BY MAGNF3III TELECRMH umPuitTED & TIC.I.ZOILAPGEM FOR THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE CONGRESSIONAL. WASHINGTON, May 17. The Senate is not in session in day. House—Mr. Bun rose to a question of privilege, to make a report from the Select Committee ap pointed to investigate the conduct of the Secretary of War, relative to eitellinstnitees connected with the Galphln claim. He raid that the Committee had closed their la bore, and directed him to make their report. He telt it to be his dray to say, that on route question. involved under the resolution, the Commune had not been nbl, to agree, particularl y . m those which or ate t the payment of the pnacipal and nc inherent of the latra, a diversity of opinion eshas. Some of the members bad prepared their views . in writing, i nuppora of the conctusiime to which they have c ne, end which vac:pre...l In the teoultiiiiinf it compenying th e reports. He naked that the 11 se adopt the following resolutions: Rtaolced, hat the written arguments of the dif ferent mend ts of the ComMittee, on the subject of theit4quent principal, and Interest of the repro. setntati.en o George Galphin be printed. Mr. Bun as instructed by the committee to say, farther, that ey ask their report to be laid on the table, and 1 irded; and so soon as the report and other locum vs Anil be printed, they would feel it to be their duty to move to take it up, (or the tr ove, of being referred, or considered by the Mr. Conger coked when it would be in order to call earths report. The Strata: cc said it would be in order at soy time. non priVtlega nhestion. Mr. Curter raid he would like to hear the report rend. Mr. Brook. would take occasion to discos. the Metter of paddle printing. He took this emcee be cause publite documents which go to theprinicr, go to that "hoidens whence uu traveller reunite' (Oar reporter at the East here !eaves us In the dark, es to the result of MN Broth, ctiggettmioti and, from some cause or other, the proceedings of the goose are cut thort) • TRIAL OF SUAIMONI3. ' Cmcimers, May 17 Up to Mx o'clotk Ib evening DO verdict had been riven by the jury to the Summons' C 1141..! The Jury mood 'even fa conviction sod bee for: argontal; and there seems to be no prospect of an agreement. FATAL ACCIDENT-htURDEREELS LYNCHED: Three wee, who were engaged fa cleaving a vatra, last ni,sht, fell foto it, and warp mothered' to death. A raw days alone, a own MCI acid 17003112, who bed conlcated , o the canctlee cf. Ma.. Allen, their nretrces, at Liberty Landing, were tamp cut by the atlglahors and burg. 'SMALL FOX AMONG THE EMIGRANTS. • ST. Lams, Msy k 7.1 .t A. gentlemen jest arrived from Council Miff. inner , toe s , lI P among the Crlifernia Emigrant. S x had died of the dietary. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Pnrunarsats, Mayl7. Flour—There is rather more inquiry for shipment, with talus 130 J barrels fair to good brands at 85,12 1.9 per bbl. tr ' n o s2 eam .s7 n l ii 2 a p t 7 e l l g ,t/1- 2 per barrel. Gain—Wheat I. in trendy demand at 112 I.`At 113 for fair, and prime red, rn! 115 for while. Rye to in demand, with tares of 1000 bushels Peoirsyk vania ea 61 cents per bushel'. Corn continnes scarce, wills sales 11 yellow at 61 et, WLisLiey a eleuily with talcs ut 22 141 for bhds. and 23 cts NEW YORK MARKET. N!w Yalta, May 17 ' - NOON REPORT. Floirr—The market is active, and the light re ceipts pore no advance of 6 CIS. for medium grad,. brain-Wheat is lion , and in good demand at former prim.; goal samples of corn are arnr PrliVifloll3—Park is active, and prices steady.— Lard is Goa. Butter is easy. Cheese is dull. Groceries—Holders of sugars are firm, and are withdrawn from the market, prices being on the Itio coffee at auction, yesterday, brought 7 1.2 W 1-2 cis. Tobacco is quiet, and heavy. Whiskey is in good demand. NEW YORK tut AUST. Evmsmo itrrau, F nur—Snles of common to straight State at 5t,93:55 (20. • and cf Ohio and Indiana at $.5,121 05,23 co I,a,re. Gram—mines' is held fisher, hot no sales to Warrant any change In tie price. • Provivioax—P.ak in firm at at 0,raa10,68, for Mess. Ltrd is held at higher rates. Grotwie,—The market If unchanged. Whiehey—Sale} at 320. The steel: noorVel t. firm: Ssles orPenhafi's at 861 U. S. 6'. '69, at 194 Oremittra. CINCINNATI LIAILKE' T. Cmcumm, May 17 'tour—The matkrt is quiet sod doll, het prices are neeburged, Saks were enefroce to 200 htes al2lO per bbl. Groin—C Ini Is again lower, a Ith sales of 6000 be. at 42! la both. Provittoes—Sales of 100,000 porter% .121im.00ri eb nutrient god..lre, u ors oatt, at 2}r4}. Sales of 130 hbls No 2 Lad at tic. Groceriec—Seg•r moves pretty freely at Se for fair. Sates of Nidesres st 2So per gal. Whirkey—Sales st 21021 in per est. The on:ether is pleasant. The over has faller. ten Inches sitieerla.t report. ST.' LOUIS MARKET. ST. Loon, Mal 17 TLe market to duy exhibit?' do very important change. Flour—Sales of 1200 Ws mixed at 55,12, sales of superfine at 5620035,75; of awe at 5,b71i and of cbtuee at 6,75 per hbll Grain—Satre of orbeat at 05fir3 2 Se pee bushel. Ssles of 100 u. yetl.rm Corn at 51, Sala of prime %rhea 0 at b 601 oeoVereil on board. Sales 2000 lA. Oats at ssoeo:. provisions—Pork is firm, with roles of mess at 9,2583,30; and of prime at 671:07 per bbl. lard is is dernand, with sales of No. 2 is tittles! 51; and of No. Ila kegs at per 11, Bacon active sad prates are steady, at 3031 for shoulders:4o/1 Yoe lode.. Sales of good plain lams at fast., sod °resins quality at 63 per lb. No eales of Lend. . . Hemp is dull, mid without chap The neer I. lEt3=lll= /ISLES HAVEL'S Vegetable Liqaid Yale Dye. Is thP 1101pOtiOr toeroll 7..000CE to the many oracles which ate on sale tor the posy*se of cheap% the