The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 08, 1850, Image 3

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in—The bill to amend the Patent Laws
wee tote o up and read, and utter some remarks
° , o 4 tr. Taney, Jeff. Davis, and Hall, was
ed till Tuesday to enable Mr. Dodge to
oreda an amendment. . The hArestabliahes a
Baird itif Account*, to cos.; of rr .e Commission- -
era toltettle all claims eg ot the United &ales.— '
The bill a , .0 provide. for be appointment of Gin•
erlitlinent At orneY, sad t clerks. • The blink in
the bi 3 urea filled up as follows:—Salary of Com.
raise an 16,000 each; of A uorn.y, 153,000,Ch1ef
Clerk; 51600, Second Clerk, il5OO.
Mr..Wki comb moved to change the term of of.
der. from 12 to 3 year.
Mawr. Hunter, Bet and Underwood, °ppm,.
el •ho motet. .
Messrs. t...hose and spoke in favor of it.
far. Boil r replied to Mr. Foote, and laid the
difference between the was that, Mr. Foote was
, a radical progressive D mocrat and be was a eon
screen.. ftcpublue.
Mr.:With-mob erne ded his motion ao al to
arilmakecomcomplycomply to t 1.2 years, acd the motion
prevailed: yeas 20, na II 20.
Mr. H. 1., ,novon to at ate out .' shall be retno.
•nble by the President."
Mr. Dotty., i suxgested that the President would
still hive the power of removal, 'film words were
stricken out. fie proposed to insert the word
"not" aner .L shell," so that it would read " Anil
not be removable by the President, eneept by sod
with the advice and consent of the Senate.'
. . . . .
Mr. Htte accepted the tanchilention.
Mr. Bell supported the amendment.
The debate or continued by !deem. Foote,
Bradbury. and Bell.
Mr. Bell repealed fals rerrooks of the other day !
that no proscription had been prialsed by So.
admintsostion ; no removals eieePt for .01.1 .
except, perhaps. in cases where the Prewdent • as
Imposed to Os "
Mr. Foote replied, citing the case of Geo Arm•
Mr. Turney was proceed og to ifs , ' the. Pan
Oculars of the removal of Jesse Clements Mar•
shall, of Tenn., sgsinst the remonstrance of all the
leading Whips to the Sista
Mr. Pnelps caVed "order"
The chair deemed Mr. Timmy oat of order.
Mr. Brie spoke in favor of the amendment and
the Senate then adjourned.
- --
Home—The Speaker announced the following
as Ito Committee on Mr. Stanley's msolution
Stanley, Whtg; logo,
Democrat; Schenck. Whig;
Stanton, Democrat; Hammond, Whig; Hebbord,
Democrat ; Briggs, Whig ; Fitch, Dem ;
The House then went into Committee on the
Census Bill.
The following amendment of Mr. Viaton was
ad f ,' Tt e l. this act shall continue in force nob! re
pealed, end. if no other law be found providing for
the taking of any subsequent Census of the United
Stale. on or before the Ist of Jan., of any year
when by the Constitution and future enumeration
of me inhabitants . . there is required to betaken,
such census ,haul is all things ha taken and com
pleted according to the provisions of this act."
Tae mar sm n linens of Mr. Vistas was resdl
'That from and af,, Mere's, 1553, the House shah
be compered of 210 numbers, to be apportioned
among the States is the manner directed in the
following section:
..PrOvided, That if after the apportionment al
Representatives under tne nest or any aubsequent
conic,, n now State or States chill be admitted,
the Representatives assigned to each new State.
shalt be in addition to the oranb-r of Reprettenta•
three herein above iimit.2,l, which excess of Rep. I
resentatlves over:2ooo,l3st! only continue anti! the
nest succeeding •pportionment of Representa
tives under the next succeeding Congress.°
Mr. Hinton thought that 200 members was a
body large enough, hat Ira train of ject was to have
the !Lassa periaanently entanisld.
Mr. Crowell moved to make the number 200. In
his opinion, excentive influence. In any other spe
cies of malign ipfitittiee WSJ ICU excited Over a
large, than over a small body.
. The queolon being taken ' the amendment of
Mr. Crowell was rejected. After which the
Hosea &churned.
St Loos. May 6th
Some alarm exists its this city tresFeetiog the
Cholera. There were ten deaths to day, and sev
en yeaterday, and t %rewriter,. or tae week coding
Satordar. The Methodist Cmfereace will pro.
bably rho to morrow la eoasequenee.
Nal' , Yaws, May 7, 'MO
The steamships Empire City and Georgia arriv
ed from Chagres, bringing une month's later news
from California. The steamer California had ar
rived at Panama with 1,13.10,000 in gold, and
sailed again for :an 'Francisco full of passe
Sax Fra.ticrsco, March 7.3.
The continuation of floe weather is beginning to
produce an effect upon our torpidmarkets,although
there have been no transactions at any note.—
Still themis a disposition evident for more extend
ed operations, which we doubt not will be more
apparent after the sailing of steamer.
Another feature, of great importance to our trade
is 'is decline in the rates of interest, the high rates
heretofore maintained, having been in the way of
_ • .
nose the New.
The street.• were greatly enlivened yesterday be
a procession with music and banners of the friends
of Colonel Jack Hays. The gathering ut the Red
Howse was over 1000 persons. The proceedings
were enthusiastic. The noise of the cheering was
beard throughout the City.
We are gratified to learn that Year• Hers having
completed hn armagementa wilt give his first COO.
Cell in San Frauds.. on Tuesday evening next.—
We do not doubt bat that the house will be crowd
ed, and that his unequaled artist will receive a true
California welcome.
We learn from a friend test the travei towards
the Southern mines" is increasing every day and
that the prospect in that regloe for the comma
.sawn is more flattering than the last year. New
placers aro discovered as ezetvatiena see made
by adventutous citizen, and new towns laid ont
as the pop: tattoo low:teem
Stockton in said to be growing rapidly and burl.
nerd is growing brisk as the roads to the mines
become pa•eable.
The new coy of Sao Joaquin, of which we
have befitre spoken favorably, is ioereamng won
MIA will become Mos season, . a
town of great importance and exteestve trade.
We do not Roost of n new city in the Valley or in
the State tart is more advantageously situated. It
is on high and beautifol ground, which offer great
inducements her profinble investments.
Dim—At Sao Francisco, Much 4th, ado
iery, Actdrcu , Johnston, of Ciocinott, aged 20
Nzw Voltz, May 7.2} P. M
It is not yet known what amount of gold the
Empte, CA, bring. The Cherokee la below and
will nor ha up call 5 o'olock, with the bulk of
the gold.
Poisoners by the Empire Cilv—Fred. Goo dell, j
Mee Eif
•nd child, end rain Kies; lirint Gad.
don, I !sham, Miss Todd, F frandolnh, F W
Field, W ll Hades, J Stanley, C 8 Smut, Dr Ever.
man, L T Archibald. W' Eller, Ise • Lockhart,
Adams, 11 Corr, W C Henry, Orion Bates, L F
Randolph, Itt fter.N 0 Spencer. Lord Biaticio of
Jamaica, iidy end two servants; A G Fyfe, E E
&male, W B Gard..
nee, John Emma, A F Aniold.WL King, 0 Cook.
Thor Cmse es, W 51cCree, Jam N Huron Then
Earner. John Monroe, 0 Darden?. B S Osborne., I
C D O'Neil, D L White, 8 DeOrall", J Fells, T
Hiitheor k a J Fowler, F 8 Ijums, li. Kiln, A
VanSanip'e, G. Glover.
The strtn At:Unita arrived at UM port yester.
thy from Cauforola with a ralusbie cugoof cop -
P ,, , 'd duat,ekinn Ste. She re Ma am Bat.
ornate returned from Catirontia.
Ctottnun, May T.
The Mr. , Eest Convention was rally ensantsed
to day.. Tle ahen.lnnee was tugs. nearly every
State baits ,tenresentee.
The r.Vcr hat titan tepidly, sod there is shin
dance of weer on the Fall, et Louisville, for a
porpur sof r.Wrialaoo.
ciacnnual. idaY 7.
lt'Lirket—Advanced to 211 c.
P‘oacam...—Qulat bat firm;3oo bbla Meta Pork
at $l.; P/11710 Lard at 61c. FACCM iS al:mantled.
coma—Eine at 11105., •
10,,r10.113 Market firm.
Sr. LOUIS DlAltliE
LOllll4 May 41.
The stock of prods.), is light, and trammemsas
w t „ e t— 341 es of 3,500 bushels at ES to 1200.
Pour to firm i 1500 bids toy ground at 5,Zr;
choice country at 5,55.
Pork—No aske.
Lard is to good demand; alley of 400 bbla at
Sr bOO fregs at
Oats are doll to day in c3olentiesen of the dia.
agreeable weather. No chugs, to prices.
Com-3sles at 57a60e.
Nro Matisse), May. 3.
The Cassagik's news has sesettisd the market for
cones, holders asking (tom I higher. Dating
the two prerlous days, othly !Mu beat% changed
Whirkey Is worth 221 cut
• Fw Ilkui are depressed.
Cotton tishipprd to Liverpool at one dollar par
The steamship Falcon sailed to day for Magma,
via Havanna watt 2to parsengere.
It Is raining to day, and very stormy.
Now. Onississ, May 5.,
Cotton In drm. Saler at 2500 bales doting the.
week, 1100 Middling at 121 n; good Middling 124
an advance of one quarter dace the news by
Cambria, nod more latterly, ton Canada seam.
Ttso Alabama has arrived from Chagraa wit.
IGO passengers, and 6215,000 worth of gold o h
The DOWD which it brinalwanttelpated by the
rival of the item& at New Yong.
Nei , Yuma, MeV 7. ,
„ Flour—. The feeding , in Flour enigma°. pearl.
She tarrn as at the lot repast. Buyers hate the ,
!Grain—Wheat is fair with a middling
Bare unchanged. Corn firm.
Previsions are unchanged with a moderate des
Caffein—Dealers are not disposed to operate at
previous prices.
Lrh end 01 la mimic.' at 75336 0 .
Canle—l6oo bead of Beeves were offered yew
Wed.:l.—prices a little adv.need. ;Tee market
closed with active sale. at from 56 to 58,23; 200
head lett ever:
Neu , Yale, May 7.
,Flovi—No change. A good demand for eg.
pork—ides at siojeoloxi for Men; $8,500
119,62 fur Mo.
Szoeke—Bilarket firm. Pa. Vs, 97k; U. S. We,
'63,191 premium.
K.Cll•ll7's tiCUALICSE:
Review of the
The rranaactimr of the market daring the hart week
aye been only to a moderate extent, and we hoer z,a,
meters 1 changelo 00000 111quolat1000. Tim emelt], r
his been yeti ensenled defier, the weer. to C 1.1.-
quenre of which, tmainers hoe Leen less nettre than
it would otherwise have been.
ASIIES—We have no marktd change to notice in
the Alias casket. We have law aopplies an the mar
ket, bat the ties of the week have been nom pumice
ly light TM following are the wiling Fgcors of the
minket, for the diferent kind.:—Soda /tett at ele
Pearl] ash al CO, of &iterates at 51e, and of Potaidt
at ete
ALE—W, notice no change iu the prices of Ale.—
The regulx rates for Pittsburgh manufactsirell &r e,
(MID SG to $. ohs included.
BACON—no market has been quae natiro daring
the ureek,and our lost quotatior.s have been (ally
maimainedsvala a partial improeemer.t (rem mon,.
The sales rota stare of Western and eby eared ha.
eon, have sewed up some TO hhsh, r t, for shoulders,
4e, Odes, 5, and pima hams at 10, wish (en toe
Fees smoke bottle vales base been quite brick•
'at Lt for shuldets,ll for sides, and Cl for hams. Sales
of elm. situ cared hams by the Carer, woe, and of
prime bawl at Se gr lb. We unto Wes of country
cored barn, at a fraction below the above figures.
BUTTEI—The reccipt• of Butmr boor been only to
a moderatertent. and we can report oh large sale•
Soles of pme Wit In beam, at 13e Y lb. Sheer de
geriptions so nominal.'
MANS-We notice n cobtir.ced good demand, at
II IP lob lea good article of white, and tram 73 to E 7
for sound aed.
DRool4ll—.Tbero I. a regales dud nom store
• sane 1 BIAS to 82,25 p dos, atoonitag to goal
CORDAC—We note ro farther ehnllge le prices.—
The folloverjr ale the Menu fletef purer
Newlin:tee, by eoll,•—• • •lee P D.
Whim eye, by • —•I to ••
Tertedape, ny --
Pectin Yarn, llne,•----
do • comon, •
81,b7432,5103,73 je doe.
do -a,
p noil,••••11e " b.
Fran; 111,30die,./.333,00 47 do
dodo P " lb.
711.011 1.1.513.
Stondl:S7ll • ——•lleatp, ir
Kyalusetontagels .old rep:daft. at Ins
CUITOf:YARNS—The folioed ns is a corrected
istol she snout articles ander Ws head:
No.; eu tr 10
O, do
" 7, ' "• • --do
E, " •- • Et
• ---do
"12, " • -do
7v 0 ., c
Carpet Cin,
WWI SUEETINGS—We notice a firmness In
Pittsbofgmmofaetored, Pena Mills, anal sato. or
No 1 enS Imd common or Norstook, at 71: ♦ yard,
CRACIRS—A reptlar bus/Jess a doing at no Sal
oaring qted most
*ateraebers, per bbl •
Buller do
zti g —.--........
Sugar xciers, pe, lb
COL' —We continue°. 9notitloof!—C2f
tta udnLots, 10020 e; sheet, 25e; and old ecppe
IPe 10.
ClIEG—The receipts of ahmse as yes, are cam•
pamtimlight, and we firma 00 lame oGeo to reNnt.
Good eoW R. may be quoted at OGirre, urd7fl7l. for
DRII FRUlT—Sopptirtt of Proettort are ahoy
rth4l tae drmand, a th laic. of the beret gat:Little
LI:LD37 f. 411,10 .mall lots. Of dried. &pp!. lb •
DRIMEEF—we no•
,310 4
Ammkel, Th5••••1.4.10•23
• -
Arro.not, , ••• •114111
Ague% ••• 40611
Bfrl2+fineL• •• .210.4
li .
do :0pt0rt1•4.00.35
Briton. Si• • • 1133
Camp' 40043
Chloriinitosit, noor.
CoeLil • •T• 1.591.75
Crearortat • •228
Glut .
Galls teress-
Gum itle :OJ7O
?•1•••••-• •72069
igaeinth, 50060
" ellme••• • 13019
I.e• swasss
Lithi No6l
Fl3l—The reeelpu of Flnerhava been moderate,
We ee a Blight falling oil in prieeil Bunt nor WI
'mum, ow. We now quote good Ohio brands on
the ef, at 81,8.504,87, and Gina more In dray fond
1ut502,2094,2302 - • bbL Balms have been confin
ed to reams of the regular home consumption.
RY.sra—We note sates in Matted lute frcm store
at 51g.3, , t1 ♦ bbl.
Colltag,Owing to the recent advent* In Corn,
Meal phi i 1.552600 r be-
FLBOur law week's quotation. ale (ally sustain.
ed, ate market continues firm for all descriptions.
PalesNo I Mackerel at SIS; Nog at :111, and 01
No 3 Site,ts ♦ bbl. Salmon Is selling at SIB •
bbl. at 010910,20. Baltimore Herring at 57, and
C0d4i114,,2362i,23 r drum.
FEIERS—Thera is • fair regular demand in the
mukl3 bu.
FM—The demand I. ale, With sales of 0 . 01,101
'at 11411 V box. Sales of Almonds, at ISIDXIc
In of end onto, at 81,00 t bar, of Selman, at Se
Dr i itherta i alba: of Cream onto, at 7c; 'Of Zante
entreat llic t Mud of English Walnutrat 8o P Di
Ometnone t Figs, 11017 eanta per', tu; Lemons
1111,00400Na15,'54,75 P
GICRIES , —Sagar btu manifested a slight Im
prover, In other rupee,. the market 0 !generally
wittabauge. The sales of N 0 Sugar kayo been
a (Meat, al W4O P lb. N 0 blotasim ta
ntalum at 1702ee, aad 8 ll do, at 1024 So P
I Fatertin Coffee have been tea bunted extent, at
1100' b. Sales of LoatSugar at Salle, ani
Mee, fine.
BALTI3IOI[I, tday 7
Gir—Tno Crain market eontintios bo sysot, with
a fir advance In some description.. We note
plain:eat at 100,0103 c p bo; of Rarity at bite; of
Rye 4117,5 c; of Corn at 45e. acid of Out. at 3604013
(btu. Styptics are
144 trait is selling readily at Illid/150 p ha, se•
cordb weight; Shorts at 25c; Rye shorts Me, and
Chrgßye and Coro at 371 e p be, from City MILI..
Gil—For the carious articles of sr ['dots gists
vecao ehange. The Mowing list raf privet may
be gka shout the ratio' figures for the. Carious .1000
of cnd cotritry brands.
tin tuna& '
by --• 43,73054 I 10 by 11....—...0,12:051,50
oil= in proportion. •
CoMille, BEMS.
j 11 by
by 18 ..... .—..4,73
lc I/ by un
10 1 Iho 12 by 17
10 440 12 by 16 .—......--km
10 by --7,01
80z.atm-71te fofflaarlng table la a 110.arthi orM
itutea of many of lbe mot prominent articles of
fuja. manufactured and aol.l 'in this market;
in Tumblers per dot,
sold do
do op :
hue Glum*,
all Meade, each
'do heavy pillared, per pair. isiilla. °°
Ldo henry cut dew, each hal4°
\lola.. can. , "oP o
do Ilrinania tom per pair 77a 4, 07
• wer vasees,'per dok, 4,01. 9,00
do do era, per pair, 0.Cd 1 .171" )
Sy doe • Ida 7,00
Preseed sweet-meat dishes, per doi ,X11 70 4°
I do .do bowl., per p.j, ti7 . a 0,00
!800000 twits and pia*, per 00: • 1,000
awnitweaum'sAtor v. 17.12.
Specie Jan, Iwkered wears," dos i, - zsaloso
, show lars. per dos. 0.00412,00
. Fleted Colones.. 3,40011.EW
Tirtelo. 7 .)ok o7o 4 Itto7Rdr, Pl' dor I,nuoa,oo
' Show Bottles. each Ida 2.00
y.- We pollee • continucd..arelty of Hay to tb
ket, with vale. from waged at 61400 4. ten.
ops—We coadnue oar gamatbna lan small way
Col eastern sorts.
_ S4-.c.t , -_
~ _.. ... .. .. ....
IRON &NAILS -Since the opening: of the aptiog wade
a good health= belabeen doing in the Iran market at
the following range of pticcw—Flet 8ar,24-37M1c, ae.
cording to dui Round &Square Su, 24.5661; Band
&en, 114-563 e; hoop Irani., 3187 c; Sheet Iron, 4113 e,
NwiA-10 to SA 1111,25 4S keg; Ed to 91,53,40164 m 70
14; 01, 04,44 d, WAD; 3d. 85,10,
3,32,4,4 k inch,B4 ?keg; &LI and 6 inch, 01315 61 and
7 itch, 85 p keg.
LEAD—Reeelpts of lead continue very lash. With
light supplies to store, we notice a brie met Let, with
gales of I'ig at Sc, and of Bar so feefir
Lase Poe—The present range of prices of Lead Pape
Is GI to 13c IP foot, according to Nu.
Saxer Lt.—Sale, at file by the sheet, nod Mc p
when eat.
Werra Lean—Pere lead is telling at 52, and No I
at 51,9.0 P
LEATUER—The market maintains Its usual line
meth for all deacription. New Tork sole Is selling erg
Warty at 190A7c; and flaltamore sole 10.111123 e. P lb.
LUMBER—The rollowing ere the waling pnces far
Lumber, from the yards a—Boards, clear, $22, do com
mon, Ell fp SS Shingle., 12,3702,50 M; Scantling,
8190th P 3f. '
LARD—The market as quiet, and sales have been
moderate at 5I &Eta for bbls and kegs.
MALT—The wiling figures for Malt we lloe. for Dar
ley, and 95a fir bet for Rye.
OILS—We uote erodes of Na! Lard Oil at 53246 e,
and of Non do at 454 P gall. Linseed rematth firm
at tole. Caesar Oil le scarce end in demand at 87 So
P gill. Sales of Tanner:. Oil at 810019 P bbl.
POWDER—Uwwd and Dupont Refle Powder may
be quoted In large quantities, 84,75; and by simile key,
0& 85,259550 tv keg. Rock Powder at 4.7,121, to 151:0
or large and small quantities.
SPIRITS TURPENTINE—SaIes in table at 45 cams
♦ gall, cash—bbls extra charge.
SPICES—Can. Mc; Cloves, thalittuedind Nutmeg..
at 11, 3 5 P lb, for No. 1 .
SEEDS—Tch receams of Seel., non limited, and very
bole is doing. We quote ,ales in a small sway, at 12,73
04 for Clwer; 02,05 for Timothy.
SOAP &CANDLES—Sates of Cary and Cincinnati
manufactered rosin gawp, .21241 e per b. City moo
nfthtured Star Caodlos arc in fair request, at 11922ci
of mould tallow at Inc, and of common dipped at Ws
TA LLOW—Supplimi of tallow have been light, and
sae have Lentil of ne sales worth reporting,
INF,CiA ft—flog der sales Gigue.' eider vinegar, a
again, m bids.
WOOL—The miiket IS nominal, and we emit qon.
WIIISKEY—SziIes of nieutied to ti fait Estett, 0t.22
Cattle—The tarp:y of Illeereo . toe .sate• on Mon.
day, showed nn IL.c tense over the :sumacr offered last
weer, in conscquet.ce of whirn, lasees ru,,,,1 some
tma , loser. 710 offenugg otached 3:-.3 uteri or
Beeves, of which V. 41 ercre mid iu city butcher.. and
53 were k over unsold. I..irea r -need from ti 3,50
to H:0 on tbano of, eqoal to 5:415,73 get, and aveimr
tug St Sr
tloga—Wc quote al 63,23 to 9.1 500—Auler.
l'achholchrola, May 2.
The otfccrga r la week romorto, CAM tehd of Beef
Conk: 1 Cows and Calvet ,COO llags, and 12thl Sheep
W. Lomb..
Beef e.t . .—Continue In fair toque., at ea,.so to
£.7,75 y ilk Me—about WU bead wese amen to New
Cow, fr. CaOre.-5111th Cows, 81O2='; Sotolgo..
81.569... and ltrt Coo. e7aii Pack
Iltoptato •tendy at 6a.137t V LOO Mo.
Shoop sod Lamhe—Yrlce• nolo from 81;25 to NA)
Enna. —Mere were In (eel 6 tnehes water in then
el lut evening. end
kl,clndku, Dries, Bearer.
ra•lon. Peebles, ICikal.elk
Attanne, Parkithe,l3rownevlbe.
Jacobs, Broenthvilk.
Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville.
Cornice. Hendnekson.Kennon
Loom Ldel.ene, Bonnet. %Pee<beg
Brithant. Grace, Ctneinnan
North River, Hemline, NthviOnetin•
Amer•.can Sat. Beatty:lle.
Illectithan, Brice, Pollack
Camden, Hendrickson, MeNenernat
Fluke.. Peebles, Dthabetti.
Seine. Jacobs, Brathensvide.
AV/111.1r, Parkinson. Brow:media.
134,11f1, Gordon.
Pilot No d, Duval, llockthaPoth
Je• Alcorn. %Vbrelnis
Kernuck,, Itheleae, Louisville
No. 13 cu pc,. lb
" If "
" It
1•6"•-- 4 4
" 7 7 " •‘•--W
" u•
" .20
" ;UM,
can ilewlek,
1 2" g F"lie
3-17, 13,1'
LOUlS—Arkozoona,4 r
CINCINNATI (or Clteinnut, lc.. v..
WHEELING—Louie McLane 9 a. x.
?tn.:drill:a—runner, 4 r.
Tux Cmaxaaat Capt. haunt., I.,ates tar. =roma .
r Catrion en at hrr ular lour. She reel* no rr•
I= =ll=llll
LrentrlLLL AND NI zetrne—The fine veer Farm
er, Cart FruLee, leaves for tLe etase per:stele de).
We treotemend the Farm, et eel pellet.; ;n
dal direrticn at a etalech suet feat .reamer.
The Firm, wi'l lake (night for Nay Orleans. arnth
prisilere of re shipment.
dbliltl.l43AN GOLD.
The nay Coin., Donne Eoglcs end Gold Dollars.
T1101.51F , LITERARY DEPOT, orpoaitt the
Ad. Post OfEcv—David Copparfichi, part it—Dte
tiorury of :OrLohsnlcs. pall t , —Liurit , a Lasing Are,
No 311—Mormag Call: Sirs Ellis—Wowon to
Arra ma: Maria .1 Srintosh—ffisiory of
Thera aroy—Rowland Cashel: Level—lVinasor
Ca. e: R II Ainsworth. ap.Tll
.f some of the prin eipal are
ball •• •18020
Lao ..... .0040
Marneats Cub..-25030
Madder Umbra. • -15010
Itlyric, Turkel , • -2.050
Oil Vitriol,•—• • 40
" Cuter. scarce, E . .OA
" 4.0004.25
" Clove. -1,5003,00
Ismon • •-•3,0003.35
Opium T0rkey,5.2505,75
Quinine • - --•4,4tif0440
Rhubarb, roed••••500100
Sal Anton., Intrult
Senna _...4040
rio l Add 41050
Vl 13Iu e• •• • •11015
lame:Tod, bble• •.0 0 7
Lustre tt 40 3
Los wood, chipped, • Otj
VILE:sk.—W boles Crean:, 1..t10n4i4,1 Dairy, lest
lad for sale by STUART' di SILL,
gra. 10i Wood or.
S ucsll-1 b Maple ian
k GLASSES-9 kit Maple Jun seed, and fur sale
rliVell VINE:GAR-10 bias l'u z,A : i np p a r t l ; i n l if . or
V_lstie by
, YE—A few Os to store, I tup.l). STUART A. SILL
B ACON -10.040 Shoulders, 'Prime,
500 Stamp, in nom, and for sale by
Yr l'LLS—lb cloy, auperi../ aruele;
I/MUER...4—d el, igt:gc, la .are. and for Yale by
&NW S I SART & ....ILI..
op3D Woo 1..
ABIIIIOOPB-40 AI drh Poops of brunt, •qablny
for rale by ENGLISH Et. HENNEIT.
ap3o 41 Was! rt.
31 ct"'" lIENNFrrr
jUrfli. tar Ls xcg• butt., • ac,
1/Logd, tor ears low by
•p3l vvra ORNNI.I7
uzOk P—dim hotel!. a.te.
10ap3U -- E.\(:1.181-1 k• RENNSTE_
iii OCCFOWDER-150 kcjo, for .111. 7- h — v
1:16 etp3o Br VON lIONNITORST kCO
;ALT - - . ltPu br Ireo - riale by ----
h) UDA w B /1.-1.43 casks hlespratts , brand, ust ra
ceiyed per steamer Compaeion. end fnr sale by
sp3o Liberty street.
WHAPPING PA PER—i - Tarr, iiianuty el Straw
IT end Rag Wrapping' Pew °hilt vises, just ree`d
Pow the mut oftictury, for sale in largeor steel lots
Successor too C HILL,
12PL.L_ Wood st.
C l'u ;T6 R b".
-rj rr.R—z.nd oa a brl. tre.h, s , - cirri , , c just re
10/1 calved at the LIM. and Chafle Depot, 14:. Front
meet, (or tale by ap:3) 1 It CANFIELD
C i an i" l - 7o F r Z:l'eUb';" new nnJ i°
lINDEED OIL-10 brla in store, and In sate by
OACY3N-33131.1p3cces in .Wreb and Va:l3 . aly by
JUI 'ap3o .1 13 CANFIELD
S AL al E a r g ,;ll'" ""
71 " C"1 ' NF411:1 '" : "
ceituN 110 S--1033 dam Waal, and ; 333
dol. bad. brawnde , dra
c AnntrniN crr
2030 yl4 Woad rt.
LRD—tou tees Leaf Lard In (emir uer , elute
d fat ale by 8 k WI 11A 1113.1.111:11
LA •
10 BARRELS LARD OlLg r o2i m lffcaie i b io y
DAIS K ved aid for ILLER.— A paloe ..tillr SRT6:Te—
jj daz jam. receilov
It Li ii , ELLITS.
uLRO L; Woo,l str,i
BUPNalielltiy lab
r. 2 • Ii rvtelrr ~ LrarA far
20 IS ,
I A TA e large
(2. A LO
ALF:PATRIC:ISO P Sl'Vn rl•nd'o. • ire perior
0 article, tar sale by WAI & CO
IiLACE SILKS--Aline arincietnnt of Inge& t•t.
Dian width.. received at No ?A Market at, north
Wen comer or the Diamond.
IIIAMELEtrN SICK SRA LS—llick changeable
X., Silk Sumatran( very auperior qoaltlY. by
RACK LAWNSL - I l laln Dla It Lawns of diderrat
ottalidea, I n solo by ALIXANDEII A DAY
11 711
DEE.F-4 - ITies t , 1.1; Barns, Evans et Saffifbn
30 do C Deer. do
un do yr. C. Hams. Duffield's;
MI pot op for summer use, and for sale by
userY SEI.LER:4 h. NICOLs
732 6,00
na 6 CO
.kit Afro
an 200
Wn m n ANs-10...k. in r rag
spV _ _ _ _
_ROBISON. LlTTr.. de
Rd CO_
LARD LI NSEED OlL—td , brit No 1 Lard 0,1;
Id by. No Lard Od,
tab Unwed Oil;
For sales by ap:V SELLERS a. NICOLS_
INSEED 01L-4 jam reed and Or talc by
SS Liberty or.
Ida Sla%ket. Street, (near I.l , 3erArd
(100 DB; CUrIIERY,, L
OLOVES•IIIKEraDS , euTioNll, sus.
Satin and Fancy Yo•tlngs,
LADI eI Standl . n p V.o . Ilara c r i t utrH C r bim4aii
ANDANNA, and LINEN !JUKES, a general a.
ind.." 7,1-01 FANS, ..d every vac.) of
Coos. Umbrellas el ,
and 4(0 Parnardo. Bilk and °Y.
mama, for isle by C A R 1371 - Cy OT.
Land and 11111. for 8.,..
rift.lbS/1.1- ' -2 lbscupenorisrauty, far wrle by A FLOURIfiII MILL, with faur run of rioneg--one
upArl (I ARBUTHNOT 13. of the bew locations far baroness in the weal—a:ad
QOPA Arilf=—lto caaka suyertor brands SodaTa ..!flir,:aSc:W.Plll.ll,2gan.T.t..,tiCvt, flaffiq':Mum,
u.... 1 IbroPirg Maw. tenant
1...3 bin rceelved, and fr. rub. by
/NO kIeFAIWN h CO HO Y., and other antproverucnro, wasted scv,n utiles
act,t Ihsnat It.. rt Penn so from he t Ohio River. kl , , , ,rnr. County, Ithio. Alto,
• near Lbc above, a Gestotitut Farm, well Improved, con•
~ ,pk,u—p.s hat' s..Tunrilware, a go. , i article: Mooing P4U acres. tar Wu., de curium.- or
Heavy Straw raper ter entroe Hard...arc; WILLI AIII H:JOHNS rim,
Hardware paper made to order of any sun or thick- ~,,,,y 02 Second st,Pittatough.
am by irayrj 1 SCHOONMAILER tCO I
,:a - ~~:
oorTED FOR TOO 11 , 121 ,81 .1 ,03. DAILY WmtiTit
Tug Lacruan of the Roe. Wen. Speer at the
First Presbyterian Church list night was upon the
Literature of the Chine.. The aubject was coo
of great tater.% and was very ably treated. He
was listened to by a very large audience. The
remaining lectures of the series will be delivered
en Thursday and Friday evenings of this week.
CAPT. Cu.. NAYLOR del.vered an address last
tin upon toe sul.ject of Temperance, before a
numerous and highly respectable audience. I:
Was f poken of is very high terms by those who
had the pleasure of hearing It. Mr. Naylor will
lecture again io night in tha Ninth Ward.
Tim WIL•11(88 has benomo more settled. Yes
terday was a bright and benottful day, and the
streets promoted a more lively appearance than
they have done for come time past. The Indies
eagerly seised the oprsartonity of erjoying the
trot breath of balmy May, and Market street pre
sented a brilhant array of pretty faces and tine
A MAN WA held 10 ball lesteany for hi. ap
pearauze. is Court to warmer the charge of etutlly
, Iticking at d alumna a malt boy to hut employ.
',Acesa.—A young man orm strewed yeah',
day, anld brought before the Mayor of Allegheny
foram Izrc cny of a lot of butter from a wagon in
the yarbelonging to the tavern of Deterich Herb
Ile was committed.
FINED rot liwuniao —The Mayor of Alleshe•
my tined a MILLI 67 cents fur profane swearing ps
torJey r according to the act at assembly.
Ant AuevovEN r.—Ooe of the city papers, in au
article on btotness sings, alludes to the well known
legal firm in New York of Ketchum and Cheatum.
At the suggestion of some friends, who thought it
calculated to provoke somo waggish jokes, the
sign was altered. It war proposed to insert the
christian names of the members of the firm. They
were descendents of the old Puritan stock of New
England, and had, in aceordance with the praise.
worthy custom of their ancestors, been christened
after the scripture worthies, respectively, Isaiah
and Uriah. The shingle, however, tnn not large
enough to admit oohs names in full, so the'rtrust
contented himself with the initials. The inscrip.
Iron upon the shingle is now I. Ketchum and fr.
NAVOUTS Clutta--.44aMe young ladies 111 the up
per put of Allegheoy, night before last,from calling
each ether bad names, gut to blowaind ticked up
such s peaenl row tbaribe police were oh'iged to
interfere and bring them to the watch hon.:
They were peruidled to get home f•r the sight,
Ir. act er. to await a sober bearing neat day. Wo
dts. them a the Mayor's offlee,somcbll or seven
to nutoter, yesterday 11.11,roodn, looking rather
farlisb at their niet.w•rd:situaton. Trier were of
very respectable character in general, and their
appearance was quite tdc. vend
gallant your; acntlmen were quite anxious to be
come see cider them, but his DADOr was DD..,
fable. Wo understand that he afterward• accept
ed the offer of bad tram wine more substantiel to•
dividuala, and lot the fair prierners depart. We
hope that they will henceforth remember cot to
let ad, angry passions are," thelr ;title hands
were made for .0 better porpeae than to tear each
othee's eyes.
Pawn.> COUNCZYCT Mossy.—Two into were
arrested by the Allegheny police, yesterday, for
musics ecou'erf-ii SIO notes on tel Bark of
Wasitict' nigh. They were committed fur nil
Braohang.—The cloning Mato of Mr. G. mcv
Spins ler, en the earner of Federal atnet and the
D 141900 d, Allegheny. war catered by a burglar,
the Watt hero, last, wan helped tcrare/I to •
new cost, 9 pair panto, and'! Teru.
An torn —A pant of tine horses attached to a
Intl down yt , terting morning, on Third
NO injury was summed further than badly
finti t tentm; two Wm. wi t. were ta the carnotie.
the police ,nicer who wa• iinagcrously
is - minded inn areal:, in attempting to arrest lUeis.
n. svelte planed to learn, in a fair way of reran-
POLICE. —l3.4nexs was very dull at all the l'u:lce
otnert yemerday.
Mr. TharAttu contradicts the general report. res
peettng the &ey ra the pint of Coal Ital.
Anal - nu M4tuxt.l a Lat. —The Albany Free
holder announgtea that a troll is to take plate dar
ing the preright 'week at Kingaton, to teat the ygl•
Itlity of • tole G-about 300.0(0 'acre. of Lind ly
nig to Sullivan and Delaware Counting. It wag
rirrnerly known as the grant to the Toon of Roth,
ewer. It is brought by Mr. Neal Tiengon •g an
amen for trespa3r, onil to n - t..ovet pco,tulFpina it
the whole tenet. Mr. taker Ia empinp ed al one
. (the e:tunsel by the grogeesti on. Able counsel
will appear on both rides as it or of paramount im
per:Burn and will excite great intereta.
Dr. Wens - rae.—Proiesaor WCl , ger ~,wits to
his fate with apparent calmness. His family ts
now a;lowed to visit him twice a week instead of
Once.. heretofore. Rev. Dr. Putnam, his .pica.
us! adv , ver, oleo visits him twice • week.
Greta Joy le the Worldt—H•aitk and
llappinata to Danklnd
130. 8. D. 110AVIVal
Prepared by steam, and pat op In QUART POT
TLF.S, for the removal awl pennant:it cu of all
diseases ariumg from on impure state of the bk.d, or
habit or the system. vac—
FEMALE CUR I I LAINT.S, Liner Complaints. Selo
ban, Ihics, Pimples or Pustules on the Pare Chronic
Sore Eyes, Ringworm or Tettee,Fralil Heed..lllsenma.
tom. Peals in the Hones or Jalnts, and an diseased
arsine fro an Injudicious use of Memory. A n
Fee es ph m i.° and further perticulars. cell upar, one
nut agents and rrt • pamphlf t , sr* , it earfui/n.end
11r. 5.11. 11010 KR SHAKO< .SARSAPAR.
ILIA I. sot the very medicine In core you
N H.—Remember dewy lane) on rite bottle his the
Dletorn U. Howe." Nano other grow.
11/7. Price SI per bottle, or 0 bottles for St.
For o by nor /tartan—J. Schnoomaker &
1. A. June., Pittsburgh; ft. A. Elliott, Allegheny;
I' Cluck!r. Drownsethe; V.'. R. McClelland, Moo.
culeoter; by di/grist, genrrally. Also, by dm
prourtelors, 1101.VC A CH
rT I Coheir Hell, Cinvinnall.
111 E Grading and Maeonry of about thirty and , . of
the Ohro and renitaylvano Hall Road, extending,
we•terard from the State 1.101, neaer &Instinc t wit
let 0 C01e,,, Columbiana County. Ohio. on tVedneo
icy, the Mb ay ef Me y, I.6tt. Contractor. can ob.
Min Wei motion of the Engineers upon We nue, or al
the office in Palen,
Ily order or the lloard of Dirertor. -
WM. 110IIIIYHON, Jr, ,Pasfltico
' trhoroh. /wrl 17.1 h, I.So.—spd:Mtd
nec ode Diamond,yitubargb. note
PRE:CIPELY the vitae kind of ETIIONO and florati
flavored Teas that are retailed In On old country
at Cs nod 54 perlb. can be obtained for hew and '7U per
pound al Tan TILL MAYA,, 00.0 side of ISO Diamond,
fill lllctgh, or at Mu ar
Mosul & llnortida Wine tstore,
Feseree :street, Allenby, The tiIOVC roaa Cnina
ave receive throes h our Ecirlivh Apo, dimet
11.01.1 tbe Queen's Host el Warehouses, duty free,
being for e.ipOrtation.
11E8E rothing mn.e retrething than a cup of
good Ten, but there Iv great didinolty in obtaining
It I,or ino n.ttete .In - donned on übsch there tit
greeter doeeption practiced. The IIbACKTEAS sold
by Grorers generally, tire weak nod tresny, sod the
Green Teas with ct few exception., o CA SION Mann,
ritereern either, the fine bloom oti sand, belt g a
compaction of V. 010114, fin.. as analys.abei
prove. Such tea h ought to be expelled Irons oar
market n• bl•tmonors.”.
We hove commenced the Tea Trade In Pittsburgh
with the fall ceterminatlon of gelling taxman Tut
und.Laving liege dealers in that article unworn.
no twenty years, (4 /en! which exclusively no Tea,)
vv. OCl , eireirto be Adds sc I to. Pad To as, we
consider Dux At an Pinto, ace a bad name le abet
obtained by selling Mesa, boo of veiling a osouu aatuu
croon table pi ice, oldano custom, sly we Lie
sure of our share. (tor pike, lomiloy considered,)
snnot sown,' be as low as any cotter 'it Denbors on
the United Palen
Our Pelee. per roam'
Coca Mack 'feu n r rood Om Te
en a
Pita Flavored dm ••. 0 4; Strong ..... 00
Strong tough flavored strong and fine ft:Had o t'S
.Engliah k1r01, , • • • 0 HO Very toperine•-• I CO
fkaaolul aromatic. UM 0 ISlEstra quality and beat
Very beat Imported• • l Ot• imported •--- • I 'l5
Flirt Strong and Rooxii flavored Black Ten, 75 eta
per lb.; this Tea we receive direct from the London
Hoek., dory free, It being for exportation; it la pre
eleely the mime kind that is Sr tailed by the Tea Deal.
em in England, Ireland, and Scotland. in Cia per pound.
Taoee who study economy will Co well to um ttil.
kind of Teo.
The above Toss we retail d•ri. el from the origisid
Omani, 1/5 imparted Irmo CLina. Tame who limier
Pneksge Teas, we have melt nlvray • do hand, from, pound. upwomla. Alio, Coffees, Cocoa.
Chocolate, Loaf nod Clothed Sugars nod Spicer, anti
Pickles of all kinds. MORRIS Jr. HW
Proprietors of the Tea Market, real sink Diamond.
Under the Bun of Pittsburgh :1
V'TII.I. loa rpened about the thed of May, a Family
Lonthery - and Tea Store, In the FlooladeOphia
The solueribers have bled op wrote at No. LTG
Liberty street, to a style .uperiol to Loy of the kind at
burgh, where they sow ol L s‘ o y. o I.rge sa.
onranct of fine :GFOCCiIf 01, 0,1, 1 PrPer...: Too.. tO
a kid{ dory respcetiu:ly invite the atteb bon of the pub
Cif eve ry they will endenyor to keep she
best of its kind, and confidently recommend them
Taos as not 70 ES senrassyn, Ir tocatum in the et-
Their assortment will compriset—Grern and Nock
Tea. of all kinds. from.37e cents to 61,5 U per pound.
Coll, eor every grade.
Levering's &nary, Loaf, Cru.hed and Pulyerisedi
Steam Syrup, SKIT ilointe and N. 0. Mob naccat Clio,
elates, Foreign Frute and Num, Spices, Pickle.
Ketchups, Eascnces, Edgar Cared Ilams and Neel,
Fish of t all kinds, iiipstm, Lard and Whale Otis,
Mould, epnit and Wax Candles, together with many
=Mica " kink roald not heretofore be Lydia rots
mach, and which time would fall to enumfirate.
delireml free of charge ht every part of
Dentero supplied on moot rea.onnble terms.
WM. A M e eLtrful &
myt No. .R 56 Liberry sireespobove Wood.
rrrreolreell. New Tura.
illark•t Street, bollworm Third A Fourth,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
WOULD re.pectfully call the attention of city .d
country Merehonts, to one of the moat
Stock , in the country, compri-ing over Fourteen
Handled Case. and PorkilarF of Foreign nt.d Domea
ue Dry Goods, conatrilor on putt, of
1:00 assert nest styli Calicos;
100 " Drenched Mucto, all grades:
40 ^ Summer Stud. and Colonnades;
" Mystic de 1.41/11,
40 " Lawns and Moab.;
" trattnetts and Tweeds;
111 " Ca...Orem, Cloth.:
100 " end halo. orTicline., Cheek, he.;
300 r " /11.. , 11 Muslin.
Together atoll the Meat a•rortment of
Imported Good. in
norrael, poistesving the 0.0.1
ample famlttles tor the nanaveneur tLete buginers,,
anti one 01 the pourers being continuer in the euncre
market., the.presenting every advantage übio)ed by
eastern house, They believe tbst they can otter
greater t oda. ment. to merchant. pencrolly. iu styles,
anantles, ern: once., than any eastmn market. new
goods conetantly •rrivlng. 'Merchant. intending pat.
hart. Ea., are panicularly eittenitio
r••ortment. A A MASON & Cl;
o. St•risto Itorpit•l.
PALED reoperate v sift be reve era at the office of
the Surveyor of the Por. of F. 1.01,1.,
until the Wth of Ma,. ney,prr' the civet:on of •
Mamie llorpltat urns the lot of ground on witch the
Magazine now stood, eoutti 01 the Atz,n.l. The
hid• will Include the e.0.m.., masonry. and •hrl,
p.m.. of ibeiearproter work at it neer.tary wtolu
want are gning up, with the roofing of me burld•
Sercifieatloo• el the work, with toe Alen,
1 , 1 eabibtted until the day of Irtn rays
FDIVARD WATTS, Supertmendant
to Lsala. A rtl 15. is.rea. mot 1.412.•
/01415 ffreas Goods
A A. SI ASUN ACu nrc duly, addition.
or the tallowthe stylea, to Qat., tteck of
Goods, am—Super Black and bandy
Si!k Tnur.. 1C(.1611 Cloiee. .hibtrirtr,
Barrer. and Ilanae L. Lem.. Coo.,
Ltroillt, and Ilattste LAWI.II, af • ,. n,
Plea. Good. •Il thr,r .at ei.l7
00°R MACK TEA-5 hi Fouebooc
0 a:a Po:ont.
For **le by
. 11 ACU rov —Li "" I, , ,tfj '
°LPL'S ! , VRCP—In t.erre:s, hat , burris. end ID
Ko.lun t rg., J pfr Lirumor 11mA00,..d
JAAII, A 111211111SONA
znyl Ape,. 'I P0i..1r2 ft{ esva•r r:
T ANNERS ULL.—,:I)4 f •
:;1 ' 4.1 , '
113( ' NS. Krn CO
ayl ...I Wood., •
11.1g i ED tal; 1: t r .. 71; ,, v m 4
4 ,o •
1.151 E-4 0 !nix Ute. While Lime, 1 , )
sa)3 Itil EV, V Arm fI , VS a Co
j - R.:-C..—ltvo pegs .lett oesetin Lesei. for ...I, Ly
m m Krritcws &Co
DLACIIF.:I—, sari, Dry Nur! r• for I• 7
rnyl ftl Ir V. MAIIIII7AS .1 Co
a suck. , prul.r kel,ll,lly
r l'ar rItCV, 5IAITIII:WS . CO
I , (11.AIII) Wife ) of ..ainf.l
±1Ik• o• orwell ofyle• frcei•Jetill
A A 11AliO1i I f - fl,
marl f 2 %tarl,l sf
A. NlAlatff, A. CO., •re Loos OfeliZllT
:ar,a tn.., of Furey Foltroidoltd avo:a.
also. a 'corral 0150.V.r...n1 of Iffain do at
a..orted S'll 4 rots! Lisle Tr read Lac •
al doff B; sok a: .1 azd Grafi 1,0
7.4^. ge d wtia. Cotton In.,
aS daa ff ,, fr
:Ca dos Gf n'
1:ro tiro, off i 1 , 1,1 f
flree.•r.l. cad On
o , Mottle°. it Ca. .1 11-ao. et. o,
I ictier.ou . tt:,d L.lch. M.tri•np. A Co.
Atif•KbellY Cocoti :tar< la en Ot•Ao.vrd toutua
m 1,4,, err. toarirted to R... 4.1 Arm make
payterut lAtett Co. au] em ...4
ax.r. tAO ..ttnc
ta.ty be pearl:l.d to 1..1 ch A no. rot itctit• 4,01
STr:Plir.N R M0116161.'4,
If I' 11 3IA/MR.11.1/N,
A I. EX A.N LIER .11 11. LER .
May 2d, .
XIEW Ytirt F:HNS—Mcre pitt,rt. of t% ,a
1.11 Parer. an Caseenno,noul.,ltitt.•nd lettley colon,
I,•ve len re c•ltly ingoth, wlttt nu Int
jr.rtattc.• Fgreneb
resit , Tops tu UoLi Vriwt
mts7l Wait rap,' Wood • ,rt.
l'mon 11. m t'utt.l 11,,
~,,,11,1‘d.,—Nlartlo.,1,1, or tb.• ti.rt !0..0ke
a Story of Real e, .tio ,ohdav
Sel.ont 141) reo.,trsov..l.--The 11,r fNo or
Danger of I'o.avetlf• , l toe
Ilo,—{incallto. the cheer 1. le. kf
Lether: apt-teat refere,.. to it. car., T0.r.0e., ..eenes of the Dcfortrattor Icy 112,3 4
A-ara. D D —A Summary of
tor gehoo!, and VAra.lJe.
l'abtalted Lr Antertrttn ttt I'time. •1 •
A H r. , :1;11101 ttt rt . .
Suttcesrott. rj.i.tiirr
crtr.l 711 CM,
Country t , ••t far Sall. -
ABEAUTIFUL •and.ban t , a. , • •
I.ortmod t..t• pnoc..Lor
advantage• , e1:1 told
The grodnds are dallied wl'h fine !rad tree, Id hear
log eandmon, shrobbery. . roe name
of Wadi, and location, eagnite at this end,.
AIDED D OCK IVIDIU Ida• i pre, ad Usil
Pdtd , d. PhotLar—Dr 011 n
OP [Lyme n 1.1:i110
of Government, tranala.ed I‘olll the French : , by R. 11.
Salter, M. lutcn. Second edizinn. I vol.1,:mo.
limey's Outdo to scleiatige stud
P....1/cal Agriculture.
ll F.N el ß Jra '‘ le " tl l.. a t' s7,.etr i... or . •;• } lln v •s i k k' r i i n rto r l' ' s .",'7 '
and Frau..., Norms,. Vole Cones,, Now lla.veit,
ars prep•r• ate toe the pre,* nob coder the above
line. It mhos.- everY sortie. Iniportaltoo
sonneetedwoh Ae.drutture all its •udou• brooches,
tooth Theorems! and Praniost. • ttc•coce, to or tar
as it her, op so the p.o.e. onto, be mode
to precise, by experonenl, win be treated tta rel..
lion le every oneratton ar it occurs to the smarts
the totem... , T. work will be arranged outer lour
dolt net bends, represent., the begiontng
voth Wader and ending wolt Autumn.
J.ktill:es It LOCKWOOD,
_my3 Bookseller end Importer. Fourth rt.
Brilleß Periodical Literature.
relit London tioarterly Renew;
The Etltnioareh Review;
The North littlish Review;
The Westminster Review;
Week vrodeVe Fdlnhorpti Magee.,
retell, 03 per ycgri ell ,, , o , .hcr•
me 3 Lot %I P:v I. %Viet a,
1960)x . REED HOUSE, irg s-6
SZLT/I 6 DAJLIEIRII, Proprietor.'
?It :*quart, Er•r, Pa.
I:ENERAL STACIE or; ir,-I..otrrti, Western,
1 4 .1thertl len..Cur.
lieges to and from Sulam awl Vacjackal tont, I. at,
M. W. Karol, iwc eftbr a MM.' • lie, I, I I, ', PO
(j. W. HAULM., 19, ail,. K...ziniun Howl, lluao.
PtVy 1 1 1,;1011 14 2WeL"1:: . tulurn;''‘Ir."1.::11?: - .:1';r1.3.1e"da,L:1::1
...ably or load, 3r , ante low hy
:Ito h :121 I.lnerlY St.
i 1
.0 1 3 , LLF
IU —111... N 1 f61, , 1.11/.19 ,
LICRIi Lilitr.L. 114.1. Atll,l.
r STONER, b,olnontlty, rrarrqntrtloin4 ot
ft,vnr WWI Lave belore been of,ed in lin., ornr . :et,
ny,s W IV W ALI.AOI:
best u. 14
tvA A
A LVI rts ß a l u l u t te'lli're V o r
n E I L L"n't 4 I
no ice. tv W WALLACE:
f;§Foialhirri; emit ccccc .• erunins"..
.oln , cribcr letpcelly inyitem onn.fn,
hi• xtensive Monk of ou Pcrlanirry. e.
ey,auts,whith keycn Silent and :mo (loWcn
frdal• have. vritblo Om 130 ail ytorll, b .F . ll nwirded
be Vol Inedlutes of New York, lio•toq. and Ptah,.
dplpl:ia, the latter bring the only Con on Meonla er.,
arinnlcd for perfumery either in- t urupe Cr in aus
e a
UNIIIVALLtO Su.:. Can.!. lAlinond,
80,. and Ann tancal 1 ui ally aril neva to
notion to any Slam, niver Cri•aiii to 014 country or
(a.r.ortitas ron .411,:rin—E1,1111fu.ty iralt.p*rent,
sod NMI molar - al
propeltlesi t , nr.nsteou... Comp:W.lJ; AlrlblroSied Shoo.
Ing 'FUNGI; Military tiliovilig Sean •
i.UP.PIa fodder :•:04ra—AIU11111d. Roth, Mille deurv.
Bouquet. litetnehlu, Murk, Patetionly. omnibus, Float
ing. jothisparent, Olive Oil. Windy°, and Cireasuinn.
klrruatha ron 1 "'Mins
Banquet do Carolin 111
e, Geranium, J./tvy Lind, blatant
line, Jockey Club. Milano... Cirthante, Citronelle
Idoeat. and many other varieties, to all Billy difertnt
TOIL( WATlOVl—Florida Water. Eau do Toilette,
Orange Plower Water. and a great ninety el Co
logne. and Lavender Watery
PlitP1.11•71071.1 Tog Tilt ii..llt--Gcnulne Be.;'. Oil,
Antique Oil, Bandoline, Pao idirtraie, Oleine, Com
pound m Marrow, 'lair oyo., liquid and in powder,
and Philoretne. Rieinitte. and Jenny Lim/ Pomade..
Orionva Poth•—lialeaniie Elixir ' Roth
Tooth Paste, Cerast] Dentrifire, Odontine, Tooth
Pa.., and 'Paoli Powder.
CO[111OTIOA — V•oelollin CopotOO Cream, Airmail,
Mc chapped band.. Cold. Ceram of fierce, Cream, dr
Pere, Lip solo, liatpacrrt Cream, Av.
Depilatory Powdrrt, for removing superfluous hair,
Pearl Pawner, VlrSilgte de Raw, Jaroatene Vinegar.
Victoria !lair Compactio Prem. oak., baud..
a arca ed t Vaet) . of nib., arti n,
cle., 1.1. IlLOOrrelle to be
fram in thi. odocatimmetti.
The t o,, cri byr boys to rueintero the repetition
which thee e•toblishment hos acquired, by dup.:rig
(nothing but lint rate Arnett's.- and well he herr; to
famish those who may 'Wish to patronize hurl riale
wholesale or retell. on ie reasonable teem. as any es
tablishment lo the United emu,.
Seec ester to led former nifeetor of the I..shot Ater,
- -
II; (14[01111111111,1,
Mr. rtarin'e Perron:wry in for *ale by all ~.e prom,
pel Drown. /11 the countrr ui.17,119
S ULi a a-40 Utile N OS agalli'llin.vetri=o,l3ouby
T,NCOPILAGED by the liberal patronage extended
to 01l regular and well conducted Liner, the own
of the following Sou steamervltave arranged theta
into n Line between pntsburgliCund
Lane of me boats will posingely leave Pittsburgh on
every cor k a Wit o: s 'Wm:tro
(nthut, end Forney Exissucts,
at it o'cloc ut not
The first boat of the Line well nut on Monday,
February urtb.
Steamer tienesee•— • • • •Caplain T. Moore.
Homburg u J. klinefelur.
Fernier " Benedict.
Fairmount •---• • " w. I.7ibert.
For freidirt ur pewee upply to
felint GEO. B. 5111:FF.NBERGER, Act
Captain Wza.Liaaa 1. KOVNIZ.
, Thig splendid bout WCB built by the
andof the ,termer Imre Newton,
nnd others, for the Cincinnati and
Pittebursb Parket trnee, and .11
leas , ea.-Ty, .W.thte,day, far Ctncinnan, in place al
the New Keelead, No.:.
For lieleht or yarsaps apply on venni, or In
tr.r!) , (3 II MILTENBERGER, Ass
_ _
I'Irrn:DURGII AN WM:MOM: rAcuur.
Ttir ,plendid faer ninon.; etentner
r"' LOUIS McLANO, W. n. Corman,
o ' or„ r' pl b r7T "! lll " ,. " .7s " ,:. " ar
taco:tie I,.+ricet Dtttsburr,',
and Whenline,T lenytn; Ditn-Enrgh every Mondy,
Wadnar , dt'Y and FrodaY mominr, ai 9 o'clock. For
freight Cr pasonge apply on lloa,d, or to
ion 4 W. D. WHEELER, Agent
Mme,. _
.+^ ~;~.. _
Only 73 Bill" Btaging.
Via Drown.. ille and Cumberland to Ila Maoris End
. .
F•a_ TO RALTIV01111•-• •
DO, 1 . H7 .1.1 . 1 n • —• • • 12 00
THE mo rnlna boat leave, the VAIRTr, above the
bridge, daily, at 0 o'clock preemc!y. Time to
12101timore, CJ hour, time to Philtklelrhia, 40 henry.
Theevening boat leaver tlaily, for cep(. Sunday ev
enlaga,l at G o'clock. Pakkenems by trainee on the
evening Loll, will cross the mourtAina In •tages oast
da, and thtm event night travel.
Sece pour fie.te at the °Mee, Monongahela
House. or St. Charles llotel.
oetta-ly J. GIF.itli.lMEll, Agent
-la ISA iiiktm
Two Vail) . Lines Expo coo hart Foals,
(ExcLovtvci, von Pessnnotne.)
Via 'he NCo• Central Itall Rood .d
pour. ••• through.
230 nolery ftyul Una& 61,1 150 mile. (`.nn
1.:1•1•E the ryr, Crwral Holt Hord Coropa•
ry fell Itllo Iwo 1,11 v•Yry-
Kyryyte yr, lyroy J•rlYstolry. to 1001n4r.lphys-. !raw,
I .yrcurys3.ri, tlyr nrryyra. nt the l'n,lrt
Itruly :rya, My y., yyrtryncrrOcut j o nY
Ears wy , l Ky. lb rey.y,:y tybrut drtertion
A 03-4, pu. Itev.- ear, mornyryr ru o ,
clock tyr r*ry rrrinf
SI, I, rild Ceml'art, onot
use to tliC
Stnnangitheln Ono,
& CO, Cdnal
rzi,r4; r r
You o,,v•III •
I Pol•kurrh corry
to , Wri:•vdfr, 2 4 te4l , rt.vr • ....I
T:,cr...da, •ol•n.
trtarrr,... r'apt,4l. end o•t 55.!
.4.d•rport la, " 4 ...f0b rye..., Toe:
• very Friday altr:roc.e.
c•nr,,,tv r.a.j. or to
_ .
'Oa eT. LOL
['cc cptcrsdnl 44t•amer
fFANO • .
UMW: nter. wl,l '.r.a • for the
tr r•lcrrned,e par:• on
rct.. at 3 P. Al.
•,;ve Vl4 5pic0, ,, ,1 o!neoc•r I , :autcr
;:tlVlttr• ,-1.41.. .
nod n.l totertnedtatr In .tllop, on
tourta,llt!. 111.1,1 10 o'clock, A. 01 1.
For Imo,. or 0.•.0t, •Po;Y
1,1 t. I, E.l II MILTENCIERIiti Are,
ru n M
f ! , 'I be . ream". :nt . T .
fir r•• . ,... , co lion•cln,t,
For u , -.d61 or boot N. at io
11 m:urr.Nimuctu.
car,•rr logo I , el.ght tor Nem Orians,
Itet .tcanzer
flcUr+Jq `l ace fa r Cur
actor,L...l .tertu lease
Ports OD
cJAL lost, 0'c!...r., I'. N 1
OT pasJat, y hosni. or to
J ['KIT ItiltEW,' Act
?u-rani c
r r.l
• •
y is MILI-St. r , rres't
S :1A1:17,F
A,—(7l.ll‘,,i Li •te
wet: known the syto are act , - rnatn ,
ed by prov.iptoraaav,clltrraiaV 10 the char
acter 11 they 1,,,,re e• the beet
tb who,cr,e
M,,ler, Jr., b. u. Muck, V.Butler,
n. Ilolmey Jr., 11'Irt llnlrurs, C. Itmyrn, bro. W.
Jlck,on. Wm. M. Lyra, Jas. Lappinr... 1%... K.
•rh, Jr,,.,, 31'1,u1cy, Air Ninuek, Tl,o‘ Sen.
Nu. Lft/ Water , trect, (Irurchoute of Spite:
0o- up stair,' .1.4111 v
13roadsvAy, of Melon Lame.
ti. 1111.4 caul-Rive BUTEL has been tratcal by the
nulttertudr. and lots been completely refitted in
am ,
ot, most elecent en. I.nrce addiann• are now
kerne made, who.t. Wirt, completed, will matte It the
msat extettatve Ilona In Now tor, It it me detertno.
ontion of the itropth-tor, to make It equal, in evert' tr.
tr.,. to any other dlouse In the 111,1 htnten. It , In.
ctoma tn the most dean:tile anti tenon! in the rity,
tog tn the lanhennaloe on. of Broadway, relll,lll,lt
atl the panto . . 1.1116.11.1,. pincer ill amusement, and
ha•toetta. Grateful lot the Itheral pstronttee received
Win hotwe orrn mend.. abate at Cum.:Ono, lid.,
at d more ',ratty it thatl\ ethic(' Itnune. C,CVrtalld,
Mote, tie renpeettully n rene‘nt al mete patron
age, fin. hot new eetahltnimeol. at New York, and
begs., e them that every effort no toe pan a chat,
he elven assur to tidstont , ter to Cocacomlott and oleataTe.
New lock, Mimi,, lilte
wot be received m tie °thee et me
Baltimore and (Min Itailrond lamina)), nt Hue,
tnett Cumberland and Whreimg,l.lllo
h• Old day or Miitt next inrltimve, tat` gratuntion
mid masonry ot the pornon of that linnii,
tram the 'mega on the north.weriern tuners., over
tne Tyeart's veer. to a roita on the wadi fork
Creek, near Ilia mouth of Lang Pram, ember
ems rnme.d vett:l,lf Ira, the right ere:lnns he.
the wrath of Orate Crrek and the mynecling.
A variety of 'work will he warmed by the line to
be Ir a estiteh will Me aide light nr.d moderately heavy
grading,. eeverob short tunnel, and a. considerable
amount of bodge marentry.
Specifications may hr bad at IFt nhave named et
fie', en and afierthr to of May enatung, and further
it.inrntat:Pn obtained Iron Lieu/cc( upon the
l'nerceptionahle teitmomialo of Aararler Iraq
rim hide, and the bidders err requeeted to
rote what roller mire, if env. they me engaged in,
and when is will he romp.rted.
he walk marl be enerertirelly pro cared.
By railer nt the l'reridt nt and Directors,
lIF.NJAMIN IL LATROC.E, Chief roeiit'cf.
Balmer, A prtl lit. I Oen
•. 1‘ 1 = 1 ,•311111.1 1 , on.l (A. IrIIArIIIVILT, /11.
kcep coastal .ly on hnorl r.r 0.010 in r
br article lo {heir to Oct, old Na. , N. i 1 ST.
Clair ,irro-t. Itko, ni N 0.,., gr enrol ntory,
. .
u the It ttitta d ent:ontt Shuttrrs tundr to
at o rr
nd old bllnds neltly repvid.
CAROTIR:I44 1 CO. have removed to
C No 97 Water 4 4 between Wood , 1 / 4 filer Yet, In the
Lore lorsnmly oceoplei bY liartlY• dm.e. AC.
1 011NSTON A.:STUCK:EON h•ve .reelved for
.1 Pale volume 4 Hemel.' History of Eng:and, Hat.
,rp new ed two; eteth.
aml ethey t s Common Place Book. Cloth aid
r.l er bittthng.
Carty te's Lauri Ddy Pamphlets, No. Subject—
“Nlotlet Prl•esta. ,
H. , 1. - e'en ryes Novel—Night and Mostone. opt 7
AVE tan 1:u tone lee for ptle, , l , D o nni , 7 . .
r De .n 0 , 1 . 7 .
n"lK'P' l7C77grOV, ATKIN n CO.,
to c al l en
onto Conol Boom Liberty et..
v.ll Paper Warehouse,
1,0 97, :41 - .11lik:1 botweca Clara awl
I rout , Mr, I'lltrlatrgli, Pa. 11111. , 1.k., OA 1.-
MEltwcold te.pectfulty call attent,on 01 ni•
fne.idt an , l etI 4 IOIIICI, to HS pre• , nt emen.tve au I
general atauk of pacreliardisn. It stll tuuthlto evan.
prier everyuf American amt Franca I\ ' Ott
Paper and Border tor t Parlors, Hall, Boring Room-,
Bod Chautt.ers,C.orttinc Rnent,,Zte rang,ng (rota 1,1
cenlsla CA a acre. So great a divertay of prices
sad qUEIII/IC6 can hardly fail he .utt the et tcent,tamees
and twat:. of purchasers mho. map layer watt then
patroaegr, the old catablahr,,l stand on Market Alma.
• • • • -
LL cer.on. Latina namt,i. pm on 11,ir beam.,
/1 conformity to n re.o.ution of Connoil., will
picaiic call at Om H 0,114 of t ,,, e itonrd Trtole;
gerund story, corner nt Vinod and 'Mid .1%. and pay
.for the same. SANIUEL FAH NESTOCK'
Pittal.nrch. April I•An.
- - •
• •
— r4.1.100 ••• OBIS . RAIL ROAD IRON.
TTuxOhio and morn Ivan.. Rail Road Con.panT
wish I. en met for eight thousand tans of
Road fun, forthn es...rad:vision of thc.r read even&
•Ise•rd onto) Ihnshur, h Three turusand tan•
tn be a det•vr red on the River, at Ihnshurgh and
Beaver, beim , the. cloy , of canal navigation in the
present y ear. and the rcattcnder in the spring of
here year The rails am to he of the II mitten, in
lengths of twenty feet, and ere to weigh no pounds ner
!Ideal yard. They are to be sun t eet 10 t h c . rasp nt.on
of Solomon W. Roberts, Chief Engineer. For further
Information , please address the President of the com
pany, al Pthabarrh. Ho order of the Hoard of Di
-I\'M. ROBINSON, Jr., Preside:lh
Pittsburgh, April tilith, artf•dfins
mE, CkNNA k. CO. hare removed their
1..i,10v0 Office to north noel corum of Wood
.I\T . F.M.' lit u.g, ei•
11 prcs•, Sounet IFlguregl, oeA Na,,
Silk., at north cast eur7 , nr I,ll'.•ertr. and Market s,
toy 3 311:1WISY O. BUM:1111E4M
HOUSES, 'LUTr Na r 46.
• . Tbadiarge commodious Dorellhig House
and Lot, on which are a good Stable and
li p Carriage House. being the property of,
and lot. the residence of Alm Jane
gee. siroated on Weimer near tneverni,
street. For terms, apply to hi U LOWRF.E
my :Mit Et Wylie st,
Dwelling fonts and Office to Let.
riAllE Dwelling Booth occupied by the
• 1 subscriber, In Third street, above
R. Smithfield street, with Btth Muss and
(Abe, from the Ist or.lone, IF5i.
Enquire of HENRY WOODS,
anZ-dir Third, or Water sts.
lIDIRER ACRES OP LAND, notate about 3 miles
L from the city, near the resteenee of Rrit,Richard
Lee. on the Greensbersh Tnrooke; suitable for mien
try roridences.
Ilandred Acres of Land, situate in
Franklin township, about la mites from Pumberxh,
near Franklin Road. This will he eirided to seitpur
ehestrs. Them Is an excellent arab site on It.
. . . .
of Ground near the New Hum, See.
enth Ward, being IW feet square, on which is a two
story. Brims Dwelling Douse.
Forparneulars and terms of sale enquire of
DAVID Lb BRUCE. Attorney at Law,
antilm Fifth at, bet'n Wondwod Smithfield.
AHANDSOME STOKE, nu Market strut, betwern
Third and Fourth Weals, la present ocoupird by M.
ThoTas Whael,aa Dry Goods
Al•u—A loon well Gahhed , ILOOnt hi the round story,
vest d.ror to Mr. Du'. hfircantile Calker. 'This room ts
well sneaked, and nimbi* fur • musical °Loon or Academy,
or mold be ruovancutly arranged a. double ohms
el if °Met, Third et, over lb. Poet thane.
'Vol Let,
BRICK BUILDING, by feet, thrr• htorica
ti Leh, with Engine, he; locate,' in BirounAttalo, Lenart!, Frrry. Enquire of
rtlbbnrpn Panndry
11,, LKX—The cote on .7tlotkot.t, next dear to VIM
viii be rented low to n nova tnnont, end ron•re.
won elven ix.landintely. Fro torrn• opply to
THE large three story Drink ‘Varehon, on Water,
below Ferry street, running from Water to First
Meet, an reasonable term. Povvegoion Riven Imme
diately. Enquire of
UMl6li i F. LORENZ.
FOR SALE.—A Lot of IL round anuoc . Peon
earcet, between Hay and Marlorry Orono, adioinins
the Lonee and lot now.occupled by Richard Edon:ado,
too ne . a front ofts fact, and 113 dop:h 15n (rm..o I! tor
sok!. froonble Icons. Title ones - ern:ie. hlo. Eh-
quire of C. O. LOOMIS, Irk rho... Wood.
UROCERS, No 41 Wood street.
{ oQcr for salt.
120 ptaa Y. II: Imp. lila...k.tol)lan M. R. Re'rina;
and Gramow der 'rent; 'llO La. Ouster an,
I 15 T , lmcco ! keg an do;
110 1 , -; 1110 co ke.; I IS
'AV N; Lot., Wu note;
is hhda N 0 Selear, Broad Nutt;
230 Imam, ased saes IS do t'Llhers;
Wandoi• M n Cana, ROI dn Pea Nuts;
111 bat Pipeai boo thelled Almonds;
400 bpi 0 00 pi 109 bat Rock Cand,;
1.011 Cao‘Pe. , ,s cases . Liqoarmei
501 Ins Codfish; lIU rnacipcc Regalla
bal. Tumors' 011, flora -
OS Las ChoeolAle; 'llat 0111,11 oulitL;
SU dus Bud Cond., 3 Si,,. Cloves;
...a coils Manilla Rope; I 2 eons as s
31. Las oi/iced Chocolate; 3 c ases Indigo;
s Pepper; 25 cases Lemon 0000 p;
- .
=r. 1.0.t0 Alwice:cares Pr pper ,en,r;
be. Ilernar, LI css , . Tomato Catnap;
.:n hrls Ytnegar; Ground liptaCi or all klnds
Lai NO, ea-dl:arick; 40 barrels pondered and
in b:s Stare,. , Loaf S.,tarl
10 ttcs Uwe: - 2 hbds Madder,
tin,rl.; ' in brin NY lictinf, ,
'.Ol drums nil;
A. wv , l • a genetal uasi r:tveal or Pittsburgh
31,k, , ,,,rr r. d art.clrs. an:lt,
Iltusprat.a. Patent 80. a Ash.
It!CA...q:S of :he above re!ehrwed brand and
U± b!ehupeet from them entvoetarcri,lso
ea•k• re.w on tic way from New 011eone, and ex
ptved raref lne week and 314 w,lt ,hor‘l• arrive
•. ILl:touore per •Idon Jornat, t:Leaa~<dke. Damn
ea, ond Alba, uthie h PI be ;old on ..1, at the
inn..At market price fur co‘h or uporocrlorr.
egn 1., LlLerty
Near Good• Naar Goods I I <
New Spring and Sumner Dry Goods fin. PI:O.
F w 6 end
Strret, between Third end r'n ncrie,n Rill"
orta. riga of the
In B. Uwe, has lust rommenee.l receiving
and opertme one of the most nob, splendid,
emir itenyve
l err sa e of Serine end Summer Dry Good:
Cver offered ler sale In the e sh rearory. nil of
here Iz:ream:trim - WA are fresh opened., omi rrre in e d
per tn , loft Ve36leri term Freorc nod Enelfood; er
air° i.arenr. imporfoi defect hem Belfry, all
!sinet.lrachrff, ed warrerted the turn article; these
ror are ill, mporter by the rohrerrnr, andsre all
pore anz nor, we:rented. Afro. Irish Lion: Damask .
Cot, r toe very Mr: msnufreturr; undiftra
ro, o rfoo.!• n' 3 . : kr 4.. 'moored direct Potn Beffen
a • ai• ••11 • r, to, I to found Mr reel Erta-ger.
how h,
. .
Nc. •t), cc, Tara St;ins, all colors, splendid
ern Turk ham., ali — prters, rich g00d,,;
a 5-Ise. nil color, late linportation: French
a:i ro:nrs, the hest Imported; plaid Muck
Ara.urel, lust French steerner; new style painted
•,:ettoid toad,. Also, superb and Iste,,
stock °Cal, h.uvk or]. Lace, Car tr:msaing Itsd;ea'
v!ry r:ett plain Barre, In nil colors.
etreincly low, goods; I,*acw. EEntice, ali
wi x dths And price, very cheap; Fr,,.11 Lawha, new
stclev,pct lasi French v.earacr, p:nin Idaelt tiro Dc
Mine. highsuperb good, I•sock filtrated Gre
lie Khan , ' Brocade, rich goody; French end Fuslish
CasStnercs new style, hearriihal gods; splendid
Lured,veisa goods for null dre. , ,er, rich end, goidered
,Heise Melt. forosentnlr are. el; Ste!, Edcing and
Inserting. the best impgrird; 541 k Thou, in nil colon
and qualities, new style, pi In end ea. strip'd Start
Barrer, 31 prices; pp rated Lawn, new sty., from
to th ern!. per yard; Barter Jr Lunn, a new why!,
flue 13.`,50 reoc% Also. a tersenml supc7t. stock cd
r re Bonnet Ribt:o;;/, the errs heat-1.-
an .e
lgersnc- atio'Stis rth
I Chethical Soap musses . Et 11. peraptranon, ed a
•A:Tic SOOCIIA, atal Inlleoo kit skin
giving it the testhre end heathy of an threat's.
Set:turf. SALT ILLILCM •o.:thtior,Cl, ate soon no. only
heal., bat acted by Ire e. 1,, as at least BMA, 2 urn. '
mane in Igew Tore kaon-, to usa ,tin
atid ftrat untelllngt-n,nith
Pokram, Itstecmus, oi any other etas.
ea.e. The semlcr arthre,t is ea ,clew
puffed nostruihys• one trial will prove. I coold enu
erate et leasitio Pere.. ethred'of
as 110..., Sone - Lees ASO Sosa.lkatene. uy It,
and it. e.t.d. , . render is again asidied I A culd
rot etoelly red (Cr me above miles, I knew.. to ba
GI I side.. Tn., who •s..,.able
Coast:a, 11,..nern on en. rm. P... grill 5n this
cor e.
.Any 0.c1:1 . 113,474 w.l:, or the V. 0010., dr po,
LliScose.. will h. 1.1 Oeta even moony Inota.
Me in propriene sheen I •thie
It o,de. the
~, , rea are
::node) with to enaner
and be g s arn ydo eel. tor JithrEat'S enderil
Sono Sold by W tt. JACKS . ..II, 210 Lawn:, Greet,
PaGnanth even - es el'
Ire' Tun stlisa ova vt. Itticrws Is not toot: sepal
tite Son a bad, putrid breath, or dart, yelled. , ti.thas
ed teeth. lf, persons leave ,hue it is their ovnt
A Large Stock of they e., for two shillings. buy an article that will
DOMlretTle AND ST APIA , : GOODS. mate their breath pure and sweet as as Spity At, •
rit WO, onhics.:l4l Mashes, from 4 to tu cents per 1
yard, Is cm ter bleached Marline, from 4to 111 cent. Ileums disease.. of the Garth, anent' Or ulcerated.
Per out II rove aitrYl from end forth: Teeth it is unequalled, removing the tartar,
11 hurt Itshmg, Irma a to 2.5 tenth Per (warning the teeth in the good, and clean them as
blue 1.111, 'born Ito 101 crate per yank, he- 1 aria. as the snots ISofrocco were.
..d. • fa. •ttottmem of 50.... , 0 ^ 0 .• Mt. cos - Such, reader, are the proses:lleac( Jones's Ambel
...ere.. Tweed., Sennett., and Kentucky /mute. • Tooth Feete, and, without proteins oartelves, here
5u ease. dark Fehr' , lhet eeltheti, fs"n h e 11l or.. what one Cl our most respectable end sciendfie_Det •
per y tad; Seas. 'hay: A. 00711,' F0r.11.1. Prints, best ust4e She. F._ re m . , New lore, eaye t
ouporie4, 5 bale* Roo. and Scotch Diup..,extreme. ; 9 have both deed sad analisellites beautiful and 1m
ly ,ow. Alen, Dour cheeping Goode of all kinds. very , palpable .4tote. (+ r
Mica , Amber Too faste r ) •
rheftp, 2' Rid.. Crash, Dora r; to 12 rents Per can tee ." n•nallie diesel...T.
ml for it." Reader, we ctin say repro to
yard, beades a Mtge stock of Check soil Shirtiag
leho, Carlton an ^fl. , e toll quo ,- only that if you try thus once you will be well pleaer 1.
be., 0 , to , • red, whir, and Yellow Plamthlr, It is pin Up in beautiful linglish China Peter for 15
very cheep; bleached nod unbleached Doping., lull cents. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON . 240 Liberg
uppOrtritroL; 5 cass blue Merrimack Canc.., ei- pievheerrh. aneavlkvoT
tremely block and an bleaelied Table Drapers ail .
verve; eye thsPettt. all
and g0a1..., IST Ath. 0005C111.1.1 are Coatireoly essured 0.
very c h
co, 0 „ d built,full o .,,, onAtett % • the ta'. oWlng are the actual qualities of •fis bottle ' a
ripener than ever. 3 males Iturbthe from 11 to 24 eta • Jun Coral hair Restorative. If they •doaht get
per yard. Ado, a large ten e t Cotten Table Diapers. ; rd• thry oon, net these MahlY r n
Manners' Shining— A 41.1 aseortmtrit, vet, °heath hthr c r . wle. _ _
PARASOLS! PARASOLS: . Decact, et tom st, New Vert
The barer. and roost rplenthd stock of reenacts ; Mrs. Matilda Itteves, Myrtle as, l'lnal , ya,
eve north,' by any one hoete. Ptitrliareh, la this Mr. Wm. Tompkins, Kitirj or, nit. V.Oir.
tercet e „"„e , ure a ii or r h o F, c ,,en a tid e k, hlt. Thos. Jactoon,Montnatelslat dotairf Ittsba,gh
whic, thr rich:leer and i the ory,canne. cur p eeee e.. K Cullen, late barber ethanduret S. Antclica.
40 we or will be • And mare auto PL hundred oillers-Olate, thrown 01
that,y "the, h ouse t o th e city coo or. OLUfal ...See, that It will force the hair' to grow on ..he
to sell the same quality of good.. • le:ad or thee, stop it felling strengthen the to th,
'Phe lardiee ore te.peettutly invited to essmlnethese I renviving roust and dandruff front the rthith, scal. sox
trans.: le as they will find mune of the tichest nod light, red, or gray heir assume a fine detk look, tad
newert 'hies ever import. frt. Europe. These , hr.P.nt drY•lhsr..c or wiry hate woret, clean cod
• . nresols are all of toe richest and uteri sushionabla • req. cool !nog nom. -
are wort h y o f th., o o cot i, o o r,i,„ l a di es . Sold by the .Age. G• SI.JACP.RON, 210 Liberty et,
All of •bore hoods w'l ha told off 01 paces far i hire:37l, 50 cents, and one dollar,
below troy houw tn the aryl ...hut order topcoat ILV, , kvrT
tthe lac PoWic mutt price the.: - "`t.ttLlES ARE C.II.ITIi)NRD AGAINST D
rordt.oodeomPar. them with Sol. other hoot.. the t • SIND C031510N PREPARED CHALK.
co, ,
anal lie eonvmerd of the above assertion. .2oey A.llolaware ham fneldfallyiSlatm.m
Thu th.criber would here nay LO his IL/lateral:to eat,
,wf t 'Aria bola coeme, how ;thigh, how sal
tomer , .
and the put.: in general, that Poore are t wo
I.4er e yelloiy, sod ont t ealrhy the s h e , aye
other bee have runes in market Greet, pr, tending to • „,Onraarsernaing chalk! D e r
cope moth the Dm Bee Hive, which Its alone the only aides it t en...tone . o c h rin i,
celebrated eel far famed Dry GoadßcaleblitliniCel In , large quantity .11..1! 41
Pittrborgh. The oubsenber woald therefote coy to all - We Love prepared a derth,,,"ci e{ table Re . e at
purchaser, of Dr. Goode, either wholesale or rebalt, winch caII.JONKS' SPA NASD 1.1L1( WIRT.
that the Big Dee Hive, or, Market ctrret, heir cea'lliird is perfectly innocent, berr.g purified oral! dein ere'.
and Fourth, or now opentng the hirers% raheld, and coo quainter; and it irapart. the e ;tid l naturol,..ea3- ---
too. tplendel stock 4,1 %prillg and itiettiter Dry Goods thy, ft...garter, clear, living whit at the some dm.
ever Offered for Pale in Pittsburgh . tato. a• chsractie oa Sr skin. nutting it eon nod
BONNETSI - .I.IONNETSI -mirele sold by the Agent, WSLJACKSUN, till (rib
Nn STILNA rem thsO—The lorg , o Land utolA foal:km crty FA. Pittrbor4b. Price 24 cents. nagtat. l / 4 •T
able sleek of Wont:. cert. opcnc.l on this city. 1-I'. .1
teem wed ei the Gen of the Rthe Dive.
It et
pre• •wrei
rind Fourth rt... where
r r.ter: r r She +el., al: r, brth from the Cus
ut 'r• ork Ss , to teure •ltle.'del goods, in all
ert. er tt tt- met; heaunful rhavettable litea
b wls. freth importatton 0.110 embroidered
Use r sunefh 500 ,, , green ernhruldo ,-
C e Crape ShastriS •p!esid‘d g..mle; Lupin's
l'eerett insil,Eintiroi•tered Tha fi
w'. ne.l importation;
ptintrd'eamineteie Shawl, atl prices and qualt
ladle:ties . led.e suni"e:er Cravat* mad boar(' in crest 'te
nets; Prench worked Capes, Co'iurs, nud Cori, a large
. . • • • •
644 M., r r y th,clip,un are th.n
nur uthrr boos in thr rtty. w,ll please
. . . ..
rate iduire dolt thiiii• or. two other ocular.: storer,an -- j. u A.wW. 1 _ _
. 9 _ _ __
IJSF, ..
Market rtrert, who iirricod to roirpete with the Big
Bee Iliue, lormei.i, Third rand Fourths treets,
, t- where , ' ArICIIINEY AT LAW,
the paid.' wt.' find, at . a... 0 . .. 1 .
.1.g , ...w , IA lilt) STATE CtiMMISSIONER for taking Dona
atyier of tity (rood, freth opened... 7 titian, Auk onsaleiletrthnts of Ikeda, AU:.
Ii i l' , - , .. , .4 e II`IL.CC• that„, .
. i. t...W”. 01:cc—Fourth street, above Sidithfield.
Till , .1 :ID.I Follll,ll.llrevi, sign Lith E
e BIG BEE HIV,' • ~,,,,,,,,,,, -
suurrii Dry Gurt,lr of every dcrettpuon ate aelitng p
er0... .. ,
(7)1,,,1l than at .y other hnosii In the cm'. r r ale.
_ - wii.Li A m ,_ 1111Q9,ELL MBE atthscrthera niter fur sale a number° chotea
I. ii,al.lll. ill the .. , CGOIId Ward, frolltin, 011 , WI
REMOVAL. CA1.111.131013g11111:14,0111[6.111,7/70, Inquire of
l':`;:::::;;;: . 'th',','wn,",',", 7 ,4o".: l `:7l:initit'lVAVl) ' W. VII. ROBINSON, Amy a; Law, St C. air e
or Of JAB ROBINSON . %La minis •
irifiIE T AIANuFACTORV to No O Martin 010001, two • ar,V2idklunflP .
deong trueve Wan, wile., he box ou lined a very • -.,
:Are., earesonent al ROWS AND SIIOES of hit own A CARD:
lannufacture, which he vw 11 I sell Lowe* than can he • 1 Ilt JOHN MARTIN mmo:ot r y oonototto „ to the
11.1“...41 in the COY. DANIEL RHEA. i I/ cm zee. of Rona:ugh, that be ban perGIIM/Mli
.11 410.4 . 142.‘...1 . 1nra1 . 0e1f in thla cay, for He wpm of Fuer
~, i, ,,,,m _ A . , ,„„ , ,,,, p1 7„.7.. • tic ,i,s, N led:cine wet Rargery, ist &lilts vadous branch
./1",,,•ft,• u1 n a , : ;,,.. : ,..c ti .. ..- r , r ,„,„,„, ~,,, i„ .o f 'r • . ill OCICO is on Fourilt strachlKollicl. Recidenee
. aplAitw2aaaT
n .. : eahlt-hed reputation, and some eapit .1..0 en- ' ,: '_.'illt ____... 4 ' S_,,_, , _
gni, s ststisirely in the Srad. Eacra, Huns, Alin ::
Pst sacs Itus,:sa, , r 1,. sl'untir & tom,, of Paltaddpllia, will . open
A h e•tah'islimeat IS in , . ready ( or , 15 ,', 1e ,, , ample xi .on the Imo( Apr. nii [wire hew eb.ek ..I
in a I ,is detail,, Inelatilg eit,sive wharf scum, for I
t 0 . ,..• ~ P. - And TA ILIIRS' 'TRIM MI !H.S. at eastsrapriclrs, yell
any +lreii strain boat, .cl from it,
X i''''''"''''''' v '''' "° bUc ''` °°°°°°' ° large : low for each, at No. Ito M'ond vi, neon to lelienna's
snare of 'minima. , Auenon Hans, apleirtvrtlT
A practical Machini+t, as a partner, re requited, to I .
ow...tact um whole establishment; and oniy Xiose (ally wo'le°- , lxl , sal--‘ilx- + o, Hre-aallrs , • , °'"A- X...HaX
coiepeteht need nyply. Adore++. trec paid 4 '•filA- . PALIIER, ['ANSA dr. CU...
OHNE CH" Ras No :11, Pinlacleirclita, I'd
I lRactesvors to Ilus/ey. Hanna it Co.)
~j,,,....,,,, ~, co iTi - di,iir, : BAtiiCLIRS, I:KCIIANGEin!TiEns, acs dealer
'flT A , i ,r t :v r. i ' ll ' e, F l t rTen . he r. large.t manatee:ands in I a it ' ... ‘ n." : "s i; ' ,, ' ri 't t ).° ,,72... " :r i i — ipt 'L c " r North sve - 4
Nev• York and VNlridetpbta, and ano from Fteneh ' corner " o ' f " i'oeil l and . % it:•.l :treetcl, CSIITSPit money
upene•e+. the newest and most approved styles of Pa• I rece i ve d on &po:kle.—, , sght Chearra forelsale, and ,
L 4'"" ' "de'''. with
"orders ' ' ire n°°r° Icollections made on nearly all thepririmpal points
Pruit., and Testes Pope Ear sale at S 5 Wood sh he-
.',., e L i„,, e , n, v ,„ . Foartb at and lltamoncl alley, (succer.sor to S. '
t• 1.111. i • . 'rho ii hos . lferristis raid for FOreigil and AStetiOMlL_
"- 3 : -:
Go!d o '6 " .• ' ' •
Ay A. i PA IN 1 - --1 Lags Ant recd ier sii.mer, '. Advaucee made. on reacirrunents a Prodace.ship•
LVI arta tar sate by the barrel or single ponnd at the 't ed P-sal, on liborm ~,... .0 1
Inruf, s•c 1. awl Perfumery Warthouse. corner of •
Sixth and Wood streets. S N WICKERSHAM.
ItANt: taken NVNI. CARR :ow parOlorallP wih
Cheaseabla 11111 k bilawts. , me or my buslor,.., wloch wi:l from War dt. - be
f dorereut diodes, and eery low lor waltty . ""IbCPVYARtaII.
N,J gemmed al thelrry Goods home of'
MURPHY & ItURCIIFILI.D. ! J,,,,,,, i.,,,,.....
mc:s N Econ., or Foroth and SI ~.e , •ra I ' Jou !CP . :\ - a. 13.E - 14..... ‘rinl
RleMqlatto liar., IVO.,:orrio Grout', Manx la Prodate Foriiri
vours DATION hIIdSLIN:d. crown Lam Burl,'
V rum., Cotton Yarn from san 4r0',.. ANO, WICK- Win's; Luprors C. 1 1 .11poon,gok/4
ING—Bett Spann Braided Wick. Chand:cm' Wick, and Rfer;fird 'nud-J.
Wadding, Bart., he., manaturtmed and for "de ma , N 0.5, Commercial Row, Litorty rITCL
the lowed: term., by D SIrEWINI., •-
crea m. Anat.:mak, Pa.
urraa dim I:A Pearl.. Near York '
QM:Er...LIAM OIL C1..0 I al-0.1 Itac,l, IR bite... /
~.) SOMlent of 4 and I yard wide Floor Coth, wohm-.' DEALERS IN
ttol pair -NIA. Or RhlCh we Vliii cal to order. any A /.,, EXCITAEION, COIN, BAYS NOTZSa An.,
I No. 74 Fourth arrant, 4ex , door to the Danko[ Poli
te eastern whoMento prim , J. II MIIILLII'S
updt _ .._—__— ____ hart°,
—._ .--- __
jUsT oroolved-vibibrio Aloob.iiHt.f.oii - -.10 of g
eases rZOE, reedbo.
I solo by apt d /MAUS toITEIL
09 Wood st.
• I
From du Vredulds Kirrr,6o - 4, to rerd Diamxs
D. Glaysatt% Extract oclirtilow Dock '
mad gem...l - m.llln
Cnn consumption i emernle., intimi„iimntre t its',
tout, hirer tonsplammi seine. sr- of ny. '
Phil., dropsy, rtatlitni, seirmtry, enctispn ot. •
she b , adder and kidney', memmti-1 disetna, mem
rcpt humors, malt et biped in fever and
ueee. Manila earophMots, nmervl debility, Orpep
ma, hes of appetite, headache, cc::., ec•cs'cccc.,
gravel, ight sweats, ekelm,
s,: pains efeetpx.
pulmmti e on or the heart, Mi In tho
chest, bath, dec.
It Is Infallible in all direarernarinni: from an
pore stile elite blood. or irregular notion of du apt•
In the Vegetable I:tralotn, an All-wise Heir; be
deperited plants end berbs: congenial to our evarlns•
bons, end Indented to he erre of disease; and to th
vegetable kingdom does the reason of man, as wall
the instinct of stal els, turn for antidotes to paa.
The Syrup V a seiendfie compound of thereon val
cable plants In nature, emirs!) , free from deleterious
and enervating mineral subMarkeea, and as it expel
disease from the system, Impart. vigor and suength
a corresponding degree.
An extraordinary case of Scrobile F_ re and
cert., eared by the sole ulc of be. Guysott's Can
Donut' SYmp, Yellow Dock and EarvapanDa.
tender my
Nov. 77, IMO
Da. Gruiver—htler. I tender: my sincere thanks far
the guar. benefit I have derived from the nu of your
valuable syrup. I have been trouble...beery bad with
• n
e! loan core, which made its uppiuninec on my •
chin. f did not pap much anention to it of first, sup.
posing it to he nothing but cn eruptton that appears
on pesos far k It finally berm ut increase, until it
Fprend to thi ark part of the heed. • I applied to a
physictin, who attended me all to no purpose, Iro
! tried every thing dint could be tried. I one your Syr.
• up of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, and concluded
to uu It, for I knew that Yellow Dock was one of the
' most valuable ortielea the world for the blood. I
beach, your Syrup. und from Gut' ore of one bottle, I
could Fee a great change in my system. I continued_
to welt unfit I war a. well man. I now feel like • •
new pentrin; my lilted is perfectly quested and Ate
fromall impurities. There Is not a question but dm
youf newly discovered compound is far upettur t
any ursaparilla syrap ever sold.
' Thu certificate 1. amo p ur dimosal to pobllsh if you
ud any one you refer to me I shall be lisp.
Lkyo to give them all the information I eau shoat my
eau, he. I remain your obedient servant,
;Guars. G. J 01021.0114
ll3Alarket strut.
The best female medicine known. The Entrant of
Vella peek and liareanirdia is a positive, speedy,
and rmanent fire l'or nit r
rAf ...zroplalntsinesdent to
lIF Its /d, altertia examen. render it peenliinly
pplied,. le to the Pander and_delicale COnstitation 01
the rem le. It Is often/ailed in its- elects up. mek
diaenae na incipient COnsutription, tiarrooncea, ' lon
eorrhoc or white, irregular menstruation, mood.
nence urine, end general prostrat on Mite as stem.
It immediately counter:iota that dierearing ni•rvons•
near and larainrde so common to the iceintle frame,
and imparts no energy and buoyancy . summing.oa
tae) are grateful. We have evidence on fill which
induces lis sin ngly es-repentmenn this tneetelne to
married people woo have,not Le w blessed with elf
, l
Pecherens Dna:, or Felling of the Womb, of five.
yeors , mending, eared by Dr. Guyroll'e Enrico of
Yellow Dock end SUSaparilla, rider every ether
ktawn remedy had been tried without relief.
- .
Wastosorott, Ohio, Fels., 115.19.
TWs ertifies that my wife, aged V 7 years, bra
been ' , naming nder the above compinint for five
yeurawnearly alt of that time ectifined to her bed., I
hove for four years constantly employed the beamed
teat talenbteat °avid be promised en this section of dm
country, without any benefit whatever I have alto
purchosed every inatruntent reconimendid (or the
cure of suet diseases, all of whmh proved worthless
In the sprina of 104 h, I Vox induced by my friends
io try Dr. Guystittla Yellow Dock and Sarraparids,
which was used for four morons. Afire she bad trod
dixd„riliont to e• Xs It was evident to all that rho
WILS Improving, tind front Ott , time the improved tap.
Idly, end gained flesh and eirength, until the disease
ws. entirely remove:4.nd sue is now M n
;aping mo
excellent health. WM. M ce t . ..SPORT.
We bestir. neighbor. of Wm. rind Jolla Monfort,
Iron: that the above statement, Cu to the cleaners of
Mr.. Monfort, and as to the core bed. affected br
Guyer:it:a Yellow Sock and Sarmpard to be strictly
IoNP. tr.TW,
Great Caro of Consumption.
Ilssutto3, Javu.ary
Mr. Etennen—Dear.fidr: The great benefit svh:eh
have denved from your Emmet a Yellow Does sad
taddees me., as smart ollasdee, rate tbe loilowine statement:
whMcihe r f n w a a llyterminated
o in e c ar saommp gnelral
was peen
up by my friends and physician* as beyond •he n.d of
medicine. Ara hut resort, I was induced to try
your EXIMet. and baring tused but two bottler, ad
cardnig to sour direction, I am entirely reel'. I
would therefore earnestly reeninnien4 tour unequal
led Compound to the afflicted who de re a powerful,
plenaar.l and .ale - remedy. Gratefully your friend,
None genuine union pinup in large square baniet,
containing n quart, und the mama rf the syrup blown
in Inn east, with the Written ~ c outtire of F. Ben
nett oh the outside wrath., Price Ft par tstatic, or
Fitt hht It o tor t. 5
It sold to J. D Purh. comer of Foci.h and Ws: -
tOll %tier, ClOrionatt, Ohln, lioot•rel 41reot for the
South and tu schnni nit orticra Meet tie address
C:nr,r h Dr.. Er:r, w. P. lcdrnn k Co., Nair
rnta; Olen Cros , log.iltc; Ab. Torre!!
MO,IITOW IfirßVl MU, Tovrande; Rol.e.rt Ihry,
1.0,0,,Cal,,,,ure, 1.. • n.
Kure:,. tort., ik? Nlat/et L.CZt and the Diaeucatl.
ATTORNIN AT LA'ff—litEce nn teeth side or
Fourth st, ticoxern Cherry nlicy and Vrant at.