The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 18, 1850, Image 2

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tie f •Drianutal are earnestly algae-ma to [mad la
avon Dem 5 r. a, and is early In thedss ae
rmildeable. Adrenisclnerrt. not Inserted for • .frrei.
Led Ilaswi l inranably be thawed maul ordered on,
Cr V. A Pawn Is Agelit for this yelper at hi.
several week. in Haw Rork, Phaleachable, and
Hoped, wad le *lnherited to receive cabsenpneee
end adverdienteres for U.
, .
/ 4 M.= AXXXrea2L-4nb -• and ut.erti.e - -
mono br thin page[ Melved and forwarded tree el
charge from this °Olen.
fI:TCERGINNLVi DAILY Witarri a AdveNtements
and nb.or.puor., for this sniper, will Da nee' red and
er•arded fro:110de Oft,
valaable paper, will Pe reeerved and regerara
a from Waal.. •
Parcumnamt. Nostra Axetteett.--Advertiee•
meets and eobeeiiptlone to the North Ameeteen tied
United &Melt Casette. Phaseelphia, received leati
warded than this elm'
At a monitor of the Whig State Central Committee,
held at Iferryharg , March 12, Itlal, it walt
RCOLVSI4 'That the m hig. of the revere) counter
of ads Siam be requested to miter a number of dele
..,,s,qp.J to th eir reopeetive representatives in the
Legieletore; said delegates to meet in Convention
et the city of Philadelphia, on the 18th day ti lone.
0350. for the parposa of nen:Main. a candidate for
Canal Commismoner, to be voted for at the enaction
Ckneuml Ekedon.
MORTON Meldlol34£l, Chairman.
Onn H HAN,c, Secretary. .
to permanent of the call of the Chairman. the Whig
and Antintsmatie—Coonty Commluee of Cortespood
enc. met at the Court House. The following resolu
tion Was adopted, to
*Resolved, That the Whig and Antintasonle voters
elite several Election Distriets of Allegheny County
he, and are hereby requested to meet et their usual
places doe:holdpng elections, on Sanirdey, the let day
ef lane nest, !ken sod them utelect two delegates to
the Camay Convention to be held et the Court Boa..
oWesinesday the PM day ofinne, at II o'clock, a. a.
Said Convention to make the nue end iteecemry
nousinatlens for the ensuing October Elections, sod
also to appoint five delegates to represent the County
la the State fhinventlon., to as held in the city of Phila.
&aphis, on Wednesday, the ISM day ofiune.e
The primate meetings la the Townships to be held
between the hones of two and five o'clock, (except
Pitt) sad those ha the Wards and Boroughs between the
hear of seven sad able o'clock. P.M.
Imo. E. Ems, A 111LANIYA CbaireAn.
Aux Fagatua,}Beeretalles. '
T. 9.lmax.,
1 . 414b11401, .441 is IS3
PL4IVI ROADS —TWe may be called the era of
Plank Roads, u the description of means of i inter
eccusatnication has spread, within two or - three
yea!, with remarkable.rspidity, to every section
at the country,—thoasanda of miles have been
coutrumed, greatly promoting the comfata and
business of the people, and giving entire utilise
tion to both travellers and stock holder•. In the
enjoyment of dls species of communication, this
county seems determined largely to share. In
addition to the two roads already emizimetinr
we find in oar columns notices for the opening
of the hooks for .sabseriptionu of Buick to two
The cue is o elm Allsglisny and bleaciesur
MAE Bea," which is to commence at some
palm near Federal greet, in Allegheny, and to ex
tend down the rarer, through the borer go of Man.
chatter, to a point at or near Woods Ron—it.
length about three mites. this region is be
coming thickly twitted by persons who do bercar
In It. city, and it will woo become one contain.
ems village or town. A plank road, then, is of the
greatest importance to this subutb, and mast prove
to. by profitable stock. It may hereafter be ex.
teeded toldiewlekly and to Beaver.
The other Ls the Linainglime and Eli=bah
Plant Bead—. 42 important a plank mid project
ea has been suggested in the country, and ace
which mew pay well. It poises through a fine
agricultural sod axial region, and will tend great)
to enhance real estate in that part of the county.
While on this subject, we may alto state, tba
the grading oldie Allegheny and Perrysville root
is about fiaished, and it Is expected it will Le open
ed fie travel early iu the summer. From befits
one of the hilliest and worst roads in rho county
when finished, this will be one of the bed. Tb ,
ergioems have succeeded la obtainiog a var.
easy grade arp the hill,north of Alleghenyetoniiar
the meekr eoce of the fairest vicar, to
country, end rarely excelled any where. A trip
to Perrysville, when this road is opened, will be
a delighted drive.
The Braddocksficld mad will be finished early
fn the approaching winter. The work is progreas•
lag with vial, and is in right hands.
The Batley Plank road project has been take,
hold of with spirit, by the people of ft di kr CCU tay
and by the Inhabitants along the lice, and we hope
man to be die to record its commeticemeta an,
Father fixrctits, el the Washington Union,
seems ti be sorely troubled lent the mien, of the
toner,' n 4 denim ns, with great apparent shim one
eletter,, "confusion Is the order of th- day
After stating that Messm.Bulliu and Sargent wrer
ahem to withdraw from the Republic, to proceede
m this wise:—
"Bet this is not the anti movement in which
the peas et concerned. We have now before is•
an address ripta by sixty boa mut/tern 2[14.142 , /
cf Cenentss, Wins' and U a:tawnie—bait 11011 , f
hall altrotor-7prokssitts to gmblisb a eouthern cr
VW in • this city. And stranite to one, they neo n
to insinuate that we are capable of eacribeing 6f•
tees Mates of this Union, web the anilines et
property involved, and all their rights,
.to men
pal designs—for the paltry peryrose ofmaiting a
Fimedent. who carries in his hands the sioils of
°See. If they should deny this insinuation ; to be
intended, then are name say that the !angels° o
the address furnishes a nosy odd amen of the din
°radon with which the whole movement . is to be
Btu, stranger still' The country will see to whr
• curious predicament Orn am redu ce d We am
surrounded by ultras. Hero is the senator Irons
Mlsseuri, Mamas H. Benton) writing to Mr:
Walker, of New Orleans, on the 30th Much, in
the following terms:
The time he. gone by fin hoiyeay Fore/Mona in
favor of the Union. Too time has rove tar wart,
and the paper which does not work sgalnet rho di..
miming In for sham. Thee far, me infamy of the Ms
mien moyement rests principally upon the democratic
papers, from the conduct of roma which bare beer
Wider. in theparty—itio Wasbineton City Union snl
the Richmond Enquirer, Sr eximay,c—and I have no
communion with coon papers.
end here are the southern addressers, who are
raising an opposite my. We protest *game both
In. another place, in the lame paper, it is anted
that Ms. EOM is spoken of no the editor of the
forth-caming Southern organ. We 0 out believe
this eau be poraibie, but if iso, it yes high time the
edam of the Republic were changed.
Tu Putman ano am CABlmrr.—The falour
fag orwhetructias statement, from the Notionuf A
telligaarr, of the 14th inst., Kula beyond all
quetkus, the fees that there is perfect harmony
between the President end his Cab'vet, and the'
the machinations of those who have desired and
utempted such a result, have been signally foiled.
The Cabinet hu the col:fides:co of the people end
the Preiddent. and we re4oiee to find our setici
,potions end declantionv concernuir it, so rally
'wailheL The Praldent, In this, es in every other
set of his eventful bite, has manifested his remark
able upcity, firmness, and good tense. Tee lir
taiga.= says:
" Although tt i. bud a kw days ago that we mt.
tndicted the false reports then abroad of dieser,.
dons or misunderstandings between the President
and The coesubersaf hie Cabinet, the industry with
which stadia reports are again propogated, aid
&lased over the country through every emelt&
*faint:laden, swears to require a repetition bribe
s We therefore now Mato, on as antAwity
tb Prandorrobst be lends no countenance .3 any
attempt, from whatever quarter n comes, to die
turb or unsettle hi. Adminneratioo as it ts. All
the statements or infercemes to the contrary kr.,
utterly without Gradation.'
The Mowing item of Intelligence wo find In
the Now York mews:
" Non. Alfred Kelley, President of the Cleveland,
Culutalma and Cincinnati Railroad, who wart to
E.glond early In April, It.. succeeded In par
t:miming 5,000 tom or rads, atillriant to iron 'hat
road The iron wtU bo sent forwent at once, Cl.
Qubee. No pre.ioOS arrangement has been made
cm 'goalie favors* terms. Mr. Sal., hem also
AcipuaLed at a good price the Bonds of Ms Ccm.
panyto an amount sufficient to pay for tho above
Fos CALITMLIM.—The steam chip Georgia wia
ed from Now York on . Mooday afiernooo, for Ha
•ana and Cbagrea. she took ow 610 moonset',
principally for California.
The SWUM 4ip Cherokee, for Chair., diree,raG
ed at the lame brae, haying OR board 303 paaen
gen, ail far California.
The number of sailing vessehr whichleft the AP
lane ports for California, via Cape !torn, during
Ma month of April was 57—of ihis number, °WY
Iwo, (ha barque Alabama and schooner Viiilming
too, ailed' from Baltimore. But few passengers
went out in the above irenett, the Isatimlis route ap
paring to attract by fa: the grater number of per
'tilt 091 W CBOOlll.
Cam the . Compromise Peas the stogie.
A great min, reticulations are made in refer
ence to the amount of support which the Compro•
mime wirjecelee I¢the igenato, and-este the proh.
Oink. Mita final peerage. "Independent" the
Washington Correspondent of the North Amen.
can, makes the following calcuktuon in his letter
of May M
According to the moat authentic information de.
fired from chow who have taken pions to make
petvonal inquiry, the following calculation fur
nishes areliahie view Mthe prevent posture of
the sue. The Smith win lose, on the test vote of
:the omnibus bill, Mr. Antler, Mr. Elmore, Mr.
'Vallee, Mr. Morton, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Macon, Mr.
Gemene, Mr. Davis. Mr. Borland. Mr. Schacht°,
Mr. Turney, Mr. Banton-12. It has •Imen avg.
grated that Mr. Benton will swallow the mixture,
rather than lose outs of the icgredients. Ho has
denied thin impuintion , in public, and therefore la
entitled to the benefit tithe contradiction, until
the rmurary.appeara. Mr. Darien, who was re-
graded as doubtful, will eventually go to the corn.
promise, shade the compromise will not go to him.
Mr. Soule and Mi. King have misgivings still, but
their to operation is counted. Mr. Downs, who
had sernplea,hla been rneamertz.l under the 'cis
entitle manipolatlona of Mr. Atehinson; who, for
'a job like this is worth • score cf prclessors like
Mr. Foote, it may he safely summed that one, if
not both, of the Delaware Senators, will be found
in oppoaition. I sneak only on the authority of
their past votes. Taking these data, and roared.
toe all the donblol. the South would muster but
17 Yotes,:with a full Senate.
Now for tor:reverse (tithe picture. I still pre.i
terra the figures of those who ore partial to the
compromise. The following nesters sre'claim•
I ed for the North. Mr. Morrie, Mr. Dickinson,
1 Mr. Stu arms, Mr. Bright, Mr. Whitcomb, Mr.
Douglass., Mr. Shields, Mr. Cone. Mr. Fetch, Mr.
Dodge of lowa, Mr. Jones, Mr. Webster, and Mr
Cooper, 13—Just the extent or the defection. Mr.
Bradbury, who woo counted on, has bolted. The
names of Mr. Greene and Mr. Clerk of Rhode Is.
lead, wore used, brit without any authority. If
the opinions which Mr. Cooper avowed in Penn•
aylvania daring the last canvass, and the position
which he then nom aed in regard to thin whole
qemition may be taken WI • criterion for the coarse
which he will now:pursue, the embisuity which
a now ascribed to hire, Is manitently unjetd.—
.Thla scheme of compromise has no affinity or re.
Istlonship to the doctrines which he boldly and
ably vindicated in the fell election. Mr. Webster
he. returned to the city, having imbibed public
opinion, of the pore fountaimortLii New England
eunstitnency. It is elated with confidence, that
hi. devotion to Califotnia r as an independent
measure his come back refreshed by tie recur.
sloe and that even the "Wilmot' has improved in
eistegand.hcalth. The sauth. rumor rays that he
will epeak • noble speech for California and vote
to separate her from the proposed association with
New Mexico. Utah, and Texas scrip.
Couceding Mr. Cooper and Mr. Webster, to the
artangemerd,—not however with their own coo.
sem or soy authority—Me Semen would be ex.
actly tied, supposing the vote to be fall. There is
no doubt how Mr. Filmore wouldapet in snob a
•ontingermy. Having than genet; the probabilities,
at estimated by fair but partial observets I wish
in pet one fact on record, for the benefit o f future
reference. There are two Southern Senatom,
whoseorthodoxy has never ye: been doubted, who
frill vote — rigumw the Compromise, an a dual men.
Wire, if it ever reaches that crisis sod Is not doomed
on one of the preliminary struggle. This defect.
Lion, WOlll4 throw pinto • minority of four, without
the old or Mr. Cooper and Mr. Webster. Their
'co-operation would recreant, the minority to eight!.
'Our own olitakin is that any calculation which
see'douttrblr. Cooper tor the Compromise is
erroneous. We do not believe he - will vote for
the Compromee, io any case, without it receives
each earet.iial mediae-nem:La as removes ilsobjec.
tiostable features.
Compondance of the Pittsburgh. o.ette.
liasaupwao, May 1416,
The long agony is now over. The Apportion.
meat Bill passed firrally this Looming, by an abr
. !native vote upon the motion to reconsider, sub
mitted yesterday in the Home, end is now in the
hands of the Governor. Doctor McClintock and
twelve other Locofocos, whoa it came to the tug,
backed not from their farmer vote, and 'recanted,
fike men, as it was expected they would do. Upon
agreeing to the Report of the Committee of Con.
felaium, the vote stood 45 to 43.
It-is understood that the Governor has cerium
objections to the bill dim obtained, but that under
all the circumstances, and the utter impossibility
of keeping the Legislature longer together, he will
.ign it, but that be will do so under a pretew.
The following communication, published in the
Harrisburg Tdagrap4. of to day, does nothing more
alma jimiice to one of the truest Whigs and ablest
men of the Legislature. If nominated for the re
.ponsible position fix which be r'e named.
do not hestiiate to express my decided conviction
that he will be elected. To a pleasing andpopm
or address, he uhnes the higlaed order of utlenPand
The following is the commnnienooo, end no
hails from the Went, it not, perhaps, prove on
interesting to your renders •
.mor, am! .aber prr-r- io Ire 5.,. no-notation.
ituandolatria for she V+ which be.,lo.!erVliCr
'ill. (AIL lii• me.. ant to the people, that proper
-election. of eundiitoirs br ium!e; and It WHIG pmuy tam popular names 4.1111 be
nought out. We do not think that long b.ervire in
he Lerielature, requmite m the candidate. Such,
may have nude themaetvea ohnoitons to sectin.
,c• intbviehuls, upon ...mutiny of their voltn. On
she euntriuF A lime auto I. for many reason. to be
preferred. We would auzgest the narneyf Dr. U
H. B. BC.OuTa, al prerent a member (con Rolle
etninty, ['fa eanditLate for AUDITOR. GENERAL.
He is capable, popular, democratic., and of tate;
my, and viotild suit in of the
I some bow or other omitted in state in my las
night's letter that the House had voted don a th•
Free Molting proposition appended by the Soon
cial committee in the Senate to the bill entitled a
''Supplement to the act creating a singing fond,'
Sze &c. Thera were only twenty votes to th .
House in favor of the measure, ever• Locofoco buy
one, and several Whigs voting egninst it. This
rends was not altogether micszpeetrd, but 1 had not
anticipated en large a vote against it.
A remlution was pawed in both Houses, to day
thing the hour oifirml adjournment at twelve o'.
clock to morrow, at which time the "long parlia
ment" of 1650 will bring its important Inborn to n
close. COBDEN.
T/10111 NSW TOILS.
Conesponnence of the Pittsburgh °exit.
New Yoga, May 14.
The sailing of the California ship and that of the
steamer for Europe, has given a little activity to b.
vine., but generally things are dull enough, and the
most barren returns are looked for from the Pacific.
The California trade is done, and no where ran
ships do so badly on by taking treighu for the gold
regions. The stories told in the California prices
currents of the sales of goods, especially of provis.
ions, are wholesale falsehoods, and I know freer,
undAubted sources, that ships can be Provisioned
cheaper at San Franctsco than in Boston or New
York. Let all who have thoughts of untigninting
remember that the apex of the pyramid has been et ,
tamed, and that the descent on the wrong side must
be sudden and violent.
Within a week there has :meting up a new bus'.
DDSS for our ships, and we arc now to show John
Bull that we can beat him on his own gromd.—
Several charters have been made of ships to pro.
reed to Quebec to load for London, with lumber, al..
$ll per tnousand feet. To London and Liverpool,
direct, the freighting trade was never poorer. Pork
has been chipped at )8 cents Ike barrel, and pork
in boxes at $2 per ton—many ships have gone in
ballast to London and the Continent, and hope to
get passengers to pay back.
The Cuba news of the "Sun " is now looked
upon by those who at first sneered at it as gename
The only doubts of note were, the editor of a paper
published hero under the auspices of the Cuban
Government. People are looking for decided news
at an early day.
Money remains very abundant here, and a•very
speculating feeling exists in a good many stocks,
though U. States descriptions hare receded, and are
dull et the fall. United States G's, of la:7, elo•e
at 118 5-8; Pennsylvania s's 116 Beadtng 47 7.5;
Erie 7's fA; and siodk 71 5.8.
Emigrants have commenced to urine in good
earnest. During Sunday and yesterday the follow
ing packets from Liverpool came um port, each
having mt bird the number of passengers opposite
the name.
Rowers, CO; OpheHs, 231; Ir.:4lmin); Enier -
Priz., (ee) Niagara, 250; 3. Z., 253;
d0r,281; Delaware, 3 Living Age, 323; Devon 230.
Total, 2,853.
Beside. these, there are the ships Zurich, Leba
non, and George Evans, front Havre; and the hum
pbrey Purington, from lbsterdam, having on esti
mated aggregate of say, 100, in the smentgr; thus
giving u.. grand total for the two days, of over
three thou-and five hundred passenger., from only
three ports in Europe. The arrrivals of the last
week were correspondingly immense. The lithert
Gallatin, which arrived on Friday, is supposed to
have brought over Ilse lar,rest invoice of humanity
—B4a e rev recorded in the packet trade, notofth.
standing the remarkable " feats " that had some
tirnes been dono in that way before.
A mid.* .lava cue has just terminated here,
Nicholas Dudley, a slave, earned by Allen Thomas,
of Maryland, has been ienlcaced fie two years to
the Sine Prison. He conlewed the theft, and goes
into confinement at Sing Sing as a punithmont
The owner seemed much disappointed at the
Qw ditto taw; but Ili itut °Saw wag cuutatisg4
here. the puttishment necessarily bad to be provid 7
el fur here also. At the end of ibis finpriionrnenty
the owne?s claim to the servic” Of the slare will
remain as at present. This is nht a very striking
compliment to slavery, this prefereoce of a prison
to labor in Maryland.
Oo 'change there is a moderate business and the
general appearance is dull.
Asbes—Pots sell at 5,5045,56; pearls at 5,62a55,69
Cotton—Operators are writing their letters, and
consequently the tales are small—Uplands 12 1-20
123.8; Mobile 12 3-4. Flour—Sale, of 1600 bar
rels at 4,9715,00 fur common straight State; 5,121
5,2.5 (or favorite State; 5,2545,50 for Michigan, and
5,02a5,75 for pure Genesee. 19) barrels Southern
sold at 5, 37 1.245,50 for mixed broods Alexandria,
Baltimore, Brandywine, and Georgetown, and t 1,75
06,00 fur fancy do. Rye Flour—Sales of 100 bar
rels choice brands. at 3,00. Corn 31eal is without
marked change, but firm.- Grain—Wheat is In
'goocfirequest for the Rest; buebele
nor at S 9 cents. Rye 59 cents. Barley—Sales
3300 bushels at 60a05 eeota. Soles of 16,000 bush
els Corn at G 2 C 2 I.2.Oenta Tor mixed; 63 for Hat
yellow, and tl4 Cents for Southern yellow. Pro
vi.ioos—Sales of pork at 10,37a10,44 for men,, and
8.69 for prime. Beef hams are dull at 15815,50.
Holders of lord are not inclined to operate at a low
er figure than 6 3-4, exult parcels have brought 7 c.
.Whiskey-23 1.4 for Proton. C.
For the Pittsburg/ Gar.ettr
Mo. Wutrs—l see a statement in the papers
that Judge King, of Philadelphia, has complained
lately - uf the time and expense which was evaluat
ed in the teal of appeals from Aldermen and Jus
tices of the Peace, and that he had declared that it
would have saved money to the public, if the coun
ty had paid the demands of all the plaintiffs, and
thereby obviated the necessity of trial by Jury, and
that his Honor had suggested the policy of refer
ring causes by consent of the parties to the whin.
meat of the Judges. , The latter proposition may
answer in many cases, be very proper to pat into
practice, but I most protest against these OM'
plai . nui of the time nod troubleoind expense incur
red in the trial of causes of small amount. It is a
wise provision of the Constitutioe of the United
States, (Amendments, Article VIL) that "when the
value in controversial shall exceed twenty dollars,
the right of tent by Jury shall I. pnrserrad."
• The trial by Jury, the benefits of that ancient,
free institution, are mow" deeply seated than mere
dollars and cents. It is a great institution, and
should be earnestly cherished. It is instructive to
the public mind, to the people, the Jury, the Law
yers, and the Judges. It is important that causes
should not only be well tried, but that the parties
should be satisfied that they have been well tried,
and every opportunity given for that purpose, and
that whether the amount in controversy is great or
small. Why should not a small douse be as care
fully tried as a big one—why ahould not a poor
man's came be as earnestly tried as a rich man's?
—ln trial by Jail only far large causes and weal
thy men? Sir, there - is more in this Jury• trial than
casual observers seem to think.—lf men met bring
their cutses before the public, slid hove satisfaction
before the eyes of the public,they will seek recant
pense in private revenge. The trial by Jury is the
birth right of free men. It is only to be found On
the Soil of Freedom. It is the means of purchasing
our free institutions Take it away and confer the
judicature on Judges; and the whole community
would soon grow dissatisfied, and return to their
good old ways. Among nations where the trial
by Jury is tinkmren, where men cannot come be.
fore the whole public, and avenge their wrongs,
and expose their adversaries, and do justice to their
motives and combats, where they sue obliged to
submit to some secret or ' pensioned Judicator.%
they too often take revenge by the pistol or the
Tees. Jury trials are worth ten times es much as
to paid for them in preventing private strife. When
the parties can come before the public with their
witnesses and advocates, not only they, but their
friend., and counsel, and witnesses, but a large
portion of the audience become excited, interested,
and pleased. The whom scene becomes a drama
tic exhibition, more rational, and instructive, and
moral :n its tendency, than all the barbarom bull
llghia of Spain and the bloody gladiatorial coolies
of the Romans. The =met, however small In
amount, involve character, and feelings, and hater.
eats, to an extent a COSURI observer would hardly
Plant trial by jury in any country, however de a..
polio its Government, and it will soon become free
as OUT own glorious Democracy. •
Bir,rl hope we will hear no mare of "thi• croak.
tog about the labor and expense, of the trill of pour
men's nose, and denunciation of jury triply, and
projects for curtailing no inatitmiva so mend, so
iretructive, imd so free. D,
Fu• the Pat,'..441 Gazier
The kiliomin; instance of hatur, Cir.:knee% acd
dminteremed patriotism, la ro Itseerabk , to CI eon
eernedithat at cannot fail to gratify every high
minded patriot of the pi etent da7, and to edmin•
i.ter • biting rebuke to those persona w 15.3 are
williog to crawl, even throngh the Mime or poll
tiny to °Coe. • '
When the t'edertil Government wart organized,
Washington eppoipted Jahn Rutledge, of Saab
Carolina, opera( the n Judges of the Solvents eosin
of the United States. Two seam after, he resign.
ed hie ofllce,find Weshinelon then addreased the
Ili:lowing letter to Edward Rinledge and Charles
Cetcaworth Pinckney
Gcrtnsaas —Ay addrers to you faintly, on a
autd.:ci °fine Gollowlos nature, may have a shighs
tar •npearance; hot that :singularity will not ex.
eeed the evidence which is thereby given of my
opinion of, and my confidence to yea; and of the
opinion I entertain of yourenrfidenee and (Heed.
ship for each other. The office lately resigned
by Me. Jahn Rutledge, in the Supreme -Judiciary
ofthe Union, remains to be filled. Will either of
you gentlemen accept its And, in that case,
which of you?
Of my sincere regard for von both, I wish you
to be persuaded, dco, deo. OCOLOS WASSIVIOTON.
Truly, it was a siagelar letter, and manifested •
moat remarkable confidence In the honor and pat.
nation of Mews. Rutledge k Pinkney. Bet they
were patriots and gentlemen of other days than
the present, and by their conduct they proved that
they merited all the confidence which Welshing
ton reposed in them.
In a joint answer, they both declined the are
point ont ; partly from private considerations, and
partly from a belief that they could better terve
the country in the State Legislates; of which they
were both members. Their reply concluded as
'follows: "Bat u van devoted a large portion of
nor early years to the service err oar CODhlry, so,
Whenever her honor or her Interest shall seem to
regatta our aid, we shall aeerfally fay aside all
private or partial considerations, and imitate, an
far as may be in our power, the best and brightest
of example... Meaning Waahington'a own)
.In these latter days of huckatering politicians,
it does one's heart good to look back at such oc
currences. and it is only to be regretted that we
.hove to look so very far back to hod them. C.
Facet Cortam—Under date of Feb. 23, IMO,
the !Lev. Geo.teemis t Mice?aim to Seamen, writes
to the office of the Ameracen Seance's Friecd
" - Riven is earrent hero that Sr John Frank.
lin 'ass made ttro North Nest passage and is
"Ala that the Emperor of China is den&
'7ne wife of ide Roy. Mr. Whilden, of the
floollwro Baptist Board, waa burled 1.1 Wham.
Poe on Thoraday. It becomes my duty io preach
the funeral discomfit on the mcaston,
row, at. Canton."—New York Journal rl Cm.
•No doubt the echo of rumor+ heretofore cur
mkt arooog us.
Nover.—At tho Ina dates from the equedree fe
the Chinese Seas, 01l hoods were reported to be
Advice!! from the United States equadron on
the Gout or Africa, to Mach 19, speak of the
general good health of officers and men. A let.
Or Ms
Nothing can be more evident then that this I.
emphatically the laud of the negro. Here he will
grow, strengthen and Ilattred., while to tho white
man it hi land el e shadow of death.—
romans Winogoodo constitn th end good hearth
may, with the exercise of prudence, manage to get
motor fora ogle...erne—perhaps far a (ow
hallo the end must be conquered.
PLthr. HOAX !SOX C1111113[214.41 , TO Wm NM.
T021.--.NO fled the bllowigg In the &menet
"We ore gratified to learn that there is a strong
prospect or • speedy columeneemeet' and toms
pieties of the Plank stead (tor the construction of
which a chimer was grunted this winter by the
Lefiislatureo from Cumberland vie Mt. Pleasant to
West Newton. We learned from one clout
townsmen, who hie returned from Cumberland
that the B:age Company :offer to contribaie
000 towards its, coat:cc:ion and obil. a hem
inly. to put en. sea continue their stages num
distely of or Its encephalon."
The ladependence, (Au) Copmonyrealti,
the 10 h cli. , Judaea tram the reports or recent tn.
...lion on the plan., that the ohdd end 115M111.4 of
Mrs. While are alive and may ho reenvered,
by putchue, from the Apache Indiu4 daring OW
From MS New Yer& Courier & Sng4icer.
We have reason to believe that the experimem
of forrodurg and rerelotrom--ing Cada has been
teneweig under circumstance. much more favor.
able to mantels gut those which attended the
Sound Inland expedition. We have letters from
New Orleans. from sources entitled to fall trona
dehce, srbrch give such information on theeta.
jun as leaves little room to:eonbt that SO attempt
ta abeam be,—if indeed [Chu not Steady been
renewed.. A letter °film 3d May, afterremaltiog
oa the incredulity which preyed. upon the sub
ject at the North, elate that the_ arrangements
for carrying it Una elect were progreecog with
great rapt•ity and upon a lame scale. On the
2nd two snipe folly loaded with passeogers,
tensibly endplates for Caltiontii, belt New Orleans
for Charts, and within the ten days previous
more than a thousand men bad embarked (rem
that city, all of whom, there wne good reason to
believe,_ were euli.ded is the same undertaking.—
None of them, we teat, were recruited at New
Orleans, but they all came from the interior, or
from the neighboring Settee—many of, them Item
j Alabama: sod no reaching the .city they were ins•
mediate.), and quits ly embarked on board the ace.
sea in waiting for them. Aoothep cerrespondset
states that helknow. of three large steamship. that
are engaged In the enterprise, one of which left
New Orleans:a few day. since with 300 MVO. A
sailitg vessel with over 200 it s to leave rat the
4th. We understand that in City also, persona
have been engaged within tut few weeks
upon a levelce the nature of Which was not do.
eased to them. They were mimed Lberal pay in
sd sauce, and were required to proceed to New
Orleans, where they wield receive fernier &me
lees. .p -
All thesecircumstimets, mai - others of • Saab.
-tar character which it is not necessary to detail,
reader it extremely probable that New Odeons
was to betbe starting point ef_the Expedition,
though the place of readesvenil is not kuown.—
All the movements in that city, our New Oriennt
correi r pondents mate, have beenekeiationsly m
ime, as to preclude the possikilltY of legal inter.
frttnee. General Lopez and Gdnaeles wore In
New o:leans inrognUo on the lot of May, and
coital observers noted the, unusual pointer of
nom forts in town. Gem Qvitm.n was in that
city a few days previews, and it we. aseneasod
generally credited that he originally Intended to
resign his cfrim as Goveroor2 of Mississippi, and
take command of the expedition. Hie presence
Is Naar Orleans, howeyer, fed to warm remou..
Mranees on the part of personal rands. and at
was believed that ho had been induced to change
his purpose.
Tee number of men engaged in this expedition
lasted to be larger thus that of those engaged in
the previous attempt. It his been stated as high
aa 12,000 or 13,000, but this was evidently an ex
aggeratios. Jadiciont peanut, however. who
have good opportunities of forming an opinion,
sea to letters that 4000 or 5000 are undnoh:edly
engaged. They appear to have plenty ci mercy,
though it is stated thatthe men engage f.r on
stipulated pay, but mainly en assurances of rich
rewards from plunder and confiscation. if the ex
pedition proves successful. Tney are seared, in
the strangest terms, by . their leaders, that the r..
land Is utterly unprepared forresistance,—list the
forts are defenceless, the troopi dla ffecied,e (Seers
as well as men, and that the great mast of the ins
habitants will rise and join the invaders, as soon
an a !Radios shall have been effected.
We find en mention cf any of these matter. to
our New Orleans papery, with the stogie exeep.
eon of the Bulletin, which plediabed an art:clean
the general suhjeet a few days since. That anti.
de awomed that a DEW invaiioa,wes on footoind
went or to show that the did:Mettle. to be en
countered were greater that' had been foreseer,
end especially, that the Spanish militantea had
vessels of war enough on the 'coast of Cohn to
proveet a landinv. This, however, does not mew
certain. The Southern Coast of Cuba is some
700 toilet in extent, sat It would require a very
large es well as safety active and vigilant force,
to prevent vessels Commaded by Yankee emcees
from evadit g their watch, and effecting a landlrg.
In a aca.fight the Spanish face would, probably,
prove easily vintorionsi—ltn. If • • body of 4EIOO or
5000 men, well annund;stiOnid Ink landed, he Lai
land would not get nd of theta without e good deal
er rouble. The Weis accoonto, it will be remem•
bered, wale that the Centers was prevalent at Ha.
vista, and In other pane of Cuba, and that Ito rav
ages, among the troops bad been extenaive.
We Isere from pretty good salbority, that ab
though the almost rare had been liken to preterite
perfect wvnty among those engaged in gettlng
ep the enneditiOn to New Orleans, there were
still spies among mem, by whom all them &ye-
Men:B were regularly reported to the Cation an.
From tha Florence Eate:mrse
Clear the 'Fr..ek.
MAT 7, 1 R. 41
Prrneedengse the marling e the Corpretto,r.—
In pur•uaow of the tall el the Chatrman. the
Board of Corporal., of MC Pambergh end S:rtis
hese lb Ra+l•oed Company. met at the Rouse of
Jame+ M. Smith, Robinron Town elvp,Was piton
conoty, Pa Members preetnt, Mews. Thomas
Bilyire or, John Duncan, jr. Tnontis C. Homer,:
E ward MeDao Imes McFanec, lawn Wal..
lore, Isaac Walter, jr., and Simnel Lielegaton,
The'mecting was called to oilier by the Chair•
mac, and en motion, lames Mennen was closets
Secretary. The eetemiree•YpQated •t a former
atemiag to rale, fends to pay the lax on the char
tor, rcrorled thlt they tied oh:flirted the accestary
funds and precuted the chiller.
The charter was thee read.
On tastier, It War
Bemired, That toe booka be opened for the into
scription of Stock in arid Cm - annoy, and that
Mow..MeF.,rien ,n 4 Lvingston. he •
c..ornittee Y. male out n e-tien Vt. of the probab'e
c.,st of acid Road, and to Gs trelantount of Sorra
to;he innkeribed, before said Cetnpacy ,ball
organiz d, nod mate "rpm to the Chairmee, r•IM
la botchy directed to advertise for times and places
where acid bank. *bell be opened.
Oa ma inn, the Chairman was directed to call••
mention of the Bawd of Corporator., or appoint
committees to receive Stmt, Is 6:commences •
may require ' and that boll. be opened lo the
fol;orvion place , via t Paris. Florence, Barnett.
town, and I. M. Oman'', in Washington County;
at Noblestuvro, Temperanearvilie, end the City of
Pithrbergh, to Alleaheny County.
On motion, It was
Remind, That no trobseription shall bo binding,
entil the amount which shall be reported by the
above named committce,shall he be. Ads subs
scribed in the hooks of the C mpaay.
On motion the meeting Rehearsed.
JAL McFasarx, SGT.
The 'Washington Repuntr, of yesterday, cons
tales a card Wined by :deans. Bullitt tt. Sargent,
announcing their retirement from the editorial cons
tiro; of caper. Toe manse 114411e1l (or this
step:a the existeace tit persoe al di tficulue a betwee n
themselves and members of the Cabinet. The
cud of eleurs.Bullitt Sargent expresses a high
degree of tuned+ ration for President Taylor.—
..In taklog leave oloor friends," three gentlemen
remark, "it is proper that we !Mould say. that our
cot:Eden., la PresidettrTaylor la unimpaired; sod
that the sentiment which heti Induced on to devote
the volnateer services of yenta In Ms Cause re.
Melee as ardent and as unalloyed es when we first
tont the field in hie behalf. In his pereonal In
tegrity—ln his suseltlsh cif/Ohm—in his pollees
nifty, uhutratity, end eievated honor—we retain an
oudimintatied confidence; and bad we tot reason
to believe that this sentiment is folly reciprocated,
we should never abandon the position which we
surrender only from our deference to his feelings.
and our unbounded teepee: and reverence fur his
character and Ida zerviemo."
The editorial charge of the•Repuhlio is now in
the hands of Allen A. Hall, E.q. Mr. Hall is
(am the 3 ata of Tennessee, where he acquired a
martial:Matted reputation as editor of the Nashville
banner. He was ■ppols led as Charge by Preal.
dent Harrison to one of the South American to.
public., and be received from President Taylor,
come time ego. the appointment of Assistant Sec
retary et the Treasury. Ton rettrog editors of
theatepublic commend Mr. Hall very warmly In
the hied !tentage and regard of their readerv—q
reception to which he la thorongly entitled, aud'
which, nie doubt, will ho cordially awarded.
In ailuston to ms (else reports which have been
to tadustriously disseminated of dimensions be.
twee the President and the members of his Cat•
lee, the National Intelligence', of yesterday, re•
pea., very emphatically the contradiction which
gavoaome days ego to there Idle atones.
it is .to be hoped that these onfbonded rumors
which sought to produce Hid revolt they no isnot
antie predicted, will now cease. Gen. Taylor is
a tory 4 to map, and be will be likely to hold the
reins uf Government la Ms own hand,.
Wmiumoron, I). 0., Map It
A leiter boa been received Is ibis city, stating
that the staves In Veiled Township, Monroe coun
ty, V., told .11330dMIlUred a plot to murder all
the white Inhabitant, in the alto ye township. Their
purpose was then to ace' their escape to the
&lie of Ohio. A colored girl, however, gave in
lineation of the plot, and up to the last essomits,
sixty cribs naglesucru mid ltestl arrested and ire.
prtsooed. The affair bra produced great excite
ment, ands great deal of nuterinefrt.
1 underatand upon good authority that Elward
Futter is to be editor of the paper to be established
in this cuy, which a inteadr.d to be the organ and
exgronent of Southern principles.
'Doss Tux Cartriaal Heasets."—S:r Hoary
Basler livery popular at Washington; and, more.
over, Lady Bulwer, the Brit lady that has been
here wets oar embassy tor years, has won all
hearts, She is • ple.sel, agreeable woman, and
of the mom cap waling manners She has t.tatos
balled mu good o'd U,igloth styli n 1 dinner and
tea. At the lather meal, she presides at her table,
■ud does the chemistry benelf, and bands over to
the senile. Her dinner parties ant More pleas
ant and e.iy tban any thing we have seen for 20
Worihiegren Correrporulto of lb. .11rou
aced Pda.
EV/211r ABSITILDrII6,-.-TO all=pl L. bOl ,
mw moot the pica of poverty—to eat the pub-.
Usher of • ...a ocompeper haw many copies he
mells per es Jak—to ask twine merchant how
uld his wloo in—ia lose money on horse racing,'
and then low lour temper—to get drunk and
" 0 4..1't of o hoedaMta seat mOrttiogr-sto attempt
tobort-iv/ money ails lose4tociety, by girkg a
responsible person for mouritym not a hearty
dinner offish and esti it taming—not to go to
bed when yotvare tired and t Itel 1 $ because It
is not bed time—lt reeder.a man a service vu.
Inoutrlyrand aspect Alm to be grateful for • It—
regime a thlog m cheap, because a low price Is
a kW ler 14
Deus ucnoc or Tex Sutiacsaa. Orreznital..—• ;
Private lettere give * startlieg account of the to.
tal dninaction of the beautifel cathedral of Sara.
gout by lightning. On the 7th of April, amp 1 .
filet; to the customs ofthe towna people, the whole •
populatinn, gaily attired, had assembled In the
cathedral to follow the 'procession of the Holy
Sacrament. The eatowA was immense, and the
nearer:au was preceded by a band of music
turd a guard of honor Scat eely had the putter
skin issued from the maasive portals of the cathe II
dral, ere the heavens became clothed with dark-
MU, • huge black cloud hung like a pall over the
town, and suddiniy the floodgates of the shire
were opened, and the rata descended in each
torrents that the whole procession was lotted
to take refuge within the cathedral. The pet
pie told their heads, and were overwhelmed with.
terror at the Cimmerian darkness which envel
oped the sacred educe, Preneally there ma.
beard a tete - Act crash. seem puled by a calm
loud as the roaring of psalmsy. It was faund
that the lightning had struck the spire. of tbr- I
cathedral, and entering through one of the en
mamas interstices of the Inht and gracelol ar.
chiteeture, struck dead the bell ringer ! and pe.
eetratem to the timber rootieg. which imme
diately blared forth with a fury admitting et
no control, although the ,:teavens continued j
to poor down their water,' upon the burning-1
rafters. The crowd, preferring even water to
bre, rushed forth Into the street through which t
the water was pouring .la torrents and led the*
unquenched dames to do their del work. The
rOOl fell in towards the afternoon, and then the i
ntlests incited the. people to attempt the piererea
lion of the interior, and the course if the flames 1 .
was at length arrested. Thus - has periabed the
noblest specimen of eeelesiamical suchitceture in
all Arrange, perhaps io all Spain.
Tine 87A1 , 11 asn Clora —The Beaton through;
out Ohio is unusually backward, bin tonal prom;
Ise. Along the odo river vegetation is some
ten dep. In advannei .of the Lske Shore, sod last
weak the river hills were ttclothed with living
green." The beautiful buckeye woo nearly in
lull leaf end just opening its ibloisome, and the
berth leaves hell OM. Grass and grain never
looked better:Throughout Central and Southern
Ohio, the recent rata, having pot the rich soil In
admirable condition. Farmer, were busy in their
great and reohno corn fides, pLsiiing the seed
In boos of as abundant battiest. The fruit pros
peels are generilly good:
in the vicinity erthe Lake theseason has been
remarkably dry as well as backward, and more
rein would be beneficial. Winter grain looks
Imusosily promiriog, and fruit Urn are loaded
with blossoms. Thomason here is Unfavorable
(or early corn and vegetable planing, but plenty
oPtdog dais" may be looked for before harvest.
—C . /netsurf Herald
Tho Boston papers mention the .death on Sam
day of &laboring man t is consequeoce of drinking
too freely of cold water while to s heated am.
Da. Janson,i the revered Burman Mitainnaryi
we regret to learn, Wel not expected.-to-lisW i at the
date of the list advice* from gdaulmatm.' In a
later to Mr. Haswell, dated Dm. 41st. ha says:
I win plodding on the dictionary when arrest
ed by Me fever, and know oat when I shalt be able
to resume mrlabora. I should be glad to hoe long
enough to firdah that work on which I %aye *NISI
so much time, bin our times are i 4 too bands of
Wm who dotal all things well."
His case bee no doubt been decided beforo
and if be imp been removed arch this
great work
unfinished, the providoccetwcald teem truly mys
Savona COII3O.—TEe Norfolk Harald of Mon
day says: :
Green Peds and Strawberries pie no longer
administered to oar martini in homortiatott
Them vete a good Pupal, of both on Saturday, and
peas were selling at 621 rests per peek ; thaw.
berries 371• neat! pet quart.
Peons' S7ATIMII.---TWS artist writes Ina friend
that hw statue of E/0, 11PhiCh was lost, by the
wreck of the *hip Westmoreland, at Cartbsgens, on
tea mast of Spate, was tesuided for three t hummed
dollars. but he hod an idut bunt on the sameers.
gel which was. not tutored. Hi. statue - oi-Me
Calhann would be shipped from Leghorn about
the middle of the present mouth.
There ate at present six trains tinniest daily
-between New lurk and Rasta. Two of the.,
pre exactas trains, and the entire distance of 550
miles pi rim in thirteen boors,. at erase of dearly
thirty miles an hour. Tee regular trains make the
trip. to about twenty two Loom.
At • late, municipal election in Providence,
Rhode Island, the question of gramme been see
fur the tale of spirituous liquors was submitted:to
the people, and decided an the negative by a large
Mr. Joshua It Giddings bits been appointed •
Jellgato from Onio to the World's Pose* Goo-
The Authorities of AeSura, N. Y, have ousa
imously refused to grant noy lignor heeotes this
There were nine deaths by 'mei piax In 8.311011
lasi week.
The EPitedPal Ceratenton of Virginia meets at
Alexandria to day. •
Drubs ill Boston, Jut week. 11P—by conituar
lion 11, mule! fever 6.
Llet week a Aft. Cros;cr diid In Ilahfax, Vu
line extraoteinary age of 107.
Account. from Pernamltoco to the tad
ma, eay there had been no abatement of the
Ehtpa Were daily leaving Mena, Ayera in bal.
Int op to March 12.
Tee ei•letna of N.:if Itr , in their late meet•
leg, dlaapproved of the Na,hville Convention.
Thome. M. Borger.% Whig, ht. been re
elected Mayer of Providence, with Wei; Coon.
Te atom was celebrated in S. Peter'. Carbolic
Church, New York, on Sunday, on account of in.
Pope'. ketarn to Some. Sweep Hushes delivered
an address.
Patton or Fuqua:ma Ls.—lt I. surprising
to tee with a hat sheen,' the Irish Potato
tow coltisated of the rice plantations in this
goseter.• The yield cf this yew'. crop w ill
1111011/11 to teat or nee thomand bpiht Is.
Severity ladies of Synacuse; Ni Y. have sent
Senator Seward congratulations for his speech
containing the sentiment there is a higher law
than the Constitution, the law bestowed by the
Creator of the Delvers,. The Senator in reply
defends the right of woman to speak to the high
argument of slavery, and •dds his thank. for their
influence agalestdt, which is ..aa a golden chalice
to bright wine."
The French papers state that the sob marine
electric telegraph, between Dover and Calais,
wan to be opened to the nubile on the 4th or
Mar. tho souivereary or the proclamation of
the French Republto by the Constituent /mem.
Now men 01,1—The notice, In the papers
throughout the State, indicate that there will he an
unusually abundant yield tble year of all kinds of
agricultural products.
Geld is reported to have been discovered in
Scald county, Pa.
The New York Herold has papers of the 12th
of January from South Australia, giving farther
aCaILOIS of the distovertes of !aria noontide' of
told, and showing that heavy companies hid been for washing it. It bad abated the disposi
tion to emigrate to California, and people who bad
ca„,aged passage, were forfeiting their passes°
Wasnisoron, El. 0., Mey 14.
It Ie currently repoactl here t he. Edmund Rome,
E:q., retires hum the editorial charge of the Union
on the 'Ain Inat.
There wee (rust et New Orleans on the night of
the bin bat.
A Cotrneny bas been foamed In Boston, with a
capitil of 815.000, celled 'The N. E. Maumee'.
al Agency Co." Gentlemen is want Qf
and ladies in wieldhusbands pay P 3 and have
their names registered. This done, therare enti
tled for ono year to receive introdulons and oth•
er asairtance corn the Company.
The Emperor of hernia has tuned an egicial
notice to the alders of the army of occupation,
to Moldavia and Wallachia, to ally themselves
In manage with native lat i trea who pease,. landed
property, whenever possib e." Rust arm,'
A sboajog event took place Dear the Blue
Ridge tooncl, a few day. ago. A little bey, tea
or twelve yeses of age, the sou of Me,
Bagley, beteg at play with a negro boy of the wee
age, propelled to show him how the lnahm•o at
work oa the mod blew rock. lie acco•diogty
laid • undo from the powder silted away its a
buildivg aged or that purpose, sod set Um to IL--
A tram:mid/ma explosiou envied, entirely destroy.
leg the house, killing the white boy Instantly, and
torurtog the black boy so severely that ho died in
a few hours.-111rdmoad Whig.
One ef the officers of the United States ship
Ohio, who woe paid oil last week in gold, took a
cab at the gate./ the Navy Yard, and eat down
It the Revert House. antacquently, on counting
over Ins oceueueletiocs, he fogad Ow be wee.hort
)tail ga,goo—the .moura contaiped ID oho of the
bags that bat been given hind An inquiry wu
Immediately anathema for the driver of the Cab,
and op Gliding him and etruotting the sehtcle, lo!
the miming bra of gold was fasted under one of
the seam The cab hod been cued frvently, and
carted 0111:0Or0011 passengers that day,—
Boston Marl,
r ,
'LIM LOONCIT OF lOC Fterituon.—ln London,
etiquette 10, bidsa physician from applying the lan
cot; he moat seed for • surgeon, who broonsider•
ed an humble brdividual A pollee:tan Inched a
physician to dine with him In the country. As they
wore riding out together, the opoilethan Was at
tacked with an apPvglecuc 0.. It was necam..
;I to bleed him hot the ghlfhiciall w Uldbot do it; •
it was beneath hie plofiaanotal digit ty. U. rode .
on to hie dinner, earl rent a surgeo to bleed bin I
friend, who loud bun dead, TOM is like the Nat h.
i no .bio• who regretted that he had of bad an In
trodcehon U a drowning ollo.lhat might bare
saved lib Tina
Evratarnies—ik small schooner, of five and
a half tone burihrre, called the Enterprise, aril ved
at Havana some time during the list month, from
lowa, bound to San Freuriteo. She was both
at Mineral Point, love, b f Berj. Butler, and con
voyed on wams forty mi., to Fever It leer.
*ref • being riggeo tit galena she desceatled
tha Misstestpl, ale•rOd (toy Ntn. C1,4-ana and
is now on her engage to the Elver S m lon,
whore horowner intones to mend loam, N c
rogue and Leen, thence dreg her amen the Pet
rye, Aileen cedes, laaach her in the Paella, and
{wand ie CaliSmais•
Tint •bltartopaltr..Elacneti et 71111 /lefiriblan
Eri.crraLCuttiettl,—TheGrisrenil Committee met
tart week in New Nork and from the report of
the meeting, girreniby Dr. Durbin, Ain newly ap
pointed seetetart.kre kern the receipts daringthe
Sear bare been 5tb7,03,13, being in excess over
the expend:tures,af 06.916,40.
What female rer]tbe Is that whose name. read
backwards and torwards, is the enure?—Nam—
What ladylike designation is that which), spelt
backward' nod forward" the same?-151ndatn.—
What time is that whirb spelt baelnaraids and tors
wards is the carnet—Noon. What portion of
young lady's deers is that tallish spelt backwards
and forwards is the karoet--Etb. I -
The little steamer Allegheny Mail, arrived
at St. Louie on the 25th ultimo. from Wberty'a
Mills, eighty notes byre the mouth of the Gascon
ade. She to the first steamer that bits ever gone
up that stream so far. The brought down 4
fall wage. constmlog of &haat 60 blooms from the
Iron .orbs of MM.. Jones dt Co., on_ the Merl
meek. These works are shuttled about twenty
Ere miles from W berry's Msllo, ibe now establish
ed bead Of navigation on the Gasconade..
Ira Baltimore, on Tnesdag. If th tart, brbd R.
Stephen P. BPI, ldr. DINI.LIN L. FanaceTOCl. of 1611
elty, to MAVIT F.; daughter of titer Fahaestoia, Eq;
of tha former alace. . ....
. .
llPAl'Laxes Verrawcoa —The proprietors of this
great medicine hive received hundreds of certificates
attesting the eltellenCe Of the medicine. They extract
the following one amend handredzi—
Louisville, April 111,1i47.
Deem Y. DOH & (SO —Gendemen-7L4 is to certify
that a child of mine dins al:dieted with worms. Im
onied various kinds of - Yenning° and edirtionteied
them, bet with no effect. I Men Poichamd a ire . of
ADLanels celebrated Werminge,fmot Pawl Yennwinc,
druggist of our city, and after Shiag a fell dew, the
child disci:tinged a fall quarter worms. The health
of the child improved Immediately. I would retein.
mend Dr. hnianc's Vein:Rego to the publleins one
of the meet safe arad effectual remedies for worms now
in we. J. 11. GUTTER, klerchant
11:7 For solo J*lPp t CO,No CO Wood street.
Scald of the Poo , and Ankle Cured
Hue—l am desirous of muting known to Me
pahlic the pest effwesey of your PETDOLEUM in my
own case, which was It invert scald of the loot and'
ankle; upon removing the smetrieg;the akin peeled
of with tt, Rod left nothing 'but the bare surface. I
expected to be laid up all winter from the effects of
Mtn scald, bra we applied the retroleam freely, by
menus of n Illectel cloth smarmed with in az hen, the
applinatior. cats painful, bra In avert short note the
pale abated. I had no poi. in one hoar afterwards.
In five days from the time of the applicant,. of the
Petroleum, I was nble to go to work. I taSe pleasute
to stating these !soli for the benefit of othersedercre,
and am deslrous that they should be made politic.
would also state, that I find imumdiate 4 Mbe( by the
ore of the Petroleum, In horns, Dem 'which I am a
frequent master owning to my business about the
engine. I would recommend it, gA the moot prompt
and certain remedy for burns I have ever known.
intgoccil I D CUE, Engineer,
Sharpshergh ; Allegheny Co.
Pinsburgh,April. IS*. •
Dor tale by ileyeer &McDowell, Ito I:4'ettrl street;
ILE Sellers, G 5 Woad at; D hi Carry, Alligheay en);
D A When, Allegheny, Joseph Douglass, Allegheny;
also by the propomor, S.
apt? Canal Dattin,Serenth st, Pittsburgh
TES Asmaota—W. U. nicomr, of Probl
Toortitinp, vdl tro aupported in nomination as a can
dim.. for Mutably, beans the Whig era Antilll34.liC
may la:dia.:MT
JEST2S, or the NOW. Word, Pittsboygh,
via be .oloported to ate Whig and A tooto sorie coOvey
Conveouon. tor weetembly. SIIUTII
may ii:ditorteS
Asezzazi.r—We are authorized 13 renounce Jam.
F. W. 1.14 .1. • candidate for Arzotabiy, zuefre
to the decagon of the Antignareeio and Whir Conv.
139 WOOD PiT., ABOVE nyrit, •
Have jam received lam additions to their
Imported by late packet. from Europe, tont to'
Which they would awe/ally cab me attention
of patch...ea, believing tr air very eaten
vive and low Will give
, o
C. C. 111.14SEV, rerai.• • W.•11A1153, Saes.
0 Mee-4N to. et Water street, in the ware hossedg C.
11. {:RANT.
UIN COMPANY I. nos prepared to iniure
loads of riots, goa uianef.ictonea, goad
inoinliaticliie in attire, end in trianrini roue., &e.
_ .
An ample kaarazy for the aridity and integrity of
the Insidanon, to alforded in the chancier of the Di
rectally Who are all citizens at Pitteltargh. well and
fo•orably known Lathe routdonnlty for Ittirprealenee,
/lttellteesee. •nd inteetiw.
Eneaoi, Wm. Darnley,
Inver, .Ir., Wolter Ersant, 'Hunk 1) King, Edward
lien:el:on, 7.. Kinsey, S. Ilarlough t 3. hl. nine;
Da. D. RUNT,
Decatur, benre
Improveamnia to Desatast fry.
DR. 0. 0. STEARN°, late of Bolton, 4 prepared te.
aramensetwe and Oct Mods Toren tn athole and p tru
ot Oroll Ouetioßor Atinaqt,cric Saction Elates.—
TVCCITACII t 00.0 VI /IPS .0 [70.3, where nte Befit It
exposed. Odieo and re solenee next door to the May
or e edict. Fourth street, linen; roh..
itaserro—J. R. ddnredden.F. 11. Eaton. ROD
Ohl* and Pen u ay rlr out es Rat lie ads .
Oartcs Chita 1 PKVA. IL It. Co. Third at.
THG Stocikoltters of the trOla mad rennarriirtinta
',Rail [toed Company ere hereby notified to pay the
firth lanolinent of tire Dollars per share. it the eIT,Le
of the Common, a. heretofore, era or bermes tea
day of !day Legg and the remaining instalments of
Fire Dollars per share earhnon or befare the :nth day
of each succeeding month, ants! the whole are paid.'
ile order of tha Board end/nectars.
rar3-thd • W. L &RIMER, Jr., Treasurer,.
Geranin• dlgal• VArlaaa. Colegni.
MM.: undersigned hare been appointed agents
J. Pittsburgh for she sale or Chortes,Almie Farina
CoMane. Itellilere will be supplied at manufacture
prices. WM A tileCLUilti &
rue, 14 %SI Liberty
yarn., 'lubber Hole.
1.1.,T received, JWU Icel. Hose, C noel laic, of all .
ty aices, and far superior to leather (Jr sate by
7 a It Wand e•.
latila /Lubber Cloning.. • •
4000 FEET Belting tbr Machinery. ut allvidlhs
tram I to la macs, welch we will Kell Ai
the ...factorce, prices. All the 1.4111 sold At our
wahlishmeet will be ar Arrenloi 10 be eqe al ICI 1.111/Cry
Not week etl, for sale by & II P&ILLIPS
mole Auto for Holum' Belting CA
scs'Joull for rate by Fi.'°.!
.5718 11. [411.1.11118
57 Wood st
ipp ()IJSSEL'S lIXTRACTS,Uog End & Joe
I do • HMO 1414 AIOCII2O Shwring Cream,
jcto reed and for said 4 H Y. Sgiaxes
at - l i rir 4 EAV
C R L A t.P,
m‘y I d •
PEIUANENT. GREEN, ground Oil,,An 511,
On/01,blat ItteiVedvalla fir sale ty • •
J ElOO In (10
mayl9 to Wood st
L4RD OIL—In htla 'Barnard & Co's heat, past ta ,
hand, for solo b • Rine 7 Ewa a. co
PINK BOOT — lb. tot ado by
ay 19 I MEd& CO.
CAIItIONATEDZIAGNF4;A-21Albsjuit received ,
and for by . msyla .1:11IDD Zs CO
PON . Vgi JALAP-100
'IAMB bIi(JULDERS—,IO blank • 3houldersi7 .
enaka Ilams,reeeiyed
per nteainex , llnrabargb and far rale by
FAG:ONO TOOLS—A bompleto assoslascht the
boa. goatity Oast:Wail tom and Cora &Yd.
warranted; Oast Smelt s :l,A 4 prong Forks, walraetish
Cast Steel liar /Nm
telex do riocisrheer Ilara, aoll4;
In doe conspiso nft dgi for sale law, al th e
Drag and Sned Stott of '8 N AVlChEilxii
rim la, Corot Sixth A Wo of
/Imp, Qs Lalno
AA. MASON a CO leavo:wcowed, per capree,
. nod now cpening tio pet cLowLatoge do lalasi
poo Plain e Mu...W00 do. ,
/tE.%Cl:lVotTC'oXrtt'.ilrlct'l'.d'Y openlus as
11 , 0 Mode colt! Trobet Shavris, cmbro.derod
60 flack do.
Al., pcs flack Gro do
Cl &Its,
6 pc. uo f So Chooz 4
4 pc• do TOrt Sal,or
S. U cta h lit . Ft s E ° Oltie l s h i • ggs P l s trePrzic h ;l7:Ze n r :frie d
rcoM, and Tiorr opening by n A matx, tto
E arid_ ,b9 Mnrket St
.TDIOTATI)ES-03 1 bustiell Jut mold, lot sale b 9
10 CAtqCS I.E.k RV,: tor sal, by
mai 13 3 R
UI~WP"'" 1"-'1"
um) 18
CIIIBBE—an nn prime new Cheese for sal, by
omll6 B cANFI9..n
, --
111UTTF.3-4 Oe.O toll,it 4
op Li CAN(
o, f o r )," •
Danu.o S.ll POnPit
.u r pq uf above goods, Inettlgins
NolteChin., Prod. Aloqoe, littoltoets;
wott..d C.loredbin , p ON and
"" ptrenY
r") 17
MttUrUtPla & UURCILFIELD I netts the'
a( %hot. avenue, good. for Mourning puroum .
to took very falimove , meel, }oat reeetved, sue. as
Itlembasote firth!. Atpacear,
Week Mouse de Lames,
blooming Wesel tit L.,
do Prioted
!Wage., Times, Lltolltan Los tes, Ittenyttes,,
til.e and LlPttod Liwtoh iinabidicettd de;
Bonort Ittbbent, Self( dc., V. 4., n. , mg,l7
IlitiNflNgPAPGß — Ahrt). On b 2 rA o. Moto to
order, the Toriott. , of PntottoF Polton, Pog
Wropplog Paperr;Crovnt, Meld( tio Cid Mottle (town ,
I.V.apping Pope.; Crown, &Lethal, .44
Doubt. Crown Post Ottlee raper, Posteboont,trx' reur :
Qin L, . Mi ll, It,
% .11 , 1PORTANT. crie-,•mr.
. .
mins ne •cr fai t tn a t rein Pei:doer-told cantata cure
I : for Rare.. rtlen Sore and I dorted . Eyea,.
Cu..o Wound., tltu'ae, kcal:en:teary Ittratatauadt,
Of.raint. tore Nipple& Broken Urea.; flan
Rheum. oitl and inveterate sores, and all Mlle.:Lamm
and Inflammatory , • •
Ceuntrefeits cIDALLI.VS EXTRACTOR in the nut
wessirva !loud the market. Shutt then 2, non
aenson! buying the stlicte in the. NEW DREs‘n:
you avoid the danger o f being Imposed upon by even
111C - C4111 , 11 of-geeing the 601,11. EC, Wig silt,
moreover, near Get per cent on Ile average.
Caution to Desalers•
Gros it:p..lll , n is pinctieed upon Reek , . IT tin
tenspsleas cterste,. who put up the ecunterlrn Stuff
in a Caanteriell at the old Vc(uplicr, mixed Sew
bezesof the genuine in each dozn; and thus itEr It
for talents Seduced price! This ll . calcites lemon
dealer.; but the emtEding, innocent, "'Diluent. who
uses the
si ghtl y anicle.psysthe penalti! 'ObaTerthei
Pain, unsightly icias and metes resulting hate
sere e
weands or sores, and, oflan loss of hie itself,
are the consequence. • • • -
Caste In Point it g Particulars
()tone of the toast seeete!7 beint and !alined star,-
eta at the lute end dinatroun HAGUE. ST fiEeT
YIIISION, in Neer York. will thortly be 1 valtihed.
blind the NEW ENVP.I.OPEt 4 , not DUX-
Es, and lay AbillittipZEp AG VITVS !!
fix st‘• the 111111111 Cireldeil for 1610.
mark the sput>b onrhe, new dim I—thaTriangle,
Serpent. leers. See, I.loie, oiled Eagle, end 7i: Dopers
Wlieell •
Er.rav end danger and trued, and bay Valley's Ex
tractor owl, in oe aYW3su.v.adLe. 111211/.
11. DA ele Ittomisray, r York.
Rehr P a•legheuylienet al arid Whek
sale ApetX.
' Wu Ttiong, gee., Pittsburgh • ,• ,
LL—The now. or Elea.. who green. the Dol
l. Salve, neveenv, froth thee( the proarielof latn
solf, or from his authorised agent., tehl be published
ia the paper, ea a gnide to the public to steer clear of
freed_ • , • • mitylinondsti
Dissolution of Portncishlii..., •
THE Psrt_erith;p ...a°. cawing Waverea the
sobsetatre, N Vorxtly, Jr., N. Toryhy, st.; John
leocgtly, Mathias Vargt y, T. old Myers: mad.
the trio of N. V" egity ato ferresieuractsring notion
goods, in tho Star C110.111 . 1 , 111/..111 . 111 1 10111
Ilencsylvtada, wt. di.olved by manta conrete,the
itch a A, UM) Ital. 'The ltsice•ol of ire lets firm
vr•ill be scaled by N. Wealri
where oil theta ha and japer', are defeeelled.
• . - VOttbTLV, jx
N. VuEliTLI', at.
• " JOHN-VI /1111TI.T.
mylqd,thedieS MATHIAS VOtaiTEY
cirALL PAPERptIU renta tt a a 3=l . . r i s
Of n 717
wail Paper Store, Woo se
~)1 ny l lcs l~ C ~ ]
AS S a ICI uis ` O
LL Q.~i:
fiTCH k•TAR--M brbi P.
'' rot
case Ohp
" (vn
..0 by • •
..te ' lllffy 17 4 ' H UlCli I tON Or. CO
'TOBACCO —8 keg. No J, 0 men, reC re g Im en
Alm shall, for sale JAS I.ALZeLL
T ATM , I ,
6,1 4 -0 AST reely, We low
..L.l 03 Owe , conmytnnenl; by " SAI DAL:CELL •
r1 , 91A6C0-40 tas colloviend Ipa,W,lrecerving
.1 :Per eneAl. Per ...iv r.r JAS 11ALZeilia
. . .
Ttiivr received... , pew operilit.onoelegint ROI.
pod 5 mare 51e'cideon Pi... kern the eel.
salsa mnaursterory of tilurea./t ttraeinnau,
This is a superior instrutneut,of fine tsue e 'airstrary
rapid ester:waitron; a so, one tine 4 ostsver lifeladeou,
41 ji,Ellta'.3 Irtaste :dare r •
11.417 . 1111 Tstel
I Journal. Chronicle. Dee patch, oil Yost 'copy.]
irmisur L.Y•edisperlot trth *alerted Tibet
J. ursert, eourprromeprmoon, diege, Pink, tilde,
Green, end Corn colored, just recevork PeresP.
and thus day openhit b.f . : , A A /1A20:11 & CU
- A ad Market It
PIECES Rogan Vlve. Plnk...(irern, and Cant
I.lareac., Tec , ..!.ret 'erprear, and nava
07n1 , 10ir lnayl7 . A A MASON KV/
.DIONTEIt cholee'rwlore.r7sl
1. the exttenie tow priceof Lts. per) an u,+
n this Jae 7 Lena 1.7.1. MASON te CO
ViAC , "-401thds SLiistidets,clued-Jest reel,
and for:sale Le r rlimer & SILL.
en Just receiving - Ily
rimy 17 bTUART &SILL
rk2a?-113 buthels I 4 core, br
rrt.y 17 C rUdItT a. SIM
Ylrlcn Fatima in eliar, iald fnr slacby .
.a may 17 SWART SILL'
. .
'net recd on corn?
S VILI 4 R V ,9I ,
zneyl7_ •
U LCO G hhds prime touit.Tilie paa.-kcd atocldc
JUl ntl7 l • not sale
.p,OWLEß . 2 q k r er g a ;
IEI Las ISibirtg.itot met, rot .nle by'
mayl7 J S
It APLF. St,b; AR &liIOLASSgir—A ctra!l j[lsl
rectoed,lbau fur etabe by
Wm & CO
lalm.xy It
inn rec , J, is•rfar
_LI 6rrt?.i Tim 11.1cCLITItO CO
031.1 . 2 , -1W latthrg 11 7' D ( 112: 1 1 1 6. CO
_Ti: 213 I.3Lle?ty
G A LER 'ATVS in 141e:4 6th. n . nd i f: t ln i t i r t alz . gy .
13 Innyl7 -
I , LnUR-6 Main nom, alvl to, n'e. by
JA• ~ 1 1 1 7 Et DM ZELL kCD
P1nT.6.1111-6 culn. on Land, 41.11 for 112.k Ly
ninr 17 IL DALZELL &CO
7IT 7;c'„il,7 &: ,ic}: - .TE6
na7l7 in 4 .
, --
Q04.1'-1:0 b. CkilErolho Soon Auld rev . for zuk:
ro3vE: I 1,1.114 IIZET.SON.
110 r A ur sA•ru HIVE cap Yr ic4.recoi.s,
und fit ird's by_ Idid.l.FH A. tt
VV INE:— ro r.r '4
6 ' S e i ' L r fe"ols 31 , 40 r;
LU l'oln re, ~ Idnie, for rale by
614 1-
, 1311-10
ra yl7 Water & front a , . •
`EGA D-7A kbda N Orleans in parr, for anla by
0 way i 7 . InAttiII'DICKEY tr. CO'
I 0 tt . ; 4 17 .5.-4, bth ?Ilit.trireilistenitelyttoby
'M./LT[ll:2B-4LO* lb. la time, for xnle by • .
- talyi7 • 19.A1A.11 DICKEY' Et CO
bd. ea band, and far rale — by'
(ME •E m Mud md for
tal 17 lBnlel t DICKEY& co
WATRLIPROOF PAINT-4014.50bi buid
fur bale low, la close bonintsont by
bicyl7 . ' ISMAtt DICKEY CO--
anteb C fl l i ' a b y; t e A d I JtV
lIN , C I{ SALT—steam refined, far Latta tate i ftir gate
ratTl7 ISAIAH INCltlik A CO
. .
1 . ) bdjust reed, and for tale by ,
LA. scolyl7 S t W
FLOUR -3CO Aria Ililderrnank brand s jort reed, for
wale rp 0.417 a A. W HARI:MUG/I
13YE FLOUR-1111E1s iced, ur] !orle by
=ll7 S IV IIAWAS-11611
Sl;Ofire 0179FiD HAMS-10 tierces Aims brand,
I=+t received, and :or Isle by
may 11 • Its W lIARBAUGH
BACC.r.•—as,Orlo 114 trtsool s;der •
10,U:0 Ths Ilorns; •
• ' 10,071 /E 1 Sides, all rity tmoked;for stle
moyl7. . & HAIINAUGII
touVosiLs will be received by the rut scriber,
A. for the elnePClll of s School House, to be built in
Ice town „of Port Font, (Lock No 3, htenenignhela
Improvement& until the first dry of done next: Plan
ana rpeclficattoin bay be seen at the office Of Heron,
-MOM*. Fifthstreet. Pat:burst. Prcossals
to be addressed, 1 MORRISON, on behalf of
Pebnol Pireetatv. istaylaid3.•
Kmartrau Gold and Eaotorn kzehangc.
.11. 4r 0 sod lloaking down ' of A 'tv ILK/303 er, CO
Itzekaupo Dank A took. • 1
A FEW co.res of Ibu watt or thin bent wanted at
tqa Exch.ago °Moo of A VVILAINS tr. CO
E • • .
PLOYMENT will givsn to twenty addlolonal
• Gott !Hatt., at MI Cant AVorke on dm Sandy
sun Braver Canal. Arplv itant , diatalT to—
tnnyl7 C DIDWELL, WateCatreet.
ryv a orbolesala ha:dwarf: Samoa in Philadelphia,
I.lno active young lean, woo is faTedlide with the
business, and has an eitcarlve usipsanstrmte salons
the merchants of Ohio • statt — teanirlsaala, whose
trade he er,sld inilaruee. •Tra a suitable pasterna
libnrat ealary will be paid. Address B. 1. at this
GO.. • masi.tikaddw
21A: MASON t CO, G 2 market ti, y are mon• coon
. ink choice high Colored Ilareass,Trasnea, kiss
querns, D.lplaincs„ St, all m reduced prier. Myla
- pABT eolorpf Lawns awl Mat lin. atilt' lowM7.
c,f• int; Rill ba op.ed by AA MASON & co
tr-N CIIPALETOTS - -A A Masano ore now
rer o min g 4 corr.:atm Swiss Embroidered Metros
of the mow oridoroM mote,.
Dor coins Fopint 01 A. India 14•444 - 311144
TTttrrUlt f i l, n l , l'4ll . ri t i 4 c , l o ll o 4 l .l„D 74010, 1 1: 1 0 1
3%44 per YMO: pt. p, MMer do. ntAgbe'r gis7ef . W s ash
1.• Ot t , 1001 idrlts, wthmed N ivea; 054 411544 0.
• tortomm o f 'AAUP:I4ES 14.61SENACINFO4,104,odiet ,
Drool Goods dereroy, of sewol cor ks , u 1 tooth nut
cooler et Fourth nrd Musket • s, mayld
E P-6 f bales 41170un u<or roood '
50 boles Man il la, for es!, by .•
Pm . ) IT '•-- 4041340 A 1111TelflEON C,l
LEAD—tMKI Qr 1131cna Geld, for nle• by
lICII'-74 kers oseencd rateeber, foi okbo by
rualls L'AMFS A lin . ClllB4/It. CO
I 3 ERN ED SCOP.R—Ia btb craffiedsed ymniered,
A, limn steamer Da Wilt d
er 4.oc,oxe,coky
oty(r at 43 1..u1s sonar Rebwtry.
M. ciLass ES-40 h , b. liobb.tb , C.Jaitbes eGabry)
btin Gotkiall's ReftlerT.
rot este by 41tYll IMMO& A% fI,BON co
Water street.: -
a t isvitt:Wirthte—tuo ors, ize .r ett tram VIA!,
I Il
'7 IeithRIDGE.WIL..4OI‘k CO
GRo hll3
-- nio
elh'n V ilyson.,o,lndnendes
Ctrapoordei gaol .kulx
:0 do Pouthort . '
• JO laplong .
d•O rd bA. tridlp
Ws, and lies-Tobacco
1 . 44 B.l.l.loce's ,Vs do
al Cases dtnreh ' •
_ •
- Sat.dst kl brb Se lentitt '
rdaddeT, Alsns, Pepper, Alhplee,
and 14.4 Waek In bee, for rale by :
.a 3-13 ' ' • Watee st
IIitANt I i I e i CTIIIIEDARTICI.R.F=3GO lb" Colton
Yarn; 19 bales Ratunr, 3 bales asedleselelt;
• ItO teas assented Nails; Y 3 lets PotelYh~y tq Lead:
1; lam !mai EboTa4, Spades, Nash ;Lad Vasa% 10/
iikt by. • anyl
Lemlea and Mariner.
-C. S r rORTE.II
lintsd Circle and Paquette
Perond and 'llwd Tbn••,
Oar colored persondF—
Moos. open at 7{; Curtain will rise et 8 o'clock.
crust weht or xtr. oxt.r.v.
On Bowed y, iday IS, veld be presented
thbel o
..... ... • • 41111 , 2 Putter
•• —Alfa B Nigho4
To conclude with
OPEN DAlLY— from n.tie 12 in th e 113 o ;2in 5
in the enernenls thnp. firm 7' to lo °Wont in the
evening. •
• ICezdmilianee R 3 ceithq Children tinder 12 veers
uthr. e. et'elZih) -fern. z. nog*
• NVII..A.'IVoLITHO • CO., ..
A'a 256 ]ally Area. tam ine4,, • •
Have always on hadeugstgo assoruseutof
UtOettiell and Finn Teas,• also,-Foreign Fruits and
Noisi Wholesale and Retail. Realms supplied on ten
korai term. ' - • amyl
yl6OAk co, . C.GL arraort co.,
triT6llooll. 111..1011[.
'A. A. MASON & CO,
st cccc , be tWOOSI Third/tr.:girth,
Plataborgb, Pa,
' TI(TOULD Teepee deny esti the attentlan *Silty io
T creamy mere hints, Us one of the most extensive
Sleek* in t h e vonewh cemprl.tng ever inancat
Hundred Cases and Packages of Foreign andjattoef•
tie 13,7 Goons, gonstsdng, In part, of
• ]heck!* Lest style
100 Illeached battle, all grades;
*o , :^,.Paenner Slags and Cottonades;
' " ' Mullin de Leine,
30 " Lawns and Mar lins
Salami, and Tweeds:
" Cassneeres, Clothe; • r
1(03 0 end bales or Ticking:, Cheeks, dead
_ Drown Manna
' Together with the most extensive atiorintrat of
beyoned Goods hi this market. Poe es'inr. the meat '
ample facilities tor the transaction of their boaLtess,
and one of the partners being constantly In the etvnese
markets, then presenting every advantage enjeyed hr
eastern houses. They behave thet they eon cart
greater indneenteats to merchants styles,
, qualnies, sod pnees, than any eastern market. Now—
' goods constantly ataratng. Sleachantasnrending pars
11. 4 .1',1f.1.7.t.17 P. 'll i p`gr' rtgst,3ll.l%4°
INDIGO —4 cues Menlila, tor sale )y
mayls G H GRANT
CTEII-25 hf ehenyiyety low prim% for
sale by =715 C , ll GIIAIiT
II AM'S- 3 casks eaten Su . Cured Ileeit..just re.
11. etrwed, for side by 8 ir. NV HAR.BAUOII
17, LOUR-130.Ni. inverfolo Ilovr, in ordee, for
V polo by msvls B k W
Sallo4lß-2u k ali 0 Banat, in core, for ink. •by
• ineyl6 ' • - -6 &
DRIED PEACIIEV, —CO buß4el. to mote, for ibbi by
L•XtRA FL.1111.-10 brio , Amity Alplo,. rot family
„ra use, jort received, and for lode by -
rna,ls Sit Pi ItARISMIGH
1 . )0T.1.8112 brig 'Ol Aeh join r•e'd, for rate
m jib. 8 HARM 11GII
130 .I. S
p 4,,
111.177E11-11 be
•ris ofrb, .ate h,
N hi stens I, nr 0.4 e
fI at:ESE-10 bag W. R. Cher., for .de by -
moytS ' 84. VON DORAO/TOM& CO
VINEGAR -10 brla note cid_ ,er for *ale by "
mapsF V. /f 1 DONNSOILtrr a. co
G ROCERIES, ke—l'S doe Brooms, Pomerey's P.Mra•
bss &mine Candles '
:0 Pas Cb ovate, No I
5 bas Cocoa N. thorna,Pakes
50 las pr. me W IP+ beese
SU bas rinellgs Dory Cheese. -
lo Fria Noll Macke:et
PO 3.k I Este Nov 1 anal&
sti pis No Hersisi
"'RI b r io is brbris No s t
:brie No I Halmos .
SA Liss £ealed Me rc ies .
6 LC. superior Rice •
5 boa superfine Mee Pros •
Liss Pearl lied No 1. Sturtaiz4
20 kr:chests extra CeoPus Ten -
10 • diP — It.ll, Imp so b
csidy lizs do do. .
:la des yawn Ziec'Wsslibissids
brls pure etcr.-
J D %VILMA 61s:a CO-
N E eor Wood b Ft:theta
For rare by
mai IS
SF4 , ll: i tO d bi::iast re ry e' . o .. ntl b to u r . sa . l:::llg .
..1 eath_ f, rind,
Wood Meet.,
1$ E GRASS SLED-3 itchy reed. far Yale by
1.3 =llya . 9 N-V1CKE11911533
INGER floor -3 sacks reed, For .nle by
B4CON-10 bask. &awned, to arrive. for laic by
übtylb }All
mails ' - Front lb Water rt.
ARID—W.6m Lotd;
LA 0 half btls Jo, to arri,, tor safe 11
za,yls ' ISAI2III DICI.Ia es CO
lAREAS6-10 brill to arrive, for vale by
X icayra 11Alall DICKEY ACO
BACON—_slthdo Hams;
hkela Sir.;
15 1,016 Shoal Or's;
10 Ufa attortrd, sloro, for rale et
- 1 DItrICE
COFgEE-1 , 33 4oge pixie green MN for elan by
• r0.y13 'Stag!' ()Mk:EX Le•
riit;A—N ving Gtm aßlack; watu. by
•1 orbkyl3 ISAIAH DILSCEY ft. CO
Dahlias, Nonni ly,Verbe n as, Me.
QTRODU nazis of the Pnao Dahlias, Verbatim, tre.
composed 01 the Mideast sons u celaradoe,ore
DOW ready ler pluming. Urban left at Oaf .12.1111, 10
do, Diamond Market, where mualognes may ba Lay,
or by the Piusburgh
.70 t Office, will be pnently,.... -
leaded to. JAMES WA
meal " lttnnnbemer
Teas Eratzr, appetite the Para a)trme.
LIZZIE LUG li, a .r.oalen.le TEs by Charlet Dick.'
Puce C cents.
Berton Bbaltspeare, No I.
Morning Call, No .7 ' .
• Eldora.: or tdventeraa IA the path of Empirer.A
Voyage beCaLroraik by B a y ard Taylor.
Linen's Utica Aga, No 313.
]Dictionary of bleehanlet. No. .
Neat'. Motet ants' alogame.,,or )Jay.-
Kb:kelt/ogler ler blareb, Apra, tad Alay.
A •
STSTESI of Ancient and Mediaeval Cm:limply.
For the ore Nschools and colleges; By Charms .
Autbon, L. L. D. Professor of Creek and Latin lulu..
aghs 10 Colombia College, New Verk. , •
The History of Ezglui.d. from llier Connive ofJoesso
Caviar, to the abilicadon ofJamea IL Kee. tIY lassuiL
home, keg.; a new edition, mut the &wheel WA h.-
leoliontl and traproveniems; to whieli.i* pinned
abort account al Ai, life, ',mien by Ilittlacl4 VOA.
. A bonnet Dictionary of Wert anti Romisaaiiilqui
tie a, abilitsce into the larger diCtianary. .By
L. L. ; with uorm teens- axe. iseptinrcomem •
by Charles Aetna°, L L. D -
Memoirs of tee Litt Sul Witter , of the Rhh. TAoa
Ch slaters, D. D.; by his ,141. to lam, the lay: Wide=
Buen Wh a, LI,. D. dace volumca. Yet
. -
White Jeclre; or Lila in a Mau of Woe. By r e
man filchille, nether of "Tyree Chow? and
The Works afiqn. Shit:woods bring tho only uni
form etlhion eves publistqd la the Vontri Ella,. ill
Fairy th frank all radon.. 07 Amt. r 7 Tc
Monta,ba, 'math (Twenty lonr7anonalasi. by U. uoy4•
NV allou Henry, cal - other tam by 31.31 testa e -.
The National Britain of Book gerpiest aaretrd la
all parts of the Slatted &ales: By Jaaa
t Amelia= B. S. WOO. larga aaso.tharx
Books, 11%1.48.1w la: sal
A ll L.NtiLazl!.
Sacceuorilo kii;ll.lT &
marl{ 19 Wood !stmt. • ,
I - UST opened, . al tho Pittsburgh 'Perolty. Grocery
SP and Tea Wareboateolo foilaneleg onnorlinent o(
Green .4 Black Tem—
Faun g Oyu. Oolong; •
Eino Von. co; hue toe:oen; • '
Extra fine oo noi • Eats Ewa din ..
sow:hoop; •
tatpo•der. •CLuttlonpaa,
Ntogy . ca,. "'•
itiontweeestary pa I,b..nsna an' they 'peak
for therttiterrcs: All Ike w k to a Sat, ni.l r and we aka _
cooraeo, they aiU rkoto omk to finality Fed plea.
Vat A .11,'CS.Unti ea CO
I..eny at
IGIGON-100 toss Mercer en Ihg. Iron, for pale by
J u 0
n. 3 Waco .1
LARD—LARD -10 brls Zia 11.r.rdi
:o oo - kegs do for lole !•.7
J I 1111..WORTII CO.
yy, "I . MR—taker; Bo w tatlo.4) . by •
14 L :mbil4 • J LILIVORTII &CO:.
mutame' - ""b'l•Ftr,:vobvatzre . 2
UuTAYIf-r.9 cnalu W W4~ b
llit. W T
m• N
silatds Ohio Lent, rcl we by
Si.. J tl biLwintrit &co
Ab v.t!, tu;agn,'verf.:l":":Ort:{3l2,7l:Sit,l'g.
". mnyl4 SCHOONNAKI-At alit/
Vas pare Sperm Oil;
eels Wilma Oil: .
13 bile Tanners , traitor sale by
.xulltl 4 1 ; elloglsl ra`g
e i grt A rog 3. ll . l:7C U s ' . c roe '2 l: , r;
eptbub do; bpicoi do; Vandla 9.; Entin,dcri fpr saw
by 'amyl{ VCI;UIdo k CO
AN lilMl‘AWala , are or erearrieg
.I,ltheir second runty of Geode for lira Spine 4.l
oder th eft fttearta and bayera genstalirn largaaaß
'bek Varer ' a i Tzt . trt f e r ro: . k In at the whOlesala;
v g . of W R Metal, Op Maio, where a fresh a , PI
ply hu also bra reeeleed, and wend theta!,
goods ooa ha wad at lower prices rhea nreaL
CIARTOR-011:-8 brfiTree`d,
1..) may 13 I FELLERS.;
filatiterl bre UFF-1 tiaras last reed tor sato
jr main - R RELLERS
bris , iee'd and
4 kni v,, lL it.Eits - , :. •
1011AittS GREEN=iI COO lb. reed, frr ante by
1" _ it E sEt.i.ll3
NEIBO-1 ran hut escSirtarrfor t yll
raw ,
frawregsc AcID-19•11. just ree'd •nd forsaleby
Ilya .1.1 *E4XX;La