. .. --..... ESTABLISES.O' IN 47 b. P1 , 111.1; , 11ED DV " WHITE"; 8.0'0.. WIOT?I Is fl 1.1G117. ho' 415 GS, Till/D roOlt ru■ ipsr omet. . . . . . bane nar. Eer ann. acaaali tn adv.ec)---. lb. oClaba, _ linos tie :4bATILBO4BII.IIOp. MaIF.ED Uft • I V Ti E 'PIITTSIMECIR PRESS. One %cur ,o, ll n Deem of Nonparx tor lan) 10,50 •• (me r+.lu , each aeditior.ai mourtion , - oak; lA.rne week Do, three week....-. see I.OP, Ikk one month . 1 4 . tans tarnitlis•- - ••-s rs ii• • Id* e l: Lie tour tnonths :a.. IBM kW , 1wrennr0ha.:...:.:.... , SO , Smndi IYN nir yard (6 lines os 1t..4 per annam• 11,00' • • Orse Stour...changeable •Iplemnite nom) exelosive of the piper .'"•"" Pot each additional.. .quern Insetted ore r oos month, and for eaeh Keane in.. rte coder the Xer • • ' ." l' rit 7 tigtti i xeedint!rdqtta4etiu't h " ..e Fin'en line.. to Le chardelaninanqsN'a_,, ‘ ll. - , hiblistisrs not tweoental'lntax hem ota.l the . konolSni eAragra I.lr IlAr nanunetnaieedderi:OSdititadedti - ..•••Xx• •v • thee advrrturm~yl~ Adrenl.emenl. not marked nrf of lOwertiook, Inflects:tilt: o rd hiLtothid, end payment erac'e.l treentd: " ngrdlr Th^ Pritql^rt et Ireartradvertirerreillbe eoninni. to,their reenlik, utqlkew - nd !il . 41,, CD; ti.elnrntal not he to their "refiner making% Ix .¢ All k , r. he paid extra._ _,. _ All It.l•rrogenieniA. Ler ehentenee inattlellons i •ern w•rd, :evens* uld other fie ela•etintre i ournhle, to he charged halfprien,pardileistrieli" is elssnee ;sIISISI.S. omit... to Le chanted 50 Clan , ••i anneta smarted vatimaltharaa,unleayare,a.• patio: by funeral int-nation. at. atilmary antliot, t.a.l when to •ccompantni whe Paid (or.. • • • Ityy Oar adverytert, and all othors sending cootro..: - tot - o tt oo . or roovitiar notice. derignett toed) du itt- IMO 10 CCC ,s •Caatart•,• ar any public tialmenla,atatre charges me road° for atltaotattO• 000rctInf poirattt'attoeiatiOnat-eirry ootieti-tla ttaned to rail mut minty at prorate. aatorkiata oaleala-• o t tatiftad to promote ladividital 'mortal, cop ar br totetted with tiro oak:Minding that Shit cams SO I O ar pafne, If itteolled take moaned la.tao r rolusaa,•ille came will bo chatigetl :ea - the rat at rot In. ItittttlSlactit32tArLitte• - littbnp lt he otaLtrd'lhtplo p' M-. Tate, o Lietnae•Peiftlans. BY each. legal fool IlletytettlAJyyrtiatiocolt to he charged Cl fun limp. • .• Itrnl tale 'Aeritja . •' end 'A'aillobitn`!verifie s:brit. not to be evert( under yearly ribs:, bit td: be difrointoradDy, thfoo tibrOgetlitdpellent, amount ,51' bits. • • • ) - Our souori ) Mac NI Do. • esteb additionol •. o . Doc u final)ne 'osettion . eta. tin. each achltlieeet Interilitett•••••2s s •- • All tianatent ativettisements in he psi.' in aJs•nee WHIT): It CO. Casette. • I. HARPER, Pe, liouT M. RlllDLPylessreih TAME?. It HABIL& CD— CPtrouiele. ItlsciTHß Dispatch. nit IWDEN, PlercarS• • : • .14 MPS 011/111.1., 1)111I1A1 ai le A INV., Irening•Tilltaae. Pirriscaae, Dee. 1, itt CARDS. AL(•:YADID6IL m. WATIAPAI.. /I,k TT011 ° N1:1" AT I. AIC-0 6 nc, on Count meet ' 04.117,1.1) TUTTLE, LL . jt TT OIIIO.Ir. AT LAW, ..4..fiennlictior f, Ynunoly I wania, AEI cuul.usucatinaa proulptly.ll4l4VlESil. • T. II Iliad. • ' • .' • P. aternnt. , • • 1114.1U.D4 wrienitictr; , • . ATTORPOn'S and enturiellors at law—Fourth el, betweciewil.litiekt and Grant, Pittsburgh, P. John IL I,4Artt••• ••••••••••• /.4niase A 11T(1R:1F5.9 AT tAiV, Foniat sure% near Grant A TTORNIW AT LAW-6ttire 63writ ' leireA, A between Nionbfichl and Gram ellisiAlrgA • • •• • ••• A TroRNLI!' AT. LAW , -(lffichigu ,Fount cr.; Pittsburgh. •. Winnlailn Palm {Finnan llakewell PATTON O. lISKEIV&LL, TTORNEVB AT (.SW-Ogee is Tilghman Nall A , , Gras% It, near the itch. !loam lath' • A TI7ENOCIAII k. Cll.. Theological, Gamma], , end Sauday School itookav Hero land'onaler• an al, kind. of Writing; Windamo}ad Wrapping Pa per, No. In Wood went. between Faun& and Pin. mand roller, Pitt.htrah, Pa. - •pl 7, =CZ= • A TTORNEY oroi .. C.nrierelkr rft Lave, !tad gOrtire ie. riouer.fooahis.&llkeriof e'enieryiewrits, Ar. Loolai . Mo., ((late of Piti.brirgh.): ' " Referrnecr—Pilutlorsh: Jinn: W. forward, Romp. too & Miller, IMaridleto feMeetore y John E. Yorke, &incite & serople, Are Cord & J./ Was nnonurr•-•--- ..... ••••1?n: c -,, Z. A ty- . .. ' L7.7 ' ll4;:ls\\ : A . li ' l ,- /c — ji , Wholesale Gro. e l et ' s INterl Market en, Phi4ndrlphia. 11-4 Plitabeisigh dikalt Works, ' 13ENNicrr, uskuity - A. nfinoi.ifui.i.irsi.d. 1.3 AAII, Blenchlog Powder., 81,krutic Ara, Pit!Algae. Warnbouse No --,Wa bine; below FertY. p j - - iSra rev }hit RM:N "hWhol.iale and Retsal.f/rt ".. .g. R "MO .14434* ar4 Se. Clair itieets, Yltf a. Daqupp ppriag, A ?a, _ Weirlit. 11/01.51.AN tr. 111.nuNgrqten. of C c 0 ,,,h Elipaie fffnlogs: Ilatotrtered AMILIo pnrinr.nd- plejaktk-Steellrott, Wzrek."l.! : .?? lValer and rront streeti,lritt.batO. - '• • • /tlvs, deem 16 Coach apti ostinit. oetW effornciSawbuo ss mo lo w N m ltf te( RCllANTS.and.DealA Zgli tl - j,.ie ß : auxet, Pittsburgh. • C Ilte r 1, Jonn_,A. Ctpii7 '• " 'IR & ACII4I , IEII. Forwarding and Pagan tp.ien macp.v,l<o,.r.6 Miirket st.Pilubonchl apt - Ci kiiedNti.TY n, Forwarding Com nmloahierarta!sa Coal, ,lllll9,..p . ushatatr, a. rata 11 GRANT, Wholetale afoot r,Coontniogion awl C. EornratAlir"4ll47 born, No. 41 Worer or., rim. burgh'. Ira fletroy:—.•• Andrew Flowing , • rll.)C. Vii,ong • :-31-g7t9 /PLEmitiro ( - 10MAIISNION 1411140111ANTA—Vcit the Aare orDn. , A rr,no. Wnolon, sod Conon likroihn ab , n, &Ale. in oil of Tairtavr•Telatmegs,llo 1.14.1. st, 414 dr.nr Irg m Falb.r. , r 11<knorree—iers14: War. A. k C.a, Banters. - . WY. MAGUS /AVM • . NICZT. I,IIF.N.N.FITrd d4 1 .1v Eovii4e,Gullunticr end Wholretde firocerr,Connutielunnand Pore war:lane Iderchanie, and dealer. in Produce nod MI, No. 37 Wood et.,betreecrend int foul Xf ifITS T4)1477 . jj,~ICRICAJILI.'YG d: fit`. No 101 eesond.nl.fz.ve..°N -OCIC/111.171. COMlLLi•ilioll•..terFors.{4j.: )." Idercinant, N 0.113 Wood nteoi Yiva4urah. 14717 atonic L'eux I PWRA I MPAX,..: TIAMILTO7II STEWART., Piano uuturei oi Phirtinee, Cliecku,gdn'lrcleuien,vim.c4.ony o , novifedie• y lii-4,llf:ivirecrunr to Malibu I Lsed Wool Duni. nun C.Viinmouilo. ?acre naut4 for the uvic_,n , American Woolen'', I.IbVIIV, 000.1110 01.11 (.1.17 ' ' " SCILTIOLr firdiud„.. t. c ild , cioutcUl; idiot watnirt ". - .• fjp,m,y) DUCKNOR,Tobacco ' Contolivtinn • Mire Li. 'Ovid. 41 North Water tti *ll No3ltiVliarve. VidaflatnikU Ganit • lonidb•s•••• me 1117• • . W• 01/LBSIIIALL• bcczavdn on. .11.11.1 C,..11144) hIPORT Eat Dnalnrinfrenth.and Aninrinui Pis P. , Ilangtnia and Borden, %Vindour I:linden Fire n.ard Nina, kr. . Aloo—.Writingrr Priatirtir and Wrap ping e•P,aid.lr, WOOdirercel.bergirCen F 4 rWa6 Amcor and Divionwitnaley A weer Idde, rittabartb, rn. • 7 Jlllll/41111111r1/04,..111 arra'. or is i t Staffs; reams, Inft. Varrovkr•• An. Wond . ct,•Onet 204 r 5.1.11i1 ofolhantund..dUnt Vituddgti. pt lr 1.1 =.4),A1-IWlZWWitettrust r,ttatottrimon .7 Alerehnnt , and dotter in Itrodu c ottl PiUrbtreit . Waite tr. PM.' troelt.• 4riel • • tostat tairsti 1 341 " 04, Whllimelr Grmerm. Com sn',..,nn SI -Ir4sntkand dealer. la rrallte, N. 41 6, Oborr: P•t,A7,O, nr.- tow§: oilcan wand 1 Pi. 011.WCIRTIed. CO.. Wenlaitale Graf:dime...l all Ax.-10.20, II noted rowder C0.,114 . 17 IV owl Iv, Berl/ .I" nN TqWP4S. Anothreary Hmttot se, iletre door. dhow 1111e4 ise. Patna nm•tvaly wiluod ekLiatd...„ OW MIMI °Laic litedneindhyeniea Pa will aell• inoW reasonable Own, vA9'i1 , i 6 4.1 . a palng pydr re. will be primintly at:G.la tn, and nip. plied WWI artieltottll'ii MeV raly'aptaN .enuine. tCT Ilitainianattenerintiona wilLbaaaeurately and caul, P.-Hared frown iha bane - mm .141 a, al any lawn. of ba day Of We, A 1•0 I4r We, a large ilne 0.1-I tstffarhielyd sand awl., lac wen, (ltlin,) Commis. ie.. Nen you' 4.10ne - hi-Welker, Kamer.. Closeae,' Batter, Yin. and reeWlellr,. and Wentern rivilanaidencrallyi — Water dreArrigfa.44lCratititi4l.l and Wood, ARr arAb. apt 7oms , s. rcldkvoN, IltneWrellers. Pylnienai eF Aer.i.Oweturate, :10. a 1 Mole ' Jobs "Mortr. , - • • ''ltichinlf Pod. 1 . FllOlll Can, ere, stns *I • lietehintir, _peak,/ , fi , Knand lenetiwe on Weeny, Wood and Ninb elenr t a z ei:atiaegy.ra. aal baneesenr' ta Evan R lout tinery ~.11111, 1 11.0111), Pyr.V. r ip_. and fitt.opnpfh . 41nnuLt.tivre h. rine- ROY . jilllyiniftikklilfgt, Agent 1 . 00 W. kilned VAS.I trxil •- • • . , 2=! .4=fkr lEB=ll= I 7.lei is ri ii v: tt. . .. BUSINESS CARDS.- 1 _,._....„_, 1201114 x. • FirrentSON,.- fr. .Co.--Sarcessart to +]. 1.,„i t i u ,„li.,„,, 6. or ~. Coottotaxion iterehmo.g, i *AI Ater. of Car 13t: Lasii Steam Boor at-finery:! Q. V ...Ur 1110,2110WIELIMU.Pit*Iligh. I • iale and Reail, desist ik ; h gd ßoo stol • l .lualpniar verally, No. 6 • dal Lair ttsbu Jry rht or OMNI le trade Di• zwmay Law office :Id la ~W t tii Na/Lnc e:Z il limAta i 4 nue.; •Iritl ock— C • s ' ln Wait - tan g Fa ea* :atativd. EDOY Fc!.. , andtacen tountles, REFER T!? Bell& Cliatch d Carothers, pmemnb. "f : , -444.2ititi;fiaTCER 47C11, Wholteme I . No; .44 Wood at r.eot; Pittsburgh. all . e, JO • OM'S,• pi, pi: tinturtucoon . • clar Denim Prpdtaco aad inntibargh nano - n•artU arnale Pain, ricit'7.lt n p 4 a_ ENNFIEnY, CHILDS tr. l'Salattfac tore. at 'tidy .tp.rlor 4-4 &acting; Gaper Chittp. Cotton Twin. ind Ilatuna. ~-. • - ••• • -• _ ' Vtratir . trisis Iran WaekY. L•Dm..amit, CO, Mannfortederd of al L mfd Der, Ehrft. Under Iron and NO.le of the bee M, Watekoeic, 6d.Witer'acrd 103 Frond 'treat. • _ Wm. Maier, Ydstlail.2...• C. W. Itieketson Pittsburgh: ILLER RICKETSON. Woolealte 0r0enr.... 4 biporters Of Ltrandies. %Vine% and 9-gorr, Not. 111 nod. 114, earner of *Ahem and town, ..reels, Puls• ttogn, Odd!: Nails, Coacia Vales, O.C. as • eon, LanflY on hand., - •nd • • . 'Jahn ' Jame.D. Walter C. h ROE,W.bermaerG meet anal . Comm.- - ./11 ohm Alcrelaws,,:f IN laberly Puttlnt rg6 • riti'sl3osl6lT7OELLAoltlftrls - PRINtt avp.. /XLE'PACrIVIIV. uue formi • Joan 1. geed.. JOPil t. %Fula, 1di, 1 120 r at r ugtql - r.'", c d on b e i r:odtt• , i , nhas,h:anucr4 rob gale., and dealer. in mod, eeethgtn relihaeleatpa end eoecli inin tnn‘,allr,nosner,of. goal end Ront ste.,Yinaburnh, ' 003 N. • sudAirskwit NoitS lthttleet et sec. Mi .10Or Agin <seer Fount, ilen , rre sit Foreign end Winokur Utile ofeliauge, Celt:Gram. of ltetleat, Bank Notre/and Irreuleletions 'Wade the iitintiptVeiluu ihrottithoutihe Veiled Stmt., , _ IJUCICSIASTIJI, - AisthiN•r•-01: 6 ec, Fourth ek. LIS/ third door abort 244146E14:50uth lide. • Conteriwieter of; plt Ittp_d• dottO with toe grratelt el , .a pd leg•I acer.rsep. ,A • • lltlea to IlearEstide htiwuned, ie. - ort3o-It y -77 - 14:5G1111.1SOlellts WELLS ell• • F - (* l'. GLASS Co, 'WARE, I\l4l:lllUtrketstreetiriusbutgh, P.; keep ooktWall4 , -LI jp on bad, owe Saito to order till kinds of % se• Potter sod Moore Mater [bole. r r •••• Xelloa Sotto!, • •• • • TutheulSholtedtion paid to Private Moulds. :( v i tlrl•l ia diCLlUllllslANN• Third et, opposite , tho • 'he dd• hhowell'..7l:lll7,,k7et7e 4 tu t t:lto c d a qL• ll7 .?.; thaw go, Ilumonew sod Virithirt CUrd , /e • rl.'"v" . or &situ ortotone, and minted in lrolOw, r'olOw, bold. Moore orilliok. in the wan hPPrlsed.wf and terssoisblerance• ~ • ' ' oetlakr_ sat 77.7. c •FiT , Tvicins..w. • • . p•DE.Ast 11.0.0 T Atili AT. Orme Alan WNI. 11.311.,e0s 3. llso, apl7 No. 37 11 , tto; sot. 13:11 A 0 ILL.I. EIT.V es , WI! I T E., -DAViGOODSJOLumuts, NO.IOI WOOD 'CRI.II.IT, 1.14,7,,,pi...10re,...11 till b: ear . V . y e l: c e n.„. ..li n np: . of Fa of Polirlitt7i l / 1 " 0;11 , 760... 1 , wh , c l . thcr i , in }ell tor out 411 llpptovol ernitt. • W k dstero kleteltano -ite . urrited to ei•mitar Our IlltS . 17; 11111 N .022;rdlit/iitCO.."' o. 1921 stalls surer. IL Pittstn, WhodCsaia. Grocers, Prodo.e, and •91erstialits, slid. dealers Piluber OPt _sh pinta - sr . 1•01•111DIF. .311rn.." 7 " °7 I_.• • 1 )4 , 1 , 1MT 2100 RE, Distiller Vo °4 „l c ri e n t ar Ltul ' iottVo a :ls..q o uors, No:11 LiSerly street band ~.ocy sfeet of superior old Alusiongshrl smiskey, *Mai ts. So'd forrosh. Wm. C. Flant.d: • L- O. azixOtaa. 'it l V:a N a ° l4ft:Ltt S L H ( E or;e F Ailega rd eZ lE d iro C i e roole eoo!r. iofiroceftes, Produce, Hoobfitret,Zdontlf•r .! . ‘tt gnloride of Um.. aqba - tfo - Ece•6,tall.llmnr tor vJacary an& IL - arta sta. apla .1 VC 3 o CR I :+flo A a l ..?W ' ~ C i ' P aeV r at t ll r Odu' r ' a and l'o.burg,t4.lllluolow.ofes, I.liteny PitLatagf fa, ,• • .%!? a la OBEFrrAI `tIM:4INUII Aut wbok.a. Greco-E., Jitulur is Pro-luta an— Paaburgh Nl.ufselurer. a. 114 1-ibtry S i Vt 6 tnygl i t ' t al 4 l at tl tifot fe l tl H onat i'r° 11 ' . ° ;; . 1 ' n ottil:Ploch inst. A Ito—notion s, Avient Tievvi ht. • They invite din laic:than of meiclimis anti noiisooteis to lilt ST 1110,1 borate potaittritog else whore.- fle Inmanr their litllithtel.l•4oll44lM. Itlnate m thin trountriii of imported.. tebl4 • •.• T,O. •. Wn t I yoQ LACELETF_A 96atiot, Motored Dan Forsigland 1,0 ltyllael.6o. W00d.9 naltPitooerl- apt?s s o . ..49111/Talificalt - C4idirilier 0 Floartrutd-Prodnee gerterally, sod Forwaiding toot Zometlitsl9olderehants, ho. 43 Water "meet, - 1. trl al, Stntn4).atl. lean 5 '" 41 " 4. 1. 1 ' 7 ". tiutoion dalerelodenotra di L l.toerty s ' orc:t,LitTs- Gnigh Spero, Linseed and Lord Oils. 14 , 1: Q't WON BONNIIOd9Fir Waolesaletiro- Il e err, Forwarding and Cornroosiou Mershantr, Doric. in Pilwborgn Menu astute. end \Veneta Er have removed to their 1110.9 wsrehoose, told Andy No. 36. corner ot.Frout• Ores/ add Orinoco, Late. apl7 Wuterata n• • st..p. Watarstan...W.ll. WWC1121,11: . i • L. S. WATZILIMAN f. SONS, -117110LESAL6 oftoClllld, Cart:mission and Par _ 1 , 1 warding Merchants; dealers to all jciads of Pro. dupe & ringbatth Mannfictitrid Atitchtas an* Agent. sale.al,kithtstend and tynehthsrg Martotactstred asstd.. sst t ===l • ' Timtiririf• ••..„ok,Tgc. gr.ivirfesitw, • Patfri, Po ' • • limiting to cilketiOno anT.ati bold -11,! e.gagruntedxottivi 1.e: 1 4c 1 .r 'fail - tla •• • ! . James tdanhall...' do Pitutburgb. iy Ky & Co., Wood IL A • jao? H. B..lloo6,lo.,—.:::;•:—•Rachnni. • S. B. nuantinglii 00. AVt O nk EZA y LF: and , getai<c ,,, al a na n la m (i r c , :n b o a r o l m en , V. , l4dtorric ni, Putsburen man , • JQIIN BIerNWIC,N - • 11 AWARDING 41. CUM 10 . 13910 N NFRCIIANTS 1 - CillatZister, Penn . strtst..H.tisbetrok , unG • • Jensits DA37.110.0p., PRODUCE ANII FLOUR FACtCiRS, YllbeablAtartel,,al4 , ll owy T ... ate Sbiladeli hi. . . . Advances suede, by either of - the above, be col:five mCMS of Prods., to either Home. affa . -- Yolial — W - AIaIaMIATALALaIb MO N f ORAVAUCIING Ze' COMMISSION MERCHANTS 11.11,a1184P 3 1 1 , ratffigvltiVigl7l4'll= 4 ' esflifeTtel n art i ta o , they ire prrydred to Sterile any araoubt. Line , n 4 ecetion Hoot. roan* night did day, the freight Ul not be &Mined,. they will unload suet boats at II hour. • - 'retsgelta Harntburgh, Fu1,.20,1850. ELM= 317114/41/1111? dr. 091 • V il atlrjl7 2 :;j t i Vo A m i nt I n A o rd Vre t r C i E rj rrderp illyout4r g y Pragier ant:l'Lbur ' gh 1113a:irlaC urrosa0 Wooll L add F:ifthmttetts, rum Vat 11. WiiiLL=.-..-77.7.7=Cifftjeviy . urn. U. wz!..!..zaate t c 0.,,• BANKER..YARD EXCHANGE BROKERS, North - CEB'eornerotwo.d.:ldtrd suer., ' jani . , WOaDsvaall asara, •aosaal. WkIAGAC.F.YI& CO, Wholesale u.ncsra l / 4 and ..bllWtsal , Was' ralsbalkil• k °Tait. 111..1 . NDLE:9ls(•ucces• a r• & J. 1.1. . l.rsprol, 1 csurs(lllns •ad ,C,aapatar ion c. trebanta; acalcr as Iran, N•P IP. W... it:anon Yaraana Pill•aater•lilsaufscaus. , peareaL• ily, corns. at,Woodetl Wswes treas. talsburgb• lAT eel 'Reid'tl;":l° ,'.lXae7o:owdr.l ,VOV.4.ZIrIII ilsa Pe s i 16 Cbtgy tteAt, lopposal Staal • spl7 Alu W. WII. 10N, .i, 7 ,el. — n4es, /swain', -si•er War* Vl/ and Military Goods,,,sof oar .skialaWel and Fauna stream. riasaupsti. I.a. N. 11 —W.itcpe• and Clocks carclally squired. . , .1.17 MY 100111.. u 111. 1111 . 0711111. YUCNI: Is C., Dialers in. Lisllter, Hides Y► Ai, 14J Latterly strict jarrrly_ N v v. eeteirturi. •^ • Soo. 1110.1.L.0 . 1. iileCl) TERI ,XlN,Lolestle (hover. , AritlAtere In Protlime; lieu. Neils, G lass, an , Pitisbjf,llAltinufectura ernerelly, Liberty .greet-- taiil7 ..7.7.37,',W1P!...11A0S 6 CO., DDLEBALF AND RETAIL 6ROCER. 9 I ror W tKa or Wood u 1 Fit et la, YittstAirLib. • VitteterretblitalebL.l.2.lbt Salaam & reerre.Lo. . ficAFR4„}sC9FMISSION MERCHANTS, • . "--TU1L61,1414111 1,1-7•l4beratAd7arees made on enna/gualents, j44l4l'd firt ''.- soN, come . and Mini re lVi'AP,delge.W.R4Vaerat,LAaamer. o• Yost then Al , ey m a ' nd Fauna Wet I, entrance _on Fourth es, Ater Masker. UMW 0,181,10. erg 1111111'. N. at 1. 014 teem at, N 06[1:14. peen ..oo7l4tllitiren Wind laArca.,sol.{l=lll,ll(nrladiellZlr the follow. toe bread& rela lees odet• fat oale Ae elent• lee o •Hdal a , Co. J, Era ad. J the mad UrsElsarnnhelie, J Parsed, es/aruct. A: 46 3 1 , 151 ea., lea., • H Uienluefß. des •M0ad64.4; fr-c; .1.11.41ee10n Hi% Bordeaux Red an' NVAlle VOlne• , A•aalr • .1•41 eame.,eelec•W'orldreerebthatat Darned k:Ce; aea4len ChampaKne %Vine sad Sweet itargaplY (ab7.ly.: • SPRING ITASktION. ced I now on O TylAte " b M, by d w,ll Le inZeus& 'LCdmer Sdi &WOW, • Pena Maoist Hll/101TrAIAN—Manafacturer o ill kinds arm . tan and woollen machinery. •Allesslisity d.v, l'a• ?Ise above works beimcoow in :all a,lsvccvsstal 07.. eration. Ima 'reposed to tittre grit, co, Ciga:ek fan all kinds orntathisety. in R 7, hce, etch rug willow , Pic keysiepreadeis, Audis, zrindire,:thiner, runways, roamer, epioJrrs , thton3u homy, woolen pads, double orsinitle, for' mcrebart in country work, mtiles,:Ockv,h.c ;sllde and band Irthea and tools in :ten et;!.- All s pf .hbfllo en tor geannitamories or mills e: censorable charge, Rein , -o-I:enneely. C:•ilds & Stackstock : di Cm, liinv. Peuroc, Gray. BEIsIisIETT: 4, BROTHER, cluemiswAßEALkstuvAcrurcults, • eirnalmagham, [near Plttsbwich . .) Wee, Na. 37 Wafer sty between' Pro*: and Wood, Pstisbrergh. . • WILL corrauly . krup or hand: term, °Aricuko: War o or- rr.,;- ..tore and cur rouurer'lr•• " chain, r - e ecsoceLe , :; cv ed.o ce.1 , , e01l cr. amine for ,Lealecl - u. re err 0:e devr •oed :o tell ^ho• Pre h Veer 01:0 .• ober, o.Tered • c pub lic. Itr!Orders re ty . ',accor ,menier nod referaneo. tern. he Promptly ed'uodo4 tat " mitt •Ilkif A. WHITE B. 00.; Would respectfelly Inform AU, the public Mat they kayo erected c riot, oe trench, berweesisßerieralwd Segidashi atreeto. The,' nee now making mud= orepared to receive orders for every descriPtithrof vehicles, Conehe's, CliorirWs, tonchea, Buggies, Morrows, to., whiel from their lona:experience in the mannthetareo:lll6 shove work, arni the fabilithe they have.tacy feel contort,, ;hey ore enabled to do work on .the reazonoble terms with these wanting articles 'AI their line. Paying particular andmion tolhe selection of maw: rinkove, and having none innvompeiera workmen, they Bco, hesitation .in Warronuny pelf work: We therefore ask the attelltiOrt or the public to Ow Ifltittnr. Repairing dams in the best manner, and on the adult reasonable ierroo. itemuf - 5/aiitt 1t[1,41111. • 80A1PI0i ATKINSOZ. Pia - an,arcv-z. loon •No Mora., Prrrsototou PON'ELADJEto manufacture on kinds of coerEtc AND tIIIF IRON WARE.. ,A 40., ;Ike* Imuh VGA. Lt.:s built to'order. — ' ".... • . - . • Spatial lineation given toireans boat wort. 1I de on bands a fine amortmeni of Copper and Craw Kerney Tin Waze,kr..k.i. Sinai:andel Cookmgfivoves, Porlabl'e Comes, nations aises—a very comae me t or. Yule tar steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road comp!mes. lire : would respectfully inane maul boat men and others to mall andten doe males. and prima bejor• pyarldminaal wwilern W./b./AiLUNN, Hoak Wingers. ZIIE are - iitill engaged In tlte above basniens;eorner 'of IVooii and tbiril atretin, Ilillaburgb, We are prep:arl' to•do any work to our line with dine patch; We attend to our work perionally,,And, own, taellor vent be divot in regard to i1ie . 11(.1.,1.4.1nrid y. • -Ma Boots ruled to any pailern and bound out, atoisulilly. Hooka in utinubega-orold books bound ears,' fall it repaired.' Names pui on book, in silt !eine. Toond that. bane need 01 oar line atu.inviied to Coll, Price? indd•!Tatailr3: — J' • , . 'OLIN {VItIGIITh Co., are prepare. , to Mold 0.1101.1- *ad Woolen' Mnehutery o; every descet... •och C4rditig Machines, Spouting Fruno.e. ,prt-derr, browtog Prato, way heeds, Wartter, ts,sorot t Demitog Fracr.elt,E6oluti. Oar, to.intiera, the Wrought trod sltatllog tented; an slat, o. Ca... I .011. etiPiet sett Haug - erg Grilse West patterns, Male and Mold tttheu, sod .00ls of all kinds. Castings o, every de/Ccir:l,lll furniglicil on snort notice. ' Patterns tom. to orde• rt n.tr Mill Seaog..nah Hlin aig...to Steam h foroe tog Famortes, Clut iron Window Saar , one tattoy Cos scuerally Onices Intl at the tVateticom.ot J. Palmer & Co, Liberty street, wilt Lave prompt atten -1.1011. - Ilrfer to Blactotogk, Bell & Co, 1. 1:. Alooreheml Co. 4. V- Werner, Jul., Irwin & Soul, Pittsburgh . u. C. &J. 11. Worrier Strutonyrillt. • • PIANOSI- 17111:stbsttriberotrers Tor sale 3 large and Ygleitdbl dwokirboot co rosewood ind uttalty3ooy srAng ti.n eotiros, 'ordl ohthourreoleman's celynraled itidwat Attachment. Toe above enstroments ore war. rattodd ost eval to any wrwatactured 1., tIOS coun try, Ord will be sold lower than toy brought from the t. hiLL'ME, Nu lit wood lb • Wii.3v r ath • mil—City tlenp ba lotto t par for a k of ha. t I inlittr. .preenLO adrome Woes.: I . lllb 15 ly that I bays Ai, 4 .o poinmil turingston, Roggen it. Co. • i Cole gent. for Mc sale of Jemmies • reign I.l.npraligm F.4er , Inc the eti nests' P 1114,07,1. and Altegheny. 3011 b. tit actOtd, %gent. • for Walter ~ lit Mott, hitt Uroado ay . i N• "4 - • . • I t)•• 10. 1!73 • W i g have °gen acing hue o' the alcove armies et she offico 'il•e '.o.elty Werat ..1.1, th roe witin,' , aim trieJ, ed eel nsioteedv •..t eared 1•151 . i• , them linictithin, aid, e ...Lie pion m.e in neroomending them ei a hie ful article moil sato to pit, Wan , ' °Mem unit he Marrecall/ad entipeoraptly eseeuted. ile• • •• .. . . Wirt:WO:TON. litOtiGhN dCo ; TUC A LLP.OPIIT.T.EII TilE attention a 'dm public Is reapenugaT called it the fochw'ul certifscame: • • ix. ti. lidieute— tiering tested ieduantity of hold ere bed by your AsTosocaer i klind the oceuil proves • yoay instiumenseorrect; and regommendPr':l to Maw going m Cattle :aid el the bee, tuothoo los Mt milting the reel veiunit:'Shs d. Rasp. mem. i ' J. it. DUN LEV' .Noll Dewar linaburgb, Muck 1/AS•49. I . , . ..:Pia•rtaatuse, March ;78119. Mt EArLlß—Deltr64ll lilt willff IST.2-mncii l'.e . Arrp• n a :it 7 : manufactured et your rottin,, J do cot aelLitnla to =mead .1 to the ale 6. those y - erileasen soLo •61 al reninvialr ;.to Califonaa in sa me e Gold. • It cities a do. e ao66isitastiao 1.,0 01.0 specific gnat ty 0 • atcials, ant , wit' cettalth . citable tee I.:llFerldrilr It reenairi W..e.1 o , s)Toetr I. , ieltltng (..1.1. mrlt! Vour%. teen', J. P SI l'lL...TrtilliC .. . . .. . .. I ti ILIA IeVISXLIt CLOTIIINOt—Joot recd. el fu , Its' , llCsliforata Expectant:a, a complete wwootawnt ot to n l•flastle Clothing, at price. rencong frolic to m tit to 111 :At tor ow, ai coat s pants art bar PO, coin at th e 1 in to ll4bber 'repot, _to 0 Woo, rt. J At. .- - .J& /1 1'1111.1.1 I'S , ' eiii.i . a briiii Wiiria• icii /a:ie. - rrUE•aimeribereffenifur wile, ore sTEAM BRICK 1. WORKS . , above Lovirtnectictm eezeprcomp..a I Steam Engine,2 Bo!' ers. G Albalt/ Machine, capable of manufacturing taste Premed Stich s loon of dry clay, actuate from the hank./ per der; with three acres or Lahti era the Allegheny river, ,, oa which are 4 anus said/ that, Machine amt clay 'bed, wretelbarrown Coca, etiovelsopadek,"ne., every a t etc/alone to cop mance operations et nu arm •• ea c•ei. Price, oncleding the pateat algal WA. mad machilte: W9ooo—twww' of torment inide'citly. n'ithoun the land 151)111. For pin/cala* address • IIEARir MERRITT; _anstrbidll' No Iln Monongahela Comm. ---- niTukabs: TllNpartnenthip heretofore calming under the . t hic of A A. C BRAULNY,IO elwrierved by the deeesme ,o 1 Alt. C Bradley. The famine. will be canted on by A Clarliny, irt . to will rattle - the - Guiana of the late Arm. lIL EANIVA 10--A Blahmar has removed, his Foundry Warehorme front Nikita Second aural. to•No 19 %Toed • reel, between E7tri had Second soreellclo Um - . 4 ' 4. booze lately ateelopied by CA A Perry, youere he will' Keep eommantly too hand 0 geacral amornorintorCard / • ge, Cremes, Naves, Coahlat.Stovez„ lre. 1( 111 --. T . • . . , . UF..ro-yartorrenly heretofore conning. between the anbaeriberer re tft•11111.14 of Conetaole, Dade & CU, is this day Mew:deed by annual Colloolli. Slew% ll ' at he & Domes neat tetle the Weiner": the .lICCI n, r attach purpose pbey are aidttanned at are toe orate i thecoacept. NATHANIEL. t DNS rAilt.L, EDMUND ItUREE, • • , ' VIIPMAS DADNI.M. . . .- , 1h endefiire, ham; this d•T associated - the ottidere in We, name of BURKE, k BARNET, fat • the part.. temtaficiating Fthrf•teof Beer, V•hle Doe, tte, !kr., to the maze of Me late fins of 'Constable, Itutke •Co,iolietelliey will ImkteMint to feeetire th• pmcon• tge µ.; .c 11.11100.111 of that home and their Inane, ' • ' • • . . F:UMI LIND BURKE. 1110h1.18 In touring from the pro, Constable, Barka kHo , n slneefe pfedente ccennoodned MeanEllische ac Sarney to the confidence of my fifecdo and the polite. Feb. it " NATHANIEL EONLITAHLE. febl34:f HAS nun returned from foe Finder Carey and is eiving a tato ranely of ire asonabletkade, to nr, arch b rec e fever thirty invites the attraction of awrc kglis No E 4 \Vora at fetal t Wrought and bast. iroiknalithg; THE calacstbets.lag leash to ( N as t the Labia I they have obtains./ from theNast all hoe r a and fahronabic as for 1..11444.Kr lath fo ho nna cemsarice Persons retching to iinicare hand. tome pos er.. .s ll plewc tall sad ex/mane, and jalrs le tfo Weas will lie Sandalled at the short. t notice arta in tha beat natures, at Ilia corner of Craig and'ltebeccn enacts, Allegheny eily. • • nerp-dtf A. Let.bleff t KNOX: C1,01`118,-CARSIMERF-S. SkTi (derived on coneignntent, and for solo at unufaCtuferfl faltrchoole, by .• •proni FLEMINGkCfh JOIIN LYONS, No/. 9 SPATE STEELI', 40511E9, Agent for Clams antl Rumen , of Proiretty linglarod. • , • LT A VlNtl' ipso' nearly o year in the copious. lin • Ll' raid Offierrt,''Plathanal 'Library, AG, C11.'111(.111 late vont so Engbond, Innestionting claims for persons lll,this enuntryt - Otni haying mattered efficient and ,• ophit-ible Ago.. in 1.0/.410n end Nanekeoter, he to prepured inn:fatal OF neocneary lefononnon owl an' •tee to pertions.ri ha reek tu , treoVel prapt(tY au J thJ . le. keep. a list e( the to ot of F.nglatil Diridenti nook.; whirl, they • tattooed for 50 eau., or . 4E9 sash letter of the Al to n : ptlsca.. Nefereneett/st C. it V. A ISASIS, Notary PubiteL /AMES 1,71.1 0 Et 9; HENRY E. Ent: • t,,,ts Bluttt:W_A.y, WWALT.PAPIitt —W. P. Itaannao... eonotantly 1 11,,, r•irr (rota the lairgeot toonufactorier in Neon lark and Phtladetpkia,- antralno front French &geode., the ',ewe r hand. Musa Opp ioved nty le. of Pa. per: *together with Liondela, hire: paned Pnots, - .ll.Tenter Tops. For sale al Y 7 Wood'ot, tween Fourth o and Inaloond alley, Inacreanor to -eh O. Oat • - '‘P3 MKYALLK o : PAINT-5 ;Cot i..ii'd - Piiiteanter, Pnil ton rile by the barrel or,tongle pound vt the Ding, iteed, and Perfumery Werehoosc.' teener_ of 9iatioanit.Wood WI9ICHItgIIkAI. aNn.._t. PAILIIII6 AND ttICAlt I s. , ' Th• meet l Important Die osi . tio• cord—eure Heuretly for the Piles! DR. U. PAIIkOWN . S Oelebknotel - Esuantal Ameri can. Remedy fur the filer, has already , proved itself to he the only rote Cure over prenentert. falba t ohlte, Canto the discovery of this an wattle medicine, od the large another of extrme eases with whirls Ur BrOWn..o vocal, no one Iles, Felled to Leconte''' . cased.' ;intik. the, nanny Lennon Wenn. miser, alter' mnotho and-year. of experitaitita heist int e nt lett the paltrni Wm tiny. eoninitittecde - or .1•01116 c, hut; aver o icor day. will decide the . cane lay ejecta g perfect care . FLA+. I ;halt not enter inlo a Inhered •r• turnout An ,ptove ;op medicine Wootton* it Ilflap hot veto wet/U.6Y I. Vint I littebd Shah stood or 1011, IFrou prefer tho( loatlvalue dineaki, We PILES, to,the n t sion t uf tenntialloo, I re 9 Ott eine mlihp.l6 MI I) I , 111 , 101 t , • rd Lloyd meet, Mae°, . 5.01-1 irholerale cod trial] by It F. PIELLEfitt wry• . ..117 Vitro? 'lv, .1 PITTSBURG'', 481i,j0: - : 7 RED i . ' PRIpdtAA !MIME.' -* •• - , Tr NOW' all itterwki , Ilfrlie.onnd oreiomo orkbe" . ; ! 1p: -ens oor the bladder •And kitlne3s. wit , ' r :earl - int i Palos to haat or limb , ' tIiCjOIZIf, 06.1..0,7 - , r.....•• , 1 W .'-.• 4 .'0/at ,hey.roq,,l.ccnred by ,mi. i 1. : -. fr • 'Mauro! Von m07,101k &UPI: tie nen. a` it :'e 1. ,& nneh na yptt please, bet thin doe, rifOiatilte i r Jon im arei proclaim in the face oral hont,trinlineneeity.'.4.a.' it h.. 5 rirther whioll 'Mt oat gINI:f. , O^O, -...4 , 1itr, et. ....Mr. • Tnr ontsieritni . 49.9mitl c:ith pr i m he,..rit, 71 “" . • /' eV , , t rl .thn roce. et4tsp. can Oar iy cen,, Le• c• • `aui t' s~ • • . • •- • say o•the mt. ennAmehsled obey. Ve,t'erriViceu Llaha 1,1.1 torn, Itticretirlit very litle to Leke•e.tlial: Vtill'Petstesno lc csiltht rt Jet a :ft. r." PIO If tetra—t&unopbrid, pat on torthe wpm...CA*4pol on the coothroniiy; both inn remedy e'b•. the masterutmd•oimote. ned m of agre;,cst Ni: o bttil r r . ... f r ;n:; , , A, r, . ra and c I:tip ure. h las cured Piles atter other medicines lthne ~'ailgd to rentterstry rand'. h honoured Itliesiesi thenhint, sod *ilk , ' Vfolvt arid ings:rim'. cfn , hens eueed leanly by'or.o ot*o fign'cvred old cues of Eferrtievt i svbfeh event °VC , ' rcreothibii Urea or nito IPSO, es n..loca . ntiteilv , barns cod scalds, it is be err, then onv g t eeical, Corn. 7 ,, pooled or element that we :saw 1: ;!! eutt rblb .rr gins or frosted, Cret, Jo a &sr appl.cbtlnitf eVoe ed iestlipony can ho et faith& °VV. tree' tentrist& in the above etatemeet Vo/ling oar Seine , LI. Niart. Canal lhodu i nlintreen , or Venice o'nlin , Eityset tar pti Virgin Miry: R. E. Sellers, Wow: eteer, A% & D. Pt. Curry, Allegheny oily, me the agents. VIIPLADIRIIATOBR R MAR ' TEM ASIERICA% RIIY.UM AT IC. DAL, A r;! r . ANliVY„scmcdy lately :Aga' cil in dm Vcietable . Kingdom -a snee Und pd Rat cure or ail Racticamic CbmalllPMSauctt ••••' •••• .11it9animatory, Chronic Scene and Idereurial Rheumatism, Gaut. Lamaism Spinal &grad:o 4 d ; This medicine ha s long been 411/14,STUF 11/ 4 been bald mat Rheumatism emit, •ied Le - Pored. bin LI remrily designed by nature for Me cane a evey case that the human spores la sub art to At r nee ma has heel, found Ilisteenna thismeni.a.o of did wont form-oue of Me 144424 orp• Mien°. si-e caritn-Me greats:Ger , TiNir.;. , .rtt':ivq, discovery of the sec, and a tic-00,0W beasi•d•iir - ire bumn family. It meek's:bout stet:Wilt, ila4 ling, hnd renews streirethandicipbstodnissefolc•sr- It hat cured, ebbs, 01misittd.remoupttii , .. liter ' I•7chaos that were•itniuldeme rati cu'e tailientes of the curmive prif:ferimil 'of ON Rail'. tine ran be seen by Willis 41.1 Inc Agents. ' - • None genuine nnleMou. uu IV•thvocoietereolltdiel iambi the nomide wiappee, i!• TURN ER, Rudnick, N. V e • Solo corneahkd 2nd Matted: , 4:TOL Sold also by - 6 No lOU Alain et, Cineinnaii, flebY•dll-sooo9 /MEDICAL, AN D IS UHOICAL 'OFFICE, tio. 65, 16,1110516 ALLEI • Taw 555", Itelotar4Yooosthsos,no. '410,16 • 'DR. aa.own, harqi rogoltrly educated to :Ito .rrtys'; , tal • pfalnalton, and been 'or ton:en:coo • an ignhers , 'menet, now reaLkes - ht, 4 Ctrutton t tettArestn,trof pnirste •nt ,111. • (.14./..a Ur which Clpenr nee ..-c•Vql4/4r4.1.3tr,r foo. 14 yea. ss+..ty crvoittl 10 study treatment artboxe tonto . utrt dono .t Nunn . ..otos 2 time Le bsr had mote pearnre and ma Otos,t no, to.. texts than con rt....tuft to the lu e (tioner) amply quatiLoot ban to Or.• -speedy,,pcnuanon., and mat..factoty cage ... ft.t WWI delicilla diseases, and all dmeaurs ara,t,; uses. • Vt. amen would Inform those *filleted limb rite Msensas wistett. have hive arr ehreate by VIII! or Cy graested by the vs. of soy of the cora ten .strains of AAte any, that their complain . ..can be rad:tally rod then ought) , eared; he baying attic° Itts.earalabilllrillie,o the treatment of such cues, and succeeded in hondmil• of Instantu in curing persons of intlidirtiatibh . ortke stank of Use bladder ' and kindred dtseases which bran malt from tense ear ed where others have etionning them to hopeleasairtalr. Hr particularly 111,:teS es have been long and ustmeeavarally treated by mite a to <onion into, whey every sans/hi:non will be ;even them, and their mei treated Ina eareful,thormign and intends,nt manner, pointed; ova Ly , a king ergette net, dtudy.a it insestigationorhich it is impossible for Mora • engaged in general peaches of meilights to . girt to ens elate of /Imam. _ - Mellernta or Roptons—Dr. Brown alio Invites por.. eons ad With Bemis. to call, as la hos paplpitytni„! utak attention to this ante... CANCERS also mired. aulelleee: ;Ann_ 4. -141'167setle,s_ppial •.ned C ISI.T.= I 7If dike/ dee late! at till sellnee, by stating thea disease el pollee. eivule ell the Ls: , totes,obtain atesevlnel dateclicaa for an, Ly ,44reavier •LIRLIWNi et: pestpasd,ana easel+ • Bee N.. 63 Iltamoad allay, opposite the Wave'!" Rterva•mee....-Dv./Innnt4 newly din:4MA mese. y for itimurc.s.rmit ...weedy anti eettain remedy ft r to ewes! 44404. It iterrffai.s. r .• end Hams, No. Cloud alley, Panbatp v Pa :ea lesetteeseinaterra••l• • "TN. ^am no par!' . Pre A tan: • appai -1- ton , y now OCGATOAttO proettcot lehiowt, of woot.Prttod repOistion. sod -.tic comtal to co 4 yoe catotodoely ,o OICAOL.EAOLOOS 4.1143, ASO tdonov Cows.. enalt•talserte. ra now 'catty forbefeeta t in, all its eels., juelkitiPg eitellS/ we wharf T4OlO. gif ..ily maai. beats. aka !comlta poaititut. if re, •ttrlY en:meat:ad, rill doatelaaa boaapaell • 1/..r,;e //hate at berme.. . • • • • . practetal hlaelriate, as 6partaerr.ia reciairiA to roatleet la< unwire cseablasbettrei o.ity tete f••Ily rotapetrat teed apply. edam.... lba‘t...pattlt) `NA CIIINE CU , Bo: no 711, Pbsbatlilpbta, , apli•dlre • • • ii - OrParta•••• tWaelattlitio Practical agriculture. HENRY enehbeits, F. - R'S. K. of Fttlnbergh. cc le bested nohow al the "Ronk of ihn Forte," an. ('tote•nor No. ton, of Vale Colleen, New Raven. at.•the , .9re-a leeele_tva.-rfii *tote late. It p ersil mob rare every tothket of ignoott.yo. roleeted whb Agi:r..l , l{lM in e,r&A . ..lttert hreneli - e. bon. u Throteneal non • l'inenen. Ite.eteo, yn oe or otn hr., ..p to lee ...et cm, erel, oath. te teeare, expnrimenE , tent trea.td fo.ns ma tana est eye.) . weeee.e. ai create le the mann of Tor. two, vel!lhn atresteed J'vJneL rve'retet r encr the •eatol.l., heVaeley I tt:ltt hV:hler eau entooty woh Autoterl. JA %Ili, U lAA% WOOD- ' r. 31.3 80:33.qt, rrol•lroporter,- Fowls rt. r .— rittabv4r.T , • • WAV 3:4; fi4 F01 . .) , ‘,7,3„fi10 Karl . r:.4 l .tc " ; It B , l llTot .N r bero ' :.; ' ll;u l s . e .o , op 3 , nlllli i and N0:.3 t•keritou,fi•CA.. k ;7 NANUFACf Ao 3.. A.p.5,...1 No I r, &tea firles.,atall 313e3i.0t10 !WA. okra, oa ;Land laud PP; pf '34 • ON, *we* w.kie. Cfillana or i.e I.a Imo W O W A. I:A . :fit. ON, 4,toorof Wand 341 . 0.:1314100rgh. , runr.l.lllrn C 11/CUL Ail- We, tbonndervigned, nanny toed, sons entire •at• Plaction. the tla•t. Steel and F Ira natte Samnt'l Me Relay. or !sir Engle Steel Work.. it it ett,.. bale ploa•nre in -recommending thou a • ann..: yaltii.lllo any coat torn by 01, or foreign 4naa:actbre. • l'itttnuritt, Mnrdh la IGLU. • 1 it suorainiqui ER & CO, blunt'setaters Iron and Noll. lagnatioo pp, F.ISA PP h TUTTI , S. Iron Foonder• and Pitt•lniran. 17. COLEMAN, 111A14tiAN ibianitterotrers ordtpriagn, Agit., Spring noel and Fla bomb, l'a. FtLV Al FAVOR, Taylor Builders and Machine Card U•nufarte• ors, Viltalnanth. Fe. A rulau,..., Brant Founder. Pinstmegh, Pa. GRAFF. LINDSAIi alanurartnteo of Iron awl Nail. PitOtionet Pa. . . /1181.211TOVLINgON, .I.oeinnotive Engine and tibia Madder. Pittnionralt, Pa. W W WALI.AOrd ,Marble Manufacturer, idiot.° and Engine Wad i tart/ eg o Piiinburaii, ;Ilodefo and Aniline. Yoratinre. JAMES Wa WOODWELL, • 83, Tinto Br., Prrnacrou. J. W. W. Flealpectfally Worm. the public that be vom• plated Lim spring cock 43. FURNITURE:. the larger and too, vane , axenrtment ever °Oared tor utic an this city. cotaptssinoeral 0011cor•Roatorecta,ldationlejli:MA 01a0., *0.1,00, reeved, ornamental and plain, lona ti:a or P., le.•, Drawing and Bea 8001/15, .11 of artirk will ou and at Itnaloveral Persons . ocairiog Familiar of any rjeTtelipt ihtt.-Ie re "5,7,4 it,; ..,, , i:,;,•;o4inTi ii, 1, L; , [ wetfoiiy Invited to call and exasnine Iss.ts:oels, veloi, h ' *,p0,4 II auk t t ..- 6600120'1 Cotton; e t ehea t -e. every deweiption,,fictio the 6.8,8.3 awl tlaidurnlis Butt. t o' fall'a Thee gd,- a phottest to the mart clrgalls and costly, o. osrls.els in , Bearlst. en , e, .lor arttala: . , tollowung coosips,cs a pact: : lilac • du. 1 ~..:2ted Vc•tlngvi - Tete a fete dot.; Tate • Tete Divan.; Drab • . a.' . t• e• it tl•ft , ' lllt . Roo ***** tom Chaim, llll•abetldati Ceuta; t Crain llogsj,,g. .Itt or: I Re; 'and "3.'6 Vaal Reception do Louis XIV du Woven 1.1-'ll; , sterovat". !tea de.- Fattenciou • du Ballet haltdoet At the BrouistliettiterA , V, ....I,Eslorae, 4)0 td? . .Wood a What Noir Toilet Tattler, fittelhurili e ' I- - . - • .. . -. trv•V , Loci' X 12 • CAottnadore; Dare of Voyli`i Coach; piv rou t ; ~,,• s, , . - , -',..ii.'_7,lint - ic Ott Sofas watt el r.mh anu.lialt-cloth eon,tg, ~ . . Mt Dotans, do. do _ do, 1 17 ' M ' y ' V , -; ' Z . ., r '- 7, ::',' 2 ,:,: "' "f: t .t ,° : ". ..r 4 q121 40 doa Mahogany Parlor Chafed; i dd l ;•• I - - 1 . - :-. ' -; , - o ,7! ' r,! ktnagn lu " Rosewood I do do; r, • V.,Y1 • 43,a,4 . 4 ~ .•7 .. ; . ; ' AL •:12 Libctly 12 " air Walton Jo de; . ~ • tut . , CI " Roue deal do; . . , • A, Wt., kr . ,,, , '.. - iii, • ....t Lo.. oleic!. they will 1 " Mahogany Rocking do; ' t tte Mde Ito "A - ••••a, •-•'. h.. tae_...i4-% vp. , to eh, 2 " do Plano Sundt; I lodes Wett. e•.. , t , . t•••: - ,l1 t'a•i•h-h, ("atm Se Maeble Top Centre T a h oe.; t call j arolOia 1 :::. it - ' ' O ''''' , l2 B se o 8.8.. "80 do do tt l ttah Stande; j i , ophltet • 1 . . •r ... "- ~..t, :••,-, -De stoo., 0., s o, t o MaLtogauy Uedeleade; Junta tun a 1 , t •et - ui. T.i . au,. to .• do . Watdroltett Iti 11a Walnut dot 1 -ttulthatte`..;• - ' • • ~. • •acti ~;' p 1,1, ' 8 One .do. , , 010 otvo 0.A0g., L ~.. .' 4., I- , ' 'V' C''"" s'''itu.', A eery large hwo rt meut of Common Coal. anuoth• ~.t „.„, .0 j jj. ...., . ... '• 1 etre Ver.: w'thele att., et Viiiltilllre WO tedissai Co locution. „ ' .. ~. f v . ' ! ', - ~ - ~.., kind , 0 „,.., 00 o f ;Ito 1 tEr Stearn IR , . 1 . ..111116itt1i MI the *hone. nuttee, e j ,, ,,,: r e t j ,,,,,... j a !,,_, ..,,, , j ., j „. ~, 0„1., it., , 88 orders pion,: y itiesOrid to. 11. 2!"-Cutonet Alae,. can toe supplied with all Sorts i.i . iii i ......,LCT, i , .....t' , '' a"!:.?" . 6 +. P tateit 4 ) , of Mahogany, Walual, and Veticera, as consiiereb y ..,..„.;..- _:- ...... . .• reduced Pticce._ -• .' I •i" wi L ta.Lim DIG BY • Yli , leave to Inform his crletols end cantoroew. Ileat ;1-56 -s : he e. just tree/vow his new opeleg [.,win, • - el:impelling res steal, nll Ink Oevrexi nn into, z.. 10- 111,1i , leh•••••-• •• •• • • • • Stile e ets les of Cassireenes lic.Elny • E . ol. bL wart. eh mil end linen wainehenaiathh end every oviecie s .I..nbin 1 nee., se,y,„ , , p , t, 00 . . , kir as ietieene n!, weeir (ornate:a a:Whalen:vier. tmpmunlei.! ' 'Oct.tt— nee`.'• ! ! o• - tenosiiiire Wales M., of i4<•••(..[C• • the hriiphoinu hoer 11111.1. are • ;• •• of loo•ll e ebeah, Cushicittalsle; veo.l west', - will OW a rill!, an 'hem no MOO; ( lot .• , Q Writ.: oro. A• 11 r4 4 We inllelchohkvs live van ...T." . .,Laro....onhee•N• —it •'V ....treirehlt Meer ! Thd mid) , glide devil amen es veryiesteouvef azlnp• • , v hit , * „ a. I to u. and ea a udlola, 1-vivel ie,tq - try blaTebabl.. end 111 ll,•.!.e..2wowaras wh0 . P 4 1A. ,4 re t0e. 4,1 ° 1 t •e. nee.c.:l7ii!!';:lfe'.4iilre amine the wink heihre purchasener, in'T. l ' l,o •v eve - ohs-eye • e h•-• 3,1 ai , V ThThrene tchlinu Is pied to We wholesale lieweionA 40,1We...ha10 e 0.4 Itithwent. ' ,n - e o • nO;i'sti Creel !Wee/ niglieile in the tailoring lin. , ' nal r ' • .. th , otoxt Isalowiable and, hearltianne!;ilhlhdollidanni e up b .t.wortioom I el , cono co.. • 41111, •r itIIL WU - Lb Li .I.lo.oitacas • • rival two! .tinpows„sr,,ts, lallsiliNTS(1(11.4“ stihinoir veld tn enmilewolTrade. L I out emrA n miy piwn geiti*tiete Heti sled I:NiiStVlNlP4ll.oaleSlersaoriger the ern' v . v . :Fatima and Wu. ..01,13111., or the triter writri,nhilat the week. Oesnti Me...intents, porch& by. e!boloestly ore. nntreetranTieioed vs and <lab lid /111/ Matti es stre Einlaty,notanstonfsdexl the{,a. te.ttrdstAinhut end run, n will not rear in a conwaVosh IN:,1111 .. ? ? uy . twine i'htlellolpia. • 11;111=Mli • 441, . .• -- " - • .- 4 • ", .F .4 / 1 .C•••M"Ali, If. ail 49, •••1 , ..,,, .1., ft, Itv Y4oitiart - vtir 17:3-1850.-e -, . Vt.! ;ft4 , 10 •'; ......z.0...at .t: L - ) ) pb ~,.., .i. .:;. .41 uli. kep: , . 1 .1 ; .. ,, t :' . ~ . ', • , : •,_.''', , ~-.....,....,.46,0„.„4"3-061* 7nrVV IV Ir '''"! 'l , itbN lel.ll CI I iffr .1:1 1 . . " ELLAIMIA I,'• It.' .! ithif. - fToA/t _ ft .., .t.: .., Ikitt - ..A.. in,,:....-,..-------,--- . - , ..... 4 - _-4ft•VACt.lll.llls.4o_4lVl,..ptgVM •,., ' ..! 'L P = 4 2 4 414 E. li RA N GE 1, ..i., VitAk t ig n Eß A T4 t „? i i.,„ f ,"„,,,,, , . . Trilg4/ 1 ' I ` -I. ' l "'''''''' E k a l' a " l e m '"h -th- P'*" 3 . 6 4MlTlA47lo4.4igigil , ' 4 x_rif,.CT:W•tV''l4l . t.il . Xo , l4elVitiffloa • t ireig=tti, ititfjt. pegf t wal.b . „f • A 4 ... " , ! , ' 2 "N' 515 , 3 . 46 t- i i , , 'g r llViii M.914..00.106, kfa.41.1F.1144751..444.-RAll2,' 4.tin,.. . 4) " . ....;..iiff 61 ii . ' , J 4 5 - illria....;• i ii. : .. 7i ..,.egiperalg,sCM. 11,4ifiliptin / ~ ,,N ." ''''` rd. "''''"r"* lsi Al '7 " 3! '"' . '" v itfirP 9 '4'el' " li ' n ' w !' 2 `Ag i !Sr if ( l ll 9 Mlirik.V , . t , ‘ , 4n2,5•!:¢ , -1,4. ,, ,,,,,, 1 -,,,, 4,, ,pv:.r”-C.,_ .-_..... - --- • ' Evi . ...111,E.5. .14, it , ia•l , •ald 4. "' rot, op - tk•• - rnrwtormati. , Ctotto ,' i 0 • •et.:l4 4 j'rrii‘Jtittiettorh.Faelf;to e v ,,,, t.', .4,0.0 k., • lb, al .Mktioyy-,,,, t yy t /tam 'r., o a .e7^adc‘. renroto•.. if..-1 ja;:tot I tot,/ '' 7 .1,.` il p...aty... ,Lt i ."o ...... . ' Dan C..; a , 0'.4.. IW. J l'. Whi.r . ;l' M. 4. -a• .1. • ,,,,, !•5 -,-,.. - rf' ''`7 ll `T2 - 1;:re!- , • 6 . 1.• 4 ." t' -h ',, -.fn 0 , 0t,..,1,..44 4„ . .„ 6. : ..1. + .r , pm ? , il,-4i0n7;.%4T hr,ll , I . I&. I ‘0 " . 1 -' l. nr -O,A w ?T5..,6 , "r.,..,4,,„, ~,:;• 7' , '' ''''P'",,!h,Prallii..4;',ll..ll„l4 u _ j .:„.„,,,,,,,—:, la 10 t Alla..lian p lis,linn.a•'l TT, .. , , i ,L ..- -, ~,nt° P . triarjr h. art olt , .0,.., a .,. a ~....... v t‘tit ga Att. st ft. Amer.. a P 4: 1; 1 A --1 , i'71,5,V , Y12 4%1 . r •• •rotet 0. ~ ,„ t • , •-,^o o er lran . .. 1 ( . • • "'" ,-- .0 . --. , . .o. taiWorof SznAltaseo, 1 ,:fo :ZIF (Of , 41 , L. ,- .. 1, 1. 0 , 1 / ~,? cd r L i ~ " . INr( ~. And {r• ' I •• Li ri.,.1 n- 4. : e . anrinnoln, , of *s o co o• ~ •• fte , '' . r•tii r•fl” , io nne hie • • Ti.' lt ~.. I,l'-',T.14 , r ,,, , , C ftlOill 4111 11,41 lilt 0, ~,..44 ,i,, , t4i l V - ,-,,.....c.. up lo Omit prop-, ,t-o, to• e ~ i 5 , :,, , ,, ,, ..G . l:Xli,43l,l.'l‘ef , n 1 ,111 1' 4 ' rt.; t ' ',...?..... ' ll 'l 7 " 61 r ; ' 4, " ' ba deelare id the • Pao 'Tr e't r , c • , Air orrtan•tol.'ett of colal. net' o• •1 e i•11-4••4 ~, ....- lA, 1 011 1 ',Tartan:. en. t e r, co I..'a a a i , n_. y' . • c :gra...and on apple In to. tb „ , a:l t r y ..),11 \0 tr 110 . /loon:: '•' y . . . 1.1,4 ".: 1: ',....1'.A A C.E. ' J ~o .1 rjolo”1111'. - .,(1'. : . a 1. ...,rr., ND Mc,. Irv- 1 1 abr A •,c,.., %,:j o • s.• 41. I .1.4 n l'ott tea h..l' 1 lo,rtJr .1 It il ' di' ‘ rr ' nu , ..h.ny n.. OW.' Goni.•Af.,Aty on ow, lit lb " Jo 'at•..lttoit."..tra. qi).,a4c 1.. oaf: ... I,Joan liotl.hoga. ___ _...- _ ~._ ....._ INSUILAVICE• . _ 1 1 i i.r”.Alr. ,, -. ' trrl? , ll. SWIM' •IXUT. !PA Cr Ct . ) . 'Pant w•--eirron noattli.ttoota or. alert Ejah..t`ot. Tiara ••.eat. oooooo.ooto. • „ „ thmr. I oetrosteJ...-1... eJ.! ,- , .q....h.'odJohltro , tO, , '., (0.-111 ".i‘01'00 nritliot Ibto r dorno3a y 1 (C. - t o ^ver.t . a . to:tom.. - alej: • ' - -1..."k0n - - ,, equi *lgnite , . esaela Cat. 4 A 'I r* , .firr_ ler`q , • erro•eastscunderopeu Or. aree•ot eat ette, ...: C. ...o(4 nay itnn,ao.. . . 1,41, • I' ~.. '4:44,14 ri.il La .tt boort. alofelo liii4 ti -Ito,. ;... -y 11 -.tca- •-, i Fz0 ,, 1C. 4 ,"1^d 8.A... ~ t , •• 1 ;t0...4 o. 1 .- ..'t t, a ot•laireit credit DfPl' - To?• „f.. , ,1 n+ .k...,... Dloa ' r ;- od A . In, to ade n r a . eo . 'r oh O'''' l''' ' '''''4‘"' c i'fl g s f: m : , , x .". '"' -‘,.,V .3n,1 ,A.; 'Jan Cll. e 't• - ' es .• t.• Mee., Jot , . rm., Ha ity• Or'one: ' r • o—l 1 Ii n.se Nee .11. Steno. , Niril kV.• • 4 4 i' , ti ^!.,-.._ .1 lt Jo. ,ol,,Ni'tit iloy, lit .11.7. , ..c. .17 t ) - e•jr., LW ttl• .. • •-• • • I'. J 3LIII 1-7) T Moira, 11' " C'''; .1.••, 1' t. n t , ttiaatTPit Motion, Rtrnivo St', ' , los 1 ~ sea • . , MT Moto o t•e -t a t•o,. No, lil ti, ater Weary Pitatto-go. • I O P .' "y. 1.%/ } ElltAt A". , , I.r.orocce otopity o er.,•• • r • sJsc ,1,20.0a,t0r0 o 2. s, re perkluol, ! " a';l YYYMYtI V.SI • ,o" ' C•m 4 ., smoror tron Cite af.' pl. '1• . torint; o TS - 1 - .) , '1.70-- Yen al47tC,:' C cis Sia;. bias. . 117:' ' prt: r- Comte. C 210, 4, e.• .4.• . 1,‘..13 =dIMMI lEEE Donation :ci....k.er or rr.nAltureb TN - qurzicricw: • tv'e , ‘ 'ertu al Dreg ' z- , .L fara%ibtairea. d' 4 " ''..r.lr7arit OV N • ~• , 1 4 ~.• tta mr „='a..._... . . ••-• , Ix . fitily CESIZZ9 ter,eiol • A lawks Meirlent -q AsUougu, Fero "''' For mt. •. Fbri6 to G..-• -0 7 " pgAucc. u. =llllO =11211=131 .tsf• Auld V.onßon", , . . r - - weir oo.t-t," v , • Pc , ,, -. 'v ..cann.asaasy• ......r! , :;• • ••,/ "^^,," • • w o.. .T : ;,rej! r*. f " :l . v [it! ' • ' .l ICLA.I I. o (*CHUAN , tz7.t11.4 r x. Sr• 1{ F r t Canll ' 4l2 ina . *ltd. ..evs.:Cl. l ;l4'...Ni WSW. . Maro 0 . " : •d cored Shav e, I! Solid Llnx luau - 'r-1 u 1,, ilr.l works, 0 , 1 •ur r ( r-rues r.liorreun notree ad urirt, r-r ...la:A. All arti rd,udr,"2-Aa and lr - 1....1 . x1A1e. ;,,i - c.1.1 . 4 >7o' ltrtd 01 , 4 adur3a 10,A La , ...on Ac re.o A arr.,: parchacila tylvre. 004 lar MERSEY. FLEMING. or, CO. 11/1N FOR 5.1.1;L'... ;FROM T.W.MANIMAOrt;'7II:IS,A^.II tir F.Ani ERN PIANi. PRIGS: IVhILe Fleu.to.4, 01 Wool Pao.; , Red do 9Poling; - .1 0 1foi, do 'do runt; etrdonoden; pee lhown ' do 0.7,:ed at Faitory price. ' !oek Satiren, Hote Lo :+lOOl mixed as Leona Shirting; Stripdt, rod' With ord• Mock rnailnleTO. o Goods. I'Pory ur - - runoddol Fdory Ten.od.. lidper . r d ~ euirV Jo; Soper . • ..r -, ...e.1. 1 000da, 4.11 ..oer d ' ' I •. . ,+ll V . * late Tope' -ba;,,rlp.tetr 0 - 7 N .• V a l:l7 44 -` l9 '• fc'f Sr Bro, voll: tau.. • • • •- • are.. •t! EyettaisaVlaart , naaaqa !AI isaio.7 4 Co'cafil • Ara L'.o. ill Wol'6'lls; a vela' laced. , 'ln . "a, rea: 81/.. • • C Pre.. • AlAccaY-I'u taar vallA c ara. ,7 ' - Fdat :of .te.,NES D K W OO arA , Dabkialtat ' ea.Dgportar, PC.ala 11 ? eb.4 .'" Teibp,. g r^t!'stfarnt';'111... aliffy; 11,1Selettentileley Folmounmel i n e sg..twitiv*Vß.i 'lRPA 9 r.e7Anenrinnn:ue MeAtirfn ' nfrolinaLilbnonenon..nnexkon _,A 44k n, 7 i n l itAVVAl l i s 4lo ) ; L u :lWe ite . elte.PlNlltelted. ninny are . m . 05t54 , 154[44., 1 4-7q. O 9;VPr , -Wa ce " ble caZlPere-4-10.towitaloillibrsvitieuspai . eekt “157""6'6 t 4 't:i-11;1 4` 44ig Rife g = ? Vn& , t Aawsialkhrh.n.sn.n n;.t . thn inrngn juienifkAveAti"'; :ei ther kn ' . '" : l ntl=rik ," l , l4 - i44.4*nnni , ..*k. I t lajirgottl. DrOltlgt.o.VoAVOA4 , p 4 gg i ffeg r ATili.. - ratnoVAPeOIMAWPAia rlt Tor feYieltrlt et: /ea& et.A.E./tLe'% , ,i ) let . 41`4 El.—' iti'prirtygli,icYykttjerjifbiti'r ' ‘.l ft " . oifitsi . Petßomtnlnskr. 1114 •.. 41:Licurrctuthbigiagithlapri , c I ' WI 0.. Z q! ilrA . Pthe, Aid WAI Catl ett :rep t t , Meet "I"vl"49*l nifterfoiWrAgi?”ll :e 4 ; l 7l:o4 " {thoo Pre gVll3oll ' .. c.tojotaito, .c4A co tin n e: tV! itiffPWitt:Cinlt'gfiv ee. Cuwegiwyizenn.,l 7 . tvh "Ar 4 t i ffA k ttkhigdqnt , "enA T e i i n43 . lsn , • , 4 191E1P 2 AAMMMARbod,F4OM Aillittfp• or 6 '" ii 'k' 4,t in v n k ` gr a r2 Otqlo; Alteit o . l. oTrWbrtoliMPNAlallKaSri Itan ticeettilllotr Juvonii . e Chotr,&.e. „ Oatto S:hool Gems o C cuit . P , 2et , t. detie ., k r . g 7 erttestlytferr the tlebbeut Etecel. , .y. J. A. el ocar IntekttleMnekramtantiriatad the U•e a 1,. .J. mobr-I.l.4•A.:'''''C'inf l i i: MlNi6l,6 ''. . anhe Itetodion•hrnabordiar ;w• .4, o • • L and liAbTaf Kiideri MIA - 01d1Phfortfr.041rovaltiaoo, an Eel' tionaTwireginown‘WoßßUoiNGOWelptkikr a •• r ecol' l i:, u tne i TOrn ,1714 . %:$ iftRAV;oI I 4 I 4 'a :so ' ikri*rtchaltreroolleettoomi the Ment Itlin .10.1., :171Ter;e. i rtIr4rW.ge4ifte l l i gt.ZYci j ,etilit S tIrtVrir of Ilkh , Petemdwatad-keadlrqntka;lVElpruc te t i g44llTAMPattP;7ldAntrha d A, c... lr.n : g ). " .".•1 Z r j' r s f" i t7 "° 111°" '" ttt i ftilek l ri ,. ' i(7 :0n11, 116i 6/ 14 'WI* iag=Yllo4lmta ist mu—. . 7 -liturN , 47„ , ;,iti.4l"6"PV'' -' ' 2r- - - t"o. !"at, l lrll.itl.l/11PCr. er 1 • ...:56IgeogIflUa.jitar41.!pjl• 'l5 , farLattierr'liWfliklFtietit — t -- 00.6111i. - Mfrit - a ArMau . :.°&- , :tv,:l.v‘tlar:::..fdt p. . ~.„1.-14,).vr,v,„ ..0.ii,..i.„.,.-.e.hilit er:, /74 . !nt?, -I ftg ` 4 l :l l : ,,/ :7 7d• olFP ' e. , t r itilt % l ` 7,: , ~1„,..0,,, i../o.•6.oolkltiztaktitarrOnaMtVON.3 Co. g * l g il to k ei a V ‘ t a t j eV: T orAffilitl -S l:nVelk.P , 12 Va ' r tn% ~ I • •. flita44fifillOlZEfi , esifilfietn. Inv. .• rptk, Manorroamploollaisateal Work. ID.. fi,ploton 2 . ,.. to: Now VON, Cartllktiir , h li?i.hr , - • Atealitt,lo tetra; peon Itodalatfaaannedth eaolan I , i , • ...ht 11 lIIICICULSAB,Wee d NI -v.. ic . k1...1....i15tu,,,,0„4,g1p,,1kapr4,,& g lpgi.4,llgrfllorreimpl WOrZin .aa • ii,..6diutr'hiPMlti g ' ••44, nitilifrAgp , 1- 4, A 8 i) Rll ll .inscruirMlo ittlgilid3rAlMl. A rnl , l4A e I / \ I I ollt i ll i tiV r ll74 t ' fi ° 4;;llregs; lf ;= " e at onOwarkallOar t 4/.1,114 or,II,4,I:CIP.SIVM love W hited. Vos of lee Meet nape. to ac U'S lb ..T ants '`RIO/Tithlaihrof• OW wad* et, 4 .....i,„..„,„„...„,„„,....„,,,,, :-. wiihz‘:,,,44..a,:.:Lr..zing,;.,-.... ~,,.,,,,.,,,„,,,,,,,,„,.....,,,....,,,,„,„,,,, , 114 k cot 04E0,1 qua pabkeepao ha:*araleachrse ?, .grz. , ,d;r:,liar:ocltNeo:lo.lo4•::PP,,,V°J.l",!4°,;., form, an anon anon* l& n to park.henth9kee/0kr0,,,,9 mr. mod to mold thaw Isquatet wined they In gilt On 01 metre corny& Ile ehmaaTlPViclal Ittrliankhnit re th abrollabf.oootharal Ortnrad i•SSWId P - cradaili An ... nab ,ta eds. indece. teem no dry al y turret el satin nOraerwrtdthictrfematr4,3 , erclelento... , over shot Nor tstoo,that,venit.coan.oiiitc ovlt . over eapacr y eanhai (A et ItaJerpt n• Go .Ito',a, v•dl al 11•00eirtiny Iwo! 'it orbefvfloah MI 4 Importam f o ra yo annm.-new , i , loe p../L'lole . r• ave. re dad, Vrthrifitheli, rtrat.l•Efi 1r arra kt, te ail, vlurveslit rotorspietomaamotaday raol . .• I•ndPed oYeg Ono dealryna igon.cht ;pc wo,k ,ors ii as tsatictt t.f numPtia end thtli dam/iga e V.( eafer d rps. b • . . .o.• II L ........0 1 b .. ~..£ I ae, work Inn be 'pain 19,genli•menthly =Ma r ao-rneenetua le fear; tar", enninli prrgtair WWI • tfr‘t raa•lttri‘Y ••• ..' .• ... .... ... 2". a t o m! wort dl be pled:died in to numbers abtl etrtzerber,indeottipleT2VVelktoßA.cted rept year, te30..,..k/sheral,ducooni isslllo OntadeAo atom ~ at ny bda remain , Ourrehliatert4leta methwneel *WA men,. the we tit - moth th{,F6p,..44- - imeve,i e . 1 ,. i . IntlMlamistr/Clas Primo , t -.,., ~.. Fro.a; r oisoupoo.AlN:494l.l.li,;".c4qUaiTAA‘ glheer, and A rwur.., It rfal be a 21:111I.3 b, wkkno. Trona-rec. IR I I Ihnroal.' .. 0, , ••• • • •t• .r f•lion, g Toe, atm:ie. -titer wi t h as worriedge.— lye c. I wee etrant, ore rreollfveeld etff , cedFtell peele.e OP easel ova of a.. dadaholaxitye reaateltek• baar.”—Atnennui Nide.. . . , b oh: ~,In g'y f•orr,n,d thatadri•urt• Drat& 1 gaged •oos LatorravvvliztiocitnaSenellej SO‘AVlfie.Par, , •I•tt A14"K;' 1 .,..: :. 'g51„ L '! c'"""`"?9!"1' It In testy,.. s.ool.wars, nod tArl.,habllkh^Ya,hl-., qn " ter '6 : 1 ,V,",t, 0 ,&,',r,‘;.^,:rp',„4,r,•',.'=',;i0,:v.-L!.;,"l'-. 1 "Takt lbedondry ;ill I,e li_ghry Osefitflo'Factlelf edechinle•q Ind vat to -air nahlowndcto.etometnu `l7ln t l°l72l;g7lgitglgTff="4 l " ,th - • ...Coder Ulf rdetoodht to heap puma atria the. mortal,. web s pp forget cal knowledg, and thts ork w 11 CMS/ th.- ea 1,..:h0w thiy ad 0 tar—verftry - 110 •. wo &atoll tobeAut the wori that .cerea na bon- I &ed o o• intrlafeTh6,hf rdeeluntleihatri•itett - b.rto pot. • 0.11.1 'fro rerardel arm 0.11 lif‘l3l - IPILISDS, andao,lo..kat. manna 11. STRICIfi.IIIIIIS, no t:t recrns to . 11111 any merhanTe might eonWaet Ktet-lee Itritterahearoe' 'lt""Trngttl'Arte=r,"*P"'"'4l" '-7--.)1,1•-•. •Ik I initethded ih-ineekaates aboo l / 4 1 Arad.-them-- eclat* ot us .olvanagoan—Soknyllul4.lVOlA tt•19.0r,7.„ MO ' •A work of ertenalve prnetiedlonlowardt.reabira. 0,1u...A , Alav,i4= ‘11•41Y.11q8.; ' ...s A a the country. L a regard Me woe.' al clAtnettly eatenlated virproarbto Itte..tanac-of acieocional..the.. Oterhanieal arifland to at.aestina o valuable. leo/rat ion an the. 4,fiTeelv ' —"Pander n'telllettlitte^ .-Traeneal Men In a.i hop arawarLwalt.coLareltant Vi l d i Tef t " la l ltr c ll t e rl" iiiit7olll7llf =to jrZtt nrontlopoaarsan—T.oy_atly %%ITC-4,00 l ,••. i - • eWe lII,LI canriu.ly panwed the hatoner, ilea none datahei tal mein My II g thtftl. re rhe-lreat wlrrk-foP Me kMe/vVeaea, IllotLenllenti fin moo, gye r_poh4alh, ea,lor it chno•os mutate inrotmanort on every braneh - Or "to an-ellthota 1 trete ono ertereewearewed Id a.- 1,1[..414i lana r trane iniell glblciat hoy. ryader tt ard.b, larc capacity. —oloveerer,( da....) Newf. . O We are shre-wearrt doing tbiatneetanolotallsor.. heath and ',that poly of Comeeneok,a farrice by l , leaks' the watt to their strentaid7 -Noretten; , 010 lamb voila writ Rs every meekneln shoal P rr y r Wo colander Rannottlre-mot ormialrane totporAkat ablamthmis pt the age. No to eche nte elm a gord to_. tthout IC —lnewite, (N. 3: )Coltitotrttel Conner- I -.ail-1010m aortaoo public...dorm boohnf s tgr a ttr i o n t ?eV ati ' rt h t ' lt VeTed 'u s 'i ,lrdWil " :4 " ilvar Wen, ro to. flan of prootataathllinfaloCrni•AO•t .. . •It Is the belt and ebesrett work c‘eratiereStalhe i .e confte Mtn praetleareomneer are Meehan. %he 1 1 01 • err boestiCally,esevate.o.l-1Wk5 4 4 ooG l °''°• ..T.n. great Ltenortnry II ore or 010 .ottMita rka" eat. rdtatthedfaryra.s,nodol.l....wiee ac, w ool,NV II IA 110IJ ma/ea It nccei table to alL"—Liolle '•• eefutlnlan -Ll'e regard ills one or the Moat entlapiteena/ve and •efivafifit4 Ova watts. enespu ,e t wor..ver p a bltshed,w, —t/alltruare Advertvv•r. ' I -_ -0. • -as Lltiekn to.6.•takrowhy ovary one Alettrang m keep , once w oh the proem.. el aft nod acme, in even , ohe of nat. labor* 0' corn Med hie "—Rendeof Count, ' . I-It le dela:veal oiler Ihr I ISMCIPIS .1 Vre. thedena vy, o 114 amt n IA store devoted to the msebne en( and ensteeringinoteanons:tnat, Db. tr • ill, - .. valuable al neeempa.tdog for Anterte.A.ayttf• lice hat done for I. 4 ,t d ad, al. oetredbing Araertean boot - Hoeg and wort a ofolt ' —Srlenntle AntertOrm • • • - . , .I.ta.pahltehed In.magharrit, aim at vt prm:llm tal ' t, 41111bIllt In Willi IS contahte3lda,•ab, d .,,,,b,b.,•tha t , In: . one who hut she want Inteatat doaneh.whatten,, ortfatl he deLOILeVi v •TYRIKPC‘II , 4O , ..d d iorj,7 o " . b . doe. so, will and that or h.,. In con en arm mr antorloi - or utstroetton WAS'S VoCIS.IS berraPtiol.Lek all, only by the patella.. al very many volt... .'—N. V. Cooney lied fidtfinkfcr. •r lila eutopreherodaehess vend whieW No aubJecta ore tree ed, toe adazirablebrann - ter itt lajdal they are Wastes Ifni, ennapilll to make Wm lea. of the wort I. ell. rabh• aorta .—thmotmle Traylor - •'ll t liworrshordabelndite-hmtda of O•ory a/rat:male, ~teatreay., and mitin4aVetFer, or pheial,) thy. who tia vo e•ply toe. to decal irrthelr reveedive W.I. I !es!"2Weh:r ' e•ea-efatiy lase:used tt.wtth • ' , A. , F.. , determent/Ins it to rr.eatara. Co arm SIC wooto 107 In tee strong larmaegegYt: a Ulne. h... .1t h good: ,•• to. ...„ , Note, to dm Prtyrutors 12( Noe:papers dtroush?ut t. 84 Muted Stour wad Comae. , •If see •forceom rn s ad.ertise.ot II 10,0.001 five time, I 100,0 g the ) ear, and-tda inner "eta - uotg .11tet0 to ne,l e eon)? Gine work will he sent vat. 1.1 mile= -- - • -fitanoyma. . lufn 0.1 Weal stri.ell. t"' • • l:r • I ' E.: ;, ACH . F.37-1 , 0 busti, , s 091/_/ .. ai1ye , ,y!•..e,54 . 111.0.• I /, I. to t.y I. H WAT LAMA:* , &WS 171 UTTER —l5 tr•lx pritorpar Led lien, b , j i?ge.pl I 2' L 81tV/111.i.RMo/011%arS, 0 . E.b).4-04 brivpiine ClOverseed; .•. S ID bg,lfe prifoofTlinottlY.l3ced.lor Ify D 4 WAI'ERM AN k SON 4 SNeitiTil4 oath, Soylbe 2 , dos Raker ibr gabs try ' .glegv - IVATAJYIIIkN 80bigi p-T ni ti - iro-k.-%.OI°W.VAVDE,sss 0 -ALEKivag..-•• - • - 13.Araii , ...g -- ri, • • • Vo brig • . „.do Al beg do 'do Id Plreff thig day foegivea, and Yor isle br • - • . •api.l • .. • • WM iJeCANDIiff39 TA R—;u tabs N. C. Teri YD half brig ~do, geoid and fav sole A 7. apIN _ . k• . WICK AIcCANI/141§, _ iißtiO NS--438 dozOanlltoomi roc 641121 11 tr.l3 WICK& I'decANULBI4 , 9I LOG IRON—*,WosKC'd. - NQ'roc.ak L 1 L • *l3 mug*, ticevinu,9sl IMENZI -to _!=, Vial. inn « 0 424177,AJ • 0,11.. 4 . ____ ..-.7. - . • tsigiul 11111311,1[FF6 , ~,,, A " P " wl V i n,"4! SlZ l l. ° ll l2 4Z;tiTti! pk. , iiii r 7tel:4 l ..mt .0.41.N. 1 . ‘,.;;N0. 4 '. .1 4 j.“0 , 7010xacu1f.V.1 1 1,1,' Nr,• , ' . ..14_7.,;i34' , 1, i..._ ~-_.. 8 6.7t7;• gt„tiv n 113:44.-. 1 0 . J /1,,,•1 Wit, „ :-1 rulrEgViWgrAk44*,;oklumie , g , r . " • , "' ,-, rerfia , ,le*l-Tel:! , ''.. sWakr7rlj/MlTn* 4 l7 , 4 , t, tOi . k 401.54. eon kartnd.diatvite,l4,7 , o4 . l , 94.l 51 . ) ,, ,.."'. 1 9.W4 5 .., Wan IN.:ImM thetr_vam..s. _,. _ tit - PAT rantiLVot r e . nr petlB-0 .of Allilif __„/ Pitt, DI CirannisiGold,pkin.Lidil - P.9.1r , g01/ 5 % T.' eon rgetur rt., iy,,.,1n-etber ni.il3 on 1114 • nth n isf r riellenke:l64, 2 R4Ptnutt , Pittlf,l a& slsr tolls4a - fio!d , wd.y.pti Al yA A ti ! , ~,,, -ay "' ''''WeillTipee-T-Uffenti Mont rtebet,” . V.: ~ M ASON, I IS CO. erm1i , M17 , 1;7 1 77 , :tE 11) I r, ri rEZ ' et ' sfOlreVtirrgi t fal : . 1 ‘, 141 rtik,,,, , _ . .. .__ . . an . uorwAr.drz.ik on& 14 , 0 Or,u•fl:!i4T; tla;VeneLrill ' Zilartm - uffasPneLGl i LI and now opt by A•A 'Afk.§oSt is l , fl t4tulrerfitt: Worytyrirqt ii•. , 4o:titu'rFAitiortzt 4 1 1 1:11 1 )...ti.,M.q1t.11 . &ing[f l AVAR4f . D, ;71:1>olii.orosoctir Ilito . , l3soner.rtz•ooirioo . ..• Itr4h , l4leit;,C?..9rr ~.tr00.5....tr. wist...., Ai ts r..ri Wit ottrth: Asti vttri Of . ?ogl.ttil.l4l :id .Ik:sow,: • -.: 13., • . 1 •,:,: ., :-.1..., t . ; tit l iggsAlMA. t il•FZt44,l . °;‘, , •% . lass, Ailooleu.d:•l9:StPr,i4 ,l 4l.ll , JP.O.ff;-4,. ISt eg .. , th er.circ crarings .r'orzne. now ao. pp rPfd.VolO. 4 Yoyil,l34!elthlrVlS.lrlycalloarer, 4rl t . t fi lh!. ' incitiloV•erVieti iifilleO;i . .os frefifle&rii.L , l.yr ashler. !Moe verortiotouo rot IV.Rolootrotly eriotO,RoVorol.o (41:9 wk , i it ir7A .Coooor, irr - -' - --• '“ x • 1 4 %., , ilefratiVtleitdoWOO.AVs ottoiWirolo.ottftri. '; . 4 2;1 - 1 1 2oP I :gtroi4101CYli,*g i hg, - eliltV :I, row.. .11t1 ./0 .3031, 1' •, ,/ : ..v pot &klArelfAVltigooiA C' in ,l t: . .- ...... - 1772 -7• T ,-.. .3J, r ‘ !•.l.lre •::•',- ..tto '. 1:5 ir ' rA r_ ... a ........ ' ' • ' ^. ........ S nNitzirovl4.'AtiVelenttligarww—_ —...uscusule, o t ruttlutr wL :,E7 4 4 na1e. ,40, 4 a4c 1 .4440. 0 , 'DUE 041.1- rrt rak,..., , atmtivtvgn Ascmi. Vettbr; Staid. Um*. ExthuTarromiol o.lno. bchpopws„po /piny, StuSboru . Ic r-,, Sn.4i4i.• , ... yer.ploils, Seitltlca al . l.ttentagt*Ltaor•di.ix.44.o , 0 &ErolmispiimieniitlOSs uttAC:reitCY.atS tlq ' ' g r iggQl3 9 llll " ;=f4U l, •• " .• i."' T lMl44".4'qjta' A i ft r irie r e l Ot 4 Z: b.h etvtlrev k,iA fTt ykrz4 ,0.0b.0...,,,d , 1 P 1511rV11,. latig,:;11,:,1:71, IT,T a VellettiamestUßlß cm/0.4w ••boomiastment ..: V 4 1M,Itj r idair4 Fn rXr;:iftf:aq a : his beAlnoadat rrkolcaAllbi•drula ct cgrINVIN I,oa, 1 iffi l Yalnlag7 ,o , ( 4t r ZlT - lifed i q4/11.ra '° t r• Irr s t ' fv . 77:n l 4 .I::fareAr f r ITAYT, Lltee ' li' 2:ds irtk. - elftat'Merlie , ol , dili•aterealllffolof .nipPcnaPit 1C.A ,, W , 44.0A d 1Y- , !..“4 . JR *F. acTaf WI. Inc.i•mitble nreparntln, •THIITIt 79-I , PEA•N6EIIFTIMN FICMOI.IIP ~... qr.. 0, 040 , ,N('5.'...!'c•Tri."114" , ~,,' • , ^H. ,- •!"1: tNbo:•g ccze,rucrled Ly v.. u. or .Jlinill':.l.tha• -ell • ,--- • Nt*-44 „1 - s4l,htf.,4.thp i, "1' 4 2! 4 °, 1 9,,,,. 44 i 144 7”*„.119„ Qiii RNA* 4 t in DLX-te,“dozert' %Throb To r en. metre, ... t 4' .I 1 Um imacdiec 1 ueetLben teit effeot ln.errtstac, , - - toe prie&reLs of the templet:it •co Ito i ontrary, the Fit `HIS FLOUR-10 brie Fanup nhib-kitite .. ~..,, Ai ...my . NU* *one; Via Infteeelye ellatiteteresn' ' r , .,_0..b....d, ... • 0 •••• . 0 , 1 , 10 1„.••.• ~by , „ open TM CICUIO: IIC ICISt WIC ICA vni, , ...on, ~, y i.,,,,,,, , ,,, . „r. ~..., j, , . ~,, , ,J. K IDDA. 9 , . ~... ,Srand rip attleh Phrelemne,_theeele4-10..tt1, ottier . , ~,,,Frj, / A_Rrit.Ti4L„,rh_t, _,_ ...._ t_R _.„l,u_ •" , v o '"'" th ""q"'" , 'AI th ' d '"" * "' 'o . ll•itt'COLLAltet 4 ec• 0 ,00, .04 r",...0,, 0 .da• amy - tireemikte m- trio Tad, 9 r 4, IP - ' ,r 47. d•namon-bs., 2 pc ".gove,r;ephyttnit of.licr biNdYLI.R 0Ntt,t4 4,1 Izn 4 Alt IISTRONC, & CROZY ea mermen its twinges in the rut of per nte.e.l - ..., -, • -itue----..___ ••• 111•11ilir drettelfe* somatice, with •theihro, heel At • D 11.1. 7. _ Ifearcw .. ..: ~ ~ v , R v a ati, f ... 1 eNC 'P'' • de lltptailn,g,llei m the flee, i etale4 her ease to Dr , ll 'hei "- Di smar t trm see.; l".. , .isn'' o 3 . 414 1. 41, . 14, N" 4 " pinny' lAIII--Yei4l efe'lli ern fi'er rude be'. ••• be ;1110., ii shoo 4 was stimuli teetsoblut mutt* , ..,,, 4 ~,,, .., , ~,,A&L, , ,,,,N , ,,5, p pix ,,g , . a' la tpyi?plise end that of coy ne! ghbere, to whore he ease 'erns lenZilitt;lttx.r cl4lhg' lour end ' ttlinttt . - I).Atis.uxte.......c.aed,,ino.c rgw.irit nxittly.,..,.„ . . le drernnribrentetesl.lo MULL ltealilbtanstAtlnt illihn .I.IP 1.)4 AI DSTRONG & Clttlhh&R p e ef" Urea leeeke.srelld; role tonork p 1.. I ~,v,,,vu. LLI,N ,LE to " ~,, ~,,,,,,,,,-,•- ' ,,,,i- r . —.4 ',.. k.fram th e uhtt thl keßiumicen ukut It ' - ' 'l7 out ARAIFTROtiIi at-Cal/3MR, .. I,nettnen, ethic treitt,of thtutotitetena.) hilt L - A .„,,, , Lead. ,„,„,,.., .. , . .4 . 1.11. 0. be cent., &Mud toy in an-, Lan 1911• dny or teniean.be r,L 7lll • •- 1N r. "' • - ' iMhelititt-hIettRePTCR .1 P., • mfg • .... . r le . ~ yzoorl o rr a tri E cry.dihr.c,, T. A....rc., . mg. DIA ct tN-18,1,41.1 Ibe boo round. reed, inell2l3 . r ,,,, , ,. i 'IA ".,:t - - " ARMNTRONIJ & CRUX 4 tie I nil'. ePill• is nu rrlinet (Tams kill ~.rued, IN talm,-.104,0,, p,,,,..,,,,jer nin, ,, s., rncnel. bi-. ,frona.liujiarukt. ,, , , iohatltkevlntlitetee several )SlO . ll Mll . • i ARUSTRO 6 !'.4eitirqr'_l!..„, . iP & '"' "I ‘"" Ul '''''' lb• M'''' 'l ' .3 ''';'' ' e ' 7 enl •( l'l'lFe--ID naci; Rio reed non ( oi sale tiji i•el••4. eMbe Nteemb l teabihilt-',.. -'-• " : h • thi '''' '' ''AgistvrfroNts-.t. oftv7l4 - 4--• . ~ 74 . ..L.Cjr.U. '8 . 14, L C. ill, 1512. '' klir . .orit",& • ll‘&. ft S,-... , -; , :bert Note:leiter* 'l 4 4-44 A' 41 '.. -' = " ll,ll4l " o4 .ortie thaft , 1...0* ito .-.... . i _ p,rl , I .. _truSTllo,illi &SW/Fla .. ' 'l."' .4""Wa"-'*'*".''''". 7 '' le . ltt: -- t ....'- . -- ;';;; . n,'''eskle .. .til T 3,7.; ,IN.d, it. • ' - 1' ‘,is x ,r.V.P:at,rl,to"l7",7:4:,,•' P eet' " re . ' 'lrk:m.l 4 y • . 0.4 'Veh ' it.lit n t.l4; 4 , VIA . , c•iFireet f)locur, ' Dbeeb Se, ire • ebetiormihrether ' conlll.l4.t.tpcs',.nbelcsa yebln.. .V, t.i ~... '...01ic Lu..tres, •IdSO I: Crava.., nt noNksJpt , Te i rood latr)des,lbe tnP.uninn ‘ att ium toy threm ex. eo ner on Fourth 0,5‘10101/.01.•11 . .._._. _l . ll I , ttl to Mt betlo:'m the.: to, htierinirereeverN mites if L. art 1 INC-5 t4l;:iiie'd find far ..eli• Sir um rintled, A 4 ,44.141.5. We senhotuttlAtohert yi... brut; Serdi sad.Verfnmery4Vaehr . ebienuofitt • it hrmlth ern tuaprovrd, end bay throat 14 ate hrelli yail, ..0 Ny gp ,,,,,,,,. , 0 N mit,A,y,..ip14..01 "I m a .`free Nibr meet: tliid Llttu•hier , th e: 4 ,l.4am , . n 1,3 tri. ' nn ' a m agfts c M birtn:;rtnea-Itn"lnin`.o,.o:l:' it lir licer4 effeeted entirely. 1.7 ttie pee Of yourSuu• S' Pl ' ii i :eotiVlC 4- triil 10 - th k eletlroPke 7' h! r a ' ;:nl 0 DILL; 4ronllititelhor l&ther Writikt.ertedDileme,„ ti,n; at li,obum • 'P ' '' ''.. -4" ."tkkif,;‘, , Z: ' ,.slC l C., VtatTh ,11,181 II: ' Wu.," tisivist.Gmllienue hStem what 1 hey, I 0., rimmed, and -from the infutmetten I hove recently r etoredT OM ilfillrlbcr of phireitirtif ldhle'reerietita. 1 Itry lobe Immune :rear 4.4ePtiteht• i• lte , o 0 9{, iir clean &th t bot.tlett At ma Mott valuable medic ne, il the th e ttlitnertbot Nert.fteetem yotrhyve neaten its eihucy.me toll'esnatetbid, by NRiMiettNet.ed thnovt t, tcp moat abd ;Natty ore very ea:el:lace` • ii, ituutteere-uvret mritenelreeArmm inerenee tire,: want ell WOO ate, editead nu disease to he., cinder acquainted Ledo un, ntrcati ...t tower hi" yd. Vr~ medicine. •i•l• Leot/Setion.Velefelly rod very ''enneetfnlly l'"4T 1,r11 , :n witic irr .-- I §l f rit . ''' : "' L '" r,L2l l 7, , tti, 7:i t' .11 ' .,4 1 4 - . ' t ,fit, p e of Ivti r iiiift7 &I L I , ' i on! l'ih.n . res Try Dm- titeretibeSity through., the Unite." :121e, and CITA, Son. l'rtte • ~ r bg.,te ‘tx .0..1. 't.r $5 For rile by 1. •111.CD.i. Jr., 11. A. FA lINESTOCR 4. co, and : IDVA RD FF14131,11C11 Notehorh. Ai r. by Dr 41.11/11irblell-kreieter Isplialond&wr - Atalniqus-•z brit puny coign•;.; • - - • • 75 rres (m 6.0 br 70—.1. . • 1101BEEMDALZkIld,;11 CO- 6 k Rye Flour. for'irilely ROLISHZ.D/SkiLßListit.CQ, Liberty street isek.otrrEWtlifltil; lortilalti 6y- - SIII , VtAIAT 7 UEI S k.CO__ •Ed ow pig. voil.(isorm;l4.-.0. for *atoll. PP • rt. El ,t. IIACIIES--;24.45ac5'. l'a,ettex tnr vtle !MEI% ATNIEWBN CO Actium thitie- - -iicliri: No ibrAtala frr ^,),. • ) Vhk UAG)hEY CO . - A11574.•::-."- A r . ergp. -111.1.1fe Of r,Oul . ni, yJts o: newest styles rter,i6lTl" •'' '----- AN,Nlat:' Col -LA rr,e•g Y ' HALZELL. 11J , AAkt.2 Y. 11,1:5, reteinm per forte. by JAMES IYALZEIJE 1%311—'4.1kb. VAliTiinon”,:reeeiiFeartal va3e.l,llpE lE clOn . OVITMI • • . , , JANIE'S DALtELL ‘ , T`tjfii".:•1 4 ,.. k c".% 1 ;r 0 c1r.74;,'411 7 , • . . JAIRES,OALZELL ril do Bever • I do. a onedoom I!. d i r oR . steqm boa) CatumLlaty (or dab bx •DICKEY. 4 CO ..-• 112 bY. ro oL LAItII-6 brls lauding, unit for sale by ,656' IB6IA II D.CKES CO ""' m.G Pj ' AVl d e r ir&riN ? .lCO 11,1i. - 6611-430 1.7.. extra fninVy flow, ibig I ari.cor talc by. mii4ST6OP.O b city4Lß A f' =R d :\ e G "' ; 'CVO rid CAro:18-2J saelDt In store• weenie by F,..myy, . A RXISTRONG S CROZER. ovEtts • TeX - ere i¢ieieu tO make IF el. T. Inrisobe at the T. /hum east •aidersf the lharitnn J. Ihthdlog:gh. Wa AIM Dt1,11311., KU to have the reps % taion Or .Iflos trot rasa Tl.a. Ts raifehhott. • /MORRIS /a . • Proprietor* of the Tea Alarket. G tllErrß :l : I t ' Pepper, received,la far / J4I3D &CO • , • trild reed for sale by 1 0 . : 4 ...; • • J KIRI/ARO' AtJlif.:lttfp7iril 4.1* intr. No - Tr 3,eartatt Uo et LQ thi.f.crttotr,tnet rre.eireit.'antl for 'stern , • . .1011 N & CO nr.25 Goal Bailp e renn greet: S LGAIt —VU bele Lovelitheil - rowe.srcd aid CmAT Su.tari, Just reed, no/ fur lan • _A cul.W.tits.irl_ .8.19.t.Zt P e ttl m uMet , C i'•••..tin 40 Jug reced e no!! for *ale by • • , WATERMAN& SON'a Lt ttnNelh YINFAI/iii—Yrtaeirts kapcdot art t+' Jest retched, and (or bY • • • 01ra • A CUMIERTSON Nit - IROlti;ir . jtj.teciterti . tir M U *O.ll f ' olulaT; b w&TEinunNi &SONS 77j r IVZSLI:gf ?It1.1; W t tar u nt. tlDl v7cKEli3il.li . ~~ VOL. • • E OUR " B.^ Yu . Dl the Iga :the laeof 3 OLV7io3orr ran:lwatt ssup.- • Pertneribiribtrnolrore tllittir!!! "'" WU, Wm: W. Nih• ll* ee, emitabrirry anima batiste... Never, tbettratfroCalairiliallt...... CO , WV , distelart by meted consent, en met, 4V11.. 31•ttball malt Pertbareti thetentire-mternm e(-W.ll.ll4tWfat-,,rs as • aline!. in b e will be reatia•etlt br the sabot, ribars r atedertike name to erAl•rabtl!...&3leGemy, ?he 'Mit melt, the - • or abelate arm, aa . d toArb. pee44,l re reel!. tteo male nirlentt` V '' helm corner itfit'botrtaltrtiabertrstruts. t HF. N. irt• ! _ - _ s•mao. • itoSst Fu d ciVa "`iff, S CAL Ell.l MG., N,Evii„, „ ~ „ a , tl d u er th e d s:.r t ee th r- c Pietsb a =E y, Itp . ur .., IF: be epee< ,tief XFS! *4B Rtt.' 4 ?*2ll l itt :. •i'- . - ''' ' 'lrtii OtibterllgrslDAserS3e),l , ee* store .1 .1 1 4440 i IA a - Al 1' 1 .4 ,1:4 17 4 M, Wth ' iNgrigi 3 4 : Vaei l i t r*Va . : ANA 'yAmy, -, dtt.e..lyiroattimr.D/1.1 •WpatiO‹ 1 .,,,, r ,.. AAA* X 4. 4, • ' F P, M9VintVi'l; l snn " l;fite7 - 7. ~..„L, lie. ~w: ..pr.nkle , !Ibetit willICIlOl , O , ISA , k hnt-1 . , 11 a .lA7t ..kii kit 4, And conAJ:ntly teroAtairAll m , -1-,.. s fivi•rticoL-ok.±,b;ll, ft/del/L.sga ildl ta..7 .4.• -I' TII ., ''' ;o;t ' Ae ' n ' t ' til ! timiiiiiiCfl 2. -ri;el ir.g - titi , ' ~ —A.., 4711,161!frafr Mi . trigs terl,4orerriounic,4 re el 1 ' T: , " Z Pl :lVg Y i n :_tAk' CAW AI TiiiePuliWiAW . 1 .. -1 i TAC.i. Sptio p esee. ;Nolte, 6 pile. 0:1.1riee5e540 , 14 , .....5:4 WV Fo , ! izn /Aim , and Nei ., Spleri, .1.4 r t i e ! : _ t. ! Rr.ell Am, 1../..encce. Srgar Cared Ilagerrer in.e.el rwr I 'an ti re,rea • tent! is. • - hi. e,- ~ 1 1 ,, ,, , ,, ta 44 ,4 .... Mti, INV•tY:ltfnAtgig.aieWAlPPittio , r 1.7 r , -1.1*14 ma/ altnb tctIVAA4 rAIkIB p; . nfi , ..l ,„ II I . 411t 9TAVAW I V ' AIV S P F . u'„ , i'. 1V ,-,.. p , Dm -s-vlld oulamtdrelonnal4 let rtr. u r ,, ~.: ~ , , , W5l. A MeCLURT; CA. ! ! lIFil, '''''' ‘'N'll tsol.ldilifin44llA 1•nnOINtokl, r : .-. I! t uranium:ol6. • ''A,L RVEIIT SSP SON tt ea. 15 1 i7 a - V.lz 'I:WRVS: VlSNlTlRlV:DuNihmAirkzifh,t, aos TASeep eonsiamly on hand ar make to order the in their line, at their Ala .1114, 1:I 4,0 ' 0 Pr... l i Lio, at No. ea fit atkat aura:, ir chuff itory, I Antra/lee fn the fliontonAr — Yenirtatrostertnetaile•il •. or f frr. i ntatphaltrolahntoll'erenaiired.. mire. ttaaff ; . r:i JIMMOIVAL. , r, - stri t h Ous h e l' ''si%9 V llll4dP P el " g62l4;43drie.* Ci. -%i4l ontherst and Western Inereitatics• ~,, rl;t4r,svf.S. enliniiilit SEILEUMt-Ati - 'I th,., ' I -tliltut Int:titter respeetcolly iliVile,puhlie 11:trW.:0;.13 . I ' lds t leilfliVe !wet . ne - PerArtnefy. - Scrtrpit--Stlartuo.• , , Mtn ti,Ye:Otatrotth Seems tnikeznsttentoolieirl t e , I t i elt' ' '4ll:ffro w leti \b n i VXlVN l Vell4=rilllitslir: -sil it oteltefetheattln tieing-Ur Ontil inteenille. l *Wssele:i.' ttTatet if, g r . f ?5'i,i , .7‘41::'.4'`..4`.g5r`,,,T,T.M.,,,, '‘z. 44. i. iii•teowl 4 s wv , 6...A.mx..14...P.-:.d.. Iles; ott,l Asnine,in ) urity'rreSlly iteknovyreqed ra , .lAltuiteliOV'to , ./ 4 Shatittertilltt DI Wert ennt . ant att.:Ant; 1 .t end " its.oVitit Seir-VtillitioNfiifi i44Fent, , .. , . , AlitonTWAtipt et * en euttotentatentratoolitent .c..ets7 inttZlttniftrottWa-#-AVV-V"V : on 5.4 'SF - n t ntatTnorrSoorr..-AineaticittneoAnikeptte t it cr t b tor tltteaN,lttreVtiirgruliaPt`34'l.24:. - -1. ../ L,- P , Er. Urn Restores Lisnettattnet e te, eit ., 1111,. , ~.t inti -' , JUI). 9-f a'tgarl.' 1 ..T...,t - r49.-,:„Ii. . -.., Inn ,tortartnit.toniket kotrifUPlt Weenteetitf glAWY:fitn 1.1 Ir t '' lnitikaMblilltrWiticr.a•,i6• Tearttee,sn o,ort risffAt e , r dp:U i tSiqtik.l"..hopilYA....Ca t ' 1-....,. 4PV4, 5 ."" v Cionents Ileornitti4 ot st 1 rilafttton raerrnst int. , . i g i atr U ktit n gre ' ltl.o4llWll l it7Oig * , , ' Is , ettOykottecistie,Stictinisenntsel , lon s ytTV Li s i rrtt,;,.: on ' iltVitt,f giget Ti t Tittlide,ltfitrni.iltSSlTootit. ~- tn 14 1 .'"" ' " e. .I NI M:r 4 l ' iO ' d;“trWittli,% s '' .4 geltVP -- Ittikitlfill * C446flintiis ' lWeenr.in ~ n o • :Pent.. Lop So tr e ,l :n t eentoroCr 4 S.ft,44, - it' ,- tottp.t r e .441- - 1 flgt i er P , 7gniUgAlrai=g4nr " ,tr, Viet tin Ilan compowiliti re.ten -Solt., brimlce I . ' a , ...k!Y 4 01 4 , 1.4tiV4. , 9.1' 4 . ?%, - nt, fd in Stud SIQWCIIIStoneIII. v. Ttefeitteentter beres:ttotmennelntlets -*montane..., :• J :4A I IIII7VSMI ' IF:.iIVO f Ir P . s in ''' lli .. . ' M n 15 . , 4.mtlt AttootoontLe - AnsY wint!le pathesstatt. spitep,..., -.. 1 -ro l a l te l frtra i lreterg.COl l4 ' '' ' -4 V ft-tt. ` l' l r ~•••• -. I-•,:, I .'"'",...' • ,- •-.4 t..; o• XteNlS:fte.l3A2lN,ori - ~ . .et. ..c.„..,,,,,in,terna o r, Mi u gc? i t i ti t §g , two,u ,,, ~,, oft, t iti , R.C.t Ef l !fqtrAiTY,.!l , fqr. 'SIP, b r..!t l i.gc.A r gr: . ttt ', 73 ' it 17; '" ? 1 1 4 1 - . 1 -7eltsit ' sR " Fs fr jeTs T77 7D151;'Sjeli' .. --'"' ' - - • • , uNI - : tlitalterSetrpiei. , tka4ntrat-autLmoet. is.bioup4le Attic!, :44.4 A 11114./N kni) n ars..9 ° °F.FE's 4i tY-Yr-- , _2! L - evalikt.t l OLLARSACUPFt.••••!•te arentlOaC3l ;Ao; .: ' •.• • • • " • j ril tiggP h • itil Ca o- ,• - '- , • - ' rptilAtra.4lo- , • A. ' A hrIASON Zedo - hl Is It °Writ Plc i.tiu DS Jlt uI, their vhrieue*. - ier• - m • •• 4 - sdchangentah blik r }cm %Or, F watcd_and .} . .1.i11.... . w °prating hi ~_ .. . A A AIARIN A. Co .Iqt & brIA Tri-; WiNtulnon•Pltr/k; . ISM= 3 AOK.LI.IF.L.,:to I.3tge J No N A.; .4 r T , V e rvCO .sale ._ OH a AV t.4lmy4 .-- .. •r Ili p.img.i.c.c,i,sot med. Ms talc I.y JOUN WATTI:i3I - - ' pt. /•mt. i•Vii: for riamby - • • ■ mit r JoHN WATLYAA;O. , - •LA.N.§EkIi .0114,12. DO, r0mm,,0P9i..§.. , !...1415'; cmm.y. reeeivml, for sall mit . JOHN WATT &CO .-. )lloOhli..=to3 fir — . moaned irms....:Ok Ly .1 oil N fiv a 'rVk co .3y2 01..keekilii Yale prime PA.liirm sale by... „ my 2 , ATC er. CO IJ-3 rI pn3, Jett Teed Ita fAlc. `VIVI •."' • - tICIIINAVATTL:GC) - _ urria-1u JAIL: WATT to KA—_dl hi elms, YounglosiaTanpowder, .41 Mack Teas, On bond;and to orr,ve. for tab. by •A CULBERT.JN, nriT' ".• • ; Llbtely st • )ACI:V.D '/,'EfiS of tton con•tta.,:ly cot band, in 4 or.octe 'on„revoonsblO .erboa rze,e, by j [en I N .Ib,GIII.I3ESITSI,N 11 ; as Td_Aejll . l - .Teedf:V l itt jrCh atutiernbOtSll=ilealarta re en trind, fo rntttt r sate by „ • C1,11.111•11LT,•4)IL DurASII-8 e kTpilr; arriaTby 1 mr: I SCHOOKMAI:EIt S. CO _ . .1 - SCIIOIItiMAFF-11:11k 'rELYITET J SCHOONIJA.MaIc. CO >anis GilEr4l-2desic•ot LtiCeiebtntailb U • tao • J tiCHOONII&ICLI Jc C(1 L'.l.La.vold.r. end Ildyiinarr, t ed.r-pneb,smr.rdbita vo2 Hisoci .4 by SCIOO , V•IA 4. OP dLab—V. keys r said . 1 id•rJ F VOYULIONNIIORST b. CO rjOTAit-100Witilieliite7;:::: ...... - • - : i niv /U.. ' • ...011.1'ink Eyes, in Ilnse and fer ia!tt by 7 ' .... - n . _ 1A BLIVIER.-Ing• trei In • - 3.lnia Roll, in isterasslAtatirrl,e by . 789- SIL 1 4 H° . :NI — T S-4 ! " "000 ' ''' ''' . ' 0 "Y i:TI:ART A , PIY.T. : .17 : C_Ye r a i nt b lUt ..r r u er n tor t rez F . mj 7 9ToiRrA alf.6 tiILINTS-44. largo-tumor . ..V. Vatley 2.ia nun C.lO o pi r/ trb i, te. un thy 6 " gy].. dbeat side/CM:TT& WHITE 6-I.iSTMER teerei,l 0 V osnoi od Worattd SintiJor !turpn,_elo g on a n nfl' ,And 411•Lfa 8yd.CEV..1 . 7 3 , vtlf mfg , 6-1..1- :fA4 Zr u ed, for inyt rl. Sa~oten • - LuG . AN, WILSON It CO, • . Wobd. Jdritclsll , ll a cif U4A - 114. , . ba4l 'act revved kr sale "ohm° 4 Moms' 11icU4r7.04 pc.c , new c4Elforq - e4ollc .; • ' ,Y44E tr‘d SOraEcY,4 Coramill Flare lk.o)c. Clp4: and prr Cr Gindirg. Carlyle'. Latter Day Pacaptileti.l4o;,.. .7 , 104.11`414anc:' , • =S==11=:11!31 . - ICI: i ICE, i 7 77 . , VE have 150'torelee roe 'We, to arrive . Dstfees ", sndllotej Keepers will lins) it testkeir stk.:ars lo,esti On. , O'CONNOR, ATKIN:IA C 0.,. I 001 6 , ' 232.! trali4: lAN. irr ~. • • Colored- BAUM irliper,or j.,14 111./14.Www„.4.1411.1442LCJ11, rnd lotinlt• emar . aprice, at We • • • • nanufsw il i lsg i . „ "ii"U''eSiooditu• .... t • • • •• ••-;'•; •.•.. .r•••e..l.ct• • I , pi., , • •n • • .7 _ • •• 4.1 f 7 . • or • -,,01 %vs,. C.l'• f.l.%rsip,i,••lt te, 3,l,lr; o 4:rjrorotlroi4rt.i7r•rni.-:::'; wol rmt.•': • '...51.;...;.i.4•10'4441U.1.14114$ ~. • MffiM -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers