The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 07, 1850, Image 3

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. •
Wininerros, May eth.
The Vice President being sbsent, Mr. Aches
*moved that Hon. Wm. R. lint. Senator from
dams, be chosen Vice President pm tem,
which was adopted unanimously.
I!as ordered that the Secretary of the Smate
anti( the President of Mr. King'. eiectioo.
Se eral advent, reports and rations on pri
vate claims 'were presented.
Han. Franklin H. Eamon, Senator item South
Carolina, appointed to filth° vacancy occasioned
by the death ofJohn C. Calhono, appeared, was
qualified, sad took lament.
Mr. Borelaad reported in favor of printing 5009
copies of gentogical a d topographical reports of
Panetta F. Smith and Dr. Tyson on
Kr. Boreland re ed is favor Gleaming 3,000
piesor ante agricait portion of Pateet Odle.
A long and nulate snag debate followed eels
live to the wute, and want of economy and pone
' Malay la public print nr. •
The ripen to print 20,000 copies was Gaally
adopted. afar a very long debate.
Mr. Yale, offered a resolution paling' for ail
correspondence between the department and Per
sitar F. Smith and Gen.. Utley, tioncernieg the
convention and State government of California,
else. dm.
The resolution con laid over.
The bill establishing a booed of accounts to eon.
gist of three Commissioners to settle all claims
against the U. S. Government, Was takeo ay,
amended, and laid aside.
House—Olt motion of Mr. SWF, the DaleiCll.
cy 1111, with amendments, was marred to the
Committee of the Wholeon the mate o(the Uotoa
Mr. B mukV, whig, trout North Carolina, asked
leave to arer a resolution instructive the Select
Committee tow investigating the charges against
Mr. Ewing, to inquire antber`what pence* la
the departments edited or wrote foe ocanpapers
under the last adminittratioes—vh° wrote
party essays signed "Bandlecond,"—what office
he held—what salary he reeeivedl-and, wheat i
during,the Presidential canyarr,'.any ease holds
era absented throwelven from the departments to
make speeches 7 Or, whether they were required
to sobitentm money to operate against Gm. Tay
lor. Um, at whom instance it was done.
Objection beteg made, Mr. Stanley moved a
suspension of the wan.
Mr. Hail, (Dace.,) of Mo., miaowed that the
nasolutlon be met to a separste Committee.
Mr. Stanley did pa want to the yeas and nays
Wing taken.
The rules were suspended—yea. 109, nays 45.
Mr. Eau'ey then moved the previous quem
Mr. Cobb wanted to move an amendment.
Ma Stanley—"No, I was two weeks getting the
amendment in.*
Mr. Gerry, of Mr., sent tip an amendment,
which was unanimously read for information.—
Alm, whet clerks, If any, were seat to any
Stab to solicit any individual to become • cans
didate (re Congress, and name of persons° sent.
Kr. Melon, of Md., moved a reconsideration
of the vote by which the rules were suspended,
Mr. Crowell, of Okla, moved to lay that motion
on the table.
.A..anersrage was received from the President,
stating that be had signed the bill to accept Gain
nell's sestets.
Mr. Crowell asked leave to offer a resolution
calling on the Secretary of War to communicate
to the Haase all instructions famed by the depart.
meet to John Monroe, Brevet. Colonel. touching
the claim of Teta* to the tenter* of New Mexi
co' also by what authority said M011:1106 Woad
cyders In Mooch last, requiring the commandants
of the different military posts to observe a rigid
nonsinterceorre with the Texan Commissioners,
who invaded New Mexico, to establish the civil
jurisdiction of Texu over ft; and tau to come into
conflict with the Texan anthoritiez.
Tbs queclon was then taken. On second
reading, the demand for the previous question,
the Haase. was..equally divided—the Speaker
sating in tbg negative.
Mr. Browili of Mitts., said be was a member of
the Ewing Committee, and did not wish Stan
klee resolutionla embrace Its action, if Mr. Stan
ley was serious that not ten Democrats would
disagree to select a committee on that subject.
Mr. Stanley—Hs. the gentleman power to
apes& for his patty friends ,
Many voices—f.Yee," .Yes.”
Mr. Stanley—l congratulate lames the Premier
ship of that aide of the Hone.
Mr Brawn--I make no =eh claim.
Mr Stanley—No, bmtyonepeume it, Mr Brown.
Mr Brown said Mr. Stanley should have as
good • committee as the Ewing Committee was. •
Mr Stanley—Jost as bad—l Whigs to 5 Demo
mats who vote fa every Inquiry.
He modified his revelation ta refer to a separate
committee of nine climbers, and tinder operation
of the previous questions. It was passed.
The Speaker said the resolution must lie over,
under the
Crowell moved to simpeud the rulesoshieh
was carried, and the resolution was adopted.
Mr. Batt &eked leave to offer a resolutiaa that
ft might be referred to the committee of the whole
on the state of the Union.
The Haase then went into committee of the
whole on the Ciotti bill, and soon afterwards
New Year, May 0.
• The bargee Isabella Ryes arrived hese yester
dalc—lrrom Rio, whoa= Idle sad ea tie: 25th
She bring, deplorable ateeounta of the ramps
of the Yellow Fever on the emit at Mo. Sere.
ral Americans bad fallen victims to the discern—
There had been, however, a mitigation in its fay
It raged the worst amnesia the *hippies and
lower elutes. Many alba nausea had and of
Several of the mercantile houses were closed,.
owing to tte universal sickness "along their in
The American.drms Ind Dem more fortunate.
Merry members of both Hinisesof the. Legiala•
tare bed Wien victims to the prevailing epidemic.
The U. S. sloop of war Marrionsailed from Rio
onthe 18th March, having lost one Midshipman
and several of her crew with the fever.
The U. S.lmreship Lexington had 80 cases on
her sick list-17 being of below of the fever.—
Lieut. Vandenhotst, of the U. S. Navy, died on
the 17th March.
The epidemic was pronounced by medical men
of expertence. as not the Yellow Fever, bet the
kind that usually prevail" on the coast of Africa,
from wheneetbe contagion probably came.
l'Hiliff.DELPElla MARKET.
The weather, to day, wu quite warm, and
huskies' continues inactive. Privato a ctroolm
by the steamer had oo material effect upon thy
Fiyor—Tbe export demand continua Ilmited,
and the only Wes repelled are small, for city con•
=option. a. 5 45@597 for common to 'cog brand
and 45 54"(3.5 15 for extra-
Wheal—Leas legally, and no transactions have
been repave.' to day.
Rye—Small sales of Peonnlviois at Plc.
Cons—ltcceipta of oorn continua small. A emit
of yellow cold at 600 per be.
Oats ar. leas active, and prices are lower.
Bates of SOO or 400 bushels good Pentsylvsnis
at 380 per be.
Nor You, May 6
The arearber u pleuent, but business u , Lan
Flonr—State and Western Flour is heavy, bus.
Grain—Corn is scarce, and prices bucieirt.—
Rushing doing in wheat.
Pork—Business is confined toile actual wants of
the trade.
Cal Meats—The market is firm.
lard is quiet at 01.2 per bbl.
Coffee—Then is a raw inquiry in the market at
W 749 fur Rio, and 10 1.2a11 1-4 for Java.
Herop—hemp Is dell at 5111.5125 per ton to
American dew rotted.
IM MO 111791. T.
Nsw Yost, Mal 6 , WO
Cotton—Letters reoeleed by the steamer ,pre
very sathr4ctory. Holders are ladtrereat about
'ening. We vole raiddllog to awd, 120121 c.
Fleur—Doh ; without cbarge In prices. Cum•
mon grate ht Sum ; SS 18; Oblo straight 3 Mak 36.
Cain—Yellow is selling et 600810 Per 100.
Pork—Perk is dell. at 810 15010 2.5 Ur mess;
S 9 5608 61 far prime. There is a modermie dee
mead for eat meats. Pickled tams 61sT short
middles, It.
Whiskey Is Issalve, la 230.
Stocke—Psessylnala Wm, 931; V. S. iv., 69 i
391 mwm.
Dueler the sus or pat/burgh t t
troy!, be opened abort the 2nd of May, a Family
I"A7 tiro:cry and Tea More, ln the Ph il adelphia
I% subscribers have lined au a ware et No. 950
t then „ ...set, in a style superior to any of the kind In
Pitubargh. where they wni &heave have a lure as.
vestment a fine - .o , essettea. and th mthe:
hthi, they respectfully invite the lineation of the pub.
thf esery article, they will endeesor to keep the
best of its kind. end eanfideatly tte011101[1:id their
TEAS AS WI lo IS •1711,13.1, IP teeth= is the el
Thelr assortment will comprise:—Cresm and Mack
Tel of all kinds, from 31 yews to My.o par potted.
Coffee, o. C•er• grads,
Lqueriea's Begs., Loac Crushed and Pelverludi Syrup, Sag or House and N.O.Molasser.Ceoe.
elates, Ftuurst Frets `arid Note, Spice; pietas.
p ose , the s, Segar Cared Hams and Het.,
ir.r. t , tanda Pprom, Lard and Whale Oils,
310.14thwrm sod Wnz Candles, together with many
Willem which retold not:beretofore be lad bt Pitts•
harsh, end which time would fail to enumerme.
'Goads delivered free echoic In noon pan of
abe two ci Its .
Deakin supplied minion reasonable teem.
mTI. No :ad Liberty meet, above Wad.
Th.t large 6.11F100j011l Dwelling Poore
and Lot, on which are a good Stable and
. Carnage goose, being the property or,
and Jolt TCliderleo of Mrs a•nn 141•
see. gated oo Webster N. on, o•Oenth
strati For tenet, apply to LOWEU
tf Efa Wylie et.
- 115:imwoort von AMU. ;
I...&clovocsirs Minim for Apitaxb o ned
• .nt ttils 6102114. LUDES D
ay3 1111 Fourth •
V. 11:0111.11011 ...... • -• ica• •• •
Orme., Pirrascomaserrsa.
Tuesday =ambit, May 7,18511 i
The ...Sher throughout the day yesterday, was
co/my and relay, la cos.:lnoue of whieh, mt.".
Von. generally wero limited, and sprout:Mae without
The rivers daring the day were main¢ fast, trod from
the recent heavy rams, there is, at the present writing,
every prover.' of higher reelere than me have had her
fore daring 14e •easair.
FLOUR—The maker teethe past few days has re
mained quite steady, bat In consequence of the light
receipts, we have no ant hand operator. to notice to
any large cannot-41,67 may be queued as about die rOl
- inn hand prise. Sales of bbls from Ooze, in lots,
ae/YODSSP bbl.
Bra floux—With light espalier, sales have been
moderate, at 43,621 06,56 • btd.
GRAM—There lea contioced good demand for all
descriptions of Grain at full prices. Wheat is selling
et 106• 10 el Bye , 70376 t Barley, 656/OC4 Coro 65e, and
Oats at 356110 e it b.
PROVISIONS—AII Is quiet, b ut BUM in the PrOvir
ion market. Sales of mestern and city eared bacon
from non, in tegater low of 6 to 10 oks, at 4,6, and 61
fee apemen, sides and hams, exclusive of eke. The
reroler rates from smoke house an 46 far ahoisiderst
55 for aides, and 65 for Lame. Sales of sugar eared by
us tree. at De p Ib. • Sales dried beef at oe P m.
LARD—!said tamales quiet, with sales to a limited
extern. at 64861 for bbls and kr.
WilnifF.Y7The market Is bun for rectified. al
Ono • gallis Receipts have been quite Ught.
GStOCERIES--.We notice nothing new*, the Geo.
eery market, A fair regular businese is doing at last
Prnencenn 13roCie.—We notice n sale In New Yo• It,
an lie 24 insi , of Coma rtnabergh 6's, at 97k.
In Pliladelphia, on '1.21 lust, 4 eke of Each Ilk of
Pittabargh, /32; sold a 1 11. A 12 she bk of Pittabargb, ai
8.191, and 1120 Allegheny city to, la 641.
Dresort, May 1,1530.
We obtained yesterday, from oar Warehoaseman
and hitliets, a Complete statement of the Float and
Wheat on hand, and shipped tho• (MOM mama from
hill a/IMMO. TOO •oomenotaot up an Masora
Flour Wheat.
42,00 d bil;• 031,079 hash.
7J 939 bbl..
Daring theweek ending April xr, thiptecnts of
tt7heat.trom Milwaukie to tioffato reached mom 20 to
30,C00 boa. The Daily Winousineays :
*Mousy Is very wares in the city at present. The
Dahlman. emigration has drained very largely Com
the pockets of our cameos. Those who have the
"needtel. here abmidant opportankies to loan Moser
from CO3 to VW on sherttuire, so NOW gr cent, ald
long Dam at 23910 with good securities. But we are
not alone In thin respect. OW exchanges through the
State, and In Maris. hilehigua, lowa, to, he, are
freighted with ho same stones. Millions of dollars
hare been carded from the western States since the
•fe see first commenced Ito ravages, and unllions)nove
will g 0 to swell the enormous 'pile' the demote of the
fuonnweet melon of the country are investing to the
uncertain stook of California."—Adv.
011 Market.
Iticoroan, April 99, 1150.
Sperm—The market with a fals donut., rental.
. 000 9, at the rates current lasi week; we notice sales
of 2 , 30 Obis at 115 e; MU do at Utlei ana 1100 do at
. 1571.1 e eantlaa. to good demand, and prices have
Improved; .he vales since oar last me.. POO bbls N
W coast, ground tier, at 03e; N W Coast, at
441; SOU ht. do at 441;370 do do ukee;andeio do to
on pnvata terms, holden are now wow. tic by the
' ll.te Bone—We notice sales of I=o N W
at Poe, ilptal ms do and Polar, andsome ...else( Po
lar on pinata terms.
• The star hLonimgahola. Capt Stone, contrary vice.
potation. went to the docks Wit evetung, pot.
p se of lying op a while. This movement, Is retard..
we leant, by lame ansanderstmtdmg between the mas
on of the packets engaged In the bat tromthisecy to
Ltnlsville--bt Lads step.
Saye.—Wo Imnt from the °Meese of the sum Rock
away, which arrived this morning from Shreveport,
that the stow Monterey, rapt Viletkerbury, Ilene* (or
Shreveport, when between Carolina and Herritane
Bias .er.ek asnag, abd coon sank to her upper decks
The boat and Carla were a lOW Ira..
L OOSE BLACE TEA-3 hi chests Hoocbonv
5 do Ooloror.
For sale by nut C H GRANT
rIACON-11 casks whoitders last reed, for bale by
fIi_OLDEN SYRUP-1n buiele, hall barrels, .410
%I plies kegs, rend per steamer Hines& wd fez
sale 07 .JAN.IO & HUTCHISON & CO.
atT4 Agents St. Lelan mast them RefitteiT
TANNERS' OIL-90 bete tor We by
te 4 24 Wood la. _
INSEED 011.-33 rot we by
T URPENTINE -10 bris sp. toypentbae, for sale by
60 O'oo4l rc
U. S. Marisa llosipltal.
SEALED Propagate will be recelved at the fake of
the Surveyor of the Port or St. Louts, Missoeri,
Nu the 10th of May sexy for the erection al •
Marine 10th
upon the lot of ground on which the
Magazine nowstands. south or the Also:mi. The
bids will ioelode the excavations, masonry, and such
port:Dos of the carpenter work as is necessary while
the walls are gobig up, with the roofing of the bitild•
log. Soceificasions of the work, with the plan, will
be ezhildtaduntil the day of letting.
F.DWARD WATTS, floperintendant.
St Louie. April 15.
Vitas Aran geed. ~
,1k A. MASON A Cuaro receiving daill, additions
.GA. • of the following ogles, to their oplendid nook of
Dress Goods, sic —Super Black and Fancy Silks,
Sill Zone., Fenian Cloths, &Merinos, Sillbenos,
Dareges and 13arege De !Aims, Book, Swiss, Orannda,
Jaeouct, and Batiste Lawns, to.; also, Mourning
Dross Good In .ll their variety. apt/,_
ZXIIISF. Grading end Masonry or about thirty miles of
the Ohio and ?unwise's& Rail Road, extending
'remand from the State Line, near relegate, will be
let .at Salem, Columbiana County, Ohio. on Wean.-
day, the Bth day of May, 1150. Convectors earl ob
tain information or the Eaginters upon the line, or at
the °Mee in Sa lem.
.. ... . .
By order of We Board of Dim pion.
WhL ROBINSON, Jr., President
Pit üburli la, April 23th, Fikt,—pp.l74td
log Markel. Street. (sear LI
. _
Salim mad Fano, Yearns's,
BANDANNA, *ad LINEN HOSES. a general al
some. of FANS, and every variety of Running.
East ndo Diamond, Pittsburgh. WS
MfiRECIBELY the same kind of Buono and Accost
k flavored Teas that ate retailed in the old arming
at ea and 54 per lb. eon be obtained for 50e and 750 per
pound at Tax Tan Malan. cant side of the Diamond,
eatsbazgh, or at Morrie t Ilaworth's Wino atom,
Federal Street, Allegheny. The above Pena CM.
Tana, we noel., through our English Agent, direct
from she Queen's Bonded Werehousos, ditty free,
Wog forexportation. ante
ffIHFRE ls nothing mote refreshing than' • up of
gcod Tea, but dm re is great difficulty in obtaining
It. her. I tio uticle imported on which there t.
greater deception practised. TbaDLACYTEAS sold
by Oro, en generally, are weak and Gun, cod the
Green Teas with a few exceptions, a Caere Mae.
...MO article, the Ana bloom onwhl•b, beirg a
composition of Famous, ice.. as ualynun will
Aron. Such trx.h might to be upelled (rem one
market as .Ponoxon.”
.. . .. . ..
We have commenced the Tea Trade In Pittsburgh
with the fell determination of selling Gun= Tau
only; and having been dealers in that article !pears.
of twernY Years, (area whieh eulasively in Tea/
we flatter our•elves to be jadgea of IL Bad Teas, we
consider eau as Lau rm., and a bad name la often
obtained by selling them; !nit u Slag loon auscra '
as a reasonable pace, will obtain eastern, why we are
ears of rose share. Our pricey, (quhly.conaidered,)
gull always be as low u a../ ether Tea Dealers or
the United State.
One Pedals per Poasd.
Good Black Tea 040 Good Green Gan
Tea a.
0 40
Roe Flavored do••• • 0 du Strang ditto• -.... It go
Strongrovgh flavored strong and Eno flas'd 0 75
Rat halt kind, , ••• 0 ID Very auperior .-- 100
&minutiae...tic AM 0 75 Ego. quality and beat
Very. best insported• • Ila imported •-••• • 105
Egos Strong and Routh flavored Black Te5.,75 ate.
par lb., this Toe we receive direct from the Landon
Omits, duty free, It being for exportation • It la pre
eleely the nom kind that is malted by the Tea Deal
ers is Ertgland,ltaland, and Scotland, at 61 per potted
Taos° who study economy will do well to use thie .
kind of Ten
The above Tau we retail direct from the original
chests, as imposed term China. Thou who prefer
Package Teas, we have ugh always on hud.from
quarter pounds apwards. •ntao, Coffees, Cocoa,
Chocolate, Loaf sad Crashed Sugars sod Spice.. and
Pickles of all kinds. MORRIS &
oprktors of the Tea Market, eat eide Diamond.
AFLOUgINti MILL, with four run of atones-one
of the best Intone. for helium in the west—and
• first rain Saw Min, on an utmost never failing stream,
and 10 acres of Laud, gosd Dwelling House, Takata
Hons. and other Improvements, ohna:ed seven miles
from the Ohio Bawer, Monroe County', Utile. Also,
near the above, a neonatal Penn, well haprovid, non.
Lalrthma4o Lens. For terms, to., amanita of
WILLIAM u..rouusrog,
s py/ 11.9_1keeond s_rillstorgh,
A PAIR of Gold Opeetaeles,sooposed (o horo been
.ll. drooped Jo Wood ..unet, in front of Batmen &
p a w s w ar n.... The fun. will be =warded on
retamlog aeon to dm owner, No. nd Wood street.
esm—ti band;cs hardware, a good 'talc
IL Heavy Suave Paper rot coarse Hartheara;
Hardware paper made to order or any slum Wet
nets by pasij J SCHOONNAKER k CO
NEvrucroolu., received this marmot, ur ex •
prow, Bonnet 111bboas, Black, Figurcdood Filth]
bil., north cast comer of Fourth sod Mutat 811.
iv k 3 at
I. ciTior sea by
IL lM eny3 " R HEY, kIATTIIIMB h. 90
¢"rDmUniena 4 - 11 - 7 by
y 3 MUU
EACII - ES-- - iFiTerriOriP"ebfl , far We by
UHATHERS-17 a abb. prime liebtookr Feitber
&" far sale by &HEY, MATTHEW& & CO
77:7-- --- TAIKE NOTICE.
A ag 1 i . 2 . 4 . 0%, N 01 T p g,.
N d . r 4o.l .i d a . m n e xor ,R :a .
him, duet le ha been fosornis r i l
d.k.:.e eoarer t tv r "' t ,o l i' t l el self and :I Re ae ar N n
.L P anou w asing RULOG
Q WEST FLOOR OIL CLOTH—On bead, a fine 4.-
9 •0r , ..° 1 Of I yard wide Floor Cloth, glop.
old patterns, of which we will 'ous to order. aorcoe,
at tonere wholesale pricer. I &II PHILLIra
Rvan.—There were 10 feet 6 lathes water ta eget,
::eel evening. and elate!.
linehlesa, Thies, Beav lV er.
Fashion, Peebles, Elisabeth.
Atiamic, Parkixon,lholensvillA
Baltic, Jacob., Brownsville.
am ever, Goro sville.
Cden. He n d ri cks on. MeKeesputt
Cincinnati, Kounisnineln.u.
lauy Lind. Gallasilier, Zanesville.
Tanis McLane. Cannel. wheeling.
liavlentar, Dean. Louisville.
Former, Murdoch. Wellsville.
Michigan. Brie. Deaver.
Camden, liendricksoa, hießeespotz
Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth.
Balite, Jambs, UroarnsvillA
Atlantic, Parkinson. Brownsville.
Beaver, Gordon. Wellsville.
Louis McLane, Cannel, Wheel 0,.
Wellsville, Young, Gridgeport.
Pilot No 2, Dovol, floekoirport.
L‘dy Byrom, Emitk, Pon smonat
Esphrates, Ceiba'. ?Galatia.
Penes' Gr.Y. Bt. Loot.
ST. LOUlS—Kentucky, 10.. w.
ST. LOUlS—Ann:Oohs, 4+ r.
Fes:vents TIM Cubism.. Itivaa—We keen from
the Nashville Tranteriet, of ilia fillb nit, thnt the late
heavy rains have caused the Cumberland Li rise to •
verlf bleb point—within a listrinehes e( the great rise
la 1E47. Th• distress eonsequent open the rise. is very
great in that section; turner• complain or havinc their
entire:fencing, &c, tutted array, and in a peat esolny
instnntee the damage is irreparable, CS re-planing and
:..tactic` pa the rite? plantations will be necessary
before they canmake a crop. The amount of suffering
in the 'emulated portions of the city is retypes:.
NAVmaitilseav sus Gth count Bum—Tie St Louis
Repel Sean gives. account of the ascent of the 4.5 -condo
condo by the hula attar Allegheny Mall. She went
farther op dim any isomer tee aver gone before,
having gone ae far as 11; berry'. millwighty miles from
the mouth; the went up with a fair stage, and came
out with_the flood, the twee having 6.1117 or 19 It, in
the cosies of two nights and as many days. lien arri
val created quite a sensation among the inhabitants.
Our thanks sae duo Umaceoulmudaur.g clot ae
fine alma Cincinnati, for laus titer paper..
El•aver—Pra Manors—la boon nbeeso, 4 net.
wool. 9 bdie pelts,Lceeh it no, Si Obi. Fleeter, C.O.
ey; 6 bbls p ash. Lognb & Benno; 16 bill. paper.
Bebooneniker. 11 do do. Lorinesion P. Roggen, 113 be..
bbis 00000,63 tin cheese; 16 bbls oil, Ltinaeldi
bee cheese, leazolton.
Zanesville—P. /miss Lmo—.ll ;MIN tob,
beef, • bilis, f brs soap, Strolls leather, 3 ek. bacon, 1
bra fan, Leech &co; 4 is bs can hams, Clerk & Tim;
bb's buttet. Heassittm; I ha mob, Churelt &Carothers;
I 1431 eggs, Vaaltirk & .on.
Portsmouth—P.l.4st 13cM3i—ld bblr, sirs
corn. °green: ta Obits lob, DT Morgan & co; 1 do do,
• As Mather, W Bingham; 42 tons p meta , . PleClurgi
SI tilde tab, Graf la co; t 3 tons p me W, Childs & ea;
bls skins, Bingham.
IlOoklagport—Plthr No. 1-11 hada sob, Oak
Tbavr; 5 do do, Job❑oto❑; 11 do do, 5 bbl• eggs, 1 a.
iloa;3 bblatithwed, F.hoe•toek & no; 170 at • corn, 8
&AT ,though; 3 Mid, sob, leech k. no; 10 per, 1 101 l
catboat; 1 Ale Cally, 1 bbd lob, 1 3 Dslworth;7bbl•
lathes,* do beans, 64 arks wheat. D T 3101411; le dOS
brooms.Wlek k. MaCondlesa 050 nail keg, Lorenz,
Steen( & CO a bbds sob, Pdot No 2; 13 do do, l 8 110.
Chaelxuastl—Pee Ilraxame.-34 ban leaf tob; 01
bbl, linseed otl, Graff & eo; n roil. leather. Bingham;
7 chid., Bagaley k no; Mt Las otgam. Floyd; 13 bags
feathers, Leech &cot! httds lob, Clark & Thaw; 10
bbls limed oil, Sellers & Nicola; 7 boxes mahogany,
bleFaden k en; 10 bbla mess beef, akar, Matthews
00, 4 bbl. lard all. Lyon, 19 bbd. b
fors, 2 bas do, 3 bra do, Bloehant; 0 eta bacon. Celt &
Ligon. 13 albs feathers. 4 ham glutton,. 0 kg,, bx bee*.
wax, Dilwarta; 4Us rags, 1 do,-1 1;b1 fiat seed. 9 bb. d
419.0 do bear do, 2 st wool, half bbt beeswax. 1 bit
bagreed, 1 Id deer MMus, !Ley, Matthews & ea, 6 bill
2600.3 do eggs, J Black.
0. IC. CIIAMBERLIPini Commerciai
and whiting Rooms, in Post lanes build
• log are now open for the reception of
• pupils, both day and evening, In ad.
...;idition to tits regular airangemenis, •
....Li:, vile , . 01 young lade win he received
for • termone month, coromencirg May bit , with
the privilege ig
Or ternairtne at hit 10011 a at such Lours
daring the day •s mill best mit their convenience.
adhoot tegard to the somber of lemons, and wilt be
'eagbt an elegant and 'split bailor. hand Such as
Cannot intend daring the day can join the evening
elths, and receive every advantage of a MI , roarer of
Instruction. Ladies meet from too to fuer to the
afternoon, in a separate apartment. lo.tructions and
lemme• on nook Keeping as C 1.11 4 1. epvg
174 nos Coins, Data!, Eagles and Cold
Post Meet—Davit Copperfield, part in—lnc
tionary of Mechanic, pan E---Lliteles Living Age
No 311.--Monin6 Mr e Ellis—Women
Amens: Maria / Al'lntosh—Hlotory or Pendeom
Tbaeaarey —Rowland Cuban Levet—
Cute: W II AinanrordL ay:m
g. IIiNENE. 7 —o bodes lscala, Leonatora Dairy. D.
V med, and for sale by STUAR I' NEILL,
an= NH Wood it
UGAR—I 001 Maples." reed, and for axle by
Ur OLASSE3--3 kg. Slagle Alt .e'd, sad for tale
. Pure la ore, era tat
sale by STUARP a BILL.
DSF Afar bbls m store, •
81UART A9p .L.
B ACON-111 :m 000 v v... 5 w.: :., P , r , 1n1 . :; ,,
200. S'I n VART fr., SILL.
Tu irS—i 0 dos, superior ardol
KEELEBB-0 dos large, in store, led for sale by
ap3o SWART
A SIR 7100 PB—fib AI AA Hoops of prima amiably
DA. for gala by & BEA N 1.71%
. 1100 At Wood at.
3Caaka Pcßs,prim& for Bale by
DUTTER AND LARD-10 kegs Rimer, and 4 Legs
L/Latd, for sal. ow by
SOAP -4Q boxes tor sale, •
DOCK keys for Yale by
ap3o tl p VON BONNHORST & CO
Sbrls fee sale by
al aallo 8 F VON BONNHORST *CO
ODA 111130-143 casks Muspratts , breed, jam re
emeett tper steamer Compartion. md far sale by
sp.l3 Liberty [Met.
MaYRAPPIMO PAPER—A large quantity of demur
y y and Rag Wrapping Paper oral! mses, jut ree'd
ham the 11111.tiailittorj, for nit In large or small lot ,
tloecenor•o NIC HILL,
ES Wood gt.
fILOVEn BEE/I—e buts for we by
.rao • J 11 CANFIELD
pTTEIL—I ens and 0 buts fresh, In cloth, Just re
eeived at the Butter and Cheese Depot, It , Front
West, for do by op.lo J D CANFIELD
CitEESE—lbo Ina new and lA/ hos old, lost WeT'd,
and (or sale by ap3o J D CANFIELD
T MIMED OIL-10 brls ntate, and for nabs by
diliiilTi.r." -
.DI .P3O
SALERATUS-200 by r and rubs and brlc. for
oak by dyad .1 II CANFIELD
COTTON HOSE—ifißi. bl ac k,bite, dud m i d
200 dos balf. brown do do;
&OD bEl Wood dt.
ARD—IOO keg. Leaf Lard (r flimqr ow. In stnre,
Li end km sale Ey B & W HAAB:AWN
10 .
D a A pV ELS Lid")
"' SNAhigt , VI; HOVER
Digidg:;.lPoAsPrtkeivUelltand - TOI s P ol ' e ` ty ' Iti"U"n
apSS sy Wood street
BUNCH RAISINS—WO by. kroodoeo brood, (
•.l by WM DADA LEY lt CO,
• 49 IBA 2D Wood
NORTH CAROLINA TAR-169 bele Isere ilse,io
sale by a 29 WM DAGALtIe & CO
QXLEICATI.72O boxes AFarland'r dopes!.
1.7 artlelejef sale by .; W 92 BAOALEY & CO
DLACK BILKS—A fine assonant ofßlack BBC.
D dint widths, received In No KS Market •st, ooh
west corner of tho Diamond.
r liimitELEß.N BILK SHAWLS:4IIdB cleavable
Silk Shawls of • vary Binaries (polity,
• On
ICrCK - L - E 7 -Plalo Black Lawns of different
inalides, los tale by ALEXANDER & DAY
HAMS A BASF-40ms 8.0 flaw, Eva. k
30 do F. C Doe, do
' 21) do B. C. Am.. Dotßeld's;
All pot
" summer
"e, and for
WarrE BRANS-10 sacks bast r , c'd. for polo I.y
LARD k. LINSL'ED 014 D Ws No I
o Lsrd rd OD;
15 brls N. 9 L Oil;
4 WI/ Linseed lab
Foe gala by .p SELLERS A. NICOLS
i tajmn a i nVitun
2.54 Linen,
OD() for ral Btanding3oCollars
c rAtrl=r ,
U.D.A.Lcinii.FALSOITS-3+ 0' -Gii i itro-ind
Cotton Umbrella', an d 46U Porneals„ silk and
warm, far *slaty C ARBUTHNOT
TIREHH BLIHE—VA , Ills mortice, gam ay, (or We by
SODA ADII-100 east. supeno.,
jall received, md (or male by
fP29 Canal Basin, Penn
liii*D-15.0 k
ERegs Mooting;
1403 do Deer Rale,
bOo Ky.
t half kegs Ky. Riga; •
rns do Deer Riga;
60 keg. Sea Shooting;
456 cans Ky. Riga;
2.10 do Dee; do;
00,0IAt feet Wet; foee to arrive thle day
and for sole by J S DI LWORTII & CO
B ACON -00 auks prima &boulders too recanting
STr.satvr.,Honsc.—By n law census of England
Me number of hones in Mot country has been' .
. found to have diminished from 1,000,000 to 200,000
t'OAR-0 MIMI N 0 Sugar receiving en consign- 1 ..,.•
0 ment, for saw by 1 S DILWORTH re CO . 'sown me last ten years—in other words, the roa
rs No I bird; roads have dispensed with the use of 410,000 horses,
Vali- - 0 k a
10 brls do do jest ree , d. and for sale by and these animals, as well as osen,nre how octsr o o.
apt 9 J S DILWORTH hCO W used for transportation; and thus the grain and
13UTTER-40 begs Batter for sale by food whine the 800,000 horses formerly consumed,
11, apY9 J 8 DILWORTH &CO , •ve been dispensed with, and land used for
rowth of bay and grass to devoted to the growth of
0 OCIAR- 7 -llAbil NO Pogii Wa l liriiisftoi ;ale Cy I
0 o p
5 & &RHAUCHI rain alone, fur the supply of bread.
- -
on conslioroont by for sale
29 23 Wood O.
Captain Charles Naylor will address the friends
of Temperance this (Tuesday) evening, the 7th
nl7 1.2 o'clock, in Wilkins ere
invited, the ladeis particnlarly. White's Brass Band
will be in attendance.
Tun Lacruss of the Rev. Win. Spoor, epee
China, lent night, watt encoded by a large and
highly Intelligent audience. The second Icctute
edl bid delivered this evening at the eatno place,
the Nit Preabstetian Church.
Tux C•nraat Ram Rosti.—Availing ourselves
of the novelty of a little aunahine yesterday alter
ation. wejomped ioto so omnibus, (we entertain
Dr. lohoron'e preference for that vehicleJ to make
• visit to the Central stall ' , Road. It happened to
be pay day,Wi that the men were not at work, ball
an hour's walk from the turnpike up Two Mile
Run, however, brought ua to the shanties where
we Wand them *stumbled. Mr. Findley, the at Er
tractor foe this section, informed ua that he had jut'
w.ttled — u.ith
, them, and notwithstanding that all
the teen ois,the hoe abOve had attach fur higher
w age., only eleven had left him out of Some 20.
or :300-in hi, employ. He had just returned from
Laurel Hill, whom he has a contract for another
auction, and informed ire that the work to rapidly
pre/teasing all along the line where it has been
commenced. He rays that, with the exception of
tunt,clr, brit!grt, , the track will be ready
to Hollidayaburg in the fall, and that lo two year. ,
time the car, will he running through to Fhiladel
The work on this aocalen, from the estate of Hon.
: Harmer Denny to East L•beety iv very heavy.—
There is a great deal cf hard atone to cut !trough
in rimy places, and we noticed . two very deep
cuts •hroogh the hills one of them eighty feet.
NEw C9CNTEll.lT.—Counterfeit ten dollar bill
on the Fanner? and Drovers' Book of Waynesburg
Pa., are in circulation.
Tax Caors.-11e vegetation has been kept hack
considerably by the lateness of the season, but the
accounts from all the adjacent country, promises
fine crops of grain, S,:c.
New Music STURK.--Mr. Henry Kleber has
opened n splendid manic Mort on Third Street,
No. 110, and has procured au excellent stock of
Eastern and German Pianos, Melodeons and Mu
sical Instrument, generally, Se., will also keep on
band a full supply of the latest and fashionable mu
sic. Mr. K. is well qualified for the business, and
is an obliging, gentlemanly man.
Dams, the man arrested for stabbing Miller, th •
policeman, was committed yesterday for nine day
more, to await the result of Miller's woods.
Batt Ross Brame —There has been P str.k
among the laborers employed on the Central Rn
Riad', between Blairsville and Johnslowo
Tn. Svarkre—The late heavy rains have mad
plenty of work for the mod *ctn.'s.
Ran Orr.—A hone attached to a wagon ran
way yesterday on Grant street, entitling general
onste rnat ion among the °stung.", but font:nate
' y doing no further irjury.
Atnma Y Pasatasmi.—We am glad to notice
that this gentleman, who has been absent for the
last taur or fire weeks on a tour eastward for the
benefit of his health, has returned much improved.
He has re•opened his aim: In the Fillh Ware.
Tut WlUTlltaa continuos unsettled mid exceed.
gly add for the 11Z113013. Good tires, clanks. and
cravats Irene in demand yesterday.
Corn or Qvarrrn rimatoos.—This court ha
drowned ha next Saturday, having nu berme,
o transom.
The Bulaser and Clayton Correspondence, allu•
del to by the London Times, has mated a
good deal of feeling in England end among Ma
irt n mongers who met on the 1014 ot Apt:, in
their quarter:li meenrg. Them men represent
the iron trade in England as by no mesas in a
dourishing condition. From the quarterly state
ment we quote, the following, which shows the
MMs resorted to by moment the iron masters in n
aiad to tic workmen
“Amongst other mantra sam,ng partly tram the
cuptoity or avarice of ma derar sod partly from the
miticalthy state of the iron trade, and which now
distracts the datums of Scuitt 'Staffs.:Moe, la
the war waging against the tract• or roomy shop
system. the payment al workmen to onecks or
goods instead at money Or their labor. Au alarm
soon has been formed for its suppreuston, and
every week, firms hitherto considered respectable,
under the stringent act of Lord Atherton have
been convicted of the °Betide with which they
stood charged. In the Walrul hated alone, 1301
!ewer than 70 mortal.. have taken place, and
in many parts of the mining and coal gelds ol
Staffordshire prosecutions b aye Leeninstimteetand
smut and with the same efficiency. These proses
cations, which have led to the determination of
the system inseveral catabliihments, have far
time produced an ihjurtatut effect upon the curt•
tug I,pclaton. Mowers were reelect to curry on
When they could atom loofa by provisions; reale
of them now decline to en ploy when the prod!
can only ba obtained—if obtained at all--from the
making of loan."
Governor of Conarrneect.—The Leg . s'aturo of
Csanecticat, havicg on Thorday elected a Spelt--
er by one majority, m joint convention, proceeded
to the election of State oflScers. Thomas H. Sep
mour was chosen Governor, uncivil 6 IZi votes
to 115 vote* ageing boo. and Charles' H. Pond,
Lieutenant Governor,l2l to 105. There !matte
men were the Democratic candidates for their re.
peebee c Dees at Me late election. A Demo
at bad been elected Speaker In the Senate by 15
It gives ns pleasure to team that M. Bodiseo,
the esteemed Minister from Russia to the United
Stales, who has been Jar some months one awn
to his own Government, has returned in the Cam.
brie no resume the diplomatic functions and rejoin
his mmHg in this eountry.—Not.
Gov. S:ade of Vermont arrived at Buffalo on
Monday evening. The Buffalo Republic says
that ha is accompanied by twenty three young Is.
dies, whom he is ere tiling to the western Suttee,
where tkey will be employed as teacher.
The Newburyport (bless.) Herald contains en
address to Mr. Webster, approving his late speech,
mined by three hundred and seventy inhabitants
of that place.
Professor Agassa, the New York Post intera
from his late marriage, in Boston, believes in the
unity, of the sexes, if be does not to tho unity al the
Fifteen hundred boats am lying in the Erie Ca
sal, at Geddes. N.Y. where the navigation is ob
structed. On one section they extend none miles.
An effort is to be made (or the to
a Universalist College, in bpriugfield, Mass.
Col. 3. S. Du Salle hto become the editor of the
New "York Sur.
The Sargnehnittia naming arc yielding im
menaely melt
A military encampment in to be held at Chem
benlearg, Pa., on the 261 h of May.
Mn. PIGII3II has ceased to conduct the "Lan
aster Gazette."
Francois Argo, it appears from a communion
Man made by mm in the Academy of Scleuccs;tas
tun health decaying, and his sight failing, and has
been admonished by these facts that it to lune to
publish certain rmulta 011160 labor* to which,
for many years, he nu been Irregularly engaged.
He is, consequently, every week at the regular
amine. or the Academy.
Wanniso.—Misa Ewing. the daughter of the
Secretary of the Interior, was married at Washing.
ton, on Wednesday evening, to Lieut. Sherman,
of toe Army. The nuptial party wan very large
ESTILKORDLIUST Casarsi.—litue T. Jewett tee
been committed to prison 111 New York city, to be
tried for an outrage on Mien Albion N. WM..,
a young woman to whom he was paying attention.
A Fbm SWlM—Than> bits been Muir/hi at the
Narrows, 13taten Island, a cod fish weighing about
silty pounds. Wben cut open there went taken
out of him two large shad,and ono dozen of large
ens crabs, dite.
Pear. WltHarell Kamm are daily annoyed by
the immense number of letters rent to them Crum
ell parts of the Union, tanking enquiries el the
(unity in relation to subjects which they eemot
oeslbl rely io. Again, what is still more
proper, lost fifths of ell there letters ore rent oa•
pale. People should bo moo eciossdcrate and
8000n.o Cass—The Brourasville, (Pa.) Advo
cate wales that a youiag man naMed theakley, of
Roams.= (woman°, Westmoreland county, Was
abut on Monday [nal, the ball entering the back
• of Ma head, and r nilng iaskant death. Toe
part °Chia head, and canal
murderer was nor known.
Railroad to the Graves—To day the first Irniu of
t c h a e " C= i rl7l:l e em n e o rery ßm a c s h eo lt n a s i tru l" ct d ed w f h ru ic ni h
the Long Island Railway to the entrance of the
grounds. It in the intention of the Railway com
pany to Tun two trains a day—nt eleven o'clocl4A.
.4.. and at three P. M. (mu South Ferry—for the
accommodation of visitors and funeral processions.
—N. Y. Jour. of Cora.
A gentleman left bens yesterday at nine A. M.
by the New Haven railway, trarelted two hundred
miles by one o'doek,spent five hours with his friends,
and was back again a t eleven P. M., nod in bed.—
Groat JOT pi n . t o oMrladra !— h l loOd i alth .ad
Ur. B. D. llOWk's
[curtsy...l •
Prepared by gleam, and put uo In (WART DOT.
TI.F.S, fur the remora; and permanent curs of all
dowers, nrroug from an °spate statu of the blood, or
brim of the Nyorm. •ix.—
btla, Poop!. or Vestals. on the Paco. Pin orde
:fore Eyes, Maass...On or Tettes,Pcald Phsuraa.
t om, Nilo 3a the Donee or Joints, and all three's:a
6 , 4111( from an irjudiclnes use of qr.:vary, .1,
For es pliell and further call upnn one
or our armor sod get a pamphlet, realrl r; carefully. and
ILI.7I is set the very msd.eine to Cu!! you.
N. 11-11Zeinsmber sve:y label or. Ito bottle has the
Doctor'. smosotte, "H. D. flow," Nime other groo
m, Po •Ir St per brute, or 6 bottles for St.
For rule by nur agentsr—J. rielsoonmaker Sr Co.,
I. A. Jones, Pittsburgh; D.. A. Elliou. Allegheny;
CrOClttl, , Brownsville; W.MeC1 6116 . 6 1
ester; and by dragging gensrally. Alto, ,7 the
loprleinrs, 11 UWE A. CO,
ell6 l- d&-wITT 1 College Hall, Cineinnall, 0.
01 . 1 . 11110,111. 111 SW
Marks, Sex e•t, lto•tvraca Third &Potsrt b,
Pittsburgh, PA.
11701.6.1) respectfully call the intention of etty and
VV maintry merchant., to one of the Mont extensive
SIOC if ill the country, compti•ing over Flosie.;
11endred . Csst• and Packsers ef Foreign end Domes.
tic Dry bonds, eon...tint, itt a roi of
Menses Lealstyle C leo.;
100 " blenched 3111.11 n, all grade.;
40 ' Summer Stuffs and Cottoned.;
30 " Muslin de Wes,
au ' Lawns mud Muslin.;
511 " Bennetts and Tweediii '
10 Cassinteree, Cloths;
103 " and bales of Tic limo, Cheeks,
300 '' '' Drown Muslin,.
Together with drimost extensive assortment of
Imposed Goods in this musket, possestmg the most
mole facilities for the 11110.10C11011 of their Lushness,
uid i one of the pawners bring constantly 111 the eastern
markeut, thus presenting every advantage esioyed by
casters houses They believe that they eau offer
grouter 1111111 cements 10 111101101401110 generally, in styles,
qualities, •nd prices, than •no ...tete market. New
goods constantly arninim. Merchants intern/mg w
ettest:lg East, are particularly, solicited to e:amine
thetr "wortnient l3Oll A A MASON I
FOULARD SILLS—A large invoice of Foulard
Silks of newest styles received
ma '2 SD Market st
A A. - MAN.: re, CV: ere now opeial.g another
.11.. large innoice of Laney Embroider.' Paraols;
tl.O. a general amortment of Plain do at all prices.
lOU l'oa aseorted Silk and Lisle Thread Gloves;
SO don Blank am! do Ladle.' and Gents' do
010 dot black ini.d white (Mum. lime;
C. 3 doe do do Silk Co;
LIO dor. Gents' Mixed Ralf More;
bOdwo Gan.' Mown Cotton Ilalf Row;
Received, and now oponing by
may/ A A MASON & CO
THE firms of Alertness., Latch & Ca, at Brookville,
react-son County, Pa , and Imola, Morrison & Co,
Allegheny Canty, have been dinolved by mom. ,
Sell. Parsons indebted to raid firms will make
;Innen to Link & Co. and claim. against the same
may he prevented to blink & Co, for settlement.
Play ttd,
I. 'Paper,
rekhr7r— w pa
/hire nottern orWitii
Finer, in Chamoi., Gold, plain, and fancy eel.",
have teen enth received, together win an ten
ension of
French Border., Fin Board Prime, and
ToPv ill Gold and Velvet.
lan: Store. St Wood
THE Union thole, Btotionary.—The Chil d . Book
of Batlad.- - -Aterdonald, or the Great Alirtake:
Story of Real Life.—Elmeemva; or .he 'Sunday
School Rol Contrestr.l.--The Bar of Iron; or We
Banger of Utom.ctlftrd AlltterKin —Smrtes of Scheel
Rot •.—lineanqo, We Mara Chtef.-t—,The I.le of
Lusher, crab special reference to tu earlier pert,d.,
and the ormeing scenes of We Reformat., by llamas
Fcan, D I) —A Summary of Biblical Antiquities,
for Schools and Fanlike.. .
•• •
Pubbotted by Arnenean S S Union. For ado by
Successors to ELLIOTT & ENGLISH,
rut 2 72 Woad SUM,
Country Sent Cor BM.
A BEAUTIFUL suburban reel denea In the nosh.
torhood of this oily, p0d.... more than or.
J teary advantages.vrtli be sold no favorable tents
The saloons are snarled with fine fruit trees. to bear
tor enmlnion. dborabery, a...greets. de. For name
of oaraer and Iccittion, enquire at this.oefiee
T Al,l ES ft LOCKWOOD has in des., and doll
intidira rhonir—Da Afonao on the Dian. Onion
of Government, Irradiated from the Preach, by IL 11
Batter, M. D., Irarton Becond ednior, , I vol. Mae.
etr i r ere Eh% I WV . ."
H ENRY F. K g . S.F.. of Edinburgh. the
relebra rod
of the "Doak of the
and Frolcalor Nuncio, of Vale College, New harro w
cea prepsnag for the pre, • Look ender the above
ole. It will mho., every *noire , of imDoeutnee
corinected h Aarleulture in nut Its •arious brunches.
both Tbecretie a! aril Practical. • Vciehre, to as far
as it ro Ito 'resent nal, been :untie &satiable
to practice, 1 y experiment. w tit he treated in Ito rel..
luau to every oreratinn a. it occur; tit the course of
the sea s.% h The work will be arranged Diller four
distinct heads, repreventinc the re•eonv, beglnnit
with Winter and ending with Antonin.
wiya ilookaeller and Importer, Ira Fourth at.
B Periodical IL
Tllll . i London lion IT Bellew;
he Fdinbureh Revtetel
The North firma Reeler,
The I.7esternuster Review,
/Pack.. Edurbargh Magee...
Each, $3 per year, an taten together, fro p er Tear
cne3 JANlktri D 'LOCKWOOD
18601 REED .HOUSE, [1630
&AIiZIASI, Propri•Lant
Palls Square, Erie, Pa.
OESF.RAL STAGE OFFlCE—Eastern, Western.
i..! ehu.betn :Ithaca, Ira, 4114 boas- daily. Car.
11h . ges to and from Swain and Parke: l'oat, rata.
.11. W. bet f , late Of tbe Illerlf 311 (Intel, Erie, Pa
U. W. Malaga, law of Lae KLEJLIaI. lintel, Übla.
LASTER PARIS-5W brie of sapenor quality
finely ground. white, pure. and unadulterated, and
suitable for land, to , for sale low by
aptla %a deal Ll.rty
H lS :it/ SO.IC CE3II7FiT for eel' by
11 , 1: T \ l o lt s H E
h t
4 1.) .
w it
and al
lobar than have Ga en
lore been qt. tow et,
BOLTING el.o Md. all 11.1.16. tlest quickly,
rrascauted, and at reduced :Tiers
sp93 \V %V WALLACE
MAlt ULF. ItIANTELh of the beet quality, my own
mutafacture, on hunt and mode border on abort
notice. W W WALLACE
ap76 dtitivirte&nSt
perEK—ltO rt. Medium SuerTrWrapping Paper,
ISO rum Crown do . do
Also a large arronment of Printing Paper of every
description, on hand, and for .ale by
:successors to ELLIOTT & ENGLISH,
ap27 . 79 Wood Merl
JUST resersed-20 — bris Alum, (or sale by
ed 27 60 Wood st.
Uy !, f 1
ACC HAW SNUFF—YIN) 11 , 1 pal reed for ve by
/V/ urn I KIDD aI & CO
G A r ll ar lib s :li4CuTCl l l . 9 oa N l UFk-41.1.1 i lb ic s i t u bl a ya co dcrs,
4 iitraraloc,=l. Ibrieed T andhiisigif.
V apY7 J KIDD ft Co
ban for •ale by
TWArgbar:l:24—coli Lb.
•p 27 _
t - id
OD LiVe:ll 01L—ftlyt received, and warr a nt
pore =hoe, for sale by the yahoo by
Alth OIL-3 b".einthPl'AU.,3`,;:`:L.r,.
'Corner iirot - O. Wood .o.
Olean acialFloallary.
rug' . received, a .apply of Lodi.' Bleck, White,
el Mat, Lead, and Unbleached Hosiery; Embroider
ed do: Soon Silk and Moravian do; and Me'. Mint
Who. Unbleached Comm do; hiciiim ditto. Lisle
Gloves for Ladle. and Gentlemen; Embroidered Lisle
and Silk do. All at low cosh primes, Cl .tore
N F. corn .r of Fourth and Mare II •Is.
Gplorad and Willie Wadding. -
100,";.':. , o7. l :','.:„',':,',.7„Tl'orttar.7.l
eastern price, al the telpeacinter..' an. hone.
lit:Er CARD ICr Wool Cardrne Machines, comb
0 plate and cleaners, for sale by
rt ad '.Vood sr.
,'gintnrr NI. prime 14.1 t!Tolissmin oak
nA store, and Inf r a t e by
nioaqulta Bari; --
EdoUNDATION all/SUNS. Crown Lining*. Boa
r lama, Cotton Yarn from sto 40 5 r. Also, WICK
ING—pert Sperm_ Ilraldnd Wick, Chandlers , . Wiek,
Warbling, Duna, tn., mumfactured and for sale on
Mr Merest term., by 1) 51nEW !NG, '
Iltro lat Pearl, New York.
To - Svvtiaain aiud 174 - / - eeeee nnerasaaits.
0 oussra."3i um . !b . :111 , 1551E11Y. Tbo
rahrerrher respeettutly °mites palate anent , on to
hi. extensive Stock of rerluntery. Soaps, Shoving
Creams, tee., to which seven Silver and awn Gnm en
Medals ham, within rho last Os yea e, been awarded
by the Institates of New York, Huston, and Lila
Celpl.m, the latter being the only Golden Medals r
awarded (or perfumery either to Europe or In lb:.
I:arrant:a thouvaxma SLAVIN° CPII. • i/thanail,
Rose, and Amami.i vtiniverially acknowledged to
be superior to any Shaving Cream In Una cavalry or
°Lomita. roa Suarmo—Beautifully traimplrent,
ono pe ite .one SRN, aceous and emollient
paper..., ...cent° Camp.. ArnbrosiulShavi
mr st ablet, Military She rate
nentanna Tower Poars—Almond. Rose,
Bouquet, Pistachio, Must, Petelinuly, imam., m at .
lag. Tourparent, Ohre Oil, Windsor, and Circassian.
Encore. von tot li...emer —Rose, /main,
Bouquet de Caroline, Cerement, Jenny Lind, Mame
line, Joelie 7 Clot, Magnolia. Clemalite, Citronelle
Rot. and many other varieties, in all sixty different
Tons, Wavves—eFloride , Water. Fitt de Toilette
Orange Flower Water. and great variety of Co:
leen. and Lavender Waters
roa TOO 11.n—GennIner Be,,', Oil,
Antique Oil. Bandonne, E. Lustful°, Olelne, Corn:
intend 00 !damper, Bair Dyes ' liquid and in powder,
and Phtlemome, Rminine, and Jenny Lind Pomades.
000.ALOIL Paseansmosi—lMlsainic Dieu, Rosa
Tooth Poem, ChittOPl Dentrifice, (Mann., Tooth
Paste, and Tooth Powder.
Coinartcs—V. getable Colwell° Cream, Amandiee
for chapped hand.. Cold Cream of Boma, Cream de
Perm, Lip Salve, Raiphcrry Cream, Ate.
Depilatoty Powder., for removing atmernanas hair,
Pearl POwder,Vinalgre de Rouge, Aromatic Vinrgar,
Victoria Ilan . Composition, Preston Salm beintlen
a areal variety of oilier &males, too nuniereus to be
named in tnif advereiremenh
The euhicrtlice bore" to maintain the repoletlon
which thh ehlblishineut lies acquired, by dispowns
of nothing but hat raw chicle'', coil will be happy to
fonligh 10010 who may teldti to patronize him either
wholuclo oe retetl, ehi‘• re”ortable tenth Marty ea
tahliehment to the United Paten
'Succes , or to and fore"; Director of the Lobetstory
114 Chesnut street.
Al;. Basic's Perfumery Is for sate by all LAD nriaei•
pal Druggists in the toastrr. aP17.117
- ENNCOURAGED by w el liberal putronege extended
£4 to all regular and conducted Ltnea the own
er, of the following fine steamers bayearranged them
into a I.ine between Pittsburgh and Louisville.
One of the beats will positively leave Pittsburgh an
every Mogan, W1t..621134T, and PIM.. Evtaguso,
at 0 o'clock—la or not hill.
The first Lunt of she Line will start on Monday.
February XXII.
Mesmer Oenn<e•---.
.Captsin T. Moore.
M. Lucas.
• I. Rlinefelter.
• • Benedict
• . Vi. Ebben.
• L Taylor
" Ilambur •
Falrmoeut --
Far freight ur p ..... e apply te
MO t..len OF.G. It. 5111.TMBERGY:R, A_gt
_. ur
t..aplete w. =UM J. K 011312.
Thle splendid boat wee built by thev
owner. of the steamer h ue Newton,
and others, for the Cincinnati and
Pittsheroh Packet trade, and will
leave every 'Wednesday, for Cincinnati, in place of
the New England, No. 2. ft,
For freight ar plunge wily. board, °eta
—-- --
'the tplendid fast running gem.
(-.- Melte MeLANE, W. S. Conwell,
.), master, (busier undergone a that.
°ugh repalt,) will run hereafter an •
regular packet between Pittsburgh
end Wheeling,' leaving Pittsburgh every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday morning., at 0 o'clock. Fat
freight cr ' , sumo apply on board, or to
Joni W. B. WHEELER, AgenL
.1:10150110A1IE:LA 11013 TE
mamia .iO.
0.17 73 3111 es Stagging.
Via Browner!lle and Camberland to Baltimore and
Philadelphia. •
.---410 00
no. Sumanammto • --- ••• • 12 OD
HE morning boat leaves the wharf, ahoy. the
bridge, drily, at o'clock 'precisely. Time to
Baltimore, ' 32 hours: time to Philadelphia, 40 hours.
The eveolug boat leaves daily, (except Sunday ea.
enings,) at o'clock. Pamengers by Trauirg on the
averting hoot, will ernes the mourtaing In stages nail
day, mid thus ovoid night travel.
Secure your Resets at the Office, Monongahela
House, or St. Charles Hotel.
0cti4.17 /. kW/WMIEN, Agent
1850. .1.,
Two Daily lilacs Expreu Packet Ponta,
And Rail Rand Can,
(EXCLIT•IVILT /011 Purina sat,)'
Via the New Central Rail Road and Penn'a Canal.
Trinse—GO boors Fare-Bi9 through.
1120 miles Roll Road, and 180 miles Count
ro lat Into, the new Central Rail Road Compi
ay commenced running TWO Dart.! roan. vas
xOO5 Jackstown to Philadelphia, Hanna
there immediately idler the arrival of the Packet
Boats from the West. By this arrangement passen
gers will go through withouidetention.
A Packet Boat wib leave every morning at 0 o'-
clock, and every eacning at 9 o'clock.
This WWI% for Safety, Speed, and Comfort, la not
equalled by any now in use to the FAstern Cum.
For passage or information apply to
W BUTCH, Tdoeoneshela Howes
era D LEECH a CO, Canal Bann
The fast running steamer
Lap,. O. Topng i erill Inn so a mauler
packet between Pittsburgh. Wheel.
ing, Bridgeport, and Sonfieb, leaving Plueborith every
Monday •Ilelllooll, for Wellsville, Steubenville. and
Bridgeport, and every Thursday afternoon for Steuben
ville, Wheeling, Bridgeport, Caput., and Sunfish
gumming, leaves Bridgeport and Sunfish every Toes
dee afternoon, and liton4sh eyery May afternoon.
For freight or pa•oue, apply on boar. or to
stilt) D WILKINS. Atom.
. . . . . .
The opiendid paraeneer teener
Capt. Cochran, will leave for above
arid all intermediate landucy on
Saturday,llth inst., at 10 &clock, A. M.
For frelght or pusage, apply on board, or to
sags The rplendid last ranning steamer
F r hoe., love for et
above and all intermediaie sons as
Wedouadyr, the Id, mgt., al ID o'oloct, A. M.
.. .
'''-igh'" pa".ga
apply hoard. Or to
Ths Format will tote fre.ght for Now Orleans,
with prl•tlype or re. shippler. roy3
The eplendrd fast steamer
Mcßride,. Milner, will leave for die
above d all Ix:immediate pore on the 7413 met, M T
For trelalit or poseur apply oo hoard. or to
roy3 1 C PETTIGREW, apt.
1. Futerr,Jr., SecT. I FL , Jr., Fr et.
hi!LII metre 'salon all kinds of aka,
A LL losses will be liberally adjusted promptly
Art pald.
A arc
llt r r i t i ro CO — ta=dry d aa by d LV ' a th re " d w eZ
ad by pranopmeu and bberauty to maintain urn char
acter which they hue warned. u pliantly the but
protection to those who notice ro be Insured.
Dzawrosts—lL Miller, Jr, Bea Black, J. W. Bader,
N. Holmes, Jr., Wm. li. Holmes, C. Bunn, Gee. W.
Jackson, Wet. Id. Lyon, Jas. Lippincott, Thos. K.
Lima, James M'ealey, Alex. Munich, Thu. Scott.
Dfrtq No. all Warn eiret, iscarebure of Roar.,
,a t n,l Ntubu ryn. i.t di Y
I . _
Broadway, c rrrrr of Maiden Lane.
Tills extensive HOTEL has been leased by the
subscriber, and boo been completely refitted In
most elegant manner. LAlga additions are now
being made ' which, when completed, will make U the
most extensave lintel in Neve - York. his the determi
nation of the proprietor, to make Uxorial, in every re
spect, to tiny mho House In the United 'Otates. Its lo
is the on is the most desirable! and central in the city, he
ih the fashionable Dart of Broadway, convenient
nt all the public builhtugs. place. of amusement, and
tu,meas. Oratefal to, the liberal patronage received
nto his were blonds, *stale at Cumberiank
id more recently at the Weddell House, Cleveland,
cbto,.he respectfully solicits a renewal of their patron
ode, kr his new establishment, at New York, and
begs to assure them that every effort on his part skier
be given to administer to their comfort and pleasure.
New York, Itlarch,lBBll.—drartihaes
DAILOPOBAL 6 will be received at the °Zee of the
Balttmore and Ohio Railroad Company, at Bala.
more Cumberluid end Wheeling, t.p to Wednesday,
leAl day of Mar next inclusive, for the graduation
and masonry of the portion of that flood, extending
front the bridge on the north-western turnpike, over
the Typist's valley river, to a point on the south fork
of Pith Creek, near the mouth of Long Drain, embra•
ping tome 50 sections. Also, the eight .ections
tweeu the mouth of Grave Creek and the city of
A variety of work will be presented by the line to
be let, which will include light and moderately heavy
grading. Several short Mantel., and a considerable
amount of bridge mummy.
Specificatione may be had at the above named of
flees on and after the Ist of Nay ensuing, and farther
Information otimiued from tea Regieeer upon the
Unexceptionkble maims:Male of character must
accompany the bids, mud Me bidders are requested to
state what other woes, If any, they ate mussed in,
and when it will be computed.
The work must be enmegetleally prosecuted.
Brder of the Prerident nod Director.,
BENJAMIN o B. LATROBE, Chief Hogklrti.
Ilsltunore, Aped 10,1834 apl7:dlm
a. WIsiCrILLS, wouraavour, It
keep constantly on hand or make to order the
best article In th eir line, at their old stand, N 0.13 Br.
Clair meet; also, at No.YII /darker street story
entrance in the Diamond. Yunnan Snorters made to
order, end old blinds neatly repaired. aplo
CHURCH. CAROTHERS & CO. have removed to
No D 7 Woto, yr, between Wand & Marvel, la We
house formerly ovulated by Hardy. Jones & Co.
JOHNSTON tr. STOCKTON have jml recoved for
ode volume 4 Homes' lllenry of England, Har
per.' new IGEDIL011; cloth.
VoL fed Seuthey,s Common Place Hook. Cloth and
pacer binding.
Carlple`a Latier Day Pamphlets, No. Y. Subject—
" Model P,l one
the Oheapeir. and bitNed'tine l Chi
CHERRY: ter the care of Colds, Coughs, CO.
runipunn, Bronchitis, Bremt Complaints, and all Fol
mummy Adessons, Liver Complaints. and Female
Debility, and for Impandes of the Blood, Catarrh
Fever, Asthma, Croup, Influenza, Whooping Cough,
die. For sale In simntales, or by the single bottle, at
the Drug, Seed, and Perienvery Wareham., corner of
Sate and Wood sts. Price only ase per bottle
10E1 101,t
IVE n fi d ay .c x,
lEntonn Ten for .ale, to arrive. Dealer.
I eper. onll find tt to thew advanttga
In call en tYCONNOR, ATKINS & CO.,
nplO Cann! Damn, Ltbenl et.
Wall Paper Warehouse,
'I\TO 97, - . MARKET STREET, between Third and
DI Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. TIIIOhIAS PAL-
M:lt mould suspend:illy call the anentiou of his
friends and customers. 10 Mg rodent extensive and
general stock of meretiandice. It will be found to com
prise every iscrignion of American and French Wall
Paper and Bonier tor Parlors. Halts, Maritsa Rooms,
Bed Chvlllbell, Counting Rooms, he., naming from Idi
eta to ex a piece. Ftio great a diversity of priers
and qualinea can hardly fail to salt the eitemastances
and tastes ot purchasers who may favor with them
patronage, the old establishes' stand on Market meet.
. • .
A LL persons having numbers put On their
. houses,
in yard:mom to • resolution of will
please ai the Rooms of the Board of Trede;
second story, corner of Wood and Third ate, and pay
5,U01.1 LINITILA - lE — lalaD - 1111.0N;
PHIL Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road Comp an y
g *oh to contract fir eight, thonund tons of nail
Road hen, for the eastern on ettbmr road. e =end
ine weetward Irmo Pinson. h. Three thousand tons
to be delivered on dm Ohio River, at Pittsburgh and
Beaver, before the close of canal navigation ut the
peseta )ear. Inita and the remainder in the spring of
next year. The rails are to be of the It pattern. in
lengths of twenty ket,and'are to weigh on pounds Der
'huh, recd. They are to be %Memel to the Inspection
in Raisin:ion W. Roberts, Chad' Engineer. For farther
information, please address the President of the eons.
petty, at ?MOONS. By order of the Board of Di
thetas. WM. RORINSON, Jr., President.
Pittsburgh. April 2Uth. that arigtrAl3..
ALIdER, HANNA tr. CO. here removed their
Exchange Office to north west comer of wood
and Third IMICIa. spin
Dv/falling fleas. sad 0116.• to L. 0.
11111 E Dwelling Howe otcupied by the
antneriber, in Third beet. above
111 li' Pronhfield street, 'with Dal Homo and
Came, Irma the tat of-1anc..1850.
&extra or IDINILY I VCKMS,
flint, or Water
TREE ACRES OF LAND, situate about miles
from the city, tear the reticence of 14'1.Bit:hard
Lee, on the G reensbergh Turnpike; meltable for ease
try residences.
Auto—Four Hundred Acres ot-Land, situate in
Franktin township, about le roles from Pittsburgh,
near Franklin Road. This will be divided to =la pur
chasers. Via <ls an excellent c site oe
Also—A Lm of Ground near the New Basin, Ser.
enth Ward, tel i 100 feet teems, on whieh is a two
story Brick towelling Reese.
For particulars and terms ersale enquire of
DAVID D. BRUCE, Attorney at Lase,
Fifth st, tarn Wood and Smithfield.
AHLAIDSOME STORE, en Market street.. beavreeet
Third and Yourih storcte„ et present °maple& 4 Mr.
Ilona+ White, as • C 9. °code Elora.
Al o--/. bang well Antalied ROO in the second Ittory t
ant door to Mr. DoT. Mercantile Colin, This roam le
ei•tvatell, and sellable far • tansical saloon or Acadenry,
or could be conveniently arranged ..doable of..
_25 . 11 OlErs, Third et, over the Past OM..
To Lot,
ABRICK uunziria, t by CO feu, th ree CM.
blob, "lib Engine, tic; located In Illonibgbann,
immediately below the Ferry. Foquire of
Pith/bore. Foundry
To LET—The More on blotter abnest door to First,
will be rented low to a good tenant, and pones
mon ghee immediately. For terms apply to ,
mrld-dtf WALTER BRYANT. IF3 Liberty et.
To Let.
TIRE Dwelling Mum, T h ird, above Sznithfiel ' d, now
occupied by Rev. Mr. DatewelL
Alao—For one or more year., tome large Lots of
Ground, in the Ninth. Ward, on and near the over,
callable for Lumber Yards. Enquire of JOHN Si.
mrAtf D. DARLINGTON, Fourth tt.
• Tes Lot. •
THE large three, story Brick Warehouse, on Water,
below Ferry street, running (rola Wows to Vast
street, on reasonabl4 turns. POWCIIIOII given lame
drawly. Emptily '
V FOR BALK—A Lot of Oreand situate °cream
street, between Ray and 51arbary streets, adloining
We bowie and lot now occupied by Richard Edwards,
having a trout of 25 feet, and ita depth LW reel, wdl ba
sold on favorable terms. Tide unexceptienable. En,
claire n( C. 0. LOOMIS, 4th st, near Wood.
• 0ce.1140
• • • , No 41 Wood street.
12 offer for Geo,
IRO pas. Y. R. Imp. Black
and Gunpowder Tess;
1.13 boa Tobacco;
itro begs Rio Colpe;
020 brit N 0 ERlames; .-
73 bbd. N 0 Sonar;
230 bozos assorted sires
RClinen M. IL lll'xins;
tablas cluster do;
13`11g1 - do do;
leensks Zama COMMIS;
13 taloa F. Wa nuts;
IS do Snail Nuts;
IS do F1161111•I
1 100 do Pen Nuts;
tro has shelled Almonds;
20 las Rock Candy;
S came !Jeanne,
10 M Priocipee& Regatta
ISM ItCigna:
flair Spanish;
3 boo Cloves;
2 eons Nutmegs;
3 <croons Indigo;
55 cases Lemon Synip;
23 cues Pepper Sauce;
tU ease. Tomato Catsup;
Ground Spites of all Enda
barrets powdered and
Loaf Sugar;
9 hhds Madder,
10 Ws IV biting;
. .
Window Idiom;
40 his Pipes;
400 Om ?Asp;
It* bit Candles;
3000 lba Catfish;
30 bolo Taman' Oil;
kV bit Chocolate;
DU dos Red Cards;
00 cods Manilla Rope;
30 his dpieed ChocoLte;
10 bogs Pepper;
II bars Altpice;
000 his /Jeremy,
40 bola Vinegar;
Du balm CaDdlawick;
40 his Starch;
lu tics Rice;
to bola Cbsok;
nua Mows Figit
As well as a ;gestural
Slanafactortd omelet,.
eswruvent cf l'iLtsbugh
1113n2p Pa
464 CAhICS of the •
high test, direet f •
'oat celebrated brand and
in the manufacturers;
00 New Orleans, and es•
and all will shortly arrive,
mate, Chesapeake, Damatsl
I be sold on arnval, at the
b or approved bills.
casks now en the way fr.
peeled here this week;
vla Baltimore per skip. In
a. Alba., which will
lowest market price far e
Sow Goods ti New Geod.. 1
Naga Sprsni and 5.13110 T Thy Gads far ISVD
..4 .,,........ " „,,,, , „),, ,. .4. r i ar d k a ei
street, between Third aid worm, sign of the
BIG Rag lithe, bus loot commenced receiving
and opening one of the moth rich. splendid,
and extensive steels of Spring and Sommer Dry Good.
ever offered for sole to the lVesiern country. All of
these Imported Geod. are fresh opened, andmeeived
per the last steamers from nun... and Ermined; es
also Irish (Anne., imported direct from Belfast, all
10811. bleached, and warranted the pare article; these
Linens are all Imported by the subseriber, and aro all
pert {Lax yarn, warranted. Also, Irish Linen Damask
Table Cloths, the very best manufacture; nod Irish
Liven Goods of all kinds, impend direct front Belfart
by the subscriber, and will be found the real Erithgo
New stylerich Turk Satins, all colors, splendid
goods; black Turk Satins, oil Prices, rich go.*
black glees Silt a, all calms, late =pantheist French
Kid litotes, all colon. the bent imported; plaid black
Armare., pm I SI Kreneti steamer; new style painted
Flareget, op= id goads. Also, a superb and large
reek of vim; biact. Brussels Lane, (or tnmming
dresses, very evil goods; plain Bareges In ith colors.
extremely low, ticantilbl goods; black Silk Fringe, all
wuldie and prices, very cheap; French Lawns, new
stAles. pm last Preach steamer, plain black Den De
Rhine, high tare, superb goods; black figured Gra
De Rhine Brocade, rich goods; French and English
Cashmeres, now styles, beautiful goods; splendid
figured bolas goods for ball dresses; rich embroidered
Swiss Dolls for evening dres es; Swiss Edging and
Inserting, tke beat imported; Silk Tl/111.• in all colors
and qualities, new style, plain and satin stripl black
Damsel, all prices; printed Lawns, new styles, from
t 02 5 cents per yard; Bares. de Loins, n new article
for ladies' dresses Alto, a large and superb stock of
new style spar.; Benn et Ribbons, the very best =-
ported, all new.
Canton crape Shawls, all colors, fresh from th e Cus
tom House; 'tuck satin Shawls splendid irioda, in all
color,, per last stsamer, beautiful changeable circa
ern Shawls, fresh importation white embroidered
Canton Cup. Shawls, superb go od.; green embroider
ed Canton Crape Shawls, splendid goods; Lapin's
French made lembroldered Tlobet, finest =paranoia;
Faris painted CuLatero Shawls, all prices and quali
ties; ladles' aumwer Cravats add Stmt! In great ea
rietY: French srorkedCapea,Callars,..d cad's,. Dn.
A Large Block of
50 bale. unbleached Moslin., from 5 to IU cents per
yard; 1.5 eases bleached Mullin, fram 4 in 121 coon
per yard. 11 caws Irish Linens. imported direct from
Belfast; 11 bales Ticking, loom 8 to 53 cents per yard;
8 eases Mac Drill. Isom 8 In 122 cents per yard; be
sides a full assortment of Summer Cloths Ale. Cas
simeres, Tweeds, Batmen', and Kentucky Jean;
GO cases dark Calico. fast mimed, from 3 to 111 cents
per yard; 5 eines Hoyl & Sens' English Prints, best
i l nir c a .w rind;
jl.,,, bali' i s . ll . lls l :l4 : to n d g ki r lotch . Djaze i rs, etze v is4.
clean; 2 bides Hosea Crash. from el to 12/ cents per
yard; besides a large stock of Cheek and Shiraug
suipe. Also, Canton Flannels, all colon and quali
ties, at low prices; red, white, and yellow Flannels,
very cheap; teethed and unbleached Drillings, full
assortment; I cases blue Merrim.k Calicoes, ex
tremely low: black and unbleached Table Diapers,ali
prices; Bird's eye Diapers, all prices and . q.dinas,
very cheap; colored Cambric., a toll assortment,
cheaper than ever. a bales Burlaps, from 12/ to 23 as
per yard. Aioo a huge snick of Conon Table, Diapers.
Mariners' ShiGing—A fail assortment, very cheep.
The largest and most splendid stork of Parasols
ever opened, by any one horse in Pittsburgh, Is Ibis
day received, and are all of the newest French styles,
which, for nchness and beauty, cannot be surpassed.
As we have a large lot of these Parasols, they will he
sold cheaper than any other house in the city can af
ford to sell the same quality of goods.
The Ladies are respectfully Invited to examine these
Parasols, as they will find some of the richest and
newest styles ever imported from Bumps, These
Is see all of toe richest and mast farthlonable
colors, and are worthy of the attention of the ladies.
All of the above goods will be sold off at prices roe,
any house ru the rim and In order to prove.
this feet, the public will please call and price these
goods, and compare them with any other house in the
city, and be convinced of the shiner aasenlqn.
The subscriber would here say to his nuretrous cus
tomers and the public to general, that Crete are two
other bee hire stores to markLlet, pretending to
rope with the Big Bee tiler, which alone the only
celebrated and far fumed Dry establishment in
Pittsburgh. The subseribar would thfirefore say to all
purchasers of Dry Goods, either wholesale or retail,
that the Big Ike Rive, onalurket street, between Third
and Fourth.. now opening gt, richest, and
most splendld stork of spring we
dan summer Dry Goods
ever offered for sole in Pittsburgh
Nzw Sewn roalbs6—The largestand roost fashion.
able stock of Bonne. ever opened in this eityos just
received at the rich of the Bag Bee liive.on Market
street, between Third ara Fourth sirens, where pry
Ginds of every desetiption an selling cheaper than
any other house in the city. The public will please
tske notice that there are
klarket street, who pretend to corn • to with the Big
Bee Hive, between Third and Fourth streets, where
the poetic will gad, at all times,the largest and newest
style. of Dry Gaud% fresh opened.
Please tube noliCe t. thlll the store it between
Third and Fourth streets, sign of the BIG BEE HIVE,
where Dry Goals of every description are selling
amps. than at any other house in the city.
TnE sabseribersespeetfally rearms his friends and
the pohlm, that he has removed his BOOT AND
RUDE MANUFACTORY to No 0 Market street, two
doors anode Water, where he has on hand a very
large asso rt ment or BOOTS AND StiOES et hi, own
manufacture, whisk he will .ell Loam than can be
purchased in the elm. DANIEL BEIRA.
I) HAVrIITh.I. 11Lat;IIICILIT7S—tua excel tem oppor
j lanky Pow ocean to a preened Madden; of
well establiAtedrepetition, and some eattgl. to en
gage exteneively to the Sin. Extant, HOll3l, ASI.
rocnear Dueness.
.• • •
An estatilishment la now ready . for business, ample
In all its details, including extensive wharf room, Mr
any Axed stews boat, and from la posilloo, If pro.
petty sendwted, will .doubdess' command a large
Ware of business.
A pnettcal Nachiniet.. a partner, is required, to
conduct the whole eatahltahment; and only tense folly
wantpetent need apply. Ad.. tpott "ItIA.
CHiNE CO" B. No 711, Phtlait ;
elphts, Pa.
Newllly ALL
. PAPER—W. blaturats ta consimitly
lecetvin how the menur in
New. York and g,
Philadelplya, largest
mid also Doacmiones
ageuhlev, the newest and mem approved style, of Ps
per Ibmgltrs, together. with Darden, Fire Mani
and Tester Tops: For aale at 8.3 Wood at, be
tween-Fourth at and Diamond alley, (successor to S.
D. MIA , ap3
1a.1:115 - Ficl Wit came o
tY.Lucd for sale by tie barrel or single partud at the
Dray, Seca, and Perfumery . Warehouse, corner of
Sixth and Wood streets. 8 N WICE2R3IIA Pd.
esnate—"i43.. now
Emma!Yuma, 0., April 9.1E41
Mr. R. E. flxisanta—Dear Nis—Having used some
of Your Vennifuge in our famines, with treat success.
and ellars, from the very great ramfaction it Las
0000 in onr neighborhood, titat it is the Des! POW in
use, We are anxious to procure the geae9 ilss th is
place. We have told ail we obtain ed ofyoar Ohio
agent. Your., respectfully, Fd. A JULIAN.
rm r:illair,sll/..alsvais procure the mon re-
Prepared and sold by It El/SELLERS , No 4 7 Wend
street, and sold by DroggiNts arteooll two
W 23
CyeyQe~bi• lILLt 5n..0.,
O F V r Tr h r dlaid/
. e e:leltVl/M irumo,
E comer of Fowl% and blukct 10.
Frost Vegetable rett i ficaer a ta repel Illeakeee . ' :
' Dr. Glawaetea Vs - trued of Telloar Dank ,
, and litaraaparilis. . .
Coma cenaumption, serefula, erysipelas, rheumatism,
goal. et complaints, m skews, mired affeetions, ske, NY
plaits, dropsy, asthma, pace, mavenhma, affections of
DI dder and kidneys, mercurial diseases, 'cat
mint h morn, rush of blood ,o the bead, fever and
film , emate complaints, general debility, dy.pep.
sta, I aof appetite, headache, cold % madames.%
gravel night meat% cholle, organic affection.,
letlii don of the heart, biles pains to the alder,
ehaati ackd'
he. 1
It Is in alllble in all diwasesalsigidg ham an ire ,
pan abate oldie blood. orttremdar =non of the sys
tea. i
is thsi Vegetable Etogdoto, an Ali-wise Belog kus
depoiited pima and herbs:congenial:to oar estunitn
tioni, and [adapted to he cure of &seem; and to the
vegetable kingdom does the reason of man, as well as
the instinct of ani al% tam for ant/dotes to pain- -
The Syrup Is a mientific compound of the most val
uable plants in nature, comely free from deleterious
andLeL , ltervating mineral imbalance% and as it expels
dile from the system, imparts vigor and erscrolt In
accitmsponding degree.
Anixlttordinary ease of Scrofula, Etymipelas and ID. ,
en, cured by the sole , use of Dr. GuystitPs Com- 1
pound Syrup, Yellow Dock and Ssnagnuilla
• Brooark . , Nov. 17, tete. i
D. Caisson—Sim I tender: my unarm thuds. for
Da great - benefit I have derived from the me of year
Valuable [syrup. I have been troubled very bed with
a serofelort. wee, which made it. appearance on my
chin. ,Idid eel pay much attention to It at first, sup
posing 1 ,!1:1 be nothing bat an erapnen that appear
on person a fan 1. It finally Damns to Increase, rough -
spread 0 lb. act pert of the head. I applied to a
physician, who attended me all to no purpose. I hod
tried every thing that meld be tried. I saw your Syr
up of Yellow Dock and Suivapetillas and concladmi
to use It, /or I knew. that Yellow Dock was one orate
most reliable. articles in the world for the blood. I
bought your Syrup s and Born the ale of one bottle, I
could reel great change In my symint. 1 continued
to um it maill was a well man. I now feel Like a
new person; my . blood a perfectly cleansed and free
front all imp ti e. There is not nonunion butika
poor newly diacovered compound Is far auperhei t
any wrsapatilla ayrap ever sold. •
Thueel - paean, Is at.your dispival to publuib If you
like, and any one yea may refer tome 1 shall be hey
py to giro them all the tuformation I eau about say
ease, he. I }Meth your obedient servant,
Gamma O. foams%
113 Market attest
The best female medicine known. The Eitnset of
Yellow pock and Sarsaparilla La positive speedy,
and petzunent cute for all complaints incident to
11l mild, alterative nropenies render it pecaliarlY
applicable to the slender and delicate constinnion 0 I
the female. It is unrivalled in is effects open such
diseases as Incipient consampuon, barrenness,
eorrhoes, or whites. irreplar menstmallon, inconti
nence amine, and genet.' prolamine of the system.
It immediately CO.O.rorAs that distressing nervotm•
nem and I:ampule so common to the female Dante,
end imparts an enemy and buoyancy so WV ruing et
racy tuff grateful. We have evidence on Me submit
indocesi as strongly IA nteollirlenel to
married people who have not been blamed with off
romArsus Ural. or Falling of the Womb, of Iva
years' carding, eared by fir. Guysett's Extract of
Yellow Dock nod Sathaponlla, atter eve -other
known remedy had been tried without rolieL
Wsamocron, Ohio,Feb., 1812.
This certifies th at my wife, aged V.7 . years, has
been sods:lag under the Above complaint for five
yews—neatly all ofiliat time confined to her bed. I
have for four ye ari constantly employed the best med
teal Want tear could be procured tri this section of the
country, without any benefit whatever. I have alio
purchased every Instrument recommenced for the
cora of such diseases, all of which proved worthless.
In the spring of 1848, I was induced by my Wends
to try De. Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparftla,
which was used for four months. After she had used
for about four weeks, it woo evident to all that she
was improving, and from thiv time she improved rap.
idly, arid goined fiesh and streogth, notil the disease.
was entirely removed, and she Is no* enjoying moat
excellent health. VIAL hltitiFOßT.
- We being nciablors of Wan. end lab. Monfort.
know that the above augment, p. M the sickness of
Mr. Monfort, end av to the core being effected by
GuygoWs Yellow Dock end Senteperillo. to be candy
tree. JANE EDDY.
Great Care of Consamptien.
ILLatturon, January R IBID.
Mr. Bennett—Dear Sir: The great benefit witiol I
have dented from your Extract of Yellow Lock and
Sarsaparilla, induce. me, as en act offustice, to make
the following statement:
After waning for two years front general debility,
which finally terminated In consumpuon,„We:ter:leen
up by my friends and physicians as bey md .ho ald of
medicine. As a last resort, I was induced to try
year Extract,_uff having used but two bottles, ac
cordnig yous directions, I am entirely well. I
would therefore earnestly recommend your unequal
led Compound to the afflicted who desire a powerfal,
pleasant and safer remedy. Gratefully your friend;
None genuine inlets put ap in large square bottles,
containing a guar, and the name of the syrup blown
in ths glut, with the written signature of B. P Ben
nett on the outside wrapper. Pete., SI per bottle, or
six bottles 10105
It is sold by J. D. Park,nomer of Fourth and Wal
nut meets, C,neinnau, Ohio, Genotal Ahem fin , tho
tooth and Wont, to whom all order, most be addreav
Carter & Bre ' Erie, W. P. Jodrout &Co., Water
ford; Olin & Cleinons. Crossingollle; Abel TorreLl,
Noncom; Hiram hl ix, Towanda; Robert Roy, Wells.
boro; 4 Roderick, Callenstairm 4 Wileok,Jr.. Pitts
burgh, contra( Market street and the Diamond.
- 1:17 - Daemons szn Sum tiwnins.—JUNGll , in
lan Chemical Soap causes a free perspiration, sad a
Vie same tosio nullities, softens, sod white. On skin
giving it the texture and beauty of an infssels.
Scum, SALT Ran= sin Sam, an non not only
healed, but cared by its use, V 3 an lent eleven I oysi-
Sinus to New York know, who non It in <w,
and and it anfalling—as also in
Putties, fixorms,Faxcxxxs, or ary other at n dig•
.. t .
ease. The reader is assured that n no o ekes
puffed nostrum as one trial will p I could coo-
Mettle at least parlous cured of
Son. nun, SOUS La. AND Sou D.— ay it,
and use it, and the reader is again snared I would
not cruelly sell it for the above ualen I knew, to ba
all I rune. Thow who are liable to . . .
CELVIIrry CaLCILID, as Cll.?m Fltm, will Bh' this .
oust. Any one agile ted with any of the abov 31.W:is
llar diseases, find this all and ouch more ( e,
ft /mins
bit ih its ProPurueshbm I mu.
Bat, reader, the stores arc hooded with imitators,
cud he sure you ask for JONE.S , S
Soap_ Sol," by \4 M. JACIESI3N, 240;Liberty street,
Pittsburgh susulhsta
Tux SIMI as s In. Ringca ts not more repel
are than a bad, patrid breath, or dart, yellow &ma.
ed Leah. If penana have three it is them gam fa:di—
ther elm,. for two ahillinp, boy ill article that wilt
mate the ir breath pure and sweet as as Spiry ir •
It cures diseases of the Guma, spongy or ulceratsd,
and for the Teeth It Is unequalled, removing the tartar,
fastening the tooth in the gums, and, y elean them as
white as the moss of as/roam North.
Sash, reader, are the properties of Jones's Amber
Tooth Paste, and, without praising It oars,hlves, her r
what one of our most respectable and seschee DM -
tilts, Ur. E. Fteld, of New Tort, says
.1 have both ascii and unarmed this beau fel and Ern
palpable article, (Jose. Amber T t dated an
eaarewmmendlt as PPssesfing "lithe tieselallis
ed for IL. Reader, we eau uy 110 In to routines,
only that Nye. try tlus mace you will be well please 1.
It 'spat op in Iseautifut English Chins. Puta, for a
Coots. Bold by the Agent, WA.L JACKSON. 040 Libe
ty street. Pinsbursh. asurnalkarT
llCr ALL awn. crmtwo are amazed Via
the following are the actual qaalitie• oft Sa. beige o
Johcalt.Coral Hair Reqorative. If they doubt coo
ward, they canner thew highly reapeetabla eltissna
whe have trial
Mr. Geo. Geese, 41 Mm st, Now York.
Mn. Matilda Reeyes, Myrtle ag, Brooklyn.
Mr. Wm. Tompkins, D 2 King at, New York.
MG‘Thos. Jackson, Moamar* Island. near Pinsbuigh
G. Cullen, late barber etenmbeaiS. America.
And more than a hundred others state., though , nl
must grace, that It will forge the hale to grow on Me
head or lace, stop It falling olj, strengthen the re ns,
removing scarf and dandruff from the roots, maims
light, red or gray hair assame a linodark look, and
kepprng dry, harsh or wiry hale meat, soft, clean .and
Imamilal, a very, very_long lime.
Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, 410 Liberty et,
Pittebtaeh. Prins 37j, 50 rents, and one dollar.
fp - LADIFD ARE cAft • TortED AGAINST - 7 7
They are art aware how friebtfally injurious It la
'to the akin! how rouse, how rongh, bow eel
low, yellow, and el . ..healthy the skin ap-
pears after using prepared chalk! Be-
aides it is injurious, containing a
large qoantity of Lead
We tine prepared a beautiful vegetable ar dal
which we cell JONES' SPANISH LILY wurri..
It le perfectly innocent, being purified of all dale en'
ens qua/Wes; and I/impart/I to the atm n natu
thy, alabaster, clear, living white,' et the sane Imo
aeung as a cosmetic on the skin, making It colt sad
=oath. Sold by the Agent, Whl. JACKSON, 250 Lib
erty at, Pittsburgh. Price 25 rent. auVairs. It •
ATFORNEY AT LAW—Office on south alde of
Fourth st, between Chem alley sod Grunt st.
01110 srATS,COMMISSIONER for taking Repo
Odom Aelonowledgmeno of Deed., as-
Mee—Founh street,' above Smithfield.
tera-diterT •'
Property la alloCheajr city for Pole.
E anbscrtbare otter for • e a number o oboist
Lo, &anew Ina. Second Wani n frontlnt cm Ike
I ‘ll is
L mmon ground, on coy tonne. In girt or
W. 011. ROBINSON, Airyat Law,St Calr
• or oLIASROBINSON. on theorem], a.
11Thlt.IMIN MARTIN rcepetantly announces to the
Ctlittall or Pittsburgh, that he has peressocintlY
located himself in this city, for the purpose Of prac
ticing Medicine and trorgery, In writs TIDOos branch
. His office is on Fourth street,NoWS. llssldence
No P 7 same si. apl.d.koneer
. .
TA STUART & co., of Philadelphia, will open
IP • an the la of April an entire new stook of
And TAILORS , TRIMMINGS, of eastern protean..?
low for ejah, at No. 116 Wood a, next to Melleanal•
Auction lions, •DMEMIrr
IVAMMAYI w an. Mn. MM.. • 'NIL L. HASS
(Successors to Rosser, Hanna k Co.)
LI in Ppreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificate*
of Deposa, Bank Notes, and Specie—North west
corner of Wood and Thud *neon Current money
mceined maleosite--Sich Cheeks for kale, nod
collections on neatly Si. the principal points
the United Sataes.
The highes remlum paid for Foreign and Ameclout
Adosoceo made 011 coraignmenta of Prodoee - 11.1p•
Enst, on ntawal tams. , apxa
HAVE mien WSJ. CARP. 11110 parthernbsp with
L . my Lir-mesa. waien And tram this date ba
earned on Ulldef the name cd . ./aLn Parker &Co.*
Wards lay lona. JOHN PARKER.
• Can.
JOIIIT PANK aan ak. co.,
Inciaile Grnerrs, Dealers so Prod.ara, Farsig-n
Ltgatars. Old Mananialtera
• and Rectified Wharkey.l
No. 6, Commercial Row, LlbertysNeet,
mr.26 pn, .hurat• P.
pea.taw IN .
N 0.74 Pow* meet, next door to the Huth of Phu
het h. • -EWA-3 e
Mils oitilt, —s Wet of grade U
_luta to
Yego by apl9 - .I.IRAUS =TEA