sumwm.. 0- Att iTED PUBLISDAD BY WHITE;ie CO .- ware I' • le. Nunn. • mar= sot Ulthrg; 17001 TO ,•*.ttallist • Ile ea per n annum: rettri',. e ‘l3 Apo u bo Liebs,,eistrodbeed rids • Keg 04 7 OP a ADIngiIIDT/SHIGI • • AGREED UPON tBT TI RI prreisuaou swiss. Out Or Dalian of Nonpuellor less) ... I One Stull, each additional insernon.:- Do. • in. .. ... 1,11 nesi 3,01, Do. three weeti.-- ..• •. . .. '4.00 Do. one 50:0 Do. nals'utentbi—..----. 7. 0 0 Dr. three menthe.— Do. bar MAO Da.' dr months •• . 12,00 Do. twelve • • 10,00 Startling Cud (Ilion ulna) per thmana• One Samara thengesble aspleasure (per an. nom) egoista,* of the paper.— 100 For cub additional pain, bunted °Terme month , amfar curb additional . suate tanned ender the oar 17111:;=ge.oteeedi. as ni spore, and net over fifteen iinesto be ebarged ope ra lm end a half Publishers not atom:able for /e AdYalkelneln's beyond the lima= charged far their publication. Announcing candidates for aka, to be charged the same AU other advertisements. Advertisement. on marked on tho copy far a speci fied number of inverdoos, will be cannoned till fortdd, and insyntenteracund secant The stollens of Teeny Monism will be confined rigidly to their resits/ bonus., and all ether adios tiscmcats not perudang to their regular business, as agreed in, tote paid sane. All afire •• for charitable maionlo . JILT inpanles., ward, tosnothlp sod otherpnblie end smell like, to be Mused halfprice, payable stele ir advanca Marriage notices to be chanted AO cords. Death oath. imated withoutchsrps, talu ti ego.. puled by caner. invited*. or &thaw notice., and •then so ammoniated si be paid p.r.. d..... T .f d roaus, and all othersionding comma. nicallorts,ar retailing onto , desgned to call atten d... puts, woes, Concerts or arny subtle enter olennents,Wiere Mello so made for admittance— all notices of private use node. de. signed to call attention to private enterprises ulna. tad or Intended to promote lads ands latexes; eon on ly to inserted with the undemanding that the tante Lb be pgd for. If intendedni be warted ia the 10. eat 'column, the semi will be charged 01 the nue of nat 4. than 10 tents per Sae. • Bishop or Fist Notice. to be charged ninth price, 'tavern License Petitions, $5 each Legal and Medical sivenisemeuts to be ebarptd at fall fulcra Real Estate Agents , and Alienation , advertise ment, not to be claimed under yearly rams but to be allowed di. coma of thiny throe and one thirdpereent. from the amount of bills. WOOU.T 03 0113.11/1111T 00 51/10 WW2. Ono Square, three insertions. —• ' Do. each additional insettlon... 37 ADIFOTISIMIMS to wean 3,013. Doe (II lineal nee ituienlea.--.40 eta. Do. each additional usecinlice—.4s All tralicient advertisements lo be paid la =Dance. WHITE k Casette.. L lIARPER, Pum. ROST M. RIDDLE, /carnal. JAMES P. BARR & Chronicle.. FOSTER & BROTHER, Dispatch. JOS. SNOWDEN, Mennup. JAMES W. Ameriean. Prroirson, Dec. IRI ,1AM849. WM, Evening Tribute. . CARDS. ALEXANDER M. WATSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW-00ce, on Poerth street above Wood. mule DAVID-C. TUTTLE. A TTORNF.Y AT. LAW, and Commissioner for A Pennsylvania, li. Louis, Mo. eta commudeations pro mptly armored. card-1y ' T. fi. Baird J. P. Sousa.' 'BAIRD & STNIZURTTi ATTORNEYS and Catmint.' u Law—Fourth a, between Elantlield and Grant, Pusbersh, PL latd John Large Wm. C. Meet. LARGE A FRIEND, - A IyIebtf TTORNEYS AT LAOV, Fourth sunset, near Griot JANES P. SERB. ' ATTORNEY AT LAWOSIes to Furth meet, . between Snothleld and Gnat; Pittabarkb. spttuty ALEXANDER A T Pi 7ORNEY AT LA W—Ofice on Routh street, rtsberalt. ma Bealamto Pans--- William Ratcwell. PATTON & BAILIIWNLIts A7TORNEYS AT LAW—Ohne itt Tilghman Rail, Grant at, near the Coon Boum.- . Obi ro atnl -2 t2Lr aS iotaiTrileoltanni e in all kinds at :riling; Winds : Wrapping Pa. Per, lie. 79 Wood street. between Founh end Pis mond eller. Pluntherri, Pa. 0.17 JOON A ITORNEY and Counsellor allow, and Commie- IL stoner for the State of Pennsylvania, SIL Loain Ma, Date of Pitubanshr Referenco—PleMbotgh: Ilea W. Forward, amp son A Miller, iraindiess A McClave, John E. Berta Insults & Semple, McCord A Cog. • metal, 5050 000013? . rocs CONIIIIIII. • RACULLEY, WOODWARD & CO, Wholesale Oro. rs ea, No 221 Nukes n. Phllulelphla. apt \ Pittsburgh Alkali Works. ENNEIT, BF.RRY A CO, ilunfastarers of Soda B Ash, Bleaching Powdery Nona& ans Salphetie Acids. Warehaose No—, Water arse; below rani. nov2o ly Fred inlet Boon. En ter. r er RAUN , AIs 11 , EITBIL 4'h .na olmal u c c itl . ' rstai .4 l ergek. 'me opt ..Ceorge W. Smith -i—James D. Venter. GEORGE W. SMITH & V 0.,, BREWER£I, MALTRTERS AND HOP DEALERS, Pitt street. Pittsbensh. • 50170 Dahluellee DP 7l .llh Az1e.,1111.11. tund Irma War Ms. COLEMAN, - MAILMAN & •CO, Misafacitarus of Coach nod Ens* Spliags,4lmunend Axles, Sprints and Ploegh Owl, Den; Rn. Ws.hou.. . 0 Water and Front sweets, Plosbarsh. • AIM,' &alas in Coach Trimmings and Malleable artier. ARINSTRONO & CILORWas COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Danko is Pfe duce, No IN Merkel street, Pittsburgh.. man . • • • • nrid.. Craig. ' • W. &Stoma CRAIG A SKINNER, Forwbrdhur and Ccoan. onion Merehaets, No RI Market st. Pittsburgh. apt I . A. iIeANIILTY & CO, Forwarding end Cur • Iniasion tdetchanta, Coma - Bum, Pittsbuils, Pa. ntril , CH. GRANT, Wholesale Gomer,Casesnindem acid • Forwarding Merchant, No. 41.1Viou st, • .4 Ira Hersey Andrew Fleming FL &Fleming. 11111CRINT, PLENUM & co., giMil ISSION MERCHANTS—Pm the sale of Do. mestie.Woolee, and Comm Goodc aim; dealers in hinds of Tams , Trimmings, No IC Wood at, 4th door from Fifth Pittsburgh. Deferenein—blems. Wm. A. 11 - 111 & Co, Banker. jsabt • enure. ESTABLISHED IN 1786. (lau.'77;Failigx ja it Co.) Wholesale Grooms, Commies= and VOT , warding Morehaste, and dealons ta rrodees and I'M,. Manafactaxes, No. 37 Wood id., between ad aad SI streets. i . • Mal J. C. Breyfog • ..... a. C./Ogg.. urizarvoiltio wczainue, • "VOISTV ADDING AND CDNINDOSION: =ROW ANTe., and Maim is Wmdiw Mon, :Preto Lead, At. No 109 Second se ARM ware, JOILMITON, VORWARDIIIO i COMMISSION MERCHANT. .L No ll 2 822222 AL rnsslninAL. • • nen • eons: zactatni VAMTOILT. TRAI4II.,TON STEWART, onunsfeetarer np of Rom ni E eld, etteets,.ene 744 1 4 , 01 1 = • inRE. Unmoor to Rasphy t Lok) Wool Deal : es lad Eennetdedoe Mmoas OA aah. at inni= Woolens, Liltellf , °Welts 6th at WSW VV. sitalD, L. 3.11.11110; Inn= 11=1 c • mo w maim; 'Cr EALII & BUCKNOR, Tobacco Commission • Mr, anstaiollNonb Watma, all North Wh.v•s, now. • • mu. r. soma, trAUDY, 10ti19 k. Co, (newwwwo to Atwood, .4 loom Co.l Contotionew sod Pornnuttior disk alwatsi &talon'in''• • • tratoborth. A - -Dr LEE, Wool Dula and Cosasitaisa ilerobanb Jai' tor Ake h e tf Ammon Weplea Goad; Lib. en. strect.opmt* Fu t t i, • .. • • . apla CAZ:='.9 - • - JITCCOOIOI sascen C, ■JLTnI pit: l 4TM & Dealer Fn Pease& and Amadeus Pa. , -Per . M.14 0 21.1.4 Etordene, th lledow Shales. fire - Beard Pr ists,&-e. AISO.LiTt , Prtntins ping Paw. 11. 82 we %wen FMU street and Diamond elley, wen dee, Pinsitriki Ps. . !IN D MORGAN, Wholesale Waller; as 4 . 11 . 1 ee la Drs Suits, Palms, Oils. Varnlehes, to No ha Wood .oltehl, one doet , Boath of Diaconal ABM' M 7 4;l4qSM==Wg TAMES DAGZELL,Wholeszte Grocer,Commisalon IP Merchant, ma dealer fa Prod.. ir and PI •• •• Malsalieuneee ft Water • Pmsba • . a • DICIM. WWI I=IST, 114 uu DICKFT. ► Co, weave ssla Graters. Cam-. JeEn. B. DIL4ORVII & CO., .oTholerilo J. Menu for Its Powdor Co., No. 47 Ws deby 306n11. DILWOIITN. I B. dace & Co, Wholesale Orooon,—Pio . do= Powder otmloolois Maeltants, and Amt. n t for tta pi:wobuiru. 'odor .of N. Y., No. ft? Wood.; ; Bots . TWIN M. ' TOWNSEND, Modest awe titatbseary tl No- 4$ Market et., throe doers above Third IL WO, will have eteastarely on hand a wall select= veneer of tho best and freshest Medicine, which ha will sell on the went reasonable tarots. illlsielana ,seithar orders. will be pronspity !Mandato and sup plied with ankle they wry My Oven detiaiaa. rryvetryslelans Preseripuons ba siteatatelyan4 way 'imam/ frosts the .bsat atatarlala i at say Mat of ha day or Wahl , • • Also ler We, lull punk et froth sad pot ?WC 1741 WOE :PffTNBJURGW, :::I)"TMU:,--•:CAZETTjg'i BUSINESS CARDS. T a CANFIELD, BM of Warren, Ohio,) Cc;romis aim and ForwardLor atereb.6 and wholesale dea~