Cbaap Standard Illstory. TirtridE'S lIISTORY- OF ENGLAND Is now pst.l Ratans bv.listper & &&,. in 0 so:* sloth sod vsper. st 40 sinus hi per vol. Three sols received, and hit de e t R ROPRTSR, -' APO , . ReilAlnn. Poarth'st:' Great American Mechanical Wachs DAPPLETON & fla, New York. have in mane . of publication, is Mg.. price twenty See cents "each, c DICTIOPiARI of Mashines, Mechanics. En. gine or W tn. 0•G ork, sad Entrimerinst de.tenep foe Praetient k' d in tended for the Engineer-0g . Profession. Fdited by Oliver Byron. TU. work is or large Roo ell% and will contain two .thousand puts, end onwards of sat thousand Were none. It will present working drawings and descrip• bons of the ass important machines in the United S ales. Independent of rho testate of ozeriran annuity, It Mil remain complete wannest treatises on Mechanics, Machinery Engine Work, and Engineer , in g; with all that it metal in more then one 11111.2.1 dollars Worth of folio volumes. trl2gl2lll. and other books. Six numbers received, and for sole by the •gent, R HOPKINS. esti 73 Apollo Buildings, Fourth et. MOW STOCK OP PIANOS. •'" C e : : - .a 5 : 4 , , ,___,' r e, ;-1r: l-'7 , 7=.". 7.,:' ---17',' ','—.f 7 "i 1 % . ; C \ I l . ( ' 1‘ ir4s i ---"-- CHICKERING'S PIANOS !Oho 11. Mellor, 81 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Sale Agent in Western Pennsylvania, for the rale of CIIICKERIMPS. CELEBRATKD Grand and Square Piano P llitAiS to ism, hisiriendo and he ailment public. JUI that ha has now invoice., and will reenire and expose for wale, daring the thereat month, the Isiinest and toot, desirable stock of Piano Fortes ever offered for gain in the west—among the number will be found • fall apply of Superbly nerved Basswood Brand Plano Pones, with &Lithe recent improvements in mechanism and style of enrol's. Splendidly carved Rosewood eeven octave Square Piano Porte., finiehed in the Elizabethan and Louis X[V. styles With • huge stock of oil the various styles of Pia no Pose., varying In prices !torn 15275 to SSW and 5154, prepared by Mr. Blathering for the prevent Year, ttesu.) Parcharers are mauled titer the prim of Mr. Chiek velum Pianos haretteett, and snit [011111111" to charge note as at the Inmaisetary in Boston, without fur traruponatiou; mud will be delivered and set op in perfect order, in any pan of the city, without eharte. mle rprp: undenigned bac& leave to inform the 'public a. that h has decithwt business ht favor of hi. San, P. M. Davis, adds will ventilate the Ailed. and COLll toist:on blame.. as she old stand, corner GI Wood and Finn siren* and dar whom he would'solicit a eontin attune nf the libend patronage haretottne bestowed up on tbehnuse. JO/1:11 D. DAVIS, Aped 9th, 1850. P. M. DAVIS, (SUCCESSOR TO JOILI D. DAVIS.) AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION ISERCILANT, DO.. VI WOOD D. risen maxim. ATILI, snake sales, on liberal terms. of Foreign and VI Dommlia Alrretendise, Reel Emote, :swots, he, and bop.. bycrepetienc, experience and clove intention to businsus, to omit a comb:mimeo of the support and pawners is, lilarmllp extended to the foinsurlsonm. April 91:1E5m. Notice to oar Pitrons. RELldecenniaANCE PORTABLE IM Z AM LINE. lie or the attire partner in Philadelphia, the Ire ismesld blarls,) produers no interruption to the businem—arrancements hate been made which involve• the seine Interests precisely• which hart reretofore existed The business is continued under the same name and firm, vies— LOICA NI DAY. & Co., Philadelphia; JOlll% 3Prossa is Co, Pittsburg's. The continuance of the pauonage or our many fneude In respectfully emiche.t. If any. persona have demands neatest to concern, they are requested to p vault ahem fonterab. for payternh Pitmharqh, April Hi, 'Le. JOHN NITA DEN, SurViving partner. Bonnets, flat a, Illbboa., iyIL PALMY... No Pth Martei street. is peeper. IA • ed to MST vet, svestlndueenients to buyers of SS ow t Millinery Goods, of every deserip inn. Ott. stoat 701{1{i315 or every desirable style of Plain and Fancy Straw Braid, Sim?. French Lore and other Pelmets Jenny Lind, Cahfornia, Round end Square To," Ilan, (a Muses and Want, Hoye Head, in great variety Mares Leghorn, Straw, Praid, 4.hina Pearls and Sultan Ham • bons. Flowers, Bonnets, Slits, and aster Millinery Articles, tc . Ac Ap7 4w Browiti i HAVE rrotoved to Wore:,, . No. DO Water nd betarece Wood and Market, where will re kep ler sale, of tneir nmufactocuse. st tall mserunent o Iron. Nalis, Spiker, Cesongo end /lot Blatt Pipes warra ted of the bent quality, at the love. preen. r. JO/IN LiFsT, el the late boo of Tassey & best having purchasedintetent in the firm. will take charm. of the Wortho on unc, mid will devote hi. enure attention to the business, and err:waver to render .at. talbetinn to the friends of hi. late firm. and all where who may favor on month their patronage. fill' /Ws. PHILLIPS & CO, rove try • 1, • r a Will A•l6, No. Wig/DART-F.7, lIAVE in some coil are receiving. largo Stock of LILLY GOODS. seined with rirtot Fore fo , the woozero trade, and to wln:h ihey invite the attention of city nod wmtern merchants. Greet mducemTato °gored to Cosh hove, [von_ rfhlrogwg Mumma and arm2.lnens. SlURClisiti.Lll am prepared to far dab their customers and buyers generally with too very-beat make tf the abate goods, and will do so at the old pawns, notouthstanding the advance of cost Some two hue Beacom Linea, warranted pure fur, la toly reenivetl; also, a supply of Latta Table Cloths, D.apers. Crash. ae.. pan reeelvsd. tlordered Tweets ao low as acorn per &oxen, or Cl cents a piece, at north oast Ceder of Fourth and Market etc. _ _ _ _ • 11 POILTIJNE DOS /10 or /3. TNITTANNIA SPORTING PORTRAIT CLUB. nffiess, Gees. curet. Plymouth. Engitutd. The inunagers beg to acquaint their numerous patrons lbw ti e nest Distribution of Pontsits at flier Hones will somptisa those entered for the forthernong Grand N:l1104•1 Derby Race: the number of shares trl to battled to 3,6sai each CIA.. First class menthe, De; second slats Unto Forty upphestkrri for the on• uiPmpriated shares la necessary. A parry 'ninon. tog for more than one share has the thence of gaining no ettain towhee bonuses. Those members who draw the Connor Ponraits will be presented with the fol lowing sums:— Portrait of Winner. or Rut Horse Stem-011am la rime bon,sen Sta dine LIND!) .£lo,ote 19.T.° Own - . _ - flatrd llorse flat° 4,tatO Divided =nage Stortert• •• • dditai 2,tegi • " " Norratarters adiUo 2WU There are tab beounes in each ries& that tickle the number of horses eutered for the race. The Drawing wit! be candactedstpon the same legitimate prinetplea as those which characterised the late St. Ledger and other proceedarge. Fail particulars of the malt will be rent to atitent members immediately otter the de cision, that rates may know his position. Salistribers reenteredand scrip forwarded en re ceipt ora resairsuae. Bills of Fzettange, Drafts, Dank Nate!, &V., aldrested end made payable to the IS:rouging Directors. '. W. JAMES & CO. Five per cent coniniiir.ion to Le re need on prexentation of non iirn• MO IESO. Commdag—hiere Toil; Polo:vas - Comities:fill Skated,. iraii Pee end Pencil; The O'er. Cernillereh in A IV; Ipior cc ...r.rtm. 110Jr1 we Troia. for of Property; Th 2 A.,. tier v t tlotopirr or Beek iog; The Produchene; ru to :Sew Tom; liankrerdcy liciiktog, he.; Co ;leery —lnterco—Production: 1-re. Trriln re Protective Terith, or Strietures hoot; the re port of the. Secretary. Treeeory of the United +• to for 190, relating to Commeme, Exterslion of the Ito, elan Empire in the Emit, Ire. he :IL ACK WOOD, for !March 15.50. E.A.EC:FIII PIAGAZIN}I. April, In llo`mc Li,rary Drpot. Third qtrrrt opprostrr th• P.r (lin,. J u 7 svir ear -Fr - - . lAM now prepared to furnish Apple Trees, from the well known. Nanwry of Jacob N. Wen, The wee. will he deltvered at the wharf at Pitmborgh for Et_ per hundred. Persons wishing good thrifty trees shmild leave their orders non at the Drag, Seed, and' Perfumery Warehouse, corner of Weed and Suitt sA. pll S N MICKERBIIAM U. A. Wahaestock & 13... WHOLESALE; DRUGGISTS, corner of First ood Wood &Deets, offer for salmon t avorable terms: 1 , 0 bids whiting; 100 Ms Caric Ammonia; 03 do Alom; DXI do Aisalsetida; 307 .Dye woody, 003 de Crude "faster, 25 do Lampblack; 500 do Liquorice Root; 10 do Von. fled; MD do Irish Mom; 8 do Camphor 110 do Red Precipitao; to do Span. Drown; 150 do ',bengal Amer.; 23 do Yellow Ochre; 03 do do " Eng.; 10 do brimstone; 200 do Ducker Leaves; 8 do Cloves; DO Jo Dhoti:o6 Rook 3 do : Flowers; SOO do Romp.. do; 11 cosin rut n 0..; 27) do Gnocittn d 6; 25 do. Castile Soso; 200 do Sal Rod:male; 13 do Pntssino Blum 2uu do Seldlits Mixture; 10 do Cale. Massicsin; 500 do Powhi Rhubarb; 13 do Chrente.Greem Otb do do Slip.F.lnn do do Yellow, HM do do Cl—Arabic 6AO Am. Vermilion; Ilk do do Lig. Root. Gil reams yard Paper, 100 do do Jalap; D. bags Stely Putnam DU do do AfAtayeinuti 25 Dales Palle Corks; so° do &Orb. Zinc; Iloilsalpb. Morphia; 301 810 Her Tin; IP 018. Cape Aloes; 200 do Tamarinds; 1230 do Bk.blirom Potash; 103 do quick Silver; 2200 pp do Plot Root; 230 do (Lange Peel; 110 d do Turkey Uuslxr; 75 do Cochineal; 1100 do Cream Torus; 2ri do fird Potasb; ta/ do Tartaric Acid; Co do ;dace; 100 do Urn Urn; 03 de Grmesillo Lotion. feh23-drew2mT pirmizoLzuat. Oft KLOCK OIL. eTttere era room Lame. to heaven surd earth Than are dreampc of in pirilomphy.” THE VIRTUES of dus remaramle remedy, and the COartant application for it, to the proprietor, has indataahlortir have tetra up In bottle with 'lm belt and direction. for the benefit of the public. The PBTROLEUM prorated from a well in this minty, at& depth of four bandied feet, is It pure ann. dalteraed article, without any chef:tient ehoge. but Atm as flows front Nature`, Great Labrionryt: Theta contains propeadea reaching a nonber of diseases, to on longer a matter of uneettainty. There are ni.oic nulls in the arcane of nature, witice,if known, might be of veil arefultow to elleanting offering, and - storlng the bloom of health oat vigor to many • su re b fever. Long before the proprietor thought of putlinc it up in bottles, it bad a reputation for the tare of a 4. moo. The Can - st-11l end doily increasing calls for if, end several remarkable cure. it has performed, to turn iodiestion of Ito future popularity and wade spr-ad application - in do oute of (Naive. . We do not aria, to mate • long parade of tertlft o rays, cm we are enticaCiOan that the medicine Callao. week ois Way imo time favor of those who mafer nod whir to be anted. Whibit we do not claim for It • waver/ail seer:colon in anti disense, we unbesita , tingly say, that io a number of Chrome. Diecartesat is entrvelled. Among these may be enumerated—all diseases of this memaus tastes, such as CHRONIC cONStihlrrioN hi. its early Stage.) Asthma, and all dam.ea of the air CONIPLAITYT, DYSPEPSIA, Diarticca. billCSPfli at ate Madder and lildners, Pans in the Deck Sr Hide, .Nerious senses, Neemlyia, Patsy, aka:lM atie Pains, Go ut , Erysipelas, Totter, Gineworme, Hems, Scalds, Br , .1 d Sores, At., Sc. In eases of debility en ws i got e exposure, or long and protracted cases at disewc,thlir medicine wilt bring relief It sail act to gi octal TONIC end ALTERATIVE In suet, carer, Imparting ione and energy to the whole frame, rimer frig .li:opiate:a, opening the sluggish inaction. 'Which coo, darevso and a bteken revaluate& and giving • incrsased and renewed energy to all tie organ& of Lib: The proprietor knows of several cures of that reaiard every other treatment, get all ender wee. at the kfaltOLEL7.ll for • stow time. Tar proof cos be given to may ponon who dear. it. Noe, genuine without the signature of the proprietor. rid by the roptarter, S. u 1.1k.H.. Coal Coin near Seventh et_ A). by:al - I-SELLERS, 47 Wood ea nd--lisil Stilt at iaIgOVELL, eerier "Weed Grand Virgin alley; who artier, legiduly appotated.Agents T !PENDISYLVANIA CANAL r'OPEN. minimum TRINSPOSTATILA LINE. IlaalBso v 1 Pastan , hianla Canals A Rallßoads. )111 M CCONNOI7, ATXI?iS O Jr. ,11 Co. Canal Rasta, Liberty etreat,i'irebergh; &TRW., O'CONNOR & Co, 219 & 250 Merkel street, Philadelpin& AftTrtt, O'Cosncrtm & Co., 70 North meet. Baltimore; E New York: Emuorr & Gamut, II Doane street, Berton; II•301.103 GRAY, Mays.lle, Kentucky; HALL et- CO., ltoluttsbi• street, Cmcinuatll E. Lineivytlie; Ilarna, /lemur & Co., St. hook. ' To Sklypers of Jlicrentrndsee and rmie” to end from I Adadolpirtn, Bat:tarot, N. Fork, # Begun. One route being now in fine order , we am. prepared foulrani good as above at wry esteem pan, s‘c know oil freight/NY ninny charge Lavine policies for over IMAM, and with the Colsorrimi emeriti', mock of Boats feel ronfident °relying entire tmnon all hotinem entrusted to our earn Ourlimitsusirt Ore All new, and commanded by captains of experience. and our entire line is conducted on sma radityak keeping and temper°. principles. Boats. Captain. ' Baum Capin°. Iron City, Idaran I Pennsylvania E Layton, 111nryiend BlanMall St. Lnaik, Cnivdrit Cincinnati, Sand, Cal . Howard [holey Huth Anne, Chatham IMa Ihiliorab Cans Wm &Mita , Peery:id Ente ly rprtse, Karon Inman, AIX/nada, Juniatt Mown nOsion, Altar Gen. Sena, Gore Gerlinda Riley TelegrapttltiolSb °tidy . Celia Hawkins Point hltll tioydl'Qunde olivelkanchComer flalmieCtippertitiey America Petry tibia Pelle Kearney Mermaid 7.l`Colguol Slant, Ittnele The Fon Itrtjunde Saha Ann I Layton .Annita UPLowell I TelmtrwthNoiltiavt.l Loot Sharp !deny I Norm Queen P. utie Shipper. will find It to their adyyntt tn give us a call. O'CONNOR. ATKINS Is cO., mac Canal Ramo litany et.. P:thtbarett. Western 'l'eamaporclition Company. EigM 1850, Mita. . _ _ _ D. LEECH Or. CC PS LINE, BETWEEN PFITSDUROIL PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE it NIDV . Ba Prnnapluarna Cesmal and Rad TIN: Mate and Ca, of thin Lin- have been tatt in compete order. and watt iho addition n( revcrn Stew often to ire Line. ena , lee tai to carry a large quantity at produce and goers. The entire stoat of the Line is earned and contact ed by the Propnetors. ' HARRIS & LEECH, No 1:I Thud O, And at the Tobacco Woreboa,,, Wet .1. JOSE rib norpina. Pa.; PH TAN , II No 114 NOTIII flotvar.l at. LA Demon, SON, bid OFFICE. No 7 Nctv fore D LEECII & CO, Canalla,b, . I . c .t. aliEdgM 1850 UNION LINE, ON THE PENIVA AND 01110 CANALS. CLARK, PARKS X: CO, Roehestei. Pa; Privet. • JOHN A CAI:GM:I. Arco.. Office cor Smithfield and Water st•., riottnirgh. CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD U. t - 0, Ark, T HIS well known Line an' tran/port Own freight and Passenger, from KU and tiny point on tar Cana; and The facHities of the Line are anturpattcd in number, quality and capacity of Costa, experience 01 caption, wad eilleiency of Agents. Ono Rout leaves Pluttnargh and Cleveland daily. ran ting in connection with a Line of Strata Boat.e tween PllTSCUßtilt and BEA VF:R, and alineof First Clue Steam Hcats, Propellers and Vessels, on We La.tra.. NSIGS: Clark. Parka &CO R NEE Co. oeh,c,r, N Parka & en, Votutninvans, Ohio; hi II Taylor, Warren. th A & N Clark. Newton Fall., 0; I Bras ton h. Co. Ravenna 11; Kent, Orr:mall De Ca, Franklut, II; II A Miller; Coyaner • Vali, 0, Wheal, ' lee A Co. Akron, 0; Chamberlln, Crarriard & l'n, Cle - rtiand, 0; /lobbanl & Co Sandurhy, Peckhom & ?con, Toledo, 41, & Co Dean.. WIIIIILOVI et CO. Nitlrvauktr, NV,.; hlurfey & 01111031, Racone. Georgh A Gin!, Clucagn. 111, Thomas 11.1 e. Chicago, LI. JOlle. CLICIIEV, Agen mr3o enrner Woo, A and Sovilalle:d t, atit ISSO LAME ERIE AND 910EIiGA51 L ON Tli E. ERIE: EXTENSION eANA I. CLARKE. I'ARK., & Cll. Poehroter. rir Pta.prielot, of the< old nod well loo.rn Lae to I ufaim the isllb ,, e that the no, ono. In, op eranion 101 Mc . pre,,il ,toon: Rod hoer omm , need recut d (ally Prepared cart( to all poi.. no th.. t,..• 41 and LAKES ERIE AND MR.:111...v., At tho [owe, rat Oor of toe •lina el" Ow ill -e conetantly es at the :aoding, be:ow 10n0nra. , .0., Bridge, In receive Irmght. 1,) , :N A I'Al'i,lll:V.Acern, Omen, car Water and AntahLeld ca, rat:bat - fn. II R'Conmnahon t N:w"Cae•le Allleht:Truc 3: Pularkti W Shoo,. I lk 9 Hal, Shsros..anzi Wjek. Achre A Co. Greenvale , : Wm Henry, Wm Power. Conneantrllle; John llcara & Cr. E:ir; • John 711nl.iner & t rt. 11011 , n. N V mild 1850. 13IDWE.LL & ITRorimu FORWARDINti MRCHANTs,I:4.CIiF.4 E 1-71,. . . 'D - Agents for BIDWELL'S PITI'SBURDB AND CLEVELAND LINE; AND .11 EADWILLE LIINETO ERIE; IVAIIREN AND NIAV CAS ri.r. PACKETS, 'Awing .o,pping Jef .11 •nd Ilotle+tr,Ly Beuut •nd Denver. - Goo4i. rirrimil and prompt: to plwei. on die Canal. nod I, c, dA V.: inn :Shipper. will pin.. direct Good ' . ni ..It d wri C. lane • . • J. C. muwEta. Pittsburgh Portable poise Lire, 1850. 71 atigt4l wo. Inds 711.7.71381,71071 OV rIL6VuIiT Val ;HOW PITTSBURGH, DELPHI II.kI,IIIIORE, Nlitt: YORK. 150S'IliN,.e: MOILS 801.V.V., TAArrt c 0,70,06, Philadelphia. 7 P/10.11 . 01. f r i lo% C gt;lattVFolage'd'ar:ll7:4"a.;Pu'Zlrrthrosc'n od stands, receiving and forwarding cud Produce ea lo nie, ari wsh th.( tainty, and safe w ty, t pe s culia d r to i tacite Tc.,ds. cmade of tranaponation. where i wended., rut, avoided, with the row.querit delays and prol.:.ildy of datnvec. hlerelandive and Produce shipped ea.ter wr,. and of l.ditte forwarded free Z vi cirncc, b.r canna...- 01011. ad yearn., own !laving Le d. really or inilne,ily in atennilio.. tam of ch.: ',voter. is roiely consulted when ir A ll consanaticabons to rile agr .d. prompl. :y aneaCca co: T/ItoltlASl3oßllitint.V: Yo 272 Market Phllnde , ieuu. Corner Penn and Waasl ITnE treee, tP NtN,uac h. 4GRNT.: John McCulloch &Co, Nortl. xt, 1.1; H Hee k Co. 2.3Thano rt, im.tnn , IV. N. J. T ltet Mouth at, Nuw Ycirkt J cmc.. Whv,ter,lo. t'.. e. 1850.-1"'"' BIDWEI LIS PITTREIOIIOII 6 CLEVELAND LIN SC. 'INDS LINR, with unknomwed I Prepared to tramp*. Frrieht m C:reelnua, thr Lake porta, Ohio Canal, end .ntram . deme. placer. rat the most favoroale terms, and wok me rren;em watch. Shipper. are referred to these who Lave neramfore potronned .ha. Line. Send goodd to •Nliderella Lme l'hd well, Water 0, P. aJbur ,11; A Brother, Rochencr;, L. 0 Mottbetv.. Cleveland; Rhoden do Green, do. COhISIGAFX.s: A D Jacob.. Vtlenestown; C C Ledingwell A Co, Warren; A & N Clurk, Newton Fall& J Brayton & Co, Ravenna Kent, Ormotell a Co, Franklitt Mrile; Thema, Earl, do Jo; A II hillier, Cuyshovt FeJle; J W Stephen. & Son, Akron; Wheeler. Lee A Co, dn; 1 2.161 Edson, do; I I ILffutsu, Marmllloa; Crimmins A Co, do; Wm Monteath & en, !Inflate; R J Gibbs A Co, Sandusky; flikTins & Co, Gni Id Haskell A Co. Toledo; II N Strong, Demon; Murphy & Moon. Racine; llan A Flkin Southport /lawman &Co, M.lawakte; D O Mckinnon, Little Fort; Kirkland & Taylor, Sbeheygen; Dole, RUILIR,Y a. Co, Cblesge; Thema. Hale, do. Protbureb. Marnh frO. BIBUIBM'S TRaIiSPUNI ITIII LINt. 1850. .-xr)-g • Between Pltt•bargh lama tan. teramlL Ile Canal being nlaw v , a, pr. nu. , • • nn aud forwardpromplly, produce and rel caAt .211 i we.t Ngw ISIS. It,. S. W. Mole: Dayrng seen many certificate. n141.'4.1 relation nrr Dr. Wia'n Balsam of Wild Cherry. I take ttn. opportunity of o ur ffering a word 0, its favor, wirier. you Oro Moo In liberty to priblurt. A fc few ma rur co:, my woo n brags bccsmur so much with lift tile lOU leer croec 'sod starred erverory [runt 1.. in the oteast. :Imo. non roused hcr frinoun much diaroL Dav hoard your Irutrar stronguy ircromurnded by Wore who toed ,t,l bureasisrd a tuothe Imo you r agent in thin rho look It oeconling to directions, and it pro. dared o worurt rfol! Delon-using ono bottle rho had rump:, toUy it r ov,red her voice, thepains sorra& al, art herdlth .v.. .not luny re urnolditheri. 1 aro, truly, G. BRIGIITMAN. To urn DEAL.. IN amount —Tin cob eturatod end inialturro reniody 'petite core otConsampr non, Antlisnut ad Lava Complaint, brie by It. own mo nis, turon moray, rum and crib ly wirriltim its miy. are 011;Yititil. q..cloi and countertenor, arid rus nn true value end nitro - me excellent, it has DAM. at, sa 12s1hr gained . for utro If 61 in:incur:able popularity, ended ali iieLP"....U.' Ito. ""...• oft.. li•Licd in tire confidence ul unintelligent and on f/I EDEN 4 CO. !milli/tic to brins nernon. tiebtarid public, front one end of the connnont to the Lillnr.?. an Parrot Ergland, Irolad. Strohm./ or other. 'Mr torninony of thousands who hove Loon re. , a aka; oP.. the froti &Mora rerun, war their hosed alrd cured by this valuable article, wilt show * " . "'"?' " ' ""th ' Y " ..ataar ine ' aroar and eon , - inot it starts unmarred—at Mr heed einre fort o einnticronts We do not allow our pm:too:ran LO f o r we core of dursraoeafot whirl it ~her.r aaarr, be robbed by the iisonedlins [boo,repii In. Oil, al lot , ono- met:ord. The genuine Dr. Wistar's al Wird ports, a. we rate charge of tho monmet rho- re. Cherry is now tor sale by duly appOiriteil Agri..., and port therneelves, and See to tbi•ir ail roorerialdc dmilor”u medicine., in all lace cities spoteh them without any detention by Th., slops.— and all se:ratan town , : ...hoot the Coned Suns, We ray tide fearleutly, as we defy CIIIP o r nor pos... normal per Bott, tru for ez. ger. to show that they were de:airier! h•iti, oi Sodil by J. D. PA Rh, Isuccessorto Sandfad & part, Liverpool, whilst dionnicidr of olbri, •.0 n* mo o . wort., 01110, mamba, until they rabid be a - or fib some ••rr - rat. eta 1 Ann., (o o r the South and War, to WhOill all (:o rder.oe Ch; r , p rate, which too frequently limo, d oar •Wa m a p dorm L Vdirrox Jr, Jounce A. Jones; J. Kidd Co; aA. J. wb.t It may , and oat .t ise Sc.., the ow. Ism Co, 91.burgli. ituriell, Ward :yob ether P.r.a'‘`.l not an, or i ir.orno; W. IL lettoberton, Fralliti; L. 11. Bowie., liken It suited their ennvenience. Welty, Gircitsburgb; S. ROillithSoiner• Dratia drawn at I'lns/rarer for arr•• Wan fr.. I 01, A Giiirorm Bedford; Reed k Son, Harhlngr" land,,Ziptc payable at any Irtoai.rara , U. , " to Ira- deo:, %Ir. llt o /lidoilaynburg; lillulchrott 1 A Co, lodi. Ead Serftland and Wale., 1 001, J K. th uea, Kuitannittg; Evan. a. Co, Iltoolr- JOSIIIII. 11011/r/SON, surl.d Wulirdu . .4. Son, Ways; APSerland European Sind Venowe Ca N. Crrl,eddr Dart. ut Co, Er et, Soo 44th 34,0:111, ... 4 .C. , :i:11 , 11‘1, NellY huller; 1 4 . 991111, S A LTPET/1.1;044.= crude: now lan - riTrig. nr. for Dever, JD. Surunizrtui r , Warren; L C.E.JOhert, ode by /BMA!! 1)14.90W eir, Condorsport; P. Crocker, Jr, Brownsville. hpld 119 Wow it. febi.dretlybra Freighis always at lowest rates. charge.' hi 'cert. Ile lines. Produce and mercharditr will be ree,v,sl and for. ardnd east and west, %volt-int n e fioi liar ard,ng or advancing irrirlit, commie ne i.iornee Mils of lading forwarded, and 041 directiuiLi tly attended to. Addrerm or appirm WM. HMG A 'd. Canal Hula, ror. Liberty and Wayne rt., l'otalmgh. BiNGILSI DOCK Na IS.), Yorker at. briwee. th Nt.. , JAr, WIL,ON. Art. No ISA Nona Howard at, Doitanore 3.1 S DINMIAM, mrl/1 Na In, tVt.t rrrrr . N,sa• York 8 t ttjil,S , - CARPET WAREHICH—SE, No 23, Socirth SRNs t. W. 54C,Vgnn. tr&TilrriddirZigg! Tronmings, kc., ....twirl. in pan .11e following, Enwo Super Royal Velvet ° per try ' Enclitti and Armoric. Brnwels " !toped.. Imperial 3 Plt " . 2 Soper.° v st S nen tinFe opertne In ALM, rrain Enn 4OrgrpolentCtelulli Ram Finn " Roperfine do do nor Coaanoo. all wool, "' Tanta RIM cotton " '— 1.4,1 and Top Ven Car. 4-1,1 nun Twill'd Car, 1-4. 1. i :ma a. 4 Own Car. Id 41 nod Rog ".4 Primed Cocoa Carpet. • Onrunon 111 - 11, n do ~ n lc Door Mai, Tuftrd Skin Adri.nd :A, 6-4, 4 I, 4-1 end / 5 -4.4.4, kr,d Maitterg-. is ~,i, ',tent (4 ! Vint, lor murk. 0, Ire prinme plan„ tAble Em: ..ed Plum Table Primed troJlen b:thboeeed Stard i•110.11bnd wo.teld " Damvalt bthe Linen; 'Nei:ay fled Clintua; Ullltae 134r(deritir EnXilli. II Oil Cloth Table l e nZl ltr on crumb clothe Wnalen Dra.e Sta.r 4da; Sutli'Drucoett Carpet Illimings; Jule, and Ceo Mats; l a..icara and Skeleton Mate; 5.4 and 4.4llreen Oil Cloth for Blinds; Ilocketaut Diaper; .th, . c 0.,,, TRI)011,114. Blue, mai Dr., C,oth., 1:filt110.' Coach 00C:othm: Darni4 hr VV2.Lvled 114 if 11011,4:or W , bn4es, Trutt...lcm Frenen Ven,lan Ilu:30.0 for Flags: 7.1 and 0 4 Taltle Linen' 11400 , u4 cote.ll 11r44v0 I,:tro Napkirs: Gerroar, U.I Cloth Table Co, er,; 011. Clem] from !Ws oad ulaanfa, :yam, ai.rbe c \rul uirr afar, - .i, or rbv Ilir uota . r•truesl havita•. land, Us VelycL Pile and l'a C•lrretg, waich Ina of tau' etrea and pattern, and of Ilt b,•nal nl prices a. Icv for tu o: sasteru er the moat cu.era fr om p 2 ve d 2 F f ag el .0 mows, hall, and noported threat from Eng tpe.try CAI:Pk:IS. These Ituart• and molt elegaat !the most pow., color, dee.they e be purchased n, . the lam:bt n. mo , t , usLlnuel.te /IRU:4; PLN II:AIN CAR in qu.tiny 1111.! cheopacee of botore brought to Mil rily. Alen al,' Couch filknufnetui eelectednleortutent of TRIM Itfeee•ary 1b... /01111.0•1. Tby mu!er-,gm,11.1 elf° agent for the only Stair Rod 115:atl4C:ory in PLlladtlphia, nod In prepared 10 1 , 111 lower Cyan can Le pureL3.ed eLoewlarec in 10W crty. WOINI•an I NTOCIi. tlntent of illesriebest and L. JAll'Etttl AI. TItliGE PETS wlueb tor sorita•ses Pric orq assortment ever He also so invite. Stearalrota 'ors to his !rape amt well ail anti other articles Drea•• 3 A. MASON h. CO, au Market Weer, het , Punt dud Fourth, arc ItIPM reerort, a lure ul bittern Lail,: Persian Cloth,. au va• Or. o.t raitet In, Crape be I.alas, se; with I.r.rgr , a4rertrn-ht of I.3wits alto other Otero Gootl2, of the 101,01 elylos aLci host funiunable * Color.. a; 'I , IT,, E-30 plan.,km and Java, %,..,Callotan- 111 It,. mnntal, dipped, and no; o: L,l-1511 tr CrLatn 011.11:nglinh . 1)1Iry, 1 . , u- dux Hemp and Macula; M•att; -:0 M cmtmln and Ite!fSpankh: nrle.and Izl,l Ari. Mackcicl and Sn!.n. ! :a.eorn a is Ven 114.0 ,nent Caren, 0.1 Ila.S F and Matnllu: Ina-16 doz .larnaono !Lack and Cupylng; Itrls N Orleans, it hrn,r Sugar Ilona; Mv-raz,n- el Jot ar,orted cautenarsi aLum -00 lbe !When; VI v.teu-n,-CO 1!..; do kegs agroard; del jets I.uahela halves, ro ran-30 Nana. assorted; llonocata, SOAP- 51 ti. Knell, and Ca•l Steel; Lhda N Orlyens noel s ot ; k.--to par tagee litrC/1 seed I:laet; To , Lae Id, 5, p . I I -lop, n dnaatent l'ur poly I,yJ n a CO Conn, of Filei 111111 Wood . . Wah•rteLl. ------ 01.1:6! I'URS! VUlt , !—The tobtetlhe. tell! pay oar, Mi., Hoak 11.. they nut! Ited Fox, au,l nlI r l thslyteg hurt, the taglaest •axtent VIVI .1. Merettlo.) S Cll. er Filth and Wool att. DISSOL earn VTIOI%. ••p Ilf: P.1 . be:m.ll.m rite.; between J a m-. and Johtt ltext, to the Grecrry. I'mtluer d C..mmotion outing., w. do , lmved by mutual rout,nt, Lb< I 11l inst. AIL John Beat Pavia; put. it.,ctt of date. Tdase, in the hrn t.i. w:,l Ito .414.3 y thetr old 111,41 d at JAMES ..P , S,LV, JOHN Orel' Paper lu. 1 . 1:1\1: ' , ELKO ILIN.— l angl Wid or re g• crivrYl, by fa ..tynt .i, , ntruty, nr biurr a1.41-Iroc. Wab Pa. r TnOtyt Frrio-rs 3:+-ter ' n my . It n:.l ri•ln a.: big V. I' 31AR5 , 1.11.1, ,rll =zninva „ . /. , ;//..T r . l , lrp r tret i o: , //ir• ez wli l . ng lohweert t rlon/. at the old et/tilo No VI/ 1../..rly•th/ h II I/Uhl/kit-Lb Ninteh 1.1-5 '. 1011 V MetilLL. I: Ia0111:FORGI: RICHARD twill oaor..- Wha:r‘rde a d Rrtall Or) Goa& a..d (00-.. r, t, . t the all man .l. No .0 1.00 n• S. B. 111.,11FIELL: S VII. 1 1 - tr n i t .—;inr 10 I . r .'s .e s I ' l .„',', :r; ' , " L " a7n . laTret " „Tu a d " i' ' r ' ; ''" dio ' h '. 0;:I . 1 , .., ar. two Sm., It. N. nntl W. B. IV 4terruan. 'The .e m met: wilt be conlecleel ueekr The .tyle of s IN •1-rmaa a only, at the 04! Need, No !I Weh rent txr, L S WATERMAN. Cr:, utata M.r:411.1. I r 1 ,3 A, CAUTION—A.ImI thr ONt.V ORIOINAL ;I. a:.I, I,IINI/INE wH Nucl. , LIALSAhI Of i ".".9 ' 'iVVog;firTii.M3l4 for I And the hen inedatann tr. own tar,. iar Astlmea of rvc. - y otane, Liver Conti..., tt, , 1.i . 11, hit/411111V, Couelt, r . . , tda, 11,red..., of 0 11.1 Liter, ill,rme, of rcath, l'ai, 0.1 We:al:ca. In tic arde It: e+ he , and :.11 other dray a•el of the I'l'L'llr/NA RV I/141.ANS. Avery hope:tam dmen, nvrr uhtet, thtv lialsent a.. cr. a very powerful Influence. oi thut 01• • /t1,.i.:4,E0 1./1"F.11. In :maroetplwee .1 1:24 utelvableelly proved more e1ta...,,,a any ...Tardy hitherto employed, nod ir iroearet, when petiene, lied el,tu red lune, anel autierkie (rota the di.m..ea.wlthont r reet v. mg 11., :aa.t.l.aucl.: tram VH/kuitt rentothev. and when ,i, r,... - h., t,. en :e.a.rnal to to vuto, the lase of tins Ital•atn ',,,• re-tered the Ltver to a la-nithy action, anti la rue , :.,eic0,...1 perm •Ilerli CYO, all, every we , ' lit ovet, rcatede had foaled to produce tins de, re. , ...le, 8...1.1. • 112 alt. , •liirtg 01110 acy iu the thrleave oboe. 191:111111,•.f.t. we race, had It a very ereeteal remedy in A-tt00,.. 0 , .1..1111 to o has been erleteeve.j .ed teal. aireide4 earerei, even in Coles of feare .:nedin, W/111 the lucent., of entell,,gence Gov grown up a Li aormdge on IS , ,:etnent. of health, atd a re.• ,o 1 mem, mat eonunta.orately with the .rtrale, of -,...10, tray,. we 111 . c1111C11 the means or attes.//111 111 a. aver ing us ravegen h otwillotrituneg the r,Lave made, .tattsLe+ thew that catch on., ore .4.rtn of the whole le reputation die nual:, of courrini , ...o Or, , the. mush traronnut dtteavertes or the age, in at,. hoe., mg tile C.1111.11/0.1 of IhF. large claw of ..1 , ' , An:l.y. ti Da. W/STAll'a ILALII Ant OF WILL CHERRY.'A Ilake-a of 1 1 “.,, Cherry is a inc Herbal Merlteme.roo,po,ird chiefly of 'Mk! Cherry tiara cod the genehn. h.,..nal Maas, ithe latter Imponed expre.l - or it . a lattpc,„.,l the rah, medicinal virtue. , of wat-I, ere 01,0 conn oca by a new.enetnteal pro, ea, mu c.t.act of 1 ar, thus rendering the whole coamena' the 111,1 LCOIOIII aid cfseacmus remedy ever hceovered fur 4 ONSUMPTION till THE LUNGS. Sill tur.her evidences of the remarkable eatable prune:Lea n 1 ihw niwantab:e preparaine: lirown co., 0, Aug 71, IMO. 3:,:a•- • , ut:ford t. Part: Gentlemen, About six week% non I reveived the agency of Wiatori, n 1 Wvd t':vary, but svilh same reluctance on my part. 1, , r to: mrwon hut had I. -n the agent of on ninny pal. and ...a,, which nann were crocked to to y al winertill. but which turned out in the eel to keel' nn ncoeuro wbetrver, ageept to the men. necturei. Itut t en:Wally admit ihat this time I have been Oerel,.a. lot itie,inonlinary cares effected by tt iatar'a !Salaam Live , artlnCed me that "good coo color out in Your aent left me any doz n bola, which urn all renc—hu g ving been the means of carom several ob.taLaw cones a Con.umpuon— and no tritillite; Me what .0 and know I ion bound to believe. One ruse In particular: A young gentle men in Winchester, Adonis c 0.19, 0., 10 Mile. ten 11.1 , place, rens cured el Consumption when the doc tors has glue!, Lan up, or at least could do nothing for Dun. aid 't win u.e mwetion el his friends to convey him in your coy, sad place Minutiae! the canoe( some eminent phywmai, Mere Slut It friend told hint of Wwier's Latham, sod that he could obtain it of ton. Ile seta fur it. sod IM lore the second build wai gone 7 won Eutinti and well, and attendlitg to his everyday 1.u.11<•.. li/CIC arl• seveml inyllifie, for the medt. mow, wou'd well to forward an additional supply ittioni dotty. Very resat :coolly, yours, LAMBERT N/;WLS.tift. The !those, from L. NeVrland,Eiti., highly respec able country merchant commend, itself forcibly to the candid aliettlion of tol Mos., who Lave doubled the great mera Wirtnes Wild Cherry Balsam. Mancini, the oricinol and only genuine Wietar's et Wild Metre, woo introit...) hi [he year ItiTh end hen teen well tested In all coo/piton:l. for which it to reennitnentled. For 17 year, it ban ploved more elhelClllllll on e. remedy for Cearthii,Colds,lnthe cuan. A.thina, and Consumption In he in. eipleat riser., than any other medicine 1.0,T VleiCh. he. , RESTORED' SLOAN'S COLUMN. aold arthe ßrearcm -4- iaii , iihatiVititYrr;t:ca'S• eIY bY FL FL SELLERS, Wood Farm. and JOHN P. scan' L h e mp at, Psnablebb. 9irminghagb, by JOHN G. SMITIL A begbrnr Pity, by HENS? P M. CORR V. ,he Hest aad Cheapest Florae Medial:" IN TUB wont,o. a4OAN'S OINTMENT AND CONDITION POWDER. - Hunearntd pent nonw. For PISMV, 3171.1wer, Safe ry.sord 71 musigirnor. LOAN'S OINThiI7NT geode And is rapidly superwiline all other Oitarmmi Liniments now um on We cure tliv dri Peril wound,. gills of.!1 cracked beat, ringhnre, e„ poi evil, callus. sperms, siveoney. itrainn lamenesi, sand crack, ronailered feet, :crawl,. or grim., mange or home distemper. Vie Powder will remove nil inflummaunn Oa 'Over purify the blood; loot-n thr whin, cisme, e the with- - and utreogthen every part of the body, and tmsproved Innr. , elßa remedy for the fidirtivitte doe-avec Ihstomper, hide hound, Ins? of appetite inwan. strain. yellow water, inflammation of the eyi, (aii3tx (mallard exercise; also, rheum:Mini, lemonionly tai led Mid compland.) which prove, in tatafin ma,. val uable harms is this country. It iu alto IL safe and err Mill rented) for. outilmll cold. whiels eenimute many fatal disease,. W. Is. cl.l/AN, Wand Depot, 40 7.ake at, Chicago, TEE ritoor. Extrael from thr "(galena North Wentern Garettr.', By the use of :Sloan . * 001h/tent and Condition Pow. der, I have entirely cored a Giulia na hornand otherwise improved his condition more pm. Il e cent. on tile cost claim naa , clue And n by eras s •n btcn o feeble as to he COM tdered wor.hlese be trt,ell gjid ~,j ..,...bb0' r 0.,.W111...rit.11. 1 1,1 to rood I.ratilt and .tro•rt,th by teo Ilse of lots than Neil n pnekaee et the powder, letal isw doing better Manally ntber I brace. Small no Pox, May 1:1 ; 1,40. VII..CENT. Tiff:SUFFERING CHILI), I hereby certify that one of my children, when na ken!, fell tiro a Tare fire ot live costs, end e, or hurtled severely from bead to Met. Tb- of modie•4.l viii and attention was given to the child for lour or days without any relief—each day's; caffein,. incresso. ed till his groans could be hoard ut n er e ,” Bed e critical petind one of ivy so telo,or. tiedend pencilled to me a bob estonseo tand' e In lees than fifteen minute, ash, t ueplicnisor of the IlintrOprl„ to the aggravate.: vin-x of the child, the pain ceased Clitarly. and ho greedily h e , to recover. My residence Is In towneldp, VC, million county, and Stale of Indiu.ha. THEUDORE 1.. TAYLOR. Chicago, Acgust 24,1212. ' EXTRAORDINARY CD 1:e. April 17, tem. Four nules 4orlit of Clocker. lon the road to Mil wautie.) Cook county, I itimmt Mr. Sloan—Dear Sin One bony tumor nn his bremt bone, into v , lltocly tub, coII ar. which lamed him land rentlered Ins t.erv•ets ni Very Mtle value. I feu/dully appltml levers but Ors of Dr. Taylor's Nerve and Bone Lioltum,t, witlibut Mart benefit. I then procurrd erie,lnt,' Horse Ointment, anti emit btu unul / Meat., folly catisfied Mat it would never relit,. aminal. Maly I obtained box nt your holyvalbatoe Sonand in less Mom GUllays front the firm. appliem. Son the tumor entirely dtsuppear , d. and the horry /to welL Yours, EDWARD POPULAR OPINION. If ropedar opinion ta any criterion of the.worth a f dale, we Invite the incredulous !arena at tenet a few (the many veilanutry certificate', Mat 'pear m no 0111121 AS reopectinK the arealvariety of rerctricable urea effected by the nee of "Slowibi Cedeloided idiot era and Condition Powder.” . . . . These rennin. no longer remain amok 0. dotibtfal utility, they have pmsad Irmo tsdc ex• periment, and now nand loghcc in repatathm a:n! mci becoming more ex...naivety med than all other till ales or the kind.—lthch. City New, TILE RALF HAS NOT (WIRY TOLD. Fes Lome, ane ln.lBla. Dear Sloan—Sin Please 'e J red by the bearer . Bapply of your florae Mealtimes. They are the 1.e.• Irucles of th e kind that I have ever need, nt ye: ea.. n been disappotnted in their effect, to lima, beer 'r he one of others, even the watt celebrated Ottnar_co.... Liniment., the, of the day. I like very much thn ~.• tare ht them, an that they do ti.r.t...ploolved, open a thoron,sh trial or, lc cbotrai to add. :ha: "half he.. not been toll" Respectfully, (.1 IIi•DI.ET THE DIFFERI.:7:Cn. The Ordinary ointments no.l In.aana- r, knOWT ate revere and palaa: ti.or r.anon.- Sloane Ointment ,s mild yet :hor, ,nrUes and removes the rause, hence It givo wal , ,aanera relief. For parity, waldneat., Fab n., and thoroughwho,,Stalaa'a titainent !raid!) rurpereeding all other Um:meats 110 • iZ use. WE CANT GET ALONG WEi 11.11:1 IT Dana.' , I • Mr. Sloan—Sin I have cc ant the 'Pr:, )out Ointment in die cure of raith,nakr ww oat, burns, and many other inner,. ti ha.rpftened our erpecie-tion., A, n 1a..,. maul, su unw never wen its owd for bra , ,, , tve ewt , t get thing without Vout,,Zte., JOENS. ly • F:XCPS3.!..F.NT HINT li-NT Ignr I ay, eeri.dy tzd. r p taint.and appldql crerly th< cur., kdlem withaat oldair.ine You r ue• et et did. et °admen, and wv.,. ;tom i• rurp..l Liatng pfun rr:s 4,1 add I ared. and shall crroadarnd Id! who a., filet. ',run thcAterompl.d, exeellroi nin.rat .111.. at Re.'T Y.."' Princeville, Peons co., A t, y I P•dt CltarralCo.. April ',Sat. 1•I• lir .Toe--War St, 1 redly' belteue your Com _ EU - From the 11, If v s i t „„,„ ; Ou:A rup of W. 1.1 i 134 been the nu m..: or aril Michigan Calut eq., • m• l ift'• '•••,, • .^•• , •'• ,, t etoe.u„,„, • `Sr. e' uncntled wall a tevere cough, 1„..1 Dr W• D. Sloan—Deur h.- ten the refikedfo, which 1 hall recourse to, •611 Lave had oce.Y.on tv.t. „,,„ i•tcres‘l„, aunt es...exhibited all the flyrototonf• V•trt..tV 'ifffnar,t , an•l Pultuotinry - Ye Every thtug I tni.,l but Lava itever fooled at"' t.. • "" antmT r y-e " ..l '? . t " ' ne " ment fig ituurieq ott ,Y,tut • 1 • °.•*""*'"." gone .up Eli nth. 1 11,, • " 4h' 'we ,t, „ „ tt.:a.uststc meft,ct., fiat the moat Isltp. " "I ...c.f.,. The 1., 1..„1 we ..Ifcct loosen the rrteque me to „rumetnrYlt fr „ Y•l9. 0 , 4 had uf.nti nu 1.0tt.e.,1 e.f,rly11111.111)4c: tun A FINGI.:R BITTEN EN rt REG', tutu hearty a .til si I . eyrr if 0. Ur. Stnan—Str„„, i.,e te h„- tn c‘"ealleaa-."‘ tbat otheray &rote Um bemeril err hitter enurely „Irby tnr•,. Iv 1,, • • sr 3.1 aratef4l. Far the Iraq, of the almva run ue. ,„„ „o:n et eat, I Teter you to Pater Greear, V. eveelling the lanai p „.„„ . t.e•tcr,l , l„ . „l whota I ied We. meeite...e. Itertey yours, • your, ;0001 d a torrres . gn rc,.llCdy fironrirj../ s 1/01711,11iNt. t. 0 01,11 C 1 cf doe m4r:e7:l,4yl.l,,,,r—tuvu.ret,d7..h.r I„ c w, C . ; : r Nearly orery aoernr en enti ;J1 id I bf.,, of trie.! 111 UllOl Irma •,tuto.J:t.kd muu,' meat oaf othei neratur ha, ;„,, m t eL,nt e T n : w"'"d" I t."‘O‘f";:de:t.i, Mtlett , (101. Iti„„ „ . 1(: but in collet that I mien, neglect • • .1.1" b c -cs vm ., , rvoch, I ut )nur t... uP". ehn , ge Tout otututetat. nnd • you rnn.tnt,e amy • ,r. • •• gratitude , better In,. I Ctlll .1, tn Inn! n-ater, nnit at ]nngin CAM rely well hell., I na.l • ;;; . ii 10.4,0 R The*, fact, I make know:, mut e • ' alum , * ut lutnns. Darin In, behove ned put .letny 01:14 ba N.llO a,, , - ./P , , • g n. proved .to 7 i , 11'1' :Ni ". 1. 4 ' V 4 I1 '4 4 tnond rj".4'o4d.F.lol7;l' .nntogluct cake tn.. of your Syrup 1.4 I mea enu'e. that preetnuAly 1 wed been pretu do 4.1 ...Linn patent rueStrt nod ern 001111 g ORE I!.e th e or empne 1. untlt your havin g .a the pren:en end practice of wid having .01,ILit :Le ouys of alp frrnflo, I fortlitve-'1 porel,ned er s'ntw, one 01 yr:, 050114 A, 10... w uud entamenee4 3, vrtt• at tn.. tre , fir rnirttl...ntentll:n...,n• cennently it dentq mulct:. 1 home., he von*tderaLir Ito.. all.e Hat uve 44rut', end tempted to preach. 1,1010,0-401 end l'unte,pp ruott,c.l had alrently beul; in :h. svnT, dnul , tlcem t my mire Tv., • triceny aiii.l; Imprudent' I had la tt,, ft:l,n bot:lea heinre 1 yra/pe. fent.' re.,nred I 'horno nu quemon, 0 meet moll umber Di s would hare mode me x.und. Lu We r.buve 111.1.,nr. ttna. Ter Syrup 4.114 , , 44 the fey nuAt, ten k the dtetremnim cough, rat par:in tlrc drel.arru of tuutter Irma the lun t zs, and :Tay them m.. , 1 tit/ enarc et) stvm h 0 00, huve Jac red cernficute until non, ler rho ii01 . ,R0,1 01 bell,: PRlft • • o.ll2l,ritil wit!. thu ut cure. u:1 , 1 r tar aw .hut 1 fee: perfectly Tye I oltrr it ~ .tlt. plea. ere. IL.. J. 1 1 . J0...A. D 1.1040 encory N. CI I=l 11.. fore the faNnuria, order, M . parelia3cil a lard. our , p , T of :long., J •C1,04..nt le n Vrl, 01, 1. , t, S. K. IllibbstrtY—Deny Str: I um out of C.,, ~ et. tion Powder awl /lore, I.:natal. Tie- ...tte tar m e ert.!, my cypectation. If yott eutt onatteae tot 4 Ileum, Ointmcm., 1 velll pay lorlltent the titrl t nh that you arc Yet, and prruume I .I, II te 0. , . 11 *ell u lurrr gaunt., at the emu . , of tilt ye.r. wit , I, an obterl to you, us well to my•eit, le t Lee, ntc cue. aturaly aupplted. Very resp'y your, • p. $. VAI;I:IIN & CU. 1 tar. lat,, Dr. Sloan—ttir: Moot Inn yenta ove r who,. 'tome on the Itlianiaosppi river, to Penn over the r,otto, was ploored Into the water, end by the r-1,1 da.dting anoint a reek, crushing my lent len nod mherwo , ranaly tidurnie me, .o mach •Isol I in, ad When COUICII.I.IIC. returned I foumi ttoagb nod merndiuciastl e a d i d l.y e laldwdermtitm; ;111 . 11 o : u V uty l , • , e , t d mt .m tar:+h•lA nibble around with Eh, a•atanee l i ern,a. .rue wounds only parthilly heated, 110., rit the knee, w• 1 eh for monv'sziantli• di , eharged Wood and inader of the MI. oireUnive chorale, My plum. veto inexpreanble 01 time.. my hearty was yreat that death would nave reerived u hearty wel Come. Fortunately tin. Wil.on. tone us issy iteschborxl mimed tan to try your Ointment I ounitried box applied at aecordina , to direction—Me P01Y , ..0.0,1ti.00/1 to a...unte a healthy appearance, and in 11/IGC Innziwo I wa-a cullrply cured. and madded to do hard lauor. lour obedient ,crvaut. kIlli&M W. TIIOSIAS. We, the undentigned, neiettbera of W. Thome, we acquainted synth the,c, tutted, t,„„ se . re Ing the elt.l[l.llllCCl, me., cheerfully confirm teal Thom.: etatement. HEY J. ItOnnt.ettet, J Amps wit.soN, I'ITER LAMB. CII:LAGO, inn. HI:, 1,19 W. ft. Sloan—Sir- One of my hor,s se, hoof t.ound and al. wounded in the god, in which he took void, and became rif crippled that he could xruieely 119 the free •pplienuon of - your valoahle niolnient. `ft y : hoofs were .non roftened and the sulk twrainnrial cured. I have ulna Liked the Ointment inof roll-Evil and fin revere pall. 4111.1 vgual , ftwee-•. On • ma.hrd huger that wn. erera- Ind like n charm. Yours, hr , n. VAN Off IfhlN. TESTIMONY FROM LITII.E FORT. • Ploan't Ointment and Condition Powder are ac knowlndged by eland ho have lMed them In he the I remedy I,ir }Mr. ran, that ha. heen 111,0Verre. Fresh wounds, galls, 'lmams, Ira,-, rei/ea. pail evil. and in short every outward dmanier o me rny can be eared by this wonderad•P.m..,t. designed for inward strains, di,temper, Irde bound, fatigue prom hard exeret-o, diseased rye., hr.—Lake County Chronicle. 'RATHER I:CT I THOUGHT WOUL.D'IIIY IT Wicataren, Cook Co. Feb. 13, 1914. Mr Sioan—Sa: I have a 1 / 1 w young fib .n that w a . taken with the aeratehe. paid nut about three tIollar• for medico. toeure lam, but he et,w at t our' worse. I the. bought a boa or your nenta,,,, office when in Clitea:m last, rather dunlainely, mu! thought I would try 0. Judge at my gluon.. and m opta of iM beneficial qualine., wheit I round y !tone's lege emooth and well to tour day, Irmo the I commenced applying it. Your obedient, COLIIY. FACTS FOR TOE PEOPLE. More then fifteen 7ears 01 tinny-died .are... In the care r kory variety ol funereal dikcsko. mid I,r:es •uch cuoins, bruisek, cats, hares, rum, roo. tom, sore Up, , ore brea:_ts chappcd Inusrl ulcer., corns, pal.' in the bark, eta, oi other parts of the system ratifesneke biro., ffr., I,lr. ample tosinanny that ~ I natin 0i111111 , !111 I• 15. r the th rnq for the limit. Certificates without minkher ocee received by the Proprietor knot dlsiiiieqed al., giving details Cl remarkable cur, rr by IN use. A WISCONSIN WITNESS. Granville, .51itarankie no. M - 1,1., i /et. 13,p1a. Mr. Sloan—Gcm Sir: Recently any buries run , away won a log chain attaelted, whicti Lut ond InJurvil Mom acenmely, laucti .0) that city wain ruined for Ln. Fortunately a irientle,.. commended the tine of your wcnt 1,111. eremite and purchm. It soon win Inflammation. and in ased a W few Ste wound-nved neuhut Tee great boileht derived (nun th e ow of your Cl tat. went. on my harms, induced me to acquani: you the fact, believing il4 would bennfit you arid the Respeelfttlly yours, GEORGE COMSTOCK. IT IS A POSITIVE FACT, • • And hu become a common BIIT/11K, OM: Sk Ointment nod Condition Pow -der are napidly .open ding oil other remedies for 1:i iltsewgeo 0( bones and cattle. The beauty of the medicines timid,. in Own purity and safety, to min they mop be used ever or freely wilhont any danger ot taking cold, or any DV, 1,42.17 from their frequent me, and never fail 110 gags if tiaArsaileas us followed, jyllmily4 ~._~,.J~.EL~GAb.,.~.~~,,.e , ,, FAALTLY MEDICINES. Aletticirses of the day." 11 .11.424's tSInTION, Ohm, May eh,18.19, R. E. Salient: I think it right for Vin' Lenefitot othe to Mate some foes in relation to yc ur ereenern Ftunsil ly Illealemes. I have used y. sr Verouigo tit-nel in ay, one via fre.,iently an tu swering ic for y ex oanntitms (bay 1 to 2109 wartl,tlt have rtl , l, ft..] your Liver I ills arid Co. my ihmily, and they have in Every instm the edam darling. • • A r 1 UM engaged in merettandi‘iny, 1e ttlat t nuvr yet to hear of the first your uyetLe. nes have bren aced aunty country. In enneluston. I luny snit, th.. , meth,: le•t e the nu, and urr desunnu eutennve p thutatny Presoarn4 stud anis! by R. RS sure:, as. 4 soon by Druggis eenerally on dr. %MI vicinity. _ L' fa:: up Li vVti - CiftT. only true, and emutine Snout. ertxxx, Ohio co March Mr. IL F.. Seller.: Deur Sir—l ra t a It to you;tad to Me public temera ly, to ma been ulEicteil with the Liver Complut umc, and no Wittily that nu form lea ac in eery low mate. Ho enur en . ..brute,' Liver Pills being for Shari', in Wen. Liberty, rind recount, me Olio:men, Dr.& tgralil, I conclude u fair trial. I purchuned one box, and d uon what they tire reeommended, T VER PILL liVklit USIID; and after to* I Liti the ili,noe ha, entirely kit um, periocti y well. Rentiectfall y your, D 11 West Liberty, Ma I re rt ity that I .11 personally tieqrna • ow,and can ['car ie.:it:away to to rtificale. .1 a.• nine I,lv, Pals IRO mayor:, it LLF ltal, No ST Wool street, mild i 1 Ft it otimunl. only utac (Aver erare ptopare4 IT sel • ;1., ill Islank wax upon ht ! ttntt hie ,lennure no the eut3ele =mtaxitt SEl.l,l'.ll' Proprietor VISI tiA.RAIINATIV lte• A eA SHINN, a well k and pop i t ale: t.luFymmtotitcProteettmnJle . xv,iiftChurch :2e eteleretgerd haute hiett unig the paa: with a illeekee D. stornteh. :who.; pro- - ee. II I growl., tu • wir.hfor. leso twelve lowa +ether:. liter eiener...l •Aer rind ••rtooe .ed.,. with tear turniehed with a bottle o:/Jr L/Jayue....: 1111It•C Balsam. Tbis he wed ae cordiag to the er.e.ard faded inv2rialt I y wal mid eledicene rau.eit the mitt p , c.a., in three or four min- .• • • mes e neld I:.fler a or evreaty ate. every uneasy aenaalinowalemercly air 1,1. Tee nceiieeele Yr" at- Lareernrd.vaeel vrlect• inkleca . ..anT tlee arartelele of raJayrr,eparr elvede erce. uiellbc pae vraaitearela prayer., ed fir contenneel In use Ilea rterdiceisec every caer.a.z • 111,11111, • • 111 moment. ewe Itear 'avatar bealtle e,atterce.:, (teal le et...l'ra,, ete frau , a I orgr AIWA' I :Of Cppr,SIVC Frune paiience,tever,forc. • r can confident:, II P !safer , flame nate v valanal. RA aaa ,r u(7 cetedeoete for dues., ebesuetuacle aral hoe e.:+ A .lIIIN „Aliegleenv enT.ey . . For [•:• .4 /k:••• 72 nne: .1,0 Is: tt:cl.lrug of 11 P St4IVI:" Pr/. • - rvl •Ircet,' vnioAai DimtA/Viallel COIVSUPIPTIVES,I:E. OP, UURGUARA DR. SWAVNF. , :/ COMI'OURII SYRUP OF IYILD CHERT.Y. rt. 011.667 n on Iron Idoestatpunn, Ccughs, Colds, _kabala, ltrottehitie,Ur etaoidamt, Ipttttnr /thood,ltv of Breath tne, is, the ridetitd Itteast, PallthAtien et .te bailie/Iz, Bret,' Ilea •simturr, Sere Throat, Nr ;Toga Detail. ty, and all DiA.I.BC , el the Throe:, r ite and Lur.p, the el fret.' and emir aver km,re 10r :on , of tiro &bole darter MOM . . .. COsapoland Syr.. p of %I/ ltd Cherry - I 7 . i1.b,110 Is No iunger r.r.o. mute of doub;(OI ani w li be :. 0w...3 away froth the lboannole. doily ,',...-: ,, e. won thr . .nie el eapenment, and now Mande ,gia.r ~t ;cp.:a:Hn. su.,t .e.cconlicE 1.7. elV.lve .y .....1 11., any other prrperation of medi:the ever pre....r.1 ivi Ur 7.. het fIS nu den ne man. ;I. ; ilea bet, ruder rd vrry ecoeraliy tbrbega th e 1".i'e41: , ,, , A re: I:rat re. MA Orte. are kw Incr. of towoi,ore be: what eenthan come removicable eel- Jo,. of r. 7,7,1 r Ike,. For proof of the foregoing .ai....! of ,br value end ve.Wary of ISA ta:. ,. ..• few oft Ina.) thou. o ' n. " rd . la l ::o l l ' n 'e ra ' lr w ' IVI ' L l j t ' :v ' e r' li . cen pre,. . ‘ t t ,,,1,i,,, ~,. men of tbe font owp..ciabilily--men who a., loglo, altars of mora, telpOi.biltly and Justice, than to car. illy. u., tarts . , t•econse twill do .ether favor, and then eel vet no oeuwe-a. Serh te.wmony proves cote e hromety. liAll, ito Au r r rim.' excclleAce 1. ..13..d by .I,,liiillo tricr., and 11 , uut,,..” 'lea 0... 17 of, peLlie og:nion. Tha int.itlnn,.. relief it or lon], pod the soothing thguenee :loved, th e who.mime ,1 its Orr, milder. a it molt agreeable remedy for the afflicted. Rb1.111.12.114:11: ° Wa On co men, acting iti)111 rontetenuona tumnlar... rolurrily hcar tertimony to the truth of a thiac. or pullet,. tart .th trimanny. brtaa if to their a otttlly antercrat parpo,r, ctterrer conviction of malt. and rommrnda itsctf in n opct4 manner to univerral rtetlence. ,--I, llerntia Mornt Mailings. i Kl r .Al , Tilt: }Km E el - AtTWICA' 'Et , . ea,ll. Aso:vast Crar or Prranar IT ro. SVIIITION,— fhto, never war a. remedy that it.A.4 beets loscrt . ...ful .• droperntr ...r ..I Corisamintont tta . tatirayue a romationd Syrup of Wild Berry. It ttre etlirnt the ata, and apocara to heal tar clcera n $ gin lona, - 1t2,1 4 new unal rich Wood; power posr taed o) no , ther Hien,. .. Li c Al r r.,1 japorlara Coaturn--/Lsai.' Bead' - Thewl. butt, carnet:tr. preparation of Wild Caerty, and ti,.,. 1/r. W... 44 the first ever odered to the t by the name of 11.11 d m e de g /Wit been put our sorer this, under cover of some deceptive oirennonsnees, ,n order ;avec urrency to their soles. R.; n 111110 onsweration, no person need =locale the centaur front false. Each bottle of the Gemini, is envelop:d wit a becauful steal cop - acing, with the Ithenev. of Witham Pcnn hereon; nlso, Lth Swaynt'a sxnanire: and v further security, the portrait Of 1/r. herwill 1.0 suded hereafter, so am to that/aguish tns rrepMfatiol• . rolllltii NOW, It it WI. not tor the went 011rlItlVe pperties and known virtues of Dr. ,A.sene's Go:node:id ro Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons ovoid nut be endeavoring to gtve cnfretwY to the , ououn no.a. vienling the mune of Wild Gneery. lint abet, always bear in Mind the .1. of Dr. S..vayne ad be nut lateClVCti. C11.:; , .11 Wait, comer of Etfltb sod Rase steed,, For mkt whewsalo and retail by OGDEN & SNOW DEN, ern WI au! Wobd sts . it A VAIINESTOCK Co. car let an. .Vto,d, ' and Olit and Wood ma War lollN, 1.111-diet at; to JONES, 101 l Ltberty et; JAS A JWITI*-A, rot .Intel rind Penn tie; JOKY Air MI. JILL Allegacn. city, and by all respectable dethers In • 0000 Dee W.P. Inland's Pretotarn Plaster. It. W. 11 INLAND, of thr hicdteal College try Plitt alo:plOu, now odes. to Or pithltr his Indian Peg cialile,y;ennunt Muster, the qualities of whielt, atter lotur and tried experience, hoe been satisfactorily ev talothlied. To all women wlsomay 1... othirted w;th Pro: the of therm or Fallen St tont., recononendk Lys plaster. ranranteenic and speedy applied cure in the alfOtt VIL. of froth Otto to thee weeks, if with owe ardl rew—dolearditig ell diecolonic. inAnonedts zr.i•ive heildnges /4111 g ill Thu he i c e!. eoti.etentious ci thaiE. inasmuch as be linv not tailed in thin ease out of three hundred tad Glty•three pa. tient, - . A!...e for rtheuntutMnd Welk Breen or Back, M icmac:l v. Ab pate. in nOthing to exec! %hi* an u11..r.1,ng I - Hulot-wire/lin a cute. For ruck by I, w0 , . , ,,,..., , ,r4Ej1f:t.tan0.1und 151.4,1 st Braun k. itcnnr,•• 'ae - Maud hi. Ciao... J ›,zgt.;lt " eederai At aq ummono.aue i Jacgquenony & Co, Demo. and InamonJ Lam. ,mi ItSCI . OF Cl/FITE—Au • wtoell is ra .l_74Ptdh emuur flue use an a veliole.oine, noun dliag sad dtdieiousieteruge, being more pleasani mid par. laable than 0.1101011 Coffee. andfar cheaper,as it ....11 paper comet only l [`rt., will go at fat as four pounds a lilit eo arnebtred. Y. MILLER Pint-burgh, Pa 'Said at wholesale by 13 A Fisill , holTtsCH t Co, earner Of Punt and Wood and Sixth nod Wood streets, Pittsburgh optll - - (IhI.IFOILNIA litlol/S--Juat recesved., kj :S. Camp thenl,...,n i r coot -i Puht, IS pair. nett :Inc.! hhhh,g !Iowa; It lathinut Oath% 3 nratrr Tents, G 1.1 I. gall.. cu., SO tasitcclis, eheh; I dos Hurk.k.h hlnhey Bel:.; 1 du ski ettrnbrie do do. The Knows tor shit. at the Col,- cumin I hvahtg Dahl/ha:sm.:o. 1 t :1 PHILLIPS 1N 11.5.--Wroneilt Iron Anvile. tenet - I . lle 'remit-rte ./ ancertltc worth, warrantee, w i ll 01. 101/1.1 tied •ttP:teti .""ftlet, tott. "of Clot/MAN. wu Woue et L t../ CO mya, i ‘; 4N bblo WitokrY , fur hy nuvC ly lftl.ll.tte-Wietw6t fun, brawl, a oupennr 1711110/0, tor ~Jr by ear:W n el Ml ftluttornit.. Asnt ara lu I Proowtoft.Www) per 'hip 0x,...t, n a, and now coming on by collo!, fur ottle by ?t) N. 11.—They will receive, land; the winter, large suppliee wa Now (Prlnanz, ciri3l) spsectAL NOTICHI-To . vRA 8g • • EkROFE•SOR CLIAIILEtY DAVIES La i last pee -1 Oared a new eathrectical wart, a copy - Orland/ will he iwerceted to each nail every Teacher is the Felted elate, vnthont charge, upon their oettlication to A. 11. EnrOth A Co. / 19 Wood /wet, Pntature,L, (port paid t The avert ot cowtte.d, GRAMMAR. OF lIITIINIETIOy Or, An Analyst. of the L . i.:l,..ortrit of figures - aid Sri- OWn oik - i • I hil Ile. I ugh Syrup cc produced 1 100 following re copied f rairi rho New York Trow in; of Jam.%:....41.0rt “r;r.orre Laos Amraartne, as Cams Darr., /.1.. D. 110-111 rhou arark rEe langangrof 6a.rrer, co nanAara. are carefully analy zed. aq.abet. voznpoard of Ira dPurea—lbc.Nur:l+di. n!phnho, and Illn lax. by wbi , h e hz,r, aroucca.ri Fah each or.lrer,..e clearly. I reont.h. • Nn o 7 Wood the no -I'he analysts shoves that theta arc but too, bun. dral etelay eight tactanntary nowt:in:Lanes in Illttl.alene.eheil eorrcaponding too word n(aur cont. :non lanenoee, and that thew COMl•lllatie. are tother In be all expre,ett by only ,titre. oiderent vrorda. The sy.tem proptoe/ to e,t,0..“ the, , ordx to atepory. and then rood the by , r uty, V.. ,1 , 14 WV: * ha re.oots -ad of spelling them, as new practired. Inn nomer respect the sperm proposes on import• non cling :0, todnets: to Consider nod treat nil framerns nd oh:ire hack: glee° relation to the nett Oat, 1,0 srhxln they were der:red. •eoreely need suy that the little work evinces logrna,:v :nod sktiful analysis, for which Proiessor I wetting on this rocket ere justly celebrated. Wecommend it mite Ctlteltlioll Of intaelical 1., !wan, they will find it crowdesl with new and salq,.lc Noce,ttons for h. d and b e heard at este by AR tt to me ay togive teem anal teem to I] IST LI ffEEPIWZWM - • - tt :7.thr AnAnnsill On U. S. Wtar Ptah, Jan 17. "The 1./altnnt of A ritita...tic, Ity Prncrtar pre.vin4 Itin ...Inn., h 0 nLOW fink , n onnIVV - 1 ffi ranoln . 10 1111[1:,,I:C Mini] of the leather 7not thr tir.t yratatnter of tnaltl•rinateal reinone In wen' right ord, and vonneetion, and the now rates for the relthug heath,' arc ttf grcat pracacal value. Sign - cit. W. IL C. Bartlhn Prof. of Not k hz. Phn A. Ih Chorrh. Prof of hlathetnutra , L. 11. 51n.hatr'Prof or Engineering." laa Prce.r. - - A.S. ITA milts h co would reSpeetfolly at:not:nee to leachers, and to a:I Intel . ..lra to ut I:braa:es! itt siructtou, that they will publish, on or berme the Ist rot - At:sum, lUD, the. follotoom work:— mum 1., wic AP. u UTILITY OF TIATIIEUATICS,. :01 Amd 01 Me Prlnolples of the Seienee—ol ti, e Nu:a, nt the teaoortng—atslerthe beet Method, or Twirling Instruettort By Chlit. But., L. Ls U., Author at Complete t.ty,tom of rtiotheronot,'• N. S Burnes & Co., are the pabhohers of Aroteta of hiathernaties. Fee snit in this city by A. Li. ENGLISH S Co, No. Fo•Zee'e New lIGa bloplan (7VP1j0r,".7 all N,Kh; IH.IIy lay ; Ntily IVLID EL Lad), A. 4 Ti out. Tic horn to nd 11 c Low.l ut. Row thy boat by.,...Ur, Tyne Lowe, by T. Mod; Our way aura:, Inc ,ca. donut. A New medley nong, by It. enven; Jenny Gruy, im Nlud,r, Jn, .bnc we, erownmr, WrtannK March; ble.s tun hardy mono-; mnaenree Dern:tore, by IV. C. C'ove I unde worn horny.; Wunang, Sw)ownaltnuqu. Co; ~( ,unwacr. t .a) , nanau, Lydi a.: Unucd Ladles' Souvenir Po - 11,7 Corn Cracker (amid Mir; I..outwille lauoirille; • licauncsoiJuly; //dem., Woe, A la,: wotnamcm or P.r.w hlowe on Loud. whieli '..tawaa aro thud., weekly. F'or on by f•WIS J. 11. :alb:l.l.oP. at Woof' .1. . . 61CW DOORS! Tlllit t ititlt WITH mimeo, by C, $ Hiptcy; I.:lrate:do of II uric; comptiving ....011,13 01 the I.aras of blot.' Evidence told of l'ervuoliod; flottiord Whotely, O. D. Eetey on Chill , tllltoputsrd by Hotitott vi". Noel, The Oriivina, n Novel. ,eilify limn all Nations , oy Aneanny R. Non tad., wi:b illuatAatiaibi by 11.410. Jea: rciAl JOICNSTON h ST tICI.Z.TON i dclJcora,. Toad and trirkot ittre, New and Elegant out Irookal - C, ACRE(' seENi:s ellArttiCiTli.ll.9; by T Ileailky, with eleton original tieby Liaricy. rot 'oo.bir nod r.titte,s, by IL ni.j 4 lliammu Cora. orSacted Poety with air. Menai teal a:lgnored on %teal, he JnEn S i ar a2.n Jut: roeeireil by JOiINSTON cornor Toi of al,. Nialior Now 130-oka.: AND . r &TIENT.. or a Practical Plea , Mud J. of Co rtavuul and the Co uutuunit relatio au and y; ay /mere..W o of rth- Pm i. al juror. Hook,. D Tu.- %Voir. ..1 .1 Imbue] De Monuuunr; uotap:t.sag. fly oCli flutkt. a Ntor,el, and us kutuall, By A 114.11 floury La) - D. 11. L.. I.ltasuleu eft:Pi - min: or Note+ or an Vain irbed Tour In Ily S. T. %Valli,. uru. anion; Mar tratN. Joel recorded by 1011. , , , T0N rtTOCK - TON, neur.ll eta.. r Market and 'Third 1.101,[11 1844-50. nog l 7of/'S IL.I.II , iTILATVID • WOP.KS-1 , 1.-- cd Iloc a .—ltocan 111 richly carved bieidtac, iccuaccd : , !cf Ocicra,cd- -.lona marbly atatral in V. !vet, .crc. iccunnltai[nciat oi am , l'inver gdogc., wa.ic tn Mu'r cu aen.d.ccafiy cr• anencnad and :I:until:air, Vat • ale Import, ‘l, - tal ft. . CI Ks ....I S. , Year Approach linl I:I.NOANT AND N 1 NSTAN — ri BCOI.:S. h, .V.1g77 - ifiernt Aqtivt e for du: Ilairlay, t.l A'A LoCIV.VC.IIII, II ok ,iler rand Imorat,r, nl Wou.l qtrcct, to a rer,t, et4irenou 14,A.,, .otr. ha zan.t .p:nudid ~y rl,c '..,cet lonlaC .4 a. A:. erilAnt.indera—atattag ibtui any taun.l. ut Amt., 0 tpltificently illtrunna rel W... id, •,a,c•t. ett in ceINI afl 11i.' r ,t ae l / la Jun,. at,,, 'WI Cln 16 and it l l . l4t[ll I.nrce.... ilium...el by I tinrre• , :aat olt,trxsed Jr l : llo • oll. 4•CJurartcnsttes dn. Wrunen; Led. For •Itle 111 ri.j 1 11.,,, II LOCK 11, /IN), . _ . T) F.l l rT 4.. . ~• , •11N , l'ON . - .ITOGiZ ort,e-Ticl MN, nt 3cl:ll,,Tker •17, . . . 0.7 t r 6. 7 Rom" ;old. Won! dyer " NT . ..sin; F;11 AND ITS REM Al NS; ar,:t ~,4 I N Vtill 111., t../I.l.llrut. OS kunlin. tr..• et ' lrt lont •ono Coo tbr ..i.nettut 111 . Acatct , 11,4: Lt., .). I,2I"INIITeIn,j I‘lsf P. I.4.Er.tted woo cuu. NT., 01. T. • .rho n.. rnr.IIIIIMOIL work or L:tytitiir: Inc ire 4: promnos o ,0 0ri• bun., • nti tnainuttl., St .5 r.l %•5‘ 0 , 0 ,tor In tuttmtt tqt: ',eon.: • ,on rn] 314 W ' C , : • di4acw , w itL tqcallk!,,, in; aims ...LAW ., 'sty trod - S ! , • .• Sc!. a firitrC sacredl now Ic't,olt Lid sront 41o Y . : Arai., • IV:, ~I It 13 wcuder(rd. bu .i. - --1, I or - Faln by .I.II.NIES D. 5.0 114716 ur Dos din. r .r " F ' .• l la \ e 'll) b A y " l•7l:. ". ap b ri e ten U oTl;. o g r‘ l 'o den.dolll lthontl; ninonsitely Gnivathl wit.t dr•rrothoos erlebeuen Ammon, t!,er 1:111.11,1 .0 AA/ EU 1. 131ra Wenn:. of Kyoj u nem and eth.deed nthend /id:dream I 'toy 0 ierevideu from one., th. 1.1 1 toi. ‘,Viar. - 1 CVO., eLverth. ly 1, d 1 1./ it 1. I 1 L 000 . 001 ot ejecta. AllOO. 06240 Find. Veto:: of tie lEutory of Rein, 01. I IECHANIC'S AtialS CANT, adapted for Me use of Carpenter., Shipwright W. 11'brellvriebt•. Innitherthen, Stmleote, nil Artirdan code: rally: being a thorough and practice.: Trend,. hle.o.uro. non um! the eliding Rule. El 3). PI. Kuper, A, ra. l'retitnl on (neck lholefloollo.oloo.l. CtEm.lotLl'e Elementary Frtnelt Gement,. Sy Prof 4recuo. of Brown Unirersit .0. 1 to I. 1000. • Coedit:Ws Gene/duo' lien new Grammar, by Gottertth, Uesetons' Hebrew leek na. L.15,111te Tnsunometry la ad Lop.ritlimie 'Celtics. 1 vol. (sheep.) Thernglinhlnnuts Greek. Conemediuter. 1 Vol:(mes. Anthon's Ciastileal Sone. 10i:biter's Jlett v oeury, retired ed. 1 vol: Fen: I do do - emabroteme. I vol. 410. Bator's NOoGN and QueinEnts or . New Tenement. Wl.eattly`e hlosbenit'e Eucieniustionl 1/i Wary. 3 vols. and a vola. (Cheep.) Vestiges of CreatinA 1 yid lhnen. Nlarrop4 among the thinutts at Home. 1.001. (/lath and paper.) Sco.rir. whore the Tempter has Triampord. 1 vol. felon, and paper.) 11.colomea/ I emote, 1 vol. avo. (Cloth.) .blares Proothiorinu 'llnyera Prthieh 11(..tionary. • Smart (lemma. For sale. hay novl3, Ay 0110 euileinen. 05111 at 7 7•1'.10 1100110 J1.,0"1' Ftie Korttaigoe, edited by 11. 1/4 comprisine hot nod JOIVINICV lb rough Gee.nony toot holy. within., from ell the Corti tomdatortn.C."6o"/',O ical nsol Rddia redeye:ll N ,, 1,000 . Vie, ' T:mory mid Practice of Teach Inm or, tee Afonven and hlotliVt of Goon' S ch.' ng, by David Albany, 1 Plage, A. IL, . Painened of the 'State Not map Sehotd. Fro,:( Fares:ere Floor nod Fi the, - of l'Ae.V. B our, ProMneen•of Nom , . Ant, nee,„ by freer?' llerbc,L STOt .IC/13N. • novn seance Tune nod idthket The Oide.Li 7112/c.' TAMES 1). 001), ith,ksulmr .43 1041,1, No, rdl Wood utrect, ',an for vile a linneolue• cow. She Jetonindre of the cdonto.,) of th is venial., Mien, devotee to Pie 1. m , ..1 . V.11100 01 M. 17,1,4 , In4cf nion 01.00 101010 tI f1ee,...... plot - noon, nett/moor I and improvenientnriii. "'" ll th , head of the °too. Ity Numidr 11 Cent:, tie Pitutuurnl o to 0 vont nen. been 0. D. 1,0 , .:57'. 1,1. , :s1A11.1.111 41j•01'; A Ilotuiry, W.lll ,ul, of ligt . LdtheY name Aorient ptabot.•. By Snetuel., I,tott, ,tiose, u n..l moth m e mo enere o e/goi ..>- ,31,0 . 1 ^ 1 2 vols., nye, melee/ laroncotte Iltstoncal Y 110,1 P ot ioithe.Pandfne 100 0.3: .S'a I...uCleWl/tID, dad.. . nvl importer. 9311 - e N 1_ LI 03 olk. FAA N KE.II - 1 ILE'S YEAR OF i I,NSOLATIUN. to wattle of this landlc has nal:nested us with a from ml hunter opithen of in, author than m 5 had funnel pennon,: her other Wenn*. / t thaptays a deeper motipht, 0011.01 to - more pure wino. toly yeitett 00 feo(me than nity other pm domino 01 rho female seine mon winch we ore acqa - ...0tted. , -Ere. At irror. - It in a very it- ' rue:4We and lendable be )k.seetneetn Fun no ny hembhdereerhust .0 le-bold, putted and ismer- I ning. umelelll.l it to oar co 0.3 40,1 , 1rention of 11. e seasott."-Headiticndom An Imut -11 ono oil,. Jouttud 01 xt travel 1.11/0101111.11.71,0, piny; a 11 , 1 uaz of en, ptenuantest a n d mert. mn..o one: 01:0:1 lox) an m die seanan.. -Cour. ma/ A erry et - 1,...,1bn,, brit IN alive* rood o from 01110 •• ee .t: wont onto enaltat inter en. A v.. ptc t luro 01 1/..C. to /Lope. . In all rasp.** eon:tette] , reueath• Ithr ,thn by .1.1.:.:ES L .Idiefill•lttli>, Itookneller (01100101, 03. 00.1 'Vol - Fltueril7.- 3r, I.llAErs rieperier E..mictt Ribbons, Alen nu 10 40. I or ' ;MICE/ ..111 I,IIIC tC.C . II ally at A A 3.IASCIN d CO. fibli CI Ft LEF-10.0110 .u&ar cutc4 14i , or a clz SELLERS & XICO. LS • • X: E074111C8 as SOBS, Bankers, Wilts /mugs BrOk•rs, titkiii.DGAFIG‘ACCIISTANCES,GOLD SILVER AND tANg NOTIrs. COLLECTIONS—Dra Notes and At l eeptance• zayariLe in any Put otitis niortioolleeted on the most iavorable terns. lANGI; on Nev, V rk., Philadelphia Dal. tininre; Soon tools and New Orteniiii, Call:Mt:ldr (oriole. ,DANKNOTE.S.—INoice on all solvent hanks In Be United SlMcs discounted at thelowesi rates. All kinds of Forelca and American Gold and Silver Coin bought nod ()oleo No. 65 Ilarkei.street, between 3d end 4tb, Pat.litowb. Pa. deu oviltamt4 , Iv* oi tr.varY 'DILLS on in ,itenthlrelar.d.and Scotland bonen _V an) 611.01.1. It the Car - lent HAW, of Exchtulge. Also, Drafts lornallo in any pun of the Ohl Coant.ncct from /I to Slohi, at the rate of ES In the t Sterling, wtthcut 'deduction or thecount, by JWIIILIA. RODIN- SoN, E.:LI/Apter, and General Agent, often Sitt el one door wen of Woad_. oeilStt ar.a.htms] jirtlVlAtil &MIX Unit-TIMIL 1,!AN19:11s AND EXCHANGE EPOKKES, dealers } .*etgu aodDametdic 11,113 of Elxclanx. front Note, and Coln, corner of 3.! tout Wood xircel.,o,ootly opposite St. CLArI. Ho coarittdlY Nv 1' reL44,4 at the Sawa.. ratcl.ts7 ij'murikN'"C. • Repia N. 1 WLlgt , ,t rk, l:iii r S t , „ BLLL EI N U . 3I ; TCPAMPEZ:Siibit Pha — is 113 •rc;::aarva ll ,a Ooestymuy, lm by N. lI()LMEP it. SONS. rept:l Alarkel I‘IIBCEIJLANEOUS UNN tv.iTr S CO. hove removed their otocirof ttreeerie• toe oppoote aide of Lttorty IVOhlAs'i IN AblEßlCA—llerwerkrand her re word. word By Nana J Ilclaaob, oudmr of "Chem entintsrehurtits." iito ecem m,d to be." I vol pato, Lotter Dsy l'amphlol7, Ntr.l:—Tho I 'nett time. By Thomas Curlyine . • Ccersiour.—Piernsits of LUC and Ortitings of Thos. Chid:nem, Il It.. 1.. 1.. D Pm Sedan, on Bullet's dtolsoy, Pcleyr I.:sit/noses OC-Cbrirtisnity. and Bill's Loomis on Divinity, width two Introductory Lectures .ind four Addres.ra hum) in dm New COilepe, t,y 7 us Chid/num, D. U, L. L. Lk. 1 rid 1.10. Comm—Life of John Calvin, compiled from I! particularly from his tOffeAfialigCll.ll. By 'rhinos, or, with portrait. 1 Vol Chao. Poe rots by It HOPAINS. 14 Apollo Ralldigßsi PmnA cL Dealt... Cured: - Ftmu tin, NM, York Tribune..." • A rII11:7:14 whose word as mart reliable, and who no pumiLlo interest in tne matter, hut oue mtitulls, . ti ray, that be lots been cared 01 Itotersotto cculnmet, by the ore of "SearoCe Compound ...roc U:." a l'hitudolpitis medicine, which is not 1.. r •oic city, bat which he thinks ought to Le n S.r Pie 'trod ..I the whit:mil. fie has a meter who hue 0.t0b5...1 mi - cd by n. Ile argent!" . stdrises sp. rod - too ttt drums., to try this icirirdy, with an ciddrattse Lliut, marts the Mee be ,cztraordinary t did xperimsot 0,11 plot, chuLd.intly suceen , nl. e ktr rum it THE PRION TEA STORE, mlO 70 Fourth ht, Pivahurgh Coming Combat :jib GROSS ettprr 1 1 /011.1.1 very fine; .G.IJ no - 11,,d Reelthon; 1..• 'roper ilngfirli Horn Redding; - Pocket Combs; ton . •V.ood" Mu dor areal vine Ivory; :to .• obel Side Corder; msuper large ilutrolo; ponso 000%.1 Si. Coml., reed and for sale by _tell. Ind Market st •II n 77 Holland! Buff lloUanadt , VAKE. NplWE—That W. Mettlinteek has !Lit day redoes nveral or the hum. and best Bel ttledota Ifollentl,lo hlch he would num: respectfully reit :hr nuh.,tme of hit cuslomers cud the public in geP”ral. .11e5 , 99‘ Ware Cotnnr, 95 Fourti. et ' 3501 1 , 1 , *.V very 555 GU1T.V.1.9, just reed from toe 99!...1.ratud gilt:lo..slY or c• F. 515 , 1i5. 555 bt J 11 MEM/M.51 \Wood 41.• Books Jost Lteseload rilllbl Gareplerc Werke or John Bunyan; 2 gals, 500, JL in I yob ibuatraterl; rnuellik gilt arid gilt edges. Biblical end Sabbath School Geography; n wive evorkLl vat, lama. n wive Analytis arid Speller. cir John 1.5..1.1miu5i, by Wm. IL Seekarilr'l Nam; mu ilia • Perim., by Mrs Ilea:ear; I eat, Wrao; marlin; gilt cearlan Sera. .. . preached upon oceans! rie, by' Hebei t lb D.; as acre edition, 4 vol.; inciciling Peerlouncus Discourser. karat-4 vat. iacitrus Siva - K ir rale by 110PILINS, rebel • Apollo Ilaildiuge.Fourth st. eta tzou w. o. rATEIL.. Eacel,aorll. tn. Arthurs h. Nichol. 11, son, tia:e to to to tn. ltifiCieZ of Pittsbingh. a'ut ceizer.le, that E.icy have reboil' the int . Wk. at. aro n,sii to fall operatea, anti or thee patterns ready' for the m ar t— .‘tiomit wtich are Cookitm tunes, Coal and Wood , .teve., , , ' , rah a splendid nu.tielit Coal Stove, which is nai i 'note SMiereetlisig in otter cities the concocts roun d Alto. Alto. a stem/ co:A C....eau, Stove, well wiiti 0 full assarlsaent of mate rna . Nis,: I.ra, %re paltrularlY hailetne to roll at n puter.nuots, and examine a *len ut d. of etrammeilial Init./led in to style— en ciy in market. /. IV r or..Nneou. No. let lekety et — opposite Wood ==itVii3ll PITTS 6UROII IMPOILI'ATIONIZ i 1 YEAGRII. Importer Mal Wholesale Dealer in FANCY AND VARIENT COUDS: Fine of the Gilt Comb, I(t4 hlartAt st., Pittsburgh, Fa. tTecatra Elerehatat. Pedlar,/ and others vuttloa lhaxtur pa• - cnn. , c t t.Oht, are respeetfully invited vt thhid examine the udeortMent of Vag :l, Antarvetn. French and Germ. Fancy G00d.4. a.l Fatetea Goods at this establishment are impart :l tame , la, leyeelf, awl uvrehatere may rely Cu get- Lann hat hAr::,. I have the largest assort h :tinte., in lUn variety line, is the city of Ft: altur,h-tall r:h bfeh will In sold low for cashtof a.,f acttlnwar.s. The Smelt <moans, to part, of pm. It end:. lasicry, Clovntylblata& ta:t i'mnat, andPn , entnreadi j .lcating Cotton, 'Papas, dna!, edam, Buttons, New ,n.l , Gol.l /ewe:Ty, all luittie Colllt.s ItaToTT. rrua Wan Cap, lrevalvcra, Pratola, CbaclA, ......a,taalcf, Steal Petry Zdasie Doze', pat Dag. tud"Da ;Tem. 14.afing.r. Fladmra tad Triacniinga. avid Fahey t:uoill; trajether with n large 'Cie ran., tad ritaple. MIS 00011$. tr. rEAGICiI is ar.o tr,eat for we celebrated Lean• r nonl7 Great Jencrltsll lie!znody Comalia. Cold., Asthmn and Consumption! The b tilt. Lia AND ONLY for the.eate cif Ms is — the 117.1.NOARIAN DAT/DA7,Ib)F di/ etivoren by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, et di-England, sad introduaudition the Unitad States ti.c immediate noperintendence of the inventor. 'I/1% extraordinary eneceas of this medicine, to oh. • „ nt puirecomay Meetnies, wart/dna the American • in tOllCtur.g tram:nom the worst possible ca. tot lin found in the community—eaves that seek in vaid floe, any of the common remedies of this y . and hare lama &tire. up by Mr. MOit disbinguislted rot conEnned tzul Incarable: The'lun3uri 'W..m hat entail, and will cure, the meet deaperate it nu quack titiltram, but a standard Log. inabietne, of tnocru ant established efilcany. Furryfinnilb in the Umrd Latntes should be mppticd IL/el...di/1i I inunntlim blalstun of Life, not only In ova bt,mit me etinaumpuve teridenelea of the climate., bevb , a tin:acuity, tucilicace is nil Cites el y coanus, pitunc, of blood, paid in the sid e and abr., Lynne:ea and tageneits of the lungs, brochilb, • mit' of breantia,incetic fever, night sweats, Emmet. bitil nem:tat debt lity, asthma, tuiluenza, wheeling CtOtlr. :care br , V.I.TA, at 2'l per bottle, with fall ;lisle do, roc am tz:toradoa of llezlth. l'accpOlcu, cc:dad:dor, tar,: and Avnari eon dcrusentec, and vtber evidence, ahoanng the an , t-d 11,i, of iii, pirrut f•:,,,,divh Remedy, may b Agcnvl, miukton , 4Z. . . 11 A 1 , 1 . :11-NdNTCLiC A. CO., cornet o at a. d 1 %Vand and ‘Whad and ctia ja9d2r.ad3 . _ TECIA STAR. OP THE WEST ' 4 VENITLOArEttIND.ML.NLIFACTIIY u eiioa and cobra • are kept ott,hand °mode to order alto tile !alert nottraost approved Hostern huh. io nt,at 140 glattf-iallOtiC6ind soot ret...ablo Alert, the eiteap Dorton roll or split Mind Trauepa• Toney toad Paper Curtain, of all the diderent liars and ourterns, ou hand awl for yule low for cash_ Old Veni t Clutd a panned over and repaired, or taken Jo part re.yinew for nem lltd tVIJRtiAVAI , T , Pro`pr. —All swot dono with the beat waterial.and eiterirnuatebip, awl warranted to plena* trout rat / 41,1tte. angle-ally 4.tigneny any, Aug. 10.145. S r.jui •rt;:,l, Lt CUMIISYIW.P-T.;irlipfl Ihruspaan, March :1, Mr. It E. Stllers—ln Patine Wynn and your t i , ro,o1. ! cough Syn., I Pe g rttlO, rut the ben efit of the community, that my With ha. been seven./ nillitiod with a moot dart cough.. I pur el,a,'„ii, to J vi z at last, a bfltilet of n 6 Syrup, ernieh mired l wr en, ge at two' months' Funding: About one -m inc cough returned, and wits P.Ci•erc et A. MOW O'lfOly.olo , l,ront OrrairllM 12,4 MO rot o' e r Mee Or ye ar Cpugh an, Idlt de. eared tau cough • gore tie other pin innymno noun the Pilliput‘trhu had, hio.V,ll [mil . , Ohotorb OyEli , enndy to peopie tit Pittsburgh,. the dandy land o n. pond ',resealed. • " • rerptclo4lly, and cold or K SELLA:R.S,d) Wood enid by lirur,i;ist. gene:ally in the two • • - .t.t.i.v,ul I li+NY V is w • .7: A: fIROWN wodid revolt. . • •.. . 7 4',";, uniontbe Os., tc keeps cia bond a:Pins:unt siu c wee epic of tie Lburriond, AIIC -7 rilleity city, a cOmplete 7 mein of Vcalami Winds; oleo tie '.,tian Shutters are made to or ;tL4l"Ol.S. to the best style, rearrabloil 777.7 * cituiti to mil lathe finked :two. t !lir vet tic removed tbe andpf a EMI/ driver. ltaviag totrolszucti t o stock s mid woad ord. cabinet cat eTc ••• • their oul customers, os mil qg the publie ut lase, every wing ill Uteri A•te,...), No a - Wood t.trveit, Pittsburgh. `J. A../2 1 120W14. sT s tsesm plain itoecerorsil oct. Katie ri Arm Pie, csisbrreed matiofeetory . C;ark, )• ,of 3, rear lace, nod very I rate pep,. For .sir by " ...11:kLErticir, • _urL Woodayellt.' A ' I t..i.1.131.5' IVOKI I . I.IIRI..OOTIIPOW , DRAt V,' tor terutivuer Tartar, ScarvyTealikee; and titi mt,taaar , dyAradtiae to the Teeth. It la dalmous to :ha mouth, healing and strcaplicitt a. yam, anti purify the Uinta. Fiir mite, wholesale uitd retail, by ' • dca , 311.1.055.117.W00d II “rATOII... ,;11VAPEli•TIIAN an invoice olfoll i'etrened meta le , eat Watches, la catnta Lae attars, which I can can in , 00. . 6 0r y and thirty Eve dollars, and warratned , So seen ;renal Mee. splendid assortment of YE:WM.Ia', cora pthtna the various and latest styles, and I . ..spatters* V.. W. WILSON, Watchmaker and Jewelcr ;i 44/4 4onier Wits; M 4 ,~k~.,~ ~~`ET 77'"1 L.. lIVALLIsTMWS OINTXNNT, Contains:a, eta Alarm?, am ether Nintrol. pIIE following . I.3tlll2oltka - Wan p,iven by th o tea l. Grated Dr. Wooster Beach, W e author of the great reedit.; work entitled v ile - American Prattle. of MedieLm and Family Physician: , 'Having bean made acquainted with the ingivdteuts which compose M eta Chntirent and Laving proscribed a-d tenon it iriscvend eases in my private pnacticc, I Lave no hesitation in saying or certifying that it s a Vegetable Remedy, conty r q ui no mineral substance whatever Hitt lig Ingewbem s , combined as they are, and need as dqe qth e b y the Prepoctor, are lint only bermlete. lint of great value, being a tiuly ecientiGc Remedy.' great power: and I cheerfully - recommend it es a caning:tad whirl boo done meth Front!, and which i, adinird to the earn of a great variety of c.c.. Though I have nevvreither rveasemended or engaged In the sale of wereitudi nines, regard fer the stair honed, conveicnumw, ha, andcharacter of the Paopriotor of this Ointoiehs, and the value of his discovery, ot,:i7e me to asp th an ranch regarding IL Ntr..IEACH, • New Vast, April ILNI,IBIa. BUR%S.—It ix one or the best tling, ist the World for Earns.: , PlLES.—Thounsrant areyearl, cured by this Ok a. meat: It rever (mile in erring ...inf. For Tumors, Elects, and on kinds of Sores, It has ao 'rove!. lf Alothorsimd Nerves' knew Its vales in cases of Swollen or Sore Drains, the) would shuns aoply It, In such cares, If used aoconling to directions, It gives relief in a very few hours. Around the Iron are direetion% forming McAllister's Ointment 'or Screfuld. Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, Truer. Chilblain, Scald Head, Sore 'Eyes, Quincy, sore Throat..llr,churs, Scrums Affections, Pains, Discaw of the spit., /loud Ash. ,Asttuns, Deafness, Ear Adis', turns, Corns, all nisce•ci of 1111r_Ski , Sore Lips, Pimples. doe. Swelling of en Limbs, orel, Rheumatit in. Piles, Coitl-Feet; Croup, Swelled or law len Reeves Tooth Ache:A . :cc in the Fest, Le. From the Beading Eaglet ' • ' • There noa tieXel, Perheya, filedirinc broaght bee 'fore the public, that ban in so short a tints. Won etch • reputation no • Ale Allister's Albileatius or World delve. Almost everypemon that 11113 made trial of it speak. warmly to to peals. , !Meta. titre cored by it of the melt painful rheumatism. another of thepiles.. u third of It troublesome pan. in the side., a fourth of a •syelling in the lithe, lc. If It dens hot Oro ittant, i t , every case, it oda do on injury , being applied outwardly.' Acanotherevldence!ot the utonderrel healles pow. er possesaed by lids stove. Wit stvcoin the following Xortibeate,from a respretabia cidlen of blaidencreck tedvaship in ries comity: . . hlaidestereek, Berke co., Ilarel, 30,1181). lifessot fitter In em—tilefire to thrum you that 1 leas entirely cured of s severe paint., the back,by the trot of McAllister's delve,. Which !pus. Chased Trout you. •f <M1 . ..e1l wish it tor ohms, 20 years, and'il night was unable to sleep. Darius that ate bled carious remedies, which Mere proteribed tor me by physielans and ether preset.., withentrecti•log any rebel, mod at last Made lethal ef this $.410C., • rd. 'tilt &seeable beynd expect to ma now mules !). Bee from the pa le. and enjoy_at eisht a peaceful and sitcom sleep. hale Ole, used lite:Salve steer fee loath ache and other complaints, with ..nniler happy resultr. Year friend.' Joon Ilethetsitecht • ' JAAIES hicALIABTER, - cote Proprimor or tar above medicine: hia.Principal Oilice, id North third nireci, Pldladel - - itaneva to Preriscaon.—litairn h. Reiter, earner of Lltieny and SL Clair streets; and 1.. Wilcox, Jr., cot , Derr/ Market street and ten Maumee, also corner of Fourth and ffinithGeld sneer; J. It. [Lure, corner n/ Walnut acid Pena streets, Filth Weld, G en f sold at the I3ookstere in Smithfield etr.ot,l4 doer from Second.. -In Allegheny City by IL F. nebwmni and J .Sa rgent. Cy J. ti. Smith, Druggist: Birmingham: R Kegley, Baal Liberty; 11. Itotyland, AleiCeespon; J.Alexaaller a. Son,'Nononchhela Cit).; N. 11. Bowman d Co., and J. T. Rogers, Srownevilier John Maley, Bennet, Pat John Walter, Jr., Elisabeth, fobtlendty • G. W. /1.1DIAric,711•1•11ale. • ‘ . te , : RIOVF.IIto a new three story briny on Smithfield street, one door below " Sixth steet. 'teeth smarted from one to an entire net, on the ruction hilaclple, with a beau. tiful pr penult of the cella-al Eunt—reatenng (Oa noig N. et'lio pain. Decayed Teeth pcnntumntly nay ce by plugg.tig, pre. venting the teeth ache, which io much better than,. ring it, though it ...head he . done in Gee athletes, or even instintlyi . aleitt • 3iNSENG PANACEA! roTHOSE SUF. - VEILING WIT!! DISEASED LUNGS.—The unpreceileutel succeu which hu Deeded the use of the CIZEMEtIMEI . . •• • e/1 the various forms which Irritation of the longs &o rioles, hoe ind=c4 the proprietor again to colt atleo, lion to this WONDERFUL. PREPARATION. The ehengable math& which marks. one fell old ammo. mouths, leeleveys a freittel seems of COLDS AND CUUtillS. These, if tweet wd, are but the precarrora of *Ufa deatroyer, - - - The qmese.on, then, herr shall ree the Lad? hoer shell we get clejtr olds? is of Intel berortance ireUe p • . . te.p the denroya of ear eingh. and tone. TILE GREAT AND ..NLX REILEDIt wilt be found In the G:nseng 1 obeer 2. In provfof this we haTe treat timeto unto ..arqshe,lthe certificates of dozens of out heot 'known r.tvnir., who have med. lIIICCti its earative powers. Them, witha mesa of Ms oVront all parts of the Cellatry,--11DIE.' MI. ICAL MEN OF TILE FILLET I.rrANI)ING, Ninistera of the Gospel, 40-, logethorTeith soprani no) ice, from the . . . ' JOURNA.I,3 OF TETE DAY, rre hays embodied at perhuidut form. And may b. kali g mak of arty of our agent; tUtoughodt want:l. • iIIENDILED3 Earl7.E3 loom beed used ih thlseit : 7-11.01.75A.N1/5 AND TENS OF TITOUSA.NOS throughout the Muted States and Canals, tout m aka !env, wtieh,•whan to ken teen Ming to . dirazar" a to. fore M ' e I.s• Lemma frazliy ialansa,744, ji. h. OYU rallal to FSFECE PERFECT . • Why, Men, need the acinted LeCuter • t.1:1 mien to— ' the sultieratile nostrums, gotten so by ormthdirfj. Olio 0 let the amazed name of some cc oinattut pyy oiclan, and puffed iota notoriety by eerti;catee vi yore .00. capon) . anknownl Wallet a mettle.. of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY le to be had, whom vouchers are at home;—oir liora,—pway of whom it has ENATCLLED FRUIII THE GRAVE.' In order that this invaluable medicine ma haply-owl willie the reach of the poor as well the tic;, Int Wet • put the price at ONLY FIVTY CENTS,' Metone half the stool root of cough medletue. It 11 for male by oar arronmisnearly emury . loom and village:over the wee!, woo are meowed to infolsta deo rotative to it 'P. SSINEIt, proprietor, . Broadway. taiictnnati, Ohio: • Facts for-the Public. Id relation to thaturnicallad tatralTSalv6; - MAGICAL PAIN hITRACTOK: rj , KSTIMONY of a totpectab'a , ictan.Rtati 1 the &Hawing, addres , td my Agin; V. Ater ryttaathet, lltacianati: • .. . . 4 , C0.12,1111.2. 'Sin. A sense of dozy compels me to give mrtritiate to DaUnlbtl'a.m.E.ruaelar.. lleing opposed to inset. erg and all nostrum. having Mr they strainer tootivei--but realisingmuch goon from. the "goig Pain littlers , -1 sin Induced to trader You this certifi cate. 1 have used it in my family, in my practice, nod with all the happy mt.l'wonderful oneels Mat coati yro,lhly be moven). If. J. thorota, .1)r. Brodie the senior partner of Brodie A - Levu,. Drag/ills. fiammatory e The fallowing IdtirneaLl tomes (rem a roman fa, V' to many of th_ore traveling On our Wellern t. Mr. Glime, the well and iavordily knos.3. pro priebar Of the Parkersburg la hesh.d to Um lady whose letter I unites: • Paarassauno,Va , April 13, , 1610. •To !leery, Ditlley, Chemist. dc.-sic:Having for merly been long algid.' with violent infiammatory -Ithettmationa, 'which appeared firmly .4434 as to eery all ordinary appli.ees to alloy the terror pain . 11 eoIfina IL" was induced to try ynd filagiell !bun Entruenirt and it having effected, aldist as if by gio, Or tunnediate relief, and alio, to 311 appearnactis an onion COO perfect care, I sin induced fur the bene fit dottier. who may be Whirred with pain, coaled by any kind artallaramatiou, to wine w you, declaring that In my opinion, founded on renalexperience poor A/041CO1 rain Extractor is the mast valuable dirb cover) , of the present age for the iminsdate ertraction of bodily pain. It in nn dawn imanslinte sod a pd. feet curs for Burris rad bealils, and dl external lee • Onnimeititid • - • • • tlirtrtng many acquaintances formed by they rids at my husb.iPs dad in this place, I have supposed bp-your showing tame the. tow hoes, it may possibly lie of benefit both to them and yourself.- - • EtaxAsirra II entertain the hope that tire. Glime willparduadie publicity I give to her letter. as well on the score of antannny as of its being the sorest mode of bringing It to the notice of her friends.—l-1. DaLuir-I ' ' • Felon Cared Extract of a letter,'dated Larstsrer, Fly. tar. IL Dailey: Of have tried yenu ritin k:rtractor in_ - a case of felon, In my own family, which it relieved and eared ins orrrehort time.a In bum, yuor: te. ""trUttY . ifFianteandklealds,Piless :lute :Strider, Sleeken Menai, Eruption., Sores, Cats, Wostals, and all in thuntuanon, yields readily in the wond, properties ofilla unrivalled family. calve. tin., it the mune pro- Prittion Mat you. will =aloe bench from the genuine, yen will= unified by dm deleterious t frceis of me eaurdecka salves. CAUTION-8e ear tied appl ,, O sato to the inventor, IL Darer, 413 Dna. ,N i c usi Vi i k i tg rt t c 3 A ll ,, , 4 =- Maris= emit& General !kWh, Ibulnirgh. !henry P..scharans, Alleknono. As-nk hi e Wheeling, Va Monies JOaatlas., Ma/smile, Is's', F illerrywemiter, Llnemnan, , (leveret (repot N. 111-In the severest Barn., Felidl It extmets lie pain in n few minillee-Ir r t-il 41. ti ll s U u llE sT hli o r K l:o s AV E ; untlyuo C 11•013. arlaaNAL tanarima. raf. r o ' v ' ell ' Ulf ° tVeot i erv a eTlth:ll l . it ' ot7l .‘ "in:l o wi th !: p i u l t 4:- h ninon iron, counterfaiang, c proprietors have mach a ehmsge en the cozener ter ,. apper inh,e err their Vol I The new/ I, latch Intro e ,,,ienetimti, design and workmanship, hes been duced at • very great expense. sod la from the brans of au artiste( the first talent The design is ffe - M, t pod the execution elaborate. Peccrtl figures and & portrait are 010/11 111010111001, but the word "F• 11111. ,aa," printed to =me lettere on a red and finely en- • &raved amend, should be partieularly eeaauuid held 0 , 10 the light the letters, stuidien the lent,. and every line, however runitur,throaghouttho _ whale W Ibis parr of the etigruvicg rtimeh an o,l2otif 44 a the Iltlittr.lll4ll hod been made upon e mde oe. ty fafflc`n4, it ' , wally ponied het ti , 1.0 Or the paper, Tut. shoe it in all mutes he uh-riwit A In. 6.1 up,m Bich daeru Iv also printsd in red upon both suite, and should Ln exuntined in thc eerie ma lore. Thm pieparation has now stood it, test of, truly years trial, and ts confidently recommended a• a safe and effectual nedietno for expelling worms from the ayalein The unexampled sacec., that hue intended tea rohmnistnitimi In every else where the 'tont was realty of willi-werma cert.:tidy evader, it woo. thy the attention =physicians The proprietor has mail, it a 'mint 10 ascertain the troult of U, are. in ince MO= 4t Calla, within Ina knotriedzo and oleo:scums-and he larnnebly (Goat it 10 reduce tic staii es not e.e cts -I at in frt. us I"" " " " - lye( near sli ortioisr7 preparanons recent. mended for warms been pri stoutly rsorted 10 Without any petteanefft advantage. This (net te at- . tested bypie eertineates and st.i.iimeitts of handrerti of tffspeetable perm= in differest put., of the toad try, and should induce Gonda, always m keep a sid of rim prepannton In their possteen. It it [and to nil 0p Crllllo ri 11,•nd may toe adounisterea site perfeet sags. ty to the moat de to infant The only genuine is prepared by sprit IfTt Prttabergti . Iteadt OELLEIRS , CrIEGil Thera 4 1.3 Earl., titer sirs% Court tit - (tunrmr Stesmilfis , • Bonnet Cour kir. R. E. aelle s -Si "Pains time h d r ii ;he veleta tul ai , e was =Mick as= re a nes 4 nesinf, smirk and batman of f•Ut .avatuo , leColey, Piety, I pap Chimed a bottle trim S. T. 'Prim*, of drideewum aud after taking • pant= of two or three ettaroa. 011 going to bed, she found Iran... Mate relief; at - nevernt friends have been relieved in ILltlVealol. I ant therefore =abed //MIA/ L n 11,110 Floa vainabfin medicine, and serord recommend 1110 Those who may be afflicted with seam° Cozens Ova CON, klatch tB.Leht3. W. K. I.IODEN. Prepared and sold by IL E. BELLEKI,37 Wood and sold by draggling merely, la Pittsburgh rad 4 I ii 4107,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers