EMAINISO to the ratebetrgh Poet °Mee, from the R, let of May, to the 14th of Boy, 141.41. Barman eating for them all: please say err are advertised. Ladles , List. A Akin Farah AlkirronhrryArn • Bailey Eltoteem Blair tAtliSll Bryant fans Batley IJorgarethllloir Mary ltry•nt YtteheAnn Baird Jenne 11Ince Mary Bryan Battey Barber Frer.rev Bran Filra Brown Mary Burns Eliza Beaty 51.. y Llrsdrorsialin Barns Moltke Berry El esbeth Brandenburg W- Pen EJ Mn , diyl Bird Mn. Bre nen latlie Bader CJ Blair Eh Lea Bre•nal 15ar4',h Wetter Mary Ann C - • Campbell BlizoltthCl Bunn Conlin Illugareett Care thaltatino C: Iron Nancy J Co.ter Lain. C4[01,1 Jan. C- 31011earab Crees Mary Carson hlerger'at hren Farah 5 Collin Ad.line Carter Anna r Ides hlaryFron•Cnonnsins Mary - Cerra Marc Jane toil Cutlet Nary Altus Boreal ,eater Mary Anal). MargAreth ,olabt liaisons Doane. Mary bet.. Jan- lannucily Mary uylierty al A E uory Mary Evan.. Marear A yar Margareth I....rans Mary sans .Is,. DatanE . lmiNartu Darr. Wm Sarah a EAkles illa , th Ann Val.& Mareth netter FterltY El./Ail:U 1 `'r 1.111130. Er.d Am, Fetguron Jane nr , Y. Frazier Juna Finley Rilibei ri)nn Mary Freper Al A ['tiles TAW!, Fru.cr Marrti• • 'Amy FilLAt.r.ll, Graver Mn1(11.11 01111EY Iran Gran Mary Ann Gunn Mr. Jab (iillraann EttsberlAGranenarald Mar, GGran.n Mary MatAaJa rre 11 Mama Jam: e IlayrnaityrSarahniartilth $1.114 M Han An, Ilanderoon Mrr Milne/co Farah A Minty Flnan r. • flaw r‘arah Iranian Mnr garenkHeran Mary ilue.aT Ilanra Ilni!ronmq M,. Muni L)do Min Mary Jacobs 311;;;; lenridg;;E;;;.•1;131ohlron Jeckwo Nancy Jr , T.ote CuThe JohnounltocuAltn /adman Rebeahl.ront.d latmotlary Elziam Jones l'ilarrer,th Kenna leabella Kelly lan e Kea, R.e.ne t Kelly Ma, !; n , O reg Su.an C Kelly S."? Kelly De ny Kennedyt Kelly Murk. Kelly De... le Lally Mary I airiMary Leaks Fir W Lamblin MrsUalaLlly MT! Ell, Carr LAlVlellre filaryALillf 111TP Platl.l4l3'd MraJtnit Leman Mr. Lippinena Ann Laciest Eltralteth Lenalne M Mary F Lau:charger lira! Mackey Mrs Ann Mercer IrenavidMargau9anh &an Mackey nitsMargMe!aatt be Ira e IMorrell Mar b y eth Mallon AftlClll Zinry Morris ISliza Madam Mary Lee Straker Mary Moral Amelia Malays Jana Mtleorater Mary Moore Cralterlae Malay C :Arterial! Mrs Moors Mary Manusfiela al Elialliklias ?digs M Mauna Mara Mut., ratans arlll try F Marcel Liars, tll-r Corsa irlarrp'sy Mrs Ilea Marrmffiary fddloa9arill.3anc3lonly Man Irr M'Aleer Ann al'lhviit Mary AWGrear AlisiMari !d'Bride B C M'Donald Mary this DlVanci Filen M.Prey ellen M'Cireas Mrs Aka \M r°. laabela M.lllaree Braes M'CiaireAlaegaria M'Croney Ann Alf' irlanil Mary win n Ellen AVCansiiitslaneM`Gillisey Cattle 51'Kereis Ca:he /Wearily Mary al'Ciinnis Annie M'Kee Mary /sine M'Cuteheon CiaeM'Goessn Mare MKetvenßertavP lasa M AVGinnitis FliCthal`gande Saran N • • Newton C B Newell Mary thlsolt Rob AMn Bunn Mary Olio. Ann H Mrs Jo tr`laley Cole O'Brien Jane J O 0 'Brien Ann Patton Mry rower Mrs Pauesson 111,110 , Y ii /Undolp` ales MT.Reerdon El len Ag•Us.t.• 014 n Mary ItsymandFann7 M Slice Rehr rss Pon , Rea Eleanor Slice Maree.l /loge •Am n oda ' Reed Raterl Ittellard fliattßoge.• Issiars Rlondes Mrs Jos nlehte sock leallesk Ryan dl ts Muq Rees Sarah Iltddle Jane Sanders Mart . A Nhettlesworth SlPSpein.l3rthein e4vory Plitt. lIIX Stephens Mary Well,m P Pimpeon Sarah n tileill.o M.W.h Scott IllergATClil ,Mi• X 1:1,1 Slone P.lizabeth Scott Nauey Sinclair Latta. Stoop. Mergarrth !attack Ilanceiordelniltli M. Peter Stcny Sarnh . 61 t.nr4tll Ann Suds Mar. r I.9.ect. Mary A Moles June Swale] Mrs .Sborp Sarah Jute Sperte Eden Stewart Mrs 3 .rowan Mathilda Stewart 74. y Tate lane C H IllompoanSarabk/Trovillo Fsnny Tay/or Sarah 7 bran to Townes Mansh 9 Thompson Diary Tr./am/a:to BPdget V Vandergna Ma- Vinson Mara areLh thdda Walton Oatb. WaynelLy4lnAnnWillic n lliwWa A Ward Ainfie . d M White Ann V ' AV deem Aim AI E W •r d'• M r• Whim Elizabeth SW ikon Mary It 'Boarding HonseWhitney Wieth • Wilton Sarah Rebeee•Wiley tha sty Wiblel•ne Wiley Martha We'sson AimgarthWiekershitm Alta Wiley Ella Ann Wat•on Mary A James Woodwbiratit Williamson AnnEWolta Gentleman•. lat.t Ahal Wnt Algeo Capt Arnold Jno Atke7 R :Weirder Sara: Attar trona rr Adler. Wh J C Atlanta, Alan Amara:rag Adam Adams RS tVaerr J Adam. By War Anders, Amrs Jrw . IW rmtarone . J Adams Matthew du:Aaron .. Ater erg tekenaon Adam. BeTICY Anderson 1 . 3 II - Agra tor-atldf f Adams Reaerly Anderson Jo. Athbrolre Wm Aaingtreb Alicht Anderson U Annan Mr Agnew. Dint Anderson Darn! Vab-ay Tnos Alesurler A Anderron Mr Atretraw Deo W Alexander A AlLton • Alexander Wm IdAtmot Pier 9 ti BanotvE.l Ilia/le .1 II Brakes. Jos Bradrias :Swot Braun:tan Jacob Irrsekeubridge H Bailey Josh. Bigelow E M Bailey Wm k: /types J. 1 13..t11p INV Baird F ililltrlgl W•fr. Bradford Thor Folds.. And m Blerlve Wrn Brags& Joe Bair° Loran Blair Fredk candid Ilagh Braes Did lkatchrord Brock, Henry Bambrlek For E Blakely 100 Berg.). JII Banks Joshua - Buchanan II P Brook• Henry Baßanune !lath Blank li F h D 11.nok hlreld Blank Esq Bryan B ev e F-1 I) 8071201 Geo Black Sarni .ka Geo J Bartlett Edw.' Black Th. B Il r stler Ander Bask. Wm Bond 1 til Antler Rleltol Harter Bobt Mann Lee 1 II Butler Mord Barton 1.1. Booth Lee klsrgeaa ROM 1311r0C5,16.• , hold Robt Hurley Wro Basfaselnlll Boyd Fr.e. Llyrde Woo Barite. Chas liorle Ch. Bur. A M Hard V. , @ . Boyle Polk Borne Sara Barker V C Boyle W Barns JIM 11 Bell Racal Ifollreen Jos F Byrne J. Boa Jav Boyd J. Byrne Ihss Deno. •ador Borland lea llardirk F 1 Body Ailed Bayard Jro Barn Byron Beeves hlr. Ileown Eh). Berke Thus Belisle Basel Drown Alex Bark. , And* Bellows JAI Grown Hobs ' Bono. Daysd Ben.tr inn 11(01.1 J Beronde Geo - Berkey Pelt, Brows Nathan Park Polk Basin Geo Brown Jno lirkwn Jas Cade.lager CEtql • hatir W K Canclly 11-ter Call tevr.s C Clazeytelt! V onnee C Callaghan Nee Oar a(I W Conran• H (landau hllatol Clammy bvr et• Cora Hen; y Cawley /leggy ellitol3 Flitl.lll ettylc Nola CamptDogler 11 Clarke F I Coi That Caroth-ry Maud Clarke :rhos Corbett TIMIS CarmiehaeltlentlClopocr Covell S T mammal DI al J Clark Canabarl. Herr Won II Carey Pate cark Clots Capt CratafarJ W Carroll D l Cotlcy Park Crail'Thn. the Crehan Ando. Campbell P. C.. , ter B?I Crowley Pet Campbell l•• II Cole I' }lola Crotonot J. C .., Ptah Patt Culehmer bawl Crownin Ward Al -s Cole Phlltp Camara Stiehl - Chroalger p I G•coran Catter Wm C , l o artek Jo, Cochran Cll Cut:nine ant T Coll Jul Cochran Jno Curry J. Chthit R R • Cothran "WM L Peter Charlton J. • Cavite, Wm Copburn Freek Caristallau train Conurell ha Celli. Port Chamkters Rll C o os Ottatter ll .• Coat Frantis Curry Saml Cespolart a u Cook r.u.. r .* Chamber Cant Co° D Conranthaus 1,11 Chlahelos Irvin Cook WL. CariT N Chamberlin tS Cnoi I.e ti, Contemn Owen De .°, 6 . 1 ' Destininglt hlr Dougheity Oro DIMC7 Artki/e Iptloe David Daubs FlllPeld Davidson W M Dillon Velar li:canine 'rhos e i s , e n - JoL , Dickens Pia Darker Pe . tcr C tr Dai Daiiis Will. pinta!! 7.7 ‘ k Itfiv i iitn °thy Davi. Rev A Dixon Wm Dougan Inn Duyis .11) man Ottlan Risk! Mogan Denal. Davis Wm D.... . 1 0Y No Dumboller Pio Davis \Catkin Manaldsan David DamphroY F 4,14 D.•l. Johnston Danakne Midi! Diocesan Mirk! Davi s David MU.. Haul DakeiTs Joe Davis Thos Wibetty Woo Dyer 10. p„ n i n , 1. 0 lb . ..elan/as Duncan Sand Davin 'Dos Robs Duncan Wm DemelaF Don a Dudek,: r• k De nn i s Peter D Dona Molt Pods, Rev Dennis 111 1 p.n.s.. D 0 Dick Geo Dean NYM Lute aster Kiska Edwards I Los Posbort Wm P Cyster CS Es klea A J oi.. Cpl Jos Mavens /oho lid wards Iv y Ecster C S Ps's,. DJ G Farness G E va ns TN Eocr Phi i, Eberbort LeisacsEvars John J EIVILiII lisA sr V TIMCIA 7160. Fife 1. T Ford Wm FaHoek John VI.. dicy.ben M DForeEks Jah n Fame" Jae Ficilicy Joseph Fanlke , . John Fo'docirs Henry Fo, imon.()nen Fox Lis Farris Issian FnzKeratd Enik Forsythe L Farris Vico Nichol.. Wm • Fixnesiock Ferson Those Voce. Rev YE it Faboestock G Fleck Thos paltmnn • Inches .krir .1 Cp• I -looming Thom Frocks,' Alf Fetal Bern. d Lend Frisheeon Atom Vergeson Win Flood John . Erasoc Pct., yr,soliiio David Flood Nicholas Frl.lt/ Ballo Verde,. Felly,lo /no E Vying John id Elshei rat Forsythia Alex Frail Fmk' StrAILISOns Jo .t Grllsgber .I:ts n leter PT.!, Gallasiter C. 1.:0.ft Da.J , (110 • A A }L' sahnt 511 ,1.11......,Jn0 I..rego! Jots.. II tj'aiii.ssy !ilens. Cho. lirant Broth ' all Gsftaa Was ilads tOtriNtett Greg nEr of fieo a ..., p. M "Ins. Grusdiodo JO. Gessen 51lebsse: (i . louslals /no .00 Eras. 6 A ntoralt Yilsed toseatott Hand 0(1010•Ld oo Nvid therm es 4 6 :tay J A II . I. 010.3000 ‘" :1 ".b bl . 11 '.. ; 1' 406 1 1Yr n i n u I,lr. limo 60. ' 0 " " m"ht tiibblns Gnr. co. o , b ", A A a . ro 4 . l l s .l . ..Ll i s h er otn Com a Cap. W • Jotin 11.4.. Ilan &,"'Co' Unrdie Goo Ilalmbvddlo llallleuedura i a IC tin e s G k eo Hom Ja sod's 2......_____ , _ . .Hidden Geo Hoseniloy HOUR Inoie Hague Rich& Hayden A W ROM' Pal Haynes timid Holden lull Hototea J P Hawes Lewis Ilmlen W • Ho.einxer John H Me ieffrort Pat Hafts. John n gr ae, hl Herdic, Chas B Hoplehat Jos 11.1nn Alex Haas. Ander Heod lionn•Cwo Ileytneut P H Hoot Wsne Ihmatten ts jr Herbet David C licattin Haneotk D B Henderson Jas Hay. A.S . . lion James ACO TIGOdCOSOO T P it 00000 Los W 'lotion Jr. /foam. D Menial Rao 3FE Ilarre.ll James Henderson Aaranliongh Joshua Harriott JtY HOSitoo WLI Howard L C Han. opt Juts newborn The. Htteldson R llarreon Nit Honing Henry Allindsou Copt Wll Hahn Sam 11 Herd Jos Hughes Jno liontold ...mad Henry Tnos Hoer Geo Harding Th. Henley Timothy Hoghes Ned or Hardie dant Ilendneron A Owen 11.1tJco. iletbert Jeo W Hashes Wen Hams TLtts Hickey !dial lhadepoth Wet harper J. tot Capt DU lion Jos I 40 Jakque. If a Jordan Michael lOnn• S Jun son tiro Johnston Mr Jones John Jnonon John A ) obnctao An Jones liash am JOIP, nder Jones Wen Junk.. Jeremiah/ones David Jones hi I. Jor d an henry Janes Solomon orJonee Kohl K Jury Stephen Truman Jones Robe Id Dunphey Jan Jones Thoe Jones Frankey Dunnure Jahn Jones Jonah Kohler Jas Kearns Thos Kier Thos Kmsoyd Win P Kessler Jonas Kimura /as K e lsey al J. Kennedy Cud IdKra. DI al M.D Kearney J KonwoGay Wm King UII K e g, p,er Kerr Tans Kingan float I Kennedy Geo Kerr Thos G Kinney.lullasalis Keller Junto Kerr Sand W slpse Karoo° Mord Kedy Pist Kirk Peter Kennedy Kiehl Kelly Pat Karr W J Kerner PG golly Dud Kramer Ira H Kamen Tans Kelly J. Knight Minh! genii. Herod Krily Peter Kyle J. Kennedy Rohl Kelly Michael Lannhurn G 1 Leech Jno L. ',insp.*. Wm Ltngsslah. gins... Leech Chnslh Lane Wm Lauchnn /as Long Wm Lass bang Caspar Langsnsu C W Luna AI. Luckett Taos Leans 1/..+1.1 Locke Wsp S bn•e Wm Leaghy FT Annie ALogan SC Lynch Wm Leann J l. Lend Wm Lutes /no Levu II 1 Lis...lssas. Chas Lonso.lar Chas Lea. Aka Latta J. Leech Francis M.nn Jou Maxwell Jae blarris Semi Mailour nen , l !dor. 111 Morrtmo Ju Mackey las tr Marmots Pate Morns Jas I.nma Maxwell Jas Mooney Wm Dovil Meehan Peter Maentidulls Than hi -oar d hldlon Arititx Morgan Abram t Illtigtisn Andre Momis Thou hi. Jag Merlon Jnn NOM , ' Wm .... •I. Jos Aleiga Wm Morrison /no Macklin Jno Morrison Ander dr I' C Mellon A Henry Moore Wm Crump o^ Meshes Chas EU Moore Jno N :llanier.! Ids Merrill Henry Moore Sang tilabaueli Chas Meek G. Pillogrove Jos Mitlry Jno • Melland Jos Monti. Mietil Jno Milligan Jim Myer Jos M.'dork Thon Mid.l P Mullen Danl Itighen Dr ti N Mink Oro Mullen G W Magoire /no Miller P A MunnD Martin Thad Miller /no Musser Widen Manin Jr L. Miller Ca pt A D Munroe Robs ' Martin Palk Mitcheill I Munroe Rohr Menlo Wm Miller E Esq blulhetat Ju Mania E Miner Wen Mulligan Park Maven bend Miller No/ 111 Marry W M..(ky W I nisiehell J I blurry Ands Markman Thos Miller 111 Mornay Wm Matthews Conrivlttlales Jae Murray J u S Morgan Bev W DMott S itl Murray Neal Monaghan Andre • Eta kl'Bride Fins it 11P"Mtelmon J P ISPLangblln Day Ill'Bride Dominic Bl'Dermott Pot hPLanghlin Chas Joseph ht'Danial Win 111.Gathogais Pat Nitride rhos H M'Evren Joseph 111'firegor %Ms 5111ridn Stephen M'Donald liend`ohl'ainley Pat hPllarhn /chn APDonald Dr N APGinnis T IltlAinn Jos M'Fadden Felled Magill Wm M'Collogh lno E Bombs Mkiinley II 10 , 1ellved 311 APB/none/ The. MViovetan John M'Clinteek /as M'lhinney Hobs sektaxee Alex MCand evs Jos brgain las Ja M' ' Col'en /oho J APKelvey Mr M'Neal Jno s M'Cartan Pas MEeever his brklanuoThos s''ssortney Jon Moon John APNatnara /ma M'Cos.ln Fxlsod hPKeo Wm APNall llogh Ill'Clory Thad hi 'Kea Bobo 11PNangliton C AI•Ctll Woo M'Kee nos M'V.y NlClty•tey C M'Ece Fredk 111•Vay John kl'Clookey Bernd APLaeo Mr M'Nally Michael AP•I orliey Jonephld`Lean Geo C or David Ill'Cluokey kneel M'Lean Win MWltintor Robt M'Claskey Chas ISPLean Cain P APNalty John AFC...Ih Band M'Lean John Whlasliti /no M'Curly Wm M'Lasin Are'd MEalehoonJaa B Nes: Thos Nichols H U Norris The. Newman Jacob I.lNoribrsood:Holih Nowell Woo Ncialey lionry Norris las o A Nonh Chas (HErer Colo O'Brien Michael O'Connor Pal Officer Thar S Orr George O'Connor nos &Kane Ilenry Orr Stanton Olney Hawn Owen. Vdtel, O'llar• John O'Boyle Thor O'Donnell in. O'Hara Oppett E • Orton Merritt o'Connar Rodger Over Vm O'Dnen.n.“ O'Connor Diehl Paneoet L C Ponemon I. B Playford R W P.! W II Penermatgelch-Poner Thompson Paton • apt /as um Pommy 'N C Palmer J Perry its Pumell Wm T Palmer inn Tetemon Chu Potter Anhui P P... EnOen Pope J A' Parker 800 Wm Pier. Walter Pratt E F Porker & ILddla Peel!. Thou Pagh Dauld Parks Jos Ph-lan John Pugh Bata Pan.... Rohl Phelps Pase'd L Preston /as Potternon Ledyara Fear /ea Patter sou /no Philma Queen Arthur ante Dant I R Hampden Win Rice Job. Rodgers John Refeny Pins Rise Paul HolliseisDomlniet it. IN altar . Richardson Salmi Rodgers W C Ilahiboseh Wm Riddle Iliaml Bodeen /amen Raisin , Rota Richards J P Robinson Riek:lls •Reene I.:Seid Rombaugh Wm Robinson JO. F Rumen Chas D Roath Poles Robinson Wm V Renton Mr ir Reyes D H Robinson W 0 Reed Alex Rossi Mail. .h. Rehlnpn Mehl Reynolds Jacob ßarlnn ' Robinson Deo Rney Cn,santine Roney rat Rank Pater S Rtcharl Ravel Roldnus John Roth John M Irina:mat John Realness Durum Ryan Wm Shahy:inseph Rodgers Rath Ryan Demi 11 Racine Wm Ryon Jno or Ed., Sanfind Mac Shaffer /no C Sprout Jno starass Frarcia Sharplma Sand Sproul Pm* Salo .. DOnaktop Shun. Jos Sprague Saud Salomon klichl Shade W(i Spenser Moe Super Ino lib.h. Rlr Sprats J. Sammars Tbos Shepherd kinertanßuom W H Banner Jar F Sheen SVat R Anogra. Lora, San -Lorry Joe S Shank /snob Simko' Copt P• Savory Dennis Sheridan Andre Marling Jae Sanity Richd Shim /no R 'hamburg DU S.I. Ger S Siiverthorn D p Mein Frguitli. Saolll eU C Slums Sidney / Stafford Honor S.caci Albeit U Sietinan Sami Bionics Thos Melton /as Beeps Wm set: Alc I idle Fredk Stacey /no Scort T R Smith .1 Ball &evens. Was Scutt .aml Smith Geo W Stew. Dant Semi Jna W Smi h DJIL Stewart Ch. Seximi las Smith Chas g Stewart Geo II SeahrooN 11A Sm. Henry T Stewa rt David Seam. Jos a Smith Put • Stewart W Seymour Win Satoh C W Stewart Henry Reverence Levi Sims Warhington Stewart /as' Sonthmortli II B 01m, Wen Short Nathl Salaam/1 Dimadat Simpson Thom S Strieklsr Henry so fool klinelair /no Strain Geo Sop e re Jr.. Singlemn ln. Sm. Rail • Sham 1t W Smithson 'floe Sareenej - IhMh Shaw Jac Simmons P W sollhan Mehl Show ta•rn Anirtiley /no Sword. Elichil Shitrn Chmtian Spencer Albert Smnrds Christ Sbuticr W Sylvester /no Tamer James Taoraton Jaws Tiehner Philipo K Taylor iorVi Th0131•11ET. B Ttllloghart Wre F Taylor Wm Ilsr•Thomas Henry Todd Copt II J (11P. Thomas Como EToal Bernard Taylor Alan TborapaanCbaaWToaser James Tajlor James ThompoonJosepnTorlof John I Taylor John • 'Thompson W P Truntek Ju t Co Tay'or r%tots Thcamoon John . Traynor John Txy ler Wm T Thompson VI N Tanning Henry M Edmand T onal Jobs Tracy Jame* Teary Alex Valet flabevt Jun Under wood ) &Co V Waggon., Jam. Watson C A William. II Wagsoior Pros..olVarms Yasouel tVI I / 1 .111 II wi,.toner /oho Warner John Williams David Wa.or est" coo W Warman FartholiWillloms WcoF Flamer lobo E.aroma Williams Daniel Wal.ou Wm Wromock JI. Williams Saud S. !A John Waymen Amos PWilllatosßavWen worker John A. IVlrmnan Ilanry Wnli.m. John II Walker J mints Wi) man Cyrus AWilkinso. Wm Waller Josrpt. %Volta/an/ea M IMlklusen lames Worker .111.61.1 IVelch Michael Wilkinson nos Cohn., Webb /air. Warr. Wirt IC Wilk. r Jae. Ls Weber Daniel NVllkies Wen W %Yoram Irwin W Wallin Fred Windmill John Washer Robert Wetterald Maar Wicks Hoary Women Clt S Willett, Henry Watson Robert Westoott SantardWilletls Wm ‘Yhtion John Wharder Frank Worrell Samuel W 00... Edward tillinesides Liao Wood George hour Whim John Wood lamas Watson James R Woite Samuel Wright I-Award Wrigtr.A.trod Young Peter Young ThompatoYeang Malian Veronies Mlnintera. Preachers and People of the Churches In Ptlmburgh. A 11. I. laden, No u. 1., come pain., Lower Sc Clair. Porahurgh Divhson. Pittsburgh Encampment No 4. ROSF.EURO, P. AL PrrfitlVßall, May le, tido. • issol REED HOUSE, (leas &WITH & nennza, Prop Psuslx Squaro, Erie, Pa. GENERAL STAGE OFFICE—Ewen, WePoirn, an•l.Southern Stages, leave this basso daily. Cat "r and fer,°l o ,.'ort'L',.`,ll.l:te2ll"ioe Erie, Pa. me of 92111Grutil. Haw:, Ohio. • - IjALAIEIt, BANN& & GO. have removed their Exchange Office to north urea earner or Wood mod 'Nord street. G. YEAG ER, 100 glarket Street, (SHIM /M 41.44 Daeoann L. DILL... • AMERICAN, ENGLISH. AND GERMAN WANOV 000D•1 HOSIERY, RIBEMNS, LAO ED, CLOVES, THREADS, COMM, FICTFONS, BIIS PENDERN.AN. ANo. Nails wad Wane, Irdwilag., BLACK :ND FANCY SILK CRAVATS, PONGEK, BANDANNA, and LIN RN 13DIUFS,• Pt../ sortn2ret oIjANS, end every variety of Dimming. *or% Land and llllia for Salo. AFLOURING MILL, with four ran of moues—ono of the best lonottette for baatnemin the trest—and • lint tale Saw WHOM mt almost never falling stream, and 16 antes of Land, lewd Dwelling House, Sentra House, and other hapiovemeata, situated wren miles from the (Duo River, hlontoe Conaty, Ohio. Also, near the abovn,a beatinfal Farm, well Improved, eon taintou Vt. Remo. Far %arms, iaa e sire , of WILLIAM it. JooNsros, 119 Sawand st .Pntsbureh. imin - FLooft oil, ciAn.ii—Oo Mud, a firm are aortateni of 4 and U yard wide Floor Cloth. apleo• dad pattered, of Irhih we will ern to adder. soy Me,' eutern wholdrals ;PO MM= v MAGNETIC TELEIIAPH ..mPuosiTin 4/VTZLICOLIAPULD OR TSB PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE ARRIVAL OF THE ITEAESUIP HIBERNIA. Nine Days Later from Europe By Telegraph to Portland, Mance by L.r.ortrcr• nye Express to Newboryport, and thorax I y litalna'a Merchant's Totem} b. Corton.--Cotton his advanced t to one' I. li, Orleans 31; Sales for tbe week 91,000, bails; of which speculators took 33,000. All is quiet °tithe Continent. Eugene Sue has been eleeed in Peri& No die. tail:ranee. Flour has advanced one shillidg, and firm Corn is in pied demand, at about 61 advance, Provisions--Full avenge busload. doing. Beet has advanced one to two stitiliogs per llama.— Pork—no change, but new western is less drm Hates no in good demand, at previous rates.— Bacon is ready—idea 60 tons. Lard is about three pence lower. Coffee is dull at Liverpool, and 34 lover a Londoo,Ceelon cleated. 00 Fad, eroding, al 45 s., and In NB demand. Ashes—RB to 30s for Pearls sod Pots. Naval Stores—Torpeutine Is to heeler donna selling at 7.2 d. Sugar—There is a fair demand to s.l a make/ al previous prices. Rise— the demand is active, with sales at 184 to 90a, which is n redaction from former tales. Totastco—The sales, last month, amount to 770 hhda. The market has been very gales, but balder., ace dim, and reunite full prices from the presiding month. Money Mstasi—The money market is without change consols have fluctuated from 951 to 96, at which Idler rate they were dram, on 'Needs', but subsequently the rates receded, and closed at 951 a 951. American securities continue in good demand, with sales of 11. State. tic lEdiS, at 1101 a 111. Ohio 0.101 a 102. No change in other statestocks. Business in the manufacturing lintrinta amen. uer, u fsvorable as Car wine weeks previous. The Europa arrived at Liverpool on Monday. The Allende wu'expeeted on tho 9th intent. on the Ist of May. Beyond the fact that the ministry have again been left in ■ minority, on a pant of little moment, the proceedings of Parliament present no general interest. Eugene Sue received the votes of full we ball of the army at Paris, and beat his opponents by 8000 votes. The election paued otT quietly. The Socialists were greatly elated. 'Re Greek difficulty is neither settled nor appa rently likely to be. _ . The overland mad has arrived bringing dates from Bombay to the 11 of April; from Calcutta In the !MM. and loom China to the Oth of March. The Ikenbay import market ma extremely and prices some what lower, Wing L 2 IS shilliegs for second class. Imports were very quiet, and in morne awes prices had lowenAl. In exports We activity had subsided. There er. I tile champ in trade at Canton. The market for manufactured goods was rather low, er but expected to recover. Very little was doing in teas. Woo teams. May 15. Sarsre—After the preratation of various peti Lions and the transaction of other morning bust ness, the bill to promote the progress of useful arts was made the special underfor to morrow. The bill for the relief of Gen. Itoger Junes • token up and passed. The ecnata then resumed the consideration the belt for the admisadn of California. and the a tablishment of Territorial GO•Cf110151:14. Mr. Douglu esprened a desira to get a teat vote upon the reparatioa of the manure be the admission al Cillinnia, from other subjects. With that view, ho mowed to lay the INC under mislaid , many, on the table, with a view to taking up the bill for the ado: union of California, which was Mutative d, yeas 21, nays 29. Mr. Inns of Mninippi moved that the tenth section of the bill Ne, amended, by writes oat the proration parenting the popover! Leglstwurre nom passing say law in lumen to Afneao staves, and anturthuting a pronsioo Femmes said Legislature from pantos any lase ituerkirelag with these rights of property whiah grow mat of the insulation of Affican slavery. . . . . Mr. Clay opined the amendment. stating his remits, and Wrote by Senators should ember. rasa the pending propciaitiou by an attempt to at- ears a provision for protecting slavery where It could not and wonld not go. Mr. Davis said be was contending fro • prime plv—therightsuftleehlooth, Mr. Yulee droxrontensaced the entire scheme presented by the ennunittee of Thhtteen. Mr. Foote said be was gratified to and that Yu lee was the only Southern man who. by a direct vote bed felt himself rolled - upon to express his entire disapprobation of,the report. iie spoke at length in tarot of the compromise. The debate conunued. browsen Moron. Foote and Yoke until 4 o'clock. when the Senate ads 'owned.. Muss —Mr. Stanley, from the Select Commit tee to inquire whit person who held intoe under the last administration, were correaporideuto of riewspapen,and interfered with electiene—irksd that the committee be authorised to employ • clerk and tare power to nod for persona gad pa. pen. After considerable dente, and the proposal of several facetious amendments, the resolution was adopted. " After some unimportant business the Hattie then proceeded to the cousideratim of the burl. nen on the Speaker's table, helm a motion of Mr. Brooks, made IMO weeks ego, to tennsider the nee by which the communication from the siinse• tary of State, enclosing the letter of the British Munger, were referred to the Committee en For. elan A ann. Mr. Brooks advocated hie motion at soma 1 4"atb• fdr, Calvin rink., in favor of the tariff 1012, and denounced soy Interference en the pan orate British Minister, as impertinest and •eprebensible He moved that so much of the Message tinder consideration as relates in the tanabe referred to the Select Committee, a life Instruniona to report by bill or . °thereat.— Mr. Bayley moved that so much of the Immo, Mr. Bolger as related to the Tula; be termed to the Com:nano on Ways and Means. The Blouse then, eller some debate, without takeing the question on the pending amendments, adjourned. W ASIUNGTON, Much ld. :create—The Senate resumed the roulderthon of We bill to admit California as a State, and the establishment of the Tffri.Ofiai Governments of Utah and Slew Mexico. Mr. Davis, of Mississippi, modified his amend ment submitted yesterday, by substituting • proviso to the 10th Section, goring to territorial legislatures the power to ram laws eimeoary to the nog:tine too of the right of bee citizens of the territurice to these African slave property. Mr. Foote resumed, and concluded his spueeh of yesterday, In reply to Mr. Yulee, and in vindica tion of his position that the abolition laws of Mex ico are defeated. Mr. Yulee demanded that. the rights of the South should bompressly guaranteed by the bill, before he could suppert it. Ho asked no compromise, bat ouly flambe constitutional rightiof the South should be Mewed to them. Mr. Foote resumed, and concluded, at great leagth, with additional pungent and wroutic re marks in opposition to Mr. Yulee, and in defence of the bill. In conclusion, he expressed his conviction that the day on. MA far distant, when this compromise bill would pass both Holmes of Congress, sad be bailed by an universal shorn of public 'edema- tom. Mr. Clemens desired to say, that this bill nave! would pass, io its peseta form. Mr. Foote, replied to Mr. • Clemens, and said that he was not opposed to the amendments to the Bill. Mx Menem add that, uniortunstely, they could never get any amendmems: which were satisfactory; and proceeded with some remarks, forth. purpose of showing Host Mr. Foote had not been conaigeol. In this coneiloo, he compared, Mr. Foot's decimation, yesterday, that the sd. mission of California was awning that the Booth bad to complain off, with positions swanned lu the eater signed by him and his colleagues, in which that memire was pronounced to be equivalent to the Wilmot proviso. Kr. Pratt, interposed, and airing/tiler arms fire ensued between him and Mesa. Clemens and Jefferson Davis, which combined until 3 o'clock, when the Senate went into Executive Session, and soon after adjourned until Monday. Hoer—Various reports of committees were Mantled. Mr. hlcLaue, from the committee on Com merce. reported • bill to admit free of duty, oar. ten tracks, the growth and prodoctoo of Can. 'de, on condition that like article., the voted' and preduotion of the Pelted Stales, shall be ad mitted free of duty le Unlade, accompanying the raped, WWI correspondence between Mr. C. Layton and Slr Henry Balmer. Mr. foam moved to lay the Bill on the table, which was not agreed to, mid it was referred to the wine:dilee of the whole of the state el the Union. Mr. Brooks, motion heretofore made, was es amended, a vote of 69 to 63. sato refer asks s tunner the Brutish Minlater'sleuer to Mr. Clayton, to January last, protesting ageless the Increase of ditty on iron, and other Brulsh prodnitione, to the Committee on wars sit: means, instead of mane fautaree. The part asking for • British eosins" trade from the Atlantic to Pacific, was referred to the emote:nee Jo Commerce. Mr. Bsyly moved to reconsider the vote., and moved to ley the motion on the table. The question being sabre, it am decided affir• matively, yeas. 69 nay. SO. The Senate'. amendment to the rem:ellen to faellinos the GOlUalp at toe mint ars• concurred is.h authorkustee transfin of soak motley from u4sstry Liam be spared, kern time to time. EtkINOVAL FOREIGN NEWS ADVANCE IN COTTON Maims Tssusaara Onnes. 1 Thursday May 15. f CONGIBMBEIIO2I4LL. mraisAT's ?Loci:comes. STEAMER ON FIRE Citivzianzi, May Id.. - The steamer America, from Buttalo toCleveland, vru discovered to be on fire, near her hollers, when within about five miles of thiamin, this morn , ing. She reached her dock about 12 o'clock, and by the aid of the fire department, and the assistance of our citizens, the dames were extingairhed,nl - ter working about three hours. She leaves in the morning to resume her regular trips in the Buffalo and Sandusky line. The fire arms confined to her hold, in the vicinity of the boiler. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. CLACIMATI.Iy 19 The General Anneal,ly •of the • Old-Sehool Pres byterian church met in the Central church, this morning, with a (MI attendance of deleptee. CASE OF JAMES SUMMONS. Cmcretatt, May 16. The Jury in the case of lames Simmons, chargul with the poisoping of his father, and family, last summer. causing two deaths, Was charged this aftarnoon, and retired at G o'clock. INSURRECTION AT GUADALOUPE. Lou:sinus, May 16 The Nem Oilcans papers, received here to day stave that an Insurrection had broken out among the negro. m Geodeloupe, and mutual buildings had been burned. The Governor was proceeding, at the head of i mdituy fame, •o subdue the insurgent.. L 039 OF THE STEAMER 103APHINE Loutavitir, Map 16. - • • • We have just received a despatch hem Nash• villa. enlace that the destruct Joaaphlee wreck a seas le the Cumberland river. between Nasheille and Claikavdle. and sunk. No lives were lost. The boat and cargo are • rota Inaured. FLOURING MILL ar, DISTILLERY BURNED ST. L 01.1). May 16. The Flooring Mill and dimillity of Rollinson de Hughes, at were destroyed by gm on the morning of the 13th. The loss is tsunami tcd at 1115,000itoturattee CHOLERA AT ST. LOUIS. ST. Lows, !day 16. There Is no cholera here. The weather can tames pleasant. CINCINNATI MARKET. ancinniiiTl, May 16 The weather is wane, to day—the river cantin a:it to fall. Flour—The market ni quiet, with sales of 400 bbl, of good brands at 55,12 1+365,15. Whtskey—Sales at 21a214-2 per gallon, the market elosuig heavy. Helmets—Molasses has advanced to 28 cts per gallon, and vary firm. • Sugar—Tbe market M firm, with sales at 5 oboe fair quality. Provisions—Bacon is still inquired for, but the firmness of holders checks transactions—tales of shoulders at 37•5a5 c; aides at 4 3-405 c.; and plain hams at 6 IA cts par pound—sales of prime lard at 6 1-'2. LOUISVILLE 111AILKET. Lorntraans, May 16. The river ia fatting slowly, with nine feet water on the Falb. Colrre--9dev of 280 bags Rio at 91e. ST. LOUIS MAKKE f. .Sr. Lours, Mae 16 Grain—What continue* in active demand at advanced rates. Sala 2.560 buanels at 6001211 c. per bet. TM remit*, of Corn are liberal, and prima have declined 2to fic per bu. Sales of 6000ba.:during the past three days al 52057 c. Sales awe white at 60 per bit. The prices of Oats are well main tained. —the receipt. are light, web aales at 58060 c per ho. floor—The market is firm, with sake of 15.00 bids at 5,0005.15 per bbl. Provisions—The market le bare of Pork and Yard, with an upward tendency. We quote men pork at $9; clear, at 69,73010 per obi; and prime at 66,50 per bbl.stamined. Sales of No. I Lard to bble at 51061, and in kegs et 61061 c. Saks of bulk Pork at 21 ter shouldenr,3o3l63l besides and 41041 e per lb. 13acon is In good demand at 3031 for shoulders; choice ditto at 91; ribbed aides 41041; clear sides 41314 per ih. Sales of good to choice hams as fsidsici common at 6 0 6 1 e, Whiskey is drooptog. with sales of nw at Ric, and of rectified at 22024 r, per gal. Hemp—Salmi of inferior to prime at Sc_-0591 per Lead le doll at 11&,5501,60 per cwt. PHILADELPHIA bl Amer. PELHAM-PIM, May 10. Tlo steamer's news bus wrengthened bread• cure, but pekes are unchanged. Proentiona—Sales o' 100 keg. Lard at le. Count—§ales 300 bales at 131 al3l for fair Up% lands. Mess Pork is held firmly at 910 95 per Ilb. Mn.. Beef—Saleial City packed at 313 per lib. NEW YORK MARKET 818 . e.Youw, May 18. The ild.emta's news has, as yet, had no etre • upon the markets, except :a cbeektog mm, Cog continues buoyant . In I...then& nnd provisions, a moderate heal nese is doing. Groceries—No change in priees The sales of the put three dans foot up 1,1400 hap collie -1,3W hogsheads nioluses, and 1,700 hogsheads war. liemp—Tbe market is dull, with roles of Moe mt.&a rotted al 5115012: , per ton. Na o Yout, May 16 ZYCILINGI 1110ILT Flour—llia market is firmer, mad pnimfare io Mem of the seller. Sales am:Omen to straight state broads at 51.94 • 1.5.191 per bbl. Grain—Holden of Wheat are 'firmer, bot Wes are limited. The market is well supplied with flora, sod the artiele is rather beery. Sties of mestere mixed at 821. E=t= whoa& Beef hams are owatnel a Illsper Lied Wean. and advancing, with sale. at di a 7 cw. Ohio Baiter is sallies ci 10a 12i for teeth Grxedes--GoLfee fs steady, with smell Ws. at previous niterbend. Is in good demand, sales al roissotaiiiii at 14.W5 per mi. Cotton—The Manatees news bugivenstrenith to the cotton market, and some holders have withdrawn their stocks from the market, u 0 the receipt et their prim:ileum The sales thia mon leg treat 1600 Wei, at an advisee or 1 to / pee Ih. LOCAL MATTER& 'matzo •oa rue nrrsavesa PM!.? *Aura Sesunsav Hug. Paorinv.—Tbe Committee on City Property of Allegheny are making prepare. Vona fur the tale of snob 'Oil a. aro available on tbs properly purctuased by the city horn the Gene. nil Assembly of the Presbyterian Church. The lots are laid oil 21 and 2.5 feet (roil by VA/ and 162 deep. This swill bee beautiful location for resi dences. Gasman. Hovel—ltiatel, a meow limper, on Water areal, was bold to bail in 000 yesterday, by Alderman Parkinson, for keeping a gambling house and permitting gambling lon money on Sonday. Am rstnor.—ln yesterday's japer, we toad retteetly credited ■ persgraph real:teener • bogus operatica to the Tribune; Instead oho the Journal, its proper source. FAMILY isai.--'fbe puma" of two the Ninth Ward, between wham some oeighbor ly quartet. bad an wo, base twee to the habit of viestlng their "pito by treating each other's children on all opportunities!. One or the pawl•. dam'. mined lo have a more elkaiusl revenge by"tellicg the Ise upon the other,ind accordingly had them summoned to appear before Alderman Pultlnfron who nary wisely bound both complainant' and dafrodatits over to keep the peace. liloacruse Aso ArricorramiSurcios,—On Tues. day night • Millinery establishment on Savonth 'treat was entered by oome scoundrel whr look from one alas woman all the rummy she bad. II watt the result of bard labor and sho was poor. sod althorn faith la the world. The loss so much dlereased tier that oho look laudanum yesterday al cn 000. Her situation was shortly sitiewardo discovered, and a doctor called In, who applied that Stomach pomp sod saved her. - tiia do hope the borglar may ho caught sod dealt with justly.—Pcos. Tatasaa.—Mr. Oxley appears to night le Ms celebrated character of lago—Alr. Taylor as Olhel• to. After which ibe farce of Nature and Phlls. cophy will be performed. Mona KROCKIM.II.—Tbe corroupondent of the Journal announces the cankmlon of the "Myiterle *us Knocklep" at New Brtghton, hot esprenes • hope that they "shah have some of the true kind before lope and learns from "an intelligent and sellable source ° that the genuine Boehnor epints, the real Mmou Pares have announced their ape proach al Ravenna, Ohio, and state that they are "gradually preparinythe way In the wildernese." CoL Whitney hi quite sceptical: we trues that the spirits will a. •omo means to continue him of then reality. Ton Court of Common hear has been in mere Lou during the week, but no Wellness of general interest ban been transacted. Burroirearr.—Thestors;ilYr:George Gardener, corner of Elm and Franklin streets, Stark Ward; erne boreannuely entered Wert before last, and robbed of Cash to the amount of eight or ten dol ism end • quantity of drugsAroceries,dte. The Olives entered through the Whirr MEMM=E "Act ewer:" AuwashataLied whkertheolVas dropped down ou Peon maw, yeetheday noon, by the Miles off of a wheel. Na iojcny area dose to the Widow, leapt frishwaios one lady tato a Wiping M. uscnrcut Ponca.—Sevel eeu• of drunk• enzw,disordarly cooduct, vete dieposcd cf by tie M■7ot.yepetdq. = Accinm.—Mr. Saw, co gametes . Ix the grad. lag Qfpu q"'" WIT. is ass ding to empty* cut load of stone,.hsd his hand animal? ent.hod that it is ioubtfol if he aril mover the use Ornasa Fos has returned from M. Louie. whore be went with Canvas, the man arrested for veoMorr &Ulm patents. The affair was estir raelafili waded, and Connors has been set at hb• erty. Grail Jor to Duo World t—lioattk and frOots HOW'Sd I I. D. SHAKER .SARSAPARILLA! TEff,*f".r d l y .'!=rlfrp. l9 .2 al lYtr . :PZ . l diseues aritaeg from in Impure Mate tef the blood, or habit of Um system, vim-. FEMALE COUPLAINTS, Liver Complaints, Sera 'fele, Riles, Pimples or restules on the Paea,Chroido Sore Eyes, Ringworm orTether,Ektsid fiend, Um% Paine In Me Bones or Johns, and al diseases theame ruining from as Witold°. am of Memory, ke. Per exploit and fent= particulars, eau sped one j 1117: PIT h e r!, lnr3 P h al t :h7lVl=Prlt d- ILLS is not the very medielne to core yoa. N. IL—Reatembert every lead on the bole bat the Doctor. signature, v.S. D. Howe." None other gen. lac. Pries St per bolt% or 6 bottle. for Sr.. Per este by ear .gems:—J. Seheomnaker A. Jones, Pittsbarelt; D. S. Eliot, AllegbeeN P. Croaker, Brownstilla; W. IL McClelland, Mee eheslert and by drugelats generally. Alm, by the proprietors, BOWE it CO, spenclkwlyr I Coleco Hall, encirled. 0. 10friMPACI A I RECORD. iminunsam vamp or, "%ADE CuAIMITTEIC 1 , 0;i1 MAY. ■. lOI*ITIOff C.Zo4.•••• •~`•L Orme. Priam: mew 0e51 2 2 2 , Friday morning, May 17,1870. 1 no wealtst yeetemisy was dellgh MIL cud the seat' jet *is mom active. From Me recent :Wm we Wm another 160 to the river, there balsa - 1 2 Me 12122 /. 2 ehanael tan evening. FLOUR—no mutat continue. steady, with ID marked change la prices. Very Hula came leeward yosterdar. and ales from lint hand. were light. Mar. aer rates. Sales from store at 53,111 V bbL Boma mall lots of chaise bmnds et 55,15 • bhL Firn gad. Ity dear at City Iddls, Is sold at 13,511 second b raoi. al 10,12411. bbl. ORLIN—We make • general (moms in the Grain martn, with axles of bad ben WlteaL at tOoOluer be Rya at 72e, which la ■ alight decline; enact lOW bat Oats, tnam second hand, at 42e 1 but Con. is cottony eel Irma at lide from slate. GROCERLIM—The mutat I. pelet, bet plans am generally very Ina at rally quoted !alas. Saleadteer or a, have been coated to moderato lota, at, for Bu• ItU,LIO1; N O blolamas Ilnum at 2710*E1c "Audi; asi es of Li do, as 42045 e ♦ pIL ra Cafes very lit. do la dela': and quotation,' am rather nominal, at 124 Stoic♦ 6. Bolas of Rice byte. tree, at 1&011 - 1 Ih. Other anietes ander thla head are acelanced. 111 CON —The market was buoyant daring yesterday , with sale. 0(1440 Rs from store, at (or shoulders 41. sides 01, And hum at He ♦ 8. Sales from mute Imam to differ.' lots at 11, 51, nod 61r for ahaablan. stilm,and Lamas Salm 0(29 ua.ee. sugar cured hams. common brand, at tqe • C, OILS—We note sale. of Linseed at 06011/r; No I Lind Oil Is salmi. an a modetate eaten, et 6280ie , and Not 4145 a i 6 011 .1 FLf3ll—Shad has advanced In the marks( mato, to an adranee in theEmt) to 511 A. Other fish .re wilt. ant Emira. CODIL ASII—A 'aloof 7 cite at Wa♦e wt. MU iUi SOOMMILML COMM:CUM WC WOOL. Bums the slip of last year thridationd for Wool has bee. woody. ankh • potful tortreus to prise. Iltis ad. vonms, ISOM ft/ , MS, to • vest measare bo mulbuted to eountrpreslanse orwrattons, by which large goon. uty of wool sru controlled by • few lodivohteth who taking advantage of the nomasides of ossaufornantm, forced Unt prices of Woof op to higher rows than ought to nava been pald, taking the Prow or srldsb the manage land male epald be sold ao • criterion of vvise. From the hash prise of Wool, It was antlers. tad that the spring of goods would show • ear. respaaaino Taloa. .The result has shown ILL mai to be the ease, bat that goods have dantmed as the business sessouptnrese consermenee of which Wool has fallen oriWn the put G. *oaks Isom 3 ta 6 GUI notyrithatending ILO quannty IL market Is unantalry small The gam thy of Wool grown In thin enattl Mahood varkonly estimated at f,om Oh to MI 00;000 of ihul think the total pedant n is considerably greater than the latter anima The emus abaci bu be taken will to tram gin data by which the natal prodaction can he antruuned. Le the quantity what it may, It le gen. orally admitted that It bin mot been sa(tlealm tarnish a la supply of all the different grades adapted to the variety fol'ireoels wanted, ohhuting some manufactunrs to work • quality of Wool Miramar ft= what they mould hare done could they ban bed a tholes.— While the quatity In the (Imbed States Is bitlieTed is beght, ht le len Men a fell simply for the machinery twarlitoperatton alumni tea haeseef woad, thou has been iiMed td tom Moat the want of Woolllt is aqui. ty amnia that the •2002111 of goods made and roe moody premed om the menet, le addition ten teems log amount or Imported goods, lo pester Mae Is need ed for contanuptiom bens Wool and goods CM two or three yeses yam:have net intend!, borne m Mi”els• Use vales. lt is estimated that the quantity or Wool to be Mon the Formant mason, vrLI sonde...My. lap:. Lan any roomer yen. iVa batten the Internee will be at I lent aMitthatt lbs, at the same Unto we did not lean of wry eriiiteiial ILICVNISII of alashinery so that 11 illy be fw,nl that the present clip will famish. adenoma supply fog the deninsittiinlf en, we think the prices h at Wool will not eAvanee above the opening rues an hes been the at. AM three yeas. paw, aelthet do ;we ef. - p tiro tease, If any &dins, bee.. the pads of Wool in foieign sow:Mien neesnelly kink, and the mocks generally small, which rent' check. some sz... lent thelmrort of Wool. The =Dont hammed in MS staled to have. been 1710,0M1 Mu—nearly all of which eras of • grade sad character sack as it not erodeded to mach exults In plea Utrited Stele., bet or row quality, adapted for mtpme. ItMokoto. sad Mime mono and., We think opening porn. of Wool will. I. about the stuns as they wan at the clip. Liao lest year, pos.• bly a Mae bight, and cannot met any good sermon for mticipanng an advance In price daring the Yam. Oat pnces ore now higher than La anyothar panel dto world, and i 1 neatensb eon...datelines/tangs will De mad. In the MP( by Me prevent Canines, coast , Amenity the Importation of goods will condos. to to laree,yoving • constant supply, /miss Man Ilya coo seruption th. mumfaaterers to .0 their grads at tow prime, which. in the ton tna, will control the value of the raw material. The quantity of wool brought to market by the Ca, nab and lihnlroads et New Toth and Pumsylvania len year less nosily SD,OOO,COO ban This amount will doahtlass lit greatly lorrowd In a nrw years, as the cost of transportation of Wool In preponWo to Its vale o is much lea than. on Mom miter awes; which, with other causes, evilly.. an eventuates. to the raising of Sheep. W. ham, • large extent of country dial Is admirably adapted to the feeding of Skimp, and weld be made moreprodoetive to the farmer, trim sale of Wool, than from any other Med of agrioaltare TM asaittalti land of Penneylverila skim, mach of which 11 too rough for ondoadoo lona 01.0 ploasb, world outala may mdllailt of Elheepd In scans pare Moor Ma., ma well as In most of the Staten of ths Union where land can be read llfence bsl Is slimmed at a distance from market. experience hs a proved that the raidegof Wool has beenthi most prodaetlvo branch of aid. ashore. and that limes who hays given earehtl anon• ton to it, have done better than their neighbora, who hare depended on other productions. tweed of bolos Itsrortert of Wool, we ought to be large azip nu erw., boon land and labor eaoaak to bosons ka 'm It. importance and advantage owl he dal, appreciated. minor PITTSBURGH. Wm.—Tani ...It Rat 0 wake. water in obit .I lot evening and rising. ARRIVED. Zi Michigan, Drive, Dearer. Yashino, Peoblee, Elisatssoh Adeline, Parkison, Drovenovilla. thine, Jecolor, Waver, Morgan, Welk vine Ilendrietron. Mai!seaport Lake Erie, Clerk, [Nagar Ca!Jennie. Gillman, Wellsville. 101,1. McLane, Connel, Motile( Merininget No. il,Flsher, North River,Uateline NOW °givens. *lankier, MeMalan, I.l;Rigepotr Reveille; Rseg, Franklin. DF.PARTSD. Michigan flaps, Mawr, I Camden, landrickwa, McKeesport. Fullion, Paribiso,l,llaebatlt. llallia.laeoti,Uroaroisglllo. Atlentils, Parkinson, Uroungvilla. Mover, Minden, Wellsville Like Erie, Mark. Deaver. Caledonia, Calhoun, We • Jao Nelson, Alone', Wheeling. Ilriiheal fleece, Chialnsail. Urteelel:Partlnsen, lel MOATS LP.A I , , INU THIS DAY NT. LOUlS—Parte to • w. • NEW fIRI,FANR—Empire Mere, W • w. Ovilt:F.I.INO—Loolo Malian*, 0 . a nt Lowe—hut Newton, IO O. N. 1. 1. Criteuten,lo a. 14, ynotles,lo a. le.' MAIO V11.1.8- 7 1TashIngten,10 a. or 1 as F new stew solved at the toper wharf, • few days line. from IlrewnolUe. Wo , lobe • sieve 'Of hat; . 4,1 fnutoi ho: es .4.14 t a epeelmee of draught eureasete, ea we hate eta - wan. tier bhlom 1s tends very Aloe end Ire, and tlmly of seseepedtheber. The dimensions of the heti 4,.:—length of Ireet,l4o feet C Inches, breadth of been , . SO S 3 Indies; depth of h01d,4 It. 8 In. Bite was buili%y 1. S. Pringle, at Brownsville, under the Immediate swerlamndenee of Capt. Jacob.. Bee cables were belle by Lumley. Johnson k.eo , and Lean job. Paleßnif by J. W. /effrie• Ilse engines are nest and handsome, and WWI bath by Snowdon' The Federal !ash le now being fitted eat and W ashed, from different inebilahmetne in title city;and will soontbe reedy for sena. Elba wee boUtexpresely for the wade between thy ear and St. Loeis, and gee. out under the command of Card. Bowman, who is a gentleman entineotly qtraißled for that responsible am. 1111 - PO - HTI 01 MITZI& Chia Curry No. 11-17654 B valr, l maxim 6 ab, bop, U W emlt►i 25 bbla vra Igor, HA war, 5 bra wigs, Polo ated&6 bra, H Kleiman 5 bbl. aler&ol, Boiler & tyro; 6545,1112 bacoo,Forritlt tr. ao; 5 bbla lard, 68 do MIDI, LOVA k 60i I bZ d. 414 Bingilan. Saallall—Pa Wruovara-2 Ada tacos, BW & Farm 6 bbla lard, V do borer , Jaakterr 26 eats Iwo., 47 W. dear. 4 had. lob, Illoskam; NI de do, low& & • co: 13 do do, Clark & nay. Whoolls&—tva Jogai Nsuw--3bb4ovis, 0 W Todd, 4 qt. p,l J SO SU; bre nails& Wei Holum. Ji; bro; I Lbl, Or erg% &mum & COM& 62, B Ohio. r:% : ,vm- , ti e -,` l n- y~?{~. f .. - nu:salmon Asti n aL iMtr STEAM PACKET LINE. VNCOVILAtED by the liberal patronege extended -te all reirs:er and vrellibbeducted Lines, the own ers of the follocring fine steamers bOroarrangesithera lute a Lobe between Pia3bor7xth annsouisvilla Ow of the beats mill positively leave Pitutbergh on., every Mcomay .Weriarnarsv, and Pima Evernsa, at el , elms—full or not fall. , • The first boat of the Line wilt start ox Dlondiy,l February Steamer Gatesee.--4.-• T. Moore. Z. Taylor.•—• • • s‘• Laces. ", Hamburg.— ..... .1. Marcher. • " Farmer Seeedlet: • Fairmoent " W. Ebbert. Far freight •r passage spat) . to , fe • • febll4re GEE. 11. Alt s: REULILA WEDNr.ODAY PACKET CIYCII *ATI, C ju "TtfalenAti. UXri hold Ko veas bait by lb* owners of the steamer Isaac Olcartno, and otherikt.for the Cincinnall and inaboralt Fackeg3rada, and will kayo every .Wednesday, fog Cincinnati, in place of the Now England, No. I. . w In For or passage app on board'', DB 1 , LTENBERGEI I ,Agt — iitTlatlattill Abilli-WFAVl—tha*. , . The ragaat wulning Manz , . P E., W. 5. Con ' I, . . • . ' mann . , (lint andergonF . t . h:r; .1 °ugh repair; .1 tan regular pan et between tr.sbara; and Wheeling, leaving Einatiagt{, every Bombay, Wednesday and Friday mornings, at 9 o'clock. Far drarght or passage apply an • • or to land w: W 111•74511. Alva, I. to. co- t-r I Pf rIMMI-1 454 MiaMta Oat, 73 tsat.a ile4sintge Vta Elnatonewilla tad Cagelelend I. Ba hlyare et . td . Phltaaelphat. Pala to RA 1.11•01ta-•li 118 UI DO. PLIIIADLIZILII,•”•-• to CII Ittltg ElOridng boat leaves the wharf, above 1141 budge, daily, at 8 o'cloelt preelaey. Time to B j alUmote4l hours; time to Philadelphia, 40 holm. The evenlag boat With s daily, 5ua. , ... - :;:ritt:4 ° Zre k nna P ttitXt4s 1 1 ;1 ni n n t dor, 44 *go ;void night to eL toar ti+Jr. OP.; b Monongahela bgbi.la H Beaus w, or t. te.a 4 , 0a43•17 • ,:f.117.84.111EN. Agent ■Y.W ARELAINGICM.ENT. 2 . 411 1850.111a1111 PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE.' Two Bally Mies • preu Packet Boats, Italalead Cass, (Ezoio•lwypy yo; rAsermoses,) TO PHILADELPHIA. ANt BALTIPORE, Via the New Central 1411.11earead Pens'a Gnat Time-i 6 hours g• • • Fare-81 5 thrnelti , ORB miles Rao Roarl,cand 100 miles Canal. ON the I.l ine. the new Central Ball Road Comae. lay commenced maths TWO DAILY Thole. Panto Ulla hallo (ram Jackautern to Philadelphia, leaving than: . t...mmy lifter the alfftral of the Peelle Bea from the wes Cy thqs itrrengerriont pqsacni gem will go through without delpOuon. A Packet Boat will Neve eVery morning al clock, and every eecnin if at a ocioek.. Thu route, for Salem Speed, and Comfort. II not equalled by any now Inple to the Eastern Clues. For plume ur Information apply to W SUTCII, Menongahele apt DLEECII & CO, Canal Bum riF,OIIL4R ACKET. jaitl4:4Avicorg Capt. BrYoung, will ran as a molar packet between Plusbargh, Wheel - Monda d.;epon, lepon, and denial), leaving Pittsburgh every Monday aiternmin, for iVellsvllle, tteuberiville, anti 13rldgepott, end every Thmisday alte rnoon for Steuben ville, Wheeling, Itridglport, Cantina, and Sailfish. turniag, leave. Bridgeport anif ungth every Tees afternoon, and Coolish every Friday •bernoon for /night or poem., eitpl• D oh liana, Of hit up.lo WILIN NB, Agent FOR £1 .LOW - - m ak i The 91 . 45/Wit! steamer arEIV CNOLAND tip /, D. Y. Endtbareonaltir, vtll lease r the above and isnornroduno ports on *Warder. the Uth ta4 it la o'clock, 1.. For (retain or parrairo, apply eh hoard, or to J NEwroN JONIDI or .1 C , itau ma 10 FOR eie,l4l LOU ei. magill4 rlißtd i lialWIIP ", CralLtilzi a a I , : t iv .po trt‘i , e , :bv . day, the 17th buil. or 10.'01001 4 . 1 ri 3 O fg/ 11 1 0, 0. 0 .P , OP 011 Ward. i . so ayl7 FOR ST. LO S. .; Mt. Th e laatlonolai oteatiler, WTUAIINU, ~ T Neel4inaiter, will leave for the *Warmed all ir.raiediato pone, on W 54140,170101. , at 10 A.. M. For Wight or passage, apply on board vionil7 FOB LOUISVILLE- The entail , new sal splendid .te.mer {WASHINGTON. %V. W. Mar in ammo, will lease for the shore .pd all laterrisedirde s lindiegs on this dss, the 17th in., et I r. st.postdeelTfifw ffelehl apply U B AIIIITENBIIIiGRI,_# Ma P.l'. I=ll4 —71.; , PAID, Ikl•=sol, rumen will leav dforr for th . 1, C.* 17 ebtrail d =tf.Vi ° I it or to JONF.I D m►7l7 - - _ _ _ _ . FOE 1 1. LOUIS._ .. - sip The prliton4wiltegter Sterlingiimartar, will leave far the a1...v0 anJ ME, tot.atedtale porn . 1 Jay, K? 17. hut. at 10 pato.. A. M. For ftaialo lat .._ yia 11 . mac apply bo board or to mayl7 Mt It WHEELER. hat „PON The mi Ira V7k hrk. - ... • - ld passe.. steamer gEMP/RE STATE. Capt. Cobras!, will Icave for above nod alft Ottetatediate I.thoga . Salon/0 1 ,18th Inst., at 4 ealaeliP. M. Poi (mew or Name-0 , 7077M b 1 : 11 . 4 . or In m 717 OEO 1111ILTENHERGEB, Agent. al 1800: agaitM - . ninwszam SANDY ANO'BEAVER . LINE. From Pittsburgh to Co/orabgar mai Clnvigna, rArougi tAo rsch out popolosl co:attics of Cohn. Lions, Carroll, .trarl, rostrums., 1, Coshocton, ArtirListans, Listing, seed Promelin. The complenon of the Sandi and Deaver Canal emus; up to oar thy throhgh ads great natural "rani roma a direct eonscounlestM4 to the abase an well so theadleirdng coartnes Of Wayne, Holmes, Knox, and Delaware. Preis this Beetlon of Olio, the undo with Pit:sheath has been to a area extent eat at. in consequence of the idgh rates of tranl i natton, which are now re duced 10,20 and 20 pas ant- Sous of this lin/twill cave daily, and ranthrough, without tranahlpmentir The Cana ! company have bestowed open this lure an lumen In the napreee dentad advantage! of 'them charter, and thin secured to the middle penthainfOhlo in ordering their goad's by DID WELL'S BAND & AND DISA26I. LLNE, an equal Waren In this saw:mama Agenu: I.C. BIDWIILL, Mahwah; DID MIDI& A. CO., Cliasiowl 14.5710,0,, owe. ic A Gay, Wilinerolooll,ll, George Amble, 0 ; Cando I Hoffman, do; llarins,Oralino ik Co. Near Liaboo.o: I Aver I Nickolas, Ilanorntr, Hibboto LloorrOdio nom: 04 Speaker 4. foster. dal Asseoli Pool Co, de.; 101 l t Ono Onoo a nil% 0.; II V Borer, do ; C llorathal & CO,lldvern, 0 ; K Grsy, Wspies knot 04 R Reynaldo Ito; Immo Teller.Jdognolia oio E Batkdollik.Goetila,o.; Waillorkneso, do; .1 - • Itrarland Is Co, ille, 0; P P do; Paoli. bank I Stolobavo ❑ 6. oar, 0 ; Wdlard do; J J Ilogrann, blasollloo, O.; Cammlna & Co, do.; /aim Robinson, Canal Fulton, - O.; Fords & Torrey, Canal Dorno ; A Modbarn Raton, L Wa r . nor, ideliark,.o.• ritak * Hlo, Cobnabota,o; LONu nes/N(1...1.nd. 0.; 111. 6, -• & WESTERN INrOIIIIIIBII , COIAPANY OF FITTSEOURG H. o CIPIVO 000 ! ,009. Fol Jr S.sla I 1 }ll. .1.J. , , Prot. ~' Wrgrl Wg:g`t4la A Lgria will be liberally tolJeated and - p ‘ pmpUy A Mom lailltallot4:ayed by Directors who aro wall 11130W4 In the larnd who ate dem= 0- en by prompowas m ad to maintain the <hat rvklett they hareems am Manny the Mat protabtlea to them May desire to be Insured. thammit—lL MK, Jr., Om. Blank, J. W. Butler, raelirAfei Wm Utoll, Jima. WAsley, ?del. Male?, Vbai. m a lt Orme, Ne.M Water:street,. (warehome of Rpm/ • Cit., m Marna Pittabarth, ratans —-- - Wall Pape Warettouse, 1 1. NO 4, MAall'ET Itrlttla. ',unseen Third and ur,,,,,a, stseats, Mahar' P . THOMAS PAL, MAR 'voila tespentfallir e . tho atulatiou of Ids fiends anal nastoateaNto. hit resent utenthe and istretal monk of sueraWdllo.. t will he Jamul to,eurn perm away d moriplaa of Anrutienn and French Wad Paper and /Ueda tor f allots; Halls, Drains Roam., Ike Chamber., Coantl Maims, he, reaping from lOL watt to si • piece. o griral-• diVormily of prices and outdates eau baldly fail to salt the eirournemoms and tastes al ontehasers who ma➢ faVor mlth It., patron..., M. old-mm.lllllllnd morn on Market areal. BAR N U NI iti,,,H 0 TE Li NSW YORK, Broadway, cccccc of Malden Lane. extenated been leaved by the 5 1 0 maintainer, ands been completely refitted ln most elegantrunner. Large additions am now' beteg made, mkt% Minn completed, will make It th e mom eateminre Betel le Neei.Yeet. It a the deterni• anon of the proprietor, to make It equal, In every re. neat, to any °nine :tithe United Pune. lista cation le the most Is and central in the city, be. jog In the faahlonab, of,flreadway, convenient w all the public bellenge, place. of entomment, and banana Ureteral MI eh. liberal patronage received from his western trisPs, elate at Cumberland, Md., and more event's , elthe Weddell Sloan, Cleveland, Ohio, he organically mile its &renewal of their patron. age, ter hie new entrainment. M Now York, and bep to assure them Mitt ovary effort.= his part shall be given to administer to their comfort and plenum. A. 8. BARNUM. NO. York, March 1530.—BaribUo line r ildt Vito olirlfitiiiiiEtatire;_ — Efinas of 111 0nn0.,1„ k at Brookville, Jeanne Comb Pa . Limb, litorrlsour k Co, y Bonny, dinolved by neuter consent. Hoots br4ebied to said Gnus will make payment to Llteb & and eliding nein; the um, Duty be Presented p ri tit 00, for mule mem. BEN 11 1d01113.1.3031, B P MORILSON, APRODIAB LITCH, ,ALEXANDER. MILLAR. lmbtlsß of Batsmen* .L•to. Vilna. be told on. Nieuwe), May 32d, by publk 113 vendee, if not tooted abeam al pr'vete onto, of Dalldlog Lou p Record itteet, bstw.oo Foul nod Medulla alley r ppolt so feet from' by 73 font deep WA foot w i t Toot are desirable for prtnos dweller, nod wiltbo told OA Alma. ADOIT 011 7011 N CALDWELL it 888, arsedut ot.totuad flood Batiloabt , _That /ergo connekodieeiiivreiine Heise and Lot, on which area good Stable ited IBS a nd lo ne heels the unier). pr_ 11 and long the reeidiete of hint tam ba th gee, eitnehidon war ei,lusaranten meet. Foe tonne, apply to AI BIA3IAIIEIE Ineydtf. . - - Be Wylie st. • AHANDSOME STORE, el Mirkst•teire; beam. Third aid Fourth streets, a mama ouspial by Ms Themes Whit e u • Dr•Goode Mars Alt•—• lontavell flashed IGOEbe tbeaSeemd amyl test deter •to M• Dud , . blawatele CM/ fie. This rasa u cavil Masted, zed seibelle for • maim' Wom Loamy ; re weld be eeeretfisetty waged sa &able sakes E D. GAZZAM, ep3M., °Mee, TEA d e em Ws Putt Olea. Ma Lase ABUILDING; EY By SO tette th ief ,' *Md. bleb ae. id Basins, de; located at Engine, tie; !aimed In' Dinrdnetam, tooted:a:oy below the FenT. • Enquire of BOLLUANA & GARRISON, • • Pittsburgh Fondly - q I .e.T—tbo store oo Alarket st, next door's. 1 be rented love to t COgd Moan% and pout. non Oren immediately. For terms apply to :WALThR BRYANT. IRS Liberty st. .To Lot, THE lam Woo story Britt Warehouse, on Water, below perry most, =ming from Water. to Pint street, on reasonable tones. Possession given ions. diately. Enquire of • febl6.lf • P. LORENZ. fA 1 A E REM. Ja7rAT.l3 0 PENNITRCET . . FOR BALE.-A Lot of Oroood situate on Penn 'street, between 1107 and Marburg , streets, &Weaning the house and lot now ocsupled by Richard Edwards, having a front offs feet, and in depth 150 feet, will sold on frorable terms. Title unexceptionable. &t. quire of C.O. 1,00.1118, fah et.tioax Wood. 0ct.11.41.f NEW MUSIC STORE, Signaling Cada; Ham 101 Third at., went doer to WoolliesIP& suhsdriber would rerpectfrdly Intone the dai• tens of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and vicinity, that be has opened his new and elegamestablishmest for the sale of Pumas, grrunnzons, gleam, Mumma in. arammarr, and every ether article in ids line. PlANtl3—ots egerkey for Minns & Clarke. eels. Prated grand and Inure Pianos, with end without Cu'eroWs /WWI Attachment These Pianos have lately receireu several important npgrosemeate, rep. timing them, esceedinnly brilliant of tone, and extra. ordinarily useable end Lasting. Also, 7'. Gilbert A Coes ißosion) celebrated Pianos. Thor instruments have a wide spread reputation, and see eonaidored among the very beat manufactured in 80-non, where they ere decided favorites. 1 o...Dunbam, N. Y., b( the Erna of dWarift k-Don. We, has ePirdelo the aphtetlher tole agent for the sale of it'? Plano; In Pattibergh, ate inn of Stodart &Dunham is one attic o deal and belt Mikis tummy, and their mar.ufaenire for fatness and brilliancy of tone end besot, of workmanship ere second IP none. _The celebrated Coneert pima, p( liausdhoff. of Bremen end Hambpru, Egdi Minya he kept for sale hytTe tiphreibei. WI algae< to say, that they are• made use of by all the great Piano players at their Coocnna da.he Continent. The sabse deer begs are to direct 'attention to the im;artent fact of kis having specie.' agents both in Estrine end this country, who earefelly sal et end examine every Piano sent to bun which enables bim : to giro a written go • melee with every Plano weld by him, pledging himself to refund the money la case the Pi 'MU be prole; faulty us delieJEllt. A tall supply of Mena west and most muter Marie w i ll contently be kept for sale—furnished by the beet pablisblng houses of Boston, rtuladelptua, and Bald. more: agency for Messrs Pebarfeuberg k Luis, New York, the may evasive impaners of racists male in thie eoentry. _ Solo Agency for Carlierttle %Arty IdellealetilAma y tl r o t r 9 et u a. " V i rtain ' eiriall, c ar t lVo l ge , vrrentile seus of reeds—the bet reed inetruments yet invented. Also, Goiters, flora, Clarinet., mgt.! , 6 . 4 Horne, Tubes, an event description and - sanely of laws instruniente from the best makers. String. for Violins, Guitars, and Harps. IU-instruction kooks for every instrument. &ina ne:is of mimic made, mane books bound, Pianos toned -ad repaired; Vic/line, Aceonleas, Onbara, Pa., re. -cid on the most reasonable enrol IiLEBEL cALIFO Kel. 4:BIVIAIL I BIBEKIENT. "DRAM a BROCKWAY, Comnalaslon Merchants, Baerarocnin Clty, California. Llbend cleaners tnaJe o conuatanciar, and all agency anaincla promptly astenced to. I. A. SWATS, lA. IrTACTWAti ST 14M%. LITITSZT silyWArcorpnil DlOlllllB a , HANVOATII, TEA AND WINE__MERCHANTS bun lode Diamond, Plitsbuy b. anlB SPI , WIZIN soviumzn, C018111.1.910N ,NERCHANT,Stoik and Bill Brok or, No 110 &mond street. amyl:4ly I=3l Synng and Semmes Dry Gad, for 19V). NVII.LIA= L. lIIMSELL, e 16.. 'Frret="Acrerdiciln9l.lll?GvgDbalti strt-el, between Third and Fourth, Wan of the dm Bea Iltve,hats bast commented receiving and opening eye of the most rich, splendid, terstetir.iy.wl, Boling and Summer Dry lfrigale armed for ule 10 the Western country. All of these Imported Geode tare fresh opened, and received per the l aah steatners from France and England; as fro huh LioenA, impor:ed direct from iklf.a4 all grass blenched, and warranted the pure article; these Line. are all imparted be 'Be sulswober, and ere all' Pem Oa , TWO, Wprvinted. Also, lash Linen Damask Table Glottis, the kind heat manufacture; and Iriah Linen Goods at all s. inmoned direct from Belfast by tbe atiloscrtecr, and will be frond the runt F.rin-geo bragh, LADIES' DRESS GOODS. New style orb Satins, all colors, splendid goods; black Turk Satins, all prices, Snit goods; black glare Sala, all colon, tato importallow Fnesett Kul (Hoses, all colors. the bass Imported; gonad black! A nouns, per last Frenthr Mesmer; nest style painted &meets, splendid goods. Also, a superb and large stock of wide blank Ilmssels tonsil:it trim:mingled/eV dream.. eery nen goods; plain itareges in all colors. extremely /ow. beautiful goods; black Silk Fringe, an widths sod pies. eery cheap; French Lawns, new styles per last French weamen plain black Oro Do I t s!Titine ki t:eT,l7, ' Cashmeres, row t n av e beautiful b good k s; splendid Stared Swiss goods for ball dresses: orb embroidered Swum Mulls for evening dres es; Swiss Edging and Inserting, the best Imported; Silk Tissues io all colors and qualities. new style, plain and saUn strip'd black Bargees, all prices; printed Lawns, now Myles from 13 to :5 cents per yArd,• Barrie de Laing, new an for ladMs' drosses. Also, a large and superb monk of new style spnr.g Bonnet Ribbons, the eery brit inn ported, all new. SHAWLS, SHAWLS.' Canton Moe Shawls, all colors froth from the Cu.. .0111 House; Talk Satin Shawls e;lendld goods all c ol., pro 01411111.11 beautifulchangeable slue silk Straurts, kerb Importation; white embroidered Canton Craps Shawls, superb goods; green embroider ed Canton Crepe Shawl., splendid geed.; Lapto's French made Embroidered Mabel. Saul impartation; Patiapalated Caattmenkthawls, all miee. entl ties; ladies' wormer Crum avid Searfsin great vs.- riery; French workedeapes,Collars, and Wks lame assortamaL A Large Stock oh • DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. , fn bales unbleached Mashes, from 3 to U meats per yard; IS cases bleutted. Huller, from 4 to la cents pet yard: II cases Irish Ltnens. imported direet from Debut; II bates Ticking, from 8 to RI emus per yank sole Mae Doll, tons Bto lie cents per yard; be. all l amorunent of Somme Cloth'. Also. Cu. themes, Tweeds . , Setturns, and Dentaeky leaps; parasu dark Calico. fast colorU., from 3 to 121 emits par yard;.3 CM, Hoyl k Sens' Daglish Prints, best Wportedt '3 bales Rusem arid Scotch Diapers.egtretue• ly low. Also, Housekeeping Good. of all kind., very chum f bales Russia Crash, from 0/ to 121 cute per yard; besides a largo stack of Check arid :Shinn Stripe. Ales, Canton Flannels, all colon and 'quit nee, at tow pricer, red, white, and yellow Flannels, very cheep; bleached and unbleached Drillings, full • amortment; 6 eases blue Marie:Lek Calicoes, en- Ireful low; black and nribleached Table Diapers, all prices; Bitd's eye Diapero, all price. and totalidas—, very Open; colored Lambries, • fall assortment, cheaper Attacker; 3 bales Darius, from Ilk to PI es per yard. Also,, large stock of Cotton Table Diaper. Manners' P ShiAßASning—A.OLSall fPARA assor tSOLS! ment, vary cheap. : 'ta largest ud most splcedth Meek of Parasol. over opened by any one lonise in Plush:Mb, is this day received, and are all °fib° newest French styles, hich, thr netnessand beauty, cannot be surpassed. As we have a large lot of these Parasol., they will be mid cheaper than say otark borne in the city tan af ford to mil the same ceainT of nude The Ladles are resokkally leaned tO examine thew Parawla as they will find some of the richest and newest styles ever imported from Yampa. These • Parasols are all of too richest end most fashionable colors, and are worthy oft!e salentlort of the Wick - All of the above goods will be off at prices fer below say 11011 m in the city; awl in Order lain*ro this fart, the public will please cal: and prier them grads, and compare them with ur other hum in the coy, and be c onsoneed of tha above assertion. Tee 'subset iber would here say to his numerous ens , tomer. and the rtltOle or !mutat, that Chem two bee here store. an merhetl —O et. amending le co with the Big Dec Hive, which m. the only pe celebrated and for famed Dry G. eatablishatent is ' Flashers h. The suburiber weed therefore say to all purchasers of Dry Goods, tither wholesale or retail, that the Big Bee I five, on Market street, between Third slid Fourth, re now opening the largest, richest, and most splendid stock of spring and rummer Dry Goode ever offered for sale in Pi:tab:reek BONNETS! UtINNETSt New &runs roe 1850-111 largest and most fillaliOn• able stock of Bonne ever opened in this city, is lust received at the sign of the lug Dee Hire. on filar act street, between Third and Fourth streets, where Dry (Mails of every description are selling cheaper than thsoy MIMI' house in the city. The public win please e notice that the ate two other bee. hive stores on [flatlet street, who emend hs compete velth the Dig Ike Moe, between Third and Fourth WWI), where the public will find, at all times, the largest and lamest styles of Dry Goods, fresh O P. OOI cr Please take notice, that the mere is between Third and Fourth streets, Min of the WO BEE HIVE, ,where Dry Goods of every ductiptionsellktg enure* sera at any other Maus in the city. an13.413ns WILLIAM L. RUSSELL. itosqalts Mims, • ----- F `' ,=l " ,fo ) . 41u41.171'10-4,7' Luton., Bnek .. INCl—Best Sperm Scalded Wick, Chandlers' Wick, Wadding, Boos, be:, manothetared and for . 010 the lowest terms, by I)MeEWING, artbdlnt lid Pearl it. New Toth,' nIXOPOR ALS will be received at ore Miters of toe r!Moore and Ohio Railroad Comprty, at Balti more Cumberland and Wheeling, rpmo Wednesday, the WM day of May next OICIOIIOO, brew gredualkle and 1120041 , " of the portion of that Road, extending Nall the bridge on the north-vesiem turnpike, over the - Typart's valley Over, to a point callus south fork of Fish Creek, me the mouth of Lone Dram, dab,. Mid/ rime 511 sections. Alm, the eight webens be, tween the mouth of Grave Creek and the City of Wheeling. A variety await wilt be presented by the line to be lot, which will include light and moderately hoary grading. Several short tunnels, and • considerable I amount of bridge masonry. Specifications may be had at the above named of leen on and afierthe lot of May ensuing, and farther' Information obtained from La Embitter upon the line. • • Unexceptionable testimonials of character most accompany the blds, and the bidden are. traceried m state what other wen,if see. they ate engaged in, and when it will be completed The work meat be energetically pretended: Uy order of the Prealdent and I/rectal", UENJAhI IN IL. LATROBE, Chief Enill•ce.• Baltimore, April 10,1010 apl7:dlal_ CIWCOUTZ-I.lXlh.tiNo 1 Ctlon --- : , lC , W , , , w (6l k C° ' received this din, WI lee eel. b) A vk en n)7Lr• ACBSER 7 GOODS—freo taw sant of Rubber Goods, corodati•X__•L' l , * Ilud Cats, • 8t..,7 4 ,.•" — ^ arld Hair ' l Finger Cots; Tobace. _ unlll4 14la Prescreen; halm. BMW !!!! ther , , ,r_: UageWsnal PanunGenamerm' Old , e • f Gloves; Moue, liens; and • rade) for cab at the RebberDcoot, 7 d nl - 4,71 .1 Lt7fr. - • --- TOBACCO -20 b. MLA. Fs; D b. J.. Mir do; 5 b. Sherwood do; bis Louise Ws !post, now Wiling, s pg fo r uIU by [skyln 11551M1 UTCILEN CO 110111ZAT BleBlll6ll/1", A FTORNEY AT LAW—Offtie m mm tL Poor* st. betwcen Cheny slier and 1... L.. .04411.1kAirszo 12QMISZWELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (11110 STATE O1)1ISI3S1ONE6 fos mtiog Depo Aeknaseledgomms of Deeds, Se. _ () Mee—Fourth street oboe Smithfield. m..4.dAver DRTORN CARD. DIARTLaI sew' coolly ...tees to the daze of Parsburch,"that he has perm.ently located himtdf In tht. city, for the pomp. of P. ,- acing 111.1eine tod Rargery, in en it, 'IMO. branch- Iliaes. office Is on north street, No 100. Residence et. 07 sense ss apt dale ~••T • HIM CLOTH • 1T01316., D. STUART A. CO, of Philadelphia, will .open a en the fin of April. an entire new met of CLOTHS, CISSIMERES, VESTINGS, And TAILORS' Tam MING'S. at eastern priees,nery low for cash. CND. U 6 Wood at, ant trpreSenna'a Anent= loose. anl-dAwItT GREAT IMPORTANT CHEMICAL DISCOVERY. CHEMICAL COSIDNATION Frost tairspialls fi:isidotis, 'to ripe! Diseeser Dr. Sillysottla -Dztract. o f Yellos Duet sad Sarsaparilla.. Cote commence aerofo il , erylpelas, rheiMitthart; gm!, liver complibots, soinal,affeetions, aleen, .y- Otitis, dram...llona, piles, scomy,...feetiOnti of the bladder and kidney., memorial diseases, cor rupt homers, rash of blood 43 the head, fever and .ene,fctoale cetoplahns, central debility, dyspep , leso of appetite, headache, cola, costiveness, gravel, night sweats,. ebolle, orgtmla emitter, palpitation of the he, bileal pains In the side, chest, hack, ke. It la Inhallale In all disease.- artsing from an lit me sate or the Waco& or irrarolar . Oletion of the Ay" a ite Vegetable ICingdom, an. .1 . 0-vrise Belag he deposited plants and herb.: aosea , 4iat to one molt. - ens, and ladantod to ha ears of Idisease; and to die vegetable kingdom doesilto seasonal man, as mall a the Instinct of and als, turn for antalenes to pain. The Slytop Is a scientific compound of the most sal gable plants in nature, entire/ I free from dale:erica., and enervating adnatal mthattaces, and as it expel dint*. from the system, Imparts vigor and strength ■ corresponding degrea. An eztraordinuysase of Scrofula, niyalpelu nod f.t cm, eared by Ike sole. eat Of 1/r. Gayeott's Cam pound Syrup, Yellow Dock and kausenarilla. Maio:tan, Nov. 17, IMO; Da. Conan—Sir. I tender my sincere Wanks fkr the - area benefit I have derived (mm the use of year valuable syrup. I have been troubled very bed wrofplopa pore, which made i 4 eppearanee on my . chin. !did not pay much anenuon to It at first. sop. posing it to be texhing. bat on eropusa that appears ' on peno tit far J. !tamely beran m inereascomulit spread to the cob pert of Ile head. I applied lcfn physician. who attendee'. me all to no porpow. I bed tried every thlag that could be tried. k low your Syr.' op of TelleW Dock and SuraparUlas and concluded to use it, for I knew that' Yellow Dock was One of the moat velizahle articles in the world for the blood. I belted year Sympo and from the nee of one bottle, I . could see a great chose in toy mime. I continual to au it until I wan a well morn. I now feel Irks a new person; my blear is perfectly cleansed and free front all Impact/Lea There is sot a question but the Tour newly discovered tampon:Led is - far eUpetier t anT earsop•rilla epee ever veld.. Thu cereaMrs aS year disponi to pablish Yea like, and any 4meyoutnny refer to me I shall las hip py ra give them ail the Information eau oboes my ease, &e. remain year obedient earwax!. 13119.1 i G. e CSO7I. 1131darket meet. The best female medicine known. The Ertraccof Yellow Dank ande..h.truparilla is a positive, apoedy, end Pennartent core for aU complaints Incident Is Its mild, elterative oroperdes reader It peculiarly applicable to the /dander and delicate constitution of the female. Itp unrivalled In lii effect; upon snub diseases as Incipient ennsamptton, barrenness, leo eorrhou, or schltes, irregular menstruation, inconti nence ermine, and general prestraten of the system. It tamed/suety counteracts that. distressing nervous. nen and laasunde so anemone to the female frame, and Imparts en onergg_s and booysney as surpnalng hs they are grateful. Wo have evidence on Ile which induces up str.mgly to scsommend - this =calcine to married people who have not been blemed; with off. opting. • Pt to-uses Dram, or Falling of the Wenth, of fben years , Mending, cured by - Dr. Dusan'. Sonnet of - Yellow Dock and Susaparilia, atter every ether krown remedy had beennied without relief. - Wasanearen, Ohio -Feb., Hle.. This certifies that my' wife, aged years, has been outlining under the shove eomplaint for Ova. years—nearly all of that time Colllll6d to her baL - 1. have for four years constantly employed the best mod teal talent teat could he proe teed in this geedou of tee country, without Boy benefit whatever. I have also purchased every Monument recommended foe the care attach dames, ail of which proved worthless. In the spring of 104E1 yens induced by my friends to try Dr. Guysou , s Yellow Dock and Setups:file, which was used for lbw month.. After she had , Used it for about font weeks, it was evident to all that she was Improving, and froM this time she improved rap idly,' and gained flesh and strength, lentil-she dlseue was entirely removed, and shale now enjoying least excelleht health. WM. hiONFORT. We being neighbors of Wm. and Jolla Monfort, know that the above statement, en to the sickness et Mm. Meer.; and an to the cure being effected by Guysett's Vetoer Dock and Sarsapadille. be be strictly true. JANE FJ3DY. SARAH POWERS. Great Cara of COmanmptioss.' • . . lialuvrov, January r. 16th. Mr. Bennet—Dear Sir: The great benefit which I have denved from tour Faunae( Fellow Doe. and Sarsapaolla Induces me, as an act ofjustice, to make the following statromat: ', After wasting for two years from geuersr debility, which finally terminated in eausurhpuort,l was given op by my Steeds and physici.a in beyoad the aid of =Meino. A. a last resort, !was inducer - to DP. your Extract, and having nsed but two bonier., at. eardnig. to _)our direction., l'am mmiref wall.. I lwould therefore earnestly remmrnend.yoar unendal.' d Compound to the allie led who desire a powerful, pleasant and safe remedy. Gratefully Tart , (6..4; ; • M. WAITE._ i-- None genuine 'unless polyp In lee aquae battles, containing natter', and Me name the syrup btowu , in are glass, with the written signature of S. F. Den.' nett on tfie outside wrapper. Once St per bottle, or,'• six. bottles for!: Ins sold be J D. Park, earner of Fourth and;Wal • nut soeeta C iiienso Ghin,General Agent for dm &Unhand Weal, to whom all orders smut be addresa a. Caner 6. Drri,F..rie, W. P. Judean itr.: Co., Water ford; Olin S. C anions. Croisiorrille; Abel Tamil. Montrom; Ihra ,,,L MU, Towanda; Robert Roy, Wells. hero' L. Roden ,Callenshure; I. Wileou,Jr.. nu.. burgh, comer a Ilt Mallet street and the Diamond. apltdkarlynT - 117-"hanrmovra ase Stulssus,—.Joriowr au Wattlieraleal Soap maws .free penetration, end • the Tame lime mobiles, softens, end whitens the akin ghat g it the texture and beauty of an Iniant.h. Steam < Rasta AIM Yana, are soon not toll - healed, bet eared by its one, as at least seven lop. Mara in New York know, who gas it in loch Clans. ' and And it unfailing—seal. in - e. o, Moreau, Prousun, or any other ek.n die • su The reader is assured that Wm in no *ulna paged nostrum ' s, Otte utal will pron. I could tan• seems at teem Ed penans razed of eon litree,SoU Lars on You Buse.-1 a it, and tee I; and the reader is soured I would not cruelly sell It for Ma sharpening/II knew;. te be ail I male. Those who areliable m - Caavon, Cuataul . , m enema FUart; will And OW , care. lan One affietederith any alb* above. dr stro ller diseases, wlll gad lids all and oven more (a Jmtn ble In its propeDlST)than I state. • Bet, reader, the rues Ire flooded with Solt Mines, sad he sine you ask for JO lON Italian Cl =Mal Pau. 'Sold by W JACKSON, did Men] Matt, ' Pittsburgh algenia , T • • _ trr Tem alren no • rota Rums to not mote rcpa • -she than a bad, putrid breath, or dolt, yellow metes ed teeth. If persons have these it is there own salt—: Ney can,. for nre•shilllngs, boy, an uncle th at will make th eir breath, pure and swan as the Spior..etr • Arabia. It cares Menace of the Gums, unary or 'Secreted, • and for the Teeth it is Unequalled, removiug the tutu. fastening — the teeth is the gums, sod cleat themes who u the snow of d./versa Noel. Pooh, reader, are.,Din properties of Jorkes Amite Tooth Puce, end, arid.at praising it curiae., ha' t what one of oar most respmtable and actemifie Des • lien., Mr. E. Field, 01 haw York, gays: "i have both used and anslined this bean gl and In. palpable IWele, (Jones , Amber T te.,) as. can recoamend it la possessing nes e lain • ed far it.. Reader, we eau say no to coasted:, only that if you of Su once you will be well pleas L It is no op in beautiful English China Puts, for a - ' calm Sold by the Agent, Wid. JACKSON. Sid Law re ly mut. Pittaburgh. aI:LOAM tiVP • Qr ALLOWS =Mom as aeuv,au,y •••,seethe the following am the &cunt enalities ed a 30 base - , .101.131 Coral .hair Restorative.. hf they dada ear ' word, they carotin these highly speetable hitietine ! who have tried it.— Ito.Geo.Bectet,4lElmst,No York. , Mrs, Matilda Reeves, Myrtle a , tireeklytt. Mr. Wm. Tompkins, ad King st,lNew Tort.' Dlr. Tem. Jackerm, Memoirs Island, near Pittalangh 11. E. Callen, lam barber eteamMat S. America. And MOM than a hundred others mate, Mee& OS • mein sale*, that it will force the to grow mthe head or face, sloe' fallieg oft Plmagthenthe m, removing scat( end dandruff rom the mote, making light, red, or gray hale mum Art dark look,and keeping dry, harsh or win hair moist, Soft, clean and - bean:dui, a very, Serf long time: • • Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, Old Liberty:et riueenrgh. Price VI, 50 cute, and one tidilu. altbdkarT LAiiiiz AAS tan Slum eisr MU COMMON PREPARED COALE. - They see not swan how frightfully Without ii,ts to tke.skied how coarse, how rough,, how tel low, yellow, and tinheeldir the skin ap pear. Wier using prepared chalk: Be. • aides it is [elation, containing a • laTtl, glitinity of Lead: We bass ptepared a beasulfel vegetable art Mei ` , which we call JONIZ' SPANISH LILY MM. - It is perfectly hutment, being parified of all de r v+ , us quahog and It imparts to the skin a nantral,..cal• thy alabaster, elem., living white; at the same thee • acting u a Coated° on the skin, mama it sett cad., e M rn Oo sL P&tsd by h th . Pli es t, W m U ew ACKStt, M Lb, . _ _ rsopersy &LSnews./ Way me-4.M. El , F. subsertbere otter las sale a seastber o Omit* Lots, situate le the Reseed' \ra t h . ..ens entlel et of /AS ROBINSON.. tee orssniste. •17:dk.wir7 WALT IL WALL. MYNA WIN, S. wine PALMIER. [KANSA IKneeettiors td Hnsacy„llenna tc. ANKERS, EICIIKN'OE BROKER.% acid de.w. Bln Foreign and Poniestic Excb.ango; Certificates of Dveosito, Sank Notes, and .4erste—North west corner of Wood eposlte d Third streets: fore sale, money received ors d.—Kight Cheek. f and colter none made on nearly all the priaelyal points the United States. high., premium paid for Foreign acid AM. Cold • • Advances evade on consignntentst.of Prodeee,ship pod lust. on liberal terms. et= .-------------- COvrAILTAKIISIIIPs I .11.,br,rlijitettnletr:.11.,.wettro,,,irfparutecs O.0 luf errtL ant -4 on under the mine of" John Weer Cl': Ye March 10,1650. JOHN PARKER. John 'P uler. • • --- --• • •Wittlam . Cam JOUR • PAllaff..litil a& CO. Grows,Deakrs Prodod, Ltuns, Oid iltaizongaiAt gaul idey. , MiSIMEM GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO.. DEALERS IN •. • EXEIRADIGE, COIN, BANK NOTNS, EtA: 7 N i.; . 74 F oun t, weet, nest lam w tka Bank of Pats bar b. Pthr4u"; : plr -- BSVIY atiHR wzing
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers