The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 18, 1850, Image 3

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The Senate is not in session in day.
House—Mr. Bun rose to a question of privilege,
to make a report from the Select Committee ap
pointed to investigate the conduct of the Secretary
of War, relative to eitellinstnitees connected with
the Galphln claim.
He raid that the Committee had closed their la
bore, and directed him to make their report. He
telt it to be his dray to say, that on route question.
involved under the resolution, the Commune had
not been nbl, to agree, particularl y . m those
which or ate t the payment of the pnacipal and
inherent of the latra, a diversity of opinion eshas.
Some of the members bad prepared their views
in writing, i nuppora of the conctusiime to which
they have c ne, end which vac:pre...l In the
teoultiiiiinf it compenying th e reports. He naked
that the 11 se adopt the following resolutions:
Rtaolced, hat the written arguments of the dif
ferent mend ts of the ComMittee, on the subject of
theit4quent principal, and Interest of the repro.
setntati.en o George Galphin be printed.
Mr. Bun as instructed by the committee to say,
farther, that ey ask their report to be laid on the
table, and 1 irded; and so soon as the report and
other locum vs Anil be printed, they would feel
it to be their duty to move to take it up, (or the
tr ove, of being referred, or considered by the
Mr. Conger coked when it would be in order to
call earths report.
The Strata: cc said it would be in order at soy
time. non priVtlega nhestion.
Mr. Curter raid he would like to hear the report
Mr. Brook. would take occasion to discos. the
Metter of paddle printing. He took this emcee be
cause publite documents which go to theprinicr, go
to that "hoidens whence uu traveller reunite'
(Oar reporter at the East here !eaves us In the
dark, es to the result of MN Broth, ctiggettmioti
and, from some cause or other, the proceedings
of the goose are cut thort)
' Cmcimers, May 17
Up to Mx o'clotk Ib evening DO verdict had
been riven by the jury to the Summons' C 1141..!
The Jury mood 'even fa conviction sod bee for:
argontal; and there seems to be no prospect of an
Three wee, who were engaged fa cleaving a
vatra, last ni,sht, fell foto it, and warp mothered'
to death.
A raw days alone, a own MCI acid 17003112,
who bed conlcated , o the canctlee cf. Ma.. Allen,
their nretrces, at Liberty Landing, were tamp
cut by the atlglahors and burg.
• ST. Lams, Msy k 7.1 .t
A. gentlemen jest arrived from Council Miff.
inner , toe s , lI P among the Crlifernia
Emigrant. S x had died of the dietary.
Pnrunarsats, Mayl7.
Flour—There is rather more inquiry for shipment,
with talus 130 J barrels fair to good brands at 85,12
1.9 per bbl.
tr ' n o s2 eam .s7 n l ii 2 a p t 7 e l l g ,t/1- 2 per
Gain—Wheat I. in trendy demand at 112 I.`At
113 for fair, and prime red, rn! 115 for while. Rye
to in demand, with tares of 1000 bushels Peoirsyk
vania ea 61 cents per bushel'. Corn continnes
scarce, wills sales 11 yellow at 61 et,
WLisLiey a eleuily with talcs ut 22 141 for bhds.
and 23 cts
N!w Yalta, May 17
Floirr—The market is active, and the light re
ceipts pore no advance of 6 CIS. for medium
brain-Wheat is lion , and in good demand
at former prim.; goal samples of corn are
PrliVifloll3—Park is active, and prices steady.—
Lard is Goa. Butter is easy. Cheese is dull.
Groceries—Holders of sugars are firm, and are
withdrawn from the market, prices being on the
Itio coffee at auction, yesterday, brought
7 1.2 W 1-2 cis.
Tobacco is quiet, and heavy. Whiskey is in
good demand.
Evmsmo itrrau,
F nur—Snles of common to straight State at
5t,93:55 (20. • and cf Ohio and Indiana at $.5,121
05,23 co I,a,re.
Gram—mines' is held fisher, hot no sales to
Warrant any change In tie price. •
Provivioax—P.ak in firm at at 0,raa10,68, for
Mess. Ltrd is held at higher rates.
Grotwie,—The market If unchanged.
Whiehey—Sale} at 320.
The steel: noorVel t. firm: Ssles orPenhafi's at
861 U. S. 6'. '69, at 194 Oremittra.
Cmcumm, May 17
'tour—The matkrt is quiet sod doll, het prices
are neeburged, Saks were enefroce to 200 htes
al2lO per bbl.
Groin—C Ini Is again lower, a Ith sales of 6000
be. at 42! la both.
Provittoes—Sales of 100,000 porter% .121im.00ri
eb nutrient god..lre, u ors oatt, at 2}r4}. Sales
of 130 hbls No 2 Lad at tic.
Groceriec—Seg•r moves pretty freely at Se for
fair. Sates of Nidesres st 2So per gal.
Whirkey—Sales st 21021 in per est.
The on:ether is pleasant. The over has faller.
ten Inches sitieerla.t report.
ST. Loon, Mal 17
TLe market to duy exhibit?' do very important
Flour—Sales of 1200 Ws mixed at 55,12, sales
of superfine at 5620035,75; of awe at 5,b71i and of
cbtuee at 6,75 per hbll
Grain—Satre of orbeat at 05fir3 2 Se pee bushel.
Ssles of 100 u. yetl.rm Corn at 51, Sala of
prime %rhea 0
at b 601 oeoVereil on board. Sales
2000 lA. Oats at ssoeo:.
provisions—Pork is firm, with roles of mess at
9,2583,30; and of prime at 671:07 per bbl. lard
is is dernand, with sales of No. 2 is tittles! 51; and
of No. Ila kegs at per 11, Bacon active
sad prates are steady, at 3031 for shoulders:4o/1
Yoe lode.. Sales of good plain lams at fast.,
sod °resins quality at 63 per lb.
No eales of Lend. . .
Hemp is dull, mid without chap
The neer I.
/ISLES HAVEL'S Vegetable Liqaid Yale Dye. Is
thP 1101pOtiOr toeroll 7..000CE to the many oracles
which ate on sale tor the posy*se of cheap% the
<plot of hair. This i. an assertion, the mite of labials
all will admit., who Make total of nosed Oaths Iollaw•
log reasons:—
o etSer dye will prolate at will a series of severs:
Alrl N inct shades. as , week, brawn, suborn, he. it is
the only c which awn lastantineously produce the
•deet, all others '<spume several hoots to ooseplete
the operation. No Oilier dye will rode. color'
-which so nearly l ir e to those Or tillare. No
titer dye is • • entirely humerus. and yetroderldenlY
effective. prwldclog colors whirls neither heat, sir.
-nor csoiSturr re.OVe; and finally, co *awe dye
has obtained h the rattle yatror age watch thepulitte
have bestowed upon Jales Ihniel's Vegetable Littlild
Hair Dye.
The skill of the chemist, and the e son - lone.: of years
have been t ivied, lu list ptodueunn of this preparation;
and It is reared to the publte with the frOaroOtte,thos
should it not produce the requisite etlest, the =MOP
woad in till eases be chccrtolly refeindid.
Parsons haying white, tell, cr grey bate or whiskers,
by veins idles Ha Ails Vegetable Liquul Bair
Dye, hays theta dyed a beinaltel brows, black, or
ehestoot color, whew at the slightest Injury to the skin,
d 1.. the shortest passible nine. It it,* say of 5 9'
yetalon that noroac eon use it without ansislanne.
Partici+ , to atle for Soles IlattePs Vegetable
isittaid Nair Dye, and take no other.
gleparce. nn le by
JULF-i,neust... and amain,
Ind Meetnot tweet, below Fourth.
Vet itate wlio'neole and retail bt B. A.
.1. Co, and R. 14 Potebtught and John gar.
gent and f, Mitchell, Allegheny city. Pa .
AMPS W IIUDDRIDG E, of Piitaburgb, ind Ben
Jenne C Adams of New Orlane. have formed •
CA9ar , .1116 . 9 liansael a genteel Comnalsnen bate
in the c ity et 'New °deem, under the firm and
eryk of Barbuda, k Aimee, elfin SI Camp metal.
ri. bmh. A 9619, ig,o-014,
,r r.LATINe. ImM:tat :or Jetoes—t:OoP.O.
I.JI Sheet 6 Mame; CoopeSbred do; white French
or "4. by • Whl A AIoCLITRO &CO I
merit 25 6 Liberty rt
ii- 14 1 ;11 1‘' 1•Lrrook -ICr :R?e, ;; Irreuf al" .. ,— Ait t7 . 17 ;
i. c aeh, Woo, L ' arender, stud Colomte Water.
royal _ Val A MeCLUAO do CO
lEClalft't: Fortin, Wbetten Gnu, and seMP,
which form von "abeam° mid utterable
strael[4 of flirt, erpeelttly fm Ayrpepu cm and ebiblrre,
for rote by WM A IteCLAITIO R CO
(10D LIVER 011,—)Inrinen, CIO& & Co, genuine
&I received, and for talc by t KWoo ID
rtD& CO
p A KTAR IC ACID—IS) lbs fat)bk b
novil k Cil
- 4" iXtiSg - kTrieriikr
A A. 312i.50N 0. Are tics Car °Ruing 11/pieces
fA ss , g 7 I sch liesgt Gio de Jibing IU pes ]aloe.
4c; lu pus inch do; pcs =lntl do ; 4.0 4 picccc
VI Inch rt.
LOT on Ce m
h Alley, near Sixth tweet, sAls,shl •
A for • dsselllng boost, or two or three smell tone
=sets. Arrdi ' J FLOYD,
meylia:Ow Wood et
. . .
COO rot Ladies , Linen Cambric Lid t fa, all takes;
100 dot Goma , do do do
;.dot do do do doloYed Gorden;
Rec eiv ed dda day by A A M
TOI •to C 7 ation st.
if- LINEN LUSTIICA—aa pea ahangeabla
G 1.12.6 , at thu extrema low plea of Itia per yard.
wayla A A IIIAFON fa no
jji.h and U 4 Masan
Aopes :A •T 1 ZA pret4L.A•rA Linent . i c
IN pee GrY • D.1 , 1•Y . .A Al
"jn eli 1A.....• almakalt b
...Lyn' A A MASON &,00
' W ' A"-----------k do B.' d , P7ilaiPe"prz;--,--1,
....., , ?A do dr• No I;
:10 AS do d, No A
I/ id Regaha Fartnvida: w.
111 Ilegg4 I r .i "" .
164 "'
I ti
I t
EX• • • • ----t-
X. War=El
- - - - --•- -
OFlrtcy Prnsision Gairtr.
Saiarday morning, 7u7 18, 1650. I
The weather yesterdas was quite pleasant, and •
fair degree of activity was manifested to the market.
reeelpm yaterdity sammted to on y
about Ow bbls ult was dengned for storage, wo eon
moon no fast hash tale. Tee rams from bort hands
may be quoted $0 81,9004,91. We note a safe of 40
bbls a f (ma ahem, at 115, and 16 Ibis fins at 111,73
bbl; 1305,12 seemed to he about the mtlag rams Gore
ram yesterday, for good brands . f.; and 03,V, for ea
Ars Fiona—There is • regular demand at 53,70011
em Core In senel tom.
GRAIN—We beard of no operation in dill Grab
anent, pieta are generally very ire,
applies being liana.
GROCERIES—We tote a MI6 of 23 lads sugar at
54e, 4 met balaaaes have advneeed is thanarket, I.
eonseqaenee of the Improvement lathe fearer market&
N 0 Is now held Very Rem, et 23030 e Welty ander/en.
try trade gales of lOC bbl., since the adrance,to a city
Sic Coffee continua quiet, at 1040
tie. No change In other asuelea
PROVISIONS—In the Provialen market every thing
MUMS quite 41131 at fell priers. We Mg, • i• 111 of 33
bbla, and CO kg. Lard, at Cc, round.
WOOL—We give the allowing as the opening cash
prieea Gar the different grads. of Wool this semen, and
we are uttered by 'dealers tau paces lot Likely to re.
clone firm. •
Pot Common k, tb
b100d.... 7 .--• • 07/0 "
It do •,------.46V170 "
" t do -•-••••-------.wono
d end Mood-
831 e
Fumy clip, soaked, te••••• •• • .350 Z c "
LE ftD—Eloosiote of lead eattinee vary light. ‘Vtth
sopplon In mare, we notice a nom mutat, with
sales of Pig at go, sad of Bet at 5 / 3 ' V lb.
Luo Vow—The prate= maga of prima of Lead Pipe
Is alto 130 • foot, ammo:bait to else.
Saga Ltrax.—Bales at ale b 7 the sheat,and 610 t lb
whim cot.
Warts Lou—Parnlead Is selling at St, and No 1
at Sl,BO P L.
LEATBER—Tie market maintains ill usual hrm
nem fee all description. New York 'aola /smiling reg.
ulatir at 111020 e; and Baltimore solo at 410Ele ir lb.
POTATOES—Sates or Nesiannocks are maularly
a end at 7:e, and Bedard 70e per b. ....
BEANS--We notice light supplies uda telt demand
at IM/Bllde per be.
51 - ..Lma, May 17
Naw Berman, Male, 1851
Bperm—The market ba r s' been quiet Clue oar last;
and we have col to report axles of Sgt. bbl. at tier,
and Sal do at 1161 m each; a sale of 260 bbis at Warren.
at 116 e.
Whale—The brick denlaad noticed in outlast has
ontinued throosboat the preterit week, and the main
re to • large extent at • InOter advance in prices; aro
notice sale. 01 W 0 bbla around tier and dark; at 43e;
111:3 do N W Coast, at 45046!; 241X1 bbl . at 4:}043j0
40, and veto bbl., at a prime we did not learn—tomcat
eloaing artalv,valtb o *nod demand
Whale 13one-9alea mclade 10.000 On N W - Comt, at
Slx; :IJ,OOO fe. Polar at 62ei and GOAL do do, to Pat•
oa private terms.
Eastern Stock Market.
Ynaaartzwa, Nay 13
Bales VOW PlBOOBO Ca, 85, at itle;ll4otalPiltia Ca
coop, 103), at ate, MOOD Alle.beny ff., M. :47e:
11 lit of Pines, at WOE 4 atm Exalt 115 8184 , g,
off, at 814,
',Luce —This specie* of grain dean become very
scarce, and our city brewer. nave been compelled to
tend abroad for *applies Tho soar Fairmount. which
arrived on Saturday Waft= the Chia had Smiles on
board. A few days sines we made mention of a sale
of IC COO bus barley malt, at 8145 IP het, delivered
here: We haw. emit . learned of another contract for
ainsilar emeriti', to be dellocre I drin tho present
month. Roth shipment. are frau we s ter n pan of New
York. and are to come through the Michigan and
nom—St Loans Rep, May 7.
Colman = nen on the Iron Bank, Felll Win&
Oran, have made their appeararme n the crux. They
are entirely different from the genuine. and purport to
be engraved by Rewhar, Wright & Hatch. The gee.
tits ore engraved 111 . /Up., Carpenter fr. ce.
Bann o Otscaanus, Outo.—The folloortcy is •
statement of the ern:Anion of the Bank, condensed fed=
the quarterly report to the Auditor of State; •
I 0.11 a Disemrkts•-- —{Wilt 53
Oold a cilser Coin-•-- .--• 7.2:An al
Eil/Citt Fends—tight 27,635 01
. Os doe to ten days 31,343 77
Notes of other Drake 0214 Oa
Doe (rem other ktnike••• •.... ............. 6pm 13
Dancing has.. cud other property 4,810 to
Notes In etrculaion
Inatvidnal Deposit. , •• •• •- ••
Doe to other Hanks and Stets
Nnw Yaws, May 17
Ton;thabilitiee to the public
Capital stock
Woca..—As the senors for the anima sheep their.
Is approaching. and in • few weeks she new clip of
Anne then will be .oured for Pale, some nem.. ml•
alive to pnt and prospects el our Ward
market may be acceptable The Wool business tor •
few years pan, has been mach more tement sad
in prices more uncertain than formerly. Tea prodae
lion and conamptin of domestic Wool are wr beady
noel from year to year,rhat mthight vatiiitiou on
er rade, operates =nuttily on the price of Ike raw
tannin The Wool nun, will open nts yen, with
a small cooly of ne nacre in market, and wool=
' ,wan syry solitue frorty and •tia.r advanes
ea 3 te, Se IP to, over he earliest an Invest prices of
Int sawn Y , ell•ht be 'enemata, expel t•e. th e
;uncut nr Oct of the woolen arthatathurtag interns
wilt not warrant each all Leal year pains
opened la eirealig el few enable rates, bat the ap
nearer cc of the agent. of a large epee later In the ar.
eie from Neva York can, won raised:the priers be
yond what could have bean reasonably eipect ed. As
several millions of pound; wore taken tram the mar
ket, and lath for an adyanee, pins were kept op, sad
many apeman , to Wool Land *Arlan year a smith.
ble oar. It ei.ry probable, thatiencouraged by the
result at last year'e leashes., many small troyen
go into the cottony bus year, sod etwed then opera.
uons. so, and priceeshourd be meek' above those
paid is the early part of tart season, them is every
remote to believe that the areal. will Arian after it
Comer to market. In our opinion, Dwain. cannel
be aafely made to meek extera, tt enthiderable
ear/Ince ovet the priers raid momediately After shear.
ing lath sear. We shall look fat a deehnis• market
this year, Instead of an advancing 'one. as was the
ene to the salmon !Meet lot year opened
low. boo the prospect nw Is that early purchases will
be man at blotter rates than were then paid, that that
Ike openinv piano( this season .11 not be nage
g ed.—gort Cone.
A LDERMAN, nth Ward,
PciaLsr p, t, ,.. .. be p t u vr y erea
Cala& and W.. Una. .611
ale re haste. marl Nlammfactutrerav Dank.
Prrthamme, May 7, 1660.
THE hTerehrons , nd M.lllsetarers , !tank his this
day declared a n d
ividend of fear pm cent,en the
capital stock, oat of the pmts.. for the lemon mortal.
mars W H DENNY
VISE PROOF FLINT—t 9 tans Itake's Patent Eire
r Proof Paint, or endicial almojast received. :le
&hove oaint we here bed in use for five yeas, and
we can cocideetly recommend it .4) the pablie for
general um. nee perfect fire and water proof paint,
and w stand the action of the atmosphere wahent
aim'. For We by . Jk. PHILLIPS
cneyl3 7 fr. 9 Wood s
KEEN OIL CLOTH - 4 X° yards 44 Greco
cie Lb, on hand, and far gala by
mayi3 J t H PHILLIPS
cirrAmic RUBBER CLOTH—A low pito •
IV/ on band, lorbarion of marble, for bale by
but/1.3 J & if PHILLIPS
VRII3II GOODS—We are now recovering • very
E large ma finis assonment of Spring and Sommer
Goads. a large portion nf arida, have been purchased
at • great reduction from sbe prices broogla by Me
ramp lietePiPtiOn• of geode go the trey part of Me
mason,. tat In almost every Mad el mods we will
be enabled to Ore( Great Barge/. to Cash Beyer.
whose we woald respectfolly revile to call M fro op
Market st;north west toner of the Diamond,
& D AY_
T pImoIIGRIEY mA a T to T m H E f WS& e
DRY 1110V3-97 dry Hides lending, for sale by_
TS. ria - DS—A. A. Mason fl. - Cci;olllfatket
arc daily receiving cases and packages of Ito
moot choice acid desirable goods. eoayl3
dod bu Myeorsßa, liii- ped La ornip Caye
SU bee Cabiness IN Lump. -
IS bus bones & Hudson's s's Lump;
II bus Rusaell & Robinson , * s'. Lamp;
C eases lb dwarf boy Myer'. Oranoco;
4 do 3/ do Ttiomas. Nemer IA;
I do 8 .do do Gold Leaf,
30 kis 6 nriit, in More and for rale by
178 k 174 Liberty m.
PROOF PAIMA--8100 lb* - paleol Fire noof
1131 . CTIFYINCI DISTILLERS, sad lag atta Wine
jk, Merchants, East Woof Datraoad, Plusbareb,
are now °eyries at the very lowest prices for cub,
Reaufied Whiskey the sod Domestic klmadyv•lao,
Yteneh Randy. Holland lila, Jamaica Spirit', Lem
deri - Oin, Irish Whiskey, Rum, fke. Port,bberry. Ma
del re, Champagne, Claret, Mar. stall, Malaya, Tene.
rellfa and Whoa Wise, Wholesale& Rm..' mg
'VIE Phenix Manatieturing Company now offer to i
the public their Promiem Chemical Slant Pig
and w ithout exeggeration, or fear of contradletion.hy
Mo. who have tested it, pronoance It far superior to
any other In Me market. The o n need haven.
epprehonsione of saltier carpets. We, as It. cons.
pposition prevents • dust tram analog when being sp.
pli•d, which mast be do. when the &ore is echd
The quantity required Is so :lola produee a bete.
Ural lowa A wing of over Ely per cent is Insured
to tbe onasunteilt. A costingappLied to Stover,Pipes,
te., when laid awa for tie suermer, le a sure re
ventative sauna ru y st. A ft er hieing tiled It on p ce,
of it Is aleaultae) oe person Will Ime any bat the
Phenix Idantsfactuting Company's Premium Chard
eat Stove Polish. For sale by
In 0 Corner of Sixth and Wood Chem
ELI ISILVEIt br mile by
lIIRECISELY the came Mal of Smote and,Rotros
1. flavored Teas that are retailed in the old *peal , "
at de and 5. per lb. ea,n he obtained for 50e and 150 per
pound at Tea Taa Masao , . cot slide of the Dikmaadt
Pnisbargh, or at Morris t, Haworth , . Wine Store,
Federal Street, Allegheny. The above PASS CPIS •
Tina we receive through oar neighs!, Agent. direct
from the queen'. Bonded Werehosage, duly free,
tfaldg jorezponation._
Sfreels Arrival of Driy Goads.
TETE are nowt receiving large ad.:unions to oar Hoek
TT of Poring ald galotaor Dry Mod., Ood tna
pered to odor an laZorell•nt tweet_ al o urwl
loto price. for rash, or approved reedit. ,
Ter ottontiao et Western deafen te earlealarly re.
q ed tmi trooda, ae we feel confident of being
to offer alumni lodocemente to make MU with
ie. Call and Maine stern re et
WI Weed Monet
•• •• ..... $174.,93t 43
...... 30,292 to
Pain" In "'"`• ItaEVN'ETifig& N NEF
cor. ?Eno & Irwin mom.
MOHJ3IS & 11Ali90&‘111
R 'eq.—There we It reel 0 lathes water In clan
onl last evening arid
h[ieh i M i bl :I=mi b. ,
Atlantic, Partisan, Brownsville.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville.
Camden. Hendricksoa Mailman..
Lake Eric, Clark, Beaver.
Caledonia, Calhoun, Wellville.
Nelson, Moore. Wheeling
Buckeye State, Rem. Cincinnati.
Citizen, Gormlzy, St. Louis.
Hamburg, Colw
St Limit.
'Xlehlgan, &lea, Beaver.
Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
fashion Peebles, Elizabeth.
. Dal S e. Jacobs, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Park mem. Brovrnavills.
Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville.
Lake Erie, Clark. Rears.
Caledonia, Calhoun, Wellsville.
Clipper.Na f, D.. 01, CinctonatL
Columbian. Cvninnati.
Paris, Smith, St Lomb.
Louts McLane, Come', Wheeling.
NEW ORLEANS--Empre State, 10 • N
ET. LOUlS—ham. Newton. 100. r
A 1. Criiendon.lo
Wyoming, 10 • a.
LOUISVILLE-W. 2601000.10 A.,:
The line stair J. I. Crittenden, will leave ,as par ad;
vernsement, for St Louis, this day.
The steamer Wyoming, Capt Neel, will leave for 2,
Lorne this day. The Wyoming has lost undergone
thorough repairing and repainting. Our friend, Cant
Neel Is fresh in command of this fine war, this being
his fist Min, and we wish him the most abundant sue-
The splendid unit Washington swill leave Ins Louis
vine. this day.
Pon Nrw On.ssas.—Tae ma gairment warlEmpii
Scam, will leave as above dua day.
filmouriaa No.ll-1 bbl plaster,
A Cumuli al do molluscs. P•isa i er &co, 20 do do, do
Ina sugar, 14 bp boom's 3 do ginung, WO base..
dim, 13 bls hogs , !lair, bb l. haws, D Leech & co; 3
khda bacon shoulders, 'Dowd & Kirkpoirtek, 23 do do,
8 . I k. s & Moots; to do do, Riley, aliatbews & co: l la,
Kidd & en; SO tolls hog ski ia, Clark &Thaort i Sbhlspw
tatou, 4do grease. Brown Illrkpatriak; 30 do lard
oil, McFaden & co; 3 bbla In rd ell J W Dotter & bee
al pima mdre, P J Wilton; 0 1.. r• do, Fonlitti & 2
bp,. below; King & Moorhead, roll. leather, W Bing
whwairig—eint Lours MgLgltz-119 hhd• lob, D
Leech & ea; bbls flou t Crown Kirgpacrtok; Coto
bacon, Doll Liggett; 33 bats paper, U N Wtate;2o eke
po to toes, 1 bbl do, kitestroog & Crater 00 sae k • CHU.
Ul.-Pas Crnem-60 bhla whiskey, W
Mktehcarcei 2 cues reb, McCandles & Campbell;
IS Ms, be for, l ek,ll bbla,tlleshazardlineharm. 130 do
do. ID Ickes, 15 boo bacon, 0 Obis hams, Graff & co; II
cons rope, l 1,01 lard oil, Soo Flack; 3 bbta castor al,
Forsyth & ea
- -
Beaver and Glaesgow—Po lisAvra—tobblt
tat., liarbatgoi tl tip bintsr, naivety; 4t bbla Goa',
Itea . rer—Pra !dtctuaan No- 9-38 boxes cheese.,
Oka cJooes & co; Et kb. Wenn., J R Floyd; 33
hcese, II Brown; 1 Obis, 40 nes c.c., Caolleld;
1 Imo tatoes, J Rhodes; 3 Obis batter,ls has ekes..
Rowan po & 3111; 65 Oct choose, 3 bbls tallow, Wick
- • -
Pee Irce Eats-30 bele paper, goy & co; 230 nel
kgs, Caddy J*llo. & co; 319 lee , ' kegs, Ogden k Onove
den; a tans, 2 bre eggs, IL Dsleen; 23 bgs ego feed, J
P. C. B. Wino:ma-3 bas drop. Dawdles & co; 3
do door, A Cr..; Si boo arms, atturart a dill; SO
do do, Canfield; X.l ads door, II hgs buley,2 ..-
.a yaw, 6 aks rags, Sorg.; 6 ht. peals, 4 eks ds,l
bl Canfield.
It. Loss's—Paz Ilawaroo-4 cub bason,2 Obls
lard, Clare a Thaur,3 bu hrll4ll4;l43.C.l3FfisS;l sale,
Carte a Bun.; Ities hams, Forsyth a so, So rut.
shoulders, el do hams, J A Ilatch.son a.; 134 Inks
hemp, Irem & .on; 90 his furs, Melee; 13 coke should
..., Caro t blefisight, bs honer, Bold & co; 1 171 h.
orreptkie printing pmes, tV 13michroaa; CO bola haw,
Taaffe a O'Connor; SO tons rail road bro.: Bader a
T—.cOltlialtrlED HT
& 602113,
Market street. near Ma ti
N. 110LBLI
BreEsssu Brokers, No.
Banks(?ambush •--pas
Exams. Hack • •• •Pss
a. Man. Bank •ess
Bk.oleelliku , --Pas
Barad B ook .......... Pa:
Bank of Gensiluncuen• •Par
Utmost County • ••P ar
Walrus Co.•
blonizoincry •Pss
NarUuunberlund • •Plu
Coluableildilk. Co.' P.
Boylesumn liank••-•Ps.
Fanners . Bk. Read‘nS• Ps.
Femurs' Bk. Bucks Co. pax
Fencers 11`kLancest•ps ,
Lancaster Co. Bk•• • • •Pl"
teuleaster 8k..-- Pan
U. Slues Dank--- kkp
Brownsville IR: ••••
Waslourou ••—• • •1
Chanthersbary• • •—• • "
dusesellenns Co. Bk.- -
I..ewunown•-•—!-- -
Middletown —• 1
Fulness , and Drovecol
Bank, Waynesbnzg• • I
Ilarnsbnwr"---*". — "
Bute Dec p
&Branch . es.* 1
ld'aterfeel • .
Exchange Uk. of Vai•• I
Bk. oldie Valley,—
Bk. of VintSl.l•••-•
ht.& lkl. Bk., Wheeling
do Morganinern• —•
N. W. Bank Va—•
do Wellsbarg•—• •
do Payketatiorg.—
F.. a. Igerch.
Bk.--. • • •
Mote 139 of Nissoori— 1
North Corollas.
Bk. of Cape F., I
htercla's Llk.,Neorbern• 9
Be a th
Camden Ilk ...... -. • - 9
ILL of rlest on••• • 1 I
Commerei Cha al Elk • -- 1
Bk. of Georteloym—• 9
Bk.of llanantg•—• .. I
Merchants Oa.-- 9
Il l n, z,..= % 2 . .:
•• •
Yort ItL• • . • ........ .• I
West Brooch Bk
If Kelm( Notes
& u Itk. p...d0•
Betio—Phut:. I
Hest:coy, 6
. _
,Balumere Bte.••••••••par
Atalted's 10 It Ittimp •111
Zumberldad Alla-
Far. Bk. or Iddrlidza • • "
;Farmers' & Ideehardee "
I Bd. Frederick. •••••• •• "
Frederick Co. Ilk.-•••--
• Patapteo .....
WashlnAwn II --
Bk.of emmingter •• • •
Mae Bk. and Walla*.
Stembenulle— ...
Br.Ils•—• —• •
Mantua •—•—•
New Liabon• •-•
Cincinnati Banks "
Columbus do•
Coxleuillsr•—•• • - -•••
Zunuville ••••••••••••-•••••
Putnam •-ww---• • •
Wooster - 7 0 1 ,
Idusillan --••••••—r• 1
Nandi:ski ...... • • •`• • 7 01
Norwalk •••• •••••••• • 7 °l
Western "
Franklin k Columbus "
Chllllocmhs "
Funits Canton•-•••• 60
lilrbtn• —•10
Blot gentaekr
131.0 r Loultuilli• • •• • • •
Norbern Bk. Yentalko• "
Naar T•ork—Cits Baal
Bk. of St. Clalr•—••—•
Bk. of River Raiion—
Midas. Ina. Co••• • • II
Far,/ Dice Dk 5
- -
iiOink lvf4 o E n g ra la t ndNoes I
• •—•••—•.-36 70 • tar.
Geld fa Spool. Value.
Napoleons • —•• 3eo
Doeats••—• • .2 130 220
Eagle,old • ••• • 1000
Eagle near •••• . • 10 00
Doebinoos,Spanult.lo 00
Do. Purlot•---• 11 10
Sovereign. 4 83
Gramm. •—• 100
frederieks•ors—•6 7 60
Teo Theta," • •• •• 740
so thall4ers•••• • 007
1..0.i5•P0t5..• • •• . • 000
IN. York
adelphl• • • •
Walla:ore ••••••••• • P ,
•-ar. Inunor Wks.—
Plablle Bale of
TIME. bo sold on Wean
V Y vend., if not divas;
Biz Boildlog Lots on Peet
and liedo•bt alloy, auk Yo
to a ten fool alley. Tlmy
dwellings, and will Ix sold
Oil mllldid ton Peet
gcday, May etd, by natal.
d of before at private tale,
cand meet, between Ferry
la feet front by Y 3 feet deep
.ey are desitable for prime
tid no time. Ae 17 .
tu c&L,Dlanu.i.& SON,
,mid at and Redolent alley.
SODA ASH-174 nub. Mas
lut umiak' by canal, and far sane by
ma 14 Liberty mucet
TUHPETerltir-231371. Tbrpenlini last ree'
.4 Dr nib by sayll JOHN D bIOTWAN
DOTASH-2 cuts very superior, for family use, f ,
I - yule by meyl4 30I1N D /dORGAN
HITING-15 brl. .p. Whiting for liab• br
0ta714 " JOHN D MORGAN
COPAL VARNISH-4 brio Now York, for .de by
POTASH-8 out, of ibe.begt quality, roitable f.
nod!log, for sole by I SCOOOMM R& CO
mayll 21 Mal IF S
QTATEMENT of the nithou or th e Western Inset
Isoca Company of Plueburgh, on the ist day
Mae, A. D. OM—
lialathe doe on stock TVS,D4I CO
1500 shoes stook, Western insurance
Company—cost • ....... •.. 10750 Co
Cash no ...... 4 2901.2
C•4l, Deposited in M k 1 , 1 Dank, Pitt'gh 0,1132 04
Bills and Notes Discounted ITEM 00
Holes rorieed tor Premiums 31,717 go
598 Pt
Ontetanding atioanto for Premlothe•• 13,111 44
Sal•sue on StelEl boat wrest. tereed• • 1,1:0 41
on open policies oinstanding
• c
Weem.. have nil. day declared a dividend of
. dollar per share, to beereditcd on the anpaid
ck. of ttin tampon!, for which receipts will he
, tidein and ant. Lbe 170tb instant. _
1. VINNF:Y.II.. etccretsre.
ituburgb, Nag 8, 1830.—may18.13 18 nrli 9
..4.lidBuce or the N. Y. CV[llllO.l6l Al•Orttll,
.L.---------- __--
' PLANK 140 Alas
NOTICE to hereby given, th at books aril' be opened
foe eubieripllon to the mach of the Allegheny and
steneherter Plat* Reid Comeany, by rho Celan..
;linnets appended In the act Incorporating the said
enrepany, at th e following pineee and timer. where
all paeans desirous of eabreribing nr,e requested to
attend, the shores being twenty dee dollars cook, and
one dollar per share to be paid at the Mae of sub.
In the city of Pinsbargh, at the office 01 blesses.
Seamen, Pears &Co center of Second and Wood
streets. on Satorday th e nth, M onday the Ilett,Teesday
0 • Ilth, Wednerday the 12th, and Thursday the lath
of /one. between the hours 'of 0 A. al. and 4 P. M.
.111 We city of Allegheny at Todd's to corner of
Heaver and Ohio
of and to the Cloroogh of Man
chewer. at the store of sad, Carr k Co, on Eli.
o i ry i
eh t h o, er..1,4....„1.
of , Si: e l
, r . d .ib ly t e fp ... e l : on /1: 9o ,
A a h n i
o d m al T
.. o
.r n .
a d ri a .4 :
11, 1 ,
, h e l,
I. :: t h P
dA o
. 1
da . y b s o n . d . S o at f o o rt .y, tne . l4 4.
,n andath of Anse, between
President of Hoard of Commit often.
maylAdkortjel7B . lPort eenr.l
T ErgER.9 a' Administration baying been grantsd
LAD the undersigned, on the estate of Jana Brant,
-late of West Elisabeth, Allegheny county, all persons
PClpbted to said astate are worresmal to make Immedi•
ale payment, and those having els Cuts .Rains' said
Wete mill please •oraeet the sante for settlement
without delay. DEL• OPIhtE9. Administrator•
Wes , Ellssbeth. Mel 10,1060 —mar Inisiltibit
LAILGILIA: usual. or. WOUISif,
II5I•111:01. im ey
EDMUND WILXINS, Ni. IM Liberty head of
Wood, Vitisbargb.
aleaameeta, Semi Violate, Tombs, Head Hun.,
Mantel rims, Centre ms Vier lop* elereYe ee br..l
...I made te order. N. B.—A Oates niceties o
Drawlais Wit. %gnarl?*
asiorrso vox :vs nrenzaaa nasur euzsrn
Tux Exam Ellt Methodist Episcopal Clutreht
which was injured hy tbe gala on the Ist of Much.
bra been thoroughly repaind aclrefi:ted. Among
other bnprovemente, the walls and ceiling have
been beautifully Gimped by Mr. blitcbell. The
Church will be rwopeued (Or public: service home.
Maasztruts roe letar. 7 -Oodey'e Ledv's Hoe , ;
Graham's; Semler; and the Ladies National
Miltaalnes for Jam are all illustrated
tifel steal engravinga. Aber, the "Honing
No. 6, with an engraving of the "Snag' Farmer.'
Horsens, at his Litany", Depot, Third greet, oppo•
site the POI( 028ee, has received all the above.
AitialFENT CITY WAS= WOIKL-00 1 aisle!
City lis /Apia', being applied with the ICI ,
cry of pure fresh water from the Allegheny, by
means of the splendid araeMoir at New Troy,bot
the utmost exertions of the Vete, Commit:co are
nousufficlent to !satisfy aka eagerness of the le
habitants. A member of the committee Mated ln
the Conncils,nizht before last, that the city 'opt
peered to be seized with an Wettable thirst, he
grim mopped at every cued comer by women,
men, and children, with applicaUons for the liginit
or pipes in the let sward. The ciuzeus even threat
cued to establish a water work, of their owe.
ArAillny Paton—The usual number of or ,
army eases were disposed of yesterday, by the
A burly looking Irishman was brought before
Alderman Reynolds, for an assault and battery
upon one of his countrymen. They had quarrelled
and used each other rather roughly on the °Cea
sing. The complainant in the peseta astion had
been bound over to keep the peace, by the Mr
yor, on coenplaint of his antagonist. tie wilt re
solved to tarn the tables,,however, and sued for
assault and battery before the Alderman. Ttai
defendant we. very much excited, and poured
forth an indignant torrent or kiitemt.n eloquence.
He refined to enter bail, he Warned the (acts ol
the case investigated, en that every one within the
Boned of his vole. might hear and understand
what a blaggard causpizacy had been emitted into
to compromise his character. A eceswitsuent was
awn op. and the huge paws of Conceits Mont
raker] being laid on his shoulders. be changed
his determination, and pee bail in 8200 for his
appearance in Court.
Boaucsal.—Tkere appear, to be so orgardied
gang of burglars Infesting the new Wards on the
hill. Some depredation tit committed in this neigh
borhood almost nightly. We narierssand that on
Wednesday night,. when Mr. Gardner'. greg
Store was robbed, two other houses were also eD•
tared, the dwelling of Mr. Haslet, from which a
number of trainable articles ware takee, sad the
dwelling of Mr. - lob, at which tin thieves were
alarmed, and made their escape.
There marauders probably Ituk in the neighbor
hood of Hayti; burglars tools - and atolen goads
have been found la acme of the hornet there
which the officers have tittered. Caused sonte•
thing be done by the pollee to beret oat there
leaandrel.. sod Wing them 'to justice t A close
watch should be kept upon thole disorderly how
RIVOL—Tbi. flyer bee been In a
fine stage, aad s large quantity of lumber bus 11111
rived during the few days put. The steamboats
are running couttantly.
A rnSian attempted to enter the home a( a
wiaow lady, leaiding in the lower part ofAfleghc•
ay, On Wednesday night, Wont 12 o'clock, by
crawling through a window. The =Minas °file
norms beard the noise. and, with great presence
a( mind, ran to the window sod held it down, to
prevent his ingress. The villain demanded her
gold watch, and refined to depart willow it. Tho
lady, however, called loudly Car help, and the rob
bet made Ins canape.
Arwsse..:—A disturbance meowed at a house in
the Fourth Ward of Allegheny, night beliwe last.
in winch a man discharged a pistol at tho womso
who kept the place. A warrant was used by
Mayor Fleming for his arrest.
Lucca . —A mall boy was brought be
lermm Parkinson, yelttrday,, for the luau
of ■ gaudily of cleans from the eunnter of
Mr. Hoo•ler'a store, in the Fitch Ward. Them a
no knowing what to do with Maxi liUl dello.
q uesato. A Home of Refuge would, In nine cum
out of tea, rechilm them.
Auwantan Louts held one ot the Qty Waldo
man to ball in COO yesterday morning, Altmann
nod b Atari upnn an in dlelJnal who bad-said maw
thtng d . ragato.y to . h.- to ay.,
TUUTSZ —The Serious Family teas substituted
fn Othello last night, a severe hoarsened having
rendered Mr. Oxley enable to perform. o,helitt
will be presented to-night—Mr. Os!ey in has fo
veae chancier of Isg.t.
Uur Liccoms.-11 will be 'aeen in our report
to-day of the Allegheny Coaccfi meshing, tbat
an effort is being made to effect an amicable
so element of the recent! difficulty between the
two mike respecting drag licenses. This has been
s matter of much vexation. depute, sod we hope
tharpor Councils will accede to their proposalot
mutually permlttiag goods to be taken from tither
city to the other, without the drays being subjected
to the payment of Bernie.
Proceedings in Allegheny Councils
Councils ma oLt Thursday nighL
In Select Cermet!, President In the chair..
. _
The minutes of the lam meeting havang been
read and pproved,
P. petition relative to a breach In the Canal at
the head of Goodrich street, causing s stagnant
pond, praying for a grant of 850 to wilt In its
drainage. Referred to Water Committee,
An ordinance appointing Collectors of Taxes
eras passed.
A petition from Haucien es Co., representing
that they had loot a city bond, No. 11, end request
ing another to be issued to eeplade it, vas re•
fared to the Puma= Committee fur laveatiga•
A communication from the Mayor was read,
requesting repairs tot the watch house, referred
to Police Committers, with power to am.
A resolution to authorise the Water Committer,
to purchase pipe, mu presented, bat withdrawn
for the present.
A report was read from tho committee on water.
relative to the stock of pipes on hand, and the
quantity of pipe laid; also recommendieg the re.
jection of amen' petitions for the loping of pipes
an various ereem. A resolution was contained
therein authorising the committee to contract for
1500 feet of new pipe. In Common Council the
report was accepted and the resolution pasted.
A motion we* made to strike out .1000" nem
the resolution, and been the words eas much as
the committee may think riceenary.” Adopted.
The question on the resolution as amended wee
then taxer.
An ordinance m Coto. Council referred to Com.
nrlttee on Ordinance* to canter with s Blunter
coMmittee from Pittsburgh UOLIOnin, neoviding
for the Mum tegulstion of drays, cane, &a, allow.
log men purchasing goods in Pinsburyh to employ
dray. to carry them home without being !subject
to payment otliceme. Concurred.
Au ordinance drafted by the Mayor was pro.
tented, forhiddleg the cleansing of privies tor
certain period during the summer season. Laid
on the table.
The member. then adjourned to the Chamber
of Com. Council, for the election of city tax Cot.
lectors. The following persons were elected by
eeclamatioo, but one person being nominated for
each ward:
David Smith, Firm Ward,
John Ramsay, Second Ward,
A. C. Alexander, Third Ward,
James Graham, Fourth Ward.
The Select Cooncilmee returned to their own
A resolution rescinding the resolution for opee
piog Ridge street was passed.
Committoe on city property presented. a report
and ordinance authorising sale of such lots Si ate
now meltable or the property purchased from the
General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church. A
plan of the lota accompanied the report. •
A notion was made that the auito
prised to advertise the lour for sa'e and report their
valuation st next meeting. Carried.
A resolution arm pasted authorising the Mayor
to draw his warrant for the psymeot of $37,14
each, to the lire companies of the different ward..
A committee of conference was appointed by
the two Councils to concert measures foe the Bet.
dement of a claim of Mears. Metcalf & Loomis.
The resolution in regard to Ridge street. Wick
returned from Corn Council non concurred la, •
motion walleye/id to adhere to the action of this
Council. -
rind favors.
The commtee of conference repo
hip to the pay s lent of the claim of Metcalf &
mist but it mu laid over in Cum. Council lilt nett
• meeting. •
Council adjourned.
To sae AIM MseoltlO see IVOI• Von= Or At.lll
- Coosts.—Robert Wog, of the Sollenth Went
of Yittaborh, le hereby reemamended to the Careen-
Wm, celled ` lo meet on the sth of Sane next, Ile e Celt.
&dale for this office of County Commissioner.
ap7o-dkertronT MANY YOTEMS
Tex A monnx—thasar 1101-rar or
still be supported for rmoloollon, as a eon
d eta for the Assembly, before the Anti Masonir and
MX Convention, by MANY vorEas.
mayl +Shelter'
13ONGRELefr—Tornu• M. 110 VIII be ••eandir
dm before Ibe Andsouonlet sod Whig Convention
tot aqiilaiUsil fst °corm '•' RWTHAIMIT
Great Joy to the World.t—lllrialth and
treinV,Srag4l7oo - -
Prepared by steam, and put up In IIL'ART POT
TLE% for the femoral and petosanent cure ef all
dieceees anemic from an impure sunm vl the blood, or
hebit of the sitters". vin— -
'• IFELALE COMPLAINTS. !Aver Complainti, Pero
fele, Uils% Pimples or Prattles o the Pace, Chronie
Pore Eycs,ltingrvonn or Tettes,Peald Ilead.ll hewn..
.in Ma Hoenig Joints, and all diteucs
arising from an irjediciles use of sselettry, to: -
- For explicit and further partienlarr. e tc upon one
/clear agents end eel pemplilm, reeN, it eerelogy,and
Help 1f Ur. d. D. 11Orli ES SHAKER SARBAPAR•
is not the very mcdicir.o to ergo 00.
N. a—Remember every label on the bottle has the
Meters slgnernre,.S. allover." None ether gene
lac. ;Price St per bottle, or 6 boa
ttles for SI.
Fer sale by our utente:—J. Schconmakes k Co..
J. A.•Jeates Pittsburek: D. A. Allecheari
F. Croaker, '
by Dwile; - W. R.
chest.; and drugstets genteelly. Alto, op the
proprietors, • HOWE &
apilderrlyT I °glace Ilan, Mellowed, O.
Corbin Comamenu.—Ehicievoa Rohs', of North
Fayette township, will be a candidate fov - Cnonty
sablert to the decision of the Whig
and Anti diatonic Nougnating Convention.
umly2•lnc•S -- MANY FRIENDS.
TEOZ VAirm, Esq., of Baldwin umnellipowill
upported for Commludoner. In the Anti Alumna nud
Mils Convention, by NUMEROUS VAIENDS
N. P. Pitastos,of Blieningbem botougb• will be
seyPered for County Coonnlewoner, Ut
the Whig and
An Meleele Convention. by MANY FRIEND 3
CONGRESS—Hon. 11.0 u. Mora will be urged
by his frienaa, for a rommation as a Eandidant be
COhgten hr tho opproaening A.0thh...0
ateS Wh4
Aramim rurrotteil'Ot nomination,
in the Anlimavoole and NVlnic Conan°lion, (or Ma
office of Catania Commiisioner. maYlikeilmina
NESTOCIL begs leave to announce to the
1.7. patrons of his New Directoty of the cities of
Pitteburgh and Allegheny, and lorooghe of Man.
theater, Birmingham, to.. that the wmh now
arly ready for the prose, sod will be put In the
bands of the printer acme where between the 20111
and Both total.
ThßelYL^ne r. nerstly. :1,1 all who feel art interest
Is the protitwoon Ul 03..14C and perfent Directory,
particularly 11018 who here not been tilled on, *tit
grestlyriblise the publitter,by •stertelulng on
Tortoni avocado,. and enters of Intstnets, ke, are
soled far pUbtiention In the Directory.
All tardn to be Inserted. most to hamted In forth•
with, neat the latest, by the date shore named.
131 Iy 10 "-'I"B' I I .;V:VI4LVES
DOTABII-8 mai for revolheg, for We trf
anylo WICK & fiNDLESS
B refined Horne. for enle by
pitAX—W c...
PaulY'tlelved, nod foe es:e by
m.yiu• r d F9fV: DLEBS
I lEttigll3-4 lade Va
lafirjost y0n...1 and lor We by
nob Myth and Wood It.
rIAN AMY r“ ,l of oo 000 p
Cirlly Bead, and to tale IT
10114147111.4 E gilMti — t9 cartsigit !eel!. for sale by
votylp fflj /IA RI
SULIMIS—do didsPlantopon;
i 0 brio Lovering , ' Palletized Lorin
110 brio do C do do;
II caws do D refined do;
Is t•I cordldo
lo bar Poorer-rod Oi do do;
II bd. CariEe';
il) bass Iimit ; ILLER & reed, awl
=KE torNOS oale by
171 k. 17.3 tdborty rt.
B irr ip4 ; 4,7 "RD
1111111151 cs, gn row
IJ,LER r. n JCR F:T S. ;a
S i g l4 r 4i snent, nrAtt:: tale ti
soliyai s All
i 11.h'elit— 00 bop prone ifird - rffee nownordteg,
{_trot asle by AIILLIIIe tr IIICKETYLIN
S — A - 1,17/115011-15 br bre p!etts blare...flu Sailed Oil,
10 do poor do do;
10 do eoperier Darlene bleelli
Forealo by 24ILLIfli dr RIC/lETSON I
tcb . LFmcr — clDEß a bar Art.l.Fr —lo bereeis
Crab (tido, Aryl I !Aye Dried Apple for sale by
maylo , 14114.1.111,. ItyII:FTSON
OINGIIAIII.AWNB--c0 per G;ly A arli I, al
I 7 reverted, rod nos relator ai the roil lo s tl i ir
of Iri rents pet lard, by A A MASON la_ .
. pd. Pth Printrd all quainter; MI pet
pac Ti.
fan colored Moslbis rd et pet yard,enwrinp t
sta,lo A A MASON
1950 1 REED HOUSE, .
ICEITII £ 11&11B£101, Proprietors,
Pull= Systars,
d tiondurn f rom
leave tlils Louie. daily. C
nge. to and from Steam nud Packet Poole, '
M. W. Krmi, late of the Ametioin Hotel,
G. w. &tun, we cf the KinsmAA Hotel, Ohio.
108 Market Street, (near Llborti,)
. •
•ND DIAL., in
Nails wad rimer irw.trage,
LIA,Nltp_N$A, nog LINEN IMICES, geiiiral
sort:lento, :?Ali9, sad every vaNetrbr Damning,
Land ti Mina tar Biala.
A an
Fl4 - altthiti MILL, with four ma of stone•—r
of tfie i est Mennen. fdr basin,. in thn weste-4nd
et first rate Saw MID. no an alens,..t never tutneg UK sm.
•nd 18 ante. 1.4.g0. , 1 Olvddfitur llonee. Ter..
Hesse. and otter Improvements. slimmed seven Make
from am OLso Myer, Made= Grimly, Ohio. Also,
near the above, a beautiful Vann, well imp, owed, ton.
mining Au mere*. For teems, Ac. enquire of
11. 4011D:610N,
&or? II/1 Strand st PlesUndet.
11115DICAL AND 811101 ,
fro doors below Wood crams In
wards cur et
DLLs M ON) having leers
regalarly mi ceded to the medical
prothraion, nd bunter some time
in geocred practice, now confines •
Ids attentl it to (ha treatment of
those meats: and defame com
plaints for which Ma opportunities
and experience peculiarly quality
him 14 years neelduously devoted
to may A trefflment of those comp Laintaidumuthiadd R
lima he hae had more preesthe and km cured mote pa.
tents than can ever fall to the lot of end prism. prae
intoner, amply qualtfite Kith to offer Assurances of
speed delicatey, perman disent, end satisfactory cure. all afflicted
with eases, and all Mimes. arming therm
Dr. Drown would inform those Metal with prtvate
diseases which have become ehroure by time or as.
guested by the um of any of the common nmermus of
the day, that their camel a MIR etat be medically and thor,l
oughly eared; he having given his eare fat attention .
the treatment of such cm., and micaccded in hundreds
of insaneea in miring pawns of iota...amen of the
newt of um bladder, and kindred disemes which often
mutt from those eases where others have consigns d
them to bcpeless derrialr•• lie particularly Invites our 11
as have been long and unsacceradoliy treated by °the.
to consult hire, when every satisfaction will be Men
them, and their can treated in • eareful,thorotrah and
twill/era manner, pointed out by a long eapenenes,.
mody,and levestimuon,which it is hapomble for those
engaged in general preen. of medicine to gin. to
one elms of dimmest.
(17liernia Of Ralson.—Df.Drown also Invlus pee.
mins afflicted with Herniate mall, as It. has paid genie_
Skin dimuses; Mao V a, Paisy,ata.,speadily cued
Marla very low.
N. D.—Patients of either tea Heists an a distends, by
Mating their di to 'writing, giving all the malt.
to, can obtain medicines with directions for use, by
addressing T. DROWN, M. D., pout paid, and cliente
les a (e
OS. a.
NO. 611 Diamond alley, opposite Me Weiserly
Resunallara—Dr. Drown's newly discovered reme
dy for Rheumatism le • speedy and certain remedy for
than painfal tunable. It never fails.
Othce and Private C....suiting Rome ' No.. D a. .
mond alley, Patti:ugh, Pa. The Doetoris always met
HT No curs no pay, _ Dec 8. IMo zi
A NEW remedy lately discovered in the Vegetab.
..ti Kingdom—a so and permanent cure for all
Rhromstia Centairtim re e, sm.
Inflammatory, Chronie heath and Mercurial
Rheumatism, Coot. Lumbago,
Spinal Atiectlons, An
Tffllvetedicine has long been sought for. It bee been
mid that Rheumatism could not be toted; hot there is
a remedy designed by, nature for theca. o: every dis
ease that the human era.: is subject to. At last a re
medy has been found that cures Rheumatism of the
worst form—one of the most valuable :vegemble pro
ductions of tie cents—Use greatest and most important
diseoveni of the agg, and a wonderful bloc-hie to the
human family. It Pros without sickening or detente-
Om, mud renown !strength and rigor to the whole sys
tem. it ha cured, daring dia peat Wee months. Goff
600 caws that wore tOrimilered incurable.
Cartificatea of the curative properties, of this me&
dna can bet seen by Calling cello Afro,..
, .
Noma IV Mune uniemput up with no engraved label
IT; the 4.t i Lidi .i wzap ,.. pli . r, signed by th a proprietor, 11,
dold by 11. SMYSER,
corner Third and Mother at. Plus mat,
Bold also by 0. P. THOMAS,
Diolos Math et, Cinelmsd,O.
fela-dikwilmfl _.
Los T ,
Peat Warebonse. The had, said he rewarded*
returning them to the owner, No.ssil Wood street.
tat gilas Mil
A A. MASON & CO. nor 'caw opening another
large Invoice of thank and Fancy Mean Silks
at no priers; also, Souluni Pilh• in all melt varleiles,
at reduced prices. m)7
r — TeTrii:PlerctlidDonnel
J_l Ribbons, this day reed by A A MASON & CO
111Tirb - i - lri f 7ft M . itl7FB lmd t2y Thifiiias
Carlyle. Na. IV: lb. New Dournsni htteet.
Received, and for sale hy
C",ittwe .OFCANADA by the sumo, of
°llochelayn,' in 9.01,, Cloth, for sale hy
ANToNsh; or Ike Soli of Boma. A rolasnea of the
fifth century. By W Ridge Collins. A few copies
far sale by JOHNS!ON A STOCK lON
A• N EOSTICIFOFFERINfi. Fredrik• Boma.
Trausiated firma lb. unpublished Swedish Mayo.
Sal Ipt of glary liowitt Fur oak by
T INSEF.D lirliWred reed,u for sale by
utny9 1 1.1 CANFIBLD
WiirrE -.- 000[1.5.40171[C,1 Mull BOY , "
Boob dai Id pe e S.D. do; YOU pes Cambric do;
100 pea Jaeonet nStinnes Cloyed and Striped do;
110 pee Bishop an Victoria Lawns.
Received, and ar opening by
my 7 fq Market st
did paarraa afar
at esuaatat whale i
OILCLOTH—U - I.nd, a ine a.
nd d yard wide Float Ciotti, eaten•
ire wild cal to order. any gm,
6 Pmts. & r FULLIP
ENCOVILf.GED by lie Sheen] pattemage ext ended
to all rue vier and well conducted Ulna, the own
ers of the following See steamers have arranged them
into Line berween Pittsburgh and Louisville.
Orm of the beau will positively leave Pittsburgh on
00017 idoo-o A e, tWrounost, and Fame*
at b e'CliSei —full or not 107.
The first bent of the Line will Mart as Monday,
Ft-b(Cllfy 3411.
Steamer Genesee --••• • •Captain T. Moons.
Z. Tafer.••• • •-• DLL:Leas.
Hamburg " J. Klinefelter.
Fumes " tlenedlet.
Faintioant •—• Ebben.
Per freight or passage erg:) , to
febtl•Unt OM D. ILTENBPAGER, Agt
-- --
Captain W P ..... J. Kovacs.
mitiUsThis splendid boat Ina built by the
maenad' the steamer lease Newton,
and others for the Oneinnati an d
- mle, and wilt
le re every Wednesday, for Cincinnati, in place of
th. New England, Ned!.
or freight or passage apply on board, tato
The splendid fast sunning ateather
1 LOUIS McLANE, W. S. Conseeth
st a r,,,, I master, thavinp undergone a Oboe.
—;-, ...., . ough repalo will run hereafter as a
packet between• Pitubutab
and Wheelies, leering Pittsburgh ettery Monday.
ednesday and Friday mornings, et 9 o'clock. For
fight.' plliflge apply on board. or to
aut4 N v B.WliE.ELElkasect•
fOnly 73 Dille. Staging.
la Brownsville and Cumberland to I.llltlatere La
Fs= to BALIThloilr*•.••••••••510 TO *
no. P1111.41.-1-TOIA••—•••••-- - 13 00
frillE morning boat leaves the wharf, above the
I bridge, daily, at
,0 o'clock, precisely. Time to
name. MI bourn; time to Yhlladelphiu, 4 0 Mum
,. The eyertlag boat leaves daily, (except Sunday ei
.nin4a) at 4 oclock: Passengers hi leaning 00 the
coning boat,
cross the onoantalca to sieges next
ay, and thus toss
Secure your tickets an the (Ace, !Monongahela
House, or St. Charles Hotel.,
octl4-11 . ~.",1. hISSIiI3IIaf, Agent
lar 1850. Ella
FP s sYlivgii4 PM.
Two Daily Lints £xprcu haat Boats,
(ExcLosiviciy vos Passznotss,)
Nees Central Rail Road and re.wa Canal
Tim<-4.47 bases,Farc—ille ;limpet.
5100 tulles Rail Road, • aiid TIM miles Canal.
lANinst. the new Central 11.11 Rood tomps•
ny eominer.erd fanning TWO ILOLT iIkINS TM
asata ficio /ark mown o Philedelphie, leasing
there immediately after t his nl of the Packet
Mau front the West. fly arrangement passe.
gers will go thfoach without detention.
A Parect Boat wilt lease ever - ;gar+, v
fort- ,
equalled 'by s oy now in uso wife I:migmatite
For passage or Infotmation apply to
any W BUTCH, MII & CO, C anal
D Ba sinLEkr
tiPiVt4l l Wqrf,tp Ar• *tiFitH PAI
‘ f OjErstrittgi
Capt. B. Ye &will fun a: a regular
packet bet en Pittsburgh. Wheel
ing., Undseport, and Sunfish, caving Pittsburgh ovary
bland•y anetncon. for Well sElc, &rationality, cod
Hedy/Tort, and aven'rbutedtlynflessipoatorßtinbere
Vc " lttit i' l '""'. t l iZto .u an C i7Vil i tsb n el ry_ S* 4:
nay afietroon, and Sonfith vary Friday au ' ernoon. -
for freight of passage, a ply on board, or to
v.- . - D WILICINS, Asset
Tao splendid steamer
D. Y. Smitheth, master, will leave
or the abort, and Intermediate ports
Co Bath May. the 19th insLatle o'clock, a. st.
For tole ht or p sssss e, apply on board. or to
j NEWTON .10111. or J C PETTIGREW Ape
Gil Fig •
lOU s.m. rt.()
The splendid pactet•sleamer
Capt. Harbison, Iratee forthe above
and all intermodialelporrs on
19th Inst., in ID o'sluk, A. ht.
For freigla or paws, apply au board. maylB
The fast ronolua steamer
5 -KT t WTY!Reirt
malt, taus cave for Ma
• abdre Ind .s.ll tr.termeolam ports, on
this dal.l 6 l l + Mat, at. IC A M.
For freight or punka, apply ot board. mayl
FlitTi?‘.: - S V 1-L -L-£7
.gr a t The"'"ltAV - ZIND,
Gallagher, all
wilt leave for the
above , vnd all interaaediars porta an
alonday,.lhe and inn-.r o'clock, P. M
lor fre i ght or paarage, apt,' ma hoard or to
to.l? „ n wart - I +lx est
D.7 pp i,
.11e enmaly new and syiendi4
.. Ilteillati
W. W. Mame, master, will leave for
th a Ire and atl intermediate landings on Ws day,
the lEM 9
inst., all P. y
-oarH ilOll, vely TENHIFIIG. Fat freigh
ER. Att t Roply to
rule tie. LOUIS. •
.. d c e l The fine paseeneee Magna
33 eßrrillittEr4
Sterling, ,unalce, will leave for the
atrare and all inreemeoitme
oa, Goo day, We lath !ow.. Ili o'clock, AL M.
rat !ivied and ',swap •2ply on fond aria .
roartM W B WI/FIELF.R. Are%
• The
'Pl flt4filr 711:r PAP
Cochran, will lease for above
owAA all Intermedlate landmrs on
Sitiotday, Ithh instott o'clock, P. M.
For freight or passage, apply en honed, or to
The splendid steamer
Smith, aster,' will leave for the
thd•t and Imerntediate landlmps oa
thle Jay, Km 170 inst. at 4 eelock,
For freight or paaseure. apply Ain mann/ or to
m. 717
1850 EatM
From Pitt...hoe. to Columbia ant! Cleveland,
Mrottgb tau loch and populous [auntie: of Colurt
bittno, Curren, Stork, nsenravus, Coshocton,
Alnalingent, Licking, odd Frantliu.
'lnc completion at the bandy and bearer Canal
opt. op to oar city throogtr dile great natural central
route • direct commontemtan to Inc above a wellas
the adjoining <mantles of Wayne; Mimes, Knox, sad
, From this section of Ohio, the trade with Piusborgb
bs. ' , n great extent cat oft. In coniequenee of
Abe high rates of tr.sponattess, mortioh are nor m•
dared 10,40 and 53 per rent
Mats of Ibis It. win learn daily, nod run thrtioak
without transhipment. The Canal ginapany hare
bestowed 111,011 than lAN an interest /d the unprece ,
dented advantage.; of their charter, and than secured
to the middle portions ornate is ordenua their goods
equal interest In this advantage. , Agents:
J. 0. fill/WELL, Pittsburgh;
13IDIVELL k CO., GLasgossi
• •
R C Holmes, Spear's Mille, Oto; & A Goy,
Villihalnapnw,o4 (Jeorge Ramble, Elkton, 0 I Gallia
& f moo , do; Han najirallato a Co. New Llama& 0;
toter h. Mabel., Honorer, 0 • Wallets & Rainy, Mi
nerva. 04 Ppraker A Pager. d ' re; Joarnb Pool A Co,
do.; Hull A paw, Curies MUls, 0.; II V 77 Bever, do;
C U Horsidal &Co, blalvern,o; R K ()ra, Wayne.-
burg, 0. Reenoldr, do ; heap Teller, Magoolla 0:
Oulu:WI& CO, Mmanoll&o4 Wnellarkorar, Ito; J
alTarland re Co Bandy villa, 0; P t&ffer. do; Farb.
hough & /Ur inbauga. Doha or, 0; IVillard t Pada..
do; J J IloQman, Novillon, 0.; Cummins & Co, do;
Jobn Rablueoo Canal Falba& 0.; Venlig & Torrey,
Canal Doom, 6; A Ildedburl l Rvwd& K
er..Nework,o..; Fitch A Hale, Colombo., 0; I. 0 Mu.
tbewa Cleve land,l I ; Rhode. & careen, do. mail
CAPITAL $1013,000.
J. F.,CrI, Jr., Seel. 1 R. Mimi!, Jr., ?real.
Will intone agninst all kinds of inske, -
ALL 1 will be liberally adjoined sod promptly
It ho
me inetitution--manuged by Directors who am
well known to the commuty, and who are determin
ed by ptomptnere and bhemlity to maintain the char
acter which they have assumed, ar oh - ethic the ben
protection to thuet who desire tbe insured.
Dtangrono—R. Miller, Jr., Geo. Black, J. W. Cutler,
N. Helmet., Jr., Win. U. Unlace, C. Ihmsen, Geo. W.
Jorkoen, Wm. N. Lyon, Jai. Lippincott, Thee. R.
: Liteb, James TPAuley, Alex. Nirotet, Thor. Seca.
Germs, No, 29 Water street, Dearehoueo of Spans
Co.. op oi.irol Pittsburgh. ,nldly
Wall Paper %Varelagauge.
\TO 41, ALAIRKET tilrrtkar, between Third .4
Foortn greet.. Piutburge, Pa. .ritu , lAS
nthil maid call a.ention of 1.4
fra.nds and rti*loll2or , , to hia enema, rrt<trive and
'enema. mock of rue re hundite. It wall he lound to ma.
puce every d tettption of Arnegoan.uut FreoCli Will
Paper and Border tor Patio., Ihniug Itoota , ,
g o g gb a gg.ora, Counttag Hoorn., do., rsuglog from 1./1
tens to Id a retro. to great a chve...ty of pricef
and qualitto. eon ttatilly fog to SOIL thou...ounces
and I...tes of putetterers ‘.11.2 map :aro. with their
patronage, the old ea...bashed...and on Market street'
"'roadway, of Malden Lana.
rylits esirywwe num, boa he en leased by me
litib.rltshir, and has been completely . refitted in
Jae moat elegaut manna.. Large addition. are new I
being re We, which, when competed, will male ft Um
meat catenate.. 110101 in New Perk. NG Ole doterad.
nation of the ployrieter, tomato it equal, innery re
meet, to any utter ifouw litho United Mates. Nete
r...a is rho owaideairabie and central in the city, be
ing in the faolitonable eon of Broadway, cenvenleut
to all the petite buiLln,ga. pieces of Enausetoeut, and
beatompi. Grateful kit !Le Wirral patronage coded
froin his western friends , chile •t Quabcrland, fild o
nun mere recently at the Weddell linens,Clevel.d.,
Ohio, he respectfully soiletw•reuewai of heir patron
age, fur cow eatubliabseent, at Near Vera, and
Legs to 111.11 1 them Mut every effort on Lk part "Sall
be given to adminiater to their comfort and pleasure.
No Yolk, 11arcb,1950.--(mcZ4us
b V - ri
fi ME alto • of kIOMSOII3I, Liteb & Co, at Branktdde,
I Jademon Ccuoty, , and Liteh, Morxisom &Co,
Allegheny County, nave bum dismired by Min..'
conceal. Pew , • tudebted to smil.erAtturill make
payment to Link k. CO.. Rai •galtuot the cacao
may be peccuind to Limit &Co, for multottnt.
PTCPIIEN R 110kLU2011,
ALExeripsa mum..
~igaIItithINIVIIPILII • •• .
- • Thai large eantasaaLinDeraing Roma
• ; and Lot, en whisk area.pad %able and
••• csniage Haase, beim: Ind !minty,. or,
and load the re Jena Ma.
i m.iresied . onNiaberer et, ex derendi
street. Fdf lercu,apSy 11 LOWREES
. 751 , •- • En sae sc
- -- i — h. 11.111111 T.
Third awl Tao* etterlA at 72 _
'noses White. IA • Dry DittetODO" , ' . - - •
Abo—A lour well ilatstrri DOOM ha measol etio7,
awl doer to Mr. Dan Alererrae '7T re®
.11 ritualetl, aa writable for • rehtied or Ainelemy,
or could be rotirestieatly erupt! Al dooNe efors
soil of 003. Meg rt, am Weed OS.
-7o 04 .
BRI6IC BUILDLNG — Z, by SO feet, th ree nark.
M O, with Engine, - .Ike; located in Bithologbam,
immedtately below the Ferry.
_Eepoire of
Pittemsh Ihmpdq_
ra to LET—The Eons on !detect rt, neat door lo First,
. will be rented law to • good tenant, end poises.
mon elven barnediatel For reran apply to
rorid-d y. BRYANT.IBO Marvel.
..ra Let. •
T/lElarge three story Erick Waietrinee,an3yates;
beloss - Feny street, renting from Wider to First,
street, on reasonable terms. Possession 'Mica Immo ,
diately. Enquire of
febtatf LOREN!.
FOR sma—A Lot of Ciroand dome on Penn
Mreet,betsreen tiny and Mather, streets, adloinlas
the house and lot now occupied by Rishard Edwards,
haring a front of feet, and is depth UP feet, will be
sold on namable terms. Title emeaerptionable. En:
Quire of O. O. LOOMS, SA at, oast Wood.
Signet/1e Gad., Hasp,
101 Third rt., melt deer es Weodhwall , s.
TBE Inbeeriber Would respeetadly inform theeltl. .
lens of Panama, Allegheny, and 'tetchy, that
he kat opened his new and elegem esabllelonent for I
the sale of Puna, Plaxenuons, Mum, hlnnuess In.
rildderatr and every other article in his line.
PIA ri 04.—5010 agency for. Nanas Sr Clarke , . cola.
brined grand and square Pianos, with and without -
ColemenW Mallen Attahment. These Pianos twee.
lately receives several Imprensa improvements, ten.
dello", them exceedingly orßliernof mix% sad ears.
'ordinarily durable /
Alto, T. Gilbert k.Cda (Buctoa) calehnled Plazas.
There instruments kayo a wide spread reputation, and
nen consideted among the Very bun altuunfeettued In
Batas, Where they are decided faVeritet.
J B. Beam, N. Y., of the 'Arm of Stant L Dun
ham, Mt* appointed the subscriber sole agent for the
vale of his Pianosof t usbargn. Thelma of Baden
&Dunham Is one et dut and hesitant'. oroontry,_
and their mthafutore for fatness end brilliancy of
one and belay of workmanship are Second to none.
The celebrated Concert Pierms of liemedhog, of
Bremen end Bamberg, will -always be kept for trAl9
by rho subscriber. It will saber may tau they ace
made ace of by ell the • neat Plena 'players albeit
ConceMX op , bol.vpulkikt. •
- The stPserinerbege leave to direct .Hendon to the
(napalms' fact of his baying apnnLakardad b.* in
Ilarope and thia•country, who ometally select and
enrolee every Flue not to hits. which enables bite
to glee a written guarantee with every Piano cold .
pledgang himself to related the money in sail the
Piano be provenfsalty or de;qlqa.
A tglzi t ly pf th e se 41sat and man popular Maid
will b' no kept ferleale—hardshed by the beat
pohlistang onus of Boston , Plaledelptua, and Bain. I
merm agency fori P
deensehafenbevx fr:Lals, New
York, the most extensive inmoners of fotsign mule
So this toasty. , -
Note Agency for Carhardlls Patent ladlideda mot
Melodeon Plena as inensfectuoj add 'perfected by
!lurch& Wldta, bif,etaaala,"irita angle and doable
'w t.S Plead lantareents yet invente
Ilorha ahoy led coerh . deeerlplbon and raricy of
e 9G
yy rata,
brass manmade from the beat makers. Strin,..llV
Violins, Guitars, and Harps.
41:plastruction Looks fot.lP(Vcatlewatent,... &lee.
tions of mull Made, Rale ems end, Pthedvmded
end. repo, 'd. Warm, Aceardeam, pAtals, re.
Mil OP Pr Melt turnable terms.
AAIS& BROCKWAY, .oviaalaalen Merchants. Pßaematemn qty, iDiMoral. Mama advances
made c.; ammirmamma, and afl agency businem
pfardptly lammed to. ,
..... ?VMS, t f Llr, 11,XZWAT,
V: LOCIS. i Latin
• -
• mayt3Aa.arGer
East ride Diamond, Pittaboigh. 11519
ri031.5118310N 6IERCHANT,Btock and MU Vat
•t, No 110 Second anat. iazy2Ally
firly Geed• I New Goads t
Nno Sinai alai Summer Thy Gods for 18... V.
' -
11 5. i
meet, between Third and rTrath, Genet the
Rio Div Hon, With; oroomenced receiving ,
and openPty, one of the Most etch tplendld,
arui eXemdce 'mocks of Sprinemd Sommer Dry Goode
aver mitred for sale In the Western commy. All of
these Imported Goode are fresh emceed, and received
per the last steamers from France dmi as
aim Trish Llnens, Imponed direct fr o m lielthst, all
goon bleached, and was - noted the pins ankle- these
Linens are all•lmpothed by thiVae i ribli...a: , ..l l
Cle=e v err l i dest A tmentelt 's' a i r ) td Dui
Linen Goods of all hauls, Imported direet Son Belfast
by the eubseriber, and will be fomd Mental Erin-go ,
NewetyloSatins, all colors, splendid
goods ; Vett Talk all prime, rich goods;
Black glue Silks, all colors, lota twportationi French
Kid Gloves, all colors. the best imported; plaid black
Amens., pre last French sterner; new style painted
Emieibs, splendid goods. Also, a superb and large
drones, of erne black Drosses Lace, for ing WWI.
very Mel goods; plain Banger l o W ocilthe,
extremely low, beetnifal goods; black Silt palace, an
.14a0..a riticet.MM akrrili Fwab ~ ........w
mies, per
. laat French eteameri r , pl an b e lank Gra_thi
riutig—ivirs=dg.wst - 4,3 - gr,
Casluneres, taw ales, twatitiful goods; apteedld
'Seurat Swiss goods tor ball dresses rich embroidered
Swiss Rolla for evening dres e s• Swiss Edging dbl
Inserting. the beet imPorted; Silk'Timoet in all colors
anJ qualtam, new style, Want and satin .trip'd black
Ramses, all prima; primed Lawns, sop styles; from
8 ohs cents pert' od; Berme do Lido., •new article
for ladies' dressey. Aim, 0 mrce and superb Mock of
new milt eirim nape Ribbons, the very best im
ported, all new.
Canton crape Shawl., all colon, herb from the Cm.
tom House- Turk Sada Shawls splendid goods, in all
~tor-e, per lest stmmer; beautiful ebengeable ethos
Milk Scowls, fresh importation; white embroidered
CantonCrspe Shawls, eoperb goods; peen crabrokter
ed Crane Crape Shawls splendid rode; Lupin...
French made Embroidered ' Uthat, inert thipartation;
Pule painted CasheaMa Shawls, all prices and queli
dee; ladies' waiter CMIAM and Scarfs in great va
yiett FreneltworkedCayea,Cogantrbirm,•larp
assoitoura. •
Domestit i fdg Mliboopii-. -
s d; bm unbleached Muslinsithrnittelfl mats per
yar 10 cues bleached Mather, from dia/Intents
-per yard. It cases Irith Lunen.. troPerird ditem from
Delimit; II bales Ticking, Intend to ableents per yard).
8 eases bate DO, from filo lifeetits per Toed; be
anies a fall assortment of Sarpomr Chas. Atha. Cat
shames, Tweeds, Ssuneits, end liedunekY Teal.;
50 cases dart Calico, fast colorefl, from 3 to Mg cents
,per yard; 3 eases Hoyt & Sons l e p ers. iam, best
imported; 3 boles Rama and Scotch Di extreme.
ly tow. Also, llosvelteeping Gemds of all B e ntsry
cheap; I bole. Russia Crash, Dern ft to 121 per
yard; besides a large stock of Check nod ntog
eitripa Alm, red, lals, ell colors and dpialt.
ties, at low prices; wane, and yellow Flertlyelt,
Very [bear; hicached and unbleached Drilliolr m fall
samortatent A cams bloc Merrimack Cedantes, ax•
tremely low; black and nobleached Table thaws, all
prices; Bird's epo Diapers, all prime and qualities,
very cheep; colored Cambric', a fall asserunent,
cheaper that" ever, 3 bales Berthas, from IGi to 03 eta
pee yard. Aiso,alarge stock of Cause Table Diapers.
PA RA Shill ingSOLS! A fail assonment, vary Meap.
The largest and most splendid stool of Previte I
ever opened by any one home in Puteborgb, ts this I
day received, and We all of the inewest Fteuch ellrice;
which, for IMAM. and beamy, daunt be sorpamed.
As we have a Inge lot of them Parasols, they will be
sold chespet than any other beam in the city can el.
ford to sell the erne qoallty of gelds.
The Ladle. me respecaully invited to examlnetheta
Parasol., M
ylesy will God so f the richest and
newest st o n e imparted fr e ts Europe. These
Paranoia are all of tee neheet and most fashionable
colors, and are worthy of the &avarice oft!. ladies.
All of the above email will be mold off at priers far
below any home in the city; end la order to prove
this foe I, the pubtle will please eall and price then
goods, sod compare them with any other home in the I
city, and be convinced of the above martian. t
The subscriber would here say to his numerous ans•
tomer, and the public to general, that there are two
other bee Mee stores to market street, trimaran,' to
cope with me Big Bee Hive, which ip abate the only
celebrated and far tented Dry Gondr establishment in
Pittsburgh. The subsenber would therefore sail* all
porchamers of Dry Goode, either wholcule or retail, i
that the Big Bee Hive ea /darker strut, between Third
and Fourth.. now Opening the. lamest, riches', and
most splendid meek ol ming and summer Deldfobodi
ever °feted for sole in Parthurgh r
New Stites realB.3o—The largest and meat falthion.
able stock of Bonnets over opened in this city is last
received on th e sign of the Big Dee Iliac on Market
street, between Third and Fourth sterols, where Dry i
Garde of every description are belittle cheaper than I
any other home m the city. The pubile wilt pleat.'
talc notice that there are two other bee hive Mores we
Market street, who pretend to compete with the Big
Cce Hive, between Taint and Fourth areas, win , .
the public will bud, at all times, the lemmata omen
.01105 of Dry Goods, Beth °Pe n th.
Il79'leere take DOUCE, teat the store is between I
Third and Fourth streets, alga of the MG DEE HPIF.,
where Dry Goals of every deseritlon WO selling
ens arca than at. my othe r r halos boo
kloaqutk6 area •
OUNDATION OLINS, Crown Linings. Beak-
TIMM, Conan Yam from 6to dela AI ,WICK•
I NO—Dcut Spend Melded Wick, Chandlent Wmk,
Wedding, Dans, 6A., manufactured and for sale on
the lowest terms, D mat:smut •
atrildlen IM Pearl a. Noe , York.
COIALS will be recelingl %A two ague vt the i
r Baltimore and Ohio Relined Company, al Balti
mo re Cumberland and Wheeling, to to Wednesday,
&tit day of Idle next inclusive, tor the graduation
end masonry of the panes of that goad. encoding
from the bridge on the nornmreatem marmite, meet
-the Ty(tIllY• valley river, to a pointon the soon fork
of Fin Creek, new the month of Long Dean, cabin.
mug note MI teething. Aint, the eight lotion* bo.
tOorO the mouth,of Oran Creek and the city of
variety of work will be unwind by the hoe to
be let, which twat include Rent and moderately heavy
grading. Several short bunch, ern a tonaderable '
amount of bridge meadin• • • •
Specifications may Do had at the above named af.
gen. and &Bertha 1N of lday damn, and farther
100.ali011 obtained from t.e Enamor open the
Unexceptionable IntimmaLals of ehaeuree mast
accompany the bids, and the bidden nor reqaested to
state what other work, if env. they Sue engaged
'and when it will be comp tend.
The work most be energetically permeated. —
By order of the Pretldent and Medan, .
Baltimore, April 10,11ide apt7:dtre
i - VHOWL&TE-11XlibesNo t Choeolam, Norfolk G,
L) reedited this day, and foe sale by
m)7. llno &LTA' * Co
RUBBEE 000118—tbreetred tam dente r''
meat of Rubber Goode, consisting of.the Whew
Ingt—Ladiesi Car, a gooey 1 . 1 "
Bair Ties; Finger CON TobILDLO W• 1101.:, Piege and
mull; Ltle Stenaverai !anon Maui ater,Tanta
Radiated Pants; Gentlemen' Gloves; Ladles Ti'ash
Gloves; Mout Woe and e variety of id. Melee
foe side at the Rabbet . Depor,7 & 0
fro9aooo-23 biz Ozbarn
5 la. Jeisa I I•i , a , zs
51. a. Movrood 04
Sias Loaler Y. 5. ',Vim
Vitt it; tali el tall/ Isaux Mtri. A 94
. _
• • 11.011.EIITIM9ASIGIVT, --
/CTTORNEY AT LA. 4 T4-ot6ce on small 'side of
.11. Foe* of, between Merry atter and Gnat aG
J. nanatisomer.wELL..
dUaos,Acknowledgigros or, ec.
Ocoee—Fourth striakabove Sul
R. JOHN MARTIN lierpeettally arnoriet•to
citizens of Titteburgh, that he h et . gertanneritly
erred kitraell la thin elty, for tlie. purge.. of pm
tieing Idedielne until Surgery, in all its aarkien brunch- -
an Hie odien Is on Fourth •ueet,NolOk.. Resldenee
Nn P? el. • I d'AtrtininT
NEW CLOTH 87011 n. •
. JJ.
D. FrUART'a'Ca, of Phibadetplii , sill qui
on the tot of itioth on entire new mark of
And TAILORS , TRlht WINGS, at eistern friett.,•..f7
los for cask at N 0.116 Wood se, next tollleFenno , o
Amnion Hone.. ' : opttlymlT
- Fens ths Vegetal& Kiegifoisi. w rOci - Thtsiaser
Dr. Osaysott , s Extract of Yollov Dock
sad .Ilaraapatilles
Cerestensemptian, sacral*, espied es, aSeessikiai' -
Nlitr,ltrzepmplaiota, ani . ..calaffacti: 3 ns ir ore c
ea * rs "-
'rapt Lamer nub or bleed i 0 the heed, fewer sag
of complain% general dcbilillt 47.1 , eN
Cs, lass of appetite, headathe, colds, eastiveucisi
Pavel, eight ease's; choke , organic creator*, •
palpitzeors of the hew, 6oks4 pens In the sidy
ekes; but, de.
. . .
lila infallible in all &stung wising from an ba-1,:
pare gate of tli-blcekiioilriegalat action of too IVO!
Wee Vegetabla Kingdom, an iili.wile Eciniba .;;..,.
deposited plantearel betho: Cons 42.011 i
than, and tadadtta to be cent of &semi; tied to oho
•reetable klagdoni doe, the reiiiin al Seen; re svelte: ,
the brideot of aza als, turd eintidoinito pain. _
The Blrep te a scientific command of the moat ',hi—
cable plants its natate,*entirely free frerirdeleiericess
tad enervating eidieril etaietnneer, and as [(expel
talmudic frart the einem, impart[ vigor and suength I
aeoriesponding degree!: '
- •
tXtraordinary cue of Sonaltda,Etrylipeles and D.
cent, came by_the sole tme of Dr. Gown's Cam ,
Pena SlraP, Tallow Doak sad Surmounts.
Da . •
}treason. N0v..17, Mkt
Govion-61r.7 - 1 tender any rincereahmks
the peat begat I have renvedsfrom the ore of your
vehadde syrup. I have be. trosbled.very Lid aids -
a =Digitate sere, whisk made he appear:iota on MT
eta. I did eel pay much attention to it at first- sup-
podag it to be nothing but en ermanrot that appears'
on parse l's far I. • It finally th beau
to ieereate. walla
,peead 'ut eek f elteed. • I spotted toe. •
Aoki., who atteteed - me all to no purpete. i La' -.
tried every tidag that meld be Wed:. I taw. you Syr ,
up of Yeilem Dock and Sertsperillei and mateteded •
mustily for I tame that Yellow Dock was one of me. .
moot reliable...racks In the world fox the blood.- I .
boughtyoar SOON and free, the use of one bettle,l
could see a great change Ii my, Drumm. I contine.eth •
to melt until I was a vett man. •'I now feel hhe ea •
new person; MT 'WOO to perfectly chanted end nee. , • -
from anima:Aka There is not a question inn
Toe; aatvig discovered coMpound. is lax esperior
4hTe " re P rgett il* t:Ta P t ' yet r r Stp a nstAte Mt bllsh
like, sarany eneyou marntita torn / shall be
PT to sire t hem rep au-bran:ion U aboatarry., •
user *a. ltiettem your Obedient 'anent,.
113Narket sweet .
The hest female medicine known: Th. Extractor
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla la a positive, speedy,
and permanent tors tor all complaints Incident
ite mil s alterative nroperties render It pecifiarry---
applicable to the slender and I
ts consthatiall .7
( c
It is artriva/led in Its caeca. epees arch
diseases as Ineiolent connamption, humane., ,
=shoes, or whims, irregalor meastroation, breams.
Of opine, and general prostraten - or the Iditrall.
It latasedletely countereeisrat disltreaillrc
ems altd lass/Lade io COM: on to the kettle Emma,
MU/imparts an energy •n , djeto saner all surer/sine IV
Mar are grattieL We h ve colic: me CM Ell which
Lodges. us su,nslr . to • oramend this - saedieme to
,married peoPlo svellptve not been bkased with
tyringi- . . • - • _
. .
• •
• oiITIOI 'NSW; or - Fa/imp, of the 'Womb , et lint
• "neat aLandiut, owed by 11r. Guy Eon'. F-•?,..10% of
Yellow Duck and StOlaparino, ever. navy min
known remedy had been tried without relief.
• Weenraoron, Ohio, Feb.. 1949.
Thu oeriSeS that toy Wife, aged el Team, hes t
been 'taming under the abovecomplaint Cre Lee
yens—netrly allot th at time enhned to her pad.. ( -
have toe foorryeera nnstandy employed the Ownenetr.• •
let talent tent could be prommed to nts section e( tae
easerty,withent any bent!: whatever. I Inn '
parented every instracenntrecommended bit the
care clinch Minns. ail of winch proved attaibleas.
Jo the spring - of 1140, I .11.2 induced by my bind.
to try Dr. Genres Tallow Dock and Sarsaparilla,
which ern ased for font months: After dm bad gtfe4
it for about fear weeki. it was evident to all mat Om •
wee =proving, and front this Urn she improved tne.
Idly, and gaud desk and strength, emit the direne
was entirely renewed, Ind she Is now enjoying mon
excellent health. .W3l.
We belnx neighbors of Wm. all Jelia Monfort.
know triune above statement, at in the tlenem or
Mrs. Monfort. and an to tbe one being el:ay.-4 Of
tloysou`s Yellow Dock nod Sartantrilla. t o he '
tone. JANE EDDY.
SARA!! ro
"Great Cure Of Coakenacopiltslit'
Mums" Xanasa7 2 . 161.
N. pennon—Dear Sir: The great benefit which f
hare derived from sour Extract of Tereser Doc , . and
Sariapardla, induces me, as enact off adze, to make
the following statement: - • -
After sensdng for two years from general debiSTL •
which finally terminated In censure:sum I was jive. .
up by my friends and physicians .o Lerma , Itn tod of
medteine. - As a last resort, 1 was irritated An try,
Titer Extract, and having awl bat two buttes, ea,
eordnig to year diresdans, I am entitell nNL
would therefore earnestly reaommend your unequal
. led Compound to the afflicted who desire i parental.
pleaaant am* safe remedy. Orategatly
XI your friend,
None genuine unless put op in large square bottle%
eantalnlng a quart, and thn name of the sYtuft blot , .
In they est, with the written ”ennture of S. F. Bon
! nett on the °nutria wrapper. . Posen Si per bOn.le, ar
Ws bottles for .5
It to told b • J. D. Park, corner • of Fourth end Wal.•
i out street. Caneimmtl, General ...Agent for tle
South and West, to whom ell orders moat be address
• .
Carter k Bro,Srio, W. P. Judson a. Co., Water
ford; Olin k Cletriona. - Crossingrillet TorreU,
Montrose; tLrata Mix,Toblonak Robert Ray,-Wells.
bora; L. Roderick. Calloorbum
barge, corder of ;React Street and Utz Lk:lnroad.
"inr•I3OI . IIDXS AM) 6.11 /1.14/••••••-.••••••.... • 1,
lan Chemical Snap enures a treersptrattoa, *lli •
tile tune use reohfies, matte., tad MIIII.OIIIUtt Stu/ •
Owl eg a the texture and beauty of an inlant4..
'Segni, San Unsex aria SAIIIO I era . 6ol nN only
boated, bud cured by its are, as at least .even
elan in Ness York know, who nut 'it in ench eases,
and find it noratlinp-as ales in -.
Fumes, ilt=111:/, Fe:extra, or any other slo n
one. The reader in assured Out tau to en t,elees
petted nertram, as one trial will prove. I entlil este,
tamer at least 80 persons cured of '
Scat Hasn,Soan Lena urn SOLI Bnas.n.-1 sty fyy
and ase it, and the reader is again neared IL would
not cruelly sell it for we above unless ltnewt.tohe
ail I state. Those who are liable o,
Crap, Caseate, on Cessna Flans, will Cm' this].
care, . Any one alllietedwah any of the above. it et 111 . ,. .•
filar diseases, asill find On all and area nom (s .
bre is its prupordtarznu I matt:
Dot, reader, the elates are :loaded nth . stioni,
and he - rote yen ask (or -JON4.:3S-lialuore. cre,ell I
Hoop. Sold by \V to. JACKE_QN, Sin Litany sheet,
Pittsbatxh • auge,.l6
Irr Tea atats et • vus Iterrtga ts not More repel
else Mamas bad, putrid breath or dart, yellers smseas '
ed teeth. If persona have these it is their twit '
they eon,. for two sh il lings, boy an article thet
make their breath pun and sweet as sas, Slcky.Str •
It cores climates of tte Gums, spongy or
and for the Teeth it It unentiallml, ft rativiz:: the tarm.r. ,
fastening the teeth In the goats. J elets them en •
White aa the sums el Stafmrs,a Noce..
Sorb, reader, are the bropordes of Jones's Amber
Tooth Paste, and, without praising 0 on:celery, ha' C
what one of Oat most respeecalc add cc/caulk Pm •
Sets, Mr. E. Field, of New l'oer rays:
l have both used and analticeil this beanlfrol and ins :
'ppable. uncl otieal Amber Tortte,) s
can recommend t s ar possessing all the .... /hes elem..
ed (or tt." Header, we can say no me to •eonvind
only that if you try e 1 pose you will bewellnlesv-1..
It Is twit up In busairel Cloglish Chin Ilca. (or it
cents. Sold by the Agent, WiLJA.CILSON, 1710141 , vf
ty !meet. Pittsburgh.
icr att. seat, CU..* set tainoracq utro tea
the tollowmg are the actual qualities of a as •sr Lambe - 0
Joam's Coral Hair-Restorative. If they tioa,t e at
wend, they cannot thesehlghly respectable , elite/13.
who base tried lb— ' Ore. Dectel, 41 Elm *4 New York.
Mrs. Matilda Reeves, tilyftte as, Crooklyrt.
Mr. Wm-Tompkins, 01 King et, how York.'
Ms. Thos. mar* Itte hd, near VitMtittigt
ILL. Cal tau, lateba r ber *test:theta S. Morrie,
And more thin a hundred others !tale. thotlrk
moat mace, thatwill force Ora belt to groat on ail
h"Aorola2:rt'Ln4lT' rtoen~ hen the rt lit,
reno•itg 1 and I
light, red, or gray hair assume a bee dark tont; rid
teeput.. dry . , harsh or wiry hair mole, nett; ecru and
beauubil, terry, Very long time. • •
Sold by tee - Agent„.ls 7 sl. JAersom, 016 ttbmsrst;
rittsbarrh. •Pnoi ari 50 cents - dad one doLLar. -•-
2 - 11:e1a1)12.0 — A35 - 1 , tiAbk /0, euitikiviaa
• ,They are 1101.8vIerc how frightfitily inArtcuolt
to Sec lam: how goatee, hoirsoar,it, ham ial•
bw, yellow, and unlcalthrthe O6O np
pearl after asir.g pre par,l chalt - 1, • Ga.. ,
• aide*, it la Minn.*,
terse etaanlity r el Lead: .• •
brre.prepared kicantifal oegclaiikt . WI 110
which ars tall .10:01:3' SPANISLI ujiy
It is perfectly Innocent, being panted of all d-h en
one qualities; end it imparte the shah petitrxl;: role
thy, alaitairtor, clear, living witi; at the stone rue
acting as a cosmetic Oa the skin, making it loft • and
smooth. Sold by %LW Agent, W1.1:1AC5:50:4. ltd Lib,
erry in. Ihrtshareh. • ?nee 25 cents. .21MS oT
knreporty Its &r.logtsemir a.•a7 for .-IJ.
L.eobsembers oiler for tele a orrreher o Chose
Loteoltaata In the See-oral Word, trottla• orta t
WiTalglllga;;My et Law. air
or of .1.15. S ROBINZAN.e. rho -'
11/12111.11441 • WS- I. EL=
(Successors' to Hassey, Hanna ft Cod
in Foreign .d.Docoutic tichartge, CertiLectes
of Deposita. Sank Note*, uul Specie—North wrest
an nd:flap sueeic. Cermet money
d an dpeita—toglit Checks far rale, and
collections matte on nearly all the principal panne .
the Valved States.
The tdshestpreadantpo
Pereira and Ameifosa
Advances made naconsignronnis PrOdoce,ehlp
pod hloa4 on liberal Rms.
HAVE taken Whl. CARR Into portnerahns with
Iroe to Mr Itatiness, wh ich - Will Isom tfu., date he
esnrite oo under the rime of "John Marker Co."
151•11 Ch ln, ltiCe. • JORN SAFJJEJJ,..
Jahn PaArcr.••-------•---Winiam Cam
JOUS PAhItER & CO. r :
Whoirrat Groxr., /kale, i s . Pradaa:. Faris%
Winch La . paiTs, Oh .;/ditavaltato
anal llecljf ed Inufr.
N 0.5, Conuaarcini Now, utwirc=f; -*
mao ; rAt.h.r.h, Psir
GEORGE , E: ARNOLD, 6, C 0...
Na Forsa surer, co.ct door to Ile Iran/ or Pitts
pLißilUMx—b as OS Made I.r. it, 4" . 4
way b T. gio -dammetirmkrA,
~ ~a~T'