POMMEL) BY 'WHITE 4s 4:76., by the Govrroor, nixes :be Senatorial and
EejltFtltraii Districz...i
Philadelphia ...... • • • • • • • '''''''''''
- • • Philadelphia roue'
" ,•
wnia STATE .COSIVENTION. I Nl"l ' ld '" Y
, • Conner .11Defaistare.. .. ....... ..... .
gt a Mati.llllr of me alsr State Central COILLIattr-t Bff k
held at Itur.sharg. Earth in, 1650, iz
Rm,,,cp, That the et hip or l be • Vrefllll f0110 . i ,, 11 ti ' ;
B ar b
of Mu Slate he reonrsted to select n number of , L 4 t... 4 ' ;e r and Lebanon
gates canal to Melt re•pectivo reprmentativeatin Wo ' NordtamPtun. and La hieh•• •••• • • ......... •
Legislature, val
ed delegates to meet it convention Northumberland and Dauphin •"
An the ally of Philadelphin,an the 19M day or Junc, o tt bsn. Monroe, Pike, and Warne. •••• • ...... •
SEA for Ina pianos.: of nominating candidate for gn..kga
Canal Commisnormr, to be voted for tine enemas Adsnsa cad
y cnk
9entral Citation. • •
• • ,MORTON MehIICIIALL, Chairman.' Cdmne mold nnd Perry
Gamut Harr Secret I.Centre, Lymtanng, Butitvan, and C1int0n.......
Blair, Cambria, and .....
•jartzerna•Columblit t and Montour
Bradford, Susquehanna, and, Wy0ming....... ..
novo, Potrer,hleKean, Eh, Clearfield - and Jet
Mercer, Venango, and Warren,
Erns and Ciamford
Bader, Beaver, and L 'trance
Allegheny 2
Watbington and Greene.
Bedford ......... ..
A rmixong, Indiana, and Chan0n........ .....•
Sntiata, M film, and Union • I
Westmoreland nod Fayette,
4.1101 •• •No and W his county Con.
slid {moth • •of the enll of the Chalrathn, the IVldc
cod Anti - uonle Coanty Conunthee at' Correspand.
once met Mc Court Item, The following resolu
tion Woll • • oMed, to Inc
Itand -, That the Whig trod Anal:month voters
011ie err raj Election Districts of Allegheny County
ha. and - hereby requested to sect at their rival
pates:an holding elections, on Seturday, the In day
of Jule nen, then and there locket two delegate. to
the County' Convektloo to be held alto Conn liodhe,
ooWeeinesday theta day of.Tane, at II o'clock, a a.
Said Convention to make the usual and occenary
nontinadons for the evening October Neetiona, and
also to appoint In delegate, to represent the County
In the &am Convention, to he held an the city of Philo
delphl., on Wednesday , the 10th day otJeno.o
The priorarir meetings in, the Townsip. to (except
between the Mart of two and hen o'clock,
Piro and theme in the Wards nod Boroughs betwe e n the
knees agaves and Woo &elec.. P. AL .
lera. s Pusil . IY. 02 .,
Tuoa./Itszus, 5 •
Plusbugh; Apnl 10.165 g. •
The sad Fano which occurred ita Third .street.
yesterdaluttuning, in which unman lost his life,
and another his liberty, and burdened his soul
trithtbUiSinftillease tat having taken the file co
hitt (show, aids another to the ten thotteand evis
deluxe of the danger and Lilly of cgriying deadly
Treats:ins. A matt who carries a loaded pinto!, or
dirk knife about him, ought to be ,considered
danger:ma member of society, and be severely_
punished by Line and itnyrisonumat for every sock
*ltems agalruta the safety end peace of smile.
ty. The-very ant of carrying a deadly weapon,
'shows a murderous purpose, and ahould go far to
fiz the nature of the guilt incurred In any offence
against the law. It fa high time that this barber.
Gus practice was discontinued in • civilized coin.
mushy, unless we wish to retur n again to the ear.
age s'nue vrite re might puke., right,'and evary man
takes the law in hie owe bands.
The Governor signed and returned the bill to the
Legislature on Wednesday morning, accompanied
with the following message:
To the &gone and Howe cf ropresentatiter of the
ComaroarateLA of Prarnyfronia:
Gavrtgaugx—The bill entitled "an Act to tin the
The txpedttiota to Cobs.
Pram the accumulated evidence br senators ht number of senators sad Reprmentattam and form
gan oy the State tato Districts to pursuance of the proms
our 'exchanges, we cannot doubt longer theta ion. oldie Coastline.," has received ray approval,
m and, therewith, become el law.
marauding expeditiom.latended to Drenthe Ile ,,,,, i g ,,,,a , ~,, i., 4 „,„,,,,, , nd
4 ril.lihif Government of Cuter h. really been feel that a brief s h
utmeet of the peculinr ctrcum•
fitted -oat and has sailed Loin the ports of the: Vane. , in which Ih. ye been placed will furniah
Unitnd SCgev ' If thin incnnd. prove t° he the '' 'l'l l ie c o7o7ul " ii * o n' rei r" i2 Y " thra th riptr '' : ;meat of '
bol,tbitAdministration wilt 'MO doubt take active , the State to
be made by the - present Lmsstatore;
meatures far its Copp:motion. 13 prompt action, that duty wan the most important devolving upon
o onorable bodies, and its omi.sion would have
laid aUMMer, was effectual in preventing the mica Z .L . e u ,c t
~,,,noni„,;, people, " -,, • eeehdeesse .
cues of this buccaneer tchemr, end there is co in your wisdom and patriotwoi lad induced Mem to
reason that .bean par c ais e why a ainaharna erant , o in teat yob watt the power and !rusts of Represent.
A failure to nt.
oared ationanot be taken now. If the people of 17,,..,r
-, would have per perf
theism.h boun den de spreatd excite-
C 41.4 are riQ of the Yoh. of 6 r.i.h, and make on meat and alarm, and would, if the voice of passion
edoet to throvi it off, end succeed in establishing and prejodice was heard and iclicaed, have result•
toeir Indepothletee, the United States will gladly ' s tl e f,T e l d e a n en r on T y . c . in ; nnnev sod prosperity of
seanowledge their indepeadeams ; but the present . II is fair to pormme, that for ~., valid rename,
undertaking partakes More of the naturenf it pi. • a bill for the {tarp°, of diltriciling the :tale was
preanatation to me until i
&laced ma its the 4th day
tritest! congtiest than of a revolution, and as our of Ap o lass, i sss i ng . a ~,,,;,,a of h e i n na ih,,, n d
mil is wade the theatre of the organimtion and four data after the turtling of the Legislative.—
g ling ore of the expedition, the Goecroment cm. Tide bill I could not approve and to prevent any
Lot look on in Ocoee without violating her treaty t ":n"'"' n 'T q ein l. li " n . n . irt"i''ci.t" of the I,''''''
r 1 ea.., within five d ays, to wit. on the .hli of
copulation", and the plainest dictates of interne. April. Irate...est the same to the Ifoom of Beare
Loan' comity. We shall look, therefore, , with 'emotive'', in winielt it origiooled. with i'W:al3.-
confiJonce Ter Glatictoment interpcillion„ 11 the re ti°°•
P " ss ,;:; i o n t ; ', lna n : e i t' p ° : s ,Z. s n. , ° ,'" l r r n s , o l , ° ,`;l s ° „l s ' e t ,r ;
Is really, es appears to he is the case, no attempt the 14th day or Illay, being a period or more than
befog made to invade Coba by an wined force mta m m
no other lull ( i" a ...ill. P.P...."
to the Execu
pre. inteal tive Depart/nem. At 4
. thee out to this conotry. '
'clock, yesterilav event/3g, within less than I
P. • B.—A telegraphic despatch ha, already houreasf the time Read by-boh blanches of the Leg.
confirmed oar anticipations, almost before the ink s istatme for final adjournment, the net now under
on.nieration ems presented tome, ten. allowing '
wan dry which /edited euteviewas Oar-reader the E(
0 solet, than half a day for trie cmisidera•
will perceive , under mu telegraphic head, a 'de- hoe of 0 measure to the, deliberation and clasher
•• non whereof a coenlionte" brooch of the Govern.
'match from . one correspondent, !.' -Taoists,. which -
sal b aa , •
• ' meat' Laddevoted; among .. mt. important
arnica Thal lite - Ooverament has taken the moat measures, upwards of four months. . .
elleleat mesas for attpmeamag.thla eintranding , 1 was thou maidenly .milleal ilpan either to ap.
hn be h5 ,,,,, h " e royeahe bat re.sented to Inc or by refusal. per
olpn'aitiott, " d ik will n 6 ' km - -- - - - o - --. '" . P time , at c P onstautionnit injtkie.liol,,equiring Me
abrupt termination. , A Lw days will reveal the a'pprutionmeal tan
he InaJo at this ' sermon, to be
remelt: 'Z.." neglected and disregaMed, or, . so extreme men.
Annin " Ans P nin n " ate* tint ten thousand men i ' io n 7l; i t : .e'illalli together
t t it ie pe A rf "'m orna l' a l i cl P artPtio m eni
knee already lauded upon the Inland. We think ditty; the ealigation whereof they knew maned at
this, howes er, extremely doubtful. ' - ,lan tune of their adjoitnneat
---...----.- I believed that a refusal to sign the bill might he
irresaryteriera Gemerol Aseembly.vOld productive ;sigma knurl , to the Commonwealth,
Scheel. , disturb the peace of the coutnannily, spread Conf.
• • t.,,,,,c,,,,,,,,, May ii , 1 9- 4 . t andand outrage over the land, and possibly_ do
The Onersl Ass:nobly ef tee Presitste„r,.., 1ibe rtie5.5wv,"e'5n,76,..;:r5.:,.,,h,74,7,,,„,...,L=1,7ip55,,,,, L...
Clittr. convened yesterday at the Central Cs
" trislature m ig ht , and stmt prnhablv would, have
on Flak street between and Wes:ern Raw. - „ 1 , d i .". s '. , 0 , „ ' 1 , . ..
Aker the usual rchait us err 'tare the tAti ..f. • r " ' n " " P c • '' P "'"' "," '"`,•.:
- c witi‘e the no rine of a lac Cm ilmno,tl pe: p.c wou...
Were opened "sub n term .11 Cy Itev Da . 2 , 1‘11,P .6. „„„,, . •
,•`4lr, y coma it-if
c r iglir.Jogeri - wit. west muderstor or it, ra t ,
... had ec., .1,0, fully informed the LeziOaiure of
Antemetf,'enn who in will known ns the -K .- die Ir
onluerphitte• of toe Nearer bill 1h id sag:mated
woe .iii . Um religions P.... Id la diamorm was doubt. of the coh•ttailtonality of it. proVi.lonif, and
meetly upon' the anti of the Lichen of God. — hod expressed a decided di i-approbation of the
Li,. Murray Ls a (amble and plena.. //peak.. policy of connecting counties is furcate; Itepre-
At the opeatog of toe afternoon retsina the As • teutative districts: then no now, believing that it
Wsubli Proceeded to the Mecham of officer,. • woo anti.lteupubecan in its conception, gnd well
be. Pate, of St. Luria, W. Breekituidge, of calculated to remove the just responsibility of. the
Lintels:la and Laland, of Smith Carolina,were Ropro ,oo thoaoa, a : 1 ..1 error to h Belmeliem GeV
numleateti for the offlee of Moderator. r. Le. eminent. That these suggeorions had not inilnence
hod 1313lved 71, Ds Port. 61, and Dr. Menhir,. arm the .I..CFlAtuture i• apparent by the ortneeex
rule, 22 roma. Dr. Leland was conducted to the tiny connecten. by II e pre.ent bill, or the counties
abaft by Dr. Rice. 'Dr. Marley presented him of eoyette and Wixom/re:and, of Armstrong, Chim
the-book of-ndes which govern too Aasegobly, ion, and Jefferson, .d many others that might 6e
nut 044, taking Me seat Dr.-L. briefly addremed enumerated. It is equally mauifeh that the_m
„,,,, ~.t hi y , 4 ,,,,,,,, , , she
sheseheee , she `nark”
r i: i rela . t l i no on
i t: co e, t . m . t n ies created sin. 1.00,
noose n ' nfneen a . ° P °° kin 's a" invoking the h '
la dint ine•-aae, W P ;thout the sliehtest wish to re
alest:am of Gad upaa his effort, for the proper Ford , h , ~,,.„,,,a na ,,,a s, „ o f p„:i,j ea l ~,i,,,, , a ,
governikent of the body. .
few" of a fair nod equitable apponionment were
The eltetica of a temporary clerk was next in given to the Legislature. From apparently entire
a ilea —Rev. Messrs. Conde Eels, C-ark and.Sic e s disregard of my 3.7,c-diens in the t an of
prienteon teem nominated. Eels received tur the present bill, I criald mu expect to find, from a
Conde 41 - ; Clark 311, and Stepheaton 22 votes— continual/. of your session, any change in hhlr.• Eels :as &elated duly elected. opiniem id member., and hence was forced to be
. -
The- Moderator announced That be would give lieve Mat all effort., no my part, to carry into ef
GUI tke aPpointmenta for utie mending committers feet the spirit of the Constitution, as I understood it,
this mornin would wore abortive in reconcilinz the dissimilar
Ott-motio n of Dr. Murray, it was determined sentiment. entertained upon the subject.
that the sittings of the Assembly too held between Impressed with the cuoviction that it wax unsafe
the hears of 9 sad half past 12, A.M., and half to have no lien.lation on the subject. and that the
past 2 and half past tisP M. coofirmation of your cewilon or your re.assembeng .
The represenostioas as far as recorded, from would result, for the reasons mated • in the enact.
she s ee ., at the ~,,a . ,,,,, Ss . sees ,„ rte r,,,„,.... ;. meta of no more equitable law lion the present, I
have felt It to be better, under the eirboin•lance•,
N. York 141 N. Jena? 6, Pennsylvania 20, Vu tats
thereto, and a teough il is far
io, otoo 9. Indiana 11, L linos 5, Missonri 4, Ken- i ir ' e ti ,e ' I°4 °- ' - ` ° " n . , . '
each lems.ttion VII Could have desired,
112c1.7 4, North ft coma 1, Tonne's., 5, South
it is infinitely preterabla to the inflictiou of the
Carolina 3,lGeorgia 2.
wrong; upon popular institutive. that might, end
Tea warming clerk of the Assembly is Dr Lord
Cr Phi/Illelptlt. most probably woold, have resulted froth your Pep.
Oration without the paasage of no law on the tub
. The church was crowded yesterday, at both. i e . i.
the morning and afternoort beallool. . In my bumble judgment, so Riess , an infraction of
. --- the Constitution would leave th e law, repotatioe,
• Pion the National lactligancor. • and property of the citizen without the protection
• We observe is several papers of late date, in and safety, guarantied by a
,faithful observance of
different pares of the country, remarks indimtive the organic law
of surprise at the whom of the National Intel. The hnuemel is submitted, that mv fell ow
, cili
a's:met, teaching pm grave and delicate questions nen° may know the tea..., that h.”. l'ilmetieed
which tit present engage ao.aaxiaudy the a m.. tee to sign a hill which, I I eel is not equitably puff
boo of.Coagreso, and a contrast drawn .between I'F' alt "ohhoh, of .the eta!, tied which does mi.-
nee to the
. great party with whom I have the honor
that Whence and the freedom with 'retch other
tortraa's at the seal of Government express their . I°
i' ' '
P"U I.; `,. P. F. JONSTON.
opiniour, and comment on the varionslegidauve p, nn . n . r „, n c 5 5„„,,,,,. 1
pleas brought forward (or the settlement of the a ss thb org, lu ny l i , 1 ,-,, ii.
question tithe day. „Had the persons who thus
regard the COU/10 of We 'lnteiligencer in this par
ticular 43 of solllcient coMiequeaco for remark, The following Address of the Whig members o
been long acquainted with this paper, they could the Home, seta forth briefly, the remota' which
hardly fall to have obaervcd that is editors have
.infleenced them In voting for a bill, still liable,
ouver been la the baba of volunteering advice to .
Congress on mamas of difficulty; hearing usually all " all it" imtindettawnt to en many okien.noni.
Mend the good tease of the masses ot .the two Their constinaento will approve their course, which
Honarac - -comprising generally, a. now, among was dictated by the principle, of true patriotism,
their members, soma ot the wheat Intellects of the and we trust will visit upon the betide of those
the un--equal to the moat perplexing emergen
cies. ono, were determined to sacrifice the welfare of
However titmice. we have mensionally felt,._ the Stale to patty, their element condemnation:
and own do at this tiro-. 'mamma. questions of
import:nue agitated in Congress, yet, conceiving ADDRESS
that our advice to Gam men In regard to 'them , TO THE' PEOPLE OF PENNSYLVANIA.
would be neither bonelleust nor becoming, wo The underegned, Whig members of the House
- have abstained, with ram eXceptiona tram obiru. of Representatives; believe It to be doe to them ,
ding upon the attention of Guavas our individual selves to stale some oft he rcanom which impelled
views ' , Poo lea queallans el'endlegbekire it.— them to vote tor the Apportoament 11111 aa It was
We say this, certainly, without witthituy to tumwe :reported from the Committee of Couference. That
the slightest degree of impropriety to those jour. B 11, we aro fully aware, Is in some of its proved- ,
nab 'at the seat of Goyernmetq or ebewhere, ono unequal and unjust. It given to mum of the
which : hove thOught lit, is the exercise of their Damocritle district. grost advantage., while It de.. l
unquestionable right, temmtne x different comer. prtees certain Whig ..0..m0u of such o represen- ,
, On, forbearance from talhog part in the discus. Mena as they aro In justice entitled to.
Wooer the questions which bare inevitably result. • The Democratic district. id Bergs, York, and'
ed Lem the ompahrition of ram regions of terse°. Cumberlmd, have a representation greater, than I
ry—parchased meat dearly by a lavish el/natal, of to justice that could claim. while the Whig cog.-,4,,,,,i treason of country—istherefore, tie* ol Union, Allegheny, Boller, dee., are demi-
Impateble to say thing 'but doubt or indiffereoce red of three memo - term of the !douse, which by e
orb noir...Vele: l de or ennamptenco of the gee.. fair and just apportionment they would have, i
hops at haw. On the contrary, access that our 'Too Sensorial dist:tete of Chester and Delaware, ,
shame heal:teen misinterpreted, we take occardon end of Montgomery are n h anx i ona solhe charge
... r. ..„. 0 .,..,. 6 ...,1„. right up., that of greas iouptritity and hieratic, The county' of
paint, that we have as concealment. touching the Chester abode has more man a 'efficient number'
prepeis,,,se before Congress for g,ttligs of taxable° to eatitle it to a Senator; yet the strong
thMalavcry cootroveray; in regard to which we Whig county of Delasvare, with a taxable poptila•
see free s. , eyon, sh e i s , in h n ,„,, n , nitre,. Co th a t lien of over flee thousand is attached to her, whilst
as on most setalecta, tt appears to an to be of Montgomery, which also border. no Delaware,
IMO itetianitarmin Willett ofthe plan. hefore Cormss mahout a mhfielent number of taxable., le, by Mb
shaft - tocceed, than that sow one of them shall bill, elven a Senator.
enac t
and that speedily. We ,bull cheerfully The oppositioo party revered every attempt to
vrelanate soy immure. or any aeries almanac', anite Montgomery and DMaware.
Ancharitag the admission of the California into the . The netting of lading, Armstrong, and Cl..
voi ovs with the Constitution Which she hermit rico in one Senate's] district, is another teeters
reaMcdo) Which shall •conuoriad.majoetiee fa the of the Bill, which. In Us political aspect, Is pecolt
two liana of Congress._ PteUrtitig the phut re- arly °boozier°. to us as Whigs, and we made every
whamended by the President to' Compass, in het effort to form a district which would have been
Meows of the 2lat of January, as well-consider- leas objectionable hide people of the old district,
ed, consthaidottaf, andjutt --offering fewer difileut but withal:Waverer& ,
ties to be overcome than any other that blithely Bat time willing permit as to eater funher into
to succeed --we should yet hail with satisfaction
,details or' do more than teeny that the mallet:4 was
the adoptionof way plea which Would do Plaice , extremely, - embanuasing, and Mho:laded with
to the political claims of Calit '
haln and it the difficult/ea, and that we endeavored to bring to
,ease thee realms let . olO mindiof thd People of: lb, ebk.kliareticin of it that calm and dimension
this country the quiet that has been, onbappily ' ate etnreioe_itif jidgeoent which It wa r our dory
alittnebed bribe pests of discord which, - dunog .:aillepresealatires, to do.
.ttall bid AY...entail month; - have reagent team 1. , WejearetrOat some d.j. / irate' mum deemed
from the flail s of Congress . S' ' : that t hin Legtslatore Mould adjourn without pats-
Of the several plans which are beZre Comes., tag so Apportionment 11,11—a result fraught, as
we dri liinl thlat that ths fake of the ~n ature or the , we believe, with the meat dlogemus eoesequen
pates of the cestah7,, d ep ends upon the choice I eta. Far although the laws have mote pro's/son,
which shall be made; sod we bee no neeessicyas we believe, for • White to mak. as apportion.
storaldre,6r sdrocallog with soda. Wehettkincel
meat law s the appor.tionment so. of 1613, (.. s
pt goad% Al RI Ir il*Ts9l4.9olQuget. d° 0 1 Ita. Fi n A g n l n ke PtVgngela Dinll ll n k 4 0.4
1 • . cocas OF at rarsorrannine.
Adam, . : .. ....... - ....1 Lnornater 5
I Allegheny .. ... .... ... •.5 Luzerrin
1 Bedfdrd and Camlrrta..2 Leehnch and Carbon
Berke. 4 tonroe and Pam...... 1
Backe • ..... ......... Lebanon I
Blair and Runtingdou.2 Mercer, Venango, and
1 Bradford ' 2 Warren. 3
Beaver, . Butler, and Crawford 2.
Lawrence.— ..... 3 Mifflin 1
Chester •..., .. : ... 3Montgomery 3
Cumberland...... ..... .il Northampton . 2
Centre 1 Northumberland I
I Clearfield, Eqr, and 510- Perry 1
!Caen.. ......... —•1 Philadelphia city 4
Clarion; Arinatruag and Philadelphia county-11
Columbia and bloatour.l Schuylkill ... • • .. ..... 2
tha p hia— .... ••. .. .....2 Susquehanoa, Wyom-
Delaware.: ~. 1 lag, and 'Sullivan 0
Warlington 2 Wayne. I
Franklin ....• •• • 2 Weaned and Fayette..l
Greene I Union and Infanta— • .1
Iridium I V0rk......, . • ........ 3
Lyo,,,aiay, Ctinton, a ad
Potter ....... ......21
nem eenmenulon and an agportiousent ttimetin
made, the Ramat., at a ratio of I Imo,. Oat! con
sist of thistythreo members and be apporuoned so
follows," km, and m of the House; yet It was ate
aortae that the Legislatum Oiling/his year tomato
an apportionment, the people of the State would
be thrown back upon first principles, akterior to
the Constitution, and that each county would send
to the next logialatare the number of members
she would believe herself entitled to, bringinir an
arohy and confusion into our Lesislailm Halls,
a stale of thinp, no well wisher of his eocultry
could look forward to otherwise than with the
greatest apprehension and alarm.
Oor Constltottem Makes no provision fora state
of Revolution. Our fathers tato framed it, never
oatertataed the Idea that tiler descendants, rep•
tato Wives ores, people, could to Mr forget their
duty as to produce sash • stem of atop by refu
sing to perform duties imposed upon Clem by their
oaths of office.
The ponciplee of our patty, to which ate are
attached, because we believe them best calculated
to promote the happiness of the whobt people
end increase the prosperity of the Commonwealth,
though dear to vs, sink tato insignificance when
compared with the 06111mill:cis we ate under to
preserve inviolate the Crinwiiiitleo.
Under a - full Definite( the respoetubHity we have
alsomed by voting (or a bill which we believe has
done great kijosece to our pnity and has obliged
some of as most unwilliesly to !moraine the feel.
loge of our own particalar diet riewp stubserve the
great interests of the patty throughout the State,
and to protect our common constituency against
the inroad of a torrent of revolutionary disorder,
fatal to their percr and aceorlay, we throw our.
&etrer open a constltutior auppotting and law
abiding conwiteenet for .judgment and support,
bellsvirg that they mill appreciate our aunties in
voting for a bill, certainly not such en one as We
wished, hut the mull of a compromise—and
probably the bestAinder the eircomstantses that
mold be obtained.
A. Iwo rr EwING,
• . J. IL EURDEN, -
JOHN S. 130 WEN,
Halataaaaa, May 15, 1t..50..
Corragpauaaace of We P.LiAburgi Gassue.
VlAseincrro. bfay 17.
Non intervention ha the wens hp-Foote
•earetsetit -Clemens bellrgerent....Brat.
lees rume-.The Tsr' 1:11-Balwee. ear
vespendesace-Th• Frio Traders upper
most for the peasant,
We had • beautiful debate, iu the Senate. yes
terday, wherein Clemens, F -eta, and other gee.
emelt of Gascony gave their chivalry an Wring
is the shape at a promisetion. tilt at one another'.
political reputation. This sktrutiala had its origin
in Jefferson Darie's ameadment to the territorial
bill Grum Compromise Committee, the object of
which was to procure au t. xpreu mastoid= ot
slavery to New Meamo. Foote railed this inter
vention. 111 attempt to cotaltu and make %tooger
the coastal:aloe For some purpose or other, this
modern Bocnbastes seem. a little inclined to play
the part ot the trimmer; teo eau hot and blowing
cold by tures, now patron arty Gen. Cam, and
now Nutlet on the back Ai. Southern friend., the
ishishvilleConventionists. What he may take It
LA) his entry heed lode or sty, would be of bide
moment to the pubhe, were act the besitteas ofthr
clean delayed, and the eharietat of the Gnome
discredited by the deity 0. 4. 0,,, i 0 1. of Ws txticzt'
mot rhetoric, which however interesting to Alta-
Welt; is of en wet of comertience to the rest of the
world. Foote has some soul point. iboot him. I
bear ethers .2y, but beside that, he A. an ,toter.
rig:ble babbler and sprinter, consuming, without
senseor limittimereqviredfor legitimate legitimates
Elia manner I. incurably rode, offenaive, trinket,
sad insolent, insomuch that In 1/stening to his
one finds hinter feriae:2oy asking by shat chance
such a vulgar brawler amid have found hI. way
into the Senate of the 170 trd States.
Bat to return IMP can hoer personal' d4rer.
mon. Foote lase mmautni .1 neatly the whole of
days, to realsionn se ..egresmon upon Can.
.00 irderventtcto doctrine, wkcb Lc aoppOren
:ark in Daria l barnentlaieni. Yesterday afternoon
aemena buns: the bounds of aodaraoee and
made a desperate sesault also ids late ally and
confederate. He openly ct.arged hint with play.
toga pan far ulterior objects. Clemens is an int.
,petnons saint at hest; and al this occasion
peered heartily inclined to make a dobh of Foote.
The altercation was becoming hot ennegh to be
interesting, when old Hr. Bader,of S. C., good
itatoredly interfered, sod perhaps anticipated a
resort to pistols and coitte, by moving to gob,
Essen:lvo session.
• In the mean time, it sill bo seen that bee.
Cass is M a light plays. Co, the providon of Mr.
Clay's bill prohibiting the provinetial legislature of
Noir Mexico Coon legislating Gar or against ea- .
very, is virtually a nullifieauioa of Ina non !mei-
■ considerable aumberlof 'lave, already are in
New Mexico, it ta probable that mon will go
them To uy that the local legislature abed not
pass Laws for the release of these people, la to say,
la erect, that Congress interferes to keep them In
But even if these circumstances did not
4xist, and the design of the provision were to in.
Verdict the establishmint or toleration cleaves,
by MeJoeal legislature, it would still be a ease of
eoegrttssional intervention in the slavery question.
It either ease, Oen. Oass is St a corner. He most
oppose the compromise, or be most violate hi.
own doctrine. The eyes of the Free Boilers, If
not of the world, are upon hint, end woe betide
the author of NicitoLmniam, If he latter. In no.
her seriousness, Gen. Cass is in • wane 4.1 than
poor Polonlas was. At the bidding of his south
ern guardians and routers, he hat cried camel,
whale, mdlweasel in this slavery agitation, and
all to no claque. And now, like Poloulus,'Ule
Genend is
Dead, far a deco, deal
Non lotervention and pro slavery Atomic= to
gether, have been the death of hue, and ir Ban
non ever ercefgies into the some premium:icy on
the came issues, he too will son be e dead cock
in the pit.
The Tariff dieseulan la the House, yesterday
•nd the day before, has resulted slightly to the
advantage of an Free Traders, they luting cats
rind the points of reference, he. I reGirredllat an
early period of the session, to the shamefullyj par.
tie! and unfair ennstrunob of the committees by
Speaker Cobb. Thus the Ways and Means, upon
the whole the moat powerful end dmportant com
mittee in the House, was made to consist of live
somhem to fouetwailiern men, and of six uhra
Free Tenders, to three Protectionists, reckoning
Toombs, of Georgia, among the fanner. It was
to this committee, that after a contest occupying
parte of two days, the Bulwer .correspondence or
protest against proteCtive American duties, wee
referred by the rota of hg to B. What is the
the chance of any fair considoratioo of the subject
before such a committee may be estimated from
Ps previous conduct, but If any doubt - remained
en the point, the conversation between Mr. Hamp
ton and Mr. Bayly, the Moorman, on Wodneaday
would helm removed it. I here Mean th
port orthat episode to the debar. lit will be
and interestires to all your readers. Hedy
The Committee of Ways and Moos, from the
foundation of Lb, Government up to this time, had
always had tee charge of these subjects. Why,
thee, had there been an Mien on this occasion to
take the muter out al the hands of the Committee
of Way. and Means? One orate most distinguish
ed members of the Num/Ivan'. delegation, (Kr.
flaroptonja gentleman of fine talents and 'realm
duotry,was upon that commuteenud hadbsea plea
ed there,he (Mr. B )doobrrd not, with refereoce to
the Iron interests, which be behaved the gels
man represented to a greater extent than 'ay
Cr geodemen upon this, floor.
It aims said that that committee war already
overburdened with the bunions* Ware teem; but
they were equal to their legitimate onus Tie
nivel or the tariff, Di' the .uereasa of dant% Was
a pet of the teammate subjects lot Metz tiOnaldet.
Wien; it belonged to them. Whatever Might be
the course which the committee Might takeyiltha
majority should be fete trade men, they bad rite]
very able minority is leant of ptomain, who
would have an opponunity of koalas In • is.
port to the House, if they wished to do so.
Mr. Hampton—l who to asit the gentleman
bum Virgil!' whither the . 00maelgee of Ways
.4111514111 SAY elk% ppoi go nth
_ ,• , .
the tuff. • gelfgorts leaved to than On the 'inject of
' •
Mr. Bayly-vShey have taken -to other action
than, In the chttnlntion of the heathen of the cm
matnee,•to live placed those mittens _ls„ nay
Mr: Hampton—l wish to ask, Blither' , if any.of
these penman) which relate to as lacrease of the'
, dudes on Irom,coat, or any other •.parta oldie ta.
riff; have bee' tafernad to me, - aa I atipcose k am
the member to wheat the gentleman refits, befog
the only member from Perenrylvania on that come
Mr. Baely—They hams not Leos. But the
Fenthmalut bowl Perfect!) well, that with the re.
tations of cannery exmt;ng among the Members
of that committee, if he bad expressed any desire
to hen:them referred to Woolf; the, entabily
would hove been so referred. .
Mr. Hampton was 'understood to say that be
would at any time have taken charge of those peti
tion web great pleasure, if it had suited the views
of the chairman to have thus referred them.
Mr. Ilayiy—lf the gentleman In the intimacy
that rants between us, had once intimated his desire
to tali, charge of them, I should have relieved his
modesty, es fir as any action of miss was concern.
ad. But the gentleman • knows full well that it Is
not the chairman but the committee who distribute
the business amour the various members. • •
Mr. Hampton Without making any complaint
whatever, I desire to ask whether, when amain
petitions from Pennsylvania were presented to the
Home and referred to the Committee of Ways and
Meant, in the distribution of those: petition, the
chairman did not remark, Here are remain petitions
upon tree, coal, ecc : I will take charge of them
myself, if the committee do not object? Was a
that the method pursued . b ' , the chairman 14
Committee of. Ways and - the •dbui '
of these petitions? I' . l'' 4,, •
Mr. Burly replied, pre osiers celiac
bill went into the hoodoo from Nair
York, IMr. Dula :1 he (Mr:. • had remarked in
vi t te.
that cane, precisely as he bad in thin, If there is no
objection, this report will go to the gentlemattfroth
New York.
.. „ .
Mr. Sackett interposed, and Mr. B. yielding) ii
maired whether th e minority of the Committee had
the tight forepart in ono where 'the majority ns.
fused to act at all? • • -
Mr. Bayley—Graming the gentleman's soppcvi.
Mon Ido not know th at they would hire the:eight.
But ' l do not know what ioformation the gentleman
1:121. to enable hiro to predicate his question upon
the.suppositiou that the commateo Intl not do their
..... .
Mr. &tekett —I do not say that the committee
have any disposition not to do their ditty. I any
ask if the fact were so—that the majority should
conclude not to report on this subject—whether the
minority would have a right to report at all! -
DIV,. gam no tuatara:tory answer to Mr.
Ssclorti's guestioo; if he had, be would have ad•
, mined at once that the minority could not report
, own any subject, unless by the consent of the ON
jority. Bat from Mr. Ibuziptee's gueinans, and
Beyly'a answers, it is perfectly manifest that by •
hide cool edrontery as the pan of the latter, the
petitions and memorials from Pennsylvania and
elsewhere, on the iron and roil= great Interests,
have teen taken prmessiors of by him, and are like.
ly to he suppressed.
To day we beheld the Gelphin claim in its full
Proportions, and the people gazed on the creature
with the nine eager curiosity with which they go
to see the elephant. All the emieeted reports from
the Commune of Investigation were presented.
The Damming* were able to Ogre* upon a state
ment of facts, which with the evidence was sub.
mined, end which concluded widithreeresolorions,
declaring very tekedy that the principal of the claim
was never • jun &meal against the United States,
but that in es much as the special act of Almon,
euthorrsad the payment, fro exception can
be taken by Congress to that. As to the interest,
the Committee conclude it wee not due, and was
not mullioned to be paid by law, and that its pay
ment was in violation of law andprecedeat.. Upon
the invalidity of the original claim for interest,
and the impropriety of allowing the interest, the
Committee were divided, See Democrats for, and
four Whip against. Bin the propriety of paying
the principal, forty nine thousand dollars, trader
the no of Augmt, lbPs, was admitted by • maul.
moue TOW
The four Whigs on the Committee express their
dissent to in condi:Wogs', in a:well written arise
meat tan the law and the facte, Disney read, co be
half in two others, Dennwrats, and himself, a very
long and able argument against lha Maim both
principal auninterest. Burt and Jackson, elan de'
firmed their hews in • joint argument, which
was not read but presented with the other doeis
menu sod hod on the table, from 'which they will
be taken up, next Monsfay,jszin dimmedit
Mr Stooks, of •New York, by good manage ,
meat and adroitness, seemed the opportunity to
speak a full bond on the subjert, and he astonish
ed every body ,by the accurate knowledge he
pommeled of the Cane, and the very radical and
bitter condemnation which he visited upon the
beads of alleonnemed or suppmed to he connected
with the business Brooks to an ardent Whig, and
to general stutters a very decided party man, but
on this matter he is very indignant modest the eon.
duet of ta Portion of the Cabinet, includinrim his
censure the Secretary of War and Treasury, and
the Attorney General
The Senate on Thowd..y afternuou confinted •
number of Menials, in antic.pailun of the 1tC1.,..1.
ty of their services under the Census Silt.
Mr Shyly has reported appropriation bills to
the amount ot sown twenty two millions of dollars,
and these not reminding that prOviding for civil and
diplomatic mpeiver, the hearie4 of the whole.
I learn that after a smart contest to the Committee
of Ways and Means, an item of considerable im.
position° has been insertedm the latter bill, for the
support of the Department of the Interior for the
cumeing year. i t This indicana that the Demos-am
are already repenting of their crusade against this
DePartment, which they were fully no inattumen.
tat in creating as the Whigs. It was at we time,
to peat danger.
All the onlintiry business of the tension is yet to
I. transacted, rloJ were the eta very queeroo ad
justed, there would be still no prospect of adjourn
ment Wore September, and now it seems likely
enough that the two simians Will run into one.
A great anxiety exists bete, to hear definitelyl
from Cabe Of course all sorts of ntifounikd end
- . •
extravagant rumors are in circulation, relative to
the movernentiof the alleged expedition of the so
called “Patrioni," the Panay name sported by the
vagabonds, who far want of some respectable em•
ploymeot are sand to have gone upon a finny
against the Island. Yemen:lay I heard the inquiry
mode whether it ens true that they hod landed
with tie, thousand men, and to morrow it will he
asked with equal serimisriers whether they have
taken Heretic If there is any each affair in pro.
ern as the New York Sun, the organ of the these
"Patrice." reports, all such questions will probe.
bly soon be answered by the intellsgehms, that the
chosen band of worthies have fallen info the hands
of the Spanish fleet, or more likely, before the rav
ages of Cholera and yellow fever .
111.0111 NEW Tong"
rwsruposeanea of the Pittsburgh Deletes -
New You; May Id.
Admit week of rain, fair weatherhu ouce more
returned to ea. *little of the gloom from the city,
and give a little buoyancy to the feelinpOl pea.
plc, •ho, brim the weintennitted cold Leib, are
glad to be free.
.:The rush of strangers tO town
cocoonunabated, and mu hotel book, skew an
acquisition of about eine thousand per week. a
number whioh causes no perceptible Increase to
on e population, though it would 'make a serious
breach if drawn from the business population of
any other - thy in the Unlash The tide of emigre.
ton hu 'ael very strongly towards vs, for the put
ten days,-and we have received no less than ten
thotwead new citizens In a week.
The tide of Improvement has at length reached
the proper mark, and the Win of the old Park
Theatre will be 0000 swept elf to give room Gar a
block of brown stone stores, one hoodred and
filly feet deep, to be occupied ia part by a large
silk house. , The rumblers And blacklegs who
now haunt that region will moon be milled, and
no room left for them In that owlet. At no time
was the city in so much contagion from the enc.
lion of ‘ nevr buildings sod the demolition of old
ones. The streets am hardly rare kr pedestrians,
who on one wee are' In danger of beteg crushed
by vehicles, sod on the other 'tend a good I
• emetic to get a hod of bricks upon their heads.
After a long season ol repose among the steams
ship owners of Lees Islud Lund, there are
signs of weedy operations. One of the lines to
Roston hu anziounced a reduction of Ere from
-St to 51,50, or about one cent • mile. There
are four daily railroad and three mearithow lines
to Boston and Oh comprraion once under way,
cheap traveling will be abundant. The Hudson
River road le beano' the borate, and L able to
change higher fate than the water malls. The
road Is rood to be pot under contract to Alban!,
no d w o n be completed•oln the shorteninraencable
fere. The Cicada Of the boats have been beaten,
and now think the read won't pay. The Prank- ,
Lis Recleirlig Espedition le chums mad, Dm sios,l
and has been manned with the utmost are, For
°troy bertnthere were half adosest applicants,
and abouldlhe nXnedidon falkit._wili net be for
the want of stout beams - among he r r crew.
lathe het the
30 money marl tera la no abuse ID 1:o.
:tee. Oa ail evlce there ,
en an ineomolailon of,
capita beyond any demand far Ws cc ttueGil
openliOOL No amount of fonds can L. used to
ud eulitullyietabellybol•
slut Uper sells al bin an ro eled ins dent:.
cad eall leui ate made Id lbw perunt.-
na Imbnatioalo • °Punta la gecko la_soklatp,
except on a tur kinds, eneh u Halm and Erie
sad , these tne 'soaked 'op with x 1 eitildi4l' that
,makes the "demi' leek baa, nomads of
ohms of Erie an ilea'
buyers °pilau, at 58 to 417, tifule *present price
is 'Shand ten bums to one refer. No Gown.
met stocks sold 'to day ; all dialers awaltlaa the
chanter's nowt Erie Beads elate at 9814 ud
Pennyleanla 94313/3*. *thou maim &ad
lag if}, and all the tauten high la the sir, and
, -
Nose Cl the steamer's news has been ma&
palate this let, and no hosinesa conseHinirical
has been done in produce. No alma is offeriagi
sad *large advance looked km' 4ifirge tabblih
"PezhaPv." bl bean blown 'la Catma , and the
[ Manchester spinners ostos- either pay a tome
price, or our Cohen hoidens deer thew =miner
Jaunts fp [ itifut of cash.
Asheiare drotat $5,5005,54 oo Pas* Cotton
nomini l / 7 14 ets. for fair N. 0/10111111 Rea can
not be bad %ander $5 for ruy common wan mad
$2,6203,75 for chidea Michigan. The market Is
ran 6e. better. Grabs is still arm. Whisky 233
23" ' • visions steady; Mess Pork SWAIM 0,50;
• , '; •
119,69a6,75 but' sales:of Lard as 0037.2.
J . . lc fads or heavy Groceries temstn, tuebanile 4 .
Vie** Tea sate was better attended and prices
Arm. Sates of Pig Iron at 1119,604120, 5 men; and
bar at 533.50. wiles Oil hats rhea to Wen
Tobacco is getting cheaper and isAloten one cent
from the top mark. Hades and Leather araanive
A jou: man at Bat tilos, N. 411 MA Om ,
of tome] comb, la Irma a hes wuoonesaloa.
While la tho eat of owattowthult, the bee 'tuna
him to Mu throat, to ite to oanaktoOMMM hit
en hoop, his death by sultocatbms.
Bazar , ,-
azar oataa's Ficos.—The ahem, et Meth
mai, the haul (moan; et twee mad bristles, wars
throws Into a Wawa oa Fnday taw, by toe ap
pearance °raiment gees spackneas of the bog
sp•ecar, on theta way to Ashlase, for the pens
orbit Clay. Thai were labelledotrritas Imp;
betas u block as m 1411144024 ate doer bat by
the Cleizetal Dogma& "as am ttah,wkrawful
A Vahuma kfacalna—"Stroel'aPateat Kier
' , Mae Beratsw,” retina,, und, loom and Pawl.
wl Ibe found en lavalnablir ankle. to so bore
ot roads,owneraorsollta fumets,ral sad cit
ttelocnuscurs,Acc. Thlsinadtmentbasbeen tbm
°coy teined—issampleln conatmedustreog,
and dara'ate, yet light, weliblitgaboot pound..
One man wok a palr • alliataasor yoke or oleo,
ean awl, do the work of Lea mesa - lab hlghlr
awful in making reads, levelltne kills, dialed
Oahu, cedars. canals, and la ezmusting for rail
roads, and kw other purposes. The implement la
cheep, bele, retailed at the low prow of O.
The patent* hi. Sweet, Esq , Is at the !daunt
Vernon Hotel, where sales can be erected tad
all informatioa given.—[Phiha Bawls.
The annul report a We Leldak Navigation
Company, jail publLthed, shows tail durlag the
year 1640 Were pawed through its work' 84,210
=Ref ocaL
miles There of NI upwards alone Inutdrod end eighty
pipe. laid In ilia dry of New . Yorklbr
tb• dinnbotion and ',apply of too s i i rotoo wa•
The public pirks of the city of New York earn
prise upwards of ITO acres.
The Baltlinstre &today School Association or
Hoperlateedesta and Teaches* amorist'. 6 0
isehools,l663 altars and teaches., • roll of 122.1*
Scholars. sad Wanes eon prisiss UAW volumes.
The espenditores lag wear for benevolent - pus.
poses amounted to $3,490.64
A won= aerie; t Win • deed, tlw judgi
eskeb her whether her husband eaetwohed •
th sight He compel me!• nib the lady, ao
mot twenty like him."
0 . 317..amee triaMeoes —The propnefors of
treat medicine have reecired kandmds et eertili
seeming e►e unlknes ortha mettleiee ?Me
We tollntring ens emend Landerde:
Louisville, April 10,11547.
bletere.J. Eidd Ca- 4 3euninan—Tlie le to entity
that a dill* of aloe vas .*betas] .in Ira & I pro
cued ruins tins of Virallye an one/amend
nem, bar win eo aces. I nee ;arena:* a vial of
Munn miaowed Venalfeyo, flan Dual Vniatekne,
drouiet etas city, sal any girlie a fan tiwg,the
dint discharged fall quartet wenn. The nein
eine obtkt taproots] lemoyenty. 1 vend ream
mood Dr. Moue.. Venally* to in Fatale, es cue
of Mr. most safe ead canon trusties buseranaut non'
la usa J. Q. COTTEN, Manus
Int - For nlo by/. lUD CO,No CO Won Men
Beal& or Um Pool surd &mkt* Cared.
Ma. letra—l as &alms of mating known to the
pohlie the gnat efficacy of you' PETROLEUM /a ley
011/13 ease, *Lich was a nun maid of the not lad
ankle; spa removing the Mocking, the We peeled
olf with o, and left nothing bat the bars taffies. I
aapecied to be laid op hit artatu Inn the ahem&
du. toed, hot ere applied the emote= freely, by
onetime of • lurid clink saturated with 1; at fiat, the
application graaiseinfal, but ill • very dam dote the
',sin abated. I bad uo pale in 0.. hear afterwards!
1n fine days Casa the time of the application of dhe
reuoicaut, I we. able to to to troth. I tat* pleases*
I. stating theturlaets for the beads of other centers,
aad am denim:it that they stutild be made public.
nrLtd also stile, that I Lad bastediale tuber by dm
use of the Peerollata, in harm, from which I am is
frequent nal:retie owning to any badness shoat the
engine. I troilid teetuanuand it an ilts stoat punnet
and ecitain meetly foe Lams I have ow known.
(Signad.) I II COE, Enplane,'
Ilharpahatett, Allegheny co.
Plunbarelt, Aptll.lB=
Dor ash by le mar t lioDowall,l4o Wood amen
H Sellers, aMood et; DM Carry, Alleabinty can
D A Mot; ♦llgheali Jasepi Donlan, Allegany;
also by the proprietor, Lk KIEL
Canal Dula, Seventh v41144=01
Have Mt received huge addition" to Mir
enrolment, belmiag tad, It,IT arm-
el and low prices nr,O'inee
iti!ootraitaz uos. turiTyrwas.
- Plitsb•rch. -
Offiao—ao.4l Mail sine; La the waithostolot 0,
cohirANT la new paspaaat to Ulan all
bads Of rat., cit lama, oaadatlallallillead•
wretundh. Malta lame%
la IWO, aid la is
aa ample /WU 7 M•ltio WM, sod baovity al,
tat laslliatioa, Malta Joao ataraeatt ot 00 DI.
y w an w ? ca n ma s a s i / P yt a obti l i t t al.
Mater Orlata, High D. Loa, Edward
Ilanahos, Z. Lao% Ilartmailoll. M. NW.
Aftere DR. D. Hinri.
wog at • aa l am".;cib.,117:4
riaDv•Velasiass l De
64. ea emus% los 4482" ,
p r. "
eeton 1.1 Fat Mom 'Az 't ni /Awl* and "
tea ucalc e' t
st m"PhS' 84" i"
P 14"'
p 06, r where Um nom is
or%(dal Pusti man, Pirtsburst low w "
a usaire — i. awned. -
HI 111 lOWA, •
1.. 1117 fellbirly Knot,
Oren fosses We &Wowing fresh goods, hot resolved:
401 dntEl• &myna Flpi
ter/bozos extra t ..
630 bozo Demob m
11Sbalf bones do dO,
jog guru, bares do;
11 iogb San Zalain
' whaauteSe de ;
, 130 bas !lana* Oranges,
oil boxes Slelly Lemons;
; f cuss Slay Wanes;
• 40 dozen Allotted Ple.kloa;
down Assorwl llauessi
11 dozen balad
MI base. Baked Muller,
1.50 ?ozestio kiielder
no I Heribigi -
00 boxes hobo Paste;
60 bee Yeflew, White, & Rod Reek Cued 7,
ISO bar White Ressil Sam
Obis Loyeriesis embed! powdered do;
IS bags Ussery Bean:
Wits Melly Fliberm ,
"te Ws Until flubs
• mo be. bels Fes New;
40 burets Paeans imx
lro bass 801 l Almonds;
ILI boxes Bashed de;
All dims witistoa Candies 114 e per lb, adatelly
packed, eyorreesed goes es amy In the scenery..
Lab u ti a , tea doonaut of BL (West.
tem* •
Willa Burlaps
LAWNY & BURL:HBO:LB hew weaved a esp.
of above suede, wheel LW *Su line firele,
slams retail
Om '
A emptLy jut retlil,ell4 Wiiirlrfea
AltAksi and gultabl.
mgli • N N ear Vomit & Marko it
Postbag • ;
fatpaYjut reed wed, aryl W ewrimisiwietts,
trout oasOgge •
• MURPHY st sonaimizn,
1140LASSE6-15 lais I a Mbiaam Jart nomad.
.11i at babe by • CULAIZIMSON
may= Iw laboas'a
1 Oa ta10•11-3S bra moral blabbers A.& ecru
I.4yabas by • Al - CULAILATBUN
LILAX.4UOU lbs sa coy!. sad Rie•tfi by '
DIWOMS-40 dila Net am tifoo.ll l ll/
JUP 40 dot ommoa. 1%1 relaq. for
I WILE 011-11 boatels JOAN Mtlektle alet by
1 marl A waserms
PMB ritzsou Bum', mussaldll:Cpb is
Z 111: mashy
atsyll Zia mik dikaabal.
t±c.~ ~.''~~ - ~"c't~ ,;1 : p jam.
qjyjiia t;zl
I b q
bijikettie colais
fi l tCftiTyiLloUrdatt" E '"
Imo. Va. Polko l eompoicd .17 deHealed eo
STEPHEN Foll4ll . 3T4itgr a lNGS''"
tcean ili all light. Jog&
Ewa. I Rap thy Dos. OZLe s zo r oar SisoroCrTo t
alkort.ilae ea, by ititoll. •
Oh oaLeit I Um thee, (alpine Hum'
Oateso Hooto, ...Log by Nno. KIIAL n •
NJ Mall: obey, ww. by E. P-Eb bY
H.- Weber. Also, a gin:. 'tufty . or Nev Potlp,
rata.. wawa., Ea. for solo by It Ku:my
aiW rvgnmiATioas.
N RideTiCalimd Critical View of the en. neeoltehre•
'Philosophy of Enfope In the Inch etnlnty.'
DD. Leiters of theeamiiilßlnberford; Professor of
Diototty. in the, Unlvertny. of St. Andrew' , With o
stela' of hi. nfertty.Ren t tunbof of hits
mono of R. M. Mecheyne, •
lbw Threlogleol. Week. et del itte Rev: Dontel
!topic, D.D, ,
hy {hi 1.h T .1 4 .41 1` ) ;* 2 ` c*nd
Rahoielas; 'Paten ,orthblrovhdo..l3l,•Drlontathilt.
Fsuy w;r461.31:A-
Tie uea 'n irlbutions 'of Q. Q 'By Jane Tevor-11-
Inmate from original deskeueiby-Ifeadand..
Tbly Phlbseply of Babe/term Morels and Raton;
eLe alseoveraete . the felth lame ChareeHers of on:
• / 6 = 1 .6 jel, betag - • orqn.l :to the Night of
Wender. 'By lb. an, Boner ' •
Eorslale by All ENGLISH rt CO
- DOLTS of this L am will :taro
JJ Lint freigiga w/ittont u.shlp.mcnt. ,
• J C BIDWELL, Pitiaborgh,
JAMEN COLLINS, do, - fig< ate
BIDWELL kil/OrkLEU, Roamer,
VERMIN'(MAWS WINE—A deltcloos arttele,
X- Yale by bug in MORRIS a JIAWoRTO
GCMG GlN—Fin uk by
Ott •
'DIME WINE -41rJecia a:prosily - for ma
A. diciest! parpores, in Oporto, by Illy. listrorh, fo
A AnefidATEßlALki-restiiiii,-ill
IL sal English Milled. „
soppy Oil, Nut Cll.:tisane &IX hits Copil.Yarond,
English Altilbosrds, assorted rises.
Alston say Pallets, Cbsreoal
Fins 14L Colors in flexible tuber, of all kinds
Jost reed, and for salt by . J KIDD is .
./Y.L la and Id, Jest ree'd, end for eale 677
'noerr ' or gale b 7 JOHNSTON aVE3OOI.II,IiSr
..r Pan Isti vea , d and far We by •
- nuns a mileAcLurioN. A goys!. Ilseeissd
this day, and . for mac by
stniNPToN Frroctrdri
ICotticle.Joitmal. Pon. A Anetican. e;upy.l
POTASH -0 casks pure Pour. , for . sole . or
_ .
SAF R IV I TUF . J7-4.5 biu7l4 f . or,tede j l R
r ARD—III bowels No I Lord} for rale by
jj warn J k it
el, O . Mt 113101111 r SEED lu urriNinthy
lORGAR4-3110,000 Comte. Oblo Segatf, for I
► out)Tl a • J R moll)
- -
- DIOIRON-11.11on• Marion lixtm,:for .ale by ,•
1 may 2L J It FlAileD
2.000 COCOOL'
Bus. ='"Eu•E'
nye, for Bale by
PrtaSIJANT mon order ar th e nthhano Caen et
Allegheny earthly f and :ell a: pont., ',a r k,
ra Saterdery, the nth day or June next at 2 o'elorri
.P M, ad the ng hI, tsar. end Ina:rot of Jame. Fe 7a-
NM deceased, of, in. and to,ralf that enroll Int of
groittid %trace la tbeliotoeyb • of Strophe y, rowdy
aforesaid,' end hounded mat dererneel ei thlienthr- 1
Begtorthe at a post ens Cans) ri reet,then et Itlf"Ir 1. - ,1
....i pony
+- deg. ant'•4Pl,/e,. to a rano, tbenee 1
meth Itl deport!, ran NO fen, re • pee, Irma, by
poet of Mit (or ',RO I Pier ma, net al e,, e. , ,
Vat, deem by ithand of If rb Fleenor nor th O 0 ex,
Wain UM rm. ter tillegylaro
A f r
jk i s x . i . 0; ..ri a ,, gn ...,1 ; n 0 n. :: :::::, . : , '
Operas*, ems an T Mt lit Olin.
=TSloordin _
. to tlitt6otart of Con
TN am cue of the .pok ey'
selvanla Rad Road Cam
ha ICciane term MO.
.To the heir. or , devitees
*LW ...WY. dreenatd: Too
the Ohio and Tenn 67Ivenla
tat. a and aeptentiatod 'be
• rtorOt *ha land beloeet,4l
- Tatvorlip. for the else' of he r
M .n re Veit dire I t h i * or D id
treandary at statta p re els
.aid boundary IS feel. u ear
wee ...velem boundary ot ea
Tialeat maid redstart board,
R 70314 Iv the cutout bound
N o d der li 40 to the place
Inand Whaleboat a draft
Is Sled In the above one
Mt. 1:011!NS'oN. Jr.,
Prnrid. ,c 0/.l.llitr,
la Ilkgsl3oall of common Plea. of dile-
Rhin* , !Courtly.
tke ease Ot the applieehen of the Ohio and Peon.
Rall Road Consonances. the right of way.
o ISS. hum .or Ina
To Ratan Meg, ere of the heir. of lehn White, de.
teared: Soo are hereby mottled. Ulm the ( end'
Pennsylvania Roll Road Centoene he• thken luur
althreenated. fed Ma out of their roll thee, the folder.
Ise de.e.the vernal nf gees porpott .sel deeed.
&MY *UM., vir.—Cotarneninag ISO 11.4, e.telrt:l
Orr of said parents sheer the uer I et
~: thong road latlateness.mid s t
sold boundary 3.5 f r eet.thante N 6.3 deg, 3.e. feet, to
the 1N..173 beendery of said purport, thesee tooth
along Said lelPOlO heandszy SO ter', thenen SC deg,
301 te the eastern b seeder/ or cud purport. thence
&mull along all boondsry 3S Wet, le the place of he.
vtoniag; . ceatsdning I sod end lurches; • dna and
dusenpuith of which is filed En the these res..
nt 0
Preside & RCn
AVERY lure and eloiee rock or Fresh Sprint
and lamer, Deal, hat toot been op:bed at
reader t Day's, No Bi Market turret, north west
earner Dram Diamond.,
do calling the attention of our Cuilomers and .Lbe
DIOR* bible atock, It Wotan ua frt.. plea , ure to lc
atria to say is embraces (81E.AT DA stSs INS in al
most .eery &Palmieri of pais, ai a large roams of
nano Datelined at the resent eitentive au, lion ,aie,
II rho esinern title.. Our' ansortmen, lath of rune,
Stud staple gooda, Is very superior, and affords to all
cash balers, either by wholesale or retail, a fine op.
Phflabilypf.Milins had, hot. Red scree
_; AMM' DRESS OL,/s.
/VOW rtyheroalar• slits, very chep; 'lon ptnin no d
go Is
red ekangeablO ar, Or almost every style stud
VW ivyi saprr plain nod filtered black silks; do, ba
rna and dunes; home de fan, new aud hand.
some stylet now style ireneh.Paghsh, and Spat.*
liana, Jaren enrierT•tuld at very •
low priees; pleb,
and satin striped do lain. or all kinds and
anfflinn linen lustful of all abrades and colons; ging- •
hates, enemas, prfnu an_
sten do; Banat plain and embroidered win. a
mpa der harem.. and nor de.
WITE GOD:.:: • •
• •130 anottmen H t
Gt meda, nansooke, HcQueu,
awkeses, boots, hither. An.
• a m i, k kwiy, ;Kari braid, Florence braid and
ape./ Eagllth pram non.
• ID. Wock of impactor . plan and frineed silk a d
Sida Two MI IV.' •et All oincv nud
• Iwo aseanalent ad gaper trench, Eealish and
natalaa @lathy and assalineree of ail qualities and
orioao, wbleh IN would Lowy" the ;mention of the
Oat meek of brown DO and blearhed merlin. , dheekF ,
chambray., drillings, &mita very Large, and al
the vary loarearprien.
Alto, t large ter of table diapers and table clothe,
brown and breathed; Rosamond Detach diapers, crash
Dom aukloa, canoe and wool o gotlala fat ale', and
bna' 1y Ina Deena, red, white, and yellow den.
ad% rderiatio gleal'auta, silk Arad linen tidal and
litotes of all klarls,loslery and honest ribbons,arti
ficial lloarers, he, .14 all which we repaid respelfally
Invite the attendee of arhoterale and retatl cant,
• ataySt RS Market at, Pi W ear. of the Diamond.
FOR the contiealenee of the eitheos, the proprle for
•orth,, potab mat City Milli/aye placed boxes to •
reeettloa of rotten at the foilowtoF ptiocc—
& Fioyd, corner of Birth and 11, ood tweets.
•Hap ward, then ore, eor.•Liberty Market ate.
, A Doable, atetee,llt2rd street. •
drotsist, ear, FOpitti kamithGeld.
/oho F Sollth. non, earner nigh it Wylie. " •
troph Mee, Iroestit tueec .
W /WIN grocer, Fifth at, e outer of Market ajley.
OMNI, stars, Fenn atteet, Nioth Wa.N.
The doer.weeeeee will call twice or amen daily
for orders and the delivered promptly, either
la bares cc sarls—euk 800, II pre fo7ithh,
van—withOlit chap for nonage It is plain that tee
aceeate n =b: ii tliotred, o ; r: th:t drivers can have
" %re hope the pub Vial I.l3l4rlleatregt; Ole ar.
fIOACIZISIII. Uwe .hall endeavor to do them jostk,.
I A ` T: rzlz,irebnlt ty:rnhop.?!.o.o.cmtn;p6:„Fy,l7;
aent was aatborited notliy stsdisars
mid Compaq. that oho privilege of Planking owd
ja a u t t y a
pbtoaninaemd ;
110 d 1 othoa tg I r n n t d h s e
aopainwioono rnf
OWSWICIII for 0 nialdar the road. provided the consent
sad caoperat+on of the creditor. nal be Obtained
Ibts team holders and other
.creditor• are 'theref or .
respeettally invited to hold • electing; at ea eady
dab Id effect, if possible, n 0 net, Cement for 00040,
#llablar Ibe above object. , -WU racH OA UM,
rear69.4lvrtwltT Pr ceidunt. •
PolOllO Solo of Plool
THE markt/ma veld ,ilfer 'tar anti, at :twai n ,
IPedpedaf*nd:7bttneay.tits L 0 4 Oligh y
at Mal, en the presalse.o,3 be town of Wellsville, is,
goo valuable Idolldlna Lot. the able( pan of-wide:,
savrespd Ina Della.' cribs Clovsland sad Plorb,nel.
Rua ad: gotten mplellon of eMett, tanaeletan o .
*And to - OOPablw mmie.h.oe-loooty in zolon.
Ths•• coltstarms.sin libetal, and will be a ny,,„„,
;taw . 2 . 1, 70.1 1 , ono %vibe' Skean r•
claw snout will.
.k.equirtd la band. 'Mire Innis.
r", "..171 . 11% . 47011M1 r j nce. '
, JACOD mppear rmnnetnnt.
P 15API8, Oildioneer.
Plrobortih'otrf 4". 'Hat's*
.Tlllll TIM ItZArtILIET,
East .61, of tbo Dianioikt, Piil thrh.
T r :nr oat 400 Tee *pima 4te Tee bought elsewleete.
• Toy °lnge. Tee legthlut 73.6 Tee boughtelsewaene
.1 on %Wren iteelesilerltei betide esseatore.
Tod eery beet Platt Tea eepottetl, we aro solitug
ttt 7$ cents pet paved.
• The very ton Osersi Telt Imported, we are setting
$.013. 11 h4.
'' eselleeldelyopksee to e-
Ulfe•—•-,lleiilkt.e4 b Pefrng.inetesd of
trespenheetty Whit Comparison, the hest method ,
of Pandasvb.* cells the hest end eheuesst Tem.. .1
MORkld k 11/shtfOßTll_, j
HAvr IPATURXXWINE.-tt .. k . 1•11 r•cri,d,
414}S SUL 213:311
PUB Tlitlar Montague Coppaay amply is
'rah 314,e3ng races 3050.4,411141
lo t. - • 2 celmgcs per tome !Mt.. Cotreignird laaeeW
et 7. YT^CTYet teeaue pealle.begeinil and &pew
StiiBhesthir, ,r 14x 48 Inches, from T 4 io 33 ounees
Naar, SOltegflVirerrtgatlll3l3 , 47 Perfented3iae,
Zinc Pawl, !cc.
Th•r worreet their meld pure, and ken Croat way
actoudture of front, or soy oilier . Intbstenod,' 1t1.4
ten:ncld it for the rnannfaentra of 11101111.2211.1i0
'lt+ hontntfurnitthine I on. trn-ic doos&t& &ono 6n,011l
itarro.d tit, nrtlon.of and ntra. lo Yd4d.ed, t
tonted;altaptpanrod •••• • .-
Oantriec, termitic, plane., cpreilkittonn, and . ouler
information 0127 to hnd of then. sveriltd—
Mt:Lac k , T10.12, New York; - ••••;:
Axe t vox, Route. &Botten;
Nernem 'Flamm& &Co, PolindniPr;
k It. Mr HPISI, llattlaore;
&Late, Dec t Szoneres, New 01101015 -•
• ).11LI I ROUX, Ovddentagent,
.lefm• Nl7 1 - 2 anon.
g Porci.olp tnn IMMO /Ind or very strong end. tooth
dovored Tool soll the tilit(toorttryiargto
shi;ifous per pound can ho obtained dir 7Se per lb 51
• .veu . MORRIS k nemcurrit
TIM IRON—TO ton* &iota Fanisea hoi tastetor
Ly . u uttpita w/140,,t.kcfN
e.a/, ler pale W.& MITCLIEtaitZ
olnr2D ' • ' Lat. meet: •' •
WIIISKEY-750 brlaiit Itarcrand Gatsale Z• ,,
tna7,o . d. tot strrcii -*TREE
(.. lduls NO Suwonia sa -r oW. for "is I"
' MS,
*."'lrea.: •
LT „ /W
pl., rm. c, fo. s
b y
111.11-1 , A1.010:11GU1r....—A I'm toe nate b/•
Im lyto WM A IbIeCLURG 4111 ,
VU,',lrebPAms - A,f,m CO. -
- I:Semolina Marl* rsr/ne,
rpm: uctleringned 112Ve been aprroltited seen( to
Knitstrutgl, for the solo of Marina Aglaia Finnan*
Cologne. Retailers will bo tom:died at inanufaelingere
Indl• "Into& or Ero.e.
ILTST rcce1ynd.,74.4.0 /losa. suld 2 plv, of Ai(
IJ ann., and tar saperiar to leadm,, for nate by
• 7 &DIV and
India Rubber HQeiLt.
4000 Y EE Tt ß lVlMl m .,°`'"it'';".e 4,1" 211..
11, manufacturer's peke., Alt thetclls rai&lts 1 4:11 ‘
e t
*ill bolrarrarnei to be epos, to teather.
/n , l rerrlvrdi for rale by .1 t: It PitILL4P3 • ---
.v l(+
~ Arts fornostim Belting Co';
FTS TURPENTINE—IO LA& in prime order. jos
ree'.., end for We by it E SF.l4l.Elti
Or Wood a-
11•01J1 ELI 3 EXTRACTS,w.t End &J:ook*T Mob
uo ROM end Aleeond• Ebseitbs
en ree'd sod far sale by ' •St .E , SELLKILId •
t'IRD LIVER OIL-2 can RustOn's pan while:
tee V, for safe I,T m•T ' •R 0, SELLERS'
()BEAU kuitui,eceived on conaigs
men!, and !or 001111 by HARDY, JONES A q):..
Rvv, .. bv
..d , oil., in b 16 cm mm, int non ives/ i and fir sale ll !• , ••
- J GI, D
& CO • ! -,
tanyl a ;pr Woad It 2
ir ARD DlO 'lris Durehnrd & Co's lin oi r ,
I. ham', or sale by soya , 'I. YIDD &CO.,
IIN6 ROOT—tcu 114 tor bale by -
InittIINATED lIAGNEBIA-200 lbs jut teccived,
tar s/ FT by may 18 J KIDD& CO
HAMS 811()VLDER9-4:::::rbu.,l4.ent;el_
rcr IlsmtmitAndrirleNh sox
co ,
CORN, In +leis, to
TA RAIING TOOLS—A complete Interment of the
Cott geeing of Cart Steel Dram nr.d Coro &Ili.,
.warrnmed: earl Stecte, 3,4 4 prong Foltsi ertrrengd;
Catt.gtool Dar tit i.e.
10 Goner-nook Moos, solid;.
30 do: emum.k. do , do, for oa lair, a! the'
'Drag and good grate cf $ N WICKER?IiMit
may Id Cor of Airily re' teem eve
Cr qoa— re
Elareg• dB Lalmes -" -
ik.p A ridl A Zo ' peo N ta l:o : , :. " ,?,:f==ellll;
Plain Word. do.
V.ClilVitit vet crime, aad this day opening at
X A A Malan .4 C 0.., at Mattel.:
lad Main coed llubet Sbewlp phi's, embroiderid;
Go Ittack ea.
A 1... 2n a . Civet Gm a Rhine Silk.;
o pno do y.iin no chin.;
do I pc. Tonic 81161719
tiirrolifitCoATlNG 7 - ,9 WiCllßilderCb,ll.lloll
robe, • mow deiirable artio/e for stloonn Omni
we'd, and now openion by w A MAISUNA
now id nt Marion ot -
1107:4;f1p6--4.14 bushels iwo waft it.oasrviiriby
• on Pt.. of Alia-
1 n.M we Ohio and Penn.
any,fott ought Qtr.),
Robert "carder, late at
IC. I+ , oll r.calftral. Oar
' sal Rost! Company liar
Uomi°4-,%;lftig o-..
I. I roaiviat—ooeac
'• Irottalary• v.ij tract
rail road tritoratt•tr told
" N 11l der, tt *lan,
• N acit. w :qa te et.
tititictarharice N taj
ft. Thence 57 deg,
• .7 07 saia ltact, thence
btrtcatttg. Cowl/hunk
• nd Otarription at araLich
C.6,i/(t4 tEARL2 female
xnzylb 7 D CANVIVIA)
t, I GII f .1. "
mnllE J hCA F1E7.11
ivab .primanewCAer.afarsalel.
Sli ' 11 flArlflV.L.
- •
• lb brls fresh roll, to cloths, for sole by,
Dlesoluttoia of Partiaership., ••• • .
T OE P.O licrtioSOre carovsng betonco this
sabaertbs Is, N V.:Telly, sr. N. 1 4 , 017. R.,Md.
Vneetly, blobtas Vorgl-y, and ' Tobiu Myer., VISICX
the. Jinn o' N. V mg-uy st. Co, toe Itsonditettolog canna •
god. in Ito ,fiter Onton MIA, its -Allrgbuy ntY.
Pennsylvania, was dissolved by mansal consent. the --.' ••. / 'a• ' •lilm. .
dOll ttny - of Alarth la, The b‘ , 4,,,p, MIL. j a m h ms ' • ' - ..oal Muer." ~.n1ed,, ,,, ~,
_VMPlAllallENT.arill be glom tosesentloidninoni
sti.ll Le eedle.d by N Volittlt, Jr, or Iffilthins Vocebly."
obese all the boas and pare:sem donsoltd - - - - ' /•; 1C4 . 1 AIIII'M ..q. I" Co.i- W.0k•..... 1 .4 Zan*
yowycy j i ,. . Stud . Ideuratßanol: neply IndnedonetrtO ....7":::.:1..iihil
N. VOEGTLY: r. . ' ' - 4. 1' 11 ' ..7 0 BIDWELL., Watroter.m, z.t.
T.- hIVERS. - • 7T * FAD—AZ - 9
'ay In
hlA-1111/Ot VoIAITIX •- • • --
ALzar,unscriv AND /tIaItOII943I2IkCIL
PIALIttf. ROAD. • '
11JOTICE la hereby Kiven. thattooks aril be spew.]
41 for subseriptlea to the Wert *tuts Altrghany ted
swot/Inter Pion Rood Coonany, by the Comma
meters ape/nowt in We on lotorporaung the raid
company, at the foltewor4 ylaeea. ll4 time. • whets_
all prisons or sabred/deg ore reparawd to
attend, the Wawa being twenty Uwe doll t ea c h,
one dollar per abort to be paid at dos time of sob
to the city of rittattargh, at the °Gee el . Mauna
Ilattuall, rears& Co, cornet of beterst and Wood
soctra on batonlay.the trdahlnulay Wein h,Tuesday
de I tar, tdodhradsr the ltabottd Thursday the nib
of t he
battens, the been of It A. ant 4-P,IlL
la the eby,e(Allrghety at Tod , . tavern, center of
Mawr and Ohio erne. sod lo the Ilereugh of Llttr
chewer. at the More of Tovyttsettd. Con & Caton It.i•
dryithr 11th, Saturday thet.ile, and 14. day Ala 17* pi
Jena, !Atter. We hours of 9 A. id ands P.l4.At
the Lowe of Cato John Hay, Ohio Townshlp, oa Fn.',
day and Saturday, the If th tad lab of ituata tielw.e9
the Loon eta a. w and 40. ta. • _
3110111.11 S LUNEN - EU, ."
Prrsident of Board of Cemealaweirers.
maylOolawrjelid (Post totry.3 _
Bonnets anelltetutat'Ulbhans.
euncrwieitibii leielfedm ad-
M Jalanu awl' of aboire good., Including 'orioles
JoTles of Chino, Pearl. Albino, oad Gimp Boomer.'
Wohe m..d Colored Weep to; lind Ribbeas cl all colort.
pewee. • • • • eelsyl7 I
oitaan so ci
A,fURPII7 S. I :UHCLIFIE4DIaves the Aatull;es,
Mi. at node gvantang geed' far Muangins passages,
Ia th eir wary fell aggartasent,jastleeened;sash as
Black nombulaes. ;•-;
notabage finish Alpacas',
Mark h/ouge de Leine', , •
aleagyng Wash Saks, -„
• do Friend Fennel',
Rarsgte, Tissue", Lestna, Albaggralg.Flan
Mach Ord einted Lawns. Black Erwb i ac e
Innen llnheng, Ferrtda, Vella te. -010717
PAPER at 10 cents. pleas at • "
Wall Paper Store, PS Weal it.
jj E— •:o I
DITCH & TAR-50 W. pplhi ;• . -
• yl? Ma
11141. k Wfifigkrt!oll
T WI. No Rosin, ibiZie by
1 011AC.00-8 keg, No I, 0 mon, Teel from C.. 7.
Marohall. :or solo by JAS DALZELL
tenqp _
. .
bris No 1, Sot reegfor
o y.l7 rs
tonsignmest, by JAS DAIZaw
A' er crip t.!, te oltheett-4 r la 4 4'. Rowland .hrand, recalving
Rale by JAS DAL2IiLL •
MIIiCLOD EOF . P/451011. -
elmerited, and now opening, one elegant Stoic,
el wood 5 octave Ilea:lron' Piano front the tele
raled manuier,ory of Blurch d White; Cincinnati.
Tina la•
anponor instromen. of fine tang Yer7
rapid enamels:don; a so, one eta tontnee Meta/roe;
. IiLP.IIEIVS Masi° store,
anayl7 • .
Jen 11l Third meat.
tnal. TOrlitle• Despatch, and Peat espy.]
r/111111k,"g SllAW.L6—Soperlor high colored Whet
c. l .l.c v , !in t oe, co roprrettig.Crrareari, Orange, Pink, Mee,
h , d Corn colored, rust receiving per arprorr,'
an_ r1:1 ear opening by
.4 A MASON &CP .
62 Market
20 n Bloc, Pink,Grecu, Baru
- "i ,1 .71V1%! d l'•"t7:;17"" rrii=4".:cll7
6 UISLINS-3 cites choice colored, a
r the. extree:low sateen( lon per VI and aporarde,
ee' d the; day by. alayl7 A A MASON en.
"JAC° , i 7-10 Ude Slcaldera, Cda. cared. rest we'd,
n far !Ale 11 tITUAATS si"
G lll. ltirr , :--11.13 bas just receiving by niavl7 MART it SILL
0 Ar
bo.byls in Mute, and for oak, by
sruxtrr &
1 ) Y is—lfni I.ophels in slam and for eale by
b Ltis N O Suyny,inat 'reeV on consign..
LI 1. fordo- by J 8 LULU ORTB I W.
XiNiN— 9 bt 4 j. prime Lociirilie peeked iilioniders
irectiree, and fur sale. 67
J s vit.Arptrrtr
utypEit—ivo kelt. /r 1 . 40 7 ,;
irtgrde e 9; • ' ••' - • "
lEJ WE. Alinlng just reel, for spk,
19 D11. 1 1'0117114 Cll
wm A hInCLUEG if. CO" :
roil lest rrr J, m:d (Mails
AT,—,Do bukhd. landin g . 711: I rre t , .
03 et.L &
Q A LE It AiCBln tioxis, Inky awl era. lat
1 .1..ww 17 DALZE3.4,4 4 Zo",
FLOVR bris eta re,uld km Dahl by._
rmlyl7 DALZELI it CO
et, aon hand, and firnh r i3,
14/ IcK-70irs lauding, . 4 fai;al:6y-----77'1',
hui.t.Eß&lttexineov - ,'
M 11 3 .17 • • :;,,
:(0 OAP—TY/kis Chalice; be Soap b.{ reed.
m.yl7 1,1f1.1,yn
C OFFe i rclEo begs pumedzezuKajavireo
~ ...,..,.
,- •'•' - :.• 1 1 - .14 EA T R E!\ .
.-..„ •- ..
Wire' sit illutarr C.B, Kamm
,-4.--.4-..-- iiar,-.....-li , . e.... 1.4..,,,,,
k-Deen (keit fad reteepeueyr• 7, tqA paw
134 gondaarnbi Trels-1.. -.1..7 •=- - ;!. , 1
Vitlien , (tor etlersd perietieF _.....y=- ..,-
. 'Recli•RelfN.l:4,sBPel9l..qi ,L'lBtoo*.te
.7(iret tight of the belebreeet Xrei. Acte!e.lBla
LOOBN.d tirtether,lllr.l.oo"
eel Contedeut.. -..-, 14. .. , /- ,•• . .
!Ite.velgtereenect ef Its OXLEY.
• . . ' .. ,
.01i Mel
're'4Ar.Wde Irish
SlSlrstni ' • :y.
TUN. GIIMAT 10/1/,q2yV,11.1r
vcianP, V. HOWlAND.Rt..i.oLfhit•itilizirss
af STltsbarati Rid Alleatteaty, Met ails brentert
~F i jounh, lads, of Ste graaLemtrarratfTratrara,
pante. ACAtaulebarattr , le ailas,atlttrit,rar Asa;
tiAl, and rattrira.saarsr, urrarofactardsat
Ilk rrarfaxailaatil rattan at WILKINS
gayly ea WEDNESDAY cattartg, fear :130a the
er et rou.b.qq; at QLl.'au 111, THURS
DAY crash:l4.May 23d, In. dkl a:Allegheny.
.pmr. Upward iv alto Ire tHettarr aa irrtrautent, for
- Oa pewee of liskin thich which sapid explain.
APosu, - Ata4r - srotru 2 ir.s , otsuez%;
- 'tram-.llosu 9 1912 in 90 =mall= 910 9
10, Ike Naomi: sod .fnan 7 a le
.e+Huea isibe?
111 . 9daiiitia90 93 main, Cblidian
.14...w4.4 • - • •
I 2 , War. a'. ''"
Aa a 6 o zits
AN DeALEiii; ,
h. ad lure *unmask of
Gummi** a.d• Flan 7"e4 1 4
"Uso, Fetal. , Filass'amofe
NmE,Wlnlesale and ilea& ' , Londe' untied ars *0,9:
1.56 Liberri it
L. ht. Wow aa, a • c." 1.; ea'recieril
bollworm Thled t gesculihr , •
WVeoPectfels/ c it. Attendee of city lad
country merchante,to tae a! the vent elfernaire
&bay la the =entry, eoteptisilig anti !Diemen
Benched Geer and Paeftec, sir Fennan WAX/vars.' .
; • 200 cues letter, • lee; --2-
; Ivo e. 'Bleached Meade, an aridek- -
• t`t' Same= EMI . and Conemailmir
I ...t-14,117111 and Mu t '
GO Banned, and Ttreml;t' :t '; • -
. " 2 t. Caselseres,Clothg. ; •
Iwo and bales orllcting, Checks, ahl e t ' ::"'
trcgether wt' the mend ertenelre essernneni 'of
Imposed Grief/ In the untket,t pctssetortna
ample Semitic, for the icansacdon et their hinsinele;',:'
anise partners being constantly le ante-exern
market; *am prasender .4,114.0..4.3'0
They belle,. Chat they eau , oe,
treater lnd activate. isamerelients generalll,ltreteles,
renditlet, pd pncer, than env eastern neaten' Neer
peels ewes:ley activnig, hrirehant, Intending
elanng bk.t. are panlcularly:lnflellmitte"esann e •
tame eesorisamsn ' 'A A MASON tr. cu
Trti 6saB4TIT4
brillast Talente. sEIE for rale by
mayl7 • - • MILLER 4E1E1(.1,414N
—I GO lb* jam reed: foe aale
2 gl (ID & CO
rIODf iSH-10 it, land: i, sat ( 1;i1;71) . ;
' ' Mayl7 • -'Wat IA l er W 'DCE ont -
& CO _
.QUGAR—n khd, N Orjebby la more,,,tor bile by
b , b117 • •, NiArAND,CKEYk CO
Efit11R25 . ,40:0 Ibi fa itoriAir i
eY btlrot
for talot;
mayri ""l"'l lßAiAL Dien,"
for lei loW;to 4 u
in7l7 t"L : MAW! LUZ[Elrtk. CO
. : . • - Alin, and ninitif, V.*
sale,.binn .7 MATAII
OCICSALT--Suant irSordSAI,
AH DICKE for tabhrtro.lor • orii
marl? IY 1..00
j,hl.!e l / 4 1;!14 for file by::le
ynotilh4lo bib Milder:nes biandjun". •
oda ,• ontli17:1, •kl
111,1113 • PI
ILt. min!
Qll . lilVt Jl.
1 i4147 ''t1 . 5 7!? °•.f'l!°!,'
0 14-
ACUN,s4P, •
I 10,040 11
eastleullatelll liMatails
Iliktatlittevt•psesolpaid for • awrieelt 7Gald,
Eastern, Ez•hange. .Pav F•nd, at the Ex-,
kngs - tad' IthinlivAlf st
lixchitigt Rank //their.'
A 11w 'herrn et the elock et this bani 'stewed hi "
..{l. &Outage oiler .6,1914h1N9 , ;
ptgrOaloa. Ltad,Are sale. iq
. ••IA,NI/.ls A ItLITCIII,EDS CQ...T ( T
nurobeir, for rile
. r0a713 - • /A81E.9 IIIUTCeIII3Ur I A CO'
EFNED10:10:111---Idlott orarlortandpoordarodo-:
, (roar 3 /.a.t . Do Wolealllenotml for a:Joky '1
lyto: Apo St Loots atonal Sugar ,
- M OLA SSES;d o boSano,„(St.dromao Dolloory) ,
40 brio do
For asj.7 by BUR BSI on KWH-SON&
3 B —r u i ht fr un Wltr E. ,4„ ri ; c i i "
o tasvicir.Luire l ltccaiit
.• . tIRDRIDGE, k ,
GRocatic.s74iviaail .
LrO.aeL..rinCoSee A::
79 bf ch's V flyrao,Varloor grade* •
• „. „ 50 . ..d0 Gozpoodtr.antlla:o---
•do :Ponedan(
da Ookoto
' caddy bait VITTnIO OP
In Lis Vo,d'a, and lb's Tobacco -
Would, Dan Donne* o'ooo .
- libazer Starch - • - • ”-+'
bthi k Wl* Saleftlifl
Itdlgo, Madder,,Alin, Glaser. Popper, Allopiegi";
Nntotoirri altd,tplla4ll km,. for Alec ; ,
C It crux?
ireututc7citED A
anl RTlCLES —. 9tralbitatiCri! n
k g . e .,
150; keir:Trurrttrigdla; 2 :lll. 3 a ll' p l u e. te IVO g to
.I'S ton, hoar SkoTels, Spaderjltes,' and , r ' orka: fair: r::
-masts -
--- SrarAlAStoNk CO; 13 — ruketii; -
.n ekalca CoMrad Dareger,llonter, Mar
otoitat: Wahines, k‘all at I . :Mooed:sloes. '4OOl
.7rlAsT me rains iiihr
of 111 e: will be opened by A 'A SIASONk_CO
tOayld: . ,
. .
of Ma
rotelvirog 4 pemoone Swiss Embroidered. Palemm
moat bisimeabto aim.
!Darman a 110 Pi" Wail& India iiiasit ilia .
lli/ 13 : 1 1 P Ar;tii n g1 , 191.£11 , 34) jtar . n!erill i 1:„ .
373 a per ardtralso. alertl k .:itbliAgptitel igalr ."
Mit., neat plaids. at redact/ wires; and
tarlatentorßAßEGESA Gam. oitik:3.4 lA.d..e --,
Map Goods geneally. 9i newest wlles,s3 aorta rot :
corner straarth and Market s s.- - - , !..) 1 '
Lik.s.P—ltlbales htissaattdesr :sunk .. , '',..
A.l. . .. 30 bales Ifsallajor s
.• • .q.: ~,_ .1
• saayl3 • JAMB A HUTCI7ei CIL
Nl7lOO-I .curah • ,Maeltla, for al. _
mayo." • ,
.; o ullaNT •
C A " byN nifyieticit4 tar
11A115- 5 basks arm Bay., C52.e5
tented, fat mile by 82 W
*ap. Ido b 1
o.BoAft-2)l&d'S Setif, in itnitt - int le by
iniyl3 - , & uca
DIII,B,4IPS.BI.'CM'S-4""let WVATI/r1"
'VXTRA 0t4i“2.017 24j1U,u,'0,, 4.4 7
A i .41 . 4.4m5t t7tlgtd, and
]: ';
R11).0...LD1NTE,,, v .
ive7ls 8 V VON ammonia , a*
11fED39-,SO lasW. It
1.915 - F VON'taibilgir kr=
GROCElllflias-LjedSx rss.
_ =has 84nrixeCsialeS.-
• .10 btu Cbratolatsf
pn t Costs moms, ftl
d 0 bag Zaglich baby attest
le bile Noe.hlasly• s s
83 Xi/4141s less 1.1498, - .
SO erls No I Hestia,
• V
ials ials 8. /fells Ne
elms superfine Ries
abz. Pexttaed2tal,6llo,Bo,
tablets:Bs titre.
:Cat; 11 4; 4 , G k•
eat Meat 2Lat 7.20.:1
t CO
, .• . s 41., 1 wp0a & Full erta
Ann. stacn—da bt& kast sle "
" pleb lLeee, eat Pe ereelakelefartabovat, ea rn er
111 sea Wreie esiaux ' •
- • r 8 N-Ne1C1C811811818"
'Re - ; eby
'f.8e.(.81 aEEI1 I —A tick. neai., 4k
9,11Z"Ca',316e, 192PkgagfiA.W.
_ .
iniTeZ feir id,' by
jjo, mayl3 ' ASAI4II VICKEIf 0,/'
Atiy/.5. Roam Minter am,
Amils '
REILBE.4,O biblelive, for W 444- 411
%.7 may t 5 MAI& liiIICICEV.& CO .ntj
BACON—eI hhds Hoorn !.
20111d1131des; ,
15 lied* Bboalderg - .
10abfis alsoned, in am, for psdo,Or
mayls ' ' /ISIAH DluiZr &CO
mlajr;4lt ß dia t rill Urated .
lkiaster*alter ..... ...... -•• --Mr Orley
Jolla hiss Lope ...
, ,
issietiniC EYkoo r
11 lksA' NANO'
10 dercet brlnni -
tr{vir'llikZ(V -
fin. cutwr0...1.7 -7 •,—; -
vJfd pits'? fc,co