The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 17, 1850, Image 2
'THE PITMEURGH GAZETTE PUBLISHED BP WHITE dc 00 IMEEICIIEI2I FRIDAY MORNING MAY VI, IWO .A.III7:IICLUM 111$ tallfeat7 1114SUMM110611114 In taiTr Wan beans I aal asd7 in the a p n oea INmalaaala. Adiaranamas not =anal for al. IN Om arEll Invariably b aaarrataaal adored ant. v-4. B. Paula is Atom for this paper at his senznil spades in New Rork, Philadelphia, sad lostran and is authorized to melee subscriptions and ad eau for us. ICIIIEE MEET PAGE FOE LOCAL MATTERB TELEGRAPHIC NEWtI, Weatta— 'ire engaged in the raking and paw ls" el wool I fad an article to interest them en the grated, dm oni commercLal bead, today. We hope our leaders will not FM by the or. eslkat letters of "Jams" because they ammo in lots of two and three. This is an evil we Dave been =seedy trying to remedy, and trust yet to anoceed. The three we give to dal will be [rand et ma/had Interest. "Jannis" holds ■ free, but a ovum= pen, and while we do not alwayi coin oble with the opinions he expresses, either of men Of messums, yet we allow him the privilege due' to an Intelligent and honest man, whose heart boats with the warmest impoloec of patriotism, , aadartio to &beast wholly tree from tles * ptcjadices of ollgae or Parts. Min eelogium, in one MIAs letters to day, of Mr. Oimos, lspraise, justly bestowed, In language baszutfullp expressed, and is ea honorable to the WOW IS to the eminent Statesman, and inoors roptibliand lure hearted patriot who I■ ire sub• . • jict. Mt. Clayton, in the high aka he now holds has had few equals,and has done much to Monate and strengthen the large meturcre of respect and oonlldence hitherto entertained for him by the country. The two Bosses of Congress have paid the bfgb esi possible compliment to the able Secretary of the Ceases Boat d, J. C. G. bstennoy, Eeq , by making the now Cessna Lms,the work mainly of his sagacity and indefatigable labors, perpetual, unless altered or repealed by sobsevient lees!. tion. FUCILI Itzurrzo.—The Govenior hu remitted the fines of the women convicted of riot at the Roiling Mb, and they have been set at Betty. This act of clemency will meet with universal ap probatbro, as the denuoda of justice have been suelleently ;raided, and as it wan absolutely Im• posadde for them to pay the tines . The great object of fainting punishment on these misguided persons was,the moral effect of the example, and to show the community that women could no more commit a riot with Impunity than men.— We hope and bust that the erect of the purdah. mane of these women will be so salutary, that our city , wIU never be disgraced with similar scenes main. Gov. Joultrrou, In all Ids &denies. nation, with regard to convicts, as far as ll Imo some under our enervation, has pursued a coarse of prudence, tempered with mercy. While be never loses sight of the claims of justice, and the welfare o 7 the oommusity, he deeply sympathises with the sufferings, of humanity, even in the re• palsies form of crime and moral deformity, whirl , are, indeed, the cases witich stand this most In need of autstanoe and compassion. The following circular letter is on a matter of mend interest, and we therefore take the liberty of giving it a general circulation. We hope the petition appended will be signed by the people of every Ward, Borough, and Township, in ,Weatern Pennsylvania, and in fact in the whole State, and by every tariff man in the Union. We would sug gest the propriety of some of the friends of the Tar i6 holding a meeting in this city, and taking active mammas for circulating petitions and obtaining aim:wares. Soma efficient person should be ap pointed for every election district, that the work may be done well, and what is of exceeding ins , ponanas, dime promptly. ' W.aanKrros t /day las, 1650 Drsz fits—ln answer to romierous enquiries, as to the probibility of the modification of the Tuiff, during the present. session of Congress, are tate this occasion to say, that the nation here depends, in ■ great degree, upon the expression of the senti ment of the country. Is it your desire that the Tariff of 1846 should be amended in such a meaner is to afford a more pees...aloe to the industrial pursuits of the people? If so, we would suggest the necessity of your own action, by milling meetings of the people, to express their opiniom as to the operation of the present tuilf,engegiug the aid of the public press in this came, and drawing up petitions, to be signed by every man who has an interest, directly or indirect ly, in the permanent prosperity of the industry of the country. Let there be seal, activity, and determination, on )he part atlas people, and a corresponding spirit will at ova manifest bawll among the members of the National Council. No complaint can be made of the inaction of Congress, rmless convincing evi dence is presented that the industry of the country needs protection, and that the people demand it. If you and your fellow citizens who are suffering under the paralyzing influence of the present revs- eons system, will arise and demand the highest le gitimate action of all 'Governments, legislation for the gmatest good of the governed, with half the seal and resolution displayed by one Southern brethren in defence of their local institutions, this very Congress will not adjourn without modifying the laws in such a manner as to restore to us oar own markets, and with them, the universal pros. parity of American industry. We would earnestly recommend prompt and CM. ergetic action in any way which you may think fit , usi to aecomplish this great object, but .1.-6.4 an eslemive circul.tion and signing of peti tope forwarded to your Repreeeutativea or othe members of the Serrate and House of Rupee= tatives. We have ventured, for the purpose of facilita. nog action, to offer a form of a petition which may be modified according to circumstances. You may be assured of our cordial sympathy and erroperation, In your efforts to advance those inter ests whirl constitute the wealth, prosperity, and happiness of the people. Respectfully, Your fellow citizens. JAS. COOPER, _5 IRO. H. CLARKE, 5 , HUGH WHITF, J. R. CHANDLER, k of Howe JAS. WILSON J FORM OF PETITION To the Honorable, the Senate and Home of Repre sentatives, in Congress assembled— . YourPetilionas, citizens of the 'United States, inhabitant.. of State of would res pectfully represent thathy the mom severe, as well as mart true of all lemons, that of experience, they have found the operation of the revenue law pawed in 1546, most disastrous to their industrial pursuits. The system of levying rmiform dozy according to the invoice,or price of an artielein the foraiga country, has proved (Matto all those pursuits in this emery, in which labor coemitutes the major east of the product. Believing that the Congress of the United States would not retain fora prolonged period, a system which primates the great produ cing interests ditto country, we, the tanners, me denim, manufacturers, laborem,and citizens,with out datinctioe of party, pray your Honorable body to alter and emend the revenue law of 18.18, in mob manna as to enable on to pursue our vocations with no other Obstacles than the vicissitudes of do matte trade, halthful competitkin, and the has. ads of the season. Your petitioners believe that no injury or injustice an arise Iran the adotion of apeeific duties, upon all those articles which come in competition with American products, of seam% equal at least to the ad valorem duties which would have been collected under the present low, if fra- , eign manatee:am were at the same prices, which prevailed when that law was poised. We there- . totems) , your Honorable body so to amend the revenue law of 1846, that the material prosperity of the country and the dignity of labor may be pre served and perpetuated. camromtu Extosammr! 'De BarSeaton (lows) Reporter of last week estimates, from the number of teams that lame passed that place sad from Information at St Joseph, that the overland emi gration to Chalfont* this Spring will amount te ,•boat 80,000 men. Lent Rs.rosia.-..'We hear with pleasure that DANIEL Viresrsa is preparing to make one of as graudert eforta in favor of the propositioti rdoEbr every matte Free Home from the Public Leads. Gen. Sumas has a bill for that purpose in preys. ration which, it is hoped. will combine the votes of all the friends of the principle. Our informant TM derstatids that, from the imperfect centimes made, this or some other good bill will pm the Senate by ten and the Homes by thirty majority. "There's a good time coming"—even if it should not axue this year. Friends of land Reform! writs to your lierresvgirm-IM Tn 4 w w. • =ME EMU MIAOW WALIIIIIIOTON enro of the MUM* Wanownon, May f i• Buniere4 lintivemeut cuo-vm.— Mo=, Abbot Lawresisoi.-Tbe Oaarbtw Case—nealgaration el tilOwthordlrAo• A story bin circulation to day, that Mr. City ton will retire from the Slate Department, SO WOO al the treaty with Great Britain, BOW before the &nate, shall be confumed, and that be will setePl of th e misecni to England, Mr. LaWrenal Mun i* partly on account of 111 health, and partly from disgust at the intamous manner in which he has been treated by his opponents In the Senate. It wilt be borne le mind that though Mr. Ltwrence wu appointed In June last, and though his neut. nation Ina been before the Senate more than Ave months, It hal not yet been acted upon, and an in- Mansion bonbon:thrown ont, that it is held in re- I save as a means of controlling the votes of his political friends from New England, in the Noose, an the projetts expected to come up there for settling the slavery controversy. 1 have no doubt that such Is the secret of the opposition to him, and If so, I can only hope that the proof of it will some day be laid before the public.. It will prove one drop more in that ern of bitterness which an insolent and triumphant faction is tiling, and which trUV, will at some not very distant day,be returnedlo their own The counterpart of this statement concerning Ur. Clayton is, that Mr. Crawford will resign soon afar the committee on the Galpliin affair shall rut port. The Senate report from the committee on that case will be made on Tuesday or Wednesday next. First, we shall have that of the chairman, the stately andsatarnizie Bort of S. C, who, with that affectation of lofty regularity, characteristic of his State, will present his own view. ut a sepa. rate paper, though he will arrive at conclusions newly identical with those of his party anode airs on the committee. Disney, Job Mann, and I Featherston, of Min., are expected to report in do. I tided approbation to the propriety of Mr. Grow- I Cud's conduct, so well as in condemnation of the payment at ebbe r principal or Interest of 'Medina. They will also comment in strong terms upon the professional opinion of the Attorney Genenl— bfessra Bing of N. J., Grinnell of Idassachinsetho Conrad of Louisiana, and perhaps Bre& of Sen. tricky, will report favorably open the conduct of all concerned in this tramaction. I may hero mention, rather by way of a pleasant epixede than In any other spirit. that Mr. Conrad, who laalaw• yer of high reputation in his own State, is charged with having a private, epeclaYand very intemabrig motive for defending the personal -reputation of ' the Attorney General, is as moth se be, Mr. Con• rod, is alleged to be paying Ms addle-um to • .daughter of Mr. Johnson. Never before, I may venture to soy, alma the days of nettle, did the stern duty of the lawyer and the inclination of the lover more cordially cooperate than in the cue in question. If Mr. Johnson's reputation is not safe in Mr. Conrad's hands, It would not be scours in his own. I have already expressed my opinion In regard Co the merits of this date, as well as upon Nt' Crawford's courseln regard to IL None or the evidence laid beiWe thd committee has been of • character to change it. Not one cent shonhl have been paid of principal or interest, and even had t he claim been a just one, Mr. Crawford should have declined the cabinet appointment tendered to him, while it was pending, and above all things the President should have been folly informed of Mr. C's. connection with it, before the acceptance of Mr. C. From the beginning of the investiga tion I have considered the retirement of the 13scs rotary of War inevitable, and though that opinion is not so general now as it was then, lam swim fled that nothing else can macre that public con. Mimeo, without which no administration can ex. pect to succeed. In reference to Mr. Clayton's [magi - on, no cabinet minister ever has been, or in. deed *odd be, wronger. He has conducted the foreign affairs of the government with more mark ed ability and recce.+ combined, than any Secrete ry since Jahn Quincy Adams, zoteven excepting Mr. Clay or Mr. Webster. The- State papers of the latter, indeed, exceed in brilliancy and power, those of any suecessor, bet his measures did not equal in decision and rapidity of movement those by which Mr. Clap= always manages to gain the ends he seen io attain. And In this reaped the boasted ability of Mr. Calhoun was far inferior to that tif many Ins distinguished predecessorm. For though his mind worked rapidly, and be followed op Its teachings with singular promptness and cl ergy , his kopetonsity defeated his objects, so that though he could advance for a distance with al most miraculous speed, he invariably found him C. 3 N , obbblba by sem , irremovable abater-ta— rns, though before the country was well aware of the exist° ice of a negotiation, he had conca. dud ■ treaty for the annexation of Texts, he did ea in a manner which outraged the sense of the Senate, and it was contemptuously sejeetbd, and he left the State Department with the conscious• nu of having done nothing to advance the greet object of his labonathersin. Mr. Clayton ti • dip. lomant who governs himself by his own genius, and not by the roles by which the leaned muter, and releaser, of that great en have laid dawn.— Like certain successful seldlen, ha fights in dam ped of all the maxims of the science of warfare, and therefore, is not aware that he Is beaten, but continues the battle until he has brought tome the knowledge of the contrary to the other party. But I do not consider the rumour of his retirement impralalie, for be has repeatedly declared his au iety to do so, when he could take that step without appearing to shrink from the performance of di a. call and responable duties, or without jeopordia ring the interests of the country. The committee on the pistolling affair between Benton and Foote have dinoatinned their sitting, for some days, owing to the 'neon of Mr. Pearce, be chairman, who is attending his contain Mary. tad. •Jtmua. WARINKFTOII, May 12. The Closing Grapple—Contingencies-- No Light Yet.-Thaddens Stew exis , Bill COmparative, Consequence of White aall Colored igen....llltehle upon the Nashville Convention. To morrow the debate begins upon the bills no ported from the Compromise Committee for the admission of California, and the other subjects which have been connected with ♦ it. I hope the debate will be abort, but there is too much reason to apprehend that it will be extended to s great length by the speeches of its Southern opponents. They will be permitted, as heretofore, to take the Initiate° In disccoma. Mr. Clay will not need to mare • long speech, and the other supporters of the measure have already defated their position et sufficient length, in all conscience. The Compro mise improves 121K.111Cyrcnilitatte r e. It will almost certainly pass the Senate, though the prospect of its defeat in the Roue, is fleetly as decided. It may well be considered a misfortune, in this state of things , that Mae who should give the plan suggested by the President a cordial and determin ed support, appear to be but little inclined to edit°. cats It with that zeal wbiclicould alone =Sere sue• can. The Republic openly expresses& preference for it, but, at the same time, intimates mat Mr. Clay's,must be tried first, upon the plan that it will commend a more general support. If it fail, then, it is argued, will be the best lime to commence the great struggle over the admission of California, as an independent measure. Time alone am bring us satisfactory developments. I confess there has been no period within my recollection, when the political atmosphere was so murky and dark as now. Your readers will have remarked that Hon. Thaddeus Stevens his given notice of his Inten tion to introduce a bill for the repeal of the Tarld of 11146, and the restoration of protective duties on those articles, the manufacture of which is now in the greatest state of depreuion. lam informed that the bill is not pet folly prepared, but that Kr. Stevens expects to have it ready within a very few weeks. An long as the Slivery agitation occupies man's minds, and engrosses the time of Cons grew, we need entertain no hope that such small matters as the protection of the free labor of a na ti,x, of 22,060,000 d people will gain Manx of the collected wisdoni. I beanie gentleman, • few days since,:undertake to demonstrate that one negro in the United States was of more importance than fifteen white men. He proved it, as he thought, by showing that el though the colored population of the country 4 less than a Mini of the whole, their condition istalked, argued, and written upon at least three times as much on that, of all the rest of oar people 'fence be pronounced it ■ came of Q. E. D., that ono nigger wasof greater consequence than fifteen White men. And that the negroes are of the same opinion is shows by the prevalence of a habit among the slaves of wealthy proprietors at the South, of speaking of indigent white men who possess in that melon, neither,— Lands without rents Not Tenements To stmootstres nor Omer heirs forever," AA "pow oglitt tra; h." lo finOst am the Fin ciplesami familisritlitit allowed_ to the subject race among our Southern breihern. it is to be settled beyond contmgency *bat a new Southern organ, set to quite a diffeient tune from old Father Ritchie's, is about to be sea up. The person suited to have been selected as crank tur ner for the proposed hardy gurdy, is, a &men hair ed young Virginia gentleman, belonging to one of the first families, author of the "Quenloa Stated," or SaUtheirt F lee. or something of that sort, one of those powerful disquicitioas m pram-, phlet shape, which gain immortality, by the mails of the Richmond Enquirer. Notwithstanding the positiveness with which these assertions are made, I very much doubt whether the intended advocate of dis union with ever see the light. Nor Is it eery to perceive what occasion the worst class of South ern chow have for another exponent of their prin ciples and purposes et Washington, for I notice thatßitchie, their quondam mouth piece, has writ- , ten a letter to some body, "away dovin South," to the effect that he b in favor of the Nashville Convention. What more they can ask, for the t life of me, I cannot divine. A. ruse who Is foe the Nashville Convention, may certainly be set down "fii for treason" of any sort, and that he is the man "for stratagems and spits," the ancient Rey nard of the Uoioo has abundantly shown. Mr. Webster arrived hare last night. Ile will take an active and efficient part to favor of Mr. Clay's Compromise Plan. We cannot but regret that these two greet stweamen should be thrown into positions and axeciatlies; which subject them t, to the praises and commendations of the Washing. ton Minis. The aingular turn of affairs which hai placed that print in the .relation of a satellite to these brightest stars of the .Whig firmament, re minds one of Genend lacluon's exclamations, that the praise of the editor of the 'Richmond Enquirer, now the senior of the Washington organ, would lead him to fear that he had committed some act of moral turpitude. But as the Republic says, in al luding to this dictum 'of .the Old Hero, Gen. Jack son wee • man of silvan' prejudices, though 'lt [is woe that he , taw an lifllrent judge of men's char acters. Rouen WIJIXINOTON, May 13th. M. Clara 'Speech on the Compromise— Growing popularity of the plan-Oeis. eat-Mr. VhateeNi Amendments-Cahn Napedttlea-gulttnasa and taahhag. Mr. Clay opened the debate to day, or. the Compromise 13111, )r the ail:nisi/on of California, and other purposes, with all MS accustomed bril liancy. His bold and energetic ekraienee, his perreareneas, his pleasantry, his amide winning manner when appealing to all puttee for a onto• ration of that Maternal kitbag that once exited, were the admiration of Amid gained every Mai but the went of alb Yoe wiU hare his speech us waste by Miscall, and will receive, to morrow, throe days in adranct of the mail, a readable sketch by telegraph, orate mit and succusfoi effort. The prospects of the Mal adoption of his plan begin, to brighten: not that I am In favor of it, 1 beg your readers to understand, not yet, but I malady desire to give theta the result of others' observations as to a matter dad. I ley lam not yet in favor of Kr. Clay's project, bet in tomb I feel myself fast comics to it. For one I conk*. myself "perplexed and disappointed, and I may even say, much mortified by the latest developetnenin on what is called the President's plan. It has received a new ocastimetion, which is certainly utterly subversive dour northern un demanding. This noesurution is, that while the proviaional,"eivil,and military government set seer the new Mexicans, is to preserve • strict nen. trality in respect to their movements upon shiv ery, it is to permit the Texan authorities to steal the whole territory and establish themselves in it, to the must exclusion of any and all competitors to jurisdiction to that region. This is nothing more nor leas than the 610:11 decisive sort of ac. Out for slavery; because, under ads policy, the people are first dimmed and rendered perfectly incapable of self delence by the arms of the U. S. stationed among them, and then the armed and E=M=l of non setiou la precisely Ilke that of a guardian who should undertake to keep the peace between two boys, and should first tie the hands of one of them and throw hlm upon the gosling, and then stand by in silence and with folded arms, while the other belabored him with hls fists. This sort Moon adieu is certainly not that which will suit us, Miritsi - O'ir have 144i:hiel Ter,}Lad between the two we should certainly prefer Mr. Clay's. lam much gratified to bum that the Census committee in the Senate, have determined to re• port the Census bill In the shale in which it came (tom the Moose, which body, it will be readiemed, adopted the forms, tables, and blanks prepared by the Indefatigable Secretary of tho Census Board, Adz. Kennedy, of your place. This bill is • react nportant one,ilconvidered only with referenre to the provisions appropriate such • meanie, but the Home appended two ■mendmeutron Mr. V¢- tou'• mama, which or,li tro cf toe highest per manent Intereat,ane excrzum a conuollmg influence on the publx r fairs and the legislation of the country, far mug geese,' come. The first Ames the spportionment of representatives =mg tu,Statcs, by a simple And equitable rule, and ea. tabilahes the number of members of the 11211110 for the nest tan years at 233,a number which will doubt raise the nth) of representation to 100,- 000 inhabitants. Teri 'other amendment stakes the bill a permanent law, and dispenses with the necessity of farther legislation for the taking of the census at each period of tan years, a moat sale tary and necessary rule. Both these statesmanlike propoposhions were incorporated with the MU on Mr. Vinton's motion, and probably no other member of the House could have proestredtheir „adoption. It Is reported that the Ileysdile bu passed iota the hands of Allen A. Hall,.Esq., at - plant Reg ister of the Treasury, and that ha morrow he will relieve Messrs. Bolikt It Sargent in the editorial ' conduct of the paper. It is alleged that the aeries of late most estracmilltary articles in this paper, on Friday last, engaged the attention of the Pres ident and Cabinet; that the President voluntarily tenured the gentlemen composing that high and cooldentlal conceit, that he had never given any sanction fn publications of that character, nod the Republic was no more his organ than It was the organ of any body else. The rumor of the day is, that It was then: resolved, that articles such as Hume complained of, were lojedicioos and it:juri st:a to the Administration. The arrakgement pursuance of which Mr. Hall takes posseulon of the office, is a consequence ofthla consultation. I have not Gee to comment at length upon this matter. Mr. gemens, Senator from Alabama, received ■ talegraphie despatch from home to day, inform. him that his brother had bees killed la an affray. It it rumored, this evening, that a despatch has been received In town, 'that Oov. Quitmen, of BUM, is at the head of the Cuba expedition; which is likely enough to be true. Another re• port, which has been for mate time n circulation. amigneGlea. Cushing, of Idiunachusettx to the command of this horde of btmeaxecn, which is de. cidediy improbable. • Jumus. FRAM BAILUSIBURGH. Corrspondattes at we Pittsburgh Ossetia • Malausalas, May 1316, 1650 This has been s day of akaardlory excitement, though no rank has been arrived •at In either Home. It was soon apparent that nothing could to done in the Senate—W. Lawrence not having yet reunited—and that body almost immediately adjourned. In the Mao • Waggle was anticipated on the question of reconsidering the vote on the adoption of the Report of the Committee of Conference ap pointed on the Apportionment Bill. it bad been said all through the day on Sunday, that a motion to reconsider would be made, and the probabilities of the thing, its effect, die., were freely columned, the ultra Loco Focca !till proclaiming war to the knife, and threatening the dims consequences to thaw Who should be boltienough to make the Inn dom. These threats, however, entirely failed of their intended effect, and the Grit thing that was done, was a motion by blessm . Evans and Roberts, to reconsider. Immediately arose from all parts of the Hoops, • cry from the Loco ?cross for the orders of the day, and then succeeded motions to adjourn, and calls for the you and nays, which occupied the House till one o'clock, the hour of adjourn ment. Immediately after the adjournment; a Loco Foco caucus washald, and it would seem from their subsequent action; k line of policy agreed upon.— The Hone met again at three o'clock, when the question upon impending the rules in order to en terndit the motion to reconsider, spin come The yos sad naps were required, and forty eight mows apposed In the elaratativecliS the thigkeee , noon, not a quorum, voting, and of Cddrse no re sult obtained. The Loco Fora were all in their owns, but the ultra refuel to vole. This was the system of tactics avoid upon in the caucus; and thus, by this shameful and outrageous course, they ointinited to defies the action of the Rouse until the hoar of adjoeththeat math ma round. Ban eral calls ot the HOMO were ordered during the afternoon, baimry taan was found in his seat, and ibis wan discovered to be a meless and unireces sary itniemony, and consequently dropped. Tak ing them all in all, the prareedings were the meet shameful that has ocemred during the session— The excitemest io the lobbies, in the greets, and in all the public places of the borough is intense.— It is rumored now that the Speaker being in favor of the adoption of the Report pf the Committee, has determined to decide to morrow morning, on the the me of tha contest, that from the fact of the members bang In their seats and refining to vote, a quorum will nab° necessary to carry the question, as it would be, if there were not a quorum present. This would bring the factionista up very abort, and would be equivalent to the adoption of the Re• port, for that such& result would immediately fol low, cannot be doubted. _ Nothing else of Interest tins transpired Mother Home; and Mere seems to be no disposition to set on any other badness. COBDEN. With the views and IMOrIiOUS of the following snide, from the Philadelphia North American, we most heartily ctoineade. We Hod in this region an unwavering and ardent keling of devotion to the administration,—a determination to do fall justice team cabinet which Whig votes have brought In. to power, and to extend to it that generous sym pathy and :support which It richly merits at mu hands: --- The Adostntetrartion and the Party. The letter writers and other worthies of a aim; tar clan who have lahoreel so hard to convince the public that there wan a want of harmony bc., tweets the President and, his Cabinet, on the one hand, and, on the other, • hostile feeling culling intim both President and Cabinet among the Whit:members of Congress, have done a service, which they perhsta never intended,in awakening throughout the entire party • warm feeling in be half ot , tbe Aemmistrutlen, with avowals of con& donne sel support which cannot be mistaken. In all Pula of the country, the Whig papers have ex pressed. as they daily continue to express, the same sentiments on these 'objects. The rot mar of discord in the Cabinet ut scouted, wen properly as an absurd calumny scarce worthy to be hearkened to; while the suspicion of addend linen on the part of the Congressional leaden has stimulated precisely that sort of spirit with which • generous piny always rallies to the de• leaceof its chosen Adminirtration, supposed to be unjustly assailed or threatened with linen. yoked defection by its own natural hiendaand supporters. These demonstration ere, In themselne, highly gratifying; and they are Imp:cunt "'showing that the Whig puny, instead of being dead or distract. sites its opponents have somewhat too easily al lowed themselves to fancy, hat neither lost Its Identity nor Its principles. From the very nature of things—from the character of the party steely and from the known moderate and unobtrusive scheme of polcy upon which Gen. Taylor came in.. to power, ea Whig, but not an ultra Whig"—the President of the people, not of a party merely— anxious, by all the force of a partied* example, to dlsextrage the excitements and lessen the ranter of party feeling—lt wit to be expected that his Inavgaratios should be followed by a lull, a re turn of tranquilhty such so the quiet and orderly citizens wno constitute the man of the Whig strength, are delighted Once more to enjoy. They have erred who mistake this serenity for indiffer ence; and doubly have they deceived themselves who, hearing , this calm, the murmurs of die , appanted:mert, indulged without the response of rebuke, suppose that the party Itself feels or tares for the dlseppolatztent. Nothing, in reality, bad eoenned to rouse the Whigs from their repose, before the rumor was suddenly spread of treason and conspiracy In the camp. At the dent whisper of such n stets of things, they spring to their feet and their annaready to fall into the ranks, ready to advance to the point of danger, ready for any struggie—even as intense ore — Nat may be no cessarrue support a Whig Administratha which has been Mittel to the country and to nem. and to save the pasty from tie crime and perils of di. vision. • • • • • • • The Administration has derma the support of I the Whig party, and, acoordingly. the Whig party stands ready to support it—ready with head, and voices with courage and with resolution, ready with all the old energies and virtues, the arms, the hearts, the toll, the enacts If need be, with whleh,alter ito many years of wasted strop gte and repeated defeat, it won at last the viciory in Is not now lining to see thrown away. None leg is more certain than that the Whig party ex ists to all Its former strength sod spirit, and that stands by, end will continue to stand by, the Ad. ministration. ORPHAN ASYLUM DEPORT Pursuant to notice given, the Annual Meeting of the Piusburgh and Allegheny Orphan Asylum, convened at the Methodist Episcopal Choteb, on Liberty street, on the 14th hum, at 7 o'clock, P.M. Gen. Wm. Robinson. Jr., In alettair-,—._ H. B. Wilkins ens appointed Secretary. • Tne children now under the charge of the hill. lotion were seated in gloat of the pulpit. and • very large audience filled the body of the chinch. The meeting Ira' opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Goer, Ifilowed by an appropriate hymn nice by the Orphans. The Rev. Mr. liowsrd then delivered an ad drew, after which, the Anneal Report of the Tres sorer (1,) acid the Report or the Board of Mann• ben (B,) were reed and accepted. The meeting west then 'dressed by the Rev Mr. Paasavant. [The addresses of the two Rust wend gentlemen were elcionnt acid appropriate and were listened to with profound Interest) The Society then pfoceeded to elect a Board • Manners tor :the .coming year. ::"..“The fol:owing ladies wrre ottosen. Mrs. Bidwell, Mrs. Campbell, Mra. H. Denny , Mrs. Edtington, Mrs. Basses, Mts. Grier, blias Herron. Miss Holmes, Wse Logan, WS. Ropey, Mrs. McCormick, Mrs. Robinson, Kra Sellers, Mrs. Stockton, Mrs. Liam Wilkins, Mn,. Wade. Ails, player by tho Rev. Mr. Howard, the meet. leg adjourned. The children attracted the admiration and 'yin. peiby el all present, as Isaiah by their health Cal and tidy appearance, as by their good behaviour dat ing the proceedings. WM. ROBINSON, la., President. H. B. WILKINS, Secretary. —e— Restafgarsw Report. The Secretary of the Board of Manage!' of the Pittsburgh and Allegheny Orphan Asylum having been prevented,by unforeseen eireasulanees, from preparing the yearly report for the friends of the leuittnion, the Board, aware of their 'mainly to supply her place,' tattle respect, can only offer to you a simple statement of beta connected with the of of your beauty. At the tut yearly meetins there were lefty two children In the Asylum. Thirteen have been re• salved since—nine pot oat to respectable, and, as was thought to suable pumas; three have been removed by death, and two taken 'ea boarder,, cashing the total at present. forty fire. We regret to say that, of those pot out during the past year. three have been mused to the Anions in • bad condition ; Milton/ha* persons with whom they had been placed Went well re commended by their respective clamp*. The three whom the Good Shepherd hat with in the past year, taken to his fold above, were the younkeu of our dock; and. while, with moistened ' eyes we committed their bodies to the 'earth, It war in the hope of a joyful resurrection, and with the comforting assruance that they should never hunger or thirst any more. The elm of Allegheny having laid water pipe, in a street one square distant from the Asylum, the Managers appointed a committee to cooler with Com:idle and ascertain the terms on which they would furnish water far the en of the Insti tution. Rsvlog received the very liberal odor of a gratuitous supply, provided the Board would eatablush the communication from the house to the pipe. laid idnotrOrt; in the water. the a4i iz If flom g7e e e tif . tes - solved to igen volunteered to raise the requisite eve. $137, by epeeist contributions. Theater of $103,81. ono collected in this way, and in a few weeks the Anima was famished with hot and cold water r-e bathing and domestics use—two gentlemen 'at the time giving a large self supplying bailer worth Daring Daring the past year the Board received from a lady in Manchester the gift of 27 shares of the stock of the St. Clair Street Bridge—thns Making .1 large and valuable addition to the permanent fund. In presenting this liberal donation, the giv er espreand the hope that her name might not be mehtioned—rhea following the command of not letting the let, hand know what the right daub. To her we would with grateful hearts repeat, "In ' asmach as yo lave done It to the least of thew hula once, ye have done It unto me." la February lasithe'ldonagers received a pack age of fifty new and made garments the the children, accompanied by a very touching letter, front t female relative of three orphan children under their este, esti og that these garments should 1 be received as a slight thank offering for the kind aittentrans hemmed upon her orphan kindred. Such tettroonisla are very grateful—the more so perhaps, from their unexpectedness_ The capenet sof the insthatien have been great er dating the put than In any previous year. This .may be amounted far, not only by the ealarged 'sive dour family and the Inereua In price or all articles of food, but ales by expenditures lateens.. rt In the erection of an out building and some re pairs deemedunamindable. • ! The Asylum needing • new roof, a member of the Board wu appointed to obtain. advice Ind alb 1 mates as to construction, coat, 'Arc. The lad Y I called in the usistanee of • gentleman, se well vistaed to' aid with his ovum' et his liberality ! had shown him willing . to satin by his purse, coed by his advice, a contract hes been entered into fora stele roof. We would now bring our dear little ones before • Jo griw;in yet:monk. about oar and visits to the houses of poverty, can eriteets how • early training in vice (too 'often reeefred by the neglected children of the poca,l exhibrts its kilt in profane i l et in neglect as shelve by their tot. you — ace j at r ad b lpo tar k the interest we ore: for the money invested in Ike h the cdhbill°hetrtheineivain oarad.ubou:krrigoralo.nliy smile. good cause. Visit the MOON, fromi time a time, and see the euldren in Stab play 'grcund. the school ram, and the dialog hay—witness thitor. der which pervades all parts of the home under. the judicial' management of the present excel.' lent Piateco—then we ean more confidently ep. peal to the triads of ther orphan for ace:alumna ef the support they "dad to the necientioos ob. .leets albeit bounty. who, by the dispensations am, all-wise *arida'« are deprived ot the blessings of a patent's car e r-this care the Board of Mumma have endeavored to supply, and all• they ask ism be the humble instruments in lie. leg the proper direction to the assistance you *f ilm" In the aid and kindness received from many friends,r and in various ways, the Board find much for which to be thankful. Dr. Dale has continued to give his valuable and gram:tone service', with the usiataitee of his younger professional brethren, when necessary. The religions instruction which, for the hut year, has been given every Sabbath at ernoon to the children at the Asylum, has beep to human seblthf°tFl.t miles glorytelss already tf;raer seed thee sown by the labors of some self.deny. ins ehristian men. The managers view the opening year with brighter hopes. ?duels labor end care have here. Wore been necessary in going from door to door rsosgiag subscriptions, and doostiono - Some generous and active friends proposing a aubsent • lion among the gentlemen stone cities, to relieve WI of embarrassments, a i paper was drawn op, and, being circulated, yea ly pledges torn stomps exceedins twelve hundre dollars have been se- cured. This with our annual aubscriptiono, will be nearly "ancient for the support of the imam. Lion. The managers thus record their grateful thanks and are reminded that °the liberal hand deaseth liberal With this opening prospect, the Board will eon. tines its labors, cheered by the approbation of its friends, and aistileed by their prayer*. MO. Mary gibirns, Trasmru,tw dIISOStXt teek Orphan Arybon. DR. 1849, rah To balance from former report, 5658 69 To sundry aseu recd to present date, vir. For ground nay 3217 25 • boarding children, 103 25 a Donations, Bab% Ace; 251 09 a Charity boa, funs, dux, 11 86 • Interest from the State, 46 50 Interest on money, 240 90 a 'Water cnapany., 105 50 11 Iron convention, _ 1000 Cbariry concert. 5000 Fourth Ward Claimer, 09 00 0 Bridge stock, 54 00 1661 45 By stndry albumen:mato to presto( time vim Vishing 00671141477, 61006 67 Marketing, . 124 00 Nursing WWI, 95 00 Salary of toitrour, 120 00 * teachers, 160 00 t • searostrotses, . 46 00 * c00k,72 12 Femoral aspentoor, - ' - '4 . 5 15 Sh blil, SC 37 Shoe Bolas to home, 166 62 Introdueitot water to Asylum, 174 50 , 16totanee, 2250 . -- 2092 09 Otlanee 10 Treatment bend, - 240 63 Th., are exosing liabilities for, sic Slating the Asylum, $ 00 Oren sad Ilarasee, 50 00 Paving, 25 00 Failmated saciatlt's eipszt•ei, 00 00 $531 00 From whleh deduct the amount, as 'have, In the hands of the Treuurer, 240 05 Lod the amount new to be pmended for is, PO 33 (Enos excepted.) 11111850. LOGAN, WILSON A Co., Ism WOOD ST, ABOVE 1 4 11711, flare just reeelred tarp additions to their SPRING STOCK.OI/ BEWARE, CUTLEILY,k Imported by law packet. from F..]ttepa, and to IMO they weeld eepeelally call the attention " Ze u e e =a b tl e l v e i a ' r g p ‘ rit Zill tree. ass I • satisfaction. uncoviume UMW riTITIUTIONI. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Ot Plet•bargb. C G. HORSEY, Moen, • • —A. W. MARllB,Bac'r. 0121c•—No. Walt Comet, IA than •rartkowue et C. H. GRANT. TICII6 COMPANY is now mops:a to Imam all kinds of inks, on lames, mantLscionea, goals momilmodimMom, sod is tomato vowe As An maple gummy rat Itge Shalt? ls, .341 •-• • . • Inatirstion, is afforded is of diorama , •• motor., who am all clam. of Pittsbargli, , well and favorably known Mate commosity for tbeirpnakom, nuelllgenee, and Wavily. • Dula:ram—C. O. Jimmy, Wm. IMploy, Wm. Low imm, Jr, Wain! Bryant, Hag* D. Xing, Edward Hameltan, Z. Lamy, B.llarbangb, S. M. Kim oliMmf Dli; D. DUD?. • Dentia.Cemerefl•oanb sad Dwaine, between eett7ellvin naprovesseass IA V elatillet f • - DR. G. 0. STEARNS, late of Barton, Is prepared to otantifentare and set Broca Taira In whole and pane *lsms, upon &taloa or Atmospheric Suction Plates.— Tarraecancrsana in lico 11111 , 17 M, where the nerre to erpose4. Office and residence nest door to the Idep or 's office, Foanh street, Pittsbergh. Rarraeo—J.l3.llPFedden.F. H. Eaton. tale Oble mad Paussysvatalat Ball Road. Orris& Os= & Pins's R. R. Co.,Thlrd et. Puessesoo, April 15,18. D. miss Stockholders of the Obto and Penneytoasts I Batt Hand Company am heresy nottned to pay the fifth instohnent of Five Donets per share, at Me office of the Company, as heretofore on or beim tee 40th day of May ear; and Lee reloalolog Instalments of nee Dollen per sham each,on or before the MO day of each maces:dim month, until the thole are paid. 117 eider of the Board of Direerms. otyn.did • W. L &RUUD& Jr., Treasurer. Pp Da. McLane onto nte Pais in his practiee several year. before be could be Induced to qffer It to Me public in such a manner sate make it known all over the country, the quack reinedieo so frequently advertised and forced ripen the public hy means of forged cenlitcates and a system of puffing, preventing frequently regular and learned physicians, seek as Dr bl'lwne undoubtedly la, from entering the lists against each sompetiters. Convinced, however, of the reel value of his medicine, and inleeneed by the plain dictate. of dory, which would not permit him to keep from Ms chow eleatele• 10 powerful • mune, preserving them from suffering, be finally offered it for sale. Sines that time . it has I comic° known all over the U. Sums; and wherever II has been tried, has proved ire empanel - Hy over all other remedies ever offered Warsaw. of the liver. In feel, the pre. seription of phyamlane ate as lonics regaled in caeca of liver complaint 1,11 that Is necessary le for else patient to purchase and one Df. 11PLane's Liver Pills, to melee a temoratten b !malt.. Read %lull: Eidd it Co.—Please Ice me have two bases more MPLana's Liver Pills. My wife has sued two bores of the Doctor's Pills, and I ware you they have done her men good than my family phylielan has for two years, daring which lime ho was in rego• Jar attendance. Those two bones I think will effect • cum • JAMES JONIDI. Wilkins Township, Allegheny co. Pa. March 10th, 1107.. Err For ale by J. KIDD& CO,NO 60 Woad mme6 m Scald Of the Poo and Ankle Oared Ida em desirous of making known to the patina the greet efficacy of your PETROLEUhI in my Own ease, widish was Csevera scald of the foot and ankle; apse removing the awaking, the skin, peeled of with it, and left nothing bet the bare earfuls. I expected to be laid sip all winter from the elects of this scald, bat we applied the Petroleum freely, by means of a ethanol cloth saturated with in at first, the application was pairing, bat in a very short thee the pain abated. I had as pain inane hoar afterwards. In five days from the thee of the application of the Petroleum, I woe able to four work. I rote pleasure in stating these feats for the benefit of other relaters, and am desirous that they should be made pablio. I would also state, that I find Immediate relief by the use of the Petroleum, in hums, from which I am • frequent' selfeter owning to my Onalnese-about the engine. I would recommend It as the most prompt and emtain remedy for bum I have aver known ifilgued.) I II WE, Engineer, •Bharpebargb, Allegheny Co. Ploshatah,Apsll.l6.lo. Der sale by Mont t McDowell, Ha Wood street; R E Sellers, ay Wood et; OM Curry, Allegheny ally; D A FJllott, Allegheny; Joseph Douglass, Allegheny; also by the proprietor, E. M KIER, *phi Canal Raslet,Sevendt st, Pltishalla To nth Alen Masoste atm Wet. Yarns or Atx. meth Coolest—Robes King, of the Seventh Ward or ?lathe rib, Is hereby recommended to the Conven tion, galled to mots on the 6th of Jane next, as a ean• eidatelor the cafes, of Coats) , Commissioner. ap3o4lfrasteonT • MANY VOISES Tax MlSUMT.—Hianat Ilovi , Esq, of 311fIla po township, will be seprted for nomination, as • ran. dldate for the Assembly, before the And hlssoOle end Whig Convention, by MANY VOTERS mayHlkorteT CONORESS—Tioxas 61. Hews will be a eaadi• data before the •ollonsonie sad Whig Convenlion, for sioutimulan for Centres.. ma7l4:dtrarteT Cavan CoropostoW—Enissua Bosuns, of North Fayette township Ira tw a candidate for County Commissioner weir to the decision of the Whip and Anti MawNo o pyip.apap Conventlea. otayi•wieefl MANY. MENDS. Tams. Vain.; FA, of Baldwin township, will be Whig enoporte Convend for tCOion PIIILi by 1140110 NU 1, in MEROUS MENDS the Anti Masonic! and , marg:dtertirteB N. P. Pumas, of Bliftinnbunt bovenzeh, bo supported for Canty Commigle. r, at Ike why, .„,d Anti Masonic , Convention, by MANY VRIEND ==n CONGRESS—Hos. 'Mama Doer will be urged by his imam (or a nowassrloa as candidate for Congress to oho approsebbsy katlnuarie sad Whig Convention. IssyllsikwicS Gamma. Mass artn be enorted for lamination is eas Alnit6=l6lC Slid WW Oonvention t for ace of cosity CISIMMISMS. mayttedtmcgl 1113 iftuaLT—W. B. ffwinir, EA, of Nobles will be semitall for embalm u a elm Meals for Assembly, Delon *arid; and AnWassemie Conrculaa, by • • MANY VOTERS . ' , Worzwo Immo of the Niu Ward, P3usborgh, min be supported mthe Whig sod Aralmssonle e away r.m.tlon. for Assembly. BOOTH PrITSBUROLL mAYlTsliksote.% - o'clatt,SLlAll Ur; daughter a• George A. and Saab Dern. The Innen' will take 'place to dab at 3 I'M . 7 b a friends of the family an invited to attend. ma7l7 Bassets anal Bonnet , 11.1bblusies la UR P IIY RCEIFIE.LDroc steed au ad. Lvi &Gone supply of above goods, icludw_verious Mirky of Chins, Pearl. Albone, and Gluip Goortetsi White sod Colored Gimp doi and Ribbons °fell colon stiZ prices. lanyn - 110011.111110 GOODS. & I.IURCHFIELD iontte the attention MUL of those wonting goods for ?dooming put poses, to their very foil 'assortossnt,Just received, such as. Black lkannasines, • • Bombs:toe finish Alcateas, Blank MINIM de Lallans, Mourning Wash Silks, • . • do Printed Foulards, • Rsnges,Tusocr,eielllan Looms, Alhawnea, Mb? Black and glinted Lamm. Black Embmieered doi Boons* Ribbons, &add*, Veils, to. maYl7 PRINTING PAPER—Always on band or made to order, lb. redone atm ar of Prinunt . P, ro ltag WropStraw plog Paper; Crown, Meer; thons,and Cwn ts Wrapping Pap Crow., Medium, and Doable C.own Poet roTtee l'oper;Pasteboard,te. to. W MARSHALL, es Wood £OOllO for Canton WALL PAPER al Itriata m a A Vga main R ood . Wall Paper Store,o I.l , l=lss N CarallA, ze l fa i rg o sa N co PITCH ec 100 torlifilit,h4,r,rtaiztvy bd. No 9 Rosin, for We by rbsyl7 JAB A HUI CHISON & CO 1, 6 "rj 'st, g eLZ fromELL C./. A.S Dme 1.717 AJO e t 00 brio No 1, loot reeg, for We low Li to close cotuitosatut, by JAS DALZELL tnayl7 IPOBACCO-4C I by. 5 , 3 Rowland .bm:d, receiving 1 Per canal, for Frio by JAB DALZELL MELODEON PIANOS. TWIT received, and now opening, One elegent Rose -11./ wool 6 octave Ideiodeon Plano, from the eels , mod marinfaciory of March k. White, Cinelewatr. This in a superior instrument, of fine tone. and very sold enunciation; a so, coo fine 4 snare Melodeon, KLEBER'S Mania Int Third street. Despatch, and PeilLn9l.7.l_ TIIIBET SHAWLS—Soper - lov high colored Thibet dhowls, comprising Gnn; Orange, Pink, Bloc, Green, sod Corn colored, te a treceiving per °sprees, and this day opening by A A MASON k CO _stayiL 6g Iduket st mMa a7 y I rnal. Cu - - - 20 PIECES Plain Blue, Pink, Omen, and Com Colored Barges, Teed per amen, and now opening by inayl7 A A MASON k. CO PHINTED MULINS-3 eases choice colored, at dte extreme low pnee of Itle per yd spa opmards, ItC`d this da by mayl.7 A A bIAEON &CO B-40 bads Shooldus, Cifarg i zatd. :team r sea by- lIEESb.t7I '" ""I' Ir b JART & SILL yI7 tore, and tor sale by SMART es BILL LTP-303 bush .1111___ Rvr,—too bushels in stem and for sale by meyI7STUART & SILL QUOAR-19 bbrls N 0 Segel...ids* reed en consign mew, for sale by J S DILWORTH & Co "63 Wood st . . BACON-6 bids prime Leciaville packed choniders last received, wad Ca ea& by - ma 1p 8 DILWORTII &CO POWDEB.=-11130:3111Re14; 70D18304. DIGWVRTR far stag mart: MfrPLE MAN k MOLLBSES—A moll lot jut reeelVed, and for sole b W y m A MeCLUILG k CO 2.56 Llnatty BUTTER—Prime roll Jest ree'4, anti for sale by mayi? WmA MeCLURID & OD OAI9-ICO babel, beedloi:a i nfitsillAk by co toeyl7 253 Liberty a SALEIIATUS in bozos, btltoad cads's, toy silo by amyl? ,DALZSLL &CO RYE nOil R-6 Lrls in non'', AO I *Alb bY EL amyl) DAL ZELL 8. CO POTASH -5 casks on land aa,l for sale by !Silly!, & DALZELL & CO RICE -10 Ics 116.110 g, Cad for wale by_ MILLER RICKETEON mall? 179 & 174 Lawny sr SOAP -150 bu Chlillashe Soap at reed. for sale mayl7 DIILLER IirESTSON H — - - M AM' BATURNEWINE-22 casks r received, arid for sale by , !WILLER h. RICKETSON WINE -27 !dais Claret, lu ball St Dan& blrdeil ari bra Ham Tales,ce stare, for tee by ma 17 & mextrsou C " F13" 7 10 to on Sand, and foa debt 79AIAl4DICICD13CO LT- Was= lk isara n. I riore, for nle Co °A2-71 I". N DiCKEIT & C m•yl7 M . OL &E;y9-71 brls 21 Mby •.it t TAR—Mbrla on bud, end for !We by roor7 ISAIAII DIUSEV k CO typi..lA , ll, • ve,,V!M I ; I PE& WATER PROOF Jrlg on a • V for gale low, to elatecossmeggentrbe ISM all DICREYA CO FrOBACCO —lOO bx. waned Ilsts and guilty, for sale 67 mgt? DICICEY &CO ROCK SALT—Stram Hind, tsbl. aft, tor Pale raaTIT ISAIAH DICKEY CO S K-100 ha Austin%loaul for We by arayt7 9 d W 111019AIIGH -FL.tig,73°°bt',J.Vd"'V.bvTilirßirllll RE FLOOR—IS brls reo'd...l for Ws by cosTl7 9t W iIARBAUGH 1:0&11. CURED FIA3/11-10 derece Alien brand, 0 Jest received, and for sale by mayl7 Rd W lIARBAUGFI B ACON -Z:1,000 lbs Shoulders; 10,00 lbs }lsms: IMO) Ms &des, sII 64 smoked. for Ws 8 & HARBAUGH 13111111INGIIIM s ELIZ &HI • PL MIK ROAD. NOTICE to hereof given, that Books for Anburin. non of Sock will be opened onMondq,4/th inot at the house of Daniel dimwit., In Birmingham, and at Bah. Blackburn's, %dim, from 10 till 2 o'clock, or the purposa of extendirg sold Rind by Planking, logreeshoy to supplement to Act of Incerporall• passed April 30ch,18.50. One or more members of the Committee will be in auendatice. JAMES PATTEASON, Jr., Seennaly. May 15, 1812.—maylIdellS lvt'esTlCE is hereby given, that the following named VI persons have filed in the Register% °Mee of Al legheny County, accounts of their several action, as Aumielormors, Executors, and Guardians, and this sold accounts will be pfesented to the Orphans' Court of the eooottaforeestd, for confirmation and allow. acme, on Monde,, the 17th day of Joao next, vim— Jonathan P Ross, Administrator of rho estate of Hurd Studer, deed. Chu Anderson, Adler oldie estate of Gogh Ander. son, decease . • - Lyman Wi arth, Ada,', of the estate of James tic FJmy, decease . Jacob Alter d Jos hlelunklu, Ex's of 100 Cowan, deed, dual says..htect. Joseph Cooper and George Morrison, Ex% of Robs Cooper deed Sarni Foster, El% of Edward Melsaff, , , deed. Zabia Henry and Jefferson Henry, AdoPre of Wm Henry, deceased. C hite, Ades% of George Duprey, deed. Joseph Vandergrig, Ex% of John Ullman, deed. War Robb it Joe Robb, AC Ors of Joseph Robb, ded. James Liggao, Ad , rof Rmennah Liggett,deed. Henry &Joseph Holm., Ex% Joseph Holman, del. Robs McKee; Ad% of Junes McKee. den'. John J - Wolf, Ad', of pi Him% dee'd. Philip Stevenson slut Wm ifinkamp, Ad% of Joseph Vinkamp, deed. Sena t Joo Puter,Ad% of Alex's Foster, deed. Humble, Alt% of Phibp Jones, deed. Woo hillier, Ad'r of Hugh Pienting, deed. Gown Linton, Ez% of /oho Cameron, deed. 11 anneir Les, Arra of Ralph Lee, deed. In Jab, Ad% of Ezekiel Job, deed. :Min Swearer, Ad't at William Cook, dead. James hiel3ride,Ad% ouch teltanatelainneXa of Ann Black, dee'd. John Morrie, /id% of Wm Lantbart, Tnomu Id Taylor, Ad% of Wen Hudgins. Reuben MIX rem:, acting Ad% of Nathan M.Forson, deceased. Richard Parker, Ad% of John Wilkomn. deed. Sand Mach", Adh of Geo Bailey, deed Wm flreon, 6% of M.:VW Litt le, dol. fin ataet r o d, BuWavy, Ex% Darby Haulm, ded,loal ace% Jainet Ta' d, guardian of Minor heir of John . Lenfeety, deed, final sat user. • Richard wards, guardian of miner heirs- of Wm Robb, boil Seen. Christian Aosiatte,roudian of minor bole of Manus Sham, death finial anet. J J.ohn do er, 'coon. of . minor heirs of Honey tesou,. Joseph T McKnight arid John Benton, Ad%of John Benton, deel. final meet. Joseph T trod Jane Hunter, Est, of MIAMI Hooter, deeessed, final ogee. James Pollak, Ad% of William Mae, deed. JOHN SCOTT, Register. negeo,hlso. ossyyLnit tavnitt TO. HOILDEILS, PROPOSALS mill be received by ihe nu:scriber, (or the erection of a School House, to be built in the tOTIe of Port Parra, (Lock No 3, Alonongothele Improvement) until the beet day of June next. Plan ana epeeificationn may be teen tithe aka of Herron, Mormon & eeeoElflh nreet,_Patsburib. Propoeels toto .4,l, at ee, J MORRISON, on behalf te School Ditettafe. sairlll43,. Gadd sad >e.... aa,llCebrasga. Paid for Amenaan Gold, - a and Par Fonda, at lb. Ex. chatia-e."ast"d' B.—nail:l7llam of A WILKINS I CO atayla ------Extsbango Bankltwele. A FEW oboes of the stock of tide back wattled al ma 7 Lt ..71. the FAchinge office of A WILEINS & Co 00111 !LIMITS Wasted. gives, to twenty additional TPMPLOYMENT will De ri Wears, Coal Works on the Bandy and Beaver Canal. Apply_inonerliately to 161•710 I C UIDWELL, Water:meet. WANTED, m arxe w ho o nso In Philadelphia, By11:11 . : tt e L IU youngfamiliar with the b. g teess, and has wi We . acquaintance among the mereasnis of Ohio and goetutsylvania, whose trade he could ingnence. To a suitable person a eral , n 1 .7 - ba paid. Address B. Y. at this Ohm A .C.-61ASON CO, 69 market st , aw — opea , .rle Ina choice high Colored Bareget,Tasom, Mar que....belphines, Ac., all at reduced prices. mild FAST colored lawns and Moen. at the lotinnee of 1 210, will be opened by A A MASON A CO nealLS WO:NCH PALETOTS—A A Mason A Co see now .L receiving 4 cartoons Swiss Embroidered Palen. of the pine tubb:nabls Si mayl6 . . 1 h tui uririii•liara moriallrisli ono BUiCrIFTELD bats iodotied slot Mot Printed Fo O old SM., utie lad 'does et Mao per Told; Woo ',coo do. at Memo Odom Wadi Edda, moot Waldo. st reduced idiom' of.di • UM. es• dot BAILEGtS&GILENADMES. MAW Oren Gc:do gen roll, of numut styles, id Dank east =mar of Enseth_. HEW P-01 beer Missouri dew ratted; ' atarld for nle by 10 baler Manilla, L co tAsA I - arrctusom 4t. CO mayl3 k owe bY S " rally " " Marri n 1 B. 4 2_ , Lk' P-3 REFINED SLOPR-73"kb daubed from attune, De Witt Clinton. and far saieby J AMPS A HUTCHISON WO Laois staff • may 13 Ars wos ihtinaY) MOLASSES—So brls - 14 Roue, T ,„ R e fiwy,- IVA Bona. do 6 0 edo" I N co BURBIIIDGE4 WiLS° Water Forme by mayls TIMED d PPLDi.4 beey for tile by - . • && OURBItIDGE. WILSON & CO •••••1. OUISVIGLM LISIE-100 WI. (rob bemtWhits 14 Lime, fot sale by aylll 011118 RIDGE, 'WILSON k. CO GROCERIES -1g hbd:Ar c o:Lr rt hf A hf ells 7 Irroon,aseimmgM s c , 30 do Gunpowder ant Imp 3. do Panchen 5 do Oolong AS caddy boo 'PH Imp AG P et boo V. Va and iffy Tobacco 35 caddy bin Blames Vs do PO boxes March 50 tole & hf bele Saleralaa Indigo, Bladder, Alum. Gingm, Pepper, Allrpiee, Nutmegs, and Lamp Stack; In Pep, H Mr tale PT C GRANT mayls 94 Water at MANUPACTURED ARTICLE! -3010 lbs' Coma Tun; 49 , bales Batting; Wes Candboriski 130 arAnned Nails; 23 kep. pare Whits Lead; 1 , 1.1. Iron; Shovels, Spade., Ron, .d Fad% (or via b at. IS C 11 GRANT A. A. MASON & CO, nukes serest, betwoom TAUB & Fdrutlb; Plttabsellll, Pa. • WOSILD rupemenly ealf the anentlen of eery lad mambo menthants, to ene of the moat annum 8400.5 In the canary, comptiting emu Beane. Hundred Cana and Packages of Foreign and Demem in Dry Goats.rormaring, in pan, of • see eases ben sore Canton 100• Bleached Muslin, an grader, SommerMath end Comrades; no • Mulls de Labs. 40 • Lawns *AM • TO • finnan, and 10 10 • • CasslrscreseCtotko; 100 " sad bales ottichlage, Checks, Ike.; 300 • • Elfal•tal011103. T0.0104 1 4 3. %10 , 20 , MOOS extensive austrst Df lmpone d ample• facilities lot obit mute of the," basing... end one of dm partners being constantly In the canna markets, that presenting emery advantage enjoyed by casters lasesea. They bellows that Scan of,, gicalstliplaceMeSO4 a:merchants gener .M axles, troalitles, and mmes. than Merchants es NSW pelts constantly anivueg. intoning per. akaalng Eut, are particalsrly scdleited to cumin. than assortment. MAO A • MASON le CO C a T u ri -2° boo s W F ' 'l, L O C l ,P e giirn e raL co_ I lizoboago Bask of Pistoloorak• 1 NOlOO-4 eaves Manilla, far ale by rasyts . C II CHANT • nANTON TEA—Slihf ahem, very kw piece, far kJ sale be Ineyls ' C GRANT EMS- 6 nita ettra Hater Cared Hato, Jest re. DIL aired, for s gale by 8b W LIARBALIGiL rnavls VLOU-10 tal. so patine Flonr, nivet, tor 1 isale b y mtvlS 8& W HkRBAUDH Q UGAW-20 bad N 0 Sow, In store. for sale by AXIYI3 & W HARBANOLT TiHIED P le EACHM-31ebaabela W more for aale by may 13 VICITIA RAMIE-70 brie "Malt! Milic," rct ,C 1 ate, just received, end for sale by mallS S W HARBAUGH DOT ASH-2 bets Pot AA jog roc% to, sato by atayls lit IV HAR. UG RO.A.NITPIEV F bo v Is o Irb. W i ts i b u i r CO viral% BEAN 9-0 bris small, for role by msyt3 9 VON BONNEO29T k. CO vlgg-"lll77..raNtitar & co G ROCEIIIEB,te-73 dos Broom& Pomerors cirri 96 bin &era* Condos 10 trio Choeolsto, No 1 5 boo Cocos s, Baker% 60 On prime Rr R thetas 60 la bra No 3 s angdah Manta: Datry el Choose lo 2 & I tills Nos 11,42 do. o so cols No 1 Herring 26 bra &hf brls Nolithad • bra No I Baboon SO bss Boated Honing se. solaria Rao 6 bzs soporkis RDA F ear SO tam Pearl ald No I Murtha to Id chars eras Oman Teo j 20 do If H,lorp Mt 3 9 6o caddy bzs do do' 23 dos patent Zino Wastdmards sto bra polo Cider For Isa 62 J D KILLIAN& CO • • • rosob N B roe Wood & Fifth Cs. • TITEMP SEIMHO has just ree'd, and for sale sidle JUL Drug, Sent, uul Perfasnery Warehouse, corsair et Bath and Ward streets. mayls 8 N WICKERSHAM . BI UE GRABS • . Germ ROOT-3 sr.ks roe'd, for eras by mayls .8 N WICKTIMUSI ACON-10 casks molted, ro arrive, for map b y maylii iIKAIAR DICKEY t CO Front h. WSW, ale L ARD -83 brio Lard; O half brls do, la arrive, for ssle by ma7ls ISAIAH DICKEY & CO GRASEE -10 brim to arrive, for sale b mayti . ISAIAH DIC E 9EY & CO n kCON-23 Weis Hung - • VI Md.; Sideg 110 Id hhds Shouldstg - Is &lids assorted, in store, Ise sale DY magi I idIAH DICKEY & CO COFFEE—Ie3 Wigs prime peen Me, for sale by masa IJAIAH DICKEY b 1.9 91Ek-4U vtp G lIMEI and Blank, for We by J. ma7ls ISAIAH DICKEY kCO PIR wonics I 9 cateicitaillorc Prrparat by It lr. Carman, Practical PyraterdsdaG" (IN THURSDAY evernng, D 34 but, cncing ki at 8 o'elock, composed of number commam and beaanfal piecs, comprteing every color of ire known la Smart. . Pot cotticulars, see The mentor Hopei lifttleins the foot c ob PM Erect at the Devoting of each honrotocil en ose of th e ellaihnion. A Coalmine. 23 cents. DaWim, Newlitly Varbesiu. QTRONG Plants at the Prise Dahlias, Varatenas,as. al composed of the choicest sorts an CUbifida°, on now ready for planting. Orden left at ow Maas to the Dmatond•Markot, where catalogues may be had, or by the Pittsburgh Po.t Mee, wait be_promptry at. banded to. , JoldPS WARD OP, soarts.dtw Mumbester Nature. NSW BOOKS! 211ZW BOOKS! AT HOLMES , LITERARY DAPOT e Tom Prase, masks the Poet Office. LINE 1 . 111211, a 1 coo /711tItle The; by Charles Diet. Sotto° 811*Itapeare, No U. ' . . • , ?awning Call, No 7 Iltdorana or adveratarea in the path Dina:pin—A l V o;.It to Oltablorals, 3 ong dgc, by Bayard Taylor. W • Dictionaty of Mecha Nol3. nics, No. 9. • Haas Nereltora , Idagasete, tor hlsf. • likkerbocker Pot Mioch, Al:diploid May. NSW PVULIC&TIOXI. ASYSTEM eirAneient and Mediaeval Geography. For the am of school, and colleges. By Marks mak., L. L. Profaner of Greek and Lida Lange. ages In Columbia College, Now York. The History of E.gleod, foam the invaders offulias Carer, to the abdication of Duman, By vid Annie, Eau ; a new edition, with the MG. author% lesDt a cor rection and Impfetrerneralli 10 wbaelk is pickled • Man neenent of tos life, written by Isbanelf. vole. A debool Dictionary of Greek end Zeman Anir tlery abridged from the lamer dictionary. .lity Sauth,L. L. D.,• with corrections and improvements by Charles Aetna; L L. D Memoirs of the Life sod Writings of the Der. nos. Cesium., 0.04 by his son In law, the Der. William Banns, L. L. D. In•three volerner. White Jacket; or Life in a Man of W. By Her man Melville, Who, of "Typee Game? oliaraiti and Bedlam. Thu Work. of Mrs. Sherwood; being the only so' form edition ever published is the United Sums. sir 'Monies, .• 3:11121 lateen v 01.... roil Tslea bona all nation.. By Anthony R, with twenty four It=mations by IL Lloylo. - Walton Harvey, and tabu tales. By Miss Sedge wick. • • The NatiOnal Hyannis Keeping, adapted to all part s of the Dotted buttes. By John blaming, ao, COGAtellt. /Lisa, • loge armament of American S.& Union Goo-to, on band, and Mr II tee'RY A ENGLISH is CO Successors to ELLIOTT& ENGLISH, mail* • ?9 Wood meet. JUST opened, si tie Pillsbargh Fetidly Unmet) end Tea Wareham, the rollowing ussertmeot of Green mei EllselsTess:—. assn. ei Young.llyson; Oolong; . Firm Vanes do; Fine talons; Extra fine do no; Elva ane 4 . • imperial; bontliong; . liunpowder. • • • Choelso tootheng; bisogyong do . 'S It la unnecessary to pia the above Teem, they *cal, for themselves. All we ebb is a fair ilia ry !, end we are confident they will please both gsah_and iniee. WM A ln M'CLAJIMI 6 CO m•yti Zit LI • ni IU IRON-100 tans Hamer co Pig Iron. for data by I 9 DILWORTH & Cu may! 51 Witodat • LARD -10 kW No Bard; -34 kep do tor ..e by may 14 J D OILWOATNt CO BUTjair J4O tap now far nle by , 8 DILWOball a CO NA °LAMER-100 brl. prime phonation, for sale by m H rl 6 DILWORTH It Cob 'DOTASH-90 corks potash, for sale by JL maple Jlf DILWORTH &CO rfIOIIaCCO-2 hleis Ohio I milt saie roaytf J 8 DILWORTH & CO 13 COPING PAPER—d. constant oapply of 'll.oohog lb Paper for growl roofs, of asperor ousifY, flu mayl4 J SCIIOONJUM.R & go et 16-11 00 gal. pare Spotal Oil; %.1 1100 gals Whale Oil; 13 Otis Tanner.' akil, for nle by . .1)14 J SCHOOradaliEll fr. CO ....._. _ ... Eff - Ti - TURPENTlNlitiilirilrfv7e - aidei. for 17 ,we by mayll J SCHOONMAIER &CO Clip:OLATES.6c—llnkees Nd I t:tieeolate; 111 , 11- er • Brom.; Bake.% Como; Preach env:34m; tlpantsh do; tpierd do; Vanilla do; Eating do W.I. mail{ WM M'CLURG h. en --- ODA Atll,lll casts MlllptlMlOoleut ISoda 0 'kW artiVin by cans.l,_and for sal• by W & AIITIMELTREE 1.127 wem ripuartwrinE-4A bob 1.1•1 OT TIAN "' J. awl for t.le by mylt JO /IN A Slf-- . 2 cuts very myna' r. 141 1 reee. co , P UT tale by entyllti n inolloiN TV 11111Na...a 4) a b.t..P. Whltin , we 1,4 C°PAl,C4l4liiniti:lb7l; r4eLMil‘ r iiCatipAN _ _ JCIINIAVAV POTASH -4 1 cults of the beet quality, natal's far retailing, tot sale by J SCHOOY . 4ISI4ZER CO tri. Pt W , pod stnut, ----"RCUURP • TrlJrareThoorrecTeThig Mtheiriceiond ooppry °Moeda for tido Sprint. au offer their Ittends and borers Lemony a logo and choice nosed:mat. to roleetSr, _ J. Dc.ll,er are Jeri cd rcr:sia= ioo • " ' d .od oeoeral bled. " vi,lm k " ' IZ7 Flees etcllsl:22cl wild of 01L- 8 brio med. .4 for a sol v. ;law r•I ARREITS tete' lit 'd ferets ALCOROL-10 tato reed and f R or 010 by BELLERS ,S 7 Wood rt nein GREEN-10C7 lbs re , e'd.isd for ss.d . 7 . Z soya • RE S INDIGO -1 cisis - jsul rec'4 and fork i b y l uzu I awl, • A we AClD—idalbaluat feed and krt aalibby risfsaryLl E SELLERS THEATRE! Lome as hanger. Ureic Cimla andParq 0 01 .7 (for cola rad Denonsl•-• -Z Doom open at 71; Canada will the in d o'clock nigtit bott oas oak. OXLEY Oa Fri4y, bay 17 ill be pirosenial IiTtIraLLO. f 4 V Y =III 51AOV and 1 P•r'!."4 To conelado vriUk ' • NATURE AND PhuubBQPRIV. Satantay, Mr OXLEY 7rtil appear. PITTSBURGH MUSEUM. APOLLO EIALL.-31011713 . 113 ATRIUM °Pal DAILY—Ron3.3o 12 in the otOrning; 2 to b is the efteraoon; ha A, Goat 7 to 10 o'clock la the weenie& j rAdtaittaace 23 mum; Otillitha ander LT yeah Agmcame- WM A. WOLVRO a 00., GEOCIEDB AND TEA DEALERS, • No RSO Libreyarers, &dm Weed, 11. v. .3111711 0. Mad • Jul, warmed of Cbede• Weenies toll No Teas; alio, ?weir, F m k. .. A Pim. Whelps& end Retell Melia" 'applied ea the 0.1.1 brine. .... A. zoo* & co., PIITSiOSIL WHOLESM3RY GOODS . m thle ete " 72' 13111 Bank tee y &clued id .11e1%1 d or run per tett On the cerdtal week, peyeb_Le. to the stock holders, or their !stet - representatlresos or after the 17th =tent. .Eastern stock holders will be pad at the Western Bank of IPllledelphls. • . nurkltd THOMAS M HOWB,Ceshier. 'Merchants' and llanaractarete Bean: Prrnmas s, Mat 1, MO. T HE Pardus, and Mn'stessema hut bi this poet,cap WI ' "4 e r T ide s p=l, V l * . t " mt s ma W It ,DKNNY IRE PROOF PRINT-10 tons Biske's Patent Fits Proof falai, or artificial alatalust received. Tie - above natal we have bed in sw.bc (tie ' , sank ...A we can confidently recommend 0 .to the peblie fee general see. aa a perfect fire and water proof paint, and - s to stand the by action of the auswayPH lLLlPS bers without hril l. 'For sale may L 3 . T & II Wood st - --• REM OIL CLOTH—nig ray& 44 Greta Oil C Clcib, on bind, and for sale br sni 13 . 1 - /k Ii PHILLIPS IKETALLIC: RUSHER CLOTH—A few pieces HU be bud, imitation Of marble, for N. by . 2aLl2 J. 411 PHILLIP& Fr " G d O lts p o W :ZosrsdOnlZ a t i at: g lY:o w'r r SkoodtTZe pardon of which hese fan yorchasdal at a great redsedon tram tbe prices Imbed by the same descends°. of pods to the eney past of lbe season, se test in almost every Mod et goods Ire MU be enabled to eller Great Bargain to Cask Buren, ark= so nod respeettelly webs Is call at 00 Merkel at, north Tess corner eft. Dimond, •• ALF.X.ANDEIt k DAY • LEID-7.10 pip moil G.buts, io slam far oh b mmo RILEY, MATTHEWS& CO DILY 111DVS-417 dry-Hides landind, far lain mayl3 EHEYAATTHER CO otAIDS—A. A. Jenson ad . " i. N hiare daily »raiding oasts anCpackages of Om ala t choice and desirable goad.. anti-' r "ACC°- 20 1 21 b hi . rte: 4. l4 3:l:llo:pe unm tr p. d Ca o; . "4" , • : L . 19 bra Jobes .6Mame& co Lome VI boo Rune° 1 Robin Po Lo '6 eases 44 dmuf hi, ilyort °robots; 4 do 35 do nom°. NoelorLd; 1. do .6 do do . Gold Leo; 90 kgoll twstore; and fee Ws by MILLER k RICKETOOA 171 k IA Ltbeny n.• /4liS.ltri-,N Cm%Yowl Prial o iPees, u so 1. 10 do M Nor , - $ 11 II Regalia, Essaereklai__ - • IS 151 do Cosmopolite; • Al Harmed, Twig 16 , do Ids; Corky mayl3 anuma RICKS/901V FIRE VA • V V 05147-4410 lb% patent Fore kloi P.iat,iu more, nee ler saleloy REYNO.LIth lo SHER, ea. larva & Ineln strecs. GFLAIINE k. ISINCIL6IB lot - J olliu-4 4 . - oOper; Sheet Ge`adine; CooperPoiMooddo; Whits French do, for sal. by WM A bIeCIAIRO A Cl) mnell 45a Llbooly tL V4 1 , ,j tr i ttAlta l t „. .SrtM . It GS for tiov i l i rmlottrii4 PTAfae' '"ag" l l l6 l °lgictin e *:C:o RECKER'S Farina, Whalen Gnu, and Elatat, whink Amst whaltsoina and apenawa lea of diet, espaiially foi dyspepttea and anima, Far sale • IW M A IIeCLURG &CO 10D LIVER 01.10—Dubtan, Olipc it Colo Jut tecglecd, and tor sale by 3 KIDD tir r I=lo AC , IIFIC4 the "21 . • sal . . pl c n 0 ma7ll MTRA EY ell. Ell ies sale ay • RIM) CO A • - . A. hui.iiii a W On Una day ososic4lo pieces e V frisk Mack Geo de Rains Bilk; 10 meanie& do; 10 peo n i.o. 40;1 6 pes 31 Jaen do; and 4 inlets 30 Inca do. ..- -- . • • • amyl° LOTS FOIL SAL! A LOT on Cherry Alio:hum Sixth aura, soitablo for a /welting bolo, or two or three small-tram mots. pply to maylOrrAtw 'IW It eal st. FLOYD, • inT7Twrr•r 7 .-j--rmlm, MitlalUaV=l ZS dad do de Rattled this day by CAMULF:r LINEN LUSTRE f—aa pd. I•bdaidabl. Lames, at tbe eztraia• boar rico of Itia =IVO . • AA. MASON it.. . .11rhh tad NY•11111111 LONNA • • SIM pe s 2.41. ad 406 pes 4.4 Maim Litieng ISIS pen Sissy's Bastin , " and Alszandesis swamis r • Irish Listens, now opening lit 91100 A A. MAHON& co • JOUN A. PARKA/160M LDWiIIdAN, Ptah Ward Pram aufat,:beivram Wllara arta Walnut. Al l baaioesa pcompur 21.• waled AMEEI w euaearoas,or Piltsborgii, — / - 24 !kW .0 16=2 CAda sof N. Orleans. hare llialmd • Coon:then/0 io &OHIO{ • central COnathocloo non to Ow thy of Now Ozloth., under Om trot and Pyle of llortaulgo fr. Adams, sal* OD Coop &Mot Yinibtrith, Apnl 9,lE6o—who PAIINESTOCIEVII -DMIIIItOT6II I6 . FiIiNEIMCZ begg Irani to anoorreie to deo Os patrons of Ida New Directory of Ms ene* of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, and Lorrain or' Flea. Chater, ham, to., that the work is now Dearly ready for. the press, and will ha pat is the hands of the punter , ma. where between the 10th andantt 421=1: • 117 - itr -- e a teas genenilly, and all vile f 4 ao interest in the production era coeopleze and Pell.led particularly th aw trot been cal on. sem pre W 7 oblige the lace:lo , 4r lint their emcee avocalleas and Nam if barinafh Se r are' . noted for publication is the Direetory. • Ku cue. to he busted, nest be lauded In Corti with, er at the lima, by Ile datiabove nataed. ' mule PEA NUTS—Log nets Tecessne, far male by =7lO WICK & McCIIIvDLESS OrABH-0 auk. for mukluk& for We by 'amyl° -WICK & McCANDLESS Baax—io rat.2.l tr c lu a ila mglo a.; MOM 19M4S-4J e for sale by WICK k. bIeCANDLEIS3 CerlDLs'3R ,~ • R ozil-10 brts jut reaNh_oubd for rale by 5 rt AVICKERSHAU.. ear, bislb mat Weed St rit cuity s NARY ee 8/s d, ea 88-13 W Ds jut ric`d of saw crop tof ut• 1111110 .8 Pi WICKERSHAM Clitzl7,,GßE'" — to eu`,':P'‘`vMUtilet' ratROSE YELLOW-12 cases jut reed for Web . / mete S N WICKESZHAM WABS-00 hbdsPladoetion; • 20 beta 20 brie do terrefinee Palve do rlred U 44 10 ewe do. D retinal do;,. • 1011 eeseedo ddi teed. Powdered C; 12 nth Billed; JO bap Bruit; laaa real, and Weed by MILLER k BICKETSON 172 & 170 lobany rt. BM& & LARD on conuennent, rot sale by mylo MILLER t RICKEMN Cr lIINGLES-00 H Freneh Creek Blibiles, an , esti -1,7 v4soznent, and for .ala bv matin at FUER & zucimrisom COI , PER-1.. , baiss•priaso Btu fares now lauding. t Galt tr? • MILLER it - RICRETSON SALLE , ti 01i..-2S bsku qu'asThusiles Raga OA 10 I do peou do do; 10, do superior Bard.= blast; For We by MILLER & iticsErepm • usiytu 1000NOMY CIDER & DRY AFPrEi-10 b.mii Ng Crab Clskr, end 4 begs Dried Apple for eels by_ merle - MILLER & RICRE7BON __ ING HAM LAWNS -40 pee Gt ask.. Lawn jut _ henna, end inn selling lei in very len en: of If 4 tern Der yard. by A A MAsON CU M. U 01.12415 A AAAAtir&—lus pos Paris Printed mines, lausCiayles; 23 pee do Oak per Tad: aller pee delk Pristal 112sallas, ail assailer; 110 wets tut aaknd Mufti a it per yanl, arm opening b 7 IF LAM A • MASON t CO • . _____ .. 0331Z71 V. L. WITHOrre. Tan. do adored beldam; A A id AWN &CO CY Market at. - ~. =~; ~~ vi ( A