The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 20, 1850, Image 3

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i cle , PthaverrittocauA PIIED
Watinagrox, May 15.
Mr. Brooks ease a Malmo( the Galphin claim,
in all it. ramifications. fin opposed It as impel,
and said that the settlement of the Interest was
left ea a legacy of mischief to the coming Admin.
The !epos was then read.
The first part goes foto a minute history of the
Claim, and concludes with the followieg Mantis
idiom of Crowford'a relation.mid conduct in this
claim: • i
The Com Ince deemed It to be their duty to
• request Guy ,n or Crawford to appear before them,
and make statements as would lead them to
understand is connection with the claim, and so
be should t ink proper on his own past lie did
appear,' an made a statement which he oases
guently red cad to writing, and oleo answered the
augainea proposed by the Comendeo. •
rerun hls mitten:mot, It appears that be become
;agent or coubsel for the claim, by a power of at.
torney, executed by Midday Galphlis, excels=
of Thomas Paladins, who, was son end execdfor
of George Ciflphin, on the 2,h of February. 153 3.
By agree eat with the party. on the 03d of
May, 1033, e wt( entitled to receive for his ser•
vices, without any other chance to his principal,
cute belief the whole claim or such panas should
be realised.
A supplemental agreement by the patties, ex.
planetary of the foregoing, was entered into on
the lfeds ofdanuary, 1835, by which it was stipula
ted that far Pecuniary advasent,sed 1 isksliots
al services, Governor Crawford should be, to coh
alderation for one hairof the cot profit of the
claim; and that di advauces to, or contract( made
by him, with other personr ' concerning the elairn,
• should be deducted from the rum to be realized
from the claim before its tivialon '
Governor Crawksrd easavaied to obtain the
payment of the claim by the treaty of New Echote,
with the Cherokee Indians, in 1 535 . Failing is
that, it was presented Is the Legislature of Urn,
lila to 1937, and continued to be urged before
the Legislature of that State stool 1912.
Glivernarj Craethrit, who is a member of that
body, avowed Si. lettered in this claim and its
payment sad declined to sots span it.
fa May, 1819, he anived in this city, on his
way to the Ibuladelphil Convention, and remain
ed about a day; and on his return from Philadel.
OM, he reached this city in the mottling, and de
parted Of his residence inG r i — oreta 9n Met night.
Ms did cot again this city unt I after the
puma d the law, and team absent tom it who
she bin passed the Senate and Roan of lye c
To February, 1919, he drabs came to t a city.
In Muth fsllowieg, he entered upon the duties ofl
secretary of War. And tom that time, he took no l
steps to prosecute the claim for interest Milli be
was urged to do so by his principal. At bia toter.
ea was contingent sad Besot:dory, be did not
think he could refuse to have it urged, as de
About the middle of May, 1519, be dirplared
to the President the condition of the claim, aid
his relation to it, and that he hod teen prommiteg
it before Conarear, and eirewhere,alace 1513.
That 11 had been aßovred by Congrean that it Sloe
pending before the Treasury Department, and
that he had ■n Interest in it.
-•• • .
He did not state the character or amount of the
claim, the extent of bet interest In it, or Pe
name of the claimant; nor did be enter into any
details of the claim.
Tho President replied that in his opinion, none
of the free, existing, Individual rights of Governor
Crawford bad been curtailed by his acceptance of
the °Mee of Secretary.
He employed Judge Joseph Bryan to prosecute
the claim, and promised him three that:vend dol.
lan n( the claim, should It be allowed and paid.
He supervised and aided in . premising Mr.
Bryan's argon:mots fa support of the claim, but
denim that his interest in it war, at say time be.
fern the payment at the clarm,, made known to any
officer of the Government who was charged with
its adjusts:lei:4:6y his authonty, or with his roe
Oa the Sth .of May, Governor flratsfiril ■d
dreued • communication to the Committee., In
forming them that he desired to state a mthvenrit.
tine which he bad with the President In March,
1550. From this statement, it appears to the lat
ter conversation, that the Prmident had the im
pression from the tint convethstan, that the claim
was before Congress. Although an to this, his
memory was indbli el—the matter bating passed
Ma mind until the claim attracted public notice.
The President told Governor Crawford that al
though he did not retold In have been told by
him that the claim hod been allowed by Congress,
and was pending tmfore the Tremor! Gipartment,
Yet be did not Ski, If he had been so inform.
cd, how hn coati; have given any other cantina
than he had given—that. being at the bead of the
War Itepartment, an agent fur claimants, did not
deprive him of the tights he may lave had an club
meat: our would banjo/gilled him the examine.
tion and decision of the Secrctuy of ttairlicasury
The President added that in hi. opinion, the
claim wan. jut one, and under the law of Con.
resa, it should have been. paid, no umber who
were the patties ieterwend in it; and that Shim was
due to tho credit and good faith of the Gee.
• Tie discussion of the question of hatrrest on
the dein by Mx. Walker, late Secretary of the
Treasury, was urged by Governer Crawford, and
some of his &leads insisted no it with en much
earnestness, as induced Mr. Walker to cenetude
that Governor Crawford would be a member of
'the present cabinet
Governor Crawford alluded to it on one Oct..
aloe, fa Conversation with the Attorney General,
aa mobs which some of his Georgia faced. were
concerned, but asked him to examine tt at his inis
sore. He alluded to it three or four timer, in con
venation with Mr. Meredith. before its decision,
but only so ask that it might be decided without
delay. "
Mr.Johnaon, Mr. Meredith. adl Mr. Whittle
say, testified that Governor Crawford did nut, by
any are ct eXprtairen. Make known to them his
interest or agency In the claim; nor were they In.
f need of it by any other penoo whilst it was un
decided, and there is no evidence before the coin
mluee to the contrary.
Boodles at papers, relating to the claim, were
sent by the Comptroller to the Secretary of the
Treasury, and by tutu to the Attorney General,
amocg them was the power of onerous already
referred to, and another from Milled4e Galtirfin to
Governor Crawford, dated December 30th, 151$,
and one or two letters written by Gov. Crawford
to some racers of the Treasury Departecat, in the
month of February, 1819. Neither of these papers
stipulated any conspeosation for his services. •
Judge Joseph Brno appeared anal occasions
as the agent and connect of the claim ' and sub.
ranted all the argument], iu support of it. No
other person was known to tie officers of the
Government, as agent and roonsellor for it. -
The commiltsm have not been able to discover
say evidence that (Injector Crawford ever avail
ed himselfof his effi dal position or the social re.
Lotions which It established between himself and
other members of tho Cabinet, to influence • faro-
sable determination of tile maim.
The claim was sever a stalest of Cabinet de
liberation ; and it was due to candor and to troth
that the committee should repine their gonvic.
dons that nothing has been disclosed by the mail.
mony to Inducts them to believe that either ne
Secretary of the Treasury or the /wormy Gene.
rat wataware, until the claim' was adjadicated
that Gov. Ceawiord had any agency or itaereat is
It. There was nothing unusual in the eircum
rosuces,ro the adjustment. or raw:moot of the prin.
cipal or interest af this claim; nor soy departure
from the ordinary course of buskteaut lathe Treas.
try Deportment.
Then follows a statement showleg the Interest
on die principil for over 73 years, amououng to
5191,352h9-S9-1,173.4t was decided moons the
twin of Mr. Galphin.
The article concludes with the following—
Ise Brooloni, That the claim of the represents.
ives of Geo. Gslphin, was not a just demand
&groan the Milted States.
. ,
2 d Rrins feed, That the act of C,otigress made it the
duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to pay the
prineipal of mid claim, and It was. therefore paid,
to conformity with law and precedents.
3,3 Resolved, That the act aforesaid did authorize
the Secretary of the Treasury to pay the interest on
mid claim, tad that id payment wan DOI in confor
mity with law and precedence.
• The pnt rerantiou wan-agreed ro- by-Messrs.
Burt, Dopey, Featherston, Jackson, of Georgia, and
Mann, and di•weed to by Elesx.ra. Beck, Grinnell'
Coarad, and Kiir s i. •
The report was signed by Messrs. Burt and Jack
The statement of lams contained In the report
was agreed to, hy Bun, Breek, Conrad,
Grinnell, Jack son, tuul . Kiag, of New York; and
Aisavreed to, in part,. by Disney, Fetaherstan and
Dirney read the report signed by himrelf,
Featherston. and Mann, that the Government Wile
under no obligation In pay the claim and interest;
en .? that it paid it without Authority of law.
Mr. Toombs said he desired to reply to Me.
&oohs, and wanted a full investigation.
Mr. Wentworth wanted to IMOn the subject tbei,
special order of the day fur the fourth Tue . :l43y its
The reports were ordered to be printed, and Mr.
Wentworth's motion wee tir'eed
The Special Committee t✓iovptigale the charges
...f o g Mr. Horner, Door.lieeper, eacuipato him
from the charges made by Mr. Brown, of
The jury in the Sammons' case was diseh irgo d
to-day, being tunable Wilma to a senlet
The HMI of We prisoner, on another tridfciment
for warder to the first degree, Intl commence on
Lai:lsamu, Mai Is.
Tbe rim; has fallen pavan 'lnaba, daring the
last 24 hounf, with 74 feet on the Eta.
Nay Tout, Bffiy 19.
nom—Western sod Slate brands are ami re,i
with *hies 8,160 a 5 ; 7 1. for common to err Jgh
pale brands
o r g a —.Wheat to beater. bales of western yd.
lop Cora at d2t.a 6.7 c per be.
Gwerleaireartiee. Sales of N. 0. Sone., at
e a ste per lb. Java coffee aellwa all a per
Provialona...Pwk is la demand. Ire epee, pa.
eon at $10.620/ mtat, sods9 r 7S•lu
bead and Iron are dull at forma erica.
'Main la Star and stboiu Chart*,
- - Cue ß maxi , Msy 18.
-Flour is dul,..beqti "are usichasstd:
Whiskey is,petneelil,2llo per 11. 11 . 2 *
Escetc—Saks - 1061d . lds Shoulders, psekca. al
Mess Pork` 600 MS, deliverable in DO
days, .1810,00 per Mi.
The elver Is rising .lowly. The Weather is
ai: Loma mfr,
Si. lava, Mtf IS.
The receipts, to day, are very blotted, sod
transactioneamal4withoutsoyperceptibl change
In prices.
Floor—Sales of 200 bbl, at 55,7085,75.
Orsin—Sales of prime and choice Wheat at
12593129 c. Sales 01 Corn and Oats at 56680 c,
and of Oats at 59c per be.
p r osiis.,,,na—Ssies of Mesa Pork at 19.2569.50
per bbl, and of Prime at $6,7561,00. Sale. No.
I Lard in bbte at Zc„ and in kegs at 610 per In.—
Bacon 15 in demand at fall prices, with an upward
We quote Btmulders at 31031; Shies
.141011 c, and of COMMOtt to good Hams at 441
Wit:skew—Sales at 23n per gallon.
Lead—Sales 1000 pigs et 51,60 per ewt.
Hemp—Salsa of fair to prime at 11=490 per .
Tobacco—Sales of Leaf ot 35.9,537,20 per cwt
for refused, and $8,9569,15 for pared, per cart.
Now ORLEANS. May-16.
(Via Jackson, by telegraph )
Cotton—Sales of 300 bales at 1110121 e.
Tobacco-54u of admitted at 71e.
• Grain—Sales 300 sks Yellow Corn at 72:, sod
of 000 lot at 780 Arrived to day 10,000 Baits.
Floor— Salea 200 bbla St. &Inks, at 55:30,-par
Whiskey—Sales of rectified at 210, and of raw
at 72e.
Bacon—Salem 75 auks Missouri :Sides at 303
310. fiales.Prlnce Lard at 61.,
Caffee—Sales 1500 bags ordinary Rio, at Rues
jinn, at 73i,37{ 1 per ib.
K. koala, air. • c. zoo
Orrice, Pirtancon Courts, j
Monday morning, May 20,1&50.S
, •ere wnall (air geberal busmen, doing in the mar
t on Satirday, tot sale. were confined to Ilmitedov.
erationv, with no marked thonge to quotation..
FLOUR—Receipts being light we have no sales to
any large extent to notice. The sales (tom first hands
have been confined to lot. of 50:to 100 bbl., at 111,504/
4,05 Ip bbl. Sales from storein dray load lolls. al SSD
.5,124 f bid, We keen! of no sales from wagon.
GRAlN—Supplies emninuo ligt t, and the demvid for
all kinds is good at fall prices There Is . arinvo in
quiry for Wheat at 10.511110 c for milting. Moderate
sales of Rye s 1 71073 e, of Batley at 00e, °PROM at 5.5,
and of Oars at 400 F. bat, from second bands.
FEED—We notice ono or two large receipts of Wan,
with soles of 1100 but, at 121013 ; the coy mills pnees
of feed ore, for Hew 0010 e; Shorts, etc; sad chopped
Corn and Oat., mixed, at Tle P
GROCERIES—The market continue. very firm, and
price. are locking we Stites of N 0 Bogor in lot., of
at a in to hhda at 11051 e 611otind, mostly at the latter
15 6ure. Molasses lenge friom t 0 to 33 to city and eann•
try trade, in omega nod oat bbls. Sales S II Aldose.
ea 4:c p 6a11.1,Rr0 Coffee may be quoted at 1010
11011Ie, wdqutet. Soles of Rice of 41041, and en
Loaf. Sugar ut 8010 e P.S. el
FISIL—The Oluket etintinnes very firm stroll price..
We quote Salmon al IDS for WI., and EN; for tome,
roles of Not vicuna. at 611,50, and 810,05 fur sheet
bbl.. Solei No ?Mackerel at 613, Nod at Ell, Nolo
weak! command 0.2,20.. Herring, Bolt trinunedou 1022
♦ DLL Soles Cod,fish ai 121 i ewe.
ASIIE3-13a140f Soda. Aeh •t 31, ie modem:a lois
Sales 3 mnsfometh at 41011, soles of Furls lade, and
of Saleroom cribs P.S. b.
PONLTOF3-Baies of ICO he Neshannoets, at 75e
V be; sales of rids at 7110. Supplies ara moderate.
OlLS—we Mee, flair supplies of Lard Oil at 07 for
No 2, and 52074 for No I. . Linseed may be gaoled at
05 to 107 e, with light sales.
N ALT -0404 Y Malt ls wobtat 31,Y5 p 6n
1101 . 3-stabas by blw, at 14.e' p to.
ALE—Pausbcrgt maaufaotared at /VIM, ork lye!.
WhlSEF.Y—Reetifled irsold regularly al =10930
Pala snajtaxs -The following le a comparative
mama:lna of the amount of Pork and Beef is the
Inspection Warehease, at New Orbit.. oa the lit of
the lost three months:
Poen. Mares 1. Aprifl: May (-
Clear -,- • - - ..... el 112 GO
Prim. Men 04 Vie 110
Mew 12,V•1 14,114 Z 10,111
Mn. ordinary 2,1111 2,20 t 2.112
Safi Mess 102 zn
Prime • .-
.6,2111 7.3c2 e 11,t4
Prime °cheery Or
Soft Prime el 83
Ramps and Chines- •• ••• • - En 1.000 I,yea
laden.. and damaged e 29 POO 003
Not inspected 0
,8011 . 472 a 2 eld
Twal 33,x39 3t1.t15 7.1.131
81a , ch 1. April I. 81. q I.
Prima 81 , 3. and lileta Ire • • 131 . 11l
TM bbl. •• • • 1./1
• .. .974
Mien,Ls. 9.0 ' 742
Mr.. 0rdE2.27 122 524 44n
I , Eme ••• —.— •• • .... 2 034 IMI 2,735
R Ll:et 1,527 174 171
Inf:isi7r nod damaged 221 351 273
Nua kapected—• • 375 323
Alm. mod Prime, laf brla• •-• 520 323 414
Toll( .......... ••• • • • 6155 5631 4 - 1
Total le, es •
Mal .
Total halt Nils
5 WY 5277
4A, .T. 15 211
Excam or Barvr-I]efolloWing teacomparative
SI.VeIIaTCI of the export or BA!. from NewiVork, from
Nov In to May lth , m IM9 and IMO :
11444-11.. IMO-m..
.. • • 6,4-191.1.. m :1.4r43.17
771.= ' 306,b71
Liverpaot ••• • .......
Lon Jan
Total— --
12,2111695 6 919,411
De emu', In 1653, 5,29L.254
Deuessic GOOD2,—Quantly acd setae of Domeetics
exported Item BOZIOP to foreign countries during the
month. ending March 31, IFSD:
To Fait Wiles 515 packages. Val.. 225512
Sonwic6 1 olands•-141.1 . do do 12,131
Hayit-• • ..."--.• • .lo do do 12,745
Nary.. .136 do do 7,613
Dna.. Provinces- 84 do do 2,1.3
AN.. 15 do do ,2,011
ItLOERhIAN, Vila Ward, Penn street, between
O'Hara and Watoat busineas promptly at.
seeded ;tit. ait2
Merehants. end Manufaetareaa. Dank.
Prrnmaii, May 7, ISM
pun nurch.t. , sad Manufacturers , Bank his this
I day declared a dmideno of four per cent, on the
capital stock, out of the profits for the Wit Ito tom tbs.
hisYti W It DENNY
, )RE PROOF P 71.47, • - -
' RE PROOF PAINT-10 tons Blake% Patent Fire
-I: Proof Paint, or artificial elate Just received. The
above paint we have bad en use for fire years, and
we can confidently remournend ,to the public fur
general use,* a perfect bee
and water proof pain;
Wald In Rlll.llti the action of We soodepbere without
riving. Far sale by 4 Jk. 11 PHILLIPS
Wayl.3 7 & Wood et
RT:EN OIL CLOTH-410 pada 4.4 Green Oil
131" Cloth, unhand, and far rale by
_mayl3 & Ii PHILLIPS
om band, Imitation of warble; for sale by
moyl3 7 & II PHILLIPS
IDRESII GOODS—We are 1130.• recovering a very
X' large mid fine atonement,,( Spring and Slimmer
Goods, a large portion of vehicle have been purchased
re a great reduction from the prices brought by the
same descriptions of geode in' the early part of the
wssocri, to that in Claim every kind of goals we will
Le mishits/ to offer Great Dorgain• to Cosh Buyer..
whom we would respectially invite to call at No tr.
Marker E, north west corner of the Diamond,
I L = xa T;7 7 rV /s t2:lll7iAvll Cd
HIDES-97 dry Hides
.Lyilf HIDES-97 dry Hides landing, for sale by
IkTEW tiIiMATS—A. A., Alas on &Eii., 82 Market sL,
Di are daily resolving easing sad pastsges of the
rno.tehnien and drsinible nand.. rnsvla
81/I,so-elO of oistet)er, Lamp cavestdtsni
10 do do St:patio, do;
40 baaCablnest ,7s Lamp.
IS bra /ones & liodson'•• Limp;
71 bit Howell h Bohonton'a s's LUMP;
G eases 4.ldwart bit Myer's Oran.%
4 do 34 do Toomas'NeeterLf;
Ido 8 do do Gold Leaf;
30 kg. 6 twist, in Gore, and for sate by
MILI.ER b. RICE/71'80N
17st &111 Liberty at.
Fritrwe PAINT--o4UO Itet pant Fire Muter
J: Petal, us store, end for eels by
IrEY14014)8 & PI
coy. Penn & Irwin Meer..
mintaus i itAmouiu,
EMI aide of the Diamond, Mahn rib,
ro now oßesing at the tern lowest pr.ees for cub,
Whig:"l7, Gin to Donlon. e Brandyl • Isoi
Renck Brandy . Holland Gin. Jernaima Emmy,. ,
don Gin, Irish Whiskey, Dom, no,, 'h um M .
dein, Charapngiu., GlareL Moscato'', klal•Fa, Teno
mid° and,Listton • Win. Wholesale& Retail. omn
TMentz Aftwohtelarioir Company now ogee to
the Du bs, their Premium Chemical Stove Polish;
and without exaggeration, or fear of contradiction, by
those who have toned it, pronatinee it far superior to
any other in the Mlaket. The consumerbeed have no
apprehensions of oiling earpets. ire., as Its UM
position prevents a Atilt from arming when being .p.
plied, which most be done when the Steve is eo:d
The quantity regal red is so Inds to produce • beau.
tifol loot. A ordmi; of 0700 Arty per Cent a insured
to the eel...eters. A costing applied to Stover, Pipes,
it, when laid away for the summer, is a sure pre.
tentative against rust.. After having tried It once,
lif It I. acceuinlei no person will use any but the
Phienle td•nefacturing Company'. Premium Cherub
cal Stove Polish. Pc r rate by
1.1 , 1 Corner of Sixth and Wood meets.
PRECISELV the same bind or 110100 and Revolt
flavored Teas that are retailed In the old toodul
at to and duper lb. east be obtained for Coo and 'gaper
pound at Tux Tait Maarr, exit aide of the Diamond.
Pittsburgh, or at Morns &Ironies Wine Store
Federal Street. &firebug. The above Pout Cella
Tuagoen receive throughoar English dirnt , din"
from the Quota's Bonded Warehouses, duly ft..
'bring fateiportauan. 'FIB •
1007A911-41 auk* of tbelert caality, .oiuklo o,
awn I fl s bySCLHoonnit AKER &
awl{ II Wood Matt.
Ituana—Theta veto .7 feet 6 lathes water In chan
nallaat evening and &Hint.
Mieb Bees, Beaver.
Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth.
Atlantic, Paekteon, Brownsville.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville .
Camden. Hendrickmu McKeespon.
lake Erie, Clark, Beaver.
Caledonia. Calhoun, Wel!sell!,
Fort PIM Miller. Nashville.
Farmer, Frisbee, Lod.'lle.
Hibernia, Bachelor, Cincinnati.
Keyetone State, Stone, Cincinnati.
Levis McLane, Cannel, Wheeling.
Wellsville, Young, Undreamt
Jenny Lind. Gallagher, Zanceville.
Ben Wen. -, St Louis
MkMon, Dries, Beam.
Camden, Hendrick iosi, McKeesport.
Fashion, Peebles, Fileabath.
Jambe, Brownsville.
Ail aside, Perlimeon.Dnicernsville.
Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville.
[Ake Erie, Clark. Deaver.
Caledonia, Gillman, Wellsville.
Jan Nelson, Moore. Wheeling.
Buckeye State, Reno, Cincinnati.
Messenger No. I, Fisher, Cinoinad.
Wyoming, Neel, Bt. Louis.
Shinpor. Mater, Zanesville.
J. J. Crliendon, Elterdng. Bt. Louis.
WM:BUNG—Lanni bleLana, 9 A..
NEW ORLEANS—Esnpiin 81.1419 o. 9 1.
ST. LOUlB—hanc Neaan,lo, 5.
ZAN ESVILLII—Jesny Lind 10 •. 5.
FOR Now Ostheasm—The splendid new, Cast roe
Wog packet steamer, Empire State, haling been tom
"WOW/ detainedorld leave for the "Snoop Somh*
this day. As a passenger steamer, the E. S. Is earl
yelled, and Let meommodaUens are A. No, I.
Foe ?r, Lortt.—Tbe rplandld steamer Chief Jasdc o
Marshall, Capt. layers, will leave this day; aid, Is
an excellent steamer, and wall worthy a liberal pa
Faa Suarttn.—Tha regular packet steamer Wells
vile, Capt. Young, will leave punctually Ibis afternoon
for Sunhat, and all Intermediate pans.
Nasikr•llla—DlM Foam Pat—lot inn are, Wood
& aleastatin 07 ts hams, I bo hardware, n Little hams.
Bingham; 45 bbl whiney. Reytolds dr. Sher; 30 Ithds
- bacon should... Tao& & O'Connor 4 bg. feather., M
Allen b. co, 0,1 bhdo toe, bx samples, Geo Weymain II
bags feathers. 4 beg. flaxseed. 5 h'ils do, Rhey, 91.1.
thews & co; 02 Oa. feathers. I on beeswax, Oa lob, I
bleFilien tr. co 03 bbla lard. 0 do, 10 Obis gream, la
hod. - Inman, I Dickey & co, 10 empty 0b.., O W
Claclanaaf —Pat Brccna Bvave-15 t. d bee f, D
Leech 6 co, .14/ labium. Clark & Thaw, 2 W. alcohol,
W tl K bghu 112 bbl. valuer, W 3 lu Mitcheltive;
50 It hams, Draft & en; 3n bra eandlea,l Flack; 84 colt*
bacon, Kier dr. Joerea,49 bbl. w hiekey, W L Dation; le?
do do, J Plc Devitt & boo; 24 hlids sboaldrrs. Taalte tr.
O'Connor; :Al lard ad bble,YMConsior & Adm.; 114
Danko. Boller & bro. 6 bblitAeran iron, 21 pea Iron,
Coleman, 11 oilman 42, ea, 22 orb ania,Lacch & co; 6 bbla
blue deb water. Bingham; 3du gt., J Graham: 1 to
pot k, I do bud, 40 4g. do, 2 sacks danseed, VOUS &
Heaver—Pt. Iliweiolo. No. 9-9 441. potatoes.2s
hg. day J C B dwell; 137 Laa ebeote I 111 Latter, Can
field; US fib. Oman, R091=11,54 ua polatoes,Stdwart
it Sill.
Wtiee/lag--F22.12. NTLou, —7 bbds lob, 1.:882b
& en; 2 "ea apple% F Voo lloonborBBb pea . bel.
J AVoadsrell; I . tollele.ther,lBo2Bnortc mine
12 tot& naelastem, It M - 11.8828; 6 big floor, Man; bbl
& bz egis, J Hisot.
Ezchaage Wotan, No.
Bak orP4margh •-•-• Par
Ekaakie Bak Par
Pierce. a lila. Bak • Par
Cruse Bonk pa,
lick ufGcrmanmt.a •Prie
" 'Chester County • •par
Delaare Co.• • •por
Aloatiossery -PAU
" Nortamberland• •par
Colomb.s Briers Co.• par
Lkalestosen Bak par
Farmers' Bk. Bea tek•par
Farmers' Bk. Bake Co. pa,
Farmers Bit Lanea'r•pas
Wawa .Co. Bk.. • • •pas
Uneasier Elk.--•••- pa
U. Soma Bank---00
Broaramiloi, Bk.- ......
Wastakton Bk.- • —• • -11
Getrysbortellk..-..- • 1
Ceambrr Magethanna Co. Bk.
Fafxen' - IMO D
Barink, rove&
Waynesbarg•• I I
Poudiville•—• •-
West Brafich Bt
Relief Now. • •• • • - I
Mfr. Min. Pitt/ do.
Allegheny, go
&Ca Okalnd Dl.Litit. 1
M.Mliltankt .....
Plitl3o.ol • . ;
Massillon 1
Cleveland --• 1
Franklin B't Colman.
Chllliu nthe "
Lake Eris
Sauna. • •
Lancaster • ----10
Ilantlhon•—•—• ••—• 13
Granville ......• •• •• I
Farm's. ll'k Canton —SD
lirbuts —SD
- -•
. Kola'miry.
Elk of Kentorty• ..... • 1
Mixt Louirrille .. .. • •
Not Lem Rk. Kcntu'i• "
Yo.le--Cmf Bank
IibibCARTER PARIS-SCO brie( taperlor quality
I Smelt gro• ad, white, nate. Mad .11411Ite tair.4, and
suitable foe land, ke., for sale low by
ap2.5 MD A. T2l Lauer's , at
r STONE% beet quality. warranted, aml at prices
lower than have before been offrred in thin loan,
BOLTING CLOtII9, allDanaher.. beat quality
warranted, and at reduced Kit..
AifflLE MANTEES — ofiginsiiiiMity, my own
LW/ otanafatture, on hand and Wide to order on short
Public Oslo of Valuable Lot.
WWLe sold oo Wednesdny, May;'lT put&
vendee, If not dltpoted of before at private 1011,
Big Budding lob on Perond street, between Ferry
and Veg.. alley, each 80 feet frost by 75 feet deep
to a ten foot alley. Tory ars desnable for private
dwellings, and will be sold on Pink A polo to
my adtd eor. Begond stand Redoubt alley.
QODA ASII-174 exam tdviprans . .pment Soda Ad&
0 jut :: : in; by culdl, and for dale by
Liberty street
IPURPENTINE-23 lies .p. Turp tine lust reed,
j end far lisle ter rityl4 JOHN D MOUE/AN
DOTANll—leask. very orperior, Or family or for
”le by . olsyll JOHN U MORGAN
JILTING—Ib brim .p. Wboing for solo by
m. 714 JOHN L/ hIMIGAN
COPAL VARNIEDI--4 brie New York, for sale by
l/ amyl{ JOllti D MORGAN
JAMPII W BURIIRIDGE, of [Pittsburgh, and Oen
4 tamto C Adams of New Orleans. have formed •
Copattnewhip to transact a general Commlonon
fa the city of New rtrienn.,l ander the firm and
style of Borbridge & Adam. !whip ho Camp street.
rittsbargh, April It, Ihrifi =wry..
ISINOL /Lob On Jobioo—Couper'y
kj Ebert Gehatoe; Cooper'. Shred do; white
do, for only by WM A - AIc•CLURO & CO
-- • •
EXTK AUIS annalacin - TnTheonna—entforU
4 of Vanilla, Lemon, Rolle and Inner Almonen;
fevengeg, and Cologne Water,
VIM 6 'Ida:LI/Rh & CO
HECKER'd Enna*, Malden Gran, and 13nai,
which farm very wholesome and •arcenb
arnalet of diet, eopeclally for dyrpepnes nivl children,
Far sale by WM A AIeCLURO & CO
1100 LIVER 01L—Rusbten, Clark & coe genuine
V Just received, and for sale by J KIDD & CU
amyl' eV Wood at.
WB are now receiving largo adonnons to our Mock
of 'Closing old Bummer Dry Goods, and era pre
pared In offer an excellent msortrocnt at oar usual
low prices for cash, or approved credit.
The attention of Mceerill dealers Is particalarly re
anested to our goods, a. we feel coif dent of king
ble to offer unusual induermento to make a bill with
Cali mad examine at any rate,
may! • sal Wood otreet.
!I ISW 13001[11 W 11001E111
Ton, STlnt, opposite the Post Office.
lAJZZIE LEIGH, a Domestic Tate; by Charleu Dick
ens. Pore G cents.
Lloston Bhatspeare, No 15.
Morning Call, N 0.7
Eldoraoo, or adventures In the path of Empire—A
Voyage to California, by Daystrd Taylor.
LatelPs Living Age, No 351
Diebototry of Mechanics, No. P.
lions'. Merchants' hiwisme, Inc May.
Klekerbocker for March, April, and May.
TZ/1113 TMen:
, I the Pittsburgh Family Glmeerl
.TuandtVa arc% ne, the fallowing assortment of
Omen amtßlitek Teas:—
e a ten. LUX.
[1: OrildaK;
1430ae nT.0 e do; . Fine Oolongs
Este Boa do do; Esq. Bee do;
Imperial; Ponehone; •
Ganpowder. Chneyou!. Ponehongio.
It I. azuweessuy to path:. 'bees Tea.; they speak
for themselves. All we ask ha falr trial, nod we am
muuttleat they will please bah isgalltlit and plea
yew81431.../ilO le CO
.1.149ey St
Tux LAU 701111 W. Pruusa.--We are gnatied
to learn that the body of this gentleman was found
on Friday last, in the neighborhood of George.
town, about ten miles below Beaver. It WOO
leg under water, and was caught by a fisherman
in laying his Imo.
It ts said to be very little decomposed, home
of his cloths have been gent op to hut friend., in
this city. We were shown his cravat and pocket
knife last eight, whiph we immediately recognised.
It is intended to have the body brought cm to Se.
wickly, to day for interment by the aide of his
deceased relative.. .
_ --.....
Ctrr Altus Fhons.—Those who desire • fine
utile of dour will be pleased to learn, from an ad•
vertisement in the appropriate column. of the
cilitles now offered to them of always getting •
Coot rate article. wi h the lout pouible tremble.
nlsTasssinc ACCIDENT.-A little child of Mr.
Watkins, capsized a tee kettle of boiling water on
Saturday morning, by which it was sohadly scalded,
that its life is despaired of.
Cirr POLlM—Aldenuan Itheinhart has admints
tered the law in the absence of the Mayor. Ho
dhposed of n camber of ordinary cases, on Satur
day and Sunday, in a very prompt and butinesal*e
Mayor Barher returned to the city last night.
Maros Biota= left town on Friday, accompa•
nied by Odicer Pinkerton, to deliver an address on
Temperance at New Castle, in compliance with an
in7litatioll extended him by the inhabitants of that
DitO4co.—A passenger was drowned from the
stesiner ; Allegheny Belle No. 2, yesterday, PEW
Kittanning. He was a yoiing man, an Englishman,
and the conduct of the of of the bast is repre
sented to us as having been shockingly carelessand
unfeeling. The deceased had a brother in this city,
but hi, name is unknown.—Trilorne.
ALLIOUVIT Poucz.—Mayor Fleming disposed
of guile a number of ordinary cases on Someday.
A respectable cultrad man and his mite came
before. the Mayor in the evening, and complained
against one of their neighbors, a greenboreof
fellow in appearance, for molesting and abasing
their family by undoes petty acts of pemeeutiou,
on account of their color. He had on several oc
c=lone used threats of extreme violence, inso
much that complainants believed their by. In
danger from bit maliciousness. The Mayor fined
him for disorderly conduct and dbutdued hint with
a reprimand.
Rzogr.—Four tavern keepers were fined $2
each, day before yesterday, by the Mayer of Al
legheny, for welling liquor to ■ deaf and dumb man,
by which he was made drunk.
Flor.— We had .harp hoar karts on the nights
of Friday and Saturday.
hltmeatte.—The Jacluusu Independent Illueswill
be presented with the Nstional co/ors, by the ladies
of Allegheny, twitiorrour. Col. Mach will receive
the tribute (coin the bands of the fair donors, oit be
half of the Company.
8 dc 8058,
I Market Street, teal 41.111 .
A Ihsoucarct. _Row occurred on Smithfield
street, on Saturday morning between the hour. of I
and 2. It originated among a party of drunken
'rowdies at a ball in the Monongahela Rogyis. After
the ball was over, a large number of them, nod
others, congregated in the !greet, which, for tip
war& of an hour, they converted Into a complete
Pandemonium—yelling, cooing and fighting. The
noise was beard at the wharves of both rivers. The
only personal injury done, we believe, was a
wound which one young man received upon his
hand from a knife. A number of the Watchmen
were upon the ground, but no Swore were made .
State B & Brazeas& • 1
S'ateScrtp ...
V Itßlt♦la.
Exchange Lik. of VI, • 1
Banners Bk.of "
11k. of the o
Bk.of Virstroz---
11. k M. Bk, Wheellni *
do Morgantown. •
N. W. Bank Va—• 1
do Wonsbols•— •• 1
do PokketaLum•—• .
Uk.of tennesue• •-• • 3
& Ale reh'is W
ri.taii' ••• • 3
Axle Bk olldis2o2n.:—.
North Corollas.
Ilt.of Cape Fear 9
Aletch's 1ik.,(922,2222• 2
State 1:212.2 2
Fraz.—A fire broke out yesterday morning about
one o'clock, In the Foundry, of Means. Mimeo
dt Ciarriscri, career °Milo and Smithfield ate.=
One or two canine promptly urived on the IT:mod,
and *encoded in checking it, botoreany material
datnage eras done.
Booth Oar*llma.
leamden ..... •••• • 9
!Bt. of (Aarlemon-- • • 9
; ommercial Bk 1
l l3 .t.oLlreorcetolru— ,
Hamburg-- ••
inforebaros Bt-----
Flamers &Ildeella . vllk• 2
,Elk• of Booth Ceroan•• • 2
• Dar load.
Illalumore Bko••••• •••par
Lialual'e MO Rllnerip
;Cumberland /12. of Ails.
Asarrans. , —The runt who .hot a pinto! at a
woman, ion hours lupe fount, ward of Alleghruy.
was arrested ea Saturday. Ho had gone to the
nose house again. with a loaded revolver, to re
peat his attempt. lie was held to bail for trial.
roarrr:tvas distoutoilied by the areal,
somber of street rows, lights &o. It strilea as this
bier is a shemeral neglect of daty,la put of the po
se, is Oefosiciag, the streets to be disgraced by
these &oaken bri
.... . . ,
Fu. Bk.of hierylu — ul • •
F t
ft ' . Tx ' 4te :ilk ' " "
irrederick o.
,Haperstowo Bk
Bk•—•.;---- I
:rg i t " .olA w s2lo k tier :77:
ploy of Othello, we. well per
fotmrd oo r a ordey eight. Mr. 011eY, nem..
led .14,10, with No u. 0.1 excelleoce. Mr. Tay.
lor, smataioed the part or the x oor in a highly
estditalde style, for so young an actor. To night
Mr. Daley, will appear as the Stranger, and Duke
Aranos In The Honeymoon, for hi. benegt and ti
n& appears:lee.
. ... .
lile Wotan.
itk. of St. Clair. --......
Ifff. of River Ralsen--
ii ' !l. 4 .M.r: lir, - - :
', WiIICOMAIIIk Tenger,.
•I'dar.&Fireln.Co.oliPorfe I
• All
of Itank• 11
!Bane of England Notes
• -----44 70 4 , in,
raold dr. Upeele Valli..
INspoleone --••—• 3
Ducats-- • •0 i 6• 111 II
Eitgle, old • -••- • 1010
lEagle, neer •-•• , 10 69
•Doubloone,Spanigh. 111 01
1t10.Pi11.t...-•-• • 13 SO
f: vine. -• ..... 1 II;
Prederirked`orly--117 00
en Thaler. • •• •• 700
en Guilders • ••• • 303
boole•Pors• •-• •• • • 41 ili
New I llr. ork • —• — 11.. 1
I Pro•re
PO•iedelphts •• • ra Er.itinoore•—••• • P.
rat. Interior Irks.--
Great Joy to Cho World 1-11•alth and
Dopylemon to DolsiDadt
Prepared by mem. and put op in ;QUART COT
TLE.% far the removal end permanent cure Cl an
draws atimng from on Impure Meta elite blood, or
habit of the system.
FSAIALIit COMPLAINTS, Liver Complete...FM.
Nis, Piles, Pimples or Peonies o the Face, Chrome
Sore Eye.. Halves rm Tettw, Scald Head, Iheum a •
UM. Pains in Bones or Joint., and all diseases
arming free an iejadielose use of ttetcury Sc.
For explicit and limber particulars, ,
spoil one
afoar agents and get • pamphlet, teeT t t earefutly. and
ELLA to rot the very toetheuse to care you.
N. IL—Remember every label an the bottle has the
Doctor's signature, "EL D. Howe." Now other gems.
inc. Prise SI per bottle, or 6 bottles for SS.
on by ear agentW-J. Scbminmakerlk Co,
A. Jones, Pittabeephi D. A. Elliott, Allegbroy;
P. Crocker Drootosville; AL MeCMllaad, Man-
Muster, a nd by draggles, gsawally. Also, by the
proprietors, HOWE St CO ,
ap2l-dfcwlyT 1 College Hall. Cincianatl,D.
Arnsusw—We are ..(Monad b 1111000nee JAM%
P. Una, Esq., as a candidate for Attembly, sohjsei
ro the decision of the Antiscrosonie and Whit Canton•
doe moyltidisuieS
Comm" Cost]tb.lonitt.—Entataxaa Dorms, of Natal
rayeue township, mill be
candidate for County
Commissioner, subjcet to the decision of the Whig
and Anti Masonic riontinstiog Cmerentlon.
' ' "
Tneu. Vaamta t Eno, of OnonOntn nnnotabOtomil be
Imported for CommMoner, In the And }Namur an 4
Cannon,' a
mat Aaltaltmort
N. P. Pussou, of Btrennighom boruogh, will be
supported for County Coonblssioner, It the Whig nod
Ara Masonic Convention, by NIAPSY FRIENDS
CONGRESS—Ifon. 11••••• Dean, will be urged
by hie friend% for • nownitidon as • candidate for
Conyrres in the appronehung Antim•sorue Whig
Convention. ' in•yllidEtwieS
Oars/ Alums will he tarponed tor nomination,
In the AlltiMlSSOtlie and Whig Convenullit, for the
office of County Coatininiener ataylindkaritia
Wtamatailasaastr, of the Muds WarJA'lttsbergli,
will tie supported in the Whig and Andrattonie county
eonvenvon, for Aagenibly. SOUTH PIT/LIBURO IL
Taa Assawm.r....W: B. Nsobas, Esq., a Posh,
Township, will be swpparted OF nualinal inn to eat
didase for Assembly, before Ma Whig and Antic:l2.nm
oon•enuoa, by MANY VILYTEFLI •
Tone Alm M•mmc atm Went yonms or Axxx-
Guess Conerv—Robert Rios, of the Seventh Want
of PittOurgh, Is hereby reemornended to the Coerce
lion, called to meet on the dth of Jane next, as a can.
didste for the office of County Commissioner.
np3tbdEancon't MANY VOTERS
To, ACIIIIO.I.—III.L. lictiz, rad, of MI MI
toventhip, will be soppotte4 (or nomination, si a eart.
dideue for the Ad/milady, herons the Anti ?detente end
Whir Convention, by MANY YMTEMS
mayl-dirArhaT •
CONGtiESS—Tnoro• M. flora 'trill be a condi
date before the Antimmonlo/Id Whir Convention
(or nomination for Contralto nthylenitrorter
An Irata•llinat Lair. py•
• ,
TULES HAUFA.'S V aaaaa Lie Llqaid Nair Dr., I.
efi superior do every respect to tha:many astir les
whims are on tale kir the purpose of changing the
color of heir. This Is ms assertion, the truth of which
aII will admit, wait:coke trial of It, and for the lollow
ing reasons
No other dye will prmince Meal] a scrim, of serer.;
diennct shades, as Week, brown, auburn, Le. It is
the only dye which will Instsnotheously prialuce the
eSect, ell inhere requiring. etyma! hours to earopleie
theoperation. No other dye will produce colors
which so nearly amimilate to those of nature. No
sober dye le so entirely harmless, and yet so deindedlY
effective, producing color. 'Odell - neither heat, air,
or moisture can restore; and finally, no other dye
has obtained a tithe of the pain:mega which the public!
here bestowed opals doles Heaths Vegetable Liquid
The kill of the chemlat,and the experience of years
have been taxed, In the production ot this prepamtlen;
and It Is offered to the public with the istarantra, that
should It not produce the requisite enact, ten money
will in all cases be cheerfullyrefunded.
Persona heathy white, red, or grey hair or 'Walters,
eon, by Using Jul. Itaaelte Vegetable Liquid Hair
Dye, hive them dyed n beautiful brow., black, or
cheetnat color, whhoutthe alightest Injury to the akin,
and 1., the eborleat possible note. It is. Buy of ap
sheens% that any one e. use It without vatinickee.
He particular ,to ask for Jules liaaelts Vegetable
114e1d Hair Dye;stnd take no ethar.
JUL HADES.. Perfumer end Chemist,'
1.51 Chestnut select, below FOOnh.
Forme wholesale and retail by. D. A. Poilmestoek
A kCo., and IL R. Petters, Ptushurght and John liar
gent and J. htitebell. Allegheny city. Pa. mart
ALOT On Chili,' Alley, near bulb men, niltoble
for a dwelling house, or tweet abr. mall it o
':::fr.o4rVy to
A.VV,:itftIV.TAVAIC I ° I . : "
do; ps. 32 inch doi Opt. Ina do; Zdi ou4:
doz Ladies' Linad Cu:lWe Ildkla, Iln prize
iW do 5
doz Ganz' do do
do colored tordersi
A A 5.TA.01 &CO
$:l2 :Uarkit at.
xo de: do do
Received that day by
/ tAbILILET LINEn4 L11611t130 pet caneable
Sta Lunt., at the extreme low price of hoot yard.
19111710 A A MA:UNA CO
- -
Irish laud Dream Llynenta.
co pea 34, ond 2VO pea 4.4 Ltrown Linen . ;
ICA n y
os Gray% Itaikla's, and Aleamdeata 'maim
Ina:rt....lY; now opening by
M Cruz t . Sora Crlr;ipe..7 l l , lo z; i;
09 St do do Not;
AoM do do No?
10 Al Elegem, Ernuere Wu;
ISM do Cosmopolite;
hl Hernard,lut•r;
10 1111 do Rd.; fm gale by
rnayl3 MILLER k nicKgrsont
iiiiiiEMT.T — srtftl'EED - SILVER: lirrile by
juayll J KIDD ft CD
A SYSTEM of Ancient and Mediaeval GerigtePhY.
For tne use of schools and colleges.
Mahon, L. L. D. Professes of Beech end langt•
ayes in Columbia
FAllan College d, , Now York.
The History of from is Invasion ofJulins
C.sar, to the abdication of James 11,19.3. By David
Eup a new edition, with the aathor's lest ear.
section. and tonsents; to which is prefixed
short adeount of his life. wcubb by himself. 6 nat ''
A School Dictionary of (Reek and Raman Attar:ca.
ties, abridged from the larger dictionary. fly Wm.
Smith L. L. B. corrections and improvements
by CEng.. Antlion, L L. D
Memoirs cif ice tarn and Writings girth , Fev nos;
Chalmers, D. 0; by his son in law, the Rev. William
Banns, L. L. D. In three TONIMe• Vol 9.
White Jackal; or Lila in a Man of War. By ller
m. Melville, author of s:Typee Om.? "Nardi° toad
The Works of Mrs Sherwood: being the anti em
inent edition pettpatzed in the United States. In
- sixteen volumes:.
• •
Fairy Tales, (ingrain nations. tly Anthony II
Alontinba, with twenty-roar illustration. by %Doll 4.
Walton liarvey,nAtt other Wes. By Mitts 'Ater
The riatioual Syetem of Hook Krepthr, YelYord to
all perm of We United Fame, BY YOMY
Alm, a large apartment of AID.le. 6.8. Union
Boob, on hand. and for rale by
- -
~ ece.itos• in ELLivrr k ENGLISH,
.2'7" 7.1 Wand .orc,{
PAWN E.STOCK mitmyronsr.
SPAIINF—STOCK begs leave to anew:tee to the
• Petro. of bee Now Chteditery of toe cities of
Pittaburgh And Allegheny, and toroombs of, Alen-
Lternonftham, Sc., they the work Is now
and really for the press, end well he pot In the
hands of site printer come where between the Lgth
end 30111We/IAL
The cillzont g e nerally, and all who feel an Interest
In the production of • complete and perfect Directors:,
paracalurly those who have not tern stalled on, will
Kreally oblige the pablither,by ascertaining that their
nano. avocations and pintos of bersiners,'Ae , ire
noted tor pablication in the Directory.
Alt cards to he inNirted, most t handed In (oqh•
with, or at the latest,' by Cu date uLove muted.
enaelo .
PEA aiIYIN-100 sack. Teneeseee, far eale by
maylo WICK & aIeCANDLLaS
nAN VASSED IIABI9:448 for foie by
roayin WICK & MeCkIyEILFSH
POTASH-0 cults for relalhng. for ..yle by
:marl° WICK tr. WC A N DLEI3O.
FORAY -10 asses record Bor.. for rein by
Ift/11l MAL7S— , ..O brls received, and Or solo by
Fltligus-v sac Ei re-efeaK,ULF,.B
RIP- 4 1N—IU LC. iust reed, and for rale by
tuaylO nor. Sixth and Wood in.
CANAFW - Tilik:LL-1:11 , 11r711114 - 5Aed of 113. , stop
Citify Seed, and for sale by
GIIIIIIJAIE GREEN -- -in eases jam ree'd.Lor sale by
pig ELEfiw-fit
l71•111.k s N WICKERSHAM
Iglso. Plaglooutn;
no tals Lovesoga Dalveriatd Loot;
LP Inns do C Ad do;
In eases do D refined do;
brls Posreered C; do
Et wit ClatiOrd:
• LO band Est reed, and for sale by
MILLER s. incur:mos
movie 177 k lelbeny H.
Uwl & LaRD on comomint, for sale 1i
M Frone:lCreot Shingles,. con-
IJ and tor tale by
/10FFIX-tod bags prone itTn - IVertraii i ;
SALL&D OIL-bei hot to goalie Pl./allow &tiled (Si;
to do poet do dot
to do .uporiar Ilordeux Moot:
For mete by MILLER lc B ICKErSON
foLrl.o.:. by
mo b
or,' MILI.LR lipßlCKEllgOrt
0 IN GRAM LA 'NJ—ar peg, Gingham Ciiiicts
receivni. and now renew al tee very love price
of Iva recta per y ere. 1 , A A !ilAtilir& CO
Altir .r L , 744 ,
, r a
t I;;l • u p y r r y ite4;
OW pet 1101 Pvintrel Aln.lins, tokitler; sow.,
fast colored XI uellso .11 per pod, rosy openi hp 01 .
A A MASON 3 / 4 CO
18301 REED HOUSE, 11650
& BAADER. .....
Ptah< .sArglare, Erie, Pa.
and So.Mem Stare. leave lel• Loam doily Car.
magas W. to and from Steam and Packet RtPM,
M. Kant, late oft e Amene•n Hotel; tam, E.
G. W. Emmaa, ism or Ma Kinsman Hotel, 0610.
C/00111.11 1, A c
. .
Natio and Fanny Vesting.,
BANDA:Vnia, ard LINEN lIDXFS, a 'general no
wnment of and every aliegy.of Innanninga
A FIJIVAINI: hilW., with four ten of .tones—onn
of the hem kronen. for burtneor to the went—and
• first rate `dew N1.14,0n an annort never lailinß Mato,
and IS serer. of tend, rood Uvel'tn[ Moose, Tenant
Moot. and other tropreeenients, nimated IWiree
from ihr Ohio Rover, Moore. County, ohm. Life,
noir the 'there, n be•unful Farm, Weil impro•N,eon-
WninS rao acre+. For MM., le , enquire of
*W7 Iln Soesind at. riviiburglt.
AI'M R ott:old Spectacle, , ttpnnred to heel. twkir
dropped tn, Wood, in boot of 11/Acorn:l t
Peer , W•rehnete 'The finder td be lc-wooled on
retorning.them to the owner, No. Irl Wood street.
- A. MASON A CO. arc arm opening ano th er
• large mermen! Clark and Fancy Dress Silks
at all priers; also, Foulard Silks to all Merl varteurs,
atredseed meta m 57
iitiAPf ptecca splenducOonnel
Itsbhano, 010 day ree'd to A A MASON & CO
ArrEtt DAN' VANIPIILETS tfryThiuia•
Carlyle. N. IV: Tho New Drorntag nrect.
ll. , evivetl, and rot •nle I.y
110:siau63'y i 1 FCANnile by we
nlinnbelnyn," in 9 vals, don.. far tab, by
ANEW remedy himly discovered In the Vegetable
, Kingdom—a sure and permanent core for all
Rh suntan° Cnniplasets, &nen Vol
InKarntoato , Y• Chronic. acme and Aferetinal
' Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago,
Spinal Alfeedans, he.
This medicine has long been songht for. It has been
sold bat Rheumatism mold not bc cured; but there is
a fen tedy designed by nature for the cum o; every dis•
mm that dm buitteti eyriem to sab er! ta At Mot a re
edy bar been found that curesitheutostism of the
worst form—ono of the molt valuable vegetable pro•
dactiatto of Ire earth—the greatest and mull important
Mum, ry of the age,;and a wonderful blessing to the
hum. family. It curbs without sicketung or dehtiOn
llog, ono . renews strength and vigor to the whole syn.
tem I , haa cared, dating MI., three months ; ell ef
OW rams that were canstder incurable.
Certificates of the eurutive ptopenica of this medi•
Mac can bo seen by calling nu the Agri...
None S MOMm unless'ut to with on engraved label
upon the multi!, wrar, mound by the proprietor, Ii
TURNER . Buffalo, N.Y.
Sold b r If SOIVSER.
' corner Third end Marta o, Pito. orgh.
Sold IL . I. by H. E. THOMAS,
No 149 Main et, Cincinnati, 0.
rol.7.der I.GroS
No. 6111, DIAMOND ALLEY, a
few door. below Wood street, tre.
%serifs market.
DR. enown, having been
regularly educated to the medical
profession, and been for nine time
on general practice, now confines
kis attention to Me treatment of
those pnnte and delicate com
plaint. for wh ich his opportunitie•
and esperience pecultioly quality
jom.• 14 year. assiduously devoted
nomad, t treatment o cemelkintl,lfflorin soma. 2
time lie has had none meows. and hat eared more pas
tellts then can ever fell to the lot of nny private prat
amply g aonfies ,iim to oiler meurenen al
epeedy, permanent. and satos."semry nee to all afflicted
wills delimits disease., and all diseases arising Mere
W. Drown would inform hose i 'Meted with plicate
diseases which have become etiri.vie by, tone or as.
pas ated by the use of any of the e.uvmon nottroma of
tho •lay, that their complaints can , shit calls. and than
iwghly cured; he having given hit en, efol attention so
the treatment of auch cues, and meter dell to hundreds
of Instances in curing person• of tntlarevention of the
neck of the bladder, and kindred thscase • which often
result from those ease, where others have. consigned
Mem to impeless despair. Ile particularly owes
a . hove been long and alms ceendully trosod : l by others
to consult him, when every so n whi he given
to ete, and their capes ;rented in a. enreful,tholough and
tn nit
manner, palmed out by a long expengper,
st, tdy,and tavestigatton,whicl, it is trarthssible. du r thos
en goged in general practice of methcina to give s o o
on s class of Mo..
irrilerola or Rd pturci—Dr. Meson iso Install por
n. J 1 afflicted with Hernia to Gall, as he has paid parts.,
Ida r attention to this &late..
CANCERS also cured.
kin diseases; also II s, Yids), stir, mistily aired
Cba nes *cry low.
N.'B...Patlents of either tax living at a distance, by
stating their disease in wetting, giving all the snap
,,..pirrin medicines w sib directions for cgs, by
address Rig T. DROWN, hi. CI., post paid, and enclos
in fa e.
Ogles, No. 6i Diamond al toy, oppoalta Lb* Waved,
Dasarsernme—Dr. Drown , suavely discovered rune.
4 , ll . tarll o h , e i t o ts , s m ati u ma . s t l f n pl::: e l f azd . certain remedy eel
°fret; and Private C.ea thing looms, No. 05 Dia
mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Zoo Doctor Is always at
1117710 enr. no PIT. Den, A. 1040
.THE firms of hlortisorA, Limb & Co, rat Brnakdlle r
leflerson County, Pa., and Limb, blorrisons&
ephenY Conml, have: been dissolved by intiZls
consent. Parlor. indebted to said Puns mill make
payment to Limb & Co., and claims against-the s=o
may be presented to it Co, tor mulement.
HEN II mortuisoN.
Mn Ed, IESO --saset.<ll;
• 1 12NLEED, y9 - 01 L - s — u -bra vow; Tad
• • ' PT! • • 11,-1-7
T,INCOURAGED by the liberal patronagp extended to all repaint. and well condoned Ltnes, the own
ers of toe following fare granters bawl arranged then
into a Line between P,diaburah and Louisville.
(Me of the beau will positively leave Pittsburgh on
m e , pdannav,alVonztunto, and Farner EVIL,"
at 0 Welt:ma—full or not fall.
The dart boat ofthos Line will start oa Monday,
February 2.50. / \
Sweater Genelee-....-- ,, -.Eaptein T. Moore.
• gintylor.— - 7 - " M. Luca.
o yy=b,,,,g..--.... • J. lihnefeher.
• Rarmcr• • - ' • Benedict
_j. a Fairmosen —.4 " W. Ebben.
F „ r i f :(ll,FX "sP ryr ; P .Vi r l. " o
1113ERGER Att.
. •
----.-- -----...-
Captain WILLIAM J. Kors - 17.
This eplendld boat was bbilt by the
i . ..‘ owners of the steamer lease Newton,
ze"..••• , d others, for the Clammed and
• ''rf!.... '. .
riusborgh Packet .trwle, and will
In a every iWednesdey, for emeituatt4 an place of
the New England, No. 11.
' .0 freight or passage apply on board, orb?
The ?splendid last winning steamer
i'''''' -, LOlllB MeLANE, IV, B. Cornwell,
2,,,..t.v._ . master, (haring undergone a then.
~ e .- ,rr..',. °ugh repan,( will run hereafter ea a
regular packet beta-can Pattaburgh
. 'Wheeling, leaving Pawburgh leery Monday,
W dneaday and Frtday morning., at II o'clock. For
fre • bt er punge apply on board, or to
W. 13 WHEILER,Agent.
1101101511AIIICLA ROIITZ.:
-1:: •: ' M... 411 -(
''!. l'Z'.
0.11 Ta rfllee'Stagimag.
- Pia Brownsville and Cumberland to '4filthum and
Philadelphia. •
FART TO 80D011011C.........• • --AO° CO
DO. Poli.sounnit•----- 12 00
TILE morning boat lemma th e wharf, above the
Wide°, dai ly, at 8 o'clock. precisely. Time to
Baltimore, boom; time. to Philadelphia, hours.
The evening boat loaves daily, (except Sunday no
m:dosed at 6 o'clock. Passenger, by leaning on the
evening boat, will erase the MOODIOLD in stages next
day, and that avoid night travel.
Secoye your-tickets al the Mee t Atopopohela
House. or St. Moults Mira.
I. ilEaltiMES. 4.A
ME4a 1850. Mkg=
l, itt,
Two Daily Mats Express P eket Boats,
Ana Usti Iload CAT •
(ExcLusivira vas Pain ita,)
Via the New Central Rail Road sad Pennla Cana/.
'rime—whams Fare—SlOthrough.
230 miles Rail Road, and 150 miles Canal.
A N ,he In lea. the new Centel Rail Read Compa.
‘,3 ny commenced running TWO DAILY 1111.C14 run
...E. [AAA from Jackstown to Philadelphia, le•ring
theca immedmtrly after the uncle I of 0e Packet
floats front tie Wen. Ely ohlir ISM gentent rumen•
ed. ,611 ge f o al will
withopt detenti , n.
A Paelret Ibtat will leave eve morning at 6 01.
clerk. nod even. e.entag al 9 o'cloe .
nle mole, Inc Sefell• Speed, • • Comfort, Is am
equalled by any now In UM t 0 the F . Bern Cams.
For paasage or informanen apply
W BUTCH, /Bonen, ahcla Hawn;
api _ D LEECH & • I, Canal BII.ID
gmutibitil WHEELING So SUN ' I PACKET.
The fast running trainer
WELLS ILLY'Gapt. IL VostalsWil. Me as a reenter
pecker beivreen V' • sigh, Wheel
g, on, and Sunfish, kettle Pittsburgh every
Monday afternoon, for IVellse ille, • teubenville, and
Uridgevort, andevery Thursday arts •• n far Stentien
vtlte Nyheelter, Bridgeport, Ceps, a, and Sunfish.
nes tang, leaves Bridgeport and S ...oh every Tem
Jaz Beer non, and Sunfish every Friday afternoon.
I. o (sated of passage, apple on board, or to
' art I D WILKINS, Agent.
. .
m akThe splendid steamer
D. V. Ei".144,/
sad ,lpastar, wa: leave
th, *lO,O pilermedleas ports
on this dm flnh Map it'd o'elott, a. at.
For Ireiant or paxsaae, apply on bawd, or to
J NEWTON JONM or. 0 FET/10105W, Acts
- mayor
. The splendid p_
acket steals=
Capt. liatehisoojeaves for the acorn
and all intermediate. ports on this
'dee, the lath lost, at We:lock. A. ht.
Far freight or passage., apply ac heard. mayl9
-- — FOR ram 0R1;E1N.4. - ‘ --
. . .
The splewlid paewnaer steamer
Capt. Coehria, will leave for above
and ill' iatennediata landings on
the any, =lt inst., at 4 c'hloelt,.P. AL
For freight or parsage, apply aboard. or wi
royal/ liE.O LI MILIDIRERGLII, Agent
'"------ FOR ZANFSVILLE. •
maim The splendid ate
Gallagher, ismer, sw LI ND, ill Mara for Da
above and all immediate pone 011
Mu. day, 'Fa elinh inst., at a oleloele,r AI
For freight or pascal., aFkr on bolt. 1 , ,..p4 ,
may= D Wii ' AD.
FOR - SIC L0U15....
The new and splendid roamer
wrlll t a 'A va for
the above and in
start, pans,
cattle day, bPdt Instant, at 4 v -
For irelfbt or plumb!, appl wt bozo'. Minn/
i• The fart ranging steamer
T Neel, Inaarr, will leave far the
above end ail Intermediate puns, on
Oda Jay, Ittlt last, at It, A. N.
For ought or parrage, apply or board marts
Tho namely new and splendid
' 7 . Ile
W. W. Marna , matter, own knee for
the ahAre and all inan medians Inhennes on 11111 day,
the Mb hut, a 4 r. ia.politiTely. For *might *poly to
roaTIS u U
m ag i 13e fine temsenger mama
Sterling, master, will kare far the
bare and all intense dlnie port.
a dna env, ilte n llllth Ma. It lo
For freig h t hod apply ni p
. ,
. F , 014 FT - . - C4SUTA: ' •
The splendid Unmoor
Smith, master, will leave for the•
above and Intermediate lanithiga'on
dila do), Cie 17th inst. at 4 o'clock, V. M.
For freight or posaage, apply 011 beard. or to
onayl7 . •
mat, 1850 imam
From Pettsbarels to Colrartbsti end Clrrelara,
thrvagh the neb and popular, ie:nities of Cadaver
Liana Carroll, Stark, rii.7.111162 , , Cothacton,
ollariingaan, Licking, and Frzatlin.,
Too conipietiun of the Sandy 'and Beaver Canal
opens up to our oily through Wks rem natural tenual
reale n direct communication to the above so well as
the adjoining comic"! of Waysedloimes, Knot, and
nom CP, motion of Ohio, the trade with Pittsburgh
has been. to ■ great extent cat off, in consequence of
Its high rates of transports:oo, which are now se
dated la, BD and Au per cent. •
Bost, of dd. Una will leave dean and MO through
without transhipment. The Canal company have
bestowed upon this line an Interest In the unprece•
drawd advantages of thew charter, end tans immured
the nrddle pollutes of Ohio in Ordbring
_their goad.
equal inttrest In this advantage Agent.:
J. C. inDwr.m,
BIDWELL & CO. Dissgowl
• •••
R C Holmes, Speat'd Mills, Onto; H & A Goy,
Wilhanopori,l).: George Ketone', Elkton, 0;
& Ilinfolan, do; Hanna, Urnltsm ACo. Now Loboo, (d;
Anar Nickels., Hanover ; O.; llibbets A Boory, Mi
nerva, O. Speaker A Paler. ik; Joieph Pool & Co,
do.; Hull & Buss, Oneida Mills ; O.; It V Bever, do;
C R Ilarethal & Co, Malvern, O.; ItK Gray, Waynee•
bore, 0.; E Reynaldo, do; hone Tenet, Magnolia 0:
14.1 elotlidulkle Co, Eilnenolia,o.; Wteillerknew, de;
M.P..; and & Ca, S andy e,O; P P Latter, do; Farb.
Steinhanoh, Bolivar, 0; Willard A Molter,
do; J J 04 Cummins 8; Co, ;
Linn Nonillion, CILlIal Fulton, 0.; Ferlik & 'Parley,
Canal Dover, 0; A. Plealtntry ~Koseoe, O.; L K War
ner. Newark. Cld Eltdi & Hale. Colundius,t); L 0 Mao-
thaws, Cleveland, O.; Rhodes A Green, do. ortimn
CAPITAL $300,000.
J. FIIII.MT, Jr., See). I R. Mtusa Jr, Friel!
Wt Baum &gam all thole of hay
LL imcs wtil be liberally adismted sad promptly
joi, aid. .
A ho p me Institution—manned by Directors who art
well atoms in the community, and who are determin
ed by promptness and liberality to maintain the char
acter whimi they hare assumed, Is offerin, the beat
princenen to those who desire to be Insured.
Di asciestr—R. Miller, Jr., Goo. Block, J. fit.
N. Relines, Jr., Wm. B. Holmes, C. Bunsen, Geo. W.
Jackson, Win. M. Lyon, Jaa. Lippincott, 'Thos. K.
Limb, James Itl'A &Bey, Alex. Nimic a, Thor.BrotL
(WIC; N. MI Water street, (warchouto of Spout
A Co. up mtura.l riusbure h.
Wall Papal. Wareliana*,
NO 47, MARKET STREET, between Third and
Fourth streets, Plttrburgh, Pa. 'THOMAS PAL,
Atkin would rcspectfully call the attention of bin
(need. end customers, to his present extensive and
gencial stock urnarehandise. It will be Wand. com
prise every d Acriptiou of American and French Wail
Paper and tinnier tor Parlors, Ile.l Is, Dining Rooms,
lted Chambers, Counting Poona, kn., winging from 121
cents to at a peen. 130 great w direenty of price•
and acallues can hardly to tall the eirennistanees
and tastes al parchanerswho may favor with their
patron e, the old established stand on Market street.
flroodaray, of Malden Lane.
extensive NOTEL as •has been leaned by she
I s
übscriber, and b been completely refined In
Imam elepin manner. Large additions are. .now
being made, which, when completed, oral make It the
most exteneive lintel In New Pont. It in the !lateral
naiad of the proprietor, unmake it elpteL in every re
epect, to any other Hoax In thelbulcd tams. Its M.
canon Is the moat desirable and wound in the city, be.
Mg In the ftshiortable part, ofairoadway, convenient
to oil the public building., places of smartment,
bantams. Grateftd fat the Mend patronage wens •
from hieleetterit friends, whilst lit Cumberhuld,
and mom mouldy at the Weddell - . llona , Cleveland,
Ohio, he respectfully solicit. enemata( Melt patron
age, far We new enalilishinern, at New York, and
begs to wawa them that Geary admen his pen .11s4
be given to adminitter to there comfort endplaamm.
• • • A: 1L .1388.NUhL
New York, idsreh,lB3o , --IlaYALden
Int — l • EL - 00 . 0;01I;CLOTH—Ort Itarli:a• else as.
0- foment ere and /Yard Wide Moor Cloth, splen
did potteeoaof width we will em seems, any
at elMielaleirmeel •-• 3sr wpiinuirs
Ira LET.
larre. com
.a:goo 111411orete
• sad Lot, on Immo are a . Daregood Stable es
INN s_ Carriage, Mote t being 'the 'property . r ,
. and tour the residence of Mrs Jaatibla•
Yoe. aitaatedoa Waster at, rear Seventh
atreet. For taros, apply to , • M Lowarz
. if L_Eil Wylie at. •
41101.. W
A ItLNDSONIE STORE, , . na MOM Met, between
Thin! end Fourth inebeit mend occupied by Mr.
Times White, no • Dr, Goode !km • •
nbo-1 lann well Meet HOOD in ihe mad MI,
west door to DD. Don !Permian Ciao. • • 'l7ibn nom ..
nod Mehl* Lora mks] snloon or logernpn
or mild Co lionecniently serum! we deals cam •
• E. D. GAZZAbt,
Oace, Vali id, me the Poet Me. •
'o Lee, .
A . .8r8" ..i BUILDING
heated is
tbyee swee t
imetedwely te. ' .loer tb u irtz iN iee:f 6 . ms s.
tevatr PMroundty
.. . .. __. _._
to Ler—The atm on blarketrit,nezidoot to PRA
will be reined low too mil Aaiun; and pone.
ma amen Immodiately. For team apply to , •
isirtailtr :WALTER BRYANT. LB Many at
To Lot,
THE tale WeeM ary y Britt Warehouse, en - Water.
below Fen, once; running from Water to Flra
weer, on reasonable 41131. • Possession given Imme
diately. Enquire of
feblatf F. LORENZ.
FOR SALE—A Lot of Ground ahem parent,
greet, between Ilay and nub ury atreeta, adionslng
the house and lot now occupied by EletorA Edwards,
having a front oft. feet, and in depth ISO feet, wdl ho
sold on favorable terms. Tide unexceptionable. - • Etw
van of • C. O. LOOMIS, 4th moon. Wood.
,Sign of th• Golden Hasp,
101 Third at., Dent door to Woodmenltra.
THE would iespeetfmly inform the Oi
aens of Pittsburgh, Allegheny. and vle.inity, that
be has opened his new and elegant establishment for
the lOC of PI•71115 MitADIONS, blame, Alumna. In•
aranaters, and every other Wale in his line.
PIANOS—PaIe sgbaey foe Nunes & Clarkes eeles
brined grand and square Plano., with and witboit
_Co!eman's .Polimi Attachment. These Pimaoe have
lately rseeiveu several important improvements, ren
dering. theta exceedingly b r illiant of tone, and extras
ordinarily durable and Inning.
Also, T. Gilbert & Co's (Horton) eeletnated Koos.
These inurement.% hove a wide spread reparation, and
lase considered among the very best moonfeentred in
Boston, where they are decided favorites. •
R. Dunham, N. Y., of the hoes of Shaded & Den
ham, haft imannted the robeettber ro le agent for the
sale of his Pianos in Pinditirgh. Theism of Rtodut
& Lambent inane of the o den tuad beet In ihiaeountry,
and their manufacture far &Incas' and brilliancy of
tone and beauty of workmanship aro second to none.
The celchnued Concert Pi 11.... of dassadhoff, Or
Bremen and Hamburg, will tassels be kept for , db
by rho subscriber. lt will stance us say, that they are
made of the great Piano playen at their
Concert, on she Continent. ' -
The subscriber begs leave to direct attention Co the
important font of his baying special stuns brit in
Ponape end this century, who carefully seleet- and •
examine every Piano sent to . him. Ishichhinibles him
to give a wlitleill
affantte_rith every Plano sold by
him, pledging Weisel( to reload the money in case to
Piano be proven Melly or delleienL • • •
A fall supply of the newest land most Popular of
will eminently be kept for orale—furoined by the best
pablisbing houses of Barton, Philadelphia, and Babb
mom agency for Memo, Setufenberg a Luis, Neer
York, the most extensive importers of foreign agile
la this country. • .
Sole Ageney be Csriordlis Patent hielodeonand
idelodeort Pianos, as inanufactured and perfected by
blarthWhite, Cincinnati, sit single end double
setts of reedl—the best reed instruments yet invented.
Also, Unbars, Flutes. Clarinets, Violins, Bogle., Sex
Items Tubas, and every description and variety of
loam insiraments from the best tuatara. &flogs for
Violins, Goiters, and
fpinon book , for every instrument. Pelee.
bons of n u n
me. mane booksbound,Pianostanal
and ttpalredi Vienna, Arenoleons, Goalies, Ike., re..
paired on the most temonable terms.
MISEARIS & BROCKWAY, Commis - 40a Merchants,
Eaeratnetno C, T, Calif - conjs. Llberat advances
made on - consignments, and all, agency business
promptly nuanced to.
mtyla auto)
$ a. IT; 1110CIIVIT,
_ Ent .idet Dizzriond a ritilbunh. aDI9
er, No 110 F,t eond meet. 3140,d1y.
111 - a - ir — O•lTtii - 1 o•odiil Ns w Qoodifi
Mw Sprtrea anrt Summer Dry Gores fir 1050.
,ri s
? •••• Wnensaatl and Retail Dealer In lhitisb,
.- •
French. and American DRY GOODS, Market
street, between Third and Fourth, sign of the
Bxo Bee Mrs, has jort commenced receiving
and opening one of the Mott rich. splendid,
pod extensive Mocks of S.prins end Summer Dry Goode
ever onMed for mile terthe 'Western coasts,. All of
these Imported Ghods are fresh opened, mud received
per the last steamers from Braces 'and England; an
also lam Linens, Imported direct from Belfast, all
srt ess blacked, and warranted the pure article; these
Wens am all imported by the subscriber, and are all
pure Ras yam, animated. Also, frith Llama Damask
Table Cloths, the eery best manufacture;. and Irish
Linen Goods of all kinds, Imported direct from Belfast
by the subscriber, and will he found the rcal Eritt.go. ,
New Style' nth - Task Satins, all colors, splendid
A. As ; black Tark Satins, all prices, Mob goods;
Sleek gime Silks, all colors, late portadou,• Drench
Kid Gloves, all colors. She best imported; plaid black
Assures, per last French steamer; new mylet painted
Deregcs, solenoid goods. Also, a mspetb and largo
stock of wide block Brussels Lace, foe smiting ladies ,
dmasee,usel rich temlS plain Dampen In all colon,
extremely low, beautiful goods; black. Silk Fringe,All
vridthet and pile_se, very cheap; French Lawns, new
.. Igrne?h r l,i_ e ‘ l . l:e4r ' e c n h p et t "r galsA Pl bock c n re G rer;
De Rhine urecade; rich goods; French and u rAglito
Csslaneree, new styles, ne•unfal geode; splendid.
c oedsSmu- ruingll dre , ser, etch embroidered
Swiss Moils tedres es Swim Ea.'ains and
Insetting, the best Imported; Silk Tinaes in oil colors
and qualium, new style, plain mad satin strio'd black
Banger., all prices; printed Lawns, new styleafrom
S to 25 cents per yard; Datere de Lams, n new article
for ladies' drosses. Ake, a large and superb stock of
near style spring !tonnes lEhhons; this very bat Im
ported, all new. . -
Canton crape Shawls, 11/1 colors, fresh frorp the Cas
ten% Haase; Tark'Salln Shawls spicrabd goods, in li
color., per last use mcr; beautiful changeable crate
silk Shawls, fresh importation; white embroidered
Canton Crlp• Shawls, superb goods: men embroider
d Canton Crape Shawls ' splendid goods; Lapln's
French made. FmbroideredThibet, finest imperucion;
Paris palmed Cashmere Shawls, all prices and onalb
ries ; simmer Cravat. said Scarfs in mreat TA
riety; French worked Ceper,Collan, nod C0,,,a lane
assOrttelt , • •
A Large Slack of
50 Wes untlealued Mandates, from gi to 50 cents per
yard{ 15xmas bleabed Mailak from 4 to Igh cents
per yard: LL cues fresh Lateens; imporend Yireet from •
IleIlut; II bales Ticking, from 8 to 15 cents per yank
8 macs blue from 8 to 103 cents per yard; be
sides et full sisortment or Samar Cloths.' Alm Cmp'
e Teresa', Sametts, and Kentacky Jeans;
5 ewesdark Cohen, fast colored, fmat 3 to Id/ Celd4
pen yad; scmcs Hoyt kiDienst English PIiAIS, bon
napareesk 5 bales Russia and Scotch Diapers.estramy
Iy law. A 1,., Mack aping Goods of all kends, very
cheap; 4 boles Russia Crab, from 61 la 14 cents per
yard; beaideslarge stock of Cheek and Shirusg
Step,. Also, C anton Flannels, all alas and quay
des, at low Mee; reel, white, and yellow Flmals,
very cheep; blenched and unbleached Inillinge,.loll
aaseament; S eases blue Menhaark Calicoes, ex
tremely loud black and unbleached Table lhaperkali
prices; Blab, eye Diapers, all prices and avenues,
very cheap; colored Cambria., a fall. averment,
cheaper than ever: 3 bales Burlaps, from lek tce3s as
per yard. Also, a large stock oftlottau Table Diaper.
Menaces' Sleeting— A fail awes went, very cheap.
. •-•- • - •
The Targets and most spiendtd sunk of Damenlr
ever opened by any one -boom As his
day received, and are all of the newest French styles,
which, for nchnese and beauty, cannot be surpassed.
As we have a large lot of these Parasols, they Mill be
sold cheaper than any other house in the city elm 'af
ford to teal the same quality ofgooda
Thu ]..dies ace respeettuily moiled to ciuminothese
Parasols, as they w il l find some of the richest and
newest styles ever`imperted from Europe_ These
Parasola are all of me nehest sad most fisidornada
color., and ore worthy of the attention of the lad*.
All of Me above goods will ba sold off at prices far
below any haute in tie city; and in order to prove
do. fact, the public will please call and price theee
goods, and compare theta with any other house in the
city, and be convinced of the above assenion.
Tbe SUUSellbCrlroald here say to his aumercAs cm°
tartlet/ sod the pallid, it general, shot Caere ate two
other bee hive stores to market week, ;Intending to
cope with the Dig Dee !live, which le alone the only
celebrated And far famed Dry liesslaestablishmrat in
Pittottargb. The subscriber would therefore stiy to all
purchasers of Drr Goads, either wholesale of
thm the Ng Dee tiler, en Market Street, between Mini
and Fourth.. now opening tho largest. richest, and
mart splendid stock of raring and simmer Dry Goods
ever °feted for sole in Pittsburgh
. .
Now SM.,. ISSO—The largestand most fasbion•
able stuck of Bonnet. over t.pened in this etty typist
received at the sign of the D
eo Hive, on Markel
street, between Third and Fount, streets, 'where Dry
Good. of every deseripuon aro selling cheaper Wan
any other LOWle in die city. The public will please
take notice that theta are two other bee hive stores en
Market Greet, who pretend to compete with the Ply
Dee Hive, between Third and Friorth trivets whose
the public will find,. ail times, the 11111.1 l
styles of Dry Goods, fresh opened.
an Pierre
rtirsteneoeTe t he Wat
tle r (;11!.171177k!,
whet. Dry Good. of every deseripnon ore silting al any Mk. Loose matte city.. • ,
—-- -7 ti nqufto Bars,
ItlthiLattrtt, CIPIT/1 LIMN* B.A.
1%--11:1 C' Sre; ‘ m I trrst ki jeTtili t :k 4 ,tatireVIZU . ,
term , Ihs., manufactured and gain on
the lOUest ts, by 11 bIoEWING,
1311 Pearl et. N.., York.
P It -D etre -C T: L a
w ol l i l iolt r ege7 d C: l r4 3 ll o :y g ral fil f rair
more. Caotbetland and Wheeling, hp to Wedneaday;
the ell day &Man naW ineldeive, ton the greduepoo
and masonry of the portion of th at Road, extending
from the bride on the north-western turnpike, jeer
the they, to a 110i112 on the south fork
of Fisk Creek,
the mouth of Long Drain, embra
egsomebt sallow; Also, the eight section. be
tween the mouth of Grave Creek and tho oily of
A namely of work will be presented by the line io
be let, which will include light end
grading. Several abort tunnels, and a coneiderable
emoont of bridge masonry.
Specifications may Lae had at tho nbrivo named on
Sew en and snot the tat of May raining, and farther
infemtatlon obtained (Ink too Engineer apes the
. -
Unexceptionable testimoniels of .ibaroctei most
accompany the bids, and the bidden am ;renamed tit
elate what other woes, irony. they me named
and when it will be completed.
'rho Work Moil be enercetically prosecuted.
by order - of the Piesldent and threaten.
Baltimete,Llpril 10,18d0 12;17311.5.
Chocolate,Neolh Co,
feedired ttliAtLy and for solo by
os tray, an ssett•
lattit of a
Rabbet Goods, consisting of the tallow.
Intr—tottlics , 11. o• Con, a fotieTankle; Ladles'
IlmiTies; ringer Cots; Tobacco Wallets, Iwo and
satall; Lue.Prosevvers; lstbesas Bags; Water
BoOlistaal Puma Goodman., Gloves: Ladies , Wash
Gloves; . 111otiev Belts; and a variety otothei ankles
for sec at the Robber Delos,? k. a Wood street.
say° • J 11 YIJILLIPIS
f r °734.1) CCO— tqs Orborn Tr; ,
5 tan .I.ranll .. nif d ••
• ••. ?an. coZor. nn, now
Lpi vas er t 072/ Mika Ea= aco
crinucas c*Brriemort
Fran the Yroity•igdosse, to hp/ Di*, '
Dr. 91syseti , 1 1 %xtrset or Yellow Dock
aaparilla. •
Cris. consumption ,serofala, erysipelas, aberanatlrati,
dm compLatota; solid afeetictia alter., sy•
Nubs; dropsy asthma, pies, .coney,
the bladder and kidney., aserranal disease., ter.
- rapt humors, rash of hi/Sada the heed, reser noel
ague, female complaltur, general debility, dywp.
Ilia, /on of appends headache, eelds, cestivema,
gravel, tUght meats, chalk, organic at:fetters.,
naiad:wonof the heart, biles,i pain. to the
chest, bail . , 40.
It la Infallible . in all diseases arising from as in:
pure stale of Ilia blood. or Irregular motional' the aye,
In the Vegetable Kingdom, an Ali•wtse Being be
deposited plants and herb.: congenial to onr eoustitu•
dons, and I Wanted to be etwe of diSeasei. sad to th
vegetable kingdom does the retaoepl lII.X, as well ■
the instinct of ani, • els, tam for antidotes to pain.
The Shop Lu aelentiSo compound of the rood mi
gable plants ill' nature, entirely free Rom deleterious
end enervating mineral subatinees, and oh it Opel
disease from the opium, impattavicir and spend,
CERTIFICATES.- . • ... -.
An est:Mora:m.lY ems of Strada, ErraiyeMo us u
eerr cured by the foie e, e of Dr. Gl:years Com
pourid Sysep,-Yellow Dock and Barranorilla.
Itsoonals. Nov. 37, 19iiD
Do. GonOrr—fllit tender my aincere thrmks for
tbe great benefit I hare derived from the oia off our
valuable Were I have been troubled very bad wit%
a scrofulous ears., which made its eppearmare on m y
,I did not pay mach nuentain to it at Steatite..
posing it to be nothing but an eruption that appeare
oo person's far i.. It finally began to increase, mud It
spread to the .ask part of the head. I smelted to a
physician, who allendedrue all to no porpoee.. I had
tried seen thing that could be tried. I awe your Syr
up of Yellow Dock and Seneparillas and conchlled
to use it.q for I knew that Yellow Dock was ace of the
most valuable articles in the world for the blood. 1
bought your Syrup, and from the ate of one bottle,'
could seen greet change in myt spleen. 1 continued
to use': mud I was a well num. I now feel like a
new person; my blood it perfectly cleansed and free
from all imparitica. There is not a guregen but the
your newly discovered compound fa-far imperil» t
...Y.wseastille ;Prop ever ao/d. ,
TILII certificate is at yourshspotal to pubheh if yea
like, and any one yoo may refer to me I skull be hap
py to give_ them oil the infarmation I eau shoat my
cave, te. . I remain yaw obedient eerraut, '
Gams G. lemon, .
113 Market atm&
The bent tamale medicine known:- Tbe-Entait of
TellowDock and SareaparlUa is a positlVO,
. - and permanent care ror all complaint. incident to
Its mild, altenitive nroperties readmit peculiarly
applicable to the slender and delicate constitution at
the female. It la unrivalled In Its edema upon mach
&Masts as incipient cominutpuon, barrenness, lea..
cuaboce, or while", irregular nte earn:aloe: incaml
nente Drente, and general prostraten Drake risme.
Itimmediately COolltentll that dlstresely remora.
nen and lassitude ea common to the female flame,
end Impart, an energy and boo yaney an atoProdna
they are gratefaL We have evidenee on file which
Induces us warmly to recommend this medicine to
married people who heft not been 6413441 MM oil
• • •
PIOI.IIIIIM Dram 'or . Palling ofthe , Woralsi SVC
TT Ottbdiagt enred by Dr. Guysott's Extract of
• yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,. atter eve q• other -
known remedy had been tried 'nth.* relief 2
Wasetuarom 'Ohio.
Feb:, 1619.
This certifies that my wife, aged fl years Outs -
been greeting ander the oboe. complaint for five all of that time eonfined to her bed. I
have for four years constantly emploked the beam.' -
teal Wrt
Weal toureould be procedin this section *file
comnry,without any benefit whatever. I have also
pnenba.ed every instrument recommended for Abe
core of sueb di..., all of whichlre..f worthless.
la Me sluing at 181 n, ryas Induced ty ftiends
to try De. Gar:oats Yellow Dock and Itiorcepatilint
which was used for four months. After um had used
U for about four was evident to all that shrf -
was improving, and front this. time sbe improved rap.
idtf; and pulsed dub and stimeath, until the disease
ants entirely removed, and (he is now enjoying most
catellenthcolth, L. • WIS. all triFOR.T.
We being neighbors ef Wm. and Julia 'Monfort,
know that the above statement, es to the sietnemor.
Mrs. Monfort. end aria the cum being elected, by
Gurrou's Yellow Dock and tanntsp EDDYarillz to Ito meetly
• ; JAN?
t &meal potirzus.
:Groot Caro of Coattsi—orillorar 4 :
arrimun, Jon oar) 2. 1819.
Ate...Be..n-.Dcne Sire Tho glint beneat which I
hare domed foam youx Eitract of Yellow Loc. - sad
Samapnollaindoces me, sx as act ofJastioo. to make
the following statement)
After was:Me far two years from general
which finally terminated in consumpuon.l woe give.
up bymy Monde lad physician. as beyond ibo aid of
modicum. AA ISAITIZAI, I wasictlarAA to try
your Sather, and havingaced but two bottler, ac
mminig to your directions, I am entirely I
would therefore t
he resommend your stomp:al
led Compound to the afflicted arho deOrnpoorerftth
plensamand safe remedy. Gratefully 'your blend,
- • bL WAITE.
None tennis. unless pat op in large square boules,
conteinime qt . lart, and the rum. of the syrup blown
In th e clam, with the written tiyaiture of S. P. Ben
nett on the outride wrapper. Plioe St per bottle, or
Ms bottles fared
It Is sold hr J. D. Park, earner of.rourth and Wal
at [Linen ClSlClitliati, Obio:Genotal Ar r ettt for Ma
South and West, to whom all enters mast be address
Carter & Bro,Erie, W. P. Jodron & Co., Water
ford; OU4 & Ckmaor. Crossiwrille; Abel Torre!,
Mocuroar4lLram hila,Tarrauda; Hobertßoy, Milo
bora; L. Roderick, Callenchanr; L.. Wileox.,Jr- Pius
lough, comm . of nlarket Creel and Om Diamond.
aa- nsvr 751.7.•
arms* END SW Vuutius.—JUNEW2 , l ta
lD e.l Soap eaasen.a free presptrallon,
the is tune mobSes, softens, and whitens WI Saha
giving n the Cellars and beauty of4s Wears..
- .senlYT, Sant EMMY AND Solll,ltre Mb Midair
bested, bat eared by its au, as at Most seven DI.-
ekes IrrNew Yoe: know who use it In aunts. eases,
and Sid It onfaing—is
• MIL" DLoTellaS, Farm" or any other st- a dis•
ease. , The,)vader is sauteed the:this to no o sees&
paled nostrum, as one trial well prove. I ootid tan•
memo atlas,[ SS persons cured of
Sots Mao, Sou Laos urn Sou Baw.-1 th,
and ass it, and the reader Is again matted I - would
sot erstelly sell , for the above unless I knowi, to .ha
sill lease. Those who are liable to -
Znairao,Cluano, au Can= •
Rana, will AO thts),
are. Any one ntheteda4th any of the abose,Jtafn
-4r diseases, will And this all and even morn (a :main.
bin in it. ProPnraanhan I nat.
But, radar, the atoms are Ocoded with' bait Won*,
and be ran Inn ant for JONIIS Italian ill enzioal
Snap. Said by W ni..tecmsoN. SAC, Liberty ntrnns
Tat run of • 1111T111,114 n =linens repo/
stye then st bad, maid bre+ kb, or dart, yellow Coss
cd teeth. lineman bare these it is their own b.-lil—
ac). eon, for two shillings, buy to article that
mete their WWI pure and sweeras ids Spky.die s,
It CUIVI Micas:ex of the Gams, rimer . ) pi aleeramd,
and for the Teeth ills wientmEed. teetertde the tartar,
fastening the teeth in the outs, and clean them as
urban, es the seas gl Ls frau* .Varth.
Such, seeder, are the properties of AIM'. Amber
Tooth Poste, and, withetn praistag a ourselves. he r
what one of our most respectable and scientifie yet,
Sus, Bir r E. Field, cll.:ow Tort, says
• Of havelhethased and analined tinela7lsnal let
palpnblaV atilele, (Jones , .Asuber afIC,I int
eau reagginernd ea pussewing ides elain
ed for grAdl:l7 we can Of no Ot
Only thar if XOtrtr `f this ease you will be well please 11,
•• It Is tofi up th beautiful English China rota, far, .
lkfalt. Budd bye° Agent, Whl. JACKSON. NCI Übe r
tt street. Pittsburgh. asteduLtwor
lEr Au. soot. =mum ars nonorsony assume ths
the folloartag are the actual omelets ot •3a bottle o
Johlet Coral Hair Rostorauve. If they . doubt ow_
WVIOI thew highly TCI9tCL, ehiglaUt
who- Warted IL
at.tleel. Decker. 41 Elm at ` Now York.
Isbut. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle av P.ronklyn...
..fitrnlfim'Artopkina,Stl/Clog rt, •
Mr. Thos. Jackson, &merlins our Pittsburgh
H. E. Calton, lab basher steamboat S. America.
And more than. a-hundred others elate, thsage . ai
hmast sulfite, that It will farce the hair to grass on Oke -
ad or face, atop it Saline atf, strengthen the re 4S,
removing scuff and dandruff front tbc soots; nab tag
litho red, or gray hale Orme a fine dark look, yad
.kertnog dry, harsh or orld hale saw, soh, clean cad
beautiltd. a Very,lltry long time. •
pSold by rho Agent, WM. JACKSON, Vs ÜbcrO:tdit
inebergh. Price 37f, ne cents, entone dollar..
stonosrT .
I.sal:lll.llE — lrirrilliti hal /tatters/. V
;They are not imam how (righting) btbairns It Aa
to the akin! how coarse, how rough,. bow era:
• low, yellow; and unhealthy the akin apT
pears eller using prepared elasikl Be
sides-it is ununeas, containing •
large quantity of Lead! •
TWe have prepared a beautiful vegetable art'elsk
it is perfeedy innocent, beingparl bed of all del, en
one anahltes; and it taaparla to the Cana natural,•
thy, alabaster, clear, hates white; at the !me dnok
anuna sa a ensemble on the skin, making it ref, and
smooth. Sold by the Agent. WILJACiLYON, 210 Lib ,
arty at, Pntataurn. Pima 9.3 cent. .tax7al& •T
Property in Allectiessy City for rate,
trim sobienbors oder for mee a 'loather o abeam
L Los, slum° fn the Second Ward i front rs oath
tommat 6T011114. Oil !Oily terms. !metro et
W. erli. ROBINSON, Atty at Law. St Craft rt
or WAS ROBINSON. on ittoorraolus.
WATIMILAII num., /MIMI& HM.. WIC g. rt.=
PAI4IICII 4 Hearin dr. co.,
(Success:on to ItusseyOlanna Co.r
to Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates
of De 90416. Hank Notes, and Hpeut.—,Nortk west
earner of 'Wood and Think. streets. Cannot money
received on deposite.—Bight Cheeks for talc, oak
colleetion• mode on nearly ¢l3 the principal ponra
the United elates.
. •
Ad 'antes made Orteentelmeents of Pred=t!ip
ped East, old term.
HAVE taken Whl. (:AAA Into pertnenOtp with
Me in nay billings, 'which ertn tram nes dale to
carried on nodes the name of "John Pager k Ca"
Attach let, beta . JOHN rttaltEß.
John linnet Carr.
ITThaleslb Grocers, Donlan in Prodoco, Foreigss
Winn:, Liquors. OH Attn.:pada
• and Ratified ;Flukey.
N. 4 Commercial 'low, Meier erect;
Milburn. Pa.
ExcnAaNK, COl2ll, BANK NOME% tte.,
N 0.74 rounh creet, next door to the Bank a Pitts
bur tteterr.xer
— _ -- TOBACRT
A "/"TORNEY AT LAW—Offee on math tide of
Fourth benoten Chem nifty and Gront K.
Om° STATE. COMMISSIONER. for taking PTrs.:
Acknowledgments of Deets, k.e. -
Office—F.llA autet,above.Emittllell .•
AfARTLN rcepecuelly announces en Um
cittscue of ?instant,. illat be has permanently
Puled himself in We ctrl,. for tee purpose of pole•
tieing Afedicine ~,,ISurgery, In ea is venous braneb
ea. Hie aka la co leotard, racer, No lfor. Ilarldenco
No D 7 maw attaramorg
ir D. STUART & CO, of Sltlladelphil„wrill pity,
U. tho In of April, on entire new melt 0r...,
And TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. at cotton priemyreii
low for cash, At NO. US }Food at; next to 31e Kenna.*
AlltliO4 noose. : • -
tillEiHTOßypl-4 eafps of otaAo re,..0 10
ste •.sto • _. , :en.eant.t x -4A,..