l:1- , ' ;4 1 ESTABLISHED IN 1786 PUBLISHED BY WHITE:.& CO. whit?) ' It mantrr. marr - rr. SW ZINGS, TIORL. iTairr, KNIT POOR TO =MC= WWee• 5,00 Wath 'in advance)-- -• • • ;Cu Do. le Clubs, at a reduced rata.: Ica? CA OF ADVERTISINDI AGREE UIVON • BY TI C PITTSBURGH PRESS Our ofier in, (lnline, of Nonpareil or Lew) otter tsertien • --.••--- • •50,7 A One *los re, each additional commn. • • Ito. one week .75 Dn. two week,— -- • ..... :tot • Po. three three 4.te l e. three mentes•-•. n On. tour months Intst On. Co. twelve montbs• • • • • --- n I Standing Curd gi liner or lewd per c on u • Idn Oct t heSquare,changea al plea su we (per no nem) delusive of o paper ro 00 For each additional square, Insetted over one month, aim fix each additional into.. Inserted nutlet the resi t, rates, half pries. Advertisements exceeding a square, Itrr n., over U'r , ' ll Imes, to be charged., a• qa care ° d n belt Vublishers not accountable for legal adventscinents beyond the amount charged for their Pri•iirrltrr• Announcing candidates for office, In be charged the tame as other advertisements. Advausements not marked on the copy it' •perl lied rumba of IneertlonN will be continued WI turbid, and payment classed •ecortk • The privileges of yearly dvertisers be confined rigidly to their molar baseless, end all other mitre,. lament. not pertaining to their regular business, as agreed 10,, to be paid antra. All advertisements far charitable Institutions, fire rripanie. wan , township and other public nine 0., and ouch like, to be chaired loaf p rice,payable strictly ir advance. td•art•gla nodeea to he charged so cents. Death no Inserted without charge, mlesa accent panted by funeral Invitation. or obituary notices, and when so (wren panned to be paid. for. Rerolaradvetusers, and all others trending commu ,,,,,,tiens, or requiring notices designed to call mice tion Fairs, Soirees, COliCerts, or any public enter tainpent. when: charges ate made for aillnivanc•— all notices of private usociations—every notice-de signed to cell attention to private enterprises calcula ted uncoiled to plotoutc individli al Interest, can on ly he inserted with the understanding that the earns Letopaid for. if intended to he Inserted in Its no el column, the same will ha charged at the rate of pot less thm le emits perfire. Mellon cc Fiat Notices to be charged triple price, Tavern License Fenno.. S 2 earn. Legal and Medical advertlimeneuts to be charged at fell priers. Real Ilatam Agents' and Auctioneers' advertisi mean not to be cla ss ed under yearly rate., but to be snowed dieco.t of thirty three and one thirdper from the amount of bills. WIC/I.lr OS LLI•WLILLY CI 14111 TATI:111. •. _ _ One &pare, three Insertions.. Do. each additional Insertion; •• 37 •DVNII/DINIIININ IN WNIFITY PAP One Square, (10 lines.) one htlertien•f " -- 30 cbl• De.real additional Insenion••••tl All tat natant adveniserneuts in be paid in ad vence WHITE k. CO. Gaulle. 1,. HARPER HORT M. DIDDLE., Journal. J• 111•113 I'. DARR Fe CO., C , ronialc. EASTER A niurritiut. Di ( Pllwb• • Jog_ SNOWDEN. Mercury. JAMES W. MIMI, American. 11111A51 KAINE, Eiening Tribune. Prrnaviart, Dee. 1, tOll. CARDS. ALEXAIIIDibIi crt. WATSON,- AITORNEr AT LANT-0 6 ee, on Fourth street above Woad. eutlO DAVID C. TOTTLIL A TTORNEY .AT LAW, and Commissioner for A Ponorylyania,Bl. 1.0 M. ,. MO. All commortiestious promptly anzatcred. 1211 EM • SAM= & STICRRETT, A WORN MYS and - Conn.ellena at Law—Enna, let, 11. lutoreen Saddamld and Grant, Pittsburgh, Pa. luts • • •Wm. C. Friend. LARG2 & Taimyr", ==2 IV A 111 ITOILNEY9 AT LAW, Fourth meet, near Grant 64 JA.MILIS 8. KERII, A TTORNE'i AT trAW—taffie'etreet, ,Lll. between Smithfield and Grant, Pittsburgh. sgaltbly • ALEXANDER FRANKLIN, TOURNEY AT LAW—RE.. Fourth street Pittsburgh. torgi Benjamin Patton-- —• • • •• Bakewell. PATTON i BAKEINELL, ATTOBNEYS AT I.AW—Otbee in Tilghman Hall, Grant It, near the Court House. tete, , 1 7.. n in fides: Window‘ana'Wrnspplan o a a ra r • per, N. To Wood street. between Fourth and ra.. mend alley. Pittsharnb., Pa. ATPCIHNEY and Coninellor In Lam, and COnlll3-2- goner for the State of Poniisylvailla, St. Loins; Ma., ante a Pittsburgh.). Itsferenees—rataburgh: Iton. W. Forward, Hamp ton & Miller, breandless & McClure, Jobe E. Parke, Minas & Semple, McCord & Hine. attell.ty WM WILL.- 11.11 i COoe.V. W.ll. WWWW/0113... 1111,11114411AL1 AUALEY, WOODWARD CO,leanle Grn. eon, No ALWket Phllnde er4 Alkali Week. MIENNEIT, BERRY ic CO, Menafrturers of Soda Asb, _Bleachlng Powder., Muriahe ens Solphsuie deide. Warehouse No —, W street, below Ferry. n0v20.11 Fl — ri — ssCnriek Bran.. ' Genres" Reitnr. BBARN & REITER, Wiwi...lWe nda Itiusil Dtuns ums, comer of Melly and St. Clair emus, Puss bulb, Pas not 1/winsome Spring, irlo, Steel, and Iron - --- Werke. eIOL.ENIAN. HAILMAN A. CO, hlanafaelasers of V Coach and OWle Springs, Ilannnered Axles, !guies; and Plough Stsiel, lien, Jac. Warehouse on Waits sad Front crests, Pittsburgh. Also, dealers in Coach Trimmings and hfalleshie &stings. ocll2 Annwraosa s caozini, ONIAIIB33ION MERCHANTS. and Dealers ip Pro. Cduce No a Mutat Macy Piusborgh. ••• • • - W. Cll bu S s O , N o U M Frok e ward P ing anudgen manon A. MeANULTY re CO, Ponrardtair and. Cosa Merchants, Canal Dann, Finse re] marl GRANT, 4 lNbalesalo Grocer,Comernwion and C. Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Winer it., sn4 tie timing ...... Andrew Fleming IL . K. Fleitoig liq.s.nisa a, co., C°.:l44Z.Eil,m,,,E,R.,2lAuras•—r°.!,2:l:nn,; of D'?"; aII kinds en-Tailors, Trimmings, No 1 t ? Wool . 11711 , door from Filth. Pittsburgh. Reference—tdessra. Wit. A. 11111 & Co, Banker.. hilt Wfl //am ernswir. ENGLISII & SENNETT,. (late English, Gallagher 4. Col Wholesale Grocers, Commisuort an.l roc wardinr Merchant., and dealers in Produce and Pitt.- ..Farah hlanufactarcs, No. 37 Wood st., between 24 and VI stream • el ",, 'r0317 FORWARDING k. COMMISSION MERCII A NT• No tit &good PlitslareL • ine . !l /ffftligObCßßAN. Forsraiint Merchant, No. V Wood !teen. P:nnbunrh. mOl7 111,111VE I.IIf7faIiRTVACTORY. lIAhIILION STEWART, manufacturer of Ileac y CL 81,inimga. Mech., &a., Rebecca street, erg n h.heabeny.. novlSAlvn Morph, & a,) er and Cotatalsaiou Merchant,for tee male Or •jusidetn 'Woolens, Liberty, oppothe a. kW 7 altnnarn. A.,. 010kk, an Ruw , naiad.: c seth,kkell. 70 , 111 L. kri.lleSk -. f. WA) EfICKNOR, Tobacco Commission hfcr North Water et, & 16 Nonh r Wharu T.l • II A.. %A.m. arr. P. 3041.4. TIAILMY, JONES' It Co, (ittieraiwora to Ammo. . , /one. it Col Coramiagton and Forwarding Mr. .^.ittioi dzailtra In Pittsbargh Manulactertd Cool Pitubwolii,pa . rrirh2, VV. . SIAM IIA.R.L. (ER TO ILMISCia. C. 11S11,1 r IMPORTER Dealer FtCYch and reran Ame _, Ter Um:minas and Harder. Wi Shad , : t„I!r! . iward Prints, Ye. A lee—Wriiind , Ynnl:nß and and Irate,l Pio:97 Wood onveLAetnieen ou and Diamond stley, west side; liittsbarch, Po. Win ' 1°14'4 D HORGAN, Wbules—elee :era deal . Dr. Paints, tell.- Vanortie.. kr , one door Rooth of Diamond Alley ritutiorgh. ir.4bAirAP.Cl.,--,VlAircooe Warier, ,o • Hie.••nt , and dealer to Pled u r and Ptusburel. Plensfeetures. N 094 Water st.tehnieb seer ..,. 11." , .. loath* metal!, f !WM , DICKEY al Ce., Wholesale Orneera. co 9. Wesion Pletelients, and dealers in Proddee,Nni. ,4 end 1071400 t street. Pittehtireh. ehn P. DILWORTH &CO., Wholesale GC.r.s •na aJ e Age.. Gat Unsaid Pan Aler Co., No. Wood els, Pateboreh. Im ow dl eel OCCI as Imeeh, will bare entielaint/y ea hand moment eta, best and fresheat he .111 .01 on the meet reuenabie term, ?bilged.. ardere.will be pyaniady attended to. and t2p-, plied wiLh Wet 11111, Idly Minn rode n• Preserintions will be *violate! y and from the beet malarial., at any bane of ba Also Alsei tor ule, • large Meet of huh and goad l'etho srat7. tma T—B-.-ekrair.C.D, (bite of Warren, OtTeTC7. iii - nii . ~,ad Federate/lee hlereneni, and belesale diner Western Reserve Cli.ese, hatter , rot end ; paeid Aeh, end Weidern Prodve ace,nally. W.tu Awl. between 'Smithfield and Wood, Pittsburgh.. 7 a rrON k tTOCKTON , Nook. Hers. I . notor nd roper Manufacturer', N 0.44 Msrket 'Mee loha kloyd. Richard Floyd. ix R. FLOYD, Wnolnsole Gronerei Conni•Fim Algrehante, and Dealers on Peados°. Rsund Cliorea , Bsngs, fronting Of IsPsd , . l7 Wood sod ydf . t . h streets, e ins and sour WATT . Daccesaor in Moron . :en ban et ,Vol6l.oato , Greece and Coninnasiao facreh.t ri PrOaliCe not Piushargil himialsoiacce, coo. itiefogl.dhatty anetßand greet., 21haboren Pa. isnot lot Isate Erin and hilehhgan ana to Boaoet sod Lalfea.-04ce dpfgorrotr el Wats, esittlidtid Ann - .. . -,..-. m , , , ..1 ~..-. • . •11....•, , ,‘ , ''" .. ~ •. ~ . G , ...,,,..., BUSINESS. CARDS 1 AUK. , A. infroivoN, t Co —tiorrertota to Low. , Iltochiteo A. Co. Commi,ion 51 , rohloot. „-a Ate. of lite ttf ,• Stcarn Sara? At:Eliot). Jn 4. whoa rodli'l front tile., rittsiorgt, R . MI:I.1.111p, Wole..le and Retail dealer Lluein and Mn...c: Irntrum,nts School Ilona, rlan...r,,P:ate, Steel Pe , ....P.P.. Planters Carle, add N.. r t Wood et a riltsburell. nr , in Irtnln . 11. SWEIT7.II/t, Attorney at Law, oil, 11.1, • n.. nppodite St. Charles lintel, Pand.orgJh, ed.nd promptly to Coiloctiono, Waslonatuo., Fayette. omenconanc , , Po. - REFF.Ii TO . - 1312ckoter.k, 11.1.:1.4. Co., 1 ch CLuretrZt C:as..lt.cre, I.:Usbur. tt T 1 :+illoo- MAKER t.. W4.llc.ci , J . No 1.% Wood mrret, Fro TR • WI •tOll • isL Ch.nler% Proditec rnl l'iliennEls r.otou t, nritited I:•str,, twar 1. p.t: • rt.:ma - psi v ENNEETW, 3leetsfet,ll,t,r9 Of very , upertar 4.4 ,i.eeling, Ceriet Cnaa Tkune noel Usione. Vesuvius Iron Works. I twig 1JAL71.11.1„,, ( . 11. a al Iroa qualltY. Watttona, •r janl9 • ot.c• W. Kici.cum, I::: And U 4, tomer 1:11.11.tny na cre.ele, Pm. Iron, Cocci Nam., , eon. rannlly 011 ap..l Jol.ti WWI. Jutur , 11. ATirkill Welter C. r Glnrcrt ~lon bate No L.rty et, l'attrtl u; , 4 Pl'ilVD0111:1) WoRRS AND — BPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. ALC SONGS, trIM QUM , . JONUS O,IVIGG, wr ANU FA Cfl . Vlt Iv; sprioc kterl, L.T.A. plough j.c oormga, bniuraered iron ules, and Cr.lc, nt , eside fire cantor lamp.. nil triuddat,g3 tencrelly,corder of IldAs and rr,d, . Va. \T HOLMES ht./\,\n ht Alnrket . from comer of Vane!!, tlraldr. to Voitsris ntld 1/oradson Ildls of EtteonaTt, CdTtilleatrl. of Ikons, Bank Nolss and Sprxlt. notes ILrAlolcklions idnde on toil the prio!.iral nhout the Units] Slm,d. nod N, l',oveynnring of all .. do::::dot grinad.t card and lcd•I arc Ipso to Ilea , hitate T A NtIFATUREII , GSS.EN GLASS W.AS F. 11:07Marketwtrer,PitsbuTA So. Icreprolvlons II y MI, mo lilt lands of V 01.!., Bold., *C. Porter nod Miter,!Water llottlto 61. u. Pet,or liunlity.• rticillsr allettido pold MOdlds. sorAl.ly - • latthograph Ic Es tab I I•h tra e ' [[``F WTI. her Nrectitreiuri.l Miiribinii Droning, trwiintitit soil Vie co, • col or itriron on mom, priiiird /... , br or Mark. I/I the moot tit tiii• J. C PL TR'ICILLEW, • PO: - . SIIACECLIEITT DRY 000119 J01.1111:11, , , N 0.1,11 WOOD STREET, IjAVE in ..re. co.l.ttny iluttng :I 0 .111L111 of I..tople tuid Wlet.h y 1.1 e.ell cu.t. 01,30000 Western Merchants are n5,11,..t In ezentioe Our 1111,1 ORIN - 011.L1T11.11,k 00. • 0 .tre,t E Piobur,ll Gro..c.ra, Pr Auer and (I.,Onisston Merclist., and dries.. in l'ittsburek :Mu !mita urcs. 11.., • ORISON. b• it. ) 0111:111 MOO ILE. ... 4coler ia v In Mane IS, lair! an . el Fore,cn ru.d IMknestic •!... No. LI Ltbertv Str. ei " On hand n vmy la: - .:1110 , 7k superior M - nnol.,lt wutslev wl . l l , sa i d Ina 1., rnl.. is DEZZEJ o. lorrntor.s. I-word:on 0,1 Com ll,' I.V.iioNnLltil'eure'lt:kautl!ifleTtn!'7lll:7,^o;. Mon: Trrd, on'ri 10 Grorcriev, rra.ihne. I.sltrnorgn, nianai: - to r, and Caloride of Lunn. Toe 1000- c 10 no.ll, plid at all tinr, l or coon l ry rig. carne• ronn 0.01 Irwin rt.. so, R Ytr,burgh Manage:an-A, p,ertl .rct•, I),nEwr elll"ING V. r , cr r Dqalcr c.rt rti.,krr.s :11..3:facture; No. 144 Q . INGER. HARTMAN Sltntiinld Iron and 1:1 Strel 1,-31anufaenrrnr.. rl Ant IL nlnnnl and bog Steer. Al.o—n , prine, Azle, Vire., An var. ,te. They tin 1.1,2:110:1 CI ale :c13.1. and 1,11,11141,C(11 Ultlf elo l-ctorc parchasiun eine vr,t re. TLey warrant Ihnlr Urn Cif, 10 Lc r_l,aar i, to w n i n) ma'', In eonntry Tiporred. •. C. 1MAC1.317. 1206. 2 Ql:AcKi.vrr Whole.aie LI Foreign mr../ troralal.rio. :19 :cr4 Wttad apt: . . . Q Wool Alerchuni., Deukro 1.3 .it Flour and i'md.t.,Ketter•ll). Rad Forw••.l.ug •a I .7.orotrus..nott :No . Wa.e t. Pntalattgta. al7 I. • 1,11.1.1.k.k1S NICOL, 4 , iltaatt , :..nd G.-Offal CA in SUUti. Aitrd2t., NI.o. .7 1.0 , c ftY I. 6- b‘3. epertn, Ltrizet.d 1..0d , •pl; Q VON 1.:(.0.N'N HMIS r CO , Who'ent ,,, o- C). ra:Ve2l,ll, and Al•rrNar.t.a, D•a , ers to I..tar,tarAlt a,tives and ‘Vc.,t,.rit I'r Aver. barn rct• .rrtl t." rtrehnli!e, told nntl.) Pia. j'.,eJrittr ot Fr mn: EtTr , ..t mt.( Chasoc , ri apl7 L. ~IVtitertuan• .R ‘V.S.:ernotr.••• W. U. Watentilxi• L. 6. IcATEIiBIAN Ar. SORTS, 11 . 0 . 1! , 4A , rinibutgli Misnuforuired ec osle co Richmond tool L . lichborg :Ootiofactt l rd oOteco. 1.3 W 74. TIMULIN. ATTOIIBIT.I7 AT LAW, alao anent!a cifdlertinna and all ether !rout.TT trL.l.c4 in itt Duller and AITACroug eoundea, Pa. Refer to J. & R. Floyd,j.tnerri at.l W. W. Wailnen, ‘1.3 t J.ll/2,4 Morblitif I Pnterutr.t. 4'4 Ray A Co., Wood rt tln . tat. 7 S.ll. Ilushbeld S. B. titiSIIIPIELD E: CO., r,ta : , ; tin. TN Litorly te 111,2 JOUS alt HALDNIV FORWARDING CtthI:RISt4IUNI GoOM Resin, Penn Wfr-et. Paubur,l, cal; JADES D. DAVIS 6r. CV., PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORA, No L . :: !Rorke:. anl .:tattorree Poiloaol; Advae, by t aker of th e UtiOSe, menth of Yroth ncernme theao either floute D.rd JOB IS WALLOW/La £. soN, FORWAnDiNG k t:oshilSe.loN MERCIIANTS Vanl, , antrlll, Ya., Ta L rl ) . ru ' r r a ' ls ' i rTen t.e.:Jr7l:re"r-11"a of a. they ore prepared rWIVC umnui.l I,ina and '.lnn IS4m, ranni.ns.d day, the • will not Le skla:ncd, ‘Ley stssload ew•ls taatzo W hours. fe101... Ilarruhargh, J. IL William, ....... .1. D. WILMA US & co., . vpriu.u.v.+A I. MILT fi 1-orwardi9 . 4 and sferelsarss, ns,l dealers sn Vr..clore Ps..l , l.lnelx Manus Inlet, earner of Wund :dud ,Irlele,l • lll. l .drgls Wm 11. Wsllsam..-- •—•,----••• • . ar:Vay WII. 11. WIGLIAHS & CO., BANKEICS AND ENGIIANGE Noah Fant coal, of W,.0l and Third P.P.', 1 . 0 font . sra. e111•4/9, /010 • .t 9....au•Vr, WouoW/1•19,„ P. 14.191 .r....1.4i. • lir M. BAGALKI, W•nirzol• litioc,F 9 , 19 VI ana 20 W.- od stne nn,t ~,n 0,07 • \V I. D. W,ex,) nr.,l Doom,. 01011 !tie ' , haw a, drair 1/I N., I, t,!n al Cotton V•rito. pttd.D,tolt omit 24,1 1 11114,0 r• ly, corner of D.l Vi.,fr: t..tt•:.nrch. nr.7 . a - M. strriai Eurn • Rer.ufrr.4 1,,t1t2. r., Wltte and 1..,H0t Mrret.a.t.4. Alon—lrsoonrr. o: t-cOu 11.11, NW% R,:t•.11. In. Powder. Na. )11C , I, typpo I'i u.imreh. nolo S.:th ~p l 7 . AAT W. Wag,. 514a.,01, ,, , om. of M 4 ',. I /O PO' N --Watet.r , Clock. enml.lly Wu I'," Dirt", wrkl vv!lG, W. 1',C.71,16.M. Ir...T. iit'roti . stoit. irr .5, it., Sini.ilifrUi•;o7: Wholeuxic Grocer VY . ac.ilcia in Produce, fion, Nniiii. GI., ni ritisharaalquActurn ;! -,,,,11 7. 1.0. 4, 1 Po'r , l'itt..busgh. jlt.i7 J. U. Wit 44 6.64 S 4: CO., IXTHOLEIALY ANI) RETAII. CittflClT... Fo 11,V...anima. anu egnitii....ion Al.rrliant., lii-aler , •ci.,lntrr Prodo , anti iiiiii.iiiirr,ll :ilnnoratipitr., i n of I.Vocui nail Filth sireeti, iiiii.tquiiii. , Pitrithargu, 31 is icli lii., 1,50., . ._ _-- . riv.lioE.l2. it. t.N'TICI..O. GCNERAIi COMUISS!Ori :Jl-".I2CIIANTS, -7111.1. ,1111. trri.lberat 4,lvonees rnrolc ran cnroirtmerni. j_l4.-dui rilEw • ‘vii.44.)s, ('corona nod Nl,.•tore. raintrr. Finaias, emu , ' at tort A Ilr y end Fourth wee., entrance on Ftuuth sL, Ninitel. deen.dif Mil••19s1 n arch auto. IT). 31 01 1,9,0 F 4 1 .4 (Irlemn, tecp con• lay& y bars.] a I ar•ei sisnotsa,:•t of 13 randial of the Inflow , int whintoittny offer far PAM an agynot WY!. Durand b. Co. nankin.. vIA. (anal,Ty, J. Eratid, 11 na faun *. co, Cagan , . A d , texon. • Ilmvsli,, Ato 31ondrtre, Jean 1.0ui 4 , •Jw, iknehrir Gin, I•ndruur. Red and MiteWurnnt WA ne. I in cults Wan raw.. wifely.' Twit n ret by Jobn k.:4:o;be,tr, ChnannigvelVfne end .ft, greet E•rgund v n n. 007.1)• _ • SPRINo EASIVON. LI.THIS teouql, ,vic g.f,IIATS ot vow Li rerelved, null wail I.r. iror.limed wSfst pi.Ly,Flarc.4 ..:,1, by McCORD dc CO, form Corner Sts it Wved a WIM PITTSBURGH; THURSDAY Pena Machine Shop. AVIGIITMAN—idana (sadder of all kinds of cot ILL. Um and woollen mat Murry. Allegheny city, Pa T o te e works briar now in full sad simmer:al 07. f o r urn proposed us axes.: °Mars ardli diskskek for rill Muds of niachinery in e 7 has, rash as willows, pickers, spreaders, card, xrindmig smathms, radwarri drawing. frames, speeders, thramils, looms, woolen cords. double orsi as lc, for merchmit or country work, Ics,jark 1, k c., dale and hand holes and tools in Fen ral. All tied. tile:aridly madam order, or pains my ea for gamine factories or mills al reasonable clams. Itssenyo—dennedy, Childs & Co,l3lackstook, hell hPo., Ring, Pennock Slw,, Jac A. BENNETT & BROTHER, QUEENSVVARE MANUFACTURERS, 1111rullagluak,[it•nr Plitsburgb,lPa. (OW, No. 37 Weacr at,' &Mem Ilfattet and Wood, Pattsdurgh. m W e l n L , L o, co .‘v. tn r k o e . e r p o o w n n ha r. n . d n a .L ooll:l 7, l' , l d vontriorqoaltd. Wholesale nod eounlrY chants are respectfully m•ited to voltam! eo. ..toe fur themselves, as we are determinedtri a II ebeeper thatrhas over before been offered to the pub- lic. ITTOrdera sort by mail, accompanied by the cash or ood remrenee, will be promptly attended to. min HirVIT COACH FACTOR*, ALLMIHILIT. CO• • A. WHITE fr. O, 'would respectfully littoral LU.. Pao public. that Abel have erected auhypon Lammli, between Federal mid Sandusky streets. l hey • are now making and are prepared to terrier ordera far every dryieription of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's. ''re ouches, Iltiegima i k'hmtosts, he., he., which from their In - ecperteip_iela the mmarfee tura of die above work, Amyl he facilitmaiihey Lave, they feel confident they are eneldel to Ile wink lye the most remonable tams with Slime tvennbc a rti ribs in their line. Raying pa rtievilai attention to the e electron of mate rials, and havnm none but competent workmen, they In ve no hcaiLation te war ring their work. We th retire ask theiettention of the public to tine matter. N. It. Repniring done in the best manner, and on tIA most reerarnible terms. intriar wst. u. mars AIIIIISDN. SCRUM 41, ATKINSON, Ha 1,57, tarts.. WOOD AND Matra, Prnatinann, finaNTINVE to manufacture all kinds of COPPER., kj TIN AND SASSY IRON WARE. Alen, Muck. smolt Work. Stcam Runts built to atter. . - Special nurntion mven to steam boat work. !lave on hands %fine assortment of Copper turd Draw Ware, rte. tee. Steamboat Cooking Stoves, Portable Forkes, 'orlon, sloes—a very convenient or. nelo for steanstroats,cLalifornia emigrants, or rail road co3panies. IVo would respectfully stove steam hone men and othcra to call and see our art.:lea and prier lictdre pnwhrtainc el ...where .v. 17 litook Binders. rTE are'ritsli.engaged to the .Love business, corner i of Wooil and line street, INitsburgh i whore tor• are proparrd in do uoy work nu our th Jet- pcktch. tmend to our work personally, and sv, sans• faction trill Ire , 3iiren in regard to it, neatness and dii• etitnrb .looks waled umb e r pattern and bound sub *Annually. Books to numbrs sapid books bound care- Illuty or ropaire,L Names pulse Looks in gilt lettsra Toots that havvlit.k an our line are invited to call Prises 1. Pitt flt lIIN W MIGHT & am prrpared to build Cotton . Woptcs Mae lottery of ever% degeription, Korb ILI Cubit., Murnines, t3pinnine 1 - ratne•, Speeders, Wowing Framer, Hail:vox Ifead., Wurpers,Spoolers, llrt.a4ng - Frames, Loom, Cord Grunter, mv. Wrought 1„m Sh almm turned; ull utter of Ca..t Iron. Yelltm. and Ila t • F ers Mittr pattern, .tide and huuA Lathe, and took of all Ittod.. Cnsungs of every deserttrools tor:as:led on shoft nobee. Patterns made to order for 1/1111 Gratlng.lspr In Itatt, he. Strum ht.,. for liras in, Faetoro.u, t..mt Iron Window Sash and !slier Cu-N. erne,getter/411y. Orders lee; at lilt Warchouhe or J. Patient! . & Co., taltrrty .treed, will have prompt alma- Refer to Blackstock, Belt & Co., I. K. Moorehead It ti. Warner, John Irwin & Son, l'itulturgh, ti. C./ J II %Varner, Steubenville. •.b•ert:f. - fr cr.Trrs for sale • large and splendad A cat of rc,...001l and mnhoranY grand Ar' ton; Plano., with nod without Coleman's eelebratrd Awlmn Attachment. The shove instrument.. are war ranted sr he ml.l to any ...wane!a red an this coun to try, nod will beld lower than awe brought Irma the F. ULUME, No IFSwood 2.1 door above fah. N. U w.ll he taken at pm' (or et few of .l,vr• .... rnyl F. It • Vllter, for Illidriat `Water: THIS t• eerlay that 1 hart. mot poiatcd I.ivinN•ten, lloggrn & SoR. A/rot• for the tale ofiennine* 1 1 ,41..0t Do.pralagm the Uri of rilo , burgh and Alregh....ity JOHN GIBSON, Agent. for Walt. 111 (Ithson,lll llroadwal Oct. 10,1149. •, We bare been aunt min of the shove Mete. it the (Aire of the Novelty Works for three mouths, at, tries, and feel perfectly tatuthed that it 15 a anent! 14V1 . 1. 11 11, and Nee take pica gure in eommendme them an • u., tut article to all veto lure lure water. Order/1%cl! 1. thankfully received and promptly exceeded. aril, LI VINGSTON, 11.1JGGIEN tc tb TUX AREO2I£26:II usia: attenuou of the public Is respeetrally caned te I the following cestifiedes: Ala. Laadet—liusing me l teds a quautity llcid ddled by your Amerada nd the result proves year alatallaeld rallata; tad erroratuend the use of It to :hod, geeing to California. as the brat method for do tainme the red value of Geld. Resp. yours, J. IL DUNLEV Gehl Beater. l'astturgh, March 9,1140. rimXtlon, Mittel, 7,1912. Mx. r-itHes—dcar Hirt Ilavnig Clatilined the "Atro mcne 7,.rmanufnehmal at Yo.l rooms, I do 11. , he..." ermintend it 0, the u/c of 11u..n gentlemen wt,f, ar• about removfnt to Llfatuis in newel of Cold. It Rttta s el oar approrintatam to tlio apeeibe gravl ty °commix, and it, eertunly enx.ble I.e....Hreuturct x•eminin veLen 11, rsloret sx yletelm; nova. nx,m'v. J. H r•rroeK —/sxt ie....tyro lot me Ktord,non, a complese adwortrole.. 0,00 141 . 41., for , mlt of rnat, rani , sod WO. Fon no.n of H• I mils 11.11.1,xe Ixepot, No II Wood at t P If l HILLIPH PLeallii (Leiria Work• for 'tale. 9 Milt: rubserlhrr nee.. for sale, tie STEAM BRICK WORKS, above Lawrenceville, comprining Stenta F gine.l Bult,c, 0 Mould !ducking, eapatde of tuanniactunon :ALMA Pressed Brie. font °Cary clay, oak. from the banki per day, with three acres ul hod on the Allegheny rtver, on which ore 4 Mini and ahrds, crweltine and clay sheds, wheelbarrows, trucks, rhovels, span., Le., terry tiring reqatetto rum s operant , . at boon now.. Price, itielmLog the pantut right to *SG said ro.bine, 67,11.—10 was 01 payment tussle ertay. Without the land, 101. W. For particular., address HENRY hIERRITT, auel-dtf No 114' Monongahela House. NOTICIIt FrIlF. partnership heretofore existing muter the faro JL of A A C BRADLEY,. dissolved by the decease of Mr. C Bradley. the business will Se skirted on bit A Bradley, who will settle the bonniest of the late hint. REMOVAL--A Blue., hoe removed his Foundry Wart Louie from No 111 Second street to - N. Wood between First and Second street., to the ware house beefy eicenreed by ri A Berry, where he .11 It rep constantly on hand a getter. ascer.entof Cast ings. Grates, Nlnvcr, Cooking Stoves, de. yEI 10.ssolutloat. TBi ettellartne.alp heretofore shining between the sublenbern, to the Lame of dmlltab:c,:norke le Wm day dicaolved Is mutual consent. Buret. to Earner witl settle the hosittess of the concern, Mr which purpose they are nullionsed to use the name of lot concern. NATIIANIEL CONSTABLE, EDNIUND 1111BRE, TllO2/lAS BARNES. The untlereigned been this dnY *.enninted thn in - ninn• In in , nen , of DUQKk C UARNES. for the port., of uennuiseturitir Fire Preof sae.; Veen Donn. J. , , e t the euth,i or :notle Erm or CnlMetile, Itgrltn it Co, wimp, they will he ple,,,a to reerliro tLe pt,troo. en: a the etlllloinen of that /mem and their /needs. k:11111741) BURK K, THOMAS IIARNEt.i. In Miring from the ram of Constable, Burke AL Co., with tineete plenotte t entl lln , kn /atone to the c.nni erontw atetwc of my ((lends and Or pulthe. Fob. 9, Int,ln tltl C. AltilifTllNOT HAP just returned from the Kaatern Ciller, and receiving a large vs only of seasonable t:ood., vrhaelt lie re.pectiolty invites the attention of tener(t It set, and pedlar. No P 4 Wood at. Wros!gll4 cud C 4.41. Iron ILIIIOg. , VllF.aulaseribere Leg letrie to infOrna die public rho J„ they have obta Plod (rho ., the all am lute and Luditonal,le designs (or Iron Itoilwar, both for Looses lulu re...tortes. Yetsonn wishing to procure band ana. pattern. will please cull nud extutune, and judge for the:l.o,es. Kollin{ will be furnished at the short ent notice, aral in the bent Manner, at die cooler pi Craig raid Hebeeta sucell, Allegheny city. anr2Psdtf 4. LANII/INIT A, KNOX. IitCONOMY CLOTHS, CASFIAIEFIE:) , Zs SATIN- Krrs, re:erred on entolgtoncut, and ler 8a lc at the untuulactuteen tantettoine, by snit, IJERSEY, F1,F.511:46 k ci) LYONS, 140. o grATk: STREET, IiOSTON, A.cra for Claw, and Ittrortry of Property In Englund. rinfac7:?raWnlel.l.ll7:„": khr7.7n71.:5; Ito lute vtatt England, Inv,ll.4ting dal,. for prrAroa. In Ohio country, and hurinl .reurral efricirnt and tr. tpons.ble Agotilr nod Itanrltcocr, ho ps, parr., In sifford nil necr,ory Ininnnatipn and ad l 0 porn,. who ~eck 1.( . 0 1 .1 0....0p0.r rolty In thai country. J• kers. , hot of shr 14,,k la, Illvldr Eoolto, whn.ll may herr for :X cent, or 25 too ti!Aint.,o,.. Ilrfuencr. C. 13 1 7 A OAMS. IV/my ruhlic; JAhllli W1:1.1), r.n; 11FNIIV K. MAY, 1. 4 9; joiN ‘v. tcluubwev, Er/. • • le y Neat;Yerlt a n 7ilatlotpta, and alto from Er Foch gnelet, hottro.t and roust approved style. of Pa iingllll”, tod'ether with Itoolora, • Fire Prin., and 'roster Top. For solo at et:i Wood et, bc• OrFourth at and boohoo , ' alloy, tsucoacsor to d. Or a p 3 N 4 10.0, alp! vorfatnerY ''"tno , Sszth rind Wood •irccle. 3 N IVICKFIL - 111 AM. arltt PADRE: AND ILICAD The itird Impos rant Dlscowore oss It.- et —Rasa Italactly tor tb• plloat DII. D. P. DitoWN'S celebrated Ftterrint Amer . Remedy for 050 riles. haftalready pulsed tteell le be the truly care cure ever prsonted to the Since the discovery of valouble medicine, and the laizo panther of extreme eases with mtnell Dr. Urown lots Irentrd, no °nets...Wert to be merely cored. Ul/likV the any lo.lllna bOOTO , exitta, alter months and yen. , of edperiniermaltiong, hp too earn ten the patient where hey commenced. Or 1O0.4r; neer a lee days will decide the mute by erratic n pattern cure. Pew.. 12rri2sns, sta.!! not enter induceod tr. IO prime my reettieloc. I intr It upon im oma ttln ruets. re fer ) its ellect I intend it Wien stand or fall. If yen pr that loathsome disense,tho PI IsNS, to the 'aloe of a few dollars. I mot th D Pe cas BROWNe with you. , hi Lloyd street, Ratak, N Y. Sold Wholesale sue sty A N seuxua dr? WRod PROCLAINATIOIN. Tr NOW all men who are sick Koff afflicted with dlr.; IV eine of the bladder and hidoma.nirith no. , pants m back or limbs, atitljoinn, old aorta. noto m inff ulcers. kc, _that they c nbecuedby mid. the re. trolcum! You may:talk about its being a neatenum as n neh so you please bat this does not make it se. for we proclaim Is the nee also honest community, that it has virtues which err not contained in tiny other remedy. The man who Is rocked with pain and sof ten:lg from discs., enn for Arty .nts, get relief from our of the ills conumenited above. Reader! It costs vent little to make atrial. This retrainm uo mix ture—cm compond, pet up for the palpate of imposing the miromunity; bat it is a remedy olabonlcti by the ...tor hand of nature, sod bohlidesnp ftom the bo som of oor rnother earth lc its original parity, and of fers to suffering hum.i y a ready remedy, n coranth and elteeP care, It has cured riles after other medicines bilge to render any relief. It has earcd.Rhemnatkin of lung standing, .11 , of tho wont and stunt paintol character. It hoc cured Umtata Marlins by one or two des.; It bin cored old canna of Diarrhea, in which every other 'calmly has been of As a kcal notellY lit burns and itealdsot is better than aoy medical eon, po.d or ointment that we know of. It will cure clot. Mains or frosted feet, In a fen applications; undoubt ed testimony can be furnished of the troth ea mined in the above statement by calling on Samuel M. Kier, Canal Resin, 7th street; tie either of the agents. Keyser it McDowell, corner of Wood meet and VitTot Alin"; R. C. Setters, 57 Wood turret, D. A. El liot & D. M. Curry, Allegheny city, are the often. IN FLAIL MATORY all MDMAT THE AAIERICAN RHEUMATIC HALSAMS A NEW remedy lately discovered in the Vegetable Kingdom—a cure and permanent cure for all Rbeumaiic Complaints, such as Inflammatory, Chraiiro acute and Mereanal Rheumatiam, Coot. Lumbago, Spinal Affections, Re. This medicine hen long been sought for. It boa been said that Rheuertatiem could not be cured; but there is a remedy designed by nature for the cure o, every die ease that the barna,. syatem is sublecr to. At last a re medy Ms been [mend that cures Rheumatism of the worst form--ohe of the most valuable vegetable pro ductions of the north—the greatest and Most important Stator cry of the age, and a wonderful blessing to the human family. It cures without aletening or Scheibe tiag, and IVIICWIt IttlerTtil slid vigor to the whole sye tem. It has cared, during He peat three months, poor NO cams that were meandered incurable. Certtficates of the cc/naive properties of this medi cine can be seen by calling on the Agents. None genuine uolcss put up with nu engraved label upon the outside wrapper, tigneff by the proprietor, It TURNER, Buffalo, N. V. Sold byII. SNIVSF.II, . . corner Third and Mork. Ft. Pltta , •urgh. 'old also by ' O. E. THOMAS, NO IN Main at, Cincinnati, 0. MET= BiIEDICA,‘ AND 50111010 AL ODVAC No. Wes DIAMOND ALLb Y. a fow doors below Wood street, to. wards market. • DEL, lIMOWN hoeing been regularly educated to the =Deal profession, and been for some • in reactsl practice, now confutes bis attentiest to We treatment of • • those moo. of delicate COM plaants for which kis opssortunitles bnd'expeheuce peculiarly qualify ins. le yearn assiduously devoted to study a. tomitment of those eotoplaintaldunneoPloal , ume he Its, bad more promos. and has cern! mote Ps. tents than ran ever fall to the lot of any artenv ;aim. titionell amply ouollfics Lim In offer a—tnvoors of speedy, pornsauent, and asooketory one ait o imeral with delleam disornee, eel W discovet snotty there. from. • Dr. Brown would Worm thne afflicted with pm air disease, which here tweotne . chronic by unit or as unmated by the ow of any of the COMM. nostretes of the day, that their untiplaints ran be radically *lad or; mighty cured; he lianocktren bin careful attention fo the treatment of such cater...ciud succeeded in hundreds of instances lu caring peons: of inflammation of the neck of the bladder, and kindred which ollin remit from throe eases where others hare kopsigned them to hopeless despair. lie particularly M.. suck as hare been lour and unsueeerafellY treated by to consult him, when every satisfactiou will be Kim them, imatitiels coon treated m a mac fal,the rough ear Wieingent menner,pluuteil out hy lank eipenener, stailyouid inverairstionorhioa it is imporrible for those engaged iu general practice of medicine le g iv e re one elute of delete, ID - Hero/a or Reptore.—Dr. Brown also !Pates ;gr ooms adlieLed with ilerni• to call, as b. has paid pane: War attention to the) dime... CANCERS ablo o ..• • ^ • • --• Skin elweues; also td s,l'slsl,etc , ,eisedd7 sarcd Charges very low. N. 11.—ratients of either sex tly.nr, et distance, by caneir discs. in .with wing all sst erns. toms, ohtato ittedisque direc•tons for usr, by sildresurs T. (CROWN, 61. N., post paid, and enclos in a few Once No. EIS Diefaorol eliey,opposlls the Waverly 'toads. • . HIMIXATXII.—Dr.Brown'• newly lllwanyered reme dy for ftliettallairre i• • irperdy end emu. remedy or thatp .011 tenable. It never fut. lase end Pttrult 1, , ,tu1an4 Room., No. f Dal .oalt alics, PlltAborea, Pa :be Doane is always at home. , ....... fr.. lio ear. no oar. Occ 8. 1049 isikuiTeidia. Id Allllllll4rirS—in excellent oilido , lenity now Off," to a prnenenl hlachirnrt, of well 01.1 , 111 hr-a f eputatton, and same capital. to en rare extenstrely in the [mall Enntax, Boil.xx, AND Eon:some linalnxnt. .. • • lish . Is An estabment now ready for bypiouss, ampl in a its details, including cater...iv wharf rutin, lor e any cared airam boats, and from its position, if pro. prosy conducted, will doubtless command n large share of ha/masa. A preetwal Meehoest. ae • pailner, required, La emit. the whole estable.bment; and only twee folly compal= need apply. Addrew. (peel. pttl4.l '3IA CHIN COP 11,14. Nn ill, nuladelplun, N 47-41101 _ e - re licieptinc and Practical Agriculture. lre N cl ß etYrsTA P' c ' u n„. l4 r o i t L tr S C V .:lltti ' f , : " l l' ll7o:rUl ‘hF. •Ittl Frote..ar Nort•tn, of Yak Col:cgr,tiew Ilnyrot, Udprrptri•g t^t s r pre... a I•oed. owl, the .have o. It 11.111 roam., every .114je 1.13,31,1tECC connected wain 44,..-rtcultute to all vat MI. M a neahee, both The. ..cal :ma etlket.e , t• 'e , etter, ne ler n-s it Easy to the tar,F.at Itta, to,le n•al4dde to to lira, by a:pet:maw, t/t ucated td It* In. toot to every orerntton tt. °dents to the rourteor ths Newt. Tuc war/ will I, Errstoted inlet flog deviact hr ads,' repre.rtitine thr .ewww, icetontog wtat Ww.er and eadto, with Autumn. JAMES 1.0.:1: my 3 Etrak/elter laml Importer, 114 Ontrtla et 616110 VAL• W/VVNE IKON WOUKS WAREILO 'DAILEY DR.AVN b. hams removed to No 120 .0 Water at, docr ow tte Monongvnela noose,, •ol . • - . N u a r Cast Steel Files, of all steer, ;ea Iliack.undi And :Rae Raps, etre} on Itand and (ordain, ender Ins •La R Steel Works," O'Hara street, r.. 1114 Ward, or at the dice in dm Iran Shore of lIOLLMANS k, GARRI SON, No 11,1001 of Wood street, rtntlourgh. oarrt-dim CIRCULAR. We . , the undersigned, having used, ankh enure tat. istscuon, the Cast Steel am.l P.M, made by Samuel hlcKelvy, at hie F v sgle Stec: Works, to PUS city, take pleasure to recommending dtrun us equal in duahty to any ever used by us. of foreign manufacture. Pittsburgh, Marsh Pb lOU. &J 11 SIWENRERGGR k. CO, blanufactmoss of Iron and Nuts. I'illfbof/th, PO. KNAPP Nt. Tcfrru.v. Iron Pounders and hlaaltiMutr,Pari , h, Pa. COLEMAN, lIAILMA su,bN & hlanufaoturers of Springs, Axles, Spring Steel and Rivets, Pvtottargh, PO. F A W M FABER. Engine 13tolders and Machine Card hlettufactu• refs, Nimbus - a& Pa A FULTtifi. 1f,.,. Founder, Pittsburgh, Pc I.IIIAFP, LIN IMCAV d CO, Manufacturer. of Iron and Mule, I t tovitotent I'm. TOMILINeON, Locomotive Engine and obip Minder. Pittnintorh, W w WALLA('.: ttt &Otte Llama Moto rer, 6lachlne end Engine BvUJ• oar et, PitburFik, Modern acid Autique Furniture. JANIC4 'V• 4,1/COOUWIY4I.I., 133,1inan Rr.,Prersecwatt. Respetfully . ll4;me theZ pubhe Mai lie has com pleted his spring stock of FURNITURE. tlw large,* nod 11/0, varied asawoortit ever offered for wain in this eity. ruiripsm ral woo of liwtoronn, Mattonfiriv, untl• BLACK W• 1.•,,, calved, ornamental maul plain, %unable for Patio.. Wowing coil Ifed Room?, all of which will Le the lovreatpsier!. PerMiNtlesatog Furniture of on7 . •e•erifli.on, are spectfolly invited to tall andezaintne his .4.01, which emtirarerl every dewriution, 'from the rhanorst end ',honest to the loc.t etrgunt end costly, of wideh use follenvoig comprises a part . tete • fete Sofas; Tete Te:e panne; Conversation Ciptlrs; Eliwthelltian .... ; Reeeptton de Louis XIS do Extension go MI., Ettlque; - What Nols . , Toilet 'rubles; Louis XlV ' Cornmadore; Pike of Yorlen Cone h. 00 Sofas with Plush awl Ilaw-eloth tow e, MUM. JO In do; 40 dal Mahogany Parlor Chaim 1t1114,1.° 411 " (Aye Vett 40; 4 " Mahpanny Rnelting do; " do Pin. Stoidai 40 Marbledon Centre Told, lar do Cloak stands; glahognity Bedsteads; to do Wardrobes; Ib 111`t Walnut de; Cherry ,to. A verflarge nawrimmit of common vul er Furniture too to meni.on try- Nlcank lyrolAted Olt the abort.. nonce. An orders promptly attended tn. P. $.--Caldlicl tilLict•e. emtplied nll aorta of Mahrgarty, Walnut, undVencrii, at eotieol.-raiehlloy minced prices. 11711.4.1A,A1 DIG 113 V D Ili; b r a, tp Inform filo friends arid rustoinetatbal J.l/ hc to just treerving Ins now epring *tact cationic, cninprlsing. as Wait r on /he nossent nod nowt (Wino, able styles of Cloths. Cassimeres, fancy Vesture's, ern. , ton and linen intratuer slugs, and every article Sortable for gentretnen , weAr for spring and summer. II better: trospossible to describe the beauty, gonirty, or quantity of gre noel, the proprietor hopes all who are in wont of good,tad well made clothe wilt ?it t l:Vt. h 1""1,10 it The ready outdo detiartnortit is eery ca p fed to all tn., II toed contractor., count , tnerelcsote , nod nil who purcuauc largely, are pant, Wads invirril oi ca. online rho Cock to.fore purr...nog, s• lis pa.d. lilt wlarle.ale iill,ll/CdS ulhi. estati. ual +Haery urifsle in the tailoring liq• mad.. ord,t 01 the moot fashionable sad Leiti aoincr, at the shortest ohne, 141.22 ditGOILD ilk CU., to M'Cord ging) 14// 1 P•ohlosaable Ilatt•T:s, afire, of IVood no 4 Fifirt &met , . VIIARTICULAM attention paid our Retail Trade. Gentlemen can rely epos getting tint H." mod Gaps (rpm our establishment of the mom 111.10.1. k. and womntertaimr, or the earner u'rrkes,rdl nt wart Goodly Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are reepectfully invited to call and csanune our Stock; nn we can say with confidence that as regards any it will not aura In• comparifon with any klllll3, Philsdelphi. 10,17 .~ f r. ~ •`s.r `. ~.._._.~ r` ~..._. . .. . . . . . _ , . • •Ik 4itl i' r ::..... i.. . . • . . _ .. . .. ' " . fi'i ., , . - -;'''' - ' - • . .... ' & Z .0 ORN7NG. MAY 16, 1850, LIFE INSURANCE! Tfelgon • Entilal.Lifelmfunec Company. MITTS OF 19”.211IIM 01CD70103 2 FM CCM. $l5 000. J/1511179 DOLNO tk. , Co P b Ago at las ars BOAID 01 tiutrnon, AT TILICRO3, 0111 J•11301110V, Jr. Jo.ph C. roll,, Yrei t. ite , intoin G. A. Yet - dicer., V. P. Fit Morris, Se c rctary.... 'Meurer. M;MB EMEMS! tow YOU. POILLLEU . D.U. Compt,ollite oe Neve York. Hon. James Campbell Campo Wood. David H. Mite . John P ataetie A lexareler Cumming+ David Dudley Meld. IW. J. I'. whim. V. N. Jo.ph mob, raw .1 6311tt. 1 IN lire. Gor. limner. Ex-Gov. k room. W , L. Goya', It. yr. se', Imo. Wilttrick. M. C. GIG. Wall. Ex U. S. Stn. Win. A. Newell, N. C. Y.I.Gov. IT. Iliekerroa. Nor. A. R. lborattnn. MEDICAL EXAMINERS - A. Sidney Doane , Al. D. W. W. Gm crtl, ht. D. Warren at., N. V. Dl Wainnt et.. Murk. Wohltlt 4 Morgan.M.D , 11. R. Itell.M. G., Geor&e . ntcCook, ;C.D., I Allegheny ety, Pn., 'titaborgh. Pa Agee,. ofthis Comonr, or Pittsburgh. sec au. 00, thatt by take every first ell. risk on Lae at astuverox or 'INVXDTVeI VII era clan , from the stool rater of premium, as charged by other Compartiee, • . A ma. , 10 rcang of age, isktng Polley a Insurance for 011 f not:rand • •••• • • . To run (or one year,Pays only 119J.9. dovenDl ,au • do !dome, " " 1117,50 And in the name proportion for any muds, to •13Ut.0,u Web is the extent taken on any one It'e. This Company commenced operation. on the tat 'October, 191,, and its monthly business up to the Ist October, 1949, shown a progress 112.31.010 that of any other late Company on record. • The Gent dividend of profits tv,II he declared to the astured.cn the Ist January, 1 6 ,0. • Pamphlets ColltlollllX the various udder , of rater, nod all the oncernary inlothintion on the important nalieet of Life /insurance. will be furnished no split-- eat:on to JAMES 1/CJIINO A Cth, Agents, dell Odeon Budding, MMIEMEI=I lIR TRENTON MUTUAL LIFEAND SURANCE COMPANY will isfoc Polio.; of Insurance sgthot boss or Mason by Fiat upon Dwellings and Forniturs, Stores, Goods, Ac , Ac., on applirwaon to JAMES DULIPSOOdeon t CO., A Wid sc•.ts, th:no. /IDE DELAWARE MUTUAL, I of tNSU. I. RANCE: COMPANY —Other NoSAFF.TVsh Room he Esehange, Third street, Philadelphia. Fres Insertabyg....-Dothltogs, Alerehmultse nod other oroperly, in Town and Country, insured sgstnet loss r damage by Sze, alike lowest rote of premium. blouse Isemtsuce.—Tbey elm/insure Vessels, Car. goes and Freights, foreign or coasPreise, under op. or special policies, as tho natured stay desire. lawn. 7 . II.IIMIULTION.—They also insure increh• enillse transported by Wagons, Rail Road Can, (lentil Boom and Steam lbws, I. rivers and lake., an the moat liberal 1.-ins. Seal,A ß .l d el Edward., l;cU Leiner, Edward Liurlingion. limae K Da•is, Woo beniweil, John Newlin, Ur li Al I l utter., Jet C Iland, Theophilus PsuldMg, II Jones 'Dorn., henry Sloss, Dog* Craig, lieorgo t4erri.l, Sneer, hlellvain. Cherie•Tieltv, J ri Johnson, Wm Day; Dr S Thomas. John Sullen., Woo Sys., Jr. DIRECTORS Al' T i Monstan, Doge o:4rg, John T Logan. IVILI.IANI MARTIN, President. Rim.. S. Nswooiss, F.:'7. • .. . • - , . Irj °thee or the Company. No. OA Pi.burp. P. A. MADEIRA, ' lata and 'lean.h la•urana.• l'ilcalsal Life and Rooth Insurance Company • of Philadelphia. Itreorporate.l by the Leo:datum pron,rlvania. Marc!,, 1 , 15. Charter pet - postai. glapuai, Rem Lows* knOt anal Peartsvd yarns Coftratt T. awl full 21.1 Far cccl. lower than the tonal rater of Life Insurance, as the foliar:ins' coal. poison will show: Thus, a person of the age otldt int oaring for SIM for life, must Pay to the liirard pennsaloania, 51,0, Penn Alataal, Sa.arg FAUllattle, New England, Ste' New York Lit - 484dd; Al bion, BAIN Life and Ile r alth, Philadelphia, SI, 11. Iriagc-roac—Bameel Ph Orrick, Charles U. nun, N. P. Bering, Robert Ring. Charles P. Haves, M. W. Baldwin, M.M. Reeve. 1/1. 0., Chair. Cl. 11, Cympl.ell, Lean Cooper, I. llcalatan !Liao, 11. Rusin!, Pldwin R Corn. Preardenl—gameel D. Orricl. Vice Fttcfdt dant-1014. P. lima; llcerentry—Pranela Marl:burn, ppltrututtln Vrtilberttett . ivedomd every in 43 rmatton glue., Li FAIINKSTOCR, f 6,e0 Cuctl..Coda; 1100.3. entice of oetlr-dIT , Wood and TOW ala. Pittsburgh VIRE AND MAIILINIC INSURANCE:. • INSURAVOT, C.l ol North urc will • Inuit.: peon,. al arid limited Insurance nn pro perty in this env nod and t n .thlyttt.,23 Canal, Rivera, 1./ ,•,.11.1 by Bea. The pro,erties °I Compan) me well inveoed. and famish •vall able fund far the amph- indemnity of all lierwins who devire In prdire'erl hy insurance, , owls l'. JONES., Agent. II Water al. isstaLattchl, at Plttelnergh. The Spring Garden Health Insurance CO., OF PIttLADELPIIIA—CAPITAI , MONO. I N:it/RES tlnlos um P.tuvler anal:. the raper:. nod 1..05n oceorAned bk . thanes or Aceideoi, by no out alloy:Korn of front 113 to 19 per week, for non, MO. three, or tour yea The .ocklool of effecting thin rs. logerasset. nod the manner of nwardin! the Kirk a:lowanco, will tat (ally enplitiocibk thy Agent. =AIM. A person can insure against Sickness or Accident which vein deal., inm from hit ordinal) , Lamers, as follows, Pt= Fnr one ycar, by psyrng 3-I.PO, and raceme Al P trek. !Z. " For toor 10. V, Or. for p,,,1 of rout yr.., the Cool of 544 ID 4.A.,1 rmrpall!y, will ~ , ,cure 0 per errct svb,lr Every orecoarp,ofornotom roill adorttud ou the ,tutv,c, of lestiranan fenerally, by JAML.O Or LINO & CO, Arco., nr a, e_ocm~~y. .1 17 :: Plri and filariat loatursnt.e. BE .PFFICF. of W. InluTan, Compunr ' North T Ame , ra, has Ircn rcuorved to d o 111 Front st cut Cl' The aul.,ribe,, agent for 11;e 'above Oumeßny, a..se Pohrle• on 11,1; conielitt, .4 on wil.ps4onts ut hlett.ontif m o IV Stma Ocala and other I. C 1,13. P. JON,-., Th• Peansylaratata Company . Fox losscanrs otr Invasaaorta.shou A Isnitn.r.. THE, brat Ltfc Int.atnoro Company to the U. t, Incorporated March In, tel2—cha.ter rmp, t.n. Capital &500,tato—all patd in. Having authomed the undcralgned to receive at,pll - for 1111011110 Ce, 011 Willett pols will be la4 , rd, accosting to tam bravo/nth nd rafts, which art!: be rondo known to applicanta at hi. office, No. :OS Wood street. • sett CELL CfICIIRAIII - - lILEICIOVAu. . . .• LT I'. kS. NEL.NON have m00r.% In No ~Wood atteet.uppopiir the Si Marie. Hotel They' hare obo ehaligrd the mythof their firth, and nit, Lupine.. Will be earned on under the omit and aria or iiPoloiey Nclisiits P OSTLE NELSONS - - - - - hlaneactereth of Cot Sleet and Hammered Flury rir, growler. Ithen,ilay and Manors Fat k., stolid flog Vine*, Gan Ilarrelr, Aro flaying enlarged their works, they can supp ly th eir friends al the shorter% none, and lower one, the marital rill afford All.lll- r: wade of the best ranter:Ala .hd I ttttt style. Nth, nutsel wishing to purehaw will feud a to their edvan• tarn to eihriane their rthek before parchawng Ore - where.. _ _ HERSEY,FLEMING &CH FE FOR fI&LR, . • , ANNFA CTUR FROM T R O M N bIE AN IJFACtURERi ERW , AND AT EAST. E Whit(' Flannels, all Wool. ulna (MIN; Red do do Blue Deming; yellow do do Fancy Cttah.asL,tat oil are Unltrig olterad at Factory inlets (tone League Shirting. Steel mixed do • Mae do . Chcrlot rind Stripe., very Drab do heart' gowdas look Cavalint re. 1 odor , I Fancy 11l I purvey Torrril.s c•Li l'a•ldnet, Duet, on, Super Ithiek Ili. J. 11,311. Tailowttni.v no, henry 0n; Sot•er Iltown 41.1 Itotwit Lawn, t:iitect , Super Orcen (Ural , A. 0,, black do, Sainte willed . nod worttml; cupor Clark Doe Ski.. sllNek ',Lot Whim Tope; saper Wort tt Aa hm e ret priori. Twist; Walt do; Super Ilrowit do I ...len Cheeks mid Drilla; S uper Mark do Sp'l Conon, California Blankets. do (anon Thread. a Scarlet do superior arioolet Mac do neognd VeanniN; Drab do Black Rath, do Grain (legging. Brown flatland Sitt'g Brown (mitts; Hutton, Cravats, &c- he. At the Manufnclorers' areltotac t No Pa Wood • Pittsburgh rural PITTEIBUILUU Fi/FIALlit INSTITIFTV. rittlE 1i nond Seeminn of 1.1410 Institution. 111illeg elt, or Mr. nod Mr, 1.4.0000, for Ito pions..( adenne yrnr, will commence on thin dor. Nlondly, Is'olittiary Intl., In the saute budding., No. 00 Lilterly otreet Arrangements have bee* Made by they will be utile to furnish young ladies (anilines equal to ring in the Wool. for Obtiontlig a thorough (titgli/$l., Clat-o caloand Ornamental cduentlotts A furl rm.,. ti l'hi eariphient and Chemical I,ooturca will be delivered during the winter, IthlettWed by 0 1`Parutua The dr p ...cuts of Vocal und lipornmental Marie, I , l, lt h d h ern 111.0004aDramhm hod cnol 1 tht 0 competent Proletoor. Lip 1410/1 to rho moral oral Intellectual riturftven,..ol or their mt. PO", the 1'6101.41A hope to 115,11 . 1 1 . ,mth•hahoh of the tilt:rat trrtroittlge tlwy 11007 hitherto ...Myra! 1.%.r tel.., are circular ur ripply to obc Principals. fabl4ll.l • 51 611 800 T S. $l6ll st .n l;ca w a . ll: l!. l taaaoar, at the very inw prtre ni 61 GO. DANIEL. tin a Maria ~....rue door rI 'Water ra. apin , aal Itnbutie ropy.l e A ahoy', John Anenal, are unw pit:pard to hit all Lilo of ;amber of unv •nre and length, tom, 0 downwar.ln. float :+ohng. 11.,k I'lnnk. liutawales,Joial, et-authors, itoard•, tr• ,ou die shortest notice, Lila,. eonslanly on hand. Ural, a rcetivell und any itil-Uns •110!1 given by W,ghtuan, coroc.r 01 Water onil I.therty alrents or II Moroi., Nu hail Liberty street, and at the • Of the , aplo.nin Wii;lrrMAN & NIORRIntIN PUn LI OA - I , i Colirti.7-- Au JO: 1 12-1.O.. •oporiori fu Ph, ideal Chorm.cr, Ye gentian. ond Almooln ti FNCRU-4/IG EnSt. illoelr.ted bro. IlunalsoLot—Comas. 7 vol., 12..1 . 11121 . 1,1—^, r.' . :14'cus. 9 vols. Ithoo. Its vn-75trti•h Flvettlng 1.:me...mm.25. 12.0. I.llm2l.—SorgnAl Anuoroy.. Co:1,1-.10... 410 Moe—Poems nod Prose Wriun,s. 2 Volt. 12010. TV Ca I . 6ll,l—Thu Optimist_ 1210 n. %V rsori—Poe if eat gooletla: r. Oro. Caverms—tiomer's 10a1. itmo. Meerut—Pouliot nebulous. 1 volt 19mo. For eels by JAIE.I4 D LOCIEWOOD °P.n Ilook•eller & Importer, 111 Fourth eL IMMIEZEM MISCELLANEOUS - - Carmsatbers. lidmeatlonal Coarse. PIATTPCV.—The Messrs. Cheer y loo t lacer employed the first Pmfersors in Pant. land, in the preparation of these works. They are oxercd to the Schools of the Oniteir atone, ;13, ,,, r the American revision of I).N. Reeve, MA), 0 ,. Isle Paperintandma of Fahlic Schools, in am Cry a:,•: .C.Olutsl of New Pork. Lehmann' Treasury of Knowledge; IC.Cleriee DraWillg and Permeative: .Chambere Elea:lentil of Natural Ph thrrophy; IF. Reid Maxie@ Chemistry and Eleetrieity; V, lizati/ton's.Vometable arid Animal Plosion:or r; VI. Cambers' Elements of Zoology, with photo.; " VII. Page's Elements of Geology, illustrated. It is well known Mat the original publishers e , • thr works She Maas. Chambers, of Edinburgh) or t . to command the bessulents in the preparation 0 their hooks, aid that it is their practice to deal far fatly with the public. This eerier will at disappoint the reasonable expeetadens thus excited. They arc ele mentary works, prepared , by authors in every way ca pable of delngiesties m th ear respeatire emit net iunsl and who have evideutly.bestorred upon them the na ry tome end labor IO adapt diem to their purpo,... We recommend them to teachers and parattswith confidence. The first named volume, In the hard , of a teacher of the yoonger classes, might furnish on tn elhaardllole fond of amusement and instruction. Tn. gather, they would consulate a rich treasure to a lion tly of intelligent children, and import a thirst tor knowledge.--IVermont Chronicle. Published by A. S. Banes k Co..• New Tort; and for sale by A. 11. KM:l49llk. CO. mr2o No :9 Wood et A Pliti/3101 - MPSTESTIBIONY: "1 HAVE FOUND NOTHING TO THEM " 111.00114000. Va., Attach It, 1,10. MR. - 11. E. SELLERS—I have disponi. , of oil the Cough Syrup and Liver Pill , yon scat me, and I, don of the Vermlfoge. I have used all your ramify Medicines in MY firMiHt. and have also prescribed them in my M." , I am very much pleraed with them, and have found nothing to equal them. Send men 00. of roar Vermifuge, and 10 dos each of the Liver Pith and Cough Syrup. Respectfully yours, [Vatrant of Lott.] T. T. JAM..., Thole highly popular medicines may be had of the proprletor, idELLERS, 67 Wood at, and Dru g; inta generally M the two cities and vicinity. 1111ESACREDTailltiObilift - eC riolirrOTirrii of Olonigh Music. }hilted by Genr e , ginger.,, Au. or of Social Choir Juvenile Choir, ye, 4e. Sabbath School (Irma of Alm. and Poetry, drieg tied esprmly for the Sabha. School; by J. A. A. Emil:- shank. . A new Trtatihs on Aedonomyi and the of he Globe , , In 10.0 porn.. COOOOlOOO A•tronnmiCa :0041 DM. dtfinltlons,• mote . . and poritions out. enemas,. and planets; Kepler , . lawn end Theory of Irranitution, Refractlon,Twilight, and Parrallas, Vormentio.. Pe node, Distances, PlEenoMeno, and Mrtruiool,l of Mc Heavenly 'Jodie, composing oft Solar SyyteAnd also, an extensive collect. he molt ocelot Prob. itia on the Use of the Globes. Illustrated by a suit. able variety of Egampks, die; designed for the 11.0 of High School. and Academies. By James Mclntire, 11. D, Professor of Matimmalica and Astronomy to the Cont. High School, of Haltimore. Deck and Port, or Incidents of a Cruise in the United States Frigate Conglere, 10 CalifOinil; with Sees.. of Rio Janeiro. Volga.", Lima, Honolulu. and San Franco.. fly Rev. Walter Colt., U. S. N.; Connor of Ship and Slam, Er. For :ale by A. 11. ENGLISH& CO, Rantifvvfm to ELLIQT ap3 N 0.07 Wood aired SELLYNti ALEXANDER A DAY; corner of the Pilni oum and Marlel street, are now selling off, at teri.ei prices their work of Wintry G.A., cigar Shawl ' s and ladies' Drery Good,' in great varlet, Also—lllankew and Flannela,Clotbd.Csuimesalatio. ettv, and a toil ree.ortment of heavy Cation Good , . Confident that better barghing Cannot 1) 14ad where, we invite the .11.1110 n of buyers. ALALKANDER DAV, 75151,11. km atre,t Groat A vorracanoloch...flora Work. O. Appleton trtto , Naw York, have In rent, of nab licalion, In palls, price twenty five rent. enoh, • of Mae!doom. illeranwa. Il'ort,eml onfermg; degt,gned jur Praamal Ilfur;rtg, Alin, and di., iniendrd .fur Use Encl. ram.; PnYesan.i. elleau_ 011 11 THIS WORT: to of large tree. 11., 10. IVIII contain' Iwo T 110.11.1. runes, and upwards or ea 21100. o,6 x. 111 ieesern working.draw. Ines and deveripuona of the mac 011111111111111 machines on the United guten Indenentitel of the rcaullr of Amerman tnernolty, it runup], entoplete practi ce moll ea on liteet.autra. Mac hinery.Kogl:tc.w k and Engineering; ero:t all that is useful an enure than one thourand Oollate Worth of folio vutueuur, mu;st. zinc., and other bunk. . . The great obtret of this publication It, topdaaP ha fore practical men anc students ...gel. adionnt ot theoteugat r;td egicnCht knowledge. is eonderoted lona, us .1 . 101 enable them to work to the host advan• taco s and to avoid thou rist4taken which they oti uld otherwise it. The amount or useful I UlO.lllll/011 than brought together together ta almost beyond precedent tn such work.. indeed, there es hardy any autject within no range width is ott treated with such clear and puerto°. rhot even u roan ortbe con nary capacity carton , raii of undrtsisnring rt, and thee learning front it notch which it ti tarpor..l for bins to know The publtshen are, in short, weardlesa of cost, to mate the wont. 0. coliaplmp ti how,ble, and it it hopra every one deal rout to oblau, the tern: 'aid procure b asis, ',lied in numbert. raid ththuseueoutnee the enwrpr tut lodes Will be Ist owl te trowinenthly nowbcri, rent to January, tot. end will prugzew wish rent rrgulanty. Toe whole tooth will be published in 40 tinwhera, at .cent. pernumber, end peutpleted within ow ear tens you, Inlet A liberal dltrount nil' be made to attcaul. Atty one rcenthrg the puldithere aIO in advance, shall teletve the Work through the part mime wee of caws,. Opinions. or Ilse Press. ..To oar 111,111Cr.111 I•lanulartarere, 111:e4anies, ‘441 r.v.s. 4 v4ll be mioe yvenith.^— Ptoridrace, J Jouroot . • ` . l - 0t.,. are, AMA (4,tlrlelVeß with it. trorrled,e.— %a', ran uoth roafnl , ,,ee ,earnionold rot 'cadet, to tlo.nt , elve. tt , nuatta:r6 ta.t as 1b..) p.ar "—.lmetican rty.an •onhetttat,W., comtnrod it,• work to 11•01., em in or intcre,, , l In ,Jeonhe par enuachti) %Nor ~ th of the, et...0wl and stubstwy, (N. 1'..) "It truly a great %vol., and the por•loshrra &- serve the Inank• of thocntors. onnehtom..aral ntaao Iseturera and indeed of tint pot., retttrally. , —N V. Int "'Fitt lerood I/le ient. s /op.:1 wilibc highly useful to prartleal :Fmc.l.l oh , • to alt who omit to at quaint toepoi.thre• watt th, progres , of tneent , On in the me. chanle szta."—Now Bedlord Daily Mercury. "Young. mechnoles ought to keep pooled up in the. mum] In will on mot cal knowledge, tut this work will show thrsainst how they scud."—.Noxbory IM Advent.. We take it to ho lett the work that inorvg and hut, roe. of our inclltgent mechanics have derarit to pos ters. Po ample are Its descriptions, ono le full nod minute its Vpeeifienton. that it event. to us that any nteclignie might contract any inteblue It dosenhes. on the • ren4.l opts err:guy:opium:l tostrucuot • "—N. V. roonnercon Advent.. interested in rnerltanies should avail natio selves ot it. tolvatungeo , —SehaylV.ll, (Patin..) Jour nal. "A work Of eiteniree ptaetiral utility and great im• portance and value to the tepidly Increa.tog tatereets (the' We regard lho wont as ently ealrolateJ to We the cease of science Bud the taerbat.teal arts, sad .dtrAtattna, valon!.le Intorila• 21011 on the.x.ruNeeta.' . —Canner enA 51 , e . ....a4n. • “Proetteal men in all the carved wols et literlll,lll- rat and manufacturing industry; engines nor he., will Gni: in this work n treuore which It will t.a OM preht to passer.”—Troy Daly Wlok • d We have carefully pummel the outliers, one have no Imadadon m suing that it ia the hero work(,r u , . chute, tradesmen, and scientific run, ever pablii.lt• ed, ford contains minute informatunt on every brunet of the mutton:rill and utertee, ea pre,fted to a stole and lupin., ristelinftlile to uny model 4: Ludt imry capaelty.' . —tileuestot, (Mom,/ Now'. We sure we are doing th e otraltahlcs al . Nor.' with and arc other parts of Conneettept • tierslce by the wort to tlretc onandurn... -Nortutel. (Con.; I:outer. .11 litillasuedi a wetk as every mechanic atmuld pollen . —Vrecayain /nonfat. Wo eonalder Run ottbe mot earful end luiportant nublientiOns al the au. No mechnote can milord to he Without It."—Newata, IN. J.,)Commerethl Couto r. • Ur all the yahoo. publicattoonliatrohr tor their oh wet the claridarrun end nalannecinent of me mechani cal arts and neteirecn, hone that we linvo ',ern, in no tall or prominent thin "--I.lndalo Coat. Ado. 'll w the brat and cheapen work curet:cm! to the reninftfie and practical en,' meet nod mechanic. Thu prate ore Leant excelated...—Wor huh Glue. s areal Tally ts one of the MO. rueful weft. .CV. publmhed iur yenta, nod the low idle- at which It in sold matey ureeptab le to all."—South Carol r inian. owe er,ardtt a. one of the MOZI coin . ptelaem , lf t :doable, an well Wart.." —thlurnore Adveetnie, .11uel•t to lw. telt. I,; every o, dcsalag to keep pace wiih the prnoci. of art owl science every one of the latiora , eivits4 tile "—Windom Crinrier oft is detognad after thn et la.moca ry, only the tt I. mare devoted to ac: uTvi owl engineering rofessions, and tabu: p,TT.• nable accomplftlund (dr America ha' tyre lida done for Kinftud, six . 111,011/11/C Antefteati mot brury and worn • itt • . —Scientific American. clus published In numbers, nod at • puke to mode. run, look tag at what is contosnod ma tett number, Mat 1.111 4 , Itu Ilto I elt,t I 0 , 4104.1. in Poch amtter/, arca La deterred (tam p ;0,6111.11C 0" carry ode ft m. does :nil that be haii In condeicied teem aft nni.lust .11111..11mi watch would km obtaioe./. if at nil, only by the purchtme of very many volumes.'--N. V.Cuarter and hittituirer. • tha with which the reherto ate then rd. the admirable manner In which era illiwtrated, rewire to make this 000 ellbot:limt iioft• amble worst ”—Deroocratha .• I h. wort should hp tuthe hand. of every merit:min, arta to, andaamtufacturer, especially thou who have rt e tem. aspdatious to ercublit their respective lion. 1/1. 00. OVe have carefully um] rind it, with it view at recommending It to inventors. To them we would .vy,,, him, longemic of the Mb.: "ft tt ~,,, re la tentoralJounial, A'ut:ce toOt Prourulara t . i Nes...Topers .given d o tram! Nate., anti 0131,114. • the fore,olitg stlvrrti•trtn,tl 17 i t netlf.,... , mit Ittntrf, yogi, awl me I..tittr vontt„, ~er ii• II ropy Iht% wort be et" , , tur, 101.2.1(WAt.{ I AMES D. I AItIS%VOM, tk-ak+r , ' ^, u do.a c. , a6t rt, I , 'ete 1314211711 E- 2,0 1 e 4, roe or, by L Vi A/ LICNIAN r•ONS sr.ti lirMil VIUTTI•3 I - IA 1,1, prow. 1., .1../ • ..:514.. do :.a ~, .ale, hy tte.l.l I. 5 WA it;tlAl AN A ~IN ._ —.. . , Sia:P,:::-4 1.. , .. rry.., t.l,,,r•red; 1,,,v1 wow , T ...... thy ~,I, for -4 le I. v e.e! I. h WATI:KMAN A ....ON: 4 40 . tnri•lll.: SNE A TU. in ILAICF...—. dozenotwn 1,71 S:the Slir.EIS, . doi Hi. re .tr *a, by u0,...t I. , •• • • • •VATUIIMAN ..., ! ,, INS 1 )0 1,,,—•,‘ ~tel.. ~,I. ti 34 to; ,lo I, V Al-llitA I.VICIC zr. slr VA N Di,M , ' i1. , 4 , -XI ~....,• lLevelood Salenuor; 10 1.3 1 , 0 10. do do t T./ t , , .1, , do go roper, Ibis day rccei•cd, and for sale by 4 ,, .. WICK .S• %Iv CAN In P , ' _. ..... _ - R—to brto N.C. `Tar; _ .half lala do, reed arld Cor sale by MeANUI.F.S.9 ryirrair,Ofi-ill; dor Cdrr, Brooms for ”le oy D .443 WICK & aIeCANULFAS , R 23 ON—Colurl this cayK&deo fNor ra E I SL 4 WICIADLI y • , _ . wwww._ MisCELLMous. ,NU2ll3wratiaa nouss.s. 1.1. pf moot barium numbers put m tboir hoe Ain conformity to rorolotlon of Council., 'PI Please call at the Roms of tine "Cocci ‘of TrYil eotfl mory, comer ofilkood and Third MA: andp for the nano. SAMUEL FAIINIZTOOK l'iltsbnigh, April '9.lf J. op=t Vine Dress Goods: AA A. MASON it CU am reeeiviag deity, additions .or following styles, to b splandol stork a Dress Goods, vim—Soper Illmk and Fancy SIMS, 6 ak Ttsstths, Persian Cloths, Allierines, Shibmam. Bareves mat Garege Be Laing, Cook, Swiss, _t-Mitstadas ...W. and Hauge Lawas,..tied also; MenarniOS reps Goods in all their satiety. MOD ‘TEWPATTERNS—More new portend - OTW - SC Papar,di Chamois, Gold, plain, pAii fancy have been recently received, together with an fro, Podstion of French Borden, Fire Board Prig., and fester Toph in Gold and Velvet. W P MARSHALL. roayl • Wall Paper Sinre„.Bs Wood tame. A. Ig ilt Sl vnTs ' e: k oFkl ' n7 also. a general astonment of Plain do at all prices. 300 des asserted :Snit and Lisle Threan_Glares; .. . -. • - W:do Illock'awl do Ladies' and Gents' do eILO not black*cd whim Cotton Ifoe et dox dok do Bilk do; . 010 doa Gents' Mixed Mal( Ileac; :Odor. Gem' Brown Conoa Half littal;: Received, nod now °police by - ward _ A A MASON di CO • NEW rnus..r.c.k.ridas. new and leaked eilition,With an Introduction written c xpretsly.for Mk edition toy Mita "limner. 1,1. an. 461 h Galloon' with liones, Cooper', and IliAaiiivicit'ei and illutunied withi Portrait sod view alibi, ambers residence. Goiters ;Iliad; flamer:Mil by WilllamlCeidger. Edited by Robert Southey 1.. L. D. with notri.by M. A. 1/irig)a. A splendid cdinon, on largo paper!, Insirateikwith.tweive eng far ink In ontlint;frolo de- Gana by klaytaint royal tivo ; cloth. Alnojieehasiper edition for school. Go l d dins', ineloddig n ninety pates now Etat caceled. by James Prior. Cmiciplemln 4 vols. !Vino, elegantly printed, uniform itYlo with on e ln a E C i O a on e e p r c owre 'pre Iliyki . y Ca ea le h da l4 r :l lolet. Wt andl . V d c o h mfor very a n ibe fume Uatno,d by.etqads. vet neat vo, W col,. cloth gin, 43 cants For Ode by JA:VIV-5 D LOCKII , ,OOD, inya r and IMPo44etiji 4 l l3 4 : 1, 1 s kI.I:Ii:ATUS-25 101 l ;Tait tiferatus; - 1, 71 La- do do; roils f sate by 010 ROBERT DALZF.L.. ft CO F LOP/Er : 2l G t d i o rlis n l y t' n l;" . l7 , pour, sale by DALZELL. ft CO anyo I.iberty Greet .14AT111.11 . 4-17"ao -i i for isle 14 1;1 Lena -11t0 yry toil Galena L.:bd. for :ale by. m 3 311 EY, MATT lIESIN It CO fjEACIIES-2•3 sacks Dry P‘' vacs Mr Nile by — RIIEV,MATTBFAVS & CO RI ' 7 l6i bi"6 4 l :l n taA7,l:rra y LNASI.A ND MISS--A large invosco of Foulard .112 MI" of newest el yles, received by A A MASON & CO, cc IV2 'rte Market T Eltn•till.-3 rrre.R per entudo or plc by ASIES.DALZE.LL, :u Water br ate,. V. ll.Tery rectinny per canal. Lind for sale by J.L.3lr.ii ri‘AX-40 brie WOrniny.lunLTco's per.timal, and for cult Lo chms constgurmult, by 1.6 , lA lint DAI.ZP.J.I_ itILACtIo tL-11 I. tr , n,t Tobacso, brand, rec`g p. r &carnet ei - einn , i, ler sale by /A NIL'S rIALLCEI.I. 1in.C1.515-1241k ,, 5 7 CO • 1 do ..251541,5p55 - 12.nding fro. stea 4". We bl IMIA!I MCKIM' & CO 112 Wi.ter 51.! LARD—dilals lauding, arta for sale. hr tn)6 ISAIAH CO .""' ; ' ; ' isT.Zll ' l;l ' CVlA CO nslt. Ir.• extra tmoi s da ly dour, this reed. Ju audio, sale by ARNISITONG S CRt.ZER 111,0 71 m~ . RMvIRU\G fs a:RU'LIiR Pime. hacks In r far sale by I, 6 ARMSTRONG h CIirOZER rOr 1:111. .11 7 borq) TEA ere ie.l in out trial of thert , e rit the TEA Alaisaw, side or ;Lc theloon {{pp bore ax. 'cp.:anon tn. .arrt •nm rltriMrleau. Mirl(lll.3 1/02 1 . ,,E..10111 of The Tea Market. /IA • Hp, r1.1.1,1t-,100. ii.. Are< rlettir Cayel. Peptr,rt, re.. , •tved, and for sale 1•7 nv:4 J IIKID &CO H U.11 . 1 ) :: . ;F:1-3)-10 r,rl.lo,lro,rtint i l:ci i l ;l ,.,, co AULENKIn bd. large Pro Ncvar.rj_crur A .--il lnariccuun, jari re.lesvcd. and for rape 13y JOAN Mck , ADEN S.OO I=VIMZ=I 1,64 I.venues Powdered mud Crovhe su eve' s, Jett re.% RAI for .'e be A CULBERTSON ' DACON—io tenon oeo C , weionwi cued', JJ 6 do eget..., do d MM., do Jug rcid,ll,l fur .ale by aprt S WATSJIVAN fr. .5.f/li9 rai.;nioi'Ardele r ,toy'rceri and for ode by A CULVERTSI. —, N 71 . rceetred 1! cztl for WATERNIAINI.t.:4ONS • pl N 6 k pr,perror .I.t.ty, 11, 6,1, I•rti.3..s..ry 'A:M .I,W, CO It , r..:..1.4 Ittiti .4. 6N WICKEIZSIIAM I ~u t I. C . , \ ~ ..111.1. 1 ., - 7:1.e55, 0 7 , 7 01d (?n. , :es,. .1 , nr .“ 1., u s V . llll .o 1 47 11 a Bl.lcit s , . , A. - .'..,7Z 1 Z,`..,,,,i':.`t "';,`,l:4l:l4iTtir.,,c,'" .1.. 11S *reon4l .i. CKS , Uncoil AS-1100.1 ne Unco ru -ir, it., care by CO.. l Ol t RI i LiAlllll DICKEY & C' . iz,e.,.;,.i,„:;'i—„-2:1:, No .I..,T'f: ri,,- - At;;,. " ~,, , Round Chereh liuilding I)ncoN—ni pc, a , ...u0r,1 in .tore and for sale 0 I orl7 J & II FI.OID_ P(YrAI4II- 1 G risks pure, onbond and for sole by opl7 J & it FLOYD. . —. I Allll--17. b bl. No 1 Lo *tor. and ioro.lo by upl7 I In IL FLOYD . sport } C 0,1 7 1 , 1 t I t . 4 o z 4 s If: 4 1; t c , , I ,&,. R . 11:: , 1 1 1:1 , 0 g. 11'S111r0 p , ` .10 I, A... Dried brands 7..sluAlp, In store nod fa:sob-lu, ' .l &II FLOYD (71.17.1-11A71SED.11_1111.5-31111 aura...sett 11 . acy reed 1... J tor solo by WICK & 111eCANUI.D.'S lil'A,',,'•l'n.c,".:',D.Z,:',: - "Zy'.7:v;: gcn,;',:zi.=' 1, ,_ , , , , ,, , , , , , , 0 , , ,, , t h. ,: t, , p v,i, I 1: 1.1111 , - . :—.. , ;1 , 1 , tr i 1 i . E .10t , r . .... , c ; :t1, not: • WS Liberty .t. VithiSCl7.lll.‘ M.4 , -1.: IN. V. limos in prune or. ' der. 01.1 run A ( n r , si l ip by A t.111,11:1 , 11 0 Tetri , I) EE ,,, R ,,V "N''.4' ril''''"" ' s. 171 . 1t. ' 111n.11T:474 1 I SAY , Toit OIL-5 boo recd, on•I ton uwe by I_, npl7 1311AUN &71171TF.R 1...01161—C11 4 iUlsien`.l; and for -a.te by A opt' ”R A t.",t & RF.ITF.R . _ • _. _ IV I , Ve '61.1.;-.llcnyk:leCtl'on3 (41 . m lic ) _ V __ 1, c;1 . 7 - 11KALIN a It.Rlll7lt ( ..latcoAa: I: VOA.N —l2 ca:.e. i re t., d and tor le by . ,1•7 ' 1111A11N & ((Eli ER. 1 33Lett. 7 Jo ahottiderr new landing from Fort Frt. ead far rale by DICKEY dr CO lit Water et. catl.• alernora for Stale .opl6_ 5 A4 1 ;1,7K1'..--3 Itrt T efiped, , g t.u..s r .. lti E c :r i lt Y lar tile, a t r y r, " B AP' N In .Tare and tor sale t.y son CROWN A KIRKPATRICK ( a rot , • Eat:ern Itot 1001 or 1.1. law apl7 CROWN , aiarr rioc 16E1 0 1'1: - Ito ha o; tfr <1 - 1111 In rioreantrioTaat V l , y npl7 l & R 31.1r71) riglK-ei irtelt Rter,ree`a per er• eauth N' ""j '. . r: .+ Y erc A. MID:PATRICK telcofthe ) l4r MllOl,lOO. steani L I elle net: J II CANFIELD I ).O.TEIt:T 111.310E— . ...11br. lust ree'd wad for •ale by .1 1:101)/I.CO apl2_ No Rl_ Wood greet tir 1. 31 A . 1 , 1 p 1f. - , 1.31t EEN sates to e fil ukt u rl ri lor s ait it l n e Aeenis 11. Leal. 010010 SetarlE,finerr..__ Nilf 11 :.ACA B 11..A.,—.1 Iwo to.nontuont of - Dlnok 1) of nu vittlat, rot., rod nt Nn tStinatiel moo wont entnef of the Diamond. .149 ALFA ANDER & DAM ;t - yll A Mi t ...if...N SII.M SI I AW chnngentt ,nr.Al4 of n vuo t.nrof to[ niat . ALKX ANDER & DAY 1.1140 ii I.A DiNt , --I`lain Marl: I...tte of tide, tinsolics,lnr axle LI ALDXANDItift & DAY • ir as. Irk Eir-1u re, r l / 4 1.: Warn% karairtri Satinii do S. e. Beef, da I . .:rlrrer zr. t!. HIM*, Thrffichra; .1.1 put C.p inn rirtrotra r use, sa , tl lo: otark• try nrtri NICOLT.t Ill) 1.11 LI/ 011 - .Z . ..0 b . 1 3 1:1 . 1 e t w , '4l'Ll..Lin;c:s3loo;' Fr.• ,:le Iny • . nv, , , F43.1.E.R:5 kNICOLS 1't:1, 1111, -4 la rl. RlPlrre'd, Alia fontie 11 , / . I j r '." . • ROBISON, urn..i.: aco , up- 0 . 24.4 ~ii.,,,,...“.. ' 1.-.• , A 6,•:••,:uirdime eniiii4 nuolCii 1 .-‘. i . (H)1;., aal . t — by apt:ll C AnTRITIII:Zrr . -. . . T 1,11,iti..11./1, .1. lARASII4S-4:41/ Giogtiam and ,i CAA n U... ei:a., and 450 Parns.th, •ill.. ..1%.1 ,otlon. tor •^17.• bY C ARIOrNINOT )1/P-, , lbs.:l.l°r quality, for nn , r ranll=iini7llOrs form, brandn Os.. Ash jun ter6red, and for sale, by itiO Mr VADErti k n Coon , pnrin,ycon n,. DAria—Y.S ha,lvee re, a gar. se. el 1 Wary Vlrasv r:trer f.. , co,ree Iliudwara: ILlOwaltt paper ma,:e :I; order of eier or thiel le-`, ttortj 1 SelltorSiti AKF.R CO — iitI.AOHNV( , O II o ..4o:Mt:tins Ala:tonne l'qr Apt! PolOOlhod natammg. JAMES n 'Amnon') lot fourth rt.• I t 'l7:'--------iifiii.iiiii. c.rd.. Iliinr.T CARltslin , Won , CnrdinT Haddam., comb plate n ,,,, O''',." , r". tdirlnGll COCHRAN, so Wcod s. VOL XVII. .NO. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNISEISSIIIi. THU Partnership Ve ‘ tz i re a emu . tin , li be . mrel t i n in the eitst a inV ' b ' Telnass, ander Ma name ofildarea Wallace &to, arm dissolved bj mane dormemt,oo the Isit inst., /antes Dardnel and Henry 10 1 Gessy Luring perebsuir the entire Mimes% of Wt .W. Weis laee ' The basin.. in b y t he be ea:Slatted m ill its venoms branches by the mbeeribers. ander Demme and style of & eGettry, mho mill settle the • triable= of the late fira t end tomail Simms. to' domed see etquerted Ict make pa 171121.211. • WanEoit3e, "Tim ofWood - ma Lamm Mimi.. AIIIFS my 6 - HENRY. bIeCIELRY SOM ETHING NEW . ...Under, the. Ens of ,Pattakeargle 7 t unix .be opsntd shoot the =dot Nag, it Puna/ • V lihotierrand , sTina - Store r In 'Me Philadelphia The ontmeribers hate Itted UP • tem at Ndel erty street, hi a style superior to .7. of this kind in Futsbergh, where they. always have, a. largo as sortment- of line:Gronerles, •nd mlPerlut . Te••• ...which they rc , pectitilly Invite tho attention of the pet,- Or seery, a ids , thiy will endeavor to keep the • best of its kind, and confidently nutria:tern/ their Tsai as not to mr. remitsmsto ra mg:WA= is the di - Their assortment will unmoral/et-Green' - and/Black Tumoral! Janda, Item glicenteArt * l t „t . ;? r , p.F . r...g. lar c fl ashed ' am) reverie-L.4i i' , eanu SAg.l 11311 M. 0: filedruiseslChoei. ohne., Foreign, Frets /ma -MO, Spleen, Pickles, Ketchups, Essences, &gar Coned Ma. u ' ef, Feb of. all kinds, Sperm s Lard, and Oils, Mon id. SPerm and Wax Candle*togetherwith'nomY rarities which vuald not., heretofore . A. 4 bt 1 burgh, and which time , would fal 10.enogkeratp. ItYGonds delivered teener charge in °Tarr Put Si the two chic*. - • Dealers eupplied on met cuonallle terms. WM A AteCLUItO .1k myt 2.5d Liberty ettart,nbovo Wood =lnn., ss] A• WESTERVELT - & SON, wELL KNOWN VENITIAN BLIND 'KAISERS, (YY keep constantly on hand or make Welder the hest attire In their line, at their old rend, N 0.13 St. Clair greet; also, at No.tr Market suer, emend step, I entrance In the Intranet' Venitien Shaven mada to order, and old blinceonly snorted, t• ' • addo REMOVAL., CAROTKERS & Mohave removed to No 97 Water rkbetweett Wood a Marro, la Me house Moriarty oreapied by-liardy.Jooes &Om ap&dto • To Southern and Westin:a - Merchisits. 13.017SSEL'S PREMIUM PERFUMERY. The sutvetiber respectfolly invites public attention to hie extensive innes. of Perfumery,: Bilaps„Lthaving Creams, de., to which serve Silver and two Golden Medals have, within the Unit airycar. beciawarded br the footnoted of New York, Bosted delphi a, the latter being the only Golden Medal. ngan ever awarded for perfumery either In Europe Uric tbis winty. Bous r an.la USIZIWALD $.11.0780 Caw,. tAkllenid, Roee, and embrosielj universally acknowledged to be superior to oily Shaving CM. in 11. country or Ossurnans /OR Snausvo—lfeentikilly Ronan' trent, and pos.cosing highly 'Ponce accoos and emollient ;imperious SlLDOpetteo. Compound; AtlabrOgaLShill, mg Tablet; tannery Slaving Seep. eurrzentioffonurnosra—Almond; Rare; Millellean, Iloatinet,Pistachlo,blusk,Patelteuly.Omuities,Ploat tng, rioniparent, Olive Oil, Windsor, and Cireasalon. • -Erman. wen riot nattossucatto—Rese, Bouquet ale Caroline, Geranium, Jenny Lind, Moan. line, Jockey Club, Magnolia, Clonalite,' Cluleneile Routh and tunny other variencl, in all sixty different perfume. TO= Womorf-...Floridn Wntre. Fyn:de"Teileite, Orange PlowerrWater, sold a great fratilityal Ce to'negand Lavender lYntars - • - - - •atncsamons rot - sna tiala—Conalne -Beat's{hl. Angela., Ilandolias, Eau Lustrolo,Oloine, Coos pound Or Kurow, halt Dyes liquid and in powder, and Philmome, itirinlno, and Jenoy Lind Pomades. °somas. I'mrumsons—llalsamie Elixir, lima, Tooth l'usle,.C.O moos'. berantSys, Odondite, Tooth Paste, and l'ooliader:^ , Cosamms—Vssamob le Cosmetic _Cream. A maudiPe for clamped Lanai. Cold CroloParloses, Cream de Posse, Lip Salvo, Esspborry.llremals4M.' Depilliaty Pos.& re, Mr +moving onperntionp hair, hear! Former, Vino Ire &Citation •A rostra& Vinegar s Victoria !lair Composition, -I'reitor biaJmi s header a great variety of other oracles, too ntancreas to be name) in this ad reniscmcno • ' Tho suhicribor Lore* io _matntarn We, reputation Bich then' ortablishisent lots aciutred, by dtepostog fondling bot (lest rate uncle., and ill be happy to thoae who nifty wish to . pattonad.ohiroosther holsodwer outs rearonable terms aa any ea. bliratnent in the United Bodes. • • • BAZIZ , i t cc vittor to and femur Director Of The Lob. awry EUGENE ItOUttEL, 111 Chesnut street Mr. Sl•sin's Perfumery Is for solo 1:7 all the urinal pal Inneeists in the country. p olZl4ll-4 casks (at saleby J KIDD & CO nbidAL'AILILLA —36 donen Juenn Townsend's Utor .- Ily ny KIDD VAMIIN ri.ovn--10 brig firoser au pc.rioc. brand, w N.C. and for ssle by . nay 4 A.BNISTUONti CROZER dea.Atlevere,tuld for Nile, to Neee courlgnmen:. by ley4 .. • ARIRSTRONG a, CROZER meorel 1.2 x sale by RW12;1: 4 8.-4° kc" ' ARMSTRONG t CROZER TIM*. sack reeM. cola for sale 4y' .L7 irif 4 • ARMSTRONG icCROZER )AtiS-100 dot twilled, in imam and for role by 'mti AtaiMTlLOtili G GAMER f OVISVILIA: LIMI.I-40U lain in store, for saltir oty4 ARMSTRONG & CROZKR lARG—Io lcss lust reed. and far tale by I :oyd A RMSTROGO & CROZER RA CON—I thltee Ra bog mond. geed, for sale by m)9 , ARNISTRONO & CROZER rINEG/f R—lo bola puio cider, viiTegar,ini role by V :nye ARMSTRONG & CROZER_ COFFEE - 10 eack.;Eio reed and foi sale by :nyeARMSTRONG fa CROZER iii CiciallS ES—Bailie]. Paiirkfthiii, ler silo by kik .11,4 ARMSTRONG A. CILORRR t f 1 ...g. c.,...) 41, none:lElE6l , have today:ld:Tali Vn, rconilfic. b clpleor, Mock Cloths, Black Satin esting,. silt (A y mu, nod Silk Gummi+, JO north east ram., of Fourill.nrol Mothet stream :nye fil , CS t . .bi I A a-5 brlyyok reCiir iiiiilliririiTO at the 1 Drag, Bred, and TerdonerY Wamboato, eoener of Cut: and Wood [UK!. S N 11/ICRERSHAM . u": 1 . . . B"NhKi: Milidudes—rdouptenes Ltoonet dopnana of the Anti:ft and most farkdouable aolns and a.'.ora aro now uppung by A tO A MASON CO Mazkel sa. C OLLA RSA CUlTn—l v nr 5 1e. o n u o rn n i ron g. pa . Tri ti pang French - tote% &An; • ton rano Mourning do Revolved .d now aponinn MT:i A A MASON & CO EAi It IttAIUhREI, 6001 , m Weir varieties, ides cimegrulde act sbawo, Figured arid glow _upend', zu A A MASON A. CO o NO. N. 23 do Mich; El', 31 A rp mws & co T AR A PITCH— K11144 . 71Fi4& CO . say 3 SACKFITEI.--tle brie I.F7 , l' , l;i l o l g i , j , a v xi A r rr eceg ,t1 0 1;o .. r , tvl'a 6D—i-a bd. pilaw , hew, line toed. for Yale by JOHN MATT tt. CO Imo No I, rust we'd. tor area by tell rata .1011 N waTT tc co prime, time Some.° rope /WIN %VAT!' ar. CO ID ROI tali—xist doe awe rtFe : eis, forale by JUI tare !WIN MATT tt CO 'Bl.l(..lV , l—ainthels grazes N O n leAr t. 7.4,"Ai c . st , zle c ty bits gnaw . tor sale by• I.V_____LLo JOHN WATT ! en) gratirotter teed, log =le let _ . JOHN WATT tr. CO 10 k erga, sol l c by o wde . Meek Teals ott Wein, rind to arrive, fin Male by A CULBIaiTtaCIN, , ray)! • Lawry e. D ACKPID - Tel/CSoriel gra:etre iteiiaTetaatlY ott I.utl, and for rule' E., reasonable kens to the irony, ley' • [ove] • •A'CIPIAIKKTSON Menn •A Gllktile/XTEON DiNDERS' 110Aline•--amas heist tzemtieil siumberfl, UP aostaberaltargh manufacture, ea band, far rale by awe • • • •JL CL'L SUN . 1)10LA111--a casks grar j a, s ficr o r2i , g& K . c.i i S. co I— i Wool L t o lot !ialo - - - . . .:1102. -. J SCIIOONITAETR 11. Co Su ., I , :i;IICILE—iu ' . : '—'" ..1 '.. 5 1 CTrii4.1:4 " 1.1 3 2g11., - &CO p A it , 3 44041;Ji--ZUesnaaitie real; ra taSan Ina, J SCIIDONSTAI:ER & Cl) ;i:•. , ,E.lorint.•tn ,c: 1,4-41 whet; Ketuani ?.. ,, enalgas ' ` Lavender, en il Jtuac tuare,l eau nee. 'tenanted . ...I . ale,,Anst tucterU 4 . y ........ „J :AGIIOUNJIAIit:.. CO LAU U-- . 24 togs for ealtilie mere sP vownoNnnintsTfr. co . pOTATOM , —.ltObtobnie itedr , Pink Kyes, m noreand fat nle by STUART A.SILL ferule bv wrigAgt , dr. LL 221 1j:K 77 c - iSig—Hoilaten.iar . ma. STI •- . • tlisttios.—lt Nor eras. s.rnant Afire*, far by r s 6 m,i _ STUAKT /k SILL_ T j„,,Lol.litto bil.; - xiii. rustily Flour. km anle by IL' tlli, SUART SILL 13111 N1 -6A It gr ansornads: of Pinny tool Pinto Colored Prints, of desirable styles to d net mann factors, °reeled and Ins s ale by toy,/ siIIACKLWIT & WHITE —__ 0 111111EllitiLAP—A Intl low omen* of iten's Cot • t.,7 on, i • Ilell. nod Wooted Stuff, for summit clothing on ~,,,,,,,,,5 , ,,, i o silo by StIIACKLETTL& WHITE Ctr, t ; 1Z , 1 1 ; 1 , 15 , 1 ,, , i•-on , .. : 1, 4 , , , o r reti Mites' CaL nal 'Sion& LUCAN, WILSON & CO, 6 - Itle Wood it. , wiry:ilk/Iv & :sr.:KIIPN have Mat cesomed tot sale volume 4 Ilumm' History of England, Har per., 1 newdihno; cloth. Vol. thtdBtrothey,aCtitrustostPlascalosf: Clothand paper Limbo's. . caslylehaosher Dap Pamphlets, No. Sabieet -51cdel Prisons.' Bolster's New Novel—Night awl Moshirta. •apt 7 ITE have 15h ma. tee for rod cto strive s • Dealers TT and Hotel Weepers will find it4othelridsintas to salt on - ITCON:gOII,II.TILINS .1h - CO., onto Basin, Libelsty at. Dolorastand AVlsiisrlAta4dlo Lnnß t.. ALEIPonOn Odal.hYs :last recersed lon ai/ 14114211i1Cinter, an'eonalgotasink aid for tat, a eastetrk . ptfet 4 at the tuanN;rt i var i. 11 , 744 , 7 :c0. spls
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers